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New Evidence on the Impacts of Birth Order

What determines a child's success? We know that family matters — children from higher socioeconomic status families do better in school, get more education, and earn more.

However, even beyond that, there is substantial variation in success across children within families. This has led researchers to study factors that relate to within-family differences in children's outcomes. One that has attracted much interest is the role played by birth order, which varies systematically within families and is exogenously determined.

While economists have been interested in understanding human capital development for many decades, compelling economic research on birth order is more recent and has largely resulted from improved availability of data. Early work on birth order was hindered by the stringent data requirements necessary to convincingly identify the effects of birth order. Most importantly, one needs information on both family size and birth order. As there is only a third-born child in a family with at least three children, comparing third-borns to firstborns across families of different sizes will conflate the birth order effect with a family size effect, so one needs to be able to control for family size. Additionally, it is beneficial to have information on multiple children from the same family so that birth order effects can be estimated from within-family differences in child outcomes; otherwise, birth order effects will be conflated with other effects that vary systematically with birth order, such as cohort effects. Large Scandinavian register datasets that became available to researchers beginning in the late 1990s have enabled birth order research, as they contain population data on both family structure and a variety of child outcomes. Here, I describe my research with a number of coauthors, using these data to explore the effects of birth order on outcomes including human capital accumulation, earnings, development of cognitive and non-cognitive skills, and health.

Birth Order and Economic Success

Almost a half-century ago, economists including Gary Becker, H. Gregg Lewis, and Nigel Tomes created models of quality-quantity trade-offs in child-rearing and used these models to explore the role of family in children's success. They sought to explain an observed negative correlation between family income and family size: if child quality is a normal good, as income rises the family demands higher-quality children at the cost of lower family size. 1

However, this was a difficult model to test, as characteristics other than family income and child quality vary with family size. The introduction of natural experiments, combined with newly available large administrative datasets from Scandinavia, made testing such a model possible.

In my earliest work on the topic, Paul Devereux, Kjell Salvanes, and I took advantage of the Norwegian administrative dataset and set out to better understand this theoretical quantity-quality tradeoff. 2 It became clear that child "quality" was not a constant within a family — children within families were quite different, despite the model assumptions to the contrary. Indeed, we found that birth order could explain a large fraction of the family size differential in children's educational outcomes. Average educational attainment was lower in larger families largely because later-born children had lower average education, rather than because firstborns had lower education in large families than in small families. We found that firstborns had higher educational attainment than second-borns who in turn did better than third-borns, and so on. These results were robust to a variety of specifications; most importantly, we could compare outcomes of children within the same families.


To give a sense of the magnitude of these effects: The difference in educational attainment between the first child and the fifth child in a five-child family is roughly equal to the difference between the educational attainment of blacks and whites calculated from the 2000 Census. We augmented the education results by examining earnings, whether full-time employed, and whether one had a child as a teenager as additional outcome variables, and found strong evidence for birth order effects, particularly for women. Later-born women have lower earnings (whether employed full-time or not), are less likely to work full-time, and are more likely to have their first child as teenagers. In contrast, while later-born men have lower full-time earnings, they are not less likely to work full-time [Figure 1].

Birth Order and Cognitive Skills

One possible explanation for these differences is that cognitive ability varies systematically by birth order. In subsequent work, Devereux, Salvanes, and I examined the effect of birth order on IQ scores. 3

The psychology literature has long debated the role of birth order in determining children's IQs; this debate was seemingly resolved when, in 2000, J. L. Rodgers et al. published a paper in American Psychologist entitled "Resolving the Debate Over Birth Order, Family Size, and Intelligence" that referred to the apparent relationship between birth order and IQ as a "methodological illusion." 4 However, this work was limited due to the absence of large representative datasets necessary to identify these effects. We again used population register data from Norway to estimate this relationship.

To measure IQ, we used the outcomes of standardized cognitive tests administered to Norwegian men between the age of 18 and 20 when they enlist in the military. Consistent with our earlier findings on educational attainment but in contrast to the previous work in the literature, we found strong birth order effects on IQ that are present when we look within families. Later-born children have lower IQs, on average, and these differences are quite large. For example, the difference between firstborn and second-born average IQ is on the order of one-fifth of a standard deviation, or about three IQ points. This translates into approximately a 2 percent difference in annual earnings in adulthood.

The Effect of Birth Order on Non-Cognitive Skills

Personality is another factor that is posited to vary by birth order, a proposition that has been particularly difficult to assess in a compelling way due to the paucity of large datasets containing information on individual personality. In recent work on the topic, Erik Gronqvist, Bjorn Ockert, and I use Swedish administrative datasets to examine this issue. 5

In the economics literature, personality traits are often referred to as non-cognitive abilities and denote traits that can be distinguished from intelligence. 6 To measure "personality" (or non-cognitive skills), we use the outcome of a standardized psychological evaluation, conducted by a certified psychologist, that is performed on all Swedish men between the ages of 18 and 20 when they enlist in the military, and which is strongly related to success in the labor market. An individual is given a higher score if he is considered to be emotionally stable, persistent, socially outgoing, willing to assume responsibility, and able to take initiative. Similar to the results for cognitive skills, we find evidence of consistently lower scores in this measure for later-born children. Third-born children have non-cognitive abilities that are 0.2 standard deviations below firstborn children. Interestingly, boys with older brothers suffer almost twice as much in terms of these personality characteristics as boys with older sisters.


Importantly, we also demonstrate that these personality differences translate into differences in occupation choice by birth order. Firstborn children are significantly more likely to be employed and to work as top managers, while later-born children are more likely to be self-employed. More generally, firstborn children are more likely to be in occupations requiring sociability, leadership ability, conscientiousness, agreeableness, emotional stability, extraversion, and openness.

The Effect of Birth Order on Health

Finally, how do these differences translate into later health? In more recent work, Devereux, Salvanes, and I analyze the effect of birth order on health. 7 There is a sizable body of literature about the relationship between birth order and adult health; individual studies have typically examined only one or a small number of health outcomes and, in many cases, have used relatively small samples. Again, we use large nationally representative data from Norway to identify the relationship between birth order and health when individuals are in their 40s, where health is measured along a number of dimensions, including medical indicators, health behaviors, and overall life satisfaction.

The effects of birth order on health are less straightforward than other outcomes we have examined, as firstborns do better on some dimensions and worse on others. We find that the probability of having high blood pressure declines with birth order, and the largest gap is between first- and second-borns. Second-borns are about 3 percent less likely to have high blood pressure than firstborns; fifth-borns are about 7 percent less likely to have high blood pressure than firstborns. Given that 24 percent of this population has high blood pressure, this is quite a large difference. Firstborns are also more likely to be overweight and obese. Compared with second-borns, firstborns are 4 percent more likely to be overweight and 2 percent more likely to be obese. The equivalent differences between fifth-borns and firstborns are 10 percent and 5 percent. For context, 47 percent of the population is overweight and 10 percent is obese. Once again, the magnitudes are quite large.

However, later-borns are less likely to consider themselves to be in good health, and measures of mental health generally decline with birth order. Later-born children also exhibit worse health behaviors. The number of cigarettes smoked daily increases monotonically with birth order, suggesting that the higher prevalence of smoking by later-borns found among U.S. adolescents by Laura M. Argys et al. 8 may persist throughout adulthood and, hence, have important effects on health outcomes.

Possible Mechanisms

Why are adult outcomes likely to be affected by birth order? A host of potential explanations has been proposed across several academic disciplines.

A number of biological factors may explain birth order effects. These relate to changes in the womb environment or maternal immune system that occur over successive births. Beyond biology, parents could have other influences. Childhood inputs, especially in the first years of life, are considered crucial for skill formation. 9 Firstborn children have the full attention of parents, but as families grow the family environment is diluted and parental resources become scarcer. 10 In contrast, parents are more experienced and tend to have higher incomes when raising later-born children. In addition, for a given amount of resources, parents may treat firstborn children differently than second- or later-born children. Parents may use more strict parenting practices toward the firstborn, so as to gain a reputation for "toughness" necessary to induce good behavior among later-borns. 11

There are also theories that suggest that interactions among siblings can shape birth order effects. For example, based on evolutionary psychology, Frank J. Sulloway suggests that firstborns have an advantage in following the status quo, while later-borns — by having incentives to engage in investments aimed at differentiating themselves — become more sociable and unconventional in order to attract parental resources. 12

In each of these papers, we attempted to identify potential mechanisms for the patterns we observed. However, it is here we see the limitations of these large administrative datasets, as for the most part, we lack necessary detailed information on biological factors and on household dynamics when the children are young. However, we do have some evidence on the role of biological factors. Later-born children tend to have better birth outcomes as measured by factors such as birth weight. In our Swedish data, we took advantage of the fact that some children's biological birth order is different from their environmental birth order, due to the death of an older sibling or because their parent gave up a child for adoption. When we examine this subsample, we find that the birth order effect on occupational choice is entirely driven by the environmental birth order, again suggesting that biological factors may not be central.

