Your Personal Mission Statement Guide: Why and How to Write One (With 10+ Examples and 3 Templates)

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What is a personal mission statement, why would you want to use a personal mission statement, where can you use a personal mission statement, personal mission statement examples, how to write a personal mission statement + 3 templates to use, more examples of personal mission statement..

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Quick Answer: A personal mission statement is a concise 1-2 sentence section that identifies who you are, your purpose, and how you define success. It serves as a guide for decision-making and can be used in job applications, social media, and as a reminder of your values. Writing a personal mission statement is a powerful step towards achieving your goals and directing your energy effectively.

Think mission statements are just for corporations and big companies?  Think again, they can be one of your best tools for reaching your goals and finding success.

A personal mission statement helps you define your direction and guides your decision-making so you no longer wonder what the best choice is for you. Streamlining your decision-making process is one of the most powerful steps you can take to direct your energy where you need it to be instead of wasting it where you don’t.

Writing may feel a bit daunting at first, and you might be a bit self-conscious about putting your thoughts and the things you want down on paper. It can feel a bit concrete.

But it isn’t hard to write one if you know the right questions to ask yourself and grasp how to structure those answers to your benefit.

In this article we’ll:

  • Explain what a personal mission statement is
  • Clarify why you’d want to use a personal mission statement
  • Show you where can you use a one
  • Give a few examples of some famous personal mission statements
  • Demystify how you can write one for yourself
  • And as a bonus, we’re including 3 sure-fire templates you can use to write your own personal mission statement, AND we’re throwing in a few examples for different places you might use one!

A personal mission statement is a small but extremely powerful part of your career development process.  For help with this and any other parts of that process use our career counseling service .

We’ve helped 1000+ people succeed in their job search , prep for interviews , negotiate the details of their contracts, and hit their career targets . If you have questions on any part of your career development or steps to success, our experts are ready to give you advice and help you strategize your next move.

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A personal mission statement identifies who you are, what your purpose is, and how you define success - in the office and/or in your personal life. It’s a 1-2 sentence maxim, about 30-40 words, that describes how you intend to work toward that purpose, and why it matters so much to you.

Your mission statement can act as a guide when you have decisions to make because it gives you clarity on which options best align with your goals and values. Because it’s such a brief distillation of what matters to you, it’s easy to:

  • Reference when you’re wondering what to do
  • Include in job applications and social media
  • Post in your workspace to remind yourself and others what it is you stand for

Mission statements save time, and more importantly energy, by editing out unneeded tasks and decisions. By cutting out the effort you’d spend on thinking about and making decisions every time something comes up, you can quickly reference your mission statement to decide what your best option is.

The upshot is that your personal mission statements will keep you on track with your values and goals. For example, when something unexpected comes up, instead of working through whether it’s a good option considering A, B, and C, you can weigh it against what you’ve already decided is what you want and how you want to get it.

Of course, this means you want the values and goals to line up honestly with what you believe and want. For example, even though it may seem great to say that you value hard work and perseverance, if you don’t really love grinding it out, you don’t really want to base your future or be known as the go-to person for that.

Be realistic, and set yourself up for success. It may take a hot minute to write your mission statement, but the payoff for that is going to be huge down the road.

There are tons of ways you’ll find your personal mission statement useful once you’ve got one written and start using it. Here are a few suggestions to get you started:

Use it when thinking about your daily tasks and choices. Whether big or small, you’ll have a sounding board to bounce questions off of, and doing things based on what you actually believe makes everything you do that much more valuable and fulfilling.

When planning your days

Use your mission statement as a guide when you’re deciding how to spend your time. You can look at how things are going to move you toward your goals and prioritize them easily, and you can see where maybe you’re spending time that isn’t contributing as much value as you’d like.

When planning a project

Compare potential projects to your mission statement to see how they stack up. If they’ll move you toward your goals, consider how much, if they don't, scrap them.

On your resume, or in your cover letter or portfolio

You can include your mission statement in your resume summary or objective, you can include it in the header or first paragraph of your cover letter , and you can include it as text somewhere in your physical or digital portfolios.

On social media

Your mission statement would be perfect in your LinkedIn bio or other professional or personal social media. Anyone that clicks will get a quick idea of who you are from it.

While looking for work

When you’re looking for work you don’t want to apply for every job out there . You can use your statement to compare job postings to see whether it’s the type of work you actually want to spend 40+ hours/week doing.

  • As a reference during interviews

Interviews can be tricky and you need to prepare for them, but no matter how many questions you prep for or practice in advance, you may get thrown a curveball. If that happens, consider the question in light of your mission statement and you'll have a great guide on how to answer.

Everyone’s personal mission statement will be, well… personal, so they’re going to be different.  But some of these famous statements may help give you an idea of how an effective one looks.

“To be a teacher of others and inspire students to go beyond their limitations.” -Oprah Winfrey
“To bring joy and happiness to other people.” -Walt Disney
“To do more than survive, but to grow and live with passion, while meeting life with compassion, humor, and style.” -Maya Angelou
“If something means enough to you it should be pursued, even if you’re likely to fail.” -Elon Musk
“To live a life without fear or ill will for any person. To refuse to submit to injustice. To conquer untruth with truth, and by doing this to put up with any kind of suffering.” -Mahatma Gandhi
“To help people find hope after loss" -Gloria Horsle
“To serve and help others. To facilitate the education of every girl on planet earth.” -Malala Yousafzai
“To be successful, start thinking about yourself as a personal brand.” -William Arruda
“To be the best leader possible, maintain a work-life balance, and maintain integrity at all times.” -Denise Morrison
“To use my gifts of intelligence, charisma, and serial optimism to cultivate the self-worth and net-worth of women around the world” -Amanda Steinberg
“To have fun in my journey through life and learn from my mistakes.” -Richard Branson

So what are we waiting for? Let's break down how you can start writing a personal mission statement you can use in your next resume, social media profile, and to get you further on the path to success.

With a little thought and work in the beginning, you’ll be able to hone in and set yourself up to write an impactful personal mission statement easily to finish up.

Use these five steps to plan, identify, and write your personal mission statement:

Identify what you value

Your personal mission statement should line up with your values and goals, so start by thinking about who you are and who you want to be at work and personally. A good idea is to just start making a list of words or phrases that identify your:

  • the things that are important to you
  • And especially your values

At this point just put as much as you can down on paper, you’ll refine it later.

Lean on your Network

Next, set up some time to talk with your friends, colleagues, family, and especially a mentor if you have one. Other people can see things about us that we can’t, and all of us can sometimes find it hard to be 100% honest with ourselves about ourselves.

Pick their brains about what they see as your strengths and the type of person they see you as. Go over the list you already made, get their input on it, and brainstorm with them more ideas, words, phrases, concepts, and memories that describe who ‘you’ are.  

This will help identify how others view you, how your view of yourself differs from that, and where you stand in relation to the person you want to be.

Pick your goals

At this point, you can start to consider all you’ve written down and assess where you are. Don’t worry if you aren’t where you want to be yet - that’s the point.

You can make the things you aren’t happy with part of your first mission statement (and revised ones down the road) to get you to exactly whom you DO want to be.

Focus on the qualities, characteristics, and values you have, and consider your long term goals in light of these to identify a mission statement you can create to help you reach those goals.

Ask yourself:

  • What do you want other people to see in you?
  • What do you want your life to look like in 5 years? 10 years?
  • Which are the key personal and/or professional achievements you want to target?
  • What does and would make you happy?

What will your upshot be?

Your last consideration should be to ask yourself what you want your takeaway to be for other people? What do you want your legacy to be? What do you want to be remembered for?

Remember, this isn’t your last mission statement though. As things change in your life and you accomplish some of your goals you’re going to revisit and adjust or re-write it.

Your personal mission statement doesn’t have to be the goal of your LIFE, just this current stage of your life.

Some questions to consider:

  • What changes to the world do you want to (help) make?
  • Who or what do you want to direct your energy to support?
  • What are you able to do with your current tools to improve the world?
  • What motivates you?

Write your statement

Once you understand clearly what values and goals you want in your statement, it’s time to start writing.  Draw on the information you gathered in each of the above steps to write one or two clear sentences that summarize your key attributes, values, and goal.

It’s a good idea to write more than one version and play with the wording in different drafts so you can see how the ideas sit in different versions and with different specifics included. Then just pick the one you feel most strongly about.

Keep these tips in mind to perfect your personal mission statement.

You be you. Your personal mission statement should be a reflection of your real self.  It should capture your passions, values, and goals, not anyone else's, and shouldn’t just be something you think prospective employers or other people would want to hear.

Look for feedback . Getting feedback and going over your personal mission statement considering this feedback will help you refine your vision. Ask people in your network for suggestions on how you might improve or change it until it's perfect.

Short and to the point . Ideally, your personal mission statement will be just one sentence that crystallizes your values and goals. Being concise will help you limit the ideas you include, remember them better, and make it easier to post or distribute where you want.

Say it often . The point of writing your personal mission statement is partly for yourself and partly to get it across to other people. Consider sharing it with prospective employers, managers, supervisors, mentors, clients, colleagues and on your various social media to have it really stick with and be associated with you.

Keep it up to date. As you apply your personal mission statement you’ll find that either you start to achieve your goals, passions, or values will start to change. Every few months go over what you want, where you are in terms of your goals, and how things might have changed, and update your statement to reflect that.

Here are three templates you can use to start building your own personal mission statements. Use the ideas you came up with in the steps we described earlier to fill in the blanks, and you’ve got a great mission statement ready to go.

  • "To … (what you want to achieve, do or become) … so that … (reasons why it’s important)."
  • "I value (choose 1-3 values important to you) because …(reasons why these values are important to you). I …(what you can do to live by these values)."
  • "To live each day with …[choose 1-3 values or principles]… so that …[what living by these values offers you or others]."

For a resume or a LinkedIn Profile

A personal mission statement for a resume or LinkedIn helps the reader or recruiter identify the strategic value you might add to the company. Try something like with the specifics of your work and passions subbed in:

I’m passionate about counseling to improve the wellbeing and mental health of children and young adults. My passions for counseling, raising awareness about these struggles, and my commitment to helping those who are struggling have inspired me to pursue this career.

Career motto personal mission statements

If you're trying to grow in your career or get into a new one, you can write yourself a mission statement something along the lines of this:

My goal is to switch to a career in (insert industry) to raise my income and get a job that I enjoy. By spending (amount of time per day/week/month) working on (career-related tasks, training, work, etc…) I will ensure I am skilled and have the experience needed to excel in this role.

Company Mission Statements

Corporate mission statements are almost universal nowadays. Companies use mission statements to clearly define their purpose and how they serve their customers and/or others through the products, services, or other actions they develop and offer.

Here are some from companies you may be familiar with:

To serve consumers through online and physical stores and focus on selection, price, and convenience. -Amazon
Our mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. -Microsoft
We ignite opportunity by setting the world in motion. -Uber
To refresh the world in mind, body and spirit. To inspire moments of optimism and happiness through our brands and actions. -Coca-Cola
The mission of Southwest Airlines is dedication to the highest quality of customer service delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, individual pride, and company spirit. -Southwest Airlines
To nourish people and the planet. We're a purpose-driven company that aims to set the standards of excellence for food retailers. Quality is a state of mind at Whole Foods Market. -Whole Foods Market
To organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. -Google
To help bring creative projects to life. -Kickstarter
To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy. -Tesla
To enable economic growth through infrastructure and energy development, and to provide solutions that support communities and protect the planet. -Caterpillar
The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors. -American Red Cross
To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time. -Starbucks
Spread ideas. -TED
To entertain, inform, and inspire people around the globe through the power of unparalleled storytelling; reflecting the iconic brands, creative minds, and innovative technologies that make ours the world’s premier entertainment company. -Disney
Our mission is to unlock the potential of human creativity — by giving a million creative artists the opportunity to live off their art and billions of fans the opportunity to enjoy and be inspired by it. -Spotify
To give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together. -Facebook
  • A personal mission statement is a powerful tool to boost productivity and success
  • They’re 1-2 sentences that describe how you intend to work toward a purpose, and why it matters to you
  • Use them to outline your values and goals, and find ways to apply your skills to help you reach your goals
  • If you take the time to plan and prepare your thoughts in advance, they are a breeze to write
  • Reach out to your network to really drill down into who you are from their perspective too
  • Personal mission statements can be tools to save time and energy by directing responses to questions and helping guide how you plan your day and projects.
  • They aren’t forever, review them regularly as your goals evolve
  • Use them in as many places as possible, including social media, resumes, cover letters, and as references when you're interviewing or even chatting with people

Writing a personal mission statement is just one small step to reaching your career goals and success. We’ve helped 1000+ other candidates find their futures with custom-tailored training, advice, and strategies.

If you want to talk to one of our experts to learn more about how to write a mission statement, or you're curious about any other ways to better navigate your career path, check out our career counseling service.

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Land your dream job, how to write a professional mission statement.

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Does the idea of writing professional mission statement seem daunting? It doesn’t have to be! The term “ mission ” comes from an Old French verb meaning “to release” or “to send.” When you create a mission statement, you’re simply “releasing” or “sending out” a declaration of who you are, to yourself and to others.

Below, we walk through everything you need to know about writing your own professional mission statement (with examples!).

Why you need a professional mission statement

Many of us have heard of a personal mission statement. It is very similar to a professional mission statement in that for both, you have to reflect on your values and create a statement that is authentic and honest. Both also reflect a direction for your attitude and behavior.

Where the statements differ is in scope and audience. A personal mission statement is often broader (e.g. “to be true to myself”) than a professional mission statement and is designed exclusively for your benefit. However, your professional mission statement   demonstrates what you are seeking professionally to benefit the organizations you want to work with, while also helping you remember what kind of work, cause, or field is most interesting or important to you.

Writing a professional mission statement

Concise, actionable, and memorable, a professional mission statement (or PMIST for short) lets you and the reader know what you “stand for,” what you are heading towards, and what you hope to achieve in your career.

Once you have a PMIST, you can note it in your cover letter (to introduce your primary objective to the reader), mention it on your resume (to demonstrate how you can deliver value to a potential employer), and even use it while preparing for interviews (to center yourself on what you’re seeking from your next role).

For example, if you lead with a PMIST at the top of your resume, it becomes a powerful way to engage a potential hiring manager and provides a focusing element for the rest of the piece. You brand yourself as a candidate who 1) can synthesize several key ideas, 2) knows what they want professionally and 3) understands how their experience and interests can benefit an organization. In this age of quick resume reviews, the inclusion of an intriguing PMIST   can help guarantee a longer reading.

Examples of an effective PMIST

Here is a format that works well for a PMIST. “To combine/synthesize/integrate/leverage (or similar verbs) my experience in [EXPERTISE] with my interest(s) in [IDEAL FIELD/ROLE)] to [ACTION VERB] for [TYPE OF ORGANIZATION].”

So a sample PMIST might read:  “To combine my experience in community service with my interest in activism  to  lobby  for a progressive global cause .”   This format demonstrates to the reader that you know what interests you and that you are seeking to use those skills in a way that benefits the employer.

My personal PMIST is: “To integrate my experience in devising client solutions with my interest in fostering career development to coach students/alumni within a dynamic, NYC-based, higher education institution.” This PMIST leverages my pre-career counseling experiences in sales, marketing, advertising research, and executive recruiting and shows how I can apply them within a similarly client-service oriented environment.

You don't need to have experience in the "interest" element of your statement, as long as you can justify why you'd like to work in that certain field/role. In fact, I recently used my PMIST to make a career transition by placing it at the top of my resume to highlight how my previous work experiences would allow me to be effective in a career-counseling role.

Crafting your own PMIST may require a bit of tweaking depending on your particular target audience. One technique that may be helpful in determining what descriptive words will best reflect your values is to jot potential options on notecards and mix and match various combinations until you find a union that resonates.

In developing a PMIST, you can define and clarify your professional values, which can only help in building your career. If you’re in a non-traditional career , an effective PMIST hones in on the relationship between your objectives and the benefits your background provides to an organization, which is what the “career courting” process is all about.

Having trouble managing your professional materials during the job search? Check out guide to writing the ultimate nonprofit cover letter for help landing the social-impact role of your dreams.

About the Author | Amy-Louise Goldberg is a certified Executive Coach and Career Counselor at NYU Polytechnic in Brooklyn, New York. She was an executive recruiter for 19 years and has an MBA from the Kellogg School.

This post was contributed by a guest author.

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Creating a Personal Mission Statement: Inspiring Examples

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A personal mission statement is a declaration that defines who you are, what you stand for, and what you aim to achieve in life. It is a concise summary of your guiding principles, values, and goals. Creating a personal mission statement can be a transformative experience, as it helps you gain clarity, focus, and direction in your life.

Having a personal mission statement is crucial because it can help you:

  • Stay motivated and focused on your goals
  • Make better decisions that align with your values and purpose
  • Prioritize your time and energy on what matters most
  • Improve your self-awareness and sense of purpose
  • Increase your overall happiness and fulfillment in life

In this article, we’ll explore the process of creating a personal mission statement, using inspiring examples from successful individuals who have used this tool to guide their lives. We’ll cover the following topics:

  • Why a personal mission statement matters
  • How to craft your personal mission statement
  • Inspiring examples of personal mission statements from successful leaders and entrepreneurs
  • Tips for living your mission every day

Whether you’re seeking a more fulfilled personal life, greater success in your career, or a deeper sense of purpose, a personal mission statement can help you get there. So let’s dive in and explore how you can create a mission statement that inspires and guides you toward the life you desire.

