Band 7 Success

What Is Your Favorite Room In Your Home? IELTS Speaking (10 Example Answers)

Sometimes the examiner talks about your home in part one of the IELTS Speaking test. They might ask, “What is your favorite room in your home?”  

Let’s look at how to give this question a great band-seven answer. Below you can also read 10 good example answers (g o straight to the answers here ).

Rooms in a Home

  • First, let’s quickly remember all the possible rooms in a home.  

Living room

  • Dining room
  • Master bedroom  
  • Nursery (bedroom for babies)  
  • Guest room (spare bedroom for guests)
  • Home office
  • Laundry room
  • Linen closet
  • Walk-in Closet  
  • Den (small comfy room, like an informal living room)
  • Parlor (small living room beside the front door, for visitors, in large houses)  
  • Pantry (room beside the kitchen full of shelves for food, spices, kitchen utensils, etc.)
  • Foyer (entrance hall)  
  • Balcony (not really a room, but you could still mention it)
  • Garden (not a room, but you could still mention it)  

If you want to impress the examiner, you could mention one of the less common rooms like ‘home office’ or ‘pantry’ or ‘attic.’  

What You Can Say

This question is quite easy to answer. Simply choose a room that you like, then explain why you like it.  

For reasons to like a room, you could talk about:

  • How comfy it is
  • How private it is
  • How sociable it is  
  • Things you like to do there
  • Things you and your family or flatmates do there
  • The pleasant decor and ambiance of the room
  • The great furniture
  • The sunlight
  • Good memories connected to that room  
  • Anything else that comes to mind

Focus on Fluency

For all your part-one answers, always focus on fluency . This means answering as quickly as you can, without hesitation.

It’s important to warm yourself up in part one.  

You won’t get a high score from part one. So just try to speak quickly, which will impress the examiner.

In parts two and three you can show off more advanced vocabulary and grammar.  

Use the Three-Step YES Method

It’s important not to say too much in your part one answers as well.  

After you’ve spoken for 10 or 20 seconds, remember to stop with confidence.  

You can use the three-step YES Method to remind you when to stop. Just say:

  • Y our answer (say your favorite room)
  • E xplain your answer (say why you like that room)
  • S top talking (wait patiently for the next question)

Example Answers

Here are 10 good example answers to this favorite room question. See if you can borrow an idea or two for your own answer.

1. I think my favorite room is the living room because that’s where I spend most of my time. I like to chill out there and watch TV with my flatmates.  

2. I really love our living room because it has an enormous, super-comfortable sofa. I love sinking into the sofa and putting my feet up when I get home from work.

3. Well, if I had to choose one room, I’d say my favorite room is my bedroom because I love sleeping and lying around in bed.  

4. My favorite room is my bedroom because I still live with my parents, and so my bedroom is the only really personal, private place I have in the house.  

5. I’m a bit of a foodie and I’m a big fan of cooking so my favorite room has to be the kitchen. I spend a great deal of time there, preparing delicious meals for my husband and kids, and I love it.  

6. I really like our kitchen because it’s where my housemates and I hang out most of the time, eating and chatting.  

Home Office

7. Out of all the rooms in my home, I most like my home office. It’s quiet and tidy and well-lit, and I can be very productive there.  

8. I think my favorite room is my home gym, which is in my garage. I’ve spent a lot of time collecting weights and exercise equipment and now I love to go there for a good workout.  

Walk-In Closet

9. My favorite room is my walk-in closet, which is connected to my bedroom. I’m crazy about fashion and I love going into my closet to choose a new outfit for the day.  

10. I know it’s not really a room, but my favorite place is the balcony outside our master bedroom. It’s about 20 square feet in size, and I love relaxing there, enjoying the birdsong and sunshine.  

Your Turn To Try

Give this question a go yourself.

It’s best to record yourself, so you can listen later and identify any mistakes.  

So set up the recorder on your phone and ask aloud, “What is your favorite room in your home?”

Answer as fluently as you can, using the three-step YES Method.  

When you’re finished, listen, find any mistakes, and answer the question again.

If you keep doing this, you’ll soon be prepared to give excellent answers to all the questions in part one of your IELTS Speaking test.  

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my favourite room in my house essay

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My favorite room essay examples

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Women , Computers , Family , Law , Room , Wife , House , Wall

