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How I Spent my Last Holiday Essays 100, 150, 200, 450 Words

Henry Divine Leave a comment

How I Spent my Last Holiday Essays 100, 150, 200, 450 Words

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English Essay Writing or Composition on How I Spent My Last Holiday

There are many topics that you may be required to write an essay on in your English language classes. But writing an essay about how you spent your last holiday is one of the most enjoyable. The reason is because it brings back lovely memories as you thoughtfully reflect on your holiday experience and put them in writing.

As you write, your goal is to capture your readers’ attention and sustain their interest from the beginning of the essay till the end.

You can achieve this goal by:

  • writing clear and simple sentences.
  • using so, but, and, because and other transition words to ensure that your ideas flow smoothly throughout your essay.
  • being as descriptive as possible by using adjectives that paint a vivid picture of what you are saying.
  • being honest and authentic as you share your feelings about your experience.

I will give you a basic outline that you can develop into the compelling essay you have in mind.

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Basic Outline for Composing an Essay on “How I Spent My Last Holiday”

Here is a basic outline that will help you to write a good composition about how you spent your last holiday:


You need to begin your essay with a catchy opening sentence that would grab your reader’s attention. Then quickly introduce the topic or purpose of your essay, and say where you went for the holiday and what you did.

Body Paragraphs

Just like you would do in the body of any other essay, divide your holiday experience into several key events or activities.

Then describe each event or activity in details in different paragraphs. Remember that, as much as possible, each paragraph should focus on a specific event or activity.

The number of paragraphs would depend on the number of words the essay is expected to cover.

Whatever the target word-count, ensure that your essay is vivid and engaging by using sensory details. It’s simple. Just describe what you saw, heard, smelled, tasted, and felt during each experience.

Then reflect on the significance or impact of each event or activity. How did it make you feel? What did you learn from it? Did it change your perspective on anything? And so on.

This is where you end your essay. A good conclusion would provide a brief summary of the key points of your essay, including the lessons you learned.

You can tell whether the holiday experience met your expectations, and how you feel about it even at the point of penning down your essay. Then state whether you plan to do anything in the future drawing inspiration from your holiday experience.

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Sample How I Spent My Last Holiday Essays

The following are sample essays of different word counts on how I spent my last holiday. You can choose any composition that comes close to your own holiday experience and use it to craft yours.

My Relaxing Holiday 200 Words

My last holiday was amazing! I did not travel to any new or interesting location, but I had a lot of fun staying home. I took time to enjoy early morning sleep every day. This alone felt like a treat after waking up early for school the entire term.

In the afternoons, I went outside to play with my friends. We played the soccer ball around in the park, and would enjoy pretending to famous athletes.

Sometimes during the holiday, it would rain. And when that happened, I just stayed inside and got cozy. I got a good book and devoured it with a mug of hot chocolate by my side. I also liked watching funny movies with my family and munching on popcorn.

In some evenings, we had barbecues in the backyard. We grilled hamburgers and hotdogs, while Dad told us stories about when he was a kid. I don’t think that anything can feel more special than spending so much time together.

Although I did not travel anywhere, my holiday was full of fun and relaxation. I feel recharged and ready to go back to school now!

My Last Holiday Adventure 250 Words

Since I have been spending my holidays, none had been as enjoyable as the last one. When we vacated last term, I spent two weeks at home in order to assist my parents in farm work. After this, I left for Onitsha in order to visit some places of interest.

I visited the modern and popular Niger bridge which links Onitsha and Asaba, Mid-West. I also visited the famous Onitsha Main Market. It has no rival in comparison in West Africa just as Ibadan Liberty Stadium has no comparison in West Africa. When I was being taken round the great Onitsha Main Market by a friend, I observed that traders in their respective stalls felt at home. Some of them tuned in their radio sets. They were happy.

I spent one week at Onitsha and departed for Enugu. When I was at Enugu I visited the Eastern Nigeria Parliament, and I saw Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe’s Statue just close to the house of Assembly. I also visited Enugu Airport and several other places of interest. I spent five days in Enugu and departed for Lagos by a train. “Lagos Limited”, and that was my first time of entering train. When I reached Lagos, I hardly believed that it was a town in Nigeria. It was very beautiful indeed just like London.

When I was in Lagos, I went to the House of Representatives, the Senate, National Stadium, Air- port, Tinubu Square and other places of interest.

I spent 5 days in Lagos and returned home to resume School. I wrote a story on all my observations in the journey.

My Last Holiday Essay 300 Words

Last summer, I went on a trip that I will not easily forget. This is because it meant much more to me than just a vacation; rather, my perception was changed.

I had never been in Thailand before the holiday but only heard of its beauty. Finally visiting the country made my holiday worthwhile. The place was so different from home! Their market was busy with many colorful items for sale and their food was so delicious. I tried several new and amazing dishes, and they were all lovely. While in Thailand, I couldn’t fail to notice how beautiful their temples are with roofs gold plated and other carvings done wonderfully.

I am an outdoor kind of person. That is why spending time in nature during my holiday made me very happy. Some days I would hike through forests while others would find me relaxing at the beach. On one fine morning, I woke up early to witness sunrise over New Zealand’s mountains. It was simply breathtaking and that made me feel alive.

Lastly, to add some holiday fun into it; i did some daring activities too. For instance, skydiving and bungee jumping were included in my itinerary. Although at first scared, it turned out pretty awesome! I learned that it’s good to challenge yourself and try new things sometimes.

Looking back on my last holiday, I feel very grateful for all the experiences I had. I discovered a lot of new things and also made new friends. Yes, the holiday is over, but the memories I made will stay with me forever.

From the samples above, you can see that the key to writing a good essay about your holiday is to engage your readers with descriptive details and thoughtful reflections.

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an essay on how i spend my holiday


Narrative Essay on How I spent my holiday

Holidays hold a special place in everyone’s life, offering a respite from the routine of daily tasks and providing an opportunity to explore, relax, and create unforgettable memories. This year, I decided to spend my holiday in a way that was both enriching and exhilarating. I ventured on a journey to a small coastal town, renowned for its pristine beaches, rich culture, and vibrant local life. This narrative essay unfolds the experiences, discoveries, and personal growth I encountered during my holiday.

The Journey Begins

My adventure commenced with the excitement of traveling to a place I had never visited before. The anticipation built up as I packed my bags, ensuring I had everything needed for a week of exploration. The journey to the coastal town was a scenic delight, with winding roads flanked by lush greenery and the occasional glimpse of the ocean’s horizon promising a serene escape.

Exploring the Coastal Town

Upon arrival, the beauty of the town exceeded my expectations. The air was filled with the salty breeze of the sea and the streets buzzed with the energy of daily life. My first day was spent wandering through the town, taking in the sights and sounds. I visited local markets, where I marveled at the craftsmanship of the artisans and indulged in the town’s culinary delights, tasting dishes that were a fusion of traditional recipes and the bounty of the sea.

The Heart of Nature

The following days were dedicated to exploring the natural wonders surrounding the town. I embarked on hikes through nearby trails, each revealing breathtaking views of the landscape. The highlight was a trek to a secluded beach, accessible only by a narrow path through the cliffs. The effort was rewarded with a serene beach, untouched by the hustle and bustle of tourist spots. Here, I spent hours swimming in the clear waters, reading under the shade of palm trees, and reflecting on the simple pleasures of life.

