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December 5th, 2023

Everything you need to know about the lnat for 2024 entry.

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Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

The LNAT which stands for The Law National Admission Test is an exam that all candidates who wish to apply to study law at most of the top universities in the UK, including the LLB Bachelor of Laws at LSE , must take as part of the admissions process. The LNAT score, alongside all other information on the UCAS application form, constitutes an important part of the admissions procedure and can make a difference in the final admissions decision. LNAT is a 2-hour 15-minute exam, divided into two sections A and B. The first part consists of 42 multiple-choice questions based on 12 passages of the academic text and it has to be completed in 95 minutes. Afterwards, candidates have 40 minutes to write an argumentative essay on one of the three available topics.

Students wishing to commence their legal studies at LSE in September 2024, or for deferred entries in September 2025 have to take the LNAT between 1 September 2023 and 31 December 2023 to be guaranteed equal consideration in the admissions process. Candidates should register with Pearson VUE on the LNAT website which is the test administrator, and take the exam at one of their test centres located in the UK or overseas. Each candidate can only sit the test once per application cycle, which is why it is important to spend some time to prepare and develop a strategy which will allow you to ace the exam and secure admission to study law at your dream university.

LNAT is a critical thinking test, which does not require prior knowledge of the law, and its focus is on logical reasoning, attention to detail and argumentation. Since there is no precise material you have to study for the test, preparation for the LNAT may appear quite tricky, however, there are some ways in which you can maximize your chances of scoring high. If LSE is your dream university, your primary focus should be the multiple-choice section of the LNAT. For most applicants, LSE admissions will only consider part A of the test, and the essay will usually not be considered. Check our website for more information on the LNAT entry requirement .

Below I present some of my tips to score well on section A of the test.

In section A, you will be presented with a set of 12 text passages from different academic backgrounds you might not have seen or studied before, which is why preparation for it is not very straightforward. However being a well-read, curious person would certainly put you in an advantageous position. What helped me to score high on the test was actively engaging with different journals, articles and books which deepened my understanding of different issues, but also helped me to become faster and more efficient at reading academic texts. Regularly reading non-fiction, for example, opinion sections of popular newspapers and thinking critically about the points raised in the articles afterwards, will benefit you on exam day.

One of the most valuable tips for acing section A of the LNAT is regularly practising the types of questions that appear on the exam. You can find a lot of sample papers on the official website of the LNAT, which will allow you to accommodate yourself with the exam format. Another option, which I’d recommend is buying an exercise book with examples of LNAT questions and explanations of the answers. This will allow you to practice and understand your mistakes and can be extremely useful in learning how the questions are structured. While practising 12 passages at once daily may not be achievable in a busy study week, trying to do at least a few passages with a timer on, will allow you to prepare well for the test and reduce the anxiety on the exam day.

About the author

lnat essay student room

My name is Zosia, and I am a first-year undergraduate student at LSE, studying LLB in Laws. I am an international student from Poland, and my passions include reading, writing, travelling and participating in all kinds of sports.

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Sample essays

Sample essay questions and suggested reading

Here are a few sample essay questions for you to think about. Remember that you get 40 minutes to write a recommended maximum of 750 words – ideally about 500-600 words .  We also have sample answers to some of these questions. See download links at bottom of this page.

  • How should judges be appointed?
  • Make the best case you can for public funding of the arts.  Answer
  • Does it matter if some animal and plant species die out?  Answer
  • ‘It is right that students should contribute to the cost of their degrees.’ Do you agree?
  • What disciplinary sanctions should teachers be allowed to use?
  • ‘We must be prepared to sacrifice traditional liberties to defeat terrorism.’ Discuss.
  • Should the law require people to vote in general elections?
  • Should private cars be rationed? If so, how?
  • What is ‘political correctness’ and why does it matter?  Answer
  • There are more essay topics on our practice tests .

When you reach the Review screen, do not click on End Review unless you have completed your essay and wish to end your session. If you wish to review or edit your essay response, click on the question number that it relates to.

As part of your preparation you may also like to look at some materials on critical thinking. Here is a selection. Some of them include exercises that can help you develop your LNAT skills.

A. Fisher,  Critical Thinking: An Introduction  (Cambridge University Press 2001) ISBN 0521009847

R. van den Brink-Budgen,  Critical Thinking for Students  (How to Books 2000) ISBN 1857036344

N. Warburton,  Thinking From A to Z  (Routledge 2000) ISBN 0415222818

P. Gardner,  New Directions: Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking (Cambridge University Press 2006) ISBN 0521541727 (mainly for those who have English as a second language)

Sample answer: Make the best case you can for public funding of the arts

Sample answer: Does it matter if some animal and plant species die out?

Sample answer: What is 'political correctness' and why does it matter?

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LNAT Essay: Top 6 Tips

Tackling the LNAT essay in 40 minutes is daunting, but crucial for showcasing your skills to every university you apply to.

The LNAT essay section throws you into a world of diverse topics, demanding the construction and articulation of a strong argument. Within the 40-minute time frame, you must craft an essay that resonates with each university requiring the LNAT . This section acts as a litmus test, allowing universities to evaluate crucial skills in prospective law students. Here are six lnat tips and practice prompts to help you tackle this essay component with confidence.

1. Master the Art of Concise Essay Writing

How much should I write for the LNAT essay? If you are unsure, target an essay length of 500-600 words within the 750-word limit. In order to be able to do this during the exam, you need to dedicate 40 minutes to practice, including 10 minutes for planning. This mirrors the time constraints of law exams, emphasising the importance of succinctness. Regular practice will hone your ability to respond effectively within the given timeframe, elevating your overall performance.

Practice Prompt : Enhance your skills by tackling a prompt such as “Examine the impact of artificial intelligence on legal decision-making.” This not only sharpens your time management but also familiarises you with diverse topics, preparing you for the unpredictable nature of LNAT essay questions.

2. Plan Your Essay Response

Effective planning is the cornerstone of a stellar LNAT essay . Dedicate time within the 40-minute window to plan efficiently, employing techniques like mind maps, bullet points, lists, or flow charts. A well-crafted plan not only establishes a good lnat essay structure but also ensures a defensible position and acts as a guiding reference during potential mental blocks. This process is instrumental in question selection, providing a rough plan for each option.

Practice Prompt: Confront a prompt on the ethical considerations of artificial intelligence in law by constructing a mind map . Outline key arguments, supporting evidence, and a clear thesis. This visual roadmap not only streamlines your writing process but also enhances the coherence and persuasiveness of your essay.

3. Familiarise Yourself with the Topic

Part B the LNAT essay is primarily testing your ability to form an argument and defend it. It is only useful to use your own personal expertise in answering the question if it adds to the argument you are advancing. Therefore, if you know you can still create a defensible position then don’t let lack of knowledge hold you back.

Having parents, teachers or friends make up a series of questions for you to practice writing is incredibly helpful in getting yourself ready to face questions you have never seen before. For example, one of my questions was based on artificial intelligence – something I know nothing about but was still able to write a good argument on.

Practice Prompt : Imagine encountering a question on space exploration, an unfamiliar topic. Focus on your ability to construct a logical argument rather than detailed knowledge. Practice with questions outside your comfort zone, like “Should private companies be involved in space exploration?”

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4. Pick a side

Emphasising the importance of taking a stance cannot be overstated. Choose a side and work diligently to persuade the reader that your argument is superior. While acknowledging opposing views is crucial, your goal is to convincingly reject them in favor of your own position. Be open to recognising the merits of arguments contrary to your personal opinions, as this adds depth and persuasiveness to your essay.

Practice Prompt : If prompted to discuss the death penalty, choose a stance and build your argument around it. Acknowledge opposing views, perhaps stating, “While some argue for its deterrent effect, I believe the ethical concerns outweigh any potential benefits.”

