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49 Best Excuses For Not Doing Homework

  • February 10, 2024

Last Updated on February 10, 2024 by Ketan

No, you can’t use ‘I’d a fever’ as the best excuse for not doing homework. 

Because someone already has the same reason. And it’s too regular. 

Also, blaming a dog for biting out your assignment book is totally unbelievable.

Then you may ask, what to say when the teacher asks ‘Where’s your homework?’ 

Well, don’t worry to help you out in such a situation, we provide you with all the fresh, believable excuses to give. 

That your teacher will accept it as a valid reason for missing your assignment.

( Note: This is just for entertainment purposes. Please don’t make a habit of relying on these excuses every day. Better if you do your homework on time.) 

Good Excuses For Not Doing Homework

You know you must do your exam on time.

But you didn’t get the right time or mood to actually sit and complete it. 

Whether you’ve played all day, overslept, or just not doing homework anyway, you need something to say to your teacher as a valid reason. 

Have these good reasons to convince your teacher why you came to school without the homework. 

Good Excuses For Not Doing Homework

1. “Someone told me that the date of submission is extended.” 

2. “I have done my homework, but I forget where I put my notebook.” 

3. “We have surprised guest visitors and they stay the whole day.” 

4. “Because I didn’t know where to start, I’m unable to complete the homework.”

5. “There’s some fixing work going on at my home, especially in my room.” 

6. “I was about to do homework, but I don’t understand a thing.”

7. “There were some other priorities. More important than homework.”

8. “I have a reason, but I can’t share it with you, please believe me.” 

9. “I’ve misplaced the notebooks, still unable to find them. So I couldn’t complete it.” 

10. “There was a rumor that you were on leave today.”   

11. “I had no time for homework because there are so many things going on at home.” 

12. “My family and I were out of the city the entire day yesterday and we returned late.”

13. “After school, I have to work at our family business. My dad already trained me for it.”  

14. “I forgot my bag here so I’m not able to complete it at home.”

15. “Thought I would do it late at night, but I slept quite earlier than usual.” 

16. “My entire day went into doing some extracurricular, and I didn’t get time for homework.”

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Funny Reasons For Not Doing Homework

Well, some excuses are so ridiculous that they make your teacher and your fellow students laugh. 

Indeed, there is a risk of you appearing dumb in front of your class. 

But because it’s a hilarious and creative reason, it might still work in your favor. 

Or at least to come up with new excuses than anyone else can think of.

Funny Reasons For Not Doing Homework

1. “It was my birthday yesterday. And, I don’t want to celebrate it by doing just homework.”

2. “My parents brought a pet for me. So I played with him the whole day.”

3. “After I completed my homework, my sibling ripped my assignment apart.” 

4. “I’ve to babysit my little brother with nobody at home to take care of us.” 

5. “I was lost in the mall while going shopping with my mum and found it in the evening.”

6. “My elder sibling has thrown my assignment book in the trash.”

7. “Our cousin used my homework to make a paper plane and they just flew it.”

8. “My family wants me to go to a boarding school, so I’m just getting ready for it.”  

9.  “I was looking for the right time to get it done, but I didn’t get it .” 

10. “My mom and dad fought and the entire day went on just to settle things down.” 

11. “My grandparents visited our home yesterday, and I’ve been busy with them.” 

12. “Because there is so much homework for different subjects, I can’t do any of them.” 

13. “My internet went off while you’ve given the assignments to us.” 

14. “I accept that I didn’t do my homework now, but I promise to complete it tomorrow.” 

15. “There’s some family issue going on at home. So, I’m unable to complete the assignment.”

16. “My dad took my bag for some reason and today I have to come with a spare bag.”

17. “This is the first time I forgot the lesson, and you have to understand that I have some reason for that.”

Believable Excuses For Not Doing Homework

Whatever reason you are about to give for not completing your assignment, your teacher will judge it logically. 

So you just can’t share any reason that’s on your mind. 

Be careful with your reasons or excuses before saying why you didn’t do your homework. 

If you want some believable reasons that your teacher can’t deny, here’s the whole list of them. 

Believable Excuses For Not Doing Homework

1. “I asked my dad to help me with my homework, but he doesn’t know a thing either.” 

2. “I’ve saved my assignment, but I don’t know where it is now. The file is lost on the PC.” 

3. “I forgot to save my homework and all the work was just gone.” 

4. “There were system errors on my PC. So it was not possible to do homework.” 

5. “My computer just got hacked and I must delete everything including homework.” 

6. “I felt the pain in my writing hand, and now I’m feeling better.”

7. “After school, we had to go to some event and I lost my bag somewhere there.” 

8. “I thought today was a holiday. So I didn’t do it.”

9. “Remember I told you that my computer is in repair, the technician hasn’t returned it.” 

10. “I’ve been at an important event with my family and came back this morning.” 

11. “It was my sister’s marriage, so I was not able to complete my homework.” 

12. “I was stuck in the giant toy car the whole day and not able to do homework later.”

13. “We bought a new TV. So, me and my brother watched our cartoon the whole day.” 

14. “I was helping other kids in school to complete assignments, but I forgot mine.” 

15. “My notebook fell into our swimming pool and I couldn’t save it in time.”

16. “It’s not my dog, but my cat peed on my notebook. I couldn’t bring my notebook today, but I will tomorrow.”

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We all agree that we have the entire day to do it, but the best time to do homework is ‘the last hour’ before submission. 

But sometimes you can’t even do your homework in that precious time, too. 

Because you don’t want to do it, or just give up. 

When you fail to do or submit your assignment last time, you need some good excuses for not doing homework that your teacher could believe and accept. 

We hope we’ve suggested the best reasons to share to be safe this time. 

But Hey, next time you do your homework properly, Right? 

This list covers last-minute excuses to get you another chance. 

Hope this frees you from any punishments or embarrassment at school. 

But, promise us, that you will do your homework on time from now on. We don’t want you to use these excuses anymore, too.

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excuse letter for not doing assignment

Specialized in marketing, with 'communication' as a favorite subject, Ketan P. is a head writer at 'Better Responses'. He loves to share his unique perspectives and ways to make everyday conversations a bit 'lively'.

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Hans Herbert

60 excuses for not doing homework (without blaming the dog).

  • December 21, 2022
  • ❂  School

Some people enjoy doing homework, while others despise it. Regardless of the type of person you are, homework can be boring, repetitive, or too difficult to understand. And sometimes there is just too much of it! In addition, if you have a full class schedule, homework can quickly become overwhelming.

There are several excuses for not doing homework, whether due to procrastination, lack of motivation, or external forces preventing you from doing it (like your dog eating it). We’ve all been there, so try not to be too hard on yourself. But rest assured, if you get into a situation where you cannot complete your homework, we’ve created this list of excuses that might help ease your anxiety while gaining some sympathy points from your teachers.

Excuses for not doing homework

We researched this topic and asked an English teacher of 35 years about some of her students’ most common and best excuses for not doing homework . She helped us put together the following list:

1. I was sick

Being sick, or claiming that you’re sick, can be used to get out of almost any scenario, including an instance where you did not complete your homework. Who wants to do homework when they are sick? Maybe some people will, but the majority will want to get their rest and recover to their usual selves.

2. My computer crashed

This excuse would not have worked only a couple of decades ago, but today, almost every student relies on their computer or laptop to do their work. So if you don’t have computer access, this is a plausible excuse for not doing your homework on time. 

3. My internet died

Like the excuse above, completing your assigned homework can be difficult if you don’t have internet access. Of course, not all homework relies on an internet connection, but if you need to research a particular topic, then it certainly might.

4. I broke my arm

If you broke your arm or any other bone, that is a believable excuse for not doing your homework. If this is your excuse and you didn’t break a bone, you’ll need to figure out a way to sell it. Is getting a fake cast worth going the extra distance just to get out of a bit of homework? We’ll let you be the judge of that!

teen giving the thumbs up with a broken arm

5. There was a death in the family

Nobody will question your reasons if there has been a death in your family or of a loved one. This excuse will definitely buy you some time. If nobody actually passed away, you can still use this one with a low chance of getting caught, but it might make you feel guilty inside. This is a good excuse if you can live with yourself for making such a thing up.

6. My bag got stolen

Having your property stolen is another one of those believable excuses for not doing your homework. If you tell your teacher that your bag was stolen and it contained your work, they will give you a pass and some additional sympathy points along the way.

7. I was in a car accident

Being injured in a car accident is another excellent excuse for not doing homework. Not all car injuries are visible, either. So if you were in a fake car crash, you could claim internal injuries or whiplash.

8. I had to work

Unfortunately, many students today need to work a part-time job to pay for things like tuition, books, food, and other items of necessity. If you tell your teacher that you had to work to help out the family or pay for your school, they will give you a pass.

9. I got stuck babysitting my younger siblings

If you’re the older brother or sister, you’ll know that babysitting is part of your job. You will get stuck babysitting from time to time, which might prevent you from completing your homework. 

10. Practice ran later than usual

Being part of extracurricular activities like sports or part of the school band will mean that you’ll need to practice. Sometimes, practice can go longer than anticipated and cut into your normal time when you do homework. 

11. I had a personal issue I was dealing with

Using personal issues as an excuse for not doing homework is good because it’s very open-ended. Personal issues could mean a variety of things; most likely, your teacher won’t pry too much. Saying you’re having personal issues at home might also gain you sympathy points with your teachers.

12. My parents forced me to spend time with them

You might get annoyed with your parents when they want to spend time with you as you get older because you have more important things to do in your eyes. However, it’s tough to blame your parents for wanting to do something as a family. Unfortunately, this time hanging out with them may cut into your homework. This excuse is perfect if your parents are divorced.

13. I have too much homework in other subjects

If you have a lot of homework from different classes, you will need to prioritize what gets done first, especially if you have limited time. This means that sometimes homework will not get done in classes that you feel are less important. If you are going to use this excuse for not doing your homework, you shouldn’t tell your teacher that their class is not essential to you but that you had too much work in other classes that were worth more of your grade.

14. I was in the hospital

If you tell your teacher that you were at the hospital and couldn’t complete the homework, the first thing they should ask is if you are okay. If they do this, you’ll know they are sympathetic toward you. Using the hospital as an excuse to get out of homework is very general; you could have been in the hospital for countless reasons, so pick wisely if you are going to use this one.

15. My pet got sick

Using a sick pet as an excuse for getting out of doing your homework is another believable option. If your teacher is also a pet owner, then they will surely understand your situation. 

16. I thought it was due tomorrow

Claiming ignorance may or may not work, depending on your teacher. You might get a pass if you tell them straight-faced that you thought it was due tomorrow. Make sure to hand in your homework the next day if you are going to use this excuse.

17. Bullies took it away from me and ripped it up

Using bullies as an excuse for not doing your homework is another good way to earn sympathy points from your teacher. The only problem with this excuse is that your teacher will want to know who is bullying you. If you’re making this up, you won’t want to pin the blame on somebody. Also, if you’re telling the truth, exposing your bully may get you into deeper trouble with them. 

two big kids bullying a smaller kid in class

18. My baby brother/sister spilled milk all over it

Gahh! Your baby brother or sister spilled milk all over your freshly printed assignment. This excuse is similar to your dog eating it. It might work if your teacher is gullible. 

19. I missed the lesson where it was assigned

This excuse involves playing the ignorance card again. For example, if you were absent earlier in the week when the assignment was given out, you could use this reason for not handing it in. However, your teacher may flip things back on you and tell you that you are responsible for asking someone what you missed. 

20. I was doing volunteer work

Using volunteer work as a reason for not doing homework will, at the very least, portray you as a good person. Whether or not your teacher goes easy on you is another story. 

21. I did it, but I must have forgotten it at home

Claiming that you did your homework but somehow forgot it at home could work, depending on your acting skills. This is another excuse where if you use it, you better hand it in the next day. 

22. It was too easy, so I thought it was a waste of time

You’re a brave individual if you use this excuse with your teachers. If you have demonstrated your intellect with your teachers, and they know that you’re smarter than the other kids, you might get away with this. However, it might make you look like a jerk. 

23. My parents rushed me out the door, and I didn’t get a chance to grab it on the way out

Blaming your parents because you didn’t hand in your homework is a good way to divert the blame to somebody else. Maybe you have a big family, and mornings are always chaotic. If this is your situation, this excuse might be good. 

24. I mixed it up with someone else

If you try to claim that you mixed up your homework with someone else’s, you will need to provide more details to your teacher because this can be confusing. So be prepared to have a backstory ready for why you handed in your brother/sister/friend’s homework instead. 

25. I ate something and had an allergic reaction

Using food poisoning or an allergic reaction to something you ate will buy you a day or two for your homework if your teacher is sympathetic.

girl having an allergic reaction to peanuts

26. The homework file on my computer got corrupted

You finally finished your homework and went to save it, but something weird happened, and the file got corrupted. Now, all your assignment reads is a bunch of gibberish, and there is no way to undo it.

27. I was studying for something more important

If you’re getting good grades in a particular class, you can use this excuse and say that you had to study for another class because your grades are not as good. Claiming that it’s more important to get your grades up in another class for your overall GPA will work in this scenario. 

28. I was out of town

If you had to go out of town on short notice, it might leave you with no time to finish your homework. Using this excuse will work if the reason you went out of town appears valid. You could also claim that you were out of town on a family vacation. 

29. I was too tired and fell asleep earlier than usual

Lack of sleep can cause a lot of health problems. If you have insomnia, you know how painful it can be to sleep rarely. If by chance, one night, you were just so tired that you fell asleep earlier, then so be it. You’re not used to sleeping much, so you have to take advantage of the times when you can, even at the expense of not doing your homework.

30. My dog ate it

We’re joking with this one, but we had to add it to the list anyways.  According to the teacher we consulted for this list, this excuse still gets used. Saying your dog ate your homework is another way of saying, “I didn’t do it, and we both know it.”

Funny excuses for not doing homework

If you’re feeling creative and brave, you can use one of these funny excuses for not doing your homework with your teacher. Keep in mind these excuses will probably not work. However, using one of these funny excuses may get a reaction or a laugh out of your teacher. If you can break them down a bit with your comedic approach for why you didn’t do your homework, then that’s one step in the right direction for them to go easy on you.  

