The Meaning of Human Spaceflight: 20 Essays on Its 50th Anniversary

On the anniversary of cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin's historic trip around the Earth, NASA administrators, former astronauts, science museum curators and other thinkers from various fields reflect on 50 years of human spaceflight


Fifty years ago today, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, then just 27 years old, became the first human to journey into outer space. Gagarin, strapped inside of his Vostok spacecraft, completed an orbit of the Earth on April 12, 1961, instantly making himself a subject of international conversation. Before he died seven years later when a training jet crashed outside of Chkalovsky Air Base, Gagarin was awarded numerous medals and honors.

To commemorate 50 years of manned spaceflight, we reached out to NASA administrators, former astronauts, science museum leadership and many others who have written intelligently about space in the past. We've gathered their responses, ranging from the story of the Blue Marble Shot, that photograph seen above, to a moving celebration of colleagues from a former Space Shuttle pilot, on this page.


National Academies Press: OpenBook

Recapturing a Future for Space Exploration: Life and Physical Sciences Research for a New Era (2011)

Chapter: summary.


More than four decades have passed since a human first set foot on the Moon. Great strides have been made since in our understanding of what is required to support an enduring human presence in space, as evidenced by progressively more advanced orbiting human outposts, culminating in the current International Space Station (ISS). However, of the more than 500 humans who have so far ventured into space, most have gone only as far as near-Earth orbit, and none have traveled beyond the orbit of the Moon. Achieving humans’ further progress into the solar system has proved far more difficult than imagined in the heady days of the Apollo missions, but the potential rewards remain substantial. Overcoming the challenges posed by risk and cost—and developing the technology and capabilities to make long space voyages feasible—is an achievable goal. Further, the scientific accomplishments required to meet this goal will bring a deeper understanding of the performance of people, animals, plants, microbes, materials, and engineered systems not only in the space environment but also on Earth, providing terrestrial benefits by advancing fundamental knowledge in these areas.

During its more than 50-year history, NASA’s success in human space exploration has depended on the agency’s ability to effectively address a wide range of biomedical, engineering, physical science, and related obstacles—an achievement made possible by NASA’s strong and productive commitments to life and physical sciences research for human space exploration, and by its use of human space exploration infrastructures for scientific discovery. * This partnership of NASA with the research community reflects the original mandate from Congress in 1958 to promote science and technology, an endeavor that requires an active and vibrant research program. The committee acknowledges the many achievements of NASA, which are all the more remarkable given budgetary challenges and changing directions within the agency. In the past decade, however, a consequence of those challenges has been a life and physical sciences research program that was dramatically reduced in both scale and scope, with the result that the agency is poorly positioned to take full advantage of the scientific opportunities offered by the now fully equipped and staffed ISS laboratory, or to effectively pursue the scientific research needed to support the development of advanced human exploration capabilities.

Although its review has left it deeply concerned about the current state of NASA’s life and physical sciences research, the Committee for the Decadal Survey on Biological and Physical Sciences in Space is nevertheless


* These programs’ accomplishments are described in several National Research Council (NRC) reports—see for example, Assessment of Directions in Microgravity and Physical Sciences Research at NASA (The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C., 2003).

convinced that a focused science and engineering program can achieve successes that will bring the space community, the U.S. public, and policymakers to an understanding that we are ready for the next significant phase of human space exploration. The goal of this report is to lay out steps whereby NASA can reinvigorate its partnership with the life and physical sciences research community and develop a forward-looking portfolio of research that will provide the basis for recapturing the excitement and value of human spaceflight—thereby enabling the U.S. space program to deliver on new exploration initiatives that serve the nation, excite the public, and place the United States again at the forefront of space exploration for the global good. This report examines the fundamental science and technology that underpin developments whose payoffs for human exploration programs will be substantial, as the following examples illustrate:

• An effective countermeasures program to attenuate the adverse effects of the space environment on the health and performance capabilities of astronauts, a development that will make it possible to conduct prolonged human space exploration missions.

• A deeper understanding of the mechanistic role of gravity in the regulation of biological systems (e.g., mechanisms by which microgravity triggers the loss of bone mass or cardiovascular function)—understanding that will provide insights for strategies to optimize biological function during spaceflight as well as on Earth (e.g., slowing the loss of bone or cardiovascular function with aging).

• Game changers, such as architecture-altering systems involving on-orbit depots for cryogenic rocket fuels, an example of a revolutionary advance possible only with the scientific understanding required to make this Apollo-era notion a reality. As an example, for some lunar missions such a depot could produce major cost savings by enabling use of an Ares I type launch system rather than a much larger Ares V type system.

• The critical ability to collect or produce large amounts of water from a source such as the Moon or Mars, which requires a scientific understanding of how to retrieve and refine water-bearing materials from extremely cold, rugged regions under partial-gravity conditions. Once cost-effective production is available, water can be transported to either surface bases or orbit for use in the many exploration functions that require it. Major cost savings will result from using that water in a photovoltaic-powered electrolysis and cryogenics plant to produce liquid oxygen and hydrogen for propulsion.

• Advances stemming from research on fire retardants, fire suppression, fire sensors, and combustion in microgravity that provide the basis for a comprehensive fire-safety system, greatly reducing the likelihood of a catastrophic event.

• Regenerative fuel cells that can provide lunar surface power for the long eclipse period (14 days) at high rates (e.g., greater than tens of kilowatts). Research on low-mass tankage, thermal management, and fluid handling in low gravity is on track to achieve regenerative fuel cells with specific energy greater than two times that of advanced batteries.

In keeping with its charge, the committee developed recommendations for research fitting in either one or both of these two broad categories:

1. Research that enables space exploration: scientific research in the life and physical sciences that is needed to develop advanced exploration technologies and processes, particularly those that are profoundly affected by operation in a space environment.

2. Research enabled by access to space: scientific research in the life and physical sciences that takes advantage of unique aspects of the space environment to significantly advance fundamental scientific understanding.

The key research challenges, and the steps needed to craft a program of research capable of facilitating the progress of human exploration in space, are highlighted below and described in more detail in the body of the report. In the committee’s view, these are steps that NASA will have to take in order to recapture a vision of space exploration that is achievable and that has inspired the country, and humanity, since the founding of NASA.


Research in the complex environment of space requires a strong, flexible, and supportive programmatic structure. Also essential to a vibrant and ultimately successful life and physical sciences space research program is a partnership between NASA and the scientific community at large. The present program, however, has contracted to below critical mass and is perceived from outside NASA as lacking the stature within the agency and the commitment of resources to attract researchers or to accomplish real advances. For this program to effectively promote research to meet the national space exploration agenda, a number of issues will have to be addressed.

Administrative Oversight of Life and Physical Sciences Research

Currently, life and physical science endeavors have no clear institutional home at NASA. In the context of a programmatic home for an integrated research agenda, program leadership and execution are likely to be productive only if aggregated under a single management structure and housed in a NASA directorate or key organization that understands both the value of science and its potential application in future exploration missions. The committee concluded that:

• Leadership with both true scientific gravitas and a sufficiently high level in the overall organizational structure at NASA is needed to ensure that there will be a “voice at the table” when the agency engages in difficult deliberations about prioritizing resources and engaging in new activities.

• The successful renewal of a life and physical sciences research program will depend on strong leadership with a unique authority over a dedicated and enduring research funding stream.

• It is important that the positioning of leadership within the agency allows the conduct of the necessary research programs as well as interactions, integration, and influence within the mission-planning elements that develop new exploration options.

Elevating the Priority of Life and Physical Sciences Research in Space Exploration

It is of paramount importance that the life and physical sciences research portfolio supported by NASA, both extramurally and intramurally, receives appropriate attention within the agency and that its organizational structure is optimally designed to meet NASA’s needs. The committee concluded that:

• The success of future space exploration depends on life and physical sciences research being central to NASA’s exploration mission and being embraced throughout the agency as an essential translational step in the execution of space exploration missions.

• A successful life and physical sciences program will depend on research being an integral component of spaceflight operations and on astronauts’ participation in these endeavors being viewed as a component of each mission.

• The collection and analysis of a broad array of physiological and psychological data from astronauts before, during, and after a mission are necessary for advancing knowledge of the effects of the space environment on human health and for improving the safety of human space exploration. If there are legal concerns about implementing this approach, they could be addressed by the Department of Health and Human Services Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Human Research Protections.

Establishing a Stable and Sufficient Funding Base

A renewed funding base for fundamental and applied life and physical sciences research is essential for attracting the scientific community needed to meet the prioritized research objectives laid out in this report. Researchers

must have a reasonable level of confidence in the sustainability of research funding if they are expected to focus their laboratories, staff, and students on research issues relevant to space exploration. The committee concluded that:

• In accord with elevating the priority of life and physical sciences research, it is important that the budget to support research be sufficient, sustained, and appropriately balanced between intramural and extramural activities. As a general conclusion regarding the allocation of funds, an extramural budget should support an extramural research program sufficiently robust to ensure a stable community of scientists and engineers who are prepared to lead future space exploration research and train the next generation of scientists and engineers.

• Research productivity and efficiency will be enhanced if the historical collaborations of NASA with other sponsoring agencies, such as the National Institutes of Health, are sustained, strengthened, and expanded to include other agencies.

Improving the Process for Solicitation and Review of High-Quality Research

Familiarity with, and the predictability of, the research solicitation process are critical to enabling researchers to plan and conduct activities in their laboratories that enable them to prepare high-quality research proposals. Regularity in frequency of solicitations, ideally multiple solicitations per year, would help to ensure that the community of investigators remains focused on life and physical science research areas relevant to the agency, thereby creating a sustainable research network. The committee concluded that:

• Regularly issued solicitations for NASA-sponsored life and physical sciences research are necessary to attract investigators to research that enables or is enabled by space exploration. Effective solicitations should include broad research announcements to encourage a wide array of highly innovative applications, targeted research announcements to ensure that high-priority mission-oriented goals are met, and team research announcements that specifically foster multidisciplinary translational research.

• The legitimacy of NASA’s peer-review systems for extramural and intramural research hinges on the assurance that the review process, including the actions taken by NASA as a result of review recommendations, is transparent and incorporates a clear rationale for prioritizing intramural and extramural investigations.

• The quality of NASA-supported research and its interactions with the scientific community would be enhanced by the assembly of a research advisory committee, composed of 10 to 15 independent life and physical scientists, to oversee and endorse the process by which intramural and extramural research projects are selected for support after peer review of their scientific merit. Such a committee would be charged with advising and making recommendations to the leadership of the life and physical sciences program on matters relating to research activities.

Rejuvenating a Strong Pipeline of Intellectual Capital Through Training and Mentoring Programs

A critical number of investigators is required to sustain a healthy and productive scientific community. A strong pipeline of intellectual capital can be developed by modeling a training and mentoring program on other successful programs in the life and physical sciences. Building a program in life and physical sciences would benefit from ensuring that an adequate number of flight- and ground-based investigators are participating in research that will enable future space exploration. The committee concluded that:

• Educational programs and training opportunities effectively expand the pool of graduate students, scientists, and engineers who will be prepared to improve the translational application of fundamental and applied life and physical sciences research to space exploration needs.

Linking Science to Needed Mission Capabilities Through Multidisciplinary Translational Programs

Complex systems problems of the type that human exploration missions will increasingly encounter will need to be solved with integrated teams that are likely to include scientists from a number of disciplines, as well as engineers, mission analysts, and technology developers. The interplay between and among the life and physical sciences and engineering, along with a strong focus on cost-effectiveness, will require multidisciplinary approaches. Multidisciplinary translational programs can link the science to the gaps in mission capabilities through planned and enabled data collection mechanisms. The committee concluded that:

• A long-term strategic plan to maximize team research opportunities and initiatives would accelerate the trajectory of research discoveries and improve the efficiency of translating those discoveries to solutions for the complex problems associated with space exploration.

• Improved central information networks would facilitate data sharing with and analysis by the life and physical science communities and would enhance the science results derived from flight opportunities.


Areas of Highest-Priority Research

NASA has a strong and successful track record in human spaceflight made possible by a backbone of science and engineering accomplishments. Decisions regarding future space exploration, however, will require the generation and use of new knowledge in the life and physical sciences for successful implementation of any options chosen. Chapters 4 through 10 in this report identify and prioritize research questions important both to conducting successful space exploration and to increasing the fundamental understanding of physics and biology that is enabled by experimentation in the space environment. These two interconnected concepts—that science is enabled by access to space and that science enables future exploration missions—testify to the powerful complementarity of science and the human spaceflight endeavor. For example, the research recommended in this report addresses unanswered questions related to the health and welfare of humans undertaking extended space missions, to technologies needed to support such missions, and to logistical issues with potential impacts on the health of space travelers, such as ensuring adequate nutrition, protection against exposure to radiation, suitable thermoregulation, appropriate immune function, and attention to stress and behavioral factors. At the same time, progress in answering such questions will find broader applications as well.

It is not possible in this brief summary to describe or even adequately summarize the highest-priority research recommended by the committee. However, the recommendations selected (from a much larger body of discipline suggestions and recommendations) as having the highest overall priority for the coming decade are listed briefly as broad topics below. The committee considered these recommendations to be the minimal set called for in its charge to develop an integrated portfolio of research enabling and enabled by access to space and thus did not attempt to further prioritize among them. In addition, it recognized that further prioritization among these disparate topic areas will be possible only in the context of specific policy directions to be set by NASA and the nation. Nevertheless, the committee has provided tools and metrics that will allow NASA to carry out further prioritization (as summarized below in the section “Research Portfolio Implementation”).

The recommended research portfolio is divided into the five disciplines areas and two integrative translational areas represented by the study panels that the committee directed. The extensive details (such as research time-frames and categorizations as enabling, enabled-by, or both) of the research recommended as having the highest priority are presented in Chapters 4 through 10 of the report, and much of this information is summarized in the research portfolio discussion in Chapter 13 .

Plant and Microbial Biology

Plants and microbes evolved at Earth’s gravity (1 g ), and spaceflight represents a completely novel environment for these organisms. Understanding how they respond to these conditions holds great potential for advancing

knowledge of how life operates on Earth. In addition, plants are important candidates for components of a biologically based life support system for prolonged spaceflight missions, and microbes play complex and essential roles in both positive and negative aspects of human health, in the potential for degradation of the crew environment through fouling of equipment, and in bioprocessing of the wastes of habitation in long-duration missions. The highest-priority research, focusing on these basic and applied aspects of plant and microbial biology, includes:

• Multigenerational studies of International Space Station microbial population dynamics;

• Plant and microbial growth and physiological responses; and

• Roles of microbial and plant systems in long-term life support systems.

Behavior and Mental Health

The unusual environmental, psychological, and social conditions of spaceflight missions limit and define the range of crew activities and trigger mental and behavioral adaptations. The adaptation processes include responses that result in variations in astronauts’ mental and physical health, and strongly stress and affect crew performance, productivity, and well-being. It is important to develop new methods, and to improve current methods, for minimizing psychiatric and sociopsychological costs inherent in spaceflight missions, and to better understand issues related to the selection, training, and in-flight and post-flight support of astronaut crews. The highest-priority research includes:

• Mission-relevant performance measures;

• Long-duration mission simulations;

• Role of genetic, physiological, and psychological factors in resilience to stressors; and

• Team performance factors in isolated autonomous environments.

