Environmental Health Personal Statement

Sample Environmental Health Personal Statement

I had a highly dramatic introduction to the importance of environmental health through my involvement in my father’s business. When I was younger his catering company received a visit from an environmental health officer, who identified a series of lapses in the business’s compliance with environmental health legislation. I was present when the potentially devastating health implications of these breaches was made clear and the case for continual vigilance and rigorous safeguards was presented to my father.

It was an experience that completely changed the way I thought about the world around me. It is easy to take public health for granted when living in the developed world, as we seldom see the consequences of it on a day-to-day basis unless, of course, you are a specialist in the field. However, the public’s continued wellbeing and safety from environmental health threats is, I have come to realise, largely due to the existence of experts who are empowered through their scientific knowledge and legislation to make sure that businesses comply with very high environmental health standards, thus protecting the public from illness and exposure to harmful materials. I have always wanted to follow a profession that makes use of my potential for scientific and technical expertise to help society, and since that day my goal has been to pursue this ambition through working in environmental health.

I have taken a very proactive approach to fulfilling this ambition in the form of completing various environmental health courses. To date I have completed the Level 2 Award for Food Safety in Catering and the Level 3 Awards in Supervising Health Safety in Catering and in Supervising Health and Safety in the workplace. Through completing these courses I have developed an excellent foundational grounding in the key issues surrounding methods for safeguarding public health through best environmental practices. I have learnt about the ways in which infections or diseases can be transmitted and the underlying principles behind environmental health legislation. However, I recognise that these certificates do not constitute true expertise in the area of environmental health, something which I am eager to attain through completing postgraduate study.

The MSc in Environmental Health at Middlesex University seems to offer an unparalleled level of thoroughness in its approach to this field. As a discipline environmental health is very much an interdisciplinary field of studies, with environmental health professionals needing both a theoretical and scientific knowledge of health issues and expertise in practical issues of policy implementation and legal matters, amongst others. I believe that the course would be the ideal starting point from which I can then go on to pursue a career as an environmental health practitioner, whether in the public or private sector.

I believe that my previous and current work and study experiences demonstrate my ability to succeed in both postgraduate studies and a career in environmental health. My current studies in Mathematics and Statistics have helped me to develop a highly analytical, logical and methodical mind that is perfectly suited to the demands of appraising complex information, a skill that is essential for environmental health practitioners. I have also held a variety of professional roles that have helped me to develop into an able communicator, manager and problem solver. I have been working since 2008 as an interpreter at the South Korean Embassy in London. In addition to carrying out interpreting work on the behalf of Korean nationals in need of the Embassy’s services, I have also been involved with visits from important statespeople from Canada, the UN and South Korea. This role demands excellent communication skills to make sure both parties involved in the conversation fully understand what the other party is trying to convey, just as it is important for environmental health inspectors to be able to communicate vital information to business owners. I also have considerable managerial experience through both running my own business for a year and being responsible for the event management of the South Korean Olympic team this summer, a role that involved liaising with hotel owners, transport companies and other stakeholders.

I have also had the chance in recent years to make use of my spare time to learn more about environmental health questions. For example, I recently completed a Japanese cookery course while I was on holiday in South Korea. The extensive use of seafood and rice in Japanese cuisine means that this style of cooking requires the utmost respect for and a great understanding of health issues, and for this reason the course was an excellent way of gaining a better practical understanding of environmental health in the workplace. I have also recently completed a month of voluntary work in rural South Korea. Working in an underdeveloped region as it faces the environmental challenges of modernisation and economic growth placed my interest in environmental health into a much broader context, making me realise that environmental health issues often go beyond the confines of individual businesses. I believe that the MSc in Environmental Health will be the perfect opportunity to learn more about these matters before I proceed to a career in this most important of professional sectors.

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Environmental science personal statement example 8.

My interest in environmental science likely originated from my childhood growing up in francophone Central Africa with conservation biologist parents. However, I only learned to appreciate the subject once I took an environmental science class. From a young age, I explored the tropical forest and questioned the complexity of the world around me. The fact that I can translate my love for the environment and for learning into a career path empowers and motivates me to work towards a more sustainable future. I want to continue my studies in environmental science so I may be part of the solution to today’s problems caused by climate change.

How do complex living systems evolve from nothing? What roles do human dynamics play in earth’s changing natural systems? These are questions that captivate me. Taking AP biology gave me the skills needed to understand complex science, to question everything around me, and to formulate my own experiments. Such as when we were tasked to formulate a question about photosynthesis and what factors affect its rate, or learning how intricate the human body functions are and how complex features arose. My Forensic Science and Astronomy courses taught me to interpret and use data to arrive at effective conclusions. Analysing crime scenes and blood spatter patterns to determine where the gun shots came from, or distinguishing between white or red dwarf stars challenge me in the best way. My Innovation, Design and Technology class taught me that sustainable and ecologically friendly solutions aren’t always complex. For example, simply installing transparent trash cans on campus had a positive impact on the recycling compliance of students too rushed to look into bins. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of my AP Environmental Science, I began learning about what truly excites me- the interconnectedness of natural systems. In just one example, my populations lesson indicated that everything around us isn’t just chemistry and physics. It is also social sciences, geography, and much more.

Similar to Alfred Wallace and Charles Darwin, I went on adventures of discovery to better understand the world around me. Not to find the next big scientific discovery, but to experience fieldwork, and to see if it is for me. I volunteered at the Tuli Block Farm in Botswana, a wildlife conservation area. I mended fences that elephants destroyed, dug water holes, walked anti-poaching patrols and scored camera trap data. I also volunteered at a research and ecotourism site in the rainforest of the Republic of Congo where I was exposed to scientific field research and theory. I assisted a researcher who has dedicated her life to understanding western lowland gorilla behaviour. I collected root samples to be analysed as part of the study to understand what benefit these small and apparently nutrient-poor tubercles have for the gorillas who spend hours digging for them. I also saw first hand how increasingly important technology is becoming in wildlife studies, as I was tasked with collecting video from the vast network of camera traps. However, I really got giddy when I observed stranger-than-fiction natural phenomena such as the “zombie ant” with its Cordyceps fungus protruding out of its head or observing first hand (and feeling the painful bite!) the symbiotic relationship between Barteria fistulosa trees and Tetraponera ants. These trips to different habitats--savanna shrubland and tropical rainforest--helped me experience different ecosystems and left me with more questions than when I started, fueling me to learn more every day.

I speak French fluently because I attended French schools for most of my life. However, halfway through tenth grade, I moved to the American International School of Cape Town, which was the right decision for me. Although shifting from French to American education styles was a difficult transition, for the first time I was able to choose from a list of electives and this was a game-changer. Despite struggling academically for a term, I loved my subjects and I came back on top, winning the Academic Excellence in environmental science award and earning honour roll 3 times. It was a big lesson for me, accepting bumps in life but coming back from them stronger, giving me confidence to adapt to changes and learn the value of perseverance.

Throughout high school, I was drawn to environmental and social causes. I’m a founding member of my school’s environmental committee whose purpose is to raise awareness about climate change and changes behaviours through service projects and education. We performed beach clean-ups, installed compost systems, and created eco-boards to inspire young learners. I enjoy helping and teaching children about the things I am passionate about. I tutored children in english, math, and science, which has reinforced my communication skills. I volunteered at the Goedgedacht Trust, to provide school children from impoverished communities with safe spaces to play, explore, and grow. I spent ten days engaging with children, helping them with their schoolwork, and exploring their hopes and dreams: things all children deserve but that few children from these communities actually experience. Additionally, I cared for animals as a volunteer at the domestic animal rescue group. Participating in these activities has helped me fulfil my sense of community and belonging.

I enjoy horses and have been an equestrian show jumper for 6 years. I also relish opportunities to be creative and entrepreneurial. I created, marketed and sold slime (Slimes_capetown on Instagram) to my peers. Although a short-lived business, it reinforced my problem-solving skills. All of these experiences taught me to set goals and be responsible, important skills in science and research.

Through my personal experiences, my eyes are open to the challenges, difficulties, and rewards associated with conservation. Growing up in a multicultural environment, participating in the right courses, and having incredible volunteer experiences, aided with my adaptability, will help me thrive within an international environmental science research programme. I cannot wait to embark on my future journeys and learn so much more about this world, and the challenges to be faced.

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How to Write a Strong Personal Statement for Graduate School

  • by Heidi Kerr and Paul David Terry
  • November 10, 2020

A student sits on his laptop at the Silo at UC Davis.

You’ve made the exciting decision to pursue a graduate degree. Congratulations! There are a wide range of graduate programs to explore , and once you’ve selected the right program for you, it’s time to begin the graduate application process. 

