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Unlocking the Power of Math Learning: Strategies and Tools for Success

posted on September 20, 2023

math increases your problem solving skills

Mathematics, the foundation of all sciences and technology, plays a fundamental role in our everyday lives. Yet many students find the subject challenging, causing them to shy away from it altogether. This reluctance is often due to a lack of confidence, a misunderstanding of unclear concepts, a move ahead to more advanced skills before they are ready, and ineffective learning methods. However, with the right approach, math learning can be both rewarding and empowering. This post will explore different approaches to learning math, strategies for success, and cutting-edge tools to help you achieve your goals.

Math Learning

Math learning can take many forms, including traditional classroom instruction, online courses, and self-directed learning. A multifaceted approach to math learning can improve understanding, engage students, and promote subject mastery. A 2014 study by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics found that the use of multiple representations, such as visual aids, graphs, and real-world examples, supports the development of mathematical connections, reasoning, and problem-solving skills.

Moreover, the importance of math learning goes beyond solving equations and formulas. Advanced math skills are essential for success in many fields, including science, engineering, finance, health care, and technology. In fact, a report by Burning Glass Technologies found that 71% of high-salary, entry-level positions require advanced math skills.

Benefits of Math Learning

In today’s 21st-century world, having a broad knowledge base and strong reading and math skills is essential. Mathematical literacy plays a crucial role in this success. It empowers individuals to comprehend the world around them and make well-informed decisions based on data-driven understanding. More than just earning good grades in math, mathematical literacy is a vital life skill that can open doors to economic opportunities, improve financial management, and foster critical thinking. We’re not the only ones who say so:

  • Math learning enhances problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and logical reasoning abilities. (Source: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics )
  • It improves analytical skills that can be applied in various real-life situations, such as budgeting or analyzing data. (Source: Southern New Hampshire University )
  • Math learning promotes creativity and innovation by fostering a deep understanding of patterns and relationships. (Source: Purdue University )
  • It provides a strong foundation for careers in fields such as engineering, finance, computer science, and more. These careers generally correlate to high wages. (Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics )
  • Math skills are transferable and can be applied across different academic disciplines. (Source: Sydney School of Education and Social Work )

How to Know What Math You Need to Learn

Often students will find gaps in their math knowledge; this can occur at any age or skill level. As math learning is generally iterative, a solid foundation and understanding of the math skills that preceded current learning are key to success. The solution to these gaps is called mastery learning, the philosophy that underpins Khan Academy’s approach to education .

Mastery learning is an educational philosophy that emphasizes the importance of a student fully understanding a concept before moving on to the next one. Rather than rushing students through a curriculum, mastery learning asks educators to ensure that learners have “mastered” a topic or skill, showing a high level of proficiency and understanding, before progressing. This approach is rooted in the belief that all students can learn given the appropriate learning conditions and enough time, making it a markedly student-centered method. It promotes thoroughness over speed and encourages individualized learning paths, thus catering to the unique learning needs of each student.

Students will encounter mastery learning passively as they go through Khan Academy coursework, as our platform identifies gaps and systematically adjusts to support student learning outcomes. More details can be found in our Educators Hub . 

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How to learn math.

Learning at School

One of the most common methods of math instruction is classroom learning. In-class instruction provides students with real-time feedback, practical application, and a peer-learning environment. Teachers can personalize instruction by assessing students’ strengths and weaknesses, providing remediation when necessary, and offering advanced instruction to students who need it.

Learning at Home

Supplemental learning at home can complement traditional classroom instruction. For example, using online resources that provide additional practice opportunities, interactive games, and demonstrations, can help students consolidate learning outside of class. E-learning has become increasingly popular, with a wealth of online resources available to learners of all ages. The benefits of online learning include flexibility, customization, and the ability to work at one’s own pace. One excellent online learning platform is Khan Academy, which offers free video tutorials, interactive practice exercises, and a wealth of resources across a range of mathematical topics.

Moreover, parents can encourage and monitor progress, answer questions, and demonstrate practical applications of math in everyday life. For example, when at the grocery store, parents can ask their children to help calculate the price per ounce of two items to discover which one is the better deal. Cooking and baking with your children also provides a lot of opportunities to use math skills, like dividing a recipe in half or doubling the ingredients. 

Learning Math with the Help of Artificial Intelligence (AI) 

AI-powered tools are changing the way students learn math. Personalized feedback and adaptive practice help target individual needs. Virtual tutors offer real-time help with math concepts while AI algorithms identify areas for improvement. Custom math problems provide tailored practice, and natural language processing allows for instant question-and-answer sessions. 

Using Khan Academy’s AI Tutor, Khanmigo

Transform your child’s grasp of mathematics with Khanmigo , the 24/7 AI-powered tutor that specializes in tailored, one-on-one math instruction. Available at any time, Khanmigo provides personalized support that goes beyond mere answers to nurture genuine mathematical understanding and critical thinking. Khanmigo can track progress, identify strengths and weaknesses, and offer real-time feedback to help students stay on the right track. Within a secure and ethical AI framework, your child can tackle everything from basic arithmetic to complex calculus, all while you maintain oversight using robust parental controls.

Get Math Help with Khanmigo Right Now

You can learn anything .

Math learning is essential for success in the modern world, and with the right approach, it can also be enjoyable and rewarding. Learning math requires curiosity, diligence, and the ability to connect abstract concepts with real-world applications. Strategies for effective math learning include a multifaceted approach, including classroom instruction, online courses, homework, tutoring, and personalized AI support. 

So, don’t let math anxiety hold you back; take advantage of available resources and technology to enhance your knowledge base and enjoy the benefits of math learning.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, “Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All” , April 2014

Project Lead The Way Research Report, “The Power of Transportable Skills: Assessing the Demand and Value of the Skills of the Future” , 2020

Page. M, “Why Develop Quantitative and Qualitative Data Analysis Skills?” , 2016

Mann. EL, Creativity: The Essence of Mathematics, Journal for the Education of the Gifted. Vol. 30, No. 2, 2006, pp. 236–260, http://www.prufrock.com ’

Nakakoji Y, Wilson R.” Interdisciplinary Learning in Mathematics and Science: Transfer of Learning for 21st Century Problem Solving at University ”. J Intell. 2020 Sep 1;8(3):32. doi: 10.3390/jintelligence8030032. PMID: 32882908; PMCID: PMC7555771.

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Wonder Math

How to Improve Problem-Solving Skills: Mathematics and Critical Thinking


In today’s rapidly changing world, problem-solving has become a quintessential skill. When we discuss the topic, it’s natural to ask, “What is problem-solving?” and “How can we enhance this skill, particularly in children?” The discipline of mathematics offers a rich platform to explore these questions. Through math, not only do we delve into numbers and equations, but we also explore how to improve problem-solving skills and how to develop critical thinking skills in math. Let’s embark on this enlightening journey together.

What is Problem-Solving?

At its core, problem-solving involves identifying a challenge and finding a solution. But it’s not always as straightforward as it sounds. So, what is problem-solving? True problem-solving requires a combination of creative thinking and logical reasoning. Mathematics, in many ways, embodies this blend. When a student approaches a math problem, they must discern the issue at hand, consider various methods to tackle it, and then systematically execute their chosen strategy.

But what is problem-solving in a broader context? It’s a life skill. Whether we’re deciding the best route to a destination, determining how to save for a big purchase, or even figuring out how to fix a broken appliance, we’re using problem-solving.

How to Develop Critical Thinking Skills in Math

Critical thinking goes hand in hand with problem-solving. But exactly how to develop critical thinking skills in math might not be immediately obvious. Here are a few strategies:

  • Contextual Learning: Teaching math within a story or real-life scenario makes it relevant. When students see math as a tool to navigate the world around them, they naturally begin to think critically about solutions.
  • Open-ended Questions: Instead of merely seeking the “right” answer, encourage students to explain their thought processes. This nudges them to think deeply about their approach.
  • Group Discussions: Collaborative learning can foster different perspectives, prompting students to consider multiple ways to solve a problem.
  • Challenging Problems: Occasionally introducing problems that are a bit beyond a student’s current skill level can stimulate critical thinking. They will have to stretch their understanding and think outside the box.

What are the Six Basic Steps of the Problem-Solving Process?

Understanding how to improve problem-solving skills often comes down to familiarizing oneself with the systematic approach to challenges. So, what are the six basic steps of the problem-solving process?

  • Identification: Recognize and define the problem.
  • Analysis: Understand the problem’s intricacies and nuances.
  • Generation of Alternatives: Think of different ways to approach the challenge.
  • Decision Making: Choose the most suitable method to address the problem.
  • Implementation: Put the chosen solution into action.
  • Evaluation: Reflect on the solution’s effectiveness and learn from the outcome.

By embedding these steps into mathematical education, we provide students with a structured framework. When they wonder about how to improve problem-solving skills or how to develop critical thinking skills in math, they can revert to this process, refining their approach with each new challenge.

Making Math Fun and Relevant

At Wonder Math, we believe that the key to developing robust problem-solving skills lies in making math enjoyable and pertinent. When students see math not just as numbers on a page but as a captivating story or a real-world problem to be solved, their engagement skyrockets. And with heightened engagement comes enhanced understanding.

As educators and parents, it’s crucial to continuously ask ourselves: how can we demonstrate to our children what problem-solving is? How can we best teach them how to develop critical thinking skills in math? And how can we instill in them an understanding of the six basic steps of the problem-solving process?

The answer, we believe, lies in active learning, contextual teaching, and a genuine passion for the beauty of mathematics.

The Underlying Beauty of Mathematics

Often, people perceive mathematics as a rigid discipline confined to numbers and formulas. However, this is a limited view. Math, in essence, is a language that describes patterns, relationships, and structures. It’s a medium through which we can communicate complex ideas, describe our universe, and solve intricate problems. Understanding this deeper beauty of math can further emphasize how to develop critical thinking skills in math.

Why Mathematics is the Ideal Playground for Problem-Solving

Math provides endless opportunities for problem-solving. From basic arithmetic puzzles to advanced calculus challenges, every math problem offers a chance to hone our problem-solving skills. But why is mathematics so effective in this regard?

  • Structured Challenges: Mathematics presents problems in a structured manner, allowing learners to systematically break them down. This format mimics real-world scenarios where understanding the structure of a challenge can be half the battle.
  • Multiple Approaches: Most math problems can be approached in various ways . This teaches learners flexibility in thinking and the ability to view a single issue from multiple angles.
  • Immediate Feedback: Unlike many real-world problems where solutions might take time to show results, in math, students often get immediate feedback. They can quickly gauge if their approach works or if they need to rethink their strategy.

Enhancing the Learning Environment

To genuinely harness the power of mathematics in developing problem-solving skills, the learning environment plays a crucial role. A student who is afraid of making mistakes will hesitate to try out different approaches, stunting their critical thinking growth.

However, in a nurturing, supportive environment where mistakes are seen as learning opportunities, students thrive. They become more willing to take risks, try unconventional solutions, and learn from missteps. This mindset, where failure is not feared but embraced as a part of the learning journey, is pivotal for developing robust problem-solving skills.

Incorporating Technology

In our digital age, technology offers innovative ways to explore math. Interactive apps and online platforms can provide dynamic problem-solving scenarios, making the process even more engaging. These tools can simulate real-world challenges, allowing students to apply their math skills in diverse contexts, further answering the question of how to improve problem-solving skills.

More than Numbers 

In summary, mathematics is more than just numbers and formulas—it’s a world filled with challenges, patterns, and beauty. By understanding its depth and leveraging its structured nature, we can provide learners with the perfect platform to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The key lies in blending traditional techniques with modern tools, creating a holistic learning environment that fosters growth, curiosity, and a lifelong love for learning.

Join us on this transformative journey at Wonder Math. Let’s make math an adventure, teaching our children not just numbers and equations, but also how to improve problem-solving skills and navigate the world with confidence. Enroll your child today and witness the magic of mathematics unfold before your eyes!

FAQ: Mathematics and Critical Thinking

1. what is problem-solving in the context of mathematics.

Problem-solving in mathematics refers to the process of identifying a mathematical challenge and systematically working through methods and strategies to find a solution.

2. Why is math considered a good avenue for developing problem-solving skills?

Mathematics provides structured challenges and allows for multiple approaches to find solutions. This promotes flexibility in thinking and encourages learners to view problems from various angles.

3. How does contextual learning enhance problem-solving abilities?

By teaching math within a story or real-life scenario, it becomes more relevant for the learner. This helps them see math as a tool to navigate real-world challenges , thereby promoting critical thinking.

4. What are the six basic steps of the problem-solving process in math?

The six steps are: Identification, Analysis, Generation of Alternatives, Decision Making, Implementation, and Evaluation.

5. How can parents support their children in developing mathematical problem-solving skills?

Parents can provide real-life contexts for math problems , encourage open discussions about different methods, and ensure a supportive environment where mistakes are seen as learning opportunities.

6. Are there any tools or apps that can help in enhancing problem-solving skills in math?

Yes, there are various interactive apps and online platforms designed specifically for math learning. These tools provide dynamic problem-solving scenarios and simulate real-world challenges, making the learning process engaging.

7. How does group discussion foster critical thinking in math?

Group discussions allow students to hear different perspectives and approaches to a problem. This can challenge their own understanding and push them to think about alternative methods.

8. Is it necessary to always follow the six steps of the problem-solving process sequentially?

While the six steps provide a structured approach, real-life problem-solving can sometimes be more fluid. It’s beneficial to know the steps, but adaptability and responsiveness to the situation are also crucial.

9. How does Wonder Math incorporate active learning in teaching mathematics?

Wonder Math integrates mathematics within engaging stories and real-world scenarios, making it fun and relevant. This active learning approach ensures that students are not just passive recipients but active participants in the learning process.

10. What if my child finds a math problem too challenging and becomes demotivated?

It’s essential to create a supportive environment where challenges are seen as growth opportunities. Remind them that every problem is a chance to learn, and it’s okay to seek help or approach it differently.

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How to Improve Problem Solving Skills

Last Updated: January 27, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Erin Conlon, PCC, JD . Erin Conlon is an Executive Life Coach, the Founder of Erin Conlon Coaching, and the host of the podcast "This is Not Advice." She specializes in aiding leaders and executives to thrive in their career and personal lives. In addition to her private coaching practice, she teaches and trains coaches and develops and revises training materials to be more diverse, equitable, and inclusive. She holds a BA in Communications and History and a JD from The University of Michigan. Erin is a Professional Certified Coach with The International Coaching Federation. There are 13 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 234,203 times.

The ability to solve problems applies to more than just mathematics homework. Analytical thinking and problem-solving skills are a part of many jobs, ranging from accounting and computer programming to detective work and even creative occupations like art, acting, and writing. While individual problems vary, there are certain general approaches to problem-solving like the one first proposed by mathematician George Polya in 1945. [1] X Research source By following his principles of understanding the problem, devising a plan, carrying out the plan, and looking back, you can improve your problem-solving and tackle any issue systematically.

Define the problem clearly.

This is an outwardly simple but vital step.

  • Try to formulate questions. Say that as a student you have very little money and want to find an effective solution. What is at issue? Is it one of income – are you not making enough money? Is it one of over-spending? Or perhaps you have run into unexpected expenses or your financial situation has changed?

State your objective.

This is another means to reach the nature of the problem.

  • Say that your problem is still money. What is your goal? Perhaps you never have enough to go out on the weekend and have fun at the movies or a club. You decide that your goal is to have more spending cash. Good! With a clear goal, you have better defined the problem.

Gather information systematically.

Gathering facts helps you get a clear picture of your problem and goal.

  • To solve your money shortage, for example, you would want to get as detailed a picture of your financial situation as possible. Collect data through your latest bank statements and to talk to a bank teller. Track your earnings and spending habits in a notebook, and then create a spreadsheet or chart to show your income alongside your expenditures.

Analyze information.

Looking for links and relationships in your data can help you better understand your situation.

  • Say you have now collected all your bank statements. Look at them. When, how, and from where is your money coming? Where, when, and how are you spending it? What is the overall pattern of your finances? Do you have a net surplus or deficit? Are there any unexplained items?

Generate possible solutions.

This is a great time to consider all of your options.

  • Your problem is a lack of money. Your goal is to have more spending cash. What are your options? Without evaluating them, come up with possible options. Perhaps you can acquire more money by getting a part-time job or by taking out a student loan. On the other hand, you might try to save by cutting your spending or by lowering other costs.
  • Divide and conquer. Break the problem into smaller problems and brainstorm solutions for them separately, one by one.
  • Use analogies and similarities. Try to find a resemblance with a previously solved or common problem. If you can find commonalities between your situation and one you've dealt with before, you may be able to adapt some of the solutions for use now.

Evaluate the solutions and choose.

A thorough analysis helps you make the best possible choice.

  • How can you raise money? Look at expenditures – you aren’t spending much outside of basic needs like tuition, food, and housing. Can you cut costs in other ways like finding a roommate to split rent? Can you afford to take a student loan just to have fun on the weekend? Can you spare time from your studies to work part-time?
  • Each solution will produce its own set of circumstances that need evaluation. Run projections. Your money problem will require you to draw up budgets. But it will also take personal consideration. For example, can you cut back on basic things like food or housing? Are you willing to prioritize money over school or to take on debt?

Implement a solution.

This gives you a chance to see how effective your solution really is.

  • You decide to cut costs, because you were unwilling to take on debt, to divert time away from school, or to live with a roommate. You draw up a detailed budget, cutting a few dollars here and there, and commit to a month-long trial.

Review and evaluate the outcome.

Ask yourself if the solution is working, or if it needs to be adjusted.

  • The results of your trial are mixed. On one hand, you have saved enough during the month for fun weekend activities. But there are new problems. You find that you must choose between spending cash and buying basics like food. You also need a new pair of shoes but can’t afford it, according to your budget. You may need to a different solution.

Adjust if necessary.

It’s okay if your first solution doesn’t work out.

  • After a month, you decide to abandon your first budget and to look for part-time work. You find a work-study job on campus. Making a new budget, you now have extra money without taking too much time away from your studies. You may have an effective solution.

