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50+ Informative Speech Topics to Engage Your Audience


We’ve all been there, staring at a blank page or empty presentation slide, trying to think of a good, informative speech topic that will engage our audience and stop them from staring numbly at their phones. Presentations and speeches can be a difficult task to tackle, especially if you lack a solid idea to get the ball rolling. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Today, we’ll dive into 50+ fresh and creative ideas for informative speech topics to help you capture your audience’s attention and give them something to engage with. Keep reading and you won’t be stuck with a dull speech topic ever again!

Interesting Informative Speech Topics

When it comes to selecting an interesting informative speech topic , there is no shortage of ideas. Choosing a topic that is engaging for both your audience and yourself can make the difference between giving a successful speech or not. There are many topics that have the potential to captivate listeners from politics to health, to relationships, and even to entertainment . The most important thing when deciding on a topic is to pick one that resonates with the interests of your audience, as well as being informative. Interesting topics should be specific enough for the speaker to cover in depth. For example, discussing the history of the American constitution would be too broad for a single speech, whereas discussing the second amendment could provide enough information for a full speech. It is also important to consider controversial topics as these can often be very interesting and engaging for listeners. When debating either side of an argument, it is important to do research and be aware of both sides of the issue. This will ensure that you are properly informed before taking part in any online debates or conversations surrounding the issue at hand. Whether you decide to discuss issues relating to current events or those that focus on more personal interest topics, there is no lack of inspiring ideas out there to create an effective informative speech. No matter what you decide, your goal should be to create an informative, engaging atmosphere that encourages others to learn from and appreciate your message.

What are some good topics for an informative speech?

1. The History of Space Exploration: Discuss the timeline from the first satellite in space to present day space exploration missions and their significance. 2. Advances in Artificial Intelligence: Examine how knowledge processing tools such as machine learning and neural networks have changed society. 3. Plastic Pollution: Outline the types of plastic pollution, explain their effects on ocean life, and provide solutions for reducing plastic waste. 4. Eating Disorders: Explain types of eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia, their psychological impacts, and methods of treatment. 5. Alternative Energy Sources: Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of using renewable energy sources (e.g., solar power), future potential developments, and environmental issues associated with traditional methods of generating electricity. 6. Cancer Research: Explore modern cancer detection techniques, how genetics play a role in cancer development, and advances in research leading to new treatments or cures. 7. Food Waste Reduction: Describe current levels of food waste, its environmental costs, innovative strategies being employed to reduce waste production, and practical steps individuals can take to conserve resources. 8. Online Privacy: Investigate data security threats posed by technology companies or other entities and discuss strategies for protecting personal information online. 9. Climate Change: Review current scientific evidence demonstrating the accelerating rate of global climate change, discuss possible societal implications if warming trends continue unabated, and present potential solutions that would limit global temperature increases going forward.

10. The benefits and challenges of sustainable living 11. The history and significance of the world’s ancient wonders 12. The psychology of decision making and how to improve it 13. The evolution and impact of social media on our society 14. The importance of mental health and strategies for self-care 15. The benefits and potential risks of artificial intelligence 16. The role of technology in modern education 17. The history and significance of the Olympic games 18. The science behind climate change and solutions for a sustainable future 19. The benefits and drawbacks of globalization on culture and economy. 20. The art and science of lucid dreaming and how it can be used for personal growth and problem-solving.

Popular Informative Speech Topics

When it comes to giving an informative speech, the most important thing is to pick a topic that will capture your audience’s attention. Some of the more popular topics people are interested in include those related to current events, history, media and technology, health and nutrition, psychology and education. For example, a debate surrounding current events might focus on issues such as immigration policy or global warming. When speaking about historical topics, consider discussing famous leaders or pivotal moments throughout history. If you’re looking for trending topics that are related to media, you may want to cover topics like censorship or virtual reality . When picking out health-related topics, consider exploring areas like medical cannabis or the impact of stress on our bodies. As for psychology and education, you may consider diving deeper into the role of learning styles in education or analyze the effects of bullying on adolescents. No matter what type of informative speech topic you choose to present on, be sure to do thorough research beforehand so that you can present a well-rounded argument. This will help ensure that your audience is engaged throughout your entire presentation and leave feeling informed.

Examples of Popular Informative Speech Topics

21. The history and evolution of the internet and its impact on society 22. The causes and effects of global warming and climate change 23. The importance of a healthy lifestyle and fitness 24. The benefits and drawbacks of social media on communication and relationships 25. The impact of technology on modern business and entrepreneurship 26. The history and impact of the civil rights movement in the United States 27. The effects and potential solutions to the opioid epidemic in America 28. The importance of mental health and strategies for managing stress and anxiety 29. The science behind vaccinations and their importance in public health 30. The history and cultural significance of different types of music, such as jazz, rock, and hip-hop.

Here are 10 more:

31. The benefits and potential drawbacks of renewable energy sources 32. The impact of globalization on international trade and commerce 33. The science behind space exploration and the potential for human colonization of other planets 34. The history and significance of different forms of art, such as painting, sculpture, and photography 35. The effects of social inequality and strategies for promoting diversity and inclusion 36. The history and cultural significance of different types of food, such as sushi, pizza, and tacos 37. The importance of financial literacy and strategies for managing personal finances 38. The impact of technology on the entertainment industry, such as movies, television, and video games 39. The history and significance of different world religions, such as Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism 40. The impact of artificial intelligence on the future of work and the economy.

Reasons to Give an Informative Speech

Informative speeches are often challenging and rewarding to give, as they not only require that the speaker become knowledgable about the topic at hand, but also that they also have the ability to persuade and engage with their audience. Informative speeches are essential elements in both education and industry, helping to promote engagement with a structured presentation and specialized topic or topics. On the one hand, giving an informative speech is beneficial for both the speaker and the audience being addressed. It gives the speaker an opportunity to sharpen their public speaking skills through research and careful preparation of the information being shared. Similarly, the audience members gain knowledge into a specialty field or area of interest, learning more about what they already knew or studying something completely new. Exploring abstract concepts while uncovering hidden facts can also be an invigorating experience for both parties involved in a discussion on an informative topic. However, some may argue that giving an informative speech is burdensome for the speaker for various reasons. Researching for a subject matter can prove difficult when there is limited access to factual information available online or offline. Additionally, informatic speakers must take into account the attention span of their audiences which often means having to parse down large amounts of data quickly or risk having a struggling audience lost in information overload. Despite potential obstacles associated with preparing and delivering an informative speech, opportunities abound when it comes to discovering new conversations and stimulating dialogue among participants. As such, it’s important for speakers to capitalize on these chances by researching thoroughly and honing in on key cornerstones of each topic that bring out its beauty and complexity. With this in mind, we will now move on to exploring best practices for researching an informing speech in the next section.

10 More Unique Informative Speech Topics: 41. The science and psychology of addiction and recovery 42. The history and cultural significance of tattoos in different societies 43. The benefits and challenges of homeschooling versus traditional education 44. The history and significance of different forms of dance, such as ballet, salsa, and hip hop 45. The impact of mindfulness and meditation on mental health and well-being 46. The role of music therapy in improving physical and emotional health 47. The science behind sleep and the importance of a good night’s rest 48. The history and cultural significance of different types of martial arts, such as karate, judo, and kung fu 49. The benefits and drawbacks of remote work and how it’s changing the way we work 50. The science behind alternative medicine and its effectiveness in treating different health conditions.

How to Research for an Informative Speech

When researching for an informative speech, it is important to equip yourself with accurate and trusted sources in order to effectively convey trustworthy information to your audience. It’s important to seek out authoritative sources who possess the most up-to-date details and facts about the chosen topic in order to give an informed and enlightening talk. Resources such as journals, books, websites are all valid places. For example, researching scientific topics may require more reliable resources such as scholarly articles or medical journals instead of online blog posts. It is also recommended that speakers research both sides of an argument if possible before forming their opinion and presenting it on a matter. That way you are well versed in understanding points beyond your own perspective and can provide insight into those perspectives as well. After compiling sufficient data, the next step is organizing them into a coherent message that can be easily digested by your audience. This includes preparing visual aids such as PowerPoint slides or props to both help audiences retain information better but also make the presentation more engaging than solely speaking alone. Questions throughout the presentation can also prompt your audience to become interactive while giving yourself a chance to gauge how well they understand the material presented. Now that you are armed with data from credible sources along with potential organizational tools, you are now ready for the final step which is presenting an informative speech.

How to Present an Informative Speech

When delivering an informative speech, it’s important to provide the audience with an engaging and interactive experience. To do this, speakers should focus on effective structure , clear speaking, and relevant content. Structuring an Informative Speech: Beginning with a strong introduction is essential for getting the attention of the audience. A powerful opening can be done with a joke, story, or quote. It’s also important to end the introduction with a “hook” that entices the audience to want to continue listening. The body of the speech should contain facts, evidence, and statistics to back up the content. Finally, conclude with a memorable statement that reinforces the main idea and encourages thought in the audience. Delivering an Informative Speech: When giving an informative speech, confidence is key. Strive to appear self-assured so that you can persuade your audience into listening. It’s also important to keep a steady pace while addressing the points rather than racing through them quickly – doing so will ensure that the listeners fully comprehend all of your information. Also make sure to clearly articulate each word and pause when necessary in order for certain points to set in before continuing on with other details. Utilizing Relevant Content: When selecting material for your informative speech be sure to pick topics that are not too mundane or complicated…you don’t want this presentation turn into a snooze-fest session! Keep your message lighthearted but still intriguing by offering anecdotes and examples of how this issue has been brought up in life experiences or news stories outside of its primary context. Although using humor is great for captivating an audience make sure you avoid offending anyone since this will not reflect positively on your talk. Lastly, strive to select a subject area that can prompt interesting conversations between you and your attendees. In conclusion, when crafting and delivering an informative speech remember that organization and confident delivery are two key components to getting across your message effectively. Supporting facts and data should also be included within your talk as well as relevant material related to the topic at hand which will allow listeners easily connect with what you are saying and receive value from it.

Creative Ideas to Grab the Audience’s Attention

When giving an informative speech, it is important to grab the audience’s attention right away. This can be done through creative and unique ideas that make the speech more interesting. To start, it is important to create a powerful opening by calling out common myths or misconceptions in the industry that are relevant to your topic. Focusing on one compelling fact can also help introduce the subject and get the listener engaged with your talk. Additionally, you can use personal stories or anecdotes that relate to the topic being discussed in order to draw your audience in and give them further context. Humor is also a great way to engage with an audience. Using jokes or funny stories can lighten any tense conversations and keep listeners engaged throughout the duration of the speech. By making your narrative relatable, instead of focusing on complex ideas, it will help break down difficult concepts and make people relate more closely to your experience and thoughts pertaining to the topic. A simple idea such as this could develop into an interactive experience for all in attendance. Furthermore, using visuals aids like graphics, images and videos can help tell a story for harder-to-grasp topics . This helps break up long passages of text and creates lasting impressions among viewers so they remember the points being put forth more easily. Providing visual representations from different angles of a specific concept makes abstract matters easier to comprehend since they are able to retain those visuals better than long sentences of words alone. These creative ideas should be used strategically so as not to move too far away from the main focus of an informative speech; however, they can be effective tools in engaging an audience when used correctly.

Responses to Common Questions with Explanations

How can i make an informative speech interesting.

Making an informative speech interesting starts with thoroughly researching the topic and understanding what areas of the topic will be most engaging for your audience. Take time to practice delivering the content, paying attention to how you present and pace your speech – vary the speed and style for different points in your presentation. Use humor and storytelling to liven up your delivery and make it more relatable. Incorporate visuals , as well as sound effects or music, to emphasize key points of your speech. Lastly, if you show enthusiasm when you speak and are truly passionate about what you’re presenting, that energy and emotion will be picked up on by your audience and will likely make them more engaged with your speech.

What are the best strategies for research for an informative speech?

The best strategies for research for an informative speech are to start by gathering as much reliable and accurate information as possible. It is essential to have sufficient evidence and facts to back up your claims. Therefore, begin by reading the latest reports on the topic available in books , journals, and articles. Additionally, consider conducting interviews with experts or people who can provide insight into the topic. When you’re researching, make sure you take notes accurately and quickly and that your material is properly organized for easy reference when writing your speech. Also, ensure all sources are up-to-date, credible, and unbiased. To ensure accuracy, cross-check the facts from other sources such as articles from reputable news outlets or interviews with knowledgeable professionals. Finally, anticipate counterarguments and understand different points of view that may exist about the topic. This will ensure you are able to effectively address potential debates during your presentation.

How can I effectively structure an informative speech?

When structuring an informative speech, it is important to keep in mind the goal of providing detailed and accurate information. This begins by understanding your audience and then narrowing the focus of your speech. Here are some key tips to help you effectively structure your informative speech: 1. Create an outline – Start by writing down a few main points you want to get across in your speech. Be sure you know what information each point covers and how it supports your overall message. 2. Make an introduction – Introduce yourself and the topic of your speech, as well as any relevant background information that the audience needs to understand the topic better. 3. Present facts and evidence – Use facts and evidence to support the points you make in your speech. Be sure to cite any sources used for accuracy. 4. Speak clearly – Speak at a steady pace and with a clear, strong voice so that everyone can hear you and understand what you are saying. 5. Reiterate main points – Remind the audience of the main points at least once during the speech, so that they remember them when they think back on what they have heard later on. 6. End with a summary – Summarize the main points of your speech quickly before signing off, again so that everyone remembers them before they leave the room..

Are there any tips for selecting an informative speech topic?

Yes, there are many tips for selecting an informative speech topic. First, pick something that interests you. When the topic is something that you find fascinating or enjoyable to research, it will make it easier to stay motivated while preparing your speech . Second, think of a topic that is broad enough to explore in detail but narrow enough to cover in the allotted time. If your topic is too vague or too specific, you may have difficulty finding information and sticking within the given time limit. Third, aim for a current topic so your speech remains relevant and engaging to your audience. But be sure not to go over topics that are too technical or complex—remember to keep your language accessible. Finally, do some research into any existing material available on the subject so you can avoid repeating information that has already been covered. This will also give you an opportunity to look at the different ways the subject has already been explored and form your own unique angle for presentation.

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informative speech sample topics

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25 Topics for an Informative Speech

25 Topics for an Informative Speech

3-minute read

  • 20th November 2023

Have you been asked to give an informative speech, or do you simply want to practice your public speaking skills ? If the answer to either question is yes, then the first thing you need to do is choose a topic for your speech. But with so many potential topics, how can you pick just one? In this post, we’ve narrowed down 25 topics for an informative speech to help you find the one that works best for you.

Choosing a Topic

Informative speeches aim to educate the audience on a particular subject or industry. Unlike persuasive speeches , informative ones are not meant to convince the listener to believe or act a certain way; they are meant to be purely descriptive and explanatory.

The best topics for informative speeches are engaging, interesting, valuable, and relevant to the target audience . Choose a topic about which you have a comprehensive understanding or one you intend to research substantially. After all, it’s easy to deliver an engaging presentation and educate your audience when you’re extremely knowledgeable about the topic! Next, let’s take a look at 25 interesting topics for an informative speech, organized by subject.

Science and Technology

●  The impact of artificial intelligence on society

●  Recent advancements in space exploration

●  Recent breakthroughs in medical research

●  The science behind climate change and its effects

●  The evolution of social media

●  What is 3D printing?

Health and Wellness

●  The effect of regular exercise on overall health

●  How sleep impacts brain functioning

●  Understanding stress and stress management techniques

●  How does sugar impact the body?

●  Key figures in the Civil Rights movement

●  Significant women in history

●  Sculpture of the Renaissance

●  A history of fashion in the Victorian era

●  An exploration of the Olympics from their beginning

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●  The history and impact of open-access education

●  An exploration of virtual learning over the past 25 years

●  How high schools differ around the world

●  A look back at education in 19th-century America and the way it compares to current methods

●  The history of homework

The Environment and Sustainability

●  How to reduce your carbon footprint

●  What is zero-waste living?

