Home Blog PowerPoint Tutorials How to Prepare a Listing Presentation: Guide for Real Estate Pros

How to Prepare a Listing Presentation: Guide for Real Estate Pros

How to Prepare a Listing Presentation: Guide for Real Estate Pros

Do you want to close more leads on a regular basis?

In that case, you may need to level up your communication skills. To win more listings, move on from having a polite “pre-sales” chit chat with prospects to doing full-scale presentations of your services.

What is a Real Estate Listing Presentation?

A listing presentation is your pitch to a prospective seller to represent them in a Real Estate transaction. Succeeding with your presentation means that you will sign on a new client and receive a bigger commission this month.

But of course, there will be other agents knocking on the seller’s door, offering their services. In fact, 55% of sellers interview two or three agents before making the decision. So how do you get chosen among the sea of other agents? Wrong, if you thought that most prospects will stick with someone offering the highest listing price and asking for the lowest commission.

When putting up their homes for sale, most people want to partner with a competent, forthcoming and proactive agent, capable to broker the best arrangement for them. Obviously, the best Real Estate agents are rarely those charging the lowest commission.

In fact, the main goal of conducting a full-scale, deck-ready listing presentation is to persuade the prospect that you are their optimal choice.

The best listing presentation isn’t a brief oral interview on the porch; it’s a carefully staged, full-scale demo of your professional capabilities. Keep in mind that creating a listing presentation isn’t the only way to market effectively in your industry. There are dozens of other Real Estate marketing ideas that can help you beat out the competition and stand out from the pack. For example, if you can’t make time for an in-person listing presentation, consider recording a seminar and linking it to your email subscribers.

How to Prepare for a Listing Presentation: 7 Key Steps

Building a rapport with a new prospect is never easy. But there are a few quick neuroscience tricks you can leverage to appear instantly more likable to prospects, even before you pull out your Real Estate brochures and other collateral.

  • Give a firm handshake . Scientists proved that a handshake preceding any social interaction has a strong positive impact on how the recipient will further evaluate this social interaction.
  • Have some brew ready. Pleasant smells like those of fresh coffee make us act nicer to one another and be more cooperative.
  • Appear interested and ask questions.  Again, science proves that people are more willing to engage with an interlocutor, eagerly posing questions, and also act in a more receptive manner.

Now with a few neat physiological tricks in your sleeve, let’s move on to how you should approach listing presentation design.

1. Open with a Brief Introduction

A Real Estate listing presentations can start with a short overview, recapping who you are, what you do and what’s your success record.

To save you time on design, we have lined up a few short Real Estate bio templates you can grab and customize.

new house presentation

Sellers want to be reassured that you can close the deal fast and secure them a fair price. They want someone confident in their abilities and capable to back up their skills with examples and data.

Here’s listing presentation sample questionnaire you can answer to fill in your first few slides:

What are your top skills? Are you a Real Estate marketing guru? Do you have exceptional graphic design skills and can create for sale by owner flyers that stand out from the crowd? Do you have a photography background and can shoot professionals photos without hiring any external help? Show exactly what you can do. Bonus point if you manage to align your key skills with your buyer’s needs.

How many houses have you sold in this area? It’s best to line up some fresh data e.g. the past 12 months. Specifically, mention what types of properties have you sold and whether any were similar to this particular buyer’s estate.

Now comes the tricky part: offer some numbers comparing the original list price versus the final sales numbers (if the latter are more favorable) and the average day on the market (DOM) numbers for the property.

Such numbers will also help you justify higher commission rates. Of course, every sane buyer would rather stick with an agent charging a higher rate (e.g. 6% commission for houses for sale), but who also secures them a higher sales price due to better marketing experience.

2. Toss in Some Social Proof

People are social creatures and thus, we are extremely prone to opinions shared by others. To learn what’s good, we observe what others are doing and this extends to our purchase decision making: 92% of consumers state that word-of-mouth recommendations carry the most value to them.

You shouldn’t hard-sell your services. Instead, just show that “others” already think you are that good . There are a few ways you can use “social proof” as a Real Estate agent:

Ask past sellers to provide quick testimonials (with photos) and use them in during your presentation. Here’s a quick example from one of our PowerPoint templates :

Example of Low Poly slide design for PowerPoint with Testimonial slides

Add a separate slide highlighting your key achievements up-to-date (personal or agency-wide).  The good “boasting” figures to include are:

  • Total number and value of properties sold.
  • Total number of clients you have worked with.
  • Average time to close a deal.
  • Average customer satisfaction rate.
  • “Big name” corporate clients and partners.
  • Professional organizations you are part of e.g. National Association of Realtors.

Gather and display reviews online.  Of course, prospects will google you post-presentation. Your job is to ensure that they’ll find only positive stuff, rather than nothing at all. You can set up a dedicated profile on popular review services or display ratings directly on your website.

3. List The Benefits of Your Brokerage

Keep this one succinct and on-point. Most buyers are interested in just three things:

  • Receiving a fair price for their property.
  • Getting it sold off fast.
  • Avoiding the associated sales hassle as much as possible.

Your Real Estate presentation should address how you will deliver them just that. You can also sweeten the deal here by including a few “promos” e.g. list special circumstances for when you will accept a lower commission or pitch them with some bundled promos your agency currently runs.

At this point, you should also explain how that communication will occur: what types of updates they can expect and when.

4. Walk The Prospect Through The Home Sales Process

Not everyone is experienced in flipping property. So be sure to customize your listing presentation template so that includes this optional slide – for when you are presenting to first-time buyers.

There’s no need to go into many details at this point. Just briefly mention the overall timeline, key milestones and what kind of actions we’ll be required from them.  All of this can be neatly packed into one slide like this one :

Presentation timeline Real Estate - Example of a timeline design in a listing presentation

If needed you can separately walk them through the home inspection and appraisal processes; Real Estate presentations to the buyers; negotiations and closing process.

5. Present a Comparative Market Analysis for a List Price Range

Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) is another nugget to persuade the client that you know your deal.

Price Comparison Real Estate Houses Slide design for PowerPoint

The wrinkle, however, is that it’s not always easy to come up with good numbers if you are yet to see the property in person. That’s why most agents will do two CMAs. First, one using the comps and their educated guesses based on prices for similar homes. And the second, more refined CMA after seeing the property, talking to the owners and digging further into the data.

6. Explain Your Marketing Strategy

Realtor Client meeting drinking a coffee

Image Source: StockSnap

What channels do you plan to leverage – digital, offline or a mix of both? Give the clients some general insights and explain why your approach works. They certainly don’t want to know all the nitty-gritty, but we’ll appreciate some general insights.

Show them a few video demos you have created; your standard property templates for websites; copywriting and other marketing collateral you plan to use and distribute during open house visits.

7. Wrap It Up with a Killer Case Study

The best listing presentation examples we have ever seen always included case studies. They are another form of “social proof”, and a direct illustration of your professional abilities.

You don’t need to make this one lengthy though. Just stick to a simple copywriting formula:

  • Customer background (e.g. a mid-aged couple just like you based in NYC).
  • Challenge: what kind of a problem those former customers had? (e.g. needed to sell a house in 1.5 months in an unpopular neighborhood).
  • Solution: how your agency helped them?
  • Results: some quick numbers illustrative the positive outcome you have helped them achieve e.g. house sold in 35 days for 5% higher than the initial listing price.

This way you are finishing your listing presentation with a bang, and encourage the prospects to take further action.

Listing Presentation Templates for Real Estate Pros

To ease up the processes of preparing for your listing presentation, our team has lined up a few neat templates you can download and customize in PowerPoint to match your current needs.

1. Commercial Real Estate Template for PowerPoint

new house presentation

A versatile template that could be easily adapted for both residential, commercial listings or for land sale listing presentation. It includes excellent slides (e.g. US Map slide ) to present your market analysis and pitch the approximate listing price.

Use This Template

2. Real Estate Industry PowerPoint Template

new house presentation

Another template that makes it easy to turn your scattered data into a coherent and persuasive story. Customize it in a few quick clicks in PowerPoint to match your corporate branding, add additional slides and elements from our collection and voilà – you now have a shining new listing presentation to dazzle even the most reluctant prospects!

3. Real Estate Listing PowerPoint Template

new house presentation

Work with all the assets required to showcase a property in a neat layout that contains tools such as market price comparison, team introductory slides, housing interior details, key features & more.

4. Residential Real Estate Illustrations PowerPoint Template

new house presentation

If you want to boost your listing presentation for real estate, get to know these professional-design vector images tailored for the real estate industry. A selection of slides that go through the entire process of acquiring a property from both realtor and customer’s perspective. High-end graphics to enhance the impact of your presentation.

5. Proptech PowerPoint Template

new house presentation

Get ready to introduce in-the-market properties with a high degree of smart home devices or sustainable housing solutions with a slide deck filled with visual cues for that talk. This tech-savvy listing presentation template is ideal for targeting properties to millennials and discussing the infrastructure in the neighborhood or building complex.

6. Real Estate Open House PowerPoint Template

new house presentation

Graphics can make or end a business deal, and that’s why your next real estate listing should count on carefully designed slides that boost the performance of your speech. This listing slide deck includes a selection of icons that help increase the retention rate of key information disclosed about the property while keeping the right balance between whitespace and content. With a striking color combination, go ahead and edit this template to meet the demands of your work.

new house presentation

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Agent, Listing, Real Estate, Realtor, Sales Process Filed under PowerPoint Tutorials

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Presentation Geeks

The Ultimate Real Estate Listing Presentation Guide For 2023

Table of contents.

