
Essay on Living Abroad

Students are often asked to write an essay on Living Abroad in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Living Abroad

The adventure of living abroad.

Living abroad is like a thrilling adventure. It means moving out of your home country to another, experiencing a different culture, language, and lifestyle.

Learning New Cultures

When you live abroad, you get to learn about new cultures. You’ll eat different foods, celebrate unique festivals, and understand diverse traditions.

Language Skills

Living abroad can also help improve language skills. You’ll have the chance to learn and practice a new language every day.

Personal Growth

Lastly, living abroad can lead to personal growth. You’ll become more independent, adaptable, and open-minded. It’s a journey of self-discovery.

250 Words Essay on Living Abroad

The allure of living abroad.

Living abroad is an enticing prospect, a journey that promises growth and transformation. It’s an experience that can be simultaneously exhilarating and intimidating, offering the opportunity to explore unfamiliar cultures and environments.

Personal Growth and Cultural Exposure

Living abroad fosters personal growth in an unparalleled manner. It thrusts individuals out of their comfort zones, compelling them to adapt to different cultural norms and practices. This exposure to diversity can foster a more nuanced worldview, promoting empathy and understanding.

Academic and Professional Development

From an academic and professional perspective, living abroad can be a significant asset. It provides access to unique educational opportunities and can enhance one’s career prospects. Employers often value the adaptability, resilience, and cross-cultural communication skills that come from living abroad.

Challenges of Living Abroad

However, the experience is not without challenges. Homesickness, language barriers, and cultural misunderstandings can make the transition difficult. It’s crucial to approach these challenges with an open mind, viewing them as opportunities for growth rather than insurmountable obstacles.

In conclusion, living abroad is a transformative experience that provides myriad opportunities for personal and professional development. Despite the challenges, the rewards are plentiful, making it a worthwhile endeavor for those seeking to broaden their horizons.

500 Words Essay on Living Abroad

Introduction: the allure of living abroad.

The prospect of living abroad often conjures up images of adventure, exploration, and personal growth. It offers a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in a new culture, language, and way of life. However, like any significant life decision, it comes with its share of challenges and rewards.

The Benefits of Living Abroad

Living abroad provides an unparalleled educational experience. It allows individuals to gain a broader perspective on the world, fostering a deeper understanding of global issues and diverse cultures. It is a chance to experience firsthand the customs, traditions, and social atmospheres of different nations.

Furthermore, living abroad can significantly enhance one’s language skills. While learning a new language in a classroom can be beneficial, nothing compares to the immersive experience of living in a place where that language is spoken.

Additionally, it offers an opportunity for personal growth. The challenges one faces while living abroad, such as navigating a new city or adapting to a different lifestyle, can build resilience and self-reliance. It also encourages the development of problem-solving skills, adaptability, and cultural sensitivity.

The Challenges of Living Abroad

Despite the numerous benefits, living abroad is not without its difficulties. One of the primary challenges is culture shock, the feeling of disorientation experienced by someone when they are suddenly subjected to an unfamiliar culture or way of life. It can be overwhelming to adapt to new social norms, customs, and languages.

Another challenge is homesickness. Being far away from family, friends, and familiar surroundings can be emotionally taxing. The difference in time zones can also make communication with loved ones challenging.

Financial concerns are another significant challenge. The cost of living, exchange rates, and finding employment can add stress to the experience.

Preparation: The Key to Successful Living Abroad

Preparation is crucial for a successful experience living abroad. This includes researching the destination’s culture, language, and customs, as well as practical aspects such as cost of living, healthcare, and local laws.

Building a support network is also vital. This could involve reaching out to expat communities, joining local clubs or organizations, or maintaining regular contact with friends and family back home.

Furthermore, setting realistic expectations is key. It’s important to remember that living abroad is not a perpetual vacation. There will be difficulties and mundane tasks, just like at home.

Conclusion: The Transformative Power of Living Abroad

Living abroad can be a transformative experience, offering opportunities for personal, academic, and professional growth. It provides a unique lens through which to view the world, fostering a deeper understanding of global diversity. Despite the challenges, the rewards of living abroad often outweigh the difficulties, making it a worthwhile endeavor for those willing to step outside their comfort zone and embrace the unknown.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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How Living Abroad Helps You Develop a Clearer Sense of Self

  • Otilia Obodaru,
  • Jackson G. Lu,
  • William Maddux,
  • Adam D. Galinsky

living abroad essay

Research finds it’s driven by how long you’ve lived abroad, not where.

In today’s increasingly globalized world, more and more people are choosing to live, work and study abroad — and this trend appears to be a good thing: Social science studies have shown that international experiences can enhance creativity, reduce intergroup bias, and promote career success. Researchers set out to examine whether and how international experiences can transform a person’s sense of self. Specifically, they focused on “self-concept clarity,” the extent to which someone’s understanding of himself or herself is “clearly and confidently defined, internally consistent, and temporally stable” — a trait that has been linked to increased well-being and job performance. In six studies with 1,874 participants, they found that living abroad leads to greater self-concept clarity — which can lead to clearer career decisions — and what matters is depth rather than breadth of living abroad experiences.

In today’s increasingly globalized world, more and more people are choosing to live, work and study abroad —and this trend appears to be a good thing: social science studies have shown that international experiences can enhance creativity , reduce intergroup bias , and promote career success .

living abroad essay

  • HA Hajo Adam is an assistant professor of management at Rice University’s Jones Graduate School of Business.
  • OO Otilia Obodaru is an assistant professor of management at Rice University’s Jones Graduate School of Business.
  • JL Jackson G. Lu is an assistant professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management.
  • WM William Maddux is a professor of organizational behavior at the Kenan-Flagler School of Business, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
  • Adam D. Galinsky is the chair of the Management Division at the Columbia Business School. He co-authored the critically acclaimed and best-selling book,  Friend & Foe  (Penguin Random House, 2015), and delivered a popular TED talk,  How to Speak Up for Yourself .

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14 Life-Changing Benefits of Living Abroad

living abroad essay

There’re many reasons to relocate abroad — for work, study, love, retirement, a fresh start, or a better quality of life. No matter what your reason is, living abroad is worth it; if not for the numerous benefits –– like making life-long international friends and having better career prospects –– then at least for unearthing what you don’t like and what you’re capable of doing on your own.

Whether you’ve already decided to settle in another country or you’re on the fence, this list will open your eyes to 12 great reasons why thousands of people are choosing to live overseas each year.

1. Stepping out of your comfort zone

living abroad essay

Moving abroad is not just about stepping out of your comfort zone –– it’s more like jumping. This is especially true when you’re leaving a small, quiet city to find yourself in a bustling metropolis. Discovering houses for rent in Barcelona or searching for homes to rent in Milan , takes you out of your comfort zone and teaches you plenty of valuable lessons.

Not only will you find yourself in a new city, where you may or may not speak the language but you’ll also have to find housing abroad , plan your finances, make new friends, embrace a new culture, and much more. But don’t see this as an anxious, overwhelming experience.

Most people who move abroad say that they needed this boost to understand their true potential or simply to get out of the rut of their everyday life.

2. Becoming self-reliant and resourceful

When you live abroad, there’s a lot you need to do yourself . You’ll have to face new challenges , bureaucracy, deal with homesickness, manage budgets, etc. There’s no doubt you’ll have hundreds of questions . How do I pay taxes here? Or even simple things like how do I change the lightbulb?

Even though you might not have all the answers at first, you’ll be surprised at your resilience and resourcefulness . Doing things yourself, things that you never thought you could do yourself or manage alone –– let alone in a foreign environment –– will make you realise that you got this! The new skills that you develop will make you feel strong and your self-confidence will skyrocket . You’ll feel prepared for anything that comes your way.

3. Adapting to situations easily

Living abroad will mean coming across unexpect situations or perspectives that are deeply, culturally rooted. For example, finding out that almost everyone cycles in The Netherlands as it’s the most popular means of public transport. Or learning that you’ve to be quiet on Sundays in Germany because of the “ quiet hours ”.

The local culture, tradition, and beliefs of people will be different and getting used to these differences might feel uncomfortable . But adapting to these new situations is the best way to integrate . And remember, adapting doesn’t mean changing your own beliefs or habits for others . It just means being respectful of others and being accommodating.

4. Developing cultural awareness

living abroad essay

Living abroad will heighten your awareness of the many fascinating cultures around you. If you live in a small town, you’ll experience total cultural immersion; perfect for language learners. If you’re planning to live in a metropolitan city like Munich or Rome, you’ll come across a multitude of languages on the streets.

Having a mix of local and international friends will also introduce you to new music, local cuisines, foreign movies or shows, and so much more. You’ll even uncover some interesting cultural habits and find out just how true those stereotypes are or aren’t. For instance, in Germany almost every video is dubbed and in Spain siestas are on their way out.

5. Making friends from all over the world

living abroad essay

With so many people deciding to work or study abroad these days, there’re plenty of vibrant expat communities for you to become part of or live close to. The best part is that these people are in the same boat as you and connecting over shared experiences or interests is a great way to make lifelong connections abroad.

So if you’re looking for an opportunity to make new foreign friends, why not spark a conversation at work; join the many student organisations at university, such as Erasmus Student Network ; join a sport club; take up a hobby; or use apps like Bumble to meet likeminded people.

Nervous? Don’t push those feelings away. At some point or other, you may have to deal with homesickness or some degree of a culture shock. But it’ll pass. As long as you’re open to jumping into conversations, saying yes to those invites, and exploring the city with your new acquaintances, you’re going to have a new group of friends before you know it!

6. Having more opportunities to travel

living abroad essay

One of the best “side effects” of moving abroad is the newfound love for exploring new places. And since most European cities are well connected by multiple modes of public transport, you’ll be able to visit nearby cities or countries easily. If you’re a student or below 26, you’ll most likely get free entry to museums and big discounts on travel using a Rail Pass .

Imagine living in Barcelona and visiting places near Barcelona , Valencia or Paris.

7. Learning how to effectively manage a budget

living abroad essay

This might be the very first time that you’re living on your own. Or it’s the first time that you’re dealing with a country that has a different currency or a significantly different cost of living. Figuring out how much to budget or more importantly, how to stick within budget is a life-saving skill. You don’t want to spend all your hard earned money within a week and survive on cup noodles for the rest of the month.

That’s why it’s important to research the cost of living to make a realistic budget . And this means knowing how much you’ll spend on rent, groceries, leisure, and more. The internet is resourceful and you can easily look up cost of living in Spain or specifically look for living on a student budget in a city like Milan.

Bad at sticking to a budget? It helps to set goals and save up for something . You can also download one of the free expense tracking apps, at least for the first few months, to know how much you’re spending and on what. Anything leftover? Put it to savings for a rainy day or treat yourself to something nice!

8. Discovering how to manage relationships

living abroad essay

Once you’re away from home, you’re going to learn a lot about keeping up with multiple types of relationships. Not only will you need to remain in touch with your friends and family back home, who may be in a completely different time zone, but you’ll also need to set aside time to nurture the new relationships that you’re trying to make.

If you’re finding it hard to manage, read more about how to maintain long-distance relationships .

9. Learning a new language

living abroad essay

Unless you’re moving to an English speaking country, chances are that you don’t know the local language of the area. Or maybe you studied it in middle school but that’s not going to cut it in the “real world”.

While English can usually get you by in most student or expat communities, learning a bit of Spanish before you move to Spain or German before you take off to Austria or Germany will make your life so much easier.

And if you’re moving to integrate completely and become fluent, then you’re in for a treat once you arrive. You’ll pick up even more from everyday interactions , such as going to the supermarket and interacting with the locals.

10. Improving both verbal and non-verbal communication

Different cultures have different ways of communicating. Some cultures are more expressive with their emotions and hands, whereas other cultures prefer brevity and directness . When you’re living abroad and are surrounded by a multicultural group of people, you’ll notice how each person communicates, both verbally and non-verbally. Over time, you’ll become sensitive to these differences and communicate with others in a way that is respectful and inclusive. An asset in this multicultural world !

11. Better career prospects

living abroad essay

The biggest reason people move overseas is because they’ve found a job abroad . Maybe you want to leave overworking behind or the lack of paid leave and work in countries like The Netherlands or Germany where these things are given more importance.

No matter what your reason is, a great benefit of moving abroad for work includes a better job prospect. And maybe you don’t even have to move abroad. If you’re already studying abroad, then finding a job or internship would be a great next step to better your career prospects in the long run.

When you work or intern abroad, you’re able to show that you’re someone who is willing to take risks, you’re adaptable, independent, quick to learn, and good at intercultural communication; all skills that’re valuable in the eyes of an employee.

12. Expanding your professional connections

living abroad essay

When you move abroad, it’s highly likely that you’re on your own and without a solid network to rely on. When it comes to switching jobs or finding your first job, connections can be crucial . Especially in countries like Italy or Spain where word of mouth and strength of the professional relationship can often sway who gets the job (sometimes even before it is publicly advertised).

So it’s very important to take some time and be a little brave when it comes to making new professional connections. Attend networking events or if you’re more of an introvert, add your colleagues and other thought leaders as a LinkedIn connection. Either way, stay in touch and develop that relationship . You never know where your next job will come from!

13. Gaining a global mindset

living abroad essay

It doesn’t matter if this is your first time living overseas or you’re a seasoned expat; moving abroad to a new country will undoubtedly help in developing a global mindset.

Having a global mindset means gaining cultural awareness, becoming aware of your biases, and becoming great at adapting to people from different cultural backgrounds. And while you can read or watch videos to prepare yourself, there’s no better way to gain a global perspective than to live abroad.

Having the adventure of working or studying abroad is a fantastic way to find yourself in circumstances that you’d never encounter otherwise. It presents you with an opportunity to “learn by doing”. Over time, you’re bound to develop a global mindset without even trying hard.

14. Learning Patience

living abroad essay

When you live in a new city, there’ll always be a learning curve . You’re going to get lost a few times on your way back home and communicating with a language barrier and making new friends can be difficult at best. But it’s all about pushing through and having the patience to make it through the adjustment period. Like with all things, living abroad gets easier with time .

Ok, I’m sold. But I can’t decide where to live

Love the idea of settling in another country? Some of the best countries to start a new life in 2024 include :

  • Germany - developed and diverse. High cost of living with high average salary.
  • Spain - great weather, warm people, low cost of living and average salary.
  • Italy - great food and weather, with low cost of living and mid-low average salary.
  • The Netherlands - historic, yet innovative, this country has a great economy and the people have impecabbale English skills. The cost of living and average salaries are high.
  • United Kingdom- modern powerhouse where diversity thrives. It has a high cost of living with high average salary.
  • France - land of food, fashion, art, and stunning landscapes. It has a high cost of living with high average salary.

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How Living Abroad Helped Me Grow and Change My Life

living abroad

“To travel is to take a journey into yourself.” – Danny Kaye

This is my sixth life. Or is it seventh? When we move to a new city, especially if it’s abroad, it often feels like we started living a completely new life. Like we are a different person compared to the one that left home.

Living in a foreign place feels much different than going there as a tourist. As a tourist, it seems much harder to experience the way the foreign culture breaths and it’s much harder to find the nooks and crannies which locals are well aware of. But immersing myself in another culture was a worthwhile, mind-expanding experience.

I’ve asked myself why that is, what happens when we move to a new city?

We get shocked out of our minds.

Literally. I could not have imagined a scene like this in my wildest dreams, even though we’ve all heard stories of how liberal Dutch people are: imagine a coffee shop in which one could enjoy cannabis is placed in the heart of Amsterdam city, right next to a church, which is sitting comfortably next to Amsterdam’s famous red light district filled with ladies of the night seductively trying to beckon you over, all the while kids are walking about the premises minding their own business.

Seeing something so far out of what my surroundings taught me right has shocked me and made me smile at the same time. It helped me grow because I realized that nothing is inherently good or bad, it’s only our perceptions that make it so.

My mind was also blown during the first few encounters with Asian traffic, which made me feel like I was the frog from Frogger, the classic arcade game.

Getting shocked out of our minds is eye-opening for a few reasons:

1. We live in the moment much more often, without even trying. When I am shocked, I have no time to think. Mind-boggling experiences tend to do that to all of us!

2. We learn about ourselves by finding new personal limits we might have never thought were there. And then we break them, and our comfort zone expands. I never thought I might be uncomfortable to see children near prostitutes, but it did stick out in my mind.

3. After experiences like these, we get to see the world with a new, refined set of eyes. And this is excellent, because, as Wayne Dyer put it, “when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”.

4. Doing the things we fear increases confidence, as suggested by Steven Aitchison .

A great way to ground ourselves during these changes in the way we view life is to meditate. At least it helped me tremendously.

We get to reinvent ourselves.

When I moved to Belgrade, which my first city away from home, it felt like I could finally get rid of the expectations everyone in my environment had of me.

The biggest obstacle to change is often the people closest to us, as we are afraid of disappointing them. It’s much easier not to bother with what people will think now, but back then it felt terrifyingly uncomfortable to do something my parents or my friends did not expect of me.

In a new city, we almost get to start our lives over . It makes replacing old habits with new ones seem easy! In fact, we have to make new habits, as everything is new for us .

The best habit I picked up after my move to Belgrade is to walk for at least two hours a day, and I haven’t dropped it since. Walking allows me to get to know the city I am in much better, it’s a good exercise and it’s also a form of meditative practice.

The changes that happen within us once we move cities can be so powerful, that I often remember the past not by year, but by the place I’ve lived in at that moment in time. It feels like I’ve led completely different lives – I just hope that I have more lives than cats do because I’m close to nine. :)

We learn that people everywhere are people just like us.

A man that worked in a guest house (kind of like a hostel, these are common in Asia) I was in during my stay in Bangkok came from Myanmar in search of a better life.

He had 12-hour night shifts, working six days a week. His work visa alone costs his monthly salary every year. In about eight years he’s worked at the hostel, he got to go home to Myanmar where he could see his children only twice. Lucky, now his wife is also working in Bangkok, but he told me they only get to see each other for a little bit every few days, at his workplace.

He knew his situation was less than ideal, but instead of letting it all get him down, he spoke with great vigor of his plans to open up a business back in Myanmar.