●  The significance of global water conservation

●  The impact of air pollution on public health

●  The impact of oil spills on the environment

Tips for Giving an Informative Speech

If you’re giving an informative speech, remember to:

●  Do your research! Gather information from credible, authoritative sources when composing your speech. Avoid sources that discuss strictly the opinion of the author and look for solid, factual evidence to support your topic.

●  Consider your audience. Do they have at least a baseline knowledge of the topic? The answer to this question will help determine how deep you should go in your explanations and what kind of language to use.

●  Organize your ideas . Before you begin writing, create a comprehensive outline that includes the introduction, main ideas, and conclusion.

●  Use anecdotes or examples to make your content more engaging and relevant to your audience.

●  Anticipate potential questions and jot down notes you can easily refer to.

Here’s one last essential speech writing tip: to ensure a smooth delivery and enhance your writing, have your speech professionally proofread and edited. Our editors can make sure your informative speech effectively conveys your message and engages your audience. Send in your free sample today to get started.

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Informative speech examples

4 types of informative speeches: topics and outlines

By:  Susan Dugdale  | Last modified: 08-05-2023

The primary purpose of an informative speech is to share useful and interesting, factual, and accurate information with the audience on a particular topic (issue), or subject.

Find out more about how to do that effectively here. 

What's on this page

The four different types of informative speeches, each with specific topic suggestions and an example informative speech outline: 

  • description
  • demonstration
  • explanation

What is informative speech?

  • The 7 key characteristics of an informative speech

Image - Label: 4 Informative speech example outlines: definition, description, explanation, demonstration

We all speak to share information. We communicate knowledge of infinite variety all day, every day, in multiple settings.

Teachers in classrooms world-wide share information with their students.

Call centers problem solve for their callers.

News outlets (on and offline) issue reports on local, national and international events and issues, people of interest, weather, traffic flow around cities...

Health care professionals explain the treatment of addictive behaviors, the many impacts of long Covid, the development of new treatments...

Specialist research scientists share their findings with colleagues at conferences.

A pastry chef demonstrates how to make perfect classic croissants.

The range of informative public speaking is vast!  Some of us do it well. Some of us not so well - largely because we don't fully understand what's needed to present what we're sharing effectively. 

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The key characteristics of an informative speech

So, what are the key characteristics or essential elements, of this type of speech? There are seven.

1. Objectivity

The information you give is factual, neutral and objective. You make no attempt to persuade or push (advocate) a particular viewpoint.

Your personal opinions: feelings thoughts, or concerns about the topic you're presenting are not given. This is not a persuasive speech.

As an example,  here's an excerpt from a Statistics Department report on teenage births in New Zealand - the country I live in.

Although it's a potentially a firecracker subject: one arousing all sorts of emotional responses from outright condemnation of the girls and their babies to compassionate practical support, the article sticks to the facts. 

The headline reads: "Teenage births halved over last decade"

"The number of teenage women in New Zealand giving birth has more than halved over the last decade, Stats NZ said today.

There were 1,719 births registered to teenage women (those aged under 20 years) in 2022, accounting for around 1 in every 34 births that year. In 2012, there were 3,786 births registered to teenage mothers, accounting for around 1 in every 16 births that year."

For more see: Statistics Department NZ - Teenage births halved over last decade 

You present your information clearly and concisely, avoiding jargon or complex language that may confuse your audience.

The candidate gave a rousing stump speech , which included a couple of potentially inflammatory statements on known wedge issues .

If the audience is familiar with political jargon that sentence would be fine. If they're not, it would bewilder them. What is a 'stump speech' or a 'wedge issue' ?

Stump speech: a candidate's prepared speech or pitch that explains their core platform.

Wedge issue: a controversial political issue that divides members of opposing political parties or the same party.

For more see: political jargon examples

3. Relevance

The content shared in your speech should be relevant and valuable. It should meet your audience's needs or spark their curiosity.

If the audience members are vegetarians, they're highly unlikely to want to know anything about the varying cuts of beef and what they are used for.

However, the same audience might be very interested in finding out more about plant protein and readily available sources of it.  

4. Organizational pattern

The speech should have a logical sequential structure with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.

If I am giving a demonstration speech on how to bake chocolate chip cookies, to be effective it needs to move through each of the necessary steps in the correct order.

Beginning with how to spoon the mixture on to the tray, or how to cool the cookies on a wire rack when you've taken them out of the oven, is confusing.   

5. Research and credibility

Informative speeches are based on thorough research and reliable sources to ensure accuracy and credibility. And sources need to be properly cited.

My friend told me, my mother says, or I saw it on Face Book is neither authoritative nor enough. ☺

Example: My speech is on literacy rates in USA. To be credible I need to quote and cite reputable sources.

  • https://www.apmresearchlab.org/10x-adult-literacy
  • https://www.thinkimpact.com/literacy-statistics/

6. Visual aids

Slides, charts, graphs, or props are frequently used to help the audience fully understand what they're being told.

For example, an informative speech on the rise and fall of a currency's daily exchange rate is made a great deal easier to follow and understand with graphs or charts illustrating the key points.

Or for a biographical speech, photos of the person being talked about will help hold the attention of your audience.  

7. Effective delivery

To be effective your speech needs to be delivered in a way that captures and hold the audience's attention. That means all aspects of it have been rehearsed or practiced. 

If you're demonstrating, you've gone through every step to ensure you have the flow of material right.

If you're using props (visual aids) of any sort you've made sure they work. Can they be seen easily? Do they clearly illustrate the point you're making?

Is your use of the stage (or your speaking space) good? Does your body language align with your material? Can your voice be heard? Are you speaking clearly? 

Pulling together a script and the props you're going to use is only part of the task of giving a speech. Working on and refining delivery completes it.

To give a successful speech each of these seven aspects needs to be fine-tuned: to hook your audience's interest, to match their knowledge level, your topic, your speech purpose and, fit within the time constraints you've been given.

Types of informative speeches

There are four types of informative speeches: definition, description, explanation and demonstration. A speech may use one, or a mix of them.

1. Informing through definition 

An informative speech based on definition clearly, and concisely, explains a concept * , theory, or philosophy. The principal purpose is to inform the audience, so they understand the main aspects of the particular subject being talked about.

* Definition of concept from the Cambridge dictionary - an  abstract principle or idea 

Examples of topics for definition or concept speeches

A good topic could be:

  • What is global warming?
  • What are organics?
  • What are the core beliefs of Christianity?
  • What is loyalty?
  • What is mental health?
  • What is modern art? 
  • What is freedom?
  • What is beauty?
  • What is education?
  • What are economics?
  • What is popular culture?

These are very broad topic areas- each containing multiple subtopics, any of which could become the subject of a speech in its own right. 

Example outline for a definition or concept informative speech

Speech title:.

What is modern art?

- people who want an introductory overview of modern art to help them understand a little more about what they're looking at - to place artists and their work in context 

Specific purpose:

- to provide a broad outline/definition of modern art 

Image: The Scream - Edvard Munch Text: What is modern art? An example outline for a concept or definition informative speech

Modern art refers to a broad and diverse artistic movement that emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and continued to develop throughout the 20th century. 

It is characterized by a radical departure from traditional artistic styles and conventions and encompasses a wide range of artistic styles, techniques, and media, reflecting the cultural, social, and technological changes of the time.

Key characteristics or main points include:

  • Experimentation and innovation : Modern artists sought to break away from established norms and explore new ways of representing the world. They experimented with different materials, techniques, and subjects, challenging the boundaries of traditional art forms.
  • Abstraction : Modern art often features abstract and non-representational elements, moving away from realistic depictions. Artists like Wassily Kandinsky and Piet Mondrian explored pure abstraction, using shapes, lines, and colors to convey emotions and ideas.
  • Expression of the inner self : Many modern artists aimed to convey their inner emotions, thoughts, and experiences through their work. This led to the development of various movements like Expressionism (See work of Evard Munch) and Surrealism (See work of Salvador Dali). 
  • Rejection of academic conventions : Artists sought to break free from the rigid rules of academic art and embrace more individualistic and avant-garde approaches. For example: Claude Monet, (1840 -1926) Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Édouard Manet
  • Influence of industrialization and urbanization : The rapid changes brought about by industrialization and urbanization in the 19th and 20th centuries influenced modern art. Artists were inspired by the dynamics of the modern world and its impact, often negative, on human life. 
  • Multiple art movements : Modern art encompasses a wide array of movements and styles, for example Cubism, Futurism, Dadaism, Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art... Each movement brought its own unique perspective on art and society.
  • Focus on concept and process : Modern artists began to emphasize the underlying ideas and concepts behind their work, giving greater importance to the creative process itself. 

Modern art should not be confused with contemporary art. While modern art refers specifically to the artistic developments of the early to mid-20th century, contemporary art encompasses art created by artists living and working in the present day. The transition from modern art to contemporary art happened around the late 20th century- 1950s onward.


  • mymodernmet.com/abstract artists
  • differencess.com/expressionism vs surrealism
  • lorimcnee.com/artists who died without recognition
  • industrial revolution the influence on art
  • mymodernmet.com/important art movements
  • theartstory.org/conceptual-art
  • Image: The Scream, Edvard Munch  

2. Informing through description

Informing through description means creating detailed, vivid verbal pictures for your audience to make what you're talking about come to life in the minds of those listening which in turn, will make your subject matter memorable.

Examples of good informative speech topics that could be used for descriptive speeches

  • How I celebrate Christmas
  • My first day at school
  • My home town
  • A time I feared for my life
  • A time when I felt contented and happy

My first car

  • An object I find fascinating: lotus shoes, bustles, corsets, panniers (These are historical items of women's clothing.)
  • Working from home: the joys, the hazards
  • My dream home, job, or holiday
  • An event I'll never forget
  • The most valuable or interesting thing I own
  • Martin Luther King, Benjamin Franklin, President Lincoln... a notable person from the past or present, including someone you may know: a family member, friend or yourself, or a public figure (an artist, singer, dancer, writer, entrepreneur, inventor...)

Example outline for a descriptive informative speech

- to take the audience with me back to the time when we bought our first car and have them appreciate that car's impact on our lives 

Central idea:

Our Austin A50 was a much-loved car

Image: Austin A50 advertising picture Text: Austin A50 Cambridge - the car that gives you more

About the car:

- English, Austin A50, 1950ish model - curvy, solid, a matron of cars

Background to purchase:

  • 1974 - we were 20 and 21 - young and broke
  • The car cost $200 - a lot of money for me at that time. I raided my piggy bank to buy it.
  • It was a trade up from the back of the motorbike - now I could sit side by side and talk, rather than sit behind and poke my husband, when I wanted to say important things like, 'Slow down', or 'I'm cold'. The romance of a motorbike is short-lived in winter. It diminishes in direct proportion to the mountain of clothes needing to be put on before going anywhere - coats, scarf, boots, helmet... And this particular winter was bitter: characterized by almost impenetrable grey fog and heavy frosts. It was so cold the insides of windows of the old house we lived in iced up.
  • It was tri-colored - none of them dominating - bright orange on the bonnet, sky blue on the rear doors and the roof, and matt black on the front doors and the boot. (Bonus - no one would ever steal it - far too easily identified!)
  • The chrome flying A proudly rode the bonnet.
  • The boot, (trunk lid) was detachable. It came off - why I can't remember. But it needed to be opened to fill the tank, so it meant lifting it off at the petrol station and leaning it up against the boot while the tank filled, and then replacing it when done.
  • There were bench seats upholstered in grey leather (dry and cracked) front and back with wide arm rests that folded down.
  • The windows wound up and down manually and, in the rear, there were triangle shaped opening quarter-windows.
  • The mouse-colored lining that had been on the doors and roof was worn, torn and in some patches completely missing. Dust poured in through the crevices when we drove on the metal roads that were common where we lived.
  • It had a column gear change - 4 gears, a heater that didn't function, proper old-school semaphore trafficators indicators that flicked out from the top of the door pillars and blinked orange, a clutch that needed a strong push to get it down, an accelerator pedal that was slow to pick up and a top speed of around 50 mph. 


We called her Prudence. We loved, and remember, her fondly because:

  • I was taught to drive in her - an unforgettable experience. I won the bunny hopping record learning to coordinate releasing the clutch and pressing down on the accelerator. Additionally, on metal roads, I found you needed to slow before taking corners. Sliding on two wheels felt precarious. The bump back down to four was a relief.  
  • We did not arrive places having to disrobe - take off layers of protective clobber.
  • We could talk to each without shouting and NOW our road trips had a soundtrack - a large black portable battery driven tape player sat on the back parcel shelf blasting out a curious mix of Ry Cooder, Bach, Mozart's Flute Concerto, Janice Joplin... His choice. My choice. Bliss.
  • My father-in-law suggested we park it down the street rather than directly outside his house when we visited. To him Prudence was one eccentricity too many! An embarrassment in front of the neighbors. ☺
  • austinmemories.com/styled-33/styled-39/index.html
  • wikipedia.org/Austin_Cambridge
  • archive.org/1956-advertisement-for-austin-a-50

3. Informing through demonstration

Informing through demonstration means sharing verbal directions about how to do a specific task: fix, or make, something while also physically showing the steps, in a specific chronological order.

These are the classic 'show-n-tell', 'how to' or process speeches.

Examples of process speech topics:

  • How to bake chocolate chip cookies
  • How to use CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) correctly
  • How to prepare and plant a tub of vegetables or flowers
  • How to read a topographic map
  • How to make a tik-tok reel
  • How to knit a hat

How to brainstorm material for a speech

For literally  100s more demonstration topic ideas

A demonstrative informative speech outline example

To demonstrate the brainstorming process and to provide practical strategies (helpful tips) for freeing and speeding up the generation of ideas

Main ideas:

Understanding brainstorming - explanation of what brainstorming is and its benefits

Preparing for brainstorming - the starting point - stating the problem or topic that needs brainstorming, working in a comfortable place free from distractions, encouraging open-mindedness and suspension of judgment.

Techniques for brainstorming : (Show and tell on either white board or with large sheets of paper that everyone can see) mind mapping, and free writing. Take topic ideas from audience to use.

Example : notes for maid of honor speech for sister

Example of brainstorming notes - free writing - ideas for a maid of honor speech for my sister

Benefits : Demonstrate how mind maps can help visually organize thoughts and connections, how free writing allows ideas to flow without stopping to judge them

Encourages quantity over quality - lots of ideas - more to choose from. May generate something you'd never have thought of otherwise.

Select, refine, develop (show and tell) 

For more see: brainstorm examples

4. Informing through explanation 

Informing through explanation is explaining or sharing how something works, came to be, or why something happened, for example historical events like the Civil War in the United States. The speech is made stronger through the use of visuals - images, charts of data and/or statistics.

Examples of explanatory informative speech topics

  • How did the 1919 Treaty of Versailles contribute to the outbreak of World War Two?
  • What led to The American Civil War (April 12, 1861 – May 26, 1865)?
  • Why is there an increase in type two diabetes and problems associated with obesity in first world countries, for example, in UK and USA?
  • How do lungs work?
  • What causes heart disease?
  • How electric vehicles work?   
  • What caused the Salem witch trials?
  • How does gravitation work?
  • How are rainbows formed?
  • Why do we pay taxes?
  • What is cyberbullying? Why is it increasing?

Example explanatory informative speech outline

The Treaty of Versailles: how did it contribute to the outbreak of World War Two

Image: Signing The Treaty of Versailles 1919 - dignitaries gather in the Hall of Mirrors, Palace of Versailles to sign the treaty, June 28, 1919

- to explain how the Treaty of Versailles (1919) was a significant causal factor leading up World War two

Central ideas:

Historical context : World War One, 'the war to end all wars' ended in 1918. The Allied Powers: USA, UK, France, Italy and Japan, met in Paris at the Paris Peace Conference 1919 to work out the details and consequences of the Treaty of Versailles, which would impact the defeated Central Powers, principally Germany. 

These included:

  • territorial boundary changes which stripped Germany of land in Europe, and established new nations - e.g. Poland and Czechoslovakia
  • military restrictions - the disarmament of the German military, restrictions on weapons and technology, demilitarization of the Rhineland
  • reparations - demands that they were unable to meet, plus being forced to accept a "war guilt" clause (Article 231) had an enormous impact, economically and psychologically. The country plunged into deep recession - albeit along with many other countries. (The Great Depression 1929-1939 which ended with the beginning of World War Two.)