As a real estate professional, one of the key skills to master in your business is the art of delivering an engaging and persuasive listing presentation. A well-prepared listing presentation can make all the difference in winning new business and securing valuable listings . Second to negotiating offers for your clients, a real estate listing presentation is arguably one of the most important and valuable things you’ll do in your business.

In this article, we will delve into the essential components of a compelling real estate listing presentation that will captivate your audience , earn their trust, and ultimately help you win more listings. We will explore how to prepare for a listing presentation, provide a listing presentation template to guide you in structuring your own presentation, discuss what should be included in your listing presentation, offer tips on how to win a listing presentation, and provide strategies for effectively handling objections you may face throughout your listing appointment.

So, if you’re ready to take your real estate listing presentations to the next level and boost your chances of winning more business, read on as we uncover the secrets to mastering this crucial aspect of the real estate industry.

L et’s get started!

Preparing For A Real Estate Listing Presentation

A real estate agent and her client going over a real estate listing presentation.

The key to a successful listing presentation starts with thorough preparation.

This section will provide you with expert tips and techniques to help you effectively prepare for your real estate listing presentation. From understanding your seller’s needs and motivation to sell, setting clear objectives, gathering essential information, and rehearsing your delivery, proper preparation is the foundation for a winning listing presentation.

Understand Your Seller's Motivation To Sell

Knowing your seller’s motivation allows you to tailor your presentation . A fully customized presentation allows you to address their specific needs and concerns.

For example, if they are motivated by a quick sale, you can emphasize your marketing strategy and negotiation skills to expedite the selling process. On the other hand, if their motivation is to achieve the highest possible price, you can focus on your pricing and market analysis expertise.

Gather Information

Before going into a listing presentation, it’s important to gather relevant information. This will allow you to effectively showcase the property and address potential questions or concerns the seller client may have.

S ome information you may want to consider collecting prior to the listing presentation is:

Property details (# of bedrooms, # of bathrooms, any recent renovations, etc.)

National and local market statistics (recent interest rate changes, government plans or funding, etc.)

Comparable sales or comparative market analysis

Local rules and regulations (heritage designations, protected lands, etc.)

Create The Presentation

Now that you have the necessary preliminary information, it’s time to put together the presentation. You don’t want to go into a listing presentation without the presentation. You may consider putting together the listing presentation yourself, but if you’re a high-volume real estate agent, you might not have the time to do so. This is where you might consider outsourcing your presentation design to a presentation design agency like Presentation Geeks.

Check Out Some Recent Projects

Practicing a real estate listing presentation is crucial for several reasons:

First of all, practicing your listing presentation helps you become more confident and comfortable with the material. This allows you to deliver a more polished and professional presentation.

Practicing your presentation helps you refine your message and ensure it is clear, concise, and compelling. It allows you to organize your thoughts, prioritize key points, and convey your value proposition effectively.

Bring Necessary Materials

Some necessary materials you want to bring to your realtor listing presentation are:

Examples of past marketing efforts

A starting asking price

Local market data

Listing agreement

Dress Professionally

A killer listing presentation isn’t just about the presentation deck. You are part of the presentation as well. This means when you arrive at your client’s house, you need to be dressed professionally. Everyone wants to work with the best and most professional listing agent and this is achieved by making a great first impression. Make sure you know how to dress for a presentation to make sure you give your potential client a great first impression.

Real Estate Listing Presentation Template - How To Structure Your Presentation

Two real estate agents or realtors going over the structure of a real estate listing presentation.

If you’re looking for a powerful listing presentation template, we’ve put together this structure which can serve as a free template when developing your new listing presentation. What you want to avoid is using a pre-developed listing presentation template other real estate agents are using. You don’t want to be like the other agents. You want to make sure your real estate listing presentation is unique!

If you follow this flow, we’re confident your lead generation efforts will pay off by having the most thorough real estate listing presentation .


The introduction slide of a real estate listing presentation should capture the attention of the prospective client and set the tone for the presentation.

It should include a visually appealing design with your name, title, and contact information, along with a brief statement that establishes your expertise and credibility. It should also include a compelling headline or tagline that highlights the value you bring as a real estate professional.

Real Estate Market Analysis

The real estate market analysis slide of a real estate listing presentation should provide a comprehensive overview of the current market conditions and trends relevant to the seller’s home.

It should include data such as recent comparable sales, active listings, average days on market, and trends in pricing and inventory. It should also highlight any unique selling points or challenges of the local market that may impact the seller’s property value.

Property Showcase

Not every homeowner fully understands why their home is unique. This is why a property showcase slide is important to help educate the seller as well as show your expertise and how you can get top dollar for your potential seller.

If you had the chance to view the property ahead of time and gather photos, it should include high-quality, visually appealing images that showcase the property’s exterior, interior, and any notable amenities or upgrades. It should also provide key property details such as square footage, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, special features, and any recent improvements or renovations that make this property stand out.   Staging your home  is an incredible important part of the process.  Proper staging will an empty structure  into a home that allows potential buyers to envision what it could look like when everything is settled.  It can also increase the chances of receiving an offer.    

Explain Sales Process

Explaining the sales process in a real estate listing presentation is crucial as it helps establish expectations.

For some, this may be the first time they’re selling a home. It provides transparency and clarity, setting realistic expectations for the seller and minimizing any potential surprises or misunderstandings. By explaining the process, you can demonstrate your expertise and professionalism, showing the seller that you have a well-defined plan and strategy for selling their property.

Exterior of a house on a bright sunny day with blue skies

It also establishes trust and confidence, as the seller will feel informed and empowered throughout the sales process. This can lead to a smoother and more successful transaction, with a satisfied seller. It also shows you’re doing your due diligence in educating the potential seller.

Marketing Plan

The most important part of a listing presentation which sets you apart from other real estate professionals is your marketing plan. What makes you unique?

Including your marketing strategy in a real estate listing presentation is essential as it showcases your approach to promoting and selling the seller’s property. It demonstrates your proactive and strategic approach to marketing, highlighting the various channels and techniques you will use to attract potential buyers and generate interest in the property.

Below are some key items or offerings you may want to highlight as part of your marketing plan and why you would want to include them.

Real Estate Staging

Home staging is important in the real estate process as it enhances the presentation and appeal of a property to potential buyers. By strategically arranging and decorating the home to showcase its best features, home staging can create a visually appealing and emotionally engaging environment that allows buyers to envision themselves living in the space.

Living room of a stages house with light furniture and colours

Professional Real Estate Photography & Videography

Professional photography and videography is crucial in real estate listings as it significantly impacts the visual presentation and appeal of a property to potential buyers. 51% of buyers were first introduced to their home via the internet where photos and videos were the first things they saw.

Social Media Marketing

Offering social media marketing is critical in today’s digital-first era. Social media marketing allows you to share the client’s home using visuals, it helps reach a wider audience, and you can showcase the property in more fun and unique ways you can’t do with traditional marketing methods.

Traditional Marketing

Traditional marketing methods are still valuable. Print ads, direct mail, and local advertising, still hold importance in real estate marketing. They can reach different audiences, target local markets, provide a tangible presence, contribute to branding and credibility, supplement digital marketing strategies, and diversify the marketing mix.

Pricing Strategy

Including a price strategy slide in a real estate listing presentation is crucial as it demonstrates your expertise in pricing the property appropriately. This slide allows you to explain your pricing approach and how you arrived at the recommended asking price, taking into account comparable sales, market trends, and the seller’s goals.

Real Estate Agent Testimonials

People want to know what other people are saying about you and their experience working with you. Including a brief slide on your past testimonials is a great way to do just that.

With our team’s years of experience building presentations, we have a winning formula to craft the perfect real estate presentation. Check out one of our perfect examples of a real estate presentation below for real estate company Wurher Real Estate.

Wuhrer Quality Homes Presentation Example

new house presentation

What Should Be Included In A Listing Presentation?

Now that we know the content that should be included in a listing presentation, what about the supportive elements? Let’s take a look at some creative elements you should incorporate in your listing presentation to make your listing presentation ‘WOW!’ the prospective client.

If you follow this flow, we’re confident your lead generation efforts will pay off by having the most thorough real estate listing presentation.

Visual Aids

Presentation visual aids are crucial in a real estate listing presentation for several reasons. First, they can help convey complex information and data in a clear and understandable manner, making it easier for the seller to grasp the key items. Visual aids, such as slides, charts, and images, can also enhance the overall presentation by making it more engaging and visually appealing.

Market Data

Market data is crucial to include in a real estate listing presentation as it provides objective and verifiable information about the current state of the real estate market. It helps establish the context and rationale for the pricing and marketing strategies being proposed by yourself. Including market data in a listing presentation adds credibility, professionalism, and a data-driven approach to your recommendations, increasing the seller’s confidence and trust in you.

Past Successes

Sometimes, it’s good to brag.

Sharing past successes in a real estate listing presentation is crucial for establishing your credibility and track record of success. Sharing past wins can also differentiate you from the competition, as it highlights your unique selling proposition and sets you apart as a successful and reliable real estate professional.

Are you a visual learner and need to see how all these elements come together? Check out a real estate presentation we’ve put together for Engel & Volkers which combines many of the elements noted above. We can do the same great work for you!

Real Estate Presentation We Did For Engel & Volkers

new house presentation

How To Win With Your Real Estate Listing Presentation

Now that you’ve nailed down what a listing presentation is and what to include, how do you drive it home and win? Well, there are three key elements you need to master to make sure you’re winning your listing presentations.

Communication & Presentation Skills

You need to make sure your communication skills and presentation skills are polished. If you feel you won’t do well, practice. Practice is one of the most important things you need to do to become a better presenter .

