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Top 10 Software Engineer Research Topics for 2024

Home Blog Programming Top 10 Software Engineer Research Topics for 2024

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Software engineering, in general, is a dynamic and rapidly changing field that demands a thorough understanding of concepts related to programming, computer science, and mathematics. As software systems become more complicated in the future, software developers must stay updated on industry innovations and the latest trends. Working on software engineering research topics is an important part of staying relevant in the field of software engineering. 

Software engineers can do research to learn about new technologies, approaches, and strategies for developing and maintaining complex software systems. Software engineers can conduct research on a wide range of topics. Software engineering research is also vital for increasing the functionality, security, and dependability of software systems. Going for the Top Programming Certification course contributes to the advancement of the field's state of the art and assures that software engineers can continue to build high-quality, effective software systems.

What are Software Engineer Research Topics?

Software engineer research topics are areas of exploration and study in the rapidly evolving field of software engineering. These research topics include various software development approaches, quality of software, testing of software, maintenance of software, security measures for software, machine learning models in software engineering, DevOps, and architecture of software. Each of these software engineer research topics has distinct problems and opportunities for software engineers to investigate and make major contributions to the field. In short, research topics for software engineering provide possibilities for software engineers to investigate new technologies, approaches, and strategies for developing and managing complex software systems. 

For example, research on agile software development could identify the benefits and drawbacks of using agile methodology, as well as develop new techniques for effectively implementing agile practices. Software testing research may explore new testing procedures and tools, as well as assess the efficacy of existing ones. Software quality research may investigate the elements that influence software quality and develop approaches for enhancing software system quality and minimizing the faults and errors. Software metrics are quantitative measures that are used to assess the quality, maintainability, and performance of software. 

The research papers on software engineering topics in this specific area could identify novel measures for evaluating software systems or techniques for using metrics to improve the quality of software. The practice of integrating code changes into a common repository and pushing code changes to production in small, periodic batches is known as continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD). This research could investigate the best practices for establishing CI/CD or developing tools and approaches for automating the entire CI/CD process.

Top Software Engineer Research Topics

1. artificial intelligence and software engineering.

Intersections between AI and SE

The creation of AI-powered software engineering tools is one potential research area at the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and software engineering. These technologies use AI techniques that include machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision to help software engineers with a variety of tasks throughout the software development lifecycle. An AI-powered code review tool, for example, may automatically discover potential flaws or security vulnerabilities in code, saving developers a lot of time and lowering the chance of human error. Similarly, an AI-powered testing tool might build test cases and analyze test results automatically to discover areas for improvement. 

Furthermore, AI-powered project management tools may aid in the planning and scheduling of projects, resource allocation, and risk management in the project. AI can also be utilized in software maintenance duties such as automatically discovering and correcting defects or providing code refactoring solutions. However, the development of such tools presents significant technical and ethical challenges, such as the necessity of large amounts of high-quality data, the risk of bias present in AI algorithms, and the possibility of AI replacing human jobs. Continuous study in this area is therefore required to ensure that AI-powered software engineering tools are successful, fair, and responsible.

Knowledge-based Software Engineering

Another study area that overlaps with AI and software engineering is knowledge-based software engineering (KBSE). KBSE entails creating software systems capable of reasoning about knowledge and applying that knowledge to enhance software development processes. The development of knowledge-based systems that can help software engineers in detecting and addressing complicated problems is one example of KBSE in action. To capture domain-specific knowledge, these systems use knowledge representation techniques such as ontologies, and reasoning algorithms such as logic programming or rule-based systems to derive new knowledge from already existing data. 

KBSE can be utilized in the context of AI and software engineering to create intelligent systems capable of learning from past experiences and applying that information to improvise future software development processes. A KBSE system, for example, may be used to generate code based on previous code samples or to recommend code snippets depending on the requirements of a project. Furthermore, KBSE systems could be used to improve the precision and efficiency of software testing and debugging by identifying and prioritizing bugs using knowledge-based techniques. As a result, continued research in this area is critical to ensuring that AI-powered software engineering tools are productive, fair, and responsible.

2. Natural Language Processing


Multimodality in Natural Language Processing (NLP) is one of the appealing research ideas for software engineering at the nexus of computer vision, speech recognition, and NLP. The ability of machines to comprehend and generate language from many modalities, such as text, speech, pictures, and video, is referred to as multimodal NLP. The goal of multimodal NLP is to develop systems that can learn from and interpret human communication across several modalities, allowing them to engage with humans in more organic and intuitive ways. 

The building of conversational agents or chatbots that can understand and create responses using several modalities is one example of multimodal NLP in action. These agents can analyze text input, voice input, and visual clues to provide more precise and relevant responses, allowing users to have a more natural and seamless conversational experience. Furthermore, multimodal NLP can be used to enhance language translation systems, allowing them to more accurately and effectively translate text, speech, and visual content.

The development of multimodal NLP systems must take efficiency into account. as multimodal NLP systems require significant computing power to process and integrate information from multiple modalities, optimizing their efficiency is critical to ensuring that they can operate in real-time and provide users with accurate and timely responses. Developing algorithms that can efficiently evaluate and integrate input from several modalities is one method for improving the efficiency of multimodal NLP systems. 

Overall, efficiency is a critical factor in the design of multimodal NLP systems. Researchers can increase the speed, precision, and scalability of these systems by inventing efficient algorithms, pre-processing approaches, and hardware architectures, allowing them to run successfully and offer real-time replies to consumers. Software Engineering training will help you level up your career and gear up to land you a job in the top product companies as a skilled Software Engineer. 

3. Applications of Data Mining in Software Engineering

Mining Software Engineering Data

The mining of software engineering data is one of the significant research paper topics for software engineering, involving the application of data mining techniques to extract insights from enormous datasets that are generated during software development processes. The purpose of mining software engineering data is to uncover patterns, trends, and various relationships that can inform software development practices, increase software product quality, and improve software development process efficiency. 

Mining software engineering data, despite its potential benefits, has various obstacles, including the quality of data, scalability, and privacy of data. Continuous research in this area is required to develop more effective data mining techniques and tools, as well as methods for ensuring data privacy and security, to address these challenges. By tackling these issues, mining software engineering data can continue to promote many positive aspects in software development practices and the overall quality of product.

Clustering and Text Mining

Clustering is a data mining approach that is used to group comparable items or data points based on their features or characteristics. Clustering can be used to detect patterns and correlations between different components of software, such as classes, methods, and modules, in the context of software engineering data. 

On the other hand, text mining is a method of data mining that is used to extract valuable information from unstructured text data such as software manuals, code comments, and bug reports. Text mining can be applied in the context of software engineering data to find patterns and trends in software development processes

4. Data Modeling

Data modeling is an important area of research paper topics in software engineering study, especially in the context of the design of databases and their management. It involves developing a conceptual model of the data that a system will need to store, organize, and manage, as well as establishing the relationships between various data pieces. One important goal of data modeling in software engineering research is to make sure that the database schema precisely matches the system's and its users' requirements. Working closely with stakeholders to understand their needs and identify the data items that are most essential to them is necessary.

5. Verification and Validation

Verification and validation are significant research project ideas for software engineering research because they help us to ensure that software systems are correctly built and suit the needs of their users. While most of the time, these terms are frequently used interchangeably, they refer to distinct stages of the software development process. The process of ensuring that a software system fits its specifications and needs is referred to as verification. This involves testing the system to confirm that it behaves as planned and satisfies the functional and performance specifications. In contrast, validation is the process of ensuring that a software system fulfils the needs of its users and stakeholders. 

This includes ensuring that the system serves its intended function and meets the requirements of its users. Verification and validation are key components of the software development process in software engineering research. Researchers can help to improve the functionality and dependability of software systems, minimize the chance of faults and mistakes, and ultimately develop better software products for their consumers by verifying that software systems are designed correctly and that they satisfy the needs of their users.

6. Software Project Management

Software project management is an important component of software engineering research because it comprises the planning, organization, and control of resources and activities to guarantee that software projects are finished on time, within budget, and to the needed quality standards. One of the key purposes of software project management in research is to guarantee that the project's stakeholders, such as users, clients, and sponsors, are satisfied with their needs. This includes defining the project's requirements, scope, and goals, as well as identifying potential risks and restrictions to the project's success.

7. Software Quality

The quality of a software product is defined as how well it fits in with its criteria, how well it performs its intended functions, and meets the needs of its consumers. It includes features such as dependability, usability, maintainability, effectiveness, and security, among others. Software quality is a prominent and essential research topic in software engineering. Researchers are working to provide methodologies, strategies, and tools for evaluating and improving software quality, as well as forecasting and preventing software faults and defects. Overall, software quality research is a large and interdisciplinary field that combines computer science, engineering, and statistics. Its mission is to increase the reliability, accessibility, and overall quality of software products and systems, thereby benefiting both software developers and end consumers.

8. Ontology

Ontology is a formal specification of a conception of a domain used in computer science to allow knowledge sharing and reuse. Ontology is a popular and essential area of study in the context of software engineering research. The construction of ontologies for specific domains or application areas could be a research topic in ontology for software engineering. For example, a researcher may create an ontology for the field of e-commerce to give common knowledge and terminology to software developers as well as stakeholders in that domain. The integration of several ontologies is another intriguing study topic in ontology for software engineering. As the number of ontologies generated for various domains and applications grows, there is an increasing need to integrate them in order to enable interoperability and reuse.

9. Software Models

In general, a software model acts as an abstract representation of a software system or its components. Software models can be used to help software developers, different stakeholders, and users communicate more effectively, as well as to properly evaluate, design, test, and maintain software systems. The development and evaluation of modeling languages and notations is one research example connected to software models. Researchers, for example, may evaluate the usefulness and efficiency of various modeling languages, such as UML or BPMN, for various software development activities or domains. 

Researchers could also look into using software models for software testing and verification. They may investigate how models might be used to produce test cases or to do model checking, a formal technique for ensuring the correctness of software systems. They may also examine the use of models for monitoring at runtime and software system adaptation.

The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a software engineering process for planning, designing, developing, testing, and deploying software systems. SDLC is an important research issue in software engineering since it is used to manage software projects and ensure the quality of the resultant software products by software developers and project managers. The development and evaluation of novel software development processes is one SDLC-related research topic. SDLC research also includes the creation and evaluation of different software project management tools and practices. 

Researchers may also check the implementation of SDLC in specific sectors or applications. They may, for example, investigate the use of SDLC in the development of systems that are more safety-critical, such as medical equipment or aviation systems, and develop new processes or tools to ensure the safety and reliability of these systems. They may also look into using SDLC to design software systems in new sectors like the Internet of Things or in blockchain technology.

Why is Software Engineering Required?

Software engineering is necessary because it gives a systematic way to developing, designing, and maintaining reliable, efficient, and scalable software. As software systems have become more complicated over time, software engineering has become a vital discipline to ensure that software is produced in a way that is fully compatible with end-user needs, reliable, and long-term maintainable.

When the cost of software development is considered, software engineering becomes even more important. Without a disciplined strategy, developing software can result in overinflated costs, delays, and a higher probability of errors that require costly adjustments later. Furthermore, software engineering can help reduce the long-term maintenance costs that occur by ensuring that software is designed to be easy to maintain and modify. This can save money in the long run by lowering the number of resources and time needed to make software changes as needed.

2. Scalability

Scalability is an essential factor in software development, especially for programs that have to manage enormous amounts of data or an increasing number of users. Software engineering provides a foundation for creating scalable software that can evolve over time. The capacity to deploy software to diverse contexts, such as cloud-based platforms or distributed systems, is another facet of scalability. Software engineering can assist in ensuring that software is built to be readily deployed and adjusted for various environments, resulting in increased flexibility and scalability.

3. Large Software

Developers can break down huge software systems into smaller, simpler parts using software engineering concepts, making the whole system easier to maintain. This can help to reduce the software's complexity and makes it easier to maintain the system over time. Furthermore, software engineering can aid in the development of large software systems in a modular fashion, with each module doing a specific function or set of functions. This makes it easier to push new features or functionality to the product without causing disruptions to the existing codebase.

4. Dynamic Nature

Developers can utilize software engineering techniques to create dynamic content that is modular and easily modifiable when user requirements change. This can enable adding new features or functionality to dynamic content easier without disturbing the existing codebase. Another factor to consider for dynamic content is security. Software engineering can assist in ensuring that dynamic content is generated in a secure manner that protects user data and information.

5. Better Quality Management

An organized method of quality management in software development is provided by software engineering. Developers may ensure that software is conceived, produced, and maintained in a way that fulfills quality requirements and provides value to users by adhering to software engineering principles. Requirement management is one component of quality management in software engineering. Testing and validation are another part of quality control in software engineering. Developers may verify that their software satisfies its requirements and is error-free by using an organized approach to testing.

