236 Brilliant Homelessness Essay Topics & Free Paper Examples

Homelessness is a compound problem that consists of many different aspects and causes, and you want to discuss as many as possible in your essay on homelessness. Check our article to get homelessness essay topics and thesis ideas, research questions, and inspiration from free paper examples!

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Some people encounter obstacles in their lives and end up on the streets while they try to find a new job and improve their livelihood. Others become homeless veterans, resigning to a life without a proper dwelling.

There are also rare people who choose a homeless lifestyle of their own volition due to personal beliefs. Such individuals may be better off than the rest, but they still warrant an inspection. Depending on the category you want to discuss, you will have to select an appropriate homelessness essay thesis.

You should discuss homelessness as a systemic issue that happens to a group of people. You may use individual cases as illustrations for some of your points, but anecdotal evidence is not sufficient for strong statements.

Statistics and scholarly articles are preferable sources, though you may use journalistic pieces to support a theoretical framework. If you do so, make sure that the articles maintain an objective tone and try to remain impartial instead of appealing to feelings.

Poor journalism is possibly even less trustworthy than the unsupervised websites your instructions may have warned you to avoid. Their use would damage the credibility of your essay and, therefore, its impact.

As can be seen from the above, the reasons why people may become homeless are an excellent topic for discussion. You can link the people who are temporarily homeless to the region’s economic performance or similar factors.

Additional research would be necessary to do so, including economic analyses and interviews with homeless people. Nevertheless, the discussion will show your insight and originality in linking different ideas to explain phenomena.

It will also demonstrate your knowledge of various economic and political topics and further your understanding of social factors. You can also use a discussion of the reasons why people may lose their homes as a homelessness essay hook to shift to their current situation.

On its own, homelessness may be viewed in a manner similar to that of unemployment, with some degree of it being unavoidable and necessary to power the real estate industry. However, when people remain without a residence for an extended period, their state becomes an issue and should be explored.

In your homelessness essay topics, you should discuss the reasons why homeless people may be unable to obtain a permanent home. Physical factors such as the inability to obtain a job or the high prices of housing are excellent examples.

Mental issues such as depression and other conditions also warrant discussion. You will be able to obtain a more complete overview of the issue by inspecting its various components.

Here are some additional tips for your essay:

  • The phenomenon of homelessness as it occurs on a societal level has been researched thoroughly. You may voice original ideas, but make sure that they are supported with strong evidence.
  • Try to differentiate between various categories of homeless people. Homogenizing them without considering their differences and attitudes may lead you to make mistaken assessments.
  • Try to consult historical data to identify periods when homelessness rose or fell and associate them with other events. You may discover effective or ineffective policy, economic growth and crises, or other ideas you can use.

Come to IvyPanda for homelessness essay titles and other helpful paper samples!

