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IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

Ielts writing task 2 sample 1079 - genetic engineering is an important issue, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, genetic engineering is an important issue in modern society. some people think that it will improve people's lives in many ways. others feel that it may be a threat to life on earth..

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ielts essay on genetic engineering

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Genetic Engineering: IELTS Topic ideas, grammar, vocabulary and sample answers

Genetic Engineering: IELTS Topic ideas, grammar, vocabulary and sample answers

July 13, 2023 By Ben Worthington

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This article discusses Genetic Engineering IELTS Topic ideas, grammar, vocabulary and sample answers.

Table of Contents

Introduction, grammar point covered, pros and cons regarding genetic engineering.

  • Topic Specific Vocabulary Collocations and Phrases

Model Sentences Using Genetic Engineering Phrases and Academic Hedging

Model essay about genetic engineering, speaking part 3 questions and model answers, further reading.

Genetic engineering is a revolutionary field that has the potential to drastically alter our world. This article will delve into the topic, exploring its pros and cons, providing relevant vocabulary, and offering sample answers for IELTS writing and speaking tasks.

Academic hedging is a way of expressing uncertainty or caution in academic writing. It involves using words or phrases like ‘may’, ‘might’, ‘could’, ‘possibly’, ‘tends to’, or ‘it appears that’ to avoid making definitive statements.

  • Could potentially eliminate genetic disorders.
  • May increase the lifespan of individuals.
  • Could enhance human capabilities such as intelligence or physical strength.
  • May lead to advancements in medicine and treatments.
  • Possibly could increase agricultural yield and food security.
  • Could potentially create organisms capable of cleaning up environmental damage.
  • May lead to the creation of new, beneficial species.
  • Could allow for the ‘design’ of offspring.
  • May lead to advancements in animal health and welfare.
  • Could potentially lead to the eradication of certain pests or diseases.
  • May lead to unforeseen negative consequences in the ecosystem.
  • Could potentially increase the gap between the rich and the poor.
  • May lead to a loss of genetic diversity.
  • Could potentially lead to the creation of harmful organisms or diseases.
  • May result in ethical and moral dilemmas.
  • Could lead to the devaluation of life.
  • May result in societal disruption due to rapid changes.
  • Could potentially lead to misuse or abuse of the technology.
  • May result in the loss of individuality and diversity.
  • Could lead to a ‘slippery slope’ towards more controversial uses.

Topic-Specific Vocabulary Collocations and Phrases

  • Genetic modification
  • Genetic diversity
  • Genetic disorders
  • Genome sequencing
  • Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
  • Gene therapy
  • Recombinant DNA technology
  • Gene splicing
  • Genetic manipulation
  • Genetic enhancement
  • Genetic screening
  • It could be argued that genetic modification may lead to unforeseen consequences.
  • Genetic diversity might be compromised with the widespread use of genetic engineering.
  • There is a possibility that genetic disorders could be eradicated through gene therapy.
  • Genome sequencing may provide valuable insights into human genetics.
  • There is a chance that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) could increase food security.
  • Gene therapy might revolutionize the treatment of genetic diseases.
  • It could be possible that recombinant DNA technology will lead to significant advancements in medicine.
  • Gene splicing may allow for the creation of beneficial new species.
  • There is a chance that genetic manipulation could lead to ethical dilemmas.
  • Genetic enhancement might lead to a significant increase in human capabilities.

Genetic engineering , a field that has seen rapid advancements in recent years, is often viewed as a double-edged sword. While it holds the promise of significant benefits, it also raises a host of ethical and moral dilemmas.

On one hand, genetic engineering could potentially lead to the eradication of genetic disorders and increase the lifespan of individuals. By manipulating the genetic code, scientists may be able to eliminate the genes responsible for certain diseases, leading to healthier, longer lives. Furthermore, genetic engineering might enhance human capabilities such as intelligence or physical strength, leading to a new era of human evolution.

On the other hand, the use of genetic engineering could lead to unforeseen negative consequences. For instance, the creation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) may disrupt ecosystems and lead to a loss of genetic diversity . Moreover, the ability to ‘design’ offspring could lead to a host of ethical issues, including the potential for increased inequality and the devaluation of life.

