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A Step-by-Step Guide to Starting a Profitable Cyber Cafe Business in Kenya

A Step-by-Step Guide to Starting a Profitable Cyber Cafe Business in Kenya

Cyber cafes are places where you can use the internet and computers. And even though most people already have these things at home, the demand for cyber services is still high. 

Now, if you’re thinking of starting a business in Kenya, a cyber cafe is a good idea. It’s not just about the internet; you can also offer other services like printing, scanning, and even gaming. 

But here’s the catch: starting a cyber cafe isn’t a piece of cake. There are several challenges, including fierce competition in urban areas, the need for significant initial capital for equipment and rent, unreliable electricity supply affecting operations, licensing requirements, addressing cybersecurity concerns, and adapting to rapidly evolving technology trends to stay relevant in a competitive market.

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We wrote this guide to help you overcome these challenges. By the end, you should have a good idea of how to start a profitable cybercafe business in Kenya and how much you are going to invest. We’ll talk about the kind of equipment you need, how to pick a good location, and how to acquire the necessary licenses among other things. 

Before we dive into the steps, let’s answer some important questions. 

Is Cyber Cafe Business Profitable in Kenya?

Yes, a cyber cafe business in Kenya is generally profitable. However,  the profitability can vary depending on various factors, including location, competition, pricing strategy, and the range of services you offer. 

In some areas, where there is high demand for internet access and related services, a well-managed cyber cafe can be profitable. However,  you will need to consider the challenges and costs associated with starting and running this business. These include initial setup costs, rent, equipment maintenance, and keeping up with technology advancements. 

To assess the profitability, I suggest that you conduct a thorough market analysis to understand local demand so that you can implement effective business strategies. 

In order to maximize your chances of making more profits, you will need to research and plan carefully before starting a cyber business in Kenya. 

How Much Do I Need to Start a Cyber Cafe in Kenya?

You will need anywhere from Ksh 100,000 to Ksh 500,000 or more to start a decent cyber cafe in Kenya. However, realistically, I can’t give you an exact figure. This is because the capital you require will vary depending on factors like location, size, and the services you plan to offer. 

Here’s a breakdown of some key expenses to consider:

  • Rent: The cost of renting a suitable space for your cyber cafe can vary significantly based on the location. In some areas like Nairobi, rent can be a major expense.
  • Computers and Equipment: You’ll need to invest in computers, printers, scanners, chairs, tables, and other essential equipment. The number of computers you purchase will depend on the size of your cyber cafe. If you are on a budget, you can consider buying second-hand equipment and then upgrading to new ones when the business picks up. 
  •  Internet Connection: You’ll need a reliable and high-speed internet connection. The cost will depend on the provider and the speed you choose.
  • Furniture and Interior Setup: This includes the cost of furnishing and setting up the interior of your cyber cafe, including desks, chairs, and decor.
  • Software and Licensing: You may need to purchase software licenses, antivirus programs, and other software for your computers. The cost will vary depending on the software you need. 
  • Initial Marketing: Budget for some initial marketing expenses to promote your cyber cafe and attract customers.
  • Utilities: Consider the cost of electricity, water, and any other utilities required for your business.
  • Staffing: If you plan to have employees, budget for their salaries and any training expenses.
  • Licenses and Permits: There may be fees associated with business licenses and permits, so be sure to check the local regulations.
  • Security Measures: Invest in security measures such as CCTV cameras and alarm systems to protect your equipment and customers.
  • Maintenance and Repairs: Plan for ongoing maintenance and occasional repairs for your computers and equipment.
  • Miscellaneous Expenses: Don’t forget to budget for unforeseen or miscellaneous expenses that may arise during the setup phase.

You might have to conduct a detailed business plan and market research to get a more accurate estimate of your startup costs. Additionally, consider seeking advice from experienced entrepreneurs or professionals in the industry to help you plan and budget effectively for starting a cyber cafe in Kenya.

Steps to Starting a Profitable Cyber Business in Kenya 

Step 1: research your market .

Market research will help you understand the people you’ll be serving and make your business successful. 

Here’s what you need to do:

  • Know Your Customers: Kenya is a big and diverse country, and people have different needs. You need to figure out who your main customers will be. Are you aiming at students, workers, job seekers, or a mix of them all? Think about what they need, what they like, and the problems they have when it comes to using the internet and computers.
  • Check Out the Competition: Cyber cafes have lots of competition, depending on where you set up your business. Find out who your local rivals are and see what makes them special. Are they known for great customer service, super-fast internet, or unique services? Knowing their strengths and weaknesses will help you make your business stand out.
  • Understand What Customers Want: To make your cyber cafe fit what people want, you need to find out what that is. You can do surveys, talk to people, or look up info online. Figure out what services people want, how much they’re willing to pay, and what extra stuff they’d like. This info will help you make a business that’s all about the customers.

Step 2: Create a Business Plan 

Now that you’ve done your homework on the market, it’s time to put together a smart business plan. This plan will be like a map that shows you how to get your cyber cafe up and running. 

Here’s what your plan should include:

  • Executive Summary: Give a quick summary of your cyber cafe business. Talk about your goals, who you want to serve, and what you think your money situation will look like.
  • Mission and Vision: Explain what your cyber cafe is all about. What do you want to do, and what values will guide your business?
  • Market Research: Talk more about what you found in your market research. Tell the good stuff and the tricky stuff you discovered.
  • What You Offer: List down all the services your cyber cafe will provide. That includes things like internet access, printing, scanning, and any other special things you’ll do.
  • Money Stuff: Show the numbers. How much will it cost to start your cyber cafe? How much do you think you’ll make? When will you start making a profit?

Step 3: Get the Capital 

Now, let’s talk about getting the money you need to kickstart your cyber cafe business. Without the right funding, your plans might not get off the ground. 

Here’s are some ways you can get the money:

  • Personal Savings: If you’ve been saving money, this could be your starting point. It’s your own cash, and you won’t have to pay it back.
  • Loans and Grants : Look into loans and grants designed for small businesses in Kenya. The government and private organizations often offer financial support to budding entrepreneurs. You can check out the best loan apps in Kenya. 
  • Investors or Partnerships: Consider teaming up with others who believe in your cyber cafe idea. They can bring in money and valuable expertise.
  • Crowdfunding: Some entrepreneurs raise funds through crowdfunding platforms where people online chip in money to support your venture. Some good examples in Kenya include M-Changa, Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and GogetFunding. 
  • Business Competitions: Keep an eye out for business competitions and contests that offer cash prizes or investments to promising startups.

Step 4: Obtain the Necessary Licenses and Permits

Before you start your cyber cafe in Kenya, you’ve got to make sure you’re following all the rules and laws. It might sound tricky, but it’s super important. 