  • On How to Eradicate Homelessness The truth of the matter is that majority of the homeless are people with dreams, ambitions and desire to succeed. According to the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty, paucity has been the key […]
  • Homelessness and its Solutions This problem is caused by either inability to afford the costs of proper medication or as a result of the congestion within the concentration camps of the homeless.
  • The Causes and Impacts of Homelessness Liberalists argue that homelessness results from the general nature and the poor economic structures and the manner in which finances and resources are distributed in the society.
  • Mumbai Great Problem: Homelessness Problem in Cities From the discussion of the categories of the homeless, it is clear that it can prove to be difficult to define what homelessness truly is.
  • Helping the Homeless in the Community The main task during the two hours is preparing cutlery and to serving the food to the homeless people. We particularly have to focus on the living conditions of the homeless people to highlight the […]
  • Homelessness in the US: Causes and Solutions Due to the income disparity, insufficient accommodations, and racial inequality, the homelessness crisis in the US has been exacerbated. To recommend the most appropriate and effective policies, the causes should be analyzed in detail.
  • Overpopulation and Homelessness in the Modern World According to the United Nations, more than half of the population resides in urban areas, making the problem of homelessness visible: cities cannot keep up with the high demand for housing, resulting in people living […]
  • Homelessness in Vancouver, Canada: Discussing its Causes & Effects The second cause, which is characteristic of the city of Vancouver, is the increase in the number of poor people. Another cause of homelessness in Vancouver, which is diametrically related to low assistance levels, is […]
  • Homelessness Studies and Their Ethical Dimensions It is clear that the individuals were not made aware of the consequences of these experiments. Such research can be made ethical if researchers devote more attention to people’s health during and after the trials’ […]
  • Homelessness in the US The existing policies do not address the problem of homelessness in the US. The constitution was adjusted in 1949 to cater for the needs of the poor in society.
  • Homelessness and Housing in Oneida County and City of Utica This research aims to assess the well-being of the community of Oneida County and the City of Utica, using the data on homelessness rates and housing prices.
  • The Problem of Homeless People in Modern World In 1987, the number of homeless people in Canada was between 100,000 and 250,000 out of a total population of 28 million people. There are several negative impacts of homelessness to the homeless people.
  • Why Is Being Homeless Not a Bad Idea? Another benefit of living on the streets is a chance to be withdrawn from the misery of modern life and technological advancements.
  • Debunking the Myths on Homelessness: Misconceptions About the Social Status and Mental Health The point of concern is that the housing market, particularly in the United States, does not have enough low-cost living space that is affordable to the economical marginals and people with low income.
  • Homelessness as a Major Healthcare Issue As such, relocating the money to provide shelter and improve housing for homeless people would ensure a positive result of spending the budget to care for the homeless.
  • Homelessness: Improving Health Outcomes However, in the 1880s, the public perceptions of homelessness improved following the development of literature that appreciated their courage and willingness to deviate from monotony and oppression associated with industrial work.
  • Health Problems Among Homeless People To sum up, it should be noted that homeless people, one of the most vulnerable groups in society, suffer from numerous health problems.
  • Homelessness in the Context of Middle-Range Theories The purpose of this paper is to discuss the selected vulnerable group and its current health and social issues and then to analyze the application of several middle-range theories to the mentioned issues.
  • Tell Them Who I am, the lives of Homeless Women by Elliot Liebow The writer though reports that it is not the interest of women to be homeless since they have the capacity to work and provide themselves with whatever they want.
  • The Issue of Homelessness in New York City The enormous drop in the number of single-room dwelling units in New York City during the rise of contemporary homelessness was the most crucial single shift in the city’s housing stock.
  • Le Guin’s “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” and Homelessness in the U.S. This paper aims to briefly summarize the plot and the themes of this short story and relate it to the current problem of homelessness in the United States.
  • “Death of a Homeless Man” by Scott Russell Sanders The author stresses that the aim of the story is not simply to inform about the fact or some statistics concerning poverty or alcoholism in the USA.
  • Poverty and Homelessness as a Global Social Problem What makes the task of defining poverty particularly difficult is the discrepancy in the distribution of social capital and, therefore, the resulting differences in the understanding of what constitutes poverty, particularly, where the line should […]
  • Cultural Immersion Project for Homeless Group My practice was relatively positive and in line with the expectations and previously received information about the cultural group, as clients voluntarily underwent training and sought to reduce the level of aggression.
  • Social Work and Homelessness Research Methodology A randomized controlled trial will be conducted to answer the following research question: what is the effectiveness of the Housing First program to street homelessness based on the experiences of both human service professionals and […]
  • Policy Analysis: Homelessness This paper identifies some of the solutions to the problem and analyzes the viability of each solution. It is only through evaluation that policy makers can account for each cent spent in the project.
  • Homelessness: A Huge Social Problem in Canada Lastly, homelessness was chosen as a topic of research because there is very little information about the issue especially in relation to health.
  • Violating Norms: A Day in the Life of a Homeless Person He said it in a concerned manner that when my friend told him what I was up to, he laughed at the humor of it.
  • Homelessness in Australia: Geography of Unhealthy Housing The two primary domains that govern the social welfare needs of this population group are income support and housing assistance; however, there can be limitations in these policies that impact the well-being of homeless Australians.
  • The Rights of the Homeless and the Contradictions of the Law Thus, there is a direct contradiction in this and similar municipal laws to the provision of the Constitution, as the Court of Appeals affirmed.
  • Safe Golf in Sacramento: Solving the Homelessness Problem There are many problems and misunderstandings related to the problem of homelessness in Sacramento, but the Haggin Oaks Golf Complex is probably the most damaged organization in this context.
  • Homelessness Solutions for the Haggin Oaks Golf Complex The point is that there is a homeless encampment behind the organization on Roseville Road, and the behavior and lifestyles of its resident deter golfers and potential guests of the complex from playing at the […]
  • Homelessness in the Veteran Community Such social conditions may consist of bureaucracy, the lack of government investments, class distribution, the lack of ethical considerations within the scope of the legislation, and many others which can deprive the mentioned population of […]
  • Nature and Importance of a Center for Homeless People The organizations offer community members an opportunity to give back to the community, and they will always be appreciated due to the fact that needy and homeless individuals will exist endlessly in the world.
  • Understanding the Causes of Homelessness Poverty, in this case, was defined as the inability of a person to afford essential commodities such as food, shelter, and clothing. In this case, although alcoholism and drug use contributed to homelessness, the precedent […]
  • Homeless People and Their Key Challenges Therefore, I continue to view homeless people as those deserving of equal compassion and sympathy as those having a home. Since I view homeless people as fellow human beings first, I continue to promote the […]
  • Homeless as At-Risk Population Based on the statistics from the National Alliance to End Homelessness, about 580466 people were “experiencing homelessness on our streets and in shelters in America” as of 2020.
  • Organization’s Mission to End Homelessness The rate of homelessness has been steadily increasing over the last decade in the U.S.due to foreclosures and unprecedented recessionary cycles.
  • Poverty and Homelessness in American Society It is connected with social segregation, stigmatization, and the inability of the person to improve their conditions of life. The problem of affordable housing and poverty among older adults is another problem that leads to […]
  • Homeless Populations in the United States For example, power is the ability to affect and manage external resources related to human behaviors and decisions that contribute to social movements and community change.
  • Providing Medical Care to Homeless People During the COVID-19 Pandemic The first barrier affecting the provision of medical care to the homeless is social. The first possible socio-economic support for changes may be the opening of a department in each hospital to work with the […]
  • The Homelessness Issue in Canada The amount of Canadians who are homeless on any nightly basis in Canada is believed to be at least 35,000 people.even though the average duration of stay in emergency housing is about 50 days, more […]
  • Drug Abuse Among Homeless Young Adults in New Jersey The reason why young adults in New Jersey get involved in drugs and alcohol after becoming homeless is to manage their situations in an attempt to attain the tentative pleasure of life despite their problems. […]
  • Promoting Wellbeing in Homeless People: Group Fitness Intervention The authors of this article conducted the study to give insight into the importance of considering homeless people in the society they belong. The importance of the study was to encourage people to have inclusivity […]
  • Homelessness in the US: Effectiveness of Intervention The issue of properly maintaining a home was addressed as the client learned how to adapt to a home by himself.
  • Issue of Youth Homelessness in Canada The third and fourth factors, the lack of education and unemployment, are interconnected, resulting in inconsistent and low income and the inability to afford proper housing.
  • Homeless People and COVID-19: Maricopa Country Moved Homeless People In other words, it is necessary to increase the level of social assistance to the homeless, increasing the availability of housing and social benefits.
  • The Health Care Delivery System for Homeless States are currently working to enhance the delivery of health services to the homeless via different shelters, abandon buildings, programs, and so on.
  • Homelessness: Its Causes, Effects, and Prevention In this article, the professors collaborate in addressing the issue of homelessness and its impact on public health. In this article, the authors focus on the effects of homelessness on economies and public health.
  • Giving Money to the Homeless: Is It Important? The question of whether a person should give money to a homeless person or not is a complicated one and cannot have the right answer.
  • Vancouver Homeless Problem and Solutions It does not address the main source of the problem the financial struggles of homeless people and their inability to pay the rent.
  • The National Intensive Case Management Program for Homeless Veterans: Critique The program is assessed using the four principles of community psychology, which include problems addressed, values reflected in the program approach and methods, conceptual foundation of the program, and action and research tools.
  • Individual-Level Predictors for Becoming Homeless and Exiting Homelessness The research will enhance my skills into pertinence in analysis surrounding the identification of homelessness. Ways and methods that enable the analysis of a population cohort with defined characteristics to the aspect issues that impact […]
  • “Homelessness, Housing Insecurity and Social Exclusion” in Asian Regions The article Homelessness, housing insecurity and social exclusion in China, Hong Kong, and Japan, written by Kennett and Mizuuchi, examines the issue of homelessness in Asian regions, emphasizing housing insecurity in Hong Kong.
  • Homelessness in Canada: Reflective Analysis This analysis is intended to be an academic reflection and to cover issues related to the clarification of the topic, personal experiences, and the connection of the problem to global citizenship.
  • “Homelessness Monologue”: A Fictional Story He is also white, and his appearance is disheveled: the face appears dirty and tired and has bruises; the clothes are torn, and the shoes can barely protect the feet. The partition in the middle […]
  • Homelessness in Northern California The residents of Northern California faced frustration and anxiety, raising health and safety fears and causing multiple debates about poverty and discrimination in one of the wealthiest states of the country.
  • Homelessness in Los Angeles County, California Hence, the purpose of this research is to explore the background of the homelessness issue in Los Angeles County, California, and provide a specific health education program for the identified vulnerable population.
  • Poverty and Homelessness as Social Problem The qualifications will include a recommendation from the community to ensure that the person is open to help and willing to be involved in the neighborhood of Non-Return.
  • Single, Low-Income, or Homeless Mothers’ Health and Parenting Problems To promote their wellbeing, health professionals may support homeless mothers in practices such as the use of strengths-anchored nursing, supporting ideas of good parenting, overcoming stigma, and discovering and eliminating the unsurmountable hindrances encountered within […]
  • Community Meeting on Homelessness in the US The purpose of the public deliberations was to help the City Council make more informed decisions about how homeless encampments should be serviced and managed in the future. Power and influence are some of the […]
  • The Issue of Homeless Veterans I learned a lot in the framework of the issue of homeless veterans. Among the primary problems, there is the absence of programs for the rapid adaptation of servicemen to a peaceful life.
  • Navigating the System For Families Experiencing Homelessness As a social phenomenon, it is caused by a complex of social, economic, civil, and cultural conflicts, as a result of which a part of the population is deprived of living conditions, which are recognized […]
  • The Problem of Homelessness in Society Societies begin to realize that the growth of homelessness is partly their fault, and it is also their responsibility not to let this issue get worse.
  • Health Care for the Homeless According to Gent, people tend to dehumanize the people they see on the streets and respond to them as they would to objects, attempting to view them neutrally and seeing their need for help as […]
  • The Problem of Homeless Youths With HIV-AIDS Studies carried out in the city of New York in 2008 showed that 21 percent of homeless youth males and 24 percent of homeless female youths had “more than 100 lifetime partners”. 5 percent of […]
  • The Problem of Homeless People in St. Petersburg The problem under consideration concerns the number of homeless people living on the streets of the second-largest city in Russia. The intended results of the project’s activities are to increase the awareness of the residents […]
  • Regulating Society: Criminalising Homelessness Intolerance of homelessness and homeless people by cities, law enforcement agencies, and the public accounts for such violent crimes against homeless people.
  • Vulnerable Population: Homelessness In such a way, they will be more prepared to come up with quality personalized approaches to health care for this vulnerable population’s representatives.
  • Drug Addiction Problem Among Homeless People There is a need to fill the data gap regarding the issues of magnitude, location, period, severity, and changeability of the SUD in the Skid Row community.
  • Shelter and Public Welfare Resources for the Homeless One of the issues the campaign is currently facing is the lack of information about the problem, the current government programs, their strengths and weaknesses, and the input that general citizens can make for the […]
  • Chronic Homelessness: Definition and Addressing the Issue The problem was first reported in the 1850s though it became a national problem in the 1870s shortly after the Civil War.
  • Responding to Natural Disasters Considering Homeless Individuals In particular, I would ask them to pay attention to how culturally appropriate it is to put homeless people of different genders together to be compliant with Standard 11, which requires service providers to be […]
  • Housing Interventions for Homelessness The interventions studied were TH and RRH with ES serving as a reference point or control, and the time length is manifested in the analysis, which assesses the general likelihood of a household returning to […]
  • Homelessness: Social and Economic Problems It is these and other factors that contribute to homelessness, a condition that is seldom a choice for people who must live outside the comfort and security of a home environment.
  • Homeless Shelter Health Care Services The search for articles was based primarily on the issues they addressed: they all concern the issue of health care for homeless people and try to single out the most optimal models of it.
  • About the California Homeless The population of concerns is homeless youth under age 18 who seek shelter in the community of San Diego, California.
  • Homelessness and Education in the USA Every child, homeless or not, has the right to a public school education that is equal to the standards of achievement that are available for all youths and children.
  • Community Service Experience: Homeless Shelter The shelter also organizes outreach and humanitarian work during the day to ensure that homeless people in the community know about the shelter and the services it provides.
  • Understanding of the Homeless Population The state of focus is Georgia and the County of Fulton. 2 percent of homeless individuals had severe cases of mental illnesses Nearly 34.
  • Decision-Making in Business: Help Our Homeless Offspring The decision remains with the financial controller of the donor-corporation who is tasked with advising its organisation on whether to grant the funding.
  • Homeless Persons as Vulnerable Population in the US The nature of homelessness and its link to the resources available, the status of health and related risks can be of great significant to nurses.
  • Aggregate Homeless in Fulton County, Georgia The individuals who are homeless constituted 52% of the total homeless people in Fulton. The decrease in the numbers of the homeless was by 21 people.
  • Mental Health & Incidences of Homelessness in Australia In Australia, as is the case in other countries across the world, it is generally assumed that most homeless individuals are faced with mental health challenges and that mental illness is a principal cause of […]
  • Homeless Women and Healthcare: Access to Health Care, Medication, and Health Facilities Farmer suggested that the utter disregard to the plight of the marginalized who are most vulnerable in all aspects of social benefits is the “pathologies of power” that are symptoms and signs of structural inequality.
  • Homeless Families Analysis One of the highlights of the existing studies is the idea of a “hunger-obesity paradox” determined by the body mass indicator of homeless adults and the rest of the people.
  • A Need for an Effective Homelessness Policy in Florida 3 million disparity in the number of units available for rent and the number of households exacerbated the problem of homelessness in the country.
  • The Problem of Homelessness in Australia: Social, Political, and Political Dynamics The involvement and collaboration of all key partners and stakeholders will make it possible for the country to overcome this problem.
  • The Impact of Homelessness in California: Economic and Other Reasons The crisis intensified after the recession of 2008 when prices soared up, and now hundreds of thousands of people live in their tents or vehicles in LA, San Francisco, and other cities.
