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14 software engineer intern cover letters.

Approved by real hiring managers, these Software Engineer Intern cover letters have been proven to get people hired in 2024. A hiring manager explains why.

Hiring Manager for Software Engineer Intern Roles

Table of contents

  • Software Engineer Intern
  • Senior Software Engineer
  • Junior Software Developer
  • Junior Software Engineer
  • Software Development Engineer I
  • Software Development Engineer Intern
  • Data Engineer Intern
  • Machine Learning Engineer Intern
  • Alternative introductions for your cover letter
  • Software Engineer Intern resume examples

Software Engineer Intern Cover Letter Example

Why this cover letter works in 2024, confidence in skills and experience.

Highlighting specific skills and experiences that directly relate to the role shows confidence in your abilities. It also demonstrates that you understand the company's needs and are capable of contributing to their success.

Aligning Passion with Company Mission

Expressing your personal passion for the industry and how it aligns with the company's mission helps create an emotional connection. This shows that you genuinely care about the role and aren't just applying to any company in the field.

Align Personal Passion with Company Vision

Showing that your personal interest aligns with the company's mission can create a strong impact. It suggests that you're not just interested in the job but the bigger picture of what the company is trying to achieve. Remember, companies value employees who are passionate about their work and can contribute to their vision.

Highlight Relevant Achievements

Pointing out the specific results of a project you led not only shows your capability but also your impact. It gives concrete evidence of your skills and abilities, particularly how you can improve the company's bottom line. When possible, use numbers to give a clearer picture of your accomplishments.

Show Enthusiasm for the Role

Expressing excitement about bringing your skills to a new company gives an impression of your motivation and willingness to contribute. It tells me you're not just seeking any job, but you're specifically interested in contributing to this particular company's goals.

Showcase Real-Life Achievements

When you point out a significant achievement like reducing the time to debug code by 30%, it immediately catches my attention. It shows that you've applied your skills to a real-world problem and made a measurable improvement. This is a powerful way to demonstrate your abilities and the kind of impact you could make at a company.

Express Enthusiasm For The Role

It's clear that you're genuinely excited about the opportunity to work on projects that could impact billions of lives. This kind of enthusiasm can be infectious and make an employer more interested in you. It's more than just wanting a job – it's about being passionate about the work you'll be doing.

Show genuine interest in the company

When you express excitement about applying for a position, it shows you're not just looking for any job but are specifically interested in this company. This is a good start.

Align your passion with the company's mission

Explaining how your skills and passion match the company's goals makes your application more compelling. It suggests you'll fit in well.

Highlight successful teamwork

Describing a situation where you worked with others to achieve a big improvement demonstrates your ability to collaborate effectively, a key skill for software engineer interns.

Emphasize adaptability and impact

Stating that you thrive in fast-paced environments and aim to make a tangible impact indicates you're a go-getter who won't shy away from challenges.

Express eagerness to join and contribute

Saying the role would be a dream come true shows genuine enthusiasm and a readiness to bring your skills to the table.

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Want to see how the cover letter generator works? See this 30 second video.

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Start with genuine excitement for the software engineer intern role

Showing genuine interest in the position from the beginning makes your application stand out as enthusiastic and driven.

Demonstrate alignment with the company's vision

Expressing that the company's goals resonate with your personal interests suggests you will be a dedicated and passionate addition to the team.

Showcase your technical skills and projects

Detailing projects that demonstrate your technical abilities, like building a chat application, highlights your readiness for the challenges of the internship.

Express alignment with the company's mission

Showing you understand and support the company's mission indicates you're likely to contribute positively to their goals and culture.

Conclude with appreciation and forward-looking enthusiasm

Ending your cover letter by thanking the reader and expressing eagerness for future discussions leaves a respectful and positive final impression.

Show your passion for data engineering

Expressing excitement and a personal connection to the company's mission can make your application stand out. It shows you're not just looking for any job, but you're interested in this role at this company because of its impact in the field you're passionate about.

Highlight relevant experience

When you mention specific projects like building a data pipeline and the impact it had, it helps hiring managers see you've already tackled similar challenges. This is powerful evidence that you can contribute from day one.

Emphasize eagerness to learn

Pointing out your excitement to work with cutting-edge technology at the company demonstrates a growth mindset. Companies look for interns who are not just skilled but are keen to expand their knowledge and skills.

Connect your skills to company needs

Connecting your background in data engineering directly to how you can help the company innovate and solve problems shows you understand your potential role in their mission. This foresight can make a strong case for your candidacy.

Express your desire to contribute

Ending with a note on how you look forward to contributing to the company's mission personalizes your application. It's more compelling than a generic sign-off and can leave a lasting impression on the hiring manager.

Senior Software Engineer Cover Letter Example

Connect personal values with company mission.

Communicating that the company's mission aligns with your personal values can make your application more compelling. It suggests a strong cultural fit, which is a significant factor for many employers. Your values as a software engineer should mirror the company's values to ensure cohesion and productivity.

Showcase Leadership and Results

Sharing your leadership experience and the tangible outcomes can demonstrate your effective management and strategic skills. Highlighting the success of the projects you've led provides evidence of your potential value to the company. Make sure to quantify your achievements to give a clearer picture of what you can bring to the table.

Demonstrate Confidence in Your Abilities

Asserting your confidence in your technical skills and leadership abilities can leave a positive impression. It shows your belief in your capacity to contribute positively to the team, which can be a persuasive argument for your candidacy.

Reinforce Your Commitment

Reiterating your eagerness to contribute your skills and innovative thinking can underline your dedication and commitment. It reassures the employer of your enthusiasm to support the company's mission. You're not just seeking a job, you're looking to make a difference.

Junior Software Developer Cover Letter Example

Highlight your innovative approach.

By mentioning how you handled a complex problem and improved application performance by 40%, you're proving that you're not just a problem-solver, but also an innovator. Employers love to see that you can think outside the box, especially when it leads to such a significant improvement.

Connect to The Company's Mission

Your excitement about Microsoft's commitment to pushing the boundaries of technology shows that you get the company's mission. This helps me see that you're not just interested in the job, but you believe in what we're doing here at Microsoft.

Relate Your Background to The Job

You've done a great job of connecting your experience in innovative problem-solving and efficiency-driven development to the potential role at Microsoft. This shows me that you understand what the job involves and how you can use your past experiences to succeed in it.

Junior Software Engineer Cover Letter Example

Value company culture.

Highlighting the company's work environment shows you're looking for a place where you can fit in and thrive, not just a job.

Showcase relevant project experience

Demonstrating how you've used the company's technology in past projects proves you're already familiar with their tools and can hit the ground running.

Express interest in specific products

Showing enthusiasm for particular products suggests you're already thinking about how you can contribute to the team and are invested in the company's success.

Highlight desire for growth and learning

Stating that you're eager to learn from experienced engineers indicates you're looking to grow and improve, which is essential for junior roles.

Thank the reader for their time

Closing with a thank you demonstrates professionalism and respect for the hiring manager's time, leaving a good final impression.

Communicate your excitement for the role

Starting your letter by expressing excitement shows that you are genuinely interested in the opportunity. This enthusiasm can make you stand out as a candidate who is passionate about the job.

Share your relevant experience

Talking about your previous role and your contributions there highlights your technical abilities and teamwork. It reassures the employer of your capability to handle the responsibilities of the position.

Show how you use technology for impact

Describing how you’ve used your skills to benefit others demonstrates your initiative and commitment to making a difference. It suggests that you seek to apply your technical knowledge in meaningful ways.

Emphasize your teamwork and problem-solving capability

Mentioning your experience with cross-functional teams and your problem-solving skills indicates that you can work well with others and tackle challenges effectively. This is crucial for success in software engineering roles.

End with a courteous and hopeful note

Closing your letter by thanking the reader and expressing your desire to discuss your application further shows respect and professionalism. It also invites a potential conversation, keeping the door open for further engagement.

Software Development Engineer I Cover Letter Example

Show your enthusiasm for the software development engineer role.

Expressing excitement about the job shows that you will bring passion and energy to the team. It makes you more memorable.

Connect with the company's mission

When you show you understand and care about the company's goals, it suggests you will fit well with their culture and be motivated by their objectives.

Highlight relevant achievements

Describing specific successes, like improving system response time, proves your ability to make a positive impact in the role.

Align your interests with company projects

Mentioning your draw to specific areas of the company's work demonstrates both your knowledge of the field and how you can contribute to ongoing projects.

End with a strong close

Thanking the reader for their time and reiterating your excitement helps leave a positive, lasting impression.

Software Development Engineer Intern Cover Letter Example

Show your passion for software development.

When you talk about your admiration for the company’s products, it shows that you have a genuine interest in what they do. This can make you a more appealing candidate because it suggests you will be motivated and engaged in your work.

Highlight your technical skills

Mentioning specific projects and the technologies you used demonstrates your hands-on experience. It gives a clear picture of your abilities and shows that you can apply what you’ve learned in real-world scenarios.

Demonstrate leadership and collaboration

Leading a group and organizing events shows you have strong interpersonal skills. This is important for a role that requires teamwork and indicates you can contribute positively to the company culture.

Express eagerness to contribute and learn

Showing enthusiasm for learning from others and contributing to meaningful projects indicates that you’re not just looking for any job, but specifically a role where you can grow and make a difference.

Convey gratitude and forward-looking optimism

Thanking the reader and expressing hope for a discussion demonstrates professionalism and eagerness. It’s a polite way to close your letter, leaving a positive impression.

Data Engineer Intern Cover Letter Example

Show genuine interest in the company's mission.

Acknowledging your admiration for the company's work and expressing excitement to contribute indicates you've done your homework and are genuinely interested in being a part of their team. This enthusiasm can be infectious and make your application memorable.

Detail your technical achievements

Describing a successful project, especially with quantifiable outcomes like increased throughput, demonstrates your capability to handle the technical demands of the job. It's a testament to your skills and potential as a valuable team member.

Communicate your attraction to the role

Explaining what specifically draws you to the position and the company helps hiring managers understand your career motivations. This can indicate a good fit between your aspirations and the company's direction.

Match your skills with the job's challenges

Asserting that your technical skills and passion for data equip you well for a fast-paced environment suggests you're not just able but eager to tackle the challenges inherent in the role. This readiness can distinguish you from other candidates.

Initiate further discussion

Inviting the hiring manager to discuss your application further shows initiative and openness to dialogue. It's a proactive step that can facilitate the next stages of the hiring process.

Machine Learning Engineer Intern Cover Letter Example

Show your passion for machine learning engineering.

When you express excitement about the role and the company’s mission, it shows you're not just looking for any job, but you're eager to contribute to something you truly care about. This enthusiasm is contagious and makes you a more appealing candidate.

Demonstrate your technical achievements

Sharing specific results from past projects, like improving a model's accuracy, proves you have the skills to make an impact. It's not just about what you know; it's showing how you've applied that knowledge to solve problems effectively.

Connect with the company’s values

Pointing out what excites you about the company, especially their commitment to safety, aligns your personal values with theirs. It suggests you'll fit in well with their culture and be dedicated to their goals.

Highlight your unique blend of skills and creativity

Stating that you have both technical skills and the ability to think creatively positions you as a well-rounded candidate. It's important to show that you can not only work with technology but also innovate and find new solutions.

Express eagerness for a collaborative discussion

Inviting further conversation demonstrates your willingness to engage deeply with the team and contribute your insights. It's a proactive step that shows you're ready and eager to be part of their mission, not just a bystander.

Alternative Introductions

If you're struggling to start your cover letter, here are 6 different variations that have worked for others, along with why they worked. Use them as inspiration for your introductory paragraph.

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software internship cover letter

Thank you for the checklist! I realized I was making so many mistakes on my resume that I've now fixed. I'm much more confident in my resume now.

software internship cover letter

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Software Engineering Internship   Cover Letter

Software engineering internship cover letter (with examples).

Cover letters are often considered optional when it comes to job applications these days. If that’s left you wondering if a cover letter is even necessary , the answer is yes.

Is an employer going to read your cover letter? Surprisingly, the chances are rather low, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t send one anyway. Doing so proves that you’re serious about the job, willing to put in a little extra work, and ready to introduce yourself.

In a lot of cases, recruiting managers are simply skimming through cover letters. Many applicants send in a generic cover letter template they downloaded and added their name to, so it’s not worth a hiring manager ’s time to read through each one.

That’s why your cover letter needs to stand out.

Looking for a job? These position are hiring now near you:

  • Software Engineering Internship
  • Software Developer Internship
  • Software Development Engineer
  • Junior Software Engineer
  • Application Software Developer

What Is a Cover Letter and Why Is It Important?

A cover letter is a brief letter of introduction that usually accompanies a resume . It gives you an extra chance to introduce yourself , highlight your skills, accomplishments, and goals, and explain what you hope to bring to the company if hired.

One significant benefit to a cover letter is the ability to elaborate on your past experiences and provide more information that may not be as easily conveyed in the typical bullet-point format of a resume .

Parts of a Software Engineering Internship Cover Letter

Software engineers are professionals in the field of computer science who draw upon their extensive knowledge of programming and engineering principles to build desktop and web applications, run network control systems, develop mobile apps and computer games, etc.

This type of job requires a set of well-developed technical skills. Software engineers are also frequently expected to collaborate with designers, data scientists, and project managers .

No matter what type of cover letter you’re drafting, whether it’s an entry-level position, legal cover letter , government job , promotion, or high-level career change, there are key components to the standard cover letter formula that you need to include:

Your contact information

The organization’s information

Dear [Manager Name],

First paragraph: intent and opening hook

Second paragraph: main body with key skills and accomplishments in relation to the job requirements

Third paragraph: closing lines with a compelling call to action

Best regards, followed by name and title

Your cover letter should be formatted correctly on a single page , which means space is limited, and you need to make sure every sentence counts. If you’re concerned about having a professional-looking layout, take advantage of free cover letter templates .

Search For Software Engineering Internship Jobs

Software engineer internship cover letter opening.

Start with the basics and list the contact information for both you and the company you are applying to at the top of the letter. You want to make sure a hiring manager can quickly and effortlessly locate this information so they can reach out for the interview.

If possible, you should address your cover letter to the hiring manager by name. If you don’t know the hiring manager’s name , use a gender-neutral greeting such as “Dear [Company Name] Recruitment Manager.”

Tip: starting your letter with “Dear Sir or Madam” or “To Whom It May Concern” isn’t just unoriginal.

The impersonal, generic greeting may raise a red flag and cause a hiring manager to suspect that you might be sending a mass cover letter to multiple employers without taking the time to personalize each one. It’s not a great first impression and also guarantees a spot in the reject pile.

While a neutral “Dear Hiring Manager” or similar phrase is acceptable in place of a name, consider mentioning the company and/or department to make it a little more personalized.

The first few sentences of your opening need to immediately grab a hiring manager’s attention. Once you’ve announced your application to the position, follow with an impactful achievement.

Providing numbers is an eye-catching technique that breaks away from the mold of a copied-and-pasted template, so if you can utilize statistics, percentages, or dollar amounts, your letter is much more likely to stand out.

Jane Doe Software Engineer 9876 Home Avenue Sample, NC 27010 123-867-5309 [email protected] March 10, 2021 John Smith Recruitment Manager Big Global Company 5432 Bustle Street Commerce, CA 94108 Dear Mr. Smith, I am applying for the Software Engineer position at Big Global Company. In my current position as a Software Engineer at Ecom, my solutions to optimize our leading flagship apps and software updates increased the annual mean NPS to 62.4%, which is a record-breaking 38% increase. I believe a position at Big Global Company is the right choice for my skill set, experience, and career goals.

Note that the applicant in the example started strong by listing specific growth measurements rather than relying on industry buzzwords and empty, generic claims about increasing revenue and cutting costs. This technique is proven to be a reliable way to catch attention.

Software Engineer Cover Letter Body

Now that you have a hiring manager’s attention, you need to keep it. The best way to do that is to clearly lay out how and why you’re the best candidate for the position. The cover letter body should explain:

Why you want this job

The skills that qualify you for the specific requirements of the job

Why you are the perfect fit for the position

Don’t list off general skills and accomplishments that have nothing to do with the specifics of the job. This is a common failure in many cover letters.