To ensure that your cyber business is legal in Kenya, you need to do the following:

  • Register your business: First, you need to officially register your cyber cafe as a legal business. That means picking a business name and deciding what kind of business it is, like a one-person show, a partnership, or a limited company. Make sure it lines up with your big plans.
  • Get the Right Licenses and Permits: Different counties in Kenya might have different rules for businesses like cybercafes. You’ll want to check with the local authorities and the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) to figure out what licenses and permits you need to run a cyber in Kenya.
  • Pay Required Taxes: You’ve got to understand and follow the tax rules. That means signing up for taxes and knowing what you owe. There’s income tax, Value Added Tax (VAT), and maybe some local taxes too.
  • Be Smart About Intellectual Property: If you plan to use any fancy software or stuff that belongs to other people, you need to be careful. Make sure you have the right permissions to use things that are protected by copyrights or other rights.

Step 5: Find A Good Location 

Choosing the right location for your cyber cafe is very important. In fact, a location can make or break your business. 

To find a good location, consider the following factors:

  • Accessibility: Your cyber cafe should be easy to get to. Think about your target customers. Are they students, workers, or tourists? Where do they hang out? Find a spot nearby.
  • Visibility: It’s important that people can see your cyber cafe from the street. Being visible attracts more customers. Places with good foot traffic or near busy areas are usually a good bet.
  • Competition: Check out if there are other cybercafes nearby. A little competition is okay, but if there are too many, it might be tough. See what makes your cyber stand out.
  • Space: Make sure you have enough room for your computers and other equipment. Nobody likes a cramped cyber. Also, consider a comfortable seating area for your customers.
  • Safety: Keep an eye on the safety of the area. You want your customers to feel secure when they’re using your services. Also, you don’t want an area where your cyber shop can be broken into and equipment stolen. 
  • Cost : Don’t forget about the rent. You’ll need to budget for it. Some places might be pricier than others, so make sure it fits your financial plan.

Step 6: Design the Layout for Your Cyber Cafe

Now that you’ve got the right spot, it’s time to think about how your cyber cafe will be set up. This is important because a comfortable and appealing layout can attract more customers. 

When thinking about shop layout, here’s what you need to consider in a nutshell:

  • Arrangement of Computers: Decide where the computers will go. Make sure they’re not too crowded but also not too far apart. Keep a comfortable distance between them so customers have enough space.
  • Seating: Provide comfy chairs and tables for your customers. Think about different seating options, like cozy corners or group tables. The idea is to make people feel at ease.
  • Lighting : Good lighting is essential. Make sure there’s enough light for customers to see their screens without straining their eyes. Natural light is great if possible.
  • Aesthetics: Think about the overall look and feel of your cyber cafe. You might want to use colors and decorations that match your brand or create a pleasant atmosphere.
  • Café Area: If you plan to offer drinks and snacks, set up a small café area. It can be a great way to earn extra income and make your cafe more inviting.
  • Accessibility: Ensure that your layout is accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities. Make sure there are ramps or elevators if needed.
  • Ventilation: Cyber cafes can get warm with all those computers running. So, consider good ventilation to keep the air fresh and comfortable.

Generally, the layout of your cyber cafe should make customers want to stay and use your services. So, plan it out carefully to create a welcoming and functional space.

Step 7: Purchase the Necessary Equipment and Furniture

Great!  You’ve planned how your cyber cafe will look. Now,  it’s time to get the stuff you need to make it happen. 

Here’s a checklist of what you’ll need to start a cyber business in Kenya:

  • Computers: Buy enough computers for your cafe. Make sure they’re reliable and up-to-date. Consider getting good antivirus software to keep them safe.
  • Internet Connection: You’ll need a fast and reliable internet connection. Choose a plan that can handle all your customers’ needs.
  • Furniture: Get comfy chairs and tables for your customers. You’ll also need desks for the computers.
  • Printers and Scanners: If you’re offering printing and scanning services, invest in good-quality printers and scanners.
  • Café Equipment (If Applicable): If you plan to sell drinks and snacks, you’ll need coffee machines, a fridge, and a counter for serving.
  • Backup Power: In Kenya, power outages can happen. Consider having a backup power source like a generator or uninterruptible power supply (UPS).
  • Software: Install the necessary software on your computers. This includes operating systems and any additional programs or games you plan to offer.
  • Security Systems: Invest in security cameras and alarms to keep your equipment and customers safe.
  • Payment Systems: Set up a way for customers to pay, whether it’s through cash, cards, or digital payment methods.
  • Cables and Networking: Make sure you have all the cables and networking equipment to connect your computers and devices.
  • Decorations : Don’t forget to make your cyber cafe look nice and inviting. Add some decorations that match your cafe’s style.

Step 8: Set Up Your Internet Connection

Now that you’ve got your gear and furniture ready, it’s time to get your internet up and running. Having a fast and reliable connection is crucial for your cyber cafe’s success. You might have the right equipment but if your internet is slow, you could lose many customers. 

Here’s how to get your internet up and running:

  • Choose an Internet Service Provider (ISP): Research ISPs in your area and pick one that offers the speed and reliability you need. Ask about business packages, as they may offer better support and performance. Some of the best ISP in Kenya include Safaricom, Zuku, Vilcom, Faiba, Telkom, and Airtel.

Select the Right Plan: Depending on your expected customer traffic, choose an internet plan that can handle multiple users simultaneously. Consider a plan with unlimited data to avoid surprises on your bill.

Install Networking Equipment: Set up a router and network switches to distribute the internet connection to all your computers. Make sure the equipment is securely installed and configured. Most desktop computers cannot connect to the Wi-Fi wirelessly so you’ll either have to use ethernet cables or Wi-Fi dongles. 

Secure Your Wi-Fi: If you offer wireless internet (Wi-Fi) to your customers, secure it with a strong password to prevent unauthorized access. You can have a separate Wi-Fi network for your customers and one for your internal use.

Test Your Speed : Check the internet speed to ensure it meets your expectations. A slow connection can frustrate customers, so it’s essential to have a fast and stable connection.

Backup Internet: Consider having a backup internet connection, like a mobile hotspot or a secondary ISP, in case your primary connection goes down. This can minimize downtime and keep your customers happy.

Monitoring and Maintenance: Regularly monitor your internet connection for any issues. Ensure that your ISP provides prompt support in case of technical problems.

Pricing and Billing: Keep track of your internet expenses and pay your bills on time to avoid service interruptions.

Step 9: Get the Right Software and Hardware

Now that your internet is up and running, it’s time to load up your computers with the right software and hardware. This is what makes your cybercafe tick, so you have to be very careful what you settle for. 

Let’s look at some of the common software and hardware you should have in your cyber. 

