
How to Easily Make a Multimedia Presentation (Tools & Templates)

Learn how to create a multimedia presentation in 6 steps with videos, GIFs, animations, audio, & photos. Go beyond PowerPoint - capture attention & engage.

multimedia presentation on unity

Dominika Krukowska

7 minute read

How to make a multimedia presentation

Short answer

What is a multimedia presentation?

A multimedia presentation is a deck that uses a blend of text, images, audio, video, and interactive content to captivate an audience. It's a dynamic, engaging way to share your story where each media element plays its part to create a memorable experience.

Why PowerPoint is the wrong tool for multimedia presentations

Most of us are still using PowerPoint to create our presentations. And knowing intimately how to create a multimedia presentation in PowerPoint, I can tell you it’s not easy, and it ain’t fun.

This is a problem because the work you’ll have to put in to create a half-decent multimedia presentation with PowerPoint is not worth the outcome.

Sorry, but the tool was just not built for this. And trying to force it to do something it wasn’t meant to do will take away from your ability to tell an engaging story.

Wanna know why?

1) PowerPoint was built for how stories were told 30 years ago

PowerPoint's technology hasn't evolved much since its inception. If you're using it for your business presentations, you're relying on a static decades-old content format while your audience is used to getting their content in a very different way.

Most of us now expect dynamic and interactive content, videos, audio, and clickable elements we control. That’s not PowerPoint.

2) It’s hard to design (well) with PowerPoint

Creating an attractive PowerPoint presentation requires a good eye for design and a fair amount of time. Even little tweaks can ruin the layout, as PowerPoint has no safeguards that prevent you from commiting design crimes.

3) Personalizing with PowerPoint takes ages

If you want to personalize presentations for different audiences, you need to create separate files for that and tweak them manually. This will take you absolute ages and leaves plenty of room for error.

4) It has a horrible mobile experience

We know for a fact that 1 in 3 presentations being viewed on mobile devices . But PowerPoint was not built for mobile, and you wouldn't wish a PPT mobile experience on your worst enemy.

This means that if your audience doesn't live in a mobile-free zone, PowerPoint is a massive drawback.

5) PowerPoint has no analytics

PowerPoint doesn't provide an analytics dashboard, which means you don't have access to valuable feedback. You can’t measure if your presentation is nailing it or getting the same attention as the dishes in your sink.

This is a problem. Because if you don’t know how you perform, you can’t improve.

Here’s what a PowerPoint looks like compared to a modern interactive multimedia presentation:

Static PPT example

How to create engaging multimedia presentations in 6 easy steps

Now let’s see how a modern multimedia presentation is done. For some of us, creating a presentation that resonates can feel overwhelming. But with the right presentation maker and a clear plan, it's as easy as following a recipe.

6 steps to create a multimedia presentation:

1. Tell our AI what presentation you want to create

Are you pitching a product , explaining a concept, or presenting quarterly results? Tell our AI the purpose of your presentation. This helps it generate content that's on point and relevant.

2. Introduce yourself, your company, and your product or service

You can also start by giving our AI a brief rundown of who you are, what your company does, the product you're showcasing, and the industry you're in. This helps the AI understand your context and tailor the presentation to your needs.

Introduce yourself to Storydoc's AI assistant

3. Pick a design template

No need to start from scratch. Storydoc offers a variety of presentation templates optimized for performance based on real-world data. Choose one that aligns with your brand and message.

Pick a Storydoc design template

4. Customize your presentation

Now, it's time to make the presentation truly yours. Add your text, tweak the design, and watch as the template adjusts to accommodate your content.

Sprinkle in some interactivity with clickable tabs, real-time variables for charts, or any other interactive elements that fit your content.

Then, upload your own multimedia or let our AI generate some for you.

Customizable Storydoc multimedia presentation

5. Add dynamic personalization

Our no-code editor allows you to easily add dynamic variables to your multimedia presentation. This means that you can personalize your decks at scale in just a few clicks.

The main benefit? Every deck looks like it was tailor-made for each specific reader, which can make your audience feel special and, in turn, significantly boost engagement.

Personalized Storydoc multimedia presentation

6. Review and refine your presentation

Take a moment to review your presentation. Make sure everything looks good, the flow makes sense, and your message is clear.

But making a mistake is not as critical as it is with PowerPoint since Storydoc lives online and not on your audience’s computer.

So If you need to fix any mistakes after the presentation has been sent over, you still can. You control the version everybody sees, forever.

Storydoc multimedia presentation

7. Advanced: Improve your presentation based on insights from analytics

Every presentation you create using Storydoc comes with access to an extensive analytics suite that gives you real-time insights into how your deck is performing.

Finally, you can see when your presentation is opened, how much time is spent on each slide, and even when your audience drops off. This enables you to quickly identify and fix any bad content.

One of the most powerful features of Storydoc's analytics panel is the ability to compare different versions of your presentation.

You can use this to A/B test your presentations, remove the guesswork, and continually improve based on data.

Even better, Storydoc's analytics panel integrates with your CRM and email marketing software . This means you can see all your data in your CRM where you and your team are already working, and use it to inform your sales and marketing strategies.

If you want to learn more about how it works, watch this short video:

Storydoc analytics pa

How to use multimedia to bring your presentation to life (3 techniques)

Multimedia is more than just a way to make your presentation look more cool—it can transform your content into an immersive, interactive experience that people enjoy and share with friends and colleagues.

Let me show you how you can strategically leverage multimedia to captivate your audience, simplify complex ideas, and create a lasting impact.

3 key multimedia techniques that maximize engagement:

1. Narrate your design through scrollytelling

Scrollytelling is a unique blend of scrolling and storytelling. It's an interactive way of presenting content that takes your audience on a narrative journey as they scroll through the presentation.

This approach combines text, images, videos, and animations into “scenes” in a play that readers can move through at their own pace.

Scrollytelling simplifies complex content into easy to understand pieces which reduces cognitive load, increases comprehension, and makes your content highly memorable.

Here’s an example of Storydoc scrollytelling:

Narrator slide example

2. Bring yourself into the presentation with video bubble narration

Video bubble narration is a unique way to personalize your multimedia presentation. It involves adding a small video of yourself to your deck, providing commentary or extra insights.

The video bubble gives your audience a sense of connection with you, making the presentation more personal and engaging.

It's like having a one-on-one conversation with each member of your audience, which can significantly enhance their interest and investment in your deck.

3. Tell stories with animations and videos

Animations and videos can bring your message to life, illustrate complex processes, and provide visual examples that reinforce your points.

For instance, an animation could be used to demonstrate a process step-by-step, making it easier for your audience to understand.

A video could provide a real-world example that supports your argument, making your content more relatable and impactful.

Here’s a great example by one of our clients:

Octopai - Outbound sales one-pager

Octopai - Outbound sales one-pager

An outbound one-pager identifying a problem in modern-day analytics and offering an easy-to-grasp solution.

How to make highly engaging presentations with multimedia

Using multimedia is not just about adding visual flash—it's about guiding your audience's attention, enhancing understanding, and encouraging interaction.

Let's explore how simple animations and interactive content elevate your presentations from boring to share-worthy.

1. Direct attention using simple animations

Animations are a great way to guide your audience's attention. But complex or dominant animations can be distracting and may take attention away from your text message.

How to direct attention using animation:

  • Arrows: Arrows can be used to point out key information or guide your audience through a process. They're a simple yet effective way to direct attention where you want it.
  • Entrance animation: Entrance animations can be used to introduce new content or highlight a key point. They can create a sense of anticipation and make your presentation more dynamic.
  • Grayed-out content: Graying out content that's not currently relevant can help your audience focus on the key points. It's a subtle yet effective way to guide your audience's attention.

