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Speech on Punctuality in English for Students and Children

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Speech on punctuality: In a world where time is often of the essence, the importance of punctuality cannot be overstated. It’s not just about being on time; it’s about a disciplined approach to life that can shape our success, both in school and beyond. In this blog, we explore the significance of punctuality, share thought-provoking quotes, and provide you with sample speeches to help you understand why punctuality is a virtue worth embracing. Let’s explore punctuality and how it helps us succeed and stay disciplined in life .

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speech on punctuality

What is Punctuality?

Punctuality is a virtue that holds the key to success in various aspects of life. It is the habit of being on time and honoring commitments, and its importance cannot be overstated. In personal life, punctuality demonstrates respect for others’ time, builds trust, and fosters better relationships. In the academic and professional spheres, it is a hallmark of reliability and discipline, leading to increased productivity and opportunities for growth. Punctuality teaches us to value every moment, make the most of our time, and instills a sense of responsibility that paves the way for success in our endeavors.

Long and Short Speech on Punctuality

Whether you are looking for a short speech on punctuality or a speech on the importance of punctuality in students life, we have got you covered. Here we have provided sample speeches on punctuality that include speech on punctuality in students life, speech on punctuality for school assembly, short speech on punctuality for students, 2 minute speech on punctuality, 1 minute speech on punctuality, 3 minute speech on punctuality.

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Short Speech on Punctuality: 1 Minute Speech on Punctuality in Students’ Lives

Hello, everyone,

Today, I want to talk about an essential quality that can greatly impact students’ lives—punctuality. Being punctual means arriving on time, and it’s a trait that every student should cultivate.

Punctuality is crucial because it helps students manage their time effectively. When students are punctual for classes, they can fully engage in learning and make the most of their education.

Moreover, punctuality teaches students discipline and punctuality also responsibility that are valuable throughout life. It sets a strong foundation for success in school and future endeavors.

Mahatma Gandhi said, “Punctuality steals time.” This means that being on time doesn’t just help us; it also shows respect for our teachers and peers’ time and effort.

So, let’s make punctuality a part of our daily routine and reap the rewards it brings to our academic and personal growth.

2 Minute Speech on Punctuality: Speech on Importance of Punctuality

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I stand before you to talk about a simple yet profoundly important virtue—punctuality. Punctuality is the art of being on time, of showing up when you’re supposed to, and it’s a quality that can make a world of difference in our lives.

Imagine a world where no one is punctual. Chaos would reign, and nothing would ever get done efficiently. Punctuality is the backbone of discipline and organization. It helps us manage our time effectively, complete tasks promptly, and fulfill our commitments.

In the context of students, punctuality is a vital skill to develop. It sets the foundation for success in school and later in life. Being punctual for classes, exams, and assignments not only demonstrates responsibility but also allows students to make the most of their learning opportunities.

The great Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam once said, “Punctuality is one of the cardinal business virtues: always insist on it in your subordinates.” This wisdom reminds us that punctuality is not just about being on time for ourselves but also about respecting the time and commitments of others.

In conclusion, let us remember that punctuality is a virtue that not only brings order and discipline into our lives but also earns us the respect and trust of those around us. So, let’s strive to be punctual in all our endeavors, for it is a stepping stone to a more successful and fulfilling life. Self-discipline and punctuality work together, forming a strong foundation for reliability and success.

3 Minute Speech on Punctuality

Title: The Virtue of Punctuality

Dear audience,

It’s a virtue that holds immense importance in every aspect of life, including our academic journey.

What exactly is punctuality? Punctuality is simply being on time, honoring commitments, and respecting the value of time. It’s about being where you are supposed to be when you are supposed to be there.

In the context of students, punctuality plays a pivotal role. It’s not just about reaching school or class on time; it’s about recognizing that time is a valuable resource. Being punctual for school sets the tone for the day, ensuring that students are attentive in class and ready to absorb knowledge.

Punctuality is the cornerstone of discipline. It teaches us to manage our time efficiently, prioritize tasks, and meet deadlines. These skills are not only crucial in school but also in our future careers.

Let’s reflect on this thought: “Punctuality is not just limited to arriving on time; it’s about honoring your commitments and respecting the time of others.” When we are punctual, we demonstrate respect for the efforts and schedules of our teachers, classmates, and colleagues.

In conclusion, punctuality is a virtue that can transform students’ lives. It fosters discipline, responsibility, and effective time management.

Also Read: Speech on Value of Discipline

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Punctuality Quotes by Abdul Kalam

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, the renowned scientist and former President of India, shared wisdom and insights on various aspects of life, including punctuality. Although he didn’t have specific quotes solely focused on punctuality, his words of wisdom often emphasized the value of time and discipline. Here are a couple of quotes that indirectly highlight the importance of punctuality:

  • “Don’t read success stories, you will only get a message. Read failure stories, you will get some ideas to get success.”

This quote encourages us to learn from failures and make the most of our time, emphasizing the importance of using time wisely.

  • “Dream, dream, dream. Dreams transform into thoughts and thoughts result in action.”

Dr. Kalam’s emphasis on turning dreams into actions underscores the significance of punctuality in achieving one’s goals. Being punctual is a crucial part of translating thoughts into actions.

While these quotes may not explicitly mention punctuality, they reflect Dr. Abdul Kalam’s belief in the importance of discipline, time management, and the effective utilization of time—all of which are closely related to punctuality.

Some More Informative Speech Topics

Popular quotes on punctuality.

Here are some popular quotes on punctuality:

  • “Punctuality is the soul of business.” — Thomas Chandler Haliburton
  • “Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.” — William Shakespeare
  • “The trouble with being punctual is that nobody’s there to appreciate it.” — Franklin P. Jones
  • “Punctuality is not just limited to arriving at a place at right time, it is also about taking actions at right time.” — Amit Kalantri
  • “I could never think well of a man’s intellectual or moral character if he was habitually unfaithful to his appointments.” — Nathaniel Emmons
  • “Punctuality is the politeness of kings.” — Louis XVIII of France
  • “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.” — Steve Jobs
  • “Punctuality is the thief of time.” — Oscar Wilde
  • “Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend.” — Theophrastus

Punctuality is the cornerstone of success, shaping business, relationships, and self-discipline.

Speech on Punctuality FAQ’s

How do you write a punctuality speech.

To write a speech on punctuality, focus on the significance of being on time, the impact of punctuality in various aspects of life, and practical tips to cultivate punctuality.

What is the importance of punctuality?

Punctuality is vital as it demonstrates respect for others' time, enhances reliability, boosts productivity, and instills a sense of discipline and responsibility.

What are a few lines on punctuality?

Punctuality, being on time, shows reliability and respect. It's key to discipline, leading to success and building trust in everything you do.

Write 1 Minute Speech on Punctuality?

Punctuality—a simple yet powerful virtue that shapes our lives in profound ways. Being on time is not just about ticking off a clock; it's about honoring commitments and respecting the time of others. In our fast-paced world, where every second counts, punctuality stands as a hallmark of reliability and efficiency. It lays the foundation for success, fostering trust, and building a strong reputation. Punctuality in professional life ensures smoother workflows, increases productivity, and sets a standard of excellence. In personal interactions, being punctual demonstrates respect, reliability, and a disciplined approach.

Punctuality means being on time or doing things at the scheduled time. It's about showing up when you're supposed to, honoring commitments, and respecting other people's time.

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A Speech on Punctuality

Why is punctuality so important in our life? Here is a short speech on the value of punctuality . Suitable for children aged 5-10.

Everyone here knows how nice it feels to switch off the alarm clock in the morning and go back to sleep. The only thing is that it makes you late to your school, to your office, to your business. And when it becomes a habit, it makes you lose your money, your career, and your credibility – because punctuality is a sign of being responsible in life.

Great men have always understood the value of punctuality. In fact, a life devoid of punctuality will be a life of broken promises. The first prime minister of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, knew the value of punctuality. He used to recite a few lines from Robert Frost to remind him of appointments and promises:

“The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.”

These lines tell us what punctuality really is. It means doing things at the right time, keeping our promises, and not being distracted by the trifles of life. “Punctuality is not just arriving at a place at the right time; it is also about finishing things at the right time.” It is easy to while away time and say tomorrow, tomorrow, and tomorrow. Lack of punctuality arises from lack of planning and focus. It is often said, “Beginning of a great day begins a night before.” We have to root out laziness and do the preparations. We must have enough sleep and wake up early in the morning. That is how we hold time by the forelock.

But today, many people fail to recognize the value of punctuality. They believe that money, fame, and power are excuses for being late. As a result, a lack of punctuality has become the shameless hallmark of our culture. We even mockingly say, “Punctuality is the art of guessing how late the other fellow is going to be.”

I remember what happened to one of the big shots in our local parish.

One of the reverend fathers of our parish was retiring and a celebratory dinner was arranged to give him a fitting farewell. Our big shot was chosen to make the presentation and to give a little address at the function. But the speaker didn’t arrive on time, and the priest began with his own words of gratitude:

“When I came to this parish twenty-five years ago, I thought I had been assigned to a terrible place – because the very first confession that I heard in this parish was from a person who had stolen his neighbour’s watch. He was also involved in drug-dealing, making counterfeit currency, and blackmailing. But every time he managed to go scot-free. To tell you the truth, I was terrified.”

“But as time passed, I was convinced that I had indeed landed in a fine parish, full of good, charitable and sincere people.”

Just as the priest finished his words and sat down, our big shot finally arrived, with a whirl of apologies. Without wasting any more time he started with his presentation:

 “I’ll never forget the day our most reverend father arrived in this parish. In fact, I had the honor of being the first person to go in to him for confession.”

Let this not happen in your life. Whatever heights you reach in life, never, never, never be late.

Today I am giving you this motto. “On time all the time.” Write this on your mind’s walls to see the magic. Remember, it is the difference of only a few seconds in catching a train or missing it! Therefore, to catch the train of life, always be on time.

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Student Essays

Speeches on Punctuality & Self Discipline in Life For Students

Speech on Punctuality | Short & Long Speeches On Punctuality

Read Best Speeches on Punctuality and self discipline its value and importance in student life. These speeches are short, simple, motivational, easy to read and with impressive quotes to be delivered in morning school assembly, at any event or for exam of any level including KG class 1,2,3,45,6,7,8,9,10 and further class students.

Punctuality & Self Discipline, Value & Importance | Speeches For Students

The punctuality & self discipline is essential characteristic values of  a successful life. The punctuality is marked with vigorous set time management, focused goals, accomplishments & achievements. For a highly progressive life these attributes are very important. The following composition sheds light on punctuality & self discipline and their importance in our daily life.

1. Speech on Punctuality

Punctuality with self discipline and good manners is very essential in life. The punctuality, regularity, hard work, discipline, moral values etc are all the noble virtues. In order to get success in personal, professional, or school academic life, you need to adopt the self discipline, good manners, punctuality and regularity in life. It is in fact a bridge between goals and accomplishment.

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Punctuality is defined as the occurrence or happening of something at the appointed time. Simply it is known as acting on right time or the timeliness. It means something done on the proper time.  Likewise it is also known as promptness which means doing things without  the delay.

Value and importance in student’s life

As students are the future of nation.  They are the real architect of the nation. The punctuality plays an important role in the life of a student. A student can’t achieve success without being punctual. It is the key to success. Thus every student needs to adopt punctuality and regularity to succeed in life.

Speeches on Punctuality & Self Discipline in Life For Students

The quality of a best student is punctuality and regularity of work. A punctual student finishes his school’s works within the stipulated time period. A punctual student always gets respect in the eyes of his teachers. In addition to that, he is  also admired and praised in school as well as  at home.

He attracts the due  attention of parents as well the teachers and thereby earn respect in their eyes.  It is rightly said that “ There is a dignity in being on time”.

A good student is he who finishes his school works on time. Punctuality is not only reaching school on time,  it in fact, means to complete work on right time with similar spirit and sincerity.

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It is often observed that those students who do not make planning become victim of lack of punctuality. Someone has rightly said that “Beginning of a great day begins a night before”.

A student who wants to attain punctuality must make plan and preparation of each day’s work. The lack of seriousness and laziness at work breaks punctuality. Therefore a student must be active and agile. The activity and agility of mind and body are possible when a student sleeps and wakes up on time.

Time is the most precious thing in a student’s life. The punctuality teaches the value and importance of time. Even a minute is not less important to a student.

Those who do not know the value of time, they never conquer time. A student needs to work in an organized way on time. Someone is reported to have said that “ Punctuality is the thief of time”.   Punctuality helps students to enjoy every moment of life to a large extent.  A punctual student feels relieved and content accomplishing all works on time.

He  enjoys  the fruits of his labor. He never gets stressed due to the pending assignments or bad results whatsoever. Therefore, the punctuality is the essential truth and a sure way to success. We need to learn  and adopt punctuality for our life. It is a vital weapon that we need to make a daily part of our routine life. The habit of punctuality and discipline has multiple rewards in life.

