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19 Skills a Teacher Should List on a Resume (A to Z List)

teaching skills examples and definition, explained below

Examples of teaching skills needed to be successful in today’s classrooms include: leadership, communication, multitasking, patience, and reflectiveness.

When adding these skills to a teacher resume, you can list these in two categories: ‘soft skills’ and ‘hard skills’. We’ve listed which type of skill each is below.

Be sure your teaching resume highlights some of the skills listed below, and discuss how they will benefit the students in your classroom.

For content specifically about soft skills, see soft skills for teachers .

A to Z List of Skills for a Teacher Resume

1. communication.

Type: Soft Skill

Teachers need to be able to communicate in the classroom as well as with colleagues, parents, and administration.

Show prospective employers that you are able to effectively communicate with parents in-person.  Examples of communication skills include your ability to speak professionally and articulately, as well as your ability to be an empathetic listener. 

Teachers will also be required to communicate through different media formats such as Google Classroom, Canvas, Edutopia, or any other required website by your district.

Be sure you are informing prospective employers that you are savvy in communicating your class objectives, standards, and assignments in an easy-to-use media format for parents and administrators.

A teacher who has dynamic communication skills will stand out as a candidate that school districts can trust to effectively reach all members of a learning community.

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2. Computer Skills

Type: Hard Skill

Technology is here to stay in education. Feature how you use technology in your classroom to make yourself stand out on a resume.

If you use a smart board, projector, online classrooms, or technology in general to drive your instruction, make this stand out on your resume.  In the real world your students will be using computer skills in any or all future job opportunities. 

For example, a student might have to access google classroom in order to access a text and assignment for the day. In math, a group might be working on a shared online document to create a graphing presentation. In Science, students could be using project-based learning to demonstrate their understanding of skills or concepts taught in your class.

A resume that doesn’t highlight a teacher’s ability to incorporate and promote computer skills in their classroom will simply be overlooked.  It is no longer a skill you can go without in the classroom.

3. Creativity

Administrators love hearing new ideas for successful lesson planning and teaching. Demonstrating how you provide a creative spin to older teaching practices is a fantastic way to stand out on your resume.

Creativity can be highlighted in many different parts of your teaching style : how you develop unique lessons, how you informally assess students during class to drive your instruction, innovative solutions you have to common behavioral problems in your classroom, how you support students in sharing ideas and communicating, etc. 

Any way you can offer new insights for common practices in the classroom that lead to student success will highlight your ability to be creative.

For example, a teacher who uses a peer learning strategy that allows their students to read multiple examples of their classmates would showcase that you understand that exposure to multiple examples increases student understanding of writing skills. 

Provide specific examples of how your teaching practices go beyond normal expectations in a classroom setting and highlight the benefits of those examples for your students. This will prove your ability to be creative on your resume.

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4. Cultural Competence

Diversity in education cannot be overlooked.  Your resume needs to prove you can connect with and include to a multitude of cultural backgrounds in your classroom.

An English teacher might discuss the multicultural literature they use during their lesson plans to allow their students to see themselves within the stories and topics they are discussing, for example.

Any teacher can include cultural competence by promoting and respecting dynamic cultural differences of their students in the classroom.

Your resume should highlight how you allow your students to share their personal stories and how you, as their teacher, both formally and informally recognize those differences.

One tip would be to outline how you reach out to students at the beginning of the year and allow them to share their cultures and experiences before diving into any given curriculum.

Cultural competence cannot be overlooked on your resume.  You need to prove your ability to be culturally aware, and how you encourage students to be aware and accepting of their peers’ cultural differences. 

5. Goal Setting

Goal setting for teachers involves making sure you have short-term and long-term plans, as well as knowledge of the steps required to get there.

This is required because teachers need to be able to create a coherent unit of work to get students from their prior knowledge to mastery of a topic.

Your resume should outline how you set goals for yourself and your students, the tasks you need to accomplish, how you minimize distractions, and your overall plan for accomplishing your daily activities successfully.

6. Leadership

Teachers are leaders inside the classroom and in the school community. 

In the classroom, teachers lead groups all day long . They need a leader’s negotiating skills with students while also being able to assert their authority in the classroom.

They might also train and mentor younger and less experienced teachers and help parents with child development information that can help them raise their children.

In the school community, teachers participate in school committees where they develop educational programs and school policies. will usually be more sought after than a candidate focused solely on their classroom instruction.

School districts also have many leadership positions that need to be filled outside of the classroom, including:

  • school improvement plans,
  • curriculum planning,
  • policy and procedure development,
  • behavioral programs, etc. 

Market your leadership skills on your resume by showing times when you have been a leader in and outside of the school context. Showcasing these leadership skills are sure to get you closer to securing an interview spot.   

7. Lesson Planning

Lesson planning is a skill specific to our profession. It involves the ability to lay out not just what you will teach but how you will teach it.

Many employers now ask to see samples of lesson plans appended to resumes. If this is required, make sure you list your teaching strategies and be aware of the layout of the classroom. Your lesson plan should answer questions like:

  • Where is the teacher standing?
  • Are the students in groups or working independently?
  • What will be the pacing of the lesson?
  • How will you transition into and out of phases of the lesson?
  • What education theories are you relying on while executing this lesson?

8. Math Skills

Even if you are not a math teacher you can still easily highlight your math skills on a teaching resume.

Data-driven instruction is a major theme in successful classrooms.  Be sure to demonstrate how you collect data from your students in regards to skills they are working on in class. Questions you might get in an interview may include:

  • How do you organize student data?
  • How do you interpret data to drive your instruction for your next lesson plan or unit? 

Outlining these components on your day-to-day data collection and assessment will showcase your math skills, even if you are an English teacher.

You can even provide an example of your data collection on an anonymous student and describe how you might interpret that data to a parent or guardian so they can better understand their child’s progress in your class. 

Even if you aren’t a math or science teacher, math and data collection should still be a driving force in your teaching.  Prove this on your resume and you’ll easily showcase your math skills!

9. Multitasking

Your resume should lay out your ability to facilitate the many roles teachers play in their classroom.

In a single class, a teacher will take attendance, engage students, provide materials, introduce assignments, give directions, document behaviors, informally assess student understanding, reteach, and the list goes on!

There is no end to the amount of tasks a teacher may or may not perform in a single class period, let alone an entire day. 

Your resume needs to display your ability to handle the ever-changing needs of your students on a daily basis.  This includes both instruction and social emotional needs of your students. 

Be sure your employer knows that you understand the complexity of what happens in a classroom on a daily basis by giving examples of your ability to handle and adapt to the ever-changing environment of your classroom.

See More: 25 Examples of Multitasking

10. Patience

Teaching is the most patient of professions. Often times, you need to sit patiently with a student for a long time before they finally have the ‘light bulb’ moment they need.

A patient educator needs to be able to change up their pedagogy to match the needs of the student. For example, they should identify when a student is struggling with your teaching modalities and switch them up to a modality that is more beneficial for the student.

If you can, provide examples of past experiences where you’ve demonstrated patience and the positive outcomes that came from those experiences.  Real examples of how you can be patient in an academic setting will set you apart from other candidates.

11. Problem Solving

Being able to identify a problem, determine the cause of the problem, and initiate possible solutions to a problem are a prominent skills for any teacher and should be showcased on your resume.

Problems will appear throughout a teacher’s day. Problems with technology, problems with parents, problems with student behaviors, and student learning difficulties are all examples of issues teachers will need to face. 

‘Putting out fires’ and finding solutions for both your own problems and the problems of your students are therefore central skills. 

Showcases this to employers as a way to enhance your resume. Make sure you demonstrate you are capable of finding solutions for a variety of situations that could occur in any teacher’s day-to-day encounters.

Be sure your resume discusses your problem-solving skills with simple examples and solutions to ensure your prospective employer understands you fully acknowledge that all competent teachers can problem solve.

12. Punctuality

A classroom full of unsupervised students can lead to catastrophe. So be sure your employer is aware of your ability to be on time.

Being punctual to your classes at the start of the school day is necessary for the wellbeing of the students within the school. Teacher presence is often seen as one of the most important aspects of keeping students’ good behavior.

Beyond student supervision, you should be demonstrating to your employer that you are a candidate that they can count on to show up. Nothing is worse for administration than scrambling to find a last-minute substitute for a teacher who doesn’t show up on time to work.

Furthermore, nothing is worse for one of your colleagues than being called out of their planned period to substitute because you were a no-show! No one wants a colleague like that.

Your resume should prove you are accountable and that you will be present every day for your colleagues and your students. 

13. Reflectiveness

A reflective teacher is one who pauses at the end of the lesson and reflects on how it went. By being reflective, they can continually learn from their experiences and improve.

One way teachers show reflectiveness is to discuss how the use students’ formative assessments to plan future assessments.

Once learning is assessed teachers then need to plan their next lessons based on student mastery and determine whether they require interventions for greater understanding or enrichment opportunities for continued growth within a skill. 

One way you can accomplish this is discussing how you might incorporate reteaching strategies when students are not yet reaching mastery for a task that you previously planned to move on from.

14. Resilience

Teachers need to be able to quickly recover from difficulties in their day-to-day jobs. 

Things aren’t going to go right for you. There will always be issues that you could have solved better, and prickly parents who you need to deal with regularly.

Much like a teacher’s ability to problem solve and find solutions, teachers need to quickly bounce back after handling problems.

For instance, a teacher may receive an email in the middle of day outlining a parent complaint where their practice or skills are put down or diminished. Oftentimes, teachers must quickly adapt and continue meeting the needs of their students after facing such scrutiny.

Your resume could include a glimpse into how you might recover from such situations and your plan for growth and improvement. If you have specific examples of your previous resilience in your teaching experience, be sure to highlight these on your resume.

15. Social and Emotional Intelligence

Demonstrating your ability to be are aware of your own feelings, including your strengths and weaknesses, will prove your social and emotional intelligence.

Incorporating social emotional intelligence on your resume is simple. It can be outlined in your ability to communicate, problem solve, and self-assess your work.  

Be sure that you offer examples of both what you excel at in the classroom and what you need to work on.  When discussing what you need to improve on, be sure to include how you will make those improvements and the benefits they will have in your classroom and for your students.

Another way to include social emotional intelligence is your ability to be responsive to your students’ social emotional status within your classroom.

Provide examples for when you understood a student was struggling and provided them with resources needed to support them.

A student who may have struggled to pay attention might be struggling with hunger.  As a teacher, you were able to find them resources for free breakfast and lunch at school is a dynamite way to highlight your social emotional intelligence.

Highlighting your own social emotional intelligence and your ability to recognize social emotional cues in your students will give you an edge on your resume.

See More: Examples of High Emotional Intelligence

16. Subject-Specific Knowledge

Subject-specific knowledge is the hard skill of knowing not how to teach, but what you’re teaching .

A math teacher needs to have excellent math skills, a physics teacher must be excellent at physics, and a woodworking teacher needs excellent skills with a lathe!

One way to demonstrate excellent subject-specific knowledge is to show how you’ve used your subject-specific knowledge in your work prior to becoming a teacher.

17. Teamwork

Being a skilled team member is one of the most crucial parts of being a stellar educator. 

In order to efficiently meet the needs of diverse learners, teamwork is crucial.

Current trends in teamwork for schools include just that: teams of teachers who teach the same group of students.

One example is a school who has all core teachers (Math, Social Studies, Science, and English) overseeing the education of the same group of students.

These teachers will communicate on a daily or weekly basis on the needs of individual students including:  their success in classes, behavioral issues, social emotional needs, special education needs, etc. 

Teams of teachers should be able to observe and provide interventions for students struggling when they work together to meet student needs.  A greater impact can be made on a students’ success in the classroom when there’s a team of teachers in that student’s corner.

Exemplifying your ability to work on a team in an educational setting is a great way to increase merit on your teaching resume.

18. Time Management

In teaching you will not be seen as a viable potential employee if you cannot demonstrate your ability to organize and plan your time.

We live in a time where the crowded curriculum means we need to leverage every moment of the day. If we don’t, we’ll never get through all the teaching we need to get done by the end of the school year.

19. Writing Skills

There’s nothing worse than a teacher who sends home a newsletter with spelling mistakes all over it. It undermines your credibility as an educator!

Your resume is the first look your potential employer has of your writing skills. Make sure it’s impeccable.

You could also explicitly discuss your writing skills. For example, you could provide examples of how you model writing in your classroom, regardless of your discipline. Writing is, after all, a general academic skill that all students need. 

Remember, your resume itself will showcase your writing skills.  Be sure you have proofread your resume and that your writing is grammatically correct, formatted efficiently, and is easy to navigate for potential employers.

Go Deeper: Writing Skills Examples

Soft Skills vs Hard Skills

Soft skills are generalizable skills that are difficult to measure whereas hard skills are specific skills required in a profession, which are generally quantifiably measurable.

1. Soft skills are skills that are general in nature and can be transferrable across different professions. They are usually not quantitatively measurable. Examples include communication and leadership skills.

Soft skills also often require use of emotional intelligence to get them done. In other words, they often involve navigating complex social situations (although not always).

2. Hard skills are skills that are specific for tasks rather than generalist. They’re usually quantifiable and relate directly to your profession. For example, creating lesson plans is a measurable skill (you produce something at the end) and one that is specifically for the teaching profession.

Common Interview Questions for Teachers

  • How would you handle a disruptive student? I would answer this by highlighting the important to stay calm and patient, show concern for the student’s needs, and work together with the student, parents, and support staff to ensure the student is comfortable in the learning environment to minimize disruptive behavior going forward.
  • What is your teaching style? Most teachers would answer this with reference to active learning , placing an emphasis on situated learning , or achieving differentiation (see: examples of differentiated instruction ).
  • How do you plan to contribute to the learning culture at our school? Emphasize your ability to support other teachers, demonstrating high-standards to be a good role model to all students, and your enthusiasm to participate in co-curricular and extracurricular activities.

While the skills included in this article can seem overwhelming, remember that many of these skills are layered within each other and can be incorporated together in different aspects of your resume. 

Time management, patience, resilience, and problem solving are all skills that piggyback off of one another.  You likely won’t have one without touching on some of the others.

Work to group or highlight skills included in this article together.

Most importantly, remember to always make the forefront of your resume about the students.  Highlight how your skills enhance their learning.

The focus should always be on how you can increase student success in your classroom both academically and as citizens.  Teaching is really about the skills you have that make your students thrive!


Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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Excellent Article! Thank you for sharing. Fred

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Best Teacher Resume Skills to List

When it comes to creating an impressive teacher resume, it’s important to highlight the skills that make you stand out. Did you know that including specific, job-related skills on your resume can substantially increase your chances of getting noticed?

So, it’s crucial to list the best teacher resume skills that match the requirements of the job. This way, you can show off your strengths and demonstrate how you can make a valuable contribution in the field of education.

Best Teacher Resume Skills to List

Table of Contents

What Are Teacher Skills

Teacher skills are the abilities that make educators great at what they do. These skills include things like being a good communicator, which helps them connect with students and make learning fun. They’re also really organized and manage their time well, so they can plan lessons and keep things running smoothly in the classroom.

Teachers are adaptable too, meaning they can adjust their teaching style to fit different students’ needs. They’re experts in their subject matter and know how to give helpful feedback to help students grow. Plus, they’re masters at managing the classroom, solving problems, and coming up with creative ways to teach.

