Interesting Literature

A Summary and Analysis of Alice Walker’s ‘Everyday Use’

By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University)

‘Everyday Use’ is one of the most popular and widely studied short stories by Alice Walker. It was first published in Harper’s Magazine in 1973 before being collected in Walker’s short-story collection In Love and Trouble .

Walker uses ‘Everyday Use’ to explore different attitudes towards Black American culture and heritage.

‘Everyday Use’: plot summary

The story is narrated in the first person by Mrs Johnson, a largeAfrican-American woman who has two daughters, Dee (the older of the two) and Maggie (the younger). Whereas Maggie, who is somewhat weak and lacking in confidence, shares many of her mother’s views, Dee is rather different.

Mrs Johnson tells us how she and the local church put together the funds to send Dee away to school to get an education. When Dee returned, she would read stories to her mother and sister. Mrs Johnson tells us she never had much of an education as her school was shut down, and although Maggie can read, her eyesight is poor and, according to her mother, is not especially clever.

Mrs Johnson also tells us how their previous house recently burned down: a house, she tells us, which Dee had never liked. Dee hasn’t yet visited her mother and sister in the new house, but she has said that when she does come she will not bring her friends with her, implying she is ashamed of where her family lives.

However, Mrs Johnson then describes Dee’s first visit to the new house. She turns up with her new partner, a short and stocky Muslim man, whom Mrs Johnson refers to as ‘Asalamalakim’, after the Muslim greeting the man speaks when he arrives (a corruption of ‘salaam aleikum’ or ‘ As-salamu alaykum ’). He later tells Mrs Johnson to call him Hakim-a-barber.

Dee then tells her mother that she is no longer known as Dee, but prefers to be called Wangero Lee-wanika Kemanjo, because she no longer wishes to bear a name derived from the white people who oppressed her and other African Americans. Her mother points out that Dee was named after her aunt, Dicie, but Dee is convinced that the name originally came from their white oppressors.

Dee/Wangero now starts to examine the objects in the house which belonged to her grandmother (who was also known as Dee), saying which ones she intends to take for herself. When Mrs Johnson tells her she is keeping the quilts for when Maggie marries John Thomas, Dee responds that her sister is so ‘backward’ she’d probably put the special quilts to ‘everyday use’, thus wearing them out to ‘rags’ in a few years.

Although Maggie resignedly lets her older sister have the quilts, when Dee moves to take them for herself, Mrs Johnson is suddenly inspired to snatch them back from her and hold Maggie close to herself, refusing to give them up to Dee and telling her to take one of the other quilts instead.

Dee leaves with Hakim-a-barber, telling her mother and Maggie that they don’t understand their own heritage. She also tells Maggie to try to make something of herself rather than remaining home with their mother. After they’ve left, Maggie and her mother sit outside until it’s time to go indoors and retire to bed.

‘Everyday Use’: analysis

The central crux of Alice Walker’s story is the difference between Dee and her mother in their perspectives and attitudes. Where Mrs Johnson, the mother of the family, sees everything in terms of the immediate family and home, Dee (or Wangero, as she renames herself) is more interested in escaping this immediate environment.

She does this first by leaving the family home and becoming romantically involved with a man of African Muslim descent. She also looks deeper into her African roots in order to understand ‘where she comes from’, as the phrase has it: not just in terms of the family’s direct lineage of daughter, mother, grandmother, and so on (Mrs Johnson’s way of looking at it, as exemplified by their discussion over the origins of Dee’s name), but in a wider, and deeper sense of African-American history and belonging.

This departure from her mother’s set of values is most neatly embodied by her change of name, rejecting the family name Dee in favour of the African name Wangero Lee-wanika Kemanjo. Names, in fact, are very important in this story: Maggie is obviously known by a European name, and ‘Johnson’, the family name borne by ‘Mama’, and thus by her daughters, doubly reinforces (John and son) the stamp of male European power on their lives and history.

Dee, too, is very much a family name: not just because it is the name the family use for the elder daughter, but because it is a name borne by numerous female members of the family going back for generations. But Dee/Wangero suspects it is ultimately, or originally, of European extraction, and wants to distance herself from this. Dee’s rejection of the immediate family’s small and somewhat parochial attitude is also embodied by the fact that she reportedly hated their old house which had recently burned down.

‘Everyday Use’ was published in 1973, and Dee’s (or Wangero’s) search for her ancestral identity through African culture and language is something which was becoming more popular among African Americans in the wake of the US civil rights movement of the 1960s.

Indeed, a productive dialogue could be had between Dee’s outlook in ‘Everyday Use’ and the arguments put forward by prominent Black American writers and activists of the 1970s such as Audre Lorde, who often wrote – in her poem ‘ A Woman Speaks ’, for example – about the ancestral African power that Black American women carry, a link to their deeper roots which should be acknowledged and cultivated.

However, Walker does some interesting things in ‘Everyday Use’ which prevent the story from being wholly celebratory off Dee’s (Wangero’s) new-found sense of self. First, she had Mrs Johnson or ‘Mama’ narrate the story, so we only see Dee from her mother’s very different perspective: we only view Dee, or Wangero, from the outside, as it were.

Second, Dee/Wangero does not conduct herself in ways which are altogether commendable: she snatches the best quilts, determined to wrest them from her mother and sister and disregarding Maggie’s strong filial links to her aunt and grandmother who taught her how to quilt. The quilt thus becomes a symbol for Maggie’s link with the previous matriarchs of the family, which Dee is attempting to sever her from.