2. Speech on Self Discipline For Children & Students

Honorable all! The topic of my speech is self discipline, its need and importance in our lives. I welcome you all here. As you all know the Discipline is the set of rules and regulations for controlling one’s behavior or a systematic method to achieve the desired results.  While the self discipline is a controlled behavior exercised in one’s life.

The Self discipline is in fact,  a wide spread term. It includes the moral character and ability to handle circumstances in an ordered way. It is bearing good management skills, time management and good social and ethical tendency. If we talk about why self discipline is needed, we have a dozen of answers to that!

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The self discipline is the necessity for success.  The success and achievements are obtained by exercising self discipline in life. History bears witness that all legends and great personalities of world achieved their aims, objectives, goals and desired destination by being self disciplined.

Those who lack these qualities rarely succeed. Those who do not follow the established rules and principles cannot develop to the path of success.  In order to success you must first train yourself and be self disciplined.

It is needed in every walk of life, whether at school, at office, at public place or at religious, social and political ground.  One is obliged to be self disciplined in all walks of life.

Benefits and importance of Self Discipline

As I told earlier that it is all about one’s character.  It is the building block of character. It gives power and help establish good contact and communication with others.

The self discipline is the name of having ability and control over one’s actions and reactions. Man is known by his actions and the way he reacts. One who can’t control his or her actions fails to achieve success like wise one who lacks ability to react well in some hard situations also bites the dust.

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Since our actions are a step towards success, we must be careful before jumping. One must know the consequences of one’s actions. Each and every action of ours is counted. So one must act accordingly and respond orderly and systematically.

Someone has rightly said that self discipline is the true strength of a person. One who has no power over his own self, can’t get the power and therefore can’t win the hearts of others. The self discovery is the most effective tool to attain success. One who is not known of his own powers and of his or her own self can’t start a journey to success.

In the end I would like to take my place with the words of Plato who has beautifully defined the importance of self discipline that “The first and best victory is to conquer self” .

Indeed all the secrets and mysteries of word are hidden in your self. Discover your self first of all and later start the discovery of world. Let’s study self and try to be self disciplined first to achieve our resolutions and to succeed in life.

2 thoughts on “Speech on Punctuality | Short & Long Speeches On Punctuality”

wow it really helped me.

Punctuality is needed in all facets of life, hence we need to acclimatize ourselves to being punctual at all times in our various activities so as to become part and parcel of us. It actually defines who we are to others.

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Speech on punctuality

Speech on punctuality 2 Models

Speech on punctuality, in this article we will give students 500 words about the importance of time. The young child must learn to organize his time between playing and studying. So he doesn’t spend all the time just playing.

Below you will find short and long sentences about time. A short paragraph for the eighth grade about time. We must know that punctuality is a form of respect for time and respect for others.

Speech on punctuality

In order for societies to progress, certain things must be committed. In the speech on punctuality, we will learn about these things that everyone must learn.

Punctuality is an essential feature in the progress of any individual and in the progress of society as a whole. That is why young and old must learn how to keep appointments so that it becomes a good habit for them. Over time, their businesses will succeed and their communities will thrive.

What is meant by punctuality?

Punctuality is civilized and good behavior is said when someone arrives on time without delay. It may be said when a person delivers the work required of him on time without delay. Where this behavior characterizes some individuals and some societies.

How do we learn punctuality?

In the speech on punctuality , In order to learn punctuality, we must get used to it at a young age. Where the child is taught to come to school on time without delay. He learns to finish his homework on time.

He learns at home that sleep has a fixed time. And that food is served on the table at a specific time, and he must sit down to eat at that time. He must know that playing has specific times and that he cannot play at bedtime or study time.

What is the importance of punctuality?

Punctuality is one of the most important things in life that makes a person organized and successful in his life. Where he does more important things than those who don’t organize their time. When he commits to doing something, he does it, this gives him a good opportunity to do something else, and this is what makes him more advanced than others.

How does punctuality affect the individual and society?

For the individual who adheres to the deadlines, he gains fame among those around him, as they like to work with him on an ongoing basis. Which makes him the ideal and first person they think of when they want to set up a new business.

As for society, it progresses and rises, because of its punctuality. This makes him value time and accomplish more tasks in less time. This makes it superior to other societies that take years to catch up.

Our trip has come to the end of a speech on punctuality, and we learned about the importance of time and punctuality in our lives. Commitment to time and appointments is a good quality, whether for individuals or groups.

This is what makes the individual come forward and everyone asks him to teach them.

As for the society, we know the advanced society through punctuality, whether in attendance to work or in delivering agreed works.

At the end of Speech on punctuality, I hope you have benefited, and I am pleased to receive your comments, in order to present more topics of interest to you.You can ask us to write important topics for you, and we will fulfill your wishes

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Punctuality Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on punctuality.

Punctuality refers to the habit of a human being completing their tasks on time. We can say that punctuality is a great habit which surely results in success . All the leaders have punctuality in common as the habit is such. In other words, when you are on time, you will maintain the discipline and order in your life. It will, in turn, help you achieve your goals faster within a set time period.

punctuality essay

Moreover, it also makes you a man of habit. This creates a very good impression in front of others. Punctuality is an etiquette which encourages us to complete our work in a timely fashion. It also makes us realize the importance of time . A person who is punctual will always know how to respect their time and others as well.

Importance of Punctuality

Punctuality is of great importance, it is truly underestimated and must be given utmost importance. When a person becomes punctual, everything else falls into place. You get discipline in life and also earn the respect of the others.

Subsequently, a punctual person works on time without any hindrance. The people who are employed in armies and navies are given rigorous training to become disciplined and punctual. They pay no heed to any circumstances be it rain or thunder, they care about their punctuality.

Furthermore, punctuality pushes the person to achieve success at faster rates than others. We must develop this quality in children from an early age which will make it easy for everyone to lead a better life. When a person is punctual, they get utmost respect and admiration by society and reach greater heights than an unpunctual person.

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Key to Success

We can now safely say that punctuality is definitely the key to success. As we know everything else falls in order when we become punctual, likewise, success will too. When you become successful, you know that you can arrive at your destination easily.

This may only happen when a person works on time and achieve their time goals. In addition to punctuality, hard work is also important. If you ask all the successful people of the world, you will see that it is their secret to success as well.

Why so? Because a successful person knows very well how to make use of their time and act accordingly. Similarly, everyone must adopt this habit to reach great heights in life. It is correctly said that ‘time and tide wait for none’, thus we must remember it well.

give a speech on punctuality

We cannot stop time or turn it back, every second is precious. That is why it is important to be punctual in life at all times, so you never miss out on opportunities. Moreover, you will also become happier when you get punctual.

Therefore, we see how punctuality plays a major role in anyone’s life. If we are not punctual, we cannot be as successful as others. In addition, this competitive world demands punctuality so that all of us can be successful in life.

600+ Words Essay on Punctuality

Punctuality implies to be on time. Punctuality benefits an individual in all aspects of life. It also helps an individual to build up his/her character and creates a positive impression on society. If one is not punctual, then his/her life fills with friction in whatever he/she does. Without being punctual, an individual feels that he/she is wasting time and where and how the time flies, one can never estimate. A punctual person can manage all the household chores and other tasks at the right time.

essay on punctuality

Door to Success

It is evident that Punctuality is one of the key aspects to attain success in life. One who understands and values time can easily become a Punctual individual and in lieu become successful. It helps one to understand the value of time. And as we all know time is the most precious thing in our life. Time once lost, can never come back. We cannot make and get back to the lost time. It is the habit of punctuality which makes us understand and learns us to respect the value of Time. Becoming a successful person in life implies achieving ones’ goals in time with proper planning and dedication, which can again only be attained by being punctual in life. Knowing the value of time-aware an individual to utilize the time in the best way. And to utilize time in the best way is the definition of being Punctual.

Punctuality in the Student’s life

For a student, punctuality is the stepping stone towards discipline and being sincere. It is utmost important for a student to be punctual to attain success during his/her school life. It is the base on which the student’s life during school and afterward shapes up. A student being punctual is considered having one of the noblest virtue. It helps them to cultivate the habit of completing their tasks in due time. Punctuality proves the great saying, “A stitch in time, saves nine” meaning completing ones’ task in due time and avoiding troublesome.

It is the virtue of punctuality which makes the students more discipline and responsibility. A sense of responsibility is attained by the virtue of punctuality. Being punctual a student can always be at the right time whether be it in school, in the lab, in class, at home, in the examination hall, at the playground, etc. The teachers and parents of other students highly appreciate the students who are punctual.

Advantage of Punctuality

Punctuality leads to a happy mind. It is a key to happiness and having a healthy mind. Therefore, any person having this quality would always feel comfortable while doing his/her work. He/She wakes up early in the morning and always feel energetic to do more tasks. Punctuality brings positivity in our mind and heart. One is clear about his/her thoughts, plan and activities, which is also an essential element to move forward in life.

Punctuality is not being practiced only by human beings but also the nature around us. Every day, the sun rises in the morning, sets in the evening. After the day, comes the night. Each of the seasons follows their timeline. All these natural phenomena encourage us to be punctual in our life to attain a goal and have a peaceful mind. Thus, Punctuality is the essence of life. It is very important for us to develop such quality from a very young age and lead ourselves and our country to a greater high. The rate of growth of the Human Development Index is bettered in a country where everyone knows and understands the value of time by being punctual. It ultimately helps in the growth of the country. Therefore, punctuality is not only a key to success for an individual but also for the entire community, nation, globe.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why is punctuality important?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Punctuality is important because it makes us disciplined. It also gives us the chance to become successful in life. It teaches us the essence of time and makes us aware of its value. Punctuality can make us very successful and achieve our goals faster than ever.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Is punctuality the key to success?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”punctuality is the key to success because all successful people are punctual. If we look at the world leaders and more, we will notice the same. Thus, it helps us complete tasks on time and earns the respect of others as well.”} }] }

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English Summary

2 Minute Speech On Punctuality In English

Good morning to everyone in this room. I would like to thank the principal, the teachers, and my dear friends for allowing me to speak to you today about punctuality. Punctuality is the practice of a person completing their responsibilities on time. We might argue that being on time is a wonderful habit that invariably leads to success.

All of the leaders are on time since it is their habit. To put it another way, being punctual will help you keep your life organized and disciplined. Your aims will be accomplished more quickly and within the allotted time frame as a result.

Also, it turns you into a person of habit. In the eyes of others, this makes a great impression. Being on time is a manners code that motivates us to do our tasks quickly. It also allows us to appreciate the worth of our time. Being punctual includes respecting both one’s own time and other people’s time.

Being punctual is important, neglected, and demands great priority. If someone learns to arrive on time, everything else falls into place. You develop self-control and acquire other people’s respect.

A punctual individual, therefore, completes their task on time and without interruption. Armed forces and naval personnel undergo intensive training to develop discipline and punctuality.

They just worry about being on time, regardless of the weather, including rain and thunder. Also, being on time encourages achievement to come more quickly than it would otherwise. Kids need to develop this quality from an early age if they are to have healthier lives overall. Thank you.

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give a speech on punctuality

13.Speech Writing : Importance of Punctuality in a Student’s life

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You are Amit/Anita, Head Boy/Head Girl of your school. You have been asked by your principal to deliver a speech in the morning assembly on ‘Importance of Punctuality in a Student’s Life’. Write your speech in about 120 words.

  Ans.                                                 Importance of Punctuality in a Student’s life

Good morning dear friends and teachers! Today. I shall throw some light on the importance of punctuality in a student’s life.

A student has to gain knowledge. Learn new skills, and finally prove what he has learnt in the various assessments. Time is of importance as assignments are to be submitted and projects are to be done in a particular time frame. Only if the child is punctual in getting to school, he will learn all that the school curriculum has to offer.

Regular study and revision will keep him up-to-date with his work and preparation for exams. As a good time-manager, he will also be able to attend extra classes as well as hobby classes. Moreover, he will certainly be able to take out time for play and recreation.

We all know that time and tide wait for none. So, we need to be punctual and extract the maximum from each moment of our student life.

 Thank you

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Punctuality is a quality that has been emphasised from the time we were kids. Someone or the other would have told us about being punctual at every stage of our lives. Cultivating this habit is one of the important aspects of leading a successful life.

Go through the sample paragraphs on punctuality given in the article to learn more about the importance of being punctual. You can also attempt to write a paragraph on punctuality to let everyone around you comprehend its importance too.

Table of Contents

Paragraph on punctuality in 100 words, paragraph on punctuality in 150 words, paragraph on punctuality in 200 words, paragraph on punctuality in 250 words, frequently asked questions on punctuality.

Being punctual is a quality that is a much-needed trait in a person to take up major responsibilities in various ways. To be punctual means to reach somewhere on time, submit work on time, etc. When you are given a time period for something and offered employment within the given time period, it shows your punctuality. It is the quality of a person that makes him capable of handling various tasks on time. It teaches a person to do the right kind of work at the right time without giving any excuse for the delay. It makes a person more systematic and responsible in life.

