12 Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Examples

Administrative Assistants are the backbone of any organization, adept at juggling multiple tasks, prioritizing, and ensuring everything runs smoothly. Similarly, your cover letter serves as the backbone of your job application, skillfully balancing your professional narrative, showcasing your ability to handle diverse responsibilities, and demonstrating your commitment to efficiency. In this guide, we'll explore the best cover letter examples for Administrative Assistants to help you to present a compelling case for your next role.

cover letter for administrative staff

Cover Letter Examples

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The best way to start an Administrative Assistant cover letter is by grabbing the reader's attention immediately. Begin by addressing the hiring manager by name, if it's known. Then, introduce yourself and briefly mention the position you're applying for. You can also mention a notable achievement or experience that aligns with the job requirements. For example, "As an Administrative Assistant with over five years of experience in managing complex schedules and coordinating travel, I was excited to see your job posting for an Administrative Assistant." This approach shows that you're professional, experienced, and enthusiastic about the role.

Administrative Assistants should end a cover letter with a strong closing statement that reiterates their interest in the position and the value they can bring to the company. This could be something like, "I am excited about the opportunity to bring my unique skills and experience to your team and am confident that I can contribute significantly to your operations." Following this, it's important to express gratitude for the reader's time and consideration, such as, "Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my candidacy further." Lastly, end with a professional closing and your full name. "Sincerely" or "Best regards" are commonly used closings. If you're submitting a digital copy, include your contact information below your name. This ending leaves a positive, professional impression and opens the door for further communication.

An Administrative Assistant's cover letter should ideally be about one page in length. This is a standard length that allows you to succinctly present your skills, experiences, and qualifications without overwhelming the reader. It's important to remember that hiring managers often have to go through a large number of applications, so keeping your cover letter concise and to the point can increase the chances of it being read thoroughly. In terms of word count, aim for around 250 to 400 words. This should give you enough space to introduce yourself, explain why you're interested in the role and the company, and highlight your most relevant skills and experiences.

Writing a cover letter with no direct experience as an Administrative Assistant can seem challenging, but it's absolutely possible. Here's how you can approach it: 1. **Understand the role**: Research the role of an Administrative Assistant thoroughly. Understand the skills and qualities required for the job. This could include organizational skills, communication skills, proficiency in certain software, etc. 2. **Highlight transferable skills**: Even if you haven't worked as an Administrative Assistant before, you likely have skills from other jobs or experiences that are relevant. For example, if you've worked in customer service, you've likely developed strong communication and problem-solving skills. If you've worked in a fast-paced retail environment, you've likely honed your ability to multitask. Highlight these transferable skills in your cover letter. 3. **Show enthusiasm for the role**: Employers value candidates who are enthusiastic about the job. Express your interest in the role and the company, and explain why you're interested. This can help make up for a lack of direct experience. 4. **Provide examples**: Use specific examples to demonstrate your skills. For instance, if you're claiming to have strong organizational skills, provide an example of a time when you used these skills to achieve a positive outcome. 5. **Express willingness to learn**: If you don't have direct experience, showing a willingness to learn can be very appealing to employers. Make it clear that you're eager to learn and grow in the role. 6. **Keep it concise and professional**: Your cover letter should be no more than one page. Keep the tone professional, and proofread carefully to avoid any errors. 7. **Use the right format**: Start with a formal salutation, introduce yourself, explain why you're interested in the role and the company, highlight your relevant skills and experiences, and conclude with a strong closing statement. Remember, everyone starts somewhere. Even if you don't have direct experience, your unique combination of skills, experiences, and enthusiasm can make you a strong candidate for an Administrative Assistant role.

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Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Example (W/ Templates & Tips for 2024)

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Maybe, your career as an administrative assistant started back when you organized your classmates' desks.

Jokes aside — you always had a knack for efficiency and organization, and now you’ve turned those skills into a profession.

It's a dream come true, but there's just one hurdle standing in your way — the cover letter.

Staring at that blank page, trying to convey your skills and experience, feels a lot like being stuck in a loop. It's like experiencing writer’s block, and you just can't seem to find the right words to paint yourself in the best light.

Don’t worry though!

In this article, we're here to assist you in crafting the perfect administrative assistant cover letter, step by step.

We'll guide you through:

  • An Outstanding Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Example
  • 5 Simple Steps to Craft the Best Administrative Assistant Cover Letter
  • 3 Essential Tips for a Successful Administrative Assistant Cover Letter

Let’s dive in!

Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Example

Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Example

5 Steps for the Perfect Administrative Assistant Cover Letter

You've just seen what a job-winning cover letter looks like. 

Now, it's your turn to write one . Just follow the steps we're about to share, and you'll be on your way to crafting a standout cover letter that gets results. 

#1. Put Contact Information in the Header

When creating your administrative assistant cover letter, it all begins with your contact information, just like on your resume . Here's what you should include:

  • Full Name: Your complete name should be at the top of the page.
  • Job Title: Tailor your job title to match the specific administrative assistant role you're applying for. Clarity here helps streamline the hiring process.
  • Email Address: Opt for a professional and straightforward email address, typically a combination of your first and last name.
  • Phone Number: Ensure your phone number is accurate, including the dialing code if applying for positions abroad.
  • Location: Mention your city and state or country. If you're open to remote work or relocating, make that clear on your administrative assistant resume.
  • Relevant Links (Optional): Include any pertinent websites or social media profiles, such as LinkedIn.

Next, it's time to provide the receiver’s info. That includes: :

  • Company Name: Specify the company you're applying to.
  • Hiring Manager's Name: Whenever possible, identify the hiring manager for the department you're interested in. Research the job ad, the company's website, or LinkedIn for this information.
  • Hiring Manager's Title: If you ascertain that the hiring manager for this specific job ad holds a department head role, use that title instead of just "Hiring Manager."
  • Location: Include the city and state or country, particularly for globally operating companies. 
  • Email Address (Optional): If available, include the hiring manager's email address.
  • Date of Writing (Optional): Consider adding the date you composed your cover letter for that extra touch of professionalism. Now you're ready to start crafting your winning cover letter for the administrative assistant role you desire. Good luck!

#2. Address the Hiring Manager

Once you've included all the necessary contact information for your administrative assistant's cover letter, make sure to address the hiring manager the right way.

Addressing your cover letter correctly can make a positive impression on the hiring manager. 

Start by conducting some research. Check the job posting, the company's website, or LinkedIn profiles to find the hiring manager for the position you're interested in. This way, you can find their name and email address.

Next, address them formally. Consider using "Ms." or "Mr." followed by their last name. If you're unsure about their gender or marital status, you can simply use their full name. For example:

  • Dear Mr. Smith,
  • Dear Alex Johnson,

In cases where you can't find specific information about the hiring manager or the head of the administrative department, you can address your letter to the department or the company in general:

  • Dear Administrative Department,
  • Dear Administrative Hiring Team,
  • Dear Human Resources Recruitment Team,

#3. Write an Eye-Catching Opening Statement

Hiring managers typically spend about seven seconds reviewing a candidate's application before deciding whether to read it thoroughly. That’s why grabbing their attention from the get-go is crucial if you want them to read the rest of your cover letter. 

Formally introduce yourself in the opening statement and clearly state your interest in the role. Expressing your enthusiasm for the industry or the specific job can grab the hiring manager's attention.

Researching the company can help improve your opening statement even further. The more you know about the employer, the better you can emphasize how you fit in with their culture. 

This can show to the hiring manager that you're not just applying indiscriminately; you're interested in this particular position.