I realized we had much more in common than it seemed at first glance. His hopes and dreams are not much different than mine, nor is his struggle to materialize them. But he had a much more difficult starting position in this life than I did. And to be honest, I wouldn’t be too keen to trade places with him.

We find happiness in unexpected places.

Trying out a pomelo (it’s a fruit that resembles an orange and a mildly sour grapefruit) was extremely joyful for me. This is quite an ordinary fruit in Thailand, but I had no idea it even existed before I came here.

I usually travel just with my backpack. It consists of clothes and my laptop, from which I do my work. Apart from a desk to put a laptop on and stable WiFi, the only other things I find necessary for a life that makes me happy is a warm bed to have a restful night in and a shower. By moving often, I’ve realized that we really don’t need more “stuff” in order to have a fulfilled life.

The reason I would recommend everyone go and live in a different place at least once in their life, and preferably abroad , is because by doing so I’ve learned that no one is much different from us, I’ve learned that every way of living life is ok and breeds just as many happy and many unhappy people as does life back home and I’ve expanded my consciousness drastically. In my mind, nothing beats that .

In what way has travel helped you grow? Do you have any positively shocking experiences from your trips home or abroad? Please share them in the comments!

Photo by Dheri Fikriyanto

About The Author

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9 thoughts on “How Living Abroad Helped Me Grow and Change My Life”

' data-src=

That is so awesome that you have had the chance to travel abroad and experience different things. I also have had this chance and I think you are absolutely right, We often get comfortable in our little zone of where we are that we don’t venture out. But when we do then we learn great things and gain perspectives we would not have gained otherwise. It is the beauty of human nature.

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Agreed Candice… I feel that the comfort comes quite fast for me. :) Thought it’s not always bad!

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How interesting – and a good reflection for me. I’m preparing for a longer trip alone, including multiple weeks in new cities abroad. I’m sometimes asking myself why I’m even drawn to go there, and the feeling is that it is to find an unknown part of me, to allow myself to change. Thank you!

Awesome! I’m sure you’ll have lots of growth and fun Halina!

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It is absolutely correct that we learn new things by travelling to other countries. I have also had this experience. Great!!

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Great posting! You’re right on the money about expanding comfort zones.

When I moved from one state to another, I was able to kick a cigarette habit cold turkey. You’re right about being able to reinvent ourselves & form new habits.

When I travel abroad I also examine home (USA) from a different perspective and always find it rewarding to chat with Europeans about differences & similarities.

Curt, thanks for the comment and awesome job on kicking the nasty habbit!

I also enjoy talking to people from different countries, and especially different continets. :)

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Dear Igor, is so pleasant to read such a good article. I’m just starting a new life for a whole year, or maybe 12 lifes, in 12 different cities around the world and besides its a hard time to be far from family, wife and kids, its an amazing experience to go deep in our selves to find the balance between growing for the world while still keeping your roots and values. Congratulations for the way you shared your experiences. Hope to read more from you. Best regards.

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Hey Igor, I’m posting this long after you wrote your essay. I’m 44 and live in NYC and, while I’ve lived throughout the U.S. (LA, Atlanta, Florida, Boston, a small town in Massachusetts), I’ve wanted to experience life abroad for probably 20 years now… You said it can be hard to make such a decision out of fear of disappointing those close to you — that resounded with me. I’m middle-aged, and yet my parents’ disapproval of my dream of teaching English abroad has always stung and been a big reason for never trying it. (Though that responsibility does rest with me, most of all.)

I just want to experience life in another country. I’ve never felt in my corporate jobs that I make any difference in the world — to be able to teach people English would feel as if I’m making a difference in a job, for the first time.

I don’t have much in savings and it might be challenging to find a job whenever I’d return to the States (though who knows what I’d learn about myself in another country), but working corporate jobs for 20 years hasn’t garnered me much in savings anyway, so there’s no guarantee another 20 doing the same would change that.

Anyway, thanks for sharing your perspective. :)

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The Advantages of Living Abroad: Analysis Essay

One of the main advantages of living abroad is the opportunity to experience many exciting cultures. Examples of this include different cuisines, music, architecture, and languages. Experiences with foreigners help a lot when traveling further, developing your horizons, and improving social skills which are important for one’s future career and life. Therefore, living in another country is a positive experience with several social, linguistic, and intellectual benefits.

First, cultural development is expressed not only in aesthetics but also in knowledge. Throughout world history, science has developed in parallel in different parts of the world, and getting a different perspective on known truths is a rewarding experience. In particular, the main advantage is the ability to look at the world around us from the outside without taking even the most ordinary phenomena for granted. A quality such as critical thinking is a necessary cultural and intellectual detail in this case.

Moreover, learning a new language is a beneficial skill. Nowadays, travel has become a financially and technically accessible service for people. For this reason, foreigners often go to neighboring countries as tourists or to relocate. Knowing several languages can help not only when communicating with people from different parts of the world but also when working as an interpreter. As a result, learning new languages through direct practice rather than by studying theory is another advantage of living abroad.

Finally, making new acquaintances and friends is more accessible from the perspective of a visiting foreigner. This is the lack of social burdens that people born and living all their lives in the same place have. In addition, interest in a representative of another culture is always very high, so it is pretty easy to strike up a conversation and become the center of attention in the case described. It is not difficult to have exciting surroundings consisting of foreigners, and at the same time, it is helpful for future travels.

In conclusion, living abroad is a rewarding and exciting experience, especially for young people. The opportunity to develop intellectually, learn new languages, and make new friends are examples of advantages. However, moving and adapting is difficult and requires a lot of financial and moral effort. Not everyone can fully enjoy the described pastime, but it is worth pursuing such an opportunity to develop.

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IvyPanda. (2023, May 12). The Advantages of Living Abroad: Analysis. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-advantages-of-living-abroad-analysis/

"The Advantages of Living Abroad: Analysis." IvyPanda , 12 May 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/the-advantages-of-living-abroad-analysis/.

IvyPanda . (2023) 'The Advantages of Living Abroad: Analysis'. 12 May.

IvyPanda . 2023. "The Advantages of Living Abroad: Analysis." May 12, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-advantages-of-living-abroad-analysis/.

1. IvyPanda . "The Advantages of Living Abroad: Analysis." May 12, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-advantages-of-living-abroad-analysis/.


IvyPanda . "The Advantages of Living Abroad: Analysis." May 12, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-advantages-of-living-abroad-analysis/.

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June 9, 2022

Writing About Your Experiences Abroad

Writing about your experiences abroad

You studied, worked, or volunteered abroad. Now you want to include part of this in your personal statement as part of an undergrad, AMCAS or other application. Maybe you want to show that you’ve experienced a different culture and expanded your perspective through your eye-opening experiences meeting new people, mountain-climbing, assisting in a rural community, or some other opportunity to help people who genuinely need it.

Don’t forget the most important question: WHY?

But, at this point, you’ve also realized that many other applicants have had similar experiences. While the experience may have been transformative for you, requiring you to learn how to operate without your usual safety net in a foreign environment, you need to ensure that your study abroad experience serves a role in your essay as something other than window-dressing.

But you also know that your experiences aren’t unique to you; other applicants will have had similar adventures. 

There’s an old Onion article that jokes about a person whose short work experience in Africa allowed her to post a better Facebook photo. Without asking yourself the most important question of why your experience was transformative in some way, your travel descriptions might resemble the person parodied in that article.

I’ve read many essays with lush descriptions of exotic scenery and people who speak different languages, yet the writer does not seem to have changed. Unless you can articulate how you have changed from these experiences, your stories will simply blend together with those of other applicants. The admissions committee will get the impression that you traveled simply to add another notch to your resume.

You may consider that your travel experience really was transformative for you, requiring you to learn how to operate without your usual safety net in a foreign environment, a pivotal moment in your life journey. The key is for you to be able to explain in your personal statement exactly why . 

[Click here to read a sample diversity essay]

What, specifically, did you learn from your immersion in another culture? It can’t be enough to just tell a story about someone you met on a bus, train, or in a classroom. Explain why and how that person’s influence changed you. How do you think, act, and perhaps even plan differently now as a result of this exposure?

An admissions committee member once told me that an applicant’s actual experience mattered less than how they talked about it . Even a seemingly dull experience can be transformative to someone who is really paying attention.

Do you need help taking your experiences and using them to create a unique, compelling – even exciting – personal statement? Explore our Admissions Consulting & Editing Services and work one-on-one with an expert advisor who will guide you through the admissions process to acceptance.

From Example to Exemplary - Download your guide today!

Jessica Pishko graduated with a J.D. from Harvard Law School and received an M.F.A. from Columbia University. She spent two years guiding students through the medical school application process at Columbia’s Postbac Program and is a former Accepted admissions consultant.  Want an admissions expert help you get accepted? Click here to get in touch!

Related Resources:

  • Leadership in Admissions , a free guide
  • 9 Secrets to Telling an Attention-Grabbing Story
  • 7 Simple Steps to Writing an Excellent Diversity Essay

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Your Study Abroad Essay Made Easy

Your Study Abroad Essay Made Easy

Danielle DeSimone

Danielle graduated from the University of Mary Washington with degrees in English, creative writi...

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How to write a unique study abroad essay

Sometimes, the process of studying abroad can feel almost as difficult as applying for college. You have to choose the country you want to study in, compare and contrast programs (hint: MyGoAbroad ), collect your transcripts and references and, inevitably, you will have to write a personal statement and study abroad essay for your application. 

When applying for a study abroad program —especially a competitive one—your personal statement and/or study abroad essay can make or break your application. After all, your program wants to know who it is exactly that will be representing their program in another country! They want to know exactly why you’ve decided to make the life-changing decision to spend a summer, semester, or even a year abroad.

Sound intimidating? Don’t you fret. We’re here to give you 10 study abroad essay tips so you can WOW your study abroad program with your application.

Your Study Abroad Essay Made Easy

10 awesome study abroad application tips

1. brainstorm .

Most study abroad applications will ask you something along the lines of, “Tell us about yourself,” and “Why do you want to study abroad?” Simple questions, right?

Actually, these can be pretty tough, when you consider how many ideas you need to narrow down to fit into a 500 word response. Remember that writing is a process. And, the best first step to streamline your study abroad essay-writing process is to just scribble some ideas down and do some good ol’ fashioned brainstorming.  

[ Read 5 More Ways to Ace Your Study Abroad Application ]

Write down the things you’re excited to see, do, eat while abroad. Think about what intimidates you or what will be challenging in a new country. Doodle some of your goals for your summer/semester/year abroad, and really think about what it is that has made studying abroad so important to you .

Is it the idea of finally exploring that country you’ve been reading about since you were seven? Is it because this will be your first time living independently and far away from home? Are you just over the moon to be learning about your favorite subject in a place that is relevant to your studies? Whatever it is, write it, draw it, sing it— but get those ideas out there, so you can plan out the best essay you can possibly write. 

[ Browse study abroad programs here ]

notes written in cursive with fountain pen

Take some time to brainstorm and jot a few things down.

2. Outlines, Outlines, Outlines

Yeah, yeah, we know: since day one, your teachers and professors have pushed the idea of an essay outline. You’ve done about a billion of them, but breaking down your study abroad essay and knowing exactly where you’re going to go in your writing can help you have a more concise argument as to why your chosen study abroad program should choose you. We repeat: writing. Is. A. Process. 

3. First Impressions Matter

You always want to have that eye-grabbing introduction: who are you as a student, a person, and a traveler? In just one to two sentences, try to summarize and explain exactly who you are and why you want to study abroad (easy-peasy, right?). Don’t be afraid to get personal and really let your true colors fly — this is how you’ll stand out to the admissions counselors who are reading hundreds of personal statements and essays!

For example: “My grandparents emigrated from Argentina at the ripe, young age of 20 years-old, and throughout my entire life, I have been taught to love a country I have never met. My passion for studying the Spanish language, and gaining a deeper understanding of where my family comes from, has inspired me to apply to ______ study abroad program in Buenos Aires, Argentina .”

two girls laughing in the sunshine

Don’t forget to sprinkle in your sparkling personality.

4. Supporting Statements

Up next in our study abroad essay tips: support your statement on why you want to study abroad by expanding on the ideas you presented in your introduction.

This is where your brainstorming comes in! What has brought you to this point? What subjects studied, projects completed, or passions followed have made you choose to not only study abroad, but study abroad with this particular program?

Be honest and sincere. It’s okay if the main reason why you want to study literature in England is because you spent your childhood reading Harry Potter and The Chronicles of Narnia . It’s perfectly acceptable if your love of the ocean comes from an obsession with sea turtles, which is why you’ve decided to study marine conservation in Costa Rica . 

Maybe you want to study in Germany because you’ve always had the goal of working in international business! These are the things that make you a unique and interesting prospective study abroad student! Just be sure to always tie your passions, goals, and dreams back to how this study abroad experience will help you expand on these things and carry them with you through the rest of your life.

5. Get Detailed

close up of hands typing on mac keyboard with headphones plugged in

Organize your outline and start on Draft 1!

When you’re describing the who, what, when, and why of your decision to study abroad, be sure to state your goals clearly .

Passion is one thing, but your study abroad program also wants to know what it is exactly that you plan on gaining from this experience. How will this summer , semester , or year abroad bring you closer to your academic or career goals in the future?

Example: “Through this study abroad program in Israel , I will expand my worldview and understanding of Middle Eastern cultures, which will, in turn, prepare me for my plans to pursue a graduate degree in Global Peace and Conflict Studies. With this, I hope to eventually utilize my experience and passion to work for the United Nations. Studying abroad will help me achieve these goals.” 

[ Get Matched with 5 Study Abroad Programs for FREE ]

6. be yourself.

In the world of academia, being formal and professional is key, but in the world of study abroad, it’s all about making those human connections beyond the borders of your own country! That’s why it’s so important to be yourself when writing your study abroad essay.

Of course, always put in the time and effort so that your writing sounds smart, but don’t be afraid to add a little pizzaz and let your personality shine through! This will set you apart from other study abroad applications, and will give your study abroad program a much clearer sense of who you are as a student and a person.

silhouettes of business-people sitting in front of full length windows looking out on London

Always related your study abroad essay back to your long-term #GOALS and how this program will help you reach them.

7. A Two-Way Street

Ask not what you can do for your study abroad program, but what your study abroad program can do for you! Studying abroad isn’t just about what your study abroad program can provide you — you also need to prove your worth to the program’s officials .

After all, you’ll be serving as an ambassador of your home country and this program in a completely different country. They want to be sure that they’re accepting dedicated and deserving students into their program, so that years from now, when you’re a famous scientist or a world-leading politician, they can point to you and say: “See that person? They studied abroad on our program!” 

A study abroad program’s reputation is dependent not only on the opportunities they build for their students, but also on the caliber of students that they bring in. So when writing your personal essay, be sure to highlight what you bring to the table and how you look forward to continuing your study abroad program’s mission.

Example: “As a participant in this program, I know that I could expand my worldview and continue <Insert Study Abroad Program Provider’s Namer>’s mission of creating global citizens by creating bridges between myself and other cultures.” 

close up of old school typewriter and dusty keys

No need to go totally analog when writing your study abroad essay. Stay in the 21st century!

8. A Solid Sprint to the Finish Line

As you conclude your study abroad essay, be sure to nail the point home and finish with a strong conclusion . You’ll have to tie together your original introduction, the reasons for studying abroad, and your goals for the future all together in a nice, clean, concluding two to three sentences.

Don’t repeat yourself, but be sure that these final sentences pack a punch, and leave your study abroad program admissions officers ready to buy you your plane ticket outta here.

9. Edits & Revisions

Never hit submit without first revising and editing your essay two or three times! You might notice typos or awkward sentences at second glance, and you might also think of an exciting new idea you want to add in after your third look-over! It’s also always a good idea to have someone else to look at your essay (or maybe even write it for you ...), to get a fresh pair of eyes on your writing.

[ Use MyGoAbroad to Find & Compare Study Abroad Programs ]

10. submit (on time).

Once you’ve cleaned up your essay, upload that application and click submit! But, don’t forget to pay attention to all of the application deadlines, and be sure to get all of your relevant documents to the study abroad program on time! There’s no worse feeling in the world than having spent weeks perfecting an essay and application, only to have missed the deadline. 

notes written in cursive with fountain pen

A Pulitzer Prize-Winning study abroad essay

With all of these study abroad essay tips, you might as well start packing! You’re well on your way to your grand adventure abroad, and by investing so much time and effort into your writing, your chosen study abroad program will be sure to accept you! Applying to study abroad can seem like a lot of work, but the minute you step off that plane and into your new home, you’ll realize that it was all worth it. 

Find a Study Abroad Program & Get Writing!

Person exploring suitcase

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Explore With Lora

30 Advantages and Disadvantages of Living Abroad

By: Author Lora Pope

Posted on Published: March 18, 2023  - Last updated: July 5, 2023

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I love that I’ve created a life where I can live anywhere in the world, but there are definitely advantages and disadvantages of living abroad.

While moving abroad might be the best decision you will ever make, there will no doubt be ups and downs.

Living abroad is both exciting and adventurous, but it also means leaving behind the comforts of home, like friends, family, and your favorite foods.

In this post, I will break down the pros and cons of living abroad to help prepare you if you’re considering a move!

lora in lisbon portugal

Overview: Advantages and disadvantages of living abroad

Don’t forget health insurance.

Before you move abroad, one of the most important things is to protect yourself with health insurance.

I use and love SafetyWing , which is insurance made for digital nomads. It works in over 190 countries, so it covers you worldwide, no matter where you choose to call home.

Getting stuck with expensive medical bills can be a major disadvantage to living abroad, but you can minimize that risk by protecting yourself with travel insurance.

safetywing insurnance

Disadvantages of Living Abroad

There are so many pros to living abroad, but before we get into those – let’s go over some of the cons of living abroad.

#1. Language barriers

Ok, so this might be an advantage if you love learning new languages and are a fast learner. But if you’re anything like me, you may find it hard to communicate with the locals beyond anything but going to the supermarket.

As soon as you have to do anything bureaucratic, rent an apartment, or sign up for the gym, it can feel extremely frustrating not knowing the language. It can be one of the hardest parts of living abroad!