Punctuality is that characteristic of a person that is much needed for success. It is the only trait that will be helpful throughout life. A punctual person never gives an excuse for a delay in work. A punctual person always performs his work at the right time and never finds an excuse for it. This characteristic of a person is considered to be the only key to success. Lack of punctuality affects a man’s life in various ways. If people of various occupations, like teachers, students, politicians, etc., become punctual, the country would develop in multiple ways. It would bring glory and a bright future to the country. That is why all the students are taught to be punctual from childhood itself. If we look at the lifestyle of great personalities, then we might realise how wisely they have utilised their time without wasting a single minute. All great men and women have been successful only due to their dedication and punctuality.

Punctuality is the practice of being on time. It becomes a habit of doing all work on time. It is the major characteristic of the leaders of the country who bring reform to the nation. It is considered the key to success. Punctuality means a person’s ability to arrive on time, submit work on time, etc. When you are given a deadline for something and complete it within that time frame, it demonstrates your punctuality. A person’s punctuality allows him to complete various tasks on time. It teaches a person how to perform the correct kind of work at the right time without making excuses. Being punctual is a quality that is essential in a person who is taking up responsibilities in a variety of capacities. It helps a person become more organised and responsible in their daily lives. A punctual person knows how to handle multiple problems and manage time well. Earning respect is the biggest achievement in someone’s life, and the trait of punctuality is the secret to leading a respectable life. A punctual person leads a disciplined life and gains much respect everywhere. The people working in the defence sector are known to be very punctual and, therefore, respected. They maintain a scheduled lifestyle without any excuse. All of us should probably emulate them and make our lives more disciplined through prompt and timely action.

Punctuality is the major characteristic of a successful person. It plays a very important role in the development of a child. Youths are the future of our country; therefore, every parent must teach their children to be punctual and disciplined for a glorified future. If you are punctual, no barrier can stop you from reaching your goal. Punctuality is the ability of a person to submit work on time and never find an excuse for the delay. Punctuality is a characteristic that must be ingrained in a child so that they make it a habit. The punctual one will lead a disciplined lifestyle. If we look at the lifestyle and history of great personalities, then punctuality is the key to success. All great personalities are successful only because of their punctuality and discipline. The teachers, politicians, doctors, etc., are the future of the country, and therefore, they must be punctual in doing their duty to the country. But the quality is hardly seen in them. If we take the example of the army personnel, they live a dignified life because of their punctuality and dedication towards their duty. Similarly, if a person is punctual in doing his job, he will be respected in the workspace. If a student completes all his homework and submits them on time, then the child is punctual. So, being punctual is a characteristic in a person which must be developed through one’s own conscious efforts. A dedicated person will never waste a single minute if any work is assigned. This shows the person’s punctuality, which is what will help the person reach success.

How does punctuality affect our life?

Punctuality is the secret key to success. It positively affects everyone’s life in various ways. It makes a person disciplined and systematic. It helps an individual to lead a respectable life.

How do I write a paragraph on punctuality?

To write a paragraph on punctuality, you can mention the effects of punctuality on someone’s life. You can explain how it has been helpful for the development of your personality.

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Definition of punctual

Did you know.

The original meaning of punctual described a puncture made by a surgeon. The word has meant lots of other things through the centuries, usually involving being precise about small points. And today punctuality is all about time; a punctual train or a punctual payment or a punctual person shows up "on the dot".

Examples of punctual in a Sentence

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'punctual.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

Middle English, having a sharp point, from Medieval Latin punctualis of a point, from Latin punctus pricking, point, from pungere to prick — more at pungent

1669, in the meaning defined above

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How to Be Punctual

Last Updated: October 5, 2022 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Amber Rosenberg, PCC . Amber Rosenberg is a Professional Life Coach, Career Coach, and Executive Coach based in the San Francisco Bay Area. As the owner of Pacific Life Coach, she has 20+ years of coaching experience and a background in corporations, tech companies, and nonprofits. Amber trained with the Coaches Training Institute and is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF). There are 11 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 930,323 times.

Showing up late to every meeting and event can stress you out and leave others questioning how reliable you are. You'd probably love to be on time whenever and wherever you go, but punctuality doesn't come naturally to everyone. The good news is you can train yourself to be on time, every time, by changing your habits and your views about punctuality. See Step 1 and beyond to learn quick tricks and long-term strategies for being more punctual.

Using Tricks to Get Out of the Door Quickly

Step 1 Have everything ready the night before.

  • Lay out the clothes you're going to wear.
  • Complete any tasks you might normally leave for the morning, like writing emails or printing out documents.
  • Pack up your bag or briefcase with everything you'll need the next day.
  • Have everything ready so you can make a quick breakfast, or eliminate the need for morning cooking altogether by making some overnight oats.

Step 2 Keep your essentials near the door.

  • If you tend to walk in the door and leave your keys on the counter, your wallet in the bedroom, and your phone on the kitchen table, you'll spend too much extra time looking for everything when you could be on your way. Every once in a while, you'll probably forget an important item and have to go back to retrieve it, making you even later.
  • Instead, the moment you walk in the door, empty your pockets of all your essential items and put them in the same place every time. If you keep everything in your purse, put that in the same spot in your house every time, too.

Step 3 Create a staging area near the door.

  • You can go even further and put the items in your car as you think of them.

Step 4 Anticipate delays before they happen.

  • Anticipate that these things are going to happen fairly often. Being on a stalled subway car is not a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Leave early enough to overcome unanticipated delays and still get there on time.
  • Avoid completely unnecessary delays like stopping for gas. Fill your car the night before. Make sure your subway pass is loaded with plenty of fare, and eat at home, instead of stopping at the fast food drive-through for breakfast and waiting in line.
  • Check traffic and the weather when you first wake up to see if anything might hold you up, and leave early enough to make up for any anticipated extra travel time. Remember, too, that the possibility of delays in bad weather is high. Leave a sufficient time buffer to absorb the worst typical delay.
  • In cold weather allow an extra five or ten minutes to clear frost, snow, and ice from your vehicle. You could even use an app to help you best plan the fastest and easiest route each day.
  • If you ride a bus, know the route, have your fare, and keep cab money on hand in case of emergency.
  • If you are depending on another person for a ride—have a plan B!

Step 5 Commit yourself to being 15 minutes early for everything.

  • If you can't stand waiting, have something you can read in short segments almost everywhere you go. This makes it easy to be early, since in the 10-15 minutes you have before an appointment/event, you can get a few pages of reading done. It'll feel like you're getting something done (and you are) while you are waiting.

Step 6 Overestimate the time it'll take to get there.

  • Sometimes, it's hard to know exactly how long it will take to get somewhere. If you're preparing for an important meeting, like an interview, you might want to drive the route or do the train commute in advance of the meeting day. Time your trip so you'll know what time you need to leave the house.
  • Don't forget to add 15 minutes to the overall trip time to account for delays. If you figure it'll take 40 minutes to get to your meeting site, leave 55 minutes early just in case something trips you up.

Forming Better Habits

Step 1 Get up the second your alarm goes off.

  • Place your clock on the other side of the room to help force yourself to get out of bed. This gets you up and moving, and makes it impossible to hit the snooze button.
  • Try stretching, splashing your face with water, and brushing your teeth right away to wake your body up more quickly.
  • If you can't get out of bed on time, you may be going to bed too late. Go to sleep earlier to see if that helps. This makes it a lot easier to get up on time and helps you stay on task during the day. Unless you know otherwise, assume you need eight hours of sleep every night.

Step 2 Re-examine how long your daily tasks really take.

  • Time yourself a few days in a row to see how long it actual takes you to perform certain tasks. Use a stopwatch and record the times over the course of a week, then average the times so you'll have an accurate indication of how much time to plan for each activity.

Step 3 See where you often waste the most time.

  • When you discover a sinkhole, try to change your habits around the activity to make it faster. For example, standing up while quickly checking your emails makes it hard to lose an hour randomly surfing the web.

Step 4 Change the time on your watch.

  • Consider printing out a schedule you can reference throughout the morning. Post it up in your bedroom, office, kitchen, and other places where you'll be sure to see it.

Step 6 Don't overbook yourself.

  • Utilize timers, alarms and reminders throughout the day as well. For example, you might want to set your phone to vibrate or ring when you have 10 minutes to go before your next class or meeting.
  • Some people intentionally set their clocks several minutes fast in order to trick themselves into getting to places early. You could try this to see if it works for you, but many people find that they just mentally adjust their concept of what time it is to account for the extra minutes, and they end up late anyway. Knowing what time it really is will help you stay grounded and punctual.

Changing Your Attitude about Punctuality

Step 1 Acknowledge that you have a hard time being punctual.

  • If you're not sure whether your issue is chronic, ask your friends and family to tell you honestly whether they consider you a punctual person. If punctuality is truly an issue for you, you won't have been able to hide it from them.
  • Check to see if your tardiness is the result of passive aggression. Being late can be a form of resentment at having to be a certain place to do a certain thing. If you think this is the case, try to change your events around, or otherwise practice accepting that which you can't change. [12] X Research source
  • Don't be too hard on yourself if you have trouble being punctual, though. According to a study conducted in San Francisco, 20 percent of the US population has the same issue. [13] X Research source

Step 2 Notice how being late affects others.

  • Think of how you feel when someone else is the one who's late for a meeting. Do you appreciate having to sit alone in a restaurant while you wait for your friend to show up half an hour late? Be kind to people that are late while also telling them how you feel.
  • Eventually, being late all the time will erode people's faith in your reliability, creating a negative impression that could eventually extend to matters other than punctuality.

Step 3 Get your adrenaline rush in other ways.

  • Examine the areas in which you're more likely to be flippant about punctuality. If there are certain people you don't bother meeting on time, or a certain class you always come to 15 minutes late, it's possible that the people and the class just aren't that important to you.
  • Try to spend your time doing things you care about doing, and do them with intention. Show up on time and be all in. When you care about what you're doing, and you're living with integrity, it feels right to get there on time.

Step 5 Enjoy the rewards of being a punctual person.

  • You'll be much less stressed out on a daily basis, and you won't have to make excuses and apologize all the time.
  • You'll probably experience a professional boost, since you'll no longer be late for work.
  • Your personal life will be uplifted as people begin to see you as a reliable person and trust you more.
  • Being habitually punctual tends to have the effect of actually allowing you to be late from time to time, since people will start giving you the benefit of the doubt.

Expert Q&A

Amber Rosenberg, PCC

  • Kids are really good at making their parents late. Follow all the above tips, not just for yourself but also for your kids. Have their clothes ready (including coats and mittens), make sure they get baths the night before, etc. Take a few minutes the night before to make sure their books and homework are in their backpack, then place it by the door. Check for any permission slips that need signing. If your child is very young, make sure their diaper bag is always fully stocked. But some organized twelve year olds can definitely help you out! Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 1
  • If you take your lunch to work, pack it the night before. Thanks Helpful 4 Not Helpful 0
  • Old military adage: If you're not 5 minutes early, you're 10 minutes late! Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 2

give a speech on punctuality

  • Don’t fool yourself into thinking nobody notices the latecomer. If you think you are more than occasionally late to work, school, church, appointments, etc., you can be sure others have noticed too. Thanks Helpful 174 Not Helpful 25
  • Lateness is corrosive to good relations with friends, colleagues and of professional standing. Having a strong personality and being able to smooth over individual instances of lateness still leaves a building resentment. Holding people up who have planned and prepared work, journeys, meals, entertainment etc. generates a cumulative irritation and devaluing of you personally. Thanks Helpful 19 Not Helpful 3
  • Remember your reputation is on the line. The power of showing up is limitless. Thanks Helpful 5 Not Helpful 1

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About This Article

Amber Rosenberg, PCC

To be punctual, aim to be 15 minutes early so that you'll still be on time even with some unexpected interruptions. Additionally, anticipate delays before they happen by checking the weather and traffic as soon as you wake up, filling your car with gas the night before, and having a backup plan if you're depending on others for your ride. You should also overestimate travel time by 10-15 minutes to account for such things as train crossings, school bus stops, or detours. If you still find that you're consistently late, then you may have to change some of your habits, like hitting snooze or stopping for coffee. To learn how to change your attitude about punctuality, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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  • He insists on regular attendance and punctuality.

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50 Examples of Punctuality


  • July 5, 2023

Punctuality is the capability of an individual to effectively manage their time and always be on time , or even early, for appointments or events they are expected to attend. For instance, a job candidate arriving fifteen minutes prior to their interview to ensure they are on time demonstrates punctuality.

50 Examples of Punctuality

Additionally, punctuality involves completing tasks and responsibilities before or at the agreed upon deadline, whether with oneself or with others. For example, a carpenter who finishes constructing a dining table within the seven days they were hired for, shows punctuality.

In society, punctuality is highly valued as it showcases an individual’s commitment and respect for others and also their ability to accurately estimate the time required for an activity or calculate a route.

However, the concept of punctuality may vary in different societies for specific events. In some cases, the requested arrival time may not align with the expected arrival time. For example, at a birthday party hosted at someone’s home, even though guests are invited for eight in the evening, the host may expect them to arrive later.