Instead, you need to prove that you did your research . You fully understand what’s expected of you in this job position, and the skills you have to offer tie directly to the company’s needs.

I know that your company’s primary focus for the next two years will be to develop new mobile apps for personal and professional financial investments. My chief goal is to create a seamless user experience and drive up reliability and reputation for a customer-focused global leader in the industry. I’m especially interested in the culture, innovation, and potential for future development with Big Global Company. Your job listing specifies that you’re searching for a candidate who is proficient in developing mobile apps, pushing through updates to fix bugs and improve overall customer experience when using the products. My track record at Ecom proves that I have those necessary skills: Mobile app development: Created seven apps currently available on the market, with five of the seven rated above 4.8 stars in both AppStore and Google Play, each app with 10,000+ downloads Updates and bug fixes: Upgraded premium versions of Ecom’s primary product packages, increasing last year’s Q4 revenue by 78% Improve customer experience: Implemented new help desk chat solutions that reduced Customer Effort Scores by 30%

Note how the applicant breaks down her exact qualifications to meet every requirement for the position in a concise, easy-to-read format. She clearly understands what is expected in the job description, and she leans on her past successes to prove that she’s capable of handling the company’s needs.

Software Engineer Cover Letter Closing Lines

By now, the hiring manager should be thoroughly invested in what you have to offer, but you need a strong closing to efficiently wrap up your pitch and ensure you leave a lasting impression.

As you prepare to sign your cover letter , keep your energetic momentum going all the way to the very end. Provide a quick recap and optimistic closing to remind the hiring manager why you are the perfect candidate for the job.

I look forward to discussing how my analytical perspective, technical skills , and experience developing premium mobile apps can translate to more positive user satisfaction surveys and overall revenue gains for Big Global Company over the next year and decade. Best regards, Jane Doe Software Engineer 123-867-5309 [email protected]

Note that the applicant wrapped up her closing in a way that demonstrates her knowledge, enthusiasm, desire for the company’s success , and goal of being with this company long-term. She summarized her earlier pitch without repeating her talking points verbatim.

Example of a Software Engineer Cover Letter

Putting all the parts together illustrates how the ideal cover letter should start with an attention-grabber right off the bat and keep that same level of energy and competency throughout the entire pitch.

Jane Doe Software Engineer 9876 Home Avenue Sample, NC 27010 123-867-5309 [email protected] March 10, 2021 John Smith Recruitment Manager Big Global Company 5432 Bustle Street Commerce, CA 94108 Dear Mr. Smith, I am applying for the Software Engineer position at Big Global Company. In my current position as a Software Engineer at Ecom, my solutions to optimize our leading flagship apps and software updates increased the annual mean NPS to 62.4%, which is a record-breaking 38% increase. I believe a position at Big Global Company is the right choice for my skill set, experience, and career goals. I know that your company’s primary focus for the next two years will be to develop new mobile apps for personal and professional financial investments. My chief goal is to create a seamless user experience and drive up reliability and reputation for a customer-focused global leader in the industry. I’m especially interested in the culture, innovation, and potential for future development with Big Global Company. Your job listing specifies that you’re searching for a candidate who is proficient in developing mobile apps, pushing through updates to fix bugs and improve overall customer experience when using the products. My track record at Ecom proves that I have those necessary skills: Mobile app development: Created seven apps currently available on the market, with five of the seven rated above 4.8 stars in both AppStore and Google Play, each app with 10,000+ downloads Updates and bug fixes: Upgraded premium versions of Ecom’s primary product packages, increasing last year’s Q4 revenue by 78% Improve customer experience: Implemented new help desk chat solutions that reduced Customer Effort Scores by 30% I look forward to discussing how my analytical perspective, technical skills, and experience developing premium mobile apps can translate to more positive user satisfaction surveys and overall revenue gains for Big Global Company over the next year and decade. Best regards, Jane Doe Software Engineer 123-867-5309 [email protected]

Tips for a Software Engineering Internship Cover Letter

Include your salary requirements only if requested to in the application. Providing this information unsolicited may result in negative consequences, such as a hard pass or being locked into a lower salary than the company was ready to offer.

Be confident. Avoid timid words and phrases like “might have” or “possibly” that undermine your skills and instead choose absolute phrases like “I do have” or “I am confident that.”

Cite quantifiable achievements to make a bigger impact. For example, instead of saying, “I helped my previous company grow its annual revenue,” provide a specific number: “I facilitated an annual 26% growth increase.”

Teamwork is usually expected for software engineers, so providing specific examples of how you incorporated your hard and soft skills in a team environment will carry greater weight than simply bulleting out those points on a resume.

Final Thoughts

In the wake of COVID, the job market is more competitive than ever. You need to stand apart from other applicants, which means you can’t afford to opt out of a cover letter.

Even if you have a great resume filled with all the right Software Engineering Internship skills, the cover letter just might elevate your application above someone who didn’t send one or instead chose the lazy avenue of copying and pasting a template and sending it “To Whom It May Concern.”

Personalizing your cover letter with your accomplishments and identifying exactly how you can satisfy the company’s needs gives you a much greater chance at success . Even if your letter is never read, you now have great talking points prepared for an interview.

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Software Engineer Intern Cover Letter Example

Cover letter examples, cover letter guidelines, how to format an software engineer intern cover letter, cover letter header, cover letter header examples for software engineer intern, how to make your cover letter header stand out:, cover letter greeting, cover letter greeting examples for software engineer intern, best cover letter greetings:, cover letter introduction, cover letter intro examples for software engineer intern, how to make your cover letter intro stand out:, cover letter body, cover letter body examples for software engineer intern, how to make your cover letter body stand out:, cover letter closing, cover letter closing paragraph examples for software engineer intern, how to close your cover letter in a memorable way:, pair your cover letter with a foundational resume, key cover letter faqs for software engineer intern.

Start your Software Engineer Intern cover letter by addressing the hiring manager directly, if possible. Then, introduce yourself and briefly mention your current status as a student or recent graduate. Express your interest in the internship position and the company, highlighting how your passion for software engineering aligns with the company's mission or projects. It's also beneficial to mention a unique aspect about the company that attracts you. This shows that you've done your research and are genuinely interested in the role. For example, "Dear [Hiring Manager's Name], As a computer science student at [Your University], I am excited to apply for the Software Engineer Intern position at [Company Name]. I am particularly drawn to [Company Name] because of its innovative approach to software development."

The best way for Software Engineer Interns to end a cover letter is by expressing gratitude for the reader's time and consideration, reiterating their interest in the position, and indicating their eagerness to discuss their qualifications further in an interview. For example, "Thank you for considering my application. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your team and am confident that my skills and passion make me a strong candidate. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my application with you further." This ending is professional, respectful, and shows enthusiasm for the role, which can leave a positive impression on the hiring manager.

Software Engineer Interns should include the following in their cover letter: 1. Introduction: Start with a brief introduction about yourself and why you are interested in the software engineering internship position. Mention where you found the job posting or who referred you. 2. Educational Background: Highlight your educational qualifications, especially if you are pursuing a degree in Computer Science or a related field. Mention any relevant coursework or projects that you have completed. 3. Technical Skills: As a software engineer intern, it's crucial to highlight your technical skills. Mention the programming languages, software, and tools that you are proficient in. If you have experience with specific methodologies, like Agile or Scrum, include those as well. 4. Relevant Experience: If you have any prior internship or project experience related to software engineering, make sure to include it. Describe your role, the technologies you used, and the impact of your work. 5. Soft Skills: While technical skills are important, don't forget to mention your soft skills. Skills like problem-solving, teamwork, and communication are highly valued in the software engineering field. 6. Enthusiasm for the Company: Show that you have done your research about the company and express your enthusiasm for the role. You can talk about how you align with the company's mission or culture, or how you can contribute to a specific project that the company is working on. 7. Closing: In your closing paragraph, express your eagerness to discuss the opportunity further in an interview. Thank the reader for considering your application. Remember, your cover letter should not just repeat your resume. It should provide context and examples that highlight your skills, experiences, and interest in the company. Tailor your cover letter to each specific internship opportunity to show that you are genuinely interested and have taken the time to understand what the role involves.

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software engineer intern cover letter

Professional Software Engineering Intern Cover Letter Example for 2024

Read for inspiration or use it as a base to improve your own Software Engineering Intern cover letter. Just replace personal information, company application data and achievements with your own.

Cover Letter Guide

Easy-to-follow cover letter writing tips for software engineering intern.

Software Engineering Intern cover letter

So are cover letters necessary for Software Engineering Intern jobs?

Well, the cover letter is your chance to tell a personal story to the hiring manager. It can help you prove you’re a real professional who knows what they bring to the table.

It’s also your opportunity to get into more detail about your personal qualities and success stories. But most importantly – it’s the first place to show your motivation.

So yes, having a cover letter is essential.

But what should yours look like? Let’s see…

software engineering intern coverletter.png

Let’s begin by discussing the difference between a cover letter and a resume. The resume is the place where you should list all your hard skills, achievements, and talents.

The cover letter, on the other hand, is your chance to share more about yourself and show who you are.

But what’s the way to grab the reader’s attention? How can you make the hiring manager want to meet you and learn more about you?

Choose the right salutation and write a strong introduction

Choosing the right salutation for your cover letter is crucial – after all, it’s the first thing the hiring manager will read.

For this reason, we’ve gathered several classic salutations. Note that some of them could be used even if you don't know the hiring manager's name.

  • Dear Mr. John
  • Dear Ms. Petersen
  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • Dear Dr. Todd
  • Dear Head of [team you're applying for]

You wonder what the key to good introductions is? (Moderate) Creativity!

You’ve probably heard that many people out there have started using phrases like “I found your job advert on platform X and decided to apply”, right?

And what’s wrong with such phrases, you may ask. They’re outdated and they definitely won't make you stand out, to say the least.

So go for something different. Begin your cover letter by sharing your excitement about the company, the position, and even the field.

Mention both your hard and soft skills

Although you’ve probably listed (or are planning to list) your hard skills on your resume, don’t forget to mention them in your cover letter as well. One way to do that is by telling a personal story.

You can share how some of your skills or qualities have helped you achieve goals in the past. Or perhaps you want to talk about the things that help you get over challenges. You decide.

Naturally, both soft and hard skills should be present here. It’s especially important to include skills and qualifications that have been mentioned as part of the job description or the requirements section of the advert. This will help you pass applicant tracking systems that screen documents for certain keywords.

Prove that you're familiar with the company

Showing that you’ve researched the company and are familiar with it is a good way to prove your work-readiness.

It will also point the recruiter to the fact that your skills and qualifications will have a long-term impact on the company. Just link some of your strengths to the ways in which current or potential issues can be resolved.

Choose the right ending

By now you’ve managed to make a good impression on the hiring manager, and it’s important not to ruin it. That’s why you need your ending to be just as great as your cover letter’s body.

But what are the things that make up a memorable closing line? Expressing gratitude for the reader’s time and consideration, and saying that you look forward to their reply, to name a couple.

You can stick to traditional phrases (e.g. Looking forward to hearing from you soon) if you wish to be on the safe side. Just make sure that the language you use matches the company culture.

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How to Accept a Job Offer

How to ace your job search with a little help from chatgpt, cover letter vs. resume –what's the difference, how to write a recommendation letter in 4 simple steps with template and sample letters (linkedin reference included), how to create a resume skills section to impress recruiters (+10 examples you need to see), santa claus - the man who’s never changed his job.

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Software Engineering Cover Letter Samples & Examples That Worked in 2024

Martin Poduška — Editor in Chief / Resume Writer

Even in a field dominated by coding and algorithms, the power of words shouldn't be underestimated. 

In our forthcoming tips, samples, and examples, we'll help you articulate your technical skills and talents in a way that resonates with employers across industries. Let's shift your job search into high gear!

Software Engineer Cover Letter Sample

Keep reading to learn how to:

  • Craft a well-formatted cover letter header and headline
  • Tailor your software engineering cover letter with personalized details
  • Include attention-grabbing information in your cover letter introduction
  • Describe your best software engineering qualifications properly
  • Conclude your software engineering cover letter persuasively
  • Find essential resources for aspiring software engineers

1. Craft a well-formatted software engineering cover letter header and headline

Any great cover letter starts with a well-formatted cover letter header and cover letter headline .

The header is the block of text found at the very top of the page, containing your name and professional contact information, among other things. Making your header look visually appealing is key, as you want your name to stand out and be memorable to employers.

Here is an example of a well-formatted software engineer header

John Doe , Software Engineer (123) 456-7890 | [email protected] |

To: Loganson Software Development, Inc. 1234 Street Address New York, NY 10001

A cover letter headline follows the header and often serves as a title for your cover letter. In this headline, key components to include are a relevant keyword , an attention-grabbing number or trigger word , and a powerful verb or adjective .

It is also wise to include a personalized statement — such as “your business”, “your company”, or “your clients” — that lets the employer know you will address their exact needs within your letter.

Here is an example of a great headline from a software engineer cover letter

My 4 Major Successes as a Software Engineer & How I Can Employ These Talents at Your Business

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2. tailor your software engineering cover letter with personalized details.

All cover letters should be tailored to address the specific needs of each employer — or else they can end up sounding generic, boring, and invaluable to the reader.

Tailoring a cover letter requires you to sprinkle personalized details not just in the headline but throughout the entire letter. This can include references to the company’s values and goals, or explanations of how your skills can assist the company in its current projects or partnerships.

Additionally, you should always include a personalized greeting on your cover letter. This type of greeting addresses a specific person by name and lets them know that your letter is tailored for them.

Here are 3 examples of personalized software engineer cover letter greetings

Dear CEO Matt Smith,

  • Dear Mr. Matt Smith,
  • Dear Lead Software Engineer Damon Gary,

3. Include attention-grabbing information in your cover letter introduction

In software engineering, you impress your clients and employers with well-written code — in a cover letter, you impress employers with a well-written introduction .

A strong introduction on a cover letter should include:

  • A brief overview of your professional history (years of experience, specializations, etc.)
  • A statement on why you are enthusiastic about applying to this company
  • A mutual acquaintance (when possible) that can serve as a professional reference

Here is an example of a great introduction from a software engineering cover letter

I write to you today with great enthusiasm about the opportunity to join your team of talented software engineers. As a software engineer with more than 10 years of experience in both front-end and back-end development of financial mobile applications, I know I will be the perfect addition to your team. My former coworker, Mr. Damon Gary, now works as one of your lead engineers and strongly recommended I apply.

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4. Describe your best software engineering qualifications properly

Now that you have hooked the employer’s attention with an impressive introduction, strive to impress them further with concise descriptions of your most relevant qualifications .

The best qualifications to discuss in a cover letter are your relevant skills and accomplishments. These types of qualifications are the easiest to relate back to the employer’s specific needs, as well as to demonstrate your professional value.

Here are 6 skills to describe in a software engineer cover letter

  • Programming languages (Python, Ruby, etc.)
  • Analyzing software systems
  • Front-end development
  • Back-end development
  • Software testing processes
  • Clear verbal and written communication

Finished projects are an excellent way to display your talent. Give a clear description of your position on each project, such as "software development team lead". Include data that give further context and demonstrate the project's success.

Here is an example of how to describe an accomplishment in a software engineering cover letter

As a software engineer for [Former Employer], I introduce the concept of DevOps to the development team and created a dedicated in-house DevOps department. After leading this team for just six months, we were able to reduce time-to-completion rates by 65%, resulting in 45% faster deliveries of software products.

5. Conclude your software engineering cover letter persuasively

The last crucial detail to include in your software engineering cover letter is a persuasive conclusion .

In this conclusion, an employer should find:

  • How and when they can best contact you
  • When you intend to follow up
  • A formal sign-off

Here is an example of a persuasive conclusion from a software engineering cover letter

It is with great enthusiasm that I submit this letter and application for your consideration. I am eager to hear from you and hope to receive your call regarding this position within the next two weeks, after which I do plan to follow up if I have not heard back. The best time to reach me is between the hours of 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at (123) 456-7890, Monday through Friday.