Also in our Swedish study, we found that firstborn teenagers are more likely to read books, spend more time on homework, and spend less time watching TV or playing video games. Parents spend less time discussing school work with later-born children, suggesting there may be differences in parental time investments. Using Norwegian data, we found that smoking early in pregnancy is more prevalent for first pregnancies than for later ones. However, women are more likely to quit smoking during their first pregnancy than during later ones, and firstborns are more likely to be breastfed. These findings suggest that early investments may systematically benefit firstborns and help explain their generally better outcomes.

In the past two decades, with the increased accessibility of administrative datasets on large swaths of the population, economists and other researchers have been better able to identify the role of birth order in the outcomes of children. There is strong evidence of substantial differences by birth order across a range of outcomes. While I have described several of my own papers on the topic, a number of other researchers have also taken advantage of newly available datasets in Florida and Denmark to examine the role of birth order on other important outcomes, specifically juvenile delinquency and later criminal behavior. 13 Consistent with the work discussed here, later-born children experience higher rates of delinquency and criminal behavior; this is at least partly attributable to time investments of parents.


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G. Becker, "An Economic Analysis of Fertility," in Demographic and Economic Change in Developed Countries , New York, Columbia University Press, 1960, pp. 209-40; G. Becker and H. Lewis, "Interaction Between Quantity and Quality of Children," in Economics of the Family: Marriage, Children, and Human Capital , 1974, pp. 81-90; G. Becker and N. Tomes, "Child Endowments, and the Quantity and Quality of Children," NBER Working Paper 123 , February 1976.  

S. Black, P. Devereux, and K. Salvanes, "The More the Merrier? The Effect of Family Composition on Children's Education" NBER Working Paper 10720 , September 2004, and Quarterly Journal of Economics , 120(2), 2005, pp. 669-700.  

S. Black, P. Devereux, and K. Salvanes, "Older and Wiser? Birth Order and the IQ of Young Men," NBER Working Paper 13237 , July 2007, and CESifo Economic Studies , Oxford University Press, vol. 57(1), pages 103-20, March 2011.  

J. Rodgers, H. Cleveland, E. van den Oord, and D. Rowe, "Resolving the Debate Over Birth Order, Family Size, and Intelligence," American Psychologist , 55(6), 2000, pp. 599-612.

S. Black, E. Gronqvist, and B. Ockert, "Born to Lead? The Effect of Birth Order on Non-Cognitive Abilities," NBER Working Paper 23393 , May 2017.  

L. Borghans, A. Duckworth, J. Heckman, and B. ter Weel, "The Economics and Psychology of Personality Traits," Journal of Human Resources , 43, 2008, pp. 972-1059.  

S. Black, P. Devereux, K. Salvanes, "Healthy (?), Wealthy, and Wise: Birth Order and Adult Health, NBER Working Paper 21337 , July 2015.  

L. Argys, D. Rees, S. Averett, and B. Witoonchart, "Birth Order and Risky Adolescent Behavior," Economic Inquiry , 44(2), 2006, pp. 215-33.  

F. Cunha and J. Heckman, "The Technology of Skill Formation," NBER Working Paper 12840 , January 2007.

R. Zajonc and G. Markus, "Birth Order and Intellectual Development," Psychological Review , 82(1), 1975, pp. 74-88; R. Zajonc, "Family Configuration and Intelligence," Science , 192(4236), 1976, pp. 227-36; J. Price, "Parent-Child Quality Time: Does Birth Order Matter?" in Journal of Human Resources , 43(1), 2008, pp. 240-65; J.Lehmann, A. Nuevo-Chiquero, and M. Vidal-Fernandez, "The Early Origins of Birth Order Differences in Children's Outcomes and Parental Behavior," forthcoming in Journal of Human Resources .  

V. Hotz and J. Pantano, "Strategic Parenting, Birth Order, and School Performance," NBER Working Paper 19542 , October 2013, and Journal of Population Economics , 28(4), 2015, pp. 911-936. ↩  

F. Sulloway, Born to Rebel: Birth Order, Family Dynamics, and Creative Lives , New York, Pantheon Books, 1996.

S. Breining, J. Doyle, D. Figlio, K. Karbownik, J. Roth, "Birth Order and Delinquency: Evidence from Denmark and Florida," NBER Working Paper 23038 , January 2017.

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How Does Birth Order Shape Your Personality?

Beware the stereotypes

Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

birth order essay intro

Yolanda Renteria, LPC, is a licensed therapist, somatic practitioner, national certified counselor, adjunct faculty professor, speaker specializing in the treatment of trauma and intergenerational trauma.

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What Is Adler’s Birth Order Theory?

First-born child, middle child.

  • Impact on Relationships

Debunking Myths and Limitations

Birth order refers to the order a child is born in relation to their siblings, such as whether they are first-born, middle-born, or last-born. You’ve probably heard people joke about how the eldest child is the bossy one, the middle child is the peace-maker, and the youngest child is the irresponsible rebel—but is there any truth to these stereotypes?

Psychologists often look at how birth order can affect development, behavior patterns, and personality characteristics, and there is some evidence that birth order might play a role in certain aspects of personality .

At a Glance

Researchers often explore how birth order, including the differences in parental expectations and sibling dynamics, can affect development and character. According to some researchers, firstborns, middle children, youngest-children, and only child-children often exhibit distinctive characteristics that are strongly influenced by how birth order shapes parental and sibling behaviors.

Early in the 20th century, the Austrian psychiatrist Alfred Adler introduced the idea that birth order could impact development and personality. Adler, the founder of individual psychology, was heavily influenced by psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud .

Key points of Adler's birth order theory were that firstborns were more likely to develop a strong sense of responsibility, middleborns a desire for attention, and lastborns a sense of adventure and rebellion.

Adler also notably introduced the concept of the " family constellation ." This idea emphasizes the dynamics that form between family members and how these interactions play a part in shaping individual development.

Adler's birth order theory suggests that firstborns get more attention and time from their parents. New parents are still learning about child-rearing, which means that they may be more rule-oriented, strict, cautious, and sometimes even neurotic .

They are often described as responsible leaders with Type A personalities , a phenomenon sometimes referred to as " oldest-child syndrome ."

"Older siblings, regardless of gender, often feel more deprived or envious since they have experienced having another child divert attention away from them at some point in their lives. They tend to be more success-oriented,” explains San Francisco therapist Dr. Avigail Lev.

Firstborn children are often described as:

  • High-achieving (or sometimes even over-achieving )
  • Structured and organized
  • Responsible

All this extra attention firstborns enjoy changes abruptly when younger siblings come along. When you become an older sibling, you suddenly have to share your parent's attention. You may feel that your parents have higher expectations for you and look to you to set an example for your younger siblings.

Consider the experiences of the oldest siblings, who are frequently tasked with caring for younger siblings. Because they are often expected to help fill the role of caregivers, they may be more nurturing, responsible, and motivated to excel.

Such traits are affected not only by birth order but also by how your position in the family affects your parent's expectations and your relationship with your younger siblings.

Research has found that firstborn kids tend to have more advanced cognitive development , which may also confer advantages when it comes to school readiness skills. However, it's important to remember that being the oldest child can also come with challenges, including carrying the weight of expectations and the burden of taking a caregiver role within the family.

Adler suggested that middle children tend to become the family’s peacemaker since they often have to mediate conflicts between older and younger siblings. Because they tend to be overshadowed by their eldest siblings, middle children may seek social attention outside of the family.

In families with three children, the youngest male sibling is likely to be more passive or easy-going.

Middleborns are often described as:

  • Independent
  • Peacemakers
  • People pleasers
  • Attention-seeking
  • Competitive

While they tend to be adaptable and independent, they can also have a rebellious streak that tends to emerge when they want to stand apart from their siblings.

" Middle child syndrome " is a term often used to describe the negative effects of being a middle child. Because middle kids are sometimes overlooked, they may engage in people-pleasing behaviors as adults as a way to garner attention and favor in their lives.

While research is limited, some studies have shown that middle kids are less likely to feel close to their mothers and are more likely to have problems with delinquency.

Some research suggests that middle children may be more sensitive to rejection . As a middle child, you may feel like you didn't get as much attention and were constantly in competition with your siblings. You may struggle with feelings of insecurity, fear of rejection, and poor self-confidence .

