Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Assignments

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  • Writing a Research Proposal
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The goal of a research proposal is twofold: to present and justify the need to study a research problem and to present the practical ways in which the proposed study should be conducted. The design elements and procedures for conducting research are governed by standards of the predominant discipline in which the problem resides, therefore, the guidelines for research proposals are more exacting and less formal than a general project proposal. Research proposals contain extensive literature reviews. They must provide persuasive evidence that a need exists for the proposed study. In addition to providing a rationale, a proposal describes detailed methodology for conducting the research consistent with requirements of the professional or academic field and a statement on anticipated outcomes and benefits derived from the study's completion.

Krathwohl, David R. How to Prepare a Dissertation Proposal: Suggestions for Students in Education and the Social and Behavioral Sciences . Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2005.

How to Approach Writing a Research Proposal

Your professor may assign the task of writing a research proposal for the following reasons:

  • Develop your skills in thinking about and designing a comprehensive research study;
  • Learn how to conduct a comprehensive review of the literature to determine that the research problem has not been adequately addressed or has been answered ineffectively and, in so doing, become better at locating pertinent scholarship related to your topic;
  • Improve your general research and writing skills;
  • Practice identifying the logical steps that must be taken to accomplish one's research goals;
  • Critically review, examine, and consider the use of different methods for gathering and analyzing data related to the research problem; and,
  • Nurture a sense of inquisitiveness within yourself and to help see yourself as an active participant in the process of conducting scholarly research.

A proposal should contain all the key elements involved in designing a completed research study, with sufficient information that allows readers to assess the validity and usefulness of your proposed study. The only elements missing from a research proposal are the findings of the study and your analysis of those findings. Finally, an effective proposal is judged on the quality of your writing and, therefore, it is important that your proposal is coherent, clear, and compelling.

Regardless of the research problem you are investigating and the methodology you choose, all research proposals must address the following questions:

  • What do you plan to accomplish? Be clear and succinct in defining the research problem and what it is you are proposing to investigate.
  • Why do you want to do the research? In addition to detailing your research design, you also must conduct a thorough review of the literature and provide convincing evidence that it is a topic worthy of in-depth study. A successful research proposal must answer the "So What?" question.
  • How are you going to conduct the research? Be sure that what you propose is doable. If you're having difficulty formulating a research problem to propose investigating, go here for strategies in developing a problem to study.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Failure to be concise . A research proposal must be focused and not be "all over the map" or diverge into unrelated tangents without a clear sense of purpose.
  • Failure to cite landmark works in your literature review . Proposals should be grounded in foundational research that lays a foundation for understanding the development and scope of the the topic and its relevance.
  • Failure to delimit the contextual scope of your research [e.g., time, place, people, etc.]. As with any research paper, your proposed study must inform the reader how and in what ways the study will frame the problem.
  • Failure to develop a coherent and persuasive argument for the proposed research . This is critical. In many workplace settings, the research proposal is a formal document intended to argue for why a study should be funded.
  • Sloppy or imprecise writing, or poor grammar . Although a research proposal does not represent a completed research study, there is still an expectation that it is well-written and follows the style and rules of good academic writing.
  • Too much detail on minor issues, but not enough detail on major issues . Your proposal should focus on only a few key research questions in order to support the argument that the research needs to be conducted. Minor issues, even if valid, can be mentioned but they should not dominate the overall narrative.

Procter, Margaret. The Academic Proposal.  The Lab Report. University College Writing Centre. University of Toronto; Sanford, Keith. Information for Students: Writing a Research Proposal. Baylor University; Wong, Paul T. P. How to Write a Research Proposal. International Network on Personal Meaning. Trinity Western University; Writing Academic Proposals: Conferences, Articles, and Books. The Writing Lab and The OWL. Purdue University; Writing a Research Proposal. University Library. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Structure and Writing Style

Beginning the Proposal Process

As with writing most college-level academic papers, research proposals are generally organized the same way throughout most social science disciplines. The text of proposals generally vary in length between ten and thirty-five pages, followed by the list of references. However, before you begin, read the assignment carefully and, if anything seems unclear, ask your professor whether there are any specific requirements for organizing and writing the proposal.

A good place to begin is to ask yourself a series of questions:

  • What do I want to study?
  • Why is the topic important?
  • How is it significant within the subject areas covered in my class?
  • What problems will it help solve?
  • How does it build upon [and hopefully go beyond] research already conducted on the topic?
  • What exactly should I plan to do, and can I get it done in the time available?

In general, a compelling research proposal should document your knowledge of the topic and demonstrate your enthusiasm for conducting the study. Approach it with the intention of leaving your readers feeling like, "Wow, that's an exciting idea and I can’t wait to see how it turns out!"

Most proposals should include the following sections:

I.  Introduction

In the real world of higher education, a research proposal is most often written by scholars seeking grant funding for a research project or it's the first step in getting approval to write a doctoral dissertation. Even if this is just a course assignment, treat your introduction as the initial pitch of an idea based on a thorough examination of the significance of a research problem. After reading the introduction, your readers should not only have an understanding of what you want to do, but they should also be able to gain a sense of your passion for the topic and to be excited about the study's possible outcomes. Note that most proposals do not include an abstract [summary] before the introduction.

Think about your introduction as a narrative written in two to four paragraphs that succinctly answers the following four questions :

  • What is the central research problem?
  • What is the topic of study related to that research problem?
  • What methods should be used to analyze the research problem?
  • Answer the "So What?" question by explaining why this is important research, what is its significance, and why should someone reading the proposal care about the outcomes of the proposed study?

II.  Background and Significance

This is where you explain the scope and context of your proposal and describe in detail why it's important. It can be melded into your introduction or you can create a separate section to help with the organization and narrative flow of your proposal. Approach writing this section with the thought that you can’t assume your readers will know as much about the research problem as you do. Note that this section is not an essay going over everything you have learned about the topic; instead, you must choose what is most relevant in explaining the aims of your research.

To that end, while there are no prescribed rules for establishing the significance of your proposed study, you should attempt to address some or all of the following:

  • State the research problem and give a more detailed explanation about the purpose of the study than what you stated in the introduction. This is particularly important if the problem is complex or multifaceted .
  • Present the rationale of your proposed study and clearly indicate why it is worth doing; be sure to answer the "So What? question [i.e., why should anyone care?].
  • Describe the major issues or problems examined by your research. This can be in the form of questions to be addressed. Be sure to note how your proposed study builds on previous assumptions about the research problem.
  • Explain the methods you plan to use for conducting your research. Clearly identify the key sources you intend to use and explain how they will contribute to your analysis of the topic.
  • Describe the boundaries of your proposed research in order to provide a clear focus. Where appropriate, state not only what you plan to study, but what aspects of the research problem will be excluded from the study.
  • If necessary, provide definitions of key concepts, theories, or terms.

III.  Literature Review

Connected to the background and significance of your study is a section of your proposal devoted to a more deliberate review and synthesis of prior studies related to the research problem under investigation . The purpose here is to place your project within the larger whole of what is currently being explored, while at the same time, demonstrating to your readers that your work is original and innovative. Think about what questions other researchers have asked, what methodological approaches they have used, and what is your understanding of their findings and, when stated, their recommendations. Also pay attention to any suggestions for further research.

Since a literature review is information dense, it is crucial that this section is intelligently structured to enable a reader to grasp the key arguments underpinning your proposed study in relation to the arguments put forth by other researchers. A good strategy is to break the literature into "conceptual categories" [themes] rather than systematically or chronologically describing groups of materials one at a time. Note that conceptual categories generally reveal themselves after you have read most of the pertinent literature on your topic so adding new categories is an on-going process of discovery as you review more studies. How do you know you've covered the key conceptual categories underlying the research literature? Generally, you can have confidence that all of the significant conceptual categories have been identified if you start to see repetition in the conclusions or recommendations that are being made.

NOTE: Do not shy away from challenging the conclusions made in prior research as a basis for supporting the need for your proposal. Assess what you believe is missing and state how previous research has failed to adequately examine the issue that your study addresses. Highlighting the problematic conclusions strengthens your proposal. For more information on writing literature reviews, GO HERE .

To help frame your proposal's review of prior research, consider the "five C’s" of writing a literature review:

  • Cite , so as to keep the primary focus on the literature pertinent to your research problem.
  • Compare the various arguments, theories, methodologies, and findings expressed in the literature: what do the authors agree on? Who applies similar approaches to analyzing the research problem?
  • Contrast the various arguments, themes, methodologies, approaches, and controversies expressed in the literature: describe what are the major areas of disagreement, controversy, or debate among scholars?
  • Critique the literature: Which arguments are more persuasive, and why? Which approaches, findings, and methodologies seem most reliable, valid, or appropriate, and why? Pay attention to the verbs you use to describe what an author says/does [e.g., asserts, demonstrates, argues, etc.].
  • Connect the literature to your own area of research and investigation: how does your own work draw upon, depart from, synthesize, or add a new perspective to what has been said in the literature?

IV.  Research Design and Methods

This section must be well-written and logically organized because you are not actually doing the research, yet, your reader must have confidence that you have a plan worth pursuing . The reader will never have a study outcome from which to evaluate whether your methodological choices were the correct ones. Thus, the objective here is to convince the reader that your overall research design and proposed methods of analysis will correctly address the problem and that the methods will provide the means to effectively interpret the potential results. Your design and methods should be unmistakably tied to the specific aims of your study.

Describe the overall research design by building upon and drawing examples from your review of the literature. Consider not only methods that other researchers have used, but methods of data gathering that have not been used but perhaps could be. Be specific about the methodological approaches you plan to undertake to obtain information, the techniques you would use to analyze the data, and the tests of external validity to which you commit yourself [i.e., the trustworthiness by which you can generalize from your study to other people, places, events, and/or periods of time].

When describing the methods you will use, be sure to cover the following:

  • Specify the research process you will undertake and the way you will interpret the results obtained in relation to the research problem. Don't just describe what you intend to achieve from applying the methods you choose, but state how you will spend your time while applying these methods [e.g., coding text from interviews to find statements about the need to change school curriculum; running a regression to determine if there is a relationship between campaign advertising on social media sites and election outcomes in Europe ].
  • Keep in mind that the methodology is not just a list of tasks; it is a deliberate argument as to why techniques for gathering information add up to the best way to investigate the research problem. This is an important point because the mere listing of tasks to be performed does not demonstrate that, collectively, they effectively address the research problem. Be sure you clearly explain this.
  • Anticipate and acknowledge any potential barriers and pitfalls in carrying out your research design and explain how you plan to address them. No method applied to research in the social and behavioral sciences is perfect, so you need to describe where you believe challenges may exist in obtaining data or accessing information. It's always better to acknowledge this than to have it brought up by your professor!

V.  Preliminary Suppositions and Implications

Just because you don't have to actually conduct the study and analyze the results, doesn't mean you can skip talking about the analytical process and potential implications . The purpose of this section is to argue how and in what ways you believe your research will refine, revise, or extend existing knowledge in the subject area under investigation. Depending on the aims and objectives of your study, describe how the anticipated results will impact future scholarly research, theory, practice, forms of interventions, or policy making. Note that such discussions may have either substantive [a potential new policy], theoretical [a potential new understanding], or methodological [a potential new way of analyzing] significance.   When thinking about the potential implications of your study, ask the following questions:

  • What might the results mean in regards to challenging the theoretical framework and underlying assumptions that support the study?
  • What suggestions for subsequent research could arise from the potential outcomes of the study?
  • What will the results mean to practitioners in the natural settings of their workplace, organization, or community?
  • Will the results influence programs, methods, and/or forms of intervention?
  • How might the results contribute to the solution of social, economic, or other types of problems?
  • Will the results influence policy decisions?
  • In what way do individuals or groups benefit should your study be pursued?
  • What will be improved or changed as a result of the proposed research?
  • How will the results of the study be implemented and what innovations or transformative insights could emerge from the process of implementation?

NOTE:   This section should not delve into idle speculation, opinion, or be formulated on the basis of unclear evidence . The purpose is to reflect upon gaps or understudied areas of the current literature and describe how your proposed research contributes to a new understanding of the research problem should the study be implemented as designed.

ANOTHER NOTE : This section is also where you describe any potential limitations to your proposed study. While it is impossible to highlight all potential limitations because the study has yet to be conducted, you still must tell the reader where and in what form impediments may arise and how you plan to address them.

VI.  Conclusion

The conclusion reiterates the importance or significance of your proposal and provides a brief summary of the entire study . This section should be only one or two paragraphs long, emphasizing why the research problem is worth investigating, why your research study is unique, and how it should advance existing knowledge.

Someone reading this section should come away with an understanding of:

  • Why the study should be done;
  • The specific purpose of the study and the research questions it attempts to answer;
  • The decision for why the research design and methods used where chosen over other options;
  • The potential implications emerging from your proposed study of the research problem; and
  • A sense of how your study fits within the broader scholarship about the research problem.

VII.  Citations

As with any scholarly research paper, you must cite the sources you used . In a standard research proposal, this section can take two forms, so consult with your professor about which one is preferred.

  • References -- a list of only the sources you actually used in creating your proposal.
  • Bibliography -- a list of everything you used in creating your proposal, along with additional citations to any key sources relevant to understanding the research problem.

In either case, this section should testify to the fact that you did enough preparatory work to ensure the project will complement and not just duplicate the efforts of other researchers. It demonstrates to the reader that you have a thorough understanding of prior research on the topic.

Most proposal formats have you start a new page and use the heading "References" or "Bibliography" centered at the top of the page. Cited works should always use a standard format that follows the writing style advised by the discipline of your course [e.g., education=APA; history=Chicago] or that is preferred by your professor. This section normally does not count towards the total page length of your research proposal.

Develop a Research Proposal: Writing the Proposal. Office of Library Information Services. Baltimore County Public Schools; Heath, M. Teresa Pereira and Caroline Tynan. “Crafting a Research Proposal.” The Marketing Review 10 (Summer 2010): 147-168; Jones, Mark. “Writing a Research Proposal.” In MasterClass in Geography Education: Transforming Teaching and Learning . Graham Butt, editor. (New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015), pp. 113-127; Juni, Muhamad Hanafiah. “Writing a Research Proposal.” International Journal of Public Health and Clinical Sciences 1 (September/October 2014): 229-240; Krathwohl, David R. How to Prepare a Dissertation Proposal: Suggestions for Students in Education and the Social and Behavioral Sciences . Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2005; Procter, Margaret. The Academic Proposal. The Lab Report. University College Writing Centre. University of Toronto; Punch, Keith and Wayne McGowan. "Developing and Writing a Research Proposal." In From Postgraduate to Social Scientist: A Guide to Key Skills . Nigel Gilbert, ed. (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2006), 59-81; Wong, Paul T. P. How to Write a Research Proposal. International Network on Personal Meaning. Trinity Western University; Writing Academic Proposals: Conferences , Articles, and Books. The Writing Lab and The OWL. Purdue University; Writing a Research Proposal. University Library. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

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How to Write a Research Proposal

Deeptanshu D

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In academia, especially in social and behavioral sciences, writing a research proposal is an essential first step while planning a new research project. A research proposal is an initial pitch, or theoretical framework that serves to introduce the topic and anticipated results of a project, provide an overview of the methods to be used, and convince the reader that the proposed research can be conducted successfully. It is very essential to know how to write a research proposal, whether you are a student trying to fulfill course requirements or a researcher looking for funding for scholarly research. But writing a well-structured proposal is easier said than done.