Even when you’re not, you need to be confident. If you’re not confident in the information and marketing plan you’re sharing, why should the prospective client have any confidence or trust in you? Be confident and own it.

This step is one many agents miss. Always follow-up. You should follow-up after every listing appointment at least four times unless you’ve already received a clear answer you weren’t selected. You need to remain top-of-mind and to do that, you follow-up.

How To Deal With Objections

A real estate agent or realtor being questioned by his client or being asked objection questions during their real estate listing presentation.

In every listing presentation, you’ll be faced with objections or the “why nots” as to why someone should NOT work with you. Here are some common real estate listing presentation objections you’ll encounter and how to handle them.

Common Real Estate Listing Objections

Can you reduce the commission.

This is a personal or brokerage policy choice. It is up to you to decide whether you’ll reduce the commission or not. But, here is a quick line you can use to save yourself from reducing commissions from experienced Toronto real estate agent Marco Pedri,

“I understand that commission is an important consideration for you. My commission is based on the value I bring to the table, including my market knowledge, negotiation skills, marketing strategies, and commitment to achieving your goals. It’s important to keep in mind a reduced commission may impact the level of service and resources I can allocate to your transaction. However, I am open to discussing your specific needs and requirements to ensure a successful and smooth real estate transaction.”

We need to interview a few other realtors

Do not get defensive. Encourage the prospective client to interview other realtors. This may help your presentation stand out amongst the rest. But, be sure to continuously follow-up to ensure you remain top-of-mind.

A real estate agent smiling while on the phone after their real estate listing presentation.

In conclusion, a well-prepared and professionally delivered real estate listing presentation is a crucial tool for winning business in the competitive world of real estate. By following a strategic approach that includes understanding the seller’s motivation, gathering essential information, practicing the presentation, and incorporating key elements such as market analysis, property showcase, marketing & price strategy, and past successes, real estate agents can effectively engage and impress potential clients.

Why Choose Presentation Geeks?

If you’re looking for a well-designed listing presentation that will help you close more deals and win more business during your next listing appointment, consider hiring the help of a presentation consultant like Presentation Geeks. Their team of expert presentation designers will help work with you to develop an outstanding presentation!

Author:  Content Team

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What are real estate presentation templates.

Real Estate Presentation Templates are pre-designed layouts or formats that provide a professional look to your presentation without requiring a lot of time and design skills. They typically include visuals, charts, infographics, and other design elements that are relevant to the real estate industry. They can be used to showcase properties, portray market trends, present business plans, etc.

You can find them in various presentation software packages like PowerPoint, Google Slides, or design programs like Canva. They can be customized to suit the brand identity or specific needs of the real estate company or agent using them.

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Using Real Estate Presentation Templates can save you a significant amount of time and effort. Instead of designing each slide from scratch, you simply plug in your information into a pre-existing design. This not only accelerates your preparation process but ensures a professional and consistent look throughout your presentation.

Besides the time-saving aspect, these templates can also provide inspiration for your presentation's content and structure. They might suggest certain elements to include or ways to display your information that you hadn't thought of.

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Yes, Real Estate Presentation Templates are fully customizable. You can change colors, fonts, images, and layouts to match your brand identity or specific presentation needs. This allows you to maintain brand consistency and authenticity, while still benefiting from the structure and design elements of the template.

Most presentation software also allows you to add your own images or graphics, so you can personalize the template as much as you'd like. So, while the template provides a starting point, the final result can be unique to you.

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Absolutely. Real Estate Presentation Templates can be used for a variety of purposes within the real estate industry. This includes property presentations, real estate market reviews, business proposals, marketing plans, project presentations, and many more. It is the customization aspect of these templates that makes them versatile.

By simply changing the content, color schemes, images, and infographics, you can repurpose the same template for different presentations. This versatility makes them a cost-effective solution for all your real estate presentation needs.

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Not at all. In most cases, using Real Estate Presentation Templates doesn’t require any advanced technical skills. Most presentation software has intuitive, user-friendly interfaces that make it pretty simple to customize these templates. You mainly need basic skills like typing, dragging and dropping, or selecting from drop-down menus.

Some templates may include advanced features like animation or interactive elements, but they're generally designed to work well with the software's built-in tools. If you ever get stuck, you can find a wealth of tutorials and guides online for just about any presentation software you might be using.


Moscow Houses: New Russian Properties

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Moscow Houses: New Russian Property

Key Contemporary Residential Developments in Russia: Built Environment + Property Updates

post updated 12 February 2024

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Amazon Breaks News, Dazzles Advertisers in Star-Studded First Upfront Presentation

By Joe Otterson

Joe Otterson

TV Reporter

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Amazon Upfronts

Amazon Prime Video made its first upfront presentation to advertisers on Tuesday in New York, with the streamer bringing out some of its biggest stars to break some news while touting its original series, film and sports offerings.

Amazon took over Pier 36 in Manhattan, which included a large installation dedicated to Amazon shows like “Fallout” and “The Summer I Turned Pretty” as well as movies like “Road House” and their various sports offerings like “Thursday Night Football.”

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Alicia Keys (making sure to promote her new skincare brand Keys Soulcare, available on Amazon Premium Beauty, naturally) opened the show with a medley of popular tunes, including “No One” and and “Empire State of Mind (Part II).”

Then Prime Video/Amazon MGM Studios senior VP Mike Hopkins welcomed the audience and gave his pitch. Amazon MGM Studios head Salke took the stage next and revealed several announcements while bringing a parade of stars to the stage.

Leading into the presentation, Amazon had already made a number of major news announcements, including: Nicolas Cage starring in their Spider-Man Noir live-action series ; “Mr. And Mrs. Smith” getting renewed for Season 2; “The Boys” getting renewed for Season 5; and the first teaser for the Alex Cross series .

Also revealed: The stars and creator of “The Summer I Turned Pretty” made an appearance, announcing the third season of the YA series would not debut until 2025, but also that it would consist of 11 episodes instead of the seven for its first season and eight for its second.

That was all before Amazon got to their sports programming, including the upcoming debut of NASCAR on Prime Video on top of the streamer’s NFL presence. Dale Earnhardt Jr. took the stage to discuss the NASCAR coverage, which will include a docuseries about his father, racing legend Dale Earnhardt. Then tennis legend Roger Federer came out in support of his feature documentary “Roger Federer: 12 Final Days.”

The list goes on.

Amazon also continued the trend threading its way through this year’s upfronts — the prominent placement of movies. On top of Ferrell and Witherspoon’s presence for “You’re Cordially Invited” and Gyllenhaal for “Road House,” Ritchson talked up his upcoming holiday movie “The Man With the Bag” in which he co-stars with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Salke also mentioned upcoming Amazon originals like “Play Dirty” with Mark Wahlberg and the action comedy “Heads of State” starring Idris Elba, Priyanka Chopra-Jonas, and John Cena.

In the end, Salke saved one last surprise : Witherspoon came out again to reveal that a “ Legally Blonde ” prequel about the high school years of Elle Woods has been ordered to series at Prime Video. Currently titled “Elle,” the logline for the series states that it “follows Elle Woods in high school as we learn about the life experiences that shaped her into the iconic young woman we came to know and love in the first ‘Legally Blonde’ film.”

All in all, not a bad way to make your first upfront appearance.

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AD Classics: Melnikov House / Konstantin Melnikov

AD Classics: Melnikov House / Konstantin Melnikov - Facade

  • Written by Tim Winstanley

AD Classics: Melnikov House / Konstantin Melnikov - Image 2 of 33

  • Architects: Konstantin Melnikov
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  1929
  • Photographs Photographs: Denis Esakov , Stefanos Christodoulides , Will Webster

AD Classics: Melnikov House / Konstantin Melnikov - Windows

Text description provided by the architects. The Melnikov House by architect Konstantin Melnikov is a classic residence that represents the forefront of the 1920’s Russian avant-garde. Located on Krivoarbatsky Lane in the then trendy district of Arbat, Moscow on an open lot, its aesthetics differ dramatically from traditional Soviet residential architecture. More details after the break.

AD Classics: Melnikov House / Konstantin Melnikov - Windows, Door, Facade

Trained at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture, his expressionistic approach to design was the source of much acclaim in his short-lived career as an architect. The majority of his work was constructed between 1923 and 1933, of which his personal residence is arguably his best and most innovative work. Melnikov was one of only a few people who had been able to retain their land following the fall of Lenin’s New Economic Policy. Even more surprising is the approval of his design by city planners, as it was completely unconventional in an era when uniformity was the de facto solution.

AD Classics: Melnikov House / Konstantin Melnikov - Brick

The concept evolved from his schematic draft for the Zuev Workers Club. It features two interlocking cylindrical volumes standing three stories high with enough space to house his family, and his painting and architectural studio spaces.

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During the time of construction, significant rationing of materials by the state was commonplace. Thus, Melnikov incorporated an efficient typology for constructing the structure with limited resources, whilst simultaneously allowing him the opportunity to carry out his creative vision. Reasoning for the cylindrical shape was founded in his belief that they provided for an economy of material. The first cylindrical volume sitting slightly lower in height than the rear cylinder faces the street and features a glazed curtain wall incorporating the main entry. Located in the rear is the iconic portion of the house with numerous hexagonal windows perforating the façade. Exterior walls finished with white plaster are constructed in a honeycomb latticework using local brick, similar to the method pioneered by Vladimir Shukhov in 1896 using metal. This method employed minimal material while ensuring an efficient and rigid structure. The shapes of the windows are a direct result of the honeycomb structure, with the angles determined by quarter lengths of the standard local bricks. 