Lastborns, often referred to as the "babies" of the family, are often seen as spoiled and pampered compared to their older siblings. Because parents are more experienced at this point (and much busier), they often take a more laissez-faire approach to parenting . 

Last-born children are sometimes described as:

  • Free-spirited
  • Manipulative
  • Self-centered
  • Risk-taking

Adler's theory suggests that the youngest children tend to be outgoing, sociable, and charming. While they often have more freedom to explore, they also often feel overshadowed by their elder siblings, referred to as " youngest child syndrome ."

Because parents are sometimes less strict and disciplined with last-borns, these kids may have fewer self-regulation skills.

"If the youngest of many children is female, she tends to be more coddled or cared for, leading to a greater reliance on others compared to her older siblings, especially in larger families," Lev suggests.

Only children are unique in that they never have to share their parents' attention and resources with a sibling. It can be very much like being a firstborn in many ways. These kids may be doted on by their caregivers, but never have younger siblings to interact with, which may have an impact on development.

Only children are often described as:

  • Perfectionistic
  • High-achieving
  • Imaginative
  • Self-reliant

Because they interact with adults so much, only children often seem very mature for their age. If you're an only child, you may feel more comfortable being alone and enjoy spending time in solitude pursuing you own creative ideas. You may like having control and, because of your parents' high expectations, have strong perfectionist tendencies .

How Birth Order Influences Relationships

Birth order may affect relationships in a wide variety of ways. For example, it may impact how you form connections with other people. It can also affect how you behave within these relationships.

Dr. Lev suggests that the effects of birth order can differ depending on gender. 

"For instance, in a family with two female siblings, the younger one often appears more confident and empowered, while the older one is more achievement-focused and insecure," she explains.

She also suggests that there is often a notable rivalry between same-sex siblings versus that of mixed-gender siblings. Again, this effect can vary depending on gender. Where an older sister might be less secure and the younger sister more secure, the opposite is often true when it comes to older and younger brothers.

"This could be because older sisters often assume a motherly role, while older brothers might take on more of a bully role. As a result, younger brothers are generally more insecure, whereas younger sisters tend to be more confident than their older siblings," she explains.

Some other potential effects include:


Birth order can affect how you communicate with others, which can have a powerful impact on relationship dynamics.

  • Firstborns and only children are often seen as more direct, which others can sometimes interpret as bossy or controlling.
  • Middle children may be less confrontational and more likely to look for solutions that will accommodate everyone.
  • Lastborns, on the other hand, may rely more on their sense of humor and charm to guide their social interactions.

Relationship Roles

Birth order may also influence the roles that you take on in a relationship.

  • Firstborns, for example, may be more likely to take on a caregiver role. This can be nurturing and supportive, but it can sometimes make partners feel like they are being "parented." 
  • Middle children are more likely to be flexible and take a more easygoing approach.
  • Lastborns may be more carefree and less rigid.


What we expect from relationships can sometimes also be influenced by birth order.

  • Firstborns often have high expectations of themselves and others, sometimes leading to criticism when people fall short.
  • Middle children are more prone to seek balance in relationships and want to make sure that everyone is treated fairly and contributing equally.
  • Lastborns may place the burden of responsibility on their partner's shoulders while they take a more laissez-faire approach.

"Generally, older siblings are more likely to be in the scapegoat role, while the youngest siblings often have a more idealized view of the family," Lev explains.

Other Factors Play a Role

How birth order influences interpersonal relationships can also be influenced by other factors. Some of these include personality differences, parenting styles , the parents' relationship with one another, and even the birth order of the parents themselves.

While birth order theory holds a popular position in culture, much of the available evidence suggests that it likely only has a minimal impact on developmental outcomes. In other words, birth order is only one of many factors that affect how we grow and learn. 

While some research suggests that there are some small personality differences between the oldest and youngest siblings, researchers have concluded that there are no significant differences in personality or cognitive abilities based on birth order.

Birth order doesn't exist in a vacuum. Genetics, socioeconomic status, family resources, health factors, parenting styles, and other environmental variables influence child development. Other family factors, such as age spacing between siblings, sibling gender, and the number of kids in a family, can also moderate the effects of birth order.

Adler’s birth order theory suggests that the order in which you are born into your family can have a lasting impact on your behavior, emotions, and relationships with other people. While there is some support indicating that birth order can affect people in small ways, keep in mind that it is just one part of the developmental puzzle.

Family dynamics are complex, which means that your relationships with both your parents and siblings are influenced by factors like genetics, environment, child temperament, and socioeconomic status.

In other words, there may be some truth to the idea that firstborns get more attention (and responsibility), that middleborns get less attention (and more independence), and that lastborns get more freedom (and less discipline). But the specific dynamics in your family might hinge more on things like resources and parenting styles than on whether you arrived first, middle, or last.

Individual aspects of your own personality are shaped by many things, but you may find it helpful to reflect on your own experiences in your family and consider the influence that birth order might have had.

Damian RI, Roberts BW. Settling the debate on birth order and personality . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences . 2015;112(46):14119-14120. doi:10.1073/pnas.1519064112

Luo R, Song L, Chiu I. A closer look at the birth order effect on early cognitive and school readiness development in diverse contexts . Frontiers in Psychology . 2022;13. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.871837

Salmon CA, Daly M. Birth order and familial sentiment . Evolution and Human Behavior . 1998;19(5):299-312. doi:10.1016/S1090-5138(98)00022-1

Cundiff PR. Ordered delinquency: the "effects" of birth order on delinquency . Pers Soc Psychol Bull . 2013;39(8):1017-1029. doi:10.1177/0146167213488215

Çabuker ND, Batık HESBÇMV. Does psychological birth order predict identity perceptions of individuals in emerging adulthood? International Online Journal of Educational Sciences. 2020;12(5):164–176.

Damian RI, Roberts BW. The associations of birth order with personality and intelligence in a representative sample of U.S. high school students . Journal of Research in Personality . 2015;58:96-105. doi:10.1016/j.jrp.2015.05.005

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

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Birth Order by Catherine Salmon LAST REVIEWED: 28 May 2019 LAST MODIFIED: 29 October 2013 DOI: 10.1093/obo/9780199828340-0103

Birth order, defined as an individual’s rank by age among siblings, has long been of interest to psychologists as well as lay-people. Much of the fascination has focused on the possible role of birth order in shaping personality and behavior. Many decades ago, Alfred Adler, a contemporary of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, suggested that personality traits are related to a person’s ordinal position within the family. He claimed that firstborns, once the sole focus of parental attention and resources, would be resentful when attention shifted upon the birth of the next child, and that this would result in neuroticism and possible substance abuse. In his view, lastborns would be spoiled and emotionally immature, while middle children would be the most stable, as they never experienced dethronement or being spoiled. Adler’s work led to an explosion of birth order studies examining the relationships between birth order and pretty much any topic one can think of, from personality traits to psychiatric disorders, intelligence, creativity, and sexual orientation. Not all of the research employed controls for other relevant factors, a number of hard-hitting critiques of the field were made, and the number of studies being done waned. Currently, the common view is that genetic differences account for a substantial portion (around 40 percent) of the variance in personality, for example, but that a similar amount of variance (around 35 percent) is due to non-shared environment, while the remainder is due to shared environment and measurement error. Birth order is one part of the non-shared environment. Siblings may grow up in the same family, but they do not all experience that family environment in the same way. Recently, researchers have suggested that birth order shapes strategies for dealing with the family environment, some of which may manifest themselves in settings outside the family domain. The first section of this article introduces general overviews or reviews of the birth order literature as well as some general theoretical perspectives and aspects of the debate over the important of birth order effects. The remaining sections examine the research in various areas where birth order has been well studied.

A wide variety of articles and books provide insight into the theoretical perspectives on birth order as well as reviewing portions of the field. Birth order research touches on many somewhat specialized areas of psychology; for example, cognition, child and lifespan development, social, and personality psychology, and reviews typically focus on just one specific aspect, most frequently personality. Research can be largely atheoretical or may come from an Adlerian perspective or a Darwinian one. There are a number of books and reviews that challenge the impact of birth order, including Harris 1998 , and just as many that argue for strong effects, such as Sulloway 1996 and Sulloway 2010 . Those interested in mastering the birth order literature have a lot of reading ahead of them; thousands of articles have been published. But the articles and books included here will acquaint the reader with the major debates within the field and will highlight the most consistent of findings (and the least). The narrative review of Schooler 1972 provides evidence that the impact of birth order is overstated, while Ernst and Angst 1983 is a well known review of the birth order literature from the 1940s to 1980 that suggests that birth order does not influence personality. Many of the studies it references later became part of Sulloway’s meta-analysis. Plomin, et al. 2001 revisits the role of non-shared environment in answering the question of why siblings are so different from each other with a behavioral genetics influence. Eckstein 2000 and Eckstein, et al. 2010 are influenced by the Adlerian perspective and focus mainly on studies that providence evidence for birth order differences in personality traits.