Do regular mental exercises.

Like a muscle in your body, you will need to work on problem solving regularly.

  • Word games work great. In a game like “Split Words,” for example, you have to match word fragments to form words under a given theme like “philosophy.” In the game, “Tower of Babel,” you will need to memorize and then match words in a foreign language to the proper picture.
  • Mathematical games will also put your problem solving to the test. Whether it be number or word problems, you will have to activate the parts of your brain that analyze information. For instance: “James is half as old now as he will be when he is 60 years older than he was six years before he was half as old as he is now. How old will James be when his age is twice what it was 10 years after he was half his current age?”

Play video games.

New research shows that playing video games can improve parts of your thinking.

  • Play something that will force you to think strategically or analytically. Try a puzzle game like Tetris. Or, perhaps you would rather prefer a role-playing or strategy game. In that case, something like “Civilization” or “Sim-City” might suit you better.

Take up a hobby.

A hobby is another way that you can continue to improve your problem solving skills.

  • Web design, software programming, jigsaw puzzles, Sudoku, and chess are also hobbies that will force you to think strategically and systematically. Any of these will help you improve your overall problem solving.

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  • ↑ https://math.berkeley.edu/~gmelvin/polya.pdf
  • ↑ https://www.healthywa.wa.gov.au/Articles/N_R/Problem-solving
  • ↑ https://asq.org/quality-resources/problem-solving
  • ↑ https://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/evaluate/evaluate-community-interventions/collect-analyze-data/main
  • ↑ https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newCT_96.htm
  • ↑ https://www.skillsyouneed.com/ips/problem-solving.html
  • ↑ Erin Conlon, PCC, JD. Executive Life Coach. Expert Interview. 31 August 2021.
  • ↑ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5930973/
  • ↑ https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2018/oct/13/mental-exercises-to-keep-your-brain-sharp
  • ↑ https://www.apa.org/monitor/2014/02/video-game
  • ↑ https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-05449-7

About This Article

Erin Conlon, PCC, JD

To improve your problem-solving skills, start by clearly defining the problem and your objective or goal. Next, gather as much information as you can about the problem and organize the data by rewording, condensing, or summarizing it. Then, analyze the information you've gathered, looking for important links, patterns, and relationships in the data. Finally, brainstorm possible solutions, evaluate the solutions, and choose one to implement. For tips on implementing solutions successfully, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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5 Ways to Build Math Problem Solving Skills (based on brain research)

Whether talking about state tests or meeting with your team to plan the next math unit, the conversation inevitably turns to word problems. But knowing how to build math problem-solving skills without resorting to pages of boring story problem practice can be hard.

These days word problems aren't the basic one-step wonders that many of us dealt with as students. Instead, multi-step story problems that require students to apply multiple concepts and skills are incorporated into instruction and state assessments.

Understanding brain research can help simply the process of teaching this challenging format of math problem-solving to students, including those who struggle.

step-by-step math problem-solving for word problems

What you'll find on this page:

What research says about building master problem solvers in math

Have you seen how many math skills we must teach these days? No teacher has enough time to build critical math skills AND effectively teach problem-solving…or do they?

Research would argue we are going about these tasks all wrong. They say there are many reasons students struggle with math word problems , but one big one is that we aren't doing what's best for the brain. Instead, here's what the brain research says about the must-have elements for building step-by-step math problem-solving mastery.

Finding #1: Becoming a master problem solver requires repetition.

Duh, right? Any good teacher knows this…but what's the best recipe for repetition if you want students to master math word problems? How much practice? How often?

Let's start with the concept of mastery.

How do you develop math problem solving skills?

In the 1990's, Anders Ericsson studied experts to explore what made some people excel. Findings showed a positive correlation between the amount of deliberate practice (activities that require a high level of concentration and aren't necessarily inherently fun) and skill level.

In other words, the more practice someone gets, the more they improve. This became the basis of Malcolm Gladwell's 10,000-hour rule, which stated that it takes 10,000 hours to make you an expert in a field.

But what should that practice look like for students who struggle with word problems? Is it better to have a deep dive into story problems, or do short bursts of practice do more for long-term understanding?

Designing Better Word Problem Activities: Building Step-by-step Math Problem-Solving Practice

We can look at Ebbinghaus' work on memory & retention to answer that. He found spacing practice over time decreased the number of exposures needed. In other words, small amounts of practice over several days, weeks, or even months actually means you need LESS practice than if you try to cram it all in at once.

For over 80 years, this finding has stood the test of time. While research has shown that students who engage in mass practice (lots of practice all at once) might do better on an assessment that takes place tomorrow, students who engage in repeated practice over a period of time retain more skills long-term (Bloom & Shuell, 1981; Rea & Modigliani, 1985).

And how long does the research say you should spend reviewing?

How long should should students be practicing with story problems to build math problem solving skills ?

How long should problem-solving practice really be?

Shorter is better. As discussed earlier, peak attention required for deliberate practice can only be maintained for so long. And the majority of research supports 8-10 minutes as the ideal lesson length (Robertson, 2010).

This means practice needs to be focused so that during those minutes of discussion, you can dive deep – breaking down the word problem and discussing methods to solve it.

Teacher Tip: Applying this finding to your classroom

Less is actually more as long as you plan to practice regularly. While students who struggle with word problems may need a great deal of practice to master word problems, ideally, this practice should be provided in short, regular intervals with no more than 8-10 minutes spent in whole group discussion.

Here are a few simple steps to apply these findings to your math classroom:

  • Find 8-12 minutes in your daily schedule to focus on problem-solving – consider this time sacred & only for problem-solving.
  • Select only 1-2 word problems per day. Target step-by-step math problem-solving to build math problem-solving skills through a less-is-more approach using Problem of the Day .

Finding #2: Students who are challenged & supported have better outcomes.

Productive struggle, as it is called in the research, focuses on the effortful practice that builds long-term understanding.

Important to this process are opportunities for choice, collaboration, and the use of materials or topics of interest (which will be discussed later).

This productive struggle also helps students build flexible thinking so that they can apply previously learned skills to new or unfamiliar tasks (Bransford, Brown, & Cocking, 2000).

“Meaningful learning tasks need to challenge ever student in some way. It is crucial that no student be able to coast to success time after time; this experience can create the belief that you are smart only if you can succeed without effort.” -Carol Dweck

It is also critical to provide support and feedback during the challenging task (Cimpian, Arce, Markman, & Dweck, 2007). This prevents frustration and fear of failure when the goal seems out of reach or when a particularly challenging task arises.

Simple ways to build productive struggle into your math classroom

Giving students who struggle with word problems a chance to struggle with challenging word problems is critical to building confidence and skills. However, this challenge must be reasonable, or the learner's self-esteem will falter, and students need support and regular feedback to achieve their potential.

Here are a few simple things to try:

  • Select problems that are just at the edge of students' Zone of Proximal Development.
  • Scaffold or model with more challenging problems to support risk-taking.
  • Give regular feedback & support – go over the work and discuss daily.

Finding #3: Novelty & variation are keys to engagement.

When it comes to standardized testing (and life in general), problems that arise aren't labeled with the skills and strategies required to solve them.

This makes it important to provide mixed practice opportunities so students are focused on asking themselves questions about what the problem is asking and what they are trying to find.

This type of variation not only supports a deeper level of engagement, it also supports the metacognitive strategies needed to analyze and develop a strategy to solve (Rohrer & Taylor, 2014).

The benefits of novelty in learning

A 2013 study also supports the importance of novelty in supporting reinforcement learning (aka review). The findings suggested that when task variation was provided for an already familiar skill, it offered the following benefits:

  • reduced errors due to lack of focus
  • helped learners maintain attention to task
  • motivated and engaged student

Using variety to build connections & deepen understanding

In addition, by providing variations in practice, we can also help learners understand the skills and strategies they are using on a deeper level.

When students who struggle with word problems are forced to apply their toolbox of strategies to novel problem formats, they begin to analyze and observe patterns in how problems are structured and the meaning they bring.

This requires much more engagement than being handed a sheet full of multiplication story problems, where students can pull the numbers and compute with little focus on understanding.

Designing word problems that incorporate variety & novelty

Don't be afraid to shake things up!

Giving students practice opportunities with different skills or problem formats mixed in is a great way to boost engagement and develop meta-cognitive skills.

Here are a few tips for trying it out in the classroom:

  • Change it up! Word problem practice doesn't have to match the day's math lesson.
  • Give opportunities to practice the same skill or strategy in via different formats.
  • Adjust the wording and/or topic in word problems to help students generalize skills.

Finding #4: Interest and emotion increase retention and skill development.

Attention and emotion are huge for learning. We've all seen it in our classroom.

Those magical lessons that hook learners are the ones that stick with them for years to come, but what does the research say?

build problem solving for students who struggle with word problems

The Science Behind Emotion & Learning

Neuroscientists have shown that emotions create connections among different sections of the brain (Immordino-Yang, 2016) . This supports long-term retrieval of the skills taught and a deeper connection to the learning.

This means if you can connect problem-solving with a scenario or a feeling, your students will be more likely to internalize the skills being practiced. Whether this is by “wowing” them with a little-known fact or solving real-world problems, the emotional trigger can be huge for learning.

What about incorporating student interests?

As for student interests, a long line of research supports the benefits of using these to increase educational outcomes and student motivation, including for students who struggle with word problems (Chen, 2001; Chen & Ennis, 2004; Solomon, 1996).

Connecting classwork with student interests has increased students' intentions to participate in future learning endeavors (Chen, 2001).

And interests don't just mean that love of Pokemon!

It means allowing social butterflies to work collaboratively. Providing students with opportunities to manipulate real objects or create models. Allowing kids to be authentic while digging in and developing the skills they need to master their learning objectives.

What this looks like in a math class

Evoke emotion and use student interests to engage the brain in deep, long-lasting learning whenever possible.

This will help with today's learning and promote long-term engagement, even when later practice might not be as interesting for students who struggle with word problems.

Here's how to start applying this research today:

  • Find word problems that match student interests.
  • Connect real-life situations and emotions to story problem practice.
  • Consider a weekly theme to connect practice throughout the week.

Finding #5: Student autonomy builds confidence & independence.

Autonomy is a student's ability to be in control of their learning. In other words, it is their ability to take ownership over the learning process and how they demonstrate mastery.

Why students need to control their learning

Research shows that providing students a sense of control and supporting their choices is way to help engage learners and build independent thinking. It also increased intrinsic motivation (Reeve, Nix, & Hamm, 2003).

However, this doesn't mean we just let kids learn independently. Clearly, some things require repeated guidance and modeling. Finding small ways that students can take control of the learning process is much better in these instances.

We know that giving at least partial autonomy has been linked to numerous positive student learning outcomes (Wielenga-Meijer, Taris, Widboldus, & Kompier, 2011).

But how can we foster this independence and autonomy, especially with those students who struggle to self-regulate behavior?

Fostering independence in students who struggle to stay on task

Well, the research says several conditions support building toward independence.

The first (and often neglected) is to explain unappealing choices and why they are one of the options.

When it comes to word problems, this might include explaining the rationale behind one of the strategies that appears to be a lot more work than the others.

It is also important to acknowledge students' negative feelings about a task or their ability to complete it. While we want them to be able to build independence, we don't want them to drown in overwhelm.

By providing emotional support, we can help determine whether a student is stuck with the learning or with the emotions from the cognitive challenge.

Finally, giving choices is recommended. Identifying choices you and your students who struggle with word problems can live with is an important step.

Whether this is working in partners, trying an alternative method, or skipping a problem and coming back, students need to feel like they have some ownership over the challenge they are working through.

By building in opportunities for autonomy, and choice, teachers help students build a sense of self-efficacy and confidence in their ability to be successful learners across various contexts (McCombs, 2002,2006).

We know this leads to numerous positive outcomes and has even been linked to drop-out prevention (Christenson & Thurlow, 2004).

Fostering autonomy in your classroom

You're not going to be able to hold their hands forever.

Giving opportunities to work through challenges independently and to feel ownership for their choices will help build both confidence and skills.

Here's how to get started letting go:

  • Give students time to tackle the problem independently (or in partners).
  • Don't get hyper-focused on a single method to solve – give opportunities to share & learn together.
  • Provide appropriate support (where needed) to build autonomy for all learners – like reading the problem orally.

Finding #6: Students need to be taught how to fail & recover from it.

Despite Ericsson's findings discussed early on in this post, talent does matter, and it is important to teach students to recover from failure because those are the moments when they learn the most.

A 2014 study by Brooke Macnamara analyzed 88 studies to determine how talent factored into deliberate practice.

Her findings show what we (as teachers) already know, students may require different amounts of practice to reach the same skill level…but how do we keep those struggling students from keeping up?

Failure Quote 1 build math problem solving skills

Growth mindset research gives us insight into ways to support students who struggle with word problems, encourage all students in math problem-solving, and harness the power of failure through “yet.”

You might not be able to do something yet, but if you keep trying, you will. This opens the door for multiple practice opportunities where students learn from each other.

importance of failure

And what about the advanced students?

Many of these students have not experienced failure, but they may have met their match when it comes to complex word problems.

To support these students, who may be experiencing their first true challenge, we need to have high standards and provide constructive, supportive feedback on how to grow.

Then we need to give them space to try again.

There is great power in allowing students to revise and try again, but our grading system often discourages being comfortable with failure.

Building the confidence to fail in your classroom

Many students feel the pressure always to have the right answer. Allowing students to fail safely means you can help them learn from these failures so they don't make the same mistake twice.

Here's how you can safely foster growth and build math problem solving skills through failure in your classroom:

  • Build in time to analyze errors & reflect.
  • Reward effort & growth as much as, if not more than, accuracy.
  • At least initially, skip the grading so students aren't afraid to be wrong.

Getting started with brain-based problem solving

The brain research is clear.

Spending 45 minutes focused on a sheet of word problems following the same format isn't the answer.

By implementing this research, you can save yourself time and the frustration from a disengaged class.

Daily Problem Solving - 6th Grade

Based on this research, I've created Daily Problem Solving bundles to save you time and build math problem-solving skills. You can get each month separately or buy the full-year bundle at a major discount.

Currently, I offer these bundles for several grade levels, including:

Try Daily Problem Solving with your Learners

Of course, you do! Start working to build step-by-step math problem-solving skills today by clicking the button below to sign up for a free set of Daily Problem Solving.

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  • Critical Thinking

How To Encourage Critical Thinking in Math

By Mary Montero

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Critical thinking in math helps students learn to analyze and evaluate math concepts, identify patterns and relationships, and explore different strategies.

Critical thinking is more than just a buzzword… It’s an essential skill that helps students develop problem-solving abilities and make logical connections between different concepts. By encouraging critical thinking in math, students learn to approach problems more thoughtfully, they learn to analyze and evaluate math concepts, identify patterns and relationships, and explore different strategies for finding the solution. Critical thinking also involves a great deal of persistence. Those are critical life skills!

When you think about it, students are typically asked to solve math problems and find the answer. Showing their work is frequently stressed too, which is important, but not the end. Instead, students need to be able to look at math in different ways in order to truly grasp a complete understanding of math concepts. Mathematics requires logical reasoning, problem-solving, and abstract thinking.

Critical thinking in math helps students learn to analyze and evaluate math concepts, identify patterns and relationships, and explore different strategies.

What Does Critical Thinking in Math Look Like?

When I think about critical thinking in math, I focus on:

  • Solving problems through logical thinking . Students learn how to break down complex problems, analyze the different parts, and understand how they fit together logically.
  • Identifying patterns and making connections. Students learn how to identify patterns across different math concepts, make connections between seemingly unrelated topics, and develop a more in-depth understanding of how math works.
  • Evaluating and comparing solutions. Students learn to evaluate which solution is best for a given problem and identify any flaws in their reasoning or others’ reasoning when looking at different solutions

Mathematician Posters

These FREE Marvelous Mathematician posters have been a staple in my classroom for the last 8+ years! I first started using a version from MissMathDork and adapted them for my classroom over the years. 

free marvelous mathematician posters

I print, laminate, and add magnetic stickers on the back. At the beginning of the year, I only put one or two up at a time depending on our area of focus. Now, they are all hanging on my board, and I’ll pull out different ones depending on our area of focus. They are so empowering to my mathematicians and help them stay on track!

A Marvelous Mathematician:

  • knows that quicker doesn’t mean better
  • looks for patterns
  • knows mistakes happen and keeps going
  • makes sense of the most important details
  • embraces challenges and works through frustrations
  • uses proper math vocabulary to explain their thinking
  • shows their work and models their thinking
  • discusses solutions and evaluates reasonableness
  • gives context by labeling answers
  • applies mathematical knowledge to similar situations
  • checks for errors (computational and conceptual)

Critical Thinking Math Activities

Here are a few of my favorite critical thinking activities. 

Square Of Numbers

I love to incorporate challenge problems (use Nrich and Openmiddle to get started) because they teach my students so much more than how to solve a math problem. They learn important lessons in teamwork, persistence, resiliency, and growth mindset. We talk about strategies for tackling difficult problems and the importance of not giving up when things get hard.

This square of numbers challenge was a hit!

ALL kids need to feel and learn to embrace challenge. Oftentimes, kids I see have rarely faced an academic challenge. Things have just come easy to them, so when it doesn’t, they can lack strategies that will help them. In fact, they will often give up before they even get started.

I tell them it’s my job to make sure I’m helping them stretch and grow their brain by giving them challenges. They don’t love it at first, but they eventually do! 

This domino challenge was another one from Nrich . I’m always on the hunt for problems like this!!  How would you guide students toward an answer??

Nrich domino challenge math puzzler for critical thinking in math

Fifteen Cards

This is a well-loved math puzzle with my students, and it’s amazing for encouraging students to consider all options when solving a math problem.

fifteen cards Nrich math puzzler for critical thinking in math

We have number cards 1-15 (one of each number) and only seven are laid out. With the given clues, students need to figure out which seven cards should be put out and in what order. My students love these, and after they’ve done a few, they enjoy creating their own, too! Use products, differences, and quotients to increase the challenge.

