Why Is Writing Important? (22 Reasons)

Have you ever stopped to think about how much writing impacts your life? From jotting down a shopping list to sending a text message, writing is everywhere, shaping how we interact with the world and each other.

It’s fundamental, yet we often take for granted just how powerful a tool it can be. Good writing not only helps us share information but also transforms the way we think, learn, and connect.

In the pages that follow, let’s explore the myriad ways writing touches every corner of our existence. Can writing truly change your life, or is it just another skill to master? Stick around, and you just might discover that writing holds more power than you ever imagined.

Table of Contents

Writing Enhances Clarity in Communication

Effective communication is all about getting your point across with clarity and precision. Writing is the chisel that shapes rough ideas into sharp narratives. 

Think about the times you’ve written an email or a report. Choosing your words carefully, you have to consider how the reader will interpret them. This process alone can transform a muddled thought into a clear message.

  • It leads to a better understanding of personal and professional relationships.
  • Well-crafted writing avoids misunderstandings that can occur with spoken words.
  • Smooth communication builds trust and respect between parties.

By fostering clarity, writing becomes the bridge connecting intention with understanding, ensuring everyone is on the same page, quite literally.

Writing Aids in Learning and Retention of Information

There’s a reason why note-taking is encouraged in classrooms worldwide. Writing while learning actively engages the brain, prompting it to analyze and reframe information. This dual action cements knowledge more firmly than passive listening.

Remember those scribbled margins in your textbooks? Here’s what they’re actually doing:

  • They’re boosting your recall by creating unique connections in your brain.
  • Summarizing complex ideas in your own words locks in learning.
  • Writing by hand has been linked to improved memory retention.

When learners write about what they’re studying, they create a personal connection with the information, which is invaluable for retention. It also encourages them to think critically, ask questions, and explore the material on a deeper level. 

This technique is employed in various settings, from classrooms to professional workshops, demonstrating the significant role writing plays in learning and education.

Writing Can Influence Social Change

Writing isn’t just about putting words on a page; it’s a powerful tool for advocacy and reform. The written word has sparked revolutions and nurtured movements that have reshaped nations. 

Here’s a look at how writing changes the world:

  • It disseminates ideas that challenge the status quo, encouraging people to think and act.
  • Influential works, from Thomas Paine’s “ Common Sense ” to Rachel Carson’s “ Silent Spring , ” demonstrate the impact of writing on public opinion and policy.

This form of communication can sneak past barriers that might restrict spoken words. Written appeals to reason, emotion, and shared values can cross geographical and cultural boundaries to unite people under a common cause. 

Through blogs, social media, articles, and books, famed and anonymous writers stir hearts, evoke dialogue, and drive action. So, while a pen may seem mightier, it can indeed be more powerful than a sword when it comes to championing rights, justice, and democracy.

Writing Preserves Stories and Cultures

Cultures are the tapestries of human existence, woven with stories, traditions, and languages. Writing is the crucial thread that holds these tapestries together across time. 

It’s almost magical how script locked away in dusty tomes or engraved on ancient ruins breathes life into civilizations long gone.

  • Folktales:  Maintaining folklore through written records ensures generations to come know their ancestral stories.
  • Language:  Documenting dialects and idiomatic expressions keeps languages alive.
  • Traditions:  From recipes to rituals, writing preserves the unique practices of communities.

Through writing, individuals not only chronicle their current way of life but also ensure that future generations have a window into their ancestral past. 

Writing Sharpens Critical Thinking Skills

To craft a solid piece of writing, one must weigh evidence, discern patterns, and anticipate counterarguments—all activities that hone your ability to think deeply and critically. This is the rigorous mental exercise that strengthens your reasoning muscles. 

When you write an essay, for example, you must present a clear argument supported by facts. This process demands a level of analysis that goes beyond surface-level understanding.

Engaging with diverse perspectives is also part of being a thoughtful writer. By reading the works of others and writing critiques or responses, you immerse yourself in a dialogic process, exchanging ideas that refine your own thoughts and positions.

This dialogue with different viewpoints is integral to broadening your own intellectual horizons.

Writing Connects People Across Distances

Imagine you’re writing a letter to a friend on the other side of the world or a text message to a loved one just down the street. In both cases, the words you pen bridge the physical gap between you and them. 

Writing is a unique tool that connects us irrespective of location; it’s a heart-to-heart dialogue that can cross continents and oceans.

There’s something magical about opening an email from a friend abroad or stumbling upon a blog post that changes your perspective. It feels like they’re right there with you, sharing a moment in time. 

Even in our tech-savvy world where video calls are just a click away, the written word holds a special kind of intimacy — it can be saved, reread, and treasured in a way that spoken words cannot. 

Writing Improves Focus and Discipline

Engaging in the act of writing requires a level of concentration that few other activities can match. You’re pulling together thoughts, weaving words into sentences, and sentences into paragraphs—all of which demands a disciplined mind. 

Maintaining that focus over time helps to develop your ability to concentrate on tasks, both big and small.

For anyone who has set out to write a blog post or a book, the process often involves setting up a routine and sticking to it, come inspiration or writer’s block. This habitual commitment translates directly to improved self-regulation and time management skills as you become better at setting and achieving goals. 

Writing Assists in Conflict Resolution

By expressing ourselves through writing, we can clearly convey our thoughts and feelings, which is crucial in conflict resolution. Let’s break this down:

Clarifying Perspectives:

  • Expression of emotions : Writing allows individuals to articulate their feelings  without  the heat of verbal confrontation.
  • Rational argumentation : Parties involved can lay out their points logically, minimizing the potential for emotional escalation.

Understanding Parties’ Positions:  Written communication gives each party time to consider the other’s viewpoint and respond thoughtfully rather than reactively.

Documenting Agreements:  Written summaries of conflict resolutions serve as tangible records that can prevent future misunderstandings and foster long-term peacekeeping.

Whether it’s in personal relationships or international diplomacy, the pen can guide us toward finding common ground.

Writing Documents History and Important Information

Writing is the cornerstone of preserving human achievements and learning. Every innovation, from the wheel to the smartphone, has its development outlined in written form. 

Legal documents, with their precise language, dictate how societies function, maintaining order and recording the framework of our civilizations. 

But beyond the structural, writing offers intimacy with the past; it’s personal. Reading the musings of a 12th-century philosopher or the letters of a World War II soldier, we bridge the gap between now and then, understanding events and the people behind them.

The act of documenting through writing, as such, serves a dual purpose: 

  • It establishes the record that shapes the structure and identity of society.
  • It creates a pathway to revisit and learn from the experiences of those who came before us. 

Without writing, history would be like the wind, felt briefly but invisible to the eyes of the future.

Writing Refines Language Skills

Engaging regularly in writing is one of the most effective methods for improving language proficiency. It’s an active process that involves:

  • Vocabulary expansion : Delving into writing naturally exposes you to new words and phrases.
  • Grammar and syntax mastery : With practice, your sentence structure improves as you find more efficient ways to convey your message.
  • Style and tone variation : Writing allows you to experiment with different voices and styles suitable for various audiences and purposes.

The act of writing also provides an opportunity for feedback. Be it through a teacher’s corrections, an editor’s revisions, or comments from peers, each piece of feedback is a stepping stone toward language mastery. 

Whether you’re a native speaker or learning a new language, writing turns the abstract rules of grammar and style into concrete examples you create yourself, promoting a deeper internalization of the language.

Writing Organizes Thoughts and Ideas

Have you ever had a “ light bulb ” moment only to find it slipping away before you could fully grasp it? Writing is the tool we use to catch those ethereal thoughts and pin them down. 

It’s a mental sorting exercise, transforming a jumble of ideas into an ordered sequence. This linear format is tremendously powerful, allowing us to navigate complex concepts and construct detailed plans. 

Moreover, this ordering process is iterative; as we draft and redraft, our organized thoughts become refined arguments, compelling stories, or actionable strategies. Writing doesn’t just capture our initial musings; it shapes them into their most precise form.

Writing Helps Build Persuasive Arguments

When it comes to persuasion, writing is your secret weapon. It’s not just about having an idea but about  effectively  convincing others to get on board with that idea.

Through writing, you can carefully craft your argument step by step. 

  • You introduce your idea (the claim)
  • Back it up with solid evidence
  • Explain why this evidence matters (the explanation)

You’ve got the time to research your points thoroughly and present them in the most compelling way possible.

Consider the persuasive essays of high school, the debated op-eds in newspapers, or the carefully constructed cover letters accompanying job applications. Each is an exercise in persuasion, aiming to convert the reader from a state of indecision to one of agreement. 

Writing Fosters Creativity

Imagine the vast landscape of a blank page. Now, see it transforming as words dance across it, crafting worlds, characters, and plots. This is the realm where writing and creativity intertwine.

  • Unleashing the imagination : Writing gives life to the imagination, allowing the invisible to sculpt worlds as vivid as our reality.
  • Exploring possibilities : It allows us to ask “ what if ” and “ why not, ” pushing the boundaries of conventional thinking.
  • Expressive freedom : There are no limits; genres, forms, and styles become playgrounds for creative experimentation.

Whenever writers pick up a pen or type on a keyboard, they engage in a creative act. Whether it’s composing poetry, developing a story, or finding a creative solution to a problem, writing is a discovery process. 

The more you write, the more you tap into the depths of your imagination, stretching its capabilities. The act of writing itself can be a muse, sparking insights and ideas that might never surface in the regular rhythm of daily life.

Writing Can be Therapeutic

Engaging in the practice of writing has unexpected healing properties. It’s a canvas for the soul, where one can paint feelings, fears, and hopes in word form. As you articulate your inner narrative, you experience a sense of personal discovery and growth.

In therapy sessions,  writing  is often used as a tool to help individuals confront traumatic events or deal with psychological stress. The act of committing thoughts to paper can sometimes reveal patterns or solutions that were not evident before. 

Many people find that regular journaling makes their emotional burdens lighter and their minds clearer. This simple, quiet act of writing can be akin to a personal therapy session, fostering emotional health and well-being.

Writing is a Form of Entertainment

Whether getting lost in a fantasy novel or chuckling over a clever blog post, writing captivates and entertains our minds. It’s an escape hatch from reality, allowing readers to dive into different worlds, times, and experiences.

The Spectrum of Entertainment:

  • Novels and Short Stories : Craft vast adventures or snapshot moments.
  • Plays and Scripts : Bring characters and conflicts to life on stage and screen.
  • Poetry and Lyrics : Play with rhythm, rhyme, and emotions.

Writing is not only an important aspect of the entertainment industry, but it also serves as a personal amusement. From witty social media status updates to engaging articles on your favorite subjects, writing can elicit joy, suspense, laughter, and a range of emotions that enrich our daily lives.

Writing Aids in Personal Reflection and Introspection

When we put pen to paper, we engage in a solitary journey, navigating the corridors of our psyche. In a way, writing serves as the mirror through which we scrutinize our lives, dissecting our actions, thoughts, and feelings. 

Writing is introspective by nature; it requires us to slow down, reflect on our experiences, and examine them in the light of our deepest truths and beliefs. It’s a dialogue with the self that can lead to profound insights and a better understanding of personal motivations and desires. 

Whether chronicling daily events in a journal or composing letters that may never be sent, writing helps distill the essence of our experiences and offers a lens through which we can understand and evolve our sense of self.

Writing Empowers Self-Expression

Embracing the power of self-expression is to embrace the essence of what it means to be human. 

Through writing, individuals can craft their unique voices, assert their opinions, and leave an indelible mark on the tapestry of human experience. It’s an act of courage and an act of personal truth.

  • In novels, a character’s journey may mirror our own, echoing the complexities of real-life choices.
  • Blogs and articles serve as platforms for sharing insights and sparking discussions on topics that matter deeply to us.
  • Poetry breaks the chains of traditional narrative, allowing emotions to flow freely in a rhythmic and expressive dance.

Writing Keeps the Brain Active and Engaged

Just like how a runner sprints to keep muscles in peak condition, a writer pens words to exercise the brain. This mental workout boosts cognitive function and keeps the gears of the mind well-oiled. 

Consider the following:

  • Puzzling over the right word choices sharpens decision-making abilities.
  • Constructing complex sentences tests and improves memory.
  • Articulating abstract thoughts challenges the intellect and sparks neural connections.

Whether drafting a quick note or composing a lengthy manuscript, writing engages multiple areas of the brain, from language centers to memory storage. This continuous engagement is vital to maintaining a healthy and active mind throughout life, warding off the mental rust that can come with age or inactivity. 

Writing Helps in Career Progression

Writing is a ladder to career advancement. Here’s how it serves as a boost to professional growth:

  • Resume Crafting:  Your resume is your story, a narrative of your achievements. A well-written one can open the doors to new opportunities.
  • Effective Communication:  Clear, concise writing in emails and reports proves your professionalism and attention to detail, garnering respect from colleagues and superiors.
  • Thought Leadership:  Share your industry insights through articles or social media. It raises your profile and can position you as an expert in your field.

Proficiency in writing sets you apart in the job market and workplace. It’s a skill that shines a spotlight on your capabilities, helps you build influential networks, and can be a deciding factor in promotions and leadership roles.

Writing Secures Transactions and Agreements with Contracts

A contract is the backbone of a binding agreement, etched with words that spell out the expectations and obligations of all parties involved. 

Here’s how writing plays a crucial role:

  • Foundation : A written contract lays the groundwork, detailing the terms clearly to avoid ambiguity.
  • Protection : It serves as a legal safeguard, protecting interests and asserting rights.
  • Accountability : The contract ensures all parties are accountable, making commitments enforceable.

In the complex network of transactions and agreements that keep our world moving, writing stands guard against misunderstandings and disputes. Be it for buying a house, starting a new job, or entering into business partnerships, contracts captured in writing are the sentinels of our socio-economic landscape.

Writing is Integral for Marketing and Branding

In the realm of marketing and branding, words are currency. They can inform, persuade, and evoke emotions that drive consumer behavior. The language used in marketing materials can significantly impact how a brand is perceived and engaged with.

  • A captivating slogan can resonate with audiences, lodging itself in the communal consciousness.
  • Well-crafted copy defines a brand’s voice, from professional and authoritative to casual and friendly, shaping the brand’s public image and appeal.
  • Storytelling through content marketing forges a connection with customers, much like a novel draws in its readers, binding them to the characters—in this case, the brand and its offerings.