  • Kids and Youth Homelessness: Facts and Statistics in the United States There have been numerous government interventions in the form of policies since the times of the Great Depression, but the number of homeless children and teenagers has only increased.
  • Self-Efficacy and Smoking Urges in Homeless Individuals Pinsker et al.point out that the levels of self-efficacy and the severity of smoking urges change significantly during the smoking cessation treatment.
  • Political Issue of Homelessness: Finding Solutions Despite the undoubted successes of the Trump administration in the economic sphere – it appeared possible to significantly reduce unemployment and overcome the mortgage crisis – the number of homeless people is constantly growing.
  • The Issue of Homeless People in Los Angeles A reliable organization that provides statistics on the problem and aims to overcome it is the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, or LAHSA. The latter makes it difficult to find a well-paid job and get […]
  • Christian Ethics: Homelessness in Atlanta According to it, it is a norm for all people to have an appropriate home where they can be safe. There is no legislation that can make others provide a vulnerable population with home, but […]
  • Urban Planning Optimization and Homelessness Therefore, the urban planning should be revised regarding those private providers’ interests: the risk of failure for future city development would strongly increase in the areas of possible economic concern.
  • Optimizing Urban Planning to Address Homelessness Researchers use sensitivity analysis to assess the contribution of single preference parameters to the uncertainty of the ranking of alternatives. In the same manner, authorities can create a database consisting of all the shelters for […]
  • The York Region Alliance to End Homelessness The following are the objectives of the organization; To ensure that there is safe storage of furniture and other properties that belong to persons living in temporary shelters and those properties that have been donated […]
  • Media’s Role in Framing Homelessness Apart from this whatever the weakness or merits of the commission’s plan are, there also exists a great and a huge gap between the policy’s level and the ways for an ordinary citizens in order […]
  • The Hidden Homelessness in the City of Los Angeles Private organizations as well as volunteer groups have come to the rescue of homeless Skid Row’s residents, offering them shelter and other necessities.
  • The Problem of Homeless People Is a Social The subject of homelessness allows me to understand that stable employment and control of financial accounts are the main things in the life of every person.
  • Health Implications of Homelessness: Experiences and Emotional Feelings This study considers the aspect of health implications in homelessness through the essay written by a noted writer, Lars Eighner, through his various essay, significant among them being called ‘On dumpster diving.’ In this article […]
  • The Homelessness Problem in the US: Issue Review A report dubbed “The changing character of homelessness in the United States” identifies a new breed of homeless in the US. According to them this was a contributing factor to the rising level of the […]
  • The Problem of Homelessness in Metropolitan Areas In this sense, the authors identify four types of causes, which might appear one after another in a cycle: the underlying causes; the direct causes or catalysts which result in the loss of a home […]
  • Homeless Students Problem in USA This essay discusses the causes and consequences of homelessness in the nation and a solution to decrease the problems faced by the homeless youngsters.
  • The Problem of Homelessness: Media View It understands the role of the media in problem construction and the definition of the weight the matter carries to the public.
  • Homelessness as a Cause of Concern Around the World Shortage and high cost of housing and the increasing cost of health care are becoming the main reasons for homelessness amongst people in most parts of the developed world. In the absence of houses to […]
  • Volunteer Group Event for Homeless Children Such children will be the pillars of the future generation and hence it becomes a duty for each of us to contribute in making the lives of deprived children better.
  • The Problem of Homelessness It should be pointed out that status of homeless people in the society varies from one country to another: in the United States, Western Europe or Australia, they have better opportunities of deriving support of […]
  • Homeless Youths and Health Care Needs From such a perspective therefore, it is the intention of this research study to explore the issue of the challenges that are faced by the homeless youths in Cardiff, in the United Kingdom, as regards […]
  • The Problem of Homelessness in the US That is why every government tries to provide the strategies for homelessness to help people to deal with the problem, but not all of them are successful.
  • Problem of Homeless People in New York New York City, the city that never sleeps, and one of the most populous places on the earth, has been facing the huge task of providing homes to its citizens.
  • The Homeless in Our Community The estimated half a million children that, at any one time, is homeless in America and their mothers represent the “fastest growing segment of the homeless population”.
  • New York’s Homeless Children and Foster Care System Foster homes have to also face the challenge of developing the mentalities of the children are their clients, and care should be provided on that basis.
  • Amicus Curiae: Defending the Rights of the Homeless Laws by the government that the poor should not be homeless and that those who are homeless should not be permitted to sit or roam around the sidewalks of the US cities are not fair.
  • Evaluating the Self-Esteem of the Homeless The mission statement of the program indicates the central role played by the agency to the welfare of the society.”The Doe Fund’s mission is to develop and implement cost-effective, holistic programs that meet the needs […]
  • Homeless Problem in the US In contrast to independent media, the task of mainstream media is to impress the audience and impress them by ‘current news’ and reports.
  • Mental Healthcare Quality and Homelessness Levels According to the World Health Organization, “Health is a state of complete mental, physical and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.
  • Medical Care for Homeless Drug Users Homeless injection-drug abusers are a medically vulnerable group predisposed to high morbidity and limited access to high-quality care compared to non-drug users.
  • Transitional Living Program Design for Homeless Adolescents The Homeless Trust organizes and directs the Miami-Dade County Homeless Plan, which is a central document of the county that regulates the government policy that addresses the issues of the homeless.
  • The Issue of Homelessness in Modern World The problem is viewed from various perspectives by different authors, and many conclusions are valuable in terms of drawing attention to the issue.
  • Human Services and Needs Assessment of Homeless In the case study by Giffords, Alonso, and Bell, the purpose of gathering needs information is to assess and record the level of individual adolescents’ skills. A needs assessment is crucial for identifying the goals […]
  • Homeless Population’s Needs and Human Services In short, the needs of homeless people are diverse and complex. In other words, rather than providing people with their everyday needs, the programs should aim at teaching the homeless about ways to overcome their […]
  • Human Services: Transition for Homeless Adolescents The purpose of the program evaluation was to determine the effectiveness of the provided services and identify the barriers to the successful implementation of the program.
  • Housing Families Inc. Addressing Homelessness The organization’s mission is to eliminate family homelessness with the help of providing a safe shelter and high-quality services for homeless families in need in Massachusetts.
  • The US Government and Homes for Homeless People The situation with homeless people differs from one state to another, but common features of the issue and the ways the local authorities choose to deal with homelessness are similar.
  • Social Work in the Military With Homeless Veterans The purpose of this statement is to immediately provide the patient with emotional support and encouragement while establishing initial rapport at the same time.
  • Social Work and Homelessness in the United States The new study will analyze how different programs such as the Housing First have managed to minimize the impacts of homelessness.
  • Affordable Housing Policy for American Homeless I have recently heard a politician saying that the government should offer more affordable housing to low-income housing. You may be right to some degree, but the task of government is to help those citizens […]
  • The Real Needs of Homeless Youth in the United States Another threat for the homeless youth is sex trafficking the occurrence of which was documented in all the states of the USA.
  • Anti-Homelessness Program’s Cost Benefit Analysis For the first program, the major benefit is the reduction of homelessness among adolescents and young adults as one of the most serious current social problems.
  • Social Justice Group Work for Homeless Young Mothers The group discussed in the article was started for the purpose of assisting residents address the problem of homelessness especially in aspects of parenting and during pregnancy periods.
  • Mental Illness and Homelessness in the United States Hence, there is a need to establish elaborate policies for addressing the problem of mental illness among homeless people in all regions in the US.
  • The Needs of Students Experiencing Homelessness Thus, counselors will have a possibility to identify common patterns in the target learners’ behaviors and design the interventions that will help manage the emotional and psychological concerns of homeless students. It is crucial that […]
  • A Look at Homelessness in Chicago When speaking about this problem in the context of the American city of Chicago, Illinois, it is worth noting that here, the level of homelessness is quite high.
  • Crowdfunding Project to Help Homeless People To assess the marketability of the proposed project, it is important to answer the question, “Why is the project important?” Providing free haircuts and showers to homeless people proved to be a beneficial activity.
  • Homelessness Among Students in the United States The number of homeless students is increasing due to rising costs of living and the lack of programs aimed at assisting this vulnerable population.
  • Aboriginal Homelessness in Vancouver One of the examples of institutionalized discrimination is the existence of the Indian Act, first established to define the “Indian Status” and control the identity of Indigenous people.
  • Homelessness in the US as a Solvable Problem The problem is believed to be caused by a wide range of social issues that have affected the country for the past centuries.
  • American Homelessness, Its Causes and Solutions The United States of America has a fair share of the homeless. In the absence of poverty, the population would afford decent housing and avoid residing on the streets.
  • Los Angeles: Housing, Homelessness, Drugs, Crimes For example, it is evident that Los Angeles has a number of gangs and groups living in the neighborhood. In this regard, agents recorded a significant decrease in the sale of houses in Los Angeles.
  • Homelessness in “Light in August” and “Wise Blood” The concept of home is commonly regarded in relation to the process of formation of individual identity, and, in almost every culture, the definition of a home serves as an indicator of a person’s wholeness […]
  • The Self-Care Habits and Patterns in Homeless Individuals This paper focuses on the collection and analysis of data in the study by Rew that targeted the self-care behaviors of homeless youth.
  • Mentally Ill Homeless People: Stereotypes Therefore, it is interesting from the research point of view to analyze the stereotypes about the homeless with chronic mental conditions.
  • Homelessness and School Readiness Evaluation Rog expected to define and underline the necessities of homeless families and their mechanisms of coping with the situation, review the correlation between homelessness in families, child and domestic abuse, and incidents of rape, and […]
  • Mayor Schell’s Homeless Policy Reengineering The paper will also highlight the steps taken by Mayor Schell to redesign the program in order to fit the fresh goals.
  • Issue of Homelessness in America Currently the numbers of homeless families have significantly increased compared with the number in 1980s and earlier. However, the numbers of homeless individuals and families have considerably augmented by over thirty percent in the last […]
  • The Homeless Population Reducing The number of homeless Americans is increasing and these people, in the vast majority of cases, are also suffering from numerous diseases including HIV/AIDS, drug and alcohol abuse, various mental disorders and so on.
  • Homelessness as a Social Issue Research further indicates that the group is at a high risk of suffering from addiction in an effort to contain stress and ignominy associated with homelessness.
  • Homeless Veterans Causes and Effects The inability of the Department of Veterans Affairs to fast track compensation and funding for disabled veterans is linked to homelessness among many veterans.
  • Christian Duty to Care for Homeless People While Catholic Social Teachings call for the people in the society to promote equality, the poor people in the society are seen as a nuisance to the financially liberated members of the society.
  • Catholic Dealing With Poverty and Homelessness The idea of “common good” will support many people in the world. The practice will support many people in the world.
  • Homelessness in Phoenix Arizona State People have different views regarding the help rendered to the homeless people, and indeed, there are those who feel that Arizona State should pay no attention to the homeless people.
  • Public Administration: Homeless in Phoenix Various models have been adopted to eradicate the problem, but the general formula to control the issue has been through the exclusion of the homeless from the main city as lepers into the territorial confinement […]
  • Minority Population at Risk: Homelessness For example, in improving the conditions of the homeless, employers should review the employment requirements and level of competencies in order to absorb the unemployed homeless.
  • Homelessness in Canadian Society As a result, the demand for housing has surpassed the supply because of changes in government policies and efforts to address the issue of homelessness.
  • Counting Homeless People in Seattle This research paper explores the possibilities of solving the problem of homeless and street families through counting them and presenting the best alternatives and suggestions on how this exercise should be done.
  • Cultural Immersion of Homeless Veterans Veterans value their country and therefore the Department of Veterans Affairs should make an effort to ensure that the lives of all veterans are improved.
  • An Action Plan for Settling Homeless People in Seattle The problem of homelessness in Seattle is worsened by the lack of affordable housing units for the poor citizens in the city.
  • Homelessness Problem in the Kenora District With regard to the focus group, it is necessary to highlight the reasons for the increased number of homeless individuals, analyze the consequences of the problem for social welfare of the town, and provide new […]
  • Crimes, Homelessness, Mental Disorders However, several problems in the Australian society have become a serious cause for concern, specifically because these problems have a direct impact on the future of the young people and consequently the future of Australia.
  • Approaching Homelessness in America
  • Disparities in health outcomes in homeless people
  • Public Policy: Homelessness
  • Ending Chronic Homelessness in the United Kingdom
  • Herts Young Homeless Group Marketing Strategy
  • Poverty, Homelessness and Discrimination in Australia: The Case of the Aboriginal
  • More Homeless than Athletes in 2010 by Paulsen
  • The Canadian Government should Offer Additional Support for Homeless People
  • Public Administration in America: Grants to Help Homeless
  • The Concept of Community Development to the Homeless Youths in Australia
  • Homelessness as the Social Phenomenon
  • Volunteering for Horizon House: Homeless Neighbours’ Motivation to Find Jobs
  • Homelessness and Schizophrenia
  • The Effects of Homelessness in Ohio
  • The Problem of Homeless Veterans in US
  • Homeless Veterans in the United States
  • Homelessness in the United States
  • Homeless Rights in US
  • Climate Shift Could Leave Some Marine Species Homeless
  • Homelessness as a Global Social Issue
  • Homelessness as the Scourge of the Modern Society: The Causes, the Outcomes and the Means to Eliminate It
  • Combating Homelessness With Affordable Housing
  • Culture and Individual Development of Homelessness
  • The Impact of the American Economic System on Homelessness
  • Homelessness, Mental Illness, and Social Intervention
  • The Federal Strategic Plan For Prevent and End Homelessness
  • Homelessness and Other Issues Caused by the Mergers and Advancement of Companies in the United States
  • Overview Homelessness and the Lawson Panhandling in America
  • Family Homelessness and Its Effects on Children
  • The Link Between Mental Illness and Homelessness
  • Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Lifetime Prevalence of Homelessness in the United States
  • Analysis Homelessness Postmodernist and Feminist Perspective
  • Homelessness and Substance Abuse
  • Analysis Homelessness and the Effect It Has on Social Health
  • Homelessness and Domestic Violence Awareness
  • Child Abuse and Neglect, Homelessness, and Marital Problems
  • Homelessness Among Formerly Incarcerated African American Men: Contributors and Consequences
  • Overview City Life, Homelessness, Race, and Sociology
  • Homelessness: Rates, Causes, Conflicts and Solutions
  • General Information Abouthomelessness Among Those With Mental Illness
  • Dealing With the Problem of Homelessness in the United States
  • Features the Homelessness Among Youth in Canada
  • Helping People With a Chronic Homelessness Problem
  • Analysis Homelessness Amongst Marginalized LGBTQ Youth
  • Homelessness, Property Rights and Institutional Logics
  • Domestic Violence and Homelessness Among Women
  • Why Has Homelessness Gained Worldwide Attention?
  • Homelessness Is an Epidemic That Affects Everyone?
  • What Are the Ways To Prevent Youth Homelessness?
  • How Is Homelessness in Connecticut Fought With Supportive Housing?
  • What Are the Consequences of Homelessness for Women?
  • How Does Social Inequality Contribute to Homelessness in the United States?
  • Can Symbolic Interactionism Help With Homelessness?
  • How Aware of Homelessness and Domestic Violence in European Countries?
  • What Are the Main Causes and Consequences of Homelessness?
  • How Can People Help Solve the Problem of Homelessness?
  • What Are the Social Justice Challenges for the Homeless?
  • How Does New York Fight Homelessness?
  • What Are the Problems and Consequences of Homelessness in New York?
  • How Does Homelessness Affect Society?
  • What Causes Homelessness Across America?
  • How Can You Avoid Homelessness Using Rent Control?
  • Why Is Domestic Violence Seen as a Cause of Homelessness Among Women?
  • Does Public Housing Reduce Homelessness?
  • What Are the Social Issues of the Size of Homelessness in Savannah, Georgia?
  • How Does Homelessness Affect Children?
  • What Are the Problems of Homelessness in America and Their Future Solutions?
  • Homelessness and Why You Should Think Twice Before Aiding the Homeless?
  • Why Are There So Many Homeless American Veterans?
  • What Is Canada’s Homelessness Policy?
  • How Do Denver Area Fight Homelessness?
  • What Is the Relationship of Homelessness, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse?
  • What Are the Reasons for Youth Homelessness?
  • How Do You Fight Homelessness With Shelters?
  • What Are the Problems and Consequences of Homelessness?
  • How To Help Homelessness With Permanent Assisted Housing?
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"236 Brilliant Homelessness Essay Topics & Free Paper Examples." IvyPanda , 29 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/homelessness-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '236 Brilliant Homelessness Essay Topics & Free Paper Examples'. 29 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "236 Brilliant Homelessness Essay Topics & Free Paper Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/homelessness-essay-examples/.