This is also adapted from Nrich, which is an AMAZING resource for math enrichment!

This is one of my favorite fraction lessons that I’ve done for years! Huge shout out to Meg from The Teacher Studio for this one. I give each child a slip of paper with this figure and they have to silently write their answer and justification. Then I tally up the answers and have students take a side and DEBATE with their reasoning! It’s an AMAZING conversation, and I highly recommend trying it with your students. 

Sometimes we leave it hanging overnight and work on visual models to make some proofs. 

fourths math puzzler

Logic Puzzles

Logic puzzles are always a hit too! You can enrich and extend your math lessons with these ‘Math Mystery’ logic puzzles that are the perfect challenge for 4th, 5th, and 6th grades. The puzzles are skills-based, so they integrate well with almost ANY math lesson. You can use them to supplement instruction or challenge your fast-finishers and gifted students… all while encouraging critical thinking about important math skills!

 math logic puzzles for critical thinking in math

Three levels are included, so they’re perfect to use for differentiation.

  • Introductory logic puzzles are great for beginners (4th grade and up!)
  • Advanced logic puzzles are great for students needing an extra challenge
  • Extra Advanced logic puzzles are perfect for expert solvers… we dare you to figure these puzzles out! 

Do you have a group of students who are ready for more of a fraction challenge? My well-loved fraction puzzlers are absolutely perfect for fraction enrichment. They’ll motivate your students to excel at even the most challenging tasks! 

fraction math puzzlers for critical thinking

Math Projects

Math projects are another way to differentiation while building critical thinking skills. Math projects hold so much learning power with their real-world connections, differentiation options, collaborative learning opportunities, and numerous avenues for cross curricular learning too. 

If you’re new to math projects, I shared my best tips and tricks for using math projects in this blog post . They’re perfect for cumulative review, seasonal practice, centers, early finisher work, and more.

math projects upper elementary

I use both concept-based math projects to focus on specific standards and seasonal math projects that integrate several skills.

Place Value Detectives Lay 804151 2642763 1

Error Analysis

Finally, error analysis is always a challenging way to encourage critical thinking. When we use error analysis, we encourage students to analyze their own mistakes to prevent making the same mistakes in the future.

For my gifted students, I use error analysis tasks as an assessment when they have shown mastery of a unit during other tasks. For students in the regular classroom needing enrichment, I usually have them complete the tasks in a center or with a partner.

For students needing extra support, we complete error analysis in small groups.  We go step-by-step through the concept and they are always able to eventually identify what the error is. It is so empowering to students when they finally figure out the error AND it helps prevent them from making the same error in the future!

My FREE addition error analysis is a good place to start, no matter the grade level. I show them the process of walking through the problem and how best to complete an error analysis task.

When you’re ready for more, this bundle of error analysis tasks contains more than 240 tasks to engage and enrich your students in critical thinking practice.

Division Strategies Error AnalysisIMG 0763 3512378 6647195 jpg

If you want to dig even deeper, visit this conceptual vs computational error analysis post to learn more about using error analysis in the classroom. 

analyzing errors anchor chart for error analysis

Related Critical Thinking Posts

  • How to Increase Critical Thinking and Creativity in Your “Spare” Time
  • More Tips to Increase Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is essential for students to develop a deeper understanding of math concepts, problem-solving skills, and a stronger ability to reason logically. When you learn how to encourage critical thinking in math, you’re setting your students up for success not only in more advanced math subjects they’ll encounter, but also in life. 

How do you integrate critical thinking in your classroom? Come share your ideas with us in our FREE Inspired In Upper Elementary Facebook group .

facebook group promo 3

Mary Montero

I’m so glad you are here. I’m a current gifted and talented teacher in a small town in Colorado, and I’ve been in education since 2009. My passion (other than my family and cookies) is for making teachers’ lives easier and classrooms more engaging.

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Mary Thankyou for your inspirational activities. I have just read and loved the morning talk activities. I do have meetings with my students but usually at end of day. What time do you

math increases your problem solving skills

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How to Solve Math Problems Faster: 15 Techniques to Show Students

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Written by Marcus Guido

  • Teaching Strategies

“Test time. No calculators.”

You’ll intimidate many students by saying this, but teaching techniques to solve math problems with ease and speed can make it less daunting.

This can also  make math more rewarding . Instead of relying on calculators, students learn strategies that can improve their concentration and estimation skills while building number sense. And, while there are educators who  oppose math “tricks”  for valid reasons, proponents point to benefits such as increased confidence to handle difficult problems.

Here are 15 techniques to show students,  helping them solve math problems faster:

Addition and Subtraction

1. two-step addition.

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Many students struggle when learning to add integers of three digits or higher together, but changing the process’s steps can make it easier.

The first step is to  add what’s easy.  The second step is to  add the rest.

Let’s say students must find the sum of 393 and 89. They should quickly see that adding 7 onto 393 will equal 400 — an easier number to work with. To balance the equation, they can then subtract 7 from 89.

Broken down, the process is:

  • (393 + 7) + (89 – 7)

With this fast technique, big numbers won’t look as scary now.

2. Two-Step Subtraction

There’s a similar method for subtraction.

Remove what’s easy. Then remove what’s left.

Suppose students must find the difference of 567 and 153. Most will feel that 500 is a simpler number than 567. So, they just have to take away 67 from the minuend — 567 — and the subtrahend — 153 — before solving the equation.

Here’s the process:

  • (567 – 67) – (153 – 67)

Instead of two complex numbers, students will only have to tackle one.

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3. Subtracting from 1,000

You can  give students confidence  to handle four-digit integers with this fast technique.

To subtract a number from 1,000, subtract that number’s first two digits from 9. Then, subtract the final digit from 10.

Let’s say students must solve 1,000 – 438.  Here are the steps:

This also applies to 10,000, 100,000 and other integers that follow this pattern.

Multiplication and Division

4. doubling and halving.

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When students have to multiply two integers, they can speed up the process when one is an even number. They just need to  halve the even number and double the other number.

Students can stop the process when they can no longer halve the even integer, or when the equation becomes manageable.

Using 33 x 48 as an example,  here’s the process:

The only prerequisite is understanding the 2 times table.

5. Multiplying by Powers of 2

This tactic is a speedy variation of doubling and halving.

It simplifies multiplication if a number in the equation is a power of 2, meaning it works for 2, 4, 8, 16 and so on.

Here’s what to do:  For each power of 2 that makes up that number, double the other number.

For example, 9 x 16 is the same thing as 9 x (2 x 2 x 2 x 2) or 9 x 24. Students can therefore double 9 four times to reach the answer:

Unlike doubling and halving, this technique demands an understanding of exponents along with a strong command of the 2 times table.

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6. Multiplying by 9

For most students, multiplying by 9 — or 99, 999 and any number that follows this pattern — is difficult compared with multiplying by a power of 10.

But there’s an easy tactic to solve this issue, and  it has two parts.

First, students round up the 9  to 10. Second, after solving the new equation, they subtract the number they just multiplied by 10 from the answer.

For example, 67 x 9 will lead to the same answer as 67 x 10 – 67. Following the order of operations will give a result of 603. Similarly, 67 x 99 is the same as 67 x 100 – 67.

Despite more steps, altering the equation this way is usually faster.

7. Multiplying by 11

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There’s an easier way for multiplying two-digit integers by 11.

Let’s say students must find the product of 11 x 34.

The idea is to put a space between the digits, making it 3_4. Then, add the two digits together and put the sum in the space.

The answer is 374.

What happens if the sum is two digits? Students would put the second digit in the space and add 1 to the digit to the left of the space.  For example:

It’s multiplication without having to multiply.

8. Multiplying Even Numbers by 5

This technique only requires basic division skills.

There are two steps,  and 5 x 6 serves as an example. First, divide the number being multiplied by 5 — which is 6 — in half. Second, add 0 to the right of number.

The result is 30, which is the correct answer.

It’s an ideal, easy technique for students mastering the 5 times table.

9. Multiplying Odd Numbers by 5

This is another time-saving tactic that works well when teaching students the 5 times table.

This one has three steps,  which 5 x 7 exemplifies.

First, subtract 1 from the number being multiplied by 5, making it an even number. Second, cut that number in half — from 6 to 3 in this instance. Third, add 5 to the right of the number.

The answer is 35.

Who needs a calculator?

10. Squaring a Two-Digit Number that Ends with 1

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Squaring a high two-digit number can be tedious, but there’s a shortcut if 1 is the second digit.

There are four steps to this shortcut,  which 812 exemplifies:

  • Subtract 1 from the integer: 81 – 1 = 80
  • Square the integer, which is now an easier number: 80 x 80 = 6,400
  • Add the integer with the resulting square twice: 6,400 + 80 + 80 = 6,560
  • Add 1: 6,560 + 1 = 6,561

This work-around eliminates the difficulty surrounding the second digit, allowing students to work with multiples of 10.

11. Squaring a Two-Digit Numbers that Ends with 5

Squaring numbers ending in 5 is easier, as there are  only two parts of the process.

First, students will always make 25 the product’s last digits.

Second, to determine the product’s first digits, students must multiply the number’s first digit — 9, for example — by the integer that’s one higher — 10, in this case.

So, students would solve 952 by designating 25 as the last two digits. They would then multiply 9 x 10 to receive 90. Putting these numbers together, the  result is 9,025.

Just like that, a hard problem becomes easy multiplication for many students.

12. Calculating Percentages

Cross-multiplication is an  important skill  to develop, but there’s an easier way to calculate percentages.

For example, if students want to know what 65% of 175 is, they can multiply the numbers together and move the decimal place two digits to the left.

The result is 113.75, which is indeed the correct answer.

This shortcut is a useful timesaver on tests and quizzes.

13. Balancing Averages

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To determine the average among a set of numbers, students can balance them instead of using a complex formula.

Suppose a student wants to volunteer for an average of 10 hours a week over a period of four weeks. In the first three weeks, the student worked for 10, 12 and 14 hours.

To determine the number of hours required in the fourth week, the student must  add how much he or she surpassed or missed the target average  in the other weeks:

  • 14 hours – 10 hours = 4 hours
  • 12 – 10 = 2
  • 10 – 10 = 0
  • 4 hours + 2 hours + 0 hours = 6 hours

To learn the number of hours for the final week, the student must  subtract the sum from the target average:

  • 10 hours – 6 hours = 4 hours

With practice, this method may not even require pencil and paper. That’s how easy it is. 

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Word Problems

14. identifying buzzwords.

Students who struggle to translate  word problems  into equations will benefit from learning how to spot buzzwords — phrases that indicate specific actions.

This isn’t a trick. It’s a tactic.

Teach students to look for these buzzwords,  and what skill they align with in most contexts:

Be sure to include buzzwords that typically appear in their textbooks (or other classroom  math books ), as well as ones you use on tests and assignments.

As a result, they should have an  easier time processing word problems .

15. Creating Sub-Questions

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For complex word problems, show students how to dissect the question by answering three specific sub-questions.

Each student should ask him or herself:

  • What am I looking for?  — Students should read the question over and over, looking for buzzwords and identifying important details.
  • What information do I need?  — Students should determine which facts, figures and variables they need to solve the question. For example, if they determine the question is rooted in subtraction, they need the minuend and subtrahend.
  • What information do I have?  — Students should be able to create the core equation using the information in the word problem, after determining which details are important.

These sub-questions help students avoid overload.

Instead of writing and analyzing each detail of the question, they’ll be able to identify key information. If you identify students who are struggling with these, you can use  peer learning  as needed.  

For more fresh approaches to teaching math in your classroom, consider treating your students to a range of  fun math activities .

Final Thoughts About these Ways to Solve Math Problems Faster

Showing these 15 techniques to students can give them the  confidence to tackle tough questions .

They’re also  mental math  exercises, helping them build skills related to focus, logic and critical thinking.

A rewarding class equals an  engaging class . That’s an easy equation to remember.

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Maths Problem Solving: Engaging Your Students And Strengthening Their Mathematical Skills

Meriel willatt.

Maths problem solving can be challenging for pupils. There’s no ‘one size fits all’ approach or strategy and questions often combine different topic areas. Pupils often don’t know where to start. It’s no surprise that problem solving is a common topic teachers struggle to teach effectively to their pupils.

In this blog, we consider the importance of problem solving and share with you some ideas and resources for you to tackle problem solving in your maths classroom, from KS2 up to GCSE.

What is maths problem solving?

Why is maths problem solving so difficult, how to develop problem solving skills in maths, maths problem solving ks2, maths problem solving ks3, maths problem solving gcse.

Maths problem solving is when a mathematical task challenges pupils to apply their knowledge, logic and reasoning in unfamiliar contexts. Problem solving questions often combine several elements of maths.

We know from talking to the hundreds of school leaders and maths teachers that we work with as one to one online maths tutoring providers that this is one of their biggest challenges: equipping pupils with the skills and confidence necessary to approach problem solving questions.

The Ultimate Guide to Problem Solving Techniques

Download these 9 ready-to-go problem solving techniques that every pupil should know

The challenge with problem solving in maths is that there is no generic problem solving skill that can be taught in an isolated maths lesson. It’s a skill that teachers must explicitly teach to pupils, embed into their learning and revisit often.

When pupils are first introduced to a topic, they cannot start problem solving straight away using it. Problem solving relies on deep knowledge of concepts. Pupils need to become familiar with it and practice using it in different contexts before they can make connections, reason and problem solve with it. In fact, some researchers suggest that it could take up to two years to do this (Burkhardt, 2017). 

At Third Space Learning, we specialise in online one to one maths tutoring for schools, from KS1 all the way up to GCSE. Our lessons are designed by maths teachers and pedagogy experts to break down complex problems into their constituent parts. Our specialist tutors then carefully scaffold learning to build students’ confidence in key skills before combining them to tackle problem solving questions.

sample problem solving maths lessons

In order to develop problem solving skills in maths, pupils need lots of different contexts and word problems in which to practise them and the opportunity to engage in mathematical talk that draws on their metacognitive skills. 

The EEF suggests that to develop problem solving skills in maths, teachers need to teach pupils:

  • To use different approaches to problem solving
  • Use worked examples
  • To use metacognition to plan, monitor and reflect on their approaches to problem solving

Below, we take a closer look at problem solving at each stage, from primary school all the way to GCSEs. We’ve also included links to maths resources and CPD to support you and your team’s classroom teaching.

At lower KS2, the National Curriculum states that pupils should develop their ability to solve a range of problems. However, these will involve simple calculations as pupils develop their numeracy skills. As pupils progress to upper KS2, the demand for problem solving skills increases. 

“At this stage, pupils should develop their ability to solve a wider range of problems, including increasingly complex properties of numbers and arithmetic, and problems demanding efficient written and mental methods of calculation. With this foundation in arithmetic, pupils are introduced to the language of algebra as a means for solving a variety of problems.” National curriculum in England: mathematics programmes of study (Upper key stage 2 – years 5 and 6)

KS2 problem solving can often fall into the trap of relying on acronyms, such as RICE, RIDE or even QUACK. The most popular is RUCSAC (Read, Underline, Calculate, Solve, Answer, Check). While these do aim to simplify the process for young minds, it encourages a superficial, formulaic approach to problem solving, rather than deep mathematical thinking. Also, consider how much is wrapped up within the word ‘solve’ – is this helpful?

We teach thousands of pupils KS2 maths problem solving skills every week through our one to one online tutoring programme for maths. In our interventions, we encourage deep mathematical thinking by using a simplified version of George Polya’s four stages of problem solving. Here are the four stages:

Understand the problem

  • Devise a strategy for solving it
  • Carry out the problem solving strategy
  • Check the result

We use UCR as a simplified model: Understand, Communicate & Reflect. You may choose to adapt this depending on the age and ability of your class.

For example:

Maisy, Heidi and Freddie are children in the same family. The product of their ages is a score. How old might they be?

There are three people.

There are three numbers that multiply together to make twenty (a score is equal to 20). There will be lots of answers, but no ‘right’ answer.


To solve the word problem we need to find the numbers that will go into 20 without a remainder (the factors).

The factors of 20 are 1, 2, 4, 5, 10 and 20.

Combinations of numbers that could work are: 1, 1, 20 1, 2, 10 1, 4, 5 2, 2, 5.

The question says children, which means ‘under 18 years’, so that would mean we could remove 1, 1, 20 from our list of possibilities. 

In our sessions, we create a nurturing learning environment where pupils feel safe to make mistakes. This is so important in the context of problem solving as the best problem solvers will be resilient and able to overcome challenges in the ‘Reflect’ stage. Read more: What is a growth mindset

Looking for more support teaching KS2 problem solving? We’ve developed a powerpoint on problem solving, reasoning and planning for depth that is designed to be used as CPD by primary school teachers, maths leads and SLT. 

The resource reflects on how metacognition can enhance reasoning and problem solving abilities, the ‘curse’ of real life maths (think ‘Carl buys 60 watermelons…) and how teachers can practically implement and teach strategies in the classroom.

You may also be interested in: 

  • Developing Thinking Skills At KS2
  • KS2 Maths Investigations
  • Word problems for Year 6

At KS3, the importance of seeing mathematical concepts as interconnected with other skills, including problem solving, is foregrounded. The National Curriculum also stresses the importance of a strong foundation in maths before moving on to complex problem solving.

“Mathematics is an interconnected subject in which pupils need to be able to move fluently between representations of mathematical ideas. The programme of study for key stage 3 is organised into apparently distinct domains, but pupils should build on key stage 2 and connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems” National curriculum in England: mathematics programmes of study (Key stage 3)

“Decisions about progression should be based on the security of pupils’ understanding and their readiness to progress to the next stage. Pupils who grasp concepts rapidly should be challenged through being offered rich and sophisticated problems before any acceleration through new content in preparation for key stage 4.” National curriculum in England: mathematics programmes of study (Key stage 3)

For many students, the transition from primary to secondary school can be a huge challenge.

