The Most Important CSS Concept to Learn

Emmanuel Ohans

The Cascade is how CSS was designed from the very beginning, and there’s a reason it’s called CSS — Cascading Style Sheets!

Sadly, CSS has a poor reputation for the same fundamental concept upon which it is built.

But what exactly is the Cascade, and is it as bad as most people make it sound?


Let’s say John writes a bunch of CSS, and then gets on the browser to test it. To his surprise, the styles he wrote aren’t applied to the element he just styled, instead some other styles are!

You see that right there? That’s one of the worst things everyone complains about when they say “CSS sucks”.

With CSS, multiple styles can affect a single element. So, you have a paragraph on a web page. But this paragraph may be styled by any CSS block, literally.

It’s like having a global JavaScript variable that can be manipulated by any function within the code. A recipe for disaster, it seems.

But again, the Cascade forms the fundamental reasoning behind how CSS was created in the first place.

Embrace it?

Well, you can’t change it.


What is the Cascade?

The cascade is how the browser determines what styles to apply to a particular element. It’s that simple, and it makes a decent interview question for a front-end developer.

Luckily, the nightmares associated with the cascade can be understood, as it is governed by just two factors:

  • The specificity of the element selectors
  • The order of the styles being written

Let’s have a quick look at those.

Selector Specificity

You can liken selector specificity to how the human mind interprets instructions.

For example, consider the graphic below:


If I said to you, “Pass me the red box.”, which would you pass to me? There’s two of them!

You may ask the follow up question, “Which of the boxes, a or b?” .

Or you may even grab both boxes! Aren’t they both red boxes?

This is the situation the browser finds itself when dealing with specificity.

When you say, style the paragraph a red background color…

Since there could be a lot of paragraph elements on the page, the browser goes, “what paragraph?”

The browser can’t ask you a follow up question, so it goes ahead and attempts to style every paragraph on the page with a red background.

However, if you had gone ahead to say, style the paragraph with a class name of reddy with a red background:

That is a more specific request!

Now, the browser will style the specific paragraph element(s) you have requested.

Technically, the browser takes a look at every selector that targets a specific element and assigns “scores” to each of them, and the one with a higher specificity score wins.

The way it computes the scores is simple.

Assume the browser — while interpreting your CSS — had 4 goal posts.


  • For every inline style that targets an element using the style attribute, 1 goal is assigned to goal post (a) .
  • For every id selector, 1 goal is assigned to post (b) .
  • For every class selector, attribute selector, and pseudo-classes present, 1 goal is assigned to post (c) .
  • For every element selector and pseudo-element, 1 goal is assigned to post (d) .

The way I remember this is by using the acronym, SICAPEP:


Upon assigning points, the total points are calculated by concatenation , as digits in a 4-digit number.

A Quick Specificity Example

Consider the following style declarations:

How would the browser calculate the specificity “points” for these selectors?

#nav .removed > a:ho ver

Here’s the breakdown:

(a) There’s no inline style, so the score for the first goal post is 0.

(b) There’s one id selector, #nav , that’s a score of 1 for the second goal post.

(c ) There’s also one class selector, .removed and one pseudo-class selector, :hover , which sums up to a score of 2 for the third goal post.

(d) There’s one element selector, a , that’s a score of 1 in the fourth post.

Here’s the graphical representation of the scores.


The total specificity score is concatenated as 0121 .

As with regular math, 0001 is smaller than 0005 , and 0121 is greater than 0021 .

Now, you understand how specificity is calculated.

Can you attempt to calculate the specificity for the other selector, li:last-child h3 .title ?

Let me know what you arrive at in the comment section :)

Style Order

The second factor that influences the cascade is the order of styles. A really basic example can be seen with styling the same element in 2 different code blocks.

For example:

Even though both selectors have the same specificity, 0011 , the order of the ruleset comes into play.

The second declaration will overrule the former, and the paragraph will be blue and not red.

Trick Question

Considering the document below, what would be the color of the link text?

Blue or red?

Note that the link is styled both inline, and within the <style>&l t;/style> block.

Oh, if you’re feeling confident, just say the answer loud — to yourself.

But the real answer is, the inline style always wins. The goal is scored in the first post, which beats any goals in any of the other posts.

The final specificity will be in the order of thousands — 1000 — and that beats 9 goals in the second post. 1000 is greater than 0900.

NOTE: As pointed out by Paul McCann in the comment section, the paragraph above is an over simplification. Have a look at what he says .

Hopefully, you’ve now being armed with the solid understanding of how the cascade works. Learning more advanced CSS will now probably come easier, and, more importantly, you now know where to look when you have those pesky bugs.

Catch you later!

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I have created a free CSS guide to get your CSS skills blazing, immediately. Get the free ebook .


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Syllabus wise CSS Preparation

Factbook for CSS

Factbook for CSS Exams: Effective Usage in CSS 2024

Table of Contents


In highly competitive CSS exams, the factbook plays a crucial role in providing reliable and factual information for candidates. They serve as valuable resources that can greatly enhance the quality and credibility of answers in objective and subjective exam sections. In this blog post, we will delve into the concept of a factbook in CSS exams, understand its significance, and explore how to utilize them effectively when answering questions and writing CSS English essays.

Also Read: Best Strategy of Subject Selection for the CSS Exam

Understanding Factbook

A Factbook, in the context of CSS exams, is a comprehensive reference book or manual that contains factual information on a wide range of subjects. They are carefully curated and serve as authoritative sources of data and facts. A Factbook can be sourced from various reliable outlets such as government publications, reference books, academic sources, and official reports. These resources are specifically designed to provide candidates with accurate and relevant information that can be used to support their answers.

Also Read:  Best Books for General Science and Ability CSS

The Role of Factbook in Answering Questions

Factbook plays a vital role in answering questions in CSS exams. They act as a valuable tool for candidates to ensure that their responses are well-informed, precise, and supported by factual evidence. By referring to the factbook, candidates can access reliable data that strengthens the credibility of their answers. Moreover, a factbook provides candidates with specific examples and statistics, which can greatly enhance the quality of their responses, particularly in subjects such as economics, sociology, Pakistan Affairs, and current affairs.

