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87+ ChatGPT Prompts for Thesis Writing

In the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), one transformative tool stands out for its potential in the realm of academic writing: ChatGPT, a language model developed by OpenAI. This AI assistant is becoming a valuable tool for many, particularly for those engaged in thesis writing.

Thesis writing, a crucial component of advanced academic degrees, is a demanding process that requires a significant amount of time, critical thinking, and research skills. Traditionally, writing a thesis is a solitary endeavor, often leading to situations where the writer feels stuck or overwhelmed. In recent years, however, AI technologies like ChatGPT have emerged as a potential ally in this process.

ChatGPT, leveraging its advanced language processing capabilities, can assist in multiple aspects of thesis writing. From generating research questions and exploring potential thesis topics to refining thesis statements and discussing research methodologies, this AI tool can provide an array of prompts to stimulate thought and facilitate the writing process.

This blog post aims to explore the role of ChatGPT in thesis writing, focusing on the potential prompts that can aid in various stages of the process. We'll dive into how these AI-powered prompts can provide valuable insights, guide your thought process, and ultimately help you produce a well-structured, insightful thesis.

Table of Contents

Understanding Thesis Writing

Thesis writing is an integral part of advanced academic study, typically required for the completion of a Master's or Ph.D. degree. It is a comprehensive document that presents the author's research and findings in a specified field of study. The primary goal of a thesis is to contribute original knowledge to the field.

Importance of a Well-Structured Thesis

A well-structured thesis serves as a demonstration of the author's competence in their field. It showcases their ability to conduct independent research, think critically, and communicate their ideas effectively. The clarity and coherence of the thesis structure directly impact the reader's understanding and the overall persuasiveness of the argument.

Common Challenges in Thesis Writing

Despite its importance, thesis writing can be a daunting task. Common challenges include finding a suitable topic, formulating a strong thesis statement, conducting a thorough literature review, choosing the appropriate methodology, analyzing data, and discussing the results. Additionally, maintaining academic integrity and a high standard of writing throughout the thesis can be a taxing endeavor.

Example Prompts:

What are some potential topics in the field of [insert field]?

How can I refine my thesis statement to be more clear and concise?

Can you help me summarize the key points from this research article?

What is the most suitable methodology for studying [insert research question]?

Can you assist me in interpreting these data findings?

How can I discuss the implications of my results effectively?

How can I ensure the academic integrity of my thesis?

The Concept of AI-Powered Prompts

AI-powered prompts are questions or statements designed to stimulate the AI to provide a specific type of response. These prompts act as inputs that guide the AI's response, allowing users to get the most out of the system. In the context of thesis writing, AI-powered prompts can be used to generate ideas, clarify concepts, assist in structuring arguments, and much more.

How AI-Powered Prompts Can Help in Thesis Writing

The use of AI-powered prompts in thesis writing can significantly streamline the process. They can assist in brainstorming research questions, forming a strong thesis statement, synthesizing literature, choosing appropriate methodologies, interpreting results, and more. ChatGPT can provide fresh perspectives, helping to overcome writer's block and stimulate creative thinking.

Advantages of Using ChatGPT Prompts

ChatGPT prompts offer several advantages for thesis writers. They can save time by providing instant responses, offer new perspectives on complex topics, help improve writing skills by providing examples of good writing, and serve as a tool for self-reflection, helping writers understand their own thoughts more clearly.

I'm having trouble coming up with a research question on [insert topic]. Can you suggest some possibilities?

How can I make my thesis statement stronger?

I need to summarize the main findings of these research papers. Can you help me synthesize them?

I'm unsure about the best methodology to use for my research. Can you provide some guidance?

I'm struggling to interpret these results. Can you provide some insights?

How can I improve the academic writing style in my thesis?

I'm facing writer's block. Can you provide some prompts to stimulate my thinking on [insert topic]?

Using ChatGPT for Thesis Brainstorming

ChatGPT can be an excellent tool for generating research questions. By providing insights or suggesting different angles on your chosen topic, ChatGPT can help you formulate specific, researchable questions. It can help stimulate your thinking, encourage creativity, and ensure your research questions are both innovative and relevant to your field of study.

Using ChatGPT to Explore Potential Thesis Topics

ChatGPT can also be a valuable asset when it comes to exploring potential thesis topics. By discussing various topics related to your field of study, ChatGPT can help you identify areas that interest you, are worth exploring, and have the potential to contribute to your field's body of knowledge.

Prompts for Brainstorming Different Angles on a Topic

Using prompts can help you explore different perspectives or angles on a topic, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of the subject. ChatGPT can assist you in thinking outside the box, pushing you to consider aspects of your topic that you might not have thought of on your own.

I am interested in the field of [insert field]. What are some current research trends or topics in this area?

I have a general idea about [insert topic]. Can we brainstorm some specific research questions related to this?

I am considering [insert topic] for my thesis. Can you suggest different perspectives or subtopics within this?

Can you help me explore the potential implications of [insert topic]?

How might [insert current event or trend] impact research in the field of [insert field]?

I want to explore the intersection of [insert two fields or topics]. Can you suggest some research questions at this intersection?

How can I approach the topic of [insert topic] from a [insert theoretical framework or perspective] perspective?

Using ChatGPT for Literature Review

The literature review is a critical part of thesis writing, requiring you to identify, evaluate, and synthesize previous research related to your topic. ChatGPT can be a valuable tool in this process, helping you understand complex studies, summarize key findings, and identify connections between different sources.

Prompts for Identifying Gaps in the Literature

Identifying gaps in the literature is crucial as it informs your research questions and contributes to the originality of your thesis. ChatGPT can assist in this task by helping you review the literature critically, pointing out areas that require further investigation.

Using ChatGPT to Explore Different Perspectives on a Topic

A comprehensive literature review should consider various perspectives on the topic. ChatGPT can aid in this by suggesting different viewpoints or theories that might not be immediately apparent, ensuring a well-rounded understanding of the topic.

Can you help me summarize the key findings of this study on [insert topic]?

What are the main theories or perspectives related to [insert topic]?

Are there any conflicting views or debates in the literature on [insert topic]?

Based on the current literature, what areas of [insert topic] seem to be under-researched?

Can you help me compare and contrast these two studies on [insert topic]?

How can I relate [insert study] to my own research on [insert topic]?

What are some potential implications of [insert study's findings] for future research on [insert topic]?

Using ChatGPT for Thesis Statements

A thesis statement is a concise summary of the main point or claim of your thesis. It serves as the roadmap for your paper, guiding your research and writing process. It should be clear, argumentative, and well-focused, encapsulating your thesis in one or two sentences.

How ChatGPT Can Help in Forming a Strong Thesis Statement

ChatGPT can be a valuable tool in crafting a strong thesis statement. By providing feedback or suggestions, it can help ensure your thesis statement is clear, specific, and aligned with your research objectives.

Prompts for Refining and Improving a Thesis Statement

A well-crafted thesis statement can make your research more focused and your arguments more persuasive. Using prompts can help you refine and improve your thesis statement, ensuring it effectively communicates the purpose of your research.

This is my current thesis statement: [insert thesis statement]. How can I make it more specific and argumentative?

Can you suggest a way to make my thesis statement more concise without losing its main point?

I'm having trouble formulating a thesis statement for my research on [insert topic]. Can you help?

Based on my research question on [insert question], what might be a good thesis statement?

How can I better align my thesis statement with my research objectives?

I want to express the idea of [insert idea] in my thesis statement. Can you help me phrase it?

Can you help me ensure that my thesis statement is debatable and not just stating a fact?

➡️ You May Like: 40+ ChatGPT Prompts for Rewriting Text

Using ChatGPT for Research Methodology

A well-defined research methodology is crucial for the success of any thesis. It outlines the overall research design, including data collection and analysis methods, and ensures your research is systematic, valid, and reliable.

How ChatGPT Can Assist in Discussing Research Methodology

ChatGPT can assist in discussing research methodology by providing insights into different methodological approaches, helping you choose the most suitable methods for your research, and assisting in describing your methodology in a clear and coherent manner.

Prompts for Exploring Different Methodologies and Techniques

Different research questions require different methodologies. Using prompts, you can explore various methodological approaches with ChatGPT, ensuring you choose the most appropriate methods for your research question.

I'm studying [insert topic]. What would be an appropriate methodology for this kind of research?

Can you explain the differences between qualitative and quantitative research methods?

How can I effectively describe my data collection process in my methodology section?

I'm considering using [insert method] for my research. What are its advantages and disadvantages?