  • Operating Systems : Install reliable operating systems like Windows, macOS, or Linux on your computers. Choose the one that suits your needs and customer preferences.
  • Internet Browsers: Make sure you have popular internet browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. People have their favorites, so it’s good to offer choices.
  • Security Software: Protect your computers from viruses and malware. Invest in a good antivirus program and keep it updated. Some good examples include Kaspersky, McAfee, and Bitdefender.  
  • Office Softwar e: Install office software like Microsoft Office or free alternatives like LibreOffice. This is handy for customers who need to work on documents.
  • Gaming Software (Optional) : If you plan to offer gaming services, install popular games and gaming platforms on your computers.
  • Print and Scan Software: Set up software for your printing and scanning services. Ensure it’s user-friendly for your customers.
  • Headphones and Microphones : If you’re offering audio or video services, provide headphones and microphones for better communication and privacy.
  • Printers and Scanners : Connect your printers and scanners to the computers and ensure they’re in good working condition.
  • Webcams (Optional): If you plan to offer video conferencing or streaming services, equip some computers with webcams.
  • Gaming Accessories (If Offering Gaming) : For gaming services, you’ll need gaming accessories like controllers and headphones.
  • Charging Stations: Consider having charging stations for customers who need to juice up their devices while they use your cyber cafe.
  • Regular Maintenance : Set up a schedule for hardware maintenance to ensure everything stays in good shape.

Remember to regularly update your software and keep an eye on the hardware to ensure everything runs smoothly. Providing the right software and hardware makes for a better customer experience at your cyber cafe.

Step 10: Decide What Services You’ll Offer

Your cyber cafe is almost ready! Now, it’s time to decide what services you’ll offer. This is where you define what makes your cafe unique. 

Here are some options to consider:

  • Basic Internet Access : This is a must. Make sure your customers have reliable and fast internet access.
  • Printing and Scanning: Offer printing and scanning services and charge per page or per job.
  • Gaming Stations : If you have the hardware and software, set up gaming stations. You can charge hourly rates or offer packages.
  • Café Services: If you have a café area, serve drinks and snacks. Coffee, tea, and light bites can keep customers happy and spending more time at your cafe.
  • Office Services: Provide access to office software and offer document editing and printing services. This can attract students and professionals.
  •   Video Conferencing: Equip some computers with webcams and offer video conferencing services for business meetings or online interviews.
  • Technical Support: Offer technical support for customers who encounter problems with their devices or software.
  • Charging Stations : Set up charging stations for smartphones, laptops, and other devices.
  • Membership or Loyalty Programs: Consider offering discounts or free hours of usage to loyal customers.
  • Special Events: Host gaming tournaments, workshops, or special events to attract a crowd.

The services you choose should align with your target audience and the local demand. For instance, you don’t want to invest in an expensive gaming console if you are in a rural area where no one is a gamer. 

I also recommend that you periodically assess and update your services to keep your cyber cafe fresh and appealing to customers.

Step 11: Set Your Prices

So, now you know what services you’ll offer. The next thing to do is figure out how much you’ll charge for these services. Your pricing strategy can greatly influence your cyber cafe’s success so you have to be very strategic about it. 

Here are some tips on how to create a pricing model that works well for you and your customers:

  • Know Your Costs: First, calculate your operating costs. This includes rent, utilities, equipment maintenance, internet fees, and staff salaries if you have employees. Knowing your costs will help you set prices that cover expenses and make a profit.
  • Competitor Analysis: Check out what other cybercafes in your area are charging for similar services. You don’t want to be too expensive or too cheap compared to your competition.
  • Value-Based Pricing: Consider what your customers are willing to pay based on the value they receive. For instance, gaming enthusiasts might pay more for high-end gaming PCs and an immersive experience.
  • Tiered Pricing: Offer different pricing tiers to cater to various customer segments. For example, you can have hourly rates, daily rates, or package deals for frequent visitors.
  • Discounts and Promotions: Use discounts and promotions to attract customers and keep them coming back. Offer student discounts, happy hour rates, or loyalty programs.
  • Transparent Pricing: Be transparent about your pricing. Clearly display your rates, so customers know what to expect.
  • Bundle Services: Consider bundling services at a slightly lower cost than if customers were to purchase them separately. For example, offer a gaming and snack combo.
  • Monitor and Adjust: Keep an eye on how well your pricing strategy is working. If you’re not meeting your financial goals or attracting enough customers, be prepared to adjust your prices accordingly.
  • Payment Options: Offer a variety of payment options to accommodate your customers, including cash, cards, and mobile payment apps.
  • Seasonal Pricing: Consider adjusting your prices during peak and off-peak hours or seasons. You can charge more during busy times and offer discounts during slower periods.

Finding the right pricing strategy may take some trial and error. So, to ensure your cyber cafe remains competitive and profitable, listen to customer feedback and adapt your pricing as needed.

Step 12: Market Your Business 

Now that you’ve got everything in place, it’s time to let people know about your awesome cyber cafe. Marketing is key to attracting customers and keeping your business thriving. 

Here’s are some marketing tips you can use:

  • Create an Online Presence: Build a website for your cyber cafe. It should showcase your services, pricing, location, and contact information. Use search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to make sure your website shows up in online searches.
  • Social Media: Create profiles on popular social media platforms like Facebook, X, and Instagram. Share updates, promotions, and engaging content to connect with your audience.
  • Google My Business: Set up a Google My Business listing. This helps people find your cafe when they search for cybercafes in your area.
  • Online Ads: Consider running online ads on platforms like Google Ads or Facebook Ads. You can target specific demographics to reach your ideal customers.
  •  Local SEO: Optimize your online presence for local search. Encourage customers to leave reviews on Google and other review sites.
  • Networking: Connect with local businesses, schools, and community organizations. Partnering with them can help you reach a broader audience.
  •  Promotions and Discounts: Offer special promotions or discounts for the grand opening or during slow periods to attract new customers.
  •  Engage with Customers: Respond promptly to customer inquiries and reviews. Good customer service goes a long way in building a positive reputation.
  •  Email Marketing: Collect email addresses from your customers and send them updates, special offers, and news about your cyber cafe.
  • Customer Feedback: Use customer feedback to improve your services continuously. Happy customers can become your biggest advocates.
  • Local Advertising: Consider traditional advertising methods like flyers, posters, and newspaper ads if they are effective in your area.
  • Community Involvement: Get involved in your local community. Sponsor events, participate in local fairs, or support charity initiatives. This helps build goodwill and recognition.

Effective marketing is an ongoing process. It’s not just about getting customers through the door but also about keeping them coming back. Keep testing different marketing strategies to see what works best for your cyber cafe.

Step 13: Hire and Train Staff 

To run a successful cyber cafe, you’ll likely need some help. Hiring and training the right staff is essential. 