To make things simpler for you, In this article, I explained the fundamentals of a research proposal, its structure, the steps involved in writing a research proposal, and common mistakes to avoid. Continue reading to gain a thorough understanding of the concept and purpose of a research proposal. This blog will also enable you to write the research proposal quickly, reducing the likelihood of rejection.

What is a Research Proposal?

In simpler terms,  A research proposal is a document written to explain and justify your chosen research topic and the necessity to carry out that particular research by addressing the research problem. Likewise, a good research proposal should carry the proposed research's results and benefits, backed by convincing evidence.

Always keep your audience in mind while writing your research proposal. Your audience expects a concise summary and a detailed research methodology from you in the research proposal.

To begin, you must understand the purpose of a research proposal in order to effectively write a research proposal and also to receive swift approvals.

What is the purpose or importance of a research proposal?


A research proposal's purpose is to provide a detailed outline of the process that will be used to answer a specific research problem. Whereas the goal of the research proposal varies from person to person. In some cases, it may be to secure funding, while in others, it may be to obtain a meager approval from the committee or the supervisor to proceed with the research project. Regardless of your research proposal's end goal, you are supposed to write a research proposal that fulfills its intended purpose of presenting the best plan for your research.

While writing a research proposal, you should demonstrate how and why your proposed research is crucial for the domain, especially if it is social and behavioral sciences. It would help if you showed how your work is necessary by addressing some key points like:

  • Bridging the gaps in the existing domain of research.
  • Adding new and fresh perspectives to the existing understanding of the topic.
  • Undervalued data in the current stats of the domain.

Furthermore, your research proposal must demonstrate that you, as an author, are capable of conducting the research and that the results will significantly contribute to the field of knowledge. To do so, include and explain your academic background and significance along with your previous accolades to demonstrate that you and your idea have academic merit.

What is the ideal length of a research proposal?

There are no hard and fast rules about how long a research proposal should be, and it varies dramatically from different institutions and publishers. However, as a standard domain practice, a research proposal is generally between 3000- 4000 words. A majority of globally reputed institutions follow the 3000- 3500 word limit.

Since the research proposal is written well before the research is conducted, you need to outline all the necessary elements your research will entail and accomplish. Once completed, your research proposal must resemble a concise version of a thesis or dissertation without results and a discussion section.

Structure of a research proposal


When you recognize a gap in the existing books of knowledge, you will address it by developing a research problem. A research problem is a question that researchers want to answer. It is the starting point for any research project, and it can be broad or narrow, depending on your objectives. Once you have a problem, it is followed by articulating a research question. After that, you can embark on the process of writing a research proposal.

Whether your goal is to secure funding or just approval, nevertheless, your research proposal needs to follow the basic outline of a research paper, containing all the necessary sections. Therefore, the structure of a research proposal closely resembles and follows a thesis or dissertation or any research paper. It should contain the following sections:

As is well known, the first thing that catches the reader's attention is a catchy title. Therefore, you should try to come up with a catchy yet informative title for your research proposal. Additionally, it should be concise and clear to reflect enough information about your research question.

To create a good research proposal, try writing the title to induce interest and information in your readers. Pro-Tip: Avoid using phrases such as “An investigation of …” or “A review of …” etc. . These have been overused for ages and may reflect your research title as a regular entry. On the other hand, concise and well-defined titles are always something readers like and stand higher chances for a proposal approval.

2. Abstract

Write your abstract in a brief yet very informative way. It should summarize the research you intend to conduct. Put an emphasis on the research question, research hypothesis , research design and methods, and the key findings of your proposed research.

If you wish to create a detailed proposal, try including a table of contents. It will help readers navigate easily and catch a glance at your entire proposal writing. Check out this guide if you want to learn more about how to write a research abstract for your scholarly research.

3. Introduction

All papers need a striking introduction to set the context of the research question. While framing your research proposal, ensure that the introduction provides rich background and relevant information about the research question.

Your entire research proposal hinges upon your research question. Thus, fit should come out clearly in the intro. Provide a general introduction without clear explanations, and it might render your research proposal insignificant.

Start your research proposal with the research problem, engage your audience with elements that relate to the problem, and then shed some light on the research question. Then, proceed with your study's evidence-based justification, and you'll find that the audience is sticking with your proposal narrative.

While writing your research proposal, ensure that you have covered the following:

  • Purpose of your study.
  • Background information and significance of your study.
  • Introduction to the question, followed by an introduction to the paper.
  • Brief mention of the critical issues that you will focus on.
  • Declaration of independent and dependent variables of the research hypothesis. (You can learn more about the variables of the research hypothesis here .)

4. Literature Review

Writing a literature review is an important part of the research process. It provides the researcher with a summary of previous studies that have been conducted on a subject, and it helps the researcher determine what areas might need additional investigation in the existing research. Guidelines for the literature review vary for different institutions.

To effectively conduct and write a literature review check this guide . You can also use tools like SciSpace Copilot , our AI research assistant that makes reading academic papers a much easier task. You can use it to get simple explanations for complex text, maths, or tables. Copilot can be particularly helpful when you’re sifting through papers as you can quickly understand the abstract, get some context around the study, and identify if the paper is relevant to your project or not.

The literature review can either be kept as a separate section or incorporated into the introduction section. A separate section is always favorable and vital in gaining the research proposal approval. Additionally, a separate section for a literature review offers in-depth background data and demonstrates the relevance of your research question by emphasizing the gaps that have remained since the previous study.

Your research proposal’s literature review must contain and serve the following:

research proposal resources

  • To provide a reference of the studies and the researchers who have previously worked in the same domain.
  • To provide the build path of your research question.
  • To furnish a critical examination of the previous research works.
  • To present the research issues about the current investigation.
  • To convince the audience about the importance of your research in the relevant domain.

Need help you with your literature review? Try SciSpace Discover and get barrier-free access to scientific knowledge.

Discover millions of peer-reviewed research articles and their full-text PDFs here. The articles can be compiled in one place and saved for later use to conduct a Hassel-free literature review.

5. Research Methodology

Research design and methods is the section where you explain how you will be conducting the proposed research. Ensure that you provide and include a sufficient explanation for the chosen methods. Additionally, include some points explaining how your chosen methods will help you get the desired or expected results.

Provide ample information to the readers about your research procedures so that they can easily comprehend the methodology and its expected results. Through your research methodology, you can easily show your audience whether the results you are promising can be achieved or not.

Most importantly, make sure the methodology you choose—whether qualitative or quantitative—is the best fit for your research. You should also be able to justify your choice.

Additionally, you should properly explain both the quantitative and qualitative components of your research if they are both used. For a qualitative approach, you must offer more elaborate and in-depth theoretical-based evidence. On the other hand, for the quantitative approach, you must describe the survey or lab setup, sample size, tools, and data collection methods.

Make sure you have plenty of explanations for the research methodology to support how you approached the research problem.

6. Expected Research Results

The expected research results section is where the researcher states what they expect to find in their research. The purpose of this section is to provide a summary of the study's goals, as well as give an overview of what the researcher expects will be found out. These results must orient the reader in sync with the methodology section and provide the answers to the research questions.

7. Limitations

The limitations section of an academic research paper is a section in which the writers of the paper discuss the weaknesses of their study. They do this by identifying problems with their methods, design, and implementation. This section should also discuss any other factors that may have affected the results or accuracy of the study. This section allows readers to understand how much confidence they can place in the findings, and how applicable they are to other contexts.

Furthermore, it will also showcase your honesty and complete understanding of the topic. Your research proposal’s limitations can include:

  • Reasons for the chosen sample size.
  • Justifications for the availability of resources at hand.
  • Any unexpected error that might occur in the course of research as well.

8. Reference and Bibliography

If you don’t want your efforts to be tagged as plagiarized, ensure that you include the reference section at the end of the research proposal and follow the appropriate citation guidelines while citing different scholarly sources and various other researchers’ work.

For references, use both the in-text and footnote citations. List all the literature you have used to gather the information. However, in the bibliography, apart from including the references you have cited, you should include the sources that you didn't cite.

Reasons why research proposals get rejected


Research proposals often get rejected due to the smallest of mistakes. To keep the chances of getting your research proposal rejection at bay or a minimum, you should be aware of what grounds committees or supervisors often decide on rejection.

Follow through to understand the common reasons why research papers get rejected:

  • The proposal stated a flawed hypothesis.
  • The readers or the audience don't get convinced that the expected results will be anything new or unique.
  • The research methodology lacks the details and may appear unrealistic.
  • The research proposal lacks coherence in the problem statement, methodology, and results.
  • Inadequate literature review.
  • Inaccurate interpretation of expected results from the methodology.
  • Plagiarized or copied sections of the research proposal.

Common mistakes to avoid


You must stay aware of the research proposal guidelines and best writing manners. To maximize the approval chances of your research proposal, you should try to avoid some common pitfalls like:

  • Making it verbose

Try explaining the various sections of the research proposal economically. Ideally, you should strive to keep your writing as a concise, brief, and to the point as possible. The more concisely you explain the purpose and goal of your research proposal, the better.

  • Focusing on minor issues than tackling the core

While writing the research proposal, you may feel every issue is important, and you should provide an explanatory note for that. However, stay wiser while selecting the importance of issues. Avoid falling into the trap of trivial issues, as it may distract your readers from the core issues.

  • Failure to put a strong research argument

The easiest way your readers can undermine your research proposal is by stating it is far more subjective and sounds unrealistic. A potent research argument describing the gaps in the current field, its importance, significance, and contributions to your research is the foremost requirement of a good research proposal.

Remember, even though you are proposing the objective, academic way, the goal is to persuade the audience to provide you with the required research approval.

  • Not citing correctly

Understand that when you are going for some research, its outcome will contribute to the existing pool of knowledge. Therefore, always cite some landmark works of your chosen research domain and connect your proposed work with it.

Providing such intricate details will establish your research's importance, relevance, and familiarity with the domain knowledge.

Before You Go,

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How to Write a Research Proposal: A Step-by-Step

By Danesh Ramuthi , Nov 29, 2023

How to Write a Research Proposal

A research proposal is a structured outline for a planned study on a specific topic. It serves as a roadmap, guiding researchers through the process of converting their research idea into a feasible project. 

The aim of a research proposal is multifold: it articulates the research problem, establishes a theoretical framework, outlines the research methodology and highlights the potential significance of the study. Importantly, it’s a critical tool for scholars seeking grant funding or approval for their research projects.

Crafting a good research proposal requires not only understanding your research topic and methodological approaches but also the ability to present your ideas clearly and persuasively. Explore Venngage’s Proposal Maker and Research Proposals Templates to begin your journey in writing a compelling research proposal.

What to include in a research proposal?

In a research proposal, include a clear statement of your research question or problem, along with an explanation of its significance. This should be followed by a literature review that situates your proposed study within the context of existing research. 

Your proposal should also outline the research methodology, detailing how you plan to conduct your study, including data collection and analysis methods.

Additionally, include a theoretical framework that guides your research approach, a timeline or research schedule, and a budget if applicable. It’s important to also address the anticipated outcomes and potential implications of your study. A well-structured research proposal will clearly communicate your research objectives, methods and significance to the readers.

Light Blue Shape Semiotic Analysis Research Proposal

How to format a research proposal?

Formatting a research proposal involves adhering to a structured outline to ensure clarity and coherence. While specific requirements may vary, a standard research proposal typically includes the following elements:

  • Title Page: Must include the title of your research proposal, your name and affiliations. The title should be concise and descriptive of your proposed research.
  • Abstract: A brief summary of your proposal, usually not exceeding 250 words. It should highlight the research question, methodology and the potential impact of the study.
  • Introduction: Introduces your research question or problem, explains its significance, and states the objectives of your study.
  • Literature review: Here, you contextualize your research within existing scholarship, demonstrating your knowledge of the field and how your research will contribute to it.
  • Methodology: Outline your research methods, including how you will collect and analyze data. This section should be detailed enough to show the feasibility and thoughtfulness of your approach.
  • Timeline: Provide an estimated schedule for your research, breaking down the process into stages with a realistic timeline for each.
  • Budget (if applicable): If your research requires funding, include a detailed budget outlining expected cost.
  • References/Bibliography: List all sources referenced in your proposal in a consistent citation style.

Green And Orange Modern Research Proposal

How to write a research proposal in 11 steps?

Writing a research proposal in structured steps ensures a comprehensive and coherent presentation of your research project. Let’s look at the explanation for each of the steps here:  

Step 1: Title and Abstract Step 2: Introduction Step 3: Research objectives Step 4: Literature review Step 5: Methodology Step 6: Timeline Step 7: Resources Step 8: Ethical considerations Step 9: Expected outcomes and significance Step 10: References Step 11: Appendices

Step 1: title and abstract.

Select a concise, descriptive title and write an abstract summarizing your research question, objectives, methodology and expected outcomes​​. The abstract should include your research question, the objectives you aim to achieve, the methodology you plan to employ and the anticipated outcomes. 

Step 2: Introduction

In this section, introduce the topic of your research, emphasizing its significance and relevance to the field. Articulate the research problem or question in clear terms and provide background context, which should include an overview of previous research in the field.

Step 3: Research objectives

Here, you’ll need to outline specific, clear and achievable objectives that align with your research problem. These objectives should be well-defined, focused and measurable, serving as the guiding pillars for your study. They help in establishing what you intend to accomplish through your research and provide a clear direction for your investigation.

Step 4: Literature review

In this part, conduct a thorough review of existing literature related to your research topic. This involves a detailed summary of key findings and major contributions from previous research. Identify existing gaps in the literature and articulate how your research aims to fill these gaps. The literature review not only shows your grasp of the subject matter but also how your research will contribute new insights or perspectives to the field.

Step 5: Methodology

Describe the design of your research and the methodologies you will employ. This should include detailed information on data collection methods, instruments to be used and analysis techniques. Justify the appropriateness of these methods for your research​​.