Especially in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic and the resultant school closures, students may arrive into Year 7 with various learning gaps and misconceptions that will hold them. Some students may need focused support to plug these gaps and grow in confidence.

You can give pupils a smoother transition from KS2 to KS3 with personalised one to one online tuition with specialist tutors with Third Space Learning. Our lessons cover content from Years 5-7 and build a solid foundation for pupils to develop their problem solving skills. Pupils are supported towards independent practice through worked examples, questioning and support slides.

KS3 problem solving maths activities

The challenge for KS3 maths problem solving activities is that learners may struggle to get invested unless you start with a convincing hook. Engage your young mathematicians on topics you know well or you know they’ll be invested in and try your hand at designing your own mathematical problems. Alternatively, get some inspiration from our crossover ability and fun maths problems .

Since the new GCSE specification began in 2015, there has been an increased focus on non-routine problem solving questions. These questions demand students to make sense of lots of new information at once before they even move on to selecting the strategies they’ll use to find the correct answer. This is where many learners get stuck.

In recent years, teachers and researchers in pedagogy (including Ofsted) have recognised that open ended problem solving tasks do not in fact lead to improved student understanding. While they may be enjoyable and engage learners, they may not lead to improved results.

SSDD problems (Same Surface Different Depth) can offer a solution that develops students’ critical thinking skills, while ensuring they engage fully with the information they’re provided. The idea behind them is to provide a set of questions that look the same and use the same mathematical hook but each question requires a different mathematical process to be solved.

ssdd questions example problem solving maths

Read more about SSDD problems , tips on writing your own questions and download free printable examples. There are also plenty of more examples on the NRICH website.

Worked examples, careful questioning and constructing visual representations can help students to convert the information embedded in a maths challenge into mathematical notations. Read our blog on problem solving maths questions for Foundation, Crossover & Higher examples, worked solutions and strategies.

Remember that students can only move on to mathematics problem solving once they have secure knowledge in a topic. If you know there are areas your students need extra support, check our Secondary Maths Resources library for revision guides, teaching resources and worksheets for KS3 and GCSE topics.

Do you have students who need extra support in maths? Every week Third Space Learning’s maths specialist tutors support thousands of students across hundreds of schools with weekly online 1-to-1 lessons and maths interventions designed to address learning gaps and boost progress. Since 2013 we’ve helped over 162,000 primary and secondary students become more confident, able mathematicians. Learn more or request a personalised quote for your school to speak to us about your school’s needs and how we can help.

Subsidised one to one maths tutoring from the UK’s most affordable DfE-approved one to one tutoring provider.

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6 Tips for Teaching Math Problem-Solving Skills

Solving word problems is tougher than computing with numbers, but elementary teachers can guide students to do the deep thinking involved.

Photo of elementary school teacher with students

A growing concern with students is the ability to problem-solve, especially with complex, multistep problems. Data shows that students struggle more when solving word problems than they do with computation , and so problem-solving should be considered separately from computation. Why?

Consider this. When we’re on the way to a new destination and we plug in our location to a map on our phone, it tells us what lane to be in and takes us around any detours or collisions, sometimes even buzzing our watch to remind us to turn. When I experience this as a driver, I don’t have to do the thinking. I can think about what I’m going to cook for dinner, not paying much attention to my surroundings other than to follow those directions. If I were to be asked to go there again, I wouldn’t be able to remember, and I would again seek help.

If we can switch to giving students strategies that require them to think instead of giving them too much support throughout the journey to the answer, we may be able to give them the ability to learn the skills to read a map and have several ways to get there.

Here are six ways we can start letting students do this thinking so that they can go through rigorous problem-solving again and again, paving their own way to the solution. 

1. Link problem-solving to reading

When we can remind students that they already have many comprehension skills and strategies they can easily use in math problem-solving, it can ease the anxiety surrounding the math problem. For example, providing them with strategies to practice, such as visualizing, acting out the problem with math tools like counters or base 10 blocks, drawing a quick sketch of the problem, retelling the story in their own words, etc., can really help them to utilize the skills they already have to make the task less daunting.

We can break these skills into specific short lessons so students have a bank of strategies to try on their own. Here's an example of an anchor chart that they can use for visualizing . Breaking up comprehension into specific skills can increase student independence and help teachers to be much more targeted in their problem-solving instruction. This allows students to build confidence and break down the barriers between reading and math to see they already have so many strengths that are transferable to all problems.

2. Avoid boxing students into choosing a specific operation

It can be so tempting to tell students to look for certain words that might mean a certain operation. This might even be thoroughly successful in kindergarten and first grade, but just like when our map tells us where to go, that limits students from becoming deep thinkers. It also expires once they get into the upper grades, where those words could be in a problem multiple times, creating more confusion when students are trying to follow a rule that may not exist in every problem.

We can encourage a variety of ways to solve problems instead of choosing the operation first. In first grade, a problem might say, “Joceline has 13 stuffed animals and Jordan has 17. How many more does Jordan have?” Some students might choose to subtract, but a lot of students might just count to find the amount in between. If we tell them that “how many more” means to subtract, we’re taking the thinking out of the problem altogether, allowing them to go on autopilot without truly solving the problem or using their comprehension skills to visualize it. 

3. Revisit ‘representation’

The word “representation” can be misleading. It seems like something to do after the process of solving. When students think they have to go straight to solving, they may not realize that they need a step in between to be able to support their understanding of what’s actually happening in the problem first.

Using an anchor chart like one of these ( lower grade , upper grade ) can help students to choose a representation that most closely matches what they’re visualizing in their mind. Once they sketch it out, it can give them a clearer picture of different ways they could solve the problem.

Think about this problem: “Varush went on a trip with his family to his grandmother’s house. It was 710 miles away. On the way there, three people took turns driving. His mom drove 214 miles. His dad drove 358 miles. His older sister drove the rest. How many miles did his sister drive?”

If we were to show this student the anchor chart, they would probably choose a number line or a strip diagram to help them understand what’s happening.

If we tell students they must always draw base 10 blocks in a place value chart, that doesn’t necessarily match the concept of this problem. When we ask students to match our way of thinking, we rob them of critical thinking practice and sometimes confuse them in the process. 

4. Give time to process

Sometimes as educators, we can feel rushed to get to everyone and everything that’s required. When solving a complex problem, students need time to just sit with a problem and wrestle with it, maybe even leaving it and coming back to it after a period of time.

This might mean we need to give them fewer problems but go deeper with those problems we give them. We can also speed up processing time when we allow for collaboration and talk time with peers on problem-solving tasks. 

5. Ask questions that let Students do the thinking

Questions or prompts during problem-solving should be very open-ended to promote thinking. Telling a student to reread the problem or to think about what tools or resources would help them solve it is a way to get them to try something new but not take over their thinking.

These skills are also transferable across content, and students will be reminded, “Good readers and mathematicians reread.” 

6. Spiral concepts so students frequently use problem-solving skills

When students don’t have to switch gears in between concepts, they’re not truly using deep problem-solving skills. They already kind of know what operation it might be or that it’s something they have at the forefront of their mind from recent learning. Being intentional within their learning stations and assessments about having a variety of rigorous problem-solving skills will refine their critical thinking abilities while building more and more resilience throughout the school year as they retain content learning in the process. 

Problem-solving skills are so abstract, and it can be tough to pinpoint exactly what students need. Sometimes we have to go slow to go fast. Slowing down and helping students have tools when they get stuck and enabling them to be critical thinkers will prepare them for life and allow them multiple ways to get to their own destination.

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Research Article

Does mathematics training lead to better logical thinking and reasoning? A cross-sectional assessment from students to professors

Roles Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Resources, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing

Affiliation School of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia

Roles Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing

* E-mail: [email protected]

Affiliation School of Arts and Humanities, Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, Australia

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  • Clio Cresswell, 
  • Craig P. Speelman


  • Published: July 29, 2020
  • https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0236153
  • Peer Review
  • Reader Comments

Fig 1

Mathematics is often promoted as endowing those who study it with transferable skills such as an ability to think logically and critically or to have improved investigative skills, resourcefulness and creativity in problem solving. However, there is scant evidence to back up such claims. This project tested participants with increasing levels of mathematics training on 11 well-studied rational and logical reasoning tasks aggregated from various psychological studies. These tasks, that included the Cognitive Reflection Test and the Wason Selection Task, are of particular interest as they have typically and reliably eluded participants in all studies, and results have been uncorrelated with general intelligence, education levels and other demographic information. The results in this study revealed that in general the greater the mathematics training of the participant, the more tasks were completed correctly, and that performance on some tasks was also associated with performance on others not traditionally associated. A ceiling effect also emerged. The work is deconstructed from the viewpoint of adding to the platform from which to approach the greater, and more scientifically elusive, question: are any skills associated with mathematics training innate or do they arise from skills transfer?

Citation: Cresswell C, Speelman CP (2020) Does mathematics training lead to better logical thinking and reasoning? A cross-sectional assessment from students to professors. PLoS ONE 15(7): e0236153. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0236153

Editor: Jérôme Prado, French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) & University of Lyon, FRANCE

Received: January 13, 2020; Accepted: June 30, 2020; Published: July 29, 2020

Copyright: © 2020 Cresswell, Speelman. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Data Availability: All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files.

Funding: The authors received no specific funding for this work.

Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


Mathematics is often promoted as endowing those who study it with a number of broad thinking skills such as: an ability to think logically, analytically, critically and abstractly; having capacity to weigh evidence with impartiality. This is a view of mathematics as providing transferable skills which can be found across educational institutions, governments and corporations worldwide. A view material to the place of mathematics in curricula.

Consider the UK government’s commissioned inquiry into mathematics education “Making Mathematics Count” ascertaining the justification that “mathematical training disciplines the mind, develops logical and critical reasoning, and develops analytical and problem-solving skills to a high degree” [ 1 p11]. The Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute very broadly states in its policy document “Vision for a Maths Nation” that “Not only is mathematics the enabling discipline, it has a vital productive role planning and protecting our well-being” (emphasis in original) [ 2 ]. In Canada, British Columbia’s New 2016 curriculum K-9 expressly mentions as part of its “Goals and Rationale”: “The Mathematics program of study is designed to develop deep mathematical understanding and fluency, logical reasoning, analytical thought, and creative thinking.” [ 3 ]. Universities, too, often make such specific claims with respect to their teaching programs. “Mathematics and statistics will help you to think logically and clearly, and apply a range of problem-solving strategies” is claimed by The School of Mathematical Sciences at Monash University, Australia [ 4 ]. The School of Mathematics and Statistics at The University of Sydney, Australia, directly attributes as part of particular course objectives and outcomes skills that include “enhance your problem-solving skills” as part of studies in first year [ 5 ], “develop logical thinking” as part of studies in second year, which was a statement drafted by the lead author in fact [ 6 ], and “be fluent in analysing and constructing logical arguments” as part of studies in third year [ 7 ]. The University of Cambridge’s Faculty of Mathematics, UK, provides a dedicated document “Transferable Skills in the Mathematical Tripos” as part of its undergraduate mathematics course information, which again lists “analytic ability; creativity; initiative; logical and methodical reasoning; persistence” [ 8 ].

In contrast, psychological research, which has been empirically investigating the concept of transferability of skills since the early 1900s, points quite oppositely to reasoning skills as being highly domain specific [ 9 ]. Therefore, support for claims that studying mathematics engenders more than specific mathematics knowledge is highly pertinent. And yet it is largely absent. The 2014 Centre for Curriculum Redesign (CCR) four part paper “Mathematics for the 21st Century: What Should Students Learn?” concludes in its fourth paper titled “Does mathematics education enhance higher-order thinking skills?” with a call to action “… there is not sufficient evidence to conclude that mathematics enhances higher order cognitive functions. The CCR calls for a much stronger cognitive psychology and neuroscience research base to be developed on the effects of studying mathematics” [ 10 ].

Inglis and Simpson [ 11 ], bringing up this very issue, examined the ability of first-year undergraduate students from a high-ranking UK university mathematics department, on the “Four Cards Problem” thinking task, also known as the Wason Selection Task. It is stated as follows.

Each of the following cards have a letter on one side and a number on the other.

math increases your problem solving skills

Here is a rule: “if a card has a D on one side, then it has a 3 on the other”. Your task is to select all those cards, but only those cards, which you would have to turn over in order to find out whether the rule is true or false. Which cards would you select?

This task involves understanding conditional inference, namely understanding the rule “If P then Q” and with this, deducing the answer as “P and not Q” or “D and 7”. Such logical deduction indeed presents as a good candidate to test for a potential ability of the mathematically trained. This task has also been substantially investigated in the domain of the psychology of reasoning [ 12 p8] revealing across a wide range of publications that only around 10% of the general population reach the correct result. The predominant mistake being to pick “D and 3”; where in the original study by Wason [ 13 ] it is suggested that this was picked by 65% of people. This poor success rate along with a standard mistake has fuelled interest in the task as well as attempts to understand why it occurs. A prevailing theory being the so named matching bias effect; the effect of disproportionately concentrating on items specifically mentioned in the situation, as opposed to reasoning according to logical rules.

Inglis and Simpson’s results isolated mathematically trained individuals with respect to this task. The participants were under time constraint and 13% of the first-year undergraduate mathematics students sampled reached the correct response, compared to 4% of the non-mathematics (arts) students that was included. Of note also was the 24% of mathematics students as opposed to 45% of the non-mathematics students who chose the standard mistake. The study indeed unveiled that mathematically trained individuals were significantly less affected by the matching bias effect with this problem than the individuals without mathematics training. However, the achievement of the mathematically trained group was still far from masterful and the preponderance for a non-standard mistake compared with non-mathematically trained people is suggestive. Mathematical training appears to engender a different thinking style, but it remains unclear what the difference is.

Inglis, Simpson and colleagues proceeded to follow up their results with a number of studies concentrated on conditional inference in general [ 14 , 15 ]. A justification for this single investigatory pathway being that if transfer of knowledge is present, something subtle to test for in the first place, a key consideration should be the generalisation of learning rather than the application of skills learned in one context to another (where experimenter bias in the choice of contexts is more likely to be an issue). For this they typically used sixteen “if P then Q” comprehension tasks, where their samples across a number of studies have included 16-year-old pre-university mathematics students (from England and Cyprus), mathematics honours students in their first year of undergraduate university study, third year university mathematics students, and associated control groups. The studies have encompassed controls for general intelligence and thinking disposition prior to training, as well as follows ups of up to two years to address the issue of causation. The conclusive thinking pattern that has emerged is a tendency of the mathematical groups towards a greater likelihood of rejecting the invalid denial of the antecedent and affirmation of the consequent inferences. But with this, and this was validated by a second separate study, the English mathematics group actually became less likely to endorse the valid modus tollens inference. So again, mathematical training appears to engender a different thinking style, but there are subtleties and it remains unclear what the exact difference is.

This project was designed to broaden the search on the notion that mathematics training leads to increased reasoning skills. We focused on a range of reasoning problems considered in psychological research to be particularly insightful into decision making, critical thinking and logical deduction, with their distinction in that the general population generally struggles with answering them correctly. An Australian sample adds diversity to the current enquiries that have been European focussed. Furthermore, in an effort to identify the impact of mathematics training through a possible gradation effect, different levels of mathematically trained individuals were tested for performance.

Well-studied thinking tasks from a variety of psychological studies were chosen. Their descriptions, associated success rates and other pertinent details follows. They were all chosen as the correct answer is typically eluded for a standard mistake.

The three-item Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT) was used as introduced by Frederick [ 16 ]. This test was devised in line with the theory that there are two general types of cognitive activity: one that operates quickly and without reflection, and another that requires not only conscious thought and effort, but also an ability to reflect on one’s own cognition by including a step of suppression of the first to reach it. The three items in the test involve an incorrect “gut” response and further cognitive skill is deemed required to reach the correct answer (although see [ 17 ] for evidence that correct responses can result from “intuition”, which could be related to intelligence [ 18 ]).

In a lake, there is a patch of lily pads. Every day, the patch doubles in size. If it takes 48 days for the patch to cover the entire lake, how long would it take for the patch to cover half of the lake?

If it takes 5 machines 5 minutes to make 5 widgets, how long would it take 100 machines to make 100 widgets?

Bat and ball

A bat and a ball cost $1.10 in total. The bat costs a dollar more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?

The solutions are: 47 days for the Lily Pads problem, 5 minutes for the Widgets problem and 5 cents for the Bat and Ball problem. The considered intuitive, but wrong, answers are 24 days, 100 minutes and 10 cents, respectively. These wrong answers are attributed to participants becoming over focused on the numbers so as to ignore the exponential growth pattern in the Lily Pads problem, merely complete a pattern in numbers in the Widgets problem, and neglect the relationship “more than” in the Bat and Ball problem [ 19 ]. The original study by Frederick [ 16 ] provides a composite measure of the performance on these three items, with only 17% of those studied (n = 3428) reaching the perfect score. The CRT has since been studied extensively [ 19 – 21 ]. Research using the CRT tends not to report performance on the individual items of the test, but rather a composite measure of performance. Attridge and Inglis [ 22 ] used the CRT as a test for thinking disposition of mathematics students as one way to attempt to disentangle the issue of filtering according to prior thinking styles rather than transference of knowledge in successful problem solving. They repeat tested 16-year old pre-university mathematics students and English literature students without mathematics subjects at a one-year interval and found no difference between groups.

Three problems were included that test the ability to reason about probability. All three problems were originally discussed by Kahneman and Tversky [ 23 ], with the typically poor performance on these problems explained by participants relying not on probability knowledge, but a short-cut method of thinking known as the representativeness heuristic. In the late 1980s, Richard Nisbett and colleagues showed that graduate level training in statistics, while not revealing any improvement in logical reasoning, did correlate with higher-quality statistical answers [ 24 ]. Their studies lead in particular to the conclusion that comprehension of, what is known as the law of large numbers, did show improvement with training. The first of our next three problems targeted this law directly.

