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Telegraphic Meaning In Hindi

सरल उदाहरणों और परिभाषाओं के साथ telegraphic का वास्तविक अर्थ जानें।., definitions of telegraphic.

1 . टेलीग्राफ या टेलीग्राम से या द्वारा।

1 . of or by a telegraph or telegram.

2 . (विशेषकर भाषण) गैर-आवश्यक शब्दों को छोड़ना; संक्षिप्त।

2 . (especially of speech) omitting inessential words; concise.

Examples of Telegraphic :

1 . यहूदी टेलीग्राफिक एजेंसी।

1 . the jewish telegraphic agency.

2 . धन का तार हस्तांतरण

2 . the telegraphic transfer of the funds

3 . बाथर्स्ट यूरोप और शेष अफ्रीका के साथ टेलीग्राफिक संचार में है।

3 . Bathurst is in telegraphic communication with Europe and the rest of Africa.

4 . उन्होंने बताया कि बाद वाला रूप अकेले टेलीग्राफिक उद्देश्यों के लिए लागू था।

4 . He pointed out that the latter form alone was applicable to telegraphic purposes.

5 . युवा भावुक महिलाओं की आंखों में जीभ और टेलीग्राफिक यंत्र हैं।

5 . There are tongues and telegraphic instruments in the eyes of young passionate ladies.

6 . वेस्टर्न यूनियन ने अपने नेटवर्क पर कई गंतव्यों पर टेलीग्राफ संदेश भेजने की अनुमति दी;

6 . western union allowed telegraphic messages on its network to be sent to multiple destinations;

7 . उन्होंने लैंडिंग का प्रयास क्यों नहीं किया, इसकी व्याख्या पेरिस के एक टेलीग्राफिक आदेश द्वारा की जानी चाहिए।

7 . Why they did not attempt a landing is sought to be explained by a telegraphic order from Paris.

8 . मोर्स टेलीग्राफ उपकरण को आधिकारिक तौर पर 1851 में यूरोपीय टेलीग्राफी के लिए मानक के रूप में अपनाया गया था।

8 . the morse telegraphic apparatus was officially adopted as the standard for european telegraphy in 1851.

9 . मोर्स टेलीग्राफ उपकरण को आधिकारिक तौर पर 1851 में यूरोपीय टेलीग्राफी के लिए मानक के रूप में अपनाया गया था।

9 . the morse telegraphic apparatus was officially adopted as the standard for european telegraphy in 1851.

10 . 1904 में इस शहर को शेष संरक्षक और यूरोप के साथ टेलीग्राफिक संचार में रखा गया था।

10 . In 1904 the town was placed in telegraphic communication with the rest of the protectorate and with Europe.

11 . पहला टेलीग्राफ टेप 1867 में एडवर्ड कैलहन द्वारा बनाया गया था, जो अमेरिकन टेलीग्राफ कंपनी के कर्मचारी थे।

11 . the first telegraphic ticker tape was created in 1867 by edward calahan, who was an employee of the american telegraph company.

12 . टेलीग्राफिक ट्रांसफर (टी / टी): हम उत्पादन से पहले 50% टी / टी जमा और शिपमेंट से पहले 50% टी / टी शेष राशि 100% ऑर्डर भुगतान स्वीकार करते हैं।

12 . telegraphic transfer(t/t): we accept 50% t/t deposit before production and 50%t/t balance before shipment 100% payment for order.

13 . हालाँकि उन दिनों स्पैम नहीं कहा जाता था, लेकिन 19वीं सदी में, विशेष रूप से संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका में, स्पैम टेलीग्राफ संदेश बेहद आम थे।

13 . though not called spam back then, telegraphic spam messages were extremely common in the 19th century in the united states particularly.

14 . हालांकि उस समय स्पैम नहीं कहा जाता था, स्पैम टेलीग्राफ संदेश 19 वीं शताब्दी में, विशेष रूप से संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका में बेहद आम थे।

14 . though not called spam, back then, telegraphic spam messages were extremely common in the 19th century in the united states particularly.

15 . अन्य दो विकल्प मनी ऑर्डर, चेक, ट्रैवलर चेक और वायर ट्रांसफर के रूप में भारत को पैसे भेजते हैं।

15 . the other two options provides ability to send money to india in the form of demand drafts, cheques, traveller's cheques and telegraphic transfers.

16 . यह एक डाक या टेलीग्राफिक ट्रांसफर हो सकता है, जो दुर्भाग्य से, दूसरे शहर को भेजी गई राशि के 8-20% की राशि में कमीशन को "खाती है"।

16 . this may be a postal or telegraphic transfer, which, unfortunately,"eats" the commission in the amount of 8-20% of the amount sent to another city.

17 . एक हेलियोग्राफ से लैस, सारागढ़ी ने सनबर्स्ट का उपयोग करके संदेश प्रेषित किए, एक टेलीग्राफ की तरह भेजा (पढ़ें: मोर्स कोड) संचार।

17 . equipped with a heliograph, saragarhi transmitted messages by using flashes of sunlight, sent much like telegraphic communication(read: morse code).

18 . 22 अगस्त - ऑस्ट्रेलिया में लैंड टेलीग्राफ पूरा हुआ, पहली बार ऑस्ट्रेलिया और बाकी दुनिया के बीच एक टेलीग्राफ लिंक प्रदान किया गया।

18 . august 22- the overland telegraph is completed in australia, providing a telegraphic link between australia and the rest of the world for the first time.

19 . अप्रैल 1857 की नेशनल टेलीग्राफ मैगज़ीन एंड ऑपरेटर्स गाइड ने "प्यार और चुंबन" को व्यक्त करने के लिए मोर्स कोड में 73 नंबर के उपयोग का दस्तावेजीकरण किया।

19 . the national telegraphic review and operators guide in april 1857 documented the use of the number 73 in morse code in order to express“love and kisses”.

20 . 22 अगस्त - ऑस्ट्रेलियन लैंड टेलीग्राफ लाइन पूरी हुई, पहली बार ऑस्ट्रेलिया और बाकी दुनिया के बीच एक टेलीग्राफ लिंक प्रदान किया गया।

20 . august 22- the australian overland telegraph line is completed, providing a telegraphic link between australia and the rest of the world for the first time.


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Telegraphic Speech

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A simplified manner of speech in which only the most important content words are used to express ideas, while grammatical function words (such as determiners , conjunctions , and prepositions ), as well as inflectional endings, are often omitted.

Telegraphic speech is a stage of language acquisition —typically in a child's second year.

The term telegraphic speech was coined by Roger Brown and Colin Fraser in "The Acquisition of Syntax" ( Verbal Behavior and Learning: Problems and Processes , ed. by C. Cofer and B. Musgrave, 1963).

Also Known As: telegraphic talk, telegraphic style, telegrammatic speech

Named after the compressed sentences used in telegrams when the sender had to pay by the word.

