ESL Advice

How to Write a Complaint Letter: With Comprehensive Examples

complaint letter essay

This article covers the following areas

Purpose of a complaint letter, what to do before you write, introductory part of a complaint letter, main body of a complaint letter, concluding parts of a complain letter, what to do after sending the letter, tips to make your letter effective, final words.

Composing a complaint letter is essential for addressing dissatisfaction with a product or service professionally. This guide is designed to simplify the process, enabling you to articulate your concerns formally and effectively, even if you aim for a level of simplicity accessible to a younger audience.

To write a complaint letter, start with your personal details, then the date and recipient info. Politely state the issue, provide evidence, and specify a resolution. End with a willingness to engage, appreciation, and your signature.

For an in-depth guide on crafting an effective complaint letter, including examples and tips on follow-up, continue reading below.

A complaint letter is like sending a formal message when something you bought or a service you used didn’t make you happy. It’s a way to tell the company about your problem and ask them to fix it. This letter helps you explain what went wrong and what you want them to do, like giving your money back, replacing the item, or just apologizing.

The main goal of writing this letter is to get the company to pay attention to your issue and do something about it. It’s like raising your hand in class to let the teacher know you need help. By putting your complaint in writing, you make sure the company knows exactly what the problem is and how serious you are about wanting it solved.

When you write a complaint letter, you’re also keeping a record of your problem. This is important because it means you have proof of your complaint if you need to take more steps to resolve it. It’s like saving a receipt to show you bought the item or service if something goes wrong.

This kind of letter is powerful because it shows the company you’re serious and you understand your rights as a customer. It’s a respectful way to demand action and ensure companies listen to what you say. It’s all about standing up for yourself smartly and formally.

By sending a complaint letter, you’re also helping the company improve. Your feedback can show them where they need to improve so the same problem doesn’t happen to someone else. It’s a way to make things better for everyone, not just get your issue fixed.

Before writing your complaint letter, take a deep breath and calm down. Writing with a clear head is important so your letter sounds logical, not just full of angry words. This way, you can make your point without letting emotions take over.

Next, make sure you have all your facts straight. Collect receipts, photos, emails, or anything else proving your point. It’s like gathering clues for a detective case; the more evidence you have, the stronger your case will be.

Then, consider what you want to happen after the company reads your letter. Do you want your money back, a new product, or an apology? Be clear about your goal, and ensure it’s something fair and makes sense. This helps the company understand exactly what you need to fix the problem.

When writing a complaint letter, the introduction sets the tone for the rest of your message. It’s like starting a conversation where you first introduce yourself, then explain whom you’re talking to, and finally, get into the main discussion politely. Let’s break down how to do this step by step.

Personal Information

When writing a complaint letter, starting with your personal information is like laying down your ID card on the table. It’s your way of introducing yourself to the company. When you meet someone new, you start with your name; in a letter, you do the same but add more details. Write your full name, home address, phone number, and email in the top left corner.

For example, if Ananya Singh is writing, she’ll put this right at the start.

Ananya Singh 101 Rose Avenue, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700084 Phone: 9123456780 Email: [email protected]

This doesn’t just tell the company who Ananya is; it also shows them how to talk back to her. Ananya says, “Here’s how you can reach me if you want to fix this.”

By putting this information right at the start, Ananya ensures the company has everything they need to get back to her without looking elsewhere. It’s a smart move because it makes replying easier for them. Think of it as giving someone your address and phone number so they know where you live and how to call you.

This step is super important because it sets the stage for everything that follows in the letter. Without it, the company might not know who’s writing to them or how to respond. It’s the first step in ensuring your voice is heard, and your problem is taken seriously.

So, remember, whenever you’re writing a complaint letter, start by clearly stating who you are and how the company can contact you. It’s a simple but powerful way to open your letter, ensuring the company notices your words.

Date and Recipient’s Details

Just after you tell them who you are, the next step in your letter is like marking a spot on a timeline. By writing the date, you let the company know exactly when you contacted them. It’s like saying, “This is the day I decided to let you know something’s up.”

Placing the date at the top, right after your personal information, makes it easy to see and helps keep a record of your communication.

March 10, 2024

Following the date, it’s time to make sure your letter gets to the right eyes and hands. Writing down the name and address of the company, or even better, a specific person if you know who to contact, is crucial. It’s similar to using GPS to navigate straight to where you need to go, avoiding detours.

For example, if you’re writing to TechGadgets Ltd., you’d specify the following right under the date –

Attn: Customer Service TechGadgets Ltd. 234 Electronic City, Bengaluru, Karnataka, 560100

This part of your letter acts like a homing signal. It ensures that your message doesn’t just land anywhere but goes directly to the people who can help solve your problem.

Think of it as addressing a package; you want to ensure it arrives at the right doorstep, not just any doorstep in the neighborhood.

By carefully including the date and recipient’s details, you’re setting up your letter for a smooth journey from your hands to the right person’s desk. It’s all about making your message clear and getting it where changes can happen.

This step is like laying down a clear path for your words, ensuring they lead to action and, hopefully, a resolution to your issue.

Greeting or saying hello in your complaint letter is more important than you might think. It’s like the first impression you make when you meet someone. Knowing the name of the person you’re writing to, starting with “Dear Ms. Iyer,” shows you’ve taken the time to personalize your message. It tells the reader, “I see you as someone who can help me.”

If you’re unsure who will read your letter, “Dear Customer Service” is a respectful and safe way to start. This greeting is like knocking on a door politely before entering. It shows you’re respectful and ready to engage in a constructive conversation, no matter who is on the other side.

Dear Customer Service,

Choosing the right way to say hello sets a positive tone for the rest of your letter. It’s like starting a conversation on the right foot, making the reader more open to hearing what you say. A respectful greeting clarifies that you’re looking for a solution, not just a chance to complain.

So, the introductory part is crucial because it shows you’re approaching the issue with professionalism and respect. By clearly stating who you are, marking the date, addressing the recipient properly, and choosing the right salutation, you’re setting the stage for a constructive dialogue. It’s about making a good first impression and opening the door to a positive resolution.

In the body of your complaint letter, you really get down to business. This is where you explain what went wrong and what you want to be done about it. Let’s walk through how to lay out your concerns clearly and respectfully, following the format you provided.

Opening Statement

Start with why you’re writing. It’s like telling the company, “Here’s what’s up.” Briefly mention what you bought or the service you used, and pinpoint the problem. Keep it simple and to the point. For example, Ananya might write:

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the smartphone model X500 I purchased from your store in Electronic City, Bengaluru, on March 1, 2024. Unfortunately, the device has not been functioning properly since the day I bought it.

This opening is Ananya’s way of saying, “This is the issue I’m facing.”

Detailed Account

Next, it’s time to share the story of what happened. Think of this as giving directions; you want to be clear. Mention when and where you bought the product or service and what went wrong. If you’ve tried to fix the problem, mention that too. Remember, stick to the facts. Ananya could elaborate like this:

Despite following all setup instructions, the smartphone’s screen freezes repeatedly, and the battery drains within hours. I visited your service center on March 5, 2024, but the issue persists after the attempted repair.

This part is Ananya clearly mapping her experience without letting emotions steer the narrative.

Resolution Request

Now, what do you want the company to do? This is like telling them, “Here’s how you can make things right.” Be clear about whether you want a refund, a replacement, a repair, or just an apology. Ananya’s request might look like this:

Given the ongoing issues and the inconvenience caused, I kindly request a full refund or an exchange for a model that does not have these problems. I believe this is a fair request under the circumstances.

This is Ananya setting her destination, saying, “This is where I hope we can end up.”

So, once I put these three parts together, you will find something like,

I’m writing to let you know I’m not happy with the portable speaker (Model X123) I bought from your store on February 20, 2024. It hasn’t worked right since I got it, which is really disappointing.

Right from the start, the sound was bad, and it kept losing its Bluetooth connection. I tried fixing it with your manual and even emailed your support team on February 25, 2024, but nothing worked. By March 5, 2024, it wouldn’t even turn on.

I’m asking for a full refund of ₹5,000 or a new speaker that works as it should. I think that’s fair, given all the trouble I’ve had.

By structuring the body of your complaint letter this way, you’re guiding the company through your experience and toward a resolution. It’s about being clear, factual, and fair, laying out a path to a satisfactory outcome for both parties. This approach effectively communicates your concerns and shows you’re seeking a reasonable solution.

Concluding a complaint letter on the right note is as crucial as the complaint itself. It’s your final chance to leave a lasting impression and nudge the recipient towards a favorable outcome. Let’s break down how to craft a compelling conclusion.

Willingness to Engage

Start by showing you’re open to working together to solve the problem. This doesn’t just show you’re reasonable; it also suggests you’re looking for a win-win solution, not just airing grievances.

For example, you could write,

I am eager to discuss this further and find a solution that suits us both.

This line signals your readiness to engage in a dialogue, making it clear you’re not just complaining but are also part of the solution.


Next, a thank you goes a long way. Ending your letter by thanking the recipient for their time and attention reinforces the professional and respectful tone you’ve maintained throughout.

You might say –

Thank you for considering my concerns.

This simple gesture of appreciation acknowledges the effort it takes to address your complaint and helps maintain a positive relationship with the recipient.

Finally, sign off your letter formally to match the tone of your opening. A simple “Sincerely” followed by your name does the job. It’s like the closing handshake after a meeting—polite and expected.

For instance,

Sincerely, Ananya Singh.

This formal closure marks the end of your letter and wraps up your communication on a respectful note.

Now, Let’s see how it looks like once I put all the parts together –

I am eager to work together to find a satisfactory solution to this issue and am open to any suggestions you might have. Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated, and I am willing to provide any further information needed.

Thank you very much for considering my request and for your time in addressing my concerns. I look forward to your response and am hopeful for a positive resolution.

Ananya Singh

By incorporating these elements into the conclusion of your complaint letter, you effectively communicate your willingness to find a resolution, show gratitude for the recipient’s time, and maintain a professional demeanor. This approach leaves a good impression and increases the likelihood of a positive response.

After you send off your complaint letter, giving the company time to get back to you is important. Think of it like planting a seed; you must wait before seeing it sprout. Usually, waiting a couple of weeks is a good rule of thumb. This shows you’re patient and understand that solving problems can take a little time.

While you’re waiting, keep a copy of the letter you sent and any replies you get. It’s like keeping a diary of your conversation with the company. This way, if you need to refer back to what was said or if you need to take further steps, you have all the information handy.

If those few weeks pass and you haven’t heard back, it’s time to follow up . This doesn’t mean bombarding them with messages every day. Instead, send a polite email or phone call asking if they received your letter and how the issue is being addressed. Letting them know you’re still waiting and expect a resolution is a gentle nudge.

Remember, staying calm and collected throughout the process is the key here. Getting angry or impatient won’t help solve the problem any faster. By following these steps, you’re doing everything right on your end to get the issue resolved.

Crafting an effective complaint letter is an art that requires balance, clarity, and a touch of diplomacy. Whether you’re disappointed with a service, product, or experience, expressing your concerns formally is a vital step toward resolution. To help you navigate this process, here are some essential tips to consider:

1. Start With Clarity

Starting with clarity is crucial. Your letter should begin with a concise statement of its purpose. Clearly and succinctly explain the issue, avoiding extraneous details that might muddle your main points. This helps the recipient immediately grasp your complaint’s essence, setting a focused tone for the rest of your communication.

2. Maintain Professionalism

Maintaining professionalism throughout your letter cannot be overstated. Regardless of your frustration or disappointment, keeping the tone respectful and professional is essential. A polite and measured approach is far more likely to elicit a constructive response from the recipient, fostering an atmosphere conducive to resolving the issue.

3. Detail Specifics

Detailing specifics is vital for context and clarity. Include all relevant information, such as dates, locations, and specific details about the transaction or product. These specifics help the recipient understand the issue more thoroughly and demonstrate the seriousness of your complaint.

4. Explicitly State Your Expectation

Explicitly stating your expectations for resolution makes it easier for the company to address your concerns. Whether you’re seeking a refund, repair, replacement, or simply an apology, clarity about your desired outcome removes ambiguity and helps guide the company’s response to your satisfaction.

5. Attach Supporting Evidence

Attaching supporting evidence to your complaint strengthens your case. This could include receipts, warranties, email correspondences, or photographs related to your complaint. Such evidence provides tangible proof of your claims, making it harder for the recipient to overlook or dismiss your concerns.

6. Reference Previous Attempts

Referencing previous attempts to resolve the issue through customer service is also important. This shows that you have made a reasonable effort to address the problem through available channels, underscoring your commitment to finding a resolution.

7. Retain Copies of Correspondence

Retaining copies of all correspondence related to your complaint, including the letter and any responses, is crucial. This documentation may prove invaluable if the issue escalates or further action is required as a detailed record of your attempts to seek resolution.

8. Be Prepared to Follow Up

Finally, be prepared to follow up if you do not receive a response within a reasonable timeframe. A polite reminder can sometimes be necessary to prompt action. Persistence and a respectful approach can be key to achieving your desired resolution.

Incorporating these tips into your complaint letter ensures your communication is heard and taken seriously. The aim is not just to voice dissatisfaction but to initiate a constructive dialogue that leads to a satisfactory resolution. With the right approach, your letter can be a powerful tool in achieving your desired outcome.

This guide outlines a structured approach to writing a complaint letter, emphasizing the importance of clarity, formality, and focus on resolution. By adhering to these guidelines, you can communicate your concerns effectively, facilitating a positive outcome.

Writing a complaint letter doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following these steps and keeping your communication clear, polite, and to the point, you increase your chances of resolving your issue satisfactorily. Remember, the goal is not just to complain but to seek a fair solution for both parties involved.

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Niaj A A Khan

Niaj A A Khan is an ESL Instructor with over 8 years of experience in teaching & developing resources at different universities and institutes. Mr. Khan is also a passionate writer working on his first book, "Learn English at Ease."

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complaint letter essay

  • How to Write a Complaint Letter + [ 5 Template Samples]


So you’ve been offended at work or by a bad product/services, part of you wants to blow hot, really hot, but what will that accomplish? Rather than raise dust which will eventually settle, how about you file a letter of complaint about it for a productive outcome. 

This type of letter written to address any type of wrong-doing, offense, grievance, resentment arising out of a product, service, etc. It is used to raise your concern about unfair things and seek redress.

If you’re unfamiliar with how a complaint letter should look, visit formplus and take a look at any complaint letter sample that suits your purpose. Each type of complaint has its own complaint letter format.

Tips for Writing an Effective Complaint Letter 

  • Start off politely

Manners really matter. Your recipients are more likely to give attention to cordial letters. On the other hand, letters containing threats and ALL UPPERCASE are responded to with the bare minimum. Or not at all. 

If your Letter contains any kind of profanity, it is likely to be ignored, and some that may be considered threatening are handed over to law enforcement. The most effective e-mails and letters are very short averaging about 500 words tops. They include all the details necessary to track your problem.

  • Ask a question

Your request should be in the form of a question. The question should tow the lines of “How do you fix this?”. State exactly what you want to be done and how long you’re willing to wait for a response. Another key phrase format is “I wish to complain in the strongest terms about”. The question should be clear and easy to understand. It also helps if it’s genuine and void of sarcasm. 

  • Explain the problem

You should indicate your reasons for writing the letter. Highlight the facts which include the time, date and where you purchased or received the services. The reader should be able to get the point on reading the first few sentences hence it is important not to beat about the bush. Explain yourself well and be detailed to capture the reader’s attention.

  • Don’t blame the person you are dealing with

While writing your letter, it is important that you remain courteous at all times. No matter how justified your complaint may be, do not allow your letter to become angry, sarcastic, or threatening. Bear in mind that the person that reads your letter will often not be the person responsible for the problem.

  • Show them you are in the know

The best chance your complaint gets a fair shake is if you can convince the company that it didn’t follow its own rules or broke the law. If your complaint letter fails to bring about the results that you hoped for, consider writing another letter with a firmer tone, or try writing to someone higher up in the chain of command.

Types of Complaint Letter 

  • Formal Complaint Letter

This is a letter that you use to communicate your concerns and voice your issues to the authorities. A formal complaint is backed by a legal document that sets out the facts and legal reasons that you believe are sufficient to support your claims against a party that entitles you to a remedy for the damages caused. 

A formal letter of complaint is one of the best ways to complain about something such as a product or service so that necessary action is taken on it

  • Product & Service Complaint Letter  

This kind of letter is written by a consumer to a manufacturer or retailer regarding a problem with a product or service. The aggrieved customer writes a product consumer complaint letter to the concerned authority in an organization to inform them about the poor performance of a product or to complain about the delivery of the defective/damaged goods. 

In drafting such a letter, it is advisable to make it brief and to the point and state exactly what you want to be done about the problem and how long you are committed to waiting to get it resolved.

You could follow these easy steps:

  • Mention the item purchased with specifications, date of purchase, and warranty.
  • Explain the problem faced with the product.
  • Mention if the problem is persistent.
  • Conclude by requesting that the concerned authority either repair the product suitably or replace it 
  • If the repairs that are undertaken aren’t satisfactory, play the warranty card. 
  • Employee Complaint Letter

For starters, the Employee complaint letter can be written by two people: the employer and the employee. As an employee, if you want to make a formal complaint about something which has happened at work, you should raise a grievance.

A few tips you could use when drafting an Employee complaint letter include:

  • Identify exactly the kind of workplace harassment that took place.
  • Write down the details about the harassment.
  • Introduce yourself and your purpose.
  • Present the facts of the harassment.
  • Explain in great detail how you responded.
  • Proffer a solution to the issue.
  • Avoid using offensive language.

How to Write a Complaint Letter (Etiquette & Sample)

Step 1: Start off with a greeting

When writing a complaint letter, it is important that it is addressed to the relevant authority. The letter of complaint is channeled to the customer care department or Human Resource person, whichever is the case. This is because the main function of customer care/ HR support is to deal with whatever issues the customers may have. If you have a contact person, you can start the letter with an address like Dear Sir/Ma/ Ma’am/ or Dear Mr/Miss/Ms./Mrs .

