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How to Write A Standout Law Personal Statement

A law personal statement is essential when applying to enrol on an LLB law course as an undergraduate or an LLM degree as a postgraduate. Get advice and tips on writing good law personal statements.

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You’ll need to write a law personal statement if you’re applying for the LLB or other types of law degrees via UCAS . You will also have to write one if you’re applying to study law at postgraduate level.

What is a Law Personal Statement?

The personal statement is a piece of writing which you send off with your UCAS application to different universities . It’s capped at 4,000 characters (so will often end up running for about one side of A4), and serves as the best way to differentiate yourself from other applicants to the most competitive courses. In short, it’s the personal statement which is the truly ‘personal’ part of your application. This is your chance to grab the attention of the admissions team, who will often use the personal statement as the easiest way to pick between candidates with other similar metrics (e.g. predicted A Level grades which meet the entry requirements ). Other universities ( Oxbridge specifically ) place even more emphasis on your personal statement, using it as a way to decide who to invite to interview (and then as a source of discussion during interviews). Put simply, it’s an important part of your application.

For law specifically, a subject which is known to be both competitive and highly academic, the personal statement is even more crucial. The University of Law have a page outlining some law personal statement tips , but this article seeks to present our views on some of the most crucial elements of a successful personal statement for studying law at university – from what you should do to what you shouldn’t, structure, content and more, this article will get you well on your way.

How Universities Use Your UCAS Law Personal Statement

If a lot of students applying for law degree courses have achieved the basic entry requirements, university admissions teams use UCAS law personal statements to decide who is more suited to their learning programme. Some universities take this a step further with, for example, with the LNAT , which is taken into consideration alongside your personal statement. 

Some law schools will read every personal statement and score them. They then use this score alongside your qualifications and grades to decide whether to offer you an interview. Other law universities don’t give as much consideration to personal statements and will only use them to decide between students who have borderline entry requirements.

Law schools may refer to your personal statement on results day if you don’t get the grades you need. A good personal statement could be the difference in securing a university place if you don’t get the grades you hoped for.

Planning Your Statement

Plan a clear structure.

First thing’s first, you’re going to need a clear structure. There are a few reasons for this. First, having a clearly planned out structure before you start writing will limit the amount of ‘waffle’ you could accidentally end up putting into your writing (more on that in our next point). Second, a clear structure allows your reader (those university admissions teams) to enjoy the personal statement more by increasing the smoothness of the reading experience associated with a well thought out body of text (remember, they’ll be reading hundreds, if not thousands, of these). Third, you’re applying to study law – the personal statement is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate that you can produce well planned, structured writing (as is crucial for any humanities subject). The theme of the personal statement serving a dual purpose (presenting the content itself but also showcasing your writing abilities) will come up again throughout this article – it’s super important to bear in mind.

There is no one-size-fits-all structure that your personal statement should take, and you should allow yourself to be guided largely by the content you’re looking to present. It is a good idea, however, to feature a particularly catchy opening leading into an introductory section, a main body (structure however best suits the content) and at least a line or two of concluding material at the end.

Leading on from our last point, being concise is key. Not only does this allow you to demonstrate your clarity of writing (as all law students and aspiring lawyers need as a key skill ), but it also increases the amount of content (or explanation of that content) you’re able to pack into 4,000 characters. For example, have you written ‘on the other hand’? ‘Conversely’ is 2 words/7 characters shorter, and serves the exact same purpose. Also consider whether you’re repeating yourself. Conciseness is best achieved by proofreading.

Manage Your Tone

Throughout your personal statement, it’s best to take a relatively formal tone. Your content is the part that allows your personality and individualism to shine through. Also avoid humour – it’s simply too risky without knowing the preferences of the individual whose desk your personal statement will eventually land on.

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Writing Your Statement

Proofreading is essential for a personal statement, and you’ll likely go through many rounds of drafts. Having concise writing is key (see the point above), but even more important is the fact your personal statement needs to avoid any errors in spelling or grammar. These are easily correctible and may reflect badly on you as a student applying to an essay-based subject at university. It’s fine if you personally struggle with spelling or grammar – see our next point for a way to combat that.

Get Feedback

Your personal statement, while being innately ‘personal’, is best improved by showing it to a range of people. Although there will naturally (and sadly) be a difference in the quality of assistance you will receive based on the quality of your sixth form/college, be proactive in seeking out the best people possible to read over it and give you feedback. Are there any teachers at your school who studied on the university course you now find yourself applying to? Can you find current students/alumni of that course on LinkedIn and ask if they’d be willing to spare a few minutes to glance over it for you? The more input you get (from people who have more experience than you on this topic), the more secure you’ll feel in defending why you’ve written what you have.

Capital Letter Checks

If you’ve successfully followed the tips above, you’re likely to have a personal statement with a great deal of specific references in it. There’s an easy way to roughly check this – visually scan down your personal statement and see how many capital letters there are. If you’ve got very few, it’s likely that you may have included a fair amount of ‘waffle’. If you can spot quite a few capital letters, that’s a sign that you’ve probably included the specifics – great job! Where ‘I’ve read many legal books’ might throw up a red flag, ‘I’ve read X and Y books’ means you’re on a great path.

Get to Know Your Course

Demonstrate your interest by improving your understanding

Perfecting Your Statement

Keep it personal.