With Sincerity,

[Applicant Name]

cover letter conclusion tips

6. Essential software engineering resources for job seekers

Embarking on your software engineering career journey can seem daunting. But worry not; these specially curated resources will put you on the fast track to success:

  • GitHub:   This platform isn't just for storing and sharing your projects. With its numerous open-source projects, you can contribute to real-life applications and grow your skills and portfolio.
  • Stack Overflow:  An invaluable resource for any software developer, Stack Overflow lets you find answers to your coding problems and allows you to engage with a vast community of programmers.
  • LeetCode:  To ace those technical interview rounds, LeetCode offers an array of coding challenges that simulate actual interview problems.
  • Coursera/Udemy:  Coursera and Udemy house a range of courses across different aspects of software development to help sharpen your skills or learn new ones.
  • LinkedIn:  Besides professional networking, LinkedIn lists numerous job openings. Remember to optimize your LinkedIn profile with relevant keywords to attract potential employers. You can even turn your LinkedIn profile into a polished resume within a few seconds.

Leveraging these resources can help navigate your software engineering job search more effectively, bolster your skills and ultimately land that dream job. Onwards and upwards!

Software Engineering Cover Letter FAQ

While it's crucial to showcase your technical skills, including every programming language might make your resume look cluttered. Instead, focus on those languages that are most pertinent to the job you're applying for.

A 'Projects' section can be a great addition, especially if you have relevant work that you can showcase. It would give potential employers a sense of your practical skills and creativity.

While experience and skills are critical, certifications can demonstrate a commitment to learning and mastering your specialty. If you have relevant certifications, by all means, include them.

If you're a recent graduate or if your GPA is strong, then yes, including it can be advantageous. However, with more experience, your abilities and work history become more important than grades.

While an objective is not always necessary, it can be a powerful tool, especially for those new to the field or making a career switch. A well-written objective can articulate your goals and motivations effectively.

Martin Poduška — Editor in Chief / Resume Writer

Martin Poduška

Martin is a resume expert and career advice writer at Kickresume. In his five years at Kickresume, he has written hundreds of in-depth, painstakingly researched resume advice articles and, as chief editor, he has also edited and revised every single article on this website. Tens of thousands of job seekers read Martin’s resume advice every month. He holds a degree in English from the University of St Andrews and a degree in Comparative Literature from the University of Amsterdam .


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3 Software Engineering Internship Cover Letter Examples

Landing an internship in software engineering is an important step toward a successful career in the field. As competition for internships can be intense, it’s crucial to make a strong impression with your cover letter. 

A well-written cover letter can showcase your skills, experience, and enthusiasm, and set you apart from other applicants. In this blog post, we’ll provide three software engineering cover letter examples that will help you get an internship. 

We’ll also share tips on how to write a great cover letter and offer advice on other important steps to securing an internship in software engineering. Whether you’re just starting out in your career or looking to take the next step, this blog post will provide the information you need to succeed.

Why Software Engineering Is Awesome

A career in software engineering can be very rewarding for many reasons. One is the demand for technology in the job market, leading to many job opportunities and high salaries for skilled software engineers. 

The field is constantly evolving, providing opportunities for continuous learning and growth. Additionally, software engineers have the ability to work on diverse projects that can have a meaningful impact on people’s lives and make a difference in the world. 

Software engineers can also choose to work on projects that align with their personal interests and values. Another benefit is the flexibility that many software engineering jobs offer, such as the ability to work remotely or on a flexible schedule. 

Finally, software engineers have the satisfaction of creating and building products that people use on a daily basis. In some cases, they are used by millions of people such as Netflix, Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, and many others.

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What Can I Do With Software Engineering?

One of the best things about being a software engineer is the range of responsibilities you will have the opportunity to undertake. As a software engineer, you can work on a wide range of activities, such as:

  • Designing and developing software applications, from desktop applications to mobile apps and web-based systems.
  • Writing code, testing, debugging, and fixing software bugs.
  • Collaborating with cross-functional teams, such as product managers, designers, and QA engineers.
  • Participating in the full software development life cycle, from requirements gathering and design to implementation and maintenance.
  • Building scalable and efficient systems that can handle large amounts of data and traffic.
  • Developing systems that are secure and can protect sensitive user data.
  • Working on emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cloud computing.
  • Participating in code reviews, helping to improve the quality of code produced by other team members.
  • Mentoring and coaching junior software engineers.
  • Staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in software engineering through continuous learning and professional development.

Types Of Software Engineers

Software Engineering is a dynamic field that is constantly evolving. There are often new roles and career paths emerging so it’s essential to stay up-to-date with the new opportunities. With that said, here are some of the most common specialties within software engineering: 

  • Full-stack software engineers : They work on both the front-end (client-side) and back-end (server-side) components of an application.
  • Front-end software engineers : They focus on the design and user experience of a website or application, using technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Back-end software engineers : They work on the server side of an application, building and maintaining APIs and databases.
  • Mobile software engineers : They specialize in developing mobile applications for iOS or Android platforms.
  • Cloud software engineers : They focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications on cloud computing platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
  • DevOps engineers : They focus on the automation of software development and deployment processes, ensuring that systems are stable, scalable, and secure.
  • Data engineers : They work on collecting, storing, processing, and analyzing large amounts of data, often using big data technologies such as Hadoop or Spark.
  • Security software engineers : They focus on ensuring the security of software systems, and identifying and mitigating potential security threats.
  • Embedded software engineers : They work on developing software for devices with limited resources, such as medical devices, IoT devices, or consumer electronics.

3 Software Engineering Cover Letter Examples To Get You An Internship

Cover letters are an important component of a job application, especially for software engineering internships. They give the hiring manager a better understanding of who you are, your relevant experiences and skills, and why you are interested in the position. 

A cover letter also demonstrates your writing and communication skills, which are crucial in the field of software engineering. By taking the time to write a well-crafted cover letter, you are showing your motivation and professional approach, and setting yourself apart from other candidates. 

The cover letter is an opportunity to showcase your passion for software engineering and explain how you can contribute to the company. In short, a cover letter is a chance to make a personal connection with the hiring manager and demonstrate why you are the ideal candidate for the internship.

Back-End Software Engineering Cover Letter Example

Subject: Application for Back-End Software Engineering Internship

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the Back-End Software Engineering Internship at [Company Name]. As a computer science student with a passion for software engineering, I am excited about the opportunity to work with your team and gain hands-on experience in the industry.

During my studies, I have developed a strong foundation in back-end technologies such as Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. I have also worked on several projects that involved building and deploying RESTful APIs, and I am confident in my ability to write efficient, scalable, and secure code.

I was particularly drawn to your company because of its reputation for innovation and its commitment to using technology to solve real-world problems. I am impressed by the projects your team has undertaken and I am eager to contribute to your efforts.

In my previous internship at [Previous Company], I worked on a project that involved integrating a payment gateway into an e-commerce platform. This experience has given me a deeper understanding of the importance of robust and secure back-end systems and has further fueled my interest in this field.

I am confident that my skills, passion, and experience make me a strong candidate for this internship. I am excited about the opportunity to learn from experienced software engineers and to contribute my own ideas and perspectives. I am available to start the internship immediately and I am willing to work hard to meet your expectations.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications in further detail.

[Your Name]

Full-Stack Software Engineering Cover Letter Example

Subject: Application for Full-Stack Software Engineering Internship

I am writing to express my interest in the Full-Stack Software Engineering Internship at [Company Name]. As a computer science student with a passion for both front-end and back-end development, I am eager to gain hands-on experience and contribute my skills to your team.

In my studies, I have developed a strong foundation in front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as back-end technologies such as Python, Django, and PostgreSQL. I have also worked on several projects that involved building full-stack applications from scratch, and I am confident in my ability to work effectively on both the front end and back end.

I was impressed by [Company Name]’s commitment to using technology to solve real-world problems, and I am excited about the opportunity to be a part of this dynamic team. In particular, I am interested in your company’s focus on [Company Focus], and I believe my skills and experience make me a strong fit for this internship.

In my previous internship at [Previous Company], I was part of a team that built a mobile app for a local non-profit organization. This project allowed me to work on both the front-end and back-end of the app and gave me a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities of full-stack development.

I am confident that my passion, skills, and experience make me a strong candidate for this internship. I am eager to learn from experienced software engineers and to contribute my own ideas and perspectives. I am available to start the internship immediately and I am willing to work hard to meet your expectations.

Cloud Software Engineering Cover Letter Examples

Subject: Application for Cloud Software Engineering Internship

I am writing to express my interest in the Cloud Software Engineering Internship at [Company Name]. As a computer science student with a passion for cloud computing and software engineering, I am eager to gain hands-on experience and contribute my skills to your team.

In my studies, I have developed a strong foundation in cloud computing technologies such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure. I have also worked on several projects that involved deploying and managing cloud-based applications, and I am confident in my ability to write efficient, scalable, and secure code for the cloud.

I was impressed by [Company Name]’s commitment to using cloud computing to solve real-world problems, and I am excited about the opportunity to be a part of this dynamic team. In particular, I am interested in your company’s focus on [Company Focus], and I believe my skills and experience make me a strong fit for this internship.

In my previous internship at [Previous Company], I worked on a project that involved migrating a legacy on-premises application to the cloud. This experience has given me a deeper understanding of the challenges and benefits of cloud computing and has further fueled my interest in this field.

Tips To Write A Great Software Engineering Cover Letter

If you want to write an amazing cover letter, follow these tips. If you do so, you will create a cover letter that showcases your skills, experience, and enthusiasm, and increases your chances of landing an interview for a software engineering internship role. When writing a cover letter for a software engineering internship role, consider the following tips:

  • Personalize the cover letter : Address the hiring manager by name and mention the company name. This shows that you have taken the time to research the company and demonstrates your interest in the role.
  • Highlight relevant skills and experience : Focus on your skills and experience that are relevant to the software engineering internship role you are applying for. Show how your skills and experience match the requirements listed in the job description.
  • Show enthusiasm : Demonstrate your passion and enthusiasm for software engineering, and how you see the internship as an opportunity to grow both professionally and personally.
  • Make it concise : Keep your cover letter brief and to the point. Limit it to one page, and use clear and concise language to get your message across.
  • Proofread : Proofread your cover letter thoroughly to catch any spelling or grammatical errors. A cover letter with errors can hurt your chances of landing an interview.
  • Offer to follow up : End your cover letter by offering to follow up with the hiring manager and reiterating your interest in the role.

Tips To Land An Software Engineering Internship

In addition to writing a great cover letter, here are some tips to help you get a software engineering internship:

  • Network : Attend networking events, meet with professionals in the industry, and connect with alumni from your school. These connections may lead to potential internship opportunities.
  • Build your portfolio : Work on personal projects and contribute to open-source projects to demonstrate your skills and abilities. Having a strong portfolio can set you apart from other applicants.
  • Stay up to date with new technologies : Stay informed about the latest developments and trends in software engineering. This will help you be more confident during interviews and show your genuine interest in the field.
  • Learn from mentors : Seek out mentors in the industry who can offer guidance, advice, and support. Having a mentor can help you understand what it takes to succeed in the field and can provide valuable advice on securing an internship.
  • Apply early : Start your search for an internship early and apply to as many opportunities as possible. Competition for internships can be intense, so the earlier you start, the better your chances of securing a position.
  • Be persistent : Don’t get discouraged if you don’t get an internship right away. Keep applying, learning, and networking. You may need to apply to several internships before you find the right fit.
  • Prepare for interviews : Research the company, practice answering common interview questions, and have a clear understanding of what you hope to gain from the internship.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, writing a great cover letter is an important step in securing a software engineering internship. A well-written cover letter can help you stand out from other applicants and demonstrate your skills and experience in a compelling way. 

When writing your cover letter, be sure to personalize it, highlight your relevant skills and experience, show your enthusiasm for the field, keep it concise, proofread it thoroughly, and offer to follow up. 

In addition to writing a great cover letter, it’s also important to network, build your portfolio, stay up-to-date with new technologies, seek out mentors, apply early, be persistent, and prepare for interviews. 

By following these tips and using the examples provided in this post, you can increase your chances of landing a software engineering internship and take the first step towards a rewarding career in the field.

3 IT Cover Letter Examples To Get An Internship

3 android developer internship cover letter examples.


Software Developer Intern Cover Letter Examples & Writing Tips

Use these Software Developer Intern cover letter examples and writing tips to help you write a powerful cover letter that will separate you from the competition.

software internship cover letter

Table Of Contents

  • Software Developer Intern Example 1
  • Software Developer Intern Example 2
  • Software Developer Intern Example 3
  • Cover Letter Writing Tips

As a software developer intern, you’ll be responsible for developing and testing software. This is a great opportunity to learn about the software development process and to build your skills.

When you’re applying for a software developer internship, your cover letter is a great place to highlight your skills and experience. Follow these examples and tips to write a cover letter that will help you get the job.

Software Developer Intern Cover Letter Example 1

I am excited to be applying for the Software Developer Internship at Topdown Software. I believe that my skills and experience make me the perfect candidate for this position.

I have been coding for the past four years and have experience with a variety of languages, including C++, Java, and Python. I have also completed a course in software development fundamentals, which has given me a strong foundation in the basics of software engineering. In addition to my coding skills, I am also proficient in MS Excel and have experience with SQL.

I am motivated and enthusiastic about learning new things, and I am confident that I have the potential to be an excellent software developer. I am excited to learn from the experienced developers at Topdown Software and to contribute my skills and knowledge to your team.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Software Developer Intern Cover Letter Example 2

I am writing in regards to the Software Developer Intern opening that I found on your company website. I am confident that I have the skills and qualifications that would make me the perfect candidate for the job.

I have been working in the software development industry for the past three years and have gained a great deal of experience in the field. I am proficient in a variety of programming languages, including Java, C++, and Python. I am also familiar with a variety of software development frameworks, including Android, iOS, and React Native.

I am a highly motivated and hard-working individual who is always looking for new challenges and opportunities to learn. I am confident that I have the skills and qualifications to be a valuable asset to your team and would be proud to be a part of your company.

If you would like to discuss this position further, please do not hesitate to contact me at your earliest convenience. I look forward to hearing from you.

Software Developer Intern Cover Letter Example 3

I am writing to express my interest in the Software Developer Intern position at your company. I believe that my skills and experience make me an ideal candidate for this position.

I have extensive experience with C#, C++, Java, Python, PHP, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, Oracle, MySQL and PostgreSQL. I have also worked with a variety of frameworks including ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API, Node.js, AngularJS and Bootstrap. I am proficient in using Git for source control and GitHub for collaboration.

I have developed applications for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. My work has been featured on LifeHacker, MakeUseOf and TNW. I have also contributed to open-source projects such as WinSCP and WPF Toolkit.

I am currently working as a software developer intern at XYZ Corporation where I am responsible for developing new features and maintaining existing codebases. I have also completed a number of projects as part of my coursework at XYZ University.

I would like to thank you for your consideration and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Software Developer Intern Cover Letter Writing Tips

1. showcase your coding skills.

Employers are looking for software developers with coding skills, so be sure to showcase your coding abilities in your cover letter. You can do this by providing a brief overview of a past project (or similar projects) that you’ve worked on. This will give hiring managers an idea of the type of work they can expect from you in the future.

You can also mention specific coding languages that you are familiar with, as well as any awards or recognition you’ve received for your coding skills.

2. Tailor your cover letter to the job description

When applying for a software developer internship, it’s important to tailor your cover letter to the job description. This means paying close attention to the details of the position and highlighting any relevant experience you have. For example, if the job description mentions that the company is looking for someone with experience in a specific coding language, be sure to list that language in your cover letter.

You can also mention any additional requirements or skills mentioned in the job description, and explain how you meet those requirements.

3. Show your passion for coding

Employers are looking for software developers who are passionate about coding. You can show your passion for coding by using phrases like “I’m excited” and “I’m passionate” in your cover letter.

You can also talk about how you got interested in coding, and explain why you want to pursue a career in software development. For example, you might say that you enjoy working on challenging problems and seeing your code come to life in the form of a working product.

