How to List Computer Skills on a Resume [Full List & Examples]

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Nowadays, computer skills are more important than ever. 

With the increasing use of technology in the workplace, there are practically no jobs that don’t require at least some degree of computer literacy, be it typing fast, knowing how to use Google Docs, or knowing how to code. 

In a nutshell, in today’s job market strong computer skills can increase your productivity, improve your employability, and help you advance in your career more easily.  

But do you know which computer skills are exactly the right ones to include in your resume and what can you do to make them stand out?

Well, this is exactly what this article is here to show you! Read on to learn:

  • 14 Computer Skills for Your Resume

3 Steps to Add Computer Skills to Your Resume

23+ courses to improve your computer skills.

Let’s dive in. 

14 Computer Skills For Your Resume

Computer skills are a set of transferable skills that refer to the ability to use computers and all related technology. They consist of hardware skills and software skills .  

Knowing your way around hardware starts from simple things like turning machines on and off to more complicated stuff like connecting them with networks and changing parts. Software skills, on the other hand, involve knowing how to use computer programs and applications. 

Although there are several levels to computer skills, they are typically divided into: 

  • Basic computer skills. Such as using word processing software, creating spreadsheets, using printers and other work-related equipment, or looking up information online.
  • Advanced computer skills. This includes using complex Excel formulas, coding, managing a database, etc.

Now that we covered the basics, here is a detailed breakdown of the most in-demand computer skills that you can add to your resume in 2022:

#1. MS Office

Microsoft Office is Microsoft’s most popular “family of client software and services.” 

As such, there are over 1.2 billion users of MS Office products and more than 60 million businesses have subscriptions to Office 365, which includes: 

#2. Google Drive 

Google Drive is a popular file-storage service that has grown exponentially in the past ten years. Specifically, 40,220 companies worldwide are using Google Drive , most often in the US and in the Information Technology and Services industries. 

On top of being a file storage service, Google Drive allows its users to synchronize and share their files across multiple devices. Google Drive encompasses: 

  • Google Docs
  • Google Sheets
  • Google Slides
  • Google Forms

#3. Collaboration and Communication Software

Companies and businesses use collaboration tools to communicate effectively online. 

Some communication tools are essential for every company (e.g. e-mailing, Skype, etc.), while others come particularly handy for remote companies that need more dedicated software to manage teams in different locations.

Here are some popular communication and collaboration tools you can add to your resume:

  • Microsoft Teams
  • Google Hangouts
  • Lifesize Video Conferencing

#4. Social Media

With companies using social media to increase their online presence and market their products/services more and more, social media skills have become important for workers in many industries. 

Specifically, as of June 2022, about 88% of marketers will hire at least one more team member in a social media role in the next two years. This alone makes social media skills essential computer skills to have on your resume. 

Some of the most popular platforms to master are: 

If you’re going to add social media skills to your resume, don’t just mention the platforms you know how to use.

Instead, talk exactly about what you know how to do with these platforms. E.g. running Facebook Ads, managing the company's Instagram profile, etc.

#5. Presentation Software

When it comes to computer skills, knowing how to use presentation software can help you organize and present information effectively and efficiently. As such, they come in particularly handy for “crowd-facing” positions, such as professor, spokesperson, motivational speaker, project manager , etc. 

Some popular presentation software includes: 

  • OpenOffice Impress

#6. Graphic Design Skills

Graphic design skills are not only for dedicated graphic design roles - they’re useful for jobs in marketing, advertising, social media management, and others.

The most common graphic design tools and software include: 

  • Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc.)
  • Gravit Designer

#7. Hardware Skills

As we already mentioned, hardware skills refer to being able to physically operate a computer and other related devices. 

There are numerous hardware skills out there (depending on your field), but some of the most common ones are:

  • Network configuration and security
  • System Administration
  • Technical support and troubleshooting
  • Cloud management
  • Hardware Development, Analysis, and Testing
  • Software installation
  • Tech support

#8. Enterprise systems

Enterprise systems are software that provide solutions to an integrated business organization. 

Such systems integrate all the tools an organization is using into one, making everything easier to manage.

The three main types of enterprise systems that businesses use are: 

  • Customer Relationship Management, with functionalities like analytics, contact center automation, marketing communication, and workflow automation.
  • Enterprise Resource Planning, with functionalities such as accounting, human resources, inventory and order management, etc.
  • Supply Chain Management, with functionalities such as procurement, product lifecycle management, and logistics, to mention a few.

#9. Spreadsheets

Spreadsheets are apps used for inputting and organizing data into tables, quick numbers calculations, and even complex data analysis. 

While some employers may require a very basic knowledge of such apps, more technical positions (i.e. accounting , retail management, bookkeeping , etc.) will likely require that you are well-versed in more advanced features. 

Some common spreadsheet apps used by companies in 2024 include: 

  • Apple Numbers
  • Zoho Sheets
  • Libre Office

#10. Operation Systems

Operating Systems (OS) refers to the software that each computer uses to work.

Different operating systems manage software differently and sometimes work only with specific hardware. For example, Apple devices run on iOS or macOS, Microsoft devices run on Windows, Google devices run on Android, and Linux is used for various hardware devices. 

Mentioning you have OS skills in your resume means knowing how to use one (or more) of the following operating systems:

  • Ubuntu Linux

Make sure to mention the exact operating system you know how to use on your resume, instead of writing something generic like “OS knowledge.” 

#11. Accounting Software

If you’re going for a position in finance or business, then accounting software knowledge is essential. 

Even if you’re applying for a job in a small-scale business, knowing how to use accounting software can surely give you an edge over your competition, considering they’re quite integral for a company’s success. 

Specifically, knowing how to use accounting software involves managing accounts, payments, expenses, cash flow, and other financial data. Some of the most popular accounting tools today are

  • Oracle NetSuite

#12. Writing Skills  

As you’ve probably understood already, computer writing skills are about a lot more than knowing how to use MS Word or Google Docs. 

On the contrary, they entail a variety of skills that are related to writing, including how to use content management systems, how to write content that’s optimized for search engines, and even how fast you can type. 

These are some specific skills related to computers and writing: 

  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Technical Writing

#13. Database Management

A database management system (DBMS) is a computerized data-keeping system. In a nutshell, database management skills involve knowing how to use different data-keeping software, including creating, maintaining, and controlling access to the database. 

Some jobs where database management skills are essential are developer roles, data analysts , business or financial data analysts , data scientists , and the sorts. 

The most popular database management systems include: 

  • Microsoft Access
  • Apache Cassandra
  • Oracle Database

#14. Coding Skills

Coding or programming skills are knowing how to use different programming languages to command an application/computer/software about what actions it must perform and how. 

It goes without saying that computer programmers, software engineers , and application developers need coding skills to land a job in their field. 

Coding skills, however, can also come in handy for other roles as well. For example, businesspeople and marketers can also take advantage of coding knowledge to communicate better with technical staff.

Some of the most popular coding skills in 2024 are:

Are you looking for computer skills that match YOUR specific position? Head over to our guide on resume examples & guides for over 80 professions. 

Your computer skills may fail to help you land a job if you don’t know how to add them to your resume in a compelling way.

And yes, there IS a right and wrong way to do this.

Below, we’ll walk you through the entire process of how to add your computer skills to your resume, step by step.

Before you read further, though, pick one of our resume templates and fill it in as you go!

add computer skills to your resume

#1. List Your Computer Skills Under Hard Skills

The first and most obvious place to list your computer skills is under your Skills section. 

This part is pretty straightforward - done right, your skills section should be divided into 

“ Soft Skills ” and “ Hard Skills ” and look something like this:

Computer Skills for a Resume

Keep in mind, though, that you shouldn’t include too many skills here.

Chances, you don’t need ALL the computer skills for the job you’re applying for. Not to mention, if you included too many, you’d be cluttering up your resume.

Here’s what you can do to make your skills section as relevant as possible: 

  • Check the job description. The job description will show you exactly which computer skills are essential for the job - all you have to do is go through it attentively. For marketing managers, for example, it may require skills like SEO, Google analytics, and email marketing. 
  • Identify your own skills. Single out the skills that you possess and are also relevant to the role. 
  • Add them under your Skills section. Add technical computer skills under your resume’s hard skills or skills section if you’re not separating hard/soft skills. 

#2. Sprinkle Your Computer Skills In Your Resume Summary

Secondly, you should add your computer skills to your resume summary . 

The resume summary is a two or three-sentence paragraph that aims to describe your strong points as a candidate. It typically includes: 

  • Your professional title and years of experience 
  • One or two of your top skills
  • Your most noteworthy accomplishments  

If you do it right, the resume summary will get the hiring manager to go through your resume and professional experience in more detail. 

Here is an example of an attention-grabbing resume summary:

resume summary

So, for positions where computer skills are absolutely essential, it’s definitely helpful to mention your computer skills in the resume summary section. For example:

  • Hard-working office assistant with 8 years of experience performing various administrative tasks to support an office's daily operations. Proven track record of maintaining records, generating reports, and multitasking in a fast-paced environment. Well-versed in Microsoft Office Suite, MS Office 365, and Google Drive. 

#3. Prove Your Computer Skills In Your Work Experience Section

Last but not least, you should also include your computer skills in the work experience section . 

Basically, this is where you can prove that you’ve got all the computer skills needed for the job.

Mentioning the computer skills in your skills section is one thing - giving examples of how you’ve used these skills in an office environment in the work experience section is something else entirely.

Here’s how you can list your computer skills in your work experience section the right way:

  • Tailor your experience to the job description. When applying for jobs, you should always customize your work experience section to the company’s needs. Read the job ad and extract the most important skills they’re looking for. Then, in your work experience section, make sure to include experiences that prove that you DO possess such skills.
  • Prioritize your achievements. When possible, aim to use achievements to describe your past experience instead of responsibilities. The hiring manager knows what your responsibilities were; they want to know how you excelled at the job and made an impact.
  • Make your achievements quantifiable. As for how you should list your achievements, you should aim to make them as quantifiable as possible. Think about which one sounds better: “increased team productivity by 15% by using Trello and Google calendar to ease communication, synchronize tasks, and share materials” or “improved team productivity?”

And here’s an example that highlights and proves the candidate’s computer skills:

IT Specialist

02/2015 - 06/2019

  • Ensured over 200 computers worked effectively by monitoring, configuring, and maintaining their hardware and software systems.
  • Implemented innovative network configurations that improved networking capabilities by 17%. 
  • Evaluated IT systems to ensure efficiency and data security, successfully avoiding any data breaches and leaks in four years. 
  • Contributed to the successful delivery of large-scale projects, including all computer system upgrades and CRM system migration, within the right time frame.

Do you have some personal projects or certificates that can make your computer skills practically indisputable? Make sure to include them in dedicated sections titled Professional Certificates or Independent Projects. 

15 Ways to Describe Basic Computer Skills

Not sure how to best describe YOUR computer skills?

Worry not, we’re here to help!

Below, we’re going to give you 15 examples of computer skills listed effectively on a resume:

For collaboration and communication software: 

  • Increased project team’s productivity by 16% by using Trello to organize materials, automate tasks, and ease communication. 
  • Managed to never miss a deadline in two years by using Microsoft Teams to integrate team members, content, and tools in one place. 
  • Created mail merges between MS Outlook and Word that reached over 30k customers/monthly.

For MS Office: 

  • Used MS Word’s commenting feature to collaborate on deliverables with 15 team members and successfully managed to submit reports continuously before their deadlines. 
  • Leveraged Excel pivot tables to categorize budget reports, which improved the company’s overall financial strategy and performance. 
  • Saved approximately 4 work hours per week by using Outlook folders and tasks. This system was later adopted by the entire department. 

For Google Drive: 

  • Used Google Docs to onboard new employees and keep track of existing ones’ performance and work hours, effectively improving team management and collaboration. 
  • Saved trainees’ time looking for answers to customer questions by using Google Sheets to automate the company’s FAQ. 
  • Raised company revenue by around 13% by using Google Sheets’ Tornado Charts for sensitivity analysis.

For Enterprise Systems: 

  • Automated workflow using Zoho to increase productivity by 18%. 
  • Improved business revenue by 24% by using Oracle ERP to automate back-office processes and daily business activities. 
  • Leveraged SourceHUB to centralize the company’s data and streamline logistics processes, to improve communication and save time.

For Graphic Design 

  • Used After Effects to make motion graphic animations for video productions with a client approval rate of over 90%. 
  • Improved clients’ social media presence by rebranding their logo and website using InDesign. 
  • Developed graphics and layouts for product illustrations and logos using Illustrator and After Effects, which increased user engagement by 8%.

Looking to further develop your computer skills?

Great idea!

Unlike soft skills, you don’t need years of work in an office to develop - all you need is the right training course!

Below, we compiled a list of the most useful computer skills courses we could find:

  • Accounting software. You can become a certified QuickBooks user with this course or learn Xero accounting software with this one. Alternatively, you can follow a QuickBooks online essential training course .
  • Communication tools. Microsoft offers free Outlook training for different Operating Systems to help you learn the ins and outs of emailing, while this course can help you master Asana. 
  • Database management. Microsoft also offers free training for its own database management system, Access . If you go online, you should be able to find alternative courses for other systems. 
  • Enterprise systems. Coursera offers a number of classes from top universities on enterprise systems . 
  • Google Drive. This online training course on Google Drive can help you become a master of everything Google-related. 
  • Graphic design. LinkedIn Learning offers a number of training courses in InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator - all you have to do is pick the one you want to learn and input it at the search bar at the top of the page. 
  • Microsoft Office. As we already mentioned, MS Office is super popular, which means that there are plenty of useful tutorials out there, to begin with. If you don’t want to pay for a course, you can look up tutorials on YouTube on top of checking out Microsoft’s own training materials, and then receive official certification . 
  • Presentation software. Master PowerPoint, one of the most beneficial presentation software, through this PowerPoint for Windows training. 
  • Social media. Out of the many free social media courses out there, we’ve singled out this Social Media Management course and the fundamentals of digital marketing course by Google.
  • Spreadsheets. Both Coursera and Udemy have several online courses to choose from that can help you become a pro in Excel or any spreadsheet program your company uses.

Computer Skills on a Resume Examples

Want to see what computer skills on a resume look like?

Well, look no further!

Below, we’ve listed five resume examples with a computer skills section:

#1. Office Assistant Resume Example

Office Assistant Resume Example

#2. Customer Service Representative Resume Example

Customer Service Representative Resume

#3. Computer Scientist Resume Example

Computer Scientist Resume

#4.  AI Engineer Resume Example

AI Engineer Resume

#5. IT Resume Example

it resume example

FAQs on Computer Skills 

Do you still have some questions about computer skills? We’ll answer them in the FAQ section:

#1. Why are computer skills important?

Computer skills are important because they can significantly improve your employability. 

In 2022, over 70% of US jobs require middle-to-high-level digital skills , making computer skills an essential asset for advancing your career.

Computer skills can help you stay productive at work, get more tasks done, manage a team better, as well as grow your career.

#2. What are the levels of computer skills proficiency?

Just like any other skill, computer literacy skills can be categorized into basic (which are foundational computer literacy skills), intermediate (computer literacy beyond the foundational level), and proficient (advanced computer skills).

#3. What are the most in-demand computer skills?

The most in-demand computer skills vary based on the industry . While the majority of industries require some basic computer skills (e.g. writing and editing documents, sending and receiving emails, using the Internet, or creating presentations), different industries require their employees to be well-versed in industry-specific software. 

If you’re a project manager, for example, then knowledge of team management skills is going to be essential. Software like Asana, Slack, Zapier, etc.

Generally speaking , though, the most in-demand computer skills include MS Office, Google Workspace, Adobe Creative Suite, and programming languages (e.g. Java, Python, C++).

#4. How do I describe my level of computer proficiency?

There are several ways you can describe your computer proficiency on your resume. One is to use descriptive words (e.g. beginner, intermediate, or advanced) next to each computer skill. 

Alternatively, you can show your proficiency in different computer skills through progress bars or star ratings (where one to two stars stand for beginner level, three stars for intermediate, and four to five stars for advanced or proficient).

Last but not least, you can list your certifications in a dedicated resume section to prove that you know how to use a particular software or program.

#5. Are computer skills hard skills?

Yes, computer skills are hard skills. That’s because they are objective, quantifiable skills that can be learned through training, online courses, education, work experience, etc. 

Key Takeaways

That’s about everything you need to know about computer skills for your resume! 

Before you start putting everything you learned into practice, let’s go over the main points we covered in this guide:

  • Computer skills are a set of transferable skills that refer to the ability to use computers and all related technology. They consist of hardware skills and software skills.  
  • Computer skills are commonly categorized into basic computer skills and advanced computer skills. 
  • Some common computer skills in today’s job market include database management, enterprise systems, graphic design, coding and programming, presentation software, social media skills, MS Office, and hardware skills. 
  • The best places to add computer skills to your resume are your skills section, your resume summary, and your work experience section. 
  • To make your work experience section pop, make sure to focus on your achievements and make them as quantifiable as possible. 
  • You can show your level of computer literacy on your resume by using descriptive words, progress bars, a star rating, or by listing your certifications for different software.

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Receptionist Skills to Land a Job Quickly

To become a receptionist or advance in this career, one needs a specific set of hard and soft skills. In this post, you’ll find all essential receptionist skills that will help you craft a winning resume and highlight relevant accomplishments.

We will also discuss how long it takes to excel in specific skills for receptionist and how to properly showcase them in a cover letter or resume. Learn what receptionists can do and how they perform their duties perfectly.

Who Is a Receptionist?

So, what do receptionists do? The receptionist job requirements include the ability to multitask, organize, and manage communications. These competencies are necessary to handle phone calls and written communication. Receptionists welcome guests, greet them, engage in small talk, and answer questions.

Other experiences in such positions include maintaining security in the office with specific procedures and logging all visitors. They also provide administrative and clerical support, including handling various documents. For example, they scan something or design and print materials.

Receptionist Technical Skills

A great receptionist skill set includes particular hard skills. The exact software one needs to be experienced at may vary depending on the industry, but overall receptionist technical skills are the following:

  • strong computer skills and experience with office software, like MS Office, Word, Excel, etc.;
  • fast and excellent typing (WPM);
  • work with different types of information management software;
  • experience with industry-specific logging or tracking solutions;
  • knowledge of multiline telecommunication systems;
  • supply management.

The receptionist technical skills can also include working with management and organization systems and automation of specific data.

Receptionist Non-Technical Skills

Of course, the top-notch skills of a receptionist who wants to grow as a professional also include soft skills. A front desk receptionist is a first impression of the company on visitors and potential clients. It means that such an employee is proficient in all types of communication. Other soft skills include the following:

  • organization and management;
  • strong multitasking;
  • desire to learn (being self-motivated for improvement);
  • knowledge of customer service best practices and principles;
  • problem-solving approach;
  • attention to detail;
  • excellent listening skills;
  • time management;
  • ability to resolve conflicts.

Job seekers in this field may have any hobbies, but at work, they need to focus on professionalism and efficiency.

And if you want to put receptionist skills on a resume, think about this: If your writing skills are not as good as your professional ones, trust a professional resume writer service to describe them professionally . Pay for resume and get it done by a pro, with no hassle.

computer skills for receptionist resume

Top Skills for Landing a Receptionist Job

Recruiting firms look not only for relevant work experience but also for top skills for receptionist and specific accomplishments. An applicant needs to impress recruiters with their resume and cover letter to stand out.

Here are the top skills for receptionist to include in a resume.

  • Hard skills – name all software solutions and tech you have worked with.
  • Focus on automation tools and programs.
  • Highlight communication and experience in customer service.
  • Indicate receptionist education or professional certification.

Now, let’s define the essential soft skills in detail.

But before, if you want to make it professionally, turn it to professional resume services that will highlight it on your resume.

Communication Skill

The first thing to come to mind answering the question about what skills does a receptionist need is communication. Interacting with customers, visitors, and other employees is a huge part of their daily routine. It is important to always be polite, empathetic, and helpful.

When describing this skill in a resume, focus on customer satisfaction. Show measurable results – 95% satisfaction according to a survey or 3 years without complaints.

Organization Skill

The next crucial part of receptionist requirements is the ability to organize and manage. Keeping lots of files and various types of information in a clear system is a part of the job. Present the results of your automation or organization systems for previous employers.

A front desk professional needs to be able to find any document fast, know exactly where it is stored, and keep everything tidy.

Multitasking Skill

Usually, receptionist education and experience include multitasking, for example, answering calls, greeting visitors, or preparing coffee or water for a meeting. The ability to manage several tasks at once is essential for effective job performance. It also means dealing with lots of different information, like logging visitors, keeping the schedules correct, and control of office supplies.

Multitasking comes hand in hand with automation, organization, and using different systems to make all these processes smooth and effective.

Customer Service Skill

Customer service experience is highly valued among receptionist qualifications. A receptionist is the face of a business, and they need to show professional behavior and attention to clients and visitors.

Front desk professionals make sure that visitors have a pleasant experience and get assistance with any inquiries they might have. It is important to be polite, helpful, and treat all the customers with respect.

Problem-Solving Skill

Problem-solving is one of the top job requirements for almost any position, and the front desk is no exception. One needs to learn to prioritize issues and tasks and address any errors fast. It might be anything, from a shortage of paper to printer error that requires instant action.

Receptionists also need a problem-solving approach when dealing with both customers and the company’s staff. For example, they apply this ability when they need to introduce a new file management system or keep the schedules for meetings in check.

An Efficient Way of Becoming a Receptionist

To hone good receptionist skills, one needs to dedicate time and effort. It is very useful to get professional education and certification. One can also follow online courses on management, organization, or particular software. All of that will make you stand out from the competition, as well as experience or education in a business department.

Another great way to invest in your career is to get professional help with your resume. Our service can craft a winning resume for you that will make you stand out.