Can you suggest some data analysis techniques for [insert type of data]?

How can I ensure the reliability and validity of my research using [insert method]?

I'm having trouble explaining the rationale for my chosen methodology. Can you help me articulate it?

Using ChatGPT for Data Analysis and Results Interpretation

Data analysis and interpretation are crucial stages in thesis writing. They allow you to make sense of your data, draw meaningful conclusions, and relate your findings back to your research questions. A well-executed analysis can strengthen your arguments and make your thesis more compelling.

How ChatGPT Can Assist in Data Analysis and Interpretation

ChatGPT can be a valuable tool in data analysis and interpretation. It can help explain complex statistical concepts, assist in interpreting your results, and guide you in discussing the implications of your findings in the context of your research question and the existing literature.

Prompts for Data Analysis, Results Interpretation, and Discussion

Using prompts can help you navigate the challenging process of data analysis and interpretation. They can guide your thinking, help clarify your findings, and assist in discussing the implications of your results.

I'm having trouble interpreting these results. Can you help me understand what they might mean?

Can you explain the concept of [insert statistical concept] and how it applies to my data?

How can I discuss the implications of my findings in relation to my research question?

I've found a significant correlation between [insert variables]. How can I interpret this finding?

How can I relate my findings to the existing literature on [insert topic]?

I'm struggling with the statistical analysis of my data. Can you guide me through the process?

I've encountered some unexpected results in my data. How should I address this in my thesis?

Using ChatGPT for Thesis Conclusion

A strong conclusion is vital for wrapping up your thesis effectively. It should succinctly summarize your findings, discuss the implications of your research, and suggest directions for future research. A well-written conclusion leaves a lasting impression on your readers, underscoring the value and relevance of your research.

How ChatGPT Can Help in Crafting a Compelling Conclusion

ChatGPT can assist in crafting a compelling conclusion by providing suggestions on how to summarize your findings effectively, discuss their implications, and suggest future research directions. It can help ensure your conclusion is coherent, focused, and aligns with your research objectives.

Prompts for Writing a Strong Conclusion

Using prompts can help you craft a strong conclusion that effectively summarizes your thesis, highlights its contributions, and suggests areas for future research.

How can I effectively summarize my main findings in the conclusion?

Can you help me discuss the implications of my research for the field of [insert field]?

How can I address the limitations of my study in the conclusion?

Based on my findings, what might be some directions for future research on [insert topic]?

Can you help me highlight the contributions of my research to the existing literature on [insert topic]?

How can I ensure my conclusion aligns with my research objectives and thesis statement?

I want to end my thesis on a compelling note. Can you suggest a way to do this?

Using ChatGPT for Thesis Revision and Editing

Thesis revision and editing are crucial steps in the thesis writing process. They ensure your thesis is coherent, well-structured, and free of errors. A well-edited thesis communicates your ideas more effectively and presents your research in the best possible light.

How ChatGPT Can Assist in Thesis Revision and Editing

ChatGPT can be a valuable tool in the revision and editing process. It can help identify areas of your thesis that need improvement, provide suggestions on how to enhance the clarity and coherence of your writing, and assist in checking for grammatical errors and inconsistencies.

Prompts for Thesis Revision and Editing

Using prompts can help you make the most of ChatGPT's capabilities in the revision and editing process. They can guide you in enhancing the quality of your thesis, ensuring it is well-written, coherent, and error-free.

Can you help me improve the clarity and coherence of this paragraph?

I'm concerned this section of my thesis may be too verbose. Can you suggest a way to make it more concise?

Can you check this section for grammatical errors and inconsistencies?

This paragraph doesn't seem to flow well. Can you help me improve its transition and coherence?

Can you help me ensure that my thesis maintains a consistent tone and style throughout?

I'm unsure if this section aligns well with my thesis statement. Can you provide some feedback?

How can I improve the readability of my thesis?

More Great ChatGPT Prompts for Thesis Writing

In addition to the prompts listed in the specific sections above, there are many other ways you can leverage ChatGPT to facilitate your thesis writing process. Whether you need help brainstorming ideas, outlining your thesis, generating arguments, or polishing your writing, ChatGPT can provide valuable assistance. The following are some additional unique prompt ideas that you can use:

Can you help me brainstorm some potential research questions for my thesis on [insert topic]?

I'm stuck with writer's block. Can you suggest a way to proceed with this section?

Can you provide an outline for a thesis on [insert topic]?

How can I strengthen the argument in this paragraph?

Can you suggest some reputable sources for research on [insert topic]?

How can I make the introduction of my thesis more engaging?

Can you help me formulate a hypothesis for my research on [insert topic]?

I'm having trouble structuring my literature review. Can you provide some guidance?

How can I incorporate this feedback from my advisor into my thesis?

Can you help me paraphrase this passage to avoid plagiarism?

How can I improve the transition between these two sections of my thesis?

Can you help me create a compelling title for my thesis?

What would be a suitable research design for my study on [insert topic]?

How can I present these results in a clear and understandable way?

Can you help me write an abstract for my thesis?

I'm struggling with citing sources in APA style. Can you provide some guidance?

How can I discuss the ethical considerations of my research in my methodology section?

Can you help me write a strong opening sentence for this paragraph?

How can I address potential counterarguments to my thesis?

Can you help me write a dedication for my thesis?

I need to write a thank you note to my thesis advisor. Can you help?

How can I effectively discuss the limitations of my research in the conclusion?

Can you help me prepare a presentation of my thesis findings?

How can I make my thesis more accessible to a non-specialist audience?

I'm feeling overwhelmed by the thesis writing process. Can you provide some motivation or encouragement?

Thesis writing is a challenging process that involves many different tasks, from formulating a research question and reviewing the literature, to designing a methodology, analyzing data, and drawing conclusions. Fortunately, AI tools like ChatGPT can provide valuable assistance throughout this process.

By using the right prompts, you can leverage the capabilities of ChatGPT to help brainstorm ideas, clarify your thoughts, write more effectively, and ensure your thesis is well-structured and coherent. Whether you're stuck with writer's block, struggling to interpret your data, or simply need some motivation to keep going, ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can make the thesis writing process a little less daunting.

Remember, the key to using ChatGPT effectively is to ask the right questions. The prompts provided in this post are just starting points. Feel free to modify them to fit your specific needs, or come up with your own prompts based on the challenges you're facing.

Happy writing!

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About R.J. Adams

R.J. is an artificial intelligence aficionado, committed to demystifying the intricacies of this cutting-edge technology for enthusiasts and novices alike. Leveraging his comprehensive background in internet marketing, online tools, and communications, he continually ventures into the landscape of newly released AI tools, conducting thorough tests and analyses, as well as finding the best prompts to use on the latest AI tools. He can also solve Rubik's Cube in under 2 minutes.

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ChatGPT prompts to write a PhD Thesis

How to Use ChatGPT to Write Your PhD Thesis

Dr. Somasundaram R

Writing a PhD thesis is a long and challenging process. It requires a lot of research, writing, and editing. It can be difficult to know where to start, and it can be easy to get overwhelmed.

That’s where ChatGPT and Google Bard AI can help. ChatGPT is a large language model that can be used to generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way. It can be a valuable tool for PhD students who are struggling to write their thesis.

In this article, ilovephd will discuss how ChatGPT can be used to write a PhD thesis. We will provide examples of how ChatGPT can be used to generate different parts of a thesis, such as the introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. We will also discuss some of the limitations of using ChatGPT, and we will provide tips on how to use ChatGPT effectively.

How ChatGPT can be used to Write a PhD Thesis

ChatGPT can be used to generate different parts of a PhD thesis, including:

  • Introduction:  ChatGPT can be used to generate an introduction that states the thesis statement, provides background information on the topic, and discusses the significance of the research.
  • Literature review:  ChatGPT can be used to generate a literature review that summarizes the existing research on the topic.
  • Methodology:  ChatGPT can be used to generate a methodology section that describes the research methods that were used.
  • Results:  ChatGPT can be used to generate a results section that presents the findings of the research.
  • Discussion:  ChatGPT can be used to generate a discussion section that interprets the findings of the research and discusses their implications.
  • Conclusion:  ChatGPT can be used to generate a conclusion that summarizes the findings of the research and discusses their implications for future research.

Limitations of using ChatGPT

While ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for PhD students, it is important to be aware of its limitations. ChatGPT is a machine learning model, and it is not perfect.