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Characteristics of a punctual person

Some characteristics of a punctual person are:

  • They take into consideration the time and schedules of others.
  • They are cautious and prepare in advance for meetings.
  • They are responsible.
  • They have a good sense of organization.
  • They plan their routes and choose the most efficient means of transportation from one place to another.

Punctuality Examples

  • A student who arrives in the classroom ahead of the teacher.
  • A traveler who arrives at the airport before the indicated time by the airline.
  • A radio program that starts precisely on time every day.
  • A music band that begins their concert at the exact time stated on the tickets.
  • A father who wakes up early to ensure his children are bathed and have breakfast, and are not late.
  • A painter who completes the walls of a house on the agreed date with the client.
  • A train that arrives at the station precisely at the time listed on the schedule.
  • A purchase made abroad that is delivered by the postman on the promised day.
  • A bride who arrives at the altar on time, without leaving her fiancé waiting.
  • A movie in the theater that starts at the scheduled time.
  • A teacher who joins the video call 5 minutes prior to the agreed time with his students.
  • A plane that arrives safely as scheduled.
  • An actor who arrives on the set before filming begins.
  • A speaker who arrives at the event venue ahead of the public.
  • An ambassador who calculates the time needed to reach the Chancellery and decides when to depart.
  • A friend who makes an appointment with another half an hour after their work schedule to ensure they arrive on time.
  • An accountant at a company who consistently processes payroll on the second day of every month.
  • A tenant who always pays their rent on time.
  • A student who submits their final work by email one day before the deadline set by the teacher.
  • A son who calls his mother on her birthday precisely at 7 in the morning.
  • A woman who starts preparing dinner at a specific time to ensure it is served at 9 in the evening.
  • A driver who arrives at the building of one of their clients 10 minutes prior to their appointment.
  • A company that delivers your orders promptly.
  • A citizen who always pays their electricity bill within the specified time frame.
  • A dance student who arrives early to class to warm up before the lesson begins.

Examples of punctual

  • A newscaster who arrives at the television station at the same time every day to be prepared for their broadcast.
  • A university that enables registration for new students always on the same day of the year, ensuring consistency and reliability for students.
  • A father who leaves work a little early to be on time for meetings at his son’s school, showing his commitment and involvement in his child’s education.
  • A baker who gets up early to have the windows of his business full when he opens in the morning, providing fresh baked goods to customers as soon as possible.
  • A real estate agent who makes sure to schedule clients with enough time to arrive earlier than agreed, showing professionalism and respect for their clients’ time.
  • A doctor who makes medical rounds at the same time every day, ensuring a consistent and efficient routine for patients.
  • A cook who takes a cake out of the oven at the exact minute, ensuring the perfect timing for the dessert.
  • A painter who delivers a series of jobs to a client on the indicated day, meeting their expectations and delivering on their promises.
  • A pizza delivery man who calculates the route of his deliveries so that the product arrives hot at its destination, satisfying customers with fresh and hot food.
  • A couple arriving a few minutes before their reservation time at a restaurant, demonstrating their respect for the restaurant’s schedule and other diners.
  • A radio host who arrives at the network just in time to start his program at the indicated time, keeping the schedule running smoothly.
  • A model who checks the time it will take to get to a session to be a few minutes before, showing professionalism and responsibility.
  • A babysitter who makes sure to be at the house of one of her clients at the agreed time, ensuring the safety and well-being of the children.
  • A student connecting to a class five minutes before access is enabled, being prepared and ready to learn.
  • An architect who sends the plans of a project so that they are in the office of her clients on the indicated day, meeting deadlines and delivering on commitments.
  • A boss who starts meetings at the proposed time to make them more efficient, maximizing the productivity and time of all attendees.
  • A teacher who is at the exact time the school opens to receive her students, demonstrating her dedication and commitment to education.
  • A laboratory that always takes the same time to make shipments to pharmacies, ensuring that medical supplies are delivered in a timely and consistent manner.
  • A senator who leaves her office a quarter of an hour earlier to be able to get to the start of the plenary session, showing her responsibility and commitment to her duties.
  • A film director who summons the entire production team at a specific time to start filming, ensuring a smooth and efficient production process.
  • A priest who begins mass at the same time every day, providing a consistent and predictable schedule for worshipers.
  • A newspaper delivery man who makes the same route every morning at the same time, providing reliable and timely delivery of news to customers.
  • A citizen who arrives before the bank opens to be the first to enter, making the most of their time and avoiding potential wait times.
  • A businessman who pays the Christmas bonus to his employees always on December 15, demonstrating his generosity and appreciation for his staff.
  • A patient who arrives ten minutes early for his appointment with his psychoanalyst, showing respect for the therapist’s schedule and being prepared for the session.

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Speech On Procrastination [1,2,3 Minutes]

Procrastination snatches the most valuable thing “time” from us. This is why it is called a thief of time. Procrastination drives us astray from our goal by promising us to give instant gratification. Hence, It is the most significant hurdle on the way to success.

In this article, we shared some examples of speech on procrastination for students. These speeches will help them for preparing for any public speaking occasion. Apart from that, it will also give you depth about the topic.

Speech On Procrastination For 1-2 Minutes

Before I deliver my speech I would like to wish you all the best wishes & I also want to thank you a lot for having me a chance to share my views on this important topic i.e. procrastination.

Time is the most valuable thing for humans. We can earn anything but time. This is the reason our elders teach us the importance of time. But we do not realise it until we lose it. We continuously postpone important tasks to the next date and waste our time. This habit is called procrastination.

Procrastination is the greatest killer of time and productivity. There are many reasons for it such as a lack of interest in a task, preferring enjoyment over important things, having a fear of getting out of comfort zone, and distractions etc. Whatever the reason behind it, it is a bad habit to procrastinate tasks.

One must use wisdom to prioritize what to do now and what to do later. If you fail to do this, you will regret it at last due to the negative outcomes. Procrastination makes you lazy and prevents you from growing. If you have big goals in life, procrastination will fetch you nothing meaningful.

This is because any accomplishment requires a lot of hard work and determination. If you are not ready to pay the amount, nothing can help you enough in your journey. Hence, it is important to understand that postponing your tasks is similar to postponing your successes.

The bottom line, there is only one thing to procrastinate that is procrastination. Only this way will lead you to a regretless life. Thank you for listening to my thoughts.

short Speech On Procrastination

3-Minute Speech On Procrastination

I cordially welcome all of you gathered here. I am here to deliver a speech on Procrastination. Before I start my speech, I would like to wish you a good day. Also, I want to thank you for giving me this valuable opportunity.

Each human procrastinates and it is totally normal. Basically, human actions are driven by two emotions- desire and fear. It means we procrastinate due to a lack of these emotions. But this is not the right way to execute our actions. We need to act based on what is required not based on our emotions.

If a student is not paying much attention to his studies, it means he lacks the emotion of desire. When exams come, he starts studying intensively due to fear of failing the exams. He might pass the exam but studying this way is not worth it as he can not sustain the knowledge for longer.

Another reason for procrastination is distractions. Nowadays, we are surrounded by a lot of gadgets and devices that attract our attention. We just pick up these devices such as smartphones, and PCs and procrastinate on other important things. Eventually, we end up wasting hours of time.

Researchers say that these electronic devices are very addictive and internet-based apps such as social media platforms & OTT platforms are continuously working to improve their addictiveness. Knowingly or unknowingly, people are becoming victims of new-era technology.

Apart from the use of technology and devices, we are very vulnerable to getting out of our comfort zone. Due to the easiness of our comfort zone, we are not so determined to have done things on time. We show laziness in important things and opt for ones that give us any kind of pleasure for a tiny duration.

To sum it up, procrastination gives you nothing but regret. It hinders your time management and productivity. So, wake up dear friends. Eliminate all the causes of procrastination and procrastinate procrastination.

This is all I wanted to share with you. I hope you like my thoughts. Thank you!

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Chris Pan wants to set the record straight about his Ohio State commencement speech

give a speech on punctuality

Chris Pan wants to clear the air.

He's seen the negative comments online about the speech he gave during Ohio State's spring commencement ceremony Sunday. He's read the headlines and Reddit threads, calling his address "cringe-worthy" and "the worst Ohio State commencement speech ever." He's heard plenty of conspiracy theories about him.

"Without a doubt, on one hand, it's been the hardest week of my life emotionally to see my name get dragged through the mud," Pan told The Dispatch Friday afternoon. "On the other hand, I've been getting messages from neighbors 15 years ago who read it, and were like, 'Dude, we're just sending you love.'"

Pan — a social entrepreneur, early Facebook employee and 1999 Ohio State graduate — said that misinformation has swarmed his address and his character this past week. But Pan said he wants to share his side of the story, behind the speech and backlash, to set the record straight.

Pan 'honored' to be chosen as commencement speaker

When Pan got an email from Ohio State President Ted Carter's office on March 8 with the subject line "Ohio State Special Invitation," he didn't even open it until the next day. It was a busy day, and he figured it might be for a class reunion or small event.

He reread the email and realized it was inviting him to be the featured speaker at spring commencement.

"I honestly didn't think it was a prank" Pan said. "I just didn't like realize because it was such a big deal. Like such a big honor."

Though the ask caught him off guard, he said he was honored to be selected. Pan had spoken at Ohio State multiple times before to small group workshops and honors college gatherings. Public speaking has been his "bread and butter" for the last decade, focusing mostly on emotional and spiritual wellness, trauma and meditation.

Pan started brainstorming ideas for the speech right away. He also used ayahuasca, a psychedelic liquid made from heating or boiling multiple psychoactive plants from South America, multiple times while drafting his speech.

Pan said he's used ayahuasca and psilocybin (also known as magic mushrooms) over the years "to connect me to truth." He added that he thinks there is "a huge misconception" that ayahuasca is harmful or addictive.

"You look at (people) like John Lennon, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, like these are all guys that regularly work with psychedelics, not for recreational but for healing and for creativity," Pan said.

Ohio State didn't give Pan feedback on his speech

Early on in his writing process, Pan said the only advice the university gave him was that a traditional speech would land better with a graduation audience than a non-traditional speech.

Pan said he tried to write a more traditional speech, but it didn't feel authentic to him.

"I just couldn't get myself to do it because that's just not who I am. I wouldn't be authentic," Pan said. "Like, "I'm so committed to impact, I'm so committed to helping people that I just I couldn't in good faith come and just do a traditional thing."

"I have to live by truth. I have to live with myself. And I couldn't live with myself if I didn't," he added.

Pan said he was willing to pass on being the commencement speaker if the university wasn't OK with his decision, but it wasn't a problem.

He did, however, seek feedback on his speech drafts from Ohio State students, parents and community members on social media.

"I did get a lot of feedback from parents and from students. I adjusted things," Pan said. "I took out the words 'Israel' and 'Palestine' and instead I said, 'Racism is not OK' and then I said 'Human collateral damage is not OK.' It's similar point, but it was broader, but (Ohio State) were not the ones that inspired that change."

Pan needed to submit his speech the Monday before commencement so the university could transcribe it for the livestream's closed captions. But after rehearsal on Friday, Pan said he thought he might be a little too non-traditional. He asked the university if he could adjust his speech once more but was told it was too late for major changes.

'Everything was great until I mentioned the word Bitcoin'

Come Sunday, Pan was clearheaded and excited to give his commencement address before 70,000 Ohio State graduates and their guests at Ohio Stadium.

But tragedy struck shortly after the ceremony began when a woman died by suicide at the stadium. Pan said he was told about the incident minutes before walking out with Carter and other administrators.

"My very specific instructions were to obviously keep that in mind, but just don't say anything," he said.

Pan said it was a difficult position and a devastating situation for everyone involved, "but at the same time, I had a job to do, the biggest job of my life. So I just had to deliver, like, I couldn't not deliver."

"You could feel the energy in the room and a section of students was very distraught," Pan continued. "It changes the energy in that in that stadium. So I think some of the backlash is maybe compounded by the fact that that tragedy happened as well."

Pan said he ad-libbed the beginning of his remarks to acknowledge the challenges and accomplishments Class of 2024. Many graduates at Sunday's commencement were high school seniors when COVID-19 shuttered their schools in March 2020 and canceled their high school graduations.

He then moved into a short sing-along to "What's Going On" by the 4 Non Blondes and before giving some scripted remarks. "My goal today is to share new perspectives that will lead you to financial, emotional and spiritual freedom," Pan said Sunday.

Pan discussed how money is one of Americans' biggest stressors right now and personal savings aren't able to keep up with inflation.

"I know this might feel polarizing, but I encourage you to keep an open mind," Pan said to the crowd. "Right now, I see Bitcoin as a very misunderstood asset class."

"Everything was great until I mentioned the word Bitcoin," Pan told The Dispatch on Friday. "I experienced being booed in front of 70,000 people, and that was definitely something that I'll never forget."

Pan said he is not "a Bitcoin bro driving a Lamborghini" and didn't begin getting interested in learning more about Bitcoin until February. He also said it is "pure coincidence" that he likes Bitcoin and Carter is on the board of TeraWulf, a zero-carbon Bitcoin mining company .