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Nearly 60 hexagonal windows employing nine types of frames establish the aesthetic quality of the rear cylinder, showering the interior with light. The manner of structure and glazing system employed also eliminated the need for structural lintels or sills. Voids that were not glazed in the honeycomb structure were filled with clay and scraps, adding mass to a wall system that helps to mitigate the extreme temperature differentials of summer and winter. Interior spaces are allowed to run the full diameter uninterrupted, as the exterior walls function as the load bearing members. Melnikov also employed an innovative technique for a self-reinforcing orthotropic wooden plank flooring system, absentee of any internal column support.

AD Classics: Melnikov House / Konstantin Melnikov - Windows, Facade

Interior layout functions efficiently, with the majority of living spaces such as kitchen and bathroom located on the main floor. An upward spiral of movement exposes the diversity of spaces from low height ground plane, to a double height studio space and rooftop terrace. A winding staircase leads to the second floor where the bedrooms and living room are located. Interestingly, the bedrooms located in the rear portion are not entirely separated from each other. Rather, Melnikov delineates space through partial walls that serve to define specific areas, while maintaining a quasi-open plan that allows sunlight to flood the interior. 

AD Classics: Melnikov House / Konstantin Melnikov - Chair

The third floor houses his studio space in a double height room in the rear cylinder. Visually distinct from the others, this double height space is embraced by light penetrating through the numerous hexagonal windows. This space defines and lends credence to his ability to create experiential spaces that employ non-materials – light and shadow – in the overall design.

AD Classics: Melnikov House / Konstantin Melnikov - Chair, Windows

Unfortunately for Konstantin, his right to practice architecture was denied in 1937 at the First All-Union Congress of Soviet Architects. However, his residence remains an iconic symbol of the Russian avant-garde with its original floor plan and innovative construction techniques.

AD Classics: Melnikov House / Konstantin Melnikov - Windows, Brick, Facade

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AD Classics: Melnikov House / Konstantin Melnikov - Facade

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Russia’s House of Shadows

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By Joshua Yaffa

The House on the Embankment embodies Sovietera privilege8212and horror.

A few years ago, after looking at half a dozen apartments all over Moscow, I visited a rental in a vast building across the river from the Kremlin, known as the House on the Embankment. In 1931, when tenants began to move in, it was the largest residential complex in Europe, a self-contained world the size of several city blocks. The House of Government, as it was initially called, was a mishmash of the blocky geometry of Constructivism and the soaring pomposity of neoclassicism, and had five hundred and five apartments that housed the Soviet Union’s governing élite—commissars and Red Army generals and vaunted Marxist scholars.

On the day that I visited, the apartment’s owner, Marina, a cheerful woman in her forties who works for a multinational oil-and-gas company, met me in a courtyard. She took me up to the apartment, which had been in her family for four generations. It was a two-bedroom with a small balcony. Successive renovations had left the place without much of the original architectural detail, but as a result it was airy and open: less apparatchik, more IKEA . Tall windows in the living room looked out over the imperious spires of the Kremlin. I decided to move in.

By that time, the House on the Embankment was popular with expats, and was known for its proximity to a stretch of bars and night clubs in a renovated industrial space that once belonged to the Red October candy factory. A design-and-architecture institute had just opened down the road; I often took my laptop and worked in its café, which was decorated with vintage furniture. I quickly made friends in the building: there was Olaf, a Dutch journalist, and his wife, Anya, who worked at the design school; and Dasha, the owner of a popular pétanque café in Gorky Park. With time, I also became close to Anatoly Golubovsky, a historian and documentary filmmaker who goes by Tolya. He is sixty years old, with a gray beard and wavy hair, and is one of the most reliably fascinating storytellers I know. He and his wife live in an apartment not far from mine that was originally occupied by his grandfather, who was the Soviet Union’s chief literary censor under Stalin.

The most striking thing about the building was, and is, its history. In the nineteen-thirties, during Stalin’s purges, the House of Government earned the ghoulish reputation of having the highest per-capita number of arrests and executions of any apartment building in Moscow. No other address in the city offers such a compelling portal into the world of Soviet-era bureaucratic privilege, and the horror and murder to which this privilege often led. The popular mania about the building today holds it to be a kind of phantasmagoric, haunted museum of Russia’s past century. I asked Tolya what he made of our building’s notoriety. “Why does this house have such a heavy, difficult aura?” he said. “This is why: on the one hand, its residents lived like a new class of nobility, and on the other they knew that at any second they could get their guts ripped out.”

A hundred years ago, in the turbulent autumn of 1917, the Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, took advantage of a moment of political chaos in Russia. The empire had grown weak and feckless, and, the previous February, Tsar Nicholas II had left his throne, bringing to a close the era of the Romanovs, a royal dynasty of more than three hundred years. That October, Lenin and the Bolsheviks overturned the interim government, seizing power and setting in motion the dictatorship of the proletariat. At the time, the Bolsheviks were not the country’s largest or most popular socialist party, but they were the most fervently certain of their own prophecies. They were, in essence, the first faith-based apocalyptic sect to take charge of a country.

This is the opening argument of a magisterial new book by Yuri Slezkine, a Soviet-born historian who immigrated to the United States in 1983, and has been a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, for many years. His book, “ The House of Government ,” is a twelve-hundred-page epic that recounts the multigenerational story of the famed building and its inhabitants—and, at least as interesting, the rise and fall of Bolshevist faith. In Slezkine’s telling, the Bolsheviks were essentially a millenarian cult, a small tribe radically opposed to a corrupt world. With Lenin’s urging, they sought to bring about the promised revolution, or revelation, which would give rise to a more noble and just era. Of course, that didn’t happen. Slezkine’s book is a tale of “failed prophecy,” and the building itself—my home for the past several years—is “a place where revolutionaries came home and the revolution went to die.”

In the years following the Great October Socialist Revolution, as it would be called in Soviet literature, Bolshevik leaders found themselves refashioned as Communist Party officials. They faced the conundrum of how to turn their sect into a church—that is, how to transcend the end-of-days rhetoric and create a stable system of governance. Lenin died in 1924, and Stalin, after maneuvering into power, proclaimed that global revolution was not necessary, and that the socialist utopia could be established in one country, the U.S.S.R. The “building” of socialism was the operative metaphor for what became known as the Stalin Revolution, which was defined by rapid urbanization and industrialization. The fury of construction was meant as a kind of creation myth: on the first day, the Communist Party built the Magnitogorsk steel mill; on the second, the Kharkiv tractor factory. In Moscow, citizens were amazed by the metro, which began operation in the mid-thirties; its cavernous stations, with their chandeliers and marble, felt like palaces for the new Communist era.

Inevitably, the builders of this new state needed a home of their own. After the revolution, top Party officials had taken rooms in the city’s most storied addresses, occupying the Kremlin, the National and Metropol Hotels, and a prominent Orthodox seminary. Such housing was thought to be a temporary necessity that would quickly give way to collective living arrangements. The early post-revolutionary years were a time of utopian experimentation, in architecture as well as in social engineering; the Constructivist Konstantin Melnikov drew up blueprints for giant “sleep laboratories,” in which hundreds of workers could simultaneously drift off to mechanically produced scents and calming sounds. By the late twenties, however, Stalin had dampened the freewheeling spirit in the arts, and, anyway, top Party officials had grown used to the comforts of their hotel suites and noble mansions. Construction on the House of Government began in 1928, with a design, by Boris Iofan, of the “transitional type”—that is, a building with communal services but which, for the moment, allowed residents to live in traditional family apartments. When it opened, in the spring of 1931, Slezkine writes, it boasted

a cafeteria capable of serving all House residents, a theater for 1300 spectators, a library, several dozen rooms for various activities (from pool-playing to symphony orchestra rehearsals), and above the theater, both tennis and basketball courts, two gyms, and several shower rooms. There was also a bank, laundry, telegraph, post office, daycare center, walk-in clinic, hairdresser’s salon, grocery store, department store, and movie theater for 1500 spectators . . . with cafe, reading room, and band stage.

Apartments were distributed among those in charge of the nascent Communist project. Nikolai Podvoisky, a former seminarian who led the storming of the Tsar’s Winter Palace, in 1917, moved into Apartment 280. Boris Zbarsky, a chemist who presided over the embalming and maintenance of Lenin’s body inside its mausoleum, on Red Square, was given Apartment 28. Nikita Khrushchev, then the forty-year-old head of the Moscow Party Committee, moved into No. 206. Iofan himself took a penthouse.

My apartment, in a less desirable wing of the building, was occupied by the family of Mikhail Sergushev, who was born to a peasant family in 1886 and became interested in socialist politics while working in a porcelain factory in Riga. My landlady, Marina, Sergushev’s great-granddaughter, told me that, in the years following the revolution, Sergushev travelled around half a dozen regions, helping to establish Communism across the Soviet domain. His word alone could decide the fate of local officials, even of entire villages and farming coöperatives. At first, Sergushev moved into a seven-room apartment in a mansion that once belonged to a count, where his son would ride a bike from room to room. Yet Sergushev’s health was poor, and in 1930 he died of tuberculosis. The next year, his wife and son moved into the House of Government.

“Oh good This says the artist is poor.”

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The “transition” that the building was meant to bring about never came to pass. Instead, its residents moved further from collectivist ideals, and adopted life styles that looked suspiciously bourgeois. Residents had their laundry pressed and their meals prepared for them, so that they could spend all day and much of the night at work and their children could busy themselves reading Shakespeare and Goethe. There was a large staff, with one employee for every four residents. Slezkine compares the House of Government to the Dakota, in New York City—a palace of capitalism along Central Park, where residents could eat at an on-site restaurant and play tennis and croquet on private courts. A report prepared for the Soviet Union’s Central Committee in 1935 showed that the cost of running the House of Government exceeded the Moscow norm by six hundred and seventy per cent. To the extent that the House of Government facilitated a transition, it was the metamorphosis of a sect of ascetics into a priesthood of pampered élites.