Here’s an example of what it looks like:

Example of grayed-out content

2. Get readers involved using interactive content

Interactive content makes your presentation more engaging and gives your audience a sense of control. It also makes your content more memorable, as people tend to remember things they actively engage with.

Interactive content you can incorporate into your presentations:

  • Tabs: Tabs allow you to neatly organize your content into sections, making it easy for your audience to navigate through your presentation. For instance, you could use tabs to separate different topics or information intended for different target groups.
  • Sliders: Sliders are a dynamic way to present a range of data or to show progression. For example, you could use a slider to illustrate the growth of your company over time or to show how a particular metric changes under different scenarios.
  • Calculators: Interactive calculators add a personal touch to your deck. They allow your audience to input their own data and see personalized results. For instance, you could use a calculator to show potential savings from using your product or to calculate ROI.
  • Live graphs: Live graphs take data visualization to the next level. Instead of static charts, live graphs allow your audience to interact with the data. They can zoom in on specific data points, compare different data sets, or see how the data changes over time.

Here’s an example of a presentation using interactive content:

Interactive presentation example

Multimedia presentation best practices

It's not enough to just add media like animations and videos—you need to use them to improve rather than hurt engagement.

Here are the best practices for making a multimedia presentation that works:

  • Use media that exemplifies your audience's needs and preferences.
  • Use media that adds context to your presentation text.
  • Make sure your animations and videos support your text rather than compete with it. Consider looking into text-to-video AI tools to ease your process.
  • Ensure that your media is high-quality and take advantage of design tools or background removers to ensure your narrative goals are achieved in your presentation.

Best multimedia presentation examples beyond PowerPoint

Let’s see the best multimedia presentation examples that break the PowerPoint mold.

These examples show you new and effective ways for making engaging content and how to stand out in a sea of same-old PowerPoint presentations.

Let’s go!

Meta - Interactive corporate report

Meta - Interactive corporate report

Insights and trends from Israel's thriving consumer-facing industry. A comprehensive review of the B2C ecosystem's performance and future prospects.

HealthTech SNC - Simplified data-heavy report

HealthTech SNC - Simplified data-heavy report

An extensive data report from a non-profit organization made easy to digest thanks to interactive, engaging design.

How to make a multimedia presentation

Cannasoft - Investment pitch deck

A hard-hitting investment deck of a publicly traded tech company dedicated to medical cannabis manufacturers.

Orbiit - Visually narrated sales deck

Orbiit - Visually narrated sales deck

Visually narrated sales deck of a virtual networking platform telling AND showing readers what's in it for them.

Matics - Digital product brochure

Matics - Digital product brochure

A product brochure showing smart manufacturing execution systems on a mission to digitalize production floors.

Galor - Personalized product sales deck

Galor - Personalized product sales deck

A highly-converting product sales deck with a modern design, interactive narrated content, and an integrated chatbot.

RFKeeper - Retail proposal deck

RFKeeper - Retail proposal deck

A dynamic, highly visual proposal deck for a retail software provider, designed to grab and keep attention.

Drive - Automotive research white-paper

Drive - Automotive research white-paper

A white-paper showing high-level research on electric vehicle charging wrapped in a stunning interactive experience.

If you want to see more multimedia presentation samples, check out our post containing the perfect presentation examples to set you apart from the competition.

Interactive multimedia presentation templates

Getting started with making your multimedia presentation is often the hardest part. But with interactive multimedia presentation templates , you can hit the ground running.

They take care of the design and interactivity, so you can focus on what matters most: your content.

So why wait? Grab a template.

multimedia presentation on unity

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

multimedia presentation on unity

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Unlocking the power of multimedia presentations: A complete guide

Create impactful multimedia presentations with our comprehensive guide.

Sahul Hameed

Building presentations

Multimedia presentation explained

Multimedia presentations have evolved from simple slideshows to interactive experiences that captivate audiences.

They blend text, images, audio, video, and animation to communicate messages more effectively.

This guide delves deep into the essentials, design principles, tools, planning, execution, and the future of multimedia presentations, ensuring you're equipped to create impactful and engaging presentations.

What is a multimedia presentation?

A multimedia presentation is a dynamic way to share information, stories, or ideas. It uses a combination of different media forms, such as text, images, sound, and video, to create a more engaging and informative experience than traditional, single-medium presentations.

The journey from the humble beginnings of the slide projector to today's interactive displays is a testament to technological advancement. This evolution has transformed how we share information, making presentations not just a one-way communication tool but an interactive experience that engages the audience.

The essentials of multimedia presentations

In multimedia presentations, the harmonious blend of text, images, audio, video, and animation transforms traditional storytelling, making complex ideas accessible and engaging for every audience. Each element plays a pivotal role in creating a captivating narrative.

Text and typography: Crafting the written message

The foundation of any presentation, text, and typography, plays a crucial role in conveying your message. Choosing the right fonts, sizes, and colors can significantly impact readability and audience engagement.

Images and graphics: visual storytelling

Images and graphics are powerful tools for storytelling, breaking down complex information into understandable visuals and making your presentation more memorable.

Audio elements: Enhancing narratives with sound

Sound can set the tone, evoke emotions, and enhance the narrative of your presentation, whether it's through background music, voice narration, or sound effects.

Video components: Dynamic visuals for engaging content

Videos add a dynamic element to presentations, illustrating points more vividly than static images and text alone.

Animation: Bringing content to life

Animations can make presentations more engaging by adding movement to otherwise static content, helping to draw the audience's attention to key points.

Design principles for effective multimedia presentations

To create a multimedia presentation that stands out, leveraging tools like PowerPoint or Google Slides is essential. By choosing the right presentation template and integrating various types of media, you design your multimedia presentation to captivate and engage. Incorporating video presentations, interactive elements, and well-designed slide decks enables your audience to interact and absorb the content effectively. Crafting your presentation using these principles, with a focus on presentation design and visual presentation, ensures a dynamic and engaging multimedia experience. Transition smoothly between slides and elements to maintain flow and interest.

Balance and contrast: Making your content stand out

Effective use of balance and contrast helps in drawing the audience's attention to the most important parts of your presentation.

Repetition and alignment: Creating a cohesive look

Repetition and alignment ensure your presentation has a unified look, making it more professional and easier to follow.

Proximity and hierarchy: Organizing content for easy consumption

By strategically organizing content, you can guide the audience through your presentation in a logical manner, making complex information easier to digest.

Tools and technologies

Choosing the right tools and technologies is crucial in creating a multimedia presentation that resonates with your audience. From powerful software solutions to cutting-edge hardware, leveraging these resources effectively can transform your presentation into an engaging and immersive experience.

Software solutions for multimedia presentations

  • Overview of leading presentation software There's a wide range of software available for creating multimedia presentations, each with its own set of features, from PowerPoint to more advanced platforms like Adobe Creative Suite, and enterprise business presentation software's like Prezent with Fingerprint feature to create personalized presentation.
  • Customization features: Themes, templates, and plugins These tools offer various customization options to make your presentation stand out, including themes, templates, and slide library that add functionality or aesthetic appeal.
  • Integrating multimedia elements: Tips and tricks Integrating multimedia elements smoothly can be challenging. This section provides tips and tricks for seamless integration, ensuring a professional result.

Hardware considerations

  • Projectors and displays: Matching your presentation to the venue Choosing the right projector or display is crucial for ensuring that your presentation is visible to the entire audience, regardless of the size of the venue.
  • Sound systems: Ensuring your audio is heard A good sound system is essential for presentations with audio elements, ensuring that your message is heard clearly by everyone in the room.
  • Remote controls and clickers: Navigating your presentation seamlessly Remote controls and clickers allow you to navigate through your presentation smoothly, keeping you in control and engaged with your audience.