If you are ready to start hiring staff, here are some things you can do: 

  • Identify Staffing Needs: Determine how many employees you need based on the size of your cyber cafe and the services you offer. Common roles include front desk staff, technicians, and café attendants.
  • Write Job Descriptions: Create clear job descriptions for each role. Outline responsibilities, qualifications, and expectations.
  • Recruitment: Use various channels to recruit candidates, such as online job boards, social media, and local job centers. Consider hiring people with relevant experience and a passion for technology and customer service.
  • Interviews: Conduct interviews to assess candidates’ skills, personality, and fit with your cafe’s culture. Ask about their experience with computers, customer service, and any certifications they may have.
  • Training: Provide comprehensive training to your new hires. They should be familiar with your cafe’s services, equipment, and customer service standards. Training can include on-the-job training, manuals, and workshops.
  • Customer Service Skills: Emphasize the importance of excellent customer service. Your staff should be friendly, patient, and able to assist customers with technical issues.
  • Security Awareness: Train your staff on cybersecurity best practices to ensure the safety of your customers and your business.
  • Point-of-Sale (POS) System: If you have a café or offer products, teach your staff how to use the POS system for processing orders and payments.
  • Emergency Procedures: Make sure your staff knows what to do in case of emergencies, such as power outages or medical incidents.
  • Regular Training Updates: Technology evolves, so provide ongoing training to keep your staff up-to-date with the latest software, hardware, and security measures.
  • Communication: Foster good communication among your team members. Encourage open dialogue, listen to their feedback, and address any concerns promptly.
  • Scheduling: Develop a scheduling system that ensures adequate staffing during peak hours and can accommodate employee preferences or availability.
  • Performance Evaluation: Implement regular performance evaluations to recognize and address any issues or areas for improvement.
  • Legal Requirements: Ensure your staff is aware of and complies with labor laws, workplace safety regulations, and any industry-specific rules.

Step 14: Deliver Great Customer Experience 

Your customers are the heart of your cyber cafe business. Delivering excellent customer experiences is essential for success. Here’s how to ensure your customers keep coming back:

  • Friendly and Knowledgeable Staff: Your staff should be approachable and knowledgeable. They should be able to assist customers with any technical issues and answer questions about your services.
  • Quick and Reliable Service: Ensure that your internet connection, computers, and equipment are in good working order. Slow or malfunctioning equipment can frustrate customers.
  • Clean and Comfortable Environment: Keep your cafe clean and well-maintained. Comfortable seating and a pleasant atmosphere encourage customers to stay longer.
  • Clear Pricing and Policies: Be transparent about your pricing and any policies, such as time limits or additional charges. Nobody likes surprises on their bill.
  • Prompt Support: If customers encounter problems, provide quick and efficient support. Address their concerns politely and professionally.
  • Privacy and Security: Respect customer privacy and security. Ensure that their personal information and data are protected.
  • Feedback Collection: Encourage customers to provide feedback, whether through surveys, comment cards, or online reviews. Use their input to make improvements.
  • Customer Loyalty Programs: Implement loyalty programs to reward returning customers. Offer discounts or free hours after a certain number of visits.
  • Regular Updates: Keep your software and hardware up-to-date to provide the best service possible. This includes updating antivirus software and ensuring all programs are current.
  • Engage on Social Media: Respond to customer comments and messages on social media promptly. Engage with your online community and use it as a platform to share promotions and updates.
  • Regular Maintenance: Conduct routine maintenance on your computers and equipment to prevent breakdowns during customer use.
  • Educational Materials: Provide guides or tutorials on how to use certain software or equipment. This can help customers who may not be tech-savvy.
  • Celebrate Milestones: Recognize and celebrate customer milestones, such as birthdays or anniversaries. Small gestures can create a memorable experience.
  • Problem Resolution: Train your staff in conflict resolution techniques to handle customer complaints effectively and turn negative experiences into positive ones.
  • Stay Responsive: Be responsive to changing customer needs and preferences. Adapt your services and offerings accordingly.

The Bottom Line

Starting a cyber cafe business in Kenya offers endless opportunities in an ever-connected world. Your success in this venture will depend on market research, compliance with regulations, and, above all, a commitment to exceptional customer service.

Remember, your cyber cafe is more than just a place for internet access—it’s a community hub. By providing a welcoming environment, diverse services, and continuous improvement, you can establish a loyal customer base and thrive in Kenya’s dynamic cyber cafe industry.

Armed with the knowledge from this guide, take the leap into entrepreneurship with confidence. Your cyber cafe has the potential to be a valuable asset to your community and a source of pride as a business owner. Best of luck on your journey to cyber cafe success!

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L.K. Nathans

L.K. Nathans

I am a personal finance enthusiast and digital marketer. My work here is to help you navigate your financial journey and achieve your main money goals. Through Omoka Digital, I provide practical tips, strategies, and insights on budgeting, saving, investing, and debt management. My aim is to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to make informed financial decisions and improve your financial well-being.

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Nexin Startups

How to Start a Cyber Cafe Business in Kenya

cyber cafe business plan kenya pdf

Starting a cybercafé business is a profitable venture in Kenya . The demand for information has been on the rise with the rise of technology . This has necessitated the establishment of cyber cafes where people can browse the internet, type, print, and photocopy documents. Cyber cafe services in Kenya are increasingly in demand with the increase in business activities. 

Write a Cyber Cafe Business Plan

You need a business plan to start a cyber cafe business in Kenya. A good cybercafé business plan should include startup costs, sources of business funding, risks and strengths of the venture, market research findings and cash flow projections.

Equipment Needed to Start a Cyber Cafe in Kenya

The following are some of the requirements for cyber cafe requirements and their respective costs:

  • At least 5 computers - Ksh 75,000
  • Printer and scanner - Ksh 25,000
  • Photocopier - Ksh 60,000
  • Internet - Ksh 3,000
  • Cabling - Ksh 2,000
  • Furniture - Ksh 15,000
  • Business permits - Ksh 15,000 
  • Rent - Ksh 20,000
  • Electricity - Ksh 1,000
  • Staff Salary - Ksh 15,000

Some of the computer brands that are best suited for a cyber cafe include HP and Dell. The best laptop is an HP, since it is durable and has most of the features necessary for a cyber business. The best printer for a cyber cafe is the Epson brand. You can get a three-in-one printer for document printing, scanning and CD printing services. The best printers for internet cafés are Kyocera, Epson and Canon.

You also need cyber cafe software to track internet usage by customers. You can charge clients depending on the time they have spent accessing the internet. Furthermore, you can use Cybercafé Pro free software. Alternatively, you can use the MyCyberCafe software.  

How Much Does It Cost to Start a Cyber Cafe in Kenya?

The size of the business will determine the amount of startup capital you need. However, the best way to go about it is to start small and grow your business over time. The cost of starting a cybercafe in Kenya is around Ksh 250,000. However, cybercafé startup costs will depend on the business's location and size.  