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IvyPanda . "236 Brilliant Homelessness Essay Topics & Free Paper Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/homelessness-essay-examples/.

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150 Research Questions Homelessness Essay Topics & More

Welcome to our list of research questions about homelessness! On this page, you will find qualitative and quantitative homelessness essay topics, thesis ideas, and title options. Check them out below!

🔝 Top 7 Research Questions about Homelessness

🏆 best homelessness essay topics, 👍 good homelessness research topics & essay examples, 🎓 most interesting homelessness titles for research, 💡 simple homelessness essay ideas, ❓ homelessness research questions.

  • Homelessness: Causes and Solutions
  • The Problem of Homelessness: Sociological Perspectives
  • Homelessness and Poverty in Developed and Developing Countries
  • Poverty and Homelessness in Jackson, Mississippi
  • The Problem of Homelessness in Canada
  • The Homelessness Issue in the World
  • Homelessness Crisis in Canada
  • Homelessness in the New York City It’s necessary to look at the problem from different angles and come up with different ways to reduce the rate of homelessness in New York.
  • Christopher Gardner’s Rise from Homelessness The essay demonstrates the rise of Gardner from homelessness to richness using various psychological theories.
  • Poverty and Homelessness in Canada Poverty and homelessness figure prominently in government policies and the aims of many social service organizations even in a country like Canada.
  • Arguments on Homelessness in California This paper analyzes the argument about the homelessness issue and states that the lack of access to permanent places of residence is specifically problematic in California.
  • Homelessness and Housing-Levels of Policy Impact on Services User The correlated causes of housing insecurity include discrimination, physical, financial, behavioral, and mental challenges, and the lack of appropriate and affordable housing.
  • The City of Atlanta, Georgia: Poverty and Homelessness This project goal is to address several issues in the community of the City of Atlanta. Georgia. The primary concern is the high rate of poverty and homelessness in the city.
  • Homelessness in San Bernardino Homelessness is a crucial problem not only in San Bernardino but in the whole of Southern California and the situation is generally worsening.
  • Public Health and Health Policy: Newham’s Cases of Homelessness Newham’s cases of homelessness may be on the rise as the report indicated. The problem affects people of all ages in the borough who experience several and unique health problems.
  • Addressing Homelessness Issue: Current Policies This discussion identifies the latest policies intended to address the social issue of homeless Americans.
  • Homelessness in Western Australia Homelessness is a concern that has received widespread attention in Australia’s social justice framework. It remains an important issue that needs to be addressed by authorities.
  • Homelessness Due to Unemployment During COVID-19 This paper is a research on how unemployment resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic has left many homeless in the United States.
  • Homelessness in Rochester, NY Analysis Homelessness is a prevalent issue in some areas in the United States, particularly in the state of New York. People lose their places of residence and are forced to live on the streets.
  • The Effects of Homelessness on Single-Parent Families in Black Community The paper states that single-parent families can be adversely impacted by homelessness, especially during the current COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Vulnerabilities Associated With Homelessness The paper discusses the nature of vulnerabilities of the health of homeless people in the United States and its influence on society.
  • Hunger and Homelessness Consequences on Development The article discusses the consequences of hunger and homelessness during the early developmental years on children’s growth and development.
  • Homelessness Among College Students This paper explains why there is homelessness at a high rate, stating that fewer well-paying jobs for those without a college degree is one of the reasons.
  • Homelessness Among Children in the United States Homelessness among children in the United States is a growing problem. Children are particularly vulnerable because many run away from their homes.
  • Encampment Project: Homelessness Eradication Encampment projects are usually helpful for few people or families. Homelessness eradication is almost impossible without efforts to combat unemployment.
  • Poverty and Homelessness Among African Americans Even though the U.S. is wealthy and prosperous by global measures, poverty has persisted in the area, with Blacks accounting for a larger share.
  • The Homelessness Problem in California Several causes can contribute to the high incidence of homelessness in California, including challenges in treating individuals with mental disorders and substance abuse.
  • Homelessness and Housing in California Homelessness and rising housing expenses are two of California’s most pressing issues. California has the nation’s second-highest homelessness rate.
  • Homelessness and Racial Disparities of African Americans African Americans possess the highest rate of homelessness and racial disparities in America, with the resultant causes and effects being the legacy of slavery and poverty.
  • The Issue of Homelessness The paper states that homelessness is still an urgent issue nowadays, and many people still try to survive on the streets, and they often do not succeed.
  • Homelessness in United States of America The increased rate of homelessness in the United States of America, particularly in parts of California, confirms to go up daily.
  • Homelessness During COVID-19 in the US and Europe The paper reviews “Homelessness during COVID-19” by Rodriguez et al. and “Lifetime, 5-year and past-year prevalence of homelessness in Europe” by Taylor et al.
  • Homelessness as a Social Issue in California The issue of homelessness has brought several issues in California, owing to the large population of financially unstable citizens.
  • Homelessness and Housing in California The problem of unaffordable housing in California is complex and needs to be addressed by various techniques with a primary focus on fighting inequality and discrimination.
  • Homelessness and Housing in California There is a need for California to change some of the housing policies by simplifying the registration process and providing more resources for developing affordable housing programs.
  • The Veteran Homelessness Issue Analysis While the official statistics on homeless veterans are relatively low, the statistics do not include veterans who experience financial struggles.
  • Researching the Homelessness Issues This paper presents the annotated bibliography dedicated the poverty issues and understanding the homelessness.
  • Administrative Policy on Homelessness The issue of homelessness needs to be addressed with the use of national and state policies. The current measures are composed of a combination of harmful and beneficial policies.
  • Homelessness in California: Homelessness in California California should rethink some of its property rules, provide more money to affordable homes initiatives, and streamline the application form.
  • Strategies for Ending Homelessness in America The problem of homeless people in America is extremely worrisome in the context of the social and psychological well-being of the people of the country.
  • Analysis of Homelessness in California Homelessness in California is a leading social problem due to high housing prices and increasing psychological and medical issues.
  • Treating Substance Use Among Youth Experiencing Homelessness in California Homelessness puts the youths in unstable housing situations and at a higher risk of substance use. Homelessness in California has been one of the top challenges.
  • Discussion of Homelessness in Modern Society Martha Stone discusses homelessness the matter sharing information on the causes of it, consequences, and what society can do about it.
  • Mental Disorders and Homelessness About 15 percent of people with extreme mental illness were homeless over one year in California. Homelessness is familiar to persons with some mental disorders, like paranoia.
  • Socio-Economic Plan: Homelessness The purpose of the paper is to critically evaluate the changes in socioeconomic factors that affect the homeless and the influence of various stakeholders on the issue.
  • The Problem of Homelessness in America This paper reviews existing literature on homelessness to shed more light on how it impacts the homeless in New York City.
  • Homelessness in Imperial Valley The two practical solutions for homelessness in Imperial Valley include providing affordable housing and mobilizing community-based initiatives and programs.
  • Homelessness Policy in California There are several cities in which the number of homeless people is so big that the situation with the growth of homelessness in them is called an epidemic.
  • Solving Problems Caused by Homelessness The reasons causing homelessness vary a lot. They can be both of personal or global character from a home violence to a financial crisis.
  • Alleviation of Homelessness in California This paper discusses five ways that could be used to alleviate homelessness in California. For every strategy, this paper offers an opposing view and why such views fall short.
  • Homelessness in Los Angeles: Causes and Solutions In this paper, a crisis of homelessness in Los Angeles will be discussed with consideration of traditional, feminist, and Pragmatic concepts.
  • Homelessness and Poor Health Relationship Homeless people can be described as that group of people who lack adequate, fixed, or regular night-time shelter. Homeless people include single men and women, young families.
  • Homelessness and Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy In homeless populations, the application of traditional measures for enhancing adherence to antiretroviral therapy also proves to lead to less impressive results.
  • Patients Experiencing Homelessness: Mental Health Issues It is acknowledged that the association between homelessness and mental health has been explored while this link is still under-researched when it comes to specific populations.
  • Homelessness and Its Primary Reasons Every country in the world, no matter how abundant or easy to live in, will have some proportion of homeless people.
  • Homelessness and Depression Among Illiterate People There are various myths people have about homelessness and depression. For example, many people believe that only illiterate people can be homeless.
  • Homelessness and Solutions in the United States In this paper, the researcher seeks to explain the cause of homelessness, its implications, and the effort that different stakeholders are taking to address the problem.
  • Poverty and Homelessness: Dimensions and Constructions With the growth of the economy and the failure of employment, the number of people living in poverty and without shelter increases.
  • Homelessness and Mass Incarceration Relationship Homelessness is an issue that affects not only those individuals who do not have their own residence but also the rest of society.
  • Homelessness in Californian Public Places Public places in California house inhabitants who lack permanent residencies. It is reported that this decision is propelled by several factors.
  • American Veteran Homelessness & Advocacy Practice A study by Lusk, Staudt, and Moya (2012), shows that subjecting these veterans to constant gun violence causes emotional stress to them
  • Homelessness and Mass Incarceration The objective of this paper is to analyze the correlations between the homelessness and crime rates, as well as its connections to the mental disorders and substance abuse.
  • Swanscombe Community’s Homelessness and Urban Health The urban health profile at hand has enabled one to examine the selected community, Swanscombe, from the perspective of a healthy environment.
  • Regional-Level Challenges: California’s Homelessness The major problem connected with homelessness is that social service organizations tend to adopt narrow practice approaches reducing the human need to basic ones.
  • Homelessness to Mass Incarceration The objective of this paper is to analyze the correlations between the homelessness and crime rates, as well as its connections to the mental disorders and substance abuse.
  • Homelessness for Female-Headed Homes
  • The Issues and Future Solutions to Homelessness in America
  • Major Depression Disorder and Homelessness
  • Homelessness Among NYC Youth
  • Family, Resilience, Homelessness, and Mental Health
  • US Citizenship Rights and Homelessness
  • Domestic Violence and Homelessness Among Women
  • Homelessness and Mental Health and Substance Abuse
  • Social Problems and Homelessness in Savannah, Georgia
  • Preventing and Reducing Homelessness
  • Homelessness and Children’s Health Issues
  • Veterans and Their Struggle With Homelessness
  • Racial Differences Regarding Homelessness in the US
  • Analyzing Homelessness and the Effect It Has on Social Health
  • The Factors Associated With Youth Homelessness and Arrest
  • Homelessness, Mental Illness, and Social Intervention
  • The Structural and Individual Causes of Homelessness
  • Homelessness and Sociological Perspectives
  • Alleviating Homelessness Within New York City
  • Homelessness Among Those With Mental Illness
  • Homelessness Among the Veteran Community America S Forgotten Heroes
  • Early Illicit Drug Use and the Age of Onset of Homelessness
  • Homelessness Among the Community of Drug Addicts
  • United States Interagency Council on Homelessness
  • Sociology and Race, Homelessness, and Urban Life
  • Homelessness and the Effects It Has on Humans
  • Societal Inequalities Foster Homelessness in the United States
  • The Need for Sustainability as It Relates to Homelessness in Australia
  • The Relationship Between Homelessness in Australia and Rising Cases of Health Issues
  • Deviance: Mental Illness and Homelessness
  • The Link Between Homelessness and Mental Health
  • City Life, Homelessness, Race, and Sociology
  • Homelessness Amongst Marginalized LGBTQ Youth
  • Family Homelessness and Its Effects on Children
  • Homelessness, Mental Illness, and the Advocate Role
  • Youth Homelessness Structural Factors
  • Homelessness and Food Insecurity
  • The Main Causes and Prevention Strategies of Homelessness
  • Homelessness and Its Effects on America
  • Post-1900 American Homelessness
  • Homelessness and Its Effects on Licking County
  • Homelessness Among American Veterans Research
  • Reasons for Preventing Homelessness Among Youth
  • Homelessness and Housing Problems in the United States
  • Family Homelessness and the Impact on Health and Healthcare Provision
  • Homelessness Affects Adults and Children
  • Analyzing the Statistics and Problem of Homelessness in the U.S
  • Ethnography and Homelessness Research
  • Problems and Resolutions for Homelessness in the Northeast
  • Child Abuse and Neglect, Homelessness, and Marital Problems
  • The Growing Concern Over the Homelessness Around the Globe
  • Reducing Homelessness In the United States
  • Mental Illness, Homelessness, and Public Administration
  • Homelessness and Permanent Supportive Housing
  • Policy for Addressing Homelessness Canada
  • Developing Social Theories and Perspectives on Homelessness
  • The Homelessness and Its Effects on Women
  • Federal Funding for Housing and Homelessness
  • Homelessness Affecting the United States
  • The Unemployment, Poverty, Homelessness, and Safety and Security Problem
  • What Is the Impact of Homelessness on Children?
  • Does Rent Control Cause Homelessness?
  • Does Public Housing Reduce Homelessness?
  • What Is a Longitudinal Analysis of Homelessness?
  • Why Woman Headed Households Are Suffering From Homelessness?
  • What Are the Structural Determinants of Homelessness in the United States?
  • What Are the Definitions of Homelessness in Developing Countries?
  • What Are Public Beliefs About the Causes of Homelessness?
  • What Are the Prevalence of Homelessness Among Adolescents in the United States?
  • What Is the Social History of Homelessness in Contemporary America?
  • What Are the Risk Factors for Homelessness Among Indigent Urban Adults?
  • What Is the Connection Between Severity of Homelessness and Adverse Birth Outcomes?
  • What Are Some Reflections on the Policy History of Youth Homelessness in Australia?
  • What Are the Risk Factors for Homelessness Among Women With Schizophrenia?
  • Why Maternal Depression Is a Risk Factor for Family Homelessness?
  • What Are the Pathways to Homelessness Among the Mentally Ill?
  • What Are the Reasons for Youth Homelessness?
  • What Are the Links Between Domestic Violence and Homelessness?
  • What Is the Data Dilemma in Family Homelessness?
  • What Are the Faith-based Programs and What’s Their Influence on Homelessness?
  • What Is the Intersection of Homelessness, Racism, and Mental Illness?
  • What Are the Complexities of Elder Homelessness?
  • What Is the Impact of Homelessness on the Health of Families?
  • What Are the International Perspectives on Rural Homelessness?
  • What Are the Factors Associated With Youth Homelessness and Crime Rates?

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This essay topic collection was updated on January 21, 2024 .


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126 Homelessness Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Homelessness is a pressing issue that affects millions of people around the world. Whether it is due to economic hardships, mental illness, substance abuse, or other factors, the reality is that many individuals find themselves without a place to call home. As a result, homelessness has become a major concern for governments, non-profit organizations, and communities.

If you are tasked with writing an essay on homelessness, you may be wondering where to start. To help you get started, we have compiled a list of 126 homelessness essay topic ideas and examples. These topics cover a wide range of issues related to homelessness, including its causes, effects, solutions, and more. Whether you are writing a research paper, a persuasive essay, or a personal reflection, these topics are sure to inspire you.

  • The root causes of homelessness
  • The impact of homelessness on individuals and communities
  • The connection between homelessness and mental health
  • How substance abuse contributes to homelessness
  • Homelessness among veterans
  • The role of affordable housing in preventing homelessness
  • The challenges faced by homeless youth
  • Homelessness and the criminal justice system
  • The intersection of homelessness and gender
  • The impact of homelessness on children's education
  • Homelessness and access to healthcare
  • The role of social services in addressing homelessness
  • The effectiveness of homeless shelters
  • Homelessness and the aging population
  • The role of public policy in combating homelessness
  • Homelessness among LGBTQ individuals
  • The stigma of homelessness
  • Homelessness and gentrification
  • The role of community organizations in supporting the homeless
  • Homelessness and the gig economy
  • The impact of COVID-19 on homelessness
  • Homelessness and food insecurity
  • The connection between homelessness and domestic violence
  • The role of mental health services in addressing homelessness
  • Homelessness and substance abuse treatment
  • Homelessness and unemployment
  • The relationship between homelessness and poverty
  • Homelessness and systemic racism
  • The role of education in preventing homelessness
  • Homelessness and housing discrimination
  • The effectiveness of homeless outreach programs
  • Homelessness and environmental factors
  • Homelessness and urban development
  • The connection between homelessness and human trafficking
  • Homelessness and social isolation
  • The impact of homelessness on mental health
  • Homelessness and access to legal services
  • The role of technology in addressing homelessness
  • Homelessness and community policing
  • The relationship between homelessness and addiction
  • Homelessness and public health
  • The connection between homelessness and trauma
  • Homelessness and the criminalization of poverty
  • The impact of homelessness on family dynamics
  • Homelessness and foster care
  • The role of faith-based organizations in supporting the homeless
  • Homelessness and the affordable housing crisis
  • The effectiveness of housing first programs
  • Homelessness and income inequality
  • The connection between homelessness and mental illness stigma
  • Homelessness and the opioid epidemic
  • The role of job training programs in addressing homelessness
  • Homelessness and climate change
  • The impact of homelessness on community safety
  • Homelessness and transportation access
  • The connection between homelessness and food deserts
  • Homelessness and social mobility
  • The role of transitional housing in supporting the homeless
  • Homelessness and access to childcare
  • The relationship between homelessness and incarceration
  • Homelessness and the digital divide
  • The impact of homelessness on public spaces
  • Homelessness and the criminalization of survival
  • The connection between homelessness and gentrification
  • The relationship between homelessness and domestic violence
  • Homelessness and

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347 Insightful Homelessness Essay Topics

homelessness essay topics

Homelessness is an issue in practically every society around the globe. Some of its causes are unemployment, eviction from a household due to relationship problems, or financial challenges. There are several definitions of the homeless:

  • An individual or a family without a regular residence.
  • An individual or a family that is about to lose a home and lacks support or resources to obtain another housing.
  • Youth under 25 that doesn’t have a permanent and stable address.
  • An individual or a family escaping domestic violence without any other residence.

Homelessness is a complex social problem with many economic and societal factors involved. People without permanent housing are more at risk of illnesses, substance abuse, and violence. It also negatively impacts the broader community by costing the government money, compromising general security and health, and driving people apart.

These are some of the ideas you can discuss in your paper. In this article, our experts have provided 300+ homelessness essay topics. Additionally, we have outlined the steps to write a strong thesis statement for your assignment.

  • 🔝 Top 10 Homelessness Topics
  • ➡️ Cause-and-Effect Titles about Homelessness

💡 Creative Titles for Homelessness Essay

  • ✒️ Qualitative Research Questions
  • 🧮 Quantitative Titles on Homelessness
  • ✍️ How to Write about Homelessness

🔗 References

🔝 top 10 homelessness thesis topics.

  • The causes of homelessness in America.
  • Is homelessness in Los Angeles a solvable problem?
  • Is overpopulation the reason for homelessness?
  • Can you combat homelessness with free housing?
  • The impact of homelessness on children.
  • The correlation between homelessness and substance abuse.
  • Homelessness among older women.
  • The demographics of homeless youth.
  • Effects of hostile architecture on the homeless population.
  • The connection between mental health issues and homelessness.