  • (a). the larger hospital
  • (b). the smaller hospital
  • (c). about the same (that is, within 5 percent of each other)

Kahneman and Tversky [ 23 ] reported that, of 50 participants, 12 chose (a), 10 chose (b), and 28 chose (c). The correct answer is (b), for the reason that small samples are more likely to exhibit extreme events than large samples from the same population. The larger the sample, the more likely it will exhibit characteristics of the parent population, such as the proportion of boys to girls. However, people tend to discount or be unaware of this feature of sampling statistics, which Kahneman and Tversky refer to as the law of large numbers. Instead, according to Kahneman and Tversky, people tend to adhere to a fallacious law of small numbers, where even small samples are expected to exhibit properties of the parent population, as illustrated by the proportion of participants choosing the answer (c) in their 1972 study. Such thinking reflects use of the representativeness heuristic, whereby someone will judge the likelihood of an uncertain event based on how similar it is to characteristics of the parent population of events.

Birth order

  • (a). What is your estimate of the number of families surveyed in which the exact order of births was BGBBBB?
  • (b). In the same survey set, which, if any, of the following two sequences would be more likely: BBBGGG or GBBGBG?

All of the events listed in the problem have an equal probability, so the correct answer to (a) is 72, and to (b) is “neither is more likely”. Kahneman and Tversky [ 23 ] reported that 75 of 92 participants judged the sequence in (a) as less likely than the given sequence. A similar number (unspecified by Kahneman and Tversky, but the statistical effect was reported to be of the same order as in (a)) reported that GBBGBG was the more likely sequence. Again, Kahneman and Tversky suggested that these results reflected use of the representativeness heuristic. In the context of this problem, the heuristic would have taken the following form: some birth orders appear less patterned than others, and less patterned is to be associated with the randomness of birth order, making them more likely.

Coin tosses

  • (a). H T H T H T H T
  • (b). H H H H T T T T
  • (c). T T H H T T H H
  • (d). H T T H T H H T
  • (e). all of the above are equally likely

The correct answer in this problem is (e). Kahneman and Tversky [ 23 ] reported that participants tend to choose less patterned looking sequences (e.g., H T T H T H H T) as more likely than more systematic looking sequences (e.g., H T H T H T H T). This reasoning again reflects the representativeness heuristic.

Three further questions from the literature were included to test problem solving skill.

Two drivers

  • (a). Driver A would win the race
  • (b). Driver B would win the race
  • (c). the two drivers would arrive at the same time (within a few seconds of one another)

This problem was developed by Pelham and Neter [ 25 ]. The correct answer is (a), which can be determined by calculations of driving times for each Driver, using time = distance/velocity. Pelham and Neter argue, however, that (c) is intuitively appealing, on the basis that both drivers appear to have the same overall average speed. Pelham and Neter reported that 67% of their sample gave this incorrect response to the problem, and a further 13% selected (b).

Petrol station

Imagine that you are driving along the road and you notice that your car is running low on petrol. You see two petrol stations next to each other, both advertising their petrol prices. Station A’s price is 65c/litre; Station B’s price is 60c/litre. Station A’s sign also announces: “5c/litre discount for cash!” Station B’s sign announces “5c/litre surcharge for credit cards.” All other factors being equal (for example, cleanliness of the stations, number of cars waiting at each etc), to which station would you choose to go, and why?

This problem was adapted from one described by Galotti [ 26 ], and is inspired by research reported by Thaler [ 27 ]. According to Thaler’s research, most people prefer Station A, even though both stations are offering the same deal: 60c/litre for cash, and 65c/litre for credit. Tversky and Kahneman [ 28 ] explain this preference by invoking the concept of framing effects. In the context of this problem, such an effect would involve viewing the outcomes as changes from some initial point. The initial point frames the problem, and provides a context for viewing the outcome. Thus, depending on the starting point, outcomes in this problem can be viewed as either a gain (in Station A, you gain a discount if you use cash) or a loss (in Station B, you are charged more (a loss) for using credit). Given that people are apparently more concerned about a loss than a gain [ 29 ], the loss associated with Station B makes it the less attractive option, and hence the preference for Station A. The correct answer, though, is that the stations are offering the same deal and so no station should be preferred.

And finally, a question described by Stanovich [ 30 , 31 ] as testing our predisposition for cognitive operations that require the least computational effort.

Jack looking at Anne

  • (c). Cannot be determined

Stanovich reported that over 80% of people choose the “lazy” answer (c). The correct answer is (a).

The above questions survey, in a clear problem solving setting, an ability to engage advanced cognitive processing in order to critically evaluate and possibly override initial gut reasoning, an ability to reason about probability within the framework of the law of large numbers and the relationship between randomness and patterning, an ability to isolate salient features of a problem and, with the last question in particular, an ability to map logical relations. It might be hypothesised that according to degrees of mathematical training, in line with the knowledge base provided and the claims of associated broad and enhanced problem-solving abilities in general, that participants with greater degrees of such training would outperform others on these questions. This hypothesis was investigated in this study. In addition, given that no previous study on this issue has examined the variety of problems used in this study, we also undertook an exploratory analysis to investigate whether there exist any associations between the problems in terms of their likelihood of correct solution. Similarities between problems might indicate which problem solving domains could be susceptible to the effects of mathematics training.

  • Introductory—First year, second semester, university students with weak high school mathematical results, only enrolled in the current unit as a compulsory component for their chosen degree, a unit not enabling any future mathematical pathway, a typical student may be enrolled in a Biology or Geography major;
  • Standard—First year, second semester, university students with fair to good high school mathematical results, enrolled in the current mathematics unit as a compulsory component for their chosen degree with the possibility of including some further mathematical units in their degree pathway, a typical student may be enrolled in an IT or Computer Science major;
  • Advanced1—First year, second semester, university mathematics students with very strong interest as well as background in mathematics, all higher year mathematical units are included as possible future pathway, a typical student may be enrolled in a Mathematics or Physics major;
  • Advanced2—Second year, second semester, university mathematics students with strong interest as well as background in mathematics, typically a direct follow on from the previously mentioned Advanced1 cohort;
  • Academic—Research academics in the mathematical sciences.


123 first year university students volunteered during “help on demand” tutorial times containing up to 30 students. These are course allocated times that are supervised yet self-directed by students. This minimised disruption and discouraged coercion. 44 second year university students completed the questionnaire during a weekly one-hour time slot dedicated to putting the latest mathematical concepts to practice with the lecturer (whereby contrast to what occurs in tutorial times the lecturer does most of the work and all students enrolled are invited). All these university students completed the questionnaire in normal classroom conditions; they were not placed under strict examination conditions. The lead author walked around to prevent discussion and coercion and there was minimum disruption. 30 research academics responded to local advertising and answered the questionnaire in their workplace while supervised.

The questionnaires were voluntary, anonymous and confidential. Participants were free to withdraw from the study at any time and without any penalty. No participant took this option however. The questionnaires gathered demographic information which included age, level of education attained and current qualification pursued, name of last qualification and years since obtaining it, and an option to note current speciality for research academics. Each problem task was placed on a separate page. Participants were not placed under time constraint, but while supervised, were asked to write their start and finish times on the front page of the survey to note approximate completion times. Speed of completion was not incentivised. Participants were not allowed to use calculators. A final “Comments Page” gave the option for feedback including specifically if the participants had previously seen any of the questions. Questionnaires were administered in person and supervised to avoid collusion or consulting of external sources.

The responses were coded four ways: A) correct; B) standard error (the errors discussed above in The Study); C) other error; D) left blank.

The ethical aspects of the study were approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of the University of Sydney, protocol number [2016/647].

The first analysis examined the total number of correct responses provided by the participants as a function of group. Scores ranged from 1 to 11 out of a total possible of 11 (Problem 6 had 2 parts) ( Fig 1 ). An ANOVA of this data indicated a significant effect of group (F(4, 192) = 20.426, p < .001, partial η 2 = .299). Pairwise comparisons using Tukey’s HSD test indicated that the Introductory group performed significantly worse than the Advanced1, Advanced2 and Academic groups. There were no significant differences between the Advanced1, Advanced2 and Academic groups.


  • PPT PowerPoint slide
  • PNG larger image
  • TIFF original image

Error bars are one standard error of the mean.


Overall solution time, while recorded manually and approximately, was positively correlated with group, such that the more training someone had received, the longer were these solution times (r(180) = 0.247, p = .001). However, as can be seen in Fig 2 , this relationship is not strong.



A series of chi-squared analyses, and their Bayesian equivalents, were performed on each problem, to determine whether the distribution of response types differed as a function of group. To minimise the number of cells in which expected values in some of these analyses were less than 5, the Standard Error, Other Error and Blank response categories were collapsed into one category (Incorrect Response). For three of the questions, the expected values of some cells did fall below 5, and this was due to most people getting the problem wrong (Four Cards), or most people correctly responding to the problem (Bat and Ball, Coin Tosses). In these cases, the pattern of results was so clear that a statistical analysis was barely required. Significant chi-squared results were examined further with pairwise posthoc comparisons (see Table 1 ).



The three groups with the least amount of training in mathematics were far less likely than the other groups to give the correct solution (χ 2 (4) = 31.06, p < .001; BF 10 = 45,045) ( Table 1 ). People in the two most advanced groups (Advanced2 and Academic) were more likely to solve the card problem correctly, although it was still less than half of the people in these groups who did so. Further, these people were less likely to give the standard incorrect solution, so that most who were incorrect suggested some more cognitively elaborate answer, such as turning over all cards. The proportion of people in the Advanced2 and Academic groups (39 and 37%) who solved the problem correctly far exceeded the typical proportion observed with this problem (10%). Of note, also, is the relatively high proportion of those in the higher training groups who, when they made an error, did not make the standard error, a similar result to the one reported by Inglis and Simpson [ 11 ].

The cognitive reflection test

In the Lily Pads problem, although most people in the Standard, Advanced1, Advanced2 and Academic groups were likely to select the correct solution, it was also the case that the less training someone had received in mathematics, the more likely they were to select an incorrect solution (χ 2 (4) = 27.28, p < .001; BF 10 = 15,554), with the standard incorrect answer being the next most prevalent response for the two lower ability mathematics groups ( Table 1 ).

Performance on the Widgets problem was similar to performance on the Lily Pads problem in that most people in the Standard, Advanced1, Advanced2 and Academic groups were likely to select the correct solution, but that the less training someone had received in mathematics, the more likely they were to select an incorrect solution (χ 2 (4) = 23.76, p< .001; BF 10 = 516) ( Table 1 ). As with the Lily Pads and Widget problems, people in the Standard, Advanced1, Advanced2 and Academic groups were highly likely to solve the Bat and Ball problem (χ 2 (4) = 35.37, p < .001; BF 10 = 208,667). Errors were more likely from the least mathematically trained people (Introductory, Standard) than the other groups ( Table 1 ).

To compare performance on the CRT with previously published results, performance on the three problems (Lily Pads, Widgets, Bat and Ball) were combined. The number of people in each condition that solved 0, 1, 2, or 3 problems correctly is presented in Table 2 . The Introductory group were evenly distributed amongst the four categories, with 26% solving all three problems correctly. Around 70% of the rest of the groups solved all 3 problems correctly, which is vastly superior to the 17% reported by Frederick [ 16 ].



Responses to the Hospitals problem were almost universally split between correct and standard errors in the Standard, Advanced1, Advanced2 and Academic groups. Although this pattern of responses was also evident in the Introductory group, this group also exhibited more non-standard errors and non-responses than the other groups. However, the differences between the groups were not significant (χ 2 (4) = 4.93, p = .295; BF 10 = .068) ( Table 1 ). Nonetheless, the performance of all groups exceeds the 20% correct response rate reported by Kahneman and Tversky [ 23 ].

The two versions of the Birth Order problem showed similar results, with correct responses being more likely in the groups with more training (i.e., Advanced1, Advanced2 and Academic), and responses being shared amongst the various categories in the Introductory and Standard groups (χ a 2 (4) = 24.54, p < .001; BF 10 = 1,303; χ b 2 (4) = 25.77, p < .001; BF 10 = 2,970) ( Table 1 ). Nonetheless, performance on both versions of the problem in this study was significantly better than the 82% error rate reported by Kahneman and Tversky [ 23 ].

The Coin Tosses problem was performed well by all groups, with very few people in any condition committing errors. There were no obvious differences between the groups (χ 2 (4) = 3.70, p = .448; BF 10 = .160) ( Table 1 ). Kahneman and Tversky [ 23 ] reported that people tend to make errors on this type of problem by choosing less patterned looking sequences, but they did not report relative proportions of people making errors versus giving correct responses. Clearly the sample in this study did not perform like those in Kahneman and Tversky’s study.

Responses on the Two Drivers problem were clearly distinguished by a high chance of error in the Introductory and Standard groups (over 80%), and a fairly good chance of being correct in the Advanced1, Advanced2 and Academic groups (χ 2 (4) = 46.16, p < .001; BF 10 = 1.32 x 10 8 ) ( Table 1 ). Academics were the standout performers on this problem, although over a quarter of this group produced an incorrect response. Thus, the first two groups performed similarly to the participants in the Pelham and Neter [ 25 ] study, 80% of whom gave an incorrect response.

Responses on the Petrol Station problem were marked by good performance by the Academic group (73% providing a correct response), and just over half of each of the other groups correctly solving the problem. This difference was not significant (χ 2 (4) = 4.68, p = .322: BF 10 = .059) ( Table 1 ). Errors were fairly evenly balanced between standard and other, except for the Academic group, who were more likely to provide a creative answer if they made an error. Thaler [ 27 ] reported that most people get this problem wrong. In this study, however, on average, most people got this problem correct, although this average was boosted by the Academic group.

Responses on the Jack looking at Anne problem generally were standard errors, except for the Advanced2 and Academic groups, which were evenly split between standard errors and correct responses (χ 2 (4) = 18.03, p = .001; BF 10 = 46) ( Table 1 ). Thus, apart from these two groups, the error rate in this study was similar to that reported by Stanovich [ 30 ], where 80% of participants were incorrect.

A series of logistic regression analyses were performed in order to examine whether the likelihood of solving a particular problem correctly could be predicted on the basis of whether other problems were solved correctly. Each analysis involved selecting performance (correct or error) on one problem as the outcome variable, and performance on the other problems as predictor variables. Training (amount of training) was also included as a predictor variable in each analysis. A further logistic regression was performed with training as the outcome variable, and performance on all of the problems as predictor variables. The results of these analyses are summarised in Table 3 . There were three multi-variable relationships observed in these analyses, which can be interpreted as the likelihood of solving one problem in each group being associated with solving the others in the set. These sets were: (1) Lily Pads, Widgets and Petrol Station; (2) Hospitals, Four Cards and Two Drivers; (3) Birth Order and Coin Tosses. Training also featured in each of these sets, moderating the relationships as per the results presented above for each problem.



The final “Comments Page” revealed the participants as overwhelmingly enjoying the questions. Any analysis of previous exposure to the tasks proved impossible as there was little to no alignment on participant’s degree of recall, if any, and even perceptions of what exposure entailed. For example, some participants confused being exposed to the particular tasks with being habitually exposed to puzzles, or even mathematics problems, more broadly.

In general, the amount of mathematics training a group had received predicted their performance on the overall set of problems. The greater the training, the more problems were answered correctly, and the slower the recorded response times. There was not an obvious difference between the Advanced1, Advanced2 and Academic groups on either of these measures, however there were clear differences between this group and the Introductory and Standard groups, with the former exhibiting clearly superior accuracy. While time records were taken approximately, so as to avoid adding time pressure as a variable, that the Advanced1, Advanced2 and Academic groups recorded more time in their consideration of the problems, may suggest a “pause and consider” approach to such problems is a characteristic of the advanced groups. This is in line with what was suggested by an eye-movement tracking study of mathematically trained students attempting the Four Cards Problem; where participants that had not chosen the standard error had spent longer considering the card linked to the matching bias effect [ 14 ]. It is important to note, however, that longer response times may reflect other cognitive processes than deliberation [ 32 ].

Performance on some problems was associated with performance on other problems. That is, if someone correctly answered a problem in one of these sets, they were also highly likely to correctly answer the other problems in the set. These sets were: (1) Lily Pads, Widgets and Petrol Station; (2) Hospitals, Four Cards and Two Drivers; (3) Birth Order and Coin Tosses. This is different with how these problems have been typically clustered a priori in the research literature: (I) Lily Pads, Widgets and Bat and Ball (CRT); (II) Hospitals and Two Drivers (explained below); (III) Hospitals, Birth Order and Coin Tosses (representativeness heuristic); (IV) Birth Order and Coin Tosses (probability theory). Consideration of these problem groupings follows.

Correctly answering all three problems in (I) entailed not being distracted by particular pieces of information in the problems so as to stay focused on uncovering the real underlying relationships. The Lily Pads and Widget problems can mislead if attention is over focused on the numbers, and conversely, the Petrol Station problem can mislead if there is too much focus on the idea of a discount. While the Lily Pads and Widget problems are traditionally paired with the Bat and Ball problem in the CRT, it may be that performance on the Bat and Ball problem did not appear as part of this set due to an added level of difficulty. With the problems in (I), avoiding being distracted by certain parts of the questions at the expense of others almost leads directly to the correct answer. However, with the Bat and Ball problem, further steps in mathematical reasoning still need to occur in answering which two numbers add together to give a result while also subtracting one from the other for another.

With the problems in (II) it is of interest that the Two Drivers problem was created specifically to be paired with the Hospitals problem to test for motivation in problem solving [ 23 ]. Within this framework further transparent versions of these problems were successfully devised to manipulate for difficulty. The Two Drivers problem was amended to have Driver B travelling at exactly 5 mph during the first half of the race and at exactly 95 mph during the last half of the race. The Hospitals problem was amended so the smaller hospital would have “only 2” babies born each day and where for a period of one year the hospitals recorded the number of days on which all of the babies born were boys. Could the association in (II) be pointing to how participants overcome initial fictitious mathematical rules? Maybe they reframe the question in simpler terms to see the pattern. The Four Cards Problem also elicited a high number of incorrect answers where, associated with mathematical training, the standard incorrect solution was avoided for more cognitively elaborate ones. Indeed, a gradation effect appeared across the groups where the standard error of the “D and 3” cards becomes “D only” ( Table 4 ). Adrian Simpson and Derrick Watson found a comparable result across their two groups [14 p61]. This could again be pointing to having avoided an initial fictitious rule of simply concentrating on items directly found in the question, participants then seek to reframe the question to unearth the logical rule to be deduced. An added level of difficulty with this question may be why participants become trapped in a false answer. The eye-movement tracking study mentioned above supports this theory.



