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महेंद्र सिंह धोनी पर निबंध Essay On Mahendra Singh Dhoni In Hindi

नमस्कार आज का निबंध महेंद्र सिंह धोनी पर निबंध Essay On Mahendra Singh Dhoni In Hindi पर दिया गया हैं.

भारतीय क्रिकेट का एक बड़ा नाम जिन्होंने दशकों तक न केवल भारतीय बल्कि विश्व के हर कोने में तिरंगे की शान की बढ़ाया, सरल भाषा में धोनी के जीवन पर यह निबंध दिया गया हैं.

महेंद्र सिंह धोनी पर निबंध Essay On Mahendra Singh Dhoni In Hindi

7 नंबर को जर्सी और इसी नंबर पर बल्लेबाजी करने उतरने वाले महेंद्र सिंह धोनी भारतीय क्रिकेट टीम के सफलतम कप्तानों  में से हैं, इन्हे माही, मस धोनी और ठंडे दिमाग से खेलने के कारण कूल कैप्टन) भी कहते हैं.

महेंद्र सिंह धोनी की कहानी  प्रत्येक होनहार क्रिकेटर के लिए गीता) के समान हैं. कैसे एक प्रतिभाशाली नवयुवक अपनी प्रतिभा और लग्न के दम पर क्रिकेट का सबसे बड़ा खिलाड़ी बन जाता हैं. झारखंड के एक शहर से आने वाले महेंद्र सिंह धोनी आज किसी परिचय के मोहताज नही हैं.

महेंद्र सिंह धोनी को शोर्ट नाम एम् एस धोनी से बुलाया जाता हैं. 7 जुलाई 1981 में पान सिंह राजपूत के घर जन्म हुआ था. इनकी माँ का नाम देवकी हैं. शांत प्रक्रति के धोनी के दोस्तों की सूची भी लम्बी हैं.महेंद्र सिंह धोनी का जीवन परिचय बायोग्राफी

बचपन में इनके स्कूली मित्रों के बाद क्रिकेट की दुनिया में भी कई भारतीय और विदेशी खिलाड़ीयों के साथ इनके अच्छे दोस्ताने रिश्ते हैं.

लम्बे बाल और आक्रामक बल्लेबाज के रूप में धोनी के अपने क्रिकेट करियर की शुरुआत की थी. जो आज एक मंझे हुए भरोसेमंद और विश्व के सबसे अच्छे फिनिशर और विकेटकीपर कप्तान  हैं.

वर्तमान में रिंग रोड स्थित सिमलिया फार्म रांची हैं, इससे पहले ये हरमू रोड स्थित घर में रहा करते थे. एम एस धोनी का यह घर 7 एकड़ की भूमि पर बना एक महल हैं, इनका बचपन में मेकॉन की कॉलोनी में रहा करते थे. उनके पिता पान सिंह को यही एक क्वाटर मिला था. 

जहां माही ने अपने सहर्ष के अधिकतर दिन बिताए. धोनी के परिवार में माता पिता पत्नी साक्षी धोनी  और उनकी बेटी जीवा धोनी रहते हैं. इनके भाई नरेंद्र धोनी पास ही एक अलग घर में रहते हैं.

महेंद्र सिंह धोनी ने आरंभिक शिक्षा जवाहर विद्या मंदिर  से प्राप्त की थी. पढ़ाई के साथ-साथ खेल में उनकी रूचि भी अधिक थी.

बचपन में धोनी एक अच्छे फुटबॉल खिलाड़ी थे. गोलकीपर की भूमिका निभाने वाले धोनी को 14 साल की उम्र में स्कुल टीम की ओर से विकेटकीपर की भूमिका  में टीम में शामिल किया गया. फिर धीरे-धीरे इन्होने खेलना सीखा.

आगे की पढ़ाई के लिए महेंद्र सिंह धोनी गोस्सनर कॉलेज, राँची और सेंट जेवियर्स कॉलेज  गये. यही से इन्होने ग्रेजुएशन तक की शिक्षा प्राप्त की.

धोनी का पैतृक गाँव गाँव लावली उत्तराखंड था. पान सिंह अपनी नौकरी के सिलसिले में परिवार सहित रांची आ बसे. और यहाँ उन्हें जूनियर मैनेजर  की नौकरी मिल गईं. धोनी के पिताजी के परिवार में एक बहिन और एक भाई हैं, जिनका नाम जयंती धोनी और नरेंद्र धोनी हैं.

डिस्टिक लेवल पर फुटबॉल और बैडमिंटन में चुने जाने वाले एम एस धोनी को भी पता नही था. कि वे एक दिन क्रिकेट खेलेगे और भारत का नेतृत्व करेगे. इसे संयोग कहे या किस्मत जो भी हो.

कमांडो क्रिकेट क्लब की टीम में इन्हे विकेटकीपर के तौर पर शामिल किया गया. अच्छे प्रदर्शन के आधार पर महेंद्र सिंह धोनी को सन 1997 में वीनू मांकड़ ट्रॉफी अंडर सिक्सटीन चैंपियनशिप में अपनी स्कूल की ओर से खेलने का मौका मिला.