4. Proofread your cover letter

Proofreading your cover letter is the first step to landing an interview for a software developer internship. As with any position, it’s important to spell-check and double-check that there are no errors in your resume or cover letter. Otherwise, you risk being disqualified before the employer even sees your qualifications.

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Software Intern Cover Letter Example

Writing a cover letter for a software intern position can be a challenging task, but with the right guidance and a few helpful tips, you can craft an effective and engaging letter. In this blog post, we will provide a comprehensive guide to writing a software intern cover letter, including some useful examples to help you get started. We’ll cover everything from researching the position to polishing your final draft, so you can be sure your cover letter makes a great impression.

If you didn’t find what you were looking for, be sure to check out our complete library of cover letter examples .

software internship cover letter

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Software Intern Cover Letter Sample

Dear [Name of Hiring Manager],

I am writing to apply for the Software Intern position at [Company Name].

As a sophomore studying Computer Science at [University], I am passionate about learning and applying my technical knowledge to real- world problems. My coursework and past internships have given me the opportunity to develop proficiency in a range of software engineering tools, including Java, Python, and HTML.

During my internship at [Previous Company], I worked on a team responsible for developing a web- based program for tracking customer orders. I wrote software code to ensure that the system was properly designed and implemented according to the customer’s specifications. My efforts resulted in increased efficiency and accuracy in the company’s order processing process.

In addition, I have applied my technical knowledge to general college projects and have been recognized by the college’s computer science department with an award for my software design skills.

I am confident that my knowledge of software engineering and commitment to learning can be a great asset to your team. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications in more detail, and thank you for your consideration.

[Your Name]

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What should a Software Intern cover letter include?

A software intern cover letter should emphasize the candidate’s technical skills, relevant experience, and knowledge of the company or industry. The letter should also explain why the candidate is the best fit for the role and how their skills can contribute to the team’s success. In addition, the letter should include details about the candidate such as their education, work experience, hobbies, and other relevant information. Finally, the letter should be professionally written and free of errors.

An effective software intern cover letter should include the following information:

  • Opening statement: In the opening statement, the candidate should introduce themselves and explain their interest in the role.
  • Relevant experience and skills: This section should outline the candidate’s qualifications and experience, emphasizing their technical skills and knowledge of the company or industry.
  • Education and qualifications: Here, the candidate should list their educational qualifications and any relevant certifications.
  • Strengths and accomplishments: The candidate should also include any relevant skills, personal strengths, or accomplishments that make them a strong fit for the role.
  • Closing statement: The closing statement should thank the reader for their time and reiterate the candidate’s interest in the role.

By including all of the above information, a software intern cover letter should be able to effectively demonstrate a candidate’s qualifications and interest in the role, making them a competitive candidate for the position.

Software Intern Cover Letter Writing Tips

Writing a software intern cover letter can be difficult, especially if you’re not sure what to include. Here are some tips that can help you write a great cover letter for a software intern position:

  • Start by introducing yourself and briefly explaining why you’re interested in the position.
  • Outline your qualifications, such as any relevant certifications, coding or programming skills, or relevant work experience.
  • Include a few lines about why you think you’d be a great fit for the role.
  • Tailor your cover letter to the specific job description, highlighting the skills and qualifications that match what the company is looking for.
  • Use a professional and conversational tone throughout the letter and avoid using overly- technical language or jargon.
  • End the letter by thanking the employer for their time and reiterating your interest in the position.

By following these tips, you can ensure your software intern cover letter will stand out and get you one step closer to getting the job!

Common mistakes to avoid when writing Software Intern Cover letter

Writing a cover letter for a software intern role can be tricky. An impressive cover letter can help you stand out from the competition and secure an interview for the job. To make sure your cover letter stands out, here are some common mistakes to avoid:

  • Not tailoring your cover letter to the specific role: A generic cover letter that does not demonstrate you have taken the time to research the role and the company will not be effective. Make sure to customize your cover letter to the position you are applying for and highlight why you would be the ideal fit for the job.
  • Not including enough detail: Your cover letter should provide more than a summary of your qualifications. Take the time to discuss your relevant skills and experience, why you are interested in the company, and how you can add value to the team.
  • Not highlighting your strengths: You should use your cover letter to illustrate why you are the perfect candidate for the job. Demonstrate your enthusiasm and dedication by highlighting any certifications, awards, or skills that make you stand out from other applicants.
  • Not being professional: While you may want to stand out, it is important to maintain a professional tone in your cover letter. It is also important to proofread your letter for any typos or grammatical errors.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure your cover letter is impressive and will help you stand out from the competition.

Key takeaways

Writing a cover letter for a Software Intern position can feel like a daunting task. After all, you’re likely to be competing against hundreds of other applicants, all of whom have the same level of technical knowledge and skills. But don’t let that deter you. With the right strategies, you can craft an impressive cover letter that will get you noticed. Here are some key takeaways for writing an impressive Software Intern cover letter:

  • Research the company: Before you craft your cover letter, it’s important to research the company to understand its mission and values. This will help you tailor your letter to the company and show how your skills and experience align with their needs.
  • Showcase your technical skills: As a Software Intern, you’ll be expected to demonstrate your technical skills. Be sure to highlight the specific technical knowledge and software that you’re familiar with.
  • Highlight your soft skills: Along with your technical knowledge, you’ll want to demonstrate that you have strong communication and problem- solving skills. Showcase how you helped resolve complex issues or how you effectively collaborated with other team members.
  • Write a compelling introduction: Your cover letter should begin with a captivating introduction that grabs the reader’s attention. Use this opportunity to showcase the strengths and attributes that make you the ideal candidate for the position.
  • Keep it concise: You don’t want your cover letter to be too long. Aim to keep it to one page and make sure that you include only the most important information.
  • Proofread: Once you’ve written your cover letter, take the time to proofread it and make sure there are no spelling or grammar mistakes. Also, have a trusted friend or family member review it to make sure it accurately conveys your message.

With these key takeaways in mind, you’

Frequently Asked Questions

1. how do i write a cover letter for an software intern job with no experience.

Writing a cover letter for a software intern job with no experience can seem daunting. However, it is possible to show potential employers your enthusiasm and willingness to learn. Start by introducing yourself and your qualifications. Explain why software engineering interests you and why you want to pursue an internship in the field. Showcase any personal projects you have worked on, such as coding websites or apps. Describe any relevant coursework or certifications you have completed, as well as any volunteer work you have done in the field. Finally, express your commitment and enthusiasm for the position.

2. How do I write a cover letter for an Software Intern job experience?

When writing a cover letter for a software intern job with experience, it’s important to show potential employers how your skills and experience have prepared you for the role. Begin by introducing yourself and your qualifications. Describe any previous positions you have held and provide evidence of the skills you have acquired, such as debugging and problem solving. Showcase any projects you have completed and explain how the knowledge and skills you gained have prepared you for the software intern role. Finally, express your enthusiasm for the position and explain why you are the ideal candidate.

3. How can I highlight my accomplishments in Software Intern cover letter?

When writing your cover letter for a software intern job, it is important to showcase your accomplishments and skills. Begin by introducing yourself and your qualifications. Describe any awards or accolades you have received, such as coding competitions or certifications. Explain any relevant coursework or volunteer work you have done in the field, such as coding websites or apps. Finally, highlight any personal projects you have worked on that demonstrate your knowledge and enthusiasm for the role.

In addition to this, be sure to check out our cover letter templates , cover letter formats ,  cover letter examples ,  job description , and  career advice  pages for more helpful tips and advice.

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Cover Letter For Software Engineer Intern: Example And Tips

Unlock your potential with this expert guide on crafting the perfect software engineer intern cover letter, from tips to sample cover letters.

Sanjoy Khan Choudhury

Sanjoy Khan Choudhury

Read more posts by this author.

Are you a computer science student? Dreaming of becoming a software engineer?

Beginning with an internship can be incredibly beneficial. But for that, you need a standout cover letter for the software engineer intern role.

This blog post is your roadmap in crafting the perfect cover letter. In this blog, we'll walk you through:

  • How to write that key cover letter
  • Share handy tips that will give you an edge over your competitors
  • Cover some common mistakes that you must avoid, and
  • Sample cover letters for a software engineer intern

With these pointers and tricks, you will be well on your way to catching the attention of that hiring manager. Let's begin!

Understanding the Role: Software Engineer Intern

Whether you're a computer science student or a passionate self-learner, it's crucial to grasp what a software engineer intern position entails before crafting your cover letter.

As a software engineer intern, your role revolves around the following:

  • Assisting in developing, testing, and debugging software applications
  • Updating existing software or resolving technical issues, and
  • Being a part of a team developing innovative solutions to real-world problems

But why is understanding the role so important, you may ask? It's simple.

Knowing the job lets you shape your cover letter right. You can show how you fit in and catch the manager's eye.

So, when writing, think about the job. Consider how you can help as a software engineering intern.

Now, for greater clarity, let us look at some sample law internship cover letters.

Cover Letter for Software Engineer Intern Example 1


Dear Hiring Manager,

I'm writing to apply for the Software Engineer Intern position at XYZ Corp, as advertised on your careers page. I'm a third-year computer science student at ABC University with a strong passion for software development and problem-solving.

In my degree program, I've taken courses directly relevant to this role, such as:

  • Advanced Software Development Database Management, and Agile Project Management. *

I've also completed a project where I successfully developed a mobile application, which honed my skills in Java and Python and my ability to work collaboratively within a team.

What excites me about XYZ Corp is your commitment to innovative software solutions and vibrant, inclusive culture. I believe this environment would offer me an enriching experience and allow me to contribute my knowledge and skills to your team. I'm eager to learn more about software development, and the chance to do this while working on real-world projects at XYZ Corp is an opportunity I'm enthusiastic about.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to discussing my application with you further and how I can contribute as a software engineer intern at XYZ Corp.

Best regards, [Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

Cover Letter for Software Engineer Intern Example 2


I am thrilled to apply for the Software Engineering Intern position at XYZ Corp. As a computer science student in my final year at ABC University, I am eager to gain practical experience and believe that XYZ Corp provides the perfect opportunity to do so.

I have a strong foundation in coding with Java and Python from my coursework and independent projects. My project on building an inventory management system for a local business honed my technical skills and improved my problem-solving abilities.

Your company's commitment to fostering innovation and its impactful software solutions resonates deeply with me. The prospect of working in such an environment excites me and aligns perfectly with my career aspirations.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my application. I look forward to discussing how I can contribute to your software engineering team.

Best Regards, [Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

Cover Letter for Software Engineer Intern Example 3


I am writing to express my interest in the Software Engineering Intern position at XYZ Corp. I am pursuing my bachelor's degree in computer science at ABC University. I am confident that my strong programming skills and passion for technology would make me a valuable addition to your team.

In my current studies, I have excelled in various projects involving algorithm design and data structures. I've gained proficiency in several programming languages, including Java, C++, and Python, and I have developed a strong foundational understanding of software development methodologies.

What attracts me to XYZ Corp is your dedication to creating impactful software solutions that improve lives. I am eager to contribute my skills to your dynamic team and learn from your esteemed professionals.

Thank you for considering my application. I am excited to discuss my fit for this position further.

[Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

Keep in mind these are just examples. Customize your cover letter uniquely to showcase your skills and experiences matching the job and company.

How to Write a Cover Letter for a Software Engineer Intern Position

Writing a cover letter might seem daunting, especially when you're at an entry-level. But don't worry; follow these steps, and you'll be on your way to crafting an impressive cover letter:

1. Start Strong: Open with a formal salutation and introduce yourself. State the role you're applying for, making sure it's clear from the outset.

2. Showcase Your Education: Highlight relevant aspects of your bachelor's degree in computer science or any other qualification. It can be the key courses or projects related to the role. This will present you as an informed and dedicated candidate.

3. Emphasize Relevant Skills: Mention the skills you've learned through your education or personal projects. This could include:

  • Coding languages
  • Software development methodologies
  • Problem-solving abilities, or
  • Any knowledge relevant to information technology

4. Express Your Passion: Convey your passion for software development— why you're interested in this software engineer intern position.

5. Company Alignment: Discuss why you want to intern at the specific company. Maybe it's their:

  • Innovative products
  • Company culture, or
  • The chance to learn from experienced software developers.

6. Show Gratitude: Always thank the hiring manager for their time and consideration. It's a professional courtesy that speaks volumes about your character.

7. Professional Sign-Off: Sign off with a professional closing like "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your name and contact details.

Now you're ready to put these steps into practice and write your cover letter!

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your Cover Letter for Software Engineer Intern

Even the most confident writers can sometimes overlook key elements or make mistakes in their cover letters. To ensure you don't fall into the same traps, here are some common errors to watch out for:

1. Not Tailoring Your Letter: Each company and role is unique—so should your cover letter. Don't send a generic letter. That's a big no-no!

Tailor it to each software engineer intern position you apply for.

2. Failing to Proofread: Mistakes in grammar or spelling can leave a poor impression. Always proofread your letter, or have someone else review it too.

3. Being Too Long-Winded: Hiring managers are busy. Keep your cover letter concise and to the point while covering all essential points.

4. Underselling Yourself: Even as an entry-level applicant, you have accomplishments. Whether it's a project from school, a coding challenge you completed, or a relevant part-time job, don't be shy about highlighting your achievements.

5. Neglecting to Show Enthusiasm: Enthusiasm can sometimes tip the balance in your favor. Make sure to express your passion for the role, the company, and the field of software engineering.

6. Skipping the Follow-Up: Don't forget to express your willingness to follow up or discuss further. This shows initiative and a strong interest in the role.

Everyone makes mistakes, but knowing what to look for can help you avoid these common pitfalls and strengthen your cover letter.

Finally, develop your cover letter expertise and widen your scope by exploring our compilation of cover letters for numerous professions and internships.

Strengthen your understanding and glean valuable knowledge to enhance your cover letter writing skills.

Law Internship Cover Letter
Pharmacy Intern Cover Letter
Marketing Internship Cover Letter
Human Resources Internship Cover Letter
Tea taster cover letter

Wrapping Up: The Final Touches

We've covered all the elements of a powerful cover letter for a software engineering intern position. Still, before you hit that 'send' button, there are a few final touches you need to consider:

Personalize the Letter: Do not use the same letter for every internship application. Instead, personalize your letter to the position and company to which you are applying.

Proofreading: Read your letter again. Look for mistakes. Ask a friend to check it too.

Format It: Make sure your letter looks good. Clear, neat, and on one page. Save it as a .pdf file.

Add Contact Info: Enter your email and phone number at the end. This makes it easy for the manager to reach you.

Follow Up: No answer after a few weeks? Send a polite email to check-in.

Writing a great cover letter might seem tough. But with this guide, I hope you feel ready. Your cover letter is your chance to shine. Show your love for software development. And get that dream internship. Good luck!

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

1. do i need a cover letter for a software engineering internship.

Yes, a cover letter is crucial. It personalizes your application and shows your interest in the company and the specific role. Furthermore, it helps you stand out from the competition by showcasing your unique skills and experiences.

2. How to write a cover letter for a software engineer with no experience?

Focus on your education, relevant coursework, and personal projects. Highlight transferable skills like problem-solving and teamwork. Show enthusiasm for the role and how you can apply your theoretical knowledge to real-world situations.

3. Can freshers use cover letters?

Absolutely, freshers are encouraged to use cover letters. It allows you to demonstrate your passion, relevant academic experiences, and transferrable skills, even if you don't have any professional experience yet.

4. How important are coding languages in a software engineer intern cover letter?

Mentioning coding languages that you're proficient in can be beneficial, especially if they are relevant to the job description. It showcases your technical competency directly related to the role.

Sanjoy Khan Choudhury

This article has been written by Sanjoy Khan Choudhury . He works as a Content Marketing Specialist at Vantage Lens . His areas of interest include music, marketing, cuisine, and anime. When he’s not writing, he’s usually singing to the tune of his guitar or finding some weird way to cook his meal.

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4 Software Engineer Cover Letter Examples

Use these templates to craft the perfect cover letter for your situation.