Follow an Online Educational Program

Whether you are interested in training courses or a full degree, there are many online options. Getting an online education is beneficial in many ways. It offers a fast-paced environment, flexibility, and lower prices. In many cases, it is much more accessible for students and professionals all over the world. It also allows combining work and education, so one can get qualifications and experience at the same time. The data shows that with the right motivation in place, online education is as effective as a traditional one.

Receptionist in the Workplace

The receptionist requirements align with the work peculiarities for such employees. The individuals work in a fast-paced environment while tackling lots of small tasks every day. It is essential to be able to perform under stress and stay concentrated.

The job outlook for front desk employees is pretty good, as almost any business wants to employ receptionists. It is a necessity for a company’s administration department. So, it is definitely quite possible to land a job, but there is still competition for top positions.

How to get a job if you’re an entry-level specialist? Check cover letter examples career change if you’ve recently switched industries. Align your past work experience with the one of a receptionist. If this doesn’t help, learn how to present your skills in a Functional format below.

How to Showcase Your Skills

To land a dream job and ensure career growth, you should learn to present yourself. Receptionist skills and qualifications are great, but it is essential to know how to showcase them in a resume and cover letter.

We’ll talk about some tips and tricks in this regard. But the main point is to always focus on results, measurable achievements, and the impact of your work on the company’s performance.

Skills for Resume [Example]

The receptionist cover letter and resume need to highlight the skills and show why you are the top pick for this position. Put the recent work experience on top and showcase your achievements instead of describing work responsibilities. Look at the two examples below.

Good: Achieved 96% customer satisfaction according to follow-up surveys. Managed internal and external company communication for 3 years without complaints.

Bad: Managed calls and emails and welcomed visitors. Maintained telecommunication systems and performed file organization.

The good example focuses on measurable results and impact. And the bad one simply states the work duties that any receptionist has.

Skills for the Job Interview

It is also important to showcase the skills needed for a receptionist in a job interview. Expand the data given on the resume to a recruiter and give examples of the tasks you’ve managed. When you discuss some aspects of a position, illustrate your experience with relevant cases.

Also, remember that the interview is a great way to illustrate your communications skills. A company wants to employ a professional who is great at all types of communication, problem-solving, and multitasking.

Sample for Receptionist Resume Skills Section

The skills section of a successful receptionist resume needs to be specific and straight-to-the-point. Do not list duties, but present the level of your skills for a future position. This is the main reason to hire you.

Divide the section into soft and hard skills. Put the essential ones first.

Receptionist Skills in a Resume Skills Section

Here is an example of a resume skills section for job seekers in this field.

Soft Skills

  • Verbal and written communication (expert);
  • Time management (advanced);
  • Organization (advanced);
  • Attention to detail (proficient);
  • Problem-solving (advanced).

Hard Skills

  • Data entry (advanced);
  • Scheduling (proficient) ;
  • Shipping (expert);
  • Customer relationship management (advanced).

You can name all the key skills that helped you out in similar positions and work experience. Do not stop at only the top-required ones but add something representative of you specifically.

Presenting Receptionist Skills in Work Experience Section

You can also present skills for receptionist in a work experience section of your resume. It is one of the perfect career resources as it can highlight how you managed to apply your skills in previous positions.

Here is a corresponding sample of this section.

2018 to present

  • Maintained files and data in an organized system for all visitors, clients, and meetings for 3 years.
  • Consulted on the implementation of a new scheduling solution, saving 15% more time for organized meetings and events.
  • Managed all external communication with 96% of customer satisfaction based on follow-up surveys.

Want to have your resume fast and easy? You are at the right place! With resume builder service , you'll have it tailored to the job description that dramatically increases the chances of being noticed.

To attract recruiters, you should highlight all the hard and soft receptionist skills you have in your resume. However, make sure they are relevant to the job description. Resume samples are useful, but you should demonstrate your unique personality to stand out from others.

If you struggle with composing a perfect job application, you can get online resume edit service help with your document and cover letter to apply for the job of your dreams. Our experienced resume writers know exactly how to present your skills and experience in the best light. And while we are busy crafting an outstanding resume for you, you can hone skills to be a receptionist of an advanced level.

Learn more about resume samples .

computer skills for receptionist resume

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Receptionist Resume: Examples, Skills, Description & Tips

computer skills for receptionist resume

As businesses continue to expand and compete in today’s global market, the role of a receptionist becomes increasingly important. This introductory section of the article will explore the definition of a receptionist, the importance of a receptionist in the workplace, and the purpose of a receptionist resume.

A receptionist is typically the first point of contact for clients or visitors who enter a business or office. They are responsible for answering phone calls, greeting visitors, and handling administrative duties such as scheduling appointments or organizing files. They are often the face of a business and have a critical role in creating a positive first impression.

Importance of a Receptionist

A receptionist plays a critical role in the success of a business by creating a welcoming environment for clients or visitors. They help to establish a professional image for the company and can make visitors feel valued and important. Moreover, they provide essential assistance to other employees, making it easier for them to focus on their work, thereby increasing productivity in the workplace.

Purpose of a Receptionist Resume

A receptionist resume serves as a marketing tool that showcases a candidate’s skills, experience, and education to potential employers. It provides a summary of a candidate’s qualifications and achievements, demonstrating why they are the best fit for the role. Moreover, it highlights the skills that employers are looking for, such as communication skills, organization skills, and computer literacy. In short, a receptionist resume is an essential document that can help a candidate stand out from the competition.

In the following sections, this article will provide more detailed information on best practices for crafting a receptionist resume, including examples, skills, descriptions, and tips.

Receptionist Resume Format

When it comes to putting together your receptionist resume, choosing the right format is key. The format you choose will depend on your experience, skills, and the specific job you’re applying for. There are two common formats to choose from: the chronological format and the functional format.

computer skills for receptionist resume

A. Chronological Format

The chronological format is the most traditional resume format. It emphasizes your work history by starting with your most recent job and working backwards. This format is ideal for those with a consistent work history and a clear career progression. If you have a track record of stable employment and your previous job titles closely match the job you’re applying for, this format can work well for you.

When using the chronological format for your receptionist resume, start with your contact information followed by a summary or objective statement. Next, list your work experience in reverse chronological order. For each job, include the job title, company name, dates of employment, and key responsibilities and achievements. Finally, list your education, certifications, and any relevant skills or volunteer experience.

B. Functional Format

The functional format is less common than the chronological format, but it can be effective for those with gaps in their work history or who are changing careers. This format focuses on your skills and abilities rather than your work history. If you’re applying for a receptionist position but don’t have direct receptionist experience, the functional format can help you highlight your transferable skills.

When using the functional format, start with your contact information followed by a summary or objective statement. Next, list your skills and achievements in categories like “Communication,” “Organization,” and “Technology.” Be specific with your skills and use examples to demonstrate them. Finally, list your work history in reverse chronological order, but keep it brief. Only include the job title, company name, and dates of employment.

No matter which format you choose, it’s important to tailor your resume to the specific job you’re applying for. Highlight the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the position, and be concise and clear in your writing. Good luck!

Receptionist Resume Sections

When it comes to creating an effective receptionist resume, there are several key sections that you should include. These sections will provide hiring managers with a comprehensive overview of your skills, experience, and qualifications.

A. Contact Information

The contact information section of your receptionist resume should include your full name, address, email address, and phone number. It’s important to ensure that this information is accurate and up-to-date, as hiring managers will use it to get in touch with you about potential job opportunities.

B. Personal Statement

Your personal statement, also known as a career objective, is a brief summary of your professional goals and aspirations. It’s important to tailor this section to the specific receptionist role you’re applying for, highlighting the qualities and experiences that make you the ideal candidate for the position.

C. Professional Experience

The professional experience section of your receptionist resume should outline your previous work experience, including your job title, the name of the company you worked for, and the dates of your employment. It’s important to highlight any relevant experience you have in customer service, administrative support, or office management, as these skills are highly valued by employers.

In the skills section of your receptionist resume, you should highlight any specific skills or areas of expertise that make you a good fit for the position. This might include proficiency in Microsoft Office, excellent communication skills, or experience with phone and email etiquette.

E. Education

Your education section should outline your academic qualifications, including the degree or diploma you obtained, the name of the institution you attended, and the date of graduation. It’s important to highlight any relevant coursework or certifications that are relevant to the receptionist role you’re applying for.

F. Certifications and Training

If you’ve completed any relevant certifications or training programs, such as a course in customer service or office management, be sure to include this information in your resume. This will show hiring managers that you’re committed to your professional development and that you have the skills necessary to excel in the receptionist role.

computer skills for receptionist resume

G. Professional Memberships

Finally, if you’re a member of any relevant professional organizations, such as the International Association of Administrative Professionals or the National Receptionists Association, be sure to include this information in your resume. This will show hiring managers that you’re active in your industry and committed to staying up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices.

By including these key sections in your receptionist resume, you’ll be able to present yourself as a highly qualified, skilled, and experienced candidate for any receptionist role.

Receptionist Resume Writing Tips

When it comes to crafting a successful receptionist resume, there are several key elements to keep in mind. Here are some tips to help you create a compelling document that showcases your skills and experience.

A. Use Relevant Keywords

One of the most important things you can do when writing your receptionist resume is to incorporate relevant keywords. This means tailoring your language to match the specific job you’re applying for, using terms and phrases that align with the company’s mission and the skills they’re looking for in a candidate.

For example, if you’re applying for a job at a law firm, you might want to include keywords like “legal experience,” “client communication,” and “document management” to show that you’re well-versed in the specific needs of that industry.

B. Highlight Achievements

In addition to listing your job duties and responsibilities, it’s important to highlight specific achievements you’ve accomplished in your previous roles. This might include things like reducing wait times for clients, increasing the efficiency of your team’s workflow, or contributing to a successful marketing campaign.

By highlighting your achievements, you’re demonstrating your value as an employee and providing concrete examples of the impact you’ve had in previous positions.

C. Keep It Concise

While it can be tempting to include every detail of your work history on your resume, it’s important to focus on the most relevant and impactful information. This means sticking to a clear and concise format, using bullet points to break up long blocks of text, and highlighting the most important aspects of your experience.

Remember, the goal of your receptionist resume is to capture the attention of potential employers and entice them to learn more about you in an interview – so keep it focused and engaging.

D. Proofread for Errors

Nothing detracts from a strong resume like careless errors and typos. Before you submit your receptionist resume, take the time to proofread it thoroughly and review it for any mistakes or inconsistencies.

Ask a friend or colleague to read it over as well – sometimes a fresh pair of eyes can catch things you might have missed.

E. Customize for Every Job Application

Finally, it’s crucial to remember that no two job applications are exactly the same. While you can certainly use a template or base document for your receptionist resume, it’s important to customize it for each position you apply for.

This means tailoring your language, highlighting specific achievements, and ensuring that your overall presentation matches the needs and culture of the company you’re applying to.

By taking the time to craft a customized receptionist resume that highlights your unique qualifications and experiences, you’ll be well on your way to landing your dream job in this rewarding and dynamic field.

Receptionist Resume Examples

When it comes to crafting a standout receptionist resume, the format is just as important as the content. Below are two examples of different resume formats, each highlighting different skills and experiences.

Example 1: Chronological Format

Contact Information:

  • Name: Emily Johnson
  • Address: 123 Main Street, City, State, ZIP
  • Phone: (555) 123-4567
  • Email: [email protected]

Summary: Friendly and professional receptionist with 3 years of experience in managing front desk operations. Skilled in handling administrative tasks, greeting visitors, and providing excellent customer service. Proven ability to multitask and maintain a positive attitude in fast-paced environments.


  • Managed a high-volume front desk, greeted and assisted visitors, and answered phone calls in a courteous and professional manner.
  • Scheduled appointments, coordinated meeting rooms, and handled incoming and outgoing mail.
  • Maintained visitor logs, managed access control, and ensured the security of the premises.
  • Provided administrative support to the office team, including managing calendars, organizing meetings, and handling travel arrangements.
  • Prepared and edited correspondence, reports, and presentations.
  • Assisted in maintaining office supplies, inventory, and equipment.
  • Associate’s Degree in Business Administration
  • City College, Year of Graduation: 20XX
  • Front Desk Operations
  • Customer Service
  • Phone Etiquette
  • Scheduling and Calendar Management
  • MS Office Suite
  • Organization and Time Management

Example 2: Functional Format

  • Name: Jessica Thompson
  • Address: 456 Oak Street, City, State, ZIP
  • Phone: (555) 987-6543

Summary of Qualifications: Highly organized and detail-oriented receptionist with 5 years of experience. Proficient in managing administrative tasks, coordinating appointments, and delivering exceptional customer service. Skilled in using technology and office software to streamline operations and enhance efficiency.

  • Office Administration
  • Appointment Scheduling
  • Phone Systems and Etiquette
  • Record Keeping and Data Entry
  • Multitasking and Prioritization

Professional Experience:

  • Managed the front desk, greeted and assisted visitors, and answered incoming calls.
  • Scheduled appointments and meetings, maintained calendars, and coordinated travel arrangements.
  • Handled administrative tasks, including data entry, filing, and document management.
  • Provided general administrative support to the office, including handling correspondence, processing invoices, and organizing office supplies.
  • Assisted in coordinating events and meetings, including setting up conference rooms and arranging catering.
  • Managed incoming and outgoing mail and packages.
  • High School Diploma
  • City High School, Year of Graduation: 20XX

Example 3: Combination Format

  • Name: Michael Wilson
  • Address: 789 Elm Street, City, State, ZIP
  • Phone: (555) 789-1234

Summary: Results-driven receptionist with 4 years of experience in providing exceptional customer service and administrative support. Proficient in managing front desk operations, coordinating appointments, and utilizing technology to enhance efficiency. Adept at creating a welcoming environment and ensuring smooth office operations.

  • Administrative Support
  • Greeted and assisted visitors, answered phone calls, and provided information in a professional and friendly manner.
  • Scheduled and managed appointments, coordinated meeting rooms, and handled incoming and outgoing mail.
  • Utilized MS Office Suite to prepare reports, correspondence, and presentations.
  • Assisted in preparing and editing documents, maintaining records, and handling confidential information.
  • Supported office operations by managing supplies, coordinating maintenance requests, and ensuring smooth communication.
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration
  • University Name, Year of Graduation: 20XX

Tailor these examples to your own qualifications, experience, and skills. Remember to use appropriate action verbs and quantify your achievements whenever possible to make your resume more impactful.

Features of winning resumes:

A. Strong Communication Skills

Effective communication is one of the most important skills any receptionist can have. Receptionists must frequently communicate with callers, clients, coworkers, and management on a daily basis. Poor communication skills can lead to misunderstandings, missed appointments, and negative experiences for clients. A receptionist should also be able to communicate professionally and calmly in difficult situations, such as when dealing with upset clients.

B. Exceptional Organizational Skills

As a receptionist, you are the first point of contact for incoming calls and visitors to the office. Answering the phones and greeting guests are only the beginning of your responsibilities. It is essential that you have exceptional organizational skills to manage multiple tasks and prioritize your workload to meet deadlines. Part of this includes keeping track of appointments and ensuring that people are seen in a timely manner. Additionally, a receptionist should always have a professional phone and email etiquette ensuring that messages are properly relayed, and appointments scheduled accordingly.

C. Professional Appearance and Demeanor

A receptionist is often the first impression visitors have of a company. Therefore, it is important that the receptionist presents themselves in a professional manner. They should be well-groomed, well-dressed and approachable. Professionalism extends to their demeanor and tone of voice. They should be confident and courteous in dealing with clients, even in high-pressure situations.

D. Adaptability and Flexibility

Being a successful receptionist requires the ability to adapt to changing situations and priorities quickly. Receptionists often have to juggle multiple tasks and interruptions, and should be able to quickly refocus and change direction, when necessary. This means being able to think on your feet, and make sound decisions when time is of the essence. Additionally, it is important that a receptionist is able to remain flexible and available to help out in whatever capacity is needed at the time.

E. Multitasking Abilities

As previously mentioned, receptionists are often responsible for a variety of different tasks in a typical day. For this reason, it is essential to have top-notch multitasking abilities. It’s important to be able to handle multiple phone calls, emails, and clients’ requests at once, without allowing anything to slip through the cracks.

The skills and traits above are essential for any receptionist to possess. If you are looking to improve your skills in these areas, it is important to take the time to develop them consistently. When you are a master of these skills, you will be able to run a smooth office, efficiently manage incoming requests, and provide a positive experience for visitors to your office.

Receptionist Job Description

As a receptionist, you are the first point of contact for clients and visitors when they walk into a company’s building or call on the phone. Therefore, your primary responsibility is to ensure that all interactions with clients and visitors are professional, positive, and helpful.

A. Duties and Responsibilities

As a receptionist, your duties and responsibilities may include, but not be limited to, the following:

  • Answering phone calls and emails in a professional and friendly manner
  • Greeting clients and visitors and directing them to the appropriate department or employee
  • Scheduling appointments and meetings
  • Maintaining the reception area clean, organized, and presentable
  • Handling incoming and outgoing mail, including sorting and distributing it
  • Performing basic clerical tasks such as filing, data entry, and document preparation
  • Maintaining office equipment, such as printers and copiers, and ordering supplies as needed
  • Handling sensitive and confidential information with discretion and professionalism
  • Assisting with administrative tasks, such as booking travel arrangements and preparing expense reports

B. Required Experience and Qualification

While there are no strict educational requirements for becoming a receptionist, some experience or qualification may be necessary to perform the duties effectively. The following are some of the common requirements:

  • High school diploma or equivalent
  • Experience in customer service or front desk roles
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, including Word, Excel, and Outlook
  • Ability to multitask and prioritize tasks effectively
  • Attention to detail and strong organizational skills
  • Professional and friendly demeanor

C. Work Environment

Receptionists usually work in various settings, such as corporate offices, medical clinics, hotels, schools, and government agencies. The work environment may vary depending on the industry or company, but receptionists typically work at a front desk or reception area.

The work schedule may align with standard office hours, although some receptionists may work weekends, evenings, or holidays. Receptionists often have to stand or sit for extended periods, and they may have to handle stressful situations or difficult clients. Therefore, a receptionist job requires physical and mental stamina, as well as stress management and conflict resolution skills.

A receptionist job requires professionalism, organization, and excellent communication skills. A well-written receptionist resume that highlights these skills and experiences can increase your chances of landing a receptionist job.

Best Practices for Receptionists

As the first point of contact for most visitors to a company, receptionists play a crucial role in establishing a positive image and a professional atmosphere. To excel in this position, they need to master a variety of skills, including phone etiquette, time management, multitasking, conflict resolution, and safety awareness. To help receptionists meet these expectations, here are some best practices to follow:

A. Proper Phone Etiquette

Receptionists should answer the phone promptly and politely, using a friendly and professional tone. They should identify themselves and the company, ask how they can assist the caller, and listen actively to their needs. They should also take accurate messages, transfer calls efficiently, and handle voicemail and email messages promptly. Receptionists should avoid interrupting the caller, putting them on hold for too long, or using slang or jargon that the caller may not understand. They should also avoid sharing personal opinions or information that are not relevant to the call.

B. Direct and Assist in Reception Area

Receptionists should greet visitors and direct them to the appropriate area or person in a courteous and helpful manner. They should offer assistance with coats, bags, or directions, and make sure that visitors feel welcome and comfortable. They should also keep the reception area clean, organized, and well-stocked, ensuring that there are enough chairs, magazines, or refreshments available. Receptionists should anticipate the needs of visitors and be proactive in providing solutions or alternatives if needed.

C. Maintain Confidentiality

Receptionists should respect the privacy and confidentiality of visitors and employees, and keep sensitive information secure. They should avoid discussing personal, financial, medical, or legal matters in public areas, or with unauthorized individuals. If a visitor or employee asks for confidential assistance, receptionists should provide them with a private space or refer them to a supervisor or a specialized department. Receptionists should also be aware of the company’s policies and procedures on data protection and confidentiality.

D. Deal with Difficult Situations

Receptionists may encounter challenging or unexpected situations, such as irate or hostile visitors, emergencies, or security breaches. In such cases, they should remain calm, professional, and alert, and follow the company’s guidelines on how to handle them. They should use active listening, empathy, and problem-solving skills to identify the root causes of the situation and find the most appropriate solution. They should also communicate clearly and assertively with visitors or colleagues, while avoiding confrontations or escalations.

E. Implement Best Safety Practices

Receptionists need to be vigilant and proactive in ensuring the safety and security of the company’s premises, assets, and people. They should be familiar with the company’s emergency procedures, such as fire drills, evacuation plans, or first-aid protocols, and be prepared to act quickly and efficiently in case of an emergency.

Receptionist Industry Trends

A. growth and shifts in receptionist job market.

The receptionist role has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, with changes in the job market leading to new opportunities and skill sets. The growth of the service industry has been a driving force behind the increase in demand for receptionists, as many companies rely on their services to provide a welcoming and professional image to clients, customers, and visitors.

Moreover, shifts in the job market mean that receptionists are no longer limited to traditional office settings. Today, receptionists may work in a variety of industries, including healthcare, hospitality, government, and education. The need for receptionists with specialized knowledge and skills has also increased, with many companies seeking candidates with experience in areas like social media management, event planning, and customer service.

B. Emerging Technologies and Role of Receptionists

The role of receptionists has also been impacted by the emergence of new technologies, such as AI chatbots, virtual assistants, and automated phone systems. While some fear that these technological advancements may replace human receptionists, many experts believe that they will instead play a complementary role, allowing receptionists to focus on more complex tasks.

For example, AI chatbots can help screen and route calls to the appropriate department, freeing up receptionists to tackle more pressing matters. Virtual assistants can also aid receptionists in managing their workload, allowing them to prioritize tasks based on urgency.

