Home » SQL Server GUID


Summary : in this tutorial, you will learn about the SQL Server GUID and how to use the  NEWID()  function to generate GUID values.

Introduction to SQL Server GUID

All things in our world are numbered e.g., books have ISBNs, cars have VINs, and people have social security numbers (SSN).

The numbers, or identifiers, help us reference things unambiguously. For example, we can identify John Doe by using his unique social security number 123-45-6789 .

A globally unique identifier or GUID is a broader version of this type of ID numbers.

A GUID is guaranteed to be unique across tables, databases, and even servers.

In SQL Server, GUID is 16-byte binary data type, which is generated by using the NEWID() function:

If you execute the above statement several times, you will see different value every time. Here is one of them:

In SQL Server, the UNIQUEIDENTIFIER data type holds GUID values.

The following statements declare a variable with type UNIQUEIDENTIFIER and assign it a GUID value generated by the NEWID() function.

Here is the output:

Using SQL Server GUID as primary key

Sometimes, it prefers using GUID values for the primary key column of a table than using integers.

Using GUID as the primary key of a table brings the following advantages:

  • GUID values are globally unique across tables, databases, and even servers. Therefore, it allows you to merge data from different servers with ease.
  • GUID values do not expose the information so they are safer to use in public interface such as a URL. For example, if you have the URL https://www.example.com/customer/100/ URL, it is not so difficult to find that there will have customers with id 101, 102, and so on. However, with GUID, it is not possible: https://www.example.com/customer/F4AB02B7-9D55-483D-9081-CC4E3851E851/

Besides these advantages, storing GUID in the primary key column of a table has the following disadvantages:

  • GUID values (16 bytes) takes more storage than INT (4 bytes) or even BIGINT (8 bytes)
  • GUID values make it difficult to troubleshoot and debug, comparing WHERE id = 100 with WHERE id = 'F4AB02B7-9D55-483D-9081-CC4E3851E851' .

SQL Server GUID example

First, create a new table named customers in the marketing schema:

Second, insert new rows into the marketing.customers table:

Third, query data from the marketing.customers table:

SQL Server GUID example

In this tutorial, you have learned about the SQL Server GUID and how to use the NEWID() function to generate GUID values.

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  • azure.azcollection.azure_rm_roleassignment module – Manage Azure Role Assignment

azure.azcollection.azure_rm_roleassignment module – Manage Azure Role Assignment 

This module is part of the azure.azcollection collection (version 1.19.0).

You might already have this collection installed if you are using the ansible package. It is not included in ansible-core . To check whether it is installed, run ansible-galaxy collection list .

To install it, use: ansible-galaxy collection install azure.azcollection . You need further requirements to be able to use this module, see Requirements for details.

To use it in a playbook, specify: azure.azcollection.azure_rm_roleassignment .

New in azure.azcollection 0.1.2

Create and delete instance of Azure Role Assignment.

Requirements 

The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.

python >= 2.7

The host that executes this module must have the azure.azcollection collection installed via galaxy

All python packages listed in collection’s requirements-azure.txt must be installed via pip on the host that executes modules from azure.azcollection

Full installation instructions may be found https://galaxy.ansible.com/azure/azcollection

Parameters 

For authentication with Azure you can pass parameters, set environment variables, use a profile stored in ~/.azure/credentials, or log in before you run your tasks or playbook with az login .

Authentication is also possible using a service principal or Active Directory user.

To authenticate via service principal, pass subscription_id, client_id, secret and tenant or set environment variables AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID, AZURE_CLIENT_ID, AZURE_SECRET and AZURE_TENANT.

To authenticate via Active Directory user, pass ad_user and password, or set AZURE_AD_USER and AZURE_PASSWORD in the environment.

Alternatively, credentials can be stored in ~/.azure/credentials. This is an ini file containing a [default] section and the following keys: subscription_id, client_id, secret and tenant or subscription_id, ad_user and password. It is also possible to add additional profiles. Specify the profile by passing profile or setting AZURE_PROFILE in the environment.

How to authenticate using the az login command.

Return Values 

Common return values are documented here , the following are the fields unique to this module:

Yunge Zhu(@yungezz)

Paul Aiton(@paultaiton)

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New-AzRoleAssignment "InvalidPrincipalId" "The Principal ID 'User' is not valid. Principal ID must be a GUID." #16627


brwilkinson commented Dec 13, 2021 • edited


Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue.