In conclusion, the subject of software engineering provides a diverse set of research topics with the ability to progress the discipline while enhancing software development and maintenance procedures. This article has dived deep into various research topics in software engineering for masters and research topics for software engineering students such as software testing and validation, software security, artificial intelligence, Natural Language Processing, software project management, machine learning, Data Mining, etc. as research subjects. Software engineering researchers have an interesting chance to explore these and other research subjects and contribute to the development of creative solutions that can improve software quality, dependability, security, and scalability. 

Researchers may make important contributions to the area of software engineering and help tackle some of the most serious difficulties confronting software development and maintenance by staying updated with the latest research trends and technologies. As software grows more important in business and daily life, there is a greater demand for current research topics in software engineering into new software engineering processes and techniques. Software engineering researchers can assist in shaping the future of software creation and maintenance through their research, ensuring that software stays dependable, safe, reliable and efficient in an ever-changing technological context. KnowledgeHut’s top Programming certification course will help you leverage online programming courses from expert trainers.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Ans: To find a research topic in software engineering, you can review recent papers and conference proceedings, talk to different experts in the field, and evaluate your own interests and experience. You can use a combination of these approaches. 

Ans: You should study software development processes, various programming languages and their frameworks, software testing and quality assurance, software architecture, various design patterns that are currently being used, and software project management as a software engineering student. 

Ans: Empirical research, experimental research, surveys, case studies, and literature reviews are all types of research in software engineering. Each sort of study has advantages and disadvantages, and the research method chosen is determined by the research objective, resources, and available data. 


Eshaan Pandey

Eshaan is a Full Stack web developer skilled in MERN stack. He is a quick learner and has the ability to adapt quickly with respect to projects and technologies assigned to him. He has also worked previously on UI/UX web projects and delivered successfully. Eshaan has worked as an SDE Intern at Frazor for a span of 2 months. He has also worked as a Technical Blog Writer at KnowledgeHut upGrad writing articles on various technical topics.

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The end of passwords

For decades, we’ve needed passwords to do things online. New forms of authentication will finally let us get rid of them for good. Instead, we’ll use a link sent via email, a push notification, or a biometric scan. Not only are these methods easier—you don’t have to remember your face—but they tend to be more secure.

Covid variant tracking

The pandemic brought unprecedented investment in genomic sequencing and dramatically expanded the capacity for this type of monitoring around the world. Better surveillance has allowed scientists to track the spread of the covid virus and to quickly spot and warn about new variants.

A long-lasting grid battery

We’re using more renewable power than ever. But what happens when the sun sets or the wind stops? Grid operators need a way to store electricity for later. New iron-based batteries may be up to the task. They’re made using abundant materials and could be cheaper and more practical than other types of grid storage.

Passwordless Login

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AI for protein folding

Nearly everything your body does, it does with proteins. And the way a protein folds determines its activity. But figuring out proteins’ structure can take months. Now an AI called AlphaFold2 has solved this longstanding biological puzzle, which could make it possible to quickly design drugs for a wide range of diseases.

Malaria Vaccine

Malaria kills more than 600,000 people a year, most of them children younger than five. A new malaria vaccine approved by the World Health Organization could help save hundreds of thousands of lives every year. It’s also the world’s first vaccine for a parasitic infection.

AI for protein folding

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Something went wrong, try again., proof of stake.

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin use huge amounts of electricity. This is due to the way transactions are verified, which now requires significant computing power. Proof of stake offers a way to verify transactions without using so much energy. Ethereum plans to transition to the system this year, cutting energy use by 99.95%.

latest research topics in software engineering 2022

A pill for covid

A new drug from Pfizer provides effective and broad protection against the covid-19 virus, including the newest variants. Now other companies are developing similar medicines. Combined with vaccines, these pills could provide a way for the world to finally exit the pandemic.

Practical fusion reactors

The promise of limitless, carbon-free electricity has for decades inspired researchers to try to make fusion power work. Now one startup plans to deliver it to the grid by the early 2030s. Its design relies on a powerful new magnet that shattered records and should allow the company to build smaller, less expensive reactors.

Proof of stake

Synthetic data for AI

Training AI requires vast amounts of data. Oftentimes, though, that data is messy or reflects real-world biases, or there are privacy concerns around the information included. Some companies are starting to create and sell synthetic data to avoid these problems. It’s not perfect, but it could be a better way to train AI.

A carbon removal factory

Reducing emissions is a key step to mitigating climate change. But it’s not enough, according to the UN. To avoid catastrophic future warming, we must also remove carbon dioxide from the air. The world’s biggest carbon removal factory recently opened in Iceland to do just that.

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Aging clocks.

DNA markers are making it possible to track the aging process in real time, and helping scientists understand why people age at different rates.

latest research topics in software engineering 2022

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10 breakthrough technologies 2022.

Our annual list of 10 Breakthrough Technologies highlights the technological advances that we think will have the biggest impact on the world in the years to come. Every year, our reporters and editors survey a wide range of topics, from medicine to energy to digital technologies, to select advances that will affect our lives in meaningful ways. Some have already started to change the way we live and work, while others are poised to do so soon. This is the 21st year we’ve published this list. We hope you enjoy this glimpse into the future.

Editing: Rachel Courtland, Mat Honan, Amy Nordrum, Michael Reilly, and David Rotman Copy editing: Linda Lowenthal Design: Rachel Stein, Solomon Henry Roh Art direction: Eric Mongeon, Rachel Stein Illustration: Andrea D’Aquino Additional images: protein model courtesy of Deepmind, practical fusion reactors photography by Tony Luong, carbon removal factory photography by Kristján Maack Engineering: Jack Burns, Andre Vitorio Analytics: Danielle Golds Engagement: Abby Ivory-Ganja Product: Mariya Sitnova

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Aligning Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence With Transdisciplinary

Study examined AI and SE transdisciplinarity to find ways of aligning them to enable development of AI-SE transdisciplinary theory. Literature review and analysis method was used. The findings are AI and SE transdisciplinarity is tacit with islands within and between them that can be linked to accelerate their transdisciplinary orientation by codification, internally developing and externally borrowing and adapting transdisciplinary theories. Lack of theory has been identified as the major barrier toward towards maturing the two disciplines as engineering disciplines. Creating AI and SE transdisciplinary theory would contribute to maturing AI and SE engineering disciplines.  Implications of study are transdisciplinary theory can support mode 2 and 3 AI and SE innovations; provide an alternative for maturing two disciplines as engineering disciplines. Study’s originality it’s first in SE, AI or their intersections.

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latest research topics in software engineering 2022

Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications

  • © 2022
  • Roger Lee 0

ACIS Headquarters, Mount Pleasant, USA

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  • Presents recent research in Software Engineering, Management, and Applications
  • Is edited outcome of the 20th IEEE/ACIS SERA 2021 conference held May 25-27, 2022, Las Vegas, USA
  • Written by experts in the field

Part of the book series: Studies in Computational Intelligence (SCI, volume 1053)

Included in the following conference series:

  • SERA: International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Applications

Conference proceedings info: SERA 2022.

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Front matter, examining the factors that influence customers’ intention to use smartwatches in malaysia using utaut2 model.

  • Norazryana Mat Dawi, Ha Jin Hwang, Ahmad Jusoh, Haeng Kon Kim

Generating Adversarial Robust Defensive CAPTCHA (GARD-CAPTCHA) in Convolutional Neural Networks

  • Pu Tian, Weixian Liao, Turhan Kimbrough, Erik Blasch, Wei Yu

A Deep Learning Approach for Lantana Camara Weed Detection and Localization in the Natural Environment

  • Wie Kiang Hi, Santoso Wibowo

Modeling Concretizations in Software Design

  • Alexey Tazin, Shan Lu, Yanji Chen, Mieczyslaw M. Kokar, Jeff Smith

A Practical Style Guide and Templates Repository for Writing Effective Use Cases

  • Bingyang Wei, Lin Deng, Yi Wang

Label Correction of Sound Data with Label Noise Using Self Organizing Map

  • Pildong Hwang, Yanggon Kim

Evaluation Method of Enterprise Cybersecurity

  • Meng Zhang, Yue Zhou, Che Li, Shuang Li, Jianhua Wu, Chao Yan

A Multi-model Multi-task Learning System for Hurricane Genesis Prediction

  • Martin Pineda, Qianlong Wang, Weixian Liao, Michael McGuire, Wei Yu

Development of Autonomous Driving Adaptive Simulation System Using Deep Learning Process Model

  • Symphorien Karl Yoki Donzia, Haeng-Kon Kim

An OCL Implementation for Model-Driven Engineering of C++

  • R. Maschotta, N. Silatsa, T. Jungebloud, M. Hammer, A. Zimmermann

Improving Students’ Readiness Toward the Labor Market Through Customized Learning

  • Majed Almotairi, Hamdan Ziyad Alabsi, Yahya Alqahtani, Mohammed Abdulkareem Alyami, Majed M. Aljazaeri, Yeong-Tae Song

Assessing Software Fault Risk with Machine Learning

  • Naveen Ashish, Greg Barish, Steven Minton

Back Matter

  • Computational Intelligence
  • Software Engineering
  • Software Management

About this book

This edited book presents scientific results of the 20th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management, and Applications (SERA2022) held on May 25, 2022, in Las Vegas, USA. The aim of this conference was to bring together researchers and scientists, businessmen and entrepreneurs, teachers, engineers, computer users and students to discuss the numerous fields of computer science and to share their experiences and exchange new ideas and information in a meaningful way. Research results about all aspects (theory, applications and tools) of computer and information science and to discuss the practical challenges encountered along the way and the solutions adopted to solve them.

The conference organizers selected the best papers from those papers accepted for presentation at the conference.  The papers were chosen based on review scores submitted by members of the program committee and underwent further rigorous rounds of review.From this second round of review, 12 of the conference’s most promising papers are then published in this Springer (SCI) book and not the conference proceedings. We impatiently await the important contributions that we know these authors will bring to the field of computer and information science.

Editors and Affiliations

Bibliographic information.

Book Title : Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications

Editors : Roger Lee

Series Title : Studies in Computational Intelligence

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-09145-2

Publisher : Springer Cham

eBook Packages : Intelligent Technologies and Robotics , Intelligent Technologies and Robotics (R0)

Copyright Information : The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022

Hardcover ISBN : 978-3-031-09144-5 Published: 22 September 2022

Softcover ISBN : 978-3-031-09147-6 Published: 22 September 2023

eBook ISBN : 978-3-031-09145-2 Published: 21 September 2022

Series ISSN : 1860-949X

Series E-ISSN : 1860-9503

Edition Number : 1

Number of Pages : XIII, 204

Number of Illustrations : 20 b/w illustrations, 54 illustrations in colour

Topics : Computational Intelligence , Software Engineering/Programming and Operating Systems , Artificial Intelligence

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Metric-centered and technology-independent architectural views for software comprehension

The maintenance of applications is a crucial activity in the software industry. The high cost of this process is due to the effort invested on software comprehension since, in most of cases, there is no up-to-...

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Back to the future: origins and directions of the “Agile Manifesto” – views of the originators

In 2001, seventeen professionals set up the manifesto for agile software development. They wanted to define values and basic principles for better software development. On top of being brought into focus, the ...

Investigating the effectiveness of peer code review in distributed software development based on objective and subjective data

Code review is a potential means of improving software quality. To be effective, it depends on different factors, and many have been investigated in the literature to identify the scenarios in which it adds qu...

On the benefits and challenges of using kanban in software engineering: a structured synthesis study

Kanban is increasingly being used in diverse software organizations. There is extensive research regarding its benefits and challenges in Software Engineering, reported in both primary and secondary studies. H...

Challenges on applying genetic improvement in JavaScript using a high-performance computer

Genetic Improvement is an area of Search Based Software Engineering that aims to apply evolutionary computing operators to the software source code to improve it according to one or more quality metrics. This ...

Actor’s social complexity: a proposal for managing the iStar model

Complex systems are inherent to modern society, in which individuals, organizations, and computational elements relate with each other to achieve a predefined purpose, which transcends individual goals. In thi...

Investigating measures for applying statistical process control in software organizations

The growing interest in improving software processes has led organizations to aim for high maturity, where statistical process control (SPC) is required. SPC makes it possible to analyze process behavior, pred...

An approach for applying Test-Driven Development (TDD) in the development of randomized algorithms

TDD is a technique traditionally applied in applications with deterministic algorithms, in which the input and the expected result are known. However, the application of TDD with randomized algorithms have bee...

Supporting governance of mobile application developers from mining and analyzing technical questions in stack overflow

There is a need to improve the direct communication between large organizations that maintain mobile platforms (e.g. Apple, Google, and Microsoft) and third-party developers to solve technical questions that e...

Working software over comprehensive documentation – Rationales of agile teams for artefacts usage

Agile software development (ASD) promotes working software over comprehensive documentation. Still, recent research has shown agile teams to use quite a number of artefacts. Whereas some artefacts may be adopt...

Development as a journey: factors supporting the adoption and use of software frameworks

From the point of view of the software framework owner, attracting new and supporting existing application developers is crucial for the long-term success of the framework. This mixed-methods study explores th...

