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300 Fun Writing Prompts for Kids: Story Starters, Journal Prompts & Ideas

Are you a parent or teacher? Here are 300 fun and creative writing prompts for kids to spark the imagination of young writers everywhere. Use these kids writing ideas as journaling prompts, story starters or just for fun!

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It’s never too early to start writing, and so we’ve created this fun list of 300 creative kids writing prompts for teacher and parents to use.

You’ll love these fun ideas for kids writing prompts to use as creative sparks to get young imaginations writing in no time!

writing prompts for kids

These are perfect to use as kids journal writing prompts, as short story writing prompts, or just for exercises to help students and children of all ages tap into their creativity. Maybe your kids will write an essay, maybe a poem, or maybe even a whole book!

Whether you are a teacher or parent looking to inspire your kids to write, or maybe even an adult who would like to practice writing with a more playful and young-hearted approach, I hope you find these creative writing prompts inspiring!

Buy the Printable Cards!  We will always have this list of 300 kids writing prompts available for free, but I’m very excited to now also offer an  ad-free printable version of these prompts  in my online Etsy shop. Thank you for your support!

The Ultimate List of 300 Fun & Creative Writing Prompts for Kids

#1. Imagine a giant box is delivered to your front doorstep with your name on it. What’s inside and what happens when you open it?

#2. Write a short story about what it might be like if you woke up one morning with a mermaid tail.

#3. Which is better, winter or summer? Write about the reasons why you think winter or summer is better.

#4. Write about what would it be like if you had an alligator as a pet.

#5. If you had $1,000, what would you buy and why?

#6. Write a story using these 5 words: apple, train, elephant, paper, banjo

#7. What do you want be when you grow up and why?

#8. Who is your favorite person on the planet? What do you like most about that person?

#9. If you could have any secret super power, what would you want it to be and why?

#10. Write about 3 places you would like to travel someday. What do these three places have in common?

#11. Write about a time you felt really happy. What happened? What made you feel happy?

#12. Imagine what would happen if someone shrunk you down to be only 1″ tall. How would your life change?

#13. If you were in charge of the whole world, what would you do to make the world a happier place?

#14. Write a story about what it would be like to climb to the very top of the highest mountain in the world.

#15. If you were in charge of planning the school lunch menu, what foods would you serve each day?

#16. What are some of your favorite animals? What do you like about them?

writing prompt card for kids example

#17. Imagine that dogs take over the world. What do they make the humans do?

#18. Write a story about flying to outer space and discovering a new planet.

#19. You are a mad scientist and have invented a new vegetable. What is it called? What does it look like? What does it taste like? Most importantly: Is it safe to eat?

#20. You go to school one morning to discover your best friend has been turned into a frog by an evil witch! How do you help your friend?

#21. Describe what it is like when trees lose all of their leaves in the autumn season.

#22. Write about your favorite sport and why you like it so much.

#23. Imagine what it might be like to live on a boat all the time and write about it.

#24. If you had one wish, what would it be?

#25. Write about what you might do if you have the super power to become invisible.

#26. You are walking through the forest when one of the trees starts talking to you. What does it say? What do you do?

#27. The weather forecast is calling for a blizzard in the middle of the summer. What do you do?

#28. What types of transportation will people have in the future?

#29. What were some of your favorite toys when you very little? Do you still enjoy playing with them?

#30. What would a day in your life be like if you were a movie star?

#31. Imagine you’ve invented a time machine! What year do you travel to?

#32. What are your favorite things to do over summer vacation?

#33. What is your favorite holiday and why?

#34. If you could meet any fictional character from a book, who would it be?

#35. You are writing a travel guide for kids visiting your city. What places do you think they should visit?

#36. What is a food you hate? Write about it!

#37. Imagine what it would be like if there was no electricity. What would be different in your daily routine?

#38. You are building a new city! What types of things do you think your city needs? How will you convince people to move to your new city?

#39. What is your favorite movie? Write your review of the movie and why you think people should watch it.

magic sweater writing prompt for kids

#40. Imagine you get a magic sweater for your birthday. What happens when you wear the sweater? What do you do with these new found magical powers?

#41. You are the security guard at the zoo and someone has stolen a rhinoceros! How do you track down the thief?

#42. You have been invited to have lunch with the queen. What foods do you eat and what topics do you and the queen discuss?

#43. If you could design a school uniform, what types of clothes would you suggest? What colors would they be?

#44. Imagine you are a reporter interviewing a celebrity about their life. What questions do you ask?

#45. You are running a lemonade stand. Describe the steps for how you make lemonade and the types of customers you see during the day.

#46. Write a story about being the ruler of an underwater world.

#47. Write an acrostic poem for the word “treehouse”.

#48. You decide to grow a sunflower, but the sunflower grows so tall it reaches up to the sky! Write about what happens when you decide to climb to the top. What do you discover?

#49. Imagine you look out the window and it is raining popsicles from the sky! Write a story about the experience.

#50. If you could be any animal, which one would you be and why?

#51. If you were on a spaceship, what would you be most excited about seeing?

#52. Do you have any pets at home? Write an essay about how you take care of your pets. If you do not have a pet, what type of pet might you like?

writing prompts for pets

#53. Imagine you are opening a store that only sells items which are blue. What types of items do you sell?

#54. Have you ever lost something that is important to you? Were you able to find it?

#55. Write a story about a kid who is moving to a new school. How do you think they might feel?

#56. Rewrite the ending of your favorite fairy tale. For example, what would have happened if Cinderella never went to the ball?

#57. Have you ever forgotten to do your homework? What happened?

#58. Do you have a favorite song? Write about the type of music you like to listen to.

#59. Imagine your parents wake you up one morning to tell you they will take you to do anything you want to do for the whole day – you don’t even have to go to school or do your chores. What would you choose to do and why?

#60. Do you like amusement parks? What are some of your favorite rides?

#61. Write a story using these three words: detective, piano, and pizza.

#62. Have you ever been to the beach? Write about your favorite things to do. If you have never been to the beach, what would you like to do the first time you visit?

#63. Is there a favorite tv show you like to watch? Write about your favorite character and why they are your favorite.

#64. Write a poem using onomatopoeia , where the words you use are pronounced similar to the sound they make. For example, buzz, bark, sizzle, slam and pop.

#65. Have you ever had to stand in line to wait a long time for something? What did you do while you waited? How did you feel while waiting? How did you feel once the wait was over?

#66. Is it a good idea to keep ALL secrets a secret? Write about examples of when it is okay to spill a secret – and when it isn’t.

#67. Is there something you are good at doing? Write about your best strengths.

#68. What historical time period and location would you go back to live in if you could? Write about it!

#69. Write about 5 things you can do that are important for you to stay healthy and safe.

#70. Do you think thunderstorms are scary? Why or why not?

#71. What would you most like to learn over the next year? Think about things that interest you or questions you might have about the world and make a list!

#72. You are going on a trip to a jungle safari! What items do you pack in your suitcase?

creative writing topics for 11 year olds

#73. Imagine you are sitting at home one day and you hear someone shrieking in the living room they see a mouse in the house! Write a story about what might happen next.

#74. You are writing a letter to someone who is having a hard time making new friends at school. What do you write? What advice do you give them?

#75. Imagine you just met a magician – but their beloved rabbit who they pull out of a hat for all the tricks has been kidnapped! How do you help find the rabbit?

#76. Do you hear what I hear? Set a timer for 5 minutes and write about all of the sounds you hear in those 5 minutes.

#77. Imagine you go to get a haircut and they accidentally shave your head! How do you feel about that and what would you do?

#78. Do you find it easy to talk to people you don’t know? What are some ways you can start up a conversation with someone you have never met before?

#79. Are there any chores you have to do at home? What are they? What do you like – and not like – about each one?

#80. Open up a random book to any page. Write for 5 minutes about the first word you read.

#81. Pretend you are a writer for your city’s newspaper. Who would you like to interview for a news story and why?

#82. There are many fictional characters who live in unusual houses, such as the old woman who lived in a shoe. What kind of unusual house would you like to live in? Write about what it would be like to live in an unusual house!

#83. Write a list of 10 things you can do to practice kindness to others.

#84. Is there a homework subject you dread? Why do you not like getting homework in that subject?

#85. What is your favorite month of the year? Write about why you like it and some of your favorite things to do during that month.

#86. Imagine you are planning a surprise birthday party for someone. How do you keep it a surprise?

#87. Pretend you walked outside to find a sleeping dragon in the grass! Why is the dragon there? Is it a friendly dragon? What do you do? Write about it!

#88. What are you grateful for today and why?

#89. You were on your way to a very important event when you fell into a puddle. Now what?

#90. Have you ever watched a movie and didn’t like how it ended? Write what you think should happen instead.

#91. Can you answer this riddle from Alice in Wonderland ? How is a raven like a writing desk?

#92. Imagine you are the captain of a pirate ship. Write a diary entry for what your day was like.

#93. If you could start any type of business, what kind of business would you start? What types of products or services would you provide?

#94. Write a sequel to one of your favorite fairy tales. For example, what was Goldilocks’s next adventure after she left the bears?

#95. What is something you are afraid of? What helps you to feel less afraid of something? What would you say to a friend who feels scared to help them feel less afraid?

#96. Write a letter to your future self in 20 years.

kids writing prompts and ideas

#97. In addition to basic survival needs such as food, water, air and shelter, what are 3 things you would you need to be happy?

#98. If you could invent a robot of any type who could do anything you imagine, what types of things would you would have the robot to do?

#99. Which do like better? Apples or Oranges? How are they alike? How are they different?

#100. Why did the chicken cross the road? You are a detective and are assigned to the case. How do solve the mystery?

#101. Write instructions for how to make your favorite snack. Be sure you add your favorite tips and suggestions for how to select the best ingredients!

#102. Imagine you borrowed a friend’s favorite lucky pencil to help you pass a math test – but then it snapped in half! How will you ever tell the news to your friend?

#103. Look around the current room you are sitting in and choose 3 random objects that are nearby. Now write a story or poem that includes those three items!

#104. Write a letter to the author of a book you recently read and tell them what you liked most about the book.

#105. Ernest Hemingway is famous for writing a six word story. Can you write a story in just 6 words?

#106. What do you think will be the future for cell phones? Will people still use them in 25 years or will something else take its place?

#107. Do you want to go to college? Why or why not?

#108. Write a story or poem about a kitten who wanders off and gets lost. How does the kitten find its way home?

#109. Currently, it is required by law that kids go to school. Do you think this is a good or bad idea?

#110. If you could invent a new board game, what would it be called? How is it played? What are the rules? What makes it fun to play? Write about it!

#111. Imagine you come home to discover your entire bedroom is covered in ketchup! What on earth happened? What is your reaction? How do you clean everything up?

#112. What is something you learned today?

#113. Would you rather have a goldfish or shark as a pet?

#114. From A-Z: make a list of something for every letter of the alphabet.

#115. Have you ever gone fishing? If you have, did you like it? Why or why not? If you haven’t, do you think you might want to?

#116. What is one of the most important things you do each and every day?

#117. Write a story about Gretchen the Grouch, a girl who is always angry! Will she ever be happy? Why is she so grumpy all of the time?

#118. How do you feel when someone takes something of yours without asking? What is a good way to deal with it when that happens?

#119. Write a poem that starts with the word “if”.

#120. Write a story about a family of rabbits who live in the woods. What are some of the challenges they face?

#121. What clothes do you think are the most comfortable? What kind of clothes do you like to wear the most? What clothes do you NOT like to wear?

#122. Imagine there are no grocery stores and you must get your own food. What are some of the ways you find food? What types of things do you eat?

#123. What are 3 things you can do that are good for the environment?

#124. If you could meet any famous person today, who would you want to meet and why? What questions might you ask them?

#125. A tongue twister is a quick poem where many of the words start with the same letter and are similar in sound. For example, “Peter picked a peck of pickled peppers.” Try writing your own with this fun kids writing prompt!

#126. What is the first thing you think of when you hear or see the word green?

#127. A hero is someone who is admired for their courage and achievements. What do you think makes someone a hero? Who are some of your heroes?

#128. What did you do during summer vacation last year? What do you want to do for summer vacation this year?

#129. Write a story about a super hero dog who saves the day! Who does the dog help and why?

kids journal prompts

#130. Would you rather live somewhere that is always cold, or somewhere that is always hot? Write about which one you would rather choose.

#131. Have you ever volunteered to help a charity? If so, write about the experience! If not, what are some charities you think you might like to volunteer for?

#132. What does the word courage mean to you?

#133. What makes you unique? What are some things about you that make you an individual?

#134. Have you ever been to a museum? What is your favorite thing to look at on display?

#135. What can you do to set a good example for others to be kind?

#136. A Tall Tale is a story that exaggerates something that actually happened. Write a tall tale about something that recently happened to you.

#137. What is one of your favorite toys that you think you might still want to have and play with when you are 22 years old?

#138. Oh no! Everyone around you is sick with a nasty cold! Write a silly poem about how you try to avoid catching their germs!

#139. Personification is when a non-living object takes on human characteristics. Write a story where you personify a common electronic gadget in your house, such as the Television or toaster.

#140. Write a poem using similes, which is when you say an object is like something else. Here is an example of a simile: “Her eyes were as blue as the sky.”

#141. Have you ever read a book written by Dr. Suess? Write your own “Suess-style” story, complete with rhymes and made up words.

#142. Do you have any siblings? Think about what it might mean to be a good brother or sister and write about it!

#143. Make a list of questions to interview your parents or grandparents about what it was like when they were growing up as a kid. Then, ask them the questions and write about their answers!

#144. You are in charge of writing a new radio show just for kids! What topics will you talk about? What music do you play?

#145. What do you usually eat for breakfast every day? What, in your opinion, is the greatest breakfast food ever created? What makes it so great?

#146. Write a 12 line poem where every line is about a different month of the year.

#147. What is something you look forward to doing the most when you are an adult?

Use these prompts in your classroom!  Get the  ad-free printable version of these prompts  to inspire your students to write! Thank you for your support!

#148. Do you like to try new things? What is something new you have tried recently or would like to try?

#149. Imagine what it might be like to be alive in Egypt when the pyramids were built. Write about what it was like.

#150. A credo is a statement of personal beliefs. Try writing your own credo for things that you believe in and feel are important.

#151. The circus has come to town but they have no place to perform! How do you help the ringmaster find a place to put on a show?

circus lion

#152. Do you like to act? What are some of your favorite actors or actresses? What do you think makes someone a good actor or actress?

#153. “Practice makes perfect” is a popular saying. What is something you like to practice so you can become better at it? A sport? A musical instrument? A special skill? Do you like to practice?

#154. Write about what it might be like to be water drops freezing and turning into ice.

#155. Do you think it is important to keep your room clean? What do you like about having a clean room?

#156. Imagine your parents are sending you away for a two week summer camp trip. Would you be excited? Why or why not?

#157. What are you currently learning about in history class? Write a fictional story about someone from the past you are learning about.

#158. Many wars have been fought in the past. Instead of going to war, what do you think countries could do to resolve their differences peacefully?

#159. Every year over 8 billion plastic bottles and cans are thrown away. What are some things you can do to help encourage your family and friends to recycle?

#160. Imagine if you were the principal of the school. What might you do differently? What things would you do that are the same? Write about it!

#161. Pretend that one day you are at your neighbor’s house and you notice a strange noise coming from the basement. You go downstairs to investigate to see a large machine running with many lights and buttons. Why is it there?

#162. Write an essay that starts with the line, “Tomorrow, I hope…”

#163. If you could give one thing to every child in the world, what would you want to give them?

#164. Do you have a piggy bank at home? How do you earn money to add to your savings?

writing ideas for kids

#165. What qualities make a house a home? What are 3 things you think every house should have?

#166. Would you rather go scuba diving or rock climbing? Write about which one you think you would like to do more and why.

#167. Do you think it is a good idea for kids to write a daily journal? What are some of the benefits of writing every day?

#168. Do you like watching fireworks or are they too noisy? Write about a time when you saw fireworks in the sky.

#169. Oh no! Your friend has turned into a statue! How did this happen? What do you do? Does your friend ever turn back into a person again?

#170. If you could be any movie character, who would you be and why?

#171. A mysterious message appears in code on your computer screen. What could it mean?

#172. If you could go to work with one of your parents for a day, what do you think the day would be like? What types of things do your parents do at work all day long?

#173. Imagine you are the President and you are creating a new national holiday. What is your holiday about? How is it celebrated? What day of the year do you celebrate? Write about it!

#174. You won a never-ending lifetime supply of spaghetti noodles! What will you do with all of these noodles?

#175. Would you rather be a bunny rabbit or a hawk? Why did you choose the one you chose?

#176. Your teacher has been acting mysterious lately. After school one day, you notice a weird green light shining through underneath the door of your classroom. What do you do? What is happening with your teacher?

#177. Write an article about tips for how kids can be more organized and study well for tests.

#178. Look at any product in your house and read the ingredients labels. Research what each ingredient is. Do you think these ingredients are good or bad for people?

#179. If you were a doctor, what do you think would be the most important part of your job every day?

#180. The school librarian needs your help! A truck just arrived with 2,000 books and she can’t fit all the books onto the shelves! What do you do? How do you find a place to put all these books?

#181. Do you think it would be fun to plant a garden? What types of plants would you want to grow? Write about your garden ideas.

#182. What is a sport or activity you would like to try playing for the first time?

#183. Do you think kids should be allowed to do the same things as adults? What things do you think kids should be able to do that only grown-ups can?

#184. Imagine you and your parents switch places for a day. Your parents are the kids and you are now in charge! What would you do?

#185. Write a get-well letter to someone who has been sick. What can you say to make them feel better?

#186. If you could visit any planet in the solar system, which planet would you like to visit the most and why? Write about what it might be like.

#187. Have you ever been to a farm? What did you like about it? If you haven’t been to a farm, do you think you might like to visit one? Why or why not?

#188. The mayor of the city has a big problem and needs your help! What is the problem and how will you solve it?

#189. Pretend your little sister ate carrots for dinner and the next morning woke up with rabbit ears!  How did this happen? What do you do? Will she be a rabbit forever?

#190. Imagine you wake up in the morning to find out you get to relive any day of your life again for the whole day. What day would you want to experience again and why?

#191. Do you think you might like to be a firefighter? Why or why not?

fire fighter writing prompt

#192. You are a lawyer and your client has been accused of stealing a car. How do you convince the jury your client is innocent?

#193. Think of the four elements: fire, air, earth, and water. Which of these four elements do you like the best?

#194. What would you do if you could be invisible for a whole day? Do you think you would enjoy it or be glad to be back to normal the next day? Write about it!

#195. Imagine you are a meteorologist and people are starting to get angry that your weather predictions are always wrong. What do you do?

#196. If you could create any law, what would it be? Why do you think the law is an important one to have?

#197. You are going incognito and need to hide to your identity so you aren’t recognized or discovered while you walk through the city. What type of disguise do you wear?

#198. Write a persuasive letter to your parents explaining why you should get a new pet. Make sure you provide a convincing argument they won’t be able to refuse!

#199. Your friend wants to do something dangerous. What should you do?

#200. How do you think the world would be different if there were no oceans?

#201. What do you do when someone disagrees with your opinions? Is there a better way to handle conflicting opinions?

#202. What do you think you as a kid could do to help encourage more people to read?

#203. Do you have a good luck charm? What makes this item lucky? When do you use it? How do you use it?

#204. What is at the end of a rainbow? Imagine you follow a rainbow to the end. What do you discover? Is it a pot of gold, or something else?

Use these prompts in your classroom!  Get the  ad-free printable version of these prompts  to inspire your students to write! Thank you for your support!

#205. What do you think the consequences should be for someone who is caught cheating on a test at school?

#206. Imagine you are riding your bike one day when you encounter an older kid who wants to steal your bike. What do you do?

#207. You are the lead singer and star of a famous rock and roll band, but there is one problem – your drummer is jealous of your fame! How do you solve this situation?

#208. If you could help a group of kids in any part of the world, what kids would you want to help the most and why? What are some things you think would help these kids?

#209. Everyone knows the house on the end of the street is haunted. What are some of the strange things that happen there? Why is the house haunted?

#210. You notice at school one day there is a door to a secret passage next to the janitor’s closet and decide to explore. Where does it lead? Why is it there? Do you go alone or bring a friend along?

#211. A bucket list is a list of things you want to accomplish in your lifetime. What are 5 things on your bucket list?

#212. Imagine the perfect treehouse or clubhouse for you and all of your friends as a place to hang out. Describe what it is like inside.

#213. Do you get bored easily? Make a list of things you can do whenever you feel like you are bored and there is nothing fun to do!

#214. Now vs. Then: Think about how today is different from one year ago. How have you changed? What things in your life are different?

#215. Write your autobiography about your life.

#216. It’s a heat wave! What do you do when the weather is hot? What are some of your favorite ways to stay cool?

#217. What are three important safety tips every kid should know to stay safe?

#218. What genre of books do you like to read the most? Write about the characteristics of the genre and list some of your favorite books as examples.

#219. Holiday Traditions: How does your family celebrate the different holidays and events? What are some traditions you do each and every year?

#220. Imagine one day in science class a science experiment goes terribly wrong and now you and all of your classmates have superpowers! What are your superpowers and what do you do with them?

superheroes writing prompts for kids

#221. Who is favorite teacher? Why are they your favorite?

#222. You are baking a cake, but you accidentally put salt in the cake instead of sugar. Nobody will eat it! How do you feel? What will you do next time?

#223. Do you think it is important to have good table manners? What do you think some good manners to practice might be?

#224. Many schools no longer teach cursive handwriting. Do you think this is a good or bad thing? Do you know how to write cursive handwriting? Would you like to learn if you haven’t?

#225. If you were the owner of a theme park, what types of rides and attractions would have? Describe what they would be like and why people would want to visit your park.

#226. Your parents give you $100 to spend at the grocery store. What do you buy and why?

#227. Some people who are alive today grew up without computers or video games. What would you do if you didn’t have a computer or video games? How would life be different?

#228. You walk into your living room and discover there is a giant elephant standing there. How did the elephant get there? What do you do about it? How do you explain the elephant in the living room to your parents?

#229. Have you ever had a weird dream? What happened in the dream? What do you think it means?

#230. Do you like to draw or paint? Write a story inspired by a painting, doodle, or sketch.

#231. You are being sent on a mission to outer space to live in a space station for 5 years. What supplies do you pack and why?

#232. What is the scariest creature alive on earth? Describe in detail what makes it so horrifying.