Step 6: Timeline

Construct a detailed timeline that maps out the major milestones and activities of your research project. Break the entire research process into smaller, manageable tasks and assign realistic time frames to each. This timeline should cover everything from the initial research phase to the final submission, including periods for data collection, analysis and report writing. 

It helps in ensuring your project stays on track and demonstrates to reviewers that you have a well-thought-out plan for completing your research efficiently.

Step 7: Resources

Identify all the resources that will be required for your research, such as specific databases, laboratory equipment, software or funding. Provide details on how these resources will be accessed or acquired. 

If your research requires funding, explain how it will be utilized effectively to support various aspects of the project. 

Step 8: Ethical considerations

Address any ethical issues that may arise during your research. This is particularly important for research involving human subjects. Describe the measures you will take to ensure ethical standards are maintained, such as obtaining informed consent, ensuring participant privacy, and adhering to data protection regulations. 

Here, in this section you should reassure reviewers that you are committed to conducting your research responsibly and ethically.

Step 9: Expected outcomes and significance

Articulate the expected outcomes or results of your research. Explain the potential impact and significance of these outcomes, whether in advancing academic knowledge, influencing policy or addressing specific societal or practical issues. 

Step 10: References

Compile a comprehensive list of all the references cited in your proposal. Adhere to a consistent citation style (like APA or MLA) throughout your document. The reference section not only gives credit to the original authors of your sourced information but also strengthens the credibility of your proposal.

Step 11: Appendices

Include additional supporting materials that are pertinent to your research proposal. This can be survey questionnaires, interview guides, detailed data analysis plans or any supplementary information that supports the main text. 

Appendices provide further depth to your proposal, showcasing the thoroughness of your preparation.

Beige And Dark Green Minimalist Research Proposal

Research proposal FAQs

1. how long should a research proposal be.

The length of a research proposal can vary depending on the requirements of the academic institution, funding body or specific guidelines provided. Generally, research proposals range from 500 to 1500 words or about one to a few pages long. It’s important to provide enough detail to clearly convey your research idea, objectives and methodology, while being concise. Always check

2. Why is the research plan pivotal to a research project?

The research plan is pivotal to a research project because it acts as a blueprint, guiding every phase of the study. It outlines the objectives, methodology, timeline and expected outcomes, providing a structured approach and ensuring that the research is systematically conducted. 

A well-crafted plan helps in identifying potential challenges, allocating resources efficiently and maintaining focus on the research goals. It is also essential for communicating the project’s feasibility and importance to stakeholders, such as funding bodies or academic supervisors.

Simple Minimalist White Research Proposal

Mastering how to write a research proposal is an essential skill for any scholar, whether in social and behavioral sciences, academic writing or any field requiring scholarly research. From this article, you have learned key components, from the literature review to the research design, helping you develop a persuasive and well-structured proposal.

Remember, a good research proposal not only highlights your proposed research and methodology but also demonstrates its relevance and potential impact.

For additional support, consider utilizing Venngage’s Proposal Maker and Research Proposals Templates , valuable tools in crafting a compelling proposal that stands out.

Whether it’s for grant funding, a research paper or a dissertation proposal, these resources can assist in transforming your research idea into a successful submission.

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Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches

Student resources, research proposal tools and sample student proposals.

Sample research proposals written by doctoral students in each of the key areas covered in Research Design --quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods—are provided as a useful reference. A Research Proposal checklist also serves to help guide your own proposal-writing.

›   Morales Proposal_Qualitative Study

›   Kottich Proposal_Quantitative Study

›   Guetterman Proposal_Mixed Methods Study

›   Research Proposal Checklist  

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How to write a research proposal?

Department of Anaesthesiology, Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Devika Rani Duggappa

Writing the proposal of a research work in the present era is a challenging task due to the constantly evolving trends in the qualitative research design and the need to incorporate medical advances into the methodology. The proposal is a detailed plan or ‘blueprint’ for the intended study, and once it is completed, the research project should flow smoothly. Even today, many of the proposals at post-graduate evaluation committees and application proposals for funding are substandard. A search was conducted with keywords such as research proposal, writing proposal and qualitative using search engines, namely, PubMed and Google Scholar, and an attempt has been made to provide broad guidelines for writing a scientifically appropriate research proposal.


A clean, well-thought-out proposal forms the backbone for the research itself and hence becomes the most important step in the process of conduct of research.[ 1 ] The objective of preparing a research proposal would be to obtain approvals from various committees including ethics committee [details under ‘Research methodology II’ section [ Table 1 ] in this issue of IJA) and to request for grants. However, there are very few universally accepted guidelines for preparation of a good quality research proposal. A search was performed with keywords such as research proposal, funding, qualitative and writing proposals using search engines, namely, PubMed, Google Scholar and Scopus.

Five ‘C’s while writing a literature review

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A proposal needs to show how your work fits into what is already known about the topic and what new paradigm will it add to the literature, while specifying the question that the research will answer, establishing its significance, and the implications of the answer.[ 2 ] The proposal must be capable of convincing the evaluation committee about the credibility, achievability, practicality and reproducibility (repeatability) of the research design.[ 3 ] Four categories of audience with different expectations may be present in the evaluation committees, namely academic colleagues, policy-makers, practitioners and lay audiences who evaluate the research proposal. Tips for preparation of a good research proposal include; ‘be practical, be persuasive, make broader links, aim for crystal clarity and plan before you write’. A researcher must be balanced, with a realistic understanding of what can be achieved. Being persuasive implies that researcher must be able to convince other researchers, research funding agencies, educational institutions and supervisors that the research is worth getting approval. The aim of the researcher should be clearly stated in simple language that describes the research in a way that non-specialists can comprehend, without use of jargons. The proposal must not only demonstrate that it is based on an intelligent understanding of the existing literature but also show that the writer has thought about the time needed to conduct each stage of the research.[ 4 , 5 ]


The contents or formats of a research proposal vary depending on the requirements of evaluation committee and are generally provided by the evaluation committee or the institution.

In general, a cover page should contain the (i) title of the proposal, (ii) name and affiliation of the researcher (principal investigator) and co-investigators, (iii) institutional affiliation (degree of the investigator and the name of institution where the study will be performed), details of contact such as phone numbers, E-mail id's and lines for signatures of investigators.

The main contents of the proposal may be presented under the following headings: (i) introduction, (ii) review of literature, (iii) aims and objectives, (iv) research design and methods, (v) ethical considerations, (vi) budget, (vii) appendices and (viii) citations.[ 4 ]


It is also sometimes termed as ‘need for study’ or ‘abstract’. Introduction is an initial pitch of an idea; it sets the scene and puts the research in context.[ 6 ] The introduction should be designed to create interest in the reader about the topic and proposal. It should convey to the reader, what you want to do, what necessitates the study and your passion for the topic.[ 7 ] Some questions that can be used to assess the significance of the study are: (i) Who has an interest in the domain of inquiry? (ii) What do we already know about the topic? (iii) What has not been answered adequately in previous research and practice? (iv) How will this research add to knowledge, practice and policy in this area? Some of the evaluation committees, expect the last two questions, elaborated under a separate heading of ‘background and significance’.[ 8 ] Introduction should also contain the hypothesis behind the research design. If hypothesis cannot be constructed, the line of inquiry to be used in the research must be indicated.

Review of literature

It refers to all sources of scientific evidence pertaining to the topic in interest. In the present era of digitalisation and easy accessibility, there is an enormous amount of relevant data available, making it a challenge for the researcher to include all of it in his/her review.[ 9 ] It is crucial to structure this section intelligently so that the reader can grasp the argument related to your study in relation to that of other researchers, while still demonstrating to your readers that your work is original and innovative. It is preferable to summarise each article in a paragraph, highlighting the details pertinent to the topic of interest. The progression of review can move from the more general to the more focused studies, or a historical progression can be used to develop the story, without making it exhaustive.[ 1 ] Literature should include supporting data, disagreements and controversies. Five ‘C's may be kept in mind while writing a literature review[ 10 ] [ Table 1 ].

Aims and objectives

The research purpose (or goal or aim) gives a broad indication of what the researcher wishes to achieve in the research. The hypothesis to be tested can be the aim of the study. The objectives related to parameters or tools used to achieve the aim are generally categorised as primary and secondary objectives.

Research design and method

The objective here is to convince the reader that the overall research design and methods of analysis will correctly address the research problem and to impress upon the reader that the methodology/sources chosen are appropriate for the specific topic. It should be unmistakably tied to the specific aims of your study.

In this section, the methods and sources used to conduct the research must be discussed, including specific references to sites, databases, key texts or authors that will be indispensable to the project. There should be specific mention about the methodological approaches to be undertaken to gather information, about the techniques to be used to analyse it and about the tests of external validity to which researcher is committed.[ 10 , 11 ]

The components of this section include the following:[ 4 ]

Population and sample

Population refers to all the elements (individuals, objects or substances) that meet certain criteria for inclusion in a given universe,[ 12 ] and sample refers to subset of population which meets the inclusion criteria for enrolment into the study. The inclusion and exclusion criteria should be clearly defined. The details pertaining to sample size are discussed in the article “Sample size calculation: Basic priniciples” published in this issue of IJA.

Data collection

The researcher is expected to give a detailed account of the methodology adopted for collection of data, which include the time frame required for the research. The methodology should be tested for its validity and ensure that, in pursuit of achieving the results, the participant's life is not jeopardised. The author should anticipate and acknowledge any potential barrier and pitfall in carrying out the research design and explain plans to address them, thereby avoiding lacunae due to incomplete data collection. If the researcher is planning to acquire data through interviews or questionnaires, copy of the questions used for the same should be attached as an annexure with the proposal.

Rigor (soundness of the research)

This addresses the strength of the research with respect to its neutrality, consistency and applicability. Rigor must be reflected throughout the proposal.

It refers to the robustness of a research method against bias. The author should convey the measures taken to avoid bias, viz. blinding and randomisation, in an elaborate way, thus ensuring that the result obtained from the adopted method is purely as chance and not influenced by other confounding variables.


Consistency considers whether the findings will be consistent if the inquiry was replicated with the same participants and in a similar context. This can be achieved by adopting standard and universally accepted methods and scales.


Applicability refers to the degree to which the findings can be applied to different contexts and groups.[ 13 ]

Data analysis

This section deals with the reduction and reconstruction of data and its analysis including sample size calculation. The researcher is expected to explain the steps adopted for coding and sorting the data obtained. Various tests to be used to analyse the data for its robustness, significance should be clearly stated. Author should also mention the names of statistician and suitable software which will be used in due course of data analysis and their contribution to data analysis and sample calculation.[ 9 ]

Ethical considerations

Medical research introduces special moral and ethical problems that are not usually encountered by other researchers during data collection, and hence, the researcher should take special care in ensuring that ethical standards are met. Ethical considerations refer to the protection of the participants' rights (right to self-determination, right to privacy, right to autonomy and confidentiality, right to fair treatment and right to protection from discomfort and harm), obtaining informed consent and the institutional review process (ethical approval). The researcher needs to provide adequate information on each of these aspects.

Informed consent needs to be obtained from the participants (details discussed in further chapters), as well as the research site and the relevant authorities.

When the researcher prepares a research budget, he/she should predict and cost all aspects of the research and then add an additional allowance for unpredictable disasters, delays and rising costs. All items in the budget should be justified.

Appendices are documents that support the proposal and application. The appendices will be specific for each proposal but documents that are usually required include informed consent form, supporting documents, questionnaires, measurement tools and patient information of the study in layman's language.

As with any scholarly research paper, you must cite the sources you used in composing your proposal. Although the words ‘references and bibliography’ are different, they are used interchangeably. It refers to all references cited in the research proposal.

Successful, qualitative research proposals should communicate the researcher's knowledge of the field and method and convey the emergent nature of the qualitative design. The proposal should follow a discernible logic from the introduction to presentation of the appendices.

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How to Write a Research Proposal | Examples & Templates

Published on 30 October 2022 by Shona McCombes and Tegan George. Revised on 13 June 2023.

Structure of a research proposal

A research proposal describes what you will investigate, why it’s important, and how you will conduct your research.

The format of a research proposal varies between fields, but most proposals will contain at least these elements:


Literature review.

  • Research design

Reference list

While the sections may vary, the overall objective is always the same. A research proposal serves as a blueprint and guide for your research plan, helping you get organised and feel confident in the path forward you choose to take.

Table of contents

Research proposal purpose, research proposal examples, research design and methods, contribution to knowledge, research schedule, frequently asked questions.

Academics often have to write research proposals to get funding for their projects. As a student, you might have to write a research proposal as part of a grad school application , or prior to starting your thesis or dissertation .

In addition to helping you figure out what your research can look like, a proposal can also serve to demonstrate why your project is worth pursuing to a funder, educational institution, or supervisor.

Research proposal length

The length of a research proposal can vary quite a bit. A bachelor’s or master’s thesis proposal can be just a few pages, while proposals for PhD dissertations or research funding are usually much longer and more detailed. Your supervisor can help you determine the best length for your work.

One trick to get started is to think of your proposal’s structure as a shorter version of your thesis or dissertation , only without the results , conclusion and discussion sections.

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Writing a research proposal can be quite challenging, but a good starting point could be to look at some examples. We’ve included a few for you below.

  • Example research proposal #1: ‘A Conceptual Framework for Scheduling Constraint Management’
  • Example research proposal #2: ‘ Medical Students as Mediators of Change in Tobacco Use’

Like your dissertation or thesis, the proposal will usually have a title page that includes:

  • The proposed title of your project
  • Your supervisor’s name
  • Your institution and department

The first part of your proposal is the initial pitch for your project. Make sure it succinctly explains what you want to do and why.

Your introduction should:

  • Introduce your topic
  • Give necessary background and context
  • Outline your  problem statement  and research questions

To guide your introduction , include information about:

  • Who could have an interest in the topic (e.g., scientists, policymakers)
  • How much is already known about the topic
  • What is missing from this current knowledge
  • What new insights your research will contribute
  • Why you believe this research is worth doing

As you get started, it’s important to demonstrate that you’re familiar with the most important research on your topic. A strong literature review  shows your reader that your project has a solid foundation in existing knowledge or theory. It also shows that you’re not simply repeating what other people have already done or said, but rather using existing research as a jumping-off point for your own.

In this section, share exactly how your project will contribute to ongoing conversations in the field by:

  • Comparing and contrasting the main theories, methods, and debates
  • Examining the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches
  • Explaining how will you build on, challenge, or synthesise prior scholarship

Following the literature review, restate your main  objectives . This brings the focus back to your own project. Next, your research design or methodology section will describe your overall approach, and the practical steps you will take to answer your research questions.

