romeo and juliet essay about conflict

Romeo and Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet PDF

Historical Context of Romeo and Juliet

Other books related to romeo and juliet.

  • Full Title: Romeo and Juliet
  • When Written: Likely 1591-1595
  • Where Written: London, England
  • When Published: “Bad quarto” (incomplete manuscript) printed in 1597; Second, more complete quarto printed in 1599; First folio, with clarifications and corrections, printed in 1623
  • Literary Period: Renaissance
  • Genre: Tragic play
  • Setting: Verona, Italy
  • Climax: Mistakenly believing that Juliet is dead, Romeo kills himself on her funeral bier by drinking poison. Juliet wakes up, finds Romeo dead, and fatally stabs herself with his dagger.
  • Antagonist: Capulet, Lady Capulet, Montague, Lady Montague, Tybalt

Extra Credit for Romeo and Juliet

Tourist Trap. Casa di Giulietta, a 12-century villa in Verona, is located just off the Via Capello (the possible origin of the anglicized surname “Capulet”) and has become a major tourist attraction over the years because of its distinctive balcony. The house, purchased by the city of Verona in 1905 from private holdings, has been transformed into a kind of museum dedicated to the history of Romeo and Juliet , where tourists can view set pieces from some of the major film adaptations of the play and even leave letters to their loved ones. Never mind that “the balcony scene,” one of the most famous scenes in English literature, may never have existed—the word “balcony” never appears in the play, and balconies were not an architectural feature of Shakespeare’s England—tourists flock from all over to glimpse Juliet’s famous veranda.

Love Language. While much of Shakespeare’s later work is written in a combination of verse and prose (used mostly to offer distinction between social classes, with nobility speaking in verse and commoners speaking in prose), Romeo and Juliet is notable for its heady blend of poetic forms. The play’s prologue is written in the form of a sonnet, while most of the dialogue adheres strictly to the rhythm of iambic pentameter. Romeo and Juliet alter their cadences when speaking to each another, using more casual, naturalistic speech. When they talk about other potential lovers, such as Rosaline and Paris, their speech is much more formal (to reflect the emotional falsity of those dalliances.) Friar Laurence speaks largely in sermons and aphorisms, while the nurse speaks in blank verse.

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Romeo and Juliet conflicts essay

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Discuss the theme of conflict in “Romeo and Juliet.”

Romeo and Juliet is Shakespeare’s first play that is based on a tragedy even though there is a certain amount of comedy within the play. However through out the play there is a feeling of unease as the conflict between the two families becomes more in depth. The older generation of these two families started the

conflict a long time ago and now it is up to the younger members of the families to continue their war. However in the middle of this conflict is a young couple who fall deeply in love but are

not allowed to marry because their families hate each other. In this first tragedy play Shakespeare uses conflict between two families however this play does not have the power that his later tragedies have         for example in Macbeth the conflict is far wider in this play countries are torn apart by the deeds of the characters within the play. In this essay I hope to explain the different kinds of conflicts that are included, such as: physical, verbal, cross generation, language, and emotional conflict.

      The prologue to act one scene one of Romeo and Juliet is in the form of a sonnet. Sonnets are usually focused on love and romance but this sonnet is about violence and chaos. This automatically shows conflict in the structure and language of the play. At the very beginning of act one scene one we are introduced to two members of the Capulet family, Sampson and Gregory these character’s are friends in the play although at first they are shown to be arguing with each other. In fact they are actually trying to psyche each other up, so that they are ready to fight the members of the Montague family. For example Sampson says “a dog of the house Montague moves me” this is basically saying that the Montague’s are getting on his nerves. Then Gregory says “if thou art moved thou runn’st away” this is basically calling Sampson a coward. This also show’s extremely clearly that there is conflict between the two families.