The problems in (III) fit naturally together as part of basic probability theory, a topic participants would have assimilated, or not, as part of various education curricula. While the equal likelihood of all possible outcomes with respect to a coin toss may be culturally assimilated, the same may not be as straightforward for birth gender outcomes where such assumptions could be swayed by biological hypothesis or folk wisdom [ 33 ]. The gradation of the results in terms of mathematical training does not support this possibility.

The effect of training on performance accuracy was more obvious in some problems compared to others, and to some extent, this was related to the type of problem. For instance, most of the problems in which performance was related to training (Four Cards, CRT [Lily Pads, Widgets, Bat and Ball], Two Drivers, Jack looking at Anne) could be classed as relying on logical and/or critical thinking. The one exception was the Birth Order problems, which are probability related.

In contrast, two of the three problems in which training did not appear to have much impact on performance (Hospitals and Coin Tosses) require domain-specific knowledge. The Hospitals problem requires a degree of knowledge about sampling statistics. This is a topic of quite distinct flavour that not all mathematically trained individuals gain familiarity with. On the other hand, all groups having performed well on the Coin Tosses problem is in line with a level of familiarity with basic probability having been originally presented at high school. While the questioning of patterning as negatively correlated with randomness is similar to that appearing in the Birth Order question, in the Birth Order question this aspect is arguably more concealed. These results and problem grouping (III) could be pointing to an area for improvement in teaching where the small gap in knowledge required to go from answering the Coin Tosses problem correctly to achieving similarly with the Birth Order problem could be easily addressed. A more formal introduction to sampling statistics in mathematical training could potentially bridge this gap as well as further be extended towards improvement on the Hospitals problem.

The other problem where performance was unrelated to training, the Petrol Station problem, cannot be characterised similarly. It is more of a logical/critical thinking type problem, where there remains some suggestion that training may have impacted performance, as the Academic group seemed to perform better than the rest of the sample. An alternate interpretation of this result is therefore that this problem should not be isolated but grouped with the other problems where performance is affected by training.

  • The Introductory group’s mathematics high school syllabus studied prior to first semester course entry covered: Functions, Trigonometric Functions, Calculus (Introduction to Differentiation, Applications of the Derivative, Antiderivatives, Areas and the Definite Integral), Financial Mathematics, Statistical Analysis. The Introductory group then explored concepts in mathematical modelling with emphasis on the importance of calculus in their first semester of mathematical studies.
  • The Standard group’s mathematics high school syllabus studied prior to first semester course entry covered: Functions, Trigonometric Functions, Calculus (Rates of Change, Integration including the method of substitution, trigonometric identities and inverse trigonometric functions, Areas and Volumes of solids of revolution, some differential equations), Combinatorics, Proof (with particular focus on Proof by Mathematical Induction), Vectors (with application to projectile motion), Statistical Analysis. In first semester their mathematical studies then covered a number of topics the Advanced1 group studied prior to gaining entrance at university; further details on this are given below.
  • The Advanced1 group’s mathematics high school syllabus studied prior to first semester course entry covered: the same course content the Standard group covered at high school plus extra topics on Proof (develop rigorous mathematical arguments and proofs, specifically in the context of number and algebra and further develop Proof by Mathematical Induction), Vectors (3 dimensional vectors, vector equations of lines), Complex Numbers, Calculus (Further Integration techniques with partial fractions and integration by parts), Mechanics (Application of Calculus to Mechanics with simple harmonic motion, modelling motion without and with resistance, projectiles and resisted motion). The Standard group cover these topics in their first semester university studies in mathematics with the exclusion of further concepts of Proof or Mechanics. In first semester the Advanced1 group have built on their knowledge with an emphasis on both theoretical and foundational aspects, as well as developing the skill of applying mathematical theory to solve practical problems. Theoretical topics include a host of theorems relevant to the study of Calculus.

In summary, at the point of our study, the Advanced1 group had more knowledge and practice on rigorous mathematical arguments and proofs in the context of number and algebra, and more in-depth experience with Proofs by Induction, but the bulk of extra knowledge rests with a much deeper knowledge of Calculus. They have had longer experience with a variety of integration techniques, and have worked with a variety of applications of calculus to solve practical problems, including a large section on mechanics at high school. In first semester at university there has been a greater focus on theoretical topics including a host of theorems and associated proofs relevant to the topics studied. As compared to the Introductory and Standard groups, the Advanced1 group have only widened the mathematics knowledge gap since their choice of post-compulsory mathematics at high school. The Advanced2 group come directly from an Advanced1 cohort. And the Academics group would have reached the Advanced1 group’s proficiency as part of their employment. So, are specific reasoning skills resulting from this level of abstract reasoning? Our findings suggest this should certainly be an area of investigation and links in interestingly with other research work. In studying one of the thinking tasks in particular (the Four Cards Problem) and its context of conditional inference more specifically, Inglis and Simpson [ 15 ] found a clear difference between undergraduates in mathematics and undergraduates in other university disciplines, yet also showed a lack of development over first-year university studies on conditional inference measures. A follow up study by Attridge and Inglis [ 22 ] then zeroed in on post-compulsory high school mathematical training and found that students with such training did develop their conditional reasoning to a greater extent than their control group over the course of a year, despite them having received no explicit tuition in conditional logic. The development though, whilst demonstrated as not being the result of a domain-general change in cognitive capacity or thinking disposition, and most likely associated with the domain-specific study of mathematics, revealed a complex pattern of endorsing more of some inferences and less of others. The study here focused on a much broader problem set associated with logical and critical thinking and it too is suggestive of a more complex picture in how mathematics training may be contributing to problem solving styles. A more intricate pattern to do with the impact of mathematical training on problem solving techniques is appearing as required for consideration.

There is also a final interpretation to consider: that people in the Advanced 1, Advanced2 and Academic groups did not gain anything from their mathematics training in terms of their ability to solve these problems. Instead, with studies denying any correlation of many of these problems with what is currently measured as intelligence [ 30 ], they might still be people of a particular intelligence or thinking disposition to start with, who have been able to use that intelligence to not only solve these problems, but also survive the challenges of their mathematics training.

That the CRT has been traditionally used as a measure of baseline thinking disposition and that performance has been found to be immutable across groups tested is of particular interest since our results show a clear possible training effect on these questions. CRT is tied with a willingness to engage in effortful thinking which presents as a suitable ability for training. It is beyond the scope of this study, but a thorough review of CRT testing is suggestive of a broader appreciation and better framework to understand thinking disposition, ability and potential ability.

Mathematical training appears associated with certain thinking skills, but there are clearly some subtleties that need to be extricated. The thinking tasks here add to the foundational results where the aim is for a firmer platform on which to eventually base more targeted and illustrative inquiry. If thinking skills can be fostered, could first year university mathematics teaching be improved so that all samples from that group reach the Advanced1 group level of reasoning? Do university mathematics courses become purely about domain-specific knowledge from this point on? Intensive training has been shown to impact the brain and cognition across a number of domains from music [ 34 ], to video gaming [ 35 ], to Braille reading [ 36 ]. The hypothesis that mathematics, with its highly specific practice, fits within this list remains legitimate, but simply unchartered. With our current level of understanding it is worth appreciating the careful wording of the NYU Courant Institute on ‘Why Study Math?’ where there is no assumption of causation: “Mathematicians need to have good reasoning ability in order to identify, analyze, and apply basic logical principles to technical problems.” [ 37 ].


One possible limitation of the current study is that the problems may have been too easy for the more advanced people, and so we observed a ceiling effect (i.e., some people obtained 100% correct on all problems). This was most obvious in the Advanced1, Advanced2 and Academic groups. It is possible that participants in these groups had developed logical and critical thinking skills throughout their mathematical training that were sufficient to cope with most of the problems used in this study, and so this would support the contention that training in mathematics leads to the development of logical and critical thinking skills useful in a range of domains. Another interpretation is that participants in these groups already possessed the necessary thinking skills for solving the problems in this study, which is why they are able to cope with the material in the advanced units they were enrolled in, or complete a PhD in mathematics and hold down an academic position in a mathematics department. This would then suggest that training in mathematics had no effect on abstract thinking skills—people in this study possessed them to varying extents prior to their studies. This issue might be settled in a future study that used a greater number of problems of varying difficulties to maximise the chances of finding a difference between the three groups with the most amount of training. Alternatively, a longitudinal study that followed people through their mathematics training could determine whether their logical and critical thinking abilities changed throughout their course.

A further limitation of the study may be that several of the reasoning biases examined in this study were measured by only one problem each (i.e., Four Cards Problem, Two Drivers, Petrol Station, Jack looking at Anne). A more reliable measure of these biases could be achieved by including more problems that tap into these biases. This would, however, increase the time required of participants during data collection, and in the context of this study, would mean a different mode of testing would likely be required.

Broad sweeping intuitive claims of the transferable skills endowed by a study of mathematics require evidence. Our study uniquely covers a wide range of participants, from limited mathematics training through to research academics in the mathematical sciences. It furthermore considered performance on 11 well-studied thinking tasks that typically elude participants in psychological studies and on which results have been uncorrelated with general intelligence, education levels and other demographic information [ 15 , 16 , 30 ]. We identified different performances on these tasks with respect to different groups, based on level of mathematical training. This included the CRT which has developed into a method of measuring baseline thinking disposition. We identified different distributions of types of errors for the mathematically trained. We furthermore identified a performance threshold that exists in first year university for those with high level mathematics training. This study then provides insight into possible changes and adjustments to mathematics courses in order for them to fulfil their advertised goal of reaching improved rational and logical reasoning for a higher number of students.

It is central to any education program to have a clear grasp of the nature of what it delivers and how, but arguably especially so for the core discipline that is mathematics. In 2014 the Office of The Chief Scientist of Australia released a report “Australia’s STEM workforce: a survey of employers” where transferable skills attributed to mathematics were also ones that employers deemed as part of the most valuable [ 38 ]. A better understanding of what mathematics delivers in this space is an opportunity to truly capitalise on this historical culture-crossing subject.

Supporting information



The authors would like to thank Jacqui Ramagge for her proof reading and input, as well as support towards data collection.

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Building Problem-solving skills for math

Building Problem-solving Skills for 7th-Grade Math

Mathematics is a subject that requires problem-solving skills to excel. In 7th grade, students begin to encounter more complex math concepts, and the ability to analyze and solve problems becomes increasingly important. Building problem-solving skills for math not only helps students to master math concepts but also prepares them for success in higher-level math courses and in life beyond academics. 

In this article, we will several key skills that are needed for success in 7th-grade math, and also explore how they can benefit students both academically and personally. We will also provide tips and strategies to help students develop and improve their problem-solving skills. Let’s dive in!

Building Analytical Skills

math increases your problem solving skills

The first of seven important skills to build is that of analytical skills. These allow students to analyze a problem and break it down into smaller parts. From there, they’re able to identify the key components that need to be addressed. Analytical skills also hone students’ abilities to identify patterns. Students should be able to identify patterns in mathematical data, such as in number sequences, geometric shapes, and graphs. Importantly, students should not just be able to recognize the pattens, but they should be able to describe them (more on that in communication) and use them to make predictions and solve problems.

We alluded to this earlier, but breaking down problems is an essential component of analytical skills. Students with strong analytical skills can break problems down into smaller and more manageable parts. They are then able to identify key components of a problem and use this information to develop a strategy for solving it. 

Along with identifying patterns comes identifying relationships. Students with good mathematical analytical skills can identify relationships between different mathematical concepts, such as the relationship between addition and subtraction, or the relationship between angles and shapes. Through strengthening this skill, students will be able to describe these relationships and use them to solve problems. 

An important part of analytical skills is the ability to analyze data. Students should be able to analyzeand interpret data presented in a variety of formats, such as graphs, charts, and tables. They should be able to use this data to make predictions, draw conclusions, and solve problems.

Speaking of conclusions, reaching sound conclusions based on mathematical data is a fundamental skill needed for making predictions based on trends in a graph, or drawing inferences from a set of data.

Another skill students should master is the ability to compare and contrast mathematical concepts, such as the properties of different shapes or the strategies for solving different types of problems. Through this, they’ll be able to use the information they gather to solve problems. 

With all these skills at play comes arguably the most important: Critical thinking. This is an indicator that a student really grasps the concepts and it’s just repeating them back to you on command. Critical thinking is the ability to evaluate information and arguments, and make judgements and decisions based on evidence, and apply logic and reasoning to solve problems.

Building Creative Thinking

math increases your problem solving skills

This is the ability for students (or anyone, really) to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions to problems. This involves being able to approach problems from different angles and to consider multiple perspectives. For a 7th-grader, this skill can be exercised through the following:

  • Thinking Outside the Box: Students should be encouraged to think creatively and come up with innovative solutions to problems. This involves thinking outside the box and considering multiple perspectives.
  • Finding Multiple Solutions: Students should be able to come up with multiple solutions to a problem and evaluate each one to determine which is the most effective.
  • Developing Original Ideas: Students should be able to develop original ideas and approaches to solving problems. This involves being able to come up with unique and innovative solutions that may not have been tried before.
  • Making Connections: Students should be able to make connections between different mathematical concepts and apply these connections to solve problems. This involves looking for similarities and differences between concepts and using this information to make new connections.
  • Visualizing Solutions : Students should be able to visualize solutions to problems and use diagrams, charts, and other visual aids to help them solve problems.
  • Using Metaphors and Analogies: Students should be able to use metaphors and analogies to help them understand complex mathematical concepts. This involves using familiar concepts to explain unfamiliar ones and making connections between different ideas.

Building Problem-Solving Strategies

math increases your problem solving skills

It may sound like the same thing, but building problem-solving strategies is not the same as building problem-solving skills. Building strategies for problem-solving lends itself to actual problem-solving. Let’s expand on this: Say your student is presented a problem that they’re struggling with, these are some of the problem-solving strategies they may use in order to solve the puzzle.

  • Identify the problem: The first step in problem-solving is to identify the problem and understand what is being asked. Students should carefully read the problem and make sure they understand the question before attempting to solve it.
  • Draw a diagram: Students can draw a diagram to help visualize the problem and better understand the relationships between different parts of the problem.
  • Use logic: Students can use logic to identify patterns and relationships in the problem. They can use this information to develop a plan to solve the problem.
  • Break the problem down: Students can break a complex problem down into smaller, more manageable parts. They can then solve each part of the problem individually before combining the solutions to get the final answer.
  • Guess and check: Students can guess and check different solutions to the problem until they find the correct answer. This method involves trying different solutions and evaluating the results until the correct answer is found.
  • Use algebra: Algebraic equations can be used to solve a variety of mathematical problems. Students can use algebraic equations to represent the problem and solve for the unknown variable.
  • Work backward: Students can work backward from the final answer to determine the steps required to solve the problem. This method involves starting with the end goal and working backward to determine the steps needed to get there.

Building Persistence and Perseverance

math increases your problem solving skills

In an increasingly instant-gratification world with apps, searches and AI chatbots just a click away, this is an important skill not just in the math classroom, but for life in general. Problem-solving, whether that’s a math problem or a life challenge, often requires persistence and perseverance. Student need to learn to be able to stick with a problem even when it seems challenging, difficult, or seemingly impossible. Here are ways you can encourage your students to stick it out when working on problems:

  • Trying multiple approaches: When faced with a challenging problem, students can demonstrate persistence by trying multiple approaches until they find one that works. They don’t give up after one attempt but keep trying until they find a solution.
  • Reframing the problem: If a problem seems particularly difficult, students can demonstrate perseverance by reframing the problem in a different way. This can help them see the problem from a new perspective and come up with a different approach to solve it.
  • Asking for help: Sometimes, even with persistence, a problem may still be difficult to solve. In these cases, students can demonstrate perseverance by asking for help from their teacher or classmates. This shows that they are willing to put in the effort to find a solution, even if it means seeking assistance.
  • Learning from mistakes: Making mistakes is a natural part of the problem-solving process, but students can demonstrate persistence by learning from their mistakes and using them to improve their problem-solving skills. They don’t get discouraged by their mistakes, but instead, they use them as an opportunity to learn and grow.
  • Staying focused: In order to solve complex math problems, it’s important for students to stay focused and avoid distractions. Students can demonstrate perseverance by staying focused on the problem at hand and not getting distracted by other things.

Building Communication Skills

Communication is essential for building problem-solving skills for math

We alluded to this earlier, but a central part of building problem-solving skills is building the ability to articulate a problem or a solution. This isn’t just for the sake of personal understanding, but critical for collaboration. Students need to be able to explain their thinking, ask questions, and work with others to solve problems. Here are some examples of communication skills that can be used to build problem-solving skills:

  • Clarifying understanding: Students can ask questions to clarify their understanding of the problem. They can seek clarification from their teacher or classmates to ensure they are interpreting the problem correctly.
  • Explaining their reasoning: When solving a math problem, students can explain their reasoning to show how they arrived at a particular solution. This can help others understand their thought process and can also help students identify errors in their own work.
  • Collaborating with peers: Problem-solving can be a collaborative effort. Students can work together in groups to solve problems and communicate their ideas and solutions with each other. This can lead to a better understanding of the problem and can also help students learn from each other.
  • Writing clear explanations: When presenting their solutions to a math problem, students can write clear and concise explanations that are easy to understand. This can help others follow their thought process and can also help them communicate their ideas more effectively.
  • Using math vocabulary: Math has its own language and using math vocabulary correctly is essential for effective communication. Students can demonstrate their understanding of math concepts by using correct mathematical terms and symbols when explaining their solutions.