Factors to Consider When Starting an Internet Café Business in Kenya

Before you can set up your business, there are things that you need to consider, to ensure that you get the best results.

1. Location

Make sure to set up your internet and printing business in an area with institutions like schools that require the services you are offering. For instance, you can set up your business near a college, university, hospital or a banking hall. Such institutions will require people to use the internet and print documents.

You also need to realize that cyber cafes work well in towns and not in rural areas. It is because there is a higher demand for information in urban areas due to the presence of many offices and businesses compared to rural areas. Therefore, make sure to set up your cyber business in a busy area.  

2. Licenses and Business Permits

To start an internet cafe in Kenya, you need business permits and licenses from the relevant authorities. It is easy to get cyber cafe business licenses. You can visit your County Council offices and pay for a business permit.

The officials will then visit your premises to inspect your business. Licenses for printing and internet businesses will cost you between Ksh 5,000 and Ksh 10,000 annually. The price varies from one county to the other.

You need a county council single business permit, a county council advertising and signage permit, and a Music Copyright Society of Kenya (MCSK) license to run your cyber cafe business efficiently.

Also read: How to start a bakery business in Kenya.

3. Partition Your Workstation

An excellent internet cafe requires proper partitioning. You will also need some shelves where you can keep photocopy papers, envelopes and other stationery. Partitioning is important and helps you save on space and ensure privacy for the cyber attendant.

You can buy desks that can accommodate four users. You also need a place where the cyber cafe attendant will be sitting and a place for the server computer, printer and photocopier. Make sure your cyber cafe furniture is comfortable for your customers. 

4. Internet Connectivity

You need to do thorough research on the most economical internet service provider you will be using. There are many internet providers in Kenya, like Safaricom, Telcom and Airtel. One of the limitations that cyber cafe businesses face is the lack of reliable internet connectivity. You must choose the best internet service provider with strong connectivity at your business location.

5.  Computers and other Equipment

You must decide whether to buy a new or second-hand photocopier, computer, or printer. If you choose to buy second-hand equipment, make sure that it is in good condition. Avoid buying equipment that will require repairs from time to time. It will make your operation expensive.

Read also: How to start a computer sales business.

6. Hiring Employees

You need to hire someone responsible, trustworthy and knowledgeable about cyber cafe operations. Most cyber cafe business owners face challenges by employing people who steal from them. You need to employ a person who can remit the day-to-day earnings of your business. 

7. Marketing 

Finally, once you have launched your internet cafe business, you need to advertise it. You can use posters, business cards and customer referrals. Soon, you will start attracting many customers to your business. Make sure to expand your business as your customer base grows.  

List of Cyber Services in Kenya

The services you will be offering should be listed in your business plan. Some of the cyber cafe services you can offer include:

  • Typing and printing
  • Photocopying and scanning
  • Browsing the internet
  • Selling stationery like envelopes  
  • Laminating documents
  • Online applications
  • Graphic services

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Is Cyber Cafe Business Profitable in Kenya?  

Starting an internet café business in Kenya is profitable if it is situated in an area with institutions and a large population. Its profitability also depends on the cyber services you are offering.

For instance, if you are offering internet, printing, photocopying and scanning services, you will make more money than someone offering internet services only. If you are providing all those services, you can make Ksh 5,000 on a good day and Ksh 1,500 on a bad day.

It implies that the business's revenue is between Ksh 30,000 and Ksh 60,000 per month. After deducting business expenses, the cybercafé's business profit is over Ksh 15,000. If you know how to start an internet café business, it is a profitable venture. 

To start an internet café business in Kenya, you need to know how to operate computers and have the technical ideas. You can also hire a person to operate one for you, but make sure you are there to collect money for services. With that, I hope you now know how to start a cybercafé business. 

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How to Start a Cyber Cafe Business in Kenya

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By Tristram Ouma

How to start a Cyber Cafe Business in Kenya

Last updated on March 2nd, 2024 at 05:40 pm

Starting a cyber cafe business in Kenya can be a lucrative venture if done right. With the growth of technology and the increasing demand for internet services, there’s no better time to start a cyber cafe than now. In this guide, we’ll take you through the process of starting your own cyber cafe business in Kenya, from the starting cost breakdown to the pros and cons.

Starting Cost Breakdown

Before starting a cyber cafe business, it’s important to have a clear idea of the expenses involved. Here’s a breakdown of the starting costs you can expect in Kenya:

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Choosing the right location is crucial for the success of your cyber cafe business. Look for a location with a high foot traffic, preferably near schools, universities or offices. Additionally, ensure that the location is easily accessible and has ample parking space.


To start a cyber cafe business in Kenya, you’ll need to fulfill the following requirements:

  • Register your business with the Registrar of Companies
  • Obtain a business permit from the county government
  • Register for taxes with the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA)
  • Obtain a single business permit from the county government

Market size

The market size for cyber cafes in Kenya is vast, with a majority of the population still lacking access to personal computers and the internet. The demand for internet services is expected to continue growing, making it a viable business opportunity.

Earnings per day

The amount of money you can make in a day will depend on several factors such as the number of computers you have, the location of your cyber cafe, and the demand for internet services. On average, you can expect to make between KES 2,000 to KES 5,000 per day.

Pros and Cons

Starting a cyber cafe business in Kenya has its advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the pros and cons to consider:

  • High demand for internet services in Kenya
  • Potentially high earnings
  • Opportunity to offer additional services such as printing, scanning, and photocopying
  • High competition from other cyber cafes
  • Rapidly evolving technology may require frequent upgrades
  • Security concerns such as cyber attacks and theft.

Starting a cyber cafe business in Kenya requires careful planning and execution. By following this guide, you can set up your cyber cafe and start earning profits. Remember to conduct thorough market research, choose the right location, and invest in quality equipment and internet services.

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Starting a cyber cafe business in Kenya offers endless opportunities in an ever-connected world. Your success in this venture will depend on market research, compliance with regulations, and, above all, a commitment to exceptional customer service. By providing a welcoming environment, diverse services, and continuous improvement, you can establish a loyal customer base and thrive in Kenya’s dynamic cyber cafe industry.


Starting a cyber cafe business is a profitable venture in Kenya. The demand for information has been on the rise with the rise in technology. This has necessitated the establishment of cyber cafes where people can browse the internet, type, print, and photocopy documents. Cyber cafe services in Kenya are increasingly in demand with the increase in business activities.

All business plans have 5 basic pieces of information. They include  a description of your business, an analysis of your competitive environment, a marketing plan, a section on HR (people requirements) and key financial information .


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  • Sun. Apr 14th, 2024

All you need to know about Kenya

Starting a Cyber Cafe Business in Kenya

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By Catherine Mungai

cyber cafe business plan kenya pdf

Do you want to start a cyber cafe business in Kenya? This article is for you.