It can sometimes generate text that is inaccurate or incomplete. It is important to carefully review any text that is generated by ChatGPT before using it in your thesis.

Tips for using ChatGPT effectively

Here are some tips for using ChatGPT effectively:

  • Use ChatGPT as a tool, not a replacement for your own research and writing.  ChatGPT can be a helpful way to get started on your thesis, but it is important to do your own research and writing to ensure that your thesis is accurate and complete.
  • Be careful about the prompts that you give to ChatGPT.  The prompts that you give to ChatGPT will determine the quality of the text that it generates. Make sure to give ChatGPT clear and concise prompts that are relevant to your thesis topic.
  • Review the text that ChatGPT generates carefully before using it in your thesis.  ChatGPT is a machine learning model, and it is not perfect. It can sometimes generate text that is inaccurate or incomplete. Make sure to carefully review any text that is generated by ChatGPT before using it in your thesis.

By following these tips, you can use ChatGPT effectively to help you write your PhD thesis.

ChatGPT Prompts to Write a PhD Thesis

  • Write an introduction for my PhD thesis on the topic of “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Future of Work”.
  • Write an introduction for my PhD thesis on the topic of “The Role of Social Media in the Arab Spring”.
  • Write an introduction for my PhD thesis on the topic of “The Effects of Climate Change on the Arctic”.
  • Write an introduction for my PhD thesis on the topic of “The Evolution of Human Language”.
  • Write an introduction for my PhD thesis on the topic of “The History of the American Civil War”.
  • Write a literature review on the topic of “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Future of Work”.
  • Write a literature review on the topic of “The Role of Social Media in the Arab Spring”.
  • Write a literature review on the topic of “The Effects of Climate Change on the Arctic”.
  • Write a literature review on the topic of “The Evolution of Human Language”.
  • Write a literature review on the topic of “The History of the American Civil War”.
  • Describe the methodology I will use to conduct my research on the topic of “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Future of Work”.
  • Describe the methodology I will use to conduct my research on the topic of “The Role of Social Media in the Arab Spring”.
  • Describe the methodology I will use to conduct my research on the topic of “The Effects of Climate Change on the Arctic”.
  • Describe the methodology I will use to conduct my research on the topic of “The Evolution of Human Language”.
  • Describe the methodology I will use to conduct my research on the topic of “The History of the American Civil War”.
  • Summarize the results of my research on the topic of “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Future of Work”.
  • Summarize the results of my research on the topic of “The Role of Social Media in the Arab Spring”.
  • Summarize the results of my research on the topic of “The Effects of Climate Change on the Arctic”.
  • Summarize the results of my research on the topic of “The Evolution of Human Language”.
  • Summarize the results of my research on the topic of “The History of the American Civil War”.
  • Discuss the implications of my research on the topic of “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Future of Work”.
  • Discuss the implications of my research on the topic of “The Role of Social Media in the Arab Spring”.
  • Discuss the implications of my research on the topic of “The Effects of Climate Change on the Arctic”.
  • Discuss the implications of my research on the topic of “The Evolution of Human Language”.
  • Discuss the implications of my research on the topic of “The History of the American Civil War”.
  • Draw conclusions from my research on the topic of “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Future of Work”.
  • Draw conclusions from my research on the topic of “The Role of Social Media in the Arab Spring”.
  • Draw conclusions from my research on the topic of “The Effects of Climate Change on the Arctic”.
  • Draw conclusions from my research on the topic of “The Evolution of Human Language”.
  • Draw conclusions from my research on the topic of “The History of the American Civil War”.
  • List all of the sources I used in my research on the topic of “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Future of Work”.
  • List all of the sources I used in my research on the topic of “The Role of Social Media in the Arab Spring”.
  • List all of the sources I used in my research on the topic of “The Effects of Climate Change on the Arctic”.
  • List all of the sources I used in my research on the topic of “The Evolution of Human Language”.
  • List all of the sources I used in my research on the topic of “The History of the American Civil War”.

These are just a few examples of ChatGPT prompts that you can use to write your PhD thesis. Be sure to tailor the prompts to your specific topic and research methods.

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Dr. Somasundaram R

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This list of writing prompts covers a range of topics and tasks, including brainstorming research ideas, improving language and style, conducting literature reviews, and developing research plans.


Folders and files, repository files navigation.

✨ NEW UPDATE: Literature Review Generator

A Custom GPT for Literature Review Generator has been released. It efficiently parses PDF files of research publications, extracts key themes, and creates a literature review section for your academic publications.


ChatGPT Prompts for Academic Writing

In this repository, this list of writing prompts covers a range of topics and tasks, including brainstorming research ideas, improving language and style, conducting literature reviews, and developing research plans. Whether you're a student, researcher, or academic professional, these prompts can help you hone your writing abilities and tackle your writing projects with confidence.

Use directly in:

The list is regularly updated, so you can keep track of new prompts by following this repository.

TIPS: As there is a limit to the number of words that can be used in ChatGPT, you can input your text multiple times using the prompt "Read this [PARAPGRAPH]:" and then run your final prompt "Considering the above text...".

You can also use prompts splitter:


Article sections, title/topic sentence, introduction, literature review.

NOTE: Be careful and double-check article existence. ChatGPT may generate fake references


Experiments, future works, improving language, summarization, plan/presentation, working with documents (available only in gpt-4).

Upload a PDF file of a paper then:

Upload a PDF file of your paper then:

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Upload a figure image then:

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Using ChatGPT to Write Your Thesis the Right Way

master thesis with chatgpt

Who hasn’t heard about ChatGPT, the chatbot that took the internet by storm with a click!

For the lesser known, ChatGPT seems to represent a significant advance in AI writing technology, as it can respond to prompts and questions with very natural, human-like capabilities. It can write a Shakespeare-style poem for you about admission to law school, or offer five tips for taking better care of curly hair. In fact, ChatGPT is so good that  many students have already been using it to do their homework for them.

If you’ve already tried ChatGPT, you’ve probably been impressed by what it can do (I certainly have been). While it can miraculously write a full-length essay with you just commanding it with a single-line prompt, ChatGPT isn’t quite there when it comes to writing your thesis . However, it can be of some use in helping you research and write. Wonder how? Let’s find out.

Using ChatGPT for Thesis Research

There are a couple of ways that you can use ChatGPT to help you with thesis research. These include:

  • Collating literature: You can use ChatGPT to research and gather information on a specific topic related to your thesis. The AI can provide reference articles, research papers, and other relevant sources regarding your subject.  
  • Brainstorming ideas: If you're struggling to find a topic idea for your thesis, ChatGPT can help by generating new ideas or suggesting different angles to explore.  
  • Providing feedback: ChatGPT can read your thesis and offer suggestions for improvement. (Well, I am not trusting a robot here!)

How Can You Find Relevant Information Using ChatGPT?

One thing to consider about AI, no matter how advanced, is that its outputs are only as good as its inputs. In other words, in order for AI to provide you with useful answers, you need to be specific about what you are looking for. 

If you want ChatGPT to find you some relevant information about your research topic, provide the program with a detailed prompt or background information about the topic. The more details you offer, the more targeted the results will be. Consider the following two prompts:

  • I want to research how the pharmaceutical industry prices drugs.
  • Can you find me some sources that explain how therapeutic novelty is priced into patent-protected pharmaceuticals?

If you type the first prompt into ChatGPT, the program will offer you some strategies for how to go about your research. It suggests consulting academic databases (Google Scholar, JSTOR) and specifies some journals that deal with relevant topics (Health Affairs, Journal of Health Economics). It also offers keywords that will help you find articles about the topic (“pharmaceutical pricing,” “drug costs,” etc.).

The second prompt, however, gives you an actual list of academic articles and a summary of each one. You can ask ChatGPT for more sources, and it will continue to offer specific article titles and summaries. 

How Can You Use ChatGPT for Thesis Writing?

Just like you can ask ChatGPT to help you find resources and narrow down your research topic, ChatGPT can also help you generate a thesis statement and write some of the trickier parts of your thesis. While I don’t personally recommend using ChatGPT’s writing word-for-word, it can be a helpful tool for getting started.

ChatGPT can help you generate a thesis statement if you provide it with some background information about your topic and are specific about the direction you would like your research to go. ChatGPT will also help you brainstorm thesis statements. For example, if you offer ChatGPT the words “pharmaceutical pricing,” “patent protection,” and “free trade agreements” and ask it to create a thesis statement, it provides the following:

"The impact of pharmaceutical pricing and patent protection on access to essential medicines is a critical issue in the context of free trade agreements, as it creates a trade-off between the intellectual property rights of pharmaceutical companies and the public health needs of individuals."