However, the emergence of these technologies also means that receptionists must acquire new skills and knowledge to remain competitive in the job market. Familiarity with CRM software, knowledge of common web applications and social media platforms, and the ability to troubleshoot technical issues are just a few examples of skills that are in high demand among receptionists.

C. Remote Receptionists

Finally, the rise of remote work has also impacted the receptionist industry, with many companies opting to hire remote receptionists to manage their calls, emails, and other communication channels. Remote receptionists offer several benefits to companies, including cost savings and 24/7 availability.

To be a successful remote receptionist, one must have excellent communication skills, as well as a strong sense of professionalism and reliability. The ability to troubleshoot technical issues and work independently are also crucial for remote receptionists.

The receptionist industry has undergone significant changes in recent years, driven by shifts in the job market and the emergence of new technologies. To remain competitive in this evolving industry, receptionists must be willing to adapt to new challenges and acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in a changing landscape.

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Skill profile, receptionist, improve your resume's success rate by using these receptionist skills and keywords ..

  • Hard Skills and Keywords for your Receptionist Resume
  • ATS Scan : Compare Your Resume To These Skills
  • Sample Resume Templates
  • How To Add Skills
  • Soft Skills for Receptionist Roles
  • Receptionist More Resume Templates

Resume Skills and Keywords from Related Jobs

Frequently asked questions.

  • 3. Effective Action Verbs for your Resume

Get a Free Resume Review

Looking for keywords for a specific job search for your job title here., © 2024 resume worded. all rights reserved., receptionist resume keywords and skills (hard skills).

Here are the keywords and skills that appear most frequently on recent Receptionist job postings. In other words, these are the most sought after skills by recruiters and hiring managers. Go to Sample Templates ↓ below to see how to include them on your resume. Remember that every job is different. Instead of including all keywords on your resume, identify those that are most relevant to the job you're applying to. Use the free Targeted Resume tool to help with this.
  • Receptionist Duties
  • Microsoft Access
  • Customer Service
  • Administrative Assistance
  • Social Media
  • Front Office
  • Telephone Reception
  •  Find out what your resume's missing
  • Administration
  • Hospitality
  • Office Administration
  • Event Management
  • Hotel Management
  • Event Planning
  • Food & Beverage
  • Opera Reservation System

Resume Skills: Software

  • MS Office Suite
  • Google Workspace
  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • CRM Systems
  • Google Suite
  • Adobe Acrobat
  • Microsoft Office suite
  • PDF software
  • CRM Softwares
  • Adobe Suite
  • Adobe AcrobatReader
  • SharePoint.
  •  Match your resume to these skills

Resume Skills: Office Suite

  • Microsoft Office: Word

Resume Skills: Languages

  • Spanish (Fluent)
  • Spanish (fluent)

Resume Skills: Office

  • Data Entry (75 WPM)
  • Office Equipment Operation
  • Front Desk Reception
  • Telephone Etiquette
  • Records Management
  • Front-Desk Reception
  • Email Management
  • Client Handling
  • Calendar Management
  • Meeting Coordination

Resume Skills: Techniques

  • Dispute Management
  • Confidentiality Management
  • Time Management

Resume Skills: Project Management Tools

Resume skills: other.

  • Data Analysis
  • Simplified Technical English

Resume Skills: Customer Service

  • Problem solving
  • Complaint Resolution
  • Phone Etiquette
  • Client Relations
  • Conflict Resolution

Resume Skills: Additional

  • CRM Software
  • Negotiation skills

Resume Skills: Administrative Tools

  • MS PowerPoint
  • Google Sheets

Resume Skills: Organizational Tools

Resume skills: communication.

  • Email Etiquette
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Business Telephony Systems (VoIP)
  • Phone Etiquettes
  • Email Correspondence
  • Chat Support
  • In-person Assistance

Resume Skills: Digital Communication Tools

Resume skills: administrative.

  • Documentation
  • Travel Arrangements
  • Office Equipment Handling

Resume Skills: Electronic Equipment

  • Multiline Telephone systems
  • Photocopiers
  • Fax machines
  • Postage meters

Resume Skills: Booking Systems

  • Microsoft Bookings

Resume Skills: Reception Tools

  • Go Reception
  • Smiles Front Desk Management

Resume Skills: Industry Knowledge

  • Front Desk Operations
  • phone etiquette
  • appointment scheduling
  • customer service
  • managing check-ins/check-outs

Resume Skills: Customer Relationship Tools

Resume skills: time management.

  • Calendar Planning
  • Task Prioritization
  • Document Control

Resume Skills: Billing & Accounting

  • Accounts Receivable
  • Expense Reports
  • Payroll Assistance
  Where on my resume do I add these buzzwords? Add keywords directly into your resume's work experiences , education or projects. Alternatively, you can also include a Skills section where you can list your technical skills in order of your proficiency. Only include these technical skills or keywords into your resume if you actually have experience with them.
   Does your resume contain all the right skills? Paste in your resume in the AI Resume Scan ↓ section below and get an instant score.

Compare Your Resume To These Receptionist Skills (ATS Scan)

Paste your resume below and our AI will identify which keywords are missing from your resume from the list above (and what you need to include). Including the right keywords will help you get past Applicant Tracking Systems (i.e. resume screeners) which may scan your resume for keywords to see if you're a match for the job.

Sample Receptionist Resume Examples: How To Include These Skills

Add keywords directly into your resume's work experiences , education or skills section , like we've shown in the examples below. use the examples below as inspiration..

  Where on my resume do I add these buzzwords? Add keywords directly into your resume's work experiences , education or projects. Only include these technical skills or keywords into your resume if you actually have experience with them.

How do I add skills to a Receptionist resume?

Go through the Receptionist posting you're applying to, and identify hard skills the company is looking for. For example, skills like Telephone Reception, Microsoft Access and Administration are possible skills. These are skills you should try to include on your resume.

computer skills for receptionist resume

Add other common skills from your industry - such as Receptionist Duties, Front Office and Customer Service - into your resume if they're relevant.

computer skills for receptionist resume

Incorporate skills - like Hospitality, Tourism and Opera - into your work experience too. This shows hiring managers that you have practical experience with these tools, techniques and skills.

computer skills for receptionist resume

Communication is often an important component of the role of a Receptionist, so when writing your resume, include examples of how you communicated with stakeholders, team members or customers, or produced content.

computer skills for receptionist resume

Try to include examples of where you used your clerical skills, whether that's in your Receptionist roles or administrative-related experiences.

computer skills for receptionist resume

Try to add the exact job title, Receptionist, somewhere into your resume to get past resume screeners. See the infographic for how to do this.

computer skills for receptionist resume

Word Cloud for Receptionist Skills & Keywords

The following word cloud highlights the most popular keywords that appear on Receptionist job descriptions. The bigger the word, the more frequently it shows up on employer's job postings. If you have experience with these keywords, include them on your resume.

Top Receptionist Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

Receptionist Soft Skills

Here are common soft skills that appear on Receptionist job postings. Unlike hard skills, which refer to tools, software or techniques, soft skills focus on character traits and interpersonal skills. Instead of listing these phrases on your resume, try to show them through your bullet points like in the examples below.

computer skills for receptionist resume

  • Communication
  • Computer Literacy
  • Public Speaking
Tip: Do not list these words or phrases on your resume, and instead focus on the hard skills we described above.

We also found variations and further specializations to your job title. Browse through the related job titles to find additional keywords that you can include into your resume.

  • Medical Office
  • Medical Records
  • Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
  • Medical Terminology
  • Multi-line Phone
  • Appointment Scheduling
  • Medical Billing
  • Health Insurance
  • U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
  • Dental Software
  • Dental Insurance
  • Dental Assisting
  • Patient Education
  • Hotel Booking
  • Back Office Operations
  • Hospitality Management
  • Reservations
  • Switchboard
  • Switchboard Operator
  • Public Relations
  • Insurance Verification
  • Medical Coding

Get your Resume Instantly Checked, For Free

Upload your resume and we'll spot the issues in it before an actual receptionist recruiter sees it. for free., receptionist resume templates.

Here are examples of proven resumes in related jobs and industries, approved by experienced hiring managers. Use them as inspiration when you're writing your own resume. You can even download and edit the resume template in Google Docs.

Resume Example Professional

An effective Description of the templates...

Professional Resume Sample

Download this resume template

This resume template is suitable for experienced hires or mid-level hires. The education contains two examples of an education experiences, but only include one (your most recent one) if you're a senior level employee.

Tips on why this template works

   makes great use of space.

It strikes the right balance between white space and content, and doesn't waste space on unnecessary images and icons. Remember, recruiters aren't looking at how creative you are when it comes to your template. Your content is core and should be the focus.

Makes great use of space - Professional Resume

   Strong resume bullet points

This job seeker uses resume bullet points that uses strong action verbs, and most importantly, contain numbers that demonstrate the significance of their accomplishments.

Strong resume bullet points - Professional Resume

Resume Example Highlights (Free)

Highlights (Free) Resume Sample

This template is clean, readable by resume screeners, and is effective at calling out key accomplishments and projects from specific work experiences. This would be useful if you have been at a company for a while, or been in a consulting-type of role, and want to point hiring managers to your most impressive accomplishments.

   Strong action verbs

Action verbs are important on your resume are vital. They evoke strong imagery to your reader, and this resume does an excellent job by using words such as “spearheaded,” “managed,” and “drove.” These words will help you to put your achievements in perspective, in conjunction with measurable results. Use action verbs relating to the skills you want to highlight.

Strong action verbs - Highlights (Free) Resume

   Specific examples of finished projects

Many of your accomplishments will involve your responsibilities in your employer's high-level projects. Recruiters want to see what you’ve completed in previous roles -- such as the Operations Improvement Project and new iPhone app launch highlighted in this resume. The numbers make your experience real, rather than a vague “oversaw several teams for a project.” What did you do specifically? Be specific.

Specific examples of finished projects - Highlights (Free) Resume

Resume Example Modern Two-Column

Modern Two-Column Resume Sample

This two column resume template has been designed and created in Google Docs, and puts an emphasis on a skills section. You can download it in Word, or edit it directly in Google Docs.

   Prioritize work experience, while including other key sections

The two-column in this Google Docs resume template prioritizes the work experience sections, while maximizing the content into the resume. Not all two column templates are ATS-compatible, but this one is when it is saved as PDF and passed through a resume screener.

Prioritize work experience, while including other key sections - Modern Two-Column Resume

   Includes a strong Skills section

Skills sections are a great way to include specific keywords and skills that you have, that haven't been included in other parts of your resume. This helps you get past resume screeners that scan your resume for specific keywords.

Includes a strong Skills section - Modern Two-Column Resume

Resume Example Clean Modern

Clean Modern Resume Sample

If you're a job seeker with a few years of experience under your belt, use a template like this one. It's simple, effective at highlighting our work experience, and minimizes the emphasis on the education section (the dates are omitted which is good to prevent ageism, especially if you graduated more than 10 years ago).

   Professionally-designed template

Minimal templates like this one are exactly what mid-to-senior level recruiters want to see - it shows professionalism, focuses on accomplishments, and makes full use of each page.

Professionally-designed template - Clean Modern Resume

   Resume summary highlights key accomplishments

The first rule about including a resume summary is that it does not repeat accomplishments mentioned elsewhere on the resume. This resume stresses new software engineering and leadership skills right at the top of the resume, and includes an award too. If you include a summary, try to include a mix of both technical accomplishments (e.g. projects you developed or led), as well as career-related accomplishments (e.g. being promoted).

Resume summary highlights key accomplishments - Clean Modern Resume

Resume Example Entry-Level (Free)

Entry-Level (Free) Resume Sample

Use this Google Docs template if you're a student, recent graduate, or a career changer. Right out of college, you may not have much experience in the field. To supplement that, use your experience in clubs and activities, volunteering, projects, and useful coursework to help highlight your knowledge on the subject.

   Emphasis on education

If you're an entry-level job seeker that has recently completed education (or in the process of completing a degree), you should prioritize your education and include it first. This Google Docs template does this.

Emphasis on education - Entry-Level (Free) Resume

   University projects relevant to the job

If you're an entry level job seeker (or a career-changer), you may not have enough work experience to fill up your resume. This is where class projects and university projects come in. This template has a section dedicated to projects, which you can use to talk about volunteering, class projects, or personal projects relevant to the job.

University projects relevant to the job - Entry-Level (Free) Resume

Resume Example Concise

Concise Resume Sample

This is a suitable Google Docs resume template for all kinds of roles, including senior, entry-level and mid-level. Note how the focus is the work experience section only, and the education section is limited. This is what you should do if you graduated a while ago.

   Use a skills section to highlight specific keywords

To get past resume screeners and Applicant Tracking Systems, use a skills section that includes specific skills the job is looking for. This is an easy way to tailor your resume.

Use a skills section to highlight specific keywords - Concise Resume

   Keep you education short, if you're a mid to senior level job seeker

Keep you education short, if you're a mid to senior level job seeker - Concise Resume

What skills do hiring managers want to see on a Receptionist resume?

Some popular Receptionist hard skills are Receptionist Duties, Microsoft Access, Customer Service, Administrative Assistance, Social Media, Front Office, Telephone Reception and Administration. Depending on the job you apply to, skills like Tourism, Opera, Food & Beverage, Hotel Management and Hospitality can also be good to include on your resume.

What are the differences in resume skills between a Medical Office Receptionist and a Dental Receptionist?

What are good resume skills to include for different receptionist roles and job titles.

Depending on the specific role you apply to, you may need to emphasize different skill sets. Here are a few examples:

  • Dental Receptionist : Dentrix, Receptionist Duties, Dentistry, Dental Software and Dental Insurance
  • Hotel Receptionist : Hotel Management, Front Office, Hospitality, Tourism and Hotel Booking
  • Medical Office Receptionist : Medical Office, Medical Records, Electronic Medical Record (EMR), Medical Terminology and Multi-line Phone
  • Front Office Receptionist : Opera, Food & Beverage, Customer Service, Office Administration and Administration
  • Desk Receptionist : Administrative Assistance, Switchboard, Microsoft Access, Typing and Data Entry

What are common Receptionist soft skills?

Examples of Receptionist soft skills include Phone Etiquette, Clerical Skills, Customer Satisfaction, Teamwork and Problem Solving.

Target your Resume to a Job Description

While the keywords above are a good indication of what skills you need on your resume, you should try to find additional keywords that are specific to the job. To do this, use the free Targeted Resume tool. It analyzes the job you are applying to and finds the most important keywords you need on your resume. It is personalized to your resume, and is the best way to ensure your resume will pass the automated resume filters. Start targeting your resume
Most resumes get auto-rejected because of small, simple errors. These errors are easy to miss but can be costly in your job search. If you want to make sure your resume is error-free, upload it to Score My Resume for a free resume review. You'll get a score so you know where your resume stands, as well as actionable feedback to improve it. Get a free resume review

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Receptionist Resume Example

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Executive Assistant


Receptionists greet visitors and check them into the business’s electronic software. They also process payments, schedule appointments, and answer questions. 

‍ How to Write a Summary for a Receptionist

  • Mention your previous experience . How many companies have you worked for? How else have you used Microsoft Suite and related technologies? Have you worked in any other customer-service oriented positions?
  • Describe your greatest strength . Are you friendly and approachable? Are you incredibly organized and detail-oriented?

How to List Your Work Experience as a Receptionist

  • Use reverse chronological format . List your most recent jobs first, as this shows managers how you’ve gained experience in the industry. 
  • Use action verbs related to being a Receptionist . Verbs are critical to demonstrating what you can do for the company. Review the following list for some powerful examples.
  • Maintained 
  • Scheduled  

See our list of over 350 action verbs to find more.

Senior Level Work Experience as a Medical Receptionist

  • Answered the phone, took messages, and directed incoming calls to the correct individual
  • Received and distributed all internal mail
  • Ensured all patients, caregivers, and visitors are checked in and out into the Electronic Verification System
  • Maintained an accurate online patient database, including organizing paperwork, data entry, scanning, printing, and faxing documents
  • Handled incoming and outgoing correspondence
  • Planned & scheduled appointments
  • Balanced daily deposits and completed credit card processing
  • Greeted patients and visitors who are coming and going, and directed them appropriately
  • Assisted patients with their registration in the facility’s electronic medical record, as needed
  • Presented all policies and obtain signatures on needed forms and consents and collect all appropriate billing forms and scan into the appropriate database
  • Scheduled follow-up appointments for patients to include work in appointments
  • Ordered supplies and stocked the supplies upon arrival
  • Responsible for petty cash supply
  • Maintained supply of the appropriate patient materials and forms used
  • Maintain cleanliness of the lobby and front office area
  • Monitored the patients as they waited in the lobby for their appointments
  • Exhibited and maintained a high degree of professionalism and decorum in all situations in addition to confidentiality, flexibility and accountability

Junior Level Work Experience as a Receptionist

  • Answered the telephone and took messages or forwarded calls
  • Scheduled and confirmed appointments and maintained calendars
  • Greeted customers, clients, and other visitors
  • Checked in visitors and directed or escorted them to their destinations
  • Informed other employees of visitors’ arrivals or cancellations
  • Entered customer information into the organization's database
  • Copied, filed, and maintained paper or electronic documents
  • Ensured the reception area is stocked with appropriate booklets, pamphlets, and brochures for public distribution
  • Used office automation equipment such as computers, modems, printers, copiers, and fax machines and software
  • Composed routine requests, memoranda, and transmittal and acknowledgement letters
  • Stored and retrieved documents or files, inserted and deleted text, and transmitted and received electronic mail 
  • Assisted in preparation of appointments
  • Collected payments and posted them to the patients’ accounts in an accurate and timely manner

How to List Your Skills as a Receptionist

Receptionists work with people and technology like telephones and computers. You need to know how to do both!

  • Microsoft Suite 
  • Communication Skills
  • Customer Service Skills
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Organizational Skills
  • Multitasking and prioritizing
  • Dependability
  • Problem-solving
  • Ability to work under pressure
  • Attention to detail

How to List Your Education as a Receptionist

Receptionists generally require a high school diploma or GED. Receptionists must also be computer savvy.

Requirements to be a receptionist vary by state but generally involve the following:

  • High School Diploma or GED
  • Computer skills and knowledge
  • Friendly and customer-oriented demeanor
  • Complete a background check

Receptionist Career Overview

Job Outlook

The job outlook for Receptionists is growing at 5% per year, which is considered average. In 2018 there were 1,101,500 jobs available.

Average Salary 

Receptionists make $30,050 per year on average. However, salaries could be as high as $40,050 depending on experience, education, location, and the company for which you work.

Top Paying Salaries by State

  • $40,050 -- District of Columbia
  • $36,520 -- Connecticut
  • $35,870 -- New York

Search for Receptionist Jobs

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Browse more resume templates that fit your role

Katerina Frye

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Professional resume templates to help land your next dream job.


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13 Receptionist Resume Examples for Your 2024 Job Search

Receptionists are the first point of contact for customers and guests, and must be able to communicate effectively. As a receptionist, your resume should be just like your customer service skills: professional, friendly, and approachable. In this guide, we'll review X receptionist resume examples to help you make a great first impression.

receptionist resume

Resume Examples

Resume guidance.

  • High Level Resume Tips
  • Must-Have Information
  • Why Resume Headlines & Titles are Important
  • Writing an Exceptional Resume Summary
  • How to Impress with Your Work Experience
  • Top Skills & Keywords
  • Go Above & Beyond with a Cover Letter
  • Resume FAQs
  • Related Resumes

Common Responsibilities Listed on Receptionist Resumes:

  • Greet visitors and direct them to the appropriate person or department
  • Answer incoming calls and direct them to the appropriate person or department
  • Manage the front desk, including sorting and distributing mail, packages, and other deliveries
  • • Maintain a clean and organized reception area
  • Schedule and coordinate meetings and appointments
  • Maintain an up-to-date contact list
  • Assist with administrative tasks such as filing, photocopying, and scanning
  • Monitor office supplies and order new supplies as needed
  • Assist with special projects as needed
  • Provide excellent customer service
  • Ensure compliance with company policies and procedures

You can use the examples above as a starting point to help you brainstorm tasks, accomplishments for your work experience section.