Attempting to present a broad overview of your degree’s content (e.g. trying to do a broad sweep of UK legal history) is useless, impossible, and ultimately pretty boring to read. It also means you’ll end up with something that skims the surface of many things. Remember, this is a ‘personal’ statement. The best way to approach it is to drill down deep into one or two particular niches that interests you (again, rather than skimming the surface of a huge range of topics). This keeps your personal statement fresh and interesting to read for the admissions team. Have you developed an interest in a particular piece of legislation that’s just come out? You could spend a paragraph going into some detail here – and the contents of that paragraph are what comes next.

Show – Don’t Tell

This is one of the most important pieces of advice possible. Once you’ve found a particular area of interest to talk about in your personal statement, you need to back that up with specific, tangible examples. Some people will also advise that you try and keep this content relatively recent in order to demonstrate an engagement with world affairs. Although not compulsory, this can still be a useful avenue to explore. ‘I’m really interested in the new Online Safety Bill’ is generic, proves very little, and could apply to anyone. ‘My interest in the new Online Safety Bill led me to read X book and watch X documentary, after which I considered X issues’ is specific to you, demonstrates a tangible interest in these topics, and is simply far more interesting to read. This idea of constantly building on what came before allows you to demonstrate a thread running throughout your essay (helping your structure present itself as clear in the process). This is where you’ll often hear people say that your personal statement needs to ‘flow’.

The range of things that you could ‘show’ is vast – books related to your course are a great starting point. If you know one of your top choice universities employs a particularly prominent member of faculty, perhaps you’d be interested to have a look at their writing and include that too. Other such content could include documentaries, conferences, events, or work experience. Now your personal statement is looking far more personal.

Academic vs Extra-Curricular

Balancing the proportion of academic to extra-curricular content in your personal statement is not an easy task, especially when you’re likely to hear that certain top universities like Oxbridge heavily favour the former. Law is also an intensely academic subject. With that in mind, it’s only natural to place a heavy emphasis on the academic side. However, if you’ve got extra-curricular content which you feel you could successfully link to your degree course in some way (e.g. ‘For my swimming club, I researched current health and safety regulations to make sure we are compliant’ – ‘I am in a swimming club’, conversely, doesn’t hold much value), then do feel free to include that too.

In short, while writing law personal statements may appear a challenge, following our top tips will allow your application to excel. Be clear, be specific, be you.

Watch this video from Solent University Law School, Southampton, which is packed with great tips on how to write a strong personal statement for law.

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How to write a great personal statement

Crafting a personal statement that stands out is an important part of the UCAS process. However, it can be hard to know exactly what to include, how to write it, and how to stand out. With this in mind, we caught up with Student Recruitment Manager Richard Palmer for his tips on writing a great personal statement.

By Cara Fielder . Published 13 October 2021. Last updated 12 January 2024.

Why is a personal statement important?

Your personal statement is about much more than just meeting the grade requirements and needs to tick a few boxes to stand out. These statements are a top factor when it comes to consideration for admissions experts – but don’t see it as a chore, your personal statement provides an opportunity to communicate your unique skills and strengths to secure your place at university.

What are admissions looking for?

Students must have the appropriate qualifications and grade predictions to meet entry requirements, but this will need to be elaborated on in your personal statement. As you think of your different qualifications, accomplishments, and qualities remember to link them all together to show how this makes you suitable for your chosen course.

  • Excellent spelling, grammar and attention to detail.
  • Illustrate your suitability for the course by linking it to different areas of life. For example, earlier studies, extra-curricular activities, personal hobbies/experiences and work experience (if applicable).
  • Your personality – not in terms of humour or sarcasm but show that you are a responsible and hardworking student.
  • A strong reference that supports your application.

Our nine tips for writing your personal statement

Map out the structure.

A great way to approach this is visually: create a diagram splitting the personal statement into sections. Firstly, you want a strong opening introducing yourself. The middle section can then be split into three sub-sections: your course choice, education experience and your wider experiences (e.g. extracurricular activities and work). Then conclude with a concise summary of the points you’ve made.

Whilst the whole statement needs a good deal of work, a robust opening can hook the reader and make all the difference to an application. It’s an opportunity to briefly cover everything you’ll discuss in greater detail throughout your statement. Consider why you want to study the course, your passion for the subject, where you hope it leads and why it’s right for you.

Similarly, a strong closing paragraph can leave a positive and lasting impression. Try and consolidate what you’ve covered in your statement and reinforce why you would make a great candidate for the course.

Transferrable skills

When discussing your suitability, share how the content and skills learned from your current or previous study relate to your chosen course, and how they will help you succeed. For instance, if you studied A Level Business and apply to study accounting and finance try and highlight how your current learning will influence your degree choice.

Of course, there are many degrees where it might not be possible to study the subject before university, so you’ll need to be a little more creative and think outside of the box. For those subjects which aren’t directly related to your chosen course consider any crossover and highlight those links. For example, if you’ve chosen to study criminology and studied A Level Geography you could discuss globalisation, green crimes, or illegal pollution.

You should also discuss the wider skills you’ve developed. Consider how a variety of teaching environments, coursework, and creative projects have provided you with relevant skills to succeed in a degree such as organisation skills, time management, communication, and multi-tasking.

If you are applying for slightly different courses, remember that all your university choices will see the same personal statement. Make sure to prioritise talking about your main subject for consistency.

Be original

While it might be tempting to copy your friends or take inspiration from example personal statements online, avoid it at all costs. Plagiarism is often unintentional but the best thing you can do to avoid it is steering away from using templates or writing similar personal statements to your peers.

UCAS (for example) puts every statement through plagiarism software. If your statement has 30% similarities to others, a report is sent to all your university choices. They decide the outcome, which could be to revoke your offer. Don’t let this worry – if you honestly write an original statement and the software still picks it up by fluke the university will know what to do.