Applying user-centered techniques to analyze and design a mobile application

Techniques that help in understanding and designing user needs are increasingly being used in Software Engineering to improve the acceptance of applications. Among these techniques we can cite personas, scenar...

A measurement model to analyze the effect of agile enterprise architecture on geographically distributed agile development

Efficient and effective communication (active communication) among stakeholders is thought to be central to agile development. However, in geographically distributed agile development (GDAD) environments, it c...

A survey of search-based refactoring for software maintenance

This survey reviews published materials related to the specific area of Search-Based Software Engineering that concerns software maintenance and, in particular, refactoring. The survey aims to give a comprehen...

Guest editorial foreword for the special issue on automated software testing: trends and evidence

Similarity testing for role-based access control systems.

Access control systems demand rigorous verification and validation approaches, otherwise, they can end up with security breaches. Finite state machines based testing has been successfully applied to RBAC syste...

An algorithm for combinatorial interaction testing: definitions and rigorous evaluations

Combinatorial Interaction Testing (CIT) approaches have drawn attention of the software testing community to generate sets of smaller, efficient, and effective test cases where they have been successful in det...

How diverse is your team? Investigating gender and nationality diversity in GitHub teams

Building an effective team of developers is a complex task faced by both software companies and open source communities. The problem of forming a “dream”

Investigating factors that affect the human perception on god class detection: an analysis based on a family of four controlled experiments

Evaluation of design problems in object oriented systems, which we call code smells, is mostly a human-based task. Several studies have investigated the impact of code smells in practice. Studies focusing on h...

On the evaluation of code smells and detection tools

Code smells refer to any symptom in the source code of a program that possibly indicates a deeper problem, hindering software maintenance and evolution. Detection of code smells is challenging for developers a...

On the influence of program constructs on bug localization effectiveness

Software projects often reach hundreds or thousands of files. Therefore, manually searching for code elements that should be changed to fix a failure is a difficult task. Static bug localization techniques pro...

DyeVC: an approach for monitoring and visualizing distributed repositories

Software development using distributed version control systems has become more frequent recently. Such systems bring more flexibility, but also greater complexity to manage and monitor multiple existing reposi...

A genetic algorithm based framework for software effort prediction

Several prediction models have been proposed in the literature using different techniques obtaining different results in different contexts. The need for accurate effort predictions for projects is one of the ...

Elaboration of software requirements documents by means of patterns instantiation

Studies show that problems associated with the requirements specifications are widely recognized for affecting software quality and impacting effectiveness of its development process. The reuse of knowledge ob...

ArchReco: a software tool to assist software design based on context aware recommendations of design patterns

This work describes the design, development and evaluation of a software Prototype, named ArchReco, an educational tool that employs two types of Context-aware Recommendations of Design Patterns, to support us...

On multi-language software development, cross-language links and accompanying tools: a survey of professional software developers

Non-trivial software systems are written using multiple (programming) languages, which are connected by cross-language links. The existence of such links may lead to various problems during software developmen...

SoftCoDeR approach: promoting Software Engineering Academia-Industry partnership using CMD, DSR and ESE

The Academia-Industry partnership has been increasingly encouraged in the software development field. The main focus of the initiatives is driven by the collaborative work where the scientific research work me...

Issues on developing interoperable cloud applications: definitions, concepts, approaches, requirements, characteristics and evaluation models

Among research opportunities in software engineering for cloud computing model, interoperability stands out. We found that the dynamic nature of cloud technologies and the battle for market domination make clo...

Game development software engineering process life cycle: a systematic review

Software game is a kind of application that is used not only for entertainment, but also for serious purposes that can be applicable to different domains such as education, business, and health care. Multidisc...

Correlating automatic static analysis and mutation testing: towards incremental strategies

Traditionally, mutation testing is used as test set generation and/or test evaluation criteria once it is considered a good fault model. This paper uses mutation testing for evaluating an automated static anal...

A multi-objective test data generation approach for mutation testing of feature models

Mutation approaches have been recently applied for feature testing of Software Product Lines (SPLs). The idea is to select products, associated to mutation operators that describe possible faults in the Featur...

An extended global software engineering taxonomy

In Global Software Engineering (GSE), the need for a common terminology and knowledge classification has been identified to facilitate the sharing and combination of knowledge by GSE researchers and practition...

A systematic process for obtaining the behavior of context-sensitive systems

Context-sensitive systems use contextual information in order to adapt to the user’s current needs or requirements failure. Therefore, they need to dynamically adapt their behavior. It is of paramount importan...

Distinguishing extended finite state machine configurations using predicate abstraction

Extended Finite State Machines (EFSMs) provide a powerful model for the derivation of functional tests for software systems and protocols. Many EFSM based testing problems, such as mutation testing, fault diag...

Extending statecharts to model system interactions

Statecharts are diagrams comprised of visual elements that can improve the modeling of reactive system behaviors. They extend conventional state diagrams with the notions of hierarchy, concurrency and communic...

On the relationship of code-anomaly agglomerations and architectural problems

Several projects have been discontinued in the history of the software industry due to the presence of software architecture problems. The identification of such problems in source code is often required in re...

An approach based on feature models and quality criteria for adapting component-based systems

Feature modeling has been widely used in domain engineering for the development and configuration of software product lines. A feature model represents the set of possible products or configurations to apply i...

Patch rejection in Firefox: negative reviews, backouts, and issue reopening

Writing patches to fix bugs or implement new features is an important software development task, as it contributes to raise the quality of a software system. Not all patches are accepted in the first attempt, ...

Investigating probabilistic sampling approaches for large-scale surveys in software engineering

Establishing representative samples for Software Engineering surveys is still considered a challenge. Specialized literature often presents limitations on interpreting surveys’ results, mainly due to the use o...

Characterising the state of the practice in software testing through a TMMi-based process

The software testing phase, despite its importance, is usually compromised by the lack of planning and resources in industry. This can risk the quality of the derived products. The identification of mandatory ...

Self-adaptation by coordination-targeted reconfigurations

A software system is self-adaptive when it is able to dynamically and autonomously respond to changes detected either in its internal components or in its deployment environment. This response is expected to ensu...

Templates for textual use cases of software product lines: results from a systematic mapping study and a controlled experiment

Use case templates can be used to describe functional requirements of a Software Product Line. However, to the best of our knowledge, no efforts have been made to collect and summarize these existing templates...

F3T: a tool to support the F3 approach on the development and reuse of frameworks

Frameworks are used to enhance the quality of applications and the productivity of the development process, since applications may be designed and implemented by reusing framework classes. However, frameworks ...

NextBug: a Bugzilla extension for recommending similar bugs

Due to the characteristics of the maintenance process followed in open source systems, developers are usually overwhelmed with a great amount of bugs. For instance, in 2012, approximately 7,600 bugs/month were...

Assessing the benefits of search-based approaches when designing self-adaptive systems: a controlled experiment

The well-orchestrated use of distilled experience, domain-specific knowledge, and well-informed trade-off decisions is imperative if we are to design effective architectures for complex software-intensive syst...

Revealing influence of model structure and test case profile on the prioritization of test cases in the context of model-based testing

Test case prioritization techniques aim at defining an order of test cases that favor the achievement of a goal during test execution, such as revealing failures as earlier as possible. A number of techniques ...

A metrics suite for JUnit test code: a multiple case study on open source software

The code of JUnit test cases is commonly used to characterize software testing effort. Different metrics have been proposed in literature to measure various perspectives of the size of JUnit test cases. Unfort...

Designing fault-tolerant SOA based on design diversity

Over recent years, software developers have been evaluating the benefits of both Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and software fault tolerance techniques based on design diversity. This is achieved by creat...

Method-level code clone detection through LWH (Light Weight Hybrid) approach

Many researchers have investigated different techniques to automatically detect duplicate code in programs exceeding thousand lines of code. These techniques have limitations in finding either the structural o...

The problem of conceptualization in god class detection: agreement, strategies and decision drivers

The concept of code smells is widespread in Software Engineering. Despite the empirical studies addressing the topic, the set of context-dependent issues that impacts the human perception of what is a code sme...

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Collection  12 March 2023

Top 100 in Engineering - 2022

This collection highlights our most downloaded* engineering papers published in 2022. Featuring authors from around the world, these papers showcase valuable research from an international community.

You can also view the top papers across various subject areas here .

*Data obtained from SN Insights, which is based on Digital Science's Dimensions. 

 yellow colored robotic arms working on car production line

Generation mechanism and prediction of an observed extreme rogue wave

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Wireless power transfer system with enhanced efficiency by using frequency reconfigurable metamaterial

  • Dongyong Shan
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  • Junhua Zhang

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Mining logical circuits in fungi

  • Nic Roberts
  • Andrew Adamatzky

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Cuffless blood pressure monitoring from a wristband with calibration-free algorithms for sensing location based on bio-impedance sensor array and autoencoder

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The footprint of ship anchoring on the seafloor

  • Sally J. Watson
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Dental tissue remineralization by bioactive calcium phosphate nanoparticles formulations

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Neuromorphic chip integrated with a large-scale integration circuit and amorphous-metal-oxide semiconductor thin-film synapse devices

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Near-infrared photoluminescence of Portland cement

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Investigating physical and mechanical properties of nest soils used by mud dauber wasps from a geotechnical engineering perspective

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Control of blood glucose induced by meals for type-1 diabetics using an adaptive backstepping algorithm

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Cysteine metabolic engineering and selective disulfide reduction produce superior antibody-drug-conjugates

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An optimizing method for performance and resource utilization in quantum machine learning circuits

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The structure of microbial communities of activated sludge of large-scale wastewater treatment plants in the city of Moscow

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Characterization of 3D-printed PLA parts with different raster orientations and printing speeds

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Hard polymeric porous microneedles on stretchable substrate for transdermal drug delivery

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Ultrasounds induce blood–brain barrier opening across a sonolucent polyolefin plate in an in vitro isolated brain preparation

  • Laura Librizzi
  • Francesco Prada

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Deep learning-based single image super-resolution for low-field MR brain images

  • M. L. de Leeuw den Bouter
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Effective treatment of aquaculture wastewater with mussel/microalgae/bacteria complex ecosystem: a pilot study

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Ultrasound-guided femoral approach for coronary angiography and interventions in the porcine model

  • Grigorios Tsigkas
  • Georgios Vasilagkos
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Epidural anesthesia needle guidance by forward-view endoscopic optical coherence tomography and deep learning

  • Qinggong Tang

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PLA/Hydroxyapatite scaffolds exhibit in vitro immunological inertness and promote robust osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells without osteogenic stimuli

  • Marcela P. Bernardo
  • Bruna C. R. da Silva
  • Antonio Sechi

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Atrial fibrillation prediction by combining ECG markers and CMR radiomics

  • Esmeralda Ruiz Pujadas
  • Zahra Raisi-Estabragh
  • Karim Lekadir

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Small object detection method with shallow feature fusion network for chip surface defect detection

  • Haixin Huang
  • Xueduo Tang

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High-precision robust monitoring of charge/discharge current over a wide dynamic range for electric vehicle batteries using diamond quantum sensors

  • Yuji Hatano
  • Jaewon Shin
  • Mutsuko Hatano

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Driver drowsiness estimation using EEG signals with a dynamical encoder–decoder modeling framework

  • Sadegh Arefnezhad
  • James Hamet
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A compact two elements MIMO antenna for 5G communication

  • Ashfaq Ahmad
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  • Sadiq Ullah

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Skin wound healing assessment via an optimized wound array model in miniature pigs

  • Ting-Yung Kuo
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  • Lynn L. H. Huang

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Smart textiles using fluid-driven artificial muscle fibers

  • Phuoc Thien Phan
  • Mai Thanh Thai
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Tile-based massively scalable MIMO and phased arrays for 5G/B5G-enabled smart skins and reconfigurable intelligent surfaces

  • Manos M. Tentzeris

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A hackable, multi-functional, and modular extrusion 3D printer for soft materials

  • Iek Man Lei
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Techno-economic analysis of rooftop solar power plant implementation and policy on mosques: an Indonesian case study

  • Fadhil Ahmad Qamar

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Seismic wave simulation using a 3D printed model of the Los Angeles Basin

  • Sunyoung Park
  • Changsoo Shin
  • Robert W. Clayton

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Banana stem and leaf biochar as an effective adsorbent for cadmium and lead in aqueous solution

  • Gaoxiang Li
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Potential risk assessment for safe driving of autonomous vehicles under occluded vision

  • Denggui Wang
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Natural quantum reservoir computing for temporal information processing

  • Yudai Suzuki
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A compact and miniaturized implantable antenna for ISM band in wireless cardiac pacemaker system

  • Li Gaosheng

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Experimental and simulation analysis of biogas production from beverage wastewater sludge for electricity generation

  • Anteneh Admasu
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  • Yedilfana Setarge Mekonnen