Also Read: Top Resources for Current Affairs in CSS Preparation

Utilizing Factbook for CSS English Essays

When it comes to CSS English essays, the factbook serves as a treasure trove of information for candidates. They provide a wealth of knowledge on various topics, enabling candidates to gather relevant and accurate information to support their arguments and statements. Before embarking on essay writing, candidates should carefully analyze the essay prompt and identify the key aspects that need to be addressed. The Factbook can then be used to extract pertinent facts, figures, and examples that can be seamlessly integrated into the essay’s structure. By incorporating well-researched and verified information from the factbook, candidates can enhance the depth and credibility of their essays.

Also Read:  Best Recommended Books for CSS English Essay Preparation

How to make Own Factbook for CSS

Preparing for CSS exams requires a comprehensive and organized approach to studying. One effective method is to create your own factbook—a personalized compilation of key information and resources.

Why to make a Personal Factbook

To excel in CSS exams, it is crucial to have a solid grasp of the subjects covered in the syllabus. A personal factbook serves as a valuable resource, allowing you to consolidate relevant information in one accessible place. By creating your own factbook, you can customize the content to align with your learning style, focus on weak areas, and enhance comprehension and retention.

Process of Making Own Factbook for CSS Exams

Here is the step-by-step process of making your own factbook for CSS exams. By following these guidelines, you can tailor your study materials to your specific needs, enhance your understanding, and boost your chances of success in the exams.

Step 1: Familiarize Yourself with the CSS Exam Syllabus

Begin by thoroughly understanding the CSS exam syllabus. This will help you identify the key topics and subtopics that need to be covered. Carefully review the official syllabus document and note down the main subject areas to ensure your factbook encompasses all the necessary information.

Step 2: Gather Reliable Study Materials

Building a factbook requires reliable and credible study materials. Look for reputable sources such as textbooks, academic journals, official government publications, and reliable online resources. Ensure that the information you gather is accurate, up-to-date, and relevant to the CSS exam syllabus.

Step 3: Organize Your Factbook

Effective organization is crucial for a functional factbook. Consider creating sections or tabs within your factbook to categorize the different subject areas. You can further divide each section into subtopics to facilitate easy navigation and reference.

  • International
  • Health etc.

Step 4: Summarize and Condense Information

To maximize the utility of your factbook, condense and summarize the gathered information. Focus on the key points, important facts, and relevant examples that will aid your understanding and memorization. Use clear and concise language to make the information easily digestible.

Step 5: Utilize Visual Aids

Visual aids can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your factbook. Include diagrams, charts, graphs, and tables to visually represent complex information and facilitate comprehension. Visual aids also serve as memory triggers and make the factbook more engaging.

Step 6: Regularly Review and Update Your Factbook

Consistent review is essential for retaining the information in your factbook. Set aside dedicated time to review and revise the content regularly. Update your factbook with new information, additional examples, or any revisions to ensure that it remains accurate and up-to-date.

Step 7: Integrate Practice Questions and Past Papers

Incorporate practice questions and past papers into your factbook. Refer to them to reinforce your understanding of key concepts and to apply the information in a practical context. By integrating these resources, you can familiarize yourself with the exam format and develop effective answering strategies.

In CSS exams, the factbook for CSS is an indispensable asset that can significantly contribute to candidates’ success. By understanding the purpose and effective usage of the factbook for CSS, candidates can leverage these resources to provide accurate, well-supported answers and write compelling CSS English essays. Creating your own factbook for CSS exams is a powerful tool that enables personalized and targeted exam preparation. Incorporating the factbook into study routines and exam strategies will not only enhance performance but also deepen knowledge and understanding of various subjects. Embrace the power of factbook and unlock your potential in CSS exams.

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  • Sep 19, 2023

Crafting Strong Thesis Statements for CSS Essays

Updated: Sep 24, 2023

In the world of academic writing and essay composition, a strong thesis statement is like a helpful guide that leads your readers through your work. This is particularly important when writing advanced essays on current global issues, which are often part of exams like the CSS examination. In this blog post, we will explore how to create effective thesis statements for these types of essays, using examples from past CSS essay papers.

facts for css essay

Understanding the CSS Essay Papers

The CSS examination in Pakistan evaluates candidates' knowledge and analytical skills through various subjects, one of which is essay writing. The CSS essay paper is designed to assess your ability to critically analyze contemporary global issues, articulate your thoughts and present well-structured arguments. Understanding the nature of past CSS essay topics can help you prepare for what to expect:

Climate Change and Its Implications : This topic explored the environmental challenges faced by the world and the urgency of addressing climate change.

Globalization and Its Impact : Essays on globalization examined how it has reshaped economies, cultures, and societies worldwide.

Human Rights and Social Justice : Discussions on human rights emphasized the need for global cooperation in promoting justice and equality.

Geopolitical Dynamics in Contemporary World : These essays often focused on issues like regional conflicts, international relations, and the role of major powers.

Crafting an Effective Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is the backbone of your essay. It concisely states the main argument or position you will defend in your essay. Here's how to create a strong thesis statement for essays on contemporary global issues:

Be Specific : Avoid vague statements. Your thesis should provide a clear and specific focus for your essay. Consider what aspect of the issue you will address.

Make It Debatable : A thesis statement should be an assertion that can be debated or challenged. Avoid stating facts; instead, present your perspective on the issue.

Highlight Significance : Explain why your topic matters. Discuss the broader implications of the issue and why it is relevant in the contemporary world.

Consider Complexity : Contemporary global issues are often multifaceted. Your thesis should reflect this complexity by acknowledging different perspectives or dimensions of the problem.

Examples of Strong Thesis Statements

Thesis Statement on Climate Change:: "The urgent need to combat climate change transcends national borders, necessitating global cooperation and innovative solutions to secure a sustainable future for all."

Thesis Statement on Globalization : "While globalization has spurred economic growth and cultural exchange, it also underscores the pressing need to address income inequality and protect cultural diversity on a global scale."

Thesis Statement on Human Rights : "In an interconnected world, safeguarding human rights and promoting social justice is not only a moral imperative but also essential for ensuring global stability and prosperity."

Thesis Statement on Geopolitical Dynamics: "The ever-evolving geopolitical landscape demands a nuanced approach to international relations, rooted in diplomacy, cooperation, and conflict resolution to avert global crises."

