[July-Dec] NPTEL Programming In Java Assignment 1 Answers 2023

In this post, We have provided answers of NPTEL Programming in Java Assignment 1. We provided answers here only for reference. Plz, do your assignment at your own knowledge.

ALSO READ :- NPTEL Registration Steps [July – Dec 2022] NPTEL Exam Pattern Tips & Top Tricks [2022] NPTEL Exam Result 2022 | NPTEL Swayam Result Download

NPTEL Programming In Java Week 1 Assignment Answers 2023

1. Which of the following is NOT a primitive data type in Java??

a. int b. boolean c. S t ring d. char

2. Consider the following program.

[July-Dec] NPTEL Programming In Java Assignment 1 Answers 2023

What is the output of the above code?

a. 127 b. -127 c. 129 d. 2

3.Which of the following concept that Java doesn’t support?

a. inheritance b. en c apsulation c. pointer d. arrey

4. Which of the following is not a keyword in java?

a. import b. super c. method d. class

5. Consider the following program.

[July-Dec] NPTEL Programming In Java Assignment 1 Answers 2023

What will be the output of the program if it is executed?

a. 12 20 13 b. 12 20 15 c. 12 2 0 015 d. 12 20 F

6 . Match the following java terms with their descriptions?

[July-Dec] NPTEL Programming In Java Assignment 1 Answers 2023

a. A-1. B-2, C-3 b. A-2, B-3. C-1 c. A-3, B-2,C-1 d. A-3, B-1.C-2

7. Consider the following program.

[July-Dec] NPTEL Programming In Java Assignment 1 Answers 2023

What will be the output of the program if it is executed ?

a. 20 b. 2 C. Compiler error d. 40

8. What is the output of the following code?

[July-Dec] NPTEL Programming In Java Assignment 1 Answers 2023

a. null b. true c. false d. 1

9. Which pr o gram is used to compile Java source code into bytecode?

a. javap b. javac C. java d. javad

10. Consider the following program.

[July-Dec] NPTEL Programming In Java Assignment 1 Answers 2023

What will be the output of the program if it is executed? a. 50 b. 10 c. Com p iler error d. 5

NPTEL Programming In Java Week 1 Programming Assignment Answers

Complete the code segment  to find the perimeter and area of a circle given a value of radius .

1.You should use Math.PI constant in your program. If radius is zero or less than zero then print ” please enter non zero positive number “.

2. Complete the code segment to find the largest among three numbers x,y, and z. You should use if-then-else construct in Java.

3. Consider First n even numbers starting from zero(0).Complete the code segment to calculate sum of  all the numbers divisible by 3 from 0 to n. Print the sum.

Example: Input: n = 5 ——- 0 2 4 6 8 Even number divisible by 3:0 6 sum:6

4. Complete the code segment to  check whether the number is an Armstrong number or not.

Armstrong Number: A positive number is called an Armstrong number if it is equal to the sum of cubes of its digits for example 153 = 1 3 +5 3 +3 3 , 370, 371, 407, etc.

5. Complete the code segment to  help Ragav , find the highest mark and average mark secured by him in “s” number of subjects.

NPTEL Programming In Java Assignment 1 Answers 2022 [July-Dec]

1. Consider the following program. What will be the output of the program if it is executed? a. 15 b. 12 C. 14 d. 10

2. Following is a piece of code where some parts of a statement is missing: a. nptel[nptel.length-2] + nptel[0] b. nptel[O] + nptel[nptel.length-2] c. +nptel[nptel.length-2] + nptel[0] d. +nptel[0] + nptel[nptel.length-2]

3. Consider the following program. What will be the output of the progran if it is executed? a. Print the value of N! b. Print the value of NN+1)/2 c. Print the value of 1x3x5x.. xN d. Print the value of 1!x2!x3!x…xN!

4. Which of the following can be used for a variable name in Java? a. byte b. throw c. this d. extend

5. Consider the following program. What will be the output of the program if it is executed? Let N=10 a. 5 b. 20 C. 8 d. 10

6. A platform is the hardware or software environment in which a program runs. Which of the following is/are Java platform component(s)? a. HTML b. Java Virtual Machine c. Java Application Programming Interface (API) d. HotJava

7. What is the value returned by the method f() defined below ? public static int f (int x, int y) {return (x>y) ? y: x;} a. The sum of x and y that is, x + y. b. The difference of x and y that is, x – y. c. a. The maxinmum ofx and y that is, the larger value of x and y. d. The minimum ofx and y that is, the smaller value of x and y.

8. A Java file with extension ‘.class’ contains a. Java source code b. HTML tags c. Java Byte code d. A program file written in Java programming language

9. Which of the following is used to find and fix bugs in the Java programs? a. VM b. JRE C. JDK d. JDB

10. Consider the following   program. What will be the output of the program if it is executed? a. Print first six even numbers. b. Print first six odd numbers. C. Print first five even numbers. d. Print first six Fibonacci numbers

Programming In Java Week 1 Programming Assignment Answers

Q1. Complete the code segment to find the perimeter and area of a circle given a value of radius. You should use Math.PI constant in your program. If radius is zero or less than zero then print ” please enter non zero positive number “ Code:-

Q2. Complete the code segment  to find the largest among three numbers x,y, and z. You should use if-then-else construct in Java. Code:-

Q3. Consider First n even numbers starting from zero(0). Complete the code segment to  calculate sum of  all the numbers divisible by 3 from 0 to n. Print the sum. Code:-

Q4. Complete the code segment to  check whether the number is an Armstrong number or not. Code:-

Q5. Complete the code segment to  help Ragav , find the highest mark and average mark secured by him in “s” number of subjects. Code:-

For More NPTEL Answers:-  CLICK HERE

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About Programming In Java

With the growth of Information and Communication Technology, there is a need to develop large and complex software. Further, those software should be platform independent, Internet enabled, easy to modify, secure, and robust. To meet this requirement object-oriented paradigm has been developed and based on this paradigm the Java programming language emerges as the best programming environment. Now, Java programming language is being used for mobile programming, Internet programming, and many other applications compatible to distributed systems. This course aims to cover the essential topics of Java programming so that the participants can improve their skills to cope with the current demand of IT industries and solve many problems in their own filed of studies. 


  • Week 1   :  Overview of Object-Oriented Programming and Java
  • Week 2   :  Java Programming Elements
  • Week 3   :  Input-Output Handling in Java
  • Week 4   :  Encapsulation
  • Week 5   :  Inheritance
  • Week 6   :  Exception Handling 
  • Week 7   :  Multithreaded Programming 
  • Week 8   :  Java Applets and Servlets 
  • Week 9   :  Java Swing and Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT)
  • Week 10  : Networking with Java
  • Week 11 :  Java Object Database Connectivity (ODBC)
  • Week 12 :  Interface and Packages for Software Development


Average assignment score = 25% of average of best 8 assignments out of the total 12 assignments given in the course. Exam score = 75% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100

Final score = Average assignment score + Exam score

YOU WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR A CERTIFICATE ONLY IF AVERAGE ASSIGNMENT SCORE >=10/25 AND EXAM SCORE >= 30/75. If one of the 2 criteria is not met, you will not get the certificate even if the Final score >= 40/100.

5 thoughts on “[July-Dec] NPTEL Programming In Java Assignment 1 Answers 2023”

Please post the answer of week 2

ok Sure it will be added soon

Also thank you for Posting answers 🌝❤️

Most Welcome

can u please post the ans of statistical learning and eleability analysis

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  • Friday, May 24, 2024

NPTEL Programming in Java Week 11 Assignment Solution

NPTEL Programming in Java Week 11 Assignment Solution

NPTEL Programming in Java Week 11 All Programming Assignment Solutions | Swayam. With the growth of Information and Communication Technology, there is a need to develop large and complex software.

Further, those software should be platform independent, Internet enabled, easy to modify, secure, and robust. To meet this requirement object-oriented paradigm has been developed and based on this paradigm the Java programming language emerges as the best programming environment.

Now, Java programming language is being used for mobile programming, Internet programming, and many other applications compatible to distributed systems.

This course aims to cover the essential topics of Java programming so that the participants can improve their skills to cope with the current demand of IT industries and solve many problems in their own filed of studies.


  • Week 1 : Overview of Object-Oriented Programming and Java
  • Week 2 : Java Programming Elements
  • Week 3 : Input-Output Handling in Java
  • Week 4 : Encapsulation
  • Week 5 : Inheritance
  • Week 6 : Exception Handling
  • Week 7 : Multithreaded Programming
  • Week 8 : Java Applets and Servlets
  • Week 9 : Java Swing and Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT)
  • Week 10 : Networking with Java
  • Week 11: Java Object Database Connectivity (ODBC)
  • Week 12: Interface and Packages for Software Development

Course Name : “Programming in Java”

Question : 1 Complete the code segment  to insert the following data using prepared statement in the existing table ‘ PLAYERS ’.

Question : 2 Write the required code in order to update the following data in the table ‘ PLAYERS ’ .

Question : 3 Write the appropriate code in order to  delete the following data in the table ‘ PLAYERS ’ .

Question : 4 Complete the following program to  calculate the average age of the players in the table ‘ PLAYERS ’ .

Question : 5 Complete the code segment to  drop the table named ‘ PLAYERS ’ . 

