Role of Media in Society Essay

Introduction, overview of the role of media in society, works cited.

In today’s society, the flow of information among the citizenry plays an important role towards the development of an informed society. To this effect, the media has been instrumental in ensuring that the population gets current news and information on different issues affecting various societies.

Arguably, without the media, the world would consist of an ignorant population devoid of any relevant information relating to issues affecting their environment. With this in mind, it could be argued that the media provides the backdrop against which we make sense of any new conditions and information that we encounter in a world that is increasingly becoming globalized.

Since its conception, the media has been hugely influential in the development of the society. The media can be used to drive public opinion, report on current news and advance some social values. The media is at best a complex genre which may be broken down into a large number of sub-genres such as news stories, opinion columns, advertisements, sports and horoscopes to name but a few.

As such, the role of the media in today’s society is important because it essentially helps individuals get access to valuable information, educate the people in the communities and is a useful, affordable and an economical tool for entertainment.

In today’s society, the social issue that has particularly struck individuals through the decades is that of the media. In this study, the various opinions held in regard to the media and how it operates shall be provided. Through the analysis of relevant literature, a brief yet informative discussion of the various benefits that have been enjoyed as a result of the media shall be presented. This shall be done by highlighting key areas where the media has been instrumental.

These areas include but are not limited to: provision of information, a source of education and knowledge, link between members of the global community and a source of entertainment. The differing opinions propagated by media critics shall also be presented. This shall at the end help us understand the roles that the media plays in society as well as the extent to which the media has been successful in performing its duties.

As such, it shall be a worthwhile endeavor to shed some light on the benefits as well as the costs that have risen due to the presence and effects of the media in our societies. This analysis shall help in the provision of a clearer understanding on how the media affects society.

The media is arguably one of the most powerful agents for change and the betterment of society. Its role as the society’s eyes; indeed a ‘watchdog’ constantly monitoring and critiquing the actions of those in authority for the betterment of society are some of the attributes that previously made the media seem as a positive influence to society.

The ability of media to so accurately reflect the mood of the society and advocate for people to fight against social injustices and vices portrays the media as a tool for promoting justice, equality and harmony among the masses.

In regards to this statement, the current states of affairs indicate that societies are ridden with selfishness and actions aimed at advancing individual goals. This can be derived from the argument raised by Michael Meyers who claims that today’s media does not educate the audience but train them (Kramer, Meyers and Rothstein 582).

This he attributes to the fact that the media outlets no longer providing credible information. In this regard, the audience does not buy the truth, but what prominent figures want them to believe. The author is trying to bring out the fact that media is biased.

The proposed biasness has its root in the anti-intellectual and anti-democratic media. In addition, the media’s advertisement of products and services is an act aimed at enabling the consumers to make informed choices. As Bernt explains, the skills and artistic nature used to present persuasive advertisements help consumers relate products to their lifestyle and preferences (193).

Texts and images represented in advertisement can signify a myriad of meanings to the viewer. All this is in an attempt by the creator of the advert to persuade the consumer to think, feel or act in a predetermined manner (Bernt 194). Advertisement is therefore more of an educative venture than a deliberate attempt to sway the consumer in any predetermined direction since in the end; the consumers are better informed of the variety of brands that are at their disposal.

Bernt suggests that the heavy emphasis of advertisements in media is due to the fact that advertisers are the dominant sources of revenue for most modern media (193). The influence that advertisements have on the people is colossal as can be inferred from the rise in sales for corporations that engage in large-scale advertisement.

Bernt further asserts that the persuasive nature of advertisements has had a great effect on American culture in regards to the relationship between working hard and purchasing power (193). Bernt asserts that advertisements have “replaced Puritanism or the Protestant work ethic as the driving force in American society that causes people to work hard in order to shop even harder (193).”

The various forms of entertainment availed e.g. Movies, sports, interactive programs and Music productions are very important means of relieving stress after a long day at work. In addition, they help alleviate boredom. As such, the sole agenda of such products is recreational and providing means for people to enjoy themselves and connect (Bellah et al 67).

For example, through satellite television providers like DSTV people all over the world are able to enjoy the entertainment genre that best suit their preferences. Examples include movies, sports, music and news. Truth be told, football clubs would never have gained such a strong and wide fan base were it not for the media.

In regards to change in journalism, Pavlik highlights on how journalism has been affected by the transformation of the new media (Fernback 163).

In his opinion, new media technologies have greatly affected the traditional perspective of journalism. This he explains by expounding on the new journalistic trends such as changes in the contents provided to the audience as news, changes in how journalists work, structural changes in news organizations and changes that have occurred in the correlations between media outlets, journalists and different audiences (Fernback 163).

These changes brought about by new media technologies have to a large extent led to the contextualization of journalism; a situation whereby journalism has become less objective and practical.

On the same note, Palvik (as cited by Fernback 163) further notes that these new trends perceive journalists as interpreters of current events who in their efforts “empower the audience and reconnect communities (Fernback 163).”

According to Palvik, the new transformations being experienced in media outlets can be attributed to the availability and emergence of online infrastructure, high degree of customization, instantaneity and interactivity that characterize new media. In his point of view, Palvik believes that such developments will at the end make journalism a better tool to promote democracy (Fernback 163).

Evidence of such developments can be derived from the emergence of the internet and the online architecture that supports this vast source of information. Through online encyclopedias such as Wikipedia and the various search engines, people are able to access information and learn about different issues that affect their lives.

In addition, students in all academic fields are able to do more research in their designated fields and as a result, they become more knowledgeable in these areas than they would have been while using the traditional means of acquiring knowledge. Similarly, the internet has also provided people with a global means of communicating and learning about each other through websites like “facebook” and “twitter”.

People from different countries globally are able to interact and socialize in the comfort of their homes without the inconveniencies caused by travelling as well as the enormous costs that would have otherwise been incurred. These facts prove Palvik’s assertion that new media is at the forefront in empowering the masses (by providing useful information) and connecting communities (interactive nature of the internet, radio and TV talk shows e. t. c.).

On the other hand, Preston (as cited by Fernback 163) contends that the transformations being experienced in media are as a result of political, social, economical and communication patterns rather than technological developments.

Preston asserts that the interrelation that exists between social and informational sciences accompanied by non-academic and industrial literatures can be used by media so as to develop an equitable society and ensure social order (Fernback 163). In his book reshaping communication , Preston uses the aforementioned aspects to develop a model that explores the social role of information and communication in societies today (Fernback 163).

In his opinion, Preston argues that our cultural, informational and social bearings are hinged not on technological advancements, but on the socioeconomic, political and communication trends that we adapt (Fernback 164). In this regard, it can arguably be stated that the role of the media in society is not determined by technological advancements, but by the socio-technical paradigm (Fernback 164).

The positive view of the media has greatly been challenged with time. No longer do the various media outlets stand out as the ‘last front were nobility and idealism still had a foothold.’ Instead, the media just like any other business has been influenced by competition and ratings. As such, it has been noted for a fact that media outlets do at times express their own biased opinions which may not always be ideal or noble at that.

