Faire Conjugation: How To Conjugate To Make/Do In French

Faire Conjugation: How To Conjugate To Make/Do In French

Conjugation tables for faire in French

The French verb faire is one of the most commonly used verbs in the language. The two main meanings of faire are “to make” and “to do”. The present tense conjugation of faire is: Je fais (I do), Tu fais (You do, familiar), Il, elle fait (He, she does), Nous faisons (We do), Vous faites (You do, plural, formal) and Ils, elles font (They do). Keep reading to find the complete Faire conjugation tables with example sentences.

Faire Conjugation French

The verb faire is also used in a wide variety of idiomatic expressions.

Faire is an irregular verb. This means that when conjugated in the present tense, its verb endings to not follow the same patterns as regular verbs in the -er group.

This post provides verb tables of faire in the following tenses:

  • present tense, compound past ( passé composé )
  • simple past ( passé simple )
  • imperfect ( imparfait )
  • near future ( futur proche )
  • simple future ( futur simple )
  • past future (futur antérieur)
  • conditional mood ( présent du conditionnel )
  • present subjunctive ( subjonctif )
  • imperative (impératif) and gerund.

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Idiomatic Uses of Faire: How to use this versatile verb

The French verb faire is used in many French idiomatic and cultural expressions. We’ve included lots of these idiomatic expressions in our example sentences in the verb tables below.

Weather expressions with faire

The following is a sample list of French weather expressions which use faire. The grammatical construction is: Il fait + weather condition. Here you can find a complete list of French weather terms .

  • Il fait beau. It’s nice weather.
  • Il fait mauvais. It’s bad weather.
  • Il fait froid. It’s cold out.
  • Il fait chaud. It’s hot out.
  • Il fait du soleil. It’s sunny out.
  • Il fait du vent. It’s windy out.

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Sports and activities

Faire is also used for sports, activities and hobbies. The grammatical structure is faire + de + le/la/les + activity name. The de + le/la/les gets contracted into du, de la and d’. Below we’ve included a brief list.

  • Faire du sport to do sports
  • Faire des exercises to do exercises
  • Faire du vélo to go bike riding
  • Faire du ski to go skiing
  • Faire de la natation To go swimming
  • Faire de la randonnée To go hiking

Common faire expressions

Here are some of the most commonly used expressions which use the verb faire. There are many more uses faire.

  • Faire du shopping to go shopping
  • Faire des courses to do errands, go shopping
  • Faire le ménage to do housework
  • Faire la vaisselle to do dishes
  • Faire la lessive to do laundry
  • Faire le pont to take a long weekend
  • Faire les devoirs to do homework
  • Faire attention to be careful, watch out
  • Faire la fête to party
  • Faire le lit to make the bed
  • Faire la tête to sulk

This page provides much more extensive list of faire expressions .

Causative construction

In French grammar , faire is used in what’s called the causative construction to indicate having something done.

The grammatical construction faire + infinitive is used to express having something done (by somebody else).

  • Je fais réparer la voiture.   I have the car repaired.
  • Je fais faire un costume.  I have a suit made.
  • Je fais nettoyer la cuisine.   I have the kitchen cleaned.

School subjects

The verb faire can also be used for studying ‘doing’ school. Again the grammatical construction is faire + de + le/la/les + subject. This page offers a complete list of  French school subject vocabulary .

  • J’ai fait du Chinois à l’université.  I studied Chinese in university.
  • Marie fait de la biologie au lycée.  Marie studies biology in high school.
  • Pierre fait des maths au collège.  Pierre studies math in middle school.

Se faire – forme pronominale

Following the causative form above, se faire + infinitive means to have somebody else carry out an action onto the subject. Here are two examples.

  • Martin se fait vacciner. Martin gets vaccinated.
  • Éric se fait rouler. Eric gets ripped off.

In an impersonal expression se faire translates to “is it that”.

  • Comment se fait-il qu’il est arrivé si tard?  How is it that he arrived s o late?