But she is not doing this out of kindness for Maggie, despite her speech to her younger sister at the end of the story. Instead, she seems to be motivated by more selfish reasons, and asserts her naturally dominant personality and ability to control her sister in order to get her way. The very title of Walker’s story, ‘Everyday Use’, can be analysed as a sign of Dee’s dismissive and patronising attitude towards her sister and mother: to her, they don’t even know how to use a good quilt properly and her sister would just put it out for everyday use.

We can also analyse Walker’s story in terms of its use of the epiphany : a literary whereby a character in a story has a sudden moment of consciousness, or a realisation. In ‘Everyday Use’, this occurs when Mrs Johnson, seeing Maggie prepared to give up her special bridal present to her sister, gathers the courage to stand her ground and to say no to Dee. She is clearly in awe of what Dee/Wangero has become, so this moment of self-assertion – though it is also done for Maggie, too – is even more significant.

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Analysis of Alice Walker’s Everyday Use

By NASRULLAH MAMBROL on May 24, 2021

Probably Alice Walker ’s most frequently anthologized story, “Everyday Use” first appeared in Walker’s collection In Love and Trouble: Stories by Black Women. Walker explores in this story a divisive issue for African Americans, one that has concerned a number of writers, Lorraine Hansberry, for instance, in her play Raisin in the Sun (1959). The issue is generational as well as cultural: In leaving home and embracing their African heritage, must adults turn their backs on their African-American background and their more traditional family members? The issue, while specifically African-American, can also be viewed as a universal one in terms of modern youth who fail to understand the values of their ancestry and of their immediate family. Walker also raises the question of naming, a complicated one for African Americans, whose ancestors were named by slaveholders.

The first-person narrator of the story is Mrs. Johnson, mother of two daughters, Maggie and Dicie, nicknamed Dee. Addressing the readers as “you,” she draws us directly into the story while she and Maggie await a visit from Dee. With deft strokes, Walker has Mrs. Johnson reveal essential information about herself and her daughters. She realistically describes herself as a big-boned, slow-tongued woman with no education and a talent for hard work and outdoor chores. When their house burned down some 12 years previous, Maggie was severely burned. Comparing Maggie to a wounded animal, her mother explains that she thinks of herself as unattractive and slow-witted, yet she is good-natured too, and preparing to marry John Thomas, an honest local man. Dee, on the other hand, attractive, educated, and self-confident, has left her home (of which she was ashamed) to forge a new and successful life.

essay everyday use

Alice Walker/Thoughtco

When she appears, garbed in African attire, along with her long-haired friend, Asalamalakim, Dee informs her family that her new name is Wangero Leewanika Kemanio . When she explains that she can no longer bear to use the name given to her by the whites who oppressed her, her mother tries to explain that she was named for her aunt, and that the name Dicie harkens back to pre–CIVIL WAR days. Dee’s failure to honor her own family history continues in her gentrified appropriation of her mother’s butter dish and churn, both of which have a history, but both of which Dee views as quaint artifacts that she can display in her home. When Dee asks for her grandmother’s quilts, however, Mrs. Johnson speaks up: Although Maggie is willing to let Dee have them because, with her goodness and fine memory, she needs no quilts to help her remember Grandma Dee, her mother announces firmly that she intends them as a wedding gift for Maggie. Mrs. Johnson approvingly tells Dee that Maggie will put them to “everyday use” rather than hanging them on a wall.

Dee leaves in a huff, telling Maggie she ought to make something of herself. With her departure, peace returns to the house, and Mrs. Johnson and Maggie sit comfortably together, enjoying each other’s company. Although readers can sympathize with Dee’s desire to improve her own situation and to feel pride in her African heritage, Walker also makes clear that in rejecting the African-American part of that heritage, she loses a great deal. Her mother and sister, despite the lack of the success that Dee enjoys, understand the significance of family. One hopes that the next child will not feel the need to choose one side or the other but will confidently embrace both.

BIBLIOGRAPHY Walker, Alice. “Everyday Use.” In Major Writers of Short Fiction: Stories and Commentary, edited by Ann Charters. Boston: St. Martin’s, 1993, 1,282–1,299.

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Everyday Use

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Alice Walker ’s “Everyday Use,” published in 1973, is a powerful short story that explores the complexities of heritage, identity, and the Black American experience . Set in the rural South during the 1960s, the narrative revolves around a family reunion between a mother and her two daughters, Dee and Maggie. The story unfolds as the characters grapple with their differing perspectives on their cultural roots and the meaning of heritage.

Walker skillfully weaves themes of cultural appropriation and the clash between traditional and modern values through the characters' interactions. Dee, who has embraced her African heritage and changed her name to Wangero, desires to claim family heirlooms for their artistic value, while her sister Maggie values the items for their practical use and sentimental worth. The quilts crafted by their grandmother become a focal point, symbolizing the family’s history and the divergent paths the sisters have taken.

Today, “Everyday Use” is celebrated for its exploration of the Black American experience and the impact of the Black Arts Movement on identity. The story resonates with themes of cultural pride, familial bonds, and the significance of understanding and preserving one's heritage.

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An Analysis of 'Everyday Use' by Alice Walker

Appreciation, Heritage, and the Generosity of Effort

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  • Ph.D., English, State University of New York at Albany
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American writer and activist Alice Walker is best known for her novel " The Color Purple ," which won both the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award. But she has written numerous other novels, stories, poems, and essays.

Her short story "Everyday Use" originally appeared in her 1973 collection, "In Love & Trouble: Stories of Black Women," and it has been widely anthologized since.

The Plot of 'Everyday Use'

The story is narrated in the first-person point of view by a mother who lives with her shy and unattractive daughter Maggie, who was scarred in a house fire as a child. They are nervously waiting for a visit from Maggie's sister Dee, to whom life has always come easy.