Pretty impressive, right? You can also ask it to generate topic sentences, supporting paragraphs, introductions, or conclusions for your paper. Often, you don’t want to use what it produces word-for-word, but it can absolutely get you started and help you think of ideas.   

So, Why Can’t ChatGPT Just Write My Thesis For Me?

You might be wondering at this point why ChatGPT can’t just write your whole thesis for you. After all, it can research, proofread, edit, brainstorm, and fix logical problems. So what can’t it do?

Well, ChatGPT has a few limitations that are pretty important. First, ChatGPT doesn’t provide you with actual sources when it writes something. For example, if you ask how drugs are priced, it will answer, but it won’t provide you with sources for that answer unless you ask it specifically. If you copy an answer from ChatGPT word-for-word, you’ll likely end up plagiarizing another source.

As mentioned above, AI outputs are only as good as their inputs. ChatGPT gets its information from a variety of sources, and not all of them are accurate. Moreover, the program is incapable of distinguishing between correct and incorrect information. So, you should always verify any information the program provides you.

Finally, ChatGPT can have some issues understanding the vocabulary that is very specific to a narrow subject or context. For this reason, it may not always be able to provide you with the assistance you need. But as an AI model, it is learning all the time, so these gaps in knowledge may be filled later.

ChatGPT is a great tool that can help you research and write. It can even help you find sources, edit your work, and check for plagiarism. But AI is only as good as its sources, and ChatGPT can provide erroneous information. Therefore, you should consider ChatGPT a helpful tool rather than a replacement for academic work. So yes, ChatGPT can absolutely help write your thesis, but can’t own it up like you can!

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Step-by-step Guide to Using ChatGPT to Write a Report, Thesis and Dissertation

You must have heard or read about ChatGPT. What is it? A software or a magician? ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot developed and launched by OpenAI in November 2022. This chatbot can write answers, reports, codes, prompts, and more in seconds.

Moreover, it can write computer programs, compose music, teleplays, fairy tales, and write poetry and songs. It’s built with OpenAI’s GPT 3.5 and 4 families of large language models. The latest version of ChatGPT, released on 14th March 2023, is built on GPT 4 OpenAI model and can be purchased through a subscription for a specific time.

Benefits of using ChatGPT to write reports, theses, and dissertations

ChatGPT is a powerful artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot with many benefits. Today we shall be highlighting the benefits ChatGPT has on reports, theses, and dissertations.

Reports are professional documents submitted to an institute, department, company, and more. They are formal documents containing a written account of something observed or investigated. Below are some benefits of using ChatGPT to write reports.

Saves time:  ChatGPT saves your precious time; it writes your reports quickly and saves the time you would have spent researching and writing from the beginning.

Quality content:  The AI chatbot has been trained with massive data; hence it can write high-quality reports for you.

Variety of Styles:  Reports are usually long; thus, they can bore the reader if the content is not engaging. ChatGPT uses different styles, i.e., bullet points, lists, paragraphs, and more. This makes a report engaging.

Consistency and Productivity:  ChatGPT write the report in a consistent style and tone. This improves the readability of the report. Moreover, as ChatGPT saves your precious time, you can spend that time focusing on other tasks, improving your productivity.

Theses is a theory or personal research document. These are mainly written by university students proposing research papers on particular topics. Below are the benefits of using ChatGPT to write theses.

New idea:  ChatGPT helps you by providing a variety of ideas that can help you write your thesis. Moreover, the ideas can make your thesis stand out from others.

Guidance:  ChatGPT guides you throughout your thesis writing by providing references, and research material, summarising long research essays, and highlighting important points.

Writing Guidance:  The artificial intelligence model can advise and guide your style, tone, grammar, and more. ChatGPT guides you with this writing; further, it can proofread and rephrase your content.

3. Dissertation

Dissertation is a formal essay on a particular topic. It’s the same as the thesis and is mainly written and submitted by university students. Below are the advantages of using ChatGPT for writing a dissertation.

Knowledge:  ChatGPT is trained with vast knowledge and provides dissertation writers access to knowledge. The more diverse knowledge, the better dissertation.

Saves Time:  Dissertation writing is time-consuming; however, ChatGPT can generate texts for you instantly. You can ask ChatGPT to write sections, paragraphs, and particular dissertation headings. Moreover, it can proofread and check your dissertation's grammar, style, and errors.

Assistance with writing:  Dissertation requires a lot of time and effort. Moreover, quality is an essential factor you should keep in mind while writing a dissertation; chatGPT suggests ways to improve your dissertation writing. Moreover, ChatGPT can proofread, rephrase and highlight writing errors for you.

Step-by-Step Guide: Create a ChatGPT Account

Using ChatGPT might be complex; thus, we are here to help you. Below are steps to create an account and write reports and theses or dissertations.

1. Setting Up ChatGPT

Now that you know ChatGPT and its benefits associated with reports, theses, and dissertation writing, it’s time to set up a ChatGPT account.

The first thing to do is to visit the official website of OpenAI’s artificial intelligence chatbot ChatGPT.

After successfully landing on the official website of ChatGPT, you’ll see a login and sign-up option. You need to login in using your login credentials and progress further. However, if you do not have an account, click sign up, add an email, and create a password. Moreover, you’ll need to add your personal data, i.e., your date of birth, and verify your mobile number.

Afterward, you need to log in with the same email and password. OpenAI allows people to log in through Microsoft and Google accounts. If you have a valid Microsoft or Google account, simply click on login, click on Microsoft or Google, and log in to the selected account. Verify your phone number, and you’ll successfully log in to OpenAI to use ChatGPT.

After successfully logging in to OpenAI, you can start a new chat or use previous ones (if you logged in before and used chatbot). Click the new chat button on the left and start using the chatGPT. You can ask questions, gain knowledge, ask to proofread your work, suggest edits, and do more instantly.

If you are in a country where the use of ChatGPT is not allowed and you wish to register an account, you can refer to my other article " How to use Chatgpt ". It provides a detailed tutorial on how to register an account in such countries.

How to use ChatGPT to write a report

Setting up the ChatGPT account is easier than using it. Below we’ll guide you thoroughly on how to write a report using ChatGPT.

Setting up the Parameters

The first thing you must do is set parameters. What are the parameters? Parameters are framework or structure. You need to set up the report's parameters as they help control the report’s content and use other reports’ material in arguments. You need to tell ChatGPT where to start and let it know the limits of your report. In short, you need to provide ChatGPT with a structure under which it should generate your report.

Creating an Outline

Create an outline for your report. The outline may start with an introduction, having headings, bullet points, paragraphs, and more. You must provide an accurate outline to enable ChatGPT to write your report. This ensures that your report covers all the aspects in a good flow and all the required information. Without an outline, chatGPT may be unable to write it in a flow or may write something unnecessary for your report.

Writing the Report

The last thing is to ask ChatGPT to write the report for you. You need to set parameters, provide an outline, write a good prompt, and wait for ChatGPT to generate the report for you for a minute or two.

Topic: Impact of remote work on employee productivity

Purpose: To understand and examine the impact of remote work on the productivity of employees with findings and recommendations.

master thesis with chatgpt

How to use ChatGPT to write a thesis or dissertation

As writing theses or dissertations is complex and requires time and energy, many people want to learn to use chatGPT to write them. Here’s how to write a thesis using Chatgpt.

Choosing a topic

After logging in to your OpenAI account, click on the new chat and choose a topic you want ChatGPT to write a thesis or dissertation on. This can be any topic that a normal human being can think of.

After deciding on a thesis or dissertation topic, you must create an outline. Creating an outline has its own benefits, as your theses will cover all aspects and topics in a flow, and the knowledge in the theses will be organized.

Writing the Thesis

Now that you have decided on a topic and created an outline, the next thing to do is write the thesis. Writing a good prompt will result in a good thesis. After writing a prompt for the thesis, click on the save and submit button, and wait a few minutes before ChatGPT can complete generating the thesis for you.

Topic: ChatGPT and its importance in conversational AI applications.