Through the strategic use of writing, a brand communicates its identity, values, and promises to the customer, establishing a narrative that differentiates it from competitors and builds brand loyalty.

Writing Encourages Lifelong Learning and Curiosity

The process of writing, though often seen as an output of learning, is equally powerful as a driver of continued education. When we write, we are not merely recording what we know; we are often learning anew.

Writing propels us to keep questioning, exploring, and absorbing the world. It injects curiosity into every subject touched by the tip of the pen. It opens the door to untapped reservoirs of knowledge, inviting us to step through and discover.

Can everyone benefit from writing, even if they’re not naturally good at it?

Yes, everyone can benefit from writing. Like any skill, writing improves with practice. It’s not just for professional writers or those with a natural talent. Writing is a fundamental skill that serves numerous practical purposes in everyone’s life.

How does writing differ from other forms of communication?

Writing allows for  thoughtful  expression where ideas can be refined and structured before sharing, providing a level of clarity and permanence that other forms of communication (like speaking) may not offer. It also transcends time and space, allowing for asynchronous communication.

How can someone improve their writing skills?

Improving writing skills can involve:

– Regular practice. – Reading widely. – Seeking feedback on your work. – Studying grammar and style. – Engaging in writing courses or workshops.

The key is to write consistently and be open to learning and refining your craft.

Can writing be a collaborative process? How?

Writing can be highly collaborative, with individuals working together to brainstorm, edit, and revise content. This is common in professional environments, academic settings, and even in creative writing, where authors may work with editors, publishers, and peer writers.

Is it important to maintain a personal style in writing?

While it’s crucial to adapt your writing to different contexts, maintaining a personal voice or style can help to differentiate and personalize your writing. It gives readers a sense of who you are and can make your writing more memorable and engaging.

Final Thoughts

It’s clear that it isn’t just about words on a page. It’s a tool for learning, a bridge for communication, and a foundation for building societies.

Whether carving out a career path or penning thoughts in a personal diary, writing is a companion that nurtures growth, kindles imaginations, and captures the full spectrum of human experience.

So the next time you pick up a pen, type out an email, or update your journal, remember the profound impact those seemingly simple acts of writing can have.

After all, each word you write weaves a thread into the vast tapestry of history, culture, and personal identity. And who knows? In sharing your story, you might just inspire someone else to start writing theirs.

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Robby Salveron

Why Is Writing Important? (45 Reasons)

Have you ever felt the rush of thoughts and emotions, yearning for an escape?

Writing is more than just a skill; it’s an art , a therapy , a voice . Throughout history, the essence of human experience has been captured, one word at a time. While every stroke of the pen holds power, there’s an underlying significance to the art of writing that goes beyond the surface.

Dive in with us to unravel the sheer importance of writing, an endeavor that has been shaping minds and stories for centuries.

Table of Contents

Personal Development and Wellbeing

Communication and understanding, education and intellectual growth, creativity and artistic expression, professional and economic impact, social and cultural influence, influence and advocacy, 1. writing provides catharsis.

Writing helps people to get their feelings out. It can be like talking to a friend when no one is around. Writing about what bothers you can make you feel better. This is a way to clean out your mind and make space for happier thoughts. Sometimes, it’s the key to feeling peaceful again .

2. Writing Offers Introspection

Writing helps people to think about who they are. They can write about their thoughts, dreams, and what they like or don’t like. This helps them understand themselves better. Understanding oneself is a big step in growing and becoming a better person.

3. Writing Enhances Memory Retention

When people write things down, they remember them better. This is because writing helps to put the information into the brain in a way that sticks. People who write lists or take notes often find that they can remember things without even looking at what they wrote.

It’s a great way to make sure important things are not forgotten.

4. Writing Boosts Self-Confidence

Writing helps people feel good about themselves. When they write well, they feel proud. They know that they can communicate their thoughts and ideas clearly. This makes them feel strong and sure of themselves. It’s a great way to build confidence and feel successful.

5. Writing Cultivates Mindfulness

Writing can help people pay attention to their lives . When they write about what’s happening, they really think about it. They notice things that might slip by if they were not writing. This makes them more aware and present in their own lives.

Writing can make them feel more alive and connected to the world around them.

6. Writing Fosters Resilience

Writing can help people get through hard times . When they write about their problems, they can see them more clearly. Sometimes, writing helps them find solutions. Even if it doesn’t solve the problem, writing about it can make them feel stronger and more able to deal with it.

It’s a tool that helps build toughness and determination.

7. Writing Encourages Individuality

Everyone’s writing is unique . Writing lets people show who they are. They can use words that mean something to them. They can tell their stories in their way. Writing is a way for people to be themselves and to show that to the world.

1. Writing Facilitates Communication

Writing helps people share their thoughts and feelings. It allows them to put their ideas into words that others can read and understand. With writing, people can take their time to choose the right words. This means they can express themselves clearly. It’s a way to connect with others, even without speaking.

2. Writing Aids in Conflict Resolution

When people have disagreements, writing can help. They can write down their feelings and thoughts about the issue. By doing this, they can see the problem more clearly. Writing also gives a chance to think before reacting. This can lead to better understanding and finding solutions.

3. Writing Supports Remote Communication

Sometimes, people can’t talk face to face. Writing helps in these times. With writing, they can send letters, emails, or messages. This means they can keep in touch, even from far away. It’s a bridge that connects people, no matter where they are.

4. Writing Can Reduce Misunderstandings

Misunderstandings can happen when people talk. Sometimes, they might not hear right, or emotions can get in the way. Writing can help because it gives a clear record of what’s being said. People can read and re-read to understand better. It’s a way to be sure everyone is on the same page.

5. Writing Recognizes and Validates Experiences

When people write about what they go through, it matters. It says, “This happened to me, and it’s real.” By writing, they validate their own experiences. This helps them process events and emotions. It’s a powerful way to say that their feelings and stories have value.

1. Writing Fosters Learning

Writing is a powerful tool in the learning process. When students write, they process information in a deeper way. It helps them to understand and remember better. They can organize their thoughts and see connections between ideas. Writing, in many ways, makes learning stick.

2. Writing Builds Analytical Skills

When individuals write, they often have to think critically. They analyze what they read or experience and then put it into their own words. This process helps them see patterns, make comparisons, and draw conclusions.

Analytical thinking is key for problem-solving, and writing helps sharpen this skill. It makes the brain work in a structured yet creative way.

3. Writing Nurtures Curiosity

Writing pushes people to explore new topics and ideas. When they write, they often ask questions and seek answers. This thirst for knowledge makes them more curious about the world. Writing is like a door that leads to more and more knowledge. It’s a journey of discovery that starts with a pen and paper.

4. Writing Enhances Adaptability

The world is always changing, and writing helps people adapt. When they write, they learn to express ideas in different ways. They also learn to consider different viewpoints. This flexibility in thinking helps them adjust to new situations and challenges. In essence, writing equips them with the ability to change and grow.

5. Writing Encourages Ethical Thinking

Writing often involves exploring morals and values. When individuals write about complex topics, they reflect on what’s right and wrong. They consider the impact of actions and decisions. Writing is a mirror that reflects a person’s ethics and beliefs. Through it, they can shape a strong moral compass.

6. Writing Supports Scientific Exploration

Scientists use writing to share their findings. Through writing, they document experiments, observations, and conclusions. This allows others to learn from and build on their work. Writing is the bridge that connects scientific discoveries with the world. It’s how knowledge grows and spreads.

1. Writing Encourages Creativity

Writing is a blank canvas for the mind. Just like an artist paints with colors, a writer paints with words. They bring to life imaginary worlds, characters, and stories. Each word chosen is a brushstroke that shapes the narrative. Writing is an act of creation, turning ideas into something tangible.

2. Writing Is an Art Form

Words have rhythm, flow, and emotion, just like music or dance. Through writing, individuals convey feelings, evoke emotions, and create visual images in the reader’s mind. It’s a craft that requires skill, passion, and dedication. When done right, writing can be as expressive and moving as any masterpiece painting or musical composition.

3. Writing Offers Safe Fictional Exploration

Challenging topics or situations can be tough to address directly. Writing offers a safe space to explore these. Through fictional characters and narratives, writers can delve into difficult subjects. This exploration provides understanding, catharsis, and even solutions. It’s a way to navigate real-world issues from the safety of a fictional setting.

4. Writing Complements Other Art Forms

Written works often become the foundation for other artistic mediums. Novels are transformed into movies, plays, or TV series. Poems inspire songs or visual art pieces.

In this way, writing acts as a bridge , enriching and broadening the reach of a story or idea. It’s a testament to the universal power and adaptability of written expression.

1. Writing Aids in Goal Setting

In the professional world, clarity of purpose is essential. Writing helps in defining clear, actionable goals. When goals are written down, they become tangible targets to achieve. Writing provides structure, making goals more specific and measurable. It’s a simple act that paves the way for success.

2. Writing Provides Economic Opportunities

Writing is a valuable skill in the job market. Many professions, from marketing to journalism, require strong writing abilities. Even beyond specific roles, effective communication is often tied to career advancement. Writing, as a skill, can open doors to numerous job opportunities and can be a source of income on its own.

3. Writing Assists in Branding

A strong brand has a clear voice and message. Writing plays a significant role in shaping that voice. Whether it’s website content, promotional material, or social media posts, writing conveys a brand’s identity and values. It connects with the audience and sets a brand apart from competitors.

4. Writing Aids in Project Planning

Every successful project starts with a plan. Writing helps in laying out the project’s vision, objectives, and steps. It provides a roadmap, ensuring everyone involved knows their roles and responsibilities. Documenting the plan makes it easier to track progress, adjust as needed, and achieve desired outcomes.

5. Writing Aids in Establishing Authority

Experts in any field often share their knowledge through writing. Articles, books, and white papers showcase expertise and establish credibility. By sharing insights and research in written form, professionals position themselves as authorities in their domain. It’s a way to gain trust and influence in one’s industry.

6. Writing Serves as A Foundation for Multimedia Content

In the digital age, content comes in various forms: videos, podcasts, infographics, and more. Behind many of these multimedia pieces is a foundation of strong writing. Scripts, storyboards, and content outlines guide the creation of multimedia projects, ensuring clarity and coherence.

7. Writing Enforces Systematic Processes

Procedures, guidelines, and manuals are essential in many industries. Writing these documents ensures consistent and efficient processes. It minimizes errors, provides clear instructions, and enhances overall productivity.

Systematic processes, documented in writing, are the backbone of many successful organizations.

1. Writing Gives a Voice to The Marginalized

For many marginalized communities, writing has been a powerful tool for expression. It allows individuals and groups to share their experiences, challenges, and dreams. Writing can expose injustices, spark movements, and drive change.

It’s a platform for those often unheard, giving them a space to be recognized and understood.

2. Writing Bridges Cultural Gaps

Stories, essays, and articles can introduce readers to different cultures and perspectives. Through writing, people learn about traditions, values, and experiences far removed from their own. This exposure fosters understanding and empathy, reducing prejudices and biases.

Writing, in essence, can unite diverse groups by highlighting shared human experiences.

3. Writing Supports Democratic Processes

Democracies thrive on informed citizens. Writing, in the form of journalism, essays, and reports, ensures that the public is aware of issues, government actions, and societal changes. Written constitutions, laws, and policies guide nations.

Moreover, writing enables citizens to express their views, whether through letters to the editor, blogs, or social media.

4. Writing Is a Testament to Human Evolution

From ancient cave paintings to modern digital texts, writing chronicles human history and progress. It’s a testament to our intellectual evolution, capturing our discoveries, philosophies, and achievements. Over millennia, writing has evolved, reflecting changes in society, technology, and thought.

5. Writing Aids in Cultural Preservation

Cultures are preserved and passed down through stories , folklore , rituals , and traditions . Writing plays a crucial role in documenting and safeguarding these treasures for future generations. It captures the nuances of languages, the wisdom of elders, and the essence of traditions.

In a rapidly changing world, written records ensure that cultural richness is not lost.

1. Writing Influences Public Opinion

Writing holds the power to shape public sentiment. By presenting facts, sharing stories, or appealing to emotions, writers can persuade readers to see things from a specific perspective.

Through articles, blogs, and social media, even one individual can influence a vast audience. Over time, these collective writings can drive societal change and mold popular beliefs.

2. Writing Enhances Persuasion Skills

Effective persuasion isn’t about merely stating opinions. It requires presenting arguments logically, supporting them with evidence, and addressing counterpoints. Writing hones these skills. As individuals craft essays or articles, they learn to structure arguments coherently and convincingly.

3. Writing Serves as Feedback

Writing offers a tangible way to process thoughts, ideas, and experiences. When these are shared, readers can provide feedback, leading to refined ideas and better clarity. Feedback loops created by writing foster collaboration, mutual learning, and growth.

4. Writing Promotes Organizational Skills

To write clearly, one must think clearly. Writing demands organization, from structuring paragraphs to ordering arguments. This process enhances a person’s ability to arrange thoughts, data, and events in a coherent and logical manner.

5. Writing Fosters Global Connections

In the digital age, writing can reach a global audience instantly. It bridges geographical distances, connecting writers with readers from diverse backgrounds. This global reach fosters understanding, collaboration, and shared knowledge.

6. Writing Aids in Advocacy

Advocacy relies on clear communication and compelling arguments. Writing provides advocates a platform to voice concerns, share solutions, and rally support. Whether it’s for environmental issues, human rights, or community development, well-crafted writing can propel a cause forward.

7. Writing Offers a Legacy

Words have permanence. Writing allows individuals to leave a lasting mark, sharing wisdom, stories, or insights for future generations. Whether it’s personal journals, published books, or digital content, these words can inspire and educate long after the author’s time.

8. Writing Sharpens Observation Skills

To write descriptively and authentically, keen observation is essential. Writers learn to notice details, nuances, and subtleties in their surroundings. This heightened awareness enriches their narratives and offers readers a vivid experience.

9. Writing Facilitates Negotiation and Diplomacy

Effective negotiation and diplomacy require clarity, understanding, and tact. Writing plays a pivotal role in these processes. Official communications, treaties, and agreements are documented in written form, ensuring clarity and mutual understanding.

10. Writing Is Essential for Record-Keeping

From ancient civilizations to modern businesses, record-keeping has always been fundamental. Writing ensures that events, decisions, and data are documented for reference, accountability, and analysis. It provides a consistent means to track progress, remember agreements, and learn from the past.