For example, Gay Talese attests to the fact that the New York Times editor Gerald Boyd refused to print a story about an interracial wedding simply because it never emphasized on Black victimization (Kramer, Meyers and Rothstein 575). According to Gay Talese, any story that would soften the perception people had on such issues was disallowed and could not be printed (Kramer, Meyers and Rothstein 575).

In this case, the Media’s actions which were previously perceived as being selfless and socially motivated have been exposed to not always have been driven by benevolence. These actions are at times resounded with self interests and personal gains for the media houses and the corporations that sponsor them.

The previous view of the media’s ability to correctly reflect on the society’s mood has also been greatly questioned as the media does at time appear to affect the set the society’s mood as opposed to reflecting it through the use of propaganda. (Kramer, Meyers and Rothstein suggest that the one of the media’s greatest power is in its ability to subtly influence our opinion (575).

They further assert that in events that elicit a lot of public opinion, propaganda plays a great role and polarizes people along lines that they may not necessarily have taken had they not been “persuaded” to do so.

This subtle psychological nudges can be used to further the cause of big corporations in the form of advertisements or by politicians who want to sway public opinions for their own good. To this effect, the people’s previous trust in the media report has therefore been greatly clouded by this realization.

In terms of the unbiased reporting which had for a long time been viewed to be the hallmark of the popular media, it has been noted that some media reports are actually aimed at making the recipient of the information form a certain pre-determined opinion thus destroying any illusion of un-biasness (Kramer, Meyers and Rothstein 575).

Media outlets can therefore set out to further some social cause which they believe in. Using the cultivation theory, Burton propose that exposure to some kinds of media often cultivate certain attitudes and values (Steffen 455). As an example, Steffen sheds some light on how Arab media has in the recent past adopted the western form of journalism and media presentation (455).

In this regard, the author states that even journalists from countries such as Egypt and other Arabic countries which has stringent media policies accept western media values such as accuracy and balance (Steffen 455). As such, the reporter’s opinions and attitude will rub on the general population thus coloring their view of some events.

In addition, the aforementioned assertion that advertisement aired in different media outlets is aimed at making the consumer better informed has been changed by evidence which strongly suggests that advertisements are aimed at actively influencing the decision that the consumer makes or may make in future (Steffen 456).

What this means is that advertisement is no longer a primary tool for marketing, instead, it has been used to combat the aggressive competition. To this effect, only the consumers suffer because the advertisements no longer help them make informed decisions about the products but instead, the advertisements influence their judgments by giving half-truths.

An especially troubling fact that revealed through various research efforts is that uncontrolled media in some instances leads to desensitization of the population on issues such as violence.

Continuous exposure to media violence especially on the young and impressionable segment of the population can lead to catastrophic results as has been witnessed before in the various random shootouts that occur in our schools. Research shows that media violence encourages aggressive behavior and leads to pessimism in children (Burton 123; Steffen 456).

This information contradicts the aforementioned perception of the media as a guardian and propagator of social values since the compelling evidence presented by research showed that media also leads to breaking of social values and leads to a disruption of harmony through the violence it encourages.

On the same note, rampant advertisements through media outlets have in the recent past characterized modern media. These advertisements aim at influencing the consumer to maintain or develop some form of ideology (Bernt 194). This close relationship that media and advertising have developed raises concerns over the influences that the media may be willing to wield so as to achieve the advertising objectives.

A closer observation of the movies and other entertainment forms presented by the media revealed heavy advertisements therein. These rampant acts of branding were previously unknown to many and their effect though unconsciously administered is substantial.

The media’s promotion of social values is also at times only used as a cover to influence consumers by use of advertisement (Fernback 164). Due to these advertisements, naive recipients of the information presented are unwittingly influenced into buying the products that the particular advertisements promote.

This is at best a very irresponsible behavior by the media since most people are favorably disposed to agree with sentiments that are projected by the media. These misuses of social issues as a marketing tool have also changed the positive role that the media was supposed to deliver. This is mainly due to the fact that the media is being used as a tool for furthering the objectives of corporations at the cost of an unsuspecting population.

The role played by the media in today’s society cannot be understated. However, caution should be taken because as expressed in this study, not all media is healthy. Through this research, the knowledge that has been transferred herein should not make the public skeptical of the media but should help them become more skeptical about the issues being addressed through various media outlets.

This will invariably transform them from being passive, unquestioning and all-believing recipients, to active and questioning recipients of the information which is provided by the media. Nevertheless, a free and vibrant media is necessary for the good of the society. An unfettered media is the hallmark of a truly unbiased society. However, one should adopt a more questioning stance when dealing with any information provided by the media.

Bellah, Robert. ET AL.”Community, Commitment, and Individuality.” Literacies: Reading, Writing, Interpretation. New York: W.W. Norton, 2000. 65-74. Print.

Bernt, Joseph. P. “Ads, Fads, and Consumer Culture: Advertising’s Impact on American Character and Society.” Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 78.1 (2001): 193-194. Research Library, ProQuest. Web.

Fernback, Jan. “Journalism and New Media / Reshaping Communications: Technology, Information and Social Change.” Journalism & Mass Communication Educator 57.2 (2002): 162-164. Research Library, ProQuest. Web.

Kramer Hilton, Michael Meyers and Edward Rothstein. “The media and our country’s agenda.” Partisan Review 69.4 (2002): 574-606. Research Library, ProQuest. Web.

Steffen, Brian. J. “Media and Society: Critical Perspectives.” Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 83.2 (2006): 455-456. Research Library, ProQuest. Web.

  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2018, July 11). Role of Media in Society.

"Role of Media in Society." IvyPanda , 11 July 2018,

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Role of Media in Society'. 11 July.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Role of Media in Society." July 11, 2018.

1. IvyPanda . "Role of Media in Society." July 11, 2018.


IvyPanda . "Role of Media in Society." July 11, 2018.

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Essay On Media

Keeping up with the most recent developments is critical in today's society. People can get the most recent and important news through the media. The media is the most commonly used medium for receiving information from north to south or east to west. Here are a few sample essays on the topic ‘Media’.

100 Words Essay On Media

200 word essay on media, 500 word essay on media.

Essay On Media

The media has an impact on the reputation of a political party, organisation, or individual. Media keeps people informed about current happenings in politics, culture, art, academia, communication, and commerce. Different forms of media help modern civilization in remaining in touch with the world in the shortest amount of time.

The media is all around us; we are immersed in it even when we are not aware of it. It is seen in newspapers, television, and technological gadgets such as cell phones. We perceive it as a tool for speeding time or distancing ourselves from what is going on in other people's lives.

Social media is a tool that has become immensely popular among all ages due to its user-friendly interface. The youth are the most prevalent social media user demographics, which is both remarkable and concerning.

Imagery from the media abounds in today's culture. We know this since we may see posters advertising well-known brands and the latest products almost anywhere we go, such as while driving on the highway. When we are drawn to advertisements, we may begin to imagine or visualise ourselves using them.

The media can tell us about a product, service, or message. Today, media influence is so powerful that it may easily influence public opinion both positively and negatively. We also live in a society that is heavily reliant on the media for entertainment and information. Indeed, pictures in the media have an effect on both people and society, especially women, men, teenagers, and young children.