Just as the building fell short of its promise, so, too, did the early Soviet Union fail to deliver on its prophecies of a just, classless society. Food shortages, cramped housing, and life’s many other indignities continued. All millenarian movements face this moment sooner or later: this is the “Great Disappointment,” a term Slezkine borrows from the story of William Miller, a farmer in Massachusetts who prophesied that the apocalypse would occur in 1843, and, when it didn’t, shifted the date to October 22, 1844. The Soviet Union had experienced two revolutions, Lenin’s and Stalin’s, and yet, in the lofty imagery of Slezkine, the “world does not end, the blue bird does not return, love does not reveal itself in all of its profound tenderness and charity, and death and mourning and crying and pain do not disappear.” What to do then?

The answer was human sacrifice, “one of history’s oldest locomotives,” Slezkine writes. The “more intense the expectation, the more implacable the enemies; the more implacable the enemies, the greater the need for internal cohesion; the greater the need for internal cohesion, the more urgent the search for scapegoats.” Soon, in Stalin’s Soviet Union, the purges began. There would be no such thing as an accident or an error—any deviation from virtue and promised achievements was the result of deliberate sabotage. This is the logic of black magic, of spirits and witches, and of the witch hunt. It was only natural that the hunt’s victims be found among those who set the original prophecy in motion.

It is hard to imagine now, with a children’s playground in one of its courtyards and a pan-Asian noodle bar on the ground floor, but throughout 1937 and 1938 the House of Government was a vortex of disappearances, arrests, and deaths. Arrest lists were prepared by the N.K.V.D., the Soviet secret police, which later became the K.G.B., and were approved by Stalin and his close associates. Arrests occurred in the middle of the night. A group of N.K.V.D. officers would pull up to the building in a Black Raven, the standard-issue secret-police automobile, which had the silhouette of a bird of prey. A story I have heard many times, but which seems apocryphal, is that N.K.V.D. agents would sometimes use the garbage chutes that ran like large tubes through many apartments, popping out inside a suspect’s home without having to knock on the door. After a perfunctory trial, which could last all of three to five minutes, prisoners were taken to the left or to the right: imprisonment or execution. “Most House of Government leaseholders were taken to the right,” Slezkine writes.

No one publicly mentioned the accused or spoke of their plight to surviving family members. On the whole, Slezkine writes, those who lived in the House of Government “believed that enemies were in fact everywhere,” and that any innocent victims were isolated mistakes in an otherwise virtuous bloodletting. He quotes a diary entry of Yulia Piatnitskaya, whose husband, a Comintern official, was arrested, along with their seventeen-year-old son, at the House of Government in 1937. Piatnitskaya is in anguish over her son, and torn between two opposing images of her husband: an honest revolutionary and a purported enemy of the people. When she thinks of the first, she writes, “I feel so sorry for him and want to die or fight for him.” But when she ponders the second: “I feel tainted and disgusted, and I want to live in order to see them all caught and have no pity for them.” In total, according to Slezkine, eight hundred residents of the House of Government were arrested or evicted during the purges, thirty per cent of the building’s population. Three hundred and forty-four were shot.

Before long, the arrests spread from the tenants to their nannies, guards, laundresses, and stairwell cleaners. The commandant of the house was arrested as an enemy of the people, and so was the head of the Communist Party’s housekeeping department. So many enemies of the people were being uncovered that individual apartments were turning over with darkly absurd speed. In April, 1938, the director of the Kuznetsk steel plant, Konstantin Butenko, moved into Apartment 141, which had become vacant after the arrest of its previous tenant, a deputy commissar from the Health Ministry. Butenko occupied the four rooms for six weeks before he himself was arrested, and his family evicted. Matvei Berman, one of the founders of the Gulag, took over the space. Berman was arrested six months later, and shot the next year.

One afternoon not long ago, I visited a woman named Anna Borisova, whose apartment is across a courtyard from mine. Borisova is an amateur artist and poet, and her photographs cover the walls of her living room, alongside faded family portraits. The space has the feel of an airy salon. Borisova put out a pot of tea, and slices of salty cheese and cake. She told me about her grandfather Sergey Malyshev, who was a Soviet official in charge of food markets and trade. Borisova explained that he spent 1937 in a fit of anxiety. “He felt a premonition,” she said. “He was always waiting, never sleeping at night.” One evening, Malyshev heard footsteps coming up the corridor—and dropped dead of a heart attack. In a way, his death saved the family: there was no arrest, and thus no reason to kick his relatives out of the apartment. “Since he died his own death, it all stayed with our family—the apartment, everything,” Borisova said. “And after that no one ever touched us.”

My friend Tolya, the documentary filmmaker, told me how his grandfather, born Iosif Fradkin, survived those years. Before the revolution, he gave himself the nom de guerre of Boris Volin, a play on the Russian word volya , which connotes both will power and freedom. (Renaming was a popular Bolshevist fashion. Vladimir Ulyanov called himself Vladimir Lenin; Iosif Dzhugashvili took the name Joseph Stalin.) Volin could be a harsh, combative man. He took a post at Glavlit, the Soviet Union’s censorship organization, and announced a “decisive turn toward extreme class vigilance.” By the mid-thirties, Volin was a deputy head at the People’s Commissariat of Enlightenment, an early Soviet propaganda and education body. One day in the fall of 1937, after fighting with his boss, a mean-spirited man named Andrei Bubnov, Volin had a heart attack. He spent the next several months in and out of state hospitals and rest homes. After his recovery, he found that Bubnov, along with all but one other deputy from the ministry, had been arrested and shot.

I remarked to Tolya that it must have been terrifying to learn that many of your colleagues and friends had been liquidated in your absence. We were sitting in his apartment, surrounded by stacks of antique books and family artifacts. The center of the apartment is his grandfather’s old study, a stately room with a heavy desk and a dramatic wall of floor-to-ceiling wood-and-glass shelves. “The thing is,” Tolya said, “before this awful discovery were many others.” One of Volin’s brothers was a Soviet intelligence officer who worked in the United States under the cover of a military attaché. He was called back, arrested, and shot. One of Volin’s sisters was married to an N.K.V.D. officer, and they lived in the House of Government, in a nearby apartment. When the husband’s colleagues came to arrest him, he jumped out of the apartment window to his death.

Volin, I learned, kept a suitcase packed with warm clothes behind the couch, ready in case of arrest and sentence to the Gulag. His wife burned an archive of papers dating from his time as a Bolshevik emissary in Paris, fearing that the work would brand him a foreign spy. They gave their daughter, Tolya’s mother, a peculiar set of instructions. Every day after school, she was to take the elevator to the ninth floor—not the eighth, where the family lived—and look down the stairwell. If she saw an N.K.V.D. agent outside the apartment, she was supposed to get back on the elevator, go downstairs, and run to a friend’s house.

We spoke about the atmosphere in the building back then, what Tolya’s grandparents must have been thinking as the bright and just world they thought they had built began to cannibalize itself. “They could only think about one thing: how to survive. I am profoundly certain of that,” he said. “They weren’t able to intervene, to control things in the slightest. The forces they were up against were Biblical, like fighting nature itself.”

Like the passing of a black and furious storm, the arrests ended. The last people killed were officers in the N.K.V.D. “Having waked up after the orgy, Stalin and the surviving members of the inner circle needed to get rid of those who had administered it,” Slezkine writes. It was not long before a new tragedy befell the residents of the building, and the country: the invasion by Nazi Germany, in June, 1941. The House of Government was evacuated, its residents scattered to towns across the Soviet Union. Slezkine reports that around five hundred people from the building went off to the war; a hundred and thirteen of them were killed. In the Soviet consciousness, the war was an event as powerful as the revolution. The conflict, Slezkine writes, “justified all the previous sacrifices, both voluntary and involuntary, and offered the children of the original revolutionaries the opportunity to prove, through one more sacrifice, that their childhood had been happy, that their fathers had been pure, that their country was their family, and that their life was indeed beautiful even in death.”

After the war, residents of the House of Government trickled back, but the early spirit of the building was gone. During the forties, as new residents mingled with the old, and furniture moved in and out, the place was, according to Slezkine, “busier, noisier, messier, less exclusive.” New élite apartment blocks went up around town, including the Stalin-era “wedding cake” skyscrapers, and the House of Government ceased to be Moscow’s only prestigious address.

The cult of Stalin and, by extension, the myth of Soviet virtue and exceptionalism—the “bond that had held the scattered survivors of the House of Government together,” Slezkine writes—began to be dismantled in 1956, when Khrushchev, once a resident of the building, now the Soviet First Secretary, delivered a secret speech on Stalin’s crimes to the twentieth Party Congress. This puncturing of the U.S.S.R.’s infallibility was heartbreaking to the generation of original Bolshevik revolutionaries. Tolya’s grandfather, by then a lecturer at the Marxism-Leninism Institute, was devastated by the speech. His wife had died not long before, and Tolya told me that those two events “sent him to the grave.” He died within the year, at the age of seventy-one.

Tolya’s parents were typical members of the next generation of Soviet intelligentsia: successful and outwardly unquestioning of the Communist system, but privately harboring doubts and frustrations. Tolya, like many of his friends, grew up in the protective shadow of the Soviet Union’s postwar might and good cheer. One of his earliest memories is of Yuri Gagarin’s first spaceflight, in 1961, which his family watched on a television—a device in extraordinarily short supply in Moscow in those days. “Gagarin made his flight, and now we, the U.S.S.R., were on top of the world,” Tolya said, describing the mood at the time. “I felt at the very center of the universe.”

