With Pinoys

Filipino Research Topics: Unveiling Intriguing Subjects for Exploration

Filipino Research Topics

Are you on the hunt for captivating research paper topics centered around the Philippines? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore a diverse array of thought-provoking subjects that delve into the heart of Filipino culture, history, society, and beyond. Whether you’re a student, educator, or researcher, these topics offer fertile ground for exploration and academic inquiry.

Unraveling the Threads of Philippine History

Delve into the rich tapestry of Philippine history, from pre-colonial civilizations to the present day. Explore topics such as:

  • The impact of Spanish colonization on Philippine society and culture.
  • The Philippine Revolution of 1896 and its significance in shaping the nation’s identity.
  • The legacy of American colonial rule and its influence on Philippine politics and governance.

Navigating Socio-Political Challenges in the Philippines

Examine the complex socio-political landscape of the Philippines and explore topics such as:

  • The Duterte administration’s war on drugs: impacts, controversies, and human rights concerns.
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion and political discourse in the Philippines.
  • Indigenous rights and land struggles in Mindanao: implications for peace and development.

Exploring Cultural Diversity and Heritage Preservation

Celebrate the rich cultural heritage of the Philippines and explore topics such as:

  • Traditional Filipino festivals and their significance in preserving cultural identity.
  • The revival of indigenous languages and cultural traditions in contemporary Filipino society.
  • Heritage conservation and the challenges of preserving historical sites and landmarks in the Philippines.

Addressing Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change

Examine pressing environmental issues facing the Philippines and explore topics such as:

  • The impact of climate change on vulnerable communities in the Philippines, including typhoon-prone regions.
  • Sustainable development initiatives and community-based conservation efforts in the Philippines.
  • The role of indigenous knowledge systems in environmental stewardship and resilience-building.

Promoting Social Justice and Human Rights

Investigate social justice issues and human rights challenges in the Philippines, including:

  • The plight of marginalized communities, including indigenous peoples, urban poor, and LGBTQ+ individuals.
  • Extrajudicial killings and impunity: challenges to human rights and the rule of law in the Philippines.
  • Grassroots movements and advocacy efforts promoting social justice, equality, and accountability.

Embracing Technological Innovation and Digital Transformation

Explore the role of technology in shaping Philippine society and economy, including:

  • The rise of e-commerce and digital entrepreneurship in the Philippines: opportunities and challenges.
  • Digital literacy initiatives and efforts to bridge the digital divide in rural and underserved communities.
  • The impact of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and blockchain on Philippine industries and governance.

Conclusion: Embarking on a Journey of Discovery

With a wealth of diverse topics spanning history, culture, society, environment, and technology, there’s no shortage of intriguing research avenues to explore in the Philippines. Whether you’re passionate about unraveling historical mysteries, advocating for social justice, or harnessing technology for positive change, these research topics offer endless opportunities for exploration and discovery.

So, roll up your sleeves, sharpen your pencils, and embark on a fascinating journey of academic inquiry into the vibrant tapestry of Filipino research topics!

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Related questions:

  • Answer: The landscape of Filipino research topics is constantly evolving, reflecting the dynamic socio-cultural, economic, and environmental challenges facing the Philippines. From exploring indigenous knowledge systems to addressing pressing environmental issues, Filipino research topics encompass a wide range of disciplines and perspectives.
  • Answer: Filipino research topics play a crucial role in informing policies, driving innovation, and fostering sustainable development in the Philippines. By addressing pressing issues such as poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation, research initiatives contribute to the country’s socio-economic progress and well-being.
  • Answer: Emerging areas of interest in Filipino research topics include digital transformation, sustainable tourism, healthcare innovation, and cultural heritage preservation. These areas reflect the Philippines’ growing engagement with global trends and its commitment to addressing contemporary challenges while celebrating its rich cultural heritage.

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60+ Innovative And Interesting Filipino Psychology Research Topics For Students In 2023

Filipino Psychology Research Topics

Filipino psychology encapsulates the unique cultural perspectives, values, and indigenous practices within the Philippines, shaping an identity distinct from Western psychological frameworks. It delves into the collective experiences, socio-cultural norms, and ancestral wisdom deeply embedded in Filipino society. Understanding Filipino psychology involves exploring its rich heritage, including the concepts of kapwa (shared identity) and pakikipagkapwa (relating to others).

Studying Filipino psychology holds immense significance in fostering cultural identity, mental health awareness, and community well-being. This blog aims to delve into the nuances of this field, guiding readers on selecting research topics, offering tips for successful research completion, and addressing challenges in the domain. Stay tuned with us to unearth a diverse array of innovative Filipino psychology research topics crucial for students in 2023, illuminating various facets of Filipino cultural psychology.

What Is Filipino Psychology?

Table of Contents

Filipino Psychology is all about understanding the way Filipinos think, feel, and behave based on their unique culture and traditions. It explores how people in the Philippines view the world, interact with others, and handle life’s challenges. This field focuses on the Filipino way of understanding the mind, emotions, and behavior, which might be different from what other cultures believe or practice.

It looks at the values, beliefs, and customs deeply rooted in Filipino society and how these shape individuals’ thoughts and actions. Filipino Psychology also emphasizes concepts like kapwa, which means recognizing the shared identity among people, and pakikipagkapwa, which refers to building harmonious relationships with others. This branch of psychology aims to uncover the distinct aspects of the Filipino mindset, highlighting the importance of cultural understanding in studying human behavior and mental processes.

Importance Of Studying Filipino Psychology

Here are some importance of studying filipino psychology: 

1. Cultural Understanding

Studying Filipino Psychology helps in understanding the unique beliefs, values, and behaviors of Filipinos. It gives insight into how culture shapes thoughts, emotions, and actions, allowing people from other backgrounds to appreciate and respect the Filipino way of life.

2. Community Well-being

Understanding Filipino Psychology aids in promoting mental health awareness within Filipino communities. By recognizing and acknowledging cultural influences on mental health, it becomes easier to develop culturally sensitive approaches for providing support and interventions.

3. Social Harmony

Exploring Filipino Psychology fosters the development of harmonious relationships among individuals. Concepts like kapwa and pakikipagkapwa emphasize the importance of interconnectedness and building positive connections, contributing to a more cohesive and compassionate society.

4. Identity Preservation

It helps in preserving and celebrating the unique identity and heritage of the Filipino people. By studying their psychology, it validates the importance of Filipino values, traditions, and indigenous knowledge systems.

5. Global Perspective

Studying Filipino Psychology offers a diverse perspective in the field of psychology, enriching the global understanding of human behavior. It contributes to a more inclusive and comprehensive approach to studying and addressing psychological phenomena across cultures.

How To Choose A Research Topic In Filipino Psychology?

Here are some simple steps on how to choose the Filpino psychology research topics:

1. Personal Interest

Select a research topic that genuinely interests you within Filipino Psychology. Consider topics related to Filipino culture, values, or societal aspects that captivate your curiosity, ensuring your engagement and enthusiasm throughout the research process.

2. Cultural Significance

Focus on topics that hold cultural significance within the Filipino context. Explore issues, behaviors, or phenomena deeply rooted in Filipino society, contributing to a better understanding of their culture and psychology.

3. Social Impact

Choose a research topic that has the potential to make a positive impact on Filipino communities. Look for areas where research findings could benefit mental health, community well-being, or promote cultural understanding and harmony.

4. Relevance and Timeliness

Opt for topics that are relevant and timely in Filipino Psychology. Consider current issues or gaps in knowledge that need exploration or further understanding, ensuring your research contributes meaningfully to the field.

5. Feasibility and Resources

Assess the feasibility of researching your chosen topic within available resources. Consider access to data, literature, and support necessary for conducting the research effectively while staying within your limitations.

In this section we will provide 60+ innovative and interesting filipino psychology research topics for students:

Cultural Psychology

  • Impact of colonial mentality on Filipino identity.
  • Understanding indigenous Filipino concepts of self and identity.
  • Influence of Filipino cultural values on mental health perceptions.
  • Acculturation experiences of Filipino immigrants.
  • Cultural influences on Filipino parenting styles.
  • The role of spirituality in Filipino mental health practices.

Mental Health

  • Barriers to mental health care accessibility in rural Filipino communities.
  • Stigma surrounding mental health issues in the Philippines.
  • Psychological effects of natural disasters on Filipino communities.
  • Mental health challenges faced by Filipino Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs).
  • Prevalence and impact of depression and anxiety among Filipino youth.
  • Cultural adaptations in psychotherapy for Filipinos.

Social Psychology

  • Filipino concepts of pakikisama (getting along) and its impact on social relationships.
  • Filipino youth’s mental health is impacted by social media.
  • Perception of beauty standards and body image among Filipinos.
  • Impact of social support networks on Filipino mental health.
  • Filipino concepts of hiya (shame) and its role in social interactions.
  • Social identity and group dynamics in Filipino communities.

Indigenous Psychology

  • Exploration of Filipino indigenous healing practices.
  • Traditional Filipino approaches to conflict resolution.
  • Understanding Filipino indigenous concepts of wellness.
  • Preservation of indigenous Filipino knowledge in modern psychology.
  • Indigenous Filipino perspectives on well-being and happiness.
  • Interplay between modern psychology and indigenous healing practices in the Philippines.

Developmental Psychology

  • Influence of family dynamics on the development of Filipino children.
  • Impact of migration on the psychological development of Filipino youth.
  • Parenting practices and their effects on Filipino adolescents.
  • Cultural influences on Filipino adolescent identity formation.
  • Role of education in shaping Filipino children’s psychological well-being.
  • Psychological challenges faced by Filipino children with OFW parents.

Clinical Psychology

  • Assessment of culturally sensitive interventions for Filipino individuals with trauma.
  • Filipino approaches to coping with grief and loss.
  • Understanding Filipino perspectives on mental health stigma in clinical settings.
  • Effectiveness of culturally adapted therapies for Filipino clients.
  • Mental health help-seeking behavior among Filipinos.
  • Filipino interpretations of psychological disorders and their treatments.

Gender and Sexuality

  • Understanding LGBTQ+ experiences in Filipino culture.
  • Gender roles and their impact on mental health in the Philippines.
  • Traditional beliefs about masculinity and femininity in Filipino society.
  • Intersectionality of gender and culture in Filipino psychology.
  • Sexual health perceptions and practices among Filipino youth.
  • Challenges faced by transgender individuals in the Philippines.

Organizational Psychology

  • Work-related stressors among Filipino employees.
  • Filipino leadership styles and their impact on organizational behavior.
  • Cross-cultural communication challenges in Filipino workplaces.
  • Workplace well-being initiatives in Filipino companies.
  • Impacts of cultural values on employee motivation in the Philippines.
  • Organizational strategies to promote mental health awareness among Filipino workers.

Positive Psychology

  • Filipino perspectives on happiness and life satisfaction.
  • Cultivating resilience in Filipino communities.
  • Traditional Filipino practices that promote psychological well-being.
  • Exploring Filipino concepts of gratitude and its effects on mental health.
  • Positive youth development programs in the Philippines.
  • Role of optimism in coping with adversity in Filipino culture.

Environmental Psychology

  • Psychological connections between Filipinos and the natural environment.
  • Impact of urbanization on the mental health of Filipinos.
  • Community responses to environmental crises in the Philippines.
  • Relationship between eco-awareness and psychological well-being in the Philippines.
  • Indigenous ecological wisdom and its influence on Filipino psychology.
  • Sustainable living practices and their psychological effects on Filipinos.
  • Coping mechanisms and psychological resilience in the face of environmental disasters in the Philippines.

Tips For Successfully Completing The Filipino Psychology Research

Here are some tips for completing the filipino psychology research:

Tip 1: Structured Planning 

Break down the research process into smaller tasks with deadlines. Create a timeline outlining each step, from literature review to data collection, analysis, and writing, to manage your time effectively and efficiectly and stay on track throughout the project.

Tip 2: Clear Research Question 

Define a clear and specific research question in Filipino Psychology. Ensure your question is focused, achievable, and aligned with the scope of your study, guiding your research direction and methodology effectively.

Tip 3: Methodical Approach

Choose appropriate research methods and techniques tailored to your topic in Filipino Psychology. Consistently follow these methods, maintain organized records, and validate your findings to ensure credibility and accuracy in your research.

Tip 4: Seek Guidance

Regularly consult with mentors, professors, or experts in Filipino Psychology. Their feedback and guidance can offer valuable insights, refine your approach, and address any challenges or uncertainties you encounter during the research process.

Tip 5: Revision and Review

Review and revise your work diligently. Pay attention to details, refine your arguments, and ensure coherence in your writing. Seek feedback from teachers to improve the quality of your research before submission.

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Challenges Face In Filipino Psychology Research Topics And Overcome Techniques 

In Filipino psychology research, scholars encounter specific challenges that affect their progress. Understanding these hurdles is crucial for devising effective strategies to overcome them. Here are some of the challenges faced in Filipino psychology research topics and techniques to surmount them:

1. Cultural Sensitivity and Context

Balancing cultural nuances and context-specific elements within research design and interpretation poses a challenge due to the diverse nature of the Filipino culture and its regional differences.

Overcome Technique

  • Engage with local communities for insights.
  • Collaborate with native researchers for deeper understanding.
  • Adopt a reflexive approach to acknowledge biases and cultural influences.

2. Limited Resources and Funding

Restrictions in financial support and resources hinder the comprehensive exploration of topics, limiting the scope and depth of research.

  • Seek alternative funding sources like grants and fellowships.
  • Collaborate with institutions or researchers with available resources.
  • Optimize existing resources through collaborations and sharing.

3. Language Barriers

Navigating research literature in multiple languages, especially local dialects and Filipino languages , poses a challenge in accessing relevant information and incorporating it into studies.

  • Utilize translation tools and services.
  • Collaborate with bilingual researchers or translators.
  • Develop language skills through courses or workshops.

4. Ethical Considerations and Indigenous Knowledge

Respecting and incorporating indigenous knowledge and ethical guidelines while conducting research can be complex, requiring sensitivity and adherence to ethical standards.

  • Establish ethical review boards for guidance.
  • Involve indigenous communities in the research process.
  • Adopt a participatory approach to ensure ethical representation.

5. Limited Published Literature

Scarcity of published materials specific to Filipino psychology can impede the development of comprehensive literature reviews and comparative analyses.

  • Expand search parameters beyond traditional databases.
  • Encourage and support local research publication initiatives.
  • Initiate collaborative efforts for extensive literature reviews.

Filipino psychology embodies the cultural, historical, and societal perspectives unique to the Philippines, offering a profound understanding of its people’s behaviors, beliefs, and values. Studying Filipino psychology is crucial as it fosters cultural sensitivity, aids in comprehending diverse perspectives, and contributes to global psychology discourse. Choosing a research topic in Filipino psychology involves exploring cultural nuances, societal issues, and individual experiences. 

Moreover, successful completion of such research requires meticulous planning, embracing challenges, utilizing diverse resources, and fostering collaboration. Despite challenges like limited resources or biases, overcoming them through interdisciplinary approaches and community engagement ensures comprehensive and insightful findings. The extensive list of innovative research topics provided serves as a springboard for students, encouraging exploration and contribution to this vibrant field in 2023 and beyond.

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23+ Quantitative Research Topics For STEM Students In The Philippines


  • Post author By Ankit
  • February 6, 2024
  • No Comments on 23+ Quantitative Research Topics For STEM Students In The Philippines

“Did you know only 28% of college graduates in the Philippines get degrees in STEM fields? Finding good research topics is vital to getting more Filipino students curious about quantitative studies.

With limited research money and resources, it can be hard for STEM students to find quantitative projects that are possible, new, and impactful. Often, researchers end up feeling apart from local issues and communities.

This blog post offers a unique collection of quantitative research topics for STEM students in the Philippines. Thus, drawing from current events, social issues, and the country’s needs, these project ideas will feel relevant and help students do research that creates positive change. 

Philippines students can find inspiration for quantitative studies that make a difference at home through many examples across science, technology, engineering, and math.

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Table of Contents

30 Great Quantitative Research Topics for STEM Students in The Philippines

Here are the top quantitative research topics for STEM students in the Philippines in 2024

1. Impact of Climate Change on Farming

Analyze how changing weather affects the growth of crops like rice and corn in different parts of the Philippines. Use numbers to find ways and suggest ways farmers can adapt.

2. Using Drones to Watch Nature

See how well drones with special sensors can watch over forests and coasts in the Philippines. Look at the data they gather to figure out how to save these places.

3. Making Solar Panels Work Better

Experiment with various ways to make more power with solar panels in sunny, humid places like the Philippines. Utilize math to guess how well they’ll work.

4. Checking How Pollution Hurts Coral Reefs

Count how much damage pollution does to coral reefs in the Philippines. Try to predict how bad it’ll get if we don’t stop polluting.

5. Watching Traffic to Fix Roads

Look at how cars move in big cities like Manila. Use math to figure out how to make traffic flow better and help people get around faster.

6. at Air and Sick People

Measure how clean the air is in various parts of the Philippines and see if it affects how many people get sick. Find out which areas need help to stay healthy.

7. Guessing When Earthquakes Might Happen

Look at data from sensors all over the Philippines to see if we can tell when earthquakes might come. Try to guess where they’ll occur next.

8. Making Water Pipes Better

Use math tricks to design cheap pipes that bring clean water to small towns in the Philippines. Think about things like hills and how many people need water.

9. Checking If Planting Trees Helps

Measure if planting trees helps stop the shore from washing away during storms. Use photos from far away and math to see if it’s working.

10. Teaching Computers to Find Sickness

Teach computers to look at pictures and records from hospitals to see if people are sick. Check if they’re good at spotting problems in the Philippines.

11. Finding Better Bags That Break Down

Test different materials like banana leaves to see which ones can be made into bags that don’t hurt the environment. Compare them to regular plastic bags.

12. Making Gardens in the City

See if we can grow vegetables in tall buildings in big cities like Manila. Use numbers to figure out if it’s a good idea.

13. Checking If Bugs Spread Easily in Crowded Places

Use computers to see if diseases spread fast in busy places in the Philippines. Look at how people move around to stop diseases from spreading.

14. Storing Energy for Islands Without Power

Think about ways to save power for small islands without electricity. Try out different ways to save energy and see which one works best.

15. Seeing How Much Storms Hurt Farms

Calculate how much damage storms do to farms in the Philippines. Use numbers to see how much money farmers lose.

16. Testing Ways to Stop Dirt from Washing Away

Try out different ways to stop dirt from being washed away when it rains. Use math to see which way works best on hills in the Philippines.

17. Checking How Healthy Local Food Is

Look at the vitamins and minerals in local foods like sweet potatoes and moringa leaves. See if eating them is good for people in the Philippines.

18. Making Cheap Water Cleaners

Build simple machines that clean dirty water in small towns. Notice if they work better than expensive ones.

19. Seeing How Hot Cities Get

Use satellites to see how hot cities like Manila get compared to places with more trees. Think about how this affects people.

20. Thinking About Trash in Cities

Look at how much trash cities in the Philippines make and find ways to deal with it. Consider what people can do to make less trash.

21. Checking If We Can Use Hot Rocks for Power

Look at rocks under the ground to see if we can get power from them. Consider whether it is beneficial for the environment.

22. Counting Animals in the Forest

Use cameras to count how many animals are in forests in the Philippines. Notice which places need the most help to keep animals safe.

23. Making Fishing Fair

Look at how many fish are caught in the Philippines and see if it’s fair. Think about ways to make sure there will always be enough fish to catch.

24. Making Power Lines Smarter

Design power lines that can change how much power they use. Try to make sure power goes where it’s needed most.

