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Short essay – “is science boon or bane”.

speech on the topic science a boon


Read this short essay on “Is Science Boon or Bane”

We live in the era of modernism and technology. We can’t live our lives without the support of modern science.

Science Boon

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Today, science has so much involved in our life that it is really hard to imagine living without the science. Every part of life whether it is food or recreation is related to science and its various ways. To decide that whether science is a boon or a bane for mankind is not a simple decision.

We should first look for the exact meaning of science. A systematic classification of experiences is called as scientific. We surprise many times at various events happening around us due to technology and science. We get doubts; what are they? These concerns are the primary seed products for technology. First start from thinking, reasoning, research, features, evaluation and distinction and lastly the fact comes out.

According to Scientists, there is a scientific method for everything and there are unavoidable actions to be followed:

(1) Statement

(2) Speculation

(3) Experiment

(4) Concept and

(5) Evidence.

All researchers have in a way followed this scientific method.

The basic aim of Science is to look for reality and to find those factors, formally uncommon. A scientist cannot accept the principles, usually because; they were accepted by others formerly. Great discoveries are always coming from reasoning. A lot of determination and observation are required. Civilization, as it is today, also came from numerous discoveries that were made in the field of Science.

Electricity is a main source of energy has revolutionized the Earth. Science has made medical field enough advanced that today the average life of a human being has raised to 90 years. Science also worked for plant life as well and now we have enough food for all.

We have enough clothing and better security too. This all became possible due to science and technology. Computers, Cell phones, TV and Radios are all products of Science. So, it is very easy to conclude that Science is beneficial for mankind.

There is also another side of the coin. Destructive weapons like guns, rifles, atom bombs etc. are also came from Science. It is science that gave us different types of power like electric power and nuclear power. If all these powers and weapons are not used in a negative way, there is nothing to fear. But, unfortunately these all powers are destructing our Earth. Can anyone think that there are no chances of such horrible destruction of an Iraq again? If it happens, how can be science beneficial for mankind?

Man is a logical being. It is possible for everyone to save himself from the odds. Only through this way, he can win and control everyone on the globe. Only wisdom can help a man to conquer the World. Science without conscience is death of the soul.

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Science: Boon or Bane?

speech on the topic science a boon

The Meaning of Science

You can classify science as a systematic classification of experiences, which is what people call scientific. When we feel surprised at events, we will sometimes get doubts, what does this classify as? The concerns are the seed product of technology, and it begins with sound reasoning, research, thinking, evaluation, features, and finally, you discover the hard facts of a subject. Almost all researchers have followed the scientific method in one way or another, but sometimes it gets diluted through politics and secret agendas.

Today, in the 21st century, science’s subtle hand can be found in evidence everywhere. Every aspect of our modern human existence circles back to science whether we’re talking food, recreation or the classroom. Some people argue science has proven more a bane than a boon while others argue how it has made our lives easier and brought us out of the Stone Age. Before we begin, we should first take a look at actual meaning of the word “science” so that we can discern the actual meaning because sometimes politicians and corporations mix in an agenda with science.

Is science a boon or bane? express your views for or against this topic with sturdy reasons.

All the Yes points:

The ‘bane’ is caused by humans, science saves us from infectious catastrophes, saves ecologically sensitive environments, made the world a smaller place through worldwide communication, easier to deal with drought and famine, all the world’s knowledge available at our fingertips, all the no points:, yes because….

First of all I am going to assume that boon is in the yes column. Science is fundamentally neutral – whether it is good or bad is dependent upon the people creating it and ultimately using it. The vast majority of science is done for science’s sake, for the ‘advancement’ of humanity and therefore on the whole can be thought of as good. Yes there are bad things that come out of science – take for example nuclear weapons which are something that is pretty obviously on the bane side of this debate but these weapons in and off themselves are not particularly bad (I guess pretty much balance out – boon of employment vs bane of using some resources pointlessly + worry of some nuclear waste) rather it is the use of them that is particularly bad. And of course most other science would not have the same problems on the bane column.

No because…

If not for the field of medical science, we might still face calamitous diseases like the black plague that ravaged Europe before it continued on a destructive path to Russia. At the time, the Black Plague killed around 450 million people, which historians estimate was between 30 to 60 percent of the population in Europe at the time. Nowadays, science has addressed these issues with isolating the infected and better knowledge of how diseases work, which became possible through medical science and learning about the problem. Antibiotics, knowledge won through scientific discovery , is a stable chemical compound that remains within the human body for a long time. It has helped millions of people to stay healthy. For the time being, antibiotics like penicillin has saved as many as 80,000,000 lives.

One of the compelling arguments against the use of antibiotics relates to how diseases slowly grow immune to antibiotics and other treatments, and the immunity of these diseases could one day cause severe problems for humanity with a super disease that they can’t treat. In the future, it could mean more problems than what it solves. One of the reasons physicians say you should never take more antibiotics than necessary is that it helps this bacteria to become immune to it.

Beyond any shadow of a doubt, science will continue to advance well into the future. One of its more interesting discoveries has been the possible use of bacteria to help clean up oceanic oil spills like the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Science has engineered a form of hydrocarbon bacteria and microbes that feed off the polluted parts of the ocean, called Alcanivorax borkumensis. These microbes are available even now, but unfortunately, science has not yet reached a point where they are effective. Still, it could be a huge advantage in the future.

Most people won’t argue how we wouldn’t be in a lot of the messes we have today if it weren’t for science. For example, when the BP oil spill happened, we wouldn’t even be in that mess if it weren’t for scientific advances that made those things possible. To extract the oil from deep sea drilling, for example, we needed a great deal of scientific research involved in how to conduct deep sea drilling. When the oil flooded out and polluted the ocean, we used science to unravel the trouble it had already gotten us into. Another way science has decimated the environment relates to manufacturing and the ozone. Whenever someone sprays hair spray, it depletes the ozone layer, which will hurt us over the long term if we’re not careful to address these environmental concerns.

In the past, most people in the western hemisphere viewed countries of the East as more exotic. With the advances in technology made from science, we can now sit at home in Arkansas and communicate 7,414 miles to a long-time friend in China. All this happens without either party ever leaving their home in a matter of seconds. In that sense, you can make friends all across the globe, and you never even have to leave your home to do it. That’s the type of luxury that not even the great kings of the Medieval era had. This global communication also makes it much easier for families to speak with each other when they go abroad. For example, a mother’s son may choose to serve in the military, and nowadays, instead of having to write letters home, they can do a video chat over Skype, and it’s like they never left.

Cultures sprung up with unique characteristics in the past, and it made the world a truly unique place to travel around. You could see the colorful Holi Festival of Hindu India and visit the ancient Mayan ruins of Guatemala while eating the special cultural foods of these countries. Today, however, McDonald’s has sprung up in each of these countries, and the ease through which we communicate across the globe has made the world feel much smaller. As a result, there’s a global influence that has started to make the world less unique and more the same. Many people, for example, see the rising of McDonald’s across many cultures and countries as a bad thing for health and the uniqueness of countries. By making the world smaller, it lowers the awe factor.

Because of the systems we have implemented today, drought and famine have a slightly less devastating impact. Through scientific knowledge, we have learned how to deal with drought and famine. For example, when California experienced a drought in 2014, we simply shipped over $110 million in supplies to that region from areas not experiencing the drought. The scientific ideas that we became aware of as we learned about resource management has helped us to deal with these hard times better. We have a kingly selection of food choices that were unheard of in the past. The royalty of the past could not even dream of some of the convenience we have today. For example, we can live in the cold climate of Alberta, Canada, and have mangos, a fruit that does not grow there, shipped from countries like Nicaragua and Mexico, and because of food preservative knowledge obtained through science, we can taste these foods. In the past, they may have rotted on the voyage to such a far-off destination.

More than one complaint has been raised against food preservatives and how they cause health problems. You wouldn’t, for example, consume battery acid would you? Phosphoric acid, one of the preservatives popular in soft drinks, can erode your teeth, and based on a report from “General Dentistry,” it can be as harmful to the teeth as battery acid.

There’s a funny joke that goes, “People of today have all the knowledge they could ever dream of, yet if they spoke to someone from the past on how their smartphones work, most wouldn’t give that description. Instead, they tell them how they use it to look at cat pictures.” That joke highlights the reality of today. With a simple search on Google, we have all the knowledge we could ever need in a lifetime. That leaves us with plenty of opportunity to become some of the most educated people in the world if we use it correctly. Learn how Google grew from a successful scientific project at Stanford .

