English Practice Downloadable PDF Grammar and Vocabulary Worksheets

Reported speech (b1).

  • RS013 - Reported Speech
  • RS012 - Reported Questions and Commands
  • RS011 - Reported Speech
  • RS010 - Reported Speech
  • RS009 - Reported Commands
  • RS008 - Reported Questions
  • RS007 - Reported Speech
  • RS006 - Reported Speech
  • RS005 - Reported Speech
  • RS004 - Reported Speech
  • RS003 - Reported Speech
  • RS002 - Reported Speech - Mixed Exercises
  • RS001 - Reported Speech - Mixed Exercises
  • Adjective - Adverb
  • Gerund and Infinitive
  • Modal Verbs
  • Reported Speech
  • Passive Voice
  • Definite and Indefinite Articles
  • Quantifiers
  • Relative Clauses
  • Prepositions
  • Questions and Negations
  • Question Tags
  • Language in Use
  • Word Formation
  • General Vocabulary
  • Topical Vocabulary
  • Key Word Transformation

News Articles

  • Letters and Emails
  • Blog Posts and Comments
  • Connectives and Linking Phrases
  • Phrasal Verbs
  • Collocations and Phrases

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Reported speech

Exercises: modal verbs.

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Graphic of four people with different color outlines and dialogue boxes over their heads

Reported speech provides a challenge for most learners of English. The shifting tenses and changes to both pronouns and modal verbs take time to learn and practice to use effectively. This practice is key because reported speech requires accuracy on the part of the speaker. Even minor errors can make it difficult for the listener to understand when the action in the reported speech occurred.

When working with reported speech, it is helpful to have the students work through the sentence by identifying the following grammar aspects of the direct speech that is to be converted to reported speech.

1.     Identify the type of sentence. Is it a statement, a command, or a question?

  • This will determine the reporting verb used, such as said , told , or asked .

2.     Identify the verb tense used in the direct speech as the verb tenses will backshift when being changed to reported speech.

  • Note: Although it is not standard, some native speakers may not change present tense into past tense for facts. For example “Mt. Everest is the tallest mountain in the world” can change to “She said Mt. Everest is the tallest mountain in the world.”

3.     Identify the pronoun and change it accordingly. For example, “I like soccer” requires a change of pronoun to he or she “She said she likes soccer”.

4.     Identify any times and/or places. These will need to be changed when converting to reported speech. For example, “I will come there after class” changes to “She told me she would come here after class.”

In this month’s Teacher’s Corner, we will showcase four activities that can be used to practice reported speech. These activities are designed to give students practice using reported speech in a variety of ways. The activities create opportunities for students to practice reported speech in both spoken and written form.

Week 1 – Reported Speech Overview

Week 2 – Gossip and Rumors

Week 3 – Trace Effects

Week 4 – World News Report

The goal in each of these activities is to provide students opportunities to work through the steps above to convert direct speech to reported speech. Week 1 works with the mechanics of reported speech and centers on an interview activity. Week 2 encourages students to get to know each other better by using a variation of the game “two truths and a lie.” Week 3 provides a variety of reported speech activities that utilize the game Trace Effects . Week 4 gives students the chance to work with reported speech to deliver news reports in the classroom.

reported speech modal verbs pdf

Table of Contents

Low-Intermediate to Advanced

Language Focus

Speaking, listening (primary focus); writing (secondary focus)

Students will increase their understanding of reported speech through a matching and interview activity.

  • Teacher: whiteboard/chalkboard, markers or chalk, a timing device, a world map for reference, match-up cards (Appendix 1), reported speech interviews worksheet (Appendix 2).
  • Students: pencils or pens, notebooks or writing paper.


This week’s Teacher’s Corner introduces students to the grammatical structures in reported speech. Students will practice matching direct speech to reported speech and then practice changing direct speech to reported speech via interviews with fellow students.

1.     Read through all the materials carefully.

2.     Print one copy of the reported speech match-up cards found in Appendix 1 for the class activity. For larger classes, multiple copies may be needed.