Building Mathematical Knowledge

Building problem-solving skills for math involves solid understanding of mathematical concepts

This would seem like a no-brainer, since you’re a math educator clicking on an article about building math problem-solving skills. However, it’s worth being explicit that problem-solving in math requires a solid understanding of mathematical concepts, including arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data analysis. Students need to be able to apply these concepts to solve problems in real-world contexts.

7th-grade math covers a wide range of mathematical concepts and skills. Here are some examples of mathematical knowledge that 7th-grade math students should have:

  • Algebraic expressions and equations: Students should be able to write and simplify algebraic expressions and solve one-step and two-step equations.
  • Proportional relationships: Students should be able to understand and apply proportional relationships, including identifying proportional relationships in tables, graphs, and equations.
  • Geometry: Students should have a solid understanding of geometry concepts such as angles, triangles, quadrilaterals, circles, and transformations.
  • Statistics and probability: Students should be able to analyze and interpret data using measures of central tendency and variability, and understand basic probability concepts.
  • Rational numbers: Students should have a solid understanding of rational numbers, including ordering, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions and decimals.
  • Integers: Students should be able to perform operations with integers, including adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing.
  • Ratios and proportions: Students should be able to understand and use ratios and proportions in a variety of contexts, including scale drawings and maps.

In conclusion, problem-solving skills are essential for success in 7th grade math. Analytical skills, critical and creative thinking, problem-solving strategies, persistence, communication skills, and mathematical knowledge are all important components of effective problem-solving. By developing these skills, students can approach math problems with confidence and achieve their full potential.

If you enjoyed this read, be sure to browse more of our articles . More importantly, if you want to save yourself hours of preparation time by having full math curriculums, review guides and tests available at the click of a button, be sure to sign up to our 7th Grade Newsletter . You’ll receive loads of free lesson resources, tips and advice and exclusive subscription offers!

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Colleges Decreasing Out-of-State Tuition

Colleges Decreasing Out-of-State Tuition

Traditionally, out-of-state tuition is much more expensive than in-state, and it is inevitable for students who are interested in out-of-state colleges.

However, some colleges are alleviating or decreasing out-of-state tuition charges, according to The U.S. News and World Report . High-ranking, popular colleges that already attract many intelligent prospective students are not decreasing out-of-state charges. These colleges have many students who are willing to pay the high fees.

Also, these schools have stricter restrictions for who can apply for in-state tuition. Most of these schools only allow students to receive in-state tuition if they graduated from an in-state high school or their parents live in that state, according to The U.S. News and World Report . However, some of these schools are making it easier for out-of-state students to attain in-state tuition.

The U.S. News and World Report stated that there are ways to avoid the higher out-of-state tuition charges by moving to the state to pay taxes and claim residency. However, most students must live in the state for about a year before they can qualify for in-state tuition. Traditionally, the restrictions are tougher in states that attract more students. California is one of the strictest states.

Some colleges are allowing students to register in-state tuition to students after living on campus for a certain amount of time, registering to vote in that state and paying local taxes, according. The restrictions and details are not firm, but if students make efforts toward the aforementioned details, then it will help their cause.

Also, many other colleges reward out-of-state students with in-state tuition if they maintain a certain GPA (usually 2.5 or higher) or achieve a certain ACT/SAT score, according to The U.S. News and World Report .

Many colleges offer in-state tuition to students who live in neighboring states or close to the college, despite it being in a separate state.

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Problem Solving Skills: Meaning, Examples & Techniques

Table of Contents

26 January 2021

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Do your children have trouble solving their Maths homework?

Or, do they struggle to maintain friendships at school?

If your answer is ‘Yes,’ the issue might be related to your child’s problem-solving abilities. Whether your child often forgets his/her lunch at school or is lagging in his/her class, good problem-solving skills can be a major tool to help them manage their lives better.

Children need to learn to solve problems on their own. Whether it is about dealing with academic difficulties or peer issues when children are equipped with necessary problem-solving skills they gain confidence and learn to make healthy decisions for themselves. So let us look at what is problem-solving, its benefits, and how to encourage your child to inculcate problem-solving abilities

Problem-solving skills can be defined as the ability to identify a problem, determine its cause, and figure out all possible solutions to solve the problem.

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What is problem-solving, then? Problem-solving is the ability to use appropriate methods to tackle unexpected challenges in an organized manner. The ability to solve problems is considered a soft skill, meaning that it’s more of a personality trait than a skill you’ve learned at school, on-the-job, or through technical training. While your natural ability to tackle problems and solve them is something you were born with or began to hone early on, it doesn’t mean that you can’t work on it. This is a skill that can be cultivated and nurtured so you can become better at dealing with problems over time.

Problem Solving Skills: Meaning, Examples & Techniques are mentioned below in the Downloadable PDF. 

Benefits of learning problem-solving skills  

Promotes creative thinking and thinking outside the box.

Improves decision-making abilities.

Builds solid communication skills.

Develop the ability to learn from mistakes and avoid the repetition of mistakes.

Problem Solving as an ability is a life skill desired by everyone, as it is essential to manage our day-to-day lives. Whether you are at home, school, or work, life throws us curve balls at every single step of the way. And how do we resolve those? You guessed it right – Problem Solving.

Strengthening and nurturing problem-solving skills helps children cope with challenges and obstacles as they come. They can face and resolve a wide variety of problems efficiently and effectively without having a breakdown. Nurturing good problem-solving skills develop your child’s independence, allowing them to grow into confident, responsible adults. 

Children enjoy experimenting with a wide variety of situations as they develop their problem-solving skills through trial and error. A child’s action of sprinkling and pouring sand on their hands while playing in the ground, then finally mixing it all to eliminate the stickiness shows how fast their little minds work.

Sometimes children become frustrated when an idea doesn't work according to their expectations, they may even walk away from their project. They often become focused on one particular solution, which may or may not work.

However, they can be encouraged to try other methods of problem-solving when given support by an adult. The adult may give hints or ask questions in ways that help the kids to formulate their solutions. 

Encouraging Problem-Solving Skills in Kids

Practice problem solving through games.

Exposing kids to various riddles, mysteries, and treasure hunts, puzzles, and games not only enhances their critical thinking but is also an excellent bonding experience to create a lifetime of memories.

Create a safe environment for brainstorming

Welcome, all the ideas your child brings up to you. Children learn how to work together to solve a problem collectively when given the freedom and flexibility to come up with their solutions. This bout of encouragement instills in them the confidence to face obstacles bravely.

Invite children to expand their Learning capabilities

 Whenever children experiment with an idea or problem, they test out their solutions in different settings. They apply their teachings to new situations and effectively receive and communicate ideas. They learn the ability to think abstractly and can learn to tackle any obstacle whether it is finding solutions to a math problem or navigating social interactions.

Problem-solving is the act of finding answers and solutions to complicated problems. 

Developing problem-solving skills from an early age helps kids to navigate their life problems, whether academic or social more effectively and avoid mental and emotional turmoil.

Children learn to develop a future-oriented approach and view problems as challenges that can be easily overcome by exploring solutions. 

About Cuemath

Cuemath, a student-friendly mathematics and coding platform, conducts regular  Online Classes  for academics and skill-development, and their Mental Math App, on both  iOS  and  Android , is a one-stop solution for kids to develop multiple skills. Understand the Cuemath Fee structure and sign up for a free trial.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do you teach problem-solving skills.

Model a useful problem-solving method. Problem solving can be difficult and sometimes tedious. ... 1. Teach within a specific context. ... 2. Help students understand the problem. ... 3. Take enough time. ... 4. Ask questions and make suggestions. ... 5. Link errors to misconceptions.

What makes a good problem solver?

Excellent problem solvers build networks and know how to collaborate with other people and teams. They are skilled in bringing people together and sharing knowledge and information. A key skill for great problem solvers is that they are trusted by others.

Teaching and Learning

Elevating math education through problem-based learning, by lisa matthews     feb 14, 2024.

Elevating Math Education Through Problem-Based Learning

Image Credit: rudall30 / Shutterstock

Imagine you are a mountaineer. Nothing excites you more than testing your skill, strength and resilience against some of the most extreme environments on the planet, and now you've decided to take on the greatest challenge of all: Everest, the tallest mountain in the world. You’ll be training for at least a year, slowly building up your endurance. Climbing Everest involves hiking for many hours per day, every day, for several weeks. How do you prepare for that?

The answer, as in many situations, lies in math. Climbers maximize their training by measuring their heart rate. When they train, they aim for a heart rate between 60 and 80 percent of their maximum. More than that, and they risk burning out. A heart rate below 60 percent means the training is too easy — they’ve got to push themselves harder. By combining this strategy with other types of training, overall fitness will increase over time, and eventually, climbers will be ready, in theory, for Everest.

math increases your problem solving skills

Knowledge Through Experience

The influence of constructivist theories has been instrumental in shaping PBL, from Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development, which argues that knowledge is constructed through experiences and interactions , to Leslie P. Steffe’s work on the importance of students constructing their own mathematical understanding rather than passively receiving information .

You don't become a skilled mountain climber by just reading or watching others climb. You become proficient by hitting the mountains, climbing, facing challenges and getting right back up when you stumble. And that's how people learn math.

math increases your problem solving skills

So what makes PBL different? The key to making it work is introducing the right level of problem. Remember Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development? It is essentially the space where learning and development occur most effectively – where the task is not so easy that it is boring but not so hard that it is discouraging. As with a mountaineer in training, that zone where the level of challenge is just right is where engagement really happens.

I’ve seen PBL build the confidence of students who thought they weren’t math people. It makes them feel capable and that their insights are valuable. They develop the most creative strategies; kids have said things that just blow my mind. All of a sudden, they are math people.

math increases your problem solving skills

Skills and Understanding

Despite the challenges, the trend toward PBL in math education has been growing , driven by evidence of its benefits in developing critical thinking, problem-solving skills and a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts, as well as building more positive math identities. The incorporation of PBL aligns well with the contemporary broader shift toward more student-centered, interactive and meaningful learning experiences. It has become an increasingly important component of effective math education, equipping students with the skills and understanding necessary for success in the 21st century.

At the heart of Imagine IM lies a commitment to providing students with opportunities for deep, active mathematics practice through problem-based learning. Imagine IM builds upon the problem-based pedagogy and instructional design of the renowned Illustrative Mathematics curriculum, adding a number of exclusive videos, digital interactives, design-enhanced print and hands-on tools.

The value of imagine im's enhancements is evident in the beautifully produced inspire math videos, from which the mountaineer scenario stems. inspire math videos showcase the math for each imagine im unit in a relevant and often unexpected real-world context to help spark curiosity. the videos use contexts from all around the world to make cross-curricular connections and increase engagement..

This article was sponsored by Imagine Learning and produced by the Solutions Studio team.

Imagine Learning

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Does Math Increase IQ?

math increases your problem solving skills


You might not know that your brain is just like a muscle. It gets stronger with exercise, and mathematics is one of the best brain workouts!

Why is IQ important, and how does it relate to math?

IQ , or Intelligence Quotient, is more than just a number; it signifies your ability to solve problems, understand complex ideas, adapt to environments, and grasp concepts quickly. Now, what has that got to do with math? Mathematics encourages logical thinking and problem-solving skills – precisely what your IQ measures.

The connection between math and intelligence

Mathematics demands a systematic process of deduction. The more you challenge yourself with math, the sharper your cognitive abilities become. Research has shown a strong correlation between mathematical abilities and high IQ scores.

Practical ways to incorporate math into daily life to boost IQ

Boosting your IQ is not just about making complex calculations daily. It can be as simple as counting your steps, calculating your change at the grocery store, or challenging yourself with puzzle games that require strategic thinking.

A well-rounded education, including math, is essential for overall cognitive abilities.

A well-rounded education, including rigorous mathematical training, increases IQ and a broad set of cognitive skills. Math, emphasizing logical reasoning and systematic problem-solving, plays a pivotal role in cognitive growth. Keep exercising your brain, and you might be surprised at how

Understanding IQ

Also known as Intelligence Quotient,  IQ  is a scientifically-backed measure that gauges your intellectual capabilities. It’s more than just the grades you score in your math or science examination. IQ assesses your ability to comprehend complex information, solve problems, think critically, and grasp abstract concepts. How is IQ evaluated? Well, it’s done through a series of standardized tests approved by professionals in the field of psychology.

Explanation of what IQ measures and how it is assessed

IQ isn’t about factual recall or specific knowledge in a field like math or history. Instead, it measures complex skills, including problem-solving abilities, reasoning, memory, and attention. IQ testing includes various components to evaluate these capabilities.

So, does practicing math boost your IQ?

Studies  show that engaging in mentally demanding activities, like complex math problems , could lead to new neural pathways development, enhancing cognitive capabilities. In turn, this might lead to a higher IQ. However, it’s crucial to remember that while rigorous activities can stimulate mental growth, your inherent abilities predominantly determine IQ.

In conclusion, consistently practicing math could enhance intellectual abilities, but it shouldn’t be the sole strategy for IQ improvement. Consider diversifying your mental exercises to include critical thinking tasks, memory games, logic puzzles, and other stimulating activities that work different parts of your brain.

The Relationship Between Math and IQ

You may be surprised  that math skills and Intelligence Quotient (IQ) levels often go hand in hand. This fascinating interplay between mathematics and cognitive abilities has been the subject of numerous research studies.

Exploring the correlation between math skills and IQ levels

The ability to excel in mathematics is linked to how well you process information, your spatial skills, working memory, and logical reasoning — all essential components of one’s IQ. A study in the  Journal of Neuroscience  found that children with high IQs exhibit superior math abilities. That is because many cognitive tasks involved in IQ tests, such as pattern recognition and logical reasoning, are also integral to mathematical skills.

But don’t fret  if math isn’t your strong suit. There’s always room for improvement! Numerous resources and techniques are available to bolster your math skills, which could enhance your cognitive abilities.

However, remember that IQ isn’t the only measure of intelligence. Emotional intelligence, creative problem-solving, and even physical intelligence contribute to a holistic understanding of an individual’s capabilities.

While math and IQ’s relationship is intriguing, it doesn’t wholly define you. It’s just one part of the complex equation that makes you unique. You can always work on other skills that you excel at and find unique ways to learn and grow.

So, keep nurturing your strengths while challenging yourself to learn new things, and watch your intelligence continue expanding in multiple directions.

The Cognitive Benefits of Math

How math can enhance cognitive abilities and problem-solving skills.

If you’ve ever wondered whether math can increase your IQ, the answer is a resounding yes! Engaging in mathematical activities and problem-solving exercises can positively impact your cognitive abilities and intelligence. Here’s how math can enhance your mental skills:

  • Improved logic and reasoning: Math requires logical thinking and analytical skills. By solving math problems, you exercise your brain and develop a structured approach to problem-solving. It enhances your ability to think critically and make well-reasoned decisions.
  • Enhanced memory and concentration: Using numbers and formulas stimulates memory and focus. Math exercises strengthen your working memory, making retaining and recalling information in various contexts easier.
  • Increased spatial awareness: Geometry and other mathematical concepts involve understanding patterns, shapes, and spatial relationships. Developing spatial awareness through math helps improve visualization skills and aids in reading maps or assembling objects.
  • Improved problem-solving skills: Math teaches you how to approach complex problems and break them down into smaller, more manageable parts. This problem-solving approach can be applied to various real-life situations and challenges.

So, if you want to boost your cognitive abilities and increase your IQ, incorporating math into your routine is a great way to do it. The benefits are worth the effort, whether through formal education, engaging in math puzzles, or participating in math-related activities. Start exploring the world of numbers, and watch your mental skills flourish!

Developing Math Skills to Boost IQ

If you are looking for ways to increase your iq, developing your math skills might be the answer.

Strategies and techniques to improve math abilities and subsequently increase IQ

1. Practice regularly:  Like any other skill, consistent practice is critical to improving your math abilities and overall IQ. Set aside dedicated time each day to solve math problems and reinforce your understanding of mathematical concepts.

2. Start with the basics:  If you are a beginner, you must first build a strong foundation in math. Focus on mastering core concepts and gradually progress to more advanced topics. It will help you develop problem-solving skills to tackle complex mathematical problems.

3. Seek help when needed:  Be bold and ask for help when encountering difficulties. Whether from a teacher, tutor, or online resources, seeking guidance can provide valuable insights and help you overcome challenges more effectively.

4. Engage in critical thinking:  Math is more than memorizing formulas and procedures. It involves critical thinking and logical reasoning. Engage in activities encouraging problem-solving and analytical thinking, such as puzzles, brain teasers, and mathematical games.

5. Apply math in real-life situations:  Look for daily opportunities to apply mathematical concepts. It could be calculating expenses, analyzing data, or measuring ingredients while cooking. Applying math in practical ways not only improves your mathematical abilities but also enhances your overall cognitive skills.

By incorporating these strategies into your daily routine, you can develop your math skills, boost your IQ, and unlock new cognitive abilities. So grab your pencil, solve those equations, and watch your intelligence soar!

Other Factors Influencing IQ

Considering the role of genetics, environment, and other factors in iq development.

Suppose you’re wondering whether math can increase your IQ. In that case, it’s essential to understand that various factors beyond academic subjects like math influence IQ.

While math can undoubtedly help develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, it is not the sole determinant of IQ. IQ, or intelligence quotient, measures cognitive abilities influenced by genetic and environmental factors.

Genetics plays a significant role in determining IQ. Studies have shown that intelligence has a hereditary component, meaning individuals may inherit certain cognitive traits from their parents. However, genetics are not the only factor at play.

Environmental factors also play a crucial role in IQ development. Factors such as education, socioeconomic status, access to resources, and childhood experiences can all influence IQ scores. Stimulating environments that provide opportunities for learning and growth can positively impact cognitive abilities.

Other factors affecting IQ include nutrition, physical health, and mental well-being. A healthy diet and regular exercise have been linked to better cognitive function. At the same time, mental health issues can impede cognitive abilities.