Dee and her companion boyfriend arrive with bold, unfamiliar clothing and hairstyles, greeting Maggie and the narrator with Muslim and African phrases. Dee announces that she has changed her name to Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo, saying that she couldn't stand to use a name from oppressors. This decision hurts her mother, who named her after a lineage of family members.

Claims Family Heirlooms

During the visit, Dee lays claim to certain family heirlooms, such as the top and dasher of a butter churn, whittled by relatives. But unlike Maggie, who uses the butter churn to make butter, Dee wants to treat them like antiques or artwork.

Dee also tries to claim some handmade quilts, and she fully assumes she'll be able to have them because she's the only one who can "appreciate" them. The mother informs Dee that she has already promised the quilts to Maggie, and also intends for the quilts to be used, not simply admired. Maggie says Dee can have them, but the mother takes the quilts out of Dee's hands and gives them to Maggie.

Chides Mother

Dee then leaves, chiding the mother for not understanding her own heritage and encouraging Maggie to "make something of yourself." After Dee is gone, Maggie and the narrator relax contentedly in the backyard.

The Heritage of Lived Experience

Dee insists that Maggie is incapable of appreciating the quilts. She exclaims, horrified, "She'd probably be backward enough to put them to everyday use." For Dee, heritage is a curiosity to be looked at—something to put on display for others to observe, as well: She plans to use the churn top and dasher as decorative items in her home, and she intends to hang the quilts on the wall "[a]s if that was the only thing you could do with quilts."

Treats Family Members Oddly

She even treats her own family members as curiosities, taking numerous photos of them. The narrator also tells us, "She never takes a shot without making sure the house is included. When a cow comes nibbling around the edge of the yard she snaps it and me and Maggie and the house."

What Dee fails to understand is that the heritage of the items she covets comes precisely from their "everyday use"—their relation to the lived experience of the people who've used them.

The narrator describes the dasher as follows:

"You didn't even have to look close to see where hands pushing the dasher up and down to make butter had left a kind of sink in the wood. In fact, there were a lot of small sinks; you could see where thumbs and fingers had sunk into the wood."

Communal Family History

Part of the beauty of the object is that it has been so frequently used, and by so many hands in the family, suggesting a communal family history that Dee seems unaware of.

The quilts, made from scraps of clothing and sewn by multiple hands, epitomize this "lived experience." They even include a small scrap from "Great Grandpa Ezra's uniform that he wore in the Civil War ," which reveals that members of Dee's family were working against "the people who oppress[ed]" them long before Dee decided to change her name.

Knows When to Quit

Unlike Dee, Maggie actually knows how to quilt. She was taught by Dee's namesakes—Grandma Dee and Big Dee—so she is a living part of the heritage that is nothing more than decoration to Dee.

For Maggie, the quilts are reminders of specific people, not of some abstract notion of heritage. "I can 'member Grandma Dee without the quilts," Maggie says to her mother when she moves to give them up. It is this statement that prompts her mother to take the quilts away from Dee and hand them to Maggie because Maggie understands their history and value so much more deeply than Dee does.

Lack of Reciprocity

Dee's real offense lies in her arrogance and condescension toward her family, not in her attempted embrace of African culture .

Her mother is initially very open-minded about the changes Dee has made. For instance, though the narrator confesses that Dee has shown up in a "dress so loud it hurts my eyes," she watches Dee walk toward her and concedes, "The dress is loose and flows, and as she walks closer, I like it."

Uses the Name 'Wangero'

The mother also shows a willingness to use the name Wangero, telling Dee, "If that's what you want us to call you, we'll call you."

But Dee doesn't really seem to want her mother's acceptance, and she definitely doesn't want to return the favor by accepting and respecting her mother's cultural traditions . She almost seems disappointed that her mother is willing to call her Wangero.

Shows Possessiveness

Dee shows possessiveness and entitlement as "her hand close[s] over Grandma Dee's butter dish" and she begins to think of objects she'd like to take. Additionally, she's convinced of her superiority over her mother and sister. For example, the mother observes Dee's companion and notices, "Every once in a while he and Wangero sent eye signals over my head."

When it turns out that Maggie knows much more about the history of the family heirlooms than Dee does, Dee belittles her by saying that her "brain is like an elephant's." The entire family considers Dee to be the educated, intelligent, quick-witted one, and so she equates Maggie's intellect with the instincts of an animal, not giving her any real credit.

Appeases Dee

Still, as the mother narrates the story, she does her best to appease Dee and refer to her as Wangero. Occasionally she calls her as "Wangero (Dee)," which emphasizes the confusion of having a new name and the effort it takes to use it (and also pokes a little fun at the grandness of Dee's gesture).

But as Dee becomes more and more selfish and difficult, the narrator starts to withdraw her generosity in accepting the new name. Instead of "Wangero (Dee)," she starts to refer to her as "Dee (Wangero)," privileging her original given name. When the mother describes snatching the quilts away from Dee, she refers to her as "Miss Wangero," suggesting that she's run out of patience with Dee's haughtiness. After that, she simply calls her Dee, fully withdrawing her gesture of support.

Needs to Feel Superior

Dee seems unable to separate her new-found cultural identity from her own long-standing need to feel superior to her mother and sister. Ironically, Dee's lack of respect for her living family members—as well as her lack of respect for the real human beings who constitute what Dee thinks of only as an abstract "heritage"—provides the clarity that allows Maggie and the mother to "appreciate" each other and their own shared heritage.