11. Writing Is Timeless

While civilizations rise and fall and technologies change, writing remains a constant. It’s a timeless medium to express, communicate, and record. The essence of humanity, its thoughts, emotions, and discoveries, are immortalized through words.

In the tapestry of human history, writing stands as a potent thread binding our stories, emotions, and knowledge. It’s not just about penning down words but giving voice to silent thoughts, painting vivid tales, and connecting the past with the future.

The significance of writing transcends time, bridging gaps between cultures and generations. As we continue to evolve, one thing remains unchanged: our intrinsic need to communicate and understand, facilitated by the timeless art of writing.

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Aerielle Ezra

Aerielle Ezra is an enthusiastic student of architecture who has a wide range of interests, including psychology, lifestyle, and relationships. Apart from her studies, she also likes to engage in athletic activities, particularly volleyball. When she is not playing, she spends her free time watching her preferred sitcoms or reading her favorite books, which include fiction, science fiction, fantasy, and horror.

essay about why writing is important

30 Reasons Why Writing is Important


October 31, 2019

Inspired Forward is an Amazon Affiliate partner.

Today I want to share with you 30 reasons I believe writing is important and makes an impact. I've been a writer for basically all my life, despite some difficulties along the way.


When I say "writing", I mean any time you take a pen to paper or your fingers fly across the keyboard, filling a page on the screen. "Writing" means journaling, writing nonfiction, original fiction, fanfiction, freewriting—you name it, it probably counts.

1. Writing is an Essential Communication Skill

This is probably the most impactful reason why writing is important. If you can't or don't write, you probably find it more difficult to communicate with all sorts of people.

2. Writing Every Day Builds Discipline

In July 2018 I wrote a post on 10 reasons why you should write every day. Building a daily writing practice into your morning routine teaches you how to stick with doing something important.

3. Creative Writing Engages Both Sides of the Brain

The right side of the brain is the more creative side, while the left side is the more analytical and logical side. You need both sides to write anything, but especially creative writing. The right brain handles all the visions of what you want on the page, and the left side helps you put it down in a way that makes sense.

4. It Helps You Think Through Problems

Whenever I'm feeling stuck or I'm contemplating a problem, it helps to write it down and work through possible solutions on the page. This is especially helpful when writing longhand.

5. Written Word Influences Society

Journalists, bloggers, speech-writers... How we think as a society is largely thanks to what people write. This is why propaganda works.


6. We Wouldn't Have Our History Without Writing

"History is written by the victors," is a popular saying. But if we didn't write it down, we wouldn't have it at all. I just wish more people would study history, because if we don't, we're doomed to repeat it.

Another important thing we have because of this is the Bible. The Gospel of Jesus wouldn't travel as far and as wide as it has today if the Biblical authors hadn't written it.

7. Everyone Has a Book Inside Them

I've had books inside me all my life. I think everyone has a book inside, whether they realize it or not. It's not necessarily a book of fiction. It could be a book of their experiences. Why do you think autobiographies are popular? People want to share their stories. And everyone has a story to tell. Writing is the only way to get that story into the hands of people who care.

Want to write your novel in just two months? Join the 60-Day Novel Writing Challenge!

essay about why writing is important

Author and editor Halie Fewkes (also my book editor!) hosts the 60-Day Novel Writing Challenge .

Past participants can upgrade to Returners Premium for group accountability coaching with me, a chance for 1:1 attention on your mindset about writing, and a critique group to edit your story.

Click here to sign up!

8. Journaling Benefits Mental Health

This is a big one. Writing your thoughts is important for dealing with anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders. It also helps if you don't have a diagnosable MH illness. You can have poor mental health without having an MH disorder, and writing your thoughts helps work through those feelings and moves you toward a better mental state.

9. You're More Likely to Achieve Written Goals

Depending on your personality, telling people your goals could either help or hurt. But writing them down—for everyone—is an important step in actually achieving your goals. According to research from the Dominican University in California, "You are 42 percent more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down." I'll take those odds!

10. Improvements Come from Practice

Everyone starts with sucky writing, including me. This reason is especially important because you will not improve your writing unless you practice it. If you accept that your earliest written words (and a lot of them in-between) will suck, then you're miles ahead of the person who won't pick up a pen because they're afraid of how bad their writing is.

essay about why writing is important

11. Well-Written Works are Respected More

This is an important one, especially in business settings. Poorly written memos, reports, emails, publications, presentations, and documentation sheds a bad light on the person who wrote it. When your writing is clear, concise, targeted, and proofread (by yourself or a grammar nerd), you don't give people a reason to question your abilities.

That being said, I know some people are notoriously poor at writing, and don't care. The problem with that is it creates more work for the people who read or quality check their writing.

12. All Excellent Communication Stems from Excellent Writing

Everything. Speeches, videos, meeting agendas, classes, letters, blogs, podcasts... If it's communicated, it likely started in written form somewhere else. Off-the-cuff speaking is different, except that regular writing helps develop eloquent speech and quick thoughts. The words themselves may not have been written down beforehand, but prior writing helped develop the neural pathways for quick and clear speech.

13. Your Thoughts Are More Organized

It's easier to see thought patterns after you write them down. This lets you figure out which thoughts to keep in your brain, and they're more organized as a result. If you've ever felt like your thoughts are all over the place, try writing them down.

14. It Gets Your To-Dos Out of Your Head

David Allen, author of Getting Things Done , is famous for saying that your head is a terrible office. We actually can't store more than four action items in our heads at any point. This means if your to-do list is 30 items long, you've already forgotten the last 26. Writing your to-dos is a good first step to actually getting things done. You should just never try to use your brain as the primary list.

essay about why writing is important

15. Writing Clarifies Your Ideas for Yourself and Others

Sometimes an idea makes little sense until you can see it in words. It also helps when you're trying to explain your idea to another person—if they can see it written down, it goes a long way for understanding.

16. The Audience Matters

Writing for a specific audience forces you to think about what makes sense from their point of view. This is especially important for content creators on the internet. If you don't know exactly who you're talking to (called an avatar or ideal customer) then your words fall flat and nobody pays attention. When you consider things from that person's perspective, it becomes a lot easier to write to them in a way they'll understand.

17. Writing Forms Bonds with Others

When I was younger, I traded frequent letters with my Grandma. I did the same thing when my best friend lived in a different state for five years. My strengths have always been in writing... So when I feel the need to tell someone something important, it helps to write it down first, or just pour all of it into a letter. Nowadays, sending letters like that is rare, which makes them even more special when someone takes the time to write one.

18. Writing is a Legitimate Career

Authors, bloggers, freelance writers... What do these people have in common? They're making money with their writing! Writing is 100% a legit career for those with the determination and grit to put in the work. Full-time authors work their butts off writing their books. Sometimes they supplement with freelance writing or editing—all in the writing sphere. Freelance copywriters like Danny Margulies are killing it right now.


19. Writing is an Important Work Skill

This goes back to communication. In any job, you'll have to write at least something. Emails, reports, post-it notes on your boss's desk... Writing well means the people reading it don't waste time and effort trying to decipher what you wrote. It also means there's no confusion about a message you (or someone else) meant to send. Nothing's worse than a CEO writing a company-wide email that sparks panic because she used vague wording and didn't consider her audience.

20. Written Reflection Helps Us Define Better Paths Forward

"Visualization" is big right now. I'm great at visualizing how my fiction stories play out in my head, but not so much with visualizing how I want things to unfold in the real world. This is where writing really helps me. Freewriting reflections and thoughts helps me figure out how I want things to unfold. It helps me decide which paths to take and work through my thoughts more efficiently than mulling them over in my brain.

21. Writing Your Fears and Worries Shrinks Their Impact

Tim Ferriss takes this to a deeper level he calls "Fear Setting." Often, the things we're afraid of seem so big because they're big in our minds. Writing them down puts them into the real world, and most of the time once we write them down we wonder why we were ever afraid of those things.

A big, abstract fear in the brain is a lot scarier than forcing that fear into words so you can think about it. Getting those fears onto a piece of paper shrinks their impact. I've also heard that it helps some people to write their fears down and then burn them... Sounds fun!

essay about why writing is important

22. Concise Writing Quickly Transmits Ideas

Have you ever read Nathaniel Hawthorne's classic book The Scarlet Letter ? I have. I read it in high school and instantly learned what not to do with a paragraph. Hawthorne loved long sentences with infinite commas, semicolons, and flowery language. It hurt my brain to muddle through a single sentence which often made up an entire paragraph. Think about that for a moment... One sentence, long enough to look like a paragraph.

Concise writing is important because you don't want to lose your readers halfway through the first line of your work. Avoiding jargon, flowery language, and unnecessary run-on sentences makes everyone happier.

23. Writing Cements Ideas

Ideas can feel vague until they're written down. This is a core principle with business plans, goals, research, and communication. It's easier to identify what's realistic when you write your ideas and see how they take shape and solidify.

24. Regular Writing Improves Vocabulary & Other Communication Skills

If you want to write well, read. If you want to write like a pro, write. The more often you write, the better you become at your speechmaking skills and other communication skills. Regular writing is important for developing your critical thinking skills.

25. For Some, Writing is a Fun Pastime

Everybody finds entertainment in different ways. One of mine is writing, especially fanfiction. Writing for fun stimulates creative juices that bleed over into other areas of your life. Imagine if a quick 10-minute creative writing session helped you solve a problem you were thinking about at work!

One of my top goals is just to write my books for FUN. I don't want it to be a stressful experience (even though publishing can get that way sometimes). It was SO FUN to publish my first novel,  Mark of Stars , in 2021.

26. Writing Lets You Explore Other Options

Like I mentioned earlier, I have a hard time visualizing real-life situations unfolding how I want them to. I use writing as a workaround. When I write a visualization as if it were a scene in a book, it lets me "see" it more clearly than trying to imagine it in my mind. Doing it this way lets me write the same "scene" multiple different ways, or write a series of "scenes" representing steps to take.


27. Understanding How to Write Can Help You Read Between the Lines

When you really understand how to write, you'll find yourself capable of reading in between the lines. Sometimes people write cagily, trying to say something that masks something else underneath. I see this a lot in politics, especially around election time. Because I know a) writing styles and b) underlying values, it's easier to see party lines or true beliefs even if the candidate is "non-partisan."

28. Every Single Company Needs Good Writers

Without writers, we wouldn't have such iconic slogans as we do right now. The first one that comes to mind is Nike's "Just Do It." Three simple words, strung together in such a way that everyone immediately knows it's Nike—and those words encompass what Nike is about. Companies fail without good writers to communicate the company's mission and values.

29. Writing Improves Social Skills

By now, it shouldn't surprise you to learn that writing improves your social skills. Because writing is an important method for developing communication skills, that translates over to social situations. Writing helps you with the ability to form clear, cohesive thoughts. All that's left is actually saying them!

30. No One Else Can Write Like You

Finally, writing is important because no one else can write like you. Everyone has their own style and voice. I can imitate J.K. Rowling's writing style, and it's definitely influenced mine, but no one on earth can claim to have my exact voice when I write. And that's amazing! It means no one else can say what I have to say, in the way I say it with the written word.

And that's a powerful thing.

What are you writing?

Have a story idea but not sure how to turn it into a book?

Join the 60-Day Novel Writing Challenge ! We have open enrollment, meaning you can start whenever you want! But if you want to do it with a group of other writers, join for the October, January, April, or July cohorts. If you've taken the challenge before, you can upgrade to Returners Premium for group coaching and critiques.

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About the author 

Life coach, author, podcast host, cat mom, wife, Ravenclaw, and semi-compulsive hiker living in the Montana Rockies.

Such a lengthy and well explained article. I love this

Thanks! You mentioned lots of things clearly and in detail as I was looking for.

Very inspiring! i also want to be a great writer like you but so much to learn about still. i appreciate if you could lend me some reference e-books/e-novels to continue my passion in reading and eventually write my own novel. thanks and God bless!

I honestly learned a lot from this

I understand the importance of writing but sometimes I just can't put what I want to say in words or in the correct wording.

You are very passionate about this subject of writing! Your points are made valid. You've inspired me to write more and expand my knowledge and effort in writing!

Thank you for the great info! Do you recommend any books?

Thank you so much for posting this. I really loved reading the information because now I have more insight as to what it takes to be a great writer and why it is important.

I love what u are saying i just started my book, but its very difficult, to much pain inside, how do i even think if, i cant remember mostly nothing about my early childhood, i want to write about my biography, but its to tearfull

Love this article. I started writing two weeks ago for about an hour a day to gain clarity on my thoughts and improve my speech communication. So far I feel like an upgraded human being with powerful ammunition of words ready to express my thoughts, goals and principles.

I highly recommend to read this blog to new writers specially as well as professional ones, Writing influence your thoughts that's a sure thing.

Thank you so much for this. It helped me with the school essay I was writing.

Very inspired! I totally agree with some statements. Thank you. I'll share these with my students.

What a lovely, inspirational, and brilliant article. I totally agree with some statements. Thank you.

Thank you very much for this article. I,m from Iran.

Super article. Well explained.

[…] can benefit you in so many different ways. It allows you to connect with others, form new ideas, frame brand messaging and engage with new […]

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Trying to devise a structure for your essay can be one of the most difficult parts of the writing process. Making a detailed outline before you begin writing is a good way to make sure your ideas come across in a clear and logical order. A good outline will also save you time in the revision process, reducing the possibility that your ideas will need to be rearranged once you've written them.

The First Steps

Before you can begin outlining, you need to have a sense of what you will argue in the essay. From your analysis and close readings of primary and/or secondary sources you should have notes, ideas, and possible quotes to cite as evidence. Let's say you are writing about the 1999 Republican Primary and you want to prove that each candidate's financial resources were the most important element in the race. At this point, your notes probably lack much coherent order. Most likely, your ideas are still in the order in which they occurred to you; your notes and possible quotes probably still adhere to the chronology of the sources you've examined. Your goal is to rearrange your ideas, notes, and quotes—the raw material of your essay—into an order that best supports your argument, not the arguments you've read in other people's works. To do this, you have to group your notes into categories and then arrange these categories in a logical order.


The first step is to look over each individual piece of information that you've written and assign it to a general category. Ask yourself, "If I were to file this in a database, what would I file it under?" If, using the example of the Republican Primary, you wrote down an observation about John McCain's views on health care, you might list it under the general category of  "Health care policy." As you go through your notes, try to reuse categories whenever possible. Your goal is to reduce your notes to no more than a page of category listings.