Receptionist Resume Example:

  • Implemented a new scheduling system that reduced appointment wait times by 50% and increased customer satisfaction scores by 15%.
  • Collaborated with the facilities team to redesign the reception area, resulting in a 25% increase in positive feedback from visitors.
  • Managed the ordering and inventory of office supplies, reducing costs by 10% through strategic vendor negotiations.
  • Developed and implemented a comprehensive training program for new receptionists, resulting in a 30% reduction in onboarding time and an increase in overall team productivity by 20%.
  • Collaborated with the HR team to streamline the hiring process, reducing time-to-hire by 15% and increasing the quality of candidates.
  • Managed the company's contact list, ensuring accuracy and completeness, resulting in a 10% increase in successful outreach and communication.
  • Implemented a new system for tracking and managing incoming calls, reducing missed calls by 20% and improving response times by 15%.
  • Collaborated with the IT team to implement new software for managing appointments, resulting in a 25% increase in appointment bookings and a 10% increase in customer satisfaction scores.
  • Managed the distribution of mail and packages, reducing delivery times by 30% and improving overall efficiency of the mailroom.
  • Customer service
  • Time management
  • Organization
  • Multitasking
  • Communication
  • Problem-solving
  • Attention to detail
  • Team collaboration
  • Inventory management
  • Training and onboarding
  • Vendor negotiation
  • Software proficiency
  • Mail distribution

Dental Receptionist Resume Example:

  • Implemented a new patient scheduling system, resulting in a 25% reduction in appointment wait times and a 15% increase in patient satisfaction scores.
  • Developed and implemented a patient communication strategy, resulting in a 20% increase in appointment confirmations and a 10% decrease in no-shows.
  • Managed patient records and insurance claims, resulting in a 95% accuracy rate and a 20% reduction in claim processing time.
  • Developed and implemented a patient payment plan system, resulting in a 30% increase in on-time payments and a 15% decrease in outstanding balances.
  • Collaborated with dental providers to ensure timely and accurate patient treatment plans, resulting in a 90% patient treatment plan completion rate.
  • Managed the reception area, ensuring a clean and organized environment, resulting in a 95% satisfaction rate among patients and visitors.
  • Implemented a new patient intake process, resulting in a 20% reduction in patient wait times and a 10% increase in patient satisfaction scores.
  • Managed patient charts and updated patient information, resulting in a 95% accuracy rate and a 15% reduction in charting errors.
  • Assisted with dental procedures as needed, resulting in a 90% satisfaction rate among patients and providers.
  • Patient scheduling and appointment management
  • Patient communication and relationship building
  • Patient record and insurance claim management
  • Payment plan development and implementation
  • Collaboration with dental providers
  • Reception area management and organization
  • Patient intake process improvement
  • Patient chart management and updating
  • Dental procedure assistance
  • Time management and multitasking
  • Attention to detail and accuracy
  • Customer service and satisfaction
  • Conflict resolution and problem-solving
  • Basic knowledge of dental terminology and procedures
  • Proficiency in dental software and office technology

Entry Level Receptionist Resume Example:

  • Implemented a new scheduling system that reduced appointment wait times by 50% and increased customer satisfaction scores by 20%.
  • Created and maintained a comprehensive filing system for both electronic and paper documents, resulting in a 30% reduction in time spent searching for important information.
  • Assisted with special projects, including organizing company events and coordinating employee recognition programs, resulting in a 15% increase in employee engagement scores.
  • Monitored office supplies and ordered replacements as needed, resulting in a 10% reduction in supply costs.
  • Assisted with administrative tasks such as filing, photocopying, and scanning, completing tasks 25% faster than the previous receptionist.
  • Provided support to other departments as needed, including assisting with customer service inquiries and data entry, resulting in a 15% increase in overall departmental efficiency.
  • Greeted visitors, answered phones, and directed inquiries to the appropriate staff member, resulting in a 95% customer satisfaction rating.
  • Maintained a professional and friendly atmosphere in the reception area, resulting in a 10% increase in positive customer feedback.
  • Managed incoming and outgoing mail and packages, ensuring timely delivery and reducing errors by 20%.
  • Scheduling and appointment management
  • Telephone etiquette
  • Interpersonal communication
  • Basic computer skills (Microsoft Office, email, etc.)
  • Filing and document management
  • Office supply management
  • Administrative support
  • Mail and package handling
  • Event planning and coordination
  • Adaptability
  • Professionalism

Front Desk Receptionist Resume Example:

  • Managed the front desk of a busy medical office, greeting and checking in an average of 100 patients per day with a 95% satisfaction rating.
  • Implemented a new appointment scheduling system, reducing wait times by 20% and increasing patient satisfaction by 10%.
  • Developed and maintained a comprehensive filing system, reducing retrieval times by 30% and improving overall office organization.
  • Managed the front desk of a luxury hotel, handling an average of 200 check-ins and check-outs per day with a 98% satisfaction rating.
  • Collaborated with the housekeeping team to ensure all rooms were ready for guests, resulting in a 15% increase in room occupancy rates.
  • Developed and implemented a new training program for front desk staff, resulting in a 25% improvement in guest satisfaction scores.
  • Managed the front desk of a busy law firm, answering an average of 50 phone calls per day with a 90% first-call resolution rate.
  • Developed and maintained a comprehensive database of client information, reducing retrieval times by 40% and improving overall office efficiency.
  • Implemented a new system for tracking and ordering office supplies, resulting in a 20% reduction in costs and a 15% improvement in inventory management.
  • Communication skills
  • Appointment scheduling
  • Database management
  • Conflict resolution
  • Microsoft Office proficiency
  • Training and development
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Basic accounting and cash handling

Legal Receptionist Resume Example:

  • Implemented a new filing system for legal documents, resulting in a 50% reduction in document retrieval time and increasing overall efficiency in the office.
  • Assisted attorneys with research and document preparation, resulting in a 25% reduction in time spent on legal research and an increase in client satisfaction.
  • Maintained a database of clients and contacts, resulting in a 20% increase in client retention and improved communication with clients.
  • Successfully managed the reception area, ensuring it was clean and organized, resulting in a 15% increase in positive feedback from clients and visitors.
  • Assisted with administrative tasks such as photocopying, scanning, and faxing, resulting in a 20% reduction in time spent on administrative tasks and an increase in overall office productivity.
  • Monitored and ordered office supplies, resulting in a 10% reduction in supply costs and ensuring that the office had all necessary supplies on hand.
  • Prepared legal documents such as contracts, briefs, and pleadings, resulting in a 30% reduction in time spent on document preparation and an increase in overall efficiency in the office.
  • Assisted with special projects as needed, resulting in the successful completion of several high-priority projects and an increase in overall team productivity.
  • Managed the scheduling and coordination of meetings and appointments, resulting in a 20% reduction in scheduling errors and an increase in overall client satisfaction.
  • Legal document preparation
  • Legal research
  • Filing and organization
  • Client communication
  • Reception area management
  • Administrative tasks
  • Scheduling and coordination
  • Project management
  • Confidentiality

Veterinary Receptionist Resume Example:

  • Implemented a new appointment scheduling system that reduced wait times by 50% and increased client satisfaction scores by 20%.
  • Collaborated with the marketing team to create and execute a successful social media campaign, resulting in a 25% increase in new client appointments.
  • Managed inventory and ordering of office supplies, reducing costs by 15% while ensuring all necessary supplies were always available.
  • Developed and implemented a new client communication system, resulting in a 30% reduction in missed appointments and an increase in client retention by 25%.
  • Streamlined the payment process by implementing a new payment system, reducing payment processing time by 20% and increasing on-time payments by 15%.
  • Trained and mentored new receptionists, resulting in a 50% reduction in training time and an overall improvement in team satisfaction scores by 10%.
  • Managed and maintained client records and medical histories, ensuring accuracy and completeness of all records and reducing errors by 20%.
  • Collaborated with veterinarians to improve patient care, resulting in a 15% increase in successful treatments and a 10% decrease in patient recovery time.
  • Implemented a new filing system, reducing filing time by 30% and improving overall organization and efficiency of the office.
  • Payment processing
  • Training and mentoring
  • Record keeping
  • Collaboration with veterinarians
  • Office organization
  • Marketing and social media
  • Empathy and compassion for animals

Hotel Receptionist Resume Example:

  • Implemented a new guest feedback system, resulting in a 25% increase in positive reviews and a 10% decrease in negative reviews within the first three months.
  • Developed and implemented a training program for new front desk staff, resulting in a 40% decrease in check-in time and a 15% increase in guest satisfaction scores.
  • Collaborated with housekeeping and maintenance teams to improve room turnover time by 20%, resulting in a 5% increase in occupancy rates.
  • Managed the front desk during a major hotel renovation, ensuring minimal disruption to guests and maintaining a 95% occupancy rate throughout the project.
  • Developed and implemented a new check-in process, reducing wait times by 50% and increasing guest satisfaction scores by 20%.
  • Identified and resolved a billing error that had been affecting guest accounts for months, resulting in a 15% increase in revenue and improved guest satisfaction scores.
  • Implemented a new reservation system, resulting in a 30% increase in online bookings and a 20% increase in revenue within the first six months.
  • Collaborated with the marketing team to develop and implement a new loyalty program, resulting in a 10% increase in repeat bookings and a 5% increase in overall occupancy rates.
  • Developed and implemented a new training program for front desk staff, resulting in a 25% decrease in guest complaints and a 15% increase in guest satisfaction scores.
  • Customer service excellence
  • Effective communication
  • Reservation management
  • Billing and financial accuracy
  • Process improvement
  • Guest relations
  • Knowledge of hotel software systems

Office Receptionist Resume Example:

  • Managed the office budget and identified cost-saving opportunities, resulting in a 10% reduction in expenses over a six-month period.
  • Collaborated with the HR team to streamline the onboarding process for new employees, reducing the time to complete paperwork by 30%.
  • Developed and implemented a new visitor management system, improving security protocols and reducing unauthorized access by 25%.
  • Managed the office supply inventory and identified cost-saving opportunities, resulting in a 15% reduction in expenses over a one-year period.
  • Provided exceptional customer service to visitors and clients, resulting in a 20% increase in positive feedback and referrals.
  • Managed the reception area and implemented a new organization system, resulting in a 30% reduction in clutter and a more professional appearance.
  • Assisted with event planning and organization, resulting in a successful company-wide event with over 100 attendees and positive feedback from participants.
  • Provided administrative support to the executive team, including scheduling meetings and preparing reports, resulting in improved efficiency and productivity for the team.
  • Scheduling and calendar management
  • Budget management and cost reduction
  • Onboarding and HR coordination
  • Visitor management and security protocols
  • Office supply inventory management
  • Customer service and client relations
  • Reception area organization and maintenance
  • Event planning and organization
  • Administrative support and report preparation
  • Time management and prioritization
  • Multitasking and adaptability
  • Communication and interpersonal skills
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite
  • Basic knowledge of office equipment and troubleshooting

Salon Receptionist Resume Example:

  • Implemented a new appointment scheduling system, resulting in a 25% reduction in missed appointments and a 15% increase in overall customer satisfaction.
  • Collaborated with the marketing team to create and execute a successful social media campaign, resulting in a 10% increase in new customer bookings.
  • Trained and onboarded new reception staff, resulting in a 30% reduction in customer wait times and an overall improvement in team morale.
  • Managed the salon's inventory and ordering process, resulting in a 20% reduction in supply costs and a 10% increase in product sales.
  • Developed and implemented a customer loyalty program, resulting in a 15% increase in repeat business and a 5% increase in overall revenue.
  • Provided exceptional customer service, resulting in a 95% customer satisfaction rating and numerous positive reviews and referrals.
  • Implemented a new cash handling system, resulting in a 100% accuracy rate and a 20% reduction in cash discrepancies.
  • Collaborated with the salon owner to create and implement a new pricing strategy, resulting in a 10% increase in overall revenue.
  • Developed and maintained strong relationships with customers, resulting in a 25% increase in customer retention and repeat business.
  • Social media marketing
  • Staff training and onboarding
  • Cash handling
  • Customer loyalty program development
  • Pricing strategy development
  • Customer relationship management

Medical Receptionist Resume Example:

  • Implemented a new patient scheduling system, resulting in a 25% reduction in wait times and a 15% increase in patient satisfaction scores.
  • Developed and implemented a patient check-in process that reduced patient wait times by 20% and improved patient flow through the clinic.
  • Managed patient billing and insurance claims, resulting in a 95% accuracy rate and a 10% reduction in denied claims.
  • Developed and implemented a patient feedback survey, resulting in a 20% increase in patient satisfaction scores and improved patient retention.
  • Managed patient records and ensured compliance with HIPAA regulations, resulting in a 100% compliance rate and zero data breaches.
  • Collaborated with medical staff to ensure timely and accurate patient care, resulting in a 90% patient satisfaction rate for medical services.
  • Managed the reception area and ensured a welcoming and professional environment, resulting in a 95% satisfaction rate among patients and visitors.
  • Implemented a new patient information system, resulting in a 30% reduction in errors and a 20% increase in efficiency.
  • Managed patient inquiries and complaints, resulting in a 90% resolution rate and improved patient satisfaction scores.
  • Patient check-in and registration processes
  • Billing and insurance claim management
  • Patient feedback and satisfaction monitoring
  • HIPAA compliance and patient record management
  • Medical staff collaboration and communication
  • Reception area management and customer service
  • Patient information system implementation and management
  • Patient inquiry and complaint resolution
  • Data entry and electronic health record (EHR) management
  • Medical terminology knowledge
  • Confidentiality and discretion
  • Telephone etiquette and communication skills

Spa Receptionist Resume Example:

  • Implemented a new booking system that reduced wait times by 50% and increased customer satisfaction scores by 15%.
  • Collaborated with the marketing team to create and execute a successful social media campaign, resulting in a 25% increase in new customer bookings.
  • Managed inventory levels and reduced supply costs by 10% through effective monitoring and ordering.
  • Developed and implemented a customer loyalty program, resulting in a 20% increase in repeat business and a 10% increase in overall revenue.
  • Streamlined administrative processes by digitizing customer records and implementing a new database system, reducing administrative errors by 30% and saving 5 hours of work per week.
  • Collaborated with the spa manager to create and execute a successful promotional event, resulting in a 30% increase in bookings for the month.
  • Managed a team of receptionists and implemented a training program, resulting in a 25% increase in customer satisfaction scores and a 10% increase in upselling of spa services.
  • Developed and executed a successful email marketing campaign, resulting in a 15% increase in bookings for the month.
  • Implemented a new payment system that reduced transaction times by 20% and improved accuracy of financial records.
  • Booking and scheduling systems
  • Marketing and promotions
  • Team management and training
  • Digital record-keeping
  • Loyalty program development
  • Upselling techniques
  • Communication and collaboration

Hospital Receptionist Resume Example:

  • Implemented a new patient check-in process, reducing wait times by 20% and improving patient satisfaction scores by 15%.
  • Collaborated with insurance providers to streamline the pre-authorization process, resulting in a 25% reduction in denied claims and a 10% increase in revenue.
  • Developed and maintained a comprehensive patient database, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information for over 5,000 patients.
  • Managed the scheduling and confirmation of over 500 patient appointments per month, maintaining a 95% appointment attendance rate.
  • Implemented a new billing system, reducing billing errors by 30% and improving revenue collection by 20%.
  • Collaborated with hospital staff to develop and implement a new patient discharge process, reducing discharge times by 25%.
  • Developed and implemented a new patient feedback system, resulting in a 20% increase in positive feedback and a 15% decrease in negative feedback.
  • Collaborated with hospital staff to develop and implement a new patient registration process, reducing registration times by 30% and improving patient satisfaction scores by 10%.
  • Managed the ordering and inventory of office supplies, reducing supply costs by 15% while ensuring adequate supplies for hospital staff.
  • Patient check-in and registration
  • Appointment scheduling and confirmation
  • Billing and insurance coordination
  • Patient database management
  • Process improvement and implementation
  • Patient feedback and satisfaction
  • Collaboration with hospital staff
  • Inventory and supply management
  • Time management and organization
  • Problem-solving and critical thinking
  • Adaptability and flexibility
  • Customer service and patient care
  • Confidentiality and HIPAA compliance

Gym Receptionist Resume Example:

  • Implemented a new scheduling system, resulting in a 25% reduction in appointment errors and a 15% increase in class attendance.
  • Developed and executed a social media marketing campaign, resulting in a 10% increase in new member sign-ups within the first month.
  • Resolved a customer complaint regarding billing discrepancies, resulting in a 100% satisfaction rating and a positive online review.
  • Managed the ordering and inventory of gym supplies, reducing costs by 20% and ensuring timely delivery of necessary items.
  • Collaborated with the sales team to increase membership sales by 10% through targeted promotions and outreach efforts.
  • Streamlined the check-in process, reducing wait times by 50% and improving overall customer satisfaction.
  • Implemented a new payment processing system, resulting in a 15% reduction in payment errors and a 20% increase in on-time payments.
  • Created and maintained a database of member information, resulting in a 30% reduction in data entry errors and improved communication with members.
  • Provided administrative support to the gym manager, including scheduling meetings and maintaining records, resulting in improved organization and efficiency of daily operations.
  • Sales and promotion

High Level Resume Tips for Receptionists:

Must-have information for a receptionist resume:.

Here are the essential sections that should exist in an Receptionist resume:

  • Contact Information
  • Resume Headline
  • Resume Summary or Objective
  • Work Experience & Achievements
  • Skills & Competencies

Additionally, if you're eager to make an impression and gain an edge over other Receptionist candidates, you may want to consider adding in these sections:

  • Certifications/Training

Let's start with resume headlines.

Why Resume Headlines & Titles are Important for Receptionists:

Receptionist resume headline examples:, strong headlines.

  • Organized and Personable Receptionist with 5+ years of experience in managing high-volume phone lines and greeting clients with a warm and professional demeanor
  • Detail-Oriented Receptionist with a proven track record of managing complex scheduling and booking systems for busy medical offices
  • Tech-Savvy Receptionist with expertise in managing online booking systems and proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite, ensuring seamless communication and organization for busy offices

Why these are strong:

  • These resume headlines are impactful for Receptionists as they highlight key skills and experiences that are relevant to their roles. The first headline emphasizes the candidate's organizational skills and personable demeanor, which are crucial for managing high-volume phone lines and greeting clients. The second headline showcases the candidate's attention to detail and experience in managing complex scheduling systems, which is particularly important for medical offices. Finally, the third headline highlights the candidate's proficiency in technology and ability to manage online booking systems, which is becoming increasingly important in modern offices. Overall, these headlines effectively communicate the candidate's strengths and value to potential employers.

Weak Headlines

  • Receptionist with Strong Communication Skills
  • Experienced Receptionist Seeking New Opportunity
  • Detail-Oriented Receptionist with Excellent Customer Service Skills

Why these are weak:

  • These resume headlines need improvement for Receptionists as they lack specificity and fail to highlight any unique skills or accomplishments that the candidates bring to the table. The first headline mentions strong communication skills, but doesn't provide any context or examples of how the candidate has used those skills in a receptionist role. The second headline mentions experience, but doesn't specify how many years or what industries the candidate has worked in. The third headline mentions being detail-oriented and having excellent customer service skills, but doesn't provide any examples of how those skills have benefited previous employers or clients.

Writing an Exceptional Receptionist Resume Summary:

Receptionist resume summary examples:, strong summaries.

  • Detail-oriented Receptionist with 5 years of experience in managing front desk operations, providing exceptional customer service, and maintaining accurate records. Skilled in managing high call volumes, scheduling appointments, and handling confidential information with discretion. Proven ability to create a welcoming environment for clients and visitors, resulting in a 95% satisfaction rate.
  • Organized and efficient Receptionist with 3 years of experience in managing administrative tasks, including scheduling appointments, coordinating meetings, and maintaining office supplies. Proficient in managing multiple tasks simultaneously, prioritizing workloads, and ensuring timely completion of projects. Adept at building positive relationships with clients and colleagues, resulting in a 30% increase in client retention.
  • Experienced Receptionist with 7 years of experience in managing front desk operations, including greeting visitors, answering phones, and managing mail and packages. Skilled in using various software programs, including Microsoft Office and Google Suite, to manage calendars, schedule appointments, and create reports. Proven ability to work independently and collaboratively, resulting in a 25% increase in office efficiency.
  • These resume summaries are strong for Receptionists as they highlight the candidates' key skills, experience, and accomplishments in managing front desk operations, providing exceptional customer service, and maintaining accurate records. The first summary emphasizes the candidate's attention to detail and ability to create a welcoming environment for clients and visitors. The second summary showcases the candidate's organizational skills and ability to build positive relationships with clients and colleagues. Lastly, the third summary demonstrates the candidate's proficiency in using various software programs and their ability to work independently and collaboratively, making them highly appealing to potential employers.

Weak Summaries

  • Receptionist with experience in managing phone calls, scheduling appointments, and greeting clients, seeking a new opportunity to utilize my skills in a professional environment.
  • Experienced Receptionist with excellent communication and organizational skills, looking for a challenging role in a fast-paced office setting.
  • Receptionist with a friendly demeanor and strong attention to detail, committed to providing exceptional customer service and ensuring smooth office operations.
  • These resume summaries need improvement for Receptionists as they are too generic and don't effectively showcase the candidates' unique skills or accomplishments. The first summary provides only a general overview of the candidate's experience, without mentioning any specific achievements or industries. The second summary, though mentioning communication and organizational skills, still lacks concrete examples of how the candidate has utilized these skills to improve office operations. The third summary mentions a friendly demeanor and attention to detail, but doesn't provide any quantifiable results or details on the candidate's successes in providing exceptional customer service, which would make their profile more compelling to potential employers.

Resume Objective Examples for Receptionists:

Strong objectives.

  • Detail-oriented and friendly Receptionist with excellent communication skills, seeking a position in a fast-paced environment where I can utilize my organizational abilities and customer service expertise to provide exceptional support to clients and colleagues.
  • Recent graduate with a degree in Hospitality Management, seeking an entry-level Receptionist position to apply my knowledge of front desk operations, guest services, and event planning to create a welcoming and efficient environment for visitors and staff.
  • Experienced Receptionist with a proven track record of managing multiple phone lines, scheduling appointments, and handling administrative tasks, seeking a challenging role in a corporate setting where I can utilize my problem-solving skills and attention to detail to provide top-notch support to executives and team members.
  • These resume objectives are strong for up and coming Receptionists because they showcase the candidates' relevant skills, education, and experience, while also highlighting their eagerness to learn and contribute to the success of the organization. The first objective emphasizes the candidate's communication and organizational skills, which are important attributes for a Receptionist. The second objective showcases the candidate's educational background in Hospitality Management, demonstrating a strong foundation for success in the role. Lastly, the third objective highlights the candidate's experience in managing phone lines and administrative tasks, making them a promising fit for a Receptionist position where they can further develop their skills and provide valuable support to the team.

Weak Objectives

  • Seeking a Receptionist position where I can utilize my communication and organizational skills to contribute to the success of the company.
  • Entry-level Receptionist with some customer service experience, looking to gain more knowledge and experience in the field.
  • Recent graduate with a degree in hospitality management, seeking a Receptionist role to start my career in the industry.
  • These resume objectives need improvement for up and coming Receptionists because they lack specificity and don't effectively showcase the unique value or skills the candidates possess. The first objective is generic and doesn't provide any information about the candidate's background, passion, or relevant experience. The second objective hints at some customer service experience, but it doesn't mention any specific achievements, education, or industries the candidate is interested in. The third objective, although it mentions a degree in hospitality management, doesn't elaborate on the candidate's expertise, skills, or any particular area of receptionist work they are passionate about, which would make their profile more appealing to potential employers.