Teacher Skills on Resume Example

Jobs That Require Teacher Skills

Did you know that teacher skills are in demand beyond the traditional classroom? Many jobs recognize the value of teaching expertise and seek individuals with strong communication, adaptability, and instructional abilities. Plus, according to BLS , 123,000 new openings are projected for teachers every year over the next decade.

  • Classroom teacher (elementary, middle school, high school)
  • Special education teacher
  • ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher
  • Tutor or private instructor
  • Online instructor or e-learning facilitator
  • College or university professor
  • Education consultant or trainer
  • Curriculum developer
  • School administrator or principal
  • Education program coordinator
  • Instructional coach or mentor
  • Childcare provider or early childhood educator
  • Adult education instructor
  • Education policy analyst or researcher
  • Textbook author or editor
  • Educational content creator or curriculum writer

1. Classroom Management

A teacher should be able to create a positive and well-structured learning environment to promote student engagement and maintain discipline.

Example: Implemented effective behavior management strategies resulting in improved classroom dynamics and increased student participation.

2. Differentiated Instruction

Skill in adapting teaching methods and materials to meet the diverse needs and learning styles of individual students is highly valued in the education industry. 

Example: Developed and implemented customized lesson plans to accommodate various learning abilities, resulting in improved academic performance among students with different learning styles.

3. Communication

Strong verbal and written communication skills are essential to effectively convey information and make meaningful interactions with students, parents, and colleagues smoother. 

Example: Established open lines of communication with parents through regular newsletters and parent-teacher conferences, fostering a collaborative learning environment.

4. Curriculum Development

Teachers should also possess expertise in designing and developing curriculum materials and instructional resources aligned with educational standards and learning objectives.

Example: Created engaging lesson plans integrating multimedia resources, hands-on activities, and assessments to enhance student comprehension and achievement.

5. Assessment and Feedback

Teachers should be capable of assessing student progress, providing constructive feedback, and utilizing various assessment tools to evaluate learning outcomes.

Example: Implemented formative and summative assessments to monitor student progress, providing timely feedback to guide students’ academic growth.

6. Technology Integration

Mention your ability to effectively integrate technology tools and resources into teaching practices to enhance student learning and engagement 

Example: Utilized educational software, interactive whiteboards, and online platforms to deliver engaging lessons and facilitate interactive learning experiences.

7. Collaboration

Teachers need to collaborate with colleagues, administrators, and parents to foster a supportive and collaborative educational community.

Example: Participated in grade-level team meetings, collaborating with fellow teachers to develop cross-curricular projects and share best practices.

8. Cultural Competence

Teachers should be able to create an inclusive and culturally responsive learning environment that values and respects the diverse backgrounds and perspectives of students.

Example: Developed culturally diverse instructional materials and incorporated multicultural perspectives into lessons, fostering an inclusive classroom environment that celebrated student diversity.

9. Parental Involvement

Building positive relationships with parents and guardians, involving them in their child’s education, and effectively communicating student progress and achievements is an important skill to showcase on your resume. 

Example: Implemented regular parent communication initiatives, including weekly progress reports and parent workshops, resulting in increased parental engagement and support for students’ academic success.

10. Individualized Education Plans (IEPs)

Another highly valued skill for teachers today is the familiarity with developing and implementing IEPs for students with special needs, including setting specific goals, designing accommodations, and collaborating with parents and support services.

Example: Collaborated with special education team members to develop and implement personalized IEPs, ensuring individualized support and accommodations for students with diverse learning needs.

Where to Add Teacher Skills in Your Resume

When creating your resume, it’s important to strategically include your teacher skills in relevant sections to highlight your qualifications. Here are a few key areas where you can add your teacher skills.

  • Skills Section: Create a dedicated section near the top of your resume specifically for listing your teacher skills. Use bullet points to highlight each skill, making it easy for hiring managers to identify your areas of expertise at a glance.
  • Summary/Objective Statement: Incorporate some of your key teacher skills within your summary or objective statement. This provides a brief overview of your qualifications and immediately showcases your relevant strengths to potential employers.
  • Experience Section: As you describe your teaching experience in the professional experience section, include specific teacher skills that were instrumental in your success. For each role or position, highlight the skills utilized and their impact on student learning, classroom management, or other relevant aspects of teaching.
  • Certifications and Training: If you have obtained any teaching certifications, include them in a separate section of your resume. This demonstrates your commitment to professional development and validates your expertise in specific areas.

Example of a Teacher Resume

Jane Smith 123 Main Street Anytown, USA 12345 (555) 123-4567 [email protected] Objective: Dedicated and enthusiastic professional seeking a position as a Teacher to utilize my passion for education and create a positive learning environment for students. Skills: – Elementary curriculum and instructional methodologies – Excellent communication and interpersonal skills – Proficient in using educational technology tools and platforms  – Ability to create a positive and inclusive classroom environment  – Experience with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) Experience: Elementary School Teacher, XYZ Elementary School, Anytown, USA 2019 – Present – Plan and deliver engaging lessons based on the curriculum, ensuring effective learning outcomes for students. – Employ a variety of instructional strategies to accommodate diverse learning styles and needs. – Foster a positive and inclusive classroom environment that promotes student engagement and collaboration. – Utilize formative and summative assessments to monitor student progress and provide timely feedback. – Collaborate with colleagues to develop and implement school-wide initiatives and activities. – Communicate regularly with parents to discuss student performance and address any concerns. Student Teacher, ABC Elementary School, Anytown, USA 2017-2019 – Assisted in developing lesson plans and materials for various subjects and grade levels. – Conducted small-group instruction and provided individualized support to students. – Assessed student performance and provided feedback to the supervising teacher. – Participated in parent-teacher conferences and contributed to student progress reports. Education: Bachelor of Education, ABC University, Anytown, USA Major: Elementary Education Graduation Year: 2016 Certifications: Teaching Certification, State of Anytown, USA, 2016 CPR and First Aid Certification, 2017

How to Improve Teacher Skills

Here are several effective strategies for how to improve your teaching skills:

  • Engage in professional development opportunities, such as attending workshops, conferences, and seminars, to stay updated with the latest teaching methodologies, strategies, and research.
  • Regularly reflect on your teaching practices, lesson plans, and classroom management techniques. Analyze what worked well and areas for improvement. Consider seeking feedback from colleagues, mentors, or administrators.
  • Collaborate with fellow teachers to share ideas, resources, and best practices. Participate in team teaching, co-planning, or professional learning communities to gain insights from others and enhance your own teaching skills.
  • Explore and incorporate educational technology tools and platforms into your teaching practices. Learn how to effectively use technology to enhance instruction, engage students, and facilitate learning.
  • Engage in regular self-reflection to evaluate your teaching practices, set goals for improvement, and track your progress. Identify areas where you can grow and seek opportunities for self-improvement.

The best teacher resume skills to list should showcase your abilities and strengths as an educator. These skills should demonstrate your expertise in instructional methods, classroom management, communication, and adaptability. Including skills such as technology integration, differentiation, assessment, and cultural competence will highlight your commitment to creating a positive and inclusive learning environment for students.

Additionally, emphasizing your commitment to professional development and reflective practice will showcase your willingness to continuously improve and stay up-to-date with the latest teaching practices.

What Skills Are Important for a Teacher Resume?

Some of the most important skills for a teacher resume include classroom management, differentiated instruction, curriculum development, communication, and technology integration.

How to List Art Skills on Resume for an Art Teacher Job?

When listing art skills on a resume for an art teacher job, consider including the following:

  • Proficiency in various art mediums (e.g., drawing, painting, sculpture)
  • Knowledge of art history and art appreciation
  • Ability to teach different art techniques and styles
  • Experience with art materials and tools
  • Understanding of color theory and composition
  • Familiarity with digital art software and technology
  • Strong creativity and artistic expression

What Should I Put on My Resume for a Teaching Job?

When creating a resume for a teaching job, consider including the following:

  • Contact Information: include your full name, address, phone number, and email address.
  • Objective Statement: Write a concise statement that highlights your career goals and your passion for education.
  • Relevant Skills: Highlight key skills such as instructional methods, classroom management, communication, technology integration, assessment, differentiation, and cultural competence.
  • Teaching Experience: Detail your teaching experience, including the names of schools, positions held, and dates of employment. Describe your responsibilities, achievements, and any notable projects or initiatives.
  • Education: List your educational background, including degrees earned, institutions attended, and graduation dates.
  • Certifications: Include any teaching certifications or licenses you hold, along with the issuing authority and expiration dates.

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10+ Teacher Skills You Need On Your Resume in 2023

June 25, 2023

Teaching is a profession that offers numerous rewards, both personally and professionally. As a teacher, you hold the power to shape young minds, inspire future generations, and make a living while at it.

If you have a passion for a specific subject or field and enjoy sharing knowledge and guiding others, a teaching career offers an ideal platform for you to channel your enthusiasm.

In most schools, teachers are responsible for a variety of daily tasks that contribute to the smooth functioning of the classroom. While the specific tasks vary depending on grade level, subject area, and school policies, some common responsibilities of teachers include:

  • Lesson planning
  • Delivering instruction
  • Students assessment
  • Classroom management

To ensure you get hired and perform all the above responsibilities effectively, you need a certain set of skills.

In this guide, we’ll cover all the teaching skills you should consider acquiring and putting on your teacher resume.

teacher skills

Crucial Teacher Skills

Teachers must be skilled in the areas we’re going to cover next. Some of these teacher skills can be learned during the teacher education degree programs and others you can learn on your own as a certified teacher.

1. Communication

Communication is undeniably the most critical skill for an educator because it underpins all aspects of their work.

Effective communication enables teachers to connect with their:  

  • Students: To convey information, instructions, and concepts. They must ensure that students understand the subject matter of the lesson. 
  • Colleagues: To share ideas, resources, and best practices, contributing to professional growth and enhancing teaching approaches. 
  • Parents: To provide regular updates on students’ progress, discuss challenges, and seek parental involvement to support student learning.
  • Stakeholders in the education community: To access resources, participate in professional development programs, or engage in collaborative projects.

Each student, parent, colleague, or community member may have unique perspectives, experiences, and expectations. 

Effective teachers actively listen, empathize, and seek to understand these diverse viewpoints. This way, they can adapt their communication style and address concerns or challenges more effectively.

2. Critical Thinking

Critical thinking involves applying reasoning, logic, and reflection to teaching practices, curriculum design, and classroom management.

Critical thinking empowers teachers to analyze, evaluate, and make informed decisions that consider the best interests of their students while aligning with their institution’s goals and standards. 

Teachers in primary and secondary education must navigate educational objectives as well as be aware of parents’ expectations for their children’s learning and discipline. 

Critical thinking enables teachers to strike a balance between meeting academic standards and addressing parental concerns. It helps ensure that the classroom environment is safe, nurturing, and conducive to learning.

Here are a few examples of how critical thinking manifests in teaching:

  • Curriculum design: Teachers critically analyze curriculum guidelines, educational standards, and student needs to design effective and engaging lessons. They consider different teaching strategies and select the most appropriate approaches to support learning among their students.
  • Problem-solving: In the classroom, teachers encounter a wide range of challenges such as addressing individual student needs, managing disruptive behavior, or adapting to unexpected situations. Critical thinking enables them to develop creative solutions that balance the needs of the students and the overall learning environment.
  • Assessment: Teachers use critical thinking to develop meaningful assessments that effectively measure student learning and progress. They analyze assessment data to identify areas of strength and areas for improvement to help students understand their strengths and weaknesses.

3. Patience

Patience is a crucial skill for teachers at all levels because classrooms consist of diverse cultural backgrounds, learning styles, and intellectual abilities. 

Teachers must recognize and respect these differences while maintaining a balance between their own expectations and each student’s unique abilities. Patience enables teachers to create an inclusive and supportive learning environment, fostering student growth and success.

For example, students have varying levels of understanding and learning needs. Patience allows teachers to provide individualized support to each student, acknowledging that they may require different approaches and timelines to grasp and apply concepts. Teachers patiently offer additional explanations and extra practice to ensure they understand.

Students may also face challenges in their personal lives that impact their performance and behavior. Patience helps teachers respond calmly and empathetically to these challenges. 

Teachers take the time to understand the underlying issues, provide guidance and support, and help students navigate through difficult situations. They also create a safe space for students to express their concerns and seek assistance.

Another instance where teachers need patience is when developing relationships with students. It takes time and patience to build rapport and trust, and open lines of communication with their students. 

They take the time to listen attentively, value students’ perspectives, and create a sense of belonging in the classroom. Patient teachers understand that nurturing positive relationships contributes to an engaging learning environment.

Patience allows educators to create a nurturing learning environment where students thrive academically, emotionally, and socially.

4. Leadership

Teachers require leadership skills both inside and outside the classroom. 

Within the classroom, teachers serve as leaders who guide and inspire students toward academic success and personal growth. 

Beyond the classroom, teachers also demonstrate leadership when interacting with fellow teachers and school administrators, contributing to a collaborative educational environment.

For instance, teachers can exercise leadership skills by setting high expectations and providing a positive role model for students to emulate. 

Teachers can also demonstrate leadership by serving as mentors and providing support to less-experienced teachers or student teachers. They can offer guidance, share knowledge, and help foster the growth and professional development of their colleagues.

5. Organization

Teachers must possess strong organizational skills to perform their roles effectively.

Managing materials and students’ assignments efficiently is crucial for creating a productive learning environment. 

In a classroom with potentially up to 30 students, it can be challenging for teachers to stay organized, maximize their instructional time, and ensure that each student receives the attention they need. 

Here are a few tips to help improve organizational skills in the classroom:

  • Prepare your lesson plans, notes, and teaching materials at home before the class to save time. This way, you’re able to focus on delivering content during class time and reduce the likelihood of forgetting important information.
  • Before starting a lesson, determine the specific learning objectives for that session. Clearly defined goals help you stay focused and enable you to organize your teaching materials and resources better.
  • Use a calendar or planner to schedule lessons, mark important deadlines, and track student assignments. This will help you prioritize tasks, allocate appropriate time for each activity, and avoid last-minute rushes.
  • Establish a system to manage student assignments You can create a centralized location, such as a folder or tray, where students submit their work.
  • Utilize technology to enhance organizational skills in the classroom. There are software applications and online tools available to assist teachers in managing their materials, grading assignments, and tracking student progress. For example, Moodle, Google Classroom, and Evernote.
  • Regularly declutter your classroom, organize teaching materials, and ensure that everything has its designated place. This promotes a visually appealing and conducive environment for both teachers and students.
  • Establish consistent routines and tasks to help create a sense of structure and order in the classroom. For example, submitting assignments, classroom transitions, and accessing learning resources. 

When students know what is expected of them, it becomes easier to manage their assignments and materials.

By implementing these tips you’ll enhance your organizational skills and create an environment that promotes effective teaching and learning.

6. Time Management

Time management is a crucial aspect of being an efficient teacher. Similar to organizational skills, time management plays a vital role in ensuring that teachers can accomplish their tasks, meet deadlines, and maintain a productive learning environment.

For teachers, time management involves effectively allocating and prioritizing their time to:

  • Teaching responsibilities
  • Administrative tasks
  • Student assessments
  • Professional development
  • Personal well-being. 