Animal and Human Biology

Human physiology is altered in both dramatic and subtle ways in the spaceflight environment. Many of these changes profoundly limit the ability of humans to explore space, yet also shed light on fundamental biological mechanisms of medical and scientific interest on Earth. The highest-priority research, focusing on both basic mechanisms and development of countermeasures, includes:

• Studies of bone preservation and bone-loss reversibility factors and countermeasures, including pharmaceutical therapies;

• In-flight animal studies of bone loss and pharmaceutical countermeasures;

• Mechanisms regulating skeletal muscle protein balance and turnover;

• Prototype exercise countermeasures for single and multiple systems;

• Patterns of muscle retrainment following spaceflight;

• Changes in vascular/interstitial pressures during long-duration space missions;

• Effects of prolonged reduced gravity on organism performance, capacity mechanisms, and orthostatic intolerance;

• Screening strategies for subclinical coronary heart disease;

• Aerosol deposition in the lungs of humans and animals in reduced gravity;

• T cell activation and mechanisms of immune system changes during spaceflight;

• Animal studies incorporating immunization challenges in space; and

• Studies of multigenerational functional and structural changes in rodents in space.

Crosscutting Issues for Humans in the Space Environment

Translating knowledge from laboratory discoveries to spaceflight conditions is a two-fold task involving horizontal integration (multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary) and vertical translation (interaction among basic,

preclinical, and clinical scientists to translate fundamental discoveries into improvements in the health and well-being of crew members during and after their missions). To address the cumulative effect of a range of physiological and behavioral changes, an integrated research approach is warranted. The highest-priority crosscutting research issues include:

• Integrative, multisystem mechanisms of post-landing orthostatic intolerance;

• Countermeasure testing of artificial gravity;

• Decompression effects;

• Food, nutrition, and energy balance in astronauts;

• Continued studies of short- and long-term radiation effects in astronauts and animals;

• Cell studies of radiation toxicity endpoints;

• Gender differences in physiological effects of spaceflight; and

• Biophysical principles of thermal balance.

Fundamental Physical Sciences in Space

The fundamental physical sciences research at NASA has two overarching quests: (1) to discover and explore the laws governing matter, space, and time and (2) to discover and understand the organizing principles of complex systems from which structure and dynamics emerge. Space offers unique conditions in which to address important questions about the fundamental laws of nature, and it allows sensitivity in measurements beyond that of ground-based experiments in many areas. Research areas of highest priority are the following:

• Study of complex fluids and soft matter in the microgravity laboratory;

• Precision measurements of the fundamental forces and symmetries;

• Physics and applications of quantum gases (gases at very low temperatures where quantum effects dominate); and

• Behavior of matter near critical phase transition.

Applied Physical Sciences

Applied physical sciences research, especially in fluid physics, combustion, and materials science, is needed to address design challenges for many key exploration technologies. This research will enable new exploration capabilities and yield new insights into a broad range of physical phenomena in space and on Earth, particularly with regard to improved power generation, propulsion, life support, and safety. Applied physical sciences research topics of particular interest are as follows:

• Reduced-gravity multiphase flows, cryogenics, and heat transfer database development and modeling;

• Interfacial flows and phenomena in exploration systems;

• Dynamic granular material behavior and subsurface geotechnics;

• Strategies and methods for dust mitigation;

• Complex fluid physics in a reduced-gravity environment;

• Fire safety research to improve screening of materials in terms of flammability and fire suppression;

• Combustion processes and modeling;

• Materials synthesis and processing to control microstructures and properties;

• Advanced materials design and development for exploration; and

• Research on processes for in situ resource utilization.

Translation to Space Exploration Systems

The translation of research to space exploration systems includes identification of the technologies that enable exploration missions to the Moon, Mars, and elsewhere, as well as the research in life and physical sciences that

is needed to develop these enabling technologies, processes, and capabilities. The highest-priority research areas to support objectives and operational systems in space exploration include:

• Two-phase flow and thermal management;

• Cryogenic fluid management;

• Mobility, rovers, and robotic systems;

• Dust mitigation systems;

• Radiation protection systems;

• Closed-loop life support systems;

• Thermoregulation technologies;

• Fire safety: materials standards and particle detectors;

• Fire suppression and post-fire strategies;

• Regenerative fuel cells;

• Energy conversion technologies;

• Fission surface power;

• Ascent and descent propulsion technologies;

• Space nuclear propulsion;

• Lunar water and oxygen extraction systems; and

• Planning for surface operations, including in situ resource utilization and surface habitats.

For each of the high-priority research areas identified above, the committee classified the research recommendations as enabling for future space exploration options, enabled by the environment of space that exploration missions will encounter, or both.

Research Portfolio Implementation

While the committee believes that any healthy, integrated program of life and physical sciences research will give consideration to the full set of recommended research areas discussed in this report—and will certainly incorporate the recommendations identified as having the highest priority by the committee and its panels—it fully recognizes that further prioritization and decisions on the relative timing of research support in various areas will be determined by future policy decisions. For example, and only as an illustration, a policy decision to send humans to Mars within the next few decades would elevate the priority of enabling research on dust mitigation systems, whereas a policy decision to focus primarily on advancing fundamental knowledge through the use of space would elevate the priority of critical phase transition studies. The committee therefore provided for future flexibility in the implementation of its recommended portfolio by mapping all of the high-priority research areas against the metrics used to select them. These eight overarching metrics, listed below with clarifying criteria (see also Table 13.3 ) added in parentheses, can be used as a basis for policy-related ordering of an integrated research portfolio. Examples of how this might be done are provided in the report.

• The extent to which the results of the research will reduce uncertainty about both the benefits and the risks of space exploration ( Positive Impact on Exploration Efforts, Improved Access to Data or to Samples, Risk Reduction )

• The extent to which the results of the research will reduce the costs of space exploration ( Potential to Enhance Mission Options or to Reduce Mission Costs )

• The extent to which the results of the research may lead to entirely new options for exploration missions ( Positive Impact on Exploration Efforts, Improved Access to Data or to Samples )

• The extent to which the results of the research will fully or partially answer grand science challenges that the space environment provides a unique means to address ( Relative Impact Within Research Field )

• The extent to which the results of the research are uniquely needed by NASA, as opposed to any other agencies ( Needs Unique to NASA Exploration Programs )

• The extent to which the results of the research can be synergistic with other agencies’ needs ( Research Programs That Could Be Dual-Use )

• The extent to which the research must use the space environment to achieve useful knowledge ( Research Value of Using Reduced-Gravity Environment )

• The extent to which the results of the research could lead to either faster or better solutions to terrestrial problems or to terrestrial economic benefit ( Ability to Translate Results to Terrestrial Needs )

Facilities, Platforms, and the International Space Station

Facility and platform requirements are identified for each of the various areas of research discussed in this report. Free-flyers, suborbital spaceflights, parabolic aircraft, and drop towers are all important platforms, each offering unique advantages that might make them the optimal choice for certain experiments. Ground-based laboratory research is critically important in preparing most investigations for eventual flight, and there are some questions that can be addressed primarily through ground research. Eventually, access to lunar and planetary surfaces will make it possible to conduct critical studies in the partial-gravity regime and will enable test bed studies of systems that will have to operate in those environments. These facilities enable studies of the effects of various aspects of the space environment, including reduced gravity, increased radiation, vacuum and planetary atmospheres, and human isolation.

Typically, because of the cost and scarcity of the resource, spaceflight research is part of a continuum of efforts that extend from laboratories and analog environments on the ground, through other low-gravity platforms as needed and available, and eventually into extended-duration flight. Although research on the ISS is only one component of this endeavor, the capabilities provided by the ISS are vital to answering many of the most important research questions detailed in this report. The ISS provides a unique platform for research, and past NRC studies have noted the critical importance of its capabilities to support the goal of long-term human exploration in space. † These include the ability to perform experiments of extended duration, access to human subjects, the ability to continually revise experiment parameters based on previous results, the flexibility in experimental design provided by human operators, and the availability of sophisticated experimental facilities with significant power and data resources. The ISS is the only existing and available platform of its kind, and it is essential that its presence and dedication to research for the life and physical sciences be fully utilized in the decade ahead.

With the retirement of the space shuttle program in 2011, it will also be important for NASA to foster interactions with the commercial sector, particularly commercial flight providers, in a manner that addresses research needs, with attention to such issues as control of intellectual property, technology transfer, conflicts of interest, and data integrity.

Science Impact on Defining Space Exploration

Implicit in this report are integrative visions for the science advances necessary to underpin and enable revolutionary systems and bold exploration architectures for human space exploration. Impediments to revitalizing the U.S. space exploration agenda include costs, past inabilities to predict costs and schedule, and uncertainties about mission and crew risk. Research community leaders recognize their obligations to address those impediments. The starting point of much of space-related life sciences research is the reduction of risks to missions and crews. Thus, the recommended life sciences research portfolio centers on an integrated scientific pursuit to reduce the health hazards facing space explorers, while also advancing fundamental scientific discoveries. Similarly, revolutionary

† See, for example, National Research Council, Review of NASA Plans for the International Space Station , The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C., 2006.

and architecture-changing systems will be developed not simply by addressing technological barriers, but also by unlocking the unknowns of the fundamental physical behaviors and processes on which the development and operation of advanced space technologies will depend. This report is thus much more than a catalog of research recommendations; it specifies the scientific resources and tools to help in defining and developing with greater confidence the future of U.S. space exploration and scientific discovery.

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"I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth. No single space project...will be more exciting, or more impressive to mankind, or more important...and none will be so difficult or expensive to accomplish...."  —President John F. Kennedy, 1961 

In 1961, President John Kennedy called on the nation to send a man to the Moon. In 1969, the United States did just that. Today, many are familiar with the story of Neil Armstrong’s first few steps on the Moon (cue the “That’s one small step...” quote), but have you ever questioned why we invested so much time, effort, and national attention in getting there? 

John F. Kennedy speaks to Congress during a speech announcing his plans to put Americans on the moon.

From an Arms Race to a Space Race 

The Space Race began as an arms race between the respective militaries of the United States and the Soviet Union. World War II had demonstrated to the world that rocket technology would drive modern warfare, and as such the U.S. and Russia locked themselves in a race to have the most superior technology. As technology advanced and powerful intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) were developed by both countries, the arms race gave way to another race—the Space Race.  

At the start, there were no set rules for the Space Race. What was the goal? What would count as winning? For Americans, President Kennedy's declaration focused the Space Race on a clear goal: landing a man on the Moon before the Soviets. The Space Race became a race to the Moon. 

Both countries made announcements to launch the first artificial satellite into space, but it was the Soviet Union that brought humanity into the Space Age with their Sputnik satellite, which was successfully launched on October 4, 1957. 

Launch of Sputnik

The Space Race became a symbol of the broad ideological and political contest between two rival world powers. In the Soviet Union, all space programs were integrated into a secretive military-industrial bureaucracy. Launches were not announced in advance, and only the successes were publicized. Comparatively, in the United States there were separate civilian and military agencies. Only military space programs were secret. Civilian space activities—especially the race to the Moon—were openly publicized for the world to see, failures and all. For years, the Soviets officially denied being in a race to the Moon. However, we now know there is ample evidence that they indeed competed to reach the Moon first. 

Not Yet a Moon Shot 

Before Kennedy’s call to send a man to the Moon, the early years of the Space Race marked successes through headline making “firsts”: the first satellite, the first man in space, the first woman in space, the first spacewalk. To the dismay of the United States, each of these early feats was achieved first by the Soviet Union. These events triggered a drive to catch up with—and surpass—the Soviets. 

Despite the United States’s hopes that it would beat the Soviet Union in launching the first artificial satellite into space, initial launch attempts using the Navy’s Vanguard rocket ended in disaster. Public response to the Vanguard failures prompted national soul-searching in the United States. The media questioned why "Ivan" could accomplish things that "Johnny" could not. 

Vanguard Explosion

After the first Vanguard failure, the Army gained approval to attempt a satellite launch. On January 31, 1958, a modified Redstone missile, the Jupiter-C, lofted America's first satellite, Explorer 1, into space. In March, the Navy's Vanguard succeeded in its third attempt to launch a satellite. Although still behind, America had rallied after its initial stumble and was now in the Space Race. 

Shooting for the Moon 

President Kennedy wanted to know what the United States could do in space to take the lead from the Soviets. Vice President Lyndon Johnson polled leaders in NASA, industry, and the military. He reported that "with a strong effort" the United States "could conceivably" beat the Soviets in sending a person around the Moon or landing a person on the Moon. As neither nation yet had a rocket powerful enough for such a mission, the race to the Moon was a contest that the United States would not be starting at a disadvantage. On May 25, 1961, when President Kennedy announced the goal of landing a man on the Moon, the total time spent in space by an American was barely 15 minutes. 

Although the United States has turned its sights on the Moon, there were many other “firsts” that needed to be met before they would be ready for a crewed landing on the surface of the Moon. The Soviets would beat the Americans to the finish line in many of these. Although it seemed that the U.S. still lagged behind the U.S.S.R. in space, in reality the United States was following a methodical step-by-step program, in which each mission built upon and extended the previous ones. The Mercury and Gemini missions carefully prepared the way for the Apollo lunar missions. 

Man holding command module model with John Kennedy

The one-person Mercury missions developed hardware for safe spaceflight and return to Earth and began to show how human beings would fare in space. From 1961 through 1963, the United States flew many test flights and six crewed Mercury missions. 

After Mercury NASA introduced Gemini, an enlarged, redesigned spacecraft for two astronauts. Ten crewed Gemini missions were flown from 1964 through 1966 to improve techniques of spacecraft control, rendezvous and docking, and spacewalking (extravehicular activity). One Gemini mission spent a record-breaking two weeks in space, time enough for a future crew to go to the Moon, explore, and return. 

A Moon Landing and New Priorities  

The Apollo program saw many triumphs, such as the success of the Saturn V rocket, and quickly put the United States on path to the Moon. On July 21, 1969, as millions around the world watched on television, two Americans stepped onto another world for the first time. The United States successfully landed humans on the Moon and returned them safely, fulfilling President Kennedy's vision and meeting the goal that inspired manned spaceflight during the 1960s. 

When the race to the Moon ended, the Soviet and American human spaceflight programs moved in different directions. For many Americans, landing on the Moon ended the Space Race. Some expected the Apollo missions to be the beginning of an era in which humans would begin to inhabit outer space as they did Earth. Others questioned whether costly human spaceflight should continue now that the race, at least in their eyes, was won.

Apollo 11 Ticker-Tape Parade

For the Soviets, the competition with the United States did not end. They began to pursue longer term goals, such as establishing a permanent presence in space with a series of Earth-orbiting space stations. They also began to explore the other planets with robotics and probes, just like the United States. 

While the race to space may have slowed down slightly after the first human landed on the Moon, the Cold War still raged on for another two decades. Finally, between 1989 and 1990, the Berlin Wall—which separated Soviet-controlled East Germany from Western Germany—fell and Germany was reunified. In 1991, the Soviet Union itself dissolved, and with it, the Cold War.

Competition in space has continued throughout the three decades following the collapse of the USSR and the seeming end of the Cold War. The United States and Russia have entered into cooperative agreements, most notable the assembly and occupation of the International Space Station that began at the beginning of this century. In contrast, each side has maintained its own independent security and industrial interests in space.

The International Space Station floats above Earth

Reconnaissance, surveillance, and military communications spacecraft retain their importance in the American Department of Defense and the Russian Ministry of Defense. And, as is true with other large and powerful nations, each has its own location, timing and navigation satellite system. While systems such as the U.S. GPS has a familiar civilian use, the highest capabilities of these systems are reserved for military uses.  

Sabotage or reduction of each other’s space based infrastructure is a continual effort on both sides of the continuing space race. Twenty-first century militaries rely on space-based infrastructure for successful operations. Finding the means to diminish that reliability for the other side could determine the outcome in battle. And Russia and China, over the objections of the rest of the world, continue to experiment and test space-based weapons that can physically attack another nation’s orbiting satellites. So, while examples of cooperation and collaboration had replaced some of the modes of high-profile competition of the 20th century Space Race, the race to achieve technological advantage in space continues today. 