Simultaneously, media such as television, broadens our perspective by providing us with access to facts from all around the world. Television may also provide us with a wide range of news and current happenings. It can also be a useful learning tool, guiding future generations in the proper direction.

The media has a large influence on our lives. We educate ourselves on a regular basis by staying up with the latest events. The news serves a crucial role in keeping us informed about current affairs and global happenings. For example, because of globalization, you can read about current happenings in the United States of America even if you live in India.

The media is the most significant communication tool. It aids in the delivery or dissemination of news. Although the media is also associated with spreading fake news, it also plays an important role in informing us about reality. We cannot deny that this world is filled with so many social problems that we require the media to spotlight these concerns so that the government or other individuals can take action to resolve these social issues.

Role Of Media

When it comes to the media, it is regarded as the fourth element of democracy. It's the most comprehensive repository of information on the globe. Everyone hope and expects the media to provide us with the most complete and accurate news in any situation. As a result, the media plays an important role in balancing all areas of our society.

It is crucial for teaching and informing global citizens about what is happening around the world. As a result, supplying readers with truthful and authentic news is vital for societal growth. The case of Aayushi Talvaar is a good illustration of how the media works.

Advantages Of Media

Education | The media educates the public. The mob learns about health issues, environmental preservation, and a variety of other relevant topics through television or radio programming.

Keeps Us Informed | People obtain the most recent news in a timely manner. Distance is not a barrier to providing knowledge to people from anywhere on the planet. People receive the daily latest news from media sites, which keep them current on the latest trends and happenings throughout the world.

Knowledge | The media can help you learn more about a variety of topics.

Amusement | It is a great source of entertainment. People are amused by music and television shows.

Disadvantages Of Media

Individualism | People spend far too much time watching or binge-watching stuff on the internet. As a result, their relationships with friends, family, and neighbours may suffer as a result.

Fraud and Cybercrime | The Internet is lurking with imposters, fraudsters, hackers, and other predators with the opportunity to commit criminal acts without the victims' knowledge.

Addiction | For most children and adults, some television shows and internet media can be quite addictive, resulting in a decrease in productivity.

Health Issues | Prolonged television viewing or internet bingeing can cause visual difficulties, and prolonged exposure to loud noises via headphones or earphones can cause hearing impairments.

Malware and Fake Profiles | Anyone can set up an anonymous account and pretend to be someone else. Anyone with access to such profiles might use them for malevolent purposes, such as spreading misinformation, which can harm the image of any targeted people or company.

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Essay On Mass Media

500 words essay on mass media.

All kinds of different tools which come in use to help in distributing and circulating information and entertainment to the public come under the term of mass media. In other words, everything including radio, newspapers , cable, television and theatre are parts of mass media. These tools include exchanging opinions and public involvement. Through essay on mass media, we will go through it in detail.

essay on mass media

Introduction to Mass Media

In today’s world, mass media embraces internet , cell phones, electronic mail, computers, pagers and satellites. All these new additions function as transmitting information from a single source to multiple receivers.

In other words, they are interactive and work on the person to person formula. Thus, it revolves around the masses i.e. the people. It is true that radio, television, press and cinema are in the spotlight when we talk about mass media.

Nonetheless, the role of pamphlets, books, magazines, posters, billboards, and more also have equal importance if not less. Moreover, the reach of these tools extends to a huge amount of masses living all over the country.

Television, cinema, radio and press are comparatively expensive forms of media which private financial institutions or the Government runs. These tools centre on the idea of mass production and mass distribution.

Therefore, newspapers, television and radio cater to the needs of the mass audience and accommodates their taste. As a result, it will not always be refined or sophisticated. In other words, it displays popular culture.

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The Function of Mass Media

The main function of mass media is to reach out to the masses and provide them with information. In addition to that, it also operates to analyze and observe our surroundings and provide information in the form of news accordingly.

As a result, the masses get constantly updated about not just their own surroundings but also around the world. This way mass media spreads and interprets information. For instance, weather forecasts equip people and farmers to plan ahead.

Similarly, fishermen get updates about the tidal activities from the news. In addition to this, mass media also strives to keep the fabric of our social heritage intact which showcasing our customs, myths and civilization.

Another major product of mass media is advertising. This way people learn about the goods and services in the market. It also spreads social awareness. For instance, anti-smoking campaign, women empowerment, green earth clean earth and more.

Most importantly, with the numerous mediums available in multiple languages, the masses get entertainment in their own language easily. Millions of people get to access a cheap source of relaxation and pass their time. In fact, it also helps to transport momentarily from our ordinary lives to a dream world. Thus, it remains the undisputed leader in reaching out to the masses.

Conclusion of Essay on Mass Media

All in all, while it is an effective tool, we must also keep a check on its consumption. In other words, it has the power to create and destroy. Nonetheless, it is a medium which can bring about a change in the masses. Thus, everyone must utilize and consume it properly.

FAQ on Essay on Mass Media

Question 1: Why is mass media important?

Answer 1: Mass media is essential as it informs, educates and entertains the public. Moreover, it also influences the way we look at the world. In other words, it helps in organizing public opinion.

Question 2: How does mass media affect our lives?

Answer 2: Mass media affects many aspects of human life, which range from the way we vote to our individual views and beliefs. Most importantly, it also helps in debunking false information.

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Essay on Media: Short and Long Sample Essays

role of media essay for class 7

  • Updated on  
  • Dec 18, 2023

Essay on Media

Media plays an important role in shaping our perceptions, influencing public opinion, and connecting individuals across the globe. The role of media in today’s modern world is not limited to just providing information. There are three basic purposes of media; inform, educate, and entertain. A society with free media allows it to have a social and cultural impact on it. Media offers us information about every activity going on in the world. Our smartphones, laptops, televisions, radios, and even public transportation have access to media, where we can watch news anytime and anywhere. Media not only influence our thoughts but can often manipulate our understanding of a particular topic. Continue reading essay on media to know more. Stay tuned!

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Short Essay on Media

‘Media plays an important role in shaping our perceptions, influencing public opinion, and connecting individuals across the globe. Media includes different platforms such as television, radio, newspapers, and the internet. Media is considered a powerful tool to disseminate information and have social, cultural, and political influences on the masses.’

Some of the roles played by the media are:

  • Informing the public through newspapers, news channels, and online portals.
  • At the push of a button, media can provide us with a large source of information.
  • Media has a significant impact on public opinion by framing issues, influencing perceptions, and shaping narratives.
  • Some media platforms are considered political watchdogs, scrutinizing the actions of government officials and institutions. 
  • Several media platforms rely on advertising revenue, and in turn, they provide a platform for businesses to promote their products and services.

Media can have both positive and negative impacts on an individual and society as a whole. Understanding the role of media and its limitations is important when watching or reading news. Media is meant for informational purposes. Its influence can vary from person to person. Media is a double-edged sword, which can have a negative or positive impact on our understanding, depending on how we perceive information.