➡️ Cause-and-Effect Research Titles About Homelessness

  • What are the global causes of homelessness?
  • How does homelessness affect the state’s economy?
  • Mental health’s impact on the homeless population .
  • Homelessness is one of the reasons for the low standard of living.
  • The impact of homelessness on crime in the United States.
  • The socio-economic problem of homelessness in the UK.
  • Artificial intelligence against homelessness and its causes.
  • The link between mental illness and health problems with homelessness.
  • The main social problem of homelessness in America.
  • Addressing homelessness in American society.
  • Opportunity for education to eradicate homelessness.
  • Homelessness as a social phenomenon: Approaches and causes.
  • Project to draw attention to the problem of homelessness.
  • Features of social work with people without housing .
  • Social and legal aspects of homelessness.
  • How does homelessness affect demographics ?
  • Why is homelessness one of the biggest problems in the world?
  • Legal conflicts are affecting homelessness.
  • The attitude of society to the problems of homelessness.
  • The causes and impacts of homelessness .
  • Homelessness and crime: How are they connected?
  • Social origins and causes of vagrancy and homelessness.
  • Homelessness, drug addiction , and mental problems: How are they connected?
  • Homelessness occurs mainly for financial reasons.
  • Social origins and causes of vagrancy.
  • Homelessness: The modern face of the problem and ways to solve it.
  • Problems of people without homes and the possibilities of their solution.
  • Causes of homelessness classification.
  • How is homelessness related to suicide ?
  • Relationship between homelessness and pathological hoarding syndrome.
  • Homelessness is a consequence of the inability to provide one’s housing.
  • Are natural and social disasters the leading cause of homelessness?
  • Measures to combat homelessness are only the reason for its increase.
  • Homelessness and unemployment : What causes what?
  • How does a simple move make a person homeless?
  • Left the hospital homeless: High healthcare costs in the US.
  • Poverty and homelessness: Related issues .
  • Psychological causes of chronic homelessness.
  • How does homelessness affect US law in some states?
  • The negative impact of homelessness on the criminogenic atmosphere of the city.
  • Family conflicts often leave people homeless.
  • Acquisition of drug addictions due to life on the street.
  • Punitive justice: Ex-convicts become homeless.
  • Unwillingness to live settled is a rare cause of homelessness.
  • Is homelessness a choice?
  • Homelessness due to alcoholism alone is a myth.
  • Is homelessness the fault of poverty or wealth ?
  • Because of free shelters, more and more people resort to this lifestyle.
  • How can divorce make a person homeless?
  • Why is it not profitable for states to care for people without homes?
  • The uselessness of social adaptation centers for the homeless.
  • The severity of social and labor adaptation of the rehabilitated homeless.
  • How homelessness affects the real estate market ?
  • Homeless people and African Americans’ health issues .
  • Rising property prices could trigger a wave of homelessness.
  • Mental disorder s due to homelessness.
  • The impact of a rehabilitated homeless person on society.
  • How do people without homes affect the demographics of countries?
  • Society harms the homeless, not the other way around.
  • The high crime rate among the homeless.
  • Why is homelessness attractive to some people?
  • How does homelessness affect children?
  • What causes rampant homelessness?
  • Why is there such a high rate of homelessness in the US?
  • Does genetics affect the chance of becoming homeless?
  • How has homelessness affected pop culture ?
  • Diogenes syndrome , or why older people are more likely to become homeless.
  • Are historical factors responsible for homelessness in certain social groups?
  • Why are homeless people more compassionate than ordinary people?
  • Homelessness is a cause of unsanitary conditions on city streets.
  • Homelessness as a social problem .
  • Why are homeless people more exposed to infectious diseases ?
  • How to ensure citizens’ tolerance for people without housing?
  • Why is homelessness a sign of an unhealthy society?
  • How can society positively impact the homeless?
  • The long-term impact of philanthropy on homelessness.
  • The most unexpected causes of high levels of homelessness.
  • Homeless people: Who are they, and how can we help them?
  • How prevalent is female homelessness in the US?
  • Problems of social protection of people without homes.
  • On paper, we have all full members of society, but no one needs homeless people.
  • Psychological assistance to homeless people.
  • Why is a person afraid of homelessness?
  • Doctors for people without housing: How will medical care be organized?
  • How did fashion draw attention to homelessness?
  • Ways of life for homeless people in the United States.
  • How to help homeless individuals, thinking about them and yourself?
  • Homelessness and healthcare in the United States .
  • What do the rich and the homeless have in common?
  • What makes people drop everything and become homeless?
  • A homeless person is a person who needs help.
  • Los Angeles residents are fighting the homeless.
  • Homeless people in downtown Los Angeles .
  • In Los Angeles, the number of homeless people has increased to 41,980.
  • The number of homeless people in Los Angeles continues to rise.
  • A village built for the homeless in the US.
  • They found a way to get rid of the homeless in the US.
  • The homeless community in Los Angeles.
  • The homeless in Los Angeles are a disgrace to the entire country.
  • Homeless people in Los Angeles were allowed to sleep on the sidewalks.
  • More than 40,000 homeless people live on the streets in Los Angeles.
  • A homeless camp in a vibrant area of Los Angeles.
  • In Los Angeles, they built a village for the homeless.
  • Tens of thousands of people are on the streets, dying every day.
  • Proposed solutions to the issue of homelessness .
  • Barricades to combat the homeless are being built in the United States.
  • California homelessness: Urgent action required.
  • Homelessness next to skyscrapers.
  • Los Angeles fails to cope with homeless individuals: How and why?
  • Everything under the sky: Millions of people in the US found themselves without a home.
  • Society is afraid of people without housing.
  • Homelessness: Poverty, addiction , and mental health.
  • Homelessness as a factor of social exclusion .
  • The phenomenon of homelessness: Economic and structural aspects.
  • The stigma of homelessness in Australia and its impact on society.
  • People without homes as an object of social support .
  • Homelessness in the modern world: Issues and methodology.
  • One of the reasons for homelessness is alcoholism.
  • The essence of the concept of poverty and homelessness.
  • Why people end up on the street and how to help them.
  • Living in the city: Stereotypes about homelessness.
  • Homeless rights in the United States .
  • The problem of homelessness and its impact on the image of the city.
  • Features of social work with homeless men.
  • Practices of work with homeless individuals: Perspectives.
  • People without homes cannot take care of themselves.
  • Homelessness: trajectories of a downward social hierarchy.
  • Measures to combat modern homelessness.
  • Homelessness and its impact on children.
  • Social exclusion in the government’s work with homeless individuals.
  • A large-scale study of the problem of homelessness in the modern world.
  • It’s time to call the homelessness crisis by its name.
  • Social adaptation of people without housing.
  • The ratio of residents of the metropolis to persons without a living place.
  • Indigenous people experience homelessness in Montreal.
  • How many unknown homeless people are there worldwide?
  • Development of affordable housing policy.
  • Through the Eyes of the Homeless by SImply Phillip Brown .
  • People without a home: The problem of homelessness is massive.
  • The police used robotic dogs to work with homeless individuals.
  • Why do many American veterans who went through Iraq become homeless?
  • Features of medical and social work with homeless people.
  • Why are homeless individuals not protected from attacks?
  • Why do people become homeless, and how can we help them?
  • Why does a person become homeless?
  • Myths and stereotypes about homeless people.
  • Canada is expanding euthanasia laws for people without homes.
  • In Britain, homeless people experience shame.
  • Seeing a person in every person is essential: The philosophy of people without homes.
  • How to become homeless: A social portrait of a homeless person.
  • Who are the homeless? Stereotypes about homelessness.
  • Homelessness is the scourge of the 21st century.
  • What rights do homeless people have around the world?
  • Post-crisis homeless: How did it happen?
  • Issue of homelessness in America .
  • How society helps vagrants, and why people are cruel to them.
  • How the other half lives: Why are so many homeless people in the US?
  • Homelessness: A disease that society does not understand.
  • The image of modern homeless people: A sociological analysis of personality.
  • A person leaves the property and goes nowhere.
  • Homelessness: A person is difficult to save if they are not loved.
  • Spiritual, psychological, and practical features of homelessness.
  • Why do homelessness benefits only make things worse?
  • World experience: How homeless people are helped in different countries.
  • Homelessness is like a mirror of society.
  • Why is homelessness embarrassing?

✒️ Qualitative Research Questions About Homelessness

  • Socio-cultural causes of homelessness.
  • Political causes of homelessness.
  • The problem of homelessness and poverty among children and adolescents.
  • The social aspect of homelessness: Causes, consequences, and possible solutions.
  • Mental health and homelessness in Orange County .
  • Sanitary and hygienic conditions for homeless people.
  • Discrimination and social exclusion of homeless people.
  • Ensuring access to regular healthy meals in homeless settings.
  • Mental problems faced by homeless people.
  • Providing mental health care to homeless people.
  • Incidence statistics among people without homes.
  • Ensuring safety and protection for homeless people.
  • Why are homeless people more likely to be victims of violence and abuse?
  • Getting an education in homelessness.
  • State policy regarding homeless people.
  • How do social assistance centers for the homeless work?
  • Measures to prevent homelessness.
  • Providing quality and timely medical care to people without housing.
  • Are there job opportunities for homeless people?
  • How does homelessness affect a person’s life expectancy?
  • Legal protection for homeless people.
  • A range of risks of the homeless population group .
  • Prevailing demographic characteristics of homeless people.
  • Does a country’s economic development level affect the rate of homelessness?
  • The role of social workers for homeless people.
  • Problems of social work with homeless people.
  • Social adaptation and resocialization for homeless people.
  • Features of building effective communication with homeless people.
  • Is there a relationship between overpopulation and homelessness?
  • Analysis of the primary sources of income for homeless people.
  • Relationship between natural disasters and rising homelessness.
  • Why do people choose to be homeless on their own?
  • The ethical aspect of interaction with homeless people.
  • The impact of globalization processes on the growth of homelessness.
  • Why are people in big cities more likely to have homelessness problems?
  • The role of the community in preventing and reducing homelessness.
  • Individual development and identification problems in homeless individuals.
  • A cultural approach to the phenomenon of homelessness.
  • The Outreach Advocacy Center and homelessness in Atlanta .
  • Socio-demographic characteristics, living conditions, and needs of people.
  • Homelessness is a process of marginalization of the individual.
  • Drug abuse as a cause of homelessness.
  • The crime rate among homeless people.
  • Fairness and justice for homeless people.
  • The historical context of homelessness in the US.
  • Impact of homelessness and poverty of parents on children.
  • Opportunities to prevent homelessness and begging among teenagers.
  • Homelessness is one of the main reasons for the growth of juvenile delinquency .
  • Ways to raise public awareness of homelessness.
  • Does the image of homeless people in culture influence societal attitudes toward them?
  • What can be changed in society to reduce homelessness?
  • Social groups of the population that are most vulnerable to poverty and homelessness.
  • Subjective reasons for the homeless lifestyle of citizens.
  • The influence of racial and ethnic characteristics of a person on his predisposition to homelessness.
  • Child abuse and neglect, homelessness, and family problems.
  • The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act: Policy analysis .
  • Homelessness among women victims of domestic violence .
  • What are the consequences of homelessness for pregnant women ?
  • How can social justice be ensured for homeless people?
  • The impact of homelessness on human emotional intelligence .
  • Government programs to help homeless individuals.
  • Possible ways to improve assistance to homeless people by modernizing public policy .
  • Causes of society’s discriminatory attitude towards homeless people.
  • Are housing programs an effective way to reduce homelessness?
  • Given the current trends, what changes in the level of homelessness are possible in the future?
  • The influence of stereotypes on the attitude towards homeless people in society.
  • Barriers to overcoming homelessness.
  • Homelessness among refugees .
  • Laws guaranteeing the protection of the rights of homeless people.
  • Why are homeless people a more vulnerable category of the population?
  • Alcoholism and drug abuse among people without housing.
  • Why are homeless people more likely to be involved in crime?
  • How can community health nurses support homeless populations in Boston ?
  • Causes of homelessness among veterans.
  • Prevalence of deviant behavior among homeless people.
  • Ensuring the basic needs of people facing homelessness.
  • Statistical analysis of homelessness in the United States.
  • Canadian government involvement in addressing homelessness.
  • Why is unemployment one of the leading causes of homelessness?
  • Features protecting and providing health care for homeless people during a pandemic .
  • Historical perspectives on addressing homelessness in the US.
  • Rent costs and conflicts with landlords as a cause of homelessness.
  • Impact of government rent control on reducing and preventing homelessness.
  • Risks of developing schizophrenia in homeless people.
  • The homelessness crisis in the US.
  • Violations of the rights of people with disabilities lead to poverty and homelessness.
  • Foster system issues causing child homelessness.
  • Consequences of restricting access to public services for homeless people.
  • How do people apply laws to justify discrimination against homeless people?
  • Nurse-led interventions with populations experiencing homelessness .
  • Restricting access to public places for homeless people.
  • Anti-homeless architecture .
  • The problem of homeless dumping in hospitals.
  • Impact of homeless vagrancy on public safety.
  • Positive and negative aspects of the ban on begging.
  • Prevalence of social cleansing among the homeless.
  • Community organizations helping people without homes.
  • Causes, trends, consequences, and solutions to homelessness in Australia.
  • Why are foster teens more likely to be homeless after they turn 18?
  • Need for temporary shelters for people without housing.
  • Public stigmatization of homeless people.
  • Consequences of social isolation on the psychological state of homeless people.
  • Prevalence of depression and suicidal tendencies among homeless people.
  • Homelessness statistics and measures to reduce it in the UK.
  • Level of homelessness in developing and undeveloped countries.
  • What places do homeless people most often use as temporary shelters, and why?
  • Homelessness in America: Issue review .

🧮 Quantitative Titles for Homelessness Essay

  • Methodology for counting homeless people in the United States.
  • Establishing information on the status of homeless individuals in the US.
  • Key homelessness risk factors.
  • Indirect guessing as an economical method for counting homeless individuals.
  • Study of the life of people without housing in metropolitan areas.
  • The work of shelter managers in the context of helping homeless people.
  • Underestimation in the US homeless count.
  • The risks of living on the street compared to a homeless shelter.
  • Rates of death and birth in the calculation of homelessness.
  • Methods of observation of homeless individuals from sociological perspectives.
  • The most economical method of collecting information about homeless individuals.
  • Adequacy of methods of research on homelessness.
  • The mentally ill homeless and the help of mental services.
  • Impact of homelessness on social habits and mental state.
  • The problem of increasing hunger and poverty in the context of homelessness.
  • The specifics of the life of the homeless in economically prosperous regions.
  • Homelessness and poverty in the United States .
  • Comparison of quantitative and qualitative methods in research on homeless individuals.
  • A cross-breeding approach to determine the number of homeless people.
  • The problem of health care and medical care among people without housing.
  • Factors affecting the physical health of people without housing.
  • Alcohol and drug use among homeless people as a mind-altering habit.
  • Stressful and traumatic impressions as forming features of the psyche of homeless individuals.
  • Sampling methods when searching for homeless people for interviews in research.
  • Drawbacks of Traditional Academic Methods in the Study of Homelessness.
  • Homeless people moving at night as a little-described social group.
  • People with low economic wealth in the framework of homelessness.
  • Lack of attention to individual subpopulations of homeless individuals.
  • The problem of individuals in a situation of homelessness.
  • Homeless veterans in a situation of a demographic shift.
  • Progress made to society to eradicate homelessness.
  • Increasing the capacity of homeless assistance systems.
  • The health problem of homeless people during the pandemic.
  • Fluctuations in house prices: Influencing factors .
  • Decreased capacity of shelters during the pandemic.
  • The problem of moratoriums on the eviction of homeless people during a pandemic.
  • The most and least problematic regions in terms of homelessness.
  • Providing beds for people without homes: Statistics for 2024.
  • Increasing load on temporary shelters in winter.
  • The problem of reducing the quality of locations for a rooming house in winter.
  • Cultural diversity in the context of homelessness.
  • Critically high levels of poverty and homelessness among Hispanic groups.
  • At-risk populations among people without housing.
  • The problem of obtaining food for people without homes in the United States.
  • Violence in homeless communities in problematic urban areas.
  • The openness of people without homes to severe weather conditions and increased burden on health.
  • Social difficulties with getting a job for people without housing.
  • Rising deaths and unintentional injuries among homeless people.
  • The moral and ethical problem of the loss of dignity among people without homes.
  • The failures of policymakers in modern legislative elimination of homelessness.
  • Predicting house prices using regression .
  • Social dissatisfaction with the expansion of the rights of people without homes.
  • Single-family homes in solving the problem of homelessness.
  • Housing costs as a reason for homelessness.
  • Escaping domestic violence as a contribution to homelessness.
  • Critical priorities for homeless people.
  • Employment as a pathway to eliminate homelessness.
  • Accessing mainstream benefits as a fundamental priority of a homeless person.
  • The need to legally protect homeless people.
  • The problem of race in the context of homeless people marginalized.
  • Centers for homeless education and their benefits.
  • Housing prices and factors in the United Kingdom .