One thought on “ NPTEL Programming in Java Week 11 Assignment Solution ”

hey there! I am getting error (” Not able to run”) for 1st assignment of Week 11. So how to solve ?

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Programming In Java - Unproctored Exam Test - Session 2

Dear Students, The questions for the Unproctored Programming Exam Test are available now in the course page. Please fine the questions under the course outline  Programming Exam 2022 (2nd Session) (8pm - 10pm) You can access the questions in the below link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc22_cs102/progassignment?name=221 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc22_cs102/progassignment?name=222 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc22_cs102/progassignment?name=223 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc22_cs102/progassignment?name=224 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc22_cs102/progassignment?name=225 Best of Luck! -NPTEL Team

Programming In Java - Unproctored Exam Test - Session 1

Dear Students, The questions for the Unproctored Programming Exam Test are available now in the course page. Please fine the questions under the course outline  Programming Exam 2022 (First Session) (10am - 12pm) You can access the questions in the below link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc22_cs102/progassignment?name=216 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc22_cs102/progassignment?name=217 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc22_cs102/progassignment?name=218 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc22_cs102/progassignment?name=219 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc22_cs102/progassignment?name=220 Best of Luck! -NPTEL Team

Reminder 5: Programming In Java : Online Programming test (July 2022)

Dear Learners, The criteria for certification of this course " Programming In Java " is different because of the online programming exam component.  Please read the following carefully. Final score = 25% of Assignment score + 50% of Online exam score (Proctored) + 25% of Programming exam (Unproctored) - Unproctored means, candidates will be taking the exam from college/home without NPTEL team present for monitoring the test- with access to all resources. - The discussion forum will be disabled during the exam duration (during both sessions) and re-enabled thereafter.  How to take the online programming test 1. Go to:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc22_cs102/ 2. Log in using the same email id which you have been accessing the course (i.e. using to watch videos & submit Assignments) 3. There will be sections under the course outline  "Online Programming Test (October 22)"   that will have the online programming exam link.   4. You can click on this link and attempt the programming exam. Date:  October 22, 2022 (Saturday)  (Duration of the session will be 2 hrs) First Session:  10.00AM - 12.00PM   Second Session: 8.00PM - 10.00PM You can take either one of the sessions. If you attend both sessions, we will take best score out of them. Note: Please check once if you have >= 40/100  in average assignment score and also participated and satisfied the criteria in the non-proctored programming exams that were conducted in July 2021 to become eligible for the e-certificate, wherever applicable. If not, please submit assignments again in the July 2022 course and also participate in the non-proctored programming exams to become eligible for the e-certificate in July 2022. We will not be having new assignments or unproctored exams in this course. You can also submit assignments again and participate in the non-proctored programming exams if you want to take fresh assignments or need to improve your previous scores. Note: - You can take the exam from your college or home. - The exam has to be taken in pc or laptop.  DO NOT TRY TO TAKE THE EXAM USING YOUR MOBILE PHONE. - The discussion forum will be disabled during the exam duration (during both sessions) and re-enabled thereafter.  - If you encounter any issues during the exam, please write to   [email protected] IMPORTANT: CERTIFICATION CRITERIA Candidates have to come to the exam center and take the theory test on  October 30, 2022 It is mandatory to take the Proctored in-person final exam to obtain a certificate. To pass the course and get a certificate: Assignment score >= 40/100 AND Programming exam score >= 40/100 AND Proctored exam score >= 40/100         OR Assignment score >= 10/25 AND Programming exam score >= 10/25 AND Proctored exam score >= 20/50    All 3 conditions have to be satisfied. All the best to the candidates! -NPTEL Team.

Reminder 4: Programming In Java : Online Programming test (July 2022)

Reminder 3: programming in java : online programming test (july 2022), reminder 2: programming in java : online programming test (july 2022), reminder 1: programming in java : online programming test (july 2022).

Dear Learners, The criteria for certification of this course " Programming In Java " is different because of the online programming exam component.  Please read the following carefully. Final score = 25% of Assignment score + 50% of Online exam score (Proctored) + 25% of Programming exam (Unproctored) - Unproctored means, candidates will be taking the exam from college/home without NPTEL team present for monitoring the test- with access to all resources. - The discussion forum will be disabled during the exam duration (during both sessions) and re-enabled thereafter.  How to take the online programming test 1. Go to:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc22_cs102/ 2. Log in using the same email id which you have been accessing the course (i.e. using to watch videos & submit Assignments) 3. There will be sections under the course outline  "Online Programming Test (October 22)"   that will have the online programming exam link.   4. You can click on this link and attempt the programming exam. Date:  October 22, 2022 (Saturday)  (Duration of the session will be 2 hrs) First Session:  10.00AM - 12.00PM   Second Session: 8.00PM - 10.00PM You can take either one of the sessions. If you attend both sessions, we will take best score out of them. Note: Please check once if you have >= 40/100  in average assignment score and also participated and satisfied the criteria in the non-proctored programming exams that were conducted in July 2021 to become eligible for the e-certificate, wherever applicable. If not, please submit assignments again in the July 2022 course and also participate in the non-proctored programming exams to become eligible for the e-certificate in July 2022. We will not be having new assignments or unproctored exams in this course. You can also submit assignments again and participate in the non-proctored programming exams if you want to take fresh assignments or need to improve your previous scores. LINK to enroll in the current course:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc22_cs102/preview Note: - You can take the exam from your college or home. - The exam has to be taken in pc or laptop.  DO NOT TRY TO TAKE THE EXAM USING YOUR MOBILE PHONE. - The discussion forum will be disabled during the exam duration (during both sessions) and re-enabled thereafter.  - If you encounter any issues during the exam, please write to   [email protected] IMPORTANT: CERTIFICATION CRITERIA Candidates have to come to the exam center and take the theory test on  October 30, 2022 It is mandatory to take the Proctored in-person final exam to obtain a certificate. To pass the course and get a certificate: Assignment score >= 40/100 AND Programming exam score >= 40/100 AND Proctored exam score >= 40/100         OR Assignment score >= 10/25 AND Programming exam score >= 10/25 AND Proctored exam score >= 20/50    All 3 conditions have to be satisfied. All the best to the candidates! -NPTEL Team.

NPTEL: Exam Registration is open now for July 2022 courses!

Dear Candidate, Here is a golden opportunity for those who had previously enrolled in this course during the July 2021 semester, but could not participate in the exams or were absent/did not pass the exam for this course. This course is being reoffered in July 2022 and we are giving you another chance to write the exam in October  2022 and obtain a certificate based on NPTEL norms. Do not let go of this unique opportunity to earn a certificate from the IITs/IISc. IMPORTANT instructions for learners - Please read this carefully   1. The exam date for this course:    October 30 2022 2. CLICK HERE to register for the exam. Please fill the exam form using the same Enrolled email id & make fee payment via the form, as before. 3. Choose from the Cities where exam will be conducted: Exam Cities 4. You DO NOT have to re-enroll in the courses.  5. You DO NOT have to resubmit Assignments OR participate in the non-proctored  programming exams in the previous semester 6. If you do enroll to July 2022 course, we will take the best average assignment scores/non-proctored programming exam score across the two semesters NOTE: Please check once if you have >= 40/100  in average assignment score and also participated and satisfied the criteria in the non-proctored programming exams that were conducted in July 2021 to become eligible for the e-certificate, wherever applicable. If not, please submit assignments again in the July 2022 course & and also participate in the non-proctored programming exams to become eligible for the e-certificate. We will not be having new assignments or unproctored exams in the previous semester's(July 2021) course.  You can also submit assignments again and participate in the non-proctored programming exams if you want to take fresh assignments or need to improve your previous scores. RECOMMENDATION: If you want to take new assignments and an unproctored exam or brush up on your lessons for the exam, please enroll in the July 2022 course. LINK to enroll in the current course:   https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc22_cs102/preview 7. Exam fees:  If you register for the exam and pay before Sep 12, 2022, 10:00 AM , Exam fees will be Rs. 1000/- per exam.   If you register for exam before Sep 12, 2022, 10:00 AM and have not paid or if you register between Sep 12, 2022, 10:00 AM & Sep 16, 2022, 10:00 AM , Exam fees will be Rs. 1500/- per exam   8. 50% fee waiver for the following categories:  Students belonging to the SC/ST category: please select Yes for the SC/ST option and upload the correct Community certificate. Students belonging to the PwD category with more than 40% disability: please select Yes for the option and upload the relevant Disability certificate.  9. Last date for exam registration: Sep 16, 2022, 10:00 AM (Friday).   10. Mode of payment: Online payment - debit card/credit card/net banking/UPI. 11. HALL TICKET:  The hall ticket will be available for download tentatively by 2 weeks prior to the exam date . We will confirm the same through an announcement once it is published.  12. FOR CANDIDATES WHO WOULD LIKE TO WRITE MORE THAN 1 COURSE EXAM:- you can add or delete courses and pay separately till the date when the exam form closes. Same day of exam you can write exams for 2 courses in the 2 sessions. Same exam center will be allocated for both the sessions.  13. Data changes:  Last date for data changes: Sep 16, 2022, 10:00 AM:  All the fields in the Exam form except for the following ones can be changed until the form closes.  The following 6 fields can be changed ONLY when there are NO courses in the course cart. And you will be able to edit the following fields only if you: -  REMOVE unpaid courses from the cart And/or - CANCEL paid courses  1. Do you come under the SC/ST category? *  2. SC/ST Proof  3. Are you a person with disabilities? *  4. Are you a person with disabilities above 40%?  5. Disabilities Proof  6. What is your role ?  Note: Once you remove or cancel a course, you will be able to edit these fields immediately.  But, for cancelled courses, refund of fees will be initiated only after 2 weeks.  14. LAST DATE FOR CANCELLING EXAMS and getting a refund: Sep 16, 2022, 10:00 AM   15. Click here to view Timeline and Guideline : Guideline   Domain Certification Domain Certification helps learners to gain expertise in a specific Area/Domain. This can be helpful for learners who wish to work in a particular area as part of their job or research or for those appearing for some competitive exam or becoming job ready or specialising in an area of study.     Every domain will comprise Core courses and Elective courses. Once a learner completes the requisite courses per the mentioned criteria, you will receive a Domain Certificate showcasing your scores and the domain of expertise. Kindly refer to the following link for the list of courses available under each domain: https://nptel.ac.in/domains Outside India Candidates Candidates who are residing outside India may also fill the exam form and pay the fees. Mode of exam and other details will be communicated to you separately. Thanks & Regards,  NPTEL TEAM