Eckstein, D. 2000. Empirical studies indicating significant birth-order related personality differences. Journal of Individual Psychology 56:481–494.

A review of studies, largely published between 1960 and 1999, that provides support for birth order differences in personality. Includes studies that relate to traits of firstborns, middleborns, lastborns, and only children. Shows the range of study topics from conformity to narcissism. Illustrates greater research focus on firstborns historically.

Eckstein, D., K. J. Aycock, M. A. Sperber, et al. 2010. A review of 200 birth-order studies: Lifestyle characteristics . Journal of Individual Psychology 66:408–434.

Gives Adlerian perspective and reviews Sulloway and his critics. Provides tables of characteristics by birth order (first/middle/last/only) and the statistically significant related studies from 1960–2010. Does not address non-significant study results, but an otherwise comprehensive reference.

Ernst, C., and J. Angst. 1983. Birth order: Its influence on personality . New York: Springer.

Extensive review of birth order literature from 1946 to 1980. Concludes that effects are the result of poor research design, in particular failure to control for family size and socioeconomic status. Suggests that effects are found more often in studies that fail to control and are not found in ones with proper controls. The meta-analysis of Sulloway 1996 was a statistical counter to this paper.

Harris, J. R. 1998. The nurture assumption: Why children turn out the way they do . New York: Free Press.

Argues that genes and peers shape personality more than parents (and by extension birth order) do and that, while parental love and attention are not distributed evenly and siblings do compete, these experiences do not translate into their relationships with non-kin. Focuses more on peers and socialization.

Plomin, R., K. Asbury, P. G. Dip, and J. Dunn. 2001. Why are children in the same family so different? Non-shared environment a decade later. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 46:225–233.

Behavioral genetics approach considers what aspects make up non-shared environment for siblings (parental favoritism, peers, interaction between genetics and environment). Plomin is one of first to highlight this question. Calls for more research and for consideration of role of chance. Available online for purchase or by subscription.

Schooler, C. 1972. Birth order effects: Not here, not now. Psychological Bulletin 78:161–175.

DOI: 10.1037/h0033026

Early narrative review of the literature on “normal” and psychiatric populations. Raises family size issues. No discussion of issues involved with using self-report of parental treatment of offspring. Studies are largely confined to comparing firstborns to lastborns or laterborns (everyone but firstborns), which is another issue not discussed (see Methodological Issues and Research Design ). Available online for purchase or by subscription.

Sulloway, F. J. 1996. Born to rebel: Birth order, family dynamics, and creative lives . New York: Pantheon.

Makes solid case for Darwinian theoretical approach to birth order focusing on differential parental investment and sibling competition. Documents personality differences and how they play out in terms of revolutions in science, religion, and politics. Highlights the rebellious role of the laterborn child.

Sulloway, F. J. 2010. Why siblings are like Darwin’s finches: Birth order, sibling competition, and adaptive divergence within the family. In The Evolution of Personality and Individual Differences . Edited by D. M. Buss and P. H. Hawley, 86–119. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.

DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195372090.001.0001

Darwinian approach to birth order, personality divergence among siblings due to differential parental investment and sibling conflict. Focus on sibling niche picking and that sibling divergence is an adaptive strategy. Covers wide range of studies in review.

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Birth Order Thesis

Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM AND BACKGROUND INTRODUCTION Many researchers have stepped forward by percieving the significance between self-efficacy and birth order among young adolesence. Specifically, the college students. However, it is still an issue on how they feels better about themselves. According to Stewart, the order in which a person is naturally introduced to their family, assumes a generous part of the individual's advancement of identity, character, insight and in career choices (2001). Self-efficacy has been defined as the extent or strength of one's ability to complete tasks and complete goals. For all the people, education is very important. Many college students across the world becomes more aware on how they strive success because …show more content…

In home, they should know what is the significant and important to their parents and siblings before they locate their own specialty in the family and make a spot for themselves. According to Romeo, there are no two people precisely similar, even identical twins are not exactly alike (1994). It means everyone is unique, and it is on the individual's mental advancement to interpret certain events or things. According to Alfred Adler, the birth order of each person provides an impact to his or her personality development. Each position of an individual in the family has diferent characteristics, attitudes and choice of interests. He stated that the eldest are socially dominant, highly intelectual, and extremely conscientious. However, they tend to be less open to new ideas, prone to the idea of perfectionism and often like to please people, as a result of losing of what they thought as undivided attention from both parents on their eraly age and striving hard to gain it back. The middle ones are flexible member of the family. They are often competitive because they feel the need to surpass their other sibling. The youngest according to the birth theory, tend to be dependent and selfish because they are used to theie parents providing everything for them. Lastly, the only child are coined as "spoiled" because they are …show more content…

In making an assessment about the respondent's birth order, it will become a new knowledge as part of thier development experience. This could be open the ways to new top to bottom research about youth and it's affects on grown-ups. There is a possiblity that birth order can have such a noteworthy influence on the respondent's improvement of self-efficacy. This gives a confident viewpoint to the psychology as a major and profession for strengthening and change. This study concentrates on how this can affect the self-efficacy or the belief's in one's ability of the college students to complete their tasks and reach their aspirations in

How Does Birth Order Affect Children

Parents’ own birth orders and children experience can impact family dynamics, such as, firstborn parents getting into “raging battle” with a firstborn child, youngest-born parents not having high expectations on their kids or seeing their children’s abilities, biases based on their own birth positions, sticking up for the children with the same birth order, and birth order affecting the children’s personalities.

The Characteristics Of Alfred Hitler's Birth Order

Alfred Adler was most famous for his perspective on how the development as a person based on your birth is progressed. He believes that each family is different and that his birth order scale just happens to be a possible tool to help people understand the general roles of children. Even though Adler states the types of position you were born are important, he also describes his birth order scale as “it is not birth order itself that accounts for differences among siblings, but the psychological situation resulting from it” (Allen, 2006). For example, you may be an only child, but take on many or possible more characteristics of a middle child based on Adler’s description. Although Adler believes in the characteristics he stated for each birth orders, he states that if there are more than three years between the children, that the birth order may appear different or inaccurate.

Analysis Of The Movie Parenthood

According to Alfred Adler, the birth order of the children in a family will largely affect how they age and the personalities which they will form. First borns enter the family as the only child. They revel in the love and full attention from their parents, that is, until the second baby comes along. Suddenly, first borns are dethroned and lose the undivided attention they are used to receiving. As a result, they tend to develop a strong sense of responsibility and protectiveness over their siblings at an early age, which often leads to them becoming authoritative adults. Moreover, when there are multiple children in the family, parents will set high

How Sibling Relationship is affected by the Psychological and Emotional Effects of Birth Order?

Almost all of us are familiar of the Birth Order theory that Alfred Adler presented almost a century ago. Adler theorized that our personalities are hugely influenced by our chronological place in the family because

Birth order and Personality Environment determines to some extent the personality of a person.

In Adler's theory, the first-born gains the exclusive attention of his or her parents for a season at least. This prompts the first-born to explore confidently his or her areas of interest knowing that any accomplishments he or she attains will give satisfaction to his or her parents (Adler, 1964). However, upon the birth of the second child, the parents attention shifts to the younger child. This causes the

Explosion Of Birth Order

Though, birth order illuminates a majority of our personality traits and decisions such as, career and romantic relationships. Parents get wrapped up in the ‘firstborn haze’ and overlook how much pressure they put on older siblings. By creating a pressure to be the best and ‘in control’ the older sibling takes on the leadership role and often becomes more aligned with doing better in school than younger siblings. Determination and intelligence correspond with higher level of career, and that is just what the older sibling strives for. In fact, “100% of astronauts who’ve gone into space were either eldest children or eldest sons” (State). Relationships work better if partners differ from each other and aren’t in the same birth order. The competition can be detrimental and problematic. Alfred Adler’s birth order theory provides us with useful information to reflect our decisions and explain how you think about things. By becoming aware of it we can become more familiar with ourselves and get out of the all too familiar comfort

Birth Order Research Paper

Though there are specific temperaments and personality traits commonly found in each birthplace, it does not signify that each characteristic perfectly fits a single child or adult in that order. Many variables interfere with the general traits found in each birthplace and can easily change the personalities of that specific order. A complete change in birth order characteristics can also result from these specific interferences. Both circumstances in the outside and inside world take effect and are called the variables of birth order. These variables are very important to keep in mind while looking at this subject. Dr. Kevin Leman, an internationally renowned psychologist, and New York Times Bestselling Author, lists some of the major variables found in many children and adults in his book The Birth Order Book. The spacing of up to five years or more, gender, physical and mental disabilities or difference, deaths in the family, and also spacing will interfere and alter the personality traits found in each birth placement. This list of variables can continue on, but looking at these can provide insight to those dealing with doubts towards their specific birth order or where they may fit

Birth Order Stereotypes

The object of this experiment was to determine whether or not birth order actually affected personalities and to see if oldest/youngest stereotypes were true. Oldest children are said to be bossy and rule followers while youngest tend to be ambitious and outgoing. To find out whether or not these assumptions were true, ten people were asked a series of questions about oldest and youngest children and what it was like growing up.