5. Be careful with language

Precision and clarity in your language are paramount. Reflecting the courtroom setting, where arguments must be concise and clear, the LNAT essay requires a similar style. Avoid unnecessary complexity, unfamiliar jargon, and slang. Your reader will appreciate a clear and persuasive argument over convoluted language. Align your writing style with the precision expected in legal discourse. Consider finessing your writing style by getting professional guidance . 

Practice Prompt : Opt for clarity over complexity. Instead of using convoluted language in a prompt about environmental regulations, articulate your points clearly: “ Stringent environmental regulations are crucial for safeguarding our planet’s future .”

6. Proofread, Proofread and Proofread

In the rush to complete your essay, the importance of proofreading should not be underestimated. Devote a few minutes to review your work like a tutor would do , correcting any repetition or spelling errors. While spelling is not a direct evaluation criterion, a polished essay instills confidence in your argument. Utilise these final minutes to refine your essay, ensuring it reflects your best effort.

Practice Prompt : After completing an essay on the role of technology in shaping legal systems, take a few minutes to proofread. Identify and rectify any repetition, ensuring your arguments flow seamlessly. This final step enhances the overall polish of your essay.

How to write a good lnat essay requires a strategic approach , incorporating effective planning, persuasive writing, and meticulous proofreading. By practicing regularly, embracing unfamiliar topics, and honing your argumentative skills, you can confidently tackle Section B of the LNAT. Remember, the clarity of your argument and your ability to articulate a compelling perspective are the keys to success. Best of luck!

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Best Essay Writing Strategies For LNAT Section B

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The Complete Guide On How to Ace the LNAT 2024 and 2025

  • Revised LNAT 2024 Edition
  • 30 Full-Length Practice Tests
  • 360 LNAT-Style Passages
  • 1,260 Multiple-Choice Questions
  • All Answers Include Explanations
  • 90 Essay Questions - with model answers
  • Access for 12 months from the date of purchase
  • Option to Repeat All Tests Thrice for Enhanced Practice
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  • Try the Free Full Length LNAT Practice Test

The Law National Admissions Test (LNAT) was started by some of the popular Russell Group of Universities, to assist them in shortlisting and selecting students for their Law programs, from among the thousands who applied every year.

The LNAT helps understanding the abilities and competencies of the applicants from a perspective of their suitability to study the undergraduate law programs.

The LNAT is intended to assess your intellectual aptitude rather than your expertise in a specific subject.

Considering that applicants from diverse backgrounds apply for the Law programs, the LNAT is a standardized test that presents a similar challenge to all test-takers.

The ground rule for the LNAT is that no specific external knowledge is required or expected from the candidates. All the MCQs in section A need to be answered strictly on the basis of the information within the passages. There are no facts or figures to memorize for the text.

The LNAT does not have any pass or fail marks. The maximum marks that can be scored are 42 (out of 42), in Section A, which is automatically graded by the system.

The LNAT essay is sent ‘as is’ to the universities, to be internally assessed by them as per their specific criteria.

Unlike some other tests (e.g., GMAT), you can sit for the LNAT only once in every admission cycle. Therefore, it is very important to make your attempt count!

Format of the LNAT

The LNAT is divided into two sections and candidates have 2 hours and 15 minutes (135 minutes) in total to complete the test.

Section A – There will be 42 multiple-choice questions based on 12 passages, each accompanied by three or four questions. Test-takers have 95 minutes to answer all questions.

Section B – candidates are given 40 minutes to respond to one of three essay questions on various topics. Candidates are expected to write an essay of between 500 – 700 words in length.

Any time saved in one section cannot be carried over to the other section.

Typically, we have seen that candidates are pressed for time in section A; and not so much in section B.

LNAT Section A – Explained

In section A, there will be 12 passages in total. 6 passages will have 3 questions following them and 6 will have four questions.

So, in total there will be 42 questions – each carrying 1 mark.

There is no negative marking in the LNAT, therefore, the minimum marks a candidate can theoretically score is 0 and the maximum is 42.

As per the official information, the passages for LNAT section A, will cover seven broad areas:

This list of seven is very deceptive – since most newspaper articles, book extracts or general essays will fit into one of these categories. Don’t believe it? Just pick any article from today’s Guardian website and it can be classified under one of these seven topics.

In short, the passages in the LNAT may be derived from anywhere and on any subject.

While no prior knowledge of any specific subject is necessary, practically speaking, having a good general awareness is beneficial.

While designing the LawMint LNAT practice tests, we analysed the lengths of the LNAT passages, and we found that they are typically between 400 to 700 words in length. With some exceptions, a majority of them are closer to 500 words.

We have ensured that the passages in our LNAT practice tests cover a wide range of topics; and average around 500 words.

Time management for Section A of LNAT

The LNAT is not a difficult test per se. If taking the test without any time constraint, many candidates can score 35+.

However, the average LNAT score of all test takers in the recent cycles has hovered a little over the 50% mark, i.e., 22/42. Why is that?

The key to getting a high MCQ score in the LNAT is time management.

Candidates will have 95 minutes to complete section A, which has 42 questions – which means that on an average, test takers will have 135 seconds per question – a little over 2 minutes per question.

You will have to read the passage, read the questions and the answer options and select the correct answer, all within 2 minutes per question.

  • 6 passages will have 3 questions each – that translates to 6 minutes per passage
  • 6 passages will have 4 questions each – that translates to 8 minutes per passage

This is where extensive practice is very essentially:

  • to develop the skills required to read lengthy passages in a couple of minutes
  • to train your eyes and your brain to skim over superfluous info and focus on the main content
  • to quickly understand the context and the content of the passage and the questions
  • to comprehend dense and vaguely written passages on a wide variety of subjects

When we designed the LawMint LNAT practice tests, we first selected 360 passages, from a wide variety of sources. From 18 th century books on philosophy and politics, to extracts from the latest scientific journals.

Even the questions are intentionally longer and a little more complex than what you will see in the actual LNAT.

If you score at around the 50% mark in the LawMint LNAT practice test series, you will score higher in the actual test.

Can verbal reasoning skills be taught?

The LNAT is first and foremost a test for verbal reasoning. The questions are designed to assess components of verbal reasoning, such as:

  • Comprehension
  • Interpretation

The multiple-choice section aims to assess some of your skills such as

  • Do you possess an attention to detail or tend to make hasty assumptions?
  • Can you draw reasonable conclusions from the data provided to you?
  • Can you effectively discern between facts, opinions, and deductions?
  • Are you able to recognize the constraints of a given assertion?
  • Can you detect unspoken inferences or implications?
  • Are you able to identify when claims lack sufficient evidence?

Nobody is a born expert. Be it physical or mental tasks, practice does make a person perfect.

So, yes; All of the skills required for acing the LNAT can be taught, developed and honed with practice.

Dealing with the MCQ section of the LNAT

The most important rule for lnat section a – mcqs.

When you start practicing for the LNAT, you need to train yourself to ignore outside information.

The most basic rule for LNAT section A is that all the answers have to be within the given passage. Do not introduce any external data or information when you are going through the passages and the questions.

Anything that is not specifically stated, implied or can be inferred on the basis of the passage is external information.

For example, read this passage and answer the question that follows:

Passage: In the current European landscape, the United Kingdom holds a unique position within the European Union. As one of the largest economies in the bloc, Britain plays a pivotal role in shaping EU policies and regulations. Although it opts not to adopt the Euro as its official currency or join the Schengen Area, the UK enjoys the benefits of the European Single Market, enabling the free movement of goods, services, capital, and people. This access fosters economic growth and stimulates cultural exchange between Britain and the rest of Europe. The UK’s participation in the EU facilitates cooperation and collaboration, strengthening the region’s global influence.