The League of Nations - The League of Nations was an international diplomatic group developed after World War I as a way to solve disputes between countries before they erupted into open warfare. Despite being active in its set up, USA refused to join it - a stance that weakened its effectiveness.

Controversies within Germany: Public anger and resentment, plus political instability as result of reparations, territory loss and economic hardships

Controversies with Treaty partners: The Treaty's perceived fairness and effectiveness: Italy and Japan felt their settlements were inadequate compared to what had been taken by UK, USA and France.

The rise of 'isms'   Simmering discontent eventually emerged as the rise of Fascism in Italy, Nazism in Germany and Statism (a mix of nationalism, militarism and “state capitalism”) in Japan.

Expansionist Nationalism Spread of expansionist nationalism - a state's right to increase its borders because it is superior in all ways. Therefore, Hitler was 'right' to take back what had previously been regarded as German territory (Czechoslovakia and Austria), and to go after more, all the while goading the Allied Powers to act. When his armies went into Poland, Britain declared war against Germany - 21 years after the end of the last.

  • history.com/treaty-of-versailles-world-war-ii-guilt-effects
  • tinyurl.com/Treaty-of-Versailles
  • Image:  tinyurl.com/signing-Treaty-of-Versailles

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informative speech sample topics

100+ Informative Speech Topics & Ideas for All Students 

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  • Reading time: 30 mins read

As a student tasked with delivering an informative speech, finding the right topic can be a difficult first step. The challenge doesn’t just end with selecting a topic; it extends to researching, preparing, and effectively presenting it. We’ve got you covered.

Our selection of informative speech topics is filled with captivating and relevant ideas to keep your audience engaged while educating them. You can choose any of these topics as a starting point for an informative and memorable speech.

List of Informative Speech Topics for Students

When selecting informative speech topics for students, the aim is to find subjects that are educational, engaging, and relevant to their interests and experiences. Here are some diverse and thought-provoking informative topic ideas that college students can explore for their informative speeches:

Good Informative Speech Topics for Students

  • First Aid Basics and Their Importance
  • Cold and Flu: Symptoms and Prevention
  • Pediatric Nursing: Caring for Children
  • Mental Health Awareness in Adolescence
  • Essentials of Nutritional Health
  • The Science and Importance of Vaccines
  • Hygiene Practices to Prevent Illness
  • The Role of Sleep in Maintaining Health
  • Understanding and Managing Allergies
  • An Introduction to Human Anatomy
  • Special Considerations in Geriatric Nursing
  • Effective Stress Management Techniques
  • The Health Benefits of Regular Exercise
  • Ethical Considerations in Nursing
  • Managing and Understanding Diabetes
  • Fundamentals of Wound Care
  • Common Skin Conditions and Treatments
  • The Diverse Role of Nurses in Healthcare
  • Basics of Pain Management
  • Promoting Cardiovascular Health

Best Informative Speech Topics for College

  • Advanced First Aid and Crisis Management
  • In-depth Analysis of Mental Health Disorders
  • Pediatric Oncology: Challenges and Care
  • Lifestyle’s Impact on Chronic Diseases
  • Nutritional Therapy in Healthcare Settings
  • Vaccine Development and Effectiveness
  • Infection Control Techniques in Hospitals
  • Sleep Psychology and Related Disorders
  • Comprehensive Allergy Management
  • Detailed Study of Human Physiology
  • Geriatric Nursing and Age-Related Diseases
  • Advanced Stress and Anxiety Management
  • Exercise Physiology in Disease Prevention
  • Navigating Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing
  • In-depth Look at Diabetes and Endocrine Health
  • Advanced Techniques in Wound Healing
  • Dermatology from a Nursing Perspective
  • Leadership and Management in Nursing
  • Comprehensive Approaches to Pain Management
  • Cardiac Care and Rehabilitation Techniques

Easy Informative Speech Topics

  • Basic First Aid Techniques Everyone Should Know
  • The Importance of Hand Hygiene in Preventing Infections
  • Understanding Common Cold: Symptoms and Treatment
  • Introduction to Healthy Eating and Nutrition
  • Basic Steps for Blood Pressure Monitoring
  • Sleep Hygiene: Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep
  • Stress Management: Simple Relaxation Techniques
  • Basics of Diabetes: Types and Management
  • Understanding and Preventing Seasonal Allergies
  • Basic Wound Care: Do’s and Don’ts
  • The Role of Vaccinations in Public Health
  • The Impact of Smoking on Health
  • Introduction to Mental Health and Well-being
  • Basic Skin Care and Sun Protection
  • The Importance of Regular Exercise
  • Understanding Asthma: Basics and Management
  • Principles of Healthy Weight Management
  • Dehydration: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention
  • Introduction to Geriatric Health Issues
  • Pediatric Health: Common Childhood Illnesses

Short Informative Speech Topics

  • Handwashing: The Best Way to Prevent Germs
  • Quick Tips for a Healthy Heart
  • Introduction to CPR: Basic Steps
  • The Dangers of Antibiotic Resistance
  • Understanding Migraines and Headache Management
  • Basic Nutrition: Vitamins and Minerals Essentials
  • The Significance of Breast Cancer Awareness
  • Recognizing and Responding to a Stroke
  • Basic Eye Care and Common Eye Problems
  • Importance of Vaccines in Disease Prevention
  • Ear Health and Preventing Hearing Loss
  • Simple Techniques for Anxiety Relief
  • Oral Hygiene and Dental Health Basics
  • Foot Care for Diabetics
  • Dealing with Common Digestive Disorders
  • Bone Health: Preventing Osteoporosis
  • Overview of Common Respiratory Diseases
  • Basic Understanding of Arthritis
  • Skin Cancer Awareness and Prevention
  • Basics of Maternal and Child Health

Interesting/ Fun Informative Speech Topics

  • The Evolution of Nursing Throughout History
  • Fascinating Medical Discoveries and Innovations
  • The Role of Pets and Animals in Healing
  • Bizarre but True: Unusual Medical Conditions
  • Medical Miracles: Remarkable Recovery Stories
  • How Laughter Benefits Physical Health
  • Exploring the Power of the Placebo Effect
  • Myths and Facts About the Human Brain
  • Pioneering Women in the Field of Nursing
  • The Science Behind Love and Its Health Benefits
  • Unique Traditional Healing Practices Around the World
  • The Future of Telemedicine and Virtual Healthcare
  • The Psychology of Pain: Perception vs. Reality
  • The Weird World of Rare Genetic Conditions
  • How Music Therapy Enhances Health and Well-being
  • The History and Significance of World Health Day
  • Famous Medical Experiments in History
  • The Impact of Space Travel on Human Health
  • The Influence of Social Media on Health Trends
  • Nursing in War: Stories from the Frontline

Unique Informative Speech Topics

  • The Link Between Climate Change and Public Health
  • The Future of Genetic Engineering in Medicine
  • Exploring the World of Rare Diseases
  • Nursing Practices in Different Cultures
  • Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
  • The Psychology of Color in Healing Environments
  • The Impact of Globalization on Healthcare
  • Revolutionary Medical Treatments Under Development
  • The Ethical Dilemmas of Modern Medicine
  • The Role of Nutrition in Chronic Disease Management
  • Virtual Reality and its Application in Healthcare
  • The Evolution of Surgical Techniques
  • The Role of Nurses in Disaster Response
  • Breakthroughs in Brain-Computer Interfaces
  • The Connection Between Art and Healing
  • The Growing Field of Gerontechnology
  • The Science of Sleep Disorders
  • The Challenges of Healthcare in Remote Areas
  • The Effects of Social Isolation on Mental Health
  • The Role of Robotics in Modern Surgery

Popular Informative Speech Topics

  • The COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons Learned
  • The Opioid Crisis: Understanding and Prevention
  • Mental Health: Breaking the Stigma
  • The Importance of Healthcare Accessibility
  • The Role of Technology in Modern Nursing
  • The Impact of Diet on Mental Health
  • The Challenges of Nursing in a Pandemic
  • Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Breastfeeding: Benefits and Challenges
  • The Rise of Telehealth Services
  • The Importance of Patient Advocacy in Nursing
  • The Effects of Social Media on Teen Mental Health
  • The Growing Problem of Antibiotic Resistance
  • The Benefits of Yoga and Meditation in Healthcare
  • Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia
  • The Impact of Stress on Physical Health
  • The Role of Community Health Nursing
  • Advances in Cancer Treatment and Research
  • The Importance of Health Education in Schools
  • The Growing Trend of Wellness and Preventative Care

Informative Speech Topics – 2024 Ideas

  • The Role of Nursing in Global Health Initiatives
  • Advances in Stem Cell Research and Therapy
  • The Future of Personalized Medicine
  • The Ethics of Assisted Reproductive Technologies
  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Patient Care
  • The Growing Trend of Plant-Based Diets and Health
  • The Use of Big Data in Healthcare
  • The Challenges of Providing Healthcare in Conflict Zones
  • The Role of Mental Health First Aid
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Infectious Diseases
  • Innovations in Wound Care and Healing
  • The Future of Nursing Education
  • The Role of Nurses in Palliative and End-of-Life Care
  • The Effects of Pollution on Respiratory Health
  • The Importance of Global Vaccine Equity
  • The Challenges of Rural Healthcare Delivery
  • Emerging Trends in Healthcare Technology
  • The Psychology Behind Chronic Pain Management
  • The Importance of Cultural Competence in Nursing
  • The Growing Field of Nursing Informatics

Creative Informative Speech Topics

  • The Art and Science of Nursing
  • The Role of Storytelling in Patient Care
  • Innovative Approaches to Patient Education
  • The Impact of Urban Design on Public Health
  • The Intersection of Fashion and Medical Wearables
  • Creative Therapies in Mental Health Care
  • The Use of Gamification in Health Education
  • The Role of Nurses in Health Policy Development
  • Exploring the World of Holistic Nursing
  • The Future of 3D Printing in Medicine
  • The Importance of Empathy in Healthcare
  • The Use of Augmented Reality in Surgical Training
  • The Role of Nutrition in Cancer Prevention
  • Innovations in Home Health Care Technology
  • The History and Future of Epidemics and Pandemics
  • The Role of Nurses in Climate Change Advocacy
  • The Use of Social Media in Health Awareness Campaigns
  • The Evolution of Maternal and Neonatal Care
  • Exploring the Benefits of Alternative Medicine
  • The Role of Nurses in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

What Is An Informative Speech?

An informative speech is a type of speech that aims to educate the audience on a specific topic, providing them with facts, insights, and information in a clear and understandable manner. Its main objective is to enhance the knowledge and understanding of the listeners about the subject being discussed.

What are the 4 Types of Informative Speeches?

Informative speeches are a cornerstone of effective communication, especially in educational and professional settings. They serve the crucial purpose of educating and enlightening audiences on various topics. Broadly categorized, there are four distinct types of informative speeches, each serving a unique role in conveying information.

The four types of informative speeches are:

Descriptive Speeches:  These speeches aim to provide a detailed, vivid, and clear picture of a person, place, object, or event. The goal is to make the audience feel as if they are familiar with the subject through the use of descriptive language.

Explanatory Speeches: These focus on explaining a concept, idea, or phenomenon. The objective is to clarify the subject matter and help the audience understand it better, often involving the breaking down of complex ideas into simpler parts.

Demonstrative Speeches: These speeches are about showing or demonstrating how to do something. They are often accompanied by visual aids and step-by-step instructions, making them particularly useful for teaching processes or procedures.

Definition Speeches: This type involves explaining the meaning, context, or background of a specific term, concept, or issue. It’s about providing a clear and precise definition that enhances the audience’s understanding of a subject that might be abstract or complex.

Choosing Informative Speech Ideas

When writing an informative speech, one of the most critical steps is selecting a compelling and appropriate topic. Choose an informative speech topic that is interesting and can captivate your audience and ensure your message is conveyed and understood. Here’s how to choose a topic using the Five W’s – Who, What, When, Where, and Why –  approach:

Who: Consider your audience. Who are they? What are their interests, age group, and educational background? Selecting an interesting topic that resonates with the specific demographics of your audience will make your speech more impactful.

What: Determine the subject of your information speech. What topic do you want to address? Ensure it’s informative, interesting, and something you’re passionate about. The ‘what’ should also align with the purpose of your speech – are you aiming to educate, explain, demonstrate, or define?

When: Timing can be crucial. When is the best time to talk about these essay topics? Choose a subject that is timely and relevant. For instance, discussing technological advancements would be more engaging if aligned with recent breakthroughs.

Where: The setting or context where your professional speech will be delivered can influence your choice. Where will you be speaking? In a classroom, a business meeting, or a community event? The environment and occasion can dictate the appropriateness and tone of your topic.

Why: Finally, consider why this topic is essential. Why should your audience care about it? The ‘why’ is crucial for creating a compelling speech that informs and connects with the audience on a deeper level.

How to Write a Killer Informative Speech

Writing a good informative speech involves several key steps, each designed to ensure that your speech is engaging, informative, and memorable. Here’s a guide to help you craft an effective informative speech:

Choose a Topic

When selecting a topic for an informative speech essay, choose one that aligns with your interests and expertise, ensuring a passionate and knowledgeable presentation that resonates with your audience. The topic should be engaging, offering new insights or a deeper understanding of a subject, and appropriately scoped to be thoroughly covered within the time allotted for your speech. This balance ensures that your speech is informative, interesting, relevant, and impactful to those listening.

Understand Your Audience

Understanding your audience is a crucial aspect of preparing an informative speech. This involves analyzing their interests, background knowledge, and expectations to tailor your presentation for maximum engagement and relevance. For instance, a speech aimed at industry professionals should differ in complexity and terminology compared to one intended for high school students. 

Knowing the audience’s baseline understanding of the topic helps avoid oversimplification or excessive complexity. Additionally, understanding their interests can guide you in choosing which aspects of the topic to emphasize, making the speech more appealing and relatable. A well-tailored speech, cognizant of its audience, delivers information effectively and ensures that the audience remains engaged and interested throughout the presentation.

Gather Evidence and Facts From Credible Scholarly Sources

Gathering evidence and facts from credible scholarly sources is fundamental in preparing an informative speech. This process involves extensive research to ensure the information you present is accurate, current, and authoritative. Utilizing sources such as academic journals, books, and reputable online databases adds depth and credibility to your speech. It’s important to critically evaluate these sources for their reliability and relevance to your topic. 

Incorporating well-researched facts and evidence strengthens your arguments and enhances your speech’s overall quality. It demonstrates to your audience that you thoroughly understand the subject and are committed to providing them with trustworthy and informative information. This careful attention to source selection and fact verification is key to delivering a speech that is engaging and intellectually robust.

Deconstruct the Topic to Select the Best Ideas

Deconstructing the topic involves brainstorming and breaking down the overarching subject into its constituent components or key ideas. By identifying these core elements, you can structure your speech in a logical and organized manner. 

This ensures you cover all relevant aspects of the topic and enables you to prioritize and emphasize the most significant and compelling ideas. Through this deconstruction and selection process, you can create a clear, focused, and engaging speech, providing your audience with a well-structured and informative presentation.

Write a Thesis Statement for Your Informative Speech

A thesis statement serves as the compass that guides the entire public speaking presentation. It encapsulates the main message you aim to convey and provides a roadmap for both you as the speaker and your audience. 

A well-constructed thesis statement should state the topic and indicate the specific angle, perspective, or key points you plan to cover. It’s the nucleus around your informative essay speech, ensuring your content remains focused and relevant. Moreover, a strong thesis statement provides your audience with a clear understanding of what to expect, enhancing their comprehension and engagement throughout your speech.

Inform Rather Than Persuade the Audience

Here, the primary objective is to inform and educate the audience rather than to persuade or convince them. This key distinction underlines the importance of objectively presenting facts, data, and information without bias or attempting to sway opinions. The aim is to give the audience a well-rounded understanding of the topic, enabling them to form opinions and make informed decisions. 

While persuasive speeches focus on advocating for a particular viewpoint, informative speeches prioritize clarity, objectivity, and the dissemination of knowledge. By adhering to this principle of informing rather than persuading, speakers can build trust with their audience and ensure that their message is received as credible and unbiased.