Purpose: To access and understand ChatGPT, its importance, benefits, and uses. Moreover, to examine its importance in conversational AI applications.

master thesis with chatgpt

Now, you can use AI to assist you in generating a thesis, but it's important to note that you still need to carefully review the content generated by the AI to avoid any fabrication. Additionally, there are some universities that currently do not allow AI-generated theses. These universities may employ AI detection tools to check if a thesis was written by AI. In such cases, you can try using a paraphrasing tool to rewrite the AI-generated content until it passes the detection:

Recommended AI detection tools:  GPT-2 Output Detector

GPT-2 Output Detector (1).png

Recommended paraphrasing tools:  Quillbot

Paraphraser (1).png

Perform another round of detection

Other AI or productivity tools recommended

There are various other AI or productivity tools that you can use instead of ChatGPT. Below are some.

1.  MidJourney

MidJourney is an artificial intelligence program that Mid Journey, Inc created and launched. The AI program can generate images and art using the prompts. You can use MidJourney for 20 free jobs to create or generate images for you on prompts. This software can help you create amazing images for your report and thesis. A thesis or report would look boring without images that engage the audience; hence you can use MidJourney AI to generate images for your thesis or report.

2.  WPS Office

WPS Office is a free office software that allows users to use Word, Excel, PPT, and PDF documents under a single roof. It’s free software that promotes creativity and boosts the productivity of users. The software has more than 500 million active users worldwide. The software lets users view, edit, translate, annotate, print, and do more. It’s compatible with Windows, MacOS, IOS, and Android.

Moreover, it’s free and has various advanced features and functions. The software enables users to write reports and a thesis using diverse tools. You can add bullet points, comments, and suggestions, highlight texts, and translate sentences and words. This is the best software for writing a report or dissertation, as it has templates for the report and thesis that can help you.

3. Chinchilla AI

Developed and launched by DeepMind in March 2022, this AI language model can better write your reports and thesis, requiring less computer power for interference and fine-tuning. The Chinchilla AI is said to outperform a number of traditional language models in terms of accuracy; hence, it can generate better and more accurate reports and a thesis for you. However, the software is currently in the testing phase and cannot be accessed by the general public.

A. Can I write a thesis with ChatGPT?

Yes. You can use ChatGPT to write a thesis. Start with choosing a topic, creating an outline, and writing a prompt to enable ChatGPT to generate a thesis on the topic for you.

B. Can I write a report with ChatGPT?

Yes. Writing a report using ChatGPT is possible and easy. All you need to do is set the report's parameters, create an outline, and submit a prompt to enable ChatGPT to generate the report.

C. How do you use ChatGPT to improve your writing?

ChatGPT can improve your writing by suggesting edits, proofreading, and suggesting new ideas. Moreover, ChatGPT can highlight errors too.

D. Can ChatGPT rewrite paragraphs?

Yes. ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can rewrite your texts better and make them more engaging and readable.

ChatGPT is a powerful artificial intelligence model that can help users with numerous tasks. So far, we have learned about ChatGPT and its benefits associated with report, thesis, or dissertation writing. Moreover, we learned how to write a thesis and report using ChatGPT. Setting up and using ChatGPT to write reports and thesis. The article also highlighted the best alternatives to ChatGPT for writing reports and thesis; one of them is  WPS Office .

  • 1. How to Use Wps AI/Chatgpt to Write Technical Document: Guide for Beginners
  • 2. Top 10 Best Business Report Chatgpt Prompt Example 2024
  • 3. Ultimate Guide to Write A Seminar PDF Report
  • 4. How to Use WPS AI/Chatgpt to Write Research Papers: Guide for Beginners
  • 5. How to Use WPS AI and ChatGPT to Analyze PDF Report
  • 6. How to Use WPS AI/Chatgpt to Write Essays: Guide for Beginners

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A Student Used ChatGPT To Write Their Master's Thesis & People Are Mad They Got Away With It

The debate about ChatGPT is on fire!

The ChatGPT app. Right: A student working at a library.

The ChatGPT app. Right: A student working at a library.

We’ve all been there: plugging away at the library over a school assignment, daydreaming of an easy out so we can be done with it.

Thanks to the new AI tool, ChatGPT, some students seem to think they've found a solution to that problem, but they don't realize the serious consequences it can have if they get caught.

One desperate master's student thought it was worth the risk and used ChatGPT to write their final thesis, and they apparently got away with the big stunt.

The student confessed what they had done in a now-deleted Reddit post and shared that their final thesis had been flagged for plagiarism, putting their entire master's degree on the line.

In the post the student wrote, “I submitted a 4000-word essay in December, most of it was written with ChatGPT, and I reworded some bits and added, in relevant academic references.”

A Twitter user took a screenshot of the post before it was deleted, sharing the full thread for anyone to see.

\u201cAin\u2019t no way bro used chatGPT to write his masters thesis \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\u201d — moshi (@moshi) 1673841966

“I got an email today stating I have been found in violation of the student conduct of plagiarism, and they returned my assignment stating it was written by a 3rd party tool,” the person wrote on Reddit.

“Wtf do I do, if I get kicked out of university I will be in £30k debt.”

The student then provided multiple updates, stating that they were nervous about an upcoming meeting with school officials.

“I am doing a master's, so this will not be taken lightly. And I received 2 grants to study it,” said one of the updates.

"I'm feeling quite nervous, I have my meeting tomorrow which will have my tutor, head of department and someone else."

People in the comment section completely ripped the student apart for making such a huge mistake.

One user wrote, “don't use a chatbot to write graduate-level papers?” to which another user replied saying, “exactly. And if you do, don't complain about the consequences.”

Another commenter wrote, “I genuinely didn't think I would ever have to say this to anyone lol. Using ChatGPT to help with trivial course assignments? Sure. Using it to make some coding exercises to go faster? Sure. Depending on it for your graduation? Bruh, what the f**k.”

“The part I just find depressing, they got themselves this far in their education, then decided to try and cheat,” wrote another commenter.

Despite all the commenters ripping the student apart for cheating, the student came back to tell everyone they had gotten away with it.

“Sorry guys, been out drinking af. Long story short, I'm good, and they didn’t know I used ChatGPT in the end. I’ll post full details soon,” wrote the student.

\u201c@mohsin__s1 Damn they got away with it\u201d — moshi (@moshi) 1673841966

The story ends there because soon after that posting, the user deleted the Reddit thread.

One person wrote "that's good" the student had gotten away with it, but many others couldn't disagree more, saying the student should have been penalized for cheating.

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OpenAI Expected to Integrate Real-Time Data In ChatGPT

Monday's OpenAI announcement may involve surfacing real-time data in ChatGPT across English, French, and Spanish, with links to original sources

  • OpenAI CEO Sam Altman confirms that it is not announcing a search engine or GPT-5
  • A report notes that there may be a deal between Apple and OpenAI to power a chatbot like Siri
  • Others report OpenAI will announce a chatbot technology that communicates with voice
  • Multiple deals between OpenAI and publishers indicate that ChatGPT may surface real-time news and links to the original sources

OpenAI ChatGPT announcement

Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, dispelled rumors that a new search engine would be announced on Monday, May 13. Recent deals have raised the expectation that OpenAI will announce the integration of real-time content from English, Spanish, and French publications into ChatGPT, complete with links to the original sources.

Another report speculates that OpenAI will unveil an AI Assistant, which could offer context to the partnerships with publishers to show their content and links to the original sources.

OpenAI Search Is Not Happening

Many competing search engines have tried and failed to challenge Google as the leading search engine. A new wave of hybrid generative AI search engines is currently trying to knock Google from the top spot with arguably very little success.

Sam Altman is on record saying that creating a search engine to compete against Google is not a viable approach. He suggested that technological disruption was the way to replace Google by changing the search paradigm altogether. The speculation that Altman is going to announce a me-too search engine on Monday never made sense given his recent history of dismissing the concept as a non-starter.

So perhaps it’s not a surprise that he recently ended the speculation by explicitly saying that he will not be announcing a search engine on Monday.

He tweeted :

“not gpt-5, not a search engine, but we’ve been hard at work on some new stuff we think people will love! feels like magic to me.”

“New Stuff” May Be Iterative Improvement

It’s quite likely that what’s going to be announced is iterative which means it improves ChatGPT but not replaces it. This fits into how Altman recently expressed his approach with ChatGPT.

He remarked:

“And it does kind of suck to ship a product that you’re embarrassed about, but it’s much better than the alternative. And in this case in particular, where I think we really owe it to society to deploy iteratively. There could totally be things in the future that would change where we think iterative deployment isn’t such a good strategy, but it does feel like the current best approach that we have and I think we’ve gained a lot from from doing this and… hopefully the larger world has gained something too.”

Improving ChatGPT iteratively is Sam Altman’s preference and recent clues point to what those changes may be.