In an interview with The Dispatch Friday, Carter said he's been on the board of TeraWulf since November 2021, that he does not own any Bitcoin nor has he ever been paid in Bitcoin. His interest in the company has more to do with its ties to nuclear energy than cryptocurrency, Carter said.

"For those that are claiming that there's some sort of odd connection there, I'm just going to be very honest and upfront that it was completely random," Carter said. "One has nothing to do with the other and nor have I ever promoted nor will I ever."

Pan said he felt like the audience mistook his attempt to encourage young people to invest as an ad for Bitcoin.

"Bitcoin is interesting, but like I don't even care about Bitcoin," he said. "I'm just like, guys, investing is important. Being open-minded is important. Those are the real important things. And then obviously, connecting to your own spirit. Spirituality is really important."

Pan led the audience through a short meditation to find a word that describes their life's intention and shared some emotional remarks about peace.

"Pain causes hate and violence. Hurt people hurt people. Healed people help people," he said Sunday. "When we heal ourselves, we heal the world. World peace starts with inner peace."

He concluded with a final musical number, "This Little Light of Mine" written by Harry Dixon Loes. Pan said he stumbled into singing as a wellness practice after a difficult heartbreak. Daily singing has been a musical therapy for him, Pan said.

The backlash about singing at commencement, he said, fell flat for him.

"Didn't we just sing 'Carmen Ohio' at the end of this whole thing? Which book does it say like, 'Thou shalt not sing at a commencement speech'?" Pan said.

'Was it really that bad?'

Pan's speech was just one reason Ohio State's spring commencement was in the spotlight this week. Carter told The Dispatch in an interview Friday that he is taking feedback about the ceremony seriously.

"At the end of the day, it's my signature that goes on the invitation," Carter said. "So I own it."

"When it comes to commencement, speakers and anything that is that public facing, I commit to doing better," he added.

Despite the onslaught of negative comments about his speech, Pan said he's still received positive feedback as well.

One father of an Ohio State graduate messaged Pan on social media afterward to share that his whole family talked about the speech at dinner and shared the words they thought of during the meditation. He said it led to a wonderful multigenerational conversation about gratitude and empathy.

Another person messaged Pan to say, "This guy just summarized in 10 minutes what I've spent 20 years learning the hard way."

Pan said, at the very least, he hopes that those who listened to or read his speech can walk away with something positive, no matter how small.

"Was it really that bad? Was it really sad or offensive, or maybe, there was some goodness?" he said. "Yes, could I have done better? Absolutely. Could I have done something differently? Absolutely. But maybe like, there's actually some goodness. Maybe there's one if someone was able to get like one little nugget that helped them on their journey. It would make me like so happy. You know, that means mission accomplished."

Sheridan Hendrix is a higher education reporter for The Columbus Dispatch. Sign up for Extra Credit, her education newsletter,  here .

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In Speech, Biden Describes Surge of Antisemitism in U.S.

President Biden’s speech at a Holocaust remembrance ceremony came during weeks of protests on U.S. college campuses against Israel’s war in Gaza. He emphasized Americans’ responsibility to combat hatred of Jews, tying the vitriol to Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack.

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President Biden speaking at a podium while wearing a suit.

Erica L. Green and Michael D. Shear

Erica L. Green reported from Capitol Hill, and Michael D. Shear from Washington.

The president is set to deliver the keynote address at a Holocaust remembrance ceremony.

President Biden on Tuesday condemned a “ ferocious surge of antisemitism” in the United States following the Oct. 7 Hamas attack against Israel and said people were already forgetting the deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust.

Speaking at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Days of Remembrance, Mr. Biden tied the anti-Jewish sentiment that led to the Nazi effort to exterminate Jews directly to Oct. 7.

“This ancient hatred of Jews didn’t begin with the Holocaust,” he said. “It didn’t end with the Holocaust, either.”

For Mr. Biden, a self-described Zionist, the speech was a clear assertion of his support for Jewish Americans as he struggles to balance his support for Israel with increasingly forceful calls for the protection of civilians in Gaza.

Mr. Biden’s address also comes as protests against Israel’s war in Gaza roil college campuses, with students demanding that the Biden administration stop sending weapons to Israel. In some cases, the demonstrations have included antisemitic rhetoric and harassment targeting Jewish students.

“I understand people have strong beliefs and deep convictions about the world,” the president said. But, he added, “there is no place on any campus in America, any place in America, for antisemitism or hate speech or threats of violence of any kind.”

Mr. Biden also denounced attempts to minimize the Hamas attacks, which killed 1,200 people in Israel and sparked a war that has killed an estimated 34,000 people in Gaza.

“Now here we are, not 75 years later, but just seven and half months later, and people are already forgetting,” Mr. Biden said. “They are already forgetting. That Hamas unleashed this terror. It was Hamas that brutalized Israelis. It was Hamas who took and continues to hold hostages.

“I have not forgotten, nor have you,” he told the crowd of more than 100, including Holocaust survivors. “And we will not forget.”

Since the outset of the war, Mr. Biden has faced criticism from Arab Americans and Palestinians who have said they don’t hear Mr. Biden talk about the plight of their people with the same empathy and emotion that he uses to describe Israel and the Jewish people.

The leader of the World Food Program has said that parts of Gaza are experiencing a “ full-blown famine ,” in part because of Israel blocking humanitarian aid.

Jewish groups have been pressuring the administration to take firmer policy steps to combat antisemitism on college campuses, in particular. On Tuesday, the Biden administration fulfilled some of those requests.

The Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights released new guidance to every school and college outlining examples of antisemitic discrimination, as well as other forms of hate, that could lead to investigations for violating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.

The law prohibits discrimination based on race, color and national origin, and the department has interpreted it as extending to Jewish students. Since the Oct. 7 attack, the department has opened more than 100 investigations into complaints about antisemitism and other forms of discrimination. The administration also announced that the Department of Homeland Security would also offer new resources, including an online campus safety resource guide.

Nathan Diament, executive director for public policy for the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations, one of the groups that has been lobbying the administration for more measures for weeks, said that the Jewish community “need them implemented rapidly and aggressively.”

“President Biden’s speech today was an important statement of moral clarity at a time when too many people seem to be morally confused,” Mr. Diament said. “Just as important as the president’s words today is the announcement that his administration is taking more steps to counter the surge of antisemitism in the U.S.”

The president promised that his commitment to the security of Israel “and its right to exist as an independent Jewish state is ironclad. Even when we disagree,” a reference to the arguments his administration has had with Israel’s right-wing government about the toll the war is taking in Gaza. The speech came against the backdrop of Israel’s plans to move forward with a ground operation in Rafah, which Mr. Biden opposes. More than 1 million Palestinians are sheltering in Rafah.

Mr. Biden made a tacit acknowledgment during his speech that the pro-Palestinian cause has resonated with other minority groups with histories of violence and oppression.

“We must give hate no safe harbor against anyone — anyone,” Mr. Biden said in his speech, adding that Jewish people helped lead civil rights causes throughout history.

“From that experience,” he added, “we know scapegoating and demonizing any minority is a threat to every minority and the very foundation of our democracy.”

But Mr. Biden largely focused on the issue at hand. After his address, he stayed to watch three Holocaust survivors, who carried photos and mementos as they recounted their memories of loved ones. They invited the audience to stand and raise black-and-white photos of Holocaust victims that were placed on audience chairs in the air.

Mr. Biden held a photo of four children to his chest.

The New York Times

The New York Times

Here’s what Biden said in his remarks at the Holocaust remembrance ceremony.

President Biden delivered these remarks on Tuesday at the Capitol for the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Days of Remembrance.

Thank you, Stu, for that introduction, for your leadership of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. You’re a true scholar and statesman and a dear friend. Speaker Johnson, Leader Jeffries, members of Congress and especially the survivors of the Holocaust. If my mother were here, she’d look at you and say, “God love you all. God love you all.”

Abe Foxman and all of the survivors who embody absolute courage and dignity and grace are here as well. During these sacred days of remembrance, we grieve. We give voice to the six million Jews who were systematically targeted and murdered by the Nazis and their collaborators during World War II. We honor the memory of victims, the pain of survivors, the bravery of heroes who stood up to Hitler’s unspeakable evil. And we recommit to heading and heeding the lessons of one of the darkest chapters in human history, to revitalize and realize the responsibility of never again.

Never again, simply translated for me, means never forget. Never forget. Never forgetting means we must keep telling the story, must keep teaching the truth, must keep teaching our children and our grandchildren. The truth is, we are at risk of people not knowing the truth. That’s why growing up, my dad taught me and my siblings about the horrors of the Shoah at our family dinner table. That’s why I visited Yad Vashem with my family as a senator, as vice president, as president. And that’s why I took my grandchildren to Dachau, so they could see and bear witness to the perils of indifference, the complicity of silence, in the face of evil they knew was happening.

Germany 1933, Hitler and his Nazi Party’s rise to power by rekindling one of the oldest forms of prejudice and hate: antisemitism. His role didn’t begin with mass murder; it started slowly across economic, political, social and cultural life. Propaganda demonizing Jews. Boycotts of Jewish businesses. Synagogues defaced with swastikas. Harassment of Jews in the street and the schools, antisemitic demonstrations, pogroms, organized riots. With the indifference of the world, Hitler knew he could expand his reign of terror by eliminating Jews from Germany, to annihilate Jews across Europe through genocide, the Nazis called the final solution. Concentration camps, gas chambers, mass shootings. By the time the war ended, six million Jews — one of every three Jews in the entire world — were murdered.

This ancient hatred of Jews didn’t begin with the Holocaust. It didn’t end with the Holocaust either. Or after — even after our victory in World War II. This hatred continues to lie deep in the hearts of too many people in the world and requires our continued vigilance and outspokenness. That hatred was brought to life on October 7th of 2023. On the sacred Jewish holiday, the terrorist group Hamas unleashed the deadliest day of the Jewish people since the Holocaust. Driven by ancient desire to wipe out the Jewish people off the face of the Earth, over 1,200 innocent people, babies, parents, grandparents, slaughtered in a kibbutz, massacred at a music festival, brutally raped, mutilated and sexually assaulted.

Thousands more carrying wounds, bullets and shrapnel from a memory of that terrible day they endured. Hundreds taken hostage, including survivors of the Shoah. Now here we are, not 75 years later, but just seven and half months later and people are already forgetting. They are already forgetting. That Hamas unleashed this terror. It was Hamas that brutalized Israelis. It was Hamas who took and continues to hold hostages. I have not forgotten nor have you. And we will not forget.

As Jews around the world still cope with the atrocity and the trauma of that day and its aftermath, we have seen a ferocious surge of antisemitism in America and around the world. Vicious propaganda on social media. Jews forced to keep their — hide their kippahs under baseball hats, tuck their Jewish stars into their shirts. On college campuses, Jewish students blocked, harassed, attacked while walking to class. Antisemitism, antisemitic posters, slogans, calling for the annihilation of Israel, the world’s only Jewish state.

Too many people denying, downplaying, rationalizing, ignoring the horrors of the Holocaust and October 7th, including Hamas’s appalling use of sexual violence to torture and terrorize Jews. It’s absolutely despicable, and it must stop. Silence and denial can hide much, but it can erase nothing. Some injustices are so heinous, so horrific, so grievous, they cannot be married — buried — no matter how hard people try.

In my view, a major lesson of the Holocaust is, as mentioned earlier, it is not — was not — inevitable. We know hate never goes away; it only hides. Given a little oxygen, it comes out from under the rocks. We also know what stops hate. One thing: All of us. The late Rabbi Jonathan Sachs described antisemitism as a virus that has survived and mutated over time. Together, we cannot continue to let that happen. We have to remember our basic principle as a nation.

We have an obligation, an obligation to learn the lessons of history so we don’t surrender our future to the horrors of the past. We must give hate no safe harbor against anyone. Anyone. From the very founding, our very founding, Jewish Americans represented only about 2 percent of the U.S. population and helped lead the cause of freedom for everyone in our nation. From that experience, we know scapegoating and demonizing any minority is a threat to every minority and the very foundation of our democracy.

It’s in moments like this we have to put these principles that we’re talking about into action. I understand people have strong beliefs and deep convictions about the world. In America, we respect and protect the fundamental right to free speech. To debate, disagree, to protest peacefully, make our voices heard. I understand, that’s America. But there is no place on any campus in America — any place in America — for antisemitism or hate speech or threats of violence of any kind. Whether against Jews or anyone else. Violent attacks, destroying property is not peaceful protest. It’s against the law. And we are not a lawless country. We’re a civil society. We uphold the rule of law, and no one should have to hide or be brave just to be themselves.

The Jewish community, I want you to know: I see your fear, your hurt, your pain. Let me reassure you, as your president, you’re not alone. You belong. You always have and you always will. And my commitment to the safety of the Jewish people, security of Israel, and its right to exist as an independent Jewish state is ironclad even when we disagree.