Write the First Draft of Your Speech

Here, you transform your research, unique ideas, and thesis statement into a cohesive and structured narrative. Focusing on getting your ideas down on paper without being overly concerned about perfection is important. Start with a strong introduction that grabs the audience’s attention and presents your thesis statement. In the body of the speech, present your key points or ideas logically, providing supporting evidence and examples. 

Finally, craft a conclusion summarizing the main points and leaving a lasting impression. While the first draft may be rough around the edges, it serves as the foundation for refining and improving your speech in subsequent revisions. It’s a critical step in turning your knowledge and insights into an informative and engaging presentation.

Start Writing Your Essay with Power Words 

Power words can include compelling statistics, vivid anecdotes, thought-provoking questions, or impactful quotations. The goal is to grab your audience’s attention immediately, piquing their curiosity and drawing them into your speech. They set the tone for your presentation and create an initial impression that can linger throughout the speech. 

They also serve as hooks, enticing the audience to listen attentively and setting the stage for the valuable information you are about to impart. Starting your speech with such impactful words creates an engaging opening that sets the tone for the rest of your presentation.

Develop the Body of the Speech

The body of your informative speech is where you delve into the core content, presenting your key points, supporting evidence, and explanations. Each key point should be organized logically, and transitions between them should be smooth to maintain the flow of your speech. To ensure clarity, providing examples, statistics, and relevant facts that bolster your main ideas is essential. Visual aids, if applicable, can enhance comprehension and engagement. 

Remember to maintain an objective and informative tone, steering clear of persuasion or bias. By developing the body of your speech with a clear structure and comprehensive content, you enable your audience to follow along easily and gain a deep understanding of the topic. This is where the substance of your speech lies, and a well-structured body ensures that your informative message is effectively conveyed to your audience.

End Your Informative Speech with a Bang

Concluding your informative speech with impact is essential to leave a lasting impression on your audience. This closing section is where you summarize your main points, reinforcing the key takeaways for your listeners. It’s also an opportunity to make a final statement or leave the audience with something to ponder. 

An effective conclusion can involve a powerful quote, a thought-provoking question, or a call to action, depending on the nature of your speech. By ending your speech with a “bang,” you ensure that your audience departs with a clear understanding of the topic and a sense of closure, making your presentation memorable and impactful.

Proofread and Edit, Then Present

Proofreading and editing your informative speech is the final critical step before the presentation. Carefully review your speech for clarity, coherence, and grammatical accuracy. Check for any factual inaccuracies or inconsistencies in your content. Ensure that your speech flows smoothly, with logical transitions between ideas. Pay attention to your pacing and tone to ensure a natural and engaging delivery. 

If using visual aids, ensure they are well-prepared and integrated seamlessly into your presentation. You must practice your speech multiple times to refine your delivery and become comfortable with the content. Effective proofreading and editing, followed by diligent rehearsal, contribute to a polished and confident presentation that will effectively inform and engage your audience.

Bottom Line

Selecting topics for an informative speech requires thoughtful consideration to ensure the audience is engaged, informed, and enlightened. The key is to choose subjects that are not only interesting and relevant but also rich in content, allowing for a deep dive into facts, data, and insights. A compelling informative speech topic should entertain and cater to the audience’s interests and knowledge level while offering new perspectives or information. 

Balancing complexity with clarity is crucial, ensuring the topic is neither too esoteric nor overly simplistic. Whether the speech aims to educate, raise awareness, or provide a fresh outlook on a familiar subject, the topic should spark curiosity and invite further exploration. Ultimately, the success of an informative speech lies in its ability to convey knowledge in a compelling and accessible manner.

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Engaging and Insightful Informative Speech Topics Interesting: A Comprehensive Guide

Discover brief and engaging informative speech topics for your next presentation.

What's Inside?

What Is An Informative Speech?

informative speech sample topics

Informative speeches use study and factual data to educate the audience about a certain subject. These may consist of an original point of view, gripping narrative, or a potent lesson.

Informative speeches are not intended to be celebratory toasts or inauguration addresses; rather, their main purpose is to impart knowledge.

Six main categories of instructive talks exist:

Definition speeches: These are talks that elucidate a theory or notion. For example, a topic that starts with "What is...?" usually points to an educational discourse that is definitional in nature.

Speeches that Explain Things: These speeches try to explain how something works, such as how the brain processes information or how an electric car operates.

Demonstrative presentations: These "how-to" presentations homework, which frequently include visual aids, walk the audience through carrying out an activity, like boosting productivity or preparing a healthy meal.

Comparative speeches: Through the comparison or contrast of two alternatives, presenters assist the audience in understanding the parallels or divergences between various subjects. A speech might assess the benefits and drawbacks of private versus public education, for instance.

Speeches that Define: These speeches highlight the importance of the issue by describing a person, place, or object. A student might teach their friends about a historical figure, for example, while an entrepreneur might go over the details of a product proposal.

Informative speeches that are persuasive: Although persuasive speeches are usually different from informative speeches, certain informative speeches can be persuasive in nature by employing proof to persuade the audience of the superiority of a specific approach or viewpoint.

A salesperson might, for instance, make a presentation to convince customers to select their services, whereas a mental health advocate might suggest doing regular yoga.

How To Pick An Informative Speech Topic

informative speech sample topics

Choosing an informative speech topic is a crucial step in delivering a successful presentation. Here's a guide on how to pick an informative speech topic:

1) Identify Your Interests

Select a topic that genuinely interests you. Your enthusiasm for the subject will make the speech more engaging.

2) Consider Your Audience

Think about the interests and knowledge level of your audience. Choose a topic that will be relevant and informative for them.

3) Define the Purpose

Clarify the purpose of your speech. Are you aiming to educate, explain a process, or raise awareness? Tailor your topic accordingly.

4) Assess the Scope

Ensure that the topic is neither too broad nor too narrow. You should be able to cover the essential information within the allotted time.

5) Reliability of Information Globalization

Choose a topic for which reliable and credible information is available. It's essential to provide accurate and well-researched blog content.

6) Relevance Matte

Pick a topic that is current and relevant. Consider societal trends, technological advancements, or issues that are of contemporary interest.

7) Consider Your Expertise

Assess your own knowledge and expertise on potential topics. While you can research and learn, having some prior knowledge can make the process smoother.

8) Engagement Factor

Opt for a topic that will captivate your audience. Think about the potential to incorporate interesting facts, anecdotes, or visuals.

9) Practicality Innovation

Ensure that the topic is practical for a speech format. It should allow you to present information clearly and keep the audience's attention.

10) Personal Connection

If possible, choose a topic that has a personal connection or relevance to your life. Sharing personal experiences can add authenticity to your speech.

11) Check Time Constraints

Be mindfulness of the time limit for your speech. Ensure that the topic can be adequately covered within the allotted time.

12) Test Your Idea

Discuss your potential topics with friends, family, or peers. Get feedback on the level of interest and relevance.

Informative Speech Topics About Technology and Science

informative speech sample topics

  • The Rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI): Impacts and Challenges
  • Blockchain Technology : Revolutionizing Transactions and Security
  • Biotechnology Advancements: Opportunities and Ethical Considerations
  • Exploring the Potential of Quantum Computing
  • The Internet of Things (IoT): Connecting Our World
  • Space Exploration: Current Achievements and Future Missions
  • Advances in Genetic Engineering: Promises and Concerns
  • Renewable Energy Technologies: Shaping a Sustainable Future
  • 3D Printing: Transforming Manufacturing and Design
  • Cybersecurity Threats and Strategies for Protection

Informative Speech Ideas on Education

  • Online Education: Pros and Cons of Virtual Learning
  • The Impact of Technology on Classroom Teaching
  • Inclusive Education: Benefits and Challenges
  • Student Mental Health: Recognizing and Addressing Issues
  • The History and Evolution of Standardized Testing
  • Gamification in Education: Enhancing Learning Experiences
  • The Role of Arts and Creativity in Education
  • Early Childhood Education: Building Foundations for Success
  • Global Education Disparities: Causes and Potential Solutions
  • Alternative Education Models: Exploring Montessori, Waldorf, and Reggio Emilia

Informative Speech Topics on Sports and Health

  • The Benefits of Regular Physical Activity for Overall Health
  • Nutrition and Athlete Performance: Balancing Diet and Exercise
  • Common Injuries in Sports: Prevention and Recovery Strategies
  • Mental Health in Athletes: Addressing Stress and Anxiety
  • The Importance of Hydration in Physical Activity
  • Concussions in Sports: Recognition, Treatment, and Prevention
  • The Impact of Sports on Cardiovascular Health
  • Ergonomics in Exercise: Proper Techniques to Avoid Injuries
  • Doping in Sports: History, Consequences, and Anti-Doping Measures
  • The Role of Sports in Building a Healthy Community

Informative Speech Topics on Psychology and Communication

  • The Basics of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health
  • Effective Communication in Interpersonal Relationships
  • Understanding and Managing Stress: Psychological Approaches
  • The Psychology of Decision-Making: Factors and Influences
  • Nonverbal Communication: Body Language and Facial Expressions
  • The Power of Positive Psychology: Enhancing Well-Being
  • Group Dynamics: How Psychology Shapes Team Interactions
  • Cultural Differences in Communication Styles
  • The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Professional Success

Public Speaking ​Informative Speech Topics

  • Effective Techniques for Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety
  • The Art of Persuasion: Building Convincing Arguments
  • Storytelling in Public Speaking: Captivating Your Audience
  • The Importance of Body Language in Public Speaking
  • Crafting and Delivering a Memorable Elevator Pitch
  • Public Speaking in the Digital Age: Virtual Presentation Tips
  • The Impact of Voice and Tone on Audience Perception
  • How to Structure and Organize a Successful Speech
  • Using Visual Aids to Enhance Your Public Speaking
  • Q&A Sessions: Navigating Audience Questions with Confidence

​Informative Speech Topics on Society

  • The Impact of Social Media on Modern Society
  • Gender Inequality: Challenges and Progress
  • Civic Engagement: The Importance of Active Citizenship
  • The Effects of Urbanization on Communities
  • Social Justice Movements: History and Current Trends
  • The Role of Education in Shaping Society
  • The Influence of Pop Culture on Social Values
  • Youth Activism: Driving Change in Society
  • Racial and Ethnic Diversity: Celebrating Differences
  • Economic Disparities: Causes and Solutions

Controversial Topics for ​Informative Speeches

  • The Ethics of Genetic Engineering and Designer Babies
  • The Impact of Violent Video Games on Aggressive Behavior
  • Legalization of Assisted Suicide: Moral and Ethical Considerations
  • The Pros and Cons of Mandatory Vaccinations
  • Government Surveillance: Balancing Security and Privacy
  • The Influence of Media on Body Image and Self-Esteem
  • Climate Change: Causes, Denial, and Urgency for Action
  • The Death Penalty: Examining its Effectiveness and Morality
  • Internet Censorship: Protecting vs. Limiting Freedom of Speech
  • The Controversy Surrounding Animal Testing in Scientific Research

Cool Informative Speech Topics

  • Space Exploration: Recent Discoveries and Future Frontiers
  • The History and Evolution of Video Games
  • Unusual Careers: Exploring Unique and Cool Job Opportunities
  • The Art of Mixology: Craft Cocktails and their Origins
  • Innovative Green Technologies: Eco-Friendly Solutions for the Future
  • Futuristic Transportation: Flying Cars and Hyperloop Technology
  • The Science Behind Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
  • Strange and Fascinating Animal Behaviors in the Wild
  • Mysterious Places Around the World: Legends and Realities
  • Extreme Sports: Thrills, Risks, and Culture

Easy Topics for Informative Speech

  • How to Start a Vegetable Garden at Home
  • Basic Tips for Effective Time Management
  • The Importance of Drinking Enough Water Daily
  • Introduction to Recycling and its Impact on the Environment
  • Understanding the Basics of CPR
  • Healthy Eating Habits for a Balanced Lifestyle
  • Tips for Improving Sleep Quality
  • How to Write a Resume for a Job Application
  • Essential First Aid Techniques Everyone Should Know
  • The History and Meaning of Common Proverbs

Informative Speech Ideas on Family

  • Effective Communication within Families: Building Stronger Bonds
  • Balancing Work and Family Life: Strategies for Success
  • The Impact of Sibling Relationships on Personal Development
  • Parenting Styles: Authoritarian, Permissive, and Authoritative
  • Navigating Challenges in Blended Families
  • The Importance of Family Traditions and Rituals
  • Coping with Family Stress: Tips for a Healthy Household
  • Understanding Birth Order and Its Influence on Personality
  • Elderly Care: Balancing Independence and Support
  • The Significance of Family Dinners: Benefits and Tips

Informative Speech Themes on Justice and Law

  • Criminal Justice Reform: Challenges and Opportunities
  • The Role of Forensic Science in Solving Crimes
  • Cybersecurity Laws and Online Privacy
  • Juvenile Justice System: Issues and Reform
  • The Impact of Mandatory Minimum Sentences
  • Human Rights: Global Perspectives and Challenges
  • The Evolution of Intellectual Property Laws
  • Drug Legalization: Pros and Cons
  • Community Policing and Building Trust in Law Enforcement
  • Civil Liberties in the Digital Age: Balancing Security and Freedom

Ecology Informative Speech Topics

informative speech sample topics

  • Biodiversity Conservation: Importance and Challenges
  • Deforestation and Its Impact on Ecosystems
  • The Role of Wetlands in Environmental Conservation
  • Renewable Energy Sources: A Path to Sustainable Living
  • Pollinator Decline: Threats to Bees and Other Vital Species
  • Ocean Acidification: Causes and Consequences
  • Urban Ecology: Balancing City Life with Environmental Sustainability
  • Conservation of Endangered Species: Success Stories and Ongoing Efforts
  • Climate Change and its Effects on Global Ecosystems
  • Green Architecture: Building for Environmental Sustainability

Adoption Informative Speech Topics

  • The Adoption Process: From Application to Placement
  • Open Adoption vs. Closed Adoption: Understanding the Differences
  • International Adoption: Challenges and Considerations
  • Single Parent Adoption: Navigating the Journey Alone
  • Adoption and Identity: Exploring the Impact on Adoptees
  • Transracial Adoption: Embracing Diversity in Families
  • Foster Care Adoption: Supporting Children in Need
  • Post-Adoption Services: Resources for Adoptive Families
  • Legal and Ethical Issues in Adoption
  • Adoption Stories: Personal Experiences and Lessons Learned

Speech Topics Ideas on Society

informative speech sample topics

  • The Impact of Social Media on Face-to-Face Communication
  • Building Inclusive Communities: Embracing Diversity
  • The Role of Education in Shaping Society's Values
  • Community Service: Making a Difference Locally and Globally
  • Addressing Mental Health Stigma in Society
  • Social Entrepreneurship: Business for Positive Change
  • Youth Activism and Social Change
  • The Influence of Pop Culture on Social Norms
  • Challenges and Solutions in Affordable Housing
  • Promoting Civic Engagement: Importance of Voting and Participation

informative speech sample topics

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Media Informative Speech Topics

informative speech sample topics

  • Media Literacy: Navigating Information in the Digital Age
  • The Impact of Social Media on Society and Relationships
  • Fake News: Recognizing and Combating Misinformation
  • Evolution of Journalism in the Age of Technology
  • The Role of Media in Shaping Public Opinion
  • The Influence of Advertising on Consumer Behavior
  • Digital Storytelling: Engaging Audiences in the Online Era
  • Media Bias: Recognizing and Addressing Editorial Perspectives
  • Podcasting: The Rise of On-Demand Audio Content
  • Media Ethics: Balancing Freedom of Speech and Responsibility

Presentation Technique Speech Topics

  • Effective Use of Visual Aids in Presentations
  • Mastering Body Language for Confident Communication
  • Engaging Your Audience: Tips for Captivating Presentations
  • Crafting and Delivering Memorable Opening Lines
  • Utilizing Technology in Presentations: Dos and Don'ts
  • Managing Nervousness and Overcoming Presentation Anxiety
  • The Art of Persuasion: Techniques for Influential Presentations
  • Interactive Presentations: Involving Your Audience Effectively
  • Balancing Verbal and Nonverbal Communication in Presentations
  • Effective Slide Design: Creating Impactful Visuals for Your Presentation
  • Preparing an Effective Presentation with Decktopus

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Frequently Asked Questions

1) what are 4 examples of informative speech, 2) what are the most popular types of informative speeches.