Step 2: Explain what you’re complaining about

Give details about the reason for your complaint. You want to be as straightforward as possible in this step because not everyone has time to go through the details of a super long letter. So start with something like; I’m writing to complain about the poorly packaged delivery I got from your logistics chain on the 18th of October 202X

Step 3: If you’ve taken any prior steps, here’s the time to share that

You may have visited the store, called, or sent a prior email before writing this complaint letter. After explaining the reason for your complaint, succinctly explain what steps you took in rectifying the situation and how it still didn’t resolve your issues with the product/service. As you follow up on a conversation, be sure to say who you spoke with and confirm the details of your discussion.

Step 4: Attach c opies of relevant supporting documents

Attach copies of the necessary and relevant documents. This may include receipts, warranties, cheques, pictures, videos if there are any. This is important as it makes your complaint legit. Ensure to include in your letter the exact documents you are attaching. Just ensure that you only send a copy of the files so it doesn’t get lost and that you still have the originals for further reference.

Step 5: How and when do you want this issue resolved?

If you can convince the company that it didn’t follow its own rules or broke the law, your complaint has a better chance of getting looked into. Express what action you want to be taken in relation to the complaint that you have made. Would you prefer to receive a discount, a refund, a repair or a replacement? It is important to state the time in which you want your issue resolved. This will help your issue be solved in the soonest time possible. The period you are providing should be realistic to avoid an unreasonable clash between you and the company.

Step 6: Sign off with your name and contact information

Included in the complaint letter should be your contact information to enable those receiving your complaints to reach out to you towards resolving the issue. Also, do well to conclude your letter in a respectful manner. Like your typical formal letter, finish your letter by closing with yours faithfully.

Tired of getting complaint letters?  Sign Up on Formplus to create an online complaint form . Embed it on your website to get customers complaints seamlessly

5 Complaint Letter Sample for Everyday Use

 complaint letter sample for poor service .

To write a complaint against poor service, you should start by contacting the company against which you have a complaint. Mail the manager to report bad customer service you have received from an employee. If you are dealing with a large company and the direct mail of the manager is not available immediately, you can always mail the HR.

The Manager (Job designation…)

Company/Organization name…

Sub: Complaint Letter for Poor Services

Dear (name),

I regret to state that I’ve had a gym membership card for about five years now (More/less) but unfortunately I found great trouble with the new instructor the day before yesterday (Date: dd/mm/yy). I usually have private paid sessions with the instructor from 7 am to 8 am. For whatever reason, he was having a session with another group during my time (Write your actual problem and situation)

Sir, I wasn’t able to have my session and had to go home to meet other pressing engagements. The new instructor didn’t even offer as much as an apology for his conduct.

I believe it is in your best interest to please take strict action regarding the above-mentioned matter.

With thanks,

Contact no. and signature…

Complaint Letter Sample for Bad Product 

Say you have used a product and you suspect it did you a disservice and/or the product was damaged or bad, and you seek redress. To help move the issue along, and resolve it in good faith, one often must compose a complaint letter. Here’s a sample to get your grievances sorted in record time.

Peter Burke

5 Allen Avenue,

Maryland, CA 34555

October 7, 2019

Keri Hilson

Mansard Manufacturing

14 Bing Street.

Re: Purchase of spoiled goods

Dear Miss Hilson:

This letter is to bring to your notice concerning the purchase of spoiled goods on October 5, 2019.

At the point of purchase, I was assured the goods would be fresh upon arrival. Instead, they were delivered spoiled. I have attached a photo as well as the delivery receipt.

I would love for you to look into this matter, and either refund my purchase or send out another supply.

Thank you for attending to the above matter. Do feel free to contact me at any time: 555-6868; [email protected].

Enclosures: Photo and receipt

Complaint Letter Sample for Harassment

No one is required to tolerate harassment in the workplace and if it happens, a complaint letter to a supervisor or human resources person will be in order. A reminder that a harassment complaint letter is only written by an individual who is harassed due to a circumstance, incident, or unacceptable behavior from another individual. This sample provides the bare minimum as you seek justice.

Name of Victim 

Address of Victim 

Phone Number of Victim 

Name of Recipient 

Designation of Recipient 

Name of Organization 

Address of Organization 

Dear Name of Recipient: 

I write this letter to inform you about the inappropriate groping and sexual advances I’ve suffered at the hands of the Name of the Harasser. I hold the position of POSITION in the company and have been employed for five years, and my work ethic has never been called into question. 

The harassment began on DATE when I was first transferred to this department and he said he was attracted to me. It has continued almost every day since. 

On DATE he sent me an email that said I should meet up with him after work. 

On DATE he sent a voicemail that said he would love to make sweet love to me in the bathroom stall. 

I reported to my immediate supervisor about the situation after the second incident but the Name of Harasser has not stopped. While most of the advances have been verbal, I have the recordings of two voicemails and one email from the Name of the Harasser. I also have two witnesses, Name of Witness one and Name of Witness two, who have witnessed the harassment. 

I want to bring to your notice that I am undergoing emotional trauma and embarrassment at work. The harassment is affecting my relationship with my Husband and is affecting my performance at work.

I implore that you please take up the matter and take any necessary action. 

Yours Sincerely, 

Signature of Victim 

Employee Complaint Letter Sample to HR 

Rotten behavior among employees can cause irreparable damage to a company in the long run. The best way to stop such dirty behavior that would otherwise rotten a company is to write an HR complaint letter. Is your boss threatening your job if you don’t “see things his way?” Is a coworker sabotaging you or worse? Write to HR. Here’s a sample to set you on your way.

My name is [name] and I have been working as [a secretary] for the past [3 years]. I am proud and happy to do my bit by offering assistance to my senior colleague. Sadly, this wonderful experience is being ruined because of a single employee: [employee name].

I’ve explored all other options prior to writing this letter and I find myself forced to resort to the human resources department for a resolution.

His/Her] continuous misbehavior and lack of conduct are just too much to cope with. It’s affecting my performance and hindering me from doing my work. [Give examples here. What, when, and where it happened? Support your case with numbers, dates and facts.]

I ask for your immediate intervention to find a solution to this problem and to establish a professional, friendly, and productive environment for all of us.

Thank you very much for your understanding.

Best Regards

Complaint Letter Sample to Management

It is frustrating when your manager seems to have a “thing” on you that you can’t explain. When writing a letter complaining about said manager’s behavior, you need to ensure that you have your name, address, the name of the manager and the account of events laid out. Especially since you addressing it to the upper echelon of the organization. This sample covers all the areas required.

Manager Operations,

Company/Institute name…

Address/Branch Address…

Sub: Complaint Letter against Manager

Respected sir,

I hope this letter meets you well. Sir, I work in your company in the research department (Department name) for the past 2/4/6 (More/less) years. The subject of my letter is actually a complaint about our department manager. (Describe your problems and situation). 

I write on behalf of the entire department. We face a number of challenges as his behavior to us is very rude and uncouth. We can’t concentrate on doing our work with his presence. He treats us like slaves in his opinion are worthless. Kindly just change our manager or at least give him a stern warning. The staff of the department will be very grateful if this is done.

Sincerely Yours,

Job Designation…

Department Name…

4 Online Complaint Form Template to Use

  • Workplace Complaint Template

This workplace harassment form template can be used by an organization to allow employees and customers to report sexual, bullying, and disrespectful incidents in the workplace.  It can easily be embedded in the company handbook or website. This employee harassment form template is great for HR personnel, employers, and company managers. It is important because Workplace harassment, whether it happens in person or online, is an issue impacting businesses.

  • Online Complaint Form Template

The online complaint form template is used to receive customer complaints or employee feedback about your business or services. You can customize the ready-made form to suit your brand and embed the link on your website, social media pages or simply let customers scan QR code to give you the needed feedback. You can use this complaint form in any type of business.

  • Customer Complaint Form 

With the Customer Satisfaction Survey Template, you can measure customer satisfaction when you find out what they really think about your product or service. Understanding how your customers feel about your products helps you know what areas you’re are doing well as well as those you need to improve on. You can customize this customer satisfaction template or create your own with our intuitive drag and drop online form builder.

  • Hotel Complaint Form  

The Hotel Feedback Form Template helps you to improve the standards of your hotel or guest houses by allowing customers to provide feedback about your hotel service. You can embed this hotel feedback form on your hotel booking site or send it to your customers’ email after they check out. With it, guests share freely their opinions, reviews & experience.

Complaint Letters are used to raise your concerns about unfair things and seek a productive outcome. While writing one, remember to use the correct tone to write a complaint letter and avoid being emotional in your letter.

In business, the purpose of a complaint letter in business is to get rectification and replacement and not finding fault. The recipient of a complaint letter should be willing to attend to genuine complaints with an open mind. The best bet for the recipient is not to react immediately either orally or in writing, but to actually make an inquest. 


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Letter of Complaint, Essay Example

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To whom it may concern,

I recently ordered the Canon 7d from It was a previously used body that had been manufacturer refurbished. I am writing to you because when I received the camera, the shutter inside the body of the camera was not working properly. The product came with a warranty and I am disappointed that my camera does not work and would like it to either be replaced or for your company to refund me the purchase price of the camera, which was $899. I have been a loyal Canon customer for over five years and I consider myself to be a professional photographer, so I desperately need this camera replaced so I can continue with my work. I have never had a problem with your products before and I was surprised when I received this product and it did not work at all. I hope that you will honor my request as a loyal customer and grant me my refund.

Letter of Apology

Dear customer,

We apologize for the problems you have experienced with your Canon 7D camera and although we appreciate your loyalty to our company, we are unable to grant you a refund or replacement because you purchased the product from a third party seller. If you had purchased the camera new, from a certified Canon retailer, we would be able to complete your request, but since the purchase went through a seller who is unauthorized by our company, there is little we can do to help you recover the lost money over the damaged camera. We recommend you follow up with the seller of the camera and pursue your refund through them. If they are unwilling to grant you a refund or a replacement, we would be more than happy to look at your camera and see if it can be repaired- but as for your request for a refund or a new camera, we apologize but we can not do that. We hope that this does not ruin your relationship with us and our company and we urge you to let us know if there is anything more we can do.

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How to Write a Complaint Letter


Complaint letters can be tasteful and direct

You didn't get the service you expected.

You spent hours drafting a grant proposal that received no funding.

You were put on hold three times.

Do any of these complaints sound familiar?

Yes, indeed, life is sometimes about not getting what you want. Life is full of disappointments, but sometimes these disappointments are so great that they warrant further scrutiny. Rather than act like a spoiled child, ranting and raving, wouldn't it be nice to be able to write a beautifully constructed letter of complaint?

In the current age of "instant reactions," where a hastily constructed email or a high-pitched, heat-of-the-moment telephone conversation can cause more harm than good and will often get you nowhere, a complaint letter seems to carry more weight. However, writing such a letter is seldom easy. Luckily, we're here to help and will even provide an example complaint letter for your reference.

Organize your letter of complaint to achieve clarity

Before you sit down to actually write the complaint letter, jot down the facts of the case. These facts might include the date, time, and location of the incident, and the names of the personnel involved. Then briefly write down what went wrong and what impact (emotional, financial) it has had on you.

The layout of a complaint letter

Writing a letter of complaint is partly about getting an annoyance off your chest (think of it as therapy) and partly about seeking redress for a wrongdoing. To achieve both ends successfully, adhere to the following three-step sequence:

Step 1: Clearly state the facts of your case/causes for your complaint.

Step 2: Outline/discuss why you are so unhappy/upset.

Step 3: In some instances, it may be appropriate to set out your thoughts on a remedy/fix that would be amenable to you and/or others; in other instances, it is best to leave the solution in the hands of the perpetrator.

Keep your complaint professional

This should be a formal letter – after all, this is a serious matter, and you want it treated as such. One-inch margins are used throughout. A professional letter typically uses an easy-to-read and plain typeface (Arial or Times New Roman) in 11 or 12 point. Avoid any fancy typefaces or small point sizes, as they send the wrong message.

You should include your address in the top left (header) of the letter. The address of the company/person you are writing to—in this example, "That Awful Company"—should appear on the left. It is best if you can address your letter to a particular person within an organization. If you do not have a name, Dear Sir/Madam is acceptable in the salutation line.

Don't forget to end your complaint letter with a closing salutation such as "Yours sincerely" or "Sincerely" and to leave sufficient space for your signature (usually three lines). Last, be sure your letter is free from grammar and spelling errors by sending it for proofreading by the professionals at Scribendi.

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complaint letter essay

How to Write a Letter of Complaint

Practice in Brainstorming

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Here's a project that will introduce you to brainstorming and give you practice in group writing. You will join with three or four other writers to compose a letter of complaint (also called a claim letter ).

Consider Different Topics

The best topic for this assignment will be one that you and the other members of your group truly care about. You may write to the dining hall supervisor to complain about the quality of the food, to an instructor to complain about his or her grading policies, to the governor to complain about cuts to the education budget--whatever subject the members of your group find interesting and worthwhile.

Begin by suggesting topics, and ask one member of the group to write them down as they are given. Don't stop at this point to discuss or evaluate the topics: simply prepare a long list of possibilities.

Choose a Topic and Brainstorm

Once you have filled a page with topics, you can decide among yourselves which one you would like to write about. Then discuss the points that you think should be raised in the letter.

Again, have one member of the group keep track of these suggestions. Your letter will need to explain the problem clearly and show why your complaint should be taken seriously.

At this stage, you may discover that you need to gather additional information to develop your ideas effectively. If so, ask one or two members of the group to conduct some basic research and bring their findings back to the group.

Draft and Revise a Letter

After collecting sufficient material for your letter of complaint, elect one member to compose a rough draft. When this has been completed, the draft should be read aloud so that all members of the group can recommend ways to improve it through revision. Each group member should have the opportunity to revise the letter according to the suggestions made by the others.

To guide your revision, you may want to study the structure of the sample complaint letter that follows. Notice that the letter has three distinct parts:

  • An introduction that clearly identifies the subject of the complaint.
  • A body paragraph that (a) clearly and specifically explains the nature of the complaint, and (b) provides the reader with all of the information needed to provide an appropriate response.
  • A conclusion that clearly states what actions are needed to remedy the problem.
Annie Jolly 110-C Woodhouse Lane Savannah, Georgia 31419 November 1, 2007 Mr. Frederick Rozco, President Rozco Corporation 14641 Peachtree Boulevard Atlanta, Georgia 303030 Dear Mr. Rozco: On October 15, 2007, in response to a special television offer, I ordered a Tressel Toaster from your company. The product arrived in the mail, apparently undamaged, on October 22. However, when I tried to operate the Tressel Toaster that same evening, I was distressed to find that it did not fulfill your claim to provide "fast, safe, professional hair-styling." Instead, it severely damaged my hair. After following the instructions to "set up the toaster away from other appliances on a dry counter" in my bathroom, I inserted the steel comb and waited 60 seconds. Then I removed the comb from the toaster and, following the instructions for a "Venusian Curl," ran the hot comb through my hair. After just a few seconds, however, I smelled burning hair, and so I immediately placed the comb back into the toaster. When I did this, sparks flew from the outlet. I reached to unplug the toaster, but I was too late: a fuse had already blown out. A few minutes later, after replacing the fuse, I looked in the mirror and saw that my hair had been scorched in several spots. I am returning the Tressel Toaster (along with the unopened bottle of Un-Do Shampoo), and I expect a full refund of $39.95, plus $5.90 for shipping costs. In addition, I am enclosing a receipt for the wig I purchased and will have to wear until the damaged hair grows out. Please send me a check for $303.67 to cover the refund for the Tressel Toaster and the cost of the wig. Sincerely, Annie Jolly

Notice how the writer has delivered her complaint with facts rather than emotions. The letter is firm and direct but also respectful and polite.

Revise, Edit, and Proofread Your Letter

Invite one member of your group to read aloud your letter of complaint and respond to it as if he or she had just received it in the mail. Does the complaint sound valid and worth taking seriously? If so, ask the members of the group to revise, edit, and proofread the letter one final time, using the following checklist as a guide:

  • Does your letter follow the standard format shown in the example above?
  • Does your letter consist of an introduction, a body paragraph, and a conclusion?
  • Does your introductory paragraph clearly identify what you are complaining about?
  • Does your body paragraph clearly and specifically explain the nature of the complaint?
  • In the body paragraph, have you provided the reader with all of the information needed if he or she is to respond effectively to your complaint?
  • Have you conveyed your complaint calmly and clearly, relying on facts rather than emotions?
  • Have you clearly organized the information in your body paragraph so that one sentence leads logically to the next?
  • In your conclusion, have you clearly stated what action(s) you want your reader to take?
  • Have you proofread the letter carefully?
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IELTS General Writing Task 1: Complaint Letter

IELTS Complaint Letter is a formal or semi-formal type of letter where you are given a situation that you wish to be resolved in some way.

Complaint letters are used to raise your concerns about unfair things, such as bad service, faulty goods, problems with people and to seek a productive outcome.

Here is an example how the task may look like:

WRITING TASK 1 (General)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You have had a problem with your next-door neighbour. You have not been able to speak to your neighbour about this.

Write a letter to this neighbour. In your letter

  • Explain the problem
  • Suggest a solution
  • Say what action you will take if the situation does not improve

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to write any addresses.

Begin your letter as follows:

Note! You will find the IELTS Complaint Letter Sample with grammar corrections and estimated band score down below.

IELTS Complaint Letter Structure & Vocabulary

We have listed for you the letter structure of IELTS Complaint Letter with common phrases you can use to get the correct structure and right tone.

empty notebook


  • 1 Dear Sir/Madam, (or name if given)
  • 2 Explanation: 1-2 sentences what you are complaining about
  • 3 Explain in more detail
  • 4 What action you want the person or company to take
  • 5 Formal ending, name, signature
  • Dear Sir/Madam, (or name if given)
  • I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the ... / my concern about
  • I am writing to complain about ... / I had been led to believe ...
  • I would like to draw your attention to ...
  • The reason I am writing to you is poor quality of a ... , which I bought in your store.
  • After only two times it was in use, problems started to appear.
  • what had happened, what is the problem
  • I was supposed to receive ... . Unfortunately, that never happened.
  • I could not believe that ...
  • what are you unhappy about
  • You can imagine how unhappy I was to discover ...
  • I regret to inform you that your service was below my expectations.
  • what did you do to resolve the situation
  • I contacted your store immediately in order to return ...
  • When I tried to contact you by phone no one could offer me any sensible answer.
  • how do you feel about the problem
  • You can imagine how receiving this offer upset me.

background, writing correction markups

  • The ideal solution would be ... / Nevertheless, I hope/assume you will replace ...
  • I hope you can settle this matter by ... (doing smth)
  • I insist on getting a refund of ...
  • I am very disappointed with the ... . Therefore I expect a full refund of $100 as soon as possible.
  • I hope this matter will be resolved / I trust the situation will improve.
  • I look forward to hearing from you!
  • I look forward to receiving a prompt reply!
  • Yours sincerely, ... (you know the name of person you are writing to)
  • Yours faithfully, ... (you don't know the name!)