Examples and Observations:​

  • "Sure enough, I hear a little voice from the other side of the room: 'No, mummy—no go sleep!' "I cringe. 'I'm right here, honey. I didn't go anywhere.' But my comforting words fall on deaf ears. Neil starts crying." (Tracy Hogg and Melinda Blau, Secrets of the Baby Whisperer for Toddlers . Random House, 2002)
  • "A preschooler who called 911 on Thursday to report 'mom and daddy go bye bye' helped authorities find three young children left unattended in a home with drug paraphernalia. "A 34-year-old woman, the mother of two of the children, was arrested when she showed up later after a gambling trip, Spokane police spokesman officer Bill Hager said." (Associated Press, "Three Preschool Children Found Home Alone in Spokane." The Seattle Times , May 10, 2007)
  • An Elliptical Method "One of the well-known characterizations of children's early multiword utterances is that they resemble telegrams: they omit all items which are not essential for conveying the gist of the message... Brown and Fraser, as well as Brown and Bellugi (1964), Ervin-Tripp (1966) and others pointed out that children's early multiword utterances tend to omit closed-class words such as articles, auxiliary verbs, copulas, prepositions, and conjunctions, compared to the sentences adults typically say in the same circumstances. "Children's sentences tend to include mostly open-class or substantive words such as nouns , verbs , and adjectives . For example, Eve, one of the children observed by the Brown group, said Chair broken when an adult would have said The chair is broken , or That horsie when an adult would have said That is a horsie . Despite the omissions, the sentences do not fall very far from their presumable adult models, as the order of the content-words making them up usually replicates the order in which the same words would have appeared in the fully constructed adult sentence. "Given the selective omission of closed-class items, the first possibility to be checked was that maybe children only use open-class words in their early speech but not closed-class or 'function' words. Brown (1973) searched through available child corpora and found that this hypothesis was incorrect: he found many closed-class or function words in children's two-word and early multiword speech, among them more, no, off and the pronouns I, you, it and so forth. In fact, most of what Braine (1963) called pivot-open combinations were built on closed-class items as pivots. "It appears that children are perfectly able to produce word-combinations with closed-class items—but they will not include them in utterances if they are not essential for conveying the gist of the message. The words 'missing' from the utterances may have important grammatical functions in the relevant adult sentences, but the words 'retained' are the substantive words carrying the semantic content of their respective phrases. " ...'[T]elegraphic speech' represents an extremely elliptical method for satisfying the semantic and syntactic valency of the predicates around which the sentence is built—but satisfying them nevertheless. The word-combinations correctly 'project' the lexical valency of the predicate words involved, satisfying both semantic and syntactic requirements. For example, the shortened sentence Adam make tower ... satisfies the verb make 's semantic requirement for two logical arguments, one for the maker and one for the thing made; the child-speaker even has the correct idea where to place them relative to the verb, meaning that he already has a workable syntactic valency-frame established for this verb, including the SVO word order for the subject, verb, and the direct-object elements. There is some other rule that this sentence is breaking to do with the obligatory determinants heading noun-phrases in English, but at the bottom line, that rule is irrelevant for satisfying the valency requirements of the verb make , and that's what 'telegraphic' sentences appear to take as a first priority. The 'retained' content words form obvious and recognizable Merge/Dependency couples, with predicates getting their arguments in the correct syntactic configuration (but see Lebeaux, 2000)." (Anat Ninio, Language, and the Learning Curve: A New Theory of Syntactic Development . Oxford University Press, 2006)
  • Reasons for Omissions in Telegraphic Speech "Exactly why these grammatical factors (i.e., function words) and inflections are omitted [in telegraphic speech] is a matter of some debate. One possibility is that the omitted words and morphemes are not produced because they are not essential to meaning. Children probably have cognitive limitations on the length of utterances they can produce, independent of their grammatical knowledge. Given such length limitations, they may sensibly leave out the least important parts. It is also true that the omitted words tend to be words that are not stressed in adults' utterances, and children may be leaving out unstressed elements (Demuth, 1994). Some have also suggested that children's underlying knowledge at this point does not include the grammatical categories that govern the use of the omitted forms (Atkinson, 1992; Radford, 1990, 1995), although other evidence suggests it does (Gerken, Landau, & Remez, 1990)." (Erika Hoff, Language Development , 3rd ed. Wadsworth, 2005)
  • A Subgrammar "Given the fact that adults can speak telegraphically, there is a strong implication, though of course no sure proof, that telegraphic speech is an actual subgrammar of the full grammar , and that adults using such speech are gaining access to that subgrammar. This, in turn, would be very much in line with the General Congruence Principle, which suggests that the acquisitional stage exists in the adult grammar in something like the same sense that a particular geological layer may lie underneath a landscape: it, therefore, may be accessed." (David Lebeaux, Language Acquisition and the Form of the Grammar . John Benjamins, 2000)
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What Is Telegraphic Speech? Examples, Age And Activities

Telegraphic speech — the first step to raising a child with good communication skills.

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Telegraphic speech refers to the simple two-word sentences your toddler says when they begin to communicate. It is an important stage of language development in children.

Babies may babble for months before saying their first words. However, after uttering their first words, they need to complete many developmental milestones before they can speak a complete sentence correctly.

Read on to know what telegraphic speech is, when it occurs, and how to encourage a toddler to speak.

What Is Telegraphic Speech?

When toddlers are developing speech, they tend to speak multi-word sentences with only the key content words. This is called telegraphic speech (1) . Telegraphic messages are a form of speech simplification that simplifies the language and disregards grammatical rules. This form of speech is a part of the normal language acquisition process ( 2 ). Early linguistic patterns, such as telegraphic speech, play a crucial role in facilitating the advancement of lexical development.

Telegraphic sentence formation is similar to the short messages consisting of only keywords sent via telegraph in the olden times. Hence, this condensed speech pattern of babies and toddlers is referred to as telegraphic speech.

Examples Of Telegraphic Speech

The telegraphic speech can comprise two-word and multiple-word sentences. Here are a few example sentences that a toddler or baby may speak as part of their telegraphic speech.

Image: IStock

At What Age Does Telegraphic Speech Begin?

Expressive language development progresses through distinct stages. Children generally start telegraphic speech between the ages of 24 and 30 months. This comes after the two-word stage that occurs at 18-24 months ( 3 ).

The two-word stage is preceded by the holophrastic stage, where babies speak single words to express meanings similar to complete sentences. The stage occurs between 9 and 18 months .

Children then move to the two-word stage, where they speak brief two-word utterances that convey semantic relations i X An association between two words that convey the same meaning in a given context for a sentence. between the two words. From here, toddlers progress to the telegraphic stage, speaking sentences with two words and more.

Features Of Telegraphic Speech

Here are a few notable features of a toddler’s telegraphic speech (4) .