Question: Which of the following statements is incorrect?

I. The United Kingdom holds a unique position within the European Union. II. Britain plays a pivotal role in shaping EU policies and regulations. III. UK enjoys the benefits of the European Single Market.

Option 1: All of the statements are correct Option 2: None of the statements are correct

As per your general awareness, the correct answer as of today, will be Option 2. However, there is nothing given in the passage to support Option 2. The passage explicitly supports Option 1. Therefore, Option 1 will be the correct answer, even though it is outdated.

How to answer LNAT section A questions

  • Read the passage and understand the context, intent and content.
  • Understand the progression and structure of an argument – in the passage as well as the question
  • Pay close attention to the author’s tone – e.g., factual, neutral, opinionated, sarcastic, ironic, mocking.
  • Differentiate between Facts, Assumptions, Inferences and Opinions – strictly on the basis of the passage.
  • Read the questions carefully and understand what is being asked. For example, are there any double negatives? E.g., Isn’t it true that you don’t dislike pizza?
  • Practice filtering out relevant information from extraneous material
  • See which reading technique works for you – a thorough reading in the first pass, or a quick skim through first and focussed reading next
  • Some test takers prefer reading the questions frost and then reading the passage. Some prefer an opposite approach – try and see which approach works best for you.

In the LawMint LNAT Practice Tests, there are 360 passages, with 1260 questions. Experiment with different techniques and see which ones work best for you.

When you repeat a practice test, the order of the questions under each passage, and the answer options – both are shuffled for better repeat practice.

The LNAT Essay – Section B

The section ‘B’ essay part of the LNAT requires you to write a 500-to-600-word essay on one of the three given essay questions or prompts. The time limit is 40 minutes.

In each of our LNAT practice tests, you will be given three essay questions or prompts to choose from. Such as:

  • Can a policy of complete open borders be justified? Discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks.
  • Should social media platforms be held accountable for the spread of fake news? Explain your answer.
  • Should the use of facial recognition technology by law enforcement be regulated? Explain your answer.

Unlike the MCQ section, the LNAT essay is not marked. The LNAT essay is sent ‘as is’ to the universities chosen by the test-taker.

The universities evaluate the applicant essays as per their own admissions process. Some may give the essay significant weightage in the overall candidature; whereas others may use it as an additional parameter, used marginally at best.

The important thing to remember about these essay questions is that they do not have a right or a wrong answer.

The essay is being used to evaluate your:

  • Ability to understand the topic
  • Ability to write a concise and compelling argument
  • Ability to defend a point of view
  • Command of the English language

Each of the three essay questions will appears in its own screen. Answer only one question. You can view all three of them by using the ‘Next’ and ‘Back’ buttons and select the essay question you like.

The LNAT essay question screen will have buttons for ‘cut’, ‘copy’, ‘paste’, ‘undo’ and ‘redo’. There is no spelling or grammar check function.

The system has a built-in word counter at the bottom of the text field. The ideal length of the essay is 500-to-600-words, translating to approximately one A4 page of content; to be written in around 30 minutes. The remaining 10 minutes should be used to review and polish your essay.

How to approach the section B essay

In our LNAT practice tests, we have provided 90 essay questions for extensive practice. By writing essays on a wide array of topics, you will become comfortable with structuring the information you have in a compelling manner.

  • Plan a balanced essay – The essay should display your ability to consider multiple aspects of the topics, both pros and cons.
  • Put your thoughts down – Type out your thoughts to create the basic outline of your essay. You can then build on the outline.
  • Keep an eye on the clock – Remember, thirty minutes for planning and typing out the 500–600-word essay; and 10 minutes to edit and polish it.
  • Argumentative not Opinionated! – Your essay should be based mostly on arguments and not simply on opinions. Your data and evidence to support your arguments.

Practicing for the LNAT

Try out the free LNAT practice tests available on the official website and other sources.

The more you practice, the better prepared you are for the real LNAT.

Check out LawMint LNAT Practice Test – which includes 360 passages, 30 full length tests with 1260 questions and 90 essay questions.

Stay tuned for more articles on how to crack the LNAT.

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The Complete Guide On How to Ace the LNAT LawMint UK


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Mar 05, 2024

Written By Billy Sexton

Sample LNAT questions

So you’re flying the nest and leaving home to study law at university. It’s the first step on a long road to becoming a lawyer but even after you’ve sent off that lovely law personal statement and selected your five university choices, but now you have to sit the LNAT.

Of course, by now you know what the LNAT is and you’ve been preparing well, but what about practising for the LNAT and having some sample questions to check out? Don’t fear, LNAT student, AllAboutLaw is here to provide. (Don’t mention it…).

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LNAT multiple choice questions

The first part of the LNAT test is made up of 42 multiple-choice questions lasting 95 minutes. There are three or four questions for 12 argumentative passages that test your reasoning skills.

There’s no way to revise as such, as you don’t know what the passage will contain, but there are example questions you can try your hand at. Such as this one (which we borrowed from the lovely folks at The Guardian ):

Example LNAT questions

Consider the following argument:

There are numerous mentally ill offenders in our prisons. This is shameful. The only point of punishment is deterrence. But to be deterred one needs to be a rational person, and a rational person is a person who understands the likely consequences of his or her actions. Mentally ill offenders are, by definition, less than fully rational. So they cannot be deterred, and should not be in prison.

1. Which of the following is an unarticulated assumption of the argument?

(a) There are numerous mentally ill offenders in our prisons

(b) Imprisoning the mentally ill is shameful

(c) Imprisonment is a form of punishment

(d) Rational people understand the likely consequences of their actions

(e) Those who cannot be deterred should not be in prison.

2. Which of the following is a flaw in the argument?

(a) It does not tell us anything about the definition of mental illness that it is using

(b) It starts from the assumption that we should be ashamed of our prisons

(c) It suggests that we have to embark on a very troublesome review of the way that imprisonment is used as a punishment

(d) It does not allow for the possibility that some people who were not mentally ill when they offended might become mentally ill in prison

(e) It relies on statistics.

3. Which of the following can we most reliably infer that the author of the argument believes?

(a) People should not be sent to prison except as a last resort

(b) Mentally ill people should be treated in hospital for their illnesses

(c) Offenders who are not mentally ill should always be punished by imprisonment

(d) All offences have consequences

(e) The point of punishment is not rehabilitation.

LNAT stress that there is only one correct answer to these questions and they don’t include trick questions. You just have to think critically!

LNAT essay questions

The second part of the LNAT lasts for 40 minutes and is an essay based question. To prepare for this, check out our tips . One sample question, which is actually provided by LNAT themselves, is as follows: ‘In Western society, arranged marriages should no longer be tolerated.’

There are a range of arguments you could follow for this, one being the idea that in Western society, the majority of people are liberal and free to choose what they do with their own lives.

The counter-argument would be that western society prides itself on being tolerant of other cultures and traditions, therefore to intervene in such matters would be going against western principles.

More sample question advice and practice tests can be found on LNAT’s website .


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LNAT Sample Essays

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  • Updated on  
  • Dec 3, 2022

LNAT (Law National Aptitude Test)

LNAT or National Admission test for law is an aptitude test that is conducted across 89 universities in the UK before offering admissions into their law programmes . Due to an ever increasing competition, this test was developed by oxford university to solve the problems faced by institutes with respect to shortlisting candidates. LNAT is mandatory for both home as well as international students, applying for law courses in the UK . LNAT is a 130 minute long exam that consists of 2 sections; an MCQ type and an essay type. In this blog we bring you various practise questions that’ll help you ace your LNAT Sample essays.  

LNAT Sample Essays: Structure and Format

While writing the essay it is important to keep the following points in mind in order to write a well-structured essay.