The statement of purpose and personal history statement are key components of the UC Davis graduate school application . With fewer than 4,000 characters allowed for each essay, these statements can seem particularly daunting. However, each one has a specific purpose for showcasing your academic journey and creating a holistic application.

Below, we’ve analyzed the differences between the statement of purpose and personal history statement and provided tips for writing these graduate school admissions essays. 

Statement of Purpose and Personal History: What’s the Difference?

A student examines chemicals through a beaker while wearing a lab coat and goggles.

The statement of purpose shares your academic objectives with the admissions committee and explains why you want to obtain a graduate degree. The personal history statement provides background about who you are and how your experiences have shaped your interests and ability to overcome challenges. Each essay has specific goals to showcase your experience, passion and story. 

How to Write a Strong Statement of Purpose

The statement of purpose should highlight your academic preparation , motivation and interests, along with any specializations and career goals that contribute to your program of study. As you write your statement of purpose, it should encompass some of the following:

  • Academic and research experiences - Include any relevant academic studies or research pursuits, internships or employment, presentations, publications, teaching, and travel or study abroad experiences that prepare you for this graduate program. Explain your motivation or passion for these experiences and how they can enrich your graduate study.
  • Interests, specializations, and career goals - Highlight your research interests, disciplinary subfields, area(s) of specialization, and professional objectives.
  • Fit - Explain how your preparation, experiences, and interests match the specific resources and characteristics of your graduate program at UC Davis. Identify specific faculty within your desired graduate program with whom you would like to work and how their interests match your own.

The statement of purpose should also address why you want to pursue the particular graduate degree program at the university and what your goals are in pursuing a degree. Remember, the statement of purpose should explain exactly that, your purpose for becoming a graduate student. This is the primary way it stands apart from your personal history statement. 

What to Include in Your Personal History Statement

A student smiles as she inspects yellow liquid underneath a microscope, while her professor watches on.

The personal history statement helps the reader learn more about you as an individual and potential graduate student. Use this opportunity to describe how your personal background informs your decision to pursue a graduate degree. Tell a story that  includes any experiences, challenges or opportunities relevant to your academic journey. Consider how your life experiences contribute to the social, intellectual, or cultural diversity within a campus community and your chosen field.

A strong personal history statement begins with an authentic voice and personal narrative. This can reflect your journey to graduate school, any obstacles you’ve encountered, and how you've overcome challenges. Talk about your personal goals and dreams. Explain what motivates and drives you toward this degree. The more your personal statement tells your school about you as an individual, the more it will stand out. Don't write something to impress someone else. This includes language, style and tone. Authenticity is important and resonates well. Tell the truth, in your voice, from your perspective. Use your story to connect.

More Tips and Resources for Applying to Graduate School

Applying to graduate school may be daunting to some, but UC Davis has a variety of resources to help you create a strong graduate school application. Check out the Applying to Graduate School: A Guide and Handbook for ideas and worksheets on how to construct your essays. Or visit our Office of Educational Opportunity and Enrichment Services website for more graduate school prep resources. 

Paul David Terry is the assistant director of special interest and affinity networks and alumni diversity lead at the Cal Aggie Alumni Association. He oversees the UC Davis Health Improving OUTcomes blog and enjoys cycling and brewing ginger beer.

Heidi Kerr works as the content and media manager at UC Davis’ Graduate Studies. She has worked as a communications professional at multiple higher education institutions and is passionate about promoting student success.

The authors acknowledge current and former leaders from Pre-Graduate/Law Advising in Office of Educational Opportunity and Enrichment Services, especially Annalisa Teixeira, Ph.D. and Cloe Le Gall-Scoville, Ph.D., who granted us permission to reference Applying to Graduate School: A Guide and Workbook .

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Environmental Science Personal Statement Examples

  • 1 Personal Statement Example Links
  • 2 Career Opportunities
  • 3 UK Admission Requirements
  • 4 UK Earnings Potential For Environmental Scientists
  • 5 Similar Courses in UK
  • 6 UK Curriculum
  • 7 Alumni Network

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Passionate about the planet and its intricate ecosystems? Driven to understand and address pressing environmental challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution?

Pursuing a course in Environmental Science can equip you with the knowledge and tools to make a positive impact on the world, exploring sustainable solutions and advocating for the health and preservation of our natural resources.

Environmental science is a field of study that focuses on the physical, chemical, and biological components of the environment and their interactions. It is a multidisciplinary field that includes the study of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and geosphere. It is a rapidly growing field that is increasingly important in today’s world.

The study of environmental science can be pursued at the undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral levels. At the undergraduate level, students will learn about the fundamentals of the environment and its components.

This includes topics such as ecology, geology, hydrology, atmospheric science, and climate change. At the graduate level, students can specialise in one of the sub-disciplines of environmental science, such as water resources, air pollution, or environmental policy. At the doctoral level, students can pursue research in a specific area of environmental science.

👍 When writing a personal statement : Highlight your passion for the course, demonstrating your understanding of it. Use relevant personal experiences, coursework, or work history to showcase how these have fostered your interest and readiness for the course.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of an Environmental Science course have a variety of career opportunities available to them in the UK, including:

  • Environmental Consultant : These professionals provide advice to organisations on how to minimise their environmental impact. They might work on areas such as contamination, waste management, environmental management systems, and renewable energy projects.
  • Conservation Officer : This role involves the protection and management of natural habitats, often working with local communities, volunteers, and governmental bodies to ensure the sustainable use of resources.
  • Environmental Education Officer : These officers work in schools, community groups, or local authorities to raise awareness about environmental issues and promote sustainable behaviours.
  • Recycling Officer : Working for local councils or private companies, these professionals aim to improve waste management and recycling processes.
  • Environmental Health Practitioner : They inspect businesses and public places to ensure health and safety regulations are being followed, often focusing on issues like pollution control, food safety, and public health.
  • Sustainability Officer : In this role, professionals develop and implement strategies to improve sustainability within an organisation. They might work on projects involving energy efficiency, waste reduction, or sustainable procurement.
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Specialist : These specialists use GIS technology to analyse and present geographical data for environmental research, planning, and management.
  • Environmental Scientist : Working in research or governmental organisations, these scientists conduct studies and assessments on a range of environmental issues, such as pollution, climate change, and conservation.

Remember that some of these roles may require additional qualifications or experience.

UK Admission Requirements

The entry requirements for the Environmental Science course at the University of Kentucky vary depending on the type of degree you are pursuing.

For a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Science, applicants must have a minimum of a 2.5 cumulative grade point average (GPA) in all college coursework and a 2.0 GPA in all science courses. Additionally, applicants must have completed a minimum of 16 college-level credits in science, mathematics, and/or engineering.

For a Master of Science degree in Environmental Science, applicants must have a minimum of a 3.0 cumulative GPA in all college coursework and a 3.0 GPA in all science courses. Additionally, applicants must have completed a minimum of 24 college-level credits in science, mathematics, and/or engineering.

For a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Environmental Science, applicants must have a minimum of a 3.5 cumulative GPA in all college coursework and a 3.5 GPA in all science courses. Additionally, applicants must have completed a minimum of 32 college-level credits in science, mathematics, and/or engineering.

These entry criteria are similar to other courses in the same field, with some variations in the GPA and credit requirements.

UK Earnings Potential For Environmental Scientists

The average earnings for someone with a degree in environmental science vary depending on the job role and their location. In the UK, the average salary for an environmental scientist is £30,000 per year. This figure can vary depending on the sector and the specific job role.

In terms of trends in the job market, environmental science is a growing field with increasing demand for professionals with expertise in this area. The UK government has committed to net zero carbon emissions by 2050 and is investing heavily in green technologies.

This has created a surge in demand for environmental scientists to help with the transition to a more sustainable future. Additionally, the growing awareness of climate change has led to an increase in public and private investment in green initiatives, creating more job opportunities for environmental scientists.

Similar Courses in UK

Other university courses related to environmental science are environmental studies, environmental management, and environmental policy.

Environmental studies focuses on the scientific aspects of environmental issues, such as climate change, pollution, and resource management. It is a broad field that incorporates elements of natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities.

Environmental management is a more practical field that focuses on the implementation of environmental policies and regulations. It involves the development of strategies and plans to address environmental problems, as well as the implementation of those strategies.

Environmental policy focuses on the development and implementation of laws, regulations, and other measures to protect the environment. It is a field of study that examines the economic, political, and social implications of environmental regulations.

The key difference between these courses is their focus. Environmental science is a broad field that encompasses all aspects of the environment, while environmental studies, environmental management, and environmental policy each focus on a specific aspect of environmental science.

UK Curriculum

Environmental Science is a multidisciplinary course that covers a range of topics and modules. The course typically includes modules on the physical, biological, and chemical aspects of the environment. It also covers the social and economic aspects of environmental management.