✍️ How to Write a Homelessness Thesis Statement?

A thesis statement is a sentence at the end of the introductory paragraph that communicates the main point of your paper. It sets a precedent for your audience and lets readers know what to expect. Here, we have provided some tips to help you formulate your thesis .

  • An analytical essay breaks down an idea, evaluates it, and presents the analysis to the readers. E.g. , you can write about the effect of supportive housing on the mental health of homeless people.
  • An argumentative paper makes a statement about a topic and justifies it with evidence. E.g. , you can argue that hostile architecture harms both homeless people and the general public.
  • An explanatory paper illustrates or describes something (an issue, an event, a situation, etc.) to the audience. E.g. , you could explain how substance abuse leads to homelessness.
  • Write down your ideas. As soon as you figure out your homelessness essay topic , brainstorm some ideas. Try to write a research question for your essay. At first, you can just express your general thoughts on the subject – you can narrow it down later. A thesis statement should ultimately be the answer to your research question.
  • Make sure you have your focus. When you have a general idea of how to answer your research question, you should narrow it down. To do this, research your chosen homelessness topic. Once you have looked through a couple of sources, focus your initial idea according to your findings. If your issue is too broad, you will be overwhelmed with information and unable to answer your research question.
  • Take a stance. After researching and thinking about your topic, choose your position and decide what you will defend in your essay. Express your stance in the thesis statement to prepare the reader for what is coming in the following paragraphs. Remember that a thesis should be exact, letting different people debate it. For example, “there are many causes for homelessness” is a poor statement because it is too general. Instead, try saying, “lack of affordable housing is the main cause of homelessness.”
  • Be clear in your language. A good thesis statement should be short and specific, and you should aim to fit it into one sentence. Do not use more words than needed. Remove qualifiers, all-purpose nouns, and other terms that provide excessive details. If you have trouble formulating an accurate statement, use our online sentence rephraser .
  • Make an assumption supported by evidence. Your thesis statement is an assertion, but it must be constructed based on the acquired proof. Therefore, it is very likely to change as you conduct your research. This is completely normal – just ensure that your evidence supports your homelessness thesis statement.

Thank you for reading our article. We wish you luck in your homelessness essay writing process. Remember to use our free text-to-speech tool to find mistakes in your work as soon as you finish.

  • What is Homelessness, and Why is it an Issue? – Aahil Rajpari, UAB Institute for Human Rights Blog
  • The State of Homelessness in America – National Alliance to End Homelessness
  • How to Write a Thesis Statement – Writing Tutorial Services, Indiana University
  • Developing A Thesis – Maxine Rodburg and The Tutors of the Writing Center, Harvard University
  • Homelessness and Human Rights – United Nations
  • Homelessness – Our World in Data
  • The 2022 Annual Homelessness Assessment Report (AHAR) to Congress – The US Department of Housing and Urban Development
  • Health Problems of Homeless People – Homelessness, Health, and Human Needs

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Essays About Homelessness: Top 8 Examples Plus Prompts

Everyone has heard of homeless people at some point in their lives; if you are writing essays about homelessness, read our top essay examples and prompts.

Poverty is one of the greatest evils in the world. Its effects are seen daily, from people begging on the streets to stealing to support their families. But unfortunately, one of the most prominent and upsetting diversity is homelessness. Homelessness is a significant problem in even the most developed nations, including the U.S. and Canada. Despite all the resources used to fight this issue, countries often lack the means to reduce homelessness significantly. With the proper aid, homelessness can be entirely eradicated in the future. 

If you want to write essays about homelessness, keep reading to see our essay examples and helpful writing prompts.

2. A journey with the homeless by Sujata Jena

3. i chose to be homeless: reflections on the homeless challenge by emily kvalheim, 4. my experience being homeless by scott benner, 5. what people get wrong when they try to end homelessness by james abro, 1. causes of homelessness , 2. how can homelessness be reduced, 3. mental illness and homelessness, 4. reflection on homelessness, 5. is homelessness a “personal problem”.

Are you looking for more? Check out our guide packed full of transition words for essays

1. That Homeless Man is My Brother by Megan Regnerus

“But the subtext of my friend’s statement is really Why should I give money to someone who’s lazy; who isn’t willing to work for money like I do?’ And to that I say, her opinion that people who ask for money are freeloaders who could work but choose not to, is based on assumption. It relies on the notion that the two things that shape us into able-bodied adults who can hold down a regular job, nature and nurture, are level playing fields. And they’re not.”

Regnerus writes about a friend’s claim that the homeless are “lazy,” reminding her of her homeless brother. She cites genetics and circumstance as contributing factors to homelessness. Despite the other woman being her friend, Regnerus strongly refutes her belief that the homeless are non-disabled freeloaders- they should be treated with empathy. For more, check out these articles about homelessness .

“I realize that the situation of poverty and homelessness is a huge social problem around the world. But when I meet them, I face fellow human beings, not some abstract “social problem.” The very phrase, “What would Jesus do at this scene?” haunted me.  I ventured to ask their names, age, where they came from, where they live (street, bridges, cemetery) and the reason they are on the streets. Their stories are poignant. Each one has a unique story to tell about his/her reason to be homeless, how they were forced to leave distant rural villages to live on the city streets. I tried to listen to them with empathy.”

In her essay, Jena remembers the homeless people in Manila, Philippines. She can see them beyond some “aspect of society” as human beings. She empathizes with them extensively and recalls the words of Jesus Christ about loving others, particularly the neediest.

“I, too, have not been compassionate enough, and I have allowed my prejudices to distort my view of the homeless. One woman, who sat across from me at a feeding program, talking to herself erratically, may have seemed strange to me before the Homeless Challenge. But when I really saw myself as her equal, and when I took the time to watch her get up and laugh as she danced to the music playing in the background, I thought she was beautiful. She had found her own happiness, amidst despair.”

Kvalheim details her experiences during an immersion challenge with the homeless. She recalls both the discrimination and generosity she experienced and her experiences with other homeless people. She was amazed to see how they could stay positive despite their terrible circumstances. We should be thankful for what we have and use it to help others in need. 

“As my funds dwindled, and the weather got colder, I sought shelter at Father Bill’s in Quincy Ma. When you are homeless, sometimes very small things mean a lot. A dry pair of socks, shoes without holes, a pocketful of change. You begin to realize how much you value your personal space. You begin to realize other people want space too. A lot of people have issues or have suffered in one way or another and you can see their pain. I think that there are people who for a variety of issue are chronically homeless and a larger portion of homeless are transitioning through a series of bad events.”

Benner’s essay, written for the company ArtLifting, reflects on his experience of being homeless for a brief while. Then, he and his wife grew ill, and Benner sought refuge at a homeless shelter after his company shut down. After that, he realized how his struggles were very different from those of others and the value of the more minor things he previously took for granted. Luckily, he escaped homelessness by making art with the help of ArtLifting. 

“The court denied my sister’s request and named me our mother’s legal guardian, but it appointed my sister as guardian of her property.  In 2009, when my mother passed away, my sister evicted me. The day I was scheduled to move out, I stood in a convenience store, dazed, as I stared at microwaveable meals.  These would be my new staple when I moved into the motel room. My phone rang—my sister.  She told me she needed me out of the house in a couple of hours—she was a real estate agent and a client wanted to see the house. ‘No hard feelings,’ she said.”

Similar to Benner, Abro narrates the circumstances surrounding his homelessness. After his mother’s death and a conflict with his sister led to his eviction, he ended up homeless. While his situation was unfortunate, he believes that there are many people worse off than him and that something must change to address the housing and poverty crises in America.

Top 5 Prompts On Essays about Homelessness

Essays about Homelessness: Causes of homelessness

For your essay, it would be interesting to write about how people become homeless in the first place. Research the different causes of homelessness and elaborate on them, and be sure to provide sources such as statistics and anecdotes. 

What solutions to homelessness can you think of? In your essay, propose at least one way you think the homelessness problem can be solved or at least reduced. It must be concrete, realistic, and defensible; be sure to explain your solution well and defend its feasibility, backing up your claims with facts and logic. 

Homelessness and mental health can be linked—research into declining mental health and how homelessness can impact a person’s mental well-being. Make sure to use research data and statistics to show your findings. Conclude whether poor mental health can cause homelessness or if homelessness causes poor mental health.

You can write about what homelessness means to you in your essay. Perhaps you’ve heard stories of homeless people, or maybe you know someone who is or has been homeless. Use this essay to highly the effects of homelessness and how we can work together as a society to eradicate it.

Many say that homeless people “choose to be homeless” and are underachievers; otherwise, they would simply “get a job” and lift themselves out of poverty. Is this true? Research this topic and decide on your stance. Then, write about whether you agree with this topic for a compelling argumentative essay.

If you’re still stuck, check out our general resource of essay writing topics .

homelessness essay topics

Martin is an avid writer specializing in editing and proofreading. He also enjoys literary analysis and writing about food and travel.

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Homelessness - Free Essay Samples And Topic Ideas

Homelessness is a social issue characterized by individuals lacking stable, safe, and adequate housing. Essays on homelessness could explore the causes, such as economic instability, mental health issues, or systemic problems, and the societal impacts of homelessness. Discussions may also cover various solutions and strategies being employed by different regions to address homelessness and support the affected populations. A substantial compilation of free essay instances related to Homelessness you can find at Papersowl. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Effects of Homelessness and Student Academic Achievement

Supporting and understanding the differing at-risk students, especially students experiencing homelessness, in the classroom is an important aspect of being an educator. Teachers are often seen as important referents in a community. The ways that teachers interact with homeless children and families convey important messages to children and families. Teacher views about children and families can indeed foster feelings of worthiness or the lack thereof (Powers-Costell & Swick, 2011 p.208). For teachers to teach these at-risk students, they must fully […]

Substance Abuse and Homelessness

Homelessness is becoming a more and more prevalent issue in America as years progress. Drive through any city's downtown area and you're bound to see at least one, if not many more, homeless individuals or families residing along the streets or in homeless camps. In many cases, these people have been suffering from homelessness for years and this has simply become their norm; this is known as chronic homelessness. Although this has become a way of life for many, homelessness […]

Veterans: Fight for Freedom and Rights

Veterans have sacrificed so much for our country by fighting to maintain our freedom and rights. For this reason, the government should do something about the veterans poverty rate. Veterans have resources that they could use but the resources do not always reach out to the veterans in need. The rate of homeless veterans is very high compared to non-veterans in the United States because they were usually not ever taught how to write a resume and many have had […]

We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.

My Opinion about Homelessness

My opinion is based on what I see and encounter and also from research. Homelessness. Homeless people did not choose the lifestyle on purpose, misfortune made the choice for them consequently they should be generously assisted kind heartedly without social isolation, pity, job insecurities, humiliation, pitiful wages e.t.c. Learning by choice or pain, which would you rather settle with? Unique story. Every person who has become homeless has a unique story about what happened to them. I can fill these […]

Homelessness and Mental Illness

Research problem: Homelessness Research question: Why is the mental health population and people with disabilities more susceptible to becoming homeless? Mental health policies that underserve vulnerable people are a major cause of homelessness. The deinstitutionalization of mental hospitals, including the failure of aftercare and community support programs are linked to homelessness. Also, restrictive admission policies that keep all but the most disturbed people out of psychiatric hospitals have an effect on the rising number of homeless people. The New York […]

Homeless Veterans

From bullet shells, to bomb blasts, and potentially amputated limbs, U.S. soldiers face on the scariest and life threatening situations no man or woman could ever imagine. America's military is one of the strongest forces in the world and consists of the toughest and strongest men and women in the US. These soldiers have risked their lives, lost limbs, their friends, their family, and their lives. The bravery and honor that any soldier musters up to go into battle can […]

Homelessness Problem in LA

Homelessness in LA is not an isolated case in U.S but rather public issue from 1980s since represents a huge problem for several cities as well as for largely populated states. People are facing this problem in daily basis; every time we are waiting by the traffic lights on the street, homeless people approaches to us and ask us either for a food or a change. Homeless people are people who are without a home and therefore living on the […]

The Causes of Homelessness

Homelessness has been a problem in American society for many generations. There are countless amounts of people who live without a permanent home and lack the basic essentials of life, such as food,wds `1ater, and clothes. It is likely when you walk or drive in your city that you will encounter a homeless person. Often when you are passing by a homeless individual or group, the thought comes to your mind, how did the end up here? Or why or […]

How Poverty Affects a Child’s Brain and Education

Although children are some of the most resilient creatures on earth. Living in poverty has risks that can cause children all types of issues. That makes you wonder, does poverty have an effect on a child's brain development? The million dollar question. How does poverty affect children's brain development? Poverty can cause health and behavioral issues. There is suggestive evidence that living in poverty may alter the way a child's brain develops and grows, which can, in turn, alter the […]

Unemployment a Major Cause of Homelessness

Homelessness or known as extreme poverty can be interpreted as a circumstance when people have no place to stay with the result that they end up live in the street, under the bridge even at the side of the river. There are 3.5 million Americans are homeless each year. Of these, more than 1 million are children and on any given night, more than 300,000 children are homeless. They who do not have an occupation are the one that is […]

Homelessness is not a Choice

Homelessness is not a choice an individual makes but is a result of poverty, unemployment, and lack of affordable housing. Many homeless people come from a loving family, and at one point in their life, they had jobs and homes. Economic and social challenges cause them to suffer and make bad life choices which lead them down the road of homelessness. Back then, families looked after their unfortunate ones and supported them when they lost their jobs, faced economic issues […]

Closing the Education Gap by Attacking Poverty Among Children

Looking around the campus of an Ivy League schools, one wonders how students from such diverse backgrounds ultimately wound up at the same place. From having a mother who works in admissions, I grew up hearing that no matter where you came from, your socioeconomic status, and even sometimes your grades, all kids have the potential to attend a prestigious university. However, I find that hard to believe. With a combination of taking this class on homelessness this semester, growing […]