Now examine your category headings. Do any seem repetitive? Do any go together? "McCain's expenditure on ads" and "Bush's expenditure on ads," while not exactly repetitive, could easily combine into a more general category like "Candidates' expenditures on ads." Also, keep an eye out for categories that no longer seem to relate to your argument. Individual pieces of information that at first seemed important can begin to appear irrelevant when grouped into a general category.

Now it's time to generalize again. Examine all your categories and look for common themes. Go through each category and ask yourself, "If I were to place this piece of information in a file cabinet, what would I label that cabinet?" Again, try to reuse labels as often as possible: "Health Care," "Foreign Policy," and "Immigration" can all be contained under "Policy Initiatives." Make these larger categories as general as possible so that there are no more than three or four for a 7-10 page paper.

With your notes grouped into generalized categories, the process of ordering them should be easier. To begin, look at your most general categories. With your thesis in mind, try to find a way that the labels might be arranged in a sentence or two that supports your argument. Let's say your thesis is that financial resources played the most important role in the 1999 Republican Primary. Your four most general categories are "Policy Initiatives," "Financial Resources," "Voters' Concerns," and "Voters' Loyalty." You might come up with the following sentence: ÒAlthough McCain's policy initiatives were closest to the voters' concerns, Bush's financial resources won the voters' loyalty.Ó This sentence should reveal the order of your most general categories. You will begin with an examination of McCain's and Bush's views on important issues and compare them to the voters' top concerns. Then you'll look at both candidates' financial resources and show how Bush could win voters' loyalty through effective use of his resources, despite his less popular policy ideas.

With your most general categories in order, you now must order the smaller categories. To do so, arrange each smaller category into a sentence or two that will support the more general sentence you've just devised. Under the category of "Financial Resources," for instance, you might have the smaller categories of "Ad Expenditure," "Campaign Contributions" and "Fundraising." A sentence that supports your general argument might read: "Bush's early emphasis on fundraising led to greater campaign contributions, allowing him to have a greater ad expenditure than McCain."

The final step of the outlining process is to repeat this procedure on the smallest level, with the original notes that you took for your essay. To order what probably was an unwieldy and disorganized set of information at the beginning of this process, you need now only think of a sentence or two to support your general argument. Under the category "Fundraising," for example, you might have quotes about each candidate's estimation of its importance, statistics about the amount of time each candidate spent fundraising, and an idea about how the importance of fundraising never can be overestimated. Sentences to support your general argument might read: "No candidate has ever raised too much money [your idea]. While both McCain and Bush acknowledged the importance of fundraising [your quotes], the numbers clearly point to Bush as the superior fundraiser [your statistics]." The arrangement of your ideas, quotes, and statistics now should come naturally.

Putting It All Together

With these sentences, you have essentially constructed an outline for your essay. The most general ideas, which you organized in your first sentence, constitute the essay's sections. They follow the order in which you placed them in your sentence. The order of the smaller categories within each larger category (determined by your secondary sentences) indicates the order of the paragraphs within each section. Finally, your last set of sentences about your specific notes should show the order of the sentences within each paragraph. An outline for the essay about the 1999 Republican Primary (showing only the sections worked out here) would look something like this:




            A.  Fundraising

                        a.  Original Idea

                        b.  McCain Quote/Bush Quote

                        c.  McCain Statistics/Bush Statistics

            B.  Campaign Contributions

            C.  Ad Expenditure


Copyright 2000, David Kornhaber, for the Writing Center at Harvard University

Importance of Academic Writing Essay

Need to write an essay on the importance of academic writing? Or just want to understand how academic writing skills will make you a stronger student? This essay describes the benefits and purpose of academic writing. Go on reading to learn more!


  • Principles of Academic Writing

Academic writing is the specific field of writing which is based on strict rules and conventions developed to regulate different types of academic writing to guarantee the writing of a standard text. Thus, in spite of their purpose, academic papers are standardized in relation to the format, organization, structure, and presentation of the points discussed.

That is why, academic writing is effective to argue different academic issues according to the certain scheme. However, the skills improved to write academic papers are important not only for the development within the narrow field of the academic writing at university but also for business communication. The standards used to write academic papers can be successfully adapted to the written business communication.

Thus, the importance of academic writing for business communication and for working out business plans depends on such principles and purposes of academic writing as the clear and strict structure of the paper, the stress on the paper’s objective, and the strong argument supported with credible evidences and data because the mentioned factors are important to write an effective business plan and to state the definite opinion.

Purpose & Principles of Academic Writing

The usage of the principles of academic writing for the written business communication and development of business plan is possible with references to the strict rules used to organize academic papers of different types.

It is almost impossible to write the paper and discuss it as an academic one when the definite structure is not followed. The development of the business plan is also based on the clear structure according to which the business plan should present its purpose, the main argument or goal, and the points to be addressed and implemented into practice.

The relevance of the proposed actions should depend on the credible evidences and current data to receive the real picture of the situation and develop the most effective strategy or plan. From this point, the skills used to write the academic paper with the clear structure are also necessary to develop the effective business plan which is easy to be implemented because all the necessary points are mentioned and explained.

Academic papers are written to achieve the definite aim. Thus, the papers are developed to persuade, to argue, to describe, and to contrast and compare facts. There are also a lot of other objectives to write an academic paper (Ballenger, 2010). The ability to stress on the definite objective and complete it in writing is important to developing business papers such as business plans.

As a result, the writing can be discussed as academic when the definite academic goals are achieved with the help of developing different types of papers. To provide the effective written work, it is important to think and act as an academician. It is necessary to read the appropriate books, to discuss the important issues, and to explore the significant information in order to achieve the goal of writing this or that text (Elbow, 1995, p. 72).

From this perspective, to write as a businessman means to write as a person who intends to achieve the definite goal with providing the perfectly structured text which is developed to complete the certain objective. For instance, the main objective of developing a business plan is to provide the effective plan of actions which is designed to overcome the definite issue or propose some strategies.

The academic paper is discussed as strong when it is based on the clear and well-developed argument which is supported by credible evidences. In business communication, it is always important to pay attention to the audience. Thus, the audience of academic writing is often the persons who can have the greater knowledge of the field than the author of the text (Elbow, 1995, p. 81).

That is why, the task of the writer is to provide the effective argument which is carefully developed and supported with reliable facts and evidences to persuade the audience in the writer’s competence in relation to the topic discussed (Hoffman & Ford, 2009). Referring to the example of the business plan, it is possible to note that the successfully structured business plan cannot be discussed as effective, if it is not based on convincing evidences and current data.

The opponents of this idea can state that business writing is correlated with the academic writing only formally. However, persons who are involved in the realities of the business world agree that it is the task of the businessman and writer to operate the information efficiently and organize the paper which meets requirements of the business communication (Ann & David, personal communication, 2013). The skills and principles used in academic writing are important to complete these tasks.

Businessmen should know what to say to the public. If the statement is presented in the written form, it should be organized and formatted more properly than the oral speech.

That is why, the principles of academic writing are helpful to develop business plans, reports, and observations in order to present the material in an effective manner to achieve the definite goal. The written communication is one of the key aspects of business professions that is why the basic principles of academic writing can affect the person’s success in business writing.

Ballenger, B. (2010). The curious writer . USA: Longman.

Elbow, P. (1995). Being a writer vs. being an academic: A conflict in goals. College Composition and Communication, 46 (1), 72-83.

Hoffman, M. & Ford, D. (2009). Organization rhetoric: Situation and strategies . California: SAGE Publishers.

  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2023, October 29). Importance of Academic Writing Essay. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-importance-of-academic-writing/

"Importance of Academic Writing Essay." IvyPanda , 29 Oct. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/the-importance-of-academic-writing/.

IvyPanda . (2023) 'Importance of Academic Writing Essay'. 29 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "Importance of Academic Writing Essay." October 29, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-importance-of-academic-writing/.

1. IvyPanda . "Importance of Academic Writing Essay." October 29, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-importance-of-academic-writing/.


IvyPanda . "Importance of Academic Writing Essay." October 29, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-importance-of-academic-writing/.

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Why Is Writing An Essay Important?

  • by Derek Bruce
  • June 28, 2022 June 28, 2022

Why Is Writing An Essay Important_featured image

Writing an essay is important for the following reasons:

  • Writing an essay focuses the mind
  • Helps to order your thoughts
  • Develops vocabulary
  • Improves communication skills
  • Enhances writing skills
  • Improves grammar and syntax (sentence structure)
  • Promotes clear thinking
  • Stimulates creativity
  • Improves research skills
  • Promotes curiosity
  • Improves reading skills

If you’re looking for a quick answer to “ Why is writing an essay important?” then you’ve come to the right place. Not only is essay writing important in the classroom, it’s important in your daily life too! Read on to discover why. Essays can be a great way to express your opinions and share your insights with the world. Not only are they great for gaining knowledge, but they can be a great way to combat loneliness.

Table of Contents

Why is writing an essay so important?

While you are writing an essay, it is important to follow proper grammar and referencing rules. These can make your essay easier to read. Aside from correct grammar, you should also use proper language in your essay. You can also use real quotes from your family, such as a favorite saying or story. By following these guidelines, you will be able to create a memorable essay. If you want to improve your writing, you should learn to cite sources properly.

To write an effective essay, you should have a clear idea of what topic you want to write about. Before you begin, brainstorming will be helpful.

Write down the topics that are relevant to you and are interesting to you. Once you have a few topics, eliminate the ones that are too hard or uninteresting. You should have no more than five topics in mind before starting writing. The more you can narrow down the list, the better.

What is importance of essay writing in daily life?

In addition to helping students become better writers and more successful, essay writing also cultivates a positive sense of curiosity. Curious people are prone to seek out knowledge on issues of interest to them. Learning how to write an essay can help a student mold into an independent individual.

But why is essay writing so important? It helps develop logical thinking and develop one’s own style of writing. Eventually, this will make it easier to produce content for writing assignments and to express oneself creatively.

In the digital age, good research skills are essential. While there is a wealth of information on the internet, not all of it is accurate. Essay writing teaches students to find trustworthy information and double-check it.

Students also learn how to gather information and analyze it. By doing so, they can learn something new about a topic they may not have learned about before. Furthermore, students also learn how to analyze information and make their own decisions.

Why essay writing is important for students

Essay writing is a great way for students to improve their organization skills and increase their quest for knowledge. It also helps students develop good note-taking and organizational skills.

Essay writing also improves their critical thinking skills and teaches them how to properly utilize a note-taking tool. It also helps students develop their communication skills. Many students don’t realize how important essay writing is for their future, but it can help them in many ways.

Essay writing is also an effective way to evaluate a student’s understanding of a subject. Essays are structured, and the content reflects what the student learned in a class session. The writing process helps students develop a sense of positive curiosity, which is an essential part of a successful academic career.

It helps mold students into independent thinkers who are able to make their own decisions. In addition to that, writing an essay helps students develop critical thinking and analytical skills.

Importance of essay writing in English

Essay writing is a crucial part of academic life. Essays are often required for college courses and a great way to improve your grade is to learn how to write in English. There are four general types of essay writing. Among these, argumentative essays are centered around a particular topic and present a writer’s perspective on the issue.

Narrative essays, on the other hand, are focused on telling a story about a personal experience or an event. Informative essays are intended to inform the reader about a specific topic or issue.

Why is writing an essay important

While essay writing is not an easy task, it is still an important skill to learn. Even if it’s your first essay, no one expects it to be flawless. With practice, you’ll be able to write an essay that impresses your professor and gain recognition. Once you’ve done this a couple of times, you’ll have no problem. You’ll develop your writing skills.

What is the most important part of writing essay?

The most difficult part of writing an essay is getting started. If you know how to structure your essay, you can get past the tough first step without too much difficulty. After all, an outline provides you with a skeleton of your ideas, which you can flesh out later. Here are some ways to structure your essay:

When you are working on a famous example, make sure you provide context for your examples. For instance, if you are writing about George Washington, provide context for what he did to become the president of the United States.

A good example would be to give at least five relevant facts about George Washington. Your readers need this background to understand what you are talking about. Moreover, you should make your examples relevant to your topic and show that you know about them.

What is important when writing an essay?

While writing an essay, you need to be clear about what the main point of your essay is. Then, make an outline to summarize all your supporting points. This way, you will be able to make a coherent organization of your essay.

Once you have outlined your thesis and the main supporting points, you should have an outline to refer back to and reword your essay. It’s important to use transition words, and keep the paragraphs short. Proofreading is another important part of writing an essay.

Are essays important in life?

Many people join social networking sites, but do they really understand why essays are so important to life? One of the most common reasons people join these sites is to gain acceptance.

Essay writing, however, can make us feel less alone. By learning to write well, you can be more persuasive, and your essays will be easier to read. You’ll also get better grades when you write well. And, writing essays will help you improve your social skills as well.

The term essay comes from the French word “essayer,” which originally meant “to try,” or “to try.” The term was coined by Michel de Montaigne, who used it to describe his works as attempts to put their ideas into writing.

Today, essays are written in many forms, including literary criticism, political manifestos, and learned arguments. Some essays are incredibly personal and autobiographical, while others are more abstract.

What are the 3 purposes of an essay?

If you are writing about a famous example, you should provide some context about the individual. For instance, an essay about George Washington’s life may begin with an attention-grabbing introduction, which will get the reader’s attention and lead to the essay’s central topic. Provide the reader with at least five facts relevant to the example in question. Once the reader has a clear picture of the individual, they’ll be more likely to keep reading the essay.

The body of the essay is where the writer makes arguments, presents evidence, and develops ideas. This section of the essay should be between 60 to 80% of the total text. The body can be as short as three paragraphs for high school students, or as long as eight to 10 pages for a 6,000-word essay. The body should be organized in paragraphs, with each one centered around the main idea.

Why writing is important in life

Writing has a wide variety of benefits for a person’s life. It helps you clear your head, refocus on what you want to say, and brings memories back to mind. Not only that, it helps you learn new things, too. Writing is a great way to learn more about the world. Also, writing allows you to express yourself in ways you wouldn’t be able to do verbally.

In addition to helping us improve our communication skills, essays teach us to use persuasive language and the right evidence. By writing, we train our minds to look for evidence that supports our ideas and convince others of their rationality.

Why writing is important for students

Writing also develops the ability to come up with new ideas. Ideas are everywhere. Books, newspapers, and magazines are all good resources for finding fresh ideas. Even your inner voice can be influenced by what you read and hear in magazines and newspapers.