25. Looking at Dirty Water

Find out if chopping down trees and building things by rivers makes the water dirty. Think about what this means for people and animals.

26. Thinking About Big Waves

Use computers to see if big waves could hit the Philippines and what might happen. Think about how to keep people safe.

27. Seeing If Parks Help Cities

Ask people if they like having parks in their city and see what animals live there. Think about if parks make cities better.

28. Making Houses That Don’t Break in Storms

Make houses that don’t fall when there are big storms. Try to make them cheap so more people can have them.

29. Stopping Food from Going Bad

Look at how food gets from farms to people’s houses and see if we can stop it from going bad. Think about how to make sure people have enough to eat.

30. Seeing How Hot Cities Get

Put machines around cities to see how hot they get. Consider how this affects people and what we can do to help.

These topics will help you to make a good project that assists you in getting better scores.

Importance Of Quantitative Research For STEM Students

Read why quantitative research matters to Filipino students.

  • Helps us understand problems more clearly by revealing trends, patterns, and connections in the data
  • Provides an accurate picture by removing personal biases and opinions
  • Allows quantitative comparison of results if studies use the same methods
  • Enables testing hypotheses and theories through experiments that can prove/disprove predictions
  • Allows replication and verification as other researchers can redo experiments and study methods
  • Numbers give a more precise, factual understanding compared to qualitative data.
  • Removes subjectivity through quantitative data rather than opinions
  • A key part of the scientific process is that data helps confirm or reject proposed explanations.
  • Overall, collecting and analyzing quantitative data is crucial for gaining insights, testing ideas, ensuring consistency, and reducing bias

It’s time to see what challenges students face with their quantitative research.

Challenge Philippines Students Face With Their Quantitative Research 

Here are the common challenges that students face with their quantitative research topics:

  • Lack of resources and funding

Doing quantitative research needs access to equipment, software , datasets etc, which can be costly. Many students lack funding and access to these resources.

  • Lack of background in mathematics and statistics

Quantitative research relies heavily on math and statistical skills. However, many students haven’t developed strong enough skills in these areas yet.

  • Difficulty accessing scholarly databases

Students need access to academic journals and databases for literature reviews. However, these can be costly for people to access.

  • Language barriers

Many of the academic literature is in English. This can make reading and learning complex statistical concepts more difficult.

  • Lack of mentorship

Having an experienced mentor to provide guidance is invaluable. However, not all students have access to mentorship in quantitative research.

  • Managing large datasets

Collecting, cleaning and analyzing large datasets requires advanced technical skills. Students may struggle without proper guidance.

  • Presenting results clearly

Learning how to visualize and communicate statistical findings effectively is an important skill that takes practice.

  • Ethical challenges

Ensuring quantitative studies are designed ethically can be difficult for novice researchers.

  • Writing scientifically

Adopting the formal, precise writing style required in quantitative research is challenging initially.

  • Maintaining motivation

Quantitative research is complex and time-consuming. Students may lose motivation without a strong support network.

While quantitative research presents many challenges, Philippines STEM students can overcome these through access to proper resources and support. With hard work, mentorship and collaborative opportunities, students can build essential skills and contribute to the quantitative research landscape.

Tips For Conducting Quantitative Research In The Philippines

When conducting research in a new cultural context like the Philippines, it is vital to take time to understand local norms and build trust. Approaching research openly and collaboratively will lead to more meaningful insights.

1. Get Required Approvals

Be sure to get any necessary ethics reviews or approvals from local governing boards before conducting the analysis. It is wise to follow proper protocols and permissions.

2. Hire Local Assistants

Hire local research helpers to help navigate logistics, translation, and cultural sensitivities. This provides jobs and insider insights.

3. Use Multiple Research Methods

Triangulate findings using interviews, focus groups, surveys, participant observation, etc. Multiple methods provide more potent and well-rounded results.

4. Verify Information

Politely verify information collected from interviews before publication. Follow up to ensure accurate representation and context.

5. Share Results

Report back to participants and communities on research findings and next steps. This shows respect and accountability for their contributions.

6. Acknowledge Limitations

Openly acknowledge the limitations of perspective and methods as an outside researcher. Remain humble and keep improving approaches.

Keep in mind, when entering a new community to conduct research, taking an open, patient, and collaborative approach leads to more ethical and meaningful results. Thus, making the effort to understand and work within cultural norms demonstrates respect.

STEM students in the Philippines have many possible research topics using numbers. They could look at renewable energy, sustainability, pollution, environment, disease prevention, farming improvements, preparing for natural disasters, building projects, transportation, and technology access. 

By carefully analyzing statistics and creating mathematical models, young Filipino researchers can provide key ideas to guide future policies and programs. Quantitative research allows real observations and suggestions based on evidence to make the country better now and later. 

Number-based methods help young researchers in the Philippines give tangible recommendations to improve their communities.

How can I limit my choices and pick the right research topic?

Think about what you enjoy and what you’re skilled at. Consider if your topic is meaningful and if you have the resources to study it. Get advice from teachers or friends to help you decide.

What are some common problems in doing math research in science, technology, engineering, and math?

Problems might include: 1. Finding data. 2. Make sure your measurements are correct. 3. Following rules about ethics. 4. Handling big sets of data.

How can I make sure my research is done well?

Plan your study carefully, use the correct methods and tools, write down everything you do, and think about the strengths and weaknesses of your work.

  • Tags Quantitative Research Topics For STEM Students In The Philippines

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Philippines: Online Research Resources

Open access journals.

Asian-Pacific Law & Policy Journal, University of Hawaii This website provides online Journal articles about law and policy study in Asia-Pacific regions. Browse the journal or type a related topic in search after connecting to the link.

Journal of Asian Studies This is a website of the Journal of Asian Studies. It covers a range of research topics about Asia, and some articles are free for download.

Journal of Education, Management and Development Studies (JEMDS)

The Journal of Education, Management and Development Studies (JEMDS) publishes original research papers, reviews, and case studies related to broad areas of disciplines, including Education, Agriculture and Biological Sciences, Environment and Natural Resources, Health Sciences, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Public Management, Business Management and Entrepreneurship, Development Management, and Gender and Development. This also covers multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary studies on sustainable development in regional, national and global perspectives.

Journal of Health and Caring Sciences

The Journal of Health and Caring Sciences (JHCS) is an OPEN-ACCESS, international, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, official health and caring science publication of the San Beda University. It welcomes submission in various formats, including but not limited to original completed research studies, systematic reviews, case studies, book reviews, commentaries, letter to the editor and innovative research proposals which explores timely and emerging topics on human health, wellness and caring science.

Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia This website provides reviews of socio-political topics related to the Philippines and Southeast Asia. Type a related topic in search after connecting to the link.

Philippine E-Journals

Digital Collections

Center for Southeast Asian Studies, University of Hawaii This website contains a collection of 301 pictures of the Philippines, taken in 2000.

Digital Collection, the United States and Its Territories, the Age of Imperialism (1870-1925), the University of Michigan Library This is the University of Michigan Library’s Southeast Asia Collection of full text monographs and government documents published in the United States, Spain and the Philippines between 1870 and 1925.

Digital Collections, University of Washington Libraries This websites contains old photograph collection of the Philippines in the early 1900s and other countries in Southeast Asia. Type a related topic in search after connecting to the link.

Library of Congress Philippine Elections Web Archive The Philippine Elections web archive documents the Philippine general elections of 2010 and 2019.

Mangyan Bamboo Collection from Mindoro, Philippines, circa 1900-1939, at the Library of Congress The Asian Division's Southeast Asian Rare Book Collection counts among its most unique items a collection of 71 bamboo slats and 6 cylinders from the island of Mindoro in the Philippines. These items are etched with either verses or prose in the Mangyan script.

Philippines Maps, Perry-Castaneda Library, Map Collection, University of Texas Libraries This website holds a collection of old Philippines maps. It provides online version of a scanned-quality map produced by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.

SEAsite, Southeast Asia Picture Database (Northern Illinois University) This site provides a digital photograph collection of contemporary Philippines and Southeast Asia.

Southeast Asia Vision Collection (Cornell University Library) This site provides full download of old texts and rare book collections about Philippines and countries in Southeast Asia. Type a related topic in search after connecting to the link.

Southeast Asian Images and Texts, University of Wisconsin Digital Collection This website contains a digital photograph collection from the Philippines during the American colonial period and Laos in 1957, 1959 and 1969.

The Digital Library of the Commons, Indiana University This site provides full download of articles about the Philippines and countries in Southeast Asia. Type a related topic in search after connecting to the link.

The National Library of Australia This website provides a digital photograph collection of the early and contemporary Philippines and Southeast Asia. Type a related topic in search after connecting to the link.

The Spanish-American War in Motion Pictures Home Page This website contains information in the Philippines during the war.

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15 science & technology priority research areas for the philippines in 2021.

The Good News Pilipinas Team

These 15 science and technology priority research areas for the Philippines in 2021 have been listed by Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Secretary Fortunato de la Peña.

The DOST chief went on social media on January 5, 2021, to list the agency’s priorities for the year that include the Research and Development Agenda while continuing its development of solutions to the coronavirus pandemic.

Secretary de la Peña announced the establishment of niche R&D centers in the regions (NICERs) to address the nation’s need for disaster risk reduction solutions, industry and energy-related R&D, and biomedical devices development.

DOST will also focus on how to facilitate effective learning for its scholars amid the new learning environment.

High priority will be given to support start-ups including technology business incubation, and more collaborative R&D projects between industry and academe or RDI’s will be supported.

Among the DOST priority R&D areas in the different sectors are the following:

For the agriculture, aquatic and natural resources sector: 1. Expansion of the coconut hybridization program in cooperation with the Philippine Coconut Authority 2. Additional R&D projects in support of the Native Livestock Development Program 3. R&D on aquaculture species that have potentials for food security and export including Giant Freshwater Shrimp or “Ulang” and Saline Tilapia 4. R&D in support of native fruits for which niche R&D centers in the regions (NICERs) have been put up including citrus, queen pineapple, and tamarind 5. Pilot testing of locally developed agricultural machines

For the industry, energy and emerging technologies sector: 6. Smart Food Value Chain 7. MSMEs Low Carbon Transition 8. Sustainable Mineral Resources Utilization 9. Use of AI and Robotics Technologies for Infrastructure and Disaster Management Application 10.Space Technology Applications in Public Services

For the health sector: 11.An Anti-Dengue Drug Candidate (a capsule composed of three plants) 12.COVID-19 Programs 13.Food Safety and Nutrition 14.Biomedical Devices in lieu of Biomedical Services 15.Virology Research & Studies

The DOST has spearheaded and partnered with various institutions in the conduct of various researches and development of technologies that provided solutions to the coronavirus pandemic.

SEND WELL WISHES in the comments below to DOST as it pursues the 15 Science & Technology Priority Research Areas for the Philippines in 2021.

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Scoping Review of Climate Change and Health Research in the Philippines: A Complementary Tool in Research Agenda-Setting

Paul lester chua.

1 Alliance for Improving Health Outcomes, Inc., Rm. 406, Veria I Bldg., 62 West Avenue, Barangay West Triangle, Quezon City 1104, Philippines

2 Department of Global Health, School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health, Nagasaki University, 1-12-4 Sakamoto, Nagasaki 852-8102, Japan

Miguel Manuel Dorotan

Jemar anne sigua, rafael deo estanislao, masahiro hashizume.

3 Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University, 1-12-4 Sakamoto, Nagasaki 852-8523, Japan

Miguel Antonio Salazar

4 Institute of Global Health, University of Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 324, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany

The impacts of climate change on human health have been observed and projected in the Philippines as vector-borne and heat-related diseases have and continue to increase. As a response, the Philippine government has given priority to climate change and health as one of the main research funding topics. To guide in identifying more specific research topics, a scoping review was done to complement the agenda-setting process by mapping out the extent of climate change and health research done in the country. Research articles and grey literature published from 1980 to 2017 were searched from online databases and search engines, and a total of 34 quantitative studies were selected. Fifty-three percent of the health topics studied were about mosquito-borne diseases, particularly dengue fever. Seventy-nine percent of the studies reported evidence of positive associations between climate factors and health outcomes. Recommended broad research themes for funding were health vulnerability, health adaptation, and co-benefits. Other notable recommendations were the development of open data and reproducible modeling schemes. In conclusion, the scoping review was useful in providing a background for research agenda-setting; however, additional analyses or consultations should be complementary for added depth.

1. Introduction

The Philippines is one of the most vulnerable nations where one can observe and project the impacts of climate change [ 1 ]. Climate change-induced temperature increases and rainfall variability are considered most likely to have the greatest impacts on the country [ 1 ]. The frequency and intensity of tropical cyclones originating in the Pacific are also increasing [ 2 ], albeit not definitive [ 3 ], and three of the highest recorded maximum gustiness occurred in this country in the last two decades, including Typhoon Haiyan. Studies found that climate change will continue to expose the vulnerabilities of the ecosystems, freshwater resources, coastal systems, agriculture, and fisheries in the Philippines, as well as human health. It was observed and projected that climate change affected, and will continue to affect increases in diseases—particularly vector- and waterborne diseases—as well as heat-related illnesses [ 1 ].

In 2015, the Philippine Government spent a total of 2.83 million USD for climate change adaptation (98%, 2.73 million USD) and mitigation (2%, 0.063 million USD) [ 4 ]. These were allocated to food security (3%), water sufficiency (54%), the ecology and environment (8%), human security (5%), climate-smart industries (0.4%), sustainable energy (26%), knowledge and capacity development (1.8%), and finance (0.8%) [ 4 ]. None had been allocated for health or spent under the health sector.

The lack of attention to the impacts of climate change on health was picked up by the Philippine National Health Research System (PNHRS), who included it in the National Unified Health Research Agenda 2017–2022 as one of the core topics under the Health Resiliency section [ 5 ]. To help map out and elaborate the current extent of this research field, a research agenda setting was conducted in 2018. As part of the agenda-setting process, a scoping review was done to help elaborate on and generate possible research themes and priorities for funding, and this paper presents the results of the review.

Since scoping reviews can be an arduous, yet transparent method for mapping research areas, some recently used it as either a stand-alone or supplementary tool in agenda-setting in various fields in health research [ 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 ]. Montesanti et al. used it as a sole tool in generating key research themes in primary health care in Canada to contribute to the efficient and equitable use of limited funding, and possibly reduced duplication [ 6 ]. Alternatively, Ajumobi et al. used a scoping review in developing introductory materials to guide the consultative process in setting Nigeria’s national malaria operational research agenda [ 7 ].

In the field of climate change and health, Hosking and Campbell-Lendrum used a scoping review to generate an overview of the entire field of climate change and health guided by the World Health Assembly priorities as a framework, including: (1) assessing risks, (2) identifying effective and cost-effective interventions, (3) measuring the co-benefits and co-harms of adaptation and mitigation, (4) improving decision support, and (5) estimating costs [ 10 ]. Recently, a more rigorous scoping review methodological framework for climate change and health was developed by Herlihy et al. to examine historical trends and provide a more extensive and inclusive overview of existing scientific literature on climate change and health based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) framework [ 11 ].

Similarly, the purpose of this paper is to present an overview of the existing literature on climate change and health research in the Philippines. The specific objectives of this review are to: (1) map out the health topics associated with climate change in the Philippines, (2) describe their methodologies, findings, and reported challenges, and (3) identify possible research priorities.

2. Materials and Methods

The methodology used was based on the approach outlined by Arksey and O’Malley, and search strategies by Herlihy et al. [ 11 , 12 ]. The review comprised: (1) identifying a broad research question, (2) identifying relevant studies, (3) selecting studies, (4) charting the data, (5) collating, summarizing, and reporting the results, and (6) consulting stakeholders. The research team came up with the broad question, “What are the characteristics, methodologies, and findings of the studies on climate/weather exposure and human health outcomes done in the Philippines?”

2.1. Search Strategy

The literature search was limited to online-based databases or search engines. Initially, a literature search was done using PubMed/MEDLINE, Embase, and the Web of Science on March 7, 2018. For grey literature, additional online databases and search engines were used, including the Health Research and Development Information Network (HERDIN), which is a research database of the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development, as well as OpenGrey, ProQuest, and Google on April 5–6, 2018. Grey literature were searched to expand the possibly small number of published articles in scientific journals. The search terms comprised broad terms on climate factors and health outcomes ( Table 1 ) [ 10 , 11 ].

Search keywords.

The literature search was limited from 1980 to 2017 (37 years) to possibly consider studies in the past. References of screened full-text articles and grey literature were manually searched for additional literature.

2.2. Eligibility Criteria

For published articles, only full-text original or research articles were selected, while grey literature were limited to full-text theses, dissertations, technical reports, and discussion papers. Clear statements of associations between climate factors and health outcomes were required. Climate factors were meteorological parameters, extreme weather events, air pollution, and atmosphere-ocean interaction phenomena. The Philippines had to be explicitly mentioned as a study site. In the case of multi-site studies, findings specifically for the Philippines should be present in the results or discussion section. Initially, both quantitative and qualitative studies were considered to further widen the selection pool of articles and papers; however, quantitative studies were only presented here to clearly articulate the results. Mixing the results and discussion with qualitative and/or mixed methods studies may limit the depth of the discussion. Only articles and grey literature written in English were included, because it is the language used in academia or business in the Philippines.

2.3. Screening

The abstracts and executive summaries were reviewed by two individuals looking for the keywords related to climate factors, human health outcomes, associations between exposures and outcomes, and the Philippines as the study site or one of the study sites. Studies with Filipino participants done outside the country were excluded (e.g., studies with overseas Filipino workers as participants). After the initial screening, each reviewer separately reviewed the full texts of the articles and papers. An eligibility criteria review was done to examine their content in terms of associations made between health outcomes and climate factors in the Philippines. For the purposes of this study, an association was loosely defined as any explicit textual statement on the attempt to relate health outcome(s) with climate factor(s). The results of the screening were discussed by two reviewers to reach a consensus on which should be included in the final selection list.

2.4. Characterization

The selected articles and papers were categorized based on the human health outcomes, climate factors, research design, methodologies, and country affiliations of the first authors which were researched. Further data on the study results were extracted to identify the specific details on the type of research and depth of the findings. To identify research themes, five climate and health themes by Smith et al. in one of the chapters of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report were adopted [ 13 ]. Apart from the purposes of brevity, this was selected because the eligibility criteria followed Smith et al.’s concept of linking primary exposure pathways by which climate change affects health outcomes. To guide the categorization of the articles, excerpts from their study objectives and results were used as a basis from which to identify which theme they fell under ( Table 2 ).

Criteria in classifying research themes (adopted from Smith et al. [ 13 ]).

2.5. Consultation

Initial results of the review were presented to 20 stakeholders from various offices in the Philippines with initiatives or interests in climate change and health, including government agencies, academia, and non-profit institutions, on May 16, 2018. Recommendations and feedback were sought. Some government institutions shared their studies for possible inclusion in the analysis.

2.6. Data Analysis

Data were encoded in a single Microsoft Excel 2013 spreadsheet (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA, USA). Descriptive statistics were calculated for summary using MS Excel 2013. Excerpts from selected studies were coded by one author and validated by another.

2.7. Ethical Considerations

Since the lead institution (Alliance for Improving Health Outcomes, Inc) did not have an ethical review committee, the research protocol received ethical approval from the St. Cabrini Medical Center, Asian Eye Institute Ethics Review Committee (Makati City, Philippines), Protocol No. 2018-006.