  • I was attacked by a swarm of bees
  • I was stuck in a parallel universe where homework doesn’t exist
  • I was cursed by a witch and had to break the spell
  • I was trapped inside a magical painting and couldn’t escape
  • I was possessed by a demon and lost control of my actions
  • I was in a hotdog eating contest and was so full that I couldn’t move after
  • TV is just too good right now
  • My homework was so well done that I didn’t want to make the other students look bad
  • I fell into a giant puddle, and my homework was ruined
  • I was abducted by aliens and just returned to Earth

boy being abducted by aliens from his bedroom

Excuses for not doing homework to use with your parents

If you’ve been able to provide some good excuses for not doing homework to your teachers and they believed them, that’s great, but you’ll also need to work on your parents. Your reasons for not doing homework may work on your teachers, but you’ll have to adapt for your parents because they have more information about your personal life. For example, claiming a family emergency will not work with your parents as it would with your teachers. 

So if you’re at home playing videogames or watching TV instead of doing your homework, try using these excuses with your parents to get them off your back:

1. My teacher extended the deadline

The class was complaining about too much homework, so your teacher did everyone a solid and extended the deadline.

2. I finished everything while I was in school

The teacher gives lots of opportunities to work in class, so I used this time to finish all my homework to chill when I got home.

3. I’m waiting for my classmate to complete their section of the assignment first

I can’t do my homework until my classmates finish their section of our group project. They are the ones slowing me down!

4. Homework is pointless in my class and not worth any marks

My teacher told us that tests and exams make up 100% of our final grade, so there’s no point in doing the homework if it isn’t worth anything. 

5. I already know everything there is to know

I have already studied for the class and know everything there is to know. So doing the homework won’t teach me anything.

6. My teacher went easy on us and didn’t give us any work for a week

The teacher felt bad about giving us so much homework in previous weeks, so they decided not to give the class any more homework for the next week.

7. A substitute teacher is filling in

Our regular teacher is away, and a substitute teacher is filling in. The new substitute teacher does not care what we do since they are only there temporarily. 

8. You’re going to do your homework later on a video chat with your classmates 

You’re taking it easy right now because later at night, you will get on a video chat with classmates and do the work together.

9. My teacher said the homework was optional

My teacher gave us the option to do the homework and said it wouldn’t be graded either way. Normally I would do it regardless, but I didn’t feel like it this time.

10. I’m already getting straight A’s and need a break

I just need a break! I’ve been working so hard lately, and my grades reflect that. If I skip homework for one night, it will not affect my grades.

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Excuses for not doing homework to use with your classmates.

Sometimes you’ll need excuses for not doing homework to use with your classmates, primarily if they are relying on you for group work. For example, if you are working on a project or assignment together and haven’t completed your portion of the work, they might get pissed off. For this reason, it’s good to have excuses you can use with your classmates.

It could be a migraine, a cold, flu, covid-19, or other viruses. You were so sick you couldn’t complete the homework. 

2. My pet was sick

You were worried about your family pet, so you took them to the vet to ensure they were okay. You were there all night worrying about them.

3. There was a power outage at home

The whole block lost power, and as a result, you couldn’t do your share of the homework. The power outage lasted all night, so there was nothing you could do!

4. I thought it was due later

Whoops! You swear you thought it was due later. 

5. My ex was harassing me

You were trying to do the work, but your ex kept harassing you by calling and texting you or even showing up at your front door. Needless to say, you couldn’t get much done because of them.

6. I had no place to work

Typically, you work in your room, but you couldn’t this time because there were renovations taking place in your house. So you had to move all your stuff out of your room, which took forever!

7. My parents forced me to do something 

How annoying! Your parents insisted you do something together as a family. You tried to tell them you had vital homework to do, but they insisted, stating that you don’t spend enough time together.  This excuse works great if your parents are divorced. 

8. I was in an accident

Maybe it was a car accident, or you fell down the stairs. Regardless of the accident, you were too injured to do anything and needed to recover.

9. I was fighting with my partner

Being in a relationship is tough . So tough that sometimes you fight all night with your partner about meaningless topics. Once you two get going, the next thing you know is that it’s past midnight, and you got nothing done. 

young couple having an argument

10. I’ve been carrying the group all year, and now it’s your turn

It’s time for everybody else to pick up the slack! You’ve been the key to your group’s success in class so far, and you’re tired of carrying everyone else. Sheesh!

What if your teacher or parents are strict and don’t believe your excuses?

Sometimes your excuses for not doing homework will not cut it, no matter how much you try to convince your teacher or parents. They may be so strict that they will not accept any possible reason you may throw at them.

In these scenarios, it’s better to just come clean and explain why your homework isn’t complete without passing the blame. 

This is because if your teacher or parents don’t believe you or care regardless of what you say, you can have a clean conscience by telling the truth. Furthermore, if your parents or teachers know you’re telling the truth, they might have more respect for you and your situation, knowing that you could have blamed it on the dog or an alien abduction. 

How to finish homework faster

If you’re tired of using excuses for not doing your homework and want to become a better student, then it’s a good idea to learn some tips on how to finish your homework faster. If you can finish your homework faster, you’ll have extra time to do the things you want with your friends and family.  This will reduce the stress and anxiety that comes with the feeling of not getting your homework done. Not only will these tips help with getting your homework done faster, but they will also teach you how to get caught up on schoolwork if you’re falling behind.

Here are some tips on how to finish your homework faster:

1. Set up your workstation

The first step is to make sure you are doing your homework in a productive environment. If you do your homework in your room or an office, make sure that your space is neat and tidy. A clear space can equal a clear mind, which can put you in the right mindset before you start working.

2. Make a list of things that need to get done

Make a list of all the things you need to get done. Don’t worry if the list is larger than anticipated. Seeing everything in a list will become satisfying when you start crossing things off it.  Before you know it, your list will shrink in size and eventually disappear.

3. Estimate the time it will take for you to complete each item on your list

It’s a good idea to put a time estimate for all the things on your list. This way, you can start prioritizing items based on time. You can also plan your breaks better this way.

4. Unplug from screens and distractions

If one of your main problems is procrastination, then it is especially important to limit distractions. It’s easy to get wrapped up on Instagram or Tiktok for hours at a time.  Unplug from your phone and any other screen that isn’t necessary for your homework.

5. Start with any outstanding items

If you’re wondering how to get caught up on school work that is outstanding, then you should with all your outstanding items first! Pick the easiest outstanding item to get the ball rolling, then work to finish them all before moving on to tasks with future due dates.

6. Break down larger tasks into smaller ones

If you have a lot of bigger tasks, then you should break them down into smaller ones. For example, if you have to write an essay on a particular topic, break the essay down into smaller chunks like the intro paragraph, the supporting paragraphs, and the conclusion. Make each of those paragraphs a smaller task. It will seem more manageable this way.

7. Start with something small and easy

If you’re really struggling to even get started, then the best thing you can do is just pick the smallest and easiest task on your list of items and do that first. Once you cross it off the list, you might become more motivated to move on to the next item. Keep going from there and build momentum.

8. Take breaks and stretch

Taking breaks is really important for mental and physical well-being. Within every hour, do 50 minutes of concentrated and focused work with a 10-minute break at the end. Stretching is another great thing you can do while on your break to get your blood flowing. Set a timer for 50 minutes, then again for 10 minutes when the 50 minutes elapse. 

9. Stay focused

If you do 1-hour blocks of 50 minutes of work, with 10 minutes of break, then its important that the 50 minutes of work is high quality. Do your best to stay focused on the task at hand. Then, you can release that focus on your 10-minute break. 

10. Relax and reward yourself at the end of your working session

Did you complete your list? A large portion of it? Or did you only complete a few small tasks? If you’ve struggled with homework, then any amount you’ve completed should be a celebration. Even if you only completed 1 task on your list, that’s one task that wasn’t completed yesterday. Make sure to give yourself credit, and reward yourself with whatever makes you happy.  Of course, the more you complete, the bigger the reward!

happy girl stretching after finishing her homework

How to finish homework last minute

There isn’t a method on how to finish homework last minute that will always work. Realistically, you shouldn’t be leaving things until the last minute. However, there is one technique you can try.

If you have an assignment that due the next day, but you haven’t done anything for it, do the absolute bare minimum and hand it in. Pull your teacher aside and say that life got in the way, but you still wanted to submit something. Explain that you aren’t happy with your work, and would kindly request that you can resubmit it again in another few days to show what you’re truly capable of.  

Your teacher might see this as a positive effort and will reward you with a later deadline. Of course, this means that you will need to put more effort into the assignment. If you don’t do it, or hand in something lackluster, then this strategy on how to finish homework last minute will not work again.

If you’re having trouble finishing your assigned work in school, then we hope this list of excuses for not doing homework will help you.  Of course, we always recommend taking an honest approach. However, if you’re feeling embarrassed or ashamed about not finishing your homework again, then try one of these excuses if it makes you feel better.

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How to Make Up a Good Excuse for Your Homework Not Being Finished

Last Updated: April 10, 2024 Fact Checked

Choosing an Excuse

Delivering the excuse, potential consequences, moving forward, expert q&a.

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If you did not finish your homework, you may want to find an excuse to avoid being penalized. There are a variety of excuses, from blaming technology to your busy schedule, that sounds like a plausible reason for failing to complete an assignment. When you settle on an excuse, work on delivering the excuse in a believable fashion. However, try to be careful moving forward. You do not want to lie habitually, as this reflects poorly on you as a student. In the future, try to make sure your assignments are done on time.

Step 1 Blame technology.

  • This is a great excuse if you had a paper you needed to type and print. It may also work if you have homework you had to do online. You could say you did the whole assignment, but then your internet cut out and you couldn't save anything.
  • It might be a bad idea to claim your printer stopped working. Your teacher may request you e-mail him/her the assignment instead, which you won't be able to do if you never did it. Teachers may also suggest you should have printed an assignment at a local library or FedEx instead of coming in with nothing.

Step 2 Consider your family's situation.

  • If your parents are divorced, for example, you can claim you were at your mom's last night but left your textbook with your dad this weekend. Many teachers are sympathetic to children from divorced homes. Your teacher may take pity on you if you use an excuse like this. [2] X Research source
  • Do you have any younger siblings? You could claim you had to babysit your little sister and she got sick, resulting in your being distracted from your homework. [3] X Research source

Step 3 Blame an illness.

  • You can try running around in the playground or hallways before class. This can help you look flushed and warm. If you look sick, your teacher will be more likely to believe you.
  • However, keep in mind some teachers may require a note from your parents in the event of illness. If your teacher typically demands proof of sickness, you may want to avoid using this excuse.

Step 4 Claim the work was too difficult.

  • Avoid saying you left your homework at home. Your teacher may request you call your mom or dad to have it delivered to the school. This will reveal you are lying.
  • Try not to use this excuse more than once or twice a term; otherwise, your teacher may see you as disorganized and be less sympathetic towards you if you need to make other excuses in the future.

Step 6 Blame your schedule.

  • Be careful using this excuse if you're not busy. If you're usually late for classes and do not engage in many extracurricular activities, your teacher may catch onto the fact you're lying.

Step 7 Avoid playing dumb.

  • Never lie you were absent on the day the homework was set. One glance of the register is all it takes for your teacher to see right through this excuse.

Step 1 Consider the teacher's personality.

  • If your teacher is particularly strict, be prepared to answer a lot of questions. A stricter teacher is likely to grill you, poking holes in your excuse. For example, say you claim you couldn't turn in your online math homework because your internet cut out. A strict teacher might respond with something like, "Then why didn't you go do your homework at a coffee shop?" Have a response ready. Try something like, "My mom was working and there was no one to drive me." [7] X Research source
  • Do you know anything about your teacher's personal interests? This can help you gauge what excuse may work for this person. For example, you know your chemistry teacher is the oldest of 7 children. He may be more sympathetic to a story about how watching your younger siblings kept you from getting your work done. [8] X Research source

Step 2 Keep things short and to the point.

  • Stick to only the important details. For example, say you're planning on claiming your piano recital got out late, and this is why you didn't finish your math homework. Do not go overboard with the details. Simply say, "A few students played their solos too long, so we didn't get done until 9:30 and it was a 45-minute drive home." Do not say, "Chester Mifflin spent 25 minutes on his routine when we were only given 10, and then Lisa Gregory was a little late getting up on stage..." The longer your lie, the more unbelievable it sounds. Most people would not remember this much detail.
  • If your teacher presses you for specifics, you can improvise as needed but avoid excessive detail. For example, your teacher might ask, "How long did the recital run over?" Do not say, "It was supposed to run until 8:30 but it was 9:23 when we got out." Instead, say something somewhat vague, like, "I'd say about 45 minutes."

Step 3 Go for a plausible story.

  • Take a few deep breaths before going into the room to help yourself stay calm.
  • Make eye contact with your teacher most of the time.
  • Be conscious of what you're doing with your body. Try to avoid fidgeting excessively.

Step 1 Think of what will happen if you get caught.

  • Refer to the syllabus for that class. There may be a section about honesty that goes over the consequences of lying to a teacher.
  • You should also look at your school's handbook if you have a copy. See if there are any sections about what happens if you breach academic honesty policies.
  • Consequences can vary from teacher-to-teacher. In some cases, you may only get a strict talking to. However, some teachers may be required to report these kinds of behaviors to the principal and your parents. This could land you in more serious trouble both at home and at school.

Step 2 Look at the consequences of simply being honest.

  • It may depend on the assignment. Late work may not be accepted, but if the assignment is only worth 10 points, is this really a big deal? However, if the assignment is worth 15% of your grade, it may be worth it to ask for an extension.
  • Talk to other students who've had this teacher in the past. How has this teacher reacted to late or missing work? Some teachers may accept late work for lower points. Some teachers may allow you to turn in work late if it's your first time. If this is the case, it may be a good idea to simply admit you didn't do the assignment.

Step 3 Compare consequences.

  • You can make a pro and con list for each scenario. Write down the possible benefits and possible drawbacks of each option. For example, you can write on the top of a piece of paper "Lying To My Teacher" and then have two columns, one for "pro" and one for "con." Under "pro," you may write something like, "Assignment is worth a lot of points - an extension could help my overall grade." Under "con," you could write, "If Ms. Davies finds out I'm lying, she will report it to the principal and I'll get detention for a week."
  • Weigh the pros and cons. If the pros outweigh the cons heavily for one option, this may be the right choice for you.

Step 1 Prioritize your homework.

  • Do your homework every day after school. Do not do anything else, like playing video games or playing outside, before finishing your work.
  • Write down all the assignments you have to do. Make sure to write down an assignment after a teacher mentions it. This way, you won't forget.

Step 2 Seek outside help.

  • If you habitually struggle to get your homework done and have an overall inability to concentrate, this can be a symptom of Attention Deficit Disorder. Talk to your parents about getting tested for ADD.