Depending on your experience level, you can also kick off your cover letter by highlighting a noteworthy achievement or the skills that make you an ideal fit for the role. Keep this paragraph concise, aiming to spark the hiring manager's curiosity and encourage them to explore your cover letter in more detail.

Check out some more cover letter examples to get inspired about writing your opening statement. 

#4. Use the Cover Letter Body for the Details

The body of your cover letter is your opportunity to dive deeper into your qualifications and professional skills.

Avoid the temptation to simply rehash your resume; that won't cut it here. Your objective is to demonstrate, beyond a doubt, that you're the standout candidate. To achieve this, focus on showcasing your achievements relevant to the administrative assistant field, drawing inspiration from the job listing.

Tailoring your cover letter to align with the job advertisement is key. Highlight the specific skills the company seeks and how you can contribute to their team. For instance, if you're vying for an administrative assistant role in a tech-centric environment, emphasize your tech-related skills rather than, for example, your experience in e-commerce.

Displaying knowledge about the company, its products, services, or industry can earn you extra brownie points. If you're well-acquainted with the company's offerings, be sure to mention it in your cover letter to illustrate your alignment with its mission and culture.

Lastly, be enthusiastic. Express your genuine excitement for the role and your unwavering confidence in how your unique skills and experience will be a valuable addition to their organization. This enthusiasm can be infectious and leave a lasting impression on the hiring manager.

Also, make sure to avoid these common cover letter mistakes that can harm your chances of landing an interview. 

#5. Wrap It Up and Sign It

Concluding on a professional note is the cherry on top of your administrative assistant cover letter.

Your goal here is to ensure you leave a positive impression on the hiring manager, reinforcing the confidence you’ve demonstrated throughout your letter.

So, wrap up by confidently reiterating why you're an ideal fit for the administrative assistant role or summarize the skills that set you apart from other candidates.

And don’t forget to include a call to action. Encouraging the hiring manager to take the next step, such as discussing your application further, can create a lasting impression and boost your chances of securing an interview.

To wrap it all up, select a professional sign-off. Choose an appropriate signature line, followed by your full name. Here's an example:

Please don't hesitate to reach out to me at the provided email or phone number to arrange an interview. I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to discuss my application in more detail at your earliest convenience.

If you're looking for alternatives to "Sincerely," consider these options:

  • Kind regards,
  • Respectfully,
  • Thank you for your consideration,

Choose the sign-off that best aligns with your personal style and the tone of your cover letter.

Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Structure

3 Essential Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Tips

You've got the basics down, and now it's time to fine-tune your administrative assistant cover letter with some essential cover letter tips that will make it shine. Let's dive into these valuable insights to help you create a standout cover letter.

#1. Match Your Resume

If you’re serious about landing a position, it's important that all the documents in your job application are fine-tuned with each other.

Ensure that your administrative assistant cover letter's formatting and layout match your administrative assistant resume to convey professionalism and attention to detail. Make sure your text and contact details are neatly aligned on the page, maintain consistent font styles and sizes, and set appropriate margins and line spacing to keep your cover letter concise on a single page. 

This consistency will show you’re professional and serious about the job.

Or Use A Cover Letter Template Instead

Struggling to craft the perfect cover letter from scratch? Don't worry; we've got a time-saving trick up our sleeves. 

Try out our free resume builder to create the perfect administrative assistant resume.

Then, pick a cover letter template that matches it visually to save time and effort.

Our templates are created in collaboration with hiring managers around the world, which means they hit industry standards right on the mark. You save time and get a matching cover letter for your resume that looks absolutely professional. Sweet deal, isn’t it?

Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Examples

#2. Mention The Right Skills

Highlighting your skills in your administrative assistant cover letter is crucial. 

The trick here, however, is not just to list all your skills. Firstly, keep it relevant and only talk about the skills you have that are required for the job. If you’ve already listed them on your resume, this is your chance to actually explain in more detail how they make you the perfect fit for the job. 

This demonstrates to hiring managers that you understand the role's requirements and have what it takes to excel in it. So, make sure to weave your skills into your cover letter strategically, emphasizing how they align with the position's demands.

#3. Be Formal

Maintaining a formal tone in your administrative assistant cover letter is the way to go. 

Keeping things formal will reflect your professionalism and respect for the workplace environment. This formality sends the right message to potential employers, indicating that you’re serious about the application and can conduct yourself appropriately in a corporate setting.

That said, don’t go overboard with the formality. You can, for example, make the cover letter a bit more personal by addressing the hiring manager by their name or sign off using “Warm Regards.” 

Key Takeaways

And that sums up crafting an administrative assistant cover letter!

We hope our guide has equipped you with the tools to write a spot-on administrative assistant cover letter. 

Before you head off, let's quickly review:

  • Ensure your administrative assistant's cover letter provides any relevant links or attachments so the hiring manager can easily access additional information related to your experience.
  • Ideally, your cover letter should be addressed directly to the hiring manager. A little research on the job posting might help you discover their name.
  • Use your cover letter to elaborate on the administrative skills and experiences that make you an ideal candidate. Highlight expertise that aligns with the job requirements.

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5 Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Examples


A well-crafted cover letter can be a powerful tool in a job seeker's arsenal, especially for administrative assistant positions. In today's competitive job market, it is essential to make a strong impression on hiring managers and showcase your qualifications and skills effectively. A cover letter provides an opportunity to highlight your relevant experience, demonstrate your enthusiasm for the role, and convey your professionalism.

Administrative assistants play a crucial role in organizations, providing support to executives, managing office operations, and ensuring the smooth flow of daily tasks. With the increasing demand for administrative professionals, it is important to create a cover letter that stands out from the competition and captures the attention of employers.

In this article, we will provide examples of effective cover letters for administrative assistant positions. These examples will demonstrate the key components of a strong cover letter and provide insights into how to tailor your letter to specific job openings. By following these examples and incorporating the key takeaways, you can enhance your chances of securing your dream administrative assistant role. So let's dive in and explore these examples in detail.

Example 1: Executive Administrative Assistant Cover Letter

Key takeaways.

Samantha's cover letter effectively showcases her qualifications and experience as an Executive Administrative Assistant, making her a strong candidate for the position at JPMorgan Chase & Co.

When applying for an executive administrative assistant role, it is crucial to highlight your ability to handle high-level administrative tasks, manage complex calendars, and maintain confidentiality. These skills demonstrate your competence in supporting senior executives and contribute to the overall efficiency of the organization.

Samantha emphasizes her experience in providing support to senior executives, showcasing her ability to handle multiple tasks, prioritize effectively, and maintain professionalism.

Emphasize your ability to handle complex tasks and maintain professionalism when supporting senior executives. This demonstrates your ability to thrive in fast-paced environments and handle confidential information with discretion.

While Samantha's cover letter effectively highlights her experience and skills, she could further personalize her application by mentioning specific achievements or projects she has completed in her previous roles.

Incorporate specific achievements or projects you have completed in your previous roles to demonstrate your impact and value to the organization. This helps to differentiate you from other candidates and showcases your ability to deliver results.

Overall, Samantha's cover letter effectively positions her as a qualified candidate for the Executive Administrative Assistant position at JPMorgan Chase & Co., highlighting her skills, experience, and ability to contribute to the success of the organization.

Example 2: Legal Administrative Assistant Cover Letter

Michael's cover letter effectively highlights his relevant experience and skills as a legal administrative assistant, positioning him as a strong candidate for the position at Kirkland & Ellis LLP.