Consider your strengths

Follow this simple framework:

  • What are you good at?
  • How can you demonstrate that skill?
  • Keep it positive

For example - “I was a debate team captain and lead in making arguments” is good, but it could have something added to it to make it pop. A great way to do this is to add positive adjectives and adverbs to build up the sentence. “I was a successful debate team captain and lead in making winning arguments”.

Everybody has weaknesses, and it’s important to recognise these too. However, be sure to frame it as a positive. Be honest and recognise areas you haven’t experienced or aren’t as confident at – and consider positive ways that you can develop in that area. 

Highlight any previous work experience

Even if it was short-term or voluntary, any experience is good and helps to emphasise your skills. Demonstrating that you have actively sought out work experience presents you as someone with initiative and independence.

Start writing it as early as possible and be aware of all the important deadlines. Draw out a timeline detailing when you aim to have your first draft done, your second draft, any reviews and submission deadlines. This will help to get you in the right mindset from the outset, because nobody likes last-minute stress.

Triple check your work

Sometimes when you have been working on something for a long time, it’s easy to overlook mistakes so it’s also helpful to ask someone else to proofread it for you. Double and triple check your work, keeping an eye out for typos. Getting family or friends to proofread your personal statement will also help to ensure that it sounds authentically you.

Stand out from the crowd

Try to think outside of the box and communicate what makes you unique. For example, if you have any creative ideas on how to improve a certain area within your chosen industry/subject, put this forward. This might tie in with your hobbies and work experience and be a good way to build on it.

Make evidence-based points

Highlighting your experiences is a crucial part of the personal statement but must be backed up with solid evidence. For example, if you have experience as a sports captain or society member, rather than just listing what you did, explain how you got there and what you achieved. Mention actions and outcomes, this shows how you strive for self-improvement and highlights an ability to clearly define goals.

If you’re still considering which degree to apply for, check out our range of undergraduate courses in law , business , criminology , policing , psychology and computer science . 

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  • How To Write Your Law Personal Statement

Last Updated: 16th September 2017

Author: UniAdmissions Blog

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The key to writing a good personal statement to study law lies in bearing in mind the purpose of a personal statement.

The purpose of a Personal Statement is generally to demonstrate a student’s interest in their chosen subject, and secondly, to evidence his or her suitability for the study of that subject. Admission tutors want to read an honest characterisation of you as a student and as individual. 

Of course, before you begin looking at the law-specific aspects of your Personal Statement, you should ensure that you have a firm understanding of how you should plan, structure, write and edit your statement in a general sense. If you would like to learn more about this, we would recommend checking out our Ultimate UCAS Personal Statement Guide , which will provide you with plenty of information and tips to ensure you perfect your Personal Statement.

if you’re ready to learn how you can perfect your Personal Statement for law, then let’s start with the key principles to consider when writing your Law Personal Statement.

The Two Principles of writing your Law Personal statement

There are so many things to consider when writing a personal statement that sometimes, you don’t which ones to follow or prioritise. There are two additional things to bear in mind where law personal statements are concerned:

Your interest and suitability should be demonstrated in relation to law as an academic subject - not law as a career. Principle #1

The LPC (Legal Practice Course) and the BPTC (Bar Professional Training Course) are separate courses geared towards making a student prepared for a career in law. In contrast, an undergraduate degree in law at university is not – it focuses, instead, on law as an academic subject. It is best practice to avoid speaking about your interest in the legal profession and focus instead on what it is about law as a subject that draws you to it.

For example, consider important law-related academic milestones of recent years and discuss how these have influenced you. You can mention cryptocurrency or the commercial use of drones. These topics might not seem law related at first, but the required legislation to have these elements present in society is most definitely a law problem. 

Writing the personal statement is itself an opportunity for you to demonstrate skills which the study of law would require. Principle #2

Namely, the ability to make a coherent case (in this case, for your admission), to follow a clear structure and to express yourself concisely. A fun approach you could take is to think of your personal statement as your case to prove you are guilty or innocent (in other words, deserving of a place at your chosen university). Bring some charming humour into it and make it a memorable personal statement. 

What to Do Before writing your law personal statement

You might be wondering: how can I demonstrate interest in law as a subject when I have little knowledge on what studying it at university will involve? This problem can, however, be overcome through adequate preparation before writing the statement. One way to prepare is by reading law books – that is – introductory law texts suitable for those who have never studied law before. One such text is Criminal law: the basics – by Jonathan Herring.

  • Wider Reading: Discover our recommended law reading list

It is important to read these texts not to learn about Law, but to gain some insight into what studying Law involves and why you find it interesting. Articles in the news on Law-related subjects can also be useful in introducing you to controversial legal issues; for example, The Economist previously published an article on the European Court of Justice’s ruling on a discrimination case (concerning whether employers can sack employees who refuse to remove their headscarves).

Mentioning such issues in your Personal Statement, and, more crucially, explaining why they draw you to the study of Law, as well as your thoughts on how the issues should be resolved, can be a great way to demonstrate your interest. Another preparatory step to take before writing the statement is work experience.

This, however, is not essential, and any work experience you complete should only be mentioned if it somehow increases your interest in Law as an academic subject or if afforded you the opportunity to develop skills which will enable you to be a good Law student.

Don’t worry if you’re not able to find work experience: another thing you can do is go into a court to watch a court case (courts in this jurisdiction are open to all). Another worthwhile activity is undertaking an extended essay or the Extended Project Qualification at school; this can give you the opportunity to develop research skills and look into a Law-related topic over a long period of time.