Birth order can have an effect on many personality traits and even a child’s future occupation. First borns are more likely to become managers because their order in the family trains them to have more responsibility. This responsibility allows the child to have more managerial and leadership skills. For example,

Birth Order Sociology

The purpose of the study was to provide support that birth order affects one’s personality, and to challenge theorists who argue that the home environment has no lasting effect on behavior outside of the home .Data was collected by a survey of 900 undergraduates, in which their own birth order order, their best friend’s birth order and the birth orders of their parents were collected.Both romantic and platonic relationships were studied. The study concluded that firstborns, middle children, youngest children, and only children alike, are all more likely to associate with their own kind (eg. firstborns with firstborns). The study also found that family size may account for a linkage between birth order and personality. They concluded that the smaller the family, the less competition each child has for resources, the more successful the children will

Have you wished that you could switch places with your siblings? Whether it is because they are getting more attention from your parents or because they seem to be having more fun, understanding where your place is in the family can reveal a lot about your personality. There are many different factors that impact one’s emotions, outlook, and behavior, but birth order is the most influential. Birth order can impact every facet of our lives, including careers, relationships, and personality. The place that you were born into your family influences the way you interact with other people. But, how can multiple kids from same parents in the same house be so different?

How Birth Order Affects Child Life

I learned from this articles that how birth order will affect every child life , I grow up with four siblings and I was the oldest one and that put a lot of responsibility on me and that affect my life and my education , when I get graduate from my high school I run into the first responsibility in my life when I found there is only one source of income and we are a family of six , I started my first job and left my school to take care of my Siblings ,after that get a second part time job in evening to help my family

Birth Order And Its Impact On Society

For centuries, one of the most curious stereotypes that have compelled most people is the role birth order has on their personalities and lives. Is birth order necessarily important? Does it honestly affect our personalities? Birth order has been controversial issue since biblical times for example Cain and Abel and Jacob and Esau. Psychologists have a lot of assumptions about how that individual behaves and responds to life whenever a person is a first born, middle child, youngest child, or only child. The questions remains, what difference does birth order make, and how true is it that birth order can even have an impact? Theorist has looked at the various studies regarding birth order most of which have used the example of the Adlerian concept of birth order to suggest intelligence and personality type the following paper will work to better understand if birth order makes a significant difference in the outcome of an individual’s life. Leman believes the key to sibling personality discrepancies lies in birth order and how the parents treat their children due to it. However, there are numerous psychologists responsible for the stereotypes of birth order, and how it contributes to various personality types in the study.

Nurture Children's Self-Efficacy

Teaching the students self-efficacy they will be capable of performing a task or managing a situation. Some student with high self-efficacy believes they can reach their goals, but some student’s may set unrealistic goals, and experience failure and frustration.

Birth Order Effects More Than Thought

Birth order is nothing to take lightly. Weather being a first born child or a last born child is a prime factor in an adolescent’s maturing. Being a first born child might make you more cautious rather than a last born child may make you an attention seeking child. To few people’s knowledge, birth order determines many distinctive characteristics of an adolescent.

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How to Write an Essay Introduction | 4 Steps & Examples

Published on February 4, 2019 by Shona McCombes . Revised on July 23, 2023.

A good introduction paragraph is an essential part of any academic essay . It sets up your argument and tells the reader what to expect.

The main goals of an introduction are to:

  • Catch your reader’s attention.
  • Give background on your topic.
  • Present your thesis statement —the central point of your essay.

This introduction example is taken from our interactive essay example on the history of Braille.

The invention of Braille was a major turning point in the history of disability. The writing system of raised dots used by visually impaired people was developed by Louis Braille in nineteenth-century France. In a society that did not value disabled people in general, blindness was particularly stigmatized, and lack of access to reading and writing was a significant barrier to social participation. The idea of tactile reading was not entirely new, but existing methods based on sighted systems were difficult to learn and use. As the first writing system designed for blind people’s needs, Braille was a groundbreaking new accessibility tool. It not only provided practical benefits, but also helped change the cultural status of blindness. This essay begins by discussing the situation of blind people in nineteenth-century Europe. It then describes the invention of Braille and the gradual process of its acceptance within blind education. Subsequently, it explores the wide-ranging effects of this invention on blind people’s social and cultural lives.

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Table of contents

Step 1: hook your reader, step 2: give background information, step 3: present your thesis statement, step 4: map your essay’s structure, step 5: check and revise, more examples of essay introductions, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about the essay introduction.

Your first sentence sets the tone for the whole essay, so spend some time on writing an effective hook.

Avoid long, dense sentences—start with something clear, concise and catchy that will spark your reader’s curiosity.

The hook should lead the reader into your essay, giving a sense of the topic you’re writing about and why it’s interesting. Avoid overly broad claims or plain statements of fact.

Examples: Writing a good hook

Take a look at these examples of weak hooks and learn how to improve them.

  • Braille was an extremely important invention.
  • The invention of Braille was a major turning point in the history of disability.

The first sentence is a dry fact; the second sentence is more interesting, making a bold claim about exactly  why the topic is important.

  • The internet is defined as “a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities.”
  • The spread of the internet has had a world-changing effect, not least on the world of education.

Avoid using a dictionary definition as your hook, especially if it’s an obvious term that everyone knows. The improved example here is still broad, but it gives us a much clearer sense of what the essay will be about.

  • Mary Shelley’s  Frankenstein is a famous book from the nineteenth century.
  • Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is often read as a crude cautionary tale about the dangers of scientific advancement.

Instead of just stating a fact that the reader already knows, the improved hook here tells us about the mainstream interpretation of the book, implying that this essay will offer a different interpretation.

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Next, give your reader the context they need to understand your topic and argument. Depending on the subject of your essay, this might include:

  • Historical, geographical, or social context
  • An outline of the debate you’re addressing
  • A summary of relevant theories or research about the topic
  • Definitions of key terms

The information here should be broad but clearly focused and relevant to your argument. Don’t give too much detail—you can mention points that you will return to later, but save your evidence and interpretation for the main body of the essay.

How much space you need for background depends on your topic and the scope of your essay. In our Braille example, we take a few sentences to introduce the topic and sketch the social context that the essay will address:

Now it’s time to narrow your focus and show exactly what you want to say about the topic. This is your thesis statement —a sentence or two that sums up your overall argument.

This is the most important part of your introduction. A  good thesis isn’t just a statement of fact, but a claim that requires evidence and explanation.

The goal is to clearly convey your own position in a debate or your central point about a topic.

Particularly in longer essays, it’s helpful to end the introduction by signposting what will be covered in each part. Keep it concise and give your reader a clear sense of the direction your argument will take.

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birth order essay intro

As you research and write, your argument might change focus or direction as you learn more.

For this reason, it’s often a good idea to wait until later in the writing process before you write the introduction paragraph—it can even be the very last thing you write.

When you’ve finished writing the essay body and conclusion , you should return to the introduction and check that it matches the content of the essay.

It’s especially important to make sure your thesis statement accurately represents what you do in the essay. If your argument has gone in a different direction than planned, tweak your thesis statement to match what you actually say.

To polish your writing, you can use something like a paraphrasing tool .

You can use the checklist below to make sure your introduction does everything it’s supposed to.

Checklist: Essay introduction

My first sentence is engaging and relevant.

I have introduced the topic with necessary background information.

I have defined any important terms.

My thesis statement clearly presents my main point or argument.

Everything in the introduction is relevant to the main body of the essay.

You have a strong introduction - now make sure the rest of your essay is just as good.

  • Argumentative
  • Literary analysis

This introduction to an argumentative essay sets up the debate about the internet and education, and then clearly states the position the essay will argue for.

The spread of the internet has had a world-changing effect, not least on the world of education. The use of the internet in academic contexts is on the rise, and its role in learning is hotly debated. For many teachers who did not grow up with this technology, its effects seem alarming and potentially harmful. This concern, while understandable, is misguided. The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its critical benefits for students and educators—as a uniquely comprehensive and accessible information source; a means of exposure to and engagement with different perspectives; and a highly flexible learning environment.