In conclusion, while genetic engineering holds great promise, it is crucial that we approach this technology with caution. It is essential that we carefully consider the ethical implications and potential consequences before embracing this technology fully.

Why is genetic engineering considered a controversial topic?

Well, genetic engineering is often seen as a controversial topic because it involves manipulating the very building blocks of life, our genes. Some people believe that this is playing God, which they see as morally wrong. Additionally, there’s a fear that it could lead to unforeseen consequences, such as the creation of harmful organisms or diseases. It’s a bit like opening Pandora’s box* – once it’s open, it can’t be closed again.

Should genetic engineering be regulated by the government?

Yes, I believe that genetic engineering should be regulated by the government. This is because the potential risks associated with genetic engineering, such as the creation of harmful organisms or the misuse of the technology, are too great to be left unchecked. It’s a bit like the saying, ‘with great power comes great responsibility’* – the power of genetic engineering needs to be handled responsibly, and government regulation can help ensure this.

How has genetic engineering changed over the past decade?

Over the past decade, genetic engineering has advanced significantly. We’ve seen the development of new techniques, such as CRISPR, which have made genetic engineering more precise and accessible. It’s a bit like going from a blunt instrument to a scalpel – the level of precision and control we now have is unprecedented.

What do you think the future of genetic engineering will look like?

Looking into the future, I believe that genetic engineering will continue to advance and become even more integrated into our lives. We may see more genetically modified crops, more effective gene therapies, and perhaps even the genetic enhancement of humans. However, it’s important to remember that we’re still in the early days of this technology, and there’s a long road ahead. It’s a bit like being at the start of a marathon – we’ve only just begun, and there’s a long way to go.

Is genetic engineering common in your country?

In my country, genetic engineering is not very common in everyday life, but it is a significant area of research in the scientific community. We have several universities and research institutions that are conducting groundbreaking research in this field. It’s a bit like being on the cutting edge – there’s a lot of excitement and potential, but also a lot of uncertainty and risk.

*Opening Pandora’s box: to do something that causes a lot of new problems that were not known before.

*With great power comes great responsibility: those who have the ability to take action have the responsibility to take action.

  • BBC: Genetic Engineering
  • Wikipedia: Genetic Engineering
  • Genome Editing
  • Your Genome: What is Genetic Engineering?
  • National Center for Biotechnology Information: Genetic Engineering

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Ben Worthington

About Ben Worthington

As the founder of IELTSPodcast, Ben started his journey as an English educator in 2006. Ben and his team of teachers provide students with expert advice, twice a week to cover the writing, reading, listening and speaking sections of the IELTS exam.

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IELTS Essay Topic #15 Genetic Engineering

  • Post category: Essay Topic

Positives of Genetic Engineering

  • Genetic engineering is the practice of manipulating the genes of an organism
  • It is used to produce crops that are more resistant to insects and diseases
  • Some genetically modified crops grow more quickly
  • Some drugs and vaccines are produced by genetic engineering
  • It may become possible to change human’s genetic characteristics
  • Scientists may use genetic engineering to cure
  • Inherited illnesses would no longer exist
  • Genes could be changed before a baby is born
  • It could also be possible to clone human organs
  • We could all have replacement body part
  • Humans could live longer, healthier lives

Negatives of Genetic Engineering

  • There are ethical concerns about human genetic engineering
  • Parents might want to choose their children’s characteristics
  • This would be unnatural
  • It would be unacceptable in most religions
  • Soldiers could be cloned from the genes of the strongest people
  • Clones might be used like robots to do certain jobs
  • Clones might even be developed just for organ replacements
  • Society and human evolution would change completely
  • Currently, human genetic engineering is prohibited

Genetically-Modified (GM) Foods: Advantages

  • Farmers can produce crops that grow bigger and faster
  • Some GM crops are more resistant to disease or insects
  • This could be important for food production in developing countries
  • Faster growing cereals, fruit and vegetables will mean more profit
  • GM foods can be modified to look perfect
  • They may be more attractive to customers

Genetically-Modified (GM) Foods: Disadvantages

  • There may be risks involved in the genetic engineering of
  • GM crops might change whole ecosystems
  • Food chains could be broken if crops are resistant to predators
  • Organic foods are produced without chemicals or genetic modification
  • Organic farming may be slower and more expensive
  • However, the environment is not damaged by fertilizers or

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Essay#49 | Genetic Engineering

Understanding ‘to what extent’ questions.