When applying for a legal administrative assistant position, it is crucial to emphasize your experience in providing comprehensive administrative support to legal teams. This demonstrates your understanding of the unique needs and demands of the legal field.

Michael showcases his proficiency in managing calendars, scheduling meetings, and preparing legal documents, highlighting his attention to detail and organizational skills.

Be sure to mention specific administrative tasks and responsibilities that are relevant to the position you are applying for. This helps the hiring manager understand your capabilities and how you can contribute to the efficiency of their legal team.

In addition to his administrative skills, Michael emphasizes his ability to maintain confidentiality and handle sensitive client information, which is essential in a legal setting.

Highlighting your professionalism and discretion is important in the legal field, as it demonstrates your understanding of the need for confidentiality and your commitment to upholding ethical standards.

The cover letter could benefit from a more personalized introduction, such as mentioning specific accomplishments or projects Michael has worked on in his previous roles.

Consider incorporating specific examples of successful projects or achievements to showcase your impact and contributions in previous positions. This helps differentiate you from other candidates and demonstrates your ability to add value to the firm.

Example 3: Administrative Assistant for Non-Profit Cover Letter

Maria's cover letter effectively showcases her qualifications and passion for the role of Administrative Assistant at The Ford Foundation.

When applying for a position in the non-profit sector, it is crucial to highlight your alignment with the organization's mission and values. This demonstrates your dedication to the cause and your potential to contribute meaningfully.

Maria emphasizes her extensive experience as an Administrative Assistant in the non-profit sector, highlighting her ability to handle a wide range of administrative tasks and her strong organizational skills.

Emphasize your proven track record in managing administrative responsibilities and showcase your organizational skills. These qualities are essential for an Administrative Assistant role and will demonstrate your ability to handle the demands of the position effectively.

She also mentions her experience in streamlining administrative processes and collaborating with cross-functional teams, showcasing her adaptability, problem-solving, and teamwork skills.

Highlight any experience you have in process improvement or collaborating with diverse teams. These skills are highly valuable in a non-profit setting, where efficiency and collaboration are key to achieving impact.

While Maria effectively highlights her qualifications and alignment with The Ford Foundation's mission, she could have further emphasized any specific achievements or projects she has worked on in her previous roles.

Don't forget to mention any specific accomplishments or projects that demonstrate your impact in previous roles. These details can provide concrete evidence of your abilities and make your application stand out.

Example 4: Medical Administrative Assistant Cover Letter

Emily's cover letter effectively showcases her experience and skills as a medical administrative assistant, positioning her as a strong candidate for the position at Mount Sinai Hospital.

When applying for a medical administrative assistant role, it is essential to emphasize your experience and skills in managing patient appointments, maintaining medical records, and coordinating administrative tasks. This demonstrates your ability to handle the unique challenges of the healthcare industry.

Emily highlights her experience in leading a team and implementing a new electronic medical record system, showcasing her ability to streamline processes and improve efficiency.

Emphasize any experience you have in leading teams or implementing new systems or processes. These examples demonstrate your leadership skills and ability to drive positive change within an organization.

She expresses her passion for patient advocacy and aligns it with Mount Sinai Hospital's commitment to providing high-quality patient care and innovation in healthcare.

It is important to demonstrate your understanding of the organization's values and mission. Showcasing your passion for patient care and aligning it with the company's goals can make you a more attractive candidate.

Emily could further strengthen her cover letter by mentioning any specific certifications or training she has completed in medical administration.

Don't forget to highlight any relevant certifications or training you have completed, such as medical office administration courses or electronic medical record system certifications. These additional qualifications can make you stand out from other candidates.

Example 5: Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Example

Joshua's cover letter demonstrates his extensive experience and expertise in the field of administrative support, making him an ideal candidate for the Administrative Assistant position at Columbia University.

When applying for an administrative role, it's crucial to highlight your relevant experience and skills in supporting the operations of educational institutions. This shows that you understand the unique challenges and requirements of working in an academic environment.

He emphasizes his ability to handle complex calendars, coordinate meetings and events, and maintain confidentiality.

Highlight your organizational skills and attention to detail, as these are essential qualities for an administrative assistant. Showcase your ability to handle sensitive information with discretion and professionalism.

Joshua also mentions his experience in implementing new systems and processes to streamline administrative tasks, resulting in increased efficiency and productivity.

Demonstrate your ability to improve processes and workflows by mentioning specific examples where you have implemented innovative solutions. This shows your proactive approach to problem-solving and your commitment to continuous improvement.

In the future, Joshua could further highlight his knowledge of specific software or systems commonly used in educational institutions, such as student information systems or learning management systems.

If you have experience with specific software or systems commonly used in educational institutions, be sure to mention them in your cover letter. This demonstrates your familiarity with the tools and technologies relevant to the role.

Skills To Highlight

As an administrative assistant, your cover letter should highlight the unique skills that make you a strong candidate for the role. These key skills include:

Organizational Skills : Administrative assistants are responsible for managing multiple tasks, deadlines, and priorities. Highlight your ability to organize and prioritize your workload effectively. Discuss any experience you have with managing calendars, scheduling meetings, and coordinating travel arrangements. Emphasize your attention to detail and your ability to keep accurate records and files.

Communication Skills : Strong communication skills are essential for administrative assistants. You will be interacting with various individuals, including clients, colleagues, and senior executives. Showcase your ability to effectively communicate both verbally and in writing. Highlight your experience in drafting professional emails, writing reports, and handling phone calls. Mention any experience you have with preparing presentations or delivering information to groups.

Problem-Solving Skills : Administrative assistants often face unexpected challenges and are required to find solutions quickly. Demonstrate your problem-solving skills by providing examples of how you have resolved issues in previous roles. Discuss your ability to think critically, analyze situations, and make decisions under pressure. Highlight your resourcefulness and ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

Time Management : As an administrative assistant, you will be responsible for managing your time efficiently to meet deadlines and complete tasks. Showcase your ability to prioritize tasks, meet deadlines, and handle multiple projects simultaneously. Discuss any experience you have with using productivity tools or project management software to stay organized and manage your workload effectively.

Proficiency in Office Software : Administrative assistants are expected to have strong computer skills, including proficiency in office software such as Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Highlight your proficiency in these programs and any other software that is relevant to the role. Discuss any experience you have with data entry, creating spreadsheets, generating reports, or creating presentations.

By emphasizing these key skills in your cover letter, you can demonstrate to potential employers that you possess the qualities necessary to excel in an administrative assistant role.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When crafting your cover letter for an administrative assistant position, it's important to avoid these common mistakes:

Using a Generic Cover Letter : One of the biggest mistakes you can make is using a generic cover letter that doesn't address the specific needs of the company or the administrative role you're applying for. Hiring managers can easily spot a generic cover letter and it shows a lack of effort and interest in the position. Take the time to customize your cover letter for each application, highlighting how your skills and experience align with the company's requirements.

Failing to Showcase Relevant Skills : As an administrative assistant, you need to demonstrate that you have the necessary skills to excel in the role. However, many applicants make the mistake of simply listing their skills without providing any examples or context. Instead of just stating that you have excellent organizational skills or strong attention to detail, provide specific examples of how you have used these skills in previous roles to improve efficiency, streamline processes, or support team members.

Not Highlighting Problem-Solving Abilities : Administrative assistants often play a crucial role in problem-solving within an organization. They are responsible for handling various tasks and resolving issues efficiently. However, some applicants fail to highlight their problem-solving abilities in their cover letters. To stand out, provide examples of how you have successfully resolved challenges or implemented solutions in your previous roles. This will demonstrate your ability to handle difficult situations and contribute to the company's success.