Homelessness in the United States

Homelessness is a social problem that has long plagued the United States and surrounding Countries for centuries. It is an economic and social problem that has affected people from all walks of life, including children, families, veterans, and the elderly. Kilgore (2018). States homelessness is believed to have affected an estimated amount of 2.5-3.5 million people each year in the United States alone. Recent evidence suggests economic conditions have increased the number of people affected by homelessness in the United […]

Youth Homelessness in the United States

Imagine having to live on the streets, in unbearable conditions, never knowing what it is like to be in a stable environment. This presents many challenges faced by children as young as a few months old. These challenges are faced by some of the more than 500,000 children (Bass 2017). These children do not have anywhere to call home and very little resources to help them a place to live. These numbers of homeless youth are increasing making it harder […]

Homelessness in Hometown

Huntsville, Tx is a city with a high rate in population growth and homelessness is an issue that is over looked. There are many people without a home or low incomes which makes them inclined to stress and fall under poverty level. There are individuals and families that cannot afford to purchase groceries, or toiletries for their families. Everyone can get a job and maintain middle class status, but there is a great amount of people that have jobs and […]

Homelessness Policy in the United States

The logic behind the previous and current strategy of state-funded and driven housing policy improvement is that by allowing cities and states to control and determine policy fitting their specific needs, there will be more room for innovative strategies for complex problems. The affordable housing struggle of 2018 is different from those of the 1960s or 1980s, and its solution may require a more creative solution than federal vouchers and subsidies equally applied based on income. In a world of […]

America is Suffering from Poverty

United states of America haves a population of 325.7 million people. As Americans we love Sunday night football, Drake concerts, watching Donald Trump run our country into a hole andoursocial networks. Although we have several interests we cannot let it entertain us from the fact that America is suffering from poverty. Poverty is the state of being awfully poor. What decent country puts more focus on their Instagram poststhan their bank account funds? According to World Bank, in 2013 769 […]

Homelessness cannot be Solved Overnight

Homelessness is a very difficult subject to talk about for many people. A lot of people know someone who is either currently homeless or has been homeless before and is no longer homeless, so this topic may really hit home for them. Other people may not have direct experiences with homeless people unless they see them in public. It can be very difficult to know how to act when you see a homeless person in public that you have never […]

The Issue of Homelessness

James Harris always begins with “God bless you” before asking for money. He hates asking people for anything, so this three-word phrase serves as his own offering. Harris, a veteran, has had AIDS for thirty years. When the medication stopped working, the world began to crumble around him. He became depressed and was ultimately evicted from his place in Hollywood. “I’ve been beaten, robbed, and chased, he said. “People steal your tents and your tarps and your clothes. I’ve lost […]

Homelessness in San Gabriel Valley

Los Angeles County has seen a slight decline in homelessness since the 2017 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count. The data is comprised every year by the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority. Volunteers would go out and count individuals who are unsheltered. The rest of the individuals counted come from shelters or those living out of cars, vans or tents. The 2018 data shows that there is a total of 52,765 in Los Angeles County compared to the 55,048 that were […]

What Can we do to Fix Homelessness?

Agrawal, Nina. L.A. County Declares a Shelter Crisis, Providing Flexibility in How It Provides Beds and Assistance. Los Angeles Times, 30 Oct. 2018, www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-board-homeless-shelter-declaration-20181030-story.html. A shelter crisis was declared on October 30, 2018. This called for the Los Angeles Homeless Service Authority to have be allowed to spend $81 million in a more flexible way. Declaring a shelter crisis allows the homeless ability to bypass some regulations and get access to emergency housing. This also gives the flexibility to spend […]

Suicidality in Transgender Teens

Gender identity is defined as one’s sense of being a male, female, or other gender. It is the individual’s own connection to their gender which defines who they are. Many people feel as if the sex they were born with does not match with the gender they identify with. In many cases, people may identify as transgender. Transgender individuals believe, “the sex assigned at birth is discordant with their gender identity” (Sitkin & Murota, 2017, p. 725). An example of […]

The Trauma of Homelessness

It's the age-old question, the chicken or the egg, and how do you serve it best? In this case what came first, being homeless or Post-Traumatic Stress disorder, and how do you end it? Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and homelessness can create a cycle that feeds on itself. The act of becoming homeless in itself can act as a catalyst for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, while also being caused by it. Permanent sustainable housing has proven to be effective in addressing both […]

Extra Credit Solutions to Homelessness: Sociological Vs Individualistic Views

The contemporary social problem I have choose to discuss is homelessness throughout our country. As of 2017, 554,000 people were reported to be homeless. People who are homeless are unable to maintain housing, and usually have income. Homelessness can be hereditary, or self-imposed, the reasons people are homeless differ between their personal life stories of how they got there. This number has increased since previous years making homelessness a major issue in our country, especially in large cities such as […]

The Consequences of Homelessness – a Childhood on the Streets

“A therapeutic intervention with homeless children (2) often confronts us with wounds our words cannot dress nor reach. These young subjects seem prey to reenactments of a horror they cannot testify to” (Schweidson & Janeiro 113). According to Marcal, a stable environment and involved parenting are essential regarding ability to provide a healthy growing environment for a child (350). It is unfortunate then, that Bassuk et al. state that 2.5 million, or one in every 30 children in America are […]

Homelessness in America

Life brings along a lot of good and bad affairs. However, we try to focus on the good that brings us happiness. Experience sometimes tends to ruin the good times. One of the bad affairs that society today faces is homelessness. Homelessness can be defined as not having a fixed roof over one's head or living in temporary accommodation under the threat of eviction[1]. This paper focuses on societal views to try to explain the issue of homelessness in the […]

Mental Disorders Among Homeless Veterans

There have been many studies performed over the past several years to test the theory of why veterans who suffer from mental and/or substance use disorders have a higher possibility of becoming homeless. Those studies also included the impact of war and combat as well as several risk factors while our veterans served in the military. The road that leads to homelessness if often left untreated and further complicates treatment and therapy to fix the underlying issues. There are several […]

Poverty and Homelessness in America

Poverty and Homelessness in America is a daunting subject which everyone recognizes but do not pay attention to. A homeless person is stereotypically thought to be a person who sleeps at the roadside, begging for money and influenced by drug with dirty ragged clothes and a person who is deprived of basic facilities in his or her life such as; education, electricity, proper clothes, shelter, water with a scarcity of balanced diet is termed as person living under the line […]

Addressing Homelessness Lie

According to recent studies, about 150 million people worldwide are homeless. It is estimated that another 1.6 billion people live in inadequate housing conditions. This means that about 20% of the world's population suffers from poor housing conditions, homelessness or from the danger of becoming homeless. Poverty is a big reason when it comes to homelessness. If people have debts and don't have a suitable job to pay them off, they may lose their homes as they won't be able […]

Mental Illness is One Type of Homelessness

'Poverty is not an accident. Like slavery and apartheid, it is man-made and can be removed by the actions of human beings', an unforgettable quote by the man himself Nelson Mandela. For his fight against racial prejudice and apartheid, Nelson leaves a towering legacy that will be recalled for generations to come. But, today's world is pervaded with the good and the evil. There are those that assist to keep a relatively-stable society; and then there are those who just […]

Related topic

Additional example essays.

  • Homelessness Causes and Effects: Taking Responsibility and Making a Difference
  • Homelessness Social Problem: Understanding the Causes and Challenges
  • The Advantages and Disadvantages to Living in a Big City or Small Town
  • Euthanasia and the Catholic Church: An Ethical Conundrum
  • Solutions to Gun Violence
  • Positive Effects of Immigration
  • Benefits of Immigration Essay
  • The Impact of Globalization in Italy
  • Discrimination against blacks in A Raisin in the sun
  • Inequality in the Criminal Justice System
  • Why Music Should Not Be Censored for Its Reflection on Society
  • Poverty and Health: Understanding the Complex Relationship

How To Write an Essay About Homelessness

Understanding the complexity of homelessness.

Before beginning an essay on homelessness, it's essential to understand its complexity. Homelessness is not just the absence of physical housing but is often intertwined with issues like poverty, mental health, substance abuse, and social exclusion. Start your essay by defining homelessness, which may vary from sleeping rough on the streets to living in temporary shelters or inadequate housing. It's also important to acknowledge the different demographics affected by homelessness, such as veterans, families, the youth, and the chronically homeless. This foundational understanding sets the stage for a nuanced discussion in your essay.

Researching and Gathering Data

An essay on homelessness should be grounded in factual, up-to-date data. Research statistics from reliable sources such as government reports, reputable NGOs, and academic studies. This research might include figures on the number of homeless individuals in a specific region, the primary causes of homelessness, and the effectiveness of various intervention programs. By presenting well-researched information, your essay will not only be more credible but will also provide a factual basis for your arguments.

Selecting a Specific Angle

Homelessness is a broad topic, so it's crucial to select a specific angle for your essay. You might choose to focus on the causes of homelessness, the challenges faced by homeless individuals, or the societal impact of homelessness. Alternatively, you could discuss policy solutions and interventions that have been successful or have failed. This focus will provide your essay with a clear direction and allow you to explore a particular aspect of homelessness in depth.

Analyzing Causes and Effects

A key part of your essay should be dedicated to analyzing the causes and effects of homelessness. Discuss various factors that lead to homelessness, such as economic downturns, lack of affordable housing, family breakdown, and mental health issues. Similarly, explore the impact of homelessness on individuals and society, like health problems, social isolation, and economic costs. This analysis will help readers understand the multifaceted nature of the problem.

Discussing Solutions and Conclusions

Towards the end of your essay, discuss potential solutions to homelessness. This could include government policies, community-based initiatives, or innovative approaches like housing-first models. Highlight the importance of a multi-faceted approach, addressing not just the lack of housing but also underlying issues like health care, education, and employment support. Conclude your essay by summarizing the key points discussed, restating the importance of addressing homelessness, and suggesting areas for future research or action.

Finalizing Your Essay

After writing your essay, take the time to review and refine it. Ensure that your arguments are coherent and supported by evidence. Check for grammatical errors and ensure that your writing is clear and concise. It might also be beneficial to get feedback from peers or instructors. A well-written essay on homelessness will not only inform but also potentially inspire action or further discussion on this critical social issue.

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Best Topics, Titles, and Ideas for Homelessness Papers


When tasked with writing a homelessness essay, research paper, term paper, or dissertation, students are mostly left at liberty to select a topic of their own. And while writing a paper on homelessness can be interesting, choosing an excellent homelessness topic for an essay or paper can be a challenge.

homelessness topics and ideas

Homelessness is among the top social issues that most countries (developed and underdeveloped nations) have to deal with. You will likely write about homelessness when pursuing criminology, sociology, social work, nursing, health and medicine, geography, and many other subjects. It is a topic that borders on diverse subjects. It is linked to a country's economy and has other significant areas intertwined. For this reason, most research focused on homelessness as a social problem, mainly finding solutions.

Homelessness essay topics are great when writing expository, synthesis, problem-solution, cause and effect, compare and contrast, argumentative, or persuasive essays. You can write a perfect essay or paper with these vital homelessness topics, ideas, and titles. And if you need help, we have the best paper writers for hire. They will develop an academically and professionally sound paper for you.

Homelessness Essay Topics

When assigned to write a homelessness essay, you must develop a good title, plan, and write an academic paper that explores homelessness as a social problem. You should explore why some people become homeless or why there is a scarcity of permanent or temporary accommodation or shelter for diverse groups of people. If you write a homelessness essay and want to score higher, you must articulate the points nicely. You already know how to write a first-class essay . If not, read through our blog so that you can write an essay that fits the highest-grade band in the rubric. We have categorized these topics depending on the type of essay to make it easier to trace and brainstorm ideas.

Compare and Contrast Homeless Topics

  • Successful homeless people vs. homeless people who are a failure
  • Homelessness vs. homeownership
  • Homelessness vs. unhoused
  • Homelessness vs. Poverty
  • Homelessness vs. unsheltered
  • Transient vs. permanent homelessness
  • Is homelessness better than poverty?
  • Sleep through vs. homelessness
  • Youth homelessness vs. adult homelessness in the USA
  • Homelessness in England vs. the USA
  • Homelessness in Australia vs. China
  • Homelessness in developed nations vs. developing nations
  • Transient vs. homeless

Argumentative Homeless Topics

  • Should homeless people be rehabilitated before being given housing?
  • Does incarceration result in homelessness?
  • Should the government provide permanent housing for the homeless?
  • Is homelessness a social issue?
  • Must people have a home to be happy?
  • Should homeless people be employed?
  • Are all homeless people poor?
  • Are homeless people drug abusers?
  • Are all homeless people miserable?
  • Should homeless people be given shelter during winter?
  • Should the church allow homeless people to shelter in church buildings?
  • Should church offerings be used to settle homeless people?
  • Is homelessness worse than it is represented in the media?
  • Can the media influence the action of the state on homelessness?
  • Are there political solutions to homelessness?
  • Is there a link between homelessness and mental health?
  • Are homeless people likely to be criminals?
  • Can homeless people stand trial in courts of law?
  • Can homeless people testify in court?
  • Can homeless people be entrepreneurs?
  • Is it easy to come out of homelessness?
  • Are there homeless students?
  • Is homelessness linked to overpopulation?
  • Can small shelters solve homelessness?
  • Is capitalism increasing homelessness?
  • Should homeless people be taxed?
  • Are federal resources enough to address people experiencing homelessness?
  • Should local communities support unsheltered homeless people?
  • Can civil engineering innovation solve homelessness?
  • Should cities build temporary shelters for the homeless?