It requires the ability to plan and structure their time in a way that maximizes productivity, minimizes distractions, and allows for flexibility when unexpected events arise.

In addition to professional obligations, time management is crucial for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. 

Teaching can be demanding, and without proper time management, it is easy for educators to feel overwhelmed and experience burnout. 

Teachers can create space for personal activities and self-care, and spend quality time with family and friends by efficiently managing their time.

7. Teamwork

Teamwork enables educators to teach their students the importance of working well in teams and in fostering positive interactions with other school personnel. 

Teachers can create an environment that enhances school culture by demonstrating effective teamwork. Teachers who excel in teamwork help instill the values necessary for students to collaborate effectively. 

They can create opportunities for students to work in groups, encouraging them to communicate, cooperate, and contribute to shared goals. 

Through team-based projects, discussions, and activities, students learn valuable skills such as problem-solving, communication, leadership, and empathy, which are essential for their future success in work and life.

Teamwork is essential for teachers to interact kindly and effectively with administrators, fellow teachers, support staff, and parents. 

Schools function as complex systems, and effective collaboration among all stakeholders is crucial for creating a harmonious and productive learning environment. 

For example, teachers can engage in teamwork by working together to develop curriculum plans, share resources, exchange ideas, and provide mutual support to their colleagues.

They can also participate in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to reflect and adjust their teaching practices to suit student needs.

8. Listening

Being a good listener plays a vital role in understanding students’ needs and continuously improving teaching efforts. 

By actively listening, you can gather valuable feedback from your students, fellow teachers, and parents, which helps enhance your instructional strategies.

Being a good listener will help you:

  • Understand individual student needs and concerns
  • Create an inclusive learning environment where students feel seen and heard
  • Gather feedback on your teaching styles from students and fellow educators.

The following are examples of listening for teachers in the classrooms:

  • Engaging in one-on-one consultations with students to discuss their progress and concerns.
  • Facilitating class discussions and listening to students’ contributions.
  • Giving out feedback forms to gather input from students about their learning experiences, teaching methods, or classroom dynamics.
  • Participating in professional development sessions and listening to presentations, workshops, or seminars to learn new teaching strategies.
  • Seeking feedback from parents to understand their perspectives. and address any of their concerns.

You can create an environment that values student voices and promotes open communication by being a good listener.

9. Adaptability

Education is a dynamic field that undergoes continuous change from the teaching approaches to technologies utilized in the classroom.

Furthermore, students come from diverse backgrounds and have varying learning styles, abilities, and interests.

Being able to adapt to these changes is crucial for teachers to provide relevant and meaningful learning experiences.

Here are a few examples of how educators can apply adaptability in teaching:

  • Modifying lesson plans and instructional materials based on students’ feedback, interests, and learning styles.
  • Adjusting the pace of instruction to accommodate students who require more time or have learning challenges.
  • Adapting alternative methods of assessments to provide multiple means of evaluating different students. For example projects and class presentations
  • Switching up the seating arrangements or learning environments to accommodate different student preferences and needs.
  • Integrating new technologies and digital resources to enhance learning experiences and engage students in new ways.

Being adaptable can enable teachers to respond to the evolving needs of their students in order to prepare them for success in a rapidly changing world.

10. Empathy

Empathy is a fundamental trait for effective teachers because it allows them to understand and connect with their students on a deeper level. 

Working with students requires understanding that they are unique individuals with diverse backgrounds and objectives.

This understanding helps teachers tailor their instruction, provide appropriate support, and build stronger relationships with their students.

Teachers can show empathy by:

  • Acknowledging and validating students’ emotions and experiences.
  • Being patient and understanding when students face difficulties or make mistakes.
  • Celebrating and appreciating students’ diverse backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives.
  • Providing individualized support and guidance to students based on their unique needs and goals.
  • Incorporating diverse and inclusive learning materials and perspectives in the curriculum.

Being empathetic helps educators forge stronger connections with their students and improve educational experiences for students.

11. Self-Evaluation

While it is important to receive feedback from others, being able to evaluate yourself is equally as valuable. 

Self-evaluation allows you to reflect on your teaching practices, identify areas for improvement, and take proactive steps to enhance their effectiveness in the classroom.

Becoming a teacher means that you’re ready to be a lifelong learner and you’re well aware that self-evaluation leads to improvement.

You can practice self-evaluation by:

  • Reviewing your lesson plans and assessing whether the desired learning outcomes were achieved and if students were actively engaged in the learning process.
  • Identifying areas where students may be struggling or excelling, and reflect on your instructional strategies to better meet student needs.
  • Keeping a teaching journal to record your reflections, observations, and ideas related to your teaching style. 
  • Utilizing self-assessment tools or checklists to evaluate your own teaching methods against established standards or best practices.

Self-evaluation will help you take an active role in your professional development by identifying areas for improvement and setting meaningful goals.

12. Commitment 

Being a good teacher requires a deep sense of dedication and care for your job and students. 

The most successful educators are those who are committed to the growth, well-being, and success of their students, and who approach their teaching career with passion.

Being committed gives you the urge to invest time and effort to ensure the success of your students 

As with any career, teaching comes with its own challenges. Being committed will help you work around different challenges and engage in professional development activities to enhance your teaching styles.

Choosing a field of teaching that aligns with your genuine interests and passions is an excellent way to ensure long-term commitment. 

If you have a deep personal connection to the subject you teach, you’ll always have enthusiasm, expertise, and ability to inspire students throughout your teaching career.

13. Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution is an essential skill for teachers as conflicts are inevitable in any classroom setting. 

Teachers need to be adept at resolving conflicts, whether they arise between themselves and students or among students themselves. 

Handling conflicts effectively sets the tone for a positive learning environment. It also helps avoid disruptions that could hinder learning.

For example, if there is a conflict between two students, the teacher should take immediate action to address the conflict.

The teacher should listen to each side, identify underlying issues causing the conflict and facilitate a calm conversation between the two students.

The teacher should guide the students to brainstorm possible solutions together and encourage them to find common ground and compromise. 

After resolving the conflict, the teacher should encourage them to reflect on the experience. and discuss the lessons learned.

Effective conflict-resolution skills ensure a harmonious classroom environment.

and empower students to resolve conflicts independently. 

teacher skills

Reasons to Choose a Teaching Career

One of the significant advantages of choosing a teaching career is the variety it offers. 

Unlike many other professions that involve a repetitive routine, teaching jobs are constantly broken up with various events and activities. 

Teachers get to experience:

  • Sports days
  • School trips 
  • Celebrations

This variety in daily activities brings excitement to their work. There are also unexpected events or surprises that can arise in the classroom, making each day unique and interesting. For example, a special guest may visit and speak to the class. 

For many teachers, teaching is more of a calling than a career. Teachers have the ability to shape young minds, inspire students, and have a positive impact on their lives. 

The satisfaction that comes from witnessing a student’s progress, growth, and success is the most fulfilling reward of this career path. Choosing a teaching career allows you to utilize the knowledge you acquired during your degree program. 

Whether you specialize in mathematics, history, science, or any other field, you have the opportunity to apply and share your knowledge to contribute to the educational development of students.

There is an ongoing need for qualified teachers across the United States. This ensures job security with plenty of opportunities to explore.

For example, you can teach in public or private schools, or pursue a career in specialized areas such as special education or bilingual education.

When it comes to salary, the average salary for teachers varies based on factors such as experience, location, and the level of education. 

The table below shows the median annual wage for teachers at different educational levels according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS ) as of May 2021.

Even though the salary is not the primary motivation for most teachers, it’s worth considering the competitive pay and benefits that come with the profession.

What is a Teacher Skill?

A teacher skill refers to a set of abilities that educators should possess to effectively carry out their roles in the classroom. 

While formal education and qualifications are essential for becoming a teacher, it’s equally important to focus on developing specific skills that are vital for working in the education industry.

In today’s competitive job market, schools often receive numerous applications for each teaching position they post. As a result, standing out from the competition can be challenging. 

By acquiring and refining relevant teaching skills, you can put yourself above the rest and demonstrate your readiness to excel as an educator.

Skills are required for us to evolve and adapt as society and technology advance. For instance, in the modern era, technology plays a significant role in education. Therefore, teachers must be proficient in using digital resources, tools, and platforms to enhance student learning. 

For example, using educational apps, online research tools, interactive whiteboards, or incorporating multimedia elements into lessons. 

Embracing technology will help you create a learning environment that resonates with today’s digitally connected students.

Final Thoughts

Teacher skills are crucial for effective and impactful teaching. Skilled teachers possess a wide range of competencies that enable them to create engaging learning experiences and cultivate a positive classroom environment.

We offer continuous improvement programs that give you skills that are essential for professional development. We ensure you meet the diverse needs of your students.

In addition, a teacher’s skills significantly impact their job prospects. When applying for teaching positions, a strong skill set sets you apart from other candidates. Visit our skills page and get started.

Let’s help improve your skills and keep you relevant in this competitive job market.

Certified vs Non-Certified Teacher - Main Difference in 2023

June 25, 2023 by bryan

teacher skills and abilities for resume

Texas Teachers Certification Areas

Texas teachers currently offers 50+ certification areas:.

  • Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources 6–12 (272)
  • American Sign Language (ASL) (184)
  • Art EC–12 (178)
  • Bilingual Education Supplemental (164)
  • Bilingual Target Language Proficiency Test (BTLPT) Spanish (190)
  • Business and Finance 6–12 (276)
  • Chemistry 7–12 (240)
  • Computer Science 8–12 (241)
  • Core Subjects EC-6 (291)
  • Core Subjects 4–8 (211)
  • Dance 6–12 (279)
  • English as a Second Language Supplemental (154)
  • English Language Arts and Reading 4–8 (117)
  • English Language Arts and Reading 7–12 (231)
  • English Language Arts and Reading/Social Studies 4–8 (113)
  • Family and Consumer Sciences EC-12 (200)
  • Health EC–12 (157)
  • Health Science 6–12 (273)
  • History 7–12 (233)
  • Journalism 7–12 (256)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Arabic EC–12 (600 & 605)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) French EC–12 (610)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) German EC–12 (611)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Latin EC–12 (612)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Japanese EC–12 (602 & 607)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Mandarin Chinese EC–12 (601 & 606)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Russian EC–12 (603 & 608)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Spanish EC–12 (613)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Vietnamese EC–12 (604 & 609)
  • Life Science 7–12 (238)
  • Marketing 6–12 (275)
  • Mathematics 4–8 (115)
  • Mathematics 7–12 (235)
  • Mathematics/Physical Science/Engineering 6–12 (274)
  • Mathematics/Science 4–8 (114)
  • Music EC–12 (177)
  • Physical Education EC–12 (158)
  • Physical Science 6–12 (237)
  • Physics/Mathematics 7–12 (243)
  • Science 4–8 (116)
  • Science 7–12 (236)
  • Social Studies 4–8 (118)
  • Social Studies 7–12 (232)
  • Special Education EC–12 (161)
  • Speech 7–12 (129)
  • Technology Applications EC–12 (242)
  • Technology Education 6–12 (171)
  • Texas Assessment of Sign Communication–American Sign Language™ (TASC–ASL™) (073)
  • Theatre EC–12 (180)
  • Trade and Industrial (T&I)

teacher skills and abilities for resume

How to List Teacher Skills on a Resume

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Why employers want to see teacher skills on your resume

How to list teacher skills on a resume, best teacher skills to add to a resume, how to improve teacher skills.

If you’re applying for a teacher position, it’s important to include the most relevant teaching skills on your resume. Doing so will let employers know how qualified you are for the role. This article explains how to include teacher skills on your resume and how you can improve those skills to showcase your unique abilities for the job.

Employers want to see teacher skills on your resume because it shows them how you qualify for the role you’re applying for. Before making a hiring decision, it’s important for them to consider what contributions you can make to their school or institution. Having your skills listed on your resume allows them to see not only what you know, but also lets them see how you compare with other candidates vying for the same position.

Consider the following steps for how to list your relevant skills on your teacher resume:

1. First, consider your relevant skills

Before you begin including your skills on your resume, consider your relevant abilities in this field. In addition, you should refer to the job posting to understand what skills the employer is looking for in particular. Make a list of your relevant teacher skills. These skills should emphasize your ability to perform well in this new role.

2. Second, include teacher skills with your certifications

One way to include your skills on your resume is to describe them through your certifications. Rather than stating your particular skills, listing your certifications shows that your teaching skills have been examined and deemed worthy of certification. If you have relevant certifications, include these in a separate section on your resume.

For example, as a teacher, you might have an early childhood education certification. This shows employers that you not only have experience and skills working with younger children in the education system but also that these skills have been vetted and verified. 

3. Third, include teacher skills with your experience

The experience section on your resume is a great section to include your skills in each description. For example, if you were recently a third-grade teacher, you should give a brief description of your responsibilities in that position. This could include a particular learning strategy you implemented in this role. Make sure you’re incorporating your skills seamlessly throughout various bullet points. 

4. Fourth, include a skills section

If you’re including a skills section on your resume, this section is a great place to touch on skills you hadn’t previously mentioned on your resume. Include this section at the end of your resume and particularly after your experience section. 

Here are some of the most valuable teacher skills you can add to your resume:

Communication skills 

Teachers should be good verbal and written communicators with not only their students but with colleagues and parents as well. In addition, you’ll need to adapt your communication style to your individual students. 


As a teacher, it’s important that you’re able to motivate yourself without the help of others. Including this skill shows employers you’re passionate about your job regardless of your working environment.


Because you’ll be teaching various individuals, it’s important to consistently inspire them in the classroom. This will motivate them to learn to the best of their ability.

Active listening skills

As a teacher, it’s important that you’re able to understand and adequately observe what a speaker has to say. This is especially important as you listen to students in the classroom and meet with parents or your supervisors.

Time management skills

Time management skills ensure that you’re able to adhere to a schedule and perform certain tasks in a timely manner. This is an important skill that showcases your ability to complete your responsibilities by the required deadline.

Critical thinking skills

As a teacher, it’s important to be a critical thinker as you’ll need to solve problems and analyze situations daily. This is a great skill that can illustrate your ability to effectively create lesson plans, manage your students and more.

Here are some methods that can be used to help improve your teacher skills:

1. First, know your subject matter

As a teacher, it’s important that you know the subject matter that you’re teaching. For example, take some extra time to review your lesson plans each day. The better you are prepared and the more you know about the topic you’re presenting, the better the learning environment you will share with your students.

2. Second, be confident

As a teacher, it’s important to believe in yourself. The more confidence you have, the more students will believe in themselves. In addition, the more confident you are, the more you’ll be able to inspire others and have the drive to be an exemplary teacher for your students. 

3. Third, recognize different learning styles

As a teacher, you’ll be working with a variety of students with different learning styles, personalities and backgrounds. You can improve your teaching skills by determining how each of your students learns best.

4. Fourth, create a schedule

In order to improve your time management skills, make a schedule for the day, week or month. Prioritizing your tasks will help you effectively manage your time.

SEO Title: Teacher Resume Skills | Best Skills & Examples |

Discover some of the best teacher resume skills to highlight in your experience when applying for a teaching position.