Many directors have attempted to recreate this play as a modern film. But in most of these films this conversation is left out, this is because modern audiences would not have found some of the metaphors used amusing and instead they would have been confused, where as the audience in the Elizabethan times would have found these jokes amusing. For example Sampson is said to be biting his thumb at Abraham which in those days was a sign of disrespect like the modern raising of the middle finger.

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Later in the scene we are introduced to Bonvolia a member of the Montague family, he is a main character in the play and is Romeo’s best friend. Here are some of his first words “I do but keep the peace.” this shows that he is clearly a peaceful character in the play, on the other hand a member of the Capulet family named Tybalt is a blood thirsty character who is bent on destroying all of the Montague family, here is an example of this. “peace? I hate the word, as I hate hell, all Montague’s, and thee.” This shows that there is clear conflict between the two families. It also sets the tone of the conflict for the rest of the play.  

In the Shakespearian times the common people who would have been watching the play were accustomed to watching violence, it was the main form of entertainment in the Elizabethan times .People wanted to see other people or animals being killed. So Shakespeare had to find a way to keep the audience hooked on his plays. This is why he started the play with a huge fight scene in the middle of the square.

Although so far the play seems to be just about physical violence and death it also shows major parts of emotional conflict. This is shown during act one scene one in Romeo. At the beginning he is hugely depressed because he is deeply in love with a character named Roselyn, who does not love him in return. Romeo uses oxymoron’s to express his depression. “bright smoke, cold fire, sick health.” This shows conflict in language because the words used are complete opposites.

This is probably one of the most important scene’s in the play it is the scene in which Romeo and Juliet first lay eyes on each other. It is also the scene that sets up the whole mood of the tragedy in the play. The scene shows the way a love of great potential is ruined by futile conflict. It is also good to notice that the language used in the first words between Romeo and Juliet forms a perfect sonnet, this shows love at first site between the couple. Romeo uses conflicts between light and dark a lot during the play, this reflects on the love and hate at the centre of the conflict in the whole play. “like a rich jewel on an Ethiope’s ear.” this shows Romeo saying that she is a bright light in a dark world. In response to the sonnet formed by Romeo and Juliet’s first conversation. Tybalt speaks a poem of hatred to Romeo and the montague’s family. This shows tybalt’s character in a nut shell, it shows the solid hatred between the Capulet’s and the montague’s and the hatred of Romeo by tybalt. Tybalt even vows to kill Romeo his hatred is also shown in the last two lines of his speech. “I will withdraw, but this intrusion shall, now seeming sweet, convert to bitterest gall.” this is perfect half rhyme. Which shows anger and hatred. Also the perfect sonnet formed by Romeo and Juliet’s first words reflects the conflict between love and hate which h I expressed very well by Juliet with the lines “my only love sprung from my only hate.”

This scene in my opinion is the most violent scene in the whole play, although it is mainly physical conflict there are still large parts of emotional conflict within Romeo. During the Shakespearian period this would have been one of the favourite scenes because of all the violence. The people of the time would have enjoyed watching an action fight scene just as much as we do today. At the beginning of the scene Mercutio, is going a bit mad for no apparent reason. The two different film versions of the play I have seen convey this in different ways. In the version directed by Luhrmann which is the version made with guns instead of swords. This version show Mercutio’s madness by him sitting on the beach firing aimlessly at fish in the sea. In the Zeffirelli version of the film the madness is shown by Mercutio walking around with a wet towel over his head talking gibberish, also in both version Mercutio is accusing Benvolio of being a violent character which is certainly not true. After a while in both versions tybalt shows up and tries to start a fight with Romeo. But Romeo does not want to fight tybalt because now he is married to Juliet they are related and he does not want to hurt Juliet and kill his and her relatives. But tybalt doesn’t now this so he still wants to fight Romeo. Both versions of the film show tybalt’s action’s when he kill’s Mercutio as an accident. But each version shows it differently. In the Luhrmann version it is not clear whether it is an accident or not and he doesn’t seems s sorry for killing Mercutio as in the Zeffirelli version where it is clearly shown to be an accident and he seems sorry. After the fight in both movies tybalt walks away. But each one shows differently who started the fights. In the Luhrmann version tybalt arrives and Romeo is not there so him and Mercutio fight instead. But in the zeffirelli version Mercutio starts to give it to tybalt after he has already started to walk away which makes tybalt fight. so Luhrmann shows tybalt as more of an aggressor than the other directors. In both versions however Romeo goes crazy and chases tybalt and kills him. Once again Luhrmann shows the more aggressive side by having Romeo chase tybalt in a car and then viciously shoot him down. But in the zeffirelli version there is a fair sword fight involved. At the end of the fight the physically conflict ends and Romeo realises what he has done “I am fortunes fool.” this is where Romeo realises he is in conflict with fate and destiny and that he is spiralling towards his doom.