My administration is working around the clock to free remaining hostages. Just so we have freed hostages already. And we will not rest until we bring them all home. My administration, with our second gentleman’s leadership, has launched our nation’s first national strategy to counter antisemitism that’s mobilizing the full force of the federal government to protect Jewish community, but we know it’s not the work of government alone or Jews alone.

That’s why I’m calling on all Americans to stand united against antisemitism and hate in all its forms. My dear friend, he became a friend, the late Elie Wiesel said, quote: “One person of integrity can make a difference.” We have to remember that now more than ever. Here in the Emancipation Hall of the U.S. Capitol, among the towering statues of history, is a bronze bust of Raoul Wallenberg. Born in Sweden, as a Lutheran, he was a businessman and a diplomat. While stationed in Hungary during World War II, he used diplomatic cover to hide and rescue about 100,000 Jews over a six-month period.

Among them was a 16-year-old Jewish boy who escaped a Nazi labor camp. After the war ended, that boy received a scholarship from the Hillel Foundation to study in America. He came to New York City penniless but determined to turn his pain into purpose, along with his wife, also a Holocaust survivor. He became a renowned economist and foreign policy thinker, eventually making his way to this very Capitol on the staff of a first-term senator.

That Jewish refugee was Tom Lantos, and that senator was me. Tom and his wife, Annette, and their family became dear friends to me and my family. Tom would go on to become the only Holocaust survivor ever elected to Congress, where he became a leading voice on civil rights and human rights around the world. Tom never met Raoul, who was taken prisoner by the Soviets, never to be heard from again. But through Tom’s efforts, Raoul’s bust is here in the Capitol. He was also given honorary U.S. citizenship, only the second person ever after Winston Churchill.

The Holocaust Museum here in Washington is located on a roll — road — in Raoul’s name. The story of the power of a single person to put aside our differences, to see our common humanity, to stand up to hate and its ancient story of resilience from immense pain, persecution, to find hope, purpose and meaning in life we try to live and share with one another. That story endures.

Let me close with this. I know these days of remembrance fall on difficult times. We all do well to remember these days also fall during the month we celebrate Jewish American heritage. A heritage that stretches from our earliest days to enrich every single part of American life today. Great American — great Jewish American — Tom Lantos used the phrase the veneer of civilization is paper-thin. We are its guardians, and we can never rest.

My fellow Americans, we must, we must be those guardians. We must never rest. We must rise against hate, meet across the divide, see our common humanity. And God bless the victims and survivors of the Shoah. May the resilient hearts, courageous spirit and eternal flame of faith of the Jewish people shine their light on America and all around the world. Praise God. Thank you all.


Annie Karni

Annie Karni

Reporting from Washington

Speaker Mike Johnson says U.S. universities are ‘hostile’ to Jews.

House Speaker Mike Johnson on Tuesday compared the protests unfolding on American university campuses to what happened at institutions of higher learning in Germany before World War II.

It was the “same elite centers of learning” from which “Jewish faculty and students were suddenly expelled” in Germany, Mr. Johnson, a Louisiana Republican, said in pointed remarks at a Holocaust Remembrance Ceremony at the Capitol. Today, he said, American universities have become “hostile places for Jewish students and faculty.”

“The very campuses which were once the envy of the international academy have succumbed to an antisemitic virus,” he added. “Students who were known for producing academic papers are now known for stabbing their Jewish peers in the eyes with Palestinian flags.”

By the turn of the 20th century, Germany was a thriving democracy. They were on the cutting edge of technology. They had a strong economy. They were highly educated. But that did not stop evil and darkness from overtaking that country. German universities, like those at Strasbourg, were at the heart of renaissance and intellectual life. But it was at those same elite centers of learning where Jewish faculty and students were suddenly expelled, where anti-Jewish courses were introduced and where professors performed horrific pseudoscience experiments on Jewish people brought from nearby concentration camps. We remember what happened then. And now today, we are witnessing American universities quickly becoming hostile places for Jewish students and faculty. The very campuses which were once the envy of the international academy have succumbed to an antisemitic virus.

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Mr. Johnson was speaking at the ceremony ahead of President Biden, who also condemned some of the hateful rhetoric and property damage that have occurred as pro-Palestinian protests have swept U.S. college campuses in recent weeks. “To the Jewish community, let me say, I see your hurt and your fear and your pain,” Mr. Biden said.

Mr. Johnson has made the pro-Palestinian protests a main focus since passing a bill to send $60 billion of aid to Ukraine, a move that enraged his right flank. The unrest at universities has offered him a new issue to spotlight, as he seeks a political edge on an issue that divides Democrats.

He visited Columbia University last month, where he called on Mr. Biden to take action to quell the protests , including potentially sending in the National Guard. He announced more congressional hearings with top university administrators. And he brought to the floor the Antisemitism Awareness Act, which would crackdown on antisemitism on campuses — a bill that ended up prompting bizarre backlash from some on the far right.

On Tuesday, Mr. Johnson described in graphic detail the horror of Oct. 7, when Hamas launched an attack against defenseless Israeli citizens, comparing them to lasting images from the Holocaust.

“We have to do all that we can to ensure that evil does not prevail,” he said. “This is a time for all to come together.”

Erica L. Green

President Biden received a standing ovation as he ended his roughly 16-minute speech. He shook hands with audience members before taking a seat next to Speaker Mike Johnson and is watching the next segment of the program, which is hearing from Holocaust survivors and their families.

Reid J. Epstein

Reid J. Epstein

That speech was as forceful as Biden has been about the Oct. 7 and antisemitism since the immediate aftermath of the attack. He did not mention the plight of Palestinians killed in Gaza since Israel began the war in response to the Hamas attack.

Biden is finished after 16 minutes.

Michael Crowley

Michael Crowley

Many Arab-Americans and Palestinians say with anger and frustration that they don’t hear Biden talk about the plight of their people with the same authenticity and emotion that he uses to describe Israel and the Jewish people.

Lisa Lerer

Republicans have tried to use the protests to depict Biden as weak and unable to control chaos in the country. Biden is clearly pushing back on that characterization in this speech and putting some distance between himself and the behavior of some of the protesters.

Katie Glueck

Katie Glueck

President Biden, who describes himself as a Zionist, is denouncing attempts to minimize the actions of Hamas on Oct. 7, the deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust.

Biden has been a staunch defender of Israel for nearly half a century . That support is clearly on display in this speech.

Zolan Kanno-Youngs

Zolan Kanno-Youngs

Biden just noted that the second gentleman, Doug Emhoff, is leading his administration’s antisemitism strategy. Emhoff held calls with Jewish students and Hillel leaders yesterday to discuss their experiences with antisemitism on college campues.

Biden is obviously in a comfortable and familiar place here, asserting moral high ground on behalf of Israel and the Jewish people, as he has been for many decades. He has been less comfortable grappling with the widespread anger over Israel’s war in Gaza and its policies toward the Palestinians.

President Biden speaks directly to the Jewish community, at a time when a number of Democratic Jewish lawmakers have said it feels “lonely” to be a Jew in America today.

Destroying property as has happened on college campuses, Biden said, “is against the law.”

“To the Jewish community, let me say, I see your hurt and your fear and your pain,” Biden says.

This is a much stronger condemnation of some of the hateful rhetoric and destruction that’s been present on college campuses than Biden has given to date. “We are not a lawless country,” he says. “No one should have to hide just to be themselves.”

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Biden’s defense of Israel is rooted in a long career in the Senate, as well as his upbringing in Delaware. In his book, “Promises to Keep,” he described hearing his father decry the Holocaust and question how the world did not intervene faster.

Biden precedes his remarks on protests by saying, “We know scapegoating and demonizing any minority is a threat to every minority.”

Biden appears angry while delivering this speech. It is a strong condemnation not only of the Hamas attack on Israel on Oct. 7, but also of the rhetoric that has swept across college campuses during the protests in recent weeks.

Biden also makes clear that Hamas committed sexual violence on Oct. 7 , claims that some pro-Palestinian protests have disputed.

Biden started his speech by diving into the history of antisemitism but within a couple minutes has brought us to the current moment. “Too many people denying, downplaying, rationalizing the horrors of the Holocaust,” Biden says, adding people are also forgetting the atrocities on Oct. 7. “It’s absolutely despicable and it must stop.”

Many U.S. officials have been stepping up their emphasis of Hamas’s responsibility in recent weeks, reflecting concern that Israel is bearing disproportionate blame for the events of the past seven months.

This is a very strong condemnation of the kinds of harassment and hatred many Jews have been described since Oct. 7.

“People are already forgetting,” Biden said, “that Hamas took and continues to hold hostages.”

The hatred of Jews “continues to lie deep in the hearts of too many people in the world,” says Biden, before citing the murders on Oct. 7 as a prime example of such ongoing antisemitism.

This ancient hatred of Jews didn’t begin with the Holocaust. It didn’t end with the Holocaust either. Or after — even after our victory in World War II. This hatred continues to lie deep in the hearts of too many people in the world. And requires our continued vigilance and outspokenness. That hatred was brought to life in Oct. 7 in 2023. On a sacred Jewish holiday, the terrorist group Hamas unleashed the deadliest day of the Jewish people since the Holocaust, driven by ancient desire to wipe out the Jewish people off the face of the earth. Over 1,200 innocent people — babies, parents, grandparents slaughtered in their kibbutz, massacred at a music festival.

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Biden warns that the country and the world are at risk of forgetting the lessons of the Holocaust and is running through a brief history of how the Nazis moved toward the slaughter of Jews in concentration camps.

The cable networks have broken away from covering Donald Trump’s criminal trial to carry President Biden’s speech.

President Biden has entered Emancipation Hall to a standing ovation.

Hakeem Jeffries, the House minority leader, gets claps in the audience when he went on to include racism, sexism, Islamophobia and other forms of hate in his call to eradicate antisemitism. That is notable given the tension between Jewish and other minority communities over the Israel-Hamas war. Some in the audience also stood at the end of his remarks.

Representative Hakeem Jeffries, Democrat of New York and minority leader, noted that Oct. 7 marked the largest loss of Jewish life on a single day since the Holocaust. “We are witnessing a deeply disturbing rise in antisemitism on campuses,” he says. Jeffries last week voted for the Antisemitism Awareness Act, which would crack down on antisemitic speech on college campuses. The legislation divided Democrats — 70 voted against it, expressing concerns that its purpose would legally make criticism of Israeli policy antisemitism.

A bill could withhold funding for schools that fail to restrict antisemitism on campus.

A bipartisan push in Congress to enact a law cracking down on antisemitic speech on college campuses has prompted a backlash from far-right lawmakers and activists, who argue it could outlaw Christian biblical teachings.

The House passed the legislation, called the Antisemitism Awareness Act, overwhelmingly last week, and Senate leaders in both parties were working behind the scenes on Thursday to determine whether it would have enough backing to come to a vote in that chamber.

House Republicans rolled the bill out as part of their efforts to condemn the pro-Palestinian protests that have surged at university campuses across the country, and to put a political squeeze on Democrats, who they have accused of tolerating antisemitism to please their liberal base.

But in trying to use the issue as a political cudgel against the left, Republicans also called attention to a rift on the right. Some G.O.P. members said they firmly believe that Jews killed Jesus Christ, and argued that the bill — which includes such claims in its definition of antisemitism — would outlaw parts of the Bible.

The bill would for the first time enshrine a definition of antisemitism into federal law, and instruct the Education Department to consider it when investigating allegations of discrimination against Jews on college campuses. That could lead to federal funds being withheld from colleges or universities that fail to restrict a broad range of statements covered by the definition, which includes “denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination” and claiming that Israel’s existence is a “racist endeavor.”

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, Republican of Georgia, said she opposed the bill because it “could convict Christians of antisemitism for believing the Gospel that says Jesus was handed over to Herod to be crucified by the Jews.”

Johnson pledges “unequivocal support to the nation of Israel.” He has also extended an invitation to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel to address a joint session of Congress. A date has not yet been set.

Johnson is giving graphic descriptions of what happened to individuals on Oct. 7, when Hamas launched an attack against defenseless Israeli citizens. “We have to do all that we can to ensure that evil does not prevail,” he says. “This is a time for all to come together.” He said that he was proud that Congress passed a security package to send billions of dollars in assistance to Israel. “We told the world, Israel and the Jewish people are not alone,” he said. It's notable that Johnson makes no mention of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. That aid package included more than $9 billion in humanitarian aid for Gaza and Ukraine — something Democrats insisted be included in the package.

House Speaker Mike Johnson is comparing the protests unfolding on university campuses to what happened in Germany during World War II. He said it was the “same elite centers of learning” from which “Jewish faculty and students were suddenly expelled” in Germany. Today, he said, American universities have become “hostile places for Jewish students and faculty.”

President Biden has been criticized for his muted response to protests on college campuses against the Israel-Hamas war. Those protests have included instances of antisemitic episodes, and his administration says we can expect that Biden will use the protests to strongly condemn antisemitism. He is also expected to draw parallels between the response to the Holocaust and Oct. 7 Hamas attacks.