Learn by playing!

Learning should be fun, right? For that reason, we have created a little game in order to help you learn useful vocabulary and phrases for writing complaint letters.

There are 15 questions in total and the questions are in random order. Give it a try and test your knowledge. Just click the answer!

Useful phrases

  • misleading information
  • I would like to complain about the poor quality of service I recently received from your company.
  • I wish to make a complaint regarding your inefficient staff. (level of service)
  • I am writing to complain about the poor train service your company provided from the 5th to the 12th of November. / ... and I missed my plane as a result.
  • I am writing to you about the party ... . I have a number of complaints. I hope you will agree that it was a very disappointing evening.
  • The problems do not stop here. / ... / Furthermore, ...
  • To begin with ... / In addition to this, ... / Added to this, there was no ...
  • ... was not worth the money I paid for it.
  • Having paid a lot of money for the ... , I found this extremely frustrating
  • In your ... you promised a pleasant ... . This was definitely not my experience.
  • However, I would like to point out that ...
  • I feel I am entitled to a partial refund in addition to an apology for the inconvenience caused.
  • Furthermore, you will find a bill on the value of ... . I expect it to be compensated as well.
  • I would appreciate it if you could look into the matter as soon as possible.

IELTS Complaint Letter Sample (Corrected)

Begin as follows: Dear ... ,

Dear Mr. Stafford,

I am writing to you to complain about a problem that has recently appeared with may have been caused by your kids.

First of all, as I have been made redundant since last month, I need to spend a lot of time at home. However, your kids make it impossible to stay in have any peace, especially soon after they have arrived ( at ) home from school. They play with a ball indoors, run around and listen to music too loud ly . I have really tried not to pay too much attention to it this and I have had hoped that things would settle without a real need of forbidding needing to forbid them from enjoying themselves. At the same time However, the situation tends to get is getting worse.

As I do not use a phone and I have not seen you around in /for a while, I have decided to contact to you by post. I would like to ask whether it would be okay for you to restrain your kids and explain that there are other people living in the house as well. Otherwise, I am will be compelled to report this matter to the police.

I seriously hope that my letter will not create too much confusion any ill-feeling between us and we could can remain as good neighbours.

Yours sincerely,

(206 words)

Band Score Estimate (prior to corrections)

Brief comments:

  • to report something (to somebody)


a person searching on web and taking notes

Types of Letters

person searching on web and taking notes

Job Application Letter

Complaint letter.

woman writing a formal letter

Business Letter

drawer filled with documents

Request Letter

pen and paper

Informal Letter

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Linking words for IELTS

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The Complete Tutorial of Writing a Formal Complaint Letter

The Complete Tutorial of Writing a Formal Complaint Letter

If you are reading this article perhaps you were recently disappointed or even angry with the service of a company. Or, you are just training to complete such tasks for educational purposes. Anyway, we are going to teach you how to write this kind of paper. So, in this article we will answer all possible questions about complaint letter format and we will give you exclusive tips that will be useful for you while writing.

Formal Complaint Letter in Questions & Answers

Q: How should I apply to the recipient?

A: It would be perfect if you find out the name of the CEO or another decision-maker. In this case you should write the name of the person you are contacting. For example:

Dear Mr. Black Dear Mrs. Swan Dear Ms. Queen

Caution: if you are not aware of the family status of a woman you are contacting, you should use the word “miss.” If you don’t know who exactly you are writing to you are allowed to use “Dear Sir/Madam.”

Q: Can I use the name of the company in the salutation?

A: Yes, you can. If you would like to use the name of the organization or the title of the specific department you should do this the following way:

Dear Terrible Company representative Dear Quality Control representative

Q: What is the complaint letter format?

A: You can stick to any format style provided that it is easily-readable. We suggest using these requirements:

  • Font: Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri, 12 pt. Don’t use too fancy fonts so that your text is easy to read and understand.
  • Spacing: double-spaced. This requirement is very important. You will have a better chance to make someone read your text when it is easy to perceive. Double spacing plays an important role in perceiving the text easily.
  • Margins: 1 inch on all sides, aligned left.

Q: Should I send an email or a letter by mail?

A: You can send any of them if you are aware of the email of the company and the physical address. However, we recommend that you send the email for several reasons:

  • Nowadays, it is a more popular way of communication.
  • It is faster.
  • You can do this at home.
  • You will have the proof of your sending this mail if they “accidentally” lose it.

However, this way of sending a letter has its disadvantage: your letter can be counted as junk mail. To avoid the junk mail folder, mark your letter as important and write the topic of the letter “the consumer’s complaint.”

formal complaint letter

Q: How should I put the address on the letter?

A: Your letter should contain the information about your address (top lines aligned left) and the information about the address of the recipient (two lines below your address aligned right). It looks the following way:

4, Privet Drive St.(Address) London (city), Great Britain (country), WC2N (zip code) 31.10.2016 (date)

Mr. Riddle (name of a decision-maker) Chief Executive Officer (position held) 123, Horton St. (Street Address) London (city), Great Britain (country), WC5M (zip code)

Notice: You shouldn’t write your name at the beginning of your letter — put your name at the end of the whole text.

Q: What should I mention in my letter?

A: When you write a formal complaint letter you should add the following obligatory information:

  • The accurate time and date when you were being harmed. You shouldn’t express the time with the words “noon,” “midnight,” “afternoon,” or anything of this nature. Write the approximate time (for instance, 12 A.M. or 3 P.M.).
  • A laconic description of the incident. Your description should be short but detailed. So don’t write words that just express your annoyance. Include only those words that help the reader to understand the reason for your complaint.
  • The person responsible for the incident. If you don’t remember, try to recall to mind at least the position of the person — however, it would be better if you remember the name.
  • The place where all the events happened. If it is not a physical place (it could a website) you should also tell the details about it.
  • Suggest your way to resolve the conflict. If you would like to receive amends you should mention it.
  • Don’t send your letter at night. You will then worsen your chance to receive the reply as soon as possible. We recommend that you send it between 10 and 12 A.M.
  • Stay calm. You can express your discontent emotionally to your family and friends but don’t do this in your letter. Otherwise, your offender won’t take you seriously. Also, you should know that aggression spawns aggression. If you would like to reach your goal and receive an apology, don’t be bellicose.
  • Express your purpose clearly. If you want the company to just give their apologies to you, you should mention it. If you need to receive a new product, discount, or anything similar, you should clarify this.

Asking for Help

Do you still have some questions concerning complaint letter format or other types of letters, such as scholarship letters? Then read other articles on our blog, for example, What Can Really Help You to Complete a Scholarship Letter? or contact and we’ll try to help you more.  Our service is able to provide students with a helping hand when they are in need. We offer you the ability to communicate with experienced writers that are capable of completing any assignment for you. Or, you can just ask for advice. Choose the type of cooperation that is appropriate for you. Visit us now!

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  • Letter Writing
  • Formal Letter Writing In English
  • Complaint Letter Format

Complaint Letter Format - How to Write with Examples

Making complaints about someone is always a sensitive issue and writing about it is a much more difficult task as everything would be documented. Writing a complaint letter is, therefore, something that should be done with utmost care. This article on complaint letter format will provide you with tips on how to write a complaint letter and also give you a few complaint letter samples for your reference.

Table of Contents

How to write a complaint letter.

  • Complaint Letter Sample for Poor Maintenance of the Garden and Improper Waste Disposal
  • Complaint Letter Sample for Damaged Product Received
  • Complaint Letter Sample for Installation of New Street Lights
  • FAQs on Complaint Letter Format

Complaint letters are written to the concerned authorities when you are not satisfied with some service, or you have a problem that needs to be addressed. See to it that you write the letter in a polite manner. The format of a complaint letter follows the format of a formal letter . To write a complaint letter, you can start with the sender’s address followed by the date, the receiver’s address, the subject, salutation, body of the letter, complimentary closing, signature and name in block letters.

Sender’s address


Receiver’s address

Subject: ___________________________

Sir/Ma’am, (Salutation)

Body of the Letter explaining the reason for your letter and the complaint.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully, (Complimentary Closing)

NAME in block letters

Complaint Letter Samples

Here are a few complaint letter samples to help you understand the format of the complaint letter and help you write a complaint letter on your own.

Complaint Letter Sample 1 – Poor Maintenance of the Garden and Improper Waste Disposal

45 B, Rory Lane

Damsel Street

Mumbai – 400056

29 th December, 2021

The Secretary

Residential Association

Subject: Complaint letter regarding the poor maintenance of the garden and improper waste disposal

I am Shawn Mendez, a resident of Rory Lane. I am writing to bring to your notice the poor maintenance of the garden around our residential area and the improper disposal of waste. The garden around the residential area was watered regularly, and grass shrubs were trimmed and maintained neatly in the beginning. It has been more than a month now since any kind of maintenance is done in the garden. We have tried contacting the person in charge, but every effort has just been in vain.

Another growing issue is the problem of waste disposal. There were people from the corporation collecting garbage for disposal every two days, but it has been more than a week now since they have collected any garbage from our area. This has led to the accumulation of waste, and people have started dumping it in the corner of the street as they have no other choice. Kindly look into this and the maintenance of the garden as it would become a huge mess if this continues. It would be highly appreciated if you could also inform the residents that all garbage would be collected and not to throw them out around the street corners.

Thank you in advance.

Yours faithfully,


Complaint Letter Sample 2 – Damaged Product Received

5/652, SNV Street

Hyderabad – 500025

November 26, 2021

The Manager

Customer Service Department

Taurus Shop

New Delhi – 110023

Subject: Complaint about a damaged product received

I had purchased a black top from your online store. I received the product today, and I tried filing a return request as the size is smaller than the one I had ordered, and the cloth is torn on the left side. For some reason, the return request is not being filed. The page is either getting redirected or stuck. I have tried multiple times, and I could not go through with it. Can you please check and let me know if the return request has been filed for the order no. 3049. If not, kindly let me know what I should do to return the product.

I am attaching herewith photographs of the damaged portion of the top and the opening video for your reference.

Yours sincerely,


Complaint Letter Sample 3 – Installation of New Street Lights

12B, Nelson Manickam Road


Chennai – 600045

The Councillor

Ward No. 26

Chennai – 600052

Subject: Regarding installation of new street lights in our area

I am writing to bring to your kind attention that there are no street lights in our area and it has become a huge problem as it has started raining. It is very difficult for people who travel through this area because it is very dark at night, and with continuous rains, the place floods up. It becomes really difficult to drive as the roads are damaged, and there have been constant accidents because of this. Therefore, I request you to kindly take some action at the earliest and install street lights in our area as it is a danger if left like this.

Thank you for your time and cooperation in advance.


Frequently Asked Questions on Complaint Letter Format

Why do we write a complaint letter.

A complaint letter is written with the aim and hope of finding a suitable solution for a problem that has not been addressed. There is an umpteen number of problems faced by people, and raising complaints to bring these problems to the attention of the higher authorities is the only way to rectify the problems.

How do I write a letter of complaint?

When you write a complaint letter, make sure you state the problem in a clear and concise manner. Do not exaggerate. Explain the difficulties faced due to the problem and see to that you address the problem on a kind note. Do not express anger or sarcasm in your letter.

What is the most important factor in a complaint letter?

The most important factor in a complaint letter is the problem. Ensure that you explain the problem properly and state the seriousness of the problem. Be sure to include any documents or copies of documents that might serve as proof.

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complaint letter essay

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IELTS Complaint Letter: Model

Below is a model IELTS complaint letter which is estimated at band score 9. People taking the GT writing paper will be expected to write a letter for their writing task 1. That letter should be over 150 words. Complaint letters are one of the most common types of letters that you can be expected to write.

You bought a TV a week ago but when you got home you discovered it did not work properly. You called customer service to report the problem but you have not yet received any help. Write a letter to the company and in your letter: introduce yourself explain the problem and state what action you would like from the company

Model IELTS Complaint Letter

The letter below will show you how to organise information into paragraphs and extent information to create a high band score IELTS complaint letter. Note that this is a long letter. People who are below band 9 should not aim for this. It is usually better to aim between 170 and 190 words. Long letters also don’t increase your score. However, I wanted to show you examples of how ideas can be expanded and for this reason, this sample letter is longer than normal.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter to report the faulty TV that I purchased from your company on Tuesday last week.

My name is John Davidson and I am one of your frequent customers. I live in Woodstock and have been using your services and buying your products for the last 11 years.

On Tuesday, 12th June, I visited your store to purchase a TV. I bought a Toshiba LED TV which has the code 40L675B40. On purchasing this TV, I was assured that this was the latest model and the best there was to buy. However, when I got home I discovered that not only did the remote controls not work but also the quality of the picture was not as good as promised, in fact it was quite blurry. I called your customer service department immediately on Tuesday and they assured me that my TV would be replaced or fixed within two days. I am disappointed to say that this has not happened and I have received no communication since then.

I am exceedingly displeased with both the quality of the product I purchased from your company as well as the poor  service I have received since. I hope this problem will be resolved promptly. I expect to receive a replacement TV or have my current TV repaired but only if it could be fixed within a day.

I look forward to hearing back from you immediately.

Yours faithfully,

Mr J H Davidson

Recommended for GT IELTS Writing Task 1

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Essential Tips for IELTS GT Letters: Writing Task 2

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Kindly help review this

I write to complain to you about a TV I purchased recently from your store in Lincoln. I had previously phoned the customer support desk to complain about the gadget but I am yet to receive a reply hence I decided to send in this letter. My name is Azimi Yakub, I am a frequent shopper at your electronic shop in Lincoln where I have purchased several gadgets. I could be contacted at [email protected] . Last week Tuesday, I bought a 72-inch plasma TV with purchase ID P0002346 for the sum of $250. However, upon using it, the TV does not come up immediately it is switched on, I would have to press the power button a couple of times or hit the TV at the back with my palm before it powers on. While I understand that electronic gadgets can sometimes be damaged from the factory, I kindly request a retrieval and replacement of the TV as my warranty on it is still active for a year. I appreciate your kind consideration and look forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully, Azimi Yakub

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Hi Liz, may I request you to have a look at the letter I wrote. Any feedback will be highly appreciated and will help me a lot in my prepration. Thank you for your youtube lessons.

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to complain about the Samsung TV, which was bought three days ago from Walmart. I will start by first introducing myself. My name is Ram Prasad, a resident of the city of Mississauga. I am currently a student at Sheridan college, pursuing Business administration finance course. I bought a Samsung 32’ inch LED TV three days ago and when I came home and tried turning it on, I noticed that the television does not respond to the remote control that comes with it. I tried putting in new batteries and even bought a new TV console, but the problem still remains the same. I called customer service the same day and they opened a service ticket (59487) for me, and I was promised a technician would be here the following day to fix the issue. I still have not heard anything back from them and the service number is always busy. Could you please have a look into this matter and send a technician at your earliest convenience, as my parents are visiting me next week and father is fond of watching TV. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Ram Prasad.

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I don’t usually give feedback. But I will mention too points. If the instructions ask you to introduce yourself, the introduction information is in relation to the aims of the letter and the person you are writing to. It is of no importance at all to someone dealing with customer service complaints what subject you study. That information is irrelevant. Also check your understanding of the passive voice. When you write “the TV, which was bought three days ago”, the use of passive voice here means that the person doing the buying (which is yourself) is not important in the sentence. But that is not the case at all. It is essential that you make it clear – you bought the TV. So, the use of the passive voice is actually a grammar error.

Thank you for the feedback much appreciated!

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Greetings from sunny Romania. We are a class of 11th grade students and you have helped us immensely. It might be sunny outside, but because of you, it’s even sunnier in our hearts. We wish to express our gratitude for your teachings. In moments of difficulty and sorrow, we turn to you. Thank you and multumesc from the bottoms of our sun-filled hearts.

P.S. don’t reject our comment or we’ll cry. 🙁

How can I miss such a sweet comment? I’m glad my lessons bring some joy. I want people to enjoy learning because it’s such a positive thing to do in life. And I don’t think preparing for IELTS should be stressful, it should be challenging but enjoyable. Greetings to your class and to all in Romania – such a lovely country 🙂 Wishing you all the best, Liz 🙂

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I am writing this letter to express my disappointment about my last purchased TV online order which was received two days ago under my name, Mohamed Ali, loyal card ID number 32133. First of all, I was taken aback when I unpacked the Sony TV carton, The TV LED screen was cracked at the top left corner with clear internal damage. Additionally, it has been shipped without a remote control device and some invaluable accessories such as a wall mount bracket and holders plus the power cable. By no means certain that the TV would function well, not only do I think this is because of its dysfunctional, but also because of its old brand version and availability of the needed spare parts. Therefore, I contacted your after-sales services to stake a claim and report the incident. Unfortunately, no one responded to my calls and e-mails as promised in your advertisement to cover any warranty claims. It should not be taken for granted that your company would prioritize its customer satisfaction and fulfillment anymore. Consequently, you are kindly requested to refund my money as I have already shipped the TV back to your address with the DHL tracking number DW25328764. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully Mohamed Ali.

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Hey Elizabeth, I just wanted to ask that if we have to write a letter to our friend but the name of the friend is not mentioned in the question. What we will write in our very first line of letter e.g Dear ??

I will be very thankful to you if you can answer that.