Writing Your law personal statement: structure and style

A good structure to follow is to dedicate the first half of the statement to showing your interest in studying Law, and how you developed that interest through reading books, articles and doing other activities. The second half of the statement should be where you produce evidence of your suitability for the study of Law.

One thing to bear in mind whilst writing the statement is that it is best not to be dramatic; it can be tempting to use a multitude of adjectives – this should be avoided as the statement tends to start sounding silly. Besides, a better technique for producing an interesting statement is using examples to evidence statements and being as precise as possible. The link below has a great example of a personal statement for Law application. 

Success rates for students studying Law can be as low as 12% – UniAdmissions’ average success rate is 61%.

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Personal Statement

The personal statement should answer some key questions: Why is it that you want to spend three years of your life working in legal study? How can you evidence an enthusiasm for the subject, a deep interest in it and an aptitude for it? Professor Pippa Rogerson

Your UCAS personal statement is your opportunity to demonstrate your interest in Law as an academic subject and to offer specific evidence that you would be well suited to a Law degree at Cambridge.

You might consider including specific information about any independent academic exploration you have pursued. We are looking for evidence of your intellectual curiosity and independent motivation. You should also keep in mind that your personal statement is sometimes used to start a conversation in your interview, so you should be prepared to discuss any of the topics you include.

For further information regarding personal statements, please see the University’s website on UCAS applications and UCAS guidance .

Supplementary Application Questionnaire (SAQ)

One week after submitting your UCAS online application, you will be sent an email prompting you to complete the SAQ . This Cambridge-specific aspect of your application requests some further information that is not included elsewhere on your UCAS application.

One aspect of the SAQ is the optional additional personal statement. This statement gives you the opportunity to add any further information that is specific either to Cambridge or to Law that you were not able to include elsewhere in your application. You will not be penalised for leaving this section blank. If you do choose to complete it, remember your SAQ will be reviewed alongside your UCAS application, so avoid simply repeating your UCAS personal statement.

My Cambridge Application

My Cambridge Application is an additional form that you need to complete if you're applying to study an undergraduate degree at Cambridge. Once you submit your UCAS application, you'll get an email from us within 48 hours with instructions and a link to your My Cambridge Application.

The form is personalised, so we'll only ask you the relevant questions for your application.

For most applicants, the deadline will be 23 October 2023 (6pm UK time).

The My Cambridge form also allows you to submit an additional Cambridge-specific personal statement. This is optional and should not be the same as your UCAS personal statement.

Please visit the undergraduate admissions site for more information about how to complete your My Cambridge application.

A written reference, usually provided by a teacher or tutor in your school or college, is a useful way for us to learn more about your academic ability and potential. If your chosen referee is unsure of what to include, you can direct them to the University’s guidance . For more information on choosing a referee, please see the UCAS guidance , or contact the college that you plan to apply to with further questions.

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Your Guide to Writing an Excellent Personal Statement

How to write a great personal statement for law.

In this handy guide, we will provide some useful hints and tips to help you tailor your personal statement and increase your chance of securing a place on your desired law degree.

What is a personal statement?

Your personal statement forms part of your UCAS application, and is sent to all of the institutions you are applying to. The aim is to convince the reader that you are the perfect candidate to study/practise law, and it should be personal; about your interests, your background, your aspirations, and the reason you want to study Law at university.

Tip: Although you are encouraged to talk about the LLB as a whole, don’t mention specific features – such as a specific placement or year abroad – unless it applies to all of the courses you are applying to via UCAS.

What skills should a Law student demonstrate?

Verbal communication skills.

One of the most important skills of a lawyer is ‘advocacy’: being able to communicate, advise, persuade. Can you include any examples of activities that have enhanced your communication skills? Or worked with others and offered informed advice?

Written communication skills

A good understanding of grammar and sentence structure is essential when studying a law degree and entering the legal profession. Your personal statement is evidence of how much attention you pay to this: don’t underestimate the importance of proof reading!

Developing a convincing argument

Putting forward an informed argument – both written and verbal – are skills that you will further develop whilst at university and throughout your legal career. Can you include any examples that demonstrate this? For example, public speaking, debating, or constructing an essay with pros, cons and conclusions.

Research skills

This links in nicely with the above point – to develop a convincing legal case, or progress on to specialise in a specific legal area – efficient and detailed research is an essential skill. Can you demonstrate any examples of research included in any of your current qualifications?


Volunteering at university is a great way of increasing your career prospects and expanding your legal knowledge. If you have any examples of volunteering or work experience – Law related or not – include them, and expand on the skills learnt. It’s worthwhile noting that Pro Bono Work (which involves offering free legal advice) is often an activity that both students and practising lawyers are involved in. Often, such work is conducted in a Law Clinic – where students and professionals offer free legal advice to members of the public, to help combat cuts in legal aid and also give something back to the local community.  

Extra reading and exploration

An interest in wider research, or current affairs is desirable – some areas of the law have remained unchanged in 400 years whilst others may have changed since last month. But remember: be specific, name a text, particular case – and be sure you are genuinely engaged with it, you could be asked for more information at interview.

Tip: We’ve compiled a list of resources for students to engage with before beginning their studies at university . These resources may help with this aspect of the personal statement, helping you further understand terminology and think beyond the curriculum.

Personal Statement FAQs

What should i include in my opening paragraph.