How frustrating this is will depend on the English levels in the country and area you are moving to. For example, living in Spain or Portugal can be easy in the major cities with large expat groups like Lisbon and Tenerife, but it may be a challenge in a smaller town where fewer locals speak English.

Want to learn a language before you go? This language-learning app can help!

lora looking over road in tenerife spain

#2. Visas and bureaucracy

One of the biggest cons to living abroad is dealing with the local bureaucracy, which is usually a world apart from what you are used to in your home country.

Depending on the country you are living in, you might have to go through extreme processes for small things. For example, in Portugal, I had to sign over 100 pages just to open a bank account!

It can be an extremely frustrating process, especially when combined with a foreign language. You often end up feeling like a ping-pong ball running from office to office, trying to figure out what’s going on!

Often, it is worth it to pay a lawyer or a professional to help with the paperwork if you find it too frustrating. Sometimes it is just worth the extra expense to get it done right and save your energy for something fun instead.

I recently paid a lawyer to help me get my temporary residency status in Mexico, and it was worth every penny.

lora on swing in mexico

#3. You are far from friends and family

While this can be a blessing for some that have a hard relationship with family and friends, many people find it difficult to be away from friends and family. Whether it is a parent, both parents, or one or several friends, most of us have at least one person that has been a rock in our life.

And while being far apart may seem easy with today’s technology and video calls available at all times, in real life, it can feel incredibly lonely not to have people who know you well. People that know how you feel just by a look at you and that can heal you with their hug.

Especially when you have to go through hard processes with language barriers on a day, you just feel generally down.

We all have those days, and trust me, they can feel a lot darker when you are in a new place, and everyone that truly knows you is far away. And maybe they are in a completely different time zone, so you can not call them when you want to because it is 3 AM on a worknight for them.

Moving abroad can put a strain on romantic relationships, friendships, and family ties, and it may take time to adjust to the distance.

#4. Health and Safety Concerns

Moving to a new country can come with some health and safety concerns, such as exposure to new diseases or viruses.

Three days after moving to Barbados, I was infected with dengue fever which left me bedridden for two weeks! It was an awful experience, and not having anyone around to take care of me made it even worse.

Fortunately, many diseases can be prevented by keeping your vaccinations up to date , which is why it’s so important to research the health and safety risks associated with your destination before you make the move.

lora on rock in barbados

#5. It can be hard to build a new community

Depending on your destination, it can be hard to get make new friends you feel close to. But not impossible. If you move to a destination with a thriving expat and digital nomad community, you can connect with the community before moving to start building relationships before you even get there.

Most of my best friends I have met on the road, and the positive thing about meeting other expats is that they know exactly what you are going through.

They have already gone through or will be going through the same ups and downs of living abroad, which can make it easier to help you get through it.

One of the best ways to connect with locals and other expats is to join meetups in your interests. All this can be even more overwhelming if you are an introvert, but when you move abroad, you have to push yourself a little extra if you want to build a new community.

digital nomads in chiang mai

#6. You’ll miss things from home

Depending on where you move, it may be extremely different from your home country. For example, if you move from the United States to Thailand, you’ll probably end up craving American comfort foods. No matter how incredible Thai food is!

But even if you move to a western European country with a lot of similar food, there will be certain things you cannot get hold of.

Sometimes you can get surprised by the foods you miss.

It could be that one brand of raspberry jam that you hardly ever ate back home, but now you want it, and you cannot find it anywhere, or maybe the late-night takeaway from around the corner.

It can also be hard to send food, especially to the EU. So while you might get some food sent to you from home, customs might stop it.

But remember that the food is also one of the best things about moving abroad – you will try so many amazing new dishes!

fresh salad

#7. Culture shock

Culture shock is real. It’s the feeling of disorientation that comes from being in an unfamiliar culture, and it can be difficult to cope with.

Sometimes you expect it – for example, if you move from the United States to India, you can be assured that you’ll have to deal with a completely new culture that will likely be a shock for you.

But if you move from one country in Europe to another, you may still be surprised by how many cultural differences you will encounter.

For example, say you have lived in laid-back Spain for a year and then decide to move to Germany, where everyone expects you to be on time. It will take some time to readjust.

It usually takes a few months before the culture shock truly kicks in because, in the beginning, you will be in the “honeymoon phase.” Everything is exciting and new; you are getting to know a new place, new people, and maybe a new job.

But once this phase passes, you are left with the reality of living in a new country. You start to feel daily life and notice that it is so different from what you are used to. Your autopilot does not work in this new country.

This period can feel daunting, but if you know it is coming, you can prepare mentally and look for all the fantastic advantages of living abroad instead.

lora looking at sunset in egypt

#8. It can be expensive

Moving is generally expensive and can be very expensive when you’re moving abroad. Between buying international flight tickets, putting deposits down, and furnishing new apartments. Plus, you’re likely to want to go out often and experience the new country you’re in, which can also add up quickly.

However, moving abroad can also put you in a financially advantageous situation if you relocate somewhere with living expenses cheaper than in your home country. For example, my costs of living in Mexico are significantly more affordable than they were in Toronto.

By moving to affordable destinations , this can actually be a massive advantage.

You can save money abroad by creating a free multi-currency account here

#9. Career setbacks

Moving abroad can come with career setbacks, such as having to start over in a new industry or facing a lower salary than you would have in your home country.

But sometimes, you have to take a leap of faith and leave behind something “safe” to find something better. Everyone thought I was crazy when I quit my 9-5 government job in Canada, but there’s not a day that goes by I regret it!

boats in newfoundland

#10. Loss of connection to home

Living abroad can lead to a loss of connection to your home country and culture. Aside from the distancing of relationships, you may return to your home country feeling that you don’t belong at all anymore. This is what eventually happened to me and Canada.

But on the flip side, this means that you may have found somewhere better that feels more like home.

#11. Finding employment may be hard

Finding employment in a foreign country can be challenging. There may be cultural and language barriers to navigate and legal and visa requirements that can limit your employment options.

It also just may be a lousy job market. When I moved abroad for the first time to Dublin in 2009, the immigration officer asked me why I was entering the country. When I told him to work, he literally laughed in my face and stamped me in! I guess that’s what I get for moving during a global recession, but still, I made it work.

Now, the rise of remote work opportunities has made it much more feasible to work worldwide. By working remotely, you can live abroad in many countries without having a work visa. Many countries have introduced digital nomad visas for exactly this reason!

lora on street in austria

#12. It’s exhausting moving around

Packing up your old life and starting a new one is exhausting. Trust me; I’ve done it a hundred times. But as annoying as packing is, the trade-off is always worth it.

One way to minimize the annoyance of packing and moving is investing in quality luggage that’s easy to move around. These are my favorite carry-on suitcases for women , which are perfect for weekend trips from your new home.

This is the suitcase I’ve been traveling around the world with!

#13. It can be difficult to stay long-term

There are advantages and disadvantages to moving abroad, and for some people, it may be that they want to stay long-term in the country!

If you move abroad and fall completely in love with the country, you may want to consider becoming a permanent resident. But, unfortunately, this isn’t always possible.

While some countries have a pathway to citizenship, many don’t. You may find yourself having to say goodbye to a place you love due to legal restrictions, which can be difficult.

When choosing where to move abroad, you may want to consider what places will allow you to stay long-term. Or try to find someone who will marry you while you’re there!


#14. Taxes are confusing

You’ll have to figure out how the taxes work in your new country and if you must notify your home country about earnings even after moving away. All of this can feel extremely overwhelming when you just want to enjoy a glass of vino!

As mentioned above, it’s often worth it just to pay someone to advise or help you. Because you don’t want the tax man coming after you!

#15. You may not agree with the local customs

When you’re living in a foreign country, you must adapt to the local rules and customs, and you may not always agree with them. Still, it’s important to be respectful and follow them so you don’t get in trouble.

For the most part, it’s a beautiful thing to experience another country’s culture and immerse yourself in it. You may end up taking some of their traditions back home with you!

lora looking at waterfall in chiang mai

Advantages of living abroad

#15. you’ll make incredible memories.

Having new experiences with new friends in a foreign country are likely to be some of your life’s best memories. Despite all the disadvantages mentioned above, I wouldn’t trade the memories I’ve made abroad for anything.

From moving to Ireland on a solo trip for the first time, studying in New Zealand, and getting my first tattoo in Chiang Mai , I’ve had many life-changing experiences abroad.

Keep track of your new memories in this travel journal!

#16. Discover new hobbies and passions

Living abroad can expose you to new hobbies and interests you may not even know you had! You’ll have the chance to try new activities and develop new passions, maybe even find a new career.

It was moving abroad that gave me my passion for hiking and the outdoors. In Canada, I was inside all the time because I hated the cold! But living in places like New Zealand helped me discover new interests that I still love today.

lora by mountains in newzealand

#17. You’ll step out of your comfort zone

One of the best advantages of living abroad is that you will have to deal with all the cons of moving abroad, which will make you a much stronger person. Stepping out of your comfort zone is one of the best things you can do for personal development!

No, this is not just a clishé. It is actually real.

Handling all the hard times, new environments, language skills, solving problems alone without your normal support network, and trusting strangers, will make you a much stronger person. It will build you up to handle life challenges and adapt to new environments and situations much easier.

architecture in jaipur, india

#18. Find out who your true friends are

Once you have lived abroad or traveled for a long period of time, you will realize who your real friends are back home.

The friends that thought would be there for you for life, may not actually be there for you when you get back. On the other hand, others that you have not talked to in months and thought you would lose as friends are the ones supporting you when you come back.

This might feel like a painful process, but it is also a good way to weed out the people that you grow apart from while using your energy on the people that will have your back.

lora by waterfall in chiang mai thailand

#19. Learn to master communication

If you live in a country with a new language, you must communicate in some way. Yes, you might find it frustrating, but it can also be a positive thing.

If the locals you meet do not speak English well and you are still not getting the new language, you might have to use sign language and smiles.

You will be surprised by how far you can get with that and how many fun memories you will create with complete strangers – filled with laughter.

This is a universal skill you can use wherever you travel that will be extremely useful!

lora on street in lisbon portugal

#20. You can easily travel to new places

If you are moving abroad from the U.S. or Canada to Europe or Southeast Asia, you will be so excited about how easy it is to travel to different countries compared to home.

Both train/bus travel and low-cost airlines will transport you across borders in no time, and you can easily expand your horizons beyond your new country.

Instead of just getting to visit one country, you’ll have the opportunity to visit dozens.

#21. Grow a global mindset

One of the best advantages of moving abroad is to experience how people from a country really are. You might get rid of biases and fears and gain a new perspective.

Meeting people from around the world with different cultural backgrounds makes you realize that we are all people, and we all dream of freedom and happiness.

You will grow your cultural awareness and adapt to different cultures easier, which is a valuable life skill. The culture shock you might get by moving abroad will also become your strength.

aerial shot of beach in bali

#22. You can learn a new language

Okay, so we talked about having to learn a new language as a disadvantage. But it can also be an extreme advantage!

If you studied a new language at school, you know how easy it is to forget it if you do not use it. But if you’re living in the country and hearing the language every day, it is so much easier to learn.

The most important thing to do is to get out of your comfort zone and try to speak the language and not be afraid of making mistakes (because we all make mistakes when we are learning.)

It is so easy to lean on English when the other person speaks the language. However, if you tell the other person that you want to practice their language, you will often be met with a positive attitude.

Another good option is to look for local language swap groups. At these, you’ll speak English for a set time for the other person to improve their English conversation skills, and then swap to the local language so that you can practice your conversational skills.

#23. Sense of excitement and adventure

Moving abroad is a big change. It’s an adventure of a lifetime that fills you with a sense of excitement and anticipation.

You’ll be embarking on a new chapter in your life, and there’s no better feeling in the world than that.

#24. Higher quality of life

Moving to a new country can sometimes mean an increase in your life quality, with better healthcare, education, or lifestyle opportunities.

While Canada is generally considered a country with a higher quality of life, I find myself much happier living in climates like the Caribbean or Mexico, where there’s more sunshine and opportunities to be outdoors in the sea.

lora looking over volcano while hiking in dominica

#25. It gives you a break from routine

Moving abroad can be a refreshing change from the familiarity and routine of home life. You’ll have the chance to challenge yourself and try new things, which can be energizing and inspiring.

In the times that I’ve felt stuck in life, moving abroad has always helped.

#26. It makes you more independent

Moving abroad can be a great opportunity to become more independent and self-reliant.

You’ll be navigating a new culture and environment on your own, which can help you develop new skills and strengths. Having to overcome problems and challenges will build up your confidence and make you a more independent person.

lora looking over the city of amman jordan

#27. Build a global network of friends

When you move abroad, you have the chance to build new relationships with people from diverse backgrounds. This can be a great way to expand your social network and create a global network of friends.

I’m so grateful for the network of friends I have around the world now. It’s rare that I show up in a destination without knowing someone, and that’s a beautiful feeling.

#28. Improved health and wellness

In some countries, there may be better access to healthcare, healthier food options, and a culture that prioritizes wellness. Starting a new life in such an environment can have a positive impact on your physical and mental health – it’s certainly been the case for me!

In Canada (especially during the winter), I tend to hibernate and do minimal physical exercise. But while living abroad in places like Bali , I’m outside all the time exploring the amazing nature.

lora looking over acatenango volcano

#29. Help create a new sense of identity

Moving abroad can lead to a new sense of identity as you adapt to new cultural norms and values. This can be a chance to redefine yourself and your place in the world.

When I moved abroad for the first time at 19 to Dublin, I was on the verge of failing out of university because I was studying something that wasn’t aligned with me.

It was my time abroad that made me realize my true passions, and by taking that gap year abroad, I ended up switching majors and graduating on the dean’s list.

#30. Networking

Living abroad can provide networking opportunities that may not have been available in your home country. You’ll have the chance to meet people from different industries and backgrounds, which can lead to new job opportunities and collaborations.

Plus, gaining international experience working in different cultures and environments can be attractive to employers and may lead to new job opportunities.

lora with elephant in thailand

FAQ: Advantages and disadvantages of living abroad

What are the advantages of living abroad.

Living abroad can offer many advantages, such as cultural enrichment, language skills, career opportunities, personal growth, adventure, networking, and more.

What are the disadvantages of living abroad?

While there are many advantages to living abroad, there are also some disadvantages to consider. These can include feelings of homesickness and loneliness, as well as difficulties in adapting to a new culture, language, and environment. It may be challenging to navigate unfamiliar social norms and customs, and you may encounter cultural misunderstandings or barriers.

What are the pros and cons of living and working abroad?

Living and working abroad can have both pros and cons. On one hand, it can provide opportunities for personal and professional growth, cultural enrichment, language acquisition, and travel. It can provide opportunities for career advancement, exposure to new industries and markets, and the chance to develop a global network. On the other side, living and working abroad can be challenging and lonely, especially if you do not have a support system in place. You may encounter cultural barriers and have difficulty adapting to a new environment, which can cause stress and anxiety.

What are the advantage and disadvantages of leaving your country to live or study abroad?

Living or studying abroad can offer advantages such as cultural enrichment, language acquisition, personal growth, and career opportunities. However, it can also pose challenges such as culture shock, homesickness, financial strain, and legal and annoying bureaucracy.

Final thoughts on the pros and cons of living abroad

As you can see, there are a lot of advantages and disadvantages of living abroad, and most of the cons can actually be pros if you look at them in a new light.

Living in a different country will only make you a stronger and more versatile person to handle what life has in store for you. Still, it’s important to be aware of the potential disadvantages, such as homesickness, cultural differences, and financial challenges.

Weigh the pros and cons if you’re considering moving abroad, but I am positive that moving abroad at least once in your life is one of the best things you can do.

With the right mindset and preparation, it can be an exciting and fulfilling adventure that broadens your horizons and enriches your life.

advantages and disadvantages of living abroad

Lora is a full-time digital nomad on a quest to visit every country in the world and pet as many dogs as she can along the way. Over the last 15 years, she has traveled to 70+ countries and six continents solo. She currently calls Puerto Vallarta, Mexico home and enjoys ending each day with sunset and tacos on the beach.

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Oh I relate a lot to this – especially the feeling not belonging in your home anymore. I live abroad since 2016 and it is always a weird feeling visiting France for holidays. Like I am not “at home” anymore.

7 Advantages and Disadvantages of Living Abroad

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Do you know the number one searched pros and cons list when someone is moving abroad? Yep, it’s this one – the advantages and disadvantages of living abroad. Well, you have come to the right place. Moving to another country is one of the most exciting experiences you can decide to pursue.

At 22 years old, I decided to pick up my entire life and move to Spain for a year to teach English abroad. Though an exciting time full of travel, food, and wine, it also showed me what I did and did not want from living abroad. Some factors impact your experience based on the country or city you choose, currency conversions, culture and traditions, and more. 

living abroad essay

Table of Contents

So what are the advantages and disadvantages of living abroad?

To answer that, you have to ask yourself some other key questions. What climate do you want? How luxurious or budget-friendly do you want to live? How do you handle the pressure? Will you need to learn the language? If so, are you a quick learner? How will you get around without a car? How will you navigate working abroad? 

Well, this post is here to break down the advantages and disadvantages of living abroad from someone who did it. Every experience is different; however, there are some similarities among expats too. You’ll see there are pros and cons to living abroad, but only you can make that decision for yourself. Here are things to keep in mind when you do. 

living abroad essay

Disadvantages and cons of living abroad

Let’s start with the disadvantages of moving to another country. Just as there are positive effects of moving abroad, there are also negative effects of living abroad . Once the adrenaline of living in a new country wears off and a standard sets in life, it can return to normal. You have to sit in your decision and come to realize if it was a good decision or more challenging than you anticipated. How you adapt at that moment can make or break your experience. 

Learning a new language can be challenging

If you pick a destination where you do not know the language, think about the challenges that can ensue. How will you commit to immersing yourself if you can’t converse with the people you want to engage? What are your options to learn the language, and how can you get connected? Learning a new language can be challenging and a lot to take on on top of packing, moving, and then working abroad.  Therefore this should be a factor and where you decide to move. 