  • Definition Speeches
  • Explanatory Speeches
  • Demonstrative Speeches
  • Comparative Speeches
  • Descriptive Speeches
  • Persuasive Informative Speeches

3) What is a good informative speech outline?

1) Introduction

A. Main Point 1

B. Main Point 2

C. Main Point 3

3) Conclusion

4) What is an easy topic for an informative speech?

"Benefits of Regular Exercise" is an easy and engaging topic for an informative speech.

informative speech sample topics

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Informative Speech

Informative Speech Examples

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10+ Informative Speech Examples - Get Inspiration For Any Type

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Struggling to understand how to create informative speeches? You're not the only one.

Exploring the world of informative speaking can be tricky, especially for students and new speakers.

But don't worry, we're here to help! Our blog will guide you through each step. It's packed with clear examples, and topics to help you become a pro at giving informative speeches.

So, let's begin!

Arrow Down

  • 1. Understading Informative Speech
  • 2. Informative Speech Outline Example
  • 3. Informative Speech Examples
  • 4. How To Write An Informative Speech Examples
  • 5. Examples for Different Types of Informative Speech
  • 6. Informative Speech Topics

Understading Informative Speech

An informative speech is a presentation designed to share facts, knowledge, or information with the audience. These speeches are characterized by their fact-based, non-persuasive nature, focused on delivering general information.

Unlike persuasive speech , the goal is not to convince the audience but to provide unbiased, reliable information. 

This type of speech aims to enhance the knowledge level of audience members, making complex topics accessible. Informative speaking is about educating and fostering critical thinking in the audience, helping them grasp the subject matter effectively.

Informative Speech Outline Example

An informative speech should be organized around the central idea and easy-to-follow to effectively convey information to the audience. 

Let's say you're giving an informative speech on "The Importance of Recycling." Here's what the informative speech outline would look like for this:

Ready to create a speech outline? Check out this in-depth guide on how to craft a perfect informative speech outline !

Informative speeches can be given on multiple themes, and here are multiple informative speech examples:

Informative Speech Examples About Life

Informative Speech Examples About Yourself

Literature Informative Speech Example

Business Informative Speech Example

Informative Speech Examples For Students

Students often need to deliver an informative speech. In schools and colleges, these are common to enhance students’ public speaking skills. Here are some examples for students:

Informative Speech Examples For Highschool Students

Informative Speech Examples For College Students

Short Informative Speech Examples

Short and concise speeches can have a significant impact. Check out this short informative speech example pdf:

3 Minute Informative Speech Examples

Here is a 5 minutes informative speech example:

Short Informative Speech Examples About Life

How To Write An Informative Speech Examples

Crafting an informative speech is a step-by-step process. Here are some short guides to help you, from attention getter for informative speech examples to conclusion sample:

How To Start An Informative Speech Examples

Starting a speech effectively is essential for capturing your audience's attention. Here are some introduction and thesis statement examples to help:

Thesis Statement For Informative Speech Examples

Introduction Informative Speech Examples

Conclusion Informative Speech Examples

Concluding your informative speech with impact is crucial. View this example conclusion for an informative speech:

Examples for Different Types of Informative Speech

Depending on the objective, informative speeches can take various forms, each with its unique purpose. 

Here are the common types of informative speeches and their examples:

Definition Speech

A definition speech aims to clarify and explain the meaning of a specific concept, term, or idea. It focuses on providing a clear definition and understanding of the subject.

Definition Speech Example

Explanatory Speech

An explanatory speech is designed to provide insight into how something works or why it happens. It delves deeper into the processes, causes, or mechanisms behind a particular phenomenon.

Explanatory Speech Example

Descriptive Speech

A descriptive speech aims to paint a vivid picture of a subject by using vivid language, sensory details, and figurative language to create a clear mental image for the audience.

Descriptive Speech Example

Demonstrative Speech

A demonstrative speech involves showing or teaching the audience how to do something. It often includes step-by-step instructions or a demonstration to explain a process or showcase a skill.

Demonstrative Speech Example

Informative Speech Topics

Choosing a topic for informative speech can be a crucial step in the process of delivering a captivating speech. 

These informative speech ideas cover a wide range of subjects, making them ideal as informative speech example topics for your next presentation:

  • The Impact of Climate Change on Our Oceans
  • The Art of Effective Time Management
  • Understanding the Basics of Artificial Intelligence
  • Exploring the History and Culture of Ancient Egypt
  • The Benefits of Meditation for Stress Reduction
  • Cybersecurity: How to Protect Your Personal Information
  • The Wonders of the Human Brain and Memory
  • Space Exploration: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe
  • The Influence of Social Media on Modern Relationships
  • Healthy Eating: Navigating Nutrition Labels and Diet Myths

Need more informative speech topics? Head over to these informative speech topics for a treasure trove of engaging ideas.

No matter what type of informative speech you’re writing, these examples and helpful insights will kickstart your speech writing journey. 

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11.1 Informative Speeches

Learning objectives.

  • Identify common topic categories for informative speeches.
  • Identify strategies for researching and supporting informative speeches.
  • Explain the different methods of informing.
  • Employ strategies for effective informative speaking, including avoiding persuasion, avoiding information overload, and engaging the audience.

Many people would rather go see an impassioned political speech or a comedic monologue than a lecture. Although informative speaking may not be the most exciting form of public speaking, it is the most common. Reports, lectures, training seminars, and demonstrations are all examples of informative speaking. That means you are more likely to give and listen to informative speeches in a variety of contexts. Some organizations, like consulting firms, and career fields, like training and development, are solely aimed at conveying information. College alumni have reported that out of many different speech skills, informative speaking is most important (Verderber, 1991). Since your exposure to informative speaking is inevitable, why not learn how to be a better producer and consumer of informative messages?

Creating an Informative Speech

As you’ll recall from Chapter 9 “Preparing a Speech” , speaking to inform is one of the three possible general purposes for public speaking. The goal of informative speaking is to teach an audience something using objective factual information. Interestingly, informative speaking is a newcomer in the world of public speaking theorizing and instruction, which began thousands of years ago with the ancient Greeks (Olbricht, 1968). Ancient philosophers and statesmen like Aristotle, Cicero, and Quintilian conceived of public speaking as rhetoric, which is inherently persuasive. During that time, and until the 1800s, almost all speaking was argumentative. Teaching and instruction were performed as debates, and even fields like science and medicine relied on argumentative reasoning instead of factual claims.


Until the 1800s, even scientific fields and medicine relied on teaching that was based on debate and argument rather than the informative-based instruction that is used today.

Monash University – Surgery Workshop 2012 – CC BY-NC 2.0.

While most instruction is now verbal, for most of modern history, people learned by doing rather than listening, as apprenticeships were much more common than classroom-based instruction. So what facilitated the change from argumentative and demonstrative teaching to verbal and informative teaching? One reason for this change was the democratization of information. Technical information used to be jealously protected by individuals, families, or guilds. Now society generally believes that information should be shared and made available to all. The increasing complexity of fields of knowledge and professions also increased the need for informative speaking. Now one must learn a history or backstory before actually engaging with a subject or trade. Finally, much of the information that has built up over time has become commonly accepted; therefore much of the history or background information isn’t disputed and can now be shared in an informative rather than argumentative way.

Choosing an Informative Speech Topic

Being a successful informative speaker starts with choosing a topic that can engage and educate the audience. Your topic choices may be influenced by the level at which you are speaking. Informative speaking usually happens at one of three levels: formal, vocational, and impromptu (Verderber, 1991). Formal informative speeches occur when an audience has assembled specifically to hear what you have to say. Being invited to speak to a group during a professional meeting, a civic gathering, or a celebration gala brings with it high expectations. Only people who have accomplished or achieved much are asked to serve as keynote speakers, and they usually speak about these experiences. Many more people deliver informative speeches at the vocational level, as part of their careers. Teachers like me spend many hours lecturing, which is a common form of informative speaking. In addition, human resources professionals give presentations about changes in policy and provide training for new employees, technicians in factories convey machine specifications and safety procedures, and servers describe how a dish is prepared in their restaurant. Last, we all convey information daily in our regular interactions. When we give a freshman directions to a campus building, summarize the latest episode of American Idol for our friend who missed it, or explain a local custom to an international student, we are engaging in impromptu informative speaking.

Whether at the formal, vocational, or impromptu level, informative speeches can emerge from a range of categories, which include objects, people, events, processes, concepts, and issues. An extended speech at the formal level may include subject matter from several of these categories, while a speech at the vocational level may convey detailed information about a process, concept, or issue relevant to a specific career.


Subjects of informative speaking at the vocational level usually relate to a speaker’s professional experience or expertise.

Peter Long – Business Meeting – CC BY 2.0.

Since we don’t have time to research or organize content for impromptu informative speaking, these speeches may provide a less detailed summary of a topic within one of these categories. A broad informative speech topic could be tailored to fit any of these categories. As you draft your specific purpose and thesis statements, think about which category or categories will help you achieve your speech goals, and then use it or them to guide your research. Table 11.1 “Sample Informative Speech Topics by Category” includes an example of how a broad informative subject area like renewable energy can be adapted to each category as well as additional sample topics.

Table 11.1 Sample Informative Speech Topics by Category

Speeches about objects convey information about any nonhuman material things. Mechanical objects, animals, plants, and fictional objects are all suitable topics of investigation. Given that this is such a broad category, strive to pick an object that your audience may not be familiar with or highlight novel relevant and interesting facts about a familiar object.

Speeches about people focus on real or fictional individuals who are living or dead. These speeches require in-depth biographical research; an encyclopedia entry is not sufficient. Introduce a new person to the audience or share little-known or surprising information about a person we already know. Although we may already be familiar with the accomplishments of historical figures and leaders, audiences often enjoy learning the “personal side” of their lives.

Speeches about concepts are less concrete than speeches about objects or people, as they focus on ideas or notions that may be abstract or multifaceted. A concept can be familiar to us, like equality, or could literally be a foreign concept like qi (or chi ), which is the Chinese conception of the energy that flows through our bodies. Use the strategies discussed in this book for making content relevant and proxemic to your audience to help make abstract concepts more concrete.

Speeches about events focus on past occasions or ongoing occurrences. A particular day in history, an annual observation, or a seldom occurring event can each serve as interesting informative topics. As with speeches about people, it’s important to provide a backstory for the event, but avoid rehashing commonly known information.

Informative speeches about processes provide a step-by-step account of a procedure or natural occurrence. Speakers may walk an audience through, or demonstrate, a series of actions that take place to complete a procedure, such as making homemade cheese. Speakers can also present information about naturally occurring processes like cell division or fermentation.


Informative speeches about processes provide steps of a procedure, such as how to make homemade cheese.

Joel Kramer – curdle – CC BY 2.0.

Last, informative speeches about issues provide objective and balanced information about a disputed subject or a matter of concern for society. It is important that speakers view themselves as objective reporters rather than commentators to avoid tipping the balance of the speech from informative to persuasive. Rather than advocating for a particular position, the speaker should seek to teach or raise the awareness of the audience.

Researching an Informative Speech Topic

Having sharp research skills is a fundamental part of being a good informative speaker. Since informative speaking is supposed to convey factual information, speakers should take care to find sources that are objective, balanced, and credible. Periodicals, books, newspapers, and credible websites can all be useful sources for informative speeches, and you can use the guidelines for evaluating supporting materials discussed in Chapter 9 “Preparing a Speech” to determine the best information to include in your speech. Aside from finding credible and objective sources, informative speakers also need to take time to find engaging information. This is where sharp research skills are needed to cut through all the typical information that comes up in the research process to find novel information. Novel information is atypical or unexpected, but it takes more skill and effort to locate. Even seemingly boring informative speech topics like the history of coupons can be brought to life with information that defies the audience’s expectations. A student recently delivered an engaging speech about coupons by informing us that coupons have been around for 125 years, are most frequently used by wealthier and more educated households, and that a coupon fraud committed by an Italian American businessman named Charles Ponzi was the basis for the term Ponzi scheme , which is still commonly used today.

As a teacher, I can attest to the challenges of keeping an audience engaged during an informative presentation. While it’s frustrating to look out at my audience of students and see glazed-over eyes peering back at me, I also know that it is my responsibility to choose interesting information and convey it in a way that’s engaging. Even though the core content of what I teach hasn’t change dramatically over the years, I constantly challenge myself to bring that core information to life through application and example. As we learned earlier, finding proxemic and relevant information and examples is typically a good way to be engaging. The basic information may not change quickly, but the way people use it and the way it relates to our lives changes. Finding current, relevant examples and finding novel information are both difficult, since you, as the researcher, probably don’t know this information exists.

Here is where good research skills become necessary to be a good informative speaker. Using advice from Chapter 9 “Preparing a Speech” should help you begin to navigate through the seas of information to find hidden treasure that excites you and will in turn excite your audience.


To avoid boring an audience, effective informative speakers possess good research skills and the ability to translate information to be engaging and relevant for an audience.

Niall Kennedy – Sleep – CC BY-NC 2.0.

As was mentioned earlier, the goal for informative speaking is to teach your audience. An audience is much more likely to remain engaged when they are actively learning. This is like a balancing act. You want your audience to be challenged enough by the information you are presenting to be interested, but not so challenged that they become overwhelmed and shut down. You should take care to consider how much information your audience already knows about a topic. Be aware that speakers who are very familiar with their speech topic tend to overestimate their audience’s knowledge about the topic. It’s better to engage your topic at a level slightly below your audience’s knowledge level than above. Most people won’t be bored by a brief review, but many people become lost and give up listening if they can’t connect to the information right away or feel it’s over their heads.

A good informative speech leaves the audience thinking long after the speech is done. Try to include some practical “takeaways” in your speech. I’ve learned many interesting and useful things from the informative speeches my students have done. Some of the takeaways are more like trivia information that is interesting to share—for example, how prohibition led to the creation of NASCAR. Other takeaways are more practical and useful—for example, how to get wine stains out of clothing and carpet or explanations of various types of student financial aid.

Organizing and Supporting an Informative Speech

You can already see that informing isn’t as easy as we may initially think. To effectively teach, a speaker must present quality information in an organized and accessible way. Once you have chosen an informative speech topic and put your research skills to the test in order to locate novel and engaging information, it’s time to organize and support your speech.

Organizational Patterns

Three organizational patterns that are particularly useful for informative speaking are topical, chronological, and spatial. As you’ll recall, to organize a speech topically, you break a larger topic down into logical subdivisions. An informative speech about labor unions could focus on unions in three different areas of employment, three historically significant strikes, or three significant legal/legislative decisions. Speeches organized chronologically trace the development of a topic or overview the steps in a process. An informative speech could trace the rise of the economic crisis in Greece or explain the steps in creating a home compost pile. Speeches organized spatially convey the layout or physical characteristics of a location or concept. An informative speech about the layout of a fire station or an astrology wheel would follow a spatial organization pattern.

Methods of Informing

Types of and strategies for incorporating supporting material into speeches are discussed in Chapter 9 “Preparing a Speech” , but there are some specific ways to go about developing ideas within informative speeches. Speakers often inform an audience using definitions, descriptions, demonstrations, and explanations. It is likely that a speaker will combine these methods of informing within one speech, but a speech can also be primarily organized using one of these methods.

Informing through Definition

Informing through definition entails defining concepts clearly and concisely and is an important skill for informative speaking. There are several ways a speaker can inform through definition: synonyms and antonyms, use or function, example, and etymology (Verderber, 1991). Defining a concept using a synonym or an antonym is a short and effective way to convey meaning. Synonyms are words that have the same or similar meanings, and antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. In a speech about how to effectively inform an audience, I would claim that using concrete words helps keep an audience engaged. I could enhance your understanding of what concrete means by defining it with synonyms like tangible and relatable . Or I could define concrete using antonyms like abstract and theoretical .