To finish your proposal on a strong note, explore the potential implications of your research for your field. Emphasise again what you aim to contribute and why it matters.

For example, your results might have implications for:

  • Improving best practices
  • Informing policymaking decisions
  • Strengthening a theory or model
  • Challenging popular or scientific beliefs
  • Creating a basis for future research

Last but not least, your research proposal must include correct citations for every source you have used, compiled in a reference list . To create citations quickly and easily, you can use our free APA citation generator .

Some institutions or funders require a detailed timeline of the project, asking you to forecast what you will do at each stage and how long it may take. While not always required, be sure to check the requirements of your project.

Here’s an example schedule to help you get started. You can also download a template at the button below.

Download our research schedule template

If you are applying for research funding, chances are you will have to include a detailed budget. This shows your estimates of how much each part of your project will cost.

Make sure to check what type of costs the funding body will agree to cover. For each item, include:

  • Cost : exactly how much money do you need?
  • Justification : why is this cost necessary to complete the research?
  • Source : how did you calculate the amount?

To determine your budget, think about:

  • Travel costs : do you need to go somewhere to collect your data? How will you get there, and how much time will you need? What will you do there (e.g., interviews, archival research)?
  • Materials : do you need access to any tools or technologies?
  • Help : do you need to hire any research assistants for the project? What will they do, and how much will you pay them?

Once you’ve decided on your research objectives , you need to explain them in your paper, at the end of your problem statement.

Keep your research objectives clear and concise, and use appropriate verbs to accurately convey the work that you will carry out for each one.

I will compare …

A research aim is a broad statement indicating the general purpose of your research project. It should appear in your introduction at the end of your problem statement , before your research objectives.

Research objectives are more specific than your research aim. They indicate the specific ways you’ll address the overarching aim.

A PhD, which is short for philosophiae doctor (doctor of philosophy in Latin), is the highest university degree that can be obtained. In a PhD, students spend 3–5 years writing a dissertation , which aims to make a significant, original contribution to current knowledge.

A PhD is intended to prepare students for a career as a researcher, whether that be in academia, the public sector, or the private sector.

A master’s is a 1- or 2-year graduate degree that can prepare you for a variety of careers.

All master’s involve graduate-level coursework. Some are research-intensive and intend to prepare students for further study in a PhD; these usually require their students to write a master’s thesis . Others focus on professional training for a specific career.

Critical thinking refers to the ability to evaluate information and to be aware of biases or assumptions, including your own.

Like information literacy , it involves evaluating arguments, identifying and solving problems in an objective and systematic way, and clearly communicating your ideas.

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If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the ‘Cite this Scribbr article’ button to automatically add the citation to our free Reference Generator.

McCombes, S. & George, T. (2023, June 13). How to Write a Research Proposal | Examples & Templates. Scribbr. Retrieved 22 April 2024, from

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Aids for preparing proposals

Writing a grant proposal can be complicated, but there are many useful online tools and resources, at IU and elsewhere, available to offer you grant-writing support.

Explore the IUB Proposal Development Services Resource Portal for an extensive, curated collection of guiding documents, links, and templates designed to provide researchers with the tools and resources they need to plan, write and develop strong, competitive grant proposals.

Proposal writing guides and evaluation resources

Online guides and articles.

  • Indiana University's PDS Narrative newsletter archives—Brief articles about proposal development, with links to more information and resources.
  • On the Art of Writing Proposals —A free, downloadable booklet with suggestions for Liberal Arts and Humanities proposals, published by the Social Science Research Council.
  • Grants basics and Grant Writing Tips Sheets by the National Institutes of Health.
  • A Guide for Proposal Writing —A resource for beginners by the National Science Foundation.
  • Proposal Writing Short Course —A self-paced online class by the Foundation Center that introduces key components of a proposal to a foundation.
  • Quick guide: Submitting an applicable NIH grant requiring sIRB

Visit the IUB Proposal Development Services Resource Portal hosted on Confluence to access more resources on writing & rhetoric curated by the Proposal Development Services (PDS) team at IU-Bloomington.

Evaluation resources

Evaluation Consulting for Proposals (ECP) pilot program – The IU Center for Evaluation, Policy, and Research ECP program supports IU faculty submitting proposals for external funding. CEPR's team of evaluation experts can provide you with a thorough and thoughtful evaluation plan and/or research services—tailored to your project and the funder’s requirements. They have extensive experience partnering on successful applications to federal agencies such as the NSF, NIH, DoD, Department of Education, and private funders such as the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Arnold Ventures. ECP is available to IU researchers at no cost as part of this pilot program.

Center for Evaluation, Policy, and Research —CEPR provides rigorous, high-quality evaluation expertise and services within and across multiple sectors to diverse agencies, organizations, businesses, and individuals for both internal (Indiana University) and external clients at the local, state, regional, national and international levels. CEPR can provide services ranging from consultation, training, technical assistance, capacity-building, benchmarking and progress-monitoring to conducting comprehensive large-scale evaluation to determine impact and effectiveness of a grant or program using diverse methodologies, including quantitative (with expertise in conducting randomized controlled trials in real-world settings), qualitative, and mixed-methods.

Online Evaluation Resource Library —Developed for professionals seeking to design, conduct, document, or review project evaluations. Created by the National Science Foundation’s Division of Research, Evaluation and Communication, Directorate for Education and Human Resources.

Survey research resources

Survey Research Design Consultant Core (SRDCC) pilot program – The IU Center for Survey Research SRDCC program provides faculty with assistance in developing research designs and pilot data collection for surveys, focus groups, interviews, medical specimen and environmental sample collection, and other approaches in support of external funding applications. CSR's expert methodologists, technologists, and study directors can provide consultation in areas including questionnaire review and pilot testing, sampling/recruitment methods, programming/IT development, data collection, and post-survey data processing. They have extensive experience partnering on successful applications to NIH, NSF, DoD, USDA and private foundations. Support is provided at no cost to IU faculty as part of this pilot program.

Center for Survey Research – CSR is a research center of IU Research, a service core of the Indiana CTSI, and a founding member of the Association of Academic Survey Research Organizations (AASRO). Since 1982, CSR has partnered with world-class researchers to conduct thousands of research projects that advance knowledge and humankind. CSR's expert services include research design, sampling, data collection instrument design, database and data collection instrument programming (using REDCap, Qualtrics, HTML, Javascript, and SQL), data collection (using web, mail, telephone, and in-person methods with biological specimen/environmental sample collection capabilities as well as interview and focus group capacities), forms scanning, coding, and weighting.

Data management services and tools

Indiana university libraries data services and resources.

The IU Libraries provide assistance to researchers working with data in all stages of the research life cycle, including support for data management and preservation. Available services include GIS (Geographical Information Systems) Services, Science Data Management, and Statistical Data Services.

Indiana University Guidance on National Science Foundation (NSF) Data Management Plans

A guide to writing the data management plan required for NSF proposals.

IU cyberinfrastructure facilities and information for proposals and data management plans

The Research Technologies division of UITS and the Pervasive Technology Institute provide templates, guides, and other information to use when preparing elements of grant proposals in which the value of IU's advanced cyberinfrastructure facilities is particularly helpful:

  • Project description body text
  • Data management plans (NSF)
  • NIH Public Access Policy
  • Facilities statements

NIH Data Sharing Management Plan Guidance

Online tools, software, and campus workspaces for collaborative research, tools/software available through indiana university.

  • IU Video Bridge—No-cost virtual rooms (also known as bridges) for faculty, staff, and guests to meet online.
  • Zoom —A web collaboration tool that supports high-quality audio and videoconferencing for up to 100 participants as well as other features, including mobile screen-sharing, polling, co-annotation, breakout rooms, recordings, and more.
  • Microsoft Project —Available through IUWare, this project management software is designed to assist with plan development, assigning resources to tasks, tracking progress, managing the budget, and analyzing workloads.
  • Technology Tool Finder: Collaboration —View IU-supported technologies for communication, collaboration, storage, and more.

Third-party tools and software for collaborative research

  • Basecamp —File sharing, sequential and simultaneous editing, and task management.
  • Dropbox —File sharing, sequential editing, and syncing files.
  • Evernote —Sequential and simultaneous editing, file editing on web platform, task management.
  • Skype —Video/audio conference and instant messaging software.
  • Google Drive —File sharing, sequential and simultaneous editing on web platform, file syncing, virtual meetings via Hangout.

Collaborative workspaces

The Indiana University Bloomington campus has many spaces available for collaborative groups. Learn more about rooms with videoconferencing capabilities , technology-enabled learning spaces, and collaboration rooms at IU Bloomington's Wells Library . Remember to ask your school or department about available rooms as well.

Explore the Research Facilities Database

At IU Bloomington, you can find the tools you need to accomplish your work through a searchable campus database intended to leverage and share the strengths of campus research facilities and equipment with the research community.

Organizational data about Indiana University and the IU Foundation

Some sponsor guidelines may ask you to provide financial and other organizational data about Indiana University or the IU Foundation

  • Institutional Information commonly requested for federal proposals
  • University Information Technology Services facilities

Indiana University

  • Accreditation Statement
  • Budget Report
  • Campus Leadership
  • Financial Report
  • Institutional Research (IR) , demographics for specific IU campuses
  • IU Fact Book
  • Non-Discrimination/Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action (University Policy UA-01)
  • Tax Status Documentation (Accessible 04/20/21)
  • Trustees List

Indiana University Foundation

  • Board of Directors List
  • Financial Information
  • IUF IRS 501(c) 3 Documentation
  • IUF Articles of Incorporation (Accessible 02/18/19)
  • W-9 Form - Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification

Sample letters, budget templates, and forms

Project proposal cover page.

All Campuses (Accessible 01/10/24)

This is a standard form required for use as a cover sheet for submission of pre-applications and applications and related information

SF424—General (Accessible 01/16/24) SF424—NIH (All Campuses Except IUPUI) (Accessible 01/11/24) SF424—NIH (IUPUI Only) (Accessible 01/11/24)

Read more about the SF424 at

Subcontractor letters of support

  • From IU to the Prime Contractor or Recipient - All Campuses (Accessible 01/22/24)
  • To IU from the Subaward Recipient - All Campuses (Accessible 02/18/19)

Sample budgets

If sponsor guidelines do not include a specific, required budget format, use one of these as a guide:

  • Internal Budget: Monthly Non-Federal
  • Internal Budget: Two Year Non-Federal
  • Internal Budget: Three Year with CS Non-Federal
  • Internal Budget: Five Year Federal (NSF)
  • Internal Budget: Five Year Federal (NIH)

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

  • Veterans Affairs Intergovernmental Personnel Agreements
  • Veterans Affairs Joint Appointment Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

Frequently used application guides and forms

Doe: department of energy.

  • Grants Policy and Guidance
  • Grants & Contracts Support

EPA: Environmental Protection Agency

Key Grant Resources

NEH: National Endowment for the Humanities

Grant Opportunities, Application Guidelines and Resources for Managing Your Grant

NIH: National Institutes of Health

  • How to Apply - Application Guide
  • Writing Your Application

NSF: National Science Foundation

  • Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG)
  • Preparing Proposals

Federal agency forms

  • DOE: Department of Education Grant Application and Other Forms
  • NIH: National Institutes of Health Forms Library

Sample documents for NIH proposals from IU:

  • Human Subjects Education Certification Sample Letter (Accessible 02/18/19)
  • NIH Human Subjects Education Documentation Form (Accessible 02/18/19)
  • NIH Policy on Model Organisms: IU Template Statement (Accessible 02/18/19)
  • Contact information
  • Information for research participants
  • Information for media
  • Information for new researchers
  • Centers & Institutes
  • Report a concern
  • Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI)
  • Kuali COI Disclosure system
  • Kuali Coeus Grants system
  • Kuali Protocols IRB system
  • Grants Management Toolkit (GMT)
  • Fiscal Officer Lookup
  • Research Equipment & Tools Database


  • Conflict of interest
  • Intellectual property
  • Research misconduct
  • Research policies
  • NIH Data Management & Sharing Policy


  • Institutional information
  • IU rates (Fringe, F & A)
  • Uniform guidance
  • Sponsored activity reports
  • Predefined reports
  • Research administration dashboards
  • Big 10 data
  • Compliance reports


  • Research agreements
  • Advanced accounts

Research proposal resources

Crafting a research proposal

This page provides an excellent foundation for students approaching proposal writing for the first time and offers advice for each step of the process.

Writing an abstract

This clear and concise handout from the University of Adelaide includes examples that demonstrate the structure and style of successful abstracts.

Literature review basics

Grad Coach (R)

What’s Included: Research Proposal Template

Our free dissertation/thesis proposal template covers the core essential ingredients for a strong research proposal. It includes clear explanations of what you need to address in each section, as well as straightforward examples and links to further resources.

The research proposal template covers the following core elements:

  • Introduction & background (including the research problem)
  • Literature review
  • Research design / methodology
  • Project plan , resource requirements and risk management

The cleanly-formatted Google Doc can be downloaded as a fully editable MS Word Document (DOCX format), so you can use it as-is or convert it to LaTeX.

PS – if you’d like a high-level template for the entire thesis, you can we’ve got that too .

Research Proposal Template FAQS

What types of research proposals can this template be used for.

The proposal template follows the standard format for academic research projects, which means it will be suitable for the vast majority of dissertations and theses (especially those within the sciences), whether they are qualitative or quantitative in terms of design.

Keep in mind that the exact requirements for the introduction chapter/section will vary between universities and degree programs. These are typically minor, but it’s always a good idea to double-check your university’s requirements before you finalise your structure.

Is this template for an undergrad, Master or PhD-level proposal?

This template can be used for a research project at any level of study. Doctoral-level projects typically require the research proposal to be more extensive/comprehensive, but the structure will typically remain the same.

How long should my research proposal be?

The length of a research proposal varies by institution and subject, but as a ballpark, it’s usually between 1,500 and 3,000 words.

To be safe, it’s best to check with your university if they have any preferences or requirements in terms of minimum and maximum word count for the research propsal.

How detailed should the methodology of the proposal be?

You don’t need to go into the fine details of your methodology, but this section should be detailed enough to demonstrate that your research approach is feasible and will address your research questions effectively. Be sure to include your intended methods for data collection and analysis.

Can I include preliminary data or pilot study results in my proposal?

Generally, yes. This can strengthen your proposal by demonstrating the feasibility of your research. However, make sure that your pilot study is approved by your university before collecting any data.

Can I share this template with my friends/colleagues?

Yes, you’re welcome to share this template in its original format (no editing allowed). If you want to post about it on your blog or social media, we kindly request that you reference this page as your source.

What format is the template (DOC, PDF, PPT, etc.)?