Step 3 Avoid lying habitually.

Ashley Pritchard, MA

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While lying too often could reflect badly on you as a student, if you need a good excuse for your homework not being finished, say you lost it. Just don’t use this excuse often, since your teacher will think you’re unorganized. If the homework was on the computer, try blaming technology. Say your computer crashed or your internet was down. Alternatively, claim you were ill last night and had to rest. Only do this if you don’t think your teacher will call your parents to check or ask for a sick note. If you have a sibling that doesn’t go to your school, you can say they were ill and you had to look after them. Or, if you do a lot of things outside of school and have lots of homework to do, pretend you were too busy and ran out of time. For more tips, including how to make your excuse more convincing, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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15 Good Excuses for When You Forgot to Do Your Homework

By: Author Hiuyan Lam

Posted on Last updated: October 20, 2023

Categories Social Responses

15 Good Excuses for When You Forgot to Do Your Homework

Having to do a ton of homework after a long day at school isn’t a great feeling. But, if you don’t do it, you’ll get in trouble if you don’t have good excuses not to do homework.

Instead of settling for a zero, you need to come up with good excuses to convince your teacher to give you a pass. These excuses not to do homework must be rock solid or else you might end up in even more trouble.

Saying the dog ate it is not a good excuse not to do homework, so don’t even think about using that one. Here are 15 of the best excuses not to do homework that are guaranteed to work:

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Excuses For Not Doing Homework

As a student, I understand the importance of completing homework assignments. But sometimes, it can be difficult to find the motivation or time to get your work done. I’m sure many of us have been in a situation where we’ve had to come up with excuses for not doing our homework.

Although it’s never ideal to make excuses, sometimes it’s necessary. Here are some of the most common excuses for not doing homework:

  • I didn’t understand the assignment.

This is a common excuse, especially if you’re in a class where the material is new or unfamiliar. If this is the case, don’t be afraid to ask your teacher for clarification. They’ll be more than happy to help you understand the assignment better.

  • I had a family emergency.

If you have a family emergency, this is a valid excuse for not doing your homework. Your teacher will likely understand and be willing to work with you to make up the work.

  • I was sick.

If you’re sick, it’s understandable that you may not be able to complete your homework. Your teacher should be understanding of this.

  • I had too much work.

Sometimes, teachers assign too much work and it can be overwhelming. If this is the case, talk to your teacher about it and see if they can reduce the workload.

  • I had a test the next day.

If you had a test the next day, it’s understandable that you may not have had time to complete your homework. Your teacher should be understanding of this.

  • I had to work.

If you have a job, your teacher should understand that you may not have had time to complete your homework.

  • I had a project due.

If you had a project due, your teacher should understand that you may not have had time to complete your homework.

  • Apology Letter To Teacher For Not Doing Homework

Dear [Teacher's Name],I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to address a matter that I deeply regret and to offer my sincerest apologies. I understand the importance of completing assignments on time, and I acknowledge my failure to meet this expectation in regard to the recent homework assignment due [mention the date]. I value your guidance and the education I receive in your class, and I take full responsibility for not fulfilling my obligations.I want to express my genuine remorse for not submitting the assignment as required. In this letter, I aim to provide an explanation for my lapse, express my commitment to rectifying the situation, and outline my plan to ensure this situation does not repeat itself in the future.

Dear [Teacher's Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I would like to express my sincere apologies for not completing the homework assignment that was due [mention the date]. I understand the importance of completing assignments on time, and I take full responsibility for not meeting this expectation.

I deeply regret not submitting the assignment as it reflects negatively on my commitment to my studies. I understand that consistent effort is crucial for my academic progress, and I assure you that this situation will not be repeated in the future.

I am committed to making up for this lapse by completing the assignment as soon as possible. If there is any opportunity to earn partial credit or complete any extra tasks related to the assignment, I am more than willing to do so.

Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience my incomplete assignment may have caused, and I appreciate your understanding in this matter. I value your guidance and the lessons I learn in your class, and I am determined to improve my performance moving forward.

Thank you for your patience and consideration.

[Your Name] [Your Class/Section] [Your Contact Information]

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to apologize for not having completed the homework that was due [mention the date]. I understand the significance of completing assignments on time and the impact of my actions on my academic progress.

I want to assure you that this was not a result of negligence or lack of interest in the subject. Unfortunately, unforeseen circumstances arose that prevented me from dedicating the necessary time to the assignment. However, I recognize that this should not be an excuse, and I take full responsibility for not meeting the deadline.

I understand the value of the learning process, and I am committed to catching up on the material I missed by completing the assignment as soon as possible. If there are any guidelines or resources you could provide to help me understand the topic better, I would greatly appreciate it.

Once again, I apologize for any disappointment my incomplete assignment might have caused. I appreciate your understanding and patience in this matter and am determined to improve my time management skills and meet the expectations of your class.

Thank you for your guidance.

I hope you are well. I am writing to express my sincere apologies for not having my homework completed for [mention the assignment title and date]. I understand the importance of completing assignments on time and the impact of my actions on my learning experience.

I want to be completely honest in admitting that I procrastinated and mismanaged my time, leading to this oversight. I take full responsibility for my actions and understand that this behavior is not reflective of my commitment to my education.

I am actively working on improving my time management skills and ensuring that such situations do not occur in the future. I assure you that I will complete the assignment and submit it as soon as possible. If there are any consequences or ways I can make up for this mistake, please let me know.

I genuinely appreciate your understanding and patience. I value the knowledge I gain in your class, and I am determined to learn from this experience and become a more responsible student.

Thank you for your consideration.

I hope you are doing well. I am writing this letter to apologize for not completing the homework assigned for [mention the subject and date]. I understand the importance of being diligent with assignments, and I am truly sorry for not meeting this expectation.

I want to be transparent and explain that I encountered unexpected challenges that prevented me from dedicating enough time to complete the assignment. However, I acknowledge that this is not an excuse, and I should have communicated my difficulties earlier.

I am committed to learning from this experience and ensuring it doesn't happen again. I will complete the assignment at the earliest opportunity and submit it for your review. If there are any additional tasks or readings I should complete to make up for this, please let me know.

I appreciate your understanding and guidance. Your class is important to me, and I am determined to demonstrate better responsibility and time management moving forward.

Thank you for your patience.

We are delighted to extend our professional proofreading and writing services to cater to all your business and professional requirements, absolutely free of charge at . Should you need any email, letter, or application templates, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at Kindly leave a comment stating your request, and we will ensure to provide the necessary template at the earliest.

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Good Excuses For Not Doing Homework [Complete Guide]

October 23, 2023 by Ammar

When the pile of homework seems insurmountable, having valid Excuses for Not Doing Homework can be a lifesaver. In this straightforward guide, we provide practical and genuine reasons for students who find themselves unable to complete their assignments.

Whether it’s unexpected personal challenges, technological issues, or the need for additional time to grasp complex concepts, these authentic excuses enable students to communicate their circumstances responsibly. Say goodbye to the stress of incomplete assignments and hello to a more effective way of addressing homework challenges.

Table of Contents

30 Stunning Excuses for not doing homework

In the world of academics, when homework piles up and time runs short, having “Stunning Excuses for Not Doing Homework” can be a game-changer. In this concise guide, we present innovative and genuine reasons that students can employ when faced with the daunting task of unfinished assignments.

Good Excuses For Not Doing Homework [Complete Guide]

Whether it’s unforeseen personal hurdles, technological setbacks, or the need for additional resources to tackle complex topics, these remarkable excuses empower students to communicate their challenges responsibly. Say farewell to the stress of incomplete assignments and embrace a more effective way to manage academic pressures.

Here are some excuses which are given below:


It’s a classic excuse, and being genuinely ill can indeed hinder homework completion. When using this excuse, it’s crucial to convey your sincerity to your teacher.

Mention specific symptoms or even a doctor’s note if possible. Teachers are generally understanding when it comes to health issues, so don’t be afraid to ask for an extension or extra help catching up on missed work .

If you’re not genuinely sick , consider the ethical aspect. Faking illness is not recommended, and it’s essential to maintain trust with your teachers. Instead, try to manage your time better to avoid last-minute homework crises.

If you use this excuse often, consider discussing a homework plan with your teacher in advance to accommodate potential health-related setbacks.


In today’s digital age, computer problems can indeed disrupt homework. To make this excuse believable, ensure your computer isn’t working correctly before using it.

When you explain this to your teacher, be honest about the issue and express your frustration. They may offer an extension or suggest alternative ways to complete the assignment .

Regularly back up your work to avoid losing it due to technical problems. If you do encounter a computer issue, try to resolve it as quickly as possible to minimize disruption.


A loss of internet connection can be a genuine obstacle for online research or submission. If your internet goes down, contact your teacher promptly and explain the situation.

Ensure that your teacher understands the necessity of internet access for the specific assignment. In the meantime, you can try to complete any offline portions of your homework.

Always have a backup plan for internet access, such as using a mobile data connection or a nearby library, to prevent this excuse from becoming a recurring issue.


Physical injuries like a broken arm are tangible and easily verifiable excuses. If you’ve suffered such an injury, provide medical documentation or even a picture of your cast.

Remember that honesty is essential. Faking an injury is not recommended, as it can lead to serious consequences and damage your credibility with teachers.

Use this excuse only when it’s genuine, and focus on your recovery. Homework can wait when you’re dealing with a real injury.


A family tragedy is a serious and believable reason for missing homework. If you’ve experienced a loss, notify your teacher as soon as possible. They will likely be understanding and give you the time you need to cope.

However, consider the ethical implications of using this excuse falsely. Faking a family death is highly inappropriate and can have severe consequences.

Be prepared to provide some documentation or information about the situation, but remember that you’re not obliged to share more than you’re comfortable with.


Having your belongings stolen is an unfortunate incident that can disrupt your ability to complete homework. If this happens, report it to the appropriate authorities and inform your teacher.

Provide details about what was in your bag and explain the urgency of the situation. Teachers are generally sympathetic to theft-related issues.

Take preventive measures, like using a locker or keeping valuable items in a secure place, to reduce the likelihood of theft .


Car accidents can lead to physical and emotional trauma. If you’ve been in one, ensure your safety is the top priority and seek medical attention if necessary.

When informing your teacher, be honest about the impact of the accident on your ability to complete homework. Mention any physical or emotional distress you’re experiencing.

Only use this excuse when it’s valid, and prioritize your recovery over homework.


Many students have part-time jobs to support themselves or their families. If work commitments prevent you from completing homework, discuss your situation with your teacher in advance.

Explain the importance of your job for your financial stability and your commitment to your studies. Most teachers will be accommodating if they know your circumstances.

Plan your work schedule carefully to minimize conflicts with homework deadlines. Communication with your employer and teacher is key.


As an older sibling , babysitting responsibilities can occasionally interfere with homework. Explain to your teacher that your family relies on you for childcare and that it’s a temporary situation.

Highlight your commitment to your family while also emphasizing your commitment to your education .

Try to create a schedule that balances your babysitting responsibilities and homework time to avoid last-minute issues.


Extracurricular activities like sports or band practice can extend beyond their expected duration. Inform your teacher about your commitment to these activities and the unexpected delay in returning home .

Express your dedication to both academics and extracurriculars. Teachers often appreciate students who are involved in school activities.

Communicate with your extracurricular coach or advisor to manage your time effectively and avoid conflicts with homework.


In cases of genuine family emergencies, such as a sudden illness or accident involving a family member, it’s essential to inform your teacher as soon as possible. Provide details about the situation and ask for an extension if needed.

Be honest and considerate of your family’s privacy while explaining the circumstances to your teacher.

Keep lines of communication open with your teacher and be prepared to provide documentation, if requested, to verify the emergency .


Pets are like family to many people, and their health issues can be concerning. If your pet needs urgent care , let your teacher know and explain the situation.

Be sure to provide any necessary documentation from the veterinarian or proof of the emergency vet visit . Ensure your pet’s well-being and then address your homework responsibilities.


Sometimes, homework assignments may require specialized software that experiences technical glitches. If you encounter such issues, report them to your teacher and provide specific details about the problem.

Teachers generally understand that technology can be unreliable and may offer alternative solutions. Troubleshoot technical problems proactively and seek help from IT support if needed.


Mental health is as crucial as physical health . If you’re experiencing a mental health crisis, inform your teacher honestly and express your need for time to address your well-being.

Seek support from a counselor or mental health professional, and consider sharing this information with your teacher to ensure understanding. Prioritize your mental health and seek assistance from a healthcare professional.


Volunteering for a worthy cause is commendable. If your volunteer work unexpectedly extended into your homework time, explain your commitment to community service and ask for an extension.

Highlight the valuable skills and experiences gained through volunteering. Balance your volunteering commitments with your academic responsibilities by planning your schedule effectively.


If you’ve taken thorough notes for your homework but they were stolen or lost, report the incident to your teacher and request an extension to recreate your work.

Be honest about the situation and express your dedication to completing the assignment. Make digital copies of important notes to prevent loss or theft.


Family conflicts can be emotionally draining. If you find yourself in the midst of such a situation, communicate with your teacher about the emotional strain it’s causing.

Mention your commitment to resolving the conflict and your intention to complete the homework. Seek support from a trusted adult or counselor to navigate family conflicts more effectively.


Natural disasters can disrupt daily life . If your area is affected, inform your teacher about the situation, including power outages or evacuation requirements.

Share your concern for your community’s safety and well-being. Prepare an emergency kit and have backup plans for studying during power outages.


If you or a family member receives a serious medical diagnosis, let your teacher know about the situation and the emotional impact it’s having on you.

Emphasize your commitment to managing the situation and maintaining your academic responsibilities. Seek support from healthcare professionals and consider discussing accommodations with your school’s guidance counselor.


Technical issues with your school’s online platform can be frustrating. If these problems prevent you from accessing or submitting homework, report them to your teacher.

Explain the specific challenges you’re facing and request alternative submission methods or an extension. Keep records of technical issues, including error messages, to help troubleshoot and support your request for an extension.


Family events like weddings or reunions can lead to travel and time constraints. Notify your teacher in advance of your travel plans and discuss the potential impact on your homework.

Express your commitment to your family while recognizing your academic responsibilities. Plan your travel and homework schedule carefully to avoid last-minute conflicts.


File corruption is an unexpected technical issue. If it happens, report it to your teacher and explain the circumstances.

Express your frustration and ask for guidance on how to recover or recreate your work. Regularly back up your files to minimize the risk of data loss.