Cultural Immersion

My holiday was not just about relaxation but also about immersing myself in the local culture. I attended a traditional dance performance, where the rhythmic beats and expressive movements of the dancers told stories of the town’s history and folklore. I also participated in a cooking class, learning to prepare local dishes that combined fresh seafood with exotic spices, gaining not only culinary skills but also insights into the lifestyle and traditions of the people.

The Bond of Friendship

One of the most unexpected and rewarding aspects of my holiday was the friendships I formed. Whether it was conversations with local residents, sharing stories with fellow travelers, or the camaraderie with the host of my accommodation, these connections added depth to my experience. Through these interactions, I gained a richer understanding of the world from different perspectives, reminding me of the value of openness and the universal language of kindness.

Reflections and Realizations

As my holiday drew to a close, I found myself reflecting on the journey. Beyond the relaxation and enjoyment, it was a period of personal growth and learning. I had stepped out of my comfort zone, challenged myself to try new things, and embraced the unfamiliar. This holiday taught me the importance of slowing down, appreciating the moment, and the joy of discovering new places and cultures.

My holiday in the coastal town was more than just a break from routine; it was a journey of discovery, connection, and personal growth. It reminded me of the beauty of our world, the diversity of its people, and the shared experiences that bind us. As I returned home, I brought back not only souvenirs and photographs but memories that will last a lifetime and a renewed sense of adventure, ready to explore what lies beyond the horizon.


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Essay on How I Spent My Christmas Vacation

Students are often asked to write an essay on How I Spent My Christmas Vacation in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on How I Spent My Christmas Vacation

Preparation for christmas.

The excitement began weeks before Christmas. I helped my family decorate our house with lights, ornaments, and a beautiful Christmas tree.

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve, we attended a late-night church service. The hymns and candles created a magical atmosphere.

Christmas Day

Christmas day was filled with joy. We opened presents, enjoyed a festive meal, and spent quality time with family.

Post-Christmas Activities

After Christmas, we visited a local charity home. Giving back to the community made our celebration more meaningful.

My Christmas vacation was a mix of fun, family, and giving. It was a time I will always cherish.

250 Words Essay on How I Spent My Christmas Vacation


As a college student, the Christmas vacation is a much-needed respite from the rigors of academia and an opportunity to reconnect with family and friends. This past Christmas, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and learning, intertwined with the joyous festivities of the season.

Time with Family

I began my vacation by spending quality time with my family. We decorated the Christmas tree together, a tradition that always brings us closer. The twinkling lights and colorful ornaments were a reflection of our shared love and harmony. We exchanged thoughtful gifts, each one a testament to our understanding and appreciation of each other.

Volunteer Work

In the spirit of Christmas, I volunteered at a local shelter, serving meals and distributing gifts. The experience was humbling, reminding me of the privilege I often take for granted. The smiles on the faces of the less fortunate were the best gifts I received, reinforcing the true meaning of Christmas.

Exploration and Learning

I also took the opportunity to explore new interests. I delved into the world of digital art, learning about graphic design and animation. This not only broadened my horizons but also acted as a creative outlet, helping me unwind and relax.

My Christmas vacation was a blend of family time, altruistic endeavors, and personal development. It was a reminder that breaks are not just for relaxation, but also for growth and enrichment. As I look forward to the next academic semester, I carry with me the lessons and experiences of this fulfilling vacation.

500 Words Essay on How I Spent My Christmas Vacation

The holiday season, and particularly Christmas vacation, is a time of joy, relaxation, and reflection. It offers an opportunity to break away from the monotonous routine and indulge in activities that rejuvenate the mind and soul. This essay recounts my memorable Christmas vacation, which was a blend of tradition, exploration, and personal growth.

Reconnecting with Family

My Christmas vacation began with a journey back to my hometown. The city, decked up in festive lights, exuded warmth and nostalgia. The first few days were dedicated to family. We indulged in traditional activities like decorating the Christmas tree, baking cookies, and singing carols. Each of these activities wasn’t just about following the rituals, but about strengthening bonds, reminiscing shared memories, and creating new ones.

Exploring New Horizons

Post-Christmas, I embarked on a solo trip to a small, serene town nestled in the mountains. This was an opportunity for self-exploration and adventure. I spent my days hiking, reading, and interacting with locals. The tranquility of nature and the simplicity of rural life offered a much-needed escape from the hustle of city life and academic pressures. This experience was a reminder of the importance of slowing down, embracing solitude, and appreciating the simple pleasures of life.

Volunteering and Giving Back

A significant part of my vacation was dedicated to volunteering at a local shelter. The holiday season is a time of giving, and what better way to celebrate it than by contributing to the community? The experience was humbling and rewarding. It offered a fresh perspective on life and instilled a deeper sense of gratitude in me.

Learning and Personal Growth

The vacation also provided a chance to pursue my interests. I attended a short course on creative writing, an area I’ve always been passionate about. The course was not just about honing writing skills, but also about expressing thoughts creatively, understanding different perspectives, and appreciating the power of words. This learning experience contributed significantly to my personal and intellectual growth.

My Christmas vacation was a blend of tradition, exploration, and learning. It was about reconnecting with family, exploring new horizons, giving back to the community, and pursuing personal interests. The experiences were enriching, offering lessons beyond the confines of a classroom. They reminded me of the importance of balance – between work and leisure, solitude and companionship, giving and receiving, learning and unlearning. As I look forward to the next vacation, I hope to carry forward these lessons and experiences, making each holiday a journey of growth and discovery.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

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Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

Very helpful indeed!

It is very helpful

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an essay on how i spend my holiday

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How to Write an Essay on How You Spent Your Summer Vacation

Last Updated: January 4, 2020

This article was co-authored by Alexander Peterman, MA . Alexander Peterman is a Private Tutor in Florida. He received his MA in Education from the University of Florida in 2017. This article has been viewed 53,416 times.

Writing an essay on how you spent your summer vacation is a classic way of starting a new school year. Think about this essay as an opportunity to tell a story about your summer while reflecting on the experiences you had. Choose a memorable moment you had this summer and start crafting your essay, giving as many details as possible.

Choosing a Topic

Step 1 Look back on mementos you kept from the summer.

  • These can also make nice visual aids if you are asked to present your essay.

Step 2 Make a list of the things you’ve done over summer vacation.

  • A list might be full of things like babysitting, attending a camp, working at a local store, taking a road trip, etc. This type of brainstorming can help you pick major events and other important moments from your summer.

Step 3 Write about a memorable moment.

  • For example, maybe you spent your summer traveling around Japan. Think of a memorable moment you had while traveling — maybe you walked up a mountain in the pouring rain — and write about this moment, adding lots of details.

Step 4 Create an outline...

  • For example, if you're writing about spending time at the beach, your outline could remind you to talk about the sandcastle building contest you entered, the dolphins you saw, and the ice cream you ate every day.
  • Details might be what the other sandcastles looked like, how far away the dolphins were, and what kind of toppings were on your ice cream.
  • Your outline is just to help you organize your thoughts — it can be written by hand or typed.

Crafting the Essay

Step 1 Focus on your feelings, interactions, and thoughts.

  • Instead of saying that you worked in a pet store, ate a PB&J sandwich, and walked home every day, talk about more than just your actions. You could talk about which pets are your favorites to work with, how it felt to eat the same sandwich every day, or what you thought about on your walk home.

Step 2 Use your 5 senses to explain your experiences.

  • Using sensory details like these will help your readers visualize and engage with your writing. These help your audience make your experiences feel real to them, even though they weren't there.

Step 3 Describe activities you did in each place you went.