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Everyday Use

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Everyday Use by Alice Walker Essay

Everyday Use by Alice Walker In "Everyday Use," Alice Walker stresses the importance of heritage. She employs various ways to reveal many aspects of heritage that are otherwise hard to be noticed. In the story, she introduces two sisters with almost opposite personalities and different views on heritage: Maggie and Dee. She uses the contrast between the two sisters to show how one should accept and preserve one's heritage. Beyond the contrast between two sisters there exist the judge figure mom, the narrator and the Dee's irony . The irony on Dee's opinion is the key to understand the story and why the mother let Maggie keep the quilts, which symbolize the heritage. The two sisters in the contrast of Alice Walker's "Everyday …show more content…

As the two sisters have different appearance and personalities, they have different perspectives on heritage that contrast each other. Walker uses quilts to symbolize the heritage and describes the two girls' view on quilts to show their perspectives on heritage. Maggie thinks of heritage as an attachment to her ancestors. She believes the everyday use of the inherited materials, how much ever value they may retain, will keep her connected to her ancestors. She values the attachment to the ancestors more than the inherited material itself. When she gives up the quilts to Dee, she states, "I can 'member Grandma Dee with the quilts." Dee, on the other hand, thinks of heritage as something that has an extrinsic value, for example its aesthetic value as an antique. She believes that the proper way to accept and preserve her heritage is to not put it into her everyday use but to cherish it only as an accessory. Such an idea is revealed when Dee says, "Maggie can't appreciate these quilts! She'd probably be backward enough to put them to everyday use." When the mother asks Dee what she would do with the quilts, she says, "Hang them" (1177), which shows that Dee thinks of the quilts only as tangible antiques. While the two sisters perspectives on heritage contrast each other, Walker employs a case of dramatic irony to prove that Dee's perspective is wrong, which automatically proves that Maggie is right, considering their opposite characteristics. Dee

Everyday Use By Alice Walker

In the short story “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker, the author describes different ideas about one’s heritage. Culture and heritage is at the main point of the story “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker as symbolized by the quilt. The bond that Mother and Maggie share is brought by their common talent to make works of art like quilts. Dee does not have similar capacity because she does not appreciate manual labor nor believes in her heritage. The idea of pride in culture, heritage, and family is the main theme of the story. The line between being proud of whom one is and exploiting one’s self is broken and blurred by one character. The other two keep their firm ground in living out their values, rather than using it simply as a conversation starter.

Everyday Use By Alice Walker Compare And Contrast Essay

Maggie and Dee are extremely different people, but they share some qualities like all sisters do. One similar trait is they are both from the same family and experienced some similar events in childhood. Both children had to experience the fire that burnt down their old house (49). Another example of their similarities is that they are both in a relationship with a man. Dee is with the person that may or may not be her husband Hakim-a-Barber and Maggie has the man she is courting, John Thomas. They both are going through the ups and downs of a relationship. Lastly, they both want the quilts that Mama has. Dee wants to take them back to

Essay about Everyday Use by Alice Walker

Dee does not truly value the heritage, and her interest in the quilts seem to reflect a cultural trend. This cultural trend becomes evident when the mother says, “I had offered Dee a quilt when she went away to college. Then she had told me they were old-fashioned, out of style”(Walker 96). We learned early in the story that Dee acquired a style at a young age, and she allowed the world around her to alter and manipulate that style.

A Literary Analysis Of Everyday Use By Alice Walker

Here the tone shifted from prideful to authoritative. Dee demanded to own the two quilts. Mama said the quilts had been made by her ancestors and she “hung up on them on the quilt frames on the front porch and made them (762).” The quilt frames symbolize the object which helps organize and keep the family's generations alive, and the front porch symbolizes the connection of the family with the world. Mama knew the quilts were what kept the generations together, regardless of what the people around thought or did.The quilts needed to be used in order to keep the family traditions alive. Soon after, the protagonist came up with an excuse and said the “lavender [pieces], [came] from old clothes” which had been “handed down (762).” The lavender symbolizes love and devotion. The old clothes symbolize the legacy of the family's heritage. Although Dee only wanted to the quilts, Mama felt her past family's love and devotion through the quilts. Dee wanted the quilts because to preserve them, not because of an emotional connection to them. In addition, the young woman continued to offend her mother to the point where Mama told her the quilts were for Maggie, the youngest sister, and Dee exclaimed how her sister could never “appreciate the quilts.” She continued and said “She'd probably be backward enough to put them to everyday use (762).” Everyday use represents the “everyday use” of customs and true purpose of the quilts. Although Dee thinks her sister will destroy the blankets through sex and daily use, Mama wanted her to understand how everything she wanted had a special purpose in their

Thesis Of Everyday Use

Maggie the younger sister lived with her mother and liked the life of her living with her mother. Dee didn't like that poor old-fashioned life and she wants to be rich and to forget about this poor family and to live her actual way of life as an African-American. Mama liked their way of life and didn't want to change it and also Maggie liked it and didn't want to change it.

Everyday Use Theme

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     Pride is the theme that seems to separate this family the most. It's having pride versus not having it. Maggie doesn't have it. She does not speak for herself when Dee wants the quilts. She lets mama speak for her. Like a scalded dog, she hides behind Mama when Dee arrives. Mama compares Maggie to a "Lame animal…run over by a car…"(Walker 88). Pride mostly comes from respect and she doesn't get much. Dee maybe has too much pride. This probably comes from "the world not knowing how to say no to her." She has looks and she's what one would describe as

Everyday Use by Alice Walker: A Look at Symbolism and Family Values

  • 4 Works Cited

Because, the quilts had been made by the grandmother’s hands, the work that went into the quilts is the reason for importance of saving or preserving them as a family heirloom. “Maggie”, knows the true value of the quilts, “Dee” seems to view them as any other common blanket. Alice Walker stated in the story that Maggie felt like the world never learned to tell Dee no. That is a direct reference to the mother never standing up to Dee and asserting her rightful place.