  • Crimson Careers
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  • Harvard College
  • Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
  • Harvard Extension School
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  • Explore Interests & Make Career Decisions
  • Create a Resume/CV or Cover Letter
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Top 10 Teaching Skills for Your Resume and How to Highlight Them

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Top 10 Teaching Skills for Your Resume and How to Highlight Them was originally published on Forage .

Whether you’re a new graduate looking for your first teaching job or someone who wants to make a career change to education, you need to include teaching skills on your resume. But how do you include your teaching skills on your resume without resorting to a laundry list of skills?

While you probably can’t include all of your relevant skills, focusing on the top ones (as in, your strongest ones) will help you focus your application. The next step is describing how you use your teaching skills on the job.

Not sure where to start or which skills to pick? This guide has it all!

The Top 10 Teaching Skills for Your Resume

A majority of the top teaching skills for your resume are soft skills , though there are a few hard skills as well. And what’s great about soft skills is that they aren’t something you necessarily have to take a class for or learn on a specific job.

Soft skills, and by extension, teaching skills, are skills you develop throughout your life, making them highly transferable . Some skills you may have picked up at a summer job or internship and others you may have honed working on group projects. And there are a few skills you may have picked up in your day-to-day life, like staying organized so you don’t forget any of your to-dos.

How to Include Teaching Skills on Your Resume

The easiest way to include the below teaching skills is to list them as part of the skills section of your resume . Alternatively, you could include them as part of your job duties in your work history (e.g., created presentations). However, neither explain how you use these skills as a teacher.

Now, normally, you would use the STAR method to describe how you use your skills at work, and for most jobs, results (the “R” of STAR) are relatively simple to include. You can talk about how many deals you closed, how much business you managed, or how you improved a process that saved the company money.

When it comes to including teaching skills — and soft skills in general — on your resume,  there isn’t always a concrete way to quantify your outcomes. But there are ways you can explain how you use those skills at work.

Each of these skills has a STAR-method example of how you can include your teaching skills on your resume.

1. Patience

Patience, as they say, is a virtue, and it’s a skill teachers need plenty of — no matter which grade or subject you teach. From helping younger students learn their ABCs and how to tie a shoelace to working with older students who would rather watch TikTok instead of participate, teachers have to have patience.

Resume Example: Talk about a time you had to be patient on the job or in school. This could include having to follow up with a coworker multiple times or waiting for someone to finish their part of the project.

Tracked and followed up with team members on progress toward group goal to ensure project was completed on time

2. Conflict Resolution

Another critical teaching skill to include on your resume is conflict resolution. You’ll likely have to help students navigate tricky situations, whether personal or academic. At those times, it’s possible your student lacks self-control or awareness, which may make them less receptive to what you’re saying and possibly act out.

And beyond the classroom, you’ll probably use your conflict resolution skills when you speak with parents, other teachers, the administration, or school board.

Resume Example: You can talk about dealing with parents or students during your student teaching or about a group project you worked on where you de-escalated a conflict.

Mediated disagreements between students to ensure classroom remained a safe place to learn

3. Time Management

While you know what happens at 9:55 a.m. and may even have a bell that cues you throughout the school day, you can’t be halfway through your lesson by the end of class.

Teachers need top-tier time management skills to ensure they stay on time so students get the information they need, no one is late to the next class, and your class doesn’t miss the bus!

Resume Example: Talking up your time management skills is very similar to project management , so you can talk about a project you managed from start to finish. Likewise, you can mention how you use your time management skills to ensure you don’t fall behind on due dates.

Created calendar with milestone due dates to ensure group completed project tasks on time

4. Technology and Computer Literacy

In today’s digital world, technological and computer literacy is a must. Even if you’re not teaching a STEM class, there’s a high probability you will use some kind of technology in the classroom. Textbooks may be online, as well as the gradebook and attendance reporting.

While you don’t have to be a software engineer to be a teacher, you should demonstrate that you have some digital know-how.

Resume Example: Among teaching skills for your resume, this one is more of a hard skill and a bit easier to demonstrate. You can talk about how you’re a wiz with spreadsheets (like Excel ), run a hobby website, or design illustrations for lessons.

Use Canva to create interactive elements for lessons and worksheets

5. Attention to Detail

Teachers are responsible for tons of details. You don’t want to misrecord something in the gradebook or mark the wrong person absent. What’s more, sometimes a substitute may take your place, so your lesson plans need to be thorough and detailed so the substitute can teach your students and ensure they don’t fall behind.

Resume Example: Mention a time you had to use your attention to detail skills. Maybe you were the editor of the student newspaper, or you had to balance the cash register at night. Both tasks demonstrate that you pay attention to and notice the little things.

Edited student newspaper to ensure the final copy was error-free and reduce the probability of having to retract the article or issue a correction

6. Problem-Solving

Though most days at school are fairly routine, there will be times you have to engage your problem-solving skills . The power might be out, and you have to teach everything analog. Or the supplies you need for an experiment haven’t shown up yet. Even though you have a lesson plan, you’ll still have to improvise, and that means solving problems and engaging your creative thinking .

Resume Example: Talk about a time you had to think on your feet and be creative. That could be anything from devising a lesson plan from scratch to giving a presentation on the fly.

Discovered data inconsistency with reporting and created a new filter to ensure more accurate results

7. Leadership

When people think of leadership in relation to teaching and teachers, they probably think of the head of a department or the principal. While those are leadership positions, being the teacher in a classroom of 20 six-year-olds requires leadership skills .

For example, if you’re trying to line the class up and move them quietly through the hall, accomplishing this task requires you to persuade, convince, and motivate a bunch of kids who may be hungry, tired, or need to run around outside. Your ability to make this happen uses a mix of soft skills, but they all come together to make you the leader of the class!

Resume Example: Leadership doesn’t have to equate to “in charge.” Think about a time you motivated and inspired others to get something done, especially if it was a task no one was interested in.

Ensured safety and well-being of 20 campers, including daily head counts, taking campers to the nurse, and teaching basic swim lessons.

8. Communication

Teachers use their verbal and written communication skills a lot . Whether it’s writing a syllabus, explaining the water cycle, filling out report cards, or telling the class that recess is over, teachers spend most of their time communicating .

And teachers communicate with multiple groups, so the ability to vary your communication style for the particular audience is necessary. For example, how you present something to the board of education is very different from explaining it to seventh graders.

Resume Example: While your resume (and cover letter ) are examples of your written skills , don’t stop there. Talk about papers you’ve written or blog posts you’ve contributed. And for verbal communication skills, talk about the presentations you’ve given.

Presented senior thesis to Humanities department about improving reading skills in fourth-grade classes

9. Organization

Planning the lessons, scheduling the quizzes and tests, and making sure everyone is where they need to be requires stellar organization skills, but that’s only one part of the puzzle. Teachers also make sure to teach students the information the school or state mandates at the right time, so students are prepared for required benchmark tests.

Resume Example: Describe how you stay organized, whether that’s in school or on the job.

10. Advocacy

Finally, you’ll often need to advocate for your students, classroom, school, and even your community. But advocacy in this context generally requires a gentle touch and awareness.

Resume Example: Talk about a time you stood up for something, but ensure it’s not “over the top.” For example, mentioning how you spoke to the school board while you were in high school about adjusting lunch time, so people didn’t have to eat at 10:00 a.m. is advocacy. Protesting outside a school is activism. To be clear, there’s nothing wrong with activism, but it may not have a place on your teaching resume.

Requested for and received 17% additional funding for reading support program in school library

What Is the Job Outlook for Teachers?

The job outlook as reported by the Bureaus of Labor Statistics (BLS) is projected to remain stable between 2022 and 2032 for almost all teachers at 1%. Below is the median pay for teachers and estimated number of jobs that will be open between 2022 and 2032 from the BLS:

Median PayJob OpeningsKindergarten and elementary school $61,620 10,700Middle school $61,810 5,100High school $62,360 11,100

Which Teaching Skills Belong on Your Resume?

While these are some of the top teaching skills for your resume, they’re not the only ones you can include. If you think adaptability , teamwork , empathy, or lesson planning are better fits for you, use those instead. Just remember to describe them using the STAR method so the hiring manager better understands how you’ll use your teaching skills in the classroom.

And if you’re not 100% sure that teaching is the right career for you, take our What Career Is Right for Me ? quiz and discover career paths you may not have thought about.

Image credit: Canva

The post Top 10 Teaching Skills for Your Resume and How to Highlight Them appeared first on Forage .

Teacher Resume Skills to Build Up Your Future

A teacher works with a small group of students.

Educators make incalculable impacts on their students as educators, mentors, and role models. As such, prospective teachers should be well-qualified to take on such important positions. This could mean gaining educational experience, focusing on a specific topic or education type, or learning to teach a variety of subjects. To market themselves, aspiring educators must develop the appropriate teacher resume skills to highlight their advanced education, their expertise in the classroom, and their impact on their students.

An advanced degree in education, such as an Online Master of Arts (MA) in Teaching program can provide current and prospective teachers with the skills and advanced knowledge they need to help students succeed and grow.

Tailor Your Resume to the Job Description

One of the most critical aspects of showcasing your experience is tailoring your resume to the job description. A teaching job description varies in some of its particulars, so you must modify your resume for each position you apply for. On any given day, a teacher may:

  • Find unique approaches to convey academic subject matter
  • Devise lesson plans
  • Research new educational programs or activities for students
  • Consult with outside education experts on innovative teaching programs and methods
  • Communicate with parents and schools about student progress
  • Grade homework and monitor student performance
  • Handle student discipline
  • Coordinate fun classroom events and activities
  • Help address the educational, emotional, and health concerns of special needs students
  • Review and respond to student and parent feedback
  • Attend professional development workshops and teaching conferences

All teachers are ultimately guided by the determination to help their students learn and grow. How teachers choose to do this will reflect their own unique teaching styles. A good resume can reflect a teacher’s individual style while also addressing a job’s particular requirements.

Top Skills to Include in Your Teacher Resume

When applying for education jobs, teachers can expect hiring managers to evaluate their resumes against specific preferred teacher resume skills, including the following:

  • Conflict resolution to address student issues
  • Ability to clearly present and explain education material to students
  • Classroom management skills , ensuring a positive learning environment for everyone
  • Lesson preparation and planning
  • Patience and empathy for student concerns
  • Leadership and management when guiding students
  • Imagination and innovation when crafting lesson plans
  • Collaboration and candor when speaking with students and parents
  • Delegation and teamwork abilities when working with other teachers and administrators
  • Willingness to learn and evolve throughout the school year and across the career
  • Familiarity with the most current principles in pedagogy and student development

Aspiring teachers may also want to gain additional skills, such as certifications in other fields in which they may want to teach, competence in using new educational technology, and licensure for working in different educational capacities. Additionally, teachers who wish to focus on a specific subject matter (such as science or mathematics) can use their resumes to highlight their credentials or background in these areas.

How to Build Up Your Resume

Additional ways in which teachers can build resumes to present them in the best light include highlighting their degrees and certifications, as well as their classroom teaching experience and other work in the field.

Highlighting Your Education Background

Aspiring teachers who want to work in the public school system or teach a certain grade or academic subject usually need to earn a bachelor’s degree. Typically, teachers earn a bachelor’s degree in education; however, they may still be able to find work as public school teachers if they have a bachelor’s degree in a field relevant to their target subject or teaching area. For example, strong teacher resume skills paired with a bachelor’s degree in mathematics may help land a teaching job in high school math.

Aspiring teachers who want to compete for teaching jobs often need to earn certain teaching and educational certifications sponsored by their state, city, or school district. Specific requirements will vary, though, depending on where aspiring teachers want to teach, what subjects they want to cover, and the age or type of students with whom they want to work.

Highlighting Your Professional Experience

Typically, schools require teachers to have a certain amount of professional teaching experience or other work experience related to teaching. This can include internships or volunteer work as a student teacher, substitute teacher, support teacher, or tutor in a school. It may also include working with children’s educational or recreational programs, such as after-school initiatives or summer camps.

Aspiring teaching professionals in a bachelor’s or master’s program often complete internships or fieldwork to gain professional experience as well. Educators can highlight these unique opportunities in their resumes to increase their chances of getting a teaching job.

Teacher Salaries

A teacher’s salary can vary depending on years of experience in the role; school district; type of school; or district, city, or state where the teacher works. Salary is also a reflection of the education and skill level of the candidate.

As of 2021, high school teachers earned a median salary of $61,820 per year, while kindergarten and elementary school teachers earned a median salary of $61,350 per year, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Additionally, the BLS reports that teacher assistants (professionals who often support a full-time teacher in a school or university environment) earned a median salary of $29,360 per year.

Future Growth of Teacher Jobs

The projected job outlook for teachers is strong. Increasing population numbers suggest that there’ll be an even greater number of children enrolling in school in the coming years, requiring more teachers to teach them. As such, the teacher job market is growing at pace with other professions, exhibiting growth rates of roughly 7 to 8 percent.

Additionally, the rise of charter schools; private schools; and new types of educational programs and facilities, such as online programs for college degrees or high school diplomas, also points to more employment opportunities for educators. Teachers who are able to quickly adapt to technological trends, gain new teaching skills, and cater to the unique needs and challenges of diverse populations will be in the strongest position to succeed and grow in this field.

Start Your Teaching Career

Succeeding as a teacher takes more than just cultivating teacher resume skills. It requires dedication, determination, and a passion for helping students learn and thrive.

A career as a teacher can be rewarding, but it’s also a challenging and competitive profession. American University’s Online MA in Teaching program provides the teachers of tomorrow with program pillars in Antiracist Pedagogy, Practice-Based Teacher Education, and the Science of Learning. It also has an extensive background in topics shaping education today, significant educational theory knowledge, and a firm foundation in how to make an impact on individual students and educational communities. Discover how to make a difference in students’ lives with AU today.

Teaching Anti-Racism in the Classroom: Strategies for Educators

How Teachers Can Overcome Imposter Syndrome

How to Become a Bilingual Teacher

California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, Teaching Credentials Requirements

District of Columbia Public Schools, Teacher Certification and Licensing

Indeed, Top 10 Skills to Include on Your Teacher Resume

The Balance Careers, Teacher Resume Examples and Writing Tips

United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, High School Teachers

United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, Kindergarten and Elementary School Teachers

United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, Teacher Assistants

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10 Essential Teacher Resume Skills to Include for 2024

A teacher smiles at her class as they eagerly raise their hands to answer a question of the day.

Written by Victoria Hegwood

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As the demand for quality education continues to rise, so does the competition among teachers on the job search. Finding the right position is one thing but landing your ideal job can be another task entirely. 

So having a well-crafted resume can set you apart from the competition and help you secure your dream teaching position.

As you put together your resume, you may be asking yourself 'What skills should I highlight to make sure my resume catches the eye of potential employers? ' 

Never fear; we've got the answers for you! 

In this article, we will explore the top 10 essential teacher resume skills to include in your resume. And we have some great suggestions for high-quality resume templates to bolster your teacher job application in 2024. 

Whether you're an experienced teacher looking for a new opportunity or a fresh graduate ready to tackle your first classroom, you'll find tips and tricks for landing your dream job. Let's dive in! 

What are teacher skills?

So, what exactly are 'teacher skills'? This is the first place to start when deciding what to list on your resume. 

Teacher skills are the specific competencies and abilities that enable educators to perform their duties effectively in the classroom.