  • There are 39 cards in total. For smaller classes, the match-up activity can be completed in rounds – first the verb tenses and then the modals.

3.     Once the match-up cards have been printed, cut them into individual cards. These cards are in three categories: verb tense (x13 cards), direct speech (x13 cards), and reported speech (x13 cards).

4.     For the interview activity, print enough of the reported speech interviews worksheets in Appendix 2 so that each student has a copy. These print outs do not need to be cut into individual cards.

Part 1 – Reported Speech Match Up

1.     Begin the class activity by having the students stand up and mix themselves around.

2.     Next, give each student one of the 39 cards found in Appendix 1.

  • Students should keep their card hidden at the start and not show it to their classmates.
  • Instruct the students that when you say “Go!” they should move around the room and match their card with the correct cards held by other students.
  • Once they find the students with the matching cards, they should stand in a group.

Note : Students will end up forming groups of three – one student with the verb tense card, one with the direct speech card, and one with the reported speech card. For example:

        Student #1                            Student #2                                                Student #3

3.     Yell “Go!” and have the students mingle and find the students with the correct cards.

4.     Once all of the groups of students have been formed, have them read their card aloud to the rest of class. Have them begin with the verb tense, then the direct speech, and then the reported speech.

5.     Once finished, have the students turn in their cards, mix them up and then play again. Play as many rounds as time permits.

Part 2 – Interviews

1.     Have the students sit down. The first portion of this activity is individual work, so they do not need to sit with a partner or group.

2.     Give each student a copy of the reported speech interviews worksheets found in Appendix 2.

3.     Have the students read through the sheet. Ask them if they have any questions before beginning the writing portion of the activity.

4.     Next, instruct the students to choose 10 out of the 13 possible verb tenses or modals. The students then write 10 questions using the verb tenses or modals that they selected.

  • Students should write their questions in the left column under Verb Tenses . For example:

5.     After the students have written their questions, have them find a partner.

6.     Once the students are in pairs, organize each pair into student A or student B.

7.     Student A begins by asking their questions to student B. When student B answers, student A should write down the answer under the column Direct Speech .

8.     Once student A is finished asking questions, have the pair switch roles: Student B asks questions and student A answers the questions. Student B should write down student A’s answers in the Direct Speech column as well.

9.     After the interviews have been completed, have the students return to their seats. Now, each student should take the answers provided by their partner and convert them to reported speech. Instruct them to write down the reported speech in the column on their worksheet labeled Reported Speech .

Part 3 – Information Sharing

1.     Once students have converted their partner’s direct speech to reported speech, have them stand up and find a new partner.

2.     With their new partner, have the students share the answers provided by their previous partner. Circulate around the room to ensure that students are using reported speech.

  • For more advanced classes, have them also use reported speech to report the questions they asked as well. For example:  Susan: “I asked Robert if he likes to read. Roberto said he enjoys reading  mystery stories.”

3.     Once each student has reported on the answers of their previous partner, bring the class back together. If time permits, have the students share the answers with the rest of the class.

Appendix 1: Reported Speech Match-Up

Verb Tenses

Appendix 2: Reported Speech Interviews

Students will practice using reported speech through discussing gossip and rumors.

  • Teacher: whiteboard/chalkboard, markers or chalk, “Two Truths” Appendix 1.

This week’s Teacher’s Corner is using a variation on the game “Two Truths and a Lie”. The game is simple; each player tells two facts that are true and one that is a lie. The other players must correctly guess which one of the three statements is a lie. In this variation of the game, students will write their statements down on a sheet of paper, trade them with other students, and then use reported speech to share these statements with the class.

  • Read through all the materials carefully.
  • Print out the “Two Truths and a Lie” cards in Appendix 1. Make enough copies so that each student in class has a statement card. Note : If playing multiple rounds, print enough copies so each student has one card per game.
  • Each game will have five rounds. In the first round, student A will talk to his/her partner, reporting on the statements. Their partner (student B) will choose the statement they believe is a lie. Student A will then note on their card student B’s choice in the “Vote for a Lie” table at the bottom of their card. The pair of students will repeat this process for student B’s card. Once both students have noted their partner’s vote, they will find new partners and repeat the process. Once each student has talked to five other students and registered the votes, the game is over.
  • After students have played two rounds and have become familiar with the game, encourage them to expand the game to include statements about their favorite celebrities and/or sports stars. For example a student may write:

Lionel Messi has won eight La Liga titles.