Programming in Java - Unproctored Exam Test - Session 2

Dear Students, The questions for the Unproctored Programming Exam Test are available now in the course page. Please fine the questions under the course outline Programming Exam April -2022(Second Session): (8.00PM - 10:00PM) . You can access the questions in the below link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=235 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=236 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=237 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=238 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=239 Best of Luck! -NPTEL Team

Programming in Java - Unproctored Exam Test - Session 1(SET-I)

Dear Students, The questions for the Unproctored Programming Exam Test are available now in the course page. Please fine the questions under the course outline Programming Exam April 2022 (First Session): (10.00AM - 12:00PM). You can access the questions in the below link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=229 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=231 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=230 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=232 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=233 Best of Luck! -NPTEL Team

Reminder 5 : Programming in Java : Online Programming test(Jan 2022 Semester)

Dear Candidate Note: If you are registering and taking exam in Jan-Apr 2022 exam , it is mandatory to take this Non-proctored exam as the previous semester Non-proctored programming exam score will not be considered. The criteria for certification of this course " Programming in Java " is different because of the online programming exam component.  Please read the following carefully. Final score = 25% of Assignment score + 50% of Online exam score (Proctored) + 25% of Programming exam (unproctored).  - Unproctored means, candidates will be taking the exam from college/home without NPTEL team present for monitoring the test- with access to all resources. - The discussion forum will be disabled during the exam duration (during both sessions) and re-enabled thereafter.  How to take the online programming test 1. Go to:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/ 2. Log in using the same email id which you have been accessing the course (i.e. using to watch videos & submit Assignments) 3. There will be sections under the course outline  "Programming Test - (April 16)"   that will have the online programming exam link.   4. You can click on this link and attempt the programming exam. Date:  April  16,2022  (Saturday ) First Session: 10.00AM - 12.00PM  (Duration of the session will be 2 hrs) Second Session: 8.00PM - 10.00PM  (Duration of the session will be  2 hrs ) Note - You can take any one or both sessions too; the best score will be considered towards the final certification score. - You can take the exam from your college or home. - The exam has to be taken in pc or laptop.  DO NOT TRY TO TAKE THE EXAM USING YOUR MOBILE PHONE. - The discussion forum will be disabled during the exam duration (during both sessions) and re-enabled thereafter.  - If you encounter any issues during the exam, please write to   [email protected] IMPORTANT: CERTIFICATION CRITERIA     Candidates have to come to the exam center and take the theory test on  April 24, 2022.     It is mandatory to take the Proctored in-person final exam to obtain a certificate.     To pass the course and get a certificate:   Assignment score >= 40/100 AND Programming exam score >= 40/100 AND Proctored exam score >= 40/100         OR   Assignment score >= 10/25 AND Programming exam score >= 10/25 AND Proctored exam score >= 20/50    All 3 conditions have to be satisfied. All the best to the candidates! -NPTEL Team.

Reminder 3 : Programming in Java : Online Programming test(Jan 2022 Semester)

Reminder 2 : programming in java : online programming test(jan 2022 semester), reminder 1 : programming in java : online programming test(jan 2022 semester), programming in java : online programming test(jan 2022 semester), nptel: exam registration is open now for jan 2022 courses.

Dear Candidate,

Here is a golden opportunity for those who had previously enrolled in this course during the July 2021 semester, but could not participate in the exams or were absent/did not pass the exam for this course. This course is being reoffered in Jan 2022 and we are giving you another chance to write the exam in April 2022 and obtain a certificate based on NPTEL norms. Do not let go of this unique opportunity to earn a certificate from the IITs/IISc.

IMPORTANT instructions for learners - Please read this carefully  

1. The exam date for this course: April 24, 2022

2. Certification exam registration URL is: CLICK HERE

Please fill the exam form using the same Enrolled email id & make fee payment via the form, as before.

3. Choose from the Cities where exam will be conducted: Exam Cities  

4. You DO NOT have to re-enroll in the courses. 

5. You DO NOT have to resubmit Assignments OR participate in the non-proctored 

programming exams.

6. If you do enroll to Jan 2022 course, we will take the best average assignment scores/non-proctored programming exam score across the two semesters

Our suggestion:

- Please check once if you have >= 40/100  in average assignment score and also participate in the non-proctored programming exams that will be conducted during this semester in the course to become eligible for the e-certificate, wherever applicable.

- If not, please submit Assignments again in the Jan 2022 course & and also participate in the non-proctored programming exams to become eligible for the e-certificate.

- You can also submit Assignments again and participate in the non-proctored programming exams if you want to better your previous scores.

RECOMMENDATION: Please enroll to the Jan 2022 course and brush up your lessons for the exam.

7. Exam fees: 

If you register for the exam and pay before March 14, 2022, 10:00 AM, Exam fees will be Rs. 1000/- per exam . 

If you register for exam before March 14, 2022, 10:00 AM and have not paid or if you register between March 14, 2022, 10:00 AM & March 18, 2022, 10:00 AM, Exam fees will be Rs. 1500/- per exam 

8. 50% fee waiver for the following categories: 

Students belonging to the SC/ST category: please select Yes for the SC/ST option and upload the correct Community certificate.

Students belonging to the PwD category with more than 40% disability: please select Yes for the option and upload the relevant Disability certificate. 

9. Last date for exam registration: March 18, 2022 10:00 AM (Friday). 

10. Mode of payment: Online payment - debit card/credit card/net banking. 


The hall ticket will be available for download tentatively by 2 weeks prior to the exam date . We will confirm the same through an announcement once it is published. 

12. FOR CANDIDATES WHO WOULD LIKE TO WRITE MORE THAN 1 COURSE EXAM:- you can add or delete courses and pay separately – till the date when the exam form closes. Same day of exam – you can write exams for 2 courses in the 2 sessions. Same exam center will be allocated for both the sessions. 

13. Data changes: 

Last date for data changes: March 18, 2022 10:00 AM :  

All the fields in the Exam form except for the following ones can be changed until the form closes. 

The following 6 fields can be changed ONLY when there are NO courses in the course cart. And you will be able to edit the following fields only if you: - 

REMOVE unpaid courses from the cart And/or - CANCEL paid courses 

1. Do you come under the SC/ST category? * 

2. SC/ST Proof 

3. Are you a person with disabilities? * 

4. Are you a person with disabilities above 40%? 

5. Disabilities Proof 

6. What is your role ? 

Note: Once you remove or cancel a course, you will be able to edit these fields immediately. 

But, for cancelled courses, refund of fees will be initiated only after 2 weeks. 

14. LAST DATE FOR CANCELLING EXAMS and getting a refund: March 18, 2022 10:00 AM  

15. Click here to view Timeline and Guideline : Guideline  

Domain Certification

Domain Certification helps learners to gain expertise in a specific Area/Domain. This can be helpful for learners who wish to work in a particular area as part of their job or research or for those appearing for some competitive exam or becoming job ready or specialising in an area of study.  

Every domain will comprise Core courses and Elective courses. Once a learner completes the requisite courses per the mentioned criteria, you will receive a Domain Certificate showcasing your scores and the domain of expertise. Kindly refer to the following link for the list of courses available under each domain: https://nptel.ac.in/noc/Domain/discipline.html

Outside India Candidates

Candidates who are residing outside India may also fill the exam form and pay the fees. Mode of exam and other details will be communicated to you separately.

Thanks & Regards, 

Thank you for learning with NPTEL!

Dear Learner, Thank you for taking the course with NPTEL!! Hope you enjoyed the journey with us. The results for this course have been published and we are closing this course now.  You will still have access to the contents and assignments of this course, if you click on the course name from the "Mycourses" tab on  swayam.gov.in . The discussion forum is being closed though and you cannot ask questions here. For any further queries please write to  [email protected] . Enrollments are  open for 590+ courses for the Jan 2022 Semester!!! Enrollment for First set of courses will be closed by Jan 31,2022 Please Click here to see the Final course list for Jan 2022: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSfmLJV0dIsmASfu7T177jbxI67HqN6PVdZqGiDQ1ZB59yY7sh4Ydy0g9mben7DmjiNIIsy9_NzdceV/pubhtml?urp=gmail_link&gxids=7628 - Team NPTEL

Programming in Java : Results Published !!