These skills are often split into two types: hard skills and soft skills.  

Hard skills include specific technical abilities and knowledge required for teaching. These skills set teachers apart from all the rest. Some examples may be:

  • Subject matter expertise
  • Lesson planning
  • Classroom management

Soft skills, on the other hand, are more general skills that are used in teaching as well as many other professions and areas of life. Soft skills include: 

  • Communication
  • Problem-solving
  • The ability to build positive relationships with students and colleagues

Both types of skills are vital to a teacher's success in the classroom. And you will want to list a mixture of both on your resume. 

10 Teacher skills to improve your resume

You worked hard earning your degree, learning inside of the classroom and outside of it. And maybe you even have years of experience under your belt. 

You have so many skills to choose from when putting together a resume. So how do you know which ones to pick? 

Here are ten of the best skills to include to impress your potential employer without your resume seeming wordy or too long. 

1. Stay organized with attention to detail

Being organized and paying close attention to detail is essential for every teacher. Without the right preparation, it can be incredibly difficult to manage a classroom and keep students on track. 

There are many tasks that need to be done in a classroom simultaneously like:

  • Managing communication with parents and colleagues 
  • Keeping track of deadlines 
  • Maintaining accurate records of your students' progress
  • Accurately taking attendance
  • Tracking behavior goals and management 
  • Identifying areas of concern for specific students
  • Providing additional support when needed
  • Creating a positive learning environment that minimizes distractions

Without good systems and great organizational skills, this list may quickly feel overwhelming. But your attention to detail will allow you to tackle it all! Highlight in your resume how you have tackled this challenge in the past and how you will do it again in this new position. 

2. Tech savvy

In today's digital age, technology has become an integral part of our lives, both inside of the classroom and out. 

Students are growing up in an increasingly tech-oriented world, and you'd be hard-pressed to find any classroom without some form of tech in it. 

Every learner absolutely needs digital literacy skills to succeed in the modern workforce. By having advanced computer skills, you will be able to help them get there. 

Integrating technology into your teaching strategies and lesson plans can increase student engagement, motivation and achievement , making it an essential skill for any modern teacher.

Mentioning what technological tools you are proficient with is a great talking point with a recruiter. Highlight how you've created engaging and interactive learning experiences for students using the latest technology.  

If you’re having trouble thinking of what all tools you may have used, some common ones to mention include interactive whiteboards, online learning platforms, and educational software.

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3. Imaginative

Being imaginative is a valuable skill when it comes to making creative and engaging lesson plans that can capture your students' attention and help them retain information. 

Incorporating imaginative teaching methods can also promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills as students explore new ideas. 

The variety and fun you can add to your teaching with a bit of imagination will foster a love of learning in your students. And it may even encourage them on their path to becoming lifelong learners. 

4. Time management

Good time management skills enable you to stay organized and complete tasks efficiently. And you already know that there is always plenty to do in the classroom!  

On any given day, you will likely be balancing various responsibilities, such as planning lessons, grading assignments, and meeting with students and parents. 

Proper time management skills allow you to complete these tasks promptly and prioritize tasks based on their importance and deadlines.

Effective time management skills also allow you to create a healthy work-life balance, which is absolutely essential if you want to stay in the field for a long time. Teaching can be a stressful job at times, so you’ll need to make sure you prioritize time for self-care.

5. Critical thinking

Critical thinking skills include the ability to analyze information, identify patterns and relationships and make sound decisions based on evidence and reasoning .

Practically speaking, critical thinking skills as a teacher look like:

  • Creating effective lesson plans
  • Assessing student performance
  • Solving problems that arise in the classroom
  • Ensuring your teaching methods are up-to-date and effective 
  • Tweaking your teaching methods based on evidence and feedback  

It's also important to model critical thinking skills for your students so that they develop this essential skill as well. 

You want to teach your students to think more deeply and effectively about the information they encounter. You want them to ask questions and find answers that deepen their understanding of teaching materials.

6. Teamwork

Teaching is not a solo sport. 

To effectively navigate the struggles and triumphs of teaching, you need to work in tandem with your colleagues and administration. 

'Teamwork makes the dream work' as they say. 

Having strong teamwork skills means that you can communicate effectively with others, build positive relationships, and contribute to a collaborative environment. 

Teachers who work well with a team can share ideas, develop new approaches to teaching, improve student outcomes and create a positive school culture .

7. Communication skills

As a teacher, the main task you are doing is communicating information and lessons with your students. So effective communication skills are a must.

But that isn't the only way that you will use your communication skills.

You will also have both verbal and written communication with parents, colleagues and administrators. Great communication skills will foster positive relationships, build trust and improve student performance.

An important part of high-quality communication skills is active listening , or being able to provide clear and concise feedback to students and their parents. This skill can help to create a supportive learning environment and make sure students feel heard and understood.

8. Problem-solving skills

Classroom challenges and problems are bound to arise. These problems may range from student behavior issues to curriculum design problems. But they won't be too much to tackle with the strong problem-solving skills that you possess! 

Problem-solving skills show your adaptability and creativity as an educator, which can make you more valuable to your school or district. So, make sure you highlight problem-solving skills on your teacher resume by using specific action verbs from the job description like brainstormed , analyzed , and evaluated.  

Have some examples of when you used problem-solving skills ready when you head into your interview and you'll be sure to impress! 

9. Conflict resolution

Conflict of some sort is inevitable in any profession. 

In a teaching job, the conflict is often between students or between students and yourself. Having the conflict resolution skills to solve these issues quickly is essential for creating a positive learning environment and fostering healthy relationships among students.

You may also run into some conflict issues with your colleagues or students' parents. In these cases, it is important to know how to maintain professionalism in the workplace. These situations need to be handled with tact and diplomacy in order to maintain positive working relationships.

10. Flexible to diverse learning needs

Not every student is the same. They each learn and grow in their own unique way. You know this. 

So being able to be flexible, capable of adapting your teaching methods and approach, is a necessary teacher skill. 

You will need to understand and address individual learning styles, cultural backgrounds, and other factors that impact how students engage with and learn from the material.

Mentoring is one of the ways to support students in their individual learning journey. A mentor will guide students to reach their potential, provide constructive feedback and encourage them to develop critical thinking skills.

Other teacher skills to keep in mind

Technology isn't just changing the way teachers teach in the classroom, it's also changing how teachers are hired. 

For many schools, gone are the days when a person looks over each and every resume. To speed up the process, many districts use applicant tracking systems (ATS). This tool screens professional resumes and filters out candidates for review. 

Now, this isn't something you should allow to deter you. Understanding this tool can give you a leg up over your competitors. 

You should be strategic in your resume writing, choosing certain action verbs and words over others. Some of these include:

  • Leadership Skills
  • Curriculum development
  • Differentiated instruction
  • Technology integration
  • Assessment and evaluation
  • Data analysis
  • Parent-teacher communication
  • Special needs education

It’s also best practice to look through the job description and use the same language and verbs in your resume. 

These simple steps will help you bypass the ATS and get noticed by hiring managers.

Where to put skills with teacher resume examples

Now that you know what all pieces and skills that you want to include, how do you bring it all together?

You want to craft a resume that highlights your skills but is still clear and concise. You don’t want a hiring manager to have to wade through any unnecessary information to get to the good stuff.  

The best resume format typically reflects this by utilizing bullet points, action verbs, and a skills section to make it easy for employers to quickly identify your relevant qualifications. 

And don’t forget to proofread! The last thing you want on a teacher resume is the wrong punctuation or a misspelled word.  

Sometimes it’s easiest to learn by seeing exactly what you should do. So, the next section has some resume samples that show how and where to showcase your skills for a teaching resume that stands out from the rest.

Examples of teacher skills in a resume summary

Starting at the top, you should include a resume objective .

A resume objective or summary is a brief section that highlights a candidate's relevant skills and experience for the job they are applying for.

Here are some high-quality examples of resume objectives for teachers: 

  • Innovative secondary educator with expertise in differentiated instruction and project-based learning. Experienced in teaching a wide range of subjects, including English language arts, social studies, and digital media. Skilled in incorporating real-world scenarios and experiences to create dynamic and relevant lesson plans.
  • Dedicated high school English teacher with a passion for fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills in students. Proficient in project-based learning and assessment, as well as using technology to enhance classroom instruction. Looking for an opportunity to bring my expertise to a school that values innovation and collaboration.
  • Dedicated and motivated middle school educator with a passion for inspiring students to reach their full potential. Skilled in developing engaging lesson plans that cater to diverse learning needs and promoting a positive classroom environment. Proficient in utilizing technology to enhance the learning experience.

These resume objectives are packed full of action words, focusing less on the tasks and more on the impact that those actions had.

Your resume objective should do the same. Make it as concise and powerful as possible to wow the hiring manager and make them want to read more. 

Examples of a teacher resume skills section

Now onto the resume skills section!

A resume skills section is the part of a teacher's resume where they list their relevant skills and qualifications.

This section is typically placed after the professional summary or objective statement and before the work experience section.

Some technical skills you may want to include are:

  • Experience with learning management systems (LMS) like Blackboard or Canvas
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite or Google Suite
  • Familiarity with educational software or apps, such as Quizlet or Kahoot
  • Classroom management strategies and discipline techniques
  • Differentiated instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners
  • Knowledge of curriculum development and lesson planning
  • Multitasking and time management skills to handle multiple responsibilities and tasks

These are just a few of the skills you may possess. Spend some time brainstorming a complete list of your skills and then pick the ones that are the most relevant to the job listing to include in your resume. 

Examples of teacher skills in a work experience section

The work experience section is a detailed account of your past job titles, responsibilities and accomplishments as an educator.

Here is one example that you might shape your work experience section after:

ABC Elementary School | August 2018 - Present

  • Developed a positive classroom environment that fosters student learning and engagement
  • Utilized effective classroom management techniques, including behavior contracts and positive reinforcement strategies
  • Created and implemented daily lesson plans that align with state standards and met the needs of diverse learners

Focus on the action in this section. Start each bullet point with a strong verb that highlights your skills. 

If you need more ideas on how to phase certain tasks that you’ve done in specific jobs, there are tools online to help you get the right wording.

More resume tips to snag a teacher job

Great work! You've made some great progress on building a stellar resume! 

Here are just a few more tips to help you craft a winning teacher resume that catches the attention of potential employers.

Highlight your educational background

Here is the section of your resume where you put those hard skills that we talked about earlier. 

Some options to include may be any teaching and educational certifications sponsored by your state, city, or school district. Or you may hold special education or ESL endorsements that you want to list. 

If you’re applying for a public school position, it’s a good idea to check out the requirements on the job listing. These requirements may include relevant skills and experience and/or a bachelor’s degree in a field related to the target subject or teaching area. 

To highlight how you are a good fit for the position, be sure to include how your qualifications match their requirements in this section.

Highlight your professional experience

Your work history should focus on highlighting any relevant teaching experience including:

  • Internships
  • Volunteer work as a student teacher
  • Substitute teacher work
  • Time as a support teacher
  • Tutoring in a school
  • Teaching or working in children’s educational or recreational programs, such as after-school initiatives or summer camps

Numbers can be quite convincing. So if possible, try to include metrics or data that demonstrate the impact you have had on student learning and success.

You will likely also highlight your professional experience in your teacher cover letter. In this section, try to focus less on the technical details of your previous positions and instead showcase your personality, passion for teaching, and enthusiasm for the position.

Teacher salaries and future outlook

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), as of 2021, the median salary for high school teachers was $61,820 annually. Kindergarten and elementary school teachers earned a median salary of $61,350 per year. Teacher assistants , who often support full-time teachers in schools or universities, earned a median salary of $29,360 per year.

Now it’s important to note that the amount a teacher earns may differ based on various factors such as:

  • Years of experience in the role
  • The type of school or school district they work at
  • The city, state or district where they teach
  • Educational qualifications 
  • Skill level
  • Additional certifications

If you’re teaching in a bigger city, you may be able to look around and compare the salaries and benefits at various schools. Some schools may offer additional benefits like professional development or various incentives.

By doing a number of interviews, you may be able to get multiple offers and then compare them. 

There are lots of factors that will make a school and a teaching position the right fit for you. It’s important to get all the information that you can and make the best decision for you. 

There will always be a need for great teachers to shape the great, young minds of tomorrow. You can make an incredible difference in your students’ lives as their teacher. 

You can rest assured that there will always be teaching positions available and open if you decide to pursue a new direction. 

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10 Best Skills for Teacher Resume + Examples

Top 10 skills for teacher resume.


Teaching is a good career that lets you share subject matter knowledge with others and make a difference in the students' lives. It also offers job stability and opportunities for lifelong learning. However, just like with any other job, you need a persuasive resume to land interviews for your dream teaching position.

In particular, you need to focus on teacher resume skills relevant to the position you're after. Without these skills, the hiring manager can overlook your application. Whether you are an entry-level instructor or a seasoned teacher, in this article you will find the most important teaching skills to add to your resume.

Keep reading to find out:

  • teacher skills that are absolute must-haves for your resume;
  • recommendations and examples of how to use them on your teaching resume;
  • tips to elevate the quality of your resume.

Are you too busy with lesson plans?  Hire an expert to write a resume for you. At ResumePerk, we have 100+ resume writers in every industry, including education. We will match you with a dedicated writer who will highlight your relevant teaching skills, competencies, and achievements for your target role. It is affordable, and revisions are free until you are satisfied.

What makes teaching a good career?

A teaching career has its challenges, but it offers numerous benefits for talented educators. Here's what makes teaching a good career option:

  • According to one poll,  80% of teachers admitted that they are satisfied  with their current position.
  • The  Bureau of Labor Statistics  revealed that in 2022, elementary school teachers earned $60,490 a year (median wage).
  • Teachers enjoy a healthy work-life balance, and job stability, and shape the future of their community by contributing to the development of children.

10 Essential teacher skills to include on your resume

The skills listed below are essential for any teaching job. Your resume should emphasize a combination of hard and soft skills. Hard skills stand for specific abilities that can be measured, whereas soft ones describe your personality and how you work with others.

You can gain these skills through experience as a teacher, training and certifications, formal education, and volunteering projects.

The must-have competencies for high school teachers include:

Education and teaching

Education skills are the core of your resume. It refers to your knowledge of pedagogical techniques, classroom management abilities, assessment strategies, and other skills related to teaching and grading students. You can also show your competencies in teaching by listing formal education, training, and additional courses/workshops.

  • Communication skills

Communication is another essential skill for teachers. It means you can effectively convey complex ideas and concepts in an easy-to-understand manner. It also includes active listening, giving constructive feedback and the ability to resolve conflicts. Communication skills also help teachers build productive relations with students and parents and use a collaborative approach to everyone's advantage.

Using a creative approach, teachers can develop instructional materials that capture the students' interest and motivate them to think out of the box. This is why you should add it to your teacher resume. To show creativity, describe how you developed creative lesson plans, used interactive teaching strategies, and used imagination to explain a particularly tough topic. Creative teachers enhance the learning experiences of students, so this skill is highly valuable.

Technology skills

In the era of blended learning, technology plays a pivotal role in education. If you've integrated technology into learning, mention it. If you leveraged software applications, learning management systems, and online tools for instruction and grading students, it will make you a sought-after candidate for many teaching positions. For today's students who are digital natives, using technology in teaching can also improve engagement, enhance learning experiences, and set students for future success.