Some questions, such as  ‘How is hygiene ensured in the production of cheese?’  and  ‘What were the causes of the Great Depression?’  can be answered with a series of facts. Other questions, such as  ‘To what extent has the diet of Melanesians changed over the past 20 years?’  and  ‘How far does a knowledge of statistics contribute to success in the tertiary study?’  require an answer expressed in terms of degree: for example,  ‘The diet of Melanesians has changed to a great extent/very significantly/ minimally/not at all/etc.’

Questions requiring an answer expressed in terms of degree cannot be answered with  ‘yes’  or  ‘no’ . In order to answer them, it is useful to ‘translate’ them into questions that can be given a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer. This will help in the next stage of writing: preparing a plan.

  • To what degree is a knowledge of statistics useful in the tertiary study? = Is knowledge of statistics useful in the tertiary study?
  • To what extent has the diet of Melanesians changed over the past 20 years? = Has the diet of Melanesians Changed over the past 20 years?
  • To what extent is environmental damage irreversible? = Is environmental damage irreversible?
  • How necessary is media censorship in modern society? = Is media censorship necessary in modern society?

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Genetic engineering is a dangerous trend. It should be limited.

To what extent do you agree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model answer.

Over the last few decades, remarkable advances have been made in the field of genetic engineering. Consequently, scientists now have the ability to manipulate genes for a range of purposes, from making improvements in agriculture to experimentation with human genes. The question, however, is whether there should be any limitations on this development. Is this essay, I shall examine both sides of the argument.

Firstly it is clear that genetic engineering has brought about certain benefits in terms of crop production. Now plants, for example, can produce more fruit more quickly. This achievement mean that greater harvests are guaranteed, so that more people can be fed. As for the impact of genetic engineering on healthcare, advocates claim it could be used to cure a range of health-related problems, such as cystic fibrosis and Alzheimer’s. Children and adults with these diseases endure terrible suffering, yet with gene therapy, there is a possibility of a better quality of life.

Despite these advantages, there are some aspects of genetic engineering which require ongoing consideration. Critics claim that genetically modified plants have little nutritional value and that they will lead to the eradication of weeds, which many insect species depend on. In the case of gene therapy, it is still uncertain how the alteration of one gene, even though it may be faulty, could affect the functions of the human body in the long term.

In my opinion, the benefits of genetic engineering can outweigh the drawbacks, provided governments and scientists consider the consequences carefully, and put people before profit.

(256 words)

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The table below shows the worldwide market share of the notebook computer market for manufacturers in the years 2006 and 2007.


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IELTS Writing Topics | Genetic Engineering

Positives of genetic engineering.

Genetic Engineering

  • Genetic engineering is the practice of manipulating the genes of an organism.
  • It is used to produce crops that are more resistant to insects and diseases.
  • Some genetically modified crops grow more quickly.
  • Some drugs and vaccines are produced by genetic engineering.
  • It may become possible to change humans’ genetic characteristics.
  • Scientists may use genetic engineering to cure diseases.
  • Inherited illnesses would no longer exist.
  • Genes could be changed before a baby is born.
  • It could also be possible to clone human organs.
  • We could all have replacement body parts.
  • Humans could live longer, healthier lives.

Negatives of Genetic Engineering

  • There are ethical concerns about human genetic engineering.
  • Parents might want to choose their children’s characteristics.
  • This would be unnatural.
  • It would be unacceptable in most religions.
  • Soldiers could be cloned from the genes of the strongest people.
  • Clones might be used like robots to do certain jobs.
  • Clones might even be developed just for organ replacements.
  • Society and human evolution would change completely.
  • Currently, human genetic engineering is prohibited.

Advantages of Genetically-Modified (GM) Foods

Genetically-Modified (GM) Foods

  • Farmers can produce crops that grow bigger and faster.
  • Some GM crops are more resistant to disease or insects.
  • This could be important for food production in developing countries.
  • Faster growing cereals, fruit and vegetables will mean more profit.
  • GM foods can be modified to look perfect.
  • They may be more attractive to customers.