The biggest problem with Google is how answers become so easy that it hardly requires thinking. With so much instant gratification, people no longer have to think things out and discover them for themselves. In the past, when you wanted to do this level of research, it required a great deal of thought and reading through multiple volumes before you could reach an answer. Still, this bane is fairly easy compared to some of the others.

I think that science is a both a boon and a bane. The whole thing depends on us, whether we use it for good or bad.

Science is boon in the way we used it.Thermonuclear powerplants,Agriculture, Industries all admitted the chances provided by Science.But sometimes it became bane when manmade disaster occur.But time proves we overcomed everything.So it is a boon actually.

Both boon and curse because as we know every action has equal reaction.we can make this out by taking some examples first one is science made refrigerator which is good for us to store food but the bad thing of this is it releases CFC gas which deflect the ozone layer and it is also responsible for skin cancer and other example we can take is bikes and cars.we know it saves our time but we become lazy day by day and we also know petroleum is non renewable sources of energy and it will be exhaust one day and it may cause pollution here are some examples which proved that science is boon and curse both..

Science Has change our life. But if we see the other side it has made humans depend on it. Science is boon and bane also. Boon because humans cant face problems and bane because they have to depend on it.

It is our mentality that how we use science as good or bad. If think as the mind of terrorist he thick atomic bombs as boon of science and if we think as the normal being we see this as curse of science.

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Essay on Science is a Boon or a Curse? | Short Essay | 400+ Words

Short essay –.

As we all know that everything in the world has its pros and cons, and this thing applies to science also. Now the question is “Science is a Boon or a Curse?” It has made our life comfortable. All the technology, communication, and medical facilities available today are present due to science only.

Electricity is one of the most magnificent wonders of it. Electricity is the primary source of energy. Without electricity, there will be no bulbs, no communication system, etc.

Science has also benefited agriculture. Due to the green revolution, the High yielding variety (HYV) seeds came into use. These seeds increased the production of grains and resulted in a better quality of the crop. Science has also improved irrigation facilities. Nowadays, we have different types of mechanical irrigational systems that help farmers save their time and labour.

It is beneficial for us, but at the same time, it is also very harmful. Science has given birth to many explosives, bombs, cyber-crime, hacking, etc. which are the cause of the destruction of the world. In WW2, America bombed two cities of Japan- Hiroshima and Nagasaki and killed about 40 lakh, innocent people.

So, after seeing all the advantages and disadvantages of science, we can conclude that science is both a boon and a curse at the same time. It can also be very beneficial for us if we use it correctly.

Essay on Science is a Boon or a Curse?

Long Essay –


As we all know that everything in the world has its pros and cons, this thing applies to science also. It is beneficial for us, but at the same time, it is also very harmful. From the Stone Age to Modern age, all the changes are possible due to science. It has made our life comfortable. All the technology, communication, and medical facilities available today are present due to science only.

Advantages of Science

Electricity is one of the greatest wonders of it. It is a significant source of energy. Without electricity, there will be no bulbs, no communication system, etc. If it was not there, then all these things were not possible.

The discovery and development of all the natural resources are due to it only. All the metals, chemicals, elements, compounds are the result of science alone. Without it, there will be no furniture, cars, aeroplanes, etc. Due to these discoveries, we are living comfortably.

Science has also benefited agriculture. Due to the green revolution, the High yielding variety (HYV) seeds came into use. These seeds increased the production of grains and resulted in a better quality of the crop. It has also improved irrigational facilities. Nowadays, we have different types of mechanical irrigational systems that help farmers save their time and labour.

Disadvantages of Science

Science is also very harmful for all. It has given birth to many explosives, bombs, cyber-crime, hacking, etc. which are the cause of the destruction of the world. These bombs and explosives have taken the lives of many innocent human beings. In WW2 America bombed two cities of Japan- Hiroshima and Nagasaki and killed about 40 lakh, innocent people.

Artificial intelligence is a huge invention in the history of science, but, now this is a big problem for us. People use it in the wrong way. Today the cases of hacking and cyber-crime have increased very much. People are using artificial intelligence to rob people and get money. This is a terrible impact of science on our life.

So, after seeing all the advantages and disadvantages of it, we can conclude that science is both a boon and a curse at the same time.  The government is also taking some steps to reduce cyber-crimes and ethical hacking. We should also be cautious while using artificial intelligence. It can steal our data such as bank passwords, etc. and send these things to other people. The latter use it in the wrong way. It can also be very beneficial for us if we use it correctly. So we should all be careful and not use it in the wrong direction; otherwise, it will only cause destruction.

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Science Boon Or Bane Essay: Exploring The Pros And Cons Of Scientific Advancements

Science Boon Or Bane Essay: Exploring The Pros And Cons Of Scientific Advancements

Science Boon Or Bane Essay: Science has been one of the most significant forces driving progress in human history. It has allowed us to explore and understand the world around us, leading to an increased quality of life and a better understanding of the universe. However, as with any powerful tool, science can also have negative consequences. This Science Boon Or Bane Essay will explore the pros and cons of scientific advancements and the importance of responsible scientific progress.

Table of Contents

Science Boon Or Bane Essay

In this blog Science Boon Or Bane Essay, we include About Science Boon Or Bane Essay, in 100, 200, 250, and 300 words. Also cover Science Boon Or Bane Essay for classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and up to the 12th class and also for kids, children, and students. You can read more  Essay Writing in 10 lines about sports, events, occasions, festivals, etc… Science Boon Or Bane Essay is also available in different languages. In this, Science Boon Or Bane Essay, the following features are explained in the given manner.

The Pros Of Science

One of the most significant advantages of scientific advancements is the improvement in the quality of life through medical advancements. Medical advancements have extended our life expectancy, reduced infant mortality, and enabled us to cure diseases that were once considered incurable. From the development of antibiotics to the discovery of vaccines, medical science has revolutionized the healthcare industry. For example, the discovery of penicillin has saved millions of lives since its discovery in 1928.

Advancements in technology is another pro of science. The technological advancements we have today have made life more comfortable and convenient. For example, smartphones and computers allow us to communicate with people on the other side of the world, work from home, and access an infinite amount of information. The development of transportation technology such as cars and airplanes have made travel faster and more accessible. The Internet has connected the world, enabling people from different corners of the world to share ideas and collaborate on projects.

Scientific breakthroughs have also solved major global problems. For example, the discovery of the ozone hole led to the phasing out of harmful substances like chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). These substances were found to cause the depletion of the ozone layer, leading to increased radiation from the sun and skin cancer. Thanks to scientific discoveries, we were able to address this problem and prevent it from getting worse. Another example is the development of renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and hydro power, which can help reduce carbon emissions and slow down the effects of climate change.

The Cons Of Science

While science has brought many positive changes, it can also have negative consequences. One of the most significant cons of science is negative environmental impacts. As humans continue to consume natural resources and pollute the environment, the world faces the threat of climate change. Scientific research has shown that the burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat, leading to global warming and its negative effects on the environment.

Unintended consequences of scientific discoveries is another con of science. For example, the use of pesticides was developed to increase agricultural yields, but they have caused significant harm to the environment and human health. Pesticides have been found to have toxic effects on non-targeted species, leading to the loss of biodiversity. In addition, they have also been linked to cancer and other health problems in humans.

Ethical concerns with scientific experimentation is also a con of science. The advancement of science has allowed for the manipulation of living organisms at the genetic level, leading to concerns about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and their potential effects on human health and the environment. The cloning of animals and humans also raises ethical concerns about the potential for abuse and the playing with nature.

The Cons Of Science

Balancing The Pros And Cons Of Science

The benefits of scientific progress cannot be ignored, but it is crucial to balance them with the potential negative consequences. It is essential to prioritize responsible scientific advancement that takes into account the societal and environmental impacts of scientific research. This can be achieved through regulation and monitoring of scientific research.

The role of regulation in managing scientific progress cannot be overstated. Government agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) play a critical role in ensuring that scientific advancements are safe and ethical. Regulations ensure that scientific experiments are conducted in a controlled environment, minimizing the potential for unintended consequences. Furthermore, regulations can ensure that scientific research is transparent, accountable, and open to public scrutiny.

However, regulation alone cannot guarantee responsible scientific progress. It is also essential for scientists to consider the societal and environmental impacts of their research. For example, before developing a new technology or product, scientists should conduct a thorough analysis of its potential environmental and social impacts. This can help ensure that the benefits of scientific advancements outweigh the potential negative consequences.