Lionel Messi plays for Real Madrid.

Lionel Messi has won three European Golden Shoes.

Part 1 – Two Truths and a Lie Statements Cards

  • Tell the students to think about two facts and one untrue fact about themselves. Encourage the students to think carefully so that the lie is difficult to detect!
  • Next, pass out the “Two Truths and a Lie” statement card to the students.
  • Have the students write down their name at the top of the card and their three statements in the numbered spaces provided. Note : Remind students to mix up their statements. If each student writes the lie as the third statement, the game will become predictable!

Part 2 – “Did you know that…?”

  • Next, have each student switch their card with a classmate so that each student now has another student’s card.
  • Instruct the students to read the card and convert the statements to reported speech.  For example : Susan writes, “I went to America”, so John should change it to, “Susan said that she has gone to America.  Note : When gossiping in English, the beginning of a sentence is typically altered to make the news more exciting. For example, instead of “Susan said that…” the sentence may begin with a phrase such as, “Did you hear that…”or “Do you think that…” or “I heard that…” While lower level classes may need to practice the more formal structures, more advanced students can use these more informal phrases.
  • Next, have the students stand up and find a partner. They can choose any partner except the person who has their original card (and whose card they now have).
  • Each student should report the information on the card to their partner. After hearing the three statements, their partner should guess which one is the lie. Each student should mark down their partner’s guess at the bottom of their card.
  • Have the students switch and find a new partner and repeat the process.
  • After five rounds, have the students find the classmate whose card they have. Have the students share the results with their partner. Note : If time permits, have students volunteer to share their results with the class. Which student had the most believable lie?

Optional Activity

If time permits, have the students play another round. This time, have them create statements about each other or their favorite celebrities or sports stars.

Appendix 1: Two Truths and a Lie

Intermediate to Advanced

Speaking, listening (primary focus); reading (secondary focus)

Students will increase their reported speech skills through role play activities centered on the game Trace Effects .

  • Teacher: whiteboard/chalkboard, markers or chalk, computer and projector, computer lab if possible, copies of Trace Effects (online or DVD version). Copies of the Trace Effects Chapter 1 comics, which can be found in the downloads section of this webpage.

This week’s Teacher’s Corner uses the video game Trace Effects to practice reported speech. Trace Effects , like other video games, requires players to solve problems using the information provided. Gathering information in Trace Effects requires asking questions and listening to the answers. This question and answer format makes it an effective way for students to practice reported speech.

This week’s Teacher’s Corner provides a series of activities centered on Trace Effects to help students practice reported speech. If you have never played Trace Effects, you can find it here .

  • These activities are best used in a computer lab, if possible. Have students work on the computers in pairs or small groups.
  • The fourth activity is an information gap using Chapter 1 of the Trace Effects Comic book. When students are paired for the activity, one student will have the regular version of the comic and his/her partner will have a special version of the same comic. This special version will have some of the text missing. Both are included in the “Downloads” section of this week’s Teacher’s Corner web page.

Trace Telephone – Pairs or Small Groups

1.     Before class, ensure that each computer has a set of headphones.

2.     Have the students form pairs or small groups. Each pair or small group should have a computer on which to work.

3.     Next, have the students go to the webpage Trace Effects . If your school has DVD copies of Trace Effects , or the game is installed on school computers, have the students use that version.

4.     Provide each student a role during gameplay: one student (the controller) should control the mouse and keyboard, while a second student (the reporter) listens to the audio in the headphones.

a.     If playing in small groups, the third student can be the “grammar checker.” Their job is to listen to what they reporter tells the controller and check the reported speech that the reporter uses.