Se faire is a passive voice to mean “is done”.

  • Ça se fait pas en France!  That isn’t done in France! (You don’t do that in France!)

Faire can mean to cover in terms of covering distance.

  • J’ai fait huit cent miles en un jour.  I covered (went) 800 miles in one day.

Faire Conjugation French: Charts & Tables

Present indicative (present tense).

i had to do my homework in french

The following chart shows faire conjugated in the present tense ( le présent de l’indicatif ).

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Compound past (passé composé)

The French passé composé is used to describe actions which occurred at a specific moment in time. For the verb faire, it the passé composé is formed by combining the present tense of the verb avoir (to have) with the past participle “fait”.

Simple past (passé simple)

The simple past or passé simple is a literary past tense and equates grammatically to the passé composé.

Given that this tense is mostly used used in literary works, it’s most common to see the third-person singular (il and elle) and third-person plural (ils, elles) forms: Il/elle fit and Ils/elles firent .

Imperfect (imparfait)

The French imperfect tense (l’imparfait) is used for describing past actions that occurred during undefined periods of time.

“Je faisais” translates to “I used to do”, I used to make”, “I was doing” and “I was making”.

Thus, in the verb table below, translations include “was making”, “was doing”, “used to make” and “used to do”.

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Near future (futur proche)

The near future tense is a future tense that combines the present tense of aller as an auxiliary verb with and infinitive. Hence, “Je vais faire” translates to “I will make”, “I will do”, “I am going to make” and “I am going to do”.

Simple future ( futur simple )

The simple future is another French future tense which has a slightly less degree of certainty than the futur proche. For the verb faire, it is formed by adding the appropriate ending the stem -fer.

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Past future (futur antérieur)

The French past future tense ( futur antérieur ) is used to describe actions that will have happened in the future. For the verb faire, it is formed by combining avoir in the simple future as an auxiliary verb with the past participle “fait”.

Hence, “J’aurai fait” translates to “I will have made” or “I will have done”.

Conditional mood (présent du conditionnel)

The conditional tense ( présent du conditionnel ) is used to express hypothetical situations. It is the “would” tense. For the verb faire, it is formed by combing the appropriate ending with the stem -fer.

Hence, “Je ferais” translates to “I would make” and “I would do”.

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Present subjunctive (subjonctif)

The subjunctive mood (subjonctif) is used to express wishes, emotions and doubts. Thus, “que je fasse” translates to “that I make” and “that I do”.

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Imperative (impératif)

The French imperative mood (impératif) is the commanding tense. Hence, in the affirmative imperative and tu (you familiar) form, “Fais!” means “Make!” or “Do!”.

In the negative imperative and tu form, “Ne fais pas!” translates to “Don’t make!” or “Don’t do!”.

Positive imperative

Negative imperative, gerund (gérondif).

The French gerund combines the preposition “en” with the present participle of the verb. Hence, for the verb faire, “en faisant” translates to “while doing” or “while making. Here are some example sentences:

  • Je me suis coupé le doigt en faisant la cuisine. I cut my finger while cooking.
  • Tu as pris de belles photos en faisant du ski. You took some nice pictures while skiing.

Discover more:

  • Être (to be) conjugation charts
  • Avoir (to have) conjugation charts
  • Aller (to go) conjugation charts
  • Pouvoir (can, to be able to) conjugation charts
  • Aimer (to like, to love) conjugation charts

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language enthusiast. His head is swimming with words and sounds as he speaks over six languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private online lessons. When procrastinating working on his site,, David enjoys his time skiing and hiking in Teton Valley, Idaho.

See all posts by David Issokson

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Words for I do my homework in French

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What is the translation of "homework" in French?

"homework" in french, homework {noun}.

  • volume_up devoir scolaire

homeworker {noun}

  • volume_up travailleur à domicile
  • travailleuse à domicile

homeworking {noun}

  • volume_up travail à domicile

holiday homework {noun}

  • volume_up devoir de vacances

homework book {noun}

  • volume_up cahier de devoirs


  • open_in_new Link to source
  • warning Request revision

Context sentences

English french contextual examples of "homework" in french.

