1. [Solved] Python: NameError: free variable 're' referenced

    free variable 'x' referenced before assignment in enclosing scope

  2. An Essential Guide to Python nonlocal Scopes and nonlocal Variables

    free variable 'x' referenced before assignment in enclosing scope

  3. NameError: free variable 'url' referenced before assignment in

    free variable 'x' referenced before assignment in enclosing scope

  4. Worksheets for Python Global Variable In Function Referenced Before

    free variable 'x' referenced before assignment in enclosing scope

  5. "Fixing UnboundLocalError: Local Variable Referenced Before Assignment

    free variable 'x' referenced before assignment in enclosing scope

  6. NameError: free variable ‘***‘ referenced before assignment in

    free variable 'x' referenced before assignment in enclosing scope


  1. Flask+Mysql #CURD OPERATION#rlocal variable 'cursor' referenced before assignment

  2. Linear Algebra Video #6: Reduced Echelon Form

  3. error in django: local variable 'context' referenced before assignment

  4. What is Scope in python??#pythonforbeginners #pythontutorial #python #scope

  5. Python Function ( PART

  6. PHP Variable Scope & Operator