Although act three scene five contains no physical violence it still contains a lot of major conflict, this is mainly emotional although this is not obvious  to the audience. The conflict in this scene is found in the capulet family and inside Juliet herself. Although the Shakespearian audience would have loved the scenes of physical violence, (just as we do know days)  they also would have appreciated the powerful and emotional, conflicting story line’s as well as the powerful acting shown in this scene. The opening of the play shows the happiest moment of the whole story. It shows the morning after Romeo and Juliet consummated there secret marriage. It also signifies the start of dark times. The conflict starts to appear in the scene in the imagery of what they are saying. For example Juliet is in conflict in her language because she can a here the nightingale singing which signifies light and the morning, but she says that the bird singing is the lark signifying night and darkness. This shows conflict between light and dark and day and night. At the end of the conversation Juliet says “oh god I have an ill driving soul.” this means that she thinks something is going to go wrong . “ methinks I see thee now, thou art so low, As one dead in the bottom of a tomb.” This is although she is seeing the future in the play. This shows Juliet’s conflict with fate. After Romeo leave’s out of the window lady capulet enters and Juliet starts to cry. Lady capulet thinks that Juliet is weeping for tybalt “evermore weeping for your cousins death.” but she is accentually weeping for Romeo who has been banished to Mantua. Juliet is in a state of emotional torment at this point in the play but here it gets worse. Lady capulet starts trying to get her to marry paris but Juliet is already married to Romeo. “I swear it will be Romeo ,whom you know I hate, rather than paris.” That was Juliet telling her mum that she would rather marry Romeo than paris this show the conflict inside Juliet because she is meaning what she is saying and the audience knows that, but lady capulet thinks she is just expressing the fact that she does not want to marry paris. So she is not actually lying to her mum but twisting the truth. The situation is made worse when capulet enters and asks lady capulet whether Juliet has accepted Paris’s offer of marriage. When lady capulet says that Juliet has not capulet gets very angry. Then capulet threatens to drag Juliet to the church “or I will drag thee on a hurdle hither.” this shows that capulet is extremely angry.  Capulet then calls Juliet ungrateful of her fathers good graces to let her marry paris. Then he starts having a go at everyone in the room. He tells Juliet to either marry paris or never talk to, or look at him again. In this scene Juliet is actually arguing back with her dad politely. This shows how she has developed into a women since the beginning of the play, she isn’t just shouting back at him but is politely putting her point across that shows maturity. Juliet’s emotional turmoil is made worse when her mother leaves her and joins her fathers side of the argument, This leaves her all on her own with no one on her side to help her even the nurse who tries to help her can do nothing to help her situation. You can easily se the emotional conflict and turmoil from Juliet’s deeply emotional language. “O God!--O nurse, how shall this be prevented.” the emotional conflict shown here would have been extremely entertaining to the audience watching the play.