Neglecting to Showcase Communication Skills : Effective communication is a vital skill for administrative assistants. You will be interacting with colleagues, clients, and other stakeholders on a daily basis. Unfortunately, some applicants forget to highlight their communication skills in their cover letters. Be sure to mention your ability to communicate clearly and professionally, whether it's through written correspondence, phone calls, or in-person interactions. Share examples of how you have effectively communicated with others to achieve positive outcomes.

Ignoring the Importance of Attention to Detail : Attention to detail is a critical skill for administrative assistants, as they are often responsible for handling sensitive information, managing calendars, and preparing documents. However, some applicants overlook the importance of highlighting their attention to detail in their cover letters. Provide specific examples of how your attention to detail has contributed to the success of projects or improved accuracy in your previous roles. This will demonstrate your ability to handle tasks with precision and minimize errors.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can create a strong and compelling cover letter that showcases your skills, experience, and enthusiasm for the administrative assistant role. Remember to customize your cover letter for each application and highlight how your expertise can help solve the company's specific administrative needs.

In conclusion, a well-crafted cover letter is crucial for any administrative assistant's job application. It serves as an opportunity to showcase your skills, experience, and passion for the role. By tailoring your cover letter to each specific position and highlighting your relevant qualifications, you can greatly improve your chances of standing out among other applicants.

Throughout this article, we have provided three examples of effective administrative assistant cover letters. Each example demonstrated key elements that make a cover letter strong, such as a clear and concise introduction, a detailed explanation of relevant skills and experience, and a strong closing statement.

One key takeaway from these examples is the importance of personalizing your cover letter for each job application. By addressing the hiring manager by name and mentioning specific details about the company or position, you can show that you have done your research and are genuinely interested in the role.

Another takeaway is the use of specific examples and metrics to highlight your achievements and contributions in previous roles. This helps to demonstrate your value and expertise as an administrative assistant.

It is also important to avoid common mistakes such as using generic language, making spelling or grammatical errors, or failing to address key requirements mentioned in the job description.

By following the examples and tips provided in this article, you can create a compelling cover letter that will help you stand out from the competition and increase your chances of landing a fulfilling administrative assistant position. Good luck with your job search!

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Administrative Staff Cover Letter

15 administrative staff cover letter templates.

Administrative Staff Cover Letter Sample

How to Write the Administrative Staff Cover Letter

I submit this application to express my sincere interest in the administrative staff position.

Previously, I was responsible for visitors with information that requires a comprehensive knowledge of TD Garden and Boston Bruins company policies, practices and operations.

Please consider my qualifications and experience:

  • Completion of college level business courses
  • Education and Training Program Administration
  • Knowledge of or interest in Technology
  • Dispatching/ Scheduling - Taking phone calls, forward messages, schedule work, communicating with technicians and contractors in order to create daily schedules
  • Front desk Admin support - Greets visitors and callers an informs the proper employee of incoming calls or visitor's arrival
  • Uses a computer to type various letters, submit daily reports and correspondence to provide results by deadlines
  • May handle Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and high level of collections
  • May dispatch Technicians to project sites based on technician skill set, certifications, location, project, and priority

Thank you for considering me to become a member of your team.

Greer Streich

  • Microsoft Word (.docx) .DOCX
  • PDF Document (.pdf) .PDF
  • Image File (.png) .PNG

Responsibilities for Administrative Staff Cover Letter

Administrative staff responsible for information related to short and long range objectives, policies, procedures and practices requiring detailed knowledge of department and/or company policies and procedures.

Administrative Staff Examples

Example of administrative staff cover letter.

I am excited to be applying for the position of administrative staff. Please accept this letter and the attached resume as my interest in this position.

In the previous role, I was responsible for training and guidance in company and department policies and procedures to new department personnel; answers a variety of questions and resolves problems related to the department's administrative functions.

Please consider my experience and qualifications for this position:

  • May act as a lead to other Administrative Staff in a larger office
  • Familiarity and background in construction
  • Billing and invoicing experience strongly preferred
  • Scottsdale, AZ
  • Excellent filing skills
  • Excellent skills in Word/Excell, knowledge of MDStaff software
  • Acting on own initiative, provides advanced and diversified administrative support to an office or executives
  • Assignments generally involve work of a highly confidential nature and require extensive knowledge of the business, operating group and/or department and company practices, policies, programs and service lines

I really appreciate you taking the time to review my application for the position of administrative staff.

Cameron Kemmer

I would like to submit my application for the administrative staff opening. Please accept this letter and the attached resume.

In the previous role, I was responsible for technical leadership, driving and performing best engineering practices to initiate, plan, and execute critical, large-scale, cross-functional, and company-wide programs.

I reviewed the requirements of the job opening and I believe my candidacy is an excellent fit for this position. Some of the key requirements that I have extensive experience with include:

  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat, Box, DM5, Travel Portal, and other Fund software
  • Be a flexible, cooperative, and respectful colleague
  • Professional and courteous treatment
  • Effective interpersonal skills to interact appropriately with all levels of staff and external contacts
  • Basic understanding of the work of the IMF Administrative Tribunal
  • Thorough knowledge of and extensive experience with current versions of desktop software, such as Adobe Acrobat, and MS Office Suite to produce quality documents
  • Experience working in a law office
  • Possess strong diplomatic acumen, sense of responsibility, and integrity

Emerson Haley

Previously, I was responsible for information to callers as appropriate requiring detailed knowledge of area of responsibility and general knowledge of company policies, practices, and operations.

My experience is an excellent fit for the list of requirements in this job:

  • Exercises considerable discretion and independent judgment and is capable of handling complex information requests to ensure appropriate resources take action
  • Provides high-level administrative support of a highly confidential nature such as handling information requests, preparing correspondence, receiving visitors, arranging conference calls, scheduling and coordinating complex meetings
  • Assembles and analyzes information, prepares reports, presentations, manuals, agendas, correspondences and memoranda
  • Coordinates activities across departments
  • May handle calendaring, travel schedules and arrangements, process expenses/invoices, and coordination of day-to-day activities
  • Significant experience in administrative support for executive level staff, with office management experience preferred
  • School district experience preferred
  • Knowledge of multimedia, Microsoft Office, and Adobe

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Emerson Orn

In response to your job posting for administrative staff, I am including this letter and my resume for your review.

Previously, I was responsible for information to callers, requiring detailed knowledge of the manager's area of responsibility and general knowledge of company policies, practices and operations.

  • Skills in facilitation and communication (emphasis on managing high stress communication from stakeholders), administrative support and team building
  • A typing/keyboarding speed of at least 50 words per minute
  • Demonstrated experience dealing with highly sensitive and confidential matters
  • Highly proficient with word processing, spreadsheets, and email software, including being very accurate with keyed information
  • Advanced knowledge of proper grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, and sentence structure
  • Strong skills in organizing work efficiently and managing multiple tasks with interruptions managing a heavy workload with competing deadlines
  • Demonstrated experience courteously assisting customers, both verbally and in writing
  • Demonstrated specialized office skills

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read my cover letter and to review my resume.

Quinn Rolfson

Please consider me for the administrative staff opportunity. I am including my resume that lists my qualifications and experience.

In my previous role, I was responsible for information to callers, which requires comprehensive knowledge of company policies, practices, and operations.