Planning and execution: Crafting impactful multimedia presentations

In a world where even a goldfish boasts a longer attention span than us humans, mastering the craft of a multimedia presentation is akin to performing a magic trick.

Here we'll embark on a quest to transform those glazed-over gazes into wide-eyed wonder. With a sprinkle of strategic planning and a dash of delivery dynamism, we're not just going to capture attention; we're going to make it stick like gum on a hot sidewalk.

Get ready to turn your presentation into an unforgettable adventure that even the skeptics in the last row can't resist!

Structuring your multimedia presentation for maximum impact

Objective setting: inform, persuade, or entertain.

The foundation of any compelling multimedia presentation is a crystal-clear objective. Whether your aim is to educate, convince, or entertain your audience, setting a precise goal at the outset will direct every element of your presentation, from content to delivery.

Audience analysis: Customizing your message

A deep understanding of your audience is crucial for tailoring your presentation to meet their specific needs and preferences. By analyzing your audience’s interests, knowledge level, and expectations, you can craft a message that resonates deeply and fosters engagement.

Storyboarding: Designing your presentation’s flow

Employing a storyboard approach is instrumental in mapping out your presentation’s narrative flow. This technique ensures a seamless transition between topics, enhancing coherence and retaining audience interest. Starting with a well-thought-out outline enables you to organize ideas systematically, ensuring each segment aligns with your overarching goal. Leveraging user-friendly presentation tools simplifies slide organization, making your storytelling both effective and engaging.

Delivery techniques and best practices for engaging presentations

Verbal dynamics: mastering tone, pace, and articulation.

Your voice is a powerful tool in engaging your audience. A confident tone, well-modulated pace, and clear articulation can significantly enhance message delivery, making your presentation not just heard, but felt and remembered.

Non-verbal communication: Enhancing your message with body language

The silent language of your body speaks volumes. Adopting confident postures, using expressive gestures, and maintaining meaningful eye contact can reinforce your spoken words, forging a stronger connection with your audience and adding an extra layer of persuasion.

Interactive engagement: Making your presentation a two-way conversation

Transforming your presentation into an interactive experience can greatly increase its memorability and impact. Incorporating elements like live polls, interactive quizzes, and dedicated Q&A sessions invites your audience to actively participate, creating a dynamic exchange that enriches the presentation experience for everyone involved.

Through strategic planning, audience-centric content, and dynamic delivery techniques, you can elevate your multimedia presentations from mere information sessions to powerful, engaging experiences that leave a lasting impression.

Advanced techniques and trends

Interactive elements and audience participation.

Incorporating interactive elements such as polls, quizzes, and live feedback can transform a static presentation into an engaging experience. Tools that facilitate audience participation not only make your presentation more interesting but also provide valuable feedback in real-time.

Future trends in multimedia presentations

Emerging trends in multimedia presentations , notably the incorporation of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), are transforming audience engagement, paving the way for a more immersive and interactive experience. This multimedia presentation trend marks a significant evolution in how information is conveyed and received.

  • Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) integration Emerging technologies like AR and VR offer new ways to immerse and engage your audience, providing them with a unique and memorable experience.
  • AI and machine learning: Personalized presentations AI and machine learning are beginning to play a role in how presentations are created, allowing for more personalized and adaptive content that can respond to the audience's reactions and interests in real-time.

Case studies and examples

Success stories: memorable multimedia presentations.

In the realm of multimedia presentations, innovative approaches have led to remarkable success stories. From gamified demos to immersive VR training, these examples demonstrate how creative techniques can significantly enhance engagement and understanding.

Salesforce: Enhancing client engagement through interactive demos and gamification

Salesforce took a novel approach to showcase its software platform by developing an interactive, custom-built demo. Instead of a conventional presentation, users explored a 3D virtual office, engaging directly with the platform's modules and features. This interactive journey was gamified, rewarding users with points for interactions and task completions. The strategy led to an 80% increase in engagement and a 65% rise in purchase intent among participants, underscoring the effectiveness of immersive experiences in presenting complex software solutions.

Unilever: Leveraging data visualization for sustainability communication

To articulate the impact of its sustainability initiatives, Unilever shifted from traditional reports to a multimedia presentation enriched with infographics and animations. This method transformed complex data into interactive, easily digestible visuals, enabling stakeholders to delve into specific data points of interest. The innovative presentation method significantly enhanced stakeholders' understanding and appreciation of Unilever's sustainability efforts, demonstrating the power of visual storytelling in conveying intricate information.

McKinsey & Company: Advancing soft skills with virtual reality training

McKinsey & Company introduced a cutting-edge VR training program aimed at bolstering employee soft skills in a compelling and immersive manner. Participants were placed in virtual scenarios, such as client interactions and public speaking engagements, where their performance was evaluated by AI-driven feedback mechanisms. This VR training showed marked improvements in soft skills over traditional training approaches, highlighting VR's capacity to simulate realistic, impactful learning environments.

Common pitfalls and how to avoid them

  • Overloading your audience: Finding the right balance It's important to strike the right balance between informative and overwhelming. Tailoring your presentation to your audience's capacity for information can help prevent cognitive overload.
  • Technical difficulties: Preparation and backup plans Technical issues can disrupt even the best presentations. Having backup plans and being prepared to troubleshoot common problems can help you maintain composure and keep your presentation on track.

Summarizing key takeaways

  • Understanding the needs of your audience and the objectives of your presentation is crucial when deciding the type of multimedia presentation to make.
  • For business presentations, leveraging PowerPoint with embedded multimedia elements can create a compelling narrative, while academic settings benefit from a variety of multimedia presentations, including interactive elements and visual aids.
  • Incorporating additional examples of multimedia presentations, such as engaging videos or interactive polls, can enhance your presentation's effectiveness and engagement level.
  • It's essential to explore software that supports a variety of multimedia types to ensure your presentation stands out and effectively delivers your message.
  • Whether your presentation is based on PowerPoint or other tools, the key is to create an effective multimedia presentation that captivates your audience and conveys your message seamlessly.

FAQs to create a multimedia presentation

1. how can i create an engaging multimedia presentation that captivates my audience.

Incorporating multimedia elements like video clips, interactive presentations, and diverse media types can transform your PowerPoint slides into stunning multimedia presentations. Remember, the key is to ensure that your presentation flows smoothly, keeping your audience engaged throughout. Adding a video or using interactive polls are excellent ways to make your presentation more dynamic and interactive.

2. What steps should I take to ensure my multimedia presentation is effective and well-received?

Start by creating an outline to organize your ideas and presentation objectives. Use multimedia presentation tools and software options to add various multimedia components, ensuring variety in your presentation. Review your presentation to ensure it aligns with the purpose of your presentation, and practice delivering it to make sure it’s engaging from start to finish.

3. Are there easy steps to follow to create stunning multimedia presentations for business or educational purposes?

Yes, there are several easy steps you can follow: First, choose the right presentation maker or multimedia presentation software that allows you to create presentations using multimedia. Next, select engaging presentation themes and incorporate a variety of multimedia content, including two or three types of media. Finally, review and rehearse your presentation to ensure it meets your presentation objectives and engages your audience effectively.

4. What advantages do multimedia presentations offer over regular oral presentations, and how can I make mine stand out?

Multimedia presentations offer the advantage of engaging multiple senses, making your message more memorable than a traditional oral presentation. To make yours stand out, consider adding multimedia elements throughout the presentation, such as animations and video clips. This not only makes the presentation more interactive but also helps to convey your message in a more dynamic and engaging way. Plenty of tools and presentation software options are available to help you create even better presentations that use multiple types of media to captivate your audience.

