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EDU10003 The World of Maths Assignment 2 – Australia.

Subject Code & title :- EDU10003 The World of Maths Word/time limit:  750 words (+/- 10%) Weighting:  20% After you have read this information head over to the Assignment 2 Q&A discussion board to ask any questions and see what your peers are saying about this assignment. EDU10003 The World of Maths Assignment 2 – Australia.

EDU10003 The World of Maths Assignment 2 - Australia.

Assignment Overview :- For this assignment you’re first required to complete Assignment 1 A: Personal numeracy quiz – Attempt 1.This will ensure that you have an understanding of the content knowledge and understandings you’ll need to embark on this assignment.

This assignment is a 3-part reflection that will require you to:

1.Investigate the connection between mathematics and numeracy.

2.Write a personal reflection exploring your experiences of learning mathematics.

3.Create an individualised learning plan based on the results you achieved from Assignment 1A: Personal numeracy quiz – Attempt 1.

This assignment supports unit learning outcomes 1 and 6.

Assignment Details :- To respond to each part of this assignment you are required to use the EDU10003 Assignment 2: Personal Reflection template (DOCX 56 KB)  Download EDU10003 Assignment 2: Personal Reflection template (DOCX 56 KB).

Part 1: Investigate the connection between mathematics and numeracy

Responses to Part 1 should be written in the third person and organised into paragraphs. Try to use relevant research literature to support your discussion in this section. In this section you need to include the following:

A. Provide an explanation (include a definition and brief description) of : 1. Mathematics 2. Numeracy

B. Use an example to describe the connection between mathematics and numeracy. C. Justify why it is important to understand this connection.

Important note:  You must use APA referencing in-text and include any sources in a end-text reference list.

Part 2: Personal Reflection Responses to Part 2 can be written in first person and organised into paragraphs.Research literature is not expected in this section but can be included to support your ideas if appropriate. Use the following prompts to guide your response:

1.How did you feel when you participated in mathematics lessons in school? Is there a specific incident that springs to mind, or one that highlights any specific emotions you felt? 2. When you think about your own learning of mathematics do you observe this as learning several different topics, or as a way of thinking? How does this relate back to your understanding of mathematics and numeracy? 3. Do you feel your experience of learning mathematics has framed the way in which you see yourself as a teacher? 4. Why is it important to recognise that not all students come to school with positive feelings towards mathematics? 5. What strategies can teachers enact to enhance positive feelings towards maths? Relate this back to your understanding of mathematics and numeracy.

Part 3: Individualised Learning Plan Responses to Part 3 can be written in the first person with the use of bullet points and/or tables etc to help organise your ideas. In this section you need to complete and respond to the following:

A. Reflect upon your results from Assignment 1 A: Personal numeracy quiz – Attempt 1 what are your strengths and which are areas you could improve on? B. Outline the strategies you will put in place between now and Assignment 1 B: Personal numeracy quiz – Attempt 2 (Week 10) to support your own learning and progress.

Supporting resources :- The following resources will assist you with completing this assignment:   i. EDU10003 Assignment 2: Personal Reflection template (DOCX 56 KB) Download ii.EDU10003 Assignment 2: Personal Reflection template (DOCX 56 KB)

EDU10003 The World of Maths Assignment 2 - Australia.

Submission details overview : This assignment will be submitted through Canvas. When you are ready to submit your assignment select the ‘Start Assignment’ button at the top of this page. You will be taken to the ‘File Upload’ tab where you can choose your file or submit your URL. Please note: When you submit your assignment through Canvas you are also submitting the assignment through Turnitin which is a text-matching service that compares your work with an international database of information sources. You will need to agree to using it.  Once you have submitted your assignment select ‘Submission Details’ on the right of your screen to view your originality report if you haven’t already done so. Please allow a 24-hour turnaround for an originality report to be generated. See the ‘Turnitin originality report’ area of the Academic practice page in the Study Resources section of the Student Hub for several guides to assist with the submission process.

Re submissions after the due date without prior approval from your Unit Coordinator may not be marked.

Assignment support : Don’t forget that in addition to your eLAs who provide discipline-specific content advice you can access the 24/7 draft writing service from Studio sity. If you need assistance with academic feedback on a draft of your assignment task see Assignment support: Studiosity.

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Assignment 3: Maths Essay Folio.

2,338 Words Published On: 16-09-2020

Related Learning Outcomes

The purpose of this folio is to produce a collection of information, resources and reflections. Creating this folio will help you develop your skills in navigating the Australian Curriculum or State or Territory curriculum, recognising the way in which concepts progress throughout the curriculum and identifying relevant resources to support teaching and learning. For this assignment task, you'll be building upon your knowledge and understanding of the concept that you explored in your second assignment task, and exploring the learning progression throughout the primary years.