This introduction to a short expository essay leads into the topic (the invention of the printing press) and states the main point the essay will explain (the effect of this invention on European society).

In many ways, the invention of the printing press marked the end of the Middle Ages. The medieval period in Europe is often remembered as a time of intellectual and political stagnation. Prior to the Renaissance, the average person had very limited access to books and was unlikely to be literate. The invention of the printing press in the 15th century allowed for much less restricted circulation of information in Europe, paving the way for the Reformation.

This introduction to a literary analysis essay , about Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein , starts by describing a simplistic popular view of the story, and then states how the author will give a more complex analysis of the text’s literary devices.

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is often read as a crude cautionary tale. Arguably the first science fiction novel, its plot can be read as a warning about the dangers of scientific advancement unrestrained by ethical considerations. In this reading, and in popular culture representations of the character as a “mad scientist”, Victor Frankenstein represents the callous, arrogant ambition of modern science. However, far from providing a stable image of the character, Shelley uses shifting narrative perspectives to gradually transform our impression of Frankenstein, portraying him in an increasingly negative light as the novel goes on. While he initially appears to be a naive but sympathetic idealist, after the creature’s narrative Frankenstein begins to resemble—even in his own telling—the thoughtlessly cruel figure the creature represents him as.

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  • College Essay Format & Structure
  • Comparing and Contrasting in an Essay

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Your essay introduction should include three main things, in this order:

  • An opening hook to catch the reader’s attention.
  • Relevant background information that the reader needs to know.
  • A thesis statement that presents your main point or argument.

The length of each part depends on the length and complexity of your essay .

The “hook” is the first sentence of your essay introduction . It should lead the reader into your essay, giving a sense of why it’s interesting.

To write a good hook, avoid overly broad statements or long, dense sentences. Try to start with something clear, concise and catchy that will spark your reader’s curiosity.

A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . Everything else you write should relate to this key idea.

The thesis statement is essential in any academic essay or research paper for two main reasons:

  • It gives your writing direction and focus.
  • It gives the reader a concise summary of your main point.

Without a clear thesis statement, an essay can end up rambling and unfocused, leaving your reader unsure of exactly what you want to say.

The structure of an essay is divided into an introduction that presents your topic and thesis statement , a body containing your in-depth analysis and arguments, and a conclusion wrapping up your ideas.

The structure of the body is flexible, but you should always spend some time thinking about how you can organize your essay to best serve your ideas.

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McCombes, S. (2023, July 23). How to Write an Essay Introduction | 4 Steps & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved March 20, 2024, from

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Birth Order Theory: Insights Into Your Personality

Personality can develop from various sources and influences in a child's life, including birth order. Studying personality and its formation has interested researchers, psychologists, and scientists for centuries. Enduring characteristics, traits, and behavior can shape each person's unique adjustment to life.

Birth order theory suggests that while personality is mainly unpredictable, specific general characteristics can be linked to a person's birth order in their family. Birth order refers to the rank of siblings in relation to age. It's thought that parents intentionally or unintentionally assign roles based on birth order, which may impact a child’s personality development.

In this article, we'll explore the theories and studies behind personality development, focusing on birth order theory.

Birth order theory: Why it matters

Theories on personality formation, adaptation, and environmental influences across cultures vary. The concept of birth order is often credited to Austrian psychoanalyst Alfred Adler in the early 1900s. He was one of the first to explore the idea that a person's place in their family tree could predict personality traits. 

Adler believed that firstborn children typically have higher expectations placed upon them by parents and thus develop a greater sense of responsibility and ambition. He proposed that later-born siblings, on the other hand, were often treated more leniently by their parents compared to firstborns, leading them to become more rebellious and independent.

However, it is important to note that Adler's theories are not universally accepted, and a person's place in their family tree does not always dictate their personality traits. Ultimately, each person is unique and should be treated as such. Each person has strengths and weaknesses independent of their birth order.

What birth order theory is not

Birth-order personality traits are not necessarily present when a child is born into a family. For example, firstborn children are not necessarily born with niche or particular personality traits ingrained in their psyche. Instead, in birth order theory, Adler illustrates how family environments and dynamics can shape individual psychology during a child's formative years. Although every family is different, there are similarities in the interactions between parents and children and siblings.

The family's role in birth order personality traits

Birth order research and studies show several influences shaping personality in addition to birth order. Common factors include:

  • Biological: Children tend to inherit many traits and features from their parents. These can include intelligence, courage, and physical characteristics.
  • Social: By interacting with others in an individual's social circle, children learn behaviors and thought patterns from their experiences, like those in the education system and beyond.
  • Cultural: A child growing up within a culture consciously or unconsciously can adopt traits consistent with the culture's beliefs, ideas, and norms.
  • Physical Environment: An individual's surroundings often impact the development of personality. For example, the personalities of those growing up in a rural area may differ from those living in an urban environment.
  • Situational: As a child grows up, they face different situations, which may help them adapt and change their personality. These situations could include meeting new friends, experiencing trauma, or welcoming a new sibling.

When looking at these factors, we see family life can incorporate all of these. Since most children's lives are, at first, shaped by everything going on in the family, it makes sense that some psychologists have remained interested in birth order theory throughout the years since Adler first proposed his idea.

How birth order may affect personality

The following traits are general examples of how birth order differences and personality may be related. Of course, many other factors could impact the development of a child's personality; some of these reasons will be discussed further below.

These children tend to get much more attention from adults than a child with siblings does. This means many of their early interactions involve individuals significantly older than them. These interactions can make them feel like "tiny adults," and they can seem more mature than their peers with siblings. Traits may include:

  • Maturity for their age
  • Sensitivity
  • Use of adult language
  • Self-centeredness
  • A tendency to enjoy being the center of attention
  • Refusal to cooperate with others
  • A tendency to feel unfairly treated when not getting their way
  • A desire to be more like adults, so may not relate well with peers

First child

Since the firstborn child is used to being an only child until siblings come along, they may exhibit some of the characteristics of an only child. Also, the firstborn may have these birth order personality traits:

  • Achiever and leader
  • Feelings of superiority over other children
  • Difficulty when the second child is born, such as feeling unloved or neglected
  • A tendency to be controlling and focused on being correct about results
  • Use of good (or bad) behavior to regain parents' attention
  • A tendency to be bossy or authoritarian about rules
  • A desire to please others
  • Reliability

Second child

Second-born and middle children begin their lives with their parents' attention on the firstborn. Having an older sibling as a role model makes second-born and middle children try to catch up with older children. Adler believes the second child can be better adjusted. A second child may:

  • Be more competitive
  • Lack of the undivided attention of parents
  • Be a people pleaser
  • Be a peacemaker
  • Develop abilities the first child doesn't exhibit to gain attention
  • Be rebellious
  • Be independent and not need the support of others

Middle child

Many have heard of the "middle child syndrome" and the difficulties these children can present. They may become frustrated or resentful of the significant changes they experience early in life. Not only do they lose their "youngest child" status, but they also must compete for attention with older and later-born children. 

Middle-born children in larger families are typically less competitive than single middle children. Their parents' attention can be spread thinner due to the dynamics of a bigger family. Middle children in bigger families may be more prone to use cooperation to get what they want. Middle children may demonstrate the following tendencies:

  • Can feel life is unfair
  • Can be even-tempered
  • May feel unloved or left out
  • May not have the rights and responsibilities of the oldest sibling or the privileges of the youngest
  • May be adaptable
  • Can be impatient
  • May be outgoing and rambunctious
  • May treat younger siblings more roughly
  • Can feel "squeezed" in the family environment

Youngest child

The "baby" of the family tends to get more attention from parents since the older siblings are developing and becoming more independent. Traits of the youngest child may include the following:

  • May be charming and outgoing
  • Can be an attention seeker
  • Behaves like the only child
  • Feels inferior, like everyone is bigger or more capable
  • Expects others to make decisions and take responsibility
  • May not be taken seriously
  • Can become "speedier" in development to catch up to other siblings

Other factors that may influence birth order personality

Each family is different and has unique dynamics. The subject of birth order positions alone will not determine the complexities of a person’s personality. Certain circumstances or measures may impact a child's personality as children and families develop and evolve. Across different families, children of the same birth order can show diverse personality differences, especially across a large representative sample.

Blended or step-families

When two parents remarry, especially when children are in their formative years, the family of origin often goes through a period of disorientation and competition. For example, two firstborns in the new family may search for their "place" and may compete to keep their "firstborn status."

Differences in ages

When there is an age gap of three or more years between siblings, it is common for the birth orders to restart. In a family with many children, this could create birth order subgroups with varying birth order effects.