Difference of Two Sisters in “Everyday Use” Essay

The two sisters, Maggie and Deem have different opinions about their heritage. To Maggie, heritage is everything around her that is involved in her everyday life. Whereas, Dee believes that her mother’s family heirlooms are to frame on the wall, or display, as a reminder of her family history. Maggie proves her knowledge of her heritage while the family is having lunch together. When Dee asks her mama if she can have the churn top and a dasher that was made by Uncle Buddy, Maggie corrected her by saying, “Aunt Dee’s first husband whittled the dash. . . . His name was Henry, but they call him Stash” (Walker 283). Maggie shows that she knows her heritage by knowing the family members name along with personal detail. Additionally, when Dee asks “Can I have these old quilts?” she can not name the family member that made them (Walker 284). Maggie is standing by the door and

Everyday Use Vs Lesson

Mama decided to keep her word and give the quilts to Maggie because she understood what these quilts meant, “ You will not understand. The point is these quilts, these quilts!” The representation of the quilts is the symbol of the family and Dee couldn’t understand it, even with her education. Mama had more life experience and understanding of her culture then Dee would ever learn in a

Everyday Use By Alice Walker Essay

Dee, from Walker’s “Everyday Use,” is Mama’s older daughter who not only has a judgmental, insensitive attitude towards Mama and her younger sister Maggie, but also believes she appreciates her family heritage more than Mama does, when in fact, Dee is the one who is “uneducated” and lacks an understanding about what her heritage truly is.

My Mother Pieced Quilts Analysis

Together with the beliefs comes heritage which is defined as traditions passed on for years, family items and etc. In “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker, describes about a poor family who have a different perspective about the word “heritage”. “You just will not understand. The point is these quilts, these quilts”. This quote connects to the title of the story because Dee thinks that Maggie and her mother will use the quilt every day. Dee has a whole different perspective of the quilts. She views the quilts as a small reminder of her heritage, that is dying. For her mother and her sister, the quilts symbolizes a bond to their cultural identity and their connection to the quilts. Because Dee has failed to understand the true meaning to their “ heritage” and she is convinced that Maggie has proven that she understands the value of the quotes symbolize in the true meaning of a person’s heritage.

  • 1 Works Cited

Through contrasting family members and views in "Everyday Use", Alice Walker illustrates the importance of understanding our present life in relation to the traditions of our own people and culture. Using careful descriptions and attitudes, Walker demonstrates which factors contribute to the values of one's heritage and culture; she illustrates that these are represented not by the possession of objects or mere appearances, but by one's lifestyle and attitude.

Family Heritage In Everyday Use Essay

The strongest example of Dee's confusion and of Walker's belief that a family's heritage should be alive and not frozen in time is at the end of the story. Dee finds the two quilts that had been pieced together by many generations of her family, and she wants to keep them. Her mother says, "In both of them were scraps of dresses Grandma Dee had worn fifty and more years ago. Bits and pieces of Grandpa Jarrell's paisley shirts. And one teeny

Situational and Dramatic Irony in Story of an Hour, Everyday Use, The Necklace, and The Lottery

Now all of a sudden she has Black Muslim family and wants to impress them so she returns to grab things that are part of her family’s heritage. That are only interested in what they stand for and not for whom they stand for.  Then as soon as she pays a visit to her home, she picks up and walks out again.  It is obvious, to her heritage is for show not for living. The situational irony is present as well. Selfish Dee expects to be able to just walk into Mama’s house and take what she wants. Instead, Mama finally realizes that Maggie deserves the quilts because she understands her heritage. Mama actually understands what Dee is becoming and decides to give the quilts to Maggie.

Maggie and Dee; Two Sisters, Two Worlds Essay

When the climactic scene occurs and Dee asks “Can I have these quilts?” (145), Maggie’s first implied reaction is one of surprise and anger; “I heard something fall in the kitchen, and a minute later the kitchen door slammed” (145). But as someone “never used to winning anything, or having anything reserved for her” (146), Maggie succumbs and offers to let Dee have them. Although “Maggie knows how to quilt” (146), she is able to comprehend the deeper personal value of the quilts, and states that she “can ‘member Grandma Dee without the quilts”(146). Despite their value as an item of everyday use, the quilts are meaningful to Maggie, much in the way they are to her mother who remembers having quilted them with Big Dee. The scraps, the bits and pieces and “one teeny faded blue piece, about the size of a penny matchbox, that was from Great Grandpa Ezra’s uniform that he wore in the Civil War.” (145) hold deep significance to Maggie.