This is the final and most upsetting scene of the play in my opinion because, this is the scene when Romeo and Juliet both kill themselves. It is also the scene where paris the man Juliet was supposed to marry dies. This death however seems to be out of place. His murder by Romeo seems to show the sheer desperateness of Romeo to get to Juliet’s body. After this Romeo see’s Juliet’s body and he thinks she id dead, so he takes some poison and lays dead next to Juliet. But as he dies Juliet wakes up and finds Romeo dead so she kills herself as well. This is an extremely sad but romantic ending to the play. Although both Romeo and Juliet died at the end of the play there is a huge amount of irony that there death meant peace between the two house’s of the Montague’s and the Caplets. These lovers finally manage to unite the family in grief. And resolve the long standing conflict.


  As you can see Romeo and Juliet is filled with many different kinds of conflict ranging from emotional, physical, family and language conflicts. All of these points put together create the perfect tragedy and make a brilliant play.

Romeo and Juliet conflicts essay

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  • Subject English

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Romeo and Juliet- Essay

The Conflict In Romeo And Juliet Essay Example

Conflicts between different groups can go out of hand, to the point where it can even lead to death. In “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare, two houses Capulet and Montague are in Verona, when Romeo and Juliet from opposite houses fall in love and later take their own lives. One of the Capulets, Juliet, has many conflicts revolving around her. Conflict is presented through Juliet’s internal conflict when she realises that Romeo is a Montague, this leads to another conflict when Juliet and her father argue about whom to marry. After all this, Romeo and Juliet both take their own lives, and this results in the biggest conflict of all coming to an end.

When Juliet realises that Romeo is a Montague, she is forced to break her morals to marry Romeo. During the ball of the Capulets, Romeo sees Juliet, and they instantly fall in love with each other. When Juliet must leave to talk with her mother, the nurse tells her that he is “Romeo, and a Montague, the only son of [her] great enemy.”(A1/S5/L143). Juliet is surprised and realises that “[Her] only love [was] sprung from [her] only hate.” (A1/S5/L145) This juxtaposition shows the extent to which the two houses are apart. This also shows that Juliet has never loved before and the only love she has ever known is from her biggest hate. 

After Romeo and Juliet get married secretly in Act 2, Scene 5, Romeo leaves for his exile, and they say their goodbyes to each other. Then, Lady Capulet comes in and tells her that she is going to marry Count Paris not knowing that she is already married, just after, Capulet comes. When he finds out that Juliet does not wish to marry Paris, he calls her a “disobedient wretch” (A3/S5/L166) and threatens her by shouting that she can go “hang! Beg! Starve! [And] die in the streets!” (A3/S5/L203). These quotes show the degree to which Capulet wants Juliet to marry Paris, and also shows how reckless Capulet can be, even to his daughter.

Due to all this arguing, Juliet decides she can not stand this anymore and wants to take her own life. She tells Friar Laurence the cleric, but he suggests to her to drink a sleeping potion. Later, when she is alone in her room, she takes the poison and falls asleep. The next day, everyone is shocked to find Juliet dead, meanwhile, Friar Laurence sent a letter to Romeo saying that Juliet is alive, but unfortunately, Romeo did not see it. Then Balthazar who is Romeo’s servant and also does not know that Juliet is alive tells Romeo that Juliet is ‘dead’. Romeo shouts out, “I defy you, stars!” (A5/S1/L24) this refers to ‘fate versus free will’ and means that Romeo is going to refuse to follow his fate.

In the play, the conflicts are portrayed through Juliet’s internal conflict of her loving someone in the opposite house of hers and the conflict between Juliet and her father. These result in the conflict of fate versus free will and leads to Romeo and Juliet taking their own lives, therefore ending the biggest conflict of the Capulets versus the Montagues. Conflict is important to the story because it creates suspense and apprehension which makes the reader more interested, but for ‘Romeo and Juliet’ the conflict is to show the hatred between the Capulets and the Montagues, this is important because this can show how harsh humans can be, therefore telling us to not hate but to be kind to one another.