5.     Let the groups begin a game of Trace Effects . The player with the headphones must communicate the responses of the other characters to their partner or group.

a.     If playing as a whole class, have one student come to the front of the class to be the reporter. The remainder of the class can shout out/vote for what should be selected next in the dialogue chain.

Trace Telephone – Class Version

1.     If a computer lab is not available, a similar activity to the one above can be conducted as a whole class.

2.     In this version of the activity, one student works as the controller of the game while another student uses the headphones to listen to the audio.

3.     Taking turns, students come to the front of the class and put on the headphones. The student must listen to the dialogue from the NPCs (Non-Playable Characters) and change the speech they hear to reported speech. Using reported speech, they must tell the class what they heard.

4.     If the student uses reported speech successfully, they continue to be the class reporter. If the student does not use the correct reported speech, the reporter must sit down and a new student comes to the front of the class to assume the role.

a.     Optional: When a student reports the dialogue incorrectly, they can take over controlling the game.

5.     The student who correctly reports the dialogue the most number of times in a row wins!

Trace Summary – Chapter 2

Reported speech is regularly used when summarizing an event or telling a story. In this activity, students will report on the events of Trace Effects Chapter 2.

1.     Place students into pairs or small groups. These pairs/small groups will work together to complete Trace Effects Chapter 2.

2.     Have the students play Chapter 2 of the game.

a.     While students play the chapter, have them take notes about the events in the game.

  • Encourage them to take notes on who Trace talks to and what the characters say to Trace.

b.     If students are playing in pairs or small groups, have them take turns at the controls. This chapter of Trace Effects has two scenes: the farmers’ market and a high school. Students can switch turns on the controls when the scene changes.

3.     Once students have completed the chapter, have them provide a summary of the chapter in the form of a story. For example:

Trace asked the woman at the tomato booth if she was Emma Fields. The woman said no and told Trace to ask the people at the corn booth.

4.     Depending on the level of the students, the summary can be presented in class as a spoken activity, or students can take their notes home and write a summary to be presented in class the following day.

Trace Effects – Comic Book

This activity is best completed after students have played Trace Effects Chapter 1. This activity can also benefit from being conducted in a computer lab if possible.

1.     Have the students form pairs of A and B.

2.     Give half the students (student A) copies of the Trace Effects Chapter 1 – Blanks comic book included with this activity.

3.     Give the other half of the class (student B) a copy of the Trace Effects Chapter 1 comic.

4.     Instruct student A to fill in the blanks in their comic by asking student B what was said by the characters with the missing text. Student B should give the missing lines using reported speech. Student A should listen to the reported speech and convert it to direct speech and fill in the words missing in the speech bubbles.

  • Note: to extend the activity and give both students in the pair the opportunity to work with reported speech, hand out only half of the comic (pages 3-5) to the students. Then, once the pairs have completed those pages, have them switch roles and to complete the second half of the comic (pages 6-8).

High-Intermediate to Advanced

Speaking, reading (primary focus); writing, listening (secondary focus)

Students will practice using reported speech by giving news reports.

  • Teacher: whiteboard/chalkboard, markers or chalk, copies of the article “ Scott Kelly Reflects On His Year Off The Planet ”.

This week’s Teacher’s Corner practices reported speech through reporting on news stories. Reporting on events, such as news stories, allow students to practice a larger variety of verbs when using reported speech.

  • Read through all the materials carefully before starting the activity.
  • Read the article “ Scott Kelly Reflects On His Year Off The Planet ” before class to identify vocabulary that may be new or challenging to students. Identify the quotes made by astronaut Scott Kelly in the article; students will convert these quotes to reported speech.
  • Print a copy of the article for each student to read or, if possible, complete part one of the activity in a computer lab.

Part 1 – In-Class Practice

1.     Pass out copies of the article “ Scott Kelly Reflects On His Year Off The Planet ”, or provide students a link to the article if working in a computer lab.

2.     Have the students read the article.

3.     Once the students have finished reading, have the students underline or highlight the quotes made by astronaut Scott Kelly in the article. If students are reading the article online, have them write the quotes on a sheet of paper.