These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. is not responsible for their content.

Monolingual examples

English how to use "homework" in a sentence, english how to use "homeworker" in a sentence, english how to use "homeworking" in a sentence, english how to use "holiday homework" in a sentence, english how to use "homework book" in a sentence, english how to use "devoir scolaire" in a sentence, english how to use "travailleur à domicile" in a sentence, english how to use "travailleuse à domicile" in a sentence, english how to use "devoir de vacances" in a sentence, collocations, "assigned homework" in french.

  • volume_up devoirs assignés

"assign homework" in French

  • volume_up assigner des devoirs
  • volume_up attribuer les devoirs

"homework assignment" in French

  • volume_up devoirs
  • volume_up Devoir

Synonyms (English) for "homework":

  • preparation
  • hometown discount
  • hometown fans
  • hometown hero
  • hometown newspaper
  • hometown paper
  • hometown pride
  • homeward bound
  • homeward journey
  • homeward-bound commuters
  • homework assignment
  • homework assistance
  • homework book
  • homework completion
  • homework diary
  • homework help
  • homework load
  • homework notebook
  • homework session

Translations into more languages in the English-Norwegian dictionary .

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House passes $1.2 trillion spending bill, sending it to Senate hours before shutdown

WASHINGTON — The House voted 286-134 on Friday to pass a sweeping $1.2 trillion government funding bill , sending it to the Senate just hours before the deadline to prevent a shutdown .

Soon after, the Senate voted 78-18 to advance the bill procedurally, but all 100 senators will need to greenlight a final vote to skip other hurdles and pass the bill before the midnight deadline. If that doesn’t happen, the government would be forced into a partial shutdown on Saturday morning. President Joe Biden has called on Congress to pass it quickly and said he’ll sign the bill.

“This hasn’t been a perfect process. But we should never let the perfect be the enemy of the good,” House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., said. “This is a good result for the American people.”

The bill , released early Thursday, funds the departments of Homeland Security, State, Labor, Defense, Health and Human Services and various other agencies. Together with the $459 billion bill passed earlier this month, it fully funds the federal government to the tune of $1.659 trillion through September, after months of stopgap bills and negotiations.

Chuck Schumer speaks with Mike Johnson at the Capitol.

“I’m confident we will take up and pass this bill. Whether or not we can avoid a government shutdown solely depends on a small number of Senate Republicans, and whether they will drag this out through the weekend,” Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., said on MSNBC.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, said the impending two-week recess would motivate the Senate to get unanimous consent to vote quickly and pass the bill. “This is the United States Senate,” Murkowski said. “We’re motivated by recesses.”

The legislation was negotiated by House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., top appropriators in both parties and the White House. Both parties touted some wins: Democrats said they “defeated outlandish cuts” proposed by Republicans and kept out abortion restrictions. GOP leaders touted more immigration funding for border agents and detention beds for Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

“Against all odds, House Republicans refocused spending on America’s most crucial needs, at home and abroad,” House Appropriations Chair Kay Granger, R-Texas, said before the vote.

Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, complained that members only had about 24 hours to review the bill and attacked his fellow Republicans for failing to secure the immigration restrictions they wanted, referring to the killing of a University of Georgia student that has been a rallying cry for GOP members.

“My Republican colleagues cannot go campaign against mass parole and use the name of Laken Riley , because you pass a bill in her name, when you fund the very policies that lead to her death,” Roy said on the House floor. “Any of my Republican colleagues you want to spend this year campaigning against open borders — it’s a laugh. Because today, if you vote for this abomination of a bill, you will be voting to fund it. You will be voting to fund the very policies that you will campaign against.”

Prior to the vote, leaders of the hard-right House Freedom Caucus held a news conference trashing the bill, calling it “capitulation,” “surrender" and “chock full of crap.”