Even though many people now own laptops, smartphones, tablets and desktop computers, it is still profitable to run a cyber cafe business in Kenya. Like any other business, there are certain factors to consider before starting a cyber cafe business.

Important factors to consider when starting a cyber cafe business in Kenya

1) Location

Location has always been an important element of setting up a cyber cafe business. Your success for this business depends on how well your cyber cafe is positioned to be found. You should consider a place with a good flow of customers such as near learning institutions, busy streets especially on the ground floor, banks and public government facilities, and generally highly populated residential areas. The location should also have sufficient space for computers, furniture and your staff.

You will need sufficient capital to start your cyber cafe business. Here are sample capital requirements for a cyber cafe business having 5 computers. That is 1 computer for your staff and 4 computers for your clients.

Depending of factors such as location and cost of equipment you will be purchasing, the startup cost will generally be a figure between Kshs.120,000 and Kshs.250,000

3) Licensing and Regulations

You will need certain licenses to run your cyber cafe business. The licenses you will require are:

  • A Single Business Permit
  • An Advertising Permit
  • A License from the Music Copyright Society of Kenya if you will be playing music in your cyber cafe.

Note: This licenses are included in the capital requirements under licensing.

4) Competition

A cyber cafe business in Kenya is highly competitive since people now have wifi in their homes, smartphones, laptops and desktop computers. When choosing a location look for an area with few competitors or no competitors at all. You should also offer more services in your cyber cafe e.g. Binding, A stall for selling snacks and drinks, Filing Kra returns, applying driving licenses for your customers, among other common applications, better customer support, provide headphones and ensure your business is always looking clean and superb among others.

How Profitable is a Cyber Cafe Business in Kenya?

To gain a market place in this business, you should provide a little more than just internet. Let it be games or graphic design services or anything related to internet that would attract the people. The environment should be pleasing and the computers should be free from viruses and spam. Generally you should be able to earn atleast Kshs.2,500 per day. As your business gets established you will be able to earn upto Kshs.6,000 per day which is a common figure in some well established cyber cafes. Hence your monthly earnings will range from Kshs. 70,000 to Kshs.180,000.

Important tips for a Cyber Cafe Business in Kenya

  • Add all additional services like scanning, printing, burning music and movies to flash disks, binding, selling snacks and drinks among others.
  • Sell small hardware products and accessories like printing paper, mouse, cd’s, flash disks, stationery items, usb cables and so on.
  • Add computer gaming services to get more youngsters into your cyber. Having popular computer games like Need for Speed, GTA, Fifa will increase the footprint of youngsters in your cyber cafe. For gaming services focus on getting multiplayer games especially and have computer gaming pads.
  • Attract a lot of new customers by providing discounts, say once weekly and on holidays.

An Outgoing girl based in Nairobi, Kenya who loves life, writing and reading.

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How to Start a Cyber Café Business in Kenya

Is starting a computer-related hustle among your plans? Read this article and learn how to start a cyber café business in Kenya and prepare earnestly. Running a cyber cafe business is important because it provides customers with a space to access the internet and use computers, which is especially useful for those who don’t have access to these resources at home. It also offers additional services like printing, scanning, and photocopying. Cyber cafes can be particularly helpful for students who need to research and complete assignments, job seekers who need to apply for positions online, and travelers who need to check their emails or book travel arrangements. Additionally, cybercafes can be lucrative for business owners if run properly, providing a steady stream of income. Staring a cyber-business in Kenya is simple as shown below;

Table of Contents

Have a Cyber Café Business Plan

It is important to have a vivid picture of how your business will look like, whether you have money or not it is important to pen down your business plan. On your business plan, you should have startup costs, the source of your starting capital, identify potential risks and profits, market research, and plan on how money will flow through the business.

Cyber Main Equipment

You can start with a small shop for later expansion. The following are some of the main machines you should have. First, make sure that your building is connected to the power supply

  • 1Power extension cable – 500
  • 1 computer – 15,000
  • Printer -9000
  • Furniture – 2000
  • Rent – 5000
  • Business Permit – 10,000

With the above machines and equipment, you can raise a small cyber café business for with time you will establish a good customer base and eventually expand your business. If your starting capital is huge enough, you can buy more machines, rent a large room, and hire workers. There are more computer brands and printers to buy but originally it depends on your capital and your plan.

This means that the cost of starting a cyber business in Kenya is 41,500. It is good to start small and grow your business with time. Understanding your business will help you figure out feature plans.

Cyber Café Location

To start a cyber cafe business, you’ll need to first identify a good location. It should be in a busy area with high foot traffic and preferably near a college or university. You’ll also need to invest in good quality computers, printers, and internet connectivity. It’s important to ensure that your cafe has a comfortable and inviting ambiance to attract customers.

Though cybercafes are good in rural areas, they work better in urban areas. Starting a cyber in rural areas is a good idea but try to operate it near a local school where a lot of paperwork is done. You also establish your business near local markets to get more customers.

Pricing is another important aspect to consider. You can charge customers based on the amount of time they spend on the computer, or offer a flat rate for unlimited internet access. Additionally, you can offer discounts to regular customers, students, and senior citizens. Make sure that your prices are competitive, and do not charge higher than other businesses operating nearby.

Marketing your cyber cafe is crucial for attracting customers. You can advertise on social media platforms, and posters, or distribute flyers in the surrounding area. You can also offer promotions like free coffee or snacks to entice customers to come in. Fix air conditioners in your room for your customers to browse comfortably. Soon you will attract customers both from within and far areas. Ensure that your cyber cafe follows all safety and security measures. Make sure your computers are protected with antivirus software and firewalls, and that your customers are not using your cafe for any illegal activities.

Business Permits

In Kenya, to start any business you must have a permit. You need to have the original license form from the relevant government authorities. In Kenya, a single business permit is about Ksh 10,000 and varies with your business location. To get the permit, visit nearby County Council Offices and pay for a business permit.

When it comes to the workspace for your cyber cafe business in Kenya, it’s important to create a comfortable and inviting environment for your customers. This includes providing comfortable chairs, easy-to-use computers, and a quiet atmosphere for those who need to concentrate on their work. It’s also important to have a clean and organized space, with proper lighting and ventilation to ensure the comfort of your customers. Additionally, you can provide some snacks and beverages to keep your customers refreshed while they work. With a well-designed workspace, you can attract more customers to your cyber cafe and keep them coming back for more.

Internet Connection

Cyber cafe internet refers to the internet connectivity provided by cyber cafes to their customers. This service allows customers to access the internet and use computers for various purposes, such as browsing the web, sending emails, and completing online tasks. Cyber cafes typically offer different internet plans based on the amount of time customers want to spend online, with some offering unlimited internet access for a flat rate. The internet speed and quality of service provided by cybercafes can vary depending on the location, equipment used, and internet service provider. Cyber cafes need to ensure that they have a reliable and fast internet connection to attract and retain customers.