In those years, the House of Government residents were still de-facto members of the Soviet élite, even if they were no longer all high-ranking bureaucrats. A “special dispensary” was tucked into one of the courtyards, a quasi-secret food shop and cafeteria that offered otherwise impossible-to-find groceries and various delicacies at subsidized prices. Tolya said that, as a matter of principle, no one in his family took advantage of the shop, but that on several occasions a group of young people would throw an impromptu party, send one of his friends into the shop, and, suddenly, the “table would be set for twenty people.”

In the apartment I now rent, Sergushev’s son, Vladimir, lived with his mother and his wife, Nonna, a glamorous beauty. She had a tense relationship with her mother-in-law, who found the younger woman’s interest in lipstick and lace gloves and nights at the theatre to be gauchely bourgeois. The Sergushev name helped Vladimir get a job at the K.G.B. He was an intelligent and thoughtful man, but with weak nerves. In the fifties, he lost an attaché case filled with top-secret documents while on assignment in Germany, and was quietly removed from the secret services. He got a job as a professor and economist, with access to treats like sturgeon and bananas. He had a son, who, in 1975, had a daughter—my landlady, Marina. She told me that, when she was a child, the building’s history was largely forgotten or purposefully ignored. Growing up, she knew that her great-grandfather had his own entry in the Soviet encyclopedia, but she didn’t think of him as someone who had helped shape history.

Perhaps the defining event in the building’s postwar life came in 1976, when Yuri Trifonov, a former resident, published his novella “ The House on the Embankment ,” a loosely fictionalized account of his boyhood there. Trifonov, who was six years old when his family moved in, describes the building as a “huge grey block with its thousand windows giving it a look of a whole town.” His father had a high-ranking job at the Council of People’s Commissars; his mother was an economist at the Commissariat of Agriculture.

Trifonov’s father was arrested as an enemy of the people in June, 1937, when Trifonov was eleven. The next April, N.K.V.D. agents came for his mother. They took her out wearing thin canvas sneakers and a gray jacket—clothes she would wear all through the first winter at a Gulag camp in the frozen steppes of Kazakhstan. She paused for a moment on the landing, her arms held behind her, and looked up toward her children. She did not offer the usual words of comfort about her innocence or her imminent return, but instead a piece of advice, which Trifonov remembered for the rest of his life: “Children, no matter what happens, don’t ever lose your sense of humor.” What Trifonov did not know then was that his father was already dead, and he would not see his mother until eight years later, when she returned, weakened and sick, from the camps. Trifonov wrote “The House on the Embankment” when he was fifty-one years old, and the book’s characters are children of his generation, but he alludes to the trauma of the purges only through supporting characters who suddenly vanish, and the narrator’s passing remark that “people who leave the house cease to exist.”

The book was an immediate sensation among Soviet readers, and it gave the building a new life: from then on, it was known as the House on the Embankment. Trifonov died in 1981, but his widow, Olga, who is seventy-eight, is a proud chronicler of her husband’s life and work. We spoke this summer at the small museum dedicated to the House on the Embankment, where Olga is the director. The museum, an apartment on a courtyard of the building, is full of original artifacts, like the custom wooden furniture that Iofan, the building’s architect, designed for tenants. A stuffed penguin sits near the entrance; it was brought back, alive, from the Antarctic by Ilya Mazuruk, a famed polar explorer, who lived in the building in the thirties and forties and, legend has it, took the penguin for evening walks along the embankment. Trifonov and his siblings were evicted from the building after his mother’s arrest, and he never returned. As Olga told me, he rarely spoke of his years there. “He was not a man who loved to talk about the past,” she said. “He saved that for his literature.”

In the early eighties, Olga said, the couple lived in a run-down apartment above a food store. Trifonov’s popularity was immense. His name had been floated for a Nobel Prize nomination. One day, a high-ranking Soviet official approached Olga and proposed that the couple move to a four-bedroom apartment in the House on the Embankment. It seemed a fantastic stroke of good fortune. “I came back upstairs with this silly smile, and right in the hallway I told him, ‘We are being offered to move into the House on the Embankment!’ ” Trifonov recoiled: “Do you really think that I want to move back there?” Needless to say, they declined the offer. “For him,” Olga said, “this building contained his most cheerful memories from childhood, the bitterest, and the most tragic, all of that mixed up together.”

Russias House of Shadows

Tolya told me that as he grew older he became curious not just about the story of his grandfather, whose medals and Orders of Lenin were displayed in the family bookcase, but also about the many periods of Soviet history that were never discussed. When he was around ten, he read Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s “ One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich ,” a tale of existence in Stalin’s camps. Later, he made his way through Solzhenitsyn’s “ Gulag Archipelago ,” a three-volume opus that appeared only in samizdat. By his university years, he, like many of his peers, was an anti-Sovietchik—not fully a dissident, but thoroughly disillusioned with official ideology. He developed a split consciousness toward the house. “Of course, on a rational level, I know this building’s history, who lived here, and all about the repressions,” he said. “But there is also a more personal experience: I was born here, grew up here, and have spent a large part of my conscious life here.”

In 1991, the fall of the Soviet Union was treated with excitement and relief by many of those who lived in the House on the Embankment. Its residents were no longer true believers in Communism; by then, it seemed that there was hardly a true believer left in the empire. The nineties in the building, as in Russia as a whole, were a time of anarchic opportunity, exhilarating and terrifying in equal measure. Pensioners moved out, their apartments snapped up by Russia’s nouveau riche. Gangsters from across the former Soviet expanse bought apartments at the city’s most central address, which, for many, still carried a whiff of privilege and power. Underground casinos popped up in some apartments; others were turned into cramped hostels for migrant workers. My apartment was rented to an American oilman, then to an investment banker, after which came a professor from France, and finally, before me, a young socialite who threw raucous parties that upset the neighbors.

The most visible symbol of the era was a Mercedes logo mounted on the roof, an advertisement several stories tall that towered over the building. The logo had been placed there in a murky deal that wasn’t discussed with, let alone approved by, the building’s residents. A rental fee of a million rubles a month was paid to the city-owned company in charge of maintaining the building. When the sign finally came down, after ten years, the company suddenly threatened bankruptcy and said that the cash was gone.

If the nineties were defined by untrammelled commerce and the collapse of authority, then the early Putin years, beginning with Putin’s ascension to the Presidency, in 2000, were a time of increasingly centralized state power. The Kremlin subsumed other centers of authority, including the Orthodox Church, under its control. In 2012, these forces came together with symbolic absurdity in a nasty and protracted lawsuit between neighbors in the House on the Embankment. A woman living in an apartment that belonged to Patriarch Kirill, the head of the Orthodox Church, sued her neighbor, a high-profile surgeon named Yuri Shevchenko, for six million dollars, to cover damage, she said, that was caused by construction dust emanating from Shevchenko’s apartment, which was being renovated. For his part, Kirill—who at the time was facing corruption allegations tied to a luxury Breguet watch—said that the apartment was a gift from Moscow’s former mayor, and that he used it only to store his extensive collection of antique books. A Moscow court ruled against Shevchenko, who, in order to come up with the money, sold the apartment and left the building. In a final twist, the Patriarch’s apartment looks out onto the Church of Christ the Savior, the city’s main Orthodox cathedral, which, that same year, became the site of Pussy Riot’s punk-art protest—a performance meant to satirize the Church’s intimacy with politics under Kirill.

When I called Shevchenko, he didn’t want to talk about the details of the case, but did offer thoughts on his former home. “The building was dreamed up as a little piece of heaven for the chosen,” he told me. “But this house stands on mournful ground, and its residents are doomed to carry a very difficult sorrow.” Without a doubt, he added, the building is “cursed.”

I, like many of my acquaintances in the building, don’t necessarily feel the burden of such heavy symbolism. A friend of mine, Nina Zavrieva, a consultant and tech entrepreneur, grew up in an apartment that first belonged to her grandfather, a lawyer who worked in the Politburo secretariat. Nina, who is thirty, told me that from a young age she was familiar with the building’s rich history. “I knew all this in theory, but I never really felt it,” she said. “I never internalized it.” I asked her if anything about the building felt different after all these years. She said that she wasn’t sure, then remembered something: the color of the façade had changed. “At some point, it was pink, then it became bright gray, but really I don’t think I notice anymore.”

Another friend, Shakri Amirkhanova, a thirty-eight-year-old magazine publisher, had a similar view of the building. Her grandfather was a revered Soviet-era poet who secured an apartment in the House on the Embankment for Shakri’s parents. Now Shakri lives there with her boyfriend and five-year-old daughter. She told me that she was wary of the scale and intensity of the building’s history crowding out her own experience. “It’s my space, with my childhood memories—playing cards with my sister at night, listening to Beatles tapes, taking piano lessons in the living room,” she said. “And now it will be home to my daughter’s memories.”

Tolya told me that he was not a “mystic” about the House on the Embankment. Yet he saw a satisfying parallel in the fact that the square across the road had become the central location for a series of large-scale anti-Kremlin demonstrations in 2011 and 2012. Protesters were angry about election fraud—observers had documented ballot stuffing and other irregularities during the country’s recent elections—but also about the cynicism and corruption that had come to define the Putin state. Tolya and his wife participated in the marches and protests. He said that, in a way, this political consciousness might be the truest inheritance from his grandfather, even though his grandfather’s prescription for change was wildly different from his own. “It seems to me that this yearning, this energy, which ultimately threw itself into revolution, is definitely passed along,” he said. “It’s a natural process. The revolutionary furor softens and adapts, becomes bourgeois, part of the system—and appears again in new forms.”