It is also crucial for scientists to consider the public’s views and concerns when conducting research. By engaging with stakeholders, scientists can ensure that their research is aligned with public needs and interests. This can help build trust and support for scientific advancements, leading to greater acceptance and adoption of new technologies.

Conclusion On Science Boon Or Bane Essay

In Science Boon Or Bane Essay, science has brought significant advancements that have improved the quality of life for many people. However, it can also have negative consequences, including negative environmental impacts, unintended consequences, and ethical concerns. To ensure that scientific advancements are responsible and safe, it is crucial to balance the pros and cons of science.

This can be achieved through regulation, responsible scientific research, and stakeholder engagement. By prioritizing responsible scientific progress, we can ensure that science remains a force for good, driving progress and improving the quality of life for future generations.

Read More: Science In Everyday Life Essay

FAQ’s On Science Boon Or Bane Essay

Question 1. What are the boon points of science?

  • Science has allowed for significant medical advancements, leading to an increase in life expectancy and a reduction in mortality rates.
  • Technological advancements have improved our daily lives, making communication, work, and access to information easier and more convenient.
  • Scientific research has led to solutions to major global problems, such as the depletion of the ozone layer and the development of renewable energy sources.
  • The development of science has opened up new avenues for discovery and exploration, increasing our understanding of the universe and our place in it.

Question 2. How science is bane for us?

  • Unintended consequences of scientific advancements, such as the negative environmental impacts of industrialization and the potential dangers of nuclear technology.
  • Ethical concerns surrounding scientific research, such as the use of animals in testing and the potential for human experimentation.
  • The potential for new technologies to widen social and economic inequality and exacerbate existing power imbalances.
  • The potential for scientific advancements to be misused or weaponized, leading to new forms of violence and conflict.

Question 3. Is science boon of course?

  • The benefits of scientific advancements have significantly improved the quality of life for many people, leading to longer lifespans, better healthcare, and more convenient lifestyles.
  • Science has provided solutions to some of the world’s most pressing problems, such as climate change and disease outbreaks.
  • Scientific research has opened up new frontiers of knowledge and exploration, inspiring curiosity and wonder in people around the world.
  • However, responsible scientific progress requires us to balance the benefits of science with its potential negative consequences and to ensure that scientific advancements are safe, ethical, and aligned with public interests.

Question 4. Who is boon and bane?

Answer: Boon and bane are not people, but rather concepts used to describe the positive and negative aspects of something. Boon refers to something that is beneficial or advantageous, while bane refers to something that is harmful or destructive. In the context of science, the term “boon or bane” is often used to describe the dual nature of scientific advancements and their potential benefits and drawbacks.

Question 5. What is the advantage of science?

  • Science has led to significant advancements in medicine and healthcare, including new treatments and cures for diseases.
  • Technological advancements have made daily life more convenient and efficient, with improved communication, transportation, and access to information.
  • Scientific research has provided solutions to global challenges, such as climate change and food security, and has helped to improve the quality of life for people around the world.
  • Science has opened up new frontiers of knowledge and discovery, inspiring curiosity and wonder in people and driving progress in many fields.

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Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “Is Science a Blessing or Curse?” Complete English Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Is Science a Blessing or Curse?

Life is like a piano; what we get out of it depends on how we play it. Everything in the world has its uses and abuses. It is the human conscience and psyche that governs its use or abuse. The same case applies to science.

Science has been derived from the ancient word “Scientia” which means “knowledge” and keeping in view the present situation we can very strongly say that this knowledge has given us countless things and is still moving in the same direction with greater and greater speed. If we use the gifts of science in positive direction with positive intention, then they will provide us with desirable results but if we put them in the wrong way, the results will definitely be disastrous. It will then be hard, to judge whether science is a blessing or a curse.

Much of the progress that humankind has made till now is associated with science. Not only material progress but also the mental outlook of humans has been influenced by it. We have tried to unveil the mysteries of nature to the fullest extent. We have been successful in shortening distances in the world and reached out even beyond. We can explore the depths of oceans and send teams of astronauts to space to know more about the heavenly bodies.

We have been able to increase longevity, arrest the gradual decay of human body and control the spread of lethal diseases by making extraordinary life prolonging drugs and medicines. A number of killer diseases are new curable. Cancer for instance is not feared as much as it was earlier. Surgery of the heart and even the brain no longer remains as painful as it was earlier.

The food production levels have gone high considerably and quality has also improved significantly. Industry and agriculture have progressed to higher productivity levels through scientific knowledge and technological advancement. On a more mundane level, electricity has dispelled darkness and humid heat is no more a trouble for we have fans, air coolers and air conditions which have made the life of ordinary humans more comfortable. Technological innovations have changed even the common man’s way of life. Gas Stove and bio gas lighting have brought a different feel to more and more villages. The discovery and development of large number of powerful energy sources—coal, petroleum, natural gas. Electricity etc —have enabled humanity to conquer the banters of nature. All this has facilitated the growth of fast Mode of transport, which in turn has transformed the world into a global village.

The singular invention which has become as omnipresent today, as did the iron and bronze tools in the past ages, is the computer. An invention of miraculous dimensions, computers have revolutionized our lifestyles. In less than fifty years they have influenced practically every field of activity. The computer age is now a reality. Automation in banks and railway stations has provided relief to the public and staff alike. Ticketing and reservation have become more efficient and convenient. Business transactions are easier and high volume of associated data is easily managed using computers. In medical diagnosis, computers are being used to locate and investigate accurately and precisely any abnormalities or diseases. Computer is the backbone of Information Technology whose major application lies in Internet. Internet has some very useful -applications in our day-to-day life.

Whether we have to undergo a minor surgery take admission in a foreign institution, collect geographical information of any region, want to chat with anybody in any corner of the world or want to search for the life partner of our choice, the Internet is the fastest and cheapest way to do so.

Mobile phones are the outcome of Information Technology. In a nutshell, we can say that what began as a ripple is today emerging as a giant wave. The boon of science has raised us-to the heights unimagined. Now, we can easily keep pace with the changing time. The blessings of science now shine in every nook and corner of this world. But at the same time, it cannot be denied that the boon in many cases has been turned to bane by misusing it. In the present scenario it is really difficult to judge whether science is a blessing or a curse.

 In the Hindu mythology, a tale goes that once the devil Bhasmasur made Lord Shiva happy by penancing. The lord agreed to grant him a boon. Bhasmasur said, “O Lord. If my penance has really pleased you then empower me with the boon of destroying anybody as soon as I keep my palm on his head “Lord Shiva said, “tattle astu” meaning “so be it”. To check whether the boon works or not Bhasmasur starts running after lord Shiva with the intention of keeping his palm on the lord’s head and destroying him. Lord Vishnu comes to know about this matter. He appears in front of Bhasmasur in his “Mohini roop” Bhasmasur gets enchanted by the beauty of “Mohini” and starts dancing with her. While dancing by mistake, keeps his palm on his own head and is destroyed. For him, his boon turns into a curse. Today, we are experiencing the same thing. Using the gifts of science in the wrong way is also destroying us. The blessing is behaving like a curse. There are numerous examples which prove that boon has been turned into bane.

Television, a gift of science gives us information almost about everything. It is a good source of entertainment. But mere are many programmes which promote violence and the teenagers are more interested in watching those programmes.

Television and teenage violence is not a new thing for us. The world over, more and more teenagers are involved in robberies, muggings, murders and rape. Aggressiveness and violence at an early age have led to shocking crimes: son murdering his mother, brothers killing one another, daughter poisoning her parents, and many more such incidents are directly or indirectly attributed to impact of the violent and indecent programmes displayed on television.

Sometimes even the mature people are influenced by the programmes they view on TV and apply different methods of crime shown in movies and serials in daily life, Guns, revolvers, tanks and fighter planes, etc. were invented to develop a strong security system to protect the innocent masses so that they can freely move and survive without any fear but their misuse is now crushing humanity. Terrorists are using lethal weapons, the creation of science, to create terror in the hearts and minds of innocents.

Biotechnology is a great boon for fight against chronic diseases which humanity has been suffering from. But along with medicines highly dangerous biological weapons have also been developed. Even the terrorists are planning to acquire and use these weapons. Germs are deliberately released into the air to cause disease. Anthrax envelops are used for spreading terrorism. The use of pesticides and fertilizers has been a boon in many respects, but out of a drive to yield more and more, their input to the soil was increased so much that the danger of salinity of soil started arising. Motor vehicles, no doubt, emit a lot of poisonous materials into the atmosphere. Mobile phones have given us a very efficient means of communication but at the same time it is hazardous to health. Cyber crime is the outcome of technology. The MMS racket of Delhi and many other similar cases have rocked different parts of the country. Webcams are secretly being installed in hotel rooms, thus invading the privacy of people.