Problem-Solution Homeless Topics

  • How rapid re-housing can solve homelessness
  • Role of government in solving homelessness
  • Solving homelessness and hunger
  • Using physical planning to address homelessness
  • Solving homelessness through smart design
  • Land reclamation to settle homeless people
  • Resettling homeless people in unclaimed properties
  • How to use ceased properties for settling homeless people
  • Strategies to address homelessness after release from prison

Cause and Effect Homeless Topics

  • Causes and consequences of homelessness
  • Consequences of youth homelessness
  • Homelessness and teenage pregnancy
  • Homelessness and prostitution
  • How housing instability causes homelessness
  • How family homelessness affects generations
  • Impacts of homelessness on community policing
  • How homelessness affects educational attainment
  • How crisis response can help solve homelessness
  • Long-term rental assistance and homelessness
  • Homelessness within the built landscape
  • Are design interventions increasing homelessness?
  • Can architects help solve homelessness through design?
  • Causes and effects of homelessness among the Aboriginal Australians
  • Impacts of homelessness on health
  • Can new urban levers address homelessness?
  • Social impacts of homelessness
  • The link between culture and homelessness
  • Hostile architecture and homelessness
  • Impacts of COVID-19 on homelessness
  • How immigration increases the rates of homelessness
  • How homelessness causes depression
  • Impacts of incarceration on homelessness
  • The link between homelessness and schizophrenia
  • Causes and consequences of chronic homelessness in the UK
  • Impact of poverty on homelessness
  • How domestic violence causes homelessness
  • Racial disparities and homelessness
  • Influence of income and house affordability on homelessness
  • How age causes homelessness
  • Substance abuse and homelessness
  • The link between homelessness and mental health problems
  • How HIV stigmatization leads to homelessness
  • Mental health stigma and homelessness
  • Homelessness and poor behavioral health
  • Stagnant wages and homelessness
  • Unemployment and homelessness
  • Systemic failures as a root cause of homelessness
  • How family conflicts cause homelessness
  • Causes and consequences of homelessness in America
  • Causes and effects of homelessness in Canada

Homelessness Research Topics

You can use the topics below for your white paper, research paper, term paper, thesis, proposals, grant writing, policy papers, and dissertations. Remember, these papers require an inquiry into homelessness as a social issue that has political, social, and spiritual relevance in society.

  • Countries with low rates of homelessness: A case of Finland
  • How homelessness affects veterans
  • Homelessness in Japan: Causes and Consequences
  • Homelessness in China: Is it a case of overpopulation?
  • Rough sleeping versus homelessness
  • Homelessness in India: Is it overpopulation or lack of stable income?
  • The link between homelessness and poverty
  • The connection between homelessness and malnutrition
  • Homelessness in Canada: What's the government doing?
  • Impacts of covid-19 on homeless populations
  • Is homelessness a global social issue?
  • Does healthcare play a role in managing homelessness?
  • Challenges facing children from homeless families
  • Challenges of being homeless during the pandemic
  • Homelessness and obesity
  • Are all homeless people criminals?
  • Postpartum depression among homeless mothers
  • Reasons for low life expectancy for homeless women
  • Does being homeless shorten one's life?
  • How to manage depression among homeless mothers
  • Do homeless kids get breastfed?
  • The link between domestic violence and homelessness
  • Is it illegal t be homeless with a child?
  • The link between divorce and homelessness
  • Immigration and homelessness
  • Academic performance of homeless students
  • Can students be homeless?
  • Gentrification and homelessness in Los Angeles
  • Effects of gentrification on affordable housing
  • Impacts of gentrification on homelessness
  • Abuse and harassment of homeless people on the streets
  • Street families vs. homelessness
  • How homelessness affects the development of a country
  • Homelessness after incarceration
  • Impacts of homelessness on prostitution
  • How homelessness promotes alcoholism and substance abuse
  • Youth homelessness and teenage pregnancies
  • Role of politicians in solving homelessness
  • Should homeless people have equal employment opportunities
  • Role of churches and NGOs in solving homelessness
  • Is the housing crisis to blame for homelessness?
  • Is capitalism to blame for homelessness?
  • Are all homeless people violent?
  • Can homeless people work their way out of homelessness?
  • Is temporary housing enough to solve homelessness?
  • Homeless vs. Runaway teenagers
  • Why homelessness is high among foster youth adopted or reunited with families
  • Adopting homeless children
  • Prevalence of homeless children in foster care
  • How failed adoptions increase the number of homeless youths
  • Homelessness and foster care
  • Is it possible to adopt a newborn from a homeless couple?
  • Role of religious organizations in solving homelessness
  • Should homeless people be settled in churches?
  • Are homeless people lazy?
  • Should the homeless be taxed?
  • Role of the National Coalition for the Homeless
  • Comorbid conditions affecting the homeless people
  • Cancers among homeless people in America
  • The role of the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH) in solving homelessness
  • Why homelessness crisis will prevail in America
  • Expensive housing and homelessness
  • Are homeless camps safe?
  • Strategies for fixing homelessness in Houston
  • Mental health and homelessness
  • Racial inequality in housing and homelessness
  • Higher costs of buying homes and homelessness
  • Homelessness reduces the quality of life of individuals
  • Should Medicaid pay rent to tackle homelessness?
  • Housing insecurity and homelessness
  • Challenges homeless people with diabetes face
  • Challenges mentally ill homeless people face
  • Challenges the elderly people who are homeless face
  • Elderly abuse of the homeless
  • Are homeless sweeps ethical?
  • Should homeless people be resettled in the countryside?
  • Productivity, absenteeism, and mental health of homeless employees
  • Benefits of homeless shelters
  • Major depression among homeless people
  • Lonely deaths among the elderly homeless people
  • Settling homeless people in garages and basements
  • Should homeless people be settled in unclaimed properties?
  • Why do homeless people not prefer moving out of camps?
  • Do homeless people end up in slums?
  • Should local authorities clear encampments of homeless people?
  • Discrimination by shelter operators
  • Homelessness during disasters
  • Homeless people should not be allowed to shelter in subways
  • Homelessness and opioid abuse
  • Should the homeless be fed and clothed?
  • Does being lenient to the homeless promote homelessness?
  • Pathways to employment for homeless people
  • Affordable and supportive housing programs for the homeless
  • Response to the homeless crisis in America
  • Rapid re-housing is a good strategy for beating homelessness
  • Effect of Public Housing Authority screening and termination policies on homelessness
  • Impacts of criminalizing homelessness
  • Barriers to homeless people from accessing Medicaid
  • Employment assistance resources for homeless people
  • Lived experiences of homeless people
  • Trauma-informed care for homeless people
  • Homelessness among the LGBTQ populations
  • The link between homelessness and human/drug trafficking
  • Sex trafficking and homelessness
  • How can "sport killings" and "bumfights" be discouraged?
  • Alcoholism among the homeless youths
  • Teenage pregnancies among homeless youths
  • Addictions and homelessness
  • Subsidized housing is a good strategy to solve homelessness
  • Poor urban planning and homelessness
  • The link between rural-urban migration and homelessness
  • Is overpopulation and rapid development to blame for homelessness?
  • Homelessness due to infrastructural development and expansion?
  • Are people in slums considered homeless?
  • Can homeless people become successful?
  • Skin cancer among the homeless people
  • Are homeless children prone to chronic medical conditions?
  • Homelessness in the US. Vs. Japan
  • How wars promote homelessness
  • Hate crimes against the homeless people
  • Why living in a car is considered homeless?
  • The economic impact of homelessness
  • Culture and homelessness: A case of Muslims in America
  • Should local governments criminalize activities such as panhandling and sleeping in public spaces?
  • Causes of chronic homelessness
  • History of homelessness in America
  • Federal housing policies and homelessness in America
  • Discrimination and criminalization to blame for homelessness
  • Can permanent supportive housing solve chronic homelessness?
  • Do homeless people vote?
  • Issues faced by people who are homeless in accessing health and social care
  • Should homeless people be settled with older adults who don't have families?
  • Special challenges that the homeless face
  • Role of government in fighting homelessness
  • City designs to blame for homelessness
  • Is it possible to eradicate homelessness?
  • The link between eviction and homelessness
  • Unstable salary and homelessness
  • Homelessness among young families
  • Discrimination in evictions and homelessness
  • Racial disparity in homelessness in America
  • The homelessness crisis in California
  • Access and uptake of Covid-19 vaccines among the homeless
  • Can organized RV-living solve homelessness?
  • Homelessness in Los Angeles County
  • How homelessness affects personal relationships
  • Banning homeless people from sleeping in public places: ethical or not?
  • Role of social workers in advocating for the homeless
  • Attitudes of the rich toward homeless people
  • Are there homeless people in rural America?
  • Paying homeowners to accommodate the homeless
  • Impacts of wildfires on chronic homelessness
  • Challenges facing disabled homeless people
  • Challenges for homeless families with autistic kids
  • Homelessness and single-parent families
  • Homelessness after the death of a spouse
  • Mass incarceration and homelessness among minority populations in America
  • The link between homelessness and poor performance at school
  • Homelessness among the aboriginal populations
  • Strategies to alleviate homelessness among indigenous populations
  • Homelessness in New York, City
  • Sociological perspectives of homelessness
  • Recidivism and homelessness
  • How homelessness affects women and girls
  • Gender issues in homelessness
  • Homelessness in Orange County
  • Access to healthcare among the homeless
  • The link between housing policies and homelessness in America
  • High cost of living and homelessness
  • Causes of chronic homelessness in Britain
  • Are homeless charities in England effective?
  • Should unclaimed properties and money be used to settle the homeless?
  • Rough living in London
  • Family break-ups and homelessness
  • Homelessness among widows of veterans
  • The link between road accidents and homelessness
  • The connection between homelessness and criminal gangs
  • Are homeless people to blame for street graffiti?
  • Being a refugee and homeless in America
  • Asylum-seekers and homelessness
  • Reasons for high levels of homelessness among asylum-seekers
  • Factors affecting homelessness for immigrant families
  • The Effectiveness of the McKinney?Vento Act for Homeless Youth
  • Do immigrants have the right to housing?
  • Homelessness among undocumented and documented immigrants
  • Are illegal immigrants to blame for homelessness?
  • Migrant farmworkers and homelessness in the rural USA
  • Strategies to prevent homelessness among immigrants
  • Homelessness among formerly incarcerated persons
  • The link between homeless shelters and prison
  • Homelessness and recidivism
  • Community planning and policy approaches for homelessness
  • Benefits of smart cities in solving homelessness
  • Tactical pop-up urbanism for homeless
  • Urban design as an effective means of addressing chronic homelessness
  • Land prices and homelessness
  • Does the growth of cities portend an increase in homelessness?
  • How optimizing urban planning can address homelessness
  • Role of local authorities in fighting homelessness
  • Can urban planning help solve homelessness in cities?
  • Does homelessness after reentry lead to higher rates of recidivism?
  • Access to behavioral health services by homeless people
  • The link between racial justice and fair chance housing policy and homelessness
  • Homelessness among decarcerated people
  • Access to housing and prison abolition
  • Subsidized housing for the decarcerated people
  • Are federally subsidized housing vouchers effective in solving homelessness in America?
  • Barriers to subsidized housing for the decarcerated
  • Homelessness and mental health of recently released prisoners
  • The link between homelessness, crime, and victimization
  • How corruption leads to a homeliness crisis
  • The costs of criminalizing homelessness

With the topics covered, you can look through our blog for writing guides for different academic assignments. You can find helpful essay tips and how to write a dissertation. Equally, we have made the process of writing a research paper easier through our detailed research paper writing guide.

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Home / Essay Samples / Social Issues / Poverty Problem / Homelessness

Homelessness Essay Examples

The top reasons for homelessness in america.

Poverty impacts the quality of life for people all around the world. In fact, thirty-nine million seven hundred thousand Americans lived in poverty at some point throughout the year 2017, according to the U.S Census Bureau. This equates to one in eight people in the...

Peter Singer’s "The Singer Solution to World Poverty"

Some may say that the homeless are lazy and just looking for handouts, but that is a dangerous stereotype that we must put an end to. This is Peter Singer’s “The Singer Solution to World Poverty,” summary paper where he claims that it is our...

Combatting Poverty: Strategies for Effective Solutions

Poverty and issues like homelessness can really happen to anyone, even without warning, this is why it must be ensured that their is sufficient support, reliable help and adequate solutions in place to prevent poverty and those in need of assistance. This is how to...

Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger: Poverty in Ghana

Ghana so far has been dealing with its poverty rate well but could be improved obviously, but according to UNICEF (The United Nations Children's Fund , the Ghana poverty rate fell from 56.5 percent to 24.2 percent between 1992 and 2013, but unfortunately Ghana has...

The Poverty Paradox: an Argument for Addressing Poverty in the USA

The number of homeless Americans is growing. Rates of homelessness jumped by nine percent in 2017. The U.S. financial set up for 2019 has $8.8 billions of projected budget cuts for the Department of Housing and Development. Therefore, the issue does not appear to be...

The Root Causes of Poverty in the Philippines

To reveal the problem of poverty, first of all the causes of poverty in the Philippines should be addressed in this essay. Poverty is not just about being poor and does not have the capability of providing their own basic needs such as food, clothes,...

Fighting Poverty in the Philippines: Challenges and Solutions

This is poverty in the Philippines essay in which the topic of battling poverty in the Philippines will be discussed. The Sustainable Development Goals or SDG are a collection of 17 goals that can impact the certain countries, nations or even the world positively. These...

A Modest Proposal to Help Homeless People

To start with, this is a modest proposal essay in which this topic is described. We need to make modest proposals for preventing the poor people on streets, from taking our sidewalk side space and money, and making them beneficial to the economy. When you...

Cause and Effect of Poverty on Society Essay

In the work 'Cause and Effect of Poverty on Society Essay'  we talk about what is poverty and it conceptualizes. Poverty encompasses a range of deprivations that result in the state of living below a certain standard, materially or otherwise. Discourses on poverty have often...

Homelessness as a Complex Social Problem

Homelessness stands as a poignant testament to the social inequalities and systemic challenges that persist in our modern society. This essay delves into the multifaceted issue of homelessness as a complex social problem, exploring its underlying causes, far-reaching consequences, and potential solutions. At its core,...

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About Homelessness

The new definition includes four broad categories of homelessness: People who are living in a place not meant for human habitation, in emergency shelter, in transitional housing, or are exiting an institution where they temporarily resided.

Transitional Homelessness; Episodic Homelessness; Chronic Homelessness; Hidden Homelessness

Rent and eviction Economics Medical Discrimination Human and natural disasters Foster care Choice

Homelessness is a global issue. Although a safe home should be considered a fundamental human right, nearly 31 million children around the world are left unhoused. Many of these children and their families are forced to flee their homes due to war, persecution, and natural disasters. Some are left without shelter due to circumstances beyond their control. One-quarter of homeless people are children. Domestic violence is a leading cause of homelessness among women. One in five homeless people suffers from untreated severe mental illness.

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