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Long Essay on Media

‘Media is a great source of information. Some watch media for entertainment, while others for information or educational purposes. The way we perceive media can have a great impact on our understanding of a particular topic or information. In recent years, the influence of media has significantly increased. The role and influence of media is not limited and can take different forms. Newspapers and radio stations are some of the old and most preferred media sources as compared to television and internet media sources. The choices made by editors, the emphasis given to certain stories, and the narratives crafted can significantly impact how we perceive the world.

Types of Media

There are different types of media, which determine our choices.

News media comprises various platforms like SMS, blogs, email, internet, etc. These platforms are used to access and disseminate economic, social and political information. It offers new ways to develop business relationships with telecommunication companies that are capable of disseminating critical information that can change people’s lives.

Mass media includes print (newspapers, magazines), TV and radio. Due to the fast-paced TV and radio media platforms, there has been a significant decline in newspaper readership all over the world. However, there is a section of a group who still prefer newspapers as the best sources of information. On the other hand, TV and radio stations offer live information from different parts of the world.

Community Media

Community media focuses on the development and issues of a particular community. Some journalists work for community newspapers and radio stations within their community. They have their geographical limitations and sometimes are poorly resourced with immature journalists and editors.

What is the Role of Media?

‘Media plays multiple roles, educating and informing us about different fields. Media is not only there for news but also produces some amazing stories, documentaries, magazine programs and articles through its platforms.’

‘Media allows us to raise awareness and public voice against any unethical activity or decision of the government. Apart from sharing information, media has the power to be a catalyst for social change. It serves as a platform for advocacy, shedding light on injustices, and human rights violations, and inspiring collective action. 

We have witnessed how movements for equality and justice have gained momentum through the amplifying effect of media. As responsible citizens, we should support and engage with media that contributes to positive social change.

Different Roles of People in Media

Different people play different roles in the media and mass communication sector. 

  • Board of Directors – Their job is to ensure that everyone within the organization fulfills their responsibilities within the given framework. They are the real policymakers within the organization. They are not responsible for day-to-day media programs. Their job is not to influence the work of editorial staff and junior journalists. 
  • Media Manager – They are responsible for the formulation and implementation of policies for employees. They keep a check on what their media covers, how they have to do it, and what resources are required for everyday media coverage.
  • Editors – There are different editorial teams, based on their roles and responsibilities. It includes editor-in-chief, special projects, financial, business, assignment, entertainment, etc. They are the gatekeepers because they are the final decision-makers on what will be published. They also guide journalists on the sources they would like to see in the story. 
  • Sub-editors – They are an important part of a media house as they determine the ‘End product.’ Their role is to edit stories of structure, measure lengths of stories, check factual details, etc. They are responsible for writing news headlines and captions for photographs. These people have to work under strict deadlines. Because of this, their decision can be detrimental to the published stories.
  • Reporter/ Journalist – They are the news hunters and gatherers. They make decisions on which stories to cover. It is critical to identify which journalists cover your type of issues and develop a relationship with them. 

Related Articles

Ans: Media plays an important role in shaping our perceptions, influencing public opinion, and connecting individuals across the globe. Media includes different platforms such as television, radio, newspapers, and the internet. 

Ans: There are three types of media: New media, Community media, and mass media.

Ans: Several people perform different roles in a media house, including reporters or journalists, sub-editors, editors, media managers, and the board of directors.

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7th Class NCERT Social Science Civics

Understanding Media: NCERT 7 Class CBSE SST Civics 06

admin October 10, 2020 7th Class , Social Science 11,507 Views

Understanding Media : NCERT 7th  CBSE  Social Studies Civics Chapter 06

Question: what is called ‘media’.

  • Everything ranging from the stall at the local fair to the programme that we see on TV is called media.
  • Media is the plural form of the word ‘medium’ which describes the various ways through which we communicate in society.
  • Media refers to all means of communication. Everything ranging from a phone call to the evening news on TV is called media.

Question: What do we mean by mass media?

Answer: Television, radio, newspapers etc. that reaches large number of people, or the masses, across the country and the world are called mass media.

Media and Technology: Understanding Media

Question: describe relationship between media and technology..

Answer: Relationship between Media and Technology:

  • Today it is difficult for us to imagine our life without the media.
  • Cable television and the widespread use of the Internet is a recent phenomenon.
  • They are less than twenty years old.
  • The technology that mass media uses keeps changing.
  • Newspapers, television and radio reach million of people because they use certain technologies.
  • Newspapers and magazines are also the print media.
  • TV and radio are termed as the electronic media.
  • Newspapers are called print media, because they give news in print.
  • Naming of media as print media is related to the different technologies that they use.
  • The technology that mass media uses has changed over the years and continues to change even today.

Question: How does changing technology help media to reach more people?

  • Changing technology, or machines, and making technology more modern, helps media to reach more people.
  • It also improves the quality of sound and the images that we see.
  • Technology does even more than this.
  • It also changes the ways in which we think about our lives.

Today it is quite difficult for us to think of our lives without television.

  • Television has enabled us to think that we are the members of a larger global world.
  • Television images travel huge distance through satellites and cables.
  • This allows us to view news and entertainment channels from other parts of the world.
  • Most of the cartoons that we see on television are mostly from Japan or the United States.
  • We now; sitting in Chennai or Jammu; can see images of a storm that has hit the coast of Florida in the United States.
  • Television has brought the world closer to us.

Media and Money: Understanding Media

Question: how are technologies costly these days.

Understanding Media – Answer:

  • There are different technologies that mass media use.
  • They are expensive.
  • TV studio in which the newsreader sits has lights, cameras, sound recorders, transmission satellites that involve a lot of money.
  • Electronic media also involves money.
  • Print media also needs money.
  • In a news studio, there are several employees like newsreader, people helping in the broadcast including those who look after the cameras and lights.
  • All of them are paid their salaries.
  • The technologies that mass media uses keep changing.
  • They need a lot of money.
  • Hence mass media needs a great deal of money to do this work.
  • It is because of this reason that most television channels and newspapers are run by big business houses.

Question: Describe the ways by which mass media thinks of making money?

Understanding Media – Answer: There are many ways through which the mass media makes money.

  • Advertisement is the major way. Different products like cars, soaps, chocolates, clothes, electronic goods etc. give advertisements to attract consumers.
  • Advertisements are repeated during telecast of matches, movies or other programs.
  • The money earned depends upon the popularity of the program and number of times the advertisement is repeated.
  • Another way is by doing promotional activities and making their presence felt so that large number of people
  • see their channels or buy that magazine or newspaper.
  • Newspapers have print advertisement in various categories along with information under the categories like buy or sell about buy, rent or buy and also obituaries.

Media and Democracy

Question: what is the role of media in democracy.

Answer: Media plays an important role in providing news and discussing events in the country and the world. This helps citizens to learn about functioning of government. Citizens can take action based on the news. They can write letters to ministers or organize a public protest. Signature campaign may be stated to make government rethink on certain issue.

Question: Is media reporting important in democracy?

Answer: Media plays an important role in providing information. It is important that media reporting should be balanced.

Understanding Media – Question: What is a balanced report?

  • If we read either newspaper we would know only one side of the story.
  • From the story in the News of India we term the protesters as a nuisance.
  • On the other hand, the story in the India Daily, tells us that the protests are because a lot of livelihoods will be lost, relocation efforts are inadequate.
  • Neither of these stories is a balanced report. A balanced report is one that discusses all points of view of a particular story and then leaves it to the readers to make up their minds.