Published: 12/09/2019


My Favorite Room

There are many places one could live in the world. Every person likes to be in a place where he/she can be comfortable and – if possible – also to design the style and layout. To some extent the size and shape of the available space influences the choice of furnishings and the decor in general. This essay describes the place where I am staying and the room there that I like best. I live in my own place, which is a townhouse shared with my brother-in-law. I especially like my bedroom because I designed it myself and chose the furniture and the colors, including the soft cream colored wall-to-wall carpet, so that it gives me a place to relax when I tire of the noise and activity in other parts of the house or outside. My really comfortable queen size bed takes away all the aches and pains from my body when I lay down on it. On either side I have night stands with cute soft lights. To the right side of my bed I have a huge mirror that reflects the light from my window, with my closet behind it. Also, I have a nice padded black leather swivel chair and small glass-topped desk where I have my laptop computer which I use to chat with my family – especially my wife. I also use the computer for all my homework and other school projects. On the white painted wall I have hung a huge framed picture of my large family, placed directly in my view so that when I wake up each morning, I can say “good morning my lovely family”. Finally, I have placed some gorgeous vases with multi-colored, sweet-scented flowers in front of my large bedroom window that overlooks the garden and the woods and lake beyond. In this room I have total freedom to do what I want, without consulting anyone else. Sometimes I sing loudly to express my current feelings, whether they be ones of happiness or otherwise. In this place I can escape into my dreams and re-live my happy memories. I make plans for what I want to do and where I want to be in the years ahead. Of course there are times when being alone in my room and without any social interaction means that I may dwell on the fact that I am here alone – living away from my wife and family. It is then that I become very sad and have doubts about why I am here, and question whether I would in fact be happier if I gave up my studies and returned to be with my family full time. Whilst the quiet and solitude I enjoy helps me to study, there are often times when I really do feel lonely. Sometimes I feel the urge to just drop everything and share the evening with my brother-in-law, then remember that he works nights and is usually not in the house when I am (and vice versa). At those times I do especially miss my wife and family; having the place to myself then seems more of a punishment than a privilege. I really miss being in our own home, hearing the chatter of the children, smelling the dinner cooking in our simple kitchen and hearing my wife singing to herself as she works at her chores. When I go through these times of loneliness and self-doubts, my house then feels more like a prison and my room nothing more than a cell in its solitary confinement wing. I curse the solitude and long for the everyday hustle and bustle that “normal” families enjoy and probably take for granted. The peace and quiet that I am normally grateful for then seems merely to emphasize that my loved ones are far from me and that I cannot just give them a hug or observe them in the ups and downs and ordinary trivia of their lives. My comfortable surroundings then seem of little value in comparison with what I have left behind, even though I know deep down that in the longer term I am doing what is best for us all.


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Descriptive Essay: My Bedroom

by Melissa (Alabama, US)

Original Text: Descriptive Essay: My Bedroom My bedroom is my favorite room in my house. I enjoy my bedroom because it describes me. The things that describe me the most in my room are the wall colors, bedroom suit, and the decorations. Over the years, my room has changed from being a “kid” room to being a “teenage” room. When I was younger my mom decorated my room. When I was younger, I could not wait until I was older so that I could decorate my room however I wanted. When I was younger I had to share a bedroom with my sister. I finally moved into my own room when my brother moved out. This seemed like one of the greatest days of my life. The smell of my room makes me think of the spring time when all of the flowers are blooming. When I enter my room I hear my radio, which reminds me of a day of listening to music and hanging out with friends. My walls are as chocolate as a Hershey bar. The reason that I chose this color brown for my room is that it matched a lot of colors and it is unusual for people to have a chocolate brown room. I also like this color because it is easy to match things with. When I was younger my bedroom was very girly and brightly painted. My wall color was yellow before we painted it. I have a wooden bedroom suit. I have a queen size bed, a nightstand, and two dressers. They all match. The comforter on my bed is pink, green, and white, and it is made by Polo Ralph Lauren. It describes the girly side of me. Before I had a queen size bed, I had a twin size bed. It was really small. I enjoy my much larger bed now. My nightstand comes in handy for storing my midnight snack and drink. The two dressers give me more space to hold my massive collection of t-shirts. My favorite thing about my bedroom is the decorations. I have many paintings in my room. The one I like the most is the collage painting. It has all the activities that I participate in such as, running, hunting, church, family, and friends. I also have many trophies in my room that describe what sports and other activities that I participate in. My favorite decoration in my room is my cork board. I have all my memories from my junior year. This is the decoration in my room that describes me the most. When I was younger the decorations in my room were baby dolls and trophies, not canvases and vases. I love my room so much more now that I get to decorate it myself. I have lots of picture frames sitting in my room with memories that my friends and I have made throughout the years. The decorations in my room help to make me happy when I am in an irritable mood. The decorations in my room help tie the room together. I have always enjoyed my room. It has always been my favorite room of my house because it describes so many aspects of my life. The three main things in my room that describe me is the wall color, bedroom suit, and decorations. My friends and I enjoy spending time in my room. We can always find something interesting to do. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Revised Text: Original Text: Descriptive Essay: My Bedroom My bedroom is my favorite room in my house. I enjoy my bedroom because it describes me. The things that describe me the most in my room are the wall colors, bedroom suite and the decorations. Over the years, my room has changed from being a “kid” room to being a “teenage” room. When I was younger, my mom decorated my room and I could not wait until I was older so that I could decorate my room however I wanted. When I was younger, I had to share a bedroom with my sister. I finally moved into my own room when my brother moved out. This seemed like one of the greatest days of my life. The smell of my room makes me think of the springtime, when all of the flowers are blooming. When I enter my room I hear my radio, which reminds me of a day of listening to music and hanging out with friends. My walls are as chocolate as a Hershey bar. The reason that I chose the color brown for my room is that it matches a lot of colors and is easy to match things with and it is unusual for people to have a chocolate brown room. When I was younger my bedroom was very girly and brightly painted. My wall color was yellow before we painted it. I have a wooden bedroom suite. It has a queen size bed, a nightstand, and two dressers. They all match. The comforter on my bed is pink, green, and white, and it is made by Polo Ralph Lauren. It describes the girly side of me. Before I had a queen size bed, I had a twin size bed. It was really small. I enjoy my much larger bed now. My nightstand comes in handy for storing my midnight snack and drink. The two dressers give me more space to hold my massive collection of t-shirts. My favorite thing about my bedroom is the decorations. I have many paintings in my room. The one I like the most is the collage painting. It has all the activities that I participate in such as, running, hunting, church, family, and friends. I also have many trophies in my room that describe the sports and other activities I participate in. My favorite decoration in the room is my cork board. It has all my memories from my junior year. This is the decoration in my room that describes me the most. When I was younger, the decorations in my room were baby dolls and trophies, not canvases and vases. I love my room so much more now that I get to decorate it myself. I have lots of picture frames sitting in my room with memories that my friends and I have made throughout the years. The decorations in my room help to make me happy when I am in an irritable mood and help tie the room together. I have always enjoyed my room. It has always been my favorite room of my house because it describes so many aspects of my life. The three main things in my room that describe me are the wall color, bedroom suite, and the decorations. My friends and I enjoy spending time in my room. We can always find something interesting to do. Editor: 1. Please review the text carefully to ensure your intended meaning was not mistakenly changed. 2. Before you leave this page, please take a moment to use the "Click here to post comments." link at the bottom of the page to rate the proofreading and leave a comment if you wish. Proofreading and editing pages that receive ratings and comments are moved to the top of the list.