  • For example, instead of saying “I went to the beach this summer,” try saying “I spent my summer swimming in the frigid water at Virginia Beach.” The more details you can provide, the more engaged your reader will be.

Step 4 Choose precise, descriptive adjectives.

  • Instead of saying “the burger was really good,” you could say, “the burger was juicy and filling.”

Step 5 Revise and edit your essay carefully.

  • Don't just rely on spellcheck. It will help catch some errors, but it will miss some things, too.
  • Ask a parent or other adult to read over your essay too, if you'd like.
  • Setting your essay aside for a little while will give you a fresher perspective when you go back to revise it.

Structuring Your Essay

Step 1 Start with a strong introduction.

  • Make sure your conclusion doesn’t just copy the introduction.

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an essay on how i spend my holiday

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About This Article

Alexander Peterman, MA

If you need to write an essay on how you spent your summer vacation, there are simple ways to take your writing to the next level. Choose a moment that stands out to you, like playing at the park with your friends or watching a movie you enjoyed. Think about all the feelings and thoughts you had, and use them to write sensory descriptions that will take the reader on the journey with you. Use your introduction to set the scene and draw your reader in. Then, use each paragraph to explore different aspects of your favorite moment. For example, if you won a video game competition with your friends, you can talk about the rivalry between you, the rounds of the game, and how you celebrated. For more tips from our Education co-author, including how to edit your essay, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Descriptive Essay: How I Spend My Holidays


I spent my time in Devon in the United Kingdom. The truth is that I was given a contract to sell pewter jewelry, but most of the US had been taken up and my supplier was unwilling to allow me to take any of the remaining areas because my business was too small.

Me and my girlfriend found a ticket to the UK that was very cheap, but it took us to Hull. When we were there we stayed the night in a cheap hotel and went looking for transport. Luckily for us we found a lowlife willing to sell us a battered Volvo for just fifty pounds. Without insurance or an MOT we set off to make the 350 mile trip to Devon. It took us around 12 hours, but that is because we made occasional stops.

We stopped off at Newbury where their famous Newbery fruits candy is made. We also stopped off at the very disappointing Stonehenge. The people there had fenced it off and wanted £13 each for us to enter and go take a look. We parked just outside the compound and held our camera over the fence and took some photos that were really zoomed in. it was just a bunch of rocks in the ground and we were thoroughly unimpressed.

When we got to Devon we found a small nature reserve that was up a very large mountainous hill. There was a camp site there so we set up our tent and spent the night. We were so high up that there was often mist in the air. We woke up at around 7am to an eerily misty atmosphere. You could see the mist move like smoke as small gusts of air caught it. We saw a deer sneaking around to see if the campers had left anything, and just as the others in the compound were waking up we started to see rabbits come out of their hiding places and scamper off into the woods.

We traveled around Devon trying a few shops, but nobody was interesting in buying the jewelry and putting it in their shops. After a few rejections we lost our nerve and decided to spend the rest of our time as a holiday. The weather was very mild with very little rain and lots of sun. It was completely different from the rest of the country which is often windy or rainy with grey skies.

We saw a beach with light yellow and white sand, which is unusual in most other places in Britain. We also noticed how blue the sea was, which is another thing that is very uncommon in Britain because most of their sea is brown for around ten miles out to sea.

We accidentally locked the keys in the car and had to smash a back window to get at them. We took it to Stansted airport where we found a plane ticket to take us back home to America. We abandoned the car in the airport and left on our plane. It was a nice place to go on holiday, and the people all seem very nice, posh and sophisticated. I would recommend going to Britain for a holiday, just give Stonehenge a miss.

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Tips for Writing a "What I Did on Vacation" Essay

  • Writing Essays
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  • M.Ed., Education Administration, University of Georgia
  • B.A., History, Armstrong State University

Are you required to write an essay about your summer vacation or your holiday break? This can be a tough assignment to tackle at first glance. But if you think about it, there are lots of interesting things that happen on your vacation that others might enjoy reading about. The key to success is to zero in on the experiences, people, or situations that made your vacation unique.

Summer vacation can be busy or lazy, funny or serious. You may have traveled with your family, worked every day, fallen in love, or coped with a difficult situation. To start your essay, you'll need to choose a topic and tone.

Family Vacation Essay Topic Ideas

If you traveled with your family, you may have some great stories to tell. After all, every family is crazy in its own way. Want some proof? How many Hollywood films have themes about family holidays or trips? Those films are popular because they enable us to glimpse inside the crazy family lives of others. Alternatively, you may have a more serious story to tell.

Consider these funny topics:

  • Why I'll Never Go Back to (insert place name)
  • How (insert name) Drove Me Crazy in Five Days
  • Traveling to (insert city) Then and Now
  • The Hazards of Traveling With a (person or thing)
  • Why You Shouldn't Take a Dog to (insert place)
  • I Left (insert city) But My (lost item) Stayed
  • Why I Couldn't Sleep in (place name)

If your family vacation involved something more serious, think about one of these topics:

  • The Love I Left Behind in (insert place)
  • Saying Good-Bye to (insert person or place)
  • Exploring (place's) Secrets
  • An Emotional Trip

Summer Job Essay Topic Ideas

Not everyone gets to spend the summer having fun; some of us have to work for a living. If you spent your summer at a job, chances are you met a lot of interesting characters, dealt with complicated situations, or even saved the day once or twice. Here are some ideas for summer job topics:

  • The Boss's Day Off
  • The Customer From Hell
  • What I Learned from My Customers
  • Why I'll Never Go Into the ___ Business
  • Six Things I Learned on the Job

How to Write the Essay

Once you've chosen your topic and your tone, think about the story you want to tell. In most cases, your essay will follow a typical story arc:

  • The hook (the funny, sad, or scary sentence that grabs the reader's attention)
  • The rising action (the beginning of your story)
  • The climax (the most exciting moment in your story)
  • The denouement (the aftermath or ending to your story)

Start by writing out the basic outline of your story. For example, "I started cleaning a guest's room and found that they'd left behind a wallet with $100 in cash. When I turned it in without taking a single dollar for myself, my boss rewarded me with a $100 gift certificate and a special award for honesty."

Next, start fleshing out the details. What was the room like? What was the guest like? What did the wallet look like and where was it left? Were you tempted to just take the money and turn in the wallet empty? How did your boss look when you handed her the wallet? How did you feel when you got your reward? How did others around you react to your honesty?

Once you've told your story in all its detail, it's time to write the hook and conclusion. What question or thought can you use to grab your reader's attention? For example: "What would you do if you found a wallet loaded with cash? That was my dilemma this summer."

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How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on how i spent my summer vacation.

Summertime is the most awaited time of any student’s life . It gives them a break from the scorching sun and blazing heat. The summer months are quite hot, however, students love them because they bring a sense of calmness due to the vacations. It frees them from the monotonous and dull routine of school and studies.

How I Spent My Summer Vacation

Most importantly, summer vacations give us a chance to explore new things. We can adopt new hobbies like painting, dancing, singing and more during this time. Furthermore, it gives us a chance to visit our grandparents or to someplace abroad. Summer vacations bring all types of fun, however, these particular summer vacations were the most memorable for me. My parents made me join a summer camp which was too much fun and then we visited our grandparents’ place.

Summer Camp

As the first day of my summer vacations started, I started getting bored easily. Mostly so because all my friends had gone to someplace or the other. My parents noticed this and decided to send me to a summer camp. Our school itself was organizing one in which my parents got me enrolled.