  • Hard copies of certificates will not be dispatched.
  • The duration shown in the certificate will be based on the timeline of offering of the course in 2021, irrespective of which Assignment score that will be considered.

Feedback for Programming in Java

Dear student, We are glad that you have attended the NPTEL online certification course. We hope you found the NPTEL Online course useful and have started using NPTEL extensively. In this regard, we would like to have feedback from you regarding our course and whether there are any improvements, you would like to suggest.   We are enclosing an online feedback form and would request you to spare some of your valuable time to input your observations. Your esteemed input will help us in serving you better. The link to give your feedback is: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1tuYRv4cPOwtzJR6rZWMKN_fchIpuMl9ldlDT3BeE64o/viewform We thank you for your valuable time and feedback. Thanks & Regards, -NPTEL Team

Best of Luck for your Exam

java nptel assignment answers 2022

October 23, 2021 NPTEL Exams - Hall Tickets Released!

***THIS IS APPLICABLE ONLY FOR EXAM REGISTERED CANDIDATES*** Dear Candidate, Your hall ticket / admit card for the NPTEL Exam on Oct 23, 2021 has been released. Please login to  internalapp.nptel.ac.in  using your exam registered email id and download your hall ticket. Note: 1. If there are any mistakes in the hall ticket such as another person's photo/sign/name, please fill the following Google form & make the corrections. GForm Link -  tinyurl.com/58zr77sr   (Deadline - October 22, 2021 10AM) These corrections will reflect in your e-certificate only. No changes will be made in the hall ticket. We will check and verify the same and send an email confirmation. 2. You will still be allowed to write the exam. We will NOT make any changes in the hall ticket issued to you. Please come to the exam centre with the printout of the same hall ticket, along with a valid govt. approved photo id card. 3. If the photo/sign/name is yours, we WILL NOT upload any updated photo/sign, etc. 4. Requests for changes in exam city, exam center, session, or course will NOT be entertained. Please write to  [email protected]  for any further queries. -NPTEL Team

Programming in Java - Assignment-12 Solution Released

Dear Participants,

The Assignment-12 of Week- 12 Solution for the course Programming in Java has been released in the portal. Please go through the solution and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum.

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AKoR6uOHSLasC_wk5VJjnhapFK4GZy74/view

Happy Learning!

Thanks & Regards,

Reminder 4: Programming in Java : Online Programming test

Dear Candidate The criteria for certification of this course " Programming in Java " is different because of the online programming exam component.  Please read the following carefully. Final score = 25% of Assignment score + 50% of Online exam score (Proctored) + 25% of Programming exam (unproctored).  - Unproctored means, candidates will be taking the exam from college/home without NPTEL team present for monitoring the test- with access to all resources. - The discussion forum will be disabled during the exam duration (during both sessions) and re-enabled thereafter.  How to take the online programming test 1. Go to:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/ 2. Log in using the same email id which you have been accessing the course (i.e. using to watch videos & submit Assignments) 3. There will be sections under the course outline  "Programming Test - (October 16)"   that will have the online programming exam link.   4. You can click on this link and attempt the programming exam. Date:   October 16,2021  (Saturday ) First Session: 10.00AM - 12.00PM  (Duration of the session will be 2 hrs) Second Session: 8.00PM - 10.00PM  (Duration of the session will be  2 hrs ) Note - You can take any one or both sessions too; the best score will be considered towards the final certification score. - You can take the exam from your college or home. - The exam has to be taken in pc or laptop.  DO NOT TRY TO TAKE THE EXAM USING YOUR MOBILE PHONE. - The discussion forum will be disabled during the exam duration (during both sessions) and re-enabled thereafter.  - If you encounter any issues during the exam, please write to   [email protected] IMPORTANT: CERTIFICATION CRITERIA     Candidates have to come to the exam center and take the theory test on  October 23, 2021.     It is mandatory to take the Proctored in-person final exam to obtain a certificate.     To pass the course and get a certificate:   Assignment score >= 40/100 AND Programming exam score >= 40/100 AND Proctored exam score >= 40/100         OR   Assignment score >= 10/25 AND Programming exam score >= 10/25 AND Proctored exam score >= 20/50    All 3 conditions have to be satisfied. All the best to the candidates! -NPTEL Team.

Dear Students, The questions for the Unproctored Programming Exam Test are available now in the course page. Please fine the questions under the course outline  Programming Exam Oct 2021 (Second Session): (8.00PM - 10:00PM). You can access the questions in the below link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=218 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=222 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=220 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=224 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=226 Best of Luck! -NPTEL Team

Programming in Java - Unproctored Exam Test - Session 1

Dear Students, The questions for the Unproctored Programming Exam Test are available now in the course page. Please fine the questions under the course outline Programming Exam Oct 2021 (First Session): (10.00AM - 12:00PM). You can access the questions in the below link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=217 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=219 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=221 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=223 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=225 Best of Luck! -NPTEL Team

Programming in Java - Assignment-11 Solution Released

The Assignment-11 of Week- 11 Solution for the course Programming in Java has been released in the portal. Please go through the solution and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum.

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c23v1Z-04MhGg8n_j_INSaQc3VjAvkul/view

Programming in Java - Week 12 Feedback Form

Dear Learners,

Thank you for enrolling to this NPTEL course and we hope you have gone through the contents for this week and also attempted the assignment.

We value your feedback and wish to know how you found the videos and the questions asked - whether they were easy, difficult, as per your expectations, etc

We shall use this to make the course better and we can also know from the feedback which concepts need more explanation, etc.

Please do spare some time to give your feedback - comprises just 5 questions - should not take more than a minute, but makes a lot of difference for us as we know what the Learners feel.

Here is the link to the form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfQg7KJkJzXAYBy44HN_PksTHpHsbLiSvAkgkQeX5rQ-QFQGQ/viewform


Reminder 2: Programming in Java : Online Programming test

Programming in java - week 12 is live now.

Dear Students,

The lecture videos for Week 12 have been uploaded for the course Programming in Java . The lectures can be accessed using the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/unit?unit=94&lesson=95

The other lectures of this week are accessible from the navigation bar to the left. Please remember to login into the website to view contents (if you aren't logged in already).

Assignment 12 for Week 12 is also released and can be accessed from the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/unit?unit=94&assessment=143

Programming Assignment 1  for  Week 12 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=212 Programming Assignment 2  for  Week 12 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=213 Programming Assignment 3  for  Week 12 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=214 Programming Assignment 4  for  Week 12 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=215 Programming Assignment 5  for  Week 12 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=216

The Assignment has to be submitted on or before Wednesday, [20/10/2021] , 23:59 IST and all the Programming Assignments have to be submitted on or before Thursday , [21/10/2021] , 23:59 IST.

As we have done so far, please use the discussion forums if you have any questions on this module.

Note : Please check the due date of the assignments in the announcement and assignment page if you see any mismatch write to us immediately.

Thanks and Regards,

--NPTEL Team

Programming in Java - Assignment-10 Solution Released

The Assignment-10 of Week- 10 Solution for the course Programming in Java has been released in the portal. Please go through the solution and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum.

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yKvlYy0UGT17h52WwPkzYPtGdHw2Zo84/view

Programming in Java - Week 11 Feedback Form

Reminder 1: programming in java : online programming test, programming in java - week 11 is live now.

The lecture videos for Week 11 have been uploaded for the course Programming in Java . The lectures can be accessed using the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/unit?unit=87&lesson=88

Assignment 11 for Week 11 is also released and can be accessed from the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/unit?unit=87&assessment=142

Programming Assignment 1  for  Week 11 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=167 Programming Assignment 2  for  Week 11 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=168 Programming Assignment 3  for  Week 11 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=169 Programming Assignment 4  for  Week 11 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=170 Programming Assignment 5  for  Week 11 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=171

The Assignment has to be submitted on or before Wednesday, [13/10/2021] , 23:59 IST and all the Programming Assignments have to be submitted on or before Thursday , [14/10/2021] , 23:59 IST.

Exam Format - Oct 23, 2021

Dear Candidate, ****This is applicable only for the exam registered candidates**** Type of exam will be available in the list: Click Here You will have to appear at the allotted exam center and produce your Hall ticket and Government Photo Identification Card (Example: Driving License, Passport, PAN card, Voter ID, Aadhaar-ID with your Name, date of birth, photograph and signature) for verification and take the exam in person.  You can find the final allotted exam center details in the hall ticket. The hall ticket is yet to be released . We will notify the same through email and SMS. Type of exam: Computer based exam (Please check in the above list corresponding to your course name) The questions will be on the computer and the answers will have to be entered on the computer; type of questions may include multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks, essay-type answers, etc. Type of exam: Paper and pen Exam  (Please check in the above list corresponding to your course name) The questions will be on the computer. You will have to write your answers on sheets of paper and submit the answer sheets. Papers will be sent to the faculty for evaluation. On-Screen Calculator Demo Link: Kindly use the below link to get an idea of how the On-screen calculator will work during the exam. https://tcsion.com/ OnlineAssessment/ ScientificCalculator/ Calculator.html NOTE: Physical calculators are not allowed inside the exam hall. -NPTEL Team

Programming in Java - Assignment-9 Solution Released

The Assignment-9 of Week- 9 Solution for the course Programming in Java has been released in the portal. Please go through the solution and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum.