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Mapping the wildland-urban interface in California using remote sensing data

  • Tirtha Banerjee

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Design and implementation of a terahertz lens-antenna for a photonic integrated circuits based THz systems

  • Shihab Al-Daffaie
  • Alaa Jabbar Jumaah
  • Thomas Kusserow

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Preliminary investigation on stability and hydraulic performance of geotextile sand container breakwaters filled with sand and cement

  • Kiran G. Shirlal

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Detection of volatile organic compounds using mid-infrared silicon nitride waveguide sensors

  • Junchao Zhou
  • Diana Al Husseini
  • Pao Tai Lin

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Coastal flooding and mean sea-level rise allowances in atoll island

  • Angel Amores
  • Marta Marcos
  • Jochen Hinkel

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Integration of life cycle assessment and life cycle costing for the eco-design of rubber products

  • Yahong Dong
  • Yating Zhao
  • Guangyi Lin

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Estimating mangrove forest gross primary production by quantifying environmental stressors in the coastal area

  • Yuhan Zheng
  • Wataru Takeuchi

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COVID-19 waves: variant dynamics and control

  • Abhishek Dutta

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Increased flooded area and exposure in the White Volta river basin in Western Africa, identified from multi-source remote sensing data

  • Chengxiu Li
  • Jadunandan Dash

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Sentinel-1A for monitoring land subsidence of coastal city of Pakistan using Persistent Scatterers In-SAR technique

  • Muhammad Afaq Hussain
  • Zhanlong Chen

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A Lab-in-a-Fiber optofluidic device using droplet microfluidics and laser-induced fluorescence for virus detection

  • Helen E. Parker
  • Sanghamitra Sengupta
  • Fredrik Laurell

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Transplantation of 3D adipose-derived stem cell/hepatocyte spheroids alleviates chronic hepatic damage in a rat model of thioacetamide-induced liver cirrhosis

  • Yu Chiuan Wu
  • Guan Xuan Wu
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Hidden costs to building foundations due to sea level rise in a changing climate

  • Mohamed A. Abdelhafez
  • Bruce Ellingwood
  • Hussam Mahmoud

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Mapping native and non-native vegetation in the Brazilian Cerrado using freely available satellite products

  • Kennedy Lewis
  • Fernanda de V. Barros
  • Lucy Rowland

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Graphene-based metasurface solar absorber design with absorption prediction using machine learning

  • Juveriya Parmar
  • Shobhit K. Patel
  • Vijay Katkar

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Experimental study of reasonable mesh size of geogrid reinforced tailings

  • Lidong Liang

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Stromal-vascular fraction and adipose-derived stem cell therapies improve cartilage regeneration in osteoarthritis-induced rats

  • Wan-Ting Yang
  • Chun-Yen Ke
  • Ru-Ping Lee

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Planar ultrasonic transducer based on a metasurface piezoelectric ring array for subwavelength acoustic focusing in water

  • Hyunggyu Choi
  • Yong Tae Kim

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Sample-efficient parameter exploration of the powder film drying process using experiment-based Bayesian optimization

  • Kohei Nagai
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  • Keisuke Nagato

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Predicting the splash of a droplet impinging on solid substrates

  • Yukihiro Yonemoto
  • Kanta Tashiro
  • Tomoaki Kunugi

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Designing a new alginate-fibrinogen biomaterial composite hydrogel for wound healing

  • Marjan Soleimanpour
  • Samaneh Sadat Mirhaji
  • Ali Akbar Saboury

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Machine learning in project analytics: a data-driven framework and case study

  • Shahadat Uddin
  • Stephen Ong

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Multi-state MRAM cells for hardware neuromorphic computing

  • Piotr Rzeszut
  • Jakub Chȩciński
  • Tomasz Stobiecki

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Flexible, self-powered sensors for estimating human head kinematics relevant to concussions

  • Henry Dsouza
  • Juan Pastrana
  • Nelson Sepúlveda

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Technical feasibility analysis and introduction strategy of the virtually coupled train set concept

  • Sebastian Stickel
  • Moritz Schenker
  • Javier Goikoetxea

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Ultrasound does not activate but can inhibit in vivo mammalian nerves across a wide range of parameters

  • Hongsun Guo
  • Sarah J. Offutt
  • Hubert H. Lim

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Iron oxide nanoflowers encapsulated in thermosensitive fluorescent liposomes for hyperthermia treatment of lung adenocarcinoma

  • Maria Theodosiou
  • Elias Sakellis
  • Eleni Efthimiadou

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Piezoelectric energy harvester with double cantilever beam undergoing coupled bending-torsion vibrations by width-splitting method

  • Jiawen Song
  • Guihong Sun
  • Xuejun Zheng

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Laser slice thinning of GaN-on-GaN high electron mobility transistors

  • Atsushi Tanaka
  • Ryuji Sugiura
  • Hiroshi Amano

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Superabsorbent cellulose-based hydrogels cross-liked with borax

  • Supachok Tanpichai
  • Farin Phoothong
  • Anyaporn Boonmahitthisud

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A new severity classification of lower limb secondary lymphedema based on lymphatic pathway defects in an indocyanine green fluorescent lymphography study

  • Akira Shinaoka
  • Kazuyo Kamiyama
  • Yoshihiro Kimata

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Vagus nerve stimulation using a miniaturized wirelessly powered stimulator in pigs

  • Iman Habibagahi
  • Mahmoud Omidbeigi
  • Aydin Babakhani

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One step fabrication of aligned carbon nanotubes using gas rectifier

  • Toshihiko Fujimori
  • Daiji Yamashita
  • Jun-ichi Fujita

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Use of InSAR data for measuring land subsidence induced by groundwater withdrawal and climate change in Ardabil Plain, Iran

  • Zahra Ghorbani
  • Ali Khosravi

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Bioinspired gelatin based sticky hydrogel for diverse surfaces in burn wound care

  • Benu George
  • Nitish Bhatia
  • Suchithra T. V.

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The design of an inkjet drive waveform using machine learning

  • Seongju Kim
  • Sungjune Jung

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The usefulness of dual mobility cups in primary total hip arthroplasty patients at a risk of dislocation

  • Nam Hoon Moon
  • Won Chul Shin

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Phenomic data-facilitated rust and senescence prediction in maize using machine learning algorithms

  • Aaron J. DeSalvio
  • Thomas Isakeit

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Polarization and angular insensitive bendable metamaterial absorber for UV to NIR range

  • Md Mizan Kabir Shuvo
  • Md Imran Hossain
  • Mohammad Tariqul Islam

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Numerical analysis on the effects of microfluidic-based bioprinting parameters on the microfiber geometrical outcomes

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Software Engineering and Intelligent Systems

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Software engineering and intelligent systems are two dynamic and interrelated fields that have witnessed significant advancements and transformations in recent years. The convergence of these domains has led to the development of innovative applications and solutions that are shaping various industries, from healthcare and finance to transportation and manufacturing. This Research Topic aims to serve as a platform for researchers and practitioners to share their insights, findings, and innovations in this exciting and rapidly evolving intersection of software engineering and intelligent systems. Intelligent systems, often powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), have seen remarkable growth and adoption in various domains. We invite researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to contribute their original work to this article collection. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following: - AI in Software Development; - Adaptive and Self-Learning Software; - Data Science and Big Data in Software Engineering; - Software Engineering Methodologies; - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning; - Case Studies and Industry Applications. Extended versions of work presented at the “Austrian Conference on Research at Universities of Applied Sciences (FHK Konferenz 2024)” are particularly welcome to submit to this journal. Extended versions should have at least 30% novel content.

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IEEE Computer Society 2022 Report

Tech trends: what will be the biggest innovations by 2022.

Predicting the future is hard and risky. Predicting the future in the computing industry is even harder and riskier due to dramatic changes in technology and limitless challenges to innovation. Only a small fraction of innovations truly disrupt the state of the art. Some are not practical or cost-effective, some are ahead of their time, and some simply do not have a market. There are numerous examples of superior technologies that were never adopted because others arrived on time or fared better in the market. Therefore this document is only an attempt to better understand where technologies are going. The book  The Innovator’s Dilemma  and its sequels best describe the process of innovation and disruption.

In 2014, a team of technical leaders from the IEEE Computer Society joined forces to write a technical report, entitled  IEEE CS 2022 , surveying 23 technologies that could potentially change the landscape of computer science and industry by the year 2022. In particular, this report focused on 3D printing, big data and analytics, the open intellectual property movement, massively online open courses, security cross-cutting issues, universal memory, 3D integrated circuits, photonics, cloud computing, computational biology and bioinformatics, device and nanotechnology, sustainability, high-performance computing, the Internet of Things, life sciences, machine learning and intelligent systems, natural user interfaces, networking and inter-connectivity, quantum computing, software-defined networks, multicore, and robotics for medical care.

What Is the Future of Tech: 23 Technologies by 2022

  • Security Cross-Cutting Issues The growth of large data repositories and emergence of data analytics have combined with intrusions by bad actors, governments, and corporations to open a Pandora’s box of issues. How can we balance security and privacy in this environment?
  • Open Intellectual Property Movement From open source software and standards to open-access publishing, the open IP movement is upon us. What are the implications?
  • Sustainability Can electronic cars, LED lighting, new types of batteries and chips, and increasing use of renewables combat rising energy use and an explosion in the uptake of computing?
  • Massively Online Open Courses MOOCs have the potential to transform the higher-education landscape, siphoning students from traditional universities and altering faculty and student roles. How significant will their impact be?
  • Quantum Computing Constrained only by the laws of physics, quantum computing will potential extend Moore’s Law into the next decade. As commercial quantum computing comes within reach, new breakthroughs are occurring at an accelerating pace.
  • Device and Nanotechnology It is clear that MEMS devices, nanoparticles, and their use in applications are here to stay. Nanotechnology has already been useful in manufacturing sunscreen, tires, and medical devices that can be swallowed.
  • 3D Integrated Circuits The transition from printed circuit boards to 3D-ICs is already underway in the mobile arena, and will eventually spread across the entire spectrum of IT products.
  • Universal Memory Universal memory replacements for DRAM will cause a tectonic shift in architectures and software.
  • Multicore By 2022, multicore will be everywhere, from wearable systems and smartphones to cameras, games, automobiles, cloud servers, and exa-scale supercomputers.
  • Photonics Silicon photonics will be a fundamental technology to address the bandwidth, latency, and energy challenges in the fabric of high-end systems.
  • Networking and Interconnectivity Developments at all levels of the network stack will continue to drive research and the Internet economy.
  • Software-Defined Networks OpenFlow and SDN will make networks more secure, transparent, flexible, and functional.
  • High-Performance Computing While some governments are focused on reaching exascale, some researchers are intent on moving HPC to the cloud.
  • Cloud Computing By 2022, cloud will be more entrenched and more computing workloads run on the cloud.
  • The Internet of Things From clothes that monitor our movements to smart homes and cities, the Internet of Things knows no bounds, except for our concerns about ensuring privacy amid such convenience.
  • Natural User Interfaces The long-held dreams of computers that can interface with us through touch, gesture, and speech are finally coming true, with more radical interfaces on the horizon.
  • 3D Printing 3D printing promises a revolution in fabrication, with many opportunities to produce designs that would have been prohibitively expensive.
  • Big Data and Analytics The growing availability of data and demand for its insights holds great potential to improve many data-driven decisions.
  • Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems Machine learning plays an increasingly important role in our lives, whether it’s ranking search results, recommending products, or building better models of the environment.
  • Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Unlocking information in pictures and videos has had a major impact on consumers and more significant advances are in the pipeline.
  • Life Sciences Technology has been pivotal in improving human and animal health and addressing threats to the environment.
  • Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Vast amounts of data are enabling the improvement of human health and unraveling of the mysteries of life.
  • Medical Robotics From autonomous delivery of hospital supplies to telemedicine and advanced prostheses, medical robotics has led to many life-saving innovations.

What Are the Drivers and Disruptors Behind Tech Innovations

The 2022 Report team surveyed several thousand IEEE members about the forces behind the technology changes. Desire for sustainable energy, the availability of wireless/broadband connectivity, and use of technology for medical procedures ranked highest as drivers, while 3D printing, the use of robots for labor, and cloud computing were ranked most highly as major disruptors.