  • What – try to understand the motion that is put forward. Is the motion based on law, politics, economics or ethics? What exactly is being asked of you? While writing the essay you are required to display high levels of critical thinking which must be visible in your essay.
  • Why – ask yourself why this question is being asked? What could be the purpose of such a statement? Provide evidence to suggest the accuracy or inaccuracy of the motion. Question why you are required to use certain terms, phrases or literary technique. Your analytical ability and persuasiveness will be put to test.
  • How- how is this statement concluded and what are the practicalities of implementing it? What are the ways in which this can be challenged? How can it be enforced and monitored? You will be required to provide solid logical reasoning and demonstrate how your answer forms a conclusion.
  • What if – another question you must ask yourself is about the alternatives you have provided in your essay. Are there any views to consider? What are the practical implications of the arguments you have put forth? Can those be challenges? If yes, how? Weigh in both the strengths and weaknesses of your argument.

Practise Questions 

Here are some of the best questions that can help you practise for LNAT essays: 

  • What disciplinary sanctions should teachers be allowed to use?
  • Make the best case you can for public funding of the arts.
  • How should judges be appointed?
  • ‘It is right that students should contribute to the cost of their degrees.’ Do you agree?
  • Does it matter if some animal and plant species die out?
  • What is ‘political correctness’ and why does it matter?
  • Should the law require people to vote in general elections?
  • We must be prepared to sacrifice traditional liberties to defeat terrorism.’
  • Should private cars be rationed? If so, how?
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LNAT Sample Essay

Should the privacy of the accused be maintained in Criminal legal proceedings?

The criminal justice system is rooted on the principle that the suspect is innocent until proven guilty by the court of law. This principle is applicable whether the person is renowned in the public sphere, therefore making the case susceptible to prejudice or someone wholly anonymous. Therefore, I am of the opinion that wherever possible, the anonymity of the accused ought to be maintained. There are several reasons to believe so. Firstly and most importantly, the legal system ought to be free from biases and prejudices. Secondly, publishing the accused’s identity does not serve public interest. It would be a gross breach of an individual’s right to privacy when publishing the identity.

The nature of the legal process is a dialectic process; it is a rule of thumb that the prosecutor must prove the guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt.  the defence ought to cast doubt on the case of the prosecution or prove the defendant’s innocence. This process necessitates the gathering of evidence, familiarity with the facts pertinent to the case and precedents set by the previous cases. If a defendant’s anonymity is compromised that could potentially colour the legal proceedings with public prejudice. This would be antithetical to the very nature of legal process. 

A public bias is as dangerous as any other bias and can impact the legal proceedings in negative ways. Therefore there is the possibility that the disclosure of the accused’s identity can impact the objectivity of the court. The accused only ought to be tried by the court and not by the media. 

To elaborate on the 2nd issue, the publishing of the accused identity can be extremely counterproductive and in general unhelpful to the public interest. Media trials can be extremely dehumanizing which apart from affecting the trial can additionally impact the accused life if found to be innocent.  

Most importantly, an individual’s right to privacy has been recognized as a fundamental right. A man acquitted 100 times is the same as a man once or never prosecuted at all, but seldom do the larger public view the situation from a legal perspective. The person may never escape the humiliation and public prejudice of having once been accused. 

In conclusion, I’d like to reiterate the importance of maintaining anonymity in a case of criminal accusation. It is a fair argument that the public at large ought to know the argument of the criminal who threatens their safety and security, however the principles of law dictates that a person is innocent until proven guilty. By abiding by this view, we can maintain the objectivity of the court and preserve the dignity of the accused.

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Sample LNAT Essay and Advice


The Essay forms an important part of the LNAT. Students often underestimate it, yet certain Universities place quite a considerable emphasis on the Essay in the admissions process. Head over to our Guide about LNAT Universities & Required Scores to find out more (we recommend paying attention to the official LNAT Essay mark scheme as released by University of Oxford).

Having said that, performing well in your Essay will be of great advantage to your application. The tutors are looking for candidates who possess a high level of written skill, since the study of Law revolves around delivering exceptional written arguments. Furthermore, law exams are famously known for consisting of hours dedicated to writing essays in a summative format.

To write a great essay, you need to practise under timed conditions, be well-versed on various topics, and continually analyse your performance. In particular, you should consider the following suggestions:

Be concise and succinct

Be persuasive, sample lnat essay, question: should people accused of a criminal offence retain anonymity.

“The Criminal Justice System is predicated on the supposition of innocence until guilt is proven in a court of law. This principle applies whether the defendant is known to the public and hence subject to public prejudices, or wholly anonymous prior to the alleged offence. I believe and shall argue that, wherever possible, the anonymity of the accused ought to be persevered. My reasons for thinking so are several; that the legal process must be as free from bias as is feasible; that the public interest is not served by the publishing of the accused’s identity and that the right of the individual to privacy would be breached in the publication.

First, one must consider what is the nature of the legal process; it is a dialectic process in which the prosecutor must prove the guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt; the defence must either cast doubt on the case of the prosecution or prove the defendant’s innocence outright. This will require the gathering of many articles of evidence and an extensive familiarity with the facts pertinent to the case, as well as the stipulations of the law and the precedents set by previous cases. It would be antithetical to the very nature of the legal process to allow public prejudice to colour the legal proceedings, as it potentially would in the case that the defendant’s anonymity was compromised. A beloved darling of the people would excite a general clamour in his or her defence; a public pariah would arouse the most damning of execration.

A public bias is no less heinous than any other sort of bias and it could be argued that in magnitude it far outweighs the others. Thus, the objectivity of the court, which must be assumed a priori, can only be degraded by the general knowledge of the accused’s identity and can never be served by it. The accused ought only to be tried by a court and never by mob or media.

Second, any action by a public body, such as the police or the judiciary, ought to be in service of the public interest. It is in the public interest to seek the perpetrator of a crime, as it is to punish those found guilty and to publish their names so that they may be known as criminals to the public whom they have offended. It is hard to see how the publication of an accused person’s identity can serve the public good. In the event that they are innocent, the accused will be forever the subject of suspicion in certain quarters and may suffer reprisals from members of the public who are not satisfied by the outcome of the trial. In the event that the accused is guilty, then their guilt will be published and the public will thereby learn all of the relevant details. This is not to suggest that criminal cases ought to be tried in secret courts; persons with an intimate connection either to the accused or the victim ought to be entitled to observe the proceedings, in which case the preservation of anonymity becomes a matter of individual conscience.

Third, the individual who has been accused must be afforded the general right to privacy. Legally speaking man acquitted a hundred times is as innocent as a man acquitted but once or never prosecuted at all, but the public rarely considers criminal matters from a legal perspective; if it were so, then courts would hardly be necessary. It is precisely because certain elements of the public are quick to judge and often liable to punish unjustly that a legal system is required in order to provide due process and to prevent the miscarriage of justice. The circumstances of a crime may excite unease and discontentment in many and a person may never escape the taint of having once been accused of a crime of which they were never guilty. In some cases, suspects have been killed prior to their trials; most notably, perhaps is Lee Harvey Oswald, thanks to whose death we may never know the true circumstances of the terrible crime of which he stood accused.

In conclusion, I reaffirm the importance of anonymity in the case of a criminal accusation. For whilst the public is entitled to know the identity of criminals who threaten their security and against whom the state has levied punishment, it is imperative that we presume the defendant to be innocent until guilt is confessed or proved. Upon this principle we may hope to preserve the objectivity of the court and the dignity of the accused.”

There is no exhaustive list that will allow you to write amazing essays. It is truly the case of ‘practice makes perfect’ (and being widely read!). So maybe you are tempted to write an answer to this sample LNAT Essay Question?