Related learning outcomes This assignment assesses the following unit learning outcomes: 5. Describe how the relevant National and/or State or Territory curriculum for maths encourages understanding in mathematics and numeracy for children. 6. Use ICT to develop children’s engagement with numeracy and mathematics. Assignment details You'll be required to choose three consecutive primary school levels to build your folio around (e.g. Foundation, Year One and Year Two), and a maths concept that can be taught in each of these years. Once you have selected your year levels, use the Assignment 3: Folio template (DOC 43 KB) and include the following information: Assignment 3: Maths resource folio 23/03/2018, 8:39 PM

the Australian Curriculum or your State or Territory curriculum and describe how your concept is addressed, and how it progresses throughout each of your selected primary school levels. (Approximately 200 words.) Please note: if you select Foundation level as one of your levels, it's appropriate for you to then acknowledge the progression from the early years. Choose just one content descriptor for each of your levels to focus on that directly correlates to your concept and shows a clear progression.

(Approximately 40 words.) Find one resource for each of your content descriptors that you believe would effectively support the teaching and learning of each descriptor. Please note: Two of the three resources must be ICT resources. For each resource you must include the following information (approximately 120 words): Name of the resource. Evidence of the resource (e.g. screenshot and URL where applicable). A brief description of the resource. To accompany each resource, you are to provide a written rationale justifying how it can be used to enhance children’s learning and engagement with the selected content descriptor. Each rationale must be supported by academic literature. (Approximately 300 words.)

Please ensure that you make links to academic literature and curricula documentation to support your statements. If academic underpinning is not evident, you cannot pass this assignment. Please ensure that you select specific resources (e.g. a specific app or web-based activity) that directly links to your selected content descriptions. Before you're ready to submit your essay, use the pre-submission checklist to ensure you've covered all of the requirements for this essay. Suppor!ng resources The following resources will support you in completing this assignment: Referencing guide . Assignment support.

Assignment Details

FAQ page. Assignment 3: Folio template (DOC 43 KB) . Submission details overview This assignment will be submitted via Turnitin. You will find the relevant submission point below. Assignment 3: Maths resource folio 23/03/2018, 8:39 PM Page 3 of 6 Please allow a 24-hour turnaround for an originality report to be generated. See the Turnitin originality report area of Study Resources for several guides to assist with the submission process. Assignment support Don't forget that in addition to your eLAs who provide discipline-specific content advice, you can access the 24/7 draft writing service from Studiosity. If you need assistance with academic feedback on a draft of your assignment task see Assignment support:

Studiosity. Assignment criteria 1. Describe how the National and/or State or Territory curriculum encourages understanding in mathematics and numeracy for children. 2. Use ICT to develop children’s engagement with numeracy and mathematics. 3. Presentation and APA referencing. Your work will be assessed using the following marking guide: Criterion No Pass Pass 50-59% Credit 60-69% Distinction 70-79% High Distinction 80-100% Describe how the National and/or State or Territory curriculum encourages understanding in mathematics and numeracy for children (45%) Did not meet criterion.

A description of how National and/or State or Territory curriculum encourages understanding in mathematics and numeracy has been included, although at times this is not clear and coherent. Some A description of how National and/or State or Territory curriculum encourages understanding in mathematics and numeracy has been included and is generally easy to read. Various The description of how National and/or State or Territory curriculum encourages understanding in mathematics and numeracy is coherent and easy to read. Different forms of evidence and examples were The description of how National and/or State or Territory curriculum encourages understanding in mathematics and numeracy is coherent and easy to read.

Various forms of evidence and examples were provided synthesised and supported with relevant theoretical ideas. Assignment 3: Maths resource folio 23/03/2018, 8:39 PM Page 4 of 6 examples were provided to support the ideas presented. Minimal links to theoretical ideas were made. examples were provided to support the ideas presented. Some links to theoretical materials were made throughout. provided and supported with theoretical ideas. Use ICT to develop children’s engagement with numeracy and mathematics. (45%) Did not meet criterion.

There is some evidence of recognition of the numeracy skills used in the real world. ICT has been used as a vehicle for engagement with numeracy and mathematics but needs to be further integrated into the learning. There is evidence of recognition of the numeracy skills used in the real world. Some realworld examples are provided and minimal links to theory are made. ICT has been used as a vehicle for engagement with numeracy and mathematics and is mostly integrated into the learning. Many forms of evidence have been included which clearly recognise numeracy skills that are used in the real world. Various real-world examples are provided, which have been linked to theory.

ICT has been used as a vehicle for engagement with numeracy and mathematics and is integrated into the learning. Many forms of evidence have been included which clearly recognise numeracy skills that are used in the real world. Various realworld examples are provided and analysed in relation to theoretical ideas. ICT has been used as a vehicle for engagement with numeracy and mathematics and is an integral component of the learning. Presentation and APA referencing. (10%) Did not meet criterion. The submission reads coherently. There are some spelling The submission reads coherently.