At first, I thought it would be of no use and would be equally boring. However, to my surprise, I was wrong. The summer camp was one of the best experiences of my life. I got the chance to indulge in so many activities and in fact, it was the first time where I discovered my talent for painting.

We got up early in the morning at 7 o’clock, despite no school. We had trainers who would teach us different things each day. On the first day, I got to learn karate, which was very amusing and helpful. Further, I learned how to play sports like basketball , table tennis, and volleyball.

Finally, came my most awaited part. We were taught painting and unique tips to master this art. I learned it quickly and started enjoying painting. My passion for painting began from this summer camp , and I will forever be indebted to it.

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My Grandparents’ Place

After my summer camp ended, my whole family decided to visit my grandparent’s village . It is situated away from the city and is full of lush and greenery. I love spending time with my grandparents so I was very excited to visit their village.

We stayed there for over two weeks, and that throughout that time, I was at my best behavior. I used to get up at 7 o’clock in the morning to take a stroll with my grandfather. Then all the family members would get together to have breakfast full of healthy things and fresh fruits from the farm nearby.

In the evening, we would sit by our grandmother’s bed and listen to stories. Then, my siblings and I used to go to the terrace and play games. We would also gaze at their stars all night, as we did not get that in the city.

In short, this is how I spent my summer vacation. It was definitely one of the best times of my lives. I got to learn new things and spend valuable time with my grandparents. I feel blessed to have a loving family with whom I can enjoy my summer vacation.

Q.1 Why are summer vacations important?

A.1 Summer vacations are the most important and awaited time of a student’s life. It gives them a break from their monotonous routine. Furthermore, summer vacations protect students from the scorching heat and give them a chance to visit hilly stations.

Q.2 How can one utilize their summer vacation?

A.2 There a lot of ways to utilize a summer vacation. It can be done through indulging in many activities. One can join summer camps which teach new skills to students. One can also pay a visit to their grandparents or to some chilly place or abroad to enjoy it to the fullest.

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Essay Sample on How i Spent My Christmas Holiday

december christmas

There was nothing to worry about, however. My mom’s old friend lives there, and she helped greatly in arranging matters. She was kind to inspect the apartment offers found on the Net. Her husband, who is a civil engineer, commented then on all the pros and cons in each case, so that we could make up our minds more easily. He also recommended a reliable van line – they delivered all the breakables we decided to transport safely. Not to pay too much for transportation, we thought it wiser to buy some of the furniture and major appliances when already at the new place.

And that’s where Christmas shopping campaigns (which I usually find too hectic to my taste) came in handy. Due to numerous discount offers, bonuses and other perks, such as free delivery, we managed to furnish our new home with nicest things without it costing us an arm and a leg. Of course, touring the shops took us not one day but ten, but every minute spent was definitely worth it. I was lucky to participate in it all – thus I had the better part of December off school (well, I just had to work harder for a while at my former school).

After we bought the necessary furniture and home appliances, Mom and Dad got busy with some minor repairs and redecoration. As for Christmas ornaments, they delegated this task wholly to me. Oh, how glad I was! I can say I love festive preparations not less than the celebration itself, so I set about the task with all my heart.

For inspiration, I went window-gazing every day; those walks were magical in and of themselves thanks to light snowfalls that lasted a week. The streets were beautiful; I also visited malls. I sauntered past shop windows, took snapshots of designs I liked, and then discussed them with Mom and Dad. We brainstormed the best suggestions, and next I went to collect supplies for the DIY-able things and buy some ready-made ornaments. After that, with time free from school at my disposal, I devoted myself to creativity. It was bliss – if I’d had to attend classes, like it was every December before, I wouldn’t have even half the opportunity to indulge in all the arts and crafts that I love. I made fabric accessories, felted and papier-mâché ornaments, bunting, table decoration, greeting cards and gift wrapping.

Apart from that, I gave a hand in redecoration, too. While Mom was busy cooking, Dad and I went on pasting new wallpapers, hanging curtains and light fixtures. After a few more days of work, we made another tour to stock on groceries (which was a bargain, too due to all the special offers); then all that was left was arranging the furniture, buying a Christmas tree, decorating the place and preparing dinner.

On December, 25 we invited Mom’s friends over to our place. We presented them with a set of designer ceramic vases for their beautiful home, and they gave us a fondue pot, some fine Belgian chocolate and a pound of delicious strawberries which we relished as well as our long chat that wonderful Christmas night.

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How I spent my Last Holiday – English Writing/Composition for Primary Schools

English studies.



Performance objectives.

By the end of the lesson, the pupils should have attained the following objectives (cognitive, affective and psychomotor) and able to:

1. use sentences to the narrative composition.


The pupils can read and write.


The teacher will teach the lesson with the aid of picture/charts of exciting events.


Scheme of Work 9 – Years Basic Education Curriculum All Relevant Materials


How i spent my last holiday, my favourite holiday activity, presentation.

To conclude the lesson for the week, the teacher revises the entire lesson and links it to the following week’s lesson.


Teacher asks pupil to –

1. narrate their own story;

2. write their own composition on a topic of their interest.


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an essay on how i spend my holiday

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Essay on How I Spent My Holidays at Home

In This Blog We Will Discuss

How I Spent My Holidays at Home: Short Essay (200 Words) for Class 1, 2, 3

 In my last summer vacation , I have long holidays. I wanted to visit our own village, where I have not visited for two years long. I asked my father to make a trip there. He was agreed with me. He had free time too. I, my father and mother finally visited our village. It takes 4 hours by car journey.

My father was driving the car. My mother also drove for a couple of miles. Finally, we reached our village . My uncles and aunties came to the main road to receive us. They were really pleased to see us. I found a few of my cousins there.

We went home and meet my grandparents. They were really happy. I found so many things have been changed in two years. The village was improving. I was happy to see that. But there was the same natural beauty. In the afternoon, I came out with my cousins to explore the beauty of the village. I met with lots of villagers, I know most of them and they also know me. My father is really popular here because he does charity for villagers.    

Essay on How I Spent My Holidays at Home (300 Words) For Class 4, 5

Essay on How I Spent My Holidays at Home

Introduction: I have spent a really exciting holiday with my family and cousins. We arranged a small picnic that was really interesting. My parents helped us a lot to arrange the entire program.  

Picnic with Family: Picnic with family is always fun. We can get a chance to meet my uncle, aunties, and cousins. I always love to spend time with my cousins. In the holidays, we get a chance to meet each other. We decided to visit the nearest jungle and there was a really beautiful spot for a picnic. Lots of people go there on weekends.

We also decided to go there. We reached our destination at 10 o’clock morning. We were really excited to see natural beauty. The place was really silent and we found lots of jungle hens and other little animals. I was speechless to see all of these. One of my cousins wanted to explore the place real quick. I was agreed with him. One of the uncles came with us and we took a 10 minutes small walk.

We saw so many things. There was a beautiful river beside the jungle. The water is really clean there. The river was not deep and we were able to cross the river walking through big rocks. We collected some beautiful rocks too. The bird’s sound was really sweet and we saw several types of birds. An uncle was describing every bird and was sharing information about them as a bird-expert.  

Cousins: In the whole picnic and holidays, my cousins were the most important part of it. They helped me to enjoy the vacation. When I am with them, I feel really good and they all are my best friends.  

Conclusion: I was really excited about the whole thing. I wish to be there again. This day is really memorable for me.    