Benefits of Creating a Personal Mission Statement

When it comes to setting goals and achieving success, having a personal mission statement can provide several key benefits. These include:

Increased Clarity and Focus

A personal mission statement helps you get clear on what you really want out of life. By taking the time to reflect on your values and priorities, you can create a statement that captures your purpose and vision. This can provide a clear direction for your life and help you stay focused on the things that truly matter.

Improved Decision Making

When faced with tough choices, your personal mission statement can be a helpful guide. By considering your statement in the context of your decision, you can determine whether the choice aligns with your values and goals. This can help you make more informed, intentional decisions that are in line with your overarching purpose.

Enhanced Motivation and Direction

Having a personal mission statement can also boost your motivation and sense of direction. When you have a clear purpose and vision for your life, it can help you stay motivated even in the face of challenges or setbacks. By knowing what you’re working towards and why it matters, you can stay focused and energized as you pursue your goals.

Greater Self-Awareness and Authenticity

Another benefit of creating a personal mission statement is greater self-awareness and authenticity. By reflecting on your values and priorities, you can gain a deeper understanding of who you are and what matters to you. This can help you live a more authentic life, making choices that are true to yourself and that bring you meaning and satisfaction.

By taking the time to create a personal mission statement, you can reap these benefits and more. Whether you’re looking to boost your focus and motivation or gain a greater sense of self-awareness and authenticity, putting your goals and values into words can be a powerful step towards achieving the life you want.

Elements of a Personal Mission Statement

When it comes to creating a personal mission statement, there are four key elements that you need to include: purpose and values, vision and goals, unique selling proposition, and target audience. Let’s dive into each one in more detail.

Purpose and Values

Your purpose and values form the core of your personal mission statement. Your purpose is the reason why you exist, while your values are the principles that guide your actions and decisions. When you define your purpose and values, you gain clarity about your priorities and your direction in life. This clarity will help you make better decisions and stay focused on what truly matters to you.

Vision and Goals

Your vision and goals are your roadmap for achieving your purpose. Your vision is a compelling picture of what you want to achieve in the long-term, while your goals provide the specific steps you need to take to get there. When you set clear and measurable goals that align with your purpose and values, you create a sense of purpose and direction that will guide you to success.

Unique Selling Proposition

Your unique selling proposition (USP) is what sets you apart from others. It is the thing that makes you unique and valuable in the eyes of others. Your USP should be a combination of your skills, experience, and personality traits that make you stand out from the crowd. When you define your USP, you create a compelling message that will help you attract the right people and opportunities into your life.

Target Audience

Your target audience is the group of people you want to reach with your personal mission statement. These are the people who will benefit from your message and who share your values and goals. When you define your target audience, you create a clear picture of who you want to serve and what you want to offer them. This clarity will help you create a message that resonates with your audience and inspires them to take action.

Creating a personal mission statement requires careful consideration of these four elements: purpose and values, vision and goals, unique selling proposition, and target audience. By defining each of these elements clearly, you can create a compelling message that aligns with your values and goals and inspires you to achieve your dreams. So, take some time to reflect on these elements and craft your own inspiring personal mission statement.

Steps to Creating a Personal Mission Statement

Creating a personal mission statement is a powerful tool for self-discovery and clarity in life. It guides us in the path we want to follow and helps us make better decisions that align with our values and beliefs. Here are the six steps to creating a personal mission statement.

Self-Assessment and Reflection

The first step is to do a self-assessment to identify who you are, what you want, and what motivates you. It involves reflecting on your strengths, weaknesses, talents, and passions. This step will help you to determine your unique selling proposition and how you can leverage it to make a difference in the world.

Identifying Core Values and Beliefs

The second step is to identify your core values and beliefs that define your character and integrity. These values form the foundation of your decision-making process and ultimately determine your life priorities. When making decisions and taking action, ask yourself if they align with your core values and beliefs.

Crafting a Purpose Statement

The third step is to craft a purpose statement that expresses your reason for being. It should motivate and inspire you to pursue your aspirations, channel your energy and resources, and achieve your goals. Your purpose statement could be as simple as “To live a life that brings joy and meaning to myself and others.”

Defining a Vision Statement

The fourth step is to define a vision statement that outlines your future aspirations and the impact you want to create. It should be bold, inspiring, and aligned with your purpose and core values. A good vision statement could be “To create a world where everyone has access to basic needs, education, and opportunities to reach their full potential.”

Setting Measurable Goals

The fifth step is to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals that align with your purpose, values, and vision. Goals help you to prioritize your actions and focus your efforts on achieving your vision. It’s essential to track your progress regularly and adjust your goals where necessary.

Refining and Polishing the Statement

The sixth and final step is to refine and polish your personal mission statement. Your statement should be concise, clear, and memorable. It should capture your purpose, values, vision, and goals in a few words. Share your mission statement with others and get their feedback. Review it periodically and adjust it when necessary.

Creating a personal mission statement is a valuable exercise that guides us in our pursuit of purpose, fulfillment, and success. By following these six steps, we can create a powerful statement that inspires us to live our best lives and make a positive impact on the world.

Personal Mission Statement Examples

A personal mission statement is a powerful tool for defining and achieving your goals, both personally and professionally. To help inspire you to create your own personal mission statement, we’ve compiled a list of sample statements from successful individuals across various industries.

Sample Personal Mission Statements from Successful Individuals

Oprah Winfrey  “To be a teacher. And to be known for inspiring my students to be more than they thought they could be.”

Stephen Covey  “To inspire, motivate and help people and organizations find and achieve their greatest potential.”

Elon Musk  “To make life multi-planetary.”

Melinda Gates  “To use my time, resources, and voice to give people whose lives are locked in poverty and illness the chance to live with more dignity.”

Warren Buffet  “To ensure that my family’s material needs are taken care of while also using wealth to help others achieve long-term success.”

Maya Angelou  “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”

Analysis and Breakdown of Each Statement

Each sample personal mission statement is unique and reflective of the individual who crafted it. Oprah Winfrey’s mission statement is focused on teaching and inspiring others, while Stephen Covey’s mission statement centers on helping individuals and organizations reach their full potential. Elon Musk’s mission statement is more focused on a specific goal, to make life multi-planetary, while Melinda Gates has a broader mission statement that focuses on giving people in poverty and illness the chance to live with dignity. Warren Buffet’s mission statement is focused on taking care of his family while using his wealth to help others, and Maya Angelou’s mission statement is all about thriving in life.

Key Takeaways and Lessons Learned

  • A personal mission statement can be unique and reflective of the individual crafting it.
  • Personal mission statements can be broad, but should be focused on goals that can be achieved.
  • Personal mission statements can be used to guide both personal and professional decisions and actions.
  • Personal mission statements can inspire others to strive for excellence and reach their full potential.

These sample personal mission statements offer an inspiring glimpse into what drives successful individuals to achieve their goals. Creating your own personal mission statement can help provide direction and focus to achieve your own goals and inspire others to do the same.

Tips and Best Practices for Creating a Strong Personal Mission Statement

When it comes to crafting a mission statement that truly represents who you are and what you stand for, there are a few key tips and best practices to keep in mind. Here are four strategies to consider as you work on your personal mission statement:

Keep It Simple and Concise

A mission statement shouldn’t be overly complicated or verbose. Instead, aim for a statement that is easy to remember and easy to share with others. Consider using straightforward language and sticking to just a few key points that are most important to you.

Be Specific and Concrete

While it can be tempting to create a mission statement that is broad and sweeping, it is often more effective to focus on specific, concrete goals and values. Think about what matters most to you, both personally and professionally, and how you can articulate those goals in a way that feels actionable.

Stay True to Yourself and Your Values

Your personal mission statement should reflect your unique identity and values. It’s important to be honest with yourself about what matters most to you and what you hope to achieve. Don’t worry about what others may expect or want from you – focus on what feels most authentic and true to you.

Focus on the Positive and Impactful

Finally, it’s important to remember that a personal mission statement should be focused on the positive and impactful aspects of your goals and values. Rather than getting bogged down in negative feelings or concerns, try to frame your mission statement in a way that highlights the positive changes you hope to make in your life and the world around you.

By keeping these tips and best practices in mind as you create your personal mission statement, you can craft a document that is meaningful, inspiring, and completely unique to who you are. Best of luck! As you work on crafting your personal mission statement, it’s important to keep in mind some common mistakes that people often make. By avoiding these pitfalls, you can ensure that your statement is unique, meaningful, and effective.

One of the most common mistakes people make when creating their personal mission statement is being too generic or vague. It’s easy to fall into the trap of using broad, sweeping statements that don’t really say anything specific about who you are or what you stand for. Your mission statement should be a reflection of your unique personality, values and aspirations. So, take some time to really think about what makes you stand out from the crowd and how you can capture that in your mission statement.

Another common mistake is copying or mimicking other statements. While it’s certainly helpful to get inspiration from other mission statements, it’s important to make sure that your statement reflects your own authentic voice and perspective. Don’t just copy and paste someone else’s statement, make sure that it truly reflects who you are as a person.

Another mistake to avoid is relying too much on buzzwords. While buzzwords can be useful in communicating certain ideas, they can also come across as clichéd or insincere. Rather than relying on buzzwords, try to use language that is genuine and specific to your own experience and goals.

Finally, one of the most important mistakes that people often make is neglecting to revisit and revise their statement as needed. Your personal mission statement should be an evolving document that grows and changes along with you. Don’t just write it and forget about it. Instead, check in periodically to make sure that it still feels relevant and meaningful to you. If it doesn’t, don’t be afraid to make changes or update it as needed.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can create a personal mission statement that truly reflects who you are, what you stand for, and what you hope to achieve in life. So take the time to dig deep, find the words that really resonate with you, and craft a mission statement that will inspire and guide you for years to come.

Applying Your Personal Mission Statement in Real Life

Once you have created your personal mission statement, the next step is to apply it in your real life. This involves aligning your actions and behaviors with your mission statement, making tough decisions that are consistent with your values, and building strong relationships with others who share your purpose. In this section, we will explore these important aspects of putting your personal mission statement into practice.

Aligning Your Actions and Behaviors

Your personal mission statement is a roadmap for your life, providing direction and clarity about your personal goals and values. To make it work, you need to align your actions and behaviors with your mission statement. This means making conscious choices about how you spend your time, energy, and resources, and ensuring that your decisions are consistent with your purpose.

To do this, start by reviewing your mission statement regularly. Consider how you can use it to guide your daily actions and decisions. When facing a choice or challenge, ask yourself: “Does this align with my personal mission statement?” If the answer is no, then it’s time to reevaluate your options and make a different choice that is more in line with your values.

Making Tough Decisions

Sometimes, aligning your actions and behaviors with your mission statement can mean making tough decisions. For example, you may need to say no to a career opportunity that doesn’t align with your values, or end a relationship that is not supportive of your goals. While these decisions can be difficult, they are essential to living a purpose-driven life.

To make tough decisions that align with your mission statement, start by clarifying your values and priorities. Consider the long-term consequences of your decision, and how it will impact your overall sense of purpose and fulfillment. If you are struggling to make a decision, seek guidance from trusted friends, family members, or mentors who share your values and can provide objective feedback.

Networking and Building Relationships

Networking and building relationships is another important aspect of applying your personal mission statement in real life. By connecting with others who share your purpose and vision, you can learn from their experiences, gain support and encouragement, and build a strong network to help you achieve your goals.

To build strong relationships that align with your mission statement, start by identifying people who share your values and interests. Attend networking events, participate in online communities, and reach out to people in your field or industry who you admire and respect. Be open, authentic, and supportive, and focus on building mutually beneficial relationships that can help you grow and achieve your goals.

Measuring Your Progress and Success

Finally, it’s important to measure your progress and success as you apply your personal mission statement in real life. This involves setting clear goals, tracking your progress, and celebrating your successes along the way.

To measure your progress, start by setting specific, measurable goals that align with your mission statement.

Personal Mission Statement for Career Development

Having a personal mission statement can greatly benefit not just your personal life but also your career development. In this section, we will discuss how you can use your statement to guide your job search, incorporate it into your resume and career documents, and effectively communicate it during interviews and networking events.

Using Your Statement to Guide Job Search

Job searching can be overwhelming and time-consuming, but having a clear sense of what you want in your career can make the process easier and more efficient. Your personal mission statement can serve as a guideline for your job search by helping you identify companies, roles, and responsibilities that align with your values and goals.

When looking for a job, read the company’s mission statement and values to ensure that they align with your own. Look for job postings that fit your experience and qualifications and that align with your mission statement. During the interview process, ask questions that will help you determine if the company and the role are a good fit for you and your personal mission.

Incorporating Your Statement in Resume and Career Documents

Your personal mission statement should be included in your resume, cover letter, and other career documents. This will help potential employers understand who you are and what you stand for as a professional. Your statement should be located at the top of your resume or cover letter, right underneath your contact information.

Incorporating your personal mission statement in your resume and career documents can also help differentiate you from other candidates. Hiring managers are looking for candidates who not only have the skills and experience for the job but also have a strong sense of purpose and values that align with the company’s culture.

Communicating Your Statement in Interviews and Networking

During interviews, you will likely be asked questions about your personal and professional goals. This is the perfect opportunity to communicate your personal mission statement and explain how it aligns with the company’s mission and values.

When networking, be sure to share your personal mission statement with others. Your statement can help you connect with like-minded professionals who may be able to refer you to job opportunities or offer career advice.

Finally, it’s essential to live out your personal mission statement, not just talk about it. Your actions should align with your values and mission, both in your personal and professional life. By doing so, you will attract opportunities that align with who you are and what you stand for.

Having a personal mission statement is an effective tool for career development. It can help guide your job search, differentiate you from other candidates, and effectively communicate who you are and what you stand for as a professional. Incorporate your statement into your resume and career documents, communicate it during interviews and networking, and most importantly, live it out in your personal and professional life.

Personal Mission Statement for Personal Growth and Fulfillment

A personal mission statement is a powerful tool that can guide you towards a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life. By articulating your core values, strengths, and aspirations, you can gain clarity about what matters most to you, and use that knowledge to make more intentional choices and pursue meaningful goals.

But a mission statement is not just a document to be filed away and forgotten. To reap the benefits of your statement, you need to apply it to all areas of your life, including your relationships, family life, hobbies, and contributions to society.

Applying Your Mission Statement to Relationships and Family Life

Your mission statement should reflect your values and priorities in all aspects of your life, including your relationships with others. By using your statement as a guide, you can build deeper, more meaningful connections with the people you care about.

For example, if your mission statement emphasizes the importance of kindness and empathy, you can consciously cultivate those qualities in your interactions with your loved ones. If your statement highlights the value of honesty and authenticity, you can strive to be open and transparent in your communications with others.

Similarly, your mission statement can help you navigate challenging situations in your family life, such as conflicts, transitions, or crises. By grounding yourself in your core values and goals, you can respond with greater resilience, compassion, and purpose.

Using Your Statement to Pursue Personal Goals and Hobbies

Your mission statement should also inspire and guide you in pursuing personal goals and hobbies that align with your values and passions.

For example, if your mission statement emphasizes the importance of creativity and self-expression, you might set a goal to learn a new form of artistic expression or take up a hobby that allows you to express yourself more freely.

If your statement highlights the value of learning and growth, you might seek out new opportunities for education, training, or personal development.

By using your statement as a compass, you can avoid getting sidetracked by goals or activities that don’t truly align with your vision for yourself, and focus on the ones that bring you joy, fulfillment, and growth.

Fostering Meaningful Connections and Contributions

Finally, your mission statement can help you cultivate a sense of purpose and impact in your contributions to society.

Whether through volunteering, advocacy, or other forms of social engagement, your statement can guide you towards activities that align with your values and strengths, and allow you to make a meaningful difference in the world.

For example, if your mission statement emphasizes the importance of justice and equity, you might seek out opportunities to support marginalized communities or advocate for policy changes that promote social justice.

If your statement highlights the value of compassion and service, you might volunteer with a local organization that serves the underprivileged or disadvantaged.

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How to Write a Personal Mission Statement (Examples Included)

Mike Simpson 0 Comments

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By Mike Simpson

Mission statements are everywhere in business. Nearly every company has one, allowing a simple sentence or two to act as a guiding light for all of its decision-making.

But did you know that you can harness the power of the mission statement to elevate your career? It’s true. With a personal mission statement, you can define your career target and achieve your goals.

Awesome, right?

And personal mission statements aren’t that hard to nail. All you need is the right approach. If you want to make the most of this handy-dandy career-boosting tool, here’s what you need to know…

What Is a Personal Mission Statement?

Alright, before we dig into how to write personal mission statements, let’s take a step back and talk about what one even is.

In the simplest terms, a personal mission statement is a couple of sentences that define your professional capabilities, traits, values, and dreams. It outlines what you’re all about, including what you bring to the table now and what you want to achieve in your career.

How can a personal mission statement help you reach your goals? By giving you focus. It’s all about outlining what actually matters to you, giving you something to concentrate on as you make career decisions.

This is especially true if you’re launching a job search or a full-blown career change. Why? Because it helps you figure out where you should go next. You’ll be able to concentrate on opportunities that can help you get where you want to end up, instead of just skimming job boards without a clear direction in mind.

But even if you aren’t about to make a change, that doesn’t mean writing a personal mission statement isn’t a great idea. You can use one to adopt a more positive mindset, find meaning in the small tasks that don’t feel all that meaningful alone or keep you focused on what really matters to you.

In the end, everyone can benefit from one of these little declarations. When you write one, you have to really think about who you are, what you value, and what you want from your life. That’s powerful. It gives you direction, and that’s crucial for any career.

Common Mistakes When Writing a Personal Mission Statement

Yes, it is possible to make mistakes when you try to create a personal mission statement. And, if you do, the outcome is less than ideal. You end up with a point of focus that doesn’t really align with who you are and what you want, and that can send you in the wrong direction.