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Describe Your Favourite Room at Your Home

Describe your favourite room at your home

  • what the room is
  • Which is your favourite room in the house?
  • Why do you regard it as your favourite?
  • What changes do you want to make it?

Well, rooms are an integral part of our life, and most individuals spend their quality time in the house along with family members. I think it could be a most crucial part for everyone and here I would like to talk about a room which is my favourite and interesting due to an abundance of reasons first of all my favourite room is my own living room because this room is already decorated with precious elements according to modern style. I also remember that time, while manufacturing the whole house, I gave a piece of advice about using Italian marble for my house because I wanted to decorate that house with my own taste and texture. Apart from that ambience of the inside room is quite mesmerising because I always spend my quality time with family members every evening. We also do a lot of extracurricular activities in this room, and one of the things my favourite is the walls of the living room is a marvel because the colour of a wall painted blue-collar along with premium wallpapers always gives a kind electrifying experience whenever he curtains of this living room is specially designed by a Japanese designer that is my favourite part and and and every time my friends and guest alike to visit my house mt first preference to show that room which I found marvellous and feel proud when they stalk the whole the rooms with the naked eye. Furthermore, it looks like a five-star hotel room with all crucial amenities. Whereas. The furniture used in the living room is quite expensive and imported, and when I feel more stressed, I would like to spend that time in this room, and I charged up it a few times some time; I often listen to songs on 55INCH led connected with home theatre. Last but not least every evening we also have a cup of coffee and watch the TV and also make some jokes. I feel overwhelmed and on cloud 9 when I visit this room in the day to day life.

As a kid, I used to like my tv room most because I like to watch cartoons, so I just sat on my couch for the whole day and watched the cartoon and ate lots of chips but now, as a grown-up, I like my personal room most because it gives me privacy also I have my study table and computer near the window in my room so whenever I feel bored while studying I just open window get some fresh air and start studying again. I have one small house temple in my room. I wake up early and pray to god in my room which gives me lots of positive energy. Moreover, I have a wifi router in my room, so the internet speed is faster in my room than in any other room. I don’t really like to make any changes to my room. I just wanted to have an Ac because it is too hot in summer.

Follow-ups of Describe Your Favourite Room at Your Home

Question 1:- how does a study room help a student.

Answer 1:- Well, in terms of rooms, it gives tremendous support towards student life and whenever a student already being a part of any institution and want to clear any kind of exam so I think the room is the most preferable for them because a student always find a silent ambience in surroundings because they need to more concentrate while the studying apart from that no one can disturb and they put more attention rather than a distraction. This leads to them being able to perform well in their academics. Moreover, study rooms must contain all amenities for day to day life.

Answer 2:- I believe it depends on the student because there are two types of students one who likes to study in the study room in an ideal environment, but other types of students are the one who wants some kind of noise or something because if they try to study in the study room in silence, they may sleep.

Question 2:- Do you like to study? What type of books do you read?

Answer 1:- Yes, I often read books in my quality time because that is the most integral part of my life. Without a book, I feel incomplete, so that is why I am looking for a study most preferable books that are spiritual and regional books because I will make more considerations and do more focus while reading these books it could be more beneficial for me sometimes I gather a lot of new words which helps to improve vocabulary. Moreover, it also helps to develop innovative and cognitive skills to sort out any critical situation with the presence of mind issues. This kind enhances my abilities. At the time, I was seeking random books as well storybooks, and usually, I do readings in the morning and evening because I always find a quiet ambience.

Answer 2:- yes, I usually like to study. I like educational books most, but I also like non-fiction books which can help me to become a better person. I am not very fond of fiction books. I don’t know why but I feel fiction books are boring.

Question 3:- Which one do you prefer – reading or travelling? Why?

Answer 1:- Well both things are quite compatible with me .whilst I think is a totally depend on situation which I will be seeking for sometimes during the travelling and I always carry a book like novels comics it could be a make my journey comfortable and I feel always more electrifying I never get boredom with the books and most of the time I always prefer to do reading whenever I leave for a long journey so I think it could be the best partner in my life and I think my life is easier with books in my backpack.

Answer 2:- It is a tough choice. I like both reading and travelling. I feel reading is an important part of life to evolve to know new things, but travelling is also necessary to connect with nature, so I can’t choose one I like both.

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  • Favorite Room in the House

my favourite room in my house essay

1. What is your favourite room in your house and why?

Sample Answer, C1 English Level, Advanced, Band Score 6.5-7.5

My favourite room in my house is the living room. It’s a comfortable and welcoming space where my family gathers to spend quality time together. We enjoy watching movies, playing board games, and having conversations there. The cozy atmosphere and the memories we create make it special to me.