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n4rUI9uB6zTbNHnD4fghzw8FLyhIJetV/view

Programming in Java - Week 10 Feedback Form

Programming in java - week 10 is live now.

The lecture videos for Week 10 have been uploaded for the course Programming in Java . The lectures can be accessed using the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/unit?unit=80&lesson=81

Assignment 10 for Week 10 is also released and can be accessed from the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/unit?unit=80&assessment=141

Programming Assignment 1  for  Week 10 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=185 Programming Assignment 2  for  Week 10 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=186 Programming Assignment 3  for  Week 10 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=187 Programming Assignment 4  for  Week 10 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=188 Programming Assignment 5  for  Week 10 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=189

The Assignment has to be submitted on or before Wednesday, [06/10/2021] , 23:59 IST and all the Programming Assignments have to be submitted on or before Thursday , [07/09/2021] , 23:59 IST.

Programming in Java - Assignment-8 Solution Released

The Assignment-8 of Week- 8 Solution for the course Programming in Java has been released in the portal. Please go through the solution and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum.

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BXPg_IHmHMcJhghet1ZslwPZXkfFXSR4/view

Programming in Java - Week 9 Feedback Form

Programming in java - week 9 is live now.

The lecture videos for Week 9 have been uploaded for the course Programming in Java . The lectures can be accessed using the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/unit?unit=73&lesson=74

Assignment 9 for Week 9 is also released and can be accessed from the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/unit?unit=73&assessment=140

Programming Assignment 1  for  Week 9 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=208 Programming Assignment 2  for  Week 9 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=190 Programming Assignment 3  for  Week 9 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=207 Programming Assignment 4  for  Week 9 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=209 Programming Assignment 5  for  Week 9 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=210

The Assignment has to be submitted on or before Wednesday, [29/09/2021] , 23:59 IST and all the Programming Assignments have to be submitted on or before Thursday , [30/09/2021] , 23:59 IST.

Exam Registration for October exams is Extended till September 22 - 5:00 PM - Register Today!!

Read below for more details: 1. The registration for the certification exam is open only to those learners who have enrolled in the course.  2. If you want to register for the exam for this course,  login here using the same email id which you had used to enroll to the course in Swayam portal. Please note that Assignments submitted through the exam registered email id ALONE will be taken into consideration towards final consolidated score & certification.  3 .  Date of exam: October 23, 2021. Certification exam  registration URL is:  https://examform.nptel.ac. in/   Choose from the Cities where exam will be conducted:   Exam cities 4. Last date for exam registration: September 22, 2021, 5:00 PM (Wednesday).  EXAM FEES:
Exam fees will be Rs. 1000/- per exam. 
(We are not changing it to Rs 1500/- this time due to covid exemption ; it will be Rs 1000/- till September 22,2021)

Programming in Java - Assignment-7 Solution Released

The Assignment-7 of Week- 7 Solution for the course Programming in Java has been released in the portal. Please go through the solution and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum.

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zNgCVfHdMHt920RnKXO2wsQGbh3zYvOG/view

Programming in Java: Feedback on Text Transcripts (English) of NPTEL videos

Dear Learners, We have uploaded the English transcripts for this course. We would like to hear from you, a quick feedback for the same. Please take a minute to fill out this form. Click here to fill the form -NPTEL Team

Programming in Java - Week 8 Feedback Form

Programming in java - week 8 is live now.

The lecture videos for Week 8 have been uploaded for the course Programming in Java . The lectures can be accessed using the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/unit?unit=66&lesson=67

Assignment 8 for Week 8 is also released and can be accessed from the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/unit?unit=66&assessment=139

Programming Assignment 1  for  Week 8 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=162 Programming Assignment 2  for  Week 8 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=163 Programming Assignment 3  for  Week 8 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=164 Programming Assignment 4  for  Week 8 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=165 Programming Assignment 5  for  Week 8 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=166

The Assignment has to be submitted on or before Wednesday, [22/09/2021] , 23:59 IST and all the Programming Assignments have to be submitted on or before Thursday , [23/09/2021] , 23:59 IST.

Programming in Java - Assignment-6 Solution Released

The Assignment-6 of Week- 6 Solution for the course Programming in Java has been released in the portal. Please go through the solution and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum.

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13fWr5qOvHHJ8ycLBrrxnnRWpFRPIngO0/view?usp=sharing

Programming in Java - Week 7 Feedback Form

Programming in java - week 7 is live now.

The lecture videos for Week 7 have been uploaded for the course Programming in Java . The lectures can be accessed using the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/unit?unit=59&lesson=60

Assignment 7 for Week 7 is also released and can be accessed from the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/unit?unit=59&assessment=138

Programming Assignment 1  for  Week 7 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=180 Programming Assignment 2  for  Week 7 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=181 Programming Assignment 3  for  Week 7 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=182 Programming Assignment 4  for  Week 7 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=183 Programming Assignment 5  for  Week 7 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=184

The Assignment has to be submitted on or before Wednesday, [15/09/2021] , 23:59 IST and all the Programming Assignments have to be submitted on or before Thursday , [16/09/2021] , 23:59 IST.

Programming in Java - Assignments-4 & 5 Solution Released

Dear Participants, The Assignments- 4 & 5 of Week- 4 & 5 Solution for the course " Programming in Java " have been released in the portal. Please go through the solution and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum. Link for assignment 4 solution:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VApYmnCZgt3hxr_GR_sxFJzOZFpeIji1/view Link for assignment 5 solution:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_YRwc13oaQmS8a3O-EY96LdfjS8BvpAw/view Happy Learning! Thanks & Regards, NPTEL Team

Programming in Java - Week 6 Feedback Form

Programming in java - week 6 is live now.

The lecture videos for Week 6 have been uploaded for the course Programming in Java . The lectures can be accessed using the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/unit?unit=52&lesson=53

Assignment 6 for Week 6 is also released and can be accessed from the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/unit?unit=52&assessment=137

Programming Assignment 1  for  Week 6 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=194 Programming Assignment 2  for  Week 6 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=205 Programming Assignment 3  for  Week 6 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=206 Programming Assignment 4  for  Week 6 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=203 Programming Assignment 5  for  Week 6 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=204

The Assignment has to be submitted on or before Wednesday, [08/09/2021] , 23:59 IST and all the Programming Assignments have to be submitted on or before Thursday , [09/09/2021] , 23:59 IST.

Programming in Java - Assignment-3 Solution Released

The Assignment-3 of Week- 3 Solution for the course Programming in Java has been released in the portal. Please go through the solution and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum.

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1awGszo2T7p7LhlvQoRxWc6TGfGwJvysd/view

Programming in Java - Week 5 Feedback Form

Programming in java - week 5 is live now.

The lecture videos for Week 5 have been uploaded for the course Programming in Java . The lectures can be accessed using the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/unit?unit=45&lesson=46

Assignment 5 for Week 5 is also released and can be accessed from the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/unit?unit=45&assessment=136

Programming Assignment 1  for  Week 5 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=157 Programming Assignment 2  for  Week 5 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=158 Programming Assignment 3  for  Week 5 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=159 Programming Assignment 4  for  Week 5 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=160 Programming Assignment 5  for  Week 5 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=161

The Assignment has to be submitted on or before Wednesday, [01/09/2021] , 23:59 IST and all the Programming Assignments have to be submitted on or before Thursday , [02/09/2021] , 23:59 IST.

Programming in Java - Assignments-1 & 2 Solution Released

Dear Participants, The Assignments- 1 & 2 of Week- 1 & 2 Solution for the course " Programming in Java " have been released in the portal. Please go through the solution and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum. Link for assignment 1 solution:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EeZl4V8_ZwS1O_KAMFdpGv4z7yTWtMgC/view Link for assignment 2 solution:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rR1uhYyqLApuDe3lWap1w_hdidFKZ7t1/view Happy Learning! Thanks & Regards, NPTEL Team

Programming in Java - Week 4 Feedback Form

Programming in java : online programming test, programming in java - week 4 is live now.

The lecture videos for Week 4 have been uploaded for the course Programming in Java . The lectures can be accessed using the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/unit?unit=38&lesson=39

Assignment 4 for Week 4 is also released and can be accessed from the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/unit?unit=38&assessment=135

Programming Assignment 1  for  Week 4 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=175 Programming Assignment 2  for  Week 4 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=176 Programming Assignment 3  for  Week 4 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=177 Programming Assignment 4  for  Week 4 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=178 Programming Assignment 5  for  Week 4 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=179

Programming in Java - Week 3 is live now!!

The lecture videos for Week 3 have been uploaded for the course Programming in Java . The lectures can be accessed using the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/unit?unit=31&lesson=32

Assignment 3 for Week 3 is also released and can be accessed from the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/unit?unit=31&assessment=128

Programming Assignment 1  for  Week 3 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=145 Programming Assignment 2  for  Week 3 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=144 Programming Assignment 3  for  Week 3 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=146 Programming Assignment 4  for  Week 3 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=150 Programming Assignment 5  for  Week 3 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=147

The Assignment has to be submitted on or before Wednesday, [25/08/2021] , 23:59 IST and all the Programming Assignments have to be submitted on or before Thursday , [26/08/2021] , 23:59 IST.