  • Only crucial sentence elements are present
  • The order of elements is mostly correct
  • Words are linked together, but it cannot be considered a proper sentence due to limited word use
  • Grammatical elements, such as articles (the, a), prepositions (on, in), auxiliaries (is, are), prefixes, pronouns, and conjunctions, are often missing
  • Tense morphemes, such as ‘ing,’ ‘ed,’ ‘s,’ and plurals are mostly absent

Why Is Telegraphic Speech Important For Development?

Telegraphic speech is one of the milestones of language development. Here is how it helps toddlers.

  • Helps in understanding sentence formation: When toddlers use telegraphic speech, the words are generally in the correct order. They also use nouns and verbs. While they may not understand grammar, they learn sentence construction at this stage. This helps them become adept at using structurally correct sentences gradually. Thus, the use of telegraphic speech has a positive effect on language development.
  • Useful in transitioning to the next stage of language development: Practicing sentence construction can help toddlers transition to the next stage of language development easily. Within the next few months, they understand all commands and expand their vocabulary. Soon they start figuring out complex sentence structures and slowly learn to speak grammatically correct sentences.

Telegraphic Speech Activities For Toddlers

A few activities can help children practice their telegraphic speech.

1. Coloring and conversations

Buy a coloring book suitable for toddlers. It should have different elements for coloring purposes. Guide the toddler in the process of coloring by asking the right questions. This can encourage them to express themselves and experiment with telegraphic speech.

For instance, if it is a nature scene with animals, trees, and sky, ask the child, “What is that?” by pointing toward a particular object in the book. If they give a one-word answer such as “tree,“ say the full sentence, “Yes, that is a tree.”

You can ask a follow-up question before they start coloring, such as, “What should be the color of the tree leaves?” If the child gives a one-word answer “green,” speak the complete sentence by saying, “The color of the tree leaves is green.” In case they answer using telegraphic speech, show appreciation.

2. Telegraphic story questions

Use stories for language development. You can tell your own stories or read from a book. This helps create word associations in the toddler’s mind.

Ask them questions in between to increase their interest and help them absorb more information about the language. For instance, if it is a story about a bird who sings, you can ask, “Who sings?” If they answer “bird” or state the bird’s name, offer praise. If they give one-word answers or do not answer at all, you can say, “The bird (or its name) sings.”

Encourage discussion of the story once you are done reading it.

3. Whose-What? game

Fun games can help toddlers pick new words faster and remember them better. In this game, collect pictures of everyone in the house. Gather personal items belonging to each of these individuals in a box. Keep the box and pictures pile in front of the child. Choose any one item from the box and ask the child, “Whose (item name) is it?” Ask the child to select the photograph of the person it belongs to and encourage them to say the person’s name out loud.

4. Follow the leader

In this game, the follower has to copy whatever the leader does and speaks. Whenever you are out with your toddler, point out anything and explain it. For instance, point to a bike and say, “A bike.” The toddler has to point to the same object and repeat the sentence after you. Encourage your child to take the next turn and describe any object they see. In each of your following turns, continue to add more words while describing the objects to help the toddler learn new words.

How To Encourage Telegraphic Speech?

The following techniques can be used to encourage telegraphic speech in toddlers.

1. Model correct language

Research hypothesizes that children can pick up certain structures of language such as pitch, loudness, tempo, and rhythm by listening (5) . They can use these cues to figure out the linguistic units. So, it is important to model correct language (6) .

Parents can model correct language by speaking complete sentences even if the toddler relies on telegraphic speech( 7 ).Use the correct grammar and pronunciation even if the child says something wrong (8) . For instance, if the toddler says, “I pay” while picking the toy, say the correct sentence, “Yes, I understand you want to play.”

2. Respond to gestures

Babies in holophrastic and two-word stages of communication often use gestures in conjunction with talking. For instance, they may use a specific gesture when they want a specific toy or when hungry. Respond to the gestures by fulfilling their need or intent. For instance, if the toddler wants to play and uses a gesture or points at the toy, say, “Okay, let’s play” before bringing the toy. The age-appropriate use of gestures can help early language development, laying the foundation for telegraphic speech( 9 ) (10) .

3. Take the help of fun activities

You can use fun activities in the following way to improve a toddler’s telegraphic speech (11) .

  • While playing with building blocks or other toys, use words to describe what is happening. Teach them key elements of a sentence, such as verbs and adjectives, during the activity. Use a new word every time you play.
  • As you go about your activities for the day , explain what you are doing, such as cleaning, cooking, or working. Indicate and explain things the toddler senses around him/her in a simple language. Teach them the names of different objects in the house and outdoors.
  • Make language learning fun with music. The beats and inflection of music can help toddlers understand different syllables. You can use actions in line with the song’s lyrics to help the toddler learn new words better.

How Many Words Should A Toddler Say?

A toddler is a child aged between one and three years (12) . The words they understand and speak can change as per their age (13) (14) .

  • 12-17 months : The toddler has a vocabulary of four to six words. They can name a person or object using about two to three words, but the pronunciation might be unclear. They understand the meaning of simple phrases and try to emulate simple words they hear.
  • 18-23 months : A toddler in this age group has a vocabulary of 50 words, albeit with an unclear pronunciation. They begin to combine words and speak using two-word combinations, thereby forming two-word phrases. Toddlers in this age range can indicate a few body parts when quizzed and answer simple ‘yes and no’ questions. Use of pronouns, such as mine, her, and his, can be observed.
  • 24-36months : Toddlers can use at least 100 words by the age of two years. A toddler between the ages of two and three years can use three-word sentences and answer simple questions. They can also understand prepositions, such as on and in.

What Is The Next Stage?

The telegraphic speech stage ends at the age of 30 months, and toddlers gradually begin to speak complex, structured sentences. Their vocabulary increases quickly, and they pick up new words every day between 30-42 months. At 36 months, many children start using functional morphemes i X Words that do not carry an independent meaning but may modify or link a given word to a given sentence. . They may use synchronized and embedded sentences such as “I like mummy because she is pretty.”

Children begin to comprehend almost everything they hear. At about 42 months, they are capable of doing the following( 15 ).

  • Uttering “Wh” type questions such as “What did you eat?”
  • Understanding and using embedded clauses i X A combination of words that make up a meaningful sentence, having a subject and predicate. such as “Julie, who is my friend, likes playing with me”
  • Comprehending and applying relative clauses in sentences such as “This is the juice that mummy drinks every day”
  • Forming reflexive pronouns i X A pronoun used to describe an action a person usually does to or for themselves. such as “I hurt myself yesterday”

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can telegraphic speech be used in language therapy for children?

A certified language therapist specializing in children can use telegraphic speech to help children build their initial basic vocabulary, promote taking turns in conversation, and encourage verbal expression. The simple and non-complex nature of telegraphic speech can be beneficial in laying the foundation of speech in children with language disorders.

2. Can telegraphic speech indicate a developmental disorder or delay?

Telegraphic speech is a normal event and not a sign of a developmental disorder. However, if your child continues to use it even after the age of 30 months or the child does not learn new words, speak to a doctor or a pediatric speech therapist.