After removing duplicates, a total of 757 studies (726 articles and 31 grey literature) were retrieved and initially reviewed for their abstracts. A majority (678 articles) were excluded since they were non-human health-related. Four grey literature found from HERDIN did not have executive summaries, and were not retrievable upon request from the authors. A total of 75 passed the abstract/executive summary review ( Figure 1 ). Upon full-text review, 16 studies were found to have no mention or analysis about climate factors and findings specifically for the Philippines. Fourteen had no retrievable full-text copies despite requesting from authors. Five were non-research studies. One article was retrieved from references of a published article. Additional three grey literature were shared by consultation participants, and only one passed the full-text review because the other two were about disaster risk reduction. A total of 40 articles and grey literature were found eligible for this review. Only 34 quantitative studies were presented here [ 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37 , 38 , 39 , 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 , 44 , 45 , 46 , 47 ].

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
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Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) flowchart of selection process.

3.1. General Characteristics

Seventy-nine percent (79%, 27/34) of the selected quantitative studies were articles published in scientific journals ( Table 3 ). Others were technical reports (9%, 3/34), theses/dissertations (6%, 2/34), a discussion article, and a conference paper. Sixty-eight percent (68%, 23/34) of the selected articles and papers were published/dated from 2011 to 2017, while only 11 were published in the previous decades. Health topics tackled in these studies were varied, but about half were on mosquito-borne diseases (53%, 18/34), mostly on dengue (50%, 17/34), and only two on malaria. Some were water-related (26%, 9/34), such as diarrheal diseases, helminth infections, and leptospirosis. Other communicable diseases that were studied were meningitis (6%, 2/34) and measles (3%, 1/34). Four (12%) were related to mortality due to non-communicable diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. One (3%) studied malnutrition in children. Spatial resolutions of the selected studies were mostly city-level (47%, 16/34), and there were least on a region-level (15%, 5/34). Fifty-nine percent (59%, 20/34) of the institutional affiliations of the first authors were from Philippine institutions, while the remaining were from other countries, such as Japan and the US. Eighteen of the studies (53%) were funded by foreign institutions, while only two (6%) received funding from Philippine agencies.

General characteristics of selected studies.

3.2. Methodologies

Most of the studies (79%, 27/34) used time-series analysis as the research design in associating exposure variables and health outcomes, while the remaining used cross-sectional (9%, 3/34), process-based modeling (6%, 2/34), Bayesian modeling (3%, 1/34), and fuzzy association rule mining (FARM) (3%, 1/34) ( Table 4 ). A time-series study also applied a case-crossover design, which used case days (two control days per case day).

Methodological characteristics of selected studies.

Among the time-series studies, six (22%) simply visualized patterns from time-series plots [ 28 , 31 , 39 , 40 , 43 , 47 ], while the rest used a variety of statistical models. Eight (30%) used general linear models (i.e., simple and multiple linear regressions) [ 27 , 32 , 34 , 35 , 38 , 41 , 44 , 45 ], eight (30%) used generalized linear models (e.g., quasi-poisson/poisson models and distributed lag nonlinear models) [ 15 , 19 , 22 , 25 , 33 , 36 , 42 ], two (7%) used autoregressive models (i.e., autoregressive integrated moving average models and seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average models) [ 37 , 44 ], two (7%) used wavelet analysis [ 16 , 20 ], and four (15%) used other kinds of models (i.e., general additive model [ 14 , 15 ], spectral analysis [ 18 ], dynamic linear model [ 16 ], and transfer entropy [ 46 ]). The temporal resolutions used in the time-series studies were daily (19%, 5/27), weekly (15%, 4/27), monthly (63%, 17/27), and annual (7%, 2/27). Only 33% of these studies (9/27) considered temporal lags of exposure to health outcomes [ 14 , 15 , 18 , 22 , 25 , 36 , 37 , 42 , 44 ]. All analyzed short-term associations of disease patterns were on preceding and concurrent exposure, but only seven studies controlled temporal trends and seasonal patterns [ 14 , 15 , 22 , 25 , 36 , 37 , 42 ]. Two studies explored longer-term associations with annual data and atmosphere-ocean interaction phenomena. One study using SARIMA forecasted monthly dengue incidence from 2011 to 2014 [ 37 ], and a study projected dengue, malaria, and cholera cases to 2020 and 2050 using general linear models [ 44 ].

The two process-based modeling studies (i.e., CLIMEX and the susceptible-infected-recovered model) were hybrid models incorporating time-series [ 17 , 24 ]. The three cross-sectional studies used descriptive statistics to present associations between dry/wet seasons and health outcomes. One study applied the Bayesian logistic geostatistical model for schistosomiasis [ 21 ]. Only two models forecasted health outcomes (i.e., the CLIMEX model for malaria prevalence and FARM predictor model for dengue incidence). The CLIMEX model projected malaria prevalence up to year 2100 based on eco-physiological suitability for mosquitoes. Similarly, the predictor model purposively predicted dengue outbreaks four weeks in advance based on environmental predictors related to suitability for mosquitoes.

Based on the exposure variables, 27 studies (79%) used various meteorological parameters, five (15%) used extreme weather events, three (9%) used atmosphere-ocean interaction phenomena, and three (9%) used wet and dry seasons. The meteorological parameters used were rainfall (100%, 27/27), air temperature (89%, 24/27), humidity (67%, 18/27), sunshine hours (4%, 1/27), sea-level pressure (4%, 1/27), wind speed (4%, 1/27), and dew-point temperature (4%, 1/27). Most of the studies’ sources (56%, 19/34) of these parameters was the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA), which routinely observes these parameters via synoptic weather stations. Other sources were the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (18%, 6/34), WorldClim (6%, 2/34), CliMond (3%, 1/34), and National Aeronautics and Space Administration-Prediction of Worldwide Energy Resources (3%, 1/34). For rainfall, three studies used counts of rainy days rather than using the total/mean rainfall in millimeters. The extreme weather events used were high temperature days (categorized by high temperature percentiles), heatwaves (consecutive days with high temperature percentiles), and typhoons. For the atmosphere-ocean interaction phenomena, El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) indices (i.e., Southern Oscillation Index, Oceanic Niño Index, and ENSO years) and the sea-surface temperature were used.

In terms of outcome variables, the most common (44%, 15/34) was surveillance data from the Philippine Department of Health and a non-government active surveillance. These were secondary data from the existing surveillance system of selected public hospitals and clinics. Nine studies (26%) used hospital admissions data, in which five were primary and four were secondary medical records. Four studies (12%) using mortality data were from vital statistical records of the Philippine Statistics Authority. Three (8%) used data from government- and foreign-funded national surveys for schistosomiasis, enteric protozoans, and poverty, while others were hospital outpatient-, community-, and school-based human and non-human samples that were collected.

3.3. Findings

Eighty-two percent (28/34) of the studies reported associations between exposures and health outcomes, with 27 studies (79%) reporting positive associations [ 14 , 15 , 16 , 18 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 36 , 37 , 38 , 39 , 41 , 42 , 44 , 45 , 47 ], and six studies (18%) reporting negative associations [ 16 , 19 , 34 , 36 , 46 , 47 ]. Fifteen studies (44%) reported no or insignificant associations [ 19 , 24 , 25 , 27 , 28 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 37 , 38 , 40 , 41 , 44 , 46 , 47 ].

For the 15 time-series studies of dengue incidence, 47% (7/15) reported significant positive associations with air temperature (i.e., mean, minimum, and/or maximum) [ 18 , 33 , 34 , 38 , 41 , 42 , 47 ], while only two reported a negative association with maximum temperature [ 34 , 44 ]. By selecting only El Niño years in 1997–1999, Naragdao (2001) found that the mean air temperature associations had higher effect to dengue incidence in the Iloilo province (from a coefficient of 0.0118 in pre-El Niño years of 1990–1996, to a coefficient 2.0174 in El Niño years of 1997–1999) [ 42 ]. For rainfall, 47% (7/15) of the dengue studies reported positive associations [ 18 , 27 , 33 , 37 , 42 , 43 , 47 ], while three reported negative associations [ 19 , 44 , 46 ]. Agustin found that years with La Niña (phenomena with abnormally high rainfall) were positively associated with dengue incidence [ 41 ]. Other positive associations with dengue incidence were relative humidity (33%, 5/15) [ 18 , 42 , 47 ] and maximum sea-level pressure (7%, 1/15) [ 33 ]. For a study on dengue virus samples, its minimum infection rate was found to be positively associated with relative humidity [ 19 , 37 , 38 , 44 , 46 ]. On the other hand, studies reported insignificant associations ( p > 0.05) between dengue incidence and relative humidity (40%, 6/15) [ 19 , 33 , 35 , 37 , 38 , 41 ], rainfall (27%, 4/15) [ 34 , 35 , 38 , 41 ], air temperature (20%, 3/15) [ 19 , 27 , 35 ], and minimum sea-level pressure (7%, 1/15) [ 33 ].

Two studies on malaria incidence revealed associations with air temperature and rainfall. For air temperature, positive associations were found with maximum and mean temperatures [ 44 , 47 ]. However, Lorenzo et al. found a negative association with total monthly rainfall [ 44 ], while PAGASA found a positive association with total monthly rainfall. Both found insignificant associations between malaria incidence and relative humidity [ 47 ].

For communicable respiratory diseases, interesting associations with exposures were found. Acute respiratory infection prevalence was positively associated with wind speed, but insignificantly associated with relative humidity, mean temperature, and accumulated rainfall [ 45 ]. Pneumonia incidence in children less than three years old was negatively associated with sunshine hours with a cumulative 60 day lag (relative risk (RR) of 0.67 (95% confidence intervals (CI): 0.52–0.87)), but not associated with rainy days, relative humidity, and mean temperature with a cumulative 60 day lag [ 25 ]. For influenza and the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), positive associations were found with mean temperature and specific humidity, but negative associations were found with relative humidity and precipitation [ 24 ]. Both influenza and RSV had no association with the number of rainy days per week [ 24 ].

In water-related diseases, three studies observed that diarrhea incidence would peak during the rainy season, particularly the months with highest total rainfall [ 26 , 30 , 39 ]. Additionally, three studies on cholera incidence revealed positive associations with monthly rainfall and mean monthly relative humidity [ 39 , 44 , 47 ]. In addition, a study found a negative association with maximum temperature [ 44 ]. One study on leptospirosis using spectral analysis found a positive correlation between least-square-fitting curves of leptospirosis with rainfall, but an insignificant association with mean temperature [ 18 ]. On the other hand, acute bloody diarrhea and typhoid fever incidence was found to be unassociated with mean temperature, rainfall, and relative humidity [ 46 ]. For soil-transmitted helminthiases, the land surface temperature was positively associated with prevalence odds of Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura , and negatively associated with the prevalence of hookworm infections [ 21 ]. Additionally, T. trichiura prevalence odds was found to be positively associated with rainfall [ 21 ].

For other communicable diseases, one study observed that meningitis occurred more during the dry-cool season [ 29 ]. Other studies on measles and meningitis found insignificant associations with mean temperature and rainfall [ 47 ]. For malnutrition, Salvacion observed high and low total rainfall months to be associated with rates of malnourished children under five years old [ 32 ]. In the summer months, the high mean temperature months were found to be negatively associated with the rate of malnourished children [ 32 ].

Four studies by Seposo et al. (2015, 2016, 2017, and 2017) explored the effects of extreme heat and heatwaves to mortality (i.e., due to diabetes and cardiovascular, respiratory, and multiple causes) in selected cities [ 14 , 15 , 22 , 36 ]. They found that extreme temperatures (i.e., 95th and 99th percentiles of mean temperature) with a cumulative 15 day lag led to high risks in mortality [pooled RR of 2.48 (95% CI: 1.55–3.98)] [ 15 ]. The minimum mortality temperature was observed at the 75th percentile of mean temperature (i.e., ~28 °C) [ 15 ]. However, the temperature-mortality relationships showed a U-shaped pattern with elevated risks at the extremes of the temperature range [ 15 ]. For example, the first temperature percentile RR was 1.23 (95% CI: 0.88–1.72) [ 15 ]. They also found that higher risks were particularly observed in respiratory mortality, women, and people aged >64 years [ 15 ]. In the city of Manila (capital of the Philippines), the effect modification of age in the 99th temperature percentile-mortality relationship were increasing with RRs of 1.23 (95% CI: 1.07–1.41) for ages of 0–14 years of age, 1.31 (95% CI: 1.18–1.46) for 15–64 years of age, and 1.53 (95% CI: 1.31–1.80) for >64 years of age [ 22 ]. For diabetes mortality, the highest RR with extreme temperature was observed with a shorter cumulative lag of 7 days [RR: 1.61 (95% CI: 1.21–2.15)] compared to 21 days [RR: 1.55 (95% CI: 1.06–2.29)] [ 14 ]. On the other hand, the heatwave effect to all-cause mortality was found to be insignificant and mostly negative [ 36 ].

For the studies using process-based models, findings were presented in a different manner. Khormi and Kumar observed that the Philippines had suitable to highly suitable conditions (i.e., ecoclimate conditions comprising mosquito growth and stress indices) for the mosquitoes to survive and for malaria transmission in the reference years of 1950–2000 [ 17 ]. Based on ecoclimate conditions in 2100, projections show an overall reduction in the climate suitability for Anopheles in the Philippines because of changes in heat stress, causing large areas to have heat stress beyond the maximum survival values for the malaria vector (>40°C) [ 17 ]. Using the susceptible-infected-recovered (compartmental) model, Paynter et al. modeled the seasonal peak and troughs of respiratory syncytial virus transmission [ 24 ]. They found that rainfall seasonal troughs occurred consistently post 17–18 weeks after the centre of yearly RSV epidemics [ 24 ]. However, they did not see such a lag pattern when visually compared to relative humidity, dew point, and mean temperature [ 24 ]. For the Buczak et al.’s prediction model using FARM, findings reported were about the model’s considerably high accuracy in predicting weekly dengue incidence in Philippines provinces four weeks in advance [ 23 ]. They explained that creating rules/fuzzy sets of meteorological and climate parameters based on existing literature was enough to predict dengue outbreaks [ 23 ].

3.4. Challenges and Recommendations

Majority of the studies (62%, 21/34) did not report limitations related to climate change and health [ 18 , 19 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 35 , 36 , 37 , 38 , 39 , 40 , 41 , 43 , 46 ]. With the ones reporting limitations, recurring statements of limitation were related to poor data quality (35%, 12/34) [ 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 34 , 42 , 44 , 45 , 47 ], as studies reported a lack of long daily time-series data [ 16 , 34 ], significant missing values [ 22 , 42 , 44 , 45 ], and unavailable geographical or spatial data [ 15 , 16 ]. Apart from these limitations, other vital environmental parameters like air pollution [ 14 , 15 , 22 ] and migration [ 20 ] were not available to further provide depth in the data analysis. To reduce such limitations, Buczak et al. recommended investing in data quality and monitoring improvements so that disease incidence surveillance and meteorological parameters can be accurate, reliable, and accessible [ 29 ].

Further analyses were also recommended: (1) in associating climate/weather variables and health outcomes by using advanced modelling techniques [ 18 , 24 , 27 , 45 , 46 ]; (2) in verifying harvesting, temporary increase in deaths, and effect modification by socioeconomic factors [ 14 , 15 ]; (3) by expanding to other study sites [ 21 , 33 , 44 , 45 ]; and (4) in exploring evidence of causality between exposure and health outcomes [ 25 , 45 ].

Frequently recommended use of the study findings was to serve as a basis in improving policy and programmatic implementation (56%, 19/34) [ 14 , 15 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 27 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 35 , 36 , 38 , 41 , 42 , 44 ]. An example was the suggestion of Cabrera (1985) in delivering deworming tablets twice a year because of the seasonality of reinfection of helminths in children, which was determined during low rainfall months [ 31 ]. Another example was related to intensified vector control for dengue (21%, 7/34), especially during the rainy season or months with high rainfall [ 19 , 20 , 27 , 33 , 35 , 38 , 41 ]. Predictive models were also deemed useful as part of an early warning system for disease prevention and control programmes [ 14 , 15 , 19 , 22 , 23 ] or for extreme weather events like heat waves [ 36 ]. Furthermore, Naragdao suggested the need for multidisciplinary collaboration across sectors due to the complexity of climate change impacts [ 42 ]. Seposo et al. found that the regulation of room temperature for individuals with non-communicable diseases like cardiovascular diseases and diabetes should be explored to reduce risk during summer days with extreme temperature [ 36 ].

3.5. Research Themes

Sixty-eight percent (23/34) of the studies were under the theme of “Ecosystem-Mediated Impacts of Climate Change on Health Outcomes” ( Table 5 ), with topics related to vector-borne and water-related diseases. The next theme was “Vulnerability to Disease and Injury Due to Climate Variability and Climate Change” (12%, 4/34) with studies about the vulnerability of age groups and gender. The rest of the studies were categorized under “Direct Impacts of Climate and Weather on Health” (32%, 11/34), “Adaptation to Protect Health” (12%, 4/34), and “Health Impacts Heavily Mediated through Human Institutions” (3%, 1/34). None were categorized under “Co-Benefits”.

Research themes of selected studies.

4. Discussion

This study presented the overview of climate change and health studies done in the Philippines. Selected research articles and grey literature were descriptively analyzed to summarize their general characteristics, methods, findings, limitations, and recommendations, as well as to categorize their research themes. Based on the results, recommended research priorities for funding, limitations of the review, and pointers about research agenda setting are discussed as follows.

4.1. Research Gaps and Priorities

There were actually not enough studies retrieved, thus making the identification of research gaps not as straightforward as it could be. When looking at the research themes with the least number of studies, there were apparent gaps in research topics on the “Vulnerability to Disease and Injury Due to Climate Variability and Climate Change”, “Adaptation to Protect Health”, “Health Impacts Heavily Mediated through Human Institutions”, and “Co-Benefits”. These research topics remain broad but can potentially produce valuable findings and offer key solutions to several existing problems. For a country with considerable vulnerability to extreme weather events and climate change, prioritizing health vulnerabilities and health adaptation research is an easy recommendation because it potentially addresses present and near-future issues [ 48 ]. These can also generate tangible evidence and technology that can be relatively appreciated by policy-makers and the general public.

Another topic that can potentially be appreciated by the general public is co-benefits research. It is a good priority topic for funding, as such studies can quantify co-health benefits in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from major sources like transportation, food and agriculture, energy generation, and industries [ 49 ]. This research also touched on air pollution research, such as measurements of the impacts of climate-altering pollutants on health, which were not retrieved from the literature search. These can pave the way for creating and supporting mitigation policies and legislations across non-health sectors [ 49 ]. The lack of co-benefit studies retrieved may be explained by the complex interdisciplinary approach required from sectors who do not usually collaborate with one another. Thus, apart from providing research funding, workshops and events for establishing climate change research collaborations may be considered to be organized in the future to initiate an exchange of ideas.

A recurring study limitation was data unavailability and poor quality. Local sources of secondary data on health outcomes and meteorological parameters were reported to have limitations on their quality, accuracy, and reliability. These sources are also not openly available, and have limitations due to the current data privacy policies. A possible reason behind this is that these data sources are not made to cater for modeling studies. Since many time-series analysis studies rely on such data, better data monitoring and storage should be included as a priority project alongside such research projects. Exploring the possibility of developing open and anonymized health outcomes and climate change data from existing local databases can unlock a revolution of modeling studies.

Apart from developing better databases, a possible research topic that can be prioritized is the development of standardized and reproducible modeling scheme(s) so that studies can be compared and combined. This considers the limitations in the geographical setting and political setup of the Philippines. Beyond modeling or ecological studies, quantifying causality through (nested) cohort studies, although complex and expensive, can be considered to be developed.

4.2. Limitations

A number of limitations can be noted from this scoping review. The studies presented only included quantitative studies, although there were six qualitative and mixed-method studies retrieved. These kinds of studies, although small in number, can provide different insights, particularly in regard to the perceptions, habits, and adaptation practices of people. These are data that cannot be clearly captured using quantitative methods.

Also, the selection of quantitative studies excluded disaster risk reduction (DRR) studies. For example, flooding-related studies were not selected because they were mainly related with DRR. In reality, DRR and climate change studies have commonalities and share risk pathways to health outcomes [ 50 ]. Exclusion of studies with no measurements of health outcomes may have also averted the inclusion of relevant studies related with climate change.

Indeed, IPCC research themes provided a simple guide in identifying potential research priorities for funding. However, it fails to provide specific health topics to focus on. From the retrieved studies, dengue was the most researched, but this does not necessarily mean that dengue has been studied well without analyzing the quality of the research and evidence found. The descriptive nature of the scoping review limits such analyses. A possibility method of narrowing down the amount of health topics to focus on is by considering the top causes of mortality and morbidity, or what are the current political priorities. Topics that can have implications to climate change can be the selected as the priority topics. In this way, selection of topics to be funded by the government remains valuable and of interest to the government.

The literature search was not exhaustive enough because it was limited to what was available online. Although there were some literature retrieved from the consultation, this undermines other studies from academic institutions and other unrepresented agencies working on climate change research.

4.3. Research Agenda-Setting

The full process conducted in the research agenda setting for climate change and health comprised: (1) scoping review, (2) stakeholder analysis, and (3) consultation meetings. The sole purpose of the scoping review in the agenda-setting was to provide the needed background for the stakeholders in guiding their decision-making in selecting the final research priority topics for funding and generating the roadmap for climate change and health research. Although scoping reviews can be a standalone tool in setting research agenda, this was not done because of the possible disconnection with the local stakeholders’ interests, knowledge, and skills. The power in selecting the final research agenda was still with stakeholders and driven by their own individual or group interests. However, overall, the findings from the scoping review allow the stakeholders to see how their interests fit in the current evidence and gaps, thus discouraging any possible redundancies. Furthermore, any disconnections between the stakeholders and scoping review findings can be beneficial for the funding agencies in possibly considering support of the development of human resources for climate change and health through scholarships and training.

5. Conclusions

The use of scoping reviews supports the process of research agenda-setting. This particular study provided an overview of the current status of climate and health research in the Philippines, which allowed for identification of certain gaps and possible research topic priorities, such as health vulnerability, health adaptation, and co-benefits. However, the broad results should require additional analysis or a consultation workshop to conclusively select more specific health research topics for funding.


We would like to thank all the participants of the consultation for providing meaningful critique and recommendations for the scoping review.

Author Contributions

P.L.C. wrote the manuscript. P.L.C. and J.A.S. did the abstract and full-text reviews. M.M.D. and R.D.E. reviewed the results of the selection process. M.M.D., M.A.S., and R.D.E. facilitated the consultation. M.A.S. provided guidance in structuring manuscript and categorizing research themes. M.M.D., R.D.E., M.A.S., and M.H. reviewed and improved the manuscript. All authors reviewed and approved the final manuscript.

The Philippine Council for Health Research and Development funded this study.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to publish the results.

top research topics in the philippines

Research Papers

Big Data for a Climate Disaster-Resilient Country, Philippines Ebinezer R. Florano

A Veto Players Analysis of Subnational Territorial Reform in Indonesia Michael A. Tumanut

The Politics of Municipal Merger in the Philippines Michael A. Tumanut

2018 AGPA Conference papers 

Management of Social Media for Disaster Risk Reduction and Mitigation in Philippine Local Government Units Erwin A. Alamapy, Maricris Delos Santos, and Xavier Venn Asuncion

An Assessment of the Impact of GAD Programs on the Retention Intentions of Female Uniformed Personnel of the Philippine Navy Michelle C. Castillo

Contextualizing Inclusive Business: Amelioration of ASEAN Economic Community Arman V. Cruz

The impact of mobile financial services in low- and lower middle-income countries Erwin A. Alampay, Goodiel Charles Moshi, Ishita Ghosh, Mina Lyn C. Peralta and Juliana Harshanti

How Cities Are Promoting Clean Energy and Dealing with Problems Along the Way Rizalino B. Cruz Impact Assessment Methods: Toward Institutional Impact Assessment Romeo B. Ocampo

Philippine Technocracy and Politico-administrative Realities During the Martial Law Period (1972–1986): Decentralization, Local governance and Autonomy Concerns of Prescient Technocrats Alex B. Brillantes, Jr. and Abigail Modino

Policy Reforms to Improve the Quality of Public Services in the Philippines Maria Fe Villamejor-Mendoza

Compliance with, and Effective Implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements: Looking Back at the Transboundary Haze Pollution Problem in the ASEAN Region Ebinezer R. Florano, Ph.D.

ASEAN, Food Security, and Land Rights: Enlarging a Democratic Space for Public Services in the ASEAN Maria Faina L. Diola, DPA

Public Finance in the ASEAN: Trend and Patterns Jocelyn C. Cuaresma, DPA

Private Sector Engagement in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: Implications in Regional Governance Maria Fe Villamejor-Mendoza , Ph.D.

Philippine Response to Curb Human Trafficking of Migrant Workers Lizan Perante-Calina

Local Heritage Networking for ASEAN Connectivity Salvacion Manuel-Arlante

Financing Universal Healthcare and the ASEAN: Focus on the Philippine Sin Tax Law Abigail A. Modino

Decentralized Local Governance in Asian Region:Good Practices of Mandaluyong City, Philippines Rose Gay E. Gonzales- Castaneda

Disaster-Resilient Community Index: Measuring the Resiliency of Barangays in Tacloban, Iligan, Dagupan and Marikina Ebinezer R. Florano , Ph.D.

Towards Attaining the Vision “Pasig Green City”: Thinking Strategically, Acting Democratically Ebinezer R. Florano , Ph.D.

Community Governance for Disaster Recovery and Resilience: Four Case Studies in the Philippines  Ebinezer R. Florano , Ph.D.

Mainstreaming Integrated Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in Local development Plans in the Philippines Ebinezer R. Florano , Ph.D. 

Building Back a Better Nation: Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery in the Philippines Ebinezer R. Florano , Ph.D.  and Joe-Mar S. Perez

The New Public Management Then and Now: Lessons from the Transition in Central and Eastern Europe Wolfgang Drechsler and Tiina Randma-Liiv

Optimizing ICT Budgets through eGovernment Projects Harmonization Erwin A. Alampay

ICT Sector Performance Review for Philippines Erwin A. Alampay

The Challenges to the Futures of Public Administration Education Maria Fe Villamejor-Mendoza

Enhancing Trust and Performance in the Philippine Public Enterprises: A Revisit of Recent Reforms and Transformations Maria Fe Villamejor-Mendoza

The Legal Framework for the Philippine Third Sector: Progressive or Regressive? Ma. Oliva Z. Domingo

Roles of Community and Communal Law in Disaster Management in the Philippines: The Case of Dagupan City Ebinezer R. Florano

Revisiting Meritocracy in Asian Settings: Dimensions of colonial Influences and Indigenous Traditions Danilo R. Reyes

The openness of the University of the Philippines Open University: Issues and Prospects Maria Fe Villamejor-Mendoza

Equity and Fairness in Public-Private Partnerships: The Case of Airport Infrastructure Development in the Philippines Maria Fe Villamejor- Mendoza

Restoring Trust and Building Integrity in Government: Issues and Concerns in the Philippines and Areas for Reform Alex B. Brillantes, Jr. and Maricel T. Fernandez

Competition in Electricity Markets: The Case of the Philippines  Maria Fe Villamejor-Mendoza

Economic Reforms for Philippine Competitiveness, UP Open University Maria Fe Villamejor-Mendoza and G.H. Ambat (Eds) 

Open Access to Educational Resources: The Wave of the Future? Maria Fe Villamejor-Mendoza

Climate Change Governance in the Philippines and Means of Implementation diagram Ebinezer R. Florano

Mobile 2.0: M-money for the BoP in the Philippines Erwin A. Alampay and Gemma Bala

When Social Networking Websites Meet Mobile Commerce Erwin A. Alampay 

Monitoring Employee Use of the Internet in Philippine Organizations Erwin A. Alampay 

Living the Information Society Erwin A. Alampay

Analysing Socio-Demographic Differences in the Access & Use of ICTs in the Philippines Using the Capability Approach, Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries Erwin A. Alampay

Measuring Capabilities in the Information Society Erwin A. Alampay

Modes of Learning and Performance Among U.P. Open University Graduates, Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries Victoria A. Bautista and Ma. Anna T. Quimbo

Copyright © 2024 | NCPAG

Excellence finds a Voice


July 14, 2021 (Manila, Philippines). The Institutes for Research, Innovation, and Scholarship (The IRIS) released its beta ranking of Philippines’ universities in research in a presentation made by Dr. Carlos Primo C. David. The IRIS rankings on research productivity were based on the cumulative publications and citations from both Elsevier’s Scopus and Thomson Reuter’s Web of Science and the h-index. 106 universities, public and private, were ranked in the fields of Science (natural sciences, mathematics, environmental science, agriculture, material science, microbiology, toxicology), Engineering (engineering, computer science, energy), and Health (medicine, nursing, public health, neuroscience, veterinary, and dentistry).

The rankings were unveiled at the IRIS webinar entitled, “Research Dimensions in University Rankings: Snapshot of Philippine Universities” held last July 14, 2021. In his presentation, Dr. David stressed that it is important to track university research performance as these institutions are the primary seedbeds for knowledge creation. There is also a good correlation between a vibrant research culture and the high quality of instructions at the Tertiary level. Adds co-presenter, NAST Academician Dr. Raymond R. Tan, “Cultivating that intrinsic value for research is an important part of the search for solutions for societal good and for enriching the national talent pool to compete and engage in the global knowledge economy.” IRIS Founder, Dr. Napoleon K. Juanillo, Jr. also adds that unlocking the local rankings is meant to provide a stepping stone for local HEIs aspiring to enter international rankings.

In Science, UP Diliman tops the list, followed by UP Los Baños, De La Salle University, UP Manila (including Philippine General Hospital) Mindanao State University system, University of Santo Tomas, Ateneo de Manila University, University of San Carlos, UP Visayas (Miag-ao & Tacloban), and Central Luzon State University.

The IRIS Rankings also noted that if the last 5 years are considered, the Technological Institute of the Philippines has jumped from 37th to 28th, Cebu Technological University from 27th to 21st, and Caraga State University from 21st to 17th. Based on citations in the last five years, Silliman University has moved from 14th to 9th, University of San Carlos from 8th to 5th, and Ateneo de Davao University from 36th to 16th.

In Engineering, De La Salle University tops the list, followed by UP Diliman, Mapua University, Ateneo de Manila University, Technological Institute of the Philippines, UP Los Baños, Mindanao State University system, University of Santo Tomas, University of San Carlos, and UP Manila (including PGH). Worth noting is that the top 3 universities account for 56% of all publications. In the last 5 years, Mapua University produced 90% of its papers from 2016-2020.

In Health Sciences, the list is dominated by universities with medical schools. UP Manila (including PGH) tops the list, followed by University of Santo Tomas, UP Diliman, St. Luke's Medical Center, UP Los Baños, De La Salle University, University of San Carlos, Ateneo de Manila University, University of the East, and Central Luzon State University.

Remarkably, in the last 5 years, ADMU has produced 126 publications and Bicol University’s research productivity has lifted it from 40th to 34th.

In the presentations, it was also mentioned that the fastest growing Universities in science fields are Technological Institute of the Philippines, Cebu Technological University, and Caraga State University. Consistently highly cited research come from University of San Carlos, Silliman University, and Ateneo de Davao University. In Engineering, Mapua has the most increase in publications over the last 5 years while UP Visayas and Bataan Peninsula State have published highly cited papers. Lastly, in the Health Sciences, Ateneo de Manila University has produced majority of its publications just in the last 5 years while University of the East and Cebu Doctors’ will move up the rankings if we consider article citations.

The Institutes for Research, Innovation, and Scholarship (The IRIS) is a private educational, research, and scientific organization that seeks to create pathways for collaboration among Filipino researchers, educators, innovators, and scholars in science, technology, engineering, agro-fisheries, and mathematics. It has partnered with Elsevier in bringing the Leadership Legacy Forums.

Excellence finds a Voice. The IRIS aims to serve as the Philippines’ one-stop-shop for Research and Development talents and resources for optimized collaboration and integration.

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How does coffee wake us up (and why is it addictive)?

Julius Schorzman •Coffee keeps us awake and helps us focus because of its caffeine content. •Caffeine is a stimulating drug that interferes with adenosine and the brain, preventing us from getting sleepy. •Consuming too much caffeine can cause some nasty side effects, and can even make you dependent on the ...

October 8, 2020 | 4 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Divinity or deception? Stigmata, an enigmatic phenomenon

•The phenomenon called stigmata, or the sudden appearance of Christ-like wounds on the body, has been a centuries-old scientific enigma. •Over the centuries, experts have recorded about 400 cases of stigmata. •While many recorded cases turned out to be hoaxes, a few have been linked to certain blood-related medical conditions. Without ...

October 7, 2020 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Beware: These ‘healthy’ food items are actually hiding trans fats

ObesityHelp This article is the last in a three-part series on trans fats. Read Part 1 here and Part 2 here. Our generally limited knowledge of trans fats comes with a similarly limited awareness of the many ways they enter our bodies. For instance, while we're pretty much aware at this point ...

October 7, 2020 | 6 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Yes, trans fats are bad—but how bad, exactly?

iStock This article is the second in a three-part series on trans fats. Read part 1 here. "Trans fats are what I would like to call 'hidden problems', because Filipinos are not well aware of the problem that comes with eating lots of them," shared Dr. Dex Macalintal, a registered nutritionist-dietician. ...

October 6, 2020 | 4 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

No, a COVID-19 swab test won’t puncture your brain. Here’s the full story

Freepik •Recent news about an American woman experiencing "brain fluid leak" after a COVID-19 nasal test has raised fears about undergoing swab testing. •However, the case is exceptionally rare, and was mainly due to an undiagnosed defect at the base of the patient's skull; a person without that condition should ...

October 4, 2020 | 5 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Hysterical history: What we know about mass hysteria

Pieter Brueghel the Younger •Also called mass psychogenic illness or collective obsessional behavior, mass hysteria happens when a closely knit group collectively manifests severe physical reactions to perceived threats. •Despite the fact that many examples of this phenomenon have been recorded throughout history, we still don't understand it completely. •Regardless ...

October 3, 2020 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Does it really take more muscles to frown than to smile?

Getty Images "It takes 43 muscles to frown, and only 17 muscles to smile." No doubt, you've already come across this piece of conventional wisdom (or some variation of it, with different numbers). Regardless of the numbers indicated, the core message remains the same: It takes more effort to frown, so why ...

October 2, 2020 | 2 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Activated charcoal: scientifically proven benefits, or just marketing?

Victoria Shibut/Dreamstime.com •Activated charcoal results from heating carbon-rich materials at very high temperatures, typically with an additional "activation" process. •Medical professionals use activated charcoal in treating certain types of poisoning cases and drug overdoses. •However, many of the supposed benefits of commercially available activated charcoal products are either ...

October 2, 2020 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Penicillin: The accidental discovery that changed medicine forever

Kallayanee Naloka via Shutterstock •In 1928, microbiologist Alexander Fleming discovered what we would eventually come to know as penicillin. •Penicillin's accidental discovery led to the development of antibiotics, and greatly advanced our capacity to treat diseases.  •However, this has created a new problem: Thanks to overuse and overprescription, antibiotic-resistant strains of ...

October 1, 2020 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Read this before you drink that 3-in-1 coffee—it could save your life

Matt Gibson/Getty Images This article is the first in a three-part series on trans fats. I love coffee. (Given how Filipinos consumed approximately 3.4 million 60-kg bags of coffee last year, this is hardly a controversial statement.) I drink about three to four cups of the stuff on a daily ...

September 30, 2020 | 4 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

More than just hot air: The Philippines’ need for science-based vaping regulations

[nk_awb awb_type="image" awb_stretch="true" awb_image="https://i.imgur.com/tKllpSL.jpg" awb_image_size="full" awb_image_background_size="cover" awb_image_background_position="50% 50%" awb_parallax="scroll-opacity" awb_parallax_speed="0.5" awb_parallax_mobile="true" awb_styles=" padding-top: 200px; padding-bottom: 200px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; margin-top: 0...

September 23, 2020 | 18 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Inside the never-ending debate on the origins of viruses

varunyucg/Freepik Thirty-one. Scientists estimate that there might be as much as 1031 viruses in this world alone. The number seems bare, if consumed without context. But 1031 implies that these viruses outnumber all the stars estimated in the universe. Viruses are the most ubiquitous biological entities on the planet, outpacing bacteria, ...

September 17, 2020 | 7 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

The anatomy and physiology of vapes: Mods

[nk_awb awb_type="image" awb_stretch="true" awb_image="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/khx5X2jgUGRGmuQANaEpVTs2XrGx_BoMBXLKsG6_BkVdLGNrjEKI6xKngLu76kGNKOgAeq_3k5xWmL72WmVgE3k5aZ5w6nJtV4UnCkKxmmMTHAxanUTNhAoTH9BMuIdtuauQVJ74g1U4PSCKzfZDD_Ft7hErtAoWEow_0Lr1Q5Vk8s8v5Iv-CzaNDN34nOv4CglPSI0IQYCaIeR1e8EbhfqWWx1HDgta5MmKtPCURIvywBlI5kyNAwEint0...

September 15, 2020 | 11 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

The anatomy and physiology of vapes: Pods

[nk_awb awb_type="image" awb_stretch="true" awb_image="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/1Jtr1WGnjTe-onq5G3Sp7X1kCOetP3wVErJyKwF9FhyX7U-romHdNMgLofBY96z9wdtqcXvP_V-ksW-VcXkhpdfPlgBlOtDRK3W2c-5F_62v6PRtIcTzSO1T5SMg2E342ajMYFcxPuznz6YKJ7p05d8Qu7xv-K7DIqdY-JnVe6rBAkTQH3MjTBJLrdHk_xHtfl7fFrUYWx9XPOjNKTdn_jPnVLSFdhWSnPeGgZCMLTSgeBcVuBUdf2xBnTx-tBLw1fSwgHi24QaryheyTX36...

September 14, 2020 | 11 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Do face shields really work against COVID-19?

Ian Panelo/Pexels With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines, the policies and guidelines everyone has to follow have seen a number of changes over the last few months. In relatively recent developments, the Department of Transportation (DOT) mandated the use of face shields alongside face masks for commuters ...

September 8, 2020 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

A neck-deep narrative: Why can’t we breathe and swallow simultaneously?

Daria Shevtsova You might have tried it as a kid, and as you’re reading this, chances are you tried to actually do it. The adult human body can do many complicated things—it's just that being able to breathe and swallow at the same time isn't one of them. ...

September 1, 2020 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

From the COVID-19 frontlines: Drowning on the island

CDC; WHO A COVID-19 frontliner provides a glimpse into the lives of Filipino healthcare workers in barangay health centers, community clinics, and other primary care facilities—a reflection of the overall capacity and condition of the Philippine healthcare system in the face of this pandemic. In the middle of the ...

August 2, 2020 | 4 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Cracking jokes in inappropriate situations? You might have Witzelsucht

Getty Images First described by German neurologist Moritz Jastrowitz in 1888, "Witzelsucht" comes from the German words for "joke" (Witz) and "addiction" (Sucht). Merriam-Webster defines it as "excessive facetiousness and inappropriate or pointless humor[,] especially when considered as part of an abnormal condition." While rarely diagnosed, numerous cases of Witzelsucht have ...

July 23, 2020 | 2 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

15 tips to poison-proof your home, from Pinoy experts

Sebastian Duda/Shutterstock •As per Proclamation No. 1777, every fourth week of June is National Poison Prevention Week (NPPW) •The annual NPPW aims to increase people’s awareness on the importance of poisoning prevention at home, school, work and the general environment. •By being mindful of how we store, handle, and ...

June 23, 2020 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Ano ang mangyayari sa atin kung hindi magawa ang ‘mass testing’?

Getty Images Ito ang huling bahagi ng isang seryeng may apat na yugto. Basahin ang una, ikalawa, at ikatlong bahagi. Kahit na naipaliwanag na kung ano ang ibig sabihin ng mass testing at kung anu-ano ang kailangan para mangyari ito, mayroon pa ring tumututol dito. Magastos nga ba talaga ang ...

June 5, 2020 | 4 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Ano ba ang kailangan upang magkaroon na sa wakas ng ‘mass testing’?

Ito ang ikatlong bahagi ng isang seryeng may apat na yugto. Basahin ang unang bahagi at ikalawang bahagi. Sa paghingi natin ng mass testing, importanteng maintindihan natin na walang test para sa COVID-19 na isandaang porsyentong tama sa lahat ng oras. Ayon sa paliwanag ni Salvana sa isang Facebook post ...

June 2, 2020 | 4 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

‘Mass testing’ vs. ‘enhanced targeted testing’: Ang katotohanan sa likod ng kaguluhan

Malacañang File Photos Ito ang ikalawang bahagi ng isang seryeng may apat na yugto. Basahin ang unang bahagi dito. Sa isang Facebook post noong May 19, ipinaliwanag ni Salvana na ang mass testing ay kasalukuyan nang nangyayari, pero iba ang tawag dito. Kung ang ibig sabihin natin sa mass testing ...

May 29, 2020 | 5 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Ano ba talaga ang ibig sabihin ng ‘mass testing’?

Getty Images Ito ang unang bahagi ng isang seryeng may apat na yugto. Noong nakaraang linggo, nag-eksperimento ako. Namili ako ng ilang kaibigan at kakilala ko sa social media, at isa-isa ko silang tinanong: "Malinaw ba sa’yo ang kahulugan ng 'mass testing'?" Kainitan kasi noon ng isyu tungkol sa ...

May 27, 2020 | 4 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Feeling depressed while under quarantine? Spend more time with your pets

Ituner Gold/Pexels In 2018, the Philippines enacted RA 11036 into law. Also known as the Mental Health Act, it was designed to establish access to comprehensive and integrated mental health services. Based on numbers from the National Statistics Office, mental health is indeed an urgent problem in the country. The NSO ...

May 24, 2020 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Distilled vs. purified vs. mineral: Water you drinking, exactly?

Adobe Stock •While purified, distilled, and mineral water are all options for drinking water, there are certain differences between the three. •Purified and distilled water both undergo extensive purification processes, though the latter ends up nearly completely devoid of minerals. •Meanwhile, mineral water is naturally occuring or artificially prepared water ...

May 13, 2020 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

The panic-buying, misinformed Pinoy: How a pandemic attacks rationality

This article is part of our "Psychology of a Pandemic" series. In his 1990 essay published in Sociology of Health & Illness, sociologist Philip M. Strong wrote: "A major outbreak of novel, fatal epidemic disease can quickly be followed both by plagues of fear, panic, suspicion and stigma; and by mass ...

March 29, 2020 | 4 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Idle minds in isolation: How is COVID-19 affecting our mental health?

This article is part of our "Psychology of a Pandemic" series. History has shown than health crises affect more than just the physical body. During the 2014-2016 West African Ebola Outbreak, medical responders had to deal with other issues aside from physical symptoms. A 2015 survey revealed that out of 3,564 participants, ...

March 28, 2020 | 4 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Beat ‘cabin fever’: 5 tips for coping with COVID-19, from a Pinay psychiatrist

This article is part of our "Psychology of a Pandemic" series. There's no denying it: The worldwide COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed our way of life. Containment and mitigation measures are in place everywhere. Transportation systems have come to a screeching halt, and it'll be a long time before most ...

March 26, 2020 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

A Filipino scientist found a cancer-killer in snail bacteria—and named it after Bohol

•Working with scientists at the University of Utah, Dr. Joshua Torres identified a new molecule in bacteria from Truncatella snails. •Named after Bohol, boholamide A has shown potent cancer-killing properties in vitro, even against cancer cells in defensive mode. •The team will work with other experts in conducting further tests, ...

March 25, 2020 | 5 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Why do soaps and hand sanitizers expire?

With a towel draped over one arm and clean clothes over the other, you enter your bathroom, excited for a warm, soothing bath. An unpleasant realization hits you, though, as soon as you glance at the empty soap dish. Annoyed, you shout at your sibling downstairs, berating them for not ...

March 24, 2020 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis: The heartbreaking story of the Father of Handwashing

•In 1847, a Hungarian physician named Ignaz Semmelweis was the first to realize that improper handwashing could spread diseases in hospitals. •Despite his success in reducing mortality rates, Semmelweis' rules on handwashing and disinfection were rejected by the medical community at the time. •Years after his death, Semmelweis' findings contributed to ...

March 21, 2020 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

More than just a paternity test: What Pinoy TV shows don’t tell you about DNA testing

•Despite how popular culture normally depicts it, there's more to the science of DNA testing than paternity tests. •Your DNA contains your unique biological blueprint—and your body is a complex system of well-organized information.  •DNA testing has been a boon for agriculture, species conservation, food science, and space science, ...

February 7, 2020 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Antibiotic resistance: How misusing antibiotics kills thousands of people yearly

•The misuse of antibiotics (e.g. taking them without a prescription, or even when they're not needed) makes bacteria more resistant against them. •As a result, more and more antibiotic-resistant "superbugs" have emerged, killing about 700,000 yearly (based on modern estimates). •It's up to us to put a stop to antibiotic ...

January 13, 2020 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

This myth about spiders and sleep isn’t true (thankfully)

If you've been on the internet long enough, you've probably read this not-so-fun fact: The average person, while asleep, swallows eight spiders a year (or in their lifetime). Does the thought of arachnids crawling down your throat make you anxious? Fear not, because this is a completely made-up factoid. In ...

January 12, 2020 | 2 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Prosopagnosia: Why some people are bad at recognizing faces

Ever bumped into someone at a party and thought, “Who's this person, again?” You might have prosopagnosia. For many folks, having trouble recognizing a familiar face is an embarrassing predicament. For some, though, it's a persistent problem on an entirely different level—a daily living nightmare, even when they look ...

January 11, 2020 | 2 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

A whiff of danger: Experts convene to fight air pollution in Iloilo

About three years ago, doctors at St. Paul's Hospital Iloilo (SPHI) started sensing something in the air. All of a sudden, more and more patients seemed to be coming to the hospital. They were coughing, wheezing, and complaining of chest pains. Many of them suffered from asthma and pneumonia, and ...

November 13, 2019 | 2 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

5 things you need to know about polio in the Philippines

(Updated on October 28, 2019) Last September 19, the Department of Health (DOH) declared a polio outbreak in the Philippines. This marked the first time the vaccine-preventable disease became a major cause for alarm in the country since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Philippines free of wild polio in 2000. Reports confirmed ...

October 19, 2019 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

What you need to know about African swine fever in the Philippines

In early September 2019, the Department of Agriculture (DA) confirmed that at least a thousand pigs died due to the African swine fever (ASF) virus. This was after swine tissue samples sent to the United Kingdom for analysis tested positive for the disease. To date, there are at least 13 areas in ...

September 30, 2019 | 2 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

4 important things you need to know about dengue

(Updated on November 11, 2019) Months after the Dengvaxia controversy exploded in the Philippines, dengue is making local headlines once again. The Department of Health (DOH) recently declared a national dengue epidemic. Based on the report from the agency’s Epidemiology Bureau (DOH-EB), a total of 249,332 cases were reported across the country ...

September 11, 2019 | 2 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Methanol poisoning 101: Is it safe to drink your favorite alcoholic beverage?

•Recent reports of deaths allegedly resulting from alcohol consumption have raised public concerns about methanol poisoning.  •When the body metabolizes methanol, it produces toxic substances that may cause severe health issues if left untreated. •It is highly advised to avoid purchasing and consuming alcoholic beverages that are either unlabeled, illegal, ...

July 23, 2019 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Why we tend to feel depressed during gloomy weather

•Gloomy weather can bring about seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which may lead to sadness, anxiety, lethargy, and even depression. •The true cause of SAD remains unknown, though experts have suggested sunlight exposure and body clock disruptions as possible causes. •One can overcome SAD with appropriate medication, therapy, and professional guidance. ...

June 19, 2019 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

5 reasons why you should donate blood

Every day, every hour, someone is in need of blood. More than 2,000 blood units are used for transfusions daily throughout the country, and only we can produce this all-important resource. (Don't worry about running out of blood when you donate; your body's designed to prevent that from happening.) The generosity ...

June 14, 2019 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

All the air pollution around us is likely making everyone sadder

•A recently published study points to a link between lower air quality and a person's negative mood. •Comparing the global air quality index to the most recent World Happiness Report seems to support this as well. •These findings emphasize the need for stronger policies on safety and environmental sustainability. The ...

June 5, 2019 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Coffee, beer, or soft drinks? Your genes may hold the answer

•A recently published study examined variations in taste genes to explain our beverage preferences. •However, the results showed that genes related to these drinks' psychoactive properties, not taste, help shape our preferences. •Understanding our preferences for bitter or sweet drinks could help scientists design more effective ways of diet intervention. ...

May 8, 2019 | 2 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Why people aren’t so good at empathy

•Some people seem to exhibit, through their actions, a general unwillingness to feel empathy. •A study of 1,200 participants revealed that most of them saw empathy as too mentally straining. •However, it may actually be possible to encourage empathetic behavior in people. It happens every single time the newest Marvel movie ...

May 6, 2019 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

4 breakthroughs in medical science discovered by accident

Often, scientific discoveries are attained by actively studying a problem at hand, and by going through arduous experiment and research. But sometimes, luck can be on your side--like these four medical breakthroughs, which were all discoveries made by accident. Implantable Pacemaker Wilson Greatbatch holds a 1980s implantable pacemaker (left) and ...

April 16, 2019 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

The life cycle of a donut

It’s a sprawling convention center vibrating with activity, but a small, dense crowd has gathered in a distant corner. The object of their fascination is a baker, separated from his onlookers only by a thin piece of clear acrylic. He spreads a large circular sheet of dough and, using ...

April 12, 2019 | 7 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Loud, proud, and… productive? The strange way music affects how you work

Ever wonder why manong driver feels the need to blast loud music through his jeepney's speakers? Or why your officemate likes listening to lo-fi hip-hop all day, every day? It turns out that’s probably because that’s the best way to get them to do something… or it’s ...

April 11, 2019 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Become a better baker with simple science

Picture a baker putting together flour, eggs, oil, and other ingredients to make a cake. Meanwhile, in another part of town, a scientist is in his laboratory, experimenting with samples in test tubes. Surprisingly, these two have more in common than you may realize. After all, in many ways, cooking ...

April 9, 2019 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Planning to try the keto diet? Read these new findings first

•The keto diet works by sharply reducing your carb intake, replacing it with fat. •This puts your body in ketosis, which increases your body's fat-burning efficiency. •The keto diet requires more research though, as new findings reveal that the ketogenic lifestyle may have both positive and negative impacts on the ...

April 8, 2019 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Stay healthy: How to keep trans fats out of your diet

•Despite the negative reputation of fats, they are a necessary part of our diet. •The key is to avoid trans fats, which are found in processed foods and associated with serious health risks. •Aside from checking the label, keeping an active lifestyle and exploring alternative ways of food preparation are ...

April 3, 2019 | 4 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Exercise can help you lose weight–and might make you smarter, too

•According to neuroscientists, there is a positive link between physical exercise and cognition. •However, most people understandably associate exercise with physical rather than mental fitness. •Recent findings revealed that short-term cognitive gains from physical activity reflect exercise's long-term brain-boosting benefits. From reviewing days in advance to snacking on "brain-boosting" food, ...

March 25, 2019 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

So, are eggs good or bad for you? Let’s crack this convoluted message

•A newly published study claims that eating three or more eggs a week increases your risk of heart disease and dying early. •However, due to contradictory findings across decades and the new study's own limitations, these findings are far from indesputable. •All things considered, there's really no proven reason to ...

March 21, 2019 | 4 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

How prejudice is further endangering Pinoys with STDs

•Negative public attitudes toward people with sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs) may discourage them from seeking medical care. •Studies have established a troubling link between human papillomavirus (HPV), a common STD, and cervical cancer. •Medical professionals play an important role in ensuring the overall psychosocial health of patients with STDs. The culture ...

March 11, 2019 | 4 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Autism and measles vaccine are not linked, says massive new study

•A new study from Denmark reveals no link between the measles vaccine and increased autism risk. •The researchers looked at records from over 657,000 children born in Denmark. •In the Philippines, there are over 13,000 reported measles cases (based on February 2019 data). A massive new study of 657,461 children reaffirms what scientists and ...

March 5, 2019 | 2 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Medicine made specifically for Filipinos? DOST and PCHRD are on it

•Studies have shown that the effectiveness of treatment and therapy may vary based on genetic differences. •DOST and PCHRD are investing in omic technology, which will allow local scientists to conduct medical research tailored for Filipinos. •Omic technology will benefit not just the medical field, but other sectors as well. ...

March 4, 2019 | 2 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Can depression be reversed with the flick of a switch?

•Researchers studying the prefrontal cortex of the brain found that activating the SIRT1 gene seems to reverse depression symptoms. •However, this was only observed in male mice, and the findings aren't applicable to humans yet. •Nevertheless, this observation could mean major improvements in antidepressant research. According to statistics from the ...

February 20, 2019 | 2 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Is the Philippines ready to legalize marijuana?

•House Bill 6517 (the Philippine Compassionate Medical Cannabis Act) has been approved on third and final reading. •Upon its enactment, the government will control research and distribution of medical cannabis in the Philippines. •However, arguments both for and against this bill have been presented by various concerned groups. "I’m for ...

February 19, 2019 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

What Brazil did right about Dengvaxia (that the Philippines didn’t)

In the second installment of a two-part series, science communicator Carina Laroza examines how the handling of the Dengvaxia controversy in the Philippines may have shaped the public's perception of the vaccine. To read the first installment of this series, click here. The cost of lack of communication: Public distrust ...

February 12, 2019 | 5 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Here’s the real culprit behind the Dengvaxia scare

In the first installment of a two-part series, science communicator Carina Laroza takes a closer look at the roots of the Dengvaxia controversy in the Philippines. Since their discovery, vaccines have played an important role in eradicating numerous diseases and saving millions of lives. Vaccines have made an enormous contribution ...

February 12, 2019 | 7 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

5 urgent questions about the Philippine measles outbreak, answered

•Health officials in the Philippines declared a measles outbreak in February 2019 due to a disturbing rise in reported cases since January 1. •Recorded incidences of this lethal yet preventable disease have increased in different parts of the world as well. •The global measles outbreak is a result of the public's diminished ...

February 11, 2019 | 5 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Cannabis-infused non-alcoholic beer puts the ‘pot’ in ‘potable’

•Unlike alcohol, cannabis is not water-soluble, meaning it takes the body longer to metabolize it and feel its effects. •Creating cannabis-infused drinks is tricky due to the need to control the onset time and duration of the resulting "high." •A number of companies are now exploring different approaches to brewing ...

February 8, 2019 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Your e-cigarette can help you quit, but may also put your heart at risk

•A study of UK smokers revealed that e-cigarette use is more effective for kicking the habit than gum, patches, and other nicotine-replacement products. •However, another study with 400,000 US respondents showed a disturbing link between e-cigarette use and a higher risk of stroke and heart attack. •Experts also recommend treating e-cigarettes ...

January 31, 2019 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Hot stuff: 5 burning questions about spicy food, answered

• The distinct sensation that comes with eating spicy food is a product of capsaicin, a compound found in chili peppers. • Spicy foods have been linked to various positive and negative health effects, from weight loss to GERD. • While some of these misconceptions are easily explainable with science, others aren't as ...

January 11, 2019 | 4 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Did French researchers unlock the next step in HIV treatment?

• Researchers at the Institut Pasteur found that metabolic activity, particularly glucose consumption, makes CD4 cells more prone to HIV infection. • Using metabolic blockers, the scientists were able to prevent infection and destroy the reservoirs in ex vivo tests. • However, the researchers must do testing within a living organism before using ...

December 25, 2018 | 2 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Is this gene the secret to fighting obesity?

• Recently published research reveals that a gene called RCAN1 may be the key to fighting obesity. • Experiments showed that blocking RCAN1 prevented weight gain in mice, even after they were subjected to a prolonged diet of high-fat foods. • Disabling RCAN1 can help turn energy-storing white fat into energy-burning brown fat. ...

December 6, 2018 | 2 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Is it safe to eat moldy bread after cutting off the mold?

• Cutting off the discolored parts of moldy bread does not make the bread safe to eat. • Mold is actually a fungus that grows deep into the "clean" parts of bread. • Eating "clean" moldy bread can lead to serious health issues, and may even be lethal. Picture this: You wake up ...

December 2, 2018 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Peanut better: New study spreads hope for peanut allergy treatment

Clinical trials with controlled doses of peanut-derived compound AR101 revealed promising results among allergic children over a period of one year. However, trials involving adults did not reveal significant improvements. Nevertheless, this research may lead to the development of the world's first approved peanut allergy treatment. A newly published study ...

November 26, 2018 | 2 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Head-scratchers: 5 surprising facts about dandruff

It's itchy, it's irritating, and it's the only kind of "snow" we see around these parts. Dandruff is a rather annoying affliction that many Filipinos grapple with. Interestingly, given how common this illness is, it's also one of the most poorly understood. Blame it on tradition, commercialization, or our tendency ...

November 11, 2018 | 4 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Why you should never eat slugs on a dare

Eating raw or undercooked slugs, snails, and other critters - or even poorly prepared vegetables - can get you infected with rat lungworm, a parasite that's as disgusting and dangerous as it sounds. At 19 years old, Sam Ballard had a promising future. A student at Barker College in Australia, Sam ...

November 7, 2018 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Your appendix may have ties to Parkinson’s (but don’t have it removed yet)

Losing your appendix early may reduce your risk of Parkinson's disease -- but don't schedule your surgery just yet. The appendix is one of the least understood (and perhaps most annoying) organs in our body. Its actual purpose in adult humans seems to be crucial, but is rather poorly defined. ...

November 2, 2018 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Stills for work: “Cells at Work” offers free content for academic use

The creators of the hit manga-based show Hataraku Saibou have embraced its role in the classroom. This led to the recent launch of official assets from the show, specifically for learning. Medical students and practitioners have praised the anime (which goes by the alternate title Cells at Work, its literal ...

October 7, 2018 | 2 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Is diet soda bad for you?

As the saying goes, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. That said, diet soda -- a mix of carbonated water, artificial sweeteners (such as aspertame, saccharin, and sucralose), and other non-sugar additives -- probably ranks pretty high on the list of things that sound good. ...

October 1, 2018 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Should Pinoy restaurant menus include calorie counts?

In the face of increasing obesity rates, American restaurants are now required to include calorie counts on their menus. And if a recent study from Cornell University were to be believed, this rather simple change could have a significant impact on diners' ordering habits. Customers: We're cool with calorie-counting The ...

September 27, 2018 | 2 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

The hole truth: Do you really have trypophobia?

(Updated on September 11, 2019) You take a sip of your bubble milk tea, pausing to appreciate just how good it is. It's your favorite: rock salt and cheese, with two extra orders of pearls thrown in for good measure. Deeming it "Instagram-worthy," you decide to take a picture of it. After ...

September 9, 2018 | 2 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Yakult everyday, not-so-okay? Studies question benefits of probiotics

Probiotic drinks (such as the ever-popular Yakult) are a staple in virtually any Filipino household. Often called "good bacteria," probiotics are live bacteria consumed to improve digestion and gut health. However, two recently published studies in the journal Cell cast a slight shadow of doubt over these oft-repeated health claims. "...

September 7, 2018 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Time(d) to diet: 10-hour “eating window” may improve your metabolic health

At a total loss as to how you could keep off unwanted pounds? If you've already tried controlling what you're eating, perhaps you could also start monitoring when you eat. A recently published study in the journal Cell Metabolism suggests that restricting food access to a 10-hour "eating window" may ...

September 4, 2018 | 2 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Is it bad to go to sleep with wet hair?

If you live in a typical Filipino household, you've probably heard this from your mother: "Huwag kang matutulog nang basa ang buhok mo!" Chances are, she probably even told you that sleeping with wet hair will cause you to catch a cold or wake up with a nasty migraine. Well, ...

August 31, 2018 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

5 phobias you didn’t know existed

It's not uncommon for us to have things that, without fail, give us goosebumps and make our hairs stand on end. It also isn't unheard of for people to react to certain stimuli in an irrationally fearful manner, skipping disgust or uneasiness and jumping straight to panic, anxiety, and pure ...

August 29, 2018 | 4 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

5 coffee myths debunked by science

Coffee is believed to have been a part of our everyday lives since the mid-15th century. It's somewhat surprising, then, how there still seems to be a gallon of misconceptions about it. Often, these myths are used to dissuade us from drinking too much of the black brew. However, ...

August 26, 2018 | 4 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Overtime ka na naman? Workaholism in the Philippines

It's an all-too-familiar tale: You check the time on your computer, belatedly realizing that you've already spent roughly an hour working past your shift. With a defeated groan (this is, after all, unauthorized -- and therefore uncredited -- overtime), you turn off your monitor, hastily put your things in your ...

August 23, 2018 | 4 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Vaping: Is it truly better than smoking?

Some people splurge on things such as overpriced coffee, fancy food, or even alcohol from time to time. Others are so hooked on their self-indulgences that they fail to consider the consequences of their actions. Chained to their vices by addiction, these individuals seek their objects of obsession as if ...

July 13, 2018 | 7 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

5 “healthy” foods that can ruin your diet

  At some point, we've all stared at ourselves in the mirror and found some reason to be dissatisfied with how we look. For most people, this usually stems from seeing how unwanted pounds affect their appearance. Typically, a quick Google search follows: "ways to lose weight", "how to gain ...

July 3, 2018 | 6 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

How bad is air pollution in the Philippines?

What is one thing that you cannot live without? It's an admittedly tricky question. When not taken literally, you can have a plethora of answers: food, water, friends, love, and even sense of purpose. Apart from those items (and abstract concepts), however, there is one simple thing that we need 24/7, ...

June 18, 2018 | 7 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

The original sin: Your smoking can harm your children

Vinz is just like any other 4-year-old: really shy at first, but becomes a ball of energy once he warms up to you. His favorite color is orange, which also happens to be his favorite fruit (tied with the banana). He loves Pokémon; he likes to think of himself ...

April 29, 2018 | 7 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

Reality bites: Swatting myths and rumors about Dengvaxia

When Sanofi issued a formal advisory against Dengvaxia, the dengue vaccine that it developed, citizens, government officials, and media outlets in the Philippines buzzed like a scourge of mosquitoes. The company’s announcement seemed like a nightmare transformed into reality: According to their latest data — which they have yet to ...

December 13, 2017 | 3 mins read

top research topics in the philippines

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Qualitative Research Topics & Ideas For Students

The Best Qualitative Research Topics For Students

Do you have difficulty finding a qualitative research title for your project? If you are, you need not worry because you are not alone. However, there are many unique qualitative titles you can explore for your research. You just need a few qualitative research title examples to get you started. Qualitative research is focused on data obtained through a researcher’s first-hand observations, natural setting recording, artifacts, case studies, documents, questionnaires, and interviews. The findings in qualitative research are usually non-numerical. Also, it is common in humanities and social sciences. This post provides over 100 qualitative research topics you can consider.

  • The Best Qualitative Research Topics That Impress the Teacher

Exceptional Qualitative Research Topics In Social Science

Qualitative research title examples for students, fantastic examples of qualitative research titles, good topics to start for qualitative research, qualitative research topics in education, quick examples of qualitative research topics, qualitative research topics in the philippines, qualitative researches topics about humanity & social science, great choices of qualitative research title examples, qualitative research topics for students to think about, our examples of the best qualitative research topics that impress the teacher.

An excellent research topic will help you earn a good grade. Consider any example of a qualitative research title from the following options:

  • The impacts of social media on physical social engagement in society
  • The benefits of treating mental disorders with medication
  • The effects of Gender-Based Violence on women’s social lives in rural areas
  • The decline of academic pursuit in third-world countries
  • Sexual workers: the stigma they experience
  • How has the promotion of feminist values influenced workplaces?
  • Free education: its impact in third-world countries
  • What is the correlation between education and success?
  • Ableism: its effects on disabled people in society
  • Food insecurity in third-world nations
The topic of your research paper can influence how easily you can conduct your study and draw conclusions.

Here are fantastic examples of qualitative research titles:

  • Female harm: how it is influenced by culture
  • The socioeconomic impacts of free education
  • The link between food insecurity and poor performance in schools
  • Alcoholism among college students: a critical study
  • How to mitigate child labor in our society
  • The root causes of child labor in Latin America
  • The stigma of living with transmissive medical conditions
  • The root cause of the stigma of people living with disabilities
  • How to identify depression in small children
  • Signs of autism in kids below two years old

Choosing a qualitative research topic is not a task you should take lightly because it can influence your performance. Here are some noteworthy qualitative research titles examples:

  • Basic patient care policies in developing nations
  • The impacts of alcoholism on education
  • Adult learning: what does it entail?
  • Homeschooling: Is it the latest trend after the pandemic?
  • Does computer literacy influence the quality of education kids enjoy?
  • How to effectively teach students with learning disabilities
  • The relationship between poor education systems and crime rates in third-world countries
  • Student bullying: the psychological impacts
  • Should high school students go through university preparedness programs?
  • research writing in high schools: its significance

Are you looking for qualitative research topic examples to start your study? Below are some creative examples to consider:

  • Remote tests: are they as effective as in-class tests?
  • The value of social activities in academic institutions
  • Why should healthcare be free in all countries?
  • The implications of racist laws on society
  • The reception of COVID-19 vaccines and treatments
  • What is the difference between foreign policies in first-world and third-world nations?
  • Racism and Colorism: what is the difference?
  • Dissecting the causes of low voter turnouts in the 21 st century
  • The challenges of social media on kid’s brain development
  • The inclusion of black women in American politics and its impacts

When competing with several brilliant minds, a good research topic can do you greatly. The following qualitative research examples titles are a great place to start:

  • Should school uniforms be discarded for high schoolers?
  • The need for equal representation in global politics
  • The implications of police brutality on politics
  • The role of parental care in foster kids
  • The distinction between Islamic values and Christian values
  • The correlation between political instability and migration
  • Sex trafficking and violence against women: what is the link?
  • How can global governments eradicate homelessness?
  • Fraternities and sororities: are they still relevant?
  • The role of literature in promoting societal changes

Qualitative research is popular in the education field and other social sciences. Choose a qualitative research title example on the subject of education from the following list:

  • Effectively introducing foreign languages in the high school curriculum
  • How can teachers help students with disabilities improve their learning?
  • The link between social activities and comprehension among students
  • Research writing in high schools: is it necessary?
  • How has virtual learning influenced teacher-student relationships?
  • The implications of allowing smartphones in classes
  • Should all schools introduce sign language lessons in their curriculum?
  • Student loans: their impacts on black students
  • The impacts of race on college acceptance rates
  • Poverty and education: what is the link?
  • Ethnic and socioeconomic causes of poor school attendance in developing worlds
  • Various teaching methods and their efficiency
  • Efficient teaching methods for children below two years
  • Why do students perform better in humanities than in sciences?
  • The difference between college acceptance and completion in most nations
  • Remote learning in developing countries
  • What are the best ways of approaching bullying in schools?
  • How do teachers promote inequality among students?
  • Does social class influence academic performance negatively or positively?
  • How do teachers shape their students’ personalities?

Coming up with a qualitative research title can be hard because of the numerous subject areas and the issue of uniqueness. Therefore, we have prepared the following qualitative title examples for you:

  • How to promote oral learning in classrooms
  • Political instability in developing countries: its economic impacts
  • The impacts of weather on social activities
  • Boredom and poor-decision making: the connection
  • Exploring the connection between attachment types and love languages
  • Socioeconomic impacts of instability on a country
  • How does social media impact the perception of reality
  • Reality TV shows: are they a true reflection of reality?
  • How culture applies to different age groups
  • Is social media influencing the loss of cultural values?

You can base your research topic on a specific region or nation, like the Philippines. A sample qualitative research title can get you started. You can pick a sample qualitative research title from the ideas below:

  • Why are so many Philippines residents migrating to America?
  • The impact of politics on migration in the Philippines
  • How has violence led to food insecurity in rural areas in the Philippines?
  • The Philippine education system: an overview
  • How cultural norms influence social activities in the Philippines
  • Gender roles in the Philippines society
  • How popular Filipino cultures have served as agents of social change in the nation
  • The link between male dominance and GBV in the Philippines
  • Barriers to clean hygiene in health centers in the Philippines
  • The spread of COVID in rural areas in the Philippines

Most top performers in research subjects attribute their success to choosing the best title for qualitative research. Here are some qualitative research topics about humanities and social science to promote good performance:

  • The impact of poor market rivalry on supply and demand
  • The role of parents in shaping kids’ morals
  • Is social media the root cause of poor societal morals?
  • How does alcohol impact a person’s normal behavior?
  • How often should adults engage in sporting activities?
  • Children’s eating habits and their influences
  • Low socioeconomic backgrounds and their impacts on self-esteem
  • The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the world’s views on viral diseases
  • How can school-going kids manage depression
  • Causes of mental challenges among school-going kids

Finding a good topic for qualitative research is a critical task that requires a lot of thought and research. However, we have simplified the process with the following qualitative topic ideas:

  • Pop music and erratic youth behavior: is there a link?
  • How do public figures influence cultures?
  • Ideas for improving healthcare in developing nations
  • Possible solutions for alleviating the food crisis in developing nations
  • New ways of mitigating viral diseases
  • Social media trends among the elderly
  • Quarantine as a mitigation approach for infectious diseases
  • Promoting social justice in patriarchal societies
  • Worrying trends among the young population
  • Emerging marketing trends in 2023

Qualitative research for college and high school students helps improve reading, writing, and intellectual skills. Here are some qualitative research examples and topic ideas for students :

  • How to detect and prevent natural disasters beforehand
  • Can the whole world have the same education system?
  • What is the most effective therapy for patients recuperating from brain surgery?
  • Possible solutions for promoting ethical practices in telehealth
  • Can addicts overcome addiction without therapy?
  • The latest technology trends and their impacts?
  • How can global governments promote mental health awareness?
  • Have smartphones caused reduced attention spans among users?
  • Sexual violence in rural areas
  • The introduction of Islam in African nations

We Are Here for You

Qualitative research is an investigative analysis of intangible or inexact data, mostly non-numerical. The title of qualitative research you choose will guide your entire research process and influence its conclusions. Do you need a paper or an example of a research title qualitative topic? Our expert team is ready to write it for you.

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Writing Difficulties of Humanities and Social Sciences Learners in Philippine Politics and Governance

Writing is a very intricate skill to acquire among the four language skills. According to Gomaa (2010), writing is the most challenging language skill. This qualitative study was conducted to determine the writing difficulties committed by Humanities and Social Sciences (HumSS) learners and analyze how they develop a topic in Philippine Politics and Governance (PPG). Participants of the study were the Grade 11 learners of Morong NHS, Morong, Rizal, who took up the said subject for S.Y. 2019-2020 in its First Semester. Twelve (12) learners from the six (6) HumSS classes were considered using the Systematic Sampling Technique. This study employed the Grounded Theory approach to examine written output using codes from the three (3) phases of coding – Open, Axial, and Selective Coding. After the coding process, significant themes emerged and were subjected to analysis. Findings revealed that the most common difficulties committed by the participants when developing a topic are Grammatical Errors, Inappropriate Use of Political Concepts, and Inappropriate Choice of Vocabulary. It is also found out that Unnecessary Shift in Tense (UST), Ambiguous Pronoun Reference (APR), Loose Sentence (L.S.), Sentence Fragment (S.F.), Dangling Modifier (D.M.), and Wordy Sentence (W.S.) are next in line.  Also, participants of this study choose to develop their topics in Exposition, Narration, Analogy, and Examples/Illustrations. More so, participants in this study also found it hard to create an issue when given a Philippine Politics and Governance writing task due to language constraints evident in their writing outputs.

Varieties of Clientelism in Comparative Democracies: Power, State Formation and Citizenship in the Philippines, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Abstract Clientelism in comparative democracies have evolved through time within informal and formal institutions. Using the book by Brkovic, that follows the tradition of challenging the unidimensional view of clientelism in Bosnia and Herzegovina, this essay provides the Philippine case as contrast and comparison. The article examines how both countries’ experience can open new avenues for us to understand the durability of clientelism and its relationship with formal and informal institutions. Brokovic’s agency and personhood within clientelistic relationships accounts for the endurance of this practice in democratic societies that experienced transition. Clientelism persists in part due to the reliability of personal relations over the ability of public institutions to deliver. This review article will probe clientelism, as it manifests in the politics of the Philippines and its democratic institutions. Among the multiple types of clientelistic relationship in the Philippines, some emphasize the role of machine politics, corruption, and coercion. Brković’s book provides a new lens of analysis by looking at clientelism through personhood and agency as power. The contribution of the book on the discourse of clientelism can deepen the understanding of Philippine politics because it encourages an analysis that looks at the exercise of democracy through personhood, agency, and informal institutions. It invites us to view clientelism not just through corruption and violence. By combining the analysis that utilizes formal and informal institutions, personhood and structuralist, this essay explains why some countries that have transitioned into democracies remain ambiguous states and explain the persistence of clientelism.

Beyond Personalistic Politics: A Progressive Congresswoman’s Challenge to a Political Dynasty in Dinagat Islands, Philippines

Abstract Political dynasties remain powerful in Philippine politics to this day. However, in recent years, the Philippines has experienced some significant transformations in the realm of traditional politics. Some politicians have emerged at the local level willing to confront those supported by dynastic politics. Since most literature on Philippine politics have emphasized the durability of elite domination, such changes have not yet been fully studied. This article addresses how progressive politics evolves in contention with a political dynasty based on a qualitative, exploratory case study approach by highlighting the case of Dinagat Islands where a progressive congresswoman who ran for Congress defeated a candidate from an entrenched political dynasty by practicing programmatic governance. It explores how government capacity to respond to demands of the people can be improved. As a result of this, the article clarifies a new, though not common, dynamic of Philippine politics in the 2010s and provides important implications for the possibility of future political development and theorizing in the country.

From the Author: Writing Philippine Politics and the Marcos Technocrats

Philippine politics and the marcos technocrats: the emergence and evolution of a power elite, written by teresa s. encarnacion tadem, politics of the philippines: from rizal to duterte.

The heartland of former Spanish East Indies and once America’s sole colony in Asia, the Philippines is a land of mind-bending paradoxes, where swift changes have gone hand in hand with obstinate continuities. The Southeast Asian nation witnessed the birth of Asia’s first modern nationalist movement, initially led by the progressive sections of the Creole class and the so-called ilustrado mestizos, but reaching its apogee in the final years of the 19th century under the command of (Tagalog-dominated) provincial gentry and a broad coalition of petty bourgeois nationalists. In contrast, advanced state-formation came relatively late to the island nation, which has a limited history of large-scale polities in the precolonial era compared to neighboring Indonesia (Majapahit Empire) or Cambodia (Khmer Empire). A century since the advent of ‘first Filipinos,’ the country’s nation-building project remains glaringly unfinished, hobbled by persistent ethnolinguistic divides and Islamist and Communist movements that are among the world’s longest-running such insurgencies. For almost five centuries, Catholicism stood as the dominant religion in the country, but recent decades have seen homegrown evangelical groups become major forces in the country’s political landscape with the advent of denominational ‘bloc voting.’ A major entrepot during the trans-pacific Galleon Trade, the country became a regional economic powerhouse from the late 18th century up until the mid-20th century. Building on bouts of liberal reforms during Spanish colonialism and Commonwealth institutions under American tutelage, the Philippines also boasts among the oldest democratic institutions in the postcolonial world. The past half century, however, witnessed the country’s decline to the “Sick man of Asia” following decades of political instability and absence of sustained economic development. Amidst massive inequality and rampant corruption, the country has repeatedly relapsed into various permutations of authoritarian rule, from the Ferdinand Marcos dictatorship to the resurgent populism of Rodrigo Duterte in recent years. In international politics, the Philippines has undergone a similarly turbulent trajectory, repeatedly caught in between rival empires, from Spanish–American Wars in the late-19th century to its strategic flirtation with a rising China despite its formal military alliance with America. What has remained largely constant is the composition of the country’s ruling elite, thanks to its remarkable geopolitical adaptability. The upshot is a weak state enfeebled by powerful interest groups and checked by a vibrant civil society. Accordingly, the study of Philippine politics should cover its troubled nation-state-formation, cacique-dominated political economy and attendant authoritarian temptations, as well as the unique brand of populist and liberal topes in its political discourse.

Key Philippine-US pact should endure through 2021

Significance In February 2020, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said he would terminate the pact. With the termination process having been extended twice, the VFA is now due to expire in August 2021. Impacts China will continue to assert its territorial and jurisdictional claims in the Philippines’s exclusive economic zone. Beijing’s pledges to invest in Philippine infrastructure will only be partially implemented. Philippine politics will be increasingly dominated by manoeuvring related to the May 2022 general election.

The Philippines: Civil-Military Relations, from Marcos to Duterte

The Philippines has been beset by several instances of military mutinies since the end of the Marco dictatorship. The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) were also actively involved in pressuring the resignation of President Joseph Estrada and in propping up the presidency of Estrada’s successor, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. The military’s actions suggested that that the armed forces’ influence in Philippine politics was on the rise. Since that time, with no instances of coups and mutinies under the presidencies of Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III and Rodrigo Roa Duterte, military adventurism appears to be on the decline. Could it be that civilian supremacy is ascendant in the Philippines and the AFP have abandoned their “interventionist tendency” in civilian affairs? An examination of the patterns in post-Marcos Philippine civil-military relations in five domains—elite recruitment, public policy, internal security, national defense, and military organization—indicates that the AFP remain a highly politicized institution. Although institutional guardrails to preserve civilian supremacy have been instituted, with positive moves to professionalize and reorient the armed forces toward an external security posture, challenges in the areas of elite-dominated and clientelistic governance and the country’s protracted insurgencies remain obstacles to civilian political leaders’ authority over the military.


The focus of this study is the radical politics of President Rodrigo Duterte. The leader has clashed with influential businessmen on critical issues. This investigation examines the president’s battle against the oligarchy in the country. This research will try show that the rise to power of the first president from Mindanao is a reaction to elite rule. It seeks to reveal that the style of leadership of Duterte is reflective of the historical context that the critics of the president fail to account for. In arguing the case for Duterte’s non-conventional approach in overhauling Philippine politics and society, the issues involving some conglomerates in the country are mentioned. In terms of method, the interpretive and analytical approach will be used, citing the available literature and documents to strengthen the article’s arguments. The significance of this study has something to do with the idea of good governance. It argues that in the pursuit of a truly democratic society, the foundations of the basic structure must be strengthened. The pragmatic leadership of Duterte is a reflection of the deeper kind of radical change or substantive transformation that is needed to fight elite rule.

Review of Philippine Politics and the Marcos Technocrats: The Emergence and Evolution of a Power Elite

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Legal Research Topics Philippines: Essential Guide for Legal Studies

  • Posted on July 16, 2022

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The Fascinating World of Legal Research Topics in the Philippines

Legal research is an essential part of the Philippine legal system, and it is crucial for understanding the laws, regulations, and legal precedents that govern the country. Whether you are a law student, legal practitioner, or simply interested in the legal landscape of the Philippines, there are numerous fascinating legal research topics to explore.

Key Legal Research Topics in the Philippines

Here intriguing legal research topics delve into:

Importance of Legal Research in the Philippines

Legal research is vital for staying informed about the dynamic legal landscape of the Philippines. By conducting thorough legal research, legal professionals can stay updated on the latest laws and regulations, understand judicial interpretations of legal principles, and identify legal trends and developments. Moreover, legal research is essential for building a strong case, formulating effective legal strategies, and advocating for justice.

Case Study: Landmark Supreme Court Decision

In 2019, the Philippine Supreme Court handed down a historic decision in Republic v. Sereno, which involved the quo warranto petition against the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. This case raised critical constitutional and procedural issues, and its outcome significantly impacted the judiciary and the rule of law in the Philippines. Legal researchers extensively analyzed the legal arguments, judicial opinions, and implications of this landmark decision, demonstrating the profound impact of legal research on understanding and shaping the legal system.

Legal Research Topics in the Philippines offer rich diverse field exploration understanding intricacies legal system. Whether you are interested in constitutional law, human rights, environmental law, business law, or criminal law, there is no shortage of captivating legal research topics to delve into. By immersing oneself in legal research, one can gain a deeper appreciation for the complexities and nuances of the Philippine legal landscape.

Legal Research Topics in the Philippines

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Top 10 Legal Research Topics in the Philippines

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[OPINION] The state of research in the Philippines

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[OPINION] The state of research in the Philippines

Raffy de Guzman/Rappler

There are many ways to appreciate universities and colleges. In the Philippines, the public values tertiary institutions based on different metrics. 

Most of the time, a university’s reputation is based on the performance of its graduates in board exams. Filipinos are generally aware of which universities are strong in, say, nursing, civil engineering, law, medicine, accountancy, and architecture. A university’s passing rates in these fields are thus important.

To this metric could be added many others: employability of its graduates, performance in sports, the quality of teaching, and acceptance rates. These are all important for universities to thrive.

I feel though that one area that needs more emphasis is research. I say this given my experience having been a professor and a university administrator. I have also collaborated with many colleagues around the country. Based on these interactions, I’m convinced that greater conversations are needed not only within a university but also among universities and policymakers. 

Indeed, there’s a big room for improvement when it comes to the state of research in Philippine higher education. 

Research productivity

One can begin with the global university rankings. 

To be sure, I recognize that many value university rankings and treat them as the mark of an institution’s success. But we also need to be critical as, according to research, they are “ open to manipulation and gaming .” They also rely on metrics that typically favor well-endowed institutions.

But if we could suspend that bit for now, we can also recognize that research productivity and reputation figure prominently in these rankings. Note: both feed off each other in the research ecosystem. Active researchers tend to know and work with one another. They meet in conferences, read each other’s writings, and even co-author their own publications. 

Those without resources are left behind in this ecosystem.

It is very telling then that only four Philippine institutions have made it to THE World University Rankings and five in QS . In both cases, all except UP are private universities. 

By context, according to CHED’s latest list , there are more than 2,000 higher education institutions around the country.

In a way, this pattern is not surprising. The research productivity of Philippine institutions has been consistently low compared to our counterparts in other ASEAN countries . This productivity is also concentrated in a small group of universities, a pattern that earlier research had also observed even in the 1990s .

The Philippines does not have enough scientists too. 

According to UNESCO, the ideal number of research scientists and engineers (RSEs) must be 380 per million population to aid industrialization. A report by the National Academy of Science and Technology reveals that in 2017, the gap was 110 RSEs per million .

This of course is not to deny the potential of Philippine institutions to produce high quality research. A recent list shows that there are more than 7,000 published researchers across all disciplines in the country. According to Scival , the number of publications of several Philippine universities has also been increasing since the early 2000s. 

But the wider reasons for the dismal reality I described above must also be taken seriously. According to one study , professors in the Philippines do not have enough time simply because they are teaching a lot of classes. 

This is of course tied to income, with colleagues preferring to overload. Many of my colleagues would agree that income varies depending on one’s university. As Jason Tan Liwag concludes in his report, “ it seems that to be a scientist in the Philippines, you must take a vow of poverty and enter a system rigged against you .”

Other reasons include fear of rejection and inadequate training. 

And let’s not forget the inadequate research infrastructure of many universities. That many libraries are underfunded is a major obstacle. 

For a study to be publishable, it needs to engage the wider scholarly literature. But that assumes that one has access to relevant books, journals, and other databases, for which institutional subscription is necessary — and very expensive. The same may be said about laboratories, office equipment, and workspaces to support faculty and students. 

(I also need to mention pantries! In my experience, they are spaces where informal but useful conversations happen.)

Unfortunately, not only are institutions underfunded. The procurement process delays much of scholars’ work in state universities and colleges.

If there’s one lesson to be learned from all these observations, it is this one: putting pressure on tertiary institutions to produce research is not going to help. At the level of universities, promotion is increasingly linked to one’s publications. 

At the level of higher education as a whole, a new policy in place is prohibitive. Graduate students are now required to publish before receiving their degrees.

The problem, for the reasons I spelled out above, is that not all institutions are prepared for this pressure. In a recent essay, Benguet State University’s Joseph Quinto expresses his worry that these policies may stifle groundbreaking scholarship and cause students to publish in predatory journals . In my conversations with colleagues around the Philippines, I’ve heard these sentiments repeated over and over again. 

In fact, what worries me more is that this pressure would only lead to unnecessary anxieties among early career scholars and graduate students. At their stage, they should be first mentored to develop their skills and build their confidence. In the Philippines, the reality is that graduate students are also working at the same time, as I am seeing now in my current capacity as a Visiting Professor here in Bacolod.

Public good

In college, many students dread research. For the most part it’s because they’re having a miserable time. Many professors, based on the stories I’ve encountered, tend to be dismissive or simply difficult. If that were the case, then it’s clear that in these settings, there’s no joy in discovery. 

That to me is a tragedy for any university. Our universities should be spaces where discovery is life-giving. Whether it’s history or economics, robotics or creative writing, universities must be the environment where discovery is enabled instead of simply coerced.

Research, after all, is inseparable from the quality of teaching and training a student receives. While I know that there are many wonderful teacher-mentors out there, universities need to be spaces where research and teaching are in a symbiotic relationship to stimulate collective learning. 

To be embedded in a research-active environment is certainly good for our students, many of whom will one day become professionals and leaders in their fields. 

“In this way,” writes David Rosowsky, “the next generation of scholars (academic or otherwise) is trained, research and discovery continue to advance inter-generationally, and the cycle is perpetuated.”

But we also need to recognize that the culture of research and creative work is in itself a fundamental public good . From disinformation to public health, the issues confronting our society call for a strong research infrastructure.

And we know it’s strong if it enables innovative work across disciplines and enables new generations of passionate scholars. – Rappler.com

Jayeel Cornelio, PhD is Professor of Development Studies at the Ateneo de Manila University and Visiting Professor in the Graduate School of the University of St La Salle. He is also the Vice Chair of the Social Sciences Division of the National Research Council of the Philippines. Follow him on Twitter @jayeel_cornelio .

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250 Grade 12 Quantitative Research Topics for Senior High School Students in the Philippines

Greetings, dear senior high school students in the Philippines! If you’re on the hunt for that ideal quantitative research topic for your Grade 12 project, you’ve struck gold! You’re in for a treat because we’ve got your back. Within the pages of this blog, we’ve meticulously assembled an extensive catalog of 250 intriguing quantitative research themes for your exploration.

We completely grasp that the process of selecting the right topic might feel a tad overwhelming. To alleviate those concerns, we’ve crafted this resource to simplify your quest. We’re about to embark on a journey of discovery together, one that will empower you to make a well-informed choice for your research project. So, without further ado, let’s plunge headfirst into this wealth of research possibilities!

Table of Contents

What is Quantitative Research?

Quantitative research is a type of research that deals with numbers and data. It involves collecting and analyzing numerical information to draw conclusions or make predictions. It’s all about using statistics and mathematical methods to answer research questions. Now, let’s explore some exciting quantitative research topics suitable for Grade 12 students in the Philippines.

  • How Social Media Affects Academic Performance
  • Factors Influencing Students’ Choice of College Courses
  • The Relationship Between Study Habits and Grades
  • The Effect of Parental Involvement on Students’ Achievements
  • Bullying in High Schools: Prevalence and Effects
  • How Does Nutrition Affect Student Concentration and Learning?
  • Examining the Relationship Between Exercise and Academic Performance
  • The Influence of Gender on Math and Science Performance
  • Investigating the Factors Leading to School Dropouts
  • The Effect of Peer Pressure on Decision-Making Among Teens
  • Exploring the Connection Between Socioeconomic Status and Academic Achievement
  • Assessing the Impact of Technology Use in Education
  • The Correlation Between Sleep Patterns and Academic Performance
  • Analyzing the Impact of Classroom Size on Student Engagement
  • The Role of Extracurricular Activities in Character Development
  • Investigating the Use of Alternative Learning Modalities During the Pandemic
  • The Effectiveness of Online Learning Platforms
  • The Influence of Parental Expectations on Career Choices
  • The Relationship Between Music and Concentration While Studying
  • Examining the Link Between Personality Traits and Academic Success

Now that we’ve given you a taste of the topics, let’s break them down into different categories:

Education and Academic Performance:

  • The Impact of Teacher-Student Relationships on Learning
  • Exploring the Benefits of Homework in Learning
  • Analyzing the Effectiveness of Different Teaching Methods
  • Investigating the Use of Technology in Teaching
  • The Role of Educational Field Trips in Learning
  • The Relationship Between Reading Habits and Academic Success
  • Assessing the Impact of Standardized Testing on Students
  • The Effect of School Uniforms on Student Behavior
  • Analyzing the Benefits of Bilingual Education
  • How Classroom Design Influences Student Engagement

Health and Wellness:

  • Analyzing the Connection Between Fast Food Consumption and Health Outcomes
  • Exploring How Physical Activity Impacts Mental Health
  • Investigating the Prevalence of Stress Among Senior High School Students
  • The Effect of Smoking on Academic Performance
  • The Relationship Between Nutrition and Physical Fitness
  • Analyzing the Impact of Vaccination Programs on Public Health
  • Understanding the Importance of Sleep in Mental and Emotional Well-being
  • Investigating the Use of Herbal Remedies in Health Management
  • The Effect of Screen Time on Eye Health
  • Examining the Connection Between Drug Abuse and Academic Performance

Social Issues:

  • Exploring the Factors Leading to Teenage Pregnancy
  • Analyzing the Impact of Social Media on Body Image
  • Investigating the Causes of Youth Involvement in Juvenile Delinquency
  • The Effect of Cyberbullying on Mental Health
  • The Relationship Between Gender Equality and Education
  • Assessing the Impact of Poverty on Student Achievement
  • The Influence of Religion on Moral Values
  • Analyzing the Role of Filipino Culture in Shaping Values
  • The Effect of Political Instability on Education
  • Investigating the Impact of Mental Health Awareness Campaigns

Technology and Innovation:

  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Education
  • Examining the Impact of E-Learning Platforms on Student Performance
  • Exploring the Application of Virtual Reality in Education
  • The Effect of Smartphone Use on Classroom Distractions
  • The Relationship Between Coding Skills and Future Employment
  • Assessing the Benefits of Gamification in Education
  • The Influence of Online Gaming on Academic Performance
  • Analyzing the Role of 3D Printing in Education
  • Investigating the Use of Drones in Environmental Research
  • Analyzing How Social Networking Sites Affect Socialization

Environmental Concerns:

  • Assessing the Effects of Climate Change Awareness on Conservation Efforts
  • Investigating the Impact of Pollution on Local Ecosystems
  • Exploring the Link Between Waste Management Practices and Environmental Sustainability
  • Analyzing the Benefits of Renewable Energy Sources
  • The Effect of Deforestation on Biodiversity
  • Exploring Sustainable Agriculture Practices
  • The Role of Ecotourism in Conservation
  • Investigating the Impact of Plastic Waste on Marine Life
  • Analyzing Water Quality in Local Rivers and Lakes
  • Assessing the Importance of Coral Reef Conservation

Economic Issues:

  • The Influence of Economic Status on Educational Opportunities
  • Examining the Impact of Inflation on Student Expenses
  • Investigating the Role of Microfinance in Poverty Alleviation
  • Analyzing the Effects of Unemployment on Youth
  • The Relationship Between Entrepreneurship Education and Business Success
  • The Effect of Taxation on Small Businesses
  • Assessing the Impact of Tourism on Local Economies
  • The Role of Online Marketplaces in Small Business Growth
  • Investigating the Benefits of Financial Literacy Programs
  • Analyzing the Impact of Foreign Investments on the Philippine Economy

Cultural and Historical Topics:

  • Exploring the Influence of Spanish Colonization on Filipino Culture
  • Analyzing the Role of Filipino Heroes in Nation-Building
  • Investigating the Impact of K-Pop on Filipino Youth Culture
  • The Relationship Between Traditional and Modern Filipino Values
  • Assessing the Importance of Philippine Indigenous Languages
  • The Effect of Colonial Mentality on Identity
  • The Role of Filipino Cuisine in Tourism
  • Investigating the Influence of Filipino Art on National Identity
  • Analyzing the Significance of Historical Landmarks
  • Examining the Role of Traditional Filipino Clothing in Society

Government and Politics:

  • The Influence of Social Media on Political Participation
  • Investigating Voter Education and Awareness Campaigns
  • Analyzing the Impact of Political Dynasties on Local Governance
  • Assessing the Effectiveness of Disaster Response Programs
  • The Relationship Between Corruption and Public Services
  • The Role of Youth in Nation-Building
  • Investigating the Impact of Martial Law on Philippine Society
  • Analyzing the Role of Social Movements in Policy Change
  • Assessing the Importance of Good Governance in National Development
  • The Effect of Federalism on Local Autonomy

Science and Technology:

  • Exploring Advances in Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering
  • Analyzing the Impact of Space Exploration on Scientific Discovery
  • Investigating the Use of Nanotechnology in Medicine
  • The Relationship Between STEM Education and Innovation
  • The Effect of Pollution on Biodiversity
  • Assessing the Benefits of Solar Energy in the Philippines
  • The Role of Robotics in Industry Automation
  • Investigating the Potential of Hydrogen Fuel Cells
  • Analyzing the Use of 5G Technology in Communication
  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Healthcare and Medicine:

  • The Influence of Traditional Medicine Practices on Health
  • Investigating the Impact of Mental Health Stigma
  • Analyzing the Use of Telemedicine in Remote Areas
  • The Relationship Between Diet and Chronic Diseases
  • Assessing the Effectiveness of Healthcare Access Programs
  • The Role of Nurses in Public Health
  • Investigating the Benefits of Medical Missions
  • Analyzing the Impact of Healthcare Quality on Patient Outcomes
  • Assessing the Importance of Health Education
  • The Effect of Access to Clean Water on Public Health

Business and Finance:

  • Exploring the Impact of E-Commerce on Local Businesses
  • Analyzing the Role of Digital Payment Systems
  • Investigating Consumer Behavior in Online Shopping
  • The Relationship Between Customer Loyalty and Business Success
  • Assessing the Effectiveness of Marketing Strategies
  • The Influence of Branding on Consumer Preferences
  • The Role of Supply Chain Management in Business Efficiency
  • Investigating the Impact of Globalization on Small Enterprises
  • Analyzing the Benefits of Employee Training Programs
  • Assessing the Importance of Ethical Business Practices

Social Media and Technology:

  • The Effect of Social Media Influencers on Consumer Behavior
  • Investigating the Impact of Online Dating Apps on Relationships
  • Analyzing the Use of Social Media for Activism
  • The Relationship Between Internet Addiction and Mental Health
  • The Influence of Online Filters on Self-Image
  • Assessing the Benefits of Digital Detox Programs
  • The Role of Virtual Reality in Online Gaming
  • Investigating the Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Personalized Marketing
  • Analyzing the Use of Augmented Reality in Education
  • The Effect of Cybersecurity Measures on Online Privacy

Family and Relationships:

  • Exploring the Impact of Divorce on Children’s Well-being
  • Analyzing the Role of Sibling Relationships in Character Development
  • Investigating the Effect of Parental Divorce on Academic Performance
  • The Relationship Between Parenting Styles and Child Behavior
  • The Influence of Extended Family Support on Parenthood
  • Assessing the Benefits of Pre-marital Counseling
  • The Role of Grandparents in Child Rearing
  • Investigating the Impact of Long-distance Relationships on Couples
  • Analyzing the Use of Technology in Maintaining Family Ties
  • The Effect of Cultural Differences on Intercultural Marriages

Arts and Culture:

  • The Influence of Philippine Folk Dances on National Identity
  • Investigating the Role of Art in Social Commentary
  • Analyzing the Impact of Cultural Festivals on Tourism
  • The Relationship Between Music and Emotions
  • The Effect of Theater and Drama on Empathy
  • Assessing the Benefits of Art Therapy
  • The Role of Literature in Shaping Society
  • Investigating the Impact of Film on Social Awareness
  • Analyzing the Use of Social Media in Promoting Local Artists
  • The Influence of Indigenous Art Forms on Modern Filipino Art

Sports and Recreation:

  • Exploring the Effect of Sports Participation on Character Development
  • Analyzing the Role of Sports in Building Discipline
  • Investigating the Impact of Sports Injuries on Athletes’ Careers
  • The Relationship Between Physical Fitness and Academic Performance
  • The Influence of Team Sports on Social Skills
  • Assessing the Benefits of Recreational Activities in Stress Reduction
  • The Role of Esports in Philippine Sports Culture
  • Investigating the Impact of Sports Sponsorship on Athlete Development
  • Analyzing the Use of Sports Analytics in Decision-making
  • The Effect of Gender Stereotypes in Sports

Travel and Tourism:

  • The Influence of Travel Experience on Cultural Awareness
  • Investigating the Impact of Sustainable Tourism Practices
  • Analyzing the Role of Social Media in Travel Planning
  • The Relationship Between Travel and Stress Reduction
  • The Effect of Tourism on Local Communities
  • Assessing the Benefits of Ecotourism in Conservation
  • The Role of Historical Sites in Tourism Promotion
  • Investigating the Impact of Travel Bans on Tourism
  • Analyzing the Use of Technology in Travel Booking
  • The Impact of COVID-19 on the Travel and Tourism Industry

Technology and Education:

  • Exploring the Role of Virtual Reality in Science Education
  • Analyzing the Impact of Flipped Classrooms on Learning
  • Investigating the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Personalized Education
  • The Relationship Between Gamification and Student Engagement
  • The Effect of Online Learning on Academic Achievement
  • Assessing the Benefits of Blended Learning Approaches
  • The Role of Educational Apps in Language Learning
  • Investigating the Impact of Robotics in STEM Education
  • Analyzing the Use of Educational Videos in Teaching
  • The Influence of Social Media in Collaborative Learning

Environmental Sustainability:

  • The Influence of Eco-friendly Practices on Business Success
  • Investigating the Impact of Plastic Pollution on Marine Life
  • Analyzing the Role of Renewable Energy in Reducing Carbon Footprint
  • The Relationship Between Urbanization and Environmental Degradation
  • The Effect of Deforestation on Climate Change
  • Assessing the Benefits of Sustainable Agriculture
  • The Role of Green Building Practices in Energy Efficiency
  • Investigating the Impact of Conservation Education on Environmental Awareness
  • Analyzing the Use of Electric Vehicles in Reducing Air Pollution
  • The Impact of Waste Reduction Campaigns on Environmental Sustainability

Economic Development:

  • Investigating the Contribution of Small and Medium Enterprises to Economic Growth
  • Assessing How Foreign Direct Investment Influences Local Economies
  • Investigating the Use of Microfinance in Poverty Alleviation
  • The Relationship Between Economic Policies and Income Inequality
  • The Effect of Tourism on Local Economic Development
  • Assessing the Benefits of Export-Oriented Industries
  • The Role of Infrastructure Development in Economic Growth
  • Investigating the Impact of Technological Innovation on Economic Competitiveness
  • Analyzing the Use of Public-Private Partnerships in Infrastructure Projects
  • The Influence of Economic Literacy on Financial Decision-making

Health and Nutrition:

  • The Effect of Food Advertising on Children’s Eating Habits
  • Investigating the Impact of Fast Food Consumption on Health
  • Analyzing the Role of Nutrition Education in Promoting Healthy Eating
  • The Relationship Between Diet and Cardiovascular Health
  • The Influence of Food Labels on Consumer Choices
  • Assessing the Benefits of Organic Food Consumption
  • The Role of Physical Activity in Preventing Lifestyle Diseases
  • Investigating the Impact of Nutritional Supplements on Health
  • Analyzing the Use of Plant-Based Diets in Health Improvement
  • The Impact of Sleep Quality on Mental and Physical Health

Education and Technology:

  • Exploring the Use of Augmented Reality in History Education
  • Analyzing the Impact of Online Learning on Teacher-Student Interaction
  • Investigating the Role of Educational Apps in Language Learning
  • Understanding How Digital Literacy Relates to Academic Performance
  • The Effect of Virtual Laboratories in Science Education
  • Assessing the Benefits of Distance Learning for Students with Disabilities
  • The Role of Gamification in Enhancing Math Skills
  • Investigating the Impact of Technology Integration in Special Education
  • Analyzing the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Personalized Learning
  • The Influence of Social Media on Student Engagement

Social Issues and Awareness:

  • The Effect of Social Media on Youth Political Engagement
  • Investigating the Impact of Online Activism on Social Change
  • Analyzing the Role of Media in Shaping Public Opinion
  • The Relationship Between Gender Stereotypes and Career Choices
  • The Influence of Cultural Sensitivity on Social Harmony
  • Assessing the Benefits of Multicultural Education
  • The Role of Youth in Promoting Environmental Awareness
  • Investigating the Impact of Mental Health Advocacy
  • Analyzing the Use of Arts and Culture in Promoting Social Values
  • The Impact of Volunteerism on Community Development

Globalization and Culture:

  • Exploring the Influence of Globalization on Traditional Filipino Culture
  • Analyzing the Impact of International Trade on Philippine Economy
  • Investigating the Role of Filipino Diaspora in Cultural Exchange
  • The Relationship Between Globalization and Cultural Homogenization
  • The Effect of Westernization on Filipino Identity
  • Assessing the Benefits of Cultural Exchange Programs
  • The Role of Social Media in Global Cultural Awareness
  • Investigating the Impact of Global Brands on Local Culture
  • Analyzing the Use of Technology in Promoting Filipino Culture Worldwide
  • The Influence of International Travel on Cultural Perspective

Phew! That’s quite a list of quantitative research topics for Grade 12 students in the Philippines. Remember, the key to a successful research project is to choose a topic that genuinely interests you. When you’re passionate about your research, the journey becomes more enjoyable, and your findings are likely to be more valuable.

Take your time to explore these topics, do some preliminary research, and consult with your teachers and mentors to ensure that your chosen topic is feasible and relevant. Good luck with your Grade 12 research project, and may you discover valuable insights that contribute to the betterment of the Philippines and beyond!

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One of the hardest parts of writing a research paper can be just finding a good topic to write about. Fortunately we've done the hard work for you and have compiled a list of 113 interesting research paper topics. They've been organized into ten categories and cover a wide range of subjects so you can easily find the best topic for you.

In addition to the list of good research topics, we've included advice on what makes a good research paper topic and how you can use your topic to start writing a great paper.

What Makes a Good Research Paper Topic?

Not all research paper topics are created equal, and you want to make sure you choose a great topic before you start writing. Below are the three most important factors to consider to make sure you choose the best research paper topics.

#1: It's Something You're Interested In

A paper is always easier to write if you're interested in the topic, and you'll be more motivated to do in-depth research and write a paper that really covers the entire subject. Even if a certain research paper topic is getting a lot of buzz right now or other people seem interested in writing about it, don't feel tempted to make it your topic unless you genuinely have some sort of interest in it as well.

#2: There's Enough Information to Write a Paper

Even if you come up with the absolute best research paper topic and you're so excited to write about it, you won't be able to produce a good paper if there isn't enough research about the topic. This can happen for very specific or specialized topics, as well as topics that are too new to have enough research done on them at the moment. Easy research paper topics will always be topics with enough information to write a full-length paper.

Trying to write a research paper on a topic that doesn't have much research on it is incredibly hard, so before you decide on a topic, do a bit of preliminary searching and make sure you'll have all the information you need to write your paper.

#3: It Fits Your Teacher's Guidelines

Don't get so carried away looking at lists of research paper topics that you forget any requirements or restrictions your teacher may have put on research topic ideas. If you're writing a research paper on a health-related topic, deciding to write about the impact of rap on the music scene probably won't be allowed, but there may be some sort of leeway. For example, if you're really interested in current events but your teacher wants you to write a research paper on a history topic, you may be able to choose a topic that fits both categories, like exploring the relationship between the US and North Korea. No matter what, always get your research paper topic approved by your teacher first before you begin writing.

113 Good Research Paper Topics

Below are 113 good research topics to help you get you started on your paper. We've organized them into ten categories to make it easier to find the type of research paper topics you're looking for.


  • Discuss the main differences in art from the Italian Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance .
  • Analyze the impact a famous artist had on the world.
  • How is sexism portrayed in different types of media (music, film, video games, etc.)? Has the amount/type of sexism changed over the years?
  • How has the music of slaves brought over from Africa shaped modern American music?
  • How has rap music evolved in the past decade?
  • How has the portrayal of minorities in the media changed?


Current Events

  • What have been the impacts of China's one child policy?
  • How have the goals of feminists changed over the decades?
  • How has the Trump presidency changed international relations?
  • Analyze the history of the relationship between the United States and North Korea.
  • What factors contributed to the current decline in the rate of unemployment?
  • What have been the impacts of states which have increased their minimum wage?
  • How do US immigration laws compare to immigration laws of other countries?
  • How have the US's immigration laws changed in the past few years/decades?
  • How has the Black Lives Matter movement affected discussions and view about racism in the US?
  • What impact has the Affordable Care Act had on healthcare in the US?
  • What factors contributed to the UK deciding to leave the EU (Brexit)?
  • What factors contributed to China becoming an economic power?
  • Discuss the history of Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies  (some of which tokenize the S&P 500 Index on the blockchain) .
  • Do students in schools that eliminate grades do better in college and their careers?
  • Do students from wealthier backgrounds score higher on standardized tests?
  • Do students who receive free meals at school get higher grades compared to when they weren't receiving a free meal?
  • Do students who attend charter schools score higher on standardized tests than students in public schools?
  • Do students learn better in same-sex classrooms?
  • How does giving each student access to an iPad or laptop affect their studies?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of the Montessori Method ?
  • Do children who attend preschool do better in school later on?
  • What was the impact of the No Child Left Behind act?
  • How does the US education system compare to education systems in other countries?
  • What impact does mandatory physical education classes have on students' health?
  • Which methods are most effective at reducing bullying in schools?
  • Do homeschoolers who attend college do as well as students who attended traditional schools?
  • Does offering tenure increase or decrease quality of teaching?
  • How does college debt affect future life choices of students?
  • Should graduate students be able to form unions?


  • What are different ways to lower gun-related deaths in the US?
  • How and why have divorce rates changed over time?
  • Is affirmative action still necessary in education and/or the workplace?
  • Should physician-assisted suicide be legal?
  • How has stem cell research impacted the medical field?
  • How can human trafficking be reduced in the United States/world?
  • Should people be able to donate organs in exchange for money?
  • Which types of juvenile punishment have proven most effective at preventing future crimes?
  • Has the increase in US airport security made passengers safer?
  • Analyze the immigration policies of certain countries and how they are similar and different from one another.
  • Several states have legalized recreational marijuana. What positive and negative impacts have they experienced as a result?
  • Do tariffs increase the number of domestic jobs?
  • Which prison reforms have proven most effective?
  • Should governments be able to censor certain information on the internet?
  • Which methods/programs have been most effective at reducing teen pregnancy?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of the Keto diet?
  • How effective are different exercise regimes for losing weight and maintaining weight loss?
  • How do the healthcare plans of various countries differ from each other?
  • What are the most effective ways to treat depression ?
  • What are the pros and cons of genetically modified foods?
  • Which methods are most effective for improving memory?
  • What can be done to lower healthcare costs in the US?
  • What factors contributed to the current opioid crisis?
  • Analyze the history and impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic .
  • Are low-carbohydrate or low-fat diets more effective for weight loss?
  • How much exercise should the average adult be getting each week?
  • Which methods are most effective to get parents to vaccinate their children?
  • What are the pros and cons of clean needle programs?
  • How does stress affect the body?
  • Discuss the history of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.
  • What were the causes and effects of the Salem Witch Trials?
  • Who was responsible for the Iran-Contra situation?
  • How has New Orleans and the government's response to natural disasters changed since Hurricane Katrina?
  • What events led to the fall of the Roman Empire?
  • What were the impacts of British rule in India ?
  • Was the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki necessary?
  • What were the successes and failures of the women's suffrage movement in the United States?
  • What were the causes of the Civil War?
  • How did Abraham Lincoln's assassination impact the country and reconstruction after the Civil War?
  • Which factors contributed to the colonies winning the American Revolution?
  • What caused Hitler's rise to power?
  • Discuss how a specific invention impacted history.
  • What led to Cleopatra's fall as ruler of Egypt?
  • How has Japan changed and evolved over the centuries?
  • What were the causes of the Rwandan genocide ?


  • Why did Martin Luther decide to split with the Catholic Church?
  • Analyze the history and impact of a well-known cult (Jonestown, Manson family, etc.)
  • How did the sexual abuse scandal impact how people view the Catholic Church?
  • How has the Catholic church's power changed over the past decades/centuries?
  • What are the causes behind the rise in atheism/ agnosticism in the United States?
  • What were the influences in Siddhartha's life resulted in him becoming the Buddha?
  • How has media portrayal of Islam/Muslims changed since September 11th?


  • How has the earth's climate changed in the past few decades?
  • How has the use and elimination of DDT affected bird populations in the US?
  • Analyze how the number and severity of natural disasters have increased in the past few decades.
  • Analyze deforestation rates in a certain area or globally over a period of time.
  • How have past oil spills changed regulations and cleanup methods?
  • How has the Flint water crisis changed water regulation safety?
  • What are the pros and cons of fracking?
  • What impact has the Paris Climate Agreement had so far?
  • What have NASA's biggest successes and failures been?
  • How can we improve access to clean water around the world?
  • Does ecotourism actually have a positive impact on the environment?
  • Should the US rely on nuclear energy more?
  • What can be done to save amphibian species currently at risk of extinction?
  • What impact has climate change had on coral reefs?
  • How are black holes created?
  • Are teens who spend more time on social media more likely to suffer anxiety and/or depression?
  • How will the loss of net neutrality affect internet users?
  • Analyze the history and progress of self-driving vehicles.
  • How has the use of drones changed surveillance and warfare methods?
  • Has social media made people more or less connected?
  • What progress has currently been made with artificial intelligence ?
  • Do smartphones increase or decrease workplace productivity?
  • What are the most effective ways to use technology in the classroom?
  • How is Google search affecting our intelligence?
  • When is the best age for a child to begin owning a smartphone?
  • Has frequent texting reduced teen literacy rates?


How to Write a Great Research Paper

Even great research paper topics won't give you a great research paper if you don't hone your topic before and during the writing process. Follow these three tips to turn good research paper topics into great papers.

#1: Figure Out Your Thesis Early

Before you start writing a single word of your paper, you first need to know what your thesis will be. Your thesis is a statement that explains what you intend to prove/show in your paper. Every sentence in your research paper will relate back to your thesis, so you don't want to start writing without it!

As some examples, if you're writing a research paper on if students learn better in same-sex classrooms, your thesis might be "Research has shown that elementary-age students in same-sex classrooms score higher on standardized tests and report feeling more comfortable in the classroom."

If you're writing a paper on the causes of the Civil War, your thesis might be "While the dispute between the North and South over slavery is the most well-known cause of the Civil War, other key causes include differences in the economies of the North and South, states' rights, and territorial expansion."

#2: Back Every Statement Up With Research

Remember, this is a research paper you're writing, so you'll need to use lots of research to make your points. Every statement you give must be backed up with research, properly cited the way your teacher requested. You're allowed to include opinions of your own, but they must also be supported by the research you give.

#3: Do Your Research Before You Begin Writing

You don't want to start writing your research paper and then learn that there isn't enough research to back up the points you're making, or, even worse, that the research contradicts the points you're trying to make!

Get most of your research on your good research topics done before you begin writing. Then use the research you've collected to create a rough outline of what your paper will cover and the key points you're going to make. This will help keep your paper clear and organized, and it'll ensure you have enough research to produce a strong paper.

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Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries.

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Philippines: Architecture

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Browsing Call Numbers:  Useful call numbers to browse the stacks: 

  1. Folk Architecture, Ethnic Houses and Ancestral Houses: 

      NA7442 Hamilton Asia 3rd Floor

  2.  Historic Churches:  NA6028 Hamilton Asia 3rd Floor

  3.  Contemporary Homes:  NK2081 Hamilton Asia Folio 2nd Floor

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To Search for Materials on architecture on the Philippines

1.  Use Advanced Search.  

2.  Enter keywords for the concept.

  • Use AND to combine concepts and to get fewer results
  • Use OR to search synonyms and to get more results

      In the example, this search will find items with both "architecture" and "Philippines" anywhere in the record. 

3. Click Search.

4.  The next screen is a list of titles. 

     Click on the title for more information on an item. 

5.  This screen provides further information on an item.  In this example, the item is in Hamilton Asia 3rd floor.

  • Check Location to confirm Hamilton Library has a copy of the item
  • Voyager searches all UH libraries; scroll down until Hamilton Library's information appears

6.  Use the call number to find the item on the shelf.  Check Status to confirm the item is not checked out. 

Use the following terms to begin your search on architecture:

   1.  architecture AND Philippines

   2.  vernacular architecture AND Philippines

   3.  historical buildings AND Philippines

   4.  dwellings AND Philippines

   5.  ethnic architecture AND Philippines

  • << Previous: Frequently Asked Research Topics
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  • Last Updated: Feb 6, 2024 12:29 PM
  • URL: https://guides.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/philippines

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  1. Filipino Research Topics: Unveiling Intriguing Subjects for Exploration

    Answer: Filipino research topics play a crucial role in informing policies, driving innovation, and fostering sustainable development in the Philippines. By addressing pressing issues such as poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation, research initiatives contribute to the country's socio-economic progress and well-being.

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  3. 23+ Quantitative Research Topics For STEM Students In The Philippines

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  4. Philippines: Online Research Resources

    This is the University of Michigan Library's Southeast Asia Collection of full text monographs and government documents published in the United States, Spain and the Philippines between 1870 and 1925. Digital Collections, University of Washington Libraries. This websites contains old photograph collection of the Philippines in the early 1900s ...

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  6. 61710 PDFs

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  8. Research Papers

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  9. IRIS

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  11. Frequently Asked Research Topics

    English 100 StudentsThe starting point for English 100 research. Request a Research AppointmentContact us to schedule an in-person appointment. About. Office and Department ContactsView a list of the departments at the library. Jobs at the LibraryFaculty, staff, and student job opportunities. Staff DirectoryContact information for staff at the ...

  12. FlipScience

    Ask Theory Podcast Ep. 135: Workaholism: Success Indicator Or Silent Killer? July 25, 2023 | 6 mins read. Next. Welcome to FlipScience, the premier Philippine science news and features website written for the inquisitive and science-inclined Pinoy.

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  14. Health

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  17. philippine politics Latest Research Papers

    Philippine Politics and the Marcos Technocrats: the Emergence and Evolution of a Power Elite, written by Teresa S. Encarnacion Tadem. Philippine Political Science Journal . 10.1163/2165025x-12340036 . 2021 . Vol 41 (3) . pp. 269-272. Author (s): Jan Robert R. Go.

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  19. [OPINION] The state of research in the Philippines

    The Philippines does not have enough scientists too. According to UNESCO, the ideal number of research scientists and engineers (RSEs) must be 380 per million population to aid industrialization ...

  20. 250 Grade 12 Quantitative Research Topics for Senior High School

    Phew! That's quite a list of quantitative research topics for Grade 12 students in the Philippines. Remember, the key to a successful research project is to choose a topic that genuinely interests you. When you're passionate about your research, the journey becomes more enjoyable, and your findings are likely to be more valuable.

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    113 Great Research Paper Topics. Posted by Christine Sarikas. General Education. One of the hardest parts of writing a research paper can be just finding a good topic to write about. Fortunately we've done the hard work for you and have compiled a list of 113 interesting research paper topics. They've been organized into ten categories and ...

  22. Architecture

    SELECTED PRINTED MATERIALS. Arkitekturang Filipino: A History of Architecture and Urbanism in the Philippines by Gerard Lico. Audio-Visual Textbook of Philippine Architecture [videorecording] produced by The National Commission for Culture and the Arts. Ethnic Houses and Philippine Artistic Expression by Julian E. Dacanay, Jr.

  23. interesting stem research topics in the philippines

    Anyway, i think for stem students topics that are tangible based is trending... topics na output/product based i. e. Creating robots, programming, mobile applications. Mobile app first aid with video tutorials accessible offline. Mountain robots specializing in small/deep holes. Hipon shell (basta yung balat) as a cure for (name a skin disease).