Cyber Café Employees

When it comes to hiring employees for your cyber cafe business, it’s important to look for individuals who are knowledgeable in computer operation and customer service. Make sure that your employees are trained on how to operate computer systems, printers, and other equipment, as well as on how to handle customer inquiries and complaints. You can also offer incentives like bonuses or promotions to motivate your employees to perform well. Additionally, ensure that your employees adhere to all safety and security measures and that they conduct themselves professionally while on the job.

At The Cyber Café

There are more services offered at cyber cafes in Kenya, some of the services include; typing, printing, photocopying, scanning, browsing, selling books and envelopes, lamination, online services, and graphic services.

How to Make a Profitable Venture

To make your cyber cafe business profitable, you need to focus on several key aspects. First, you need to offer high-quality services to your customers, including fast and reliable internet connectivity, up-to-date software and hardware, and a comfortable and inviting workspace. Additionally, you should consider offering additional services, such as printing, scanning, and photocopying, to increase your revenue streams.

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How to start a cyber cafe business in Kenya: Requirements

Last updated on: August 31, 2020 by Elvis Kavai 8 Comments

Below is a guide on how start a cyber cafe business in Kenya and run it successfully.

How to start a cyber cafe business in Kenya and emerge successfully

Get a license

Apply for a license from the relevant authority in the area you want to set up your business. That can obtained from county offices.

Find a suitable location

A cyber cafe should be placed where there are many people who will need your services.It is very important to start the business at a strategic location where your business will easily be seen by everybody.It is also advisable to set it up near institutions of learning and hospitals.

Buy original and high quality machines

Consider the Disk space, RAM and processor before buying your computers.

Find a suitable insurance provider to insure your business.

Securing the computers

There are soft wares that track the amount of money to be paid by a customer according to the amount of time spent by the customer. It is very important to install this software into your computers when starting the business to get 100 per cent benefit in your work.The software ensures that one administrator which is you,always opens the computer for it to be used.

If it will be necessary for you to find employees who can help you in running the business, give work to someone or people who know how to operate all computers.

You can now go ahead and set up the cyber cafe of your dreams anywhere you want but bearing my guidelines in mind.

Do not miss all our updates on Cyber Cafe business in Kenya!

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Reader Interactions

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March 2, 2022 at 3:22 pm

Hi I need to start a cyber cafe wat are necessary machines to start

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May 2, 2020 at 4:44 pm

Hoping to start a cyber cafe in june, just need to know more about the machine and prices. contact me on my whatsapp no: 0700919119.

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October 31, 2019 at 9:40 am

hallo kindly @hillary any sources with affordable machines and also printers

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July 8, 2019 at 12:45 pm

Am ready to start the cyber business, which are those best machines to start with and where can i find them, at what price?

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October 2, 2019 at 7:00 pm

Kindly contact me and I will supply you with the machines you need. Computers, printers and networking gadgets to get you started.

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March 26, 2020 at 3:25 pm

Hello Hillary ,how can I get computers I need to start a cyber ,,call 0708237906

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October 9, 2019 at 3:58 pm

@hillary reach me out I will give you a deal. Starting my cyber Nov 0720628464

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April 19, 2019 at 8:49 pm

Am ready to start the cyber business, which are those original machine and where do we found them, at what price?.

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Cyber Cafe Business Plan

Cyber Cafe Business Plan - Cyber Cafe Business Guide

Cyber Cafe Business Plan Overview

This is a Cyber Cafe Business Plan to the standard Cyber Cafe Business .

The Almost Death of the Cyber Cafe

More than ever before, between 2010 and 2013 the cyber café business seemed to be on its deathbed. The wide adaptation of smart phones, and generally phones that could access the internet almost ground the business to a halt .

Prices of laptops and desktop were possibly at their lowest making thus becoming accessible to more people . Not to mention the number of cyber cafes had risen such that the market was almost getting saturated.

In a survey we conducted in 2013 within Nairobi the number of cyber cafes closing down was almost the same as those opening. The number of cyber cafes advertised for sale in the newspapers averaged six per week, which was a relatively high figure compared to the previous years. Revenue was going down with the average reve nue per user reducing significantly.

Before the mass adaptation of internet enabled phone, and the reduction of data charges, a major reason consumers visited cyber cafes was to check email. With the new phones consumers could easily check email, search a nd visit other websites from the comfort of their palms .

Visits to the cyber cafes were now largely to print, watch videos, visit data heavy websites and those that are were not mobile friendly. The oth er major draw to the cyber cafes was to use service s l ike printing and download large files.

Shot in The Arm: e – government

However since 2014 cyber cafes have continuously gott en a shot in the arm. One of the key drivers being the shift of key government services from manual paper work to electronic; the so called e – government . This has not only changed the way consumers access government services, but how they use the internet.

E – government has had the consequence of netting consumers who otherwise woul d not have used the internet at all. This ‘new customer’ has played a big part in the revival of cyber cafes. They include the PSV driver who wants to renew his license, the old woman who wants to sell his piece of land and requires a PIN number and such o ther segments of consumers.

If everything had remained constant this group of individuals would probably not have seen any need to use a cyber café. Circumstances have pushed them to the cyber cafes. Their usage requires guidance and more often than not th ey end up paying a premium price for their lack of skill.

Of note is data from the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics shows that al though there has been an increase in ownership of personal computers, lap tops and smart phones there has not been an equival ent increase in ownership of personal printers.

Download Cyber Cafe Business Plan / guide here



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cyber cafe business plan kenya pdf


  1. cyber business plan sample > Business Guide Kenya

    cyber cafe business plan kenya pdf

  2. Sample Cyber Cafe Business Plan

    cyber cafe business plan kenya pdf

  3. Sample Cyber Cafe Business Plan: Diploma Level

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  4. Cyber Cafe Business Plan in Kenya [Free PDF Template]

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  6. Sample Cyber Cafe Business Plan: Diploma Level

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  5. How To Get Funding For your Tech Start-up In Kenya

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  1. Cyber Cafe Business Plan in Kenya [Free PDF Template]

    A cyber cafe business plan in Kenya is a written document that outlines your objectives and how you intend to achieve them with your cyber cafe business. Think of it as your guiding map that will take your cyber cafe from inception to profitability. This plan encompasses your goals, strategies, marketing approach, and financial forecasts.

  2. cyber cafe business plan kenya pdf

    cyber cafe business plan kenya pdf. A cyber café is a business that provides computer access, internet connectivity and other digital services to customers. The business can be started as a small enterprise with just a few computers, or it can be expanded to a large facility with multiple computer terminals, printing and scanning facilities ...