3. How can speech therapy help children who struggle with telegraphic speech?

Speech therapy for children helps them overcome their language and speech problems through games and learning activities ( 17 ). Thus, if a child faces problems with telegraphic speech, a speech-language pathologist will evaluate the exact problem over multiple sessions and devise a customized plan for your child. The plan may include reading from flashcards, word lists, or games to improve speech and fluency or writing words on different textures ( 18 ).

4. What are some red flags that I should look out for when it comes to telegraphic speech?

If your toddler is two years old and there is still a limited or complete absence of grammatical markers in telegraphic speech, it may be considered a red flag ( 19 ). Furthermore, if they consistently rely on specific words to communicate different needs, it is advisable to consult a specialist.

Telegraphic speech is an important step that leads to language development in children. Children often take at least five to six years to master their language. Meanwhile, telegraphic speech helps them to communicate and understand the formation of sentences. Some activities that can help children practice telegraphic speech are asking questions and playing games. Interacting with other children, teachers, and parents also gives them good exposure to the language. Therefore, speak as much as you can with your children and encourage them to express more.

Infographic: Effective Ways To Encourage Telegraphic Speech In Children

Your little one saying “Where Mommy?” is an example of a telegraphic speech. This might not be a complete or grammatically correct sentence, but it is surely a big step toward their language development. Explore the infographic below for practical ways to encourage telegraphic speech in your child.

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Key Pointers

  • Telegraphic speeches are broken phrases or sentences.
  • These defy grammar rules but help them communicate and gradually transition into correctly structured sentences.
  • Activities such as small conversations or telegraphic questions can aid their language development.

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

1. Cheryl Smith Gabig Telegraphic Speech Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders ; Springer 2.Courtney E. Venker et al., Parent Telegraphic Speech Use and Spoken Language in Preschoolers With ASD ; NCBI (2015) 3.Bertaria Sohnata Hutauruk Children First Language Acquisition At Age 1-3 Years Old In Balata ; IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (2015) 4. The syntactic development in the earlier stages of children’s first language acquisition ; Linnaeus University 5. Child language Acquisition and Growth ; Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics 6. Activities to Encourage Speech and Language Development ; American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 7. Ten Principles of Grammar Facilitation for Children With Specific Language Impairments ; American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 8. Language Development ; Utah Education Network 9.Seyda Ozcaliskan and Susan Goldin-Meadow Gesture is at the cutting edge of early language development ; NCBI (2005) 10. How Do Gestures Help Your Child’s Language Development? ; The Early Learning Institute 11. 5 Great Language Development Activities ; NAPA Center 12. Ages & Stages ; American Academy of Pediatrics 13. Age-Appropriate Speech and Language Milestones ; Stanford Children’s Health 14. Age-Appropriate Speech and Language Milestones ; Children’s Hospital Philadelphia 15. Linguistic Stages in First Language Acquisition: A Critical Analysis ; International Journal Of English Language 16. Learning a Second Language is Easier for Children, But Why? ; Penn State University 17. Pediatric Speech Therapy ; HSS.edu 18. Signs your child should see a speech therapist ; Hackensack Meridian Health 19. Intellectual Disability and Language Disorder ; NCBI

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Telegraphic Speech: An Important Milestone

Telegraphic speech refers to a form of communication commonly used by young children as they are developing their language skills. It involves speaking in short, simple phrases, usually comprised of only the most important words needed to convey a message. These 2-3 word phrases exclude non-essential parts of speech, such as articles, prepositions, and auxiliary verbs. Telegraphic speech sounds like telegrams, where brevity was valued and filler words were left out to save time and cost.

A person typing on a computer keyboard with a speech bubble containing short, fragmented phrases

Telegraphic speech is an important phase in speech development. It emerges once children have progressed past the babbling and single-word stages, typically between 18-24 months. As children’s vocabularies grow and their cognitive abilities become more sophisticated, their sentences gradually become longer and more complex, including a wider range of grammatical structures. Telegraphic speech is a natural and expected stage of language development that signifies a child is learning to communicate their thoughts and needs effectively.

Over the last decade, research has concluded that modeling telegraphic speech with children beyond this phase of language development may hinder them from making grammatical progress. This warrants reflection for therapeutic intervention, especially among autistic populations.

Key Takeaways

  • Telegraphic speech is a typical stage in children’s language development involving short and simple phrases.
  • It is characterized by the omission of non-essential words, mirroring the concise nature of a telegram.
  • The evolution from telegraphic speech to more complex sentences indicates growth in a child’s communication skills.
  • Using telegraphic speech models beyond this phase of development may hinder grammatical progress.

Understanding Telegraphic Speech

A child pointing at simple objects: ball, cat, book

In this section, you’ll learn about the concise form of communication known as telegraphic speech, which is critical in early language development.

Definition and Characteristics

Telegraphic speech refers to the two-word phrases that children begin to use when they start speaking. This form of speech is typically observed in toddlers around the age of 18 to 24 months . It is characterized by the omission of non-essential words, leaving only the most important words to convey a message. The name “telegraphic” draws from the way telegrams were written, omitting unnecessary words to save costs.

Examples of telegraphic speech:

  • “Want cookie” instead of “I want a cookie.”
  • “See dog” rather than “I can see the dog.”
  • “Mommy up” to shorten “Mommy, pick me up.”

Characteristics include:

  • Omission of articles: “a,” “the.”
  • Skipping auxiliary verbs: “is,” “can.”
  • Leaving out prepositions: “to,” “for.”

It is a critical stage that signifies growing comprehension and the ability to express core ideas.

Role in Language Development

Telegraphic speech plays an important role in your child’s language development. This stage demonstrates that they are beginning to understand sentence structure and the concept of grammar. While their sentences are simple and lack the complexity of adult speech, this phase is fundamental for practicing communication and building vocabulary .

Your child’s ability to convey basic needs and thoughts through telegraphic speech serves as the foundation for more complex sentences. Over time, as their cognitive and linguistic abilities advance, they will start incorporating more words into their speech for clarity, eventually developing grammar and fluency that mirrors adult speech.

Progression to Full Sentences

The shift from telegraphic speech to full sentences can be expected to occur between ages two and three . Progression is evidenced by:

  • Sentence Expansion : Telegraphic speech will gradually include more words and vital sentence components.
  • Grammar Introduction : Use of prepositions, conjunctions, and articles starts to become apparent in the child’s speech.
  • Complexity : The sentences grow in complexity, reflecting a better understanding of language structure.

By the age of three, most children are capable of constructing simple, multi-word sentences that adhere to the rules of grammar more closely. In summary, telegraphic speech is essential for enabling children to communicate effectively and serves as a building block for their ongoing language learning journey.

Encouraging Language Growth

A young child pointing at objects, saying single words. Books and toys scattered around. Time passing, child using more words

Supporting language development in children is crucial, especially when they begin to use telegraphic speech, which typically consists of two-word phrases. As you foster this developmental stage, be proactive and patient, providing plenty of opportunities for language use.