The research proposal template is provided as a Google Doc. You can download it in MS Word format or make a copy to your Google Drive. You’re also welcome to convert it to whatever format works best for you, such as LaTeX or PDF.

Do you have templates for the other chapters?

Yes, we do. We are constantly developing our collection of free resources to help students complete their dissertations and theses. You can view all of our template resources here .

Can Grad Coach help me with my dissertation/thesis?

Yes, you’re welcome to get in touch with us to discuss our private coaching services .

Further Resources: Proposal Writing

The template provides step-by-step guidance for each section of your research proposal, but if you’d like to learn more about how to write up a high-quality research proposal, check out the rest of our free proposal-related resources:

  • Research Proposal 101
  • Examples of research proposals
  • How To Find A Research Topic
  • How To Find A Research Gap
  • Developing Your Golden Thread
  • How To Write A Research Proposal
  • 8 Common Proposal Writing Mistakes

You can also visit the Grad Coach blog for more proposal-related resources.

Free Webinar: How To Write A Research Proposal

If you’d prefer 1-on-1 support with your research proposal, have a look at our private coaching service , where we hold your hand through the research process, step by step.

📜 Research Proposal Writing: Helpful Essentials

A typical research proposal outline contains the following elements:

  • Title page. This page has to be concise and descriptive because it’s the first section of your research proposal that anyone will see.

A research proposal consists of: a title page, an abstract, an introduction, a lit review, a methods section, a discussion, a references section, & a research schedule.

  • Abstract . Here you’ll briefly sum up your proposed research study. Talk about the main questions raised in it. Narrow it all down to 300 words max.
  • Introduction . The introduction is one of the core elements of any research proposal. In this part of your work, you’ll talk about the research background, research questions, and the planned approach to these questions.
  • Literature review. Some types of research proposals have a literature review as a part of the introduction. Here, you’ll highlight the most valuable sources that you’ve used. The task is to show your work’s connections and relationships to the previous research in your field.
  • Methodology . Here you’ll need to describe what you’re going to do to achieve your goals. Be sure to prove that these particular methods are the most appropriate ones to examine your research questions.
  • Discussion. You have to convince your readers that your research will make a positive impact. Discuss all possible challenges and opportunities with your committee. Don’t make any exaggerations; just realistically present what you’re capable of doing with your proposed study.
  • References. In this section, you’ll cite the sources you used to create your research proposal. You can write this section in the form of a bibliography that includes citations to all the sources relevant to your topic, not only those you used in your proposal.
  • Research schedule & budget . To get your research plan approved, you’ll need to describe the estimated cost of time and finance. In some cases, a brief description is enough. In others, you’ll need to make a detailed timeline and budget. It usually depends on the program’s requirements.

Look at any example of academic paper and you’ll see how all these parts are bound together. Below you’ll find more information on the research proposal components.

📑 Research Proposal Parts

Understanding how to write a research proposal can save you a lot of money! Basically, you would need to do it if you decide to request your project to get funded. There are several types of proposals for different needs. However, the general aim is to describe your project, its importance, and your plan of action. Check out this easy step-by-step mini-guide to find out what a research proposal should include the elements below.

Research Proposal Title Page

Just like any other academic paper that you submit at college, the research proposal needs to have a title page. If there are no specific requirements, it should consist of the project’s title, your full name, your supervisor’s name, and the institution.

You should introduce the topic of your research proposal with an informative, relevant, and catchy title on this page. There are many more research proposal topic ideas in case you’re struggling to choose one.

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Research Proposal Abstract

The purpose of the research proposal abstract is to help the audience understand what your paper is about. An abstract should contain a short summary of the proposed research and a thesis statement. You might also mention some sources connected to the research you’re planning to conduct.

There are two main abstract types: descriptive & informative. For a research proposal, it probably makes sense to consider writing a descriptive abstract. If you need to learn more about how to do that, check out our article on the topic. You might also include a table of contents which serves for better navigation.

Research Proposal Introduction

The research proposal’s introduction is ultimately the presentation of your future project. Therefore you need to describe it clearly by introducing the topic, background, and issue. You should also add some information regarding the relevance of the topic and why your project can bring valuable insight into a particular research field. Long story short, it’s a summary of why your work is worth investing in.

Research Proposal Literature Review

In this section, you show off your current level of knowledge in the issue. A trustworthy list of sources highlights the solid foundation of your work. After comparing and contrasting the main theories and conversations on the topic, you should criticize them. Think about the pros and cons of each of them. Lastly, describe what place your research can take in the field.

Research Proposal Methodology

Now, it’s time to come back to your project itself. While preparing the methodology, you should pay attention to the clear description of your action plan and approach.

Get an originally-written paper according to your instructions!

  • First of all, indicate the research type. Is it quantitative or qualitative? What is the research design?
  • Describe the sources and how you select the subjects for the analysis.
  • Identify research methods. How do you collect the data, and why?
  • Write about any other small details you think should be included. For instance, indicate how much time it will take and the potential obstacles.

Research Proposal Discussion

To make your proposal even more effective, you should definitely include this section. It is all about the contribution your project can make to the field. Where can your theory or practice be used? Will it help to improve some processes in the chosen field? Or is it creating a foundation for the more significant research?

Research Proposal Bibliography

Remember that every time you cite someone else’s work, you need to include the full information about this publication into the list of references! Also, don’t forget to check with your supervisor whether they want you to add a bibliography as well. It would consist of every source you refer to while working on the proposal, even if you don’t cite it. You should aim to present all the literature that is used to support your project.

The exact way you format your bibliography depends on the citation style that you’re working with. Tons of information on the topic can be found on the Internet. Check out an extensive collection of easy-to-use citation style guides published on this website. A great article on how to write a bibliography is another source you could use.

Research Proposal Timeline & Budget

Sometimes, you might also be asked to write a detailed schedule, explaining how long each particular stage will take. There, you need to name the project’s phase, its main objectives, and the deadline.

In case you request some budgeting as well, there should be a breakdown of the required costs. The budget shows how much the stages of your project will approximately cost.

Don’t forget to check what costs can be covered! Also, try to include only the relevant stuff in the plan because you will have to explain why a particular expense is necessary for the project. Moreover, you will be asked to provide the source, so be ready to explain how you calculated the budget.

If you need some help determining what costs you might need to cover, below is a short check-list.

🛠️ Resources Needed for Research Proposal

We’ve divided this list of resources and tools into categories, so it’ll be easier for you to navigate. If you came here looking for help with a research proposal—this is where you’ll find it.

You might notice that some of the guides and articles talk about writing grant proposals. But here’s the thing. Grant proposals still involve suggesting a topic of research. And the process of writing one is entirely identical to the process of writing a research proposal!

Research Proposal Writing Guides

The main goal of these guides is to lead you through the process of writing a research proposal. They have everything described in great detail so that you won’t miss anything crucial.

  • Grant Proposals (or Give me the money!) – UNC Writing Center
  • Writing a Research Proposal (USC Libraries)
  • A Guide for Proposal Writing (National Science Foundation)

Research Proposal Resources

The purpose of the sites listed below is to help you with writing a research proposal.

Research Proposal Samples

It’s always good to have theoretical knowledge about how to write a research proposal. But having a research proposal sample is even better! If you’re wondering, “What does a research proposal look like?” you can skip all the trial and error and look at a sample to find out right away.

  • A Sample Research Proposal with Comments (University of Houston)
  • Annotated Sample Research Proposal (University of Queensland)
  • Research Proposal Template (Stanford University)

Research Proposal Tools

Now, let’s talk a bit about applications you can use to make writing a research proposal easier.

Research Proposal Examples

Below you’ll find a collection of research proposal examples published on the websites of well-reputed universities. We hope that they will help you to make your own text that will impress the committee!

  • Two research proposal examples , the first one on psychology and the second one on governance, from the Open University.
  • A large collection of thesis proposals on almost any topic from the University of Central Florida.

Research Proposal Topics

  • A research proposal on staff attitudes to physician orders for life-sustaining treatment .
  • Write a research proposal on the importance of corporate social responsibility and sustainability strategy.
  • Create a research proposal on the controversies connected with capital punishment .
  • Research proposal on the online buying site ViaBela .
  • Create a research proposal on the role of harm reduction initiatives in nursing practice.
  • Explore whether keeping domestic animals impacts people’s physical and psychological health.
  • Formulate a research proposal on the peculiarities of Nigeria’s healthcare system .
  • Make a research proposal on cyber terrorism .
  • Research proposal: the connection between hypertension and chronic kidney disease .
  • Examination of the efficacy of humanistic theory application in childhood obesity treatment: a research proposal.
  • Research proposal on the controversial interpretation of the Second Amendment .
  • Write a research proposal on the aspects of training disadvantageous youths.
  • Analyze the efficacy of the grapefruit diet for weight loss .
  • Speaker recognition: a research proposal .
  • Specify a research proposal on the peculiarities of the VEGA medical center strategy.
  • Research proposal on the benefits of watching movies for mastering a new language.
  • Write a research proposal on the rates of consumer awareness of corporate social responsibility .
  • Formulate a research proposal on the specifics of narcoterrorism in Mexico .
  • Explore the importance and future development of virtual reality technology .
  • Anasarca and acute renal failure: a research proposal .
  • Make a research proposal on the necessity of telephone follow-ups to improve the quality of life for diabetic patients.
  • Research proposal on the examination of the connection between low nurse staffing and patients’ health risks .
  • Create a research proposal on the analysis of the efficacy of fad diets .
  • Write a research proposal on quality improvement in nursing practice.
  • Research the causes of compulsive buying in women .
  • Formulate a research proposal on Nokia’s marketing strategy and its impact on Nokia Company price.
  • Unique aspects of Dubai Port World’s sustainable innovation strategy and peculiarities of its implementation: a research proposal.
  • Research proposal on homeland security in the United States .
  • Research proposal on possible causes of juvenile delinquency and effectiveness of prevention programs.
  • Explore the specifics and importance of the cybersecurity field.
  • Write a research proposal on employment law .
  • Examine the factors that lead to suicide among adolescents .
  • Research proposal on the complications of justice in health care .
  • Study the access to medical insurance among the citizens of the United States: a research proposal.
  • Research proposal on the factors that determine consumer purchases .
  • Formulate a research proposal on the role of criminal mythology in society.
  • Determine the impact of a pandemic on people’s mental health .
  • Research proposal: problems of McDonald’s company .
  • Write a research proposal on the rates and reasons for suicidal behavior and how to intercept it.
  • Research proposal on the nature and causes of human trafficking .
  • Explore the concept of laytime and its application in maritime transportation .
  • Create a research proposal on the advantages and drawbacks of contract law .
  • Research proposal on peer review of the business .
  • Research the macroeconomic environment of Netflix .
  • Formulate a research proposal on the connection between alcohol abuse during pregnancy and mental health issues in children.
  • Examine the origin and nature of Pop Art: a research proposal.
  • Write a research proposal on the nature and complications of medical tourism .
  • Research proposal on the symptoms, transmission methods, and current treatment options of Ebola and Marburg viruses .
  • Research proposal on green supply chain management .
  • Analyze the issues of gender perception of e-commerce .

📝 An Example of a Well-Written Research Proposal

Below you will find a 300-word research proposal example that can come in handy when you need to write the one yourself.

This research proposal aims to investigate cyberattacks as a component of Russia’s interference in the 2016 US elections, focusing on the role of strategic intelligence in countering such threats. Through a literature review and digital forensics simulation, it will examine the growing trend of election-targeted cyberattacks and their implications for national security.


This paper aims to propose a case study examining cyberattacks employed as a component of Russia’s interference in the 2016 US elections. Cyberattacks are increasingly used for political purposes, raising national security concerns. The proposed research will focus on the 2016 US elections, where Russia allegedly launched cyberattacks on the Democratic National Committee, raising questions about the potential consequences of such interference. The project’s research question is: how can strategic intelligence be used to stop cybercrime and cyberattacks like those seen in the 2016 election interference?

Literature review

A preliminary literature review shows the growing trend of cyberattacks targeting elections. In terms of dealing with the issue of cyberattacks, various approaches have been recommended. For example, many robust cybersecurity measures were applied to protect the election process, educational programs were used to enhance cyber awareness, and digital forensics was financed to identify attackers and gather evidence for potential legal action.


The proposed study will use a literature review and digital forensics simulation data to conduct an in-depth case study of the 2016 US election. Information about the case, as well as cyberattacks and cyberterrorism in general, will be gathered from current scholarly sources. Official US government publications, particularly the Mueller report, will be also a valuable source of information.

The proposed research has significant importance in addressing the emerging challenges posed by cyberattacks on electoral processes, particularly in the context of potential threats to national security. The 2016 US election highlights the critical necessity for a thorough investigation into the implications of such interference.

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Changes & Resources

The following resources, grouped by stage in the research lifecycle, are intended to assist the research community with Workday Finance processes.


With the transition to Workday Finance, much of the proposal stage has remained the same. One of the biggest changes is that some items you may have previously requested an eGC1 for are now submitted via a SAGE Modification Request. Review when to use an eGC1 vs. MOD . 

Proposal Budgeting

A SAGE Award Budget is now required on Award Setup Requests . If you used a SAGE Budget for your proposal, you can simply copy and update it for your award; otherwise, you will need to create a SAGE Budget from scratch. While not required, we recommend using SAGE Budget at the time of proposal whenever possible, so that you can copy it for your Award Setup Request.

Existing Proposal Resources

For additional guidance on developing proposals at the UW, refer to the following resources: 

  • Step by Step Proposal Submission Quick Guide
  • Plan Your Project and Identify a Sponsor
  • Submit Your Proposal 
  • Proposal Development Resources
  • New to UW Research

Award Setup

There are new processes in place to set up your awards. Refer to How to Setup an Award at the UW along with the following sections for more information.

Award Setup Requests

After your eGC1 is approved and you receive a Notice of Award (NoA), create an Award Setup Request in SAGE as soon as possible. 

  • Tips for Success – Award Setup and Modification Requests in SAGE
  • SAGE Award Learning Resources (classes, job aids, documentation, etc.)

Award Budget

  • SAGE Budget is required on Award Setup Requests. It communicates budget information to Grant and Contract Accounting (GCA), provides a consistent format for reviewing budget details, and facilitates a direct flow of data between SAGE and Workday.
  • SAGE Budget Learning Resources (classes, job aids, documentation, etc.)