4.     Next, have the students write a short summary of the article. Instruct them to use at least two quotes from astronaut Kelly. These quotes must be changed to reported speech.

a.     For lower level classes, students can do the summary in pairs or small groups.

b.     Advance classes can use this opportunity not only to practice reported speech but to cite sources as well.

  • For example, with Scott Kelly’s quote, "I have taken a lot of pictures because I've been up here for a long time," can be changed to: Kelly told reporters that he had taken a lot of pictures because he had been up there a long time .
  • More advanced classes can also use reported speech to summarize what the author of the article wrote, such as: Brumfiel states that when Kelly had returned to Earth he had spent 340 days aboard the International Space Station .

5.     Have students switch summaries with another student. The students read their partner’s summary and analyze how closely it matches the information in the article. Instruct the students to make corrections to any errors they see in the reported speech contained in the summary.

a.     Optional: The summaries can be collected and corrections made to the reported speech.

Part 2 – Homework

1.     Now that students have practice with the in-class article, assign them homework to find a new article on which to report.

2.     Encourage students to find an article on a topic they enjoy. A resource for articles designed for learners of English is Voice of America .

3.     Have the students summarize their article and, as in the class example, include at least two instances of reported speech.

Part 3 – In-Class Report

1.     In the next class, have the students present their article summary to the class. Give each student two minutes to present their summary to the class.

2.     Encourage students not to rely on their writing but to try giving the summary from memory.

Optional variations

1.     Make this a regular activity in your class by requiring students to present a news report each week. Each class period, a set number of students can provide a report, such as two students at the start of each class.

2.     If class time is limited, have the students record their summaries and submit them as audio journals. For ideas on student recordings, see the September 2015 Teacher’s Corner on using Audacity recording software.

For more ways to incorporate global affairs and news into your classroom check out the Teacher’s Corner for March 2016 .

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reported speech modal verbs pdf

Reported Speech

Grammar & Usage

Changing direct speech to reported (indirect) speech can be difficult because of the verb tense changes required. This handy chart and tips will help students remember common verb tense and modal changes in reported speech.


Modal Verbs In Reported Speech Exercises – Modals Exercises PDF

When there is a modal verb in the original statement, suggestion, etc., this sometimes changes when we report what was said. The changes are summarised in below table.

1. We sometimes use a modal verb in a report when there is no modal verb in the original:

  • ‘You’re not allowed to smoke here’ → she told me that I mustn’t smoke there.

2. The verbs could, would, should, might, ought to, and used to don’t change in the report:

  • ‘I could meet you at the airport.’ → He said that he  could  meet us at the airport.
  • ‘We might  drop in if we have time.’ →They said they might  drop in if they have time.

3.  Will  usually changes to would, can to  could, may  to  might.  However, if the situation we are reporting still exists or is still in the future and the verb in the reporting clause is in a present tense,  we prefer  will, can,  and  may  in the reported clause. Compare :

  • ‘Careful! You’ ll  fall through the ice!’ → I warned him he would fall through the ice.
  • ‘I ‘ll be in Paris at Christmas.’ → She tells me she’ ll be in Paris at Christmas.

If the situation we are reporting still exists or is still in the future and the verb in the reporting clause is in a past tense, then we can use either  would  or will , can  or  could,  and  may  or  might  in the reported clause:

  • ‘ The problem can be solved.’ → They  said  the problem can/could be solved.

4. When  shall  is used in the original to talk about the future, we use would  in the report:

  • ‘I  shall (I’ ll ) call you on Monday.’ → She told me she would call me on Monday.

However, when  shall  is used in offers, requests for advice and confirmation, etc. then we can use  should  in the report, but not shall.

  • ‘Where shall I put this box?’ → He asked where he should put the box.

5. When  must  is used in the original to say that it is necessary to do something, we can usually use either  must  or had to  in the report, although  must is less common:

  • ‘You must be home by 9 o’clock’ → she said I  must/had  to be home by 9 o’clock.

However, when  must  is used in the original to conclude that something (has) happened or that something is true, then we  must,  not  had to,  in the report:

  • ‘I keep forgetting things. I must be getting old.’ → Neil said he  must  be getting old.