How I Spent My Holidays at Home: Essay (400 Words) for Class 6, 7, 8

Essay on How I Spent My Holidays at Home

Introduction: I always love the holidays. The reason is, it comes with so much fun and excitement. Always we do something different for every holiday. We have spent long holidays a few weeks ago and that was amazing and memorable in my life. I spent the entire holidays in my home, but it was significant.  

My Cousins : The most important part of my holidays was, of course, my cousins . I have lots of cousins, living in the same city. But we can’t meet often because of the tight school schedule and our parents are also always busy. But in the holidays it’s an amazing chance to meet everyone.

We gathered in one house and spend a few days together. This time we planned to spend the entire holiday in our house. I said to my parents and they were happy about it. My parents are really loving and they never get worried or angry with me. My cousins are really incredible.

When we meet together, we so many unbelievable things make the meet funnier. So finally all of my cousins came to my house. They were five in total. Including me, we were six. So it’s not a small number. We all are pretty much the same age and that’s why we have got amazing bonding.  

Drawing Competition: One of my uncles arranged a drawing competition for us. The first prize was 10 books, second prize was 5 books and the third prize was 3 books. And every participant will get one book each. He gave us two days to practice. We were really excited about the competition.

First of all, we took a day to finalize the drawing subject. We showed our drawing subject to our uncle. He approved them and gave us some drawing suggestions. Finally, that day arrived. There were four people as a judge. Two of my uncles and one of my aunties and my mother was in the judging team. I was really excited about my performance. We all draw and Nila nominated as the best artist among us.

She draws a landscape that was looking awesome. I loved that drawing. Nikhil was second and I was third. I wasn’t worried about my ranking, because they both made an amazing drawing. And overall, it was a fun competition.  

Conclusion:  I spend a really amazing time with my cousins. I wish I can spend all of my holidays with them. They all are amazing and loving. We have great bonding.    

How I Spent My Holidays at Home: Essay (500 Words) for Class 9, 10  

Essay on How I Spent My Holidays at Home

Introduction: Today I am going to share my experience on how I spent my holidays at home. That was an amazing experience. I went to our village. We actually go there after a couple of years. That’s why I always become excited. There are lots of things to do and see. My father spent his whole life in that village. Spending holidays in the village is really fun for me.  

My Holidays at Home: We arrived in the village at noon. it took 5 hours car journey. The road was pretty good. The government is working on these local areas. My uncles, cousins, and grandparents were ready to welcome us. They were really happy to see us visiting them. My younger sister was really excited to see everyone.

When she came here a few years ago she was a kid, she can’t remember anything and that’s why she has to learn everything again. I find all of my cousins and went to our home with them. My cousins are really helpful. They love me a lot. Whenever I visit the village, they try to spend all of the time with me. They really care about me. I was really tired because of that long journey.

I took a bath and ate some ‘pitha’ made by aunties. They were amazing. I loved the taste. Then I asked every uncles and aunty about their life. Few neighbors also came to meet my family. Most of them were female.  I met with so many peoples. I was feeling really good to know such loving peoples in my own village.  

Visiting the Village: After taking some rest and meeting with people, one of my cousins Bhuvan asked me to go out. I was agreed and few of us planned to take a little walk through the village. I wanted to see the entire village. We met lots of people on the road. I know some of them and don’t know some.

It’s a really great experience to see the village from so close. Lots of things have been changed but the beauty of an Indian village was still there. Villagers are really easy people and peace-loving. They love living together without having any problem. I loved their lifestyle. Most of them are fisherman, farmers.

But in this generation, lots of kids are educated and lots of them are studying in school and college. We have a college near our village and two schools in the village. That’s a really good thing that my village is progressing.  

My Grandparents: The most important reason for visiting the village is my grandparents. I love them so much and I always wanted to spend some time with them. They were really excited to see us. Especially my grandmother really loves and she loves me a lot. She shared lots of stories with us. I still listen to her stories and loved them.  

Conclusion: It was an amazing experience to spend time in my village . These holidays were the best holidays of my life.    

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My last vacation essay

My last vacation essay 13 models

Short essay on summer vacation , contains a lot of information about how to spend the vacation and also the places I went on last vacation, and all that information you will find here in My last vacation essay .

My last vacation essay

Vacation is something wonderful and enjoyable and you can use it to spend enjoyable and useful times that make you feel relaxed  and all that gives you a push forward so that you can complete your work or study, all of this you will find here in My last vacation essay .

  My last vacation

When the exams are over, the parents start looking for places to spend their vacation with family. They need to take a break from work and the continuous pressure of life in order to try to recharge the body so that they can continue to work actively.

I am a person who loves to travel to different countries and to know different cultures and traditions. I have traveled in the past vacation to many different countries and I enjoyed very much to know about these countries. I will tell you about these countries  and the advantages of each country of them.

Jordan has a Mediterranean climate; in the winter, temperatures often reach 1 ° C, rain falls and sometimes snow falls;  So it is advisable to visit Aqaba and enjoy its warm atmosphere and beautiful beach, and visit the famous Wadi Rum and pink Petra carved in rock.

 While in the summer temperatures reach an average of 30 degrees Celsius, so it is recommended to visit the mountain highlands in the Ajloun and Jerash, where the temperature is moderate.

The Egyptian Arabic Republic

 It contains many famous and ancient tourist sites,  You can go on a trip to Cairo to enjoy the ancient monuments of the region, such as churches and ancient mosques.

 Visiting the pyramids located in Giza is one of the greatest built by the Pharaohs. But avoid sunny and hot days to enjoy exploring the pyramids, walking the desert sands, riding horses and camels, and taking a tour of the Khufu ship or the sun boat.

I really enjoyed visiting all of these areas ,and took advantage of a lot of information that I did not know before, and I hope that everyone goes to these picturesque areas.

My last trip essay

My last trip was to the Maldives. I woke up one day to a loud voice from my mother who was happy and asked us to come.

So I told her what’s going on, Mom, she simply said (Write your name).We are going on vacation to the Maldives. Gosh, there’s this crazy, jumping, happy, dancing moment.

We all talked to my father before that we wanted to go to the Maldives, but because of his permanent work, we could not go. So it was surprising to go on vacation outside the town, especially to the Maldives.

I am very happy with this trip. I enjoyed a lot of swimming in the wonderful turquoise water, which you can see the smallest details through.

We stayed on the island of Mali, which is one of the most beautiful places in the Maldives. Where there are some exciting  areas .

I also enjoyed very much visiting Isidhu and spending all night there. The place was very cool, candles near the water and sitting on the floor everything was great. I liked this place very much and the drinks also.

At the end of the trip, we went to the National Museum, where I enjoyed learning a lot about some wonderful information about the former civilization of the Maldives and its origins.

It was great to have a trip like this and I hope to do it again.

Write a paragraph on my last vacation

My last vacation was so amazing. My name is(..). I study in class (..). I loved the last trip that I and my family took. We went to visit and entertain cancer patients. We agreed to go on vacation for my father and mother, and bring some presents for young children so that they are happy with it. We already knew about such visits from a family member.

My father told us that there is a social responsibility in our visits to cancer patients. And that there is respect for time and we should not prolong our visit. We must go with a smile and carefully choose the type of dress and speech so as not to affect the psyche of others.

My father also warned us not to show any kind of pity, because that affects the patient’s psychology very much. So it was very important that we pay attention to all these things.

We went there and all our concern was to add a smile to them and to help them through support and love. We spent the day with them but my happiest moment was when I managed to make the first person I met smile. That upset me so much.

This day is one of the most beautiful days for me, and it was a very useful holiday because it makes us feel the suffering of others. I would very much like to repeat this visit and support them a lot and make friendships with them.