Well, Arbitio allows you to do just that: we have developed an Essay Writing Simulator that accurately recreates the LNAT exam environment and provided you with 20+ Questions on a variety of topics reflective of the LNAT curriculum. The Model Answers to each Essay Question will help you see what good essay writing is all about, with some salient points you may wish to adopt into your argumentative arsenal. The subscription includes Essay Marking Service, where one of our tutors will deliver detailed feedback on an essay of your choice.

U2 Tuition

Cracking the LNAT: Tips and Strategies for Success on the National Admissions Test for Law in 2024

This guide was written by one of our Oxbridge Law Tutors (Anya - Hertford College, Oxford), with expert knowledge in all things Law, Law Schools, and the LNAT. Read on for their top tips for success including what to expect, how it’s structured, and what score you need to get to feel secure.

LNAT study guide

What is the LNAT Test?

Like with many subjects, Oxford and Cambridge require a good score in an admissions test for a candidate to be considered for a place on their Law course – this is the Law National Aptitude Test , frequently called the LNAT. However, unlike some other subjects, the LNAT is also required by many other prestigious institutions across the country, such as the University of Bristol, University of Durham, and University College London, to name but a few. As such, it’s important to do some LNAT prep prior to the exam to make sure you have the best shot possible at getting a good mark.

The LNAT is a two-part admissions test by Pearson , usually sat in an Pearson centre using a computer – similar to how you’d sit a driving theory test. It’s purpose is not to test your knowledge of the law, but instead to test your critical thinking skills and essay-writing technique . This is because university law courses are structured with the assumption that you have not studied the law before – there is no prior knowledge required, just good skills of analysis, communication and critical thinking . As Law as a degree mainly consists of digesting long passages of verbose text and restructuring them into a clear, intelligible essay, these skills are extremely valuable to universities, and this test provides them with evidence as to how you perform in these areas.

How do I know if I need to take the LNAT?

As mentioned above, there is a list of institutions in the UK that require the LNAT. These institutions are as follows:

The University of Bristol

The University of Cambridge

Durham University

The University of Glasgow

King’s College London

London School of Economics

The University of Oxford

SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies), University of London

University College London

The international universities IE and Singapore University of Social Sciences also may require the LNAT under ‘some circumstances’, and the official webpage for the national admissions test for law advises the applicant to ‘check with the universities directly for details’. 

If you need to sit the LNAT, you apply online and book a test using your LNAT web account. You must travel to a Pearson centre on your booked date to sit the LNAT test. You cannot resit the LNAT in the same application cycle, so it’s very important to get in your LNAT practice and use resources like this LNAT guide to make sure you’re prepared!

The LNAT Test: What to Expect, and How it is Structured

The LNAT exam is 2 hours and 15 minutes long , and separated into two parts, Section A and Section B.

In the first part – section A – you will answer 42 multiple choice questions on 12 passages of text, and you have 95 minutes to complete the section. The passages are usually about 1 page long, and will be followed by 3-5 multiple choice questions. It’s important to note that these passages usually aren’t related to law – they can be about any topic in the world, from Formula 1 to chicken farming, and are used to test your reading comprehension and critical thinking skills, as well as whether you can get a good general understanding of difficult passages and arguments in a short period of time.

The questions in this part will usually ask you to identify specific details in the text, or understand the general argument made in the text. However, this is often not as easy as it sounds. Oftentimes, it will appear as though every multiple-choice answer is correct, but this is never the case. It is easiest to think about which options cannot be disproved, as opposed to which one is most easily proved, but we will discuss this in more detail later.

In Section B, you have to write one essay from a choice of three questions. As with the multiple choice questions, it is unlikely that these will be law-based, and they can be on any topic – so you’re not guaranteed to have a good knowledge of the subject matter. As such, it tests your ability to form and structure a coherent argument effectively and persuasively. You have 40 minutes to write the essay.

LNAT preparation

Mastering the LNAT : Our Oxbridge Law Tutor's Top Tips

General tips for the lnat in 2024.

Firstly, some general advice: start early. As the LNAT is not a content-based test, there is no way to ensure your success by cram-revising material the night before. In order to get to grips with the test and timings, you want to start plenty in advance and engage with your LNAT practice little and often. It’s good to try and start before August so that you have a lot of time to get used to answering the type of questions asked – doing a couple of multiple choice questions a week, and/or a practice essay, can be a great start and engages your brain with the type of critical thinking required in the exam. Intensify your practice as you get closer to the exam date, but be careful not to overwork yourself and burn out.

Timing is incredibly important in the exam. It’s so, so important to stick to timings, and you’ll find that running out of time is the most difficult barrier you’ll face. As you practice, allow yourself strictly 8 minutes per passage in Section A, and 40 minutes per essay in Section B. This includes reading the passage and answering the questions. This will seem difficult at first, but practising more questions will improve your speed as you get used to them.

LNAT: Section A

Now, for some specific tips on Section A. It is important to note that, as I mentioned above, it will frequently seem like all of the multiple choice answers to a question about a passage could be correct – but this is never the case. Therefore, I found it easier if I inverted how I was thinking about the answers in my head, and searched for not which was the most right, but instead, which was the least wrong. While this may seem identical in principle, imagine it like this: I imagined I was looking for whichever statement a rival prosecutor could not conjure an argument in opposition of, from the information in the passage. Often, when you’re stuck, an alternative way of thinking such as this can really help you to re-visualise what you’re being asked, and help you find an answer.

This next tip is the one that completely revolutionised my LNAT practice: do not read the multiple choice answers until you already have an idea of what the answer could be. Read the passage, and then read the question, but cover up the answers beneath it with your hand. Think about how you would answer the question, and then look at the answers, and see which of them is the closest to what you previously thought. This prevents you from second-guessing yourself when you see another viable answer as an option.

  LNAT: Section B  

Now for some Section B tips. Section B is harder to give advice for, since it’s purpose is to show universities your essay writing style, and the coherency and persuasiveness of your arguments, all of which are individual to the applicant. However, there are a few general things that should improve the quality of your Section B.

Firstly, make each of your points very clear. You want to have one driving argument throughout your essay, and a clear point in each paragraph. Make sure these points are clear and decisive, and can easily be picked out of your writing, as they not only make your argument more persuasive but also add structure to your essay by making clear the issue you’re discussing. 

Secondly, consider including three different types of analysis: descriptive, analytic, and normative . Descriptive involves describing your point – what is the thing you’re discussing? For example, should your essay be about fishing, what aspect of fishing are you writing about? Analytic involves the analysis of your point – why is it like this? Why could fishing cause controversy, why would you choose to argue this? And finally normative is the ‘should’; it involves making a judgement about the point up for discussion, sometimes involving the consideration of precedent, ethics and morals. Should fishing be causing this controversy? Including these three different kinds of analysis need not be explicit in your writing in paragraphs, but can help to structure your writing and provide you with something to write if none of the topics are quite what you’d hoped for.


Top LNAT Practice Resources

If you want to practice these tips, you’re going to want to get your hands on some practice resources. There are lots of available resources both in the form of LNAT practice exams and revision books, so there is a range of ways to do your LNAT preparation online, or with a book.

For a physical resource, there are countless LNAT practice books to choose from. An excellent choice is ‘The Ultimate LNAT Collection’ by William Anthony and Dr Rohan Agarwal, which contains over 600 practice questions and solutions. If you choose to use a physical resource, using a timer on your phone to ensure you’re practising the 8-minute per question-set timing correctly can really help your practice. There are plenty of other good LNAT practice books too, available for purchase online and in bookstores, so pick one that suits you.

The official LNAT website also is a good bet to look at prior to taking the test. This website offers free practice tests, study guides, and a range of resources to help you prepare for the LNAT.

If you are looking for a cohesive guide to the Law application process, look no further than the U2 Law Interview Preparation Guide which will guide you through every step to getting accepted onto your dream course, including some recommended reading to get your mind buzzing in advance of the LNAT test.

