Art of Presentations

What is a Slide Deck? Everything You Need to Know!

By: Author Shrot Katewa

What is a Slide Deck? Everything You Need to Know!

In my personal experience alone, I’ve seen people use very many different words including the word “Slide Deck” for a presentation. I always wondered what is the meaning of Slide Deck, and how is it different from other words commonly used to describe a presentation. So, I did a little research, and here’s what I found out!

A Slide Deck is a term assigned to a group of slides that together form a complete presentation. A slide deck is usually created using a presentation design application. A slide deck is often used as an aid for storytelling or presenting information about a topic or an organization.

But, how is a slide deck different from a slide show or a PowerPoint? In this article, we will understand the nuances of the various presentation terminologies used. Plus, I will also help you understand why is a slide deck really called a slide deck!

So, let’s get started.

A Quick Note Before We Begin – if you want to make jaw-dropping presentations, I would recommend using one of these Presentation Designs . The best part is – it is only $16.5 a month, but you get to download and use as many presentation designs as you like! I personally use it from time-to-time, and it makes my task of making beautiful presentations really quick and easy!

What is a Slide Deck?

When it comes to describing a presentation, there are several words that are used. One word that is often used is a “Slide Deck”.

As mentioned above, a slide deck really is a collection of slides put together to form a presentation. A slide deck is used in many organizations to give an overview about their organization, to share strategies or plans, or showcase performance updates, or even just sharing a piece of interesting information about a topic. There are several use cases for a slide deck!

You may wonder, “Is slide deck not just the same as a presentation?”. If so, then why not just call it a presentation instead of a slide deck? Why use the term slide deck at all?

Pro Tip: All slide decks are presentations, but not all presentations can be classified as a slide deck!

A presentation is usually a much broader term. For instance, when you are displaying a physical product and verbally sharing nuggets of information about that product, it is still referred to as a presentation. More specifically, it is called a product presentation.

The key difference between a slide deck and presentation is that a presentation is an act of delivering information such as a speech or a talk. Whereas, a slide deck is the visual aid used while giving a presentation!

Although the two terms are often used interchangeably, a slide deck and a presentation are actually two different terms!

Why is a Slide Deck called a Slide Deck? A Brief History!

The term slide deck evolved from an old technology that was used for projecting the slides on the wall. A physical 35 mm slide was inserted into a carousel slide projector . All the slides that were used during a presentation were collectively known as a slide deck (as in a deck of cards).

deck meaning in presentation

The term “slide deck” stuck around and became synonymous with a presentation even after the technology evolved . Thus, even today, many people refer to a presentation as a slide deck.

If you are wondering how this projector really worked, then you would be amazed to know that each model came with slots for 40 or 80 slides that could be inserted at a time.

Each slide would be placed upside down and backward in terms of the chronological order so that the image projected is in the correct orientation and order. The slide themselves were usually photographs and not much could be done on the slide.

Difference Between Slide Deck and Slide Show?

Another term that people often use interchangeably is a slide deck and a slide show.

A slide deck is the group of slides used to create a presentation. However, when these slides are displayed or shown to an audience while giving a presentation, the process is known as a slide show.

In other words, a slide deck is usually a presentation file whereas a slide show is a process of showing the contents of that file to an audience.

Slide Deck vs PowerPoint: What’s the Difference?

I’ve also seen people get confused between a slide deck and PowerPoint. Again, these are also another set of terms that are used interchangeably. But, there is a difference.

As mentioned before, a slide deck is usually a group of slides collectively put together to give a presentation. The term slide deck has existed even years before PowerPoint was introduced. As we learned above, a slide deck was initially used to describe the batch of physical slides used in a projector.

PowerPoint, on the other hand, is a presentation design software. Unlike a slide or a presentation, PowerPoint is actually a program that is used for designing a slide or creating a presentation.

As the technology evolved and a computer started to have more computing power, complex applications were designed to enable the ease of leveraging technology.

Contrary to the common opinion, PowerPoint was not created by Microsoft. It was first released by Forethought Inc in 1987 initially only for Mac OS. However, Microsoft acquired PowerPoint 3 months after its initial release and rebranded it as Microsoft PowerPoint.

What is the Difference Between Slide Deck and a Pitch Deck?

Another term that you may hear often, especially in the more recent times, is a pitch deck. It is important to note that using the two interchangeably might not be the correct thing to do. Here’s why –

A slide deck is basically all the final slides put together to create a presentation. However, a pitch deck is a type of a slide deck created with a very specific purpose of pitching an idea or a business model to an investor with the intention of raising funds for implementing the idea.

In this era of start-ups and entrepreneurs, a pitch deck is quite common. In fact, every time an organization is looking to raise funds for the project or business, a pitch deck is required.

Simply put, a pitch deck can also be called a slide deck, but not all slide decks can be referred to as a pitch deck!

What is a PowerPoint Slide Deck?

There are multiple ways of creating a slide deck. As we learned earlier, traditionally a slide deck was created using actual physical slides.

As the technology evolved, sophisticated computer applications were used to create a slide deck. One such application is Microsoft PowerPoint.

A PowerPoint slide deck is a term used to describe a slide deck or a presentation that is created using Microsoft PowerPoint as the presentation design application. A PowerPoint slide deck usually consists of multiple slides put together to create a presentation.

That said, a PowerPoint slide deck is more commonly referred to as a “slide deck” or just “Presentation” as PowerPoint is not the only presentation design application available to a user.

What is a Slide Deck in Google Slides?

Although PowerPoint has been one of the most well-known and commonly used presentation design programs, another application that has been gaining in popularity amongst the users is Google Slides!

The idea of a slide deck in Google Slides is pretty much the same. When you put together all the final slides that are going to be used in a presentation using Google Slides, it is known as a slide deck in Google Slides.

If you are not sure what exactly is Google Slides and would like to understand this a bit more in detail, I’ve written a detailed post on this topic. Make sure you check it out! Click on the below link.

What is Google Slides? The ULTIMATE Guide!

How to Make a Slide Deck in PowerPoint?

If you are using PowerPoint, one of the things that you may often be asked to do at work is to make a slide deck in PowerPoint. But, how exactly do you do that? Let me try to answer this question.

Here’s how to make a slide deck in PowerPoint –

  • Open a PowerPoint Presentation
  • Create a structure for your content
  • Create a Title Slide
  • Design the Other Remaining Slides
  • Use Images relevant to the content
  • Add Animations and Transitions
  • Create a Thank You Slide
  • Save Your Slide Deck
  • Share the File with your team

Honestly, this topic deserves a separate article in itself. Perhaps even a single article may not be complete enough to cover this topic.

How to Make a Good Slide Deck?

Let’s face it – most of us don’t want to come across as incompetent. Thus, making a good slide deck is almost always important. But, how exactly does one do that?

There are actually several things that you can do to make an attractive presentation. I actually wrote a detailed article on how to easily create a good slide deck. The tips that I share in that article are also relevant for beginners. So, make sure you check out that article as well! The link is mentioned below.

7 EASY tips that ALWAYS make your PPT presentation attractive (even for beginners)

More Helpful Resources –

  • Should You Add Table of Contents in your Presentation?
  • How to Give a Presentation When You Are Not Prepared?
  • A Quick Guide to Using Animations and Transitions in PowerPoint

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Jar of questions asking what is the difference between powerpoint vs slide deck

PowerPoint Vs. Slide Deck, Slide Deck Meaning & More Simple Terms

Whitney D. Walter


The terms “PowerPoint” and “slide deck” are thrown around a lot in the business world. So much so that you might be wondering if they mean the same thing or if there is something inherently different between the two.

The most significant distinction between a PowerPoint and a deck is that a “deck” is simply a collection of slides, whereas the term “PowerPoint” often refers to the final presentation which may be delivered in the form of a speech, video, or other format.

Here are a few examples of how a PowerPoint presentation can be used:

How do you make a good slide deck in powerpoint, what is a slide deck called in google slides, what is microsoft powerpoint.

Let’s start with the basics. Microsoft PowerPoint is a digital presentation tool. It’s a software application that allows users to share information and ideas with others.

  • Creating an informational slideshow to share with colleagues or clients. This might include information about a new product, project details, or company updates.
  • Developing a presentation to deliver at a conference or other professional event. This could include sharing research findings, pitching a business idea, or promoting a new initiative.
  • Creating an educational resource, such as a lesson plan or study guide. This might include slides with information about a topic, along with accompanying questions or activities.
  • Designing a sales deck to use when meeting with potential customers or clients. This could include slides outlining the features and benefits of a product or service.

PowerPoint presentations can be created using a variety of methods, including importing images, adding text, and inserting multimedia content.

Anatomy of a PowerPoint

infographic discussing the anatomy of a powerpoint presentation, slide deck, and slide

What is a PowerPoint presentation?

You can think of a PowerPoint presentation as a vehicle to share information with others. Some people refer to a presentation as the act of actually presenting a slide deck. This can be in the form of a recorded slideshow, speech, or another delivery method.

Others may refer to presentations simply as the completed Powerpoint deck.

A typical PowerPoint presentation consists of a series of slides, each of which can contain text , images, and other multimedia content. PowerPoint also offers a variety of features, such as animations and transitions, that can help to make your presentation more engaging.

What is a PowerPoint slide deck?

A slide deck is simply a collection of slides. It can be created using PowerPoint or any other presentation software application, like Google Slides.

However, a key difference between a PowerPoint presentation and a slide deck is that a slide deck is not necessarily intended to be presented in a linear fashion. Instead, a slide deck can be used as a reference tool or resource, or it can be presented in a non-linear fashion, such as through an interactive website or app.

deck meaning in presentation

Why is it called a slide deck?

At this point, you might be wondering “But why are PowerPoints called decks?”. The term “slide deck” is derived from the old days of presentations when slides were physical transparencies that were loaded into a carousel and projected onto a screen.

These physical slides would be shuffled around to create the presentation, much like a deck of cards. Thus, the term “slide deck” was born.

In modern times, slide decks are usually presented electronically, either as a PowerPoint presentation or as a PDF. However, the term slide deck has stuck and is still used to refer to a presentation, even though there may not be any physical slides involved.

Why should you use PowerPoint slide decks?

A slide deck is an important tool for any presenter. It allows you to organize your thoughts and present them in a visually appealing way.

A well-designed slide deck can engage your audience and help you deliver your message effectively.

Is a deck the same as a PowerPoint?

Honestly, you will hear the terms “deck”, “presentation”, and “PowerPoint” used interchangeably in business settings.

The key difference between a presentation and a deck is that a deck is a collection of slides and a PowerPoint presentation could be given in the form of a speech, video, or other formats.

deck meaning in presentation

What is a PowerPoint slide?

A PowerPoint slide is a digital version of a traditional slide that is used to convey information during a presentation.

Unlike a traditional slide, which is typically created using a physical projector and an overhead transparency, a PowerPoint slide is created using software such as Microsoft PowerPoint or Apple Keynote. PowerPoint slides can be shared electronically with others via email or through

Simply put, consider each slide to be a digital page in your overall story.

What is the difference between a slide and a slide deck?

A slide is an individual page in a presentation deck while a slide deck is an entire presentation.

Each slide typically contains one main idea that contributes to the overall message presented with the slide deck.

At this point, you might be wondering how to make a good slide deck.

Here are a few quick tips:

  • Start with a strong title slide that will grab attention and set the tone for the rest of the presentation.
  • Be sure to include an agenda slide so your audience knows what to expect during the presentation. This helps with audience engagement.
  • Use clean slide designs that are easy to read and understand.
  • Try to limit each slide to one main point. Use images and graphics to support these points and tell the story.
  • End with a strong conclusion that recaps what you covered, includes a call-to-action, provides relevant resources, and leaves your audience with a positive impression.

Creating a great slide deck takes time and effort, but it’s worth it. A well-designed slide deck can help you deliver a powerful presentation that will inform your audience and inspire them to take action.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the difference between a slide deck and a slide show.

A slide deck is a collection of slides that are typically used to give a presentation, while a slide show is may include media like images and video instead of traditional slides.

Slide decks are often created using PowerPoint or other presentation software, while slide shows can be created using a multitude of other multimedia programs.

There are many similarities between slide decks and slide shows, but there are also some important differences.

One key difference between slide decks and slide shows is that slide decks are usually static, while slide shows are often dynamic.

This means that slide decks typically don’t change much from one presentation to the next, while slide shows can be changed or customized for each individual presentation.

Slide decks are also usually shorter than slide shows, and they typically only include the most important information.

What’s the difference between a slide deck and pitch deck?

As we discussed, a slide deck is a collection of slides. The topic of these slides can be nearly anything under the sun.

A pitch deck is also a collection of multiple slides but the main difference is that all the slides are meant to serve a very specific business-related purpose.

The main idea behind pitch decks is typically to gain interest from investors. This is done by showcasing the potential of your business idea and/or product.

So while a slide deck can be about anything, a pitch deck will always cover information that will be of interest to potential business stakeholders.

group of people using different laptops like keynote on apple and powerpoint on windows

The term “slide deck” is also used in reference to other presentation software like Google Slides and Apple’s Keynote .

Now that you know the difference between a PowerPoint presentation and a slide deck, you know that they are powerful tools that can be used to deliver effective presentations and engage your audience.

What tips do you have for creating effective slide decks? How have you used slide decks in your own presentations or business communications? Leave a comment and let me know!

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Whitney is a recognized Professional Development Expert, professional speaker, and the founder of Harness Your Power. She holds a Master’s in Business Administration from Florida State University and a Microsoft PowerPoint Specialist certification. She has been featured in Yahoo Finance, AOL, Authority Magazine, Business Insider, Fox and more. Read more.

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How to Create a Slide Deck in PowerPoint

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A commonly used term when working with presentations is “slide deck,” but what exactly do we mean by that? Should you be familiar with some core terms before making your first presentation?

As we believe continuous education is key for presenters, regardless of their presentation skill level, today, we will talk about presentation deck meaning, how to build a presentation deck, and which elements define success in this process. Additionally, for a broader understanding and skill enhancement in making effective presentations, our section on how to make a presentation offers valuable insights and practical tips. Without further ado, let’s get started!

Table of Contents

What is a Slide?

What is a slide deck, what should be included in a powerpoint slide deck, recommended slide decks for any kind of presentation.

A PowerPoint slide can be defined as a digital canvas in which we organize information and ideas in a visual format, primarily oriented for professional settings like business presentations, conferences, or academic presentations. People instantly associate slides with PowerPoint due to Microsoft PowerPoint being the industry-leading software in presentation software, offering full compatibility format with free software options like Google Slides.

The starting point of any slide is a blank canvas to which you can add a title, and you’ve got plenty of space to insert images, draw shapes, add videos to your presentations, and more. PowerPoint has a standard layout for its blank slides, as shown below. This layout can be modified by accessing Slide Master in PowerPoint .

Blank slide layout in PowerPoint

Each slide is a single page of a presentation and can be edited to meet the requirements of any presenter without meaning you alter the following slides. Remember, presentation software tends to work with destructive workflow methodologies – meaning the changes you make cannot be reverted if you save the file and try to access it later. If you want to test multiple design options on a single slide, we highly recommend you create individual slides for each design or even save them as different file names so you can revert to a previous stage without inconvenience.

A slide deck or PPT deck is a collection of slides curated for a sole purpose: serving as visual aids for a presentation topic. These slides can contain multiple tools like charts and graphs , placeholder text areas, icons, dashboard display, illustrations (in the format of vector images), and way more depending on three key elements:

  • Build quality: How much effort the creator put into crafting the slides.
  • Software: Although compatible, PowerPoint decks may offer some effects that aren’t available in Google Slides. For that reason, creators often flag animated slides or slide decks containing complex shadow effects as only PowerPoint-compatible.
  • Topic: A presentation deck intended to present a marketing plan won’t contain the same elements as one intended to deliver a motivational talk. 

Before deciding how to start a presentation , select a slide deck compatible with the topic your presentation is geared toward.

We like to work with the method of using one topic per slide. This means not overpopulating your slides with content for the sake of showing content. Such practices affect readability and the overall understanding of your presentation.

Instead, we will teach you how to curate content in your slide decks by taking pitch deck templates as an example. 

Say we select the Executive Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template . This pitch deck is intended to introduce potential investors to what the business is about. 

Structure of a professional presentation deck in PowerPoint

Rather than filling all the data in just 2-3 slides, take it easy and work with the layout this template offers:

  • Title Slide: Every single presentation should list a title slide, with quality graphics and the presentation title being clear enough. Additional information can include the presenter’s name, the company’s name, logo, etc.
  • About Us Slide: In business environments, companies should always introduce themselves, highlighting key information like the industry they move in, significant milestones, etc. Remember, this is an introduction to the company as an entity, not a description of your team members.
  • Best Services: Depending on your niche, take this as an opportunity to promote your core activities as a company.
  • What We Do: This is complementary to “Best Services.” It is the section where you specify which areas your company covers and why your services stand out against competitors.
  • Mission and Vision: Required for any pitch deck presentation.
  • Meet the Team: This slide can either be an org chart or be presented through photos for the managers per department (the interaction points between stakeholders and management).
  • Our Advantages: Ideal to complement slides 3 and 4, this expresses the competitive advantage of the company and marketing plan, and you should present your flagship product or service.
  • Market Opportunity: What led your company to approach its niche, attending to customers’ pain points.
  • Timeline: This slide serves to introduce significant milestones, projects, planned strategies, deadlines, etc.
  • Market Size: When we have to answer the total addressable market (TAM), we can use a slide representing TAM, SAM, and SOM .
  • Competitors: Two slides in this presentation deck talk about a company’s competitors and different approaches to representing that data with visual impact. 
  • Data Chart: If you intend to discuss a KPI in particular, this chart slide can work to expand the talk over that point. 
  • Product and Demo: This works either for e-commerce or physical products. Presenters can alter the slide to discuss services rather than products or just keep the “Best Services” slide.
  • Pricing Slide: When discussing a business pitch, you must present your current pricing range to potential investors. In this case, the slide resembles the pricing tier format you can find on many websites.
  • Thank You Slide: Knowing how to end a presentation with class is critical to securing a business deal. You can include a photo that resembles closing a business deal, a video that further expands your company’s history, products/services, and culture, or leave it with a minimalistic “thank you.”

With just 15 slides, you can create a powerful slide deck communicating your message to your target audience. Keeping a clean layout and following the 1 topic per slide rule ensures your presentation delivers a clean speech.

Now, we’ll move on to how to make a presentation deck from scratch. We recommend working with PowerPoint Templates , as design decisions are already taken for you (font pairing, color schemes, placeholder areas, balance between text and graphs).

Select a Slide Deck

By browsing professional PPT template creators’ websites like SlideModel, you can find a vast selection of products tailored to your needs. It is as easy as to browse for the topic you want via the search bar, locate a product you desire, and download it to your account. You can also explore the available products per category through menu elements.

Insert your Content

Every single presentation deck available at is entirely customizable. We can add illustrations by going to Insert > Picture and selecting the origin from which you want to upload your image into the presentation.

Changing picture in a ppt deck

Also, users can customize the template and replace the image in the placeholder area by right-clicking over it and selecting Change Picture .

Access Change Picture in PowerPoint via contextual menu

Text content can be edited in the text placeholder areas by clicking over it. Charts and graphs may require some extra steps depending on how they were crafted. To replace the placeholder data, simply select the chart or graph element and click on the Filter option next to it. Seek the Select Data option at the end of the contextual menu.

Select Data in PPT slide deck

Modify the data used as a sample in the chart with the information pertinent to your company or project. An MS Excel spreadsheet will open up to allow that procedure.

How to modify data in a slide deck

Other Customization Options for Slide Decks

Finally, we recommend you check the following articles to learn more about aspects to edit in slide decks:

  • How to change fonts in Slide Decks .
  • How to change the theme in Slide Decks .
  • Which fonts will make your Slide Deck stand out .
  • How to insert 3D models in Slide Decks .
  • How to change slide layout in a Slide Deck .
  • How to rotate a slide in PowerPoint .

What are the key elements of an effective slide deck?

A clear and cohesive theme, concise and impactful text, and high-quality graphics are all you need to create a powerful slide deck, as long as it follows a logical flow that guides the audience through the presentation.

Can I create a slide deck if I don’t have Microsoft PowerPoint?

Yes, our expertise in this field tells us there are no visible differences between working with PowerPoint and Google Slides or Apple Keynote to create a quality presentation, except for some curved text effects and complex animations.

What are some tips for choosing a theme or template for my slide deck?

  • Select a theme or template that aligns with the presentation’s topic or audience.
  • Consider the context and setting of the presentation.
  • Opt for a clean and professional design that backs up your speech rather than add distracting elements.

How can I add and format text on my slides?

When working with presentation software, you can format text as you would work with any text editor. Remember to stick to concise and clear language, with no technical jargon. Huge “text walls” deter the audience from your talk, as there’s a natural impulse to read the content. Opt for legible fonts rather than complex script typefaces.

How can I ensure my slides are consistent regarding fonts, colors, and styles?

Using a consistent color scheme is the first step, which can be analogous (easier to work), complementary, or bolder options as long as you stick to recommended color pairings. Avoid harsh contrasts, as they make your slides less legible. Use a maximum of 3 different fonts in your slide, best if 2 only.

1. Innovative Business Presentation Template Slide Deck

deck meaning in presentation

Powerful graphics with contrasting tones that add a vibrant vibe to your presentation. This slide deck is ideal for startups, tech talks, or any presentation that wants to showcase a vanguard style in touch with the latest design trends.

Use This Template

2. PPT Slide Deck Template

deck meaning in presentation

A semi-formal slide deck that balances many visual aids and placeholder text areas while bearing a complementary color scheme. Ideal for team meetings, introducing your company to investors, or academic presentations.

3. Business Executive Presentation Deck for PowerPoint

deck meaning in presentation

Sleek, formal, and with plenty of tools to repurpose this slide deck for multiple presentation requirements. A fully editable PPT presentation deck that can accommodate an alternative theme to its distinctive cool blue executive tones.

deck meaning in presentation

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Design, Microsoft PowerPoint, Slides Filed under Design , PowerPoint Tutorials

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deck meaning in presentation


How to Make an Engaging Slide Deck (+ Example & Templates)

Learn how to create a slide deck step-by-step. Get tips, examples, and templates to make a slide deck presentation that stands out beyond any PowerPoint.

deck meaning in presentation

Dominika Krukowska

7 minute read

How to make a slide deck

Short answer

How to make a slide deck in 7 easy steps?

The main steps for creating a slide deck are:

  • Define your slide deck goals
  • Research your target audience
  • Research your topic
  • Prioritize what you want to say
  • Write your slide deck narrative
  • Create or collect visuals that support your narrative
  • Use a template to set up your slide deck design
  • Bonus: Use an AI slide deck generator to do it all for you

Most slide decks bore the audience because they fail to tell a story

Imagine standing in front of an audience, only to watch their attention fade as you click through slide after slide. It's a disheartening experience, and it's more common than you might think.

The truth is, a slide deck without a clear narrative will bore your audience and leave your message unheard.

Worse than that, a storyless slide deck may leave people disappointed and feeling like they wasted their time. And you probably wouldn’t want such feelings to reflect on you.

But a good story makes your slide deck memorable, enjoyable, and perceived as more valuable by your audience. This is the power of a good story, and this is what this post will teach you to harness.

Let me show you the techniques to turn your presentations into compelling narratives . Learn the process, get insights, and tips, and grab a slide deck template to get you started.

Let's dive in!

Common mistakes to avoid when creating a slide deck

Here's a rundown of common mistakes to avoid when creating a slide deck as shared by Dan Zedek , a professor of journalism and media innovation at Northwestern University:

Overloading with visuals: Feeling insecure about visual talent often leads to overloading slides with too many photos, irrelevant images, colors, or typefaces. Simplicity adds clarity.

Long slide duration: A slide that stays up for 5 or 6 minutes can cause the audience's mind to wander. Aim for 30 seconds to a minute per slide to keep engagement high.

Irrelevant animations and colors: Using animations and colors that don't serve the content can be distracting. Use them sparingly and consistently to highlight important concepts.

Ignoring the audience: Understanding who's in the audience and what they expect from your presentation is key. Tailor the contents of your presentation to resonate with them.

Reading from the slide: This is considered one of the worst sins in slide presentations. Your slides should complement your speech, not repeat it.

Lack of pacing: Research shows that people's patience lasts about 6 or 7 minutes. Pacing your presentation and breaking down big ideas into smaller pieces can keep the audience engaged throughout.

Failure to inject personality: You're not just presenting facts; you're telling a story. Let your personality shine through, whether it's your authority, humor, or passion for the subject.

How to prepare for creating a slide deck?

The difference between a forgettable slide deck and a memorable one lies in the groundwork you do before you sit down to build the slide deck.

In the words of Nancy Duarte , the author of the book “slide:ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations”: “Audience interest is directly proportionate to the presenter's preparation. You better spend time and energy on any presentations where the stakes are high.

An audience can tell how much energy you spent on your presentation, which is a reflection of how much you valued their time.

If they gave you an hour of their time, you need to make it worth it to them by treating their time as a valuable asset by making the content valuable to them.”

Here's a guide to laying that foundation for a slide deck that not only informs but engages:

1. Define your slide deck goals

What's the aim of your presentation? Are you looking to educate, convince, engage, or motivate? Pinpointing your goal is like setting your GPS; it guides everything that follows.

2. Research your target audience

Understanding your audience's needs, expectations, and pain points allows you to tailor your message. Speak their language, address their concerns, and you'll capture their attention from the first slide.

3. Research your topic extensively

Dive into your subject with the curiosity of a child and the diligence of a detective. This depth of understanding will shine through in your presentation, building credibility and allowing you to address questions and objections with confidence.

4. Choose the right delivery format

Most slide decks are delivered using the PowerPoint slide format, a common 9:16 ratio that we all know. This includes presentations made with tools like Google Slides and Canva. You may even think this is the ONLY way.

But the ppt slide format is a bad format for engagement. It’s static, limited in space, and prone to all the common slide deck mistakes .

On the one hand, a static slide deck is the most common and recognized format, which makes it “safe”. But the fact it’s recognizable also makes it indistinguishable and boring.

On the other hand, an interactive slide deck invites your audience to explore with you, turning the presentation into a conversation.

Which deck would be more likely to get your attention, the static or the interactive one?

deck meaning in presentation

How to organize the contents of your slide deck?

A slide deck's effectiveness isn't just about the content; it's about how that content is organized.

The way you structure your slide deck can mean the difference between your audience walking away with valuable insights or leaving halfway into your presentation.

Here’s how to organize the contents of your deck for maximum impact:

1. Prioritize what you want to say

The reality is that people forget 90% of what you present after 48 hours , and the 10% they do remember is often random.

So, how can you control that crucial 10%? By prioritizing your content, focusing on the key messages that align with your goals, and crafting your content to ensure that the right bits of information become part of that vital 10% that sticks.

2. Build anticipation

Engage your audience's natural curiosity by leveraging information gap theory . Create intentional gaps in your narrative, pose questions, and hint at answers to come.

It's like leaving breadcrumbs along the path, guiding your audience through your narrative and keeping them hungry for more.

3. Create a slide deck narrative

Humans think in stories; we relate to them, and we remember them. The secret to an engaging slide deck is using a storytelling structure.

If it's a business presentation, follow with an execution plan, and close with clear next steps. The storytelling framework helps your audience flow through your slide deck like a good book.

Here’s our recommended storyline structure:

How to write a presentation storyline that creates interest

How to design your slide deck for engagement

If you want to design your slide deck for engagement, think beyond text.

Create original visuals that breathe life into data. Complement your words with multimedia elements like images and videos. Incorporate interactivity and narrated design to transform a monologue into a conversation.

5 magical steps to create your best-ever slide deck

Creating a slide deck that stands out might seem like a complex task, but with AI as your creative companion and a clear roadmap to follow, it turns into a seamless and magical experience.

Here's how you can breathe life into your ideas and make a captivating slide deck with a few easy steps:

1. Tell our AI about your presentation goals

Begin by telling our AI assistant about the slide deck you wish to create. This first step sets the tone, allowing the AI to align with your goals and craft the perfect content structure.

2. Introduce yourself and your brand

Briefly share details about yourself, your company, and the topic of your presentation. This personal touch helps the AI fine-tune the content, making your slide deck resonate with your audience.

Introduce yourself to Storydoc's AI assistant

3. Select your slide deck design and style

Choose a design that reflects your brand. Our AI assistant will take it from there, crafting a deck that's visually cohesive and appealing.

Pick a Storydoc design template

4. Customize your slide deck

Add your text and design touches, and let the AI adapt the design to your content. You can also use it to enhance your copy, brainstorm ideas, or even generate original visuals.

Customizable Storydoc multimedia presentation

5. Review and refine your slide deck

Take a final look and make any last-minute changes. If any tweaks are needed after sending, no worries—you can still make them. Your deck lives online, so you're in control of the version your audience sees, always.

Storydoc multimedia presentation

How to personalize your slide deck

In the world of presentations, personalization is the magic ingredient that turns a standard slide deck into an engaging dialogue.

It's the subtle art of making each viewer feel like you're speaking directly to them, understanding their unique needs and interests.

But how can you achieve this level of personal connection? Here’s how you can do it with Storydoc -

3 steps for easy slide deck personalization:

Add information about your prospect: Add names and company details with a simple click. Your audience will receive a deck that feels crafted just for them, enhancing engagement.

Add dynamic variables: Using dynamic variables, you can address your reader by name throughout the presentation, turning it into a personalized conversation.

Advanced: Integrate Storydoc with your CRM: Storydoc seamlessly integrates with your CRM, allowing you to pull information directly into your decks. It's personalization at scale.

how to make a good personalized presentation slide

How to measure the effectiveness of your slide deck

Measuring the success of a slide deck goes beyond numbers; it's also about understanding the connection you've made with your audience. It's about knowing what resonates, what inspires, and what lingers in the minds of those you've reached.

Every slide deck created with Storydoc comes with an analytics panel that provides real-time insights -

Are viewers spending time on the slides that contain your key points? Who are they sharing your presentation with? Are they taking the next step, like visiting your website to learn more or looking through your portfolio?

By understanding how your audience interacts with your content, you can turn a standard presentation into a powerful tool for connection and influence.

Here’s a quick video showing how it works:

Storydoc analytics pa

Slide deck templates

While following best practices is essential, standing out requires something more. It requires going from static to interactive, and from fact-led to story-led slide decks.

But interactive storytelling slide deck templates are hard to come by. Or at least they used to be.

Below you have designed templates that will make your next presentation something to remember.

deck meaning in presentation

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

deck meaning in presentation

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Create your best slide deck to date

Try Storydoc interactive slide deck maker for 14 days free (keep any slide deck you make forever!)

A guide to creating great decks and presentations

article cover image

At some point in your creative career, chances are, you’ll have to make some kind of deck. Used as a key communication tool in many creative roles, decks convey ideas through a carefully selected sequence of words and images. A great deck can help you explain a brilliant idea, tell a powerful story, or sell your skills and experience in one neat little package. While it can seem like a lot to balance, the process of putting one together needn’t be tricky. We take you through all the steps to create a fail-proof one.

What’s the difference between a deck and presentation?

A deck is simply a set of digital slides containing images and words, used to get across an idea. You’ll often need to make a deck when you want to persuade someone to think about something in a certain way.

A presentation is a form of communication that tells a story or expresses an idea. A presentation can include a deck, but it can also be delivered as a video, audio file, or as a speech.

You can give a presentation without a deck (for example, a Ted Talk with no visuals) and you can send a deck without having to present it (for example, sending a PDF update of a project with written notes).

Typically, a deck is:

The visual component of a presentation, without any spoken dialogue

A digital file made using the software of your choice

Presented in landscape format

Decks can be designed for the following purposes:

To be presented in person, as part of a meeting – via a laptop or TV screen

To be presented virtually, for example via Zoom, Google Meet or Microsoft Teams

To be viewed in the form of a PDF sent over email, as a live link or a downloaded file

When will you need to make one?

Depending on where you’re at in your career, you might need to make decks for different purposes. These could include:

Creating a presentation as part of a job interview task

Pitching and presenting ideas in response to a brief

Creating briefs, treatments or presenting research

Informal purposes, such as to introduce yourself at a new job

What does a deck look like?

The work of deck-making is often done behind the scenes in a studio, and for copyright or competition-related reasons, creative development decks are often kept under lock and key. 🚨 This means that great examples of decks are not easy to find online!

That being said, as soon as you start working alongside other creative people on projects, you’ll likely have a chance to check out their approach. If you’re part of a studio, you can usually check out their previous decks. And if you’re a freelancer, you could ask more established freelancers to talk you through some of their decks – it never hurts to ask!

Ultimately, the look and feel of a deck will differ depending on what it’ll be used for. You can see great examples of presentations and decks during online or in-person talks; some good examples are Nicer Tuesdays or the First Round conference, in which creative leaders talk through their work-in-progress visual identity decks.

What goes into a deck?

The slides needed for a deck will differ depending on what it’ll be used for; you might need less for a short introductory talk about yourself, and more for an in-depth pitch to a client.

Generally speaking, most decks will include a combination of some (or all) of the following slides:

Contents page

Title pages to signpost different sections

Project slides to support different combinations of images, text or moving image

Conclusion page to detail any next steps

Final page with contact details

Creativelivesinprogress how to create great decks and presentations diagrams10

What makes a great deck?

In a nutshell, a great deck should be:

Clear, concise and cohesive

Specific to and engaging for your audience or reader

Supporting the story you want to tell

Carefully checked for accuracy, spelling and image quality

A lot of the things that make a deck successful also apply to making great portfolios. You can find all sorts of transferable learnings and relevant advice in our guide to creating your PDF portfolio .

Before you begin: Planning your presentation

Before you start choosing colour palettes and flicking through font choices, there are some essential considerations to keep in mind:

🤔 Who is your audience? What do they need to know?

Are you pitching new ideas to a client, or updating your co-workers on a project’s process? Knowing the purpose of your deck will inform your structure, design and layout. For example, a client pitch will require you to strike a different visual tone to a catch-up with your team.

Think about the size and location of your audience. How might your approach differ for a big or small group, or whether you’ll be presenting it online or IRL?

⏰ How long will you have to present?

Knowing your exact timeframe will help you gauge the scale of your deck, how many slides you might need and how in-depth you can go with the details. While informal presentations to your co-workers may be more relaxed, running over with clients is not always an option, so be strict.

If you have a short amount of time, prioritise need-to-know info and get quickly into what you want feedback or input on. If you have more time, you can build your story gradually.

🤝 Are you working collaboratively or alone?

If you’re working on a deck as part of a team, you may want to delegate tasks. For example, one person could prepare the images while another writes the text. But remember: the text will always need to relate to the images (and vice versa) so make sure both collaborators cross-reference regularly.

If you’re presenting as a team, are you taking turns to speak? You’ll need to agree on who will be presenting each section. You can find more tips and tricks on preparing for presentations in our guide to public speaking .

How to create a structure that tells a story

Your deck needs to tell a story – whether that‘s guiding someone through different creative ideas, or taking a viewer on a journey from one point to another.

It’s vital to work out how you will explain and unpack your idea or project through your deck, as the right structure will ultimately determine how successfully your story comes across.

🕸️ Join the dots between your points

To start, write down everything you need to cover during the presentation. Create a list of talking points before beginning to build the slides or delving into image research.

Once you’ve worked out the key content to include, think about the best order in which to communicate this. Think of it as a linear process: you need to get from A to B in the clearest, most logical way.

🏁 Start and end well

The first slide of your deck should be as strong as the last. If you’re sending the deck by itself, ensure you summarise the contents at the start, and if you’re presenting, remind everyone of the purpose of the meeting so that your audience understands what you’re going to cover and what is being asked of them.

You might want to end the main section of your presentation with a memorable image, some well-chosen closing words, or a call to action inviting your audience to do something like approve a project budget, or select a creative idea for further development.

The final slides in your deck should include a short summary of what’s been covered and an outline of next steps. Don’t forget to include contact details in case the deck gets passed around.

Presenting a solution to a creative brief? This is one way of laying it out:

Title slide

Contents page: be sure to match your section titles to this

The brief or challenge: what is the specific request you’ve been asked to respond to, or what you were hoping to solve?

Starting points or initial inspiration

Your final idea(s), solutions or offerings: this can also include any alternatives

Timelines or additional information: this could include information regarding other collaborators or budgets

Conclusion or summary: a chance to reiterate the main points covered

Next steps or milestones in the process

If you’re attending a job interview or have been asked to prepare an introduction to your work – your deck structure might look like this:

  • Title slide: this can include your name and role, along with a personalised greeting or message for your audience, like “Hi [name of studio], nice to meet you!”
  • Contents page: you may want to skip this if you only have a few sections.
  • Your background in a nutshell: this can be a short, personal statement that highlights your specific skills and interests. Don’t forget to inject some personality — this deck is meant to be about you, after all!
  • Your work: only include projects that feel relevant to your audience. You might want to divide this section into several mini-sections if you have different types of work to showcase.
  • Final page with contact details: let people know where they can reach you, whether that’s via email or on a social media platform.

How should you design a deck?

The way in which you combine visuals and text on slides can play a major role in how successfully you communicate your story. Remember, every image and word needs to earn the right to be included.

It can be useful to start by sketching out your rough layouts for your slides to visualise the main elements you need to cover.

🏡 Try out templates, or create your own

If you’re working in-house, there’ll likely already be set templates to follow or use as a starting point. Ask your colleagues to share different types of presentations, and familiarise yourself with the house style. If you’re a freelancer, it may be worth setting up a template using the same typefaces, layouts and colour palettes so that you can create some consistency across your decks. It will save you time in the future and bring a level of professionalism to your presentations.

Remember that a template should help you, not constrain you. Use one as an overall guide, but adjust according to the specific content you want to include — and give yourself room to play.

🔁 Consistency is key

Whether you’re following a preexisting template or setting up your own, consistency is key to putting together a cohesive deck. This is an opportunity to create system of rules that will provide you with a reliable and flexible structure, regardless of the kind of deck you need to put together.

Establishing a consistent visual language allows you to focus on telling the story at hand, rather than having to re-design your slides every time – and also helps an audience or viewer to follow your thought process. All your slides should feel like they belong to the same visual world. Here are a few key elements to consider:

  • Grid, layout and treatment of images
  • Colour palette
  • Typefaces and treatment of text (choose one size for section headers, one for headlines, one for body copy or bullet points

💥 Create impact with your images

How might you create visual impact with your images? For example if there is a particularly strong visual that helps support the narrative of your presentation, why not make it full bleed to grab your viewer’s attention?

Or if you have a selection of images to share, think about what layout will help convey a variety of options without looking too cluttered. Remember that images should be captioned where necessary – describing to viewers what they’re seeing – without over-explaining.

Ensure your images have a high enough resolution that they look sharp, but not so large that they take ages to load! Exporting images as PNG files can be more reliable than JPEGs in terms of consistent quality.

Creativelivesinprogress how to create great decks and presentations diagrams4

👾 Know where it’s relevant to use GIFs

Videos or GIFs can be a great addition to a deck. If you have a shorter amount of time to present, a piece of moving image can quickly set the tone – whether poignant or humorous. They usually require less explanation than a still image, and the audience can watch clips and GIFs while the presenter is speaking.

In a longer presentation, you may be able to include a full-length video that will form a distinct chapter in the deck.

🔠 Be selective about how much text you include

The amount of text you use will depend on whether you’ll be talking through the deck, or sending it as a link or attachment for your audience to read in their own time. Think: how are you presenting?

As part of a meeting You may want to use less text in your slides (no one can read and listen at the same time). The fewer words on screen, the stronger the visual effect and overall impact.

Remember that if you’re presenting your deck to an audience, depending on the platform you use, you could always use speaker notes (additional details that no one else will see on screen) with additional information to elaborate on certain points or offer additional detail. This can also be a great tool to help you remember your cues.

Sending via email You might want to include more text on your slides so that the reader has all the information they need to understand the story without you there.

With all that said, be wary of where you place your text – avoid adding your copy over busy images or backgrounds to ensure everything is easily legible and to create maximum impact.

Diagrams decks and presentations 000

🌍 Opt for accessible typefaces

Choose a typeface that’s easy to read, and easily accessible – regardless of whether you’re presenting it from your laptop or sending it over email. You don’t want to spend hours designing your slides only for your text to appear in a default typeface later on. Have a look at our article to find a range of free fonts and typefaces for inspiration.

Once you’ve made your selection(s), ensure your text is large enough for people to read on a screen – whether in person or online.

🔺 Consider information hierarchy

A list may be easier to digest than a paragraph. Using a combination of the below can help make your content more digestible:

  • Subheadings
  • Bullet points
  • Image captions

🚪 Use page furniture

This is information that consistently sits at the top or bottom of a slide. It can be a useful way of presenting information such as the date, project title, slide number and section title.

What can you use to actually build a deck?

How you make your deck depends on how your audience is going to receive it. Will you be presenting in person or online? Or do you need to send it via email?

There are a wide variety of deck-building platforms to choose from. Below are some of the main players. You can find more in our article on platforms and programs to make decks on .

Google Slides

Adobe InDesign (then export as a PDF)

Presented (service)

You could also use a mixture of these. If you’re creating your deck as a team effort, Google Slides or Pitch allows for seamless collaborative working and is easy to share as a link to a live file. Or you could use InDesign and then export the slides as a PDF, or individual jpegs to be dropped into another program.

You now have everything you need to go out and make amazing decks. Creating these takes practice, so don’t worry if you don’t nail it the first time. As you develop your deck-making skills, you’ll find a style you gravitate towards. Now go out there and dazzle the room with your sparkling slides!

With special thanks to Philippa Leguen de Lacroix, Director, Presented

Written by Creative Lives in Progress

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What is a PPT deck?

deck meaning in presentation

No matter if you are a college student, who is working on a next project, or a businessman who is getting ready for a product presentation, there is no way you can succeed without a well-structured and influential PPT presentation. 

How is it possible to create a powerful presentation that would convey your ideas and make the audience excited about them? Working on such projects may be complicated, so an increasing number of people tend to search for inspirational templates. Browsing the web, you will come across multiple notions that may seem confusing. If you are used to a traditional PowerPoint presentation, it may be extraordinary for you to read about the PPT deck.

What is a PowerPoint slide deck? Why is it so popular among customers? What are the main peculiarities and specifications of the option? Keep reading to detect the most critical information about an effective tool that will contribute to your experience and make it much more beneficial. 

A PowerPoint Deck How It Is: Key Notions and Peculiarities

Talking about a PowerPoint deck for the first time, it is critical to start with the definition and main peculiarities of the item. In most instances, the term refers to the slides people can build on the platform. Although people use it to describe random aid to give a presentation, it should only be used to denote a collection of slides created on PowerPoint. 

Well, such a PPT definition may be confusing, so it is indispensable to explain why the word deck is used and what exactly it means in the phrase. Initially, the word deck refers to the acetate decks you can find in old projectors. Additionally, a deck can be associated with cards, and it will be the best way to visualize the result of your work. A well-structured PPT presentation is a deck of slides that are put together. Striving to create an influential and efficient presentation, each slide should perform a specific function and have exclusive value.

Once you are aware of the PowerPoint deck meaning, you are ready to move to the next point, dealing with its peculiarities and specifications. Keep reading to discover the most critical features of the deck and its prominence for different undertakings. 

deck meaning in presentation

Basic Discrepancies Between a Deck and PPT Deck

In the overwhelming majority of instances, people who have little experience creating PPT presentations may be confused about hearing about PPT decks, slide decks, slideshows, and a range of other notions. However, if you immerse yourself in the area, you will acknowledge that, in most cases, these words can be used interchangeably without any difference in meaning. 

At the same time, it is critical to remember that business setting differs from academic, for instance. Therefore, creating a PowerPoint deck, you should mind the requirements and rules predetermined by the field.

Although the words can sometimes be used to denote the same phenomenon, there are exceptions. Let’s clarify the main aspects that can make a difference. The phrase PPT deck is used mainly to talk about the collection of slides. It is a fast and effective way to view the presentation as a whole. Talking about PPT presentation, people can mean any type of material created and presented, so it is critical to include the word “deck” to emphasize the finished version of the project. While a PowerPoint presentation can be given in the most diverse forms, including video or speech, a PPT deck is a set of slides presented to the audience. 

Once you are aware of the definitions, you are ready to move on to the next part, learning the peculiarities of deck creation. Also known as a slide deck, it is a powerful tool that can help you advance your business or other projects to an ultimately new level, increasing the awareness of customers about your product, attracting new investors, or simply getting the highest grade in the class. Are you ready to create your first PPT deck? Check out comprehensive and easy-to-follow guidelines that will draw you closer to the desired results. 

  • Download a PowerPoint tool, open it and discover its basics. 
  • Mind the structure of the presentation, as it will predetermine the success of both the process and its outcomes. 
  • Create a title slide mentioning the topic of the project. Make sure it is short and concise but engaging and intriguing. 
  • Divide your work into separate sections, which will introduce different ideas and concepts. 
  • Start every new slide with the title so that the audience is aware of what they are listening to. 
  • Take advantage of images, infographics, videos, and tables that will add to your words and will contribute to the efficiency of the presentation. 
  • Care for the transitions and animation, which will add to the visual appeal of the deck. 
  • Do not forget about complementary gratitude and question-section. 

Following simple rules, you will have a chance to thrive with the best PPT deck ever. However, these are the basic guidelines for first-time users. If you are a pro customer, you should pay due attention to the more intricate tips and tricks mentioned below. 

Quick Tips on How to Create an Efficient PPR Deck

Have you already discovered the most detailed and meaningful definition PowerPoint slide deck has? Are you aware of the prominent guidelines for the creation of a relevant project? Have you downloaded the necessary software? Then, you are ready to proceed to the next stage, creating an influential deck worth attention to and appreciation. 

Before you start working on the deck creation, you should come up with a detailed plan of your work. What is the goal of the project? What are the objectives? What is the target audience? The moment you find answers to the most critical questions, you will get an opportunity to enhance your chances to achieve a thrilling result. 

Follow the rules mentioned above to create a deck in PowerPoint, but stick to the tips specified below, if you want to advance it to the ultimately new level. Take advantage of the most effective tools and instruments that will contribute to the relevance and quality of the presentation. 

Add Visuals

Are you ready to present your PPT deck? Care for the visual component, as it is critical for the listeners. If you want to keep the attention of the audience longer, you should keep the presentation engaging and interactive. Make sure you include some infographics, photos, tables, and charts that require extra attention. 

Speak More than You Write

No matter how creative and efficient, your presentation deck is, you will have to talk to explain everything depicted there. Consequently, you should make maximum effort to balance between the imagery and words. At this point, it is fundamental to mention that your slides should contain more imagery, while the presentation should consist of more words explaining what is included in the deck.

Mind the Consistent Design

The design and structure of the deck is halfway to success. Pay attention to the color, font size and style, the message of the presentation, and a range of other aspects that may aid you in delivering the deck. 

Elements to Include in a PPT Deck

Creating presentations, one of the most critical aspects that should be taken into account is the balance. The main task here is to come up with an influential, engaging, informative, and appealing deck that will be stuffed neither with words nor with visuals. Using the PPT presentation templates may be a great idea that will guide people to the desired results. 

Nonetheless, it is fundamental to acknowledge that each project is unique, and the same template cannot be used for different types of presentations. Anyway, striving to create powerful and effective presentations, the user should include the following elements:

These are the core components that are sufficient for the creation of a relevant and meaningful project your colleagues, partners, and instructors will appreciate. 

deck meaning in presentation

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Wondering why PowerPoint presentations are called decks? (Now you know)

Hrideep barot.

  • Presentation , Public Speaking

Man presenting to a crowd

Why PowerPoint presentations are called decks , a question that lingered in my mind for a long time until I decided to jump on to finding out exactly why! And here I am to share all that I have learned about why PowerPoint presentations are called decks.

But before we dive deeper into understanding PowerPoint decks, it is very important to refresh our knowledge of some of the basics.

What are presentations?

Presentations are a way of conveying some information, idea, or opinion to your audience either with or without the use of visuals, in most cases PPTs .

While most of the time, we are bound to confuse presentations with PowerPoint presentations, they aren’t the same thing.

Presentations are a much wider spectrum that includes PowerPoint presentations as a part of it.

What are PowerPoint presentations?

PowerPoint presentations are slide decks created on the specific software called Microsoft PowerPoint that was released by Microsoft (duh!) in the year 1987 . PowerPoint helps create easy and effective digital slide decks; since it is so widely used, it has become synonymous with presentations at large.

It is similar to how we call photocopies Xerox!

(pst if you don’t understand the analogy, check out what we are trying to say here )

Why are PowerPoint presentations called decks?

Decks in presentations are a collection of slides (individual pages in PowerPoint) . And since PowerPoint presentations are nothing but a collection of well-laid-out slides, they are called decks.

Now to understand it better, let’s begin with the fundamental structure, shall we?

Assuming you go to PowerPoint right now, what is the first thing you’ll see?

A blank template that would prompt you to add text, right? That is a slide. As you keep adding slides to your PowerPoint, the collection of these slides, in the end, is what we call a deck.

But then again,

Why is it called a PowerPoint deck?

A PowerPoint deck is similar to a deck of cards. In a deck of cards, a deck is composed of 52 cards; Similarly, in PowerPoint, a deck or pile of slides is what is known as a PowerPoint deck.

deck meaning in presentation

So, does this mean that the presentation is important only in its entirety and not as individual slides?

Absolutely no!

Just like in a game of cards, the ace carries its importance and so does a card of jack; In PowerPoint decks too, each slide carries with it its unique importance . However, when separated the slides would lose their meaning.

Again, what would you do if you find a queen card lying on your room’s floor? slide it under the bed? I mean it would be ideal considering you don’t know where the rest of the cards are!

Similarly, individual slides gain their meaning when they are compiled with other slides.

This means each slide carries its own different set of information that helps in conveying an idea at the end .

When did PowerPoint presentations become decks?

PowerPoint presentations became decks on the day they came into being, that is in 1987.

Presentations had been made using stacks of papers or sheets filled with information even before digital presentations came into being.

As shocking as it may be, presentations already involved the use of decks in some form or the other from the very initial day of the specification building our communication skills.

While we started with rock paintings or carvings, we can include them as a form of presentation but not as decks.

Later came the use of sheets or paper to deliver information. This was done using flip paper cards .

There is evidence that presentations using flip charts became very common during the 1940s. These sheets or posters would be joined together with the help of metal fasteners. The speaker or presenter would then flip from one page to the other to share information.

Sounds very similar to our digital presentations, doesn’t it? Except we don’t have to tire our arms by flipping pages. We can simply click to move on to the next slide. How convenient!

Coming back to the last bit of our history of slide decks, somewhere in the 90s -2010’s PowerPoint as a software gained major attention from the public. The slide decks started to be created on PowerPoint exclusively and that is how we moved from saying slide decks to PowerPoint decks.

Going over it again

What is a slide deck in powerpoint.

A slide deck in PowerPoint is nothing but a collection of slides in Microsoft PowerPoint.

What is a PowerPoint slide deck?

It is just another way of saying Slide decks in PowerPoint!

Why are PowerPoint slides called decks??

Since PowerPoint gives you a collection of slides or a deck of slides, it is known as decks.

What is the purpose of a Slide deck in a presentation?

Slide decks help the presenter present his/her/their topic more effectively. It aids the presenter in giving the speech by providing prompts or hints to maintain a flow in their speech. On the other hand, it helps the audience visualize as they listen to the speaker.

Out of the many purposes that a slide deck can serve a presenter, here are a few that we would like to address in this article:

  • To pitch new ideas or products
  • To explain or introduce a concept
  • To share one’s opinions or views

1. To pitch new ideas or products

Slide decks happen to be a very crucial part of making pitches to attract your clients, or to make them understand what your product/ services are all about and how they can be beneficial to them.

Some of the ways we can try to win over or convince the client/ customer to agree to your terms are by showing charts or graphs of your previous success rates or giving out statistics on the problem that your company or product provides a solution for.

2. To explain or introduce a concept

Slide decks being used to explain a concept is something that I believe we have all experienced in schools or colleges.

With smart classrooms, the blackboards have found their place in restaurants and cafes and presentations have made their way to now be a widely used way of delivering lectures.  

3. To share one’s opinions or views

Be it in conferences or competitions or even in your college when you are presenting on a topic, it is mostly with the purpose of sharing your opinions, views, or findings through slide decks.

How do you create a deck in PowerPoint?

When it comes to creating decks in PowerPoint, there are two things that we need to take a look into, the technical aspects and the aesthetic ones. 

When we talk about the technical aspect of creating a deck in PowerPoint, we mean ensuring that you have the software installed in your system, be it a laptop or even your phone.

Head to AppStore or play store and install it. 

Though we have been taught how to create PowerPoint presentations since very early days, we still suggest you take a minute and understand the various features offered by the software like the layouts, themes, and more. Having an understanding of some of the basic features can help you in creating a basic template easily!

If, however, you are looking for ways to create a slide deck other than on PowerPont, then head to some of the most resourceful sites that provide you with a number of templates!

A few such sites are Canva , Evanto , and more

Now when we talk about the Aesthetics of creating a PowerPoint, we first need to accept and appreciate the fact that the aesthetics or look of your presentation can add extra points to your entire presentation. 

We have a list of 5 tips for the same. And if you follow them, you will surely be able to find an answer to..

Why are PowerPoint presentations effective?

A few tips for creating presentations:

1. Less is more

We have all heard this one a gazillion times and more, especially when it comes to Powerpoint presentations, Less is more!

Provide very precise information in your PowerPoint. To make your points short. You can stick to using the 5 by 5 model . The model suggests that you must not add more than 5 points to a slide. And each point must contain no more than 5 words. 

If you still have no idea what you should add, try adding your headings and subheadings in your PowerPoint to make it more on point.

Slide on Public Speaking

2. Quality over quantity 

Again, adding less content doesn’t mean that you compromise on the quality of information that you share through your presentation. Add short points that make sense and add value to your audience or help in putting your point across in the best way possible. 

3. Keep the curiosity alive

What does it mean when we say keep the curiosity alive? We mean, try not to share your entire slide to your audience in one go. Add effects or transitions to focus only on the point you are speaking on at that point. 

We can say the same in the case of adding too much information to your PowerPoint. Do not add big paragraphs as you shatter your viewer’s curiosity who thanks to you ar enow more engrossed in reading the slides than listening to your presentation. 

4. Neutralize your PowerPoint

By neutralizing we mean adding complementing slides to your PowerPoint decks. If you have selected a more dark theme, try neutralizing it with light-toned slides even if it is used as a transition slide. 

5. Add visuals as and when possible

Ask yourself, can the information that you have added in your PowerPoint presentation be presented in the form of a graph, a table, or a diagram? If yes, then always choose to do it. Switch to visuals as it not only makes your content crisper but also is more appealing to the viewers.

This brings us to our next point, 

Why PowerPoint presentations are not effective?

There are many reasons why PowerPoint can not be very effective. We have listed down about 3 reasons here. Go over them and try to not make the same blunders if you want to be an effective presenter!

1. Tons of Content

Adding more content to your slide may indeed help you remember the content better but it might bore the audience to death.

So just as we discussed, try to add content to your presentations in the form of short pointers. Or least try to make use of keywords and avoid writing entire paragraphs about your topic on the PowerPoint presentation.

An example of what simply copy-pasting a paragraph from your speech to PowerPoint could look like.

PPT slide on Public Speaking

2. Poor color/ theme

The last thing we want is for the audience to struggle reading or seeing what we are trying to show them through the presentation. And this situation can possibly happen when there was little to no thought put into either selecting the right theme or use of overlapping colors.

Check out the example below if you want to take a look at what we are talking about!

Slide on Public Speaking

3. Poor font choice

Another way of making it difficult for your audience to understand your presentation is by using fonts like the one shown in the picture below. Such fonts may surely be a little different, and to some extent aesthetic but it requires lots of effort from the viewers to actually understand what is written on the slide!

Slide on Public Speaking

Final words

Let us try to summarize the entire blog for you in a couple of lines.

So essentially call it decks, slide decks, or presentation decks, they all mean the same. It is simply a collection of slides. And when such a collection is made on Microsoft’s PowerPoint, what do we call it?

Yes! you guessed it right (Hopefully?)

It is called PowerPoint decks or slide decks on PowerPoint.

There are tons of ways of making a PowerPoint deck. However, focusing on the template, and theme, and adding precise and quality content can help you go a long way.

That’s about it for now! Check out Frantically Speaking for more information on similar topics.

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What is a PowerPoint Deck? An Ultimate Guide

Last updated on July 6th, 2023

PowerPoint Slide Deck - What is a Slide Deck presentation?

Are you a businessman who needs a consistent flow of presentations for your everyday routine? Being a marketing specialist, an educationalist, and any other professional, you would always have used presentations in your life. The presentations help us convey our ideas more effectively by engaging the audience’s attention towards our main topic of discussion.

Slide decks are also presentations comprising multiple slides depicting various information and data like pictures, videos, charts, infographics, and more. One of the main objectives of the slide decks is that they break down the overall complex structure of the topic and turn it into easily understandable smaller parts. The quality of the data and information remains intact while the presenter is also facilitated due to the slide decks’ supportive interface and manageable structure.

PowerPoint Deck is a term people call a presentation or collection of PowerPoint slides . Even more, it is often used to call a collection of PowerPoint presentations. Instead of using the term presentation to refer to a .ppt file, sometimes the term PowerPoint deck is used, which stands more for the collection of PowerPoint slides rather than the presentation method using PowerPoint or the presenter standing up talking with the slides. Sometimes a deck is an unbound printout of the presentation given to the participants.

What is a PowerPoint Deck? Slide Decks for Presentations

Also known as “slide deck” or just “PowerPoint deck”, the term means a presentation file or a series of presentations.

Difference between a Presentation and Slide Deck

While many of us confuse a presentation with the slide deck, there is a difference between both terms. Both terms are used interchangeably without knowing their context and meaning.

The major difference between a presentation and a slide deck is that a presentation is a process of conveying ideas, concepts, and messages through talks and speeches while the slide decks offer a visual aid to the presentations.

A slide deck is mainly used for representing organizations for sharing their projects, plans, and business strategies on various levels. Business professionals and marketers most of the time leverage the easy to manage and control process of developing and presenting slide decks.

Historical Perspective

Historically speaking, the slide decks have a very charming past as compared to other tools being used in the industry. Previously, an instrument named “Carousel Slide Projector” was used for presenting the slide show of the slides that were mainly put in the body of the projector in the form of photos and pictures.

With an amazing capacity to handle about 40 to 80 slides per show which was a great feature back then, Carousel Slide Projector was able to present a slide show in the given time according to the requirements of the presenter. However, there were some controllability issues but still, it was a great product back then and was mostly used by academics, researchers, and businessmen all over the world. The slides that were known collectively in the presentation were known as slide decks.

Are Slide Deck and Slideshow the same?

These two terms usually resonate together in the readers’ minds. But there is a clear difference between Slide Deck and Slideshow. Both terms, Slide Deck and Slideshows, are used in the context of presentations, but a slight change in the keywords creates a significant difference in the themes and concepts of these words.

A slide deck is usually known as a collection of the slides in a presentation and a slide show is a process through which these slides are presented, or described to any audience.

Usually, a slideshow covers the whole of the screen and it is not as editable as a single slide of the slide deck. The slide show is usually exposed on an electronic device or projector through which a presenter effectively shares the visuals and graphics of his presentation with the audience sitting in front of him.

What is PowerPoint?

Slide decks existed in the form of physical slides being shown on a projector, way before the revolution of digital technology. But with the passage of time, the need for the latest technologies and tools became more common in the marketplaces and everyday life due to ever-increasing developments in the business and scientific world. Hence the PowerPoint-like software were introduced to effectively design and present presentations on various PC systems like Computer, Laptops, and even tablets, etc.

Initially, it was released by Forethought Inc in 1987 that was only available for Mac OS. Later on, the entire software system was purchased by Microsoft and was rebranded as Microsoft PowerPoint and it is still present in the ownership of Microsoft.

What is a PowerPoint Template?

A PowerPoint template is a presentation file that includes information about the layouts, color, and fonts, and you can use them as a starting point when preparing a new presentation. With so many options available, you can easily find a template matching your company’s branding or the specific look you’re seeking. PowerPoint Templates (PPT templates) also save you time by providing a pre-designed layout that you can simply fill in with your own content. Best of all, PowerPoint templates are easy to use and can be applied with just a few clicks.

Many sites are offering paid & free PowerPoint templates with different themes, styles, and designs. PowerPoint also has built-in PowerPoint templates that you can use in the PowerPoint editor when you start a new presentation. Other presentation providers, such as SlideModel, offer a vast catalog of presentation templates and PowerPoint slides with stunning infographics and visual designs that you can use to save time preparing your presentations.

So if you’re looking to add a little extra polish to your next presentation, be sure to check out some of the great PowerPoint templates available online.

Slide Deck and Pitch Deck

What is the slide deck meaning? Various forms of the presentation styles that have been introduced gradually have created some confusion in the minds of the readers regarding the basic terminologies of those types and their meanings. The same is the case for the Slide deck and Pitch deck where many people will confuse the terms as similar to each other.

In the digital boom of the business world, every startup and entrepreneur needs persuasive strategies to raise funds and gain more investments for their businesses. Pitch decks are one of the great ways to do that.

While slide decks are simply the collection of the slides , the pitch decks , on the other hand, represent the specific type of presentations that are mainly used for raising funding and grabbing investments for businesses and startups, or to present an idea to investors.

You can refer to a pitch deck as a slide deck but not all slide decks are pitch decks.

PowerPoint Slide Deck

There are a number of ways to create slide decks as they are one of the most commonly used words for developing presentations, even before the evolution of technological developments.

So, what is a slide deck? Slide decks were present in the form of physical slides being shown on a projector previously but when they are designed, structured, compiled, and presented through a software named PowerPoint, then they are known as PowerPoint slide decks. Being one of the most widely used software (almost 500 million users worldwide) PowerPoint presentations are one of the most easily manageable and customizable software.

Another great feature of PowerPoint templates is that they can be used to edit, and customize the pre-made templates of the presentations to save your time and resources being spent on the designing and developing of the presentations from scratch.

Websites like Free PowerPoint Templates can be used to download thousands of professionally crafted templates for free to be used in your every possible business, marketing, educational, or any other project.

Slide Decks in Google Slides

The Google Slides, another important and well-known presentation software, is also widely used by consumers who mostly prefer a web-based software to cater to their needs. Google Slides also offer a variety of options to its users to create engaging designs and themes incorporating diagrams, graphs, charts, tables, infographics, and various other visuals available to be used for your every need.

The slide decks that are being developed in the Google Slides Software are known as Google Slides’ decks.

How to Create a Slide Deck in PowerPoint?

By following these steps, you can easily develop your next great slide deck allowing you to create a slide deck in PowerPoint.

  • Start and open the PowerPoint tool
  • Plan the structure and hierarchy of your presentation
  • Start by creating a title slide with a persuasive title for your topic
  • Develop the remaining slides by giving the relevant title to each of the slides
  • You can use images, videos, and infographics too according to your project’s needs
  • There are also options to add animation and transitions. The design and visual appeal of the presentation can be effectively enhanced using those options.
  • End your presentation with complimentary “Thanks” and “Any questions” slides
  • Save your work and keep your presentation in either a hard disk or cloud-based storage network
  • Present Your amazing presentation

3 Tips to Enhance your Slide Deck’s Productivity

Your next slide deck should be your flagship project as you know almost all the important factors and terminologies related to the slide deck. However, if you need some additional boats, there are some more techniques and tips to polish your slide deck more.

Tip #1. Add Visuals

Always add more visuals to your slide deck to make it more appealing to your listeners. The attention rate of the audience is always more towards visual representation as our brain processes visual data 60,000 times faster than contextual information. Hence incorporating a considerable amount of graphics and design elements in your presentation will not be a bad idea. You can add infographics, photos, charts, tables, and much more by using Different software tools like PowerPoint and Google Slides. PowerPoint features include the possibility to insert icons, images, videos or alternatively you can create your own infographics and visual slides in PowerPoint from scratch.

Tip #2. Write Less, Speak More

Your presentation should not be as long as a research report and also not as short as a highway billboard. There should be a balance between words and imagery. But it is always recommended by experts that presentations with fewer words and more visuals help the presenter to divert its attention more towards the audience, which elevates the overall focus of the audience that boosting the productivity of the presentation.

Tip #3. Develop a Consistent Design

The design of your presentation should be confident from the start to the end. The color strategy, the font style, the anthem, and the overall message of the presentation should be maintained throughout the course of delivering a presentation to increase the overall engagement rate of the audience.

Final Words

Slide decks deliver the message of a speaker more conveniently incorporating the visual and graphical elements in its core structure. The retention rate of the interest of the listeners can be enhanced significantly if the slide decks are designed by using the latest softwares like PowerPoint and Google Slides. The animations, transitions, tables, charts, engaging diagrams and other visuals all make the slide decks a number one choice for the marketers and businessmen to present their business plans, ideas, and future business strategies to their stakeholders effectively.

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deck meaning in presentation

6 steps to creating an effective presentation or slide deck

Photograph of a college classroom with students in desks and a professor standing at the front looking at a laptop on a large desk. Behind the professor are a large whiteboard and a large wall-mounted monitor displaying a visual.

Creating powerful presentations and supporting documents for clients is the heart and soul of everything we do at Presentation Studio. As part of this, we see the good, the bad and the downright ugly !

One of the most common mistakes people make is to confuse a presentation and a report. Quite often, they’ll try and present a report.

Difference between a presentation and report

A presentation  includes carefully constructed and designed slides that support what a speaker is presenting. So, like a billboard on a highway, you should be able to digest the content on each slide within a few seconds without causing a pileup of information.

Visuals, keywords, infographics and diagrams are used to explain or create an emotional connection with your audience, so you can help them remember your key points.

A  report  or slide deck , on the other hand, can be used as a stand-alone document that you handout before or after you present.

Slide decks are great when you have more information than you can put on screen. Like a magazine, they can be read on their own and don’t need the speaker to talk through them – in fact, that would make understanding them worse as you can’t read lots of information and listen at the same time.

You can do both in most presentation software, but a presentation and a slide deck have different purposes. Ideally, you would present and then follow up your presentation with a report/slide deck of the supporting information.

A text-only report

To help show the difference between the two, let’s look at how you might take a large chunk of text from a word document (like above) and turn it into a handout and then an effective presentation.


The same text-only report, formatted differently

Step 1: Convert text into multiple columns

The human eye finds narrow columns easier to read than full-width pages. That is why newspapers and magazines split the information up with visuals and columns, and graphic designers use grid layouts when setting copy pages.

So your first step would be to convert blocks of text into multiple columns that automatically adjust. This makes it easier for your audience to scan read.

The same report, now with sections in bold type, information broken into bullets, and separate panel with additional information

Step 2: Contrast fonts and font size to emphasize points

To help the ‘readability’ of your information, make the titles bold, use line spacing to tighten up blocks of text that are related to each other. You might also look at highlight quotes in different colors, fonts or font sizes, and add in bullet points where you can.

This makes the information far more natural to scan and digest. That’s a perfect handout for before or after you present.


The same report, now with sections in bold type, information broken into bullets, and separate panel with additional information, however now most sections of the report have been crossed-through as if to delete

Step 3: Cut the clutter 

Once this is done, you can start thinking about thinking your text into a presentation. It’s more important than ever to cut out all the clutter from your presentation. What gets left out of your presentation is more important than what goes in.

Some of us are apparently better at this than others. Many of us believe that sharing everything and blinding our audience with data is the best way to create a connection – that couldn’t be further from the truth! This will only put the people you are trying to engage off and make them lose interest faster.

You need to identify the main points that your audience can act on and display these in a way that they can immediately understand. Strip out all the other background content.

Graphic content from same report simplified into a split 50/50 layout with a photograph and type on one side and a headline with bullets on the other side

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Step 4: Spread out your slides 

A graphic that is circular and colorful and displays the information that was previously conveyed in bullet lists

Step 5: Represent data as diagrams 

A graphic that is circular and displays the information that was previously conveyed in bullet lists, however, this graphic uses less color

Step 6: Create visuals, icons and images 

Images create an emotional connection to what you are saying, which helps your audience remember it. Think of the meaning or the feeling you are trying to evoke and represent that. Avoid hand-shaking figures, smiling suited people, little vector people standing on arrows and graphs, and predictable and boring stock images that have been used a hundred times before. Cheesy stock photos have the opposite effect than the one you want – they turn your audience off. This is your chance to get creative! Using these visual references helps create clarity and a much stronger emotional connection with your audience. It’s these kinds of emotions and visuals that they will remember long after your presentation has ended.

Quick summary

Before your next presentation, the following will help you create a powerful and pleasing slide deck:

  • Covert text-heavy information into multiple columns
  • Contrast font and font sizes to emphasize points, highlight headings with color
  • Reduce the clutter
  • Spread out your slides
  • Represent data as diagrams
  • Create visuals, icons and images
  • Use a PowerPoint theme to make your presentations visually uniform and consistent

About the author

As the founder and CEO of Presentation Studio, Emma leads the team to create presentations that are influential, memorable and successful. Emma and her team can help you stand out so that your audience understands your message. She can help your presentations have impact and influence. This means the right messages are more memorable for your audience. Emma achieves this through content writing, visual communication, and strong presentation delivery.

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Definition of deck

 (Entry 1 of 2)

Definition of deck  (Entry 2 of 2)

transitive verb

  • pretty (up)

adorn , decorate , ornament , embellish , beautify , deck , garnish mean to enhance the appearance of something by adding something unessential.

adorn implies an enhancing by something beautiful in itself.

decorate suggests relieving plainness or monotony by adding beauty of color or design.

ornament and embellish imply the adding of something extraneous, ornament stressing the heightening or setting off of the original

, embellish often stressing the adding of superfluous or adventitious ornament.

beautify adds to embellish a suggestion of counterbalancing plainness or ugliness.

deck implies the addition of something that contributes to gaiety, splendor, or showiness.

garnish suggests decorating with a small final touch and is used especially in referring to the serving of food.

Examples of deck in a Sentence

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'deck.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

Middle English dekke covering of a ship, from Middle Dutch *dec covering, probably from Middle Low German vordeck , from vordecken to cover, from vor- for- + decken to cover; akin to Old High German decchen to cover — more at thatch

Dutch dekken to cover; akin to Old High German decchen

1509, in the meaning defined at sense 1

1513, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Phrases Containing deck

  • all - hands - on - deck
  • deck tennis
  • observation deck
  • flight deck
  • double - deck
  • hit the deck
  • play with a full deck
  • promenade deck
  • weather deck
  • restacked the deck / odds

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  3. What is a Slide Deck? Everything You Need to Know!

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  6. How To Create a Slide Deck: Templates & Tips

    Our templates have built-in text placeholders. Click and drag the placeholder to change the text position. Or click each placeholder and highlight the block of text to edit it. Type your text or paste the text you copied from elsewhere. Repeat the process throughout the rest of the slide deck.

  7. What is a Slide Deck and how to create one

    Presentation deck meaning. A presentation deck is simply a slide presentation that is typically used in business meetings to cover a specific topic of collective interest. The deck of slides that we know today as a digital file derives its name from the analog era where slides were physically printed and placed inside an apparatus that shone ...

  8. How to Create a Slide Deck in PowerPoint

    A slide deck or PPT deck is a collection of slides curated for a sole purpose: serving as visual aids for a presentation topic. These slides can contain multiple tools like charts and graphs , placeholder text areas, icons, dashboard display, illustrations (in the format of vector images), and way more depending on three key elements:

  9. What is a Slide Deck: The Ultimate Guide to Captivating Presentations

    A slide deck (also known as a presentation deck, pitch deck, or PowerPoint slide deck) is a collection of slides that visually communicate your message in a business presentation or pitch. The term "slide deck" harkens back to the days of old slide projectors , where presenters would have slides piled on top of one another with the rest ...

  10. How to Make an Engaging Slide Deck (+ Example & Templates)

    A slide deck's effectiveness isn't just about the content; it's about how that content is organized. The way you structure your slide deck can mean the difference between your audience walking away with valuable insights or leaving halfway into your presentation. Here's how to organize the contents of your deck for maximum impact: 1.

  11. A guide to creating great decks and presentations

    A deck is simply a set of digital slides containing images and words, used to get across an idea. You'll often need to make a deck when you want to persuade someone to think about something in a certain way. A presentation is a form of communication that tells a story or expresses an idea. A presentation can include a deck, but it can also be delivered as a video, audio file, or as a speech.

  12. Presentation vs Deck: Meaning And Differences

    Answer key: 1. deck, 2. presentation, 3. deck, 4. presentation. These practice exercises should help you become more comfortable with using presentation and deck in the appropriate context. Remember, a presentation is a formal talk given to an audience, while a deck is a collection of slides used to support a speech or presentation. Conclusion

  13. PowerPoint Deck: Basic Features and Peculiarities to Mind

    Talking about PPT presentation, people can mean any type of material created and presented, so it is critical to include the word "deck" to emphasize the finished version of the project. While a PowerPoint presentation can be given in the most diverse forms, including video or speech, a PPT deck is a set of slides presented to the audience.

  14. Wondering why PowerPoint presentations are called decks? (Now you know

    PowerPoint presentations are slide decks created on the specific software called Microsoft PowerPoint that was released by Microsoft (duh!) in the year 1987. PowerPoint helps create easy and effective digital slide decks; since it is so widely used, it has become synonymous with presentations at large.

  15. 10 tips for better slide decks

    Here's the original image. Here's the process for masking it. (1) Set the image transparency to something less than 100. (2) Duplicate that image so there is one directly over the top of the other. (3) Set the dup'd image transparency back to 100. and (4) Follow the technique here to mask the dup'd image.

  16. What is a PowerPoint Deck? An Ultimate Guide

    A slide deck is usually known as a collection of the slides in a presentation and a slide show is a process through which these slides are presented, or described to any audience. Usually, a slideshow covers the whole of the screen and it is not as editable as a single slide of the slide deck. The slide show is usually exposed on an electronic ...

  17. 6 steps to creating an effective presentation or slide deck

    Before your next presentation, the following will help you create a powerful and pleasing slide deck: Covert text-heavy information into multiple columns. Contrast font and font sizes to emphasize points, highlight headings with color. Reduce the clutter. Spread out your slides.

  18. Crafting Compelling Slide Decks: A Comprehensive Guide to Presentation

    In the digital age, crafting compelling slide decks and mastering the art of presentation is paramount. From understanding the essence of slide decks to navigating challenges and implementing effective strategies, the journey to presentation mastery is both an art and a science. Non-verbal cues, such as body language and voice modulation, are pivotal in amplifying your slides' impact. The ...

  19. What is a Pitch Deck Presentation? and how to create one

    What is pitch deck? A pitch deck is a 10-20 slide business presentation designed to give a short summary of your company, your business model, your traction, and your startup vision. A pitch deck can be used for several purposes, from trying to get a meeting with an investor, to presenting in front of an audience during a demo day.

  20. What is a Slide Deck Presentation and How to create one

    Presentation deck meaning. A presentation deck is simply a slide presentation that is typically used in business meetings to cover a specific topic of collective interest. The deck of slides that we know today as a digital file derives its name from the analog era where slides were physically printed and placed inside an apparatus that shone ...

  21. What is a Pitch Deck? Examples, Tips and Templates

    A pitch deck is a brief presentation that gives potential investors or clients an overview of your business plan, products, services and growth traction. As an entrepreneur, you probably know this: your company or idea needs financing. Oftentimes, this financing will come from external sources—i.e. people who aren't friends or family.

  22. 11 Best Presentation Deck Templates for Startups in 2024

    1. Presentation Deck Template Inspired by AirBnb's Pitch Deck. The design for this presentation deck was inspired by one of AirBnb's first pitch decks. It has been featured in many articles and roundups about the best pitch decks in startup history. The slides follow a minimal layout with a fun color combination.

  23. Deck Definition & Meaning

    deck: [noun] a platform in a ship serving usually as a structural element and forming the floor for its compartments.