We can conclude by saying that science has two faces.  When we use it the jelly face appears but when we misuse it. Its hostile face terrifies us. So, it depends on mankind which face they want to see. Like the flight of a dove the good uses of science will give us the feeling of paradise but it’s wrong use will throw us in the pit of serpents. There is an appropriate way to do anything. There is a way to sing. There is a way to dance. There is a way to play music. Similarly, there is a right way to use gifts of science so that it appears as a blessing and not as a curse.

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Essay on Science and Technology – Boon or Bane

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Write an essay on Science and Technology – Boon or Bane.

Science and Technology – Boon or Bane

The advent of science is a great blessing to mankind. Science has relieved us of our “age long” ignorance, suffering and darkness. It serves us in all walks of life like a faithful servant. It has proved itself to be quite an obedient servant at home, In the field and in the factory. Science has magic power. It has transformed our daily life. Science has made the luxurious items cheap and has brought them within the reach of everybody. Science produces goods at cheaper rates on large scale.

Every form of entertainment has been brought to our door. A radio or a television set removes boredom from our lives. They have enlightened our lives and made our burdens light. Even a cobbler keeps a radio with him. He listens to the radio programmers while mending the shoes.

Science has shown every care and concern for our health. It has cured us of many chronic and incurable diseases. It has cured epidemics like cholera, plague and small pox. Science has made traveling a pleasure. It has conquered time and distance.

Man of today travels through deserts and forests with safety and speed. The aero planes have completed the work of years in months. Science has lightened the toil of the housewife by placing many devices at her disposal. Cooking, washing and cleaning are done in the twinkling of an eye.

Electricity serves the housewife like a housemaid. It has provided her enough leisure to rest or to give better attention to her children. Science has taken upon itself even the mental jobs. It does all the back breaking and dangerous jobs for him. Science has shared a great contribution. Books are printed in large numbers at cheap rates. The newspapers add a great deal to our knowledge and give us exact information. Electricity has made the daily life of the common man. It is quite difference from what it used to be. It has eased agricultural and industrial activities.

But every silver cloud has a dark lining in it. Science too is no exception to it. Science has caused great havoc. It has made us idle & ease loving. The gun powder and destructive weapons of war can prove fatal to the well being of the world. It has rendered our jobs light but has made our hearts heavy. Lovers of peace denounce Science. It has ushered in an era of disturbance, lawlessness, instability, insecurity and barbarism, It has raised out standard of living on the foundation of uncertainty. So it is rightly said that Science is a good servant but bad master.

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7.Speech Writing : “Science and Technology”

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  Your school is celebrating ‘Science Week’ in which various programmes related to Science are being organized at the school level. In the same series, you have been asked to deliver a speech on the topic—”IS SCIENCE A BOON OR A BANE?” Based on the following input together with your reading of Unit-3, ‘Science’ (MCB), prepares a speech to be written in 120-150 words on the topic “Science and Technology “.

  • A great blessing to mankind—progress in all fields
  • From agriculture to medicine, detente and industry—a great leap forward
  • Some negative effects too.—Science instead of constructive purposes-being purposes—examples of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  • Industrial pollution—global warming
  • Science to be in safe hands—helper of mankind

  Ans .                                                            “Science and Technology “

Esteemed Principal Members of the jury. worthy teachers and my dear friends, today I would like to express topic science a Boon or a Hanoi We were glad when began the universe and set stations in the space and sang songs of Science but Were we bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and created a nuclear, holocaust?

Science is the product of man’s brain. It came into existence with his advent into the world. With his progress, Science has progressed. Today, it has proved to be one of the greatest blessings to mankind. Na held has been left untouched. We have used advanced techniques in the field r improve the yield production. New experiments are being done in the field of medicine and today there is a cure for almost every disease in the world. Similarly, in the fields of defence and industry, a revolution seems to have taken over the present times

But just as every coin had two sides, similarly science and technology are put to misuse by many ambitious human brains and the results are devastating. Tragic tales of Hiroshima. Nagasaki and Chernobyl still send shivers down our spines, every time there is a threat of a nuclear war. Industrial pollution and global warming are the two gifts of Science that, if not curbed, shall eat up the universe. Friends, let’s take the pledge to keep Science in safe hands and use it for constructive purposes. It’s high time that we realize that it needs to be used for the welfare of mankind as our ultimate aim is to make our earth a peaceful planet to live in.

 Thank you.

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Essay on Science And Technology A Boon Or Bane

Students are often asked to write an essay on Science And Technology A Boon Or Bane in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Science And Technology A Boon Or Bane

A double-edged sword.

Science and technology have revolutionized our lives in countless ways, but like any powerful tool, they can be used for good or for ill.

Benefits of Science and Technology

Science and technology have led to incredible advances in medicine, transportation, and communication. They have also made our lives easier and more comfortable, with conveniences like electricity, running water, and air conditioning.

Drawbacks of Science and Technology

However, science and technology can also have negative consequences. New technologies can displace jobs, and scientific discoveries can be used to create dangerous weapons. Additionally, our reliance on technology can lead to problems like social isolation and addiction.

Finding a Balance

The key to harnessing the power of science and technology for good is to find a balance. We need to use these tools responsibly and ethically so that they benefit humanity, not harm it.

Science and technology are powerful tools that can be used for good or for ill. It is up to us to decide how we will use them.

250 Words Essay on Science And Technology A Boon Or Bane

Science and technology: a boon or bane.

Science and technology have advanced at an unprecedented rate in recent decades, bringing about significant changes in our lives. These advancements have impacted various aspects of society, both positively and negatively.

Science and technology have revolutionized the way we live. They have provided us with numerous conveniences and made our lives easier. From modern medicine to communication devices, from the internet to space exploration, science and technology have transformed our world.

While science and technology have brought about numerous benefits, they have also led to several drawbacks. Environmental issues, such as climate change and pollution, have been exacerbated by technological advancements. Additionally, some argue that technology has led to increased isolation and decreased human interaction.

Ethics and Responsibility

As science and technology continue to advance, it is essential to consider the ethical implications and potential consequences. It is crucial to use these advancements responsibly and ensure that they are directed towards the betterment of society.

Science and technology have been both a boon and a bane to society. While they have brought about tremendous benefits, it is imperative to address the potential drawbacks and use these advancements responsibly. Striking a balance between the advantages and disadvantages of science and technology is vital to ensure a sustainable and harmonious future.

500 Words Essay on Science And Technology A Boon Or Bane

Science and technology – a double-edged sword.

Science and technology have revolutionized the world as we know it and brought countless benefits to humanity. From the internet and smartphones to life-saving medical treatments, modern marvels have made our lives easier, safer, and more connected. However, alongside these advancements, there are concerns about their potential downsides which raise the question: Is science and technology a boon or a bane?

Boon: Improved Quality of Life

One of the most significant blessings of science and technology is the enhanced quality of life it offers. Medical advancements, such as vaccines and antibiotics, have eradicated deadly diseases, extending lifespans and improving overall health. Likewise, technological innovations like smartphones and computers have transformed communication, access to information, and entertainment, making our lives more convenient and connected.

Boon: Environmental Progress

Science and technology have also played a crucial role in environmental protection. Renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, are gaining traction as cleaner alternatives to fossil fuels, reducing carbon emissions and combating climate change. Furthermore, technological developments in waste management and recycling are helping to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Bane: Technological Addiction

While technology offers numerous benefits, its overuse can lead to addiction and negative consequences. Excessive use of social media, video games, or the internet can isolate individuals, leading to loneliness, anxiety, and depression. Additionally, the constant bombardment of information and notifications can be overwhelming and distracting, affecting concentration and productivity.

Bane: Environmental Impact

While science and technology have the potential to mitigate environmental issues, they can also contribute to them. The production, use, and disposal of electronic devices, for instance, generate vast amounts of electronic waste that often ends up in landfills, releasing hazardous substances into the environment. Moreover, the mining of raw materials for technological devices can result in deforestation, soil erosion, and water pollution.

Bane: Job Displacement

Technological advancements have led to automation and increased efficiency, which can result in job displacement. As machines and algorithms become more sophisticated, they can perform tasks previously done by humans, leading to job losses and economic hardship for affected individuals. This can have far-reaching implications for communities and the economy as a whole.