What score do I need to get in the LNAT exam?

There is no ‘pass mark’ for the LNAT, however different universities have different expectations of how they would like you to perform. In the 2021/ 2022 academic year, the average score obtained by successful Oxford applicants was 28.25 , but for Bristol it was 25 . It is ideal to aim for an LNAT score of approximately 27 , but the average LNAT score can change drastically from year to year – it dropped from 22.9 in 2015/2016 to 17.9 in 2016/2017. In 2021/2022, the average LNAT score was 20.8.

How are the marks calculated?

Section A is marked by offering one mark per correct multiple-choice answer. This is how the average LNAT score is calculated. However, while no distinct ‘mark’ is given, it’s important to focus on Section B too, as many universities will put a lot of weight on the essay section.

How can U2 help you with your LNAT preparation?

If you determine that a tutor will be the right investment in your LNAT journey, then U2 Tuition can offer you a personalised tuition experience with an expert LNAT tutor. See our Law School page to find out all the ways in which we can support your application.

Outside of the tuition sessions, your U2 LNAT tutor will also provide you with targeted homework in order to maximise your time during the LNAT preparation cycle and so that you reinforce all the concepts needed to score above the national average.

We have been honoured to guide dozens of students to the LNAT finish line and help them overcome a major obstacle to reaching their Law School dreams. If you would like to hear more about how a U2 LNAT tutor can help you on your LNAT journey, book a free consultation to discuss your goals and LNAT prep strategy with one of our expert tutors.

Best of luck!

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The u2 guide to mba preparation in 2024: application timeline, top tips & interview skills.

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National Admissions Test for Law (LNAT) Guide

Everything you should know before taking the LNAT and how to be successful. The LNAT is an admissions test used by top UK universities to help select successful applicants to their Law degree programmes.

  • Register for the LNAT
  • Tips for a Successful Applicant
  • How to Pass the LNAT

Everything you should know before taking the LNAT and how to be successful!


The LNAT is an admissions test used by top UK universities to help select successful applicants to their Law degree programmes. The LNAT, tailored specifically for Law applicants, focuses on assessing candidates' legal reasoning and aptitude for law studies. By incorporating the LNAT into the selection process, top UK universities can identify students who not only possess a passion for Law but also exhibit the intellectual acumen required to thrive in their law programs.


Applicants for a Law course at most of the top UK universities will most likely be required to take the LNAT, including Oxford and Cambridge universities. Other UK law schools which require the LNAT are: University of Bristol, Durham University, UCL, University of Nottingham, University of Glasgow, King’s College London, and SOAS.

If you’re applying for Cambridge and have heard of the CLT, or Cambridge Law Test, then you might be asking yourself ‘does Cambridge require LNAT’? The CLT is an older, Cambridge-specific admissions test that Cambridge University used to use instead of the LNAT, but from last year’s admissions cycle onwards, the LNAT has replaced the CLT as the current Cambridge law admissions test.


The LNAT is taken on a computer and is made up of two sections:

The first section is multiple choice, consisting of 42 questions which are to be answered in 95 minutes. The questions in this section will be around a series of texts (12 texts, to be precise), for each of which there will be 3-4 questions.

The second section of the test is a 40-minute essay section. You will be able to pick one out of three possible prompts from which to write an essay that demonstrates your ability to argue a point of view concisely and effectively.


In the second section of the paper, students will be able to choose one from three different prompts to respond to in an essay format.


Oxford and Cambridge University use the LNAT as a standardised format for assessing and benchmarking their applicants. The exam rewards problem solving and the construction of arguments over specific legal knowledge, so that students taking different qualifications at school can access the syllabus.

Oxbridge uses students’ marks in the LNAT to make decisions about which applicants they should invite to interview. Results in the LNAT are generally a good (although not surefire) indicator of an applicant’s likelihood of being selected for interview.

Other universities use the LNAT score as additional context in their decision-making process for admissions to law-related courses.


The LNAT is marked out of a total 42 points. The average score is usually somewhere between 20-24 points. A good LNAT score would be higher than the average for top UK universities, with Oxford and Cambridge generally accepting the highest average scores. Oxford University has the highest average score, with their 2021/2022 data showing that the average LNAT score for candidates accepted onto the law course was 27.03.


The LNAT is a test of skills, such as critical thinking, analysis, and essay-writing, rather than of any particular content knowledge. Although the content is not specific to any school syllabus, the skills that you will be using to take the test will be those taught and practised in your A-level (or equivalent) humanities subjects, such as English, History, or Sociology, so we recommend focusing on these skills. It can be difficult to identify tasks and exercises to practise these skills; our specialist tutors who have experience of advising students taking other qualifications and help them fill in knowledge gaps.

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How to register for the LNAT


Unlike other admissions tests, the LNAT does not have to be taken on a specific date, but rather tests are taken on a rolling schedule between September and January (for entry the following September). The date by which an applicant should register for and take the test depends on which university they are applying for:

For Oxford and Cambridge applicants, you must register for the LNAT between the 1st of August and the 15th of September, and sit the test by the 16th of October UCAS deadline. This ensures that the university has your test results along with your application to help them shortlist candidates in time for December interviews.

For applicants to King’s College London and LSE, applicants must sit the LNAT before the 31st of December.

For applicants to all other institutions requiring the LNAT, you must have registered for the test and booked your test slot by the 20th of January, have sat the test by the 25th of January, and have submitted your UCAS form by the 31st of January deadline (6pm UK time).

If you’re struggling to keep on top of dates and deadlines, head to our website to download our free University Application Calendar, which features registration deadlines and test dates for all major UK admissions tests, as well as other key dates such as UCAS deadlines, interview dates, open days, and more.


The deadline for LNAT registration and testing can be a little confusing, since it differs based on which university/universities you’re applying to, but the rule of thumb is that you must have sat your LNAT by the deadline on which your UCAS form is due (although you may sit the test after submitting your application form if you have done so in advance of the deadline). You must register on the LNAT website before you can choose a test centre and select a date and time on which to sit your test. Remember that the sooner you register and select a slot, the more times there will be available, so we recommend doing it as soon as possible to avoid timetable clashes.


The LNAT costs £75 at UK or EU test centres, and £120 at test centres outside of the EU.

Tips from a Successful Law Student


  • Familiarise Yourself with Legal Issues: Engage with legal news, cases, and debates to enhance your understanding of legal matters and the broader legal context.
  • Practise Critical Thinking: Regularly engage in activities that promote critical thinking, such as solving puzzles, debating ethical issues, and analysing complex arguments.
  • Refine Essay Writing Skills: Work on constructing well-organised essays with a clear thesis and supported evidence.
  • Time Management: Practise answering multiple-choice questions and writing essays under timed conditions to improve your time management skills during the LNAT. For access to bespoke, true-to-life mock papers with which to practise your timing skills, head to our Admissions Test Resources hub and browse our exclusive collections.
  • Seek Feedback: Share your practice essays and responses with teachers or mentors to receive constructive feedback and refine your legal analysis and writing skills. Previous Oxbridge (or other top UK University) Law graduates, such as our mentors here at Oxbridge Applications, are also a great source of knowledge to draw on, as they can give you an accurate picture of what it means to perform like a real University Lawyer.


In addition to official LNAT past and specimen papers on the LNAT Website, we at Oxbridge Applications have written a series of additional mock papers. Our students have 33% more questions to practise with. Our mock LNAT papers can be found here and are included with our admissions test tuition. All of our LNAT tutors are highly-trained Oxbridge graduates who can share their personally insights of having sat the test. You can contact our Oxbridge-graduate Consultants on +44 (0) 20 7499 2394 or email [email protected] to discuss which of our test training would suit you best. We also have an online testing portal for students who want to sit the exam in timed, test conditions.