Question: On what depends the writing of a balanced report?

  • Writing of a balanced report depends on the independent media.
  • An independent media means that no one should control and influence its coverage of news.
  • No one will impress upon the contents to be included and what should not be included in a news story.
  • An independent media is important in a democracy.
  • Independent media has reliable and unbiased information.

Question: Describe the causes why media is not said to be independent?

Answer: The media is far from independent due to certain reasons.

The government has a control over media:

  • Due to Censorship a news item, scenes from movies or songs are not shared with public.
  • During the Emergency 1975-1977 government censored the media.
  • Government censor the films but it really does not censor media coverage of news.
  • Despite the absence of censorship on news, most newspapers are unable to provide a balanced story.

This is due to the control of business houses over the media:

  • News are given based on the interest of the business houses.
  • Media needs money which it gets from advertisements.
  • It becomes difficult for them to report against those who give advertisements.
  • So media is not independent due to its business links.

Need for support for an issue:

  • Media tends to focus on particular aspect to make story interesting:
  • Also if they want public support, they focus on one side of the story.

Question: Briefly write about the news report of News of India.

Understanding Media – Answer: News of India reported the event as crackdown on polluting factories.

  • It reported the violent protests by owners and workers causing huge traffic jam.
  • It said the people protested against the hasty decision of the government.
  • It clarified the protesters knew that this would happen.
  • It highlighted the fact this closure would reduce pollution in the city.
  • Mr. Jain opinion was given where he stated that for clean and green city these factories should be removed.
  • The factory owners and workers should accept the relocation offer of the government.

Question: How did the India Daily report the decision?

Answer: India Daily reported it as loss of livelihood due to closure of factories.

  • Workers protested: against the closure of factories.
  • According to the owners and workers the fault lies with the municipal corporation.
  • It issued licences to factories in residential areas.
  • According to this report there were no adequate relocation efforts.
  • The new areas are without facilities and development.

Setting Agendas

Question: write a note on ‘setting agenda’..

  • The media also plays an important role in deciding what stories to focus on.
  • It decides on what is newsworthy.
  • The annual function at our school will make the news only if a famous actor is Chief Guest at the function.
  • By focusing on particular issues the media influences our thoughts, feelings and actions.
  • It brings those issues to our attention.
  • Due to its significance it shapes our lives and our thoughts.
  • It is commonly said that the media ‘sets the agenda’.
  • Very recently the media drew the attention of the public to alarming levels of pesticides in cola drinks.
  • They published reports that indicated the high level of pesticides and thus made us aware of the need to regularly monitor these colas according to international quality and safety standards.
  • They did this despite the government’s resistance.
  • The media created awareness about the harmful effects of Coca Cola.
  • The government after careful examination declared that cocas are safe. Media also fell in line.

Question: What is the positive aspect of media reporting?

Answer: Media help us to focus on an issue that affect our lives. It help us to understand and know things that we are not aware of.

Question: Explain several instances when media fails to focus on issues which are important for us.

  • There are several instances when the media fails to focus on issues which are important for us.
  • Drinking water is a major problem in the country.
  • Every year, thousands of people suffer due to lack of safe drinking water.
  • Media does not focus on this issue.
  • The media focuses (on) such issues like the fashion week which provide(s) them huge money.
  • But it did not report the demolition of slums in Mumbai at all as the slum dwellers did not pay them.
  • As citizens of a democracy the media has a very important role to play in our lives because it is the media which highlights the burning issues.

Question: Write a concise account of Local Media.

Answer: Local Media

  • Most of the big houses of media are not interested in covering ‘small’ issues that involve ordinary people and their daily lives.
  • Hence several local groups have come forward to start their own media.
  • Several people use community radio to tell farmers about the prices of different crops and advise them on the use of seeds and fertilizers.
  • Others make documentary films with fairly cheap and easily available video cameras on the real-life conditions of the poor communities.
  • A newspaper called Khabar Lahriya is a fortnightly and run by eight Dalit women in Chitrakoot district in Uttar Pradesh.
  • Written in the local language ‘Bundeli’ this eight page newspaper reports on Dalit issues and cases of violence against women and political corruption.
  • Such media is termed as local media. The media highlights the working of the government.
  • In this way it ‘sets the agenda’.
  • Sometimes the government imposes censorship and gets published what it wants.

Question: What do you mean by “setting the agenda”?

Answer: The media decides the issues and stories to focus on. This is called “setting the agenda”. The government through censorship prevents certain stories to be published. Media’s relationship with business houses affects balanced reporting.

It is therefore, important that we do not rely too much on one sided factual reporting. We should ask questions like what is the information I am getting and what is not provided.

Question: What is censorship and factual information?

Answer: Censorship refers to the power that the government has to disallow media from showing or publishing certain issues. Factual information is the information about a particular news or issue as given by the report.

Question: Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.

  • Independent media plays a …………………. role in a democratic country.
  • ………………… and …………………………. are a recent phenomena in the media.
  • 3. Mass media earns money through …………….. .
  • 4. With typewriters, journalism underwent a change in the ……………….. .
  • 5. At times media is prevented from publishing a story, this is called ………………….. .
  • significant
  • Cable TV, Internet
  • advertisements
  • electronic, 1940’s

Question: State whether the given statements are True or False.

  • Media is the plural form of the word middle.
  • Television has made us think of ourselves as global citizens.
  • Changing Technologies help media to reach more people.
  • Balanced report discusses only one point of view or one side of story.
  • Media can be divided into print media and electronic media.

Question: In what ways does media play an important role in a democracy?

Answer: Media plays an important role in a democracy. It provides news and discusses events taking place in the country and the world. It is on the basis of this information that we learn how the government works.

  • Media also criticizes the unpopular policies and programmes that the government takes.
  • Media forms public opinion.
  • Media acknowledges us with several current issues.
  • Media provides awareness among masses.

Question: Can you give this diagram a title? What do you understand about the link between media and big business from this diagram?

role of media essay for class 7

Answer: A title to the above diagram may be given like this – Media and Big Business Houses. Big Business Houses attract people to promote their products through media. It is the best and the cheapest means to reach people at large.

Question: You have read about the ways in which the media ‘sets the agenda’. What kind of effect does this have in a democracy? Provide two examples to support your point of view.

Answer: Media creates public opinion an a democracy. It can build up public opinion in favor of or against any issue. Today, it has diverted from its real agenda. Instead of highlighting public issues, it is now concentrating upon cheap agendas like fashion shows, child falling in pit, etc.

Question: As a class project, decide to focus on a particular news topic and cut out stories from different newspapers on this. Also watch the coverage of this topic on TV news, compare two newspapers and write down the similarity – and differences in their reports. It might help to ask the following questions:

  • What information is this article providing?
  • What information is it leaving out?
  • From whose point of view is the article being written?
  • Whose point of view is being left out and why?

Answer: Students are suggested to do this project themselves.

Question: Name various forms of communication.

Answer: Radio, television, newspapers, Internet.