Health and mental issues

A child born with significant physical or neurodevelopmental disabilities can seem to remain in the "youngest" position regardless of birth order. It may impact the psychological birth order position of the other children.

Gender of siblings

Most psychological competition tends to occur between children of the same gender and similar ages. The competition, partly for parental attention , can start in childhood and move into young adulthood and beyond.

Death of a sibling

The impact of a child's death can be devastating for families. Some children may adapt by developing overindulgent tendencies. Also, a glorification of the deceased child can occur, whereby other siblings may never live up to the image of the deceased sibling. It can profoundly alter the birth order effect.

An adopted child often has special circumstances in the family dynamic. Having an adopted child may be seen as a special gift for parents with difficulties conceiving. These parents may have a greater tendency to spoil or overindulge the child. When an adopted child comes into an established family, they may find difficulties fitting into the dynamic.

Does a correlation between birth order and personality exist?

Multiple factors, including socioeconomic status, parental attitudes, gender roles, and social influences, can also shape an individual's personality. In a study of more than 20,000 participants, however, details revealed no significant effects of birth order of the Big Five personality traits: extraversion, emotional stability, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience.

However, some research has linked higher intelligence to a family's older children. It could be because parents have more emotional and intellectual resources to give when fewer children are present in the home.

Gain additional insights into your personality in therapy

If you’d like to gain more insight into your personality or how your birth order shapes it, consider working with a mental health professional. With a therapist, you can explore how your early childhood experiences shape your current behavior and develop coping skills to help you navigate life’s challenges. Your therapist can also provide evidence-based strategies for managing challenging emotions and building healthy relationships.

If you are not interested in traditional in-person therapy, consider using online counseling through BetterHelp . Online therapy can be a convenient way to get mental health care. Research suggests that online treatment is  as effective as in-person therapy and can often fit into your schedule more easily. You can speak with a therapist from your home or anywhere you have internet connection.

How does birth order affect the development of our personality?

According to Alfred Adler’s psychological theories , birth order affects personality development through its impacts on relationship dynamics, including both sibling relationships and parent-child interactions. Since a person’s family is almost always their first experience of connections with other people, it may shape the assumptions, habits, and strategies that individuals carry throughout their lives. 

For example, Adler believed that eldest children were more prone to neuroticism. He thought that their experience of undivided parental attention in their early years, followed by the appearance of younger siblings who competed for attention, could lead to a sense of insecurity. On the other hand, he also believed firstborn children tended to form leadership skills early on due to the experience of teaching and protecting younger siblings. 

There might also be biological effects of birth order. Some researchers have suggested that changes to a woman’s immune system following repeated births might have developmental impacts on the personalities of children born later. However, the evidence for this theory is currently very limited, and some research seems to contradict it .

In twins, birth order might appear to affect personality because the larger and healthier twin is often born first . This can mean that younger twins are more likely to have health and developmental problems, which may have long-term psychological impacts. 

How does birth order affect socialization?

Birth order might affect socialization because of the different roles that siblings of different ages tend to assume within a family. The oldest child might feel a sense of responsibility for their younger siblings, causing them to develop a greater propensity for leadership. Youngest children, in contrast, might have to struggle for their independence when their older siblings get bossy. This could lead them to be more rebellious in later interactions. Middle children might find themselves taking on the role of mediators, causing them to develop strong interpersonal skills.

Is birth order an important factor in determining intelligence myth?

Some studies have found a possible birth order effect on intellectual achievement. A 2015 research paper reported that older children appeared to score slightly higher on measures of intelligence, as well as rating their own intelligence higher. Later borns tended to display slightly lower IQ along with lower intellectual confidence.

However, while the observed effect was statistically significant, it was quite small. There’s little evidence that birth order plays a major role in determining a person’s intelligence.

What are three arguments made to support that birth order does affect our personalities?

One common argument in favor of the idea that birth order can shape personality is that early childhood experiences are known to be important for many different long-term psychological outcomes, such as relationship attachment styles . Since the experiences of siblings may be different depending on their position in the family, it might make sense to expect them to be important in personality formation.

Another argument in favor of birth order effects is that parental attention may be important in forming cognitive abilities. Because children with fewer siblings receive more of their parents’ focus, they might have a slight advantage in building certain mental skills, which could in turn affect their personalities. 

The third main argument supporting birth order personality effects is that this idea is backed by research. Although the birth order effects found so far have been small, many important shifts in scientific theories begin with the observation of seemingly minor phenomena.

Does birth order affect one's personality impression?

There’s currently not much evidence that birth order affects the kinds of personality traits that are most important in determining the impression an individual makes on others. Even in the study offering the strongest support for the effect of birth order on intelligence, researchers found no relationship between birth order and characteristics such as:

  • Agreeableness
  • Willingness to try new experiences
  • Extraversion
  • Emotional stability
  • Imagination
  • Conscientiousness

How can birth order impact a child's attitude and behavior?

Birth order might affect a child’s behavior through the differences in parental expectations for different family members. Parents may consciously or unconsciously assign older siblings to a leadership role, expecting them to care for and instruct their younger brothers or sisters. Younger children might receive less discipline because their parents are older or have less ability to monitor an individual’s behavior within a large family.

Predicting the exact outcomes of these kinds of expectations may be difficult, though. An eldest child expected to act as a teacher and protector for their siblings might embrace this role. However, if they’re given poor support from their parents or punished for their siblings’ misbehavior, it could lead to resentment and avoidance of responsibility.

Birth order might also play a role in determining mental health, which could have important behavioral effects. A 2021 study reported that later-born children appeared to have lower rates of mental disorders and higher rates of happiness and prosocial attitudes.

Some theories of birth order suggest that “psychological birth order” might matter more than actual birth order. In other words, a child’s perception of their place within the family might be the most important factor.  It’s often said that if a child is born five years or more after their next-oldest sibling, their personality characteristics will be more similar to a firstborn.

Can birth order determine success or failure?

Despite the prevalence of stories in popular media about how many astronauts or Nobel Prize winners are firstborn children, birth order is unlikely to be a major factor in a person’s success or failure in life. 

While many psychologists used to consider it very important, more recent studies with better methodological design have found little evidence for strong effects. Other elements, such as genetics, socioeconomic standing, developmental health, and life experiences, are likely to be substantially more important.

Does birth order seem like a good way to describe personality?

Many people use birth order as a shorthand for personality makeup, such as describing someone as a “typical middle child”. Yet many people have very different ideas about what this means in practice. For instance, some sources may describe oldest children as outgoing and independent, while others say that these people tend to be shy and cautious. 

Because of these differences, and the lack of strong evidence in favor of birth order effects, these stereotypes may not be useful ways to describe someone’s personality.

Does birth order affect self-concept?

Some theories of birth order effects have suggested that a person’s family position might affect their self-concept. In these frameworks, older and only children were thought to have the highest self-esteem, while middle children were believed to have the lowest. Several studies in the 1980s and 1990s tested these theories in middle and high school students with mixed results. While some researchers reported significant birth order effects, others found that the evidence was weak and inconsistent . 

More recent investigations have found little support for the idea that self-esteem is affected by birth order. There may not be enough evidence to definitively state that oldest, middle, and youngest children have different self-concept strengths.

Does birth order affect the behavior of children?

Birth order may have some effects on childhood behavior. Research on children aged 9-10 found the highest rates of cooperative, prosocial behavior among those who were latest in birth order. Eldest children seemed to be more prone to conduct problems and disruptive behavior. That said, these findings may need to be replicated before it’s possible to say definitively that birth order impacts behavior.