You should imagine a name: Dear Tom See this page:

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Dear sir My name is Louis Fateza and I am your loyal customer I since 3 years when I am purchased your brand products and yours products have a better quality since 9 months but now in your brand quality has some issues. And now I bought a Tv two months ago form your shop it’s model has LG DEo DF 278 PRMZ I am extremely disappointed to purchased your TV When , I opened Tv the tv screen given blurred and looked like a greeny screen the speaker of Tv is also not working properly I called your customer service department the better reply is not found within two or three days .I am disappointed to say that this not happened .

I hope this problem solve immediately and provides a better reply form yours I except to receive a replacement or have my current TV repaired. Thanking you Yours faithfully Louis Fateza

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Dear Sir, My name is Jacob, and I am a technical manager. I am writing this letter to inform you regarding a defective TV that I had ordered from your company’s website a week ago.

On January 15th, I had ordered a 75” Samsung Ultra-OLED TV on your company’s website, and got it delivered in a seal-packed carton, yesterday. However, upon turning on, it has turned out to be a defective piece. Upon turning it on, black checker-boxes appear, and only the green colour appear. Upon checking at your website, I found out that this is a usual defect in this series and needs repair or replacement. I called and even wrote to the customer-service, but the team has refused to create a Service Request

Hence, I request you to urgently look in this matter and assist me as the refund period is expiring. I seek immediate replacement or refund. I shall request for a revert within next 72 hours failing which, unfortunately, I shall have to raise this matter with the local consumer court and seek additional penalty for the sub-par service. The details are enclosed.

Yours Faithfully,

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Dear Sir, I am Adam Gill, who is long time loyal customer of your company’s product. I am writing to complain about faulty TV set which I bough last week on 5th October from town plaza shop. I bought 52-inch smart Magma TV and requested for home delivery which got delivered next day. After I turned ON the TV, I found that it was not able to connect to Wi-Fi because of some software issue. I immediately called to the customer care and followed their instruction to reset the TV, however it didn’t resolve the issue. After this they told me that they will send the technician to fix this issue, but its more than a week and no technician showed up yet. I didn’t expect this type of service from a reputed company like yours. I want to request you to either exchange this faulty TV with the new one or refund the money without any further delay. If no action is taken from your end to resolve this issue, I will be bound to take this matter to court. I hope to hear back from you soon. Yours faithfully, Adam Gill

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I am a lifelong customer of the Samsung Brand. I am writing to complain about my recent purchase of a Samsung 36-inch TV, model number 9XWRV.

When I opened the box reaching home, I found some minor scratches on the TV screen. As I plugged in the supply I found a dark spot on right down corner. At first, I ignored that but as I used it for two days, the dark spot started expanding, and now it almost has covered ten percent of the TV screen. I complained about the problem to your customer service one week before, they told me that our technician will come there to fix the problem, but still I have not found any progress.

I would like your kind office to prioritize my complaint and fix the issue, I would recommend to provide me new TV rather than fixing the old one.

I look forward to hearing from you.

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Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Peter Darson and i m your loyal customer since 5 years from now and enjoyed your products and service since then

I m writing this letter to you to complain about the TV which I bought from your store last week on Sunday.

It was a latest LG Smart TV P6758 with smart Wi-Fi and other smart features.This TV was purchased on offer price when the offer was valid. I was very happy that I got a latest model with smart features in such a low price. But to my surprise, TV starts to blur in 3 days from the date of purchase and also some of the smart features are also not functional. I tried everything to fix it myself but failed to do so after number of attempts following catalogue/manual instructions. Then I contacted Technical Supports Department to help sort out the issue on prompt basis and comforted me that they will fix it in a day. Nevertheless, I did not heard back from then since then. I m now very disappointed with your services and the products which you offer.

Kindly do the needful to fix this problem in a day or two or else replace it with a new one before this matter gets escalated to the higher management.

Hope the concern will be solved on urgent basis.

Yours Sincerely Peter Darson

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I am writing in connection to a TV purchased one week ago, most exactly on 27th June.

let me introduce myself, my name is Lina Munoz, one of the frequents and loyal customers, I have been in your establishment during 5 years since I moved to this area, because I really like the the variety and the quality of the products which you provide.

As I mentioned before I bought a TV which was the last LG generation with high quality according to the seller was one of the best options in the market, I was pretty happy because that was just that I was looking for. However, when I got home, and I try to use it, it works well, but after 10 minutes on, half of the screen became completely dark, I reboot it but when it was on again the screen looked the same, so I decided to call immediately to your technique support to report the issue and they promised me to repair it and give it back in 3 days, but I have not received any response from them.

So I would like to ask you if you can fix it or change it for a new one as soon as possible, and make sure this issues will not happen again.

I look forward a prompt solution from you.

yours faithfully,

Hi Liz, can you tell me please if looks good or if I missed something? thank you

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I am writing this letter to report a problem regarding the TV that I purchased from your showroom last week.

My Name is Nasir Nawaz, your frequent customer for almost a decade. I have purchased various electronic households from you but never had such a bad experience.

I purchase a Television set from your shop last tuesday, 2nd April. It was Sony LED with product code L40367898. while I was purchasing, I was informed of its high defintion picture quality. However, as soon as I reached home and switched-on the TV, the picture was quite blurry and experience was miserable. SInce it was provided with warranty and upon contacting your helpline, I was assured to pick it from my place and get it repaired in a day’s time but I have been waiting since then.

I want an immediate action from your end in order to replace the faulty TV set or get it repaired by tomorrow. Else I would be compelled to escalate it to your company headquarters as well as post my experience on social media also. So, i urge you to act on urgent basis to fix this matter ASAP.

I will be looking forward to hear from you soon.

Yours Faithfully, Nasir Nawaz

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Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing this letter to express my utter dissatisfaction for the online purchase of play station on Tuesday Last week. To begin with, I have ordered this product on 25th March 2021 and got delivered at my home on 31st March. Along with the dispatch order I also received the invoice for this for which I also got the warranty for 5 years on this from the date of the purchase. Unfortunately, on purchasing this I was assured that this was the latest model and the best there was to buy. However, when I tried to install this with my android Tv, I discovered that the quality of the product was not that good as promised. Lastly, at the time of purchase its clearly mentioned on the portal that it should support all platforms but now its not working. Finally, I would like to request please either refund my money or exchange this at the earliest and deliver it to home. Hope you will take my complaint in to consideration and will get this resolved ASAP. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully Rohit Dogra

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This is Kyle Wong, and I am writing to report a problem with a TV that I purchased from your store last week. I bought a Sony Bravia, model X27 on 12 October 2020 from the store on Charing Cross road. My invoice number is SBO10769.

I am sorry to inform you that the TV’s volume functionality is not working properly. The TV, by default, starts on maximum volume and the ‘volume down key’ is unable to lower it. I am able to switch between multiple channels and the remote also seems functional. Therefore, I suspect that something is wrong with the internal volume control circuitry of the television.

I noticed this problem on the same day that I purchased the TV and immediately called customer service to report it. I was promised to be paid a visit by one of your technicians. A week has passed since then and I have not yet received any assistance. Therefore, I would like to request you to send customer service personnel for help as soon as possible. I look forward to hearing back from you immediately.

Yours sincerely, Kyle Wong

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I am writing this letter to inform you regarding a failure on a product that i purchased from your company.My name is Linda Luxwell and I have bought a 55″ Samsung HD television from your Glenroy store on last Wednesday 22nd of November.My invoice number is DC7475858 and on that day my sales assistant was Jamis.

The television was not there in original condition as I have noticed.Oftenly I request to open the packaging in front of me before I acquire something valuable.However I trusted your well known brand name and the goodwill of your company.In addition to that the audio and visual cabals which should connect with DVD player ,have been broken. It is very sad to ought to say that I attempted in several times to get contacted with your customer service department and seek a reasonable response ,However they repeatedly neglected this complain and eventually telephone line was disconnected by them.

In order to rectify this faults , I would like to request to allocate a member of your maintainance section immediately.I have not been able to watch the television for last seven days even after paying a significant amount of money. Hence I appreciate if you could replace another tv from same category until I get this repaired.

It is crucial to give your prompt attention on this issue, If not I will have to take necessary legal actions against to your company.

yours faithfully

Mashi Peters

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Dear Sir / Madam,

My name is John, and I am writing in to seek a resolution on a defective product I bought last week (October 12th) at your Victoria Road outlet.

Having purchased the Samsung LED Smart TV, I proceeded to follow the manual to set it up. The TV seemed to be working fine until I tried switching to ‘Movie Mode’ when the screen blanked out completely. I could still hear the audio in the background without any visuals appearing.

I have been trying to get hold of Customer Support since then, but I have not heard back despite following up with multiple emails to the Samsung Service Centre and calls to the Automated Customer Support line.

Since ‘Samsung Purchase Warranty’ extends for a month from purchase – till November 12th – it would be helpful if you could replace the defective product with a new one.

Additionally, I am enclosing herewith a copy of the receipt that contains Purchase Date, Product Code and Invoice Number along with the Warranty card with the validity period clearly outlined.

I am earnestly looking forward to a favorable response to this disappointing experience.

Yours Sincerely, John

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Hello Liz, There’s a visible displeasure in the tone of your letter, which should definitely be the case with regards to a complaint. But I wrote it first without looking at your letter and mine was more of a firm request sans major discontent. Will I be marked less for not showing my emotions aptly?

Not at all. It’s completely up to you if you wish emotions or not in a complaint letter. However, showing displeasure is normal if something that should work doesn’t work causing you problems. So, really, your tone will depend on what the problem is that you are reporting. But remember, this is a complaint letter, not a request letter.

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My name is Mahmoud JD. I live in Newyork city, telephone number: **********. I have purchased a television from your storge a week ago, receipt number: 220654R.

I am facing a problem with the television wifi connection, since it is a smart TV, it should have an automatic wifi connection feature, which is already mentioned in the catalog of the TV. Once you operate it you must go through the settings to activate the manual connection option which is I believe there is a problem with the wifi chip and the hard-drive inside the TV.

I have raised a complaint for almost a week. Even though I paid for the insurance and periodic maintenance fees until now no action has been taken from your side. Although I have the right to request an immediate refund in terms of company and consumer policy. I rapidly demand a replacement for this TV otherwise, I will raise a complaint to the top management and request money back.

Best Regards.

Mahmoud JD.

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i have a question, in your second sentence which goes as “My name is John Davidson and I am one of your frequent customers. . I live in Woodstock and have been using your services and buying your products for the last 11 years”.

instead of that mentioning the address after the name;-

if i wrote “my name is John Davidson and i Live in Woodstock. I am one of your frequent customers and have been using your services and buying your products for the last 11 years”.

could you elaborate why you have mentioned the address in the subsequent sentence not with name sentence

Because it makes no difference at all in IELTS. If the information is given in the same paragraphing it is fine.

Thank you Liz for your prompt response. i hope you are doing well

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Thanks Liz for all the resources available for this writing test 1 lessons. I would, however, like to ask if it is fine to include address and if this attracts a penalty or adds to the word count.

It would add to the word count – all words written on the answer sheet lines are counted. It would be unnecessary information and I don’t recommend you do it.

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Dear Smith, I’m writing to report that the TV set I bought from your shop last week malfunctioned.

My name is Smith and I’m resident at simbock in the yde vi municipality. I have be your regular customer for the past two years and this has never happened.

I purchased a 50inches Hisense tv from your shop last week Tuesday, 22nd July, 2023. Before paying for this tv I was made to understand it’s the best quality I could find in the market but unfortunately when I reached home the remotes didn’t work. in addition to the faulty remote, the graphics were quite poor. I immediately called the customer service line and was told I will be given a different tv that meets my expectations but I as write, I haven’t heard from anyone again. I would appreciate if the tv is replaced before today ends or I will be happy to return the tv and my money given back to me. I am looking forward to hearing from you regarding this issue as soon as possible. Yours sincerely, Smith

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We have used as many as 11 times the word “I” Is it appropriate?? Please reply quickly🙏

Of course it is fine. Some words will be repeated. Not every word needs to be paraphrased. Choose the words you wish to keep the same and paraphrase those that can be easily and well paraphrased.

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Hey Liz You told taht letter to your boss is formal. So we have to use Yours faithfully. But in one of your sample paper, you have used Yours sincerely. I guess you have not makde a clear difference between formal and semi formal letter. Regards

You seem to have misunderstood. Yours sincerely and Yours faithfully are both used for formal letters. See this page:

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Hi, Liz, how are you? What do you think of my letter? is it ok if I make a joke, for instance, about my TV not being so smart? Thanks.

Dear Sir/Madam, My name is Sarah Lynch. I have been a frequent customer of your shop for a very long time and I am always pleased with the services you offer. Last week I bought a 40 inch LG Smart TV for my daughter´s room but I am sorry to say that the TV doesn´t seem very smart to me. For some mysterious reason it will not connect to the wifi as it should. At the beginning I thought I was doing something wrong but after speaking to customer service and tried all sorts of tricks they told me to, we came to the conclusion that the device is indeed falty and needed to be replaced. The conversation with customer service was a week ago and although they promised to get in contact again the next day to arrange the pickup and exchange, I still haven´t heard back from them. I would very much like to get this issue sorted so please reverse back to me as soon as possible. You can find my contact details under my frequent shopper ID number 1022457. I look forward to hearing back from you. Yours faithfully, Sarah Lynch (18 min – 194 words)

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Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing this letter in regards to the television I purchased a week ago from the Brentwood store. My name is Isabelle Franco and I am one of your frequent customers. I live in the Brentwood area and have been using the products of your brand since the last 10 years. As mentioned earlier, I purchased the television from the Brentwood store, I made the payment in store but had asked for a drop-home service for the television. The television that I chose was working well at the store but to my surprise when I set it up at home the screen displayed black and white vision. I tried contacting the customer service to report the problem regarding the television but unfortunately, I still haven’t received any support till the very moment. I have been disappointed by the service and product. I request you to get this repaired and if need be it would be the best to replace the product at the earliest. I am looking forward for a prompt help.

Yours faithfully, Isabelle Franco

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Hello Liz The sample letters written on this blog have no address, is it the style for writing letters for IELTS

It is a language test, not a real letter. You do not need an address or a date or a reference.

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Firstly, I wanted to thank you for all the tips and knowledge about this test. It’s been really helpful.

I have a question about signing off and name at the end of the GT writing task 1. Are these words counted too in the word count (150)?

Each word you write on the lines of the answer sheet will be counted.

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Dear Sir, A letter of complaint I am Farls Davidson, a daily customer of your shop. I am writing to draw your attention about the goods that are been sold in the store. Recently (10th February 2020), I purchased a Television from your shop and I was extremely disappointed to find that it does not function well. Even though, I requested the staff members to open the Television 📺 in the shop, they refused it in a way that never have done, Therefore, I was in a ❓doubt, but since I trusted your quality service, I never expected that such a dissatisfaction would occur. To make matters worse, when I ☎️ dialed the consumer hotline, I found that the customer service is worst as when I complained about the television 📺, no one paying attention on me as they simply passing the telephone call over one another for fun which was such an embarrassment to me. Therefore, I kindly to look 👀 in to my matter and I would we grateful if you could refund my 💲money back or else replace the 📺television with a well functioning software operation. In addition, as a loyal customer, I trust the situation would improve if a new set of staff employees are recruited so that future sales 📈 could also be increased. In conclusion, I hope 🙏 we could sort out this matter amicably and I believe that I will not have to take any 📝legal action towards this afore mentioned ⚠️issue. Thank you. F.Davidson

Hi! I would be grateful if you could read this letter writing ✏️ of mine and inform me regarding the errors and the marks that I could possibly recieve. Thank you for your immense support

Sorry, I do not provide a marking service.

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Hi Liz, In first bullet point it says to introduce yourself and you have written a good sentence to introduce your self. Before reading your sample answer I wrote this letter myself. For the first bullet point I just wrote my name in introductory paragraph and then I wrote a whole paragraph to introduce myself. What do you think of my answer please?

Thanks, Yasir

The introduction of yourself needs to be appropriate for the aims and style of the letter and also be appropriate for the person you are writing to. A complain letter is formal in nature – this means the introduction of yourself is short, formal and without any descriptive flourishes.

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Will we be penalized if we go over the word counts for the GT Writing Tasks? What are the recommended word counts for both the GT Writing Tasks?

There is no penalty for being over the word count. But it does not help your score at all. It means you might produce more errors in language and deliver a less focused piece of writing – those two points might lower your score. See this page for all information and tips:

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You mentioned that “Name” should not be given in the body of the letter. However, I noticed that the very first line of your letter is having the name as – My name is John Davidson.

Could you please help to explain.

There are no fixed rules. You are looking for black and white rules. IELTS have only limited rules about writing and it doesn’t include small detail like that. Mostly it is advice that teachers give you. It is not necessary to have the name twice in a letter.

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hi liz when question say introduce yourself .should we use our real name? or any name.

God bless u. thanks.

The letter is fictional.

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I recently attempted one of your questions of an informal letter about staying over with a friend while on a holiday vacation, Kindly help me rate my work.

Dear Sam, It was a great experience to have stayed over at your place on my holiday trip to London. I had been eagerly waiting to meet you, after we had parted our ways on graduating.

The moment I stepped into your house I felt a sense of joy and warmth as it always did even during our graduation. I had always wanted to experience London as a destination for vacation. My visit to London had been an eventful one. I got to see the great Big Ben, that reminded me of the story of, “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”, all thanks to the lovely hop-on bus tour you had booked for me. I especially enjoyed the evenings spent with you at the Tower Bridge. We recounted our funny, witty and embarrassing moments we encountered during our graduation, and the lovely bond of friendship we had developed over time.

As a special gift I am sending a collage, capturing all the lovely moments we had spent during my visit to London for a holiday at your place.

I hope to see you soon.

Your’s Samantha

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Hi Liz Please rate my letter below – its about forgetting my wallet after a week long trip with a friend

I must say that the week we spent has actually made me feel refreshed out of my hectic work schedule. All thanks to you for organising it.

The trip was indeed full of adventure and now when it is over I realise how tiring it was. I did not wake up during my entire return journey. But ironically the moment instepped at my home i realised, while unpacking, that i have forgotten my wallet in your hand bag. Needless to say that it is difficult to stay without the wallet as i have all my ID proofs and bank cards in it.

Henceforth I would request you if you can courier the wallet via Bluedart as disclosing the details of the wallet to them. I would be highly great full. I am hereby mentioning my address for your convenience.