Writing advanced essays on contemporary global issues for exams like the CSS requires careful consideration and precision, starting with a well-crafted thesis statement.

By examining past CSS essay topics and practicing the art of constructing effective thesis statements, you can enhance your ability to convey your ideas clearly and persuasively.

Remember that your thesis statement sets the tone for your entire essay, so invest time and effort in perfecting it. Good luck with your CSS examination and essay-writing endeavors!

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Mastering the Art of Essay Writing for the CSS Exam in the Light of FPSC Examiners’ Report

Mastering the art of essay writing for css exam in the light of fpsc examiners’ report.

In the world of competitive examinations, few challenges are as formidable as mastering the art of essay writing for the Central Superior Service (CSS) Exam. As the examiners’ reports suggest, candidates often grapple with common issues such as lack of conceptual clarity, poor language skills, weak argumentation, and improper structure. These hurdles often act as roadblocks to their success. But with targeted strategies and a comprehensive understanding of what the examiners expect, you can excel in this crucial component of the CSS exam. In this article, we will delve into the examiners’ reports, analyze the common pitfalls in essay writing, and provide you with practical tips and tricks to ace your CSS English Essay paper. Whether you are just starting your CSS journey or looking to improve your essay writing skills, this guide is tailored to help you achieve your goals.

Competitive examinations like the Central Superior Service (CSS) exam, conducted by the Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC) in Islamabad, offer ambitious individuals the opportunity to secure elite posts under the federal government. To succeed in such a rigorous test, it is critical to acquire comprehensive expertise in various areas, one of which is English Essay writing.

Unfortunately, performance in this section has been disappointing over the past few years, as many candidates have demonstrated weaknesses and made common mistakes. We shall analyze these issues and offer strategies to improve based on expert opinions and recommendations. Last few years performance of candidates in English Essay papers under CSS Competitive Examination has not been as satisfactory as in other papers. Some of the extracts from the FPSC Examiners’ Reports , highlighting the weaknesses and common mistakes in essay writing, are reproduced below for the general information and guidance of the candidates;

CSS CE-2014: Question paper was set to evaluate the performance of the candidates in terms of their conceptual, linguistic and writing competencies, but common trends observed were lack of conceptual clarity, shallow knowledge of subject, grammatical mistakes, and inappropriate choice of vocabulary and stereotype answers. Majority of the candidates did not follow the norms of confrontational discourse and wrote isolated sentences rather than in cohesive paragraphs. The ability required in CSS is extensive reading, holistic and appreciable performance approach in the subject but majority lacked these characteristics.”

CSS CE-2016 : The performance in English Essay was unsatisfactory. A significant majority failed in the subject. Ideas presented were random. The argument was without any logical reasoning or research based facts. There was neither coherence nor creativity. The candidates were neither able to build an argument from multiple angles nor substantiated it with facts. The outline of Essay was not properly structured. In many answer scripts, aspects mentioned in the outline were not discussed in the Essay.

CSS CE-2017: The standard Essay was examined on footing of argumentation, content, language and intellectual signifier. The quality and level of critical argumentation on the whole was very poor. Most of the candidates were unable to identify the dormant contention in topics. In most papers content were inadequate and irrelevant. Most worrying aspect of Essays was the wrong use of English language. The sentence structure was glaringly flawed. Moreover grammatical and spellings mistakes were rife. The intellectual level of essays was mediocre and candidates were unable to even grasp the topic of the essay.

CSS CE-2018: Candidates were at their best in topics involving critical and subjective approach i.e. in topics like Democracy in Pakistan: Hopes and Hurdles, Rule of Law, Safeguarding Human Rights & Civil Liberties during Fight against Terrorism and Corruption etc. On the other hand, in topics that were of objective nature (Global Warming / CPEC), reliance on crammed knowledge, dull monotony and repetition of stereotypical information was observed. A significant number of the candidates did not have a clear sense of the essentials of a comprehensive essay or the features which differentiate an essay from other forms of writing. Candidates must know about the qualities of a standard Essay and the standard expected by the Commission in the Competitive Exam.

For facilitation and guidance of the CSS aspirants, some highly reputed educationists/examiners were asked to share opinions regarding what is expected of a good essay and what mistakes are to be avoided. Some of the guidelines provided by these experts are reproduced in the next It should be noted that these observations/assertions are views of the individual educationists and not the official prescription of FPSC. It is the sole discretion of the candidate to follow these guidelines. The same cannot be quoted as a set of standard at any forum.

CSS English Essay Paper 2024: Important Topics, Examiner’s Perspective & Essay Writing Techniques

Subject Expert/Examiner – I

  • Proper beginning with a compact and elaborated topic sentence that must reflect the candidates clear understanding of the
  • Correct and flawless
  • Use of appropriate vocabulary
  • Literacy and idiomatic expression
  • Use of relevant terminology if needed
  • Selection of relevant thoughts
  • Logical organization of
  • Coherence in arrangement of material/paragraphs
  • Cohesion in development of argument reaching the conclusion
  • Clarity in language, ideas, debate and
  • Comprehensiveness
  • Logical presentation of the argument
  • Standard sizing as per requirement
  • Avoidance of too much scholarship
  • Through acquaintance with the nature of question i.e topic
  • Quotation, when used, must be well placed and relevant
  • Impressive finish

Subject Expert/Examiner – II

  • A good essay is not supposed to reflect crammed information or bookish knowledge about the topic. It should rather tell us about the writer’s personal feelings or thoughts about it, and his ability to convert these feelings and thoughts into arguments for convincing the
  • It should be self-contained and self-explanatory: not depending on any outside source for its essential
  • Its basic stance should be creative, critical and analytical rather than narrative or
  • It should contain a unified and coherent discussion on a particular topic (strictly in accordance with the wording of the title), with no digression or overshadowing.
  • It should work through establishing the writer’s personal stand about the subject, and substantiating that stand with convincing
  • It should be compact and concise, with no loose constructions or unnecessary attachments.
  • It should have a balanced body, with a beginning, middle and end-each one serving its own distinct
  • It should work as a unit of impression in the sense that the impact of the beginning is still fresh when the reader reaches the
  • It should be a fluent text with natural linkage among parts and paragraphs, with no disjointed or segregated