In conclusion, science and technology are a double-edged sword, offering both remarkable advancements and potential drawbacks. They have the power to improve our lives, enhance our understanding of the world, and address global challenges. However, it is crucial to remain mindful of the potential negative consequences and strike a balance between progress and potential risks. By using science and technology responsibly, we can harness their benefits while minimizing their harmful effects, creating a future that is both prosperous and sustainable.

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speech on the topic science a boon

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Technology: Boon or Bane?

Jul 31, 2018 | CRI

Does technology make our lives simpler, more efficient or does it drive us to distraction and muddle our brains? The debate is never-ending (and definitely not as black and white), but one thing we know for certain, path breaking technologies are revolutionizing the worlds within which we live. Over the past 25 years, we have roved Mars, designed self driving cars, and 3D printed organs. We can modify genes, stream movies, and Amazon everything — but, amidst ever-increasing automation, we have plagued ourselves with lifestyle diseases such as obesity, metabolic syndrome, and substance abuse.

Ganesh Thakur

Dr. Ganesh Thakur, Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Northeastern University, is committed to addressing these grave afflictions. Leveraging the boon of technology to mitigate the bane of technology, Thakur has focused his research on the Cannabinoid 1 (CB1) receptor. The CB1 receptor is involved in brain functions like “rewards, learning, memory, motor control, and addiction,”* and has been a frequent target for therapeutic development in respect to neuropathic pain, appetite control, and neurodegeneration. However frequent the attempts, efficient binding to the CB1 receptor has remained elusive.

Thakur has discovered success where others have failed. Instead of targeting the highly selective and conservative orthosteric binding sites of the Cb1 receptor, Thakur concentrates on the more hospitable allosteric binding sites. This “flip of the script” enables modification of the CB1 receptor configuration thereby permitting the introduction of therapeutics without toxic effect.

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In a time troubled by substance abuse, obesity, and neurodegenerative disease, Ganesh Thakur’s “Allosteric Modulators of the Cannabinoid 1 Receptor” represents technology at its best: technology that aims to alleviate suffering, create therapeutic pathways, and engender hope in healing.

Learn about Ganesh Thakur’s Lab  or for more news about Ganesh Thakur, click here .

Want more information about this tech? Email Mark Saulich   regarding “Allosteric Modulators of the Cannabinoid 1 Receptor.”

Credits Written by Divya Parikh & Brice Tennant. Cover photo by [email protected] . All rights reserved. Copy photo 2 by mefisto.s . All rights reserved. *United States Patent #9,926,275 B2


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Is Technology a Boon or a Bane? An Essay

Through neocolonial trade relations, globalization has caused a world-wide division of labor, resources, and consumption—between former colonizers and the colonized. Technology—the latest in the choir of idols worshipped by the modern West—exacerbates this schism even as it reduces it. This article explores the implications of the products of technology for work, class, and caste in this last phase of neocolonialism. Technological devices that de-class us, by replacing human and animal workers, can also re-class us by dividing owners from the operators of machines.

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Bora , Garima . 2019 . “ A robot to end manual scavenging? This startup can provide the ‘Swachh Bharat’ we need .” The Economic Times . June 7 . ( ).

Genrobotics . nd. “ Manual Scavenging v/s Bandicoot .” Genrobotics. com ( ).

Goswami , Subhojit . 2018 . “ Manual scavenging: A stinking legacy of suffocation and stigma .” DownToEarth . September 11 . ( ).

Heidegger , Martin . 1977 . The Question Concerning Technology and other Essays . NY : Harper & Row Publishers, Inc .

Nkrumah , Kwame . 1974 . Neo-Colonialism The Last Stage of Imperialism . London : Panaf Books Limited .

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Science Is A Boon Or Bane

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Essay Topics on SCIENCE: A BOON


Scientific discoveries and inventions have made the life of men easier and smoother. In the earlier days men had to undertake very jobs as scientific devices and technical know-how was not available. Besides hard work, the process of productions was very slow. Thus, most of the wants of men remain unfulfilled.

With the passage of time education and knowledge developed. Men concentrated more and more on the study and application of the know-how of science. Emphasis was laid on the study of science. Rigorous study and research of science resulted in numerous scientific methods in different aspects of life. Now there is hardly any aspect of life in which science and scientific techniques are not used.

All the items of comfort and luxury is produced through the use of scientific knowledge, machines and better production methods.

Throughout the world more and more concentration is being made to have more scientific knowledge and inventions. This has lead to improvement in agriculture, industrial development, and expansion of education, better spread of transportation and means of communications.

Means of entertainment-radio, television, cinema, VCR, video games etc have been developed through the applications of science and scientific knowledge.

In defence science has helped a lot in developing latest equipment, weapons, armaments etc. In space research and technology too more and more of science information’s and technologies are being used today. Thus, it is true to say that for human beings, knowledge and us of science is a boon.

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Write an essay on Science: A boon or a curse in about 150 words.

More from this Exercise

Science: A Boon or a Curse The word science literally means knowledge. The modern age is an age of science. Science is the greatest boon to the modern world. Modern discoveries and inventions have increased human comforts and happiness. The first thing that man learnt to do was to Conquer Nature. He can now sail the vast oceans fly in the air travel underground and do a lot more things. Inventions like the telephone mobile computer etc. have changed mans forever. There have been inventions and discoveries in all aspects of life. Science has worked greater miracles in the field of health and medicine. Science has been the greatest weapon in Mans battle against diseases of various kinds. Technology is on a rise everyday. Each new day brings better technology with it. So we can say that science is a boon to human life.

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निबंध लिखें: विज्ञान वरदान या अभिशाप ।

Which style would you use to write an essay on the topic "Science: A boon or a curse"?

विज्ञान वरदान या अभिशाप

विज्ञान : वरदान या अभिशाप

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विज्ञान तथा तकनीकी पर लगभग 150 शब्दों में संक्षिप्त टिप्पणी लिखिए।

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Essay on Science is boon or a Curse

Science is boon or a Curse

Can you imagine life without electricity, television, mobile phones, bike, etc? It was not very easy earlier to travel miles without any means of transportation. The people could not easily communicate with their close ones and relatives as there were no options other than sending letters. It is only because of science we have been facilitated with enormous technologies.

Short and Long Essay on Science as a Boon or a Curse in English

I have tried my best to present my views on this topic in this long essay that can be an aid to students for writing essays, projects, and assignments.

Science as a Boon or a Curse Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) Science and its applications are used by us every day.

2) Science has made our daily work easier.

3) With the help of science, we are living a luxurious and comfortable life.

4) The medical field has developed a lot with the help of science and technology.

5) Communication with distant people is now a few-minute job.

6) Development in the field of education is possible with science.

7) Science is helping in the development of the country.

8) Apart from comfort, science is responsible for increasing pollution.

9) With science people are developing harmful gadgets and machinery.

10) Science can be a boon or curse depending on how people use them.

Short Essay on Science a Boon or Curse (250 words)


The early men were the first human beings to live on this earth. They did not have any kind of tools or machinery. They spent most of their time gathering food for them and ate raw fruits and flesh. Slowly and gradually the invention of tools, fire, the wheel, fabrics, etc. took place. These all were possible because of science and technology. The advancement of science has helped in transforming the early man era to the scientific era.

Science is a wonder for human beings. It has contributed to various inventions and discoveries in the entire world. Science is involved in everything that we do in our life. It has helped human beings to understand the different processes that are taking place around us.

Science – A Boon or Curse

Science has brought a magical advancement in different fields like learning, teaching, medicine, agriculture, defence, commerce, industrial, etc. It has been possible because of scientific innovations and technological developments. The survival of human beings is not possible without science. Science in real terms is a blessing for mankind, but on the other hand, it can become a bane if used in a negative way. There are people who use scientific knowledge for destruction and bloodshed.

The invention of different types of weapons used for destruction and loss of life is the negative use of scientific knowledge and technology. It is always that overuse of anything becomes a poison and the same is applicable in science. The practical use of scientific knowledge must be done when required or excessive use will result in causing environmental problems. Science is a blessing if used for the betterment of humanity but can be a curse if used inappropriately by destructive minds.

The real meaning of science is knowledge. Knowledge is always useful until and unless we make wrong use of the same.

Long Essay on Is Science a Blessing or a Curse (1050 Words)

Human beings have transformed from early nomads to civilized citizens which owe their gratitude to science. Science is involved in every phenomenon in our life. From our daily routine works to the invention of satellite and space technologies there is an important role of science. Life was very hard to live before these developments. Every work was time taking as there were no developments. Intelligent minds converted these necessities into facilities and this is called science.