वर्ष 1999 में धोनी को बिहार क्रिकेट टीम का सदस्य बनाया गया. अपने खेल में सुधार और बेहतरीन क्रिकेट तकनीक से धोनी ने राष्ट्रिय चयनकर्ताओ का अपनी अच्छी परफोर्मेंस से दिल जीत लिया और इन्हे भारत ए टीम में शामिल कर लिया.

यहाँ उन्हें केन्या के टूर पर भारतीय क्रिकेट टीम का कप्तान बनाया गया. अच्छे प्रदर्शन और खेल के प्रति जज्बे के कारण चिर प्रतिद्वंदी पाकिस्तान के खिलाफ त्रिकोणीय सीरीज के लिए धोनी को खेलने का अवसर दिया गया. इस टीम में महेंद्र सिंह धोनी के साथ युवराज सिंह और गौतम गंभीर भी थे.

दिसम्बर 2004 में महेंद्र सिंह धोनी को भारतीय क्रिकेट टीम में शामिल कर लिया गया. इस तरह लम्बे बाल और हीरो बनने की तमन्ना रखने वाला एम एस धोनी जो सचिन तेंदुलकर और एडम गिलक्रिस्ट को अपना आदर्श मानने वाले को आज अपने हीरो के साथ खेलने का अवसर मिल चूका था.

वर्ष 2005-06 महेंद्र सिंह धोनी का स्वर्णिम काल था. इस दोरान उन्होंने कई यादगार इनिंग्स खेली, जो आज भी लोगों के जेहन में आती हैं.

जिनमे पाकिस्तान के खिलाफ 148 रन की धुआधार पारी और श्रीलंका के खिलाफ इसी वर्ष हुई सीरिज में जयपुर में नॉट आउट 183 रनों की पारी आज भी यह महेंद्र सिंह का एकदिवसीय में सर्वोच्च स्कोर हैं.

इसी वर्ष माही को ICC RAINKING में पहला स्थान भी प्राप्त हुआ. इसके बाद 2007 का टी ट्वेंटी विश्वकप और 2011 के विश्व कप सहित भारत को टेस्ट में नंबर एक टीम बनाने का श्रेय माही को ही जाता हैं.

धोनी बाएं हाथ से अक्सर सातवें नंबर पर बल्लेबाजी करने आते हैं, अभी माही टेस्ट और टीट्वेंटी में सन्यास ले चुके हैं. 50 ओवर फोर्मेट में भी धोनी एक प्लेयर की हैसियत से खेल रहे हैं,

अपने करियर  के शुरूआती वर्षो में धोनी टॉप आर्डर में उतरते थे. उनकी आक्रामक बल्लेबाजी की छवि तब बदली जब वे एक गहरी चोट से चोटिल हुए थे. वर्तमान में धोनी BCCI  की ग्रेड A के खिलाड़ी हैं.

गोहाटी की 28 वर्षीय साक्षी और महेंद्र सिंह धोनी के बिच की प्रेम कहानी बेहद रोचक हैं, इसकी शादी 4 जुलाई 2010 को रांची में हिन्दू रीती-रिवाज से हुई थी. विवाह की 7 व़ी साल-गिरह तक धोनी के एक पुत्री हैं, जिसका नाम जीवा हैं.

वर्ष 2017 में महेंद्र सिंह धोनी की बिओपिक फिल्म एमएस धोनी: द अनटोल्ड स्टोरी जिसमे धोनी ने अपने कई खुलासे किये हैं. सुशांत सिंह राजपूत के एक्ट में बनी इस फिल्म में धोनी और साक्षी के बिच की लव स्टोरी को बड़े रोचक अंदाज में पेश किया गया हैं.

महेंद्र सिंह धोनी और साक्षी की पहली मुलाकात ईडन गार्डन कोलकाता में पकिस्तान से पूर्व एक मैच से पहले एक होटल में मिले थे.

साक्षी उस होटल की इंटर्नशिप होती हैं, धोनी का कार्ड रूम में कही खो जाता हैं, इसलिए वो कार्ड के लिए साक्षी के पास जाते हैं. तब वो धोनी से उनकी पहचान के बारे में पूछती हैं, देश के इतने बड़े हीरो को वह इसलिए नही पहचान पाती हैं, क्युकि वह क्रिकेट को पसंद नही करती हैं,

धोनी भी अपने बारे में बताने से मना कर देते हैं.जब साक्षी को धोनी के बारे में पता चलता हैं, तो वह उन्हें रूम जाती हैं, धोनी से कार्ड मागने पर मना कर देने पर धोनी साक्षी से ऑटोग्राफ लेते हैं. और दोनों के बिच अच्छी दोस्ती हो जाती हैं.

  • महेंद्र सिंह धोनी का जीवन परिचय
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  • अनिल कुंबले का जीवन परिचय

उम्मीद करता हूँ दोस्तों महेंद्र सिंह धोनी पर निबंध Essay On Mahendra Singh Dhoni In Hindi का यह निबंध आपको पसंद आया होगा. यदि आपको धोनी पर दिया गया निबंध पसंद आया हो तो अपने दोस्तों के साथ जरुर शेयर करें.