Subject Expert/Examiner III

  • How to handle an argument or to be argumentative
  • Counter-viewing the argument
  • Avoid superfluity
  • English – figurative and metaphoric
  • How to pitch your bias
  • How to avoid spurious ideas
  • How to show difference between specific and general ideas
  • Paragraph transition (most important)

Subject Expert/Examiner IV

  • Answer the exact inquiry set, instead of displaying data that is comprehensively important to the
  • Have a reasonable contention or point of view, so the examiner knows from the start what the candidate means to state, and can follow the advancement of his/her contention all through the
  • Be critical and analytical clarifying why something is critical, instead of basically depicting what scholars have
  • Provide reasons, in view of sound proof, to help the primary
  • Have good paragraphing: the primary concern of each passage is presented unmistakably, and sections pursue sensibly from one
  • Evaluate alternate point of view: it weighs up the relative worth or importance of various perspectives or speculations, assessing the key contentions and proof for these, and clarifying why one lot of contentions, reasons or proof is more persuading than
  • Refer to speculations and ways of thinking important to the inquiry, showing a comprehension of the criticalness of these to the
  • Include references: where applicable, careful references (names and dates).
  • Be particular: it incorporates only the data and detail that is most applicable to responding to the inquiry, and forgets about less important
  • Be composed unmistakably and to the point, without waffle, reiteration, stupendous speculations, bombastic language, superfluous language, or individual

The Recurring Challenges of CSS English Essay Writing figured out by Examiners

Addressing the repeated challenges that CSS aspirants encounter when writing essays can significantly enhance their performance in the exam. An in-depth analysis of examiner reports over the years has revealed the following major issues & problematic areas. Together, they constitute the top 10 challenges faced by candidates, there are follwing:

  • Lack of Conceptual Clarity: Candidates frequently struggle to grasp the essence and broader implications of essay topics, leading to a superficial treatment of the subject. This often results from inadequate research or shallow understanding of the issue at hand.
  • Poor Language and Vocabulary Skills: Numerous candidates face difficulty in crafting grammatically correct sentences and choosing suitable vocabulary. This problem hampers their ability to convey complex thoughts clearly and compellingly.
  • Weak Argumentation and Analysis: Many essays lack strong, persuasive arguments backed by logical reasoning and research-based facts. A shortage of critical analysis and innovative perspectives on the subject matter is common, reducing the essays’ overall quality and impact.
  • Inadequate Structure and Organization: Candidates often exhibit a lack of understanding of the difference between an essay and other forms of writing. As a result, essays often lack a well-defined structure and flow, reducing clarity and coherence.
  • Insufficient Understanding of Different Perspectives: Candidates sometimes fail to appreciate the multifaceted nature of topics, focusing only on a single perspective. This leads to unbalanced essays that do not explore issues from multiple angles.
  • Overuse of Stereotypical Information: Especially in topics that are objective in nature, candidates tend to fall back on cliched and often repeated facts or viewpoints. Such over-reliance on conventional wisdom can undermine the originality and depth of the essay.
  • Lack of Creativity: Many essays are descriptive rather than analytical or reflective. They fail to demonstrate the writer’s personal viewpoint or innovative ideas, which are key to crafting a compelling narrative.
  • Failure to Develop a Cohesive Narrative: An effective essay should seamlessly transition from one point to another, creating a coherent narrative. Many candidates struggle with this, resulting in essays that seem disjointed and lack cohesion.
  • Inadequate Referencing: A well-referenced essay showcases a breadth of research and a nuanced understanding of the topic. However, many candidates either overlook this aspect or do not do it correctly, weakening their essays’ credibility.
  • Ineffective Conclusion: Often, candidates fail to wrap up their essays effectively. An impactful conclusion is as vital as a strong introduction since it ties together all arguments and provides a resonating final thought. However, this is an area where many candidates fall short.

Each of these challenges can be overcome with dedicated practice, guided learning, and meticulous preparation. By recognizing and addressing these issues, candidates can significantly improve their essay writing skills for the CSS exam.

If you have ever analyzed the English Essay paper for the CSS, you might have read that the Examiner says in the instructions above which states

“ Make sure you use different forms of discourses, e.g.  1 exposition ,  2 argumentation ,  3 description  and  4 narration . Credit will be given for  1 organization ,  2 relevance  and  3 clarity . “

The instructions provided by the examiner refer to the four traditional modes of discourse in writing, which are exposition, argumentation, description, and narration. Each of these modes has a unique purpose and characteristics. Using a combination of these modes can make an essay more engaging and comprehensive. Here’s a breakdown of each mode:

  • Exposition : The purpose of expository writing is to explain, inform, or clarify. It presents a balanced analysis of a topic using facts, statistics, and examples. For instance, if a candidate is writing about “the rise of digital currencies,” they may use exposition to explain what digital currencies are, how they work, and their prevalence in the current economy. This is like giving a simple, clear explanation about something. Imagine your friend has never seen a pineapple before. You would describe it as a fruit with a spiky green top and rough, patterned skin that’s yellow inside and very sweet. That’s an exposition.
  • Argumentation : Argumentative writing presents a claim or a stance and provides evidence to support this position. It is persuasive in nature and requires logical reasoning. For instance, in an essay discussing “ethical consumerism,” a candidate might argue for or against its feasibility, providing relevant evidence and arguments to support their stance. This is when you firmly believe in something and want to convince others about it. For example, you think that video games are not bad for kids. You’d argue that they can help improve hand-eye coordination and problem-solving skills. You would provide evidence, like statements from experts or results from scientific studies, to make your point stronger.
  • Description : Descriptive writing aims to paint a picture using words. It involves detailed observations and descriptions. While typically less prevalent in essay writing, it can be used effectively to illustrate a point. For example, in an essay on “climate diplomacy,” a candidate could use descriptive writing to vividly explain the impacts of climate change in specific regions. This is like painting a picture with words. Let’s say you just went to a fun fair. You might describe the bright lights of the Ferris wheel, the smell of popcorn in the air, the sound of children laughing, and the feel of cotton candy melting in your mouth.
  • Narration : Narrative writing tells a story. It involves characters, a plot, and a distinct narrative voice. In an essay, this could take the form of a brief anecdote or personal experience to provide context or support a point. For instance, in an essay about “the transformation of education in the AI era,” a candidate might include a narrative about their personal experience with online learning. This is telling a story. It could be about an adventure you had, like the time you went camping and saw a shooting star, or it could be a made-up story, like a tale of a brave knight saving a kingdom.