#233. What do you think your pet might say if they could talk to you?

#234. Imagine your school is putting on a talent show. What act will you perform? What other acts will be in the show?

#235. If you could breathe under water, what would you do?

#236. What time of day do you think school should start? Write a convincing argument on why or why not the time of day school starts should change.

#237. If you were to start your own YouTube video channel, what would the videos on your channel be about?

#238. Do you like to cook? What are some things you like to make and eat?

#239. Your school is having a field day and you are in charge of planning the activities and games. What types of activities and games would you plan for the event?

#240. If you had a remote control drone that takes video of everything it sees from the sky and you could take it anywhere, what would you film? For example, the inside of a volcano or soar it over the plains of Africa.

#241. The Bermuda Triangle is an area of the ocean where many ships and planes have gone missing. Why do you think this could be? Write a story about what it might be like to travel there.

#242. There are 7 great wonders of the world – which one do you think is the most wonderful?

#243. If you could speak any foreign language fluently, which one would you like to speak and why?

#244. You are inventing a new flavor of ice cream! What is the new flavor called and what ingredients do you need to make it?

#245. Would you rather go to a baseball game or read a good book? What reasons do you have for your choice?

#246. You walk outside to get your mail and your mailbox starts talking to you! What does your mailbox have to say?

#247. Imagine you are a famous person. What are you most famous for? What is it like to be famous?

#248. What do you think would be the most fun job in the world to have? Give examples of why you think it would be a fun job to have.

#249. Write a poem about an object that is shiny and dazzling.

#250. Do you like to watch the Olympics? Why or why not? If yes, what is your favorite Olympic sport?

#251. What kind of car do you want to drive when you are older? Do you think learning to drive will be easy or hard?

#252. What do you think would make for a great gift to give someone on their birthday?

#253. Describe a time when you needed help and someone helped you. What did they help you with and how did it make you feel?

#254. If you could be any type of fruit or vegetable, what would you be and why?

Love these prompts?  Get the  ad-free printable version of these prompts  to use at home or in the classroom!

#255. Do you think it is more important to have a good imagination or have all the facts proven?

#256. Do you have a favorite aunt, uncle, or another relative? Write a story about their life and why you like to be with them.

#257. Think of a time you laughed really, really hard. What was so funny? Why were you laughing? Write about it!

#258. Write a poem about an emotion. For example: happy, sad, angry, embarrassed, guilty.

#259. Do you ever have a hard time falling asleep? What are some things that help you feel sleepy?

#260. If you could drive a car, where would you drive and why?

#261. Imagine you are trading places with your friend for a day. What will it be like to be at their house? What will your friend think while they are at your house? Write about it!

#262. If you could break a world record, what would it be? What do you think would be necessary to be able to break the world record?

#263. Imagine you live in Colonial times. What would it be like to grow up as a kid in Colonial America?

#264. You are building a new city. What is the name of your city? What is the weather like? What buildings will you build?

#265. What do you think it would be like to work as a sailor on big ship in the ocean each day?

ocean writing prompt

#266. Imagine you are the teacher for the day. What types of activities do you make the students in the class do?

#267. How would you feel if your parents told you that you would be getting a new baby brother or sister? Write about it!

#268. Do you know any good jokes? What are some of your favorite jokes? What makes them funny? Do you think you could write your own?

#269. Imagine you are floating down a river on a raft. What types of things can you see from the river that you normally wouldn’t see from the land?

#270. You want to start a new hobby collecting something. What kinds of things would you collect and why?

#271. Your mom announces she is having a yard sale. Would you let her sell any of your things? Why or why not?

#272. Imagine you walk out your front door one morning and it is raining popcorn! What do you do?

#273.  You are camping in the woods one night and hear a scary noise. What do you do? What might be the cause?

#274. What do you think might make kids really happy to go to school? What are some things you think schools should do so that it could be more fun?

#275. Today’s lunch at the cafeteria was unusually horrible. You are a detective on the case to investigate. What do you think is the cause?

#276. If you had a tree that grows money, what would you do?

#277. What would you do if you had a unicorn as a pet?

#278. Would you rather go to the zoo or go to the aviary? Which one would you pick and why?

#279. What are some safety tips you should follow when riding a bike?

#280. You are designing the cover of a magazine. What are some of the headlines on the cover?

#281. Are you afraid of the dark? Why or why not?

#282. If you could learn to play any type of musical instrument, which one would you like to learn how to play and why?

#283. Imagine you are playing a sport that involves a ball, such as soccer, baseball or kickball. What would it be like if the ball could talk?

#284. You come home to discover a friendly alien has been living in your closet. What do you do? Why is there an alien in your closet?

#285. Is there something you are afraid of that you wish you weren’t afraid of? Write about it.

#286. Write about the best party you’ve ever been to. What made the day fun and special?

#287. What makes you feel loved and cared about? What are some ways people can show you that they love and care about you?

#288. There is a kite flying competition coming up and you are going to design your own kite. What will your kite look like? What colors will it be? Will it have any certain shape?

#289. You are given the challenge to drop an egg on the floor – without it breaking! What are some things you might try to make sure the egg won’t break?

#290. What are some of the things you can do every day to stay healthy?

#291. Do you think grown-ups are boring? Why do you think they are so boring all of the time? What is something fun that boring grown-ups could do instead of being so boring?

#292. Write a lyrical poem or song about what kids do while they are at school all day long.

#293. What are the first things you like to do when you are done with school each day? What are some of the activities you like when you are not at school?

#294. Imagine dinosaurs were still alive today. How do you think our lives would be different?

#295. Would you rather visit a volcano or a desert? Which one would you choose and why?

#296. Is there a sound you think is annoying? What types of sounds drive you crazy? Write about them!

#297. What do you think it would be like to be the size of an ant for a day? What types of things would you do?

Writing Prompt: What would it be like if your teddy bear came to life?

#298. Imagine one of your stuffed animals comes to life and starts talking to you. What types of things will you talk about? What will you do?

#299. What makes you feel happiest? Write about the things in life that make you feel happy!

#300. Imagine there is no gravity. What kind of things would you do you for fun? How would some of the things you already do for fun be different?

Buy the Printable Cards!  We will always have this list of 300 kids writing prompts available for free, but I’m very excited to now also offer an  ad-free printable version of these prompts  in my online Etsy shop. Thank you for your support!

Parents and teachers, I hope you enjoyed these 300 writing prompts for kids and that you will use them to inspire your children’s creative imaginations.

These prompts of course can be used in a number of different ways and can be adapted for a variety of different styles of writing !

What do you think? Do you think these are good conversation and story starters for kids? Do you have any ideas for writing prompts you would like to share?

And of course, if you’d like to make it super fun and easy to use these prompts at home or in your classroom, be sure to get our ad-free printable version of these kids writing prompt cards now available in my Etsy shop.

We’d love to hear your thoughts on different creative writing ideas and topics for kids to write about! Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Chelle Stein wrote her first embarrassingly bad novel at the age of 14 and hasn't stopped writing since. As the founder of ThinkWritten, she enjoys encouraging writers and creatives of all types.

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Hundreds of Awesome Creative Writing Topics for kids

Creative writing is a great way for children to express themselves using imagination. At Kids Play and Create, we value young writers, and we are constantly updating our list to bring you new, fun, and imaginative writing prompts for kids.

We have story starters, icebreakers, fiction writing prompts, and fun topics to inspire kids through writing. From young students to middle school students and even high school, we have great writing prompts for all writing styles and even the most reluctant writers.

We started out with 50 creative writing topics for kids but have added many more. Check back regularly for newly added writing topics. 

                Check the end of the article for updated Creative Writing Topics for Teens. Are you looking for Creative Writing topics for 1st grade and 2nd grade with free printables? We have that too!

Creative Writing prompts for kids

What is Creative Writing?

Creative writing can be used to explain many types of writing. It is a writing style that lets the writer express themselves.  Some forms of creative writing entertain the reader, while others are therapeutic.  Creative writing lets the writer use their imagination and takes the reader on a journey into their thoughts.

Is Creative Writing Important?

Creative writing is a great way to learn more about the children you work with.  You can find out things about what they like and don’t like.  Depending on the topic you choose, you can also find out things about their personality, what kind of friends they are, how they feel about themselves, and if they set goals and more.  

There are many benefits to writing. Creative writing helps build critical thinking skills and writing skills. These writing prompts will build a child’s confidence to write their own stories.

How do you get kids to want to write without complaining?  Give them fun topics that they will learn about themselves while writing.  On this list, you will find various good topics for both younger and older children.

Creative Writing is fun for All Ages.

Creative writing isn’t just for older children. It can be for the little ones too. Young students as early as Preschool or Kindergarten may not have the ability to write but can express themselves through drawing.

Have young students concentrate less on the writing and more on drawing a picture that goes with the topic. Children are great at expressing themselves through art.

hundreds of writing prompts for kids

Awesome Creative Writing Prompts for Elementary Students

1. Have the children write on top of the page:  I Am Special Because… This is a good topic to help children express themselves.

Have the children think about why they are special and ask themselves questions, here are some examples: what am I good at? Who have they helped? How have I made a difference? What special talent do I have?

2. If I was a superhero, what kind of superhero would I be, and what powers would I have? (This can also be done using villains)

 Examples of powers they can write about: are flying, super speed, eye lasers, walking through walls, shooting ice, shooting fire, changing the weather, camouflage, shapeshifting (changing shape), and turning invisible. 

Activity:  Keep track of who chose a superhero or a villain. Do not let the children know that another activity will follow after the writing activity. When the writing activity is over, split the children into two teams, the superhero team and the villain team.  Have them vs. each other in a game of tag.  Who will champion the superheroes or the villains? 

3. What do I want to be when I grow up and why? This a great way to get to know children.  By asking what they want to be when they grow up, you can find out what the children like.  It’s also a great way for children to start thinking about the future.

4. If you were given three wishes, what would they be and why? This is a fun topic.  Children can think about having anything in the world.  Will they pick something like peace on earth or go the million-dollar route?  

5. If I could invent a new animal, what animal would it be?  Have the children ask themselves the following questions: What does the animal look like (what color, is it big or small, is it a combination of two animals)?  What sounds does the animal make?  What does it eat?  Where does it live?  Describe the animal’s habitat.

Creative Writing Topics for kids

Creative Writing Topics for Kids

6. If I could invent a new toy, what kind of toy would I create and why? Or, If I could improve a toy, which toy would I improve, and how would I make it better?  You can talk to the children about the creative process:  First, you come up with an idea, then you have to get it made.  You can talk to the children about manufacturing toys.  Here are some questions you can ask the children about improving a toy.  How do you want to make the toy better?  Do you want to make the remote control car faster?  Is the game challenging enough?  Do you want your doll to have more features or do more?  These are all questions you can ask the children to get their brains thinking.

7. If I could make something disappear in my life, what would it be and why? Ask the children if there is something in your life that makes them unhappy.  Is there a problem you are having?  

8. All About me essay. Some sample questions the children can ask are:  What are my likes and dislikes? What is my favorite subject in school? What do I want to be when I group up?  Who is their favorite actress/actor?  Where do they want to visit? They can name the people in their family, talk about any extracurricular activities they do, etc.

In what ways do I help my family? Have children write about the ways they help their families.  Do you have chores?  If so, what are they?  Do you help your mom or dad cook?  Do you talk out the garbage? Do you take care of your siblings?  Do you have a job to help pay bills?  

10. How can I be a better friend?  Have children think about what type of friends they are.  Are they good listeners?  Are you kind?  Do you talk about your friends to other people?  Have them think about how they would like to be treated by a friend, do they treat their friends the way they want to be treated?

The Best Creative Writing Topics for 4th and 5th grade

11. If you could be invisible, what would you do and why? Have the children think about what it would be like to be invisible.  Would they use this new power for good or would they try to do something bad?

See also   Top 10 Ways you can Encourage Good Homework Habits for Elementary Students .

12. What do you think about bullies and why? Have the children define what a bully is to them in their paper.  Do they think they are a bully?  Do they think bullying is wrong?  Remember, these are things the children are feeling, there are no wrong answers.

13. Why is it important to be honest and not lie?  To them, the children with their writing ask them the following questions. What does it mean to be honest?  Have you ever told a lie that turned into another lie?

14. What would you do if you won a million dollars?  This question is usually a favorite topic with the children.  Ask them if they think one million dollars is a lot of money.  Depending on where you live, it might be just enough to buy a small house and a car.  What are some things you would buy?  Would you save some or spend it all?

15. If you could change the world, what would you do and why? This is a good question for older children.  Would they change things, such as ending hate and violence in the world? Would they change things such as making gas or food free for everyone? You will get various answers, making this a fun and interesting topic.

Little Boy Writing

Fun Writing Prompts Ideas

16. If you were a king/queen, what would you do and why? This is a fun topic for both younger and older children.  Activity: Have the children draw their kingdom and a picture of them as king or queen

17. If you could invent a video game, what kind of game would you create and why? This topic is also great for older children and young er children.  Children love playing video games, they may not realize that they can make video games for a living.  Talk to the children about video game developers and the process of creating video games.  Have them brainstorm ideas for games, and find out what they can come up with.

18. Write about a time when you had to be brave, what did you do, and how did it feel?  Ask the children if they have ever been afraid. What were they afraid of? Did something scary happen to them?  What did they do to get through it?

19. Write about a trip to the moon, how did you get there, what did you see, it was fun or scary?

20. Write about something you are good at?

21. Write about one thing you want to learn about?

22. Write about a time when you worked hard to get something. This can be a thing or an accomplishment, like making a team, finally getting that cartwheel, or passing a test.

23. Write about five things you could be better at if you worked hard and gave more effort.  There is always room for improvement.  Talk to the children about the importance of trying hard and working towards a goal.

24. If you had to give away $1,000, what would you do with it, who would you give it to? This is a great question when talking to children about being kind and helping others.  

Journal Prompts or Kids

25. What is the best thing someone has ever given to you?

26. What is the nicest thing someone has ever done for you?

27. Write about what you can teach others. Everyone is good at something.  This question helps children think about what they’re good at and how they can help others.

28. Did you ever get into an argument with a friend or family member? How did that make you feel?  

29. Did you ever hurt someone’s feelings?  Explain what happened and how it made you feel.  

30. Did someone ever hurt your feelings? How did it make you feel? Did you talk to that person about it?

31. Is there anyone you would like to switch places with? who and why?

32. What does it mean to be loyal?

33. When was a time you were loyal to a friend or a friend who was loyal to you?

34. What famous person would you like to meet? Write about a day spent with a famous person.

Self-Esteem Writing Topics

34. Has a friend ever betrayed you? How did it make you feel? What do you think your friend should have done differently?

35. Have you ever been friends with someone who was unpopular or not part of the group?  This is a great question to ask children when teaching them about acceptance and how it feels not to be part of a group.

36. When was a time you felt you were treated unfairly? How did it make you feel?

37. Is it fair to give someone a head start in a race?  When is it fair? When is it not fair?

38. Write about a time when you had a strong opinion about something? Why did you feel so strongly about it?

39. Write about a time you made a big mistake.  How did you fix it?  Everyone makes mistakes.  This writing topic helps children understand that mistakes are part of the learning experience.

40. Write about a time when you were very angry.  What happened? How did being angry make you feel? I find that many times children will feel sad when they are angry.  Did I make a good choice when I was angry? This is a great writing topic when discussing feelings with children.  It is important for them to understand that anger isn’t wrong, and you are allowed to feel angry.

41. If you heard a rumor about a friend you knew wasn’t true, what would you do? How would it make you feel?

42. Write about a time when you cheered someone up. What did you do? How did it make you feel? How did it make that person feel?

43. Write about a time you used your inner strength to get through a tough situation.

44. Write about three things that are hard for you and why.

See also   Free Colorful Printable Tracing Worksheets for Kids ‘

45. When was the last time you were afraid? What scared you? How did you react?

46. What is the bravest thing you’ve ever done?

47. Who is your hero, and why?

48. What do you think risk-taking is?  Have you ever taken a risk?

49. Write about your best friend. Who are they, how long have you known them, and why are they your best friend?

50. What does it mean to have good character? Do you think you have good character, why?

Short Story Writing Topics for Kids

51. Think about something you are not allowed to do but wish you could.  Write about why you want to do it and why you should be allowed to do it.

52. If you could be on a t.v show, which one would it be and why?  

53. If you had to choose to be one age for the rest of your life which age would you want to be?  Why?

54.  If you could pick the perfect job, what would it be?

55. You just found a treasure map, write about what you would do next.  Do you decide to look for the treasure?  Who is going to help you?  What supplies do you need? Did the map lead you to the treasure, or was it fake?  If you found the treasure, what was it?  What did you do with it?

56. You just built a time machine.  Where in time would you go?  What did you do?  What did you see?  Would you want to stay there or come back to the present time?

57.  You just discovered a new land.  What are you going to call your land?  What kind of animals live there?  Have you discovered anything on your land?  What are you going to build on your new land?

58. Challenge the kids to write a scary story.

59. If you are working with younger children, instead of having them write, you can have them draw and answer questions about their drawing.  Try some of these topics.

1  Create a monster.  Your monster can be silly, scary, funny, big, little, colorful, etc..  What is your monster’s name?  What does your monster eat?  Where does your monster live?  Is your monster nice or mean?  You can write the answers to the questions on the paper for the child or have them come up and share their drawing, while they are showing their picture, ask them questions about their monster.

2.  Create an animal.  This is the same as the monster but just an animal instead.

3. Create new food. What kind of food is it?  Is it a dessert, is it something spicy, is it a combination of both?  Have the children draw a picture of their new food.

Group Writing Prompts for kids

Group Writing Prompts for Kids

I’ve been working with kids on group writing and art projects.  The kids enjoyed these topics the best.

58. Create a fairy tale. have each group member write one part of the story. Then have each member of the group draw one part of the story. When the children are finished writing, have them come up in front of the class and retell their story.   

59.  Create an amusement park.  Discuss as a group the name of the park.  Have each member of the group write about the parts of the park. 

A. What is the theme of your park?  Adventure, thrill rides, water rides, safari, etc.

B.  Write about the type of rides in the park.  Are there shows in the park?

C. Describe places to eat at the park and what type of food they serve.

D. Do they have a gift shop?  What do they sell at your park?

Art Project:  On a large poster board, have each group member draw a park map.  List of attractions, games, food, restrooms, gift shops, shows, etc..

 60. Create a planet – Your group has just discovered a new planet.  Have a group discussion about the planet.  What is the name?  Do anyone live on the planet? Is there water on the planet? Did you find fossils, aliens, or animals?  Is there oxygen? Are there plants, trees, or water?  Have each member of the group write something about the planet.

Art Project: Make a planet out of paper mache.  Once dry, paint, and decorate the planet.

Newly Added Creative Writing Prompts

61. Create a new food/or meal and make a recipe to teach others how to make it.  Have the kids draw a picture of the new food/meal.

62. Create a new game and describe how to play.  This writing topic lets children use their imaginations.  Have the children draw out the game on paper.  If creating a  board game, have the children turn the paper into a board game.

63. Write about a time you lost a game, didn’t do well on a test, or made a mistake, what lesson did you learn? This is a great writing topic to use when teaching children about losing.  Everyone loses sometimes.  losing actually makes you better.  Without losing, sometimes, you won’t strive to become better.

64.  Your video just went viral on Youtube.  What did you do in your video? These days children spend so much time looking at videos on Youtube.  Have them imagine what it would be like to become famous overnight with a viral video.

Fabulous Creative Writing Prompts for Kids

65.  Pretend you had an evil twin.  Write about some things your evil twin does.

66. What is the grossest lunch you have ever been served?  Write about this gross meal.  Remember to add many details about what the food looked and tasted like.

67. What is your sorcerer’s name?  What kind of sorcerer would you be?  Would you be evil or nice?  What kind of powers would you have?  What is something that you did as a sorcerer?

68. What are your personal superpowers?  Are you a great friend, are you smart, do you have a hidden talent?  Write about the superpowers that you already have.

See also   Black History Month Writing Prompts for Students .

69. Write about a time when you were proud of your work and did your best.  How did that make you feel?  Do you always try your best?  Why or why not

70. You have been working hard on your schoolwork/project all for a while, and your mind and body are tired, and you need a break.  What are some ways that you like to take a break?  Do you like to color, take deep breaths, play your favorite game, nap, or have a snack?  Tell us about how you like to take a break.

  • Invent a new holiday. What would you call your holiday? When is it celebrated? How is it celebrated?
  • You became a movie star overnight, what movie were you in? What character did you play?
  • Write about your favorite sport. Why is it your favorite? Give directions on how to play.
  • What is your favorite thing? Describe it and tell why it is your favorite.
  • Who is your favorite teacher? Explain why they are your favorite.

Creative Writing Topics for teens

The Best Creative Writing Prompts and Topics for Teens

  • Have you ever seen somebody being treated unfairly?  If so, did you do anything about it, or did you ignore it and walk away?
  • Do you talk to people the same way in person as you do on social media?
  • How do you think social media has changed or is changing the world?
  • What kind of America do you want to live in?
  • What are your plans after high school?
  • What do you think college life is like?
  • Do you think it is important to save money at your age?  If so, how do you save money?  Why do you think it is important?
  •  Do you know what it means to have good credit?  Do you think it is important to have good credit?  Why?
  • Would you ever join the military?  Why?
  • Who is your idol, and why?
  • What is your favorite childhood memory?

New Creative Writing Prompts for Middle School and High School Students

  • If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go?
  • Write about something you would love to try and why
  • Write about something you did but then felt guilty about it later.  How did you handle the situation?
  • What is the hardest experience you have ever been through?  How did you handle it?
  • Have you ever been to a job interview?  Where are you prepared?  Did you get the job? Would you say something different if you could do it over? Would you be better prepared next time?
  • How do you think the world will be 50 years from now? How do you think people will treat each other?  How do you think the internet/social media has changed the world?  What kind of cars do you think we will be driving?  Will we still be using gas?
  • Write about your dream home.  Would you live in a house or an apartment in the city?  Do you want a big house or something small?  What kind of fun features would your dream home have?
  • If you were a parent, would you let your child have a social media account?  Why or why not?
  • Would you rather work in a team on a project or alone?
  • Write about your favorite song, why is it your favorite?  What is your favorite verse?  How do you feel when listening to it?
  • If you were a clothing designer, what kind of clothes would you design?
  • You have to spend one year stranded on a deserted island, you can bring five things or people with you, what do you bring?
  • You are a superhero, you have to use your powers to make a positive change in the world.  What powers do you have?
  • You are given the power to change one thing you don’t like about yourself, would you change anything?  If yes, what would you change and why?
  • Write about your future self. What is your life like?