5. How do I choose the right type of multimedia presentation for my business or academic needs?

Selecting the right type of multimedia presentation begins with understanding the unique needs of your audience and the objectives of your presentation. For business presentations, using PowerPoint with embedded multimedia elements can create a compelling narrative. For academic settings, a variety of multimedia presentations, including interactive elements and visual aids, can enhance learning. Assessing your goals and audience engagement will help you make the perfect multimedia presentation.

6. What tools are essential for creating a multimedia presentation that stands out?

The tool for creating a standout multimedia presentation often depends on the complexity and desired outcome of your presentation. PowerPoint remains a versatile foundation, but incorporating additional multimedia presentation examples, such as engaging videos or interactive polls, can elevate your presentation. For those seeking to make their presentation more engaging, it’s time to explore software that supports a variety of multimedia types, ensuring every presentation captivates and informs.

Create on-brand presentations with Prezent

Create on-brand presentations using Prezent, the innovative presentation tool designed to streamline and elevate your presentation creation process.

With Prezent, you can effortlessly align your presentations with your brand identity, thanks to its array of features tailored for branding consistency.

Utilize Prezent's in-built storylines to simplify the storytelling process, saving valuable time while ensuring impactful presentations. Personalize your content with Prezent's Fingerprint feature, which analyzes audience communication styles for tailored messaging.

Explore Prezent's extensive slide library of over 35,000 pre-designed slides, meticulously curated for effective communication and seamless brand integration. Experience the power of Prezent firsthand by signing up for a free trial or opting for a comprehensive demo. Elevate your presentations to new heights of professionalism and brand cohesion with Prezent today!

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This is an Editor extension for making and presenting slide decks in Unity. It allows you to easily mix static slides with interactive slides and in-editor demonstrations. Each slide is a Unity Scene which can work in or outside of Play Mode.

Supported Unity versions : 5.5+ (though, should work in 5.3+)

What it is for

The original idea most likely was by Andy Touch , Unity Evangelist. He likes showing Unity features in the actual Editor, not on boring Power Point slides. But when showing a presentation about Unity you usually have to have a few static slides in Power Point or Keynote, even if you switch to a live demo later. This sometimes results in video capture errors and Unity crashing (which is a great way to entertain the audience!).

This project allows you to build a full presentation in Unity and never leave it.

  • Show a few static slides and move to live demo without switching applications.
  • Show in-editor features.
  • Use Unity UI to design slides.
  • Make interactive slides (there are examples in the sample presentation).
  • Even load whole games as slides!
  • ... and more!

Getting started

  • Download the project.
  • Open Presentation Window from Window > Presentation menu.
  • Locate the sample Slide Deck in Presentation > Unity folder. It is called Unity Sample Presentation .
  • Select it and click Load This Slide Deck button in the Inspector.
  • Press [> B] button in the top right corner of the Presentation Window.
  • Use Left and Right arrows on your keyboard or [<<] and [>>] buttons in the top right corner of the Presentation Window to switch slides.

How it works

A Slide Deck is an asset in the Project. It consists of slides with the following properties:

  • Scene to load,
  • Visibility (will be skipped when presenting if not visible),
  • If this slide should switch to Play Mode.

You can create one with the [New] button in the Presentation Window and save it on disk with [Save] button.

Slides in the editor interface have the following control elements:

  • Handler to drag it up and down,
  • Button with "eye" icon switches visibility,
  • Button with "play" icon controls if this slide should go to Play Mode,
  • Object field for the scene to load,
  • Button with "play" icon which starts presentation from this slide or jumps to the slide if already presenting.

Right Arrow — next slide, Left Arrow — previous slide, Shift + Space — maximize/minimize Game View (works when Game View is selected).

Slide scene structure

If you check the demo Slide Deck you will see that slide scenes all have the same naming convention. This will later be used for transition effects and compatibility.

  • Proper fullscreen.
  • Some way to export slides to more common formats (PNGs, PDF, PPT) when one is unable to run Unity during a presentation.
  • Better slide list interface.

Known issues

  • When fast switching between slides sometimes two slides can be loaded at once.

The original project was made by Valentin Simonov, Andy Touch, Rus Scammel and Adam Buckner.

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multimedia presentation on unity

Visual Effects in Unity 5 - Unite Presentation

How to Create a Multimedia Presentation

multimedia presentation on unity

What is a multimedia presentation, and how can you create one to better engage your audience? Nobody is impressed by a series of boring slides filled with text anymore. Modern audiences demand beautiful slide decks with plenty of engaging visualizations and interaction to keep them interested

Fortunately, PowerPoint-alternative presentation software options like make it simple for even the most amateur designers to include multimedia elements in their slides.

What is a multimedia presentation?

We hear the term all the time, but exactly what is a multimedia presentation? Just as its name implies, a multimedia presentation is a visual presentation that provides information through not only slides, but also audio, video , infographics , animations and other forms of communication. All of these tools combine to create greater audience engagement, while holding viewers’ focus and enhancing their retention.  

What can be included in a multimedia presentation? Most of us are familiar with multimedia, but those new to the presentation design game might need some multimedia presentation examples. While the options are practically endless, most multimedia presentations feature slides with text and a combination of any of the following elements:

  • Music and other audio effects
  • Infographics
  • Screenshots
  • Icons, logos and other graphics

How to create a multimedia presentation

It’s simple to create a multimedia presentation if you have the right software tools at your disposal, just follow the following steps:

  • Select and outline your content – What is the purpose of your presentation? What is your subject? Answer these questions and choose content that will support your presentation objectives. Create an outline of the content as it will appear on your slides.
  • Consider multimedia options – Examine your content outline and decide what multimedia elements will best showcase your information. Will a concept clearly be communicated with a video , or will a photograph be a better fit? Should you add music to a certain section, and what multimedia options will boost audience engagement at key moments?
  • Design your slide deck – You can design your slide deck from scratch or customize a presentation template from PowerPoint-alternative software options like Construct your slide deck so that each section of your outline is represented by its own slide. Add titles and headings to designate each slide’s function.
  • Insert your content – Add your textual content to the appropriate slides. Be sure the text is in a clear and legible font, and try to avoid crowding too much content on any individual slide.
  • Add images, video and audio elements – Using your presentation software of choice, insert video, audio and graphic elements in the appropriate slides. If you use, artificial intelligence will automatically adjust the design of your slides each time you add new content, ensuring your presentation adheres to the principles of good design .
  • Add animations and transitions – Once you’ve designed your slide deck and inserted multimedia elements, you can add extra pizzazz to your presentation with the addition of transition and animations. The subtle motions will polish your presentation with increased visual appeal, and it will boost audience engagement by capturing and retaining viewers’ attention.
  • Review your presentation and share it – Carefully review your presentation to ensure it’s ready for audiences, rehearse your delivery and share your information with the world!

Effective multimedia presentation examples

Still unsure how to design your multimedia presentation? The following presentation templates featuring plenty of multimedia elements should offer some inspiration:

Product proposal presentation template

multimedia presentation on unity

This presentation template from easily could have become yet another dull and lifeless PowerPoint-esque frankendeck, but the addition of multimedia elements brings the slide deck to life. The slide deck features an engaging video clip and plenty of animated infographics.

Uber pitch deck makeover

multimedia presentation on unity

In our PowerPoint makeover , we redesigned the original pitch deck Uber used to score a critical investment. The presentation template features a host of eye-catching photos to illustrate its points and an assortment of animations to ensure eyes stay glued to the slides.  Details also are illustrated with informative screenshots strategically positioned inside images of a mobile device.

Research project template

multimedia presentation on unity

Even a presentation for something possibly as mundane as a research project can be brought to life using multimedia elements. In this presentation template , the design team added multimedia options like transitions, vivid photos and animated infographics to boost audience engagement with researched data.

How can help create multimedia presentations?