Kindra Cooper

Whether you’re a junior developer fresh out of college or a senior software engineer leading multimillion-dollar projects, landing your next software development job could hinge on writing a great, professional cover letter. Winning cover letters are personalized; they paraphrase requirements listed in the job description, express enthusiasm for the company culture and make a clear case for why your technical and soft skills make you uniquely suited to the role.

The cover letter is your chance to elaborate on which programming languages you’re proficient in, whether you’re a front-end, back-end, or full-stack programmer, what technology stacks you’ve encountered before, and any domain expertise you’ve acquired. If you’re a fresh grad with limited professional experience, use your cover letter to explain passion projects you started, JavaScript libraries you taught yourself to use and open-source contributions you made on GitHub. 

👉 Read next: 5 essential steps to a perfect GitHub portfolio

A template to get you started

software internship cover letter

The job search process can be stressful and, when it comes to cover letters, you might not know where to begin. Stand out to recruiters by following this simple template for a software engineer cover letter.

  • Introduce yourself and your background : Craft an elevator pitch to establish why the hiring manager should pay attention. For example, “I’m a front-end developer with three   years of experience   building responsive, visually appealing websites for property management firms.”
  • Explain why you’re the best candidate for the role:  Choose three or four bullet points from the job description and talk about how they relate to your background. Provide examples of projects, skills, or other past accomplishments that prove you have relevant experience. If the job description calls for the “ability to deal with ambiguous, undefined problems,” mention that time you worked for a pre-seed startup and created several iterations of a mobile app in response to user feedback. 
  • Provide detail on why you would fit in with the company: Express enthusiasm for the company. Perhaps you’re a longtime customer/user, you admire the CEO or you’ve read positive reviews of the organization’s professional development opportunities. Personalize your reasoning to suit the company's culture and discuss how your soft skills align with their values. 
  • Frame your closing statement as a   call to action:  Inspire the reader to move forward with your application. Reiterate in one line how you plan to add value to the team and close with an invitation to schedule a call/video chat or meet in person. ( Example: “I believe my five   years of experience   in web design, specifically working in the finance industry, will be an excellent match for this job. I would love the chance to further discuss the position and what skills I’d bring to the role.” )

However, this template isn't one-size-fits-all. Cover letter formats vary based on years of experience, skill set and technical expertise. Next, we'll discuss different cover letter templates, writing tips, and points to emphasize based on your experience level. We'll also include software engineer cover letter examples for each career stage. 

If you have little to no experience...

software internship cover letter

This may apply to college freshmen or sophomores seeking their first internship, or anyone with limited exposure to the industry.

Show the hiring manager you’re dedicated to obtaining practical experience outside of an academic setting. Perhaps you practice coding 10 hours a week (you should!), recently taught yourself a new programming language or have contributed suggestions or bug fixes to several open-source projects. 

Other attributes to emphasize in your cover letter:

  • You know 1-2 programming languages well 
  • You have hands-on experience with HTML/CSS/Javascript in your coursework, with sample projects to prove it
  • You know someone at the company/you have a referral ( Eg: “A former classmate, John Smith, suggested I reach out to you about the software developer intern position at Company X.” )
  • Show that you understand the company culture and mission (Eg: “I’m deeply passionate about working with a company that puts their customers first, which is why I was so excited to learn about the internship opening at Company X.” )

👉 Next: learn about one of the most prestigious software engineering internships in the world

Sample cover letter: Software engineer/developer intern

Cover Letter Dear Mr/Ms. [Insert name], I am a third-year computer science student at XYZ and I’m highly interested in your software engineer intern position. A fellow XYZ alum, John Smith, who holds a senior software engineer position at your company, suggested I get in touch with you. Your firm’s dedication to providing a superior user experience and innovative product design is the reason I’m an avid user of Product X, and explains my excitement for this role.  As a junior, I’ve completed 75% of the requirements for my major and am fully proficient in front-end web development. My most noteworthy class project involved building a fully functional prototype of a desktop music app, which I created using Python and SQL. My course focuses mostly on HTML/CSS/Javascript, so in my spare time I taught myself Python because I knew it would prepare me for a variety of software development roles -- including this one.  To prepare myself for this internship, I started contributing to a number of open-source projects on GitHub that are related to the music industry, and I’ve become proficient at spotting and fixing minor bugs in the source code, as well as understanding and annotating ReadMe files. I believe my dedication, work ethic and passion for software development will make me a valuable addition to the development team. I would love the chance to speak with you further about the role and how I can make a positive contribution to your organization.  Yours Sincerely, [First name, Last name]

If you’re seeking an entry-level job...

software internship cover letter

This may apply to recent graduates, from undergraduate, masters, or potentially PhD programs.

While you probably possess the baseline skills a junior developer needs, you may lack experience with production. Writing production-ready code is very different from coding for coursework or a portfolio project. In a production environment, you must deploy the code, test it, monitor its performance and fix the code when it breaks (and it will), while satisfying nonfunctional requirements like scalability and reliability.

When explaining past projects you’ve worked on, show that you’re aware of real-world constraints. For example, say you prototype a vacation planning app for your capstone project. Briefly discuss how you would handle a spike in user traffic during holiday periods.

  • You know 1-2 all-purpose programming languages very well, such as Python or Java, in addition to the standard front-end languages HTML/CSS/JS. 
  • If you have experience with production, mention that, even if it was part of a volunteer project. Otherwise, show you understand the software development life cycle and where non-functional requirements come in.
  • Mention your credentials. Software engineering is a field with a high technical barrier to entry, so you need to prove you have baseline coding skills. 
  • Demonstrate your soft skills, such as the ability to explain technical concepts to non-engineers and collaborate with cross-functional teams.
  • Explain your thought process when giving examples of coursework or passion projects. Engineering is about tradeoffs; hiring managers want to know how you solve problems. 

Sample cover letter: Entry-level software engineer/developer

Cover Letter Dear Mr/Ms. [Insert name], I am thrilled to apply for the entry-level software engineering position at Company X. I am a recent graduate of the computer science program at X University, having completed courses in software testing, database administration, computer architecture and Java programming with a 3.7 GPA. With my experience contributing to open-source projects, I have a strong aptitude for troubleshooting and finding and fixing bugs that can cause the code to break.  During my final years at X University, I interned for two summers at JP Morgan, where I engineered an automated recovery solution to help reduce identity theft and fraud. My ability to understand business requirements and communicate technical solutions in layman’s terms would make me an ideal addition to Company X’s software development team, as I can act as an efficient communicator between the software engineering team and other departments, such as sales and marketing.  I am fluent in the primary languages used at Company X, including C++ and Python. I have eagerly followed the release of your new proprietary mobile payment software, which I believe has the potential to help millions of startups offer ecommerce channels at low cost. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss your needs and how I might best fulfill them. Best regards, [First name, Last name]

If you’re a low or mid-level software engineer...

software internship cover letter

This applies to job seekers with 1-4 years of experience in the field.

Focus on establishing trust in your cover letter. As a junior developer, you’ve probably spent most of your time following instructions from a senior developer and might not have achievements to brag about just yet. Instead, show that you’ve satisfied the baseline requirements for your role -- projects are done on time, you’ve written production-ready code, and your responsibilities have slowly increased over the years (with or without a formal promotion).

  • You have a passion for learning new programming languages and being involved in different phases of the software development life cycle
  • You’re proficient in at least one or two stages of the software development life cycle
  • You have experience fixing bugs (even minor ones), working on internal or “admin-side” tools or features and assisting in initial project planning
  • You demonstrate initiative and can offer several ways for solving a problem
  • You know how to compose testing plans and schedules
  • You’re proficient in programming languages such as HTML, Javascript, CSS and Python

Sample cover letter: Software engineer/developer

Cover Letter Dear Mr/Ms. [Insert name], I enthusiastically read your recent advertisement for the junior web developer position and am writing to express my interest. My aptitude for learning new programming languages combined with my extensive knowledge of HTML, CSS, SQL/PLSQL and jQuery make me uniquely suited to this position.  In my current role as a front-end web developer at XYZ, I have developed web-based applications from design to coding and user testing under the direction of the senior developer. By relying on solid programming knowledge as well as excellent verbal and written communications skills, I have consistently written terrific code within customer-set time frames.  I have three years of front-end web development experience and am committed to staying up-to-date with all technological advancements. Consequently, I have obtained recent certifications in Amazon Web Services and Google Analytics, giving me the skills required to exceed in the junior web developer role at Company X.  I would be honored to be considered for a position on the team and would love the chance to speak with you to discuss how I can make a positive impact at Company X. Kind regards, [First name, Last name]

If you’re a senior software engineer...

software internship cover letter

This applies to job seekers with 5-8 years years of experience in the field.

As a seasoned professional, you no longer need to qualify your baseline technical skills in your cover letter. Instead, focus on the positive impact you’ve made to the teams on which you’ve served. Mentoring junior developers, clarifying business requirements, and ensuring a smooth collaboration between the development team and the rest of the organization are just a few examples. Create a sense of upward trajectory in your cover letter: mention promotions (and what you did to deserve them), times where you took the lead on projects and how your contributions impact the bottom line. 

  • Experience reviewing code written by junior developers, leading projects and mentoring others
  • Deep domain expertise -- In addition to your programming skills, you have deep knowledge of a specific industry or field
  • You understand the full scope of the project and can delegate tasks to team members
  • You know how to conduct experiments/tests, validate assumptions and connect the dots to reach a conclusion
  • Your contribution to the bottom line (Eg: mitigating risk, consistently meeting project budgets/timelines)

Sample cover letter: Senior software engineer/developer

Cover Letter Dear Mr/Ms. [Insert name], Throughout my 10-year career as a software engineer, I have always kept my eye on openings at Company X. Your company is often in the news thanks to its innovative products and employee-first culture. When I saw the senior position open up, I knew I had to apply right away. Based on the job description, I believe I am a highly suitable candidate. Your job listing indicates you are looking for someone who can design new customer-facing software with a user-friendly interface. Throughout my career, not only have I designed new programs, but I’ve worked closely with UX designers to test and iterate software upgrades for SaaS companies. I know teamwork is a major tenet of Company X’s culture, and I would be grateful for the opportunity to contribute my experience of working closely with product managers, marketers and UX designers to meet and exceed project targets. Having started as a junior developer at XZY before being promoted three times in the course of six years, I know how to lead, collaborate and follow as needed. Because of my experience designing client-side web applications for SaaS companies, I am confident that I would excel in your senior software engineer role. Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, [First name, Last name]

👉 To ace the application process, you also need a stellar software engineer resume. Formatting and content play an important role, but like cover letters, the right resume template will vary based on your experience level. For resume examples at every skill level, visit this link.

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Career Sidekick

How to Write a Software Engineer Cover Letter (3 Examples)

By Ammar Ahmed

Published: January 22, 2024

Cover Letters

Ammar Ahmed

Ammar Ahmed

Writer & Career Coach

In the bustling world of technology, standing out as an aspiring Software Engineer can be challenging. A well-crafted Software Engineer cover letter can be your golden ticket, setting you apart from the crowd. Dive in as we reveal top tips to ensure your cover letter not only highlights your skills but also captivates your potential employers.

Creating a Winning Software Engineer Cover Letter

The journey to writing an exceptional Software Engineer cover letter starts with meticulous preparation. In this section, we will delve into the key components that elevate your cover lette r from the ordinary to the outstanding, ensuring it resonates with the company’s ethos and the specific role you’re eyeing.

Researching the Company and Position

Many tech firms pride themselves on unique cultures, mission-driven objectives, and distinct technological focuses. By aligning your cover letter with these specifics, you present yourself as not just a potential employee, but as a future key player in their vision.

Here’s how you can do this :

  • Aligning with Company Values and Goals: Y our cover letter should reflect an awareness of the company’s core values and long-term objectives. For instance, if you’re applying to a company that’s big on sustainability, mention how you’ve previously worked on energy-efficient coding practices or sustainable tech solutions. This shows you’re not just a fit for the role but for the company’s culture and vision.
  • Understanding the Specific Software Engineer Role: Software engineering isn’t a one-size-fits-all profession. Whether it’s back-end development, cloud computing, or AI-driven solutions, companies often have a particular focus. Tailor your cover letter to demonstrate expertise or enthusiasm in that area, indicating you’ve done your homework and are eager to contribute specifically to their team’s success.

Structuring Your Cover Letter

Crafting the ideal Software Engineer cover letter is as much about presenting your skills as it is about structuring the content effectively. A well-structured letter not only presents information logically but also ensures the reader’s engagement from start to finish.

Here’s a breakdown of how to structure your cover letter with a software engineering focus in mind:

  • Heading and Salutation: Start with your contact details, followed by the date, and then the recipient’s contact information. If you know the hiring manager’s name, address them directly – “Dear Mr. Smith” or “Dear Dr. Jones.” If not, a general “Dear Hiring Manager” is preferable over the impersonal “To Whom It May Concern.”
  • Opening Paragraph – Grabbing Attention: Begin with a punch. Maybe you’ve always been passionate about the company’s product, or perhaps you recently read about their latest software innovation. Mentioning such details can not only show your genuine interest but also immediately capture the reader’s attention.
  • Middle Paragraph(s) – Showcasing Your Skills and Experience: This is where you shine. Discuss specific projects you’ve worked on and their relevance to the job you’re applying for. Did you develop a mobile app that improved user experience significantly? Or did you collaborate on a team that optimized a challenging backend process? Highlight your achievements, but always tie them back to how they can benefit the prospective employer.
  • Closing Paragraph – Expressing Enthusiasm and Call to Action: Reiterate your enthusiasm for the role and the company. Maybe there’s a specific product or company initiative that excites you. End with a call to action, such as expressing hope for an interview or a discussion. This shows proactivity and eagerness to move forward.
  • Signature and Contact Information: End with a formal closing, such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards,” followed by your name. If sending a physical copy, leave space for a signature. Just below, list your phone number and professional email address, ensuring the hiring manager has multiple avenues to reach you.

Remember, the goal is to present yourself as a valuable asset to the company, not just through your technical skills but also your understanding of the business and the software engineering industry.

Highlighting Relevant Skills and Experience

As an aspiring software engineer, your technical prowess is your greatest asset. But in a sea of applicants, how do you emphasize skills and experiences that resonate with potential employers? The key lies in detailing not just what you know, but how you’ve applied that knowledge effectively.

Let’s delve into how to showcase your qualifications in a way that will captivate your prospective employer:

  • Proficiency in Programming Languages: It’s not enough to just list the programming languages you know; you must also highlight your proficiency level and practical experience. For example, instead of writing “Experienced in Java”, you could say “Developed a Java-based e-commerce platform that handled 10,000+ transactions daily with an uptime of 99.98%.” This provides context and showcases the impact of your expertise.
  • Understanding of Databases, Data Structures, and Algorithms: These foundational concepts are essential for any software engineer. Demonstrate your competency by detailing a scenario where your deep understanding played a critical role. Maybe you optimized a database query that led to a 50% speed increase in data retrieval or designed a custom data structure that significantly improved the efficiency of a complex algorithm.
  • Skilled in Web and Mobile Development: In today’s digital age, versatility is invaluable. Highlight any experiences where you’ve developed or optimized web and mobile applications. Were you instrumental in building a responsive website that led to a surge in mobile users? Or did you contribute to a mobile app that garnered rave reviews on app stores? The more tangible your contributions, the better.
  • Familiarity with Software Development Phases:   Knowing how to code is just one part of the equation. Emphasize your familiarity with the entire software development lifecycle, from requirements gathering to deployment and maintenance. Perhaps you played a pivotal role in the testing phase of a software project, catching critical bugs before launch. Or maybe you collaborated closely with a cross-functional team to ensure seamless software deployment.

The software engineering world values both hard technical skills and the ability to apply them in real-world scenarios. When highlighting your skills and experiences, always tie them back to tangible outcomes or specific projects. This approach paints a holistic picture of you as a skilled software engineer, ready to make a meaningful impact.

Tailoring Your Cover Letter

A custom-tailored Software Engineer cover letter speaks directly to the company and role, making the hiring manager feel as though it was written solely for them.