  • Increases in average life expectancy
  • Increasing ratio if retirees to workers
  • Public concern over control over access/amount of personal information
  • Desire for sustainable energy sources
  • Reduction in availability of grants and philanthropic resources
  • Widening economic inequality worldwide
  • Reduced job security in a global market economy
  • Climate change
  • Global terrorism
  • Use of big data and analytics
  • Reduction in cost of data collection and retention (for use in analytics)
  • Quickening pace of knowledge transfer
  • Long-term availability of certain energy sources
  • Alternative distribution chains (such as manufacturers selling directly to consumers)
  • Use of technology for medical procedures
  • Wireless/broadband connectivity
  • Crowdsourcing/open-sourcing of hardware development
  • Changes in educational structure/design (e.g. MOOCs)
  • Virtual/alternative currencies (such as Bitcoin)
  • Smartphone use as a device for payment
  • Cloud computing
  • Use of robots as a source of labor
  • Nonvolatile memory influencing big data accessibility and portability
  • Quantum/nondeterministic computing
  • Use of 3D printing
  • Green computing
  • New user interfaces (e.g. Siri, Kinect, instead of traditional keyboards)

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How Seamless Intelligence Will Drive 23 Tech Innovations by 2022

Computing devices — from wearable devices and chips embedded under the skin, to the comput­ers inside our mobile devices, laptops, desktops, home servers, TV sets, and refrigerators, to the computing cloud that we reach via the Internet—will together form an intelligent mesh, a computing and com­munication ecosystem that augments reality with information and intelligence gathered from our fingertips, eyes, ears, and other senses, and even directly interfaced to our brain waves.

At the heart of this revolution is seamless networking, with transparent and uninterrupted transitions between devices made possible by Near-Field Communi­cation, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi, as well as intelligent coordination software, standardized identity technologies, cloud-based APIs.

The combination of powerful voice and facial rec­ognition, massive identity databases, and powerful tracking will likely result in a new norm that po­tentially translates into a significant loss of privacy compared to today.

Who Are the Authors of IEEE Computer Society’s 2022 Tech Forecast

This document was a team effort, spearheaded by a core team of authors who formulated the overall text and process. This team, organized by Dejan Milojicic, met twice in face-to-face meetings and had a few phone conferences. In addition, other people contributed to various parts of the document; the rest of this section lists all contributors.

The Core Team of Authors

The core team of authors included Hasan Alkhatib, Paolo Faraboschi, Eitan Frachtenburg, Hironori Kasahara, Danny Lange, Phil Laplante, Arif Merchant, Dejan Milojicic, and Karsten Schwan.

Major Contributors of Individual Sections

In addition to the core team, a few individual contributed to substantial parts of the document.

These valuable contributors include Mohammed AlQaraishi, Angela Burgess, Hiroyasu Iwata, Rick McGeer, and John Walz.

Ready for more technology predictions? Read how COVID is reshaping innovation in this special edition of Computer magazine!

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In August, NASA will launch the Psyche mission , sending a deep-space orbiter to a weird metal asteroid orbiting between Mars and Jupiter. While the probe’s main purpose is to study Psyche’s origins, it will also carry an experiment that could inform the future of deep-space communications. The Deep Space Optical Communications (DSOC) experiment will test whether lasers can transmit signals beyond lunar orbit. Optical signals, such as those used in undersea fiber-optic cables, can carry more data than radio signals can, but their use in space has been hampered by difficulties in aiming the beams accurately over long distances. DSOC will use a 4-watt infrared laser with a wavelength of 1,550 nanometers (the same used in many optical fibers) to send optical signals at multiple distances during Psyche’s outward journey to the asteroid.

The Great Electric Plane Race

For the first time in almost a century, the U.S.-based National Aeronautic Association (NAA) will host a cross-country aircraft race . Unlike the national air races of the 1920s, however, the Pulitzer Electric Aircraft Race, scheduled for 19 May, will include only electric-propulsion aircraft. Both fixed-wing craft and helicopters are eligible. The competition will be limited to 25 contestants, and each aircraft must have an onboard pilot. The course will start in Omaha and end four days later in Manteo, N.C., near the site of the Wright brothers’ first flight. The NAA has stated that the goal of the cross-country, multiday race is to force competitors to confront logistical problems that still plague electric aircraft, like range, battery charging, reliability, and speed.

6-Gigahertz Wi-Fi Goes Mainstream

Wi-Fi is getting a boost with 1,200 megahertz of new spectrum in the 6-gigahertz band, adding a third spectrum band to the more familiar 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. The new band is called Wi-Fi 6E because it extends Wi-Fi’s capabilities into the 6-GHz band. As a rule, higher radio frequencies have higher data capacity, but a shorter range. With its higher frequencies, 6-GHz Wi-Fi is expected to find use in heavy traffic environments like offices and public hotspots. The Wi-Fi Alliance introduced a Wi-Fi 6E certification program in January 2021, and the first trickle of 6E routers appeared by the end of the year. In 2022, expect to see a bonanza of Wi-Fi 6E–enabled smartphones.

3-Nanometer Chips Arrive

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) plans to begin producing 3-nanometer semiconductor chips in the second half of 2022 . Right now, 5-nm chips are the standard. TSMC will make its 3-nm chips using a tried-and-true semiconductor structure called the FinFET (short for “fin field-effect transistor”). Meanwhile, Samsung and Intel are moving to a different technique for 3 nm called nanosheet. (TSMC is eventually planning to abandon FinFETs .) At one point, TSMC’s sole 3-nm chip customer for 2022 was Apple , for the latter’s iPhone 14, but supply-chain issues have made it less certain that TSMC will be able to produce enough chips—which promise more design flexibility —to fulfill even that order.

Seoul Joins the Metaverse

After Facebook (now Meta ) announced it was hell-bent on making the metaverse real, a host of other tech companies followed suit. Definitions differ, but the basic idea of the metaverse involves merging virtual reality and augmented reality with actual reality. Also jumping on the metaverse bandwagon is the government of the South Korean capital, Seoul, which plans to develop a “metaverse platform” by the end of 2022. To build this first public metaverse, Seoul will invest 3.9 billion won (US $3.3 million). The platform will offer public services and cultural events , beginning with the Metaverse 120 Center, a virtual-reality portal for citizens to address concerns that previously required a trip to city hall. Other planned projects include virtual exhibition halls for school courses and a digital representation of Deoksu Palace . The city expects the project to be complete by 2026.

IBM’s Condors Take Flight

In 2022, IBM will debut a new quantum processor—its biggest yet—as a stepping-stone to a 1,000-qubit processor by the end of 2023 . This year’s iteration will contain 433 qubits, three times as much as the company’s 127-qubit Eagle processor, which was launched last year. Following the bird theme, the 433- and 1,000-qubit processors will be named Condor. There have been quantum computers with many more qubits; D-Wave Systems, for example, announced a 5,000-qubit computer in 2020. However, D-Wave’s computers are specialized machines for optimization problems. IBM’s Condors aim to be the largest general-purpose quantum processors.

New Dark-Matter Detector

The Forward Search Experiment (FASER) at CERN is slated to switch on in July 2022. The exact date depends on when the Large Hadron Collider is set to renew proton-proton collisions after three years of upgrades and maintenance. FASER will begin a hunt for dark matter and other particles that interact extremely weakly with “normal” matter. CERN, the fundamental physics research center near Geneva, has four main detectors attached to its Large Hadron Collider, but they aren’t well-suited to detecting dark matter. FASER won’t attempt to detect the particles directly; instead, it will search for the more strongly interacting Standard Model particles created when dark matter interacts with something else. The new detector was constructed while the collider was shut down from 2018 to 2021. Located 480 meters “downstream” of the ATLAS detector, FASER will also hunt for neutrinos produced in huge quantities by particle collisions in the LHC loop. The other CERN detectors have so far failed to detect such neutrinos.

Pong Turns 50

Atari changed the course of video games when it released its first game, Pong, in 1972. While not the first video game—or even the first to be presented in an upright, arcade-style cabinet—Pong was the first to be commercially successful. The game was developed by engineer Allan Alcorn and originally assigned to him as a test after he was hired, before he began working on actual projects. However, executives at Atari saw potential in Pong’s simple game play and decided to develop it into a real product. Unlike the countless video games that came after it, the original Pong did not use any code or microprocessors. Instead, it was built from a television and transistor-transistor logic.

The Green Hydrogen Boom

Utility company Energias de Portugal (EDP), based in Lisbon, is on track to begin operating a 3-megawatt green hydrogen plant in Brazil by the end of the year. Green hydrogen is hydrogen produced in sustainable ways, using solar or wind-powered electrolyzers to split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. According to the International Energy Agency, only 0.1 percent of hydrogen is produced this way. The plant will replace an existing coal-fired plant and generate hydrogen—which can be used in fuel cells—using solar photovoltaics. EDP’s roughly US $7.9 million pilot program is just the tip of the green hydrogen iceberg. Enegix Energy has announced plans for a $5.4 billion green hydrogen plant in the same Brazilian state, Ceará, where the EDP plant is being built. The green hydrogen market is predicted to generate a revenue of nearly $10 billion by 2028 , according to a November 2021 report by Research Dive.

A Permanent Space Station for China

China is scheduled to complete its Tiangong (“Heavenly Palace”) space station in 2022. The station, China’s first long-term space habitat, was preceded by the Tiangong-1 and Tiangong-2 stations, which orbited from 2011 to 2018 and 2016 to 2019, respectively. The new station’s core module, the Tianhe, was launched in April 2021. A further 10 missions by the end of 2022 will deliver other components and modules, with construction to be completed in orbit. The final station will have two laboratory modules in addition to the core module. Tiangong will orbit at roughly the same altitude as the International Space Station but will be only about one-fifth the mass of the ISS.

A Cool Form of Energy Storage

Cryogenic energy-storage company Highview Power will begin operations at its Carrington plant near Manchester, England, this year. Cryogenic energy storage is a long-term method of storing electricity by cooling air until it liquefies (about –196 °C). Crucially, the air is cooled when electricity is cheaper—at night, for example—and then stored until electricity demand peaks. The liquid air is then allowed to boil back into a gas, which drives a turbine to generate electricity. The 50-megawatt/250-megawatt-hour Carrington plant will be Highview Power’s first commercial plant using its cryogenic storage technology, dubbed CRYOBattery. Highview Power has said it plans to build a similar plant in Vermont, although it has not specified a timeline yet.

Carbon-Neutral Cryptocurrency?

Seattle-based startup Nori is set to offer a cryptocurrency for carbon removal . Nori will mint 500 million tokens of its Ethereum-based currency (called NORI). Individuals and companies can purchase and trade NORI, and eventually exchange any NORI they own for an equal number of carbon credits. Each carbon credit represents a tonne of carbon dioxide that has already been removed from the atmosphere and stored in the ground. When exchanged in this way, a NORI is retired, making it impossible for owners to try to “double count” carbon credits and therefore seem like they’re offsetting more carbon than they actually have. The startup has acknowledged that Ethereum and other blockchain-based technologies consume an enormous amount of energy, so the carbon it sequesters could conceivably originate in cryptocurrency mining. However, 2022 will also see Ethereum scheduled to switch to a much more energy-efficient method of verifying its blockchain , called proof-of-stake, which Nori will take advantage of when it launches.

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Michael Koziol is an associate editor at IEEE Spectrum where he covers everything telecommunications. He graduated from Seattle University with bachelor's degrees in English and physics, and earned his master's degree in science journalism from New York University.

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Top 10 Software Development Trends of 2024

Natallia Sakovich

Natallia Sakovich


At the forefront of the tech industry since 2017, Natallia is devoted to her motto – to write about complicated things in an easily comprehensible manner. With her passion for writing as well as excellent research and interviewing skills, she shares valuable knowledge on various IT trends.


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Achieve digital transformation with software engineering services delivered by SaM Solutions’ seasoned engineers.

The domain of software development is constantly evolving, influenced by emerging technologies, various external factors, and new societal demands. In this article, we analyze the latest software development trends poised to shape the industry in 2024.

Overview: Software Development Industry in Figures

Recent global turmoil, including the COVID-19 pandemic, has significantly impacted software providers. They have grappled with spending cutbacks, project delays, and staffing reductions, resulting in negative growth rates across the industry.

A positive shift occurred in 2021 as the IT sector returned to a growth trajectory. Both small and large enterprises recognized the necessity of transitioning to a predominantly digital landscape, where software solutions played a crucial role in shaping business processes and daily lives.

  • According to research by Accelerated Strategies Group, 63.3% of business respondents highlighted that they prioritized accelerating digital transformation for their companies.
  • In 2024 , the software development market is projected to surpass its pre-pandemic position, with anticipated revenues reaching $698.80 billion . 
  • Statista predicts that the worldwide number of software developers will hit 28.7 million this year.

Despite the current trend in the IT industry leaning towards a return to office culture, more than 41% of developers continue to work remotely. Interestingly, around 54% of these remote workers assert that they are more productive when working from home, an aspect that is likely to spark an intense debate.

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Software Development Industry Trends for 2024

IT specialists and software developers create digital products to ensure sustainable and adaptable businesses. Let’s look at the technologies and strategies they use to achieve better results: AI and ML, progressive web apps (PWAs), Internet of Things, 5G technology, edge computing, blockchain, cybersecurity, cloud computing, low-code/no-code development, and quantum computing.