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Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program TCAP

TNReady—English Language Arts Grades 3 through 8 Passage and Writing Prompt Release

Spring 2017 ®

Published under contract with the Tennessee Department of Education by Questar Assessment Inc., 5550 Upper 147th Street West, Minneapolis, MN 55124. Copyright © 2017 by Tennessee Department of Education. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced, or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior express written consent of the Tennessee Department of Education and Questar Assessment Inc. Nextera® is a registered trademark of Questar Assessment Inc. All trademarks, product names, and logos are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. Table of Contents

Metadata Interpretation Guide – English...... 4

ELA Grades 3 through 8...... 5

SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release 3 Metadata Interpretation Guide – English

Sample Metadata Table

Item Label TN0034909 Max Points 1 Item Grade EOC Item Content English III Item Type choice Key 2 DOK 2 Rubric Standard 1 Code 11-12.RL.KID.3 Standard 1 Standard 2 Code 11-12.RL.CS.4 Standard 2 Passage Type 1 Passage Title 1

Metadata Definitions

Item Label: Unique letter/number code used Max Points: Maximum score points to identify the item. possible for this item. Item Grade (if listed): Grade level in 3-8 or Item Content (if listed): Subject being EOC tested. (e.g., ELA, Algebra I, etc.). Item Type: For example, “Choice” for Key: Correct answer. 1=A, 2=B, etc. multiple choice questions, “Match” for This may be blank for constructed matching tables, “Composite” for two-part response items, in which students write items. or type their responses. DOK (if listed): Depth of Knowledge (cognitive Rubric (if listed): A written explanation, complexity) is measured on a four-point scale. sometimes with examples, detailing the 1=recall; 2=skill/concept; 3=strategic characteristics of answers with certain thinking; 4=extended thinking. score point values. Standard 1 Code (if listed): Primary content Standard 1 (if listed): Text of the standard assessed. content standard assessed. Standard 2 Code (if listed): Secondary Standard 2 (if listed): Text of the content standard assessed. content standard assessed. Passage Type 1 (if listed): Informational, Passage Title 1 (if listed): Title of the literary, editing, etc.). passage(s) associated with this item.

4 SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release ELA Grades 3 through 8 TN245772

Item Label TN245772 Max Points N/A Item Grade 03 Item Content ELA Item Type extendedText Key na DOK N/A Rubric N/A Standard 1 Code W.3.TTP.2 Standard 1 Text N/A Standard 2 Code N/A Standard 2 Text N/A

Read the passages and write a response to the writing prompt.

Animals and Their Trainers: A Good Team by Sara F. Shacter

1 Ever wish you could speak to a sparrow, chat with a cheetah, or babble to a baboon? Then think about becoming an animal trainer. Brett Smith is a trainer at Chicago’s Lincoln Park Zoo. He says training animals is almost like talking to them.

2 Ino a zo or aquarium, an animal and its trainer are a team. Trainers learn to read their animals’ behavior to figure out what each animal wants and needs. Animals learn to cooperate with their teachers. This teamwork makes it possible for each animal to live comfortably and get the best care.

3 For everyone’s safety, trainers need to teach animals how to behave during a checkup. Do visits to the doctor’s office make you squirm? Imagine trying to examine a squirming, trumpeting elephant! Elephants learn how to place their feet so veterinarians can check them. Dolphins learn how to place their tails so veterinarians can take blood samples.

4 At some aquariums, dolphins are taught how to protect themselves from humans’ mistakes. Sometimes people drop things into the dolphins’ tank. In the water, a plastic bag looks a lot like a squid. But a dolphin could die if it eats the bag. So these dolphins are trained to bring stray objects to the trainers.

5 Because trainers and their animals spend so much time together, their bond of trust is strong. This bond helps trainers do

SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release 5 ELA Grades 3 through 8

important research. For example, a trainer might be able to get up close when a mother is feeding her new baby. That’s something most wild animals wouldn’t allow.

Fun and Rewards

6 How do trainers teach animals? Ken Ramirez is the head trainer at Chicago’s John G. Shedd Aquarium. He says that animals and people learn best the same way: through fun and rewards.

7 Mr. Ramirez doesn’t punish. He wants the animals to have a good time. When the animal does what it’s supposed to do, it gets a reward. Often the reward is food, but it can be something else. Belugas (white whales), for example, love having their tongues tickled.

8 Trainers believe that it’s also important to give animals the chance to play. New sights, sounds, and experiences keep animals’ minds and bodies healthy. At the Shedd aquarium, dolphins enjoy watching their reflections in mirrors. One dolphin looks at herself for hours. At the Lincoln Park Zoo, lions play with piñatas.1 The lions rush up, smack their prey, and jump away. Once they’re sure the piñatas won’t fight back, the lions rip them open. They find the food or bone inside and make shredded paper their new toy.

9 Training animals takes time and patience, but the rewards are huge. Ken Ramirez says a trainer is an animal’s “parent, doctor, playmate, and best friend.” Animals may not speak our language, but they have much to tell us.

______1piñatas: decorated containers that are filled with candy and prizes usually at a party. Party guests hit the container to make the candy and prizes fall to the floor.

“Animals and Their Trainers: A Good Team” by Sara F. Shacter, from Highlights for Children, September 2005. Copyright © 2005 Highlights for Children, Inc.

Excerpt from How to Talk to Your Dog by Jean Craighead George

What is this dog talk?

6 SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release ELA Grades 3 through 8

10 It is sound: whimpers, growls, sniffs, barks, and howls. It is visual:2 tail wags, ear twists, eye movements, and other body language. It is chemical: odors and taste. It is physical contact: the touch of a friend or the whack of an enemy.

11 Speak to your dog in his own language. He will reward you by being an even more devoted friend.

12 Dog talk should begin as early as possible.

13 Seven or eight weeks is the best age to take a pup home. He will replace his love for his mother with love for you. Do as she did: Feed him, pick him up, hug him, pet him, and whimper into his fur. That’s mother­dog talk.

14 Say his name often. You will know when he recognizes it. He will turn and look at you, and his eyes will brighten.

15 Praise him. Tell him what a good dog he is. Dogs love flattery.3 Flattery will put him in a good mood, and it will be easier to teach him to sit, stay, heel, and come. Reward his achievements with treats and praise. Treats and saying, “Good dog,” are gold stars for puppies. Eventually, praise will be enough.

16 No matter how old your dog is, you can speak to him in his own language at any time in his life. “Hello” is a good way to begin. Dogs greet each other by sniffing noses.

17 To say hello to your dog, sniff toward his nose. That’s dog talk. He will answer by pulling his ears back and close to his head. What he is saying is “Hello, leader.”

18 There is also the joyous hello. When you return home, your dog greets you bounding, tail wagging, body swishing, and with his head lowered in deference4 to you. He might lick you to seal the welcome. You don’t have to lick back. That would please him, but he will love you even if you don’t. A hug or head pat is your “joyous hello” to your dog.

19 “Good night” in dog talk is physical.

20 Rub your dog’s head, ears, and neck. Lower your lids and sigh into his fur. You are the mother dog licking her pup off to sleep.

21 “Good­bye” is a whisk of the tail, then turning and walking off. Since you don’t have a tail, swish your hand downward and show your back. If your dog does not choose to hear this unwelcome

SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release 7 ELA Grades 3 through 8

message and races after you, tell him, “I am boss,” in dog talk, then repeat the dog “good­bye.”

How do you say, “I am boss”?

22 The most effective way is to put your mouth on his muzzle.5 That means in dog talk that you are the leader. His ears will go back and against his head, and his tail will lower. This is his way of saying, “Yes, you are my leader.”

23 If you don’t want to use your mouth, take his muzzle in your hand and gently shake it as you say, “Good dog.” Telling your dog he is good is his reward for living. Finally, give the dog good­bye and walk off. He should let you go.

______2visual: a movement that can be seen

______3flattery: praise

______4deference: respect

______5muzzle: the projecting part of the face, including the nose and mouth, of an animal such as a dog or horse

Excerpt from How to Talk to Your Dog , by Jean Craighead George. Text copyright © 2000, Julle Productions Inc. Published by HarperCollins Children’s Books.

Writing Prompt

People have many ways to communicate with the animals they care for. Write an essay that explains some of the ways communication can help to train animals. Be sure to use facts and details from both passages to support your explanation. Follow the conventions of standard written English.

Manage your time carefully so that you can

Plan your essay and do some prewriting in the space provided

Write your essay on the lined pages in your answer document

Your written response should be in the form of an essay.

8 SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release ELA Grades 3 through 8

Write your response to the writing prompt on the lined pages in your answer document. (alt­text for online: ... space provided below.)

SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release 9 ELA Grades 3 through 8 TN545964

Item Label TN545964 Max Points N/A Item Grade 04 Item Content ELA Item Type extendedText Key na DOK 3 Rubric N/A Standard 1 Code 4.W.TTP.1 Standard 1 Text N/A Standard 2 Code 4.RI.KID.1 Standard 2 Text N/A

Midori Makes Music by Leigh Anderson

1 Pling! The E­string on Midori’s violin breaks. Fourteen­year­old Midori is in the midst of playing Leonard Bernstein’s “Serenade for Harp, Percussion, and Strings.” She isn’t at a school recital or talent show. Midori is playing at the Tanglewood Music Festival in Massachusetts. Thousands of people are watching. Bernstein himself is conducting the orchestra. What can she do? Quickly, Midori borrows a violin from another musician. It’s larger than her own, but there aren’t any other teenaged violinists on the huge stage to borrow from. She starts playing again. Pling! The E­string on the borrowed violin breaks, too! Midori borrows another violin and finishes the Serenade. As her music fades away into the summer night, the audience leaps to its feet, clapping and cheering. Soon the front page of The New York Times trumpets, “Girl, 14, Conquers Tanglewood with 3 Violins!” Midori doesn’t think it’s such a big deal. “My strings broke,” she says, “and I didn’t want to stop the music.”

2 Midori Goto was born on October 25, 1971, in Osaka, Japan. Her mother, Setsu, a violinist, took her baby daughter to her rehearsals. At age 2, Midori began humming difficult musical pieces. For her fourth birthday, Midori was given a tiny violin and Setsu began to teach her. She practiced every day. Midori soon amazed everyone who heard her.

3 When Midori was 10, the Juilliard School of Music in New York invited her to become a student in their program. Midori and her

10 SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release ELA Grades 3 through 8

mother moved to New York City. It was hard to leave Japan, but New York gave Midori new opportunities. It was an exciting time. Music lovers were eager to hear a young girl in pigtails playing as well as a talented adult. In 1982, Midori played with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra at a New Year’s Eve concert. She was 11 years old.

4 For years, Midori juggled school, violin lessons, practice, and performances. She left Juilliard at 15, but she never stopped learning. When she was older, she went to college and earned a master’s degree. Today, Midori continues to perform all over the world.

5 She once said, “I love playing. It isn’t like there’s me and then there’s the violin. The violin is me. I love it so much that I want to share it with other people.”

6 She especially loves bringing music into schools and performing in towns that other violinists don’t visit. For Midori, her work is her joy. Midori was a child prodigy,1 but that’s not what makes her special. What makes her special is that when she makes music, she shares both her joy and herself.

______1prodigy: a person, especially a child or young person, having extraordinary talent or ability

“Midori Makes Music” by Leigh Anderson, from Appleseeds, September 2009, Vol. 12, No. 1. Copyright © 2009 by Carus Publishing Company.

The Boy Doctor of India by Donna Henes

7 The most famous doctor in India is a teenager!

8 Akrit Jaswal was always advanced for his age. When he was a baby he skipped the crawling stage and started walking. He began to talk when he was just 10 months, and he was reading at 2. By the time he was 4, he was reciting Shakespeare. Some people believe he’s smarter than Albert Einstein. SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release 11 ELA Grades 3 through 8

9 At a very young age, Akrit started thinking about medicine. In fact, it was all he thought about. By the age of 6, Akrit had memorized entire medical books. The staff of the local hospital was so impressed that they let him watch operations.

10 When he was 7, Akrit successfully performed an operation on an 8­year­old girl. Her fingers had been badly burned and had grown together. After the surgery, people all over India said Akrit was a medical genius. Word of the young prodigy spread. Villagers flocked to his home seeking advice and medical care. Soon Akrit began to treat the people who gathered on his doorstep. He consulted his textbooks, discussed the cases with older doctors, and prescribed medicine for more than a thousand people.

11 Akrit started college when he was 11. He was the youngest student ever to attend an Indian university. Today he is studying botany, chemistry, and zoology at Punjab University in Chandigarh, India. One day he hopes to study at Harvard University in Massachusetts.

12 Today, medicine remains Akrit’s greatest interest. By studying for one hour each day, he has learned all about anatomy, surgery, anesthesia, physiology, and cancer. He says that concentration is essential for success, no matter what you are interested in.

13 Akrit says he has millions of medical ideas, but he’s currently focused on discovering a cure for cancer. “I’ve developed a concept called ‘oral gene therapy’ on the basis of my research and my theories,” he says. “I’m quite dedicated towards working on this mechanism.”2

14 In his spare time (this boy actually has spare time!) Akrit enjoys playing and watching Cricket, a bat­and­ball team sport that is popular in India.

______2mechanism: a process by which something is done or comes into being

“The Boy Doctor of India” by Donna Henes, from Appleseeds, September 2009, Vol. 12, No. 1. Copyright © 2009 by Carus Publishing Company.

12 SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release ELA Grades 3 through 8

Writing Prompt If you could study a new skill with one of them, would you study with Akrit or Midori? Write an essay in which you give your opinion and explain your reasons.

Your essay must be based on ideas and information that can be found in both passages. Support your ideas with evidence from the passage set. Follow the conventions of standard written English.

Write your essay on the lined pages of your answer document

Your written response should be in the form of a multi­paragraph essay.

Write your response to the writing prompt in the space provided in your answer document.

SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release 13 ELA Grades 3 through 8 TN751601

Item Label TN751601 Max Points N/A Item Grade 05 Item Content ELA Item Type extendedText Key na DOK 3 Rubric N/A Standard 1 Code 5.W.TTP.1 Standard 1 Text N/A Standard 2 Code N/A Standard 2 Text N/A

Excerpt from “Ten Reasons Why You Don’t Exercise (and Why You Should Overcome Them)” by Kathiann M. Kowalski

1 Your clothes would get sweaty.

2 Your hair would get messy.

3 It’s cold out.

4 It’s too hot.

5 You’re tired.

6 You’d rather sleep.

7 uYo don’t like to exercise alone.

8 uYo don’t like to have people see you exercise.

9 Your muscles will get sore.

10 uYo don’t have time.

11 In short, you don’t feel like exercising. “I think everyone gets those days,” says 14­year­old Charlie Wilson in Ohio. However,

14 SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release ELA Grades 3 through 8

science says we’ll all be healthier if we get moving. Indeed, the U.S. government’s 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines recommend an hour or more of activity daily for children and teens.

Big Benefits

12 “Basically, there’s no system that it doesn’t have a positive effect on, at least when done in moderation,” says Antronette Yancey at the University of California at Los Angeles. She served on the Guidelines’ expert committee. More importantly, Yancey says, physical activity “can produce immediate benefits.”

13 For starters, regular physical activity improves your overall fitness. Your bones and muscles grow stronger. You can do more before tiring. And exercise can bolster the immune system, so you’re less likely to get sick.

14 Physical activity also improves your mood. “Mentally, I feel better after I do it,” says 17­year­old Danielle Lehmann on Long Island. . . .

15 “It gives you time to blow out steam,” adds 16­year­old Matthew Kowalski, also on Long Island. He really welcomes physical activity after a long day of sitting and concentrating at school.

16 Interestingly, researchers at East Carolina University found that students stayed on task better when classes included regular exercise breaks throughout the day. Other studies suggest that regular physical activity improves decision­making and planning abilities. That includes “being able to accomplish what you’re trying to accomplish, being creative, [and] not making bad judgments,” explains Yancey.