But don’t worry, there are ways to combat this issue! You can enroll in a language school, take classes, or participate in language exchanges to better navigate your new home. However, it takes dedication, time, and a lot of confidence to put yourself out there and practice language too. Just remember that taking classes will not be enough. 

living abroad essay

It would be ideal for forcing yourself to speak the language as much as possible. You have to be willing to make mistakes in front of people. While some people may laugh on occasion, most locals are excited and encourage you to learn their language. Attempting to understand is the least we can do when we live in their country. Choose progress over perfection, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes! Learn from them and grow.

You are far away from family

Homesickness abroad is real. Assuming that you are close to your family, living abroad can be a significant change. Most people who move abroad are moving overseas and away from their families.  You won’t have your parents or guardians, siblings, grandparents, etc., within reach. While you may be thinking, “oh, well, I live away from my family back home,” living abroad is a little different. 

living abroad essay

Not only are you away from your family, but you are away from anything familiar. And sometimes you want to have your family to talk to and share news. You may wish to vent if you had a bad day or tell them something exciting. They may not always be available to you at your fingertips. Be prepared for that change. 

Yet, there are some ways to remedy this challenge. If you schedule times to video chat or group chat as a family, it can make it easier when you know you’ll be talking to them. Be mindful of time zones when scheduling these calls too. However, that is something you all can organize and workaround. You can also send voice notes instead of regular text messages too. It may be difficult to adjust if you are a family person, but it’s not impossible. 

It takes time to build a new community

On top of not being near family and dealing with homesickness abroad, creating a supportive community takes time. You have to find people you like, which requires you to put yourself out there. If you had the guts and confidence to move your entire life abroad, then I’m sure you have the confidence to make new friends too. They are experiences that go hand-in-hand.

Building a community can also be difficult if you live in an international expat hub like Berlin or Mexico City, where people are more transient and leave. You can find like-minded people, and one by one, they move onto their next adventure. It is one of the downsides, but hopefully those friendships last across borders.

living abroad essay

Relationships depend on how much effort you are willing to make and how much they want to engage. Since building a new community relies on you making connections with others, it is a two-way street. Finding events to attend through community centers is one way to meet people. Sport is a universal language that requires no (actual) speaking! You can join a gym or an intramural sports team. 

It can be awkward at times if you go to bars alone or go out by yourself. However, it’s a great way to test your extrovert personality. Do you want to be home alone every night, or do you like to share your experiences with new friends? You have to put in the effort to make friends and build the community you want to see in your life abroad. 

Culture shock happens

Culture shock , the gift that just keeps on giving. Your experience with culture shock may vary. Yet, culture shock is something that you should plan for when you move abroad. It can creep up on you unexpectedly, and sometimes you may burst out crying in a grocery store if you can’t read the labels. Or you have to adjust to walking or using public transportation if you were more accustomed to driving the car. 

living abroad essay

It’s the little things that I can sneak up on you and make you feel the most homesick. But overcoming culture shock is possible. While there are stages to culture shock, they often don’t work linearly, and they will not last forever. 

Some strategies to overcome culture shock include journaling, setting time with family and friends back home, and even taking a few deep breaths before feeling overwhelmed. Culture shock looks different for everyone, and it is more of a trial-and-error experience to find the strategies that work best for you. 

Adjusting to a new diet

Even the most experienced traveling foodies have to adjust to a new diet when they move abroad. Living abroad means that you are eating foods that you may not be that familiar with back home. And occasionally, food poisoning or overall bodily changes occur as you physically move yourself to a different continent or country. 

Even if you research the food in a destination, you never really know how your body will react until you arrive.Sometimes you just have to let nature take its course. Some essential oils can help your stomach adjust, such as oregano oil. But be prepared for body changes when you eat new foods abroad as you are adjusting. The more you go grocery shopping and try fresh foods, the more you will understand how your body reacts. 

living abroad essay

Be sure to go to the doctor’s office before you move to ensure you do not have any new allergies that could affect the move. When you arrive in your country, get connected with other expats. Ask around to see how and where they go for their health needs. Destination-specific Facebook groups for expats are excellent resources to get more of this information. You may find there is a doctor in your destination that expats recommend, who has helped other expats adjust to living abroad and can help you too.

The bureaucracy of moving abroad

Visas, passports, rent agreements, oh my! Yes, it takes a lot of paperwork to move abroad. You may even live abroad to escape the bureaucracy of your own country. However, you will learn that bureaucracy is everywhere. 

Renting an apartment, getting health insurance, and buying a car for long-term expats can require many office visits and applications. Depending on your level of travel privilege , you may need a proper visa to travel to destinations, even as a tourist. And as you research where you want to live abroad, you may find your dream destination does not have a visa for you to move there long term. 

Read what you need to do is key for a better bureaucratic transition. For visa situations, some people have enlisted in lawyers to make sure they are legally moving abroad. Staying up to date on any political changes to your country is helpful as these changes could affect you as a foreigner. 

Not only are you staying informed on the news, but you can also understand more about your new home. Being knowledgeable in your expat home’s social, economic, and political environment makes you more connected with what is going on. While these situations may be stressful at times, they are necessary. Everyone has to go through it, and expats are no exception.  

Moving abroad can cost you a pretty penny. In addition to organizing and planning your work and packing, you need to plan out those finances. If you plan on using storage, and not selling all of your stuff, that will cost money. Visits to the consulate to get your visa, or go through visa interviews, can add up if it is not close. If you need to expedite anything, such as a passport, to align with your move that will cost extra money as well.

living abroad essay

Finances can also pile up once you arrive. Depending on where you move, Airbnbs and hotels can be expensive to use over time if you are looking for permanent housing. You also have to know the tax and currency conversion needs when you arrive. 

Not properly researching the funds you need to move abroad is a no no. Be sure to do your research so you know what to expect to avoid any unexpected expenses. Yes, it is cheaper to not move, but if you were satisfied with that you would not be reading this post! 

Advantages and pros of living abroad

Ok, the disadvantages of living abroad are out of the way! Now let’s break down the advantages of moving to another country. This section is the fun part because the advantages of moving abroad outweigh the disadvantages of moving abroad. 

If you fully embrace what living abroad has to offer, it is truly an exciting experience. Everyone has their good days and bad days. But thankfully, the bad days are few and far between. Let’s unpack the positive effects of living abroad.  

living abroad essay

Traveling to new places is easier

Moving abroad means you are in a new country and or continent to understand and learn more about its history, culture, and traditions. Therefore you have more opportunities to explore the new region of the world. Even if you go to a different city in the same country, there is so much variety.

You can maximize your weekends in ways you may not have been in your own country. Having that weekend time is especially helpful if you have a nine-to-five job. Freedom of movement is one of the many top reasons why people become expats. 

Whether you are a foodie who loves to try new foods or someone who loves to go hiking, living abroad opens up so many unique destinations.  Everything is new, and therefore you have a different outlook on what your daily life can be. 

And you don’t even have to fly! You can ride around the city on the bus or metro to get acquainted with a new destination. Moving abroad means you can create new travel memories every day if you wish. Living abroad opens up new places to see and explore.

You learn a new language and soft skills

The advantages and disadvantages of living abroad play off each other. While learning a new language can be difficult, it is one of the highlights of moving abroad. It is one thing to learn a language when you are in school or learn a language that is not widely spoken in your home Community. However, when you move abroad, you have the opportunity to immerse yourself in a culture fully and its language.

You not only learned about grammar and vocabulary, but you also get the inside scoop on colloquial languages like slang or shortened ways to say words you learn to textbooks. Yet, language skills are just one of the skills you can attain when you live abroad. You can get other soft skills, such as intercultural communication, adaptability, flexibility, and more. When you put yourself out there, the more you will grow. 

Attaining new skill sets is also great if you want to continue living and working abroad and eventually work for an organization in the country in which you live. Building up those soft skills while also having those hard skills can be a great career opportunity if you want to work abroad permanently.

living abroad essay

You can make friends from around the world

Once again, the advantages and disadvantages of living abroad are two sides of the same coin. After building that community of friends, life is more abundant. Interacting with people from different places worldwide is one of the most memorable parts of living abroad. Moving and itself as daunting as you are going away from the family and friends you have grown to love and adore. 

However, making friends is an impactful experience because you are often  making friends across language barriers. You are also making friends with people from countries you may have never visited nor heard of before. Those kinds of connections do not go away. They can even turn into something more . 

Take the time to nurture those friendships and relationships you have abroad. You connect with people who have similar interests because it takes a particular brand of person to move to a new country. You are also connecting with people who have their own stories and experiences too. These friendships can last forever if you invest in and allow them to do so. You never know what you may have in common, so get out there and try. 

living abroad essay

Life may be cheaper

Let’s be honest; money rules many aspects of our lives. When you go abroad, you may learn that life is cheaper in your destination than at home. For many expats who move abroad, this is one of the main reasons they decide to live overseas. 

Rent is unaffordable in many cities and places around the world. When you move abroad, you find that the cost of living is more in your price range. Everyone loves to save money, and living a comfortable life elsewhere is a significant plus to move abroad. While this does not mean you live in luxury abroad, finances heavily influence our way of life, self-esteem, and happiness. 

Finding a more affordable destination for your lifestyle can genuinely change how you view yourself and the world around you. Food may be more affordable. You may be able to afford a car or switch it up and walk, bike, or use public transportation. There are so many reasons to move abroad, and a cheaper destination is often at the top of the list. 

living abroad essay

To expand your worldview and learn

Going to museums means you can learn history you did not have access to before. Living in another culture means you can experience another way of life. If you are accustomed to taking public transportation, you may not have to do so abroad. You may find a healthier version of yourself adapting to another culture’s country and customs of biking and walking. 

When you live abroad, you can talk to people of all backgrounds, both locals and other international expats alike. You learn about where they’re from and what they believe. Mundane activities such as grocery shopping and cooking can become full learning experiences when you have to adapt recipes and dishes based on the local culture. 

Even though you are working abroad, you may decide to volunteer somewhere. And through volunteering, you understand more about the destination that you now call home. There are so many ways to expand your worldview that you don’t want to limit yourself. As traveling is about that cross-cultural experience, you shouldn’t limit yourself. Lean into evolving and reject ethnocentrism . 

living abroad essay

Your family and friends back home have a place to visit

It is always exciting to have people you met before you moved to your new home visit! You share your love of your new home with old friends. When you live abroad, that allows your family and friends back home to have someplace to visit. While it can be challenging to maintain these relationships, building time to see each other in person can help. Everyone loves a good vacation!

And when your loved ones can visit, you can be their tour guide. All of the knowledge you have learned from living abroad in a different country can be passed onto others seeing. The countries that expats call home give a lot to expats, and the relationship is not always balanced. 

Having your family support the local economy as much as they can on your visit, and go beyond the guidebook, is the least we can do. Show them your go-to spots. And take them to your favorite mom and pop shops, local artisans, etc., to still be tourists with a mix of local and expat perspectives.  

How will the advantages and disadvantages of living abroad play out in your experience?

That is up to you.

So many decisions, so much to explore and understand about the advantages and disadvantages of living abroad. The excitement can be overwhelming and welcoming at the same time because it is a new adventure. However, that does not mean that moving abroad is easy. Nor does it mean everything is smooth sailing when you arrive. There are some advantages and disadvantages of living abroad to take into consideration. From money to language barriers, plan carefully! I know you can do it. I’m rooting for you to succeed. Good luck. 

Still not convinced you should move abroad? Here are 18 reasons why you should do it.

living abroad essay

Sojourner White is a remote social worker, train travel queen, and award-winning travel journalist. Hailing from Milwaukee, Wisconsin she has been a digital nomad and called both Spain and Germany home. Through her platform Sojournies, she helps 9-5ers fulfill their career goals and bucket list dreams to find freedom and flexibility outside the office. Sojourner has been featured in Buzzfeed, PopSugar, The Matador Network, HuffPost, and Thrillist and written for Travel + Leisure, USA Today, Fodor’s, Insider, Lonely Planet, Viator, and more.

5 Lessons You Learn from Living Abroad for a Year

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What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad? IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay

The IELTS writing task 2 requires an individual to present their views on a topic that has been assigned to them. They are required to go through the topic and present their side of the argument. One such example of it could be: “What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad?”

So, whenever you are presented with such topics, all you are required to do is present your side of the argument. There is no right or wrong in these answers – all an individual is required to do is to let the examiner know their understanding of the topic that they are provided with.

So, let’s move forward to learn a little about this topic and present an amazing essay answer afterwards to let you know how it’s done.


What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad? 

The decision to study abroad depends solely on the different advantages and disadvantages of that thing.

So, let’s move forward to know all about them.

What are the Advantages of Studying in a Foreign Country? 

Studying abroad has today become the new normal, every other child wishes to move out of their resident country to enjoy among a bunch of completely new people to study between them and to gain as much knowledge as possible with the help of this.

Given below are a few advantages of studying abroad:

#1. Improved Language 

The greatest benefit of studying abroad is that it helps you to improve your language skills to a great extent. you get to learn some new words each day and among a bunch of people who speak this language on a regular basis, you get to enjoy the benefits of learning a language completely.

Talking to your friends on a daily basis in the same language helps you to have that fluency in the language which you were not able to achieve before.

#2. New Friends and Career Opportunities

Another benefit that one gets to enjoy after studying abroad is that it really helps an individual to expand his/her network and have some really good friends which can also turn into friends for life. One gets to enjoy their time with people they have not known before and have a great time in their company.

It also helps one to expand their network for some great business or job opportunities overseas. A wider network helps one to connect to some really amazing people and have the benefits of so many new opportunities in life.

#3. Confidence Booster

When you enjoy time among people from a different country and culture altogether, you get to learn so many new things from them on a regular basis. Along with this, it helps one to practice the language on a daily basis which helps in boosting their confidence.

With a great and built-up confidence level, it’s easy to then achieve the heights that you want to.

Also Read: Important Points to Keep in Mind while Answering IELTS Writing Task 2

#4. Explore the World

Moving out of your resident country provides you with an opportunity to live in a new city altogether which also comes with the benefit of exploring a new city and a place never seen before.

When you live in a completely new place, you get to enjoy the scenic beauty of that place, the unexplored yet the most famous places at the same time which serves as an amazing experience.

Now, let’s move forward to learn some of the disadvantages of studying abroad.

What are the Disadvantages of Studying Abroad?

Everything that has some advantages comes with some disadvantages too. So, while there are many advantages of studying abroad, there are many disadvantages of the same too.

So, let’s check them out.

#1. Highly-Priced

Studying abroad might look fascinating to you but it is extremely expensive. Bearing all the expenses of studying abroad for an individual can be quite expensive and tiring at the same time.

The expenses of studying abroad depend solely on the place that you have chosen for yourself and the university that you’re going to get your degree from. The more advanced the country, the higher the expenses.

Also Read: Guide to Ace The Advantages & Disadvantages Essay Questions in IELTS Writing Task 2

#2.   Language as a Barrier

One of the biggest problems that many students face while studying abroad is the language that they are not fluent in. It is extremely important for one to learn the official language of the country that you have decided to move to in order to enjoy the benefits of having meaningful conversations.

Many times students have a lot of difficulty in speaking the native language or even understanding it. There are many cases in which teachers prefer to teach the entire lessons in the local language of the city. Therefore, it’s extremely important to have a good grasp of the language.

#3.   You’re Dependent on Your Own

Living in a foreign country means you are completely on your own. All the work that you need to do, right from washing your clothes to doing all the household chores, all need to be done by yourself.

There are many students who have never lived out of their home for a long period of time and studying abroad requires them to have such experiences for the first time. While this may have a lot of benefits like you learn so many new things, it can also have some serious demerits too. Many times it has been noticed that students who live alone tend to suffer from loneliness or in some cases, even depression.

IELTS Advantage Disadvantage Model Essay 

So, let’s move ahead to discuss one such advantage disadvantage essay in order to know how to present an answer while in the examination hall.

The question for today is: With more and more people moving out of their own country to study abroad, it has been a trend these days. What do you think are the advantages or disadvantages of the same? Share your opinions with us.

Also Read: Want Band 9? Check These Previous IELTS Writing Task 2 Exam Questions and Answers

Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad – IELTS Model Essay

With changing times, more and more students wish to move out of their native country to a completely new place where they can study among a bunch of students who are new to them. And this has certainly given a rise to the number of students moving abroad to study among them. While the idea of going out seems fun, is it actually true in real scenarios?

Elaborate – IELTS Model Essay Answer

There are many benefits of studying abroad but according to me, I believe the number of demerits of studying abroad is more than its advantages. Starting with knowing about its benefits, it feels great to study abroad. When one starts studying abroad, they become more independent as a person. This is because everything, right from all the household chores to outdoor things needs to be done on one’s own and this helps an individual to become a better version of himself/herself. They learn to be better and dependent on themselves. Living abroad allows an individual to learn different foreign languages in order to converse with their peers and fellow classmates. This further helps them to broaden their horizon, that by learning new languages and living for a period of 2-3 years in a foreign country, they tend to learn new cultures and how things are done differently in their country. They learn about their customs, traditions, and values.

Talk about the Disadvantages

But despite having so many advantages, the number of disadvantages succeed them. Though it is true that students get to learn new languages while living in a foreign country, with that comes the possibility of isolation and loneliness. There are many students who face difficulty while speaking in languages other than their native ones and while learning these languages, there are times when they are not able to converse fluently and swiftly as other students. And this leads to the different language barriers that arise among them. Thus, these children tend to spend most of their time alone without anyone’s company which can further lead to failure in examination and also depression.

Move towards Conclusion of the IELTS Essay Model Answer

Another demerit of studying abroad is that one has to do all of their work on their own which can be quite tiring at times and can lead to fatigue. This can also affect the students psychologically and they can suffer from various mental illnesses. Further, living abroad for a long time alone without being with anyone from your family or loved one can lead to homesickness and even lead to depression among many students. Along with this, studying abroad can be extremely expensive as compared to the cost one bears when he/she decided to study in their native country.

In conclusion, I believe it’s always better to study in one’s own country while being in the company of your loved ones and it should be encouraged more than moving out to study.

Hopefully, you must have found this article useful and if you have any doubts regarding the same, feel free to comment down below and let us know about the same.