While it is possible to learn how to write an essay in school, learning to write essays will benefit you more in the future. Essays develop your logical thinking skills, and they enable you to create your own writing style.

Once you master this technique, you’ll be able to produce your own content, whether it’s for an assignment, a presentation, or a memoir. Developing a strong writing style will also help you express yourself more clearly in other areas of your life.

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essay about why writing is important


What is academic writing and why is it important?

Dec 27, 2020 | Academic Writing , College Applications , Englist blog , TOEFL Prep | 0 comments

Academic writing has become an increasingly important part of education as parents and educators realize the value of critical thinking skills and preparing students for college. 

Still, many students, parents, and even other teachers don’t have a great grasp on this area of learning and why it is so critical.

As such, at Englist we find it is important to not only teach academic writing, but also help everyone understand why it is imperative to the development of thoughtful and capable students.

What is academic writing?

First, what is academic writing? Most students see writing as something they just have to do because a teacher says so, and it becomes a painful and time-consuming assignment. Our mission is to end this kind of thinking.

Simply put, academic writing is teaching students how to write essays. That sounds pretty simple, but there is a lot more to it than that.

Essay writing is the process of sharing complex ideas, thoughts, or opinions. Writers learn to construct a rather complicated argument or explanation by combining sentences into paragraphs and paragraphs into an essay.

Academic writing demands writers become clear in their explanations and reasoning, direct in their communication, and most importantly, able to make readers understand their topic and thesis.

An Idea!

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The Importance of Essay Writing Skills in Education: Why Students Should Master It

The Importance of Essay Writing Skills in Education: Why Students Should Master It

Essay writing is a crucial skill that every student should strive to master. It is not only a requirement for academic success, but also a skill that will benefit them in the long run. Writing essays broadens their knowledge on various topics, improves their analytical thinking, and promotes better communication.

First and foremost, essay writing requires students to conduct in-depth research on the given topic. This research helps them identify the main points and arguments that they should include in their essay. By doing so, they become more knowledgeable about the subject matter and are able to present well-informed ideas to their readers.

Moreover, essay writing promotes better analytical thinking. Students learn to critically analyze the information they gather and to identify the most relevant and significant points. This skill is not only valuable in academia, but also in the job market. Employers value individuals who are able to quickly and effectively identify and evaluate information.

Furthermore, writing essays improves communication skills. The ability to clearly convey ideas and thoughts is important in every aspect of life. Essay writing helps students learn how to express themselves in a clear and concise manner, without losing the intended meaning. This skill is particularly important in high-stakes situations, such as job interviews or public speaking engagements.

Last but not least, essay writing promotes better spelling and grammar. Students are required to proofread their essays and make sure that there are no mistakes in their writing. This attention to detail not only improves their writing skills, but also creates a positive impression on their readers. It shows that they are able to produce high-quality work and that they take pride in their final product.

The Importance of Essay Writing Skills in Education

  • Improves Reading and Learning: Writing essays allows you to engage with texts on a deeper level. When you write an essay, you need to read and understand the topic clearly and in detail. This improves your comprehension skills and enhances your ability to identify the main ideas, arguments, and statements in a text.
  • Develops Critical Thinking: Essay writing helps you develop critical thinking skills. When you write an essay, you need to analyze and evaluate the information you have gathered, and present it in a logical and coherent way. This promotes the ability to think critically and express your own ideas and opinions.
  • Promotes Better Grades: Essay writing is often a part of academic assessments. By mastering essay writing skills, you are more likely to excel in your exams and assignments, leading to better grades.
  • Enhances Communication: Essay writing allows you to express your thoughts, ideas, and arguments clearly and effectively. This enables you to communicate your message to your readers in a concise and organized manner.
  • Improves Research Skills: Writing an essay requires you to conduct research on the topic. This enhances your research skills and gives you access to a wide range of information and resources.
  • Records Your Learning: Writing essays helps you record and reflect on your learning. It allows you to document your thoughts and ideas, and track your progress over time.
  • Provides Real-Life Applications: Essay writing prepares you for real-life situations where you may be asked to present arguments, respond to texts, or express your opinions. It equips you with the skills to confidently participate in discussions and debates.

Why Students Should Master Essay Writing Skills

1. Academic Success: Essay writing promotes critical thinking and analytical skills. It requires students to develop clear and well-structured arguments and to identify and analyze relevant information. When students are able to express their thoughts and opinions in a written form, they are more likely to do well on exams and assignments, which ultimately leads to better grades.

2. Promotes Clear Communication: Writing essays helps students to express themselves clearly. It improves their ability to organize their thoughts and present complex ideas in a logical and coherent manner. This skill is not only important for academic success but also for any professional job where clear communication is essential.

3. Demonstrates Knowledge and Understanding: Writing essays allows students to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of a particular topic. It shows that they have done the necessary research and have a deep understanding of the subject matter. This can be particularly important in subjects like sociology or any other field where critical analysis and the ability to make well-supported statements are valued.

4. Develops Persuasive Skills: Essay writing requires students to develop persuasive arguments and to present evidence to support their claims. This skill is valuable not only in academic settings but also in the real world, where individuals often need to convince others of their ideas or opinions.

5. Improves Writing Style and Grammar: Writing essays helps students improve their writing style, spelling, and grammar. It requires them to pay attention to the details of their writing and to edit and revise their work. This can lead to significant improvements in their overall writing skills.

6. Length and Structure: Essay writing teaches students how to write longer pieces of work and how to structure their writing effectively. This skill is important in many academic and professional settings where individuals are asked to write reports or thesis papers.

7. Self-Expression: Essay writing provides students with a platform to express themselves and their ideas. It allows them to explore their own thoughts and feelings and to develop their own unique writing voice. This can be a valuable way for students to discover and better understand themselves.

Improves Research Skills

By conducting research, students learn how to identify reliable sources of information and evaluate the credibility of the information they find. This is essential in a world where there is an abundance of information available, and being able to distinguish between trustworthy and unreliable sources is crucial.

Moreover, essay writing promotes critical thinking skills. Through the research process, students are encouraged to analyze different viewpoints and develop their own arguments based on the evidence they gather. This helps them to develop their analytical skills and think critically about complex issues.

In addition, essay writing also improves students’ ability to organize their thoughts and present them in a structured manner. Students are required to create a clear thesis statement and support it with well-developed paragraphs and arguments. This not only helps them to communicate their ideas effectively, but also provides them with a solid foundation for future academic and professional writing.

Furthermore, essay writing helps students to improve their writing style and grammar. They learn how to write cohesive and coherent sentences, use appropriate vocabulary, and adhere to grammar rules. This is important not only for academic success, but also for future career opportunities where good writing skills are highly valued.

Lastly, essay writing allows students to practice their communication skills. It is not only about writing for the sake of writing, but also about conveying information in a way that is clear and persuasive. Being able to communicate effectively is essential in every aspect of life, and essay writing helps students to develop this important skill.

Enhances Critical Thinking Abilities

1. Increases Critical Thinking Abilities

Writing essays requires students to engage in a deep analysis of the topic they are writing about. This process helps them develop their ability to think critically, as they need to evaluate different perspectives and evidence to support their arguments. By critically examining various sources and weighing their credibility, students learn how to form their own informed opinions and think independently.

2. Benefits in Education

The ability to think critically is a crucial skill in education. It allows students to evaluate information, make informed decisions, and solve problems effectively. Writing essays helps students acquire these skills by requiring them to engage in a thoughtful analysis of the topic at hand.

3. Promotes Learning and Reading

Essay writing encourages students to engage deeply with the topic and conduct thorough research. This not only helps them to acquire knowledge but also develops their reading skills. Students are required to read and understand various sources, which broadens their understanding of the topic and promotes a love for learning.

4. Makes Writing Easier

By mastering the skill of essay writing, students will find it easier to express their thoughts and ideas in a clear and concise manner. They will be able to structure their arguments effectively, ensuring that their essay is coherent and well-organized. This skill is transferable to other forms of writing, making it beneficial in various academic and professional contexts.

5. Boosts Brain Power

Essay writing is like a workout for the brain. It requires students to engage in critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. As students tackle different topics and present well-rounded arguments, they stimulate their intellect and improve their cognitive abilities.

6. Access to High-Value Opportunities

Strong essay writing skills are highly valued in the academic and professional world. Employers and universities often require applicants to submit essays to assess their critical thinking abilities and communication skills. By mastering the skill of essay writing, students open up opportunities for higher education and future career success.

7. Tips on Essay Writing

To excel in essay writing, students need to keep a few crucial tips in mind. Firstly, they should always start with a strong thesis statement that outlines the main argument of their essay. Secondly, students should use clear and concise language to express their ideas and support their arguments. Lastly, they should always proofread and edit their work to ensure that it is free from errors and presents their thoughts accurately.

Develops Effective Communication

When writing an essay, you need to conduct research on the topic, gather relevant information, and organize your thoughts in a structured way. This process helps you to develop your communication skills as you learn how to present your ideas in a logical and coherent manner. Furthermore, having a clear thesis statement and supporting arguments in your essay demonstrates your ability to articulate and convey your thoughts effectively.

Moreover, being a good essay writer can benefit you in many ways. Employers value individuals who are able to write well because it reflects their ability to communicate effectively, think critically, and organize their thoughts. Good writing skills can open up numerous career opportunities as it is an essential skill in many fields.

Prepares Students for Professional Life

When you learn how to write, you not only improve your ability to communicate with others, but you also enhance your own critical thinking and intelligence. Writing forces you to organize your thoughts and arguments in a structured manner, which increases your ability to think critically and evaluate information effectively. This is why employers often look for candidates with strong writing skills, as it demonstrates that they have the necessary analytical and communication skills needed to succeed in a professional setting.

Furthermore, writing essays teaches you how to cover complex topics in a concise and coherent manner. It helps you to break down complex ideas into smaller paragraphs and develop a clear thesis statement to guide your writing. This skill is important in the real world, where you’ll often need to explain complex concepts to others in a simple and understandable way.

Moreover, writing essays improves your spelling and grammar skills. In a world where written texts dominate, being able to write fluently without making simple spelling or grammar mistakes is essential. It demonstrates to readers that you pay attention to detail and have a good grasp of the English language.

In addition, being able to write well broadens your access to opportunities. Whether you’re applying for a scholarship, a job, or a grant, having strong writing skills gives you a competitive edge over others. It allows you to articulate your thoughts and achievements in a compelling way, increasing your chances of success.

Furthermore, writing essays helps to promote self-reflection and personal growth. When you write about a particular topic, you often need to do research and explore different perspectives. This process allows you to gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter and encourages you to think critically about your own beliefs and values.

Lastly, being able to write well increases your market value. In today’s highly competitive job market, employers are looking for candidates who can think critically, communicate effectively, and solve complex problems. By mastering essay writing skills, you’ll be able to demonstrate these abilities and stand out from the crowd.

Why is essay writing important in education?

Essay writing is important in education because it helps students develop critical thinking skills, improve their communication skills, and demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of a subject. It also helps students to organize their thoughts and ideas in a structured manner.

How can essay writing skills benefit students in their future careers?

Essay writing skills can benefit students in their future careers by enabling them to effectively communicate their ideas and arguments. Many professions require strong written communication skills, and being able to write clear and coherent essays can help individuals succeed in their chosen careers.

What are some tips for improving essay writing skills?

Some tips for improving essay writing skills include reading widely, practicing writing regularly, seeking feedback and guidance from teachers or peers, and learning to effectively structure an essay. It is also important to revise and edit your work to ensure clarity and coherence.

Is it necessary to write essays in every subject?

While essays may not be required in every subject, they are commonly used as an assessment tool in many educational settings. Even in subjects where essays are not typically assigned, writing skills are still valuable and can be applied in various ways, such as in writing research papers or reports.

Can essay writing help students develop their creativity?

Yes, essay writing can help students develop their creativity as it requires them to think critically, analyze information, and come up with unique and original ideas. It allows students to express their thoughts and perspectives in a creative and meaningful way.

Essay writing is important in education because it helps develop critical thinking and analytical skills. It allows students to organize their thoughts and communicate their ideas effectively. Additionally, essay writing promotes research skills and helps students deepen their understanding of a subject.

Alex Koliada, PhD

By Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for studying aging, genetics, and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics. His scientific research has been published in the most reputable international magazines. Alex holds a BA in English and Comparative Literature from the University of Southern California , and a TEFL certification from The Boston Language Institute.

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Top 10 Importance of Writing Essay

Top 10 Importance of Writing Essay

Writing is a very important part of our history and lives as humans. There are several advantages that come with writing, but in this article, we have selected some of the top 10 importance of writing essays.

It may interest you to know that ever since the Greek and Roman eras, humans have been writing essays and papers. We have always been looking for ways to tell our stories, share our ideas, and even keep records by writing.

In our world today, essay writing forms a vital part of our degree programs and academic work . Some people may consider this irrelevant, but it has so many benefits that it creates which we will discuss in detail later.

However, before you can fully understand the importance of essay writing, you’ll need to know what an essay really is including its structures and categories. 

The following section gives you a brief introduction to essay writing, describes the structure of an effective essay, and offers you an interesting fact about essay writing you may have never known. 

Let’s dive right in together…

Table of Contents

Introduction to Essay Writing

Below are some things you’ll need to know about writing an essay.

What is an essay

An essay is a piece of writing about a particular subject, that is aimed at presenting the author’s point of view, sharing an idea, expressing an opinion or emotion, and communicating to others. 

It is believed that the word “essay” was derived from the French verb “essayer” which means “to try” . The word was originally known to mean “an attempt” or “a trial” in the English language.

However, the word began to acquire a new meaning when Michel de Montaigne (a French Man) described his writings as Essays. This was his way of characterizing his written work as “an attempt” to write down his thoughts. 

Classification of Essays 

Essay writing has been classified under two broad categories which are:

  • Formal essays
  • Informal essays 

Formal Essays:

These are also referred to as impersonal essays. They are often written in corporate settings and may require research, facts, and evidence to back them up. Some formal essays are written in the 3rd person voice or view.

Informal Essays:

Writing informal essays may not require a lot of research like formal essays. Essays like this can also be referred to as personal essays and are often written in the first person point of view. They can be subjective and conversational in nature and the author may freely express his/her opinions without necessarily providing evidence to prove them.