  3. 2854-cyber-cafe-and-computer-services-business-plan

    The population target in the area of the business is approximately 12,000 equivalent to 360 0 on the pie chart therefore a fraction of the population to be served by Royal Palace Cyber Cafe will be:- 27/120 x 360 = 81 0 Therefore in percentage 81/360 x 100 = 22% Market share 22% out of four cyber cafes in the area.

  4. A Step-by-Step Guide to Starting a Profitable Cyber Cafe Business in Kenya

    Step 7: Purchase the Necessary Equipment and Furniture. Great! You've planned how your cyber cafe will look. Now, it's time to get the stuff you need to make it happen. Here's a checklist of what you'll need to start a cyber business in Kenya: Computers: Buy enough computers for your cafe.

  5. Sample Cyber Cafe Business Plan

    Download. Cyber Cafe Business Funding Proposal. Download proposal to request for funding at any level to upgrade or start a cyber cafe business. This is a well written and brief document that is precise and to the point. Price: KES : 60. Download. Sample Hardware Business Plan: Diploma in Supply Chain Management.

  6. How to Start a Cyber Cafe Business in Kenya

    2. Licenses and Business Permits. To start an internet cafe in Kenya, you need business permits and licenses from the relevant authorities. It is easy to get cyber cafe business licenses. You can visit your County Council offices and pay for a business permit. The officials will then visit your premises to inspect your business.

  7. How to Start a Cyber Cafe Business in Kenya

    To start a cyber cafe business in Kenya, you'll need to fulfill the following requirements: Register your business with the Registrar of Companies. Obtain a business permit from the county government. Register for taxes with the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) Obtain a single business permit from the county government.

  8. Cyber Cafe Business Plan in Kenya [Free PDF Template]

    Check out this get cyber cafe business plan template. Download now forward a proven road map to writing with effective store plan. Subscribe for business idea alerts by email! +254 741 437763 [email protected] Login. ... Cyber Cafe Business Map inside Kenya [Free PDF Template]

  9. Guide to Start Cyber Cafe Business in Kenya

    Cyber cafe services in Kenya are increasingly in demand with the increase in business activities. GUIDE TO START CYBER CAFE BUSINESS IN KENYA. All business plans have 5 basic pieces of information. They include a description of your business, an analysis of your competitive environment, a marketing plan, a section on HR (people requirements ...

  10. How to Start and Run a Successful Cybercafé Business in Kenya

    Once you decide to start a cyber business in Kenya, you must have enough capital to compete favourably with other businesses around your area. Typically, a cyber café will need approximately Ksh.200,000 to Ksh.300,000. This startup cost will cover all other expenses that have been covered later in this post.

  11. Starting a Cyber Cafe Business in Kenya

    Cyber Cafe Business in Kenya Capital Requirements. Depending of factors such as location and cost of equipment you will be purchasing, the startup cost will generally be a figure between Kshs.120,000 and Kshs.250,000. 3) Licensing and Regulations. You will need certain licenses to run your cyber cafe business.

  12. How to Start a Cyber Café Business in Kenya

    Business Permits. In Kenya, to start any business you must have a permit. You need to have the original license form from the relevant government authorities. In Kenya, a single business permit is about Ksh 10,000 and varies with your business location. To get the permit, visit nearby County Council Offices and pay for a business permit.

  13. How to start a cyber cafe business in Kenya: Requirements

    Apply for a license from the relevant authority in the area you want to set up your business. That can obtained from county offices. Find a suitable location. A cyber cafe should be placed where there are many people who will need your services.It is very important to start the business at a strategic location where your business will easily be ...

  14. Cyber Café Business Plan

    Cyber Café Business Plan - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. It contain information on the business plan on cyber cafe

  15. Download PDF

    Download Cyber Cafe Business Plan.docx. Type: PDF. Date: October 2019. Size: 256.3KB. Author: Ravikumar Palanisamy. This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share it. If you are author or own the copyright of this book, please report to us by using this DMCA report form. Report DMCA.

  16. Sample Cyber Cafe Business Plan

    Document Type: PDF. Number of Pages: 34. Price: KES 150 Views: 4626 Downloads: 99. Brief. Sample Cyber Cafe Business Plan. This is a business plan that is submitted to the KNEC for a course require unity. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY My name are Leclair Monyani. I am 18 yearning archaic now persuing a Diploma price in Information Communication Technology. ...

  17. business plan

    name: shy-tage cyber cafÉ adress:p.o box 34090 nairobi tel:0714658866 email: shtage cyber cafÉ @gmail.com title of the document : business plan presented by : wamamili joyline ingasia index: 20401035257 presented to: kenya national examination council institution: nairobi technical training institute course name:diploma in human resourse management examination series: july 2015 course code ...

  18. Cyber Cafe Business Plan

    Cyber Cafe Business Plan Overview. This is a Cyber Cafe Business Plan to the standard Cyber Cafe Business . The Almost Death of the Cyber Cafe. More than ever before, between 2010 and 2013 the cyber café business seemed to be on its deathbed. The wide adaptation of smart phones, and generally phones that could access the internet almost ground the business to a halt.

  19. PDF Cyber Cafe Business Plan

    7.2 Projected Profit and Loss. Payroll Expense: The founder of Jedi Café, Obewon Kinobi, will receive a salary of USD30,770 in year one, USD33,847 in year two, and USD37,231 in year three. Jedi Café intends to hire six part-time employees in year one at USD7/hour and a full-time technician at USD13/hour.


    HOW TO START A WINES & SPIRITS BUSINESS IN KENYA.PDF.pdf. BUSINESS PLAN- DAIRY FARMING.pdf. CYBER CAFE BUSINESS PLAN.pdf. Time Management - Mind Tools' Essential Skills.pdf. . Coffee Shop Business Plan-Diploma.pdf. .

  21. Cyber Cafe and Computer Services Business Plan

    Summary. This is a business plan about a cyber cafe and computer services. The proposed business is an Internet and technological access. The business name is Royal Palace Cyber Café and is owned by John Wanjala.He is a student at SIGALAGALA NATIONAL POLYTECHNIC taking diploma in Information Communication Technology.

  22. 144595031-Cyber-Cafe-Business-Plan-docx.pdf

    View Homework Help - 144595031-Cyber-Cafe-Business-Plan-docx.pdf from MBA 5103 at Multimedia University, Cyberjaya. [Type the document title] Executive Summary This Cyber Caf will provide a unique

  23. Kirabo cyber cafe business plan

    Kirabo Cyber Cafe, is located in Mubende Municipal Council, Mubende-Uganda, offers a perfect spot for the public for computer application packages, communication and entertainment through the medium of the Internet, social gathering and leisure. The business obtained finance from external equity in the amount of USD1, 000, to equipment purchases.