Overcoming Inertia

17 Part of Isaac Newton’s first law of physics says that a body at rest tends to stay at rest. Unfortunately, that holds for our exercise habits too.

18 “The important thing is finding something that’s fun to do,” stresses Fulton. Charlie likes soccer and fencing. Danielle runs and does yoga. Matthew plays hockey and lacrosse and runs track.

19 Being with friends helps. “Running around circles for track isn’t all that fun,” admits Matthew. “But when it’s you and five guys, and as you’re running, each guy has a joke, it makes it that much better.”

SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release 15 ELA Grades 3 through 8 20 Of course, everyone is busy, so Fulton also advises, “Build activity into your life.” Charlie often walks to and from school or to friends’ houses.

21 Yancey wants teens to go further and push schools to add “instant recess” breaks throughout the day. “It needs to be an ordinary part of the day,” Yancey says. Just as many restaurants and offices are now no smoking places, she says, schools and offices should become places of no prolonged sitting.

22 And on days when you might make excuses, remember how good a physical activity can make you feel. “I realize that when I get to hockey, it wil be better there than me just sitting at home doing homework,” says Matthew. “As soon as I step on that ice, I’ll be glad I’m there.”

23 So, get moving — have fun, get (or stay) healthy!

Excerpt from “Ten Reasons Why You Don’t Exercise (and Why You Should Overcome Them),” by Kathiann Kowalski, from Odyssey. Copyright © 2011 by Cricket Media.

Born to Run by Bradford H. Robie

24 There’s nothing like racing across the playground or sprinting along the beach with the wind at your back. That sudden burst of speed can make you feel like a cheetah chasing its prey or a horse galloping on an open plain. It’s as if you were born to run.

25 Running also strengthens bones and muscles, controls weight, and keeps your heart healthy.

26 Most of all, it can be a lot of fun!

Getting Started

16 SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release ELA Grades 3 through 8 27 If you’re inspired to become a runner, make sure that you have a good pair of running shoes. These special sneakers are designed to cushion the impact of running. Many stores specialize in this type of shoe.

28 Be sure to run in a safe place with an adult partner. City parks are good. So are country roads. Many towns have athletic fields with grassy areas and running tracks. Any of these spots could work.

29 One advantage to running on a track is that it’s easy to know how far you’ve run. A lap on the track at most high schools is 400 meters long. That’s almost a quarter of a mile, so four laps equal about one mile.

30 If you decide to run on a road or sidewalk or in a park, make sure a parent helps you plan a route. Always run facing oncoming traffic, and never run at night unless you’re in a very well­lit area.

31 Soft surfaces like dirt trails and grass are easiest on your feet and joints. Most sidewalks and road surfaces are quite hard, so you’ll want to limit the amount of running you do on them.

32 The first question new runners ask is, “How far?” A better way to gauge your workout is, “How long?” Running for a specific number of minutes reduces the pressure to run a certain distance each time. A good way to start is to alternate running and walking for 30 minutes.

Pace Yourself for Success

33 Here’s a good plan for starters. Run three times each week, taking at least one day off between workouts. The first week, run one minute, then walk for six minutes. Run a minute, then walk six. Keep running a minute and walking six until you’ve been at it for about 30 minutes total.

34 Each week, increase the length of the running portions (two minutes the second week, three minutes the third), and reduce the walking time. Before long, you’ll be running for the entire 30 minutes.

35 It’s important to increase the running gradually. This will allow your body to adapt to the work, and it will help you avoid aches and pains. Beginning runners who go too far too soon often get discouraged.

36 Warm up for each workout by walking briskly for five minutes. This will slowly raise your heart rate, directing more blood and SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release 17 ELA Grades 3 through 8

oxygen to your muscles. Swing your arms and walk faster than you normally would, but not so fast that you start to jog. Then you can ease into your run.

37 You should be able to talk comfortably while running, without gasping for breath. If you find yourself huffing and puffing, slow down (or walk) until you feel comfortable.

38 After your run, cool down with another five­minute walk and some light stretching. Stretching keeps your muscles from tightening up. It also reduces soreness and can help prevent injuries.

39 Running is a great activity to do with a friend. In middle school, you might have the opportunity to join a running club or team.

40 Now you know the basics of running. So lace up your running shoes and join the millions of people who are proud to call themselves runners.

41 Chances are, you were born to run, too!

“Born to Run,” by Bradford H. Robie, from Highlights for Children. Copyright © 2009.

Principals are considering making a rule that requires “mini” recesses throughout the day that include the opportunity to run on a track. Would this be a good idea? Write an essay in which you give your opinion. Use facts and details from both texts to support your opinion. Follow the conventions of standard written English.

18 SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release ELA Grades 3 through 8 TN937557

Item Label TN937557 Max Points N/A Item Grade 06 Item Content ELA Item Type extendedText Key na DOK N/A Rubric N/A Standard 1 Code 6.W.TTP.3 Standard 1 Text N/A Standard 2 Code N/A Standard 2 Text N/A

Read the passage and write a response to the writing prompt.

Excerpt from “The Conceited Python” by Ruskin Bond

1 During his retirement in northern India, Grandfather could not resist buying unusual pets. Once he paid a snake charmer in the bazaar five rupees1 for a young, four­foot­long python. Then, to the delight of a curious group of boys and girls, he slung the python over his shoulder and walked home.

2 Theo first t see them arrive was Toto the monkey, who was swinging from a branch of the jackfruit tree. One look at the python and he fled into the house, squealing with fright. The noise brought Grandmother onto the veranda where she nearly fainted at the sight of the python curled around Grandfather’s throat. Grandmother was tolerant of most birds and animals, but she drew the line at reptiles. Even a sweet­tempered chameleon made her blood run cold. Grandfather should have known that there was little chance of being allowed to keep a python.

3 “It will strangle you to death,” she cried. “Get rid of it at once!”

4 “Nonsense,” said Grandfather. “He’s only a young fellow. He’ll soon get used to us.”

5 “He might, indeed,” said Grandmother, “but I have no intention of getting used to him. And your cousin Mabel is coming to stay with us tomorrow. She’ll leave the minute she knows there’s a snake in the house.”

6 “Perhaps we should show it to her first thing,” said Grandfather. He did not look forward to the visits of Aunt Mabel.

SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release 19 ELA Grades 3 through 8

7 “You’ll do no such thing,” said Grandmother.

8 “Well, I can’t let it loose in the garden. It might find its way into the poultry house, and then where would we be?”

9 “Oh, how tiresome you are!” grumbled Grandmother. “Lock the thing in the bathroom, go find the man you bought it from, and tell him to come here and collect it.”

10 And so, in my awestruck presence, Grandfather took the python into the bathroom and placed it in the tub. After closing the door on it, he gave me a doleful look. “Perhaps Grandmother is right this time,” he said. “After all, we don’t want the snake to get hold of Toto. It’s sure to be very hungry.”

11 Grandfather hurried off to the bazaar while Grandmother paced up and down the veranda. When he returned, looking shame­faced, we knew he hadn’t been able to find the snake charmer.

12 “Well then, kindly take it away yourself,” said Grandmother. “Leave it in the jungle across the riverbed.”

13 “All right,” said Grandfather. He marched into the bathroom, followed, in single file, by me, Grandmother, the cook, and the gardener.

14 Grandfather opened the door and stepped into the room. I peeped around his legs, while the others stayed well behind. We couldn’t see the python anywhere.

15 “He’s gone,” announced Grandfather.

16 “He couldn’t have gone far,” said Grandmother. “Look under the tub.”

17 We looked under the tub, but the python wasn’t there. “We left the window open,” Grandfather said, blushing at his own forgetfulness. “He must have gotten out that way.”

18 A careful search was made of the house, the kitchen, the garden, the stable, and the poultry shed, but the python could not be found anywhere.

19 “He must have gone over the garden wall,” said Grandfather. “He’ll be well away by now.”

20 “I certainly hope so,” said Grandmother.

20 SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release ELA Grades 3 through 8

21 Aunt Mabel arrived next day for a three­week visit. For a couple of days Grandfather and I were a little worried that the python would make a sudden reappearance, but on the third day, when he didn’t show up, we felt sure he had gone for good.

22 And then, toward evening, we were startled by a scream from the garden. Seconds later, Aunt Mabel came flying up the veranda steps. “In the guava tree!” she gasped. “I was reaching for a guava when I saw it staring at me. The look in its eyes! As though it would eat me alive — ”

23 “Calm down, dear,” urged Grandmother, sprinkling eau de Cologne over my aunt. “Tell us, what did you see?”

24 “A snake!” sobbed Aunt Mabel. “A great boa constrictor. It must have been twenty feet long! In the guava tree. Its eyes were terrible. And it looked at me in such an odd way. . . .”

25 My grandparents exchanged knowing looks, and Grandfather hurried out into the garden. But when he got to the guava tree, the python was gone.

26 “Aunt Mabel must have frightened it away,” I said.

27 “Hush,” said Grandfather. “You mustn’t speak of your aunt in that way.” But his eyes were alive with laughter.

28 After this incident, the python began to make frequent brief appearances, usually in the most unexpected places.

29 One morning I found him curled up on the dressing table, gazing at his reflection in the mirror. I went for Grandfather, but by the time we returned, the python had moved on. He was seen in the garden and ascending the iron ladder to the roof. Then we found him on the dressing table a second time, admiring himself in the mirror.

30 “All the attention he’s getting has probably made him conceited,” said Grandfather.

______1rupees: the basic unit of money in India

Excerpt from “The Conceited Python,” by Ruskin Bond, from Cricket. Published by Carus Publishing Company. Copyright © 2011.

SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release 21 ELA Grades 3 through 8

By the end of the passage, the python has become a frequent, unexpected visitor. Write a continuation of the passage that describes what happens next and how the characters resolve the problem. Be sure to use what you have learned about the setting, characters, and plot of the passage.

Plan your response and do some prewriting in the space provided

Write your response on the lined pages of your answer document

Your written response should be in the form of a multi­paragraph narrative story.

22 SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release ELA Grades 3 through 8 TN537650

Item Label TN537650 Max Points N/A Item Grade 06 Item Content ELA Item Type extendedText Key na DOK N/A Rubric N/A Standard 1 Code 6.W.TTP.1 Standard 1 Text N/A Standard 2 Code N/A Standard 2 Text N/A

Read the passages and write a response to the writing task.

The Way the Mop Flops by Ann Harth

1 “Hey, Andrew,” said Tanya, dropping her books onto her desk with a thud.

2 “Hey,” I said.

3 Kids wandered into the classroom and shuffled to their seats, talking in Monday­morning murmurs.

4 Mr. Taylor’s shiny boots clicked across the floor. “Good morning, class!” he bellowed. “I need someone to read, please.”

5 The idea of reading in front of the class made my toes curl inside my sneakers. I stared at my desk. Please don’t pick me.

6 “Andrew Addison.”

7 My stomach squeezed into knots. I looked up.

8 “Stand up, please.” Mr. Taylor thrust a paper at me. I stood, begging my legs to steady me and my knees to stop quaking. A drop of sweat slid down my face.

9 My voice came out in a croak as I started reading. “A public­ speaking competition for both fifth­grade classes will be held in the auditorium next Monday. Each student will give a two­minute speech.”

SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release 23 ELA Grades 3 through 8

10 Panic rose within me. For the rest of the day, I could barely concentrate.

11 On the bus home, I sat next to Tanya. “What will I give a speech about?” I moaned.

12 Tanya shrugged. “What’s something you’d be able to talk about for two minutes?”

13 “Nothing!” I said. “All I’ll be able to think about is my shaky knees, my wobbly legs, and my squeaky voice!”

14 My brain whirled. Maybe . . . “Yes!” I said. “I’ll talk about how scared I am of public speaking.”

15 Tanya smiled. “Not bad.”

16 For the entire week, the dreaded day loomed. I practiced my speech and panicked. I wished for rampaging elephants and road­ closing blizzards. I even considered flying to South America.

17 The day came. The school was still standing. It hadn’t snowed, and I hadn’t gone on vacation.

18 “Your new shirt looks wonderful on you, Andrew,” Mom said as she handed me my backpack. “Now, don’t be nervous.”

19 Fifty fifth­graders shuffled into the auditorium. I stumbled to my seat in the front row.

20 “You’re sweating,” Tanya whispered, handing me a tissue.

21 Kayla Abbymore, from the other class, stepped onto the stage. She smiled and chattered about her trip to the skating rink. She didn’t shake or wobble or sweat. She skipped from the podium. Everyone clapped politely as she disappeared through a side door.

22 “Andrew Addison.” My name boomed through the auditorium.

23 Tanya elbowed me. “Go on!”

24 I stood up. I begged my legs to steady me and my knees to stop quaking. They didn’t listen. I clutched my index cards and trudged to the podium. Two teachers and 49 fifth­graders stared. My cards quivered.

25 “Hello,” I squeaked.

24 SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release ELA Grades 3 through 8

26 Someone snickered.

27 I tried again. “Hello.” Better — but I still sounded like a scared puppy.

28 I glanced at my notes. They were a blur in my sweaty hands. No help there. My first line. What was my first line? I closed my eyes.

29 YES! That was it. “I hate public speaking,” I said.

30 Someone laughed.

31 I held up a hand and watched it quiver. “My hands shake.”

32 Another laugh.

33 “My face sweats.” I wiped my slick brow.

34 A few more laughs. That was good, right? I stepped from behind the podium and showed the audience my quaking knees. “My legs wobble.”

35 Everyone laughed. I glanced at Tanya. Her face was split into a grin.

36 My speech flooded back to me. My knees settled and my hands relaxed.

37 “Many people feel like disappearing when they have to give a speech.” I paused for a second. “But I bet I’m the only one who almost bought a ticket to Brazil.” I was on a roll. My two minutes flew.

38 Laughter and clapping floated around me as I finished my speech. They liked me. I strutted away from the podium and waved to my fans. I opened a door, stepped through, and closed it behind me.

39 It was dark.

40 Where was the exit? I smelled floor cleaner. I reached into the blackness and my fingers brushed stiff bristles, buckets, a mop, and a pile of rags. I had entertained my audience with a brilliant speech, then walked straight into the custodian’s closet.

41 I pushed my ear against the door. It was quiet out there. Maybe no one had noticed. I could creep out and duck into the exit next SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release 25 ELA Grades 3 through 8

door. I held my breath and pushed. Light now flooded the closet. Mops and brooms surrounded me.

42 They’d noticed. Forty­nine fifth­graders and two teachers stared. I stepped from the closet and spotted Tanya in the audience. She still wore a grin. She raised her hands and clapped. Others joined in, and soon the entire audience was clapping and cheering. I waved, bowed, and swept out of there.

43 Oh, well. That’s the way the mop flops.

“The Way the Mop Flops,” by Ann Harth, from Highlights for Children. Copyright © 2013 by Ann Harth/Highlights for Children.

The Choice by Holly Beech

44 “Julie Jones scores two points for the Panthers!”

45 The announcer’s voice is nearly drowned out by the cheers of the audience. Julie flashes a smile at her fans as she jogs down the basketball court.

46 Once again, jealousy rises up inside me. Every game, I sit on the bench, wishing with all my heart that I could be the star of the team. But every game is the same — I sit on the bench and wish that I could be Julie Jones.

47 The buzzer sounds. Although my team has won another game, I feel no joy. I don’t care so much about winning anymore; I just want to play.

48 And what makes it worse are the low comments that Julie spits at me. I see her walking toward me, and I prepare myself for another rude remark.

49 “Good job, Katie,” she says sarcastically. “You’re getting good at warming up the bench.”