  • Your opening paragraph should include something punchy, to attract the reader’s attention: it should reflect your background and experiences, and why they have influenced you to study Law at degree level
  • Examples may include: an area of Law that interests you, a relevant book you may have read and found interesting, a poignant and applicable news article/topic of late
  • If relevant, indicate a linked career goal (for example, working as a solicitor, barrister, or within the criminal justice system)
  • If you’re finding it difficult to make a start, leave your opening paragraph until last.

Tip: Most law degrees will cover seven core elements of law, including Contract Law, Criminal Law, Land Law, Equity and Trusts, EU Law, Law of Tort and Public Law.

Popular module choices within our LLB include law relating to medical treatment, human rights, family, the environment, trade, employment, and media.

How do I include my current studies?

  • Discuss how your qualification(s) prepares you for a Law degree. If you are already studying Law, start here. If not – don’t worry, most qualifications include skills that are transferrable to Law
  • Be specific and show an intellectual interest – which authors / modules / theorists / debates interest you? Why might this help you with your law degree?
  • Show how you have read beyond the curriculum

How do I include my extra-curricular activities?

  • When it comes to extra-curricular activities, do not simply list your achievements: state the skills that you learnt on your work experience or during your volunteering, explain how you have developed since being part of a sports team. Work to expand on why you feel these extra activities are applicable to studying a law degree – and, remember, it’s not about quantity here: it’s about quality.
  • In terms of supra-curricular activities – that is what you’ve done to learn outside of the classroom – again, be detailed and apply your learnings to the skills needed for a law degree. Tell us about any summer schools you’ve been a part of and what you learnt, any debates you’ve been involved in, what you’ve learnt from watching TED Talks.
  • Both extra-curricular and supra-curricular activities demonstrate that you are proactive – think of how this might relate to a legal profession.

Tip: During your degree, you may wish to get involved with opportunities such as competitions , mock client interviewing, mooting , or debating – all of which require a dedication of time beyond the realms of your studies.

Where do I start?

  • Begin by drafting bullet points, utilising the above pointers. Don’t worry about making sentences cohesive and structured to begin with – focus on the points you wish to make
  • Once you have your pointers, plan your structure and work out where each point will be placed. We’d recommend the following:
  • Opening Paragraph
  • Your Current Studies
  • Career Aspirations and Work Experience
  • School/ College Achievement/Extra-Curricular Activities

Edit and refine: hone your draft down to an eligible piece, and get advice.

Lawrence Thomas

What our students say. hear from law student, lawrence:.

How can applicants make themselves stand out when applying to Swansea?

More than simply stating that you are interested in studying law, specify why in detail; give examples from your experiences – part-time jobs, family members, work experience etc. Also, an applicant will stand out if they can display to the admissions team that they have qualities necessary to successfully study – e.g. determination – and gives examples for them too. Finally, try to do these things while avoiding generic statements and clichés – if the reader can anticipate how a sentence is going to end, it will be unremarkable.

Find out more about our Undergraduate Law Degrees

  • LLB Law in Practice
  • LLB Business Law
  • LLB Business Law in Practice
  • LLB Law with Criminology
  • LLB Law in Practice with Criminology
  • LLB Law (Senior Status)
  • LLB Law with a Foundation Year
  • LLB Law with Criminology with a Foundation Year
  • LLB Law in Practice with a Foundation Year
  • LLB Law in Practice with Criminology with a Foundation Year

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What to include in a Personal Statement

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Personal statement example law and business studies personal statement.

Submitted by Krishangy

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Law and Business Studies Personal Statement

I come from a country that boasts of a great and ancient civilisation, a country that gave the world many important inventions and innovations, and a country that produced some of the finest minds of every generation, especially women. However my country is also an interesting paradox of conventionalism and modernity and of progress and restrain. And it is with these values that I step into the next and new phase of my life.

I come from a big family where I have been encouraged to express myself creatively and maturely. My father is my greatest inspiration. He has taught me to be bold and fearless, yet be compassionate and caring. I have been fortunate enough to have received an education in one of the top schools in the country and have grown up with the belief that education is the only way to understand and fight the problems plaguing our society. The ethos of my school is reflected in its motto of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”, which means that ‘the world is a family’. This guiding principle of international brotherhood has instilled in me a sense of justice and tolerance with a global and inclusive approach towards life.

My accomplishments have been special in their own right - a ‘Prefect’, a house captain, an awardee of ‘Excellence in English and International Understanding’ and a member of the Model United Nations, these are a few that I mention here. I have been a member of two cultural exchange programmes – one to Spain and France and the other to Japan. I have participated in debates and discussions over the ‘Drachma Dilemma’ and gender equality from an economic, psychological and business point of view at various forums. I have also been a part of various non-government organisations to help educate the handicapped, write examinations for the blind and organise blood donation camps. All the above-mentioned feats and accomplishments might seem modest when viewed in the larger scheme of things, but they have given me a strong appreciation for policy and polity. They have also provided me with the determination to lead and achieve things and the ability to solve problems, to take charge, and most of all to be imaginative and innovative.

It is with this experience that I now choose the direction that my life should take. As a diligent and determined individual, I feel I will be capable and ready to work as a force for greater good in building a just, fair and equitable society for the succeeding generations to come. Therefore I wish to apply for a law and business degree which will provide a base for a career in Corporate Social Responsibility.

As India's commercial fortunes rise, the field of Corporate Social Responsibility presents an opportunity for the betterment of the individuals and the nation as a whole. It is one of the key components in the today's business environment and has the potential of having a prominent impact on the Indian social fabric. Having an administrative and protective nature, this field combines my interests of managing people and resources and making a positive impact on the society. It also opens a window for working in a challenging and creative line.