Strategies for Parents and Caregivers

Talk to Your Child: Engage in regular conversation with your child using simple sentences. This exposes them to the structure and rhythm of language.

  • Read Together: Shared book reading can introduce new vocabulary and sentence structures. Eliminate non-essential words while reading to reinforce telegraphic speech patterns.
  • Simplify Your Speech: Use clear, concise language when communicating with your 18-24 month old. This makes it easier for them to imitate and learn.

Listen and Respond: When your child uses telegraphic speech, reinforce their efforts by listening and expanding on their phrases. For example, if your child says “more juice,” you might respond with “You want more juice? Here is your juice.”

  • Matching Games: Connect words to pictures or objects to build vocabulary.
  • Role-Playing: Act out scenes with figures or dolls to practice different scenarios.
  • Seek and Find: Hide mini objects in plastic eggs / boxes and model an action to go with the object like “car go.”

When to Seek Professional Help

Monitor Development: Keep an eye on your child’s speech milestones. If you notice a significant delay or lack of progress in language development, consider consulting a professional. A speech pathologist can provide a thorough evaluation of your child’s language abilities and create a tailored speech therapy plan if needed.

Recognize Signs: Difficulty in following simple instructions, limited vocabulary, or lack of two-word phrases by a particular age might warrant professional advice.

Early Intervention: The earlier you seek help, the better the outcomes for your child’s language development. Speech therapy often plays a key role in supporting and accelerating language growth.

While telegraphic speech is a typical phase in language development, research suggests that we should not continue modeling this speech when working with children who have language delays.

One study in 2014 by Shelly Bredin-Oja and Mark Fey of the Kansas Medical Center concluded that “providing a telegraphic prompt to imitate does not offer any advantage as an intervention technique.” Another study by Courtney Venker suggested that parents using higher rates of telegraphic speech with their autistic children negatively impacted these children from developing language skills two years later. These findings reveal that using telegraphic speech with children beyond this phase may hinder grammatical language development.

Frequently Asked Questions

Telegraphic speech is a normal phase in linguistic development where children communicate using short and simple constructions. This phase typically excludes unnecessary words, making the speech sound abrupt, much like an old-fashioned telegram.

Do all toddlers use telegraphic speech?

Yes, toddlers often begin to use telegraphic speech when they are between 18 to 24 months old. It marks an important phase in language development.

How does telegraphic speech manifest in children with autism?

In children with autism, telegraphic speech may manifest similarly to their peers but can extend beyond the typical age range. These children may particularly omit function words and might rely on this mode of speech for longer as they develop language skills at different rates.

How is telegraphic speech addressed in a psychological context?

Psychologists consider telegraphic speech a natural and expected stage in language acquisition. It serves as an indicator of typical cognitive and language development and is not usually a cause for concern unless it persists beyond the expected age range alongside other delays.

Nanette Cote

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Nanette Cote is an ASHA certified speech pathologist, published author, and private practice business owner with 30 years experience.

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Decoding Telegraphic Speech in Psychology: An Overview

telegraphic speech meaning in hindi

Telegraphic speech is a fascinating phenomenon in psychology that involves the use of simplified language, often with key components missing. In this article, we will explore the characteristics of telegraphic speech, including the omission of function words and limited vocabulary. We will delve into the causes of telegraphic speech, such as developmental delays and language disorders. We will discuss how telegraphic speech is diagnosed and the treatment options available. Join us as we uncover the mysteries of telegraphic speech and its long-term effects.

  • 1 What Is Telegraphic Speech in Psychology?
  • 2.1 Omission of Function Words
  • 2.2 Use of Basic Word Order
  • 2.3 Limited Vocabulary
  • 2.4 Use of Simple Verb Tenses
  • 3.1 Developmental Delays
  • 3.2 Language Disorders
  • 3.3 Brain Injuries
  • 3.4 Environmental Factors
  • 4 How Is Telegraphic Speech Diagnosed?
  • 5.1 Speech Therapy
  • 5.2 Language Intervention Programs
  • 5.3 Parent Education and Involvement
  • 6 Can Telegraphic Speech Be Prevented?
  • 7 What Are the Long-Term Effects of Telegraphic Speech?
  • 8.1 What is telegraphic speech in psychology?
  • 8.2 What are the characteristics of telegraphic speech?
  • 8.3 What are the potential causes of telegraphic speech?
  • 8.4 How is telegraphic speech decoded and understood in psychology?
  • 8.5 What are the implications of telegraphic speech in psychology?
  • 8.6 How can telegraphic speech be addressed and improved in psychology?

What Is Telegraphic Speech in Psychology?

Telegraphic speech in psychology refers to the stage in language development where toddlers start using short, concise phrases to communicate.

During this stage, children typically omit certain grammatical elements such as articles, conjunctions, and prepositions, focusing on essential words to convey meaning efficiently.

  • This phase is crucial in toddlers’ language development as it demonstrates their growing ability to express themselves and understand language structure.
  • Researchers like Roger Brown and Colin Fraser have extensively studied telegraphic speech to gain insights into how children acquire language skills.

What Are the Characteristics of Telegraphic Speech?

The characteristics of telegraphic speech include the omission of function words, simplistic sentence structures, and gestures to convey meaning effectively.

One of the key features of telegraphic speech is the deliberate removal of unnecessary words, which results in a concise and straightforward communication style. By focusing on essential content, individuals using telegraphic speech can convey their message efficiently. This type of speech often follows basic syntax patterns, with a primary emphasis on conveying essential information rather than complex details. Gestures play a crucial role in enhancing the clarity of communication, providing additional context and reinforcing the spoken message.

Omission of Function Words

The omission of function words in telegraphic speech simplifies sentence formation and grammar models, allowing toddlers to focus on conveying essential information.

These function words, such as articles, conjunctions, and prepositions, play a crucial role in structuring language and are fundamental in constructing coherent sentences.

Without these words present, the grammar models that toddlers are exposed to become less detailed and intricate.

This simplified speech pattern can affect language acquisition in toddlers by potentially delaying their understanding of sentence syntax and the nuances of grammar. A lack of exposure to function words may hinder their ability to develop a strong foundation in language structure, impacting their communication skills in the long run.

Use of Basic Word Order

Toddlers utilizing telegraphic speech often follow a basic word order, aiding in their syntax and language acquisition during the early stages of development.

This foundational structure of placing words in a particular order allows young children to grasp the fundamental rules of forming sentences. By consistently arranging words in a specific sequence, toddlers start recognizing patterns that lay the groundwork for understanding more complex syntactic structures as they progress in their language learning journey.

This early focus on word order helps them build a solid foundation for expressing themselves clearly and effectively. Research suggests that mastering basic word order at this stage can significantly enhance a child’s linguistic abilities and contribute to their overall cognitive development.

Limited Vocabulary

Telegraphic speech is characterized by a limited vocabulary in toddlers, which can be expanded through engaging activities, examples, and reaching developmental milestones.