50 Furious words almost slip from my mouth, but I hold my anger inside and simply say, “Good game, Julie.” For a second, she looks confused, but then she pushes her way past me and strolls off. 26 SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release ELA Grades 3 through 8

51 Tonight is the most important game of the season — the championship. My stomach is filled with butterflies. Two girls on my team are injured, preventing them from playing. Maybe tonight, I think, I will get to play.

52 It’s a close game. With two minutes left, the score is 50­50. When one of my teammates twists her ankle, Coach yells, “Katie, you’re in!” She notices the shock on my face. “Go on! You can do it!”

53 I jump off the bench, my palms sweaty, and run onto the court.

54 The other team scores, making it 50­52. With only ten seconds left, I know we must score.

55 The ball is passed to me. In this second, I must decide between shooting the ball with two girls guarding me, or passing it to Julie, who is wide open. If I shoot, I might score the winning points and get the praise I’ve been craving all season. But Julie has a better shot than I do — and a better chance of scoring.

56 I make my decision.

57 The ball swishes through the net. The Panthers jump up and down as the crowd roars.

58 “Julie Jones scores the winning three­pointer!” booms the announcer.

59 My teammates lift Julie onto their shoulders. Screams of delight flood our side of the gym. But for some reason, I am no longer jealous. I’m satisfied that I was able to help the team.

60 Coach walks up to me and says, “Nice pass, Katie. You did the right thing. I’m glad to have an unselfish player like you on my team. You’re going to play again next season, right?”

61 I smile and reply, “You bet!”

“The Choice,” by Holly Beech, from Highlights for Children. Copyright © 2005 by Holly Beech/Highlights for Children.

SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release 27 ELA Grades 3 through 8

Write an argumentative essay in which you argue which character, Andrew or Katie, had the bigger obstacle to overcome. Support your claim with evidence from both passages.

Plan your essay

Write your essay

Include a claim

Use evidence from both passages

Avoid over­relying on one passage

28 SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release ELA Grades 3 through 8 TN852527

Item Label TN852527 Max Points N/A Item Grade 07 Item Content ELA Item Type extendedText Key na DOK 3 Rubric N/A Standard 1 Code 7.W.TTP.1 Standard 1 Text N/A Standard 2 Code N/A Standard 2 Text N/A

Excerpt from “A Success in Space” by Cameron Keady

1 On November 12, 2014, a small probe helped scientists take a big step forward in space exploration. The probe, called the Philae lander, is the first spacecraft to set down on a comet . It will take photos and dig up samples from the comet’s surface.

2 The Philae [FIL­ay] lander is about the size of a washing machine. It dropped from the Rosetta spacecraft and landed on the comet Churyumov­Gerasimenko, also known as 67p. This mission could give researchers valuable information about the origins of our solar system and how it evolved.

Ag Lon Journey

3 Rosetta traveled for 10 years, and across 4 billion miles, to reach its destination. The craft was launched in 2004 by the European Space Agency to observe comets . In 2011, Rosetta was powered down to conserve energy. Early this year, scientists brought it back to life to study 67p.

4 Philae separated from Rosetta about 14 miles above the comet. At first, the lander failed to fire anchoring harpoons1 into the surface. It bounced three times before coming to a stop, said Stephan Ulamec, the lander project manager.

5 The Philae lander will travel the surface of 67p and conduct a variety of scientific experiments. It could reveal secrets about the

SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release 29 ELA Grades 3 through 8 makeup of comets and the formation of our solar system. . . . Researchers consider comets the remains of the ancient solar system. Their contents are preserved in a deep freeze because they spend much of their time far away from the sun. “What we believe is that we will study the most primitive2 material in the solar system,” says scientist Gerhard Schwehm. He served as Rosetta’s mission manager at the ESA from 2011 until his retirement earlier this year.

In the Dark

6 Scientists have not yet been able to determine exactly where Philae landed. Based on the first images the lander has sent back, they believe it is partially in a shadow of a cliff. That could be a problem, because it would prevent the lander from using its solar panels to collect energy from the sun. Currently, the scientists are updating their plans to get Philae out of the darkness.

7 Despite any initial concerns, the team is in good spirits — and so is Philae. On the night of its arrival, the lander tweeted a photo to its mother ship @ESA_Rosetta. “The view is absolutely breathtaking ESA_Rosetta! Unlike anything I’ve ever seen #CometLanding,” the tweet read.

8 Though it took a decade to get to 67p, Philae’s stay on the comet will be a short one. As soon as it landed, a 64­hour countdown began. When it ends, Philae’s on­board battery will run down. But Rosetta will continue to travel with 67p, sending information about the comet back to Earth for as long as it can.

______1anchoring harpoons: barbed, spear­like missiles shot into the surface of the comet to hold the spacecraft

2primitive: being the first or earliest of the kind or in existence

Excerpt from “A Success in Space,” by Cameron Keady, from Time for Kids. November 14, 2014.

Excerpt from “America’s New Spacecraft” by Cameron Keady 30 SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release ELA Grades 3 through 8 9 Liftoff! After NASA called off three countdowns on Thursday, December 4, 2014, the Orion spacecraft successfully launched into space early this morning. The craft orbited Earth twice and traveled a distance of 3,600 miles before it landed in the Pacific Ocean around 11:30 A.M. on Friday, December 5. “The flight is designed to test many of the most vital elements for human spaceflight,” said NASA in a statement. “[It] will provide critical data needed to improve Orion’s design and reduce risks to future mission crews.”

Takeoff and Touchdown

10 The original launch was set for December 4. To successfully take off, a spacecraft requires a rocket. Orion traveled to space aboard the Delta IV rocket. Several valves are used to fill and drain Delta IV with propellant prior to liftoff. Due to valve issues that could not be fixed before the launch time was scheduled, Orion’s takeoff was put on hold. The NASA team also worried strong winds would hinder the craft’s ability to take off. But winds stayed below the limit of 24 miles per hour, and the Orion capsule lifted off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, in Florida, at 7:05 A.M.

11 The capsule reached a peak altitude more than 14 times farther from Earth than the International Space Station. No spacecraft designed for astronauts has gone so far since the Apollo 17 mission 42 years ago. NASA is now “one step closer” to putting humans aboard Orion, said NASA Administrator Charles Bolden Jr. He called it “Day One of the Mars era.”

12 Orion landed in the ocean about 270 miles west of Mexico’s Baja peninsula at approximately 11:30 this morning. The U.S. Navy was there to recover the spacecraft, where it will be brought to land. Mission Control commentator Rob Navias called the voyage “the most perfect flight you could ever imagine,” calling the spacecraft’s landing in the Pacific Ocean “a bulls­eye.”

A Mission for the Future

13 Orion’s voyage is an experimental mission, with no astronauts onboard. The goal of the mission is to someday take astronauts to Mars. The experimental flight was intended to test the capabilities of the spacecraft to ensure it is suitable for a future manned mission to the Red Planet.

14 The Orion spacecraft will not carry astronauts until 2021 at the earliest. But NASA hopes that some day the capsule will be able to take people back to the moon or to Mars.

15 Orion wasn’t entirely unmanned, however. Some familiar objects rode aboard the spacecraft. As part of a public outreach SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release 31 ELA Grades 3 through 8

effort with Sesame Street, NASA made room for Ernie’s Rubber Duckie, Oscar the Grouch’s pet worm Slimey, and one of Cookie Monster’s cookies aboard Orion.

16 “T” is for “Touchdown,” and that’s good enough for NASA.

Excerpt from “America’s New Spacecraft” by Cameron Keady, from Time for Kids. December 5, 2014.

Write an essay that explains the purpose of each mission and then argues which mission was more successful. Develop your essay by providing textual evidence from both passages.

32 SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release ELA Grades 3 through 8 TN852757

Item Label TN852757 Max Points N/A Item Grade 07 Item Content ELA Item Type extendedText Key na DOK 3 Rubric N/A Standard 1 Code 7.W.TTP.1 Standard 1 Text N/A Standard 2 Code N/A Standard 2 Text N/A

Excerpt from “Looking at Mushrooms” by Cheryl Bardoe

1 Equipped with a magnifying glass, pocketknife, and fishing tackle box, mushroom scientist Greg Mueller is going on a treasure hunt. “I never know what I might find,” he says, striking out along a woodland path at the Chicago Botanic Garden in Illinois. “And what I find today may be different four days from now.”

2 After decades as a mycologist (a scientist who studies fungi), Mueller knows that mushrooms are here­today­gone­tomorrow treasures. He jokes about becoming a geologist someday, “because rocks never move.” But he isn’t really discouraged — he knows that forests are full of fungi. In fact, the world is full of fungi.

A World of Fungi

3 Fungi take many forms. They include the yeast that makes holes in bread as it rises, the fuzzy mold that warns us not to eat an old jar of spaghetti sauce, smelly mildew, and the mushrooms that pop up overnight from the forest floor.

4 For many years, scientists thought fungi were plants because they didn’t move and many sprouted from soil. Unlike plants, however, fungi cannot make their own food. The cells of fungi are also unlike plants. Their cell walls are made from chitin, the same stuff that forms the hard outer shells of insects and crabs. A comparison of their genetic material reveals that fungi are more closely related to animals than to plants!

SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release 33 ELA Grades 3 through 8 5 Scientists now recognize fungi as their own kingdom of organisms — neither plants nor animals. They believe that fungi are far more diverse than plants, or any group of animals except insects. And they estimate that up to 1.5 million species of fungi may exist. With only about 100,000 known so far, that leaves room for lots of future discoveries.

Searching for the Invisible

6 While keeping a hopeful eye on the forest floor, Mueller explains that fungi are often present even when we don’t see them. Fungi grow in hair­like threads called hyphae. These strands spread through soil, rotting wood, or wherever a fungus seeks water and food. A single strand is too small to see with the naked eye, but Mueller points out white spots on a fallen tree where many have massed together, creating a visible web called a mycelium.

7 Soon, we spot our first clump of mushrooms hiding beneath the leaves. Mueller carves off the dainty, brownish­orange specimens to store in his collecting box. Like apples on a tree, mushrooms are fruiting bodies of the mycelium. They release spores — cells that float away to create new fungi.

8 Fruiting fungus bodies wait patiently underground for just the right combination of moisture and temperature to make their debut. “When conditions are right,” Mueller says, “mushrooms swell with water like a water balloon. That gives them the pressure to burst out of the ground.” Mushrooms can expand quickly, sometimes with enough force to push up through asphalt and cement. Then they release their spores and may disappear again within a few days.

9 A single mushroom can release millions, even trillions, of microscopically tiny spores, which are carried off by the wind or by animals. So why isn’t the earth overrun with fungi? Unlike the seeds of flowering plants, spores aren’t packed with their own food. To grow, they have to land in just the right place, on something they are able to break down for food.

How Fungi Function

10 All fungi play one of three roles: some are decomposers, some form partnerships with living plants, and some are parasites. Most fungi we happen to see on our walk, such as tiny yellow fairy cups and the meaty chicken­of­the­woods, are breaking down dead plant matter, recycling its nutrients back into the soil. As fungal hyphae spread through a fallen tree to gather food, they destroy the stiff cell walls of the wood, making the nutrients inside available. Mueller breaks a chunk of decaying wood from a tree, and it almost crumbles to sawdust in his fingers. That’s a sign that fungi have 34 SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release ELA Grades 3 through 8 done their work. “We’d have piles of dead trees miles high if we didn’t have fungi,” he says. “We wouldn’t even be able to walk around the earth because of all the dead trees.”

Excerpt from “Looking at Mushrooms” by Cheryl Bardoe, from Ask, October 2011, Vol. 10, No. 8. Copyright © 2011 by Carus Publishing Company.

Talented Fungi by Charlene Brusso

11 Mushrooms, molds, lichens, yeasts, and mildews: there are at least 1.5 million different kinds of fungi on Earth. What can we do with all that fungus among us?

12 Mushrooms are the fruit of underground fungi, and like other fruits, many are good to eat. In fact, Americans gobble up about 4 pounds (1.5 kilograms) of mushrooms per person every year. Mushrooms are a nutritious food, high in protein and vitamins. Forest animals like mushrooms too — they are a favorite of chipmunks, squirrels, mice, voles, bears, insects, and salamanders.

13 Some fungi are used to make food better. Yeast is a single­ celled fungus that gives off bubbles of carbon dioxide gas as it digests sugar. Yeast at work in dough gives us light and fluffy bread, and it puts the fizz in beer.

14 Archaeologists in Egypt have found 4,000­year­old pots with telltale traces of yeast in them. In Asia, yeasts are used to ferment soybeans to make soy sauce and miso. Tasty fungi are also used to flavor cheeses like brie, blue, and Roquefort.

CCure Sickness

15 One of the most useful medicines in the world comes from a mold, another type of fungus. Discovered on a neglected petri dish in 1928, penicillin was the first antibiotic, a drug that kills bacteria and knocks out tough infections. Why would a mold be good at killing bacteria? In the wild, fungi often compete with bacteria for food — to discourage competition, many fungi make bacteria­killing chemicals. In fact, long before scientists discovered penicillin,

SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release 35 ELA Grades 3 through 8

doctors in ancient Egypt used moldy bread to fight infection in wounds.

16 Molds and other fungi are used to make vitamins, painkillers, and many other helpful medicines — even some that fight cancer.

M Make Stuff

17 Long ago, cloth makers in the Mediterranean discovered that lichen could dye fabric in vibrant purples and reds. Many Native Americans also use lichen for dye.

18 As they grow, fungi break down food outside their bodies using special digestive chemicals called enzymes. Enzymes that digest fats are harvested from molds and used to make detergents and laundry soaps. Fungi enzymes are also used to fade jeans for a stylish “distressed” look. Even the citric acid that gives juice, soda, and sauces their lemony tang is cooked up using enzymes from a common black mold, Aspergillus niger.

19 The dense root webs of fungi, called mycelia, are excellent for holding things together.

20 One company is growing mycelia around corn husks and straw to make Ecocradle, an Earth­friendly replacement for Styrofoam. Like Styrofoam, Ecocradle is lightweight; unlike Styrofoam, it’s also strong, biodegradable, recyclable, and can be easily grown in any shape you need. It can be used for packing materials and even house insulation, and Ford Motor Company is investigating ways to use Ecocradle in its cars and trucks.

ClClean Up Pollution

21 Fungi are decomposers. In nature, they break down the large molecules in dead trees, plants, and animals, leaving the soil full of recycled nutrients. That may not seem very remarkable — until you realize there’s a fungus that can break down nearly anything.

22 One of the most amazing ways to use fungi’s decomposing abilities is to help clean up pollution. Some fungi, including the common oyster mushroom, have digestive powers that can break apart nasty chemicals like pesticides, oil, and tar in soil and water into simple, safe compounds like carbon dioxide, water, and nitrogen. Some scientists, such as mushroom researcher Paul Stamets, think that planting fungi may be the perfect way to clean up polluted sites quickly and cheaply. Some fungi can even digest radioactive toxic waste!

36 SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release ELA Grades 3 through 8

23 Fungi are among the most ancient organisms on the planet, but we’re only just beginning to discover their many remarkable talents.

“Talented Fungi” by Charlene Brusso, from Ask, October 2011, Vol. 10, No. 8. Copyright © 2011 by Carus Publishing Company.

Both authors describe the remarkable characteristics of fungi. Write an argumentative essay arguing which author is more successful at portraying these characteristics. Develop your essay by providing textual evidence from both passages.

Avoidr ove relying on one passage

SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release 37 ELA Grades 3 through 8 TN552352

Item Label TN552352 Max Points N/A Item Grade 08 Item Content ELA Item Type extendedText Key na DOK 3 Rubric N/A Standard 1 Code 8.W.TTP.2 Standard 1 Text N/A Standard 2 Code N/A Standard 2 Text N/A

Excerpt from “To Really Learn, Fail — Then Fail Again!” by Susan Moran

That ‘error’ in trial­and­error learning can be the ticket to learning well — and having more fun.