The British educational, legal and financial organisations have been the cornerstones of all premium institutions globally and are highly valued and recognised. Not only are they deep rooted in culture and tradition, but they have also been a beacon of prosperity and upliftment for the rest of the world. In addition, the Indian legal system has been inherited from the British colonisation and various legislations introduced by them are still in force. Thus, an education from a university in the UK will ensure a sound foundation that will not only help build my future but also help me build a better future for my country; a peaceful and equal society that is void of any prejudice or intolerance.

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Cornell law personal statement: how to write + examples.

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Reviewed by:

David Merson

Former Head of Pre-Law Office, Northeastern University, & Admissions Officer, Brown University

Reviewed: 03/03/23

Getting ready to write your Cornell Law personal statement? Unsure of where to begin or what to share? This guide has got you covered!

Cornell is a T14 , Ivy League law school that aspiring lawyers dream of attending. With such high rankings and prestige, it takes a lot to impress Cornell ’s admissions committee.

Aside from a stellar LSAT score and GPA, you’ll have to showcase your impeccable writing skills by writing a personal statement that shares a compelling narrative that showcases your potential as a future legal leader. 

This personal statement will give you a chance to demonstrate your individuality and commitment to law, so it’s essential you craft it with care! Read on to learn how to write a winning Cornell Law School personal statement and to see a few examples to draw inspiration from!

Cornell Law School Personal Statement Requirements

Student applying to Cornell Law

There aren’t any strict requirements when it comes to the Cornell Law personal statement . In an attempt to give students the opportunity to express themselves as they see fit, Cornell urges students to write about any topic they believe will present the most valuable personal information.

Your personal statement may address your intellectual interests, significant accomplishments, obstacles overcome, personal or professional goals, educational achievements, or any way in which your perspective, viewpoint, or experiences will add to the richness of the educational environment of Cornell. 

The length of the statement is also left to your discretion; however, you’re reminded that the admissions committee reviews thousands of applications! So, it’s best if you keep it short and sweet! It’s suggested your personal statement does not exceed two pages.

How to Write Your Cornell Law Personal Statement

Now that you’re familiar with the basic Cornell Law personal statement requirements, let’s delve deeper into how to write a statement that resonates with the judges and maximizes your chances of acceptance!

Step One: Research

You want to clearly prove your dedication to Cornell in your personal statement. To do this, your statement cannot be generic. Familiarize yourself with Cornell Law School’s missions, values, programs, and history.

old photo of Cornell

Step Two: Reflect on Your Experiences

Before you write your first sentence, take time to reflect on your personal, academic, and professional experiences that have shaped your interest in law. Consider significant challenges, achievements, or moments of inspiration that have influenced your decision to pursue a legal education at Cornell. 

Step Three: Define Your Narrative

Once you’ve brainstormed all of the key experiences that define your identity, develop a central theme or narrative that connects these experiences and motivations. This could be a personal story, a passion for a specific area of law, or a desire to make a difference in the legal field. 

This narrative will give your personal statement coherence and help the admissions committee understand your unique perspective. You should use this narrative as your hook as well! Consider setting the scene for the readers with vivid descriptions or starting mise-en-scene at the climax of your story. 

Step Four: Brag a Little

You’ve accomplished a lot to get to where you are right now, and you should tell the admissions committee about it! While you don’t want to rehash your resume , you should highlight your key strengths, skills, experiences, and attributes that make you a strong candidate. 

medals and awards

Some traits Cornell values in its applicants are problem-solving, leadership, and a commitment to social justice and service. Provide concrete examples to support these strengths and share how they will contribute to your success as a law student and lawyer.

That said, make sure to provide examples of your prowess in context, don’t simply list your accomplishments and avoid arrogance. You’ve learned a lot- but not everything! You should be proud and honest while also highlighting your eagerness to learn and grow moving forward.

Step Five: Focus on Flow

Ensure your essay flows as you move through different experiences. Make use of transition words and phrases, maintain your tone, provide logical connections, and engage your reader throughout. 

Step Six: Include Your Research

Remember that research you conducted about Cornell? Now’s the time to show you did your homework. Students typically include their specific reasons for applying to Cornell near the end of their personal statement. 

Mention any relevant courses, clinics, or professors that align with your academic and career goals. Prove that you have carefully considered why Cornell is the right fit for you!

Step Seven: End With a Bang

Don’t neglect your conclusion! You want to leave a lasting impression on the admissions committee, so pay attention to your final sentences. 

student thinking

You can either summarize your reasons for attending law school, and your hopes for the future, or refer back to the story shared in your introduction and provide deeper reflections on it. However you choose to end your Cornell Law personal statement, ensure it leaves your readers satisfied!

Step Eight: Be Authentic and Concise

Write in your own voice and be true to yourself. Admissions committees appreciate authenticity and want to understand who you are as an individual. Avoid clichés, unnecessary jargon, and only use language you feel comfortable with.

Step Nine: Edit and Revise

After finishing your first draft, edit and revise it until it is free of grammar and spelling errors. Ensure it flows, is clear, and impactful. Seek feedback from others to gain different perspectives on your statement and do not submit it until you’re completely satisfied with it!

Cornell Law School Personal Statement Examples

Here are two Cornell Law School personal statement examples that allow you to see these steps in action!

stack of accepted Cornell law essays

Growing up in a small town, my perspective on the world was limited. Opportunities to witness the challenges faced by marginalized communities were rare, and my understanding of human rights was confined to textbooks and news headlines. It wasn't until a life-changing experience during my college years that my passion for human rights was ignited.