  • Differentiated instruction

When writing a resume for teaching jobs, highlight instruction skills. It means using various teaching methods and adjusting the teaching materials to the needs of students with diverse learning styles. Differentiated instruction skill shows your commitment to meeting the individual needs of each student, including those for whom English is not the first language. The skill also involves using multimedia and various approaches to explain complex topics comprehensively and giving feedback.

  • Curriculum development

Developing engaging lesson plans is a fundamental aspect of teaching. Your resume should reflect the ability to design a curriculum that meets students' needs and aligns with educational standards. This skill shows your ability to analyze educational standards and design effective lessons, promoting meaningful learning experiences. You can also mention how you used inclusive learning strategies and supported students with different learning abilities through lesson planning.


In any school district, the best teachers work with others to achieve common goals and foster student success. Collaboration skills on your teaching resume mean that you can communicate with coworkers, parents, and other teachers to enhance student outcomes. It also means encouraging teamwork and collaboration between students on group projects to teach them soft skills in a comfortable learning environment.

Creating a positive learning environment

In addition to teaching and devising lesson plans, show your skills in creating a positive classroom environment. Such an environment helps students build emotional connections with teachers and feel valued and heard. Relevant resume skills include setting clear expectations from students, creating a sense of community, encouraging student contribution, and giving them detailed, positive feedback. Such an approach to teaching students leads to better academic results.

Classroom management

Strong classroom management skills mean that you can maintain order, foster a sense of community among students, and make the most of the instructional time. It also assumes showing patience and empathy to any student concerns and building productive student-teacher relationships. By showing these skills, you will prove the ability to enhance student learning and influence their outcomes.

Assessment and feedback

Positive feedback is the essential component of the learning process. Using assessments to monitor student progress and providing constructive feedback drives student growth and achievement. Highlight your expertise in developing meaningful assessments and identifying areas of growth and improvement, as well as using alternative methods of assessment.

4 Strategies to list your skills 

Now that you know the most important skills to highlight on your teaching resume, you need to find ways to communicate them to employers effectively. There are four main strategies to do it:

Create a dedicated Skills section

The easiest way to list skills on your teacher resume is to create a separate section for them. Include skills as a bulleted list for the ease of reading, focusing on the skills relevant to your target teacher jobs.

Here's how your Skills section for education jobs can look like:

  • Lesson planning
  • Organizational skills
  • Student development
  • Educational technology
  • MS Office Suite
  • Elementary education
  • Student evaluation
  • Time management skills
  • Performance metrics

Not sure what specific skills to add?  Send us your target job posting, and our experts will adapt your resume for a target job posting. We will optimize it with keywords, use a recruiter-friendly format, and emphasize your biggest accomplishments to help you get shortlisted. Try our services today with a 20% discount!

Emphasize skills in your resume objective

A resume summary or objective is the first thing the recruiter sees in your teacher resume. Thus, it is perfectly reasonable to feature your skills here as well. Note that this section should be 3-4 sentences only, so focus on the most relevant skills and competencies. But don't focus on skills only in this section - mention years of experience, accomplishments, and strengths.

Here's how you can use teaching skills naturally in your resume summary:

Passionate High School Teacher with 3+ years of experience in classroom management, lesson plan development, and creating engaging learning environment. Recognized for improving student SAT scores by 12% by providing guidance and counseling to students. Experienced in developing lesson plans that cater to the needs of students with diverse learning styles. Accomplished in nurturing productive relations with parents, educators, administrators, and students.

Speak through examples

The best teacher resume examples show how candidates used specific skills in practice. Simply put, you need not only to show that you have communication and classroom management skills, but also indicate how and when you applied those skills at work.

When possible, illustrate your teacher resume skills with figures, percentages, and other details that help communicate your impact as an educator.

Here is how you can show specific examples of  communication skills:

  • Regularly communicated with parents by email and phone, resulting in improved parent involvement and a 90% satisfaction rate.
  • Resolved an average of 4 student conflicts monthly in a calm and professional manner, fostering a respectful classroom environment.

Here's how to demonstrate your  technology skills:

  • Utilized Google Classroom and Moodle learning management systems to add and grade assignments online.
  • Incorporated multimedia such as videos, interactive quizzes, and presentations, which led to a 30% increase in student comprehension.

Add them to your teacher cover letter

60% of today's employers demand cover letters, so you should always send them with your resume. Use a cover letter to show the most important skills, such as creating a supportive learning environment, the ability to engage students, and experience with LMS. Adapt your letter content to your target teaching job description so that it aligns perfectly with what the school or other educational institution is looking for.

Keep your teaching cover letter to 3-4 sentences. Such length is sufficient to show the most important skills, experiences, and certifications without overloading the reader. Do not just repeat your resume - expand on the most important experience. For example, if your resume states that you integrated technology in the classroom, your letter should briefly explain how you did it and what results you achieved.

Professional tips to elevate your resume

Including skills on your teaching resume can prove your qualifications and help you pass the ATS. Yet, you need to take care of other sections in your resume. Here are some proven strategies to improve your resume and make it appealing to recruiters:

Adapt it to the job description

In 2024, generic resumes don't work. If you don't adapt your resume to a job posting, the recruiter can consider it irrelevant. Plus, it may be tossed by applicant tracking systems (ATS) before a human hiring manager sees it.

Tailor your resume content to the needs of each particular job opening. Add teaching skills that the employer primarily looks for and highlight relevant achievements. Sure, it takes time, but this approach will eventually land you more interviews than sending dozens of generic applications.

Keep it to 1-2 pages

According to many surveys, employers prefer one- and two-page resumes. If you have under 10 years of teaching experience, opt for a one-page document. Educators with 10+ years of experience can submit a two-page document.

If your resume takes 3 pages or more, consider removing outdated and irrelevant details. Cut off the jobs you had over 10 years ago, irrelevant and part-time positions, and activities irrelevant to teaching. Shorten the job descriptions focusing on achievements and measurable results in the first place.

Choose the appropriate format

There are three formats for teacher resumes. Which one to use depends on your work history:

  • A chronological format  focuses on your experience primarily. It lists your jobs starting with the current one and going backward, with detailed work responsibilities and employment dates. Such a format is perfect for an experienced teacher with a stable work history.
  • Functional resume format  focuses on competencies over work history. It emphasizes education and describes your skills in detail without explaining where you acquired these skills. Such a format is suitable for entry-level teachers and professionals changing careers.
  • A combination resume  features a detailed work history plus a career summary and a list of skills. This format works well in most career situations, but it is important to avoid repeating information in different sections.

Showcase accomplishments

Accomplishments differentiate you from other candidates for a position. Plus, they prove your ability to deliver results and commitment to student success. A resume with visible achievements has more chances to land you an interview.

Add at least one measurable accomplishment for each teaching job you had. "Enhanced lesson content using multimedia tools, which resulted in a 30% improvement in students' retention of material" is a good example of achievement.

Add certifications

As a teacher, you should keep your knowledge up to date and learn new teaching strategies that can contribute to students' success. Adding reputable certifications can considerably increase your employability and help you negotiate a higher salary. If you don't have certifications yet, here are a few ones that can boost your resume:

  • Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE)
  • Child Development Associate (CDA)
  • Educational Certificate: K-12
  • Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)
  • Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES)

59% of recruiters are ready to reject a resume if it has typos or poor grammar. This is particularly true for teachers, as your resume should display perfect written communication skills and attention to detail. 

Before you submit your resume, take the time to edit and proof it. Read it aloud to ensure that each sentence makes sense and doesn't sound vague. Check it line by line to detect missed commas, misspelled words, and other minor issues. Remember to write your current job in the present tense, and use the past tense for old positions. 

Many candidates list their skills briefly or forget to add important teaching skills they have. As a result, the hiring manager overlooks their resume even though they qualify for the role. By listing teacher skills comprehensively, you'll boost your chance to get shortlisted for interview. 

Use expert help to enhance your teaching resume 

With the above tips and strategies, you will list your skills more effectively than 9 out of 10 candidates. Yet, it always helps to have a professional review your resume before sending it. If you already have a resume and only need a professional update, our Resume Editing service is right for you. 

Our resume writer will correct any mistakes, improve the word choice, and apply an effective format and structure to make your resume more effective. Thus, you will feel confident when applying for the best teaching jobs out there. Order today with a 20% discount - get your code in chat! 

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Top 12 Literacy Teacher Skills to Put on Your Resume

In today's competitive job market, literacy teachers must highlight a unique set of skills on their resumes to stand out among other candidates. This article delves into the top 12 skills that literacy teachers should showcase to demonstrate their expertise and commitment to fostering reading and writing abilities in their students.

Top 12 Literacy Teacher Skills to Put on Your Resume

Literacy Teacher Skills

  • Curriculum Development
  • Classroom Management
  • Differentiated Instruction
  • Reading Strategies
  • Writing Workshops
  • Assessment Tools
  • Google Classroom
  • Zoom Proficiency
  • Interactive Whiteboards
  • ESL/EFL Techniques
  • Phonics Instruction
  • Literacy Coaching

1. Curriculum Development

Curriculum development for a literacy teacher involves designing, organizing, and planning instructional materials and activities focused on reading, writing, and communication skills, tailored to meet the diverse needs and levels of students. This process aims to achieve specific literacy goals and outcomes in alignment with educational standards.

Why It's Important

Curriculum development is crucial for a Literacy Teacher as it ensures the creation of cohesive, targeted lessons that systematically enhance students' reading, writing, and comprehension skills. It enables the adaptation of teaching methods and materials to meet diverse learning needs and evolving educational standards, fostering students' literacy development and academic success.

How to Improve Curriculum Development Skills

Improving curriculum development for a Literacy Teacher involves a strategic approach focused on enhancing content relevance, integrating technology, engaging with continuous feedback, and aligning with literacy standards. Here's a concise guide:

Understand Your Learners : Begin by assessing the needs, interests, and levels of your students. Tailored content increases engagement and effectiveness. The International Literacy Association offers insights on differentiated instruction.

Incorporate Multimodal Texts : Integrate various text types (digital, print, visual, audio) to cater to diverse learning styles. Resources like Common Sense Education provide reviews of educational technology tools.

Align With Standards : Ensure your curriculum aligns with state or national literacy standards. The Common Core State Standards Initiative offers a framework for skills students should achieve at each grade level.

Incorporate Feedback Loops : Regular feedback from students and peers helps refine the curriculum. Tools like SurveyMonkey can facilitate gathering insights.

Professional Development : Engage in ongoing learning about the latest literacy teaching strategies. Websites like Edutopia provide resources and ideas for educators.

Use Authentic Assessments : Design assessments that reflect real-world reading and writing situations. The Literacy Assessment and Intervention for Classroom Teachers book can offer strategies and tools.

Integrate Technology : Leverage technology to enhance literacy instruction. Reading Rockets is a wealth of strategies, lessons, and activities designed to help young children learn to read.

By focusing on these areas, a Literacy Teacher can develop a more effective and engaging curriculum that addresses the diverse needs of students.

How to Display Curriculum Development Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Curriculum Development Skills on Your Resume

2. Classroom Management

Classroom management for a Literacy Teacher involves creating and maintaining an organized, positive, and efficient learning environment that enhances students' reading, writing, and communication skills, while also managing student behavior and fostering engagement in literacy activities.

Classroom management is essential for a Literacy Teacher as it establishes an orderly environment conducive to learning, maximizes instructional time, and fosters a positive learning atmosphere where students can effectively develop their reading, writing, and critical thinking skills.

How to Improve Classroom Management Skills

Improving classroom management as a Literacy Teacher involves clear communication, consistent routines, engaging lessons, and positive reinforcement. Here's a concise guide:

Establish Clear Expectations : Begin by setting clear, achievable rules and routines. Communicate these expectations to students and revisit them regularly. Edutopia offers a range of strategies for establishing a positive classroom culture.

Engage Students : Design lessons that are interactive and cater to various learning styles. Incorporate activities that encourage student participation. The Reading Rockets website is a valuable resource for literacy teachers, offering strategies to engage students in reading and writing.

Positive Reinforcement : Use positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior. This could include praise, rewards, or a points system. The Positive Psychology website provides insights into using positive reinforcement in educational settings.

Manage Classroom Disruptions Swiftly and Effectively : Address disruptions with minimal interruption to the lesson. Have a plan for common disruptions and remain calm and consistent. Understood offers strategies for dealing with classroom behavior problems.

Foster a Supportive Environment : Build a classroom community where students feel safe, respected, and valued. Include activities that promote empathy and collaboration. The TeachThought website gives tips on creating a safe learning environment.

By employing these strategies, you can create a more effective and positive learning environment for your literacy students.

How to Display Classroom Management Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Classroom Management Skills on Your Resume

3. Differentiated Instruction

Differentiated Instruction for a Literacy Teacher involves tailoring teaching methods, resources, and learning activities to meet the diverse needs, abilities, and interests of students in reading and writing, aiming to optimize each student's growth and success in literacy.

Differentiated Instruction is crucial for a Literacy Teacher because it allows them to tailor their teaching strategies to meet the diverse needs, learning styles, and abilities of all students, ensuring effective and inclusive literacy development for each individual.

How to Improve Differentiated Instruction Skills

To improve Differentiated Instruction as a Literacy Teacher, follow these concise strategies:

Assess and Know Your Students : Begin by understanding each student's reading level, interests, and learning profiles through formal and informal assessments. Reading Rockets provides resources on assessments and literacy strategies.

Set Clear Learning Goals : Define what students need to learn in a way that allows for different paths to achieve those goals. Edutopia offers insights on setting and achieving differentiated learning objectives.

Incorporate Flexible Grouping : Use flexible grouping to tailor instruction based on students' current needs and skills. Groups can be reconfigured for different activities or objectives. This Reading Mama shares practical tips on flexible grouping in literacy.

Adapt Instructional Strategies : Use a variety of instructional strategies like guided reading, stations, or technology-assisted learning to meet diverse needs. Understood has examples of strategies that support Universal Design for Learning (UDL).

Differentiate Content, Process, and Product : Tailor what students learn (content), how they learn it (process), and how they demonstrate learning (product) based on their readiness, interests, and learning profiles. Reading and Writing Haven provides practical differentiation strategies for literacy.

Provide Feedback and Support : Give regular, specific feedback and offer scaffolds to support learning as needed. Scaffolding strategies can be found on The Balanced Literacy Diet.

Reflect and Adjust : Continuously reflect on the effectiveness of your instructional strategies and adjust based on student progress and feedback. Reflection guides and tools are available on ASCD .

By implementing these strategies, you can enhance differentiated instruction in your literacy classroom, ensuring that all students have access to meaningful, engaging learning experiences tailored to their individual needs and abilities.

How to Display Differentiated Instruction Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Differentiated Instruction Skills on Your Resume

4. Reading Strategies

Reading strategies are techniques used by literacy teachers to enhance students' reading comprehension, engagement, and efficiency. These strategies include predicting, questioning, visualizing, summarizing, and inferring, aimed at helping students become active, reflective readers who can understand and interact with texts more effectively.

Reading strategies are important for a literacy teacher because they equip students with tools to comprehend, interpret, and engage with texts effectively, fostering independent, confident, and proficient readers who can navigate diverse materials and contexts.