Question: What does the word ‘media’ mean?

Answer: Radio, television, newspapers, Internet and several other forms of communication are collectively known as media.

Question: Mention any one positive aspect of television.

Answer: Television has enabled us to think of ourselves as members of a larger global world.

Question: Mention one way in which the mass media earns money.

Answer: The mass media earns money by advertising different things like cars, clothes, tea, etc.

Question: Why are some advertisements shown repeatedly on the television screen?

Answer: Same advertisements are shown repeatedly on the television screen just to make people’s mind to go out and buy what is advertised.

Question: What are the various ways through which people express their dissatisfaction to any of the government’s decision which does not go in their favor?

Understanding Media- Answer: They do so by writing letters to the concerned minister, organizing a public protest, starting a signature campaigns and asking the government to rethink its programme, etc.

Question: What do you mean by a balanced report?

Answer: A balanced report is one that discusses all points of view of a particular story and then leaves it to the readers to make up their minds.

Question: Why is it necessary for media to be independent?

Answer: Only then media can write a balanced report.

Question: Why does media sometimes focus on a particular aspect of a story?

Answer: It is because media believes that this will make the story interesting.

Question: What does media’s close relationship with business often mean?

Answer: It means that media will fail to give a balanced report.

Question: How has television brought the world closer to us?

Answer: Television images travel huge distances through satellites and cables. This allows us to view news and entertainment channels from other parts of the world. We see cartoons on our television set which are mostly from Japan and the United States. We can be sitting in Delhi and can see images of Barak Obama ‘s oath ceremony in the United States. Thus, television has enabled us to think of ourselves as members of a larger global world.

Question: Most television channels and newspapers are part of big business houses. Why?

Understanding Media – Answer: The technologies that mass media use keep changing and so a lot of money is spent on getting the latest technology. The TV studio in which the newsreader sits has lights, cameras, sound recorders, transmission satellites etc. All of these cost a lot of money. One thing more, it is not only the newsreader who needs to be paid but also a number of other people who help put the broadcast together. Due to these costs mass media needs a great deal of money to do its various works. As a result, most television channels and newspapers are part of big business houses.

Question: What do you mean by an independent media? Why is it important for the media to be independent?

Answer: An independent media means that no one should control and influence its coverage of news. No one should tell the media what can be included and what should not be included in a news story. It means that media should not be under any one’s pressure. It will be totally independent. An independent media is very important because it is on the basis of the information that the media provides that we take action as citizens. Hence, it essential that this information is reliable. It should be biased at all.

Question: Write a brief note on ‘local media’.

Understanding Media – Answer: Local media covers small Issues that involve ordinary people, and their daily lives. It is usually started by local groups. Several people use community radio to tell farmers about the prices of different crops and advise them on the use of seeds and fertilizers. Others make documentary films with fairly cheap and easily available video cameras on real life conditions faced by different poor communities and, at times, have even given the poor these video cameras to make films on their own lives.

Khabar Lahriya is also a local newspaper. It is a fortnightly that is run by eight Dalit women in Chitrakoot district in Uttar Pradesh . It is written in the local language, Bundeli. This eight page newspaper covers the Dalit issues and cases of violence against women and political corruption. This newspaper is popular among farmers, shopkeepers, panchayat members, school teachers and women who have recently become literate.

Question: How can you say that media is far from freedom? Or why do most newspapers still fail to provide a balanced story?

Understanding Media- Answer: It is said that media is often controlled by business houses. Media does what these business houses wish. At times, it is in the interest of these businesses to focus on only one side of the story. Media is in the constant need of money.

Hence, it is essential for media to get linked, it is with advertising groups. In such a situation it is difficult for media to report against people who give them advertisements. Its close links to big business houses snatches its independence. It has to do as per the wishes of these business houses, Media also tends to focus on a particular aspect of a story because they believe this makes the story interesting. One thing more, if they want to increase public support for an issue, they often do this by focusing on one side of a story. Thus, it is difficult to say that media is independent.

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Essay On Role of Media with Quotations

Essay on the role of media for matric, fa, fsc, 2nd year, intermediate, ba and bsc.

Here is an essay on Role of Media for the students of 10th Class, 12th Class and graduation. Students can write the same essay under the question, Essay on Role of Media, Role of Media in Our Society, Essay on Role of Media in Pakistan and Role of Media Essay. This essay will discuss the different types of media like Print Media, Electronic Media and the Internet.

Role of Media Essay with Quotes

All of us who professionally use the mass media are the shapers of society. We can vulgarize that society. We can brutalize it. Or we can help lift it onto a higher level.

“Whoever controls the media, controls the mind” (Jim Morrison)

Mass media is a unique feature of modern society. It includes all means of communication like television, radio, newspapers and the internet. All these are a source of information, education and entertainment. Today, media is considered as the fourth pillar of the state all over the world, Lord Macaulay had given this status to media.

Media helps us to know about current affairs. Media persons put their lives in danger during their live coverage of terrorist attacks or natural disasters just to update us. This is how many countries are able to contribute to the affected areas. Without medi9a our life is incomplete and is like a lamp without oil.

The debate on the role of media is, in fact, a debate on a changing world. Its role in updating the people about the happenings around the world is great importance. Media is just a reflection of social realities. The importance of media is so great that it is viewed as the fourth pillar of democracy. It has a great role to play in the progress of a nation. It has to be very careful and responsible for its role. It has got to be free, fair and impartial in order to change our society and improve our living conditions.

I fear three newspapers more than a hundred thousand bayonets. (Napoleon)

Media can be used as a weapon against all the social evils that hamper our national progress. It can prove very helpful in bringing about unity among the masses. Media has the power to criticize and pressurize the wrongdoings and wrong policies of the government. It not only informs, educates and entertains people but also moulds public opinion. It basically works towards the betterment of society as a whole. Without the active and positive role of media, our nation will remain handicapped. It will be like a ship without a captain.

It has awakened man to live in peace with himself and with the forces of nature around him. It has made us enlightened and broadminded, and it will continue to change our outlook towards things. It has made the world a global village and has brought people closer to one another.

The world has already changed significantly, and the change is still going on. People have become more and more aware of their rights and liabilities. Wrongdoing now remains no longer hidden. Though corruption seems to have permeated the very social fabric of our society. The corrupt people are being exposed through Media to people. Thus, true democracy is impossible without the role of media. Media’s fair role will surely change the diseased society into a healthy one.

“The goal here is to build a brand around social relevance in media. (Jeff Skol)

2. Role of Media Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation

The mass media mean the sources of information and entertainment which are available to the public or masses of a country. These media play an important role in building public opinion in a democratic country. They are divided into two kinds; print media and electronic media.

Print media include newspapers, books and magazines, electronic media; consist of radio, television and the internet. Media are a great source of information and entertainment for all type of people. Nobody can deny their influence. Everybody looks to them to get information about their country, nation, religion and culture. They exercise a great influence on the workers, teachers, doctors, businessmen and all type of professionals. If media are stopped from yielding information to the public, the entire world would plunge into darkness and ignorance. They build our knowledge and strengthen our opinion about different things.