Hoping to meet soon.

Yours Lovingly Richa

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Hi, In my opinion, this letter needs to be an informal one , but has a formal tone in the end “I would request”, “for your convenience” . Some spelling errors that can be avoided if you proof read your essay “great full – grateful”.

Your content is good. Good luck.

Hi Liz/Rashmi

Any comments on the below letter

Asking for a reference from a teacher

Dear Kajal Man

Hope you in good hewlth. I am writing this letter to you to inform about my job placement and also request you for acting as a reference

I am placed with an FMCG gaint – a multinational headquartered at Switzerland. I will be a part of their India business in sales team as Sales Officer. As this is going to be my first job I could not find a better reference than you as you are someone with whom i have worked quiet closely during my college days. You would be in a better position to tell them about me.

This reference is extremely important to for various reasons. Firstly it is my first job and it will help me in defining my career path. Secondly this is one of the dream companies I always desired to be associated with. So when asked about a reference i can definitely look up to you.

For reference they can ask you about my performance in college, my personality traits and also about my take on life. I am sure your would give them a positive feedback about me. Your little contribution would make huge difference to me.

Thanks & Regards Richa

' src=

Is it ok to combine the first point with the opening statement? As in your model letter above, the personal introduction has been included in the opening statement, which, in this case is technically the best way to go at it. But in other cases, is it acceptable?

Also, the first paragraph is rather brief compared to the other two. Could this risk getting a lower band score?

Thanks in advance,

Letters do not have paragraphs of equal length. As long as you add information where necessary and expand in the right places, it’s fine. Sometimes the opening line might contain some of the required information – not common in formal letters though.

That explains it well Liz. Thank you once again.

Cheers, Shailesh

' src=

Firstly thank you for your selfless contribution. You are really a saviour for the students like me who want to achieve high score in IELTS but somehow lacks in one or other aspect.

There is a question in my mind- Can there be varying length of the paragraphs as written above? I am bit confused as this is not the case in task-2.

You do not need paragraphs of equal length in task 1. The marking criteria are not the same for task 1 as they are for task 2.

' src=

Hello Liz ma’am I am confussed about it. In formal letters,Do we need Subject line to mention. Salutations should be on right side or left side.

The letter should be written exactly as you see it above. This is a letter for a language test, not a real letter.

' src=

Hello Liz…. Have you any mock test sample for preparation.

There’s one free full IELTS test on the British Council IELTS website. My website contains free lessons, tips, model answers, topics etc. Go to the HOME page to learn how to open those lessons or use the RED MENU BAR at the top of the website. My lessons help you develop skills and build essential awareness.

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Sample Customer Complaint Letter


Information To Include in Your Letter

Sample letter, example complaint letter, report fraud or deception.

Be polite and reasonable in your letter. The person who will read it probably didn’t cause the problem, but may be very helpful in resolving it.

Give the basics

  • Include your name, mailing address, and phone number, if you want the business to use it.
  • Include your account number, if you have an account with the business, and the related transaction number.
  • Give the product name and its serial or model number.
  • State the date and place you bought the product or service or had it repaired or serviced. Give important details about the transaction.

Tell your story

  • Explain the problem.
  • Give a brief history of what you've done to fix the problem if that helps to explain why you’re writing to the business.

Explain how you want to resolve the problem

  • Tell the business what you want, like a refund, repair, exchange, or store credit. Or ask the business to suggest a solution.
  • Name all the documents you include with the letter. Make copies of important documents and send the copies in the letter. Keep the original documents.
  • Tell the business how to contact you.

Describe your next steps

  • Say how long you’ll wait for the business to answer you. Pick a date that gives the business time to act.
  • Tell the business what you plan to do next. For example, report it to the  Better Business Bureau  or your state  state attorney general   or   local consumer protection office .

Send your complaint letter

  • Make a copy of the letter to keep.
  • Send your letter by certified mail and ask for a return receipt. If you file your complaint letter online, print the screen that shows your letter or take a screenshot of your letter before you click “submit.”

This sample letter has choices to help you build your letter. When you write, pick the words that describe your situation.

[Your Mailing Address]

[Your City, State, Zip Code]

[Your email address]

[Date  you write the letter]

[Name of Person  you're writing to]

[Title  of person you're writing to (or) Consumer Complaint Division]

[Name of Business]

[Business Street Address]

[Re: Your account number if you have one and the order (or) transaction number ]

Dear [Name of Person (or) Consumer Complaint Division] :

On  [date] , I [bought (or) leased (or) rented (or) hired (or) or had repaired (or) had serviced]  a  [name of the product or service]   [with serial (or) model number]  at [place you got the product or service].  [Add other important details about the transaction.]

Unfortunately, [your product has not performed well (or) the service was inadequate]  because  [the product was defective (or) the product doesn't work properly (or) the service wasn’t performed correctly (or) I was billed the wrong amount (or) something was not disclosed clearly (or) something was misrepresented (or) explain the problem] .

To resolve the problem, I would like a  [refund (or) repairs (or) an exchange (or) store credit (or) explain what you want the company to do] . I have enclosed copies of my  [records (or) receipts (or) guarantees (or) warranties (or) cancelled checks (or) contracts (or) model and serial numbers (or) other documents]  about this transaction.

I look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem. I will wait until  [give a date]  before I contact a consumer protection agency or get other help.

Please contact me [at the address on this letter (or) at the email on this letter (or) by phone at (xxx)-xxx-xxxx].

[Your name]


[Name the documents you include with the letter]

Here’s an example of a complaint letter .

example complaint letter

If you think a business has been dishonest, contact your state attorney general or consumer protection office . Tell the FTC too, at . The FTC doesn't resolve individual reports, but your report helps law enforcement detect patterns and may lead to an investigation.

For more help resolving a customer problem, check out these ideas and strategies .

complaint letter essay

How to Write a Complaint Email: Helpful Guide

complaint letter essay

Did you know that the first recorded complaint letter dates back to ancient Egypt, written over 3,800 years ago? It seems that voicing discontent through written communication has been a timeless endeavor. Fast forward to the digital age, and the art of crafting a compelling complaint email remains just as crucial. Whether you've received a faulty product, experienced subpar service, or encountered any other issue, mastering the art of writing a complaint email can be your ticket to resolving problems effectively.

How to Write a Complaint Email: Short Description

In this guide, we'll explore the art of crafting a persuasive complaint email, guiding you through key elements and valuable tips to ensure your concerns are heard and addressed. You'll learn when and how to write a complaint email, a step-by-step approach to structure your message effectively, and essential tips to strike the right tone while remaining specific and factual. Additionally, we'll emphasize the importance of offering solutions and include a real-life example complaint letter to illustrate these concepts in action.

What Is a Complaint Email: Decoding the Concept

Now, you might be wondering what exactly is a complaint email and how it can help you. Well, think of it as your friendly superhero in the realm of customer communication! A complaint email is a powerful and engaging way to express your concerns or dissatisfaction about a product, service, or any experience you've had. Instead of bottling up your frustrations, a complaint email empowers you to speak up in a constructive and assertive manner.

Imagine this: You've received a faulty product, experienced subpar service, or faced any other issue that's bothering you. This is where the magic of a complaint email comes into play. It's like sending a signal to the other party, letting them know you have something important to say. By crafting a complaint email, you're not only venting your concerns but also giving the recipient a chance to understand your perspective and make things right.

When to Write a Complaint Email: The Right Time for Expressing Concerns

Knowing when and how to write an effective complaint letter can make all the difference in resolving issues effectively. Imagine this scenario: You've encountered a problem, and it's bothering you enough that you can't shake it off. Well, that's your cue! When you find yourself facing a situation where you've:

  • received a faulty product
  • experienced poor customer service
  • encountered billing errors
  • or any other issue that's affecting your experience negatively

... it's time to unleash the power of your complaint email. Timing is essential! Don't let your concerns simmer for too long. As soon as you notice a problem, it's best to address it promptly with a well-crafted complaint email. This way, you can ensure that the issue is fresh in your mind, and you can provide clear details to the recipient. Waiting too long may result in the problem being less vivid, and your complaint email may not have the same impact.

Remember, there's no need to be hesitant about writing a complaint email when it's justified. It's your right as a customer to express your concerns and seek a resolution. So, don't hesitate to take action or use our essay writing service to craft a perfect email when you encounter a situation that calls for it!

Types of Complaint Email

In a world where customer feedback holds immense power, the art of crafting a well-written complaint email example has become an essential skill. To master this art, let's explore the diverse types of complaint emails:

How to Write a Complaint Email

  • Professional Complaint Emails : These are written on behalf of an organization or company and are more work-related in nature. They typically address issues related to products, services, or interactions within a business setting.
  • Personal Complaint Emails : These are written by individuals to express dissatisfaction with a product, service, or experience. Personal complaint emails are often used when dealing with issues as a customer or consumer.
  • Formal Complaint Emails : These emails follow a more structured and professional format. A formal complaint letter is usually addressed to higher authorities, such as supervisors, managers, or customer service departments, and demands a serious response.
  • Informal Complaint Emails : These emails are more casual in tone and language. They are often used when addressing minor issues or seeking a quick resolution.
  • Vendor or Supplier Complaint Emails : These emails are directed to a vendor or supplier when there are problems with the goods or services they have provided.
  • Customer Service Complaint Emails : These are written to express dissatisfaction with the service provided by a company or to report a negative customer service experience.
  • Billing or Payment Complaint Emails : These emails address issues related to incorrect billing, overcharges, or problems with payment processing.

Complaint Email Examples

In this section, we'll provide you with three different types of complaint email examples, each tailored to address specific situations. From expressing disappointment with a recent purchase to voicing concerns about customer service experiences and addressing issues with vendors, these examples will equip you with the right language and structure to confidently articulate your grievances.

Time to Give Your Gripes Some Groove!

Order your sizzling hot complaint letter and watch us turn your frustrations into fiery prose.

How to Write a Complaint Email: A Step-By-Step Guide

Are you frustrated with a recent customer service experience? Have you encountered a product or service that failed to meet your expectations? Composing a well-structured complaint email can be a powerful tool to express your concerns and seek a resolution. While the specific approach might vary based on the recipient and the nature of the problem, certain fundamental steps are essential to ensure your message is clear and effective.

In the following sections, our experts, who you can pay for essay writing assistance, will walk you through the step-by-step process of how to start a complaint email that includes a succinct summary of your experience, crucial details about the issue at hand, and your preferred resolution.

How to Write a Complaint Email

Greet the Recipient

When starting complaint letters, it's essential to address the recipient properly. Use a respectful and courteous tone, especially if you are addressing a customer service representative or a company executive. If you have a specific contact name or email address, address the email directly to that person. However, if you don't have a specific name, use a generic greeting such as 'Dear Customer Service Team' or 'To Whom It May Concern.'

  • Research for a Specific Contact: Whenever possible, try to find the name and email address of the appropriate person to receive your complaint. This personalized touch can show that you've taken the time to address the issue directly to them.
  • Stay Polite and Professional: Regardless of how frustrating the situation may be, maintain a polite and professional tone throughout your email. Avoid using offensive language or being overly emotional, as it may detract from the credibility of your complaint.
  • Use a Clear and Descriptive Subject Line: In the subject line, briefly state the nature of your complaint. This will help the recipient understand the purpose of your email right away and prioritize its importance.
  • Include Relevant Information: Provide any relevant information, such as your account number, order number, or transaction details. This will help the recipient identify your specific case and expedite the resolution process.

Elaborate on Your Issue

After addressing the recipient, clearly and concisely explain the reason for your complaint. Be factual and objective while explaining the problem, avoiding emotional language that may obscure the actual problem.

  • Use Chronological Order: Present the events leading up to the problem in chronological order. This helps create a coherent and easy-to-follow narrative.
  • Attach Supporting Evidence if Applicable: If you have any relevant documents, photos, or screenshots that support your complaint, consider attaching them to the email. This evidence can strengthen your case and provide a clear picture of the issue.
  • Avoid Blame-Game: While it's important to explain what went wrong, refrain from assigning blame or making accusations. Stick to the facts and focus on the problem itself rather than targeting individuals.
  • Keep It Concise: While providing necessary details is crucial, avoid making your email excessively long. Get to the point without unnecessary elaboration, ensuring the recipient can quickly grasp the essence of your complaint.
  • Use a Constructive Approach: Frame your explanation in a constructive manner. Instead of solely pointing out what went wrong, consider suggesting potential solutions or improvements to resolve the issue.

Recapitulate Your Experience

Once you have explained the problem in detail, it's essential to provide a concise summary of your overall experience. This serves as a powerful reminder of the significance of your complaint and reinforces the importance of finding a resolution.

  • Keep It Brief: Your summary should be brief and to the point. Focus on the most critical aspects of your experience without reiterating the entire explanation.
  • Highlight Main Points: Emphasize the main points that contributed to your dissatisfaction or concern. This could include aspects like product defects, unsatisfactory service, or miscommunication.
  • Connect to the Problem: Link the summary to the problem you explained in the previous step. This connection reinforces the validity of your complaint and ensures that the recipient understands the context.
  • Express Your Feelings: While maintaining a factual tone, briefly express how the experience made you feel. This can include feelings of frustration, disappointment, or inconvenience.
  • Avoid Repetition: Ensure that the summary adds new information or insights rather than repeating points already mentioned in the email.
  • End with Impact: Conclude the summary by reiterating the significance of the issue and its effect on your overall experience. This reinforces the urgency for the recipient to address the matter promptly.

Articulate Your Preferred Outcomes

After explaining your problem and summarizing your experience, it's crucial to clearly outline the specific outcomes you seek from your complaint. This step serves as a clear indication of what you expect from the recipient and helps set the stage for a satisfactory resolution to your issue.

  • Be Specific: Clearly specify the results you desire. Whether it's a refund, replacement, compensation, or a resolution to a service-related problem, be precise in stating your expectations.
  • Provide a Reasonable Request: Ensure that your desired results are reasonable and proportional to the issue you encountered. A fair and logical request in complaint email examples increases the likelihood of a positive response.
  • Use Positive Language: Frame your desired results in a positive and constructive manner. Avoid making demands or using negative language, as it may hinder a cooperative response.
  • Explain the Benefits: If relevant, explain how your proposed resolution would benefit both you and the company. A win-win solution can be more appealing to the recipient.
  • Stay Flexible (if possible): While stating your desired results, be open to negotiations or alternative solutions. Demonstrating flexibility can lead to more productive discussions.
  • Set a Reasonable Deadline: If applicable, suggest a reasonable time frame within which you expect a response or resolution. This helps establish a sense of urgency and ensures your concerns are addressed promptly.

Enclose Relevant Supporting Documentation

In a complaint email, providing evidence to support your claim can significantly strengthen your case and increase the chances of a successful resolution. Depending on the nature of your complaint, consider attaching relevant supporting documents that validate the issue you've raised.

  • Order and Organize: Arrange your supporting documents in a logical order so they are easy to follow. Label each document clearly to indicate its relevance to the specific issue.
  • Include Purchase/Order Information: If your complaint involves a purchase or an order, include copies of receipts, order confirmations, or invoices to verify the transaction.
  • Capture Screenshots (if applicable): If your complaint pertains to an online transaction or a digital experience, take screenshots to illustrate the problem. Highlight any error messages, technical issues, or discrepancies.
  • Photographs: If your complaint involves a physical product or service issue, take clear photographs that demonstrate the problem or defects.
  • Communication Records: Include copies of any relevant email exchanges, chat logs, or written communication you had with the company or individual involved in the issue.
  • Witness Statements (if applicable): If there were witnesses to the problem you encountered, consider including their statements or contact information to validate your claim.
  • Expert Opinions (if relevant): In certain cases, seeking the opinion of an expert or professional in the related field can add weight to your complaint. Include their assessment, if available.
  • File Format: Ensure that your attached documents are in a commonly accessible file format, such as PDF, JPG, or PNG, to ensure ease of viewing.

Express Your Desired Resolution

After presenting your complaint and supporting evidence, it's essential to be clear and specific about how you would like the issue to be resolved. This step outlines your preferred course of action and facilitates the recipient's understanding of your expectations, enabling them to work towards a satisfactory resolution.

  • Be Explicit: Clearly state the outcome you desire. Whether it's a replacement, refund, repair, exchange, or any other resolution, be explicit in your request.
  • Offer Alternatives (if applicable): If there are multiple ways the issue can be resolved, present them in a respectful manner. This shows your willingness to cooperate and find a mutually agreeable solution.
  • Request Timely Action: Express the importance of timely action in resolving the problem. Setting reasonable deadlines can help expedite the process and demonstrate the urgency of the matter.
  • Stay Polite and Respectful: Maintain a polite and respectful tone throughout this section. Demanding or using aggressive language may hinder the chances of a positive response.
  • End on a Positive Note: Conclude this section by expressing your hope for a prompt and amicable resolution. Thank the recipient for their attention to the matter.

Indicate Your Preferred Response Time and Method

While learning how to write a complaint email, it's crucial to specify your expectations regarding the recipient's response. Clearly outline the timeframe within which you hope to receive a reply and indicate your preferred method of communication.

  • Specify Response Timeframe: State a reasonable timeframe within which you expect a response. This could be a specific number of days or a reasonable business timeframe (e.g., within 3 business days).
  • Choose the Preferred Communication Method: Indicate your preferred method of communication for the response. It could be via email, phone call, or any other means that you find convenient.
  • Express Appreciation: Thank the recipient for their attention to your complaint and for addressing the issue promptly.
  • Follow Up if Necessary: If you haven't received a response within the specified timeframe, consider mentioning that you may follow up on the matter if needed.
  • Stay Courteous: Maintain a courteous and professional tone while expressing your expectations for their response.

Complete the Email

Now if you're wondering how to end a complaint email, it's key to conclude it with a courteous closing and your name. End the email on a positive note, expressing appreciation for the recipient's attention to your concerns. You can also browse through some effective conclusion paragraph examples for ideas.

  • Choose a Polite Closing: Use a courteous closing such as 'Sincerely,' 'Thank you,' or 'Best regards.'
  • Sign Your Name: Include your full name at the end of the email to provide a personal touch.
  • Consider an Email Signature: If applicable, use an email signature with your contact information, job title, or any other relevant details.
  • Reiterate Appreciation: Express gratitude for their time and attention to your complaint. A polite and thankful tone leaves a positive impression.