The physical aspects of the environment include topics such as climate change, air and water pollution, energy use and conservation, and natural resources. The biological aspects include topics such as biodiversity, ecosystems, and the effects of human activities on the environment.

The chemical aspects of the environment include topics such as hazardous waste management, environmental chemistry, and pollution control.

The social and economic aspects of environmental management include topics such as environmental policy, environmental economics, and environmental law.

The course also includes practical work and hands-on experience. This may include field trips, laboratory experiments, and field research. Students may also be required to conduct an independent research project or write a research paper.

In addition, the course may include topics such as environmental ethics, environmental education, and sustainable development. Students may also be required to participate in community outreach activities or volunteer work.

Alumni Network

Notable alumni from the Environmental Science course include:

1. Jane Goodall – Jane Goodall is an English primatologist, ethologist, anthropologist, and UN Messenger of Peace. She is best known for her 55-year study of chimpanzee social and family life in Tanzania. She is the founder of the Jane Goodall Institute and the Roots & Shoots program, which works to empower and educate youth in environmental conservation and animal welfare.

2. David Suzuki – David Suzuki is a Canadian academic, science broadcaster, and environmental activist. He is best known for his television and radio series, The Nature of Things, which has been broadcast in over 40 countries. He is the co-founder of the David Suzuki Foundation, which works to protect the environment and find solutions to climate change.

Alumni events and networking opportunities available for Environmental Science include:

1. The Environmental Science Alumni Network – This is an online platform where alumni of the Environmental Science course can connect and share information, resources, and experiences.

2. The Environmental Science Alumni Reunion – This is an annual event hosted by the university for alumni of the Environmental Science course. It is a great opportunity to network and reconnect with former classmates and faculty.

3. The Environmental Science Alumni Mentorship Program – This is a program that pairs alumni of the Environmental Science course with current students. The alumni mentor provides guidance, advice, and support for aspiring environmental scientists.

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PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLE Environmental Management and Environmental Science

Submitted by Kiara

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Environmental Management and Environmental Science

Various adventures on my travels like climbing the three peaks, completing an Icelandic glacier walk and walking through Cambodian rainforest sparked my curiosity in environmental science. When completing my Gold Duke of Edinburgh expedition this summer, the beautiful landscapes fuelled my motivation to complete the expedition and desire to learn more about the environment, in aim to help conserve it for the future. I also enjoy learning about environments by watching documentaries, such as 'Human Planet' in which the dependence of us and animals upon our habitats is explored. A holiday to Iceland fulfilled my dream of snorkelling along the tectonic plate boundary and exceeded all my expectations as I faced such natural wonder. However, now visits such as these worry me as I question the effects my actions may have - will these visits force them to be banned from public viewing in the future? Will future generations be able to believe such beauty existed when the devastating effects of global warming and pollution leave these places so different to how they are now? Modern wonders of the world inspire my enthusiasm for conservation and sustainability due to my desire to preserve these places for future generations, and to accept our own environmental responsibility.

A Levels chemistry has developed my logical thinking and problem solving abilities, with my grasp of equations improving my understanding and interpretation of scientific processes. Geology has taught me to interpret environmental features developing understanding of past environments and how the modern world has developed. Geography has interested me since secondary school, providing awe-inspiring insight into natural processes and the Earth's structure, especially the devastating effects of tectonic movement.

Sustainability interests me due to the relevance it has with modern issues of exponential population growth combined with global concerns about climate change and energy, food and water management. Global food resource issues - a topic delved into during a HE+ Geography session in which different sustainable food sources such as insects were investigated - inspire my vegetarianism. I am enthusiastic about making smarter food choices and reducing my energy consumption, as well as discovering new lifestyle choices which aid our planet. The HE+ sessions I attended challenged society's ideals through exploring topics such as globalisation, when we explored how a city must be socially, environmentally and economically responsible to achieve sustainability. Inspired I read the book 'We do things differently' by Mark Stevenson, which made clear to me that we need problem solvers and inventors to challenge common views. New, innovative ways are needed to encourage willingness in people. I believe this is possible through small changes. I have observed this when volunteering at a canal trust over the last few months collecting litter, which made me realise how our wasteful habits are affecting wildlife. I am heartened to see that these small changes are improving our world, and I hope more people will become involved in this process.

Being a chorister for 10 years, I have gained confidence through singing in outstanding places including York Minster. Becoming head chorister made me realise the importance of teamwork when facing challenges with the longevity of choirs and choral music. Also, being a leader at my local brownies group developed my leadership and communication skills as I organise and help with activities, games and outings. Maintaining my job as a Burrito Artist for the last year demonstrates my dedication and time management skills.

New experiences truly excite me which, along with my willingness to discover a greater knowledge about our 'blue planet', makes me suited to this degree.

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Doctor of Philosophy Degree

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree focuses on research and prepares you for a career in university-level teaching and research. The EHS Department offers two doctoral programs:

PhD Environmental Health Sciences

Research areas of interest include a broad range of environmental and occupational areas.  Many topics include aspects of  Environment, Sustainability, and Heath ,  Occupational Health Sciences-Industrial Hygiene and occupational and environmental epidemiology

PhD Toxicology

The field of toxicology identifies environmental and therapeutic exposures of concern, reveals mechanisms by which chemical toxicants create pathological dysfunction or disease, identifies interventions for the prevention of adverse effects, conducts safety assessments, and estimates acceptable levels of exposure for the protection of the public health.

Degree Requirements

Program components.

There are three major stages in the program to be completed prior to getting the PhD degree:

  • Coursework and successful completion of the Doctoral Qualifying Examination (DQE)
  • Completion of the research proposal and successful passing of the Preliminary Examination
  • Conduct dissertation and research and successfully complete and defend the research

Typically, a PhD program takes a total of 4-5 years to complete. The time frame depends largely on how soon advancement to candidacy is achieved. Once advancement to candidacy has occurred (usually after two years), students typically develop and defend their research prospectus the following year and complete their research effort (including its written presentation) in 2-3 years.

PhD in Environmental Health Sciences

You can explore all EHS and non-EHS classes in the course catalogue .

Department Course Requirements

BIOSTAT 521 Applied Biostatistics PUBHLTH 512 Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health EHS 510 Responsible Conduct in Research and Scholarship (RCRS) EHS 801 Professional Development in EHS EHS 850 Research Design and Proposal Development in EHS EHS 869 Research Critiques and Scientifics Communications in EHS (Docotral Seminar) EHS 899 Advanced Research (2 separate rotations required during first year) EHS 990 Dissertation/Pre-Candidacy  EHS 995 Dissertation/Candidacy

Select one of the following :

     EHS 576 Biological Agents       EHS 652 Evaluation of Chemical Hazards       EHS 658 Physical Hazards

     BIOSTAT 502 Application of Regression Analysis to Health Studies      BIOSTAT 522 Biostatistical Analysis for Health-Related Studies      BIOSTAT 523 Statistical Methods in Epidemiology       STAT 401 Applied Statistical Methods II      STAT 503 Applied Multivariate Analysis 

Additional Course Requirements Students must complete 9 credits from the list below (3-4 classes):

EHS 504 Genes and the Environment EHS 556 Occupational Ergonomics EHS 570 Water Quality Management EHS 572 Environmental Impact Assessment EHS 576 Biological Agents EHS 582 Principles of Community Air Pollution EHS 592 Infectious Disease & Emergency Response in Communities EHS 601 Exposure Science and Health EHS 608 Environmental Epidemiology EHS 614 Water and Global Health EHS 616 Toxicologic Pathology  EHS 651 Occupational Health, Safety, and Environmental Program Management EHS 652 Evaluation of Chemical Hazards* EHS 653 Environmental Sampling & Analysis Laboratory EHS 654 Control of Exposures to Airborne Contaminants EHS 655 Human Exposure Analysis ** EHS 657 Advanced Exposure Assessment EHS 658 Physical Hazards* EHS 660 Environmental Epigenetics and Public Health EHS 668 Professional Seminar in Occupational Health EHS 672 Healthy and Sustainable Foods and Products - Life Cycle Assessment*** EHS 675 Data Analysis for Environmental Epidemiology EHS 683 Air Pollution and Global Health EHS 685 Toxicology Case Studies of Environmental Disasters: How Chemicals Cause Harm (previously Mechanisms of Toxicology) EHS 717 Toxicologic Pathology Lab (taken with EHS 616) EHS 757 Occupational Health Aspects of Industrial Processes (IH field trips course)  EHS 796 Topics in EHS: Disaster Response and Environmental Health EHS 796 Topics in EHS: Psychosocial Aspects of Occupational Health