How to Improve Reading Strategies Skills

Improving reading strategies involves a multi-faceted approach tailored to enhance comprehension, retention, and engagement. Here are concise strategies for literacy teachers:

Pre-reading Techniques : Activate prior knowledge and set a purpose. Use K-W-L charts (Know, Want to know, Learned) to organize thoughts and predictions.

Interactive Reading : Encourage active reading by asking questions, making predictions, and summarizing. Implement guided reading sessions where students can discuss and delve deeper into texts.

Vocabulary Development : Introduce new vocabulary before reading. Use context clues and graphic organizers to help students understand and remember new words.

Reading Fluency : Practice reading fluency through repeated readings and reader’s theater. This increases speed, accuracy, and expression.

Comprehension Strategies : Teach students to visualize, question, infer, and summarize. Use SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review) for textbook reading.

Critical Thinking and Analysis : Foster critical thinking by comparing texts, analyzing characters, and discussing themes. Incorporate Socratic seminars and literature circles to encourage deep analysis.

Technology Integration : Use educational technology for interactive reading experiences. Websites like Newsela provide articles at various reading levels.

Reading for Pleasure : Encourage reading for enjoyment by creating a classroom library and setting aside time for independent reading. Explore book choice and reading motivation.

Assessment and Feedback : Continuously assess reading progress through informal assessments, conferences, and reading logs. Provide constructive feedback tailored to each student's needs.

Family Engagement : Involve families in the reading process. Share resources like Reading Rockets for home reading activities and strategies.

By combining these strategies, literacy teachers can create a comprehensive reading program that addresses individual student needs, fosters a love for reading, and builds strong literacy skills.

How to Display Reading Strategies Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Reading Strategies Skills on Your Resume

5. Writing Workshops

Writing workshops are structured classroom sessions where literacy teachers guide students through the writing process — from brainstorming and drafting to revising and editing — often focusing on a specific genre or skill. These workshops encourage peer feedback and individualized instruction to develop students' writing abilities.

Writing workshops are crucial for literacy teachers because they provide a structured yet flexible approach to teaching writing, fostering a community of writers. Through workshops, teachers can offer personalized feedback, encourage peer review, and model writing strategies, thus addressing individual student needs while promoting critical thinking and creativity. This method supports the development of students' writing skills in a supportive and collaborative environment, making it an essential tool for literacy education.

How to Improve Writing Workshops Skills

Improving writing workshops for literacy teachers involves several targeted strategies aimed at enhancing both the teaching experience and the learning outcomes for students. Here are concise tips for refining writing workshops, including relevant resources for deeper exploration:

Clear Objectives : Start with clear, achievable objectives for each workshop. This helps in focusing the session and measuring progress ( ReadWriteThink ).

Diverse Texts : Integrate diverse texts to expose students to a variety of writing styles and perspectives. This broadens their understanding and appreciation of different forms of writing ( Teaching Tolerance ).

Peer Review : Implement structured peer review sessions. This encourages collaboration among students and helps them learn from each other’s strengths and weaknesses ( Edutopia ).

Writing Prompts : Use creative and thought-provoking writing prompts to stimulate students’ imagination and encourage originality ( Journal Buddies ).

Incorporate Technology : Leverage digital tools and platforms for writing and feedback, making the process more engaging and accessible ( Common Sense Education ).

Mini-Lessons : Break down writing elements into mini-lessons focusing on specific skills or techniques, making complex writing tasks more manageable ( Teachers College Reading and Writing Project ).

Model Writing : Regularly demonstrate writing techniques and processes in real-time, providing students with clear examples of good practice.

Feedback : Offer timely, constructive feedback that is specific and actionable, helping students understand how to improve their work ( The Writing Center ).

Encourage Revision : Foster a culture where revision is welcomed as a necessary part of the writing process, emphasizing that good writing often requires multiple drafts.

Professional Development : Continuous professional development for teachers to stay updated on best practices and new strategies in teaching writing ( National Council of Teachers of English ).

By focusing on these strategies, literacy teachers can significantly enhance the effectiveness of their writing workshops, ultimately leading to improved writing skills among their students.

How to Display Writing Workshops Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Writing Workshops Skills on Your Resume

6. Assessment Tools

Assessment tools for a literacy teacher are instruments or methods used to evaluate, measure, and document the learning progress, proficiency, and needs of students in reading, writing, and other literacy skills.

Assessment tools are crucial for literacy teachers as they enable the identification of individual student's reading and writing strengths and weaknesses, guide instructional strategies, monitor progress, and ensure targeted support to enhance learning outcomes.

How to Improve Assessment Tools Skills

Improving assessment tools for a literacy teacher involves focusing on strategies that enhance the accuracy, relevance, and effectiveness of assessments in measuring students' literacy skills. Here are concise strategies along with external resources for further exploration:

Incorporate Various Assessment Types : Use a mix of formative, summative, diagnostic, and authentic assessments to capture a comprehensive picture of students' literacy skills. Reading Rockets offers insights into different literacy assessment types.

Utilize Technology : Leverage digital tools and platforms for interactive and engaging assessments. Websites like Kahoot! and Quizlet provide customizable quizzes and games that can enhance literacy assessments.

Embed Continuous Feedback : Make feedback an integral part of the assessment process to support ongoing learning and improvement. The Feedback Strategies from Edutopia can guide you in giving effective feedback.

Align with Learning Objectives : Ensure assessments are directly aligned with literacy goals and standards. The International Literacy Association provides resources on standards and best practices in literacy education.

Incorporate Student Self-Assessment : Encourage students to reflect on their own learning through self-assessment tools. The Center for Literacy and Disability Studies offers resources on inclusive assessment strategies that cater to diverse learning needs.

Ensure Cultural Relevance : Use culturally responsive materials and prompts in assessments to ensure relevance and engagement for all students. Teaching Tolerance has resources on creating inclusive literacy environments.

By focusing on these strategies and exploring the linked resources, literacy teachers can enhance their assessment tools to better meet the needs of their students and support literacy development effectively.

How to Display Assessment Tools Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Assessment Tools Skills on Your Resume

7. Google Classroom

Google Classroom is a free web service developed by Google for schools that aims to simplify creating, distributing, and grading assignments in a paperless way. It helps literacy teachers organize classes, distribute assignments, communicate, and collaborate with students efficiently online.

Google Classroom is important for a Literacy Teacher because it facilitates efficient distribution and management of assignments, enhances communication and feedback with students, and supports diverse learning resources, making literacy instruction more organized, interactive, and accessible.

How to Improve Google Classroom Skills

To improve Google Classroom for a Literacy Teacher, consider the following concise strategies:

  • Integrate Interactive Tools : Use Google Forms for quizzes and feedback, enhancing student engagement and providing instant insights into learning progress.
  • Leverage Google Docs : Encourage collaborative writing and peer review by utilizing Google Docs , enabling real-time feedback and revisions.
  • Incorporate Multimedia : Enhance lessons with multimedia resources by linking to relevant videos and articles directly within assignments or announcements.
  • Organize with Topics : Structure your classwork section using topics to categorize resources, assignments, and activities by unit, theme, or week for easy navigation.
  • Utilize Extensions : Explore Chrome extensions like Read&Write for Google Chrome to support diverse literacy needs, offering tools like text-to-speech and dictionary support.
  • Engage with Comments : Foster a collaborative learning environment by actively using the comment feature on assignments for personalized feedback and discussions.
  • Share External Resources : Embed links to external literacy resources like CommonLit or Newsela to provide additional reading materials tailored to different levels and interests.

By incorporating these strategies, you can create a more interactive, engaging, and supportive digital learning environment in Google Classroom for your literacy students.

How to Display Google Classroom Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Google Classroom Skills on Your Resume

8. Zoom Proficiency

Zoom Proficiency, in the context of a Literacy Teacher, refers to the skillful use and understanding of Zoom (a virtual meeting platform) to effectively conduct online literacy instruction, manage classroom interactions, share educational materials, and engage students in a virtual learning environment.

Zoom proficiency is crucial for a Literacy Teacher as it enables effective online instruction, fosters student engagement through interactive tools, and ensures seamless communication and resource sharing, enhancing the learning experience in a digital environment.

How to Improve Zoom Proficiency Skills

To enhance your Zoom proficiency as a literacy teacher, focus on mastering key features that facilitate interactive and engaging learning experiences. Here are concise steps with resources to guide you:

Familiarize with Basic Controls : Understand basic Zoom functions like muting/unmuting, video on/off, and screen sharing. Zoom Basic Controls .

Leverage Breakout Rooms : Use breakout rooms for small group discussions or activities, enhancing personalized learning. Breakout Rooms Guide .

Interactive Features : Utilize the whiteboard for collaborative activities and polls for real-time feedback. Interactive Whiteboard , Polling for Meetings .

Manage Participants : Learn to manage participant permissions to maintain class order. Managing Participants .

Record Sessions : Record sessions for students who can’t attend live or for review purposes. Recording Meetings .

Accessibility Features : Incorporate accessibility features to support all students, including those with disabilities. Accessibility Features .

Stay Updated : Zoom continuously updates its features. Stay informed through the official Zoom Blog. Zoom Blog .

By focusing on these areas, you can significantly improve your Zoom proficiency, making your literacy teaching more effective and engaging.

How to Display Zoom Proficiency Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Zoom Proficiency Skills on Your Resume

9. Interactive Whiteboards

Interactive whiteboards are digital display boards that respond to touch or stylus input, allowing literacy teachers to dynamically present, annotate, and interact with digital content during lessons, thus enhancing student engagement and learning.

Interactive whiteboards are important for literacy teachers because they offer dynamic, multimodal teaching opportunities, enabling the integration of text, audio, and video to enhance reading, writing, and comprehension skills. They foster interactive learning and collaboration among students, making lessons more engaging and adaptable to diverse learning styles.

How to Improve Interactive Whiteboards Skills

Improving interactive whiteboards for literacy teachers involves enhancing engagement, collaboration, and personalized learning. Here are concise strategies:

Interactive Reading - Use interactive whiteboards to display texts, allowing students to physically move words or annotate directly on the board to improve comprehension and engagement. Reading Rockets offers resources that can be adapted for interactive use.

Multimedia Integration - Incorporate videos, audio clips, and images related to the reading material to build background knowledge and engage different learning styles. Storyline Online provides an excellent selection of read-alouds by actors, which can be used as a model for expressive reading.

Collaborative Writing and Brainstorming - Use the board for real-time collaborative writing exercises or brainstorming sessions, allowing students to contribute their ideas and see others' thoughts unfold. This can be facilitated through tools like Padlet , which can be accessed and displayed through the whiteboard's web browser.

Interactive Games and Quizzes - Enhance phonics, vocabulary, and comprehension skills through interactive games and quizzes. Websites like Kahoot! allow teachers to create or find ready-made quizzes that can be played as a class.

Personalized Learning Paths - Utilize software that can be integrated with interactive whiteboards to create personalized learning paths for students, adjusting for different skill levels within the literacy curriculum. Epic! is a digital library for kids 12 and under that’s great for individual or group reading assignments that can be projected and discussed.

By leveraging these strategies, literacy teachers can make learning more interactive, engaging, and tailored to meet the diverse needs of their students.

How to Display Interactive Whiteboards Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Interactive Whiteboards Skills on Your Resume

10. ESL/EFL Techniques

ESL (English as a Second Language) / EFL (English as a Foreign Language) techniques are strategies used by literacy teachers to facilitate English language learning for students whose first language is not English. These techniques include immersive language exposure, interactive activities, differentiated instruction, and culturally responsive teaching methods to enhance language acquisition, comprehension, and proficiency.

ESL/EFL techniques are vital for a Literacy Teacher as they provide tailored strategies to support non-native English speakers in developing reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills, enabling effective communication and comprehension in English, thus facilitating their academic success and integration into English-speaking environments.

How to Improve ESL/EFL Techniques Skills

Improving ESL/EFL techniques as a literacy teacher involves adopting strategies that enhance language learning and comprehension for students who are learning English as a second or foreign language. Here are concise tips with relevant resources for further exploration:

Incorporate Visual Aids : Use images, charts, and real-life objects to reinforce understanding. Visual aids can bridge the gap between a new word and its meaning. Cambridge Assessment English offers resources for visual learning strategies.

Implement Interactive Activities : Encourage participation through games, role-play, or discussions. Interactive activities facilitate practical language use. British Council has a collection of games and interactive activities.

Utilize Technology : Integrate language learning apps or websites into your curriculum. Technology can provide personalized and engaging ways to learn English. Duolingo for Schools is a popular tool for language learning.

Focus on Listening Skills : Use songs, videos, or podcasts in English to enhance listening skills. Listening exercises improve comprehension and pronunciation. ESL Lab features a variety of listening activities.

Encourage Reading for Pleasure : Suggest English books appropriate for their level. Reading expands vocabulary and improves grammar. Oxford Owl provides a free e-book library for students.

Practice Writing Regularly : Assign short writing tasks. Writing aids in learning new vocabulary and structures. Purdue OWL ESL Instructors and Students offers writing resources.

Develop Speaking Skills : Create opportunities for speaking in class. Regular speaking practice boosts confidence and fluency. Teach This has speaking activities and games.

Differentiate Instruction : Tailor lessons to meet the diverse needs of your students. Differentiated instruction addresses various learning styles. Reading Rockets provides strategies for literacy instruction.

Continuous Assessment and Feedback : Offer regular feedback on progress and areas for improvement. Constructive feedback encourages learning. Kahoot! can be used for engaging assessments.

Professional Development : Stay updated with the latest ESL/EFL teaching strategies. Continuous learning improves teaching effectiveness. TESOL International Association offers professional development resources.

By integrating these strategies, literacy teachers can enhance their ESL/EFL teaching techniques, providing a more enriching and effective learning experience for their students.

How to Display ESL/EFL Techniques Skills on Your Resume

How to Display ESL/EFL Techniques Skills on Your Resume

11. Phonics Instruction

Phonics instruction is a teaching method that emphasizes the relationship between sounds and their corresponding letters or letter combinations to teach reading and spelling. It involves teaching students to decode words by sounds, enabling them to read and spell unfamiliar words independently.

Phonics instruction is essential for literacy teachers as it systematically teaches students the relationship between letters and sounds, enabling them to decode words effectively. This foundational skill is crucial for reading fluency and comprehension, fostering independent readers and lifelong literacy.

How to Improve Phonics Instruction Skills

To improve phonics instruction, a literacy teacher can take the following concise steps:

Assess Individual Needs : Begin by assessing the specific phonics skills and needs of each student to tailor instruction effectively. Reading Rockets offers assessment strategies and tools.

Systematic Instruction : Implement systematic, explicit phonics instruction. Begin with simple sounds and gradually progress to more complex sounds and structures. The International Literacy Association provides insights into systematic approaches.

Incorporate Multisensory Techniques : Engage students through visual, auditory, and kinesthetic activities to reinforce learning. Understood offers examples of multisensory phonics activities.

Use Decodable Texts : Integrate decodable books that align with the phonics features being taught, allowing students to practice in context. The Florida Center for Reading Research has resources on selecting appropriate texts.

Frequent Practice and Review : Offer ample opportunities for practice and regular review of previously learned phonics patterns to ensure retention. Reading Rockets again provides relevant strategies.