For more such information, check out our amazing blogs on our site.


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About the Author

Sakshi bachani.

Sakshi Bachani is a freelance Content Writer and Teacher. She has completed her Bachelor's degree from Delhi University.. She has been a freelance teacher for the past five years and has worked towards helping young kids achieve their dreams. She had also worked as an Intern teacher with an NGO. Apart from writing and teaching, she really enjoys music, animals, and plants. She even has her own little garden which she loves very dearly and can be sometimes seen buying more plants for herself.

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30 Major Pros & Cons Of Living Abroad

“ I’ve learned a lot in life, traveling, living abroad, just in the school of life.”

Ronaldo, Athlete

Pros and Cons of Moving Abroad

advantages and disadvantages of living in a foreign country

Moving abroad is a dream of many people all over the world.

Many people want to explore new cultures and may also want to work in foreign countries.

However, apart from the many advantages of living abroad, there are also some problems related to it.

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In this article, the pros and cons of moving abroad are discussed.

Audio Lesson

Advantages of moving abroad, moving abroad gives you the opportunity to experience new cultures, you can make many new friends, living abroad may greatly improve your overall quality of life, you can really grow in character, you can study abroad, you can work in a different country, you will learn to take care of yourself, living abroad will show you the relativity of the world, you can learn a new language, moving abroad can make sense if you want a new start in your life, gives you the opportunity to try new foods, you will learn to adapt to many new things, moving abroad can give you a boost in confidence, you may be able to work as a volunteer, unforgettable memories, living abroad gives you the opportunity to travel a lot, you can expand your knowledge.

One important advantage of living abroad is that you can get to know new cultures and ways of life.

If you live in other regions for a sufficiently long time, you will soon realize that people often live their lives in a much different manner compared to what you were used to in your home country.

This is especially true if you move to a rather exotic country.

Although you may feel a little bit uncomfortable at first, those new cultural experiences are priceless and give you the opportunity to really expand your horizon so that you can better understand how the world works.

When you move abroad, you will also meet many new people over time.

Depending on where you want to move, you can meet many tourists or also other people who decided that they want to move abroad and leave their home country.

Moreover, when you get sufficient knowledge of the local language, you will also have the opportunity to make many new friends among locals.

Hence, moving abroad also gives you the opportunity to make many new connections and some of those connections will last for a quite long time or even for your whole life.

Even if you move back to your home country at one point in time, you can stay in contact with your friends from all over the world through social media.

Many people also move abroad since they want to improve their overall quality of life.

This is especially true for people who had been borne in rather poor developing countries and who want to get out of poverty by migrating to countries that offer them better job and income prospects.

In such a case, living abroad can make quite a lot of sense since people may get the chance for a much better life due to that.

Moving abroad can also really help you to develop your own character.

You will be confronted with numerous new experiences over time and have to learn how to handle them in a proper manner.

Moreover, you will also have to adjust to the local cultural and social norms, which can be quite strange at the beginning.

Yet, over time, making all these experiences can give you a real boost in emotional development and can help you in various parts of your future life.

If you currently study in your home country and want to see something different while you are still young, chances are that studying abroad may also be a great way to go for you.

Many students love to spend a semester abroad since there are so many new things to explore and it is also quite exciting to spend a semester away from your home.

If you want to learn more about doing a semester abroad, make sure that you also check out all the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad .

If you are already out of college and currently work in a big corporation, you may also have the opportunity to work abroad for an extensive period of time.

In fact, many international corporations have branches abroad and if you really want to see different things in life, working abroad can give you the opportunity to make a change and to experience new work styles, cultures and colleagues.

Hence, if you are interested in working abroad, you may want to talk to your boss and ask him whether this is possible for you in the future.

Another benefit of living abroad is that you will have to learn how to take care of yourself.

In fact, there will be nobody who supports you in foreign countries and you will have to figure out how to manage your daily life on your own.

All this may feel quite overwhelming at first, yet you will learn quite a lot in the long run.

Over time, you will no longer need anyone taking care of you since you will develop a sort of independency spirit, meaning that you will no longer need anybody taking care of you.

This can give you a great level of freedom since you know that you can manage your problems by yourself and that you don’t have to rely on other people anymore.

When you move to another country, you will also learn how relative the world really is.

You will realize that what you had been used to at home is just a single way of life besides many other lifestyles you still even don’t know yet.

We often make the mistake to think that our cultural values and our way of life are the best way to go.

In fact, our lifestyle is just a set of cultural and social norms, which are rather arbitrary and by no means sophisticated at all.

It is important to realize all of this since it makes us much more tolerant towards other lifestyles and other cultural values, which can contribute to more peace on a global scale.

Another upside of moving abroad is that you can also learn a new language.

While it may be hard at the beginning, learning new languages can be quite a lot of fun and it is also quite important to speak the local language in order to make social connections.

Hence, if you have difficulties with learning new languages, you may get a language buddy who can practice with you on a regular basis even before you move to a new country so that you already have a basic knowledge of the language once you arrive.

Some people are also quite fed up with their lives back home and just want to make a change.

This can be due to a divorce or also due to other life-changing events.

Consequently, if you are currently not happy with your life and want to make a change, why not moving to another country and start a new life there?!

Especially if you don’t have too many friends or other social connections in your home country, chances are that you will not have too much to lose anyways.

Moving abroad also gives you the opportunity to try many different new foods.

In fact, even though you have many different restaurants in big cities which offer you food from various parts of our world, those dishes are often not original.

Hence, if you really want to taste the food as they make it in foreign countries, you have to travel to those places and try this food in restaurants that are mainly frequented by the general public.

Living in a foreign country also implies that you will have to adapt to many different things.

Especially if you move to a rather exotic country, chances are that you will not be used to the cultural values there.

In fact, moving abroad also implies that you adapt to those new cultural values and social norms in order to become a valued member of society, even though you might not be comfortable with those traditions and values at all.

Adapting to new things is crucial to succeed in our current state of the world since everything is changing so fast and adapting to new circumstances is crucial to stay competitive in the long run.

Hence, moving abroad can also greatly help you to increase your level of flexibility and your ability to adapt, which can give you an edge in various parts of your life.

Living abroad can also help you to increase your overall level of confidence.

Many people in our nowadays society are quite afraid to try new things that are not in line with what they are told is the right thing to do.

Yet, if you live your life like that, you will never be able to really develop your character since you don’t live your life like you want to but rather comply with the rules of our society instead.

In turn, your confidence level will also suffer quite a lot since you will never really find yourself.

However, if you move abroad, you will really figure out who you really are and this will give you a great boost of confidence since you will be more likely to find your true path and purpose in life.

If you earned good money in your job for many years and are financially free, you may also consider to volunteer.

There are still many poor people on our planet who urgently need help in order to survive and to improve their overall living conditions.

Hence, if you have the financial capabilities, why not go volunteering abroad for a while?!

Moving abroad can also provide you with many unforgettable memories.

For many people, going abroad is one of the most exciting experiences of their lives and if you are a person who always wants to see new things, moving abroad can be a great way to satisfy this need.

If you live abroad, you will also have the opportunity to travel around .

You can make many short trips on the weekends and explore many new places.

Over time, you will become a real expert for the local attractions and you may even want to work as a tour guide later on in order to share this knowledge with others.

In general, moving abroad will also greatly improve your knowledge in various areas of your daily life.

Many people will live their lives at home with a rather narrow mindset and think that their way of life is superior to all other lifestyles.

However, through living abroad, you will know better!

In fact, it is quite important to realize how relative life really is in order to increase the overall tolerance in our global society.

Once you learned that, you can also spread this important knowledge to others in order to multiply your positive impact.

living abroad essay

Disadvantages of Living Abroad

Living abroad can be expensive, cultural shocks, foreigners may not be welcome, homesickness is a problem of moving abroad, you will leave your friends behind, communication issues, you may feel lost, anxiety that moving abroad was the wrong decision, some people get stuck abroad, moving abroad may get you into financial problems, the grass is not always greener on the other side, may be harder to find a partner if you move abroad, bureaucracy can be annoying.

Although there are many benefits of moving abroad, living in a foreign country can also have several important problems.

One disadvantage of living abroad is that it can be quite expensive.

Especially if you come from a rather poor home country and want to move abroad to the rich Western world, everything will be quite expensive for you and your savings will be gone soon.

In such a case, you will have to make sure to find work quite soon in order to be able to cover your costs abroad.

Many people also experience some sort of cultural shock when they move to other countries.

Sure, this also depends on the country you move to.

If the country has similar cultural values like you are familiar to back home, chances are that you will not suffer from a cultural shock at all.

However, if you move to an exotic country that has quite different cultural norms and social values, chances are that you will have difficulties adapting to those new circumstances and some people may not get happy abroad since they will not be able to identify with those new values.

Another problem with moving abroad is that foreigners will also not be welcome in some regions of our planet.

While locals in most countries are quite friendly towards people with other nationalities, there are also some regions where the local population is rather skeptical towards strangers.

Hence, if you move to another country, make sure that you choose a destination where people really welcome you.

Homesickness is another issue that can come along with moving to another country.

Even though many people feel that they have a better future abroad, they will still often miss the amenities in their home country and many people will get homesick over time.

Especially if you have never been away from your home for a longer period of time, homesickness can become a big problem and some people will simply not be able to deal with this issue in a proper manner.

For many people, leaving their family and their friends behind is one of the hardest parts of moving abroad.

We as humans are social creatures and get attached to people in a rather short period of time.

In turn, this also implies it will be quite hard for you to leave your loved ones and to start a new life abroad.

Another downside of living abroad is that many people also suffer from serious communication problems.

Many people just move to another country without even knowing the local language.

This can lead to serious problems since if you are not able to communicate in a proper manner, you will also not be able to find a good job, to make enough money and so on.

Hence, if you want to move abroad, definitely make sure that you learn the local language way in advance so that you can facilitate your life abroad quite a lot.

When you move abroad, everything is new and you will have to adapt to so many new things in a rather short period of time.

In turn, many people will feel lost since they are just overwhelmed by all those new impressions.

Consequently, factor in that you may also feel lost at the beginning if you move abroad and don’t let this discourage you.

In the long run, everything will normalize and you will also learn from those new experiences quite a lot.

Many people really look forward to moving abroad.

Yet, when they finally made the step, they often suffer from a great level of anxiety regarding whether it was the right decision to move abroad or not.

Hence, make sure that you take enough time to figure out if living abroad is the right thing to do for you before you make this life-changing step in order to avoid any unpleasant consequences.

Moving abroad in a successful manner also implies some level of planning.

Yet, many people are not prepared well at all when they move and some of them may get stuck at a place they rather don’t want to be in.

For instance, some people who move abroad will not have any savings at all and when they finally move abroad and don’t find a job, they may no longer be able to pay their rent and may end up homeless in the streets.

At this point, they may be stuck since it is quite hard to get out of homelessness .

Many people also underestimate the true costs of moving abroad. Living abroad can be costly.

Depending on where you want to live, rents may be much higher compared to your home country.

Also expenses for things of your daily life may be significantly higher and you should inform yourself about the costs of living before you decide to move to the respective country in order to avoid getting into financial problems.

Many people also often think that their life back home is quite bad and that they have to make a change.

However, when they move to other countries, those people often realize that this does not solve their problems.

In fact, it may make their problems even worse and many people underestimate how good they really have it in their home country, especially if their home country belongs to the rich Western world.

Hence, make sure to figure out whether your quality of life would really increase in a foreign country before making this big step.

If you are a stranger in a foreign country, it will also not be easy for you to find a partner.

Especially if you haven’t learned the local language yet, chances are that you will have communication problems, which can prevent you to find a partner.

Bureaucracy is not only a problem in our home countries, it also exists in many other countries all over the world.

Hence, if you think you can escape bureaucracy by moving abroad, you may get quite disappointed when you realize that bureaucracy will also be present in foreign countries.

Sometimes, it may even be worse compared to your home country.

living abroad essay

Top 10 Living Abroad Pros & Cons – Summary List

Should you move abroad.

As we can see from the previous discussion, there are numerous advantages and disadvantages to moving abroad.

In my opinion, moving abroad can be a great opportunity if you want to start a new chapter in your life.

However, make sure that you evaluate all the pros and cons of living abroad yourself before making your final decision.




living abroad essay

About the author

My name is Andreas and my mission is to educate people of all ages about our environmental problems and how everyone can make a contribution to mitigate these issues.

As I went to university and got my Master’s degree in Economics, I did plenty of research in the field of Development Economics.

After finishing university, I traveled around the world. From this time on, I wanted to make a contribution to ensure a livable future for the next generations in every part of our beautiful planet.

Wanna make a contribution to save our environment? Share it!

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35 Pros and Cons of Living Abroad 2024 from an Expert

Table of Contents

I first moved abroad without really weighing the pros and cons of living abroad.

I was 16, had an opportunity to move to Italy alone, and took it.

While I ultimately loved the experience, it was ROUGH to say the least. There was a lot of crying on the floor while packing, terrible homesickness, and the general terror that goes into flying halfway around the world back when you didn’t travel with a cellphone and WIFI was almost nonexistent.

But the pros still outweighed the cons.

So I did it again, by moving to a new province. Then to a new country: Scotland .

Scotland was one of the worst adventures of my life.

But I still learned things.

So I came back home and planned to go abroad again.

Soon I’d lived in 8+ countries in less than 10 years!

All that is to say: I’ve lived abroad a lot. While I highly recommend giving it a go, I know it isn’t for everyone.

Check the pros and cons of living abroad that I’ve figured out after a decade of slowmading around the world.

You’ll find out why loving in a foreign country can be the best thing to ever happen to you and why your tongue may hate you for moving abroad.

Overview of the Pros and Cons of Living Abroad

18 pros of moving abroad: advantages of living in another country.

make new friends while living abroad

1. Make Lifelong Friends

One of the things I least expected from moving abroad was to make lifelong friends .

I figured I’d meet people who would flit in and out of my life. They’d be proximity friends: like the ones you make as a kid, who you sort of hang out with solely cause they’re nearby, but then you grow up and never see them again.

That was never the case with the friends I made living in another country.

Whether they were locals, other expats, or tourists, the people that I met living abroad have become some of my closest friends.

There’s something about living somewhere new that helps you find your true soulmates (platonically, I mean). You’ll find people with the same interests, sharing incredible experiences.

Those are the friends you’ll have forever.

When I moved back to Toronto, the place I’d grown up and lived for 17 years, I had no friends in the city. Meanwhile, I had besties scattered across New Zealand, the UK, Halifax , and other places in Europe.

👉 Want to make friends around the world? Join Meetups today for free!

2. Learn a New Language

I can say hello in different languages, and I’m menu fluent in a few (aka. I can always order dinner), but I am TERRIBLE at learning languages.

I grew up in Canada where we’re all supposed to be bilingual .

It didn’t stick for me. Even after 10 years of French lessons.

3 years of Spanish lessons didn’t click either.

Meanwhile, I moved to Italy for 4 months and was fluently arguing in the markets within a month!

Moving abroad immerses you in the local language. It becomes a requirement to figure out how to wrap your tongue around the new words so you can get the things you need.

While you may worry about not knowing the language before you visit, it’s much easier to learn it when you’re abroad.

I lived in Berlin for a month and quickly started chatting with locals at Christmas markets.

Unfortunately, once I left, I lost all of my German except for the difference between creme fraiche and sour cream (a mistake I made repeatedly when I lived there).

Gain a new language by moving abroad – it’s a definite advantage to being somewhere new.

👉  Want to learn a new language? I recommend this language learning app!

3. Get a Fresh Start

There’s something to be said for reinventing yourself.

When you move abroad, no one knows you. That gives you a chance to redefine yourself.

I’m not talking about dyeing your hair and changing your name.

It’s more of an opportunity to be your true self, without the hang ups of your past life.

When I left for Italy, I was the shy, goth girl who never spoke in high school. When I returned, I was a bubbly preppy who never stopped talking.

Getting rid of the weight of your past life and the expectations placed on you can help you discover the true you so you can redefine yourself.

lobster rolls that you can eat in a foreign country

4. Try New Food

One of my favourite parts of living abroad was the food.

When I lived in New Zealand , I made it my mission to eat all of the local New Zealand food .

It’s no fun to live in a new place and not embrace the cuisine. Plus, you can learn a lot about a place by its food.

A definite pro of living abroad is the freedom to eat EVERYTHING. I mean, it’s for science, right?? So no one can say anything when you need to try 6 different pavlovas to ensure you really don’t like meringue.

If you can, take a local cooking class – like I did in Morocco and New Zealand – so you can have a unique souvenir from your time abroad to bring home.

I recommend finding a food tour with this company to get started learning about local cuisine!

5. Learn to Adapt

One of the pros of living abroad (that comes with one of the cons) is learning how to adapt.

At home, you get complacent. You know what to expect from life.

When challenges pop up, they’re so much harder to face.

Abroad, everything is new. So when things change, you become much better at going with the flow.

With every new scenario you face, you’ll quickly become more and more adaptable. It’s something you can take with you for the rest of your life as you continue to move to new countries.

6. Boost Your Confidence

There’s nothing braver than living abroad – or so I’ve been told by literally everyone I tell about my experiences as an expat.

Not only does that give you a nice external confidence boost, but moving abroad also internally builds your confidence.

Much like with solo travel , you don’t have anyone else to figure out problems for you. You have to face them head on.

Every challenge you face will help you believe in yourself more and more. Soon, you’ll be taking on travel horror stories with ease!

Even if you aren’t confident before you go (I definitely wasn’t!), you’ll gain it throughout the process of moving abroad. When other challenges face you later in life, you’ll know you can take them on because you moved across the world by yourself!

globe with a magnifying glass above it and a suitcase for travelling abroad

7. Get New Travel Opportunities

The best advantage of living abroad is the travel opportunities.

Sure, you may be working full time or studying abroad, but there is always time to travel. Even if it is just on weekends or a few holidays here and there.

What’s exciting is that you’re in a new locale. So everything nearby for short trips is completely different!

I visited little blue penguins in Dunedin on a long weekend when I worked in Auckland. On a day off classes, I headed to Stratford-upon-Avon in England.