If you’re learning a new language and struggling to understand the homework, reach out to your teacher for assistance.

Explain the language barrier and your commitment to improving your language skills. Seek additional language support, such as tutoring or language classes, to overcome barriers more effectively.


Missing calculators or essential supplies can hinder your ability to complete math or science assignments. Notify your teacher and explain the situation.

Request an extension to acquire replacement supplies or borrow from a classmate. Keep your school supplies secure and consider labeling them to prevent theft.


Power outages can disrupt access to computers and study resources. If this occurs, report it to your teacher and explain the circumstances.

Request an extension or ask for alternative methods of submission. Have backup lighting and study materials available for such situations.


Personal crises, such as a breakup or a challenging family situation, can be emotionally taxing. Communicate with your teacher about the crisis and its impact on your ability to focus on homework.

Express your commitment to resolving the personal crisis and maintaining your academic responsibilities. Seek support from trusted friends , family, or counselors to navigate personal crises effectively.


Housing instability can create stress and uncertainty. If you’re facing this issue, inform your teacher and discuss the challenges it poses to your homework completion.

Emphasize your commitment to resolving housing instability and your dedication to your education. Connect with housing support services in your community to address the instability more effectively.


Sometimes, students struggle with time management and find themselves unable to complete homework due to procrastination or over commitment to other activities.

Acknowledge the issue and ask your teacher for guidance on improving time management skills. Consider seeking assistance from a teacher or counselor to develop effective time management strategies.


Lack of reliable transportation can be a barrier to completing homework, especially if you rely on public transportation. Notify your teacher about transportation challenges and their impact on your ability to access resources or attend school.

Request support or accommodations to address transportation issues. Explore carpooling, biking, or walking as alternative transportation methods when possible.


Sometimes, students experience a lack of motivation , making it challenging to complete homework. Be honest with your teacher about your motivation struggles and ask for strategies to stay on track.

Express your desire to overcome this issue and succeed academically. Seek inspiration from classmates, teachers, or online resources to boost motivation and focus on your studies.

These additional excuses and tips should help you address various situations that can hinder homework completion. Remember to prioritize honesty and open communication with your teachers, and seek support when needed to overcome challenges effectively.

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  • What are the best excuses not to do homework? – Quora
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25 Best Excuses for Not Doing Homework: Debunking the Myths

dog ate my homework

For as long as we can remember, homework has always been a component of school life. It is an essential tool for enhancing classroom learning, refining study techniques, and getting ready for tests. But occasionally, finishing homework can be difficult and daunting. Some students turn to make-up justifications in these circumstances to completely evade the assignment. Although using an excuse to avoid doing your homework may seem like a fast fix, it might hinder academic development and personal improvement.

We seek to dispel the misconceptions around the “Excuses for Not Doing Homework” that frequently circulate among students in this blog post. We will provide you with useful advice on how to help your students deal with homework difficulties and establish appropriate study habits so that you won’t have to resort to justifications.

1. “I forgot to do my homework.”

Although forgetting to complete your homework is a frequent justification, it’s vital to keep in mind that time management and organization are crucial skills for success. Try the following to remember your assignments:

  • Use a planner or digital calendar to keep track of due dates.
  • Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable chunks to make them less overwhelming.

2. “I didn’t understand the assignment.”

Schoolwork can occasionally be difficult or unclear, which makes this justification enticing. Try these steps instead of ignoring the assignment:

  • Review the instructions and ask for clarification from your teacher or classmates.
  • Research the topic online or consult additional resources to gain a better understanding.

3. “My internet was down, so I couldn’t conduct any online research.”

Online research is a necessary component of many projects in the modern digital world. However, problems with internet access might happen. What you can do is:

  • Inform your teacher about the internet problem and request an extension if necessary.
  • Utilize offline resources, such as textbooks or reference books available at your school or local library.

4. “I had a family emergency.”

Unexpected family crises might throw your schedule off. However, it’s crucial to get in touch with your teacher and look for other options:

  • Inform your teacher about the situation as soon as possible.
  • Discuss the possibility of an extension or make-up work.

5. “I didn’t have the required materials.”

Not having your textbooks, notebooks, or other necessary resources might make it difficult for you to finish your assignment. To get through this defense:

  • Double-check your bag before leaving school to ensure you have all the necessary materials.
  • Keep a checklist of essential items for each class and refer to it before leaving school.

6. “I was too tired to do my homework.”

It makes sense to feel worn out after a full day of academics and extracurricular activities. However, it’s crucial to put your academic obligations first. These suggestions can help you fight fatigue:

  • Take short breaks and engage in physical activity or relaxation techniques to rejuvenate yourself.
  • Ensure you have a consistent sleep schedule and aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

7. “I didn’t have enough time to finish my homework.”

Success in academics depends on good time management. Even if it could feel as though there aren’t enough hours in the day, good planning and organization can enable you to schedule time for homework. Think about the following:

  • Create a daily or weekly schedule that includes dedicated homework time.
  • Prioritize your assignments based on urgency and importance.

8. “I had other significant obligations.”

For students, juggling several obligations is a regular difficulty. You must, however, give your academic obligations priority. Here are some tips for handling your responsibilities wisely :

  • Plan and allocate specific time slots for each commitment, including homework.
  • Learn to say “no” when necessary and avoid taking on more responsibilities than you can handle.

9. “I didn’t have access to a computer or printer.”

Your ability to finish assignments that call for access to a computer or printer may occasionally be hampered by technological challenges. Here are some substitutes:

  • Utilize public computers at your local library or community centers.
  • Ask your school if they have computer or printer resources available for students to use.

10. “I participated in extracurricular activities or practiced sports.”

Sports and extracurricular involvement are key educational components, but it’s crucial to maintain a healthy balance. Think about the following advice:

  • Communicate with your coach or activity leader about your homework commitments.
  • Plan your schedule, ensuring you have dedicated time for both homework and extracurricular activities.

11. “I had a doctor’s appointment.”

Medical appointments are sometimes unavoidable but always important. However, it’s crucial to prepare ahead of time and organize your schoolwork properly. Think about the following actions:

  • Inform your teacher in advance about the appointment and inquire about any missed assignments.
  • Prioritize completing your homework before or after the appointment to stay on track.

12. “I didn’t have the necessary resources or materials at home.”

Although a problem, there are workarounds if there aren’t enough resources. Consider these options:

  • Visit your school or local library to access the materials you need.
  • Collaborate with classmates and arrange study sessions where you can share resources.

13. “My online platform was experiencing a technical problem.”

Even while technical difficulties might be annoying, you shouldn’t allow them to keep you from finishing your homework. Take the following actions:

  • Reach out to your teacher or the technical support team for assistance.
  • Use alternative devices or browsers to access the online platform.

14. “I had a family celebration or event.”

While attending family gatherings and activities is vital, it’s also crucial to strike a balance between your obligations and your academic obligations. Take into account this advice:

  • Plan your time effectively and allocate specific periods for homework before or after the celebration.
  • Communicate with your family about your homework commitments and ask for their support.

15. “I had no idea it was an assignment.”

The secret to successfully managing your schoolwork is to be informed and organized. Follow these recommendations:

  • Pay attention in class and actively listen to announcements or instructions regarding assignments.
  • Develop a system to track and record homework assignments, such as a planner or digital calendar.

16. “I had lots of homework from other classes.”

It might be difficult to manage several tasks from various classes, but it’s crucial to set priorities and manage your time well. Think about the following suggestion:

  • Create a schedule or to-do list that outlines all your assignments and their respective deadlines.
  • Break down large tasks into smaller, manageable chunks and tackle them one at a time.

17. “I didn’t have a quiet place to study.”

It might be tough to concentrate and do assignments in a loud atmosphere. To make a setting that is conducive to studying, try these techniques:

  • Find a quiet area in your home, such as a designated study corner or a library.
  • Use noise-canceling headphones or play instrumental music to drown out distractions.

18. “I had other work responsibilities or a part-time job.”

Finding a balance between a job and schoolwork might be difficult, but it is achievable. Think about the following ideas:

  • Communicate your availability and scheduling preferences to your employer.
  • Plan your work hours around your homework schedule and allocate specific time slots for studying.

19. “I wasn’t feeling very well.”

There are measures you can take to control the problem, however, illness might make it difficult for you to do your homework:

  • Prioritize rest and focus on your recovery to prevent further health issues.
  • Communicate with your teacher about your condition and inquire about missed assignments or extensions.

20. “I experienced a personal crisis or emotional problems.”

Personal problems and emotional challenges might make it difficult for you to focus on your assignments. Here is how to overcome such difficulties:

  • Reach out for support from trusted friends, family members, or school counselors to help you cope with the situation.
  • Communicate with your teachers about your circumstances and explore potential accommodations or extensions.

21. “I had a computer problem”

Computer technical difficulties might be annoying, but they shouldn’t serve as a regular justification. To solve this problem, think about the following strategies:

  • Troubleshoot the issue by restarting your computer or seeking assistance from tech support.
  • Utilize alternative devices, such as a smartphone or tablet, to access necessary resources or complete assignments.

22. “I went on a social outing or event with friends.”

While keeping up your social life is vital, it’s crucial to strike a balance with your academic obligations. Here’s how to locate a neutral position:

  • Plan your social outings and allocate specific time for homework beforehand.
  • Communicate with your friends about your homework commitments and request their support.

23. “I didn’t find the homework assignment interesting.”

Even if not every task will hold your attention, it’s important to approach it with the proper attitude. Take into account these tactics:

  • Find ways to relate the assignment to your interests or goals.
  • Seek guidance from your teacher or classmates to gain a better understanding of the assignment’s relevance.

24. “I had a family duty or responsibility.”

Even while family duties might be time-consuming, it is feasible to achieve a balance between them and your academic requirements. Try these things:

  • Communicate with your family about your academic responsibilities and seek their understanding.
  • Plan your time effectively by setting aside dedicated periods for homework.

25. “I didn’t think it was necessary.”

You could occasionally ponder the significance or relevance of a specific homework assignment. It’s important to understand the benefits of discipline and constant practice, though. Think about these viewpoints:

  • See homework as an opportunity to reinforce what you’ve learned and develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
  • Recognize that completing assignments demonstrates your commitment to learning and your academic growth.

We have emphasized the need of accepting responsibility for academic responsibilities by disproving the “25 Best Excuses for Not Doing Homework.” Instead of making excuses, success will be paved by establishing productive study habits, time management abilities, and proactive communication.

Remember that while excuses may provide short-term solace, they ultimately impede development and advancement. Students may overcome homework difficulties and meet academic objectives by having a proactive mentality, asking for help when they need it, and remaining focused.

So let’s set such justifications aside, adopt a cheerful outlook, and pursue assignments with tenacity and diligence. Dedication to studying will pay off in the long run and advance your success as a whole.

Stacey Wonder

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How To Write An Excuse Letter For A Work Absence (With Examples)

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It’s essential to know how to write an excuse letter for a work absence because there’s going to be a time when you have to miss work, whether it’s for a doctor’s visit, a sick day, or personal reasons.

Your letter should explain why and how long you’ll be absent and it should be sent to your boss or supervisor . In this article, we will go over how to write an excuse letter for being absent, provide an excuse letter sample, as well as some tips to keep in mind.

Key Takeaways

Explain when you’ll be gone and for how long so your boss and your team are prepared for your absence.

Double-check any company guidelines or policies before you write your excuse letter for being absent in work.

Generally, companies will accept a short excuse letter, so keep it brief.

Excuse Letter For Work Absence

How to write an excuse letter for a work absence

Sample formal work excuse letters, tips for writing an work excuse letter, excuse letter faq.

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When writing your letter, make sure to follow the business headings format and follow any applicable company guidelines. Above all, try to keep your letter short, so your boss (or whoever you address it to) doesn’t have to spend hours trying to figure out when and why you’re leaving.

You only need three paragraphs to communicate all of your information.

Opening paragraph. Your opening paragraph should state that this is an excuse letter for a future absence. You should list your reason and the dates you’ll be out of the office in this first section.

Body paragraph. Next, give more details about the absence, like who will cover your duties or how you’ll be available for your teammates to reach you. If anyone has agreed to help you with your projects, make sure to name them.

Sometimes it can be helpful to include your co-workers’ information, too, if they’re covering for you.

Closing paragraph and sign off. Finally, thank the person you’re writing to for being understanding and include any additional information and offer to help them plan for your absence.

Below are some excuse letter examples for some common reasons to be absent from work. Remember to tailor your letters to your specific needs when writing your excuse letter for work.

Jury duty excuse letter for work sample

Jane Doe Account Manager ABC Company 123 Main St City, State 12345 October 20, 2023 Karen Smith HR Director ABC Company 100 Street Rd City, State 12345 Dear Ms. Smith, I am writing to inform you of my intent to be absent from work starting Monday, November 2nd, until Wednesday, November 4th. I have been summoned for jury duty, so I will be unable to be in the office or work remotely. I will be checking my email and scheduling phone calls in the morning and evening, outside of jury hours, while I am out. I expect to be available between 7 am and 9 am as well as 5 pm to 8 pm for work matters. I’ve arranged for my colleague, Ron Miller, to handle any communication outside of the company for me. Please let me know if there’s anything else I can provide you with or help arrange extra support while I’m out. Thank you for understanding. Sincerely, Jane Doe

Medical excuse letter for work sample

John Smith Sales Associate Number 1 Company 123 Main St City, State 12345 October 21, 2023 Mary Williams Director of Sales Number 1 Company 100 Company Rd City, State 12345 Dear Mrs. Williams, Please accept this letter as my formal excuse for my absence from work. As I mentioned previously, I will need to undergo a small operation on Friday, October 30. I’ve attached my doctor ’s note for your reference below. I expect to be out of the office both Friday, October 30 and Monday, November 2. I have spoken with my team, and Joan Anderson has agreed to cover the weekly reports that I am responsible for drafting. Bill Doe will check in with me and send over any urgent work that I need to address at the end of each day. Thank you for understanding, and please let me know if I can help arrange anything else while I’m out of the office. I’d be happy to help you in any way that I can. Regards, John Smith

Doctors appointment excuse letter for work sample

Mark Skylar XYZ Company 123 Main St City, State 12345 July 20, 2023 Josh Smith XYZ Company 123 Main St City, State 12345 Dear Mr. Smith, I am writing to inform you that I have a scheduled doctor’s appointment that requires my presence during working hours. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and I assure you that I will make every effort to minimize the impact on my work duties. My appointment is Friday, July 25, at 10 a.m. As you know, maintaining my health is essential to ensure that I can perform at my best in the workplace. I am confident that this appointment will not take an extended period, and I will return to work once the appointment is over. Thank you for your understanding and consideration. I look forward to your approval of this short leave from work. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Mark Skylar

Personal day excuse letter for work sample

John Fisher XYZ Company 123 Main St City, State 12345 July 20, 2023 Emily Cameron XYZ Company 123 Main St City, State 12345 Dear Mrs. Cameron, I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request a personal day off from work on Wednesday, July 19. I understand the importance of my responsibilities and duties at XYZ Company and I apologize for any inconvenience my absence may cause. I assure you that I will make the necessary arrangements to ensure that my work does not suffer. During my absence, I will ensure that any pending tasks and projects are properly delegated to my colleagues or completed in advance. I will also provide the necessary instructions and documentation to ensure a smooth workflow in my absence. Thank you for your consideration and understanding. If you have any questions or need any further information, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, John Fisher

When writing your work excuse letter, be sure you follow your employee guidelines and policies and use a business letter format. Here are a more few tips for writing a good absence excuse letter for your job:

Reference your employee guidelines and policies around sick days . Usually, companies have a defined process for time off. Consult your employee handbook or double-check what the process is with someone before drafting your letter. Your company should indicate what information they need in an excuse letter or who to deliver your letter to.