PhD in Toxicology

BIOLCHEM 515 Introduction to Biochemistry  BIOSTAT 521 Applied Biostatistics PUBHLTH 512 Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health EHS 510 Responsible Conduct in Research and Scholarship (RCRS)  EHS 602 Essentials of Toxicology EHS 616/717 Toxicological Pathology & Lab  EHS 685 Toxicology Case Studies of Environmental Disasters: How Chemicals Cause Harm  EHS 801 Professional Development in EHS EHS 850 Research Design and Proposal Development in EHS EHS 869 Research Critiques and Scientifics Communications in EHS (Docotral Seminar) EHS 899 Advanced Research (2 separate rotations required during first year) EHS 990 Dissertation/Pre-Candidacy  EHS 995 Dissertation/Candidacy

     EHS 603 Occupational and Environmental Disease      EHS 652 Evaluation of Chemical Hazards     

     EHS 504 Genes and the Environment      EHS 608 Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology       EHS 660 Environmental Epigenetics and Public Health       EHS 674 Environmental and Health Risk Modeling

Select two of the following :

     CDB 530 Cell Biology       HUMGEN 541 Molecular Genetics      BIOLCHEM 660 Molecules of Life: Protein Structure, Function, and Dynamics

Admissions Prerequisites

Typical undergraduate majors among applicants admitted to the PhD program in recent years include environmental sciences/studies, public health, industrial hygiene, biology, chemistry, biochemistry, and engineering. However, prospective students with other undergraduate majors are welcome to apply. 

Students who are applying for the PhD programs must meet the following prerequisite courses listed below. Some deficiencies may be made up after admission to the program. Courses taken to fulfill basic deficiencies do not count toward fulfillment of the degree's course requirements.

  • General Biology
  • General Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry
  • General Physics

Application Process and Timeline

All doctoral students must submit a Rackham Graduate Application (see detailed application process below). All doctoral applications are due December 1. 

There are three steps in the doctoral admission process. This is a general timeline to give applicants a sense of what to expect during the lengthy application process, however, the timeline may be adjusted each year:

  • Fall semester: All completed applications are reviewed by the Admissions Committee.
  • Janauary/February: Select students will be invited to participate in EHS Doctoral Day. This event will provide more insight into UM and the EHS department, but will also include meetings with EHS faculty which is how our faculty can determine who they could mentor.
  • End of March/early April: Students will be contacted by the department with an update on their admission. If admitted, students will recieve an admission and funding letter. 

Financial Aid

Students who are offered admission to the doctoral program will be fully-funded through a variety of funding mechanisms. Your funding package will be provided upon admittance into the department; however, funding plans consist of the following:

  • Traineeships from the NIOSH ERC and ETEP
  • Grants/Scholarships from the Department, Rackham Graduate School and the School of Public Health
  • Teaching assistantships from EHS or other SPH departments
  • Research assistantships from faculty research grants

Current Doctoral Student Profiles

Ready to apply.

Applications for the PhD program should be submitted through the Rackham Graduate School online application . 

PhD in Environmental Health Sciences or Toxicology : December 1


  • Academic Statement of Purpose: Your SOP should be a concise, well-written statement about your academic and research background, your career goals, and how Michigan's graduate program will help you meet your career and educational objectives. The SOP should be 1-3 pages in length and include your name, name of the graduate program, and your UM ID (if known).
  • Personal Statement : How have your background and life experiences, including cultural, geographical, financial, educational, citizenship status, or other opportunities or challenges, motivated your decision to pursue a graduate degree at the University of Michigan? The personal statement should be 500 words and include your name, name of the graduate program, and your UM ID (if known).
  • List each college-level course you have taken that evaluates mathematical or quantitative skills (e.g. algebra, calculus, differential equations, statistics, physics, or courses that require data analysis using statistical software, etc.). For each course, indicate the name of the course, academic year (e.g. freshman, sophomore, etc.), and grade received. Example: Calculus I, freshman year, B+
  • Discuss specific details and examples of relevant research, work, volunteer, or professional experiences that involved analytical and/or quantitative skills and tasks. You may also incorporate instances where you worked with data.
  • If you have experience with quantitative or qualitative data, describe how you used it to solve a complex problem and include how you communicated your findings. Note: please include measurable outcomes that demonstrate your results.
  • Letters of Recommendation : 3 letters of recommendation signed and on letterhead. Electronic submission is highly preferred method which will require a valid email address of your recommenders. 
  • CV/Resume : Upload your CV/Resume that describes your education, work experience, research publications, teaching experience, professional/volunteer activities, community engagement, honors, and awards. 
  • Faculty Members : Please list individual department faculty members with whom you would like to work if admitted into the program. Applicants are required to list a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 faculty members on the application. 
  • Upload an electronic version of your official transcript/academic record for each bachelor’s, master’s, professional, or doctoral degree earned or in progress through your ApplyWeb application account.
  • If you are recommended admission, you must submit an official or attested transcript/academic record for each institution attended. See Rackham’s detailed instructions on how to submit transcripts/academic records to the Rackham Graduate School.
  • All applicants should report their Grade Point Average (GPA) on page 5 of the online application. The GPA should be reported using a standard U.S. four point scale.  Applicants who attended an institution outside the United States should follow the instructions to convert their international average grade point to a U.S. four point GPA (see "How to Convert Grades to a U.S. GPA" here ).
  • Applicants who attended or are attending a Non-U.S. Institution: Review Required Academic Credentials from Non-U.S. Institutions for transcript/academic record requirements by country or region. 
  • Michigan Public Health does not require and does not review GRE or other standardized test scores for admission to any master's or doctoral programs. Applications will be reviewed holistically based on required application components. Please contact our admissions staff at [email protected] if you have questions.
  • 84 iBT TOEFL
  • 6.5 IELTS 


The Admissions Committee will review the application and notify students regarding their admission. For answers to any questions that you might have, please visit other pages on this website and/or contact Rachel Yarbrough, Graduate Program Coordinator at [email protected]

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environmental health degree personal statement

BrightLink Prep

Sample Personal Statement Environment and Sustainability (admitted to Stanford, CALTECH)

environmental health degree personal statement

by Talha Omer, MBA, M.Eng., Harvard & Cornell Grad

In personal statement samples by field.

The following personal statement is written by an applicant who got accepted to top graduate programs in environmental and sustainability engineering. Variations of this personal statement got accepted at Stanford, UC Berkeley, and Caltech. Read this personal statement to get inspiration and understand what a top engineering school essay should look like.

You might also be interested in reading this Sample Statement of Purpose in environment and sustainability that got admitted to UIUC, and RIT.

Sample Personal Statement Environment and Sustainability

“Scientists study the world as it is; engineers create a world that has never been.” Theodore Von Karman

This quote from Karman sums it up for me as I belong to a family of Civil Engineers. I had grown up watching buildings being constructed, concrete pouring, and the vast green land converted to grey structures – even my beloved football ground. Slowly I realized that the areas that reflected soothing greenery and captivating designs are now tarnished with unfettered traffic and illegal encroachments. Dingy streets, ill planning, and neglected construction make it hard for outsiders to locate a place. As these areas grew more populated and congested, I experienced soaring temperatures at an alarmingly increased rate. Even without any technical knowledge, I can see that lack of planning in construction is putting pressure on our resources.

My four years in civil engineering opened a whole new world to me, just as exciting as I had imagined. One of my favorite courses was related to “Environmental Engineering.” Through this course, I developed an essential skillset in evaluating construction designs in the local context of Dubai. It made me realize that energy, climate, and infrastructure systems are closely tied together, and these connections manifest in various forms. Our society cannot function without energy and infrastructure systems. Since then, I have used every opportunity to upsurge my knowledge of Sustainable Designs further and spread awareness about intelligent designs.

I joined ASHRAE (American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers) and held the president’s office. As a president, I worked actively to spread awareness about resource constraints and why eco-friendly construction designs are the need of the day. In addition, I arranged policy dialogues where students presented their innovative green approaches toward infrastructure design to pioneers in the construction industry.

During one such conversation, my idea of researching Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRP) caught the attention of Martin Brudermüller, Director of BASF SE. He encouraged me to explore more on this in the shape of a thesis. Working on this thesis was an eye-opener for me.

I found out that CFRP is a highly costly material that is inefficiently used in current construction practices. This material is wrapped around the whole column to raise the strength of the structure. After intensive research, I discovered we could achieve the same power by wrapping the columns with only 20% of the CFRP from the top. This was groundbreaking research as I found an innovative way of reducing construction costs. After graduation, I looked for careers where I could apply my research findings in practical settings.