When children exhibit telegraphic speech, they typically use short, concise phrases containing only essential words. For instance, a child may say ‘want cookie’ instead of ‘I want a cookie.’ To enrich their vocabulary, parents and caregivers can incorporate word-building games, storybooks, and interactive conversations . These activities not only expose children to new words and concepts but also help them practice using language in different contexts. As toddlers progress in their language development, they gradually move beyond telegraphic speech towards more complex sentence structures and nuanced vocabulary, reflecting their cognitive growth.

Use of Simple Verb Tenses

When using telegraphic speech , toddlers typically employ simple verb tenses to express their emotions and thoughts, showcasing early syntax development.

By simplifying their language to the most essential components, toddlers are able to effectively communicate their needs and desires. Through this telegraphic speech, they focus on utilizing verbs that highlight actions and intentions.

For example, a toddler might say ‘Mommy hug’ to convey the desire for a hug, using the verb ‘hug’ to express the action they want to occur. This basic structure not only demonstrates the child’s growing understanding of grammar but also reflects their cognitive development and ability to convey complex ideas in a concise manner.

What Are the Causes of Telegraphic Speech?

Various factors can contribute to the emergence of telegraphic speech, including developmental delays , language disorders, brain injuries, and environmental influences.

Developmental delays can hinder the progression of language skills in children, affecting their ability to form complete sentences. This delay in reaching language milestones may result in the adoption of telegraphic speech patterns as a way to communicate effectively. Similarly, individuals with language disorders, such as specific language impairment, may find it challenging to express themselves using full sentences, leading to the use of telegraphic speech.

Brain injuries, whether acquired or congenital, can disrupt the language centers of the brain, causing difficulties in organizing and producing coherent language. This disruption often manifests in the form of fragmented speech, resembling telegraphic speech patterns. Environmental influences, such as limited exposure to rich language input or stressful living conditions, can impede language development, prompting individuals to resort to telegraphic speech as a simplified form of communication.

Developmental Delays

Developmental delays in children can lead to the manifestation of telegraphic speech patterns, affecting their learning and language acquisition processes.

When children experience developmental delays, they may struggle to form complete sentences, opting instead for brief and simplified phrases reminiscent of telegraphic speech. This type of communication often involves using minimal words to convey essential information, lacking grammatical complexity. As a result, children facing these challenges may find it harder to develop their vocabulary and sentence structure, impacting their overall language skills. Early intervention and tailored support can play a crucial role in helping children with developmental delays overcome these hurdles and improve their linguistic abilities.

Language Disorders

Language disorders can impact the formation of telegraphic speech, disrupting syntax and hindering effective communication in affected individuals.

Individuals with language disorders might struggle to produce grammatically correct sentences due to challenges in organizing words in a coherent manner. This difficulty can lead to fragmented phrases, omitting crucial functional words, making their speech less nuanced and complex. The lack of proper syntax can result in misunderstandings during communication, as the intended message may not be accurately conveyed. For example, someone with a language disorder might find it challenging to use conjunctions like ‘and’ or ‘because,’ affecting the flow and clarity of their speech.

Brain Injuries

Brain injuries can alter speech patterns, leading to telegraphic speech in individuals and affecting their communication abilities and language development.

When an individual sustains a brain injury, the areas responsible for language processing may be compromised, impacting their ability to form coherent sentences and convey thoughts effectively. Telegraphic speech, characterized by the use of only essential words and omitting grammatical elements, can result from these disruptions in language centers. This can lead to challenges in expressing complex ideas and emotions, hindering interpersonal relationships and social interactions.

Environmental Factors

Environmental factors such as language exposure and social interactions can shape telegraphic speech development in children, influencing their use of gestures and verbal expressions.

In the early stages of language learning, children pick up language patterns from their immediate environment, including interactions with caregivers, siblings, and peers. These interactions play a crucial role in the development of telegraphic speech, where children use short and simple phrases to convey their messages efficiently.

Nonverbal communication, such as gestures and body language, also complements verbal expressions, providing additional context and aiding in understanding. These social cues and interactions contribute significantly to the overall speech development process.

How Is Telegraphic Speech Diagnosed?

Diagnosing telegraphic speech involves language experts observing syntax acquisition patterns and evaluating language development milestones in children.

These language specialists closely analyze the way children speak, looking for any deviations from typical sentence structures. They pay attention to how words are arranged and used in communication, identifying any potential challenges in forming coherent sentences.

Through detailed assessments and standardized tests, they can determine the extent of syntax acquisition and whether a child is exhibiting telegraphic speech patterns. The evaluation process is crucial in identifying speech disorders or delays and developing appropriate intervention strategies to support language development.

What Are the Treatment Options for Telegraphic Speech?

Treatment options for telegraphic speech may include speech therapy sessions and participation in specialized language intervention programs.

Speech therapy sessions typically involve a structured approach to improving communication skills, focusing on areas such as grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure. These sessions are led by trained speech-language pathologists who can tailor the treatment plan to the individual’s needs.

Participation in specialized language intervention programs, like aphasia therapy or cognitive-communication therapy, can also be beneficial for individuals struggling with telegraphic speech. These programs offer targeted exercises and strategies to enhance language comprehension and expression.

Engaging in these treatments can lead to improved communication abilities, increased confidence in conversation, and enhanced overall quality of life for individuals with telegraphic speech.

Speech Therapy

Speech therapy plays a crucial role in addressing telegraphic speech by focusing on enhancing language development and communication skills in children.

By targeting specific speech difficulties, speech therapists work closely with children to improve their ability to construct complete sentences and express themselves fluently. Through a combination of tailored exercises, games, and activities, speech therapy helps children achieve age-appropriate communication milestones and fosters their overall language development. The structured approach of speech therapy sessions enables children to overcome challenges related to grammar, syntax, and vocabulary, enabling them to communicate effectively with their peers and caregivers.

Language Intervention Programs

Language intervention programs aim to improve telegraphic speech by targeting specific language development milestones and enhancing overall communication abilities.

Through tailored strategies and exercises, these programs help individuals, particularly in children, grasp grammar , vocabulary, and speech clarity. By addressing issues related to telegraphic speech patterns, these interventions play a crucial role in enhancing the fluency and expressive language skills of participants.

Language intervention programs are instrumental in fostering better social interactions, as they equip individuals with effective communication tools and techniques. This multifaceted approach not only aids in linguistic development but also boosts self-confidence and overall quality of life.

Parent Education and Involvement

Parent education and involvement are crucial in supporting children with telegraphic speech, as they play a significant role in reinforcing positive speech patterns and communication strategies.

When parents actively engage in learning about telegraphic speech and ways to enhance their child’s communication, they can create a nurturing environment that fosters language development. By modeling clear speech, expanding on children’s utterances, and providing feedback, parents can positively influence their children’s linguistic skills.