Some companies make a distinction between excused and unexcused absences. Make sure that when you submit your absence letter, you’re leaving work for an approved reason. It depends on your company, but typically pre-planned events like doctor’s appointments, religious holidays, jury duty, or helping immediate family members can be considered excused absences.

Follow business letter format. This is a professional letter, you’ll need to write your excuse letter like any other professional letter. You don’t have to share all of the details of where you’ll be or what you’ll be doing while you’re out of the office.

It’s better to keep things short since these letters often go on file for future reference. We’ll give you a template and business letter samples at the end of this article if you need help.

Don’t abuse your leave. Of course, some employees need to take time off, but that doesn’t mean you should be sending an absence excuse letter once a week or extending your absence past the necessary window. You should think about your reason for leaving before you write and send your excuse letter.

The more leaves of absence you take, the more likely it is that you’ll end up in a conversation with your boss if you leave all of the time.

Talk to your teammates. You should coordinate with your team before you draft your letter so you have an idea of who can cover your work if there’s anything that has to get done while you’re gone. This will not only make you look good as a proactive employee, but you’ll also feel better while you’re out knowing who’s got your tasks covered.

Offer to work remotely if possible. In today’s world, telecommuting or working remotely is easier than ever. If you’re planning an absence because you can’t physically make it to the office instead of being unable to work, think about requesting to work remotely instead of taking an absence.

Often, you can save your allotted time off by asking to work remotely temporarily .

Make time for your co-workers to reach you. Even if you’re out of the office, it doesn’t mean your company stops working. You should provide a way (like phone, email, or text) for your teammates to reach you and general hours when you’ll respond. Most likely, your colleagues won’t need to contact you, but it’s good to be prepared and offer this anyway.

Get your letter written as soon as possible. The more notice you give someone your absence letter, the better. They’ll have more time to coordinate with you and your co-workers to figure out what needs to get done before, during, and after your absence.

Offer your help. Include specific ways you can help your team while you’re gone or offer to brainstorm ways to help in your letter. Your boss and your teammates will thank you for being flexible and helpful before you leave.

Cover your bases for unexpected absences too. There comes a time when something unexpected comes up. It happens from time to time. You should still send a message as soon as you can. It will look good for you if you follow up on an unexpected leave with a formal letter explaining why you were out and how you’ll make up the work you missed.

How do you apologize for being absent from work?

Apologize for being absent at work by being honest about why you were absent, not making excuses, and apologizing. You can also explain what you’re going to do to prevent it from happening again.

The key is to own your mistake — which means not blaming anyone or any circumstances but yourself — and apologize.

What’s a good excuse for being absent?

A good excuse for being absent is sickness (for you or a family member), family emergencies, appointments, or home maintenance problems. Having to unexpectedly provide child care or experiencing a mental health challenge are also good reasons for being absent from work.

How do I write a letter of excuse for work?

Write a letter of excuse for work by explaining the details of your absence, communicating any arrangements you’ve made for your absence, and thanking the person for their understanding.

Be brief but thorough, describing how long and why you’re going to be gone, as well as who will be covering for you. You can also invite the recipient and any coworkers to contact you during your absence — just remember to provide the information they need to be able to do this.

Why should you write an absence excuse letter?

You should write an absence excuse letter because it’s courteous and it serves as a record of absence. Even if it’s in the form of a quick email, an excuse letter gives your manager a heads up that you won’t be in to work. This gives them time to prepare for your absence.

Your excuse letter also serves as a permanent record in case you need verification of your absence and the reason for it in the future.

How do you justify an absence from work?

Car accidents, the death of a loved one, and personal or a child’s illness are reasons to justify an absence from work. It’s important to use legitimate excuses and not to abuse your absence leave policy at work.

Purdue University – Writing the Basic Business Letter

Terry Katz and Associates, P.C. – 8 Acceptable Reasons To Miss Work

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Amanda is a writer with experience in various industries, including travel, real estate, and career advice. After taking on internships and entry-level jobs, she is familiar with the job search process and landing that crucial first job. Included in her experience is work at an employer/intern matching startup where she marketed an intern database to employers and supported college interns looking for work experience.

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What to Say When You Didn't Do Your Homework

9 minutes reading time

Excuses for not doing your homework

  • 01. 1. The Dog Ate It
  • 02. 2. My Computer Crashed
  • 03. 3. I Was So Sick!
  • 04. 4. I Was Absent When the Homework was Assigned
  • 05. 5. I Didn’t Understand the Homework
  • 06. 6. Busy with Extra-curricular Activities and Volunteering
  • 07. 7. I Thought it Was in My Bag
  • 08. 8. I Don’t Remember Getting any Homework
  • 09. 9. Too Much Homework From Another Class
  • 10. 10. Tell the Truth
  • 11. Bonus Excuses

Have you ever stumbled to class, filled with dread and wondering how you're going to explain why you don't have any work to turn in?

Surely most - if not all students have handed in a homework assignment late, at least a few times (or more!). Equally likely: just about every learner had no assignments ready to turn it, late or otherwise. When that happens, so as not to get into trouble, pupils cook up excuses why they couldn’t complete their homework when scheduled or at all.

If these assertions leave you feeling like we're speaking directly to you... we are. Your parents, professors, teachers and, yes, even your Superprof tutors were once pupils, too. We know how school life is and how, sometimes, learners have no desire to do homework. Or, in some cases, how any inkling of that work should be done.

A Superprof homework help tutor would render all of those points moot. With such a mentor, you would have no trouble understanding your study materials or what is expected of you, a teacher can recommend some homework tips . You would not need any excuses because your work would get done on time, every time.

Maybe you don't have a Superprof tutor (yet). Maybe, for you, excuses remain the order of the day. If that's the case, you need some pretty good reasons to not have completed your assignments. Here again, your Superprof rides to the rescue by providing you with a list of excuses - some with a proven track record of credibility and others adapted to our computer-driven era.


1. The Dog Ate It

We head our list up with the classic - who hasn't heard about that homework-hating dog that must eat every assignment? Or maybe it's a homework-loving dog who craves the taste of graphite and ink...

The original dog who ate homework was allegedly Saint Ciarán of Clonmacnoise's pet fox.

Dogs don't usually eat homework

The legend, written by Forrest Wickman, recounts that, back in the 6th Century, when the saint's tame fox was tasked with taking Ciarán's writings to the monastery Master. These papers were bound in a leather strap. One day, the fox chewed through the strap, allowing the papers to fly away with the wind.

Over the centuries, dogs have been accused of eating everything including, in one story published in 1808, a playing card that would have lost its master the high-stakes game he was playing.

Bringing the narrative full-circle, another religious man, in this instance an Anglican priest whose sermons tended to go on and on, reportedly had to cut his preaching short one Sunday because a dog had gotten into his study and had eaten several pages of the sermon. The worshippers were reportedly delighted at spending less time in the pews.

The bottom line: despite its lengthy history, perhaps this is not the most subtle or workable of excuses. However, should you, in all actuality, have a dog… If all else fails, you could bring a few chewed-on pages as proof.

2. My Computer Crashed

With more schools turning to web-based platforms to assign and turn in homework, a whole new spectrum of excuses has opened up to the desperate, homework-lacking learner.

Besides computer crashes, you might invoke pets and/or younger siblings breaking your laptop, hackers, power failures and even that your printer ran out of ink. Of course, that last will be the least effective excuse, especially if you are a serial homework offender . Your teacher may contend that you could have loaded your work onto a USB drive and taken it to a print shop.

Beware too that, if no other student suffered a power outage , invoking that reason may force to veer into the 'parents didn't pay the bill' territory - the only other reason that only you had no electricity to power your devices.

3. I Was So Sick!

Not so long ago, in the halcyon, pre-COVID days, being sick was a classic homework excuse. One could claim a 24-hour bug, food poisoning or come to class looking convincingly wan and plead a fever the night before.

Not only would you be excused from turning in your assignments but you might have garnered a bit of sympathy... to say nothing of a handy extension on your deadline for turning work in.

These days, if you claim you've been bedridden, feverish and unable to distinguish your cat from your sheet of homework, you're likely to land yourself in quarantine , missing out on classes and leisure activities alike.

If pleading illness is your go-to move to excuse yourself from turning in assignments on time, you would do best to stick with food poisoning... and even that claim is no guarantee you won't be sent home posthaste, driven by the worry that you're suffering from something far graver than a revisit of the pizza you had last night.

4. I Was Absent When the Homework was Assigned

Despite your attendance tick in the register, this story could still fly if you could convince your teacher you were in the restroom when the assignment was announced. It would work particularly well if you are, indeed, a frequent visitor to the restroom during class.

If you don't routinely excuse yourself from class, you may try to convince your teacher that s/he marked you present by mistake on that day.

Here again, your classmates would have to vouch for you. Failing that, you might rope your parents into providing a note explaining that, of course, you were absent on that day because you had to do something far more important than attending class.

5. I Didn’t Understand the Homework

This excuse works better for science, math or questions-based homework rather than essays. That doesn't mean it won't fly if the assignment called for you to write at length; you might simply explain how you didn't quite get the idea of what you were supposed to write about. If you plan ahead of time there are many pointers on the best ways to complete homework assignments .

This excuse hits two birds with one stone when you combine it with 'could you explain it to me?' because you'll get help with your homework and a deadline extension, especially if you actually don’t understand the homework assignment.

Beware of this pitfall: Teacher might ask if you talked with any of your classmates to see if they could explain what you were supposed to do. You might say that you asked your parents or an older sibling for help but avoid mentioning any classmate your teacher might know, just in case s/he tries to verify your story.

6. Busy with Extra-curricular Activities and Volunteering

If you want to polish your civic, duty-bound image, saying you couldn't do any homework because you were helping others would be a sure bet.

If you're too busy doing senior citizens' shopping or helping out in your local clinic to solve equations or write dissertations, you will be nothing but a star in your teacher's eyes.

For the same reason, it will be less believable if you claim team sports or group activities as your extracurricular activity. Even rowing, playing chess and singing in the church choir would be suspect.

Volunteering is a handy homework excuse and does good for your community

Choose the reason you're too busy for homework wisely. If volunteering is your excuse, it would be best to actually volunteer because, if you get found out, your fall from grace would be twice as far.

7. I Thought it Was in My Bag

This particular excuse works for just about anything, from the money you owe a friend to the book you promised to return. And, of course, undone homework.

It is particularly effective if you first dig into your backpack as you normally would - nothing to see here, Teacher! Just another diligent pupil, whipping out last night's work. .. And then, more frantically, your fingers scrabble and scour every pocket, even as you cast panicked glances around the room.

If you could work up an embarrassed flush, that would be the icing on the cake. " Of course you thought you packed it !", your teacher will think.

This one is a great excuse, it’s worked for students everywhere, especially those who can work up a sweat or a few tears on demand.

If your bookbag is full and has lots of pockets, this excuse will work well

8. I Don’t Remember Getting any Homework

The trouble with you supposedly having a Swiss cheese memory about homework assignments is today's technology.

Upon any claim of faulty memory on your part, your teacher will certainly ask if you checked with your classmates. Even direr for you: what if your homework was assigned online, through your school's online learning portal - and you logged, in clearly indicating you knew there was work to be done?

If your teacher uses no web-based learning platforms... You probably DO remember getting your homework, but s/he can't be sure of that, right?

This particular excuse would work best if the whole class - or, at least a majority of your classmates proclaimed the same.

You can effectively get homework done by simply setting up a calendar on your phone to avoid this sort of issue.

9. Too Much Homework From Another Class

This excuse would work best for college and university students.

Elementary, Middle, and High school teachers usually have an idea of how much homework their colleagues assign and, if they didn't, it would be a snap for them to check. They may start by asking your classmates; their responses might prove embarrassing for you.

Prioritizing which homework to complete is always a good excuse. Even if you lay out everything you did for that supposed other class, this story puts you and your teacher in a difficult position.

On one hand, they might think: "Poor you, clearly you’ve been given far too much homework!" but, on the other, they may well contend that other teachers' assignments aren't their concern and, being a high school/university student, you should manage your schedule and workload more efficiently.

This excuse might work if your professor is too inexperienced to know better or a bit on the negligent side. Best to not underestimate them, though. Keep this one in reserve for when you truly have nothing else to offer.

10. Tell the Truth

If you typically dole out excuses for why your homework is never done on time, perhaps it’s time to pull out your ace in the hole – the truth.

Honesty is still the best policy, after all, and your teacher will appreciate your telling the truth. It should be a refreshing change from the usual bombardment of (only somewhat believable) excuses.

Use truth-telling when you’re feeling especially sincere (and desperate). Or, the best yet: tell the truth all the time. Maybe to avoid all this, all you need is to focus more on your homework assignment .

Of course, you wouldn't have to worry about recycling excuses if you knocked your homework out like the champ you are...