Identifying the use or function of an object, item, or idea is also a short way of defining. We may think we already know the use and function of most of the things we interact with regularly. This is true in obvious cases like cars, elevators, and smartphones. But there are many objects and ideas that we may rely on and interact with but not know the use or function. For example, QR codes (or quick response codes) are popping up in magazines, at airports, and even on t-shirts (Vuong, 2011). Many people may notice them but not know what they do. As a speaker, you could define QR codes by their function by informing the audience that QR codes allow businesses, organizations, and individuals to get information to consumers/receivers through a barcode-like format that can be easily scanned by most smartphones.


An informative speaker could teach audience members about QR codes by defining them based on their use or function.

Douglas Muth – My QR Code – CC BY-SA 2.0.

A speaker can also define a topic using examples, which are cited cases that are representative of a larger concept. In an informative speech about anachronisms in movies and literature, a speaker might provide the following examples: the film Titanic shows people on lifeboats using flashlights to look for survivors from the sunken ship (such flashlights weren’t invented until two years later) (The Past in Pictures, 2012); Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar includes a reference to a clock, even though no mechanical clocks existed during Caesar’s time (Scholasticus K., 2012). Examples are a good way to repackage information that’s already been presented to help an audience retain and understand the content of a speech. Later we’ll learn more about how repackaging information enhances informative speaking.

Etymology refers to the history of a word. Defining by etymology entails providing an overview of how a word came to its current meaning. The Oxford English Dictionary is the best source for finding etymology and often contains interesting facts that can be presented as novel information to better engage your audience. For example, the word assassin , which refers to a person who intentionally murders another, literally means “hashish-eater” and comes from the Arabic word hashshashin . The current meaning emerged during the Crusades as a result of the practices of a sect of Muslims who would get high on hashish before killing Christian leaders—in essence, assassinating them (Oxford English Dictionary Online, 2012).

Informing through Description

As the saying goes, “Pictures are worth a thousand words.” Informing through description entails creating verbal pictures for your audience. Description is also an important part of informative speeches that use a spatial organizational pattern, since you need to convey the layout of a space or concept. Good descriptions are based on good observations, as they convey what is taken in through the senses and answer these type of questions: What did that look like? Smell like? Sound like? Feel like? Taste like? If descriptions are vivid and well written, they can actually invoke a sensory reaction in your audience. Just as your mouth probably begins to salivate when I suggest that you imagine biting into a fresh, bright yellow, freshly cut, juicy lemon wedge, so can your audience be transported to a setting or situation through your descriptions. I once had a student set up his speech about the history of streaking by using the following description: “Imagine that you are walking across campus to your evening class. You look up to see a parade of hundreds upon hundreds of your naked peers jogging by wearing little more than shoes.”

Informing through Demonstration

When informing through demonstration , a speaker gives verbal directions about how to do something while also physically demonstrating the steps. Early morning infomercials are good examples of demonstrative speaking, even though they are also trying to persuade us to buy their “miracle product.” Whether straightforward or complex, it’s crucial that a speaker be familiar with the content of their speech and the physical steps necessary for the demonstration. Speaking while completing a task requires advanced psycho-motor skills that most people can’t wing and therefore need to practice. Tasks suddenly become much more difficult than we expect when we have an audience. Have you ever had to type while people are reading along with you? Even though we type all the time, even one extra set of eyes seems to make our fingers more clumsy than usual.

Television chefs are excellent examples of speakers who frequently inform through demonstration. While many of them make the process of speaking while cooking look effortless, it took much practice over many years to make viewers think it is effortless.


Television chefs inform through demonstration. Although they make it seem easy, it is complex and difficult.

Gordonramsaysubmissions – gordon ramsay 7 – CC BY 2.0.

Part of this practice also involves meeting time limits. Since television segments are limited and chefs may be demonstrating and speaking live, they have to be able to adapt as needed. Demonstration speeches are notorious for going over time, especially if speakers haven’t practiced with their visual aids / props. Be prepared to condense or edit as needed to meet your time limit. The reality competition show The Next Food Network Star captures these difficulties, as many experienced cooks who have the content knowledge and know how to physically complete their tasks fall apart when faced with a camera challenge because they just assumed they could speak and cook at the same time.

Tips for Demonstration Speeches

  • Include personal stories and connections to the topic, in addition to the “how-to” information, to help engage your audience.
  • Ask for audience volunteers (if appropriate) to make the demonstration more interactive.
  • Include a question-and-answer period at the end (if possible) so audience members can ask questions and seek clarification.
  • Follow an orderly progression. Do not skip around or backtrack when reviewing the steps.
  • Use clear signposts like first , second , and third .
  • Use orienting material like internal previews and reviews, and transitions.
  • Group steps together in categories, if needed, to help make the information more digestible.
  • Assess the nonverbal feedback of your audience. Review or slow down if audience members look lost or confused.
  • Practice with your visual aids / props many times. Things suddenly become more difficult and complicated than you expect when an audience is present.
  • Practice for time and have contingency plans if you need to edit some information out to avoid going over your time limit.

Informing through Explanation

Informing through explanation entails sharing how something works, how something came to be, or why something happened. This method of informing may be useful when a topic is too complex or abstract to demonstrate. When presenting complex information make sure to break the topic up into manageable units, avoid information overload, and include examples that make the content relevant to the audience. Informing through explanation works well with speeches about processes, events, and issues. For example, a speaker could explain the context surrounding the Lincoln-Douglas debates or the process that takes place during presidential primaries.

“Getting Plugged In”

TED Talks as a Model of Effective Informative Speaking

Over the past few years, I have heard more and more public speaking teachers mention their use of TED speeches in their classes. What started in 1984 as a conference to gather people involved in Technology, Entertainment, and Design has now turned into a worldwide phenomenon that is known for its excellent speeches and presentations, many of which are informative in nature. [1] The motto of TED is “Ideas worth spreading,” which is in keeping with the role that we should occupy as informative speakers. We should choose topics that are worth speaking about and then work to present them in such a way that audience members leave with “take-away” information that is informative and useful. TED fits in with the purpose of the “Getting Plugged In” feature in this book because it has been technology focused from the start. For example, Andrew Blum’s speech focuses on the infrastructure of the Internet, and Pranav Mistry’s speech focuses on a new technology he developed that allows for more interaction between the physical world and the world of data. Even speakers who don’t focus on technology still skillfully use technology in their presentations, as is the case with David Gallo’s speech about exotic underwater life. Here are links to all these speeches:

  • Andrew Blum’s speech: What Is the Internet, Really? http://www.ted.com/talks/andrew_blum_what_is_the_internet_really.html
  • Pranav Mistry’s speech: The Thrilling Potential of Sixth Sense Technology. http://www.ted.com/talks/pranav_mistry_the_thrilling_potential_of_sixthsense_technology.html
  • David Gallo’s speech: Underwater Astonishments. http://www.ted.com/talks/david_gallo_shows_underwater_astonishments.html
  • What can you learn from the TED model and/or TED speakers that will help you be a better informative speaker?
  • In what innovative and/or informative ways do the speakers reference or incorporate technology in their speeches?

Effective Informative Speaking

There are several challenges to overcome to be an effective informative speaker. They include avoiding persuasion, avoiding information overload, and engaging your audience.

Avoiding Persuasion

We should avoid thinking of informing and persuading as dichotomous, meaning that it’s either one or the other. It’s more accurate to think of informing and persuading as two poles on a continuum, as in Figure 11.1 “Continuum of Informing and Persuading” (Olbricht, 1968). Most persuasive speeches rely on some degree of informing to substantiate the reasoning. And informative speeches, although meant to secure the understanding of an audience, may influence audience members’ beliefs, attitudes, values, or behaviors.

Figure 11.1 Continuum of Informing and Persuading


Speakers can look to three areas to help determine if their speech is more informative or persuasive: speaker purpose, function of information, and audience perception (Verderber, 1991). First, for informative speaking, a speaker’s purpose should be to create understanding by sharing objective, factual information. Specific purpose and thesis statements help establish a speaker’s goal and purpose and can serve as useful reference points to keep a speech on track. When reviewing your specific purpose and thesis statement, look for words like should / shouldn’t , good / bad , and right / wrong , as these often indicate a persuasive slant in the speech.

Second, information should function to clarify and explain in an informative speech. Supporting materials shouldn’t function to prove a thesis or to provide reasons for an audience to accept the thesis, as they do in persuasive speeches. Although informative messages can end up influencing the thoughts or behaviors of audience members, that shouldn’t be the goal.

Third, an audience’s perception of the information and the speaker helps determine whether a speech is classified as informative or persuasive. The audience must perceive that the information being presented is not controversial or disputed, which will lead audience members to view the information as factual. The audience must also accept the speaker as a credible source of information. Being prepared, citing credible sources, and engaging the audience help establish a speaker’s credibility. Last, an audience must perceive the speaker to be trustworthy and not have a hidden agenda. Avoiding persuasion is a common challenge for informative speakers, but it is something to consider, as violating the speaking occasion may be perceived as unethical by the audience. Be aware of the overall tone of your speech by reviewing your specific purpose and thesis to make sure your speech isn’t tipping from informative to persuasive.


Words like should / shouldn’t , good / bad , and right / wrong in a specific purpose and/or thesis statement often indicate that the speaker’s purpose is tipping from informative to persuasive.

Hans Splinter – balance – CC BY-ND 2.0.

Avoiding Information Overload

Many informative speakers have a tendency to pack a ten-minute speech with as much information as possible. This can result in information overload , which is a barrier to effective listening that occurs when a speech contains more information than an audience can process. Editing can be a difficult task, but it’s an important skill to hone, because you will be editing more than you think. Whether it’s reading through an e-mail before you send it, condensing a report down to an executive summary, or figuring out how to fit a client’s message on the front page of a brochure, you will have to learn how to discern what information is best to keep and what can be thrown out. In speaking, being a discerning editor is useful because it helps avoid information overload. While a receiver may not be attracted to a brochure that’s covered in text, they could take the time to read it, and reread it, if necessary. Audience members cannot conduct their own review while listening to a speaker live. Unlike readers, audience members can’t review words over and over (Verderber, 1991). Therefore competent speakers, especially informative speakers who are trying to teach their audience something, should adapt their message to a listening audience. To help avoid information overload, adapt your message to make it more listenable.

Although the results vary, research shows that people only remember a portion of a message days or even hours after receiving it (Janusik, 2012). If you spend 100 percent of your speech introducing new information, you have wasted approximately 30 percent of your time and your audience’s time. Information overload is a barrier to effective listening, and as good speakers, we should be aware of the limitations of listening and compensate for that in our speech preparation and presentation. I recommend that my students follow a guideline that suggests spending no more than 30 percent of your speech introducing new material and 70 percent of your speech repackaging that information. I specifically use the word repackaging and not repeating . Simply repeating the same information would also be a barrier to effective listening, since people would just get bored. Repackaging will help ensure that your audience retains most of the key information in the speech. Even if they don’t remember every example, they will remember the main underlying point.

Avoiding information overload requires a speaker to be a good translator of information. To be a good translator, you can compare an unfamiliar concept with something familiar, give examples from real life, connect your information to current events or popular culture, or supplement supporting material like statistics with related translations of that information. These are just some of the strategies a good speaker can use. While translating information is important for any oral presentation, it is especially important when conveying technical information. Being able to translate complex or technical information for a lay audience leads to more effective informing, because the audience feels like they are being addressed on their level and don’t feel lost or “talked down to.” The History Channel show The Universe provides excellent examples of informative speakers who act as good translators. The scientists and experts featured on the show are masters of translating technical information, like physics, into concrete examples that most people can relate to based on their everyday experiences.


Comparing the turbulent formation of the solar system to the collisions of bumper bars and spinning rides at an amusement park makes the content more concrete.

Alexander Svensson – Ferris Wheel – CC BY 2.0.

Following the guidelines established in Chapter 9 “Preparing a Speech” for organizing a speech can also help a speaker avoid information overload. Good speakers build in repetition and redundancy to make their content more memorable and their speech more consumable. Preview statements, section transitions, and review statements are some examples of orienting material that helps focus an audience’s attention and facilitates the process of informing (Verderber, 1991).

Engaging Your Audience

As a speaker, you are competing for the attention of your audience against other internal and external stimuli. Getting an audience engaged and then keeping their attention is a challenge for any speaker, but it can be especially difficult when speaking to inform. As was discussed earlier, once you are in the professional world, you will most likely be speaking informatively about topics related to your experience and expertise. Some speakers fall into the trap of thinking that their content knowledge is enough to sustain them through an informative speech or that their position in an organization means that an audience will listen to them and appreciate their information despite their delivery. Content expertise is not enough to be an effective speaker. A person must also have speaking expertise (Verderber, 1991). Effective speakers, even renowned experts, must still translate their wealth of content knowledge into information that is suited for oral transmission, audience centered, and well organized. I’m sure we’re all familiar with the stereotype of the absentminded professor or the genius who thinks elegantly in his or her head but can’t convey that same elegance verbally. Having well-researched and organized supporting material is an important part of effective informative speaking, but having good content is not enough.

Audience members are more likely to stay engaged with a speaker they view as credible. So complementing good supporting material with a practiced and fluent delivery increases credibility and audience engagement. In addition, as we discussed earlier, good informative speakers act as translators of information. Repackaging information into concrete familiar examples is also a strategy for making your speech more engaging. Understanding relies on being able to apply incoming information to life experiences.

Repackaging information is also a good way to appeal to different learning styles, as you can present the same content in various ways, which helps reiterate a point. While this strategy is useful with any speech, since the goal of informing is teaching, it makes sense to include a focus on learning within your audience adaptation. There are three main learning styles that help determine how people most effectively receive and process information: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic (Fleming, 2012). Visual learners respond well to information presented via visual aids, so repackage information using text, graphics, charts and other media. Public speaking is a good way to present information for auditory learners who process information well when they hear it. Kinesthetic learners are tactile; they like to learn through movement and “doing.” Asking for volunteers to help with a demonstration, if appropriate, is a way to involve kinesthetic learners in your speech. You can also have an interactive review activity at the end of a speech, much like many teachers incorporate an activity after a lesson to reinforce the material.

“Getting Real”

Technical Speaking

People who work in technical fields, like engineers and information technology professionals, often think they will be spared the task of public speaking. This is not the case, however, and there is actually a branch of communication studies that addresses public speaking matters for “techies.” The field of technical communication focuses on how messages can be translated from expert to lay audiences. I actually taught a public speaking class for engineering students, and they basically had to deliver speeches about the things they were working on in a way that I could understand. I ended up learning a lot more about jet propulsion and hybrid car engines than I ever expected!

Have you ever been completely lost when reading an instruction manual for some new product you purchased? Have you ever had difficulty following the instructions of someone who was trying to help you with a technical matter? If so, you’ve experienced some of the challenges associated with technical speaking. There are many careers where technical speaking skills are needed. According to the Society for Technical Communication, communicating about specialized or technical topics, communicating by using technology, and providing instructions about how to do something are all examples of technical speaking (Society for Technical Communication, 2012). People with technical speaking skills offer much to organizations and businesses. They help make information more useable and accessible to customers, clients, and employees. They can help reduce costs to a business by reducing unnecessary work that results from misunderstandings of instructions, by providing clear information that allows customers to use products without training or technical support and by making general information put out by a company more user friendly. Technical speakers are dedicated to producing messages that are concise, clear, and coherent (Society for Technical Communication, 2012). Such skills are used in the following careers: technical writers and editors, technical illustrators, visual designers, web designers, customer service representatives, salespeople, spokespeople, and many more.

  • What communication skills that you’ve learned about in the book so far do you think would be important for a technical speaker?
  • Identify instances in which you have engaged in technical speaking or received information from a technical speaker. Based on what you have learned in this chapter, were the speakers effective or not, and why?

Sample Informative Speech

Title: Going Green in the World of Education

General purpose: To inform

Specific purpose: By the end of my speech, the audience will be able to describe some ways in which schools are going green.

Thesis statement: The green movement has transformed school buildings, how teachers teach, and the environment in which students learn.