The examiner also emphasizes the importance of organization, relevance, and clarity in the essay:

  • Organization : This refers to the logical and effective structuring of the essay. It involves having a clear introduction, body, and conclusion, and ensuring ideas flow logically from one to another. Just like when you tidy your room and put everything where it belongs, your essay should also be tidy. You should have a clear beginning, middle, and end, and your ideas should be grouped in a logical way.
  • Relevance : This means that everything included in the essay should be pertinent to the topic at hand. Irrelevant information or tangents should be avoided. This means you should stay on topic. If the topic is about dogs, don’t start talking about cats or fish. Stick to the subject of dogs only.
  • Clarity : This refers to the readability and comprehensibility of the essay. Sentences should be clear and concise, and ideas should be expressed in a way that is easy to understand. This means that you should write so others can easily understand. Don’t use very big words or complex sentences. Think about it like explaining the rules of a game to your friend. You want them to understand so you can start playing right away.

Tips for Writing an Effective English Essay for CSS & PMS Exam

Strategies for success in css essay writing.

Drawing from expert opinions, we have compiled a list of strategies that can help you improve your essay writing skills for the CSS exam.

  • Clear Understanding and Conceptual Clarity: Before you begin writing, it’s essential to fully understand your topic. Spend ample time researching and gathering data, arguments, and viewpoints related to your topic. Understanding the nuances of your topic will not only enable you to create a comprehensive outline but also add depth and credibility to your essay.
  • Language Proficiency: Mastering the language is crucial for conveying your ideas effectively. Regular reading can greatly enhance your vocabulary and understanding of grammar. Practice writing daily, focusing on clarity and simplicity. Use an advanced grammar checking tool to identify and correct potential errors in your writing.
  • Strong Argumentation and Critical Analysis: An impressive essay is marked by robust, logical arguments backed by strong evidence. Each claim you make should be supported with appropriate examples or facts. Instead of simply stating ideas, explain them thoroughly and provide an analysis from multiple perspectives.
  • Effective Structure and Organization: Organizing your essay effectively is key to maintaining a logical flow of ideas. Start with an outline and categorize your ideas into introduction, body, and conclusion. Each paragraph should represent a unique idea that supports your main argument. Transition words and phrases can help maintain coherence and guide the reader through your arguments.
  • Relevance and Precision: Keep your writing focused and on-topic. Each sentence should add value to your argument and support your main thesis. Remove any information that doesn’t directly contribute to your argument or explain your viewpoint.
  • Balanced Approach: A balanced essay discusses all relevant perspectives. Don’t hesitate to explore counter-arguments and provide reasons why you agree or disagree with them. This shows the examiner that you have considered all sides of an issue and have a thorough understanding of the topic.
  • Creativity and Originality: Stand out from other candidates by adding a touch of creativity to your essay. Use metaphors, analogies, and original insights to make your essay more engaging. Avoid cliches and strive to present a fresh perspective on the topic.
  • Practice and Feedback: Writing is a skill that improves with practice. Write essays on various topics regularly and seek feedback from teachers or peers. This will help you identify your strengths and areas for improvement. Remember to revise and refine your essay based on the feedback received.
  • Time Management: Efficient time management is crucial during the exam. Allocate specific time slots for understanding the topic, outlining the essay, writing, and reviewing. This ensures that you have adequate time to develop your ideas and review your essay for potential improvements.
  • Review and Polish: Lastly, never underestimate the power of revision. Review your essay thoroughly for coherence, grammatical errors, punctuation mistakes, and content relevance. Ensure that your essay is polished and refined before submission. This will not only enhance the readability of your essay but also leave a positive impression on the examiner.

In conclusion, the ability to excel in essay writing is an essential tool in the arsenal of every CSS aspirant. Navigating the complexities of this task is no small feat; however, the FPSC examiners’ reports illuminate the path to mastering this art. By leveraging these insights and implementing the ten strategic steps outlined above, candidates can significantly elevate their writing prowess. It’s crucial to remember that skillful essay writing isn’t achieved overnight, but rather is the culmination of consistent practice, profound understanding, and methodical structuring of thoughts and arguments. So, let your CSS exam preparation journey commence now. Embrace the learnings from the past, remain dedicated to improving, and relentlessly strive for excellence in essay writing. It is this unwavering commitment to personal growth and mastery that will ultimately steer you toward achieving success in the CSS examination. So start your preparation now and leave no stone unturned in your quest for excellence in CSS English Essay Writing.

Consider linking to these articles:

Copy link My CSS Success Story Copy link English Precis and Composition Solved Paper MCQs CSS 2021 Copy link Competitive Experience, Strategy & Relevant Material By Shaukat Ali (AC Bannu, KP) Copy link Will PM Imran Khan really conduct A Special CSS Exam this year 2020? Copy link CSS English Essay Paper 2024: Important Topics, Examiner’s Perspective & Essay Writing Techniques Copy link Solved 2023 CSS English Essay Paper: Explanation and Outlines Copy link What is CSS Exam? How to handle its pressure and pass it Copy link 15 Best Websites for CSS & PMS Exam Preparation Copy link Political Science OR International Relations? (A Well elaborated Analysis)

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Our Trump reporting upsets some readers, but there aren’t two sides to facts: Letter from the Editor

  • Updated: Apr. 06, 2024, 10:27 a.m. |
  • Published: Mar. 30, 2024, 8:16 a.m.

Trump Biden collage

Some readers complain that we have different standards involving Donald Trump and Joe Biden. (AP Photo, File) AP

  • Chris Quinn, Editor, Plain Dealer

A more-than-occasional arrival in the email these days is a question expressed two ways, one with dripping condescension and the other with courtesy:

Why don’t our opinion platforms treat Donald Trump and other politicians exactly the same way. Some phrase it differently, asking why we demean the former president’s supporters in describing his behavior as monstrous, insurrectionist and authoritarian.

I feel for those who write. They believe in Trump and want their local news source to recognize what they see in him.

The angry writers denounce me for ignoring what they call the Biden family crime syndicate and criminality far beyond that of Trump. They quote news sources of no credibility as proof the mainstream media ignores evidence that Biden, not Trump, is the criminal dictator.