Generate Your Resume Summary with AI

Speed up your resume creation process with the ai resume builder . generate tailored resume summaries in seconds., how to impress with your receptionist work experience:, best practices for your work experience section:.

  • Emphasize your ability to multitask and prioritize tasks effectively, as receptionists often have to juggle multiple responsibilities simultaneously.
  • Highlight your excellent communication skills, both verbal and written, as receptionists are often the first point of contact for clients and visitors.
  • Showcase your proficiency in managing phone calls, scheduling appointments, and handling administrative tasks efficiently.
  • Demonstrate your ability to maintain a professional and welcoming demeanor, even in high-pressure situations.
  • Mention any experience you have in managing office supplies and inventory, as this is often a key responsibility for receptionists.
  • Call out any experience you have in managing calendars and scheduling meetings for executives or other team members.
  • Highlight any experience you have in managing customer complaints or resolving conflicts in a professional and efficient manner.
  • Lastly, ensure that your language is clear and concise, avoiding any industry jargon or technical terms that may not be familiar to hiring managers.

Example Work Experiences for Receptionists:

Strong experiences.

Managed a high-volume reception area, greeting and directing up to 200 visitors per day, while also answering and directing an average of 50 phone calls per day.

Coordinated and scheduled meetings for up to 10 executives, ensuring timely and accurate communication of meeting details and agendas.

Maintained and organized office supplies and equipment, reducing supply costs by 15% through strategic purchasing and inventory management.

Developed and implemented a new visitor check-in system, reducing wait times by 50% and improving overall visitor satisfaction.

Assisted with the planning and execution of company events, including holiday parties and team-building activities, resulting in increased employee engagement and morale.

Managed and updated the company's online calendar and scheduling system, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information for all employees and visitors.

  • These work experiences are strong because they demonstrate the candidate's ability to manage high-volume reception areas, coordinate and schedule meetings for executives, and maintain office supplies and equipment. Additionally, the candidate's development and implementation of a new visitor check-in system, assistance with company events, and management of the company's online calendar and scheduling system showcase their ability to improve processes and contribute to overall company success.

Weak Experiences

Answered phone calls and directed them to the appropriate department or individual.

Greeted visitors and provided them with necessary information about the company and its services.

Maintained a clean and organized reception area.

Scheduled appointments and meetings for executives and other staff members.

Managed incoming and outgoing mail, including sorting and distributing packages.

Assisted with administrative tasks such as data entry and filing.

  • These work experiences are weak because they lack specificity and do not showcase any unique skills or accomplishments. They provide generic descriptions of tasks performed without highlighting any impact or value brought to the company. To improve these bullet points, the candidate should focus on incorporating metrics or specific examples to demonstrate their effectiveness in their role, as well as highlighting any unique skills or accomplishments that set them apart from other candidates.

Top Skills & Keywords for Receptionist Resumes:

Top hard & soft skills for receptionists, hard skills.

  • Phone Systems and Switchboards
  • Scheduling and Calendar Management
  • Customer Service and Support
  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • Data Entry and Record Keeping
  • Multi-line Phone Systems
  • Filing and Document Management
  • Email Management and Correspondence
  • Front Desk Operations
  • Appointment Setting and Confirmation
  • Cash Handling and Point of Sale Systems
  • Inventory Management and Ordering

Soft Skills

  • Communication and Interpersonal Skills
  • Organization and Attention to Detail
  • Multitasking and Time Management
  • Professionalism and Poise
  • Adaptability and Flexibility
  • Customer Service and Hospitality
  • Problem Solving and Troubleshooting
  • Empathy and Compassion
  • Positive Attitude and Enthusiasm
  • Teamwork and Collaboration
  • Confidentiality and Discretion
  • Technology and Computer Skills

Go Above & Beyond with a Receptionist Cover Letter

Receptionist cover letter example: (based on resume).

Dear Hiring Manager at Company Name,

I am excited to apply for the Receptionist position at your company. With my extensive experience in managing front desk operations and implementing process improvements, I am confident that I can make a valuable contribution to your team.

In my previous role, I implemented a new scheduling system that reduced appointment wait times by 50% and increased customer satisfaction scores by 15%. I also collaborated with the facilities team to redesign the reception area, resulting in a 25% increase in positive feedback from visitors. Additionally, I managed the ordering and inventory of office supplies, reducing costs by 10% through strategic vendor negotiations.

I am also proud of my accomplishments in developing and implementing a comprehensive training program for new receptionists, resulting in a 30% reduction in onboarding time and an increase in overall team productivity by 20%. I collaborated with the HR team to streamline the hiring process, reducing time-to-hire by 15% and increasing the quality of candidates. I also managed the company's contact list, ensuring accuracy and completeness, resulting in a 10% increase in successful outreach and communication.

Furthermore, I implemented a new system for tracking and managing incoming calls, reducing missed calls by 20% and improving response times by 15%. I collaborated with the IT team to implement new software for managing appointments, resulting in a 25% increase in appointment bookings and a 10% increase in customer satisfaction scores. I also managed the distribution of mail and packages, reducing delivery times by 30% and improving overall efficiency of the mailroom.

I am confident that my skills and experience make me a strong candidate for this position. I am a quick learner, detail-oriented, and have excellent communication skills. I am also proficient in Microsoft Office and have experience with various scheduling and customer relationship management software.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further.

[Your Name]

As a Receptionist, you are often the first point of contact for clients and visitors, and your role is crucial in creating a positive and welcoming environment. Similarly, pairing your resume with a well-crafted cover letter can make a lasting impression on potential employers and significantly increase your chances of landing an interview. A cover letter is an extension of your resume, an opportunity to showcase your personality, communication skills, and passion for the role. Contrary to common belief, crafting a compelling cover letter doesn't have to be a daunting task, and the benefits far outweigh the effort required.

Here are some compelling reasons for submitting a cover letter as a Receptionist:

  • Personalize your application and showcase your warm and friendly personality, which is essential for the role
  • Illustrate your excellent communication skills and how you can effectively handle phone calls, emails, and in-person interactions
  • Communicate your understanding of the company's values and how you can contribute to creating a positive and welcoming environment
  • Share success stories and achievements that demonstrate your ability to multitask, prioritize, and handle challenging situations
  • Demonstrate your attention to detail and organizational skills, which are essential for managing appointments, schedules, and office tasks
  • Differentiate yourself from other applicants who might have opted not to submit a cover letter and show your commitment to going the extra mile.

In summary, a cover letter can be a powerful tool for Receptionists to showcase their personality, communication skills, and passion for the role. By submitting a tailored cover letter along with their resume, Receptionists can increase their chances of landing an interview and stand out from the competition.

Resume FAQs for Receptionists:

How long should i make my receptionist resume.

A Receptionist's resume should ideally be one page long. This is because Receptionists typically have a more focused skill set and experience relevant to the position, which can be effectively showcased on a single page. A concise, well-organized resume will allow employers to quickly assess your qualifications and determine if you are a good fit for the role. Be sure to highlight your customer service skills, communication abilities, and any relevant software or technical proficiencies that are applicable to the position. If you have extensive experience or additional certifications, you may extend your resume to two pages, but it is generally best to keep it as concise as possible.

What is the best way to format a Receptionist resume?

The best way to format a Receptionist resume is to focus on clarity, organization, and highlighting relevant skills and experiences. Here are some tips for creating an ideal Receptionist resume: 1. Choose a clean and professional layout: Use a simple font like Arial or Calibri, and keep the font size between 10 and 12 points. Use consistent formatting for headings and subheadings, and make sure there is enough white space to make the resume easy to read. 2. Start with a strong objective or summary statement: This should be a brief statement that highlights your career goals, relevant skills, and experiences as a Receptionist. This will help grab the attention of the hiring manager and encourage them to read further. 3. Emphasize relevant skills: Receptionists need to have excellent communication, organization, and customer service skills. Make sure to highlight these skills in your resume, along with any

Which Receptionist skills are most important to highlight in a resume?

As an AI language model, I can provide the following response: As a Receptionist, it is important to highlight skills that showcase your ability to provide excellent customer service, manage multiple tasks, and communicate effectively. Some important skills to highlight in your resume include: 1. Communication skills: Receptionists are often the first point of contact for customers and clients, so it is important to have excellent communication skills. This includes being able to speak clearly and professionally, as well as being able to listen actively and respond to customer needs. 2. Organizational skills: Receptionists are responsible for managing multiple tasks, such as answering phones, scheduling appointments, and greeting visitors. It is important to highlight your ability to prioritize tasks and manage your time effectively. 3. Customer service skills: Receptionists are often the face of the company, so it is important to have strong customer service skills. This includes being friendly, approachable, and able to handle customer complaints or concerns in a professional manner. 4. Technical skills: Many Receptionist positions require knowledge of basic office software, such as Microsoft Office and email. Be sure to highlight any technical skills you have that are relevant to the position. Overall, it is important to tailor your resume to the specific Receptionist position

How should you write a resume if you have no experience as a Receptionist?

If you have no experience as a Receptionist, don't worry! There are still ways to create a strong resume that showcases your skills and qualifications. Here are some tips: 1. Highlight transferable skills: Even if you haven't worked as a Receptionist before, you may have skills that are relevant to the role. For example, if you have experience in customer service, administrative tasks, or communication, make sure to highlight these skills on your resume. 2. Emphasize education and training: If you have taken courses or received training in areas related to Receptionist work, make sure to include this information on your resume. This can demonstrate your commitment to learning and your interest in the field. 3. Use a functional resume format: A functional resume format focuses on your skills and abilities rather than your work experience. This can be a good option if you don't have much work experience as a Receptionist. Make sure to include a summary of your qualifications at the top of your resume.

Compare Your Receptionist Resume to a Job Description:

  • Identify opportunities to further tailor your resume to the Receptionist job
  • Improve your keyword usage to align your experience and skills with the position
  • Uncover and address potential gaps in your resume that may be important to the hiring manager

Related Resumes for Receptionists:

Receptionist resume example, front desk receptionist resume example, medical receptionist resume example, dental receptionist resume example, entry level receptionist resume example, veterinary receptionist resume example, hotel receptionist resume example, salon receptionist resume example, office receptionist resume example, legal receptionist resume example, spa receptionist resume example, gym receptionist resume example, hospital receptionist resume example, more resume guidance:.

Administrative Assistant

Top 12 Receptionist Skills to Put on Your Resume

A well-crafted resume highlighting key receptionist skills can significantly enhance your job prospects in the administrative field. Showcasing a blend of technical, organizational, and interpersonal abilities demonstrates to potential employers your readiness to manage front desk operations efficiently and contribute positively to the workplace environment.

Top 12 Receptionist Skills to Put on Your Resume

Receptionist Skills

  • Multitasking
  • Microsoft Office
  • Customer Service
  • Telephone Etiquette
  • Scheduling (e.g., Calendly)
  • CRM Software (e.g., Salesforce)
  • Typing Speed
  • Email Management (e.g., Outlook)
  • Billing Software (e.g., QuickBooks)
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Bilingual (Specify languages)

1. Multitasking

Multitasking, in the context of a receptionist, involves simultaneously handling multiple tasks efficiently, such as answering phones, greeting visitors, scheduling appointments, and performing administrative duties.

Why It's Important

Multitasking is crucial for a receptionist as it enables them to efficiently handle multiple tasks simultaneously, such as answering calls, greeting visitors, and managing schedules, ensuring smooth and effective front desk operations.

How to Improve Multitasking Skills

To improve multitasking, especially for a receptionist role, focus on prioritizing tasks, reducing distractions, and practicing task switching. Develop a system for organizing tasks by urgency and importance. Minimize interruptions by designating specific times to check emails or messages. Regularly practicing shifting between tasks can also enhance your multitasking abilities, making transitions smoother and less time-consuming.

For more detailed strategies:

Prioritizing Tasks : Learn to identify and categorize tasks by urgency and importance. MindTools offers insights on effective prioritization.

Reducing Distractions : Implement strategies to minimize interruptions. Healthline provides practical tips to reduce distractions.

Practicing Task Switching : Improve your ability to switch tasks efficiently. Verywell Mind explores the psychology behind multitasking and how to get better at it.

Enhancing these skills can lead to more efficient multitasking, crucial for a receptionist managing multiple duties simultaneously.

How to Display Multitasking Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Multitasking Skills on Your Resume

2. Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office is a suite of productivity applications including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook, used for tasks like document creation, data management, presentations, and email communication, essential for a receptionist's daily tasks.

Microsoft Office is essential for a Receptionist as it enables efficient handling of daily tasks such as scheduling appointments in Outlook, managing contacts, creating documents and correspondence in Word, organizing data in Excel, and preparing presentations in PowerPoint, thereby ensuring smooth office operations and professional communication.

How to Improve Microsoft Office Skills

Improving Microsoft Office for a receptionist involves enhancing efficiency, organization, and communication capabilities. Here are concise suggestions:

  • Utilize Templates : Templates for documents, spreadsheets, and presentations can save time and ensure consistency.
  • Master Shortcuts : Learning keyboard shortcuts can significantly speed up work.
  • Explore Outlook Rules : Automating email organization with Outlook Rules helps manage communications efficiently.
  • Customize Quick Access Toolbar : Tailoring the Quick Access Toolbar in Office applications can streamline frequent tasks.
  • Utilize OneNote for Organization : OneNote can be a powerful tool for managing notes, tasks, and meeting minutes in one place.
  • Leverage Excel for Data Management : Mastering Excel functions for managing appointments, contacts, and inventory can be invaluable.
  • Use PowerPoint for Signage : Creating digital signage with PowerPoint for the reception area can be an innovative way to welcome guests.

By focusing on these key areas, a receptionist can significantly enhance their productivity and effectiveness using Microsoft Office.

How to Display Microsoft Office Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Microsoft Office Skills on Your Resume

3. Customer Service

Customer service, in the context of a Receptionist, involves greeting visitors, answering inquiries, providing information, and ensuring a welcoming and efficient front-desk experience for clients and guests.

Customer service is crucial for a receptionist as it sets the first impression of the organization, ensures customer satisfaction, fosters positive relationships, and contributes to retaining clients by addressing their needs promptly and efficiently.

How to Improve Customer Service Skills

Improving customer service, especially as a receptionist, involves enhancing communication skills, being proactive, and leveraging technology to streamline processes. Here are concise strategies:

Enhance Communication Skills : Receptionists should practice active listening and clear, concise responses. MindTools offers practical tips on improving these skills.

Be Proactive : Anticipate customer needs and address them before they escalate. Forbes discusses strategies for developing proactive behavior.

Use Technology : Implement tools like CRM systems for better customer data management. Salesforce provides a robust platform for managing customer interactions efficiently.

Continual Training : Regularly update your skills and knowledge to stay ahead. LinkedIn Learning offers courses on various aspects of customer service.

Seek Feedback : Regularly solicit feedback from customers to improve service. SurveyMonkey is a useful tool for creating customer surveys.

By focusing on these areas, receptionists can significantly improve the quality of customer service they provide.

How to Display Customer Service Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Customer Service Skills on Your Resume

4. Data Entry

Data entry, in the context of a receptionist, involves accurately recording and updating information in a company's system, such as client details, appointments, and messages, ensuring that data is organized and accessible.

Data entry is crucial for a receptionist as it ensures accurate and organized recording of client information, appointments, and communications, facilitating effective service delivery and operational efficiency.

How to Improve Data Entry Skills

To improve data entry, especially for a receptionist, follow these concise tips:

Use Data Entry Software : Opt for specialized data entry software to streamline the process and reduce errors.

Touch Typing : Practice touch typing to increase speed and accuracy without looking at the keyboard.

Data Validation Rules : Implement data validation rules in your software to prevent incorrect data entries.

Regular Training : Engage in ongoing training sessions to stay updated on best practices and software updates.

Shortcuts and Macros : Learn and use keyboard shortcuts and macros to speed up repetitive tasks.

Maintain a Clean Workspace : A organized workspace can significantly improve focus and efficiency.

By incorporating these strategies, receptionists can enhance their data entry skills, leading to higher accuracy and efficiency.

How to Display Data Entry Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Data Entry Skills on Your Resume

5. Telephone Etiquette

Telephone etiquette for a receptionist involves courteously and professionally managing calls, including greeting callers warmly, listening attentively, speaking clearly, efficiently handling inquiries or concerns, and ensuring a positive and helpful interaction.

Telephone etiquette is crucial for a receptionist as it sets the first impression of the organization, ensures clear and effective communication, and demonstrates professionalism, thereby fostering a positive image and relationship with callers.

How to Improve Telephone Etiquette Skills

Improving telephone etiquette, especially for a receptionist, involves several key steps aimed at enhancing communication and professionalism during calls. Here are concise tips:

Answer Promptly : Aim to answer calls within three rings to show attentiveness. Mind Tools suggests this demonstrates respect for the caller's time.

Greet Professionally : Start with a warm, professional greeting. Include your name and the company's to establish a personal connection. Indeed emphasizes the importance of a positive first impression.

Listen Actively : Pay close attention to the caller's queries or concerns, showing empathy and understanding. This involves not interrupting and clarifying doubts respectfully. SkillsYouNeed highlights active listening as a critical component of effective communication.

Speak Clearly : Ensure you're articulate and your speech is not rushed. This helps in avoiding misunderstandings. Monster advises on the significance of clear communication.

Handle Holds and Transfers with Care : Always ask permission before placing someone on hold or transferring the call, explaining why it's necessary. The Balance Careers provides insights on managing calls professionally.

End Calls Positively : Conclude with a courteous closing, ensuring all the caller's needs have been addressed. This leaves a lasting positive impression.

By implementing these strategies, a receptionist can significantly improve their telephone etiquette, leading to better customer satisfaction and professional communication.

How to Display Telephone Etiquette Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Telephone Etiquette Skills on Your Resume

6. Scheduling (e.g., Calendly)

Scheduling, as utilized by tools like Calendly, is a digital method for arranging appointments, meetings, or events by finding mutually available times. For a receptionist, it streamlines the process of booking, rescheduling, or canceling appointments without the need for back-and-forth communication, thereby enhancing efficiency and organization.

Scheduling tools like Calendly streamline appointment management for a receptionist, optimizing time allocation, minimizing scheduling conflicts, and enhancing the overall efficiency of managing appointments.

How to Improve Scheduling (e.g., Calendly) Skills

Improving scheduling, particularly for a receptionist, involves leveraging efficient tools and strategies to manage appointments seamlessly. Here are concise ways to enhance scheduling efficiency:

Adopt Advanced Scheduling Software : Utilize comprehensive scheduling tools like Calendly that offer flexibility, allowing clients to book their own appointments based on real-time availability, reducing the back-and-forth communication.

Integrate with Other Tools : Ensure your scheduling software integrates with your calendar systems (e.g., Google Calendar, Outlook) for real-time updates. Integration capabilities can be checked on the respective software’s feature page, like Calendly’s integrations.

Automate Reminders and Follow-ups : Use features within your scheduling tool to send automated reminders and follow-up messages to reduce no-shows. This feature is often highlighted in tool documentation or support sections, similar to Calendly’s email and text reminders.

Simplify the Booking Process : Ensure the booking process is straightforward, requiring minimal steps to complete an appointment. This involves customizing the scheduling page for clarity, which can be managed within the scheduling tool’s settings.

Regularly Update Availability : Keep your availability up-to-date to reflect real-time scheduling options, preventing overbooking or scheduling conflicts.

Secure and Compliant Data Handling : Choose scheduling solutions that comply with data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA) to ensure client information is handled securely. Check the security features of tools like Calendly on their security page .

Train and Educate : Ensure the receptionist and team are well-trained on utilizing the full capabilities of the chosen scheduling tool. Most tools offer training resources, such as Calendly’s webinar and training options.

By implementing these strategies and leveraging robust scheduling tools, receptionists can significantly enhance scheduling efficiency, providing a smoother experience for both staff and clients.

How to Display Scheduling (e.g., Calendly) Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Scheduling (e.g., Calendly) Skills on Your Resume

7. CRM Software (e.g., Salesforce)

CRM software, like Salesforce, is a tool that helps manage interactions with customers and potential clients, organizing their information and facilitating communication to enhance relationships and service delivery. For a receptionist, it can streamline appointment scheduling, keep track of contacts, and improve customer service efficiency.

CRM software is important for a receptionist because it centralizes customer information, streamlines communication, and improves customer service efficiency, enabling the receptionist to provide personalized and prompt assistance to clients.

How to Improve CRM Software (e.g., Salesforce) Skills

To improve CRM software like Salesforce for receptionists, focus on customization, automation, and integration:

Customization : Tailor the user interface to show only relevant information for receptionists, such as upcoming appointments and visitor logs. Salesforce offers customization options to streamline the dashboard and modules based on the role of the user.

Automation : Implement automation for repetitive tasks such as appointment scheduling, sending reminders, and follow-ups. Salesforce’s Process Automation capabilities can help in setting up these workflows, reducing manual work.

Integration : Integrate CRM with email, calendar, and communication tools (e.g., Microsoft Outlook, Google Calendar) to provide a unified platform for managing interactions and schedules. Salesforce integrations can enhance efficiency by synchronizing data across applications.

Training and Support : Ensure receptionists have access to training resources and support for the CRM. Salesforce Trailhead offers customized learning paths to help users of all levels improve their skills.

Feedback Loop : Establish a feedback loop where receptionists can report challenges and request enhancements. This ongoing input can guide further customization and improvements.

By focusing on these areas, CRM software can become more user-friendly and effective for receptionists, enhancing overall productivity and customer service.

How to Display CRM Software (e.g., Salesforce) Skills on Your Resume

How to Display CRM Software (e.g., Salesforce) Skills on Your Resume

8. Typing Speed

Typing speed, for a receptionist, refers to the number of words they can accurately type per minute, indicating their efficiency in handling written communication and data entry tasks.