Short paragraph on my last vacation

My last vacation was very interesting as I was able to participate in one of the activities that I dreamed of participating in for a long time.

I love to play tennis a lot. I joined one of the small clubs in my area to learn this game and train until I can become professional.

The coach told us that there is an upcoming tournament and we can participate in it to determine our level. So I loved joining so much and told him I wanted to join.

Indeed, I was able to participate and train well before the tournament to raise my level of concentration and improve my general level.

At the time of the championship, I was fully prepared, and I went and played with confidence and happiness, despite feeling a little scared, but I quickly recovered myself and managed to win and get the third place. I am looking forward to improving my level in the upcoming tournaments and achieving first place.

Paragraph about last vacation

Last vacation I was able to enjoy a lot visiting my grandfather’s town and gathering to attend a relative’s wedding. I enjoyed a lot getting to know my family members, talking and getting close to my ancestors.

They miss us so much because of the distance between us. We live in the city of (type the city name here). My grandfather lives in the city of (type the name of the city). So we travel there by train,

I really loved riding the bullet train and seeing the countries between us. I really liked the simple life in their city. There are many green spaces and wide spaces, and there is no big traffic congestion like my city.

I was able to learn to use the kite, and I found that all of my relatives enjoy playing it more than electronic games, and they race to raise it high in the air, and the person who can lift it the most is the victor.

So I liked it so much I laughed and had fun and ran a lot more than ever. I would very much like to try again.

Describe Your Last Vacation

My last vacation did not have many outings and activities, or traveling abroad due to the Corona pandemic. But I can describe it as wonderful because the family members were able to gather and enjoy some simple games and talk.

It was a special holiday filled with popcorn and sweets and watching modern movies. I enjoyed a lot of playing cards with my father and my grandfather who was a big fraud and I didn’t know about that. He made me laugh a lot and I learned some tricks from him.

I loved sitting at home this holiday too because I was able to help my mum make more food and learned some great new recipes.

I find that it is a wonderful vacation despite the absence of my friends around me or being in luxury places or tourism in other cities . We enjoyed the simple things and the holiday went by without any problems.

Essay about my last vacation

There is no doubt that I liked my last vacation very much, as I was able to get to know my family members from my father’s side during this vacation.

He had many relatives living in the same town but we don’t know each other or even know what we look like, So my father decided to take me and my younger sister and go to stay in the family house and invite the family to gather and get acquainted, so that the younger generations can get to know their relatives and their children, and make friendship.

So we stayed at my grandfather’s house near the lake and enjoyed a lot of barbecue and some fun activities. I would very much like to repeat this experience. It is good to feel that you are with your family and get to know them.

What i did during last vacation essay

Every year I learn a lot of experiences, both good and bad, from which I gain some experience. The last vacation was the best for me, because I was able to benefit a lot from it and learn some new skills that may benefit me in the future, such as learning how to prepare  sweets.

Last holiday I was able to participate in a training course to teach the preparation of sweets professionally. I was able to take back a lot from it as I learned to prepare all kinds of dough, learned how to prepare the cream and coordinate the cake to look completely professional.

I was very happy to learn this craft and I feel that in the future I can benefit from it in one way or another. I am thinking of creating a website or a YouTube channel and posting recipes and preparation methods to teach others Through it.

I work to improve my speaking and public speaking skills and gain some fame in this specialty. Maybe it will be my field of work in the future.

My last vacation with my family

It is great to take advantage of the time we spend in a gathering with the family, especially if it is long. I can say that the last holiday was a long time gathering with my family members due to the spread of the Corona virus.

Therefore, staying in homes was semi-compulsory by the state, and going out only for necessities, and preventive measures must be taken before leaving and returning.

Therefore, there were dangers to my father or mother whenever they went out to fetch food or any other living requirements. So I am very grateful to them.

It was great to be with my family for a long time. In the beginning, it was very difficult and there was some negative energy because we used to go out and do many outdoor activities.

But after a while, sitting became more comfortable, and we became involved in some home activities and hobbies, which helped in soothing the atmosphere, and getting out of boredom and depression.

I really enjoyed doing some activities with my mum like doing yoga, preparing famous meals and playing cards. I found her very cool at that and I didn’t know it, she always beats us and knows a lot of good tricks and moves.

Write about your last vacation

My last vacation was not very interesting, despite the slow return to life after the spread of the deadly Corona virus, however, many families still avoid going out, mixing, and exposing their children or themselves to danger.

Therefore, I could not do many of the normal activities that I used to do before, we only watch TV, play some video games and talk on the Internet.

Certainly there are some happy moments that happen inside the house when all the family members gather and prepare some entertaining meals. We can then perform some games or scenes to add a nice family atmosphere. But I can’t wait to get back to normal life and get out and discover life and gain some new skills and experiences.

My last vacation essay for class 5

My last vacation was special and wonderful. We are now in the summer. There are many places to go and enjoy, such as amusement parks, the beach, picnics in the streets, clubs and cinemas. It was a great vacation, I enjoyed a walk with my family, whether on the beach or in the city.

I learned some new games from my brothers, and my father and we raced a lot. He made me win in some races to make me happy with that.

I also enjoyed going with my mother to shop and buy vegetables, she taught me how to choose some good fruits and vegetables.

I am very happy when I feel that I have learned something new, so I feel that the time I spend is valuable and that I have a role in society. I hope to continue learning and developing.

How did you spend your last vacation essay

I spent the last holiday of this year wandering with some of my close friends, going swimming or playing some electronic games, or playing soccer. Some days we went cycling in town, talking to some friends.

It was a nice vacation and I enjoyed it a lot after what we went through from the Corona crises, not mixing, no wandering and sitting at home.

So it was great to go out and walk with friends and feel the return to normalcy again. And there are some group activities we can do.

How I enjoyed my last vacation essay

The last vacation was a lot of fun and had a lot of funny activities that I enjoyed. I also made some fun new friends, and got to hang out with them a few times, where we could go to the beach and enjoy the sunshine and  swim.

We enjoyed camping and sitting by the fires, eating some snacks while talking and having fun. It was definitely a great vacation more than  the past two years, breathing, meeting new people, gaining some new skills, developing myself, and feeling more confident and fun than I was before.

We have already provided you with My last vacation essay, and you can read more about the vacation through the following link:

  • My summer vacation essay

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My December Holiday Essay For Students

The winter holidays are an exciting time of year filled with fun traditions, tasty foods, and quality time with family and friends. Last December, my family and I took a holiday trip that I will never forget. In this essay, I will share some of the highlights from my December holiday. I will discuss our travels, the special celebrations we enjoyed, and what I learned from the experience.

Table of Contents

Short Essay On My December Holiday

Travel plans.

As part of our holiday preparations, my family researched different destinations to visit over our school break. After much debate, we settled on a one-week road trip along the coast of California (Topic Sentence). For the first part of our journey, we packed up our suitcases and snacks and embarked on an eight-hour drive from our home in Northern California down to Los Angeles (Transition). Hitting the road for long periods of time can be tiring, so we listened to Christmas music and audiobooks to pass the time and keep our energy up. Taking breaks to stretch our legs at scenic overlooks also helped the drive feel shorter.