Here’s how to expertly craft a cover letter that feels personal and resonates deeply:

  • Addressing the Hiring Manager: Whenever possible, address your cover letter to the actual person who’ll be reading it. A little research on LinkedIn or the company’s website can often reveal the name of the hiring manager. Using “Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name]” is a small touch, but it adds a personal and respectful flavor to your introduction.
  • Matching Job Description Keywords : ob descriptions often contain specific keywords or phrases that indicate what the employer values most. For software engineers, these might include terms like “agile development,” “full-stack proficiency,” “cloud computing,” or “continuous integration.” Integrate these keywords naturally into your cover letter. For instance, if the job description emphasizes “API design and development,” you might say, “In my previous role, I spearheaded an API design initiative that increased system interoperability by 40%.”
  • Demonstrating Cultural Fit: Beyond your technical prowess, companies also want to ensure you’ll thrive in their unique culture. This could range from a startup’s fast-paced, innovative environment to a larger corporation’s emphasis on team collaboration and continuous learning. Research the company’s values, mission, and recent news. Then, weave in anecdotes or values of your own that align. For example, if the company highlights its commitment to open-source contributions, mention your own contributions or your belief in open-source as a force for collaborative innovation.

By tailoring your cover letter in these ways, you’re sending a clear message: you’ve done your homework, you understand what the company is looking for, and you genuinely believe you’re a perfect fit for the role. And that can make all the difference in landing that software engineering job interview.

Providing Evidence of Your Accomplishments

As a software engineer, the impact of your work often extends beyond lines of code. Employers aren’t just looking for technical skills; they’re keen to understand how you’ve made a tangible difference. By providing evidence of your accomplishments, you turn abstract capabilities into compelling narratives of success.

Here’s how to convincingly showcase your achievements:

  • Quantifiable Achievements: Numbers often speak louder than words. When you can measure your success, it provides a clearer picture of your capabilities. For instance:

“Optimized backend processes that resulted in a 35% speed improvement in the system’s performance.” OR “Led a team that reduced software bugs by 50% over six months through rigorous testing and code review sessions.” OR “Implemented a new version control system that improved team productivity by 20%.”

  • Relevant Projects and Outcomes: Detailing specific projects paints a picture of your hands-on experience and the real-world impact of your work. Consider emphasizing:

“Spearheaded the development of a mobile banking app that now serves over 500,000 users with a 4.8/5 rating on app stores.” OR “Collaborated cross-functionally to launch a cloud-based storage solution that saw a 200% increase in sign-ups in its first month.” OR “Oversaw the migration of a legacy system to a modern architecture, achieving a 50% reduction in operational costs and a 25% increase in user engagement.”

Incorporating evidence of your accomplishments provides a concrete foundation for your claims, assuring potential employers that you’re not only capable of the job but can also deliver measurable and impactful results. As a software engineer, your achievements are a testament to both your technical prowess and your ability to drive success in the projects you undertake.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

Even the most accomplished software engineers can sabotage their chances with a poorly crafted cover letter. By being aware of common pitfalls, you can ensure your cover letter enhances rather than hinders your job application.

Here’s what to watch out for:

  • Lengthy or Overly Technical Content: While it’s essential to highlight your technical expertise, a cover letter isn’t the place for a deep dive. Avoid getting bogged down in jargon or overly technical details. Remember, the hiring manager might not be as technically versed as you. Aim for clarity and brevity, saving in-depth discussions for the interview.
  • Not Demonstrating Fit: It’s not enough to list your accomplishments. You need to show how they make you the right fit for this job at this company. Tailor your cover letter to the specific role, aligning your experiences and skills with the company’s needs.
  • Not Providing Specific Examples: General statements like “I have experience in software development” don’t say much. Instead, illustrate your claims with specific examples, such as projects you’ve led, software you’ve developed, or challenges you’ve overcome.
  • Lack of Enthusiasm: Hiring managers aren’t just looking for skills; they want someone passionate about the role and the company. Ensure your cover letter exudes genuine enthusiasm for the position and the opportunity to contribute to the company’s success.
  • Not Proofreading: Typos, grammatical errors, or formatting inconsistencies can quickly undermine your professionalism. No matter how skilled you are, a lack of attention to detail in your cover letter can be off-putting. Always proofread your content, perhaps even asking a colleague or friend to review it as well.

By sidestepping these common mistakes, you ensure your Software Engineer cover letter reflects the best version of you – a dedicated professional eager to bring value to the prospective employer.

Related Article: Explore top 15 software engineering degree jobs .

Software Engineer Cover Letter Examples

Writing a cover letter for a Software Engineer position requires a delicate balance. You want to confidently present your technical skills while also weaving in your passion for the field and highlighting how your unique skills match the prospective role. The following examples provide a range of approaches, from entry-level to senior positions, demonstrating how to tailor your cover letter to your specific expertise and the role you are targeting.

Software Engineer Cover Letter

A cover letter for a Software Engineer should not only emphasize their technical qualifications but also underscore their dedication to bringing practical solutions to life.

Here’s a glimpse into how experienced professionals might present their expertise and passion, making them a standout choice in a pool of candidates:

Samantha Green 123 Coding Street San Francisco, CA 94101 [email protected] (123) 987-6543

October 25, 2023

Mr. James Rodriguez TechSolutions Corp. 789 Innovation Blvd San Francisco, CA 94102

Dear Mr. Rodriguez,

The first time I interacted with TechSolutions Corp.’s software was while working on a project during my Master’s program. I was in awe of the user-centric design and the robust, error-free functionality. As a Certified Software Engineer with over four years of experience in diverse development environments, your recent job posting felt like the ideal synergy of my career goals and my profound respect for the software solutions your team crafts .

During my tenure at AlphaTech, I played a pivotal role in developing an e-commerce platform that now supports over a million active users worldwide. This achievement was a testament to my proficiency in Java and Python and my dedicated approach to continuous user feedback integration. It was during this time I became deeply familiar with the intricacies of databases and fine-tuned my skills in optimizing data structures.

Your recent launch of the ‘SmartHome Integration Suite’ deeply resonated with me. I have been part of a similar initiative at my previous organization where I contributed to a project integrating IoT devices with home automation systems. Our efforts culminated in a 60% surge in user adoption within the first three months post-launch.

Joining a pioneering organization like TechSolutions Corp., acclaimed for its dedication to innovation and user experience, is both a professional goal and a personal aspiration. I am eager to potentially discuss how my skill set and vision can align with and contribute to the groundbreaking work your team is renowned for.

Thank you for considering my application.

Best regards,

Samantha Green

Senior Software Engineer Cover Letter

For a Senior Software Engineer, the cover letter is more than just a list of skills and experiences. It’s an opportunity to underscore years of dedication to the craft, leadership roles undertaken, and significant impacts made on projects or products.

Let’s dive into how an accomplished senior Software Engineer might articulate their worth and stand out amidst a sea of candidates:

Nathan Johnson 456 Advanced Ave Seattle, WA 98109 [email protected] (456) 123-7890

Ms. Emily Clark Director of Engineering NextGen Software Ltd. 1234 Future Blvd Seattle, WA 98119

Dear Ms. Clark,

The digital evolution spearheaded by NextGen Software Ltd. has been nothing short of inspiring. From your cutting-edge cloud solutions to the intuitive user interfaces that millions worldwide interact with daily, your commitment to excellence is evident. As a Senior Software Engineer with over a decade of experience in driving innovative projects and leading talented teams, I was thrilled to find the opening at your esteemed company.

While at ProTech Solutions, I steered a cross-functional team of 10 in developing a robust ERP system that today powers more than 2,000 businesses globally. My role was pivotal in architecting the system’s scalable infrastructure, ensuring its seamless integration with multiple third-party applications, and facilitating regular updates based on end-user feedback. Under my leadership, the team reduced software development lifecycles by 20%, a testament to our efficiency and synergy.

Your commitment to integrating AI into everyday applications, as highlighted by the ‘AI-Assist Suite’ launch, aligns with my recent undertakings. I headed a project at ProTech that leveraged machine learning algorithms to personalize user experiences, a venture that saw a 35% boost in user engagement metrics.

Joining NextGen Software Ltd. presents an opportunity to further my passion for developing groundbreaking solutions while collaborating with some of the brightest minds in the industry. I am confident that my extensive expertise and proactive approach can contribute significantly to your company’s mission of shaping the future of digital experiences.

I’m eager to explore the possibilities of bringing my seasoned perspective and hands-on approach to your dynamic team. Thank you for considering my application.

Nathan Johnson

Software Engineer Internship Cover Letter

For an internship application, the focus is less on years of experience and more on enthusiasm, academic achievements, relevant projects, and the candidate’s desire to learn and grow in a real-world environment.

Let’s explore how an aspiring Software Engineer looking for an internship might convey their passion and potential:

Alexa Smith 101 Freshman Drive Austin, TX 78705 [email protected] (555) 678-9012

Mr. Henry Lewis Engineering Manager InnoTech Enterprises 4321 Silicon St. Austin, TX 78704

Dear Mr. Lewis,

As a Computer Science major at the University of Texas, I’ve always been driven by a deep-seated passion for problem-solving through code. Every line written, every bug fixed, and every project completed feels like piecing together a fascinating puzzle. When I learned about the Software Engineer Internship opportunity at InnoTech Enterprises, I was immediately drawn to the chance of contributing, even if in a small way, to the innovative solutions your team develops.

During my time at the university, I’ve taken a keen interest in mobile application development. My recent project, a task management app developed using Flutter, was chosen as the best in our class. This hands-on experience taught me the importance of user-centric design and iterative development based on feedback.

InnoTech’s recent initiative on ‘Smart Campus Solutions’ resonated with me, particularly due to my involvement in a similar student-led project aiming to use IoT devices for efficient energy management across the campus. While our project is still in its nascent stages, the initial prototypes have shown promising results.

An internship at InnoTech Enterprises would be an unparalleled learning opportunity, allowing me to hone my skills, understand industry best practices, and be part of projects that make a difference. I am enthusiastic about the possibility of blending my academic learnings with practical experience under the guidance of the seasoned professionals at your esteemed company.

I would be honored to further discuss how my background and passion align with the internship’s objectives. Thank you for considering my application.

Alexa Smith

Related Article: Check out our guide on the best websites to find internships for your desired role.

Ammar Ahmed

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Software Intern Cover Letter

15 software intern cover letter templates.

Software Intern Cover Letter Sample

How to Write the Software Intern Cover Letter

I submit this application to express my sincere interest in the software intern position.

Previously, I was responsible for customization of various applications to meet a series of pre-defined requirements to be met through the use of various programming languages and possibly machine and assembly languages.

Please consider my experience and qualifications for this position:

  • Knowledge of API, web services
  • High levels of creativity, quick problem solving capabilities and passion to learn new technologies
  • Knowledge of the C, C++, Java, Python, or C# programming language
  • Java technologies (JSP, Servlets, Applets, EJB, Swing, JDBC)
  • Familiar with computer science basics (algorithms, data structures)
  • Bachelors or Masters with majors in Computer Science, Networking, Virtualization
  • Able to work from the Ann Arbor, MI
  • Expert-level programming development skills, including familiarity with templates, exception handling, namespaces, memory management, and internationalization

Thank you for taking your time to review my application.

Bellamy Tromp

  • Microsoft Word (.docx) .DOCX
  • PDF Document (.pdf) .PDF
  • Image File (.png) .PNG

Responsibilities for Software Intern Cover Letter

Software intern responsible for the candidate with the opportunity to work with a variety of coding languages, platforms, and disciplines.

Software Intern Examples

Example of software intern cover letter.

In response to your job posting for software intern, I am including this letter and my resume for your review.

Previously, I was responsible for state of the art expertise in Emerging Technology, development technologies and coding languages; mentoring team members as may be necessary.

I reviewed the requirements of the job opening and I believe my candidacy is an excellent fit for this position. Some of the key requirements that I have extensive experience with include:

  • Experience in planning, designing and programming complex software solutions
  • Demonstrable experience in object oriented and multi-threaded programming
  • Demonstrable experience in Java programming
  • Knowledgeable in Java, C/C++ and/or other programming languages
  • Good understanding of Object Oriented Programming concepts and design patterns, and abstraction methodology
  • Knowledge of the Scrum development process and Continuous Integration practices and tools
  • Familiarity with Android and Unix/Linux environments
  • Experience in designing and creating software applications, libraries, APIs, and tools

I really appreciate you taking the time to review my application for the position of software intern.

Stevie Considine

I am excited to be applying for the position of software intern. Please accept this letter and the attached resume as my interest in this position.

In my previous role, I was responsible for the opportunity to work in any part of the development stack across diverse software languages.

My experience is an excellent fit for the list of requirements in this job:

  • Hunger for learning
  • Have passion for technology and software, and communication and teamwork skills
  • Experience with a modern scripting language
  • Working knowledge of issue track software
  • Working both independently and with members of a diverse team
  • Knowledge in C/C++ development
  • Academic coursework with exposure to a programming language (Java, C++, C#, JavaScript, Ruby, Python)
  • Knowledge of Linux kernel and drivers

Thank you in advance for reviewing my candidacy for this position.

Denver Ankunding

Previously, I was responsible for fully functional working code as examples in multiple languages to facilitate the learning curve.

Please consider my qualifications and experience:

  • Minimum 3 months experience with at least one scripting language Python, Perl, Ruby
  • A common understanding of Web Architecture and n-Tier Architecture
  • Experience programming using Java and SQL
  • Understanding of JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and AJAX
  • Conceptual understanding of Agile/Scrum Development practice
  • Understanding of source control management
  • Self-starter with high levels of initiative
  • Working knowledge of any of the following

Please consider me for the software intern opportunity. I am including my resume that lists my qualifications and experience.

Previously, I was responsible for deep level subject matter expertise for specific development languages based on potential implementation risks.

  • Familiarity with Java and REST
  • Understands the concepts of development methodologies (source control, testing, deployment, documentation, …)
  • Knowledge of browser technologies and Microsoft office technologies
  • Passionate, curious and creative
  • Excellent programming skills in C and/or C++
  • Prefer background in software engineering and cloud services
  • Familiarity with basic machine learning toolsets (Spark/R/Python) and algorithms
  • Working knowledge of C or C++

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read my cover letter and to review my resume.

Dallas DuBuque

Previously, I was responsible for opportunities for professional development and opportunities to learn new languages and tools.

  • Experience with Unix, scripting, and source control systems
  • Familiarity with CPU instruction sets
  • Basic software engineering methodology knowledge
  • System design tools experience
  • BA/BS, MA/MS or PhD in Computer Science or related technical field (or equivalent work experience)
  • Exceptional programming skills in Java, HTML 5, AngularJS, JavaScript
  • Experienced with Lean and Agile methodologies, Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and tools such as JIRA, Confluence, Team City, Jenkins, Gerrit
  • Database knowledge such as MS SQL No-SQL

Brooklyn Purdy

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software internship cover letter

Software Intern Cover Letter Example

Software Interns work with senior developers to help build out a codebase. They are expected to gain valuable experience in software development and engineering, and may be given opportunities to present their work to the rest of the team. I

Software Interns will be expected to write code that is clean, well-documented, and follows the company’s established standards. They will also be expected to test their code thoroughly, running it through all approved quality assurance systems before submitting it for review by a senior developer. Interns will report directly to the project lead for their team, who will provide them with regular feedback on the quality of their work.

Write an amazing cover letter using our Software Intern Cover Letter Example and Cover Letter Writing tips.

Software Intern Cover Letter example

  • Cover Letters

Software interns are typically employed by software development companies, but they may also be employed by other types of companies that use or develop software, such as computer systems design firms and software publishers.

The job outlook for software internships is good. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of software developers is projected to grow 17 percent from 2014 to 2024, much faster than the average for all occupations. As companies continue to invest in new software and technology, the need for software developers will continue to grow.

The average salary for a software intern is $50,000. However, salaries can vary depending on the company, the location, and the level of experience.

What to Include in a Software Intern Cover Letter?

Roles and responsibilities.