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M.s. Dhoni: The Untold Story (U) 30/Sep/2016 Drama, Drama 3hrs 5mins

M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story

Critics Review

M.s.dhoni: the untold story review: a smashing half century followed by a composed century.

With a fantastic first half the film actually had the potential to be an outright winner in all aspects but the second half syndrome weighs it down and reduces the impact considerably. Thus what could have been a wonderful film, stops short of being anything more than a good biopic. (more)

Source: Sethumadhavan, MovieCrow

Film gets stumped when MSD is getting started

The entire focus is on Dhoni who is shown as the sole match-winner from the Indian side. His team-mates, which include Indian cricketing greats (Saurav Ganguly, Sachin Tendulkar and others), are seen in flashes, either from the back or in profile. There are no dressing room banter with his team-mates. No scenes, in fact, with other players, except for a couple of stray ones with Yuvraj Singh (Harry Tangri). (more)

Source: Shubhra Gupta , Indian Express

Making Dhoni great again!

As a film, The Untold Story stays true to every bit of highs in Dhoni's life. Mark the word 'highs' here. Right from being discovered as a good goalkeeper by his sports teacher KC Bannerjee and asked to wicket-keep for his school to his life after making it to the India team, the film flashes a 1000-watt flashlight on the goodness of Dhoni. So powerful is this light that every little flaw in the man is washed out. (more)

Source: Ananya Bhattacharya, India Today

Sushant excels, film entertains, nothing controversial

There excels Sushant, who is every ounce Dhoni in this �box-office oriented� biopic. His body language, walk, helicopter shot, everything matches the India captain. And where even that can�t do the trick, real footage has been used. (more)

Source: Rohit Vats, Hindustan Times

M.S.Dhoni -The Untold Story is certainly a must-watch if you�re a fan of Indian cricket.

Don�t be surprised if you find yourself cheering for all the footages of Indian tournaments, included for representation of the iconic moments in Dhoni�s life (more)

Source: Surabhi Redkar, Koimoi


M.S. DHONI: THE UNTOLD STORY hits it out of the park with a huge six on the account of its engaging narrative and a brilliant screenplay. In a nation where Bollywood and cricket are considered as religion, the amalgamation of both will work wonders at the Box-Office, setting new records. Don�t miss it for anything in the world. O-U-T-S-T-A-N-D-I-N-G. (more)

Source: Bollywood Hungama News Network, Bollywood Hungama

M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story

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M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story

Anupam Kher, Rajesh Sharma, Sushant Singh Rajput, Kiara Advani, and Disha Patani in M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story (2016)

The untold story of Mahendra Singh Dhoni's journey from ticket collector to trophy collector - the world-cup-winning captain of the Indian Cricket Team. The untold story of Mahendra Singh Dhoni's journey from ticket collector to trophy collector - the world-cup-winning captain of the Indian Cricket Team. The untold story of Mahendra Singh Dhoni's journey from ticket collector to trophy collector - the world-cup-winning captain of the Indian Cricket Team.

  • Mathur Goswami
  • Neeraj Pandey
  • Guru Thakur
  • Sushant Singh Rajput
  • Kiara Advani
  • Disha Patani
  • 264 User reviews
  • 39 Critic reviews
  • 12 wins & 29 nominations

Official Trailer With Subtitles

  • M. S. Dhoni

Kiara Advani

  • Sakshi Singh Dhoni nee Rawat

Disha Patani

  • Priyanka Jha

Anupam Kher

  • Pan Singh Dhoni

Neeta Mohindra

  • Devaki Devi

Bhoomika Chawla

  • Jayanti Gupta

Rajesh Sharma

  • Keshav Ranjan Banerjee
  • Mrs. Banerjee

Kumud Mishra

  • A K Ganguly
  • (as K P Ji)
  • Young Dhoni

Swini Khara

  • Young Jayanti

Sandeep Nahar

  • Chottu Bhaiya

Kranti Prakash Jha

  • Santosh Lal

Alok Pandey

  • Satya Prakash Krishna

Sarvadaman Banerjee

  • Dilip Vengsarkar
  • All cast & crew
  • Production, box office & more at IMDbPro

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Did you know

  • Trivia Before signing of the film cast, Akshay Kumar was showing lot of interest for playing Mahendra Singh Dhoni 's role but, due to less similarity between Dhoni and his looks, the director of the movie Neeraj Pandey politely denied him.
  • Goofs In the movie, it was shown that Dhoni endorsed several brands including Finolex, Lava phones, Garnier etc. Dhoni, the brand ambassador for Lava mobiles, was portrayed in advertisements promoting Lava mobiles in 2008 but the brand was founded in 2009 and Dhoni was roped in as their brand ambassador earlier this year.
  • Crazy credits Just before the main credits, a clip of real M. S. Dhoni from the 2011 Cricket World Cup is shown.
  • Connections Featured in 62nd Jio Filmfare Awards (2017)
  • Soundtracks Besabriyaan lyrics by Manoj Muntashir performed by Armaan Malik Music by: Amaal Mallik Arranged & Produced by: Meghdeep Bose