Programming in Java - Week 2 is live now!!

The lecture videos for Week 2 have been uploaded for the course Programming in Java . The lectures can be accessed using the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/unit?unit=24&lesson=25

Assignment 2 for Week 2 is also released and can be accessed from the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/unit?unit=24&assessment=127

Programming Assignment 1  for  Week 2 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=153 Programming Assignment 2  for  Week 2 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=151 Programming Assignment 3  for  Week 2 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=154 Programming Assignment 4  for  Week 2 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=155 Programming Assignment 5  for  Week 2 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=156

The Assignment has to be submitted on or before Wednesday, [18/08/2021], 23:59 IST and all the Programming Assignments have to be submitted on or before Thursday , [19/08/2021] , 23:59 IST.

Programming in Java - Week 1 is live now!!

The lecture videos for Week 1 have been uploaded for the course Programming in Java . The lectures can be accessed using the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/unit?unit=17&lesson=18

Assignment 1 for Week 1 is also released and can be accessed from the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/unit?unit=17&assessment=126

Programming Assignment 1  for  Week 1 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=129 Programming Assignment 2  for  Week 1 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=130 Programming Assignment 3  for  Week 1 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=132 Programming Assignment 4  for  Week 1 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=133 Programming Assignment 5  for  Week 1 is also released and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs56/progassignment?name=134

The due date of all Assignments for Week 1 have been extended. The Assignment has to be submitted on or before Wednesday, 18-08-2021, 23:59 IST and all the Programming Assignments have to be submitted on or before Thursday, 19-08-2021, 23:59 IST.

Programming in Java - Week 3 Feedback Form

Programming in java - regarding course material.

Dear Learners,          The Course Material of   Programming in Java is given under Lecture Material unit, please go through it and in case of any doubts you can post in course forum.      The link to access the course material is :   https://cse.iitkgp.ac.in/~dsamanta/java/index.htm Thanks and Regards -NPTEL Team

Programming in Java - Week 2 Feedback Form

Programming in java - week 1 feedback form, programming in java - assignment-0 solution released.

The Assignment-0 of Week- 0 Solution for the course " Programming in Java" has been released in the portal. Please go through the solution and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum.

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cY5Pd3glAMFaoZFiw7X4Z2NTQFBcZXLe/view

Programming in Java - Download video links are available now!!

The download video links for the course Programming in Java  are available now in the course outline. Please check the download video link: https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/105/106105191/

NPTEL: Exam Registration is open now for July 2021 courses!

April 2021 exams: Due to the continued pandemic situation, April course exams for the Jan - April 2021 semester stand postponed until further notice. We will announce the exam dates once they are confirmed.

July 2021 exams: As per our calendar, the exams for the July 2021 semester are being planned as mentioned in the Timelines document; and so we have opened the exam registration form for the same. As of now, the exam dates stay the same; if there is any change in the future we will announce it.

1. The registration for the certification exam is open only to those learners who have enrolled in the course. 

2. If you want to register for the exam for this course, login here using the same email id which you had used to enroll to the course in Swayam portal. Please note that Assignments submitted through the exam registered email id ALONE will be taken into consideration towards final consolidated score & certification. 

3 . Date of exam: October 23, 2021

Certification exam registration URL is: https://examform.nptel.ac.in/  

Choose from the Cities where exam will be conducted: Exam Cities  

4. Exam fees: 

If you register for the exam and pay before Sep 13, 2021, 10:00 AM, Exam fees will be Rs. 1000/- per exam . 

If you register for exam before Sep 13, 2021, 10:00 AM and have not paid or if you register between Sep 13, 2021, 10:00 AM & Sep 17, 2021, 5:00 PM, Exam fees will be Rs. 1500/- per exam 

5. 50% fee waiver for the following categories: 

6. Last date for exam registration: Sep 17, 2021, 5:00 PM (Friday). 

7. Mode of payment: Online payment - debit card/credit card/net banking. 


9. FOR CANDIDATES WHO WOULD LIKE TO WRITE MORE THAN 1 COURSE EXAM:- you can add or delete courses and pay separately – till the date when the exam form closes. Same day of exam – you can write exams for 2 courses in the 2 sessions. Same exam center will be allocated for both the sessions. 

10. Data changes: 

Last date for data changes: Sep 17, 2021, 5:00 PM:  

11. LAST DATE FOR CANCELLING EXAMS and getting a refund: Sep 17, 2021, 5:00 PM 

12. Click here to view Timeline and Guideline : Guideline  

 Thanks & Regards, 

java nptel assignment answers 2022

Programming in Java - Assignment-0-RELEASED

We welcome you all to this course. The assignment 0 for the course Programming in Java has been released. This assignment is based on a prerequisite of the course. Kindly note that marks obtained in this assignment will not be considered for the final assessment. You can find the assignment under Week 0 unit on the left-hand side of your screen You can submit the assignment multiple times before the due date. All the best !!    

The due date of Assignment 0 is on or before 26-07-2021, 23:59 IST.

Welcome to NPTEL Online Course - July 2021!!

  • Every week, about 2.5 to 4 hours of videos containing content by the Course instructor will be released along with an assignment based on this. Please watch the lectures, follow the course regularly and submit all assessments and assignments before the due date. Your regular participation is vital for learning and doing well in the course. This will be done week on week through the duration of the course.
  • Please do the assignments yourself and even if you take help, kindly try to learn from it. These assignments will help you prepare for the final exams. Plagiarism and violating the Honor code will be taken very seriously if detected during the submission of assignments.
  • The announcement group - will only have messages from course instructors and teaching assistants - regarding the lessons, assignments, exam registration, hall tickets etc.
  • The discussion forum (Ask a question tab on the portal) - is for everyone to ask questions and interact.Anyone who knows the answers can reply to anyone's post and the course instructor/TA will also respond to your queries.
  • Please make maximum use of this feature as this will help you learn much better.
  • If you have any questions regarding the exam, registration, hall tickets, results, queries related to the technical content in the lectures, any doubts in the assignments, etc can be posted in the forum section
  • The course is free to enroll and learn from. But if you want a certificate, you have to register and write the proctored exam conducted by us in person at any of the designated exam centres.
  • The exam is optional for a fee of Rs 1000/- (Rupees one thousand only).
  • Date and Time of Exams: 23 October 2021  Morning session 9am to 12 noon; Afternoon Session 2pm to 5pm.
  • Registration url: Announcements will be made when the registration form is open for registrations.
  • The online registration form has to be filled and the certification exam fee needs to be paid. More details will be made available when the exam registration form is published. If there are any changes, it will be mentioned then.
  • Please check the form for more details on the cities where the exams will be held, the conditions you agree to when you fill the form etc.
  • Once again, thanks for your interest in our online courses and certification. Happy learning. 

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Programming in Java | NPTEL 2022 | Week 6 Programming Assignments Solutions

This article will help you with the answers of  Programming in Java NPTEL 2022 Week 6 Programming Assignment Solutions .

Programming in Java NPTEL Week 6 Programming Assignment 1 Solutions

Complete the code segment  to print the following using the concept of extending the  Thread  class in Java: —————–OUTPUT——————- Thread is Running. ————————————————-

Programming Assignment 2 Solution

In the following program, a thread class Question62 is created using the Runnable interface Complete the main() to create a thread object of the class Question62 and run the thread. It should print the output as given below. —————–OUTPUT——————- Welcome to Java Week 6 New Question. Main Thread has ended. ————————————————-

Programming Assignment 3 Solution

A part of the Java program is given, which can be completed in many ways, for example using the concept of thread, etc.  Follow the given code and complete the program so that your program prints the message “NPTEL Java week-6 new Assignment Q3”. Your program should utilize the given interface/ class.

Week 6: Programming Assignment 4 Solution

Execution of two or more threads occurs in a random order. The keyword ‘synchronized’ in Java is used to control the execution of thread in a strict sequence. In the following, the program is expected to print the output as given below. Do the necessary use of ‘synchronized’ keyword, so that, the program prints the Final sum as given below:   —————–OUTPUT——————- Final sum:6000 ————————————————-

Week 6: Programming Assignment 5 Solution

Add necessary codes to print the following: —————–OUTPUT——————- Name of thread ‘t1’:Thread-0 Name of thread ‘t2’:Thread-1 New name of thread ‘t1’:Week 6 Assignment Q5 New name of thread ‘t2’:Week 6 Assignment Q5 New ————————————————-

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NPTEL Programming In Java Assignment 2022

  • by QuizXp Team
  • August 8, 2021 April 11, 2022

nptel programming in java

NPTEL Programming In Java With the growth of Information and Communication Technology, there is a need to develop large and complex software. To meet this requirement object-oriented paradigm has been developed and based on this paradigm the Java programming language emerges as the best programming environment.

NPTEL Programming in Java is a MOOC-based course that is 12 weeks in duration and can fulfill the criteria of 4 credits in a year. You can visit the NPTEL SWAYAM platform and register yourself for the course. This course is brought to you by Prof. Dr. Debasis Samanta who holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur.