By understanding what the common mistakes are, you can avoid them. So, let’s dig into that.

Really, the biggest mistake you can make when writing personal mission statements is not focusing on you. If you let other people’s opinions influence what you create, the end result isn’t very personal, and it feels like an obligation weighing over your head.

Similarly, not reflecting on what you genuinely want is another massive misstep. You need to dig deep and discover what matters most to you. That way, your personal mission statement is meaningful.

Another issue is being too specific. Unlike with your career goals , where details are your ally, being a little broad when you create your personal mission statement isn’t a bad idea. This is supposed to be more of a guiding principle, so embrace the big picture instead.

Finally, hedging is a major mistake. This isn’t a place for “maybes.” Instead, it’s a place for “musts.” Think about what you’re internally compelled to do. If you can concentrate on things that you feel driven toward, your odds of hitting the mark go up dramatically.

How to Write a Personal Mission Statement

Okay, so you’re ready to start forming your own personal mission statement. That’s awesome.

While it may seem a little difficult at first, you can smooth out the process by following the right approach. If you aren’t sure where to start, here’s a step-by-step guide for creating personal mission statements.

1. Spend Time Reflecting

Before you start writing your statement, take a moment to really reflect. Think about your boldest personal and career goals , envision where you want to be down the road, and consider what you genuinely wish to achieve.

As you reflect, you don’t have to focus entirely on your professional life. After all, your time away from work is a big chunk of your overall experience, so it’s fine to think about what you want outside of your career, too.

Additionally, don’t be afraid to think big picture. Often, core values are a bit broad, and that’s alright. The main goal is to determine what really lights your fire, whether it’s big or small.

You could also spend time reflecting on the kind of legacy you want to leave. This mindset can actually be ridiculously helpful. Consider what you want to be remembered for, and use that as a guide.

As you come up with ideas, jot them down. Create a messy running list and let the creative juices flow. This step is all about ideas, so let them fly.

2. Identify Who You Want to Help

Personal mission statements have an audience. Usually, it’s something or someone you want to help.

Not sure who your audience is? Well, it could be your employer, customers, employees, or community, for example.

Think about who you want to have benefit from your efforts. That’s probably your audience.

3. Pick Core Traits or Skills

When you’re writing a personal mission statement, you need to include the skills and traits you’ll need to put to work to make that happen. Now, these can be more technical capabilities or personal characteristics, so don’t feel like you’re limited to one or the other. You’re not.

4. Try a Personal Mission Statement Template

Now that you’ve done some brainstorming, you can use a formula to create your personal mission statement. If you aren’t sure where to begin, try this personal mission statement template:

“To [desired goal, outcome, or achievement] [target audience that will benefit] by [skills you want to use] [what those skills will let you do or how you’ll apply them].”

For example, let’s say your area doesn’t have a food bank because they can’t afford one, and that’s hurting low-income families, but you’ve got skills that can help start one in your city. Your mission statement may say:

“To launch a community food bank for low-income families by harnessing my fundraising, networking, and negotiating skills to sure the needed funding.”

Use the personal mission statement template as a starting framework, but feel free to adjust it a bit if the need arises. For example, you may tweak the order you cover each point. In fact, we do that in some of the samples below.

Personal Mission Statement Examples

While personal mission statements are, by definition, personal, that doesn’t mean a little bit of inspiration isn’t helpful. By reviewing some examples, you can learn more about what resonates with you.

Personal mission statements can vary a lot depending on the nature of your career as well as your goals, values, and preferences. Additionally, some are a bit more general, while others are more specific.

For example, Sir Richard Branson once said his was: “Have fun in your journey through life and learn from your mistakes.”

Compare that to one from Oprah : “To be a teacher. And to be known for inspiring my students to be more than they thought they could be.”

Those are two different approaches that accomplish a similar goal. In the end, either way can work, as long as it resonates with you and sends you in the proper direction.

Still looking for more help? We’ve got you. Here are ten personal mission statement examples for different kinds of professionals.

To inspire the development of today’s young people by continuously honing my skills, expanding my knowledge, and supporting them as they grow.

2. Registered Nurse

To be a guiding light during challenging times, ensuring those in crisis feel safe and supported while offering the highest quality care every moment of every day.

3. Software Developer

To build technologies that ease the burdens of others, all while focusing on personal efficiency and skill development to ensure I am always equipped to not just address the challenges of today, but the challenges of tomorrow, as well.

4. HR Manager

To ensure the success of the company as well as every employee within it, providing both with the tools, guidance, and support they need to achieve new heights while reaching their business and professional goals.

5. Paralegal

To provide exceptional support to every member of the practice, ensuring that those we serve are given the high-quality experience they deserve every step of the way.

6. Accountant

To continuously handle my responsibilities with diligence, all while ensuring that ethical codes of conduct are met and that every action is fully compliant.

7. Project Manager

To ensure that companies can achieve success by removing obstacles, finding solutions, and coordinating the efforts of diverse teams.

8. Data Analyst

To bring meaning to the mountains of information companies receive by growing and honing my skills, ensuring that business can make sound decisions every step of the way.

9. Operations Manager

To improve the efficiency and reliability of company operations while simultaneously providing exceptional results when overseeing projects, managing personnel, and updating business processes.

10. C-Suite Executive

To lead the company toward greater heights by embracing innovative thinking, always looking toward the future, and offering support to every team member to ensure they thrive in their roles.

Putting It All Together

Ultimately, a personal mission statement can be an excellent tool. It lets you focus your efforts on what you really want, and that’s powerful. Use the personal mission statement examples above, as well as the step-by-step process, to get started. If you do, you’ll have an amazing one ready faster than you’d ever imagined.

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Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at

His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others.

Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

About The Author

Mike simpson.

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Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others. Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

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How to Write a Personal Mission Statement (20 Examples)

By Editorial Team on May 3, 2023 — 6 minutes to read

How to Write a Personal Mission Statement: 20 Inspiring Examples

A personal mission statement is a declaration of your guiding principles, goals, and aspirations in life. It helps you articulate your purpose, clarify your values, and make better decisions, both personally and professionally.

Having a personal mission statement is important for staying grounded and focused, especially when faced with difficult choices or setbacks in your life. By clearly defining your mission, you can:

  • Gain a sense of direction
  • Set priorities
  • Align actions with core values
  • Improve decision-making
  • Motivate yourself
  • Enhance personal growth and development

Key Components

In order to craft an effective personal mission statement, it’s important to consider three key components:

  • Purpose: Reflect on your passions, what motivates you, and what you believe you were meant to do in this world.
  • Core values: What are the principles that govern your behavior and decision-making? Think about the qualities you value most, such as integrity, kindness, or perseverance. Learn more: Core Values List: 150+ Awesome Examples of Personal Values
  • Goals: What do you hope to achieve in life, both personally and professionally? Determine what kind of impact you want to make in the world and set specific, measurable objectives that will help you reach that goal.

As you work on these components, be honest with yourself and choose elements that truly resonate with you, rather than adopting someone else’s beliefs or expectations. If your mission statement reflects your authentic self, it will be a far more effective tool for personal growth and fulfillment.

Creating Your Personal Mission Statement

Identifying your values.

Understanding your core values is essential in creating a personal mission statement. These values should reflect what is most important to you, and they will be the foundation of your mission statement. To help you identify your values, consider the following steps:

  • Reflect on your past experiences and the values that were demonstrated in those situations.
  • Ask yourself what values you hold most dear and which ones guide your decisions.

Learn more: Core Values List: 150+ Awesome Examples of Personal Values

Once you have a list of potential values, narrow it down to the top 3-5 that resonate with you the most. These will serve as the basis for your personal mission statement.

Setting Your Goals

Now that you have identified your values, it’s time to set your personal and professional goals. These goals should align with your values and form the framework of your mission statement. Here are some steps to assist you in setting your goals:

  • Break your life into categories (such as career, relationships, and personal growth).
  • Consider both short-term and long-term goals within each category.
  • Be specific and realistic about what you want to achieve.

With clearly defined goals, you will be better equipped to create a mission statement that is focused and actionable.

Writing Your Statement

Now that you have defined your values and goals, you can begin crafting your personal mission statement. Keep the following tips in mind while writing your statement:

  • Begin with a powerful opening sentence that encapsulates your values and aspirations.
  • Be clear in expressing your goals and how they align with your values.
  • Write in the present tense and use positive language to project confidence.

Your personal mission statement should be a reflection of who you are and what you hope to achieve. Revise and refine your statement until you feel it accurately represents your values, goals, and aspirations.

Examples of Personal Mission Statements

In this section, you’ll find a variety of personal mission statement examples tailored to different roles, lifestyles, and aspirations. Take inspiration from these examples and use them as a starting point for your own unique mission statement.

Example 1: Student

As a student, your mission might be to excel academically and develop meaningful relationships. Example: “To achieve academic excellence, cultivate lifelong friendships, and make a positive impact on my university community.”

Example 2: Career Professional

Your mission as a career professional could be to advance in your industry, exemplify integrity, and balance work and personal life. Example: “To grow professionally, maintain a high level of integrity, and achieve a healthy work-life balance.”

Example 3: Parent

As a parent, your mission could be to nurture, teach, and support your children, preparing them for the future. Example: “To provide a loving, enriching environment for my children, empowering them with the tools to succeed and grow.”

Example 4: Retiree

Your mission as a retiree can be to enjoy your golden years, staying healthy, and remaining active in your community. Example: “To maintain my health, engage in fulfilling hobbies, and contribute positively to my community.”

Example 5: Entrepreneur

“To create innovative solutions and provide exceptional value to my customers and my community.”

Example 6: Freelancer

“To deliver outstanding work to my clients while maintaining flexibility and work-life balance.”

Example 7: Community Volunteer

“To dedicate my time and skills to causes that make a meaningful impact in my community.”

Example 8: Environmentalist

“To contribute to a sustainable future through conscious choices and meaningful actions.”

Example 9: Artist

“To express my creativity, tell compelling stories, and touch the lives of others through my art.”

Example 10: Innovator

“To think critically, explore new possibilities, and develop groundbreaking solutions for the future.”

Top-20 Examples of Personal Mission Statements:

  • To live a life of purpose and make a positive impact on the world around me.
  • To constantly learn and grow, both personally and professionally, and inspire others to do the same.
  • To be a compassionate and empathetic listener, and provide support to those who need it.
  • To live a life of integrity and honesty, and always act with kindness and respect towards others.
  • To use my creativity and innovation to solve problems and bring new ideas to the table.
  • To make a difference in my community and give back to those in need.
  • To be a role model for others, especially young people, and inspire them to pursue their dreams.
  • To live a life of balance, and prioritize my relationships, hobbies, and passions alongside my work.
  • To be a leader who empowers others and helps them reach their full potential.
  • To embrace challenges and failures as opportunities for growth and learning.
  • To live a life of mindfulness and presence, and appreciate the beauty of the world around me.
  • To be a responsible and ethical citizen, and contribute to the betterment of society.
  • To be a lifelong advocate for social justice and equality.
  • To be a positive force in the lives of those around me, and spread joy and positivity wherever I go.
  • To be a lifelong learner and teacher, sharing my knowledge and experiences with others.
  • To be a steward of the environment, and work towards a more sustainable and equitable future.
  • To be a supportive and loving partner, parent, and friend.
  • To prioritize my physical and mental health, and encourage others to do the same.
  • To be a lifelong learner and seeker of truth, always questioning and challenging my own beliefs.
  • To be a champion for diversity and inclusion, and celebrate the unique qualities of every individual.

As you embark on this journey of self-discovery and reflection, it’s important to remember that a great mission statement should resonate deeply within you and help to shape your decisions and actions. Keep in mind these key points when crafting your statement:

  • Be genuine and authentic
  • Keep it concise and focused
  • Reflect your core values and purpose
  • Use clear and inspiring language

As you work on your statement, be open to revising it over time. Your life experiences and evolving goals may call for adjustments, so ensure that it remains a relevant reflection of your aspirations. With your personal mission statement in hand, you can now approach your life and decisions with a sense of purpose and direction.

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Mission Statement for Resume

mission statement examples resume

Crafting a powerful mission statement for your resume can elevate your job application and make you stand out to potential employers. In this comprehensive collection of mission statement examples for resumes, discover how to showcase your values, aspirations, and professional goals succinctly. A well-crafted mission statement will convey your unique attributes and help you make a lasting impression on recruiters, increasing your chances of landing your dream job.

What is a Mission Statement Example for Resume

“I am a dedicated and results-driven marketing professional with a passion for creating impactful campaigns that drive brand awareness and customer engagement. My mission is to leverage my creative skills and strategic mindset to help companies achieve their marketing objectives and drive business growth. I thrive in dynamic environments, collaborating with diverse teams to deliver exceptional results and exceed expectations.”

100 Personal Mission Statement Examples for Resume

Personal Mission Statement Examples for Resume

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These career focussed mission statements are intended to capture the essence of your professional values, aspirations, and goals. They should clearly convey your personal brand and serve as a guide for your career decisions. Here are 100 generic personal mission statements that you might find useful for your resume.

  • To leverage my technical skills and creativity to innovate, solve problems, and contribute positively to any team I join.
  • Using my leadership and strategic thinking abilities to drive growth and create sustainable success in a dynamic business environment.
  • Applying my keen analytical skills and attention to detail in a challenging role that encourages continuous learning and development.
  • Utilizing my excellent communication skills and empathy to build strong relationships and create a positive, inclusive environment.
  • Providing high-quality service, exceeding customer expectations, and contributing to a team-oriented workplace.
  • Applying my passion for technology and knack for problem-solving in a role that challenges me and fosters professional growth.
  • Creating meaningful and impactful change in the lives of others through compassionate service and dedication.
  • Using my knowledge, skills, and commitment to excel in a fast-paced, challenging environment, driving business growth and personal development.
  • Utilizing my creative abilities and strategic thinking to improve team performance and drive business success.
  • Applying my passion for sustainability and environmental stewardship in a role that drives change.
  • Leveraging my sales skills and customer service mindset to create memorable experiences and build lasting relationships.
  • Utilizing my knowledge and passion for health and wellness to inspire others and make a positive impact.
  • Channeling my dedication, resourcefulness, and critical thinking abilities into a role that fuels innovation and growth.
  • Utilizing my project management skills and keen attention to detail to ensure efficient and successful execution of tasks.
  • Making a meaningful contribution to the world of finance with my quantitative skills, logical thinking, and ethical approach.
  • Using my creative talents and design thinking in a role that promotes innovative ideas and unique solutions.
  • Utilizing my linguistic skills and cultural understanding to build bridges and facilitate communication in diverse environments.
  • Leveraging my extensive experience in IT to drive innovation, efficiency, and security in a forward-thinking organization.
  • Using my research abilities and scientific curiosity to contribute to cutting-edge discoveries and advancements.
  • Applying my passion for social justice and community service in a role that fosters inclusivity, respect, and positive change.
  • Leveraging my experience in logistics and supply chain management to optimize operations and ensure customer satisfaction.
  • Applying my organizational skills, adaptability, and diligent work ethic in a dynamic role that encourages continuous improvement.
  • Utilizing my skills in software development and my passion for technology to build innovative and impactful solutions.
  • Using my marketing skills and creative mindset to enhance brand visibility, drive customer engagement, and support business growth.
  • Bringing my understanding of human behavior and my empathetic nature to a role in mental health services.
  • Using my knack for storytelling and my writing skills to captivate audiences and communicate effectively.
  • Leveraging my passion for education and my teaching skills to inspire and nurture the potential in every student.
  • Applying my analytical skills, strategic thinking, and innovative mindset in a role that challenges convention and drives progress.
  • Using my legal knowledge, ethics, and problem-solving skills to uphold justice and protect the rights of others.
  • Using my love for nature and my background in environmental science to promote conservation and sustainability.
  • Leveraging my analytical abilities and business acumen to contribute to data-driven decision making and drive business growth.
  • Applying my passion for fitness and my coaching skills to inspire others to embrace a healthier lifestyle.
  • Using my passion for travel and my interpersonal skills to create unforgettable experiences for clients in the tourism industry.
  • Applying my skills in event planning and my knack for attention to detail in a role that brings people together.
  • Utilizing my communication skills, creativity, and technical knowledge to create engaging digital content.
  • Leveraging my culinary skills and creativity in a role that satisfies palates and creates joy.
  • Using my financial acumen, analytical thinking, and ethical approach to enhance financial health and stability.
  • Leveraging my coding skills and innovative thinking in a role that drives technological advancement.
  • Utilizing my human resource skills, empathy, and strategic thinking to create a positive, productive work environment.
  • Applying my passion for real estate, negotiation skills, and customer-centric approach to help clients find their dream homes.
  • Applying my engineering skills and problem-solving mindset in a role that challenges convention and drives progress.
  • Using my knowledge of fashion, design skills, and creative thinking to set trends and inspire style.
  • Using my passion for writing and storytelling to connect with readers and inspire change.
  • Leveraging my scientific curiosity and research skills in a role that contributes to scientific advancements.
  • Utilizing my passion for animals, veterinary skills, and compassionate nature to provide the best care for pets.
  • Applying my knack for numbers, problem-solving abilities, and logical thinking in a challenging role in the finance industry.
  • Using my understanding of human behavior, empathy, and communication skills to provide effective mental health support.
  • Leveraging my design skills, creativity, and technical knowledge to create innovative and user-friendly products.
  • Applying my problem-solving skills, leadership abilities, and strategic thinking to drive team performance and business success.
  • Utilizing my passion for sports, coaching skills, and leadership abilities to inspire others and promote teamwork.
  • Leveraging my people skills, cultural understanding, and language abilities to bridge gaps and build connections.
  • Using my knowledge in biology and my passion for research to contribute to breakthroughs in the life sciences.
  • Applying my technological acumen, problem-solving skills, and innovative thinking to drive digital transformation.
  • Leveraging my managerial skills, leadership abilities, and strategic thinking to build high-performing teams.
  • Using my healthcare knowledge, empathetic nature, and problem-solving skills to provide the highest standard of patient care.
  • Applying my architectural skills, creativity, and attention to detail in a role that shapes the built environment.
  • Leveraging my logistical skills, attention to detail, and strategic thinking to optimize operations and drive efficiency.
  • Applying my passion for music, creative talents, and technical skills to inspire emotions and create harmony.
  • Utilizing my digital marketing skills, analytical abilities, and creative thinking to boost brand visibility and customer engagement.
  • Leveraging my sales skills, customer-centric approach, and problem-solving abilities to exceed targets and foster customer loyalty.
  • Applying my technical skills, innovative thinking, and attention to detail in a role that pushes the boundaries of engineering.
  • Utilizing my negotiation skills, business acumen, and strategic thinking to create mutually beneficial business deals.
  • Leveraging my data analysis skills, logical thinking, and strategic mindset to drive data-driven decisions and business growth.
  • Applying my passion for learning, teaching skills, and empathetic nature to inspire and nurture potential in students.
  • Utilizing my problem-solving skills, coding abilities, and innovative thinking to create software solutions that solve complex problems.
  • Delivering innovative solutions and improving efficiency in information technology roles to drive organizational success.
  • Applying my knowledge and skills in mathematics to solve complex problems and contribute to significant advancements in the field.
  • Using my passion for arts and creativity to inspire, educate, and influence society.
  • Leveraging my experience and knowledge in the healthcare sector to ensure quality patient care and health outcomes.
  • Applying my problem-solving abilities and leadership skills to drive business growth and operational efficiency.
  • Utilizing my training in psychology to support mental wellbeing and promote positive change in individuals and communities.
  • Harnessing my analytical skills and expertise in data science to inform strategic decisions and drive business performance.
  • Applying my skills in communications and public relations to enhance brand image and build strong relationships with stakeholders.
  • Leveraging my passion and experience in the non-profit sector to drive social change and impact lives.
  • Using my teaching skills and commitment to lifelong learning to inspire curiosity and academic success in students.
  • Applying my knowledge of market trends and consumer behavior to drive effective sales strategies and business growth.
  • Utilizing my expertise in software development to create technological solutions that improve efficiency and user experience.
  • Leveraging my extensive knowledge of laws and legal principles to uphold justice and serve my community.
  • Using my skills and passion for photography to capture compelling stories and inspire appreciation for the world around us.
  • Bringing my love for literature and my analytical skills to explore and critique literary works.
  • Leveraging my communication skills and empathetic nature in counseling roles to support personal growth and mental well-being.
  • Utilizing my experience in project management and team leadership to deliver projects on time and within budget.
  • Applying my expertise in human resources to attract, develop, and retain talented professionals.
  • Using my strategic thinking and business acumen to drive growth and success in challenging and competitive markets.
  • Applying my creativity and technical skills in graphic design to create visually compelling and effective communication materials.
  • Utilizing my knowledge of biology and passion for research to contribute to scientific discovery and advancements.
  • Harnessing my organizational skills and detail-oriented nature to ensure efficient office management and administrative support.
  • Leveraging my financial acumen and analytical thinking to drive sound financial decision-making and business profitability.
  • Applying my engineering skills and innovative thinking to develop solutions that improve quality of life and environmental sustainability.
  • Using my writing skills and creative thinking to produce engaging and impactful content across various media.
  • Leveraging my expertise in analytics and business intelligence to drive data-informed strategies and decision making.
  • Applying my passion and skills in social media to create engaging content and build vibrant online communities.
  • Utilizing my interpersonal skills and understanding of customer needs to provide exceptional service and customer satisfaction.
  • Leveraging my skills in event planning and coordination to create memorable experiences and successful events.
  • Applying my creative thinking and expertise in advertising to develop compelling campaigns that drive brand recognition and customer engagement.
  • Utilizing my skills and passion in sports to promote fitness, teamwork, and personal development in individuals and communities.
  • Leveraging my knowledge and experience in real estate to help clients make informed property investment decisions.
  • Applying my skills and passion for film production to tell compelling stories and create engaging visual content.
  • Using my technical expertise and creativity in web development to create intuitive and engaging digital experiences.
  • Leveraging my problem-solving abilities and passion for technology to develop innovative solutions in the tech industry.