Workday Resources

  • Understanding Awards in Workday (GCA videos)
  • GCA Award Setup FAQs
  • GCA Cost Share Addendum Worksheets  
  • Setting Up an Award Line (Formerly Sub Budgets)  
  • How to Set Up Cost Share Funding Sources for Departments  
  • Grant Manager Training

Grant Managers are assigned the Grant Manager security role in Workday. Some PIs who do not have administrative support will also receive the Grant Manager role. Check with your unit administrator if you are a Grant Manager and need access to the following training: 

  • Workday Grant Management Reporting (15 minute eLearning)
  • Workday Post Award Overview (15 minute nanolearning)
  • Workday Finance for Awards & Grants Part 2 (15 minute nanolearning)
  • Workday Procurement and Supply Chain Overview (10 minute nanolearning)
  • How to Navigate Grant Hierarchies in Workday (job aid)
  • How to Manage ProCard in Workday (job aid)
  • Award Setup and Tracking in SAGE (45 minute eLearning)
  • Nanolearning 
  • Grants Dashboard Desktop  
  • Introduction to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
  • Introduction to Accrual Accounting
  • Foundation Data Model (FDM)
  • Preparing for the Adaptive Release

There are new processes in place to manage your awards. 

Managing Awards in Workday

  • Workday Award Line Lifecycle Statuses  
  • Workday Object Classes  
  • F&A Costs Applied to Subawards
  • Interest Income on Grants, Contracts, and Gifts

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  • Review Award Changes for guidance on requesting changes to an award that requires prior sponsor approval.
  • Review Modifications for guidance on requesting changes to an award that do not require prior sponsor approval. 
  • When will I need to use an eGC1 vs request a Modification in SAGE?
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  • SAGE Modification Learning Resources (classes, job aids, documentation, etc.)

Award Modification Budgets

The budget information needed for your SAGE Modification Request can be shared with OSP and GCA by providing a link to your SAGE Budget snapshot.

  • How to Include Your SAGE Budget Snapshot on a SAGE Modification Request
  • What Workday Grant Worktag ID Information Do I Need for a SAGE Modification Request?

Refer to the following award closeout resources and guidance: 

  • Reporting on your award at Closeout  
  • GCA’s Closing Your Award guidance, including information about the Final Action Date (FAD)

View all research FAQs related to Workday Finance and the 2023 Finance Transformation.

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Home » How To Write A Proposal – Step By Step Guide [With Template]

How To Write A Proposal – Step By Step Guide [With Template]

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How To Write A Proposal

How To Write A Proposal

Writing a Proposal involves several key steps to effectively communicate your ideas and intentions to a target audience. Here’s a detailed breakdown of each step:

Identify the Purpose and Audience

  • Clearly define the purpose of your proposal: What problem are you addressing, what solution are you proposing, or what goal are you aiming to achieve?
  • Identify your target audience: Who will be reading your proposal? Consider their background, interests, and any specific requirements they may have.

Conduct Research

  • Gather relevant information: Conduct thorough research to support your proposal. This may involve studying existing literature, analyzing data, or conducting surveys/interviews to gather necessary facts and evidence.
  • Understand the context: Familiarize yourself with the current situation or problem you’re addressing. Identify any relevant trends, challenges, or opportunities that may impact your proposal.

Develop an Outline

  • Create a clear and logical structure: Divide your proposal into sections or headings that will guide your readers through the content.
  • Introduction: Provide a concise overview of the problem, its significance, and the proposed solution.
  • Background/Context: Offer relevant background information and context to help the readers understand the situation.
  • Objectives/Goals: Clearly state the objectives or goals of your proposal.
  • Methodology/Approach: Describe the approach or methodology you will use to address the problem.
  • Timeline/Schedule: Present a detailed timeline or schedule outlining the key milestones or activities.
  • Budget/Resources: Specify the financial and other resources required to implement your proposal.
  • Evaluation/Success Metrics: Explain how you will measure the success or effectiveness of your proposal.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the main points and restate the benefits of your proposal.

Write the Proposal

  • Grab attention: Start with a compelling opening statement or a brief story that hooks the reader.
  • Clearly state the problem: Clearly define the problem or issue you are addressing and explain its significance.
  • Present your proposal: Introduce your proposed solution, project, or idea and explain why it is the best approach.
  • State the objectives/goals: Clearly articulate the specific objectives or goals your proposal aims to achieve.
  • Provide supporting information: Present evidence, data, or examples to support your claims and justify your proposal.
  • Explain the methodology: Describe in detail the approach, methods, or strategies you will use to implement your proposal.
  • Address potential concerns: Anticipate and address any potential objections or challenges the readers may have and provide counterarguments or mitigation strategies.
  • Recap the main points: Summarize the key points you’ve discussed in the proposal.
  • Reinforce the benefits: Emphasize the positive outcomes, benefits, or impact your proposal will have.
  • Call to action: Clearly state what action you want the readers to take, such as approving the proposal, providing funding, or collaborating with you.

Review and Revise

  • Proofread for clarity and coherence: Check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
  • Ensure a logical flow: Read through your proposal to ensure the ideas are presented in a logical order and are easy to follow.
  • Revise and refine: Fine-tune your proposal to make it concise, persuasive, and compelling.

Add Supplementary Materials

  • Attach relevant documents: Include any supporting materials that strengthen your proposal, such as research findings, charts, graphs, or testimonials.
  • Appendices: Add any additional information that might be useful but not essential to the main body of the proposal.

Formatting and Presentation

  • Follow the guidelines: Adhere to any specific formatting guidelines provided by the organization or institution to which you are submitting the proposal.
  • Use a professional tone and language: Ensure that your proposal is written in a clear, concise, and professional manner.
  • Use headings and subheadings: Organize your proposal with clear headings and subheadings to improve readability.
  • Pay attention to design: Use appropriate fonts, font sizes, and formatting styles to make your proposal visually appealing.
  • Include a cover page: Create a cover page that includes the title of your proposal, your name or organization, the date, and any other required information.

Seek Feedback

  • Share your proposal with trusted colleagues or mentors and ask for their feedback. Consider their suggestions for improvement and incorporate them into your proposal if necessary.

Finalize and Submit

  • Make any final revisions based on the feedback received.
  • Ensure that all required sections, attachments, and documentation are included.
  • Double-check for any formatting, grammar, or spelling errors.
  • Submit your proposal within the designated deadline and according to the submission guidelines provided.

Proposal Format

The format of a proposal can vary depending on the specific requirements of the organization or institution you are submitting it to. However, here is a general proposal format that you can follow:

1. Title Page:

  • Include the title of your proposal, your name or organization’s name, the date, and any other relevant information specified by the guidelines.

2. Executive Summary:

  •  Provide a concise overview of your proposal, highlighting the key points and objectives.
  • Summarize the problem, proposed solution, and anticipated benefits.
  • Keep it brief and engaging, as this section is often read first and should capture the reader’s attention.

3. Introduction:

  • State the problem or issue you are addressing and its significance.
  • Provide background information to help the reader understand the context and importance of the problem.
  • Clearly state the purpose and objectives of your proposal.

4. Problem Statement:

  • Describe the problem in detail, highlighting its impact and consequences.
  • Use data, statistics, or examples to support your claims and demonstrate the need for a solution.

5. Proposed Solution or Project Description:

  • Explain your proposed solution or project in a clear and detailed manner.
  • Describe how your solution addresses the problem and why it is the most effective approach.
  • Include information on the methods, strategies, or activities you will undertake to implement your solution.
  • Highlight any unique features, innovations, or advantages of your proposal.

6. Methodology:

  • Provide a step-by-step explanation of the methodology or approach you will use to implement your proposal.
  • Include a timeline or schedule that outlines the key milestones, tasks, and deliverables.
  • Clearly describe the resources, personnel, or expertise required for each phase of the project.

7. Evaluation and Success Metrics:

  • Explain how you will measure the success or effectiveness of your proposal.
  • Identify specific metrics, indicators, or evaluation methods that will be used.
  • Describe how you will track progress, gather feedback, and make adjustments as needed.
  • Present a detailed budget that outlines the financial resources required for your proposal.
  • Include all relevant costs, such as personnel, materials, equipment, and any other expenses.
  • Provide a justification for each item in the budget.

9. Conclusion:

  •  Summarize the main points of your proposal.
  •  Reiterate the benefits and positive outcomes of implementing your proposal.
  • Emphasize the value and impact it will have on the organization or community.

10. Appendices:

  • Include any additional supporting materials, such as research findings, charts, graphs, or testimonials.
  •  Attach any relevant documents that provide further information but are not essential to the main body of the proposal.

Proposal Template

Here’s a basic proposal template that you can use as a starting point for creating your own proposal:

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to submit a proposal for [briefly state the purpose of the proposal and its significance]. This proposal outlines a comprehensive solution to address [describe the problem or issue] and presents an actionable plan to achieve the desired objectives.

Thank you for considering this proposal. I believe that implementing this solution will significantly contribute to [organization’s or community’s goals]. I am available to discuss the proposal in more detail at your convenience. Please feel free to contact me at [your email address or phone number].

Yours sincerely,

Note: This template is a starting point and should be customized to meet the specific requirements and guidelines provided by the organization or institution to which you are submitting the proposal.

Proposal Sample

Here’s a sample proposal to give you an idea of how it could be structured and written:

Subject : Proposal for Implementation of Environmental Education Program

I am pleased to submit this proposal for your consideration, outlining a comprehensive plan for the implementation of an Environmental Education Program. This program aims to address the critical need for environmental awareness and education among the community, with the objective of fostering a sense of responsibility and sustainability.

Executive Summary: Our proposed Environmental Education Program is designed to provide engaging and interactive educational opportunities for individuals of all ages. By combining classroom learning, hands-on activities, and community engagement, we aim to create a long-lasting impact on environmental conservation practices and attitudes.

Introduction: The state of our environment is facing significant challenges, including climate change, habitat loss, and pollution. It is essential to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills to understand these issues and take action. This proposal seeks to bridge the gap in environmental education and inspire a sense of environmental stewardship among the community.

Problem Statement: The lack of environmental education programs has resulted in limited awareness and understanding of environmental issues. As a result, individuals are less likely to adopt sustainable practices or actively contribute to conservation efforts. Our program aims to address this gap and empower individuals to become environmentally conscious and responsible citizens.

Proposed Solution or Project Description: Our Environmental Education Program will comprise a range of activities, including workshops, field trips, and community initiatives. We will collaborate with local schools, community centers, and environmental organizations to ensure broad participation and maximum impact. By incorporating interactive learning experiences, such as nature walks, recycling drives, and eco-craft sessions, we aim to make environmental education engaging and enjoyable.

Methodology: Our program will be structured into modules that cover key environmental themes, such as biodiversity, climate change, waste management, and sustainable living. Each module will include a mix of classroom sessions, hands-on activities, and practical field experiences. We will also leverage technology, such as educational apps and online resources, to enhance learning outcomes.

Evaluation and Success Metrics: We will employ a combination of quantitative and qualitative measures to evaluate the effectiveness of the program. Pre- and post-assessments will gauge knowledge gain, while surveys and feedback forms will assess participant satisfaction and behavior change. We will also track the number of community engagement activities and the adoption of sustainable practices as indicators of success.

Budget: Please find attached a detailed budget breakdown for the implementation of the Environmental Education Program. The budget covers personnel costs, materials and supplies, transportation, and outreach expenses. We have ensured cost-effectiveness while maintaining the quality and impact of the program.

Conclusion: By implementing this Environmental Education Program, we have the opportunity to make a significant difference in our community’s environmental consciousness and practices. We are confident that this program will foster a generation of individuals who are passionate about protecting our environment and taking sustainable actions. We look forward to discussing the proposal further and working together to make a positive impact.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at [your email address or phone number].

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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Georgia Water Resources Institute

National institutes for water resources (niwr), fy 2024 national water resource research grant proposal request (104g national research program), fy 2024 national water resource research grant proposal request.

The Georgia Water Resources Institute (GWRI) invites the submission of research proposals for the 104g National Water Resources Research Grants program, which aims to address critical water resources issues at regional and national scales.

Dear Colleagues, 

Greetings. The Georgia Water Resources Institute (GWRI) is pleased to invite research proposals for the 104g National Water Resources Research Grants program, which aims to address critical water resources issues at regional and national scales.  

For FY 2024, the program focuses on three research areas:

  • National scale evaluation of water budget and socioeconomics. 
  • Assessment and management of invasive aquatic species impacts in the upper Mississippi River basin.
  • Assessment and management of per-and polyflouroalkyl substances (PFAS).    

The RFP announcement for each research area is attached, together with relevant supplemental information (Attachments 1 & 2). The total funding levels are anticipated to be $1.86, $1.392, and $2.79 million, respectively. Individual projects can be proposed for up to three years and request up to $310,000 (total budget) for the first and third research areas and up to $348,000 for the second area.

The 104g research program carries a mandatory cost-sharing requirement to match each federal dollar with no less than one dollar from non-federal sources.  Collaboration with USGS scientists is strongly encouraged. Full time faculty at any Georgia university are eligible to apply for an award through GWRI. 

Please email proposals (including matching commitment letters, work schedules, detailed budgets, budget justifications, and budget summaries) to the GWRI Director (Aris Georgakakos; [email protected] ) with copy to the GWRI Assistant Director for Research (Husayn El Sharif; [email protected] ) by 5:00 pm EST, May 23, 2024 .  GWRI will review the individual submissions for completeness and adherence to the required format, and will submit a complete application package to USGS through by May 30, 2024.  All submitted proposals will undergo national reviews, and awards will be announced in the fall 2024, with a tentative initiation date of December 16, 2024.       

With best regards,

Aris P. Georgakakos Director, Georgia Water Resources Institute Turnipseed Family Professor, CEE/Georgia Tech

104g Documentation:

Budget templates and supporting materials for 104g proposals are  available to download here .

GWRI FY24 RFP for 104g National Research Program.pdf

Foa_Content_of_G24AS00536 104gGeneral.pdf

Foa_Content_of_G24AS00534 104gInvasiveSpecies.pdf

Foa_Content_of_G24AS00535 104gPFAS.pdf

Attachment 1 – WRRA Special Terms and Conditions April 2024 with Geo 104g

Attachment 2 – Focus Categories 104g

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California Air Resources Board

Carb fiscal year 2024-2025 research project solicitation.

Research Division Email [email protected] Phone (916) 445-0753


This website contains all of the information needed by stakeholders interested in CARB’s Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Research Project Solicitation. This includes information on:

  • Background information on the selection process for identifying the projects CARB intends to fund in fiscal year 2024-2025 and the process leading to the pre-proposal solicitation.
  • Solicitation details, including relevant dates and details on individual projects.
  • Registration link for the public meeting on the solicitation.  A recording of the meeting will be posted on this website after the meeting.
  • Additional resources for prospective applicants, including a frequently asked questions document.

How can you get in contact with us if you have further questions?

  • To receive an email notification on solicitation updates and all other research planning activities, sign up for the Research Activities listserv here: .
  • You may also email us directly at  [email protected] .

The California Air Resources Board (CARB or Board) has identified its fiscal year 2024-2025 priority research projects. The proposed projects support CARB’s regulatory priorities related to health, environmental justice, economics, air pollution, and climate change.

The selection of these projects was guided by the research initiatives outlined in the  Triennial Strategic Research Plan for Fiscal Years 2021-2024  (Plan), along with extensive coordination with other agencies, research institutions, partners, and experts in these fields of research. The selection of these projects was also informed by the project concept and comment survey deployed in the Spring of 2023. A public meeting was held to support this effort and extensive input was collected to inform this and future year research priorities. For more information on the comment and concept collection effort, please visit the  research comment portal .

Solicitation Details

Who can apply.

In order to be eligible to apply for this solicitation, the principal investigator must be associated with the University of California or California State University (UC/CSU). UC/CSU researchers can partner with members of other public and private institutions, such as other universities, non-profit organizations, community-based organizations or private research institutes to submit a multidisciplinary pre-proposal. There are limitations to funding amounts for partners. In addition, members of CARB advisory groups may not be signatories to the contract, be listed as completing tasks in the scope of work or communicate with CARB regarding CARB’s decision on the proposed contracts. If an active CARB advisory group member makes a prohibited appearance or communication subject to Government Code section 87104 as described above, the application will not be eligible for an award. More information is available in the Frequently Asked Questions document available below.

Relevant Dates and Process Description

Proposed project concepts were presented at a public meeting on November 15, 2023 and then approved by the CARB Executive Office in January of 2024. A pre-proposal solicitation is released once these concepts are developed into full proposals. Additional projects may be released for solicitation later in the fiscal year and any active solicitations are posted on this page. In addition, some projects are put out for a Request for Proposal (RFP) and posted on the California E-Procure site (use department 3900 to find CARB RFPs). Once pre-proposals are identified to move forward for each project, staff will work with the research team to develop the research project into a complete proposal. These proposals will then be reviewed by the  Research Screening Committee  (RSC). The proposal will be submitted for contract preparation and execution considering recommendations from the RSC. Projects kick-off after contract execution. Results are anticipated in two to three years after the kickoff.

Resources available for prospective applicants

This page contains a pre-proposal template and a frequently asked questions document on CARB’s solicitation and contracting processes. Please see the documents linked at the bottom of this page.

Each year, CARB hosts the solicitation on the  Empower Innovation  website to foster the development of partnerships between university researchers and new research partners. Prospective researchers are encouraged to create a profile on Empower Innovation to find partners.

Virtual Public Meetings on CARB’s Research Pre-Proposal Solicitation

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) staff typically holds virtual public meetings to help interested parties learn more about the solicitation for research pre-proposals for each funding year. At solicitation meetings, CARB staff provide details on all projects included in the solicitation and the expectations for submitted pre-proposals. Slides for recent public meetings are available below. Please see the documents linked at the bottom of this page. A link to the recording of the recent public meeting presentation is available below.

Solicitation Meeting Details

Date: Thursday May 8, 4:30-6:00pm

Virtual meeting (Zoom):  Zoom Registration

The slides presented at the meeting will be available at the bottom of this page.

Current Solicitation Details

Relevant dates.

  • Letters of interest are requested and can be submitted by email to  [email protected]  before 5pm on Wednesday May 15.
  • Pre-proposals must be submitted by email to  [email protected]  before 5pm, June 7, 2024
  • All pre-proposal submitters will be notified of the status of their submission on July 1, 2024
  • For selected pre-proposals only, full proposals and detailed budgets will be due on July 15, 2024

Additional pre-proposal solicitations for funding year 2024-2025 will be announced at a later date.

Application Process

If your research team is interested in conducting projects currently in active solicitation, please submit a letter of interest to  [email protected]  by Wednesday May 15. The letter of interest can consist of a brief email including the contact information of the prospective principal investigator (name, email, UC/CSU affiliation) and the title of the project you intend to apply for. No further details are required.

Full pre-proposals must be submitted to  [email protected]  by 5 p.m. on June 7, 2024.

Responses to this solicitation should follow the pre-proposal template attached to this page. The main elements of the pre-proposal shall include the following:

  • A pre-proposal that does not exceed five-pages and discusses your proposed approach for conducting the research project.
  • A curriculum vitae or statement of qualifications for all major scientists, community members and/or non-academic researchers who would be involved in the study (does not count toward 5-page limit of pre-proposal).
  • A brief description of research that has been conducted or is currently underway by the applicant in areas related to this topic (it is preferable that this include funding source and amount of research funds; does not count toward 5-page limit of pre-proposal).
  • For projects that include an equity component and/or community engagement, it is required that research teams provide a cultural competency/humility statement not to exceed two pages in length (does not count toward 5-page limit of pre-proposal).
  • A preliminary budget using the Budget Form found in the template (does not count toward 5-page limit of pre-proposal).

Please reference the Scope of Work and Scoring Criteria information provided below for each project to get the full details on all pre-proposal requirements and project deliverables.

  List of Projects with Pre-Proposal Solicitation

Below is a list of the individual projects in active solicitation with a link to the paragraph description on the Empower Innovation site (provided soon) and a link to the individual project page where prospective researchers can find a detailed description of the project, or Scope of Work, and the Scoring Criteria, which is the basis upon which CARB staff will rank pre-proposals.

Currently Active

Pre-Proposals due June 7, 2024

Estimating the community level health benefits from air pollution control programs

  • Current regional-level health impact assessments of PM2.5 fails to account for the differential impacts experienced by overburdened communities. The objective of this study is to improve CARB’s health analysis method to better account for impacts in overburdened communities through the utilization of high spatial resolution exposure assessment methods and health estimates. Previous and ongoing work has suggested the feasibility of providing baseline disease rates at a finer spatial resolution, as well as need for high-resolution data to more accurately assess health impacts. The research leverages existing methodologies and potential improvements by integrating high spatial resolution exposure assessment, finer-resolution health information, and community factors to provide an improved estimate of the health impacts faced by overburdened communities. The results of this study will enable CARB to conduct quantitative analysis of health impacts of criteria pollutant control scenarios at a more granular spatial resolution than current regional assessments.
  • Scope of Work and Scoring Criteria

Collaborating with Communities to Find Ways to Cope with Heat and Reduce Health Impacts

  • ​​​​​​​Extreme heat is one of the significant impacts resulting from climate change and heat effects vary widely across California regions and communities. Several state agencies and programs provide funding to support heat adaptation strategies to reduce heat effects and support more resilient communities. The California Climate Investments (CCI) have funded and implemented heat adaptation-related projects through the Urban Greening Program and the Urban and Community Forestry Program, the Climate Ready Program, the Climate Change Research Program, and the Equitable Building Decarbonization Program. Other state programs also have heat-adaptation projects as listed on Given the serious health impacts of heat and the many programs to reduce exposure to extreme heat and build resilience in California’s communities, a study to examine the health benefits of heat adaptation programs would help the state better understand the full impacts. This project will provide case studies in communities to assess the health benefits of heat adaptation strategies and incorporate community information into the evaluation process through ground-truthing efforts. CARB expects this project to provide metrics for comparing heat adaptation strategies incorporating both a health and community perspective to evaluate which strategies are most helpful in improving climate resilience in vulnerable and priority communities. This project will better assist the state in prioritizing local heat adaptation strategies that maximize health benefits and address the community’s needs.

Impacts of toxic air contaminants from residential appliances

  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Residential space and water heating and cooking appliances that combust fossil fuels release toxic air contaminants (TACs), either through fuel leakage or as combustion byproducts. Limited data are available to quantify the impacts of these toxic emissions on air quality and health. This project will characterize TACs emitted by residential appliances in California, determine their emission rates and concentrations, assess the impacts on indoor and outdoor air quality, and quantify the associated health impacts. Testing will include a representative sample of home appliances used in different types of housing in California, such as single-family homes, multi-family homes, and manufactured homes. In order to examine disparities, more importance should be given to testing appliances typically used in disadvantaged communities, as designated by CalEPA in SB 535. Chemical compositions and concentrations of TACs in fuel leakage and combustion exhaust will be analyzed to quantify TAC emission rates. Contributions of these appliances to indoor and outdoor TAC levels will be estimated separately for indoor and outdoor. Combined exposures to these levels will then be translated into impacts on public health. The results will support the assessment of air quality and health benefits of CARB’s building decarbonization efforts, e.g., zero-emission space and water heater standards to be developed.
  • ​​​​​​​$900,000
  • Scope of Work and Scoring Criteria  

Determining energy use patterns and battery charging infrastructure for zero-emission heavy-duty vehicles and off-road equipment

  • ​​​​​​​The objective of this research project is to characterize Zero-Emission Vehicles (ZEVs) real-world activity, energy consumption, charging needs and patterns, air quality co-benefits, and pollution burden equity due to lower greenhouse gas and air pollution emission with ZEV adoption. The research will use data loggers and onboard sensors to collect and monitor relevant parameters. This research will analyze the real-world speed and mileage accrual of ZEVs, energy consumption including motive, regenerative, and auxiliary components, as well as tailpipe emissions such as nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter (PM), ammonia (NH3), and carbon dioxide (CO2) specifically for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. Moreover, the study will characterize charging patterns, including charging time, location, accessibility, duration, charger specifications, and charging energy. The study will also investigate equity considerations in ZEV adoption and the subsequent reduction of emissions, utilizing location data to quantify the proportion of time spent operating in disadvantaged communities (DACs). The data collected as part of this project will contribute to the development of a numerical energy simulation model for ZEVs. The creation of this model will provide the agency with the ability to simulate energy and charging requirements for ZEVs as more advanced and energy-efficient technologies emerge in the market, filling outstanding data gaps for ZEV energy use. With upcoming regulations mandating the sale and purchase of heavy-duty ZEVs, it is critical to understand the activity and energy needs of heavy-duty on-road and off-road vehicles. The results of this study are anticipated to inform several on-road and off-road ZE programs and emission inventories, establishing a baseline for the performance of heavy-duty ZEVs compared to their conventional technology counterparts during in-use operations.
  • ​​​​​​​$750,000

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Most NSF systems and services, including, and FastLane, will be unavailable from Friday, April 26, 11 p.m. EDT – Saturday, April 27, 8:00 a.m. EDT due to extended maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Important information for proposers

All proposals must be submitted in accordance with the requirements specified in this funding opportunity and in the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) that is in effect for the relevant due date to which the proposal is being submitted. It is the responsibility of the proposer to ensure that the proposal meets these requirements. Submitting a proposal prior to a specified deadline does not negate this requirement.

Enhancing STEM Education, Research Capacity, and Workforce Development in Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) Jurisdictions

Dear Colleague:

In alignment with the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022, the U.S. National Science Foundation's Directorate for STEM Education (EDU) affirms its commitment to support science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education, research capacity, workforce development, and professional development within institutions in Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) eligible jurisdictions. Through this Dear Colleague Letter (DCL), EDU encourages new proposal submissions to EDU programs and supplemental funding requests to existing EDU awards led by institutions in the 28 EPSCoR jurisdictions (see list below). In order to achieve this, EDU seeks increased accessibility to the ideas, opportunities, and tools of STEM education and research for students, educators, researchers, communities at all levels and in all settings (both formal and informal), and by the public in EPSCoR jurisdictions, which historically receive less STEM education funding than other regions of the country.

The mission of EDU is to achieve excellence in U.S. STEM education; to support the development of a diverse and well-prepared workforce of scientists, technicians, engineers, mathematicians, and educators; and to strengthen a well-informed citizenry. This DCL is aligned with this mission by expanding the geographic and institutional reach of EDU investments in EPSCoR jurisdictions that will enhance and support untapped STEM innovation, instructional talent, and robust and rigorous research on teaching and learning in STEM education. Focused attention in these areas is likely to stimulate private sector investments in these jurisdictions and, importantly, greater equity in STEM education and economic development throughout the Nation. The EDU mission is intentionally seeking broader institutional inclusion that may catalyze STEM education, scientific discovery, and workforce development in EPSCoR jurisdictions, improving the quality of life of all citizens and the health, prosperity, welfare, and security of the nation.

Proposal submissions and supplemental funding requests should address one or more of the following EDU goals:

  • Prepare the next generation of STEM professionals and attract and retain more Americans to STEM careers.
  • Develop a robust research community that can conduct rigorous research and evaluation that will support excellence in STEM education and that integrates research and education.
  • Increase the technological, scientific, and quantitative literacy of all Americans so that they can successfully participate in every realm of citizenship, living productive lives in an increasingly technological society.
  • Broaden participation (e.g., individuals, geographic regions, types of institutions, and STEM disciplines) and close achievement gaps in all STEM fields.

EPSCoR-eligible jurisdictions (FY2024-FY2027) include Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Delaware, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Vermont, US Virgin Islands, West Virginia, and Wyoming. These jurisdictions have demonstrated a commitment to enhance their research capacity and improve the quality of STEM research yet have historically received little federal research and development funding. Pub. L. No. 100-570, 102 Stat. 2865 sets forth a jurisdiction's eligibility for EPSCoR funding. Please visit the EPSCoR website for more information

All Four Divisions in the Directorate for STEM Education (EDU) are participating in this DCL:

Division of Equity for Excellence in STEM (EES) serves as a focal point for NSF's agency-wide commitment to enhancing the quality and excellence of STEM education, STEM education research, and STEM research through expanding participation by individuals from historically underrepresented groups – racial/ethnic minorities, women, and persons with disabilities. Priority is placed on investments that promise innovation and transformative strategies and that focus on creating and testing models that ensure the full participation of and provide opportunities for the educators, researchers, and institutions dedicated to serving these populations. For EES program information, please see the Division's webpage . Division of Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings (DRL) invests in the improvement of STEM learning for people of all ages and backgrounds by promoting innovative research, development, and evaluation of learning and teaching across all STEM disciplines in formal and informal learning settings. It is the only Division at NSF that focuses exclusively on preK-12 STEM education in formal schooling environments and learning outside of school (e.g., television, film, radio, exhibitions, Artificial Intelligence, etc.). For DRL program information, please see the Division's webpage . Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE) aims to promote excellence in undergraduate STEM education for all students. The Division accomplishes its mission through a variety of programs that constitute a comprehensive approach to strengthening STEM education at two- and four-year colleges and universities by improving curricula, instruction, laboratories, infrastructure, assessment, diversity of students and faculty, and collaborations. For DUE program information, please see the Division's webpage . Division of Graduate Education (DGE) advocates for innovative, inclusive, high quality graduate education in STEM fields. DGE manages innovative cross-Foundation programs that directly or indirectly support U.S. citizens and permanent residents in their quest to become the leading scientists and engineers of the future. To better inform its programs, DGE supports research and other activities that will generation exciting new ideas for graduate education of the future. For DGE program information, please see the Division's webpage .