At Oxbridge Applications, we pride ourselves in providing up-to-date advice and unrivalled expertise. As well as collating information from publicly available sources, we also conduct our own research into the application process; for example, by surveying the thousands of students we support each year. Speak to an Oxbridge Applications expert today for advice on your specific situation!

How to Pass the LNAT?

The best advice we can offer to succeed the LNAT exam is to begin exam preparation early and practise often.

Most students who don’t get through the LNAT to be invited to interview tell us that they didn’t spend enough time familiarising themselves with the type of questions that can arise. They typically say that they were caught off guard by a particular question and it put their timings off for the rest of the test.


Since no specific subject knowledge is required for the LNAT, challenge yourself to begin working through past papers and familiarising yourself with the questions as soon as possible.

Reflect on your personal strengths and weaknesses. No two students should have the same revision strategy for the LNAT, since you all have varying abilities.Try to identify which parts of the paper you find easier and which you find more difficult; this should help you strategically plan your preparation.


Don’t restrict your practice materials: Once you have tried all of the past and sample papers from the LNAT website, and have moved on to additional materials like our bespoke LNAT papers, you should then look wider at similar materials. For example, take a look at law, philosophical, or critical thinking exam papers. This could offer you a wider array of practice material and help train your flexibility to unseen materials.


Work with a friend or teacher to discuss questions and identify your own personal revision goals. Working with others can be a huge motivation and keep you on track in the weeks and months leading up to the test. We have specialist LNAT tutors who can work with you one-to-one to refine your test technique.


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Available all year-round and includes 4 private admissions test tuition sessions and four test papers, which are marked by expert Oxbridge-graduate tutors.

LNAT Admission Private Tuition x6

Available: Year-Round and includes 6 private admissions test tuition sessions and six test papers which are marked by expert Oxbridge-graduate tutors.

Past LNAT test papers

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Oxford Tutors

Applying for Law? Your guide to the LNAT

Editorial Team

Whether you’ve been preparing for it for the past few months, or have read the horror stories on the Student Room forums, if you’re doing the LNAT, you’re serious about studying Law.  

So what is the lnat how do you prepare for it  , the national admissions test for law (lnat) is a law entrance exam required by some of the top universities in the uk (including oxford, kings, ucl, durham and birmingham)., things to know first, 1 — you can’t study for it.    the lnat is not a test about law, it is a test about your ability as a law student. given that law is not a subject usually studied in school, nor is it linked to other subjects (in the way that, for example, engineering is rooted in physics), the lnat doesn’t test you on the uk legal system. what it does test is your ability to interpret texts and write nuanced essays on controversial issues.  , 2 — it is meant to be hard.   if you’ve done your research, you’ve probably seen people write online about how they’ve achieved anywhere from 19-30/42. the truth is that the lnat is an inherently difficult test, with the national average reported at 20/42 and successful oxbridge applicants averaging at 26/42. so don’t get stressed if you don’t get top marks in your practice tests — you’re not supposed to  , section a:  multiple-choice  , the multiple-choice section is the biggest part of the exam and the one which gives students the most difficult time. tasked with reading 12 texts on anything from philosophy to science, you are given a set of 42 questions to answer in 95 minutes.  , given the variety of texts, this is not a test of pre-existing knowledge, but of your ability to interpret and answer questions on the specific text.  (what is the writer’s main argument  why does she put a certain word in quotation marks what is the writer trying to say when he uses x metaphor)  , here’s a useful formula for tackling each multiple-choice question:, 1 — question.    what is the question asking this is extremely important as many students trip on the subtle words used in the question. the reader may be able to infer a difference between the writer’s personal view  and  the views expressed in the text . focus on the actual words used: some of the questions will have specific word in bold type to add extra emphasis, so keep a look out for these.  , 2 — context.    make sure you read the entire text before beginning to answer the questions. even though some questions refer to specific paragraphs of the text, it is important to a sense of the text as a whole so that you don’t miss the point of a question.  having a firm understanding of the context will help you answer questions on a writer’s choice of quotation marks or his use of certain word pairings., 3 — answer.    given that it’s multiple-choice, no distinction is made between choosing an answer which is totally wrong and one which is close to the correct answer. thus, while a process-of-elimination approach will help to narrow the options, you must learn to justify your answer using evidence in the text, as a lawyer does when presenting arguments in court. when you go about answering questions, reassure yourself that your answer is correct by looking for sentences in the text which support your answer rather than going on a ‘gut feeling’. (statistics also show that if you do go with your gut-feeling, more than 50% of the time your first choice is the correct answer, so don’t overthink a question either) , 4 — timing.    remember that you are under strict timed conditions. when you get stuck on a question (as we all inevitably do), don’t spend too much time worrying over it. the cost-benefit analysis shows that losing one point on this difficult question is worth the extra 5 or 6 you can make by saving time and skipping over it. spend an average of 2.5 minutes on each question. if you get stuck on one, move on and come back to it later when you’ve answered all the other questions.  , important note : the multiple-choice section is 95 minutes long, so even if you finish the section early, do not go directly to the essay section as the time you’ve saved does not roll over to the essay section.  , section b: essay , the essay section is not marked by the lnat. your essay is sent to each university’s admissions officer for independent review, so in some respects this section is more important than the multiple-choice section.  , you will be presented with a set of 3 essay questions on a variety of topics (i.e. human cloning, censorship, doping, voting). you have 40 minutes to choose one and provide an answer. what all these have in common is that they are fairly controversial issues, with no clear answer — so avoid providing a one-sided essay. to help prepare yourself, be sure to stay up to date on current affairs  , in choosing an essay question, make sure that you have a fair level of knowledge on the issue itself for a balanced answer i.e. know both sides of the debate. also be sure to have an understanding of the question itself and what it is asking you to do., take 5 minutes to plan your essay: this will help avoid the trap of writing out half your essay only to realise that you misunderstood the question or have a better way of answering it, which may lead you to starting from scratch or making a confusing/awkward u-turn in the middle of your arguments.  , my tips for tackling the essay question:, 1 — semantics.    focus on the wording of the question. what words are used and why have they been chosen a recent essay question “cheating can be justified” found students ignoring the word justified completely and instead writing an essay on how cheating can be excused in certain circumstances.  , 2 — clashing arguments.    in every essay topic there is a specific issue in the debate which both parties disagree (for example, on abortion: the status of the foetus). a great essay will directly deal with these points of clash rather than choose arguments and counter-arguments that have nothing to do with another.  , 3 — the strong-arm.    once you have presented these clashes, the key is to justify why your argument outweighs the counter-argument. think of yourself as a judge: when you write your essay you must represent both sides of the debate, and then assert why you believe one argument is stronger than the other.  , 4 — fit paragraphs.    an issue with lnat essays is that students tend to bloat their paragraphs by taking excessive time to develop one point. while this may add more refinement and power to that point, it is important to understand that in the 40 minutes you have to write your essay you should prioritise providing a balanced analysis on 2-3 issues of clash. that means your points have to be lean, cutting down on unnecessary words or sentences. useful tool to help you do this will be using the peel (point, explanation, evidence, link) structure which you may have been taught in school. , one of the most important things to remember when doing the lnat is do not stress. stress is the #1 exam killer. so long as you practice using the free lnat practice papers on the official lnat website and follow these tips, there is no reason why you should worry. the lnat isn’t the be-all or end-all, it is just one component of your university application. prepare well and do your best, and your skills will be reflected on the test.  , to find out more about the lnat or for specific advice or lnat tutoring, you’re most welcome to book a session with one of our experts.  , max is reading law at st anne’s college, oxford ([email protected]).

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Essay Questions

Lnat questions – essay advice.

This page has free essay questions and advice for LNAT essays.