Bonus Excuses

In case the all-time favs listed above don't suit you or you've used them all at least once this school year, here are a few extra excuses to try that might save you from the wrath of Teacher:

  • I left it at home
  • I dropped it in the sewer on the way to school
  • I left it in my other satchel/bookbag/binder/notebook
  • I was looking it over and left it on the bus
  • I let (insert name of classmate) borrow it and s/he didn't give it back you may even claim that the treacherous friend turned your work in as theirs
  • My little brother/sister drew all over it (or used it to make a paper aeroplane, a boat, a nest for their guinea pig...)
  • My mother/father accidentally shredded it, along with other important documents
  • My parents were looking it over and forgot to give it back
  • My tutor accidentally packed it away with his papers
  • I spilled (insert name of a document-ruining food or beverage) all over it

Admittedly, for all that they are plausible, some of these excuses are quite funny. Your teacher may give you props for your inventiveness and, if the assignment wasn't critical, might give you a pass... this time.

If chronic homework neglect is your study style, be careful not to use the same excuse too many times. Otherwise, your teacher may not be sympathetic towards you should there ever be a legitimate reason for not doing your homework.

We hope these excuses have been helpful - or, at least, entertaining. Just remember that the more you use them, the more unbelievable they’ll become to your teacher.

In fact, it may just be more advantageous (and easier) for you to do your homework and hand it in on time.

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This helped my 9 year old daughter so much with her work many thanks!

Omg these are great except some of them are a little bad but most of them were EPIC

I put my homework on your desk yesterday because I finished it early. I don’t know what you did with it.

I once told my teacher I accidentally used it as fuel for the fire at home.


These are pretty good! You practically saved my life here.

how about i found it to hard

Hailey Bernard

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Student Tips

Late assignment submission excuses that don’t fail.


June 27, 2023 • 10 min read

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Academic success depends on completing assignments on time, but occasionally unexpected obstacles arise in life. Although it's always best to plan ahead and manage your time well, late submission excuses have become a common part of student life. In these situations, we need to be resourceful. In this article, we examine a few original and creative justifications for late assignment submissions. 

But before you do anything, take a deep breath and think about your options. There are some good excuses for turning in an assignment late, and there are some that are just plain bad.

Good Excuses for Late Assignment Submission:

Although it is typically not advisable to give justifications for late assignment submissions because it is crucial to prioritize responsibility and time management, there might be occasions when unavoidable circumstances arise. Here are a few valid justifications for submitting an assignment after the deadline:

  • Personal Illness or Injury: If you had a sudden illness or injury that made it difficult for you to finish the assignment on time, that is a good reason to ask for a deadline extension. To prove your claim, offer the necessary proof, such as a medical certificate.
  • Family Emergency: It might be necessary to ask for an extension for your assignment if there is a serious family emergency, such as the hospitalization of a close relative or the occurrence of a natural disaster.
  • Technical Problems: There may occasionally be technical issues that are beyond your control, such as a computer crash, an internet outage, or a software malfunction. These problems may make it difficult for you to finish and turn in the assignment on time. Inform your professor right away, and if you can, include proof like screenshots or error messages.
  • Unforeseen Events: Unexpected situations, like a last-minute work commitment, transportation problems, or a personal crisis, may make it difficult for you to finish an assignment on time. If such circumstances occur, be open and honest with your professor about them.
  • Academic Overload: It can occasionally be difficult to meet all the deadlines if you find yourself overwhelmed with numerous assignments and coursework. In these circumstances, proactive communication with your professor is preferable.

Bad Excuses for Late Assignment Submission:

While it's critical to be open and truthful about legitimate justifications for late assignment submissions, it's equally crucial to identify and refrain from offering lame justifications that lack veracity or show a lack of accountability. Examples of justifications that are typically viewed as inappropriate or unconvincing include the following:

  • Procrastination: Blaming procrastination or poor time management for the delay will have a negative impact on your ability to prioritize your obligations. Taking responsibility for your actions is always preferable to using procrastination as a justification.
  • Social Events or Partying: Saying that you were unable to finish the assignment because you were out having fun or attending social events, parties, or other entertainment-related activities suggests that you value your leisure time more than your academic responsibilities.
  • Internet or Power Outage: Although technical difficulties can occasionally happen, using an internet or power outage as a justification without supporting evidence or documentation may be considered a weak defense. It is a good idea to have backup plans, like local power or alternative internet sources.
  • Forgetting the Due Date: Forgetting the due date for an assignment is not a good justification because it shows a lack of planning and focus. It's critical to remember due dates and use calendars, reminders, and other organizational tools to stay on top of things.
  • Personal Relationship Problems: It may come across as unprofessional and unconvincing to blame a late submission on relationship issues or disagreements with friends, family, or romantic partners. It is best to keep personal matters separate from academic obligations and seek assistance or support if needed.
  • Lack of Resources: It may not be acceptable to claim that you were unable to complete the assignment because you lacked the necessary books or materials. Planning ahead and making prompt use of the resources at hand are crucial.

How to Write an Excuse for a Late Assignment:

If you do have a legitimate reason for turning in an assignment late, it's important to write a clear and concise excuse. Here are some tips:

  • Be honest. Don't try to lie or make up excuses. Your professor will be able to tell if you're not being truthful.
  • Be specific. Explain exactly what happened and why it prevented you from turning in your assignment on time.
  • Be apologetic. Express your sincere apologies for turning in your assignment late.
  • Be respectful. Address your professor by their title and last name.

How to ask a professor to accept a late assignment by mail:  

You can use the following example of an email to ask your professor to accept a late assignment:

Dear Professor [Name of the Professor],

I'm writing to ask for a delay in the due date for my [course name and number] assignment, [name of assignment]. The assignment was supposed to be turned in on [original due date], but I need it by [new due date].

I apologize for the submission's tardiness. I am aware that this is not an excuse, but a few unforeseen events kept me from finishing the assignment on time.

I had a family emergency that needed to be attended to first. I had to travel to be with my [relationship to family member] because they were in the hospital. This consumed a substantial amount of time.

Second, my computer was having some technical issues. My files were completely lost when my hard drive crashed. I lost a few days as a result of having to start the assignment from scratch.

Even though I am aware that the circumstances are not ideal, I am determined to do my very best to complete the task. The finished assignment is attached to this email.

I would appreciate it if you would give my request for a delay some thought. I am sure I can finish the assignment by the new due date.

I appreciate your consideration and time.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Final Thoughts:

While excuses for late assignment submissions can be amusing and humorous, it's important to keep in mind that accountability and time management should always come first. These ingenious justifications ought to be used sparingly and shouldn't serve to reinforce dishonesty or procrastination as bad habits. It's best to be open with your professors, ask for extra time when you need it, and make an effort to turn in assignments on time. Always keep in mind that education is a journey towards growth and development on both a personal and academic level. If you follow these tips, you will increase your chances of having your request granted.

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11 Excuses for Not Doing Homework (And How to Stop Making Them)

July 5, 2022 By Daniel Wong 6 Comments

young man doing homework in his room

If you’re like many students, you’d rather take a nap, talk to your friends online, or play video games.

As you already know, finding reasons not to do your homework will prevent you from succeeding in school .

I’m sure you want to do well in school, and homework is definitely a part of that process.

In this article, I’ll go over 11 of the most common excuses for not doing homework and offer solutions to ensure that you stay engaged in school.

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Excuse #1: You lack the required knowledge

Let your parents and teacher know if you’re taking a class and feel as if you lack the necessary skills or knowledge to complete the homework.

Ask your teacher for extra guidance so you don’t fall too far behind. See if your parents can find the time to help you, or you can look for a tutor.

Your teachers are there to help you develop the skills you need to do well in their classes.

You’re not alone in feeling that you lack the necessary skills, so don’t be too embarrassed to ask for assistance. You might even find some great study buddies who feel the same way.

Excuse #2: You lack confidence

Many students compare themselves to their peers, which can lead to a lack of confidence. When that happens, it’s easy to make excuses for not doing the homework.

But here’s what you need to know…

Everyone lacks confidence about something.

You might be good at math but need extra help with English. Perhaps you excel at geography but find biology confusing.

Give yourself a break.

If you lack confidence in your ability to learn a particular subject, get the support you need. Your teachers, parents, and even friends will help you out and give you a needed morale boost.

Excuse #3: Your home life is too hectic

The excuses for submitting assignments late are numerous, but one that I hear often is that it’s too busy or noisy at home to focus.

Finding a quiet space and using earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones can help reduce distractions. This will make it easier for you to finish your homework.

If that doesn’t work, try finding an alternative location to do your work, like the library or a friend’s house.

You can also talk to your parents about it. They might not even be aware of all the interruptions that are preventing you from completing your schoolwork.

Excuse #4: You don’t know where to start

Feeling anxious and overwhelmed are often the main reasons that cause students to not know where to start on their homework.

If you ever feel this way, here’s what I suggest you do:

  • Take a deep breath.
  • Create a space where you can get organised.
  • Make a list of all your assignments and deadlines.
  • Work on one assignment at a time.
  • Start with an easy assignment to get a quick win, or tackle the most challenging assignment to get it out of the way.

Excuse #5: You have poor study habits

Many students develop bad study habits over their years in school.

Not everyone learns the same way or at the same pace. As such, every student will have different study habits. If what you’re doing isn’t working, try a different approach.

If you’re trying to do your homework as soon as you get home from school but can’t focus, try having a snack and taking a power nap before getting to work instead.

If you’re staying up too late studying, set a rule for yourself that you’ll start doing your homework within one hour of getting home.

Establish a routine where you do your work at roughly the same time each day. Developing routines like this will improve your study habits , which will make you a more effective student.

Excuse #6: School isn’t important to you

A common misconception is that school isn’t important, that what you learn won’t be relevant once you leave school.

This isn’t completely true.

Of course, the education system can be improved. But the knowledge you acquire in school will help you to understand and appreciate the world better.

And the process of becoming a more effective student will lead you to develop traits like self-discipline and responsibility. These are the types of traits you’ll need in order to find success at any stage of life!

Excuse #7: You’re overloaded with after-school activities

I know it can be tough to balance schoolwork and extracurricular activities.

Maybe you’re on a sports team or you spend several hours each week volunteering.

Finding the right balance to ensure you have enough time for homework can be challenging.

When too many afterschool activities get in the way of completing your assignments on time, it’s time to review your schedule. Decide how you can prioritise the activities that are the most important.

You may need to put some activities on hold until you’re consistently staying on top of your schoolwork.

Speak with your coach, teachers, or parents about the ideas they have to help you manage your schedule more effectively.

Excuse #8: Studying is boring for you

If you find that doing your homework is uninteresting, it may be time for you to change your point of view.

I always encourage students to cultivate a growth mindset . This is a mindset where you focus more on the learning process instead of on getting good grades.

Rather than seeing a particular subject as boring, develop a sense of wonder. Decide that you’re going to be intellectually curious, and you’ll discover that we live in a fascinating world.

And while you’re on that journey, remember that the students who succeed in school find ways to get the work done even when they find the subject boring.

For example, if you don’t like math, consider that it isn’t just about numbers – it’s a way of thinking.

Reframing how you think about a subject will enable you to see it as more interesting. In turn, you’ll become a better student over time.

Excuse #9: Your teachers assign too much homework

Sometimes, it may seem like your teachers assign more homework than you can keep up with. You might even believe that what you’re required to do is unreasonable.

If you find yourself in this situation, take a moment to think about everything else you’re doing.

Are you managing your time well?

Are you struggling with a particular class?

Do you use memory techniques to enable you to learn faster ?

Instead of allowing homework to overwhelm you, try talking to your teacher, tutor, or parents to figure out the best way forward for you.

Excuse #10: You already have so much overdue homework

Procrastinating on your homework can lead to a significant pile-up of assignments. This will affect your confidence in being able to complete them.

What’s more, once you get a set of new assignments, you probably won’t know how to do them because you didn’t do the previous assignments.

This creates a vicious cycle where you tell yourself that there’s no point in completing your newly assigned homework because you still have the old ones to do.

When this happens, the likelihood of completing any of the work decreases.

If you’re in this situation, set a reasonable goal of keeping up with all the newly assigned homework while completing, say, one overdue assignment a day, or one overdue assignment every two days.

Excuse #11: You don’t believe you can get good grades

If you hate school, there’s a chance that it’s because you feel the pressure to be a straight-A student .

Here’s the good news: You don’t need to be perfect. After all, there’s no such thing as a perfect student.

But you do have to put in the effort and get the work done. The rest will then fall into place.

If you’re doing your best, you’re doing great! Celebrate your progress and keep moving forward.

Take it one step at a time, and don’t worry too much about what grades you’re getting at the moment.

In closing…

There are many possible reasons for you not to finish your homework.

No matter what those reasons are, it’s important to know that the people around you want to help you succeed.

From teachers to parents to coaches, you have a support network to provide solutions to almost any obstacle you face.

Identify the excuses listed in this article that are relevant to your situation, and apply the suggested solutions.

If you do that, you’ll become a better and happier student who makes far fewer excuses related to homework!

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July 7, 2022 at 12:13 pm

Thank you so much for this article. These were the problems I was struggling with. Now that i know the solutions to it ,I’m sure I’ll do better than before.

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July 7, 2022 at 1:05 pm

You’re very welcome.

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July 7, 2022 at 6:20 pm

I pray that may Almighty God grant you long life, more knowledge, sound health, rest of mind, wealth and happiness, so that you can witness your good impact in this World 🌍. GOD has made you a useful tool for every students and parents that is actually seeking success.

July 7, 2022 at 7:42 pm

Thank you, God bless you too!

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July 27, 2022 at 9:29 pm

Thank you so much for this. I have found a couple of solutions for excuses I’ve made in the past. I needed this.

July 27, 2022 at 9:42 pm

You’re welcome.

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9 Excuses for Late Assignments: Turning Online Homework Late

  • by Michael Smart
  • January 5, 2024


It is a common scenario to fail to submit the assignment within the timeframe during your academic years. With many reasons for late assignment submission, there are a number of excuses you can give and they soften the stance of your professor.

Any student should strive to stay updated when it comes to matters of studies and assignments. However, some may face some uncertainties which can derail their concentration and affect how they are working, leading to delays.

In that case, here is a comprehensive list and explanation of the excuses you can give for late submissions.

9 Excuses for Late Submission of Assignments

A student may develop stress of keeping with the environment and hinder them from keeping assignment deadlines.

Although we may not deny the chances of a student being careless, genuine cases can prompt a student to fail to finish the work on time.

If found in such a scenario, then look for any possibility of asking for an extension. Here, you must have a compelling reason that can bargain your request.

1. Blaming Illness for late Homework

Illness and sickness are natural happenings that are unavoidable in someone’s life. Such situations may make one lack the physical and emotional strength to work on the assignment or homework.

While giving such an excuse, ensure that it is valid by backing it up with the note from your doctor. Some sickness can still occur on your immediate family member, thereby affecting how you work.