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Everyday Use By Alice Walker

The debilitating experience of colleagues, friends, and family using an individual to achieve their own personal desires, and essentially “walking all over them” is a frustrating event that many people endure. Alice Walker, author and social activist, wrote “Everyday Use,” which describes two sisters who have very different temperaments and behaviors. The short story begins with the mother awaiting Dee, her eldest daughter, who was previously ashamed of her poor roots and who is coming home from college. When Dee arrives, she tries to take several heritage items from her old home to decorate her new home. However, many of these items are still being used every day or are reserved for Maggie, who is much more reserved than her sister. Dee attempts to take an old, sentimental quilt, and …show more content…

At the beginning of “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker, the mother describes how her two daughters behaved differently when their previous home was burned down. She emphasizes that Maggie was burnt in the fire and was very distressed about their significant loss. Meanwhile, Dee stands a distance away as she concentrates on the destruction of the humble home she was ashamed to live in. Additionally, the mother describes how she and the church raised enough money to send her eldest to school, and how Dee would force her mother and sister to listen to her read in a degrading manner (491). Maggie is left scarred from her near-death experience, and she suffers from the traumatic aftermath. Alice Walker implies that Maggie had a profound connection with her home when she emphasizes the significant burns both Maggie and the house sustained. However, Dee vehemently disliked her house and constantly attempted to improve her situation by forcing her family to modernize despite their lack of funds. Indeed, ambition is an admirable trait, and there is no fault in desiring a higher quality of

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Everyday Use

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Discussion Questions

In “In Search of Our Mother’s Gardens,” Walker writes, “And so our mothers and grandmothers have, more often than not anonymously, handed on the creative spark, the seed of the flower they themselves never hoped to see.” Discuss “Everyday Use” in light of this quote.

Compare and contrast Walker’s physical descriptions of Dee and Maggie . How does Walker use physical appearance as a means of characterization?

When Mrs. Johnson reminds Dee that Maggie could make new quilts if the old ones fell apart, Dee insists, “The point is these quilts, these quilts!” (Paragraph 70). How does this statement reflect Dee’s understanding of art and heritage?

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Everyday Use, Essay Example

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In Everyday Use , Alice Walker uses a series of symbols to illustrate the life of a mother and her two girls. Throughout the story, the mother focuses on describing the stark contrast between her and her daughters. This comparison is facilitated by the degree of symbolism utilized by the author. While the literal meaning of the symbols are important, the family’s yard, the quilts, and Maggie’s burn scars provide the story with a deeper meaning and reinforce the author’s purpose. These symbols are all important because they emphasize the history of the family and connect these ideas with the changes they must learn to face in the modern world in addition to the parts of their past that they should ensure are kept with them.

The story opens with a description of the family’s yard, which is described as comfortable and a place that holds many family memories. While the main action of the story occurs within the house, mainly everything associated with the yard is peaceful. In the beginning of the story, the mother describes it as “an extended living room”. At the end of the story, she provides the same sentiment, indicating the calming nature of the yard as she watches the “car dust settle”. It is apparent that the mother finds the yard to be her happy place because she is able to make everything perfect there. She is concerned with the organization of the clay and the sand and believes that their proper placement can enhance the peace that she feels while she is there. In the last paragraph of the story, we learn that the yard is a place of comfort for true members of the family, as Maggie feels just as comfortable there as her mom does. It is the one place she will allow herself to be happy instead of scared.

The quilt is an important symbol in the story because it is representative of the family’s heritage in addition to the different ways that this heritage is honored by Maggie and Dee, which demonstrates an important contrast between the two sisters. The quilt is tied together tightly and therefore represents the ties of family. Dee does not recognize the importance of these ties and although she tries to by becoming more understanding of African culture, loses an understanding of her family in the process. On the other hand, Maggie appreciates the true value of the quilt and wants it to be used instead of serving as a form of decoration. This distinction between Maggie and Dee helps their mother gain a greater appreciation for Maggie, who appears to be the “lesser” sister at first but proves herself by the end of the story. Since the mother has a great appreciation for her ancestors and as a consequence the fabric that was used to make the quilt, she is appreciative that Maggie understands its true value.

Maggie’s burn scars are also an important symbol in this story, as it contrasts her as a character to Dee who is described to be perfect. However, we learn that the physical appearance of these sisters is not a reflection of their personalities. While Dee is proud of her looks and attitude and Maggie is shy and homely because of the burns, it is apparent that Maggie has a greater understanding of the importance of her cultural background while Dee does so more superficially. Dee appreciates the importance of items that were held by her ancestors and as a consequence wants to be more ingrained in African culture, but in the process misses the importance of the items to the family. This contrast therefore emphasizes the awareness that Maggie has of her roots compared to her sister, as colonial slavery is just as much a part of their history as their African ancestry.

In conclusion, the author of Everyday Use utilizes symbolism in able to create a contrast between Dee and Maggie in relation to their ability to understand their roots. Maggie, like her mother, fully appreciates the yard and recognizes it as a place of peace. This demonstrates that she is able to understand the struggles that her mother has experienced and believes that the sentiments of the yard should be shared. Meanwhile, Dee is less fascinated with the yard, which shows a disconnect between her and the rest of the family. Next, the quilt symbolizes both the African and American ancestry of the family, even though Dee believes that it is only representative of African life. Both the mother and Maggie recognize that this is not the case, and that it is symbolic of all aspects of the family’s ancestry. Lastly, Maggie’s burn scars create an even greater contrast between Dee and Maggie by emphasizing the difference in both their physical appearance and mental attitudes. These symbols indicate that Maggie is a greater representation of what the family represents than Dee, who only appreciates the surface value of the family’s struggles.

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91 Everyday Use Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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Writing an Everyday Use essay can be a tough task if you don’t know the seven simple steps to an A+ paper. IvyPanda experts prepared a simple guide to ace your Alice Walker paper.

If you have writer’s block, procrastinate, and postpone your written assignments to the last day before the submission deadline, we suggest you to divide the task into small chunks:

  • Determine the type of essay and learn its features
  • Pick up Everyday Use essay topic
  • Do your research on the chosen topic
  • Write a thesis statement

Create Everyday Use essay outline

  • Work on your paper
  • Proofread and edit the essay

Determine the Essay Type

Your professor might assign you to write a certain type of essay on Alice Walker novel. For example, compare and contrast paper or literary analysis (don’t confuse it with literary summary!), persuasive essay on women empowerment, argumentative essay on family heritage, etc. Or you have the freedom to choose the paper type.

Learn more about various types of essays to know what you’re going to write. Depending on it, you will narrow your research and easy decide on structure of your paper.

Don’t forget to carefully read the professor’s instructions!

Choose the Essay Topic

Brainstorm ideas you can use as a base for your future research and writing. Active reading techniques would help you to determine some points in the novel that you can use in the essay.

Make notes and write ideas that come to mind while you read the book. After you’ve finished, check your notes, and write down Everyday Use essay questions that you would like to answer in the paper.

Once you’ve created a list of topics, it’s time to narrow your focus and choose the best one. Leave only one main point for research.

Do Your Research

Once you’ve chosen the essay topic, it’s time to do your research. Read critical reviews on the novel, check our Everyday Use essay topics to get examples of papers on Alice Walker’s books. Remember to keep notes so it would be easier for to refer and to cite the sources.

Master Your Everyday Use Essay Thesis

Here’s what you should keep in mind when creating your thesis:

  • Thesis statement should reflect the key point of your paper.
  • It should be one sentence.
  • Use it in the introductory paragraph.
  • Make broad enough.

If you need some ideas on how to write good thesis statements, you can always check IvyPanda essay examples. You can also use online thesis generators.

The next step you should make after you’ve finished the thesis is to master your outline.

It will help you to structure the paper. Put only one idea per paragraph and avoid overloading your body sections with too many arguments and evidence.

Make sure that you included transition sentences to keep the logical flow of the paper.

Write Everyday Use Essay

Once you’ve finished an outline, start writing! The more detailed your outline, the easier will be the writing process. Always ensure that you writing is clear and consistent. Check if you stick to the structure.

Write a strong Everyday Use essay conclusion. Restate your thesis and summarize ideas you presented in the paper’s body. You can work on the intro after the entire essay is already finished.

Proofread Your Paper

Some students underestimate the importance of the revision. However, don’t skip this step. Check it for punctuation, grammar, spelling mistakes and typos. You can also ask your friends or classmates to proofread your essay.

Are you finding it hard to express your points clearly in your Everyday Use essay? Check our variety of samples, written by professionals!

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  • What Does Maggie Symbolize in “Everyday Use”?
  • What Do the Quilts Represent to Maggie at the End of “Everyday Use”?
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  • What Is the Moral of the Story “Everyday Use”?
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  • What Is the Function of Tradition in “Everyday Use”?
  • How Do Dissimilar Lives Create Different Expectations in “Everyday Use”?
  • What Is the Deeper Meaning of “Everyday Use”?
  • What Are the Similarities Between Maggie and Dee in “Everyday Use”?
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  • What Is Alice Walker’s Purpose in Writing “Everyday Use”?
  • Is There Any Cultural Conflict in “Everyday Use”?
  • What Can Story “Everyday Use” Give a Primary School Teacher?
  • What Is the Significance of the Title “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker?
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Essays on Everyday Use

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The Complex Relationship Between Maggie and Dee

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"Everyday Use" by Alice Walker: Summary

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Alice Walker

Short story

Dee, Mama, Maggie, Hakim-a-barber

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essay everyday use


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  1. "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker: [Essay Example], 549 words

    Published: May 4, 2021. Read Summary. "Everyday Use", a short story written by Alice Walker, is told in the perspective of Mama. Mama is described as "a big-boned woman with rough, man-working hands". The story begins with Mama waiting on her oldest daughter Dee to arrive home. It is learned that Mama and the church raised enough money ...

  2. "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker

    Introduction "Everyday use" by Alice Walker is a fictional story analyzed years over, in academic and professional circles from an initial collection of In live and trouble (Donnelly 124). The story is narrated from a first person point of view (by a single mother, Mrs. Johnson) and dwells on the perception of two sisters regarding cultural artifacts (Wangero).

  3. A Summary and Analysis of Alice Walker's 'Everyday Use'

    By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University) 'Everyday Use' is one of the most popular and widely studied short stories by Alice Walker. It was first published in Harper's Magazine in 1973 before being collected in Walker's short-story collection In Love and Trouble.. Walker uses 'Everyday Use' to explore different attitudes towards Black American culture and heritage.

  4. Analysis of Alice Walker's Everyday Use

    Probably Alice Walker 's most frequently anthologized story, "Everyday Use" first appeared in Walker's collection In Love and Trouble: Stories by Black Women. Walker explores in this story a divisive issue for African Americans, one that has concerned a number of writers, Lorraine Hansberry, for instance, in her play Raisin in the Sun ...

  5. "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker

    Updated: Feb 28th, 2024. In the short story Everyday Use, Alice Walker talks about the conflict that exists between Mama and Dee. This observation is shared by many. All the literary critic and commentator will agree that there is conflict between the mother and her eldest daughter. All of them will also agree that Mama chose to stand beside ...

  6. Everyday Use: Study Guide

    Alice Walker 's "Everyday Use," published in 1973, is a powerful short story that explores the complexities of heritage, identity, and the Black American experience. Set in the rural South during the 1960s, the narrative revolves around a family reunion between a mother and her two daughters, Dee and Maggie. The story unfolds as the ...

  7. Everyday Use, by Alice Walker

    by Alice Walker. I will wait for her in the yard that Maggie and I made so clean and wavy yesterday afternoon. A yard like this is more comfortable than most people know. It is not just a yard. It is like an extended living room. When the hard clay is swept clean as a floor and the fine sand around the edges lined with tiny, irregular grooves ...