The room I like the most in my house is the living room. It’s a cosy and inviting area where my family comes together to bond. We relax, watch films, engage in board games, and have meaningful discussions there. The warm ambience and the moments we share make it dear to me.

Out of all the rooms in my house, the living room holds a special place in my heart. It exudes a sense of comfort and hospitality, serving as the central hub for my family’s interactions. Whether it’s indulging in movie marathons, engaging in intellectually stimulating debates, or simply unwinding, this space fosters cherished memories and meaningful connections.

2. How would you describe the layout and design of your favourite room?

The layout and design of my favourite room are quite appealing. It has an open layout with comfortable seating arrangements, allowing for easy interaction. The colour scheme is soothing, with soft hues and warm accents. The furniture is tastefully chosen, creating a harmonious and inviting atmosphere.

The arrangement and aesthetic of my preferred room are quite attractive. It boasts an open design with cozy seating arrangements that facilitate seamless conversations. The colour palette is calming, featuring gentle tones and pleasant highlights. The furniture is thoughtfully selected, contributing to a harmonious and welcoming ambiance.

The arrangement and design of the room I hold dear are nothing short of captivating. Its open layout fosters an environment conducive to effortless social interaction. The colour scheme is carefully curated, encompassing serene shades and tasteful accents. The furniture selection exemplifies meticulous attention to detail, culminating in an ambiance that is both harmonious and inviting.

3. What activities do you usually do in your favourite room?

In my favourite room, I engage in various activities. I often relax and unwind by reading books or listening to music. Additionally, I enjoy spending quality time with my family, watching movies or having conversations. It’s a versatile space that accommodates both relaxation and social interaction.

I typically partake in a range of activities in my preferred room. It serves as a sanctuary for me to unwind and enjoy activities like reading books or listening to music. Furthermore, it’s a space where my family and I bond, whether it’s watching films together or engaging in meaningful conversations. It’s a multifunctional area that caters to relaxation and social connections.

My cherished room offers a plethora of activities for me to indulge in. It serves as a serene retreat where I can immerse myself in the realms of literature, finding solace in books or immersing myself in melodic harmonies. Moreover, it acts as a nucleus for familial camaraderie, facilitating shared moments of cinematic delight or thought-provoking discussions. It’s a versatile haven that encapsulates both personal rejuvenation and collective connections.

4. What makes your favourite room a comfortable and enjoyable space for you?

My preferred room is comfortable and enjoyable due to soft lighting, plush furniture, and personal decor, creating a familiar and soothing atmosphere.

The room I love is cosy and pleasant with gentle lighting, comfortable furniture, and personal touches that make it feel familiar and calming.

My cherished room combines comfort and enjoyment through carefully curated details like ambient lighting, luxurious seating, and meaningful decor, creating an atmosphere that is both inviting and personally significant.

5. Are there any specific decorations or items in your favourite room that hold sentimental value for you? If so, could you describe them?

Yes, there are specific decorations and items in my favourite room that hold sentimental value. For instance, there’s a photo frame displaying a cherished family picture, reminding me of happy moments. Additionally, there’s a small figurine passed down from my grandparents, symbolising their love and wisdom.

Indeed, my preferred room houses decorations and items that possess sentimental significance. One example is a photo frame exhibiting a beloved family portrait, evoking joyful memories. Moreover, there’s a precious figurine inherited from my grandparents, symbolising their enduring affection and wisdom.

Within the confines of my cherished room reside a multitude of decorations and items that hold profound sentimental value. Prominently displayed is a photo frame encapsulating a cherished family portrait, a treasured embodiment of love and cherished memories. Additionally, an heirloom figurine, tenderly bestowed by my grandparents, stands as a testament to their enduring bond and timeless wisdom.

6. Do you prefer spending time alone or with others in your favourite room? Why?

I enjoy both spending time alone and with others in my favourite room. It provides a peaceful environment for solitude, allowing me to relax and reflect. Simultaneously, it’s a welcoming space for socializing with family and friends, fostering meaningful connections and shared experiences.

I find solace in both solitary moments and social interactions within my beloved room. It offers a serene sanctuary for personal reflection and relaxation. Additionally, it serves as a convivial space for bonding with loved ones, facilitating enriching connections and collective memories.

My adoration for my favourite room extends to both the tranquillity of solitude and the vibrancy of shared experiences. It provides an idyllic haven for introspection and rejuvenation. Furthermore, it acts as a convivial setting, fostering profound connections and treasured moments with cherished individuals.

7. How does your favourite room reflect your personality or interests?

My favourite room reflects my personality and interests through bookshelves filled with literature, artistic wall decorations, and a comfortable and cosy atmosphere.

My preferred room showcases my personality and interests with bookshelves full of books, captivating artwork on the walls, and a warm and inviting ambiance.

My cherished room eloquently embodies my personality and passions with its abundant book collection, captivating artwork, and welcoming and comforting environment.

8. Have you made any modifications or additions to your favourite room to make it more to your liking? If so, what changes have you made?

Yes, I have made changes to my favourite room to enhance its appeal. I added decorative accents like cushions and curtains, and installed dimmable lighting for adjustable ambience. These modifications have personalised the room to my liking.

Certainly, I have made adjustments to my beloved room for a more captivating ambiance. Decorative elements like cushions and curtains were introduced, along with dimmable lighting to create a tailored atmosphere that suits my preferences.