LNAT essays should be 500 words minimum to 700 words maximum.

This equals 2 to two and a half pages on the computer screen.

You will get 40 minutes to write your LNAT essay.

Essay Questions for the LNAT – Scoring

Your LNAT essay response will not be marked as such.

So, you won’t receive a score for your essay.

Different universities use the LNAT essay for different admissions purposes.

Essay Questions for the LNAT – Free Samples

LNAT essay questions will be in the form of either a question or a statement.

Here are some LNAT essay questions for you to practise:

Should public transport be compulsory in certain areas?

Being fair to the community is more important than being just to the individual. Discuss.

Make the best argument you can for full government funding of undergraduate education.

“Everyone would benefit from doing a stint of manual labour.” Do you agree?

Animal rights should be sacrificed when human life might be at stake. Discuss.

Should the government do more to encourage people into the teaching profession?

LNAT Practice Tests and Essay Writing Guide


  1. LNAT: The Definitive LNAT Starter Guide For 2023

    lnat essay student room

  2. LNAT Essay Structure

    lnat essay student room

  3. How to Write a Great LNAT Essay

    lnat essay student room

  4. How to Write a Great LNAT Essay

    lnat essay student room

  5. Lnat Essay Mark Scheme For Igcse

    lnat essay student room

  6. LNAT Preparation Online

    lnat essay student room


  1. Conception: Please Give Birth To My Child! Episode: 1-12

  2. How to Write Essay For Lat Test

  3. A Day In Life Of Latur Student (NEET ASPIRANT)

  4. Essay on Student Life in English| Student Life Essay|

  5. A Law Student's Week At Nlu Delhi |Law School Study Vlog [law School Diaries]

  6. The LNAT from a students perspective


  1. LNAT Essay Prep

    The Student Room and The Uni Guide are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. 806 8067 22 Registered Office: Imperial House, 2nd Floor, 40-42 Queens Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 3XB

  2. LNAT Essay

    Hi everyone, I've written a practice LNAT essay and was wondering whether anyone could give me some feedback. ... The Student Room and The Uni Guide are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. 806 8067 22 Registered Office: Imperial House, 2nd Floor, 40-42 Queens Road, Brighton, East ...

  3. LNAT Essay

    LNAT Essay; Watch. 11 years ago. LNAT Essay. Ello! Hey everyone, I've been lurking on TSR for a while, and I've seen how useful it can be! ... The Student Room and The Uni Guide are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. 806 8067 22 Registered Office: Imperial House, 2nd Floor, 40-42 ...

  4. LNAT Essay

    MCQ is scaling nicely, around 27/28 but have not started on developing LNAT essay skills as PS: Posting on behalf of my child. (edited 1 year ago) 0 Report. Reply. Reply 1. 1 year ago. Reality Check. 22. ... The Student Room and The Uni Guide are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No ...

  5. LNAT Essay: Section B of the LNAT

    Writing the LNAT Essay. The following tips can help you write a compelling LNAT essay: Introduction: The introduction should be brief and clear. It should introduce the topic and provide a thesis statement that outlines the argument you will make in the essay. Structure: The essay should be well-structured and organised.

  6. Practice tests

    The system has 'cut', 'copy', 'paste', 'undo' and 'redo' functions (using the buttons above the essay pane). There are no other word-processing functions, eg no spell check. The system has a built-in word count at the bottom of the essay pane. The recommended maximum length for an LNAT essay is 750 words.. Ideally you should ...

  7. How to prepare

    Reading a quality daily newspaper will help you to be aware of the world around you. The LNAT essay topics will not be specifically about current affairs, and you will not be judged by what facts you know. But knowing how the world ticks, in general terms, will help you to write intelligently about a host of different topics.

  8. Everything you need to know about the LNAT for 2024 entry

    LNAT is a 2-hour 15-minute exam, divided into two sections A and B. The first part consists of 42 multiple-choice questions based on 12 passages of the academic text and it has to be completed in 95 minutes. Afterwards, candidates have 40 minutes to write an argumentative essay on one of the three available topics.

  9. Sample essays

    Sample essays; Sample essays. Sample essay questions and suggested reading. Here are a few sample essay questions for you to think about. Remember that you get 40 minutes to write a recommended maximum of 750 words - ideally about 500-600 words. We also have sample answers to some of these questions. See download links at bottom of this page.

  10. LNAT Essay: Top 6 Tips

    The LNAT essay section throws you into a world of diverse topics, demanding the construction and articulation of a strong argument. Within the 40-minute time frame, you must craft an essay that resonates with each university requiring the LNAT.This section acts as a litmus test, allowing universities to evaluate crucial skills in prospective law students.

  11. The Complete Guide On How to Ace the LNAT 2024 and 2025

    The LNAT essay question screen will have buttons for 'cut', 'copy', 'paste', 'undo' and 'redo'. There is no spelling or grammar check function. The system has a built-in word counter at the bottom of the text field. The ideal length of the essay is 500-to-600-words, translating to approximately one A4 page of content; to be ...

  12. Writing the LNAT: A student perspective

    Here are some practical tips to help you prepare effectively: 1. Review Sample Papers: Begin by studying sample LNAT papers available online. These resources provide insight into the types of passages and questions you'll encounter. Work through them to get a feel for the test's structure and difficulty level. 2.

  13. Sample LNAT questions

    LNAT stress that there is only one correct answer to these questions and they don't include trick questions. You just have to think critically! LNAT essay questions. The second part of the LNAT lasts for 40 minutes and is an essay based question. To prepare for this, check out our tips. One sample question, which is actually provided by LNAT ...

  14. LNAT Sample Essays: Questions, Format, Structure

    This was all about LNAT essay questions. We hope this blog has given you a brief Idea as to how to go about your essay. In case you need additional guidance in navigating various aptitude tests and exams, get in touch with our experts at Leverage Edu today! Call us immediately at 1800 57 2000 for a free 30-minute counselling session.

  15. Arbitio

    The Essay forms an important part of the LNAT. Students often underestimate it, yet certain Universities place quite a considerable emphasis on the Essay in the admissions process. Head over to our Guide about LNAT Universities & Required Scores to find out more (we recommend paying attention to the official LNAT Essay mark scheme as released ...

  16. Cracking the LNAT: Tips and Strategies for Success on the National

    What is the LNAT Test? Like with many subjects, Oxford and Cambridge require a good score in an admissions test for a candidate to be considered for a place on their Law course - this is the Law National Aptitude Test, frequently called the LNAT. However, unlike some other subjects, the LNAT is also required by many other prestigious institutions across the country, such as the University of ...

  17. LNAT Oxbridge Application Resources

    The LNAT is a test of skills, such as critical thinking, analysis, and essay-writing, rather than of any particular content knowledge. Although the content is not specific to any school syllabus, the skills that you will be using to take the test will be those taught and practised in your A-level (or equivalent) humanities subjects, such as ...

  18. Applying for Law? Your guide to the LNAT

    Whether you've been preparing for it for the past few months, or have read the horror stories on the Student Room forums, if you're doing the LNAT, you're serious about studying Law. ... 4 — Fit Paragraphs An issue with LNAT essays is that students tend to bloat their paragraphs by taking excessive time to develop one point. While this ...


    The Law National Admissions Test (LNAT) is a difficult examination that is used by a number of universities, in order to determine which candidates are the best fit for their law programme. The LNAT requires an understanding of various cultural, social and ethical issues. The questions asked in the LNAT will test you on the skills needed to ...

  20. Essay Questions for the LNAT

    This page has free essay questions and advice for LNAT essays. LNAT essays should be 500 words minimum to 700 words maximum. This equals 2 to two and a half pages on the computer screen. You will get 40 minutes to write your LNAT essay. Essay Questions for the LNAT - Scoring. Your LNAT essay response will not be marked as such.