Recent Deals Contain Clues

OpenAI has been making deals with news media and User Generated Content publishers since December 2023. Mainstream media has reported these deals as being about licensing content for training large language models. But they overlooked a a key detail that we reported on last month which is that these deals give OpenAI access to real-time information that they stated will be used to give attribution to that real-time data in the form of links.

That means that ChatGPT users will gain the ability to access real-time news and to use that information creatively within ChatGPT.

Dotdash Meredith Deal

Dotdash Meredith (DDM) is the publisher of big brand publications such as Better Homes & Gardens, FOOD & WINE, InStyle, Investopedia, and People magazine. The deal that was announced goes way beyond using the content as training data. The deal is explicitly about surfacing the Dotdash Meredith content itself in ChatGPT.

The announcement stated:

“As part of the agreement, OpenAI will display content and links attributed to DDM in relevant ChatGPT responses. …This deal is a testament to the great work OpenAI is doing on both fronts to partner with creators and publishers and ensure a healthy Internet for the future. Over 200 million Americans each month trust our content to help them make decisions, solve problems, find inspiration, and live fuller lives. This partnership delivers the best, most relevant content right to the heart of ChatGPT.”

A statement from OpenAI gives credibility to the speculation that OpenAI intends to directly show licensed third-party content as part of ChatGPT answers.

OpenAI explained:

“We’re thrilled to partner with Dotdash Meredith to bring its trusted brands to ChatGPT and to explore new approaches in advancing the publishing and marketing industries.”

Something that DDM also gets out of this deal is that OpenAI will enhance DDM’s in-house ad targeting in order show more tightly focused contextual advertising.

Le Monde And Prisa Media Deals

In March 2024 OpenAI announced a deal with two global media companies, Le Monde and Prisa Media. Le Monde is a French news publication and Prisa Media is a Spanish language multimedia company. The interesting aspects of these two deals is that it gives OpenAI access to real-time data in French and Spanish.

Prisa Media is a global Spanish language media company based in Madrid, Spain that is comprised of magazines, newspapers, podcasts, radio stations, and television networks. It’s reach extends from Spain to America. American media companies include publications in the United States, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, and Panama. That is a massive amount of real-time information in addition to a massive audience of millions.

OpenAI explicitly announced that the purpose of this deal was to bring this content directly to ChatGPT users.

The announcement explained:

“We are continually making improvements to ChatGPT and are supporting the essential role of the news industry in delivering real-time, authoritative information to users. …Our partnerships will enable ChatGPT users to engage with Le Monde and Prisa Media’s high-quality content on recent events in ChatGPT, and their content will also contribute to the training of our models.”

That deal is not just about training data. It’s about bringing current events data to ChatGPT users.

The announcement elaborated in more detail:

“…our goal is to enable ChatGPT users around the world to connect with the news in new ways that are interactive and insightful.”

As noted in our April 30th article that revealed that OpenAI will show links in ChatGPT , OpenAI intends to show third party content with links to that content.

OpenAI commented on the purpose of the Le Monde and Prisa Media partnership:

“Over the coming months, ChatGPT users will be able to interact with relevant news content from these publishers through select summaries with attribution and enhanced links to the original articles, giving users the ability to access additional information or related articles from their news sites.”

There are additional deals with other groups like The Financial Times which also stress that this deal will result in a new ChatGPT feature that will allow users to interact with real-time news and current events .

AI Assistant

The Information is reporting that OpenAI has shown some customers a new AI assistant technology that can speak and extend current AI voice assistants.  That report is similar to another report in Bloomberg claiming that OpenAI and Apple are close to an agreement to use OpenAI technology in the context of Siri.

OpenAI’s Monday May 13 Announcement

There are many clues that the announcement on Monday will be that ChatGPT users will gain the ability to interact with content about current events.  This fits into the terms of recent deals with news media organizations. There may be other features announced as well but this part is something that there are many clues pointing to.

Watch Altman’s interview at Stanford University

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Apple realized Siri's failings after execs tested ChatGPT for themselves before refocusing the company on significant iOS 18 upgrades

Siri's getting a glow-up.

Siri on iOS

The rumors and reports of Apple bringing some key AI upgrades to the iPhone via iOS 18 later this year have been rumbling on for months, and as WWDC's June 10 kick-off edges ever nearer, we're starting to learn more about what's to be expected. We're also learning how Apple got to this point, a month away from what could be the biggest change to iOS in years.

We've been hearing of late that Apple is close to striking a deal with OpenAI that will see ChatGPT form the basis for some of the upgrades that are coming to the iPhone, and a new report suggests that it's the chatbot itself that convinced Apple that it was time to make changes. Siri was getting long in the tooth, and it needed a revamp. Apple AI may even offer that when it eventually releases.

According to the report Apple executives Craig Federighi and John Giannandrea spent weeks testing ChatGPT to see what it could do before ultimately deciding that Siri had been leapfrogged and that changes were needed.

A new tent pole project

The New York Times report claims that the revelation saw Apple make generative AI a "tent pole project," the term that the company uses when choosing what direction the company should head in, ultimately organizing employees around such initiatives.

There would be a symmetry to the story if this report is accurate, of course. ChatGPT could ultimately be responsible for fixing the Siri issue that it highlighted, presumably earning OpenAI a hefty chunk of change in the process.

Apple's WWDC debut of iOS 18 will give us a hint at what's to come, but we'll have to wait until September to try it out for ourselves. For now, all eyes are on June 10 to see what Apple's Siri upgrade will have to offer.

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Oliver Haslam

Oliver Haslam has written about Apple and the wider technology business for more than a decade with bylines on How-To Geek, PC Mag, iDownloadBlog, and many more. He has also been published in print for Macworld, including cover stories. At iMore, Oliver is involved in daily news coverage and, not being short of opinions, has been known to 'explain' those thoughts in more detail, too. Having grown up using PCs and spending far too much money on graphics card and flashy RAM, Oliver switched to the Mac with a G5 iMac and hasn't looked back. Since then he's seen the growth of the smartphone world, backed by iPhone, and new product categories come and go. Current expertise includes iOS, macOS, streaming services, and pretty much anything that has a battery or plugs into a wall. Oliver also covers mobile gaming for iMore, with Apple Arcade a particular focus. He's been gaming since the Atari 2600 days and still struggles to comprehend the fact he can play console quality titles on his pocket computer.

Rumored iOS 18 Web Eraser AI feature puts Apple on a collision course with a media whose ads it could delete

As Apple's iOS 18 AI plans look set for a ChatGPT boost, an imminent OpenAI event could hint at what's to come

Google shows off new Gemini conversational AI capabilities as it becomes increasingly clear how far Apple's Siri has fallen

  • erikbock That's because they bought Siri and then didn't do anything with it. Truth be known with Apple's resources (People and money) Siri should be lightyears ahead of even Alexa at a minimum. Reply
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master thesis with chatgpt

master thesis with chatgpt

ChatGPT Plus vs Copilot Pro: Which AI is better?

  • ChatGPT Plus and Copilot Pro use GPT-4 but have noticeable differences due to integrated tools and user interfaces.
  • Copilot is faster, offers more integrated image editing tools, and is integrated with Microsoft 365.
  • ChatGPT excels in writing eloquent content, has fewer ads, and restricts content imitation more than Copilot.

OpenAI's ChatGPT Plus and Microsoft's Copilot Pro are among the biggest names in artificial intelligence. Yet, these chatbots arguably have more in common than any other subscription-based AI software. That's because both platforms are built with versions of GPT-4 . In theory, this means one shouldn't be any smarter than the other. However, while the underlying training data is similar, the two AI platforms have a few noticeable disparities that could make all the difference in choosing where to spend that $20-a-month subscription.

I created a ChatGPT Plus vs. Copilot Pro battle by feeding both programs the same prompts. Both use GPT-4 and DALL-E, yet Copilot just made GPT-4 Turbo available even to non-paying customers. That move gives Microsoft's offering a bit more speed. Yet, that's not the only distinction. The wildly different user interfaces, integrations, and policies create noticeable gaps between the two AI chatbots. ChatGPT tended to be a bit more long-winded yet offered more descriptive language and varied sentence structures. On the other hand, Copilot offered more tools inside the AI app while simultaneously being integrated into more places, like Word and Outlook.

With both subscriptions costing $20 a month and utilizing GPT-4 and DALL-E, the differences between ChatGPT Plus and Copilot Pro make one a better fit. Here's how the two programs differ.