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Birth Order Essay

birth order essay intro

Show More Birth order refers to the order a child is born in their family. It refers to four basic positions of a child: oldest, middle, youngest, and only child. The dynamics of birth order have long been debated in the scientific community. While some experts are reluctant to assign tried-and-true personality traits to each family position, most agree that birth order factors into the adults we become. Birth order can shape people in ways they do not realize. It can form personalities and behaviors. It is believed that each birth order position has its own unique set of personality traits. Also, even though siblings are generally raised together, differences in birth order position may result in perspectives on life and relationships being quite different …show more content… A study done by Keller and Zach looked at the differences in behaviors of parents between parents of firstborn children and parents of later born children. This study found that mothers and fathers were alone with their firstborn infants significantly longer than with their later born infants. Fathers of firstborn infants engaged in face to-face interactions with their infants far longer than fathers of later born infants did with their children. Both parents were also present together longer with firstborn infants than with infants born later on (Keller, Heidi and Ulrike Zach). According to another study done by Joseph Price of Brigham Young University first-borns spent more quality time with their parents. Quality time was defined as time spent …show more content… This occurs when the middle child feels left out and under loved. Second-born children often feel like a fifth wheel compared to their older sibling . (Gibson) “The oldest, or first born, will often receive inflated attention because they are the first to reach certain milestones, such as first birthday, learning to talk, learning to walk, and eventually attending their first day of school, and then their last day of school.” The youngest child receives an abundance of attention as well. This leaves the middle child feeling left out and receiving the least amount of parental attention

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Description of the Problem Birth control has always been a controversial topic surrounded by social stigma, especially in our current political climate. Many women in the United States find birth control to be essential and use contraceptives as part of ‘their’ daily life. One thing that many women can agree on is that birth control…

Birth Order Essay Intro (1062 words)

Each person is born with a distinct character and special gift that distinguishes them from every person in the family tree and society. When this inner capacity for goodness is identified, acknowledged and nurtured in childhood, it brings strength to society and success to the child. (Sibling Patterns. 1) The oldest child is more of…

Birth order 2 Essay (2388 words)

Birth Order and PersonalityDoes being first born make people more responsible? If someone is the middle born child, is he or she going to be rebellious? If people are last born are they more likely to be on television? Are first born children inconsiderate and selfish or highly motivated? A person’s birth order can affect…

What Is Birth Order Essay (1327 words)

How Birth Order Affects Ones PersonalityEveryone in the world is born with a special and unique character. Some of their personality is shaped by their surroundings as they grow up as well as the factor of genetics. It is believed by some psychologists/researchers that birth order has a tendency to influence parts of the personality….

Birth order and School Achievement Essay

There has always been an attempt to figure out why some people do better in school than others. Is it due to financial stability? Is it attributed to parents’ own success as students? Very importantly, one’s birth order plays a role in one’s school achievement. I. Theory Growing up with siblings or the absence of…

Check a number of top-notch topics on Birth Order written by our professionals

The Role of Birth Order in The Relationships Between Siblings

The Influence of Birth Order on Self-esteem

The Importance of Children’s Birth Order in a Family

Life Beginning & Fertalization

Family Child Order and Effects of Having a Sole Child

Different Birth Order Personality Types and Psychology Behind Them

Birth Order Chart and My Personal Character

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  1. Parenthood: Psychology and Birth Order Free Essay Example

    birth order essay intro

  2. Essay 1: Birth Order

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  3. 🏆 How to make an intro paragraph. How To Craft an Introduction

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  4. Birth Order Personality Traits: 4 Types Of Children In A Family

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  5. A Guide to Birth Order and How It May Help You Understand Yourself

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  6. Your Birth Order Explains Everything About Your Personality

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  1. Birth order Psychology

  2. Switched at birth Video essay by Sidni Duff

  3. Importance of Birth order in later life

  4. Birth Order


  1. BHS 430 (Family dynamics) Birth Order Position Essay

    Birth Order Position Elizabeth Heicher Grand Canyon University: BHS 430 February 27, 2022. 2 BIRTH ORDER POSITION. Birth Order Position There are various viewpoints when looking at birth order and its influence on personality. Some people believe a person's birth order can influence their personality, while others believe there is no correlation.

  2. 12

    Birth Order Position Grand Canyon University BHS 430- Introduction to Family Dynamics December 17, 2023. Introduction There are many cultures that recognize the birth order and roles taken on by family members who fall into the order. It is important to respect each other's cultures and way of doing things when it comes to birth order.

  3. BHS-430 Birth Order

    Birth order is now considered a variable in experimental research because of Stanley Schachter, a social psychologist that published a book speaking on how important birth order is (Eisenman, 2019). Schacter published the book The Psychology of Affiliation to explain what birth order is and how birth order should be used in studies. Birth order ...

  4. Birth Order Essay

    Birth Order, as in the order a child is born in their family, has been a popular topic for researchers and the general public for decades. Originally it was claimed that personality was determined by birth order and even now there are many stereotypes of the firstborn being mature and driven while the youngest child is often described as wild and rebellious (Bleske-Rechek and Kelley, 2013).

  5. New Evidence on the Impacts of Birth Order

    We find that the probability of having high blood pressure declines with birth order, and the largest gap is between first- and second-borns. Second-borns are about 3 percent less likely to have high blood pressure than firstborns; fifth-borns are about 7 percent less likely to have high blood pressure than firstborns.

  6. Birth Order Paper Outline

    The dynamics of birth order have long been debated in the scientific community. Some researchers are hesitant to assign and label specific traits to each family positon. However, most agree that birth order influences and factors into the adults we become. Birth order affects people in ways they are unaware of.

  7. How Does Birth Order Shape Your Personality?

    Birth order can affect how you communicate with others, which can have a powerful impact on relationship dynamics. Firstborns and only children are often seen as more direct, which others can sometimes interpret as bossy or controlling. Middle children may be less confrontational and more likely to look for solutions that will accommodate ...

  8. An Introduction to the Analysis of the Birth Order

    "Birth order" refers to whether we were perhaps the first child born in a family or maybe one of many, or maybe even the last. Many researchers think that where we are in relationship to our brothers and sisters helps influence how we develop. Thinking about birth order is one way...

  9. Birth Order And Effects On Personality Children And Young People Essay

    Birth order does play a very important role in the developments and effects on a person's personality. A family's size, financial status, cultures and traditions also are contributing factors to consider. A child's gender and temper play a role of the birth order and the effects on personality. They may share many traits and may exhibit ...

  10. Birth Order

    Introduction. Birth order, defined as an individual's rank by age among siblings, has long been of interest to psychologists as well as lay-people. Much of the fascination has focused on the possible role of birth order in shaping personality and behavior. Many decades ago, Alfred Adler, a contemporary of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung ...

  11. Birth order Sample essay: free Example of Classification essay

    Birth order Essay. Table of contents: 1. Introduction. 2. Birth order importance. 1. First born children and only children. 2. Middle born children. 3. Last born children. 3. Twin children and other positions. 4. Girls and boy in different birth orders. 5. Conclusion "Whatever your family was, you are". Dr. Kevin Leman. 1. Introduction

  12. Birth Order Thesis

    695 Words. 3 Pages. Open Document. Chapter 1. THE PROBLEM AND BACKGROUND. INTRODUCTION. Many researchers have stepped forward by percieving the significance between self-efficacy and birth order among young adolesence. Specifically, the college students. However, it is still an issue on how they feels better about themselves.

  13. BHS-430 Birth Order Paper Assignment

    Year 2020-2021. running head: birth order position birth order position claire brown grand canyon university: february. Skip to document. University; High School. Books; ... Essay; BHS-430 Strengths in Your Family Paper ... Introduction to Family Dynamics (BHS-430) 107 Documents. Students shared 107 documents in this course.

  14. How to Write an Essay Introduction

    Table of contents. Step 1: Hook your reader. Step 2: Give background information. Step 3: Present your thesis statement. Step 4: Map your essay's structure. Step 5: Check and revise. More examples of essay introductions. Other interesting articles. Frequently asked questions about the essay introduction.

  15. Birth Order Theory: Insights Into Your Personality

    Birth order theory: Why it matters. Theories on personality formation, adaptation, and environmental influences across cultures vary. The concept of birth order is often credited to Austrian psychoanalyst Alfred Adler in the early 1900s. He was one of the first to explore the idea that a person's place in their family tree could predict personality traits.

  16. Birth Order And Personality Essay

    Birth Order And Personality Essay. Birth order is defined as an ordinal position of a child's birth in relation to their siblings. A firstborn is a child who is born first within the family, and a later-born is a child born after the first child. Personality is defined as a pattern of thought, feelings or behaviour that makes an individual ...

  17. Birth Order Essay

    Improved Essays. 1061 Words. 5 Pages. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Check Writing Quality. Birth order refers to the order a child is born in their family. It refers to four basic positions of a child: oldest, middle, youngest, and only child. The dynamics of birth order have long been debated in the scientific community.

  18. Sociology Essays

    The birth order theory was first coined by Alfred Adler. This is a theory that often refers to the order of birth in which one was born in. He was the first to say that "not only the parents but also the siblings influence the child's behavior characteristics" (Leman, 2000). It is often believed that the order in which a child is born ...

  19. BHS-430 Birth Order

    BHS-430, Intro to Family Dynamics Professor Denise Takakjy January 15, 2023, Birth Order Position The order that a child is born in has been looked at for years, from the Middle Ages of first-born sons becoming the king to more recent times when the eldest son was viewed as the next head of households. ... Birth Order Position Essay. Ashley ...

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    Free argumenttive, persuasive and narrative essay samples on Birth Order at Artscolumbia. Here you will find only best free samples and everything necessary for A+ grades. Get help now. Essay Samples. ... Birth Order Essay Intro (1062 words) Birth Order . Words: 1062 (5 pages) Each person is born with a distinct character and special gift that ...

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