For example, your parent or a sister may be highly sick, prompting you to leave what you are doing and take care of him or her. Such is a strong reason that can compel one to ask for a late submission.

excuse letter for not doing assignment

2. Domestic Violence for Undone Assignment

Domestic flights are typical cases in any marriage setup. Such can be a sensitive excuse which a teacher must consider and probably bring it up to your parents.

Also, a teacher can report such cases to the guiding and counseling office, who can talk to your parents concerning such ordeals. They should understand the impacts of such actions on your academic life.

3. Writers Block

A student can read many books until he/she develops writer’s block. Such situations are overwhelming, thereby affecting the productivity of a student. One can diagnose such an experience by taking a short break and come back while fresh.

A teacher should listen to your story and grant you leave of some days before you recollect and work on your assignment before submitting it as agreed.

Tips for Late Homework excuse

4. Other Paper Due

When you have another paper to work on ahead, you may need time to prepare. About that, you can request your professor to give you more time so that you can prepare for another paper that you are about to handle.

That can be a valid reason that could justify your late submission. The best practice is to put such information in the application and let the teacher acknowledge your request.

5. Job Interview

One can receive a request for a job interview which can be unavoidable. A teacher should listen and accept such an apology by granting ample student time to prepare and attend that interview in the subject area. It is a valid reason that can lead to the late submission of assignments.

6. Learning Disability

One should inform the university in advance in case you have a learning disability. The most common issue is dyslexia which is an abnormal condition that makes a student struggle in making speedy and accurate spelling and reading.

Nearly all universities have plans that support students who experience learning disabilities. Such conditions are harsh, and that is why a college should accommodate such cases.

7. Lost a Family Member

Death is unavoidable in the life of someone. When you lose an immediate family member, it can be distractive, leading to divided attention

 If found in such circumstances, you can ask your professor to extend the submission date to assist you in overcoming such a situation.

8. You are a Caretaker

A student may be caring for a disabled person like a sick partner or a disabled parent. You have to let your teacher know in advance about that situation for you to enjoy the window of late submissions.

9. Blaming a Lazy Group Member

Group assignments are not new in the academic world. You might get assigned to someone who is lazy and drag your group leading to late submission.

If you are sensing that, it is critical to inform your instructor of late submissions. You can join this by saying that he forgot to submit the assignment early, especially his or her part.

As a group, you can join forces and assist that student who might be the cause of the delay and finish the assignment within the agreed timeframe as agreed by your teacher. You can choose to cover up the ills of a lazy student for success.

Reasons and Excuses for Turning in Late Online Homework

Online assignments present a little bit different excuses on top of the ones discussed above. However, ensure that you back your excuse with sound reasoning.

Such creates a better impression with your instructor as it indicates sincerity towards the pending task. This works better if you send a good late assignment email to your professor to explain more about the situation.

In this section, we can examine some of the good excuses you can provide to justify your late submission of the online assignment.

1. Computer Issues

When your laptop fails to work, it can lead to the destruction of your schedule. Such an excuse co only be valid if you provide evidence for your argument.

You can provide a receipt from your technician indicating the service quotation. Alternatively, you can take it to the university’s ICT department to see if they can assist in data recovery.

2. Wi-Fi Failed to Work

Wi-Fi is a technological issue that the school can address objectively. Schools should provide such a service to allow the students to work effectively.

However, when the students go out and encounter an internet challenge, it could cause a delay in the submission of assignments.

This is also one of the excuses for student lateness in class and can be used as a common reason. You can present the same evidence for missing classes and assignments.

Late Online Homework excuses

3. Never Understood the Assignment

Every student learns uniquely. We have quick learners who need simple directions to learn. Some may be slow hence requiring more lessons to grasp the subject.

If you are in the category of slow learners, it may take you a while before completing the same assignment leading to late submission.

4. Sickness

One can fail to submit the assignment at school due to sickness. It would help if you wrote to your instructor to explain why it was challenging to work in such conditions.

You can back up your points with a medical report from your doctor to ascertain your honesty.

5. Had an Exam

The student could be doing a different course elsewhere. When the programs clash, the student must find a way of balancing them. If you are examining another cause, then it is reasonable to seek leave for a late submission. 

Consequences of Being Late with Assignment

Different schools and colleges deal with such situations uniquely.  For example, some universities and colleges would take off some points from the total mark.

In most universities, a late assignment submission penalty is taking 5% off the total allocated marks for that assignment. Such would be deducted for the first seven days, after which the professor will not accept the assignment again. While the late submission penalty varies, most universities follow a similar plan to deter lateness.

Another consequence of being late with your assignment is that it could lead to your studies’ postponement.

If you fail to submit it within the semester’s schedules, it will be difficult for the faculty to compile your marks and decide your course overall within the program leading to deferments.

Late Assignment Penalties

On the other hand, some extreme cases could lead to suspension or expulsion. Before your join, any academic institution, ensure you understand the policies that govern your studies. Also, it is good to apply tips to beat homework due dates so as to avoid these consequences.

It is essential to adhere to the laid down procedures so that you are on the safe side. However, lecturers sometimes decide on the pros and cons of accepting late student assignments before applying the penalties. Here are the common penalties.

excuse letter for not doing assignment

I am an educational writer and blogger focussing on tech, education, and life improvement.

Put a stop to deadline pressure, and have your homework done by an expert.

Homework Excuses: Top Guide To Help You Not Do Homework

homework excuses

Homework excuses are common among students at all educational levels. It’s no secret that many learners dislike homework and must find ways to convince educators they are not at fault. Although academic life is exciting, it comes with burdens. Life hardships make some learners unable to complete homework within the deadlines that educators stipulate.

Whether in college, high school, or university, you will need excuses for not doing your homework. This article lists some of the best reasons learners give for not completing their homework. It’s helpful because not every learner is sufficiently creative to convince the teacher or professor to pardon them for not completing assignments.

What Are Homework Excuses?

A homework excuse is a story, explanation, or alibi that a student gives the teacher or professor for not completing their homework.

A learner may require an excuse for various reasons. For instance, they may need it to cover up for something else or lack a good reason to justify their inability to submit the assignment. Regardless of the case, students can use different excuses to convince educators not to punish or penalize them.

Excuses for not doing homework are essential for several reasons. For instance, a learner could be having a bad day. Or they may not feel like doing the assignment. Some educators bombard learners with many tasks with strict deadlines. In that case, students may lack time to do all the coursework and score their desired grades. Therefore, they can give excuses to get extra time to complete the homework.

What Is The Purpose Of HW Excuses?

Every student has been there- you have homework, but certain things prevent you from doing it.

The primary purpose of excuses is to temporarily help you get out of trouble for not doing the task. They can also allow you to focus on what prevents you from doing it.

Homework excuses give students a way to explain why they didn’t do their assignments. While learners have different reasons for using an excuse, the bottom line is avoiding the consequences of not completing the work or punishment. Nevertheless, students should keep a few things in mind whenever they use an excuse to justify their inability to submit homework on time.

First, learners should ensure their excuses are believable. A student shouldn’t try to use a fake reason, like saying your dog ate your homework. Second, they should prepare to back up their story if necessary. If the teacher asks for more information about the excuse, the learner should be ready to give it. Finally, students shouldn’t overuse excuses. If they constantly make excuses for not doing their homework, the teacher will catch on eventually.

Good Homework Excuses For Different Situations

An excuse for not completing homework can come in handy in different situations. Here are seven examples of reasons for not doing homework.

If you didn’t do your homework because you forgot about it, you could say that you were sick or that something came up that prevented you from doing it. Maybe you didn’t do your homework because you didn’t understand it. In that case, you can say that the instructions were confusing or that you couldn’t find the needed information. If you didn’t do your homework because you didn’t have enough time, you could say that you had extracurricular activities or that you had to work. Perhaps, you didn’t do your homework because you were procrastinating. In that case, you can say that you started it but ran out of time. If you didn’t do your homework because you were distracted, you can say that something came up or that you couldn’t focus. Maybe you didn’t do your homework because you were sick. If so, you can say that you had a doctor’s appointment or weren’t feeling well. If your reason for not doing homework was a busy schedule, you could say that you had a family emergency or that you had no option but to work.

Always remember that your excuse must be believable to serve its purpose. Therefore, choose a reason that best suits your situation.

Good Excuses To Miss Practice Or Class

Perhaps, you have other commitments that prevent you from attending practice or class. And this might prevent you from submitting your homework on time. In that case, you can give the following believable excuses:

  • I’m sorry I will miss practice/class. I have a doctor’s appointment.
  • I’m sorry I will miss practice/class. I have to work to avoid losing my job.
  • I’m sorry I will miss practice/class. My car broke down.
  • I’m sorry I will miss practice/class. My train has a delay.
  • I’m sorry I will miss practice/class. There is heavy traffic.

Note that you can also use these excuses for not completing your homework. Nevertheless, ensure you’re convincing the educator to believe you.

Advice On How To Give Good Excuses For Not Doing Homework

Not every learner can give an excuse and get away with it. That’s because educators were once students, meaning they knew all the tricks in the book. So, suppose you have difficulties giving your teacher a believable excuse for not completing and submitting homework. In that case, the following are tips for providing good excuses for not doing homework should help you get away with it.

Be confident: Unless you sell the excuse, chances are that your teacher won’t buy it. So, act as if you believe in what you’re saying, and chances are, your educator will find it too. Keep it short and sweet: The longer the story, the more likely it is to seem fabricated. So, make sure to keep your excuse short and to the point. Make it believable: As we said before, educators were once students. That means they know all of the excuses in the book. So, if you want to make your excuse believable, make sure it’s something that could happen. Be prepared to back it up: If your teacher asks for more information about your excuse, be ready to give it. And this will help make your story more believable. Don’t overuse excuses: If you’re constantly making excuses for not doing your homework, your teacher will catch on eventually. So, use them sparingly and only when necessary.

If you ever want to give excuses for homework, these tips should help you do so without getting caught. But if your teacher is on to your tricks, making up believable excuses might seem daunting. But don’t worry. There are still ways to make your reasons more plausible. For instance, try to use excuses that don’t involve technology. If you say your computer crashed and lost all your work, your teacher will likely ask for a hard copy or proof that you did the task.

Second, try to use excuses that are specific to the assignment. For example, if you’re trying to get out of doing a science project, saying you don’t have the materials is more believable than saying you don’t have the time. And finally, try to use excuses that are relevant to your life outside the school. If you’ve been sick recently or have a family emergency, your teacher is likelier to believe that you didn’t do your homework.

Nevertheless, the best way to avoid giving an excuse in the first place is to do your homework. That way, you won’t have to worry about coming up with a good reason for not doing it.

Tips On How To Avoid Making Excuses For Late Homework

Maybe you’ve given many excuses for not completing homework on time and think your teacher has begun suspecting you. Perhaps, you can no longer come up with the best excuses for not doing homework. In that case, the following tips will help you avoid giving excuses for missing class or not submitting homework on time.

  • Set a schedule: In addition to being organized, setting a schedule can help you avoid making excuses for failing to submit homework. That’s because scheduling will help you plan your time and ensure you’re working on your assignments when you’re supposed to be.
  • Be organized: If you want to avoid struggling to find the best excuses for missing school or not doing homework, try being organized. Organization means having a planner or another way to track your assignments and due dates.
  • Get rid of distractions: Another way to avoid excuses for failing to do homework is to get rid of distractions. And this could mean turning off your phone, getting off social media, and anything else that might prevent you from working on your assignments.
  • Start early: Another way to avoid excuses for missing homework is to start early. That way, you’ll have plenty of time to work on your assignments and won’t have to rush to finish them.
  • Ask for help: If you’re having trouble with your assignments, don’t hesitate to ask for help. For instance, you can turn to your parent, tutor, or even your teacher. Also, you can seek homework help online or pay for assignment . Nevertheless, choose a reputable service to ensure quality work and your information’s safety. Getting help will ensure that you complete your assignments and avoid making excuses for why they’re late.

These tips should help you avoid excuses because you will always complete your homework on time. Nevertheless, excuses are a necessary evil for students who want to get out of doing their homework. But with creativity, you can make even the most far-fetched excuse sound plausible. So next time you’re stuck trying to come up with an excuse, remember these tips, and you’ll be sure to get out of doing your homework in no time.

Get The Best Homework Help

Perhaps, you’re tired of struggling to find good excuses for missing homework. Maybe you want to ensure you always complete and submit your assignments on time. Perhaps you are out here thinking “who can do my assignment UK ?” In that case, we can help.

We offer high-quality homework assistance online to learners across educational levels. Whether in high school, pursuing our diploma, undergraduate, or post-graduate studies, we can help you. Our service is custom, cheap, and secure. We’re fast and reliable, with the best homework experts in all academic disciplines. Once you contact us saying, “Please do my homework,” we pick the most competent experts to start working on it immediately.

And this, combined with our expertise, enables us to deliver all assignments from our customers before their deadlines elapse. That means you will never struggle to find the best homework excuses with our service. So, use our service if you always want to be on good terms with your teacher or professor. Contact us now!

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Tips To Write An Excuse Letter For Late Submission Of Assignments

Tips to Write an Excuse Letter for Late Submission of Assignments

Late submissions are common for students since they have a lot to manage. It can get difficult to manage studies, jobs, exams, and assignments, due to which you may end up submitting them late. Hence, you need an extension for your submission in these cases. The majority of universities want their students to submit a letter so that they can get an extension on their assignments. This letter may be termed an “excuse letter,” which explains your reason for not submitting your assignment on time and requesting more time. However, you need to ensure that your letter is up to par so that it can get approved right away. You have to note that if your letter is not convincing, your request can be rejected and you will be given fewer marks. There is an upfront penalty for submitting late assignments.

Tips To Write An Excuse Letter For Late Submission Of Assignments

Here are some tips on how to write an outstanding excuse letter for your late submission.

Be Clear about your Reason.

The first tip is that you have to indicate your reason for making late submissions to the authorities. For this reason, you have to ensure that you focus on using simple and understandable language in your letter is reason, you have to ensure that you focus on using simple and understandable language in your letter. Your reason should be strong enough, like a medical issue or some other issue that can be considered by the university when granting you time. You have to note that universities don’t accept all reasons. So you should be selective about choosing the reason. Hence, you should be clear in your approach.

Be Polite and Respectful.