The mass media control our mind. We believe whatever they propagate. We come to know about the life of our villages, cities and towns through mass media. We come across the rise and fall in business, agriculture and industry through mass media. Let a minor incident happen in any part of the World, we come to know each detail of it through mass media. Mass media make a record of everything which takes place in the world. They do not hide anything from the public eye.

The electronic media have governed and dominated the mind of the public in a very forceful manner. The radio and television bring to everyone, aware of the religious and cultural life of every country in the world. Even a lay-man knows many things about the latest discoveries and inventions taking place in the world. It is because of electronic media that people were able to watch the murder of J.F. Kennedy and attack on Regon. They were also able to watch live coverage of the funeral of Diana, attack on the World Trade Centre and the bomb blast at different places. The mass media tell us about hurricanes, earthquakes and river floods in a graphic manner. They record for the masses the details of bomb blasts, suicide attacks and other acts of violence and aggression.

The mass media are a great source of building public opinion. They build our knowledge and educate our sentiments. We form our own opinion about politics, religion, business under the influence of mass media. Even the man on the street has his opinion about the performance of the rulers. He can easily decide whom he should vote in the coming election. He can form a reliable judgment about the business trends going on in the country.

The mass media educate a domestic woman about cooking, medicine and elementary nursing of children. The children have an informative and entertaining program of their mental standard. They can build their knowledge about different branches of knowledge at a very early stage.

The Internet is the latest addition to the mass media. Through it, we are connected to the computer network of the world. Through it, we are connected with the activities of the world within no time. We are connected with the universities, offices, firms, business concerns and other nerve centres of life within no time. We can pay our bills, fees of admission ant adjust our bank accounts through the internet. The internet provides us jobs alerts and suitable matches for marriage. It connects us with the latest discoveries in the field of medicine, surgery, wireless, industry and latest technology of every field within no time. We can plan our journey and devise a better route for the journey through the weather report forecast by it.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Civics Chapter 6 Understanding Media

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Civics Chapter 6 On Equality contains the answers to the exercises given in the NCERT History book. These solutions are easy and accurate that help you to answer the questions asked in the examinations. NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Civics Chapter 6 are prepared by our subject experts in very easy language. Practice these solutions regularly to ensure excellent marks in the exams.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Civics Chapter 6

Question 1: In what ways does the media play an important role in a democracy?

Answer: Media plays an important role in democracy, as it provides news and details of events taking place around the country and all over the world. It also acts as a watchdog to the conduct of the government by:

  • Criticising the unpopular policies and programs that the government undertakes
  • Highlighting and even to a certain extent, influencing public opinion
  • Acknowledging several current issues
  • Spreading awareness among the general masses

Question 2: Can you give this diagram a title? What do you understand about the link between media and big business from this diagram?

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Civics Chapter 6 Understanding Media image 1

Answer: “Corporate Controlled Media” can be a suitable title for the diagram. The diagram provides us with two interesting aspects:

  • In order to promote their products, business houses place advertisements in various media like newspapers, TV, radio etc. These advertisements influence the readers or viewers to buy products. Thus, money invested by the big business houses in advertisements comes back to them by sale of their products. It also indicates products’ advertisements increase the cost of the products.
  • Big corporates own TV channels, magazines and other media industries. They advertise their products through various media and influence people to buy their products. Since the business giants own the media houses, there are high chances of unfair reporting about their products. This may lead to customers making wrong buying decisions.

Question 3: You have read about the ways in which the media ‘sets the agenda’. What kind of effect does this have in a democracy? Provide two examples to support your point of view.

Answer: It is evident that media has immense influence on the people by focusing on few issues. This can have negative effect on our democracy. The media also plays an important role in

deciding what stories to focus on, and therefore, decides on what is newsworthy. Sometimes, it misses out on more significant events and covers unnecessary events that may attract people. If media focuses on one side of the issue, it can influence our thoughts and actions. People may make biased decisions. Rather, media should provide a balanced report and leave it to the audience to decide. A balanced report will help people in a democracy make right informed decisions.

On a positive note, media highlighted social crimes under the name of “honour killing” by “caste panchayats” or narrow-minded families and communities. This helped people become aware of the social issue.

  • India is the second most agriculture led country after USA. On a negative side, media (specially private channels) hardly broadcasts programmes on agriculture to educate farmers. Rather these channels air “SaasBahu serials” 24 hours a day. Even news channels have dedicated shows to cover “Page 3 masala”, but they hardly run any show on technical education.

Question 4: As a class project, decide to focus on a particular news topic and cut out

stories from different newspapers on this. Also watch the coverage of this topic on TV news. Compare two newspapers and write down the similarity and differences in their reports. It might help to ask the following questions –

a. What information is this article providing? b. What information is it leaving out? c. From whose point of view is the article being written? d. Whose point of view is being left out and why?

Answer: Take two different newspapers. For example, “The Times of India” and “Hindustan Times”. Go through both the papers of the same day. Choose any particular news heading in both the papers. Also watch the different TV Channels for this particular newsheading, and answer the questions given with the help of newspaper cuttings and news watched on different TV channels.

Extra Questions

Very Short Answer Questions

1. What is media?

Answer: Media is the plural form of the word “medium” and it describes the various ways through which we communicate in society.

2. What is mass media?

Answer: Media refers to all means of communication; everything ranging from a phone call to the evening news on TV. TV, radio and newspapers are forms of media. Since they reach millions of people or the masses, across the country and the world are thus called mass media.

3. Define publishing.

Answer: This refers to newspapers, articles, interviews, stories, etc. that are printed in newspapers, magazines and books for a wide audience to read.

4. What is censorship?

Answer: This refers to the powers that the government has to disallow media from publishing or showing certain stories.

5. Define broadcast.

Answer: It is a word used to refer to a TV or a radio progamme that is widely transmitted.

6. What is public protest?

Answer: When a large number of people come together and openly state their opposition to some issue, it is called public protest. Organising a rally, starting a signature campaign, blocking roads etc. are some of the ways in which it is done.

7. What is a balanced report?

Answer: A balanced report is the one that discusses a particular story from all perspectives and then leaves it to readers to make up their minds.

Short Answer Questions

1. Does media give a balanced report?

Answer: (i) Writing a balanced report depends on an independent media.

(ii) No one should influence and control the coverage of news.

(iii) No one should tell the media as to what is to be included and what is not to be included in the news.

(iv) If the information is reliable and not biased then only it is balanced.

2. How do we know that media is not independent?

Answer: Media is not independent because of two reasons:

(i) Government at times controls the media from sharing many news with the larger public. This is called censorship. In India, it was done during the emergency of 1975–1977.

(ii) Media channels are controlled by big corporate houses so that focus is on the side of the story which suits them or favours those who give them money through advertisements.

3. Give an example to show that media fails on issues which are significant in our lives.

Answer: (i) Several instances show that media fails to focus on issues which are significant in our lives.

(ii) For example, drinking water is a major problem in the country.

(iii) However, we seldom find the media discussing the issue.

(iv) A well-known Indian journalist wrote how the fashion week, in which cloth designers show their designs, formed the front page headlines of all the newspapers, while several slums were being demolished in Mumbai the same week, which went unnoticed.