Structure of An Essay

To guide your essay writing, the structure of the essay sometimes called the shape of an essay is often broken down into 3 parts:

  • An introduction 
  • The main Body
  • Conclusion 

An introduction:

This is where you present your topic, offer your reader background and provide a thesis statement if you have any. The introduction of an essay usually contains;

  • Thesis statement

The Main Body: 

Writers often use the body of their essay to express more clearly and broadly the statements or ideas in their introduction. When writing an essay, you can use the body to explain core arguments, give clear analysis, and present evidence to back up your claims. It is recommended to start each paragraph of your essay body with a topic sentence.


After you’ve exhausted your points and explanations in the body of your essay, you’ll need to round everything up. A conclusion helps you to do that by tying up your main points and showing clearly the conclusions you wish your readers to acquire from your essay.

What are the Benefits of Essay Writing?

Below is a list of the top 10 importance of Essay Writing:

  • Makes You A Better Writer
  • Improves your Communication Skills
  • Acquire Research Skills
  • Essay writing Improves Creativity
  • Essay Writing is Useful for Professional and Employment Purposes
  • Broaden Your Knowledge Base
  • Essential for Academic Success
  • Helps You Become More Aware of your Choices
  • You make better decisions
  • Think Smarter.

Thinking about the general importance of writing skills? Read these top 10 importance of writing and find out for yourself. Let’s quickly get down to the benefits of Essay Writing.

1.  Makes You A Better Writer

It is said that practice makes perfect. That statement holds true for essay writing as it does for other things too. Writing essays will help you improve your writing skills, produce better papers, and may also improve your college score.

If you write essays often, you may begin to discover new ways to write, new writing tips, tricks, and new strategies.

You become able to structure a more clear argument and write persuasively.

2. Improves your Communication Skills

As long as we live in the midst of people, we would always need to communicate our ideas, feelings, and desires to others.

Essay writing helps you to develop the ability to clearly lay out your thoughts and express them in the best possible way. It is believed that great communicators have a greater chance to get what they want and become successful.

With essay writing, you learn to structure your thoughts into words and this develops your ability to communicate better.

3. Acquire Research Skills 

Most essays will require you to conduct research inorder to find facts and evidence to defend your work. In the process of finding these facts for your essay, you begin to pick up essential research skills that will help you in other areas of your life.

Essay writing will help you know how to find accurate and trusted information from the vast amount of information on the web.

4. Essay writing Improves Creativity 

Some essay topics may cause you to stretch your mind inorder to find creative ways to deliver them. This does something to your ability to reason and come up with creative ideas.

You may begin to search for new information, a new presentation style, and other creative ways to make your essay come out well. All these activities will help you discover new aspects of your creativity you never knew you had.

5. Essay Writing is Useful for Professional and Employment Purposes

Essay writing involves a lot of information gathering, analysis, and research. These activities are also useful in professional organizations.

For example, marketers will need to provide reports, programmers will need to prepare documentation and other professionals may need to send out letters.

If you’ve already had a previous essay writing background, this may come in handy.

6. Broaden Your Knowledge Base

Writing has a way to help you see things in a more clear way. As you make research for your essays, you become enlightened on subjects you had little or no knowledge about.

You begin to see certain connections and you begin to have a better understanding of certain subjects and concepts.

Also, you may be given essay writing assignments in fields you’re not knowledgeable in.

As you carry out your research, everything begins to become clearer and you learn more about the subject than you knew before.

7. Essential for Academic Success 

In our educational institutions today, writing is one of the core aspects of everything we do.

It is important if you want to acquire good academic grades in fulfillment of your educational pursuit. Students who are aware of this employ essay writing services to help them ace their projects and/or assignments.

8. Helps You Become More Aware of your Choices.

Let’s say you had a particular opinion about a subject you were told to write an essay about. While you were gathering information, you became aware of what the subject really entailed and you began to see the cracks in your past opinion.

That’s exactly what essay writing can do for you. It can help you see more clearly why your opinion on a particular topic may have been biased or uninformed.

9. You make better decisions 

The research skills you pick up from essay writing will help you to make better decisions. You’ll learn how to use research to guide the decisions you make.

Research essays train your mind to decide upon the most credible and reasonable options thereby teaching you how to pick the better option from a list of other conflicting alternatives.

10. Think Smarter

Some people wrongly believe that essay writing should be for only people in the arts, language studies, or writing. When you begin to develop an essay with your outline, you’ll learn how to pick the best approach to your essay. You’ll naturally begin to have the tendency to think Smarter as you delve deeper into topics.

As you do this continuously, you’ll begin to see beyond surface level understanding, and you’ll start engaging in critical thinking.

Frequently Asked Questions About Essay Writing 

1. what is the most important thing when writing an essay.

Your Thesis or Argument. The main argument of your essay must be clearly written with logical facts, evidence and proof. Make a strong argument and persuade your readers with a well-written thesis.

2. What are the important parts of essay?

There are 3 major parts of an essay which includes: •The Introduction. •The Body. •The Conclusion. Using an outline before you start writing, will help you identify how to properly structure your essay within these parts.

3. What are the important uses of writing?

Writing is a vital part of our lives and history. There are several uses of writing, but some of them include: •Communication, •Keep Records, •Store information.

4. What purpose does writing serve?

Writing has so many purposes. However, there are 5 purposes that stands out. They are; 1. Persuasion. 2. Information. 3. Entertainment. 4. Explanation. 5. Record Keeping.

5. What is the purpose of essay writing?

Essay Writing can serve so many purposes. However, a major purpose of essay writing is to present an opinion, idea, or argument in response to a subject matter or question and offer evidence that persuades your readers that your opinion is correct or reasonable.

Important Recommendations 

  • 100 Best Free Online Books to Read for Kids and Adults
  • Benefits of Studying Abroad
  • Top 20 Sites to Read Free Books Online Without Downloading
  • 20 Importance of Education .

You can acquire a lot of soft and hard skills from your essay writing projects and activities. This article has outlined just 10 importance of writing essays, but there are other benefits that we’ve not discussed.

Writing Essays may be a tedious and difficult task, but it pays off if done properly and with a goal in mind. Recently, a lot of software has also been developed to help people become better writers and make writing fun.

This article was written to help you, we hope it did. Check out other valuable recommendations and articles within the blog.

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  • Why Is Writing Important?

A student writes in a notebook.

Why Is Writing Important? It’s a Critical Skill Employers Want.

When planning their education and future careers, many students think only of the hard skills needed to get the job, such as:

  • How to create and manage a budget
  • How to insert an IV
  • How to file a court motion

Although these necessary skills show how someone can function within a specific job, employers increasingly seek soft skills among job applicants to bump them from job interview to job offer. Soft skills are often defined as those that humanize us, and one of the top soft skills employers look for is writing.

Communication Is Changing

With the rapid advancement of technology, organizations are communicating increasingly via electronic methods, such as:

  • Meeting chat pods/virtual discussions
  • Instant messaging
  • Shared documents in the cloud

Employees’ writing skills need to keep pace with such innovations and digital options. Employers’ written communication needs and the relationships established with internal and external stakeholders are critical to organizations’ success locally and perhaps even with locations or business partners around the world.

The rapid advance of technology has also made organizations more aware of the benefits of domestic and international diversity. For an organization to foster an inclusive culture that welcomes such diverse perspectives within a mindset of open idea sharing, written communication skills are needed even more now than ever. An employee cannot assume that everyone collaborating on a project shares the same experiences, perspectives, or points of view. Therefore, employers value those who can communicate in such a way that all views are welcomed and combined in new ways. Often this integration of ideas is done in writing.

Why Writing Is Still Important

Some of the staples of writing remain even more important in today’s world if the organization is going to thrive. Employees need to demonstrate in their writing an understanding of their audience. Things to consider are:

  • For whom is an email being sent or a report being written? What expectations does that CFO have for a budget explanation or a judge have for a court motion that has been filed?
  • Are the documents written with clear context and purpose? Can an employee explain the needs reflected in the budget to a potential funder, for example? Can an employee write the court motion in such a way that the judge is inspired to act in favor of the client?
  • Is the format what the audience will expect within that context?
  • Has the document been carefully edited with accurate word choices to avoid potential misunderstandings?

One final point that must be understood is that technology and other forces continually and rapidly change the employment landscape. As pointed out by recruiters and hiring managers,  some of the soft skills that employers currently seek in potential candidates include:

  • The ability to work in a team
  • Communication skills
  • Time management
  • Problem solving

This list is typical of many surveys and reports on what employers are seeking in applicants and even in those they promote. 

Learn to Improve Your Writing

As a prospective or current Purdue Global student, you might feel a bit overwhelmed by the need to build writing proficiency into your education; however, the planning has been done for you in the following ways:

  • A series of required/elective writing courses:
  • CM107: College Composition I
  • CM220: College Composition II
  • CM240: Technical Communication
  • CM241: Foundations of Technical Communication
  • CM250: Fundamentals of Grammar and Editing
  • General Education literacies including undergraduate communication
  • Professional competencies including graduate communication
  • A New Media Writing micro-credential that can be earned within your program’s electives
  • A bachelor’s degree in communication to help you interact meaningfully with diverse audiences—interpersonally and through different forms of media

During your time at Purdue Global, you will be assessed in the soft skills, and you can download a Skills Report that indicates the skill level you have attained in each, including communication.

Although the hard skills are important, be sure to take advantage of these opportunities to develop the soft skills, such as writing, and to share your level of development with employers to increase your chances of employment after graduation. To learn more about how Purdue Global prepares you to write for your future employers, request more information .

About the Author

Michael Keathley, PhD

Dr. Michael Keathley is the chair of composition and writing at Purdue Global. The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not represent the views of Purdue Global.

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Why Are Writing Skills Important: A Comprehensive Overview

By: Author Paul Jenkins

Posted on April 19, 2023

Categories Writing

In today’s fast-paced world, effective communication is more important than ever. Writing skills are critical in helping people convey their thoughts, ideas, and information efficiently and accurately. The importance of these skills can be found in various aspects of life, from professional settings to personal relationships.

Strong writing skills enable individuals to communicate their ideas and opinions clearly and concisely, making it easier for readers to understand and absorb the intended message. This is particularly important in the workplace, where employers seek candidates with excellent written communication abilities for various job roles. Furthermore, in the digital age, written communication has become the primary avenue for obtaining information and interacting with others, emphasizing the need for continuous improvement in this area.

By developing and refining one’s writing skills, individuals can enhance their personal and professional growth and contribute positively to their surroundings by facilitating better understanding and collaboration with others. Ultimately, the significance of writing skills cannot be overstated, as they are instrumental in achieving success in various aspects of life.

25 Reasons Why Writing Skills Are Important

  • Enhances clarity in business communication, ensuring that ideas and proposals are effectively presented.
  • Improves professional image by showcasing well-structured and organized business documents.
  • Facilitates collaboration and teamwork by promoting clear and concise communication among colleagues.
  • Boosts career prospects, as strong writing skills are highly valued in the workplace.
  • Increases credibility and authority in academic research and publications.
  • Fosters effective communication in personal and professional settings, reducing misunderstandings.
  • Enables individuals to convey complex ideas and information in an accessible manner.
  • Supports career growth and development by demonstrating expertise through well-written content.
  • Enhances grammar proficiency, leading to fewer errors and increased readability of written work.
  • Builds strong relationships through clear and meaningful written communication.
  • Improves the ability to persuade and influence others in professional settings.
  • Reflects positively on a company’s image when employees exhibit excellent writing skills.
  • Facilitates the creation of high-quality technical documents, increasing user satisfaction and comprehension.
  • Helps avoid costly mistakes and misunderstandings due to grammatical errors or unclear writing.
  • Demonstrates mastery of an essential skill required in various professional settings.
  • Improves written communication skills, leading to better collaboration and productivity.
  • Enhances overall writing style and effectiveness, making the work more engaging for readers.
  • Identifies good writers as valuable assets, distinguishing them from those with poor writing skills.
  • Supports students’ academic success by improving their ability to convey information and ideas.
  • Increases the impact of the writing process by refining and perfecting written work.
  • Promotes efficiency and effectiveness in workplace communication.
  • Encourages lifelong learning and personal growth through writing courses and workshops.
  • Enhances critical thinking and problem-solving skills in academic and professional settings.
  • Develops the ability to adapt writing styles for various audiences and purposes, increasing versatility and marketability.
  • Cultivates creative expression through storytelling, poetry, and other forms of creative writing, enriching personal experiences and fostering connections with others.

The Value of Writing Skills

Writing skills are crucial in today’s world for various aspects of life.

Personal Development

Good writing skills can enhance an individual’s personal development in numerous ways. Writing enables individuals to express themselves effectively and properly communicate their ideas and emotions. Through writing, people can engage in creative exercises to enhance mental processing, explore new perspectives, and stimulate critical thinking abilities.

Writing can also help gain self-confidence by becoming a better communicator with family, friends, and strangers. It is a powerful tool for reflection, enabling one to examine events from the past, better understand themselves, and plan their future goals and aspirations.

Professional Growth

Strong writing skills can significantly impact an individual’s career prospects in the professional sphere. Many employers form their first impression of future employees through resumes, cover letters, and email communications, making writing skills essential for career success.

Effective writing is necessary for drafting clear and concise reports, presentations, and proposals. Moreover, it facilitates collaboration and teamwork among colleagues by improving communication efficiency, ensuring accurate understanding, and fewer misunderstandings.

Writing well is emphasized even further in business environments that rely on digital communication. Digital written communication could involve shared documents, emails, or cloud-based platforms. Employees’ writing skills should align with these digital options to establish strong professional relationships with internal and external stakeholders.

Effective Communication

Strong writing skills are crucial in improving effective communication in personal and professional settings. Converting thoughts, ideas, and information is essential for success in various fields.

Clarity and Organization

Writing with clarity and organization helps readers understand the message with ease. A well-structured written piece ensures the intended message is delivered and the content is easily digestible for the target audience. Clear and organized writing helps to:

  • Enhance professional image
  • Build connections with customers
  • Convey points quickly and efficiently

Accurate grammar, punctuation, and word choice enhance clarity by minimizing confusion or misinterpretation. This results in fewer misunderstandings and stronger relationships between the writer and reader, ultimately leading to better operational efficiency and productivity in the workplace.

