05 - Presentations

Making slides with code, tom mock | 2022-07-25, quarto presentation formats.

  • revealjs - essentially the replacement for xaringan , but with Pandoc-native syntax
  • beamer for LaTex slides
  • Powerpoint for when you have to collaborate via Office
reveal.js is an open source HTML presentation framework. It’s a tool that enables anyone with a web browser to create fully-featured and beautiful presentations for free.

revealjs for Quarto is a framework for turning Pandoc-friendly markdown + code into beautiful slides

User guide: https://quarto.org/docs/presentations/revealjs/

Core workflow

  • Open materials/workshop/05-presentations/revealjs-penguins.qmd
  • Explore the code
  • Add a new slide with a level 2 header and some text

YAML for these slides

Transitions, slide numbering, presentation preview.

  • In the latest version of RStudio, Quarto revealjs presentations will open up as a “background job” in the Presentation tab.

quarto presentation logo

  • Using RStudio, create a new revealjs Quarto presentation
  • author for your name
  • titled “My first Quarto Presentation!”
  • Add slide numbering (what do the different types mean?)
  • Write out what you did this morning (woke up, ate breakfast, walked to this room, etc) in sub-sections
  • New sections should have level 2 headers
  • Add a code chunk
  • Link out to an image with markdown syntax

revealjs vs xaringan

  • xaringan for RMarkdown uses only knitr and remark.js , without Pandoc and with some Pandoc-incompatabilities
  • revealjs was a lesser known RMarkdown package, but is the primary HTML slide generator for Quarto

If you loved xaringan , you’ll love revealjs !

Presentation Visual Editor

Unlike xaringan , Quarto + revealjs can be edited with the RStudio Visual Editor!

quarto presentation logo

Separate slides

Level 2 header = new slide

Level 1 header = new slide and new section

  • --- can also delineate slides via horizontal rules or leave the heading “blank” for untitled slides

Reminder about pandoc div and spans

  • Create lists with - or * or 1.

Incrementally reveal elements with:

Or affect globally:

Or turn it off for specific lists

Incremental lists

  • Second item

Incremental reveal

Not limited to just bullet points…

Use . . . syntax to indicate a break at an arbitrary location

You can also make a point with fragments

Highlight red

Fade in, then out

Slide up while fading in

Fragments, nesting

Fragments can be nested to affect the same “text” multiple times

Fade in > Turn red > Semi fade out

Fragments, spans

This is an important sentence!

Mind the gap when riding the rail!

Fragments, order

Appears last

Appears first

Appears second

  • Open materials/workshop/05-presentation/fragments.qmd
  • Make the portions appear in order: top -> bottom and left -> right

Column layout

On the left

On the right

Output location, column-fragment

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Output location, column

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Output location, fragment

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Output location, slide

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Column Layout, arbitrary fragment

If you try . . . syntax WITH ::: {.columns} - it won’t be incremental… BUT:

These appear first

You can nest .incremental + .fragment to get your expected behavior.

  • Create a new presentation with RStudio> New Quarto Presentation
  • Create two columns with the ::: {.columns} and use .fragment tags on the columns for incremental reveal of those columns

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Stack layout

Incremental reveal of images/content

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Fit Text {.r-fit-text}

Stretch images {.r-stretch}.

Fit to the remaining space - this is the default behavior in revealjs

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Title Slide, YAML edition

Title slide, diy, logo and footer.

A footer can also be set by slide with:


Slide alignment

  • Heading level one will be center-aligned
  • Heading level two will be left-aligned

Right aligned!

  • Some bullets
  • Another bullet

Slide backgrounds, color

Slide backgrounds, images.

Note, you may need to set a background-color to black/white to “force” the text to contrast.

Footnotes in presentations are placed at the bottom of the slide and numbered.

For example, did you know that Howard is a dog 1 ?

He also likes to sleep 2

Asides are like footnotes, but don’t have numbers 1 .

  • Create a new revealjs presentation
  • Aside/footnote
  • Tabset with code and output (two options on how!)
  • Code highlighting walking through at least two lines
  • A slide with an image as the background

Code line-highlighting

Use #| code-line-numbers: "3" syntax - will highlight line and fade other lines

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Sometimes you want to make a point though…

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And I often want to “walk through” a set of code!

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Arbitrary HTML + Position absolute

Position = absolute, position = .absolute.

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Position .absolute


Automatically animate matching elements across slides with Auto-Animate.

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Get started with Quarto


  1. Announcing Quarto, a new scientific and technical publishing system

    quarto presentation logo

  2. Quarto

    quarto presentation logo

  3. Brand New: New Logo and Identity for Quarto by Pentagram

    quarto presentation logo

  4. Quarto

    quarto presentation logo

  5. Quarto

    quarto presentation logo

  6. Quarto Templates for Lecturers and Educators

    quarto presentation logo


  1. Logo Presentations


  1. Get Started with Quarto

    Using RStudio, create a new revealjs Quarto presentation; Change YAML: author for your name; titled “My first Quarto Presentation!” Add slide numbering (what do the different types mean?) Write out what you did this morning (woke up, ate breakfast, walked to this room, etc) in sub-sections; New sections should have level 2 headers; Add a ...