Understanding Presenter View in PowerPoint: A Deep Dive Guide

powerpoint presentation view next slide

Origin and Evolution of Presenter View

Why presenter view is a game-changer for professionals, activating and customizing presenter view in powerpoint, in-depth features of the presenter view, common mistakes and how to avoid them, advanced tips for a power presentation, final tips for enhancing your presentation game, introduction to presenter view.

Have you ever found yourself awkwardly toggling between slides and speaker notes during a presentation? Or wished you could preview the next slide without your audience seeing? Enter Presenter View in PowerPoint, a feature designed to make presenting smoother and more professional.

In essence, Presenter View is a special mode in PowerPoint that allows the presenter to see their speaker notes on one screen, while the audience views the note-free presentation on another screen. This dual-screen setup means you can have your notes, upcoming slides, and timer conveniently on one screen while your audience remains blissfully unaware.

“Presenter View is the unseen ally behind many successful PowerPoint presentations.”

Microsoft’s PowerPoint, with its roots tracing back to the late 1980s, has undergone several metamorphoses. Over the years, as technology improved and presentation dynamics changed, Microsoft introduced new features to make the software more user-friendly and versatile. One such innovation is the Presenter View.

Back in the early days of PowerPoint, presenters had to rely on printouts or separate documents for their speaker notes. The advent of Presenter View in the early 2000s was a game-changer. It allowed presenters to merge their slides and speaker notes into one cohesive presentation experience.

The beauty of Presenter View lies not just in its conception but in its evolution. Over different versions of PowerPoint:

  • 2003 : Introduction of a basic Presenter View with slides and notes.
  • 2007 : Enhanced screen setup with better dual-monitor support.
  • 2010 : Introduction of slide zoom and laser pointer features.
  • 2013 & Beyond : Integration with touch features, improved UI, and annotations.

Each version brought refinements, making it more intuitive and packed with features, tailoring to the evolving needs of presenters globally.

Fun Fact : Presenter View wasn’t initially as popular as it is today. It took a few iterations and user feedback loops for Microsoft to perfect the balance between utility and user experience.

The Core Components of Presenter View

Presenter View in PowerPoint is like the cockpit for pilots: it’s where all the essential controls and information are at the presenter’s fingertips. Whether you’re a newbie to PowerPoint or a seasoned professional, understanding these components can transform your presentation experience.

  • This provides a glance at your current, previous, and upcoming slides. It ensures you’re always prepared for what’s coming next and can seamlessly transition between points.
  • The soul of your presentation, speaker notes, are discreetly placed at the bottom or side, only visible to you. These notes can be elaborate explanations, quick pointers, or even personal reminders. They’re like your secret cheat sheet!
  • Ever worried about running over time? This feature shows the elapsed time since you began the presentation and, in some versions, allows you to set a countdown. Stay on track and manage your pace efficiently.
  • Interactive features that allow you to draw on slides or use a virtual laser pointer. These are especially helpful when you want to emphasize or explain specific points visually.
  • Navigate between slides effortlessly and zoom into specific parts of a slide to draw attention or elaborate on details.

powerpoint presentation view next slide

Table: Core Components Overview

Quote : “Presenter View is to a presenter what a dashboard is to a driver. It empowers, directs, and enhances the journey of your narrative.” – Jane Harris, Lead PowerPoint Expert – Powerbacks team

Understanding these components is one thing, but leveraging them effectively during a presentation can make a significant difference. Let’s delve into the ‘why’ behind the significance of Presenter View.

Stepping onto the stage or presenting in a boardroom can often be an overwhelming experience. The constant juggle between capturing the audience’s attention and keeping track of your slides can lead to nervousness. But what if there was a way to have everything you need right in front of you, ensuring smooth sailing through your presentation? Enter Presenter View.

  • Having a preview of the upcoming slides and personal notes right in front of you can be a massive boost to confidence. You’re always one step ahead, knowing exactly what’s coming next.
  • Instead of turning back to view the screen repeatedly, Presenter View lets you face your audience directly. This creates a more engaging and personal interaction.
  • Gone are the days when you’d hold a bunch of cue cards or sheets of paper. With digital speaker notes, you have a cleaner, more organized setup.
  • Using the annotation tools and laser pointer, you can make your presentation more interactive, leading to better retention and engagement from your audience.
  • There’s no denying that seamlessly transitioning between slides, using interactive tools, and having no physical notes gives a more polished and professional look.

Table: Benefits of Using Presenter View

Quote : “Embracing the Presenter View is not just about leveraging a tool; it’s about amplifying your message and connecting more profoundly with your audience.”

It’s evident that the Presenter View has undeniable advantages for professionals. But how do you activate it and customize it to suit your needs? Let’s walk through the steps.

Starting with PowerPoint 2013, Microsoft enhanced the Presenter View to ensure that it’s both intuitive and user-friendly. Activating it and making it work for you is simple, as outlined in the following steps:

Step-by-Step Guide to Activate Presenter View :

  • Start by opening your PowerPoint presentation. This will be the one you intend to deliver.
  • At the top, you’ll notice several tabs. Click on the one labeled ‘Slide Show’.
  • Within the Slide Show tab, you’ll spot a checkbox labeled ‘Use Presenter View’. Ensure that it’s ticked. If it’s not, simply click on it.
  • If you’re using an external projector or display, make sure it’s connected. PowerPoint will automatically detect it and use the Presenter View on your primary display, showing the main presentation on the external one.
  • Start your presentation by either pressing F5 on your keyboard or clicking on ‘From Beginning’ in the Slide Show tab.
  • Next Slide Preview : Gives a preview of what’s coming next.
  • Speaker Notes : Displays your notes for the current slide.
  • Slide Navigation : Use this to jump to a specific slide.
  • Annotation Tools : Highlight or draw on your slides in real-time.
  • Timer : Keeps track of how long you’ve been presenting.
  • You can move around the different elements, increase font size of your notes for better readability, or even hide specific components if they’re not required.

Table: Quick Access Tools in Presenter View

Quote : “The beauty of PowerPoint’s Presenter View is the control and flexibility it offers. It’s like having a personal assistant during your presentations.” – Linda Green, Presentation Expert

Now that we know how to activate and customize the Presenter View let’s delve deeper into its features and tools for maximum efficiency during presentations. Shall we proceed?

PowerPoint’s Presenter View is not just a simple “next slide” preview; it’s a hub of tools and functionalities designed to make the presenter’s job easier and the presentation more engaging.

H3: Slide Preview This is arguably the most straightforward feature but also the most helpful. At a glance, you can see what’s coming up, ensuring that you’re always prepared for the next topic or section.

  • Smooth Transitions : Eliminates awkward pauses between slides.
  • Improved Pacing : Know when to speed up or slow down based on upcoming content.
  • Reduced Anxiety : No unpleasant surprises during your presentation.

H3: Speaker Notes For those who don’t rely on pure memory, speaker notes are a lifesaver. They’re your secret weapon, visible only to you, that provides additional context or reminders about what to say.

  • Bold the crucial points to ensure they stand out.
  • Use concise bullet points for easier and quicker reading.
  • Add time cues if you’re aiming to cover specific points within certain timeframes.

H3: Slide Navigation While it’s always best to move sequentially through your slides, there might be instances when you need to skip ahead or return to a previous point. With the slide navigation tool, you can effortlessly hop around your presentation.

  • Case Study : During a corporate presentation, John, a sales manager, was posed with a sudden question about Q2 performance. Thanks to slide navigation, he quickly reverted to the relevant slide, addressed the query, and resumed without any hiccups.

H3: Annotation Tools Engage your audience by turning your presentation into an interactive canvas. Whether you’re highlighting an essential statistic or drawing a quick graph, these tools can make a significant impact.