Disadvantages of Genetically-Modified (GM) Foods

  • There may be risks involved in the genetic engineering of foods.
  • GM crops might change whole ecosystems.
  • Food chains could be broken if crops are resistant to predators.
  • Organic foods are produced without chemicals or genetic modification.
  • Organic farming may be slower and more expensive.
  • However, the environment is not damaged by fertilisers or pesticides.

Genetic engineering is an important issue in society today. And some people think that it will improve people's lives in many ways. Others feel that it may be a threat to life on earth. Discussed both these views and give your own opinion.

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Fully explain your ideas

To get an excellent score in the IELTS Task 2 writing section, one of the easiest and most effective tips is structuring your writing in the most solid format. A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences).

For we to consider an essay structure a great one, it should be looking like this:

  • Paragraph 1 - Introduction
  • Sentence 1 - Background statement
  • Sentence 2 - Detailed background statement
  • Sentence 3 - Thesis
  • Sentence 4 - Outline sentence
  • Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph
  • Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
  • Sentence 2 - Example
  • Sentence 3 - Discussion
  • Sentence 4 - Conclusion
  • Paragraph 3 - Second supporting paragraph
  • Paragraph 4 - Conclusion
  • Sentence 1 - Summary
  • Sentence 2 - Restatement of thesis
  • Sentence 3 - Prediction or recommendation

Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words.

Discover more tips in The Ultimate Guide to Get a Target Band Score of 7+ » — a book that's free for 🚀 Premium users.

  • genetic engineering
  • hereditary diseases
  • unintended consequences
  • socio-economic divide
  • regulations
  • enhancements
  • biodiversity
  • food security
  • biotechnology
  • gene editing
  • genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
  • synthetic biology
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Genetic engineering has become an important aspect in today’s era with the help of genetic engineering

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IELTS essay Genetic engineering has become an important aspect in today’s era with the help of genetic engineering

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Genetic engineering is a dangerous trend. It should be limited. To what extent do you agree? v.4

Ielts essay genetic engineering is a dangerous trend. it should be limited. v. 4.

  • Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
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  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
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  4. Genetic Engineering IELTS Topic ideas and Vocabulary

    Introduction. Genetic engineering is a revolutionary field that has the potential to drastically alter our world. This article will delve into the topic, exploring its pros and cons, providing relevant vocabulary, and offering sample answers for IELTS writing and speaking tasks.

  5. IELTS Essay Topic #15 Genetic Engineering

    Genetic engineering is the practice of manipulating the genes of an organism. It is used to produce crops that are more resistant to insects and diseases. Some genetically modified crops grow more quickly. Some drugs and vaccines are produced by genetic engineering. It may become possible to change human's genetic characteristics.

  6. IELTS Writing Task 2: genetic engineering 'essay skeleton'

    October 30, 2019. IELTS Writing Task 2: genetic engineering 'essay skeleton'. Let's return to the question below. Genetic engineering is an important issue in society today. Some people think that it will improve people's lives in many ways. Others feel that it may be a threat to life on earth. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

  7. Genetic engineering is an important issue in society today

    Band 7.5. Genetic engineering is an important issue in society today. Some people think that it will improve people's lives in many ways. Others feel that it may be a threat to life on earth. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. # society # people # people's # lives # threat # life # earth. It is true that genetic engineering ...

  8. IELTS Writing Task 2: 'genetic engineering' topic

    IELTS Writing Task 2: 'genetic engineering' topic. Would you be able to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of genetic engineering? Here are some ideas from my ebook: - Genetic engineering is the practice of manipulating the genes of an organism. - It is used to produce crops that are more resistant to insects and diseases.

  9. Essay#49

    Is this essay, I shall examine both sides of the argument. Firstly it is clear that genetic engineering has brought about certain benefits in terms of crop production. Now plants, for example, can produce more fruit more quickly. This achievement mean that greater harvests are guaranteed, so that more people can be fed.