Updated Creative Writing Topics for Middle School and High School

  • You are creating a new amusement park.  What kind of park would it be?  What kind of rides does it have?
  • Write about the best Christmas gift you have ever received. Explain what it was, why it was your favorite, who gave it to you, do you still have it.  
  • You were given 1 million dollars, but you must give it away.  Who would you give it to?  would you give it to one person or a couple of different people?  Would you donate it to an organization? 
  • Name 5 of the most important things in your life ( house, family, health, etc..); now you just lost all of them.  How would you feel, what would you do?
  • You just became a YouTube sensation.  What did you do that made you famous?  How does it feel to be recognized by people on the street?
  • A friend of yours has been depressed and said that they told you they don’t want to live anymore.  What do you do and why?
  • How would people describe you and why?
  • Do you think that violent video games make people violent?  Do you think there should be age restrictions on video games?
  • You have a choice of giving up social media or hanging out with your friends for a week, which one do you choose and why?
  • Do you think what you learn in school can help you in the real world?  What topics do you think you should be learning and why?

The Best Creative Writing Prompts for Teens Continued 

  • Do you think that money can buy happiness, why or why not?
  • Do you think you need higher education to become successful?
  • How important is your cell phone with you? I rather give up….blank…. than my cell phone (explain).
  •  Describe the perfect day. What would you do?
  • Have you ever been faced with discrimination?  Were you the one being discriminated against, or were you a witness to discrimination, How did you feel?
  • If you were given the opportunity to meet anyone in the world, living or dead, who would you want to meet and why?
  • Why do you think we pay taxes?  Do you believe taxes are necessary?  What do you think our tax money is used for?

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General Education


With many kids learning from home due to Covid-19, easy-to-organize educational activities for students are more important than ever. Writing helps improve students' creativity, communication skills, and ability to focus, among other benefits.

Whether you're a teacher, a parent now homeschooling, or a student looking for something new and interesting to write about, these writing prompts are for you. We've collected 57 writing prompts for students of various ages, from elementary school through high school. From spooky story writing prompts to debating how to improve schools, this article has writing prompts that will appeal to all students.

Tips for Using These Writing Prompts

What's the best way to use these creative writing prompts for kids? It depends on a lot of factors, including the student's age, current schooling structure, and their own interests and abilities. Here are some suggestions:

Use as a daily writing prompts exercise. You can assign one of these prompts at the beginning or end of the school day, as a way to prepare for the rest of the day or unwind after schoolwork.

Set up a quiet space to write. Many people have a hard enough time writing even with no distractions, and it can be nearly impossible to respond thoughtfully to a prompt if there's a television on, people talking, etc. Having a distraction-free space can help your student focus on the work at hand and produce their best writing.

Suggest an estimated writing length. Most of these journal writing prompts are designed to be answered both briefly or much more in depth. By giving a number of words/pages to aim for, you'll give your student a better idea of how detailed their response should be.

Consider having students handwrite their responses. Writing by hand can help students be more thoughtful about their responses because they'll typically write slower than they can type. It can also help students improve their handwriting skills.


57 Fun Writing Prompts for Kids

Below are over 50 journal topics for kids, organized into three categories: narrative writing prompts, fiction/creative writing prompts, and argumentative writing prompts for kids.

Narrative Writing Prompts for Kids

#1: What is your favorite holiday or holiday tradition?

#2: If you could go back in time for one day, which time period would you choose?

#3: If you could learn one thing about your future, what would it be? Or, if you prefer not to know anything, why would you make that choice?

#4: Pretend you're writing an autobiography and need to create a table of contents. What would you name each chapter?

#5: What is your earliest memory? Write every detail you can remember about it.

#6: If you had the power to change one thing about school, what would you change and why?

#7: Describe three goals you have for yourself.

#8: Imagine you are creating your dream restaurant. What kind of food would you serve, what would the menu look like, and how would the restaurant be decorated?

#9: If you could build your dream house, what would it look like? What rooms would it have? What would the yard be like?

#10: What is the bravest thing you've done in your life? Why did you make the choice you did? How did you feel during and after the situation?

#11: What is the funniest thing you've ever seen?

#12: What is your dream job?

#13: What is one thing you're really good at?

#14: Pretend you are a professional reviewer and write a review of a book you recently read or a TV show/movie you recently watched. How many stars would you give it? What did you like about it, and what didn't you like?

#15: Write about a time you did something kind for someone else. What did you do, how did it make you feel, and how did it make the person you helped feel?

#16: Imagine your life in ten years. What do you think you will be like? What will you be doing?

#17: Write about the craziest dream you've ever had.

#18: What would your perfect weekend look like? What things would you do? Who would you see? What would you eat?

#19: Do you like your name? If so, why? If not, what would you change it to?

#20: Make a list of your favorite activities for each season.

#21: Write about your least favorite chore. What don't you like about it? What would you invent to make the chore easier?   

#22: What three pieces of advice would you give to your younger self?

#23: If you could be famous for anything, what would it be? 

#24: If you could create a new law, what would it be? Do you think it would be hard to enforce?

#25: Write about a time you think one or both of your parents made a mistake. What did they do, and what do you think they should have done? Did they admit their mistake?

#26: How would your best friend describe you? How would you describe your best friend? (You can also have your friend do this prompt and read each other's responses.)


Fiction and Creative Writing Prompts for Kids

#27: Write a story about a character taking a submarine ride under the sea. What sort of things do you think they would see there? Would they be afraid or excited?

#28: Write a new chapter for your favorite book or new scene for your favorite movie. Which characters would be there, and what would they be doing?

#29: Invent a new pet. What would it look like, and what would you call it? What would it eat, and how would you care for it?

#30: Start a story with a lyric from a song.

#31: Pick something nearby (toy, pet, flower, etc.) and write a haiku about it. Bonus points if it rhymes!

#32: Write a story about a character who gets lost in the woods and discovers a mysterious person there.

#33: Write your own silly internet quiz.

#34: Choose an object in the house and describe it in as much detail as you can without saying what it is. Then, have a parent or sibling try to guess what you described.

#35: Write a scary story that includes: a spooky pumpkin patch, a vampire afraid of garlic, and a black cat.

#36: Do some people watching out your window. Write a story using one or more of them as the characters. Make up backstories and imagine what they're doing.

#37: Write a story about what you think your parents were like when they were younger.

#38: Your character survives a shipwreck and washes up on a mysterious island. What is on the island and how does (s)he get back home?

#39: Imagine you can choose to be any animal for a day. Which animal would you choose? What would you do?

#40: Write a poem about your favorite season.

#41: Imagine you are chosen for the first mission to Mars. What would you bring with you, and what do you think exploring the planet would be like?

#42: Write a sympathetic story from the point of view of the "bad guy." (Think fractured fairy tales like Wicked or The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs! , although the story doesn't have to be a fairy tale.)

#43: Imagine your pet gets a day to roam free before returning home. Where would it go, and what would it see?

#44: If you could have dinner with any three people (real or fictional), who would you choose and what would you talk about? What would you eat?

#45: Look through photographs, drawings, and paintings. Choose one and write a story about it, imagining where it is and the types of people/things there.

#46: Imagine aliens landed on earth. What would they look like, and how would they act? Would they be friendly or not?


Argumentative Writing Prompts for Kids

#47: Are there dangers of teenagers spending too much time on social media?

#48: Does homework actually help students learn?

#49: Should students doing e-learning this year get letter grades, pass/fail, or no grades?

#50: At what age should children get their own cell phone?

#51: Which is best: ebooks, audiobooks, or traditional print books?

#52: What's more important, PE classes or art classes?

#53: Which celebrity is the best role model for kids? Which is the worst?

#54: Should parents or teachers be able to ban certain books from schools?

#55: Which season is the best?

#56: Should students recite the Pledge of Allegiance in school?

#57: Should students go to school year-round and have shorter breaks throughout the year rather than one long summer vacation?


What's Next?

Also looking for science activities for kids?  Check out our 37 science experiments for kids that you can do at home!

Want to make some slime? We tell you how to make slimes without borax and without glue as well as how to craft the ultimate super slime .

Pipe cleaners can provide endless craft ideas. Read our guide for simple instructions for 31 fun pipe cleaner crafts for kids.

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Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries.

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127 Story Starters & Writing Prompts for Kids (Ages 10 – 14)

Coming up with story starters for kids can be difficult. This article provides 127 writing prompts that can get kids’ creative writing off to a great start. Download my three great creative writing lesson plans that I use as a supply teacher. They’re easy-to-use lessons that you can teach on the go.

Article Key Points

  • Select from the list of 127 writing prompts below for story ideas that you like.
  • Put these writing ideas in a hat and have students randomly pick out their assigned story.
  • Use the 3 lesson plans provided for a ready-made creative writing lesson. Great for supply teachers!

creative writing prompts and story starters for kids

You can get my printable story starters sheet at the end of this article

A full list of 127 story starters and writing prompts for kids

Writing prompts for adventure stories.

  • A princess who needs to rescue a puppy from a river.
  • A family on a road trip who got lost and ended up on a whole new adventure.
  • Two friends who go on an adventure down a river on a rowboat.
A superhero who lost his superpowers in the middle of a rescue.
  • A kid who wakes up one day to find out he / she was turned into a dog.
  • The day in the life of an inanimate object (tree, statue, etc.).
  • Three friends who can time travel forward in time. What will the world look like when they arrive?
The main character of your story has to escape a pirate ship after being captured in the night.
  • Pioneers travelling the whole way across a new land in just a wagon. What challenges will they face?
  • You’re a detective trying to uncover a crime: someone stole grandma’s apple pie when it was cooling on the windowsill!
  • You walk past a phone booth that is ringing. You answer the phone. Who is on the other end?
You wake up one day to find out that you grew and you’re suddenly 12 feet tall! You try to go to school but you find life’s hard as a giant…
  • A giant and a mouse live in a house together and are best friends. Tell a story about them preparing dinner together. What would each eat, and how would their preparations be different?
  • You’re half way up Mount Everest when you drop your pack with all your climbing gear off a cliff. What are you going to do about it?
  • A dorky kid suddenly develops superpowers and fights crime in the city at night.
A talking dog and his best friend race against time to defuse a bomb.
  • A firefighter is in a race against time to put out a fire before it burns down a magical forest full of talking animals (who help him / her to put out the fire!). Help him put out the fire safely !
  • You are walking along the beach and find a message in a bottle. The message provides the directions to something special – follow the directions!
  • Write a story about a refugee. They have recently had to flee their home to go to a safer place. Explain their journey.
You wake up one day and you’re only 6 inches tall! Write the story of what happens next – will you go on an adventure? Will you go to school? What will your parents say when they see you?
  • Write a story about being lost in a maze. How did it make you feel? What did you come across as you turned corners in your attempt to escape?
  • You’re going camping but you’re only allowed to bring 5 belongings. What would you bring, and why?
  • You’re the only survivor of a plane that has crashed in the wilderness. Describe how you will survive.
You’re a book that keeps getting passed from person to person and bookshop to bookshop. What sorts of people read your book and what crazy places do you end up going?
  • You’re 5 feet tall and live in a garden. How will you make your own comfortable little home in amongst the leaves?
  • You’ve found yourself trapped in a prison cell. What creative ways will you come up with to escape?
  • You dig a hole in your backyard and find a treasure. What is the treasure and what will you do with it?
You have to set up a new colony on Mars. Who would you take with you and what struggles will you have setting up your new colony? Who would be king? What would be the rules?
  • You have magical pockets. Every time you put your hand in your pocket, you pull something else out! Write a story of the 5 different, random things you pull out of your pockets. Will some of them be slimy and scary? Will some be alive? Will some be tasty?

Read Also: 25 Central Ideas for Stories

Writing prompts for stories about your life

  • Your favorite memory with your family.
  • The best vacation or adventure you ever had.
  • A time you went to the dentist.
Your two favorite movies (and how they’re similar and different).
  • What you think would happen at a dinner party involving any three of your favorite people (living or dead).
  • Your hero and why they’re your hero.
  • Write a story about your ideal day. Start with your alarm going off to wake you up, and end with you closing your eyes and falling asleep.
The happiest moment of your life. What was it that made you so happy?
  • What a day in your life would be like if you had your dream job.
  • You have swapped jobs with one of your parents. You have to go to work for the day and they have to go to school. What funny things will happen?
  • Write a story about a dream you have had in your past. Was it a logical story, or did your dream defy the rules of the world? If you can’t remember your dream, you can make it up or fill in the gaps.
Write a story about a time you were wrong and how you felt. Were you glad you learned something new? Were you ashamed? Did you apologize?
  • Write a story about your favorite place. If you don’t have a favorite place, invent one and explain why it would be your favorite place.
  • Write about a skill you recently learned. Was it frustrating? After learning the skill how did you feel? How do you use the skill in your life now?
  • Write a story about the things you think about just before you go to sleep at night.
Write about exactly what you’re going to do when you get home from school today.
  • Write a story about all the things you’re grateful for and why you’re grateful for each one.
  • Write about the moment your parents or grandparents met and how they felt at that time. If you don’t know about it, make it up!
  • Write about your first day at high school or university. What will your emotions be? Will you meet anyone?

Read Also: A List of 107 Effective Classroom Teaching Strategies

Writing prompts for imaginative stories

  • What you would do if you could travel back in time to hang out with one of your ancestors.
  • You have a metal detector and are using it on a beach. What do you turn up? Describe it and what you would do with it.
  • You invent your own tree house. Describe it – how do you get into it? How many rooms are there and what is in each room?
You could travel back in time to any time in world history. What is it and why?
  • You meet a fairy who gives you any one gift – what would it be and how would you use it?
  • You just bought a haunted house and are about to spend your first night in it. It’s run down and creepy. Describe your first night, starting with when you step in the door at 5 pm.
  • You’re shipwrecked on a deserted island with only 5 of your belongings. Which would they be and why?
Imagine an older version of you has traveled back in time and has come to give you advice. What advice will they give you and what will your conversation be like?
  • Imagine you’re a farmer. Describe the farm animals or plants you would farm and a day in your life.
  • Write a story about having fear of the grass, but needing to walk through a park. How will you get across the park without touching the grass!?
  • Imagine it’s the world 2100 and climate change has changed the climate where you live. Describe the new climate, the new plants that grow there, and whether it’s extremely hot or extremely cold!
Imagine an ice age has arrived and the whole world is -30 degrees! How will you live? In an igloo? What clothes would you wear? Would the cities be made of ice? Explain a day in the life.
  • You have created your own personal robot. What does the robot do and how does this improve your life?
  • You wake up one day and the only people left in the world are 3 of your closest friends. How will you survive?
  • Your house has been converted into a spaceship and you’re flying to the mysterious planet Obertoron. What is the climate like in this new planet? What challenges do you face settling into this new planet?
You are in the middle of a lesson at school when … suddenly gravity stops working and everything starts floating into the air!
  • You can breathe underwater and go on underwater adventures to a city under the sea. You’re on a mission to save the city from an evil octopus.
  • You wake up in the morning and suddenly you’re 30 years old. What is a day in the life of the 30 year old version of you?
  • Make up the rules of your own sport. You can get inspiration from real sports or a made up sport like Quidditch.
Write a story about the most peaceful place you could imagine. What is surrounding you that makes it so peaceful?
  • Peter Pan flies in through the window to teach you to fly. Describe how it feels to fly out the window and look down on the streets below.
  • You’re in a garbage dump sifting for goodies. What do you find and what do you do with it?
  • You receive a mysterious item in the mail. Describe the item and why you might have received it.
You can read minds. What are the thoughts in the heads of people around you? Are you glad you can read minds, or will you end up regretting it?
  • You’re born into royalty and will be the future king or queen. How are people treating you and what will be your responsibilities? Are you happy about being the future monarch, or will you end up just wishing you were a normal person.
  • You’re the president, king or prime minister for the day. What will you do today to improve your society or change the world?
  • Invent your own movie. What is the main character’s name and what is the movie’s plot? How will the movie end?
Imagine you’re a mermaid for a day. What sea creatures would you talk to? Where would you sleep and live under the sea?
  • Imagine you are a teacher. What would you teach and why?
  • Imagine you have a secret hatch under your bed that takes you into your own private cave. What will you keep in your cave that makes it the prefect secret room for you?
  • Imagine you woke up one morning and there was no electricity for the next year. What would change about your life?
Write a story that involves the following 5 objects: a foot, a lake, a spaceship, a pizza, and a dinosaur.
  • Imagine you’re from a tribe that has never had contact with anyone else in the world. You go for a walk and stumble upon a city. Explain how you feel and what you see.
  • Everything you touch with your right hand turns to candy. Write about a day in your life and the sorts of issues you might come across during your day.
  • You feel the emotions of all the people around you. Write about a day walking through a city, the people you see, and how your emotions go up and down like a roller coaster.
  • Imagine your toys have come to life (like in Toy Story!) What sorts of things will they get up to while you’re at school?

Writing prompts for descriptive stories

  • Write a story about the weather. Choose one type of weather (thunderstorm, sunny day, humidity, rain) and describe it. Use adverbs, adjectives and superlatives to describe how the weather makes you feel.
  • Write a story about a delicious feast you made for your friends. What will be served? Describe its taste in your mouth. Don’t forget to describe the appetizers, main course and dessert!
  • Pretend you are the god of your own little world and you can invent an animal. What would its features be? Think about its head, body and limbs. Don’t forget to describe its skin (fur? Scales? hair?), eyes, mouth (or is it a beak or bill?), ears, fingers, etc.
You are on the train observing other people and listening in to their conversations. Describe the people on the train and what they’re doing with their lives.
  • You are Santa Claus and you’re reading children’s wish lists. Describe three different children’s wish lists. The children need to have different personalities and this needs to be reflected in their wish list.
  • You’ve been given $100 to spend in the supermarket. Start the story of you walking down the aisle trying to pick out what you want. First you’ll describe 7 objects that you find, but then you can only choose 3. Explain your choice.
  • Describe the taste of chocolate to someone who has never tasted it before. How will you explain it?
You’ve met someone who has never smiled before. Explain to them how to smile without using the word ‘smile’.
  • Describe what it’s like to see to someone who was born blind.
  • Describe what it’s like to hear to someone who was born deaf.
  • You start your own club. What would the club be, and what would be the conditions for entry to the club?
You’re about to take an exam. Describe your feelings before the exam begins, then your feelings during the exam, and finally your feelings after you leave!
  • You’re walking through a refugee camp. Describe what you see.
  • Write a story about how you feel on the first warm, sunny day of the year.
  • Describe snow to someone who has never seen or touched it.
Write a story about how it feels to be cold to someone who’s from Jamaica and has never felt the cold!
  • Write a story about how it feels to be hot to someone from the North Pole who’s never felt the heat!
  • You invent your own board game . What is the theme and what are the rules?
  • Describe what it feels to walk through a city to someone who has never been in the city before.
Describe what it feels like to be all alone in the forest to someone who’s never been in among trees before.
  • You move into a new house and have to set up your new bedroom. What would its theme be? What posters would you put on the walls?
  • You’re an architect and can design your dream house. What would it look like? What rooms would there be? What cool things would you include in your new house?
  • If there was one thing you could invent, what would it be? Describe it and how it is used.
A fire has started in your home. You can only save 3 of your belongings. What are they and why would you save them?
  • You make a new friend. Describe the friend’s personality and why you like them so much.
  • You have to plan a birthday party for yourself. What will be the party’s them? Where will it be?
  • You can invent your own car. What special features will it have that will make it your ideal car?
You are going to go a full year without creating and trash. Write about the lifestyle changes you will make in order to prevent making trash. How will you get food without wrappings?
  • There is a new kid who has arrived at school today. Write about what you will do to make them feel welcome.
  • You have to buy Christmas gifts for all of your family members. Describe what the gifts will be and why you think they’re ideal for each family member.
  • You can change your style to any style you like: what would you wear, what would your hair look like, and what sort of music would you listen to?
Describe what it’s like to feel hungry to someone who’s never felt hunger before in their life.
  • You have $50 to buy food for a week. What foods will you buy and why? Will you focus on health food to keep yourself healthy, or binge on junk that tastes so yummy?
  • Imagine you work for the post office. What is a day in your life? What dogs will you come across? What different sorts of letters will you deliver? Happy letters? Sad letters?
  • Describe what it feels like to take a shower to someone who’s never had a shower before.
It’s opposite day and you have to lie about everything. What sorts of trouble are you going to get into from all of your lies?
  • Explain how you would start a fire without a lighter or matches.
  • Describe the feeling of being sticky to someone who has never felt the feeling of being sticky. You can’t use the word ‘sticky’.
  • Describe the feeling of being dirty to someone who has never felt being dirty. You can’t use the word ‘dirty’.
Write a story about how it feels to be bullied, and someone who arrives and is kind to you. Describe how it feels to have a friend who is kind after you’ve been bullied.
  • You have been asked to create a new game show on TV (Think: Family Feud or Wheel of Fortune). What will be the rules of your new game show?
  • You are a genetic scientist and can create a new fruit. Describe the fruit: how it feels, tastes, and looks. What does the tree that it grows on look like? In what climate does it grow?
  • You’re an architect and you’ve been asked to design the ideal playground. What sort of cool play equipment will you place in your playground?

3 Great Writing Prompts and Story Starter Lesson Plans

Lesson 1: mix-and-match story starter lesson.

Printable 1: Fun Story Stater and Writing Prompt Mix-and-Match Lesson (Takes you to a Google Doc)

This lesson plan download has a list of mix-and-match story starters. Cut up each story element and put them into three hats: Character, Setting and Plot (you might also want to read my article about about all 8 elements of a story ). The students are blindfolded and must take one story element out of each hat and make a story out of the three elements they get!

Lesson 2: Planning your Creative Story Plot

Printable 2: Story Planning Template (Takes you to a Google Doc)

Teach students about the important elements of a story using this story planning lesson template. Your students need to describe their main character, plot and setting before they tell their story. It’s a great scaffold to ensure your students follow the conventions of story writing.

Lesson 3: Random Creative Writing Story Prompts

Printable 3: A List of 127 Story Starters (Takes you to a Google Doc)

I love this one for an easy afternoon. Simply cut up the 127 creative writing story ideas below, place them in a hat, and have students close their eyes and pick out the story that they will have to write about.  


Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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225 Fun & Free Creative Writing Prompts for Kids in All Grade Levels

Two students sit at a desk together working on writing prompts for kids.