Personal Mission Statements for a Job Application

A personal mission statement encapsulates your values, goals, skills, and passion in a succinct and impactful way. It serves as a guiding light in your professional journey and provides a framework for how you approach your work. It communicates your dedication, aspirations, and how you see your role, directly to employers. A well-crafted personal mission statement can be a strong pillar in a job application, setting you apart from other candidates.

Here are five diverse examples to inspire your own personal mission statement:

  • “My personal mission is to utilize my passion for creativity and strong problem-solving skills to deliver innovative solutions. I strive to apply my dedication to drive growth, while fostering a collaborative environment.”
  • “Through consistent pursuit of knowledge and innovation, my mission is to establish myself as a competent professional, contributing my skills to create meaningful impacts on my organization and society.”
  • “Guided by a strong ethical compass, my mission is to utilize my leadership skills to inspire teams, drive results, and contribute to the company’s overall success.”
  • “My mission is to infuse my work with integrity and enthusiasm, creating valuable connections with clients and colleagues. I seek to utilize my expertise to foster a sustainable future for the company.”
  • “With a heart for service and an analytical mind, my mission is to utilize my skills and experiences to drive efficiency and productivity, constantly striving for improvement and excellence.”

Mission Statement Examples for Career

A career mission statement is a brief summary of your goals, personal values, and previous success and future career goals. It speaks to both your present capabilities and future aspirations, effectively showcasing who you are as a professional.

  • “I aim to combine my deep understanding of technology with strong interpersonal skills to drive innovation and inspire a team towards success in the tech industry.”
  • “My career mission is to utilize my exceptional sales abilities and relationship-building skills to enhance company profits while developing a stronger customer base.”
  • “As a dedicated educator, my career mission is to inspire and motivate students to achieve their full potential and to foster a lifelong love of learning.”
  • “My career mission as a health professional is to use my knowledge and skills to provide compassionate care and promote healthy living in my community.”
  • “Committed to the environment, my career mission is to contribute to sustainable initiatives and inspire others to value and protect our natural resources.”

Short Mission Statement Examples for Resume

A concise & short mission statement can be a powerful tool on your resume, serving to define your job application by illuminating your personal and professional goals in just a few words.

  • “To apply my design talents and innovative thinking to create visually engaging designs.”
  • “Driving business success through strategic planning, innovative marketing, and team leadership.”
  • “Dedicated to using my coding skills to develop scalable solutions and improve user experience.”
  • “Guided by empathy and experience, I aim to improve lives through social work.”
  • “Using my financial expertise to drive profitability, minimize risks, and optimize investment strategies.”

Mission Statement for Resume in Different Industry Professionals

Mission statements in resume for marketing and advertising professionals.

As a marketing and advertising professional, your mission statement should reflect your creative spirit, strategic mind, and understanding of consumer behavior.

  • “Motivated to leverage my creative insight to develop innovative marketing strategies and drive brand growth.”
  • “Committed to crafting compelling narratives that captivate audiences and foster customer loyalty.”
  • “Driven by data, I aim to deliver impactful marketing campaigns that resonate with target audiences.”
  • “Aspiring to use my marketing expertise to boost brand visibility and drive customer engagement.”
  • “Determined to use strategic thinking to deliver effective advertising campaigns that elevate brand presence.”

Mission Statements in Resume for Finance and Accounting Experts

Financial and accounting professionals should use their mission statement to highlight precision, integrity, and their ability to provide financial insights.

  • “Motivated to apply my financial acumen to aid strategic decision making and improve business performance.”
  • “Committed to maintaining financial accuracy, improving systems, and fostering fiscal growth.”
  • “Focused on providing actionable financial insights to drive business success and optimize resource allocation.”
  • “Dedicated to ensuring regulatory compliance while delivering reliable financial reporting and strategic analysis.”
  • “Aiming to use my accounting skills to drive efficiency, ensure accuracy, and support organizational growth.”

Mission Statements in Resume for Technology and Engineering Specialists

Your mission statement as a technology and engineering professional should highlight your problem-solving skills, technical expertise, and commitment to innovation.

  • “Seeking to apply my technical skills and innovative thinking to drive operational efficiency and business growth.”
  • “Committed to engineering solutions that address complex challenges and improve system performance.”
  • “Passionate about leveraging technology to streamline processes, enhance user experience, and drive business success.”
  • “Determined to apply my engineering acumen to design reliable, efficient systems that meet business needs.”
  • “Focused on using my tech-savvy and problem-solving skills to deliver innovative solutions that spur growth.”

Mission Statements in Resume for Healthcare and Medical Practitioners

Healthcare and medical practitioners can emphasize their dedication to patient care, medical knowledge, and commitment to health and wellness in their mission statement.

  • “Committed to providing patient-centered care, fostering wellness, and improving health outcomes.”
  • “Striving to leverage my medical expertise to deliver high-quality care and promote patient wellbeing.”
  • “Dedicated to advancing health and wellness through compassionate care and medical excellence.”
  • “Aiming to apply my healthcare expertise to enhance patient experiences and ensure optimal care delivery.”
  • “Passionate about advocating for patients, promoting health literacy, and improving community health.”

Mission Statements in Resume for Education and Teaching Professionals

Education professionals should focus their mission statements on fostering student success, nurturing a love for learning, and making a positive impact.

  • “Motivated to create a stimulating learning environment that fosters curiosity, creativity, and academic success.”
  • “Committed to inspiring students to achieve their full potential and foster a lifelong passion for learning.”
  • “Driven to provide inclusive education, adapt to student needs, and promote intellectual growth.”
  • “Dedicated to mentoring students, promoting critical thinking, and nurturing a love for learning.”
  • “Striving to make a positive impact by fostering student success and promoting inclusive education.”

Mission Statements in Resume for Law and Legal Experts

As a legal professional, your mission statement should embody your dedication to justice, professional integrity, and strong advocacy skills.

  • “Determined to uphold the principles of justice, provide sound legal advice, and advocate tirelessly for my clients.”
  • “Committed to practicing law with the highest level of professionalism, integrity, and a deep respect for the rule of law.”
  • “Aiming to use my legal expertise to protect rights, secure justice, and make a positive societal impact.”
  • “Dedicated to providing effective representation, navigating complex legal landscapes, and driving favorable outcomes.”
  • “Striving to use my legal acumen to make a tangible difference in the lives of individuals and communities.”

Mission Statements in Resume for Non-Profit and Social Work Professionals

In the non-profit and social work sector, your mission statement should reflect your commitment to service, empathy, and making a positive difference.

  • “Driven to serve underserved communities, advocate for social justice, and foster positive change.”
  • “Committed to leveraging my skills to improve lives, empower communities, and drive social change.”
  • “Aiming to use my expertise in social work to provide compassionate service, promote equity, and uplift communities.”
  • “Passionate about dedicating my career to addressing societal challenges, advocating for rights, and fostering resilience.”
  • “Dedicated to making a meaningful impact through service, advocacy, and community engagement.”

Mission Statements in Resume for Photography and Visual Arts Professionals

For photography and visual arts professionals, your mission statement should showcase your creative abilities, artistic vision, and dedication to telling stories through visuals.

  • “Passionate about capturing moments, telling stories, and creating compelling visual narratives.”
  • “Committed to using my artistic talents to inspire, provoke thought, and captivate audiences.”
  • “Driven to create visually engaging content that resonates with audiences and leaves a lasting impression.”
  • “Striving to use my creative abilities to produce distinctive artworks that challenge perceptions and spark conversation.”
  • “Determined to make a mark in the visual arts industry with my creativity, unique perspective, and technical proficiency.”

Mission Statements in Resume for Music and Entertainment Industry Professionals

For those in the music and entertainment industry, a mission statement should reflect creativity, passion for the art, and the desire to connect with audiences.

  • “Driven to create music that resonates, inspires, and connects people through shared emotions.”
  • “Committed to bringing engaging, quality entertainment to diverse audiences and enriching the cultural landscape.”
  • “Passionate about using my creative talents to entertain, provoke thought, and bring joy.”
  • “Determined to innovate within the entertainment industry, creating unique experiences that captivate and inspire.”
  • “Striving to make a lasting impact in the music world with my artistic vision and dedication to the craft.”

Mission Statements in Resume for Food and Hospitality Experts

Food and hospitality professionals might emphasize their dedication to service, passion for culinary arts, or commitment to creating memorable experiences in their healthcare mission statements .

  • “Committed to delivering exceptional service, creating memorable experiences, and exceeding customer expectations.”
  • “Dedicated to innovating in the kitchen, creating culinary delights, and enhancing the dining experience.”
  • “Passionate about using my hospitality skills to build a warm, welcoming atmosphere that makes every guest feel valued.”
  • “Striving to deliver top-tier service, foster customer satisfaction, and drive repeat business.”
  • “Eager to apply my culinary creativity and commitment to service in a dynamic hospitality setting.”

Mission Statements in Resume for Fitness and Wellness Professionals

A fitness and wellness professional’s mission statement could reflect their dedication to promoting health, their passion for fitness, and their commitment to helping others achieve their wellness goals.

  • “Driven to inspire others to embrace fitness, achieve their wellness goals, and lead healthier lives.”
  • “Dedicated to promoting holistic wellness, guiding individuals on their fitness journeys, and fostering positive lifestyle changes.”
  • “Passionate about using my fitness expertise to empower individuals, improve health outcomes, and enhance quality of life.”
  • “Committed to guiding others in their pursuit of health and wellness, providing motivation, and building resilience.”
  • “Striving to make a lasting impact by promoting the benefits of regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and mental well-being.”

Mission Statements in Resume for Social Media and Digital Marketing Specialists

For digital marketing and social media professionals, the marketing mission statement should emphasize creativity, strategic thinking, and understanding of digital trends.

  • “Committed to creating compelling social media content that boosts brand visibility and encourages audience engagement.”
  • “Passionate about leveraging digital platforms to drive brand growth, foster customer loyalty, and improve online presence.”
  • “Dedicated to using my expertise in digital marketing to optimize campaigns, increase conversion rates, and achieve business goals.”
  • “Striving to utilize social media to connect with audiences, amplify brand messages, and create an engaging online community.”
  • “Aiming to apply my digital marketing skills to drive traffic, increase brand awareness, and contribute to business growth.”

Mission Statements in Resume for Environmental and Sustainability Professionals

Environmental and sustainability professionals might highlight their dedication to environmental stewardship, sustainable practices, and advocacy in their mission statement.

  • “Dedicated to advocating for sustainable practices, protecting the environment, and contributing to a greener future.”
  • “Driven to apply my expertise in environmental science to solve complex environmental challenges and promote sustainability.”
  • “Committed to fostering sustainable business practices, reducing environmental impact, and driving eco-friendly innovation.”
  • “Passionate about making a positive environmental impact, promoting conservation, and inspiring sustainable behavior.”
  • “Striving to use my knowledge and skills to enhance environmental sustainability and advocate for responsible practices.”

Mission Statements in Resume for Architecture and Design Experts

For architecture and design professionals, a mission statement should showcase creative abilities, understanding of functional design, and commitment to aesthetic excellence.

  • “Dedicated to creating aesthetically pleasing and functional designs that enhance user experience and cater to client needs.”
  • “Aiming to apply my architectural expertise to design structures that blend functionality with aesthetic appeal.”
  • “Passionate about using design to improve living spaces, enhance communities, and respect the environment.”
  • “Striving to create architectural designs that are innovative, sustainable, and sensitive to cultural contexts.”
  • “Committed to using my design skills to create visually engaging, functional, and sustainable spaces.”

Mission Statements in Resume for Mechanical and Civil Engineers

Mechanical and civil engineers could emphasize problem-solving skills, commitment to innovation, and technical expertise in their mission statements.

  • “Passionate about solving complex engineering challenges, improving system performance, and driving technological advancements.”
  • “Dedicated to leveraging my mechanical engineering skills to design efficient systems and contribute to product innovation.”
  • “Striving to apply my civil engineering expertise to build sustainable, safe, and innovative structures.”
  • “Committed to using my engineering skills to solve complex problems, improve processes, and drive efficiency.”
  • “Aiming to make a meaningful impact in the field of engineering through innovative design and effective problem-solving.”

Mission Statements in Resume for Public Relations and Communications Professionals

Public relations and communications professionals might highlight their ability to manage reputations, craft compelling messages, and build strong relationships in their mission statements.

  • “Dedicated to managing positive brand images, fostering open communication, and building strong relationships.”
  • “Committed to crafting compelling narratives that connect with audiences and align with brand values.”
  • “Striving to use my communication skills to bridge gaps, foster understanding, and drive engagement.”
  • “Passionate about utilizing public relations strategies to enhance brand visibility, manage reputations, and engage stakeholders.”
  • “Aiming to leverage my communication skills to strengthen brand messages, improve customer relationships, and drive business growth.”

Mission Statements in Resume for Fashion and Retail Industry Experts

Fashion and retail professionals might emphasize a flair for trends, customer service skills, and a dedication to creating enjoyable shopping experiences in their mission statements.