1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies are now a reality rather than a futuristic concept. Ground-breaking software solutions powered by AI and ML, capable of processing images, recognizing human speech, making predictions, and more, are now widely applied across various business sectors. For instance:

  • Virtual assistants and chatbots play a crucial role in enhancing customer service and engagement in retail and healthcare sectors.
  • Intelligent analytics services can precisely predict user patterns in eCommerce, while in manufacturing they assess machine performance.
  • AI and ML algorithms are employed to analyze user behavior, detecting anomalies and ensuring the security of enterprise systems against cybersecurity threats.

TensorFlow, an open-source deep learning framework by Google, is currently the leading platform for building and training neural networks. It supports several programming languages, including Java , C++ , and Python , runs on multiple CPUs, GPUs, and mobile operating systems, and has built-in intuitive APIs , ensuring efficient AI/ML development.

As per Statista, the global artificial intelligence market is expected to hit $305.90 billion in 2024. By 2030, the figure can reach $738.80 billion , showing an annual growth rate of 15.83%.

With the rise of special AI/ML libraries and frameworks, software engineering processes have also seen significant advancements. In particular, developers are leveraging these smart tools to automate repetitive programming tasks, thereby focusing more on creative aspects.

2. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

Progressive web apps (PWAs) are designed to be fast, reliable, and engaging, seamlessly integrating the best features of modern web and mobile technologies. 

Initially, Google was the biggest supporter of PWA technology, though, technically, all the major platforms backed it. In 2023, both Apple and Microsoft gave a strong thumbs-up to this technology. This indicates that PWAs are gaining substantial support and securing their presence in the market for 2024.

Progressive web applications offer an unmatched user experience and enhance customer loyalty due to some key features:

  • Faster loading times 
  • Cross-platform compatibility 
  • Native mobile look and feel
  • No downloading is required
  • Ability to work offline 
  • Push notifications
Investing in PWA technology is a forward-thinking approach for eCommerce businesses. Being highly flexible and modular, these applications can easily work with composable commerce services. Moreover, PWA cross-platform capabilities make them great for an omnichannel commerce strategy.

3. Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things continues to evolve, expanding opportunities for software providers and various business sectors. IoT is undeniably at the forefront of contemporary software development trends, with several key facets impacting the sector:

  • The increasing adoption of 5G networks plays a pivotal role, ensuring faster and more reliable data transfer, thereby fostering more powerful and responsive IoT solutions. 
  • Concurrently, there’s a notable surge in reliance on AI and machine learning algorithms to derive meaningful insights from the vast amounts of data generated by connected devices. This not only enhances decision-making capabilities but also paves the way for predictive and prescriptive analytics.
  • Security, a paramount concern in the IoT ecosystem, has seen significant advancements, with developers focusing on robust encryption protocols and authentication mechanisms to safeguard sensitive information.

4. 5G Technology

The implementation of 5G connectivity emerges as a leading technology trend in 2024, driven by its critical role in unlocking the full potential of IoT ecosystems. Launched in 2018, the fifth-generation (5G) mobile connectivity standard is now experiencing widespread adoption, promising major benefits, including low latency, high speed, ubiquitous coverage, and energy efficiency. 

5G networks allow enterprises to increase the number of connected devices in their business processes and leverage value from faster data processing. Notably, 5G is fueling digital transformation across various sectors such as municipalities, healthcare, logistics, and manufacturing. The application of 5G becomes particularly crucial in facilitating remote surgery and maintenance of industrial machinery in hazardous conditions.

5. Edge Computing

Edge computing, which has a particular importance for IoT systems, is also among the key trends in software development. The edge computing market continues to grow exponentially.

According to Fortune Business insights , the global edge computing market size is projected to grow from $15.96 billion in 2023 to $139.58 billion by 2030. 

In recent years, an increasing number of organizations have shifted their analytics and decision-making from centralized cloud platforms to the edge, closer to the data sources. This trend is driven by the recognition that data captured at the edge requires on-site processing, storage, and often, analysis. Relying solely on cloud-based applications is no longer viable due to cost implications, latency issues, and uptime constraints.

6. Blockchain

Gone are the days when blockchain technology was exclusively linked to cryptocurrency. Experts have noted a remarkable surge in the adoption of blockchain across diverse sectors. The appeal lies in its distributed, decentralized nature, offering unparalleled security and transparency for a wide array of transactions. Blockchain’s applicability extends well beyond fintech, finding relevance in various business domains:

  • Supply chain monitoring systems in logistics, automotive, agriculture, and the oil and gas industry.
  • Accounting software systems that ensure traceability of energy consumption.
  • Platforms dedicated to protecting intellectual property.
  • Software systems designed for secure electronic voting.

As a result, we anticipate a continuous influx of blockchain-based applications across different fields.

7. Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is of unparalleled importance in the modern, increasingly digital world. With the pervasive integration of technology in every aspect of our lives, the necessity for robust cybersecurity measures has become more evident than ever. As cyberthreats continue to evolve in sophistication and frequency, organizations face unprecedented risks to sensitive data and infrastructure. 

Shockingly, a 2023 report revealed that cyberattacks cost businesses worldwide an estimated $6 trillion , underlining the staggering financial losses of inadequate cybersecurity. 

Moreover, the increase in remote work and the widespread adoption of IoT devices have expanded the attack surface, making comprehensive cybersecurity protocols indispensable. To navigate this landscape successfully, developers are not only focusing on fortifying software systems against traditional threats but also exploring innovative approaches, such as AI-driven threat detection and zero-trust architecture. 

The emphasis on cybersecurity in 2024 reflects a proactive response to the escalating challenges.

8. Cloud Computing

The prevailing trend indicates that software development companies will continue to actively use cloud-native solutions for app development, team management, and communication. Software products and services hosted in public, private, or hybrid clouds are infrastructure-agnostic and can run on multiple servers, so any company can easily adopt them.

One key driver of the growing demand for cloud services and tools is the need to facilitate collaboration among distributed teams. Leveraging containers and microservices, cloud-native software solutions provide flexibility and scalability, significantly improving productivity.

9. Low-Code/No-Code Development

Software engineering is moving toward simplification, with a new approach to creating software solutions known as low-code/no-code (LCNC) development.

LCNC platforms enable practically anyone to develop software without traditional coding via graphical user interfaces and configuration. Such programming environments have great potential because they allow people to implement their ideas into digital solutions, even with limited or no software development skills.

  • 80% of respondents believe that the low-code approach can free up developers so that they can focus on higher-level projects.
  • 72% of low-code developers reportedly create software apps twice as fast as those using traditional development methods.
  • The global value of the low-code development platform market is projected to be $46.4 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 25% during this period.

Although some developers remain skeptical about the low-code development approach, it brings a range of benefits including reduced manual labor, cost and time savings in software creation, and a lowered barrier to entry into software development.

10. Quantum Computing

Superposition and entanglement represent fundamental quantum-mechanical phenomena utilized in quantum computing for data operations. The capability to execute specific calculations faster than classical computers stands out as a primary advantage of quantum computing. Consequently, this technology has the potential to revolutionize our approach to solving intricate tasks, including cryptography, optimization, machine learning, and simulation.

Sectors like finance, healthcare, logistics, and energy, can leverage quantum computing to address challenges that are currently deemed insurmountable for classical computers. Examples include simulating the behavior of complex systems, deciphering encryption codes, and optimizing large-scale logistics networks.

The development of quantum computing technology is still in its nascent stages. Tech companies and research organizations are actively engaged in constructing quantum computers and refining quantum algorithms and software tailored for their operation.

Why You Should Choose SaM Solutions as Your Software Development Provider 

In IT since 1993, SaM Solutions offers professional custom software development services to clients across all industries.

SaM Solutions is an international outsourcing software development company with over three decades of hands-on experience in various domains. We specialize in developing custom and platform-based software and offer a full spectrum of services, including IT audit and consulting, legacy system modernization, cloud migration, and more, catering to startups, SMBs, and large corporations worldwide. 

Our key expertise includes eCommerce development, IoT and embedded development , mobile app development , QA services , DevOps services , and more.

The software development industry is in a state of continuous transformation, with emerging tools and technologies coming to the forefront while others become obsolete. To remain competitive in this digitalized world, businesses must stay abreast of current trends and quickly incorporate new technologies into their processes. 

In 2024, software providers should pay particular attention to artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, IoT, and edge computing to keep up with the competition.

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Natallia Sakovich


College of Engineering and Computing Sciences Ph.D. Programs Are Making Great Strides

College of Engineering and Computing Sciences Ph.D. Programs Are Making Great Strides

  • Related Topics

April 22, 2024

Pictured: Michael Kohler is working on integrating SAW sensor technology into wearable devices aimed at capturing and analyzing biomechanical data from the human body.

What if wearable devices could capture and analyze biomechanical data from the human body? What if game theory could be used to foresee how proposed changes in traffic rules could affect people’s attitudes toward commuting? These are just two examples of the open-ended questions being researched through nascent Ph.D. programs within the College of Engineering and Computing Sciences .

Launched between 2020 and 2022, the Ph.D. programs augment New York Tech’s offerings in engineering and computer science, provide faculty with greater opportunities to conduct research, and place doctoral candidates on the cutting edge of science and technology as they prepare for roles in industry or academia.

Impetus for Creating Programs

Ph.D. programs help expand knowledge creation. The impetus for creating the programs began with the evolution of faculty members. “We experienced a new generation of faculty about 15 years ago. They were very active in research,” explains Babak D. Beheshti, Ph.D. , dean of the College of Engineering and Computing Sciences. “They are working in labs and asking open-ended questions.”

They are also professors, which limits the amount of time they can spend in the lab. Student researchers certainly help, but they are limited to the time they have available in their bachelor’s or master’s programs. “Master’s students would only be available for one and a half years and would then move on to the job market,” Beheshti notes.

In addition to this push for greater research opportunities, New York Tech recognized the importance of greater representation of the university in the field of research. “Strong research exists in the world’s best universities,” Beheshti says. “We arrived at this stage where we had to present that strength of the university to the world.”

The efforts to support and increase cutting-edge research that has grown organically over the last 15 years gained momentum under the leadership of President Hank Foley, Ph.D. , who announced in 2022 a goal for the university to achieve Research 2 (R2) university status—a doctoral university with high research activity—by 2028. To achieve this designation, a university must conduct a high level of research, spend at least $5 million on research and development, and produce at least 20 research doctorates. “We prioritized Ph.D. programs in computer science and engineering as the most promising to launch,” Beheshti says.

Thanks to a significant financial investment from New York Tech, the Ph.D. programs launched with four tracks: computer science , bioengineering, electrical and computer engineering, and mechanical engineering . The program’s advisory board consists of professors and research experts from Arizona State University; University of Maine, Orono; Stony Brook University; Texas State University; and Tufts University.

A Growing Program with High Expectations

The 20 Ph.D. students currently enrolled “have a passion for research,” says Helen Gu, Ph.D. , associate dean and director of the computer science Ph.D. program. Thanks to student interest and faculty support, the computer science and engineering programs are growing at a steady pace. About 20 New York Tech faculty members are involved, according to Xun Yu, Ph.D. , professor and chair of mechanical engineering, engineering management, and construction engineering, and director of the engineering Ph.D. program .

Based on these promising numbers, Beheshti says the goal is to recruit 25 more students for the next academic year. “After two years, we want 80 fully financially supported Ph.D. students,” he adds. While it would be a natural process for current New York Tech students to rise toward Ph.D. programs, the university relies on its international reputation to draw candidates from around the United States and the world.


Maria-Victoria Vladucu (right) is looking at ways to adopt blockchain principles typically used in the financial sector for the food supply chain, which would simplify the process of tracking food, ensuring safety and quality. Helen Wu’s research uses game theory to model travelers’ behavior when congestion pricing is implemented in New York City this summer.

The New York Tech Difference

As the Ph.D. programs continue to grow, the university seeks to maintain the personalized approach for which New York Tech is known. Ph.D. candidates have one-on-one access to experts in their subject matter. They do research with their mentors. In some cases, their research is New York-focused, meaning they have direct access to the areas where their research might have the highest impact.

New York Tech is also part of a doctorate consortium with other area research universities. This means that if a particular course is not available at New York Tech, doctoral candidates can take it at CUNY, Columbia, Cornell, Princeton, Rutgers, Stevens Institute of Technology, or Stony Brook and receive full credit. Students at these schools can also take advantage of courses available at New York Tech.

Doctoral candidates receive full scholarship towards their tuition and receive an annual cost of living compensation of $25,000 with a percentage increase as they progress. Beheshti points out that the compensation ensures they can focus on their studies and research and not have to worry about income.

The program also accepts doctoral candidates who are employed in the computer science or engineering industries. Currently, two Ph.D. candidates are fully funded by their companies. “We make it as flexible as possible for those students. They have the same interactions with faculty and the experts in their subject matter,” Beheshti says.

Pursuing an Advanced Degree Brings Added Opportunities

Soon after beginning his master’s program at New York Tech, Michael Kohler , a candidate in the Class of 2026, connected with his professor Fang Li, Ph.D. , who asked him to do research. “I’m aggressive in looking for opportunities,” Kohler said.