Over the years, Putin has had a difficult time articulating a coherent position on the events of 1917, and on the revolutionaries who eventually occupied the House on the Embankment. His logic, however contradictory, seems to be that fomenting revolution is bad, but being a superpower is good. He sees the Bolshevik revolutionaries as forerunners to those who might challenge his power today. “Someone decided to shake Russia from inside, and rocked things so much that the Russian state crumbled,” he told a gathering of students and young teachers. “A complete betrayal of national interests! We have such people today as well.” Earlier this year, in a rare comment on the revolution’s upcoming hundred-year anniversary, he said that Russians must study their history to “fully understand and give purpose to the lessons of the past,” but he didn’t say what those lessons might be.

Not long ago, I spoke to Gleb Pavlovsky, a member of underground literary circles in the nineteen-eighties, who, in the two-thousands, became one of the chief architects of Putin’s political messaging—the dark art of packaging and spin known in Russia as “political technology.” What attracted him to Putin, he told me, was that he represented neither “revolution nor counterrevolution—all of that was left in the past.” Instead, with Pavlovsky’s guidance, Putin cultivated the image of a nonideological father figure, stern and decisive, but pragmatic and without sweeping philosophical passions.

In 2004, Pavlovsky returned to Moscow from Kiev, where he had overseen an unsuccessful Kremlin effort to install a Russia-friendly candidate as President. He decided to buy an apartment in the House on the Embankment. It was a large, sunny place on the ninth floor, with a wall of windows and an expansive balcony, where he would often sit in an armchair and work. Pavlovsky’s colleagues laughed at his choice of address: by then, fashionable Kremlin apparatchiks lived in walled-off mansions outside town. But Pavlovsky enjoyed the gravitas of his new home. “I felt like a participant in history, and I must say I liked it.” The apartment was home to the “years of my most fierce Putinism,” he said.

Eventually, Pavlovsky soured on the political machine he had helped construct. In 2011, when Putin decided to return to the Presidency for a third term, Pavlovsky disagreed with the decision. He left the Kremlin, and became an outspoken critic of the Putin government. Like Tolya, he attended the protests across the street. At a certain point, he decided that he no longer liked living in the House on the Embankment and the connotations that came with it. For a decade, he had been part of the country’s political establishment, and, as he put it, lived in a building that served as an “external confirmation” of that status. But he began to think of that as something “unpleasant, even embarrassing—that I was connected to the part of the establishment in that building who were guilty, the ones who had allowed, or at least not prevented, the evil of the past.” As Pavlovsky told me, the Bolshevik revolutionaries who first inhabited the House on the Embankment “thought that they were smarter, that they could outwit the system they created. But they lost control, became marionettes of something much bigger and more powerful than any individual, and, by the time that system had started to devour people, it was too late.” He sold his apartment in 2015, and now rents a place in a different part of town. On the whole, he said, he’s relieved to be gone. “But I do miss the views.” ♦

An earlier version of this article misstated the provenance of the penguin that Ilya Mazuruk brought back to Moscow.

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‘road house’ sequel with jake gyllenhaal in the works at amazon mgm studios.

The actor announced the project alongside Amazon MGM Studios boss Jennifer Salke at an upfronts presentation on Tuesday.

By Etan Vlessing

Etan Vlessing

Canada Bureau Chief

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Road House

Jake Gyllenhaal is set to star in a Road House sequel announced by Amazon MGM Studios on Tuesday.

During the studio’s inaugural upfronts presentation, the sequel plans were unveiled following the first film earning nearly 80 million worldwide viewers after debuting March 21 on Prime Video. Gyllenhaal will reprise his role as ex-UFC fighter Dalton.

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Amazon said the remake of the 1989 action classic, which starred Patrick Swayze, was its biggest global movie launch ever. And for the first time for a feature film, Amazon reported 50 million viewers had watched the film in its opening two weekends.

That made the project Amazon MGM Studios’ most-watched produced film debut ever on a worldwide basis. Road House  made headlines ahead of its debut when director Doug Liman said he  would skip  its South by Southwest premiere in protest of the film not going to theaters.

He ultimately acquiesced and was on-hand for the bow of the film, which also made headlines when producer Joel Silver’s relationship with Amazon  abruptly ended in November  ahead of the debut, though he had already completed work on the film.

It’s unclear if Liman will be involved in the sequel, as no filmmaking deals are in place, according to sources.

Gyllenhaal starred in the original film as Dalton, who is hired to be the bouncer of a bar in the Florida Keys.

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Tennessee House adopts new rules setting strict debate limits, banning visual aids

The controversial rules package also includes a measure allowing the house to silence members found to be out of order during a house session..

new house presentation

After nearly two hours of debate, the Tennessee House of Representatives formally adopted new rules Wednesday banning members from using papers and visual aids to explain legislation and implementing a 5-minute time limit on bill presentations in committee.

The controversial rules package also includes a measure allowing the House to silence members found to be out of order during a House session. Members voted 70 to 19, overcoming stringent objections from Democrats, to adopt the rules, first recommended by the House Rules Committee on Monday.

"There has been much conversation about limiting the voices of the people and even representatives in the people's House ― and actually, Mr. Speaker, I agree," Rep. Jason Zachary, R-Knoxville, said during debate. "Voices have been silenced, Mr. Speaker. There are many in this body that monopolize the time that silences the voices of the vast majority of district across the state."

Zachary brought a list of the total times spent speaking on the House floor for every member during the last regular session from January to April, compiled by the House clerk.

"Who has spoken the most on this House floor? Who has monopolized debate on this house floor?" Zachary asked, before beginning to read the list.

Rep. Justin Pearson, D-Memphis ― one of the newest members of the House ― has spoken on the House floor more than any other member, with comments totaling 3 hours and 43 minutes, according to the tally Zachary release. House Minority Caucus Chairman John Ray Clemmons, D-Nashville was second, with a total of 2 hours and 16 minutes of speaking time. Rep. Justin Jones was third, with 2 hours and 12 minutes.

"The top nine speakers on the House floor over the last year are all from the minority party," Zachary said. "There is not a Republican on this list that shows up until number 10."

Pearson and Jones had considerable speaking time as House Republicans expelled the two in April. They were quickly reappointed and won election again last year.

House Majority Leader William Lamberth, R-Portland, came in 10th place, with 40 minutes and 44 seconds of debate time in the last year.

As Zachary spoke, Jones and Pearson, along with a few spectators in the gallery, broke out in applause.

"The trajectory, that changed over the last year and a half because of those that come here to promote their own agenda, push themselves, represent themselves, and lift themselves up, versus being concerned about what goes on in the rest of the state," Zachary said. "Members' voices are being silenced. We need these rules to ensure everybody in this House has the opportunity to speak and that those who are here to monopolize don't have the opportunity to do that any longer."

Zachary sat down to thundering applause from his colleagues in the majority.

"There was a representative who mentioned that I spend as much time as possible advocating for District 86, and I want to thank you for that, because my constituents' voices do matter," Pearson responded. "My constituents' opinions do matter, and they need the opportunity that I get to advocate for the issues that they care about."

Debate Wednesday focused on approving a package of proposed rules rules adopted by the House Rules Committee on Monday.

The committee voted down all proposed changes except for those in a GOP caucus package presented by House Majority Whip Johnny Garrett, R-Goodlettsville. Committee members on Monday axed proposals to ban guns in committee rooms (they are currently prohibited in the House chamber), extend debate on bills from the current 5 minutes to 15 minutes, and require members elected by special election to be appointed to committees immediately upon arrival to the body.

More: TN House rules panel allows members to carry guns — not visual aids — in committee rooms

In considering the rules package on Wednesday, the House was required to vote on proposed rules changes from the committee as a whole, without opportunity to amend them unless there is a vote to suspend the rules – which would have required confirmation from the majority of the controlling Republican Party. 

Jones calls Sexton 'drunk with power,' is voted out of order

During debate, Jones described an incident during which he claimed a member of the House Speaker Cameron Sexton's security detail did not allow Lamberth to get on an elevator with the speaker.

"He pushed the Republican leader and said you cannot get on with the speaker," Jones said. "I want to make clear that these rules are not about Democrats versus Republicans. But it's about each of us as members and a speaker who is drunk with power."

Sexton's office declined to comment on the incident and deferred to the Tennessee Department of Safety. The Department of Safety did not respond to a request for comment from The Tennessean. Lamberth did not immediately return a request for comment Wednesday.

Immediately, Rep. John Ragan, R-Oak Ridge, called Jones out of order. Members voted 68 to 20 in favor of finding Jones out of order.

Under the current rules in effect, Jones was required to sit down. If found out of order under the new rules, his speaking time would be reduced from 5 to 2 minutes.

Members found out of order to be immediately silenced 

Despite objections from Democrats, House members approved a new rule to temporarily silence members ruled out of order by the speaker, and confirmed by a majority of members.

"What happens when we have members that don't ever want to be on topic? In a baseball game, we have an umpire: we have someone at bat, when you get three strikes, you're out," Garrett said. "That's what these rules are designed to do, is effectively promote the democracy that's debated in this House."

For a first out-of-order offense, the member will not be able to participate in any further discussion of the that current subject. If found out of order a second time, the member will have their speaking time reduced from 5 minutes to 2 minutes. On a third violation, the member will be barred from speaking on the floor for two legislative days. 

"The creation of new rules that are rooted or stem from injustice still are unjust rules," Pearson said. "Rules that are meant to penalize and meant to attack other members, just because they become rules, don't make them right."