While some sources will tell you employing PowerPoint is the easiest way to create a multimedia presentation, we tend to disagree. Who has the time to meticulously (and slowly) design a slide deck using PowerPoint?

PowerPoint alternative software options like, however, make it simple to construct effective slide decks in no time at all. Thanks to’s own flavor of artificial intelligence, users just add their content – including multimedia elements like video, photos and infographics – and watch as the magic of technology adapts their presentation based on principles of design used by the pros.

Samantha Pratt Lile

Samantha Pratt Lile

Samantha is an independent journalist, editor, blogger and content manager. Examples of her published work can be found at sites including the Huffington Post, Thrive Global, and Buzzfeed.

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Unity for a presentation tool (like powerpoint)

Discussion in ' General Discussion ' started by iamthwee , Jun 9, 2016 .


Howdy boys. I got a presentation for school and was just wondering if it was a good idea to use unity to jazz it up so to speak with cool text animations. I know probably after effects might be another good option but I don't have the time to learn that. I was looking to do something similar like the 'prezi' website. Thoughts?  


Unity Technologies

Quite a few people do presentations in Unity(I have!), a couple of the previous Unite talks have been presented in Unity. This user kindly created an open source version  
Noooooo, it's in javascript! LOL, thanks I'll take a quick peek.  


I think it is a pretty good idea knowing that Unity was built for 3D affects. Good luck on your presentation!!  
Thanks, I'm going to download the github now and see how I get on. Will let you know.  


I did this thing playing with the UI a while back.  



I don't know if this will inspire you, but I am using Unity to show some of my works in a virtual environment:  



The new timeline tools in the latest release of Unity should make using it as a presentation tool significantly easier. They allow for a lot more pre-defined scripting based on known time intervals, which is good for a presentation-style format. If you knew what you were doing, you could probably also incorporate some more advanced features in your presentation that programs like PowerPoint don't really employ. (like pause, rewind, fast-forward, slow-mo, that sort of thing)  


Valentin Simonov made some presentations from Unity. Last was about ScriptableObjects, you can get some ideas from his repo: .  



I do most of my presentations in unity... though they are almost always about unity, so it makes sense and is a good fit, as I can show results and such right in the presentation. I just have a slide class, that that has a control interface, and a single scene. The slides are all canvases in a canvas, so ordering is derived from the hierarchy. I use DOTween to sequence events in a slide with a little editor interface, so I can do fwd/back/etc in the slide that propagates upward. Adding new slides is just duplicating an existing one and dragging to the right order.  


this wasn't linked yet i guess  

Inspiring Multimedia Presentation Examples in 2024 to Spark Your Imagination

Leah Nguyen • 08 April, 2024 • 11 min read

Is it difficult to make a multimedia presentation? Moving beyond traditional static PowerPoint slides, multimedia presentations employ a powerful blend of images, audio, video and interactivity to illuminate your talk in the best way possible.

In this blog post, we’ll explore a variety of multimedia presentation examples that can make abstract concepts come alive while strengthening vital communication abilities.

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Table of Contents

What is a multimedia presentation, #1. determine your goal, #2. choose a presentation platform, #3. design slides, #4. add interactive elements, #5. practice delivery, #6. gather feedback, example #1. interactive poll, example #2. q&a section, example #3: spinner wheel, example #4: word cloud.

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Multimedia presentation examples - What is a multimedia presentation?

A multimedia presentation is a presentation that uses multiple digital media formats and interactive elements like images, animations, video, audio, and text to convey a message or information to an audience.

Unlike a traditional slide-based presentation, it incorporates various media types like interactive slides , quizzes , polls , video clips, sounds, and such. They engage the audience’s senses beyond just reading slides of text.

They can be effectively used in classrooms to enhance students’ interests, business presentations, employee onboarding or conferences.

How to Create a Multimedia Presentation

Making a multimedia presentation is simple with these 6 simple steps:

Multimedia presentation examples

Clearly define the purpose of your presentation – Is it to inform, instruct, motivate, or sell an idea?

Consider your audience, their backgrounds and prior knowledge so you can choose a focused concept or idea to present rather than try to cover too much.

Draw in viewers’ attention with a few words about what they will learn, and a 1-2 sentence summary of your central idea or argument to make your message clear.

You can start with an intriguing question related to your topic that snags their curiosity from the outset, such as “How might we design more sustainable cities?”

Multimedia presentation examples

Consider your content – What media types will you use (text, images, video)? Do you need fancy transitions? A Q&A slide to address all the concerns?

If you are presenting remotely or some parts of the presentation require the use of the audience’s devices, check if your platform and file type can display properly cross-device. Test on different devices to see how the presentation looks across varying screen sizes/resolutions.

Things like templates, animation tools, and interactivity levels vary greatly between options, so you’ll also need to evaluate each of them.

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Make your presentation genuinely fun. Avoid boring one-way interaction, we’ll help you with everything you need.

Multimedia presentation examples

After you’ve laid out the content, it’s time to move to the design. Here are the general components for a multimedia presentation that “wow” the audience:

  • Layout – Use consistent formatting with placeholders for consistency. Vary 1-3 content zones per slide for visual interest.
  • Colour – Choose a limited colour palette (max 3) that coordinates nicely and won’t be distracting.
  • Imagery – Include high-resolution photos/graphics that help illustrate points. Avoid clip art and credit sources if possible.
  • Text – Keep wording concise using a large, easy-to-read font. Multiple short bullet points are better than walls of text.
  • Hierarchy – Differentiate headings, subtext, and captions using size, colour, and emphasis for visual hierarchy and scannability.
  • White space – Leave margins and don’t cram content by utilising negative space for ease on the eyes.
  • Slide background – Use backgrounds sparingly and ensure readability with sufficient colour contrast.
  • Branding – Include your logo and school/company marks professionally on template slides as applicable.

Multimedia presentation examples

Here are some engaging ways to include interactive elements in your multimedia presentation:

Spark debates with polling: Pose thought-provoking questions and let viewers “vote” on their choices in AhaSlides’ real-time polls. See the results revealed and compare viewpoints.

Spark debates with AhaSlides' polling feature

Stimulate discussions with breakouts: Pose an open question and split viewers into random “discussion groups” using breakout rooms to exchange perspectives before reconvening.

Level up learning with games: Make your content competitive and fun through quizzes with leaderboards, scavenger hunt-style slide activities with prizes, or interactive case study simulations.

Make your content competitive and fun through quizzes | AhaSlides

Getting hands-on with interactive polls, collaborative exercises, virtual experiences and discussion-based learning keeps all minds fully engaged throughout your presentation.

Multimedia presentation examples

Smoothly moving between slides and media elements is critical. Practice your flow and use cue cards if needed to cover all the vital points.

Run through your presentation from start to finish with all technology (audio, visuals, interactivity) to troubleshoot.

Solicit reviews from others and integrate their recommendations into your delivery approach.

The more you rehearse out loud, the more confidence and composure you’ll have for the big show.

Multimedia presentation examples

Pay attention to looks of interest, boredom, and confusion expressed through body language.

Pose live polling questions during the presentation on understanding, and engagement levels.

Track what interactions like Q&A or surveys reveal about interest and comprehension, and see which slides viewers interact with most post-event.

🎊 Learn more: How to Ask Open-Ended Questions | 80+ Examples in 2024

A Q&A section helps reveal the audience's interests and comprehension | AhaSlides

The audience feedback will help you refine your skills as a presenter over time.

Multimedia Presentation Examples

Here are some multimedia presentation examples that spark creativity and generate discussions you should check:

Polls enhance interactivity. Break up blocks of content with a quick poll question to encourage participation.

Polling questions can also spark discussion and get people invested in the topic.

Our polling tool can help the audience interact through any device. You can create a lively presentation on AhaSlides alone, or integrate our polling slide to PowerPoints or Google Slides .