The courteous writers don’t go down that road. They politely ask how we can discount the passions and beliefs of the many people who believe in Trump.

Chris Quinn's recent Letters from the Editor

  • Around the globe and the nation, thousands thank us for telling the truth about Trump: Letter from the Editor
  • Voices of hope. Voices of anxiety. Tears of gratitude. A global response to how we tell the truth about Donald Trump
  • Let’s hang it up on polling. In election after election, they get it wrong: Letter from the Editor

This is a tough column to write, because I don’t want to demean or insult those who write me in good faith. I’ve started it a half dozen times since November but turned to other topics each time because this needle is hard to thread. No matter how I present it, I’ll offend some thoughtful, decent people.

The north star here is truth. We tell the truth, even when it offends some of the people who pay us for information.

The truth is that Donald Trump undermined faith in our elections in his false bid to retain the presidency. He sparked an insurrection intended to overthrow our government and keep himself in power. No president in our history has done worse.

This is not subjective. We all saw it. Plenty of leaders today try to convince the masses we did not see what we saw, but our eyes don’t deceive. (If leaders began a yearslong campaign today to convince us that the Baltimore bridge did not collapse Tuesday morning, would you ever believe them?) Trust your eyes. Trump on Jan. 6 launched the most serious threat to our system of government since the Civil War. You know that. You saw it.

The facts involving Trump are crystal clear, and as news people, we cannot pretend otherwise, as unpopular as that might be with a segment of our readers. There aren’t two sides to facts. People who say the earth is flat don’t get space on our platforms. If that offends them, so be it.

As for those who equate Trump and Joe Biden, that’s false equivalency. Biden has done nothing remotely close to the egregious, anti-American acts of Trump. We can debate the success and mindset of our current president, as we have about most presidents in our lifetimes, but Biden was never a threat to our democracy. Trump is. He is unique among all American presidents for his efforts to keep power at any cost.

Personally, I find it hard to understand how Americans who take pride in our system of government support Trump. All those soldiers who died in World War II were fighting against the kind of regime Trump wants to create on our soil. How do they not see it?

The March 25 edition of the New Yorker magazine offers some insight. It includes a detailed review of a new book about Adolf Hitler, focused on the year 1932. It’s called “Takeover: Hitler’s Final Rise to Power” and is by historian Timothy W. Ryback. It explains how German leaders – including some in the media -- thought they could use Hitler as a means to get power for themselves and were willing to look past his obvious deficiencies to get where they wanted. In tolerating and using Hitler as a means to an end, they helped create the monstrous dictator responsible for millions of deaths.

How are those German leaders different from people in Congress saying the election was stolen or that Jan. 6 was not an insurrection aimed at destroying our government? They know the truth, but they deny it. They see Trump as a means to an end – power for themselves and their “team” – even if it means repeatedly telling lies.

Sadly, many believe the lies. They trust people in authority, without questioning the obvious discrepancies or relying on their own eyes. These are the people who take offense to the truths we tell about Trump. No one in our newsroom gets up in the morning wanting to make a segment of readers feel bad. No one seeks to demean anyone. We understand what a privilege it is to be welcomed into the lives of the millions of people who visit our platforms each month for news, sports and entertainment. But our duty is to the truth.

Our nation does seem to be slipping down the same slide that Germany did in the 1930s. Maybe the collapse of government in the hands of a madman is inevitable, given how the media landscape has been corrupted by partisans, as it was in 1930s Germany.

I hope not.

In our newsroom, we’ll do our part. Much as it offends some who read us, we will continue to tell the truth about Trump.

I’m at mailto:[email protected]

Thanks for reading.

( Note: A follow-up column about the overwhelming international response to this piece can be found here , and a sampling of the responses can be found here .)

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3. problems students are facing at public k-12 schools.

We asked teachers about how students are doing at their school. Overall, many teachers hold negative views about students’ academic performance and behavior.

  • 48% say the academic performance of most students at their school is fair or poor; a third say it’s good and only 17% say it’s excellent or very good.
  • 49% say students’ behavior at their school is fair or poor; 35% say it’s good and 13% rate it as excellent or very good.

Teachers in elementary, middle and high schools give similar answers when asked about students’ academic performance. But when it comes to students’ behavior, elementary and middle school teachers are more likely than high school teachers to say it’s fair or poor (51% and 54%, respectively, vs. 43%).

A horizontal stacked bar chart showing that many teachers hold negative views about students’ academic performance and behavior.

Teachers from high-poverty schools are more likely than those in medium- and low-poverty schools to say the academic performance and behavior of most students at their school are fair or poor.

The differences between high- and low-poverty schools are particularly striking. Most teachers from high-poverty schools say the academic performance (73%) and behavior (64%) of most students at their school are fair or poor. Much smaller shares of teachers from low-poverty schools say the same (27% for academic performance and 37% for behavior).

In turn, teachers from low-poverty schools are far more likely than those from high-poverty schools to say the academic performance and behavior of most students at their school are excellent or very good.

Lasting impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

A horizontal stacked bar chart showing that most teachers say the pandemic has had a lasting negative impact on students’ behavior, academic performance and emotional well-being.

Among those who have been teaching for at least a year, about eight-in-ten teachers say the lasting impact of the pandemic on students’ behavior, academic performance and emotional well-being has been very or somewhat negative. This includes about a third or more saying that the lasting impact has been very negative in each area.

Shares ranging from 11% to 15% of teachers say the pandemic has had no lasting impact on these aspects of students’ lives, or that the impact has been neither positive nor negative. Only about 5% say that the pandemic has had a positive lasting impact on these things.

A smaller majority of teachers (55%) say the pandemic has had a negative impact on the way parents interact with teachers, with 18% saying its lasting impact has been very negative.

These results are mostly consistent across teachers of different grade levels and school poverty levels.

Major problems at school

When we asked teachers about a range of problems that may affect students who attend their school, the following issues top the list:

  • Poverty (53% say this is a major problem at their school)
  • Chronic absenteeism – that is, students missing a substantial number of school days (49%)
  • Anxiety and depression (48%)

One-in-five say bullying is a major problem among students at their school. Smaller shares of teachers point to drug use (14%), school fights (12%), alcohol use (4%) and gangs (3%).