To craft a space that perfectly aligns with my taste, I have undertaken meticulous modifications within my cherished room. Incorporating embellishments like cushions and curtains, as well as installing dimmable lighting, has transformed the room into a bespoke haven that resonates with my personal style.

9. Is there a specific time of day when you enjoy your favourite room the most? Why?

I enjoy my favourite room the most in the evenings. It’s a time when I can unwind and relax after a long day. The soft lighting and peaceful atmosphere create a perfect setting for me to read, listen to music, or simply enjoy some quiet reflection.

I find the evenings to be the most enjoyable time in my favourite room. It allows me to unwind and destress after a busy day. The gentle lighting and serene ambiance provide an ideal environment for reading, listening to music, or engaging in peaceful introspection.

The evenings hold a special charm in my beloved room, as it becomes a haven of relaxation and tranquillity. It is during this time that I can rejuvenate myself after the demands of the day. The subtle illumination and serene atmosphere set the stage for me to delve into the realms of literature, indulge in mellifluous melodies, or immerse myself in contemplation and self-discovery.

10. If you could change one thing about your favourite room, what would it be and why?

If I could change one thing about my favourite room, it would be the size. I wish it were larger to accommodate more seating and storage space. This would allow for greater comfort and convenience when spending time with family and friends.

If I had the opportunity to make a single alteration to my preferred room, I would opt for a larger size. A more spacious room would provide ample room for additional seating and storage, enhancing comfort and convenience during gatherings with loved ones.

Given the chance to modify a solitary aspect of my cherished room, I would opt to augment its size. A more generous space would accommodate increased seating options and storage capacity, resulting in enhanced comfort and heightened convenience during moments of togetherness with dear family and friends.

11. How does the atmosphere or ambience of your favourite room affect your mood or state of mind?

The atmosphere of my favourite room greatly affects my mood and state of mind. Its warm lighting, comfortable setting, and personal touches create a calming and uplifting environment that helps me feel relaxed, inspired, and content.

The atmosphere in my beloved room has a notable impact on my mood. The inviting lighting, cosy decor, and personal elements create a soothing and inspiring environment, promoting relaxation and boosting my mood.

The atmosphere within my cherished room profoundly affects my emotional well-being. The comforting illumination, inviting decor, and personalised accents fashion an environment that exudes serenity and creative stimulation, elevating my mood and engendering contentedness.

12. Do you have any future plans or ideas for your favourite room? If so, what are they and why?

I have future plans for my favourite room, including adding indoor plants to create a fresh and lively atmosphere. I also want to upgrade the furniture for improved comfort and functionality, making the room more inviting.

I have envisioned future plans for my beloved room, such as incorporating indoor plants to bring in nature’s touch and enhance the vibrant atmosphere. Additionally, I aim to upgrade the furniture to elevate both comfort and practicality, making the room even more inviting.

I have ambitious plans for the transformation of my cherished room. Introducing indoor plants will infuse a fresh and lively energy, while upgrading the furniture will enhance comfort and functionality, creating an irresistibly inviting space that blends nature’s beauty with optimal design.


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Reading: My Favourite Room

My favourite room

My house is quite large. It has four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a kitchen, a study, a living room, a dining room, a special games room and a big front and back garden.

My favourite room is my bedroom. I love it because it is the only room in my house where I can lock myself away from the rest of the world. After a long hard day, all I want to do is go up to my cosy bedroom and either listen to some mellow music, or lie down, unwind and watch a bit of T.V or maybe even a relaxing film. This room is very special to me because I have inhabited it for over fifteen years. It is a part of me. It is full of my personal possessions and it has been decorated with my fair hands.

So what does this special room look like? Well, it's quite big, but not huge. It's big enough to hold a double bed, which leans against the back wall of the room. There is a sofa bed, which leans against the left wall in the room. In front of the bed there is a dressing table with a large mirror. This is the place where I sit every morning and dry my hair and put on my make-up. Either side of the dressing table there are two wardrobes.

The wardrobe on the right is the one I use daily, the one on the left is full of disused toys, games, clothes and books. A bit messy! My television and video recorder are on a shelf above the dressing table. Also on this shelf, there is a selection of my favourite videos: Pretty Woman, Dirty Dancing, and Austin Powers. On the left hand side of my bed, to the left of the door, there is a chest of draws and on top of the chest I have my stereo. Scattered around the room. I have photos of my friends and family. These photos bring back memories of happy times spent.

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Describe Your Favourite Room at Your Home Recent Speaking Test

Describe Your Favourite Room at Your Home: Recent Speaking Test

Describe your favourite room at your home

  • what the room is?
  • Which is your favourite room in the house?
  • Why do you regard it as your favourite?
  • What changes do you want to make it?

Sample Answer of Describe Your Favourite Room at Your Home

Today I would like to talk about my favourite room in my room. First I will describe a little bit about my house. It contains three bedrooms with the attachment of a bathroom, kitchen, drawing room, living room, courtyard and backyard. My favourite room is my own room because it is decorated by my own choice. It contains a bed, study table, bookcase and small television. Most of my time was spent in my room. The colour of the wall of my room is bright blue which is also my favourite colour . Apart from this, I eat food in my room. Some changes which I want to make I never decorate my room with flower pots. It not only decorates the room but also gives me fresh air.

Follow-ups of Describe Your Favourite Room at Your Home

Question 1:- how does a study room help a student.

Answer- Well, the study room helps a student because the student concentrates easily in the study room. The student is a very family with the study room.

Question 2:- Do you like to study? What type of books do you read?