Science is an Undulating Curiosity

Every day different thoughts and ideas strike in our minds. The sparklies in the conversion of these ideas into an invention. The basic meaning of science is adhering to curiosity. This is the keen desire to know about different happenings that are taking place around us. The conversion of ideas into discovery is termed as science which provides an answer to our curiosity.

Curiosity and innovations lead to the development of several technologies which have made our life easier. Science has solved the major complexities of our life. Science exists in nature and its phenomenon, variations of weather and climatic conditions, activities happening in space, etc. The basic explanation to every question which arises in our mind is possible because of science.

Computer: A Great Contribution of Science

The development of computers in this era which is denoted as the science age is of utmost importance. Computers have become a necessity in every sector like medicine, agriculture, architecture, Industrial, teaching, research, and development. We can clear all our doubts about using computers. It is due to the development of this tool which has made communication and access to information about what is happening all around the world.

Mobile phones are smart computers which are nowadays seen in every hand. Development in technological advancements gave birth to mobile phones. They are handy and can be easily carried. Most of the works like browsing, sending messages, or mails take a few seconds to be performed. It could not be possible without science and its perspectives.

Advantages of Science as a Technology

  • Improved Our Living Standard – Science has made our living standard to raise from a normal level to a luxurious one. Today we have been provided with a lot of facilities. Earlier there were limited means of transportation and today we have a bike or car in every house. The time of radio has been transformed by televisions, home theatres, laptops, mobiles, etc.
  • Involved in Our Daily Routines – The use of television, geysers, refrigerators, fan, telephone, gas stove, etc. are brought into the use of human beings which are incredible discoveries of science. Without these technologies, we cannot imagine our life. They have become our necessities.
  • Useful in Medical Science and Treatment – There are cures and medicines available for different incurable diseases. Different machines are developed for diagnosing various diseases that could not be easily diagnosed earlier. Science has made such things possible that were considered impossible at a time. It is because of science that there are medicines and cures available for chronic diseases.
  • Facilitated Communication – People can easily send messages and emails. The technology has enhanced in such a way that a person sitting in one country can easily contact people in other countries. This also has been a boon for trade and businesses which in turn helps in boosting the economy of the nation.
  • Aid in Learning and Teaching – The science era has brought various changes. There are smart classes instead of a board, chalk, and duster. The distance learning program is an aid for the students of remote areas who are unable to attend classes physically.

Disadvantages of Science as a Technology

  • Environmental Degradation – The gaseous pollutants like smoke, dust, NOx, SOx, generated from industrial areas and vehicles, effluents discharged from the factories are posing a great threat to our environment. They are degrading the quality of air, water, soil. These developed inventions are a gift of science but are totally a curse if they are causing harm to our environment.
  • Development of Life Ending Weapons – Science and its technologies utilized in a negative way can create biological weapons that can cause the destruction of the whole world. Technologies can also be used to develop modern weapons that may be dangerous for human existence. The atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War 2 has its devastating effects existing till date. The atom bomb was also the invention of science.

Is Science a Boon or a Curse?

Science is a blessing for human beings. It has made many impossible things to become possible. Today there are different technologies, space crafts, satellites, and nuclear developments. The man had been to the moon and mars. The Stone Age man has been transformed into the man of the modern era. There are new types of defense technologies to protect the country from any kind of danger.

Science has led to various developments and invention which is of great benefit to mankind but on the other hand, it is bane as, it has been observed that the developments have made man become lazy and full of health issues. Man can use science and technology to benefit him and can cause the destruction of others by making bombs and destructive weapons which can cause violence and death of many innocent people. The use of science can be made in a good way to benefit mankind along with keeping the care of the environment at the same time. The good use of science will yield better results while negative use will result in destruction and the end of life.

Science should be used as an aid in the development of mankind. It must provide assistance for development. It should not overpower us. This will lead to the negative impacts and destruction of nature as well as mankind. Human beings have become selfish and are only thinking for their betterment which is only the cause of environmental degradation.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans . The new advancements and specialization of science into different braches is called modern science.

Ans . The misuse of science and technology by man leads to destruction and thus becomes a curse. Example – Deadly weapons and bombs.

Ans . The development of new machines, means of transportation and communication reduces our workload and is helpful in saving time, effort, and money.

Ans . Science is totally based upon facts.

Ans . Experiments in science are performed to prove the theoretical concepts.

Ans . The development of medicine and treatments by science for incurable diseases prove to be a miracle in this area.

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1 Minute Speech on Science and Technology

  • Speech Writing

They say the 21st century is the century of science and technology. Today, we do almost all our work with the help of science and technology. In modern times, the clean growth of a country cannot be imagined without science and technology. We all know the value of science and technology in our daily lives. Different inventions of science have made our everyday life simple and stress-free as well. On the other hand, technology has taught us the modern way of life.  

On the other hand, the economic growth of a country also depends on the growth of science and technology. According to recent data, our country, India, has the third largest scientific workforce in the world. India is progressively developing in the field of science and technology. The Indian Space Research Organization has its own launch satellite among all the other countries in the world. After independence, India launched a number of satellites in the space of its own efforts. On November 5, 2013, India again proved its power in the field of science and technology by launching Mangalyaan on Mars. The former Indian president APJ Abdul Kalam has worked himself out at DRDO ( Defence Research and Development Organization) and ISRO and tried to develop India in the field of science and technology.  


With the advancement of science and technology, some deadly weapons have been developed and modern wars of different nations have become more devastating and destructive. Nuclear energy has become a real threat to this world in modern times. With this in mind, the great scientist Einstein noted that the Fourth World War would be fought with stones or trees evacuated. In fact, he was afraid that the inventions of deadly weapons of war would one day end up in human civilization. But if we use science and technology for the well-being of the human being, it will develop us in the fastest way.       


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Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

47 Science Speech Topics [Persuasive, Informative]

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

In this article:

Persuasive Science Speech Topics

Informative science speech topics.

science speech topics

  • Physically challenged students ought not be separated in class.
  • Effective erosion control methods are needed to protect barrier islands.
  • How you deal with failure determines how you achieve success.
  • Space exploration helps improving life on Earth.
  • Agnosticism is skepticism regarding theology.
  • There is no single ADHD test for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
  • Develop guidelines for scientific embryonic stem cell research consent.
  • Not all medical and scientific research improves public health.
  • Cancer is the most important disease scientists should research and solve.
  • Science makes our way of life change too fast.
  • Space exploration benefits our world.
  • The reason we don’t grow hair on our toenails.
  • The effects of music on the brain.
  • How does our brain work?
  • Mars was the same as Earth in the past.
  • How much of our brain do we actually use?
  • How Charles Darwin changed the world.
  • The latest discoveries in astronomy.
  • Where did dogs come from?
  • The history of greyhound dogs.
  • The craziest scientists in history.
  • How to survive a shark attack.
  • How bottled water is purified.
  • The incredible power of the mind.
  • A cheetah’s hunting skills.
  • Innovative science experiments that are benefitting everyone.
  • The best butterfly collecting methods.
  • The intelligence of dolphins.
  • The need to preserve forests.
  • The important 18th century Swiss chemists.
  • The history of genetically mutated animals.
  • The latest astronomical technology.
  • How light emitting diode lamps work.
  • The endangerment of tigers.
  • Why oxygen is so important.
  • Are humans still evolving?
  • The benefits of wind resistant technology.
  • Why bats hang upside down.
  • How the Earth was formed.
  • How galaxies are formed.
  • The best types of houseplants.
  • How chocolate is made.
  • How the the Great Lakes formed.
  • How DNA evidence is used.
  • Your body language reveals your deepest secrets.
  • How earthquakes can be predicted.
  • Why polar bears are going extinct.

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I did a speech on the importance of space exploration and discovery

Penguin’s Life. I talk about that and BOOM!.

Microbes effects on the mind and body

why we should not use plastic

why we should use plastic

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Trump learns the truth about RFK Jr. the hard way

Robert kennedy jr.'s campaign is backfiring on maga, by heather digby parton.

For many months former president Donald Trump's henchmen pushed the candidacy of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as an agent of chaos and a boon to Trump's latest bid for the presidency. Salon's Amanda Marcotte presciently called out their strategy in a piece last May titled " Of course Steve Bannon and Alex Jones love RFK Jr. — he's a great weapon for their war on reality. " At that time Kennedy was running in the Democratic primary and it was easy to dismiss the right-wing "support" from the likes of Bannon and Jones as well as from former Trump admirer and QANON adherent Michael Flynn, Turning Point USA's Charlie Kirk and Trump henchman Roger Stone as partisan mischief. But it was more than that.