Edit and Proofread

Before hitting the 'send' button on your complaint email, take a moment to carefully review and edit your message. A well-crafted and error-free email conveys professionalism and enhances the likelihood of a positive response.

  • Check for Clarity: Ensure that your email communicates your complaint and desired resolution clearly. Make any necessary adjustments to improve the overall flow and coherence of your message.
  • Review for Tone: Double-check the tone of your email to ensure it remains respectful and professional. Avoid any language that could be perceived as offensive or aggressive.
  • Verify Accuracy: Confirm that all the details, such as dates, times, and relevant information, are accurate. Inaccuracies could lead to misunderstandings or delays in resolving the issue.
  • Spelling and Grammar: Thoroughly check your email for spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and typos. A polished and error-free email reflects well on your attention to detail.
  • Consistency: Check for consistency in your writing style, formatting, and use of language throughout the email.
  • Read Aloud: Consider reading your email aloud to catch any awkward phrasing or unclear sentences.
  • Test Links and Attachments: If your email contains links or attachments, verify that they work correctly and are relevant to your complaint.
  • Address the Recipient Correctly: Double-check that you've addressed the recipient correctly, using the appropriate name or title.

Extra Tips for Writing a Complaint Email

Crafting an effective complaint email, such as an article critique example , requires careful consideration and a strategic approach. Here are four additional tips to enhance the impact of your message:

  • Use Bullet Points: To enhance clarity and make your email easier to read, consider using bullet points to present key details or specific instances related to the problem. This complaint letter format helps the recipient quickly grasp the main points of your complaint.
  • Include Customer Loyalty: If you are a loyal customer or have a long-standing relationship with the company, mention it in your email. Highlighting your loyalty can remind them of your value as a customer and may prompt a more attentive response.
  • Highlight Relevant Policies: If your complaint relates to a violation of company policies or terms, refer to these policies in your email. This reinforces the legitimacy of your concerns and demonstrates your knowledge of your rights as a customer.
  • Cite Social Media Influence: If you have a considerable social media following or are active on relevant platforms, politely mention that you plan to share your experience online. This can encourage the recipient to address your complaint promptly to avoid negative publicity.

Incorporating Some Helpful Words and Expressions

When unsure how to write a complaint email effectively, here are some useful words and phrases that can be helpful:

How to Write a Complaint Email

  • 'Unsatisfactory': 'I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with...'
  • 'Inconvenience': 'The situation has caused a great deal of inconvenience for me.'
  • 'Defective': 'I received a defective product/service.'
  • 'Miscommunication': 'There seems to have been a miscommunication regarding...'
  • 'Discrepancy': 'I noticed a significant discrepancy between what was promised and what was delivered.'
  • 'Unresponsive': 'Despite multiple attempts, I have received no response from your customer service team.'
  • 'Neglect': 'I feel neglected as a customer due to the lack of attention to my issue.'
  • 'Inadequate': 'The resolution provided was inadequate and did not address my concerns.'
  • 'Unsatisfactory resolution': 'The proposed resolution does not meet my expectations.'
  • 'Appalled': 'I am appalled by the level of service I have received.'
  • 'False advertisement': 'Your advertisement misled me regarding the product/service's capabilities.'
  • 'Inaccurate billing': 'I noticed an error in the billing statement that needs to be rectified.'
  • 'Failure to comply': 'Your company failed to comply with the terms and conditions outlined in the contract.'
  • 'Wasted time': 'I have wasted valuable time trying to resolve this matter without success.'
  • 'Lack of transparency': 'I am concerned about the lack of transparency in the company's practices.'

In a nutshell, writing a complaint email gives you the voice to address issues effectively. Follow these steps to craft a powerful message: be clear, concise, and courteous. Your well-crafted email can pave the way to a satisfactory resolution. Give it a try and take charge of your concerns today!

Ready to Give Your Grievances a Voice?

Place an order now, and we'll turn your frustration into a compelling complaint letter that demands attention!

When Do I Need to Write a Complaint Email?

How long should a complaint email be.

Annie Lambert

Annie Lambert

specializes in creating authoritative content on marketing, business, and finance, with a versatile ability to handle any essay type and dissertations. With a Master’s degree in Business Administration and a passion for social issues, her writing not only educates but also inspires action. On EssayPro blog, Annie delivers detailed guides and thought-provoking discussions on pressing economic and social topics. When not writing, she’s a guest speaker at various business seminars.

complaint letter essay

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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How to write a Letter of Complaint? (FCE, CAE, CPE)

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This article provides information on how to write a letter of complaint correctly and what it consists of.  Although its content is mainly aimed at Cambridge exams , it can also be used for other purposes of learning English and writing letters of complaint.

Letter of Complaint: Definition

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Sometimes when we order a product and it is received defective then we write a letter to the related person or company, complaining about the product.

Letter of Complaint: Structure/Format

Please have a look at this letter of complaint layout template example :


Practice, write & improve, letter of complaint: writing guide, step 1: salutation.

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If you do not know the name of the person you are writing to, use this. It is always advisable to try to find out a name.

Dear Mr Jenkins

If you know the name, use the title (Mr, Mrs, Miss or Ms, Dr, etc.) and the surname only. If you are writing to a woman and do not know if she uses Mrs or Miss , you can use Ms , which is for married and single women.

You should always be polite and respectful, even if you complain. A useful way to achieve it, especially in formal letters is to use ‘modal verbs’, i.e., would, could or should.

Step 2: The Introductory Paragraph

You should identify what the issue is and any relevant information that you believe is important. Include more details if it’s applicable to the situation.

I want to express my strong dissatisfaction with the service I received during a visit to your restaurant on…

Step 3: The next paragraphs (the body)

You can extend your thoughts and feelings further. Yet, be sure to stick with the facts and avoid putting emotions into your letter.

  • Include t he time of the issue, location,   people involved and what the problem was.
  • Any complaint should be supported with a justification: Complaint: I still haven ’t t received the goods. Justification: I sent you a cheque three weeks ago.

Step 4: Closing paragraph

Write how you want this problem to be solved.   You can also throw in some compliments about something you liked about their company’s product or service.

Yours faithfully {You name}

“Yours sincerely” or “Yours faithfully”?

“Yours sincerely” is typically employed in English when the recipient is addressed by name (e.g. “Dear John”) and is known to the sender to some degree, whereas “Yours faithfully” is used when the recipient is not addressed by name (i.e., the recipient is addressed by a phrase such as “Dear Sir/Madam”)

Practice Tests Online

Letter of complaint: example letters, letter of complaint: product damage, letter of complaint subject:.

You and a friend, Sam, bought some CDs to help you improve your English. You were not happy with the CDs and have decided to write to the publisher, CD World. Read the email from Sam and the advertisement for the CDs below, on which you have made some notes. Then, using the information appropriately, write a letter to CD World explaining why you bought the CDs, why you are dissatisfied and saying what you would like the company to do.

Student’s Letter of Complaint Answer:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to express my disappointment with the course of English language CDs which I purchased from your company a few days ago. I have a good theoretical knowledge of English grammar and I was hoping that your course would help me to improve my conversational fluency and my knowledge of business English, but I feel your product is unsatisfactory and your advertisement is misleading in several respects.

To begin with, your advertisement states that the course provides English conversation for pleasure and business. This naturally leads one to expect that there are commercial English conversations on the CDs, and yet no such conversations are included. In addition, the student is expected to listen and repeat the conversations, but there is not enough time to do this without constantly pressing the “pause” button. Finally, your advertisement gives the impression that the price for the whole course is 20 euros, whereas in fact the CDs cost 20 euros each. The total price is thus 120 euros. I feel this is, to say the least, somewhat misleading.

For these reasons, I am most dissatisfied with your product. I am returning the CDs and expect a full refund. I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully (your name)

Letter of Complaint: Hotel

You recently took a self-catering holiday in a luxury apartment, but the standard of the accommodation was very poor. The holiday company that you booked with have offered you some vouchers as compensation, but you have decided you would prefer a cash refund instead. Write a letter to the company outlining the problems you experienced with the accommodation and the action you want them to take.

Student’s Formal Letter Answer:

Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing to complain about the bad standard of accommodation during my last holiday. I booked this self-catering holiday last year in your travel agency. When I returned from my two-week travel last week, I immediately visited the agency to complain about my bad experiences.

Had I known that the accomodation would be so poor, I would have booked from the beginning a full-service holiday. What I expected was a luxury apartment with a small oven. Not only was the room dirty and full of bugs, but the shower was broken and unusable. To make matters even worse, there was no oven as I ordered it. Never before have I seen such a bad service at a self-catering holiday. You can imagine my anger when I had to eat out, smelling like a … Not surprisingly, I booked another room, though without oven but clean and with a working shower. Therefore this room cost a lot more than the other one and I had to go out eating.

My purpose in visiting the agency was to ask for compensation. The young lady who served me offered some vouchers as compensation. She advised me to take my time with the answer. I have decided to ask your company for a cash refund. Would a refund about 500 euros be too much to expect? I would like to ask you to have a look on my enclosed accounts. Seeing how much money I had to invest additionally will help you to decide what to do about the whole matter.

At the very least, I would like you to inform me of the action you will take with regard to my extra invested money. Unless adequate action is taken, I shall have no other option but to publish this letter in the local newspaper.

Yours faithfully, Ilona

Letter of Complaint: Holidays

You recently had a short holiday organized by TravelWise. The manager of the company sent you a letter asking to state the problems which had occurred during your vacation. Write a letter to the manager, explaining what the problems were and telling them what you want them to do.

Write your letter. Don’t include any postal addresses.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing with reference to your letter, where you politely requested a feedback of my recent vacation organized by TravelWise. As you already know I was displeased with numerous points.

Firstly, the hotel I stayed was located in a run-down and dangerous neighbourhood, on few occasions I was approached by a drug dealer and a beggar. When it comes to the room it was completely different from what had been presented in your brochure. Dirt, darkness and rats were my company throughout the stay, I actually changed rooms few times, however it seemed all the rooms were in similar condition.

One of the reasons I had chosen your company was the free of charge spa and trips organized by your staff. It turned out that I had to pay extra for all of these services. And although it might be true that the water sports provided were amazing it does not change the fact my holiday was ruined by the above problems.

I must ask you to refund all the costs of my vacation including extra charge for spa and trips please.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully, Sam Smith

Letter of Complaint: Writing Topics

Letter of complaint topic: hotel.

You recently stayed at one of a chain of large hotels and encountered a number of problems during your stay. Write a letter to the company’s head office detailing the problems you had, describing what happened when you complained to the hotel staff and suggesting ways the company could improve its service.

(CAE 220-260 words – CPE 280-320 words)

Letter of Complaint Topic: Product

Letter of complaint topic: transport.

You recently travelled to work by train, and were appalled because the train was dirty and the canteen facilities were poor. Due to work on the tracks, your train failed to arrive at its destination on time, which made you late for work. You have decided to write a letter of complaint to the railway company, expressing your views and stating what you expect them to do about the problem.

Letter of Complaint: Tips

complaint letter essay

  • Focus on the most important facts. Don’t give unnecessary background information.
  • the reason for writing (e.g.  I am writing to  …)
  • what went wrong
  • what you would like to happen now.
  • Complaint letters are usually written in a formal style.
  • Use passives to be less direct and more formal, e.g.  I was served quickly .
  • Use   Yours faithfully   to sign off if you don’t know the name of the person you’re writing to.
  • Always proofread your letter after writing it, check for sentence structure, grammar, spelling mistakes…
  • Proofread your letter again (and again) after you have revised it.
  • Be respectful when you write, even if you are writing a letter of complaint.

Letter of Complaint: Useful Phrases & Language

Dear Sir or Madam, / To whom it may concern, I am writing to express my disappointment with/dissatisfaction with the service I received in… I would like to lodge a formal complaint against your company for the reasons outlined below: I feel compelled to write to you in order to describe the

Listing Problems

First of all, Not only was there a hair in my wife’s soup, but the main course also arrived cold. On top of that… As if that was not enough… To top it all off… My first complaint is  The first problem is  The first thing I would like to draw your attention to is  My first concern is The straw that broke the camel’s back was…

Complaining Expressions

The standard of the… was not up to scratch. The… was not up to the expected standard. The… left a lot to be desired. The… failed to live up to our expectations. We were left bitterly disappointed by… The quality of the customer service we received was woefully inadequate. The… was an absolute disgrace. (v.strong) Overall, our visit to your (restaurant) was an unmitigated disaster from start to finish.

Requesting Action

It seems only fair that you should… (offer a full refund) I would appreciate it if you… I would be grateful if you… I suggest that you replace the item I therefore suggest that I be given a full refund I would be grateful if my money was refunded I would be grateful if you could give me a full refund Should these demands not be met, you will be hearing from my lawyers. I expect to receive compensation to the tune of (€2000) for the…

Making Recommendations

I strongly recommend that your organisation… It would be advisable to… I suggest re-evaluating your procedures regarding…

I look forward to receiving your reply. I look forward to hearing from you I look forward to receiving a full refund I look forward to receiving a replacement I look forward to receiving your explanation I expect to receive a prompt reply to this letter. Yours faithfully,

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How to Write a Letter of Complaint [IELTS General Writing]

Posted by David S. Wills | Jun 29, 2020 | IELTS Tips , Writing | 0

How to Write a Letter of Complaint [IELTS General Writing]

On this website, I normally discuss academic IELTS but today I am going to talk to you about the IELTS general writing test and, more specifically, I will show you how to write a letter of complaint .

As you probably know, in the IELTS general test, candidates are expected to write a letter of some kind. This is different from the academic test, in which candidates must describe a graph, table, diagram , or map.

Neither test is easier or harder, but they have very different challenges. I think that it is important that today we examine task one of IELTS general training (GT) in order to explore the issue of letter-writing. To that, we will look at:

  • Some different kinds of letter
  • Common complain letter topics
  • How to write a letter of complaint
  • Using the right language
  • Sample of good complaint letters

You can skip ahead to the most appropriate section if you like.

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IELTS Writing Task 1 General

There are various differences between the IELTS academic and IELTS general exams, with task 1 of the writing test being a significant difference. This is because you are expected to describe something for the academic test but write to someone for the general test. It requires very different language, logic, and skill.

In the IELTS general writing test, you will be required to write a letter to a person about a subject that is presented in the task. There are numerous examples with different functions, such as:

  • Instructions about how to do something
  • Advice about what to do
  • Requesting something (such as a reference letter)
  • Application for a job/volunteering position
  • Agreeing/Scheduling an arrangement

There are various other possibilities and you should really be ready to write about almost anything for this section of the test. Remember that you will have to use your imagination because not every subject is applicable to you. For example, you might have to imagine you are moving to a new country, quitting your job, selling your furniture, or asking a former employer/teacher for a reference letter.

IELTS letter writing can require many different skills or situations, but today we are going to focus on one kind in particular. It is perhaps the most common IELTS letter topic: a letter of complaint .

Letter of Complaint Topics

If you are given the task of writing a letter of complaint for IELTS, you will generally be required to do two things:

  • Describe what is wrong
  • Suggest a solution

Of course, your exam paper will not make it sound this easy! It will contain other requirements, but essentially those two things are the main purpose of the letter and so you should be prepared to include them.

Beyond that, each letter of complaint will have a basic premise and we can consider this its topic . This will be the thing that you are complaining about. During my years as an IELTS teacher, I have seen dozens of versions of this. You will be given a situation and told that you need to contact someone to complain. It could be a(n):

  • bad meal in a restaurant
  • unfriendly staff member
  • faulty product
  • unpleasant experience
  • unexpected closure

Again, there are numerous possibilities but these will all essentially be the same: You need to describe the problem and suggest how the situation could be fixed.

How to Write a Letter of Complaint

In this section, we will actually explore the process of how to write an IELTS letter of complaint.

The Basic Requirements

The basic requirements of writing an IELTS letter of complaint are:

  • write at least 150 words
  • do this in approximately 20 minutes
  • answer all parts of the question
  • use standard letter-writing conventions

Beyond that, you will be judged on the level of English you use in the letter. If you write with a high degree of accuracy and use a variety of language structures, you will surely get a good score. However, you should also be familiar with the basics of writing letters in English.

Analysing the Question

Fortunately, IELTS writing task 1 questions are usually pretty simple in the general training exam. You do not have to think very hard about them in order to understand. Instead, you can just look at the instructions and follow them. There will seldom be difficult language, subtle ideas, or anything else to make it harder.

The firs thing you should do is make sure you understand the premise . This means “the main idea of the task.”

Let’s see an example:

You have just read an article in an international travel magazine which contained some information about your town that is incorrect. Write a letter to the editor of the magazine. In your letter – correct the information in the article – explain why it is important for the magazine to give correct information – suggest what the magazine should do about this situation.

At first look, it may seem as though there is a lot of information here, but the premise is simple. We can paraphrase it like this:

Write to an editor to tell them about a mistake in their magazine.

There are then three tasks that you must do relating to this premise:

  • Give the correct information
  • Say why you need to do this
  • Say how this could be fixed

Types of Complaint Letter

There are different types of complaint letter, which is why you need to read the question carefully and not make assumptions. You also cannot just memorise ten complaint letters and hope that these arise in your next test.

Instead, you should be ready to write a letter about almost anything. However, it is useful to consider that there are only a limited number of people to whom you may have to write any letter, so you should practice for those situations.

Some common recipients for your complaint letter are:

  • your landlord
  • a business owner
  • the manager of a service provider
  • a person who lives nearby

The topics should fall within normal IELTS scope, so the letter could be about:

  • noise complaint (and other social issues)
  • bad service
  • environmental concerns
  • a faulty product

Again, there are numerous possibilities, but when we think about broad categories it is easier to prepare for the real exam.

Preparing your Answer

Once you have analysed the question, you should then look into formulating your answer. This begins with thinking of the right situation. Because IELTS writing comes with a difficult time limit, you should do this quickly.

There are two approaches you could take to this section:

Honestly, there is no perfect answer here but I would say that you could mix these ideas together. Personally, when I write letters for my students, I tend to start quickly and use my imagination to complete it. However, this is easier for me as a native speaker because I always have a good enough vocabulary.