Written by Maria Kampen

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  • Elementary school writing prompts

Middle school writing prompts

High school writing prompts.

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Writing prompts are meant to unlock creativity. They’re story starters designed to inspire creative thinking. They can take you to places you’ve been or recall an important time in your life. 

But mostly, they’re useful tools for teachers to inspire writing growth in students from grade school to high school.

“Once upon a time, in a land far, far away…”

It’s amazing how one simple sentence can send you on a journey to places you’ve never been, filled with untold possibilities. 

Reading is great, but you know what’s even better? Giving your students the power to write stories for themselves. 

Writing prompts for kids help students:

  • Express themselves and their creativity
  • Grasp lifelong literacy skills and concepts
  • Tell their own stories and build self-confidence
  • Develop a growth mindset when it comes to their writing skills

Writing is like a muscle — it takes practice to build up skills. Luckily, we put together a list of over 200 writing prompts to help your students get started. We’ve also organized them by middle school, high school and elementary school to help teachers decide whether these prompts are age-appropriate for their students.

Grade school writing prompts

Grade schoolers can definitely begin to address complex ideas when it comes to story writing — but you should seek to keep the prompts simple and straightforward. 

Reluctant writers might be intimidated by complicated writing ideas — and this is an age where we should be encouraging creativity.

Creative writing prompts for elementary schoolers

Young child sits at a desk with a notebook and pencil, writing in the notebook.

Whether it’s exploring the furthest reaches of outer space, traveling across the Sahara desert or sticking a little closer to home, these creative writing prompts will have students imagining endless possibilities for their writing.

  • Write about what your life would be like if you turned into a squirrel. What would you do every day?
  • A strange spaceship just crashed and landed in your backyard. What happens next?
  • Make up a story about where thunder comes from.
  • You find an old notebook hidden in an attic. What does it say? Who did it belong to?
  • You have a magic garden. What magical plants do you grow? How do you take care of them?
  • Write a story about running away with the circus when it comes to town.
  • Rewrite “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” from the perspective of one of the dwarfs (Happy, Sleepy, Dopey, Doc, Grumpy, Sneezy and Bashful).
  • There once was a little boy who ate nothing but oranges. What happened to him?
  • Write a story about a magical hat. Where is it from? What does it do? What does it look like?
  • You’re exploring the rainforest and come across a flower that no one’s ever seen before. Describe it!
  • Tell me a story about a dinosaur living a long, long time ago.
  • Tell me a story about an astronaut visiting another planet. Where are they going? How do they get there? What do they take with them?
  • You discover a magic portal in the park. Where does it lead to?
  • Pick a partner and write a story together! Start by writing the first sentence, then pass it to your partner to write the second sentence.
  • You find buried treasure in the park, hidden in a big wooden chest. What kind of treasure is it? Who left it there?
  • Write a story about a family that can travel in time. 
  • Write a story without using the letter “E”.
  • Write the funniest story you can think of. 
  • There’s a kangaroo in your classroom. How did it get there? What happens when you find it?
  • Write a story about an explorer who keeps getting lost. Where are they trying to go? What do they find along the way?
  • Write a story about a wooden door, a can of soda and a blue shoe.
  • If there was a magical portal in the back of your closet, where would it lead to? 
  • Finish this story: There was a knock on the door. I opened it to find a dog sitting there, and…
  • You come home and find that everything in your house is upside down. What happened?
  • Describe the color “red” without using the word “red”.
  • There’s an old, abandoned house at the end of your street that’s been empty for years. One day, someone moves in.
  • Rewrite the story of Cinderella from the perspective of the stepsisters.  
  • Write a backstory for Ed, the orange Prodigy mascot. 
  • You wake up one morning and find a mermaid in your bathtub. How did they get there? What do you do?
  • Write a story about a monster looking for some friends. 
  • Oh no — your balloon blew away! Write about what happens from the balloon’s perspective. 
  • You and your friends are out for a walk when, out of nowhere, your friends start disappearing! What’s going on?
  • Once upon a time, an old inventor built a weather machine. It sat undiscovered for years — until you found it. What happens next?
  • You just ate a cookie that turned you 15 feet tall. What do you do next?

Fun writing prompts for grade schoolers

Young child sits at a table in front of a window while writing on a sheet of paper.

Everyday life is full of great inspiration for writing! Get students thinking with these easy and fun writing prompts.Write about something you are good at. 

  • If you could write a book about anything, what would you write about?
  • If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be and why?
  • Do you have a favorite animal? Tell me all about it! Why do you like it?
  • What would you do if you woke up one morning and everything was pink — including you?
  • What food can you not live without? Why?
  • If you could add any class to your school schedule, what would it be?
  • Invent a new day of the week. What is it called? When is it? What do people usually do on that day of the week?
  • If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? 
  • If you could spend a Saturday doing anything you wanted, what adventures would you get up to?
  • If you could have any wild animal as a pet, what would you choose? Why?
  • What's your favorite, wacky food?
  • Where is your favorite place to read? Why?
  • What was the coolest day of school for you? What made it exciting?
  • Which of your toys do you wish could talk? What would they say?
  • If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would it look like?
  • Invent a machine to do a chore for you. What does the machine do? What does it look like?
  • What's your favorite season? What makes it the best?
  • What is your favorite math game and why?
  • Describe your real-life superpower.
  • Finish the story: When I'm older I want to be an expert in…
  • If pets could talk to each other, what would they say?
  • If you were the captain of a ship, what would you call your ship? What would it look like? Where would you go?
  • If your pet could talk to you, what do you think it would say?
  • If you were the only person on earth for one day, what would you do?
  • Plan the perfect birthday party for yourself. 
  • What is your favorite thing to do over summer break?
  • Describe your ideal birthday cake. 
  • If you could add any type of room to your house, what would it be?
  • What’s your favorite movie and why?

Persuasive writing prompts for elementary school

Top-down photograph of a girl with braids sitting at a desk next to another student and writing in a notebook.

Are your students’ opinions up for debate? Ask them to flex their critical thinking skills with these persuasive writing prompts. Once they’re done, get class discussion flowing with a spirited debate!

  • Write a letter convincing your parents to let you get a pet dog. What arguments do you use to persuade them?
  • Convince your teacher that you should be allowed an extra 15 minutes of recess.
  • Convince your best friend to read your favorite book.
  • How would you convince someone to do your chores for you?
  • Write a commercial for your favorite breakfast food. What would convince someone else to try it?
  • What flavor of chips is the best? Why?
  • What would make a better pet — a monkey or a peacock?
  • Do you think children should be allowed to stay up as late as they want?
  • What’s your favorite holiday and why should it be everyone’s favorite? 
  • Convince us that your favorite food should be a staple in everyone’s diet.

As students enter middle school, they’re starting to feel like bigger, older kids. They can start writing original short stories and abstract persuasive essays. 

It’s best to inspire creativity at this age and encourage them to explore their own voice and different writing styles. These prompts will definitely go a long way in inspiring that.

Creative Writing Prompts for Middle Schoolers

  • Invent a new type of transportation for the future. Who uses it? Where does it go?
  • If you had a time machine, where would you visit first — the past or the future? Why?
  • You get on the bus and find a four-piece jazz band giving a concert. What do you do?
  • Design and name your own Prodigy pet . What element are they? What’s their special power?
  • Finish this story: “Something just touched my foot,” they shouted, swimming frantically towards the shore. 
  • Write a silly or scary story to tell around a campfire. 
  • Finish this story: Everything was going so well today — until I tripped and fell, right in front of…
  • Throughout your adventures as a pirate on the high seas, you’ve seen lots of strange and magical creatures. Which one was the most interesting?
  • Deep in the heart of a dark and mysterious cave, there lies a magic stone. Write about your quest to find it. 
  • Write an acrostic poem using the word “strawberry.”
  • There was an old woman who lived in a shoe. She knit and she baked, but what else did she do?
  • Finish this story: “One thing I’ll never do again,” she said, “Is go on vacation with an alpaca.”
  • Make up a new planet and describe it. 
  • Write a story about a family of penguins living on an iceberg.
  • Write a story about a girl who can walk through walls. 
  • You’ve been invited to a ball at the Queen’s palace! What is it like?
  • Imagine you’re exploring the Amazon jungle. Write a diary entry about your day.
  • If you could invent a TV show, what would it be about?
  • You discovered an underwater kingdom! What is it like there?
  • A lonely trumpet player makes friends with the dancer who lives next door. What happens next?
  • You go to the park to fly a kite, but get carried away by the wind! What happens next?
  • Write a story about a volcano that’s about to erupt.
  • Write a story about visiting an old lady who lives deep in the woods.
  • Boom, you’re a superhero! Give yourself an origin story, describe your superpowers and plan what you’ll do to make the world a better place. 
  • Write a story using these six words: calendar, headphones, lipstick, mug, bear.
  • You wake up to find you’re invisible. How did it happen? What do you do?
  • There’s been a robbery at the bank, and you’re in charge of finding the culprit. How do you solve the case?
  • Finish the story: Once upon a time, there was a dragon...
  • You just joined a super-secret spy organization. What’s your first mission?
  • Write a story about being cold without using the word “cold.”
  • You’re a scientist and you’ve just discovered a new type of bug. Describe what it looks like, where it’s from and what you’re going to call it. 
  • Imagine a world where all the birds can talk. What would they say?
  • Write about what happens after the end of your favorite book or movie.
  • Finish the story: She sprinted down the driveway to the mailbox. The package was here!
  • You’re on a hike and a bird starts talking to you. What do you do? What does it say?
  • Write a story using these five words: bubblegum, stapler, spoon, lightbulb, strawberry.
  • You ate a magical carrot and your skin turned orange! What happens next?
  • Write about what it would be like if you had an elephant for a pet.

Fun Writing Prompts for Middle Schoolers

  • If you were in charge of the classroom for a day, what would your class do?
  • Tell me about the last dream you had.
  • You’re trapped on a desert island. What three things did you bring with you and why?
  • What mythical creature would you like to have as a pet? Why?
  • Invent a new type of pasta. What does it look like? What does it taste like?
  • If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go? Make a plan and tell the story of your dream vacation.
  • Plan the perfect picnic. Where would it be? What food would you have?
  • If you could decorate your bedroom any way you wanted, what would it look like?
  • Write a story that sounds loud, using onomatopoeia (words that sound like their meaning, like crash, snort, bang and boom.)
  • Invent a new type of cookie. What does it taste like?
  • Invent a new sport. What is it called? What are the rules?
  • How would you disguise yourself to blend in with a forest?
  • You just won a special award from the president. What did you do to earn that award?
  • Do you collect anything? What is it and why? If not, what would you like to collect?
  • You just found a genie in a bottle. What three things would you wish for? (Remember, no wishing for extra wishes!
  • Explain how to play your favorite sport or do your favorite hobby. Make it as exciting as possible!
  • Describe the most beautiful sunrise or sunset you’ve ever seen.
  • If you could live in any book or movie, which one would you choose and why?
  • Imagine that you’re going on a camping trip. What do you pack to make sure the trip is fun?
  • If you could invent a robot to do any chore, what chore would it be? How would the robot do it?
  • Would you rather it was always raining, or always snowing?
  • Imagine you’re a toy inventor. What will you create?
  • Would you rather climb to the top of a mountain or go scuba diving?
  • Interview a family member about their childhood, then write it as a story.
  • What was your favorite toy growing up — why was it so special to you?

Persuasive Writing Prompts for Middle School

  • If you could change one thing about your school, what would it be and why?
  • Is it better to read the book before you watch the movie, or watch the movie before you read the book?
  • Persuade someone to try out your favorite hobby or sport.
  • What’s the best way to try and persuade a friend to do what you want to do?
  • When is peer pressure good? When is peer pressure bad?
  • Is it better to have lots of friends, or just a few really good friends?
  • Should students be in charge of what they learn in school?

High school students can either be tasked with more complex writing prompts or breathe nuance into simple story ideas. Students can drive these prompts in a million different ways.

So while not necessarily more complicated than middle school, these prompts can be tweaked, either by the student or teacher, to encourage thought-provoking output.

Creative Writing Prompts for High Schoolers

  • Write a story about someone your age who lives on the other side of the world. 
  • Pick up the nearest book and turn to page 7. Close your eyes and point to a random word on the page, then write a story about that word.
  • Write a story in ten words or less.
  • You fell asleep for 100 years. What does the world look like when you wake up?
  • Finish the story: “This isn’t what I hoped would happen,” she said….
  • You’re walking down the street when you see someone who looks exactly like you.
  • Write a story where the main character learns something new about themselves.
  • Write a story that takes place in the desert. 
  • Write a story about a day where everything seems to go wrong. 
  • Write a poem about the color blue.
  • How would your life be different if you didn’t have access to a computer, video games or your phone?

Fun writing prompts for high schoolers

  • You win a million dollars, but there’s a catch — you have to spend it all in 24 hours, or you lose all the money. What do you do?
  • Write about something you or your family does from the perspective of someone from another country.
  • If you could make up a new holiday, when would it be and what would it celebrate?
  • Go out on a nature walk and find a tree. Write the story of that tree, from the time it was a seed until now.
  • What’s the most boring superpower you can think of? How would it be useful?
  • If you could pass any law, what would it be?
  • You meet yourself in the future, as a grown-up at age 35 — what do you talk about? 
  • If you had to show aliens the most important/best things in the world, what would you show them?
  • Who is your hero and why?
  • Write about the best surprise you ever got. 
  • What are three good things you can do for the environment? How can you encourage the people around you to do good things for the environment?
  • What is your earliest memory? Write down as many details as you can remember.
  • If you could take two people – real or fictional – on a cross-country road trip, who would you take? Where would you go?
  • If you could have any job in the world tomorrow, what would you do?
  • What is the best thing about living in your city or neighbourhood?
  • Write a letter to your 30-year-old self. What do you think you’ll accomplish by then?
  • Teach me how to make your favorite recipe.
  • Describe the sound of your favorite song using descriptive words.

Persuasive writing prompts for high school

  • Should kids be allowed to use social media unsupervised? Why or why not?
  • Persuade someone to start a healthy habit, or get rid of a bad one.
  • Should all single-use plastics be outlawed? Why or why not?
  • Should our school have a dress code? Why or why not?
  • Is it more important to be right or to not hurt someone else’s feelings?
  • What important historical figure do you think belongs on the ten-dollar bill?
  • Do you think you’re born with your personality traits, or do you gain them as you grow up?
  • Should mobile apps be responsible for protecting your privacy — why or why not?

Social emotional learning journal prompts

Two students sit outside against a brick wall, working in notebooks.

School is about more than just books and quizzes — it’s about preparing students for the rest of their lives. Social emotional learning teaches them how to build good relationships with peers, understand and control their emotions and make healthy life decisions.

Journaling is a great way for students to reflect on their feelings in a safe, private space. Use these journaling prompts as thought starters for more social emotional learning!

Check out our list of the 25 best social emotional learning activities for students here. 

  • Tell me about a tradition you have with your family or friends. 
  • What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
  • Have you ever found something that you lost? How did you feel when you found it?
  • What is something you haven’t learned this school year that you’re still wondering about?
  • What do you do when you’re angry? Write about three ways you calm yourself down.
  • Where do you feel the safest? Why do you feel safe there?
  • Write a poem to make a friend happy.
  • When was the last time you were kind to someone? How can you be kind to someone today?
  • How are you feeling today? Are you happy, sad, excited or anxious?
  • If you could give your best friend a present, what would it be?
  • What are the qualities you look for in a friend? Why is it important to be a good friend?
  • What does responsibility mean to you?
  • Who do you talk to when you’re worried about something? How do they make you feel better?
  • If you could make a card for anyone in your life, who would it be for and what would it say?
  • What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
  • Write about a time you had to make a hard decision. How did you make your decision?
  • What do you do to make yourself happy when you’re sad?
  • Write about a time you were disappointed. 
  • What are three things that make your best friend awesome?
  • What do you think empathy means? Why is it important?
  • How can you cheer up a friend who is sad?
  • What makes you a good friend? How can you be a better friend?
  • What’s the best piece of advice a friend, parent or teacher has ever given you?
  • Write three goals for the rest of the school year. How are you going to accomplish them?
  • What does responsibility mean to you? What are you responsible for at school and at home?
  • What person in your life makes you feel confident?
  • What scares you? How can you overcome your fears?
  • Tell me about a time when you tried something new. How did it feel? Did you do it again?

Math writing prompts for kids

A student holds an orange with an equation written on it while working on a math writing prompt.

Whether it’s tackling word problems or explaining a new concept, writing is a surprisingly good tool for the math classroom. 

A math journal can help you understand what students already know, while giving them space to work through tricky concepts on their own. Use these writing prompts to promote literacy in every subject — and help students avoid math anxiety .

  • Tell me everything you know about ________.
  • Explain, in words, how to solve this problem.
  • What is and isn’t true about this situation?
  • What is _______?
  • Explain two different ways to solve this problem. Which one is better?
  • What did you get correct in this problem?
  • What mistakes did you make while solving this problem?
  • What do you not understand about _____?
  • Write a word problem using the concept we’re learning about. 
  • What did you learn today?
  • How do you use math in your everyday life?
  • What is the easiest/hardest part of math class?
  • What discoveries did you make in math class today?

Final thoughts on writing prompts for kids

Writing prompts aren’t the end of the story — they’re just the beginning. Encourage your students to build a regular writing practice, and soon you’ll see the benefits in every class. 

Where will your students’ imaginations take them?

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100 Writing Prompts for Kids: Ideas and Story Starters to Get Pens Moving Faster Than Ever

creative writing topics for 11 year olds

Stuck for writing prompts that will inspire your students to fill their pages?

We’ve got you covered. Here are 100 writing prompts that will get heads down and pens moving faster than ever.

  • Write about a special bond you have with an animal.
  • Describe your dream bedroom. What would be in it and why?
  • You’re trapped on a desert island with only the things in your schoolbag. What do you do?
  • Your pet is in charge of you for a day. What will they make you do?
  • Write about a place that is important to you.
  • When I discovered there was treasure buried in the backyard I…
  • A friend from another country is going to swap schools with you. Write a letter telling them what to expect.
  • The moment I woke up, I knew something wasn’t right…
  • Write a letter to your teacher telling them why your favourite/favorite book should be studied in class.
  • You get to be your favourite/favorite animal for a day. What do you do?
  • Write a story where all your favourite/favorite characters from books and movies meet up. What do they get up to?
  • Write an alternative ending for your favourite/favorite book or movie.
  • Describe a day in your life if you were famous.
  • Write a story where the main character faces their biggest fear.
  • I looked out the window and couldn’t believe what I saw…
  • You’ve got a magic pen. What can it do and how will you use it?
  • Write a story that includes the sentence, “I should have seen this coming.”
  • You discover a trapdoor in your house. What lies beneath?
  • Describe a mistake you made and what you learned from it.
  • Write a speech that tells the whole school why you should be a student leader.
  • Write a letter to a younger sibling telling them everything they need to know about being in Grade 4.
  • You can choose one new subject or sport to be taught at school. What do you choose and why?
  • Homework should be banned. Explain why you agree or disagree with this statement.
  • If you could travel through time, would you go to the past or the future? Explain why.
  • Write about a famous person and why you admire them.
  • Write about the best gift you’ve ever received. What made it so amazing?
  • The dinosaurs are back, and they’re in your street. What happens next?
  • If I could visit another planet I would go to…
  • You dig the world’s deepest hole. What lies at the bottom?
  • You’re the teacher for the day. What will you do in your lesson?
  • If I could keep any animal as a pet I would choose… because…
  • Your house has a secret and mysterious history. Write a story about what happened before you lived there.
  • If I had a superpower it would be…
  • The most interesting thing I’ve learned this year is…
  • You get to change the school uniform. What would you make everyone wear and why?
  • You get transported into the last video game you played. Where are you?
  • If you could invent anything, what would it be?
  • If I could only eat one food from now on it would be… because…
  • You’re a detective working on a big, important case. What is it and how do you solve it?
  • If I could have any job in the world it would be…
  • Write a story where the main character is hiding a big secret.
  • An alien arrives at your house. What happens next?
  • You climb to the top of the tallest tree in your neighbourhood/neighborhood. What can you see that you couldn’t see from down below?
  • Write a story where a boring, everyday experience gets turned into a big adventure.
  • Describe what you look for in a friend.
  • Who lives in the clouds and what do they do up there?
  • What is your favourite/favorite holiday and why?
  • It started out as just an ordinary day, but then…
  • Write about a family member who has an interesting story to tell.
  • You’re organizing the ultimate birthday for a friend. What have you planned for them?
  • You can breathe underwater and swim like a fish. What will you do with your new power?
  • Write a story about a lost city.
  • What has someone taught you that you will never forget?
  • You get sucked into the pages of your favourite/favorite book. What happens when you join the story?
  • This year my goal is to…
  • Write a thank you letter to a person who has helped you in some way.
  • What is your favourite/favorite season and why?
  • You work at the zoo and the elephants have broken loose! What will you do?
  • “You’ve got the wrong person – it wasn’t me!” Continue this story…
  • Write about a time when you felt a strong emotion (e.g. happy, sad, angry, scared). What made you feel this way?
  • Write a story where a character discovers something surprising.
  • If I could change one thing in the world it would be…
  • Describe the oldest person you know.
  • Imagine your life on a farm. What would be on it and what would you do?
  • Write a story about a journey at sea.
  • What is your favourite/favorite room in your house and why?
  • You have $1000 to spend. What will you buy?
  • You’ve grown wings and now you can fly. Where will you go?
  • What is a food you find really disgusting? Explain why it’s so bad.
  • Write about a journey to the top of a huge mountain.
  • You’re the mayor of a new town, and now you want people to move there. How will you convince them to join you?
  • Would you rather live in a cold, snowy place, or a hot and sunny place? Why?
  • What would be in your dream playground?
  • You’re starting a band. What instruments will you need and what sort of music will you play?
  • Write about the best ride you’ve ever been on.
  • One thing I am really good at is…
  • What is your earliest memory? Describe it in as much detail as you can remember.
  • Write about the most fun holiday you’ve been on.
  • You’re a wildlife photographer trying to get a photo of a rare animal. What animal is it and how will you find it?
  • Write a story where one character must keep an important secret. Will it be discovered?
  • “Don’t look down,” I told myself. But then I…
  • Write a story where two people meet in an unusual way and become fast friends.
  • Write a “quarantine story” set in a single house.
  • Write a recommendation of a book or movie for a friend. Why do you think they would enjoy it?
  • A mystery chest washes up on the shore after a storm. Write a story about what happens when it’s discovered.
  • Turn one of your strangest dreams into a story.
  • Write a “how to play” guide for your favourite/favorite sport.
  • Write about the most delicious OR the most disgusting meal you can think of. Make sure your reader can imagine what it tastes like!
  • Every year a new person is sent to the moon, and now it’s your turn. What happens when you step out of the rocket?
  • If you had a superpower, what would it be and why?
  • Write a story where a holiday goes horribly wrong.
  • I was terrified. Butterflies filled my stomach. But I took a deep breath and finally stepped out onto the stage…
  • You’re handed a letter with your name on it. When you open it up you can’t believe your eyes…
  • Write a story where someone discovers something surprising about their neighbor.
  • You get to create a new holiday that will be celebrated every year. What is it called and what will people do to celebrate on this day?
  • Write a story that takes place in a forest.
  • There’s an old house at the end of the street hidden behind tall, dark trees. No one has been brave enough to enter, until now…
  • Write a story about a snow day.
  • You’re the host of a new game show. Write about what happens in the first episode.
  • Write a story where someone discovers something they aren’t supposed to know.