In conclusion, while math can contribute to the development of cognitive skills, it is essential to recognize that multiple factors influence IQ. Considering a holistic approach that includes diverse experiences, education, and overall well-being is essential to enhance your cognitive abilities and increase your IQ.

Does Math Alone Increase IQ?

If you’ve ever wondered  whether practicing math can boost your IQ, you’re not alone. Engaging in mathematical activities can have a positive impact on cognitive abilities. However, the relationship between math and IQ is more complex than it seems.

Examining whether math alone has a direct impact on IQ or if there are additional factors at play

While math skills are undoubtedly valuable and can contribute to cognitive development, it’s essential to understand that various factors influence IQ. Intelligence is a multifaceted concept encompassing problem-solving abilities, logical reasoning, spatial awareness, and verbal comprehension.

Mathematics involves critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills, which can undoubtedly enhance cognitive functioning. Engaging in math activities provides mental stimulation and challenges the brain to think in a structured and logical manner. These skills can indirectly contribute to overall cognitive improvement but do not solely determine your IQ.

It’s crucial to engage in a diverse range of activities that target different cognitive abilities to increase your IQ. Reading, puzzles, strategic games, and learning new skills are just some activities that can positively impact intelligence. Challenging your brain through various means stimulates different areas and enhances overall cognitive functioning.

In conclusion, while math can aid in cognitive enhancement, it alone does not directly increase IQ. Engaging in activities challenge your brain and stimulate different cognitive skills to boost your intelligence is essential.

The Importance of a Well-Rounded Education

As a curious individual, you may wonder if studying math can increase your IQ. While there is no direct correlation between math and IQ, a well-rounded education that includes math can contribute to overall intelligence growth.

Highlighting the significance of a diverse education in fostering overall intelligence and IQ growth

  • Enhanced cognitive skills: Studying math requires logical thinking, problem-solving, and critical analysis skills. These skills, when developed, can positively impact overall intelligence.
  • Improved problem-solving abilities: Math teaches you how to approach complex problems systematically. These problem-solving skills can be applied to various aspects of life, not just math-related scenarios.
  • Enhanced logical reasoning: Math helps develop logical reasoning skills for making sound judgments and decisions.
  • Increased attention to detail: Math involves precision and attention to detail, which can enhance your focus and accuracy in other areas of life.
  • Expanded analytical thinking: By studying math, you develop analytical thinking skills, allowing you to break down complex problems into manageable parts and find solutions.

While math alone may not directly increase your IQ, it plays a significant role in fostering overall intelligence growth. A diverse educational experience that includes math can provide valuable skills, and mental processes contribute to intellectual development. So, keep studying math and embrace the opportunity to develop a well-rounded education.

The Role of Math in IQ-Boosting Programs

Investigating the inclusion of math in iq enhancement programs and interventions.

Suppose you’re looking for ways to improve your IQ. You may have encountered various programs and interventions claiming to boost intelligence in that case. One area that often comes up in these discussions is math. So, does math increase IQ? Let’s take a closer look.

Mathematics has long been associated with cognitive development and critical thinking skills. You activate different brain areas when you engage in mathematical activities, such as problem-solving or logical reasoning. This mental exercise can help strengthen neural pathways and improve overall cognitive function.

Studies have shown that individuals proficient in math tend to demonstrate higher IQ scores. The logical and analytical thinking required in math can enhance cognitive abilities like problem-solving , reasoning, and pattern recognition.

Furthermore, math improves IQ and helps with other areas of intelligence. It can enhance skills like concentration, attention to detail, logical reasoning, and spatial awareness.

However, it’s important to note that math alone may not be the sole determining factor in IQ enhancement. Other factors, such as genetics, environment, and overall intellectual stimulation, also play a significant role.

In conclusion, while math can improve IQ, engaging in a well-rounded approach to intellectual development is essential. Incorporating math activities into your routine, along with other cognitive exercises and a stimulating environment, can help maximize your potential for increased intelligence.

Debunking Myths: Math vs IQ

Addressing common misconceptions and debunking myths surrounding the relationship between math and iq.

Are you someone who believes that excelling in math automatically boosts your IQ? Think again! In reality, the relationship between math skills and IQ is often misunderstood. Let’s debunk some common misconceptions:

  • Math skills do not define your overall intelligence: While proficiency in math requires particular cognitive abilities, it is not the sole determinant of one’s IQ. IQ encompasses various aspects of intelligence, including problem-solving, logical reasoning, creativity, and verbal abilities.
  • IQ is not fixed: Contrary to popular belief, IQ is not a fixed attribute. It can change over time and be improved through various means, such as education, experience, and continuous learning.
  • Math skills can be developed: Like any other skill, math proficiency can be developed through practice, perseverance, and effective learning strategies. Therefore, even if you struggle with math initially, it doesn’t mean your IQ is inherently low.
  • IQ is a multifaceted measure: IQ tests evaluate cognitive abilities, including spatial reasoning, memory, attention, and problem-solving. Math is just one aspect of these tests; performance in other areas also contributes to the overall IQ score.

In conclusion, it is essential to understand that math skills and IQ are not synonymous. While math proficiency can contribute to particular cognitive abilities, IQ encompasses a broader range of intelligence factors. So, don’t worry if math is not your strong suit – it doesn’t define your overall intelligence or limit your potential for growth and success.

Summarizing key points and providing a final perspective on the question: Does math increase IQ?

Now that we’ve explored the relationship between math and IQ, it’s important to remember a few key points. Math is a complex subject that can stimulate critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and logical reasoning. Engaging in math-related activities like solving equations or puzzles may improve cognitive abilities and enhance overall IQ scores. However, it’s crucial to note that IQ is a multifaceted measure influenced by genetics, environment, and education. While math can play a role in cognitive development, it is not the sole determinant of intelligence.

Suppose you’re interested in boosting your IQ or enhancing cognitive abilities. In that case, incorporating math-related activities into your routine can be beneficial. It could involve solving math problems, participating in math-based games or puzzles, or pursuing further education in math-related fields. Remember to approach math as a tool for personal growth and intellectual stimulation rather than viewing it solely as a means to increase your IQ.

In conclusion, while math can provide cognitive benefits and improve IQ scores, intelligence is a complex concept influenced by various factors. So, embrace the world of numbers, enjoy the challenge of math, and let it expand your mind in ways that go beyond just a number on an IQ test!

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Math in Action: Problem Solving Skills for Everyday Life

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Author: BYJU’S Math Companion Tutor

Math in Action: Problem Solving Skills for Everyday Life

How is math problem-solving commonly used in everyday life?

  • Budgeting: Teach children how to manage allowances, savings, and expenses. Discussing budgeting strategies helps them make wise financial decisions.
  • Cooking: Cooking involves precise measurements and conversions. Baking a cake, for instance, is a delicious way to apply math skills.
  • Shopping: Explain how discounts, percentages, and sales tax work. Involve children in calculating discounts to make shopping both educational and fun.
  • Travel planning: Planning a road trip requires understanding distance, time, and fuel consumption. Map reading and calculating travel expenses provide real-life math lessons.
  • Time management: Teach children to use schedules and timetables. Managing their time effectively prepares them for future responsibilities.
  • Problem-solving games: Encourage board games like chess, Sudoku, or logic puzzles. These games sharpen analytical thinking and math skills.

Math problem-solving skills that are essential for real-life challenges for children

  • Critical thinking and analysis: Encourage children to dissect complex problems into smaller, manageable parts. This skill enables them to analyze situations, identify key variables, and approach challenges with clarity.
  • Logical reasoning: Logical thinking helps your little one evaluate the relationships between different components of a problem. It guides them in determining cause-and-effect patterns and making informed decisions.
  • Pattern recognition: Patterns are everywhere in our world, from nature’s symmetries to data trends. Teaching children to recognize and use patterns equips them with a powerful tool for problem-solving.
  • Creative problem solving: Foster creativity by encouraging children to explore various approaches to a problem. This allows them to think outside the box and devise innovative solutions.
  • Numerical fluency: Strong numerical skills are fundamental. Proficiency in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division forms the basis for solving a wide range of everyday problems.
  • Measurement and estimation: Understanding measurement units and making reasonable estimations are essential for tasks like cooking, DIY projects, and understanding sizes and quantities.
  • Spatial awareness: Geometry plays a significant role in real-life situations, from arranging furniture to reading maps. Developing spatial skills enhances a child’s ability to navigate physical spaces efficiently.
  • Time management: The skill of managing time effectively is essential for scheduling daily activities, setting goals, and adhering to deadlines.
  • Probability and risk assessment: Understanding probability helps children assess risks and make decisions in uncertain situations, such as games of chance or investments.
  • Measurement conversions: Being able to convert units, such as ounces to grams or miles to kilometers, is valuable in daily life.
  • Algebraic thinking: Basic algebraic concepts can be applied to real-life situations, such as solving for an unknown variable in a recipe or a budget.

5 ways children use math in everyday life

  • Money matters: Understanding and managing allowances, budgeting for spending, and calculating change while shopping.
  • Time management: Reading clocks and calendars, scheduling activities, and tracking time spent on tasks.
  • Homework and tests: Solving math problems for assignments and taking math tests and quizzes at school.
  • Playing games : Board games, card games, and video games often involve counting, calculating scores, and making strategic moves.
  • Sports and activities: Keeping score in sports, tracking statistics, and understanding game strategies that involve math.

5 ways children use math in everyday life

10 Practical Tips for Creating a Math-Friendly Environment at Home


10 Ways to Build a Strong Math Foundation via Encouragement

3 Math Practice Routines to Help Your Child Get Better at Math

3-Step Math Practice Routine for Your Child's Success (A Parent's Guide)

5 Math Games for Kids That are Fun and Engaging

5 Games with a Math Twist to Spark Joy (and Math Skills) in Your Child!


6 Effective Math Problem-Solving Strategies


6 Strategies to Boost Math Problem-Solving Skills in Your Child


6 Ways Parents can Help Children Improve Math Skills at Home


7 Effective Techniques to Overcome Math Frustration: A Guide for Parents & Tutors

Math Fluency

7 Proven Strategies for Mastering Math Fluency

5 Essential Qualities to Seek in Your Child’s Online Math Tutor

8 Essential Qualities to Seek in Your Child's Online Math Tutor


8 Fun Math Games for Homeschoolers: Enhancing Learning With Online Math Tutoring


A Math Tutor's Impact: Empowering Students via Online Tutoring

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  1. 5 Tips for maths problem solving

    math increases your problem solving skills

  2. 7 Tips for Math Problem Solving

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  3. Teaching Problem Solving in Math: 5 Strategies For Becoming a Better

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  4. Strategies for Math Problem Solving

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  5. Developing Problem-Solving Skills for Kids

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  6. Problem-Solving Strategies in the Math Classroom

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  3. How To Differentiate A Maths Mastery Lesson Through Questioning

  4. How to become good in maths (5 Tips that I followed to increase my marks from 25% to 97%)

  5. Art of Problem Solving: Percent Increase and Decrease Part 2

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  1. Unlocking the Power of Math Learning: Strategies and Tools for Success

    A 2014 study by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics found that the use of multiple representations, such as visual aids, graphs, and real-world examples, supports the development of mathematical connections, reasoning, and problem-solving skills. Moreover, the importance of math learning goes beyond solving equations and formulas ...

  2. Mathematics Improves Your Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving

    Problem-solving involves utilizing critical thinking based on knowledge and information from your collective experiences to identify, analyze, and solve complex problems. Mathematics provides a systematic and logical framework for problem-solving and critical thinking. The study of math helps to develop analytical skills, logical reasoning, and ...

  3. How to Improve Problem-Solving Skills: Mathematics and Critical

    This helps them see math as a tool to navigate real-world challenges, thereby promoting critical thinking. 4. What are the six basic steps of the problem-solving process in math? The six steps are: Identification, Analysis, Generation of Alternatives, Decision Making, Implementation, and Evaluation.

  4. How to Improve Problem-Solving Skills in Math

    Here's how to apply the concept of working backward in math problem-solving: 1. Identify the desired outcome: Start by clearly defining the goal or solution you are trying to reach. It could be finding the value of an unknown variable, determining a specific measurement, or solving for a particular quantity. 2.

  5. How to Get Better at Math: 14 Effective Steps

    1. Brush Up on Basic Math Problems. Excelling on basic math problems is a fundamental step toward improving math skills. By revisiting concepts like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, individuals can strengthen their foundation and enhance their problem-solving abilities.

  6. 12 Ways to Improve Problem Solving Skills

    Gather information systematically. Gathering facts helps you get a clear picture of your problem and goal. Collect data, ask people or experts connected to the problem, look for resources online, in print, or elsewhere. Once you have data, organize it. Try to do this by rewording, condensing, or summarize it.

  7. Build math problem solving: a brain-based routine

    Here's how you can safely foster growth and build math problem solving skills through failure in your classroom: Build in time to analyze errors & reflect. Reward effort & growth as much as, if not more than, accuracy. At least initially, skip the grading so students aren't afraid to be wrong. Getting started with brain-based problem solving

  8. How To Encourage Critical Thinking in Math

    How to Increase Critical Thinking and Creativity in Your "Spare" Time; More Tips to Increase Critical Thinking; Critical thinking is essential for students to develop a deeper understanding of math concepts, problem-solving skills, and a stronger ability to reason logically. When you learn how to encourage critical thinking in math, you ...

  9. 9 Ways to Improve Math Skills Quickly & Effectively

    Some students need more time to develop the problem-solving skills that math requires. Others may need to revisit past concepts before moving on. Because of how math is structured, it's best to take each year step-by-step, lesson by lesson. This article has tips and tricks to improve your child's math skills ... games, solving math ...

  10. How to Solve Math Problems Faster: 15 Techniques to Show Students

    You'll intimidate many students by saying this, but teaching techniques to solve math problems with ease and speed can make it less daunting. This can also make math more rewarding. Instead of relying on calculators, students learn strategies that can improve their concentration and estimation skills while building number sense.

  11. Problem Solving Maths: Strengthening Mathematical Skills

    Maths problem solving is when a mathematical task challenges pupils to apply their knowledge, logic and reasoning in unfamiliar contexts. Problem solving questions often combine several elements of maths. We know from talking to the hundreds of school leaders and maths teachers that we work with as one to one online maths tutoring providers ...

  12. 6 Tips for Teaching Math Problem-Solving Skills

    1. Link problem-solving to reading. When we can remind students that they already have many comprehension skills and strategies they can easily use in math problem-solving, it can ease the anxiety surrounding the math problem. For example, providing them with strategies to practice, such as visualizing, acting out the problem with math tools ...

  13. Does mathematics training lead to better logical thinking and ...

    Mathematics is often promoted as endowing those who study it with transferable skills such as an ability to think logically and critically or to have improved investigative skills, resourcefulness and creativity in problem solving. However, there is scant evidence to back up such claims. This project tested participants with increasing levels of mathematics training on 11 well-studied rational ...

  14. Building Problem-solving Skills for 7th-Grade Math

    Ratios and proportions: Students should be able to understand and use ratios and proportions in a variety of contexts, including scale drawings and maps. In conclusion, problem-solving skills are essential for success in 7th grade math. Analytical skills, critical and creative thinking, problem-solving strategies, persistence, communication ...

  15. 4 Ways to Improve Your Problem-Solving Skills

    Break it into simpler steps, then think each through. Math is more than just memorizing formulas and functions and making calculations—much of math depends upon numerical reasoning and logic. As a result, to improve your problem-solving skills, sharpen your reasoning skills. You may be surprised by the results. 3. Develop good habits

  16. PDF Improving Math Performance (PDF)

    A key strategy in improving scores was to target the lowest performing students (stanines 1-3) and to build interventions for these students. The major intervention was to develop a peer tutoring program that would help lower performing students build foundational skills in math.". Sumner Academy of Arts and Sciences.

  17. Problem Solving Skills: Meaning, Examples & Techniques

    Problem-solving is the ability to use appropriate methods to tackle unexpected challenges in an organized manner. The ability to solve problems is considered a soft skill, meaning that it's more of a personality trait than a skill you've learned at school, on-the-job, or through technical training. While your natural ability to tackle ...

  18. Elevating Math Education Through Problem-Based Learning

    Skills and Understanding. Despite the challenges, the trend toward PBL in math education has been growing, driven by evidence of its benefits in developing critical thinking, problem-solving skills and a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts, as well as building more positive math identities.The incorporation of PBL aligns well with the contemporary broader shift toward more student ...

  19. Does Math Increase IQ?

    A well-rounded education, including rigorous mathematical training, increases IQ and a broad set of cognitive skills. Math, emphasizing logical reasoning and systematic problem-solving, plays a pivotal role in cognitive growth. Keep exercising your brain, and you might be surprised at how.

  20. Math in Action: Problem Solving Skills for Everyday Life

    Math problem-solving skills go beyond the classroom, preparing children for real-world challenges. Parents play a crucial role in making math engaging and practical. With the rise of online math tutors and innovative platforms like Byju's Math Companion, math learning has evolved. The classroom is just the beginning, and the world becomes a ...

  21. Can Math Increase Your IQ?

    Practicing our problem solving skills means that we create problems for ourselves to think through on a regular basis. Conclusion Math has the potential to increase your IQ if you are taking it ...

  22. MathWOOT Online Math Course

    A 7-month high school math Olympiad preparation and testing program that brings together many of the best students from around the world to learn advanced problem solving skills. Art of Problem Solving AoPS Online. ... my 6-point increase in AIME score, my first USAMO qualification, and my ability to solve two problems on the USAMO did not ...

  23. MathHeads

    made easy. Practicing mental math offers numerous benefits, including improved problem-solving skills, increased confidence, and better cognitive function. It also leads to faster and more accurate calculations in daily life and tests. Singleplayer. Multiplayer. Play with Friends.

  24. does mathematics improve thinking and problem solving skills?

    Here is a paper investigating the question whether math training improves thinking and problem solving skills. The researchers gave the participants a series of questions to test their reasoning skills; these questions don't correlate with general intelligence or education level. Here are some quotes of some of the conclusions the researchers made: