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Writing an Effective Cover Letter for Manuscript Resubmission

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As a researcher who has invested time and effort perfecting a manuscript after years of research, you might be aware of how disappointing it is to receive a “revise and resubmit” notice from your target journal. The good news, however, is that there is still scope for your manuscript to be accepted subsequently—an outcome which is far more desirable than a complete rejection ! How can you improve the chances of your manuscript getting accepted upon resubmission? A well-written cover letter accompanying your manuscript can definitely help!

So, what is a cover letter?

A cover letter is a brief document that introduces your research, submitted along with the manuscript. Here are a few important points to note about it:

  • It is usually written and submitted by the corresponding author.
  • It is required by most peer-review journals.
  • It should include the name of the editor and the journal, the importance of the manuscript, and other relevant details.
  • It should include the date of and a brief statement to note the resubmission

What tips should you follow to write a cover letter for resubmission?

Here are some important tips you can follow to ensure that your cover letter is appreciated by the editors and prompts them to revisit your work:

The cover letter to the editor should be brief, formal, and polite. Even if the remarks on your manuscript are rude, do not get upset. Remember that they are not a criticism of you as an individual, but about your work. They are meant only to improve your work.

Provide accurate details

Include your manuscript details such as the title, the corresponding authors’ names, the manuscript number, and a brief statement to note the resubmission.

Draw attention to the changes made

Highlight all the changes you have made to the manuscript. This will form a positive impression on the editor and encourage him/her to consider that your resubmitted work is fit for publication. For example: “I have made every attempt to fully address these comments in the revised manuscript.”

Be positive in your approach

After mentioning the changes you have made to your work, acknowledge that your reviewer’s comments and feedback have helped you enrich your manuscript. For example: “I believe the additional analyses discussed above have helped to substantially improve my manuscript.”

Respond to specific comments

Make sure that you respond to every comment of the reviewers or the editor separately. In case you were unable to make the changes, explain or state the reasons underlying the same. For example: “This is a good point that has led to a rewrite of this section of the paper. As suggested, I agree that…”

Express gratitude

Include a note of thanks to the editor for the opportunity to improve and resubmit your manuscript. For example: “I would also like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude/thanks to the reviewers for the positive feedback and helpful comments that supported these revisions.”

Add a preview for the content

Do not forget to add an at-a-glance roadmap on how and where to check for revisions in the manuscript. It will make it easier for the editor or reviewers to go through the draft. For example: “Below, I have outlined how I have handled Reviewer 1’s comments. I have reiterated each suggestion in (bold/italics).”

In addition, ensure that you dedicate sufficient time to draft the cover letter. This way, it will not come across as a last-minute, hurried addition, but as an informative, comprehensive, and well-thought-out document. Despite these tips, should you still require help, Elsevier Author Services is here to help you. Our experts can guide you through the entire process and help you produce an excellent paper ready for publication!

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Mastering the Effective Cover Letter for Journal Submission: A Comprehensive Guide

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effective cover letter

Understanding the Importance of an Effective Cover Letter

When it comes to submitting your scientific manuscript to a journal, think of your cover letter as your first handshake with the editor. It’s not just a courtesy; it’s an integral part of the submission process. An effective cover letter is your chance to make a strong first impression, to say, “Hey, I’ve got something valuable and exciting to share with your readers.” But it’s more than just a greeting; it’s a strategic tool to advocate for your manuscript.

A well-crafted and effective cover letter does several things. First, it introduces your work to the editor and provides a succinct overview of your study and its significance. It’s your opportunity to explain why your research fits perfectly within the scope of their journal, potentially solving a puzzle or advancing the field in a way that their readership will find compelling.

Moreover, this cover letter sets the stage for your manuscript, highlighting its strengths without overselling them. It addresses any potential concerns an editor might have, such as the study’s uniqueness or ethical considerations, head-on. By doing so, you’re not only showing transparency but also building trust with the journal’s editorial team.

But let’s not forget, the cover letter also serves as a platform to showcase your professionalism and attention to detail. A well-written, error-free letter reflects your commitment to quality, suggesting that the same level of care has been applied to your research and manuscript.

In essence, the cover letter for your journal submission is your advocate, concierge, and first ambassador all rolled into one. It champions your manuscript, ensuring it gets the consideration and review it deserves. So, mastering the effective cover letter is not just about following a format—it’s about understanding its role in your publication journey and leveraging it to set your research apart.

The Anatomy of an Effective Cover Letter

Crafting an effective cover letter for your journal submission is akin to mapping out a well-planned journey for your manuscript. It requires a clear structure, compelling content, and a strategic approach to guide the editor through your submission. Here’s what every winning cover letter should include:


Start with the basics: Mention the title of your manuscript and the journal you’re submitting to. Introduce your study briefly, emphasizing its relevance and why you believe it’s a good fit for the journal.

Statement of Significance

This is where you shine a spotlight on the importance of your research. What gap does it fill? How does it advance the field? Make it clear why your work matters and should be read by the journal’s audience.

Alignment with Journal’s Scope

Demonstrate your familiarity with the journal by explaining how your manuscript aligns with its aims and scope. This shows respect for the editor’s work and positions your study as a valuable addition to their publication.

Key Findings and Contributions

Highlight the main findings of your research and its theoretical or practical contributions to the field. Be succinct but persuasive, providing just enough detail to intrigue the editor and underscore the novelty and relevance of your work.

Addressing Potential Concerns

If there are unique circumstances or potential concerns with your submission (e.g., closely related publications, multi-part studies), address them upfront. Honesty and transparency can preempt misunderstandings and demonstrate your integrity as a researcher.

Wrap up your cover letter by reiterating your enthusiasm for the opportunity to publish in the journal and thanking the editor for considering your work. A courteous and professional closing leaves a positive, lasting impression.

Contact Information

Don’t forget to include your contact information, making it easy for the journal’s editorial team to reach you with questions or updates regarding your submission.

Remember, the goal of your effective cover letter is not to regurgitate the details of your manuscript but to complement it by highlighting its significance, novelty, and fit for the journal. Think of it as the opening argument in your case for publication, laying a solid foundation for the detailed evidence presented in your manuscript.

Personalizing Your Introduction: Making a Strong First Impression

The opening lines of your effective cover letter for journal submission are where you set the tone and engage the editor. It’s more than just stating the title of your manuscript and your intent to submit; it’s about making a connection. Here’s how to personalize your introduction effectively:

  • Start with Why : Begin by briefly explaining why you chose this specific journal for your manuscript. Is it the journal’s reputation in your field, the match with the journal’s thematic focus, or the impact it has on its readership? This not only shows that you’ve done your homework but also that you value the journal’s contribution to your research area.
  • Mention Previous Interactions : If you’ve had previous communications with the journal or its editors, or if you’re responding to an invitation to submit, mention this early on. It provides context and a touchpoint for the editor.
  • Express Genuine Interest : Convey your genuine interest in the journal and enthusiasm about the potential of your research to contribute to the field. This enthusiasm can be contagious and prompt the editor to view your submission with keen interest.
  • Tailor Your Language : The tone and language should be professional yet accessible. Avoid overly technical jargon in the introduction; save that for the manuscript itself. The goal here is to communicate clearly and effectively, making a strong case for your research.

Making a strong first impression with your introduction is crucial. It’s your chance to engage the editor from the get-go, setting the stage for the rest of your cover letter and, ultimately, your manuscript. By personalizing your introduction, you not only demonstrate respect for the journal and its editorial team but also start building a rapport that can positively influence the submission process.

Outlining the Significance of Your Research

In the heart of your cover letter lies the core of your manuscript: the significance of your research. This section is your opportunity to articulate the value and impact of your work. Here’s how you can effectively convey the importance of your study:

Highlight the Gap Your Research Fills

Begin by setting the scene. What is the current state of research in your field, and where does your work fit in? Identify the gap or challenge your study addresses, and explain how your research moves the needle. This demonstrates not only the relevance of your work but also its potential to make a meaningful contribution.

Emphasize the Novelty and Contributions

What makes your research stand out? Here, you can highlight the innovative aspects of your study, whether it’s a new methodology, findings that challenge existing theories, or the application of research in a novel context. Be clear about how your work advances knowledge in your field and the specific contributions it makes.

Discuss the Broader Impact

Beyond the academic sphere, what are the practical implications of your research? Whether it’s influencing policy, contributing to technological advancements, or addressing societal challenges, showcasing the broader impact of your work can significantly enhance its appeal to the journal.

Make It Relatable

Use language that conveys the excitement and significance of your research without delving into technical jargon. The goal is to make the editor understand and appreciate the value of your work, even if they’re not a specialist in your specific field.

Outlining the significance of your research is about painting a picture of a landscape enhanced by your study. It’s about showing where your research fits in the broader context and how it contributes to advancing knowledge and practice in your field. By doing so, you’re not just submitting a manuscript; you’re offering a new lens through which to view and understand an aspect of your discipline.

How to Align Your Study with the Journal’s Scope

Ensuring your manuscript aligns with the journal’s scope is pivotal for its acceptance. This alignment signals to the editors and reviewers that your research is not only relevant but also contributes meaningfully to the journal’s mission. Here’s how to articulate this alignment in your cover letter:

Research the Journal’s Aims and Scope

Before you even pen that cover letter, dive deep into the journal’s website. Understand its aims, scope, and the audience it serves. This isn’t just about ensuring your research fits; it’s about tailoring your message to resonate with the journal’s editorial priorities.

Draw Clear Connections

Explicitly state how your research fits within the scope of the journal. This could mean highlighting the specific aspect of your study that addresses a gap the journal is keen on filling, or how your findings contribute to a particular theme or debate featured in the journal. Make these connections as clear as possible.

Use the Journal’s Language

Incorporate keywords and phrases from the journal’s aims and scope into your cover letter. This does not mean keyword stuffing, but rather naturally integrating terms that resonate with the journal’s focus. This linguistic alignment can subtly signal that your research is a good fit.

Highlight Relevance to the Journal’s Readership

Explain why your research matters to the journal’s readers. What will they learn or gain from your study? How does it advance the conversation in the field? This shows you understand the journal’s audience and have considered how your work adds value to their professional or academic pursuits.

Reference Relevant Articles from the Journal

If applicable, mention any articles previously published in the journal that relate to your work. This can demonstrate your engagement with the journal’s content and how your research builds upon or diverges from these discussions.

Aligning your study with the journal’s scope is not just a bureaucratic step; it’s a strategic move that shows respect for the journal’s mission and an understanding of its place in the academic community. By clearly articulating this alignment in your cover letter, you significantly increase the chances of your manuscript being viewed favorably by the editorial team.

Highlighting Your Manuscript’s Key Findings

Your cover letter should succinctly highlight the key findings of your research, showcasing the core achievements and their implications. This section is where you get to brag a bit about what your study has uncovered. Here’s how to do it effectively:

Summarize the Main Results

Begin by summarizing your main results in a few sentences. Focus on the outcomes that are most relevant and impactful to your field. Avoid getting bogged down in the details; instead, aim for clarity and brevity, giving the editor a clear snapshot of your findings.

Explain the Implications

After presenting your results, delve into their implications. How do they advance the field? Do they challenge existing theories or practices? Make sure to articulate the significance of your findings in a way that resonates with the broader academic community and aligns with the journal’s focus.

Emphasize the Novelty

If your research introduces new methods, concepts, or insights, highlight these as key findings. Emphasizing the novelty of your work can help differentiate it from other submissions and pique the editor’s interest.

Use Accessible Language

While it’s important to be precise, also ensure your description is accessible to those who might not be specialists in your specific area of research. Avoid jargon and technical terms when possible, or briefly explain them if they’re necessary to convey your findings.

Highlighting your manuscript’s key findings in the effective cover letter is crucial. It gives the editor a compelling reason to consider your manuscript for publication. By effectively summarizing and emphasizing the importance of your results, you can make a strong case for why your research deserves attention.

Addressing Potential Reviewer Concerns Upfront

Preemptively addressing potential concerns in your effective cover letter can significantly influence the editorial process in your favor. It demonstrates foresight, thoroughness, and a commitment to transparency. Here’s how to approach this effectively:

Anticipate Reviewer Questions

Think about the potential weaknesses or questions reviewers might have about your study. These could relate to your methodology, the robustness of your data, or the generalizability of your findings. By anticipating these concerns, you can address them before they even arise.

Provide Context for Controversial Choices

If your research involved unconventional methodologies or controversial choices, provide a brief explanation in your cover letter. Explain why you chose this path and how it strengthens your study. This preemptive clarification can mitigate concerns and highlight your innovative approach.

Acknowledge Limitations

No study is without its limitations, and acknowledging these upfront can be a strength. Briefly mention any significant limitations and, if possible, how you’ve mitigated them. This honesty builds trust and demonstrates a rigorous scientific approach.

Discuss the Uniqueness of Your Study

If there’s a chance your manuscript might be seen as too similar to existing research, clarify what sets your work apart. Highlight the novel aspects of your study, whether it’s in your approach, the data you’ve uncovered, or the implications of your findings.

Addressing potential concerns upfront doesn’t mean your manuscript is flawed; rather, it shows that you’re engaged in a thoughtful, critical examination of your work. This approach can not only alleviate potential objections but also position your manuscript as a strong candidate for publication by showcasing your commitment to a rigorous scientific discourse.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Cover Letter Etiquette

Navigating the nuances of cover letter etiquette can make a significant difference in how your submission is received. Here are some key do’s and don’ts to ensure your cover letter reflects the best professional standards:

  • Be Concise : Keep your cover letter to a page or less. Editors are busy, so respect their time by getting straight to the point.
  • Personalize Your Letter : Address the editor by name if possible. A personalized greeting can add a touch of professionalism and shows you’ve done your homework.
  • Proofread : Typos and grammatical errors can undermine the credibility of your submission. A well-proofed letter shows attention to detail.
  • Express Enthusiasm : Let your genuine interest in the journal and belief in the significance of your research shine through, without overdoing it.


  • Reiterate Your Abstract : The cover letter is not the place to copy-paste your abstract. Instead, use it to highlight the significance and fit of your research.
  • Overstate Your Findings : Be honest about the implications of your research. Overselling your findings can backfire if the claims aren’t supported by the data.
  • Ignore Submission Guidelines : If the journal has specific requirements for cover letters, follow them meticulously. This shows respect for the journal’s editorial process.
  • Use Generic Language : Tailor your cover letter to each journal submission. A generic, one-size-fits-all letter can come off as impersonal and lazy.

Adhering to these do’s and don’ts will not only help you craft a more effective cover letter but also demonstrate your professionalism and respect for the editorial process. Remember, the cover letter is an integral part of your submission package, and getting it right can significantly influence the first impression you make on the journal’s editorial team.

Crafting a Convincing Conclusion for Your Cover Letter

The conclusion of your cover letter is your final opportunity to make an impression on the editor and reinforce the significance of your submission. Here’s how to craft a conclusion that resonates:

Reiterate the Fit and Significance

Briefly restate why your manuscript is a good fit for the journal and its significance to the field. This is your chance to leave the editor with a strong sense of the value of your work and its potential impact.

Express Your Enthusiasm and Commitment

Convey your enthusiasm for the possibility of publishing in the journal. Let the editor know you’re looking forward to the opportunity to contribute to their publication and the broader academic conversation. Additionally, affirm your willingness to revise your manuscript according to the feedback from the review process, demonstrating your commitment to excellence and collaboration.

Thank the Editor

Always end with a note of thanks for considering your submission. Acknowledging the editor’s time and effort shows respect and professionalism.

Provide Contact Information

Make sure the editor knows how to reach you. Include your email address and phone number, even if it’s already provided elsewhere in your submission package.

A well-crafted conclusion can strengthen your cover letter, leaving a lasting positive impression on the editor. It encapsulates the essence of your submission, underscores your professionalism, and sets the stage for a constructive editorial relationship.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid in Your Cover Letter

A well-crafted cover letter can be a key factor in getting your manuscript noticed, but certain missteps can undermine its effectiveness. Here are some common pitfalls to avoid:

Overlooking Journal Guidelines

One of the quickest ways to make a poor impression is to ignore the journal’s submission guidelines. These may include specific requirements for cover letters. Always tailor your cover letter to meet these guidelines precisely.

Being Too Vague or Generic

Generic cover letters that could apply to any journal not only miss the opportunity to highlight the fit between your manuscript and the journal but also suggest a lack of genuine interest. Be specific about why your work is right for this journal.

Neglecting to Highlight Key Findings

Your cover letter should succinctly summarize the main findings and contributions of your study. Failing to do so can leave the editor unclear about the significance of your work.

Failing to Address Potential Concerns

If there are obvious potential concerns with your manuscript (such as a small sample size or the preliminary nature of the results), failing to address these upfront can be a missed opportunity to frame these issues in the best light.

Overselling Your Study

While it’s important to highlight the significance of your work, avoid overselling your findings or their implications. This can raise red flags for editors and reviewers.

Poor Formatting and Typos

A cover letter riddled with typos, grammatical errors, or formatting issues can undermine your manuscript’s credibility from the outset. Proofread carefully and consider having a colleague review it as well.

Ignoring the Cover Letter’s Tone

The tone of your effective cover letter should be professional yet accessible. Avoid overly technical language that might obscure the significance of your work to the journal editor.

By steering clear of these pitfalls, you can enhance the effectiveness of your cover letter, making a strong case for the publication of your manuscript.

Expert Tips for a Revision-Proof Cover Letter

Creating a cover letter that withstands the scrutiny of journal editors and reviewers requires insight and finesse. Here are expert tips to fortify your cover letter against potential revisions:

Tailor Your Message

Customize your effective cover letter for each journal submission. Demonstrate your understanding of the journal’s audience, scope, and priorities. This personal touch can significantly increase your manuscript’s chances of being considered.

Be Clear and Concise

Clarity and conciseness are your allies. Avoid unnecessary jargon and lengthy explanations. Your goal is to communicate the essence and significance of your research succinctly.

Use a Positive Tone

Maintain a positive and confident tone throughout your cover letter. Focus on the strengths and contributions of your research, while being honest about its limitations.

Highlight the Novelty

Make sure to clearly articulate what is new and important about your research. This can be a key factor in catching the editor’s interest.

Address Ethical Considerations

If your research involves sensitive subjects or potential ethical concerns, briefly outline how these were addressed. Demonstrating ethical rigor can preempt questions and concerns.

Be Proactive About Potential Concerns

If there are aspects of your study that might raise questions (such as preliminary findings or a small sample size), address these proactively. Explain why these do not detract from the validity and relevance of your research.

Offer to Provide Additional Information

Indicate your willingness to provide further details or clarification if needed. This shows your commitment to engaging with the review process constructively.

Express Willingness to Review and Revise

Convey your openness to reviewing and revising your manuscript based on the journal’s feedback. This flexibility can be favorable in the editorial decision-making process.

Crafting a cover letter with these expert tips in mind can set your submission apart, demonstrating not only the value of your research but also your professionalism as a researcher.

Final Checklist Before Submission: Ensuring Your Cover Letter is Submission-Ready

Before hitting the “submit” button, run through this final checklist to make sure your cover letter is polished and poised for success:

1. Personalization : Have you addressed the editor by name, if possible? Personal touches can make a difference.

2. clarity and brevity : is your cover letter concise, clear, and to the point ensure it’s no longer than one page., 3. key findings highlighted : have you clearly highlighted the key findings and significance of your research make sure these stand out., 4. journal fit : have you articulated why your manuscript is a good fit for the journal’s scope and audience this alignment is crucial., 5. novelty and contribution : does your cover letter emphasize the novelty and contributions of your study make sure the unique aspects of your work are front and center., 6. anticipation of concerns : have you addressed any potential concerns or questions about your manuscript preemptive explanations can ease the review process., 7. ethical considerations : if applicable, have you outlined how ethical concerns were addressed in your study, 8. revision willingness : have you expressed your willingness to review and revise based on feedback this shows a collaborative spirit., 9. proofreading : is your cover letter free from typos and grammatical errors a well-proofed letter reflects your professionalism., 10. contact information : have you included your contact information, making it easy for the editor to reach you.

This checklist ensures that your cover letter not only presents your manuscript in the best possible light but also demonstrates your professionalism and readiness for the publication process.

With your cover letter refined and ready, you’re set to make a strong submission. Remember, the cover letter is your first impression on the journal’s editorial team—make it count!

Summary: Why San Francisco Edit Is Your Best Option for Mastering the Cover Letter for Journal Submission

When it comes to scientific manuscript editing and preparing for journal submission, the importance of a polished, professional cover letter cannot be overstated. It’s the first impression you make on the journal’s editorial team, a succinct pitch that highlights the significance and fit of your research. That’s where San Francisco Edit steps in, offering unparalleled expertise in crafting cover letters that open doors.

Our team understands the nuances of academic publishing across science, academia, research, and publishing sectors. We’re adept at articulating the importance of your work, aligning it with the journal’s scope, and presenting it in a way that’s both compelling and concise. Our editors are not just language experts; they have a deep understanding of the scientific process and what journal editors are looking for.

Choosing San Francisco Edit means entrusting your cover letter to specialists who can significantly increase the likelihood of your manuscript being accepted. We provide personalized advice, ensuring your letter is tailored to each specific journal, highlighting your research’s novelty and its potential contribution to the field. Our service is designed to navigate the complexities of journal submission, making the process smoother and more successful.

With San Francisco Edit, you’re not just getting an editing service; you’re gaining a partner in your publication journey. Our commitment to excellence and our detailed understanding of the academic landscape make us the best option for researchers seeking to make an impact with their work.

Contact us today to ensure your cover letter—and your manuscript—stands out in the crowded world of academic publishing.


What makes a cover letter for journal submission stand out.

A standout cover letter is concise, personalized, clearly articulates the manuscript’s significance and novelty, and demonstrates a good fit with the journal’s scope.

How long should my cover letter be?

Your cover letter should be no longer than one page, succinctly covering all the key points without overloading the editor with unnecessary details.

Can a good cover letter really make a difference in getting published?

Absolutely. A well-crafted cover letter can catch an editor’s attention, making them more inclined to consider your manuscript favorably.

Should I mention potential concerns in my cover letter?

Yes, addressing potential concerns upfront can demonstrate your thoroughness and mitigate any reservations the editor might have.

How does San Francisco Edit tailor cover letters to different journals?

San Francisco Edit thoroughly researches each journal’s aims and scope, tailoring your cover letter to highlight how your manuscript aligns with the journal’s interests and contributes to the field.

Is it worth investing in professional editing for my cover letter?

Investing in professional editing for your cover letter can significantly enhance your manuscript’s chance of acceptance, making it a wise decision for serious researchers.

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revision cover letter journal example

How to Write a Winning Journal Response Letter (free templates)

revision cover letter journal example

The structure, tone, and style of your journal response letter (also known as a rebuttal letter) can all affect whether your research will be accepted for publication. Yet surprisingly, some researchers hurt their chances at this stage when they’re just a step from success.

They get defensive or snippy, use poor English, or don’t explain their reasoning. That can be costly. And they’re so close!

You can seal the deal with superb revisions and a strong response letter that explains your revisions and gives your rebuttal.

What makes a good journal response letter? Manners, diplomacy, logic, explanation, and good English. All of which are well within your reach.

Let’s look at the critical steps for responding to peer review and getting published. On the way, we’ll include insider tips from our published experts.

  • 1.1 Responses from journals, and responding to them
  • 1.2 Revising your manuscript
  • 2.1 Polite, generic header and salutation
  • 2.2 Express thanks
  • 2.3 Give an overview/executive brief
  • 2.4 End the letter on a positive note
  • 2.5.1 First-person or third-person structure are both OK
  • Example peer reviewer suggestion:
  • Here’s another example peer suggestion:
  • 2.6.1 Here are the same suggestions from the reviewers above, but this time the author is disagreeing with them:
  • 3 A final word on journal response letters

Getting to the response letter stage

After you submit your manuscript to a journal, you’ll typically receive a reply of accept, reject, minor revisions, or major revisions . The first two are obvious; the second two will require a response letter and individual point-by-point responses to the issues the reviewers raised.

Keep in mind that you’ve already done well to make it this far! Science rejects about 80% on first submission and ultimately only published about 7%. Biomaterials ? 14.7% acceptance.

Even broad-reaching open-access journals are quite selective: PLOS ONE takes about 45% of submissions and BMJ Open about 40%.

Responses from journals, and responding to them

In general, journals give you about 1 month for “minor” issues like revising how you present your data or getting a professional English-language edit . They’ll give around 3 months for “major” revisions such as re-analysis or new studies.

As you work through your revisions, it’s best to work on your point-by-point response at the same time, like a journal of your revisions. Then it’ll be nearly done by the time you’re done revising. You’ll just have to brush it up and add the intro.

Regarding formatting of your revisions, check the journal’s guidelines or contact the journal directly to confirm what they prefer. Most likely they’ll be done with:

  • amendments manually highlighted
  • deletions marked with strikethrough
  • changes made using a certain color (usually red)
  • the Track Changes function in Word
  • …or if it’s in LaTeX, you may need to use the Changes package

Revising your manuscript

When you choose to resubmit to the same journal, do whatever the peer reviewers recommend, if you agree.

This can include:

  • performing and documenting additional requested experiments or analyses
  • adding key references/citations
  • adding or removing tables and figures
  • improving your scientific English

You also may not agree with all the peer reviewers’ requests and suggestions. They’re human and they’re busy. They may be wrong or a bit off.

In this case, you have to consider if you can justify your choice to reject the suggestions.

You’ll need to provide a well-reasoned argument. For example, if the suggested experiments fell outside the scope of your study, make a strong case for why they’re not suitable.

Peer reviewers aren’t perfect, but they are standing between you and publication. And they must be dealt with calmly and respectfully.

Your manuscript will need to be revised to incorporate any changes you make such as new data. This may be a relatively painless text rework, or you may need to consult with a statistician and prepare new figures and tables. And this all leads to the response letter.

Structure and style of a journal rebuttal letter

The response/rebuttal letter to a journal is like a short version of the cover letter you initially sent when you submitted your work. This time, you don’t need to fully “sell” your entire study again, but the sale’s not done yet. You need keep the prospective “buyer” (the journal) interested. You need to close the deal.

The corresponding author should write the response letter on behalf of the authors.

revision cover letter journal example

“ A journal response letter is another opportunity for you to emphasize the importance and impact of your work to the journal, demonstrate your knowledge and authority on the research, and fully address the issues the peer reviewers have identified. “ — Geraldine Echue , PhD, CMPP Edanz Managing Editor

Stay professional, confident, and respectful. And use error-free English. The overall tone should be polite, business-like, and clear.

Regarding format, you’ll likely be submitting this as document, so structure it as you would structure a business letter. Don’t cut corners or treat it like a casual email.

Polite, generic header and salutation

Put the date, journal name, and either the name of the editor-in-chief or the editor who is handling the correspondence. Call them “Dr.” or “Professor” as appropriate.

If you’re not sure, check the journal’s Editorial Board information. If that still doesn’t give a title, Google them , check their latest studies, and/or look them up on ResearchGate or LinkedIn. As a default, use Professor + their last name. Do not use “Mr.” or “Ms.” (and never use “Mrs.”) unless they themselves used it in their letter to you.

Then address the first part of your response letter to that journal editor.

State the manuscript reference number and title so that the editor can refer to previous correspondence about your submission.

Dear Professor Smith,

Re: manuscript reference no. BH0914325J Please find attached a revised version of our manuscript… ”

Express thanks

No matter how much you agreed with the reviewers, or thought they were way off-target, thank them and the editor formally.

For example: “ We wish to thank you and the reviewers for your insightful comments. These have greatly helped us to improve the quality of our manuscript. “

Give an overview/executive brief

Provide an overview of the main changes you made to your study and explain how you indicated these revisions in the manuscript.

For example: “ In accordance with Reviewer 1’s comments, we deleted the table and prepared a new summary figure (Fig. 6). Our revisions to the text are recorded using Track Changes in MS Word. Our point-by-point responses to the reviewers’ comments are shown below. “

revision cover letter journal example

“ Editors are busy people and may only skim through response letters. But they want to get the impression that the authors are being comprehensive and taking the process seriously. The executive brief sentence saves them time and trouble. “ — Gareth Dyke , PhD Edanz Author Education Manager

End the letter on a positive note

Complete this part of the response letter by signing off as you did for your cover letter. For example:

“ We hope that these revisions are sufficient to make our manuscript suitable for publication in the British Journal of Haematology and look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. “

Then provide the full contact details of the corresponding author and list your point-by-point responses below it.

Here’s an example of a full letter.

revision cover letter journal example

You can also download a cover letter template and peer response letter template from our learning resource library. They’re free.

And if you want to dig deeper, we offer simple, expert-designed courses to walk you through the entire research publication process, at the Edanz My Learning Lab .

Give your point-by-point responses

You should put a number by each reviewer’s comment (if they’re not already numbered), and go in sequence starting with Reviewer 1.

General rules on tone and style

  • Be polite, always. This means using formal sentences, expressing thanks, and avoiding passive–aggressive or flat-out rude remarks.
  • Be grateful. Peer review is a free service and it’s an essential and valuable part of the scientific publication process.
  • Ignore the reviewer’s grammar or spelling mistakes, if any. Don’t correct them. Many reviewers are not native speakers or use curt, even rude, comments. That’s beyond your control; it’s not personal.
  • Make sure YOUR spelling and grammar are perfect. Get a professional edit if there’s any chance your English is not perfect.
  • Err on the side of over-explaining vs. being short or dismissive.

It’s also a positive gesture to give a general note of thanks before addressing each peer review comment.

First-person or third-person structure are both OK

There’s no specific rule of whether to use a first-person or third-person voice in your responses. You can feel confident using either. Just be consistent.

Also, unless you know the reviewer’s identity, refer to them in the gender-neutral “they”/”their”. Do NOT use “he” as a default.

First person: “ Thank you very much for your detailed and useful comments. We have addressed each of them as follows. ”

Third person: “ We thank Reviewer 1 for their detailed and useful comments. We have addressed each of them as follows. ”

If you agree with the suggestion and revised accordingly

If you agree with the reviewer’s suggestion, say that you agree, and explain how you have modified your manuscript following that suggestion.

Example peer reviewer suggestion:

1. Standard deviation is large in Fig. 3 data . ANOVA should be used after confirming normal distribution.

Response: We thank Reviewer 1 for this valuable suggestion and we agree. Accordingly, we modified our statistical analyses. We performed ANOVA after first performing a logarithmic transformation of all variables. We have described this change in Statistical Analysis in the Methods section (p.4, lines 15–20). We also modified our Results (p. 7, lines 2–6) and Discussion sections (p. 9, lines 11–13) in line with this change, and modified Figure 3 based on the revised data.

Note the use of bold and italics to distinguish the authors’ response from the reviewer’s comment. There is a clear explanation of what was done in the revised manuscript.

Page and line numbers were also used to indicate where the changes were made. These numbers are helpful for the reviewers, but it’s best to add them when you’re fully done with your revisions, but they will change as your manuscript changes. Double-check all page and line numbers before re-submission, to be sure they’re accurate.

Here’s another example peer suggestion:

2. Subjective well-being needs more background in the lit review. Include mention of how it intersects with happiness studies, health psychology, I/O psychology, and overall QOL.

Response: We thank Reviewer 1 for this suggestion. We regret that our literature review was somewhat inadequate. Accordingly, we have added relevant studies in the Introduction (p. 3, lines 5–6 and 19–21). We hope there is now a more accurate portrait of the significance of subjective well-being).

This was a shorter comment. As the authors agreed, the response shows sufficient thanks and gives sufficient details. The added text will speak for itself.

“ Clearly and concisely summarize the changes you made in response to the peer review comments, especially if there are ones you don’t agree with. “ — Gareth Dyke , PhD Edanz Author Education Manager

If you disagree with the peer reviewer’s suggestion

You do have the right to disagree.

But unless the reviewer’s request was completely off-base or misinformed, try to incorporate it at least partially. For example, if they suggest adding reference to three studies, but you find those studies mostly irrelevant, try to accommodate at least one. It also shows you’re open to criticism, which is essential in scientific studies.

If you completely disagree with a reviewer’s suggestion, you need to give a convincing counterargument. This is called a rebuttal. It’s where you diplomatically and rationally explain why you disagree.

Try to understand the reviewer’s perspective. Perhaps they are not familiar with your methodology. Or maybe their strength is in a slightly different niche.

Use citations to back your argument, where possible, and present a solid case.

Here are the same suggestions from the reviewers above, but this time the author is disagreeing with them:

Response: Thank you for your suggestion. Although we acknowledge that the use of ANOVA would enable us to better compare our findings with those of other studies, our data did not follow a normal distribution; thus, we could not perform this analysis. We therefore re-analyzed our data based on the Leverhaus model (Leverhaus et al., 1978) and modified the Methods section to describe this analysis (p. 4, line 8). We also revised Figure 3 and added two sentences to the Discussion to explain this model (p. 10, lines 1–3).

This accomplishes all the goals of expressing thanks, being polite and diplomatic, showing disagreement, compromising by making a related change, and giving thorough explanation throughout.

Response: Thank you for this suggestion. We acknowledge the significance of subjective well-being and we felt our literature review put it in adequate context by mentioning its growing association with a number of fields since the seminal work by Diener (1984). We must note that subjective well-being is not a central theme in our study. Additionally, the journal’s word limitations only permit us to add a small number of words to the manuscript. For these reasons, we felt it was not feasible to accommodate the suggestion in full. Accordingly, however, we see the importance of the relation with happiness studies and have added reference to that (p. 3, lines 5–6). We hope this satisfies your request. Again, we do sincerely appreciate your guidance.

The authors had a good reason (study scope and the journal’s word limits) for not extending their literature review. They explained it diplomatically and compromised by adding a reference. They also erred on the side of over-explaining. In a response letter, there’s no harm in that.

“Through effective communication with peer reviewers, the response letter is a mechanism by which you can improve your manuscript and your research ability.” — Geraldine Echue , PhD, CMPP Edanz Managing Editor

A final word on journal response letters

Though a response letter to a journal, and your point-by-point responses to reviewers take a bit of time, they’re part of the process. They’re also, potentially, the last step before you get published. Keep your eye on that final, glorious goal. You want to get published, maintain or increase your publication rate , and get cited.

Being overly defensive or refusing to make any concessions to the peer reviewers could lead to your rejection. Then you’re off to another journal and have to go through all the same steps. Do you really want that?

For more details on how to effectively submit your manuscript and deal with peer review, we offer the Journal Submission and Peer Review among the many courses in Edanz Learning Lab. Try a free lesson now. Of course, we’re also happy to edit your re-submission and edit or even write your point-by-point response letter .

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Scientific Publishing in Biomedicine: How to Write a Cover Letter?

Zahra bahadoran.

1 Nutrition and Endocrine Research Center, Research Institute for Endocrine Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Parvin Mirmiran

Khosrow kashfi.

2 Department of Molecular, Cellular and Biomedical Sciences, Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education, School of Medicine, City University of New York, New York, USA

Asghar Ghasemi

3 Endocrine Physiology Research Center, Research Institute for Endocrine Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

A cover (covering) letter is a brief business letter introducing the scientific work alongside the submission process of a manuscript and is required by most scientific peer-review journals. A typical cover letter includes the name of the editor and the journal, date of submission, the characteristics of the manuscript, the importance of the work and its relevance to prospective audiences, declarations such as author agreements, conflicts of interest statement, funding source (s), and ethical statements. The letter also includes the contact information of the corresponding author (s) and may also include suggestions of potential reviewers. Spending enough time to draft an informative, comprehensive, and concise cover letter is quite worthwhile; a poorly drafted one would not persuade the editor that the submitted work is fit for publication and may lead to immediate rejection. Here, we provide a practical guide to draft a well-written, concise, and professional cover letter for a scientific medical paper.

The Cambridge dictionary defines a cover letter as “a letter that contains information about the thing it is sent with”. The cover letter is commonly known as a motivation letter submitted along with the curriculum vitae (CV) or a job application for employment ( 1 ) or academic position ( 2 ), and it is not clear why and how it was introduced into the scientific field ( 3 ). In scientific writing and publishing, a cover/covering letter is a letter to the editor’s target journal ( 4 ).

Providing a cover letter alongside the submission process is now required by most scientific journals. In fact, some high-quality and prestigious journals pay specific attention to the cover letter ( 3 ). Amongst the different steps of the publication process, the cover letter is the last step and is often overlooked ( 5 ). One of the most common complaints voiced by editors regarding submitted manuscripts is that the authors neglect to write a well-written cover letter, including a statement justifying the importance of their work ( 6 ). Missing this opportunity may have unintentional consequences, rejection without further consideration instead of being sent for external peer-review ( 5 , 6 ). Contrary to this view, some believe that the cover letter’s content overlaps with the manuscript’s abstract and gives mostly redundant information already found within the online submission system ( 3 ). The cover letter may also be a “misleading commercial advertisement” where it would not represent the content of the manuscript ( 3 ).

Although many editors may not read or seriously consider the cover letters of the submitted manuscripts ( 3 , 4 ), neglecting the importance of the cover letter may be a risk for the authors. Therefore, spending an adequate amount of time to write a coherent and persuasive cover letter is worth it. Following our previous publication on choosing a journal in a new series entitled Scientific Publishing in Biomedicine ( 7 ), here, we provided a practical guide to draft a well-written, professional, and concise cover letter needed to be accompanied by an original scientific paper, either with the initial submission or subsequently at revision/resubmitting stage. Since there are subtle differences in writing a cover letter for an original research paper versus a review article or an opinion, some points for drafting a cover letter for such papers are also discussed.

2. The Function of the Cover Letter

A cover letter is “a brief business letter”, which introduces the submitted manuscript to a prospective editor (s) ( 8 ). There are essentially two types of letters; the first is the one that is initially submitted with the manuscript (cover letter), and the second is when a revision is being submitted (revised letter). The first letter introduces the work at the initial manuscript submission ( 9 ), while the second one is needed following an invitation to revise and resubmit the manuscript. Here, the authors respond to the suggestions/criticisms of the reviewers ( 10 ). In this paper, “cover letter” and “second letter” refer to the first/submit letter and the revised letter, respectively.

A well-written cover letter is an effective tool for authors to sell their work to the journal editor and make a “good first impression”. A cover letter is a summary that highlights the main points, emphasizes the novelty, and communicates the potential implications of the submitted work ( 3 ). A cover letter allows the authors to persuade the editors regarding the novelty/originality and significance of the research in a less formal manner than in the manuscript itself ( 6 ). A well-written and informative cover letter helps the journal’s editor to be informed about the work and its significance. Regardless of the novelty and significance of the submitted manuscript, editors may miss those points without providing insights in a cover letter ( 5 ).

3. The Content of a Cover Letter

3.1. first cover letter (submit letter).

One point of view is that the cover letter’s content should be covered in the manuscript’s abstract ( 3 ). A typical cover letter includes the name of editor (s) and the journal, date of submission, the characteristics of the manuscript (i.e., title, type of the manuscript, e.g., review, original, case report), the importance of the work and its relevance to the readership of the journal, verification of the originality of the work, the authors’ confirmation that the manuscript is currently submitted only to this journal, declarations and ethical statements, suggested potential reviewers, and contact information of the corresponding author of the submitted work ( 5 , 6 ). Other manuscript characteristics, including the length and number of tables and figures, can also be indicated. If the manuscript belongs to a special issue or is being submitted upon an official invitation from the journal’s editorial office, it should also be addressed. The main contents of the first cover letter are described in Table 1 .

The most critical element of a cover letter is a “statement of novelty/significance/implication.” The authors are advised to carefully write a brief and concise description of their work’s impact toward communicating its significance ( 6 ). The authors are strongly advised not to copy the abstract into the cover letter and instead explain in their own words the significance of the work and the reason for submitting it to the journal ( 11 ). If this information is lacking, the editors may rely on the reviewers who may not appreciate the significance of the work and just focus on the technical issues rather than the scientific value of the work ( 5 ). Providing a clear and robust statement of novelty and significance would be more critical for editors and potential reviewers with diverse and interdisciplinary backgrounds ( 6 ).

The statements are expected to answer the following questions: (1) why is the work important? (e.g., emphasizing a new measurement, a new diagnostic method or criterion, a newly discovered biological process); and (2) how does the work advance current knowledge in the field? The best approach to answer this question is by describing the current state of knowledge in the field and clarifying how the work provides an added value by answering a previously unanswered question, finding the solution to a problem, or improving existing methods ( 5 ). Checking the recently published papers on similar topics in the journal provides new insights for the authors to clarify in the cover letter as to how the manuscript follows the publication trends of the journal and will add something new that would be relevant to the trend ( 12 ).

The cover letter is also expected to emphasize why the manuscript will attract the journal’s readers ( 5 ). The authors also need to consider the journal’s Aims and Scope to underscore how the manuscript would fit within the journal’s scope and attract potential readers ( 13 ). Instead of stating simply that the manuscript is “of interest to the field” or “novel,” the authors should address specific aspects of the journal’s Aims and Scope statement, e.g., “We believe that this manuscript is appropriate for publication by [journal name] since it… [reference to the journal’s aims and scope] ( 11 ).

For a review, opinion, or a trends paper, emphasizing the timeline and novelty is needed, as stated by Sacristán, the editor of trends in molecular medicine: “The synthesis and conceptual advance should be particularly stated in terms of what is new and has been trending in the field for the last one to five years”. She also recommends that the authors need to provide a future perspective beyond the main take-home message of the manuscript for a trends paper and take a strong and novel stance on a hypothesis or idea for a cover letter of an opinion manuscript ( 14 ).

The cover letter must contain some predefined statements, including the “author agreement” statement ( 13 ). An “author agreement” is a statement to confirm that “all authors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript being submitted” ( 8 ). Furthermore, “the authors warrant that the manuscript is their original work, has not received prior publication and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere” ( 8 ). Some journals may request the corresponding author to confirm that he/she will take responsibility for informing co-authors of editorial decisions, reviews received, and any changes or revisions made; additionally, the editor (s) should be informed about any closely related manuscript (s) simultaneously submitted for consideration to the same or another journal ( 15 ). The authors also should declare if any part of the submitted work has been previously published elsewhere, even as an abstract ( 16 ); e.g., “there is some overlap in the content of the introduction section, which we have noted in the text”.

Depending on the journal’s policy, other statements, including “conflict of interest statement”, “funding source declarations”, and “permission note”, may also be required to be included in the cover letter ( 8 , 11 ). As indicated by Elsevier, a conflict of interest statement, known as a disclosure statement, is a declaration from the author that “there is no financial/personal interest or belief that could affect their objectivity”. The publisher emphasizes that the authors should declare and state the potential conflict’s source and nature in cases where a conflict of interest exists. A funding source declaration is defined by the publisher as “a declaration of any funding or research grants (and their sources) received in the course of study, research or assembly of the manuscript”. Elsevier also defines the permission note as a statement that declares that “permission has been received to use any material in the manuscript such as a figure, which is not original content” ( 8 , 17 ). Other statements like “Statement of English native editing” may also be added.

Furthermore, informing the editor (s) regarding any information that will support the submission (e.g., original or confirmatory data, supplementary materials, relevance, topicality) can be helpful ( 8 ). Other operational information, typically provided within checkboxes of the journal’s submission system, is not required to be included in the cover letter ( 5 ).

3.2. Second Cover Letter

The second cover letter, which accompanies the revised version of the manuscript, must be a model of clarity and must address every issue posed by the editor and reviewers ( 10 ). If the revised manuscript is sent for the second round of peer-review, the reviewer (s) will see the letter. The content of the header and footer sections of the revised letter is similar to that of the submitted cover letter. The letter should be directed to the editor as addressed in the first letter unless the authors are informed that a new editor will process the revised version ( 10 ). The first paragraph should start with an “expression of polite gratitude”, e.g., “we would like to thank you for the opportunity to revise and resubmit our manuscript.” The “manuscript ID” or “identification number,” usually assigned by the journal in the first submission, should be addressed in the first paragraph ( 10 ).

The second paragraph usually “signals attention to the reviewers’ comments” by providing an explicit reference to the comments made by the reviewers and the editor. Furthermore, it may contain a positive statement regarding the results, methodology, conclusions, etc., in which case the authors need to acknowledge reviews’ insights ( 10 , 18 ). For example, “We sincerely appreciate all the valuable comments and suggestions made, which helped us improve the revised version of our manuscript” or “we found the reviewers’ comments helpful in guiding us to revise the manuscript.” Such statements will help the authors in creating a polite, formal tone throughout the letter. The paragraph should be followed by providing the editor with a roadmap or a summary of the revisions, addressing “the response to comments attachment.” A point-by-point response to the specific comments of the reviewers must be provided. If the authors disagree with a point raised by a reviewer, a rebuttal or counterstatement may be in order. A scientific and polite approach should spell out why the authors disagree, never losing sight of the reviewer’s opinion ( 19 ).

The footer section (closing salutation) of the letter returns to polite formalities, using statements like “we hope that the revised version of our manuscript is now acceptable to the reviewers, and suitable for publication in the [name of journal], we look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience” ( 10 ).

4. Organization

Although it is not a rule, the cover letter’s content can be organized within a cover letter header (opening salutation), three main paragraphs (the body of cover letter), and a cover letter footer (closing salutation), as described in Table 1 .

The cover letter should be initiated by addressing the editor (s) and the target journal; however, the author’s affiliation and contact information may also be included at the top of page ( 4 ). The name of the editor (s) can be easily found on the journal’s information page. If it is known, the authors must address the editor who will receive the manuscript and handle the peer-review process ( 13 ). If there are several co-editors, the person the author feels has the most appropriate background, and specialty of the topic should be addressed. In cases where such information is lacking, authors can mention all editors by name or address the letter to “dear editors” ( 12 ); however, it has been recommended to avoid writing “dear editor” ( 16 ). Also, the submission date and the journal’s name where the manuscript will be submitted are required ( 13 ).

In the first paragraph of the cover letter body, to introduce the submitted work, the title and the type of manuscript, authors’ name, journal name, and manuscript length are presented ( 4 ). In addition, it is mentioned that whether the manuscript is submitted upon an invitation or belongs to a special issue. The importance of the study, including novelty, potential implications, and its take-home message, are addressed in the second paragraph of the cover letter body. In addition, it is explained why the work would be attractive for journal readers. The third paragraph of the cover letter body includes some statements including authorship agreement, conflicts of interest, funding source, and ethical considerations. If required, potential reviewers are also suggested here.

Within the closing salutation, the authors can appreciate the editor for taking the time to read the cover letter and considering the submitted work for potential publication.

5. Some Practical Tips: The Length, and Dos and Don’ts

The authors need to spend plenty of time crafting their cover letters. They are advised to avoid too many details and keep it within one page (less than 200 words), like an introduction or a brief overview ( 4 , 11 ). The authors should check the guide for authors and cover letter suggestions provided by the journal, including all the requirements, e.g., specific disclosures, statements, and potential reviewers. Some publishers (e.g., Springer, https://www.springer.com/gp/authors-editors/journal-author/cover-letters/1398, Taylor & Francis, https://authorservices.taylorandfrancis.com/publishing-your-research/making-your submission/writing-a-journal-article-cover-letter/) provide sample cover letters that the authors can use. Figure 1 provides a sample for a cover letter.

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If the authors address previously published papers in the cover letter, then appropriate citation should be considered. The authors should carefully check the letter for any spelling and grammatical errors ( 11 , 20 ). They should make sure that they correctly spell the name of the journal’s editor (s) ( 4 ). Being careless regarding the editor’s name or the change of a journal’s name in a cover letter of a resubmitted manuscript, can be embarrassing and make a bad impression ( 4 ). It is suggested that the cover letter be written on the authors’ institutional letterhead to display professionalism and reliability ( 20 , 21 ).

5.2. Don’ts

When authors suggest a number of potential reviewers, they should avoid suggesting their friends and colleagues, as this would be viewed as a conflict of interest. Collaborators whom the authors have published with in the past five years should not be suggested either; an editor may easily be informed of such associations by a quick search of PubMed or other databases ( 22 ). The authors should avoid using complex sentence structures, jargon, and acronyms and keep the text straightforward and easy to read ( 11 , 20 ). The authors should also avoid including unrelated personal information or glorifying their past research papers or any of their academic accolades ( 20 ). They must not be rude towards the editors or complement the editor’s accomplishments ( 4 ). The novelty statement should not exaggerate or overstate the findings of the work; furthermore, any conclusion stated should be completely supported by the data provided in the manuscript ( 23 ). Finally, authors are recommended not to write a generic cover letter that could be used for any manuscript and could be sent to any journal ( 21 ).

6. Conclusion

In summary, a cover letter should highlight the novelty, importance, take-home message, and goodness-of-fit of the manuscript to the journal. These are critical information that can persuade an editor that the submitted work merits publication consideration in the journal. The cover letter should not be general but should be custom-written for the target journal. Although the submitted manuscript may usually pass through the peer-review process and get published regardless of the cover letter, a well-written, informative, and concise cover letter increases the chance of gaining acceptance.

Authors' Contribution: Study concept and design, Zahra Bahadoran and Asghar Ghasemi; Drafting of the manuscript, Zahra Bahadoran, Parvin Mirmiran, and Asghar Ghasemi; Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content, Khosrow Kashfi and Parvin Mirmiran.

Conflict of Interests: The authors have no conflict of interest.

Funding/Support: This study was supported by the Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (grant number 28127).

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  • Published: 17 October 2022

Dos and don’ts in a cover letter

Nature Computational Science volume  2 ,  page 617 ( 2022 ) Cite this article

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How to write an effective cover letter.

When authors submit their papers to Nature Computational Science , they have the option to upload a cover letter to accompany their submission. Interestingly, while most authors choose to upload one, many of the cover letters that we receive lack the sort of information that we are often looking for. Hence, we would like to use this Editorial to provide guidance to our authors and readers on what to include — and on what not to include — in a cover letter.

The cover letter provides an excellent opportunity to briefly discuss the importance of the submitted manuscript and why it is appropriate for the journal. While our editorial team consists of professional, full-time editors with diverse scientific backgrounds and PhD degrees, and who are fully capable of assessing various types of work, we encourage our authors to provide more information that can help us to further understand the importance of the problem being addressed, the novelty of the method and results, and the practical value of the proposed approach. Of course, it goes without saying that the manuscript itself should be clear on these aspects, but the cover letter provides more space for authors to point out related work and to explain in more detail the scientific advance reported in the paper.

It is important to note that cover letters are visible to the editors but not to referees. Accordingly, authors can (and should!) use cover letters to provide confidential information, such as conflicts of interest and suggestions of referees, and to identify any related manuscripts that are in press or that were submitted elsewhere. Authors can also indicate in the cover letter whether or not they have engaged in discussions about their work with one of our editors; this can be used by the chief editor when assigning a primary editor to the manuscript, for example.

Considerations regarding data and code availability are also useful to include in a cover letter. At Nature Computational Science , we see both data and code as essential aspects of a manuscript, and as a matter of fact, we perform code peer review . On that account, if there are any limitations on sharing data and code that editors should be aware of, this can be brought to our attention in the cover letter.

Of course, cover letters are not only used during the first stage of submission. When working on a revised version of a manuscript, authors can reply to our revision requests in a cover letter; they can also better explain which reviewers’ requests they addressed and which requests were not addressed (and why) in a more confidential manner. If authors decide to appeal against our decision on a manuscript, the cover letter should be used to explain in detail the scientific arguments for reconsideration.

Some words of caution are worth highlighting. While there is no specific word limit for cover letters, authors should be mindful to not overload editors with information. The text should be concise and lay out the main points that complement the submitted manuscript: authors should steer clear of repeating information that is already present in the abstract and introduction. In addition, there are some pieces of information that should be ideally avoided in a cover letter, such as endorsements from other researchers, statements overselling the proposed approach (no paradigm shifts, please!), and blunt comparisons with other papers published by the Nature Portfolio family: the focus should be primarily on the scientific arguments when explaining the significance of the research.

While some may consider cover letters an archaic form of communication, at Nature Computational Science we deem them to be an important asset to the submission process, and we encourage all of our authors to consider writing one when submitting their manuscripts.

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Dos and don’ts in a cover letter. Nat Comput Sci 2 , 617 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s43588-022-00348-4

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Published : 17 October 2022

Issue Date : October 2022

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1038/s43588-022-00348-4

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Writing a Cover Letter for Journal Submission [Free Template]

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Journal cover letters are your chance to lobby on behalf of your manuscript. This AJE Journal Cover Letter Guide offers some useful tips for getting them right. It also includes a free journal cover letter template.

Updated on September 20, 2018

two researchers writing a cover letter for journal submissions

The cover letter accompanying your journal submission is your chance to lobby on behalf of your manuscript. The letter is far from just a formality and should be written with the same care as your manuscript's text (if not more). Ultimately, your cover letter is designed to influence the decision of the editor to send your manuscript out for peer review. The letter will argue that your manuscript is a good fit for the journal you are submitting it to and highlight your most important findings. Let us help you produce the most effective cover letter possible.

Getting ready to submit your manuscript? Download our comprehensive Free Journal Cover Letter Writing Guide with Template .

A cover letter should be written like a standard business letter :

Address the editor formally by name, if known. Include your contact information, as well. This information is probably available through the journal's online submission system, but it is proper to provide it in the cover letter, too.

Begin your cover letter with a paragraph that states the name of the manuscript and the names of the authors. You can also describe what type of manuscript your submission is (research article, review, case report, etc.). In this first paragraph and the next, describe the rationale behind your study and the major findings from your research. You can refer to prior work that you have published if it is directly related.

Next, write a short paragraph that explains why your manuscript would be a good fit for the journal. Do not simply state that your manuscript is “of interest to the field” or “novel.” Address specific aspects of the journal's Aims & Scope statement. If the journal expresses interest in research with a clinical application, be sure to highlight the importance of your work in terms of clinical implications. If the journal mentions that it focuses on nanostructured materials, explain how your work involved such materials. Even if your work is not a perfect fit for the journal, be sure to address some of the Aims & Scope statement, and explain why your manuscript would be of interest to the journal's readers.

Finally, close with a brief paragraph indicating the following:

  • The manuscript is original (i.e., you wrote it, not copied it)
  • No part of the manuscript has been published before, nor is any part of it under consideration for publication at another journal
  • There are no conflicts of interest to disclose
  • A list of potential reviewers (only if requested by the journal)
  • Any researchers who should NOT review your manuscript

Together, this information provides assurance to the editor that your manuscript merits consideration for publication in their journal and that you are interested specifically in their journal. Sometimes great science will be reviewed regardless of the cover letter, but a well written cover letter is useful for the vast majority of scientists who want to make their research stand out.

Best of luck with your research! If you have any questions about your cover letter, write us anytime.