It all started when I stumbled upon a documentary about a grassroots organization working tirelessly to combat child labor in Southeast Asia. The film featured brave individuals who risked their lives to fight for the rights of children subjected to exploitation and abuse. I was struck by their unwavering determination and the impact they were making in their communities.

Intrigued and inspired, I immersed myself in the subject, delving into academic research, volunteering at local NGOs, and engaging in eye-opening conversations with activists. Each encounter further deepened my understanding of the intricate web of social, political, and economic factors that perpetuate human rights violations.

During a summer internship at an international human rights organization, I witnessed firsthand the harsh realities faced by refugees fleeing persecution. I listened to their stories of despair, resilience, and hope. It was in those moments of empathy that I realized the power of the law in safeguarding human dignity and fostering social change.

Motivated by this newfound purpose, I dedicated myself to the study of human rights law, pursuing coursework and research projects that explored the intersection of legal frameworks and social justice. I eagerly engaged with professors, attending guest lectures and seminars to deepen my knowledge and broaden my perspective.

My passion for human rights also compelled me to take action beyond the classroom. I co-founded a student organization focused on raising awareness and advocating for human rights issues on campus. We organized events, hosted panel discussions, and collaborated with local organizations, striving to ignite a sense of responsibility and action within our community.

Through these experiences, I have come to appreciate the immense challenges inherent in protecting and promoting human rights. Yet, I firmly believe that change is possible, and it starts with each individual who refuses to be silent in the face of injustice.

It is my profound desire to further my education at Cornell Law School, renowned for its commitment to social justice and its distinguished faculty in human rights law. I am inspired by the opportunity to learn from leading scholars, collaborate with passionate peers, and immerse myself in an environment that nurtures both academic excellence and practical application.

Ultimately, my aspiration is to become an advocate for those whose voices have been stifled and rights have been trampled upon. I strive to dedicate my legal career to the pursuit of justice, working tirelessly to ensure that human rights are upheld and protected for all.

Cornell Law School represents the ideal platform to nurture my passion, provide me with the tools and knowledge necessary to effect change, and equip me with the skills to make a meaningful impact in the field of human rights. I am ready to embark on this transformative journey, committed to the pursuit of justice and the relentless pursuit of a world where human rights are not just lofty ideals or headlines, but tangible realities for all.

Why It Works

This statement is successful because it effectively captures the reader's attention with a personal narrative and engages them in the journey of the writer's discovery and passion for human rights. 

The writer demonstrates a clear understanding of the complexities surrounding human rights issues and their commitment to making a difference. They showcase their academic pursuits, practical experiences, and leadership initiatives, all while highlighting their desire to contribute to real-world human rights initiatives. 

The statement also effectively connects the writer's experiences and aspirations to Cornell Law School's reputation and resources, demonstrating a genuine interest in the institution. Their essay flows well, it is easy to follow, and it leaves the reader with a deeper understanding of who this student is and what they value. 

Jane Mendez, aged 13 years, a devoted daughter, loving sister, and cherished friend, passed away Saturday, March 17, 2018. 

As I sat, re-reading my sister’s obituary, I couldn’t help but wonder how she could be reduced to a one-page statement. A statement that seemed so matter-of-fact, that left out all her little quirks that I took for granted, like the way she still slept with her broken blue night light that buzzed when it was plugged in, or how she only ate her pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries because she hated the taste of maple syrup. 

This obituary wasn’t my sister, but it was all she was remembered as. The poor 13-year old with so much life yet to live, tragically killed by a drunk driver. The pain and grief from her loss were indescribable. I found myself grappling with questions of justice and accountability. 

Driven by a desire to transform my personal tragedy into a force for change, I embarked on a journey that intertwined my grief with a passion to do more. Through tireless research, I educated myself about the legal intricacies surrounding drunk driving and the devastating consequences it inflicts upon society.

Empowered by my knowledge, I actively engaged with local organizations dedicated to combating drunk driving. Collaborating with legal advocates, I participated in awareness campaigns, organized fundraisers, and lobbied for stricter legislation. Witnessing the impact of my efforts, I realized that the law possessed the potential to save lives and provide solace to those affected by tragedy.

This awakening fueled my academic pursuits as I immersed myself in legal studies, devouring courses on criminal law, torts, and public policy. In classrooms and debates, I sought to unravel the complexities of our justice system, exploring the nuances of accountability, rehabilitation, and victim advocacy.

In my journey, I discovered the powerful intersection between law and advocacy. Through internships at law firms and victim support organizations, I worked diligently to provide compassionate legal assistance to those navigating the aftermath of traumatic events. Assisting survivors in court hearings, I witnessed firsthand the pivotal role attorneys play in giving voice to the voiceless and restoring faith in a broken system.

I found solace in channeling my grief into compassionate action. I became determined to contribute to a legal system that prioritizes the rights of victims and ensures that justice prevails, even in the face of unspeakable tragedy.

Cornell Law School, with its unwavering commitment to social justice and academic excellence, stands as the beacon of hope for realizing my aspirations. The opportunity to learn from distinguished faculty members renowned for their expertise in criminal law and victim advocacy is a privilege I deeply covet.

My sweet sister’s untimely death forever altered the trajectory of my life. Her memory propels me to pursue justice, inspire change, and ensure that no other family experiences the pain I endured. Guided by my sister’s legacy and with her broken blue night light in hand, I emerge through the darkest period of my life with resilience, empathy, and an unwavering commitment to the pursuit of justice. I stand ready to make a lasting impact at Cornell Law School and in the broader realm of law.