Persuasion and Influencing Skills

Effective writing is not only limited to transmitting information but also involves persuading and influencing others. Persuasive writing helps in:

  • Selling ideas, products, or services
  • Convincing readers to adopt a specific viewpoint or take action
  • Creating compelling proposals that generate support and consensus

By using persuasive writing techniques such as providing evidence, anticipating objections, and crafting a compelling call-to-action, writers can make a strong case for their arguments, making their content highly persuasive and influential.

Critical Thinking Enhancement

Developing effective writing skills is essential not only for conveying information but also for enhancing critical thinking abilities. This section explores how writing skills contribute to better critical thinking by focusing on two sub-sections: Analyzing Information and Problem-Solving.

Analyzing Information

When an individual engages in writing, they must carefully evaluate and interpret the information they gather from various sources. This process requires the writer to employ critical thinking skills to determine the information’s accuracy, relevance, and credibility. Analyzing information strengthens a piece of writing and enhances a person’s ability to examine different perspectives, determine inconsistencies, and challenge assumptions.

Furthermore, writing requires individuals to organize their thoughts; this step involves prioritizing, categorizing, and synthesizing the data. As a result, critical thinking is developed and refined through writing and evaluating arguments and ideas.


When faced with a particular issue, individuals often must identify potential solutions before deciding the best course of action. Writing can be a valuable tool in this process, as it assists individuals in clearly articulating their thoughts and ideas.

Effective writing necessitates the incorporation of critical thinking skills to identify and address problems, design logical solutions, and concisely communicate these options. Such problem-solving abilities are critical not only for academic and professional success but also for personal development.

In summary, enhancing writing skills significantly contributes to the improvement of critical thinking abilities. Developing proficiency in analyzing information and solving problems through writing helps individuals become better communicators and more effective decision-makers.

Creativity and Self-Expression

Developing writing skills is crucial for nurturing creativity and self-expression. Writing enables individuals to communicate their thoughts, emotions, and ideas more effectively and engagingly. This section delves into the importance of creativity and self-expression through writing, focusing on emotional intelligence and storytelling ability.

Emotional Intelligence

Writing can help enhance emotional intelligence by allowing individuals to explore, understand, and express their emotions. Through creative writing, individuals can engage with their emotional experiences and tap into their inner feelings, allowing them to understand their emotions better and manage them more effectively. This heightened emotional intelligence contributes to improved relationships and overall well-being. As mentioned in Positive Psychology, self-expression is vital to living a fulfilled life and reaching our full potential.

Practicing creative writing, such as poetry and personal essays, enables individuals to express their thoughts and emotions more openly and develop emotional intelligence. By giving form to their experiences, people can gain greater insight and understanding of themselves and their world.

Storytelling Ability

One significant aspect of writing skills is storytelling ability. Creating compelling narratives is vital in communication, persuasion, and entertainment. A well-crafted story can influence people’s thoughts and beliefs, inspiring change and fostering empathy. Creative writing allows individuals to think outside the box and explore different perspectives through storytelling.

Storytelling skills can also benefit professional communication, as engaging narratives capture attention and convey messages more effectively. Good storytelling can make a significant impact, whether writing a marketing campaign, a company report, or effectively conveying information in the workplace.

Collaboration and Teamwork

Effective collaboration and teamwork are essential components for success within any professional context. Writing skills are crucial in fostering these collaborative efforts and ensuring productive communication between team members.

Writing for Diverse Audiences

As an essential aspect of collaboration, writing skills enable individuals to convey their ideas and insights to colleagues with varying backgrounds and expertise. A good writer understands that different team members may have different levels of familiarity with the subject or focus areas. They should, therefore, tailor their written communication to be easily understood by various audiences within the team.

For example, when writing an email involving technical details, it is essential to provide necessary background information and concise explanations for a more general audience. This approach ensures all team members can follow the discussion and work together effectively.

Adapting to Feedback

Another crucial aspect of collaboration and teamwork is being receptive to feedback from team members. Writing skills are essential because they allow team members to provide clear and constructive feedback on each other’s work. By articulating their suggestions and concerns effectively, individuals can help create an environment of mutual respect and continuous improvement.

When receiving written feedback, professionals must demonstrate adaptability and a willingness to refine their work. This may involve reorganizing content, revising language, or rethinking their approach altogether. By being receptive to feedback and skillfully incorporating it into their writing, team members can better align their work with the group’s needs and contribute more effectively to the team’s overall objectives.

Digital Presence and Online Reputation

Writing skills are crucial in managing and enhancing one’s digital presence and online reputation. How individuals and organizations present themselves through written communication can significantly impact their credibility and success in the digital world.

Social Media

Effective writing is essential for engaging and meaningful social media interactions. Clear and concise content helps convey messages accurately and makes it easier for others to understand and respond. Companies can use social media platforms to build brands and foster customer relationships. A well-written and thought-out social media presence can help to project a positive image, which in turn aids in building trust and credibility among users. People favor companies with strong written communication, exhibiting professionalism and attention to detail.

Blogging and Content Creation

Blogging and content creation are potent tools for individuals and businesses to establish expertise in their respective fields. Effective writing lets them present complex ideas straightforwardly, engaging readers and enhancing their perceived authority. A well-structured and informative blog post or article can attract readership, generate leads, and build a loyal customer base.

High-quality content also contributes significantly to search engine optimization. Search engines like Google assess the readability and relevance of written content when ranking websites, making it crucial for online success. Maintaining a consistent and well-written blog can drive organic traffic to a website and ultimately increase visibility in search results.

In conclusion, honing one’s writing skills is essential for managing and improving digital presence and online reputation. Effective written communication across social media platforms, blog posts, and other content enables individuals and organizations to connect with their target audience and project a professional image, contributing to overall success in today’s digital landscape.

Writing skills are essential today as the foundation for effective communication in various personal and professional contexts. A firm grasp of writing techniques facilitates the exchange of ideas and information and enhances the clarity and impact of one’s messages across diverse platforms.

Through honing these skills, individuals can convey their thoughts more precisely, contributing to successful collaborations, business transactions, and interpersonal interactions. Moreover, well-developed writing abilities are highly sought after by employers, who increasingly prioritize effective written communication in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Ultimately, investing time and effort to improve one’s writing skills is advantageous for academic success, personal growth, and career advancement. By fostering creativity, imagination, and critical thinking, these skills empower individuals to express themselves confidently and persuasively, quickly navigating modern society’s complexities.

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Every student has to write essays at school or college. It is the most widespread type of homework. Why do tutors like this type of assignment? Well, there are a lot of reasons. Essay writing helps to evaluate a student’s research, analytical, and persuasive skills, which are essential in a grown life. Keep on reading the post if you want to take a deep dive and find an answer to the question – “why are strong writing skills important?”

Improves writing skills

For starters, it helps to improve your paper writing skills. Do not hesitate to practice as much as possible to become the best writer and create top-grade essays with ease. It will help you to increase your college score and learn how to create engaging and well-thought-out papers with no effort. 

Helps to demonstrate yourintelligence

It’s easy to distinguish a well-educated person from the first sentences of his paper. If you want to look professional and gain your credibility, perfect essay writing skills is the must. Learn how to write top-notch essays to showcase yourself as a skilled professional in future life.  

Gains research skills

It’s impossible to create an A+ paper without thorough research. Nowadays, in the digital era, research skills are essential. There are tons of information available on the Internet. Just grab your smartphone, ask a question, and find an answer simultaneously. However, not all the posts and articles on the WEB are correct. Essay writing will teach you how to find trustworthy information, analyze, and double-check it.

Increase your knowledge in different niches

Conducting research, we always learn something new. Writing essays on different topics, students explore a lot of resources and gather a lot of information. Therefore students learn something new that is not related to their major.

Helps to find a job

Do you want to find a good and well-paying job after graduation? If so, do not hesitate to practice in essay writing. Everybody knows that you have to submit a resume and a cover letter applying for a job. A well-made CV will showcase you as a skilled and well-educated person. 

Also, a professional cover letter can engage a hire manager and tell more about your advantages and professional skills.

Writing skills are required for promotion

Do you want to work in one position the entire life? I guess that the answer is no. If you’re going to get a promotion, you have to indicate yourself as a well-educated person. 

Imagine a situation when you need to write an email to your boss, create an annual report or presentation. If your email, documents, or a slideshow contains every-day language, misspelling, or grammar errors, you will hardly get a promotion. 

Therefore, always double-check your essays by using online tools for writers and proofread them thoroughly. If all your messages and papers have the top-grade quality, you will be a great candidate for a promotion. 

Improves critical-thinking skills

Why is writing important in life? Well, essay writing is not only a hair-pulling thing when you have to explore a lot of different resources and write your thoughts down. Creating a college paper, you have to analyze and evaluate the gathered information. You should take a deep dive into a topic, collect information, and cross the wrong things out.

Teaches how to deliver ideas

Students should supplement papers with their viewpoints. If you want to learn how to form and deliver your personal opinion, essay writing is one of the best practices to learn how to share your opinion. 

Also, essay writing will help you to learn how to engage a reader, use transitions words, and create an uninterrupted flow of facts and ideas.

Gains persuasive skills

People may reject your ideas even if they are great. To improve students’ convincing skills, tutors often assign persuasive essays. This type of academic writing requires students to convince a reader by using solid facts and statements. 

Sometimes learners experience any problems writing essays and need paper help . In this case, they reach online assignment creation platforms to get top-grade college papers from expert writers.

Helps to create engaging articles and posts

Do you want your posts to attract a lot of readers? Learn how to create engaging papers by writing college essays. Writing college papers, you can learn how to create hooks that drive readers to explore a blog post, use statistics, and citations to capture the attention of readers. 

Improves communication skills

People are social creatures. It means that we live in communities from ancient times. If you want to become successful in society, you should have excellent communication skills. One of the great ways to boost them is to write essays. Academic writing requires students to share their thoughts and communicate with readers by using words only. 

Final words about essay writing

Answering the question – “what are good writing skills?” I can indicate the following. Excellent essay writing skills are a combination of research, critical thinking, persuasive, and correct writing skills. 

In short, you have to take a deep dive into a chosen topic, analyze it, share your thought, and supplement them with solid facts. Also, don’t forget that you should deliver a paper that contains zero spelling and grammar errors if you want to get A+ for your essay.

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6 Reasons Why Essay Writing Is Important in One’s Professional Life

Writing an essay is often perceived as a daunting academic exercise, but it’s more than that. Essay writing is an essential tool that helps one express their thoughts, ideas, and arguments in a structured and coherent manner. It’s an art, a science, and a means of communication.

The importance of essay writing reaches well beyond the confines of academia, a point that becomes evident when considering EssayPro’s term paper service . You may question, “Why would I ever need such a service to craft an essay for me once I transition into the professional realm?” The reality, however, is that these skills, often honed through services like these, are incredibly valuable in one’s professional life for various reasons.

Reason 1: Enhances Communication Skills

Explanation of how essay writing helps in conveying ideas clearly and effectively.

At the heart of essay writing lies the art of communication. It is all about effectively presenting your thoughts, opinions, arguments, and conclusions in a structured manner. Crafting a compelling essay demands clarity of thought and precision in language use, both of which are essential for strong communication. It’s about choosing the right words, constructing meaningful sentences, and making your ideas accessible and understandable to the reader. As you continuously write essays, these skills get refined and become part of your natural communication style.

Real-world examples of the need for strong communication in professional life

In the professional realm, your communication skills can significantly affect your success. Let’s take the example of a team meeting where you’re proposing a new business strategy. Your ability to articulate your plan effectively, argue its benefits, and respond to counter-arguments could make the difference between approval and rejection. Similarly, when writing emails or reports, clarity and conciseness of your message can enhance understanding and facilitate swift action. The best dissertation writing services could help you develop these skills by providing models of well-written essays. Hence, the communication skills developed through essay writing are incredibly valuable.

Reason 2: Demonstrates Knowledge and Understanding

Description of how essay writing shows depth of knowledge.

An essay is essentially a reflection of your understanding of a subject. It’s not just about regurgitating facts; it’s about demonstrating a deep comprehension of these facts, interpreting them, and offering a unique perspective. When writing an essay, you delve into extensive research, study different viewpoints, evaluate evidence, and synthesize all this information to construct your narrative. This process not only shows your depth of knowledge but also your ability to understand complex ideas and explain them in an accessible way.

Importance of showing expertise and understanding in professional settings

Being able to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding is vital in professional settings. For instance, when proposing a new project or presenting a business case, showing a thorough understanding of relevant concepts, market dynamics, and business implications can impress your colleagues and superiors, setting the stage for your career growth. Just as a well-written essay can earn you good grades, a well-informed professional argument can earn you recognition and advancement.

Reason 3: Encourages Critical Thinking

Exploration of the connection between essay writing and critical thinking skills.

Critical thinking is a cornerstone of essay writing. To craft a persuasive essay, you need to examine various viewpoints, identify biases, question assumptions, detect logical fallacies, and build sound arguments. This process sharpens your critical thinking skills, making you a more discerning reader, a more careful thinker, and a more persuasive writer. In essence, every essay you write enhances your ability to think critically and independently.

Exploration of the connection between essay writing and critical thinking skills

Why critical thinking is important in the workplace

Critical thinking is a highly prized skill in the professional world. It allows you to evaluate problems from different angles, come up with creative solutions, and make informed decisions. Whether you’re a manager devising a new workflow, a designer creating a new product, or a researcher interpreting data, critical thinking can significantly improve your performance and outcomes. The critical thinking skills developed through essay writing can, therefore, give you a substantial edge in the workplace.

Reason 4: Fosters Creativity and Innovation

Link between essay writing and creativity.

Writing an essay is not just about sticking to facts and conventions. It’s also about exploring new ideas, making unique connections, and presenting your thoughts in an original and engaging manner. Every time you pick up the pen (or hit the keyboard) to write an essay, you’re engaging your creative muscles. You’re seeking fresh perspectives, imagining new possibilities, and crafting a narrative that resonates with your readers. In this way, essay writing can stimulate and foster your creativity.

Importance of creativity and innovation in professional success

In the professional world, creativity and innovation are key drivers of success. They can lead to breakthrough ideas, improved products, better service delivery, and more efficient processes. Companies across sectors value employees who can think out-of-the-box and bring innovative solutions to the table. Hence, the creativity fostered by essay writing can greatly enhance your professional prospects.

Reason 5: Develops Research and Analytical Skills

Explanation of how essay writing improves research and analysis abilities.