I tested Gemini Advanced against ChatGPT Plus to see which AI is better

Image test: copilot has more built-in image editing tools, yet chatgpt delivers the requested style a bit better.

Both chatbots had the same struggles that feel fairly universal across generative AI -- neither could properly spell "happy birthday" within the graphic itself when I asked it to create a birthday card. Similarly, both struggled with human hands and portraying people in a way that didn't feel artificial.

While the platforms share similar struggles, looking at the integrated tools, Copilot pulls ahead. Microsoft's AI created four image options, whereas ChatGPT created one. But Copilot's real benefits come from the integrated tools. Designer, the GPT made for creating images, has a few integrated tools where you can edit the resulting graphic. Integrated styles allowed me to convert to a different genre like watercolor or pixel art. I could even click on part of the image to create a background blur or a color pop effect or switch to a square aspect ratio, all without leaving Copilot.

The one thing I felt ChatGPT excelled at was getting the style right on the first attempt. When I asked for a watercolor image, ChatGPT produced a watercolor image. With Copilot, it produced a render that wasn't at all like a watercolor. With Copilot, I could then use the built-in tools to select a style, and then the result was closer to what I was looking for. Still, Copilot's watercolor featured black outlines more consistent with comic book art than with a painting.

Copilot: Everything you need to know about Microsoft's AI

Writing test: chatgpt is long-winded, but more eloquent, copilot was able to add in more recent facts.

ChatGPT tends to get wordy if you don't request a specific length. However, the program from OpenAI also produced more polished content. ChatGPT's writing, for both business and creative tasks, contained more varied sentence structures, less passive voice, and more descriptive language.

In contrast, when tasked with writing a short story about a haunted house, Copilot started with "once upon a time" and ended with "happily ever after" in an odd mashup of horror tropes and fairy tale storytelling. Copilot did a bit better when I switched from the fast conversation style to creative, though I still enjoyed ChatGPT's story more. Copilot also misunderstood instructions when I asked it to write up a letter of recommendation for a former coworker, writing a letter to me rather than from me.

The one area where Copilot performed a little better was pulling recent information. ChatGPT integrated more specifics in an email about the iPhone 15 Pro when requested, but acted as if the phone hadn't been announced yet and reminded me to check the specifications. Copilot seemed to do better at incorporating recent information, adding specifications about the smartphone on the first attempt. Both programs incorrectly stated that the Pro version had the A16 chipset, serving as a reminder to always check factual data when using AI.

I tried ChatGPT Plus. Here's everything it can do

Advice test: chatgpt often suggests more options, but co-pilot still had some sound advice.

What felt long-winded when tasked with writing a professional email turned into more ideas when I asked ChatGPT for advice. When I asked for gift ideas, the chatbot churned out more ideas in general than Copilot.

However, the two programs felt most similar here in chatting and asking for advice. I could have asked for a specific number of ideas and received very similar results. ChatGPT listed more options, but both churned out fairly standard advice when I asked for gift ideas and job interview tips.

How to master GPT-4 in ChatGPT: Prompts, tips, and tricks

Speed test: copilot tends to finish faster, copilot has three modes for choosing when speed is most important.

With ChatGPT coming from OpenAI, the company behind GPT-4, it's a bit surprising that Copilot is actually the first to utilize GPT-4 Turbo. While the upgraded GPT is available for beta users of ChatGPT Pro, Copilot began integrating the Turbo version for consumers first, resulting in a tendency to answer questions faster.

When I asked for a poem, Copilot finished plus added four images (that I didn't request) before ChatGPT could even finish just the text. In general, Copilot seemed to finish faster nearly every time.

Copilot also has three conversation styles to choose from, so you can prioritize speed, creativity, or precision. Switching to creative mode occasionally allowed ChatGPT to finish first. But, in general, Copilot completed more tasks first.

ChatGPT seemed to experience more freezes. It's limited to 40 messages every three hours. Microsoft doesn't list a specific number for Copilot, but the company recently removed the former 300-message daily limit for the free tier.

How to use ChatGPT to make AI-generated art and images

Ethics test: both chatbots use the similar training data, but chatgpt has more content restrictions in place.

With both chatbots using GPT-4, the difference in ethics between the two platforms lies in each company's content policy guidelines. Neither chatbot refused to generate an image in the style of Van Gogh. However, when I asked for an image inspired by more recent living artists, ChatGPT refused, as imitating a specific artist's style is against the content guidelines.

Neither platform refused when asked to imitate a writer's style, past or present.

10 ChatGPT extensions to try and what exactly they can do

Privacy test: copilot doesn't use data for training, but both platforms have some data controls.

Both ChatGPT and Copilot allow users to delete their previous chats. ChatGPT will delete your data automatically every 30 days if you turn off chat history. Copilot has a privacy center where users can visit and manually delete their data, though this also deletes Bing search history.

Microsoft says it doesn't use data typed into Copilot for training -- which makes sense as the system is based on training data from OpenAI. ChatGPT will use your data for training, but users can turn this off in the settings.

OpenAI launches GPT Store for custom chatbots in ChatGPT

Extra features test: copilot has more integrations, but chatgpt has more custom gpts and fewer ads.

Naturally, as a Microsoft product, Copilot is integrated into more apps. You can use Copilot in Word and PowerPoint if you also have a Microsoft 365 subscription. Microsoft also incorporates the AI into Outlook email. That means there's less copy-paste action to get the AI-written content into your email, word processor, or presentation. You don't have to go back and forth between the Copilot app or web version and the program you are using.

Copilot also has more integrated tools. You can edit your images right from the image generator. Copilot Notebook will also generate content for you without the chat-like experience, allowing longer descriptions of what you would like the AI to write for you.

While ChatGPT doesn't have those same integrations, it does have a longer list of custom GPTs. The Explore GPT section has plenty of different options in a number of different categories, while Copilot is limited to Copilot, Designer, Vacation Planner, Cooking Assistant, and Fitness Trainer.

ChatGPT also doesn't have ads within the paid mobile app or web platform. Copilot annoyingly sneaks in some links and even some photo ads after nearly each generation.

How to use Google's Gemini AI from the web or your phone

Verdict: which ai chatbot subscription is the best, copilot has a free trial and is faster, and the free version uses gpt-4.

Despite sharing similar training data, ChatGPT Plus and Copilot Pro both have unique quirks that make the decision on which chatbot to use a more clear-cut choice. Both have the same $20 a month cost, though Microsoft is the only one with a one-month free trial accessible by downloading the mobile app.

With integration into Microsoft 365, Copilot is the better choice for users who already have a subscription to the brand's suite of tools like Word and PowerPoint. While the AI is in addition to the subscription costs for Microsoft 365, the integration means less back-and-forth between separate apps.

Copilot is also the faster of the two AI systems, with fewer message limits. Microsoft's chatbot also has more integrated image editing tools for use with DALL-E graphics. The user interface also has a separate Copilot Notebook, allowing for generating text without the chat-like experience.

While Copilot is the better choice for those who already use Word and Outlook, ChatGPT Pro consistently produces more eloquent written content. Where Copilot's felt more like a first draft, OpenAI delivered more varied sentence structure and vocabulary for a smoother read. ChatGPT also has content restrictions that prevent imitating another modern artist. The OpenAI program was also free of the ads that dotted Copilot.

Looking outside the subscriptions to the free tiers, the decision is more clear-cut. The free version of Copilot uses GPT-4, while ChatGPT uses the older GPT-3.5 for non-paying users. That allows Copilot to deliver better results in less time for those who cannot swing the cost. The free access to GPT-4 and GPT-4 Turbo is limited to non-peak times, however, and the free option also excludes the Microsoft 365 integrations.

ChatGPT Plus vs Copilot Pro: Which AI is better?


  1. (PDF) Master thesis

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  2. Step-by-step Guide to Using ChatGPT to Write a Report, Thesis and Dissertation

    master thesis with chatgpt

  3. Master Thesis Writing Help

    master thesis with chatgpt

  4. Can you write a Master’s thesis with ChatGPT?

    master thesis with chatgpt

  5. (PDF) Master's Thesis

    master thesis with chatgpt

  6. (PDF) Master Thesis

    master thesis with chatgpt


  1. Thesis ChatGPT NPC demonstration

  2. How do you use ChatGPT in academic writing?

  3. ChatGPT and Thesis Statement Generation

  4. ChatGPT for Thesis Writing

  5. ChatGPT Prompts

  6. ChatGPT l The BEST & EASY way to write your Term Paper, Essay and Research


  1. How To Write a Thesis With ChatGPT (27 Essential Prompts)

    Writing a thesis is a long process with a lot of different steps. I've created prompts and strategies for each phase of the thesis process — click on any step in the list below to jump directly to that section. Selecting a Topic. Literature Review. Research Proposal. Research Design. Data Collection. Data Analysis.