Looking for more writing prompts for your class?


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Home » Blog » 140 Creative Writing Prompts for Kids

140 Creative Writing Prompts for Kids



Looking for fun writing prompts to spark your kids’ creative thinking? Well, then keep on reading.

Creative writing is an important skill for young students to start learning. Not every child will grow up to be a professional writer, but there are many benefits to having children write. 

In this article, you are going to dive into the world of creative writing with a collection of prompts that unleash the imagination and help craft captivating tales. 

These are most suited for a teacher with a class of elementary school students. However, parents are welcome to use them as well, to get their kids writing at home. Let’s dive in.

Excellent Creative Writing Prompts for Kids

Aside from creating a published masterpiece someday, there are many benefits to teaching kids to write. This can be done in part by stimulating their minds with some good writing prompts for kids.

Teaching them about journal prompts and how to become a better writer will help them in other areas of life. Below you can find 100+ writing prompts for kids:

Animal-Themed Writing Prompts for Kids

Most kids love animals. Even if they don’t, personifying and thinking about animals can spark wonderful creativity in kids. It can help kids learn how to become a better writer . Here are a few ideas:

  • Jack is a dachshund and stands out among his border collie siblings who bully him for being different. He is determined to prove that he can herd sheep just as well as they.
  • 10-year-old Kaitlyn has the unique ability to communicate with all animals. She goes around helping trainers, vets, and researchers.
  • Write a story about a family of rabbits living in the woods. What is their life like?
  • Imagine you are a big, majestic lion living in a zoo. How do you feel being surrounded by people all the time?
  • Do you have a pet? What do you like to do with them? If not, what pet would you love to have? 
  • What would you do if you had an elephant for a pet?
  • If you could be any animal, what would you choose?
  • Your cat gets stuck on the roof. How do you get him down?
  • A baby wolf gets lost in the forest. How does he find his family again?
  • Write about a school of fish who live deep in the ocean.
  • How do you think it would feel to fly like a bird?
  • What would you and your pet talk about, if they could talk?
  • What does a naughty puppy get up to while its owners are asleep?
  • Imagine everyone had a horse to ride instead of a car to drive. What would life be like?

Fiction Writing Prompts for Kids

Though they might not understand the complex workings of character and plot development, kids can still start creating fiction if they are provided with story starters. Their minds are capable of telling their own stories . Starting with short pieces of fiction can teach them how to become a writer in the long run.

Writing longer pieces of fiction at a young age can be more difficult. Using a book writing template might help if they want to try.

Whatever type of story you encourage them to write, use these simple but imaginative writing prompts for kids.

  • Look out the window for 30 seconds. Write a story about what you see and hear in those 30 seconds.
  • Write a story about a trip you would like to take with your family.
  • You and your friends build a treehouse. But, anyone who enters needs to follow some rules. What are they?
  • You are trapped in the mall for the night. What do you do in there?
  • Write a story about a magical pair of shoes.
  • Write about what would happen if you met your favorite character in person.
  • You find a time machine. Where do you go and why?
  • Write a story about your parents as teenagers.
  • Write a story about a tiny person.
  • What does a typical day look like for a mermaid?
  • Write about an astronaut who flies to space and discovers a new planet.
  • Write a story about a day in the life of the president of the United States.
  • A young girl finds a teleportation device abandoned across the street from her house. She soon figures out how to use it.
  • Someone your age sneaks onto a spaceship going into space. What happens? Do they get caught?
  • Try to write a poem or a story in the style of Dr. Seuss.
  • You have an assistant for one week who will do whatever you want. What do you ask them to do?
  • Write about something you and your best friend would do if you lived in the same house.
  • Tell a story about a kid who gets to go for a ride on Santa’s sleigh.
  • A kid gets to be invisible for one day. What happens?
  • Write a story using these three words: Train, Hat, Saturday.
  • A clown shows up at your door one day. What do you do?
  • Write about a day when your teacher forgot to wear shoes.
  • Write a story about your evil twin.
  • You find a treasure chest buried in your backyard. What’s inside?
  • Imagine you get to be the opposite gender for one day. What do you do?
  • Write a story about an imaginary sport. How does it work? What are the rules?
  • You have been asked to create a new holiday. What should the world celebrate?
  • Write a story where you get stuck inside your favorite video game or TV show.
  • A child has traveled back in time from 1000 years in the future. What do they tell you about their life?
  • Start a story with a character saying “I won’t do it, and you can’t make me!”
  • Two friends send secret notes to each other through a hiding place no one else knows about. What happens when a new note appears from someone else?
  • A family is camping and doesn’t have cell phone service. What do they do when someone gets sick?
  • Write a story about a kid who doesn’t have any homework to do on the weekend.
  • A kid and their dog are on an adventure in the forest. What happens?
  • Write about a kid who loves to play in the rain.
  • A family is going together to pick out the perfect Christmas tree.
  • What happens when a spaceship lands in your backyard?
  • A girl finds a magic door in her closet. What happens when she walks through?
  • You are stuck inside your school overnight. What do you do?
  • Write a story about a vampire who just wants to fit in with his friends.
  • A superhero wants to save the world, but he’s not very good at using his powers.
  • Your toys have come to life for one night only. What do you do with them?
  • A boy is walking down a deserted road. What does he see?
  • An older sibling is babysitting a younger sibling. The older sibling gets locked in a cupboard. What happens next?
  • Imagine you live in a world where humans don’t need to sleep. What do you do every night?
  • An old lady owns a costume shop. Everyone who buys or rents a costume has an adventure while wearing it. Write about one of these adventures.
  • Your main character is the only survivor of a shipwreck. She is floating around on a raft. She finally finds an island. What’s on the island?
  • The sun decides not to go down for one night. What does everyone do overnight when it’s not dark?
  • Write about what you would do if you could read minds for one day.
  • You can spy on your friends and family for one day and they don’t know you’re there. What do you think you’d see?
  • Your grandma tells you a shocking secret and you’re not allowed to tell anybody else! How do you react to this crazy secret?
  • You are given one dart to throw at a wall map. Wherever it lands, you have to go there tomorrow. Where do you go? What happens?
  • Three kids climb a tree and find a whole new world at the top.
  • Write a story about someone who is working hard to keep his grades up so he will be allowed to participate in the annual principal-for-a-day event.
  • What would you do if you and your teacher switched places for a day?

Historical Writing Prompts for Kids

Writing stories about history can be a fun way for older kids, to learn some basic historical facts and events. Use these writing prompts to walk them through time in a way they can enjoy.

A book writing template may come in handy here as well. History can be complicated and confusing. It might be beneficial to have some information laid out in a structured way.

  • Imagine everything in a historical museum coming to life one night. What happens?
  • If you could have a conversation with one person from the past, who would it be?
  • Imagine your family ruled over an ancient kingdom. What would life be like as a prince or princess?
  • Write a story about the life of a child before TV was invented.
  • Write a story about a family traveling a far distance by horse and carriage – before cars were invented.
  • Imagine you were alive when the pyramids in Egypt were being built. What are they like in person?
  • What do you think would have happened if humans were alive at the same time as dinosaurs?
  • How do you think people in the past celebrated holidays?
  • If you could travel backward in time to before you were alive, where would you go and why?
  • If you could change any part of history, what would it be?
  • Many years ago, all the grades of a school would be in a class together. Would you like this? Why or why not?
  • Write about a building that no one has lived in for 100 years. What is left in the building? Who used to live there?
  • What do you think the worst thing is about being a king or queen?
  • Write about what kids did for fun in the old days.

Stimulating Writing Prompts for Kids

In addition to writing stories, many kids will benefit from other forms of mental stimulation like journal writing prompts. These can be done in a journal or essay writing exercise.

Use these prompts and questions to get them thinking about a time . Encourage them to answer all questions with as much detail as possible.

  • Write a detailed description of your favorite toy.
  • How would you describe the color green to someone who is blind?
  • Where is your favorite place to hide during hide and seek? Why?
  • Write a letter to your grown-up self.
  • Imagine you are the first person to ever walk on the moon. Write a letter to your family about what it’s like up there.
  • Write about something you want to learn more about.
  • If the sky could rain any food for one day, which food would you want and why?
  • Someone has never heard of magic. Explain it to them.
  • A genie is going to grant you one wish. What is it?
  • You are in charge of your school for a whole week. What do you do?
  • What is the worst possible superpower someone can have?
  • If you had $1,000 what would you buy for yourself?
  • Which animal is your favorite? What do you like about it?
  • What would your life be like if you were a movie star?
  • Write about what life would be like without electricity.
  • If you could go anywhere for a school trip where would it be and why?
  • What do you want to do once you turn 16?
  • If you could ask your teacher one question and get an honest answer, what would it be and why?
  • Write about the weirdest dream you ever had.
  • Describe the happiest day of your life so far.
  • If you were in the circus, what would you do?
  • If you won an award, what would it be?
  • What is your favorite holiday and why?
  • If you could have one extra limb, what would it be and why?
  • What is your favorite season and why?
  • Write about what life would be like if you got your dream job as an adult.
  • If you could create a new animal, what would it look like?
  • What is your favorite day of the week and why?
  • Write about the person you admire the most.
  • What is the best joke you ever heard? Why did it make you laugh so hard?
  • You are in charge of inventing a new sandwich. What are you putting on it?
  • Write about three things you are good at.
  • If you could make anything grow on trees, what would it be and why?
  • What is your most unusual talent?
  • What’s the best book you’ve ever read? Describe the book to someone without spoiling the story.
  • What one thing would make your life easier?
  • Imagine you are 16 and your parents have bought you a car. What does it look like?
  • What one thing would make school more fun?
  • Describe what happens on the absolute best day you can think of.
  • What is your favorite thing to do for fun?
  • You are given $1,000 but you can’t spend it on yourself. What do you buy and for whom?
  • You are creating the perfect town for you and your family to live in. What does the town have?
  • What is one talent you wished you had but didn’t?
  • Write about your favorite music.
  • Describe your favorite movie without mentioning the title or the character’s names. Can anyone guess the movie?
  • If you could control your dreams, what would you choose to dream about tonight?
  • You can ask the government one question and they have to answer you honestly. What do you ask and why?
  • Do you think you could go a whole day without talking? What would be difficult about this?
  • If you could stop anyone else from talking for one day, who would it be and why?
  • If the world was going to end in one hour, what would you want to do?
  • What accomplishment in your life are you most proud of?
  • Do you have any toys right now that you think you will still play with when you are 20? Why or why not?
  • What would you do if you were the last person on earth?
  • Write about something you believed as a small child, but it turned out to be wrong. What was it? How did you find out?
  • What would you do if you suddenly woke up in another country and no one could understand you?

Writing Tools for Kids

As kids get a little bit older, they can start being introduced to some tools and programs that will help their writing. As they age, they will start to get a sense of how to write properly and they will develop a voice and style of their own.

Those who are serious about writing and/or show some real promise might benefit from the use of some writing software to help them become an even better writer .

We have created a list of 20 excellent tools for writers and gone over them in detail. But, a good place to start is with Squibler and Grammarly .

In today’s advancing world, AI is taking over most of the jobs. But there’s nothing to do about it as it is not a bad thing. You can think of AI as just another skill you learn to become more productive. The same is the case when it comes to writing. AI will generate the initial draft that will always require human skills. 

Squibler is the first AI book writing tool that assists aspiring authors to write with 50% more efficiency due to its advanced AI technology. It generates content based on your instructions and expands the story. 

Squibler's Smart Writer

Squibler’s Smart Writer works just like a real-life assistant who works 24/7 with no breaks. You can not just command it to write for you but also rewrite and rephrase existing text. Squibler includes features like adding more intensity and conflict to the plot. 

rewrite Squibler

Squibler also offers excellent organization features. It offers a place to take notes and record research. It then encourages the writer to break down their chapters and scenes for easy organization and editing. You can not just organize, and take notes but also share the project with others to collaborate. 

Squibler also offers a series of templates that might be helpful to kids as they learn about story structure and character development. These templates will walk them through the writing of a book and offer guidelines and suggestions to make the story as effective as possible.

Book writing templates

There are several style and genre options, but a good place to start is with the general fiction template:

creative writing topics for 11 year olds

Second, is Grammarly . Kids will often struggle with grammar and punctuation for a while. Grammarly is designed to help all types of writers fix and polish up their work from a grammatical standpoint.

It is largely intended for professional writers who do it for a living, or students who need to hand in perfect written pieces. But, that doesn’t mean kids can’t benefit.

As they go through their work in Grammarly and find their errors, they will learn from them. If they see the same thing pop up numerous times, they will learn not to do it anymore.

Final Remarks

The kids are the next generation of writers , authors , and creators. Start their writing skills early and encourage them to expand and improve. Teach them how to craft their words. Teach them how to paint a picture in someone else’s mind.

From writing descriptions to organizing thoughts and emotions, and even creating interesting characters – kids should be flexing their creativity muscles whenever possible.

Whether they go free form or you use a book writing template , encourage them to let their imaginations loose regularly with kids’ writing prompts . These writing prompts will convince students imagining endless possibilities.

Here is a list of questions on creative writing prompts for kids:

What if I can’t think of anything to write about?

Don’t worry if you’re stuck! Sometimes ideas can be hidden in plain sight. Look around you, think about your favorite things, or even ask your friends and family for ideas. You can also try using prompts or writing games to spark your imagination.

How do I make my stories more interesting?

Adding details and descriptions can make your stories come alive! Think about what your characters see, hear, feel, taste, and smell. You can also try adding twists to your plots or creating unique characters with special traits or abilities.

Can I write about anything I want?

Absolutely! Your imagination is your superpower. You can write about anything from magical adventures to everyday moments. The most important thing is to write about what excites you and makes you happy.

How long should my story be?

There’s no right or wrong answer here! Your story can be as short as a few sentences or as long as a whole book. Just focus on telling your story in a way that feels right to you.

What if I’m scared to share my writing with others?

It’s natural to feel nervous, but sharing your writing can be exciting too! Remember, everyone starts somewhere, and feedback can help you grow as a writer. Start by sharing with someone you trust, like a family member, favorite teacher, or friend, and gradually build your confidence from there.

How do I know if my story is any good?

The most important thing is that you enjoy writing it! But if you’re looking for feedback, you can ask others to read your story and tell you what they think. Remember, every writer faces rejection and criticism sometimes, but it’s all part of the learning process. Keep writing and improving, and you’ll get better with time.

Josh Fechter

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300+ Writing Prompts for Kids (+ Free Printable)

This is the ultimate bank of over 300 writing prompts for kids. From creative writing prompts to journal ideas and even quick poetry prompts . Whenever you’re bored or need a little inspiration, here are some fun ideas for kids writing prompts that can be used over and over again.

This list of creative writing prompts for kids includes a mixture of writing exercises, short story ideas, creative prompts and image prompts . All perfect for beating writer’s block and even for helping you write a whole story . If this list is too difficult to read through, you can use the writing prompts generator below to get some quick random ideas. And there’s even a free PDF version of this post available right at the end of this list – Just keep on reading!

Random Writing Prompts Generator

We put some of our favourite writing prompts in a video for quick viewing:

Over 300 Writing Prompts for Kids

  • “Ready or not, here I come!” shouted Millie in the distance.
  • 2 million years ago, one curious caveman makes an interesting discovery, which takes him to a city in the year 2020. Here’s a video for more inspiration on this prompt.
  • A box is delivered to your house. You open it and find…What’s inside the box? Continue this story.
  • A girl at your school has been hiding her true identity for years. Until one day it’s revealed that she is an alien from outer space with mysterious powers.
  • A group of young puppies are separated at birth. One of them becomes a circus performer. The other, a well-pampered house pet and the final one a stray dog.
  • A kind princess gets locked in a tower which once belonged to a powerful wizard. Instead of waiting for a prince or knight to save her, she creates her own spells to get out. Soon the spells start taking over and turn her into an evil witch.
  • A man obsessed with comic books starts thinking that he is actually a supervillain from one of his favourite comic books. And now he is plotting world domination.
  • A mastermind supervillain is tired of people always booing him and wishing him to disappear. He decides to become a good guy or a superhero and tries to get people to like him.
  • A monkey at the zoo wants to run away from the zoo to join a circus.
  • A mouse believes that he can talk to cheese. The other mice think he’s crazy – but is he?
  • A new magic shop has just opened in town. You decide to get your brother a magic playset for his birthday from this shop. Instead of just playful magic, the magic set turns your brother into a warlock capable of turning humans into frogs and more
  • A physics professor at a top university creates a gadget that can turn back time. He starts using it for his own personal gain, such as winning the lottery. Then he realises that he has created multiple timelines, where multiple versions of himself have been created.
  • A superhero who catches the bad guy, but actually helps the “real” bad guy escape.
  • A vegetarian shark explains how he feels like an outsider and doesn’t fit in anywhere. 
  • A witch kidnaps you and locks you up in a tower. How will you escape? Why have you been kidnapped?
  • A young Prince has locked himself in his castle to avoid eye contact with any human person. One look could turn them to stone.
  • A young witch turns her three older sisters into dolls and plays with them every day. How will the three older witches become real again?
  • A zombie who wants to become a vegetarian.
  • After 30 years in prison, the big bad wolf is finally out. Write a short story about the big bad wolf’s life after prison. You can watch this video for further inspiration and clues.
  • After a thunderstorm, you find a mysterious egg in your backyard. It starts to hatch and out comes a baby dragon! What do you do next? For help take a look at our dragon invasion video prompt .
  • After eating a strange-looking vegetable, your pet bunny becomes a disgusting zombie bunny.
  • After reading a magical book, you gain some magical powers. However, it turns out that you always had these magical abilities inside of you.
  • After the accident, Nelson never felt safe again.
  • Aliens are coming to invade Earth! Send them a letter to convince them to stop invading Earth.
  • All humans eventually get a superpower. However, David is the only kid at school with no superpowers at all.
  • All your life you knew your best friend. But one day you find out that your real best friend passed away years ago and was replaced by a robot.
  • An adventurer discovers a glowing cube inside a dark cave in South America. But when they try to leave the cave, the cube summons a secret league of assassins.
  • An everyday boy walks up from a coma to discover the world has been taken over by aliens – But is this all a dream?
  • An evil conman (or any other type of villain) turns out to be your hero’s only saviour.
  • An expedition in the Amazon rainforest gets deadly when you and your team encounter a group of warriors protecting the rainforest from outsiders.
  • Another tea party, another game.
  • Blinded by a bright light outside his window, Jake jumped up in horror.
  • Bridget has been best friends with Charlie since elementary school. Everything changes when a new girl Chrissy becomes Charlie’s other best friend.
  • Can you help Freddie the ninja cat write up a game plan to rescue his best friend and save the day? Here’s a video for more inspiration on this prompt.
  • Can you write a how-to guide on how to make friends at a new school? Watch this video prompt for more inspiration.
  • Can you write a short fantasy story about a strange key that opens up portals to new worlds? Here is a video to help you out with this creative prompt.
  • Can you write a short story about a group of forest animals working together to save their home from deforestation? You can watch this video to inspire you further with this prompt.
  • Can you write down at least 10 ways to show love to someone you care about, such as friends and family? You can use this video to help you out with this prompt.
  • Describe the city of the future. In 100 years time, what will the world look like?
  • Do you have a favourite magazine that you read? Write a letter to your favourite publication telling them how good their recent issue was.
  • During a family camping trip, you find a backpack containing a strange-looking map, compass and a solid gold snake ring. What do you do next
  • During the night, your house gets robbed. Now you’re on a mission to find the stolen items and punish the robber.
  • Every night the same whispers. Every night the same cries. Who could this be and what do they want?
  • Everything he touches turns to bananas that must be the worst superpower ever. When will it ever come in handy?
  • Everything will be automated in the future. Humans won’t even need to walk or get up. The robots can do that for them. In fact, humans don’t do anything, apart from just exist in the world. This gives aliens from a nearby planet, the perfect opportunity to invade and take over planet Earth (see our planet name generator for more inspiration).
  • Finish this sentence: For lunch today, I…
  • Finish this sentence: If I could change one thing about myself, it would be…
  • For years you have had breathing problems and suffered from asthma. You also had an extreme phobia of the ocean and deep water. Then one day, someone from your school invites you to a beach party. At the party, you learn that you’re a mermaid.
  • For years you have played the role of a good superhero. Always saving lives and watching the people you love disappear. Now you had enough, it’s time to be the bad guy, it’s time to play the villain.
  • Gavin was always getting the best presents. For once I wish I could be like him.
  • Having a superpower was cool until Mindy started losing control of her power. It was like the darkness was taking over her whole body. She is now a danger to everyone, including herself.
  • How was the very first superhuman or human with superpowers created?
  • If dogs could speak, then Spike would be thanking Chris right now.
  • Imagine if animals could write. Choose an animal of your choice and write a letter to them.
  • Imagine that you are a fork. What would your life be like as a fork that humans use for eating with? As a talking fork, what would you say?
  • In a futuristic world, humans are fighting against robots to keep their race alive. However, it turns out that everyone is a robot anyway and the true human race died out years ago.
  • In a war between humans and aliens, you lose your best friend. However, he/she is really alive and working with the aliens.
  • In the damp streets of Manhattan, there lived a fierce little cat.
  • In the story of Hansel and Gretal, write from the perspective of the witch that lives in the Gingerbread house. 
  • Is your family wealthy or short on money? Money can be a strong motivator and a source of conflict for many people. How does money make you feel?
  • It’s ‘Bring a Parent to School Day’. But your main character’s parents are so busy that they can’t make it, so they bring their much older brother to school instead.
  • It’s the 1930s and you are making your first debut as a circus clown. However, on the first night of the circus opening, things end very badly.
  • It’s the annual snail racing championships. Pretend that you are a commentator for a snail race.
  • It’s the year 2070 and crime is at an all-time high. To combat crime, one town has completely replaced its police officers with robot officers. However, the robot police officers malfunction and start thinking that all humans are criminals.
  • Legend says that if you breathe in and out ten times in front of a mirror something strange happens.
  • Life is good, life is perfect until you realise everything is a hologram and the real world is a dark and broken place.
  • Life wasn’t great at all for Mr Pea. It wasn’t even mildly good.
  • Loneliness is a strong emotion. Write about a time when you felt alone and what did you do to cheer yourself up.
  • Look through some old family photos and pick one at random. Use this photo as inspiration for your next story.
  • Make a bucket list of all the places you want to visit.
  • Meeting a group of talking monkeys in the jungle.
  • Mother has always warned me about not eating too much cheese before bedtime and now I know why! Cheese makes your nightmares come true!
  • On her 13th birthday, Cassie was cursed to never speak again. She was such a loud, outgoing girl, now she’s almost invisible.
  • One day, you notice that cats keep following you home from school. You eventually find out that you’re slowly turning into a cat yourself. How will you stop this from happening?
  • People ran inside their homes, as the alarm rang.
  • Pick a fairytale character of your choice and write a letter to them.
  • Pick an inspirational quote and design a whole page around it in your journal.
  • Robbie the robin thinks that he is the best singer in the world. But all the other birds think he sounds like a broken flute.
  • Sitting alone in the dark, Jesse feared the outside world. She just wants to be alone.
  • Sitting at his computer, Martin noticed something odd about his favourite computer game.
  • Some say the number 7 is unlucky, but to me, it wasn’t.
  • Superman, Wonder Woman, Captain America, Spiderman – Whoever your favourite superhero is, write an imaginary letter to them.
  • Tabitha the house cat knows there’s a mouse hiding in the kitchen. Write a monologue scene of Tabitha dreaming about catching the mouse.
  • Talk about the struggles of being the most popular girl or boy in school. Think about the peer pressure you face daily.
  • The desert-like sun burned his skin as he lay scorching in the sand.
  • The room was a dump, as Jack frantically searched every corner.
  • The same words over and over again scattered all over the floor.
  • The sun shone brightly on the Oakland farm, but not all was bright.
  • The world’s longest game of tic-tac-toe – For some reason, it just never seems to end.
  • There’s an old ancient belief that the ocean is alive. When pirates pollute it with rubbish and hurt the sea creatures it makes the ocean angry. Write a short story from the perspective of the ocean.
  • Think about a difficult decision you had to make recently. For example, did you have to choose between going to your best friend’s birthday party or visiting your dad in another country?
  • Think about how your self-image has changed over the past few years. Has your confidence grown or withered away? Use this as your inspiration for your next short story.
  • Think about the first time you met your friend. Write a letter to them reminding them of this time.
  • Think about the funniest thing that happened in your life and use it as an inspiration for your next short story.
  • This Halloween you decide to go as a simple ghost. What you didn’t realise is that by wearing the costume, you actually became a ghost. And your best friend dressed up as a vampire, is now actually a vampire!
  • Thomas Saint designed the first-ever sewing machine. Write a story from the perspective of Thomas and how he came up with the idea.
  • Three brothers are fighting with each other to be the next king of their kingdom – who will win?
  • Tick… tock… tick… tock… time was going so slow.
  • To make some extra money on the side, a farmer decides to open a knock-off version of Disneyland.
  • Weather is a common theme in poems. Pick any weather of your choice, such as rain, snow, a sunny day and then write a poem about it.
  • What do you think the world will be like in 10, 50 or even 100 years time?
  • What hobby do you enjoy the most and how did you get into it?
  • Write a biography of your life, as the child of an infamous pirate living out at sea. You can view this video for more inspiration.
  • Write a day in the life story of a talking ice-cream family. You can watch this video prompt for further inspiration.
  • Write a fairytale about a young prince cursed with the power of darkness. Take a look at this video for more inspiration.
  • Write a letter to a company that you want to work for in the future. Tell them why you would make a good worker and why they should hire you.
  • Write a letter to cheer someone up who is sad. You could include a funny story or joke in this letter.
  • Write a letter to your favourite celebrity.
  • Write a script of a conversation between you and a talking tree. You can view this video for more inspiration.
  • Write a short story about a dog travelling across America to find his mother.
  • Write a short story about being turned into a rat. You can use the clues and questions in this video to help you with your story.
  • Write a short story about the life of being a husky dog working in Alaska to help pull equipment and people around in the snowy landscape.
  • Write a short story titled, Raining Doughnuts. You can use the information in this video to help you out with this prompt.
  • Write a story about a young boy or girl, who leaves their home to find that everyone is gone. Their friends, family, neighbours, pets – Everyone is gone. Watch this video prompt for more inspiration.
  • Write a story dedicated to the best teacher or mentor you ever had so far in your life.
  • Write about a nightmare you recently had.
  • Write about a recent achievement or goal you accomplished. 
  • Write at least 7 journal entries about being lost on a deserted island . You can use this video prompt to help you out.
  • Write out a simple storyline for a new video game. Think about the year your game will be set in, who the enemies will be and how the game will start and end? Watch this video for more clues on what to include in your video game.
  • You and your friends finally find the courage to enter the haunted house in your neighbourhood. But what exactly lurks inside the house?
  • You are a master chef at a top restaurant. To keep the restaurant going, you need to come up with a new recipe or dish to include on the menu. Can you invent a new dish or menu item? Watch this video for more inspiration.
  • You are going to visit your grandma. It’s a two-hour car drive to get and the traffic is extra busy today. While stuck in the traffic you have some funny, yet strange encounters with other drivers.
  • You are researching your family tree for a school project. You thought your family was small until you stumbled upon some old family photos All those aunts, uncles, cousins that you never saw your whole life. Why keep them a secret?
  • You are the best dark assassin in the kingdom. The king’s son has hired you to kill the king in secret. What do you do?
  • You are the most famous superhero of all time. But what you don’t know is that your father is actually a supervillain which you’ll have to take down.
  • You become the very first superhuman in the whole world after discovering that you can move objects with just your mind. You decide to keep it a secret and only ever use it when you’re really desperate. But this all changes one day
  • You finally solve a Rubix cube to get trapped inside a life-size cube. Where you have to solve many cube-like puzzles to get released.
  • You get an unknown phone call from someone. The person tells you that someone will knock at your door very soon and that you should not open it. You hear a knock at the door – What do you do?
  • You just landed on a new planet. Describe this new planet to the other people on your spaceship. Watch this video for some clues and ideas to help you with this prompt.
  • You’re the son of a mad scientist who rides a snail to school every day.
  • You’re leaving a long adventure and you don’t know when you’ll be back. Write a goodbye letter to your loved ones and friends.
  • Your best friend and you sneak into the school cafeteria after school to steal some food. But as soon as you open the door you hear the dinner ladies chanting some spell over something that looks like a smoking cauldron.
  • Your long, lost sister who you thought was dead knocks at your door.
  • Your main character is a poor farmer’s boy. One day his fortune turns around when he finds a magician’s spellbook deep in the forest.
  • Your main character is a street thief and a shapeshifter. They can change into any human or animal. As the lowest ranking member of society, your main character is tired of being treated like dirt, so they decide to impersonate the king and take over the kingdom.
  • Your main character is a werewolf hunter, but it turns out that he himself is a werewolf.
  • Your main character is plotting the greatest revenge in history in their own mind.
  • Your best friend died years ago and was replaced by a cyborg. And you only just found out recently.
  • After going through some old stuff in the attic, you learn that your great grandfather was a war hero.
  • Earth’s weather system has dramatically changed in the future. Now the weather forecast talks about balls of fire falling from the sky and tornadoes made of water flooding random towns.
  • Everyone looked up to Lava Knight until he accidentally hurt someone with his superpowers. Now all humans are protesting against superheroes. They demand that all superheroes are stripped off their superpowers.
  • On your 12th birthday, you’ll be old enough to join any of the four clans: Steel Warriors, Earth Souls, The Healers or the Wise Ones. But a secret group living underground called the Dark Assassins want to recruit you. What will happen next? (If you like cats and warriors, take a look at the Imagine Forest Warrior Cat name generator .)
  • Your character has a big confession to make to the world.
  • Your family is hiding a big, dark secret and they’ll do anything to keep it a secret from your other relatives.
  • Alone sitting at a dinner party fit for 20 people, the main character explains how they lost it all for nothing.
  • Have you ever felt pressured to do something? Write about this peer pressure from the perspective of your future self in 5 years time.
  • Write a short story from the perspective of an alien living on Mars. You can use the following sentence as inspiration, “Humans are real! We are not alone! Humans are real” Chanted the crowd.
  • Every year your family goes on a family vacation. But this year, the annual family vacation has been cancelled.
  • “Master Jewel Thief Caught And Locked Up!” – That’s what the newspaper headline read on Saturday morning. It’s now Wednesday morning and another diamond robbery took place last night.
  • During a cruise ship holiday, the ship starts sinking. You end up stranded on an island, where you have to survive until someone rescues you.
  • You and your best friend find a beautiful sports car parked outside your home. The keys are inside and the door has been left open.
  • Write a short story about a mad scientist who has found a way to combine human DNA with animal DNA to create superhumans.
  • As an orphan child, Cassie always felt alone. Until she joined an art club and met her two best friends, Edwin and Miranda. Now she found a family that she never thought she’ll have.
  • Each snowflake is unique and delicate. With only a few seconds before you melt, write a short monologue from the perspective of a snowflake falling from the sky.
  • A cure for a rare disease mutates humans into flesh-eating zombies.
  • Who raised you the most when growing up? What lessons did they teach you? How do they inspire you?
  • There are many benefits to being a middle child. You don’t have the responsibility of being the eldest and you aren’t treated like a baby like the youngest. But still, you always feel misunderstood by your family and are always on the outside.
  • Earth was created as a prison for all badly behaved humans. And now that the prison sentence is over, everyone can finally go home to their real planet.
  • Your main character follows a street cat and ends up in a world where cats rule the planet and humans are their pets.
  • The lights turn off, as your master goes to sleep. One dog sits by the bed of his master – What is he wondering about?
  • You find an old pen in a magic shop. Every time you write something down using that pen it becomes true.
  • A hard-working lawyer decides to leave the city life behind to start a new life in the country. As he ventures off to the country he realises that country life is not as calm or as relaxing as he thought it would be.
  • Your main character is a spy in the year 1570. They have been hired to protect the queen from a secret league of assassins.
  • It’s the year 2135, every household has their own robot servant. After years of learning from human behaviour, the robot servants develop a mind of their own and start to attack humans.
  • For two whole years, you thought Catelyn was your best friend. So many secrets shared. So many moments shared. But she was just a fake friend – She was never there when you really needed her.
  • One by one students from your class are going missing. It’s up to you to find out what happened to them.
  • Everyone thinks that you’re this big, tough guy, but really you’re struggling on the inside. In a monologue, talk about your struggles and the judgement, you face every day.
  • Write about something that brings you great joy in your life.
  • Jerome the chameleon hates people staring at him, so he always camouflages. One day he sees a human and wants her to adopt him. But she never sees him. From that moment, Jerome doesn’t want to hide away anymore.
  • It’s the 1930s and you are making your first debut as a circus clown. However on the first night of the circus opening things end very badly.
  • Sarah can move objects with her mind, but her power is super weak. Until she connects with a group of girls from another high school. Together their bond forms the greatest power that anyone has seen.
  • In the future, there has been a serious drop in the human population. After viruses, war and human nature have killed the majority of Earth’s population. Now humans are considered an endangered species.
  • How was the first-ever newspaper or media company started? Your main character in this story is the first-ever reporter.
  • Your little sister is always bugging you to play with her dolls, but you’re too old to play with dolls. Until one day you actually become a doll. Your parents think you ran away, but really you are in your sister’s bedroom on a shelf with all the other dolls.
  • After years of horrific weather conditions and natural disasters, humans have learned to adapt to the various environmental changes.
  • Not everything is rainbows and cotton candy on the planet of unicorns. Something deadly lurks underground.
  • On a bus ride to an important college interview, your character goes through many self-doubts.
  • An alpha wolf is kicked out of his pack for playing around with humans. Will he ever become alpha again?
  • It has always been you and you mom. Until one day your mom introduces you to a lady and tells you that they are getting married.
  • Mysterious symbols are appearing all over town. It is up to your main character to decipher the code and find out the meaning of these symbols.
  • It’s the year 2,075 and scientists have discovered a way to make humans immortal. But only the rich and important people are offered this treatment.
  • Write a monologue scene from the point of view of one of the ugly step-sisters in Cinderella. The scene can be set right after Cinderella’s wedding.
  • During a football game, the ball falls into the forest behind your school. When you go to find the ball, you discover small fairy-like creatures in the forest. No-one believes you when you try telling them, but you know the truth.
  • Your main character hasn’t seen their father in over 10 years. Suddenly out of the blue their father turns up asking for a place to stay.
  • For centuries humans have evolved. From apes to modern-day men and women. This evolution has not stopped. In the year, 2200, some humans have special abilities or superpowers, such as mind-reading powers or the ability to fly. This has caused great destruction on Earth.
  • After a huge argument, you learn your parents are getting a divorce. Your mom wants you to stay with her, while your dad wants you to come with him. What will you do?
  • Write a short story about a magpie with a stealing problem. No matter what this magpie does he/she just can’t help stealing shiny things.
  • Dragons are at war with humans. While foraging for food near the mountains you find a small ice dragon that helps hunt for food. Together you end the war between dragons and humans.
  • Scientists invent a teleportation machine which allows people to travel all over the world within a few seconds. However, the machine goes bust and starts sending people into different dimensions.
  • Complete the following story starter: The music stops, everyone turns around and they see…
  • After the death of your uncle, you inherit his magical sword. When held in a fighting position, the sword turns you into a legendary superhero, called the crimson knight.
  • A family camping trip gets dangerous when a pack of wolves start circling your tents in the middle of the night.
  • Cats and dogs rule the world and humans are their pets.
  • Little Red Riding meets the wolf in the forest. Instead of being scared of him, they become close friends.
  • It’s Halloween night and you just finished carving a pumpkin with your parents. Later that night when you are alone in the house, the pumpkins start talking to you with the mouth you carved on them.
  • After years of getting all the attention from your parents. Your parents bring home a baby boy and now it seems like no-one even notices you anymore. It’s all about your baby brother now.
  • Known as the Floral Slayer, there is a serial killer on the loose. They are going around town destroying all flowers in public places, people’s gardens and front yards. Why are they doing this and who can stop them?
  • When the world is about to end, a superhero and supervillain must work together to save it.
  • A poem dedicated to your mother.
  • Going to Paris on holiday.
  • Dedication poem to your favourite celebrity.
  • The creepy shadows in your room remind you of… 
  • What is life like on a fluffy white cloud?
  • Being on stage with everyone looking at you.
  • Can you think of some common stereotypes that people have of women? Why are these stereotypes wrong? For example, some people think women should stay at home and not work – do you agree or disagree with this statement?
  • Think about something your mom is always saying and write down how you can help out.
  • You’re on the beach collecting seashells. You then hear a calm whisper from one of the seashells. It whispers, “Come, find me…” What do you do next?
  • We all heard the legend of mermaids and the loch ness monster. But can you write your own legend about a mysterious sea creature? 
  • Write a limerick about the summer sun.
  • Write one journal entry into your nature journal about the great outdoors. 
  • Your favourite celebrity is about to give a talk on violence against pets. Can you help them by writing a powerful speech for their talk?
  • Your new pet dog has superpowers! Create a comic strip about this super dog’s adventures. Who’s the villain? What are its powers?
  • Write a short story which must include the following items: Vanilla Ice-Cream, Jam Sandwiches and a monkey. 
  • You are the manager of your favourite football team. Create a game plan on how they can win their next game.
  • Crystal was one of the most powerful witches of all-time. She defeated many evil warlocks and villains. But now she’s locked up in a mental institution. Is she really a witch or is she just crazy?
  • After reading a forbidden book, the most horrific and disgusting creatures from hell crossover to Earth.
  • A boy helps out an old lady, in return, he is given magical powers. Instead of using his powers for good, he uses it to destroy the world.
  • Scientists accidentally create a vaccine which gives humans super strength, along with other traits.
  • A hurricane destroyed a whole city. Write a story about a search and rescue dog.
  • You find out that your cat is actually the king of a secret kingdom of cats.


  • Write a short story including the following elements: An elephant, a balloon, pyjamas and a watermelon.

creative writing topics for 11 year olds

  • How do rabbits celebrate a holiday like Easter?

creative writing topics for 11 year olds

  • Complete the following story starter: The moon’s light reflected on the ocean. Maisie sat with her toes deep in the sand, thinking about her future. What would happen next? Now that everyone knows her secret.
  • Complete the following story starter: Soon I will be powerful enough to beat them all!
  • Write a story including the following elements: A lobster, two pairs of socks and a party balloon.
  • Use a good memory from your life as inspiration for your next story.
  • Use a bad memory from your life as inspiration for your next story.
  • Complete the following story starter: The nightmares never ended for Clara.
  • Write a story including the following elements: Your favourite celebrity, a hobby you enjoy doing and your dream holiday destination.
  • Rewrite your favourite fairytale .
  • Rewrite the lyrics of your favourite song. But this time make it all about food!
  • Write a scary story about an evil prince who collects bugs.
  • Write a short biography of a beautiful lady who ages 10 years in one day.
  • Describe to your friend a brainy rockstar who hates school.
  • Describe a day in the life of an old owl who tries to get into the Guinness Book of World.
  • Write a rhyming story about an old movie star who collects bugs.
  • Make up a conversation you might have with a nerdy alien who lives on a faraway planet.
  • Describe the personality of a self-conscious fox who wants to win a dance contest.
  • Write a short biography of an evil dragon who won a million pounds.
  • Write a funny story about an ugly knight who tries to get into the Guinness Book of World.
  • Make up a conversation you might have with a self-conscious ogre who discovers they have superpowers.
  • Write a travel log for a devious dentist who is lost on an island.
  • Describe the appearance of a smelly alien who gets lost in the Amazon rainforest.
  • Write a detective story about a million-year-old zombie who is always getting into trouble with their parents.
  • Describe to your friend a devious pirate who discovers a talking frog.
  • Write a rhyming story about a smelly prince who has to save the world.
  • Describe a very unusual day for a nerdy witch who has to save the world.
  • Write a scary story about a million-year-old cat who ages 10 years in one day.
  • Write a scary story about a nerdy rockstar who is lost on an island.
  • Write a travel log for a devious dog who rides a giant snail to school.
  • Write a story including the following elements: A magical pencil, a dog and a mischievous eraser.
  • Complete the following story starter: Darren sat on the bus watching the rain pour down.

Free 150 Writing Prompts For Kids PDF

Now it times to Download your free printable writing prompts for kids PDF ! This printable pdf contains 150 writing prompts for kids, which you can print-out and use as inspiration for your next story! For more fun writing prompts, take a look at our dedicated writing prompts section .

Writing prompts for kids pdf printable

This collection of writing prompts for kids are great for both young writers and experienced writers. We guarantee that you’ll feel more inspired and ready to beat writer’s block with these creative writing prompts. Share your writing prompts and tips in the comments below.

Writing Prompts for Kids by imagine forest

Marty the wizard is the master of Imagine Forest. When he's not reading a ton of books or writing some of his own tales, he loves to be surrounded by the magical creatures that live in Imagine Forest. While living in his tree house he has devoted his time to helping children around the world with their writing skills and creativity.

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25 Creative Writing Prompts for Kids

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Writing is a transformative skill that nurtures a child's ability to articulate thoughts, understand emotions, and express themselves with confidence. While some children find joy in putting pen to paper, others may need a gentle nudge into the world of writing. Recognizing this, we're committed to providing engaging and enjoyable resources that make the journey of learning to write both accessible and exciting!

Family writing together.

We've gathered 25 creative writing prompts created to spark creativity and inspire storytelling adventures. Whether you're navigating the homeschooling landscape or seeking enriching activities for the weekend, these prompts promise endless possibilities for exploration and growth in your child's writing journey:

  • You find a door in the school that you have never seen before. You peer through the large keyhole and see something that resembles a time machine… What happens next? Do you try to open the door?
  • Write a story about a Monster that shows up at your birthday party.
  • Write a story about a magical ring that can grant all your favorite things. Until…
  • You are the main character in your favorite video game. What happens?
  • Story starter: You’re watching your favorite movie when suddenly, you get pulled into the screen! After a moment of confusion, you discover that you’ve replaced the main character... What happens next?
  • You’re building your dream treehouse, but first you need to get all the materials you need to complete it! Can you write a list of everything you need to build your treehouse?
  • Your best friend gives you their favorite book, and you find out it has magical powers! What are its magical powers? How will you use them?
  • Once upon a time, in a magical forest filled with talking animals, a curious fox discovered a hidden path leading to an enchanted castle. Follow the fox and write about your quest!
  • Time for an adventure story: you wake up in a spaceship and a fellow astronaut tells you that you’re there to explore outer space. What happens? Do you discover a new planet? Who do you meet?
  • What is your favorite animal, and what is the funniest thing about them? Write a report on this and include as many fun facts as you can!
  • As the clock struck midnight, strange glowing lights appeared in the abandoned house at the end of the street, catching your attention... What happens next?
  • Can you describe your favorite food? Is it ice cream? A burger? Pasta? Tell us all about it!
  • You’re walking through the park when you spot a group of older kids playing your favorite sport. As you approach them to ask if you can join them, you spot a very shiny object by a tree. As you get closer, you can’t believe what you’ve discovered... What is it?
  • You find yourself stranded on a desert island. As you search for other people and food, you find a cell phone that seems to be giving you directions to a mysterious location. Are you accepting the quest? What challenges do you face? Do you find a treasure, or something more dangerous? Write an exciting adventure story based on your quest to solve this mystery.
  • Write an acrostic poem about your favorite season.
  • You discover an animal that you’ve never seen before and it bestows some magical powers on you that change your life! Write a letter to a good friend explaining this.
  • In a bustling city where robots were the norm, a young inventor stumbled upon a hidden button that activated something extraordinary. You are that young inventor. Write an exciting story about what happened after activating this button.
  • Pretend that you are a “grown-up” who is 70 or 80 years old. Write a complaint about what is wrong with “kids these days”!
  • If your favorite holiday is Christmas , we’ve got a secret mission for you: write a story persuading Santa that you could be his very best elf.
  • Chindōgu (珍道具) is the Japanese art of inventing useless gadgets. Design a useless gadget and persuade people to buy it!
  • What superpower would you NOT want and why?
  • If you could create the perfect TV show, what would it be? What would happen?
  • Write a story about what you think it’d be like to visit another planet for the first time.
  • Can you invent your own company and write about what it would do?
  • Journal writing prompt: What are your favorite things about yourself? Write a list of all the things that make you unique and special.