Bill presentations limited to 5 minutes 

Under the new rules, members will have only 5 minutes to present bills in committee, matching the bill presentation time limit that already exists on the House floor. Democrats repeatedly proposed to extend that to 10 or 15 minutes during the Rules Committee meeting on Monday.

"Why are we limiting debate if we're a deliberative body, and our premise is to consider bills?" said Rep. Vincent Dixie, D-Nashville.

Lamberth argued the new rule will expand debate opportunities. Another rule gives the speaker authority to extend the time for debate on a bill, in coordination with party leadership. Debate time would be evenly divided between members of both parties, with participation managed by party leadership.

House Minority Caucus Chair John Ray Clemmons, D-Nashville, argued that the time limit is “arbitrary.”

“That is very concerning,” Clemmons said. “We have a voucher piece of legislation this year that is a very complex idea and policy. The fact that we can set a time limit on that bill to be limited to five minutes on the House floor is very concerning.” 

Visual aids banned, guns permitted in committees

Among other provisions, lawmakers limited "welcoming and honoring" comments typically made at the beginning of each session, and prohibited members from using visual aids, props, or papers while presenting bills in committee. Lawmakers voted down a proposal from Jones to prohibit carrying of guns in committee rooms.

Members of the public will continue to be allowed to carry paper-sized signs in committee rooms and in the House gallery.

In the House, parliamentary inquiries and points of order will now be handled privately through party leaders in coordination with the House parliamentarian.

“When there is a point of order or parliamentary inquiry – that is not an opportunity for us to just continue to debate," Lamberth said. "That is an opportunity to really get an answer to your question."

Vivian Jones covers state politics and government for The Tennessean. Reach her at [email protected]


House Speaker Joins Republicans Visiting Trial to Say What Trump Can’t

Outside the Manhattan courthouse where Donald J. Trump is being tried on criminal charges, Mike Johnson attacked a key witness who linked the former president to a plan to cover up hush money paid to a porn star.

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Speaker Mike Johnson speaking into microphones. Photographers and reporters are near.

By Michael Wilson and Catie Edmondson

  • May 14, 2024 Updated 3:21 p.m. ET

As a key witness testified inside the Manhattan criminal courthouse on Tuesday morning, an increasingly familiar scene unfolded outside, as another in a parade of well-known visitors — this time Mike Johnson, the speaker of the House — stepped up to a microphone.

“This is a man who is clearly on a mission for personal revenge,” Mr. Johnson said, attacking the witness on the stand, Michael D. Cohen, the former fixer to Donald J. Trump. “He is someone who has a history of perjury. No one should believe a word he says in there.”

It was striking to watch the speaker of the House, second in line to the presidency in a crisis, stooping to overheated language more familiar at MAGA rallies, call a trial in an American court — and by extension, the judicial system itself — a “sham” and political theater.

But more urgently in the moment, Mr. Johnson’s attacks on Mr. Trump’s behalf did what the former president himself could not, bound as he is by a gag order during his trial on felony charges of falsifying business records. In recent days, Trump allies have stepped up one after another as his proxies, although Mr. Trump used a different term.

“I do have a lot of surrogates,” he said in remarks before trial proceedings began on Tuesday, “and they are speaking very beautifully.”

The proud observation appears to reflect a game plan. And the surrogates, however awkwardly, have risked their public profiles to defend a man accused of hiding hush-money payments to a porn star.

Mr. Johnson, whose persona back home in Louisiana is defined by family and faith, concluded his brief remarks without taking questions. His comments were part of an evolution of support between himself and Mr. Trump, coming a week after a failed attempt to oust Mr. Johnson led by Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, who had criticized the speaker for doing too little to defend Mr. Trump. The former president rallied to Mr. Johnson’s side after the vote.

Another Trump acolyte, Senator Tommy Tuberville of Alabama on Monday called the trial’s Manhattan courtroom “the most depressing thing I’ve ever been in.”

The surrogates routinely say things that Mr. Trump cannot, thanks to Justice Juan M. Merchan’s gag order.

For example, Mr. Johnson took a shot at the judge’s daughter, Loren Merchan, a political consultant who has worked with Democratic candidates, saying she was “making millions of dollars doing online fund-raising for Democrats.”

Mr. Trump himself is expressly prohibited from making such statements. Justice Merchan in a March 26 order barred him from making statements about witnesses, jurors and the families of any lawyer involved in the case. The order, upheld by an appeals court Tuesday , also barred him from “directing others to make” such statements, but it’s unclear whether the comments by Mr. Trump’s supporters violate the order — or how the judge could address them.

Barry Kamins, a retired State Supreme Court judge and expert on criminal practice, said there was little a judge could do to silence supporters.

“These comments have the imprimatur of Trump’s approval,” he said in an email message. “However, Judge Merchan has no control over them, as he does over Trump.” An exception, he noted, would be “the unlikely event that it could be proven that a surrogate was doing this specifically at Trump’s direction.”

Another retired judge, Jill Konviser, called the comments from Trump’s allies “an apparent end run.” She added that “proving a violation of the order under these circumstances would be challenging.”

In the meantime, the commentary from Trump defenders continues without interruption.

On Monday, Senator J.D. Vance, an Ohio Republican and a potential vice-presidential candidate, appeared outside the courthouse and made clear his intentions: to say what Mr. Trump “is prevented from saying, which is a disgrace.” He dismissed each prosecutor as “practically a Democratic political operative” and Mr. Cohen as “a convicted felon” who was not to be believed.

Mr. Tuberville, however vaguely, seemed to question the very legality of the jury.

“I am disappointed at looking at the American citizens — supposedly American citizens — in that courtroom,” he said.

More speakers followed on Tuesday. Vivek Ramaswamy announced his plans on X: “Headed to NYC courtroom now. Let’s see what’s going on down there, will share my thoughts over the day.”

His sharing began soon after, outside the courthouse.

“The real bookkeeping we need accounting on is the judge’s own daughter collecting millions of dollars as a Democratic operative,” Mr. Ramaswamy said. He, like Mr. Tuberville, criticized the “dingy, third-rate” courtroom.

The man he came to defend had given his blessing earlier that morning in remarks before reporters.

“Vivek, who’s here right now,” Mr. Trump said, “can speak for himself.”

Nate Schweber contributed reporting.

Michael Wilson , who covers New York City, has been a Times reporter for more than two decades. More about Michael Wilson

Catie Edmondson covers Congress for The Times. More about Catie Edmondson

Our Coverage of the Trump Hush-Money Trial

News and Analysis

Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s former fixer, faced a fierce cross-examination  in the trial, as the defense tried to tear down  the prosecution’s key witness.

Over the course of two days of testimony, Cohen has detailed the $130,000 he gave to the porn star Stormy Daniels  to silence her account of a sexual encounter with Trump, and how Trump repaid him  after winning the presidency.

Trump’s trial has become a staging ground  for Republicans, including House Speaker Mike Johnson  and Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio , to prove their fealty to the former president.

More on Trump’s Legal Troubles

Key Inquiries: Trump faces several investigations  at both the state and the federal levels, into matters related to his business and political careers.

Case Tracker:  Keep track of the developments in the criminal cases  involving the former president.

What if Trump Is Convicted?: Could he go to prison ? And will any of the proceedings hinder Trump’s presidential campaign? Here is what we know , and what we don’t know .

Trump on Trial Newsletter: Sign up here  to get the latest news and analysis  on the cases in New York, Florida, Georgia and Washington, D.C.

First Polls Close In ...

Elections today, delegate tracker, maryland, west virginia and nebraska primaries 2024: live results and analysis, idaho college murders: former king road roommate recalls learning of killings.

It could have "happened while I was there," Ashlin Couch said on "GMA."

More than a year after her friends and former roommates were killed in an off-campus house in Idaho, Ashlin Couch said she wished she could have said a proper goodbye.

Couch had lived until May 2022 in the sixth bedroom in an off-campus house on King Road in Moscow, Idaho. Four University of Idaho students were killed in the house months later, in November 2022.

"It crosses my mind more that that could've happened while I was there," Couch said in an interview on "Good Morning America" on Wednesday. "And, you know, you never know, like how long someone is watching your house."

PHOTO: Ashlin Couch, who lived in the house on King Road, in Moscow, Idaho, until May 2022, speaks to ABC News affiliate KXLY.

MORE: University of Idaho murders 1 year later: Where the case stands

Police arrested Bryan Kohberger, a graduate student at Washington State University, in December 2022 and later charged him with first-degree murder and burglary . A judge entered a plea of not guilty for Kohberger in May 2023.

Couch had moved out months after graduating in December 2021, but kept in touch with her former roommates, Madison Mogen, 21, and Kaylee Goncalves, 21, she said. Both were killed in the house, along with Xana Kernodle, 20, and Ethan Chapin, 20, in November 2022.

Couch recalled getting a text from the University of Idaho alerting her to a suspected homicide on King Road. She recalled texting a thread with her former roommates on it, she said, asking if anyone had "heard from Maddie?"

"And I remember, like my last text message to her was like, are you OK?" Couch said. "And, I feel like right then and there, I kind of just knew that something was wrong."

PHOTO: In this Dec. 22, 2022, file photo the crime scene where four University of Idaho students were found dead is seen on King Road in Moscow, Idaho.

The three-story house where she had lived with her friends was demolished in December 2023.

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The killings were often on her mind and, more than a year later, she was still having difficulty walking to her car in the dark, she said.

But she also wished she could say a proper goodbye to her friends.

"And that's one thing that I just wish that I could do at least one more time," she said. "Like, you know, just give her one last hug. Just to be able to say goodbye.”

ABC News' Emily Shapiro, Sasha Pezenik and Kayna Whitworth contributed to this report.

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