This involvement also extends to encouraging social interactions, storytelling, and reading activities that stimulate language acquisition. Research shows that parents who are knowledgeable and involved are better equipped to address any speech issues their children may face, ultimately improving their overall communication abilities.

Can Telegraphic Speech Be Prevented?

While telegraphic speech is a natural stage of language development, early intervention through language enrichment activities may help prevent its prolonged occurrence.

At this critical juncture, caregivers and educators play a vital role in fostering comprehensive language skills in children. By engaging in interactive communication and exposing children to diverse linguistic stimuli, such as books, songs, and games, they can nurture a rich language environment. Incorporating activities that prompt children to form complete sentences and express complex ideas can encourage the application of grammar rules and enhance their language development. These strategies not only deter the persistence of telegraphic speech but also lay a solid foundation for advanced linguistic capabilities in the future.

What Are the Long-Term Effects of Telegraphic Speech?

The long-term effects of telegraphic speech may include challenges in syntax acquisition, limitations in communication skills, and restricted vocabulary development.

Telegraphic speech, characterized by the use of short, concise phrases omitting non-essential words, can impact individuals in various ways.

This form of communication often leads to the simplification of grammatical structures, which might hinder the ability to construct complex sentences in the future.

Relying heavily on telegraphic speech may restrict one’s expressive potential, as it limits the range of words and nuances used in conversations.

Such constraints could pose difficulties in conveying precise meanings and subtleties, thereby affecting overall communication effectiveness.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is telegraphic speech in psychology.

Telegraphic speech in psychology refers to a form of communication where only the most essential words are used to convey a message, similar to how telegrams were composed in the past.

What are the characteristics of telegraphic speech?

Telegraphic speech is characterized by the use of short, simple, and grammatically incomplete sentences, omitting articles, prepositions, and other function words.

What are the potential causes of telegraphic speech?

Telegraphic speech can be caused by developmental delays, language disorders, or neurological conditions such as aphasia or dysphasia.

How is telegraphic speech decoded and understood in psychology?

Psychologists use various techniques and methods to decode and understand telegraphic speech, such as analyzing tone, context, and nonverbal cues, as well as considering the individual’s age, cognitive abilities, and cultural background.

What are the implications of telegraphic speech in psychology?

Telegraphic speech can provide insights into an individual’s cognitive and linguistic development, as well as potential underlying issues or disorders. It can also impact communication and social interactions, requiring special interventions and accommodations.

How can telegraphic speech be addressed and improved in psychology?

Psychologists may use speech therapy, language intervention, and other techniques to help individuals with telegraphic speech improve their communication skills and develop more complex language abilities. Early detection and intervention are crucial for successful outcomes.

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Rachel Liu, a social psychologist, examines the influence of societal and cultural factors on individual behavior. Her research has spanned topics from group dynamics and social identity to the psychological impacts of social media. Rachel’s writing aims to illuminate the ways in which social environments shape our thoughts, feelings, and actions, offering insights into improving interpersonal relationships and fostering inclusive communities.

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Other related words, definition of telegraph.

  • apparatus used to communicate at a distance over a wire (usually in Morse code)
  • send cables, wires, or telegrams


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Telegraph meaning in Hindi : Get meaning and translation of Telegraph in Hindi language with grammar,antonyms,synonyms and sentence usages by ShabdKhoj. Know answer of question : what is meaning of Telegraph in Hindi? Telegraph ka matalab hindi me kya hai (Telegraph का हिंदी में मतलब ). Telegraph meaning in Hindi (हिन्दी मे मीनिंग ) is तार.English definition of Telegraph : apparatus used to communicate at a distance over a wire (usually in Morse code)

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Telegraphic Speech: What It Is and How It Develops

Telegraphic speech

Enter telegraphic speech, which toddlers start to develop between 18 and 24 months. Here’s what you need to know about telegraphic speech and its role in speech and language development.

What is Telegraphic Speech?

Telegraphic speech is a fancy name for two-word sentences. You can think of it like a telegram, which uses simple phrases to get a message across quickly. When your toddler uses telegraphic speech, he’s using only the most necessary words to tell you what he needs, sees, or is thinking, like “I hungry.” His sentences will usually contain a noun (“I”) and a verb (“hungry”), or an adjective and a noun, like “more play.” Although the phrases are short, there’s a lot of meaning packed into them.

Before he started using telegraphic speech, your baby was likely making repetitive noises, like “ ma ma ma ,” and then began forming words, like “mommy.” Telegraphic speech is the phase when your toddler starts to understand that he can say more when he uses more words. In most cases, you’ll begin to see this type of speech disappear around age three when he will start to add more words to make short, grammatically correct, sentences, like “I am hungry.”

Why is Telegraphic Speech Important for Development?

Telegraphic speech is a significant step in the evolution of your toddler’s speech and communication skills. Here’s why it’s so important:

He’s learning to communicate his thoughts and feelings.

Imagine not being able to tell others how you feel or what you need. It can be frustrating for little ones who don’t quite have the language skills required to explain what they see or want to do. As soon as your toddler can start forming telegraphic phrases, he can communicate more effectively than he can with one-word expressions. That’s huge for developing brains!

He’s learning how to form a sentence.

Listen to your toddler’s two-word sentences . Something as simple as “bug fly” says a lot. You know what he means because he puts the words in the right spots and uses a subject and a verb. In other words, he already understands how to construct a sentence. All he needs now is to figure out what other words can fill in the blanks to make a full sentence, which will come in time with your support.

It’s a stepping stone for more advanced grammar.

When your toddler starts forming two-word sentences, he’s gearing himself up for the next step in language development. Within the next year or so, you should begin to notice him adding more words to his sentences to make them clearer. They may not be grammatically correct just yet but rest assured that he’s trying!

Supporting Your Toddler’s Next Steps in Language Development

Between 24 and 36 months, your toddler should start transitioning to using more words in his sentences. You can help him further his language skills by:

  • Adding onto what he says rather than correcting his grammar. For example, he might say, “I drive truck,” and you can respond, “Oh, I see! You’re driving the truck!” He’ll start to catch on to using more words and correct endings for clarity.
  • Using correct grammar with your toddler. Although he’s speaking telegraphically, you’ll want to respond using full sentences. His receptive language will pick up on everything you’re saying, even if he’s not able to mimic it yet.
  • Reading age-appropriate books with your toddler (our BabySparks program has lots of tips for reading with your little one!). Look for ones with eye-catching pictures and a full sentence or two on each page. Talk with him about what he sees on the pages and what’s happening in the story.

With your support, your toddler should move on to bigger and better things in speech development as he gets closer to preschool age. Keep the conversations flowing during play, mealtimes , shopping trips, and any other opportunities throughout the day.