Kids working on laptops

More Writing Resources for Kids

We hope you’ve enjoyed this collection of creative writing prompts for kids! For more creative writing ideas and prompts, check these out:

  • Elementary Writing Prompts
  • Picture Writing Prompts
  • Writing Activities For Kids

Our Writing Program For Kids

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50 fascinating writing prompts for kids that will get them inspired. Plus, online creative writing classes and clubs. Read the full article .

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Writing Prompts for 11-year-old Students

Cultivating young authors: writing prompt power.

An image of a diverse group of 11-year-old students engaged in creative writing, pens in hand, surrounded by open notebooks filled with their stories and ideas. This image captures the essence of young minds exploring the world of writing through prompts.

Nurturing Young Writers: Crafting the Write Path

An educator stands at the center of a colorful whirlwind of writing prompts, each representing a unique challenge and opportunity for 11-year-old students. This image conveys the dynamic process of prompt creation, highlighting the importance of diversity, engagement, and alignment with standards in nurturing young writers.

Challenging the Imagination

The image showcases a diverse group of students engaged in writing activities. Each student is working on a different writing prompt, reflecting their individual interests and creativity. This image represents the diversity and uniqueness that stems from using creative writing prompts.

Fostering Creativity

The image features students working on writing tasks in a classroom, with a visible alignment with state standards and the Common Core. This image symbolizes the structured and well-aligned approach to writing prompts, ensuring students are prepared for their educational journey.

Guiding Growth

Broadening horizons: exploring writing genres.

This image illustrates a young student engrossed in writing, with various writing genres depicted in thought bubbles around them. It symbolizes the diverse opportunities for young writers to explore different genres and expand their creative horizons.

Your AI Writing Assistant

Plume's writing prompt assistant proves indispensable for teachers guiding 11-year-olds. It offers tailored prompts, promotes creativity, and aids in building essential writing skills, ensuring a smoother teaching experience."

Plume's AI Prompt Generator creates engaging and leveled prompts for 11 year old students

Unlocking Creativity: The Power of Varied Writing Prompts

An image of a young student sitting at a desk with a notebook and pencil, surrounded by floating, colorful writing prompts that resemble glowing orbs, symbolizing the array of creative opportunities Plume provides for young writers.

Your literacy-focused AI teaching assistant!

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15 Creative Writing Prompts for 11-year-olds Preparing for the 11 Plus English Exam

15 Creative Writing Prompts for 11-year-olds Preparing for the 11 Plus English Exam

If your child is in year 5 of primary school, then chances are they may be sitting their 11+ exams soon.

In many of the 11 Plus exams will be an English paper that includes a creative essay, in which your child will be expected to demonstrate their literacy skills creatively by using extensive language, grammar and punctuation.

In order to put their best foot forward, your child will need to prepare adequately – there is no such thing as too much practice when it comes to writing. That’s why we have created some free creative writing resources , including the following 15 creative writing prompts to help your child exercise their creativity

Don’t forget – we have lots of writing prompts books and booklets, too! See below:

15 Creative Writing Prompts

Launch rocket spaceship startup business

  • Let’s say you could create your own animal, what would it look like? How would you describe it in terms of size, colour and height? What would it sound like? What does it eat?
  • Write a story about a day in your life from the viewpoint of a mouse.
  • Imagine you are 10 years older. Write about what the 21-year-old version of you would be like.
  • Imagine that you were chosen as one of the first people to visit Mars. What would you take with you and what do you think the planet would be like?
  • If you switched places with your parents for a day, how would you run the house? What rules would you introduce and which rules would you change?

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  • Primary Tuition: 11+ Exam Tuition and Key Stage 1 and 2 Tuition
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  • Functional Skills Courses for 16+ and Adults

52 Journal Prompts for Kids to Reflect and Practice Writing Skills

  • July 26, 2022

Keeping a journal can have many benefits for your child, whether they keep it by themselves or with your help. In addition to practicing writing, journaling can give children a way to capture their thoughts and memories. Plus, journaling can boost your child’s mood and mental well-being because it teaches mindfulness.[1]

These 52 journal prompts—one for each week of the year—are perfect for elementary school students. If your child hasn’t quite learned to write yet, you can always help by writing down their answers or they can draw them.

creative writing topics for 11 year olds

Sources: 1. Bailey, K. “5 Powerful Health Benefits of Journaling.” Intermountain Healthcare. July 5, 2018.

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11+ creative writing guide with 50 example topics and prompts

by Hayley | Nov 17, 2022 | Exams , Writing | 0 comments

The 11+ exam is a school entrance exam taken in the academic year that a child in the UK turns eleven.

These exams are highly competitive, with multiple students battling for each school place awarded.

The 11 plus exam isn’t ‘one thing’, it varies in its structure and composition across the country. A creative writing task is included in nearly all of the 11 plus exams, and parents are often confused about what’s being tested.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that the plot of your child’s writing task is important. It is not.

The real aim of the 11+ creative writing task is to showcase your child’s writing skills and techniques.

And that’s why preparation is so important.

This guide begins by answering all the FAQs that parents have about the 11+ creative writing task.

At the end of the article I give my best tips & strategies for preparing your child for the 11+ creative writing task , along with 50 fiction and non-fiction creative writing prompts from past papers you can use to help your child prepare. You’ll also want to check out my 11+ reading list , because great readers turn into great writers.

Do all 11+ exams include a writing task?

Not every 11+ exam includes a short story component, but many do. Usually 3 to 5 different prompts are given for the child to choose between and they are not always ‘creative’ (fiction) pieces. One or more non-fiction options might be given for children who prefer writing non-fiction to fiction.

Timings and marking vary from test to test. For example, the Kent 11+ Test gives students 10 minutes for planning followed by 30 minutes for writing. The Medway 11+ Test gives 60 minutes for writing with ‘space allowed’ on the answer booklet for planning.

Tasks vary too. In the Kent Test a handful of stimuli are given, whereas 11+ students in Essex are asked to produce two individually set paragraphs. The Consortium of Selective Schools in Essex (CCSE) includes 2 creative writing paragraphs inside a 60-minute English exam.

Throughout the UK each 11+ exam has a different set of timings and papers based around the same themes. Before launching into any exam preparation it is essential to know the content and timing of your child’s particular writing task.

However varied and different these writing tasks might seem, there is one key element that binds them.

The mark scheme.

Although we can lean on previous examples to assess how likely a short story or a non-fiction tasks will be set, it would be naïve to rely completely on the content of past papers. Contemporary 11+ exams are designed to be ‘tutor-proof’ – meaning that the exam boards like to be unpredictable.

In my online writing club for kids , we teach a different task each week (following a spiral learning structure based on 10 set tasks). One task per week is perfected as the student moves through the programme of content, and one-to-one expert feedback ensures progression. This equips our writing club members to ‘write effectively for a range of purposes’ as stated in the English schools’ teacher assessment framework.

This approach ensures that students approaching a highly competitive entrance exam will be confident of the mark scheme (and able to meet its demands) for any task set.

Will my child have a choice of prompts to write from or do they have to respond to a single prompt, without a choice?

This varies. In the Kent Test there are usually 5 options given. The purpose is to gather a writing sample from each child in case of a headteacher appeal. A range of options should allow every child to showcase what they can do.

In Essex, two prescriptive paragraphs are set as part of an hour-long English paper that includes comprehension and vocabulary work. In Essex, there is no option to choose the subject matter.

The Medway Test just offers a single prompt for a whole hour of writing. Sometimes it is a creative piece. Recently it was a marketing leaflet.

The framework for teaching writing in English schools demands that in order to ‘exceed expectations’ or better, achieve ‘greater depth’, students need to be confident writing for a multitude of different purposes.

In what circumstances is a child’s creative writing task assessed?

In Essex (east of the UK) the two prescriptive writing tasks are found inside the English exam paper. They are integral to the exam and are assessed as part of this.

In Medway (east Kent in the South East) the writing task is marked and given a raw score. This is then adjusted for age and double counted. Thus, the paper is crucial to a pass.

In the west of the county of Kent there is a different system. The Kent Test has a writing task that is only marked in appeal cases. If a child dips below the passmark their school is allowed to put together a ‘headteacher’s appeal’. At this point – before the score is communicated to the parent (and probably under cover of darkness) the writing sample is pulled out of a drawer and assessed.

I’ve been running 11+ tutor clubs for years. Usually about 1% of my students passed at headteacher’s appeal.

Since starting the writing club, however, the number of students passing at appeal has gone up considerably. In recent years it’s been more like 5% of students passing on the strength of their writing sample.

What are the examiners looking for when they’re marking a student’s creative writing?

In England, the government has set out a framework for marking creative writing. There are specific ‘pupil can’ statements to assess whether a student is ‘working towards the expected standard,’ ‘working at the expected standard’ or ‘working at greater depth’.

Members of the headteacher panel assessing the writing task are given a considerable number of samples to assess at one time. These expert teachers have a clear understanding of the framework for marking, but will not be considering or discussing every detail of the writing sample as you might expect.

Schools are provided with a report after the samples have been assessed. This is very brief indeed. Often it will simply say ‘lack of precise vocabulary’ or ‘confused paragraphing.’

So there is no mark scheme as such. They won’t be totting up your child’s score to see if they have reached a given target. They are on the panel because of their experience, and they have a short time to make an instant judgement.

Does handwriting matter?

Handwriting is assessed in primary schools. Thus it is an element of the assessment framework the panel uses as a basis for their decision.

If the exam is very soon, then don’t worry if your child is not producing immaculate, cursive handwriting. The focus should simply be on making it well-formed and legible. Every element of the assessment framework does not need to be met and legible writing will allow the panel to read the content with ease.

Improve presentation quickly by offering a smooth rollerball pen instead of a pencil. Focus on fixing individual letters and praising your child for any hint of effort. The two samples below are from the same boy a few months apart. Small changes have transformed the look and feel:

11+ handwriting sample from a student before handwriting tutoring

Sample 1: First piece of work when joining the writing club

Cursive handwriting sample of a boy preparing for the 11+ exam after handwriting tutoring.

Sample 2: This is the same boy’s improved presentation and content

How long should the short story be.

First, it is not a short story as such—it is a writing sample. Your child needs to showcase their skills but there are no extra marks for finishing (or marks deducted for a half-finished piece).

For a half hour task, you should prepare your child to produce up to 4 paragraphs of beautifully crafted work. Correct spelling and proper English grammar is just the beginning. Each paragraph should have a different purpose to showcase the breadth and depth of their ability. A longer – 60 minute – task might have 5 paragraphs but rushing is to be discouraged. Considered and interesting paragraphs are so valuable, a shorter piece would be scored more highly than a rushed and dull longer piece.

I speak from experience. A while ago now I was a marker for Key Stage 2 English SATs Papers (taken in Year 6 at 11 years old). Hundreds of scripts were deposited on my doorstep each morning by DHL. There was so much work for me to get through that I came to dread long, rambling creative pieces. Some children can write pages and pages of repetitive nothingness. Ever since then, I have looked for crafted quality and am wary of children judging their own success by the number of lines competed.

Take a look at the piece of writing below. It’s an excellent example of a well-crafted piece.

Each paragraph is short, but the writer is skilful.

He used rich and precisely chosen vocabulary, he’s broken the text into natural paragraphs, and in the second paragraph he is beginning to vary his sentence openings. There is a sense of control to the sentences – the sentence structure varies with shorter and longer examples to manage tension. It is exciting to read, with a clear awareness of his audience. Punctuation is accurate and appropriate.

Example of a high-scoring writing sample for the UK 11+ exam—notice the varied sentence structures, excellent use of figurative language, and clear paragraphing technique.

11+ creative writing example story

How important is it to revise for a creative writing task.

It is important.

Every student should go into their 11+ writing task with a clear paragraph plan secured. As each paragraph has a separate purpose – to showcase a specific skill – the plan should reflect this. Built into the plan is a means of flexing it, to alter the order of the paragraphs if the task demands it. There’s no point having a Beginning – Middle – End approach, as there’s nothing useful there to guide the student to the mark scheme.

Beyond this, my own students have created 3 – 5 stories that fit the same tight plan. However, the setting, mood and action are all completely different. This way a bank of rich vocabulary has already been explored and a technique or two of their own that fits the piece beautifully. These can be drawn upon on the day to boost confidence and give a greater sense of depth and consideration to their timed sample.

Preparation, rather than revision in its classic form, is the best approach. Over time, even weeks or months before the exam itself, contrasting stories are written, improved upon, typed up and then tweaked further as better ideas come to mind. Each of these meets the demands of the mark scheme (paragraphing, varied sentence openings, rich vocabulary choices, considered imagery, punctuation to enhance meaning, development of mood etc).

To ensure your child can write confidently at and above the level expected of them, drop them into my weekly weekly online writing club for the 11+ age group . The club marking will transform their writing, and quickly.

What is the relationship between the English paper and the creative writing task?

Writing is usually marked separately from any comprehension or grammar exercises in your child’s particular 11+ exam. Each exam board (by area/school) adapts the arrangement to suit their needs. Some have a separate writing test, others build it in as an element of their English paper (usually alongside a comprehension, punctuation and spelling exercise).

Although there is no creative writing task in the ISEB Common Pre-test, those who are not offered an immediate place at their chosen English public school are often invited back to complete a writing task at a later date. Our ISEB Common Pre-test students join the writing club in the months before the exam, first to tidy up the detail and second to extend the content.

What if my child has a specific learning difficulty (dyslexia, ADD/ADHD, ASD)?

Most exam boards pride themselves on their inclusivity. They will expect you to have a formal report from a qualified professional at the point of registration for the test. This needs to be in place and the recommendations will be considered by a panel. If your child needs extra arrangements on the day they may be offered (it isn’t always the case). More importantly, if they drop below a pass on one or more papers you will have a strong case for appeal.

Children with a specific learning difficulty often struggle with low confidence in their work and low self-esteem. The preparations set out above, and a kids writing club membership will allow them to go into the exam feeling positive and empowered. If they don’t achieve a pass at first, the writing sample will add weight to their appeal.

Tips and strategies for writing a high-scoring creative writing paper

  • Read widely for pleasure. Read aloud to your child if they are reluctant.
  • Create a strong paragraph plan where each paragraph has a distinct purpose.
  • Using the list of example questions below, discuss how each could be written in the form of your paragraph plan.
  • Write 3-5 stories with contrasting settings and action – each one must follow your paragraph plan. Try to include examples of literary devices and figurative language (metaphor, simile) but avoid clichés.
  • Tidy up your presentation. Write with a good rollerball pen on A4 lined paper with a printed margin. Cross out with a single horizontal line and banish doodling or scribbles.
  • Join the writing club for a 20-minute Zoom task per week with no finishing off or homework. An expert English teacher will mark the work personally on video every Friday and your child’s writing will be quickly transformed.

Pressed for time? Here’s a paragraph plan to follow.

At Griffin Teaching we have an online writing club for students preparing for the 11 plus creative writing task . We’ve seen first-hand what a difference just one or two months of weekly practice can make.

That said, we know that a lot of people reading this page are up against a hard deadline with an 11+ exam date fast approaching.

If that’s you (or your child), what you need is a paragraph plan.

Here’s one tried-and-true paragraph plan that we teach in our clubs. Use this as you work your way through some of the example prompts below.

11+ creative writing paragraph plan

Paragraph 1—description.

Imagine standing in the location and describe what is above the main character, what is below their feet, what is to their left and right, and what is in the distance. Try to integrate frontend adverbials into this paragraph (frontend adverbials are words or phrases used at the beginning of a sentence to describe what follows—e.g. When the fog lifted, he saw… )

Paragraph 2—Conversation

Create two characters who have different roles (e.g. site manager and student, dog walker and lost man) and write a short dialogue between them. Use what we call the “sandwich layout,” where the first person says something and you describe what they are doing while they are saying it. Add in further descriptions (perhaps of the person’s clothing or expression) before starting a new line where the second character gives a simple answer and you provide details about what the second character is doing as they speak.

Paragraph 3—Change the mood

Write three to four sentences that change the mood of the writing sample from light to gloomy or foreboding. You could write about a change in the weather or a change in the lighting of the scene. Another approach is to mention how a character reacts to the change in mood, for example by pulling their coat collar up to their ears.

Paragraph 4—Shock your reader

A classic approach is to have your character die unexpectedly in the final sentence. Or maybe the ceiling falls?

11+ creative writing questions from real papers—fictional prompts

  • The day the storm came
  • The day the weather changed
  • The snowstorm
  • The rainy day
  • A sunny day out
  • A foggy (or misty) day
  • A day trip to remember
  • The first day
  • The day everything changed
  • The mountain
  • The hillside
  • The old house
  • The balloon
  • The old man
  • The accident
  • The unfamiliar sound
  • A weekend away
  • Moving house
  • A family celebration
  • An event you remember from when you were young
  • An animal attack
  • The school playground at night
  • The lift pinged and the door opened. I could not believe what was inside…
  • “Run!” he shouted as he thundered across the sand…
  • It was getting late as I dug in my pocket for the key to the door. “Hurry up!” she shouted from inside.
  • I know our back garden very well, but I was surprised how different it looked at midnight…
  • The red button on the wall has a sign on it saying, ‘DO NOT TOUCH.’ My little sister leant forward and hit it hard with her hand. What happened next?
  • Digging down into the soft earth, the spade hit something metal…
  • Write a story which features the stopping of time.
  • Write a story which features an unusual method of transport.
  • The cry in the woods
  • Write a story which features an escape

11+ creative writing questions from real papers—non-fiction prompts

  • Write a thank you letter for a present you didn’t want.
  • You are about to interview someone for a job. Write a list of questions you would like to ask the applicant.
  • Write a letter to complain about the uniform at your school.
  • Write a leaflet to advertise your home town.
  • Write a thank you letter for a holiday you didn’t enjoy.
  • Write a letter of complaint to the vet after an unfortunate incident in the waiting room.
  • Write a set of instructions explaining how to make toast.
  • Describe the room you are in.
  • Describe a person who is important to you.
  • Describe your pet or an animal you know well.

creative writing topics for 11 year olds

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Excellent Writing Contests for Kids (and Other Ways To Get Published)

This post may contain affiliate links.

I’ve been searching for writing contests for kids for my daughter and her friend. Many kids, like mine, want to write for an audience; they’d love to be published. This round-up of writing contests for kids and other opportunities might help give emerging writers their first chance at publication.

Let me also suggest that you temper your kids’ enthusiasm with a bit of reality. It’s a tricky thing because you don’t want to be a killjoy, but you also want your children to understand that good, award-winning writing is hard work and takes dedication. So if your child applies to a writing competition and gets rejected or doesn’t win any writing prize, encourage your kids to persevere and keep writing. (Feel free to share stories of authors such as Madeline L’Engle, J.K. Rowlings, and Dr. Seuss, who were rejected for publishing  a lot.)

writing contests

When you’re looking at these writing contests, suggest that kids read through the past winners or published pieces to get an idea of what the contest or publication is looking for in a writing piece.

Revision, of course, is essential. You can help by giving kids specific feedback on technique — revision tips here . If your child is writing a short story or children’s fiction piece, make sure their story has a story arc . And insist that they proofread a million times to be sure they’re not sending in something with errors! Check my NanNoWriMo for Kids post for more writing and revision tips.

All that being said, publishing can be a very motivational goal. Encourage your kids to write essays, short stories, poetry, and creative nonfiction and apply for opportunities like these. But remind your writers that failure only means that they haven’t been published YET.

Consider carefully writing contests with entry fees. I have mixed feelings about fees because sometimes they do pay for hiring judges but other times, I worry that it means the contest is simply a money-maker for them.

Best wishes!

**Check the comments for more contests.

Writing Contests for Kids

Roald Dahl’s ImaginormousChallenge ages: 5 – 12 Details: In this unique writing contest, kids submit  story ideas  in 100 words or less. The only judging criterion, in true Wonka style, is pure imagination. Five winners will get a Golden Ticket. See the website for all the prizes and opportunities.

Betty Award ages: 8 – 12 Details: Check the website for deadlines for their spring and fall writing contests. Cash prizes. $15 fee.

Funny Festive Fables ages: 7 – 13 In this writing contest, kids are asked to write a funny short story.

National Youth Foundation ages: grades K – 8 Details: It looks like you’ll be submitting a 20 to 30 page book with writing and art that incorporates the contest theme of anti-bullying.

Dandelion Press ages: all Get inspired by the illustration provided to write an original story. 

Tadpole Press ages: all For writers of all ages, this is a 100-word writing contest in any genre. This contest offers cash prizes to winners.

Scholastic Art & Writing Awards ages: 13+ The Scholastic Awards look for work in writing and art that demonstrates originality, technical skill, and the emergence of a personal voice or vision. Teenagers can apply to 28 art and writing categories including flash fiction, critical essay, digital art, humor, novel writing, personal essay, poetry, short story, and ceramics. The Scholastic writing contest is highly competitive, so submit your best work!

Literary Magazines and Online Publications for Kids and Teens

These publications are looking for submissions. These are NOT contests.

Hutch Magazine: A Creativity Magazine by Kids for Kids ages: grades 1 to 8 Hutch publishes art and writing submissions around a theme that imparts positive values and promotes self-esteem. Check the website for the latest theme and parent consent and media release forms.

Story Monsters ages 17 and younger Story Monsters is seeking articles, essays, book reviews, poems, short stories, and drawings.

Kidz Corner ages 6 to 12 Submit art, letters, and other writing. Guidelines here .

Magic Dragon ages: 12 years and younger Submit art, stories, essays, and poetry.

Cricket ages: 9 – 14 Details: Cricket is a well-known children’s magazine . Enter fiction, poetry, and nonfiction writing in this kids’ literary magazine. The magazine used to take submissions from young writers but now they’re offering other opportunities here: NewPages Writing Contests for Young Writers writing.