This is an emotionally charged personal statement that does an excellent job of engaging the reader. They add personal touches, like the blue night light, that further immerse the readers into the narrative. Readers can sympathize with the reader, feel their sense of loss, and feel inspired by their resilience. 

They demonstrate they have clear ambitions and goals for the future, showcase their research, advocacy, and legal involvement in combating drunk driving, and determination to do more as a lawyer. They also tie their ambitions back to Cornell, showing their genuine interest in this school!

FAQs: Personal Statement for Cornell Law School

For any remaining questions about how to write your Cornell Law personal statement, read on!

1. How Long Is the Cornell Law School Personal Statement?

While there is no formal word count for the Cornell Law personal statement, it’s suggested your statement does not exceed two pages.

2. What Should Be Included In the Cornell Law School Personal Statement?

Students are encouraged to share whatever they feel is most important for the admissions committee to know and what is otherwise missing from their application. 

Most successful personal statements will include meaningful experiences that motivated students to join the legal field, experiences that shaped their values, and their future aspirations. You should also highlight the strengths and qualities that make you a strong Cornell candidate.

3. How Important Is the Cornell Law School Personal Statement In the Admissions Process?

While it is just one component among several that are considered, the personal statement offers applicants a valuable opportunity to showcase their unique qualities, experiences, and aspirations to the admissions committee.

Admissions committees carefully review personal statements to gain a deeper understanding of applicants' personal narratives, their passion for law, and their alignment with the values and mission of Cornell Law School.

4. Are There Any Formatting Guidelines for the Cornell Law School Personal Statement?

Cornell Law School does not provide specific formatting guidelines for the personal statement. However, it’s generally advised students use a standard format, such as Arial, Times New Roman, or Calibri, and size 11 or 12 point font.

Final Thoughts

As you begin your own Cornell Law personal statement, ensure you strive for authenticity, reflect on your personal and academic journey, and use your own voice! Craft a statement you’re proud of and feel connected to and embrace this opportunity to stand out and make a memorable impression on the admissions committee!

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Law personal statement example 115 (russell group/oxbridge).

With a blindfold across her eyes, Lady Justice represents the objectivity of the justice system. In a generation where the gender pay gap persists and minorities face discrimination decades after the introduction of equalities legislation, I wonder whether perhaps an all-seeing symbol would be more appropriate.

"Eve was Framed" by Helen Kennedy explores the bias against women in our justice system. She discusses the battle to even allow women to be involved in legal processes as senior members of the legal profession in a society where sexism was the norm and the idea of a woman in a court seemed to be at best a gesture of liberalism, but commonly accepted as a radical notion. It allowed me to appreciate how stereotypes are perpetuated by those who seek to exploit the weaknesses in our laws and legal system.

Ultimately I began to reflect upon the relationship between the law, liberal ideas and religion. I drew parallels to today's society and the more liberal ideals that are emerging, especially those that contradict major religions, such as laws regarding surrogacy. It is these scenarios which capture my interest in law and how it can reconcile the apparent dichotomy between them, as well as adapt to an ever changing society.

Competing in the Magistrates Mock Trials stimulated my interest in law as I was able to act out a case (albeit as the defendant!) as part of a national winning team of students. I subsequently shadowed barristers at St Ives Chambers, learning how to analyse cases from personal injury claims to family disputes.

I found one particular case of stalking eye-opening due to the requirement for harassment to have occurred several times before a prosecution is possible, making me question how our laws could be improved.

In Year 12, I took part in the Bar Mock Trials Competition, this time assuming the role of lawyer for the prosecution. This sharpened my analytical skills to assess a situation quickly and to create an appropriate response when having to cross-examine witnesses.

Performing at the Old Bailey and watching other teams gave me an insight into how the same case can result in different outcomes, depending on the performances of the those involved. Though not surprising given the subjective nature of the law and its interpretations and applications, it does make me question its fairness and ability to truly provide justice.

My EPQ investigates the extent to which the Hillsborough inquests have challenged the integrity of the justice system, providing valuable research skills required for any degree. Reading "Hillsborough - The Truth" helped to widen my understanding of the disaster, providing harrowing accounts of the day and subsequent injustices faced by the families.

Initially it seemed that this gross miscarriage of justice challenged the very morals justice is built upon, but further research revealed that perhaps its main causes and effects were the inexperience of officers and a lack of planning. Indeed, it seems that the recent verdict of unlawful killing may be an example of justice prevailing.

What I found most challenging was differentiating between a negative aspect of the justice system and a problem in legal processes. In this instance it was not the principles of the justice system that led to the initial incorrect verdicts and the long fight for justice, but the faults in other parts of the processes, such as flawed coroner reports and amended statements.

As well as being engrossed in my studies, I participate in Taekwondo and have done for the past ten years, an activity which has taught me discipline and commitment, as well as providing a release from my academic life.

Being appointed Deputy Head Girl has developed my public speaking skills with my part time job as a tutor enabling me to hone my communication skills, having to cater for children aged six to sixteen. I believe these skills will be an asset in dealing with the rigours of reading for a degree in Law.

Profile info

There is no profile associated with this personal statement, as the writer has requested to remain anonymous.

Author's Comments

University of Birmingham - Unconditional offer University of Cambridge - Accepted to interview and placed in winter pool University of Liverpool - Offer and offer lowered to ABB University of Nottingham - Offer University of Warwick - Offer

Grades: Biology A, EPQ A*, History A, Psychology A*

This personal statement is unrated

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