They touted Kennedy as a perfect Trump running mate; a "dream ticket" ostensibly to attract low information, liberal anti-vaxxers and environmentalists to the GOP. Bannon worked this idea hard, suggesting that a Trump-Kennedy ticket would win in a landslide.  In one of his podcast s last spring he told his audience that when MAGA crowds heard him say that Kennedy would be an excellent choice for Trump's running mate, he would get a standing ovation. (Kennedy  denies  that they ever spoke about it.)

Unfortunately for the Trumpers, their tactics appear to have backfired. 

In the beginning, Trump was very complimentary,  calling  Kennedy a "very smart guy, and a good guy. He’s a common-sense guy, and so am I. So, whether you’re conservative or liberal, common sense is common sense.” Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, while he was still in the primary,  said  that he would appoint the conspiracy theorist, anti-vaxxer to run the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Even Tucker Carlson  declared  that Kennedy was not an extremist, extolling his character as "deeply insightful and above all honest." House Republicans called him to Capitol Hill to testify about censorship (because Twitter had banned him for spewing dangerous vaccine disinformation.) They all just loved the guy. 

When Kennedy dropped out of the Democratic primary to run as an independent, many political pundits assumed that it was yet another disaster for the Biden campaign. Kennedy had been garnering around 15 to 20 percent in the primary polls and the glittering Kennedy name was considered a massive draw among Democratic voters. If he could hold that 15 percent in a general election, Trump could win. So maybe that bizarre Trump-Kennedy ticket wasn't going to happen but Bannon looked like a hero in that moment for drawing Kennedy into the race anyway. 

It would be poetic justice if Steve Bannon putting an anti-vax conspiracy theorist into the mix proved to be Trump's undoing.

But then a funny thing happened. Right after he announced his independent bid, NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist conducted a poll  that found Biden beating Trump by 49 to 46%, but when Kennedy entered the mix, Biden's lead over Trump jumped to 7 points (Biden lost 5 points, but Trump lost 10). It turns out that the "common sense guy" who pushes a raft of conspiracy theories is more appealing to the right than the left. Who could have guessed? 

In case you're wondering, here's a very small sample of his cracked beliefs. In addition to his decades-long disinformation campaign against vaccines, Kennedy has also claimed that antidepressants cause mass shootings and that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was  a CIA operation.  He promises to  seal the U.S.-Mexico border permanently  and thinks that kids are swimming through a soup of toxic chemicals that  cause them to become transgender . He thinks 5G cell towers are going to control our behavior and Bill Gates wants to  genetically modify  humanity. That's just for starters. It stands to reason that he would be popular among Republicans. They "do their own research" too. 

That polling has not changed in the intervening months. A recent NBC poll  showed  that Trump leads Biden by two points but with Kennedy in the race, Biden leads by the same number.  Trump's favorite pollster , John McLaughlin,  showed  an even more alarming result among Independents. In the head-to-head, they preferred Biden by 4 points. But with Kennedy on the ballot, it's Biden 29 percent, Kennedy 23 percent and Trump at 22 percent. All of this explains why Donald Trump has suddenly gone on the offensive against Kennedy in a big way. 

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Trump first tried to spin this on a Truth Social video by saying that Kennedy has “got some nice things about him” and “I happen to like him," but he's really "more in line with Democrats" and he believes that he "will do very well" and take a lot of votes from Biden. He offered that if he were a Democrat he would vote for him. That's what passes for subtlety from Donald Trump.

But those numbers must be getting worse because now he's taken off the gloves and poor junior isn't a nice guy after all.

In one of his most "up-is-down" rants ever, Trump filmed another Truth Social video claiming that RFK Jr. is a "Democratic plant" and a "Radical Left Liberal who’s been put in place in order to help Crooked Joe Biden, the Worst President in the History of the United States, get Re-Elected." As we've seen, if he's a plant he's a  Republican  plant, coaxed into the race by Steve Bannon and Roger Stone. And Trump actually had the audacity to issue one of the most ridiculous whoppers ever: He said that Kennedy isn't a real anti-vaxxer:

You think he’s an anti-vaxxer, he’s not really an anti-vaxxer. That’s only his political moment. He said the other night he’s okay with a vaccine. RFK’s views on vaccines are fake, as is everything else about his candidacy.

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Say what you will about RFK Jr, but he  is   the nation's foremost anti-vaxxer  and has been for many years. If that's your jam, he's the real deal. Trump, on the other hand, is the guy who is yearning to take credit for the COVID vaccines but he can't because  he gets booed  by his cult followers. He's the fake anti-vaxxer. 

Trump sounded uncharacteristically desperate at the NRA convention on Saturday slamming Kennedy again, saying that he calls the NRA a terrorist group and comparing him to a fly that was driving him crazy. 

There's no way of knowing if Kennedy will get on the ballot in all the swing states or if people will actually vote for him or one of the other third party candidates in November. It would be better not to have them running when the stakes are so high. But it would be poetic justice if Steve Bannon putting an anti-vax conspiracy theorist into the mix proved to be Trump's undoing. Live by the rat-f***k, die by the rat-f***k. 

about this topic

  • Who believes the most "taboo" conspiracy theories? It might not be who you think
  • RFK Jr. running mate, Nicole Shanahan, throws an $8 million lifeline to campaign
  • RFK is now openly gunning for Trump voters — and Republicans are starting to worry

Heather Digby Parton, also known as " Digby ," is a contributing writer to Salon. She was the winner of the 2014 Hillman Prize for Opinion and Analysis Journalism.

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May 28, 2024

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Research suggests hate speech experiences drop when schools offer structure and adult support

by Karen Nikos-Rose, UC Davis

teacher tech

Asian Americans have been the targets of hate speech for generations, particularly during the COVID pandemic. But new research by the University of California, Davis, suggests that Asian American adolescents experience fewer incidents of hate speech in schools with stronger disciplinary structures and adult support.

A new study looks at hate speech experiences even before COVID, during the period between 2015 and 2019. The article , "Hate Speech Against Asian American Youth: Pre-Pandemic Trends and The Role of School Factors," was published May 4 in the Journal of Youth and Adolescence.

"Although hate against Asian American and Pacific Islander communities is longstanding and systemic, a strong confluence of recent events—the pandemic, coupled with social and political rifts—has intensified this hate," said lead author Kevin Gee, a professor in the UC Davis School of Education who specializes in school organization and educational policy .

Gee and his co-authors sought to look at how school environments might perpetuate, or in the alternative, offer protection from hate speech.

"This study found that stronger authoritative climates alongside supportive adults in schools are linked to lower probability that Asian American adolescents experience hate speech at school," Gee said. He said the research also showed that adolescents who report engaging in fights were more likely to experience hate speech and social victimization in general.

Gee said that schools can help reduce hate speech though more positive school climates, in particular. "Authoritative school climate and exposure to fights are malleable and can be shaped directly by broader school climate-related policies, programs and interventions," he said. "School climate has potential to protect Asian American youth from hate speech at school."

Researchers analyzed data collected from 938 Asian American adolescents from 2015, 2017 and 2019 School Crime Supplement to the National Crime Victimization Survey. On average, about 7% of Asian Americans were targets of hate speech at school between 2015 and 2019. Rates went down for students who experienced "strict, yet fair" disciplinary rules when coupled with strong adult support.

Delving deeper into the numbers, about 1 in 15 Asian American adolescents reported being victims of hate speech during the study period, with 1 in 5 reporting hate speech in school environments with the least disciplinary structure. Those schooled in the most disciplinary structured environments experienced hate speech at a level of 1 in 20, according to the research.

For students who engaged in fights, their predicted probability of encountering hate speech is roughly 30%, compared to 12% for counterparts who did not engage in fights.

Co-authors of the study include North Cooc, associate professor at University of Texas, Austin; and Peter Yu, an undergraduate researcher at UC Davis.

Journal information: Journal of Youth and Adolescence

Provided by UC Davis

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The song remains the same —

Whale songs have features of language, but whales may not be speaking, the features that whale calls share with language are very abstract..

Jacek Krywko - May 22, 2024 3:55 pm UTC

A group of sperm whales and remora idle near the surface of the ocean.

Whales use complex communication systems we still don’t understand, a trope exploited in sci-fi shows like Apple TV’s Extrapolations . That show featured a humpback whale (voiced by Meryl Streep) discussing Mahler’s symphonies with a human researcher via some AI-powered inter-species translation app developed in 2046.