New Proposals

Proposals must include "EDU EPSCoR DCL:" at the beginning of the proposal title or immediately following any solicitation specific or PAPPG required title prefix.

New proposals must be prepared and submitted to an EDU program within one of the divisions named above.  Proposers must follow the guidance in the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) and must adhere to the due dates (if applicable) and guidance specified in the relevant program solicitation, program announcement, or program description to which the proposal will be submitted.

For new proposals, in addition to the proposal types specified in the relevant program solicitation, program announcement, or program description, proposers may also consider the following additional proposal types specified in the PAPPG and below. See Chapter II.F of the PAPPG for more information.

  • EArly Concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) Proposals
  • Planning Proposals
  • Rapid Response Research (RAPID) Proposals
  • EDU is especially interested in conference proposals seeking to host NSF funding and informational workshops for single or multiple EPSCoR jurisdictions.

Proposers are encouraged to discuss proposal concepts with the relevant program before submission.


For supplemental funding requests, approval must be obtained from the cognizant NSF Program Director for the original award prior to submission of the supplemental funding request. The email confirming approval to submit must be uploaded as a Supplementary Document in the proposal.


Partnerships among EPSCoR jurisdictions are encouraged but not required.

EDU plans to conduct outreach and information dissemination, which will be accessible online at to all eligible institutions, which includes 2- and 4-year institutions of higher education, community-based organizations, and informal STEM providers.

For general inquiries regarding this DCL please forward your inquiry to [email protected] .

James L. Moore III Assistant Director Directorate for STEM Education


  • Division of Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings (EDU/DRL)
  • Division of Equity for Excellence in STEM (EDU/EES)
  • Division of Undergraduate Education (EDU/DUE)
  • Division of Graduate Education (EDU/DGE)
  • Directorate for STEM Education (EDU)

Maryland Water Resources Research Center

Department of civil & environmental engineering, university of maryland, college park, request for proposals: fy 2024 competitive grants 104(g).

The Maryland Water Resources Research Center (MWRRC) announces the release of the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the FY 2024 National Competitive Grant Program by the U.S. Geological Survey’s Water Resources Research Act Program  in cooperation with the National Institutes for Water Resources.

Section 104(g) of the Water Resources Research Act of 1984 requires that this competitive grant program focus on: “water problems and issues of a regional or interstate nature beyond those of concern only to a single State and which relate to specific program priorities identified jointly by the Secretary [of the Interior] and the [water resources research] institutes.” Objectives of this program also include the following:

  • Promote collaboration between the USGS and university scientists in research on significant national and regional water-resources issues. Proposals exhibiting substantial collaboration between the USGS and the applicant are strongly encouraged. Collaborative proposals should describe in detail the respective roles of the USGS and the applicant in the proposed work. It is anticipated that in FY2024 the USGS will have internal funds available for modest support of USGS scientists on selected proposals.
  • Promote the dissemination and application of the results of the research funded under this program, both to the scientific community and to the general public.
  • Assist in the training of scientists in relevant water-resources fields. Proposals that include a strong educational component (student support) are encouraged, as are those from early-career faculty.

Proposals are sought on the topic of improving and enhancing the nation’s water supply and availability, and promoting the exploration of new ideas that address or expand our understanding of water problems, including the following specific areas of inquiry (levels of priority are not assigned, and the order of listing does not indicate the level of priority):

  • Comparison of different water budget models, evaluation of relative model predictive skill and identification of specific opportunities for improvements.
  • Incorporation of how uncertainty in hydroclimate-forcing propagates to water budget components.
  • Evaluate scale-dependent uncertainties in water-budget predictions when using CONUS404. (e.g. How much more uncertainty at HUC12 versus HUC 8, which variables, and are specific uncertainties regional?).

Rasmussen, R.M., Liu, C., Ikeda, K., Chen, F., Kim, J., Schneider, T., Gochis, D., Dugger, A., and Viger, R., 2023, Four-kilometer long-term regional hydroclimate reanalysis over the conterminous United States (CONUS), 1979-2020: U.S. Geological Survey data release, .

  • Qualitative techniques to develop parameters or metrics for feedback inputs into hydrologic models (e.g. surveys/interviews/focus groups to understand how consumers change their behaviors around water use in response to supply shortages).
  • Construct utility functions of actual decision-makers/consumers that are used in the model, rather than hypothetical versions.
  • Exploration of close[d]-loop versus open-loop hydrologic models in different geographic contexts.
  • Natural language processing methods to assimilate and identify succinct hydrologic science issues in an area of interest, and additional AI/ML to provide a modeling pathway based on attributes of hydrologic model capacities.)
  • Rapid model development methods to quickly provide information regarding potential high-value data collection and guide further model development in a given geographic area.

Any investigator at an institution of higher learning in Maryland is eligible to apply through the MWRRC. If a proposal from an institution other than the University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP) is selected for funding, the funds will be managed as a subcontract from UMCP. Projects will only be awarded if funds are appropriated to the USGS to support the program.

Proposals may be for projects of 1 to 3 years in duration, may request up to $310,000 in federal funds, and require a 1:1 (non-federal:federal) match. Federal funds may not be used to pay Indirect Costs (IDC); the foregone IDC may be included in the non-federal match. Proposals in PDF format must be emailed to the MWRRC Director Dr. Kaye Brubaker at kbru<at-symbol> by 11:59 p.m., May 15, 2024 to allow adequate time for MWRRC to submit the proposals by the May 30, 2024, deadline for institutes. Only proposals submitted to MWRRC by May 15, 2024  will be transmitted to the National Grants Competition Proposal Peer Review Panel.

Additional information about research priorities, proposal content, format and review process are available in the  RFP .

PIs who intend to submit proposals under this program are asked to notify the Center as soon as possible (kbru<at-symbol> so that we may prepare for and assist with proposal preparation and processing.

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Header Photos (randomly selected): Wetlands along Little Creek. Photo by Hilary Stevens, Integration and Application Network, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science ( Spartina marsh and pine forest surround much of the Monie Bay component of the Chesapeake Bay, MD National Estuarine Research Reserve. Triadelphia Reservoir (on the Patuxent River near Brookville, Md.) Photo by Isabelle Doucet What Happens Outside, July 10, 2014 , used with permission. Potomac River near Cobb Island, Nov. 2016. Photo by Simon Conrad. Limestone spring in Washington County, Oct. 2017 Photo by Kaye Brubaker.

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Dear Colleague Letter: IUCRC Proposals for Research and Thought Leadership on Insurance Risk Modeling and Underwriting Related to Terrorism and Catastrophic Cyber Risks: A Joint NSF and U.S. Department of the Treasury Federal Insurance Office Call

April 24, 2024

Dear Colleagues:

This Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) invites submission of proposals to the U.S. National Science Foundation's (NSF) Industry-University Cooperative Research Center (IUCRC) program to provide use-inspired research analysis and thought leadership on issues affecting the insurance sector's modeling and underwriting of terrorism and catastrophic cyber risks. The goal of this DCL is to stimulate research in areas that support the effective provision of insurance against terrorism and catastrophic cyber risks. Such research will, in turn, develop best practices and tools; assess policy reforms or solutions that could provide insurers, governments, and other stakeholders with new data; and develop improved modeling and underwriting tools, methodologies, and practices. The DCL is jointly sponsored by the U.S. Department of Treasury Federal Insurance Office (FIO) and the NSF's Directorates for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (TIP), Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE), and Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE).

In this partnership, NSF and FIO support their respective missions. NSF has a mission to promote the progress of science; advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; and secure the national defense. FIO has the authority to monitor all aspects of the insurance sector and administers the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program which provides a system of shared public and private compensation for insured losses resulting from acts of terrorism and ensures continued widespread availability and affordability of terrorism risk insurance. Further, as directed by the 2023 National Cybersecurity Strategy Implementation Plan and at the recommendation of the Government Accountability Office, FIO assesses the need for and possible structures of a federal insurance response to catastrophic cyber incidents. In support of these missions, this NSF/FIO partnership fosters collaboration between industry, academic teams, and the United States government to better predict and insure against the impacts of terrorism and catastrophic cyber risks. Achieving success will depend on cutting-edge scientific research, innovations in financial resilience, and the development of related tools, analytics, and other technologies.

Both terrorism events and catastrophic cyber incidents (whether terrorism related or not) present serious risks that share many common modeling and underwriting challenges. Challenges include the paucity of data for such events due to their historically low frequency of occurrence. The lack of historic event data limits the ability of insurers to predict future risk based upon past loss experience. In addition, both terrorism and catastrophic cyber risk present the potential for high losses because such events are commonly intentional and designed to maximize damage, resulting in significant potential insurer liability with impacts that can spread far beyond the initial target including cascading losses across broad geographic areas and business sectors.

These challenges hinder insurers' capabilities to adequately estimate financial exposure to terrorism and catastrophic cyber risk. The lack of accurate estimates, in turn, impedes insurers from fully underwriting these risks on a commercial basis (i.e., without a government backstop or other support).

NSF and FIO have an interest in supporting an IUCRC project that will focus on developing and refining terrorism and catastrophic cyber insurance modeling and underwriting with a view to strengthening the resilience of the United States' financial system. The objectives of the new IUCRC include: (1) helping insurers to estimate risk with greater certainty, thereby improving insurance pricing, coverage, and policyholder uptake; (2) contributing to the potential expansion of reinsurance and capital markets to help support these risks; and (3) informing the treatment of terrorism and catastrophic cyber risks in government programs.


IUCRC proposals in response to this DCL should be designed to bring together the insurance sector, academic teams, government, and other stakeholders to innovate and advance current terrorism and catastrophic cyber risk modeling and underwriting in support of the goals stated above. Teams responding to this call should conduct research on practice and policy reforms and/or solutions that provide insurers and other insurance industry stakeholders with improved or additional tools, data, and methodologies to increase their assumption of terrorism and cyber risk. Proposals should include plans to bolster the insurance sector's understanding of terrorism and catastrophic cyber risks by evaluating current modeling and underwriting practices and identifying data and issues that affect terrorism and catastrophic cyber risk perception and risk exposure within the United States.


IUCRCs are powerful vehicles, developed by NSF, through which university faculty and students work with an industry consortium to carry out cutting-edge, use-inspired research focused on the collective needs of a sector of the U.S. economy. Information on IUCRCs, how they work, and other relevant information about them can be found on the IUCRC website: and the IUCRC program solicitation: .

To initiate an IUCRC, interested faculty teams at one or more universities should interview members of a targeted sector to: (1) identify the most important and high priority challenges facing the sector; (2) converge on a theme of high sector and university faculty interest; and (3) identify companies and other entities willing to participate in a center on the proposed topic.

The first formal step to forming an IUCRC is submitting an IUCRC Planning Grant proposal that demonstrates the interest of the private sector and other stakeholders in the proposed center. Planning Grant proposals or waivers of the planning grant process require submission of a preliminary proposal. If awarded, the proposal team receives funding to carry out industry sector discovery to refine their center research agenda and identifies potential center members willing to pay membership fees and join an industry advisory board for the center.

Investigators responding to this DCL with a Planning Grant proposal should use the following title format: "IUCRC: NSF/FIO: (title)."

A successful planning phase is followed by submission of a proposal for a Phase I IUCRC that has the potential to run for five years. After successful completion of Phase I, the center can compete for another 5 years (Phase II). During this time, center leadership and faculty continue to recruit dues paying members for their advisory board with the goal that, by the end of Phase II, the center is self-supporting without further federal investment.


Planning Grant proposals or waivers of the planning grant process require submission of a preliminary proposal. Target dates for Planning Grant preliminary proposals are the second Wednesdays in September and March. Full proposal target dates are the second Wednesdays of December and June. See the NSF IUCRC solicitation for more details.

The review of submitted proposals to this DCL and any subsequent awards will be managed by NSF. NSF may share the identities of the Principal Investigator(s) (PI and Co-PI(s)) and the universities and industrial partners as well as the Project Summary of the proposed project and the unattributed reviews with FIO in order for the agencies to discuss and coordinate award funding. No other proposal documentation will be shared. As a funding partner of the IUCRC, FIO may also request access to data, software artifacts, and information provided by the PI if their proposal is awarded. Providing such access is at the sole discretion of the PI and is not a condition of an award.

FIO will be invited to post award meetings and discussions with recipients, as appropriate. FIO understands and acknowledges that the information about PIs, their proposal, and reviewers of such proposals is protected by the Privacy Act of 1974, and is to be treated as confidential.


Jeffrey Stanton - NSF/Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (TIP), ( [email protected] )

Mohan Kumar - NSF/Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering ( [email protected] )

Andy DeSoto - NSF/Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences ( [email protected] )

Dr. Erwin Gianchandani Assistant Director for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (TIP) NSF

Dr. Dilma Da Silva Acting Assistant Director for Computer Information Science and Engineering (CISE) NSF

Dr. Kaye Husbands Fealing Assistant Director for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE) NSF

Steven Seitz Director FIO

Notice of Funding Opportunity for FY 2024 Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act

Frosty grass along a wetland

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is currently accepting proposals to protect, restore, and enhance Great Lakes fish and wildlife habitat under the Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act. The Service requests interested entities to submit restoration, research and Regional Project proposals for the restoration of Great Lakes fish and wildlife resources, as authorized under the Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act (16 U.S.C. 941c). The purpose of the Act is to provide assistance to states, tribes and other interested entities to encourage cooperative conservation, restoration and management of fish and wildlife resources and their habitats in the Great Lakes Basin. The deadline for proposal submission is Thursday, January 4, 2024, by 5:00 p.m. EST .  

A total of approximately $3.75 million is projected to support proposals this fiscal year. Available funding and proposal awards are subject to final Congressional appropriations for fiscal year 2024. Proposal funding is available to support Great Lakes Basin restoration, research and Regional Project proposals. Local watershed associations, municipalities, tribes, states and non-governmental organizations are encouraged to apply.  

The 2016 reauthorization of the Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act made significant additions to allowable sources of non-federal match as it relates to time period, and land and conservation easements. See the Notice of Funding Opportunity F24AS00128 at for details . All proposals will be reviewed, scored and ranked by the Proposal Review Committee, and final funding decisions will be made by the Service in early to late summer of 2024.  

Additionally, related documents such as application templates and guidelines can be found with the Notice of Funding Opportunity F23AS00063 at

Learn more about the Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act Grant Program.

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    The purpose of the research proposal (its job, so to speak) is to convince your research supervisor, committee or university that your research is suitable (for the requirements of the degree program) and manageable (given the time and resource constraints you will face). The most important word here is "convince" - in other words, your ...

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