When the Ph.D. program was announced, it was a natural choice for Kohler to continue researching. He is now on the bioengineering track.

Kohler is working with Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) sensors. “The core of my work involves the intricate design and fabrication of these SAW sensors in highly controlled clean room environments,” he explains. “I am actively working on integrating SAW sensor technology into wearable devices aimed at capturing and analyzing biomechanical data from the human body.”

The outcomes of this research could have a profound effect on rehabilitation, human augmentation, and the study of human motion in sports sciences. “In physical therapy, for instance, wearable devices equipped with SAW sensors could provide real-time, precise measurements of joint movement and muscle activity, enabling therapists to tailor rehabilitation programs to the specific needs of their patients,” Kohler explains.

Kohler appreciates the challenges of his research and the support he has from Lee. “Dr. Lee and I exchange knowledge and mutual respect,” Kohler says. “I wouldn’t trade this for a bigger program. It’s a learning experience. These successes will help me with the next step in my career.” That might involve academia, he notes. “I could see myself teaching the next engineers.”

Nicholas Cariello (B.S. ’18, M.S. ’19) , a candidate in the Class of 2026, who is on the computer science track for his Ph.D., agrees that advisor and faculty relationships are a crucial component of his doctoral pursuit. “My advisors are always there to answer questions, offer guidance, and have been instrumental in reigniting the academic half of my brain after spending a good amount of time in industry,” he says. “The people really make the difference, especially in a program like this where so much of the work comes from social engagement.”

Cariello’s research focuses on biometrics for use in continuous authentication. “In today’s technology-centered world, knowing that your devices are secure is incredibly important,” he notes. “The question for enabling continuous authentication becomes doing this without impacting the user. For instance, asking a user to scan their thumbprint or enter a passcode every 30 seconds is not practical. Instead, we propose behavioral biometrics, things that you do, knowingly or unknowingly, that can be used to identify you as a genuine user.”

The challenge, Cariello notes, is determining what is meaningful enough to capture. “I am currently working on a paper that centers around the use of motion capture data as a biometric to determine the efficacy of body posture and movement.” Cariello is doing research on his own and with his advisors, Associate Professor Kiran Balgani, Ph.D. , and Associate Professor Paolo Gasti, Ph.D.

Cariello received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from New York Tech. He currently works as a technical lead with IBM while he pursues his Ph.D.


Nicholas Cariello’s work proposes behavioral biometrics that can be used to identify a person as a genuine user.

Maria-Victoria Vladucu , a candidate in the Class of 2027, also on the computer science track, says that working with her advisor, Cecilia Dong, Ph.D. , has made an incredible impact on her research.

Vladucu’s study is focused on adopting blockchain principles typically used in the financial sector for the food supply chain. “We’re looking at how to minimize waste and find ways to make the process available and fair,” she says.

Dong recommended that Vladucu acquire certification in blockchain, bitcoin, and cryptocurrencies to better understand the concepts, which could lead to a clearer path toward applying them to the food supply chain. Using blockchain would simplify the process of tracking food, ensuring safety and quality. In addition, Vladucu notes it would be impossible to hack into the system. After completing her Ph.D., Vladucu hopes to share her knowledge in academia.

For Helen Wu , a candidate in the Class of 2025, who is focusing on electrical and computer engineering, the chance to apply her research to effect change in the New York area is a huge benefit. Her research uses game theory to model travelers’ behavior when congestion pricing is implemented in New York City this summer. Vehicles entering Manhattan’s Central Business District (anywhere below 60th Street) will incur a toll. The hope is to reduce traffic and travel time and reduce emissions.

By employing game theory, which is a theoretical framework for strategizing social situations, this research can gauge the possible effects on travel behaviors. “We also want to see what factors will affect implementation of congestion pricing the most,” Wu adds. “The challenging part of the research is to model human behavior.” The exciting part for Wu is that the “research results could help the community guide their decision-making process.” This work is especially exciting for Wu, who hopes to stay in the New York City area after receiving her Ph.D. “We want to make an impact,” she says.

Impacts Can Already Be Seen

In the short time the Ph.D. programs have been offered, benefits for the university, faculty, and candidates can already be seen. The programs promise to enhance New York Tech’s impressive reputation within the areas of computer science and engineering. For faculty, conducting long-term research while mentoring the next generation of researchers brings incredible satisfaction. “Faculty receive research grants and support the students in their research to create a growing cycle,” Yu says.

After receiving their doctoral degrees, candidates have a wealth of opportunities available to them. Some will remain in academia; others will enter or reenter the workforce in high-tech industries such as cybersecurity. Whatever path they choose, they will be carrying with them the intimate academic and research experiences afforded by New York Tech’s Ph.D. programs.

“For me, the faculty and staff make New York Tech the special place that it is,” Cariello concludes. “I feel that my success is genuinely invested in. The staff is compassionate, supportive, and will do whatever they can to help you along.”

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Software Engineering Project Ideas (2024)

Are you an Engineering student looking for software engineering project Ideas and topics to develop for your final year compliance for 2024?

Then here’s what you need. I have here the best project ideas for software engineering which are best and ideal to develop for 2024.

There’s also a bonus list of Software Engineering Projects that you can see through to choose your desired project.

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They were thoroughly made and researched to assure you that they are helpful and applicable for the current situation on every field of work.

New ideas and topics are formulated through the growing technology and software engineer project ideas .

These ideas were latest and are based to the current need of our surroundings.

They were also made sure to be applicable nowadays so you wont be left behind. So without further ado, let us discuss the TOP 5 capstone project ideas software engineering Students for 2024.

We have chosen the TOP 5 Final Year Projects for Software Engineering Students this 2024 and provided the bonus list.

The bonus list is provided for you to choose your best choice of project that suits your capabilities.

These software engineering projects for students bonus list are valued and studied well that’s why all of them has their own potential.

TOP 5 Final Year Projects for Software Engineering Students for 2024

Time needed:  5 minutes

Now I present to the top 5 chosen Final Year Software Engineering Project topics and ideas that will surely be applicable in big establishments and for our current situations. They could also help a lot of people nowadays.

Because sensitive data is at risk, including high-range security into imaging and communication systems is critical. The digital photos are encrypted using the AES technique, and only the sender and receiver can be seen.

For verification, the suggested system uses the location of geography. If it detects an abnormal pattern, the user will have to repeat the verification process.

The system categorizes and organizes the information in the e-book. Customers can utilize the e-learning website to look for books and learn so that paperwork is reduced. Admin changes the system whenever a new book/video arrives.

This project will be utilized to create a cloud-based bus pass system. So that consumers can quickly check the status of buses and the availability of tickets.

The E consultation system intends to provide an atmosphere in which patients can consult doctors, send photographs (for skin diseases/beauty-related issues), communicate with doctors, inform them about their problems, and explore possible solutions.

Now if you don’t like the chosen top 5 Final Year Projects as your Software Engineering topics and ideas this 2022, you could still look for another on the bonus list provided below.

Bonus Lists of Final Year Projects For Software Engineering Students for 2024

Final year projects for software engineering students for 2024.

Here is the list of new topics and ideas for final-year software Engineering Projects applicable to all Engineering Students in 2024.

Each of the projects Listed is ideal and applicable to your field. And the ideas applied were thoroughly formulated and assured.

  • Active Chat Monitoring and Suspicious Chat Detection over the Internet
  • Advanced Mobile Store
  • Advanced Reliable Real Estate Portal
  • AI Desktop Partner
  • AI Multi Agent Shopping System
  • Airport Network Flight Scheduler
  • An Adaptive Social Media Recommendation System
  • Artificial Intelligence Dietician
  • Attack Source Tracing Project
  • Automated Attendance System
  • Automated College Timetable Generator
  • Automated Payroll With GPS Tracking And Image Capture
  • Automatic Answer Checker
  • Banking Bot Project
  • Barbershop Service Booking App
  • Bikers Portal
  • Biomedical Data Mining For Web Page Relevance Checking
  • Bus Pass with Barcode Card scan
  • Bus Pass with webcam Scan
  • Camera Motion Sensing Project
  • Canteen Automation System
  • Car Sales And Inventory Store Project
  • Cargo Booking Software
  • Cloud Based Bus Pass System
  • Cloud Based Career Guidance System
  • Cloud Based Local Train Ticketing System
  • Cloud Based Online Blood Bank System
  • Cloud computing for Rural banking
  • Collective Face Detection Project
  • College automation project
  • College Enquiry Chat Bot
  • College Social Networking Web Project
  • Corporate Dashboard Project
  • Credit Card Fraud Detection
  • Criminal Investigation Tracker with Suspect Prediction
  • Cursor Movement By Hand Gesture Project
  • Customer Behavior Prediction Using Web Usage Mining
  • Data Mining For Automated Personality Classification
  • Dementia Virtual Memory App
  • Detect Irregular moving objects and tracking based on color and shape in real-time
  • Detecting Data Leaks
  • Detecting E Banking Phishing Websites Using Associative Classification
  • Detecting Edges Using Image Processor
  • Diagnostic Centre Client Coordination System
  • Distributed Dealership Network Analyzer and Sales Monitor
  • Doctor Appointment Booking & Live Chat App
  • Document checker and Corrector Project
  • Driver Card With QR Code Identification
  • E Commerce Product Rating Based On Customer Review Mining
  • E Healthcare – Online Consultation And Medical Subscription
  • Education Assignment Dashboard
  • Efficient Doctor Patient Portal
  • E-Learning Platform using Cloud Computing
  • Emergency Ambulance Booking App
  • Employee attendance System By QR Scan
  • Employee Hourly Attendance By Barcode Scan
  • Engineering College Automation and Scheduling System
  • ERP System For Institutes
  • Extended AES with Custom Configurable Encryption
  • Face Recognition Attendance System
  • Facial Expression Recognition
  • Fake Product Review Monitoring And Removal For Genuine Online Product Reviews Using Opinion Mining
  • Farming Assistance Web Service
  • Fingerprint Based ATM System
  • Fingerprint Voting System Project
  • Fitness App With Workout Diet & Motivation
  • Graphical Password By Image Segmentation
  • Graphical Password Strategy
  • Gym Trainer & Progress Tracker App
  • Human Speed Detection Project
  • Image Encryption For Secure Internet Transfer
  • Image Encryption Using AES Algorithm
  • Image Encryption Using Triple DES
  • Image Mining Project
  • Image Steganography With 3 Way Encryption
  • Improved Data Leakage Detection
  • Intelligent PC Location Tracking System
  • Intelligent Tourist System Project
  • Internet Based Live Courier Tracking And Delivery System
  • iPad Restaurant Application
  • LED display generator project
  • Look Based Media Player
  • Matrimonial Portal Project
  • Media player Project
  • Medical Search Engine Project
  • Military Access Using Card Scanning With OTP
  • MLM Project
  • Mobile Attendance System Project
  • Mobile Banking Project
  • Mobile Network Stability
  • Mobile Networks Load Balancing
  • Mobile Quiz Through Wi-Fi Project
  • Mobile(location based) Advertisement System
  • Monitoring Suspicious Discussions On Online Forums Using Data Mining
  • Movie Success Prediction Using Data Mining
  • Multi Coverage Broadcast
  • Multi Website Advertisement Handling System
  • Network Based Stock Price System
  • On Demand Remote PC Monitoring system Through Internet
  • Online AI Shopping With M-Wallet System
  • Online Bookstore System On Cloud Infrastructure
  • Online Diagnostic Lab Reporting System
  • Online E-book Maker Project
  • Online Election System Project
  • Online Fashion Stylist Website
  • Online Herbs Shopping Project
  • Online Loan Application & Verification System
  • Online Mobile Recharge Portal Project
  • Online PDF to Text Converter & Language Translator Python
  • Online Printed T-Shirt Designing
  • Online Visiting Card Creation Project
  • Opinion Mining For Comment Sentiment Analysis
  • Opinion Mining For Restaurant Reviews
  • Opinion Mining For Social Networking Site
  • PC Configuration Retrieval System on Online Server
  • Public Photography Contest With Live Voting
  • Question paper generator system
  • Railway Tracking and Arrival Time Prediction
  • Real Estate Search Based On Data Mining
  • Remote Java 2 .net Communication Application
  • Remote User Recognition And Access Provision
  • Retail Store Inventory & POS Checkout App
  • RFID Based Automatic Traffic Violation Ticketing
  • Secure ATM Using Card Scanning Plus OTP
  • Secure Data Transfer Over Internet Using Image Steganography
  • Secure Electronic Fund Transfer Over Internet Using DES
  • Secure Lab Access Using Card Scanner Plus Face Recognition
  • Secure Remote Communication Using DES Algorithm
  • Sending a secure message over a network to a remote site
  • Sentiment Analysis for Product Rating
  • Sentiment Based Movie Rating System
  • Smart Health Consulting Project
  • Smart Health consulting system
  • Smart Health Prediction Using Data Mining
  • Software Piracy Protection Project
  • Space Shooter Combat Game Python
  • SQL Injection Prevention Project
  • Storage/Energy efficient Cloud Computing
  • Students Grievance Redressal Cell Python
  • Tab Based Library Book Availability & Location Finder On Wi-Fi
  • Civil System Project
  • Three Level Image Password Authentication
  • Three Level Password Authentication System
  • Topic Detection Using Keyword Clustering
  • Tour Recommender App Using Collaborative Filtering
  • Unique User Identification Across Multiple Social Networks
  • User Web Access Records Mining For Business Intelligence
  • Vehicle Tracking Using Driver Mobile GPS Tracking
  • Video Surveillance Project
  • Waste Food Management & Donation App
  • Weather Forecasting Using Data Mining
  • Web Agent For Learning Content Updating
  • Web Content Trust Rating Prediction Using Evidence Theory
  • Web Data Mining To Detect Online Spread Of Terrorism
  • Web Mining For Suspicious Keyword Prominence
  • Web Server Log Analysis System
  • Web Server to Client communication for web usage data analysis
  • Webpage Ranking Search Engine With SEO Suggestions
  • Website Evaluation Using Opinion Mining
  • Wheelchair Guidance & Assistance App
  • Wi-Fi Shopping Guide Project
  • Wireless Data Handling And Management
  • Wireless Indoor Positioning System

Final Year Software Engineering Projects Topics and Ideas using Android for 2024

Now here’s another bonus list of Software Engineering Project ideas and topics using Android. So if you’re fond of programming and doing Android then this Final Year Software Engineering Topics and Ideas are best for you.