But they didn’t take questions about whether they’ll seek to retaliate by removing Johnson or calling for changes in GOP leadership, whom they blamed for the final product.

“This is not a personnel discussion for us today,” Rep. Bob Good, R-Va., the chair of the Freedom Caucus, told reporters. “We’re talking about the bill and the policy today.”

On the eve of the vote, Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., who led the push to remove Kevin McCarthy , R-Calif., as speaker last year, said he doesn’t plan on filing a motion to vacate Johnson.

“If we vacated this speaker, we’d end up with a Democrat,” Gaetz told reporters. “I worry that we’ve got Republicans who would vote for Hakeem Jeffries at this point. I really do.”

i had to do my homework in french

Sahil Kapur is a senior national political reporter for NBC News.


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  1. i do my homework

    I can do my homework at s chool and receive help. Je peux faire mes devoirs à l'école et me faire aider. N ow I do my homework beca use it all depends on the boss.

  2. i had done my homework

    I had done my homework, wore a nice tie, answered simply and clearly, and felt triumphant. J ' avais fait mes devoirs, je po rtais u ne belle cravate , j'ai r ép ondu aux questions simplement et clairement, e t je me sent ai s triomphant.

  3. i did my homework

    Many translated example sentences containing "i did my homework" - French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations. Look up in Linguee; Suggest as a translation of "i did my homework" ... with others who had went to various places about their experiences.

  4. French translation of 'homework'

    French Translation of "HOMEWORK" | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. TRANSLATOR. LANGUAGE. ... I always said I had too much homework. The Sun (2016) You say you have a little straw bag from when he brought his homework from school. Paul Preston DOVES OF WAR: ...

  5. i do my homework translation in French

    je suppose que oui. After that, I do my homework. Après ça, je fais mes devoirs. You see, I do my homework, citizen. Vous voyez, je fais mes devoirs, citoyen. Well, I will make sure I do my homework, Colonel. Je m'assurerai de faire mes devoirs, Colonel. You see, I do my homework, Monsieur Norton.

  6. Translation of "to do my homework" in French

    Translations in context of "to do my homework" in English-French from Reverso Context: I'm too sleepy to do my homework. Translation Context Grammar Check Synonyms Conjugation Conjugation Documents Dictionary Collaborative Dictionary Grammar Expressio Reverso Corporate

  7. French translation of 'homework'

    my geography homework mes devoirs de géographie. 2. (figurative) (= research) to do one's homework bien se renseigner avant. He's obviously done his homework! À l'évidence, il s'était bien renseigné avant ! Serious bargain hunters will do their homework before choosing a holiday.

  8. How to say "I do my homework." in French.

    Tu fais tes devoirs. You do your homework (formal) Vous faites vos devoirs. He does his homework. Il fait ses devoirs. We do our homework. Nous faisons nos devoirs. You all do your homework. Vous faites tous vos devoirs.

  9. Faire Conjugation: How To Conjugate To Make/Do In French

    I would do my homework if I had enough time. Tu ferais: You would make, do (familiar) Tu ferais un voyage si tu avais assez de d'argent. You would take a trip if you had enough money. Il, elle, on ferait: He, she, one would make, do: Il ferait du ski s'il y avait assez de neige. He would go skiing if there was enough snow. Nous ferions: We ...

  10. Translation of "I do my homework" in French

    Voilà pourquoi je fais mes devoirs le samedi. In the afternoon, I do my homework and relax. Le dimanche après-midi, je fais mes devoirs et je me repose. And at night, I study, I do my homework. Et le soir même, j'étudie, je fais mes devoirs. When I do my homework, he sits on the table and closely follows my movements.

  11. Translation of "do my homework" in French

    Translation of "do my homework" in French. Well, I better do my homework. Bon, je vais faire mes devoirs. I'm trying to do my homework. J'essaie de faire mes devoirs. I do my homework, too, captain. Je fais mes devoirs aussi capitaine. I'll do my homework after I watch television. Je ferai mes devoirs après avoir regardé la télévision.