Anyway, make sure that you have a good idea to respond to the premise and also the three bullet points. These contain important ideas.

Finally, make sure that your idea is not too complicated. This is a common error. Choose something relatively simple so that you can talk about it easily. You can always use your imagination to pad the details later, but if you choose something overly complex, you will struggle to describe it sufficiently within the time limit.

Structuring your Letter

When it comes to structuring an IELTS task 2 essay , this is pretty easy… but with task 1 it is more complicated. This is true both for academic and general IELTS.

The important thing is that, first of all, you know the basic letter structure. This is the most fundamental thing and it is easy to learn, so make sure you understand before you start.

ielts writing template - letter of complaint

Your letter needs to begin with a salutation (such as “Dear”) and end with a sign-off (such as “Sincerely”) and in the middle you should have some paragraphs. There is no correct number. You just have to group information logically.

This can be a difficult thing to do, but remember the key rule for task 2:

One paragraph should have one main idea.

I usually find that an IELTS letter begins with a short paragraph that says why the person is writing, then another paragraph gives the background details. A third paragraph could explain more, such a solution, and a final paragraph might pose some summary, suggestion, or resolution.

However, once again I will note that there is no perfect letter formula . I will post various sample answers below so that you can see some different approaches to this.

IELTS General Writing Task 1 Language

When it comes to writing anything for IELTS, you are partly being tested on your vocabulary for that topic. Of course, no one is expected to be an expert in any topic so it doesn’t matter if you don’t know much vocabulary about magazines. Still, you should be able to deal with any topic that arises on at least a basic level.

You should make sure to always prepare for IELTS by learning different topics. I have a list of the 30 most common writing topics here . This can help you to absorb information more effectively and avoids the big problem with IELTS, which is that lazy teachers will tell you to memorize long lists of vocabulary like these:

complaint letter essay

This will not help you much with your IELTS skills. Most of the words are useless and the teachers just found them in a dictionary.

Instead, it is more helpful to learn common words and know how to use them correctly .

Vocabulary for Politely Complaining and Suggesting

It is important that you do not sound too angry or aggressive in your letter, so you should use some polite vocabulary for issuing complaints. This can sound direct but it should not be offensive.

Here are some examples of good language to use in your letter of complaint:

Formal vs Informal IELTS Letters

Also, you really need to know the difference between formal and informal language because this is a serious issue in task 1 of the general training exam. Here, some letters require an informal reply (letters to friends and family) while others require a formal reply. Some fall in between, and we can call these semi-formal letters.

Today, we are looking at IELTS letters of complaint and these will always be formal . As such, you should pay attention to register (which means how formal your vocabulary and grammar are). I have a lesson about this in my free IELTS grammar course . It is included in this video:

Remember that features of a formal letter include:

  • Saying “Dear Sir or Madam” at the beginning
  • Signing off with “Sincerely” and your full name
  • Avoiding contractions (don’t, it’s, he’s, etc)
  • Sequencing your ideas logically (firstly, secondly, finally, etc)
  • Avoiding slang
  • Using the passive voice occasionally

In terms of content, it is also important to be appropriate. You are acting as a character (or imagining yourself in a fictional situation) but you should not display anger. Instead, you should be polite and serious.

how to end a letter

Some More Advice

I have marked many thousands of essays and letters as part of my IELTS writing correction service , so I see many common mistakes. Here are some of them, with my suggestions included:

IELTS Writing Complaint Letter Samples

In this section, I am going to show you some of my sample answers. These are not intended as the only model for a good letter, but they are one possible way of writing a good letter.

First of all, we can start with the sample question from above (about a correction in a magazine). Here is my sample answer:

letter about a travel magazine - ielts general writing

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to draw attention to a factual error in the latest edition of Explorer magazine. In your recent article about St. Andrews, you stated that the nearest railway station was in Cupar, and thus getting from Edinburgh to St. Andrews by train would be rather difficult. In fact, the nearest railway station is in Leuchars, which is just six miles away from St. Andrews, and less than ten minutes on a public bus. There are various buses and taxis right outside the train station, and so getting from Leuchars to St. Andrews is very easy. Moreover, I should mention that all trains heading from Edinburgh to either Dundee or Aberdeen will stop off at Leuchars on the way. St. Andrews is a tourist town that receives many visitors each year, and it is important for both the local businesses and the tourists that this information is available. I hope that you can correct it in a future edition of Explorer . Sincerely, David S. Wills

Sample IELTS Letter of Complaint #2

You live in a room in college which you share with another student. However, there are many problems with this arrangement and you find it very difficult to work.

Write a letter to the accommodation officer at the college. In the letter,

  • describe the situation
  • explain your problems and why it is difficult to work
  • say what kind of accommodation you would prefer

Sample Answer

Dear Mr. Peterson,

I am writing to you to complain about my situation here at Seabraes Halls, where I have been living for the past three months.

Ever since arriving at this accommodation, I have struggled to focus on my studies because of the attitude and actions of my roommate. He is consistently partying and often brings friends over to our flat. It is extremely distracting and has had a serious impact upon my work. He routinely wakes me up at three o’clock in the morning, which makes it difficult for me to get up for my first classes, and has on several occasions interrupted my evening revision sessions. I feel deeply unprepared and am worried that this situation will negatively affect my future.

I would appreciate being moved to a more suitable environment. If you could please transfer me to a quieter location, with my studious flatmates, it would be greatly appreciated.

David Wills

Sample IELTS Letter of Complaint #3

You recently bought a piece of equipment for your kitchen but it did not work. You phoned the shop but no action was taken.

Write a letter to the shop manager. In your letter

  • describe the problem with the equipment
  • explain what happened when you phoned the shop
  • say what you would like the manager to do

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to complain about a blender I bought in your shop last week. When I took it home and plugged it in, it worked for about ten seconds before stopping. It has not worked since then and I doubt it ever will.

I understand that these things happen, but when I called your shop to complain, I was answered by a very rude young woman who did not seem to care at all about this problem. She told me that there was nothing she could do and inferred that the blender was probably fine.

I would like you to give me a replacement or a full refund as this blender simply does not work. It is clear that I have done nothing to damage it and so I cannot be held at fault for this. I know my consumer rights and they stipulate that you must offer a replacement or refund.

Please arrange a time for me to pick up my new blender and return the old one.

You were hurt in a minor accident inside a supermarket, and you wish to complain to the supermarket. Write a letter to the manager of the supermarket. In your letter:

  • say who you are
  • give details about the accident
  • suggest how the supermarket could prevent similar accidents.

I am writing to inform you that I was injured in your supermarket last week when I slipped in a puddle that had been left in one of your aisles. I would like to seek assurance from you that this will not happen again.

The accident occurred last Thursday morning at your South Street branch, at around 9:30am. I was picking up a few groceries and then ventured into the frozen food aisle. Evidently, there had been a spillage and one of your staff had mopped it up, but they had not put down a warning sign that the floor was still wet.

I understand that these things happen and I will not be pressing charges, but I do want to recommend that you put in place certain protocols to ensure that it does not happen again. Firstly, you should have staff trained to deal with these situations quickly. You should also have warning signs stored with the mopping equipment in order to make sure that they are always visible.

For reference, my name is David Wills and I am from the nearby town of Cupar. I gave my details to your staff on the day of the accident, so you should have them on file.

Let’s try to review what we have learned so far. The important things to know about writing a letter of complaint in the IELTS writing exam are:

  • you should provide a formal letter
  • it should clearly state the problem and suggest a solution
  • you must directly respond to the question
  • do not sound angry/aggressive
  • instead, try to sound polite
  • be clear and address all three bullet points

If you follow this advice and continually work to improve your vocabulary and grammar skills, you should be able to produce excellent IELTS letters.

About The Author

David S. Wills

David S. Wills

David S. Wills is the author of Scientologist! William S. Burroughs and the 'Weird Cult' and the founder/editor of Beatdom literary journal. He lives and works in rural Cambodia and loves to travel. He has worked as an IELTS tutor since 2010, has completed both TEFL and CELTA courses, and has a certificate from Cambridge for Teaching Writing. David has worked in many different countries, and for several years designed a writing course for the University of Worcester. In 2018, he wrote the popular IELTS handbook, Grammar for IELTS Writing and he has since written two other books about IELTS. His other IELTS website is called IELTS Teaching.

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  • Complaint Letter

IELTS Complaint Letter

In this lesson we will look at how to write an  IELTS complaint letter . In this type of letter, you are given a situation that you wish to be resolved in some way. 

Common examples are  bad service  at a hotel, shop, restaurant or other place or  faulty goods  you have bought.

It is common to have to do these two things:

  • Explain the problem
  • Ask how it will be resolved / Suggest how you want it to be resolved

Key Must Dos

Addressing the points.

However, remember that there are always  THREE tasks  you have to address in the letter, so check carefully what they are. 

In this case the third task in the IELTS complaint letter is introducing yourself.  Take a look at the question:

You have bought a new camera but when you got it home you found it had some problems. You returned the camera and spoke to the company representative a week ago but the camera has still not been repaired.

Write a letter to the company. 

In your letter:

  • Introduce yourself
  • Explain the situation
  • Say what action you would like the company to take

It is essential that you address the  three points  you are given. If you do not, you will  lose marks for Task Achievement , and your band score may be reduced. 

You need to make sure you think of some  extra details  to support the points. 

You don't necessarily have to write the same amount on each point, but you should address each one as fully as you can. 

For instance in this IELTS complaint letter, you should make sure you give plenty of detail for the second two points, but it is likely you would write less on the first point as there are limits to what you can say if you introduce yourself. 

You should write your letter in the  same order as the bullet points .

Register / Tone

You must also get the register right in a letter. 

This basically means using an  appropriate tone  to match the purpose of the letter and the person you are writing to. 

The register or tone will depend on how  formal  or  informal  the letter is. It can be tricky and take some skill to get this right. 

A letter of complaint will be a  formal letter  and so you would use different language and phrases than if you were writing to a good friend for example. 

Getting the tone right is important because this can affect your score for Task Achievement. 

IELTS Complaint Letter: Common Phrases

These are some common phrases you can use in an IELTS complaint letter that will help you to get the right tone:

Reason for writing:

  • I am writing in order to complain about
  • I am writing to complain about
  • I am writing regarding
  • I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with

Introducing the complaint:

  • Topic sentence stating the positive point. + However, + problem….Example: We thoroughly enjoyed the first week of the holiday. However, after that we experienced a number of problems. 
  • I am (extremely) dissatified / dissapointed with the service / goods that I received / bought because

First complaint:

  • First of all
  • The first problem is / was
  • My first complaint is 
  • My first concern is 
  • The first thing I would like to draw your attention to is 

Further complaints:

  • In addition 
  • In addition to this
  • Added to this
  • …… is / was also unsatisfactory / unacceptable
  • Not only ……, but also 
  • To make matters worse, 
  • Furthermore

Mentioning negative consequences:

  • I'm afraid that…
  • Unfortunately, 

Expressing Dissatisfaction:

  • It is not acceptable to / that
  • I am not at all pleased that
  • I am disappointed because

Demanding action:

  • I suggest that you replace the item
  • I therefore suggest that I be given a full refund
  • I would be grateful if my money was refunded
  • I would be grateful if you could give me a full refund
  • I would like to request that
  • To resolve the problem, I would appreciate it if you could

Ending the letter:

  • I look forward to hearing from you
  • I look forward to receiving a full refund
  • I look forward to receiving a replacement
  • I look forward to receiving your explanation
  • I look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem

You will need to practice these to make sure you know how to fit them in correctly to your letter as they may all vary slightly depending on the particular context. 

Complaint About a Camera

Write at least 150 words

You do  NOT  need to write any addresses

Begin your letter as follows:

Model Answer

Dear Sir / Madam,

My name is Mark Roberts and  I am writing to you regarding  a Nokia camera that I bought at your department store on Sunhill Road, Dewsbury, on the 5th September.

The camera seemed to work fine in the shop. However , upon returning home, it became clear that the shutter mechanism was not functioning properly.  In addition to this , there was a small scratch on the lens.

I therefore returned to the shop the following day, on the 6th September, and spoke to a company representative about the issue. I left the camera with the assistant and they assured me that they would look into the problem with a view to repairing the camera and get back to me a few days later.

However, it has now been one week and when I contacted the shop again they said that the camera has still not been fixed and they do not know how long it will be.

As I am sure you will understand,  it is not acceptable  to be waiting for such a long time for it to be repaired.  I would therefore like to request  that I be given a full refund should I not receive the repaired camera by the end of this week.

I look forward to hearing from you .

Yours faithfully Mark Roberts

This IELTS complaint letter would achieve a high band score for the following reasons:

Task Achievement

The letter meets all the requirements of the task. The three points have been covered, each point has been extended with further appropriate and relevant information, and the tone is consistent throughout the letter.

Coherence and Cohesion

Paragraphing has been used appropriately, ideas have been organised logically, and cohesion within / between sentences and paragraphs is appropriate.

Lexical Resource (Vocabulary)

Word forms and spellings are all correct. There is a range of vocabulary and the writer  collocates  well.

Here are some examples of good vocabulary / phrases / collocations for this letter:

  • upon returning
  • shutter mechanism 
  • functioning properly
  • with a view to
  • company representative
  • not acceptable to

Grammatical Range and Accuracy

In the IELTS complaint letter, there is a mix of simple and  complex sentences , and excellent control of grammar and punctuation.

Here are some examples of complexity:

  • ...Nokia camera that I bought...
  • ...upon returning home, it became clear that...
  • ...when I contacted the shop again they said that…
  • As I am sure you will understand, it is...
  • ...request that I be given a full refund should I not…

The past tense has been used correctly to discuss completed actions in the past. 

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These are IELTS sample letters, with questions and model answers showing you how to write informal, semi-formal, and formal letters.

IELTS Letter Lessons: Writing Letters for the Task 1 General

An IELTS letter has to be written for the task 1 of IELTS general training. Take lessons on how to write high-scoring answers.

complaint letter essay

IELTS Band 9 Letters

Tips for IELTS band 9 letters, showing you how to get 9 for task achievement, coherence, lexis and grammar.

complaint letter essay

IELTS Informal Letter: Getting the Tone Right

This is an IELTS informal letter sample and shows you how to use the right tone when its not formal.

IELTS Request Letter: Time Off Work

This is an IELTS request letter in which you need to take leave from your work of over one month for personal reasons.

complaint letter essay

IELTS Formal Letter Sample: Theatre Visit

This IELTS formal letter sample is regarding a visit to the theatre. It's a complaint letter as person did not enjoy it.

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Opening and Closing a Letter

In this lesson you will learn about opening and closing a letter for the IELTS task 1 General Training.

IELTS Letter Feedback Forum

IELTS Letter Feedback Forum - would you like to get feedback on a task 1 letter for General Training IELTS? Then post it here. Other students can comment.

IELTS Advice letter: Advising a Friend

This is an IELTS advice letter in which you have to write to a friend and advise them whether to go to college or apply for a job.

complaint letter essay

Task 1 GT Letter: Making a Complaint

This sample Task 1 GT Letter is about making a complaint about problems at a recreation ground.

IELTS Letter: Job Application to Restaurant

In this IELTS letter you are have to write a job application for a position in a restaurant.

complaint letter essay

Task 1 Letter: Complaint to Train Company

In a task 1 letter of complaint you usually need to explain why you are not pleased with an aspect of customer service.

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Complaint Letter

Ielts complaint letter:, sample complaint letters with answers:, you took your family to a nearby restaurant. you were disappointed with the meal and wish to complain to the manager., you recently had your computer fixed at a local computer store, however, you are not pleased with the service you received., you have bought a new mobile phone and in a few days of purchase, it has stopped working. you have spoken to the company representative a week ago but it has still not been repaired., you travelled by plane last week and your suitcase was lost. you have still heard nothing from the airline company., write a letter to the mayor, the head of a municipal government, complaining about a situation in which some adolescents let their dogs run wildly causing a dangerous situation., you recently stayed in a hotel in a large city. the weather was very unusual for the time of year and the heating/cooling system in the hotel was quite inadequate., you recently bought an item of clothing from a shop. you discovered that it had a fault and returned it to the shop for replacement or refund. however, the assistant told you that this was against the store's policy., you ordered a new chequebook from your bank two weeks ago but you have received nothing., you have recently bought a piece of equipment for your kitchen but it did not work. you phoned the shop but no action was taken., you have been living in a rental apartment for the past year. recently a new neighbour moved in and has been making a lot of noise, which disturbs you., you and your family are living in rented accommodation in an english-speaking country. you are not satisfied with the condition of some of the furniture., you were hurt in a minor accident inside a supermarket, and you wish to complain to the supermarket., your neighbours have a dog that is noisy at night. you can’t sleep due to this., you booked a two-week holiday to sydney with a tour agency. you are not happy with the holiday – the flight was delayed, the hotel was noisy, and so on., write a letter to your college’s administration department complaining about the college facility., you rented a car from a car rental company. the air conditioner has stopped working. you phoned the company a week ago but it still has not been repaired., you recently went shopping at the local supermarket. when you got home and noticed your bill, you found that you had been charged for items you did not purchase., you went to the local hospital’s emergency department with your young child who had severe stomach pains. you had to wait for almost four hours before your daughter was treated by a doctor and, while you were waiting, you were constantly ignored by the other staff., the road in front of your house got damaged a long ago and nothing has been done about it. write a letter to the municipal authority complaining about the damaged road., the system used for rubbish/garbage collection in your local area is not working properly. this is causing problems for you and your neighbours., some construction work is being done on the street where you live for the last couple of days. the noise from the work is loud and it disturbs you..

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The Long, Tortured Road to Biden’s Clash With Netanyahu Over Gaza War

The president offered strong support to Israel after Oct. 7 but has grown increasingly frustrated over the conduct of the war. “He has just gotten to a point where enough is enough,” a friend says.

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President Biden sitting in an armchair in the Oval Office. He is wearing a navy suit with a  white shirt and navy tie, and his expression is serious.