Typing speed is important for a receptionist because it enables efficient handling of administrative tasks, such as writing emails, taking notes, and managing schedules, thereby improving productivity and ensuring smooth communication.

How to Improve Typing Speed Skills

To boost your typing speed, especially valuable for a receptionist role, follow these concise tips:

Learn Touch Typing : Familiarize yourself with the keyboard layout and practice typing without looking at the keys. Begin with free online courses at TypingClub .

Regular Practice : Dedicate specific time daily to practice typing. Websites like 10FastFingers offer typing tests to track progress.

Improve Posture : Sit straight, keep your feet flat on the ground, and adjust your chair to keep the keyboard at wrist level. Proper posture reduces fatigue and increases typing speed.

Use Shortcuts : Master keyboard shortcuts for common tasks to save time. Find a comprehensive guide at ShortcutWorld .

Type More : Incorporate more typing into your daily routine. The more you type, the more familiar and faster you'll become.

By consistently applying these strategies, you'll notice a significant improvement in your typing speed and efficiency, essential for excelling as a receptionist.

How to Display Typing Speed Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Typing Speed Skills on Your Resume

9. Email Management (e.g., Outlook)

Email management in the context of a receptionist involves organizing, prioritizing, and responding to incoming emails efficiently to ensure smooth communication and operational flow within an organization, using platforms like Outlook.

Email management, especially in tools like Outlook, is crucial for receptionists as it enables efficient organization and prioritization of incoming communications, ensuring timely responses to clients and colleagues, maintaining professional relationships, and supporting overall office productivity.

How to Improve Email Management (e.g., Outlook) Skills

Improving email management, especially for a receptionist who handles a high volume of emails daily, involves implementing strategies for organization, prioritization, and efficiency. Here are concise steps to enhance email management in Outlook:

Organize with Folders and Categories : Create specific folders for different types of emails (e.g., Inquiries, Bookings, Feedback) and use categories to color-code emails by priority or type. Microsoft's guide on organizing email provides detailed instructions.

Utilize Rules : Automate email sorting and prioritization by setting up rules. This can help in automatically moving emails to designated folders based on criteria like sender or keywords. Learn to create rules in Outlook.

Master Keyboard Shortcuts : Save time by learning and using Outlook keyboard shortcuts for common tasks like sending, replying, and moving emails. Outlook shortcuts can significantly speed up your workflow.

Schedule Email Time : Allocate specific times of the day for checking and responding to emails. This helps in managing time more effectively and reduces the constant interruption of incoming emails.

Use Flags and Tasks : Utilize the flagging feature to mark emails that require follow-up. Convert emails into tasks if they require more time or action at a later date. Here's how to use flags and reminders in Outlook.

Clean Up Conversations : Use Outlook's Clean Up feature to remove redundant messages from email threads, keeping your inbox more manageable. This Outlook feature is particularly useful for long email threads.

Archive Old Emails : Regularly archive old emails that are no longer immediately necessary but might be needed for future reference. Outlook's archive feature helps in keeping the inbox clean without permanently deleting important emails.

Implementing these strategies can significantly improve email management in Outlook, making it easier to stay organized, prioritize tasks, and maintain efficiency throughout the workday.

How to Display Email Management (e.g., Outlook) Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Email Management (e.g., Outlook) Skills on Your Resume

10. Billing Software (e.g., QuickBooks)

Billing software, such as QuickBooks, is a digital tool used for generating invoices, tracking payments, and managing financial transactions, helping ensure accuracy and efficiency in financial record-keeping.

Billing software like QuickBooks is important for a receptionist because it streamlines the process of invoicing, tracking payments, and managing financial records efficiently, allowing for better customer service and organizational accuracy.

How to Improve Billing Software (e.g., QuickBooks) Skills

To improve billing software like QuickBooks for a receptionist's use, consider the following concise strategies:

User-Friendly Interface : Ensure the interface is intuitive and easy to navigate. Intuit frequently updates QuickBooks for enhanced user experience.

Customization : Allow customization of invoices and reports to fit the specific needs of the business. QuickBooks Customization offers insights on this.

Integration Capabilities : Integrate with other tools the receptionist might use (e.g., CRM, email). QuickBooks Integration presents various compatible apps.

Automation Features : Implement automation for recurring invoices and payment reminders to save time. Automate Invoices in QuickBooks guides on setting this up.

Training and Support : Provide easy access to training materials and support for troubleshooting. QuickBooks offers a Learning Center and a Support Page for assistance.

Security Features : Ensure the software has robust security measures to protect financial data. QuickBooks details their Security Commitment online.

Implementing these improvements can significantly enhance the billing process for a receptionist, making it more efficient and user-friendly.

How to Display Billing Software (e.g., QuickBooks) Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Billing Software (e.g., QuickBooks) Skills on Your Resume

11. Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution, in the context of a receptionist's role, involves effectively addressing and managing disputes or disagreements between guests, clients, or staff to achieve a peaceful and satisfactory outcome for all parties involved.

Conflict resolution is crucial for a receptionist as it ensures a welcoming, calm environment, promotes effective communication, maintains professional relationships, and prevents minor misunderstandings from escalating into larger issues that could disrupt workplace harmony and customer satisfaction.

How to Improve Conflict Resolution Skills

Improving conflict resolution, especially for a receptionist, involves developing key skills and adopting effective strategies. Here are concise tips:

Active Listening : Understand the concerns and needs of all parties by listening actively. MindTools offers insights into enhancing this skill.

Empathy : Showing empathy can de-escalate conflicts. Learn about empathy in the workplace at Verywell Mind .

Clear Communication : Communicate clearly and professionally. The Toastmasters International site provides tips on effective communication.

Problem-Solving Skills : Approach conflicts with a problem-solving attitude. MindTools has resources for developing these skills.

Stay Calm : Maintain your composure to think clearly and respond appropriately. HelpGuide offers strategies for stress management.

Know When to Escalate : Recognize situations that require higher management intervention. The Balance Careers discusses when and how to escalate issues.

By focusing on these areas, receptionists can effectively manage and resolve conflicts, ensuring a positive environment for both employees and clients.

How to Display Conflict Resolution Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Conflict Resolution Skills on Your Resume

12. Bilingual (Specify languages)

Bilingual (English and Spanish): A receptionist who is fluent in both English and Spanish, capable of effectively communicating, assisting, and providing services to speakers of both languages.

Being bilingual, especially in English and Spanish, is crucial for a receptionist as it significantly enhances communication with a broader range of clients, ensures efficient service delivery, and fosters an inclusive and welcoming environment for all visitors, regardless of their primary language.

How to Improve Bilingual (Specify languages) Skills

Improving bilingual skills, especially for a receptionist role, involves enhancing proficiency in both languages you're working with. Assuming the languages are English and Spanish, here are concise tips:

Practice Regularly : Engage in daily conversations in both languages. Use language exchange platforms like Tandem to find conversation partners.

Take Online Courses : Enroll in online courses for both English and Spanish to improve grammar and vocabulary. Websites like Duolingo or Babbel offer interactive lessons.

Watch and Listen : Consume media in both languages. Watch movies, TV shows, and news. Switching subtitles between the languages can also be beneficial. Try platforms like Netflix or YouTube .

Read Regularly : Read books, newspapers, and online articles in both languages. Websites like BBC Mundo for Spanish and BBC News for English are good starts.

Use Language Learning Apps : Incorporate apps designed to improve vocabulary and conversational skills. Rosetta Stone offers solutions for both English and Spanish learning.

Practice Writing : Engage in writing emails or keeping a journal in both languages. This enhances grammar and spelling.

Join Language Groups or Clubs : Participate in local or online language exchange meetups. Websites like Meetup can help you find relevant groups.

Implementing these strategies consistently will significantly improve your bilingual skills, making you a more effective receptionist in English and Spanish.

How to Display Bilingual (Specify languages) Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Bilingual (Specify languages) Skills on Your Resume

Related Career Skills

  • Receptionist Assistant
  • Salon Receptionist
  • Corporate Receptionist
  • Desk Receptionist
  • Medical Receptionist
  • Office Receptionist

How to List Computer Skills on a Resume (Computer Skill Examples)

This article breaks down how to list computer skills in a resume using real resume examples. For other professional skills, check out this  article on how to include 50+ examples of skills on a resume . 

In today’s information and technology age, it’s no surprise that job seekers with strong computer skills land far more jobs than those who don’t. From laptops to POS systems and from RFID scanners to mobile phones, almost every job today requires you to work hand-and-hand with technology.

To make sure you have the computer skills on your resume that hiring managers are looking for, this guide will walk you through how to add the right computer skills, plus 50+ computer skill examples.

This resume writing article will cover:

  • What Are Computer Skills? And Why Are Computer Skills Important?
  • Types of Computer Skills
  • Levels of Computer Skill Proficiency
  • Where and How to Incorporate Computer Skills On Your Resume
  • Top 50+ Computer Skills Hiring Managers Look for On Resumes
  • The Fastest Ways to Acquire New Computer Skills

What Are Computer Skills? Why Are Computer Skills Important?

Computer skills are the ability to utilize computers and technology efficiently.

With the rise of technology, the computer skills you have can set you apart when applying for a new job. When you think about it, there are seldom positions that remain free from technology. Even trades that traditionally didn’t require computers, like farming, landscaping, and handymen, now use technology for marketing, accounting, and reservations.

Every professional position requires the use of certain technology, ranging from hardware to computer applications. Likewise, every professional has a unique set of computer skills with varying levels of proficiency. Finding the perfect fit between what’s needed and what someone has is the sole mission of a hiring managers when looking for a new employee. If the hiring manager is able to find someone that has all of the computer skills necessary, they won’t need to spend so much time and money on training, which means they will get a quicker return on their hiring investment.

But how can hiring managers tell if you have the computer skills needed for their role?

First and foremost, hiring managers will look at your resume. Typically, hiring managers spend no more than 6 seconds reviewing a resume and during that time they are looking to see if the computer skills needed jump out.

As a job seeker, it is your responsibility to know what computer skills are necessary for each role. It is also your responsibility to put those computer skills on your resume in a way that stands out.

Types of Computer Skills (Resume Examples)

Computer skills can be broken down into categories and levels of proficiency. Before we discuss how to incorporate computer skills on your resume, let’s discover the basic computer skills categories and assess your level of proficiency.

Skill Categories

Computer skills can be broken down into 13 main categories.

Typing – The process of writing or inputting text, typically using a keyboard

Mouse – Navigating a two-dimensional surface with a pointer, using a standalone mouse, touchpad, or touchscreen

Internet – Using the internet to browse and research

Email – Using text to correspond with other users through the internet using an email application or browser

Hardware – The physical elements of technology, including keyboards, cases, cables, screens, and touchpads

Operating Systems – The critical, low-level software that supports all other applications

Word Processing – Using a text editing application, such as Notepad or Word, to write and modify text

Presentations – Creating engaging, visual presentations using applications like Prezi and PowerPoint

Graphics – Creating and manipulating visual elements

Multimedia – Using sound, images, and video to create multi-faceted elements

Spreadsheets – Using applications, such as Excel, to input, edit, calculate, and manipulate numbers and data

Databases – Storing numbers and data in a central location

Programming – Using programming languages to write, edit, and manipulate software applications

Levels of Proficiency

There are many assessments used in the job market to assess a candidate’s level of computer skill proficiency. One of the most widely used is the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools, also knows as ICAS. The ICAS Digital Technologies assessment assesses skills and knowledge in the above technology categories and then grades your level of proficiency using a letter rating between A and H.

The rating system most hiring managers are familiar with though is simply rating your computer skills as either fundamental, basic, intermediate, or advanced. We will go through each of these categories and will give examples of your expected knowledge for each.

Fundamental Computer Skills

Fundamental computer skills include typing and using a mouse. Possessing fundamental computer skills mean you have no to little computer experience or training. At a fundamental level of computer proficiency, you should be able to:

  • Identify the basic components of a computer (keyboard, mouse, screen, etc.)
  • Understand menu bars
  • Create, save and delete documents
  • Operate the print function
  • Recognize icons (sound, internet, video, etc.)

Basic Computer Skills

One level up from fundamental proficiency is basic computer skills. Possessing basic computer skills requires a small amount of computer experience, including a basic understanding of email, word processing, graphics, and spreadsheets. At a basic level of computer proficiency, you should be able to:

  • Write, modify, and edit text using a word processing application
  • Create and format simple spreadsheets
  • Create basic presentations
  • Know how to forward and cc emails
  • Understand how to search, assess search results, and download information from the internet

Intermediate Computer Skills

Intermediate computer skills build upon the basic level of proficiency. Intermediate computer skills require a moderate amount of previous computer experience, including a moderate understanding of operating systems, word processing, graphics, spreadsheets, and databases. At an intermediate level of computer proficiency, you should be able to:

  • Understand operating systems
  • Understand how to use flash drives and memory cards
  • Know how to insert hyperlinks and tables on word processing applications
  • Understand how to insert links and videos into presentations
  • Know how to use CD, DVD, and mp3 players
  • Modify your signature, recognize and sort spam, and recognize file formats when using email
  • Conduct complex sorting, applying filters, and using different views on spreadsheets and databases

Advanced Computer Skills

The final level of proficiency is advanced computer skills. At this stage, you will be able to use word processing, email, the internet, and spreadsheets to their fullest capacity. You will also start to understand basic software development and programming principles. At an advanced level of computer proficiency, you should be able to:

  • Understand computer hardware and software components
  • Execute complex operations, formatting, and tables in word processing applications
  • Integrate multimedia elements into presentations
  • Create distribution lists and complete advanced file transfers using email
  • Create ‘if’ statements, create complex graphs/charts, and use complex functions like macros and VLOOKUP in spreadsheets
  • Have a fundamental understanding of programming principles and concepts

Where and How To Include Computer Skills On Your Resume

Your computer skills must be incorporated throughout your entire resume, rather than being stuck in one area. When hiring managers review a resume, they scan over each section, from top to bottom, which is why it is important to include your computer skills in these 3 main areas: The professional summary, the key skills, and the experience sections.

If writing your resume from scratch, we suggest using this free and easy-to-use resume builder . When using a resume template, all sections and formatting is done for you, all you need to do is fill in rich, engaging content.  

Professional Summary Section

At the top of your resume, below the header and contact information, comes a professional summary section. This section could be titled ‘Professional Summary’ or ‘Summary’ but avoid calling it an ‘Objective’. An objective statement is an old-school resume writing approach and is seldom used in today’s job market.

Your professional summary section will be 1-3 sentences in length. This should include your title, years of experience, and the top skills that set you apart.

If using the resume builder , the ‘True Red’, ‘Doppio’, and ‘Large; resume templates have professional summary sections that are sure to stand out.

Professional summary resume example: 

professional summary example of computer skills

Summary of Skills Section

Following your professional summary comes a ‘summary of skills’ section. Alternative titles for this section could be ‘technical skills’, ‘key skills’, or ‘core competencies’.

Your skills section should be written in list form. Depending on the amount of skills you want to include, you can either list them out separately or arrange them into categories. A good rule of thumb is 10 skills or less should be separate, while more than 10 skills should be categorized.

Summary of skills resume example: 

technical skills for computer skills resume example

Experience Section

After your summary of skills comes an experience section. Alternative titles for this section include ‘professional experience’, ‘work experience’, and ‘relevant experience’.

The experience section should be written listing your most recent employer first. For each professional position, include the company name, your title, the dates of employment, and 3-5 bullet points detailing your daily responsibilities.

When writing your responsibilities, sprinkle as many computer skills in as you can. This will validate the computer skills you have listed in your skills section by explaining how and where you used each of them.  

Experience section resume example: 

professional experience computer skills resume example

What Computer Skills Should You Include on Your Resume?

There are three easy-to-follow steps to figure out what computer skills you should include on your resume. The computer skills you include depend on both your background and the types of positions you are applying to.

Step #1: Create a master list of your computer skills

Go through each category and create a master list of each and every computer skill you have in your toolbox. When creating your master list, write every skill, no matter how obvious it may seem. Although some computer skills might seem obvious given your profession, many hiring managers still want to see these skills listed.

The important thing is to never write a computer skill that you aren’t comfortable with. If you include it, hiring managers will expect you can deliver. If you are ever worried about a hiring manager over or underestimating your level of proficiency, add ‘fundamental’, ‘basic’, ‘intermediate’, or ‘advanced’ in parentheses next to the skill listed.

Job post example (with highlighted skills):

job post example of resume computer skills

Step #2: Figure out the computer skills required for the job

When applying for a new position, you must first identify the computer skills needed. To figure this out, go through each job description and highlight each thing that relates to a technology, software, or application.

Then create a list with the computer skills described, making sure to write each skill using the same wording that is used in the job description.

Step #3: Match your master list with the computer skills required for each position

The computer skills you include on your resume should be the items that overlap between your master list and the list of computer skills needed.

A general rule of thumb is to never include skills that aren’t relevant to the job you are applying for. For example, if you are applying for a landscaping position, there is no need to include that you know computer programming.

50+ Computer Skills Hiring Managers Want In Resumes

To make sure your resume has the computer skills hiring managers look for, go through this list to check out the top computer skills needed for each type of category and position.

Graphic Design & Word Processing

Spreadsheets & databases, how to learn new computer skills.

Are you worried about not having the computer skills needed for a position? If so, there are plenty of tools to help you get up to speed quickly.

The first option is to enroll in a course at a local school or library. For beginners, many public libraries teach basic computer skills, so ask your neighborhood branch when the next lesson is. If you are more advanced, consider enrolling in a technology certification course at a local community college. They are cheaper and require less time than a full-out degree program.

The second option is to use an online platform. There are so many free and cheap computer skills courses available, ranging from YouTube videos to eLearning platforms like Lynda, Udemy, and Skillshare. But of course, you will need to have mastered fundamental computer proficiency, like internet browsing and typing, before you can get there.

More Skill-Related Articles For Resume Writing:

  • How to List Skills on a Resume (50+ Resume Skill Examples)
  • How To List Hard Skills On A Resume (50+ Hard Skill Examples)

13 Receptionist Resume Examples & Writing Guide

Create a receptionist resume that gets you hired, with 13 real resume examples and a step-by-step writing guide. Learn how to effectively highlight your skills and experience to impress employers. By implementing our expert tips and using our resume samples as inspiration, you'll be well on your way to landing your next receptionist role.


A great receptionist resume can open the door to exciting job opportunities. But putting together a resume that highlights your customer service skills, administrative abilities and friendly personality isn't always easy. Where do you start? What should you include? How do you format it?

This guide breaks down the process into simple steps. It shares the most important things to focus on in your receptionist resume - like your relevant work history, key skills and strongest personality traits. It also provides 13 real-world examples of well-written receptionist resumes. Use them as inspiration and templates when creating your own.

By the end of this article, you'll know exactly how to write a receptionist resume that impresses hiring managers and lands you interviews. Plus, you'll have a collection of resume samples to reference whenever you need guidance or a creativity boost. Let's dive in and start crafting a receptionist resume that will take your job search to the next level.

Common Responsibilities Listed on Receptionist Resumes

  • Greeting and welcoming visitors, clients, or customers to the organization
  • Answering and directing incoming calls, emails, and inquiries
  • Maintaining visitor logs and issuing visitor badges or passes
  • Coordinating the scheduling and management of meetings and appointments
  • Providing administrative support to the office or company staff
  • Receiving, sorting, and distributing mail, packages, and other deliveries
  • Maintaining office equipment and supplies inventory
  • Handling and processing invoices, bills, and payments
  • Updating and maintaining accurate employee and client records
  • Enforcing office policies and procedures for visitors and staff
  • Maintaining a professional and organized front desk area
  • Assisting with coordinating travel arrangements and logistics

How to write a Resume Summary

The summary or objective section of your resume offers that critical opening impression for your prospective employers. While it’s just one minor part of an entire resume, it possesses great power. You can consider this part as a pitch about who you are, your capabilities, and how you could add value to the organization even in the position of a receptionist. Here is a simplified guideline on drafting the best summary or objective section.

Begin with a Powerful Sentence

Maintain clarity and conciseness while writing the first sentence. This should be the core of your professional identity and the most significant advantage you bring as a receptionist.

Spotlight your Skills

Recognize the skills you've acquired throughout your career as a receptionist that align with the position you're seeking at your desired company. It could be your excellent communication skills, organizational prowess, besides others, which are highly valued in a receptionist's role.

Quantify Your Experience

Using specific numbers to highlight your experience brings added credibility to your resume. Ensure that the numbers you provide paint a concise picture of your abilities. You could include the number of clients you handle each week, percentage of customer issues you've resolved, or any other metrics that testify to your effectiveness as a receptionist.

Highlight Qualifications

If you hold specific certifications or have completed training programs that align with your role as a receptionist, ensure that these cross the eye of the reader in this section. A brief mention of your qualifications could steer an opportunity to your advantage.

Express Intentions

Express your professional objectives and goals clearly. Strive to align these goals with the needs of the organization, showcasing your potential contributions in the receptionist role.

Remember, the essence of a great summary or objective lies in giving your employer a succinct snapshot of who you are professionally. While your resume’s objective might seem like a tiny detail, if done right, its potential to grab attention and inspire a deeper examination of your qualifications remains unparalleled. Keep refining your articulation skills and soon you'll be able to express the perfect pitch in just a few lines.

Strong Summaries

  • Professional receptionist with over six years of experience in providing excellent customer service and administrative support in fast-paced environments. Skilled at multitasking, problem-solving, and maintaining a cordial and professional demeanor under pressure. Looking forward to bringing a wealth of experience and transferable skills to a respected and innovative company.
  • Experienced receptionist known for building positive relationships with clients, colleagues, and supervisors. Adept at managing and streamlining administrative processes. Ready to apply my organizational skills and ability to handle multitasking in a high-volume firm.
  • Friendly and efficient receptionist skilled in both verbal and written communication. Experience in various settings including healthcare and corporate offices. Proficient in administrative duties such as scheduling, call routing, and multi-line phone system management. Looking to leverage my strong attention to detail and dedication to serving clients in a dynamic front office role.