Multimedia presentation examples | AhaSlides Q&A feature

Asking questions makes people feel involved and invested in the content.

With AhaSlides, you can insert the Q&A throughout the presentation so the audience can submit their questions anonymously at any time.

The questions you’ve addressed can be marked as answered, leaving room for upcoming questions.

A back-and-forth Q&A creates a more lively, interesting exchange versus one-way lectures.

🎉 Learn: Best Q&A Apps to Engage With Your Audience | 5+ Platforms For Free in 2024

Multimedia presentation examples | AhaSlides spinner wheel feature

A spinner wheel is useful for game-show style questions to test understanding.

The randomness of where the wheel lands keeps things unpredictable and fun for both the presenter and the audience.

You can use AhaSlides’ spinner wheel to pick questions to answer, designate a person, and raffle draw.

Multimedia presentation examples | AhaSlides word cloud feature

A word cloud lets you pose a question and lets the participants submit short-word answers.

The size of the words correlates to how frequently or strongly they were emphasised, which can spark new questions, insights or debate among attendees.

The visual layout and lack of linear text work well for those who prefer visual mental processing.

AhaSlides’ word cloud feature lets your participants submit their answers through their devices with ease. The result is displayed instantly on the presenter’s screen.

Key Takeaways

From interactive polls and Q&A sessions to animated slide transitions and video elements, there are countless ways to incorporate engaging multimedia components into your next presentation.

While flashy effects alone won’t save a disorganised presentation, strategic multimedia use can bring concepts to life, spark discussion and create an experience people will remember long after.

What is a multimedia presentation?

An example of a multimedia presentation can be embedded GIFs for a more lively animated slide.

What are the 3 types of multimedia presentation?

There are three main types of multimedia presentations: linear, non-linear and interactive presentations.

Leah Nguyen

Leah Nguyen

Words that convert, stories that stick. I turn complex ideas into engaging narratives - helping audiences learn, remember, and take action.

Tips to Engage with Polls & Trivia

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202 Best Unity-Themed Templates for PowerPoint & Google Slides

With over 6 million presentation templates available for you to choose from, crystalgraphics is the award-winning provider of the world’s largest collection of templates for powerpoint and google slides. so, take your time and look around. you’ll like what you see whether you want 1 great template or an ongoing subscription, we've got affordable purchasing options and 24/7 download access to fit your needs. thanks to our unbeatable combination of quality, selection and unique customization options, crystalgraphics is the company you can count on for your presentation enhancement needs. just ask any of our thousands of satisfied customers from virtually every leading company around the world. they love our products. we think you will, too" id="category_description">crystalgraphics creates templates designed to make even average presentations look incredible. below you’ll see thumbnail sized previews of the title slides of a few of our 202 best unity templates for powerpoint and google slides. the text you’ll see in in those slides is just example text. the unity-related image or video you’ll see in the background of each title slide is designed to help you set the stage for your unity-related topics and it is included with that template. in addition to the title slides, each of our templates comes with 17 additional slide layouts that you can use to create an unlimited number of presentation slides with your own added text and images. and every template is available in both widescreen and standard formats. with over 6 million presentation templates available for you to choose from, crystalgraphics is the award-winning provider of the world’s largest collection of templates for powerpoint and google slides. so, take your time and look around. you’ll like what you see whether you want 1 great template or an ongoing subscription, we've got affordable purchasing options and 24/7 download access to fit your needs. thanks to our unbeatable combination of quality, selection and unique customization options, crystalgraphics is the company you can count on for your presentation enhancement needs. just ask any of our thousands of satisfied customers from virtually every leading company around the world. they love our products. we think you will, too.

Widescreen (16:9) Presentation Templates. Change size...

 Presentation with unity - Stacked hands of people of various ethnicities and colors showing cooperation, unity, teamwork

Stacked hands of people of various ethnicities and colors showing cooperation, unity, teamwork

 Presentation with unity - Newborn baby laying in clasped hands of father and mother

Newborn baby laying in clasped hands of father and mother

 Presentation with unity - Medical team put hands on top of each other in unity

Medical team put hands on top of each other in unity

 Presentation with unity - Group work hands connected together strength teamwork unity collaboration

Group work hands connected together strength teamwork unity collaboration

 Presentation with unity - A number of people holding their hands

A number of people holding their hands

 Presentation with unity - A beautiful depiction of various religious signs and unity between them

A beautiful depiction of various religious signs and unity between them

 Presentation with unity - Red, yellow, blue, green linked hands on black background

Red, yellow, blue, green linked hands on black background

 Presentation with unity - Team spirit depiction with determined 3D men working together in unity

Team spirit depiction with determined 3D men working together in unity

 Presentation with unity - A number of colorful people together with globe in background

A number of colorful people together with globe in background

 Presentation with unity - A number of colorful words with map in the background

A number of colorful words with map in the background

 Presentation with unity - Blue figures joining hands on an earth globe on black background

Blue figures joining hands on an earth globe on black background

 Presentation with unity - Team of young interracial people showing thumbs up over American flag

Team of young interracial people showing thumbs up over American flag

 Presentation with unity - A lot of figures making a circle with bluish background

A lot of figures making a circle with bluish background

 Presentation with unity - Volunteer group in uniform put hands together in unity

Volunteer group in uniform put hands together in unity

 Presentation with unity - Theme having large business team showing unity background and a ocean colored foreground

Theme having large business team showing unity with their hands together

 Presentation with unity - A number of people holding their hands with map in the background

A number of people holding their hands with map in the background

 Presentation with unity - 3D colorful people around earth globe with keywords and black color

3D colorful people around earth globe with keywords and black color

 Presentation with unity - Paper people hold hands on colorful background depicting unity

Paper people hold hands on colorful background depicting unity

 Presentation with unity - Team bond with team spirit and unity

Team bond with team spirit and unity

 Presentation with unity - Four adult hands showing team work on a black background

Four adult hands showing team work on a black background

 Presentation with unity - Lots of human hands holding themselves in a bond

Lots of human hands holding themselves in a bond

 Presentation with unity - A number of colorful figures in a line with a map in the background

A number of colorful figures in a line with a map in the background

 Presentation with unity - Stylized colored children symbols around an abstract globe

Stylized colored children symbols around an abstract globe

 Presentation with unity - Slide set enhanced with close-up-hands-of-father background and a coral colored foreground

Slide set enhanced with close up hands of father mother and daughters protecting family paper cutout with red heart hands of family with paper cutting and red heart shaped symbol stone unity insurance and love concept

 Presentation with unity - Diverse kids holds letters to spell world and one holding a globe unity rainbow sky background

Diverse kids holds letters to spell world and one holding a globe unity rainbow sky background

 Presentation with unity - Depiction of unity with colored people holding hands in a circle

Depiction of unity with colored people holding hands in a circle

 Presentation with unity - Paper people hold hands around earth globe symbolizing unity

Paper people hold hands around earth globe symbolizing unity

 Presentation with unity - Diversity and unity theme with rainbow colored people holding hands around globe world Earth

Diversity and unity theme with rainbow colored people holding hands around globe world Earth

 Presentation with unity - Three golden human character standing inside  blue colored gear

Three golden human character standing inside blue colored gear

 Presentation with unity - Group of figures walking in circles around brightly lit planet Earth

Group of figures walking in circles around brightly lit planet Earth

 Presentation with unity - A number of people surrounding a house

A number of people surrounding a house

 Presentation with unity - Colorful presentation enhanced with close-up-a-group backdrop and a coral colored foreground

Presentation enhanced with close up a group of young business people showing their unity

 Presentation with unity - Gold plated 3D men holding hands in unity

Gold plated 3D men holding hands in unity

 Presentation with unity - Slide set having cardboard figures of the family background and a white colored foreground

Slide set having cardboard figures of the family on opened book the symbol of unity and happiness

 Presentation with unity - Four multicolored 3d human characters holding hands on a gear

Four multicolored 3d human characters holding hands on a gear

 Presentation with unity - Teamwork metaphor with three white humans touching hands

Teamwork metaphor with three white humans touching hands

 Presentation with unity - Colorful PPT layouts enhanced with unity diversity - white caucasian and black afro backdrop and a lemonade colored foreground

PPT layouts enhanced with white caucasian and black afro american hands holding together friendship concept backdrop

 Presentation with unity - Joining hands people come together teamwork diversity global communication

Joining hands people come together teamwork diversity global communication

 Presentation with unity - 3D golden figures holding hands in a line on white background surrounded by red background

3D golden figures holding hands in a line on white background surrounded by red background

 Presentation with unity - Four shinny multi colored 3D human characters on a black background

Four shinny multi colored 3D human characters on a black background

More unity templates for powerpoint and google slides:.