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az role assignment

Manage role assignments.

az role assignment create

Create a new role assignment for a user, group, or service principal.

Create role assignment to grant the specified assignee the Reader role on an Azure virtual machine.

Create role assignment for an assignee with description and condition.

Create role assignment with your own assignment name.

Required Parameters

Role name or id.

Scope at which the role assignment or definition applies to, e.g., /subscriptions/0b1f6471-1bf0-4dda-aec3-111122223333, /subscriptions/0b1f6471-1bf0-4dda-aec3-111122223333/resourceGroups/myGroup, or /subscriptions/0b1f6471-1bf0-4dda-aec3-111122223333/resourceGroups/myGroup/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/myVM.

Optional Parameters

Represent a user, group, or service principal. supported format: object id, user sign-in name, or service principal name.

Use this parameter instead of '--assignee' to bypass Graph API invocation in case of insufficient privileges. This parameter only works with object ids for users, groups, service principals, and managed identities. For managed identities use the principal id. For service principals, use the object id and not the app id.

Use with --assignee-object-id to avoid errors caused by propagation latency in Microsoft Graph.

Condition under which the user can be granted permission.

Version of the condition syntax. If --condition is specified without --condition-version, default to 2.0.

Description of role assignment.

A GUID for the role assignment. It must be unique and different for each role assignment. If omitted, a new GUID is generetd.

Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.

Show this help message and exit.

Only show errors, suppressing warnings.

Output format.

JMESPath query string. See http://jmespath.org/ for more information and examples.

Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID .

Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.

az role assignment delete

Delete role assignments.

Delete role assignments. (autogenerated)

Space-separated role assignment ids.

Include assignments applied on parent scopes.

Use it only if the role or assignment was added at the level of a resource group.

Continue to delete all assignments under the subscription.

az role assignment list

List role assignments.

By default, only assignments scoped to subscription will be displayed. To view assignments scoped by resource or group, use --all .

Show all assignments under the current subscription.

List default role assignments for subscription classic administrators, aka co-admins.

Include extra assignments to the groups of which the user is a member(transitively).

az role assignment list-changelogs

List changelogs for role assignments.

The end time of the query in the format of %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ, e.g. 2000-12-31T12:59:59Z. Defaults to the current time.

The start time of the query in the format of %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ, e.g. 2000-12-31T12:59:59Z. Defaults to 1 Hour prior to the current time.

az role assignment update

Update an existing role assignment for a user, group, or service principal.

Update a role assignment from a JSON file.

Update a role assignment from a JSON string. (Bash)

Description of an existing role assignment as JSON, or a path to a file containing a JSON description.

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Additional resources


  1. [Solved] How to generate a Guid in SQL Server?

    sql role assignment name must be a guid

  2. What is a GUID in SQL Server

    sql role assignment name must be a guid

  3. GUID in Sql Server

    sql role assignment name must be a guid

  4. What is a GUID in SQL Server

    sql role assignment name must be a guid

  5. Role assignments

    sql role assignment name must be a guid

  6. Move or copy SQL Logins by assigning roles and permissions

    sql role assignment name must be a guid


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  1. az cosmosdb sql role assignment

    Examples. Create a SQL role assignment under an Azure Cosmos DB account using Role Definition Name. Azure CLI. Copy. Open Cloud Shell. az cosmosdb sql role assignment create --account-name MyAccount --resource-group MyResourceGroup \. --role-assignment-id cb8ed2d7-2371-4e3c-bd31-6cc1560e84f8 \. --role-definition-name "My Read Only Role" \.

  2. Azure role assignment name needs to be GUID #121

    Don't auto-name when 'name' is optional pulumi/pulumi-azure. 4 participants. When trying to assign a role to a service principal, the name needs to be a GUID. The following code - let roleAssignment = new azure.role.assignment ("ra", { principalId: servicePrincipal.id, roleDefinitionName: "Contributor", scope: `/s...