Republicans are trying to present themselves as the true friends of Jews, Israel and the leaders fighting antisemitism on college campuses. It’s worth remembering that those leading the fight are accolytes of former President Donald J. Trump, who in 2017 issued a statement International Holocaust Remembrance Day that omitted any mention of Jews or antisemitism . The statement referenced the “victims, survivors, heroes of the Holocaust.” It made no mention of the fact that 6 million Jews were murdered because they were Jews, as past presidents had done.

Dana Goldstein

Dana Goldstein and Sarah Mervosh

A House committee will examine reports of antisemitism in K-12 schools.

School district officials have faced off with students, parents, school board members and teachers about issues related to the Israel-Hamas war — but until now, not members of Congress.

On Wednesday, leaders from three public school districts — New York City; Berkeley, Calif.; and Montgomery County in Maryland — are scheduled to be questioned by members of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, which has grilled four college presidents on accusations of campus antisemitism, helping to topple two of them .

The three school districts, all diverse, have robust American Jewish communities. They are also in staunchly liberal areas, making them ripe targets for the Republicans who run the committee. And they have had their share of controversies.

In New York City, an elementary school posted a map of the “Arab world” that did not label Israel, identifying the country as “Palestine.” In Montgomery County, outside Washington, swastikas have been drawn on school desks. And in Berkeley, several teachers presented lessons that referred to Israeli “apartheid” against Palestinians.

The district leaders — David C. Banks, chancellor of New York City schools; Enikia Ford Morthel, superintendent of Berkeley schools; and Karla Silvestre, the school board president in Montgomery County — must walk a tightrope at the hearing. They are likely to face complex questions about free speech and the point at which protest of Israel veers into antisemitism. Those are matters of contentious debate, both nationally and in their own communities.

In addition to the House hearing, the Education Department is investigating the districts for their handling of antisemitism accusations, after the Oct. 7 Hamas-led attack on Israel. Muslim and pro-Palestinian organizations have also said that many public schools are hostile to their views, whether by omitting Palestinian history from the curriculum or by limiting pro-Palestinian speech.

While the specific incidents may differ from those discussed at the college antisemitism hearings, “the underlying issue is the same,” said Representative Kevin Kiley, Republican of California, who is a committee member. “We’re trying to ensure that campuses, whether secondary school or college campus, are safe for students and complying with civil rights laws.”

Troy Closson contributed reporting.

As the Holocaust remembrance ceremony begins, Holocaust survivors and members of Congress have filed into Emancipation Hall on Capitol Hill to a somber violin solo. President Biden is scheduled to deliver his keynote address at 11:30.

Reporters at the White House are gathering to cover President Biden’s departure to Capitol Hill. When it comes to protests on college campuses, Biden will likely follow up on his comments from last week and draw a distance between the White House and the protests by condemning any antisemitism and vandalism taking place. It is less clear how much time he will spend talking about Israel’s war against Hamas. As Biden speaks, Israeli tanks are in Rafah — the Biden administration has said it opposes an incursion into the southernmost city in Gaza without a detailed plan for evacuating hundreds of thousands of Palestinians there.

Ahead of Biden’s speech, Representative Don Bacon, Republican of Nebraska, said he planned to release on Tuesday afternoon his resolution to formally rebuke Representative Ilhan Omar , Democrat of Minnesota, for recent comments in which she suggested that some Jewish students at Columbia University were “pro-genocide.” Bacon, who represents a district Biden won in 2020, has a hard-right challenger in his primary.

Omar made the statement while visiting the Morningside Heights campus in New York to stand in solidarity with the pro-Palestinian protesters, including her daughter, who is a student activist there.

“I think it is really unfortunate that people don’t care about the fact that all Jewish kids should be kept safe,” she said when asked about antisemitism on campus. “We should not have to tolerate antisemitism or bigotry for all Jewish students, whether they’re pro-genocide or anti-genocide.”

As the protests have spread on colleges across the country, Biden has been at his most forceful when it comes to denouncing antisemitism on campus. It’s the area that he’s seemed to feel most comfortable wading into, while taking more cautious steps on the issue of free speech on campuses.

give a speech on punctuality

Mitch Smith ,  Jamie Kelter Davis and Yan Zhuang

On college campuses, pro-Palestinian protesters urge supporters to rally nationwide.

Galvanized by an Israeli military incursion into Gaza’s southern end, pro-Palestinian demonstrators escalated campus protests and urged supporters to rally on Tuesday across the United States, thwarting university officials’ hopes of minimizing disruptions ahead of commencement events.

Protests are scheduled on Tuesday at campuses including the University of California, Berkeley; California State University, Los Angeles; and the University of Washington.

Early on Tuesday, police officers removed the pro-Palestinian protest encampment at the University of Chicago, a move that was sure to be closely watched across higher education because the university has long considered itself a model for free expression on campus .

Arrests on Monday have raised the total number of people detained on campuses to more than 2,500 at 50 schools since April 18, according to a New York Times tally .

The protests have affected spring graduations. Columbia University officials announced the cancellation of its main graduation ceremony , citing security as a main reason. Other schools across the country have adjusted their ceremonies or increased security.

The speech is an opportunity for Biden to stake a claim on the political middle — putting daylight between himself and protesters who represent a far-left wing of American politics. He ran a similar political playbook nearly four years ago, when protestors across the country pushed for police departments to be defunded. Biden resisted, calling for more resources to be sent to local law enforcement.

President Biden’s speech on antisemitism today will be his first major speech on the protests that have roiled college campuses for weeks, and follows a brief unscheduled address last week. Biden has at times shown empathy toward those publicly pushing for a ceasefire in Israel’s war in Gaza, but as protests have grown larger and student demands have grown, he has been mostly silent.

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USC’s Silenced Valedictorian, Asna Tabassum, Shares Her Commencement Speech

  • By Charisma Madarang

Charisma Madarang

Today, Asna Tabassum, a first-generation Muslim student and USC ‘s valedictorian, would have delivered her speech before thousands of her peers at this year’s graduation ceremony. Instead, amid pressure from pro-Israeli groups citing her social media support for Palestinians, university leaders chose to cancel her commencement speech, citing safety concerns.

In place of what would have been her address to the class of 2024, Tabassum released a largely redacted version of the speech she had hoped to give at 8 a.m. on Friday, around when she would have taken the stage at the nixed main-stage ceremony.

Published by Annenberg Media and the Daily Trojan , USC’s student-run publications noted in an Instagram post that Tabassum’s “speech is published as was written and shared by Tabassum. Annenberg Media and the Daily Trojan did not write, edit or change the speech or its presentation.”

“Congratulations, Class of 2024,” the speech ends, before more blacked-out text. “Thank you.”

View this post on Instagram A post shared by USC Annenberg Media (@annenbergmedia)

On Friday, as Tabassum — a biomedical engineering major whose sash included her “minor in resistance to genocide” — was honored with a standing ovation as she received her diploma during the Viterbi School of Engineering graduation ceremony, the Los Angeles Times reported.

Although the university pointed to safety issues as the reason behind the valedictorian’s speech cancellation last month, it declined to give details as to what threats drove the security concerns.

“I am both shocked by this decision and profoundly disappointed that the University is succumbing to a campaign of hate meant to silence my voice. I am not surprised by those who attempt to propagate hatred. I am surprised that my own university — my home for four years — has abandoned me,” Tabassum wrote in a statement following the decision, adding that “there remain serious doubts about whether USC’s decision to revoke my invitation to speak is made solely on the basis of safety.”

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Collegiate demonstrations have erupted across the country as some students call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and demand their universities divest from companies profiting off Israel’s war in Gaza. The protests have added to existing pressure on President Joe Biden and his administration to cut off military aid to Israel as the threat of an Israeli invasion of Rafah looms.

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Joe Biden says ‘we must give hate no safe harbor’ in speech condemning antisemitism – as it happened

This live blog is now closed. You can read our latest report here:

  • Biden warns against ‘surge of antisemitism’ at Holocaust event
  • 4d ago Closing summary
  • 4d ago Interim summary
  • 4d ago Judge strips abortion rights amendment from New York ballot
  • 4d ago Biden: 'We must give hate no safe harbor'
  • 4d ago Johnson: Talks with rebels 'not a negotiation'
  • 4d ago Talks could end impasse over vote for Johnson's removal
  • 4d ago Standoff between Marjorie Taylor Greene and Mike Johnson continues with ouster vote looming

Joe Biden speaks at the Holocaust Memorial Museum's annual remembrance ceremony in Washington DC on Tuesday.

Closing summary

We’re closing our US politics blog now, but you can continue to follow coverage of Donald Trump ’s hush-money trial in New York in our live blog here .

Here’s what we followed today:

Joe Biden spoke at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Day of Remembrance ceremony, honoring Second War War victims of the Nazis, condemning the Hamas attacks of 7 October, and denouncing violence during pro-Palestinian demonstrations on US college campuses. “We have an obligation to learn the lessons of history … to not surrender our future to the horrors of the past. We must give hate no safe harbor against anyone,” he said.

New York supreme court justice Daniel Doyle blocked an abortion rights amendment from appearing on the November ballot, a significant setback for Democrats hoping to use the abortion access debate to galvanize voters.

Speaker Mike Johnson dismissed a threat to his position from rebel Republican congress members Marjorie Taylor Greene and Thomas Massie , insisting at a press conference: “I intend to lead this conference in the future.” Johnson is meeting the duo again this lunchtime as they decide whether to advance a vote for his removal after he colluded with Democrats to pass a Ukraine funding bill.

Texas Democratic congressman Henry Cuellar faced pressure to resign from the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (Crew) group. Cuellar and his wife Imelda were indicted last week for bribery over their connections with Azerbaijan. “While [he] deserves a fair trial and the presumption of innocence, the serious charges … make it inappropriate for him to remain in office,” Crew president Noah Bookbinder said.

Karine Jean-Pierre , the White House press secretary, pushed back on a reporter’s suggestions the Biden administration wasn’t fully forthcoming about its knowledge of ceasefire talks in Gaza. Israel, according to Axios, was upset the US apparently knew about a proposal by Egypt, but hadn’t briefed Israel. Jean-Pierre insisted at her daily press briefing that no administration official was involved in secret discussion or deceit.

Jean-Pierre was also asked about the behavior captured on video of counter-protesters at a pro-Palestinian rally at the University of Mississippi last week.

One white student was accused of making monkey noises at a Black protester, and has been suspended by his Ole Miss fraternity .

The behavior was “undignified and racist”, Jean-Pierre said. “The actions in the video are beneath any American.”

The White House press conference has just wrapped up, a little later than advertised. Karine Jean-Pierre , the White House press secretary, has been pushing back on some reporters’ suggestions that the Biden administration hasn’t been fully forthcoming about its involvement in, or knowledge of, ceasefire talks over the war in Gaza.

Hamas agreed to an Egyptian ceasefire proposal on Monday that would have seen the release of hostages it still holds from the 7 October attack. But Israel, according to an Axios report on Monday, was upset the US apparently knew about the proposal by Egypt, but hadn’t briefed Israel on it. And Israel says the terms Hamas accepted weren’t those it had agreed to.

Jean-Pierre insisted no administration official was involved in any secret discussions, or had any intent to deceive. But she didn’t directly address Israel’s reported frustration.

“There are talks happening in Cairo, and that’s incredibly important,” she said. “Our assessment is the two sides should be able to come to a deal, or at least close the gaps to get to a deal.”

They may officially be two days late, but White House staff laid on an official Cinco de Mayo celebration this morning for Mexico’s independence day.

Happy Cinco de Mayo from the White House! Our Administration is proud to celebrate the history, heritage, and rich contributions of Mexican-Americans. — The White House (@WhiteHouse) May 7, 2024

First lady Jill Biden addressed a large gathering of Mexican-Americans:

“[We] pay tribute to a long line of Mexican-Americans who have added their own threads to our rich American tapestry with bravery and vision. Writers whose poems trace the contours of our sorrows and joys. Activists whose movements for justice achieved hard-won progress. Trailblazers in every career and calling who have led us toward a more perfect union. And as we recognize the Mexican-Americans who have so profoundly shaped this country, and are continuing to shape it, we also remember that the first step to progress is dreaming – creating those images in our own heads, even if the odds are against us, reaching for the stars, even if we may miss, sculpting the world we see when we close our eyes and imagine.

Here’s the video of Joe Biden ’s address to the US Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Day of Remembrance ceremony earlier.

Tune in as I deliver the keynote address at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Annual Days of Remembrance ceremony in Washington, D.C. — President Biden (@POTUS) May 7, 2024

“Never again simply translated for me means: Never forget. Never forgetting means we must keep telling the story, we must keep teaching the truth,” Biden said as he addressed a bipartisan memorial held at the US Capitol’s Emancipation Hall.

“The truth is we’re at risk of people not knowing the truth.”

Biden spoke seven months to the day after Hamas attacked Israel on 7 October, killing 1,200 by Israeli tallies, in what Biden has called the deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust.