Attention getter: Did you know that attending or working at a green school can lead students and teachers to have less health problems? Did you know that allowing more daylight into school buildings increases academic performance and can lessen attention and concentration challenges? Well, the research I will cite in my speech supports both of these claims, and these are just two of the many reasons why more schools, both grade schools and colleges, are going green.

Introduction of topic: Today, I’m going to inform you about the green movement that is affecting many schools.

Credibility and relevance: Because of my own desire to go into the field of education, I decided to research how schools are going green in the United States. But it’s not just current and/or future teachers that will be affected by this trend. As students at Eastern Illinois University, you are already asked to make “greener” choices. Whether it’s the little signs in the dorm rooms that ask you to turn off your lights when you leave the room, the reusable water bottles that were given out on move-in day, or even our new Renewable Energy Center, the list goes on and on. Additionally, younger people in our lives, whether they be future children or younger siblings or relatives, will likely be affected by this continuing trend.

Preview statement: In order to better understand what makes a “green school,” we need to learn about how K–12 schools are going green, how college campuses are going green, and how these changes affect students and teachers.

Transition: I’ll begin with how K–12 schools are going green.

  • In order to garner support for green initiatives, the article recommends that local leaders like superintendents, mayors, and college administrators become involved in the green movement.
  • Once local leaders are involved, the community, students, parents, faculty, and staff can be involved by serving on a task force, hosting a summit or conference, and implementing lessons about sustainability into everyday conversations and school curriculum.
  • The US Green Building Council’s website also includes a tool kit with a lot of information about how to “green” existing schools.
  • For example, Fossil Ridge High School in Fort Collins, Colorado, was built in 2006 and received LEED certification because it has automatic light sensors to conserve electricity and uses wind energy to offset nonrenewable energy use.
  • To conserve water, the school uses a pond for irrigation, has artificial turf on athletic fields, and installed low-flow toilets and faucets.
  • According to the 2006 report by certified energy manager Gregory Kats titled “Greening America’s Schools,” a LEED certified school uses 30–50 percent less energy, 30 percent less water, and reduces carbon dioxide emissions by 40 percent compared to a conventional school.
  • Many new building materials, carpeting, and furniture contain chemicals that are released into the air, which reduces indoor air quality.
  • So green schools purposefully purchase materials that are low in these chemicals.
  • Natural light and fresh air have also been shown to promote a healthier learning environment, so green buildings allow more daylight in and include functioning windows.

Transition: As you can see, K–12 schools are becoming greener; college campuses are also starting to go green.

  • According to the Sturm College of Law’s website, the building was designed to use 40 percent less energy than a conventional building through the use of movement-sensor lighting; high-performance insulation in the walls, floors, and roof; and infrared sensors on water faucets and toilets.
  • Electric car recharging stations were also included in the parking garage, and the building has extra bike racks and even showers that students and faculty can use to freshen up if they bike or walk to school or work.
  • Some of the dining halls on campus have gone “trayless,” which according to a 2009 article by Calder in the journal Independent School has the potential to dramatically reduce the amount of water and chemical use, since there are no longer trays to wash, and also helps reduce food waste since people take less food without a tray.
  • The Renewable Energy Center uses slow-burn technology to use wood chips that are a byproduct of the lumber industry that would normally be discarded.
  • This helps reduce our dependency on our old coal-fired power plant, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
  • The project was the first known power plant to be registered with the US Green Building Council and is on track to receive LEED certification.

Transition: All these efforts to go green in K–12 schools and on college campuses will obviously affect students and teachers at the schools.

  • Many schools are literally going green by including more green spaces such as recreation areas, gardens, and greenhouses, which according to a 2010 article in the Journal of Environmental Education by University of Colorado professor Susan Strife has been shown to benefit a child’s cognitive skills, especially in the areas of increased concentration and attention capacity.
  • Additionally, the report I cited earlier, “Greening America’s Schools,” states that the improved air quality in green schools can lead to a 38 percent reduction in asthma incidents and that students in “green schools” had 51 percent less chance of catching a cold or the flu compared to children in conventional schools.
  • The report “Greening America’s Schools” notes that a recent synthesis of fifty-three studies found that more daylight in the school building leads to higher academic achievement.
  • The report also provides data that show how the healthier environment in green schools leads to better attendance and that in Washington, DC, and Chicago, schools improved their performance on standardized tests by 3–4 percent.
  • According to the article in Education Week that I cited earlier, the Sustainability Education Clearinghouse is a free online tool that provides K–12 educators with the ability to share sustainability-oriented lesson ideas.
  • The Center for Green Schools also provides resources for all levels of teachers, from kindergarten to college, that can be used in the classroom.
  • The report “Greening America’s Schools” claims that the overall improved working environment that a green school provides leads to higher teacher retention and less teacher turnover.
  • Just as students see health benefits from green schools, so do teachers, as the same report shows that teachers in these schools get sick less, resulting in a decrease of sick days by 7 percent.

Transition to conclusion and summary of importance: In summary, the going-green era has impacted every aspect of education in our school systems.

Review of main points: From K–12 schools to college campuses like ours, to the students and teachers in the schools, the green movement is changing the way we think about education and our environment.

Closing statement: As Glenn Cook, the editor in chief of the American School Board Journal , states on the Center for Green Schools’s website, “The green schools movement is the biggest thing to happen to education since the introduction of technology to the classroom.”

Ash, K. (2011). “Green schools” benefit budgets and students, report says. Education Week , 30 (32), 10.

Calder, W. (2009). Go green, save green. Independent School , 68 (4), 90–93.

The Center for Green Schools. (n.d.). K–12: How. Retrieved from http://www.centerforgreenschools.org/main-nav/k-12/buildings.aspx

Eastern Illinois University. (n.d.). Renewable Energy Center. Retrieved from http://www.eiu.edu/sustainability/eiu_renewable.php

Kats, G. (2006). Greening America’s schools: Costs and benefits. A Capital E Report. Retrieved from http://www.usgbc.org/ShowFile.aspx?DocumentID=2908

Strife, S. (2010). Reflecting on environmental education: Where is our place in the green movement? Journal of Environmental Education , 41 (3), 179–191. doi:10.1080/00958960903295233

Sturm College of Law. (n.d.). About DU law: Building green. Retrieved from http://www.law.du.edu/index.php/about/building-green

USGBC. (n.d.). About us. US Green Building Council . Retrieved from https://new.usgbc.org/about

Key Takeaways

  • Getting integrated: Informative speaking is likely the type of public speaking we will most often deliver and be audience to in our lives. Informative speaking is an important part of academic, professional, personal, and civic contexts.
  • Informative speeches teach an audience through objective factual information and can emerge from one or more of the following categories: objects, people, concepts, events, processes, and issues.
  • Effective informative speaking requires good research skills, as speakers must include novel information, relevant and proxemic examples, and “take-away” information that audience members will find engaging and useful.

The four primary methods of informing are through definition, description, demonstration, or explanation.

  • Informing through definition entails defining concepts clearly and concisely using synonyms and antonyms, use or function, example, or etymology.
  • Informing through description entails creating detailed verbal pictures for your audience.
  • Informing through demonstration entails sharing verbal directions about how to do something while also physically demonstrating the steps.
  • Informing through explanation entails sharing how something works, how something came to be, or why something happened.
  • An effective informative speaker should avoid persuasion by reviewing the language used in the specific purpose and thesis statements, using objective supporting material, and appearing trustworthy to the audience.
  • An effective informative speaker should avoid information overload by repackaging information and building in repetition and orienting material like reviews and previews.
  • An effective informative speaker engages the audience by translating information into relevant and concrete examples that appeal to different learning styles.
  • Getting integrated: How might you use informative speaking in each of the following contexts: academic, professional, personal, and civic?
  • Brainstorm potential topics for your informative speech and identify which topic category each idea falls into. Are there any risks of persuading for the topics you listed? If so, how can you avoid persuasion if you choose that topic?
  • Of the four methods of informing (through definition, description, demonstration, or explanation), which do you think is most effective for you? Why?

Fleming, N., “The VARK Helpsheets,” accessed March 6, 2012, http://www.vark-learn.com/english/page.asp?p=helpsheets .

Janusik, L., “Listening Facts,” accessed March 6, 2012, http://d1025403.site.myhosting.com/files.listen.org/Facts.htm .

Olbricht, T. H., Informative Speaking (Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman, 1968), 1–12.

Oxford English Dictionary Online, accessed March 6, 2012, http://www.oed.com .

The Past in Pictures, “Teaching Using Movies: Anachronisms!” accessed March 6, 2012, http://www.thepastinthepictures.wildelearning.co.uk/Introductoryunit!.htm .

Scholasticus K, “Anachronism Examples in Literature,” February 2, 2012, accessed March 6, 2012, http://www.buzzle.com/articles/anachronism-examples-in-literature.html .

Society for Technical Communication, “Defining Technical Communication,” accessed March 6, 2012, http://www.stc.org/about-stc/the-profession-all-about-technical-communication/defining-tc .

Verderber, R., Essentials of Informative Speaking: Theory and Contexts (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1991), 3.

Vuong, A., “Wanna Read That QR Code? Get the Smartphone App,” The Denver Post , April 18, 2011, accessed March 6, 2012, http://www.denverpost.com/business/ci_17868932 .

  • “About TED,” accessed October 23, 2012, http://www.ted.com/pages/about . ↵

Communication in the Real World Copyright © 2016 by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

Informative Speech

Caleb S.

Learn How to Write and Deliver an Effective Informative Speech

12 min read

Published on: May 20, 2022

Last updated on: Jan 29, 2024

Informative Speech

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Have you ever sat through a presentation that left you feeling bored and uninterested? 

As students, we are often required to give presentations, and it's essential that we know how to captivate our audience. That's where informative speeches come in!

Informative speeches are an excellent way to inform and educate while keeping your audience engaged. 

In this blog, we'll explore what an informative speech is and why it's essential to master this skill. We will also explore how you can give an informative speech that leaves a lasting impression.

So, get ready to learn the art of delivering an informative speech that will leave your audience wanting more!

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Informative Speech Definition & Importance

An informative speech aims to educate the audience about a specific topic, providing them with valuable information, insights, and knowledge.

Importance of Informative Speech

Here is why informative speeches are important:

  • Knowledge dissemination: Informative speeches play a crucial role in sharing knowledge and information with the audience. It allows the audience to expand their understanding and broaden their perspectives.
  • Education and learning: Informative speeches offer a chance to learn, gain insights, and enhance intellectual growth.
  • Promoting awareness: Informative speeches can help raise awareness about important social, cultural, or environmental issues. It encourages the audience to take action or make informed decisions.
  • Professional development: It helps enhance public speaking skills, and research abilities, which are valuable assets in both personal and professional settings.
  • Engaging and entertaining: Well-crafted informative speeches captivate the audience by delivering information in an enjoyable manner.
  • Building credibility: Presenting informative speeches on topics of expertise establishes the speaker as an authority, building trust among the audience.
  • Influencing opinions: I nformative speeches shape audience opinions, attitudes, and behaviors through credible information.
  • Fostering curiosity: Informative speeches spark curiosity and encourage further exploration of the topic among the audience.

Types of Informative Speeches

Let's take a brief look at the various types of informative speeches:

  • Descriptive Speech: Portrays vivid images of people, places, objects, or events using sensory details.
  • Explanatory Speech: Clarifies complex concepts or processes by providing step-by-step explanations and examples.
  • Demonstration Speech: Guides the audience through a specific task or skill using visual aids or live demonstrations.
  • Definition Speech: Offers clear explanations of abstract or specialized terms to enhance understanding.
  • Comparative Speech: Highlights similarities and differences between subjects, fostering understanding through balanced analysis.
  • Persuasive Speech: Presents arguments and evidence to influence the audience's opinions or actions.
  • Historical Speech: Explores past events, eras, or figures to provide historical context and insights.
  • Biographical Speech: Examines the life and achievements of notable individuals, sharing their contributions and impact.
  • Current Events Speech: Discusses recent news, issues, or trends to provide up-to-date information and analysis.
  • Instructional Speech: Teaches the audience how to perform a specific task or acquire a particular skill through clear instructions.

Check out this informative blog to improve your speech-writing abilities and get practical tips for your upcoming speech.

Informative Speech Outline

Here is how to structure an informative speech:

Here is a sample outline for an informative speech about events. Take a look:

Informative Speech Outline Example

How to Prepare for an Informative Speech 

Preparing for an informative speech involves several important steps to ensure that your presentation is engaging and well-organized. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to prepare for an informative speech:

Step# 1 Choose a Topic

Select a topic that is interesting, relevant, and suitable for your audience. Consider your own knowledge and expertise in the subject to ensure that you can provide valuable information.

Step# 2 Research your Topic

Gather information from credible sources such as books, scholarly articles, reputable websites, and interviews with experts. Take detailed notes and keep track of your sources for future reference.

Step# 3 Define your Objective

Determine the purpose of your speech. Are you aiming to educate, raise awareness, or provide a comprehensive overview of a specific subject? Clearly articulate your objective to guide the content and structure of your speech.

Step# 4 Analyze your Audience

Consider the characteristics and interests of your audience. Tailor your speech to their level of knowledge and use language and examples that resonate with them. Understanding your audience will help you make your speech more engaging and relevant.

Step# 5 Outline your Speech

Create a clear and logical structure for your speech. Start with an attention-grabbing introduction to hook your audience, followed by a well-organized body that presents the main points.  Finally, end with a concise and memorable conclusion.

Step# 6 Develop Key Points

Identify the main points you want to convey in your speech. Limit them to a manageable number to ensure that you can effectively cover each point within your allotted time. Arrange the points in a logical order, such as chronological, cause and effect, or problem-solution.

Step# 7 Support Your Points

Gather supporting evidence, examples, statistics, and anecdotes to back up your main points. Use a variety of sources to provide credibility and make your speech more compelling. Ensure that your information is accurate, up-to-date, and relevant to your topic.

Step# 8 Create Visual Aids

If appropriate for your speech, consider using visual aids such as slides, charts, or props to enhance your presentation. Visual aids can help clarify complex information, engage the audience, and make your speech more memorable.  Keep the visuals simple, uncluttered, and easy to read.

Step# 9 Practice your Speech

Rehearse your speech several times to become familiar with the content and improve your delivery. Pay attention to your pacing, clarity of speech, body language, and eye contact. Practice in front of a mirror, record yourself, or present to a small audience for feedback.

Step# 10 Time Management

Keep track of your speech's length and ensure that it fits within the allocated time. Make adjustments if necessary by trimming or expanding certain sections. It's essential to respect the time constraints to maintain the audience's interest and engagement.

Step#  11 Seek Feedback

Before delivering your speech, ask trusted friends, family members, or colleagues to provide feedback on your content, delivery, and overall effectiveness. Incorporate their suggestions to refine and improve your presentation.

Step# 12 Prepare for Questions

Anticipate potential questions from the audience and be ready to address them. Familiarize yourself with the topic beyond the main points to demonstrate your expertise and provide comprehensive answers.

By following these steps, you'll be well-prepared to deliver an informative speech that captivates your audience.

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Methods of Informing

In this section, we will explore the diverse methods of informing, each offering distinct ways to captivate and enlighten an audience.

Informing through Definition

This method involves providing a clear and concise definition of a concept or term to help the audience understand its meaning. 

For example: If you are giving a speech on climate change, you may define it as 

"the long-term alteration of temperature and typical weather patterns on Earth, primarily due to human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation."

Informing through Description

With this method, you provide vivid and detailed descriptions to paint a picture in the audience's mind. 

For instance, if you are describing a famous landmark like the Taj Mahal, you might say:

"The Taj Mahal is an ivory-white marble mausoleum located in Agra, India. Its magnificent architecture features intricate carvings, domed roofs, and reflective pools, creating a mesmerizing sight that symbolizes eternal love."

Informing through Demonstration

This method involves physically showing or illustrating a process or technique to help the audience understand it better. 

For example, if you are teaching a cooking class and explaining how to make a soufflé, you would demonstrate the step-by-step process . It will show the audience how to beat the egg whites, fold in the ingredients, and bake them to perfection.

Informing through Explanation

This method involves providing a detailed explanation of a concept, process, or idea. It may involve breaking down complex information into simpler terms or providing a logical sequence of events. 