User reviews 264

  • Sep 30, 2016
  • How long is M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story? Powered by Alexa
  • September 30, 2016 (United States)
  • Official Facebook
  • Stream MS Dhoni officially on Hotstar Singapore
  • Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India
  • Fox STAR Studios
  • Friday Filmworks
  • Inspired Entertainment
  • See more company credits at IMDbPro
  • Oct 2, 2016
  • $28,903,047

Technical specs

  • Runtime 3 hours 4 minutes

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Anupam Kher, Rajesh Sharma, Sushant Singh Rajput, Kiara Advani, and Disha Patani in M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story (2016)

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Movie Review: MS Dhoni: The Untold Story

Movie Review: MS Dhoni: The Untold Story

MS Dhoni: The Untold Story Rachit Gupta , Sep 30, 2016, 17:19 IST

Ms dhoni: the untold story.

Rating: 3 stars

Quick take: An authentic personal account of MS Dhoni's life

MS Dhoni: The Untold Story is a biopic that promises to give you never-heard-before details about an Indian sporting hero. The untold story of an Indian cricketing legend, under whom the Indian cricket team ascended from being good to great. The film reserves to contrasting halves for its storytelling effort. The first half establishes Dhoni as a character, a person and a boy who dreams big and hits bigger. The second half portrays him as an achiever and a lover. What the movie doesn't do is get intimate. At least not with the cricketing great. Mahendra Singh Dhoni's personal life has been depicted with detail, even his reported shy and aloof nature has been drawn out on the big screen to good effect. But the film does not touch upon a cricketer, his journey through dressing rooms and pitches and definitely not his conflicts or controversies. But the personal story of MS Dhoni, combined with director Neeraj Pandey's no nonsense approach to filmmaking does give you a decent watch. At 190 minutes (a staggering 3+ hours) the movie does take its time. But it never drops the ball. It always manages to draw you in and that's not such a bad feat.

The story kicks off with MS Dhoni's birth and goes all the way up to his winning six in the 2011 World Cup final. The first half is set in '80s and '90s Ranchi as a bright-eyed Dhoni discovers the trappings of cricket over football. His prodigious talent makes him an instant favourite in the local circles. As he grows up, so does the imminent wait for his big break. His lower middle-class family does everything in their power to make Dhoni an international cricketer. The chances don't come easy and the travails of a small town boy trying to live his dream make the first half of MS Dhoni authentic and genuinely fascinating. In reality, Dhoni is perceived as a simple and humble man, despite his herculean achievement and talents. The film's setup does justice to that fact. It gives you a genuine and insightful peek into the life of an aspiring cricketer. It makes its play on the fact that dreaming big is okay and that achieving dreams doesn't need miracles.

The second half though is an all new ball game. It just breezes through Dhoni's cricketing life keeping focus on his romances and humility rather than his involvement in the politics of cricket. There is a brief mention of his aggressive selection policies, but everything else from his professional life is just conveniently omitted. You never quite get intimate with India's most successful cricket captain. The focus is kept solely on a small town guy hitting it big on a global stage.

While MS Dhoni the film does not have the all-rounder ability of the person it's inspired from, it excels within its limitations. Director Neeraj Pandey crafts an engaging story with Dhoni's life. His efforts, especially with detailed production design and screenplay writing make even the 190 minutes seem balanced and nimble. Mention must also be made of the superb use of CGI in transferring Sushant Singh Rajput's face onto real-life footage of Dhoni. The visual effects quality on offer is top notch all through.

The biggest contributor to the impact of the film though is its lead Sushant Singh Rajput. His efforts are pitch perfect. With every passing minute all you feel is that you're actually watching Mahendra Singh Dhoni. Not some actor trying to be a cricketer and a confident but restrained man. He lives the part and makes Dhoni come alive. His cricketing shots and his body language are a masterclass. Sushant Singh Rajput's efforts alone make the movie worth a watch. Supporting performances by Anupam Kher, Bhumika Chawla, Rajesh Sharma and Kumud Mishra are perfectly adequate. The heroines Disha Patani and Kiara Advani only come up in the second half and both ladies have marginal roles. Disha Patani though, does stand out with her screen presence.

MS Dhoni: The Untold Story is a long film but it does well to both entertain and engage its audience despite its length. While it may not draw on major insights into Dhoni's cricketing career, it does make for a compelling story through his personal life. If you ever wanted to get up close and personal with MS Dhoni the person, this is the film to watch. Its a solid biopic, one that makes a true hero out of its subject.

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M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story

2016 hindi film directed by neeraj pandey / from wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story is a 2016 Indian Hindi -language biographical sports drama film written and directed by Neeraj Pandey . It is based on the life of former Test , ODI and T20I captain of the Indian national cricket team , Mahendra Singh Dhoni . The film stars Sushant Singh Rajput as Dhoni, along with Disha Patani , Kiara Advani , and Anupam Kher . The film chronicles the life of Dhoni from a young age through a series of life events.