“This hatred [of Jews] continues to lie deep in the hearts of too many people in the world and requires our continued vigilance and outspokenness,” the president said.

A furore over the killing of a puppy by South Dakota Republican governor Kristi Noem, a story first reported by the Guardian, shows no sign of abating, as my colleague Martin Pengelly reports:

Asked if a story about killing a dog and a goat as well as a false claim to have met Kim Jong-un could have been put in her book by an editor acting as “a liberal plant”, the South Dakota governor and Republican vice-presidential hopeful Kristi Noem seemed to realise such a claim would be too outlandish even for her.

“The buck always stops with me,” Noem told Newsmax. “I take my own full responsibility. I wrote this book.”

Kim Jong-un.

No Going Back was published in the US on Tuesday. But for more than a week it has been at the centre of a political firestorm fueled by a Guardian report of its startling story of how Noem says she shot dead Cricket, a 14-month-old wirehaired pointer she deemed “untrainable”, and an unnamed goat Noem said menaced her children.

Noem has defended the story as an example of how she is willing to do unpleasant things in life and politics.

But the resulting revulsion has seemingly ended any hope of Noem being named running mate to Donald Trump , the former president and presumptive Republican nominee in November.

Noem’s claim to have met Kim, the North Korean dictator, unravelled amid reporting by the Dakota Scout . Noem’s publisher, Center Street, said it would remove the passage from future editions.

Amid a media tour in which Noem was challenged on CBS about an apparent threat to kill Joe Biden’s dog , the governor sought friendlier turf at Newsmax. Eric Bolling , a former Fox News host, duly attempted to give her a way to climb off her hurtling train of bad PR.

Bolling said : “You don’t write the whole book at once, you write a chapter or two, you send it to the editors and they edit. They read it, they add, they subtract.

“And here’s my question: the editor, was she possibly a plant? A liberal plant? Because I’m not sure either one of these stories, this dog story, the North Korea story, seems like the Kristi Noem I know.”

Read the full story:

Interim summary

It’s been a relatively quiet day so far in US politics . Here’s where things stand:

There’s more to come, including the daily media briefing from White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre .

Reuters says Joe Biden will next Tuesday meet with chief executives of Citigroup, United Airlines, Marriott International and other corporations across a range of industries at the White House.

Citing an administration official, the agency says the purpose of the meeting is “the national and global economy”.

Polling for November’s election indicates Biden is weaker on the economy in voters’ minds, and the meeting is an opportunity to try to gather some momentum with less than six months remaining.

Judge strips abortion rights amendment from New York ballot

A New York judge on Tuesday blocked an abortion rights amendment from appearing on the November ballot, the Associated Press reports, a significant setback for Democrats hoping to use the abortion access debate to galvanize voters. State supreme court justice Daniel Doyle ruled state lawmakers failed to follow procedural rules regarding constitutional amendments, and incorrectly approved the amendment before getting a written opinion on its language from the attorney general. The lawsuit was filed by Republican state assemblywoman Marjorie Byrnes .

Abortion rights amendments have passed in every state they have appeared, including Republican-controlled states, since the US supreme court ended almost 50 years of federal abortion protections in 2022.

Similar amendments are on the ballot elsewhere this November, including Florida, where a six-week abortion ban took effect last week. An effort by Florida’s Republican attorney general Ashley Moody , similar to the New York lawsuit, to strip the amendment was rejected by the state’s supreme court last month.

The New York state attorney general’s office did not immediately comment.

We bring news of a presidential election event unlikely to ever happen: a head-to-head debate between Donald Trump , the presumptive Republican nominee, and independent candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr .

Kennedy’s campaign put out a statement Tuesday morning challenging Trump to a debate at the Libertarian convention in Washington DC from 24 to 26 May.

In an accompanying open letter posted to X , Kennedy claims that polls have both himself and Trump “crushing” Joe Biden in November (spoiler: they don’t), so it makes sense for the two to debate at an event they’re both scheduled to speak at anyway:

It’s perfect neutral territory for you and me to have a debate where you can defend your record for your wavering supporters. You yourself have said you’re not afraid to debate me as long as my poll numbers are decent. Well, they are. So let’s meet at the Libertarian convention and show the American public that at least two of the major candidates aren’t afraid to debate each other. I asked the convention organizers and they are game for us to use our time there to bring the American people the debate they deserve!

The Commission on Presidential Debates has announced three debates for this year , the first scheduled to take place on 16 September in San Marcos, Texas. Participants have yet to be announced.

Joe Biden also addressed recent pro-Palestinian protests on numerous US colleges and campuses, which turned violent in several cities and led to more than 2,000 arrests:

I understand people have strong beliefs and deep convictions about the world. In America we respect and protect the fundamental right to free speech, to debate, and disagree, to protest peacefully and make our voices heard. I understand. That’s America. But there is no place on any campus in America, or any place in America, for antisemitism, or hate speech, or threats of violence of any kind. Whether against Jews or anyone else, violent attacks, destroying property, is not peaceful protest. It’s against the law. And we’re not a lawless country. We’re a civil society. We uphold the rule of law. And no one should have to hide or be brave just to be themselves.

Biden acknowledged recent friction between his administration and Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the course of the war in Gaza, and Israel’s military push into Rafah. But he said his support for Jewish people in the US was unshakable:

To the Jewish community, I want you to know I see your fear, your hurt and your pain. Let me reassure you as your president, you’re not alone. You belong. You always have and you always will. And my commitment to the safety of the Jewish people, the security of Israel, and its right to exist as an independent Jewish state is ironclad, even when we disagree.

He said his administration was “working around the clock” to free hostages still held by Hamas in Gaza:

We will not rest until we bring them all home.
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  1. Speech on Punctuality

    Top Quotes to Use in a Speech on Punctuality. "Punctuality is the politeness of kings.". - Louis XVIII of France. "Punctuality is the soul of business.". - Thomas Chandler Haliburton. "Punctuality is not just limited to arriving at a place at the right time; it is also about taking actions at the right time.". - Amit Kalantri.

  2. Speech On Punctuality

    Punctuality refers to completing a required task or fulfilling an obligation at the designated time. A person should be punctual since childhood and know the value of time. Punctuality is the basic rhythm of nature. Birds wake up early; the sun rises every day, and the earth revolves around the sun. Everything in nature is fixed and on time.

  3. Speech on Punctuality in English for Students and Children

    Punctuality is simply being on time, honoring commitments, and respecting the value of time. It's about being where you are supposed to be when you are supposed to be there. In the context of students, punctuality plays a pivotal role. It's not just about reaching school or class on time; it's about recognizing that time is a valuable ...

  4. Speech on Punctuality: Importance, Quotes & FAQs

    Brief Speech on Punctuality. Punctuality means arriving 'on time' and maintaining this quality consistently is a commendable human virtue that deserves high praise. Cultivating the habit of punctuality is not easy; it demands effort, commitment, determination, and self-discipline. A punctual person understands the value of time in life.

  5. 5 Minute Speech on Punctuality in English for Students

    Punctuality means to be on time with yourself and your work affairs. When a person is punctual, he or she is respected and looked to. We save so much time when we are punctual. We can also do a lot when we are punctual. This is a habit that should be formed when we are kids.

  6. 6 Minute English / Is punctuality important?

    Vocabulary. punctuality. the fact of doing something at an agreed time and being on time. timekeeping. ability to achieve things on time. time benders. people who are always late because they don ...

  7. A Speech on Punctuality

    Here is a short speech on the value of punctuality. Suitable for children aged 5-10. Everyone here knows how nice it feels to switch off the alarm clock in the morning and go back to sleep. The only thing is that it makes you late to your school, to your office, to your business. And when it becomes a habit, it makes you lose your money, your ...

  8. 1 Minute Speech on Punctuality In English

    Punctuality is a trait every one of us here must aim to acquire. Being punctual creates a respectable image of ourselves to the outside world. Not being late shows the world that we are responsible and take the given work seriously. It helps build a positive image of us thus. Again, completing tasks punctually is also a burden off our backs and ...

  9. Speech on Punctuality

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  11. Punctuality Essay for Students and Children

    600+ Words Essay on Punctuality. Punctuality implies to be on time. Punctuality benefits an individual in all aspects of life. It also helps an individual to build up his/her character and creates a positive impression on society. If one is not punctual, then his/her life fills with friction in whatever he/she does.

  12. 2 Minute Speech On Punctuality In English

    Being on time is a manners code that motivates us to do our tasks quickly. It also allows us to appreciate the worth of our time. Being punctual includes respecting both one's own time and other people's time. Being punctual is important, neglected, and demands great priority. If someone learns to arrive on time, everything else falls into ...

  13. 13.Speech Writing : Importance of Punctuality in a Student's life

    Good morning dear friends and teachers! Today. I shall throw some light on the importance of punctuality in a student's life. A student has to gain knowledge. Learn new skills, and finally prove what he has learnt in the various assessments. Time is of importance as assignments are to be submitted and projects are to be done in a particular ...

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    500+ Words Essay on Punctuality. Being punctual means living in harmony with this beautiful world. Failing to be punctual creates obstacles for others and offends those people who wait for us. God has created everything in this world which holds some meaning and purpose in our life. For example; days are created for performing work and ...

  15. Paragraph on Punctuality

    Paragraph on Punctuality in 150 Words. Punctuality is that characteristic of a person that is much needed for success. It is the only trait that will be helpful throughout life. A punctual person never gives an excuse for a delay in work. A punctual person always performs his work at the right time and never finds an excuse for it.

  16. PDF Be punctual! Be smart!

    Punctuality always gives the first impression. The first impression received by your teachers is always determined by your punctuality. If you are punctual, teachers will firstly think that you are a good student. As I have mentioned before, teachers will think you are reliable enough to give you some important tasks to do.

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    The meaning of PUNCTUAL is being on time : prompt. How to use punctual in a sentence. Did you know?

  18. 3 Ways to Be Punctual

    Be kind to people that are late while also telling them how you feel. Eventually, being late all the time will erode people's faith in your reliability, creating a negative impression that could eventually extend to matters other than punctuality. 3. Get your adrenaline rush in other ways.

  19. punctuality noun

    Culture punctuality punctuality Most Americans and British people would agree that it is good manners to be punctual (= to arrive at the right time) for an appointment. Arriving on time for formal events such as a business meeting or an interview is considered important. Many people try to arrive a few minutes early for an appointment to avoid the risk of rushing in at the last minute.

  20. Punctuality

    Punctuality is the characteristic of completing a required task or fulfilling an obligation before or at a previously designated time. [1] ". Punctual " is often used synonymously with " on time ". An opposite characteristic is tardiness . Each culture tends to have its own understanding about what is considered an acceptable degree of ...

  21. 50 Examples of Punctuality

    Punctuality Examples. A student who arrives in the classroom ahead of the teacher. A traveler who arrives at the airport before the indicated time by the airline. A radio program that starts precisely on time every day. A music band that begins their concert at the exact time stated on the tickets.

  22. Speech On Procrastination [1,2,3 Minutes]

    Speech On Procrastination For 1-2 Minutes. Hello All, Before I deliver my speech I would like to wish you all the best wishes & I also want to thank you a lot for having me a chance to share my views on this important topic i.e. procrastination. Time is the most valuable thing for humans. We can earn anything but time.

  23. Even after backlash, Chris Pan was 'honored' to speak at Ohio State

    Ohio State didn't give Pan feedback on his speech. Early on in his writing process, Pan said the only advice the university gave him was that a traditional speech would land better with a ...

  24. Biden's general election strategy: Less is more

    WASHINGTON — As President Joe Biden ramps up his re-election effort, his campaign is also scaling back how much he says on the trail, part of a larger new strategy to hone a sharper message he ...

  25. Working from home hurting corporate travel, warns British Airways owner

    BA boss Sean Doyle said he's encouraged by the carrier's improved punctuality at its London Heathrow hub, with 79pc of services on time in the quarter, up from just 60pc a year ago.

  26. In Speech, Biden Describes Surge of Antisemitism in U.S

    President Biden's speech at a Holocaust remembrance ceremony came during weeks of protests on U.S. college campuses against Israel's war in Gaza. He emphasized Americans' responsibility to ...

  27. USC's Valedictorian, Asna Tabassum, Shares Cancelled Commencement Speech

    In place of what would have been her address to the class of 2024, Tabassum released a largely redacted version of the speech she had hoped to give at 8 a.m. on Friday, around when she would have ...

  28. Britain refuses to sign global vaccine treaty that would force it to

    Britain is refusing to sign the World Health Organisation's pandemic treaty while it insists the UK would have to give away a fifth of its jabs, The Telegraph understands.. The UK is firmly ...

  29. Joe Biden says 'we must give hate no safe harbor' in speech condemning

    In America we respect and protect the fundamental right to free speech, to debate, and disagree, to protest peacefully and make our voices heard. I understand. That's America.

  30. Trump pressed oil executives to give $1 billion for his campaign

    Energy. Trump pressed oil executives to give $1 billion for his campaign, people in industry say "This is a scandal" and "an indictment of the system" — but probably legal, one legal ...