Stone Soup ages: 13 and YOUNGER Details: This magazine receives a lot of submissions, so read carefully what actually gets published for a better chance. It accepts stories, book reviews, and poems. $3 entry fee. 

Elementia ages: not stated A literary arts magazine from a library, check back to see when submissions open for poetry, short stories, essays, comics, and artwork.

Skipping Stones ages: 7 to 17 Details: This publication has a multicultural focus for its writing opportunities for kids. Send in essays, interviews, poems, plays, or short stories. $5 fee. Winners are published in their autumn issue.

The Caterpillar ages: not stated Details: This is an Irish publication but accepts entries from anywhere in the world.

Guardian Angel Kids ages: up to age 14 Details: This is a literary magazine (ezine) for kids with submission themes  here . If your work is accepted (articles, fiction, poetry), then the magazine will own it and will pay you for your work. Just be sure that if your writing is accepted, you don’t post it anywhere else since you will not own it anymore!

Chautauqua Young Voices ages: middle and high school Submissions can be in nonfiction, fiction, poetry, or flash.

Ember ages: 10 – 18 Details: This publication is searching for compelling poetry, short stories, flash fiction, and creative non-fiction that paint images with language. (THESE ARE NOT CONTESTS.)

Scholastic News Kids Press Corps ages: 10 – 14 Apply to be on a team of kid reporters from across the country and around the world covers “news for kids, by kids.” Kid writers who are ages 10–14 with a passion for telling great stories and discussing issues that matter most to kids are encouraged to apply in the spring for the following school year.

Bibliopunks ages 13 – 24 An online literary zine aimed at young adult writers. They are looking for writing in any genre.

Figment ages: 13+ Details: This is an online writing community meant to encourage  teen writers  to write and share their work. You can post your work and get feedback, as well as give feedback to other writers. Contests are posted throughout the year.

Cicada Magazine ages: 14+ Details: This magazine loves SF/fantasy and historical fiction as well as narrative nonfiction about teen topics.

Teen Ink ages: 13+ Details: This is an online writing community with a wealth of opportunities for young writers.

Canvas Literary Journal ages: 13 – 18 Canvas Teen Literary Journal is a quarterly journal that publishes the work of teen writers which are read and rated by a board of teen editors. If they’re not accepting submissions, follow them on social media to find out when submissions will open again.

Highlights Magazine ages: ages 16+ Details: This magazine publishes kids’ writing and will publish: drawings, poems, jokes, riddles, tongue twisters, stories, science questions, and book reviews. At the time of publication, they are closed to submissions.

I've been searching for writing contests for kids for my daughter and her friend. Many kids, like mine, want to write for an audience; they'd love to be published. This round-up of writing contests for kids and other opportunities might help give emerging writers their first chance at publication.


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Melissa Taylor, MA, is the creator of Imagination Soup. She's a mother, former teacher & literacy trainer, and freelance education writer. She writes Imagination Soup and freelances for publications online and in print, including Penguin Random House's Brightly website, USA Today Health, Adobe Education, Colorado Parent, and Parenting. She is passionate about matching kids with books that they'll love.

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I work with Story Studio (a Victoria-based charity in Canada), and we host a themed monthly writing contest for kids aged 5-13 🙂 For April 2024, we’re hosting a special climate fiction writing contest for young authors aged 9-17. You can find details for our writing contests here: Happy writing! Monika

IndigoTeen Magazine is a literary periodical created for teenagers and by teenagers. It features the most successful text and imagery submissions from children and young people from 13 to 19 years old: short stories, essays, and novellas, memes, and comics, fan fiction and poetry, graphic design and artwork. It’s a collection of literary pieces that reflects the world of modern teenagers. Are you a teen who loves English? Do you want to test your illustrator’s skills or other visual art talents? Let your mind shine bright and be enjoyed! We are eager to hear from you and let your creation be part of our magazine.

Some of these contests aren’t taking any submissions which sucks

Is there a graphic novel contest?

Not that I know of.

Are these competitions open to kids from other countries? My daughter loves to write and we are based in India

I think some are but you’ll have to check the rules for each one to know for sure. Good luck!

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#248 – From the Top

#247 – The Great Unknown

#246 – All Fun and Games

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#1 Zilla Babbitt

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The best writing prompts for teens

Are you looking for activity ideas to get kids off social media for half an hour? We've got three words for you: teenage writing prompts. No matter the season, parents and teachers with students in school alike can turn to writing prompts to help your teenager experience growth through writing. Creative writing prompts can help teens engage with their feelings, exercise critical thinking via journaling, and capture daily thoughts about life and the world around them. For immediate impact, this page is chock-full of ideas to get them started!

If you're looking to cut to the chase, here's a top ten list of our favorite writing prompts for teens:

  • A "good witch" and a "bad witch" meet for lunch. What do they talk about?
  • Start your story with “Today’s the day I change.”
  • This was the weekend you'd been waiting for for the past three years.
  • Write a story about a character experiencing independence for the first time.
  • Finish this sentence: "I strongly believe that..."
  • Write a story about a character making a big change.
  • Write a story with a Character versus Character conflict. Think of Elizabeth Bennet vs. Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice.
  • Write a story with a Character versus Nature conflict. Think of Mark vs. Mars in The Martian.

If you have a teen who’s looking to become an author, check out our free resources on the topic:

Reedsy's guide to novel writing (blog post)— Go from zero to hero with our ten-day course to writing a book. Every book differs depending on your genre, but if you look deeper, they all rely on similar basic principles. We take you through all of those elements of a story, from structuring a plot to choosing a POV.

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Want to encourage teens to start submitting their story? Check out Reedsy’s weekly short story contest for the chance of winning $250! You can also check out our list of writing contests or our directory of literary magazines for more opportunities to submit your story.


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35 Best Gifts for 11-Year-Olds, According to Tweens and Experts

From tech sets to DIY gifts, these are the best toys for 11-year-olds.

the razor a5 lux scooter and gravitrax the game imapact are two good housekeeping picks for best gifts for 11 year olds

We've been independently researching and testing products for over 120 years. If you buy through our links, we may earn a commission. Learn more about our review process.

Now fully into their tween years, 11-year-olds are ready to leave all their little kid stuff behind. But that doesn't mean they're fully done with toys, games and other fun things — they just want more sophisticated versions of them. That makes it a little tricky to find the best gifts for 11-year-olds , but there are plenty of great options if you know where to look.

From fun room decor and DIY projects to tabletop games and more, these toys came out on top in 2024. Looking for more gifts for kids ? Shop the best gifts for 11-year-old boys , best gifts for 11-year-old girls and the best gifts for teens .

Wizarding World Harry Potter Magic Wand

Harry Potter Magic Wand

If you haven't already, now is a great time to introduce them to the world of Harry Potter . But even if they haven't read the books or seen the movies, the idea of wizardry is always fun. These authentic 12-inch replica wands each come with a spell card to keep kids busy and practicing their magic. Ages 6+

RELATED: The Best 'Harry Potter' Gifts for Your Favorite Magical Kid or Adult

GlowCity Glow in The Dark Basketball

Glow in The Dark Basketball

At this age, if it glows in the dark, they'll love it. And this means the fun never has to stop because they can see the ball even if they're playing hoops after dark. Ages 8+

Refasy Electronic Piggy Banks

Electronic Piggy Banks

They are learning how money works, and are probably even getting money in lieu of toys from friends and family. Help them keep their money safe (and make them think twice before spending it), with this cool electronic piggy bank that works with a special number combination like an ATM. Ages 3+

Parima Initial Travel Jewelry Case

Initial Travel Jewelry Case

She can easily throw this cute organizer in her bag for school or family trips to keep all of her jewelry safe. But because of the pretty colors and personalized touch , it'll also look great in her room. No age recommendation given.

Pooqla LED Marquee Letter Light

LED Marquee Letter Light

You can't go wrong with multicolored anything at this age. This light can also be just a solid color if they want, like blue or red. No age recommendation given.

Just Play Motion-Controlled Music Mixer

Motion-Controlled Music Mixer

Kids can hold this colorful device in one hand and remix music by adding sound effects, layering tracks and making loops, all by using different hand motions . “My child absolutely loves this,“ one parent said in our tests. “He’s spent hours playing with it. I love how this toy really lets kids express their creativity.” Ages 8+

TCG Toys Spin Flip Puzzle

Spin Flip Puzzle

The puzzle is made of 14 concentric rings that can be spun, twisted and flipped. Kids will have to find the right configuration to complete the cool photo or design. Ages 8+

Kanoodle Pyramid

Kanoodle Pyramid

You can credit TikTok with selling more than 3 million Kanoodle games, with those accepting the #KanoodleChallenge trying to solve the brain-teasing puzzles online. But by 11, they might be ready to step up and try the harder Kanoodle Pyramid. To play, contenders have to select a puzzle with a certain configuration of pieces, and then use their smarts to see if they can fit in the remaining pieces to make a 3D pyramid shape. Ages 7+

RELATED: The Good Housekeeping Best Toy Awards

The Secret of Lillian Velvet

The Secret of Lillian Velvet

Good Housekeeping Institute testers were drawn into this mystery book, about a lonely girl with a jar of coins — each of which takes her to a different time and place. But are they connected? "I couldn't predict how it was going to end, and it made me want to keep reading," one kid tester said. Ages 8 – 12

RELATED: The Good Housekeeping Best Kids' Book Awards

Professor Maxwell's VR Dinosaurs

Professor Maxwell's VR Dinosaurs

Good Housekeeping testers were impressed with this STEM set, saying that it felt like dinosaurs were right there in the room with them. The set comes with VR goggles, an 80-page book filled with immersive activities and supplies for hands-on projects to do at home. Ages 8+

Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza Card Game

Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza Card Game

Easy to learn, fast to play, this is the epitome of a game you can just break out whenever there's a dull moment. Players have to flip over cards while saying one of five words (appropriately, either "taco," "cat," "goat," "cheese" or "pizza"), and if the word they say matches the word on the card they've played, all the players have to rush to slap the pile. Whoever gets there last has to take the pile, and the player who gets rid of their cards first wins. People love this so much, it has more than 43,000 five-star ratings on Amazon. Ages 8+

It's My Biz Pet Care Business Kit

Pet Care Business Kit

Get them started on an entrepreneurial path with this kit, which helps them get a pet-care business off the ground. It comes with some tools of the trade (like some pet toys, a collapsible water bowl, a pet brush and poop bags), but also marketing materials (door hangers, pins, business cards, etc) and items to keep them organized (a client book, receipts). Or, if pet care isn't their passion, there are also It's My Biz kits for a lemonade stand or babysitting business . Ages 8+

GraviTrax: The Game - Impact

GraviTrax: The Game - Impact

This game takes their marble runs to the next level: The STEM-themed brain-teasing game challenges players to make different kinds of marble runs using limited pieces. Good Housekeeping Institute testers say that, since there are challenges of varying difficulty included in the same box, older and younger siblings were able to play together. Ages 8+

Sleuth & Solve: Science

Sleuth & Solve: Science

They'll have to keep their minds sharp and their observational skills on point to solve the 20 mysteries in this book. Each of them has a science-themed bent, too, so they might pick up facts about how a baker can know if an egg is raw or hard-boiled, or how an animal expert might know if an elephant stampede is coming. If they like it, they can get the other books in the Sleuth & Solve series. Ages 8 – 12

Schylling Nee Doh Nice Cube

Nee Doh Nice Cube

Kids love Nee Doh in all shapes in sizes, from the very small to the very large to groovy shapes like fruit or cats . The Nice Cube is still fun to squeeze and squish like all the other shapes of Nee Doh, but, no matter how much you smush it, when you put it down it will always return to its cube form. Ages 3+

My Friendship Bracelet Maker

My Friendship Bracelet Maker

Those summer-camp days feel like they're here forever with this friendship-bracelet kit. Not only does it come with 20 pre-cut threads (in their own storage drawer, no less), it has a board that holds the bracelet and strands in place while the creation is in-progress. (The board even comes in several colors!) You can also use its app to find friendship-bracelet patterns and instructions. Ages 8+

Shashibo Shape Shifting Box

Shape Shifting Box

Tweens are still into the fidget craze, and this amazing box will give their hands something quiet to do for minutes on end. It unfolds into different shapes, revealing different patterns inside, and then it's a puzzle to get it back into its cube form again. Ages 8+

Big Joe Milano Bean Bag Chair

Milano Bean Bag Chair

Who wouldn't want to cozy up and read, play video games or text and chat in a chair like this? This chair impressed Good Housekeeping Institute testers with its firm fill, but really won over Lab experts with how easy it was to clean the fabric. It comes in several colors and prints, and has a handle so you can drag it around.

RELATED: The Best Bean Bag Chairs, According to Expert Testing

Melissa & Doug Scratch Art Rainbow Mini Notes

Scratch Art Rainbow Mini Notes

Notes to friends, reminders and doodles are way more fun when they're done on small squares of scratch-art paper. This comes with 125 square sheets of scratch-art paper, plus a wooden stylus to use. It's a cute gift to put in a small gift basket or party favor. Ages 4+

Pokémon Paldea Evolved Elite Trainer Box

Pokémon Paldea Evolved Elite Trainer Box

For tweens into the Pokémon Trading Card game, this box will beef up their card collections with their favorite Paldea-region Pokémon from the Scarlet and Violet games. It comes with nine booster packs, along with fun extras for players like damage-counter dice, card sleeves, coins for coin flips, status markers and energy cards. Ages 6+

RELATED: The Best Pokémon Gifts for Fans

Headshot of Rachel Rothman

Rachel Rothman was the chief technologist and executive technical director of the Good Housekeeping Institute for over 15 years , overseeing testing methodology, implementation and reporting for all GH Labs. She also managed GH's research division and the analysis of applicants for the GH Seal and all other testing emblems. 

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  1. 107 Creative writing topics for kids: Imaginative & Fun

    creative writing topics for 11 year olds

  2. ⛔ Story writing topics for kids. 100+ Creative Story Writing Prompts

    creative writing topics for 11 year olds

  3. Fun creative writing prompts with worksheets. Picture Writing Prompts

    creative writing topics for 11 year olds

  4. Creative Writing Year 11

    creative writing topics for 11 year olds

  5. Creative Writing Titles For 11 Year Olds

    creative writing topics for 11 year olds

  6. Creative Writing Prompts for Teens

    creative writing topics for 11 year olds


  1. Creative Front Page DIY 📒 #NhuanDaoCalligraphy #Calligraphy #FrontPage #shorts

  2. Creative Writing Strategies for Dyslexics Webinar

  3. 11 plus creative writing Topics -Grammar and independent schools

  4. BEGG-174 Unit


  6. 10 Excellent Creative Writing Topics for Grade 3


  1. 300 Creative Writing Prompts for Kids

    Which is better, winter or summer? Write about the reasons why you think winter or summer is better. #4. Write about what would it be like if you had an alligator as a pet. #5. If you had $1,000, what would you buy and why? #6. Write a story using these 5 words: apple, train, elephant, paper, banjo. #7.

  2. Hundreds of Awesome Creative Writing Topics for kids

    58. Challenge the kids to write a scary story. 59. If you are working with younger children, instead of having them write, you can have them draw and answer questions about their drawing. Try some of these topics. 1 Create a monster. Your monster can be silly, scary, funny, big, little, colorful, etc..

  3. Writing Prompts for 9, 10, 11, and 12 Year Olds

    Exciting Writing Prompts for 9, 10, 11, and 12 Year Olds— If you're seeking out engaging writing prompts for your kids to explore in journals or other creative outlets, you're in luck. That's because you have just discovered a fabulous and free writing resource to inspire your young scribes.

  4. 57 Fun Creative Writing Prompts for Kids

    What would you name each chapter? #5: What is your earliest memory? Write every detail you can remember about it. #6: If you had the power to change one thing about school, what would you change and why? #7: Describe three goals you have for yourself. #8: Imagine you are creating your dream restaurant.

  5. 127 Story Starters & Writing Prompts for Kids (Ages 10

    This article provides 127 writing prompts that can get kids' creative writing off to a great start. Download my three great creative writing lesson plans that I use as a supply teacher. They're easy-to-use lessons that you can teach on the go. Article Key Points. Select from the list of 127 writing prompts below for story ideas that you like.

  6. 25 Fun Topics for Kids to Write About »

    More Writing Topics for Kids. 33 Imaginative Writing Ideas; See our HUGE collection of FREE Creative Writing Topics; 35 Free Write Topics for Kids; Grammar worksheets for students (free printables) Alrighty… get to it and have your learners grab their pens, pencils, tablets, cell phones, or journals and get to writing now. Until next time ...

  7. 225 Fun & Free Creative Writing Prompts for Kids in All Grade Levels

    225 Fun & Free Creative Writing Prompts for Kids in All Grade Levels. March 02, 2021. All Posts. Written by Maria Kampen. Teachers. Prodigy English is here! Get your students playing — and learning — today. ... Write a letter to your 30-year-old self. What do you think you'll accomplish by then? Teach me how to make your favorite recipe.

  8. 100 Writing Prompts for Kids

    Write an alternative ending for your favourite/favorite book or movie. Describe a day in your life if you were famous. Write a story where the main character faces their biggest fear. I looked out the window and couldn't believe what I saw…. You've got a magic pen.

  9. 140 Creative Writing Prompts for Kids

    Squibler is the first AI book writing tool that assists aspiring authors to write with 50% more efficiency due to its advanced AI technology. It generates content based on your instructions and expands the story. Squibler's Smart Writer works just like a real-life assistant who works 24/7 with no breaks.

  10. 300+ Writing Prompts for Kids (+ Free Printable)

    300+ Writing Prompts for Kids (+ Free Printable) August 11, 2020. This is the ultimate bank of over 300 writing prompts for kids. From creative writing prompts to journal ideas and even quick poetry prompts. Whenever you're bored or need a little inspiration, here are some fun ideas for kids writing prompts that can be used over and over again.

  11. 25 Creative Writing Prompts for Kids

    Make Reading & Writing Fantastically Fun! Award-winning reading & writing program for kids. Improves spelling, grammar, punctuation & vocabulary. Over 1,000 different learning games and activities. Writing, Activities. Writing helps children develop their communication, emotional intelligence, self-expression, and confidence.

  12. 55 Superb Story Writing Topics for Kids »

    55 Story Writing Topics for Kids. Enjoy this superb list of creative writing prompts and story writing topics for kids. Write a story about…. 1. a class that comes together for a special project. 2. a young boy who loves magic tricks. 3. a group of friends who win a trip to Italy.

  13. 50 Creative Writing Prompts for Children of All Ages

    Outschool. With thousands of options for classes, camps, and tutors, learners are inspired to connect with inspiring teachers, build new skills, develop new passions, and forge new friendships from home. 50 fascinating writing prompts for kids that will get them inspired. Plus, online creative writing classes and clubs.

  14. Engaging Writing Prompts for 11-Year-Olds

    Diving into a world of diverse writing genres enriches the educational journey for 11-year-old students, fostering not only versatility but also a profound grasp of written expression. • Narrative Adventures: Encouraging students to explore narratives nurtures creativity and storytelling skills, helping them craft engaging and imaginative tales.

  15. 15 Creative Writing Prompts for 11-year-olds Preparing for the 11 Plus

    15 Creative Writing Prompts for 11-year-olds Preparing for the 11 Plus English Exam. 6 July 2021. 11 Plus Creative Writing, Independent Schools, Preparing for the 11-plus. If your child is in year 5 of primary school, then chances are they may be sitting their 11+ exams soon.

  16. 52 Journal Prompts for Kids to Practice Writing

    In addition to practicing writing, journaling can give children a way to capture their thoughts and memories. Plus, journaling can boost your child's mood and mental well-being because it teaches mindfulness.[1] These 52 journal prompts—one for each week of the year—are perfect for elementary school students.

  17. 11+ creative writing guide with 50 example topics and prompts

    The real aim of the 11+ creative writing task is to showcase your child's writing skills and techniques. ... along with 50 fiction and non-fiction creative writing prompts from past papers you can use to help your child prepare. ... (taken in Year 6 at 11 years old). Hundreds of scripts were deposited on my doorstep each morning by DHL.

  18. 11 Plus Creative Writing Guide for Kids

    1. Three-minute splurge. Start your planning by spending two or three minutes writing down all the ideas that come into your head. This technique is also known as 'free writing' and is a great way to tap into your creativity! Don't worry about punctuation or grammar at this stage - just get your ideas down on paper.

  19. Excellent Writing Contests for Kids (and Other Ways To Get Published)

    Roald Dahl's ImaginormousChallenge. ages: 5 - 12. Details: In this unique writing contest, kids submit story ideas in 100 words or less. The only judging criterion, in true Wonka style, is pure imagination. Five winners will get a Golden Ticket. See the website for all the prizes and opportunities.


    WRITING ACTIVITIES FOR AGES 11-13 WRITING ACTIVITIES FOR AGES 11-13 WRITING ACTIVITIES FOR AGES 11-13 Article. Writing Activities for Tweens Article. Encouraging a Young Writer Sign Up and Get 10% Off Books! Raise a reader by getting the best book recommendations, reading tips, and discounts delivered straight to your inbox. PLEASE ENTER A ...

  21. Best Teens Writing Prompts of 2023

    Finish this sentence: "I strongly believe that..." Write a story about a character making a big change. Write a story with a Character versus Character conflict. Think of Elizabeth Bennet vs. Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice. Write a story with a Character versus Nature conflict. Think of Mark vs. Mars in The Martian.

  22. 31 Creative Writing Prompts for Teens »

    I hope you enjoyed this list of creative writing prompts and creative journal prompts for teenagers. 135 More Prompts and 7 Creative Techniques. 7 Creative Writing Techniques for High School Students and 15 Bonus Prompt; 35 Great Writing Prompts for High School Students; 50 Mindful Journal Prompts for Teens; 35 Great Gratitude Journal Prompts

  23. 11 Plus Creative Writing Topics

    Their book, Creative Writing Skills, has sold over 4,000 copies and has been a Number One Best Seller on Amazon. It is suitable for children aged 7-14. The questions your child might be asked in an 11 plus creative writing assessment are endless, but here is a list which you could use to guide and inspire your child's practice.

  24. 35 Best Gifts for 11-Year-Olds 2024, Tested & Reviewed by Experts

    Our top picks for the best gifts for 11-year-olds in 2023: Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza Card Game, $10 on Kanoodle Pyramid, $18 on Logrotate Moon Lamp, $20 on ...