The idea of the biopic was put forward by Dhoni's manager, Arun Pandey, after encountering an incident at an airport after the 2011 Cricket World Cup Final . Development began two years later, with the consent of Dhoni. Neeraj Pandey was later approached to helm the film while he was working on Baby . Pandey recruited a number of people for research into Dhoni's background and his life events. Dhoni eventually became a consultant on the film.

The film was released on 30 September 2016 by Fox Star Studios and received the widest release ever for a Bollywood film across 61 countries. In addition to being released in Hindi language, it was also dubbed in Tamil , Telugu , and Marathi languages, although the Marathi release was later canceled due to opposition. Upon release, the film became a critical and commercial success. It is currently the fifth highest-grossing Bollywood film of 2016 in India with ₹ 1.16 billion (US$15   million) . [4]

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Anupam Kher

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Disha Patani

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Krish 2 45 days ago

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Ms dhoni is legend.

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This film story is brilliant

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MS Dhoni is an upcoming biographical film starring Sushanth Singh Rajput, Disha Patani and Anupam Kher in lead roles. Music for the film is composed by Amaal Malik.  

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Singer - Armaan Malik

Lyrics - Manoj Muntashir.  

The album begins on a relaxing note with a thought provoking number rendered par excellence by Armaan Malik. Manoj Muntashir’s lyrics are quite inspirational and speak of life’s truths on a lighter note. The song has all the makings of a road trip number with its swift guitar touches and progressive rhythm. The electric guitar solo in the first interlude is another good experiment by the composer.

Singer - Palak Muchhal

Lyrics - Manoj Muntashir  

The trance mode continues with a beautiful solo sung by the talented singer Palak Mucchal. Despite the resemblance with Shreya Ghoshal’s vocals, she manages to pull off this wonderful composition in style. The chord progression is quite captivating and keeps the listener engaged throughout. The interludes maintain the feel good factor in gripping fashion.

Jab Tak  

Singer - Armaan Malik.

It is time for some inspiration and pace with another fantastic number sung by Armaan Malik. For quite a while Bollywood songs have had mesmerizing lyrics and this song is no exception. The trance-like guitar strums and string section does the job quite effectively. The song is a modern emotional ride in the midst of everything melodious and pleasant.

Phir Kabhi   

Singer - Arijit Singh 

A laid back unplugged track in the velvety vocals of Arijit Singh arrives next in supreme style. The song would remain a highlight of this album for its refreshing honesty, innocence and brilliant presentation. The lyrics score full marks once again and Arijit Singh carries the entire song on his shoulders with his magical vocals. The deep philosophical aspect of the lyrics is another worth mentioning aspect.

Singer - Siddharth Basrur.

A paced up inspirational track is mandatory for any sports based film and this song makes complete justice to the theme with fiery electric guitars, live drumming, and breathtaking attitude. Siddarth’s vocals have a tinge of sultriness along with power and impact. The song has all the makings of an inspiring sports number with the trendy attitude topped over it.

Jab Tak (Redux)  

The alternate version of the most subtle composition arrives again with additional layers of electric guitars- this time with more vigor and pleasantness. The song creates a captivating ambiance which has been missing in otherwise loud Bollywood numbers of the current age. The interludes are soft, soothing and at the same time make their presence strongly felt.

Padhoge Likhoge  

Singer - Ananya Nanda & Adithyan A Prithviraj

Lyrics - Manoj Muntashir   

A quirky element occurs in the finale with a fun-filled number sung in the innocent vocals of Ananya Nanda and Adithyan. The song breathes freshness and stunning innocence throughout. The percussions are essentially folk-based and would appeal to the masses quite well. This song gives the album a fun aspect in terms of peppy music.


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MS Dhoni: The Untold Story

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  • MS Dhoni Essay


Essay on MS Dhoni

Cricket is very popular in India. The team players have many fans across the country. One of the coolest captains in the world is MS Dhoni. This essay on MS Dhoni is for young students studying in Class 5 and above. The language is kept plain and simple for the students to understand. They will be able to write a short essay on MS Dhoni after following the points mentioned in this article. 

Long Essay on MS Dhoni

Cricket is a religion in India. People go insane when any national or international cricket event is organized in India or telecasted. We all complete our work and then get ready to stick to the television to enjoy every second of an important match. The long-lasting debates of the fans can be witnessed in public places. The huge popularity that our country’s cricket team got is because of an excellent captain named Mahendra Singh Dhoni. This essay on Dhoni will tell us how a simple boy from Jharkhand got the chance to captain India’s cricket team, the most formidable team in the world.

Dhoni was born on 7 th July 1981. His parents are Pan Singh and Devaki Dev. They stayed in Ranchi (Jharkhand). He has two siblings. His father was a junior manager in Mecon. Dhoni showed immense interest in playing football and badminton. Even at the school level, he excelled in both the sports and was selected for the district-level competitions. He studied at DAV Jawahar Vidya Mandir School located in Ranchi. He was an excellent goalkeeper. Watching his eye-catchy skills, his football coach sent him to a local cricket club to play cricket.