  • Android PC Chatting & Image Sharing System
  • Android AI Diet Consultant
  • Android Anti-Virus Application
  • Android Based Furniture Shopping
  • Android Based Parking Booking System
  • Android Based Universal Ticketing Project
  • Android Based Visual Product Identification For The Blind
  • Android Blood Bank
  • Android Blood Donation & Blood Bank Finder
  • Android Bluetooth Chat
  • Android College Connect Chat App
  • Android Customer Relationship Management System
  • Android Employee Tracker
  • Android File finder and Sorting
  • Android Local Train Ticketing Project
  • Android location alarm
  • Android Merchant Application Using QR
  • Android Messenger App
  • Android Offloading Computation Over Cloud
  • Android Patient Tracker
  • Android Personal Safety App
  • Android Task Monitoring
  • Android Tourist Guide Project
  • Android Vehicle Tracking Application
  • Android Voting System
  • Automated Canteen Ordering System using Android
  • Bus Pass Android Project
  • Grocery Shopping Android
  • Herb & Grocery Shopping Android App
  • Hotel Management Android Project
  • Online Driver Hiring Android App

By the way, we will continue to update the listed topics and ideas for final-year software engineering projects using Android for 2024 above so you can find more project ideas that can be used in the future.

Aside from this list of  best final year projects for software engineering student 2024 , I will also give you a list of  final year projects for students and engineers with source code .

We have also final year projects for computer science Engineering   with source code

  • Student Management System Project In Django With Source Code
  • Billing System In PHP With Source Code
  • Loan Management System Project In PHP With Source Code
  • College Management System Project in Django with Source Code

You may also visit if you are a BSIT Student and looking for the  best Thesis title Proposal for IT/CS students  you can click it here.

You can also have some articles might help you doing your document to support your Software Engineering project topics for final years :

  • How to Make An Effective Thesis or Capstone Document
  • Writing A Good Research Title For Thesis or Capstone Project
  • Chapter 1(Research Description) Capstone Project Guidelines and Sample
  • Chapter 2 in Thesis Writing for IT/CS Students (with Sample)

We also recommended Books, Course, Compiler, etc.

  • Python Compiler Online and Offline
  • Free Python Certification | Which and How to Get Best Python Certification
  • Best Python IDE for Windows, Linux, Mac OS
  • List of Python Interpreters | Guide to Best Python Interpreter Online

Finally, the list of  final year Software Engineering projects for students and engineers  study includes  programming ,  design ,  analysis , and  theory . 

Engineering  also comes to involve coming up with and development of different application-based code.

In addition, these final year projects for Software Engineering Students for 2024 list will be enforced by a variety of tools like Java, VB.NET Application, Databases, Oracle, and the likes.

Note:  If you have any questions or suggestions about the list of the  best final year project ideas and topics for software engineering students, then  please feel free to contact us at our contact page or leaving a comment below. Also, if you have ideas related to this topic please let us know.

3 thoughts on “Software Engineering Project Ideas (2024)”

Thanks for the great post you posted. I like the content which was mentioned above. If any of the final year students are looking for the software engineering projects

Thanks for the great post you posted. I like the content. thankyou.

In today’s ever-evolving technological landscape, mobile applications have become an integral part of our daily lives. With the increasing demand for innovative and user-friendly apps, Android App Development has become a popular choice for businesses and individuals alike. The possibilities for creating engaging and lucrative projects are endless. In this blog, we will explore some exciting Smart Android Project ideas for the year 2023. So, grab your thinking caps and let’s dive into the world of Android App Development!

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10 facts about today’s college graduates

A San Jose State University graduate prepares for commencement ceremonies with his family in December 2021.

Having a bachelor’s degree remains an important advantage in many sectors of the U.S. labor market. College graduates generally out-earn those who have not attended college, and they are more likely to be employed in the first place. At the same time, many Americans say they cannot afford to get a four-year degree – or that they just don’t want to.

Here are key facts about American college graduates.

This Pew Research Center analysis about U.S. college graduates relies on data from sources including the Census Bureau, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the National Center for Education Statistics, the National Student Clearinghouse and the Federal Reserve Bank, as well as surveys conducted by the Center.

Everyone who took the Pew Research Center surveys cited is a member of the Center’s American Trends Panel (ATP), an online survey panel that is recruited through national, random sampling of residential addresses. This way nearly all U.S. adults have a chance of selection. The survey is weighted to be representative of the U.S. adult population by gender, race, ethnicity, partisan affiliation, education and other categories. Read more about  the ATP’s methodology .

Nearly four-in-ten Americans ages 25 and older have a bachelor’s degree, a share that has grown over the last decade. As of 2021, 37.9% of adults in this age group held a bachelor’s degree, including 14.3% who also obtained a graduate or professional degree, according to data from the Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey. That share is up 7.5 percentage points from 30.4% in 2011.

An additional 10.5% had an associate degree in 2021. About four-in-ten Americans ages 25 and older had a high school diploma with no further education (25.3%) or completed some college but didn’t have a degree (14.9%).

In a reversal, women are now more likely than men to graduate from college, according to the Current Population Survey . In 2021, 39% of women ages 25 and older had a bachelor’s degree or more education, compared with 37% of men in the same age range. The gap in college completion is even wider among adults ages 25 to 34: 46% of women in this age group have at least a bachelor’s degree, compared with 36% of men.

A line graph showing that women in the U.S. are outpacing men in college graduation

In an October 2021 Pew Research Center survey of Americans without a degree, 34% of men said a major reason why they have not received a four-year college degree is that they just didn’t want to. Only one-in-four women said the same. Men were also more likely to say a major reason they didn’t have a four-year degree is that they didn’t need more education for the job or career they wanted (26% of men said this vs. 20% of women).

A chart showing that about a third of men who haven't completed four years of college say they 'just didn't want to' get a degree

Women (44%) were more likely than men (39%) to say not being able to afford college was a major reason they don’t have a bachelor’s degree. Men and women were about equally likely to say a major impediment was needing to work to help support their family.

A line graph showing that since 2000, the share of Americans with a bachelor's degree has increased across all races and ethnicities

There are racial and ethnic differences in college graduation patterns, as well as in the reasons for not completing a degree. Among adults ages 25 and older, 61% of Asian Americans have a bachelor’s degree or more education, along with 42% of White adults, 28% of Black adults and 21% of Hispanic adults, according to 2021 Current Population Survey data. The share of bachelor’s degree holders in each group has increased since 2010. That year, 52% of Asian Americans had a four-year degree or more, compared with a third of White adults, 20% of Black adults and 14% of Hispanic adults.

The October 2021 Center survey found that among adults without a bachelor’s degree, Hispanic adults (52%) were more likely than those who are White (39%) or Black (41%) to say a major reason they didn’t graduate from a four-year college is that they couldn’t afford it. Hispanic and Black adults were more likely than their White counterparts to say needing to work to support their family was a major reason.

While a third of White adults said not wanting to go to school was a major reason they didn’t complete a four-year degree, smaller shares of Black (22%) and Hispanic (23%) adults said the same. White adults were also more likely to cite not needing more education for the job or career they wanted. (There weren’t enough Asian adults without a bachelor’s degree in the sample to analyze separately.)

A bar chart showing that only about 62% of college students finish their program within six years

Only 62% of students who start a degree or certificate program finish their program within six years, according to the most recent data from the  National Student Clearinghouse , a nonprofit verification and research organization that tracked first-time college students who enrolled in fall 2015 with the intent of pursuing a degree or certificate. The degree completion rate for this group was highest among students who started at four-year, private, nonprofit schools (78.3%), and lowest among those who started at two-year public institutions (42.2%).

Business is the most commonly held bachelor’s degree, followed by health professions.  According to the  National Center for Education Statistics , about a fifth (19%) of the roughly 2 million bachelor’s degrees conferred in 2019-20 were in business. Health professions and related programs were the second most-popular field, making up 12.6% of degrees conferred that year. Business has been the single most common major since 1980-81; before that, education led the way.

The  least  common bachelor’s degrees in 2019-20 were in military technologies and applied sciences (1,156 degrees conferred in 2019-20), library science (118), and precision production (39).

There is a growing earnings gap between young college graduates and their counterparts without degrees. In 2021, full-time workers ages 22 to 27 who held a bachelor’s degree, but no further education, made a median annual wage of $52,000, compared with $30,000 for full-time workers of the same age with a high school diploma and no degree, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This gap has widened over time. Young bachelor’s degree holders earned a median annual wage of $48,481 in 1990, compared with $35,257 for full-time workers ages 22 to 27 with a high school diploma.

The unemployment rate is lower for college graduates than for workers without a bachelor’s degree, and that gap widened as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. In February 2020, just before the COVID-19 outbreak began in the U.S., only 1.9% of college graduates ages 25 and older were unemployed, compared with 3.1% of workers who completed some college but not a four-year degree, and 3.7% of workers with only a high school diploma. By June 2020, after the pandemic hit, 6.8% of college grads, 10.8% of workers with some college, and 12.2% of high school grads were unemployed.

By March 2022, the unemployment rate had nearly returned to pre-pandemic levels for college graduates (2%) while dropping to 3% among those with some college education but no four-year degree, and 4% among those with only a high school diploma.

A line graph showing that underemployed recent college grads are becoming less likely to work in 'good non-college jobs'

Recent college graduates are more likely than graduates overall to be underemployed – that is, working in jobs that typically do not require a college degree, according to an analysis of Census Bureau and BLS data by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York . As of December 2021, 41% of college graduates ages 22 to 27 were underemployed, compared with 34% among all college graduates. The underemployment rates for recent college grads rose in 2020 as the COVID-19 outbreak strained the job market, but have since returned to pre-pandemic levels.

As of the end of 2021, only 34% of underemployed graduates ages 22 to 27 worked what the Fed defines as “good non-college jobs” – those paying at least $45,000 a year – down from around half in the 1990s. The share of underemployed graduates ages 22 to 27 in low-wage jobs – those earning less than $25,000 annually – rose from about 9% in 1990 to 11% last year.

A chart showing that among household heads with at least a bachelor's degree, those with a college-educated parent are typically wealthier and have greater incomes

When it comes to income and wealth accumulation, first-generation college graduates lag substantially behind those with college-educated parents, according to a May 2021 Pew Research Center analysis . Households headed by a first-generation college graduate – that is, someone who has completed at least a bachelor’s degree but does not have a parent with a college degree – had a median annual income of $99,600 in 2019, compared with $135,800 for households headed by those with at least one parent who graduated from college. The median wealth of households headed by first-generation college graduates ($152,000) also trailed that of households headed by someone with a parent who graduated from college ($244,500). The higher household income of the latter facilitates saving and wealth accumulation.

The gap also reflects differences in how individuals finance their education. Second-generation college graduates tend to come from  more affluent families , while first-generation college graduates are more likely to incur education debt than those with a college-educated parent.

Most Americans with college degrees see value in their experience. In the Center’s October 2021 survey , majorities of graduates said their college education was extremely or very useful when it came to helping them grow personally and intellectually (79%), opening doors to job opportunities (70%) and developing specific skills and knowledge that could be used in the workplace (65%).

Younger college graduates were less likely than older ones to see value in their college education. For example, only a third of college graduates younger than 50 said their college experience was extremely useful in helping them develop skills and knowledge that could be used in the workplace. Among college graduates ages 50 and older, 45% said this.

  • Higher Education

Katherine Schaeffer's photo

Katherine Schaeffer is a research analyst at Pew Research Center

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