When you write an essay, you often need to gather information from various sources, evaluate their relevance and reliability, and analyze them to form your arguments. This process hones your research and analytical skills.

The role of research and analytical skills in professional life

Research and analytical skills are indispensable in the professional world. They enable you to gather relevant information, make sense of complex data, and derive actionable insights. Whether you’re in marketing, finance, IT, or any other field, these skills can significantly boost your performance.

Reason 6: Promotes Organization and Time Management Skills

Discussion on how essay writing cultivates organization and time management.

Writing an essay is an exercise in organization and time management. You need to organize your thoughts coherently, structure your essay logically, and manage your time efficiently to meet deadlines. Over time, these skills become ingrained in your work habits.

Relevance of these skills in the professional world

Organization and time management are essential for productivity in any professional setting. They help you stay on top of your tasks, meet deadlines, and work efficiently. They also contribute to a less stressful and more balanced work-life equation.

In essence, essay writing is more than an academic endeavor. It’s a valuable tool that sharpens various skills necessary for professional success. From enhancing communication to fostering creativity and critical thinking, promoting research and analysis, and refining organization and time management, essay writing plays an instrumental role in one’s professional life. Therefore, keep honing your writing skills . The words you craft today might be the stepping stones for your success tomorrow.

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essay about why writing is important

Prewriting strategies to help with persuasive writing

essay about why writing is important

In developing persuasive writing skills, students learn to communicate their ideas clearly, convincingly, and ethically, which is important across academic, personal, and professional settings. Students are most likely to practice these skills in persuasive essay writing, where they need to both inform and influence an audience.

To be successful, students need to master the skills of understanding their audience’s perspective, anticipating counterarguments, and building a compelling case. And with so many considerations to bear in mind, it’s essential that students use prewriting to help them in the persuasive writing process!

In this article, we’ll talk about why prewriting is important for persuasive writing, some strategies you can use, and how you can use Kialo Edu as a tool in this process. 

Why is prewriting important for writing persuasive essays?

Though it may seem like a drag to students who just want to put pen straight to paper, prewriting is important to ensure students start writing with a clear plan, purpose, and approach .

Giving students strategies to tackle a writing assignment supports metacognitive skills in writing, helping them become better writers in the process. And prewriting can even save them time in the long run, by helping students produce a focused and coherent essay from the start, minimizing the need for extensive revisions.

Prewriting allows students to first generate broad ideas, and to then refine these ideas to bring focus and clarity to their argument. Prewriting also gives students an opportunity to intellectually engage with the topic, making sure important points aren’t overlooked to make sound arguments!

What are some prewriting strategies for persuasive writing?

Here are strategies to help students generate and select ideas, then decide on their position and approach. Students may do all or just some of these!

1. Use brainstorming techniques to generate ideas and identify prior knowledge

Brainstorming encourages a flow of ideas, free from judgment or rigid structure. It helps students identify what they already know about a topic, or provide inspiration when drawing a blank on where to begin. Conversely, it also helps to get ideas down on paper when there are just too many of them floating around.

Brainstorming can take on many forms. It can be done individually as a more reflexive exercise or collaboratively to tap into a group’s different perspectives. It can take different structures, from simple lists to word clouds, or even free writing style exercises. 

Try using a Kialo discussion for initial idea generation — set up a discussion on the essay topic and ask groups of students to quickly create as many claims as they can based on their existing knowledge and immediate instincts. They can then return to refine it later as they’re working on their essays!

2. Carry out research to understand the issues and lend credibility to arguments

Help students see the value in carrying out appropriate research as a part of prewriting for their persuasive essays. Effective persuasive essays will offer robust arguments while acknowledging and addressing counterpoints. Thus, students need to show that they have a good understanding of the issues and include sources to lend credibility to their writing.

Adding research to their prewriting activities can also help students learn to meet required academic standards in the analysis, evaluation, and synthesis of sources. And, by using research to deepen their understanding of the topic, students can more confidently take a strong position. 

Using a Kialo discussion as a prewriting activity allows students to record their research alongside the arguments and details it unveils, with the Sources feature providing a handy reference list. Set a task for a particular number of sources to make research a clear objective for students to meet.

essay about why writing is important

3. Use questioning to explore the topic from different angles

essay about why writing is important

Asking targeted questions throughout the prewriting process helps students explore the topic in-depth and decide on an approach. Encourage students to make detailed use of journalistic questions — Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? — to pull together important elements from different angles. Who questions might seek to identify those most impacted by the topic to look at different perspectives, or the role of key stakeholders. Why questions might prompt students to consider the root causes of the issue or why their argument is important. 

Students can use a multi-thesis Kialo discussion to explore different answers to a central question in the prewriting process. The multi-thesis discussion can help students identify their strongest arguments, anticipate counterarguments, or simply to have a more thorough understanding of the topic from different angles. 

4. Identify audiences to tailor the persuasive message to their beliefs and values

Framing an essay to be meaningful and relevant to the target reader goes a long way toward making it more engaging and persuasive. By taking the time to consider their audience, students can speak directly to reader concerns and interests in an appropriate tone. That may mean identifying the arguments most likely to hit home or the counter-arguments a particular audience is most likely to raise. 

A persuasive essay on urban planning , for instance, will seek to persuade residents and local business owners from different angles. In cases where the only stated audience is the educator, speaking to reader interests might include using a suitable writing style or addressing other curricular standards. 

Should the local government regenerate this area? — kialo-edu.com

5. Organize thoughts and information to create a clear picture of the persuasive essay

Teaching students to externally organize their thought processes and information during prewriting can set them on the smoothest path to producing a well-structured persuasive essay. Some techniques include using mind maps to make sense of brainstormed notes and gathered research, or outlining an essay and creating a paragraph plan to guide the actual writing. You might ask students to talk their plan through with a partner to identify gaps in their arguments and gain insight from another perspective.

A Kialo discussion is an effective way for students to externalize and examine their thinking and gathered information. Students can use Kialo’s branching structure to develop their thoughts in many directions, making it easier to spot connections between ideas.

essay about why writing is important

Meanwhile, the extra input from peers’ supporting and opposing claims helps students refine and select the most convincing arguments to use in their persuasive essays. Because claims in a Kialo discussion are meant to be short, students can focus on their ideas before refining to the most appropriate wording to make their case in the essay. 

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Example Of Why Is Writing Important Essay

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Literature , Workplace , Internet , Job , Life , Writing , World , Time

Published: 02/15/2020


Writing is considered important because it is a form of communication whereby one can communicate with other people who are in different places at the same or different time. For instance, somebody in two decades from now can use the present writing to get the ideas, information or scenarios of the present time. We also use writing to help us remember something or to summarize some items such as TV shows for instance (Tribble, p.54). Apart from those basic reasons why writing is important, there are other reasons that are applicable in day to day activities even in the life after graduation. Writing helps to build one’s creativity and imagination in a sense that a writer can sound persuasive. Writer uses critical thinking to determine whether they are using credible sources in their writing. Writing therefore helps to choose the relevant topic that can comply with the need of the targeted audience. In the life outside the school, one is able to show their value, maturity and intelligence through writing. For instance, writing can be considered as mature language where an individual can use it to apply for job and request for an aid or assistance (Tribble, p. 45). Through writing one is able to express him/herself in a convincing and persuasive manner. In addition, the world has been invaded by the internet where networking sites, social sites and on-line job sites. These sites require someone who knows to write. For instance, the current and prospective employers will consider what someone has written on the web, if the writing pleases them, and then they can be considered for a job (Tribble, p.55). In conclusion, writing is so important that it helps an individual to develop grammar, work ethic and self-discipline. With the writing skills, one can fit well in the modern society and as well as the internet world.

Tribble, Chris. Writing. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996. Print.


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How to Research and Write a "Why This College?" Essay

Published on September 24, 2021 by Meredith Testa . Revised on June 1, 2023.

As part of the college application process , many colleges ask applicants to include a supplemental essay explaining why they are interested in their school specifically. There’s one absolute must for writing a great answer to this question: do your research .

Admissions officers are looking for applicants to prove that they are knowledgeable and interested in their school in particular. General answers like “I like the location” or “It’s the right size and offers my major” won’t earn you much praise. Admissions officers are far more impressed by students who can take very specific information—the names of certain classes, for example—and connect it to their personal academic interests.

The process of writing a “Why this college?” essay should look something like this:

  • Thoroughly research the college
  • Connect what you’ve learned through your research to yourself
  • Outline and write the essay

Table of contents

How to research a college, plan and write the essay, mistakes to avoid in a “why this college” essay, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about college application essays.

The first step in the process is by far the most important. Research should be concrete and very specific—the College Board’s “At a Glance” pages or the “About” section of the college website won’t have the information you need. Instead, look deeply into the college website to find information that isn’t so obvious.

The information you come up with should only be applicable to one college—if you could replace the name of one school with another and have the essay still make sense, you’re not being specific enough.

Visit the campus

Most students visit colleges they’re considering before they apply, and those visits can be a great source of information. Not only will you learn information on the tour, but you’ll also connect with a current student—the tour guide. Current students can answer questions about campus life, and mentioning your interactions with students in your essay can help strengthen it.

On your tour, keep an eye out for any information, big or small, about what makes the school unique. Ask your tour guide about what on-campus social events they enjoy or what unusual traditions they’ve taken part in.

If you’re an international student or otherwise unable to travel to the campus, check if there are other opportunities to find out more about the campus, such as virtual tours.

Look for courses and professors that interest you

If you have a major in mind, there will almost certainly be a list of requirements for that major somewhere on the website. Many schools also make their course catalog available on their website, which can be an excellent resource for prospective students.

You should also check the names of professors teaching in the department. Professors’ email addresses will usually be listed on these pages, and you can email them with any specific questions about the program that the admissions office can’t answer.

This process can work even if you aren’t sure what you’d like to major in. Look for classes in any fields that pique your interest. Find programs you might be interested in—such as study abroad or internship programs—and dig for detailed information about them.

To answer the “Why Duke?” supplemental essay question, Ariana looks at Duke’s registrar website, which offers a version of the course catalog online, and searches for courses in linguistics. There are plenty of courses that seem perfect for Ariana: “Spanish in the US,” “Neuroscience and Human Language,” and “Bilingualism” are all great fits with her interests.

Researching other activities

In addition to finding information on the academics of your chosen school, you should also research other aspects of the college. Non-academic motivations probably won’t make up the bulk of your essay, but they can be a great addition.

Student organizations are good to mention, and it’s great to connect with students who participate in organizations you’re interested in prior to writing your essay.

If you’re a student athlete, you will likely meet with the coach for your sport before you apply. Feel free to mention that—and what you discussed with them—in your essay.

You can also mention other unique traditions or quirks of the school that appeal to you. For example, Muhlenberg College prides itself on painting all of the doors on campus red as a sign of welcome; mentioning that in your essay could show that you’re invested in the friendly, communal culture of that school.

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Once you’ve completed your research, you’re ready to start the writing process. All the general rules of essay writing still apply—you’ll want, for example, to organize your thoughts with an outline before getting started—but keep in mind that many schools want this essay to be short compared to the personal essay.

In your early notes, be sure to include all the possible reasons the school appeals to you. Write down any information you gathered from your research, campus visit, or conversations with faculty or current students, along with anything else that strikes you as relevant. For example, here’s what Ariana’s list of her reasons for applying to Duke might look like.

  • Combining linguistics and medicine/healthcare
  • Interesting courses: “Neuroscience and Human Language”; “Language, Music, and Dementia”; “Spanish in the US”
  • Campus atmosphere: I overheard students discussing their academic interests throughout the day, even at the dining hall. The student body seems passionate and focused on academics.
  • Conversation with a student during the tour: Discussed my interest in Spanish/bilingualism with a student who happened to be majoring in Spanish.
  • Clubs/activities: Latin American Students Organization and Mi Gente
  • VLearn Program: Duke offers students $70 per semester for lunch with a faculty member

Once your list of campus positives is finished, you can move on to writing an outline in which you organize your thoughts. In the outline, be sure to connect your research to yourself. You can do that by detailing a relevant experience, explaining an academic interest, or connecting the research to your personal life.

I have always been interested in language and how it intersects with neuroscience and medicine. Duke’s “Language, Music, and Dementia” class seems tailor-made for me: it’s the exact type of course I’d like to take and would prepare me for a future career in research or medicine, my two academic passions.

Once you’ve outlined your essay, you can write a draft. The word count for these essays is usually lower. Admissions officers don’t spend much time on each application, so be sure not to exceed the word count.

It’s okay for your answer to be short; successful answers to this question at Tufts, for example, range from just 100 words to 250 words .

For a strong essay, avoid being too general or too emotional, and try not to repeat the same points you’ve already made in other parts of your application.

Speaking in generalities

The most common cause of a bad “ Why this college?” essay is the use of generalities. You may have initially been interested in a school because of its size, ranking, reputation, or location, or the availability of your desired majors, but those aren’t specific enough reasons to include in your essay.

Overusing emotive language

It’s great if you “felt at home” on your college visit, but what does that really mean? You can call a college your “dream school,” but that doesn’t really explain what about it appeals to you.

While it’s fine to discuss the emotional reasons you like a specific college, your essay must include specific, concrete reasons why you want to attend.

Rewriting your personal essay or resume

Admissions officers already have your personal essay and resume right in front of them; you don’t need to reiterate what’s in those, especially if it isn’t relevant to the reasons you’ve given.

Rewriting your accomplishments over and over throughout the application can be annoyingly redundant or, worse, come off as boastful.

However, rewriting your personal essay to make it more readable is highly recommended. You can do this quickly with a paraphrasing tool .

If you want to know more about academic writing , effective communication , or parts of speech , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

Academic writing

  • Writing process
  • Transition words
  • Passive voice
  • Paraphrasing


  • How to end an email
  • Ms, mrs, miss
  • How to start an email
  • I hope this email finds you well
  • Hope you are doing well

 Parts of speech

  • Personal pronouns
  • Conjunctions

Colleges set a “Why this college?” essay because they want to see that you’ve done your research. You must prove that you know what makes the school unique and can connect that to your own personal goals and academic interests.

Campus visits are always helpful, but if you can’t make it in person, the college website will have plenty of information for you to explore. You should look through the course catalog and even reach out to current faculty with any questions about the school.

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Testa, M. (2023, June 01). How to Research and Write a "Why This College?" Essay. Scribbr. Retrieved March 25, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/college-essay/why-this-college/

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