Thankfully, I found a perfect match in Jacobs Solutions, an American international technical professional services firm. Jacobs Solutions envisions changing redundant practices of construction. At Jacobs, I have worked as Assistant Engineer for eight months. Working at Jacobs, I came in close contact with foreign consultants better grounded in applying the latest construction materials than civil engineers. Interacting with these consultants regularly, I realized that my skill set in sustainable and eco-friendly design is rudimentary. For example, during the Kidney and Liver Institute and Research Center construction, renewable energy and materials have been incorporated to reduce the overall carbon footprint and make the project green and sustainable.

However, I must admit that these consultants are highly paid, which increases the indirect cost of these projects because we lack skilled professionals in sustainable engineering. Realizing the current gaps in the industry and the potential of eco-friendly materials, I want to pursue a master’s degree in Sustainable Engineering. This is a popular area of specialization since we live in a world with limited natural resources. The importance of Sustainable Engineering cannot be overstated because our green spaces are being converted to grey structures. Pursuing a Master’s degree in sustainable engineering, I want to reverse the order. I want to design efficient structures with eco-friendly materials, so my children see grey structures turning green. I am confident that a Master’s degree in Sustainable engineering will go a long way in fulfilling my dreams and aspirations.


  • 100+ Outstanding Examples of Personal Statements
  • The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Winning Personal Statement
  • Common Pitfalls to Avoid in Your Personal Statement
  • Writing a Killer Opening Paragraph for Your Personal Statement
  • Ideal Length for a Graduate School Personal Statement
  • 100 Inspiring Quotes to Jumpstart Your Personal Statement

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Environmental Health Sciences

For detailed information about our DrPH program, including advising, program requirements, and dissertation, please consult the Department of Environmental Health Sciences  Doctoral Student Handbook .

The Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) in Environmental Health Sciences is a professional degree indicating qualification for leadership careers in advanced public health practice and administration related specifically to environmental risks to human health. The DrPH program is designed for individuals seeking knowledge and skills in environmental health to advance their careers, particularly within governmental, nonprofit and private settings as well as in advocacy and policy, where specialized knowledge in environmental health sciences are essential.  DrPH students will have the option of carrying out research and writing a thesis.

Each student will work with a faculty advisor who will help guide them through their coursework, practicum and culminating experience.  If the student opts to do a thesis, they will work with their faculty advisor and a thesis committee. 

Graduates of this program will be qualified to pursue leadership positions in government agencies, private and public institutions involved with health and safety, developing environmental policy and studying the effects of environmental exposures on human health.

All EHS DrPH graduates are well-prepared for leadership roles within their chosen specialty area of environmental health sciences. In administering the doctoral program, the Department is governed by the Guidelines for the Doctor of Public Health Degree (PDF) prepared by the Standing Doctoral Committee of the School.

Career Options

The career paths of our graduates demonstrate wide applicability, including:

  • Senior roles in research or data analysis at governmental regulatory agencies at the local, state, national, and international levels;
  • Researchers within academia and industry, including pharmaceutical companies and consulting firms;
  • Leadership/senior roles at government organizations involved in environmental and health protection, such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), health departments, and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC);
  • Faculty positions at academic institutions;
  • Community-based organizations concerned with health issues related to environmental pollutants; and
  • Non-governmental organizations involved in developing and advocating for sound environmental policy.


The DrPH degree in EHS is designed to train professionals for advanced applied research, teaching, and administrative positions in the area of environmental health sciences. Students in the program gain a set of competencies required of well-trained professionals. Upon satisfactory completion of the DrPH degree in EHS, in addition to the school-wide competencies* there are several departmental-specific competencies that all graduates will have achieved including:

  • Recognize and analyze challenges that face population health in Environmental Health Sciences.
  • Apply the principles of exposure assessment to evaluate human exposures to environmental and occupational hazards.
  • Evaluate current knowledge and key assumptions in environmental health sciences and other areas to advance the development of the field.
  • Gain skills needed to establish and manage an environmental health program.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the complexities of the EHS field and how major stakeholders collaborate with the goal of informing public and private constituency groups of environmental outcomes.
  • Recommend interventions for reducing human exposures to environmental and occupational hazards.
  • Communicate effectively, in writing and orally, knowledge of environmental hazards to other professionals and the public, including effective risk communication.

Research Option

Students electing to do research and a thesis are expected to achieve the following additional competencies :

  • Conceive, develop, and conduct original research leading to practical applications in environmental health sciences;
  • Apply the latest applied science methodologies for testing research hypotheses and solving practical problems in environmental health sciences;
  • Communicate effectively in writing and orally the results of research findings to the public and other professionals;
  • Have the skills to develop a well-conceived hypothesis and to create a written proposal aimed at acquiring funding for a project to test the hypothesis.
  • Compose a research article for submission to a peer reviewed, scientific journal;
  • Report research findings at professional meetings;
  • Summarize research findings for a non-technical audience;
  • Identify significant gaps in the current applied knowledge in environmental health sciences and develop approaches to fill those gaps;
  • And establish, organize, and operate an independent applied research program in environmental health sciences.

Admission Requirements

To be considered for admission to the DrPH program, an applicant must have a Master of Public Health (MPH) degree (or its equivalent) from an accredited school of public health and satisfy additional admission requirements specific to the Mailman School of Public Health. As part of the application process, each applicant is asked to describe an area or areas of research interest in their personal statement; this important aspect of the application enables the admissions committee to evaluate whether the applicant’s interests match those of the faculty. Thus it is essential that applicants review the research interests of faculty prior to applying to the program. Potential applicants should contact the Director of Academic Programs to discuss this issue and to arrange a meeting with individual faculty with whom they may have an interest in working.

The deadline for fall admissions is December 1st; Spring applications are not accepted.

For additional information, please feel free to contact the Office of Admissions directly by email or by phone at 212-342-5127 .

environmental health degree personal statement

Postgraduate Personal Statement Example: Environmental Engineering

environmental health degree personal statement

Personal statement examples can teach you how to write and structure your application, and you can quickly learn how to write a personal statement by examining others.

That’s why reading examples of personal statements can be valuable when applying to a university or college course. 

However, with so many university personal statement examples available, how do you know if you’re reading a good one?

Postgraduate personal statements should highlight relevant academic and practical experience, research skills and ambitions and their suitability for the course. This postgraduate personal statement example for Environmental Engineering considers these three critical elements.

Studying master’s degree personal statement examples can be especially valuable. They’re sometimes referred to as personal mission statements or statements of purpose , so if you’re tasked with writing a personal mission statement, the following example will work for you.

I’ve broken down this personal statement example section by section, with a commentary on each element. 

That way, you’ll see its strengths and weaknesses and get some inspiration for your own personal statement .

Once you’ve read the personal statement example and analysis, you can download a pdf of the whole document to use as inspiration for your own!

environmental health degree personal statement

Personal Statement Example: Introduction

“I first became acutely aware of the urgency of the existential threat of climate change when I attended a college seminar addressing contemporary research into global warming. This seminar shifted my viewpoint and ambition, and after graduating, I joined the Marshall Industrial Development Fund and worked as an analyst in the Department for Environment, Health and Safety. As part of our due diligence process, we ensure that the Fund invests in green initiatives and environmentally sustainable projects. Additionally, we evaluate our clients’ performance against sustainable development goals and environmental protection policies, offering support and intervention where needed.

Through personal experience and comprehensive online research, I have recognised the need for existing and future generations to prioritise the creation of a sustainable global environment. Indeed, during my work at MIDF, I observed many industrial projects seeking sustainable solutions for their conventional energy sources and developing strategies to transform processes that generate excessive greenhouse emissions. As a result, I have dedicated my career to contributing solutions in this field, advancing my knowledge and expertise in environmental engineering and seeking to identify sustainable solutions to numerous environmental threats. This ambition is the motivation behind my decision to pursue a postgraduate degree in Environmental Engineering, which will broaden my academic horizons and expertise whilst fulfilling my long-term personal and professional goals.”

My Commentary and Analysis 

This personal statement introduction begins convincingly and uses a moment of realisation from the writer’s past as a catalyst for their increasing engagement in the subject. This is an effective approach, as it introduces a personal connection and passion, motivation and a sense of long-term involvement in the sector. As such, it compels the reader to take the application seriously and to view the writer in a positive light.

It also outlines a mix of academic and real-world experience, which is another critical factor required in most postgraduate personal statement examples.

The writer then sets out their own moral, ethical and actionable viewpoints and makes a clear case for the course as the next step on the journey to achieving their goals. Again, this shows a depth of knowledge and understanding and a coherent sense of personal strategy. 

This is important, as admissions readers will be looking for content that shows clearly how the course being applied for fits into future plans. In essence, they want to see that the course plays a logical role in advancing a career or personal goal, and the writer demonstrates this with clarity here.