1 Thomas Edison just couldn’t get it right.

2 After more than five months and 9,000 experiments, the famous inventor couldn’t get a new type of battery to work. Too bad, a co­worker said. What a shame that effort had produced no results.

3 But Edison saw it differently. “Results? Why, man, I have gotten a lot of results! I know several thousand things that won’t work!”

4 Edison eventually did get his new kind of battery to work. In the end, it took even more time — and thousands more experiments.

5 Today, more than a century later, a bit of that same spirit of curiosity and determination lives on in Emily Hogan’s classroom. She teaches eighth­grade physical science at Westlake Middle School in Broomfield, Colo.

6 On a spring morning, Hogan had given each of her students a tool kit containing a plastic foam dinner plate, a balloon, a small plastic stirrer straw, a sharp pencil and masking tape.

38 SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release ELA Grades 3 through 8

7 She instructed her young inventors to use the parts in any way they wanted to make racing cars from the foam plates. They also were charged with figuring out how to propel those cars great distances across the floor. The kit’s balloon would be a key component of these “rocket” racers.

8 Kids in many classrooms across the United States are learning science in much the same way. Instead of explaining things to kids from the front of a classroom, teachers are beginning to instead “guide from the side.” They are nudging kids to become Edisons — tinkerers who learn by doing.

9 A big take­home lesson from such projects is that there may be no one single right answer to a problem. There may instead be many. Along the path to discovering this, kids were being encouraged to propose theories — and then test them.

10 Along the way, many students will fail. Often, they’ll fail many times. Perhaps not several thousand times (like Edison). But along the way they may just find out that by analyzing why something went horribly wrong, they’ve learned a lot. And they can take ownership of that learning, knowing that they earned it from hard­ won experience.

11 What’s more, the lessons we learn this way are those we are most likely to remember.

Fail, fail again . . . fail better

12 Everyone learns from mistakes. Yet, as obvious as the idea seems, scientists have done little research to measure how making mistakes affects what we learn and how long those lessons stay with us. Some recent research has, however, focused on a related topic. It’s about something known as learning through inquiry. From kindergarten through college, this technique is becoming popular. It basically means to learn by doing.

13 Joe Levine is a big supporter of this learning style. A biologist and science teacher, he is an author of one of the most widely used high school biology textbooks.

14 Students learn best by coming up with their own research questions and then testing them, he’s found. What’s more, he adds, students who practice this method in middle school and high school are more likely to continue to study science in college.

SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release...... 39 ELA Grades 3 through 8

Students take the lead

15 Ellen Granger heads the Office of Science Technology at Florida State University in Tallahassee. She has found that putting students at the center of learning helps science students achieve more. Her 2012 study worked with fourth­ and fifth­graders. However, she says, her results should apply to students at any age.

16 Whether they’re kindergartners or college students, “It doesn’t matter,” Granger says. “We’re finding the same things. . . . When you must do the sense­making, you learn better.” Sense­making? This is a term Granger uses to refer to students who try to personally make sense of a concept or process.

17 Success requires that you think creatively, not just take things at face value, she says. But you don’t have to go it alone. The approach calls for teachers to offer some guidance. Here, teachers aren’t supposed to tell you how something works. Instead, they should indirectly point the way by offering some careful, thought­ provoking questions.

Creativity is full of mistakes

18 Making mistakes can spark learning and creativity at any age and in any field. First, it takes conquering a significant fear. “Our fear of mistakes has hugely impeded our creativity,” says Margaret Heffernan. She is the author of the 2011 book Willful Blindness: Why We Ignore the Obvious at Our Peril.

19 “Our very competitive upbringing constrains our ability to do wildly creative work,” she says. “That’s why I’m very interested in people making mistakes and celebrating them.”

20 Heffernan urges students to value the process of thinking, and not just getting the “right” answer. “Messiness, making mistakes: There’s fantastically rich ground here for creativity and exploration,” she says.

Excerpt from “To Really Learn, Fail — Then Fail Again!” by Susan Moran, from Science News for Students. Copyright © 2015 by Susan Moran. Published by Society for Science & the Public.

40 SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release ELA Grades 3 through 8

Passage 2 Excerpt from “New Math: Fail + Try Again = Real Learning” by Susan Moran

Teachers increasingly urge students to risk failing as a route to ultimate success. 21 Learning from mistakes is hardly a new teaching or life philosophy. A century ago, after five months and more than 9,000 experiments, famed inventor Thomas Edison still wasn’t able to make a new type of storage battery work, according to a 1910 authorized biography. When a colleague pointed out all that effort had failed to yield any results, Edison retorted: “Results! Why, man, I have gotten a lot of results! I know several thousand things that won’t work.”

22 That adage is as enduring in the humanities as it is in science. Irish playwright and novelist Samuel Becket, who died in 1989, said: “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”

To grow, accept failure

23 Although it seems axiomatic that we learn and grow through trial and error, few studies have looked specifically at how making mistakes affects a student’s ability to learn. Even so, a teaching approach that embraces this style of learning has been gaining traction in K–12 and university curricula. It’s called inquiry­based learning, which basically means that students uncover knowledge by themselves. It is also sometimes called problem­ or discovery­based learning.

24 At the forefront of the movement to spread inquiry­based learning is Mary Walker, a clinical professor in the natural sciences at the University of Texas at Austin. She also is associate director of the UTeach program there.

25 “If you’re engaged in a hard problem, you’re developing an attitude that failure is okay,” says Walker. “Accepting failure helps you learn,” she notes. Moreover, you’re learning by working together.

Don’t assume failing is the same as falling

SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release 41 ELA Grades 3 through 8 26 More data have emerged about student­centered instruction. As Walker suggests, the technique often goes hand­in­hand with inquiry­based learning. Students often teach and mentor one another.

27 Ellen Granger, who heads the Office of Science Teaching Activities at Florida State University (which has its own UTeach program), published one such study in 2012. It compared how student­centered versus teacher­centered approaches affected fourth­ and fifth­grade students’ understanding of space­science concepts. The researchers found that learning outcomes were higher for students who enrolled in science classes that take a student­centered approach. Some of these effects were both significant and persistent. For instance, her team measured a positive influence on scores for tests administered 5.5 months after the original instruction.

28 Granger’s subjects were fourth and fifth graders. But taken together with other studies on student learning, she says, the results appear to apply to all students — from kindergarten through college. “It doesn’t matter whether we’re talking about K–5, 9–12 or undergraduates,” she says. “We’re finding the same things. . . . When you must do the sense­making, you learn better.”

29 By sense­making, she means that the students must actively engage in making sense of a concept or process. Teachers should not just explain how something works. Their students must instead attempt to think critically, guided by a teacher’s careful questioning. An added bonus: Students seem to take pride in figuring things out by themselves.

30 Biologist and science educator Joseph Levine co­authored Biology, a widely used high school textbook. This educator at the Museum Institute for Teaching Science at the Marine Biological Laboratory, in Woods Hole, Mass., also is trying to put inquiry­based learning into practice. His tactic: Enticing teachers to leave their classrooms for some time out in the field. Along with colleague Barbara Bentley, the two take teachers to the tropical forests of Costa Rica for two weeks of professional training. Their goal: Inspire the instructors to teach more hands­on practices.

31 “Science is always dynamic and changing,” says Levine. It’s much more complicated than any simple cookbook experiment, he maintains. “Students come up with their own questions and test their hypotheses using data. It creates lots of opportunities for making mistakes.”

Excerpt from “New Math: Fail + Try Again = Real Learning,” by Susan Moran, from Science News for Students. Copyright © 2015 by Susan Moran. Published by Society for Science & the Public. 42 SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release ELA Grades 3 through 8

“Results? Why, man, I have gotten a lot of results! I know several thousand things that won’t work!” — Thomas Edison

How does Thomas Edison’s statement and attitude support the idea of student­centered learning? Write an explanatory essay answering this question. Develop your essay using clear and relevant evidence from both passages.

SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release 43 ELA Grades 3 through 8 TN437899

Item Label TN437899 Max Points N/A Item Grade 08 Item Content ELA Item Type extendedText Key na DOK N/A Rubric N/A Standard 1 Code 8.W.TTP.2 Standard 1 Text N/A Standard 2 Code N/A Standard 2 Text N/A

Embarrassed? Blame Your Brain by Jennifer Connor­Smith

1 Remember when you could pick your nose in public or run outside in your underpants without a second thought? These days, you flood with embarrassment if your dad sings in front of your friends or you drop a tray in the cafeteria.

2 What changed? Not the rules about nose picking or your father’s singing voice, but your brain.

It’s All in Your Head

3 Sometime during middle school, changes in brain activity transform how we see the world. Spending time with other kids becomes a top priority. Hormones power up the brain’s reward system, making hanging out with friends more fun than ever before. But these changes come with a down side. Fitting in becomes essential. Threat­detection systems focus on what other people think and scan for any hints of disapproval. Hormones push the brain’s shame and self­consciousness systems into overdrive.

44 SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release ELA Grades 3 through 8

4 Because of these brain changes, teens start reacting more strongly to social problems. Scientists don’t know this just from surviving middle school — they have evidence from laboratory research. During a challenge like giving a speech, teens release more stress hormones and have higher blood pressure than kids or adults. Teens don’t even have to tackle a challenge to feel stressed. Even being watched over a video monitor makes teens sweat more than adults.

Words Do Hurt Like Sticks and Stones

5 Why do we use pain words, like “hurt feelings” and “broken hearted,” to talk about problems with other people? Maybe because our brains react to physical pain and social rejection in the same way. Psychologists explore this connection between physical and social pain by measuring brain activity while people play a computer game called Cyberball.

6 In Cyberball, research participants play a game of catch online with two other players. At least, that’s what they believe is happening. In reality, the other “players” are fake, just part of the game’s programming. The game starts fair, with the players programmed to share the ball with the research participant. Then, with no warning, the players start throwing the ball only to each other, leaving the research participant out completely.

7 No big surprise — teens in these Cyberball experiments feel sad and rejected. The surprising part? Rejection activates the same brain systems that physical pain triggers. Brain scans show that rejection fires up the “Ow!” part of our brain that makes pain upsetting. Without this pain­response system, we would recognize physical pain, but it wouldn’t bother us. This physical pain system also responds to many kinds of social pain, like thinking about a breakup or being called boring.

8 Some people have especially reactive pain­response systems. A stronger “Ow!” brain response in the lab translates to people feeling more rejected, self­conscious, and sad in real life. Differences in pain­system reactivity may help explain why rejection hurts teenagers more than young kids. In Cyberball experiments

SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release 45 ELA Grades 3 through 8

comparing children to teens, teens activate brain systems related to pain and sadness more strongly.

Embarrassment Has an Unfair Advantage

9 Our thoughts and feelings depend on the balance between many different brain systems. Activity in one system can amplify or cancel out activity in another. Because our brains take more than two decades to develop, some brain systems come online sooner than others. Unfortunately, the systems that trigger embarrassment and fear of rejection fire up years before the systems that tame bad feelings.

10 Imagine a tug­of­war with fear of rejection, the desire to fit in, and self­consciousness all pulling on the same side. With nothing pulling against them, they easily drag in all sorts of bad feelings. This imbalance means even small problems, like tripping in the hallway, can trigger a wave of embarrassment.

11 Brain scans reveal that adults unleash a powerful defender to pull the brain back into balance. Adult brains quickly fire up systems to soothe anxiety and generate positive thoughts. These systems help balance out concern about what other people think, so adults feel less hurt and embarrassed by rejection.

12 Wouldn’t it be better if we could just turn off hurt feelings, embarrassment, and the desire to fit in? Probably not. Before modern society, people needed to belong to a group to survive. Without a group, people couldn’t find enough food or protect themselves. Fear of rejection forced people to behave well enough for the community to keep them around.

13 Our lives don’t depend on social acceptance anymore, but social pain is still helpful. Fear of rejection pulls on the right side in the tug­of­war against mean or selfish behavior. Shame punishes us for lying or cheating, even if we don’t get caught. Social pain hurts, but it also makes us nicer. Brain scans show that teens with strong pain­response systems give more support to other kids.

14 Unfortunately, knowing the benefits of social pain won’t save you from a flash of humiliation when your mom reminds you to take a “potty break” in front of your friends. But you can take comfort in reminding yourself that the pain makes you a better person. Maybe even one less likely to embarrass your own kids someday.

“Embarrassed? Blame Your Brain” by Jennifer Connor­Smith, from Odyssey magazine. Published by Carus Publishing Company. Copyright © 2015 by Cricket Media.

46 SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release ELA Grades 3 through 8

Use It or Lose It: A Good Brain Pruning bya Laur K. Zimmermann

15 WARNING! As you read this, parts of your brain are disappearing. On the plus side, other parts of your brain, like the ones you are using to read this, are getting stronger. It’s a competition for survival, and the main players are neurons. Neurons are brain cells that process information by communicating with other neurons. Many have branches like a tree, with shorter “tree­ top” branches that receive messages and a long branch, the “tree trunk,” that sends them. Whenever you experience something, neurons start sending messages to each other. Different experiences activate connections between different neurons, creating networks. And it is these networks that are responsible for what we sense, think, feel, and do. Or more precisely, networks whose connections survive are responsible. Other connections disappear.

Brutal but Necessary

16 When we are young we have way more connections between our neurons than we need. These extra connections are there, ready to be used to build networks for the things we experience. And if you experience the same things over and over, like when you practice doing math problems, playing an instrument, or your backhand swing in tennis, the stronger the networks related to these skills become. Over time the connections between the neurons we use more frequently are kept and the others are pruned away, much like the pruning of a tree. It’s a dog­eat­dog world up there in your brain — you use it or you lose it.

SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release 47 ELA Grades 3 through 8

17 But brutal though it may be, the pruning process is important too, because pruning allows your brain to become increasingly more specialized so that you are better at the skills and information you use. Look at it this way: Is it more important to be able to distinguish the sounds of every language in the world, or to learn the language your family and friends use? Because as a newborn you actually could perceive all of the world’s language sounds, but that ability was pruned away long ago when you began to specialize in the languages used by the people around you.

Pruning the Teen Brain

18 Researchers used to think the pruning process slowed down after early childhood. They were wrong. Extra connections continue forming in different parts of the brain through the early teen years, with a second major pruning of these connections in later adolescence. So what does this mean for the teen brain? It is likely that, as in childhood, the extra connections set the stage for the pruning process that helps our brain become more efficient at processing the information we take in. But there are still many questions. For example, does having extra connections available help teens pick up new information and skills more easily? Are there times in adolescence when some things are easier to learn than others? There is still much to discover about what a good brain pruning in the teen years can do.

“Use It or Lose It” by Laura K. Zimmermann, from Odyssey magazine. Published by Carus Publishing Company. Copyright © 2015 by Cricket Media.

Each text discusses a different relationship between behavior and the brain. Write an essay explaining these relationships and how they are different from each other. Develop your essay by providing clear details and relevant evidence from both passages.

48 SPRING 2017 TCAP TNReady Item Release This page intentionally left blank. This page intentionally left blank. This page intentionally left blank. Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program TCAP TNReady—English Language Arts Grades 3 through 8 Passage and Writing Prompt Release Spring 2017

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109 Space Exploration Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best space exploration topic ideas & essay examples, 📑 good research topics about space exploration, ⭐ simple & easy space exploration essay titles, 💡 interesting topics to write about space exploration, ❓ research questions about space exploration.

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IvyPanda. (2023, October 26). 109 Space Exploration Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"109 Space Exploration Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 26 Oct. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) '109 Space Exploration Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 26 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "109 Space Exploration Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "109 Space Exploration Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023.


IvyPanda . "109 Space Exploration Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023.

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How to Build a Space Station

Nanoracks has grown from facilitating science research on the International Space Station to building a commercial space station of its own. Co-founder Chris Cummins ’89 explains how the firm has navigated disruption and built a collection of capabilities that opened up opportunity.