Ben Mudrak, Senior Product Manager at American Chemical Society/ChemRxiv, PhD, Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, Duke University

Ben Mudrak, PhD

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Cover Letter for Journal Submission Templates

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Cover letters

A good cover letter can help to “sell” your manuscript to the journal editor. As well as introducing your work to the editor you can also take this opportunity to explain why the manuscript will be of interest to a journal's readers, something which is always as the forefront editors’ mind. As such it is worth spending time writing a coherent and persuasive cover letter.

The following is an example of a poor cover letter:

Dear Editor-in-Chief, I am sending you our manuscript entitled “Large Scale Analysis of Cell Cycle Regulators in bladder cancer” by Researcher et al. We would like to have the manuscript considered for publication in Pathobiology. Please let me know of your decision at your earliest convenience. With my best regards, Sincerely yours, A Researcher, PhD

Instead, check to see whether the journal’s Instructions for Authors have any cover letter requirements (e.g. disclosures, statements, potential reviewers). Then, write a letter that explains why the editor would want to publish your manuscript. The following structure covers all the necessary points that need to be included.

  • If known, address the editor who will be assessing your manuscript by their name. Include the date of submission and the journal you are submitting to.
  • First paragraph: include the title of your manuscript and the type of manuscript it is (e.g. review, research, case study). Then briefly explain the background to your study, the question you sought out to answer and why.
  • Second paragraph: you should concisely explain what was done, the main findings and why they are significant.
  • Third paragraph: here you should indicate why the readers of the journal would be interested in the work. Take your cues from the journal’s aims and scope. For example if the journal requires that all work published has broad implications explain how your study fulfils this. It is also a good idea to include a sentence on the importance of the results to the field.
  • To conclude state the corresponding author and any journal specific requirements that need to be complied with (e.g. ethical standards).

TIP: All cover letters should contain these sentences:

  • We confirm that this manuscript has not been published elsewhere and is not under consideration by another journal.
  • All authors have approved the manuscript and agree with its submission to [insert the name of the target journal].

Submission checklist

Before submitting your manuscript, thoroughly check its quality one more time. Evaluate it critically—could anything be done better?

Be sure that:

  • The manuscript follows the Instructions for Authors
  • All files are in the correct file format and of the appropriate resolution or size
  • The spelling and grammar are correct
  • You have contact information for all authors
  • You have written a persuasive cover letter

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Sample Responses to Letters from Journal Editors

revision cover letter journal example

Table of Contents (Guide To Publication)

Appendix: sample responses to letters from academic and scientific editors.

Each letter to an editor is unique, so the following letters are only examples, but they will provide you with ideas about how to format and word your own replies to academic and scientific editors. The letters are completely fictional, with invented names and situations. The complete addresses may not be necessary if you’re communicating with an editor via email, as is so often the case these days, but I’ve included them to show the layout of a formal letter. For your own mailing address, it would be best to use university or department letterhead if available and provide your personal name, phone number and email address beneath the letterhead.

revision cover letter journal example

The first letter (A.1) posits that the editor is interested in the article and thinks it appropriate for the journal, but has pointed out a number of problems with the formatting, structure and referencing style of the paper as the reason for not accepting it. Whether or not the paper will be reconsidered or accepted if the necessary revisions are done remains uncertain, so the letter aims to confirm that the paper will be seriously reconsidered and ideally accepted if the necessary changes are made. It does this by thanking the editor for his helpful advice, indicating that the author understands the problems and is in the process of correcting them, and asking whether the editor would like to reconsider the paper for publication.

revision cover letter journal example

Assuming that the first letter received a positive response, the second letter (A.2) is designed to accompany the revised paper once all the necessary changes to formatting, structure and referencing have been made. It explains exactly what’s been done to correct the problems, addressing all of the concerns about the format, structure and references raised by the editor. It also explains one change that may prove problematic and offers an alternative solution. Finally, it verifies that a professional proofreader has checked the article and indicates a willingness on the part of the author to make any further changes that may be necessary to facilitate successful publication.

revision cover letter journal example

Download Word Version of Letter A1

Letter a.1: earning or confirming serious reconsideration or conditional acceptance.

Dr Sandra Jones Department of Social Sciences University of the Pacific Coast P.O. Box 101 Salmon Cove, British Columbia V2K 3L4 Canada (609) 741-8955 [email protected]

Mr Reginald Smith, Editor Journal of Changing Weather P.O. Box 707 River Rapids, Oregon 76545 USA (972) 861-9805 [email protected]

March 3, 2020

Dear Mr Smith,

Thank you for your letter regarding my manuscript entitled “Effect of Changing Weather Patterns on Home Insurance Policies: Clients Left Out in the Cold?” I’m delighted that you’re interested in the paper and think it might be appropriate for the Journal of Changing Weather .

I very much appreciate the time and effort you’ve put into your comments. Your advice about the formatting, structure and referencing style of my paper is most helpful. I’ve looked over the Journal of Changing Weather author guidelines again and see exactly where I’ve gone wrong and what changes need to be made. Once I’ve made the necessary revisions, I plan to have the paper professionally proofread to ensure that I’ve met all the requirements consistently.

However, I remain unsure about whether you’re willing to reconsider the article once the necessary changes have been made, so I’m hoping you can confirm that you’d like me to send you the revised paper for reconsideration or publication. I’ve begun working on the revisions already and will be able to return the article to you within a couple of weeks.

With thanks for your time and assistance,

[sign here for a formal letter]

Sandra Jones

Download Word Version of Letter A2

Letter a.2: resubmitting a paper after necessary revisions have been made.

March 15, 2020

Further to our correspondence a couple of weeks ago, I’m attaching the revised version of my article entitled “Effect of Changing Weather Patterns on Home Insurance Policies: Clients Left Out in the Cold?” I have now completed all of the changes you requested:

  • The numerical style of in-text referencing has been changed to author-date referencing in APA style.
  • The list of references has been arranged alphabetically by the last names of authors instead of numerically, and other changes to conform to APA style have been made to the references.
  • The article has been restructured to include separate Limitations and Conclusions sections.
  • All headings and subheadings have been adjusted to conform to the requirements indicated in the Journal of Changing Weather author guidelines, including the removal of numbers.
  • All nonstandard abbreviations and acronyms used in the paper have been defined on first use and used consistently thereafter.
  • Abbreviations used in each table have been defined in a note at the bottom of the table.
  • The vertical rules/lines have been removed from all three tables.
  • The tables are now attached as a separate file instead of embedded in the paper.

I should mention, however, that Table 3 seems a little crowded without the vertical lines separating the information in the columns, and I’m concerned that the presentation may not be as clear as it was with the lines. I see that the guidelines indicate that tables should be on a vertical/portrait page, but I also notice that a few articles in the printed version of the Journal of Changing Weather feature tables on a horizontal/landscape page, so perhaps that would be a good layout for increasing the clarity of Table 3. I’m certainly open to any suggestions you have for this table.

I’m also attaching a certificate from Proof-Reading-Service.com verifying that the article has been professionally proofread with special attention to meeting the Journal of Changing Weather author guidelines for formatting, structure and referencing.

I hope that the changes I’ve made resolve all your concerns about the article. I’m more than happy to make any further changes that will improve the paper and/or facilitate successful publication.

Thank you once again for your time and interest. I look forward to hearing from you.

revision cover letter journal example

This article is part of a book called Guide to Academic and Scientific Publication: How To Get Your Writing Published in Scholarly Journals . It provides practical advice on planning, preparing and submitting articles for publication in scholarly journals.

revision cover letter journal example

Whether you are looking for information on designing an academic or scientific article, constructing a scholarly argument, targeting the right journal, following journal guidelines with precision, providing accurate and complete references, writing correct and elegant scholarly English, communicating with journal editors or revising your paper in light of that communication, you will find guidance, tips and examples in this manual.

revision cover letter journal example

This book is focusing on sound scholarly principles and practices as well as the expectations and requirements of academic and scientific journals, this guide is suitable for use in a wide variety of disciplines, including Economics, Engineering, the Humanities, Law, Management, Mathematics, Medicine and the Social, Physical and Biological Sciences .

revision cover letter journal example

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What should be included in a cover letter?

You may be required to submit a cover letter with your submission. Individual journals may have specific requirements regarding the cover letter's contents, so please consult the individual journal's Guide for Authors.

A cover letter is a simple, brief business letter, designed to introduce your manuscript to a prospective Editor.  If the Guide for Authors does not specify what to include in your cover letter, you may wish to include some of the following items:

  • Specify special considerations that should be given to the paper (if any).
  • A brief background regarding the research involved or how the data was collected.
  • Details of any previous or concurrent submissions.
  • It's also useful to provide the Editor-in-Chief with any information that will support your submission (e.g. original or confirmatory data, relevance, topicality).
  • The inclusion (or exclusion) of certain Reviewers (if  propose/oppose reviewers  isn't an available step in the submission process).
  • Bring to the Editor’s attention any  Conflict of Interest or Permissions information  which may be relevant.  Be sure to upload any accompanying forms or declarations as required to your submission.

Please note: When your manuscript is received at Elsevier, it's considered to be in its 'final form' ready to be reviewed, so please check your manuscript carefully before you submit it to the Editor. A guide to the publication process and getting your article published in an Elsevier journal is available on the Elsevier Publishing Campus .