  • Responsible for developing software programs , testing software programs and applications, and resolving software issues.
  • Developing new features for existing applications.
  • Creating code that is clear, concise, and reusable.
  • Implementing version control on all applications.
  • Learning new programming languages and software development methodologies.
  • Responsible for creating and maintaining software documentation .
  • Testing and debugging applications.

Education & Skills

Software intern skills:.

  • Basic ability to write script/code and debug code (e.g., Python).
  • Object-oriented programming and algorithmic thinking.
  • Computer science theory (automata, complexity theory, etc.)
  • Database management systems and SQL.
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Ability to learn new software quickly and debug existing programs effectively.
  • Experience using software development tools such as Git and Github, Microsoft Office Suite, skype, slack etc.

Software Intern Education Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree in computer science or related field.

Software Intern Cover Letter Example (Text Version)

Dear Mr. or Ms. [Last Name],

I am excited to apply for the Software Intern position at Easy Bank. I am a first-year Computer Science student at the University of Georgia with a passion for software development. I have previous experience in Java, C# and Ruby programming languages and extensive knowledge of HTTP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

After researching Easy Bank, I was excited by your mission to create innovative financial solutions that make life easier for your customers. As someone who is passionate about making technology accessible to everyone and creating easy-to-use products, this mission speaks to me in many ways.

The experience and skills that I have already gained as a college student make me a good fit for this internship position. My background includes experience with object-oriented programming, database management, data structures and algorithms. I also have experience in team projects as well as working independently.

In addition to my skillset and experience, I am known for my enthusiasm and dedication as an individual contributor on any team. In the past year alone, I have earned academic recognition three times for my leadership abilities in project management roles. This spring, my final project team won the Capstone Design Competition at our university out of 150 teams.

I appreciate you reviewing my application and considering me.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

When writing a software intern cover letter, it is important to highlight your coding skills and experience. Additionally, it is important to highlight your problem solving skills, as well as your ability to work independently.

It is also important to highlight your passion for coding, and your desire to learn new coding languages. Finally, it is important to be professional and concise in your cover letter.

Refer to our Software Intern Resume Sample for more tips on how to write your resume and accompany it with a strong cover letter.


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Software Engineer Intern Cover Letter

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How to create a good cover letter for a software engineer intern: free tips and tricks

Fresh from college, you still remember writing those essays for English 101, right? Crafting a cover letter for resume is very similar to essay writing. It can be short; it can be creative; it can be simple. The main thing is to stay within some ground rules. You just need to get familiar with a few recommendations and take as an inspiration the software engineer intern cover letter example below.

Understand the major difference between a cover letter and a resume. The former is more personal and reveals you as a personality, yet it remains a formal document. So address it with the recruiter’s name. And mention how you got to know the company.

Don’t simply give a list of generic qualifications. Remember, it’s like an essay. So tell a story of how you got education and developed the relevant skills. It is obvious that you don’t have much experience. However, you can elaborate on what you learned.

Show your enthusiasm. As an intern, you’re supposed to be thrilled and motivated to work in that company. Reflect it in your writing. Refer to the company’s mission, vision, etc. Show a connection between them and you.

Don’t fail to use keywords. You can find them in the job posting. However, the company’s name is a keyword too. So mention it appropriate number of times. It will give the personal touch.

Keep a positive tone. Never refer to your entry level status as something negative. There’s no need to reiterate this point. However, you should use ‘I believe’ and ‘I am confident’ referring to yourself as a candidate.

Never neglect final touches. Proofreading is one of them. Get some of your people read and give you feedback. You might have forgotten something to mention or go for as self-centered. It’s not too late to revise.

Always think ahead and remember that you are primarily a software engineer and not an intern. Therefore, use valuable hints for existing professionals to make your cover letter for software engineer better.

If you had a side job during training that is not related to the IT field, then you should not focus on it in a cover letter. Instead, indicate what useful skills for the new post this experience helped you develop.

Sample cover letter for a software engineer intern position

The most effective way to digest the tips is to see their practical application. We have used all the important tips of the above units into a single a software engineer intern cover letter sample to demonstrate a winning document that can be created in GetCoverLetter editor.

Darla Jones Software Engineer Intern 203 Bacon Street 8765-876-987 / [email protected] Ugo Valenza Recruiter of SoftServ Ltd.

Dear Ugo, As a bachelor’s in Civil Engineering and a current postgraduate student of Software Engineering, I am seeking a summer software engineer internship position at SoftServ Ltd.

My academic performance confirms my eligibility for this position as currently I have a 3.9/4.0 GPA in all coursework and a 3.9/4.0 in my major. On many occasions I took leadership roles and led projects and teamwork.

Due to my excellent communication skills, I am ready to assist the engineering team with the troubleshooting and client support. As a patient person with a knack to teaching I don’t mind to reply to clients’ questions and requests.

I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you for an interview and discuss my internship prospects. Feel free to contact me anytime via email [email protected] or phone 7569847694.

Sincerely, Darla.

This example is not commercial and has a demonstrative function only. If you need unique Cover Letter please proceed to our editor.

Do not waste on doubts the time that you can spend on composing your document.

How to save time on creating your cover letter for a software engineer intern

Our Get Cover Letter editor will help you make the process easy and fast. How it works:

Put in some information about yourself.

Fill in a simple questionnaire to provide the needed information about yourself.

Choose the design of your cover letter.

Choose the design of your cover letter.

Get your cover letter and use it to apply for your new job!

Print, email, or download your cover letter in PDF format.

Why the Get Cover Letter is the best solution

The GetCoverLetter editor is open to any goals of applicants. Whether it be a presentation of a craft professional with a great list of achievements or even a software engineer intern without experience. Rest assured, the opportunities are equal for all the candidates.

We point out your general and special personality features even with our limited letter size.

We show that you are easy to tackle the job duties even if you are a new graduate.

To get your foot in the door, it doesn't hurt to showcase your education, so we give you the option to add it to your self-presentation.

All the above and other benefits of using our editor are only one click away.

Templates of the best a software engineer intern cover letter designs

Any example of the document for a software engineer intern has a precise design per the requirements of the company or the general rules of business correspondence. In any case, the selection of templates in our editor will meet any expectations.

a software engineer intern cover letter sample

Or choose any other template from our template gallery

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image of a cover letter for a software engineer intern

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software internship cover letter

Frequently Asked Questions

The more unique the knowledge you get, the more space for new questions. Do not be affraid to miss some aspects of creating your excellent cover letter. Here we took into account the most popular doubts to save your time and arm you with basic information.

  • What should my a software engineer intern cover letter contain? The main purpose of a cover letter is to introduce yourself, mention the job you’re applying for, show that your skills and experience match the needed skills and experience for the job.
  • How to properly introduce yourself in a cover letter? Greet the correct person to which your cover is intended for. Introduce yourself with enthusiasm.
  • How many pages should my cover letter be? Your cover letter should only be a half a page to one full page. Your cover letter should be divided into three or four short paragraphs.
  • Don't focus on yourself too much
  • Don't share all the details of every job you've had
  • Don't write a novel

You have finished your acquaintance with valuable tips and tricks. Now is the time to create your own perfect cover letter.

Other cover letters from this industry

Keep browsing and you’ll find all the necessary information like formats, layouts and other mechanics for application writing!

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Software Engineer Cover Letter Examples For 2024 (20+ Skills & Templates)

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Looking to score a job as a Software Engineer?

You're going to need an awesome cover letter. This guide is your one-stop-shop for writing a job-winning Software Engineer cover letter  using our proven strategies, skills, templates, and examples.

All of the content in this guide is based on data from coaching thousands of job seekers (just like you!) who went on to land offers at the world's best companies.

If you want to maximize your chances of landing that Software Engineer role, I recommend reading this piece from top to bottom. But if you're just looking for something specific, here's what's included in this guide:

  • What To Know About Writing A Job-Winning Software Engineer Cover Letter
  • The Best Skills To Include On A Software Engineer Cover Letter

How To Address A Software Engineer Cover Letter

  • 3 Software Engineer Cover Letter Examples

The 8 Best Software Engineer Cover Letter Templates

  • 3 Tips For Writing A Job-Winning Cover Letter

Here's the step-by-step breakdown:

Software Engineer Cover Letter Overview: What To Know To Write A Cover Letter That Wins More Job Offers

What do companies look for when they're hiring a Software Engineer?

Companies look for Software Engineers who are proficient in languages such as JavaScript, Python, or Java, with expertise in essential tools and frameworks.

Companies also seek candidates who can collaborate, solve problems, communicate well, and align with their values and tech interests.

Your cover letter should show the company that your personality and your experience encompass all of these things.

Additionally, there are a few best practices you want to follow to write a job-winning Software Engineer cover letter:

  • Properly address your letter: Begin your letter by addressing the hiring manager or team. Don't forget to state the specific Software Engineer job you are interested in!
  • Express your understanding of the company: Clearly articulate that you are well-familiarized with the company's products and the market, and tie this up with your skills, demonstrating how they align with their needs.
  • Highlight your proficiency with specific languages and tools: Showcase your most relevant skills for the role, such as proficiency with JavaScript, Python, or Java, with expertise in essential tools and frameworks.
  • Tailor your cover letter for the job description: Emphasize your experience to meet the job requirements listed in the description.
  • Be concise and clear: Your cover letter should be short, concise, and easy to read. Stick to one page and focus on the most relevant information.
  • End with a call to action: Close with a compelling call to action, expressing enthusiasm for the opportunity and inviting further discussion on how you can contribute to the company's success.
  • Proofread: Make sure to thoroughly proofread your cover letter for any grammatical errors or typos. A well-written, error-free letter can make a strong first impression. I recommend using Hemingway App or Grammarly to do this.

Let's dive deeper into each of these so you have the exact blueprint you need to see success.

The Best Software Engineer Skills To Include On Your Cover Letter

Keywords are one of the most important factors in your cover letter. They show employers that your skills align with the role and they also help format your cover letter for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

If you're not familiar with ATS systems, they are pieces of software used by employers to manage job applications. They scan cover letters for keywords and qualifications and make it easier for employers to filter and search for candidates whose qualifications match the role.

If you want to win more interviews and job offers, you need to have a keyword-optimized cover letter. There are two ways to find the right keywords:

1. Leverage The 20 Best Software Engineer Keywords

The first is to leverage our list of the best keywords and skills for a Software Engineer cover letter.

These keywords were selected from an analysis of  real Software Engineer job descriptions sourced from actual job boards. Here they are:

  • Development
  • Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Communications
  • Communication
  • Organization
  • Team Member
  • Verification
  • Time Management
  • Problem-Solving

2. Use To Find The Best Keywords That Are Specific To Your Cover Letter And Target Role

The second method is the one I recommend because it's personalized to your specific cover letter and target job.

This process lets you find the exact keywords that your cover letter is missing when compared to the individual role you're applying for.

Software Engineer Hard Skills

Here's how it works:

  • Open a copy of your updated Software Engineer cover letter
  • Open a copy of your target Software Engineer job description
  • In the widget below, paste the job description and hit scan!

ResyMatch is going to scan the target job description and show you the exact keywords and skills that are relevant to the role and that you should weave into your cover letter.

If you're ready to check it out, grab your target job description and run your first scan here:

To start, paste your target job description (or multiple job descriptions) into the box below:

Scan to help you identify keywords and skills within your target job description.


If you're more of a visual learner, here's a video walking through this whole process so you can follow along:

Personalization is what makes a cover letter stand out. That starts from the very first sentence where you greet the person reading your cover letter! There are two ways to do this well:

1. Use The Hiring Manager's Name

The first, and best, is by including the hiring manager's name. Let's say that you discovered the hiring manager's name from a post on LinkedIn or via an informational interview.

This is the jackpot! All you need to do is use their name in the introduction, like this:

Example of Starting A Cover Letter With The Hiring Manager's Name

2. Use This Formula: To The [Department] Team at [Company]

If you don't have the hiring manager's name, no problem! You can address your cover letter to the team that you're applying to.

For example, if you're applying for a Product Marketing Manager role at Discovery Education, you might start your cover letter like this:

Example of Starting A Cover Letter With The Team & Company

This shows the reader that this letter has been written specifically for them and the content inside of it will support that.

It's much more relevant and personal than  “To Whom It May Concern!”

For more advice on writing a strong opening to your cover letter, check out this guide.

3 Software Engineer Cover Letter Examples For 2024

Now let's take a look at all of these best practices in action. Here are three cover letter examples for different situations from people with different backgrounds who are all applying for Software Engineer roles:

Software Engineer Cover Letter Example #1: A Traditional Background

Our first example is a cover letter written by a candidate with traditional software engineering experience. Here is what an example of their cover letter might look like:

Software Engineer Cover Letter Example #1 - Traditional

Software Engineer Cover Letter Example #2: A Non-Traditional Background

Our second cover letter example comes from a candidate looking to transition from sales to software engineering. This cover letter demonstrates how the author identifies and communicates their transferable skills:

Software Engineer Cover Letter Example #2 - Non-Traditional

Software Engineer Cover Letter Example #3: Senior Software Engineer With a Masters Degree

Our third example highlights a candidate with Software Engineer experience who has a Masters Degree. Here is what their cover letter might look like:

Software Engineer Cover Letter Example #3 - Masters Degree

At this point, you know all of the basics you'll need to write a Software Engineer cover letter that wins you more interviews and offers. The only thing left is to take all of that information and apply it to a template that's going to help you get results.

We made that easy with  our CoverBuild tool . It has 8 proven templates that were created with the help of recruiters and hiring managers at the world's best companies. These templates also bake in thousands of data points we have from the job seekers in our audience who have used them to land job offers.

Just click any of the templates below to start building your cover letter using proven, recruiter-approved templates:

software internship cover letter

Free Job-Winning Cover Letter Templates, Have AI Write Yours in Less Than 2 Minutes .

Choose a cover letter template below to get started:.

software internship cover letter

Great Choice! Now, how do you want to write your cover letter?

software internship cover letter

Let AI write your unique cover letter using our proven templates.

software internship cover letter

Or use our templates to write your own from scratch.

3 Tips For Writing A Job-Winning Software Engineer Cover Letter

You're off to a strong start! But I've got a few more tips to help you take your cover letter to the next level:

1. Use To Write Your Cover Letter In <2 Minutes

All of these tips and best practices work, but you still have to implement them. Normally, that'd mean you sitting down and spending hours brainstorming ideas, typing, deleting, and typing again, and then feeling absolutely drained.

Now there's a way to work around all of that so you save your best energy for the writing and edits that matter most. Here's how it works:

  • Head to
  • Select the “2 Minutes” option to have AI write your cover letter
  • Select a template for your cover letter, then follow the 3 step process for sharing info about your experience and the target job with CoverBuild's AI
  • Click “Generate My Cover Letter” and watch the tool write a unique cover letter that's personalized to your experience and your target job!

To make it even easier, you can select a cover letter template from the widget below to get started:

If you'd like to see the process in action, here's a video walking through all of the steps above:

Note:  I do not recommend or advise that you simply copy and paste any AI-generated content and submit your application. You should always review, revise, and personalize the content yourself before applying.

2. Include Measurable Metrics And Outcomes

Too many job seekers only focus on the actions that they took and not the outcomes that resulted from those actions. As a hiring manager, it's impossible to differentiate between a dozen candidates who were all “Responsible for building applications to help achieve company goals.”

If you want to win, your cover letter should speak to the specific outcomes that you drove in previous roles. That could be:

  • The time response you helped reduce
  • The development efficiency you helped improve
  • The number of uses in a giver platform that you helped support

These numbers will show hiring teams what you're capable of and make your value crystal clear!

3. Match Your Cover Letter And Resume Design

Quality Impacts Perceived Value - Car Example

They're the exact same car, down to the year, make, and model. The only difference is the way the product was presented. Like I said, quality impacts perceived value.

One of the best ways to boost the quality of your cover letter is to make it look clean, professional, and have it match your resume. That's why the resume templates in our resume builder tool match the cover letter templates in our cover letter builder:

Matching Cover Letter And Resume

If you use both tools to create your cover letter and your resume, your entire application is going to be top notch.