Differences by school level

A bar chart showing that high school teachers more likely to say chronic absenteeism, anxiety and depression are major problems.

Similar shares of teachers across grade levels say poverty is a major problem at their school, but other problems are more common in middle or high schools:

  • 61% of high school teachers say chronic absenteeism is a major problem at their school, compared with 43% of elementary school teachers and 46% of middle school teachers.
  • 69% of high school teachers and 57% of middle school teachers say anxiety and depression are a major problem, compared with 29% of elementary school teachers.
  • 34% of middle school teachers say bullying is a major problem, compared with 13% of elementary school teachers and 21% of high school teachers.

Not surprisingly, drug use, school fights, alcohol use and gangs are more likely to be viewed as major problems by secondary school teachers than by those teaching in elementary schools.

Differences by poverty level

A dot plot showing that majorities of teachers in medium- and high-poverty schools say chronic absenteeism is a major problem.

Teachers’ views on problems students face at their school also vary by school poverty level.

Majorities of teachers in high- and medium-poverty schools say chronic absenteeism is a major problem where they teach (66% and 58%, respectively). A much smaller share of teachers in low-poverty schools say this (34%).

Bullying, school fights and gangs are viewed as major problems by larger shares of teachers in high-poverty schools than in medium- and low-poverty schools.

When it comes to anxiety and depression, a slightly larger share of teachers in low-poverty schools (51%) than in high-poverty schools (44%) say these are a major problem among students where they teach.  

Discipline practices

A pie chart showing that a majority of teachers say discipline practices at their school are mild.

About two-thirds of teachers (66%) say that the current discipline practices at their school are very or somewhat mild – including 27% who say they’re very mild. Only 2% say the discipline practices at their school are very or somewhat harsh, while 31% say they are neither harsh nor mild.

We also asked teachers about the amount of influence different groups have when it comes to determining discipline practices at their school.

  • 67% say teachers themselves don’t have enough influence. Very few (2%) say teachers have too much influence, and 29% say their influence is about right.

A diverging bar chart showing that two-thirds of teachers say they don’t have enough influence over discipline practices at their school.

  • 31% of teachers say school administrators don’t have enough influence, 22% say they have too much, and 45% say their influence is about right.
  • On balance, teachers are more likely to say parents, their state government and the local school board have too much influence rather than not enough influence in determining discipline practices at their school. Still, substantial shares say these groups have about the right amount of influence.

Teachers from low- and medium-poverty schools (46% each) are more likely than those in high-poverty schools (36%) to say parents have too much influence over discipline practices.

In turn, teachers from high-poverty schools (34%) are more likely than those from low- and medium-poverty schools (17% and 18%, respectively) to say that parents don’t have enough influence.

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Table of contents, ‘back to school’ means anytime from late july to after labor day, depending on where in the u.s. you live, among many u.s. children, reading for fun has become less common, federal data shows, most european students learn english in school, for u.s. teens today, summer means more schooling and less leisure time than in the past, about one-in-six u.s. teachers work second jobs – and not just in the summer, most popular.

About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. It is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts .

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Challenges to Democracy in Pakistan | For CSS & PMS Aspirants

Challenges to Democracy in Pakistan | For CSS & PMS Aspirants

  • Rukhsana Khalid
  • January 8, 2021
  • Daily Write-Ups , Featured , Opinions

Written by Rukhsana Khalid

Democracy in the land of pure is in jeopardy. Inheriting it as a political ideology but failing to put it in practice, wholeheartedly, has created problems for its essence and the state.

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It is generally considered that many attempts have been made to weaken democracy since the inception of Pakistan. Military overstepping, for instance, and the misuse of constitutional powers has derailed it. There are several challenges that democracy face now.

One key challenge to democracy in Pakistan is dynastic politics. After the 1970s, it overshadows the political system of Pakistan. Although it is an essential feature, elections do not by themselves produce democracy. Since they have no say in the process; illiterate voters only go to vote along ethnic lines that promise them for food and shelter. Also, before 2018, there were only two dynastic political parties which form the majority in the parliament, thus have played musical chairs so far.

Beyond dynastic politics, excessive interference of non-civilian institutions in government affairs has weakened democracy. Landlords have occupied power corridors since the inception of Pakistan; however, being least educated, they failed to provide a national level civilian political leadership. It Provides loopholes to powerful institutions to take over the government. Thus, blocking the way of democracy.

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Another challenge to democracy is the Islamization of Politics. Islam itself is not a threat to democracy, for it is the people who project their vested interests by giving the public the Lolipop of religion. By doing so, they could gather the support of masses, which help to prolong their rule in power. For it is illiterate, the public falls prey to tactics of politicians that democracy is anti-Islamic. It does not only harm democracy but also hampers the socio-economic growth of the country.

Moreover, the phenomenon of political polarization drags democracy to the brink of failure. It permanently divides society into segments, as they are illiterate, and cannot build a rational opinion, people advocate for their leaders blindly. At upper-level political heads remain busy in leg pulling of each other, leaving no stone unturned to stop the process of healthy debate which is the beauty of democracy, rather than working for the state’s welfare. Giving ideological refuge to their interests, politicians play with sentiments of the public. As a result, it harms national integration and gives rise to populist leaders that mar the smooth working of democracy.

To conclude, throughout the history of Pakistan, although marred by hitches, still, democracy survived. Its longevity can be increased further by taking some appropriate measures. At the societal level, public awareness should be increased to ensure the participation of all in the democratic process. It would also help people build a rational opinion about the performance of its rulers rather than blindly following them. At the upper level, political heads should co-operate with each other to avoid political polarization. It would not only strengthen democracy but also put country on the way of prosperity and stability.