  • INTENDED AUDIENCE: All Undergraduates
  • Requirements/Prerequisites:  NIL
  • INDUSTRY SUPPORT:  All compaines or industry


Students have to score Average assignment score = 25% of the average of the best 6 assignments out of the total 8 assignments given in the course. Exam score = 75% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100 Final scores = Average assignment score + Exam score

Programming In Java Assignment 7 Answers 2022

Students will be eligible for CERTIFICATE ONLY IF AVERAGE ASSIGNMENT SCORE >=10/25 AND EXAM SCORE >= 30/75. If any of the 2 criteria are not met, the student will not get the certificate even if the Final score >= 40/100.


Q1. Complete the code to  develop an extended version of the ADVANCED CALCULATOR with added special functions that emulates all the functions of the GUI Calculator as shown in the image.

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Q2. A partial code fragment is given. The URL class object is created in try block.You should write appropriate method( )  to print the protocol name and host name from the given url string.

Q3. Write a program to create a record by taking inputs using Scanner class as first name as string ,last name as string ,roll number as integer ,subject1 mark as float,subject2 mark as float. Your program should print in the format  “name  rollnumber avgmark”.

Q4. A program code is given to call the parent class static method and instance method in derive class without creating object of parent class. You should write the appropriate code so that the program print the contents of static method() and instance method () of parent class.

Q5. Write a recursive function to print the sum of  first n odd integer numbers. The recursive function should have the prototype  ” int sum_odd_n(int n) “.


Q1. Complete the code segment  to insert the following data using prepared statement in the existing table ‘ PLAYERS ’ .

Q2. Write the required code in order to  update the following data in the table ‘ PLAYERS ’ .

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Q3. Write the appropriate code in order to  delete the following data in the table ‘ PLAYERS ’ .

Q4. Complete the following program to  calculate the average age of the players in the table ‘ PLAYERS ’ . Structure of Table ‘PLAYERS’ is given below:

Q5. Complete the code segment to  drop the table named ‘ PLAYERS ’ .


Q1. The following code needs some package to work properly. Write appropriate code to import the required package(s) in order to make the program compile and execute successfully .

If you want help with the 16 oct Online Programming test and help in the final exam take our membership for a better score in the exam read more here:- Final Exam Membership

Q2. Write the JDBC codes needed to create a Connection interface using the DriverManager class and the variable DB_URL.  Check whether the connection is successful using ‘isAlive(timeout)’ method to generate the output, which is either ‘true’ or ‘false’.

Q3. Due to some mistakes in the below code, the code is not compiled/executable. Modify and debug the JDBC code to make it execute successfully.

Q4. Complete the code segment  to create a new table named ‘ PLAYERS ’ in SQL database using the following information.

Q5. Complete the code segment to rename an already created table named ‘PLAYERS’ into ‘SPORTS’.


Q1. Complete the code to  develop a BASIC CALCULATOR that can perform operations like  Addition ,  Subtraction ,  Multiplication , and  Division .

Q2. Complete the code to  develop an ADVANCED CALCULATOR that emulates all the functions of the GUI Calculator as shown in the image.

Q3. Complete the code to  perform a 45 degree anti clock wise rotation with respect to the center of a 5  ×  5 2D Array as shown below:

Q4. A program needs to be developed which can  mirror reflect any 5  ×  5 2D character array into its side-by-side reflection.  Write suitable code to achieve this transformation as shown below:

Q5. Write suitable code to develop  a 2D Flip-Flop Array with dimension 5  ×  5, which replaces all input elements with values 0 by 1 and 1 by 0.  An example is shown below:


Q1. Write a program which will print a pyramid of “*” ‘s of height “n” and print the number of “*” ‘s in the pyramid .

Q2. Write a program which will print a pascal  pyramid of  “*” ‘s of height “l” .

Q3. Write a program which will print a pyramid of “numbers” ‘s of height “n” and print the sum of all number’s in the pyramid .

Q4. Write a program to print symmetric Pascal’s triangle of “*” ‘s of  height “l” of odd length . If input “l” is even then your program will print “Invalid line number” .

Q5. Write a program to display any digit(n) from 0-9 represented as a “7 segment  display” . 

If you want help in online programming test and help in final exam take our membership for better score in exam read more here:- Final Exam Membership


Q1. Complete the following code fragment  to read three integer values from the keyboard and find the sum of the values. Declare a variable “sum” of type int and store the result in it.

Q2. Complete the code segment to catch the exception in the following, if any. On the occurrence of such an exception, your program should print “Please enter valid data” .If there is no such exception, it will print the “square of the number”.

Q3. A byte char array is initialized. You have to enter an index value”n”. According to index your program will print the byte and its corresponding char value.

Q4. The following program reads a string from the keyboard and is stored in the String variable “s1”. You have to complete the program so that it should should print the number of vowels in s1 . If your input data doesn’t have any vowel it will print “0”.

Q5. A string “s1” is already initialized. You have to read the index “n”  from the keyboard.  Complete the code segment to catch the exception in the following, if any. On the occurrence of such an exception, your program should print “exception occur” .If there is no such exception, your program should replace the char “a” at the index value “n” of the “s1” ,then it will print the modified string.


Q1. Complete the code segment  to print the following using the concept of extending the  Thread  class in Java:

Q2. In the following program, a thread class Question62 is created using the Runnable interface Complete the main() to create a thread object of the class Question62 and run the thread. It should print the output as given below.

Q3. A part of the Java program is given, which can be completed in many ways, for example using the concept of thread, etc.  Follow the given code and complete the program so that your program prints the message “NPTEL Java week-6 new Assignment Q3”. Your program should utilize the given interface/ class.

Q4. Execution of two or more threads occurs in a random order. The keyword ‘synchronized’ in Java is used to control the execution of thread in a strict sequence. In the following, the program is expected to print the output as given below. Do the necessary use of ‘synchronized’ keyword, so that, the program prints the Final sum as given below:  

Q5. Given a snippet of code, add necessary codes to print the following:


Q1. An interface Number is defined in the following program.  You have to declare a class A, which will implement the interface Number. Note that the method findSqr(n) will return the square of the number n.

Q2. This program isto find the GCD (greatest common divisor) of two integers writing a recursive function  findGCD(n1,n2) . Your function should return -1, if the argument(s) is(are) other than positive number(s).

Q3. Complete the code segment to catch the ArithmeticException in the following, if any. On the occurrence of such an exception, your program should print “Exception caught: Division by zero.” If there is no such exception, it will print the result of division operation on two integer values.

Q4. In the following program, an array of integer data to be initialized. During the initialization, if a user enters a value other than integer value, then it will throw InputMismatchException exception. On the occurrence of such an exception, your program should print “You entered bad data.” If there is no such exception it will print the total sum of the array.

Q5. In the following program, there may be multiple exceptions. You have to complete the code using only one try-catch block to handle all the possible exceptions.


Q1. Complete the code segment to execute the following program successfully.  You should import the correct package(s) and/or class(s) to complete the code.

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Q2. Complete the code segment to print the current year . Your code should compile successfully.

Q3. The program in this assignment is attempted to print the following output: 

Q4. Complete the code segment to call the default method in the interface First and Second .

Q5. Modify the code segment to print the following output.


Q1. This program is related to the generation of Fibonacci numbers.For example: 0,1, 1,2, 3,5, 8, 13,… is a Fibonacci sequence where 13 is the 8th Fibonacci number.A partial code is given and you have to complete the code as per the instruction given.

Q2. Define a class Point with two fields x and y each of type double. Also, define a method distance(Point p1, Point p2) to calculate the distance between points p1 and p2 and return the value in double.Complete the code segment given below. Use Math.sqrt( ) to calculate the square root.

Q3. A class Shape is defined with two overloading constructors in it. Another class Test1 is partially defined which inherits the class Shape. The class Test1 should include two overloading constructors as appropriate for some object instantiation shown in main() method. You should define the constructors using the super class constructors. Also, override the method calculate( ) in Test1 to calculate the volume of a Shape.

Note:- WE NEVER PROMOTE COPYING AND We do not claim 100% surety of answers, these answers are based on our sole knowledge, and by posting these answers we are just trying to help students to reference, so we urge do your assignment on your own.

Q4. This program to exercise the call of static and non-static methods. A partial code is given defining two methods, namely sum( ) and multiply ( ). You have to call these methods to find the sum and product of two numbers. Complete the code segment as instructed.   

Q5. Complete the code segment to swap two numbers using call-by-object reference.

Code: –

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Note:- We do not claim 100% surety of answers, these answers are based on our sole knowledge and by posting these answers we are just trying to help students, so we urge do you assignment own your own.


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NPTEL Exam Experience

The National Program for Technical Enhancement Learning (NPTEL) offers online courses taught by IIT professors. There are over 300 courses available, and anyone can enroll in their preferred course. The course duration can be 4, 8, or 12 weeks. We can take the course for free but if we want to take the exam for a certificate we need to pay the fee. NPTEL certificates will enhance the value of the resume. So, many students prefer to write these NPTEL exams which helps in their interviews for job selections. I registered for Blockchain and its application course

Course Registration

Visit the Swayam website or install the Swayam mobile app to register for the course by the deadline. You can register for as many courses as you want. You can learn the course without exam registration

Exam Registration

Register for the exam by selecting exam centers and making the payment within the deadline.