If you’re struggling with your personal statement introduction, check out my article on how to write perfect opening paragraphs here .

environmental health degree personal statement

Personal Statement Example: Academic Ambitions 1

“The Buckley School of Engineering offers me access to numerous outstanding learning resources and engineering facilities, which will enhance my academic, research and collaborative skills. As a postgraduate student, I aim to engage with inspirational faculty instructors capable of offering cutting-edge environmental engineering insights. In this context, I also plan to participate in the Sustainable Engineering Initiative and research innovative, contemporary approaches to carbon capture and petrochemical storage with Professor Lucy Marchetti.”

My Commentary and Analysis

It’s always sensible to reference the course and faculty you’re applying for, and the writer does this here. However, the first section of this paragraph is very general and, although using some relevant terminology, doesn’t really offer any new or compelling information.

The section half is much better. The writer makes reference to a specific course programme, shows their understanding of it and identifies a member of the faculty that they want to work with. This shows that they have researched the course and have decided on their academic goals. 

These are both excellent elements to include in your personal statement as they reassure the admissions reader that not only have you done your homework, but that there are compelling reasons why you want to study a particular course in a particular place. 

If you’d like to learn more about structuring your personal statement or statement of purpose , check out my awesome Personal Statement Template eBook here . It’s full of detailed examples of what to include!

environmental health degree personal statement

Personal Statement Example: Academic Ambitions 2

“As an undergraduate, I was an active member of campus organizations, and I know I will bring positive energy and a new perspective to the Buckley community. I would enjoy teaching students and classmates how to assess environmental health risks for individuals working in manufacturing facilities and sharing effective approaches to developing effective control measures. Equally, I am keen to learn from my peers and gain a greater understanding of the full range of environmental challenges we face. Consequently, I am confident that this program will allow me to acquire substantial theoretical and practical knowledge and facilitate my meaningful work alongside other professionals in this diverse sector.”

Commentary and Analysis

The writer uses this paragraph to outline their value. This is a sound strategy, as admissions readers are always keen to see what an applicant feels they can contribute to the wider community. As a bonus, these contributions could be of genuine value to the writer’s peers, making them logical to include here.

The rest of this paragraph, unfortunately, is somewhat repetitive and lacking in detail. It would have been far better for the writer to outline the skills and knowledge gained from undergraduate study and, in particular, to focus on the research and independent study skills needed for a postgraduate course.

There’s almost none of that content in this personal statement example, which is weaker as a result.

Check out lots more examples of personal statements here , and see how they can inspire your application!

environmental health degree personal statement

Personal Statement Example: Professional Ambitions

“Upon graduation, I aim to have developed the decision-making skills required to evaluate environmental challenges and build sustainable solutions in the manufacturing industry. My short-term aspirations include returning to MIDF as an Environmental Manager and developing a methodology for assessing the environmental impact of industrial projects. Here I plan to create a framework for evaluating the air emissions from industrial projects and implementing sustainable solutions to address excessive air pollutants. Subsequently, using my postgraduate knowledge of modelling and data analysis, I intend to significantly influence the control of air pollutants in the steel industry, which have a detrimental impact on both human health and the environment.”

My Commentary and Analysis: 

A valuable set of ambitions here, which should certainly be included. They appear relevant to the course and again show a depth of understanding of the challenges facing environmental control and improvement.

However, there is no mention of the academic skills the writer has developed which might help them achieve these goals, and critically, there is no reference to the course elements which would allow the writer to build the skills needed to do this.

To improve, the writer should identify specific programme elements from the course they are applying for and indicate their value in achieving these ambitions. This would allow a reader to see a clear link between the writer’s goals and the course content, which is vital.

There is a definite sense of suitability and potential about his applicant, but I am not convinced of the depth of their academic strengths, transferable skills or course knowledge, all of which should be clearly demonstrated in a personal statement at this level.

The one thing that all successful personal statements have in common is that they are concise, engaging and accurate in spelling, punctuation and grammar. Consequently, I always recommend Grammarly to my students and clients. 

It’s an outstanding tool for ensuring your personal statement is rich with detail whilst hitting those all-important word limits. Check out the free version of Grammarly here , or hit the banner for more information.

environmental health degree personal statement

Personal Statement Example: Conclusion

“My long-term goal is to establish a consulting firm that focuses on environmental impact assessments and designs sustainable solutions that address emissions issues. I intend to increase awareness of clean air rights throughout developing countries by developing a profile as an environmental activist and influencing environmental policy. I look forward to taking the next step on this vital journey as a member of your learning community.”

Again, this brief conclusion lacks depth and detail. It’s also quite repetitive and doesn’t add any new or compelling content to this personal statement example.

This is a shame, as the writer seems extremely well-qualified and engaged with the subject being applied for.

However, the entire statement lacks connection with the course content, evidence of academic skills and experience and any sense of the value the writer might bring to the faculty community.

For more great advice, check out my article on writing an excellent final personal statement paragraph here .

environmental health degree personal statement

Click here or on the banner below to get your free download of this complete personal statement example . 

environmental health degree personal statement

Whether you’re looking for personal mission statement examples or an example of personal purpose statement, I hope this personal statement example has been helpful. Above all, I wish you every success in your academic career. 

If you’d like to work with me to develop your personal statement 1:1 and write a powerful mission statement, I’d be delighted to hear from you. 

Find out about my personal statement support services by clicking here or on the image below.

environmental health degree personal statement

Research and content verified by Personal Statement Planet .

David Hallen

I've worked in the Further Education and University Admissions sector for nearly 20 years as a teacher, department head, Head of Sixth Form, UCAS Admissions Advisor, UK Centre Lead and freelance personal statement advisor, editor and writer. And now I'm here for you...

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  • Core Practices
  • Isolation Precautions Guideline
  • Disinfection and Sterilization Guideline
  • Environmental Infection Control Guidelines
  • Hand Hygiene Guidelines
  • Multidrug-resistant Organisms (MDRO) Management Guidelines
  • Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI) Prevention Guideline
  • Tools and resources
  • Evaluating Environmental Cleaning

Infection Control Basics

  • Infection control prevents or stops the spread of infections in healthcare settings.
  • Healthcare workers can reduce the risk of healthcare-associated infections and protect themselves, patients and visitors by following CDC guidelines.

Germs are a part of everyday life. Germs live in our air, soil, water and in and on our bodies. Some germs are helpful, others are harmful.

An infection occurs when germs enter the body, increase in number and the body reacts. Only a small portion of germs can cause infection.

Terms to know

  • Sources : places where infectious agents (germs) live (e.g., sinks, surfaces, human skin). Sources are also called reservoirs.
  • Susceptible person: someone who is not vaccinated or otherwise immune. For example, a person with a weakened immune system who has a way for the germs to enter the body.
  • Transmission: a way germs move to the susceptible person. Germs depend on people, the environment and/or medical equipment to move in healthcare settings. Transmission is also called a pathway.
  • Colonization: when someone has germs on or in their body but does not have symptoms of an infection. Colonized people can still transmit the germs they carry.

For an infection to occur, germs must transmit to a person from a source, enter their body, invade tissues, multiply and cause a reaction.

How it works in healthcare settings

Sources can be:.

  • People such as patients, healthcare workers and visitors.
  • Dry surfaces in patient care areas such as bed rails, medical equipment, countertops and tables).
  • Wet surfaces, moist environments and biofilms (collections of microorganisms that stick to each other and surfaces in moist environments, like the insides of pipes).
  • Cooling towers, faucets and sinks, and equipment such as ventilators.
  • Indwelling medical devices such as catheters and IV lines.
  • Dust or decaying debris such as construction dust or wet materials from water leaks.

Transmission can happen through activities such as:

  • Physical contact, like when a healthcare provider touches medical equipment that has germs on it and then touches a patient before cleaning their hands.
  • Sprays and splashes when an infected person coughs or sneezes. This creates droplets containing the germs, and the droplets land on a person's eyes, nose or mouth.
  • Inhalation when infected patients cough or talk, or construction zones kick up dirt and dust containing germs, which another person breathes in.
  • Sharps injuries such as when someone is accidentally stuck with a used needle.

A person can become more susceptible to infection when:

  • They have underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, cancer or organ transplantation. These can decrease the immune system's ability to fight infection.
  • They take medications such as antibiotics, steroids and certain cancer fighting medications. These can decrease the body's ability to fight infection.
  • They receive treatments or procedures such as urinary catheters, tubes and surgery, which can provide additional ways for germs to enter the body.


Healthcare providers.

Healthcare providers can perform basic infection prevention measures to prevent infection.

There are 2 tiers of recommended precautions to prevent the spread of infections in healthcare settings:

  • Standard Precautions , used for all patient care.
  • Transmission-based Precautions , used for patients who may be infected or colonized with certain germs.