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About the writer:

Miss Rukhsana Khalid is one of the bonafide students of Sir Syed Kazim Ali . – one of the distinguished Grammarian in the world. Under his supervision, she is enrolled in course of Online Creative English Writing and learning Basic to Advanced Grammar. Primarily, she is an engineer and loves to write articles and blogs on various topics- Current Affairs, Pakistan Affairs, International Relations, and Beauty. In case of any query, please reach her at [email protected]

Name of the Student: Miss Rukhsana Khalid Qualifications: B.Sc Chemical Engineering Total Articles/Blogs: 2 English Coach: Sir Syed Kazim Ali Course Taken: Creative English Writing & Article Writing

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The following are the CSS 2022 Pakistan Affairs solved past papers questions. These questions have been evaluated and checked by Pakistan’s top Pakistan Affairs and Current Affairs coaches, who are either lecturers or officers and scored the highest marks in this paper. They include Miss Saba Baloch (CSS-2021), Miss Aimeen Mirza (CSS 2018), Miss Nirmal Hasni (DD NAB), Sir Rameez Ch. (Lecturer & Deputy Director), and Miss Zaineb Azam (the highest scorer – 76). Moreover, these questions have been attempted on the same pattern taught by Sir Syed Kazim Ali to his students who have been scoring the highest marks for years.

CSS 2021 Solved Pakistan Affairs Questions

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A Solar Eclipse Means Big Science

By Katrina Miller April 1, 2024

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Katrina Miller

On April 8, cameras all over North America will make a “megamovie” of the sun’s corona, like this one from the 2017 eclipse. The time lapse will help scientists track the behavior of jets and plumes on the sun’s surface.

There’s more science happening along the path of totality →

An app named SunSketcher will help the public take pictures of the eclipse with their phones.

Scientists will use these images to study deviations in the shape of the solar surface , which will help them understand the sun’s churning behavior below.

The sun right now is approaching peak activity. More than 40 telescope stations along the eclipse’s path will record totality.

By comparing these videos to what was captured in 2017 — when the sun was at a lull — researchers can learn how the sun’s magnetism drives the solar wind, or particles that stream through the solar system.

Students will launch giant balloons equipped with cameras and sensors along the eclipse’s path.

Their measurements may improve weather forecasting , and also produce a bird’s eye view of the moon’s shadow moving across the Earth.

Ham radio operators will send signals to each other across the path of totality to study how the density of electrons in Earth’s upper atmosphere changes .

This can help quantify how space weather produced by the sun disrupts radar communication systems.

(Animation by Dr. Joseph Huba, Syntek Technologies; HamSCI Project, Dr. Nathaniel Frissell, the University of Scranton, NSF and NASA.)

NASA is also studying Earth’s atmosphere, but far from the path of totality.

In Virginia, the agency will launch rockets during the eclipse to measure how local drops in sunlight cause ripple effects hundreds of miles away . The data will clarify how eclipses and other solar events affect satellite communications, including GPS.

Biologists in San Antonio plan to stash recording devices in beehives to study how bees orient themselves using sunlight , and how the insects respond to the sudden atmospheric changes during a total eclipse.

Two researchers in southern Illinois will analyze social media posts to understand tourism patterns in remote towns , including when visitors arrive, where they come from and what they do during their visits.

Results can help bolster infrastructure to support large events in rural areas.

Read more about the eclipse:

The sun flares at the edge of the moon during a total eclipse.

Our Coverage of the Total Solar Eclipse

Dress for the Occasion:  What should you wear for the eclipse? Our fashion critic weighs the options , including an unexpected suggestion from scientists.

Free to View:  Six inmates in upstate New York prisons who sued the state won their lawsuit to view the eclipse , arguing it “is a religious event.” But a statewide prison lockdown during the eclipse will remain in place.

Hearing the Eclipse:  A device called LightSound is being distributed to help the blind and visually impaired experience what they can’t see .

Sky-High Hotel Prices: One Super 8 hotel in the eclipse’s path is charging $949 a night . Its normal rate is $95.

Animal Reactions : Researchers will watch if animals at zoos, homes and farms act strangely  when day quickly turns to night.

A Rare Return:  A total solar eclipse happens twice in the same place every 366 years on average. But people in certain areas will encounter April 8’s eclipse  about seven years after they were near the middle of the path of the “Great American Eclipse.”

 No Power Outages:  When the sky darkens during the eclipse, electricity production in some parts of the country will drop so sharply that it could theoretically leave tens of millions of homes in the dark. In practice, hardly anyone will notice  a sudden loss of energy.



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    The rapid growth of crypto assets raises important questions about their cross-border usage. To gain a better understanding of cross-border Bitcoin flows, we use raw data covering both on-chain (on the Bitcoin blockchain) and off-chain (outside the Bitcoin blockchain) transactions globally. We provide a detailed description of available methodologies and datasets, and discuss the crucial ...

  23. Why Taiwan Was So Prepared for a Powerful Earthquake

    April 4, 2024. Leer en español. When the largest earthquake in Taiwan in half a century struck off its east coast, the buildings in the closest city, Hualien, swayed and rocked. As more than 300 ...

  24. Artificial intelligence: Its Merits and Demerits

    CSS, PMS Essays | Artificial intelligence: Its Merits and Demerits | Best for CSS, PMS Current Affairs, Pakistan Affairs, and Essay Papers. The essay is attempted by Iqra Ali on the given pattern, which Sir Syed Kazim Ali teaches to his students, who have consistently been qualifying their CSS, PMS essays. Sir Syed Kazim Ali has been Pakistan's top English writing and CSS, PMS essay and ...

  25. World Health Day 2024

    World Health Day 2024 is 'My health, my right'. This year's theme was chosen to champion the right of everyone, everywhere to have access to quality health services, education, and information, as well as safe drinking water, clean air, good nutrition, quality housing, decent working and environmental conditions, and freedom from discrimination.

  26. 3. Problems students are facing at public K-12 schools

    Major problems at school. When we asked teachers about a range of problems that may affect students who attend their school, the following issues top the list: Poverty (53% say this is a major problem at their school) Chronic absenteeism - that is, students missing a substantial number of school days (49%) Anxiety and depression (48%) One-in ...

  27. Challenges to Democracy in Pakistan

    Military overstepping, for instance, and the misuse of constitutional powers has derailed it. There are several challenges that democracy face now. One key challenge to democracy in Pakistan is dynastic politics. After the 1970s, it overshadows the political system of Pakistan. Although it is an essential feature, elections do not by themselves ...

  28. April 8 Total Solar Eclipse Means Big Science

    A Solar Eclipse Means Big Science. Katrina Miller Reporting on the eclipse from the Midwest. On April 8, cameras all over North America will make a "megamovie" of the sun's corona, like this ...