For instance, if you are explaining the theory of relativity , you might explain how Einstein's theory revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and gravity. You can do that by describing the concepts of time dilation and the bending of light.

Examples of Great Informative Speeches

Let’s take a look at some inspiring, informative speech examples: 

Informative Speech Harvard

Informative Speech About Ramadan

Informative Speech About Covid-19

Informative Speech About Communication

Here are some informative speech examples from well-known personalities: 

5 Lessons from Steve Jobs' Stanford Commencement Address

Ellen DeGeneres' Tulane University Commencement Speech

Neil deGrasse Tyson's "The Most Astounding Fact"

Informative Speech Topics

Here is a list of informative speech topics that you can consider:

  • The History and Significance of Space Exploration
  • The Rise of Veganism: Benefits for Health and the Environment
  • The Impact of Music on Mental Health and Well-being
  • The Importance of Financial Literacy for Young Adults
  • The Science Behind Mindfulness and Its Effects on Stress Reduction
  • The Role of Women in STEM (Science, Technology and Engineering) Fields
  • The Importance of Physical Exercise for a Healthy Lifestyle
  • Understanding and Managing Anxiety and Panic Attacks
  • The Origins and Cultural Significance of Traditional Festivals
  • The History and Evolution of Fashion Trends

Informative Speech Topics For College Students

Here are some good informative speech topics for college-level students: 

  • The Starting Point - Navigating the Transition from High School to College
  • Engaging Audience Members - Techniques for Captivating and Connecting with Your Audience
  • The Impacts Of Climate Change And Sustainable Solutions
  • The Rise Of Mental Health Issues Among College Students
  • The Influence Of Social Media On Society And Relationships
  • The Importance Of Financial Literacy For Young Adults
  • The Science Behind Mindfulness And Its Effects On Stress Reduction
  • Exploring The Pros And Cons Of Renewable Energy Sources
  • The History And Significance Of Space Exploration
  • The Impact Of Artificial Intelligence On The Job Market

Informative Speech Topics For University Students

  • The Importance of Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills in Higher Education
  • The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health and Well-being
  • Exploring the Future of Artificial Intelligence and Its Ethical Implications
  • Understanding the Science of Climate Change and Its Effects on the Environment
  • The Rise of Online Education: Advantages and Disadvantages
  • The Significance of Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education Institutions
  • The Power of Effective Time Management and Productivity Strategies for Students
  • The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Personal and Professional Success
  • Exploring Sustainable Lifestyle Choices: Green Living on Campus and Beyond
  • Navigating Mental Health Challenges in University: Resources and Support Systems

Tips for Delivering an Effective Informative Speech

Here are some tips for delivering an effective informative speech:

  • Start with a strong opening to grab the audience's attention.
  • Use clear and concise language to communicate your message.
  • Utilize visual aids effectively to enhance your speech.
  • Engage the audience through interactive elements.
  • Vary your delivery to keep the speech dynamic.
  • Maintain eye contact with the audience.
  • Incorporate storytelling techniques for relatability and memorability.
  • Transition smoothly between points.
  • Summarize key points periodically to reinforce information.
  • Conclude with a strong ending that leaves a lasting impression.
  • Remember to practice your speech for improved delivery and confidence.

Need help finding the perfect topic for your informative speech? This blog has you covered with an extensive list of thought-provoking informative speech topics .

Common Mistakes to Avoid in an Informative Speech

Here are common mistakes to avoid in an informative speech:

  • Overwhelming the audience with excessive information.
  • Using complex language or jargon that the audience may not understand.
  • Neglecting to engage the audience through interactive elements or visual aids.
  • Speaking too quickly or monotonously makes it difficult for the audience to follow.
  • Failing to maintain eye contact with the audience.
  • Lacking clear transitions between points, causing confusion.
  • Providing inaccurate or outdated information .
  • Neglecting to summarize key points for reinforcement.
  • Running over the allotted time , disregarding time management.
  • Ending abruptly without a strong conclusion or call to action.

By avoiding these mistakes, you can deliver an informative speech that effectively communicates your message and engages the audience.

In conclusion, we have covered everything you need to know about informative speeches, from outlines to examples and topics.  We hope this blog has helped you gain a clearer understanding and provided you with tips to deliver an impactful speech.

If you're still struggling to get started, don't hesitate to contact CollegeEssay.org. Our college essay writer team is here to help you craft an outstanding speech tailored to your needs. 

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Caleb S. (Literature, Marketing)

Caleb S. has extensive experience in writing and holds a Masters from Oxford University. He takes great satisfaction in helping students exceed their academic goals. Caleb always puts the needs of his clients first and is dedicated to providing quality service.

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informative speech sample topics

My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

“How To” Speech Topics, Ideas & Examples

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Amanda Green was born in a small town in the west of Scotland, where everyone knows everyone. I joined the Toastmasters 15 years ago, and I served in nearly every office in the club since then. I love helping others gain confidence and skills they can apply in every day life.

Want to speak in front of an audience but are terrified of freezing or being boring? I know the feeling. If you’ve ever had to give a “how-to” speech, you know that it can be incredibly intimidating. It also entails coming up with how-to speech ideas and creative examples.

After all, how will they finish listening if the audience isn’t hooked by what you’re saying right away? To help ease your worries (and inspire those ideas!), here’s everything you need on “how-to” speeches: topics, samples & potential pitfalls — so read ahead!

Writing a How-to Speech

informative speech sample topics

The speaker needs to consider several important factors when preparing to give a how-to speech. The how-to speech should identify the problem that needs to be resolved, explain how the problem can be fixed with a step-by-step approach, and list any potential obstacles the audience may face.

It is also important for speakers to choose how-to speech topics that are of interest or relevance to their target audience. This will ensure maximum engagement and retention throughout the speech.

How-to Speech Ideas That Are Funny

When it comes to funny “how-to” speeches, the possibilities are endless! Whether talking about how to make a perfect paper airplane or how to be the life of the party, humor can enhance your presentation and help keep your audience engaged.

Try using puns, silly props, or even anecdotes that provide insight into the process while still making people laugh. The goal is to not only impart valuable knowledge but also entertain your listener.

With some creativity, you can develop a humorous speech that achieves a comedic effect and explains its topic.

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Interesting How-to Topics

When asked to present a speech, many people immediately search for the most interesting ideas for a how-to speech. From tidying up after the biggest mess to baking a delicious cake, speeches about how to do something can be informative and entertaining.

While it may seem challenging to come up with fresh ideas, an infinite number of topics could be used. Some great suggestions include teaching viewers how to create a simple budget plan , explaining plant-based diets and their benefits, explaining how to instruct others effectively, or even how to ace an interview.

No matter what topic you go with, remember that the important thing is to be passionate and provide audiences with detailed instructions. When done correctly, choosing an interesting “how-to” topic for your speech will surely have your audience applauding in no time!

Choosing a Demonstration Speech Topic

Choosing a demonstration speech topic may seem daunting, but it can be simple and enjoyable with the right guidance. Identifying the topics appropriate for a demonstration speech is the first step in navigating this process.

Demonstration topics should be grounded in facts and provide pertinent knowledge about your expertise or interest. They should also focus on something that can be demonstrated in a tangible way, such as making a craft or performing an experiment.

  • Your Interests

Choosing engaging good how-to speech topics based on one’s interests can be daunting yet rewarding. Taking the time to reflect on potential topics and thinking carefully about what topics truly interest you is fundamental to assembling a captivating presentation.

As such, it is paramount to begin by reflecting upon your hobbies and leisure activity ideas that you find most intriguing, as well as any activities or tasks you feel passionate about sharing with others.

Additionally, curating ideas from other media sources, such as newspaper articles or magazines, helps provide further insight into new and novel subjects or angles that can motivate your research process.

Only through this deliberate effort to understand our interests and apply them creatively towards developing a worthwhile “how-to” speech topic can we find the contentment of presenting a presentation with which listeners will engage.

  • Who the Speech Is For

Choosing a “how-to” speech topic is critical in delivering an effective presentation. When selecting your topic, it’s important to keep the audience in mind.

Decide who your speech is for and make sure it is relevant to their interests. Select something specific that can benefit them or be beneficial in a general sense. Choose something the audience wants to learn about and that you are comfortable presenting. This will ensure your presentation skills are on display, as well as your knowledge about the topic.

Ensure your topic has enough depth for you to use additional research as support. This will strengthen the content of your presentation and demonstrate personal effort.

Ultimately, with careful consideration of who your speech is addressed to, you can craft a “how-to” topic that adds value both for yourself and your audience.

  • The Setting of the Speech

Choosing a “how-to” speech topic based on the setting of the speech is an important step in preparing for an effective presentation.

It is essential to consider the purpose of the speech, the audience’s interests and needs, and any limitations or restrictions that may be present to construct an appropriate topic and choose relevant information to include.

Anticipating questions or topics of interest related to the audience is helpful when selecting a relevant topic.

  • The Time You’ve Got to Prepare the Speech

Deciding on a “how-to” speech topic can be daunting. But the task becomes much more manageable, considering how much time you have to prepare for the presentation. Start by narrowing down the possibilities based on how much time you have.

If you have more time to prepare, opt for something more challenging. If you have only a short amount of time, choose a simpler topic.

Once you have determined the complexity level and estimated preparation time, consider your interests to find a topic that is both engaging to yourself and hopefully your audience.

As with any speech or presentation, researching and practicing before the actual event will greatly benefit your delivery and engagement with your audience.

Although finalizing a speech topic for a “how-to” presentation can be stressful, understanding constraints and utilizing interests will help make this process easier.

  • The Time You’ve Got to Give the Speech

When selecting a “how-to” speech topic, the amount of time you have to give the presentation should be considered. It is wise to carefully analyze the time frame constraints of the assignment and assess which topics can be thoroughly explored in the allocated duration.

Attempting to cover too much material within a limited timeframe may lead to rushed communication and limit your opportunity to expand on the subject matter. Instead, select a focus that allows space for further discussion but remains concise enough to explore properly within your allotted time.

It is also advantageous to choose a topic that naturally interests you. This will heighten enthusiasm and engagement throughout your presentation, thus helping create an impactful delivery. Doing so will ensure you stay on track and avoid exceeding the assigned timeframe.

  • The Guidelines for Assessment

When choosing a “how-to” speech topic, it is important to ensure that the topic meets all of the guidelines for assessment. It is a good idea to consider current and relevant topics, informative, interesting, and new, demonstrating the speaker’s understanding of their subject matter.

Choosing a topic with an appropriate difficulty level can help ensure that your speech will be comprehensive and engaging for your audience.

Demonstrative Speech Topics

informative speech sample topics

Selecting topics for speeches comes down to choosing something you both know and can present effectively. As you brainstorm possible show-and-tell ideas, narrow the topics until you arrive at one that is interesting to you and your audience and fulfills all criteria needed for an effective demonstration presentation.

Once you’ve chosen a successful topic, preparing the speech will become much simpler, allowing you to demonstrate confidently and successfully.

Here are some easy demonstrative speech ideas for how-to.


Giving a speech to educate an audience about how to care for animals/pets can be an enriching experience.

It is important to research and thoroughly understand the topic to provide the audience with accurate and applicable information. This will entail researching different animal species and their specific characteristics, needs, and behaviors.

Moreover, ample time must be allocated for preparation so all aspects of proper pet-keeping can be explained clearly and confidently.

Topics ideas could range from a persuasive speech on how to pick the best breed to an informative speech on pet health. 


Talking about creating and maintaining a garden or a yard requires proper preparation to ensure that the information relayed is accurate and beneficial. Researching various gardening elements beforehand will provide a strong base for discerning audiences to build on.

Be sure to present topics such as plant selection, design ideas, pest prevention, watering methods, and other environmental factors in an organized fashion that is easy for your listeners to follow.

Offering clear instructions throughout the speech with examples showing the steps in action can help ensure that your audience walks away feeling confident about their newly acquired knowledge.

Topics could cover how to identify poisonous plants, how to get rid of garden pests, how to make an indoor herb garden, and even how to make garden art. 

To give an effective “how-to” speech about crafts, the speaker should start by introducing themselves and properly framing the topic. They should provide a brief overview of what the audience will learn in their presentation and then begin with the most basic information, slowly building up to more complex concepts.

Crafting often has visual aid speech topics. At every stage of presenting, visuals should be provided for illustration. Visuals could range from diagrams or step-by-step photographs showing how a craft is made to video or actual physical models.

Once all of this information has been presented, the speaker should summarize the key points covered and allow time for questions from the audience before concluding their presentation.


Giving a “how-to” speech about games/sports is an excellent way to share knowledge and teach important concepts. It requires the speaker to do comprehensive research and prepare in advance.

To give an effective “how-to” speech, start by introducing the game/sport accurately and make sure to tailor the presentation for your specific audience. Additionally, focus on one topic at a time, explain each step with vivid examples, and use visuals like charts or diagrams if possible.

Once you have covered all steps necessary for playing the game/sport, end the speech concisely and provide resources that can be used after the presentation.

Topics here could range from how to perfect your golf swing to even how to teach basketball.

Food And More

Delivering a successful “how-to” speech about food and drinks requires careful preparation. First, it is important to do research on the topic so that you have an understanding of the background information.

Once this has been accomplished, the next step should be to focus on a specific field within the topic and craft your presentation around this selected focus. Be sure to collect illustrations, charts, or photographs relevant to your chosen material, as these visual elements can make all the difference in bringing your words to life.

How to Structure a How-to Speech

Structuring a “how-to” speech can seem intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. Firstly, you should brainstorm the steps needed to accomplish your desired outcome with as much detail as possible. Secondly, organize the steps in chronological order.

This will give the rhythm of your speech a natural flow. Then, begin by introducing yourself and the topic by providing background information on why it is important.

Following completion of the step-by-step instructions, summarize what was just explained and explain why it matters in general terms. Finally, address any foreseeable issues and offer solutions to avoid them.

How-to Speech Template

A “how-to” speech template is an effective method to prepare a speech. This is especially useful when speaking on topics that may be largely unfamiliar to the audience, as it provides a straightforward structure for organizing the material.

The basic format of this type of speech involves:

  • Introducing the topic.
  • Describing the purpose and benefits of knowing more about it.
  • Decomposing the subject matter into easily digestible sections.
  • Concluding with a summary and reflection on what has been covered.

Additionally, including visual aids and personal anecdotes can further add interest and clarity to speeches, helping ensure everyone remains engaged throughout the presentation. Use this blank demonstration speech outline to craft your own any time!

To Sum It Up

Giving a great how-to speech is mostly about choosing the right topic. As how-to speeches often require visuals such as PowerPoint slides and handouts, these should be reviewed pre-speech to guarantee smooth delivery during the presentation itself. Speaking confidently and clearly while allowing time for questions and feedback is also essential in delivering an effective how-to speech.

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Informative Speech on Dreams

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Words: 630 |

Published: Mar 19, 2024

Words: 630 | Page: 1 | 4 min read

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Introduction, why we dream, the purpose of dreams, the content of dreams, the meaning of dreams.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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    Step# 7 Support Your Points. Gather supporting evidence, examples, statistics, and anecdotes to back up your main points. Use a variety of sources to provide credibility and make your speech more compelling. Ensure that your information is accurate, up-to-date, and relevant to your topic.

  22. Informative Speech

    It often includes supporting evidence, examples, and details to enhance the reader's understanding of the topic. Informative Speech: An informative speech, on the other hand, is an oral presentation delivered to an audience with the purpose of conveying information, facts, or insights about a particular topic. It is a spoken form of ...

  23. "How To" Speech Topics, Ideas & Examples • My Speech Class

    A "how-to" speech template is an effective method to prepare a speech. This is especially useful when speaking on topics that may be largely unfamiliar to the audience, as it provides a straightforward structure for organizing the material. The basic format of this type of speech involves: Introducing the topic.

  24. Informative Speech On Dreams: [Essay Example], 630 words

    Conclusion. In conclusion, dreams are a fascinating and complex phenomenon that enriches our lives in ways we are only beginning to understand. They serve as a means for our brains to process information, simulate potential scenarios, and explore the boundaries of our imagination.