  2. 87+ ChatGPT Prompts for Thesis Writing

    Thesis writing is an integral part of advanced academic study, typically required for the completion of a Master's or Ph.D. degree. It is a comprehensive document that presents the author's research and findings in a specified field of study. The primary goal of a thesis is to contribute original knowledge to the field.

  3. Using ChatGPT for Assignments

    Creating an outline of your paper with ChatGPT. You can also use ChatGPT to help you draft a research paper outline or thesis outline.To do this, try generating possible headings and subheadings and then improving them. ChatGPT can help to generate a clear and well-structured outline, especially if you keep adjusting the structure with its help.

  4. How to Write a Paper with ChatGPT

    Brainstorming research questions. You can use ChatGPT to help formulate research questions, brainstorm potential thesis statements, or narrow down a broad subject area to a specific topic that interests you.. However, make sure that the outputs make sense and meet the requirements of your assignment. You can adapt these outputs manually, or use further prompts to ensure they meet your needs.

  5. Optimizing Thesis Writing with ChatGPT Prompts

    Use ChatGPT prompts to outline your thesis effectively. Input specific information about your research, and let the AI model guide you in structuring your introduction, literature review ...

  6. ChatGPT prompts to write a PhD Thesis

    58628. Writing a PhD thesis is a long and challenging process. It requires a lot of research, writing, and editing. It can be difficult to know where to start, and it can be easy to get overwhelmed. That's where ChatGPT and Google Bard AI can help. ChatGPT is a large language model that can be used to generate text, translate languages, write ...

  7. How can I use ChatGPT for my term paper or bachelor thesis?

    You can use ChatGPT to assist in the writing process for your research paper, thesis, or dissertation in the following ways: Developing a research question. Creating an outline. Generating literature ideas. Paraphrasing text.

  8. ChatGPT and Academic Research: A Review and Recommendations Based on

    ChatGPT can enhance researchers' pr oductivity and enable. them to focus on other aspects of their resear ch by supporting tasks such as new idea generation, literature summarization, and ...

  9. Using ChatGPT for writing in research

    00:00 Intro: What is ChatGPT00:40 Shorten your paper's abstract01:38 Find a good title (or several)02:52 Discuss experimental findings05:48 Find creative tit...

  10. ChatGPT Prompts for Academic Writing

    You can also use prompts splitter: BRAINSTORMING. Find a research topic for a PhD in the area of [TOPIC] Write a detailed proposal on the following research topic. Make Sure it is free from plagiarism. [PARAGRAPH] Identify gaps in the literature on [TOPIC SENTENCE]

  11. Using ChatGPT to generate a research dissertation and thesis ...

    I'm going to show you how our productivity can be increased 10 folds during research by using ChatGPT to do most of the work.Link for citations: https://www....

  12. So, Why Can't ChatGPT Just Write My Thesis For Me?

    ChatGPT can help you generate a thesis statement if you provide it with some background information about your topic and are specific about the direction you would like your research to go. ChatGPT will also help you brainstorm thesis statements. For example, if you offer ChatGPT the words "pharmaceutical pricing," "patent protection ...

  13. Can you write a Master's Thesis with ChatGPT?

    The two methodology sections contradicted themselves, and there wasn't a possibility of reconciliation unless I proceeded to prompt ChatGPT with the specific information that it actually needed, which I decided not to because the rewarded yielded by that effort would actually be better spent writing the thesis if I actually had a clear idea of how to do so.

  14. Step-by-step Guide to Using ChatGPT to Write a Report, Thesis and

    Setting Up ChatGPT. Now that you know ChatGPT and its benefits associated with reports, theses, and dissertation writing, it's time to set up a ChatGPT account. Step 1. The first thing to do is to visit the official website of OpenAI's artificial intelligence chatbot ChatGPT. Step 2.

  15. 100+ Useful ChatGPT Prompts for Thesis Writing in 2024

    ChatGPT prompts for creating a list of figures, tables, and abbreviations. 21. Tell me which basic guidelines to follow while creating a list of figures, tables, and abbreviations for a thesis. 22. Give sample templates for a list of tables, figures, and abbreviations in a thesis. 23.

  16. How To Use ChatGPT For Academic Thesis

    Dear University Students! Need some help with writing your academic thesis? The Artificial Professor has got your back! In this video I will show you in deta...

  17. r/ChatGPT on Reddit: GPT-4 for Master's Thesis Research: Waitlist

    Abstract: Objective: This thesis aims to explore the utilization of GPT-4, a cutting-edge language model developed by OpenAI, in academic research. It examines the potential applications, challenges, and opportunities presented by integrating AI-driven analysis and content generation in research methodologies.

  18. Master Thesis with chatgpt : r/OpenAI

    Here's what ChatGPT has to say: I'm sorry to hear about the confusion with the response you received. As an AI language model, I don't have the capability to intentionally lie or misrepresent information. It's possible that the response you received was based on the algorithm I use to analyze text, which can sometimes result in errors or ...

  19. A Student Used ChatGPT To Write Their Master's Thesis ...

    One desperate master's student thought it was worth the risk and used ChatGPT to write their final thesis, and they apparently got away with the big stunt. The student confessed what they had done in a now-deleted Reddit post and shared that their final thesis had been flagged for plagiarism, putting their entire master's degree on the line.

  20. How to Write an Essay with ChatGPT

    You can use ChatGPT to brainstorm potential research questions or to narrow down your thesis statement. Begin by inputting a description of the research topic or assigned question. Then include a prompt like "Write 3 possible research questions on this topic.". You can make the prompt as specific as you like.

  21. Bachelor thesis written with chatgpt : r/OpenAI

    The structure was impeccable, but in about half the attempts, the AI was either contradicting itself or using fallacious arguments. I would say ChatGPT could help you write better argumentative texts or essays, not by writing them for you, but by helping you better structuring your ideas. Reply reply. Potential_Bunch1663.

  22. Russian Student Allowed to Keep Diploma for ChatGPT-Written Thesis

    A Russian student who sparked controversy for defending his thesis written by the fast-growing artificial intelligence tool ChatGPT will be allowed to keep his diploma, media reported Thursday.

  23. Using ChatGPT in Law School

    The ability to have a thesis statement drafted for you, on your direction, allows more time for editing the statement, rather than having to start from scratch. ChatGPT, in my opinion, is about to bring about a significant shift in how legal writing can be conducted, promising increased efficiency and accuracy in these critical tasks.

  24. Meta AI vs ChatGPT: Is Meta's chatbot even worth using?

    ChatGPT can understand audio input. You can talk to the mobile app and get a verbal response back, whereas Meta AI is limited to written text. ChatGPT will also allow you to upload files, opening ...

  25. 10 ChatGPT prompts to AI-maximize your productivity

    ChatGPT is a versatile tool that can be used to help with explanations, ideas, edits, games, recommendations, trip plans, translations, and characters. Use specific prompts to get tailored results ...

  26. OpenAI Expected to Integrate Real-Time Data In ChatGPT

    Recent deals have raised the expectation that OpenAI will announce the integration of real-time content from English, Spanish, and French publications into ChatGPT, complete with links to the ...

  27. How to use CHATGPT for Research?

    Welcome To this video about Chat GPT for researchers. ChatGPT is a large language model chatbot developed by OpenAI, and in this video you can find:1. How to...

  28. How to use ChatGPT to master Microsoft Excel

    ChatGPT for Excel. Give ChatGPT your spreadsheets. This works in GPT-4. Close. If you have a spreadsheet and a ton of data, you first need to work out what exactly it is that you need. If you need ...

  29. Apple realized Siri's failings after execs tested ChatGPT for ...

    ChatGPT could ultimately be responsible for fixing the Siri issue that it highlighted, presumably earning OpenAI a hefty chunk of change in the process. Apple's WWDC debut of iOS 18 will give us a hint at what's to come, but we'll have to wait until September to try it out for ourselves. ... Master your iPhone in minutes. iMore offers spot-on ...

  30. ChatGPT Plus vs Copilot Pro: Which AI is better?

    Copilot is faster, offers more integrated image editing tools, and is integrated with Microsoft 365. ChatGPT excels in writing eloquent content, has fewer ads, and restricts content imitation more ...