  • language skills
  • speech development
  • telegraphic speech

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telegraphic speech meaning in hindi

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  1. Telegraphic Speech

    telegraphic speech meaning in hindi

  2. What Is Telegraphic Speech? Examples, Age And Activities

    telegraphic speech meaning in hindi

  3. Telegraphic Speech -- Part 1

    telegraphic speech meaning in hindi

  4. What is Telegraphic Speech? Telegraphic Speech Examples and Definition

    telegraphic speech meaning in hindi

  5. Parts of Speech in Hindi With Definition and Examples

    telegraphic speech meaning in hindi

  6. A Comprehensive Guide to Telegraphic Speech in Infants & Adults

    telegraphic speech meaning in hindi


  1. Linguistics Chapter 13 First Language Acquisition علم اللغة جابتر 13

  2. Language Development

  3. Telegraphic Speech : 2- word speech

  4. Hindi speech on सोशल मीडिया का दुष्प्रभाव👍Best ever Hindi cover.. on this topic/Watch till end

  5. Lec-2 Component of Multimedia in Hindi || Types of Multimedia || Multimedia and Component in Hindi

  6. IPS speech in Hindi


  1. telegraphic

    telegraphic विशेषण. having the style of a telegram with many short words left out. उदाहरण. "telegraphic economy of words". "the strange telegraphic speech of some aphasics". of or relating to or transmitted by telegraph. उदाहरण. "a telegraphic machine". "telegraphic news reports".


    Telegraphic ka matalab hindi me kya hai (Telegraphic का हिंदी में मतलब ). Telegraphic meaning in Hindi (हिन्दी मे मीनिंग ) is तार के समान.English definition of Telegraphic : of or relating to or transmitted by telegraph; a telegraphic machine; telegraphic news reports.

  3. टेलीग्राफ

    टेलीग्राफ. किसी भौतिक वस्तु के विनिमय के बिना ही संदेश को दूर तक संप्रेषित करना टेलीग्राफी (Telegraphy) कहलाता है। विद्युत्‌ धारा की ...

  4. Telegraphic speech

    The words dropped in this style of speech are closed class or function words. In the field of psychology, telegraphic speech is defined as a form of communication consisting of simple two-word long sentences often composed of a noun and a verb that adhere to the grammatical standards of the culture's language. For example, an English-speaking ...

  5. Google Translate

    Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.

  6. telegraphy

    Telegraphy is the long-distance transmission of messages where the sender uses symbolic codes, known to the recipient, rather than a physical exchange of an object bearing the message. Thus flag semaphore is a method of telegraphy, whereas pigeon post is not. Ancient signalling systems, although sometimes quite extensive and sophisticated as in ...

  7. telegraphic in Hindi

    telegraphic meaning in Hindi with examples: तार द्वारा प्रेषित तार के समान ... click for more detailed meaning of telegraphic in Hindi with examples, definition, pronunciation and example sentences.

  8. Telegraphic Meaning In Hindi

    Telegraphic meaning in Hindi - Learn actual meaning of Telegraphic with simple examples & definitions. Also you will learn Antonyms , synonyms & best example sentences. This dictionary also provide you 10 languages so you can find meaning of Telegraphic in Hindi, Tamil , Telugu , Bengali , Kannada , Marathi , Malayalam , Gujarati , Punjabi , Urdu.

  9. telegraphic

    - Of or pertaining to the telegraph; made or communicated by a telegraph; as, telegraphic signals; telegraphic art; telegraphic intelligence.

  10. Telegraphic Speech: Definition in Grammar

    Definition: A simplified manner of speech in which only the most important content words are used to express ideas, while grammatical function words (such as determiners, conjunctions, and prepositions ), as well as inflectional endings, are often omitted. Telegraphic speech is a stage of language acquisition —typically in a child's second year.

  11. Telegraphic Speech & Sentences

    Telegraphic speech by definition is a manner of speaking using a limited number of content words which are only considered relevant to conveying ideas or messages such as nouns and verbs, thus ...

  12. What Is Telegraphic Speech? Examples, Age And Activities

    When toddlers are developing speech, they tend to speak multi-word sentences with only the key content words. This is called telegraphic speech (1). Telegraphic messages are a form of speech simplification that simplifies the language and disregards grammatical rules. This form of speech is a part of the normal language acquisition process ( 2 ).

  13. Telegraphic Speech: An Important Milestone

    Telegraphic speech is an important phase in speech development. It emerges once children have progressed past the babbling and single-word stages, typically between 18-24 months. As children's vocabularies grow and their cognitive abilities become more sophisticated, their sentences gradually become longer and more complex, including a wider range of grammatical structures.

  14. Decoding Telegraphic Speech in Psychology: An Overview

    The characteristics of telegraphic speech include the omission of function words, simplistic sentence structures, and gestures to convey meaning effectively. One of the key features of telegraphic speech is the deliberate removal of unnecessary words, which results in a concise and straightforward communication style.

  15. Telegraph meaning in Hindi

    Telegraph meaning in Hindi (हिन्दी मे मीनिंग ) is तार.English definition of Telegraph : apparatus used to communicate at a distance over a wire (usually in Morse code) Telegraph meaning in Hindi : Get meaning and translation of Telegraph in Hindi language with grammar,antonyms,synonyms and sentence usages by ...

  16. telegraphy

    What is telegraphy meaning in Hindi? The word or phrase telegraphy refers to apparatus used to communicate at a distance over a wire (usually in Morse code), or communicating at a distance by electric transmission over wire. See telegraphy meaning in Hindi, telegraphy definition, translation and meaning of telegraphy in Hindi. Find telegraphy ...

  17. Telegraphic Meaning in Hindi

    Telegraphic Meaning in Hindi: Find the definition of Telegraphic in Hindi. OneIndia Hindi Dictionary offers the meaning of Telegraphic in hindi with pronunciation, synonyms, antonyms, adjective and more related words in Hindi. हिन्दी Edition .

  18. Telegraphic Speech: What It Is and How It Develops

    Telegraphic speech is simply two-word sentences, such as "kitty tired" or "I hungry". Toddlers develop this level of speech between 18-24 months. Telegraphic speech is important because it means your little one is: Learning to communicate their thoughts and feelings. Learning how to form a sentence. Taking a big step towards ...

  19. telegraphic transfer

    telegraphic transfer का अर्थ क्या है? telegraphic transfer का अर्थ, अनुवाद, उदाहरण, पर्यायवाची, विपरीत, परिभाषा और तुकांत शब्द। telegraphic transfer का मीनिंग।

  20. telegraphic transfer meaning in Hindi

    telegraphic transfer. meaning in Hindi. 1. The payment was made by telegraphic transfer through a bank in Perth. 2. They were not allowed to credit bank accounts with cash but only through telegraphic transfer. 3. Between them, the four allegedly made nearly 300 telegraphic transfers of currency to Hong Kong. 4.

  21. telegraphic transfer

    What is telegraphic transfer meaning in Hindi? The word or phrase telegraphic transfer refers to . See telegraphic transfer meaning in Hindi, telegraphic transfer definition, translation and meaning of telegraphic transfer in Hindi. Learn and practice the pronunciation of telegraphic transfer.