  • Excellent communications skills, including verbal and written
  • Sound judgment and tact in handling contacts with staff at all levels, and utmost discretion in handling confidential matters
  • A thorough knowledge of Fund organization and administrative policies and procedures
  • May operate the switchboard
  • Working knowledge of the Department’s structure, policies, procedures and programs
  • Skill in the use of computers and using Microsoft Office applications, Microsoft Outlook, MAPPER, IAPRO, Footprints, E-VA and BISCOM
  • Experience as an executive or senior level administrative assistant preferred
  • Experience managing the administrative aspects of an executive’s office preferred

Ryan Bernier

Related Cover Letters

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cover letter for administrative staff

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Office Staff Cover Letter Samples & Examples That Worked in 2024

Nikoleta Kuhejda — PR & Content Manager

If you're eyeing an office staff role, a well-crafted resume won't be enough — you need a show-stopping cover letter that showcases your unique professional strengths and the unmatched value you bring to the table. Let's craft that winning combination together!

You've landed at the right place if you're seeking practical tips, real-life examples, and efficient templates that save your precious time, while ensuring you stand head and shoulders above the competition.

Planned Giving Officer Cover Letter Example

Keep reading and learn how to:

  • Explore office staff cover letter examples
  • Format your cover letter neatly
  • Craft an effective office staff cover letter header & headline
  • Create a personalized greeting on your office staff cover letter
  • Write a compelling office staff cover letter introduction
  • Showcase your professional value on your office staff cover letter
  • Make your cover letter stand out with powerful action words
  • End your office staff cover letter with a well-written closing statement
  • Avoid common mistakes in an office staff cover letter
  • Pair your cover letter with an effective resume
  • Access the average salary and job outlook information for office staff
  • Find the best job search resources for office staff

Still looking for a job? These 100+ resources will tell you everything you need to get hired fast.

Back office assistant cover letter sample

Back Office Assistant Cover Letter Sample

Why does this office assistant cover letter sample work?

  • Quantifiable achievements: The candidate has detailed her accomplishments in measurable terms such as decreasing the costs by 24%. This gives a tangible sense of her contribution to her previous employer.
  • Relevant credentials and skills: Veronika has aptly pointed out her certification, degree, and experience with necessary software, establishing her qualifications for this role.

What could be improved in this cover letter sample?

  • Weak opening:  The introduction doesn't immediately showcase the value Veronika brings to the job. Instead of simply stating her confidence about being a great fit, she could start with a unique achievement or a time she outperformed in a similar role. This could help hook the reader from the get-go, reinforcing her suitability for the role.
  • Lack of personal connection: Including a line about why Veronika is passionate about Wexx Group Inc., or how she aligns with their vision or values, could make it more compelling.
  • Generic closing: While Veronika's closing is polite, there's room to show more enthusiasm here. Instead of merely stating that she looks forward to speaking with them, she could express her excitement about potentially contributing her skills to their team.

Office manager cover letter sample

Office Manager Cover Letter Sample

What the strengths of this office manager cover letter sample?

  • Demonstrated leadership and initiative:  Marc describes specific tasks that showcase his leadership skills and initiative, such as developing and implementing new office processes and procedures.
  • Relevant education and certification:  The inclusion of relevant educational accomplishments and certifications aligns well with the role's requirements.

What could make this sample better?

  • Personal connection to the company:  The letter could feel more tailored to Hulu, Inc. — perhaps mentioning a particular project or initiative that inspired him to apply.
  • Call to action:  The end of the letter could be more proactive. Instead of waiting to hear back, Marc could express intent to follow up, indicating a proactive mindset.

Office intern cover letter example

Office Intern Cover Letter Example

What are the pluses in this office intern cover letter sample?

  • Well-structured and clear: The letter is well-organized and broken down into clear segments — academic background, previous experience, additional skills, and closing remarks. This structure makes the letter easy to read and follow.
  • Proficiency in tools: Petro mentions his familiarity with software relevant to the role like Asana, TaskWorld, Bitrix24. This demonstrates his readiness to slide into the necessary tasks with minimal ramp-up time.
  • Demonstration of key skills: Petro does a great job of illustrating his key skills. His stint as a Secretary highlights his ability to work well in a team, stay organized, and manage his time effectively.

Areas for improvement

  • Quantifiable achievements: While Petro mentions a few responsibilities and roles, adding quantifiable achievements would strengthen his case. For instance, he could mention how his role as Secretary in the Business Club improved club operations or member engagement with numbers. For instance, "During my tenure as Secretary at the Business Club, I implemented new member engagement strategies that increased active participation by 25%."
  • More specific sxamples: Petro could share more specific examples of his accomplishments or challenging situations he effectively managed. This will provide a fuller picture of his capabilities.
  • Connect personal to professional: Linking how the role would help him grow "both personally and professionally" is an interesting point. It could be strengthened by detailing what personal growth looks like and how it would translate to professional success.

1. Format your office staff cover letter neatly

Everyone appreciates a clean, easy-to-read document — and your potential employer is no exception. Here are some handy tips on how to format your office staff cover letter:

  • Choose a simple and clear font: Flashy or overly stylized fonts can be distracting and come off as unprofessional. Opt for classic, easy-to-read fonts like Times New Roman or Arial. A font size of 10-12 points nails the sweet spot between readability and optimal use of space.
  • Include plenty of white space: White space shouldn't be seen as wasted space — it gives the reader's eyes a break, making your cover letter less intimidating and smoother to navigate. 
  • Keep it to a single page: While every detail about your career might seem essential, brevity is vital. Aim to capture your most significant achievements and skills within a page — it shows respect for the recruiter's time and focuses on what truly matters.
  • Use standard margins: This isn't the time for creativity. Stick with the status quo of 1" on all sides.
  • Align your text to the left: It may sound basic, but don't play around with alignment. Our eyes naturally move from left to right. So, left-align your text to ensure your words flow naturally, improving the overall reading experience for the reviewer.

Every detail matters when it comes to making a positive impression. A well-formatted cover letter not only demonstrates your clear communication and organization skills but also shows respect for the reader's time.

Let your cover letter write itself — with AI!

2. craft an effective office staff cover letter header & headline.

The first step to writing a cover letter of any kind is to correctly craft a header and headline.

A cover letter header contains all the necessary company and applicant information to ensure the document reaches the right person. This will include:

  • Your information: Include your full name, home address, phone number, and professional email address.
  • Date: The day the letter is being sent.
  • Recipient’s information: Where you drop your digital knock. You should know the name of the person you're addressing (if possible), their title, the company name, and the company's physical address.

Let's look at two examples — one done right, and one that could use a little tweaking:

Bad cover letter header example

John Simmons   [email protected]   XYZ Corporation

Why is it weak? This header lacks several key elements. Although John Simmons puts his name and email (good start), he omits both his and the potential employer's address. He also fails to address a specific person at XYZ Corporation and does not include a date. The details might be present, but they aren't comprehensive or correctly ordered.

Good cover letter header example

John Doe   Los Angeles, CA 90001   [email protected]   (123) 456-7890

August 12, 2020

To: Mr. Robert Smith   Office Manager   XYZ Corp   5678 Orange Lane   San Francisco, CA 90002

Why does this work? John Doe provides all the necessary personal details, the date is specific, and the hiring manager's name, title, company name, and address are clearly stated. It's well-structured and provides all the necessary information right off the bat.

By correctly formatting your header, you've taken the first step in enticing your reader to open the door and invite you in.

Writing the headline

The headline of your cover letter sets the tone for the rest of the document. Ideally, it should catch the reader's attention , provide a glimpse into your professional identity, and reflect the job you're applying for.