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    InvalidRoleAssignmentId: The role assignment ID 'u4ttmsjymtpe21' is not valid. The role assignment ID must be a GUID. InvalidRoleAssignmentId: The role assignment ID 'u4ttmsjymtpe20' is not valid. The role assignment ID must be a GUID. Instead of passing the [newGuid()] as value to the parameter, you need to pass it as a default value to the ...

  4. Standard for RBAC Role Assignment names · Azure bicep

    Role assignment names must be a GUID. Usually, the GUID is constructed from the combination of the principal ID, the resource ID, and the role definition ID. However, is there an actual standard fo...

  5. Azure Deployment Error "Tenant ID, application ID, principal ID, and

    Once you create a role assignment with a specific GUID, any updates or redeployments will require the same name, aka GUID. In steps the "guid" function. This function uses a hash to create the GUID based on input that is provided. So, for my scenario, I provided the name of my WVD application group, which is unique across my subscription ...

  6. InvalidRoleAssignmentId Error when following FQRID best practice

    Trying several ways to specify a roleDefinitionId property on a RoleAssignment resource, I keep getting: InvalidRoleAssignmentId: The role assignment ID must be a GUID This is a very simplified tem...

  7. An Essential Guide To SQL Server GUID By Examples

    SQL Server GUID example. First, create a new table named customers in the marketing schema: CREATE SCHEMA marketing; GO. CREATE TABLE marketing.customers(. customer_id UNIQUEIDENTIFIER DEFAULT NEWID(), first_name NVARCHAR ( 100) NOT NULL , last_name NVARCHAR ( 100) NOT NULL , email VARCHAR ( 200) NOT NULL.

  8. azure.azcollection.azure_rm_roleassignment module

    The role assignment name must be a GUID, sample as "3ce0cbb0-58c4-4e6d-a16d-99d86a78b3ca". Mutually Exclusive with id. password. string. Active Directory user password. Use when authenticating with an Active Directory user rather than service principal. profile. string.

  9. Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments

    For guidance on creating role assignments and definitions, see Create Azure RBAC resources by using Bicep. ... Valid characters: Must be a globally unique identifier (GUID). Resource name must be unique across tenant. scope: ... This template allows you to deploy an Azure SQL server with Auditing enabled to write audit logs to a blob storage:

  10. Role assignment name must be a guid? #194

    If I change the above code to use a guid for the RoleAssignmentName, then it works: new RoleAssignment (. name, new RoleAssignmentArgs. { RoleAssignmentName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), // <== change here RoleDefinitionId =.

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    var assignment = new RoleAssignment(roleAssignmentName, new RoleAssignmentArgs { // commented line below was the fix, needed to use a pulumi random uuid // RoleAssignmentName = roleAssignmentUuid.Result, Scope = Output.Tuple(storageAccountName, queue, resourceGroupName).Apply(async t => { var (storageAccountName, queue, resourceGroupName) = t; return await GetQueue.InvokeAsync(new GetQueueArgs ...

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    Create an item-level role assignment. From here, you can create a separate role assignment for each user or group account that requires access to the report server. If the account is on a domain other than the one that contains the report server, include the domain name. After you specify an account, you choose one or more role definitions.

  13. Incremental redeployment of an ARM Template with Role Assignments

    Well then we can use a new GUID, it won't be seen as a change and a new roleAssignment will be made. (The previous one would have to be removed by another means). If however you use a new GUID and the other 3 properties do remain the same, it will be seen as a duplicate role assignment and also throw an error!

  14. New-AzRoleAssignment "InvalidPrincipalId" "The Principal ID ...

    Principal ID must be a GUID. The following -ObjectId works as expected, also AZ.Resources 4.4.1 works as expected New-AzRoleAssignment - ResourceGroupName ACU1 - BRW - APP - RG - D1 - ObjectId be00b5cd - 0d02 - 4824 - b221 - d30617597152 - RoleDefinitionName Reader

  15. Azure DevOps pipeline error: Tenant ID, application ID, principal ID

    Bouncing off @Richard answer, I didn't have the permission to delete the "ghost" managed identities so I deployed the same role assignment under a different guid by adding an additional string to the guid() function. String functions for ARM templates docs. To do this, I changed my roleNameGuid's value from "[guid(resourceGroup().id)]" to

  16. az role assignment

    Name Description Type Status; az role assignment create: Create a new role assignment for a user, group, or service principal. Core GA az role assignment delete