Every destination you consider moving to will have unique foreign experiences that you can make the most of when you have the time to travel.

8. Personal Growth

I’ve hinted at this a bit with the newfound confidence and adaptability you’ll gain, but personal growth is a huge pro of living abroad .

Putting yourself in a new environment can help you really discover yourself. You’ll gain perspective by taking on challenges you may not have thought you could face. You’ll learn more about the world and figure out your place in it.

I credit living abroad with making me the person I am today.

Before I travelled, I was an anxious wreck of a girl who genuinely didn’t like herself.

Now, I’m a badass woman who thinks she’s fricken awesome!

That never would have happened without moving to a foreign country and having the space to get to know myself.

Track your personal growth in this Empowered Solo Travel Planner – with a great journal section at the end.

go skydiving while living in another country

9. Every Day is an Adventure

It’s so easy to get stuck in a rut doing the same thing day in and day out.

It’s hard to find joy when you know exactly what’s going to happen next in your day.

Living abroad takes you out of that rut.

Even if you’re working the same job, living your same routine, just being in a new space will completely shake up your day. There will be unique hurdles, fun new experiences, and sometimes annoying changes that will make each day an adventure.

It can also help you shake up that rut so you find a new, more exciting routine.

10. Experience a New Culture

You learn the most about the world by being immersed in it.

Get out of your bubble and discover cultures from other areas of the world. You’ll be able to learn more about the local culture of another place and become more compassionate to other humans.

I never would have learned so much about the Maori people of New Zealand if I hadn’t moved to the country. Sure, I went to a haka festival , but actually working alongside Maori people and getting local perspectives was so much more impactful.

Even non-indigenous peoples will help you gain more perspective.

After living abroad, you’ll have a more expanded worldview.

gain independence while living abroad

11. Become More Independent

You may not believe this now, but I was that kid that made her mom order her food.

I’m not talking like as a little kid. I’m talking like well into high school.

I used to think I couldn’t do anything on my own.

Then I moved to Italy , where the lack of adult supervision probably should have been disturbing but actually offered me a chance to discover my independence.

I became the girl who would go on walks alone to find new muses for her stories, who would chat up the local bartender and give him tips on his manuscript, who could order her own damn meal without help!

Since I started solo travelling, I’ve become even more independent.

Now I know what I’m capable of – I mean I moved to New Zealand alone! How hard can ordering my own dinner be after that??

12. Make Unforgettable Memories

Moving abroad, much like travelling in any way, leads to some of the best memories you’ll ever have.

Life is short. Don’t waste it letting every day feel the same.

When you move abroad, an advantage of living in a foreign country is that the little things are exciting again.

Conquering grocery stories in Swedish or navigating the tube in London on your way to work are suddenly exciting. There’s a reason to remember every day.

The ultimate experiences you’ll have will also be one for the travel journal. You’ll be packing it full of unique adventures from your time abroad. Like the locals you went to dinner with or the hot air ballooning experience you tried on the weekend.

I can’t imagine working a 9-to-5 in the same place. I need the memories of adventures to accompany my desk job!

Keep track of your memories in my favourite travel journal !

13. Learn What You Really Need

A con of moving abroad is that you have to pack up everything you need. But the pro is that you learn what you really need!

Let’s be real: no one loves packing for packing’s sake.

But it’s a necessity, especially if you’re going to be moving to live in another country.

Whether you’re going to study abroad, on sabbatical, for a working holiday, or for a permanent move, you’ll need to pack up your belongings.

Sorting through the things you own will help you realize what you actually need.

I donated 12 bags of clothes and other tat after I got back from my year in Europe . After every subsequent move abroad, I’d donate even more.

Soon I was down to an essential two suitcases worth of items that actually mattered to me.

While you may not downsize quite that much, you will get rid of the nonsense that you realize you don’t need. And you’ll learn that you can live with much less than you have.

I recommend using this durable suitcase for your move abroad!

14. Gives You More Opportunities

Moving abroad can be the best option to expand your opportunities.

Some places just aren’t great for work. By moving abroad, you open yourself up to new experiences and new options for employment. They may come with better salaries, more benefits, or a better work-life balance.

One of my favourite parts of working in New Zealand was the extended holiday leave that we don’t get in Canada. I was making more money at an entry level job, getting 6 weeks of paid vacation, and getting to leave my work at the office.

Those benefits definitely outweighed any cons of moving abroad for me.

15. Discover Your Passions

I wouldn’t be a travel blogger full time without living abroad.

I’d have taken the scholarship I got, gone to law school, and probably be having daily panic attacks in a law firm just waiting for retirement.

Living abroad, meeting people who weren’t obsessed with the 9 to 5 traditional life, and trying new things really helped me figure out what I was meant to do.

16. Learn New Languages

Now, I’m not very good with languages, but I’ve always wanted to try and learn a new one.

Learning Spanish has been on my bucket list for years, and it’s something that I’m determined to finally do! When I lived in Spain, I picked it up so much faster.

Same for Italian! During my time living in Italy, I spoke it so easily at the weekly markets or joking with the local bartender.

Now, I can barely get through the pasta section on a menu. Being immersed in the culture makes a massive difference to your language skills.

It’s also so cool to learn new ways to say things either in slang or in the local language. I can say cheers in so many languages now!

17. Nothing Holding You Back

I always struggled to really be myself because so many people back home knew these past versions of my growing up.

To this day, my family still mocks my goth phase or my obsession with vampires.

It’s all fun and games now, but at the time it added a deep layer of frustration whenever I’d try to experiment and adapt.

By leaving behind all the expectations and past versions of myself physically, I was able to find myself abroad.

18. Network Across Borders

Some people worry when they live abroad, even for a short period of time, that they’re losing their connections or going to get behind their peers in work.

I’ve found the opposite!

You can make amazing connections with people abroad. That’s landed me free places to stay, amazing work opportunities, and more options than I ever would have had if I just stayed in Toronto.

Even just speaking with people at the bar of a restaurant or in a hostel can help you meet amazing people who can change your career path entirely.

17 Cons of Moving Abroad: Disadvantages of Living in Another Country

19. language barrier.

Languages can be a challenge.

If you move to a country where you don’t speak the language, you can learn it in time.

Unfortunately, if business is conducted in this language, you’ll have a hard time finding a job.

I could never live in France because after taking 12 years of French lessons, I can still only say about three words in French. Although they do business in English, many companies won’t hire people that cannot speak a little bit of French.

It’s important to research the language requirements for work before you move to a foreign country.

👉  Want to learn a new language? I recommend this language learning app!

20. Culture Shock

Not every place is the same.

Moving abroad can lead to serious culture shock – a major con of living abroad.

You’ll be all excited for this new experience, then arrive and BOOM, everything is so different. You’ll have to adapt to new office dynamics, different ways of shopping, and different social dynamics in public.

When I moved to Halifax , I had to become 40x friendlier just to get by. They literally say hi to everyone on the street there!

When I visited Toronto after and tried to say hi to people, they genuinely thought I was crazy and would cross the street to avoid me.

While culture shock can be overcome, it throws a lot of expats for a loop. They expect to love the experience immediately, then struggle when they find all of these little challenges they didn’t expect.

21. Homesickness

One of the biggest cons of living abroad is dealing with homesickness.

Even after my fifth time moving to a new country, I would still occasionally get homesick for Canada – a place I didn’t even really consider home anymore.

I made the first time solo traveller mistake of trying to reduce my homesickness so I felt it less. But that didn’t help.

It nearly made me return from Glasgow numerous times, even though I didn’t know what I’d be returning too.

Now, I realize that homesickness is just me missing a particular thing.

Sometimes it can be remedied by cooking a familiar meal. Other times I need to call my family. Occasionally, I just need a good cry because something else is bothering me.

Whatever it is, homesickness is completely liveable.

Besides, as my mom always says, “if you hate it, you can just go home”.

currency from living abroad

22. Moving is Expensive

Moving is always expensive. I moved from Toronto to Ottawa and just getting a bedframe and desk out here cost over $600 CAD.

Now imagine the cost of moving that stuff to a foreign country!

But there are other costs too: Visa fees, plane tickets, shipping, medical tests, and new items you’ll need to buy.

Moving abroad isn’t always the cheapest option, but it can be done without breaking the bank.

It’s up to you to decide if you’re going to bring a ton of things with you, or if you’re ok to travel light. Would you prefer a large house or are you alright in an apartment or sharing a flat?

Ultimately, you’ll have to make the choice of how much you’re willing to spend.

I’ve managed to move to 5 countries and the only time I lost money on the venture was when I studied abroad and had no income. Even then, I don’t see it as “losing” money, as the experience was definitely worth it.

23. There’s A Lot of Paperwork

Ugh paperwork is a definite disadvantage of living abroad!

It’s one of the things I hate most in life.

When you move abroad, there is going to be paperwork.

You’ll need Visas, work permits, plane tickets, insurance, proof of medical clearance, and more depending on the country you’re going to. If you thought opening a bank account, getting a house, and getting a tax number were hard at home, wait till you have to do it in a totally foreign country.

The bureaucracy of moving abroad is definitely a disadvantage. Luckily, it’s usually a one-time thing (or at most only once a year).

Opening a bank account is so much EASIER by creating a free multi-currency account here.

24. You’ll Be an Outsider

A lot of people fear being an outsider.

When you move to a foreign country, you may be the only English-speaking person or the only person from your nation.

It can make you stand out.

Personally, I love being the only Canadian in the room. That’s partially cause I can play pranks on people – like telling them we eat Beavertails (which we do, just not the ones you’re thinking of!).

But it can be hard for people who don’t want to stick out.

I recommend finding a group of expats to hang out with and trying to make some local friends.

woman lonely on a chair while abroad

25. Loneliness

People really fear loneliness.

Whether it’s solo travellers worried about loneliness or expats fearing the isolation of being abroad, humans are not solitary creatures so we worry about being alone.

I won’t lie: it can be very lonely to move abroad.

When I moved to Glasgow, I didn’t try to make any friends. I went to my two classes, then went home and hid in bed from my anxious thoughts.

I blamed Glasgow for my loneliness, when in truth it was my own fault.

Years later when I returned to the UK to live in Oxford, I didn’t make my same mistakes. Namely, I didn’t:

  • Stay in my room alone
  • Not join clubs
  • Only do solitary activities
  • Blamed my loneliness for my poor mood, then didn’t go out from my poor mood, and kept the cycle going
  • Refuse to try to speak to people for small daily interactions, like a barista at a coffee shop
  • Only socialize with people back home
  • Try to stay on Canada-time so I could talk to my friends at home, thereby making days even more challenging in the UK

Don’t make these mistakes and you won’t be lonely!

It only takes 1% of effort to meet people.

26. Your Favourite Things May Not Be Available

If you have comfort foods, routines you love, or activities that you do weekly, moving abroad can be hard. Those familiar things that comfort you may not be available.

In New Zealand, I couldn’t get any of the junk food I was used to in Canada (which turned out to be a great thing, because theirs are way better). When I was having a rough time and I just wanted something familiar, it was hard to not have access to it.

Sometimes I struggle because pumpkin pie is one of my favourite desserts, but outside of North America, it’s impossible to get. So I had to make it from scratch – inevitably causing a pumpkin massacre and a flambe nightmare in a dorm oven.

If you know there are things that really matter to you, pack some along. Otherwise, look forward to having them as a treat when you visit or in a care package from home.

And then get excited to find some new favourites!

27. Tax Implications

Taxes are a con everywhere. They suck to figure out. No one enjoys the paperwork or the stress.

Working abroad means learning a whole new system of taxes to challenge you.

I got lucky in New Zealand – a country with the easiest tax system in the world, as voted by expats. But many countries don’t have it so easy.

You’ll have to file in two countries as well for your first year, when you’ll have some income in both places.

I recommend getting a tax accountant your first year, if not for the entirety of your time as an expat. It’ll make things a lot easier and will ensure that it’s all set up correctly.

Or move to New Zealand, where it’s a breeze!

28. It’s Difficult to Become a Citizen

Many countries are happy to let in Working Holiday Visa holders or give out temporary work permits. But becoming a citizen can be much more challenging.

There’s a reason so many people get married for green cards!

When I was considering moving to the UK, I checked and I’d need to stay in the country for at least 5 years before I could even begin to apply. That meant 5 years of needing to scrounge Visas from companies who would sponsor me, or paying the expensive application fee myself if the company wouldn’t.

It didn’t even assure me a place for more than a year at a time.

If your ultimate goal is citizenship, you’ll need to be more thoughtful about the types of Visas you use and what type of work you have.

Pro tip : Government jobs are always best for getting your Visas sponsored.

Help Wanted Sign

29. Hard to Find a Job Before You Arrive

When I moved to New Zealand, I was so sure that I was hot shit.

I thought I’d get a job instantly.

Instead, I arrived a week before the country closed for Christmas . So I had to wait 6 weeks before I could even consider finding a job.

Although I could afford to wait the 6 weeks, I got super nervous and freaked out about my finances to my whole family.

Thankfully, I got a job soon after.

But that situation happens to many people who aren’t in my situation.

With a Working Holiday Visa , I could show up without a job. Many work visas don’t let you even apply until you have proof of employment.

This might mean accepting a lower position or a position that’s not quite your dream job just to get in the door.

30. New Social Rules to Adapt To

Every country has taboos and social conventions.

But you may not expect them before you arrive.

For example, in Canada, you have to say “please” and “thank you” constantly. And get used to everyone saying “eh” at the end of sentences.

In Morocco, women can’t look men in the eyes or it’s a sign of flirtation.

The social norms can vary from place to place. Expats are often unsure of what’s acceptable and will make some mistakes.

It’s totally fine to slip up, but you will be expected to learn as you go.

I recommend chatting with a local as soon as possible to ask about what you should avoid doing so you don’t offend anyone.

31. Currency Fluctuation

When you move abroad, you have to transfer money – at least to get you started.

Transfering money can be great if you’re going to a country where the currency is worth less. That means more money when you transfer $1 and it becomes $1.50!

But, while you’re there, the currency can fluctuate. You may come back to your home country and find that hard earned money is worth $0.75 rather than the $1 you thought it would be. Or it could be even less than you expected when the markets dip.

I loved going to New Zealand, because I got a few extra cents for every dollar.

But on the way back, my savings were quickly chopped below $0.50 for every $1 when I moved to the UK.

Send your money abroad at the cheapest rates with Wise.com !

suitcase being packed on a floor for moving abroad

32. Packing Sucks

Packing sucks.

There I said it.

It’s the bane of my existence – even though I’m really good at it now.

Packing for long-term trips is especially challenging.

Whether you’re going forever or just for a year, packing is a definite disadvantage of moving abroad.

My advice is to take as little as possible.

You really don’t need that much.

I moved to New Zealand with 10 shirts! In the end, I wish I’d only brought 8.

Make packing easier by pre-ordering all your moving supplies here.

33. Pressure to Do Everything

When you move, it kinda feels like travelling at first.

So you try to do everything all at once – work and travel. That’s exhausting!

You might catch yourself trying to book trips every weekend and go out every single day after work. But that’s just not feasible.

You need to take breaks, chill in the backyard or have a lazy day on the couch.

Otherwise you’ll burn out.

34. Need New Clothes

Different climates might mean a whole new wardrobe – yet another expense for people moving abroad.

Living in a foreign country will suck if you’re shivering for half the year.

But finding the time and money to go buy the stuff, also isn’t fun.

In New Zealand, it took me a couple months before I finally had the energy and the money to get a winter coat (admittedly, I was broke at the time).

If you move around as often as I do, it can suck needing so many different items in so many different places.

35. Allergies and Unexpected Illness

Your body is used to one place. When you move, it suddenly has all sorts of new germs and environmental factors to contend with.

When I moved to Serbia, I unlocked allergies I didn’t even know lurked beneath the surface and needed to get prescription level allergy meds.

Meanwhile, in New Zealand, I barely ever sneezed.

But I found out I’m allergic to their sand flies.

Between that and unexpected reactions to elevation, humidity, etc, you can’t really be sure how your body will aclimatize to your new area and its seasons.

Transfer Money to Canada

Moving abroad requires a lot of steps. One of the biggest ones is sending over money so you can start your life here.

I used to use outdated bank transfers and Paypal, which meant paying HUGE fees and inflated exchange rates. I’d often lose thousands just trying to move my own money.

Then I found Wise.com.

I use them exclusively now to send my money around the world. Whether I’m moving to a new country, taking a gap year, or studying abroad, I’ve relied on Wise.com to transfer my money for the lowest rates.

If you’re skeptical, they even have a tool that will compare their service fees and exchange rates with other providers to prove that they are saving you the most money.

Sign up today to start moving your money to live abroad securely and without ridiculous added fees.

👉  Transfering money abroad? Use Wise.com for the best rates!

Get Travel Insurance

No one wants things to go wrong when they move abroad, but sometimes accidents happen.

When things don’t go to plan, have Safety Wing on your side. You don’t need the added stress of dealing with medical bills, lost luggage, or delayed flights when things are going awry. You need a travel insurance provider you can trust to get you through the stress and be accessible 24/7.

Whether you need short-term, long-term or budget-friendly coverage, Safety Wing has your back.

I’ve always been able to rely on them when I’m sick abroad, have had flight cancellations, or had something lost/stolen (these things do happen!).

👉 Find out how much it costs to protect your trip today with Safety Wing travel insurance.

Make Friends Abroad

Are you worried about being lonely while living in a foreign country? Or don’t know how to meet some locals who do things you do?

Thank god for the internet!

Now you don’t have to bother hunting down flyers in a coffee shop.

Join Meetup to find tons of events hosted by locals and expats alike.

Whether your hobbies include hiking, crafting, comedy nights, or board games, you’ll find a Meetup group that’s perfect for you. If one doesn’t already exist, you can even start your own to find some friends with similar interests.

It’s free to join – although some activities cost money, like going bowling or joining a cooking class. You’ll meet tons of people looking for new friends who enjoy the same activities as you.

The events, especially hiking or cultural events, can also be a great way to find hidden travel gems. I never would have discovered some of my 10 Best Auckland Day Trips without the help of my hiking Meetups group.