He never played cricket before but he managed to grab the concept perfectly. His wicket-keeping skills amazed everyone in the club. He was appointed as the wicketkeeper for the local team on a regular basis. Later, he started to focus primarily on cricket and left his glory days of football and badminton behind. It was a drastic change in his life. He started to take professional coaching after Class X. He was also a meritorious student and teachers respected him for his versatile nature. He used to manage his studies and sports sessions perfectly. His family was very supportive of his ambitions.

He was selected as the U-19 Bihar cricket squad member in 1998-99. When he was 18 years old, he played the first match in Ranji Trophy for Bihar and scored a half-century. Just after 5 years, his skills caught the eyes of team selectors of the Indian national cricket team. His excellent performance and a century for the East Zone helped the team to clinch the Deodhar Trophy. His 60 runs also helped his team to clinch the Duleep Trophy. 

As time passed, he joined Indian Railways as a Train Ticket Examiner (TTE) in Midnapore District, West Bengal in 2000. He was very honest. He also had a mischievous side. He once dressed as ghosts with his friends and scared the night guards patrolling the railway quarters.

He eventually became better in his cricketing skills. His performance in the Triangular Tournament held in Kenya against Pakistan. This christened him with a new name ‘clinical destroyer’ of commendable bowling attacks. PC Poddar, the Bengal captain back in the 60s, identified his skills and immediately called the National Cricket Academy.

His remarkable score of 148 against Pakistan in Visakhapatnam and 183 against Sri Lanka in Jaipur shadowed the performance of Adam Gilchrist, the Australian wicket keeper he worshipped. He hit 10 6s, the highest an Indian has hit in a Test inning. He eventually became the captain of the Indian international cricket team and clinched the World Cup in 2011. His outstanding performances in all types of cricket made him one of the best captains we have seen in Indian cricket history. 

He has bagged the LG’s People’s Choice Award in 2013. He was awarded Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna, the highest honour for a sportsperson. His sense of responsibility and decision-making capabilities are appreciated by the entire world. 

Write a Short Essay on MS Dhoni

Born in 1981, Mahendra Singh Dhoni belonged to a simple family. His ambition to become a noted sportsperson made him one of the best Indian captains in cricketing history. In this short essay on MS Dhoni in English, we will read about his achievements.

He previously excelled in football and badminton. Later, he developed cricketing skills when his football coach sent him to a local cricket club. He became a full-time wicketkeeper of that team. He started focusing on cricket after Class 10. Since then, his career never looked backwards. His positivity won people’s hearts in every phase. 

After witnessing his remarkable performance at the Ranji level, he was introduced to the Indian team. Seeing his cool captaincy skills for the T20 World Championship in 2007 held in South Africa, he was awarded the captain’s position for the one-day international team as well.

Within 4 years, he brought the World Cup back to India after 28 years in 2011. Since then, he has won a lot of accolades across the world. He received Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna in 2007-08. He also received LG’s People’s Choice Award in 2013.

Under his formidable captaincy, the attitude of the entire cricket team transformed. He is considered to be one of the greatest cricket captains of all time in the world.

Mahendra Singh Dhoni is considered to be one of the greatest cricket captains in the world. The long essay on MS Dhoni in English tells us about his journey as a cricketer and his remarkable achievements.

Cricket is the most loved sport in India. In India cricket is played from the British rule period. The game was introduced in India by the Britishers. But now India has taken its own place in the respective sport. When it comes to cricket MS Dhoni is among the most respected cricket players in India. His full name is Mahendra Singh Dhoni. He has massive huge popularity in India. The country gained the name in cricket because of the brilliant captaincy and playing strategy of MS Dhoni. In India, cricket is so popular that people go insane for the game whether it is national or international. 

Mahendra Singh Dhoni was born on July 7th. 1981. He stayed with his family of four people, his father - Pan Singh, his mother - Devaki Dev, and his elder sister in the city of Ranchi, Jharkhand. His father was a hard-working man who wanted his son to join government services. He had a tough childhood not financially but because he has studied hard to fulfil his father’s dream. But all of this has a side story where he practices with his school’s coach for bowl catching regularly. He studied in a school named DAV Jawahar Vidya Mandir School located in Ranchi itself. By a couple of months, he became an excellent goalkeeper in his football team. This skill turned him into an excellent wicket keeper in cricket. 

He was on the school’s football team and never played cricket. But his football coach sent him to a local cricket club considering his goal-keeping skills. Soon he got selected in the U-19 squad member 1998-99. And after that when he reached 18, he played his first Ranji Trophy Bihar and played so well that he scored half a century. He did a marvellous job in that game then soon people started recognizing his skills for cricket. As time passed, due to his father’s pressure, he joined Indian Railways as a TTE (train ticket examiner). But his passion still remained in cricket. 