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Unity presentation

UNITY Unity is what keeps a work of literature together, it’s a tool that will make your work stronger and more interesting. On Writing Well William Zinsser Chapter 8


More related content, what's hot, what's hot ( 20 ), similar to unity presentation, similar to unity presentation ( 17 ).

  • 1. UNITY Unity is what keeps a work of literature together, it’s a tool that will make your work stronger and more interesting. On Writing Well William Zinsser Chapter 8
  • 3. Unity of Pronoun Unity of pronoun is deciding whether you’ll speak in the first person, as a participant or in the third person, second person or even as an observer.
  • 4. Unity Of Tense Unity of tense is writing in the past or present, write in whichever is going to principally address the reader. It is not a good idea however to switch back and forth.
  • 5. Unity of Mood Unity of Mood is setting a tone for your writing. Just like Unity of Tense though you should not mix two or three.
  • 6. To incorporate unity in your work you should ask yourself : “In what capacity am I going to address the reader?” “What pronoun and tense am I gong to use?” “What Style?” “What attitude am I going to take toward the material?” “How much do I want to cover?” “What point do I want to make?”
  • 7. Unity In Writing Unity in writing should be on every writers mind before they begin, it is important because if you are writing to be heard the readers should be involved and interested throughout the entire work, and unity will help you achieve that.

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EHA 2024 | Results from Five Studies of Ascentage Pharma's Key Drug Candidates Selected for Presentations at 2024 European Hematology Association Hybrid Congress

Published: May 16, 2024

SUZHOU, China and ROCKVILLE, Md., May 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Ascentage Pharma (6855.HK), a global biopharmaceutical company engaged in developing novel therapies for cancer, chronic hepatitis B (CHB), and age-related diseases, announced today that the latest results from five studies have been selected for Poster Presentations at the 2024 European Hematology Association Hybrid Congress (EHA 2024). These posters will feature olverembatinib (HQP1351), the first and only China-approved third-generation BCL-ABL1 inhibitor; investigational lisaftoclax (APG-2575), a Bcl-2 selective inhibitor; and investigational APG-5918, an EED selective inhibitor.

Ascentage Pharma Logo (PRNewsfoto/Ascentage Pharma)

The European Hematology Association (EHA) Hybrid Congress is the largest gathering of the hematology field in Europe. It showcases the most cutting-edge research and state-of-the-art innovative therapies, attracting over 10,000 clinical experts and researchers from more than 100 countries every year. This year, the EHA Hybrid Congress will take place on June 13 - 16, 2024, in Madrid, Spain.

"I am delighted to showcase the strength and progress of Ascentage Pharma in hematology at this year's congress, especially the therapeutic potential and clinical value of its drug candidates in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia (Ph+ ALL), multiple myeloma (MM), immunoglobulin light-chain (AL) amyloidosis, and anemia diseases," said Dr. Yifan Zhai, Chief Medical Officer of Ascentage Pharma . "We look forward to sharing the detailed results at the congress. In the future, we will continue to advance those development programs in efforts to bring more treatment options to patients around the world."

The five studies to be presented at EHA 2024 are as follows:

  • Olverembatinib

Olverembatinib Overcomes Ponatinib and Asciminib Resistance in Patients (Pts) with Heavily Pretreated Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) and Philadelphia-Positive Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (Ph ⁺ ALL)

• Abstract#: P722 • Presentation Type: Poster presentation • Topic: Chronic myeloid leukemia – Clinical • Date & Time: Friday June 14, 2024, 18:00 - 19:00 CEST • Presenting Author: Dr. Elias Jabbour, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Combination of Third Generation TKI Olverembatinib and Chemotherapy or Blinatumomab for New Diagnosed Adult Ph + ALL Patients

• Abstract#: P427 • Presentation Type: Poster presentation • Topic: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia – Clinical • Date & Time: Friday June 14, 2024, 18:00 - 19:00 CEST • Presenting Author: Junjie Chen, Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University

Patient Reported Outcomes in Adults with TKI-Resistant Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Receiving Olverembatinib-Therapy

• Abstract#: P1862 • Presentation Type: e-Poster presentation • Topic: Chronic myeloid leukemia – Clinical • Date & Time: Friday June 14, 2024, 18:00 - 19:00 CEST • Presenting Author: Lu Yu, Peking University People's Hospital

  • Lisaftoclax

Lisaftoclax (APG-2575) Combined with Novel Therapeutic Regimens in Patients (Pts) with Relapsed or Refractory (R/R) Multiple Myeloma (MM) or Immunoglobulin Light-Chain (AL) Amyloidosis

• Abstract#: P917 • Presentation Type: Poster presentation • Topic: Myeloma and other monoclonal gammopathies – Clinical • Date & Time: Friday June 14, 2024, 18:00 - 19:00 CEST • Presenting Author: Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi, Mayo Clinic Florida

Embryonic Ectoderm Development (EED) Inhibitor APG-5918 Improves Chronic Kidney Disease- (CKD)-Induced Hemoglobin (HB) Insufficiency in Preclinical Models of Anemia

• Abstract#: P1550 • Presentation Type: Poster presentation • Topic: Enzymopathies, membranopathies and other anemias • Date & Time: Friday June 14, 2024, 18:00 - 19:00 CEST • Presenting Author: Dr. Eric Liang, Ascentage Pharma Group Inc.

About Ascentage Pharma

Ascentage Pharma (6855.HK) is a globally focused biopharmaceutical company engaged in developing novel therapies for cancers, chronic hepatitis B, and age-related diseases. On October 28, 2019, Ascentage Pharma was listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited with the stock code 6855.HK.

Ascentage Pharma focuses on developing therapeutics that inhibit protein-protein interactions to restore apoptosis, or programmed cell death. The company has built a pipeline of 9 clinical drug candidates, including novel, highly potent Bcl-2, and dual Bcl-2/Bcl-xL inhibitors, as well as candidates aimed at IAP and MDM2-p53 pathways, and next-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs). Ascentage Pharma is also the only company in the world with active clinical programs targeting all three known classes of key apoptosis regulators. The company is conducting more than 40 Phase I/II clinical trials, including 5 global registrational phase III studies, in the US, Australia, Europe, and China. Ascentage Pharma has been designated for multiple Major National R&D Projects, including five Major New Drug Projects, one New Drug Incubator status, four Innovative Drug Programs, and one Major Project for the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases.

Olverembatinib, the company's core drug candidate developed for the treatment of drug-resistant chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and the company's first approved product, has been granted Priority Review Designations and Breakthrough Therapy Designations by the Center for Drug Evaluation (CDE) of China National Medical Products Administration (NMPA). To date, the drug had been included into the China 2022 National Reimbursement Drug List (NRDL). Furthermore, olverembatinib has been granted an Orphan Drug Designation (ODD) and a Fast Track Designation (FTD) by the US FDA, and an Orphan Designation by the EMA of the EU. To date, Ascentage Pharma has obtained a total of 16 ODDs from the US FDA and 1 Orphan Designation from the EMA of the EU for 4 of the company's investigational drug candidates.