  • “Dedicated to creating enjoyable shopping experiences, understanding consumer trends, and driving retail success.”
  • “Passionate about using my fashion acumen to curate appealing collections and inspire customers.”
  • “Committed to providing excellent customer service, understanding consumer needs, and contributing to retail growth.”
  • “Striving to leverage my fashion and retail expertise to drive sales, customer satisfaction, and brand loyalty.”
  • “Aiming to utilize my knowledge of fashion trends and retail strategies to create engaging customer experiences and boost profitability.”

Mission Statements in Resume for Renewable Energy and Green Technology Professionals

Renewable energy and green technology professionals can focus their mission statements on their commitment to sustainability, innovation, and positive environmental impact.

  • “Dedicated to advancing renewable energy solutions, promoting sustainability, and contributing to a cleaner future.”
  • “Passionate about utilizing green technology to address environmental challenges and reduce carbon footprints.”
  • “Striving to drive innovation in the renewable energy sector and contribute to a sustainable future.”
  • “Committed to promoting renewable energy adoption, driving sustainable change, and advocating for green technology.”
  • “Motivated to use my skills to make a positive environmental impact, advance green technology, and promote sustainable energy solutions.”

Mission Statements in Resume for Educational Leadership and Administration Experts

Educational leadership and administration professionals should emphasize their commitment to student success, fostering educational excellence, and visionary leadership in their mission statements.

  • “Passionate about fostering academic success, improving educational programs, and leading with vision.”
  • “Dedicated to implementing educational policies that enhance learning experiences and promote student success.”
  • “Committed to providing visionary leadership, fostering educational excellence, and making a positive impact on student lives.”
  • “Aiming to leverage my administrative skills to improve educational systems, drive academic success, and inspire growth.”
  • “Striving to lead with integrity, foster a conducive learning environment, and drive institutional excellence.”

Mission Statements in Resume for Legal and Justice Advocates

For those advocating in the legal and justice field, a mission statement can emphasize a commitment to justice, empathy for clients, and an unwavering pursuit of the truth.

  • “Committed to using my legal expertise to protect rights, secure justice, and make a positive societal impact.”
  • “Driven to advocate for the voiceless, serve justice, and foster fairness in all legal proceedings.”
  • “Dedicated to leveraging my skills to uphold the principles of justice and provide sound legal advice.”
  • “Striving to practice law with the highest level of professionalism, integrity, and a deep respect for the rule of law.”
  • “Passionate about providing effective representation, navigating complex legal landscapes, and driving favorable outcomes.”

Mission Statements in Resume for Software Development and IT Professionals

Software development and IT professionals could focus on their technical expertise, problem-solving skills, and dedication to driving technological advancements in their mission statements.

  • “Passionate about leveraging my software development skills to create innovative solutions, improve user experiences, and drive digital transformation.”
  • “Committed to applying my technical skills to solve complex problems, enhance system performance, and foster innovation.”
  • “Dedicated to designing and developing software that meets user needs, enhances business processes, and drives growth.”
  • “Striving to use my IT expertise to drive technological advancements, improve system efficiency, and contribute to business success.”
  • “Motivated to use my software development skills to create cutting-edge solutions and make a significant impact in the tech industry.”

Mission Statements in Resume for Business and Start-Up Leaders

For business and start-up leaders, the mission statement can reflect their visionary leadership, entrepreneurial spirit, and dedication to business growth.

  • “Dedicated to driving business growth, inspiring teams, and creating value for stakeholders.”
  • “Aiming to leverage my leadership skills to foster innovation, drive start-up growth, and make a lasting impact in the business world.”
  • “Passionate about leading with vision, nurturing entrepreneurial spirit, and creating sustainable business growth.”
  • “Committed to driving business success, fostering a culture of innovation, and leading with integrity.”
  • “Striving to use my business acumen to drive strategic decisions, inspire teams, and foster business growth.”

Mission Statements in Resume for Mental Health and Counseling Professionals

Mental health and counseling professionals could highlight their empathy, commitment to client wellbeing, and dedication to providing effective support in their mission statements.

  • “Dedicated to fostering mental health, providing compassionate counseling, and promoting wellbeing.”
  • “Passionate about using my counseling skills to support individuals, alleviate distress, and promote mental health.”
  • “Striving to make a positive difference in individuals’ lives through empathetic counseling and effective mental health support.”
  • “Committed to leveraging my skills to promote mental wellbeing, provide therapeutic support, and inspire hope.”
  • “Aiming to apply my expertise to enhance mental health services, support individuals, and contribute to a healthier society.”

Mission Statements in Resume for International Relations and Diplomacy Experts

International relations and diplomacy professionals can emphasize their commitment to fostering international cooperation, promoting peace, and understanding global issues in their mission statements.

  • “Dedicated to promoting peace, fostering international cooperation, and understanding diverse cultural perspectives.”
  • “Driven to apply my diplomacy skills to navigate international relations, foster global understanding, and contribute to world peace.”
  • “Committed to leveraging my expertise to enhance international cooperation, promote diplomacy, and address global challenges.”
  • “Striving to contribute to global peace, promote diplomatic relations, and advocate for international cooperation.”
  • “Passionate about making a positive impact on international relations, fostering diplomacy, and navigating global complexities.”

Mission Statements in Resume for Diversity and Inclusion Advocates

Diversity and inclusion advocates can emphasize their commitment to promoting equality, fostering inclusive environments, and advocating for marginalized communities in their mission statements.

  • “Dedicated to fostering diversity, promoting equality, and creating inclusive environments.”
  • “Striving to advocate for marginalized communities, promote inclusivity, and drive social change.”
  • “Passionate about leveraging my skills to advance diversity initiatives, create inclusive spaces, and celebrate differences.”
  • “Committed to driving diversity and inclusion, advocating for equal opportunities, and fostering understanding and acceptance.”
  • “Aiming to use my expertise to champion diversity, foster inclusion, and make a positive impact on society.”

Mission Statements in Resume for Nursing and Healthcare Administration Professionals

For nursing and healthcare administration professionals, a mission statement can reflect their dedication to patient care, commitment to healthcare excellence, and leadership in the healthcare sector.

  • “Dedicated to providing compassionate care, improving healthcare services, and leading with empathy.”
  • “Striving to use my administrative skills to enhance healthcare delivery, improve patient experiences, and drive healthcare excellence.”
  • “Passionate about providing excellent nursing care, promoting health, and improving healthcare systems.”
  • “Committed to leveraging my skills to improve patient outcomes, enhance healthcare services, and make a positive impact on health.”
  • “Aiming to apply my expertise to drive healthcare innovation, improve patient care, and lead in the healthcare sector.”

Mission Statements in Resume for Corporate Leadership and Management Experts

For corporate leadership and management professionals, a mission statement should reflect their visionary leadership, strategic planning skills, and commitment to team development.

  • “Dedicated to providing visionary leadership, driving business growth, and fostering team development.”
  • “Striving to leverage my managerial skills to drive strategic initiatives, enhance team performance, and contribute to corporate success.”
  • “Passionate about leading with integrity, driving operational efficiency, and making a significant impact in the corporate world.”
  • “Committed to using my leadership skills to inspire teams, drive business growth, and contribute to organizational success.”
  • “Aiming to utilize my corporate management skills to steer strategic decisions, enhance corporate performance, and foster business growth.”

Mission Statements in Resume for Agriculture and Environmental Science Professionals

Agriculture and environmental science professionals might emphasize their dedication to sustainable farming practices, environmental stewardship, and scientific research in their mission statements.

  • “Dedicated to promoting sustainable farming practices, protecting the environment, and contributing to scientific research.”
  • “Passionate about utilizing my skills to advance agricultural innovation, foster environmental sustainability, and drive scientific discovery.”
  • “Committed to using my expertise to promote sustainable agriculture, contribute to environmental science, and make a positive impact on the planet.”
  • “Striving to leverage my skills to enhance agricultural productivity, foster environmental stewardship, and contribute to scientific advancements.”
  • “Aiming to apply my knowledge and skills to promote sustainable farming, protect the environment, and drive scientific innovation.”

Mission Statements in Resume for Psychology and Behavioral Science Specialists

Psychology and behavioral science specialists can highlight their dedication to understanding human behavior, providing empathetic support, and contributing to mental health in their mission statements.

  • “Passionate about understanding human behavior, providing compassionate support, and enhancing mental health.”
  • “Dedicated to applying my psychological expertise to help individuals, understand behavior, and contribute to mental wellbeing.”
  • “Committed to using my skills to foster understanding, support individuals, and make a positive impact in the field of psychology.”
  • “Striving to leverage my expertise to understand human behavior, provide effective support, and drive mental health advancements.”
  • “Aiming to utilize my skills and knowledge to make a positive impact in the field of psychology, understand human behavior, and support mental wellbeing.”

Mission Statements in Resume for Financial Planning and Investment Professionals

Financial planning and investment professionals could highlight their dedication to financial stewardship, strategic planning, and wealth management in their mission statements.

  • “Dedicated to driving financial success, guiding strategic investments, and helping clients achieve their financial goals.”
  • “Passionate about using my financial planning skills to maximize wealth, drive financial success, and create sustainable growth.”
  • “Committed to leveraging my investment expertise to make strategic decisions, manage wealth, and drive financial growth.”
  • “Striving to use my financial planning skills to guide clients, manage investments, and contribute to financial stability.”
  • “Aiming to apply my expertise to drive investment success, promote financial literacy, and guide strategic financial planning.”

How to Create Mission Statement for Resume

Creating a personal mission statement for your resume involves introspection, analysis, and articulation of your professional goals and values. Here’s a step-by-step process:

1. Self-Reflection: Consider your strengths, values, skills, and passions. What motivates you? What are your career goals?

2. Identify Your Unique Value Proposition: How can you leverage your strengths and skills to provide value to employers? What differentiates you from other candidates?

3. Craft Your Statement: Combine your goals, values, and unique value proposition into a succinct, compelling statement. Keep it concise and impactful.

4. Review and Refine: Continually refine your mission statement to ensure it aligns with your career progression and goals.

Tailoring Your Mission Statement to Your Resume

Your personal mission statement should align with the rest of your resume. It should reflect your skills, experience, and the role you’re applying for. Make sure to tailor it to the specific job you’re applying for – align it with the job description, company values, and industry trends. This will demonstrate that you’re not just a good fit for the role, but also for the organization’s culture and mission.

Analyzing Successful Mission Statements and Their Impact

A successful mission statement is clear, concise, and authentic. It showcases the candidate’s unique value proposition, aligns with the target role and industry, and resonates with the company’s culture and values. By providing a clear sense of direction, purpose, and differentiation, it can significantly impact the employer’s perception of the candidate and their fit for the role.

Interview Success: Incorporating Your Mission Statement into Your Answers

Incorporating your mission statement into your interview answers can demonstrate consistency, clarity, and commitment to your career goals. For instance, when asked about your career goals, aspirations, or motivation, refer back to your mission statement. This not only reinforces your brand but also shows your potential employer that you are driven, focused, and have a clear sense of purpose in your career.

Dos and Don’ts of Writing a Mission Statement for Resume

Crafting your mission statement: empowering your resume with a strong personal brand.

A strong personal mission statement can significantly empower your resume. It encapsulates your personal brand – your unique blend of skills, values, passions, and career aspirations. By articulating your personal brand in your mission statement, you can stand out from other candidates, connect more meaningfully with potential employers, and propel your career forward.


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55 Personal Mission Statement Examples

personal mission statement examples and definition, explained below

A personal mission statement defines your purpose. It explains what you want to achieve in your life, career, personal relationships, and so on.

It differs from a career or educational mission statement because it’s more holistic: it’s not just about your job or school. It’s about what you want to achieve with your life overall. and what your personal philosophy is in life .

Here is my personal mission statement:

“I will be generous with my time both with family and strangers. I will consciously and intentionally spend quality time with my parents, my wife, and my children. I will pass-on love of life and self-belief to my children by living as a positive example. I will commit my career to working on projects that are meaningful to me. And I will be responsible with my health and finances for the longevity of my life and to ensure I can care for my family for many years to come.”

When I was asked to write a personal mission statement for applying for my job as a teacher, I tweaked it to focus more on my career:

“My personal mission statement as a teacher is to inspire and support my students, help them see their own potential, and build them up each and every day. I will commit my time to letting each student know they are capable of success, and I will help show them the path to personal and academic success.”

Below is a range of ideas for a personal mission statement. As the mission statement is personal, I recommend using these ideas as inspiration, but make sure you pick and choose the sentiments that are meaningful to you, and write your own.

Personal Mission Statement Examples

The following examples can be used as stimuli for you to think about what you want to include in your own mission statement. But, as the word suggests, a personal mission statement should be personal and unique to you . So, pick and choose key ideas from below, while coming up with your own mission statement that reflects your uniqueness.

  • Live a life that aligns with my core values : “I will strive to live a life that is consistent with my own values and ethics. To achieve this, I will ensure I reflect every day on how my daily actions and interactions with others will reflect upon me, and whether they’re consistent with who I strive to be.”
  • Seek to be a catalyst for change: “I will dedicate my life to being a catalyst for change in my world. The change I want to see is change toward greater social equality, fairness, and prosperity. To achieve this, I will advocate for the disadvantaged, seek career opportunities for supporting the underprivileged, and donate generously to causes I care about.”
  • Commit to a journey of self-discovery: “My daily mission is to embark on an ongoing journey of self-improvement and self-discovery, always on track to find my deeper purpose in life.”
  • Empower myself and others: “I will always strive to empower myself and others through positive affirmation, constructive feedback, and making smart choices. I will remove barriers to self-determination and always respect people’s choices in life.”
  • Seek opportunities to give back to the community: “I am grateful first and foremost to my community for their support and nourishment, and my personal mission from here on out is to find opportunities where I can give back to my community in both my career and volunteerism.”
  • Strive for excellence in all endeavors: “ My credo is to always hold myself to a high standard. To me, this means always putting in maximum effort and trying to be the best I can be each and every day.”
  • Always have a growth mindset: “My core mission is to always maintain a growth mindset each and every day. For me, this means embracing challenges rather than shying away from them, having persistence and resilience when I face setbacks, and viewing effort as a pathway to mastery. “