Bad cover letter headline example

Office Job Application

Why is it ineffective? This headline is vague and fails to make an impact. It doesn't specify the position or hint at any unique qualities the applicant may have. 

Good cove letter headline example

Organized Office Professional with 5+ Years Experience Seeking Office Staff Position

Why does it hit the mark? It clearly articulates the job seeker's intended position, relevant work experience, and a key trait desired in office staff roles — organization. This gives the hiring manager an immediate, positive impression of the applicant's suitability for the role.

Office staff headline examples

3. Create a personalized greeting on your office staff cover letter

Once your header and headline are in order, it’s time to create a personalized greeting that will impress employers . While greetings such as “To Whom It May Concern” may be the easiest approach, these kinds of greetings fail to show any level of research or attention to detail.

Instead, you should look on the company’s website or LinkedIn to uncover who the exact person is that will be reviewing your cover letter and address the greeting directly to them.

Specific examples of personalized greetings

  • Dear Mr. Carlson,
  • Dear Mr. Peter Carlson,
  • Dear Hiring Manager Peter Carlson,

If you cannot pinpoint exactly who will be reviewing your cover letter, try out one of the following options:  

General greetings for your office staff cover letter

  • Dear Hiring Manager,
  • To the [Company Name] Team,

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4. Write a compelling office staff cover letter introduction

By the time an employer reaches your introduction , they will already have some level of an impression of you from the above elements of your cover letter. As such, you should jump immediately into describing your experience level, as well as why you are a good fit for the company.

In your office staff cover letter introduction, you should include the following information:

  • A brief overview of your professional history and goals
  • A statement on why you are enthusiastic about applying to this company
  • A mutual acquaintance (when possible)

Bad example of an office staff cover letter opening

To the Hiring Manager,

I am applying for the open office staff position. I have previously worked in an office setting.

Why does it fall short? Though correct in its bare-bones approach, this opening lacks enthusiasm, specificity, and fails to make a memorable first impression. 

Here's an example to help demonstrate how to write an office staff cover letter introduction

To the Hiring Manager Peter Carlson,

As a results-oriented Office Staff Professional, I have over 3 years of experience working in corporate environments with a large staff of 100+ members. Our mutual acquaintance Joe Smith, the CEO of [Company], recommended I apply for this position after reviewing my resume and portfolio of work.

Why does this introduction hit home?  It offers a concise outlook of the candidate's experience, underscores their keen interest in the company, and name-drops a mutual contact — setting the stage for a compelling narrative.

Office staff cover letter introduction examples

5. Showcase your professional value in your office staff cover letter

Following your cover letter introduction will be your body paragraphs . In general, you should aim to have between two to four body paragraphs total that aim to answer the following questions:

  • What excites you about working at this company?
  • What do you hope to learn from working at this company?
  • What accomplishments or qualifications make you stand out as an applicant?
  • What key skills do you possess that are relevant to the position?

Key accomplishments will play a major role in these body paragraphs, as they will help to show the quantifiable value you have to offer the company. As such, make sure any examples of achievement you include are as specific as possible.

Here are a few examples of how to describe an accomplishment in an office staff cover letter

  • In my position at [Previous Employer], I helped increase overall office productivity by 55% by sourcing and implementing a new digital productivity software platform. This platform additionally helped save roughly $15K annually in operational expenses.
  • During my time as an office staff member at [Previous Employer], I spearheaded a comprehensive digitization project that revolutionized our document management system. By diligently scanning and organizing physical files, we reduced the need for paper-based records by 80%, leading to a significant reduction in storage costs and environmental impact.
  • Additionally, I implemented a streamlined filing system, improving access to critical information for all team members and increasing overall efficiency. This initiative not only earned recognition from upper management but also played a key role in enhancing our office's productivity and contributing to our overall success.

6. Use powerful action words throughout the office staff cover letter

Effective communication is backbone of a compelling cover letter. One way to invigorate your letter is by infusing it with powerful action words . These are 'muscle' verbs that depict you as an active contributor rather than a passive presence in your work environment.

Here are some action power words for an office staff cover letter

  • Administered
  • Coordinated
  • Streamlined

For instance, instead of saying "I was in charge of file management," use an action word for a stronger statement: "I organized and streamlined the company's file management system, improving retrieval efficiency by 20%."

All in all, using powerful action words throughout your cover letter not only makes your document more readable but also paints a dynamic and vivid image of your professional path.

Office staff cover letter action words

7. End your office staff cover letter with a well-written closing statement

The end of your cover letter often matters just as much as the beginning and middle, as this is the part where you will reiterate your commitment to the company and make plans to schedule a call or interview.

In this closing statement, you should include:

  • An enthusiastic sentence saying you are looking forward to hearing from them
  • An additional sentence stating you will follow up, including how you will contact them or how they can contact you
  • A formal sign-off

Bad example of a cover letter closing statement

I hope to hear from you soon.  

[Applicant Name]

Why is it weak? This example, while polite, falls short because it fails to demonstrate enthusiasm, doesn't provide specific availability for follow-up, and lacks a clear mode of contact. 

Here's an example of a well-written closing statement on an office staff cover letter

With the combination of my Office Staff proficiencies and your company’s commitment to exceptional service, I am confident I will be the perfect addition to your team. I am available for calls, virtual meetings, and in-person interviews every weekday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. You may reach me at my office phone number, (123) 456-7890.

Yours Truly,

Why is it correct? This opening example underscores the candidate's confidence, clear availability, enthusiasm to engage in the next steps, and makes it easy for the employer to reach out. It exemplifies a closing statement that leaves a lasting, positive impression.

In essence, the final touch of your cover letter shouldn't be a mere formality. It's an opportunity to reemphasize your keen interest in the role, set the stage for the next steps, and wrap up on a note that resonates with the employer.

8. Avoid common mistakes in an office staff cover letter

Crafting a top-notch cover letter can be a bit of a balancing act. And it's way too easy to stumble into pitfalls that could dull the shine of your application. So, let's unpack some common missteps and how to sidestep them:

1. Generic greetings: Opening with a "To Whom It May Concern" is a missed opportunity. Make an effort to find out who is hiring — a personal touch makes a difference.

  • Incorrect: To Whom It May Concern
  • Correct: Dear Mr. Taylor:

2. Rehashing your resume: Your cover letter shouldn't be a love letter to your resume. Instead, reflect on experiences and skills that your resume can't relay effectively.

  • Incorrect: As you can see on my resume, I have five years of experience…
  • Correct: My five years of administrative experience have taught me how to manage...

3. One-size-fits-all approach: Every company is distinct and so should your cover letters be. Spend time to tailor each letter to the specific job and organization.

  • Incorrect: I wish to apply for the advertised role... 
  • Correct: I'm excited about the office staff opportunity at ABC Corp...

4. Spelling and grammar errors: Don’t rely solely on spell-check. Take the time to proofread your cover letter or have someone else look it over.

  • Incorrect: I’m confidant in my experience…
  • Correct: I’m confident in my experience…

5. Neglecting to follow instructions: From word count to file type, make sure you follow all the application instructions.

  • Incorrect: Attaching a .docx when guidelines asked for a PDF. 
  • Correct: Converting .docx file to PDF before sending.

Cover letter blunders can range from small typos to significant content mistakes. Avoiding these common pitfalls will demonstrate your attention to detail and commitment to the role — traits any employer values.