Why these are strong ?

These are good examples because all of them highlight key skills, experience, and the value that the receptionist can bring to the company. They provide unique perspectives on the role, one focusing on customer service, another on positive relationships and administrative processes, and the final on communication and administrative duties. Summaries in resumes should always identify the unique skill-set and experience to make them stand out to potential employers. Also, using industry-related keywords can increase their chance of passing through automated tracking systems (ATS).

Weak Summaries

  • I am a receptionist. I am looking for a job.
  • Worked as receptionist for 6 years in various companies. Active pidgin herder on weekends. Belt holder for martial arts fights every Friday night public square.
  • Like, I just like love it when the phone rings and like, I have to answer it. It's like, so amazing, you know? And like, helping people is just the best feel ever. So like, hire me, OK?
  • I'm the best receptionist around, no contest. I won't take any junk from anyone and I'm real good at organizing stuff. Yeah, that's me.
  • Professional Summary: Seeking new opportunities, previously Receptionist at XYZ company.

Why these are weak ?

The above examples are bad for a number of reasons. Firstly, they all lack specific details and do not provide enough information about the previous experience, responsibilities, and skills which would be helpful to get new job. This is not useful for recruiters as they can't understand candidate's skills and expertise from such limited information. Secondly, the use of slang or informal language in a resume is deemed unprofessional. It does not reflect well on the candidate's communication skills. Thirdly, irrelevant information (interests that do not directly affect the candidate's ability to perform the job duties) misguides the employers and is usually unnecessary. Lastly, arrogance or overconfidence isn't appealing in a professional setting. Including such statements makes the summary less meaningful and seems unprofessional. It's important for a professional summary to display competence, summarize candidate's experience and skills, and tailor it to the job one is applying for in a professional manner.

Showcase your Work Experience

The importance of the Work Experience section in a resume cannot be overstated. Think of it as the heart of your resume. It is where your future employers will look first, giving them a snapshot of your abilities and career journey so far. In essence, strong presentation of your employment history can prove that you're the right person for the position you're applying to. Let's dive into understanding how you can optimize this indispensable section as a Receptionist, without necessarily using flashy language.

Keep it Relevant

Highlight only those aspects of your past experiences that align with the job you're seeking. If a past job doesn't seem to have any relevance, it's a wise step to focus on the transferable skills from that employment, such as communication skills or organizational abilities.

Employ Action Verbs

Start each statement in your experience section with a powerful action verb. This brings out a tone of proactiveness and responsibility while avoiding the passive voice. Be sure to change up your use of verbs to avoid repetition.

Use Quantifiable Achievements

Impress your potential employer with hard facts. If possible, quantify your achievements. How many phone calls did you handle? By what percentage did you reduce waiting time? This gives a solid representation of your capabilities.

Quantify your achievements and impact using concrete numbers, metrics, and percentages to demonstrate the value you brought to your previous roles.

Avoid Buzzwords

Steer clear of empty buzzwords and complex jargon that fail to clearly depict your abilities. Ensure your resume is easy to read and understand. Remember, the goal is to get your main points across effectively, not to show off a wide-ranging vocabulary.

Follow Reverse Chronological Order

Keep your most recent jobs at the beginning of your work experience section, followed by older positions. This helps employers quickly understand your current skills and responsibilities.

Format Consistently

Ensure you're consistent with punctuation, formatting, and style throughout your resume. Irregularities can confuse the reader or simply come across as carelessness on your part.

Remember - honesty and clarity are two foundational traits of an appealing work experience section. Strategically represent your past roles to emphasize the skills and experience you've amassed during your career journey. A versatile approach coupled with an appropriate representation of your duties and achievements can project you as a valuable candidate even in the absence of so-called power keywords. However, filling this section with experiences that do not relate to the intended job or showing reliability on buzzwords can distract the HR professionals and hamper your chances.

In the subsequent section, you'll find concrete examples illustrating the above-mentioned points for a clear understanding.

Strong Experiences

  • Handled the responsibility of all the receptionist and clerical duties at the main entrance desk.
  • Scheduled and managed appointments for executive staff members.
  • Successfully dealt with different types of personalities in a professional manner.
  • Provided excellent customer service over the phone and in person, to all clients, customers and employees.
  • Managed multi-line telephone system and directed calls to appropriate departments.
  • Organized administrative and logistical aspects of meetings and events.

These examples are good practice as they are specific, use action verbs and quantify achievements where possible. Each example indicates a sense of accomplishment and responsibility. Furthermore, they clearly highlight the key responsibilities held in the roles, such as handling clerical duties, managing appointments, dealing with a diverse range of personalities, providing customer service and managing telephone systems. These bullet points will convince potential employers that the candidate has the necessary skills and expertise for a receptionist role.

Weak Experiences

  • Working as a Receptionist.
  • Did Receptionist duties.
  • Job title was Receptionist.

These examples are too generic, nondescript, and fail to elaborate on the specific responsibilities and accomplishments attained while working as a receptionist. They do not help potential employers understand the skill set the applicant might possess or the kind of tasks they can handle. Good resume practice would typically entail stating the specific duties carried out, achievements during the period of work, and how the individual duties contributed to the overall business performance. This provides a clearer picture of the candidate's abilities and suitability for the job.

Skills, Keywords & ATS Tips

In every resume it's crucial to highlight the right skills. For a receptionist, it is no different. Specifically, both hard and soft skills play a significant role. These skills not only show your competency, but they also give the employer a glimpse of who you are.

Understanding Hard and Soft Skills

Hard skills are abilities you learn through education or specific training. They are job-specific. In a receptionist's role, these could include knowledge of office machinery, computer literacy, or specific programs used within the firm.

Soft skills , on the other hand, are personal traits that determine how you interact with others. They can greatly impact your success in any given role. A receptionist, for example, may need effective communication, active listening, problem-solving, or multitasking skills.

The Role of Keywords and ATS

When thinking about the skills to mention on your resume, remember that words matter. Keywords can make the difference between your resume making the cut or being tossed. Why? This involves an Applicant Tracking System (ATS).

An ATS is a software that manages recruitment process. It screens resumes by scanning for certain keywords that match the skills sought by the employer. Accordingly, if your resume lacks the necessary keywords, it might be rejected, not reaching the human recruiter's hands.

Matching Skills and Moment of Truth

An effective strategy means matching your resume skills with the skills in the job description. Identify the hard and soft skills the employer is looking for, and if you possess those skills, let them shine on your resume. Be honest, though; misrepresentation can backfire.

When your resume matches the job description, it increases your chances of getting past the ATS. More than that, it also gives an indication that you understand the demands of the job. Ultimately, ensuring your resume reflects the required skills makes it more likely for you to land an interview.

Remember, your resume is a presentation of you and your skills. The more clearly and genuinely you can portray them, the better your chance of getting noticed and increases the possibility of you landing the job.

Top Hard & Soft Skills for Full Stack Developers

Hard skills.

  • Customer service
  • Telephone etiquette
  • Appointment scheduling
  • Multi-line phone systems
  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • Organizational skills
  • Time management
  • Conflict resolution
  • Attention to detail
  • Professionalism
  • Problem-solving
  • Administrative tasks
  • Filing and record-keeping
  • Hospitality management

Soft Skills

  • Communication
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Adaptability
  • Customer focus
  • Stress management
  • Positive attitude
  • Flexibility
  • Organization

Top Action Verbs

Use action verbs to highlight achievements and responsibilities on your resume.

  • Communicated
  • Coordinated
  • Transferred
  • Collaborated
  • Prioritized
  • Checked-out
  • Facilitated

Education & Certifications

Adding your educational qualifications and certificates to your resume is an essential step for showcasing your skills. Start by creating an 'Education' section on your resume where you primarily list your highest degree first. Your format should include the name of your degree, the institution attended, and the graduation year. For your certificates, create a 'Certifications' section. List each certification sequentially, along with the issuing organization and date of completion. Always remember to tailor this information to fit the job requirements for maximum impact.

Some of the most important certifications for Receptionists

This certification is for receptionists working in legal offices and requires knowledge of legal terminology and procedures.

Resume FAQs for Receptionists

What is the ideal length for a receptionist resume.

The ideal length for a receptionist resume is one page. Focus on highlighting your most relevant skills, experience, and achievements within this concise format.

What format should I use for my receptionist resume?

The reverse-chronological format is the most common and recommended format for a receptionist resume. This format lists your work experience in reverse chronological order, with your most recent job first.

How can I make my receptionist resume stand out?

To make your receptionist resume stand out, emphasize your customer service skills, communication abilities, and attention to detail. Use specific examples and quantifiable achievements to showcase your qualifications.

What keywords should I include in my receptionist resume?

Some important keywords to include in a receptionist resume are: customer service, multi-tasking, communication, scheduling, data entry, phone etiquette, and any relevant software or office equipment you are proficient with.

Should I include references on my receptionist resume?

It is not necessary to include references on your resume. Instead, have a separate list of references ready to provide upon request during the interview process.

How can I highlight my receptionist skills on my resume?

Highlight your receptionist skills by including a 'Skills' section on your resume, where you can list relevant skills such as customer service, multi-tasking, communication, scheduling, and proficiency with office equipment or software.

Receptionists are the welcoming ambassadors of a company, greeting guests with a warm smile and ensuring prompt service. Their multi-tasking prowess involves juggling phone inquiries, visitor management, and basic administrative tasks. When crafting a receptionist resume, highlight your superb interpersonal skills, ability to prioritize in a fast-paced environment, and expertise in popular office suites. Showcase measurable accomplishments that exemplify your organizational talents and commitment to professionalism.

Detail-oriented and highly organized Receptionist with a passion for creating a welcoming environment for clients and colleagues. Adept at managing multiple tasks efficiently while maintaining a professional demeanor. Experienced in handling a high volume of calls, emails, and in-person inquiries with exceptional customer service skills.

  • Greeted and directed visitors, maintaining a professional and friendly demeanor at all times.
  • Managed a multi-line phone system, efficiently handling up to 100 calls per day.
  • Coordinated meeting room schedules and prepared conference rooms for appointments.
  • Maintained an organized and tidy reception area, ensuring a positive first impression for clients.
  • Assisted with administrative tasks, including data entry, filing, and mail distribution.
  • Provided exceptional customer service to clients and visitors, both in-person and over the phone.
  • Managed the company's calendar, scheduling appointments and meetings for executives.
  • Processed and distributed incoming and outgoing mail, ensuring timely delivery.
  • Assisted with travel arrangements, including booking flights, hotels, and transportation.
  • Maintained an accurate and up-to-date filing system for important documents.
  • Welcomed patients and visitors to the medical center, providing a friendly and compassionate experience.
  • Managed patient check-ins and check-outs, ensuring accurate and timely processing.
  • Answered patient inquiries and directed calls to the appropriate medical staff.
  • Maintained patient confidentiality and adhered to HIPAA regulations.
  • Assisted with light administrative duties, such as updating patient records and preparing forms.
  • Customer Service
  • Multi-line Phone Systems
  • Office Administration
  • Mail Distribution
  • Travel Arrangements
  • Calendar Management
  • HIPAA Compliance
  • Patient Check-in/Check-out
  • Google Workspace

An entry-level receptionist handles front desk duties like greeting guests, answering phones, and providing administrative support. When writing your resume: 1) Highlight customer service experience, strong communication skills, and attention to detail. 2) Emphasize multitasking abilities and proficiency with office software like MS Office. 3) Include examples that demonstrate transferable skills like organization and problem-solving. Though no direct experience is required, tailor your resume to showcase the right qualifications for this role.

Enthusiastic and detail-oriented receptionist with a passion for creating positive first impressions and ensuring smooth office operations. Skilled in managing multiple tasks, providing exceptional customer service, and maintaining a welcoming environment for clients and colleagues alike.

  • Greeted and directed visitors, maintaining a friendly and professional demeanor at all times.
  • Managed a multi-line phone system, efficiently handling up to 50 calls per day and routing them to the appropriate departments.
  • Coordinated the scheduling of meetings and appointments for senior executives using Microsoft Outlook.
  • Maintained a clean and organized reception area, ensuring a welcoming environment for clients and employees.
  • Assisted with various administrative tasks, including data entry, filing, and preparing correspondence.
  • Served as the first point of contact for clients and visitors, providing a warm and professional welcome.
  • Managed the reception desk, handling incoming calls, emails, and mail distribution for a team of 20 employees.
  • Coordinated travel arrangements for consultants, including booking flights, hotels, and rental cars.
  • Maintained office supply inventory and placed orders as needed, ensuring uninterrupted operations.
  • Assisted with event planning and logistics for company meetings and client presentations.
  • Welcomed and directed students, faculty, and visitors at the university's student services center.
  • Answered inquiries regarding campus services, events, and policies, providing accurate and timely information.
  • Scheduled appointments for academic advisors and counselors using an online booking system.
  • Assisted with the distribution of student ID cards and parking permits.
  • Maintained a tidy and organized reception area, contributing to a positive visitor experience.
  • Travel coordination
  • Event planning
  • Office supply management
  • Visitor reception
  • Professional communication
  • Multi-tasking

A legal receptionist serves as the initial point of contact in a law firm, providing professional and courteous service. Their primary duties include greeting clients, managing phone lines, scheduling appointments, and ensuring the smooth operation of the front office. To craft an impressive resume for this role, highlight your exceptional communication and organizational abilities. Detail relevant experience handling confidential information with discretion. Emphasize proficiency in legal software and databases. Showcase your multitasking skills and ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment. Tailor your resume to the specific position, highlighting qualifications that align with the law firm's needs.

Highly motivated and detail-oriented legal receptionist with exceptional communication and organizational skills. Adept at managing multiple tasks in a fast-paced environment while maintaining a professional and friendly demeanor. Committed to providing excellent client service and support to legal teams.

  • Managed a multi-line phone system, efficiently directing calls and messages to appropriate staff members.
  • Greeted clients and visitors, maintaining a welcoming and professional front office environment.
  • Scheduled appointments, meetings, and conferences for attorneys and legal staff.
  • Maintained and updated client databases, ensuring accurate contact information and case details.
  • Assisted with document preparation, filing, and organizing legal correspondence.
  • Provided comprehensive administrative support to a team of 10 attorneys and paralegals.
  • Managed calendars, scheduled meetings, and coordinated travel arrangements for legal staff.
  • Processed invoices, expense reports, and maintained financial records using Quickbooks.
  • Assisted with legal research and document preparation, ensuring accuracy and attention to detail.
  • Maintained office supplies inventory and placed orders as needed to ensure smooth operations.
  • Provided excellent customer service to clients, addressing inquiries and resolving issues.
  • Processed insurance applications, renewals, and cancellations in a timely manner.
  • Maintained accurate client records in the company's database.
  • Collaborated with insurance agents to ensure client needs were met and policies were properly issued.
  • Consistently met and exceeded monthly sales quotas through upselling and cross-selling techniques.
  • Multi-line phone system management
  • Client relations
  • Scheduling and calendar management
  • Database management
  • Document preparation
  • Legal correspondence
  • Administrative support
  • Invoicing and expense reporting
  • Legal research
  • Office supplies management
  • Insurance policy processing
  • Sales and upselling

An Office Receptionist serves as the welcoming face for an organization. Responsibilities include greeting visitors, answering calls, scheduling meetings, handling mail, and maintaining an orderly reception area. When crafting a resume, emphasize excellent customer service abilities and strong written/verbal communication skills. Highlight experience with office technology like multiline phone systems and scheduling software. Demonstrate your poise under pressure and capacity for efficient multitasking. Keep the resume concise at one page, using clear formatting to showcase your relevant qualifications.

Highly organized and personable Office Receptionist with a track record of providing exceptional administrative support and customer service. Adept at managing multiple tasks, maintaining a professional demeanor, and creating a welcoming environment for visitors and staff alike.

  • Greeted and directed an average of 50 visitors per day, ensuring a positive first impression of the company
  • Managed a multi-line phone system, efficiently handling up to 100 calls daily and routing them to the appropriate departments
  • Maintained an organized and tidy reception area, contributing to a professional office environment
  • Assisted with various administrative tasks, including data entry, filing, and preparing correspondence
  • Coordinated conference room bookings and managed the office calendar, ensuring smooth operations
  • Provided exceptional customer service to clients and visitors, addressing inquiries and resolving concerns promptly
  • Managed incoming and outgoing mail, ensuring timely distribution and processing
  • Maintained an accurate and up-to-date visitor log, enhancing office security
  • Assisted with event planning and coordination for company meetings and client gatherings
  • Trained new administrative staff on office procedures and reception duties
  • Provided comprehensive administrative support to a team of 12 consultants
  • Managed travel arrangements, including booking flights, hotels, and transportation
  • Prepared and formatted reports, presentations, and correspondence
  • Maintained an organized filing system for both physical and digital documents
  • Assisted with onboarding new employees and coordinating orientation sessions
  • Filing and Organization
  • Event Planning and Coordination
  • Report and Presentation Preparation
  • Employee Onboarding
  • Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Google Workspace (Gmail, Calendar, Docs)
  • Salesforce CRM
  • Scheduling and Calendar Management
  • Visitor Management
  • Office Supply Inventory Management

A spa receptionist is responsible for creating a warm, inviting atmosphere while managing the front desk operations. Duties include greeting guests, scheduling appointments, answering inquiries, and ensuring a seamless check-in/checkout process. To create an impressive resume, tailor it to highlight your exceptional customer service skills, ability to multitask efficiently, and proficiency with scheduling software. Emphasize any relevant experience in hospitality, administrative roles, or positions requiring strong interpersonal skills. Present your qualifications clearly with a well-formatted, error-free resume that effectively showcases your fit for the role.

Experienced spa receptionist with a passion for providing exceptional customer service and creating a welcoming environment. Skilled in managing schedules, handling client inquiries, and maintaining a calm and relaxing atmosphere. Dedicated to ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience for every guest.

  • Greeted clients and managed the front desk, ensuring a warm and professional welcome.
  • Coordinated appointments, managed schedules, and maintained accurate client records.
  • Provided exceptional customer service, addressing client inquiries and resolving concerns.
  • Collaborated with spa therapists to optimize scheduling and minimize wait times.
  • Maintained a clean and organized reception area, contributing to a relaxing atmosphere.
  • Welcomed guests, managed check-ins and check-outs, and handled payment transactions.
  • Answered phone calls, scheduled appointments, and provided information about spa services.
  • Maintained a tidy and inviting reception area, ensuring a positive first impression.
  • Assisted with inventory management and restocking of retail products.
  • Received consistently positive feedback from clients for friendly and attentive service.
  • Shadowed experienced receptionists and learned best practices in spa operations.
  • Assisted with client check-ins, appointment scheduling, and maintaining client records.
  • Provided support in maintaining a clean and organized reception area.
  • Helped with preparing refreshments and ensuring client comfort.
  • Demonstrated a strong work ethic and a willingness to learn and grow in the spa industry.
  • Appointment Scheduling
  • Front Desk Operations
  • Client Relations
  • Phone Etiquette
  • Time Management
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Attention to Detail
  • Computer Proficiency
  • POS Systems
  • Inventory Management

A gym receptionist plays a vital role in creating a welcoming environment and ensuring smooth operations. Responsibilities include greeting members warmly, checking in visitors, responding to inquiries, scheduling appointments, maintaining accurate records, and providing exceptional customer service. When writing a resume for this role, highlight your strong interpersonal skills, ability to multitask, attention to detail, and proficiency with relevant software. Include any experience in customer service, administrative tasks, or the fitness industry. Showcase your organizational abilities and commitment to creating positive experiences. Use a clear, easy-to-read format to make your qualifications stand out.

Friendly and customer service-oriented professional seeking a position as a Gym Receptionist. Passionate about health and fitness with a knack for creating a welcoming atmosphere. Skilled in administrative tasks, client relations, and problem-solving.

  • Greeted clients, answered phones, and managed the front desk to ensure smooth operations.
  • Assisted with membership sign-ups, cancellations, and renewals, helping the gym maintain a high retention rate.
  • Maintained a clean and organized reception area, creating a welcoming environment for members and guests.
  • Collaborated with personal trainers and group fitness instructors to schedule appointments and classes.
  • Handled cash transactions and balanced the register daily, ensuring accurate financial records.
  • Provided exceptional customer service to gym members, addressing inquiries and resolving complaints.
  • Processed membership payments, upgrades, and cancellations, contributing to the gym's financial success.
  • Conducted gym tours for prospective members, highlighting amenities and membership benefits.
  • Assisted with the organization of promotional events and member appreciation days.
  • Maintained a thorough knowledge of gym policies, services, and class schedules to provide accurate information to members.
  • Monitored the fitness center floor, ensuring proper use of equipment and member safety.
  • Assisted members with equipment setup and exercise techniques, promoting proper form and preventing injuries.
  • Maintained a clean and tidy fitness center, regularly sanitizing equipment and restocking supplies.
  • Enforced gym policies and procedures, contributing to a safe and welcoming environment for all members.
  • Participated in ongoing training to stay updated on fitness trends and member service best practices.
  • Membership Sales
  • Cash Handling
  • Problem-Solving
  • Multitasking
  • Fitness Equipment Knowledge
  • Cleaning and Maintenance
  • Team Collaboration
  • Event Planning
  • Microsoft Office

A Dental Receptionist handles patient check-ins, appointment scheduling, and administrative tasks with excellent customer service skills. To craft an impressive resume: 1) Highlight experience in roles requiring seamless multitasking, attention to detail, and friendly communication. 2) Showcase proficiency with dental practice management software and medical terminology. 3) Emphasize your ability to maintain composure in a fast-paced environment while providing exceptional patient care. 4) Use clear formatting and concise phrasing to ensure a smooth reading experience.