Course Learning

  • Vedio Lectures

NPTEL provides well-organized learning lectures by IIT lecturers. The video lectures are in-depth. The only requirement is to patiently sit and listen to the lectures. I learned Distributed systems, Hyperfabric ledgures, RSA, SHA 256 algorithms, Blockchain usecases, Evolution of cryptocurrencies, Blockchain security, double spending problem, Ethereum solidity, smartcontracts, Bitcoins concepts in the course.

  • Weekly Tests

Based on your weekly learning, you will receive an assignment. You can make multiple attempts on the assignment before the deadline, and your score will determine your certification eligibility.

  • Online Q&A Sessions

NPTEL offers online sessions to address doubts and provide guidance for exam problem-solving. Participants have the opportunity to directly communicate with the course instructor.

  • Self learning

NPTEL provides specially prepared reading material that can be downloaded or printed. These materials consist of PPTs used in the lectures and content that has been explained in the videos.

Proctored Exam

To attend the proctored exam, you must go to the designated exam centers at the specified time. This exam does not include negative marking. Around 10-15 questions will be taken from the weekly assignments. To achieve a good score in this exam, it is important to focus on the weekly assignments, attend the weekly lectures, and review the PowerPoint presentations.

They instructed me to bring the hall ticket xerox and ID proof. The exam lasts for 3 hours. We can leave the exam hall after 90 minutes. The questions are challenging and indirect, requiring us to recall various topics in order to respond. We need to provide multiple answers for certain questions. My advice is to not rush when answering the questions, as they can be tricky. Sufficient time has been provided for the exam, so take your time to answer each question.

Certificate Criteria

We need to score at least 10 out of 25 on the weekly tests and at least 30 out of 75 on the proctored exam. In total, we need to gain at least 40 out of 100.

If we score more than 60 but less than 75, the elite symbol will be added to our certificate. If we score more than 75 but less than 90, the elite and silver badge will be added to our certificate. If we score more than 90, the gold badge will be added to our certificate. If we are the topper, we will get the topper symbol on the certificate.

My Learning Experience

My NPTEL journey has been filled with learning and exploration into blockchain technology and its applications. I haven’t faced any difficulty, from registering for the exam to the proctored exam, because of the organized learning. With the guidance provided by the instructors, I scored 70% marks in the proctored exam and obtained the certificate.

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  6. NPTEL Programming In Java WEEK6 Programming Assignment Solutions


  1. bkkothari2255/Programming_In_Java_NPTEL

    Java Week 6:Q2 In the following program, a thread class ThreadRun is created using the Runnable interface which prints "Thread using Runnable interface". Complete the main class to create a thread object of the class ThreadRun and run the thread, Java Week 6:Q3 A part of the Java program is given, which can be completed in many ways, for example using the concept of thread, etc. Follow the ...

  2. nptel-java-solutions · GitHub Topics · GitHub

    Welcome to the NPTEL "Programming in Java" course repository! This repository hosts a comprehensive collection of programming assignments, quizzes, and test solutions for the NPTEL "Programming in Java" course offered in the years 2024, 2022, and 2020.

  3. NPTEL Programming In Java WEEK 12 Quiz Assignment Solutions

    🔊 Programming In Java NPTEL Elective Course 2022NPTEL Programming In Java WEEK 12 Quiz Assignment Solutions | Swayam July 2022 | IIT Kharagpur⛳ABOUT THE COU...

  4. Programming In Java

    October 2022 NPTEL Exams - Hall Tickets Released! ... Programming In Java - Assignment- 7,8,9,10 & 11 Solution Released ... The questions will be on the computer and the answers will have to be entered on the computer; type of questions may include multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks, essay-type answers, etc. ...

  5. Programming In Java

    There will be sections under the course outline "Online Programming Test (October 22)" that will have the online programming exam link. 4. You can click on this link and attempt the programming exam. Date: October 22, 2022 (Saturday) (Duration of the session will be 2 hrs) First Session: 10.00AM - 12.00PM.

  6. NPTEL PROGRAMMING IN JAVA Assignment 1 Answers 2022

    July 17, 2022. NPTEL Programming in Java ASSIGNMENT 1 Answers :- Hello students in this article we are going to share NPTEL Programming in Java assignment week 1 answers. All the Answers provided below to help the students as a reference, You must submit your assignment at your own knowledge.

  7. NPTEL Programming In Java WEEK 10 Programming Assignment ...

    🔊 Programming In Java NPTEL Elective Course 2022NPTEL Programming In Java WEEK 10 Programming Assignment Solutions | Swayam July 2022 | IIT KharagpurSolutio...

  8. Programming in Java

    Programming in Java NPTEL 2022 Week 12 Quiz Solutions. Q1. Which statement is true in case of using "this" keyword in a static method? a) "this" keyword can be used in static method to access static variables only. b) "this" keyword can't be used in static method. c) "this" keyword can be used in static method. d) None.

  9. Programming in Java

    This article will help you with the answers of Programming in Java NPTEL 2022 Week 9 Programming Assignment Solutions. Programming in Java NPTEL Week 9 Programming Assignment 1 Solutions Complete the code to develop a BASIC CALCULATOR that can perform operations like Addition , Subtraction , Multiplication and Division .

  10. Programming in Java

    Programming in Java NPTEL Week 7 Programming Assignment 1 Solutions. Complete the following code fragment to read three integer values from the keyboard and find the sum of the values.Declare a variable "sum" of type int and store the result in it. // Write the appropriate statement(s) to import the package(s) you need in your program import java.util.*; public class Question1{ public ...

  11. [July-Dec] NPTEL Programming In Java Assignment 1 Answers 2023

    Programming In Java Week 1 Programming Assignment Answers. Q1. Complete the code segment to find the perimeter and area of a circle given a value of radius. You should use Math.PI constant in your program. If radius is zero or less than zero then print " please enter non zero positive number ". Code:-.

  12. NPTEL Programming in Java Week 10 Assignment Solution

    Week 4 : Encapsulation. Week 5 : Inheritance. Week 6 : Exception Handling. Week 7 : Multithreaded Programming. Week 8 : Java Applets and Servlets. Week 9 : Java Swing and Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT) Week 10 : Networking with Java. Week 11: Java Object Database Connectivity (ODBC) Week 12: Interface and Packages for Software Development.

  13. NPTEL Programming in Java Week 11 Assignment Solution

    Week 4 : Encapsulation. Week 5 : Inheritance. Week 6 : Exception Handling. Week 7 : Multithreaded Programming. Week 8 : Java Applets and Servlets. Week 9 : Java Swing and Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT) Week 10 : Networking with Java. Week 11: Java Object Database Connectivity (ODBC) Week 12: Interface and Packages for Software Development.

  14. NPTEL Programming In Java Assignment 12 Answers 2022

    YOU WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR A CERTIFICATE ONLY IF THE AVERAGE ASSIGNMENT SCORE >=10/25 AND EXAM SCORE >= 30/75. If one of the 2 criteria is not met, you will not get the certificate even if the Final score >= 40/100. Below you can find the answers for NPTEL Programming In Java Assignment 12. Assignment No. Answers. Programming In Java Assignment 1.

  15. Programming In Java Assignment 1 Answers 2022

    Programming In Java Assignment 1 Answers:-. Q1. Complete the code segment to find the perimeter and area of a circle given a value of radius. You should use Math.PI constant in your program. If radius is zero or less than zero then print " please enter non zero positive number ". Code:-.

  16. Programming in Java

    There will be sections under the course outline "Online Programming Test (October 22)" that will have the online programming exam link. 4. You can click on this link and attempt the programming exam. Date: October 22, 2022 (Saturday) (Duration of the session will be 2 hrs) First Session: 10.00AM - 12.00PM.

  17. Programming in Java

    Programming Assignment 3 Solution. A part of the Java program is given, which can be completed in many ways, for example using the concept of thread, etc. Follow the given code and complete the program so that your program prints the message "NPTEL Java week-6 new Assignment Q3". Your program should utilize the given interface/ class. t.run

  18. nptel-assignments · GitHub Topics · GitHub

    To associate your repository with the nptel-assignments topic, visit your repo's landing page and select "manage topics." GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.

  19. Programming-in-Java-NPTEL/README.md at master

    This repository in NPTEL course Programming in Java Question and Quiz answer. - Programming-in-Java-NPTEL/README.md at master · sumitnce1/Programming-in-Java-NPTEL

  20. NPTEL Programming In Java Assignment 2022

    NPTEL Programming In Java ASSIGNMENT WEEK 3 ANSWERS:-. Q1. This program is related to the generation of Fibonacci numbers.For example: 0,1, 1,2, 3,5, 8, 13,… is a Fibonacci sequence where 13 is the 8th Fibonacci number.A partial code is given and you have to complete the code as per the instruction given. Code:-.

  21. NPTEL Exam Experience

    The National Program for Technical Enhancement Learning (NPTEL) offers online courses taught by IIT professors. There are over 300 courses available, and anyone can enroll in their preferred course. The course duration can be 4, 8, or 12 weeks. We can take the course for free but if we want to take the exam for a certificate we need to pay the fee.