Slowly, he managed to convince his father that he wanted to create his career in cricket and followed his dream. Now he is known for his captaincy all over the world and has huge respect. He showed that a common boy from a common city with hard work can achieve his dream. He is a source of motivation for all the youngsters. He had a remarkable journey in his cricket career that everyone should know and learn from it.


FAQs on MS Dhoni Essay

1 . Describe the family and surroundings of MS dhoni when he was a child. 

Dhoni used to live with his family of four people including his father - Pan Singh, his mother - Devaki Dev, and his elder sister in the city of Ranchi, Jharkhand. He was a quite focused boy. His father always wanted him to join any government services. But Dhoni always had an interest in sports. He used to play in his schools’ football team and after his coach’s advice, he joined a local cricket campaign. 

2 . What game does Dhoni play before cricket and how was his performance in it?

Before cricket, Dhoni used to play football for his school. He was the goalkeeper of his team. His skills as a goalkeeper were excellent. He was dedicated to his game as well. This skill turned him into an excellent wicket keeper in cricket. He was on the school’s football team and never played cricket. But his football coach sent him to a local cricket club considering his goal-keeping skills.

3 . What are the things that students can learn from MS Dhoni?

MS Dhoni was indulged in the game of football before he played cricket. Also due to his father’s pressure, he also focused on his studies to score good marks during his school time. When he joined Indian railways then as a TTE, he was focused on his work. And when he followed his dream and played cricket he became a master and earned respect. Hence, students just focus on what they are doing with a matter of dedication and hard work towards their work. 

4 . How was MS Dhoni’s father’s behaviour towards him?

MS Dhoni’s father’s name is Pan Singh. He was a hardworking man who worked very hard to educate his children and earn his livelihood. He was very fond of government jobs. He always wanted that Dhoni should join the government service so that he can have security for his job and family. He knew that his son’s interest was in sports but he never wanted to let him play. He always tried to make him focus on his studies. 

5 . How was the career of MS Dhoni in cricket?

MS Dhoni had a wonderful career in cricket. He made his position that can never be replaced by any cricketer in Indian cricket. He was best at captaincy and strategizing. MS Dhoni is among the most respected cricket players in India. He has huge popularity in India. The country gained a great name in cricket because of the brilliant captaincy and playing strategy of MS Dhoni.

6. What Sports did MS Dhoni Play before Cricket?

In this MS Dhoni essay, we have learned that he played football and badminton before he was introduced to cricket.

7. Why is he Called the Best Finisher?

In this essay on Mahendra Singh Dhoni, we have learned about his cool captaincy skills. He remains calm even in the most critical situations and uses his skills well to win a match.

8. Who Referred Dhoni to the National Cricket Academy?

PC Poddar, the then Talent Resource Development Officer, saw his formidable cricketing skills and contacted the National Cricket Academy.

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ms dhoni the untold story essay in hindi

M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story

Kaun tujhe lyrics ( कौन तुझे ) | m.s. dhoni.


Kaun Tujhe Lyrics in Hindi & English from the movie “M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story” sung by Palak …

Full Lyrics…

JAB TAK LYRICS ” जब तक ” –Armaan Malik | M S Dhoni


Jab Tak lyrics in Hindi & English from the movie “MS Dhoni: The Untold Story” sung by Armaan …

PARWAH NAHIN Lyrics | परवाह नहीं | M S Dhoni

Parwah Nahin-Lyrics

Parwah Nahin lyrics in Hindi and English from the movie “MS Dhoni: The Untold Story” sung by Siddharth Basrur, …

Besabriyaan Lyrics | बेसब्रियां | M S Dhoni


Besabriyaan lyrics in Hindi and English from the movie “M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story”. Sung by Armaan Malik and …


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  1. M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story

    M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story is a 2016 Indian Hindi-language biographical sports drama film written and directed by Neeraj Pandey.It is based on the life of former Test, ODI and T20I captain of the Indian national cricket team, Mahendra Singh Dhoni.The film stars the late Sushant Singh Rajput as MS Dhoni, along with Disha Patani, Kiara Advani, and Anupam Kher.

  2. MS Dhoni: The Untold Story Movie Review

    MS Dhoni: The Untold Story Movie Review: Critics Rating: 3.5 stars, click to give your rating/review,If you are a diehard fan of MS Dhoni and cricket (in that order), you are bound to love this ...

  3. महेंद्र सिंह धोनी पर निबंध Essay On Mahendra Singh Dhoni In Hindi

    May 20, 2023 Kanaram siyol HINDI NIBANDH. नमस्कार आज का निबंध महेंद्र सिंह धोनी पर निबंध Essay On Mahendra Singh Dhoni In Hindi पर दिया गया हैं. भारतीय क्रिकेट का एक बड़ा नाम ...

  4. M.s. Dhoni: The Untold Story Hindi Movie

    Making Dhoni great again! As a film, The Untold Story stays true to every bit of highs in Dhoni's life. Mark the word 'highs' here. Right from being discovered as a good goalkeeper by his sports teacher KC Bannerjee and asked to wicket-keep for his school to his life after making it to the India team, the film flashes a 1000-watt flashlight on the goodness of Dhoni.