Leveraging its robust R&D capabilities, Ascentage Pharma has built a portfolio of global intellectual property rights and entered into global partnerships with numerous renowned biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies and research institutes such as UNITY Biotechnology, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Mayo Clinic, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, MSD, and AstraZeneca. The company has built a talented team with global experience in the discovery and development of innovative drugs and is setting up its world-class commercial manufacturing and Sales & Marketing teams. One pivotal aim of Ascentage Pharma is to continuously strengthen its R&D capabilities and accelerate its clinical development programs, in order to fulfil its mission of addressing unmet clinical needs in China and around the world for the benefit of more patients.

Forward-Looking Statements

The forward-looking statements made in this article relate only to the events or information as of the date on which the statements are made in this article. Except as required by law, Ascentage Pharma undertakes no obligation to update or revise publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, after the date on which the statements are made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. You should read this article completely and with the understanding that our actual future results or performance may be materially different from what we expect. In this article, statements of, or references to, our intentions or those of any of our Directors or our Company are made as of the date of this article. Any of these intentions may alter in light of future development.


SOURCE Ascentage Pharma

Company Codes: HongKong:6855

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    Using this method, you can produce presentation slides in Unity that have photos, moving text, audio, and video.Source code:

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    In this assignment, you will use research to create and develop a multimedia presentation on the topic of unity. Your presentation will present the problem and demonstrate how increased unity can be achieved to solve it. Assignment Prompt Identify a situation in which there is a division that could benefit from increased unity. You may

  4. How to Make a Multimedia Presentation (Tools & Templates)

    How to create engaging multimedia presentations in 6 easy steps. Now let's see how a modern multimedia presentation is done. For some of us, creating a presentation that resonates can feel overwhelming. But with the right presentation maker and a clear plan, it's as easy as following a recipe. 6 steps to create a multimedia presentation: 1.

  5. How to Create a Multimedia Presentation (& Tools to Use)

    Step #4: Add multimedia content. At this stage, your presentation probably looks good-looking, but static. Let's make it interactive by adding unique multimedia presentation tools. Start adding multimedia content to the slides that need it.

  6. What is Multimedia Presentations: A Complete Guide

    A multimedia presentation is a dynamic way to share information, stories, or ideas. It uses a combination of different media forms, such as text, images, sound, and video, to create a more engaging and informative experience than traditional, single-medium presentations. ‍. The journey from the humble beginnings of the slide projector to ...

  7. Using Unity3D for Presentations

    Instead of Keynote (or Powerpoint) i used many times already Unity 3D for some special or important presentations. For sure, the effort is not small, if you want create a stunning 3D presentation ...

  8. GitHub

    It is called Unity Sample Presentation. Select it and click Load This Slide Deck button in the Inspector. Press [> B] button in the top right corner of the Presentation Window. Use Left and Right arrows on your keyboard or [<<] and [>>] buttons in the top right corner of the Presentation Window to switch slides.

  9. Visual Effects in Unity 5

    Iestyn Lloyd shows how to create stunning visual effects in Unity 5 with a few simple rules and selected Asset Store plugins. My Learning. Pathways. Browse. TOPICS. ... Visual Effects in Unity 5 - Unite Presentation. Tutorial. Beginner. 30 Mins. 110. Unity Technologies. Overview. Summary.

  10. How Honda's designers use Unity to create stunning ...

    Since 2019, Unity has worked with Honda to develop custom Unity Editor tools that enable its design team to easily create interactive showcases of their vehi...

  11. Introduction and Unity Lesson 1

    Introduction and Unity Lesson 1. This is the welcome video and first lesson from our mini-course on the Unity Game Engine. We're adding a bunch of free course content to the site. This post includes the welcome video and lesson 1 (scroll down). Included in each lesson. Instructional videos.

  12. How to Create a Multimedia Presentation| The Beautiful Blog

    Insert your content - Add your textual content to the appropriate slides. Be sure the text is in a clear and legible font, and try to avoid crowding too much content on any individual slide. Add images, video and audio elements - Using your presentation software of choice, insert video, audio and graphic elements in the appropriate slides.

  13. Unity for a presentation tool (like powerpoint)

    Joined: Oct 1, 2012. Posts: 1,261. The new timeline tools in the latest release of Unity should make using it as a presentation tool significantly easier. They allow for a lot more pre-defined scripting based on known time intervals, which is good for a presentation-style format.

  14. Inspiring Multimedia Presentation Examples in 2024 to Spark Your

    Example #1. Interactive Poll. Multimedia presentation examples. Polls enhance interactivity. Break up blocks of content with a quick poll question to encourage participation. Polling questions can also spark discussion and get people invested in the topic.

  15. 202 Best Unity-Themed Templates

    Below you'll see thumbnail sized previews of the title slides of a few of our 202 best unity templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides. The text you'll see in in those slides is just example text. The unity-related image or video you'll see in the background of each title slide is designed to help you set the stage for your unity-related ...

  16. NAIS

    Instead, I have centered my thinking around three ways that schools and educators can build unity in these divided times. Hope. The first thing we can do is hope and know that hoping is a commitment to finding new and better directions. It has been said that "hope is not a strategy.". But hope is a mindset and a critical part of achieving a ...

  17. Creating a multimedia presentation on Unity.pdf

    Creating a multimedia presentation on Unity Unity is the togetherness of people. A union, for example, is a group of people that have come together. Unity often means peace due to the fact that people living among controversial arguments and differences have chosen to come together as one. The question here is asking you to identify a situation where there is increased division.

  18. Create a multimedia presentation on the topic of unity. Don't need

    Each of these topics can be expanded into slides, videos, or interactive elements to create a compelling multimedia presentation on unity. Here are some ideas for a multimedia presentation on the topic of unity: 1. Symbolism of the Circle: Discuss how the circle represents unity through its continuous and unbroken shape. Show examples from ...

  19. Unity presentation

    guest8f07923a. Slideshow view. UNITY Unity is. Unity of Pronoun. Unity Of Tense. Unity of Mood. To incorporate unity. Unity In Writing. Unity presentation - Download as a PDF or view online for free.

  20. Unity. Multimedia Presentation notes 1 .pdf

    View Unity. Multimedia Presentation notes (1).pdf from SCOUT 10 at Inspire Charter School-North. Slide One: (Slide Cover) Cover page Slide Two: Unity and why we need it. Unity is the state

  21. Unity Multimedia Presentation.pdf

    View Unity Multimedia Presentation.pdf from SPANISH 111A at Inspire Charter School-North. 6/4/2020 Ms. Manifesta Unity By: Iva Barbara Unity and why we need it Unity is the state of being joined

  22. Unity Appoints Matthew Bromberg as New CEO

    Matthew Bromberg Appointed Chief Executive Officer and President Interim Chief Executive Officer Jim Whitehurst Named Executive Chair of the Unity Board Company to Release First Quarter 2024 Financial Results on May 9, 2024 Unity (NYSE: U) (the "Company"), the world's leading platform of tools for creators to build and grow real-time games, apps, and experiences across multiple platforms ...

  23. EHA 2024

    SUZHOU, China and ROCKVILLE, Md., May 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Ascentage Pharma (6855.HK), a global biopharmaceutical company engaged in developing novel therapies for cancer, chronic hepatitis B (CHB), and age-related diseases, announced today that the latest results from five studies have been selected for Poster Presentations at the 2024 European Hematology Association Hybrid Congress (EHA ...