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Grade 9 Romeo and Juliet essay: Conflict

Grade 9 Romeo and Juliet essay: Conflict

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Grade 9 essay exploring attitudes to conflict in Romeo & Juliet.

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romeo and juliet essay about conflict

Social Learning and how it Affected Richard Ramirez’s Behavior

This essay about the role of observational learning in shaping criminal behavior uses the case of Richard Ramirez to illustrate its points. It explores how Ramirez’s exposure to violence and deviant behaviors during his formative years, through family dynamics and influential adults, exemplified the principles of social learning theory. The essay argues that the behaviors Ramirez observed and internalized guided him towards his criminal path, suggesting that environmental factors are pivotal in the development of such behaviors. It stresses the importance of positive role models and supportive societal structures to prevent the emergence of similar patterns in vulnerable individuals. The discussion emphasizes that understanding the environmental influences on behavior can lead to more effective preventative and rehabilitative strategies for at-risk youth.

How it works

Richard Ramirez, known infamously as the “Night Stalker,” presents a case study that vividly illustrates the impact of one’s immediate environment on personal development, particularly in the context of criminal behavior. Ramirez’s story highlights the potential ramifications of observational learning, a core concept of social learning theory, which suggests that people can learn new behaviors by watching others.

Ramirez’s childhood was steeped in negative influences; his early exposure to violent imagery and stories, especially those shared by a war veteran relative, provided a skewed framework of social norms.

These stories, often glorified and detailed, depicted violence as a strategy for overcoming problems and achieving one’s goals. This was compounded by the abusive behavior he witnessed at home, where violence was a commonplace response to frustration and conflict. In this setting, Ramirez did not just see violence as an isolated part of life; it was intertwined with survival, power, and control.

Furthermore, Ramirez’s early encounters with illicit substances and inappropriate sexual content added layers to his distorted perceptions. These experiences, combined with the aggressive models he observed, likely fused his concepts of violence and sexuality. Such complex interactions of observed behaviors can create a potent mix that may propel an individual toward a path of deviant or criminal behavior.

Some may argue that attributing Ramirez’s criminal actions solely to environmental factors simplifies the complexity of human behavior, neglecting the interplay of psychological and biological elements. However, considering his background through the lens of social learning does not excuse his actions but rather expands our understanding of how such extreme behaviors can evolve. It suggests that behavior can be significantly molded by the environment, especially when influential role models are involved.

Reflecting on Ramirez’s life from this perspective does not just paint a picture of inevitability; it serves as a cautionary tale about the power of early experiences and the models to which children are exposed. It urges a reconsideration of how, as a society, we can better influence young minds. Positive role models and supportive environments are crucial in fostering healthy behavior patterns and deterring paths that lead to harm.

In the bigger picture, Ramirez’s case reinforces the importance of proactive social measures, such as community support structures, positive mentoring programs, and accessible mental health services, which can intervene and potentially redirect negative trajectories before they solidify.

By delving into the dark narrative of Richard Ramirez with an understanding of social learning theory, we gain insights not only into the origins of his actions but also into preventive strategies that could deter similar outcomes in others. It’s a testament to the necessity of cultivating healthy environments where positive behaviors are demonstrated and rewarded, shaping individuals’ choices and actions in profoundly impactful ways.


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    Violence and Conflict. Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy and so includes a substantial amount of conflict. Shakespeare uses the possibility of conflict as a way of building tension within the play, then the violence which ensues releases the tension. External which is shown through the dispute and fighting between the Montagues and the Capulets.

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    Romeo and Juliet 's love develops from terrible conflict: In the evening of the street fight, Romeo meets his enemy's daughter Juliet and falls in love; theirs is a violent love, a "violent ...

  12. Romeo and Juliet: Themes

    The Forcefulness of Love. Romeo and Juliet is the most famous love story in the English literary tradition. Love is naturally the play's dominant and most important theme. The play focuses on romantic love, specifically the intense passion that springs up at first sight between Romeo and Juliet. In Romeo and Juliet, love is a violent ...