Arrival (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); in Los Angeles

Upon arriving in LA, our first stop was checking into our hotel for a few nights of exploring the city (Topic Sentence). We spent one afternoon at Disneyland, enjoying the festive decorations and riding our favorite attractions like the teacups (Example). On another day, we toured Hollywood Boulevard and snapped photos beside the handprints of famous movie stars at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre. Our hotel was located near the Santa Monica Pier, so one evening we strolled along the beachfront shops and played amusement park games for prizes (Example). Los Angeles was bustling with holiday cheer and offered the perfect mix of activities to start our winter getaway.

Christmas Eve in San Diego

After a few enjoyable days in Los Angeles, we packed up and continued on to San Diego for Christmas Eve (Transition). We checked into a cozy hotel downtown and walked nearby to see the iconic San Diego Zoo all lit up for the night (Topic Sentence). What really stood out was attending midnight mass at a historic Spanish church near our hotel. It was a beautiful service with traditional carols and readings about the nativity story that put me in the Christmas spirit (Example). For dinner, my family cooked up a feast of tamales, potatoes, and fruit salad in our mini kitchen before exchanging gifts by the fireplace (Example). Spending quality time together made it feel just like Christmas, even though we were on vacation in a new city.

Our December holiday trip up and down the California coast was full of wonderful new experiences and memories. I learned that holidays are about more than presents or fancy meals—they are a chance to appreciate your family through shared moments of laughter and bonding (Topic Sentence). The natural scenery, festive celebrations in cities, and time unplugged from technology refreshed my mind and spirit. Looking back, that one special week created lasting memories that I will cherish for many years to come. I am grateful that my parents planned such a meaningful getaway for our family during my winter school break.

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  • How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay

How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay for Kids

Summer vacation is the most awaited time of the year in the lives of students. It gives them an opportunity to take a break from their daily routine, relax and enjoy their time with family and friends. Every year, students eagerly await their summer vacations with the hope of doing something worthwhile that liberates them from the monotonous and regular routine of school and studies. For kids, writing an essay on how I spent my summer vacation gives them a wonderful opportunity to reminisce and express what they enjoyed about their vacation.

In this article, we bring you – How I spent my summer vacation essay that mentions the essence of summer vacation in a student’s life and the experiences that they share after enjoying a wonderful vacation away from their hectic schedule.

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How i spent my summer vacation essay for kids.

  • I have a lot of fun during my summer vacation. I do new things.
  • I love doing art work and playing with my friends.
  • During my summer vacation, I visited my grandparents.
  • My cousins and I played outside all day.
  • Our grandfather loves gardening. We help him water the plants.
  • Our grandmother makes tasty food.
  • Our grandmother tells us stories at bedtime.
  • We play hide and seek on the terrace.
  • Our grandfather tells us stories about the moon, stars and the sun.
  • I love visiting my grandparents.
  • I love spending time with my family during our vacations.

How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay 100 Words

Holidays are an incredible time for us to visit hilly destinations with the family. The summer season is an excellent time for us to take stress-free excursions and get close to nature, which we are unable to do in our busy schedules for the entire year. Last year I visited my grandparents and stayed there for 15 days. The cool thing about the summer holidays is discovering and creating new things in the village. While enjoying my stay, I also learned some new things that expanded my knowledge. I spent the rest of the holidays playing games and cooking under my mother’s supervision.

Liked the above How I spent my summer vacation paragraph? Children can also attempt to write a few lines or a paragraph on how I spent my summer vacation and mention what they loved about their vacation. Want to explore more such mind-boggling stuff? Are you wondering where you can find more such interesting English essay topics for kids ? We’ve got you covered! You can visit our Kids Learning section, where you can find a huge array of resources such as worksheets, stories, poems for kids, GK questions, etc. and make your child fall in love with learning.

an essay on how i spend my holiday

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A split portrait of a man and a woman printed on fabric with a few stuffed pastas scattered on top.

What Is Italy’s Most Prized Stuffed Pasta?

Each region could well argue for its own, but one may have the strongest case.

Stefano Secchi, the chef and co-owner of New York City’s Rezdôra, created several types of stuffed pasta exclusively for T. Here, a Sardinian specialty, culurgiones filled with potato, pecorino and mint. Credit... Photograph by Sharon Radisch. Set design by Martin Bourne. Background images, from left: Bill Waterson/Alamy; Rubens Alarcon/Alamy

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By Dawn Davis

Photographs by Sharon Radisch

  • May 13, 2024

T’s May 19 Travel issue is dedicated to pasta in Italy, diving deep into the culinary traditions, regional variations and complicated history of the country’s national symbol. Click here for a field guide to stuffed pasta, as an accompaniment to this article.

FOR MUCH OF Italy’s history, ravioli was a luxury reserved for banquet tables or feast days. All pasta was a rarefied food in the Middle Ages, but few forms captured the popular imagination as completely as stuffed pasta, considered the noblest of the species. In “The Decameron,” a 14th-century collection of stories by Giovanni Boccaccio about a group of young Florentines who abandon the city for the countryside during the plague, one of the characters, Maso del Saggio, describes an idyllic landscape to entertain the friends: “On a mountain, all of grated Parmesan cheese, dwell folk that do nought else but make macaroni and raviuoli.” Centuries later, every corner of Italy has its own version of filled pasta, which is broadly referred to as ravioli throughout the country. The “ Encyclopedia of Pasta ” (2009), the Italian food historian Oretta Zanini De Vita’s decades-long effort to catalog Italy’s most popular food, identifies more than 80 types of pasta ripiena (“stuffed pasta”), allowing for countless variations.

Listen to this article, read by Soneela Nankani

Stuffed pasta seems to particularly lend itself to creative interpretation. There are those filled with sweetbreads, pancetta, pears, chard, winter squash or mint-scented ricotta; twisted at the ends like a candy wrapper or serrated on the edges; folded into a triangle or rectangle or made to resemble a coin, a hat or a handkerchief; boiled in salt water or fried and simmered in milk. Sometimes the dough is kneaded with wine, olive oil or spinach.

Until Italy’s unification in 1861, its territory was carved up into several kingdoms, duchies and city-states, each with its own culinary practices. “Pasta may be the country’s pre-eminent food, but that doesn’t make it a unifying dish,” writes the cookbook author Carol Field in the foreword to the “Encyclopedia of Pasta.” “If anything, the hundreds of divergent shapes accentuate Italy’s regional differences and draw attention to the distinctions that define local identities.”

A painting printed on fabric with candy-wrapper-shaped pastas on top.

I’d long wondered how one species or subspecies might take hold in a certain area but not another just next door, and how a dish so deeply rooted in a place might morph over time, even if it often didn’t travel more than a few miles. I wanted to know what was behind this “fanatical attachment to tradition,” as the food historian Luca Cesari has called it . Last November in Piedmont, one of the northwestern regions especially known for its stuffed pasta, I set out to trace the origins and evolution of one local specialty, agnolotti del plin, shaped like a tiny, bulging envelope and traditionally stuffed with meat (typically a combination of veal, pork and rabbit), seasonal greens (maybe savoy cabbage, escarole, spinach or borage), eggs and Parmesan. It’s an unusually demanding type of pasta to construct and is particularly ubiquitous in the area known as the Langhe, a hilly swath of land planted with row after row of nebbiolo grapes in the southern Piedmont, about an hour’s drive south of Turin. First documented here in the mid-1800s, agnolotti del plin (in the Langhe dialect, plin means “pinch”) has only grown in popularity in the past few decades, and now populates virtually every menu, Sunday lunch or holiday feast in the area.