There are also transmission- and germ-specific guidelines providers can follow to prevent transmission and healthcare-associated infections from happening.

Learn more about how to protect yourself from infections in healthcare settings.

For healthcare providers and settings

  • Project Firstline : infection control education for all frontline healthcare workers.
  • Infection prevention, control and response resources for outbreak investigations, the infection control assessment and response (ICAR) tool and more.
  • Infection control specifically for surfaces and water management programs in healthcare settings.
  • Preventing multi-drug resistant organisms (MDROs).

Infection Control

CDC provides information on infection control and clinical safety to help reduce the risk of infections among healthcare workers, patients, and visitors.

For Everyone

Health care providers, public health.

  • MyU : For Students, Faculty, and Staff

News Roundup Spring 2024

The Class of 2024 spring graduation celebration

CEGE Spring Graduation Celebration and Order of the Engineer

Forty-seven graduates of the undergraduate and grad student programs (pictured above) in the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geo- Engineering took part in the Order of the Engineer on graduation day. Distinguished Speakers at this departmental event included Katrina Kessler (MS EnvE 2021), Commissioner of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and student Brian Balquist. Following this event, students participated in the college-wide Commencement Ceremony at 3M Arena at Mariucci. 


The University of Minnesota’s Crookston, Duluth, and Rochester campuses have been awarded the Carnegie Elective Classification for Community Engagement, joining the Twin Cities (2006, 2015) and Morris campuses (2015), and making the U of M the country’s first and only university system at which every individual campus has received this selective designation. Only 368 from nearly 4,000 qualifying U.S. universities and colleges have been granted this designation.

CEGE contributed strongly to the College of Science and Engineering’s efforts toward sustainability research. CEGE researchers are bringing in over $35 million in funded research to study carbon mineralization, nature and urban areas, circularity of water resources, and global snowfall patterns. This news was highlighted in the Fall 2023 issue of  Inventing Tomorrow  (pages 10-11). https://issuu.com/inventingtomorrow/docs/fall_2023_inventing_tomorrow-web

CEGE’s new program for a one-year master’s degree in structural engineering is now accepting applicants for Fall 2024. We owe a big thanks to DAN MURPHY and LAURA AMUNDSON for their volunteer work to help curate the program with Professor JIA-LIANG LE and EBRAHIM SHEMSHADIAN, the program director. Potential students and companies interested in hosting a summer intern can contact Ebrahim Shemshadian ( [email protected] ).

BERNIE BULLERT , CEGE benefactor and MN Water Research Fund founder, was profiled on the website of the University of Minnesota Foundation (UMF). There you can read more about his mission to share clean water technologies with smaller communities in Minnesota. Many have joined Bullert in this mission. MWRF Recognizes their Generous 2024 Partners. Gold Partners: Bernie Bullert, Hawkins, Inc., Minnesota Department of Health, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and SL-serco. Silver Partners: ISG, Karl and Pam Streed, Kasco, Kelly Lange-Haider and Mark Haider, ME Simpson, Naeem Qureshi, Dr. Paul H. Boening, TKDA, and Waterous. Bronze Partners: Bruce R. Bullert; Brenda Lenz, Ph.D., APRN FNP-C, CNE; CDM Smith; Central States Water Environment Association (CSWEA MN); Heidi and Steve Hamilton; Jim “Bulldog” Sadler; Lisa and Del Cerney; Magney Construction; Sambatek; Shannon and John Wolkerstorfer; Stantec; and Tenon Systems.

After retiring from Baker-Tilly,  NICK DRAGISICH  (BCE 1977) has taken on a new role: City Council member in Lake Elmo, Minnesota. After earning his BCE from the University of Minnesota, Dragisich earned a master’s degree in business administration from the University of St. Thomas. Dragisich retired in May from his position as managing director at Baker Tilly, where he had previously served as firm director. Prior to that, he served as assistant city manager in Spokane, Washington, was the city administrator and city engineer in Virginia, Minnesota, and was mayor of Chisholm, Minnesota—all adding up to more than 40 years of experience in local government. Dragisich was selected by a unanimous vote. His current term expires in December 2024.

PAUL F. GNIRK  (Ph.D. 1966) passed away January 29, 2024, at the age of 86. A memorial service was held Saturday, February 24, at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (SDSM&T), where he started and ended his teaching career, though he had many other positions, professional and voluntary. In 2018 Paul was inducted into the SDSM&T Hardrocker Hall of Fame, and in 2022, he was inducted into the South Dakota Hall of Fame, joining his mother Adeline S. Gnirk, who had been inducted in 1987 for her work authoring nine books on the history of south central South Dakota.

ROGER M. HILL  (BCE 1957) passed away on January 13, 2024, at the age of 90. His daughter, Kelly Robinson, wrote to CEGE that Roger was “a dedicated Gopher fan until the end, and we enjoyed many football games together in recent years. Thank you for everything.”

KAUSER JAHAN  (Ph.D. 1993, advised by Walter Maier), PE, is now a civil and environmental engineering professor and department head at Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering. Jahan was awarded a 3-year (2022- 2025), $500,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). The grant supports her project, “WaterWorks: Developing the New Generation of Workforce for Water/Wastewater Utilities,” for the development of educational tools that will expose and prepare today’s students for careers in water and wastewater utilities.

SAURA JOST  (BCE 2010, advised by Timothy LaPara) was elected to the St. Paul City Council for Ward 3. She is part of the historic group of women that make up the nation’s first all-female city council in a large city.

The 2024 ASCE Western Great Lakes Student Symposium combines several competitions for students involved in ASCE. CEGE sent a large contingent of competitors to Chicago. Each of the competition groups won awards: Ethics Paper 1st place Hans Lagerquist; Sustainable Solutions team 1st place overall in (qualifying them for the National competition in Utah in June); GeoWall 2nd place overall; Men’s Sprint for Concrete Canoe with rowers Sakthi Sundaram Saravanan and Owen McDonald 2nd place; Product Prototype for Concrete Canoe 2nd place; Steel Bridge (200 lb bridge weight) 2nd place in lightness; Scavenger Hunt 3rd place; and Aesthetics and Structural Efficiency for Steel Bridge 4th place.

Students competing on the Minnesota Environmental Engineers, Scientists, and Enthusiasts (MEESE) team earned second place in the Conference on the Environment undergraduate student design competition in November 2023. Erin Surdo is the MEESE Faculty Adviser. Pictured are NIKO DESHPANDE, ANNA RETTLER, and SYDNEY OLSON.

The CEGE CLASS OF 2023 raised money to help reduce the financial barrier for fellow students taking the Fundamentals of Engineering exam, a cost of $175 per test taker. As a result of this gift, they were able to make the exam more affordable for 15 current CEGE seniors. CEGE students who take the FE exam pass the first time at a rate well above national averages, demonstrating that CEGE does a great job of teaching engineering fundamentals. In 2023, 46 of 50 students passed the challenging exam on the first try.

This winter break, four CEGE students joined 10 other students from the College of Science and Engineering for the global seminar, Design for Life: Water in Tanzania. The students visited numerous sites in Tanzania, collected water source samples, designed rural water systems, and went on safari. Read the trip blog: http://globalblogs.cse.umn.edu/search/label/Tanzania%202024

Undergraduate Honor Student  MALIK KHADAR  (advised by Dr. Paul Capel) received honorable mention for the Computing Research Association (CRA) Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award for undergraduate students who show outstanding research potential in an area of computing research.


AKASH BHAT  (advised by William Arnold) presented his Ph.D. defense on Friday, October 27, 2023. Bhat’s thesis is “Photolysis of fluorochemicals: Tracking fluorine, use of UV-LEDs, and computational insights.” Bhat’s work investigating the degradation of fluorinated compounds will assist in the future design of fluorinated chemicals such that persistent and/or toxic byproducts are not formed in the environment.

ETHAN BOTMEN  (advised by Bill Arnold) completed his Master of Science Final Exam February 28, 2024. His research topic was Degradation of Fluorinated Compounds by Nucleophilic Attack of Organo-fluorine Functional Groups.

XIATING CHEN , Ph.D. Candidate in Water Resources Engineering at the Saint Anthony Falls Laboratory is the recipient of the 2023 Nels Nelson Memorial Fellowship Award. Chen (advised by Xue Feng) is researching eco-hydrological functions of urban trees and other green infrastructure at both the local and watershed scale, through combined field observations and modeling approaches.

ALICE PRATES BISSO DAMBROZ  has been a Visiting Student Researcher at the University of Minnesota since last August, on a Doctoral Dissertation Research Award from Fulbright. Her CEGE advisor is Dr. Paul Capel. Dambroz is a fourth year Ph.D. student in Soil Science at Universidade Federal de Santa Maria in Brazil, where she studies with her adviser Jean Minella. Her research focuses on the hydrological monitoring of a small agricultural watershed in Southern Brazil, which is located on a transition area between volcanic and sedimentary rocks. Its topography, shallow soils, and land use make it prone to runoff and erosion processes.