  13. Romeo and Juliet conflicts essay

    Romeo and Juliet conflicts essay. Discuss the theme of conflict in "Romeo and Juliet.". Romeo and Juliet is Shakespeare's first play that is based on a tragedy even though there is a certain amount of comedy within the play. However through out the play there is a feeling of unease as the conflict between the two families becomes more in ...

  14. Themes of Love, Hatred and Conflict in 'Romeo and Juliet'

    The essay on the themes of love, hatred, and conflict in Romeo and Juliet provides a decent analysis of the topic. However, there are several shortcomings that hinder its quality. For instance, the writer makes vague statements such as "Romeo and Juliet is a play that discusses love, hatred, and conflict" without providing any evidence to ...

  15. Romeo and Juliet

    Romeo and Juliet, play by William Shakespeare, written about 1594-96 and first published in an unauthorized quarto in 1597.An authorized quarto appeared in 1599, substantially longer and more reliable. A third quarto, based on the second, was used by the editors of the First Folio of 1623. The characters of Romeo and Juliet have been depicted in literature, music, dance, and theatre.

  16. The Conflict In Romeo And Juliet Essay Example

    The Conflict In Romeo And Juliet Essay Example. Conflicts between different groups can go out of hand, to the point where it can even lead to death. In "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare, two houses Capulet and Montague are in Verona, when Romeo and Juliet from opposite houses fall in love and later take their own lives.

  17. What is the major conflict in Romeo and Juliet?

    In my opinion, the major conflict in Romeo and Juliet is the feud between the Montagues and the Capulets. Evidence for this theory is given in the prologue to the play. Where civil blood makes ...

  18. Romeo and Juliet Argumentative Essay Argument

    In the classic tale of Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare explores the concept of love and its consequences through the tragic story of two young star-crossed lovers. As one of the most renowned plays in literary history, Romeo and Juliet continues to captivate audiences with its timeless themes of love, fate, and family conflict. In this argumentative essay, we will delve into the various ...

  19. Conflict in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet Essay

    7 Pages. Open Document. Conflict in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet is a tragic play about the love relationship between the young Romeo and Juliet, who belong to 2 ancient family names that hold a grudge against each other, the Montagues and the Capulets. There are also many other conflicts which ultimately stop Romeo ...

  20. How important is the theme of conflict in Romeo and Juliet ...

    A conflict with something in society can occur by fighting against a government that is tyrannical. In Romeo and Juliet,this occurswhen Romeo is banished for killing Tybalt. Man vs. the unknown ...

  21. Grade 9 Romeo and Juliet essay: Conflict

    Subject: English. Age range: 14-16. Resource type: Other. File previews. docx, 20.97 KB. Grade 9 essay exploring attitudes to conflict in Romeo & Juliet. Ideal to be used as a model response for higher ability classes. The focus for my class was not relying on quotations for your analysis; instead, this showed them how to analyse wider methods.

  22. Love In Romeo And Juliet: [Essay Example], 618 words

    In conclusion, love is a central and complex theme in Romeo and Juliet, driving much of the action and conflict within the play. Through its exploration of romantic, familial, and platonic love, as well as the implications of these forms of love, Shakespeare's play challenges traditional notions of love and prompts the audience to consider its place in society.

  23. Social Learning and how it Affected Richard Ramirez's Behavior

    This essay about the role of observational learning in shaping criminal behavior uses the case of Richard Ramirez to illustrate its points. It explores how Ramirez's exposure to violence and deviant behaviors during his formative years, through family dynamics and influential adults, exemplified the principles of social learning theory.

  24. In Romeo and Juliet, where do inner conflicts occur and what are they

    The inner conflicts that occur are with Juliet mostly. In Act III, scene 2 , the Nurse delivers the horrible news that Romeo killed Tybalt. Juliet has an inner conflict because she cannot believe ...