  • Aim to leave a meaningful legacy: “At the end of my life, I want to be able to look back and know that I’ve left a legacy for the world and my family. To achieve this, my mission will be to always give more to the world than I take, so I leave the world better off. I will leave a legacy of kindness and a spirit of service and community.”
  • Continually redefine personal goals and aspirations: “I believe that a person is most successful when they self-reflect to achieve ongoing improvement. So, in my personal mission, I am committed to the ongoing process of personal evolution that will help me continue to refine myself over time. “
  • Seek the silver lining: “The silver lining is the positive that we can extract out of every situation, even our failures. With this in mind, my mission is to cultivate optimism and to focus on what can be learned from every situation. This approach will both enhance my personal resilience and inspire others to adopt a similar perspective.”
  • Develop resilience, adaptability, and grit in the face of adversity: “My mission is to develop and embody qualities of resilience, adaptability, and grit. I am determined to approach adversity as an opportunity for growth, learning to navigate through challenges with grace and tenacity. In doing so, I will become stronger and more capable.”
  • To be generous with my time: “I will be generous with my time because I believe my time is the greatest gift I can give to others. This means I will commit to quality time with my friends and family and make sure I maintain a work-life balance so I can commit my time to the people who deserve it.”
  • Empowering people around me: “My mission is to empower the people around me, including my colleagues at work, my friends, and my family. By empowering others, I can bring out the best in my community, and leave my community a better place.”
  • Living with gratitude: “I will commit to expressing gratitude each and every day of my life. To do this, I will commit to meditating, reflecting on what I have, and being grateful for my health, wealth, and family.”
  • Develop wisdom : “My mission is to continue to develop wisdom. To me, wisdom is knowledge, intelligence, and insight developed through experience and humbly listening to people who have knowledge and experiences beyond mine.”
  • Seek authentic self-expression: “My mission is to express myself authentically , reflecting every day on how my words, actions, and creations align with my core values. This journey towards authenticity is ongoing and evolving, helping me understand and articulate who I truly am.”
  • Change what’s in my control: “I pledge to focus my energies on what I can control in my life. I will strive to change my circumstances when possible, and adapt my attitude when it isn’t. By understanding and accepting this distinction, I will bring about the most positive outcomes for myself and those around me.”
  • Creating harmony between mind-body-soul: “I am committed to fostering harmony between my mind, body, and soul. This means balancing mental challenges with physical exercise and spiritual nourishment, nurturing every part of my being, and achieving a healthier and more balanced life.”
  • Cultivate emotional intelligence : “I am committed to nurturing my emotional intelligence. This involves understanding my own emotions, demonstrating empathy, and adapting my attitude when necessary, leading to stronger and more effective personal and professional relationships.”
  • Foster innovative thinking: “My mission is to foster innovative thinking. I will strive to always question, explore, and reimagine the world around me, aiming to leave a legacy of creativity and change.”
  • Live sustainably and promote environmental consciousness: “I pledge to live sustainably, focusing my energies on what I can control to reduce my environmental impact. Moreover, I will advocate for environmental consciousness within my community, contributing to a healthier planet.”
  • Encourage diversity and inclusivity in my surroundings: “My mission is to promote diversity and inclusivity. I will strive to empower all voices and create an environment where everyone feels respected and valued, thereby fostering a sense of community and belonging.”
  • Be a mentor and guide to others: “I will dedicate my time to mentoring and guiding others. By sharing my wisdom and experiences, I can help others navigate their own journeys, leaving a legacy of kindness and service.”
  • Lead with integrity and honesty: “I am committed to leading with integrity and honesty in all endeavors. I will hold myself to a high standard, aligning my actions with my core values and striving for transparency in every interaction.”
  • Cultivate a balanced and peaceful lifestyle: “My mission is to cultivate a lifestyle that is peaceful and balanced. I will practice mindfulness, express gratitude for my blessings, and strive to find harmony between my personal, professional, and spiritual life.”
  • Maintain physical fitness and promote healthy living: “I pledge to maintain my physical fitness and promote healthy living in my community. I will strive to make smart choices regarding diet, exercise, and self-care, thereby embodying and promoting a vision of holistic health.”
  • A lifelong learning mindset: “With a commitment to growth and a spirit of exploration, I will always seek to broaden my knowledge and perspectives. Embracing challenges and viewing effort as a pathway to mastery, I believe learning is an ongoing journey, not a destination.”
  • Advocate for social justice and equality: “I am committed to advocating for social justice and equality. I will dedicate myself to being a catalyst for change, promoting fairness, and empowering the disadvantaged, contributing to a more equitable society.”
  • Practice mindfulness and presence in daily life: “My mission is to cultivate mindfulness and presence in my daily life. By committing to this practice, I will enhance my emotional intelligence, develop resilience, and foster a deeper connection to the world around me.”
  • Enhance personal and professional relationships: “I pledge to improve and deepen my personal and professional relationships. By demonstrating empathy, respect, and honesty, I will foster meaningful connections and contribute to a vibrant, supportive community.”
  • Invest in self-care and well-being: “My mission is to invest time and energy in self-care and well-being. Through this practice, I will ensure a balanced life, promote a positive mindset, and prepare myself to better serve others.”
  • Strive for financial independence and stability: “I am dedicated to achieving financial independence and stability. By making smart and informed decisions, I aim to create a secure foundation that enables personal growth , adventure, and service to my community.”
  • Foster a spirit of exploration and adventure: “I commit to embracing a spirit of exploration and adventure. By welcoming new experiences and fostering curiosity, I will maintain a lifelong learning mindset, and continually evolve as an individual.”
  • Practice empathy towards all: “My mission is to cultivate empathy in all my interactions. By striving to understand others’ perspectives, I will empower those around me and contribute to a community rooted in kindness and mutual understanding.”
  • Embrace change and maintain flexibility: “I am dedicated to embracing change and demonstrating flexibility. I see change as an opportunity for growth, and I will cultivate resilience, adaptability, and a positive attitude in the face of evolving circumstances.”
  • Nurture a positive and optimistic mindset: “My mission is to cultivate a positive and optimistic mindset. By seeking the silver lining in every situation, I aim to inspire myself and those around me to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.”
  • Advocate for the welfare and rights of animals: “My mission is to advocate for the welfare and rights of animals. I will use my voice and actions to promote humane treatment of animals, contributing to a more compassionate and ethical world.”
  • Make informed and responsible choices: “I pledge to make informed and responsible choices that align with my values and the greater good. I am committed to reflecting on the implications of my decisions and acting in a way that contributes positively to my community and the environment.”
  • Create meaningful connections with people: “I strive to create meaningful connections with people. Through empathy, open-mindedness, and genuine engagement, I aim to nurture relationships that enrich my life and the lives of others.”
  • Develop and demonstrate leadership skills : “My mission is to develop and demonstrate effective leadership skills. I strive to lead with integrity, empathy, and resilience, inspiring others to achieve their best and fostering a spirit of teamwork and mutual respect.”
  • Seek to understand and respect differing perspectives: “I pledge to understand and respect differing perspectives. I believe that diversity of thought enriches our society, and I strive to promote inclusivity and mutual respect in all my interactions.”
  • Foster creativity in myself and others: “My mission is to cultivate creativity in myself and others. I will continually explore new ideas, foster an environment that encourages innovation, and inspire those around me to express their unique perspectives and talents.”
  • Commit to the pursuit of knowledge: “I commit to the continuous pursuit of knowledge. By maintaining a curious and open mind, I strive to learn from every experience, deepen my understanding, and contribute to my personal and professional growth.”
  • Seek to find joy in the everyday : “My mission is to find joy in everyday moments. I commit to practicing mindfulness, expressing gratitude for the simple things, and cherishing each day as a unique gift.”
  • Be a source of encouragement and positivity: “I strive to be a source of encouragement and positivity for those around me. By uplifting others, celebrating their achievements, and offering supportive words, I aim to foster a more compassionate and optimistic community.”
  • Pursue a path of continuous learning and development: “I am dedicated to pursuing a path of continuous learning and development. By always seeking to improve, learn, and grow, I aim to better myself and contribute more effectively to my community and the world at large.”
  • Prioritize balance in all aspects of life: “I commit to prioritizing balance in all aspects of life. This includes fostering harmony between work and personal time, mental and physical health, and personal desires and community responsibilities, to cultivate a peaceful and fulfilling lifestyle.”
  • Strive to be a good listener and communicator: “I aim to be a good listener and communicator. By practicing active listening and clear, empathetic communication, I will strengthen my relationships and foster mutual understanding and respect.”
  • Cultivate and express artistic talents: “My mission is to cultivate and express my artistic talents. Through this creative exploration, I aim to express my unique perspectives, contribute to the cultural richness of my community, and inspire others to express their creativity.”
  • Strive to make a positive impact on the environment: “I am committed to making a positive impact on the environment. By living sustainably, advocating for environmental consciousness, and influencing positive change, I hope to leave a meaningful environmental legacy.”
  • Seek simplicity and contentment: “My mission is to seek simplicity and contentment in life. By valuing the essential, expressing gratitude for what I have, and finding joy in simple pleasures, I aim to cultivate a lifestyle of peace and fulfillment.”
  • Develop and foster a spirit of entrepreneurship: “I am dedicated to fostering a spirit of entrepreneurship. By embracing innovation, taking informed risks, and learning from both success and failure, I aim to contribute to economic growth and social impact.”
  • Strive for integrity in actions and communication: “I strive to uphold integrity in my actions and communication. By aligning my actions with my values, being transparent, and communicating honestly, I aim to build trust and respect in my personal and professional relationships.”
  • Embrace new technologies and innovation: “My mission is to embrace new technologies and innovation. By staying informed about technological advances and integrating them into my work and life, I aim to enhance productivity, creativity, and the quality of life for myself and my community.”
  • Cultivate and foster peace and harmony in relationships: “I am committed to fostering peace and harmony in my relationships. By promoting understanding, showing empathy, and resolving conflicts with grace, I aim to create strong, fulfilling, and respectful relationships.”
  • Advocate for responsible consumerism: “I pledge to advocate for responsible consumerism. By making informed choices, promoting sustainability, and encouraging others to do the same, I aim to contribute to a healthier planet and a more equitable economy.”
  • Care and provide for my family: “My mission is to care for and provide for my family. By being present, offering support, and ensuring their needs are met, I aim to create a nurturing and secure environment for my loved ones.”
  • Cultivate self-discipline and good habits: “I commit to cultivating self-discipline and good habits . By maintaining focus, setting realistic goals, and consistently pursuing them, I aim to achieve personal and professional growth.”
  • Influence others by my deeds: “I strive to influence others positively through my deeds. By acting with kindness, integrity, and respect, I aim to inspire others to do the same and contribute to a more compassionate and respectful community.”

See Also: How to Write a Values Statement

A personal mission statement for a resume needs to be personalized to you and your unique values and moral, goals, and life circumstances. You may also want to adjust it depending on the context in which you’re using it – i.e. if you’re asked to make a personal mission for work, then it’d likely incorporate elements of your job into it.

Also note that you’re always free to adjust your personal mission statement over time, so create one that’s true to you right now, but be willing to adjust it every few months.


Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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How to Write a Personal Mission Statement (With Examples)

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Summary. To write a personal mission statement should first identify your core values and goals and brainstorm on your work and life missions. Be sure to mention professional and personal skills that can be used to achieve your goals. Your personal mission statement should be brief and concise in a single sentence.

Like corporate mission statements, personal mission statements are short overviews of why you do what you do, and they can be effective ways of helping coworkers or potential employers get to know you. They can also focus your work and decision-making, so it’s important to spend some time thinking through your personal mission statement.

In this article, we’ll go over how to write a personal mission statement, some examples of these statements, and how having a personal mission statement can help you at work.

Key Takeaways

A personal mission statement should be one sentence long.

Your personal mission statement communicates the “why” behind your work.

Having a personal mission statement will help you decide what to prioritize and will help you introduce yourself and your values to employers.

How to Write a Personal Mission Statement

How to Write a Personal Mission Statement

Personal mission statement template and examples, tips for writing your personal mission statement, what is a personal mission statement, why is it important to have a personal mission statement, where can you use a personal mission statement, personal mission statement faq.

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If you’re having trouble coming up with a personal mission statement, you’re not alone. Though it seems like a simple sentence, personal mission statements contain a lifetime of experience, knowledge, and even soul-searching when done correctly.

Once you get the hang of it, you’ll find that crafting your own personal mission statement can be not only fun but illuminating. It can help you to identify and clarify the values that have been driving your working life. Here are some steps you can take to write a great personal mission statement:

Brainstorm on your work and life missions. As we’ve discussed, personal mission statements are deceptively compact, and these short statements contain a ton of information on how you navigate the working world.

For many people, we’ve never actually taken the time to think through our views on work and on life in general, or how these views intersect. Take the time to think this through and write down whatever comes up.

Identify your core values and goals. Read through your brainstorm journals, and highlight anything that sticks out to you as one of your key motivating values . This could be anything that drives you to do what you do in this world.

Perhaps you want to help people live safely and comfortably. Maybe you want to expand human knowledge or artistic possibilities. Perhaps you want to make people, or just one person, smile. The possibilities are endless, and it’s all your decision based upon what particular thing you feel called to do in this lifetime.

Recognize the skills you’ll use to enact your values. Each of us has special skills , both professional and personal, that we can use to achieve our goals. Mentioning these skills in your personal mission statement not only gives you an extra chance to show off your strengths but demonstrates that you are determined to use this skill proactively.

Edit for maximum impact. They say the key to excellent writing is packing as much information into as few words as possible, which holds true for a great personal mission statement. Your personal mission statement should be short, sweet, and to the point for maximum effectiveness.

Discuss with peers and mentors. Finally, if you’re still not sure how to write a mission statement acceptable for your contextual purposes, discuss it with your colleagues or professional mentors . You can ask about their personal mission statements, or just for a second pair of eyes on yours.

Personal Mission Statement Template

Your personal mission statement will have to be modified for grammar and syntax based on where and how it is used, but a great personal mission statement will address all of the following points in a single sentence:

What action(s) will you take to affect change?

What skills will you use?

What community or group of people will be affected?

What change do you wish to affect/ what result do you want to have?

It could look something like this:

“To use [skill] to [verb describing your work] [community affected by your work] [desired result of your work]”

However, please keep in mind that this is entirely personal and contextual. If it ends up sounding awkward, you can always rephrase out and take out any parts you like. You can even simplify it to only your desired impact or result.

Personal Mission Statement Examples

To use my creative talents to teach inner-city high schoolers about the ways that art can uplift their spirit and change their perspective.

To bring joy to those around me.

To write stories that remind us of our humanity.

To use my writing skills to increase nonprofit funding and create a more equitable world.

To create a new era of marketing focused on ethics, sustainability, and transparency.

To engineer commercial products that make our lives easier and better.

To bring comfort and attentive care to patients at the end of their lives.

To be happy, healthy, and do no harm.

To create innovative technology that changes the way we live our lives.

To help women of color find success in corporate positions through one-on-one, intersectional consultations.

To never stop learning.

To create software that enhances user security with a streamlined process.

To inform policies that will tackle the climate crisis head-on and save the planet.

To give my clients beautiful, easy-to-use web pages that will help them expand their online businesses.

To use my talents to invest in my community.

To serve as a mentor , apply my values to every decision, and make a difference in people’s lives.

To fight until every child has a free and fair chance at education.

To use my unique gifts.

To keep people informed on global issues and create a more connected world.

To foster a more accessible world with disability-conscious designs.

To create and record beautiful wedding memories for my clients.

To help those around me grow in their talents and use them to better the world.

To provide excellent care to every patient every day.

To bring beauty to the world around me.

To make every child feel like the most important person in the room.

To help my clients live the fullest, healthiest lives possible.

Here are some final tips for crafting your perfect personal mission statement:

Be brief. Keep it as concise as you can in a single, straightforward sentence. It should be easy to remember and immediately clear. If you’d like, you can even narrow it down to three words representing the essence of your statement and sparsely add in words for clarity.

Be honest. The worst way to write a personal mission statement is to say what you think others want to hear, regardless of whether you believe it. Your statement should be a genuine reflection of you, and if it isn’t, it doesn’t serve much of a purpose.

Be open. If you are cynical, be open to the process. It’s okay if this doesn’t turn out to be the best way for you to express yourself, but it can still help figure out what drives you on your deepest level.

Being vulnerable about our deepest drives, motivations, and values can be scary. This is because we’ve been told so often in our lives – both directly and indirectly – that the things we want and value are wrong, or they don’t matter.

Be teachable. Your mission statement can feel highly personal, so it can be difficult to ask for feedback on it. However, you need to have someone you trust read it to check it for errors and to make sure you’re communicating clearly and effectively.

When they do give you feedback, take it graciously and remember that it isn’t a personal attack — they’re just trying to help you.

A personal mission statement, sometimes called a vision statement, outlines your deepest purpose for working. It gives a quick synopsis of your goals and values in your working life, and it can help you make decisions that align with your purpose.

Personal mission statements are typically in the format of a single sentence or short phrase that shows how you define yourself as a person and a member of an organization. It shows, quickly, how and why you work.

Personal mission statements can be used in a variety of ways, both for your own personal benefit and as a way of helping others get to know you. They can be used on resumes , college applications, professional social media profiles, and more.

Even just keeping this statement in mind can help radically shift the choices you make in your work life. This is because personal mission statements also act as a guide for our behavior. Figuring out the right choice in any area of life can be a difficult and time-consuming task, but with your mission statement in mind, the right choice might be a little bit clearer.

Personal mission statements are important because they can help with the enormous task of figuring out your deepest purpose for your work life and choices.

We get it; you may be thinking, “my deepest purpose for working is to make money and survive,” and that’s perfectly fair. You do need to make money to survive in this world, and we aren’t discounting the strong influence that can have on the career decisions you make.

However, the point of a personal mission statement is to, in a small way, carve out the life you want for yourself and the world you want to create. Your personal mission statement isn’t about what you do to put food on the table; it’s about what you would do with your life if money were no object.

For these reasons, a personal mission statement can be incredibly powerful. It’s a short, quippy line that you can easily remember and call upon for big and small choices. It can help you recognize which opportunities and choices will help you achieve your aims and which ones won’t. This is invaluable for creating career boundaries and long-term plans.

Your statement can help you assess anything from whether you fit into a given corporate culture to which projects you can take on, and more.

Successful people are clear on their goals and values, and they have the empowering belief that they can and will create a life for themselves that honors these goals and values. A mission statement is a signifier to those who may work with you that you are determined and clear and won’t settle for lesser choices.

Personal mission statements have several possible applications, whether you’re introducing yourself to someone, making important decisions, or just going about your day-to-day work life. Here are some examples of how to use a personal mission statement in your life:

Starting a new project. Before starting on a new task or project at work, start with your mission. Figuring out the bottom line of why you are about to engage in something helps you complete it more successfully and with a renewed passion. It also helps you to avoid rote ways of doing something in favor of results-focused innovation .

Daily tasks and choices. Even small decisions can be approached more effectively if the “why” is kept in mind from the start. Keeping your statement in mind during work, or even keeping it framed and in sight at your office, helps you feel more fulfilled in your work life and with the tasks you take on. They all have a larger purpose.

Scheduling. Your mission statement can be a wonderful guide for how you spend your day. Keep track of the tasks you do daily and how they contribute to your larger goals. There may be areas where you’re over-exerting time and energy on a task that doesn’t mean that much in the grand scheme of things (or, you may be experiencing the opposite).

Job-hunting. If you’re currently searching for new opportunities, your mission statement can be one of your most powerful guides in deciding what jobs to apply for and take on. Take time to research the company and see if its mission is compatible with yours.

In your resume, cover letter, or portfolio . Your personal mission statement can be worked into your application materials in a few ways. You could include it in your resume summary or objective statement , in the first paragraph of your cover letter , or even in the header of your website.

During interviews. Introducing yourself professionally can be a bit of a task, but a mission statement makes it easy. Using your statement to inform your answers to interview questions helps the interviewer see that you have strong values and integrity .

What is the purpose of a personal mission statement?

The purpose of a personal mission statement is to clearly define your goals and helps outline your purpose for working. A personal mission statement is a short statement that shows how you define yourself as a person and a member of an organization. A personal mission statement should be similar to how a company shares their mission statement.

What should be included in a personal mission statement?

A personal mission statement should include what you want to accomplish and contribute and it should include what you want to be. You want to figure out what your personal and professional goals are first. This will help you determine what your statement will be and what you need to do to accomplish it.

How long should a personal mission statement be?

A personal mission statement should be one sentence. You should not have more than 50 words in your mission statement. Personal mission statements should be kept short and to the point.

James Madison University – Crafting Your Personal Mission Statement

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Chris Kolmar is a co-founder of Zippia and the editor-in-chief of the Zippia career advice blog. He has hired over 50 people in his career, been hired five times, and wants to help you land your next job. His research has been featured on the New York Times, Thrillist, VOX, The Atlantic, and a host of local news. More recently, he's been quoted on USA Today, BusinessInsider, and CNBC.

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Mission statement examples: 16 of the best to inspire you

A stylized illustration of a rocket on a planetary surface against a starry sky, designed with Biteable video maker.

  • 15 Jun 2021

More than just a planning exercise, a mission statement focuses your leadership team, inspires employees, and communicates your core values to the larger world.