FAQs About Moving Abroad

How to move to another country.

There are unique requirements for each country that you’ll have to research. I recommend doing the following: -Check if your job has other offices -Or pick a dream destination -Check their visa work requirements -Start preparing your documents, including having a valid passport -Look into getting a bank account, getting a tax number, and finding a place to live -Decide if you’re going to retain your items at home -Just do it! The hardest part of moving abroad is deciding to do it. The rest is all administrative junk!

Should You Move Abroad?

In my opinion, everyone should live abroad at least once. There are so many advantages that outweigh the disadvantages of moving to another country. You’ll come back a better version of yourself – if you decide to come back at all! Moving abroad helped me shake off the shackles of the person I was trying to be to please everyone else. It helped me find out who I really am, what I really want, and how to live my life for me. Whether you move abroad to study, work, or just hang out for a while, I think it’s a must-do for everyone.

Is Living Overseas Right for You?

It’s hard to tell if living in another country will be right for you until you do it. If you’d asked anyone if it was right for me before I moved to Italy or Scotland, you’d probably get a resounding “no!”. I think moving abroad is one of those things no one can ever really be ready for. You just have to dive in and give it a shot. Worst case, you hate it and you can come home. Best case, you love it! I’d take those odds, and I’m not even a betting woman.

Reasons Not to Move Abroad

  • The location is dangerous/in a war
  • You need specialized healthcare that you can only get in your country
  • It’s scary (but is that really a reason??)
  • Your work won’t let you (… sounds like a bad job to me!)
  • You can’t speak the language ( get some classes going or pick another country!)
  • You worry what people will think (psh, the only opinion that matters is yours. Do you think your 80 year old self would regret not going? Then go!)
  • You can’t afford it (not an excuse! I saved enough to live in Europe for a year within 2 months. You can do it, too!)
  • I have kids (I know soooo many people who have kids and move abroad. I think it’s great for them!)
  • I have pets (pets can move , too! Just research vaccinations)
  • I don’t want to (this is the only valid reason I can think of to not move abroad)

Wrap Up of Living Abroad

Have you always wanted to live in another country? Have you just been worried about the pros and cons of moving abroad?

Now you know the highs and lows from someone who has moved abroad almost every year for a decade!

Don’t let fear hold you back from living your dream.

Move abroad so you can live in the Italian countryside drinking wine as you remote work, or find a cool foreign office in Ireland so you can explore the Cliffs of Dover on your weekend off.

Live the life you want to live today. Don’t wait for some potential tomorrow that may never come.

Your next task is to start googling some places you want to live (or creating a dream Pinterest board ). Get that inspiration going and you’ll be living in a foreign country in no time!

When you’re ready to visit France, find the cheapest flights with this tool.

Benefits of Living Abroad?

There are many benefits to living abroad, including the opportunity to learn about new cultures, customs and languages.

Additionally, living abroad can also lead to better job prospects and improved lifestyle choices.

Finally, by living in a foreign country you will have the chance to meet new people and make lifelong friends.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Living Abroad?

One advantage of living abroad is that you have the opportunity to learn about new cultures and customs. Additionally, living abroad can also lead to better job prospects and improved lifestyle choices. However, there are also some disadvantages to living abroad, such as feeling homesick or isolated from your friends and family. It can also be challenging to find work without local work experience.

What are the possible effects of moving to another country?

The possible effects of moving to another country are both positive a

nd negative. Positive effects can include things such as learning a new language, experiencing different cultures, and developing new skills. Negative effects can include things such as culture shock, homesickness, and feeling isolated. It is important to research a potential destination country carefully before making the decision to move in order to be prepared for both the good and the bad.

Disadvantages of living in a foreign county?

There are several disadvantages of living in a foreign county. They include: feeling homesick or isolated, challenges in finding work, and adjusting to a new culture. Additionally, there may be language barriers and you may not have access to the same level of medical care as you would in your home country.

Advantages and disadvantages of living and working in a foreign country?

There are many advantages and disadvantages of living and working in a foreign country. Some of the advantages include:

1) You get to experience a new culture and way of life.

2) You get to meet new people from all over the world.

3) You get to learn a new language.

And some disadvantages may include:

1) You may not be able to find a job that pays as well as you would like.

2) You may not be able to find a place to live that is as comfortable as you would like.

3) You may not be able to get the same type of medical care that you are used to.

Advantages of living in a foreign country?

There are many advantages to living in a foreign country. One advantage is that you get to experience a new culture and way of life. This can be very exciting and enriching. Another advantage is that you get to meet new people and make new friends. This can be a great way to broaden your social horizons. Finally, living in a foreign country can be a great way to learn a new language. This can be very beneficial both professionally and personally.

Should I move to another country?

This is a difficult question to answer. There are many factors to consider, such as your current situation, your desired situation, and the pros and cons of living in a foreign country.

Some people find that moving to another country is a great way to improve their life, while others find it to be disruptive and difficult.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to move to another country is a personal one that depends on your specific circumstances.

Benefits of moving to another country?

There are many potential benefits of moving to another country. One benefit is that you can learn about new cultures and customs. Additionally, living abroad can also lead to better job prospects and improved lifestyle choices. Finally, by living in a foreign country you will have the chance to meet new people and make lifelong friends.

Advantages of foreign employment?

There are many advantages to foreign employment, including the opportunity to:

1. Earn a higher salary than you would at home.

2. Enjoy a better standard of living, with access to nicer homes and better schools.

3. Experience new cultures and lifestyles.

4. Learn new languages and gain valuable international contacts

Challenges of living abroad?

There are several challenges that come with living abroad, such as:

1. Culture shock – This can be a big adjustment, and it may take some time to get used to the new culture.

2. Language barriers – If you don’t speak the language of your host country, it can be difficult to communicate with people and make friends.

3. Homesickness – It’s common to miss your family and friends back home, and you may find yourself feeling isolated in your new country.

4. Financial difficulties – Living in a foreign country can be expensive, especially if you’re not employed.

5. Adjusting to a new way of life – There can be a big difference between the lifestyle in your home country and the lifestyle in your host country, which can take some time to get used to.

What are the disadvantages of living abroad?

There are a few potential disadvantages to living abroad that you should be aware of before making the decision to move. These include:

1. Language barriers can make everyday life difficult

2. You may feel isolated and homesick

3. Cost of living can be expensive in some countries

4. Different customs and cultures can be challenging to adjust to

5. You may have trouble finding a job

6. Your family and friends may be far away

Difficulties of living in a foreign country?

It’s not always easy to adjust to living in a new country, especially if you don’t speak the language. Here are some of the difficulties you might face:

1. Not being able to communicate effectively can be frustrating and make everyday tasks like shopping or going to the doctor very difficult.

2. You may feel isolated and lonely if you don’t have any friends or family in the country.

3. It can be hard to find housing and jobs in a new country.

4. You may miss your home and the familiar things about it, like the food, the climate, and the people.

Is Living abroad beneficial?

Yes, living abroad can be very beneficial! It can help you learn new things, meet new people, and see the world from a different perspective. However, it’s important to be prepared for the challenges that come with living in a new country. If you’re thinking of moving to another country, make sure you do your research so that you know what to expect.

Is living abroad worth it?

Yes, living abroad is definitely worth it! There are so many benefits to living in a new country that you simply can’t experience by staying at home. For one thing, you’ll get to learn about a new culture and meet lots of new people. You’ll also have the opportunity to travel and see new places. And of course, living in a new country can also be a great way to learn a new language. So if you’re thinking about living abroad, don’t hesitate – it’s definitely worth it!

Negative effects of living abroad?

There are a few potential negative effects of living abroad that you should be aware of before making the decision to move. These include:

3. The cost of living can be expensive in some countries

4. Different customs and cultures can be challenging

Benefits of living in different countries?

There are many benefits to living in different countries. One benefit is that you get to experience different cultures. Another benefit is that you learn new things. And finally, it can be a great way to meet new people.

I learned more about history, religion, and even science living abroad than I ever did in a classroom!

Pros and cons of living in Europe vs. America?

There are both pros and cons to living in Europe vs. America. Some of the pros of living in Europe include:

1. The cost of living is often cheaper than in America.

2. There is more history and culture to experience.

3. The healthcare system is typically better than in America.

4. The food is often healthier and more diverse.

5. You can travel to other countries more easily.

Some of the cons of living in Europe include:

1. The weather can be colder and wetter than in America.

2. There are often language barriers.

3. European countries can be less accepting of immigrants than America.

4. There is often more crime and violence in European countries.

5. The economy can be weaker in some European countries.

Is moving abroad a good idea?

There’s no easy answer to this question – it depends on your specific situation and what you’re looking for in life. However, there are some general things to keep in mind that might help you make your decision.

For starters, living in a foreign country can be an incredibly enriching experience. It allows you to learn about new cultures, customs, and ways of life.

Of course, there are also some challenges that come along with moving to a new country. It can be difficult to adjust to a new culture and way of life, and you may miss your family and friends back home.

So, ultimately, the decision of whether or not to move abroad is a personal one that depends on your own circumstances. If you’re looking for an adventure and are open to new experiences, then moving abroad may be a good option for you. However, if you’re more comfortable with the familiar, then staying put may be a better idea.

Can I move to another county?

Yes, everyone is capable of moving to another country.

The real question is which country should I you move to?

There are many things to consider when making such a decision, including your job, finances, family, and lifestyle.

Some people move to another country for work or to be closer to family. Others do so to retire in a warmer climate or to escape political unrest.

Before you make the decision to move, it’s important to do your research.

Bank abroad pros and cons?

There are both pros and cons to banking abroad.

On the plus side, banking in a foreign country can give you access to a wider range of financial products and services. It can also help you diversify your investments and protect your assets from political or economic instability in your home country.

On the downside, however, banking abroad can be expensive and complicated. You may also have to deal with language barriers and different time zones.

Ultimately, whether or not banking abroad is a good idea for you depends on your individual circumstances. If you’re comfortable with the risks and costs involved, then it could be a good way to diversify your finances.

Overall, it is complex to set up foreign banks.

Is moving abroad worth it?

Yes, moving abroad is worth it! It can be a great way to learn new things, meet new people, and experience different cultures. It can also be a great way to broaden your horizons and see the world from a new perspective.

What happens when you move to another country?

When you move to another country, you’ll have to deal with a lot of paperwork and red tape. You’ll also have to get used to a new culture and way of life. There may be some bumps along the road, but overall, moving abroad can be a great experience.

To start, you’ll need to find a visa that allows you to stay in the country for an extended period of time. You’ll also need to find a place to live and a job. Once you’ve settled in, you can start exploring your new home and getting to know the people and culture.

Related Posts:

  • Benefits of Travelling Alone: 20 Pros and Cons of Solo Travel
  • 14 Pros and Cons of Living in France
  • 25 Pros and Cons of Living in New Zealand
  • 10 Pros and Cons of Living in Canada
  • How to Move to New Zealand with a Working Holiday Visa
  • 8 Things I Learned From 8 Months in Europe

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living abroad essay

Living Abroad Travel Planning Guide

🚑  Should I buy expat travel insurance?

100% YES!  — With basic coverage averaging just $5-10 USD per day, enjoy peace of mind with a plan from Safety Wing!

🌎 What is the best country to live in as an expat?

It depends – the best country to live in as an expat will depend on your unique needs. I developed this free quiz to help you figure out where is right for you!

📍 How do I pick a country to live abroad?

It depends – picking a country to live in is hard. That’s why I developed this $7 course to share all of the steps I’ve taken when deciding to move to 20+ different countries, and how I handle homesickness when I get there.

Ultimately, making the choice of where to move is going to be hard. But the hardest thing is deciding to move abroad at all!

💼 How do I get a job as an expat?

You can find work abroad via local job boards or temp agencies. My favourite way to work is remotely, so I always look for jobs on FlexJobs.com when I live abroad. They hire for 100% remote roles only.

If you’re looking to teach English abroad, Premier TEFL has the best online course to get you great work!

💰 How do I open a bank account abroad?

Wise.com offers free global accounts, and the cheapest money transfers. Since it can be a headache to open bank accounts in different countries (it took me 2 months in the UK!), Wise.com is a great solution.

I actually use it as my primary bank now worldwide due to the multi-currency debit card. ( Read more )

👯‍♀️ How do you make friends abroad?

Meetup.com – Meet likeminded people who share a similar hobby with Meetup! It’s free to join, but some activities may cost money, like if you go to a cafe and get a coffee.

🙀 I don’t speak the language. Can I still live abroad?

Learn languages in no time with iTalki ! Moving abroad is an opportunity to learn the language. You don’t need to know it before you leave home.

💻 Do I need a VPN?

Yes! – VPNs allow you to access more of the internet. From US Netflix in the UK to social media sites banned in Asia. It’s a really helpful and cheap thing to ensure your online activities aren’t restricted.

🧳 What’s the best luggage for living abroad?

This is my favourite luggage set f or long term travel. You can read more about my review of types of suitcases for travel here .

🏡 How do I tell my friends and family I want to live abroad?

Take this $7 course and learn the exact script I used to tell my family I was moving abroad … and then when I did it again. I even include tips for prepping your family, and for how to handle family who aren’t supportive.

✈️  What’s the best site to buy cheap flights?

To find cheap flights, I recommend  Skyscanner . ( Read more )

🏨  What’s the best site to find cheap hotels?

To find cheap hotels, I recommend  Booking.com . ( Read more )

Or stay for free with Trusted Housesitters!

🚗  What’s the best site to rent cars abroad?

To find cheap rental cars, I recommend  Discover Cars .

🚗  What’s the best site to find tours?

To find epic tours, I recommend  Viator .

Nina Clapperton is the founder of Nina Out and About. She has lived in 18 countries in the past 10 years, explored more than 30 countries, and has done most of it solo. A Canadian native, she also shares her favourite things to do in the True North. She helps over 100,000 people per month plan their expat adventures and Canadian trips.

Want to move abroad, but don’t know how to start?

Get an expert’s tips & tricks, pick which country to move to – and do it.

living abroad essay

Eurosender Blog

In a world so connected by technology, distances may seem smaller than they did a few decades ago. Moving to a different country or even a different continent is something that is becoming increasingly common, especially amongst younger generations. This may be for study , for work or just for leisure. However, such a big move is usually not all roses, so we put together a list of the pros and cons of living abroad .

What are the advantages and disadvantages of living abroad?

Moving to a foreign country is the most intense way of getting to know a different culture. It is an immersive experience where you step out of the comfort zone of your home and dive into new customs, habits and language. It might sound overwhelming at first, so let’s start with the best things this experience overseas might bring.

Are you going for Erasmus? You may be interested in the following articles:

  • 10 benefits of Erasmus
  • Ultimate Erasmus guide – PDF

Pros of living abroad

Explore a different culture.

When moving to a foreign country, you will most likely be inserted in a place that is culturally very different from what you are used to. This can be seen in several ways: the architecture of the buildings, the way that people interact with each other or even social gatherings. Enjoy this opportunity to really get to know and embrace this new environment with all it has to offer.

Meet new people

Even though in the beginning it may seem difficult to make new friends, this is one of the greatest advantages of living abroad. While at home, it is easy to often find yourself surrounded by likeminded people (and there is nothing wrong about that), moving to a different country is the perfect opportunity to open up your mind and talk to people who have different ideas and life stories.

Try using this experience abroad to connect with locals and other expats. Taking gym classes, signing up for events of the student union or hanging out with co-workers are great ways of getting started. Maybe, in the end, you will end up having friends from all over the world.

Gather a collection of travel stories

It is easy to fall into a routine while being at home. Study, work, groceries, workout. The excitement of trying new things and exploring new places might be saved just for vacations or holidays.

However, when you move to a foreign country where everything is new… that is when the magic happens. Even the simplest tasks can be exciting. Try a local dish, hop on a bus to visit the next city or book a weekend trip to somewhere you have never been before.

Building up your soft skills

Having experience of living abroad can be very useful when looking for a job. Most companies value international experiences, even if they were for leisure or study. When a person steps out of their comfort zone and moves to another country, there is always an improvement in their communication skills, social skills and networking. You also learn how to relate to people from different cultural backgrounds and respect divergent opinions. These are all highly valuable attributes in a work environment.

Moving and relocating services

Here at Eurosender, we know the process of moving to a foreign country can be very overwhelming. We have helped over 10.000 people to relocate across Europe, and every shipper has agreed that the number one concern and priority when relocating is the safety of the goods. Therefore, we have gathered and created a vast network of the best logistics providers that will ensure your belongings will arrive securely at your final destination. Book a transport service that will only be dedicated to you and your load, and receive all the parcels at once. Book with Eurosender, and allow our logistics specialists to help you throughout the moving process. Move to your new and yet unknown environment, but have a well-known and renowned logistics company to take care of what you greatly value.

Check our relocation guides for more information.

Cons of living abroad

When someone moves to a new country, the first few months can be considered as an adaptation period. This is when people face most of the challenges of living abroad. In order to help with the transition, here are a few tips on how to make the best of each situation.

Dealing with a culture shock

Some people might have a culture shock when being immersed in a completely different country. It takes some time to get used to such a new environment, but some take it easier than others. The best thing to do when you feel culture shock while living abroad is to try to connect with things that make you feel comfortable. Great ideas for doing so is to cook a homemade recipe, practice sports or read your favourite book.

Bureaucracy when living abroad

Finding a new apartment, negotiating a rental agreement, setting up a bank account and arranging health insurance are some of the bureaucratic steps everyone needs to go through when moving abroad. It might be stressful, but these are usually done only once. To make the transition smoother, you can study online about these procedures in your new country or try to get in contact with other expats who have been through the same.

Financial challenges of living abroad

Finances is always a big topic when it comes to the disadvantages of living abroad, especially for people who move to a new country for work purposes. After moving, you need to become familiar with a totally new financial system. Some things to be aware of are currency conversions (if applicable), how the tax system works and what paperwork you need to arrange.

Feeling like the “new kid on the block”

It might take a while until you make life-long friends in your new country. Relationships are built with time and there are some cultures where people are more private than others. Even though this is completely normal, some might end up feeling lonely or homesick. The best way to avoid this is to get involved in classes, courses or activities where you can socialize and have fun.