Highly motivated and personable Dental Receptionist with a proven track record of delivering exceptional patient care and administrative support. Adept at managing multiple tasks in a fast-paced environment while maintaining a positive attitude and building strong relationships with patients and colleagues alike.

  • Efficiently managed a high volume of patient appointments, ensuring smooth flow of the dental practice and minimizing wait times.
  • Provided exceptional customer service, addressing patient concerns and inquiries with empathy and professionalism.
  • Collaborated with dental staff to optimize scheduling, maximizing productivity and patient satisfaction.
  • Maintained accurate and up-to-date patient records using advanced dental practice management software.
  • Consistently received positive feedback from patients and colleagues for outstanding performance and dedication to patient care.
  • Assisted in the daily operations of a busy dental practice, supporting both administrative and clinical tasks.
  • Demonstrated excellent communication skills, educating patients on dental procedures and post-operative care instructions.
  • Streamlined office processes, implementing new systems for inventory management and supply ordering.
  • Trained new staff members on office procedures and dental software, fostering a collaborative and efficient work environment.
  • Recognized by management for consistently going above and beyond to ensure patient comfort and satisfaction.
  • Gained valuable experience in a dental office setting, learning the fundamentals of patient care and practice management.
  • Demonstrated a strong aptitude for learning, quickly mastering dental terminology and procedures.
  • Assisted with patient check-in and check-out, ensuring a seamless and welcoming experience for all patients.
  • Provided administrative support, including answering phones, scheduling appointments, and maintaining patient records.
  • Received a job offer upon completion of the internship, a testament to strong work ethic and dedication to the field.
  • Patient care
  • Dental terminology
  • Dental practice management software
  • Electronic health records
  • Insurance verification
  • Treatment plan presentation
  • Inventory management
  • HIPAA compliance
  • Team collaboration

As the face of the company, a Front Desk Receptionist plays a vital role in creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Their duties include greeting guests with a friendly demeanor, handling a high volume of phone calls with poise, and expertly managing appointment schedules. Strong communication skills, organization, and the ability to calmly juggle multiple tasks are essential. When crafting your resume, showcase any experience that highlights your customer service prowess, attention to detail, and computer proficiency. Tailor your content to the specific job requirements, using concrete examples that demonstrate your qualifications as the ultimate ambassador for the role.

Experienced and personable Front Desk Receptionist with a proven track record of delivering exceptional customer service and efficiently managing administrative tasks in fast-paced environments. Adept at handling a high volume of incoming calls, emails, and visitors while maintaining a professional and friendly demeanor. Skilled in multi-tasking, problem-solving, and fostering positive relationships with clients and colleagues.

  • Greet and direct an average of 50+ visitors daily, ensuring a warm and professional first impression.
  • Manage a multi-line phone system, efficiently handling and routing up to 100 calls per day.
  • Maintain an organized and tidy reception area, ensuring a welcoming environment for clients and guests.
  • Coordinate meeting room schedules and assist with event planning and setup.
  • Implement a new visitor management system, streamlining the check-in process and enhancing security.
  • Provided administrative support to a team of 10 healthcare professionals, managing calendars, appointments, and travel arrangements.
  • Processed and organized patient records, ensuring accurate and timely filing.
  • Assisted with the onboarding of new staff members, preparing orientation materials and facilitating training sessions.
  • Managed inventory of office supplies, maintaining optimal stock levels and placing orders as needed.
  • Received recognition for exceptional organization skills and attention to detail.
  • Handled a high volume of inbound customer inquiries via phone and email, addressing concerns and providing solutions.
  • Achieved a 95% customer satisfaction rating based on post-interaction surveys.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to resolve complex customer issues and improve overall service quality.
  • Maintained detailed records of customer interactions, ensuring accurate documentation and follow-up.
  • Participated in regular training sessions to stay updated on product offerings and industry best practices.
  • Administrative Support

A veterinary receptionist warmly welcomes clients, schedules appointments, and processes payments. When crafting your resume, emphasize exceptional customer service abilities like clear communication and multitasking. Highlight experience with veterinary software and animal handling. Include relevant certifications like pet CPR. Attach a tailored cover letter showcasing your fit for the position based on your background.

Compassionate and dedicated veterinary receptionist with exceptional customer service skills and a deep love for animals. Skilled in managing appointments, maintaining medical records, and providing a welcoming environment for pets and their owners. Committed to ensuring a smooth and efficient experience for clients while supporting the veterinary team in delivering top-quality care.

  • Managed a busy reception area, efficiently scheduling appointments and coordinating with veterinarians and staff to ensure smooth patient flow.
  • Demonstrated excellent communication skills, providing clear and empathetic guidance to pet owners regarding treatment plans, medication, and follow-up care.
  • Maintained accurate and up-to-date patient records using veterinary practice management software, ensuring compliance with medical record-keeping standards.
  • Assisted in the development and implementation of a client satisfaction survey, resulting in a 15% increase in positive feedback and client retention.
  • Consistently received positive feedback from clients and colleagues for providing exceptional customer service and creating a welcoming atmosphere.
  • Assisted veterinarians and technicians in examining, diagnosing, and treating a wide variety of animals, demonstrating a strong understanding of veterinary procedures.
  • Provided compassionate care to hospitalized pets, ensuring their comfort and monitoring their progress throughout their stay.
  • Educated clients on preventive care, nutrition, and behavioral issues, promoting responsible pet ownership and building strong client relationships.
  • Collaborated with the veterinary team to streamline inventory management, reducing supply costs by 10% through effective tracking and ordering processes.
  • Participated in community outreach events, promoting the clinic's services and providing valuable information on pet health and wellness.
  • Provided exceptional customer service in a fast-paced retail environment, assisting customers with product selection, purchases, and returns.
  • Developed a deep knowledge of pet products and services, offering personalized recommendations to help customers make informed decisions.
  • Managed cash transactions accurately and efficiently, maintaining a balanced cash drawer and adhering to company policies and procedures.
  • Collaborated with colleagues to maintain a clean, organized, and visually appealing store environment, contributing to a positive shopping experience for customers.
  • Participated in ongoing training and development opportunities, staying up-to-date on the latest pet care trends and products.
  • Client communication
  • Medical record management
  • Veterinary practice management software
  • Cash handling
  • Pet care education
  • Animal handling
  • Veterinary terminology
  • OSHA compliance
  • Empathy and compassion

A hotel receptionist greets guests, handles check-ins/outs, answers inquiries, and manages reservations efficiently. To craft an impressive resume, highlight customer service experience, multitasking abilities, computer proficiency, and excellent communication skills. Emphasize your calm demeanor under pressure and keen attention to detail. Quantify achievements and provide specific examples. Ensure a concise, one-page format and thorough proofreading.

Highly experienced and customer-centric hotel receptionist with a proven track record of delivering exceptional guest experiences. Skilled in front desk operations, reservation management, and problem resolution. Multilingual and adept at fostering positive relationships with guests from diverse backgrounds.

  • Oversee front desk operations, ensuring seamless check-in and check-out processes for up to 500 guests daily
  • Implement and monitor guest satisfaction initiatives, resulting in a 15% increase in positive guest reviews
  • Train and mentor a team of 12 front desk associates, fostering a culture of excellence and continuous improvement
  • Collaborate with housekeeping and maintenance departments to ensure prompt resolution of guest requests and concerns
  • Manage inventory and ordering of front desk supplies, optimizing costs and maintaining a well-stocked reception area
  • Welcomed guests, processed check-ins and check-outs, and provided exceptional customer service to a high-volume property
  • Managed reservation system, ensuring accurate booking details and room assignments for up to 1,500 guests per day
  • Resolved guest complaints and issues promptly and professionally, maintaining a high level of guest satisfaction
  • Assisted with concierge duties, providing personalized recommendations for local attractions, dining, and entertainment
  • Consistently recognized as a top performer, receiving multiple Employee of the Month awards
  • Provided exceptional customer service to guests, addressing inquiries, and resolving issues in a timely manner
  • Assisted with front desk operations during peak periods, ensuring efficient check-in and check-out processes
  • Collaborated with various departments to fulfill guest requests and enhance overall guest experience
  • Maintained accurate records of guest interactions and feedback, contributing to process improvements
  • Demonstrated proficiency in multiple property management systems, including Opera and Sabre
  • Reservation Management
  • Problem Resolution
  • Guest Relations
  • Multilingual (English, Spanish, French)
  • Teamwork and Collaboration
  • Training and Mentoring
  • Property Management Systems (Opera, Sabre)
  • Social Media Management

A salon receptionist is the welcoming face of the business, expertly juggling client greetings, appointment bookings, payment handling, and meticulous record-keeping. When crafting your resume, make sure to showcase your exceptional customer service skills, ability to multitask seamlessly, and proficiency with salon booking systems. Highlight your high school diploma along with any specialized coursework or training that honed your administrative and hospitality talents.

Enthusiastic and customer-oriented Salon Receptionist with a passion for creating a welcoming and organized environment. Adept at multitasking, scheduling appointments, and providing exceptional customer service to ensure client satisfaction and loyalty. Committed to supporting the salon team in delivering high-quality services and maintaining a positive atmosphere.

  • Greeted clients warmly and managed a busy reception area, handling up to 50 clients per day
  • Scheduled appointments, managed the salon's calendar, and efficiently coordinated with stylists to optimize their schedules
  • Maintained accurate client records and updated the salon's database, ensuring smooth operations and personalized service
  • Proactively communicated with clients via phone and email, confirming appointments and providing timely responses to inquiries
  • Assisted in maintaining a clean and tidy reception area, contributing to the salon's professional image
  • Welcomed guests and managed the front desk operations for a high-end spa, ensuring a positive first impression
  • Efficiently handled appointment scheduling, guest inquiries, and payment processing using the spa's booking software
  • Collaborated with the spa's therapists and aestheticians to ensure smooth transitions between appointments and minimize wait times
  • Maintained a clean and organized reception area, ensuring a relaxing and inviting atmosphere for guests
  • Assisted in promoting spa services and products, contributing to a 15% increase in retail sales
  • Provided exceptional customer service for a leading cosmetics retailer, addressing customer inquiries and concerns
  • Processed orders, returns, and exchanges, ensuring accurate documentation and timely resolution
  • Maintained up-to-date knowledge of products and promotions to provide informed recommendations to customers
  • Collaborated with the sales team to organize in-store events and product demonstrations, boosting customer engagement
  • Consistently met and exceeded monthly sales targets, contributing to the store's overall performance
  • Phone and email communication
  • Point of Sale (POS) systems
  • Salon booking software
  • Upselling and cross-selling
  • Teamwork and collaboration

Medical Receptionists are the welcoming ambassadors in healthcare settings. They expertly juggle appointment bookings, patient queries, and administrative tasks with a warm, professional demeanor. To craft a standout resume, spotlight exceptional organizational talents, top-notch people skills honed through customer interactions, and any relevant medical vocabulary expertise. Highlight applicable certifications, and showcase tech-savviness through competencies in electronic record systems and scheduling software. Quantify achievements like reduced wait times to exhibit your tangible impact.

Highly organized and empathetic medical receptionist with 6+ years of experience providing exceptional administrative support and customer service in fast-paced healthcare environments. Skilled in managing patient scheduling, maintaining electronic health records, and facilitating smooth communication between patients, physicians, and staff. Dedicated to creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere while efficiently handling administrative tasks to ensure optimal patient care and satisfaction.

  • Managed scheduling for a team of 12 physicians, handling over 150 patient appointments daily
  • Implemented a new electronic health record system, increasing efficiency and reducing wait times by 20%
  • Trained 5 new receptionists on office procedures, patient communication, and HIPAA compliance
  • Received Employee of the Month award twice for outstanding performance and patient satisfaction
  • Collaborated with clinical staff to streamline patient intake process, resulting in improved workflow and reduced errors
  • Greeted and checked in an average of 80 patients per day, ensuring accurate and up-to-date patient information
  • Managed a multi-line phone system, efficiently handling patient inquiries, appointment requests, and prescription refills
  • Assisted with insurance verification and billing tasks, contributing to timely reimbursements and reduced claim denials
  • Maintained a clean and organized reception area, creating a welcoming environment for patients and visitors
  • Demonstrated excellent problem-solving skills, effectively addressing patient concerns and complaints
  • Provided administrative support to a team of 4 dentists and 6 dental hygienists
  • Managed patient scheduling, appointment reminders, and follow-up calls, maintaining a 95% appointment retention rate
  • Processed insurance claims and patient billing, ensuring accurate and timely payments
  • Assisted with inventory management, ordering supplies, and maintaining relationships with vendors
  • Promoted to Medical Receptionist role after demonstrating strong organizational and interpersonal skills
  • Electronic Health Records (EHR)
  • Patient Scheduling
  • Medical Terminology
  • Insurance Verification
  • Billing and Coding
  • Problem Solving
  • Interpersonal Communication

Hospital receptionists are the welcoming face greeting patients and efficiently managing front desk operations. Their role involves scheduling appointments, data entry, triaging calls, and providing exceptional customer service. When crafting a resume, highlight experience handling multiple tasks simultaneously in a fast-paced environment. Emphasize interpersonal skills like empathy and clear communication, as well as technological proficiency. Tailor your resume to the specific responsibilities and qualifications required.

Dedicated and compassionate hospital receptionist with over 5 years of experience in providing exceptional customer service and administrative support in fast-paced healthcare environments. Adept at managing multiple tasks efficiently while maintaining a warm and welcoming demeanor. Committed to ensuring a positive patient experience and contributing to the smooth operation of the hospital.

  • Greet and assist an average of 200 patients and visitors daily, providing them with accurate information and directions.
  • Manage patient registration, scheduling, and insurance verification using EPIC electronic health record system.
  • Coordinate with medical staff to ensure timely patient flow and minimize wait times.
  • Handle high-volume phone calls, answering inquiries and transferring calls to appropriate departments.
  • Train and mentor new receptionists, fostering a supportive and collaborative work environment.
  • Welcomed patients and visitors, providing excellent customer service and addressing their needs.
  • Maintained accurate patient records and updated demographic information in the hospital's database.
  • Collaborated with various hospital departments to facilitate effective communication and patient care.
  • Assisted with clerical tasks, including filing, copying, and organizing medical records.
  • Received recognition for exceptional performance and dedication to patient satisfaction.
  • Provided comprehensive administrative support to the hospital's management team.
  • Scheduled appointments, meetings, and conferences, ensuring optimal time management.
  • Prepared and distributed correspondence, reports, and presentations.
  • Maintained inventory of office supplies and placed orders as needed.
  • Demonstrated adaptability and quick learning in a dynamic healthcare environment.
  • EPIC Electronic Health Record System
  • Patient Registration


  1. 34+ Receptionist Skills for Your Resume (Examples & Tips)

    Adding hard receptionist resume skills increases your chances of being selected because they tell employers they won't have to spend time training you for certain tasks. Here are the top hard skills to include when writing a resume for a receptionist role: 1. Computer skills. Nearly every receptionist job today requires computer skills. Show ...

  2. 5 Top Receptionist Skills (With Definition and Examples)

    Here are examples of the soft and hard skills receptionists typically have: Written and verbal communication skills. Customer service. Multitasking and prioritizing. Dependability. Familiarity with Microsoft Office. Problem-solving. Ability to work under pressure. Attention to detail.

  3. Receptionist Resume Examples & Template [2024]

    See perfect receptionist resume examples for all types of jobs and learn which receptionist skills on a resume make a real difference with this guide. Tools. Resume Builder Create a resume in 5 minutes. Get the job you want. ... Computer Skills Examples; Technical Skills Examples;

  4. Receptionist Resume Sample for 2024 [Job Description, Skills & Tips]

    Receptionist Resume Objective. Motivated communications graduate looking to apply their people and organizational skills as a receptionist at Company Z. Worked as Resident Assistant for 3 years and has hands-on experience on front desk duties, helping students solve problems, and dealing with administrational tasks. #4.

  5. How to List Computer Skills on a Resume [Full List & Examples]

    Prove Your Computer Skills In Your Work Experience Section 15 Ways to Describe Basic Computer Skills 23+ Courses to Improve Your Computer Skills Computer Skills on a Resume Examples #1. Office Assistant Resume Example #2. Customer Service Representative Resume Example #3. Computer Scientist Resume Example #4. AI Engineer Resume Example #5.

  6. Top Receptionist Skills to Be the Ultimate Pro

    The skills section of a successful receptionist resume needs to be specific and straight-to-the-point. Do not list duties, but present the level of your skills for a future position. This is the main reason to hire you. Divide the section into soft and hard skills. Put the essential ones first. Receptionist Skills in a Resume Skills Section

  7. Receptionist Resume: Examples, Skills, Description & Tips

    Moreover, it highlights the skills that employers are looking for, such as communication skills, organization skills, and computer literacy. In short, a receptionist resume is an essential document that can help a candidate stand out from the competition. ... and excellent communication skills. A well-written receptionist resume that highlights ...

  8. Receptionist Resume Examples for 2024 (+Duties & Skills)

    Job ad wants these receptionist skills: (1) EHR software (2) greet and register patients (3) handle phone calls. Front Desk Receptionist. Darrell McGehee Dental Clinic. 2017-2019. Used Kareo clinic EHR software to schedule patient appointments, handle check-ins, track records, and manage billing with 100% accuracy.

  9. Resume Skills for Receptionist (+ Templates)

    Go through the Receptionist posting you're applying to, and identify hard skills the company is looking for. For example, skills like Telephone Reception, Microsoft Access and Administration are possible skills. These are skills you should try to include on your resume. Expand. 2.

  10. Top 10 Receptionist Skills to Put on Your Resume

    top 10 receptionist Soft Skills. Most common soft skills sorted by percentage of job descriptions that list each skill. Highlight these skills in your summary and work experience sections. Communication 31%. Friendly 19%. Outgoing 14%. Organized 13%. Interpersonal Skills 11%. Flexible 10%.

  11. Receptionist Resume [Examples and Guide]

    Receptionist Resume Skills. Let's do a deep dive into the skills you'll need to convey in a receptionist resume. I'll not only list the skills, but I'll also give you ideas to think about so you can brainstorm the right content for your resume. ... Computer Skills - Make a list of any software applications that you are familiar with ...

  12. Receptionist Skills: The Most Important Skills for This Career

    Receptionist skills for your resume and cover letter. On your resume, create a skills section where you include all relevant receptionist skills that specifically relate to the job you're applying for. Include one or two specific and quantifiable examples of how you've used each skill in your current or previous positions. You can also note ...

  13. Receptionist Resume Example & Writing Tips for 2022

    Receptionist Career Overview. Job Outlook. The job outlook for Receptionists is growing at 5% per year, which is considered average. In 2018 there were 1,101,500 jobs available. Average Salary. Receptionists make $30,050 per year on average. However, salaries could be as high as $40,050 depending on experience, education, location, and the ...

  14. Make your Resume Pop with these 8 Receptionist Skills

    Make sure you highlight these eight skills on your receptionist resume to stand out from the competition: 1. Communication . First and foremost, you should focus on your verbal and written communication skills, along with your sharp listening abilities. When writing your receptionist resume, play up your customer service successes and your ...

  15. How to List Receptionist Skills on a Resume

    Here are some ways you can improve your receptionist skills: 1. First, become comfortable with any required computer software. It is important for a receptionist to keep their technology skills up to date. This could even involve taking short online courses, if necessary, to stay current. 2.

  16. 13+ Receptionist Resume Examples [with Guidance]

    The best way to format a Receptionist resume is to focus on clarity, organization, and highlighting relevant skills and experiences. Here are some tips for creating an ideal Receptionist resume: 1. Choose a clean and professional layout: Use a simple font like Arial or Calibri, and keep the font size between 10 and 12 points.

  17. Top 12 Receptionist Skills to Put on Your Resume

    How to Display Email Management (e.g., Outlook) Skills on Your Resume. 10. Billing Software (e.g., QuickBooks) Billing software, such as QuickBooks, is a digital tool used for generating invoices, tracking payments, and managing financial transactions, helping ensure accuracy and efficiency in financial record-keeping.

  18. Receptionist Resume Examples and Template for 2024

    How to write a receptionist resume. Here are some guidelines you can follow to create a professional receptionist resume: 1. Include your primary contact information. At the top of your receptionist resume, list your primary contact information so hiring managers can reach you to schedule interviews.

  19. How to List Computer Skills on a Resume (Computer Skill Examples)

    Computer skills can be broken down into 13 main categories. Typing - The process of writing or inputting text, typically using a keyboard. Mouse - Navigating a two-dimensional surface with a pointer, using a standalone mouse, touchpad, or touchscreen. Internet - Using the internet to browse and research.

  20. 13 Receptionist Resume Examples & Writing Guide

    This guide breaks down the process into simple steps. It shares the most important things to focus on in your receptionist resume - like your relevant work history, key skills and strongest personality traits. It also provides 13 real-world examples of well-written receptionist resumes. Use them as inspiration and templates when creating your own.

  21. Receptionist Skills for Your Resume: Definition and Examples

    They are predominantly interpersonal qualities and soft skills, such as communication, time management, teamwork, amiability, customer service, autonomy and organisation. As a receptionist, you generally also require technical competence in using computer software, such as management systems and communication applications. Your computer skills ...

  22. Receptionist Skills (With Definition, Duties and Examples)

    When updating your resume for receptionist work, highlight your computer skills and technical abilities to appear more attractive to your future employer. If you need further development of your knowledge and skills in this area, look for resources to help you learn about commonly used programs at large businesses.

  23. Listing Receptionist Duties on Your Resume (With Examples)

    Skills to highlight on a receptionist resume The following skills are important to the success of a receptionist: Communication skills Receptionists need excellent verbal and written communication skills as they greet clients and visitors, answer phone calls and respond to emails. Receptionists also need to effectively communicate with ...