All in a single sentence. Magic.

A mission statement is one of the most important documents in your company’s arsenal, but it’s also one of the most difficult to craft. We’ve gathered 16 of the best company mission statement examples to help get your creativity flowing.

Level up with a mission statement video:  Deliver your mission statement with the most engaging communication medium — video. Turn your company’s mission statement into a video with Biteable. Start with a brandable  mission statement video template  and let Biteable’s smart editing features do all the heavy lifting for you.

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Activate your audience with impactful, on-brand videos. Create them simply and collaboratively with Biteable.

What is a mission statement?

A mission statement sums up the core of who your company is and why it exists. It’s  raison d’etre , if you want to get fancy and speak a little French.

Company mission statements are typically short and sweet, only a sentence or two. And the best mission statements are anything but boring.

When done right, your company’s mission statement acts as a powerful driver that informs every aspect of your organization, from daily operations, to customer loyalty, to employee satisfaction. When done wrong, a mission statement is just another line of jargon everyone pretty much ignores.

Take the Starbucks company mission statement as an example:  To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.

Starbucks could have said:  To challenge the predominant infrastructure of coffee culture and develop a network of coffeehouses in every major market.

Did your eyes glaze over on that second one? Ours too. While technically true, our made-up example of a company mission statement is full of dreaded corporate-speak. It belongs deep in the bowels of a strategic plan, not as it’s headline.

On the other hand, the real Starbucks mission statement makes us want to be a part of it all. And even more than that, it conveys a sense of the beating heart behind the company.

The best mission statements do just this — clearly convey a company’s reason for existing, in language that is exceedingly human.

Mission statements vs. vision statements — what’s the diff?

It’s easy to confuse vision statements and mission statements. But there are a few important differences.

A vision statement is aspirational. It outlines where your company strives to be in the future — whether that is one year from now or ten. In contrast, a mission statement spells out where your company is right now.

Think of your company’s vision statement as a long-term goal post. The end point towards which you are working. If your vision statement is a goal post, then your mission statement is what drives you toward that goal post.

Why your company mission statement is important

You’ll probably write your company mission statement during your strategic planning because it’s a valuable tool that helps your leadership team make big-picture decisions. Chances are, you’ll even look at examples of other company mission statements to help you craft your own.

But the purpose of a mission statement goes far beyond strategic planning.

Consumers value mission-driven companies

It’s no secret that today’s consumer values a company with, well, values. These values don’t have to be centered around saving the world. But they do need to be clear, focused, and genuine.

A 2020 study  by global communications agency Zeno Group found that if consumers think a company has a strong purpose, they are:

  • 4 times  more likely to purchase from the company
  • 4.5 times  more likely to recommend the company to family and friends
  • 6 times  more likely to defend the company in the wake of public criticism

Think about this in terms of your personal life. The more you connect with a person, the more likely you are to invite them over for coffee, introduce them to your other friends, and come to their defense. The same is true for the companies we buy from.

We humans value connection and a shared sense of purpose. All things equal, your company’s mission statement can be a powerful differentiator.

Employees want a sense of purpose

Just as your company mission statement makes an impact on consumer sentiment, the same can be said about employee sentiment.

According to a recent Gallup poll  Gen Z and millennials (who make up nearly half of the full-time workforce in the US) value belonging to a company with a strong moral compass. They appreciate ethical leadership, and they want to know that their own work has a positive impact on the world at large.

The more effectively human resources and the rest of the leadership team communicates the company’s mission to rank and file employees, the better.

But it doesn’t stop there. It is equally important to put your money where your mouth is, so to speak. If your company mission places value on the environment, do you give your employees opportunities to act upon these values in their everyday work life?

The most effective company mission statements are clear and actionable, from the products a company makes all the way down to the food in the employee cafeteria.

How to write an effective mission statement without a lot of headache

Understanding mission statements is one thing. Actually sitting down to write your company’s own mission statement is quite another.

But if you take the time to do it right, the process is a really useful exercise. Think of this as a chance to clarify and fine tune your purpose so you can point the company in the right direction for years to come.

Brainstorming your company mission statement

To get started, gather your leadership team and brainstorm answers to these four questions. If you are the solo founder of a fledgling company, gather key stakeholders or a handful of your professional mentors instead.

Aim for a short paragraph on each question.

  • Why does our company exist?
  • What value do our products or services bring to consumers?
  • What core beliefs guide our work?
  • What makes our company different, better, or more inspiring than our competitors?

After you brainstorm answers to these questions, review your answers and highlight the concepts that are central to your company. You might also pick a few company mission statement examples from businesses you admire and use those to help guide you.

If this brainstorming discussion took place with a group of people, now’s the time to send one or two individuals off to winnow the answers down to a couple of sentences.

Task this pair with writing several drafts of a mission statement, so the final decision makers have choices to work with.

This group process might seem cumbersome, but remember, your company mission statement is a core document. It should reflect the thought processes of as many stakeholders as possible.

Finalizing your work

After you land on a mission statement, do one final check to make sure it meets these criteria:

Plausibility:  Your mission statement is big-picture, but it should ultimately tie back to your everyday business operations. At least in a broad sense.

Readability:  No corporate speak or jargon. Avoid unnecessarily big words or complex sentences. Keep it simple.

  • Voice:  Now isn’t the time to be dry and boring. Use language that’s active and compelling. Your mission statement should reflect the unique voice and culture of your company.

Pro-tip:  Give your mission statement more reach by creating both a text and video version. The video can be simple, just an eye-catching background, animated text, and a soundtrack.

Include your mission statement video as part of hiring announcements or other  HR video communications . Or send it over to your marketing team to use as a Facebook cover, website content, and more.

Company mission statement examples: 16 of the best

How do other leading companies tackle their mission statements? We searched far and wide for the best company mission statement examples.

Starbucks Mission Statement Example

1. Starbucks: Inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.

The Seattle-based coffee giant originated in 1971 and has since become ubiquitous around the world.

Starbucks mission statement :   Inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.

Why it works:  We touched on the Starbucks mission statement earlier, but we’ll elaborate more here. We included this example of the Starbucks company mission statement because it works well for two reasons: it’s ambitious without being overreaching, and it uses down-to-earth language.

Inspiring and nurturing the human spirit isn’t directly related to coffee. But considering the role the company played in reviving coffee house culture in the US, the human spirit and a sense of community doesn’t seem like too big of a stretch. The second part of the statement is exceedingly tangible. It paints a small-scale picture of the company and its work.

The Honest Co - Mission Statement Example

2. Honest Company: Meaningful transparency and thoughtful design. We’re on a mission to change the world, one product at a time.

Honest Company made headlines when it went public in mid-2021, with founder Jessica Alba as the youngest-ever Latina to list a company on the New York Stock Exchange.

Honest Company mission statement :   Meaningful transparency and thoughtful design. We’re on a mission to change the world, one product at a time.

Why it works:  As a company committed to creating “clean” baby products, a mission of meaningful transparency and thoughtful design is two-fold. It’s a necessary part of their business practices, and it also speaks to consumers looking for a higher standard in their products.

Being on a “mission to change the world” might be a bit of a stretch. But considering the  baby products market  is projected to be worth $88.72 billion US dollars worldwide by 2026, maybe it isn’t such a huge stretch after all.

Patagonia - Mission Statement Example

3. Patagonia: We’re in business to save our home planet

The outdoor apparel and equipment company is known for its social and environmental activism.

Patagonia mission statement :   We’re in business to save our home planet.

Why it works:  Patagonia is often used as a good company mission statement example, and for a reason. Although it’s wildly lofty, the company really does put their money where their mouth is.

Patagonia originally began as a scrappy company specializing in steel pitons for rock climbing. But when the founders realized their gear damaged the rock face they so loved, they pivoted to low-impact aluminum chocks.

From the moment Patagonia pivoted to aluminum chocks, it became an environment-first company with far-reaching efforts built into every aspect of their business practices.

Microsoft - Mission Statement Example

4. Microsoft: To empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more

The software giant is currently valued at  approaching $2 trillion .

Microsoft mission statement :   To empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.

Why it works:  Notice, Microsoft’s company mission statement makes no mention of software, or PCs, or technology at any level.

This isn’t to say the company is focused on something other than tech. But by concentrating on the “why” not the “what” of the business, this mission statement example remains flexible and agile. No matter where the market moves, Microsoft aims to increase productivity with it’s products.

Square - Mission Statement Example

5. Square: Everyone should be able to participate and thrive in the economy.

Square’s point-of-sale and online payment platforms came out on top during the pandemic. But even before that time, the company was a leader in POS products.

Square mission statement :   Everyone should be able to participate and thrive in the economy.

Why it works:  The company’s extended mission statement goes on to say: No one should be left out of the economy because the cost is too great or the technology too complex.

Similar to Microsoft’s mission statement, Square leaves room for agility here. It aims to produce simple, low-cost payment products, regardless of where the market takes it. We also appreciate Square’s focus on who the company serves and why.

Pinterest - Mission Statement Example

6. Pinterest: Bring everyone the inspiration to create a life they love.

Ah, Pinterest. Inspiration central for crafters everywhere, but also a valuable tool for businesses looking for new marketing platforms.

Pinterest mission statement :   Bring everyone the inspiration to create a life they love.

Why it works:  More than the words it uses, we appreciate how Pinterest discusses the ways its mission evolved along with the company.

According to Pinterest, the platform was originally conceived as “a tool to help people collect the things they were passionate about online.” It quickly became clear that people most enjoy using the site to get inspiration from others. And with this, Pinterest’s current mission was born.

Target - Mission Statement Example

7. Target: Help all families discover the joy of everyday life

Fun fact: According to Target’s website, 75% of the US population lives within 10 miles of a store. And why not? Everyone loves a trip to good old Target.

Target mission statement :   Help all families discover the joy of everyday life.

Why it works:  This company mission statement example is equal parts broad and super-specific, depending on how you look at it.

It speaks to Target’s affordable products, geared toward everyday people. But this mission statement can also easily extend to the company’s focus on community giving, corporate responsibility, and creating a positive employee experience.

Southwest Airlines - Mission Statement Example

8. Southwest Airlines: Connect people to what’s important in their lives through friendly, reliable, and low-cost air travel

The smallest of the “big four” US airlines, Southwest is known for its friendly crew and affordable ticket prices.

Southwest Airlines mission statement :   Connect people to what’s important in their lives through friendly, reliable, and low-cost air travel.

Why it works:  Maybe you can chalk it up to the company’s southern roots, but Southwest consistently ranks high for customer service. Its mission of connecting people to what’s important in their lives touches on this value.

Southwest sees itself as doing more than just moving people from point A to point B.

Spotify - Mission Statement Example

9. Spotify: To unlock the potential of human creativity — by giving a million creative artists the opportunity to live off their art and billions of fans the opportunity to enjoy and be inspired by it

The Swedish audio streaming platform currently has 356 million users across 178 markets.

Spotify mission statement :   To unlock the potential of human creativity — by giving a million creative artists the opportunity to live off their art and billions of fans the opportunity to enjoy and be inspired by it.

Why it works:  We included this example because, technically speaking, this is a mission statement and a vision statement combined into one.

When you write your mission statement, it’s important not to confuse the two. But for marketing purposes, wrapping a mission statement and a vision statement up into one shiny package sometimes works very well.

Google - Mission Statement Example

10. Google: Organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful

This one needs no introduction. After all, to Google is officially listed in Merriam-Webster as a transitive verb. If that isn’t a sign of a powerful company, we don’t know what is.

Google mission statement :   Organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.

Why it works:  Google’s effectiveness is centered around its algorithms. At its heart, an algorithm is a system for organizing information. So Google pretty much nailed it here.

We also appreciate the focus on making information “universally accessible and useful.” Google is arguably the most powerful search engine in the world, yet it’s simple enough for anyone to use. Universally accessible and useful sums that up nicely.

Nike - Mission Statement Example

11. Nike: Bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. If you have a body, you are an athlete

The Oregon-based footwear, apparel, and sports equipment company was founded in 1964 and is now synonymous with athletics.

Nike mission statement :   Bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. If you have a body, you are an athlete.

Why it works:  We admit, we like the asterisk more than we like the actual mission statement. Nike outfits some of the biggest names in professional sports, but its mission specifies “if you have a body, you are an athlete.” The word “inclusion” doesn’t appear in the company’s mission statement, but it says it — and then some — in so many words.

CVS - Mission Statement Example

12. CVS: Helping people on their path to better health

Founded as a drugstore in 1963 by brothers Stanley and Sidney Goldstein and partner Ralph Hoagland, CVS bills itself as a “health care innovation company that is reinventing pharmacy.”

CVS mission statement :   Helping people on their path to better health.

Why it works:  This isn’t one of the most inventive examples of a company mission statement, and it also seems somewhat obvious for a drugstore. But CVS embodies its mission in some pretty bold ways. In 2014, it became the  first national pharmacy in the US  to stop selling cigarettes and tobacco products.

Harley Davidson - Mission Statement Example

13. Harley Davidson: More than building machines, we stand for the timeless pursuit of adventure. Freedom for the soul

Harley-Davidson was founded in Milwaukee in 1903, and it remains one of the most popular motorcycle brands.

Harley Davidson mission statement :   More than building machines, we stand for the timeless pursuit of adventure. Freedom for the soul.

Why it works:  Harley-Davidson is known not only for its iconic design and distinctive engine sound, but also for the unique subculture of Harley riders.

Although Harley enthusiasts might balk at the idea, the company is as much a lifestyle brand as it is a motorcycle manufacturer. And that lifestyle delivers just what is promised in the company’s mission statement: adventure and freedom. And a whole lot of leather.

Dove - Mission Statement Example

14. Dove: Help women everywhere develop a positive relationship with the way they look, helping them raise their self-esteem and realize their full potential

What started as a single product — the Dove Beauty Bar — grew into a major line of personal care products used by women around the world.

Dove mission statement :   Help women everywhere develop a positive relationship with the way they look, helping them raise their self-esteem and realize their full potential.

Why it works:  The company’s mission statement combines seamlessly with their vision statement, which says, “We believe beauty should be a source of confidence, and not anxiety.”

Dove delivers on this promise with its far-reaching body positivity campaigns, research initiatives, and self-esteem projects.

Livestrong - Mission Statement Example

15. Livestrong: Which everyday cancer problem will we fix today?

Livestrong is a nonprofit organization that supports people living with or affected by cancer.

Livestrong mission statement :   Which everyday cancer problem will we fix today?

Why it works:  Because selling products and services to consumers isn’t part of the equation, nonprofit mission statements differ from those of their for-profit counterparts. But we included Livestrong here, because it has such a unique mission statement.

Very few mission statements are in the form of a question. This was very intentional on the part of Livestrong. As the company puts it on their mission page, “We have a Mission Question, not a Mission Statement, because we believe that we can only achieve the best solutions through asking the right questions.”

TED - Mission Statement Example

16. TED: Spread ideas.

The media company solicits keynote-style talks from some of the best minds and makes these available, for free, via video and through their podcast,

Ted mission statement :   Spread ideas.

Why it works:  This is another company mission statement example that makes the rounds on the best-of lists. You can almost imagine the lengthy thought process that transpired as TED execs winnowed their mission statement down to just two words. Two words! But that’s all they need.

This mission statement doesn’t say they are “creating opportunities for…” or “gathering the brightest minds to…” They do all of these things as well. But at the very core of the organization, their mission is to spread ideas.

In those two words, they say it all.

FAQs about company mission statements

These company mission statement examples are just a sample of what’s possible when a company really takes the time to craft a thoughtful mission statement. To help you write yours, here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about mission statements.

What should a company mission statement include?

A company mission statement should include one or two strong, well-written sentences that talk about why a company exists, the value it brings to its customers, the core beliefs that drive its work, and what sets it apart from other companies doing similar work.

What are the 3 parts of a mission statement?

The three parts of a mission statement are:

  • Mission and purpose:  the main reason a company exists. Its purpose in a broad sense.
  • Values:  the core values that drive everyday decisions and behavior in the company.
  • Goals:  what the company hopes to achieve by sticking close to its mission and values.

What is a strong mission statement?

A strong mission statement is short and actionable. The strongest company mission statements are written in accessible language (no corporate speak) that reflects a company’s unique culture and voice. A good mission statement is lofty, but also ties back to a company’s everyday business practices.

What is Coca Cola’s mission statement?

Coca Cola’s mission statement is  “to refresh the world in mind, body, and spirit, to inspire moments of optimism and happiness through our brands and actions, and to create value and make a difference.”

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35 Mission Statement Examples That Define Companies and Inspire Customers

Plus a guide on how to write a mission statement.

Stephen Gossett

Some skeptics are eager to criticize mission statements. They see them as generic and platitudinous , another startup box that founders need to check.

 Turns out, though, a mission statement’s success depends on how it’s written.

What Is a Mission Statement?

In his influential 1998 research article , consultant and business professor Chris Bart found “a significant and positive correlation” between organizational performance and mission statements when managers were satisfied with those statements . He also found a correlation between performance and the process used to develop statements. Simply having a mission statement was a non-factor, but one created with real buy-in delivered the goods.

Related Reading Tips for Effective Business Storytelling

Mission Statement Examples

Later, we’ll tease out what exactly makes a mission statement effective and explore tips for writing one. But first, here are some examples to fuel your inspiration.

  • Apple: “To bring the best user experience to customers through innovative hardware, software and services.”
  • Procter & Gamble: “To provide branded products and services of superior quality and value that improve the lives of the world’s consumers, now and for generations to come.”
  • Reddit: “To bring community and belonging to everyone in the world.”
  • Nike: “To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. If you have a body, you are an athlete.”

mission statement examples resume


Mission statement:  “Help families elevate the next generation through sports.”

mission statement examples resume

Mission statement:  “We exist to advance the economic power of people living and working in the real world.”