Answer- Yes, of course, I like reading. I like to read novels, storybooks and even comic books because they are not only knowledgeable but also enjoyable.

Question 3:- Which one do you prefer – reading or travelling? Why?

Answer- I prefer both reading as well as travelling but I prefer most reading because I gain lots of knowledge with the helo of a book. On the other hand, I feel exhausted when I am travelling.

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English essay on “my favourite room in the house” best essay, paragraph, speech for class 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 students..

My Favourite Room In The House

It is a difficult choice to figure my favourite room given that I love my house so dearly. But if I had to, I’d choose the living room. It is a square room with large tall windows that allow the morning sun to shine through. Then, there are three comfortable sofas that face a reasonably large television and by their side, sits a little piano.

I often use this room with my parents and sister after school to watch television, but the best use of it is when we have friends over. While parents’ friends use the garden outside, we children gather in this room and play a lot of games on the console connected to the large television. Sometimes, I use my favourite room to practice some music on the piano. As you can see, this lovely room contains all the little distractions that I need to keep myself positively occupied, relaxed and entertained.

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What is your favourite room in your home? IELTS Speaking Answer

Sample Answer 1: 

My favourite room in my home is my bedroom. It is a sanctuary for me, a place where I can relax and unwind after a long day. The room is decorated with calming colors, such as soft blue and white, and it has large windows that let in plenty of natural light. I have a comfortable bed with fluffy pillows and a cozy duvet, making it the perfect place for a good night’s sleep. I also have a small balcony attached to my bedroom where I can sit and enjoy the beautiful view of my neighborhood. It’s a small but cozy room that makes me feel at home. Overall, my bedroom is my favourite room in the house because it’s where I feel the most relaxed and at ease.

Sample Answer 2: 

My favourite room in my home is my living room. It is the most spacious and well-lit room in my house, and it is where I spend most of my time. The room is decorated with comfortable furniture and has a large window that allows natural light to flood in. I also have a fireplace that creates a warm and cozy atmosphere, making it the perfect place to relax and unwind after a long day. The room is also where I entertain guests, so it is designed to be both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Overall, it is the heart of my home and the place where I feel most at ease.

Sample Answer 3: 

My favourite room in my home is definitely my bedroom. It’s a peaceful and comfortable space where I can relax and unwind after a long day. I’ve decorated it with warm, neutral tones and added a few personal touches to make it feel like my own. The room is also equipped with a large window that allows natural light to flood in, which I find very soothing. Additionally, I have a comfortable bed and a good reading light, so it’s the perfect place to curl up with a book before going to sleep. Overall, my bedroom is a sanctuary that I look forward to spending time in every day.

Sample Answer 4: 

My favourite room in my home is my living room. It is the most spacious and comfortable room in my house. It is decorated with soft pastel colours and has large windows that let in plenty of natural light. The room has a large sofa making it the perfect place to relax and unwind after a long day. It is also the room where my family and I spend most of our time together. Overall, my living room is the heart of my home and it is where I feel the most comfortable and at ease.

Sample Answer 5: 

My favourite room in my home is my bedroom. It is a peaceful and comfortable space where I can relax and unwind after a long day. The room is decorated in a simple and minimalist style, with a neutral colour palette and minimal clutter. The walls are painted in a soothing light blue colour and the floor is covered in a plush, white carpet. The bed is large and comfortable, with fluffy white pillows and a soft, warm duvet. I also have a small desk in the corner of the room where I can work or read. The room has large windows that let in plenty of natural light, making it a bright and inviting space. Overall, my bedroom is my favourite room in the house because it is a sanctuary where I can relax and escape the stress of daily life.

Sample Answer 6: 

My favourite room in my home is definitely my bedroom. It is a spacious and comfortable room that I have decorated to my personal taste. I love the fact that it is a place where I can relax and unwind after a long day. It has a large window that lets in plenty of natural light, making it a bright and airy space. I have a comfortable bed with soft pillows and a warm duvet, which makes it the perfect spot for a good night’s sleep. Additionally, I have a dresser and a wardrobe that provide ample storage space for my clothes and personal belongings. Overall, my bedroom is my sanctuary , and I feel incredibly at home in it.

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — House — My Home As the Most Beautiful Place For Me


My Home as The Most Beautiful Place for Me

  • Categories: House My Favorite Place Personal Experience

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Words: 1132 |

Published: Apr 8, 2022

Words: 1132 | Pages: 2 | 6 min read

Works Cited

  • Cheng, J. (2019). The Psychology of Home: Why Where You Live Means So Much. Psychology Today.
  • Fredrickson, B. L., & Levenson, R. W. (1998). Positive emotions speed recovery from the cardiovascular sequelae of negative emotions. Cognition and Emotion, 12(2), 191-220.
  • Gifford, R., & Nilsson, A. (2014). Personal and social factors that influence pro-environmental concern and behaviour: A review. International Journal of Psychology, 49(3), 141-157.
  • Howells, J. (2018). A Sense of Home and Belonging. The Psychologist, 31, 38-41.
  • Kim, J., Kaplan, R., & Chun, B. (2016). Predicting Emotional Responses to Nature-Based Recreation Activities. Leisure Sciences, 38(1), 1-24.
  • Oliver, M. (2014). Home as a lived space: the first-person perspective and beyond. Home Cultures, 11(2), 185-207.
  • Padilla-Walker, L. M., & Christensen, K. J. (2011). Adolescent sleep and the impact of technology use before sleep on daytime function. Journal of Adolescence, 34(4), 665-673.
  • Russell, J. A., & Carroll, J. M. (1999). On the bipolarity of positive and negative affect. Psychological Bulletin, 125(1), 3-30.
  • Searle, S. (2017). Affect and Emotion: A New Social Science Understanding. Routledge.
  • Wohlwill, J. F. (1976). The Concept of Home. Environment and Behavior, 8(4), 489-508.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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my favourite room in my house essay

Essay on My House for Students and Children

500+ words essay on my house.