Figuring out how to deal with homesickness

Homesickness is something everyone living abroad feels every now and then. It might be because you miss your friends, your family or that special homecooked meal. Unfortunately, it is something each of us feels differently and, therefore, there is no secret formula on how to deal with homesickness.

A good idea is trying to find little things that remind you of home and insert them into your routine. Here are a few suggestions: do weekly video chats with your family, create a blog where you share about your new life so they can easily keep in touch or ask for your grandmother for that special cake recipe so you can make it yourself.

Overall, living abroad is a very rewarding experience and you will come back to your loved ones filled with new adventures and stories to tell.

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IELTS Writing Samples by topic

What are the advantages and disadvantages of leaving your country to live or study abroad, what are the advantages and disadvantages of leaving your country to live or study abroad try to do this under exam conditions — try to avoid looking at any notes you've made while studying this section. remember, in, nowadays many people prefer to study or live in foreign countries. while studying and living abroad brings many benefits to individuals, it also has a number of disadvantages. what are the advantages and disadvantages of, more and more people are moving abroad to study in expensive private universities. do the advantages of this trend outweigh its disadvantages, what are the advantages and disadvantages of leaving your country to live or study abroad, what are the advantages and disadvantages of leaving your country to live or study abroad, what are the advantages and the disadvantages of leaving your country to live and study abroad., what are the advantage and disadvantage of leaving your country to live or study abroad, what are the advantages and disadvantages of leaving your country to or study abroad, what are the advantages and disadvantages of leaving your country to live study abroad.

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The experience of living abroad.

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            Living abroad is a great opportunity for people who are seeking to gain a lot of useful experiences and valuable knowledge. Nevertheless, living in a foreign country can be exhilarating, but also a daunting experience. During this period of time, these will not be ordinary days, but new experiences and memorable days. There will be ups and downs, smiles and frowns, but in the end, it will be a remarkable experience that will never be forgotten. This essay aims to mention my personal experiences of living abroad, the advantages, the disadvantages, as well as my overall outlook towards living abroad as a foreigner.              The first advantage of living abroad is being able to learn another language. As I have been living abroad in the country Turkey for the past two years now, I was able to learn the Turkish language. Thus saying so, it is scientifically proven that bilingualism does delay Alzheimer's disease in people who are likely to obtain this disease. Knowing a second language can be very beneficial for one's career, for example; a person whom is or is wanting to work in a company that works internationally, such as Honda Motor Co., Ltd. In addition, living in a foreign country allows others to get to know a different culture, thus giving them a new perspective towards life. .              Aside from the advantages, there are some disadvantages of living abroad. Firstly, not knowing the spoken language of the country can be a big issue. For example, I had a lot of troubles with getting around, registering for school, opening up a bank account, getting ripped off and trying to ask for directions when lost. Not to mention, living in a foreign country can cause culture shock, which determines whether one has a positive experience abroad or not. For example, the way animals are treated in Turkey. In comparison to Americans, most Turkish people do not value cats and dogs as we do. There are many starving stray dogs and cats living on the streets and this can cause shock for an American at first.

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Studying abroad in London will allow me to complete one of the six core components of my pre-health concentration. ... After completing my semester abroad, I will be an active leader on campus. After having the experiences of living abroad, and in university housing for my first time, I will pursue the positions of student ambassador for studying in Europe, and residential assistant. ... The skills I will develop by living and studying in London will be invaluable. My rigorous course load and internship experience will allow me to excel in the field of medicine and health care and my individua...

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3. Discuss About Avantages of Study Abroad

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Despite the existence of the many higher institutions of learning locally, however, there are still many students who go abroad for their tertiary education. ... When can we be free from our own shackles and break into new ideas, new experiences, new perspectives in life? ... Another reason why students choose to study abroad is the higher quality education provided by the established foreign colleges in advanced countries. ... Besides that, studying abroad help the students to expose themselves to alien culture and tradition. ... At the foreign place, they need to accept drastic changes in t...

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4. International Exchange Programs

Exchange programs allow secondary school and university students to study or work abroad. ... This financial support does not cover all expenses of living abroad, however, it is enough to cover tuition fees and part of expenses of the stay abroad. ... This scholarship covers expenses of living abroad and it is paid out in the host country. ... To sum up, both of these programs are attractive, because they offer university students the chance to study or work abroad. ... These programs thus provide us a great opportunity to experience and to be part of multiculturalism....

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6. Letter for Recommendation

living abroad essay

Living in a rich blend of a multi-cultural society has only fueled my passion to visit and work in a new environment, and to gain international first hand practical experience. The program provides an excellent opportunity to graduates such as myself, who not only seek a positive learning experience, but also interaction with a new social and cultural environment. One of the main reasons for signing up with the program was not only to seek a cultural working experience abroad but also to invite the opportunity to work in a challenging and dynamic working environment, wherever it might be. ...

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7. Expatriate Essay

The majority of expatriates are male, and many of their spouses are working when the family decides to go abroad. ... Short-term assignments allow the employee to go abroad without accompanying family members, thus surmounting this problem. ... * More than half the participants today pay for language training for family members going abroad, compared with only 18.4% ten years ago... The natural question then becomes: Will the company pay for living expenses? In 1988, only 26.4% paid full living expenses for the expatriate alone, with an equal percentage paying for both expatriate and fam...

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8. Company-Driven Expatriation

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The salary of expatriated personnel often consists of full salary and other benefits for example "abroad-bonuses", Cost-of-Living allowance, bonuses for working in dangerous country/environment, supported by non-monetary incentives, like housing, transport. ... In most cases, the company requires manpower to be sent abroad and set up the start-up of a new subsidiary. ... Questions like housing, banking, taxing transport, civil law are to be answered as soon as possible, to avoid any potential problem while abroad. ... After this experience, the expat return to his country, retaking ...

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For the past two years, it has been a personal goal of mine to study abroad, specifically in the United States. ... In other words, living in the United States would not represent such a new experience. ...

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The Interpreter

Why a Tactic Used by Czars Is Back With a Vengeance

Authoritarian governments have long sought to target dissidents abroad. But the digital age may have given them stronger motives, and better tools, for transnational repression.

A protest outside a cream-fronted townhouse in London, featuring several black flags labeled “Hong Kong Independence.”

By Amanda Taub

Reporting from London

Diplomatic tensions are rising here in London. On Tuesday, the British foreign ministry summoned the Chinese ambassador for an official reprimand. The day before, the police charged three men with aiding the Hong Kong intelligence service and forcing entry into a residential address.

In a statement, the Foreign Office criticized “the recent pattern of behavior directed by China against the U.K,” and cited, among other things, Hong Kong’s issuing of bounties for information on dissidents who have resettled in Britain and elsewhere.

I’m not going to speculate on whether the three men are guilty or innocent, as their court case is ongoing. But the arrests have drawn attention to the phenomenon of “transnational repression,” in which autocratic governments surveil, harass or even attack their own citizens abroad. Last month, following a string of attacks on Iranian journalists, Reporters Without Borders proclaimed London a “hot spot” for the phenomenon.

Although transnational repression is an old practice, it appears to be gaining prevalence. Globalization and the internet have made it easier for exiles to engage in activism, and have also increased autocracies’ desire — and ability — to crack down on political activity in their diasporas.

“Everyone is online,” said Dana Moss, a professor at Notre Dame who coedited a recent book about transnational repression. “And we all have tracking devices called smartphones in our pockets.”

Is transnational repression on the rise, or does it just feel like that?

“This is a very old phenomenon,” said Marlies Glasius, a professor of international relations at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. “We know that the czarist regimes, for instance, kept tabs on Russian dissidents in Paris.”

The Russian secret police even staged provocations in Paris to make dissidents seem dangerous and persuade French authorities to crack down on them. “The most notorious provocation occurred in Paris in 1890, when Arkadiy Harting (a.k.a. Abraham Gekel’man or Landezen) organized a well-armed team of bombthrowers and then betrayed them to the Paris police,” the C.I.A. historian Ben B. Fisher wrote in a 1996 analysis of the Paris operation.

The Soviet leader Joseph Stalin famously had his political rival Leon Trotsky murdered in exile in Mexico in 1940. In 1976, Chile’s military government killed Orlando Letelier, a prominent opponent of Augusto Pinochet, in a Washington car bombing. In 1984, gunmen from the Libyan Embassy in London opened fire on a protest against Muammar el-Qaddafi, wounding 11 demonstrators and killing a British policewoman.

While we know a lot about the most high-profile attacks, we don’t know how widespread or effective transnational repression has been through history, partly because it was not specifically tracked or measured until recently.

But it is certainly a popular tool today. A Human Rights Watch report published last February documented 75 cases of transnational repression reportedly committed by more than 20 countries, including Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belarus, Cambodia, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, South Sudan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, Turkmenistan and the United Arab Emirates.

Iranian journalists in London have experienced death threats, online abuse, targeted burglaries, surveillance and even a stabbing. Chinese students have described living in a “climate of fear” while studying abroad in Europe or North America because of threats, stalking, surveillance and other harassment that they believe was overseen by the Chinese government, Amnesty International reported on Monday.

And last year Hong Kong’s leader, John Lee, said that a group of pro-democracy activists living overseas would be “pursued for life” as he issued $128,000 bounties for information leading to their arrest. The dissidents are accused of violating Hong Kong’s so-called national security law.

Why don’t governments just leave political exiles alone?

Centuries ago, sending a difficult political opponent into exile could be an effective way to squash their influence and silence their message. Today, smartphones and social media mean that a dissident abroad can communicate with extraordinary reach.

“It’s become much more possible for people who have moved abroad, whether they did so for political reasons or not, to continue to influence and be part of the public sphere in their home countries,” Glasius said.

To autocrats, that feels threatening. “Because of the Arab Spring,” Moss said, “a lot of them learned the lesson, unfortunately, that what ordinary citizen activists do online or offline can really matter in terms of galvanizing public support.”

Many researchers initially viewed transnational democratic activism as a positive force that would help spread democratic ideas and accountability around the world. But perhaps that was too optimistic: The backlash from autocratic governments has meant more resources than ever are being devoted to repressing activism and dissent abroad.

And over time, autocrats have learned from each other’s techniques. “We do see that regimes are also sharing sort of their so-called ‘best-practices’ in repression, and doing more of this on a collaborative scale, which puts more people at risk,” Moss said.

What, if anything, can host countries do?

Host countries, caught in the middle between activists who have sought refuge on their soil, and another nation intent on pursuing them, face a thorny and sometimes unwelcome challenge.

Will they devote police resources to protect activists, and how much? Do they risk damaging diplomatic relations with the other country to publicly challenge acts of transnational repression?

In the United States, the F.B.I. has created “threat intimidation guides” offering guidance to people who have been victims of transnational repression on U.S. soil about how to seek protection from law enforcement. And there have been multiple federal prosecutions and indictments of people accused of plotting against journalists, activists and others.

“Governments are starting to collect data on it, there’s starting to be bipartisan legislation,” Moss said, “because they’re very worried about China and Iran. But that could also protect dissidents from places like Saudi and elsewhere.”

Experts say one of the most effective forms of defense would be to make asylum, residency and citizenship easier to obtain. “The more secure you are in having residential status, or, better still, citizenship of your host country, that gives you more recourse, makes you feel more secure, makes you less vulnerable,” Glasius said.

Amanda Taub writes the Interpreter , an explanatory column and newsletter about world events. She is based in London. More about Amanda Taub

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Meet the u.s. presidential scholars for 2024.

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President Lyndon Johnson established the Presidential Scholars program by executive order in 1964. ... [+] (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)

The 2024 class of U.S. Presidential Scholars was announced last week by U.S. Secretary Of Education Miguel Cardona.

This year’s group, the 60th in the program’s history, consists of 161 outstanding high school seniors, who were selected for their accomplishments in academics, the arts, and career and technical education fields as well as for a commitment to community service and leadership.

Being named a U.S. Presidential Scholar is considered one of the nation’s most prestigious academic awards for high school graduates. You can see the full list of this year’s class here.

“The 161 high school seniors selected for the 60th anniversary of the U.S. Presidential Scholars represent the best of our nation’s schools and inspire hope in the bright future of this country,” said Cardona, in a news release. “On behalf of President Biden, I am delighted to celebrate their accomplishments, and encourage these scholars to continue to aim high, lift up others, and embrace opportunities to lead.”

Established in 1964 by an executive order from President Lyndon B. Johnson, the Presidential Scholars are selected annually by the White House Commission on Presidential Scholars . This year the selections were made from about 3.7 million high school seniors on the basis of outstanding academic performance, artistic achievements, technical excellence, essays, and commitment to community service and leadership.

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More than 5,700 candidates qualified for the 2024 awards determined by outstanding performance on the College Board SAT or ACT exams or through nominations made by chief state school officers, other partner recognition organizations and YoungArts , the National Foundation for the Advancement of Artists.

The selection of the Presidential Scholars is guided by a quota. Each year’s class is comprised of one male and one female student from every state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and U.S. families living abroad. In addition, 55 other scholars are chosen – 20 in the arts, 20 in career and technical education and 15 selected at-large. The award does not carry any monetary stipend.

Since its inception, the U.S. Presidential Scholars Program has honored more than 8,200 of the nation's top-performing students. The program was expanded in 1979 to recognize students who demonstrate exceptional talent in the visual, literary and performing arts. In 2015, the program was again broadened to recognize students who demonstrate ability and accomplishment in career and technical education fields.

California led this year’s list with nine scholars; followed by New Jersey, Florida, New York, and Virginia, each with six. Four states (Texas, Illinois, Kentucky and Washington) had five scholars each.

As in years past, this year’s group includes students who have achieved outstanding accomplishments in a broad range of areas. Several earned perfect or near-perfect scores on the ACT or SAT.

Others have won some of the nation’s most competitive college scholarships, like Connecticut’s Leigh M. Foran , who was awarded a National Merit Scholarship, or Esperance J. Han , from Ocala, Florida, who has been named a Quest Bridge scholar.

Many of the scholars have been recognized for their volunteer work and civic contributions.

  • Matteo Huish , from Mesa, Arizona, co-founded two nonprofits — Brothers and Sisters Serving Others and Students Supporting Brain Tumor Research, and along the way he also became a published author;
  • Michigan’s Aanya Shah is a disability advocate who has served as the state president of the Health Occupations Students of America organization and also a National Youth Council member for UNICEF USA. She’s headed to Johns Hopkins University;
  • Ahryanna P. McGuirk from Kalāheo High School in Hawai’i serves as an executive officer on the Hawai’i State Student Council. A volunteer on the Youth Leadership Council for Make-A-Wish Hawai’i, she started the Wish Club at Kalāheo High School, a group that helps grant wishes to children with critical illnesses. She’s currently working toward earning her private pilot license through a scholarship at the Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum.

Among the artists selected as Presidential Scholars:

  • Patrick Flanagan , from Dallas, is an award-swimming photographer;
  • Alabama School of Fine Arts ’ Nalin Reed is a theater student;
  • Chase Phillips from duPont Manual Magnet High School in Louisville, Kentucky plans to study musical theater in college. He’s active in his school’s Black Student Union (BSU), performs with the Keen Dance Theatre and has worked with the Immigrant Refugee Assistant Program;
  • And you can listen to Ale Fonseca, a singer and composer from, Miami, Florida, perform here.

The list includes several varsity athletes like Ella Newhouse , a founding member of the Cascia Hall swim team in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She's headed to the University of Oklahoma. Collier DeClerk played football at Bentonville West High School in Arkansas; Teagan Erbele was a basketball standout at Napoleon High School in North Dakota; and Rachel Cooper , of Centennial, Colorado, was a varsity swimmer.

The Presidential Scholars Class of 2024 will be recognized for their outstanding achievements this summer with an online recognition program.

Michael T. Nietzel

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    Pros and Cons of Living Abroad7 min read. October 30, 2019 Fernanda Spolaor. FROM (PICKUP) TO (DELIVERY) Book shipping. In a world so connected by technology, distances may seem smaller than they did a few decades ago. Moving to a different country or even a different continent is something that is becoming increasingly common, especially ...

  19. What are the advantages and disadvantages of leaving your ...

    Meanwhile studying and living abroad brings many benefits to people as better education, but it also have amount of disadvantages like clash of culture w. ... Writing9 was developed to check essays from the IELTS Writing Task 2 and Letters/Charts from Task 1. The service helps students practice writing for IELTS and improve their writing skills.


    Let's analyse the positive aspects first. One advantage of living abroad could be that you have to learn how to take care of yourself. Of course you will meet people who are going to help you, but remember that you are going to be on your own for that period of time. Another advantage is that you will get to know a completely new culture ...

  21. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer: Studying Abroad (Real IELTS Test)

    This is an IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer about students living abroad written by me, Dave, a former IELTS examiner. I did this question with one of my classes and I found that it was a great teaching tool for two reasons. Firstly, because students very slightly misunderstood the question. That slight misunderstanding led to lots of them ...

  22. FREE The Experience of Living Abroad Essay

    1. London Study Abroad - Acceptance Essay. Studying abroad in London will allow me to complete one of the six core components of my pre-health concentration. ... After completing my semester abroad, I will be an active leader on campus. After having the experiences of living abroad, and in university housing for my first time, I will pursue the ...

  23. Advantage and Disadvantage of Living Abroad

    Living abroad has many advantages and disadvantages. The first advantage is easy to learn another language. This means if you are living abroad, you can learn another language. For example, your original language is Chinese, but now you living in America, you can learn English and speak it well. In addition, the second advantage is can know ...

  24. Why a Tactic Used by Czars Is Back With a Vengeance

    Chinese students have described living in a "climate of fear" while studying abroad in Europe or North America because of threats, stalking, surveillance and other harassment that they believe ...

  25. Meet The U.S. Presidential Scholars For 2024

    The 2024 U.S. Presidential Scholars have been announced. They include 161 high school seniors, selected for excellence in academics, the arts, & career/technical fields.

  26. Helms Ategeka was accepted to 122 colleges. His choice came down ...

    Helms Ategeka, a high school senior in Oakland, California, received admissions to 122 colleges and universities. With almost too many choices, he and his father had to work through their ...