There are The submission reads clearly and coherently. There are no The submission reads clearly and coherently and is reflective of the academic writing style. There are no Assignment 3: Maths resource folio 23/03/2018, 8:39 PM Page 5 of 6 Assessment declaration and statement of authorship By submitting my assignments below I declare that: This is an original piece of work and no part has been completed by any other person than signed below. I have read and understood the guidelines on How to avoid plagiarism .

part of this work has been copied or paraphrased from any other source except where this has been clearly acknowledged in the body of the assignment and included in the reference list. I have retained a copy of this assignment in the event of it becoming lost or damaged. I agree and acknowledge that: I have read and understood the Swinburne Assessment Declaration.

I accept that use of my Swinburne account to electronically submit this assignment constitutes my agreement to the Swinburne Assessment Declaration. If I do not agree to the Swinburne Assessment Declaration in this context, the assessment outcome may not be valid for assessment purposes and may not be included in my aggregate score for this unit. Further information relating to the penalties for plagiarism, which range from a formal caution to expulsion from the University, is contained in the Student Academic Misconduct Regulations 2012 and at the Assessment declaration.

Brooker, L., & Siraj-Blatchford, J. (2002). Click on Miaow!’: how children of three and four years’ experience the nursery computer. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 251-273.

Byron, T. (2008). Safer Children in a Digital World. The Report of the Byron Review. Sherwood Park, UK: Department for Children, Schools and Families Publications.

Clements, D. (2002). Computers in early childhood mathematics. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood: Technology Special Issue, 160-181.

Cohen. (1988). One computer, two languages, many children. Education and Computing, 145-149.

Cohen, R. (1994). How New Technologies Question Educational Practices and Learning Theories. In: Wright, J. and Benzie, D. (Eds.) Exploring a New Partnership: Children, Teachers and Technology. IFIP and North-Holland, 89-95.

Confrey, J., Cobb, P., diSessa, A., Lehrer, R., & Schaube, L. (2003). Design Experiments in Education Research. The Educational Researcher, 9-13.

Feurzeig, W. (2007). Toward a Culture of Creativity: A Personal Perspective on Logo's Early Years, Legacy and Ongoing PotentialProc. of Int. Conf. EuroLogo 2007, Bratislava (CD Rom). Retrieved April 4, 2018, from Eurologo.

Hayes, M. W. (2006). ICT in the Early Years. UK: Open University Press.

Joyce, W. (2014). The Numberlys. Shreveport: ImagnoTron.

Kalas, I. (2010). Recognizing the potential of ICT in early childhood education. Moscow: UNESCO IITE.

Lincoln, Y. S., & Guba, E. G. (1985). Naturalistic inquiry. Newbury Park, Ca: Sage.

Nastasia, B., & Clements, D. (1993). Electronic Media and Early Childhood Education, in B. Spodek (Ed.) Handbook of Research on the Education of Young Children. New York: Macmillan.

Papert, S., Bloom, M., Grant, R., Solomon, C., & Feurzeig, W. (1969). Programming-languages as a conceptual framework for teaching mathematics. BBN Report No.1889, 325-326.

Skodackova, A., & Kalas, I. (2012). Digital literacy of the preprimary teachers. Hlohovec, 1-11.

Staff, T. E. (2003). Design-Based Research: An Empirical Paradigm for Educational Inuiry. The Educational Researcher, 5-8.

Wiering, M., Henken, R., & Bom, L. (2013). Reinforcement Learning to Train Ms Pacman Using Higher-Order Action-Relative Inputs. IEEE, 1-9.

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My Assignment Help. (2020). Assignment 3: Maths Essay Folio. . Retrieved from https://myassignmenthelp.com/free-samples/edu-10003-the-world-of-maths .

"Assignment 3: Maths Essay Folio.." My Assignment Help, 2020, https://myassignmenthelp.com/free-samples/edu-10003-the-world-of-maths .

My Assignment Help (2020) Assignment 3: Maths Essay Folio. [Online]. Available from: https://myassignmenthelp.com/free-samples/edu-10003-the-world-of-maths [Accessed 21 May 2024].

My Assignment Help. 'Assignment 3: Maths Essay Folio.' (My Assignment Help, 2020) https://myassignmenthelp.com/free-samples/edu-10003-the-world-of-maths > accessed 21 May 2024.

My Assignment Help. Assignment 3: Maths Essay Folio. [Internet]. My Assignment Help. 2020 [cited 21 May 2024]. Available from: https://myassignmenthelp.com/free-samples/edu-10003-the-world-of-maths .

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