  5. M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story

    M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story is a 2016 Indian Hindi-language biographical sports drama film written and directed by Neeraj Pandey. It is based on the life of former Test, ODI and T20I captain of the Indian national cricket team, Mahendra Singh Dhoni. The film stars the late Sushant Singh Rajput as MS Dhoni, along with Disha Patani, Kiara Advani, and Anupam Kher. The film chronicles the life of ...

  6. 'MS Dhoni' a tale of hard work and success: Sushant

    The 30-year-old actor, who essays the role of the cricket star in MS Dhoni: The Untold Story , said Dhoni's life story is about believing in your dream. "We are punctuating the belief Dhoni ...

  7. M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story (2016)

    M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story: Directed by Mathur Goswami, Neeraj Pandey. With Sushant Singh Rajput, Kiara Advani, Disha Patani, Anupam Kher. The untold story of Mahendra Singh Dhoni's journey from ticket collector to trophy collector - the world-cup-winning captain of the Indian Cricket Team.

  8. Movie Review: MS Dhoni: The Untold Story

    Critic's rating 3.0/5. Rating: 3 stars. Quick take: An authentic personal account of MS Dhoni's life. MS Dhoni: The Untold Story is a biopic that promises to give you never-heard-before details ...

  9. MS Dhoni: The Untold Story Plot Summary

    Plot Summary. The biopic on India's celebrated skipper, Mahendra Singh Dhoni (played by Sushant Singh Rajput) is the cricketer's ode to his well-wishers, friends and family, who stood by him ...

  10. M.S Dhoni

    M.S. Dhoni, a boy raised in a typical middle-class family defies all odds and becomes one of the greatest captains of the Indian cricket team.

  11. M.S.Dhoni

    Mahi maar raha tha, maar raha hai, aur maarta rahega!🏏A story memorable, a legend unforgettable. Bringing MS Dhoni: The Untold Story to your nearest theatre...

  12. M.S DHONI

    M.S Dhoni - The untold story, Movie on life of Mahendra Singh Dhoni an Indian Cricketer, Explained in hindi #msdhonimovie #msdhonitheuntoldstory #msdhoni20...

  13. M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story

    M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story is a 2016 Indian Hindi-language biographical sports drama film written and directed by Neeraj Pandey. It is based on the life of former Test, ODI and T20I captain of the Indian national cricket team, Mahendra Singh Dhoni. The film stars Sushant Singh Rajput as Dhoni, along with Disha Patani, Kiara Advani, and Anupam Kher. The film chronicles the life of Dhoni from ...

  14. MS Dhoni: The Untold Story Movie Review

    Renuka Vyavahare, TNN, Updated: Oct 25, 2016, 09.43 AM IST Critic's Rating: 3.5/5. Sushant delivers a match-winning knock as Dhoni. Story: The biopic on India's celebrated skipper, MS Dhoni ...

  15. MS Dhoni : The Untold Story (aka) M.S. Dhoni songs review

    MS Dhoni : The Untold Story (aka) M.S. Dhoni is a Hindi movie with production by Fox Star Studios, Friday Filmworks, Inspired Entertainment, direction by Neeraj Pandey, cinematography by Santosh ...

  16. MS Dhoni: The Untold Story

    Watch MS Dhoni: The Untold Story - Hindi Biopic full movie on Disney+ Hotstar now. Channels. Languages. Genres. Watchlist. Share. MS Dhoni: The Untold Story . 2 hr 58 min 2016 Biopic U. A tell-all tale about the life and times of Indian cricketer Mahendra Singh Dhoni, mapping his journey from a ticket collector to a celebrated sportsman. ...

  17. MS Dhoni Essay for Students in English

    This essay on Dhoni will tell us how a simple boy from Jharkhand got the chance to captain India's cricket team, the most formidable team in the world. Dhoni was born on 7th July 1981. His parents are Pan Singh and Devaki Dev. They stayed in Ranchi (Jharkhand). He has two siblings.

  18. OTT पर मौजूद हैं वो 5 फिल्में, जिन्हें IMDb पर मिली है सबसे हाई रेटिंग

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  19. Ms Dhoni The Untold Story Essay In Hindi

    ID 21067. 4.8/5. 20 Customer reviews. Download Once the deadline is over, we will upload your order into you personal profile and send you a copy to the email address you used while placing order. Essay, Research paper, Discussion Board Post, Coursework, Term paper, Case Study, Questions-Answers, Powerpoint Presentation, Research proposal ...

  20. M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story All Songs Lyrics in Hindi and English

    Besabriyaan Lyrics | बेसब्रियां | M S Dhoni. Best Hit Collection of M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story (2016) Song Lyrics. Read this "M.S. Dhoni All Songs Lyrics" written in Hindi and English. (Top Romantic & Sad Songs)

  21. Top 10 Successful Indian Personalities Of The Year 2024

    Mahendra Singh Dhoni is an Indian professional cricketer. He is a right handed batter and a wicket-keeper. Widely regarded as one of the most prolific wicket-keeper-batsmen and captains, he ...