Essay on My House:  The world consists of all types of people. Some are fortunate enough to have amenities while some aren’t. Especially in a country like India, where the majority of the population lives below the poverty line . To own a house here is no less than a luxury, one which I thankfully have. I am blessed to be protected by four walls and a roof.

Essay on My house

It is my parent’s hard work that has given us this blessing. Many people in today’s world are always complaining about the things they don’t have. The person who has a house wants a bungalow. The one who owns a bungalow wants a palace. The one living in a palace wants an island. This never-ending cycle goes on. However, if we look at the people below us rather than those who are above us, we will be happier.

An Underrated Blessing

Having a house is an underrated blessing. If you have not realized it yet, you can go and ask any person who doesn’t have a house. Only then will you realize what a great blessing it is to have a house. Houses do not necessarily have to be luxuriously filled with the latest amenities. A house is complete if you have a roof over your head.

Moreover, if you have your loved ones around, then there can be no greater blessing. You must realize the importance of your house before it gets too late. Even I never knew how precious my house was up until one incident that changed my outlook.

We had house help growing up. The maid who used to work for us always came early in the morning and would leave in the evening. Even when my mother asked her to leave early as she completed the work on time, she never did that. On the other hand, she used to do extra work. Later we found out that she never really had a house. It was just a hut which had one chair and one folding. And that she liked spending time most of the time at our house because she had access to all basic facilities like electricity and clean water.

This incident made me realize how I took my house for granted. It is truly an underrated blessing which is overlooked by others. We must value our homes before it gets too late.

Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas

I live in my ancestral home with my grandparents, parents, and siblings. My grandfather built this house with his hard work. It has four rooms, one kitchen, two bathrooms, and a patio. My house is at least fifty years old.

I admire the beauty of my house. The vintage vibes make it even more beautiful. My grandparents have a small garden in the patio which adds greenery to my house. Moreover, it also has two trees. One is a pomegranate tree and the other is a Henna tree. They provide us with shade and sweet fruits.

My house has very high ceilings as it was made many years back. It has vintage switchboards which give it a very unique look. My house is situated in the middle of four roads. It is not joined to any other house. My house has four entrances from each side.

Whenever my friends come over to my house, they click a lot of pictures. Even my relatives love the interior of the house which is a mix of modern and vintage architecture. My house is colored in brown and beige color and it stands out in our locality.

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Describe Your Favourite Room [IELTS Speaking Part 2]

Posted by David S. Wills | Apr 2, 2018 | IELTS Tips , Speaking | 0

Describe Your Favourite Room [IELTS Speaking Part 2]

Today’s lesson looks at the IELTS speaking part 2. In it, we will think about the question: Describe your favourite room. I will show you how to read the cue card, make notes, and then answer the questions easily. I’m going to ask you to get up and get active in this lesson, so be ready to explore!

Of course, there are various possibilities for how the cue card may be written, but this is one:

Describe your favourite room You should say what the room is what furniture it contains what you do in it And explain why it is your favourite room

Here, we have a list of things we should talk about, although you can go into other details. For example, maybe you have a collection of some kind, an interesting decoration, musical instruments, or some books that you’d like to talk about.

Making Notes

Once you’ve read the cue card, you should take a minute to try down some notes. Practice doing this at home because it’s not as easy as it sounds! Under real exam conditions, note down some details about your own favourite room. Close your eyes and imagine you are there – what do you see around you?

Here’s some ideas for me:

  • office/study
  • book shelves
  • one single blue plastic chair
  • computer desk

These are just some ideas. You can’t write down too much because you don’t have that much time. Instead, just focus on ideas and difficult vocabulary that could help you describe your favourite room.

Vocabulary to describe your favourite room

Here’s an idea: Go to your favourite room right now and look around. What can you see? Can you name everything? Try it! Do your best! Look up the word for anything difficult in a dictionary. What about more details? How would you describe your desk, chair, or shelves?

What about your feelings towards the room, or a way to describe what you do there? Is it for relaxing, studying, or eating? Does it make you feel any particular way? Is it a place you get privacy or creative inspiration? These are great things to mention.

My Sample Answer

Yesterday, I recorded a very different video to my usual style and posted it to my YouTube channel. In it, I show you around my own little office and explain why it is my favourite room. Enjoy!

About The Author

David S. Wills

David S. Wills

David S. Wills is the author of Scientologist! William S. Burroughs and the 'Weird Cult' and the founder/editor of Beatdom literary journal. He lives and works in rural Cambodia and loves to travel. He has worked as an IELTS tutor since 2010, has completed both TEFL and CELTA courses, and has a certificate from Cambridge for Teaching Writing. David has worked in many different countries, and for several years designed a writing course for the University of Worcester. In 2018, he wrote the popular IELTS handbook, Grammar for IELTS Writing and he has since written two other books about IELTS. His other IELTS website is called IELTS Teaching.

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A description of my house – A1 English writing

Describing your home.