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Related Articles:

  • What are Conflict of Interest Statements, Funding Source Declarations, Author Agreements/Declarations and Permission Notes?
  • How can I suggest or oppose reviewers for my submission?
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  • What should I do if my file upload fails?

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Ask everyONE: Submitting your revision

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When submitting revisions to PLoS ONE , there is sometimes confusion among authors about what files should be included. Here is a brief rundown on our requirements:

  • Response to reviewers: This can either be included in your revised cover letter, or as a separate file
  • New “clean” copy of the manuscript without any track changes
  • Revised manuscript with track changes

While completing resubmission, you will have the option to include or remove any files that were previously uploaded during original submission. Please remember to remove any old files that have changed so that only the most up-to-date files are reflected in your new merged PDF.

To find answers to more commonly asked questions please check out our Most Common Questions page . If you have a more immediate question though, please contact us directly at plosone [at] plos.org.

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A LaTeX template for a journal revision letter (or cover letter)


Folders and files, repository files navigation, journal revision letter.

This repository contains a simple LaTeX template, review-response.tex , for a journal revision cover letter. The template contains two environments, called revcom and response , that are used to explain how the reviewers’ (most substantial) comments have been addressed. Both of these environments are contained in include/defs.tex . In addition to the LaTeX template, which demonstrates simple usage of these environments, the repository also contains a generated sample PDF file, review-response.pdf .

Contributors 2


  1. Journal revision letter sample

    revision cover letter journal example

  2. 25++ Sample cover letter for journal submission communication Best

    revision cover letter journal example

  3. Revision Cover Letter

    revision cover letter journal example

  4. Writing a Successful Journal Cover Letter (Free Templates)

    revision cover letter journal example

  5. Revision Cover Letter

    revision cover letter journal example

  6. Cover Letter For Journal Submission

    revision cover letter journal example


  1. Writing a cover letter to the journal editor: dos and don’ts

  2. How to write a cover letter to journal editor

  3. Write letter for me #journal #scrapbooking #journalwithme #journalingidea #journaling #hwara

  4. Journal fairy letter,journal time

  5. Letter Journaling ✉️ ✒️

  6. ✨Sunday✨ #journal #letter #brushlettering #lettering #howtoletter #fypシ #shorts #handlettering #TS


  1. PDF Response to Reviewers [Cover Letter]

    [Cover Letter] Dear Editor, We appreciate you and the reviewers for your precious time in reviewing our paper and providing valuable comments. It was your valuable and insightful comments that led to possible improvements in the current version. The authors have carefully considered the comments and tried our best to address every one of them.

  2. Cover letters

    Cover Letters. The cover letter is a formal way to communicate with journal editors and editorial staff during the manuscript submission process. Most often, a cover letter is needed when authors initially submit their manuscript to a journal and when responding to reviewers during an invitation to revise and resubmit the manuscript.

  3. PDF Writing the Revise and Resubmit Letter

    polite, appropriate, and readable letter. (See the next page for sample phrases to help you accomplish each move.) 1. Express gratitude. It is almost always appropriate to open the letter with an expression of gratitude. Reviewers have invested time and brai npower in providing detailed and comprehensive comments. Thank them for their efforts. 2.

  4. Writing an Effective Cover Letter for Manuscript Resubmission

    Draw attention to the changes made. Highlight all the changes you have made to the manuscript. This will form a positive impression on the editor and encourage him/her to consider that your resubmitted work is fit for publication. For example: "I have made every attempt to fully address these comments in the revised manuscript.".

  5. How to write a cover letter for journal submission

    Don't use too much jargon or too many acronyms, keep language straightforward and easy to read. Avoid too much detail - keep your cover letter to a maximum of one page, as an introduction and brief overview. Avoid any spelling and grammar errors and ensure your letter is thoroughly proofed before submitting.

  6. Mastering the Effective Cover Letter for Journal Submission: A

    Expert Tips for a Revision-Proof Cover Letter. Creating a cover letter that withstands the scrutiny of journal editors and reviewers requires insight and finesse. Here are expert tips to fortify your cover letter against potential revisions: Tailor Your Message. Customize your effective cover letter for each journal submission.

  7. How to Write a Winning Journal Response Letter (free templates)

    1.1 Responses from journals, and responding to them. 1.2 Revising your manuscript. 2 Structure and style of a journal rebuttal letter. 2.1 Polite, generic header and salutation. 2.2 Express thanks. 2.3 Give an overview/executive brief. 2.4 End the letter on a positive note. 2.5 Give your point-by-point responses.

  8. Q: How do I write a cover letter for a revised manuscript?

    Answer: Actually, you don't need to provide a cover letter for a revised manuscript. A cover letter is needed only at the time of submitting the first version of a manuscript. However, in this case, the situation is not very clear. It seems the journal editor had a look at the manuscript and sent it back to you for changing it (so as not to ...

  9. PDF Meredith S. Simpson, PhD

    Editor, Journal of Poetry and Psychology . Dear Dr. Simpson, On behalf of my coauthors, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to revise and resubmit our manuscript JPP-2019-1876, entitled "Poetry and the Cognitive Psychology of Metrical Constructs." We

  10. Revising and responding

    When revising your manuscript and responding to peer review comments you must: Thank the reviewers and editors for their time and comments. Address all points raised by the editor and reviewers. Describe the major revisions to your manuscript in your response letter followed by point-by-point responses to the comments raised.

  11. PDF Sample Cover Letter in APA Style for Manuscript Submission

    Dear Dr. Simpson, I am enclosing a submission to the Journal of Poetry and Psychology entitled "Poetry and the Cognitive Psychology of Metrical Constructs.". The manuscript is 40 pages long and includes four tables and two figures. I wish for the manuscript to be given a masked review. I request that my ex-partner [name blocked out] not be ...

  12. Scientific Publishing in Biomedicine: How to Write a Cover Letter?

    2. The Function of the Cover Letter. A cover letter is "a brief business letter", which introduces the submitted manuscript to a prospective editor (s) ().There are essentially two types of letters; the first is the one that is initially submitted with the manuscript (cover letter), and the second is when a revision is being submitted (revised letter).

  13. PDF Submission

    - Revision letter example Address to the Editor/s Date: xx/xx/xxxx Dr. A. Surname Editor-in-Chief, Journal Street Address City, Postcode Country Dear Editor, Journal of Make-believe We would like to thank you for the letter dated xx/xx/xxxx, and the opportunity to resubmit a revised copy of this manuscript.

  14. Dos and don'ts in a cover letter

    Of course, cover letters are not only used during the first stage of submission. When working on a revised version of a manuscript, authors can reply to our revision requests in a cover letter ...

  15. Writing a Cover Letter for Journal Submission [Free Template]

    A cover letter should be written like a standard business letter: Address the editor formally by name, if known. Include your contact information, as well. This information is probably available through the journal's online submission system, but it is proper to provide it in the cover letter, too. Begin your cover letter with a paragraph that ...

  16. PDF Sample Response to Revision Request

    Following this letter are the editor and reviewer comments with our responses in italics, including how and where the text was modified. Changes made in the manuscript are marked using track changes. The revision has been developed in consultation with all coauthors , and each author has given approval to the final form of this revision.

  17. Cover letters

    The following is an example of a poor cover letter: Dear Editor-in-Chief, I am sending you our manuscript entitled "Large Scale Analysis of Cell Cycle Regulators in bladder cancer" by Researcher et al. We would like to have the manuscript considered for publication in Pathobiology. Please let me know of your decision at your earliest ...

  18. Sample Responses to Letters from Journal Editors

    Appendix: Sample Responses to Letters from Academic and Scientific Editors. Each letter to an editor is unique, so the following letters are only examples, but they will provide you with ideas about how to format and word your own replies to academic and scientific editors. The letters are completely fictional, with invented names and situations.

  19. What should be included in a cover letter?

    If the Guide for Authors does not specify what to include in your cover letter, you may wish to include some of the following items: Specify special considerations that should be given to the paper (if any). A brief background regarding the research involved or how the data was collected. Details of any previous or concurrent submissions.

  20. Ask everyONE: Submitting your revision

    Here is a brief rundown on our requirements: Response to reviewers: This can either be included in your revised cover letter, or as a separate file. New "clean" copy of the manuscript without any track changes. Revised manuscript with track changes. While completing resubmission, you will have the option to include or remove any files that ...

  21. PDF Sample Response to Reviewers

    Reviewer 1. There are numerous strengths to this study, including its diverse sample and well-informed hypotheses. Author response: Thank you! 1. Comment from Reviewer 1 noting a mistake or oversight in the manuscript. Author response: Thank you for pointing this out. The reviewer is correct, and we have [explain the change made].

  22. Cover Letter for Journal Submission: Sample & How To Write

    That's a sample cover letter for a journal submission made with our builder. See more cover letter templates and create your cover letter here. One of our users, Matthew, had this to say: Helped me land a job! UI and resume builder were extremely helpful, and so was the cover letter builder. Overall experience was easily 5 stars!

  23. A LaTeX template for a journal revision letter (or cover letter)

    Journal Revision Letter. This repository contains a simple LaTeX template, review-response.tex, for a journal revision cover letter. The template contains two environments, called revcom and response , that are used to explain how the reviewers' (most substantial) comments have been addressed. Both of these environments are contained in ...