9. Pair your resume and cover letter

Pairing your resume with a well-tailored cover letter is akin to presenting your professional story in full color, 3-D glory. While both documents serve related purposes in the job application process, they perform distinct roles .

Your  resume serves as an overview of your work history, skills, education, and accomplishments. It's designed for skimming and quick reference, offering concise, bullet-pointed evidence of your qualifications.

Your cover letter , on the other hand, is where you get to provide the narration for your professional journey — why you're interested in the role, how your experiences have shaped you, and what unique value you bring to the table. It's a personal letter — so it can engage emotions and expressions, something a resume typically doesn't do.

Pairing these two successfully calls for a certain degree of coordination. Despite their differences, it's crucial to ensure a consistent design between the two. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Branding consistency:  Just like any brand, you want to have a unique and consistent look and feel across all your 'marketing materials.' Consistency in font, layout, and format conveys a unified professional image.
  • Ease of association:  When both your resume and cover letter possess the same stylistic features, it's easier for hiring managers to connect them both to you and remember your application.
  • Shows detail orientation:  Using the same design for both your resume and cover letter highlights your attention to detail and professionalism — always a plus for an office professional!

10. Average salary and outlook for office support occupations

Understanding the salary expectations and future trends in any profession is of critical value — and office support professions are no exception. 

As per the most recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average yearly salary for office support positions stood at $40,910 in May 2022. However, like any profession, remember that actual compensation varies based on factors such as geographical location, level of experience, specialization, and the size of the company.

In terms of job outlook, it's crucial to keep a finger on the pulse of the market trends. The BLS projects an overall decline in employment in office and administrative support occupations from 2022 to 2032. 

However, not all is grim. The labor market is dynamic, and changes always bring opportunities. According to the BLS, on average, about 2.1 million openings are projected each year within these professions. This demand stems from the need to replace workers who retire or shift to different career paths.

While these trends provide a general landscape, it's important to always consider your personal career aspirations, skills, and potentials when planning your job-seeking strategy. As they say, in the end, the best job is the one you love waking up to every day.

Office staff average salary and job outlook

11. Top job search resources for office staff

Navigating the job market can be daunting, but a wealth of resources can significantly ease your journey. Here are a few powerful platforms that could land you your dream office job.

  • LinkedIn :  No list of job search resources would be complete without LinkedIn. This platform offers more than just networking opportunities. Its job search function is robust, and it allows you to filter by job title, location, and even through connections. Moreover, it gives potential employers a chance to assess your online professional persona.
  • OfficeTeam :  This highly-specialized job search site focuses solely on administrative professionals. OfficeTeam allows you to browse through numerous relevant listings and even offers training resources to help you sharpen your skills.
  • Indeed :  Indeed is another powerhouse in the job search realm. With plenty of filtering options and alerts for new job postings, this site streamlines your job hunt, saving you time and energy.
  • Glassdoor :  Glassdoor offers a unique twist because it pairs job postings with company reviews from current and former employees. It provides you with an inside look at the company culture, salaries, and potential benefits before you even apply.
  • Your university's career centre:  Don’t underestimate the power of your alma mater! Many universities offer career services to alumni, including job postings from companies specifically interested in hiring their graduates.

Boost your job hunt by tapping into these resources and simplify your quest for that perfect office job. Your dream role is out there, so go get it!

If you have ever wondered how a cover letter differs from a resume, this article will tell you everything about the key differences between the two .

Office Staff Cover Letter FAQ

Ideally, your cover letter should not exceed one page. Keep it concise and to the point, focussing on your key skills and experiences relevant to the office staff job position.

If the job posting includes the name of the hiring manager, use it to address them (e.g., Dear Mr. Smith). If not, ‘Dear Hiring Manager’ serves as a formal and acceptable greeting.

Your cover letter should highlight your skills, experiences, qualifications, and achievements that relate to the office staff job. It should also include why you're interested in the position and the company, plus your contact details.

It's not recommended to use a 'one-size-fits-all' cover letter. Instead, tailor each cover letter to the specific job application. Modify it to highlight the most relevant experiences or skills to match the job description.

Unless the job advertisement specifically requests it, it's usually not necessary to include salary expectations in your cover letter. The negotiation about salary typically happens later in the hiring process.

Nikoleta Kuhejda — PR & Content Manager

Nikoleta Kuhejda

A journalist by trade, a writer by fate. Nikoleta went from writing for media outlets to exploring the world of content creation with Kickresume and helping people get closer to the job of their dreams. Her insights and career guides have been published by The Female Lead , College Recruiter , and ISIC, among others. When she’s not writing or (enthusiastically) pestering people with questions, you can find her traveling or sipping on a cup of coffee.

All administrative cover letter examples

  • Administration
  • Facilities Manager
  • Front Desk Receptionist
  • Personal Assistant

All office staff cover letter examples

Administrative Associate Cover Letter Sample

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  • Massachusetts Court System

Necklace, Accessories, Jewelry, Accessory, Outdoors

Staff Attorney - Court Service Center- (Taunton)

  • Taunton, Massachusetts, United States


The Trial Court is committed to: 

  • Fair, impartial, and timely administration of justice;
  • Protection of constitutional and statutory rights and liberties;
  • Equal access to justice for all in a safe and dignified environment strengthened by diversity, equity, and inclusion;
  • Excellence in the adjudication of cases and resolution of disputes;
  • Courteous service to the public by dedicated professionals who inspire public trust and confidence.

The Trial Court is a qualifying employer for Federal Student Loan forgiveness To learn more about this program, and all of our benefits, click here

The Massachusetts Trial Court is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer and provides equal opportunity in state employment to all persons. No person shall be denied equal access because of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, pregnancy, military or veteran status, physical/mental disability; or genetic information. If you need a reasonable accommodation, or have any questions or concerns about being afforded fair and equal treatment, please contact the HR Benefits Team at [email protected]

  • Exec Off & Office of Court Mgt
  • Legal/Attorney
  • Closing at: May 6 2024 at 23:55 EDT

Title: Staff Attorney - Court Service Center- (Taunton)

Pay Grade: Grade 17

Starting Pay: $79,771.83/Yr.

Departmental Mission Statement: The Court Services and Law Libraries Department is responsible for providing key court services to support the administration of justice and advance access to justice in the Trial Court. These services include the Court Service Centers, the Trial Court Law Libraries.


Notes: This position is designated as a union position and is covered by the Collective Bargaining Agreement with O.P.E.I.U., Local 6.

Cover Letter letter inclusion with application preferred.

Position Summary:  Working within the Court Services and Law Libraries Department of the Office of Court Management, a Court Service Center Staff Attorney provides accurate legal information and court assistance for self-represented litigants and other members of the public to achieve better access to the Massachusetts justice system. All Court Service Center Staff Attorneys use professional legal experience and knowledge of social service agencies and organizations to provide self-represented litigants with the resources they need to navigate the court system and best address their issues. This position is responsible for assisting on an array of court information, forms, resources, and referral. The Staff Attorney also answers questions, reviews documents, and directs self-represented litigants and members of the public to the proper court office for additional assistance as appropriate. The Staff Attorney responsibilities will also include an educational component and other outreach activities in areas of family law, housing law, small claims, record sealing, and a variety of other court related matters. A Staff Attorney will also be expected to host workshop for assisting self-represented litigants in communities as needed. Through collaboration with local legal service providers and other social services, litigants seeking assistance at the Court Service Center are put in contact with the proper resources external to the court by the Manager and staff, achieving the goal of improving the lives of the public being served.