When you write about your home you can write about:

  • where it is
  • the different rooms in your home
  • what is in each room

Check some vocabulary related to rooms and furniture or appliances before writing the essay. Here you can see some useful words:

Vocabulary about the house: rooms and furniture

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Use these prepositions and phrases to describe where you live. You should review prepositions of place before writing this essay.

  • I live in a small house/big apartment.
  • The house is in/on a quiet street.
  • It’s near/not far from the train station.
  • There’s a garden behind the house.
  • It’s a ten-minute walk to/from the town centre.

Note that when we say a ten-minute walk , a twenty-minute walk, etc.  we use a number + a hyphen ( – ) + the word minute in the singular.  

There is/are

Use there is/are to write about the things in or near your home.

Use there is with singular nouns. Use a before the singular noun. The negative form is there isn’t.

  • There is a bus stop near the apartment.
  • There isn’t a bath in the bathroom.

You can shorten there is to there’s .

  • There’s a single bed in the guest bedroom.

Use there are with plural nouns. We often use some or a number before the noun.

  • There are two bedrooms in the flat.
  • There are some books on the shelf.

In negative sentences, we use any , NOT some .

  • There aren’t any towels in the guest bedroom.

Has/Has got

You can also use has or has got to write about what is in the house. The negative form is doesn’t have or hasn’t got .

  • The flat has WIFI. The flat doesn’t have WIFI.
  • The house has got a garden. The house hasn’t got a garden.

You can use just or only when there are a small number of things. Look where just and only go in a sentence.

  • There’s just one bedroom. / There’s only one bedroom.  
  • The flat only has one bedroom. / The flat just has one bedroom
  • The house has only got a shower, not a bath. /   The house has just got a shower, not a bath.

Use with to add extra information about a home, room, or piece of furniture.

  • I live in a small house with a big garden.
  • There’s a kitchen with three chairs.
  • There’s a cupboard with five shelves.

Some useful adverbs

Start your sentence with one of these adverbs to talk about different parts of your home.

  • Upstairs,   there are three bedrooms.
  • Downstairs,   there is a kitchen and a living room.
  • Inside,   there are five rooms.
  • Outside,   there is a garden.

When we write about our homes we often include lists. Look at the list below.

  • In the living room, there is a sofa, two armchairs and a television.
  • we use there is because the first item on the list (a sofa) is singular.
  • we use a comma ( , ) between the first items on the list. Before the last item, we write and .

To contrast between positive and negative things in a list, use but .

  • The bathroom has a bath, a toilet and a washbasin, but it doesn’t have a shower.
  • There’s a microwave, a washing machine and a fridge-freezer, but there isn’t a dishwasher.

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my favourite room in my house essay

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Is It Better to Rent or Buy? A Financial Calculator.

By Mike Bostock ,  Shan Carter ,  Archie Tse and Francesca Paris May 10, 2024

The choice between buying a home and renting one is among the biggest financial decisions that many adults make. But the costs of buying are more varied and complicated than for renting, making it hard to tell which is a better deal. To help you answer this question, our calculator, which was updated in May 2024 to reflect current tax law, takes the most important costs associated with buying or renting and compares the two options. Note that the “winning choice” is the one that makes more financial sense over the long run, not necessarily what you can afford today. And there are plenty of reasons you might want to rent or buy that are not financial — all we can help you with is the numbers.

To view this feature, please use a newer browser like Chrome , Firefox or Internet Explorer 9 or later.

The calculator keeps a running tally of the most common expenses of owning and renting. It also takes into account something known as opportunity cost — for example, the return you could have earned by investing your money. (Instead of spending it on a down payment, for example.) The calculator assumes that the profit you would have made in your investments would be taxed as long-term capital gains and adjusts the bottom line accordingly. The calculator tabulates opportunity costs for all parts of buying and renting. All figures are in current dollars.

Tax law regarding deductions can have a significant effect on the relative benefits of buying. The calculator assumes that the house-related tax provisions in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 will expire after 2025, as written into law. Congress might, however, extend the cuts in their original form, or extend and modify them. You can use the toggle to see how your results may vary if the tax cuts are renewed in full, to get a sense of how big the tax impact might be on your decision.

Initial costs are the costs you incur when you go to the closing for the home you are purchasing. This includes the down payment and other fees.

Recurring costs are expenses you will have to pay monthly or yearly in owning your home. These include mortgage payments; condo fees (or other community living fees); maintenance and renovation costs; property taxes; and homeowner’s insurance. A few items are tax deductible, up to a point: property taxes; the interest part of the mortgage payment; and, in some cases, a portion of the common charges. The resulting tax savings are accounted for in the buying total. If your house-related deductions are similar to or smaller than the standard deduction, you’ll get little or no relative tax savings from buying. If your house-related deductions are large enough to make itemizing worthwhile, we only count as savings the amount above the standard deduction.

Opportunity costs are calculated for the initial purchase costs and for the recurring costs. That will give you an idea of how much you could have made if you had invested your money instead of buying your home.

Net proceeds is the amount of money you receive from the sale of your home minus the closing costs, which includes the broker’s commission and other fees, the remaining principal balance that you pay to your mortgage bank and any tax you have to pay on profit that exceeds your capital gains exclusion. If your total is negative, it means you have done very well: You made enough of a profit that it covered not only the cost of your home, but also all of your recurring expenses.

Initial costs include the rent security deposit and, if applicable, the broker’s fee.

Recurring costs include the monthly rent and the cost of renter’s insurance.

Opportunity costs are calculated each year for both your initial costs and your recurring costs.

Net proceeds include the return of the rental security deposit, which typically occurs at the end of a lease.

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