  12. Top 8 Words for I do my homework in French.

    French. I do my homework. Je fais mes devoirs. You do your homework. Tu fais tes devoirs. You do your homework (formal) Vous faites vos devoirs. He does his homework. Il fait ses devoirs.

  13. homework

    Anglais. Français. do homework vtr + n. (do after-hours schoolwork) faire ses devoirs loc v. The children have to do homework before they can go out to play. Les enfants doivent faire leurs devoirs avant de pouvoir aller jouer dehors. do your homework v expr.


    We have to admit, however, that we still have a lot of homework to do. Nous devons néanmoins admettre que nous avons encore beaucoup à faire chez nous. Instead of constantly hatching new projects you should do your homework. Au lieu de toujours manigancer de nouveaux projets, vous devriez faire vos devoirs.

  15. i'm doing my homework

    J 'avais fait mes devoirs, je portais u ne belle cravate, j'ai répondu aux questions simplement et clairement, et je me sentai s triomphant. [...] study for me and do my homework in m y place. [...] étudier p our moi et faire mes travaux à ma place. [...] practice and then do my homework when I get back home.

  16. do homework

    i need to do my homework If I have homework left, I do it. my parents would like me to do my homework first Please do not give us homework She makes me do my homework She stayed home, either to do her homework or spend time with her family. Sorry! I had to do homework. we must do our homework tomorrow Suite...

  17. How to say Homework in French?

    After supper, I go upstairs to do my homework. Ils pouvaient seulement aller à l'école et faire leurs devoirs , puisque tout le reste était interdit. They could only go to school and do their homework , since everything else was forbidden.

  18. my homework

    manger, dormir, faire mes devoirs et aller à l'éc ole. From 3:30 on, I practice the cello - about two hours a day - an d do my homework. [...] le jo ur et dès mon retour à 15 h 30, je prati que mon vio loncelle environ deux heures par jour - et je fais mes devoirs.

  19. homework translation in French

    mes devoirs de géographie. to do one's homework. exp. bien se renseigner avant. ***. 'homework' also found in translations in French-English dictionary. devoir d'école.

  20. French Translation of "DO"

    French Translation of "DO" | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. ... I haven't done my homework. Je n'ai pas fait mes devoirs. She did it by herself. ... The top secret documents had to do with the most advanced military equipment.

  21. Translation of "i did my homework" in French

    This time I did my homework. Cette fois, j'ai fait mes devoirs. Well, I did my homework. Pendant que je faisais mes devoirs. When I was a little girl, there was a sign hanging above the desk where I did my homework. Quand j'étais petite fille, il y avait un message sur le bureau où je faisais mes devoirs. Look, I did my homework.

  22. i did my homework translation in French

    Premièrement, j'ai fait mes devoirs. This time I did my homework. Cette fois, j'ai fait mes devoirs. Well, I did my homework. Pendant que je faisais mes devoirs. When I was a little girl, there was a sign hanging above the desk where I did my homework. Quand j'étais petite fille, il y avait un message sur le bureau où je faisais mes devoirs.

  23. House passes $1.2 trillion spending bill, sending it to Senate hours

    WASHINGTON — The House voted 286-134 on Friday to pass a sweeping $1.2 trillion government funding bill, sending it to the Senate just hours before the deadline to prevent a shutdown.. Soon ...

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    A cargo ship struck a bridge that crosses outer Baltimore Harbor early Tuesday, triggering a partial collapse, the authorities said. The Coast Guard received a report of an impact at 1:27 a.m ...

  25. do my homework translation in French

    English-French dictionary. → He never did any homework and he got terrible results in school. to do one's homeworkbien se renseigner avantHe's obviously done his homework!À l'évidence, il s'était bien renseigné avant !Serious bargain hunters will do their homework before choosing a holiday.Les chasseurs de bonnes affaires sérieux se ...