A rendering of a space station in orbit

A rendering of the planned commercial space station Starlab

  • Chris Cummins Chief of Staff, NanoRacks LLC, Voyager Space

Q: Nanoracks was founded in 2009. What was it like to launch a space startup at that point?

There were very few space startups and credibility was low. Nanoracks was one of the first, if not the first company, knocking on the door at NASA saying, “Hey, if you give us some room on the International Space Station (ISS), we'll figure out how to use it.”

A lot of people thought we were crazy because, at the time, NASA had only committed to operating the space station through 2015. We believed that it would be extended, and it has been, several times.

But we also thought it was good timing because from 1998, when the first segment was launched, until the ISS was completed in 2011, most of the focus was on how to get it all to work. When we approached them, they were realizing that if you’re going to build a space station and send astronauts to it, you don’t want them sitting up there twiddling their thumbs. You want them conducting research and making discoveries.

To their credit, NASA understood they are the masters of engineering and flight operations, but the agency was not set up properly to fully utilize the ISS, so they designated the nonprofit Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS) to manage the science and research. And prior to CASIS they gave us the opportunity to develop a commercial model.

We serve as an intermediary—connecting customers who want to do science, research, and technology testing in orbit with NASA who wants to make sure that the space station stays up there and that it’s safe for all the astronauts. At this point we’ve sent over 1,300 payloads to the ISS.

Q: Why did NASA trust you?

One of our core capabilities is carrying out NASA safety and verification work efficiently. It’s very tricky and important. Our team is very experienced; some of them developed the original NASA safety requirements for the space station while working at the agency.

When we were getting started, the shuttle program was coming to an end, so there were a lot of capable human-space-flight people in a risk-taking mode because they could see that stable jobs were going away and there were not a lot of other opportunities.

Nanoracks was also extremely lucky in having Jeff Manber as our CEO. In addition to establishing the Office of Space Commerce in the Commerce Department, he had worked with Energia, which is something like a combination of Boeing and NASA in Russia. They developed Soyuz and the Russian parts of the ISS. NASA folks knew Energia had a strong impact on human spaceflight.

Q: Why did customers want Nanoracks’ services?

Our business strategy has been to understand what people want to do and find solutions to the bottlenecks that are keeping them from doing it. Customers want to do experiments; they don’t want to master NASA paperwork or learn to build a payload. They want the data from their Cubesat; they don’t want to figure out the details of deploying it.

We were one of the pioneers in having a commercial-services offering for space experiments—what’s called an indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity contract—that made it simpler for federal agencies to use our services. We got good enough at doing the bureaucratic paperwork and the safety processes that groups at NASA used (and continue to use) our services to conduct experiments and other activities on the space station. NASA found we could get stuff through their system faster than NASA could itself.

One of the things I learned in my politics course at Yale SOM is that organizations are not monolithic. There are thousands of different parts of NASA, and they have different capabilities, budgets, etc. Whether it’s NASA, DOD, or a pharma company, these huge organizations are made of many groups. Each group has specific interests and needs to be treated as an individual customer, not an undifferentiated part of the larger organization.

Q: Part of what let you move customers’ projects forward efficiently is that you standardized the hardware for research. How does it work?

Our Nanolab modules are small boxes with electrical connections for power, data, and communication. When we send a payload up, astronauts unpack them and mount them in our racks and make sure each module is running. The experiments take place inside the module. After a defined period, often a month, they are pulled out and repacked to be returned to Earth.

We also have a platform on the outside of the space station. That’s used for projects testing the impacts of a vacuum or the various types of radiation in space. Often the projects are developing sensors or electronics that will be used in satellites.

Q: Nanoracks also deploys small satellites.

In 2013 we began deploying Cubesats off the space station. These satellites are about the size of a bread box. They do a lot of earth observation work and produce many of the images we see from space. But they can do many different things, and as people—and especially commercial startups—realized that, demand grew quickly.

We’d done some very good engineering and managed to get NASA comfortable with letting us deploy small satellites off from the space station. We can deploy 48 of the small 1U-sized Cubesats or 16 of the 3U-sized Cubesats at a time. For several years, we were the largest Cubesat deployer in the world. Our services advanced several leading commercial companies, such as Planet and Spire.

Q: One way that Nanoracks deploys satellites is through the Bishop Airlock, which is the only operational, privately funded large facility on the space station. How did that come about?

We were deploying Cubesats through the Japanese airlock. They go outside the ISS on an arm and the deployer we built jettisoned the satellites away from the station. But there were only so many openings a year; we were having to turn people away.

We believed the Japanese had the ability to do more openings, so we thought we could encourage them by suggesting we’d build our own airlock. We called it Bishop for the chess piece. We made our move. They didn’t bite, so we ended up having to build it, which was in itself a big achievement.

Rideshare on expendable rockets like SpaceX’s Transporter mission has taken off with significant reductions in prices from five years ago and more launches. A lot of the CubeSat market now deploys from those rockets. The Bishop is now getting used much more for in-space tech demonstrations like the one just done with Gitai, a robotics company.

Q: What did the shift in the Cubesat market do to your business?

We were disrupted. But even as we were doing very well with Cubesat launches, we knew that the huge demand meant others would figure out ways to compete. We’ve learned you must be alert to your environment and understand that the competition may not be a similar service but a substitute.

The history of Nanoracks has been to continually ask, based on what we’ve done, what can we do next? We started off with simple experiments inside the space station. Then we developed a system to hold experiments outside. Then we figured out how to deploy Cubesats. Then we figured out how to build our own airlock. Then we were able to look at building our own space station.

If all you need to know is whether your new sensors or electronics function in space, then putting them in a Cubesat and sending it up on a rideshare mission is an option. Where we are different is that we can put your research on the outside of the space station and then you get your hardware back to examine. For some that’s important, but not for everybody.

The question becomes, as the space economy develops, how do you take advantage of the growing infrastructure? How do you understand the new opportunities? How do you make customers successful?

Q: Has building the Bishop Airlock paid off?

We proudly have customers for the airlock. Our experience is that it often can take about five years of platforms actually operating before the research and tech development communities say, “Oh, that does make sense. I can figure out how to use that.”

Successfully building the Bishop Airlock in an affordable way elevated Nanoracks. It showed we could manage an infrastructure project for human spaceflight.

Q: The International Space Station is scheduled for decommissioning in 2030. Nanorack’s Starlab proposal was one of three chosen by NASA, in 2021, to be developed as potential commercial replacements. The other two were from Blue Origin and Northrop Grumman. Where does the project stand?

Our target is to launch Starlab as early as 2028. We’re moving along. It’s no simple task. NASA gave us $160 million for the first phase. Sometime in the next two years, NASA will set out requests for proposal for accommodations for astronauts and that is a key opportunity for the space industry and critical to maintaining a permanent U.S.-crewed presence in space.

Organizations that didn’t get funding in the first phase are allowed to bid, so there may be new participants. But Northrop Grumman has already decided rather than pursuing their own design they’re joining our effort. Their primary human-related space activity is the Cygnus supply vehicle that goes up to the space station. They’re now doing work to make sure that that’s compatible with Starlab. That fits their corporate focus better than trying to build a whole space station.

Q: In addition to partnering with Northup Grumman, Nanoracks has brought in several other companies, including Airbus. And Nanoracks became a part of Voyager Space. How does this all play into the process?

It’s a matter of assembling the right technical capabilities, strategic proficiencies, geographic reach, and financial wherewithal to take on such a large project.

Nanoracks has developed the capacity to provide an array of services in space. In 2021, we became part of Voyager Space. The companies owned by Voyager are capable of an even broader range of activities and are positioned to grow well together and in cooperation with government and commercial customers.

A lot of people in the aerospace industry will talk about the Customer with a capital C, and that means the government. NASA was very excited by the proposals that came in that talked about NASA being one of several customers. That’s definitely our approach. Along those lines, we partnered with Airbus, which brings deep connections to the European Space Agency and all of the participating countries that have human space flight programs and want to continue to send their astronauts into space. And we very recently partnered with Mitsubishi in Japan.

Q: How many space stations do you expect in orbit in the next 5 or 10 years?

NASA would very much like there to be at least two U.S. providers, but that doesn’t count foreign space stations. For instance, China is operating its Tiangong space station in orbit today.

This commercial space station program is the third iteration of using commercial suppliers. NASA started doing commercial resupply of the space station in 2012. SpaceX’s Dragon capsule delivered cargo—doing it successfully really helped save SpaceX when it was going through early rough times. Orbital, which is now part of Northrop Grumman, was the other provider, with the Cygnus. There have been failures in both those launch vehicles. That demonstrated why it’s very good to have alternatives.

After commercial resupply came commercial crew. SpaceX is now delivering crews to the space station. The other competitor is Boeing, however, they have yet to complete a human mission with their Starliner. That, again, underscores the importance of not relying on just one supplier.

Q: What are the business opportunities you are watching in the space economy?

The core thing to watch is how people take advantage of declining costs of getting to and from space. When SpaceX gets their next generation launch vehicle [Starship] going, it may cut the cost of launch by another order of magnitude.

Here’s one way to think about that: in the mid-1980s, it was probably a good bet to build a business that was positioned to take advantage of computing costs coming down dramatically. I’m hopeful that’s the right analogy for what’s to come in the space economy.

Q: Are there specific fields that seem promising?

Nanoracks and Voyager are betting on manufacturing in the next 5 to 10 years. With the number of experiments going on, there’s a good chance we will see a breakthrough—some material-science process that requires microgravity and yields low mass but very valuable materials. Maybe a protein crystal for biopharma or a colloidal crystal for active optics. That would kick off a lot of industry activity. It could make Starlab a truly great investment.

From a finance perspective, anything much more than 10 years out has pretty close to zero present value—unless it’s absolutely huge. That’s said, there’s a lot of interest in space-based solar, whether for satellites or for transmitting power down to earth in spots where you need huge amounts of energy like a production facility. It’s likely at least 10 or 15 years out.

Further out, if you’re going to manufacture anything in space, it’s much better to get materials from the moon rather than bringing them up from earth.

Q: How did you develop an interest in space?

It started with a picture book at our local children’s library. I was also one of the successful targets of NASA’s PR campaigns in the 1960s. The interest stayed with me. I wrote a paper about working in space when I was in high school. And my applications essay to Yale SOM focused on developing opportunities in space.

The thing that initially attracted me to Yale SOM was a profile of Bill Claybaugh who worked for both NASA and private space companies. I thought, “Oh, that makes sense; you want to understand both the government side and the business side of these opportunities.”

When we started Nanoracks, I got the job I always wanted, except the industry wasn’t there until the late 2000s, so my job search was 30 years long.

Q: And it required helping to create the company you wanted to work for.


Essay on India’s Achievements in Space

Students are often asked to write an essay on India’s Achievements in Space in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on India’s Achievements in Space


India has made great strides in space exploration. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) leads these efforts, launching numerous satellites and missions.

Chandrayaan Missions

ISRO launched Chandrayaan-1 in 2008, marking India’s first lunar probe. Chandrayaan-2, launched in 2019, aimed to land on the moon, showcasing India’s ambitions.

Mars Orbiter Mission

The Mars Orbiter Mission, or Mangalyaan, launched in 2013, made India the first Asian nation to reach Mars orbit and the first globally to do so in its maiden attempt.

Satellite Launches

India has launched over 100 satellites, serving various purposes like communication, weather monitoring, and navigation.

Future Plans

ISRO plans to launch Gaganyaan, its first manned mission, and continue exploring the moon, Mars, Venus, and the Sun.

250 Words Essay on India’s Achievements in Space

India’s journey into space began with the establishment of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) in 1969. Under the visionary leadership of Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, the nation embarked on an ambitious journey to explore the cosmos.

Launching Satellites

India’s first significant achievement in space was the launch of Aryabhata, its first satellite, in 1975. This was followed by the launch of Bhaskara, Rohini, and INSAT series, affirming India’s growing capabilities in satellite technology. The Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), also known as Mangalyaan, marked a landmark achievement, making India the first Asian nation to reach Mars orbit and the first globally to do so in its maiden attempt.

Indigenous Developments

India’s space program stands out for its emphasis on indigenous technology. The development of the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) and the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) are noteworthy achievements. The successful testing of the GSLV Mark III, capable of carrying heavier payloads, further underscores India’s self-reliance in space technology.

India’s lunar missions, Chandrayaan-1 and Chandrayaan-2, have significantly contributed to lunar science. Chandrayaan-1 discovered traces of water on the moon, a groundbreaking discovery that has reshaped our understanding of Earth’s satellite.

India’s accomplishments in space are a testament to the nation’s scientific prowess and determination. The upcoming Gaganyaan mission, aiming to send humans into space, signifies the next leap forward. Despite budget constraints, India’s space program has achieved remarkable feats, inspiring a new generation of scientists and positioning the country as a global space power.

500 Words Essay on India’s Achievements in Space

India’s journey into space exploration began with small steps in the late 1960s and has since evolved into a fully-fledged space program that is recognized globally. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has been the pioneer and driving force behind this success.

Early Achievements

India’s first satellite, Aryabhata, was launched by the Soviet Union in 1975. However, the real breakthrough came in 1980 when ISRO successfully launched Rohini, its first indigenously developed satellite, into orbit using the Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV). This was a significant achievement, marking India’s entry into the select group of nations capable of launching their own satellites.

Progress in Satellite Technology

Over the years, India has developed a range of satellites serving different purposes. The Indian National Satellite (INSAT) system, launched in the 1980s, revolutionized communications, meteorology, and broadcasting in India. The Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellites have been instrumental in managing natural resources and monitoring environmental factors.

ISRO’s Chandrayaan-1 mission in 2008 was a major milestone. The mission discovered water molecules on the moon, contributing significantly to lunar science. This was followed by the Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), or Mangalyaan, in 2013, making India the first Asian country to reach Mars orbit and the only one to do so on its first attempt.

Development of Launch Vehicles

Parallel to satellite development, ISRO has also made significant strides in launch vehicle technology. The Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) has been ISRO’s workhorse, with a remarkable track record of successful launches. The Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) and its variants have enabled India to launch heavier satellites into geostationary orbits.

The successful testing of the GSLV Mark III, India’s heaviest rocket, and the development of reusable launch vehicle technology demonstrate ISRO’s commitment to innovation and cost-effectiveness.

Human Spaceflight and Future Endeavors

India’s ambitions are not limited to unmanned missions. The Gaganyaan mission, scheduled for 2022, aims to send Indian astronauts into space, further cementing India’s place in space exploration.

ISRO also has plans for missions to study the sun (Aditya-L1), Venus (Shukrayaan-1), and a second mission to Mars (Mangalyaan-2). The proposed Chandrayaan-3 mission aims to land an Indian rover on the moon.

India’s achievements in space have been remarkable, especially considering the resource constraints. These achievements have not only advanced scientific understanding but also have practical applications for everyday life, from weather forecasting to communication and disaster management. As India continues its journey into the cosmos, one can expect further groundbreaking discoveries and advancements in technology. This journey is a testament to India’s spirit of exploration and its capacity for technological innovation.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on India in Space
  • Essay on Space Shuttle
  • Essay on Space

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

One Comment

Tqsm sir…. From this essay I knew very much about the achievements of india in the field of space…….🙏🏻🙏🏻

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50, 100, And 300 Words Essay on Space In English

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Table of Contents


Children are interested in space because it is a fascinating topic. It generates curiosity and interest among us when we hear about space missions or astronauts flying into space. In our minds, there are many questions. 

At takeoff, how intense is the acceleration for astronauts? When you are floating weightlessly in space, how does it feel? What is the sleeping environment like for astronauts? How do they eat? When viewed from space, how does Earth look? In this essay on space, you will find the answers to all of these questions. To gain a deeper understanding of space, students should read it.