If  mustn’t  is used in the original, we can use mustn’t in the report but not didn’t have to:

  • ‘You mustn’t tell my brother.’ → He warned me that I mustn’t tell his brother.

Modal Verbs In Reported Speech Exercises with Answers

Report what was said using a sentence with a that-clause. Use an appropriate modal verb in  that- clause.

  • ‘It’s important for you to be at the theatre on time.’ →  She said that I had to/ must be at the theatre on time.
  • ‘My advice is to look for a new job now.’ → She said (that) I should/ought to look for a new job now.
  • ‘It’s possible that I’ll have to leave early.’ → She said (that) she may/might have to leave early.
  • ‘You should have used brighter wallpaper for the bedroom.’ → She said (that) I should have/ought to have used brighter wallpaper for the bedroom.
  • ‘I’ll be disappointed if I don’t get the job.’ → She said (that) she would/will be disappointed if she didn’t/doesn’t get the job.
  • ‘I’d recommended that you take the jumper back to the shop.’ → She said (that) I should/ought to take the jumper back to the shop.
  • ‘It’s okay if you want to borrow my guitar.’ → She said (that) I could/can borrow her guitar.
  • ‘I’m sorry I couldn’t come to visit you last summer.’ → She said that she was sorry she couldn’t come to visit me/us last summer.

Underline the more likely or more appropriate verb. If both are possible, underline them both.

  • Bill tells me that he will /would be leaving work early tonight.
  • They thought that Bob would /will get a good job, but they were wrong.
  • They said that a decision would/will be made soon.
  • When I phoned Liz this morning I told her I may/might be late.
  • She says that she could/ can see us any time we are free.
  • He explained that people will/would still need a key to get in.
  • Kathy understands that we won’t /wouldn’t be able to visit her this week.
  • Jim told us that we could/can stay in his house when he’s on holiday.

Complete the sentences to report what was said.

  • ‘Who shall I deliver the parcel to?’ → He asked who he should (or ought to) deliver the parcel to.
  • ‘I shall be extremely interested to see the results.’ → He said (that) he would be extremely interested to see the results.
  • ‘What shall I do next?’ → He asked what he should (or ought to) do next.
  • ‘You mustn’t forget your membership card.’ → He told me (that) I mustn’t forget my membership card. (‘He told me not to forget my membership card.’ might also be used here.’)
  • ‘You must collect more data.’ → He told me (that) I must/ had to/ have to collect more data.
  • ‘I shall always remember her kindness.’ → He said (that) he would always remember her kindness.
  • ‘The baby’s crying. You must have woken her.’ → He said I must have woken the baby (or her).

Report what was said using a that-clause with a modal verb.

  • ‘We’ll organise the Christmas party.’ → They promised that they would organise the Christmas party.
  • ‘You’re right. I can’t remember where I’ve left the car.’ → He admitted that he couldn’t remember where he had left the car. (No alternative with a to-infinitive clause.)
  • We will turn back the invaders or die fighting.’ → The army leaders vowed that they would turn back the invaders or die fighting. (‘The army leaders vowed to turn back the invaders or die fighting.’ is also possible.’)
  • ‘I’m pretty sure I’ll be finished by this evening.’ → He expects that he will be finished by this evening. (‘He expects to finish..’ are also possible.)
  • ‘I can show you the way.’ → She said that she can/could show me the way. (No alternative with a to-infinitive clause.)

All the best for your upcoming exam!

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Direct and Indirect of Modal Auxiliaries

Direct and Indirect of Modal Auxiliaries

We talked about direct and indirect of present tense, past tense and future tenses. In the lesson below I cover direct and indirect of modal auxiliaries . You will learn how to convey a message when you have modal auxiliary verbs in your indirect speech sentences. Direct and indirect structure of sentences for most used and common modal verbs. For direct and indirect speech complete rules click: Direct and indirect speech complete rules

Can:  Can changes to could.

  • Direct speech: He said, “I can speak five languages.”
  • Indirect speech: He told me that he could speak five languages.