Since you are asking for more time to submit your assignment, you have to ensure that you are polite and respectful. You shouldn’t use rude language, which can make a bad impression in any way. Your overall tone should be apologetic so that your tutor can get a fair idea that you are sad about your late submission and that it was not intentional. Moreover, your tone should indicate that the circumstances were such that you had to take an extension for your assignment. You can hire a professional writer if you think you can’t write it properly.

Submit Directly to the Concerned Authority.

As you already have a short time, you must submit it directly to the concerned authority. You shouldn’t submit here and there, as it can waste your time and you may end up losing marks.

Know your Point of Contact.

Check your moodle or blackboard for information on your tutor and how to contact him in order to submit this letter.

Consider using Professional Writing Services.

If you think you don’t have the time or competency to write an excuse letter, you can get one from a professional writing service . Some professional writers can help you with writing the best letter for your assignment.

These are some tips that can help you write a good excuse letter and also submit it on time to get quick approval. Don’t compromise on the quality of your letter, as it is a crucial document for you.

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Missing Work Excuse Email and Letter Examples

Mary McLain / The Balance

  • Letters & Emails
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  • Job Interviews
  • Cover Letters
  • Career Advice
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When Employers Require Excuses

When to send your message.

  • Email Excuse Message Examples
  • Sample Written Letters With Excuses

What to Include in an Excuse Letter

  • Personal Day Off Messages
  • Letters Requesting a Leave of Absence
  • What to Include in Your Letter
  • What Not to Include

When you're required to formally notify your employer in writing when you have either missed work, won't be able to come to work, or would like to take a day off, it's important to write a professional email message or letter with the basic details of why you were or will be absent. Even if you're not required to provide a formal excuse, it's a good idea to send a short email to explain your absence.

Companies may require employees to provide a written letter of excuse or send an email message when they miss time from work for doctor’s appointments or for other reasons. In addition, you may need to request a formal leave of absence in writing. If you're taking a personal day off, you may be required to request that in writing as well.

If you're sending an email to say you won't be in the office today, a brief message should be sufficient to provide your boss with appropriate notice . If you're requesting a leave of absence or other extended time off, however, you will need to provide more detailed information in your request. 

Send your message as soon as you know that you will need time away from work.

The more advance notice you can provide, the easier it will be for the company to arrange to cover your workload and the more amenable they will be to granting your request. 

These sample letters and email messages with excuses for missing work can and should be edited to fit your own personal circumstances—you shouldn’t simply copy-and-paste them.

Also see below for tips on what—and what not—to include in your request for a leave of absence letter.

Email Excuse Message Examples for Missing Work

  • Absence Excuse Email Message
  • Doctor Appointment Email Message
  • Late for Work Apology Email
  • Sick Day Email Message

Sample Written Letters With Excuses for Missing Work

  • Absence Excuse Letter
  • Apology for Missing Work Letter
  • Doctor Appointment Letter
  • Formal Excuse Letter
  • Sickness Excuse Letter

When you're providing an excuse for missing work, there's no need to provide too much information. Keep your message as simple as possible, but include basic information regarding why you weren't at work, and when you will return.

Sample Email Excuse

Subject: Absence From Work - Your Name

Dear Mr./Mrs. Lastname,

I’m writing to inform you that I was absent from work on June 11, 2021, due to illness. I was unable to report to work that day because I had to go to the urgent care clinic. I was treated and told to go home and rest for the remainder of the day.

Please let me know if you need more information, and thank you for understanding.

What to Include in a Personal Day Off Letter

When you're requesting a personal day off from work, you don't need to provide a reason. Simply request the time off, giving as much notice as possible.

Whenever possible, try to schedule days off when you know the office will be covered and there aren't urgent deadlines to meet.

Personal Day Email Request

Subject: Personal Day - Your Name

I'd like to take a personal day off from work on Monday, July 22.

Please let me know if that's convenient, and I appreciate your consideration. Thank you!

Sample Letters Requesting a Leave of Absence from Work

  • Formal Leave of Absence Letter
  • Leave of Absence Letter
  • Sample Absence Letter - Military Leave

What to Include in a Request for a Leave of Absence Letter

If you find that you need a leave of absence, your employer will expect you to explain why this is so necessary for you. Your absence will both inconvenience them and perhaps cost them time or money if they need to find a temporary replacement for you. Your letter should thus include an adequate reason for your request, supported by the following logistical details: 

  • The date(s) you won't be available to work.
  • The date you will return to work, if you know it.
  • An offer to help while you're out of the office, if that's feasible.
  • An offer to complete all outstanding projects/client work before your leave begins, if time allows.
  • An offer to provide documentation if you are requesting a medical or military leave of absence.
  • The email and/or phone number where your employer can contact you if they have a question.
  • Any other additional information required by your employer, if they have a formal policy to request sick time or leave from your job.

What Not to Include in an Excuse or Leave Request Letter

Think carefully about how much personal information you want to share with your employer regarding your excuse or request for a leave of absence.

You don’t want your employer to think that you are prevaricating or that your absence may be paving the way for a permanent departure.

The Bottom Line

  • Don't include too much information. You don't need to provide all of the details of a medical problem or a personal crisis. Keep your letter short and simple.
  • Don't make something up or include any information that can't be verified. Stick to the facts because your employer may ask for a note from your doctor to substantiate your request.
  • Do keep it simple. Provide the information your employer requires, but keep your email or letter short and simple.
  • Sample Absent Excuse Letters for Missing Work
  • Sample Absence Excuse Letters and Emails for Work
  • Sample Sickness Excuse Letters and Emails
  • Letter Example for Missing Work for a Doctor Appointment
  • Good and Bad Excuses for Missing Work
  • Sample Absence Letter for Military Leave
  • What Are Excused Absences?
  • Good (and Bad) Excuses to Leave Work Early
  • Sick Day Email Message Examples and Writing Tips
  • How to Call in Sick to Work
  • Excused Absence From Work
  • Absenteeism in the Workplace
  • Sample Professional Letter Formats
  • Best and Worst Excuses for Being Late to Work
  • Sample Email Message Formats for Job Searching
  • Sample Apology Letter for Being Late for Work


Apology Letter For Not Submitting Assignment

Apology Letter For Not Submitting Assignment

If you would like to apologize for not being able to submit your assignment, here is a sample apology letter for not submitting an assignment.

[Professor’s Name]

Subject: Apology for Not Submitting Assignment

Dear [Name],

I am writing this letter to express my regret at not submitting the [subject] assignment on time for this month.

I understand you gave us adequate time to carry out the research and prepare for the assignment. However, I had to travel out-of-town with my family due to personal commitments. Since it was an unexpected incident, I did not have the sense to inform you of the same.

I have done part of the assignment and can show you the same. But I did not find enough time to finish it, due to which I could not submit. I kindly request you to understand my situation and grant me a 5-day extension.

[Your Name]

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excuse letter for not doing assignment


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  1. Excuse Letter for Not Doing Homework

    30th April 2022. The Class Teacher Grade 7, Maccabee School, 61 Wellfield Road. Cardiff, CF24 3DG. Dear Mr. Samuel, Re: EXCUSE FOR NOT DOING MY HOMEWORK. I would like to bring to your notice my deepest regrets for not doing my homework. I mistakenly left my backpack in my father's car and he is out of town for work.

  2. 49 Best Excuses For Not Doing Homework • Better Responses

    3. "We have surprised guest visitors and they stay the whole day.". 4. "Because I didn't know where to start, I'm unable to complete the homework.". 5. "There's some fixing work going on at my home, especially in my room.". 6. "I was about to do homework, but I don't understand a thing.". 7.

  3. 60 Excuses For Not Doing Homework (Without Blaming The Dog)

    6. My bag got stolen. Having your property stolen is another one of those believable excuses for not doing your homework. If you tell your teacher that your bag was stolen and it contained your work, they will give you a pass and some additional sympathy points along the way. 7.

  4. Formal Excuse Letters (10+ FREE Samples & Templates)

    10+ Formal Excuse Letters. A formal excuse letter is similar to an apology letter. Both letters represent attempts for one party to reach out and make amends to someone, organization or group, that they inconvenienced with their behavior. In this case, the individual needs to signal that they know they are at fault for missing an important event.

  5. 3 Ways to Excuse Yourself from Unfinished Homework

    Teachers are familiar with many excuses, and can often recognize outlandish ones as untrue. [1] 2. Mutilate your assignment so you teacher can't tell you didn't actually do the work. Turn in the illegible or destroyed assignment, so that you can show your "proof" of your excuse. Crumple and tear a paper assignment.

  6. How to Make Up a Good Excuse for Your Homework Not Being Finished

    2. Keep things short and to the point. The briefer your excuse, the easier it will be to remember. When making up an excuse for a teacher, keep your story short. Going into excessive detail can seem suspicious and you'll also be more likely to accidentally change aspects of your story.

  7. 15 Good Excuses for When You Forgot to Do Your Homework

    02 Your reputation. If you are a good student who always does homework, most teachers will give you a pass if you fail to do it once or twice. But, if you are a frequent offender, they'll have a hard time believing you. 03 How believable it is. Your excuses not to do homework must not be over the top or surreal.

  8. Late Assignment Submission Excuses That Don't Fail

    Don't try to lie or make up excuses. Your professor will be able to tell if you're not being truthful. Be specific. Explain exactly what happened and why it prevented you from turning in your ...

  9. Excuses For Not Doing Homework · Excuse Genius

    Here are some of the most common excuses for not doing homework: I didn't understand the assignment. This is a common excuse, especially if you're in a class where the material is new or unfamiliar. If this is the case, don't be afraid to ask your teacher for clarification. They'll be more than happy to help you understand the ...

  10. Excuse Letter for Work Absence: 3 Examples and Writing Guide

    Examples of excuse letters for being absent from work Here are three examples of letters that you can reference: Example 1 Here's an example of a leave of absence letter for a family matter: Kenneth James Procurement Associate Procurement Corp. 165 Main St. Houston, TX 77000 Nov. 21, 2022 Dear Kenneth, I'm writing to inform you of a planned absence beginning this Thursday.

  11. Apology Letter To Teacher For Not Doing Homework

    Template. Dear [Teacher's Name], I hope you are doing well. I am writing this letter to apologize for not completing the homework assigned for [mention the subject and date]. I understand the importance of being diligent with assignments, and I am truly sorry for not meeting this expectation. I want to be transparent and explain that I ...

  12. 30 Good Excuses For Not Doing Homework [Complete Guide]

    Instead, try to manage your time better to avoid last-minute homework crises. If you use this excuse often, consider discussing a homework plan with your teacher in advance to accommodate potential health-related setbacks. 2. MY COMPUTER CRASHED. In today's digital age, computer problems can indeed disrupt homework.

  13. 25 Best Excuses for Not Doing Homework: Debunking the Myths

    5. "I didn't have the required materials.". Not having your textbooks, notebooks, or other necessary resources might make it difficult for you to finish your assignment. To get through this defense: Double-check your bag before leaving school to ensure you have all the necessary materials.

  14. How To Write An Excuse Letter For A Work Absence (With Examples)

    Dear Mr. Smith, I am writing to inform you that I have a scheduled doctor's appointment that requires my presence during working hours. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and I assure you that I will make every effort to minimize the impact on my work duties. My appointment is Friday, July 25, at 10 a.m.

  15. 10 Best Excuses for Not Getting Homework Done

    5. I Didn't Understand the Homework. This excuse works better for science, math or questions-based homework rather than essays. That doesn't mean it won't fly if the assignment called for you to write at length; you might simply explain how you didn't quite get the idea of what you were supposed to write about.

  16. Late Assignment Submission Excuses

    How to Write an Excuse for a Late Assignment: If you do have a legitimate reason for turning in an assignment late, it's important to write a clear and concise excuse. Here are some tips: Be honest. Don't try to lie or make up excuses. Your professor will be able to tell if you're not being truthful. Be specific.

  17. 11 Excuses for Not Doing Homework (And How to Stop Making Them)

    Excuse #1: You lack the required knowledge. Let your parents and teacher know if you're taking a class and feel as if you lack the necessary skills or knowledge to complete the homework. Ask your teacher for extra guidance so you don't fall too far behind. See if your parents can find the time to help you, or you can look for a tutor.

  18. Excuse Letter For Late Submission Of Assignments Sample

    Body: I am very sorry for the late submission of the project on [Subject]. I apologize for the inconvenience, and I look forward to accepting my apology and giving me an extended deadline. The interruption ensues because [ reasons or excuse for the delay]. I ensure you that I was unable to complete the project.

  19. 9 Excuses for Late Assignments: Turning Online Homework Late

    In this section, we can examine some of the good excuses you can provide to justify your late submission of the online assignment. 1. Computer Issues. When your laptop fails to work, it can lead to the destruction of your schedule. Such an excuse co only be valid if you provide evidence for your argument.

  20. Best Homework Excuses

    There are still ways to make your reasons more plausible. For instance, try to use excuses that don't involve technology. If you say your computer crashed and lost all your work, your teacher will likely ask for a hard copy or proof that you did the task. Second, try to use excuses that are specific to the assignment.

  21. Tips to Write an Excuse Letter for Late Submission of Assignments

    Be Polite and Respectful. Since you are asking for more time to submit your assignment, you have to ensure that you are polite and respectful. You shouldn't use rude language, which can make a bad impression in any way. Your overall tone should be apologetic so that your tutor can get a fair idea that you are sad about your late submission ...

  22. Missing Work Excuse Email and Letter Examples

    Sample Email Excuse. Subject: Absence From Work - Your Name. Dear Mr./Mrs. Lastname, I'm writing to inform you that I was absent from work on June 11, 2021, due to illness. I was unable to report to work that day because I had to go to the urgent care clinic. I was treated and told to go home and rest for the remainder of the day.

  23. Apology Letter for Being Late in Submission

    Subject: Apology for Late Submission of Resume. I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to sincerely apologize for the late submission of my resume for the [job title] position at [Company Name]. I understand that the deadline for submission was [date], and I regret not being able to send it in time.

  24. Apology Letter For Not Submitting Assignment

    To, [Professor's Name] Subject: Apology for Not Submitting Assignment. Dear [Name], I am writing this letter to express my regret at not submitting the [subject] assignment on time for this month. I understand you gave us adequate time to carry out the research and prepare for the assignment. However, I had to travel out-of-town with my ...

  25. Blackburn, Hickenlooper, Blumenthal Blast World Anti-Doping Agency for

    WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senators Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), John Hickenlooper (D-Colo.), and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) sent a letter to World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) President Witold Ba?ka demanding his full cooperation with an independent investigation launched into WADA's failure to enforce international anti-doping standards ahead of the 2021 Olympics in Tokyo.