50 Words Essay on Space

Space is the area outside the earth. Planets, meteors, stars, and other celestial objects can be found in space. Meteors are objects that fall from the sky. There is a lot of silence in space. If you scream loudly enough in space, no one will hear you.

Air does not exist in space! What a strange experience that would be! Yes, indeed! Basically, it’s just a vacuum. No sound waves can travel in this space and no sunlight can scatter in it. A black blanket can sometimes cover space.

There is some life in space. Stars and planets are separated by a vast distance. Gas and dust fill this gap. Celestial bodies also exist in other constellations. There are many of them, including our planet.

100 Words Essay on Space

The sound of your scream can’t be heard in space. The vacuum in space is caused by the lack of air. Vacuums do not permit the propagation of sound waves.

A 100 km radius around our planet marks the beginning of “outer space.”. Space appears as a black blanket dotted with stars due to the absence of air to scatter sunlight.

There is a common belief that space is empty. However, this is not true. Massive amounts of thinly spread gas and dust fill the vast gaps between stars and planets. A few hundred atoms or molecules per cubic meter can be found even in the most empty parts of space.

Radiation in space can also be dangerous to astronauts in many forms. Solar radiation is a major source of infrared and ultraviolet radiation. A high-energy X-ray, gamma ray, and cosmic ray particle can travel as fast as light if it comes from a distant star system.

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300 Words Essay on Space

Our countrymen have always been fascinated by things related to space. It was only through imagination and stories that man could dream of traveling in space when it was absolutely impossible to do so.

Space Travel is Now Possible

Until the twentieth century, the man had significant success in space research, giving this dream a simple form.

India has grown so much in science in the 21st century that many mysteries of space have been solved by the country. Additionally, visiting the moon has become very easy now, which was the dream of many long ago. As a side note, human spaceflight began in 1957.

First Life in Space

‘Layaka’ was sent into space for the first time via this vehicle to explore how space affects animals.

A spacecraft named Explorer was launched by the United States of America on January 31, 1958, giving another title to the world of space.

An enormous magnetic field above the Earth was to be discovered through this vehicle, along with its effects on Earth as a whole.

First Passenger

Our space research history is remembered for the event of July 20, 1969. Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin became the first Americans to set foot on the moon on this day.

Sitting on a spacecraft named ‘Apollo-11’, he reached the surface of the moon. A third passenger in this spacecraft was Michael Collins.

He said, “Everything is beautiful” when he first landed on the moon. With this, he became the first person in the world to land on the moon.


It would have been impossible to have imagined that the era of space tourism would also come in the future following the dawn of the space age. The first space tourist in the world was India’s Dennis Tito in 2002.

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✍️Essay on Success in 100,150 and 200 Words: The Power of Positive Mindset

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  • Oct 26, 2023

Essay on Success

The concept of success is very simple; if you invest your time wisely and work hard, you will achieve success in no time. But success is not as simple as it sounds; what might sound like success to one might not be the same for another person. It embodies the realization of one’s goals, aspirations, and desires, often accompanied by a sense of accomplishment and fulfilment.

Success is manifested in different aspects, such as career achievements, personal growth, or even the pursuit of happiness. It is a journey filled with determination, perseverance, and often a willingness to learn from both triumphs and setbacks. Ultimately, success is a subjective pursuit that reflects the unique path and definition of achievement for each person.

Table of Contents

  • 1 What Makes a Person Successful?
  • 2 Essay on Success in 100 Words
  • 3 Essay on Success in 150 Words
  • 4 Essay on Success in 200 Words

What Makes a Person Successful?

Being successful is very subjective and can vary from person to person. Therefore, here are some common factors which contribute to the success of a person.

  • Hard Work and Persistence: Success requires effort and dedication and one has the ability to face challenges.
  • Setting Clear Goals: It is very important for one to have specific and attainable goals which will provide direction and motivation. 
  • Networking: The person should have the capability to build relations and at the same time be open to opportunities which strike. 
  • Time Management: Managing time effectively and priorities is essential for productivity and progress. 
  • Self-Discipline: One should be very focused and maintain self-control which will help them achieve long-term goals. 
  • Management of Finances: Having a basic understanding of finances and managing them wisely is also very important for attaining financial success. 

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Essay on Success in 100 Words

Success is the culmination of dedication, hard work, and determination. It is not merely the achievement of material wealth, but the fulfilment of one’s goals and aspirations. Success varies from person to person; for some, it’s a thriving career, while for others, it could be having a harmonious family life. 

To attain success, individuals must set clear objectives, persevere through challenges, and learn from failures. Success often involves learning, adapting, and embracing change. It’s the result of resilience and the willingness to keep pushing forward. Ultimately, success is a personal journey, and its definition is unique to each individual.

Essay on Success in 150 Words

Everybody wants to be successful in life, but are they willing to put in all their efforts? Success is not solely measured by wealth or fame but by achieving one’s goals and finding fulfilment. True success is often the result of determination, hard work, and resilience. Setting clear, achievable objectives and being persistent through challenges are crucial components.

Education is a common path to success, providing knowledge and skills that open doors to opportunities. Embracing failure as a stepping stone, learning from mistakes, and adapting to change are essential to achieving success. However, it’s important to recognize that success is subjective and can encompass a broader spectrum of achievements beyond material possessions.

Personal growth, happiness, and a sense of purpose are all part of success. Balancing personal and professional life is key to sustaining it. Ultimately, success is a journey, not a destination, and it’s about realizing your full potential and making a meaningful contribution to the world.

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Essay on Success in 200 Words

Success is a multifaceted concept, often defined by achieving one’s goals and aspirations. It is a subjective and deeply personal notion, as what constitutes success varies from person to person. However, a common thread in success is the continuous pursuit of one’s ambitions, combined with determination and hard work.

Success is not solely measured by material wealth, but rather by the fulfilment and satisfaction that comes from reaching one’s objectives. It is the result of setting clear goals, developing a plan, and facing all the challenges. The road to success is rarely smooth; it is often marked by setbacks and failures. These obstacles are crucial for personal growth, teaching valuable lessons that contribute to success in the long run.

Moreover, success is not an endpoint; it is a continuous journey. It requires adaptability and the willingness to learn and evolve. Success can be found in various aspects of life, from career achievements to personal relationships and self-fulfilment. It is the balance and harmony between these different facets that lead to a truly successful and meaningful life.

In conclusion, success is a complex and individualized concept, rooted in determination, hard work, resilience, and personal growth. It is not defined solely by external markers but by the fulfilment and happiness, one derives from their accomplishments and the journey to achieve them.

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Writing an essay on success requires you to describe this multifaceted concept. Success is achieved when one’s goal and objective is attained. Those who are successful, have fulfilled their highest ambitions in life and work, or are actively striving towards doing so. 

Happiness does not follow success. Contrary to popular belief, living a life that makes you happy can help you achieve your goals and be content. 

You gain from success because it gives you the things you want or need. Setting and achieving attainable goals results in a feeling of well-being. 

For more information on such interesting topics, visit our essay-writing page and follow Leverage Edu ! 

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Malvika Chawla

Malvika is a content writer cum news freak who comes with a strong background in Journalism and has worked with renowned news websites such as News 9 and The Financial Express to name a few. When not writing, she can be found bringing life to the canvasses by painting on them.

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    Two article excerpts by author Cameron Keady "A Success in Space" and "America's New Spacecraft" describe two space crafts with very different missions. The purpose of this essay is to explain the purpose of each mission and then argue which mission was the more successful. The first mission, as described in "A Success in Space ...

  4. Excerpt From 'A Success In Space' By Cameron Keady

    The Space Race Essay. The Space Race was a competition between the Soviet Union and the United States for supremacy in space. From 1955 until 1975, both sides battled it out to be the leader in the competition. ... In the excerpt "A Success in Space "it talks about how a small probe helped scientists take a huge leap forward in space ...

  5. The Meaning of Human Spaceflight: 20 Essays on Its 50th Anniversary

    The Human Face of Space Exploration: A Message of Hope Kenneth Phillips, curator for aerospace science, California Science Center: It mattered not (at least to a 12-year-old) that Gagarin was ...

  6. Summary

    During its more than 50-year history, NASA's success in human space exploration has depended on the agency's ability to effectively address a wide range of biomedical, engineering, physical science, and related obstacles—an achievement made possible by NASA's strong and productive commitments to life and physical sciences research for human ...

  7. What Was the Space Race?

    On January 31, 1958, a modified Redstone missile, the Jupiter-C, lofted America's first satellite, Explorer 1, into space. In March, the Navy's Vanguard succeeded in its third attempt to launch a satellite. Although still behind, America had rallied after its initial stumble and was now in the Space Race. Shooting for the Moon.

  8. NASA's SERT II: 'A Genuine Space Success Story'

    "A genuine space success story," is how Experiments Manager William Kerslake described NASA's second Space Electric Rocket Test (SERT II), the first long-duration operation of ion thrusters in space. SERT II provided researchers with data for years beyond its expected lifetime and was a rare example of an entire mission - including the launch, propulsion system, spacecraft, and control ...

  9. Rosetta's Excerpt From 'A Success In Space'

    Satisfactory Essays. 257 Words. 2 Pages. Open Document. In the excerpt from "A success in space" we are given information about a small probe that has explored mars! The probe will take pictures and dig up samples of the comet's surface. This probe was called Rosetta. The probe was the size of a washing machine. Rosetta was on one mission.

  10. PDF SpaceX, Economies of Scale, and a Revolution in Space Access

    MEHAK SARANG. SpaceX, Economies of Scale, and a Revolution in Space Access. On the afternoon of February 6, 2018, Space Exploration Technologies' (SpaceX) Falcon Heavy launched from the historic Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida. At an altitude of 115 km, the rocket fairing separated from the main stage and deployed a cherry red ...

  11. Human Access to Space and Space Flight Essay (Critical Writing)

    Human access and exploration in space is not a matter of pride and prestige, as most people would say. While the USA and USSR fought to dominate space travel in its initial stages, contemporary researchers and scientists consider space exploration vital for human survival (Kelsey-Sugg & Fegan, 2018). This approach may lead to an exaggerated ...

  12. A Success In Space Analysis

    Both passages "A Success in space" and "America's New Spacecraft" both have very important missions. Even though passage two "America's New Spacecraft'' is talking about making spacecraft design better, passage one "A Success in Space" has a more significant mission because it talks about understanding the makeup of comets helping understand the makeup of the universe.

  13. The Key to Survival, In Space

    To make it in space we will need to cooperate and pledge to help one another. The survival of a stranger will mean the survival of the species. Our fellow space dwellers, whether on the moon or Mars, will live with the constant threat of emergencies and disasters. They may need to evacuate unsuitable spacecraft or homes and may find themselves ...

  14. An Analysis Of Cameron Keady's A Success In Space Exploration

    An article called "A Success in Space" by Cameron Keady tells its readers about the marvelous mission of Philae Lander and its mothership Rosetta. Another article by the same author called "America's New Spacecraft" talks about the perfect flight of the spaceship Orion. Both were really astounding missions, however, Orion's test ...

  15. If Humanity Is to Succeed in Space, Our Ethics Must Evolve

    An early intervention was Hannah Arendt's 1963 essay, "The Conquest of Space and the Stature of Man," in which she asked how our being in, and seeing ourselves from, space would affect our sense of our place in the universe and our earthly conceptions of value and obligation. This was space ethics more as geocentric reflection on how ...

  16. Essay on Space Exploration

    Tips to write an IELTS Essay on Space Exploration. The essay's word count should be at least 250 words. There is no maximum word count. If you write less than 250 words, you risk submitting an incomplete essay. The goal should be to write a minimum of 250-words essay. There will be more than one question on the essay topic.

  17. Grades 3-8 Item Release, Spring 2017

    Excerpt from "A Success in Space" by Cameron Keady. 1 On November 12, 2014, a small probe helped scientists take a big step forward in space exploration. ... Write an essay that explains the purpose of each mission and then argues which mission was more successful. Develop your essay by providing textual evidence from both passages. Manage ...

  18. NASA's Space Sustainability Strategy

    To address a rapidly changing space operating environment and ensure its preservation for generations to come, NASA released the first part of its integrated Space Sustainability Strategy, on Tuesday advancing the agency's role as a global leader on this crucial issue. Low Earth orbit, the focus of volume one of NASA's Space Sustainability ...

  19. 109 Space Exploration Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    The analysis of the accidents led to the development of a number of recommendations. The Main Reasons for Space Exploration. In 1957, the Soviet successfully launched the first satellite into space that marked the beginning of space exploration. After the success of the Soviet's satellite, the U.S.invested more into space exploration.

  20. A new success: On collaboration in space programmes

    On February 22, U.S.-based Intuitive Machines (IM) became the first private company to soft-land a robotic craft on the moon. The success of many space service providers in the U.S. is rooted in ...

  21. PDF Space Exploration in the 21st Century: Global Opportunities and Challenges

    I see three major steps: make the utilization of the ISS a success for exploration, develop robotic exploration plans, and define a human exploration scenario. Make ISS Utilization a Success The recent decision taken by President Obama to extend the operation of ISS to 2020 and beyond is very good news for all partners.

  22. How to Build a Space Station

    It started with a picture book at our local children's library. I was also one of the successful targets of NASA's PR campaigns in the 1960s. The interest stayed with me. I wrote a paper about working in space when I was in high school. And my applications essay to Yale SOM focused on developing opportunities in space.

  23. Essay on Space

    500 Words Essay on Space The Infinite Expanse: A Journey Into Space. Space, the final frontier, is a vast, unending expanse filled with galaxies, stars, and planets. It is a place of infinite possibilities and endless mysteries, a realm that humans have long yearned to explore and understand. The Fascination with Space

  24. Essay on India's Achievements in Space

    500 Words Essay on India's Achievements in Space Introduction. India's journey into space exploration began with small steps in the late 1960s and has since evolved into a fully-fledged space program that is recognized globally. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has been the pioneer and driving force behind this success.

  25. Sol 398 Update On Curiosity From USGS Scientist Ken Herkenhoff: The Veins

    NASA Science Editorial Team. Sep 18, 2013. Article. The short drive to the next contact science location at Waypoint 1 was successful, so we planned a lot of MAHLI images and a couple ChemCam observations of the veins in front of the rover . Planning is still restricted, so these data will not be received in time to plan Sol 399, but will be ...

  26. 50, 100, And 300 Words Essay on Space In English

    300 Words Essay on Space. ... Until the twentieth century, the man had significant success in space research, giving this dream a simple form. India has grown so much in science in the 21st century that many mysteries of space have been solved by the country. Additionally, visiting the moon has become very easy now, which was the dream of many ...

  27. Essay on Success in 100,150 and 200 Words: The Power of Positive Mindset

    Essay on Success in 100 Words. Success is the culmination of dedication, hard work, and determination. It is not merely the achievement of material wealth, but the fulfilment of one's goals and aspirations. Success varies from person to person; for some, it's a thriving career, while for others, it could be having a harmonious family life.

  28. How Israel and allied defenses intercepted more than 300 Iranian ...

    Most of the more than 300 Iranian munitions, the majority of which are believed to have been launched from inside of Iran's territory during a five-hour attack, were intercepted before they got ...

  29. Israel Used Iron Dome and Arrow 3 Systems to Block Attack

    By Cassandra Vinograd and Matthew Mpoke Bigg. April 14, 2024. Israeli forces used two main defensive weapons, the Iron Dome and the Arrow 3, to shoot down most of the more than 300 drones ...

  30. A Psychologist Explains Why A Good Morning Routine Is 'Non ...

    2. Reduced Decision Fatigue. Establishing and adhering to routines can significantly reduce decision fatigue in our daily lives, as noted by the Decision Lab. Simple practices such as consistent ...