Key Takeaways To Wrap Up Your Job-Winning Cover Letter

You made it! We packed a lot of information into this post so I wanted to distill the key points for you and lay out next steps so you know exactly where to from here.

Here are the 5 steps for writing a job-winning Software Engineer cover letter:

  • Start with a proven cover letter template from
  • Use to find the right keywords and optimize your cover letter for each role you apply to
  • Start your cover letter with a personalized greeting for the hiring manager or team name
  • Emphasize the measurable outcomes and value you drove in previous roles (include metrics!)
  • Compare the draft of your cover letter to the examples on this page to make sure you're on the right path
  • Use a tool like  Hemingway App to proofread your cover letter before you submit it

If you follow those steps, you're going to be well on your way to landing more Software Engineer interviews and job offers.

Now that your cover letter is taking care of, be sure to check out our guide on writing a job-winning Software Engineer resume (with examples!).

software internship cover letter

Paula Martins

Paula is Cultivated Culture's amazing Editor and Content Manager. Her background is in journalism and she's transitioned from roles in education, to tech, to finance, and more. She blends her journalism background with her job search experience to share advice aimed at helping people like you land jobs they love without applying online.

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How to Write a Cover Letter: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples (2024)

Crafting a compelling cover letter is the first step towards landing an interview. It’s usually the first impression an employer gets before even seeing your resume, and it will help to set the tone and establish your personality before getting into your qualifications and suitability for the position.

Whether you're applying for a job, internship, or generally submitting your resume for consideration, understanding how to write a cover letter can significantly enhance your chances of success.

What is a Cover Letter?

A cover letter is a formal document accompanying your resume that introduces yourself to potential employers, highlighting your qualifications, experiences, and interest in a specific job or internship. It offers you the opportunity to showcase your personality and passion for the role in a more personalized manner than a resume alone.

Cover Letter Format

The format of a cover letter typically follows a standard business letter structure. It includes your contact information, the date, the recipient's contact details, a salutation, body paragraphs, and a closing. Ensure that your cover letter is concise, well-organized, and visually appealing, using a professional font and maintaining consistent formatting throughout.

As your cover letter will often be sent as an email, check this guide on how to write an email for some general tips on subject lines, email greetings, structuring the main content, and signing off.

Cover Letter for a Job

When applying for a job, a cover letter for your resume is often expected, and it serves as your initial introduction to potential employers. It should be customized for each position, showcasing how your skills and experiences fit the job requirements. A well-crafted cover letter can distinguish you from other applicants and increase your chances of securing an interview, especially if you can show that you’re genuinely aligned with the company’s goals.

Cover Letter for an Internship

For internship applications, a cover letter is equally essential. It allows you to convey your enthusiasm for the opportunity, relevant skills, and willingness to learn. Even if you have limited professional experience, your cover letter can highlight academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and relevant coursework that demonstrate your potential value to the organization.

Writing a Cover Letter

Let’s get into how to write a cover letter, step by step:

Step 1: How to Address a Cover Letter

When addressing your cover letter, it's essential to find out the name and title of the hiring manager or recruiter whenever possible. Addressing the letter to a specific individual adds a personal touch and demonstrates your initiative. A quick note on how to address a cover letter without a name. If you're unable to identify the recipient, you can use a general greeting such as "Dear Hiring Manager" or "Dear [Company Name] Recruiting Team."

Step 2: What to Include in a Cover Letter

Writing a compelling cover letter requires careful attention to detail and a strategic approach. Begin by thoroughly researching the company and the position to tailor your letter accordingly. Highlight your most relevant experiences and accomplishments, using specific examples to demonstrate your qualifications. Keep your language professional, yet engaging, and avoid using generic templates or clichés. Instead, strive to make a memorable impression that sets you apart from other candidates by showing you understand what the company is about.

Structure-wise, a well-written cover letter should include the following elements:

Introduction : Start by stating the position you're applying for and how you learned about it. Express your enthusiasm for the opportunity and briefly introduce yourself.

Body Paragraphs : Use one or two paragraphs to highlight your relevant experiences, skills, and achievements. Provide specific examples that demonstrate your qualifications and fit for the role. Tailor your content to align with the job description and company's needs.

Closing Paragraph : Summarize your interest in the position and reiterate your enthusiasm for the opportunity. Thank the employer for considering your application and express your willingness to discuss further in an interview.

Closing : End your cover letter with a professional closing, such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your name and contact information.

By using this kind of cover letter template, you can keep a clear and structured approach whilst also easily adjusting your content each time to customize it for each specific contact.

Before you send

Remember maintain professionalism throughout and always proofread your cover letter before you send it off. Check this quick list of cover letter dos and don’ts so you can ensure you’ve done everything you can and haven’t made any glaring errors along the way.

Note for students: While it may be reasonable to apply for internships with your university email, it probably won’t come across as particularly professional for proper job applications. Contacting an employer from a free email account with a funny name you made when you were an adolescent also won’t be particularly impressive. You may want to use a service like and create a business email account that shows you’re a serious professional.

Cover letter examples

Here are some short cover letter samples that you can use as templates for your own letter. Note that although the content should be adapted both to you and to the company you’re applying to, a similar structure applies in all cases.

1. Marketing Manager Cover Letter:

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the Marketing Manager position at [Company Name], as advertised on [where you found the job posting]. With over five years of experience in marketing strategy development, campaign management, and brand positioning, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your team and drive results for [Company Name].

In my previous role at [Previous Company], I led cross-functional teams to develop and execute innovative marketing campaigns that resulted in a 30% increase in brand awareness and a 25% boost in lead generation. My ability to analyze market trends, identify customer insights, and leverage data-driven strategies has consistently delivered impactful results and exceeded organizational objectives.

I am particularly drawn to [specific aspect of the company or job description], and I am eager to bring my expertise in digital marketing, social media management, and content development to support [Company Name]'s mission of [mention company mission or values].

Thank you for considering my application. I am enthusiastic about the possibility of joining [Company Name] and contributing to its continued success. I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience and can be reached at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address].

Sincerely, [Your Name]

2. Software Engineer Cover Letter:

I am writing to apply for the Software Engineer position at [Company Name], as advertised on [where you found the job posting]. With a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and three years of hands-on experience in software development and coding, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your team and develop innovative solutions for [Company Name].

In my previous role at [Previous Company], I played a key role in designing and implementing scalable software solutions that optimized workflow efficiency and enhanced user experience. My proficiency in programming languages such as Java, Python, and JavaScript, coupled with my strong problem-solving skills, has enabled me to deliver high-quality software solutions that meet and exceed client expectations.

I am impressed by [specific aspect of the company or job description], and I am eager to leverage my technical skills and passion for innovation to support [Company Name]'s goals of [mention company goals or objectives].

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to further discuss how my background and expertise align with the needs of [Company Name] and am available for an interview at your earliest convenience. Please feel free to contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address] to schedule a discussion.

3. Graphic Designer Cover Letter:

I am thrilled to apply for the Graphic Designer position at [Company Name], as advertised on [where you found the job posting]. With a strong background in visual communication, brand identity development, and multimedia design, I am excited about the opportunity to bring my creativity and expertise to your team and contribute to [Company Name]'s success.

In my previous role at [Previous Company], I collaborated with cross-functional teams to create visually compelling designs that effectively communicated brand messages and engaged target audiences. My proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite, coupled with my attention to detail and passion for design, has allowed me to deliver innovative solutions that align with client objectives and exceed expectations.

I am particularly drawn to [specific aspect of the company or job description], and I am eager to leverage my design skills and artistic vision to support [Company Name]'s mission of [mention company mission or values].

Thank you for considering my application. I am enthusiastic about the possibility of joining [Company Name] and contributing to its creative endeavors. I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience and can be reached at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address].

What is a cover letter for a job?

A cover letter for a job is a formal document submitted alongside a resume during the application process. It introduces the applicant to the potential employer and highlights their qualifications, experiences, and interest in the specific job position.

What is a cover letter for a resume?

A cover letter for a resume is a document that accompanies a resume when applying for a job. While the resume provides a summary of the applicant's skills and experiences, the cover letter offers additional context and insight into their suitability for the position.

What is the purpose of a cover letter?

The purpose of a cover letter is to introduce the applicant to the potential employer, showcase their qualifications and experiences, and express their interest in the job position. It allows applicants to personalize their application and demonstrate their enthusiasm and suitability for the role.

What does a cover letter look like?

A cover letter typically follows a formal business letter format, including the sender's and recipient's contact information, a salutation, body paragraphs, and a closing. It should be well-organized, concise, and visually appealing, with a professional tone and consistent formatting.

How long should a cover letter be?

A cover letter should be concise and to the point, typically no longer than one page. It should provide enough information to highlight the applicant's qualifications and interest in the position without overwhelming the reader with unnecessary details.

What should be in a cover letter?

A cover letter should include the sender's and recipient's contact information, a formal salutation, an introduction stating the position being applied for and how the applicant learned about it, body paragraphs highlighting relevant qualifications and experiences, and a closing expressing gratitude and interest in further discussion.

How to Start a Cover Letter

To start your cover letter effectively, consider using a strong opening sentence or attention-grabbing statement that immediately captures the reader's interest. You can mention a mutual connection, reference a recent company accomplishment, or highlight a specific aspect of the job that excites you.

How to End a Cover Letter

Ending your cover letter on a high note is crucial to leave a lasting impression. In the closing paragraph, reiterate your interest in the position and express your gratitude for the opportunity to apply. Convey confidence in your ability to contribute to the company's success. Finally, use a professional closing, such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your name.

Updated: April 10, 2024 at 4:33 PM

Published: April 10, 2024 at 4:33 PM

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  6. Resume templates


  1. Engineering Intern Cover Letter Example and Template for 2024

    Here are some steps you can follow to write an engineering intern cover letter: 1. Start with your contact information. You can start the letter with your contact information. This includes your name, email address, phone number and the city and state where you live. Beginning the letter with this information helps make it clear to the hiring ...

  2. 5 Software Engineer Intern Cover Letters

    Software Engineer Intern Cover Letter Example. Dear Hiring Manager, As a self-taught programmer who has been tinkering with code since my early teens, I couldn't be more excited about the opportunity to apply for the Software Engineer Intern position at Microsoft. I've always admired Microsoft's commitment to innovation, and I've been a devoted ...

  3. 2024 Software Developer Intern Cover Letter Example (+Free Tools

    Software Developer Interns should include the following elements in their cover letter: 1. Contact Information: Start with your name, address, phone number, and email address. Also, include the date and the employer's contact information. 2.

  4. Software Engineering Internship Cover Letter

    Parts of a Software Engineering Internship Cover Letter. Software engineers are professionals in the field of computer science who draw upon their extensive knowledge of programming and engineering principles to build desktop and web applications, run network control systems, develop mobile apps and computer games, etc.

  5. Software Engineer Intern Cover Letter Example

    Software Engineer Interns should include the following in their cover letter: 1. Introduction: Start with a brief introduction about yourself and why you are interested in the software engineering internship position. Mention where you found the job posting or who referred you. 2.

  6. Top Software Engineering Intern Cover Letter Examples for 2024

    You can stick to traditional phrases (e.g. Looking forward to hearing from you soon) if you wish to be on the safe side. Just make sure that the language you use matches the company culture. Rate my article: Professional Software Engineering Intern Cover Letter Example for 2024. Average: 4.87 / 5.00.

  7. Software Engineering Cover Letter Samples & Examples 2024

    A mutual acquaintance (when possible) that can serve as a professional reference. Here is an example of a great introduction from a software engineering cover letter. Dear CEO Matt Smith, I write to you today with great enthusiasm about the opportunity to join your team of talented software engineers.

  8. 3 Software Engineering Internship Cover Letter Examples

    The cover letter is an opportunity to showcase your passion for software engineering and explain how you can contribute to the company. In short, a cover letter is a chance to make a personal connection with the hiring manager and demonstrate why you are the ideal candidate for the internship. Back-End Software Engineering Cover Letter Example

  9. Software Intern Examples Cover Letter Examples & Samples for 2024

    Free Software Intern Examples cover letter example. Dear Mr. Trang: It is with great interest that I submit to you the enclosed resume in the hopes of securing an internship role at SmartStop. As a current Computer Science student at the Orlando Institute of Technology with growing knowledge of software usage and development—complemented by ...

  10. Software Developer Intern Cover Letter Examples & Writing Tips

    Software Developer Intern Cover Letter Example 1. I am excited to be applying for the Software Developer Internship at Topdown Software. I believe that my skills and experience make me the perfect candidate for this position. I have been coding for the past four years and have experience with a variety of languages, including C++, Java, and Python.

  11. Best Software Intern Cover Letter Example for 2023

    A software intern cover letter should emphasize the candidate's technical skills, relevant experience, and knowledge of the company or industry. The letter should also explain why the candidate is the best fit for the role and how their skills can contribute to the team's success. In addition, the letter should include details about the ...

  12. Cover Letter For Software Engineer Intern: Example And Tips

    Knowing the job lets you shape your cover letter right. You can show how you fit in and catch the manager's eye. So, when writing, think about the job. Consider how you can help as a software engineering intern. Now, for greater clarity, let us look at some sample law internship cover letters. Cover Letter for Software Engineer Intern Example 1

  13. 4 Software Engineer Cover Letter Examples

    Cover Letter. Dear Mr/Ms. [Insert name], I am a third-year computer science student at XYZ and I'm highly interested in your software engineer intern position. A fellow XYZ alum, John Smith, who holds a senior software engineer position at your company, suggested I get in touch with you.

  14. How to Write a Software Engineer Cover Letter

    Software Engineer Internship Cover Letter. For an internship application, the focus is less on years of experience and more on enthusiasm, academic achievements, relevant projects, and the candidate's desire to learn and grow in a real-world environment.

  15. Software Intern Cover Letter

    Denver Ankunding. Copy. Download. Example #3. Example of Software Intern Cover Letter. 5214 Koch Overpass. Tracyborough, AK 80355-0311. Dear Drew Batz, In response to your job posting for software intern, I am including this letter and my resume for your review.

  16. Software Intern Cover Letter Examples

    Software Intern Cover Letter Example. Software Interns work with senior developers to help build out a codebase. They are expected to gain valuable experience in software development and engineering, and may be given opportunities to present their work to the rest of the team. Software Interns will be expected to write code that is clean, well ...

  17. Software Engineer Cover Letter Examples (2024 Guide)

    Software Engineer Cover Letter Examples. BrainStation's Software Engineer career guide is intended to help you take the first steps toward a career in software engineering. Read on for an overview of how to write a great Software Engineer cover letter to help you get a software engineering job, with examples and templates.

  18. Software Engineer Cover Letter (Example & Tips)

    Here's everything you need to know to write a convincing software engineer cover letter: 1. Add software skills to your cover letter. Because software engineers need to work with various pieces of software, list the specific software you're proficient with in your cover letter. Depending on your specialty, you could mention some of these ...

  19. Software Engineer Intern Cover Letter

    We have used all the important tips of the above units into a single a software engineer intern cover letter sample to demonstrate a winning document that can be created in GetCoverLetter editor. Darla Jones. Software Engineer Intern. 203 Bacon Street. 8765-876-987 / [email protected].

  20. Software Engineer Cover Letter Examples For 2024 (20+ Skills & Templates)

    Here are the 5 steps for writing a job-winning Software Engineer cover letter: 1 Start with a proven cover letter template from 2 Use to find the right keywords and optimize your cover letter for each role you apply to. 3 Start your cover letter with a personalized greeting for the hiring manager or team name.

  21. How to Write a Cover Letter: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples (2024)

    A cover letter for a job is a formal document submitted alongside a resume during the application process. It introduces the applicant to the potential employer and highlights their qualifications, experiences, and interest in the specific job position. What is a cover letter for a resume? A cover letter for a resume is a document that ...

  22. Application Software Developer Internship, Summer 2024

    Current enrollment as a student at an accredited university for the duration of the Internship project with a graduation date of December 2024 or later. Pursuing bachelor's or master's degree in computer science, software engineering, or equivalent field of study. Ability to work full-time for the duration of the Internship (May/June 2024 - Aug ...