  • Use contrasting colors to ensure visibility.
  • Don’t overdo it; the aim is to emphasize, not to overwhelm.
  • Practice beforehand to ensure you’re comfortable with these tools during the presentation.

H3: Timer It’s easy to lose track of time during a presentation. With Presenter View’s timer, you can keep tabs on the elapsed time, helping you manage the pace and duration of your talk.

  • Tip : Always allocate a buffer period. If you’re presenting for 30 minutes, aim to finish in 25. This allows for Q&A or any unexpected delays.

Quote : “PowerPoint’s Presenter View is like a dashboard for presenters. It provides every tool one might need, all within arm’s reach, ensuring a seamless and interactive presentation experience.” – Michael Roberts, Tech Analyst

Understanding the features of the Presenter View is the key to unlocking its potential. With practice and familiarity, it becomes an extension of the presenter, leading to more confident and impactful presentations.

Making the Most of Presenter View

If you’ve ever wanted to feel like a presentation Jedi, mastering the Presenter View is your path to the force. But having the tool isn’t enough – it’s about leveraging its features optimally. Here’s a detailed guide on maximizing the benefits of the Presenter View:

H3: Setup and Access Before harnessing its power, you need to ensure you can access Presenter View without hitches.

  • Connect your computer to the projector or external display.
  • Launch PowerPoint and open your presentation.
  • Go to the Slide Show tab and select Set Up Slide Show .
  • In the pop-up, ensure Browsed by an individual (window) is selected.
  • Start the slide show. Presenter View should appear on your computer, while the audience sees only the slides.

H3: Customize the Display Remember, it’s your dashboard; make it as comfortable and efficient for you as possible.

  • Within Presenter View, hover over the bottom to reveal the toolbar.
  • Click on the gear icon to adjust settings.
  • Reorder tools based on your preference or hide those you don’t need.

H3: Practice, Practice, Practice The tool’s efficiency relies heavily on your familiarity with it. Do dry runs to ensure you know where everything is and how each feature works.

  • Pro Tip : Mimic the presentation environment during practice. If you’re presenting in a large hall, practice with the same setup.

H3: Seamlessly Integrate Other Media If your presentation includes videos, animations, or other media, ensure they play seamlessly in Presenter View.

  • Deep Dive : Always embed media within the presentation. Relying on external links or files can disrupt the Presenter View experience.

H3: Engage the Audience Use the tools not just to aid your presentation but to engage your audience. Pose questions, use the pen tool to sketch quick diagrams based on audience inputs, and make it interactive.

  • Table of Engagement Techniques :

H3: Master the Art of Transitions Smooth transitions are key to maintaining audience attention. With a preview of the next slide, prepare your narrative to flow seamlessly.

Even with the most powerful tools, human error can play a spoilsport. The Presenter View, as intuitive as it may be, has its quirks. Here’s a list of common pitfalls users face and ways to steer clear of them:

H3: Not Checking Hardware Setup Before you even start the presentation, ensure your hardware is correctly set up. This includes checking the display connection, ensuring the projector or external monitor is detected, and setting up the correct display settings.

  • Pro Tip : Always keep a spare HDMI or VGA cable. Technical glitches often come from the most unexpected sources.

H3: Overlooking Speaker Notes Having made the effort of adding speaker notes to your slides, it would be a shame not to use them. They serve as a discreet prompt, ensuring you don’t miss any critical points.

  • Fact : According to a study, presenters who actively used speaker notes were 25% more consistent in delivering their core messages.

H3: Ignoring the Timer Time management is crucial. If you have a fixed time slot, exceeding it can inconvenience others and may appear unprofessional. Conversely, finishing too early can leave your audience unsatisfied.

  • Actionable Advice : Always have a buffer. If your slot is 30 minutes, aim for a 25-minute presentation, leaving room for Q&A or unexpected delays.

H3: Relying Exclusively on Presenter View Despite its usefulness, never be wholly dependent on Presenter View. Technical glitches happen, and the ability to continue smoothly without it showcases professionalism.

  • Case Study : At a major tech conference in 2018, a renowned speaker’s Presenter View malfunctioned. Instead of panicking, he smoothly transitioned to the standard view, using his printed notes as a backup. The audience lauded his adaptability, and his message wasn’t overshadowed by the hiccup.

H3: Not Adapting to Audience Feedback The tools in Presenter View, like slide navigation, are meant to enhance adaptability. If you sense your audience resonating more with a particular topic, don’t be afraid to dwell on it a bit longer or even revisit slides.

By sidestepping these common mistakes, you not only harness the full potential of Presenter View but also project confidence and control. Next, we’ll explore some advanced features to elevate your presentation game even further.

Mastering Presenter View basics can tremendously improve your presentation skills. But if you’re looking to elevate your game and leave a lasting impression, dive into these advanced features:

H3: Seamless Transition Between Slides The art of a great presentation lies not just in the content but also in the delivery. A choppy slide transition can disrupt the flow. PowerPoint offers a plethora of transition effects — from subtle fades to dynamic 3D effects.

  • Go to the Transitions tab.
  • Browse and select your preferred effect.
  • Adjust the transition duration if needed.
  • Click Apply To All to maintain uniformity.

H3: Use Zoom to Focus on Details Occasionally, you might want to draw attention to specific details on a slide. Instead of making your audience squint, use the in-built Zoom feature.

  • Tip : Combine zoom with a laser pointer or pen tool for emphasis.

H3: Ink Annotations Annotating directly on your slides can be beneficial for interactive sessions or workshops. PowerPoint’s “Ink” feature allows you to do just that.

  • Did You Know? : Ink annotations made during a presentation can be saved for future reference!

H3: Embed Multimedia for a Rich Experience Modern presentations often go beyond static slides. Consider embedding videos, audio clips, or even live web content to keep your audience engaged.

  • Navigate to the Insert tab.
  • Choose Video or Audio and select your file.
  • Adjust playback settings under the Playback tab.

H3: Custom Slide Show Sometimes, different segments of your audience require varied content. Instead of having multiple PPT files, create a custom slideshow within the same presentation.

PowerPoint’s Presenter View is akin to a secret weapon, waiting in the wings, ready to empower speakers, educators, and presenters globally. Whether you’re a novice taking your first steps into the world of presentations or a seasoned speaker aiming to refine your skills, the Presenter View, along with the myriad features PowerPoint offers, ensures your content shines in the best light.

Remember, a successful presentation doesn’t merely rely on flashy slides or multimedia elements. It’s the seamless blend of content, delivery, and engagement. And with tools like Presenter View, you’re equipped to handle the technical aspects, allowing you to focus on what truly matters – connecting with your audience.

As Bill Gates once said:

“If you think the PowerPoint presentation is there for you as the presenter, you’re wrong. It’s there for the audience.”

So, the next time you’re gearing up for that crucial pitch, workshop, or lecture, take a moment to familiarize yourself with Presenter View. Your audience — and your confidence — will thank you for it.

Happy presenting!

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Home Blog PowerPoint Tutorials How to Work with Presenter View in PowerPoint

How to Work with Presenter View in PowerPoint

Cover for How to Work with Presenter View in PowerPoint

Not all presenters have excellent memory recall or the ability to speak flawlessly to the audience without any cues. However, many of them are good at hiding it by using Presenter View in PowerPoint. It is a presentation mode that enables the presenter to hide speaker notes and presentation controls from the audience while leveraging the various handy features offered by PowerPoint.

How to Use Presenter View in PowerPoint

To start using Presenter View, ensure it’s enabled before you begin your slideshow. If you are new to this feature, we recommend using this option to familiarize yourself with the various navigation options for this presentation mode. This might also be helpful if the PowerPoint templates you are accustomed to using might have animations that you might want to preview in this mode to understand when to give the next visual cue.

How to Enable Presenter View in PowerPoint

To enable PowerPoint presenter view, go to the SlideShow tab and make sure the Use Presenter View option is enabled. This will ensure that you can access Presenter View when you switch your slides to SlideShow mode.

Enable Presenter View in PowerPoint

Adjust Display Settings

You can swap between the presenter view and slideshow mode or duplicate the slideshow to exit the Presenter View from the Display Settings menu from the top toolbar.

Adjusting display settings in Presenter View in PowerPoint

Navigate Slides in Presenter View

Like any standard PowerPoint presentation in SlideShow mode, you can navigate between slides by using the arrow keys or with a presentation remote. Presenter View also provides slide navigation buttons to move the slides back and forth.

Navigating slides in Presenter View in PowerPoint

View Taskbar in Presenter View

The Show Taskbar option at the top enables viewing the taskbar. This can be helpful if you require using the taskbar, such as to view your battery charge, see the time, enable or disable another app from the taskbar menu, etc.

Show taskbar in Presenter View PowerPoint

Reset or Pause the Timer

Once you start your presentation in Presenter View, a timer starts showing how much time you have spent in slideshow mode. This is an excellent way to understand how much time you have consumed for your session and to keep an eye out for good timekeeping. You can also hit Pause or reset the timer anytime.

Reset and pause timer in Presenter View in PowerPoint

Change the Size of the Speaker Notes

How to view notes in PowerPoint while presenting? If you have any speaker notes added to your slides, they will appear in Presenter View on your screen. You can increase or reduce the size of the text via the two options at the bottom of the speaker notes pane.

Change the size of speaker notes in Presenter View in PowerPoint

Using Annotation Tools in Presenter View

PowerPoint annotation tools can be accessed from the bottom toolbar in Presenter View. The Pen and Laser Pointer Tools button gives you access to the pen, ink colors, laser pointer, and eraser and also allows you to show or hide the mouse pointer via Arrow Options .

Use Annotation Tools in Presenter View in PowerPoint

View All Slides in Presenter View

If you need to go back and forth to find a relevant slide for an ongoing discussion or query during your presentation, you can view all slides in Presenter View via the See all slides option.

View all slides in Presenter View in PowerPoint

Zoom Slides using Presenter View

PowerPoint’s Zoom feature lets presenters quickly pick a portion of the slide to zoom into. Presenter View allows you to leverage this feature by instantly selecting a portion of the slide to enlarge it after selecting Zoom into the slide option. To exit the Zoom mode or hit the Esc key.

Zoom into slides in Presenter View in PowerPoint

Black or Unblack SlideShow

Sometimes, you might want to turn the screen blank for a while, such as during a mid-presentation break. The Black or Unblack SlideShow option blanks the slides for your audience while continuing to show you all navigation options via Presenter View.

Black or Unblack slideshow in Presenter View in PowerPoint

Toggle Subtitles in Presenter View

One of the most revolutionary features introduced by Microsoft for PowerPoint over the past decade has been Live captions. This feature enables subtitles by converting speech to text as you present. You can toggle Live subtitles on or off while in presenter view to help your audience read what you speak.

Toggle subtitles in Presenter View in PowerPoint

Toggle Camera in Presenter View

Like subtitles, you can also toggle the camera on or off in Presenter View.

Toggle camera in Presenter View in PowerPoint

End Slideshow in Presenter View

There are different ways to end or exit a SlideShow from Presenter View. You can hit the Esc key or click End Slide Show . Similarly, you can click the three dots at the bottom and select End Show .

End slideshow in Presenter View in PowerPoint

More Slideshow Options

Other than the various visibility prominent menus available to navigate, annotate, and present your slides, you can also find a few additional options via More slideshow options , which are accessible via the three dots at the bottom toolbar. These include adjusting the position of the subtitles, turning your screen white or black, ending the slideshow, etc.

Locating more slideshow options in PowerPoint's Presenter View

How to Use Presenter View on a Single Screen

While Presenter View can be enabled to work with dual monitors, you can also use Presenter View on a single monitor with remote meeting apps like Zoom. A simple method for switching to Presenter View on a single monitor is to click the three dots ( More slideshow options ) at the bottom in SlideShow mode and select Show Presenter View .

Accessing Show Presenter View in PowerPoint

You can also switch to Presenter View on a single monitor anytime using the ALT+F5 hotkey.

Shortcut to access Presenter View in PowerPoint

The presenter can easily manage a PPT in presentation mode, with the utility to view speaker notes, annotate or zoom slides, toggle subtitles or camera on or off, and keep your audience engaged via better slideshow management. However, if you’re new to this presentation mode, a bit of practice might help you avoid confusion when presenting before an audience in Presenter View for the first few times.

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How to Use Presenter View in PowerPoint

Presenter View in PowerPoint

  • You can use thumbnails to select slides out of sequence and create a customized presentation for your audience.
  • Preview text shows you what your next click will add to the screen, such as a new slide or the next bullet in a list.
  • Speaker’s notes are shown in large, clear type so that you can use them as a script for your presentation.
  • You can temporarily black out the screen during a presentation and then resume where you left off. This can come in handy during breaks or question and answer periods.

Start Presenter View

  • Click the Options button.

Presenter View

The Presenter view fills the screen. The same presentation tools are available below the slide, and it also shows the current time and a thumbnail of the upcoming slide. At the bottom of the screen, use the arrows to move forward or backward in the presentation.

Command Buttons

At the top of the Presenter view, there are command buttons.

  • Show Taskbar : Show or hide the Windows taskbar.
  • Display Settings : When projecting, swap which display shows the presenter view or duplicate the slide show on both screens.
  • End the Slide Show : Return to Normal view.

Presenter View

The timer is located at the top-left corner of the current slide. It keeps track of how long Presenter view has been running.

  • Click the Pause button to temporarily stop the timer.

Presenter View

The Notes pane gives you a large look at any notes added to the slide. In Presenter view, you have the flexibility to change the display size.

Presenter View

End Presenter View

You can close Presenter view without ending the presentation entirely.

  • Click the Options menu.

Presenter View

You return to the regular slide show view.

To close Presenter View and end the presentation, just press Esc .

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Present Better with PowerPoint Presenter View: Tips & Tricks

The PowerPoint presenter view is the ideal tool for your presentation. The PowerPoint presenter view is the ideal tool for your presentation. It allows you to display your speaker notes and slides on your computer while presenting. Meanwhile, your audience will see the presentation without your notes on another screen or projector.

What is PowerPoint presenter view?

The PowerPoint presenter view is a presentation mode that allows presenters to see a preview of the next slides as well as their speaker notes. The advantage of this mode is that your audience will only see the current slide and nothing else.

PowerPoint presenter view: advantages

powerpoint presenter view

Presenter view offers a number of features that can help you streamline and improve the flow of your presentations:

1. You can add notes to each slide. This gives you more freedom and you won’t have to struggle with clumsy index cards. You can individually design the notes for each slide and, when you switch slides, you’ll see that slide’s notes as well.

2. You always see the current slide number (e.g., slide 5 of 13). That way, you can begin preparing for the next slide. You receive an overview of the entire presentation throughout.

3. A preview image on the side of your presentation always shows you the next slide.

4. A timer notifies you of how much time has elapsed. This is especially helpful if you have a limited amount of time to present.

5. You can use the pen tools to mark, highlight and augment your slide content . These freehand markups can even be saved afterwards.

6. You can view a thumbnail overview of all your presentation slides. This lets you choose slides freely and jump from slide to slide.

7. You can use the magnifying glass to enlarge individual sections of the current slide. The virtual laser pointer allows you to highlight specific points .

8. During breaks and discussions, you can fade to a black screen and don’t have to turn off the projector. This allows you to restart the presentation in less time.

How to set up PowerPoint presenter view with a projector 

PowerPoint presenter view requires two separate monitors. This often includes a projector. Here’s how to properly set up a projector:

1. Connect your laptop to the projector. Make sure the laptop isn’t switched on.

2. When you turn on the laptop, the projector will recognize it as a second screen.

3. When you start Microsoft PowerPoint, you should see the same image on both screens.

4. Now press the Windows + P key combination and then select Extend . Click on the check mark to the right of Presenter View in the Slide Show tab.

powerpoint presenter view

5. You’ll now see the different views on your two monitors. As the presenter, you’ll see the presenter view while your audience will see the current slide.

6. Normally, presenter view is automatically displayed on the correct monitor (namely, yours). If it still appears on the audience screen, set it to Primary Monitor in the Monitor drop-down menu. Presenter view should now run on your monitor.

powerpoint presenter view

How to disable PowerPoint presenter view  

To disable presenter view during your presentation, simply uncheck the Presenter View box in the Slide Show tab.

Tips for optimal use of the PowerPoint speaker view

1. practicing the presentation in advance.

If you want to use this tool effectively, you should be confident in using it . Therefore, test it extensively beforehand to be able to confidently operate the tool when it matters. In addition, also go through your presentation whilst projecting the speaker view. This way you can guarantee a more fluent presentation and fill in missing or insufficient notes.

2. Designing effective presentation notes

To ensure your notes are effective, keep them concise and to the point so you can access them quickly and easily during the presentation. Avoid long paragraphs and instead focus on bullet points that summarize the main ideas and important details .

By highlighting key terms or using abbreviations , you can make your notes easier to read. Your notes should also be large enough. To adjust the size of notes and previews, simply drag the edges of the relevant elements until they reach the desired size.

Be sure to structure your notes well to support the flow of your presentation and ensure a smooth transition between slides.

3. Managing time and breaks during the presentation

The integrated timeline allows you to always keep track of time during the presentation. To make the best use of your time, it is important to plan your presentation carefully and include breaks, if necessary, to give your audience time to process the information.

Be sure to use pauses deliberately, for example, to answer questions or emphasize important points. Also use the time display to keep track of your presentation speed so you don’t speak too fast or too slow to keep your audience’s attention.

This way, you guarantee a well-structured and engaging presentation that is both informative and enjoyable for your audience.

4. Integration of interactive elements

It’s no secret that interactivity in presentations helps keep the audience’s attention . Speaker View in PowerPoint offers the possibility to insert media and interactive elements into your presentation to make it more visually appealing and interesting.

For example, you can integrate videos, audio clips, animations, and interactive polls . Use the Speaker View to control the flow of media playback and make sure everything works smoothly.

For more ideas on how to make your presentations interactive, see the article “ Interactive presentations “.

5. Updating slides

PowerPoint presenter view allows you to update slides during your presentation. Dies This is really useful if you’ re in a team working on your presentation and changes are still being made, possibly right up to the last minute. To activate this setting, go to Set Up Slide Show from the Slide Show tab and select Keep slides updated .

powerpoint presenter view

Pro tip: Use shortcuts during your presentation

Shortcuts are keyboard combinations that allow you to quickly access certain PowerPoint functions. Here are five useful shortcuts which can simplify your presentations, especially in presenter view:

  • Fade to the next slide by pressing the Enter key or the right or down arrow keys .
  • To go back to the previous slide, press either the up or left arrow key .
  • To jump to the last slide of your presentation, press the End key .
  • If you want to skip slides during your presentation, press the slide number on your keyboard + Enter .
  • To make your screen appear white or black, select either W or the comma key for a white screen and B or the period key for a black screen . These functions can be especially helpful when you want to make sure that the audience’s entire attention is on you and not the screen.

For more useful shortcuts to make working with PowerPoint easier, feel free to check out our blog .

Use PowerPoint presenter view for better presentations

Presenter view makes it much easier for you to present and navigate your presentation. Thanks to many useful features, you can make your presentation more fluid and hold your audience’s attention.

Feel free to contact us at [email protected] with any questions about presenter view and PowerPoint in general. We’ll help you out.

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View Options in PowerPoint – A Complete Beginner’s Guide!

By: Author Shrot Katewa

View Options in PowerPoint – A Complete Beginner’s Guide!

There are many different types of presentations view available in PowerPoint including Normal View, Outline View, Presenter View, and Slide Show View to name a few. All these views serve different purposes and it is important to know how to use them appropriately to get the most out of PowerPoint!

In this article, we will talk about what each type of view does in PowerPoint and how to access them so that you can choose the best for your needs! So, let’s get started!

[ A Quick Note Before We Begin – for this article, I will be using one of the presentation templates from Envato Elements . With Envato Elements, you get access to thousands of presentation designs with unlimited downloads so you never run out of options again. Plus, you get free previews so you know exactly what you’re getting before buying! It is also very affordable. Check out their pricing here ]

1. What are the Different Type of View Options Available in PowerPoint?  

Microsoft PowerPoint is equipped with a variety of Slide View options that can be used for different purposes.

These are the different view options available in PowerPoint –

  • Normal View
  • Slide Sorter View
  • Notes Page View
  • Reading View
  • Outline View
  • Slide Show View
  • Presenter View
  • Slide Master View

2. How to Access the Different View Modes in PowerPoint?

To access the different view modes in PowerPoint, you have to click on the ‘View’ tab in the ribbon. The 2-step process is described below.

Step-1: Click on the ‘View’ tab

powerpoint presentation view next slide

At first, select the ‘View’ tab, which is the second to last tab in the ribbon section of your PowerPoint Window.

Step-2: Select your preferred ‘View Mode’

Once you have access to the ‘View’ tab, you can select your preferred view mode such as the Outline View , Slide Sorter view, Slide Master view, etc. from the Presentation View section or the Master View section. (as shown in the image in step 1)

3. What is the Purpose of Various View Modes in PowerPoint?

Each view mode in PowerPoint has its own purpose. Let’s go through the purposes of the different slide view options one by one below –

1. Normal View

powerpoint presentation view next slide

The ‘Normal View’ option is the first option in the ‘Presentation Views’ section of the ‘View’ tab. It is the most commonly used viewing option and is also the default slide view for PowerPoint.

The slides appear on the left of the PowerPoint window in the ‘Slide Navigation’ bar. Thumbnails of the slide are represented as boxes in the ‘Slide Navigation’ bar with its consecutive serial number to the left of it.

The main function of normal view mode in PowerPoint is to navigate through slides in a vertical grid while allowing you to add, design, or edit the slides while getting a preview of the slides on the left.

2. Slide Sorter View

powerpoint presentation view next slide

The ‘Slide Sorter’ option gives you an overview of all the slides in your PowerPoint presentation.

The slides are represented as thumbnails as a grid of boxes arranged side by side. The serial number of the slide is given on the bottom left corner of the slide thumbnail.

This option serves the purpose of viewing the slides together in one window making it easier to rearrange and organize them in a quick fashion.

3. Notes Page View

powerpoint presentation view next slide

The ‘Notes Page View’ option gives you the view of each slide and its speaker notes in one page.

In this view, the slides appear at the top and the speaker notes are given on the bottom of the two sections. The serial number of the slide is not shown in this view. You can also edit speaker notes from here.

The main purpose of the notes page view in PowerPoint is to preview what each page will look like before you print the slides with speaker notes.

4. Reading View:

powerpoint presentation view next slide

The Reading View option allows you to view your PowerPoint presentation without going into Full Screen mode. All the transitions and animations can be seen in this view. The serial number of the slide is given at the bottom right corner of the window.

It is used to preview the slide and review the slides with full focus. This mode also makes other view options easily accessible, which is not the case in ‘Slide Show’ mode where the presentation is shown in the full screen, and the options are not visible on screen.

The reading mode is actually more useful for word documents, as it allows the reader to focus just on the text. In my opinion, it adds little value to a PowerPoint presentation.

5. Outline View:

powerpoint presentation view next slide

The ‘Outline View’ shows you the entire outline of your PowerPoint presentation in the ‘Slide Navigation’ bar.

In this view, there is no thumbnail of the presentation. Instead, there is an outline of all the data present in that slide. The serial number of the slide is at the left followed by a small white box that represents a slide and then the outline of that slide.

You can also create an entire slide in the pane of this view by copy and pasting data from Microsoft Word. However, you will have to design the slide separately once the data has been added to each slide.

6. Slide Show View:

powerpoint presentation view next slide

The Slide Show View is the view that your audiences are going to see. This view shows each slide of your PowerPoint presentation in full screen.

All the transitions, animation, and multimedia files in your PowerPoint presentation are played here. Consecutive slides can be accessed using the direction keys on your keyboard or by clicking once on the slide.

7. Presenter View:

powerpoint presentation view next slide

This is the view that you as a presenter are going to see while the audience is seeing the ‘Slide Show’ view.

Although you can give a presentation even in the slide show view, but it is always recommend to deliver the presentation using the “Presenter View” mode in PowerPoint as it provides you with additional features and benefits!

This view mode in PowerPoint will split the screen in multiple windows. The window on the left represents the current slide that is being displayed (the one that is visible to your audience).

The window in the top right section indicates the next slide in the queue. Whereas, the notes section displays the notes or key points made by each slide. Both, the notes section as well as the next slides window are only visible to the presenter and not to the audience!

The purpose of the “ Presenter View ” is to give the presenter all the aids to be prepared for the next slide and highlight the key points to be made on the current slide while delivering the presentation.

8. Slide Master View:

powerpoint presentation view next slide

This view gives you a view of all the layouts used on the slides of your PowerPoint presentation.

The ‘ Slide Master View ’ option allows you to edit all the aspects of the layouts in your presentation such as fonts, background, color, and pretty much everything you can think of.

You can edit all the slide layouts of the presentation. Furthermore, you can also edit the header and footer of the presentation using the “ Slide Master View ” in PowerPoint.

4. How to Open the Presenter View in PowerPoint?  

There are 2 different ways you can enter into Presenter View in PowerPoint –

  • Using Slide Show View
  • Using the short cut key i.e. Alt+F5

If you are using the Office 365 version of PowerPoint , you can actually directly access the “Presenter View” in the View section. Simply click on “View”. Then, click on “Presenter View”

Let’s look at both the methods quickly –

Method 1 – Using the Slide Show View

Step-1: Click on the ‘Slide Show’ button at the bottom right corner of the screen

powerpoint presentation view next slide

At first, you have to click on the ‘Slide Show’ button that looks like a projector screen which is located at the bottom right corner of your PowerPoint window. (as indicated in the image above)

Step-2: Right-click and choose “Show Presenter View”

powerpoint presentation view next slide

Once you are in the ‘Slide Show’ mode, using your mouse right-click anywhere on the screen. From the menu that appears, choose the “ Show Presenter View ” option

Method 2 – Using the Keyboard Shortcut

Alternatively, you can press ‘ Alt + F5 ’ on your keyboard and that will immediately open the ‘Presenter View’ mode.

The keyboard shortcut to open the “Presenter View” in PowerPoint on Mac is “Option+Enter” key.

5. How to Change PowerPoint Back to Normal View? 

To change your PowerPoint back to ‘Normal View’ from ‘Slide Show’ mode, ‘Presenter View’ option or the ‘Reading View’ option, all you have to do is simply press the ‘ESC’ button on the keyboard of your computer. This will take you back to Normal View.

If you are using any other view apart from these 3 view modes in PowerPoint, you need to do the following –

powerpoint presentation view next slide

If you are in a different viewing option, such as ‘Slide Sorter’ option, or the ‘Reading View’ option then you have to select the ‘Normal View’ option from the ‘View’ tab instead of the ‘Slide Sorter’ option or the different slide view option you are currently on.  

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How to Use Presenter View in Microsoft PowerPoint on Windows 11

Posted on 20th june 2023.

3-5 times in the article

In PowerPoint, Presenter View is a display option that allows the presenter to view the current slide, next slide, speaker notes, and a timer on their screen while the audience sees only the slide. It’s a great way to keep track of your place and time while delivering a presentation.

To use Presenter View, you’ll need two monitors: one for the presenter and one for the audience. The presenter’s monitor will show Presenter View, and the audience’s monitor will show the slides.

Here’s how to set up Presenter View:

1. Connect the second monitor to your computer.

2. Open PowerPoint and go to the Slide Show tab.

3. In the Set Up group, click Set Up Slide Show.

4. Under Display options, select the check box next to Use Presenter View.

5. Click OK.

Now, when you start your slide show, Presenter View will appear on the presenter’s monitor and the slides will appear on the audience’s monitor.

To navigate through your presentation in Presenter View:

1. Use the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard to move between slides.

2. Use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the notes for each slide.

3. To end the presentation, press Esc.

When you’re giving a presentation, Presenter View is a great way to keep track of your place and time. It’s also a great way to view your speaker notes while the audience sees only the slides.

If you’re giving a presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint, you can use Presenter View to view your presentation with your speaker notes on your computer, while your audience views the slides on a separate display or projector.

To use Presenter View:

1. Connect your computer to the projector or second display.

2. Open your PowerPoint presentation.

3. Click the “Slide Show” tab.

4. Click “Set Up Show.”

5. Check the “Use Presenter View” option.

6. Click “OK.”

7. Click “From Beginning” or “From Current Slide” to start your presentation.

When you start your presentation, Presenter View will appear on your computer. Presenter View includes the following elements:

Slide preview: This area shows a preview of the next slide in your presentation.

Presentation timer: This timer keeps track of how long you’ve been presenting.

Speaker notes: This area displays your speaker notes for the current slide. You can also use the pen, highlighter, and eraser tools to annotate your notes.

Thumbnails: These small images show all of the slides in your presentation. You can click a thumbnail to jump to that slide.

Current slide: This area shows the slide that’s currently being displayed on the projector or second display.

Next slide: This area shows a preview of the next slide in your presentation.

When you’re ready to advance to the next slide, click the “Next” button in the Current Slide area or press the right arrow key on your keyboard.

To end your presentation, click the “End Show” button in the Current Slide area.

In PowerPoint, presenter view is a feature that lets you see your presentation with speaker notes on one computer (your laptop, for example), while your audience views the notes-free presentation on a different screen (like a projector connected to your laptop).

To use presenter view:

1. Connect your laptop to the projector.

5. Check the “Use Presenter View” box.

Now, when you start your slide show, your laptop will show the speaker notes while the projector shows the slide without the notes.

To advance the slides, you can use the mouse, the keyboard, or a remote control.

To advance the slides using the mouse, click on the slide you want to show.

To advance the slides using the keyboard, press the right arrow key.

To advance the slides using a remote control, click the “Forward” button.

To go back to a previous slide, you can use the mouse, the keyboard, or a remote control.

To go back to a previous slide using the mouse, click on the slide you want to show.

To go back to a previous slide using the keyboard, press the left arrow key.

To go back to a previous slide using a remote control, click the “Back” button.

If you want to use Presenter View but don’t have a second monitor, you can use PowerPoint’s built-in Presenter View on your Windows 11 computer.

1. Connect your computer to a projector or second monitor.

4. Under Show type, select Browsed by an individual (window).

5. Under Advance slides, select Use Presenter View.

6. Click OK.

When you start the slide show, PowerPoint will open two windows. One window will display the slide show on the projector or second monitor. The other window, Presenter View, will display on your computer.

Presenter View includes the current slide, the next slide, a timer, and your speaker notes. You can also use Presenter View to advance the slides, go back to previous slides, and end the slide show.

To advance the slides in Presenter View:

1. Click the Next button.

2. Press the spacebar on your keyboard.

3. Press the right arrow key on your keyboard.

4. Swipe forward on your touchpad.

To go back to a previous slide:

1. Click the Previous button.

2. Press the left arrow key on your keyboard.

3. Swipe backward on your touchpad.

To end the slide show:

1. Click the End Slide Show button.

2. Press the Esc key on your keyboard.

When you’re ready to present, click the Slide Show tab, then click From Beginning or From Current Slide.

To advance your slides, do one of the following:

On the Slide Show tab, click the Advance Slide arrow.

On the keyboard, press N for next or P for previous.

To end your slide show, do one of the following:

On the Slide Show tab, click End Show.

On the keyboard, press Esc.

If you have never used Presenter View in PowerPoint, or if you have never even heard of it, don’t worry. It’s actually very simple to use and can be a great way to make your presentations more engaging and professional.

To use Presenter View, you will need to have two monitors connected to your computer. One monitor will be for your PowerPoint presentation, and the other monitor will be for your Presenter View.

When you are ready to start your presentation, click the “Slide Show” tab at the top of the PowerPoint window. Then, click “Set Up Show.”

In the Set Up Show dialog box, select “Use Presenter View.” Then, click “OK.”

Now, when you start your presentation, your PowerPoint presentation will appear on one monitor, and your Presenter View will appear on the other monitor.

Your Presenter View will show your current slide, the next slide, your speaker notes, and a timer. It also has a few other features that can be helpful, such as the ability to jump to a specific slide, black out your screen, and more.

To learn more about using Presenter View, be sure to check out the PowerPoint help documentation.

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SlideShowView.Next method (PowerPoint)

  • 7 contributors

Displays the slide immediately following the slide that's currently displayed.

expression . Next

expression A variable that represents a SlideShowView object.

If the last slide is displayed, the Next method closes the slide show in speaker mode and returns to the first slide in kiosk mode.

Use the View property of the SlideShowWindow object to return the SlideShowView object.

This example shows the slide immediately following the currently displayed slide on slide show window one.

SlideShowView Object

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No more “next slide please” with Microsoft Teams PowerPoint Live Presenter Mode

One of the great meeting features of Microsoft Teams is PowerPoint Live Presenter mode. For me, the killer feature is that anyone can “Take control” of presenting the deck seamlessly.

In my opinion, it really breaks the flow of a presentation for the presenter to keep prompting someone with “next slide please”. It became a running joke with the UK Government updates that they were constantly prompting for “next slide please”


PowerPoint Live Presenter Mode won’t be suitable for every meeting type, as you may not want everyone in the meeting to have the power to “take control” but for internal “All Hands” type meetings, where multiple presenters have a couple of slides each to present, each presenter can just “take control” in turn and drive the slides.

Using PowerPoint Live Presenter Mode


Firstly someone uploads the PowerPoint deck. Teams will show recent decks that the user has edited to make it easy to find the right deck to upload, but you can also browse OneDrive or the local computer.

The person uploading will be the initial “deck presenter”; they will initially have control to move the deck forward for everyone in the meeting

Presenter Options in PowerPoint Live Presenter Mode


The presenter gets a nice view of the overall deck and the current slide you are presenting. You will also see slide notes. This is so useful if you are presenting from a single screen. You can also see all the chat while presenting. This tight integration with PowerPoint is something that steps Microsoft Teams apart from other online meeting platforms.

You can also use the new “standout” mode (not sure about that name, I prefer “weatherman mode”) to appear over the slides which can help promote engagement. Note, standout mode person overlaid on the slides won’t come through on a recording, The recording will show normal bottom right video.


PowerPoint Live Attendee Features

Attendees can even personally move forwards and backwards in the deck, this is useful if they want to see what is coming up


the presenter can turn off this feature if they prefer


Attendees can also personally put the slides into “high contrast mode” for improved accessibility. This only affects their view of the slides.


“Take Control” – the “next slide please” killer

Often in meetings with multiple presenters, before PowerPoint Live, one person presents the deck for the whole meetings, probably via screen sharing, and as the current talker asks that person to move the slides forward; “Next slide please”. Saving the pain of one person screens sharing, then another, then another.

With PowerPoint Live, In the meeting, everyone other than the current person presenting the slides will see the slide the presenter is presenting, but they also have a “Take Control” button.


The person that presses that button then gets the presenter view and control, and the original presenter gets prompted that someone has taken over. They can see who took over as the current presenter is shown in the bottom left.

This allows seamless transfer of presenters with no interruption for the “viewers” of the presentation for a much slicker meeting.


See the banner prompt notifying the previous presenter that someone has taken over presenting and in the bottom left I can see it’s Tom Morgan now presenting

Note, PowerPoint Live won’t work well for meetings where presenters need to “screen share” outside of a single PowerPoint deck. If someone does drop the presentation to share their screen, or for any other reason, when the original deck uploader shares the deck again, it prompts them with the option to resume at the same point in the deck.


About the author

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A Microsoft MVP and Microsoft Certified Master, Tom Arbuthnot is Founder and Principal at Empowering.Cloud as well as a Solutions Director at Pure IP.

Tom stays up to date with industry developments and shares news and his opinions on his Tomtalks.blog, UC Today Microsoft Teams Podcast and email list. He is a regular speaker at events around the world.

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So they have finally caught up to WebEx and Adobe Connect

Not bad. Would definitely need to be able to share other things like videos outside of PowerPoint. Also, other online meeting tools have this feature but if the original presenter tries to use their own screen, it overrides what the remote user is doing. Does this happen in Teams Live as well?

The original presenter can press take control, like the others.

[…] No more “next slide please” with Microsoft Teams PowerPoint Live Presenter Mode. One of the great meeting features of Microsoft Teams is PowerPoint Live Presenter mode. The killer feature is that anyone can “Take control” of presenting the deck seamlessly. […]

Can you stop selected participants from taking control as well as moving forwards?

Yes, in the meeting settings

can you please give us more details how to do so?

thank you in advance!

Do you know of any way to make the Powerpoint slides bigger for the participants? The full screen command does not really go full screen anymore and all the zoom shortcuts zoom in on the controls, not the presentation – help!? I can’t find this anywhere – the old key commands that used to work now do not in Powerpoint Live. We are on laptops btw – not bigger monitors – hence the problem.

powerpoint presentation view next slide

Microsoft 365 Life Hacks > Presentations > Five tips for choosing the right PowerPoint template

Five tips for choosing the right PowerPoint template

The design or template you choose can greatly influence the success of your presentation, either capturing your audience’s attention or leaving them disengaged. To make a lasting impression on your audience, utilize these five tips when selecting your PowerPoint presentation template.

Two pencils with a yellow background

How do you choose a template in PowerPoint?

The initial step in creating your PowerPoint presentation is choosing the appropriate design. To effectively select the best PowerPoint template for your presentation, there are several components you should consider. These components include the following:

1. Consider your audience

The first component you should consider is your audience. Is the presentation intended for a formal setting, such as in a business context, or will it be delivered in a more informal gathering? Are the viewers going to review the slides virtually , in-person, or will they be viewing the presentation independently? What are the demographics of your audience? It’s crucial to contemplate your audience before outlining your presentation, as they significantly influence your design choices. For example, if you are delivering a business-oriented presentation, you might choose a more conservative design, while a more informal presentation may call for a bolder and more captivating template.

Tell your story with captivating presentations Banner

Tell your story with captivating presentations

Powerpoint empowers you to develop well-designed content across all your devices

2. Select a template with appropriate layout options

The layout plays a crucial role in determining how your content is delivered, read, and ultimately comprehended by your audience. When you assess presentation templates, ensure that the layout options align with the nature of your content. Ask yourself, ‘Will this format enhance the readability and comprehension of my content for my audience? Is it the most efficient way to convey my information?

3. Choose a design that fits your style

You’ll feel most comfortable presenting when your presentation feels like yourself. Make you presentation an extension of your personal style and brand, that effectively complements your aesthetic preferences. Whether you prefer minimalism and clean lines or a striking, vibrant presentation filled with animation, select a design that aligns with your style and creates cohesive visuals.

4. Find a template that reflects your message

Outside of aesthetics, your template should reflect the core message of your presentation. If your content is data-heavy, opt for a template with clear charts and graphs. For a storytelling presentation, choose a template that incorporates visuals and storytelling elements. Ensuring your template and message aligns strengthens your presentation’s storytelling .

5. Consider the length of your presentation

The duration of your presentation should be incorporated in your template decision making. Longer presentations may benefit from a clean and organized template that aids in maintaining audience attention. Shorter presentations, on the other hand, provide room for more creative and visually striking templates. Consider the pacing and structure of your content in relation to the template to optimize your audience’s engagement.

The key to an effective PowerPoint presentation template is extensively considering the context of your presentation. Know who your audience is, what your message is, the length of your message, and how the content should be presented. When you consider these elements, you can ensure your presentation will resonate with your audience, with your intended impact. For more ways to improve your next presentation, learn more presentation tips .

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Steve Rindsberg  -  Jim_ Gordon  -  John Korchok   ✅

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View previous and next slide on presentation screen

My boss recently attended a conference and during a PowerPoint presentation, the previous slide was showing on the screen in the upper left corner (small version) and the next slide was showing on the screen in the upper right corner (small version).

Can this be done with PowerPoint 2010? If so, how?

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NVIDIA GTC 2024: A Glimpse Into the Future of AI With Jensen Huang

NVIDIA’s GTC 2024 AI conference will set the stage for another leap forward in AI.

At the heart of this highly anticipated event: the opening keynote by Jensen Huang , NVIDIA’s visionary founder and CEO, who speaks on Monday, March 18, at 1 p.m. Pacific, at the SAP Center in San Jose, Calif.

Planning Your GTC Experience

There are two ways to watch.

Register to attend GTC in person to secure a spot for an immersive experience at the SAP Center. The center is a short walk from the San Jose Convention Center, where the rest of the conference takes place. Doors open at 11 a.m., and badge pickup starts at 10:30 a.m.

The keynote will also be livestreamed at www.nvidia.com/gtc/keynote/ .

Whether attending in person or virtually, commit to joining us all week. GTC is more than just a conference. It’s a gateway to the next wave of AI innovations.

  • Transforming AI: Hear more from Huang as he discusses the origins and impact of transformer neural network architecture with its creators and industry pioneers. He’ll host a panel with all eight authors of the legendary 2017 paper that introduced the concept of transformers: Ashish Vaswani, Noam Shazeer, Niki Parmar, Jakob Uszkoreit, Llion Jones, Aidan N. Gomez, Lukasz Kaiser, and Illia Polosukhin.Wed., March 20, 11-11:50 a.m. Pacific.
  • Join Visionaries Transforming Our World: Hear from leaders such as xAI cofounder Igor Babuschkin ; Microsoft Vice President of GenAI Sebastian Bubeck , Stanford University’s Fei-Fei Li ,  Meta Vice President of AI Research Joelle Pineau ; OpenAI Chief Operating Officer Brad LightCap ; Adept AI founder and CEO David Luan ; Waabi f ounder and CEO Raquel Urtasun ; Mistral CEO Arthur Mensch ; and many others at the forefront of AI across various industries.
  • Be Part of What Comes Next: Engage from March 17-21 in workshops and peer networking and connect with the experts. This year’s session catalog is packed with topics covering everything from robotics to generative AI, showcasing real-world applications and the latest in AI innovation.
  • Stay Connected: Tune in online to engage with the event and fellow attendees using #GTC24 on social media.

With visionary speakers and a comprehensive program covering the essentials of AI and computing, GTC promises to be an enlightening experience for all.

Don’t miss your chance to be at the forefront of AI’s evolution. Register now .

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Create a presentation

Create a presentation in powerpoint for the web.

Your browser does not support video. Install Microsoft Silverlight, Adobe Flash Player, or Internet Explorer 9.

With PowerPoint for the web running in your web browser, you can:

Create presentations that include images, videos, transitions, and animations.

Get to your presentations from your computer, tablet, or phone.

Share and work with others, wherever they are.

If you're using the desktop version of PowerPoint on a Windows PC, see the PowerPoint Quick Start .

If you're using the desktop version of PowerPoint on a Mac, see Office for Mac Quick Start Guides and PowerPoint for Mac Help .

Create, open, and name a presentation

Go to powerpoint.office.com .

The app launcher icon in Office 365

Select New blank presentation , open a Recent file, select one of the themes , or start with a presentation template .

To name the presentation, select the title at the top and type a name.

If you need to rename the presentation, select the title and retype the name.

Create a presentation

Add a slide

Select the slide you want your new slide to follow.

Select Home > New Slide .

Select Layout and the you type want from the drop-down.

Slide Layouts in PowerPoint

When working in PowerPoint for the web, your work is saved every few seconds. You can select File > Save a Copy to create a duplicate copy in another location.

Or choose File > Download As to save a copy to your device.

Use Download a Copy to save the presentation to your computer

When you're online, AutoSave is always on and saves your changes as you work. If at any time you lose your Internet connection or turn it off, any pending changes will sync as soon as you’re back online.

The AutoSave Toggle in Office

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  1. Presenter View in PowerPoint

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  2. Next Steps Slides PowerPoint Template

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  1. PowerPoint Slide Show Presentation PowerPoint|Slide

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  3. PowerPoint Trick to make a stunning slide for your next presentation ✨ #powerpoint #presentation

  4. Power point, creating a new blank presentation, presentation type, view icons, outline, slide show

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  1. Use Presenter View in PowerPoint

    Select the Slide Show tab. Select the Use Presenter View checkbox. Select which monitor to display Presenter View on. Select From Beginning or press F5. In Presenter View, you can: See your current slide, next slide, and speaker notes. Select the arrows next to the slide number to go between slides. Select the pause button or reset button to ...

  2. how can I get to 'preview' the next slide on a PPT before I show it

    Here is Microsoft's page about this feature: Start the presentation and see your notes in Presenter view. Author of "OOXML Hacking - Unlocking Microsoft Office's Secrets", ebook now out. John Korchok, Production Manager. [email protected]. 1 person found this reply helpful.

  3. Present a PowerPoint Slideshow With Presenter View (+ Video

    In Presenter View, you'll have your own private screen with tools like a next slide preview, timekeeper, and drawing tools.. This is a view that you'll see on your own screen while giving a presentation using PowerPoint. While the audience will see the presentation on the projector or big screen, you'll have your own private view on a second monitor.

  4. Start the presentation and see your notes in Presenter view

    Now, if you are working with PowerPoint on a single monitor and you want to display Presenter view, in Slide Show view, on the control bar at the bottom left, select , and then Show Presenter View. Use the controls in Presenter view. To move to the previous or next slide, select Previous or Next.

  5. Understanding Presenter View in PowerPoint: A Deep Dive Guide

    In-depth Features of the Presenter View. PowerPoint's Presenter View is not just a simple "next slide" preview; it's a hub of tools and functionalities designed to make the presenter's job easier and the presentation more engaging. H3: Slide Preview This is arguably the most straightforward feature but also the most helpful.

  6. How to Work with Presenter View in PowerPoint

    A simple method for switching to Presenter View on a single monitor is to click the three dots ( More slideshow options) at the bottom in SlideShow mode and select Show Presenter View. You can also switch to Presenter View on a single monitor anytime using the ALT+F5 hotkey. The presenter can easily manage a PPT in presentation mode, with the ...

  7. How to use the Presenter View in PowerPoint

    Take advantage of the PowerPoint Presenter View to practice and present your PowerPoint speaker notes. This view also helps you as a presenter by showing you...

  8. 5 Easy Steps to Use Presenter View in PowerPoint

    Check the box beside the "Use Presenter View." Select from the "Start Slide Show" section to start your presentation "From the Beginning." Click the three dots menu on your full-screen slideshow view and select "Show Presenter View." When your presentation displays "Presenter View," you can scroll and use it for your speech.

  9. Presenter View in PowerPoint

    Start Presenter View. Click the Options button. Select Show Presenter View . The Presenter view fills the screen. The same presentation tools are available below the slide, and it also shows the current time and a thumbnail of the upcoming slide. At the bottom of the screen, use the arrows to move forward or backward in the presentation.

  10. Present Better with PowerPoint Presenter View: Tips & Tricks

    3. When you start Microsoft PowerPoint, you should see the same image on both screens. 4. Now press the Windows + P key combination and then select Extend. Click on the check mark to the right of Presenter View in the Slide Show tab. 5. You'll now see the different views on your two monitors.

  11. View Options in PowerPoint

    To access the different view modes in PowerPoint, you have to click on the 'View' tab in the ribbon. The 2-step process is described below. Step-1: Click on the 'View' tab. At first, select the 'View' tab, which is the second to last tab in the ribbon section of your PowerPoint Window. Step-2: Select your preferred 'View Mode'.

  12. How to Use Presenter View in Microsoft PowerPoint on Windows 11

    Presenter View includes the current slide, the next slide, a timer, and your speaker notes. You can also use Presenter View to advance the slides, go back to previous slides, and end the slide show. To advance the slides in Presenter View: 1. Click the Next button. 2. Press the spacebar on your keyboard. 3. Press the right arrow key on your ...

  13. Video: Use Presenter view

    PowerPoint is all about helping you give great presentations; and the Presenter view is all about helping you use PowerPoint. Traditionally, the audience faces a screen showing your PowerPoint slides, and you stand in between the audience and screen, and change slides on a computer. ... In the next video, we'll set up a presentation.

  14. SlideShowView.Next method (PowerPoint)

    In this article. Displays the slide immediately following the slide that's currently displayed. Syntax. expression.Next. expression A variable that represents a SlideShowView object.. Remarks. If the last slide is displayed, the Next method closes the slide show in speaker mode and returns to the first slide in kiosk mode.. Use the View property of the SlideShowWindow object to return the ...

  15. Free Online Slide Presentation: PowerPoint

    One person. Sharing and real-time collaboration. PowerPoint for the web and PowerPoint desktop app for offline use. Premium templates, fonts, icons, and stickers with thousands of options to choose from. Dictation, voice commands, and transcription. Advanced spelling and grammar, in-app learning tips, use in 20+ languages, and more.

  16. Use Presenter View in PowerPoint

    Select the Slide Show tab. Select the Use Presenter View checkbox. Select which monitor to display Presenter View on. Select From Beginning or press F5. In Presenter View, you can: See your current slide, next slide, and speaker notes. Select the arrows next to the slide number to go between slides. Select the pause button or reset button to ...

  17. No more "next slide please" with Microsoft Teams PowerPoint Live

    Often in meetings with multiple presenters, before PowerPoint Live, one person presents the deck for the whole meetings, probably via screen sharing, and as the current talker asks that person to move the slides forward; "Next slide please". Saving the pain of one person screens sharing, then another, then another.

  18. Choose the right view for the task in PowerPoint

    Slide Sorter view. You can get to Slide Sorter view from the task bar at the bottom of the slide window, or from the View tab on the ribbon. Slide Sorter view (below) displays all the slides in your presentation in horizontally sequenced, thumbnails. Slide show view is helpful if you need to reorganize your slides—you can just click and drag ...

  19. "next slide" feature in PPT presenter view

    Answer. You cannot hide the current slide and the next slide completely, but you can minimize them. When you hover your mouse over the border between the three parts of presenter view (see dotted yellow line in my screenshot) the mouse becomes a double-pointed arrow (red arrows in my screenshot) and you can drag to minimize one and maximize ...

  20. Five tips for choosing the right PowerPoint template

    Tell your story with captivating presentations. 2. Select a template with appropriate layout options. The layout plays a crucial role in determining how your content is delivered, read, and ultimately comprehended by your audience. When you assess presentation templates, ensure that the layout options align with the nature of your content.

  21. How Custom Presentation Services Enhance Agencies' Services

    By appointing a 24Slides Custom Project, agencies can offer their customers a more complete, well-rounded service while maintaining total control of their creative work. Think of it like a secondary team that manages all the everyday micro-lifting while agencies focus on the project's most strategic, creative part.

  22. Best Project Services to Get Your Business' Presentations Ready

    Prices start from $11 per slide. 24 hour turnaround. Fully-editable slides and templates. Trusted by some of the world's biggest firms. Our Projects and Branding services are the perfect solution for those enterprises looking to get their presentations in line after a brand refresh!

  23. View previous and next slide on presentation screen

    You would need to add images of the previous and next slides. Could be done with a macro. Sub pics () Dim i As Integer. Dim s As Integer. Call zap. ActivePresentation.SaveCopyAs Environ ("TEMP"), ppSaveAsJPG. For i = 1 To ActivePresentation.Slides.Count. Select Case i.

  24. Presentation Design Services Perfect for Academic Institutions

    Mar 26, 2024. 2 mins read. Share this article. Prices start from $11 per slide. 24 hour turnaround. Fully-editable slides and templates. Trusted by some of the world's biggest firms. Projects and Rebranding services are perfect for those looking to get all their training and academic materials in line before the new semester.

  25. Use keyboard shortcuts to deliver PowerPoint presentations

    Start a presentation from the current slide. Shift+F5. Start the presentation in Presenter View. Alt+F5. Perform the next animation or advance to the next slide. N. Enter. Page down. Right arrow key. Down arrow key. Spacebar. Perform the previous animation or return to the previous slide. P. Page up. Left arrow key. Up arrow key. Backspace

  26. NVIDIA GTC 2024: A Glimpse Into the Future of AI With Jensen Huang

    NVIDIA's founder and CEO will discuss the future of AI at one of the world's premier technology conferences. NVIDIA's GTC 2024 AI conference will set the stage for another leap forward in AI. At the heart of this highly anticipated event: the opening keynote by Jensen Huang, NVIDIA's visionary founder and CEO, who speaks on Monday ...

  27. Create a presentation in PowerPoint for the web

    Select New blank presentation, open a Recent file, select one of the themes, or start with a presentation template. To name the presentation, select the title at the top and type a name. If you need to rename the presentation, select the title and retype the name.