OPINIONS DIFFER ON how or when stuffed pasta surfaced in Italy. Karima Moyer-Nocchi , a friend and culinary historian who teaches at the University of Siena, theorizes that it’s the conceptual descendant of the tourte, a pie often found on the tables of nobility in the Middle Ages. Owing to the medieval fascination with miniaturization, the pasta for ravioli was essentially little tourtes or tortelli. The word “ravioli” itself likely derives from the Italian riavvolgere ( avvolgere literally means “to wrap”) and first appeared in the written record in the 13th century when Salimbene Di Adam, a Franciscan friar from Parma known for his chronicles of his gluttonous travels around France and Italy, mentioned eating “raviolos sine crusta de pasta” — in this case the morsel of food without the “usual envelope of pastry” during the feast of St. Clare.

Zanini De Vita suggests that stuffed pasta arrived on the continent even earlier: Brought to Sicily by Muslim conquerors as “a type of ravioli called sambusaj, a triangular pasta container filled with ground meat,” it then likely migrated north thanks to trade with the maritime republic of Genoa in Liguria, Piedmont’s neighboring region. From there, ravioli made its way into the courtly kitchens of the northern provinces.

Agnolotti del plin has its own hazy back story. Centuries before the House of Savoy ruled the Kingdom of Italy, from 1861 to 1946, the dynasty controlled the Piedmont, starting in the 1600s. Bordering the Alps in the north, south and west, the region was, and remains, home to some of the peninsula’s richest and most versatile farmland, as well as immense tracts of alpine pastures, allowing for a seemingly endless supply of ingredients. When Turin served as the seat for the House of Savoy, noble families built estates throughout the countryside. Legends ascribe the dish to a chef of one of these households, a man named Angelino (a dialect translation of Angelot) who was asked to prepare a celebratory meal after the family fended off an attack on their castle. He salvaged what he could from the pantry, roasted the meats, finely chopped the vegetables and stuffed it all into pasta dough. The sauce was a simple jus made from the roasted meats.

But Ugo Alciati, the 57-year-old head chef of Guido Ristorante at the Fontanafredda wine estate about 50 miles south of Turin, is skeptical (as is everyone else I meet in the Piedmont). “It’s a story told to create a sense of mystery,” he tells me when Karima and I stop by for dinner.

His grandmother Pierina Fogliati, born at the turn of the 20th century in the nearby village of Costigliole d’Asti to the contadini , or peasant class, learned to make agnolotti del plin at home and when she was called upon as an extra hand in the kitchens of a wealthy family. The recipe she passed down to her children has much in common with the one in the cookbook “La Cucina Sana, Economica ed Elegante Secondo le Stagioni” (“Healthy, Economical and Elegant Cuisine According to the Seasons”), published in 1846 by Francesco Chapusot, the chef to the English ambassador in Turin. Chapusot instructs the home cook to roll the dough (made of flour, fresh butter, milk and eggs) into a very thin, wide sheet and paint it, using a feather brush, with a beaten egg. Then, he writes, place hazelnut-size bits of filling about an inch apart across the entire sheet, lay another sheet of dough on top, pinch the dough around the filling to make little mounds and slice around the mounds to create many small packets the width of a half-scudo (an Italian coin discontinued in the 19th century). For the filling, Chapusot advises a blend of “fatty meats,” nutmeg, Parmesan, egg, cream, parsley, garlic, salt and pepper. Fogliati’s recipe calls for escarole, as well, and a combination of veal, pork and rabbit. She served hers with a meaty ragù or a simple butter sauce. Others add the agnolotti to a broth.

In 1961, Aliciati’s mother and father opened the first incarnation of Guido Ristorante in Costigliole d’Asti, with Fogliati’s agnolotti as a mainstay. When Aliciati and his brothers took over the restaurant in 1997, later moving it to Fontanafredda, he tweaked the family recipes. He serves them two ways: agnolotti in a shallow bowl with a rich veal sauce and grated Parmigiano-Reggiano; or bite-size with nutmeg in the filling, heaped on a large linen napkin, a local custom. (For some Piedmontese chefs, serving the agnolotti this way nods to the Catholic Eucharist ritual, in which the priest, commemorating the Last Supper, would lay out altar linens; clergy were known to cover a table with a piece of hemp fabric and then pile it with freshly made plin.) The sauceless version brings out the flavor of the roasted meat tucked inside; infused with the nutmeg, it has an unexpected peppery sweetness.

LIKE SO MANY dishes conceived in the kitchens of the upper class — “the eating class,” as Karima calls them — agnolotti del plin eventually found its way into ordinary homes. “The laborers who made the food became the gatekeepers of the recipe,” she says. Luciano Bertello, a cookbook author who specializes in the Langhe area, adds that the dish had “sacred” value when prepared by home cooks and was reserved for Carnevale, Easter, Christmas and the patronal feast. “It symbolized — and still does — great holidays and family togetherness,” he says.

“It’s the dish of Sunday, the family day, because you spend so much time making it,” says the chef Davide Palluda, 52, who grew up in the village of Canale, across the Tanaro River from Fontanafredda. According to Piermassimo Cirio, a co-owner of Madonna della Neve in the Langhe town of Cessole and perhaps the restaurant best known for its agnolotti del plin (it’s been serving it since Piermassimo’s family took over in 1952), around the 1920s and ’30s, the contadini would also eat plin in a cup mixed with wine to fortify themselves for daily fieldwork. Instead of three meats, they might use only rabbit or whatever was available. There might not be any sauce at all.

At All’Enoteca, Palluda’s Michelin-starred restaurant in Canale, he applies a technical rigor to his old family recipe. “We prepare the meats three different ways: We cook the pig in milk, roast the rabbit and gently cook the veal on the stovetop,” he says. For the pasta itself, “you have to get the percentage of flour to eggs just right so, when preparing the dough, it’s just translucent enough that you can see the shadow of someone on the other side.” Then there’s the proportion of pasta to stuffing. In the spring, Palluda, who regularly experiments with the fillings, substitutes the usual escarole for asparagus, stinging nettles or chard, or for a mix of morels and coffee. Anytime you change the stuffing, he adds, you have to change the percentage of egg yolk to flour in the dough or risk splitting open the skin of the fragile dumpling.

Twenty miles south of Canale, in the tidy hilltop town of Roddino, Gemma Boeri, 75, is less exacting with her agnolotti and more intent on preserving the ritual of making it. Every Thursday morning, as she has for the past 38 years, Boeri enlists her friends to help her prepare a batch for the week for her Osteria da Gemma. The day I was there, three of the four volunteers were women in their 80s. They’d been helping Boeri make her agnolotti for decades. That day, they spent three hours making thousands of agnolotti before sitting down for antipasti and a lunch of fresh pasta.

Though the dish is centuries old, the allegiance to it, like that to most other locally beloved stuffed pastas, whether the tortellini of Bologna or the culurgiones of Sardinia, is a relatively new phenomenon. Bertello points out that pasta became everyday fare for most Italians, particularly Piedmontese, during the economic boom of the 1960s. Many turned to these sacred dishes as a way to stay connected to the distant past, revealing, as Cesari writes, “a powerful longing for vanished roots, and the hope of recovering them through traditional cooking.” And in the case of agnolotti and other homemade pasta, where preparing the dish can be as communal an act as eating it, stuffed pasta serves another purpose, too: binding you to the people around you.

Read by Soneela Nankani

Narration produced by Krish Seenivasan and Emma Kehlbeck

Engineered by Joel Thibodeau

Set design by Martin Bourne. Fabric printing: Dyenamix, Inc. Photo assistant: Michelle Garcia.

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