May:  May changes to might.

  • Direct speech: She said, “I may buy a new TV today.”
  • Indirect speech: She told me that she might buy a new TV that day.

Will:  Will changes to would.

  • Direct speech: They said, “We will meet you tomorrow.”
  • Indirect speech: They told me that they would meet me the next day.

Shall:  Shall changes to should.

  • Direct speech: He said, “I shall do my homework.”
  • Indirect speech: He said that he should do his homework.

Have to and Has to:   Have to and Has to Change to had to.

  • Direct speech: She said, “My brother has to hit the books.”
  • Indirect speech: She told me that her brother had to hit the books.
  • Direct speech: He said, “I have to keep up with my classmates.”
  • Indirect speech: He said to me that he had to keep up with his classmates.

Must: Must changes to had to.

  • Direct speech: My teacher said to me, “You must be on time to class.
  • Indirect speech: My teacher told me that I had to be on time to class.

Could:  Could remains could.

  • Direct speech: He said, “I couldn`t speak English a few years ago.”
  • Indirect speech: He told me that he couldn`t speak English a few years back.

Might:  Might remains might.

  • Direct speech: They said to him, “We might fire your brother.”
  • Indirect speech: They told him that they might fire his brother.”

Would:  Would Remains would.

  • Direct speech: He said, “You would not keep up with them.”
  • Indirect speech: He told me that I would not keep up with them.

Should:  Should remains should.

  • Direct speech: He said, “I should study hard.”
  • Indirect speech: He said to me that he should study hard.

Ought to:  Ought to remains ought to.

  • Direct speech: She said to me, “You ought to close the gate.”
  • Indirect speech: She reminded me that I ought to close the gate.

Check out Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises With Answers

If you would like to know more about direct or quoted speech, or indirect or reported speech, check out more in the book below.

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Modals in Indirect Speech

Modal verbs change when they are used in indirect speech. In this lesson, we will learn about their structure and uses.

Modal Verbs in Indirect Speech

Modals can be used in indirect speech to help us quote a conversation or dialogue for other people.

Using Modal Verbs in Indirect Speech

Modal verbs use backshift when they are used in indirect speech. Backshift refers to the changing of a present tense in direct speech to a past tense in reported speech (or a past tense to a past perfect tense). Here is the backshift of modals on the table:

Will is a modal verb that is used to refer to future action. Here are the changes when it is used in an indirect speech:

direct speech: He said: "I will take a bus to your house."

indirect speech: He said, he would take a bus to my house.

  • Using Shall

Usually, we use the modal verb shall to talk about making offers or suggestions. When the direct sentence is used to refer to a future event , we should use would in the indirect speech , but when shall is used to make offers or suggestions we use should instead of shall in the indirect speech .

direct speech: He said, " shall I pick you up?" → making offers

indirect speech: He asked if he should pick me up.

direct speech: Marco said: "I shall go home tomorrow." → talking about the future

indirect speech: Marco said he would go home the following day.

reported speech modal verbs pdf

backshift: can → could

When we use 'can' in direct speech to talk about abilities and possibilities we use could in indirect speech . Here are the examples:

direct speech: They said, "We can bring the wine."

indirect speech: They said they could bring the wine.

We usually use the modal verb may to talk about possibilities . We can also use may to ask for or give permission . when we use may to talk about possibilities in direct speech , we use might as an alternative in indirect speech . If we use may to ask for permission or give permission then we should use could in indirect speech .

direct speech: Mania said, "I may go to the party now." → talking about possibility

indirect speech: Mania said she might go to the party then.

direct speech: You asked, may I use the bathroom?" → asking for permission

indirect speech: You asked if you could use the bathroom.

The modal verb must is used particularly to imply obligation . When we want to show obligation in the indirect speech we can use had to or even must . Here are the examples:

direct speech: He said, "you must take responsibility of your own life."

indirect speech: He said I must / had to take responsibility of my own life.

The only modal verbs that change when they are used in indirect speech are: will, shall, can, may, must . Check the backshifts on the table:

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