We’re a long way from that future. But a team of MIT researchers has now analyzed a database of Caribbean sperm whales’ calls and has found there really is a contextual and combinatorial structure in there. But does it mean whales have a human-like language and we can just wait until Chat GPT 8.0 to figure out how to translate from English to Sperm-Whaleish? Not really.

One-page dictionary

“Sperm whales communicate using clicks. These clicks occur in short packets we call codas that typically last less than two seconds, containing three to 40 clicks,” said Pratyusha Sharma, a researcher at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and the lead author of the study. Her team argues that codas are analogues of words in human language and are further organized in coda sequences that are analogues of sentences. “Sperm whales are not born with this communication system; it's acquired and changes over the course of time,” Sharma said.

Seemingly, sperm whales have a lot to communicate about. Earlier observational studies revealed that they live a fairly complex social life revolving around family units forming larger structures called clans. They also have advanced hunting strategies and do group decision-making , seeking consensus on where to go and what to do.

Despite this complexity in behavior and relationships, their vocabulary seemed surprisingly sparse.

Sharma’s team sourced a record of codas from the dataset of the Dominica Sperm Whale Project, a long-term study on sperm whales that recorded and annotated 8,719 individual codas made by EC-1, a sperm whale clan living in East Caribbean waters. Those 8,719 recorded codas, according to earlier research on this database, were really just 21 coda types that the whales were using over and over.

A set of 21 words didn’t look like much of a language. “But this [number] is exactly what we found was not true,” Sharma said.

Fine-grained changes

“People doing those earlier studies were looking at the calls in isolation... They were annotating these calls, taking them out of context, shuffling them up, and then tried to figure out what kind of patterns were recurring,” Sharma explained. Her team, by contrast, analyzed the same calls in their full context, basically looking at entire exchanges rather than at separate codas. “One of the things we saw was fine-grained changes in the codas that other whales participating in the exchange were noticing and reacting to. If you looked at all these calls out of context, all these fine-grained changes would be lost; they would be considered noise,” Sharma said.

The first of those newly recognized fine-grained changes was termed “rubato,” borrowed from music, where it means introducing slight variations in the tempo of a piece. Communicating sperm whales could stretch or shrink a coda while keeping the same rhythm (where rhythm describes the spacing between the clicks in a coda).

The second feature the researchers discovered was ornamentation. “An ornament is an extra click added at the end of the coda. And when you have this extra click, it marks a critical point, and the call changes. It either happens toward the beginning or at the end of the call,” said Sharma.

The whales could individually manipulate rubato and ornamentation, as well as previously identified rhythm and tempo features. By combining this variation, they can produce a very large variety of codas. “The whales produce way more combinations of these features than 21—the information-carrying capacity of this system is a lot more capable than that,” Sharma said.

Her team identified 18 types of rhythm, three variants of rubato, five types of tempo, and an ability to add an ornament or not in the sperm whale’s communication system. That adds up to 540 possible codas, of which there are roughly 150 these whales frequently used in real life. Not only were sperm whales’ calls built with distinctive units at a coda level (meaning they were combinatorial), but they were compositional in that a call contained multiple codas.

But does that get us any closer to decoding the whale’s language?

“The combinatoriality at the word level and compositionality at the sentence level in human languages is something that looks very similar to what we found,” Sharma said. But the team didn’t determine whether meaning was being conveyed, she added. And without evidence of meaning, we might be barking up the wrong tree entirely.

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May 29, 2024

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Study suggests vocal exploration in babies is important for speech development

by Public Library of Science

Babies babble squeals and growls in clustering patterns observable from birth through the first year, suggesting this active vocal exploration is important to speech development

In the first large-scale observation with human coding of infant vocalizations using all-day home recordings, babies of all ages from birth up to a year old squealed and growled in significant cluster patterns, suggesting the babies may have been actively engaged in noise-making play and sound practice, according to a study published May 29 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Hyunjoo Yoo from the University of Alabama, Pumpki Lei Su from the University of Texas at Dallas, and colleagues.

In their first year of life, babies spend a remarkable amount of time vocalizing—both responding with noises to parents and caregivers, as well as self-directed babbling that could be considered vocal play, or exploration. Researchers have identified the most common baby phonation categories as vocants, or vowel-like sounds; squeals; and growls. Here, Yoo, Su, and colleagues investigate whether babies group specific noises in a non-random way, which would suggest practice or play.

The authors analyzed recordings from 130 English-learning, normally-developing babies recorded all day in their own homes in their first year of life by caregivers (taken from a larger study conducted by the Marcus Autism Center, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, and Emory University School of Medicine). A total of 21 five-minute samples were randomly chosen from each infant recording. The authors parsed each vocalization made in every sample into vocants, squeals, and growls (as well as "other" sounds).

Forty percent of all analyzed squeals and growls appeared in significant clusters across all infants. Over 60 percent of the 5-minute sessions showed a significant amount of clustering focusing on either squeals or growls, not both in one session. Some 87 percent of infants showed at least one age where their recordings had significant squeal clustering and at least one age where their recordings had significant growl clustering, with no infants demonstrating no clustering.

The authors note their sound categorizing approach, while enabling them to collect a large amount of data, likely oversimplified complexities and nuances in vocalizations. However, the quantitative dataset gathered here is sufficient to see clear patterns in individual babies as well as across the entire group, suggesting a possible pathway for language development warranting further investigation.

The authors add, "Active vocal exploration and vocal category formation are fundamental to subsequent language development . The present study represents the first empirical investigation of early vocal category formation. Infants not only spontaneously produce speech-like vocalizations, but also actively explore and practice different types of vocalizations from the first months of life."

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A new model to produce more natural synthesized speech

by Ingrid Fadelli , Tech Xplore

A new model to produce more natural synthesised speech

Recent technological advances are enabling the development of computational tools that could significantly improve the quality of life of individuals with disabilities or sensory impairments. These include so-called electromyography-to-speech (ETS) conversion models, designed to convert electrical signals produced by skeletal muscles into speech.

Researchers at University of Bremen and SUPSI recently introduced Diff-ETS, a model for ETS conversion that could produce more natural synthesized speech . This model, introduced in a paper posted to the preprint server arXiv , could be used to develop new systems that allow people who are unable to speak, such as patients who underwent a laryngectomy (a surgery to remove part of the human voice box), to communicate with others.

Most previously introduced techniques for ETS conversion have two key components: an EMG encoder and a vocoder. The electromyography (EMG) encoder can convert EMG signals into acoustic speech features, while the vocoder uses these speech features to synthesize speech signals.

"Due to an inadequate amount of available data and noisy signals, the synthesized speech often exhibits a low level of naturalness," Zhao Ren, Kevin Scheck and their colleagues wrote in their paper. "In this work, we propose Diff-ETS, an ETS model which uses a score-based diffusion probabilistic model to enhance the naturalness of synthesized speech. The diffusion model is applied to improve the quality of the acoustic features predicted by an EMG encoder."

In contrast with many other ETS conversion models developed in the past, consisting of an encoder and vocoder, the researchers' model has three components, namely an EMG encoder, a diffusion probabilistic model and a vocoder. The diffusion probabilistic model, the second of these components, is thus a new addition, which could result in more natural synthesized speech.

Ren, Scheck and their colleagues trained the EMG encoder to predict a so-called log Mel spectrogram (i.e., a visual representation of audio signals) and phoneme targets from EMG signals. The diffusion probabilistic model, on the other hand, was trained to enhance log Mel spectrograms, while the pre-trained vocoder can translate this spectrogram into synthesized speech.

The researchers evaluated the Diff-ETS model in a series of tests, comparing it with a baseline ETS technique. Their findings were highly promising, as the speech it synthesized was more natural and human-like than that produced by the baseline method.

"In our experiments, we evaluated fine-tuning the diffusion model on predictions of a pre-trained EMG encoder, and training both models in an end-to-end fashion," Ren, Scheck and their colleagues wrote in their paper. "We compared Diff-ETS with a baseline ETS model without diffusion using objective metrics and a listening test. The results indicated the proposed Diff-ETS significantly improved speech naturalness over the baseline."

In the future, the ETS conversion model developed by this team of researchers could be used to develop better technologies for the artificial generation of audible speech. These systems could allow people who are unable to speak to express their thoughts out loud, facilitating their interaction with others.

"In future efforts, one can reduce the number of model parameters using various methods, e. g., model compression and knowledge distillation, thereby generating speech samples in real-time ," the researchers wrote. "Moreover, a diffusion model can be trained together with the encoder and vocoder for further enhancing the speech quality."

© 2024 Science X Network

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