  10. [IELTS Ideas] Genetic Engineering

    Genetic engineering is the practice of manipulating the genes of an organism. It is used to produce crops that are more resistant to insects and diseases. Some genetically modified crops grow more quickly. Some drugs and vaccines are produced by genetic engineering. It may become possible to change human's genetic characteristics.

  11. Genetic engineering is an important issue in society today

    Genetic engineering is an important issue in society today. Some people think that it will improve people's lives in many ways. ... Writing9 was developed to check essays from the IELTS Writing Task 2 and Letters/Charts from Task 1. The service helps students practice writing for IELTS and improve their writing skills. By using this site, you ...

  12. 1

    A common trend frequently around GMOs is genetic engineering whether dangerous. Even though it might . cause. accidentally poisoning to humans, containing the high nutrients . ... Writing9 was developed to check essays from the IELTS Writing Task 2 and Letters/Charts from Task 1. The service helps students practice writing for IELTS and improve ...

  13. Genetic engineering is an important issue in society today

    Band 7. Genetic engineering is an important issue in society today. Some people think that it will improve people's lives in many ways. Others feel that it may be a threat to life on earth. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. # society # people # lives # threat # life # earth. In recent years, genetic engineering progressed a lot and ...

  14. Genetic Engineering Is An Important Issue In Society Today IELTS

    The introduction of Genetic Engineering Is An Important Issue In Society Today IELTS Writing Task 2 is a brief description about the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective. IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed.

  15. Genetic engineering is an important issue in modern society

    You should spend about 40 minutes on IELTS writing task 2. Genetic engineering is an important issue in modern society. Some people think that it will improve people's lives in many ways. Others feel that it may be a threat to life on earth. Discuss both opinions and give your opinion.

  16. Genetic engineering has its both advantages and disadvantages

    The greatest drawback of genetic engineering is that It will seriously divide the world into 2 sides, the rich and the poor . In our generation, technology is the main thing that will decide the future of our kind and not everyone has the ability to afford it. ... You will be penalised for missing a conclusion in your IELTS essay. The easiest ...

  17. IELTS Writing Topics

    Genetic engineering is the practice of manipulating the genes of an organism. It is used to produce crops that are more resistant to insects and diseases. Some genetically modified crops grow more quickly. Some drugs and vaccines are produced by genetic engineering. It may become possible to change humans' genetic characteristics.

  18. IELTS essay In recent years, genetic engineering has developed a lot

    In fact, genetic engineering proved a solution to protect the crops without pesticides or insecticide usage which are harmful to human health as well. For instance, In Bangladesh, genetically modified eggplants help peasants to harvest their crops much more than earlier years. ... IELTS essay In recent years, genetic engineering has developed a ...

  19. IELTS essay Genetic engineering is a dangerous trend. It should be

    In my opinion, the benefits of genetic engineering can outweigh the drawbacks, provided governments and scientists consider the consequences carefully, and put people before profit. . have the ability to manipulate genes for a range of purposes, from making improvements in agriculture to experimentation with human genes.

  20. IELTS essay Genetic engineering is a dangerous trend. It should be

    Many people are afraid of genetic engineering and always think that this technology will create creature which beyond people's control, and therefore genetic engineering should be limited. From my perspective, I disagree with this opinion and this essay will explain the reason. People like to use g...

  21. Genetic engineering is an important issue in society today

    IELTS Writing Correction Service /. Writing Samples /. Band 7. Genetic engineering is an important issue in society today. And some people think that it will improve people's lives in many ways. Others feel that it may be a threat to life on earth. Discussed both these views and give your own opinion. # society # people # lives # threat # life ...

  22. IELTS essay Genetic engineering has become an important aspect in today

    Genetic engineering has become an important aspect in today's era with the help of the genetic engineering we are able to cure many diseases and support the growing population with food to avoid malnutrition. However some people believe that genetic engineering has its disadvantages as well.

  23. IELTS essay Genetic engineering is a dangerous trend. It should be

    For example, genetic counselling is helping hundreds of parents to make informed decisions regarding their babies inside the womb, who might be having abnormalities. Clearly, genetic engineering in on its way to improve quality of life. Despite the advantages, there are some drawbacks that entail the limitation on the work of genetic engineers.