By Peter Baker

Reporting from Washington

President Biden laid it out for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel long before letting the public know. In a conversation bristling with tension on Feb. 11, the president warned the prime minister against a major assault on the Gaza city of Rafah — and suggested that continued U.S. support would depend on how Israel proceeded.

It was an extraordinary moment. For the first time, the president who had so strongly backed Israel’s war against Hamas was essentially threatening to change course. The White House, however, kept the threat secret, making no mention of it in the official statement it released about the call . And indeed, the private warning, perhaps too subtle, fell on deaf ears.

Six days later, on Feb. 17, Mr. Biden heard from Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken. The president’s chief diplomat was calling from his blue-and-white government plane as he was flying home from a security conference in Munich. Despite the president’s warning, Mr. Blinken reported that momentum for an invasion of Rafah was building. It could result in a humanitarian catastrophe, he feared. They had to draw a line.

At that point, the president headed down a road that would lead to the most serious collision between the United States and Israel in a generation. Three months later, the president has decided to follow through on his warning, leaving the two sides in a dramatic standoff. Mr. Biden has paused a shipment of 3,500 bombs and vowed to block the delivery of other offensive arms if Israel mounts a full-scale ground invasion of Rafah over his objections. Mr. Netanyahu responded defiantly, vowing to act even “if we need to stand alone.”

Mr. Biden’s journey to this moment of confrontation has been a long and tortured one, the culmination of a seven-month evolution — from a president who was so appalled by the Hamas-led terrorist attack on Oct. 7 that he pledged “rock solid and unwavering” support for Israel to an angry and exasperated president who has finally had it with an Israeli leadership that he believes is not listening to him.

“He has just gotten to a point where enough is enough,” said former Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, a onetime Republican senator from Nebraska and a friend of Mr. Biden’s from their days together in Congress and President Barack Obama’s administration. “I think he felt he had to say something. He had to do something. He had to show some sign that he wasn’t going to continue this.”

Interviews with administration officials, members of Congress, Middle East analysts and others, many of whom spoke on condition of anonymity to describe internal deliberations, indicate that the president’s decision came not as a sudden break but as the inexorable result of months of efforts to influence Israel’s behavior.

Ever since February, Mr. Biden has focused on Rafah and brought it up with Mr. Netanyahu again and again. A major strike in the densely populated city swelling with displaced masses seemed like a disastrous idea after many thousands had already been killed in the first months of the war in Gaza.

“I can’t support it,” he told Mr. Netanyahu, according to an official informed about their calls. “It will be a mess.”

The president argued that Yahya Sinwar, the military leader of Hamas and reputed mastermind of the Oct. 7 attack that killed 1,200 in Israel, actually wanted an Israeli invasion because it would produce many civilian deaths and further isolate Israel from the rest of the world.

To some degree, the Israelis have responded. Despite more than three months of vowing to invade Rafah, they have yet to actually do so beyond limited strikes, perhaps an indication that the chest beating is more about domestic politics or putting pressure on Hamas during cease-fire talks. Administration officials received some indications after Mr. Biden’s threat to cut off offensive weapons this past week that Israel may refrain from a full-fledged assault in favor of the more strategic approach favored by Americans, including targeted strikes on Hamas leadership and surgical raids.

If so, then the current clash between Washington and Jerusalem may yet be defused. Although Mr. Biden has delayed the delivery of 500-pound bombs and particularly destructive 2,000-pound bombs that could be used in an attack on Rafah, he has not stopped other weapons shipments, including one heading out this weekend with small-diameter 250-pound bombs.

“We’ve never told them they can’t operate in Rafah,” said John F. Kirby, a national security spokesman for the White House. “What we’ve told them is that the way they do it matters and that we won’t support a major ground operation and invasion smashing into Rafah with, you know, multiple divisions of forces in a ham-fisted, indiscriminate way.”

“But eliminating the threat of Hamas?” he continued. “Absolutely. They have every right to do that. And they’ll continue to have our support as they do that.”

From the beginning of the war in Gaza, Mr. Biden worried that Israel in its justifiable fury over the Hamas terrorist attack would, in the president’s view, go too far in response, much as he believes the United States made misjudgments in Afghanistan and Iraq after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

Even as he voiced his own visceral outrage over the atrocities of Oct. 7, Mr. Biden soon faced pressure from within his own party to restrain Israel’s ferocious retaliation. Mr. Biden’s theory was always that he would have more influence speaking privately as Israel’s friend than by pushing its leaders publicly. While much of the criticism of Israel’s conduct of the war has focused on Mr. Netanyahu, Mr. Biden recognized that the war has widespread support across Israel’s political spectrum, including from the prime minister’s opponents.

But over time, the president began expressing his frustrations publicly. He said as early as Nov. 24 during a Thanksgiving trip to Nantucket that the notion of imposing conditions on U.S. arms pressed by progressives was a “worthwhile thought,” although not one he was prepared to follow through on yet.

As weeks went by and civilian casualties in Gaza mounted, the president’s pique began slipping out at campaign events, where he tends to be more candid. At a fund-raiser on Dec. 12, he said that the Israelis had been engaging in “indiscriminate bombing,” a description typically associated with war crimes.

His anger at Mr. Netanyahu boiled over during a private Dec. 23 call that ended when the president hung up on the prime minister . “I’m done,” Mr. Biden said, slamming down the phone.

The administration was left with the impression that Israel expected to enter “phase C” of its war plan by the end of January, pulling most of its forces out of Gaza other than a single brigade and focusing more on targeted strikes from time to time. That suited Mr. Biden, who was eager to move on to reconstruction and possibly seal a broader deal with Saudi Arabia that would grant diplomatic recognition to Israel and transform the region.

But January came and went with no sign of combat coming to an end. Biden aides debated among themselves whether the Israelis had lied to them or were simply caught up in the unpredictable reality of war. On Feb. 8, Mr. Biden’s impatience flared when he told reporters that Israel’s attack on Gaza had been “over the top.” He signed a national security memorandum the same day meant to ensure that U.S. weapons would not be used in violation of international law.

Even so, Mr. Biden was the figure in his White House most resistant to pressure from the political left to do more to restrain Mr. Netanyahu, such as curbing arms sales. “Biden’s natural instinct is to cut him slack,” said Mr. Hagel — unlike his staff. “They’ve been more aggressive on this point than he has been. He’s been more cautious.”

After five decades in Washington, Mr. Biden is supremely confident in his own judgment on foreign policy and aides have learned not to push him to go somewhere they know he is not willing to go, even if they are more ready to change tacks than he is.

“Many of the people around him were becoming much more frustrated over time,” said Dennis B. Ross, a longtime Middle East peace negotiator who has worked with Mr. Biden and many of his advisers over the years. “Some of them felt it from the standpoint that Biden is taking a political hit and Bibi is reluctant to take any political hit” by backing off. “How is it that Biden is paying a price and this guy won’t?”

Among those more willing to shift policy earlier than the president was Mr. Blinken, who has been back and forth to the region seemingly nonstop since Oct. 7 and bears the brunt of complaints from Arab leaders upset at the war. While Mr. Blinken has long been a strong supporter of Israel, he came to feel that it was time to press Mr. Netanyahu and his war cabinet more strongly.

According to insiders, the discussion has not devolved into quarreling camps as in past administrations, but the president’s advisers have varying views. Seen as most aligned with Mr. Blinken are Vice President Kamala Harris and Jon Finer, the deputy national security adviser, while Brett McGurk, the president’s Middle East coordinator, who deals extensively with Israeli counterparts, is considered more attuned to their vantage point. Jake Sullivan, the national security adviser, is described as somewhere in the middle but leaning more toward Mr. Blinken’s perspective.

Probably no one on the team is closer to the president than Mr. Blinken, who has been in his orbit for more than 20 years, serving as staff director when Mr. Biden was top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and national security adviser when he was vice president. Mr. Blinken understands that pushing Mr. Biden is not the way to change his mind. Instead, the path to this moment has been a series of meetings, lunches, phone calls, all methodically providing information that might shift the president’s thinking.

“Tony is the one guy who can say things differently to him, but he will not say things differently to him in front of others,” said Mr. Ross. “I wouldn’t say he’s pushing. I think he goes in and reports, ‘Here’s what I’ve been hearing.’ That becomes part of the fact base on which Biden thinks about what he’s going to do.”

By March 7, Mr. Biden was thinking about another tough conversation with Mr. Netanyahu. Speaking with lawmakers on the floor of the House after his State of the Union address, the president was caught on a microphone saying he was going to have a “come-to-Jesus meeting” with the prime minister.

Two days later, speaking on MSNBC, he bemoaned “the innocent lives being lost” and suggested he had a “red line” without saying what it was. On March 15, the president praised a speech by Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader, suggesting that Mr. Netanyahu step down . On March 25, Mr. Biden allowed a United Nations Security Council resolution calling for an immediate cease-fire to pass without vetoing it, infuriating Mr. Netanyahu.

A turning point came on April 1 when Israeli forces mistakenly killed seven aid workers for World Central Kitchen . Mr. Biden was described as “outraged” and had a painful call with José Andrés, the celebrity chef and founder of the aid agency. Aides called that tragedy a “game changer” for the president.

In advance of another call with Mr. Netanyahu, Mr. McGurk told Israeli officials that the president was angry and went over a series of changes they should agree to make in response. When Mr. Biden got on the line on April 4, he again warned that he would reconsider his support unless Mr. Netanyahu changed course.

“Bibi, you’ve got to do more,” he said, using Mr. Netanyahu’s nickname.

“Joe, I hear you,” he said.

The prime minister rattled off a range of things he would do to increase the flow of humanitarian aid, essentially what Mr. McGurk had suggested. The Israelis sent a five-page list of changes they would make; irritated Biden advisers realized it was basically the same list the Americans had given the Israelis months earlier without response.

This time, the president’s threat was included in the public statement about the call, which was drafted personally by Mr. Sullivan.

But even though Israel followed through on some of the commitments on humanitarian aid, Mr. Netanyahu was not backing down on Rafah.

In response to American pressure, the Israelis put together an extensive proposal to move a million people out of Rafah to spare them the conflict. But it would require hundreds of thousands of tents and massive quantities of food and water. Whether it was possible to implement was less than certain.

With no agreement, the president was forced to decide whether to allow a pending shipment of bombs that could be used in the attack. This time he said no. His advisers notified the Israelis, but did not tell the public or Congress, which had just passed $15 billion in new military aid for Israel. The idea was to make the point privately to Mr. Netanyahu without a public blowup. But the Israelis leaked the news, at which point Mr. Biden went public on CNN with his vow not to provide any weapons that could be used in a major Rafah operation.

The delay in the bomb shipment was a symbolic move. Other U.S. weapons are still flowing and the Israelis have enough to move ahead on their own. But with American college campuses erupting in political protest and a larger Middle East diplomatic initiative with Saudi Arabia in jeopardy, Mr. Biden decided to act.

“This combination of domestic imperative and strategic opportunity has driven Biden to a place he never expected to go,” said Martin S. Indyk, a two-time ambassador to Israel and former Middle East special envoy. “It’s the reason he’s speaking out forcefully and the reason he has issued the ultimatum.”

David E. Sanger contributed reporting.

Peter Baker is the chief White House correspondent for The Times. He has covered the last five presidents and sometimes writes analytical pieces that place presidents and their administrations in a larger context and historical framework. More about Peter Baker

Our Coverage of the Israel-Hamas War

News and Analysis

The United Nations’ top court is scheduled to hear arguments from South Africa  after the country recently requested that the court issue further constraints on Israel, saying “the very survival” of Palestinians in Gaza was under threat.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned that recent gains in getting desperately needed humanitarian aid  to people in the Gaza Strip risked being undone by the fighting in southern Gaza.

The Biden administration has told Congress that it intends to move forward with a plan for the United States to sell more than $1 billion in new weapons to Israel .

PEN America’s Boiling Point: As it cancels events amid criticism of its response to the Israel-Hamas war, PEN America faces questions  about when an organization devoted to free speech for all should take sides.

A Key Weapon: When President Biden threatened to pause some weapons shipments to Israel if it invaded Rafah, the devastating effects of the 2,000-pound Mark 84 bomb  were of particular concern to him.

A Presidential Move: Ronald Reagan also used the power of American arms to influence  Israeli war policy. The comparison underscores how much the politics of Israel have changed in the United States since the 1980s.

Netanyahu’s Concerns: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, under pressure from all sides, is trying to reassure his many domestic, military and diplomatic critics. Here’s a look at what he is confronting .


  1. Complaint letter

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  2. Complaint Letter

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  5. Painstaking Lessons Of Tips About Writing A Formal Letter Of Complaint Simple Cv Templates Free

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  6. Letter of Complaint

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  1. how to write a complaint letter

  2. LETTER OF COMPLAINT || FORMAT || SAMPLE || CBSE || CLASS 10 || Shimna's Study Corner

  3. How To Write A Complaint Letter

  4. Letter writing || How to write letter- Formal Letter and Informal Letter in english

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  1. An Example Complaint Letter

    Pay attention to the complaint letter format, the voice, and the use of language. My Name. My Address. Date. Recipient Name and Title. Company Name. Company Address. To Whom It May Concern: I am writing today to complain of the poor service I received from your company on June 12, 2020.

  2. How to Write a Complaint Letter: With Comprehensive Examples

    To write a complaint letter, start with your personal details, then the date and recipient info. Politely state the issue, provide evidence, and specify a resolution. End with a willingness to engage, appreciation, and your signature. For an in-depth guide on crafting an effective complaint letter, including examples and tips on follow-up ...

  3. Writing formal letter of complaint

    When you write a formal letter, you should include these elements: Write your own address in the top right-hand corner. Write the date under your address. Write the address of the recipient, i.e., the person you are writing to, on the left-hand side, below your address. Start the letter with Dear… if you know the name of the recipient or Dear ...

  4. IELTS Essay: Letter of Complaint

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    Step 4: Attach copies of relevant supporting documents. Attach copies of the necessary and relevant documents. This may include receipts, warranties, cheques, pictures, videos if there are any. This is important as it makes your complaint legit. Ensure to include in your letter the exact documents you are attaching.

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  7. How to Write a Complaint Letter

    Step 1: Clearly state the facts of your case/causes for your complaint. Step 2: Outline/discuss why you are so unhappy/upset. Step 3: In some instances, it may be appropriate to set out your thoughts on a remedy/fix that would be amenable to you and/or others; in other instances, it is best to leave the solution in the hands of the perpetrator.

  8. Formal Complaint Letter: How to Write (6 Examples)

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  9. How to Write a Letter of Complaint

    November 1, 2007. Mr. Frederick Rozco, President. Rozco Corporation. 14641 Peachtree Boulevard. Atlanta, Georgia 303030. Dear Mr. Rozco: On October 15, 2007, in response to a special television offer, I ordered a Tressel Toaster from your company. The product arrived in the mail, apparently undamaged, on October 22.

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    A: When you write a formal complaint letter you should add the following obligatory information: The accurate time and date when you were being harmed. You shouldn't express the time with the words "noon," "midnight," "afternoon," or anything of this nature. Write the approximate time (for instance, 12 A.M. or 3 P.M.).

  12. Complaint Letter Format, How to Write with Examples

    NAME in block letters. Complaint Letter Samples. Here are a few complaint letter samples to help you understand the format of the complaint letter and help you write a complaint letter on your own. Complaint Letter Sample 1 - Poor Maintenance of the Garden and Improper Waste Disposal. 45 B, Rory Lane. Damsel Street. Mumbai - 400056. 29 th ...

  13. 40 Formal Complaint Letter Templates (Word) ᐅ TemplateLab

    Start with your address and the date when you wrote the complaint. Next, add the name and the title of the person you're addressing your letter to. If you don't know their name, you can add the name of the company and its business address. After the salutation, you can start composing the body of your letter.

  14. IELTS Complaint Letter: Model

    Below is a model IELTS complaint letter which is estimated at band score 9. People taking the GT writing paper will be expected to write a letter for their writing task 1. That letter should be over 150 words. Complaint letters are one of the most common types of letters that you can be expected to write. You bought a TV a week ago but when you ...

  15. Sample Customer Complaint Letter

    Explain how you want to resolve the problem. Tell the business what you want, like a refund, repair, exchange, or store credit. Or ask the business to suggest a solution. Name all the documents you include with the letter. Make copies of important documents and send the copies in the letter. Keep the original documents.

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    Personal complaint emails are often used when dealing with issues as a customer or consumer. Formal Complaint Emails: These emails follow a more structured and professional format. A formal complaint letter is usually addressed to higher authorities, such as supervisors, managers, or customer service departments, and demands a serious response.

  17. How to write a Letter of Complaint? (FCE, CAE, CPE)

    Step 1: Salutation. Dear Sir/ Madam / Manager / To whom it may concern, If you do not know the name of the person you are writing to, use this. It is always advisable to try to find out a name. Dear Mr Jenkins. If you know the name, use the title (Mr, Mrs, Miss or Ms, Dr, etc.) and the surname only.

  18. How to Write a Letter of Complaint [IELTS General Writing]

    do this in approximately 20 minutes. answer all parts of the question. use standard letter-writing conventions. Beyond that, you will be judged on the level of English you use in the letter. If you write with a high degree of accuracy and use a variety of language structures, you will surely get a good score.

  19. IELTS Complaint Letter

    These are some common phrases you can use in an IELTS complaint letter that will help you to get the right tone: Reason for writing: I am writing in order to complain about. I am writing to complain about. I am writing regarding. I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with. Introducing the complaint:

  20. 10 Examples of Complaint Letter

    Complaint Letter 10 Examples based on previous question papers. Q1. You are Kushal living at 123, Gaur City, Bengaluru.The continuous leaking of drain pipes in your colony is causing diseases and health complications for the residents. Write a complaint letter to the Municipal Commissioner to take necessary actions regarding the same.

  21. Complaint Letter

    When to write a complaint letter: 1. Complain to the Mayor about a dangerous road in your neighbourhood. 2. Complain to the manager of a store about a faulty product or dissatisfactory service. 3. Complain to the landlord about a noisy neighbour. 4.

  22. The Long, Tortured Road to Biden's Clash With Netanyahu Over Gaza War

    The president offered strong support to Israel after Oct. 7 but has grown increasingly frustrated over the conduct of the war. "He has just gotten to a point where enough is enough," a friend ...