Professional Development : Continuously seek professional development opportunities to stay informed about the latest research and effective phonics instruction strategies. The International Literacy Association offers resources and webinars for educators.

Implementing these steps concisely and consistently will enhance phonics instruction and support literacy development.

How to Display Phonics Instruction Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Phonics Instruction Skills on Your Resume

12. Literacy Coaching

Literacy coaching is a form of professional development where a seasoned expert, the literacy coach, provides personalized support and guidance to literacy teachers with the aim of enhancing teaching strategies, improving student literacy outcomes, and fostering continuous professional growth in the field of literacy education.

Literacy coaching is crucial for literacy teachers because it provides personalized, ongoing professional development, helping them enhance their instructional strategies, better meet diverse student needs, and ultimately improve student literacy outcomes.

How to Improve Literacy Coaching Skills

Improving literacy coaching involves a multi-faceted approach that focuses on enhancing teaching strategies, building strong relationships, and fostering a culture of continuous learning. Here are concise strategies tailored for a literacy teacher:

Engage in Professional Development : Continuously update your knowledge and skills through professional development opportunities. Focus on workshops and courses that specialize in literacy coaching. International Literacy Association offers resources and professional development opportunities.

Implement Evidence-Based Practices : Use research-based instructional strategies to guide your literacy coaching. The What Works Clearinghouse provides reviews of educational programs, practices, and strategies.

Foster Collaborative Relationships : Build strong, trust-based relationships with teachers. Encourage open communication and collaborative problem-solving. Learning Forward offers insights into effective collaboration in educational settings.

Customize Coaching to Individual Needs : Tailor your coaching strategies to meet the specific needs of each teacher and classroom. This personalized approach can lead to more effective teaching practices.

Utilize Data to Inform Coaching : Collect and analyze data on student performance to identify areas of need and measure the impact of literacy interventions. The Data Quality Campaign supports educators in effectively using data.

Promote a Culture of Reflection : Encourage teachers to reflect on their instructional practices and the outcomes of their efforts. Reflective practice can lead to continuous improvement and professional growth.

Leverage Technology : Integrate technology tools to enhance literacy instruction and coaching. Resources like EdTechTeam can provide ideas and training on using technology in education.

By focusing on these strategies, literacy coaches can enhance their effectiveness, support teachers more efficiently, and ultimately contribute to improved student literacy outcomes.

How to Display Literacy Coaching Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Literacy Coaching Skills on Your Resume

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Someone writing what makes a good teacher on a green board

1. Empathy and Compassion

2. strong communication skills, 3. patience, 4. adaptability, 5. deep knowledge and passion for the subject matter, 6. innovative thinking, 7. commitment to lifelong learning, 8. classroom management skills, 9. cultural competency, 10. feedback and assessment skills.

What makes an exceptional teacher? Is it the depth of their knowledge, or perhaps something more? In today’s dynamic educational landscape, the qualities of a good teacher extend far beyond traditional teaching metrics. They involve empathy, adaptability, and a passion for fostering inclusive environments where every student feels valued.

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Today, being a great teacher isn’t just about knowing your subject inside out. It’s about connecting with your students, embracing technology, and being adaptable. This blog aims to uncover what makes a truly good teacher. We’ll explore the must-have qualities, the soft skills that make a difference, and the hard skills essential in today’s classrooms.

So, let’s dive into what it takes to not just teach but to leave a mark on the future.

One of the most vital teacher qualities is the ability to understand and connect with students on a personal level. Empathy and compassion involve recognizing each student’s unique challenges and needs, whether they’re struggling academically, socially, or personally. A teacher can demonstrate this by listening to students’ concerns, offering support, and adapting lessons to include diverse perspectives. 

For example, a teacher might notice a student’s interest in a particular topic and incorporate it into the curriculum, making learning more relevant and engaging for that individual.

Effective teaching is rooted in clear and concise communication. This good teacher trait is about more than just delivering content; it’s about engaging students in a way that makes the material understandable and exciting. Strong communication also means explaining complex concepts in simple terms and using various methods, such as visual aids or interactive activities, to reinforce learning. 

An example of this in action is when a teacher uses storytelling to bring historical events to life, making it easier for students to remember and relate to the information.

Patience is a cornerstone among the qualities of a good teacher. It’s the ability to remain calm and composed, even when faced with classroom challenges or endless questions from curious minds. This quality is crucial for creating a learning environment where students feel valued and heard. 

A patient teacher might take extra time to explain a difficult math problem to a student, ensuring they understand the concept before moving on, or might calmly manage disruptions, keeping the class focused and productive.

The educational landscape is constantly changing, and adaptability is key to keeping up. This quality allows teachers to modify their teaching strategies to suit new technologies, curriculum changes, and the diverse learning styles of their students. 

For instance, an adaptable teacher might shift to online teaching tools if they notice students are more engaged with digital content or incorporate current events into lessons to make learning more relevant and immediate. This flexibility keeps lessons fresh and demonstrates a commitment to meeting students where they are.

A fundamental trait among the qualities a teacher should have is a thorough understanding of their subject combined with a genuine passion for it. This combination is infectious, inspiring students to develop a love for learning . When a teacher is excited about their teaching topics, this enthusiasm translates into more engaging and dynamic lessons. 

For example, a history teacher passionate about their subject might dress up as historical figures or use artifacts to bring history to life, thereby sparking students’ interest in learning more about the past.

In today’s fast-paced world, teachers must have the ability to think outside the box. Innovative thinking involves developing creative teaching strategies that make learning more interactive and fun. This could mean incorporating games, technology, or project-based learning to cater to different learning styles and keep students engaged. 

A teacher might use apps to create interactive quizzes instead of traditional paper-and-pencil tests, making assessments more enjoyable and less intimidating for students.

The best teachers view education as a continuous journey. A quality of a good teacher is being committed to lifelong learning, which means staying abreast of the latest educational trends, research, and technologies. This commitment ensures that their teaching methods remain relevant and effective. 

Teachers can model the love of learning to their students by attending workshops, enrolling in professional development courses, or simply reading up on new teaching strategies.

Effective classroom management is essential for creating an environment where all students can learn and thrive. This involves establishing clear classroom rules , setting expectations, and fostering a sense of respect and cooperation among students. Teaching qualities like patience, consistency, and fairness play a significant role in successful classroom management. 

An example of good classroom management is when a teacher uses positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior, helping students understand the value of respect and collaboration.

In an increasingly diverse world, cultural competency is a critical quality of a good teacher. It’s about creating an inclusive classroom environment that respects and celebrates differences among students. This quality enables teachers to effectively communicate and connect with students from various backgrounds, ensuring that all voices are heard and valued. 

Incorporating multicultural literature, celebrating different cultural holidays, and encouraging students to share their own experiences are ways to foster an inclusive learning environment.

A critical aspect of good teaching skills is the ability to provide feedback and assess student work in a way that promotes growth and improvement. Constructive feedback helps students understand their strengths and areas for development, guiding them toward achieving their goals . 

For instance, a teacher might use the “sandwich” method—starting with a positive note, followed by constructive criticism, and ending with encouragement—to ensure that feedback is received in a supportive manner. This approach helps students improve and keeps them motivated to learn.

11. Professionalism

Professionalism encompasses a range of behaviors and attitudes, including adhering to ethical standards, maintaining a positive demeanor, and showing respect to students, colleagues, and parents. One of the best teacher qualities is being a role model for students, demonstrating integrity, reliability, and respect in every interaction. 

For example, a teacher might handle a challenging situation with a student privately instead of in front of the class, showing respect for the student’s dignity while addressing the issue.

12. Motivational Skills

The ability to motivate students is among the most impactful characteristics of a good teacher. It involves encouraging students to set high expectations for themselves and supporting them as they work to achieve their full potential. 

A motivational teacher inspires students through positive reinforcement, celebrating their achievements, no matter how small. They might also set challenging yet achievable goals for the class, helping students see the value of hard work and perseverance.

10 Important Soft and Hard Skills Every Teacher Must Have

5 soft skills for teachers.

Vector graphics of soft skills

1. ​​Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is crucial for managing one’s emotions and understanding those of others, which in turn helps build strong relationships within the classroom and beyond. 

Teachers with high emotional intelligence can recognize their students’ emotional and psychological needs, offering support and empathy. This skill allows educators to create a safe and inclusive environment where every student feels valued and understood.

2. Active Listening

Active listening involves fully concentrating on what is being said, understanding the message, responding thoughtfully, and remembering key points. This skill is vital for teachers as it helps them better understand their students’ perspectives, doubts, and queries, making them feel heard and respected. 

By practicing active listening, teachers can provide more personalized support and foster a more engaging learning experience.

3. Critical Thinking

Critical thinking enables teachers to evaluate information objectively and make reasoned judgments. This skill is important for their decision-making and as a model for students. Teachers can encourage students to question assumptions, consider multiple perspectives, and develop their problem-solving skills by demonstrating critical thinking. 

4. Collaboration

The ability to work effectively with colleagues, parents, and the community is indispensable. Collaboration enhances the learning environment by pooling diverse ideas and resources. Teachers who excel in collaboration can more effectively advocate for their students’ needs, develop innovative educational programs, and foster a sense of community within the classroom. 

5. Creativity

Creativity is the ability to generate innovative ideas for teaching and problem-solving. Creative teachers can adapt their teaching methods to suit the varied learning styles of their students, making learning more accessible and enjoyable. 

5 Hard Skills Every Teacher Must Have

Examples of hard skills listed

1. Curriculum Development

The ability to design effective lesson plans and course materials is crucial for tailoring education to meet the needs of all students. Curriculum development involves structuring educational content that is both comprehensive and engaging, ensuring that lessons align with educational standards and objectives. 

An adept teacher crafts these plans to cover the required syllabus and incorporate elements stimulating students’ curiosity and encouraging deeper understanding.

2. Educational Technology Proficiency

In today’s digital age, proficiency with educational technology is indispensable. This skill enables teachers to leverage digital tools and platforms to enhance the learning experience, making it more interactive and accessible. Whether it’s using online resources for collaborative projects or incorporating multimedia elements into presentations, technology proficiency allows for more dynamic and effective teaching methods.

3. Data Literacy

In education, data literacy refers to the ability to gather, interpret, and use educational data effectively. This skill is crucial for analyzing student performance data, understanding assessment results, and applying this information to refine teaching strategies and improve student outcomes. 

A prime example of how data literacy can be applied in a practical educational setting is using SplashLearn . 

  • SplashLearn is an interactive learning platform that provides real-time data on student performance across various subjects. 
  • By engaging with SplashLearn, teachers can track individual and class progress in a detailed and accessible manner. 
  • SplashLearn’s analytics allow educators to pinpoint specific areas where students may be struggling, facilitating the development of targeted instructional strategies to address these learning gaps .

4. Assessment and Evaluation

Developing and implementing various assessment methods are key to monitoring and supporting student progress. This involves traditional testing and alternative evaluation forms, such as portfolios, presentations, and peer reviews, which can provide a more comprehensive view of student learning. 

Effective teachers use these tools to identify strengths and areas for improvement, guiding their instructional decisions and providing targeted support where needed.

5. Project-Based Learning 

Project-Based Learning (PBL) is a teaching method in which students learn by actively engaging in real-world and personally meaningful projects. Developing skills in designing and implementing PBL requires teachers to create projects that are complex, require critical thinking, and collaboration, and draw on multiple areas of knowledge. Teachers learn to guide students through extended projects that offer deep engagement with subjects and build a wide range of useful skills.

The journey to embody the qualities of a good teacher involves a continuous commitment to developing soft and hard skills. By nurturing these essential attributes, educators can create a learning environment that is informative, and engaging but also supportive, and inclusive for all students.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the strengths and weaknesses of a teacher.

A teacher’s strengths often include strong communication skills, emotional intelligence, and a deep understanding of their subject matter. Weaknesses might involve challenges with technology integration, difficulties in classroom management, or the need for further development in assessment strategies.

What makes you stand out from other teachers?

What makes a teacher stand out is their unique approach to engaging students, their innovative use of technology and teaching methods, and their commitment to personal and professional growth. A standout teacher continuously seeks ways to improve and adapt, making learning a memorable and impactful experience for their students.

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How to list strengths and skills on your resume in 2024.

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Strategically and concisely place your skills throughout your resume to demonstrate what you're ... [+] capable of in an easy-to-read manner and to save space

One of the most crucial components of a resume is your strengths and skills section.

So many candidates make the mistake of only speaking to what they did in their work experience, but hardly any mention of what skills they developed or demonstrated within their roles. Including these skills can make all the difference between your application landing in the shortlisting pile or not.

But how exactly do you showcase your strengths and skills within your resume?

When deciding what work skills to include in your resume, and how to structure and place them strategically, there are a few conventions you need to follow and bear in mind:

1. Ensure Relevance

There's no use in listing any and every skill you've ever developed since the start of your career. You've likely built dozens of skills—but that doesn't necessarily mean that you need to include all of them. To help you decide which ones need to be excluded in an effort to keep your resume brief and concise, look at the requirements and qualifications listed in the job advert, and tailor your skills section accordingly.

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Apple confirms major iphone changes with new app features enabled, o j simpson dies of cancer at 76, 2. create a skills section.

Create a dedicated section for your skills and strengths. You may title it "Skills" or "Skills Highlights." While it is essential to include examples of your skills all throughout the resume, it's also important to have this separate section so that it stands out to recruiters. Place this section near the top of your resume, after the professional profile, and before you delve into your work experience.

3. Group By Category

For ease of reading and scannability purposes, you may find it more effective to categorize your strengths and skills under relevant headings, particularly if you have quite a few. For example, you can say, "Technical Skills: Adobe Photoshop, Figma, Canva, MS Office," etc. Or, if you are bilingual or multilingual, you can save space on your resume (depending on layout of course) by grouping your skills and proficiency levels under languages.

4. Balance Soft And Hard Skills

If you work in an industry that tends to have a firm reliance and emphasis on "hard," technical skills, such as the technology industry, or manufacturing, it's pretty easy to overlook soft skills, also known as power skills.

However, according to CompTIA , the professional certification body for IT certifications, soft skills such as communication, problem-solving, organization, and project management, are needed more than you realize for—yes you read right—even largely technical jobs.

For instance, communication is necessary so that you can effectively liaise with project and product managers, and other non-technical stakeholders, so it's important to showcase instances of your communication skills in action, on your resume.

5. Update Periodically

We tend to forget how amazing we are as humans. The business and rush of life can frequently overwhelm us, and we get so lost in doing work, that we forget to take note of what we've actually achieved. If you've been suddenly laid off and are scrambling to find what strengths, achievements, and skills to list on your resume, chances are, you've been a victim of this very habit.

So, every now and then, review your resume and give it a refresh. Do this exercise every time you complete a certification or training course, learn a new skill at work, or achieve something remarkable in your professional life. This ensures your resume is always up to date, so that you're never caught out, forgetting what strengths and skills you actually possess.

Every time you learn a new skill or gain a certification, update your resume—you never know when it ... [+] will be needed

Ultimately, your skills section should complement the rest of your resume—and where you lack space, you can strategically include your skills throughout other sections as well. This will help to paint a comprehensive picture of your suitability for the role.

Rachel Wells

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