Supervision Received:  Receives general direction from the Court Service Center Manager in performing duties in accordance with established guidelines.

  • Assists in the daily operations of a Court Service Center including:
  • Assists self-represented litigants to gain access to Trial Court services by providing legal and procedural information;
  • Under the direction of the Court Service Center Manager, implements strategies to increase the impact and efficiency of all court related services made available at the Court Service Center;
  • Assists in the development, management, and evaluation of new initiatives to enhance the services provided to self-represented litigants;
  • Contributes to the development of service related, user-friendly informational materials and online content to supplement the support provided at the Court Service Center;
  • Provides information and explanations about a variety of court processes, court rules, official documents, and forms;
  • Reviews completed court forms and papers being submitted to court divisions for adherence to court rules and protocols;
  • Triages visitors to the center and makes referrals as appropriate;
  • Ensures access for limited English proficient litigants and members of the public;
  • Participates in regular meetings with the staff of the Court Service Center, as well as court officials from local area court divisions representing all Trial Court Departments in an effort to improve coordination and effectiveness;
  • Assists in initiating data driven best practices to improve efficiencies and meet metric related benchmarks and goals;
  • Ensures that data is captured, and statistical evaluation is conducted, including updating intake spreadsheets, performing data backup, and assisting in the preparation of statistical reports; and
  • Performs other related duties as required.

Job Competencies:  All applicants must be able, through the interview process, to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the following areas: Ethics and Values: Communicates and demonstrates the ethics and values of the Massachusetts Trial Court. Mission: Understands, upholds, and communicates the Court Services and Law Libraries Department mission. Applied Knowledge: Ability to provide accurate legal information and court assistance for self-represented litigants other members of the public for improving access to justice. Problem Solving: Accurately can assesses operational and administrative problems in the Court Service Center and develop feasible solutions. Customer Service: Conducts oneself in a courteous and professional manner to users of the Court Service Center. Responsive to the needs of self-represented litigants. Collaboration: Works with others cooperatively, accepts feedback, demonstrates a willingness to be a team player, and contributes to a work environment that focuses on shared departmental goals. Communications: Excellent oral and written communication skills to maximize the effectiveness of the Court Service Center; Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with court officials, judges, and community resources is critical. Continuous Learning: Demonstrates a commitment to continuously improving himself or herself through professional development.

Minimum Requirements: These are the minimum requirements necessary to apply for the position of Court Service Center Staff Attorney:

  • A Law Degree and admission to the Massachusetts Bar at the start of the position.  Individuals who have passed the bar exam but are waiting to be sworn in may apply.
  • Skills and abilities acquired through a minimum of Two (2) years of relevant work experience such as case related experience within a Trial Court division, with legal service providers, social service agencies, and related allied service resources;
  • Considerable knowledge of relevant state statutes, court rules and case law that prescribe the authority of the court and an ability to interpret and apply them to the cases before the court;
  • Considerable knowledge of court procedures, legal documents, and laws pertaining to the court;
  • Considerable knowledge of the work and role of legal service providers, social service state agencies, and related community resources;
  • Knowledge of and ability to use personal computers and related business software such as Microsoft Office;
  • Bilingual skills are preferred;
  • Knowledge of the organization, functions, jurisdiction and authority of the court;
  • Ability to maintain effective working relationships with Judges, court officials, attorneys, court employees and the general public;
  • Demonstrate ability to remain responsive to local court departments and ensure multi-lingual access to court related services;
  • Ability to identify and resolve customer service and queuing issues experienced at the Court Service Center;
  • Ability to utilize data to monitor trends operational efficiency of a customer service operation;
  • Demonstrated ability to independently initiate action, complete assignments and to handle multiple assignments simultaneously;
  • Exceptional skills in using multi-media techniques: social media, web-based initiatives and digital resources to access and use local resources for referrals;
  • Knowledge of procedures the types of resources and services available to librarians and library users;
  • Ability to reach with hands and arms, bend, crouch, climb stairs, and lift materials weighing up to 30 pounds;
  • Considerable knowledge of court policies and procedures and demonstrated ability to apply those policies to inquiries;
  • Demonstrated ability to independently complete assignments and to handle multiple assignments; and
  • Demonstrated ability to identify problems and to develop feasible solutions; and to properly route them for appropriate resolution when necessary; and
  • Ability to exercise judgment and to work without close supervision.

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Employment with the Trial Court is contingent upon passage of a criminal record check.

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  1. Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Example and Template for 2024

    Administrative assistant cover letter tips. Here are five tips to help you craft a professional assistant cover letter that impresses hiring managers: 1. Research the organization. Before you start writing your administrative assistant cover letter, research the organization you're applying for and take notes.

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  3. 12 Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Examples

    Highlight these transferable skills in your cover letter. 3. **Show enthusiasm for the role**: Employers value candidates who are enthusiastic about the job. Express your interest in the role and the company, and explain why you're interested. This can help make up for a lack of direct experience.

  4. Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Examples and Templates for 2024

    The following advice and examples show how you can use this strategy to optimize your letter for each application. 1. Heading. At the top of the page, include: Your resume contact header, which should give your full name, address, email, phone number, and LinkedIn or other social accounts if applicable. The date.

  5. Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Examples + Templates

    555-555-5555. [email protected]. March 25, 2024. Nicole Washington, Store Manager. Kepple's Carpet. 8712 Rockwell Ave. Marlton, NJ 08053. Dear Ms. Washington, I am writing to express my strong interest in the administrative assistant position at Kepple's Carpet, as advertised on your company's website.

  6. Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Example (W ...

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  7. Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Examples & Expert Tips

    This cover letter example is specifically designed for Administrative Assistant positions in 2024. Take advantage of our sample sentences + expert guides to download the perfect cover letter in just minutes. Administrative assistants perform vital roles in large organizations and even small businesses.

  8. Administrative Assistant Cover Letter: Examples for 2024

    How to start a cover letter for administrative assistant jobs: Write a professional admin assistant cover letter header. Include your name, job title, phone number, and email address. Optional items are your mailing address, branding statement, and LinkedIn profile URL. Write a date underneath your information.

  9. Admin Assistant Cover Letter Example, Template & Tips (2024)

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  11. Administrative Cover Letter Examples & Expert Tips · Resume.io

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  12. Administrative Cover Letter: Example & Complete Guide

    Sample Administrative Cover Letters—Checklist. your contact info. the organization's contact info. Dear (office manager name) 1st paragraph: a first-rate work achievement that merges with the job ad. 2nd paragraph: excitement for the job, plus documentation of key skills. 3rd paragraph: your offer.

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  16. Office Administrator Cover Letter Example & Writing Guide

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  18. Administrative Officer Cover Letter Examples

    [email protected]. Jill West. Company Name. City, State, Zip Code. 000-000-0000. RE: Admin Officer, Ref# 5464567, 07/20/14. Dear Ms. West, I am writing to apply for the position of Admin Officer now available at Company Name. The job description you provided with this position is a perfect match to my background experience and I would appreciate ...

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    Connect personal to professional: Linking how the role would help him grow "both personally and professionally" is an interesting point. It could be strengthened by detailing what personal growth looks like and how it would translate to professional success. 1. Format your office staff cover letter neatly.

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    Title: Staff Attorney - Court Service Center- (Taunton) Pay Grade: Grade 17 Starting Pay: $79,771.83/Yr. Departmental Mission Statement: The Court Services and Law Libraries Department is responsible for providing key court services to support the administration of justice and advance access to justice in the Trial Court. These services include the Court Service Centers, the Trial Court Law ...