Yielding to people in crosswalks should be a very pedestrian topic. Yet graduate student researchers  TIANYI LI, JOSHUA KLAVINS, TE XU, NIAZ MAHMUD ZAFRI  (Dept.of Urban and Regional Planning at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology), and Professor Raphael Stern found that drivers often do not yield to pedestrians, but they are influenced by the markings around a crosswalk. Their work was picked up by the  Minnesota Reformer.

TIANYI LI  (Ph.D. student advised by Raphael Stern) also won the Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation (DDET) Fellowship for the third time! Li (center) and Stern (right) are pictured at the Federal Highway Administration with Latoya Jones, the program manager for the DDET Fellowship.

The Three Minute Thesis Contest and the Minnesota Nice trophy has become an annual tradition in CEGE. 2023’s winner was  EHSANUR RAHMAN , a Ph.D. student advised by Boya Xiong.

GUANJU (WILLIAM) WEI , a Ph.D. student advised by Judy Yang, is the recipient of the 2023 Heinz G. Stefan Fellowship. He presented his research entitled Microfluidic Investigation of the Biofilm Growth under Dynamic Fluid Environments and received his award at the St. Anthony Falls Research Laboratory April 9. The results of Wei's research can be used in industrial, medical, and scientific fields to control biofilm growth.

BILL ARNOLD  stars in an award-winning video about prairie potholes. The Prairie Potholes Project film was made with the University of Delaware and highlights Arnold’s NSF research. The official winners of the 2024 Environmental Communications Awards Competition Grand Prize are Jon Cox and Ben Hemmings who produced and directed the film. Graduate student Marcia Pacheco (CFANS/LAAS) and Bill Arnold are the on-screen stars.

Four faculty from CEGE join the Center for Transportation Studies Faculty and Research Scholars for FY24–25:  SEONGJIN CHOI, KETSON ROBERTO MAXIMIANO DOS SANTOS, PEDRAM MORTAZAVI,  and  BENJAMIN WORSFOLD . CTS Scholars are drawn from diverse fields including engineering, planning, computer science, environmental studies, and public policy.

XUE FENG  is coauthor on an article in  Nature Reviews Earth and Environment . The authors evaluate global plant responses to changing rainfall regimes that are now characterized by fewer and larger rainfall events. A news release written at Univ. of Maryland can be found here: https://webhost.essic. umd.edu/april-showers-bring-mayflowers- but-with-drizzles-or-downpours/ A long-running series of U of M research projects aimed at improving stormwater quality are beginning to see practical application by stormwater specialists from the Twin Cities metro area and beyond. JOHN GULLIVER has been studying best practices for stormwater management for about 16 years. Lately, he has focused specifically on mitigating phosphorous contamination. His research was highlighted by the Center for Transportation Studies.

JIAQI LI, BILL ARNOLD,  and  RAYMOND HOZALSKI  published a paper on N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) precursors in Minnesota rivers. “Animal Feedlots and Domestic Wastewater Discharges are Likely Sources of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) Precursors in Midwestern Watersheds,” Environmental Science and Technology (January 2024) doi: 10.1021/acs. est.3c09251

ALIREZA KHANI  contributed to MnDOT research on Optimizing Charging Infrastructure for Electric Trucks. Electric options for medium- and heavy-duty electric trucks (e-trucks) are still largely in development. These trucks account for a substantial percentage of transportation greenhouse gas emissions. They have greater power needs and different charging needs than personal EVs. Proactively planning for e-truck charging stations will support MnDOT in helping to achieve the state’s greenhouse gas reduction goals. This research was featured in the webinar “Electrification of the Freight System in Minnesota,” hosted by the University of Minnesota’s Center for Transportation Studies. A recording of the event is now available online.

MICHAEL LEVIN  has developed a unique course for CEGE students on Air Transportation Systems. It is the only class at UMN studying air transportation systems from an infrastructure design and management perspective. Spring 2024 saw the third offering of this course, which is offered for juniors, seniors, and graduate students.

Research Professor  SOFIA (SONIA) MOGILEVSKAYA  has been developing international connections. She visited the University of Seville, Spain, November 13–26, 2023, where she taught a short course titled “Fundamentals of Homogenization in Composites.” She also met with the graduate students to discuss collaborative research with Prof. Vladislav Mantic, from the Group of Continuum Mechanics and Structural Analysis at the University of Seville. Her visit was a part of planned activities within the DIAGONAL Consortium funded by the European Commission. CEGE UMN is a partner organization within DIAGONAL, represented by CEGE professors Mogilevskaya and Joseph Labuz. Mantic will visit CEGE summer 2024 to follow up on research developments and discuss plans for future collaboration and organization of short-term exchange visits for the graduate students from each institution. 

DAVID NEWCOMB  passed away in March. He was a professor in CEGE from 1989–99 in the area of pavement engineering. Newcomb led the research program on asphalt materials characterization. He was the technical director of Mn/ROAD pavement research facility, and he started an enduring collaboration with MnDOT that continues today. In 2000, he moved from Minnesota to become vice-president for Research and Technology at the National Asphalt Pavement Association. Later he moved to his native Texas, where he was appointed to the division head of Materials and Pavement at the Texas A&M Transportation Institute, a position from which he recently retired. He will be greatly missed.

PAIGE NOVAK  won Minnesota ASCE’s 2023 Distinguished Engineer of the Year Award for her contributions to society through her engineering achievements and professional experiences.

The National Science Foundation (NSF) announced ten inaugural (NSF) Regional Innovation Engines awards, with a potential $1.6 billion investment nationally over the next decade. Great Lakes ReNEW is led by the Chicago-based water innovation hub,  Current,  and includes a team from the University of Minnesota, including PAIGE NOVAK. Current will receive $15 mil for the first two years, and up to $160 million over ten years to develop and grow a water-focused innovation engine in the Great Lakes region. The project’s ambitious plan is to create a decarbonized circular “blue economy” to leverage the region’s extraordinary water resources to transform the upper Midwest—Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Brewing one pint of beer generates seven pints of wastewater, on average. So what can you do with that wastewater?  PAIGE NOVAK  and her team are exploring the possibilities of capturing pollutants in wastewater and using bacteria to transform them into energy.

BOYA XIONG  has been selected as a recipient of the 2024 40 Under 40 Recognition Program by the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists. The award was presented at the 2024 AAEES Awards Ceremony, April 11, 2024, at the historic Howard University in Washington, D.C. 

JUDY Q. YANG  received a McKnight Land-Grant Professorship Award. This two-year award recognizes promising assistant professors and is intended to advance the careers of individuals who have the potential to make significant contributions to their departments and their scholarly fields. 

Professor Emeritus CHARLES FAIRHURST , his son CHARLES EDWARD FAIRHURST , and his daughter MARGARET FAIRHURST DURENBERGER were on campus recently to present Department Head Paige Novak with a check for $25,000 for the Charles Fairhurst Fellowship in Earth Resources Engineering in support of graduate students studying geomechanics. The life of Charles Fairhurst through a discussion with his children is featured on the Engineering and Technology History Wiki at https://ethw.org/Oral-History:Charles_Fairhurst#00:00:14_INTRODUCTION

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    I attempted to put as much of my interests to do with the subject in my personal statement, including some personal experiences. I also wanted to express the passion I have for the Physical side of the subject, Rather than the human side. Article by neb789 on Thursday 22 December 2016. Last edited by Nik Taylor on Wednesday 19 July 2023.

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    The following personal statement is written by an applicant who got accepted to top graduate programs in environmental and sustainability engineering. Variations of this personal statement got accepted at Stanford, UC Berkeley, and Caltech. ... I want to pursue a master's degree in Sustainable Engineering. This is a popular area of ...

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    Infection prevention, control and response resources for outbreak investigations, the infection control assessment and response (ICAR) tool and more. Infection control specifically for surfaces and water management programs in healthcare settings. Preventing multi-drug resistant organisms (MDROs). Sources. Infection control prevents or stops ...

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    CEGE Spring Graduation Celebration and Order of the EngineerForty-seven graduates of the undergraduate and grad student programs (pictured above) in the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geo- Engineering took part in the Order of the Engineer on graduation day. Distinguished Speakers at this departmental event included Katrina Kessler (MS EnvE 2021), Commissioner of the Minnesota ...

  25. CNN political commentator Alice Stewart dies

    CNN —. Alice Stewart, a veteran political adviser and CNN political commentator who worked on several GOP presidential campaigns, has died. She was 58. Law enforcement officials told CNN that ...