MetLife logo, now hiring for IT positions

Mission statement: “Always with you, building a more confident future. MetLife contributes to a more confident future as an employer, an investor and a provider of financial solutions and expertise. Our purpose is at the heart of our virtuous circle of delivering for our colleagues, our communities, our customers and our shareholders.”

Terakeet logo

Mission statement:  “We bring together brands and their audience to make connections that matter.”

mission statement examples resume

Mission statement:  “For over a decade, we’ve been building tech for food people, so restaurant owners can save money, staff members can save time, and diners can order better. Because when restaurants thrive, they can keep serving food that gives your community its unique flavor. We want to keep it that way.”

mission statement examples resume


Mission statement: “Bringing joy to others one game at a time.”

mission statement examples resume

Mission statement:  “We empower everyday people to move forward on the path to a better financial future.”

First Entertainment Credit Union

Mission statement:  “We build lifelong financial relationships with the people in entertainment based on a deep understanding of how they live and work.”

mission statement examples resume

Mission statement: “Our mission is to rebuild the infrastructure of the travel industry in order to bring freedom, simplicity, and trust to travelers everywhere. We are bringing change to an industry that has been held back by outdated technology and complicated financial incentives that solve for the needs of middlemen instead of providing the best experience to users. Travel matters when communication is essential to building trust, commitment, and a shared sense of purpose. In essence, business travel is a necessity any time success depends on the strength of human connections.”

PatientPoint Logo


Mission statement:  “ PatientPoint is on a mission to make every doctor-patient engagement better, and that goal is at the core of everything we do. We are the patient engagement platform for every point of care. Our digital solutions impact 750 million patient visits every year, helping drive better health outcomes that enable people to live longer, healthier lives.”

mission statement examples resume

Mission Statement:  “At Trupanion , we’re on a mission to help loving, responsible pet owners budget and care for their pets.”

mission statement examples resume

Mission Statement :  “We’re on a mission to simplify the complexities of payments to help you grow.”

mission statement examples resume

Mission Statement : “Our mission is to bring the best user experience to customers through innovative hardware, software and services.”

Asana logo

Mission Statement : “To help humanity thrive by enabling the world's teams to work together effortlessly.”

mission statement examples resume

Mission Statement : “To be the most trusted and convenient destination for pet parents (and partners), everywhere.”

mission statement examples resume

Mission Statement : “Our mission is to increase economic freedom in the world. Everyone deserves access to financial services that can help empower them to create a better life for themselves and their families. If the world economy ran on a common set of standards that could not be manipulated by any company or country, the world would be a more fair and free place, and human progress would accelerate.”

mission statement examples resume

Mission Statement : “DoorDash is a technology company that connects people with the best of their neighborhoods across the US, Canada, Australia, Japan, and Germany. We enable local businesses to meet consumers’ needs of ease and convenience, and, in turn, generate new ways for people to earn, work, and live. By building the last-mile logistics infrastructure for local commerce, we’re fulfilling our mission to grow and empower local economies.”

mission statement examples resume

Mission Statement : “Our mission is to design a more enlightened way of working. Dropbox helps people be organized, stay focused and get in sync with their teams.”

mission statement examples resume

Bright Horizons

Mission Statement :  “Dedicated to the highest quality education and care; making a lasting difference, one child, one student, one teacher, one family, and one employer at a time.”

mission statement examples resume

EFFECT Photonics

Mission Statement : “To interconnect humanity through fast, affordable, sustainable, and effective communication technologies.”

mission statement examples resume

Mission Statement:  “Our mission is to build the most popular car subscription platform. Our aim is to help anyone who loves driving a car of their own but fears the struggle, commitment, and intransparent costs associated with ownership to get behind the wheel.”

mission statement examples resume

Mission Statement : “The Fivetran mission is to make access to data as simple and reliable as electricity. The invention of the lightbulb spawned generations to change the world through electricity, creating millions of new products, devices and services. We’re empowering future ‘Thomas Edison’s’ to transform the way the world makes decisions through our always-on access to accurate data. This helps drive better data-driven decisions in pursuits like discovering new drugs, serving humanity in ways big and small (think: banking the underbanked, keeping hospital records up to date, and more!), and enabling social good organizations to do what they do best by improving lives everywhere.”

mission statement examples resume

Mission Statement : “It is GitLab’s mission to make it so that everyone can contribute. When everyone can contribute, users become contributors and we greatly increase the rate of innovation.”

mission statement examples resume

Intel Corporation

Mission Statement : “We create world-changing technology that improves the life of every person on the planet.”

mission statement examples resume

Mission Statement : “Our mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.”

mission statement examples resume

Mission Statement : “Our mission is to ensure the Internet is a global public resource, open and accessible to all. An Internet that truly puts people first, where individuals can shape their own experience and are empowered, safe and independent.”

mission statement examples resume


Mission Statement : “To be the premier content provider for television and digital platforms, spanning all television.”

mission statement examples resume

Mission Statement : “To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world.

*If you have a body, you are an athlete.”

mission statement examples resume

The Pokémon Company International

Mission Statement : “At Pokémon, our mission is to become an entertainment leader and bring the fun of Pokémon to people around the world!”

mission statement examples resume

Procter & Gamble

Mission Statement : “We will provide branded products and services of superior quality and value that improve the lives of the world’s consumers, now and for generations to come. As a result, consumers will reward us with leadership sales, profit and value creation, allowing our people, our shareholders and the communities in which we live and work to prosper.”

mission statement examples resume

Mission Statement : “Our mission is to bring community and belonging to everyone in the world.”

mission statement examples resume

Mission Statement : “We help people achieve independence by making it easier to start, run, and grow a business. We believe the future of commerce has more voices, not fewer, so we’re reducing the barriers to business ownership to make commerce better for everyone.”

mission statement examples resume

Mission Statement : “At Smartsheet, our mission is to empower anyone to drive meaningful change — for themselves, their businesses and even for the world.”

mission statement examples resume

Warby Parker

Mission Statement : “To inspire and impact the world with vision, purpose, and style.”

mission statement examples resume

Mission Statement : “We’re empowering everyone to create for the web — and leading impactful, fulfilling lives while we do it.”

How to Write a Mission Statement

When it comes time to draft your company’s mission statement, consider the following:

Tips for Writing a Mission Statement

  • Make it simple, aspirational and memorable.
  • Direct it toward stakeholders, but don’t prioritize shareholders.
  • Keep employees — current and future — top of mind.
  • Avoid saying you’re “the best.”
  • Leave room for the mission to evolve.

Make it Simple, Aspirational and Memorable

A successful mission statement has three important traits, according to Jeffrey Abrahams, author of 101 Mission Statements From Top Companies . They are simplicity, aspiration and memorability.

There’s no magic word count, but experts agree that concision is best. Abrahams recommends aiming for a single-sentence statement. “That has greater impact and can be communicated easily, both within the company and to the target audience,” he said.

Bart, meanwhile, recommends capping at around 70 words. And Inés Alegre, a professor at the business school of the University of Navarra who led a 2018 review of mission-statement research, told Built In that three sentences or so is appropriate.

Your precise mileage may vary, but the “KISS” recommendation put forward by Bart in his 1998 paper still seems appropriate: Keep it simple and straightforward.

It’s common to find an organization’s mission statement posted on an “About” page, but it doesn’t have to be merely descriptive; incorporate some ambition, Abrahams suggested. He invoked Microsoft’s statement: “Our mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.”


Action verbs, wariness of jargon and bizspeak — these are a CEO’s allies when drafting a statement. It should be organization-specific, too. 

“If the mission statement could be used by a number of companies, especially competitors, it’s not going to be either memorable or serve the company very well,” said Abrahams. “You want it to be distinctive.”

Direct It Toward Stakeholders

“Missions describe why an organization exists, but in particular, they should describe the relationships that the organization wants to have with the stakeholders upon whom it depends for survival, growth and sustainability,” Bart said.

According to him, an effective mission statement should at least speak to two audiences: customers and employees. He cited Southwest Airlines as an illustrative example:

“The mission of Southwest Airlines is dedication to the highest quality of customer service delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, individual pride and company spirit.   To our employees: We are committed to provide our employees a stable work environment with equal opportunity for learning and personal growth. Creativity and innovation are encouraged for improving the effectiveness of Southwest Airlines. Above all, employees will be provided the same concern, respect and caring attitude within the organization that they are expected to share externally with every Southwest customer.”

In addition to customers and employees, a strong statement will also often address shareholders and the community at large, Bart said. Here’s one he helped draft for a casino resort that directly targets all four groups:

“Our mission is to provide every guest with a ‘blow away experience’ that is inspired by a celebration of the sea and the myth of a lost civilization. We accomplish this by bringing the myth of Atlantis to life by offering warm, positive, engaging service.   At Atlantis, we are a team of individuals who are passionate and committed in everything that we do. We continuously strive for perfection. We are proud to work at Atlantis because we are a caring and learning organization, which rewards accomplishment and promotes teamwork, respect and innovation.   At Atlantis, we are the pride of our community while providing enduring value for our shareholders. When Atlantis succeeds, we succeed as individuals, and we contribute to the success of the Bahamas.”

… But Avoid Prioritizing Shareholders

It may be more obvious today — after the rise of sustainable investing , office-perk culture that caters to employee happiness and the fact that we’re in the midst of a job seekers’ market — but the thrust of the mission can’t simply be shareholder yield.

Statements that center the returns of the investor class will align approximately zero employees to an organization’s mission. “Shareholder value was the typical mission in the nineties — not anymore,” said Alegre.

One possible symptom of such misalignment? Jargon creep. “When buzzwords and platitudes happen, they usually happen when the focus of the company moves from customer to shareholder,” wrote entrepreneur and Built In expert contributor Joe Procopio.

Read Next 3 Reasons to Prioritize Mission Over Profit in Tech

Resist the Superlatives

As mentioned, mission statements should have an air of the aspirational. But, especially in this era of superlative fatigue , beware of “the biggest,” “the boldest” and “the best.” They’ll inspire more shrugs than hearts, especially when unsupported.

“When a company says its mission statement is to be the best [category here] company in the world — the best steel company in the world or the best clothing company in the world, it’s too general,” said Abrahams. “It needs to be backed up by strongly worded core values, a vision, and guiding principles and beliefs.”

Think of It as a Management Tool

Even though mission statements address multiple audiences, they shouldn’t pretend to think each audience is listening with equal attention.

“There’s a question of prioritization of stakeholders — is it the clients, employees, suppliers, investors? You probably cannot satisfy all at the same level,” said Alegre.

That begs a question: Should companies think of mission statements more as an internal compass for culture and strategy, or an external branding — or even recruiting — element? That is, are they management or marketing? 

“My answer is yes,” said Abrahams. 

Ideally, it can serve as both, experts told Built In, but it should be considered first and foremost a management tool. (Indeed, most research on the topic is published in management, not marketing, journals.) “My impression is that it’s much more useful as an internal alignment tool than external branding,” said Alegre.

Think of the statement primarily as something for employees, Bart said, a true north against which the workforce can always orient itself.

Reinforce the Mission Statement in All Your Communications

Once the statement is finalized, think of it as a muscle: Exercise it often to prevent it from losing definition. Reference the mission during onboardings, training, team meetings, board reviews of key projects and wherever else reinforcement makes sense. Post it on your website, of course, but also your wall. “I work in a business school where the first thing you see after the entrance is the mission,” Alegre said.

Mission statements are especially important during times of uncertainty, such as early in an organization’s life or during growth pushes, Alegre said. Still, lean on them in times of greater stability, too. That provides room for the mission to organically evolve.

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    mission statement examples resume

  6. How To Write A Mission Statement For A Resume

    mission statement examples resume


  1. My Mission for being on YouTube and My Why?

  2. Mission Statement VS Vision Statement


  4. "Discover Your Life's True Calling: Crafting a Mission Statement for Success!"

  5. 10 Emails That Will Supercharge Your Next Email Campaign

  6. How to Write a Mission Statement for Companies/Startup


  1. How To Write a Personal Mission Statement (40 Examples)

    Here are several examples of personal mission statements to help inspire you as you write your own. "To serve as a leader by encouraging innovative ideas and forward-thinking so that our team can create technology solutions that will improve the lives of others." "To use my writing skills to inspire and educate others around the world to make a ...

  2. 101 Mission Statements for Resumes (Copy & Paste)

    Proofread: Don't ever forget to proofread your mission statement. Grammar mistakes or misspellings could create an unfavorable impression. Crafting an effective mission statement can open the door to the job you want by making a strong first impression on potential employers. So, let's take a look at some examples. Mission Statements for ...

  3. Personal Mission Statement

    Resume mission statement examples. "Lead by encouraging creative thinking necessary for innovative solutions.". "Use my imagination and graphic design skills to engage consumers.". "Promote safety, well-being, and self-confidence for children and young adults as a mental health counselor.".

  4. How to Write a Personal Mission Statement: 40+ Examples

    1. Personal Mission Statement Examples. Let's see some great examples of personal mission statements. "To simplify the complicated". "To inspire success through teaching". "To create the best version of tomorrow". "To be kind to others and myself". "To improve lives through better healthcare".

  5. Step-by-Step Guide to Why and How to Write a Personal Mission Statement

    More examples of personal mission statement. For a resume or a LinkedIn Profile. A personal mission statement for a resume or LinkedIn helps the reader or recruiter identify the strategic value you might add to the company. Try something like with the specifics of your work and passions subbed in:

  6. 60+ Resume Objective Examples for 2024 & How-to Guide

    1. Inject your personality. Bonus points if you tie your personality traits in with the company's values through skillful word choices! No one wants to read a bland resume objective that doesn't connect the person with the company—they want to know who they're hiring. 2.

  7. How to Write a Personal Mission Statement [45 Examples]

    A good formula you can use to write a personal mission statement is as follows: "I am committed to [your core values and beliefs] and strive to [your long-term goals and aspirations]. My mission is to [your mission or purpose] by [how you plan to achieve it] to [the impact or legacy you want to create] .".

  8. How to Write a Professional Mission Statement

    Many of us have heard of a personal mission statement. It is very similar to a professional mission statement in that for both, you have to reflect on your values and create a statement that is authentic and honest. Both also reflect a direction for your attitude and behavior. Where the statements differ is in scope and audience.

  9. Resume Personal Statement: How to Write & 7+ Good Examples

    Otherwise, your target employer may worry your focus would be divided between your work for their company and your side hustles. 3. Consider your audience. Tailor every word of your personal statement to your audience — the recruiter, hiring manager, and anyone else at your target employer who might read your resume.

  10. Creating a Personal Mission Statement: Inspiring Examples

    A personal mission statement is a declaration that defines who you are, what you stand for, and what you aim to achieve in life. It is a concise summary of your guiding principles, values, and goals. Creating a personal mission statement can be a transformative experience, as it helps you gain clarity, focus, and direction in your life. Having a personal mission statement is crucial because it ...

  11. Resume Objective: 20+ Career Statement Examples

    Resume Objective Sample: Legal Assistant. Right. Engaged, organized graduate with Duke Continuing Studies Legal Assistant Certificate, specializing in real estate law (1). 2+ years of experience in coordinating and organizing (2) key communications (3) and scheduling executive calendars (4) for the Tiffany Group team.

  12. How to Write a Personal Mission Statement (Examples Included)

    3. Pick Core Traits or Skills. When you're writing a personal mission statement, you need to include the skills and traits you'll need to put to work to make that happen. Now, these can be more technical capabilities or personal characteristics, so don't feel like you're limited to one or the other. You're not.

  13. How to Write a Personal Mission Statement (20 Examples)

    Example 3: Parent. As a parent, your mission could be to nurture, teach, and support your children, preparing them for the future. Example: "To provide a loving, enriching environment for my children, empowering them with the tools to succeed and grow.". Personal SWOT Analysis: Unlock Your Potential in 4 Steps.

  14. Mission Statement for Resume

    How to Create Mission Statement for Resume. Creating a personal mission statement for your resume involves introspection, analysis, and articulation of your professional goals and values. Here's a step-by-step process: 1. Self-Reflection: Consider your strengths, values, skills, and passions.

  15. 55 Personal Mission Statement Examples (2024)

    Here is my personal mission statement: "I will be generous with my time both with family and strangers. I will consciously and intentionally spend quality time with my parents, my wife, and my children. I will pass-on love of life and self-belief to my children by living as a positive example. I will commit my career to working on projects ...

  16. How to Write a Personal Mission Statement (With Examples)

    Summary. To write a personal mission statement should first identify your core values and goals and brainstorm on your work and life missions. Be sure to mention professional and personal skills that can be used to achieve your goals. Your personal mission statement should be brief and concise in a single sentence.

  17. Mission statement examples: 16 of the best to inspire you

    We searched far and wide for the best company mission statement examples. 1. Starbucks: Inspire and nurture the human spirit - one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time. The Seattle-based coffee giant originated in 1971 and has since become ubiquitous around the world.

  18. How to Write a Mission Statement (With 35 Examples)

    Mission Statement Examples. Apple: "To bring the best user experience to customers through innovative hardware, software and services.". Procter & Gamble: "To provide branded products and services of superior quality and value that improve the lives of the world's consumers, now and for generations to come.".

  19. The 28 Best Mission Statement Examples (+Templates to Write Yours)

    Naked Juice, the square-bottled smoothie drink company, has a mission statement with a high order, involving the whole planet, but shows the value and bigger picture well. 28. Warby Parker's mission statement. Offer designer eyewear at a revolutionary price, while leading the way for socially-conscious businesses.