  8. "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker Critical Analysis

    Updated: Mar 26th, 2024. "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker, which depicts the situation of a rural American south family, is one of the widely studied and regularly anthologized short stories. The story is set in a family house in a pasture and it is about an African-American mother, "Mama Johnson," and her two daughters, Maggie and Dee.

  9. A Literary Review of 'Everyday Use' by Alice Walker

    American writer and activist Alice Walker is best known for her novel " The Color Purple ," which won both the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award. But she has written numerous other novels, stories, poems, and essays. Her short story "Everyday Use" originally appeared in her 1973 collection, "In Love & Trouble: Stories of Black Women ...

  10. Everyday Use: Exploring The Theme of Heritage and Identity

    Table of contents. Everyday Use is a short story written by Alice Walker that explores the theme of heritage and identity through the lens of an African-American family. The story revolves around the conflicting ideas of heritage and how they are manifested in the lives of the characters, particularly the two sisters, Dee and Maggie.

  11. Everyday Use Essay

    Long Essay on Everyday Use is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. Everyday Use is a short story authored by Alice Walker. It was published for the first time in 1973, as a chapter of Walker's short story collection Love and Trouble. The story of Everyday Use revolves around the themes of acknowledgement of one's culture, heritage and ...

  12. Everyday Use Themes

    Race structures the social and economic conditions of characters' daily lives in "Everyday Use." From the first few paragraphs, Walker makes it clear that the oppression of African-Americans is built into the society of the Deep South, where Mama and Maggie live. This injustice manifests itself in a multitude of ways, ranging from Mama's inability to look "a strange white man in the ...

  13. Everyday Use by Alice Walker Essay

    Everyday Use by Alice Walker Essay. In "Everyday Use," Alice Walker stresses the importance of heritage. She employs various ways to reveal many aspects of heritage that are otherwise hard to be noticed. In the story, she introduces two sisters with almost opposite personalities and different views on heritage: Maggie and Dee.

  14. Literary Analysis of Everyday Use by Alice Walker

    Words: 705 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read. Published: Feb 9, 2023. 'Everyday Use' is an Alice Walker short tale narrated in the first person by 'Mama,' an African-American woman living in the Deep South with one of her two kids. The narrative contrasts Mrs. Johnson's educated, prosperous daughter Dee—or 'Wangero,' as she prefers to be ...

  15. "Everyday Use" Short Story by Alice Walker Essay

    Exclusively available on IvyPanda. In Alice Walker's short story "Everyday Use", the author places two sisters side by side for an afternoon of visiting. One of these sisters, Maggie, lives with her mother in a small, poorly built shack on the edge of the country and is planning to marry a somewhat unattractive but dependable man in their ...

  16. Everyday Use Style, Form, and Literary Elements

    Walker uses several literary devices to examine the themes in the story and to give a voice to the poor and the uneducated. Point of View "Everyday Use" is told in first-person point of view. Mrs ...

  17. Everyday Use By Alice Walker

    Everyday Use By Alice Walker. The debilitating experience of colleagues, friends, and family using an individual to achieve their own personal desires, and essentially "walking all over them" is a frustrating event that many people endure. Alice Walker, author and social activist, wrote "Everyday Use," which describes two sisters who ...

  18. Literary Analysis: The Importance of Heritage in "Everyday Use": [Essay

    Conclusion. Walker uses character conflict and symbolism to show the importance of heritage in "Everyday Use." Mrs. Johnson and Maggie's representations as down-to-earth, hardworking people, reveal that they identify with their heritage and where they come from, unlike Dee's attempt to change her appearance and name.

  19. Everyday Use Essay Topics

    Essay Topics. 1. In "In Search of Our Mother's Gardens," Walker writes, "And so our mothers and grandmothers have, more often than not anonymously, handed on the creative spark, the seed of the flower they themselves never hoped to see.". Discuss "Everyday Use" in light of this quote. 2.

  20. Cultural Identity and Heritage in the "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker

    Introduction. Everyday Use is a frequently anthologized chef-d'oeuvre short story by Alice Walker highlighting the problem of cultural identity and heritage among African Americans after the abolishment of slavery.Narrated in the first person, the story revolves around three characters - Mama and her two daughters, Dee (Wangero) and Maggie.

  21. Alice Walker's 'Everyday Use': Exploring Social Conflicts

    Everyday Use is a masterpiece novel written by African American writer Alice Walker, being published in 1973. The highlighted perspective of the social conflicts in marginalized members of the society, like females and colored people, has earned the novel great popularity for both readers and critics. Due to its value in sociology, various ...

  22. Everyday Use, Essay Example

    Everyday Use, Essay Example. HIRE A WRITER! You are free to use it as an inspiration or a source for your own work. In Everyday Use, Alice Walker uses a series of symbols to illustrate the life of a mother and her two girls. Throughout the story, the mother focuses on describing the stark contrast between her and her daughters.

  23. 91 Everyday Use Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    The more distant and fractious relationship is between the narrator and Dee. The narrator is referred to as "Mama," and a mama she is. Baldwin's "Sonny's Blues" and Walker's "Everyday Use" Analysis. The narrative's main focus was on the family's relationships, trials, and the never-ending cycle of pain.

  24. Essays on Everyday Use

    Essays on Everyday Use. Essay examples. Essay topics. General Overview. 25 essay samples found. Sort & filter. 1 Literary Analysis: The Importance of Heritage in "Everyday Use" 1 page / 678 words . Alice Walker's "Everyday Use" is a narrative of a rural African American family struggling to understand their heritage. The Johnson family embodies ...