4. How does media play an important role in deciding what stories to focus on?

Answer: (i) The media plays an important role in deciding what stories to focus on and, therefore, decides on what is newsworthy.

(ii) For example, the annual function at your school is unlikely to make news.

(iii) But if a famous actor is invited as the Chief Guest, then the media might be interested in covering it.

(iv) By focusing on particular issues, the media influences our thoughts and brings those issues to our attention.

(v) Due to this significant influence, it is said that media sets the agenda.

5. Give an example of positive influence of media reporting.

Answer: (i) Recently in 2015, media drew attention towards more than alarming level of lead (7 times the permissible level) in a package of maggie-2 minute noodle.

(ii) Maggie was banned nationwide.

(iii) It made us aware about the Maggi health scare.

(iv) In covering this, media positively helped us to focus on an issue that affects our lives and how FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) pronounced. Maggie ‘Unsafe and hazardous for human consumption.’

6. What does TV do for us?

Answer: (i) TV helps to shape our views of the world, our beliefs, attitudes and values.

(ii) We need to realise that it gives us a partial view of the world.

(iii) We should always be aware of the large exciting world beyond our TV screen.

(iv) Active viewers enjoy TV as a mode of entertainment and information.

7. What is the reality of working of media?

Answer: The media has a very important role to play in our lives.

  • Through the media, we hear about issues related to the working of the government.
  • The media decides what to focus on and in this way it sets the agenda.
  • If the government prevents the media from publishing the news, it is called censorship.
  • Now-a-days media, close relationship with business often means that a balanced report is difficult to come up.
  • Thus, a factual information which a newspaper gives may not be complete and may be one-sided.

Long Answer Questions

1. How has technology helped media?

Answer: (i) Mass media has become popular due to the advent of the Cable Television and the Internet.

(ii) Changing technology or machines and making technology more modern has helped media reach more people.

(iii) It has even improved the quality of sound and the images people get to see.

(iv) Media also influences our thoughts and expressions.

(v) It gives a virtual platform to think ourselves as a part of the global world.

(vi) TV images travel huge distances through satellites and cables.

(vii) Television has brought the world closer to us.

2. Why is local media gaining prominence? Give an example.

Answer: (i) Recognising that the media will not be interested in covering small issues that involve ordinary people and their daily lives, several local groups have come forward to start their own media.

(ii) For instance, community radio is used to tell farmers about seeds and fertilisers.

(iii) Others make documentary films on real-life conditions faced by different poor communities.

(iv) Another example is a newspaper called Khabar Lahriya run by eight Dalit women in Chitrakoot (UP).

(v) It used Bundeli about local issues like violence against women, Dalit exploitation, etc.

Hots (Higher Order Thinking Skills)

1. How is media closely related to money?

Answer: (i) The different technologies used by media—lights, cameras, sound recorders, transmission satellites, etc.—cost a lot of money.

(ii) In a newsroom along with the newsreader, there are a number of people who help put the broadcast together.

(iii) Mass media, therefore needs a great deal of money to do its work. Media uses a number of ways to earn money.

(iv) One way is by advertising different things like cars, chocolates, clothes, etc.

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  • Social Science
  • Media and Democracy

5. Role of Media in Democracy

Guide to Exam

100, 200, 250, 300 & 400 Word Essay on The Role of the Media in a Democratic Society

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Table of Contents

The Role of the Media in a Democratic Society 100-Word Essay

The role of media in a democratic society is of the utmost importance. The media acts as a watchdog, ensuring transparency and accountability in the government and other institutions. It provides a platform for the exchange of ideas and opinions, facilitating informed discussions on crucial matters. Moreover, the media plays a vital role in safeguarding individual freedoms by highlighting social injustices and giving a voice to marginalized groups. It empowers citizens by keeping them informed about their rights and responsibilities. By fostering an informed citizenry, the media helps in shaping public opinion and influencing policy decisions. In a democratic society, the media acts as a bridge between the government and the people, ensuring a healthy and vibrant democracy.

The Role of the Media in a Democratic Society 200-Word Essay

Media plays a crucial role in shaping and maintaining a democratic society. It acts as the bridge between the government and the citizens, providing impartial and accurate information to help citizens make informed decisions. Through its various forms such as print media, television, and the internet, the media ensures transparency and accountability in governance.

Media also serves as a platform for freedom of speech and expression, allowing different voices to be heard. It acts as a watchdog, keeping a check on the government’s actions, and holding them accountable for their decisions. Furthermore, the media helps to educate and raise awareness about social issues, promoting a sense of social responsibility among citizens.

In a democratic society, the media acts as the fourth estate, playing a crucial role in shaping public opinion. It empowers citizens by providing a platform for discussion and debate, facilitating the exchange of ideas, and promoting diversity of thought. It helps to foster a sense of community and unity among citizens by disseminating objective information and encouraging dialogue.

In conclusion, the media plays an integral role in a democratic society. It acts as a guardian of democracy, ensuring transparency, accountability, and freedom of speech. It serves as a crucial link between the government and the citizens, promoting informed decision-making and facilitating public discourse. In today’s rapidly changing world, the media’s role in a democratic society has become even more important, as it continues to adapt and evolve to meet the needs and demands of citizens.

The Role of the Media in a Democratic Society 250-Word Essay

In a democratic society, the media plays a vital role in shaping public opinion, facilitating dialogue, and holding the government accountable. It serves as a cornerstone of democracy, providing citizens with access to information and diverse viewpoints. The media acts as a watchdog, ensuring transparency and exposing corruption within the government. It also enables citizens to participate actively in the democratic process by providing a platform for political debate and discussion.

Through unbiased reporting, media organizations inform citizens about current events, allowing them to make informed decisions and participate in the democratic process. By analyzing policies, interpreting government actions, and presenting different perspectives, the media fosters critical thinking and encourages citizens to engage in thoughtful discussions. This exchange of ideas is crucial for a healthy democracy, as it ensures that all voices are heard and different viewpoints are considered.

Furthermore, the media acts as a check on government power by investigating and exposing any wrongdoing or abuses of authority. It holds the government accountable for its actions and promotes transparency in governance. By keeping the citizens informed, media organizations empower individuals to act as vigilant citizens, actively participating in the democratic process.

In conclusion, the media plays a crucial role in a democratic society by providing citizens with information, facilitating dialogue, and holding the government accountable. It serves as a platform for free speech, promoting an open and informed society. A vibrant and independent media is essential for the functioning of democracy, ensuring that power remains in check and citizens have the information they need to make informed decisions.

The Role of the Media in a Democratic Society 300-Word Essay

In a democratic society, the role of media is of paramount importance. Media acts as the voice of the people, providing information, fostering public debate, and holding those in power accountable. It plays a crucial role in shaping public opinion while acting as a bridge between governing bodies and citizens.

Informing citizens

One of the primary functions of the media in a democratic society is to inform the public. Through various channels, such as newspapers, television, radio, and online platforms, the media disseminates news, facts, and analysis about national and international events. By doing so, it ensures that citizens have access to diverse sources of information, enabling them to make informed decisions and participate effectively in the democratic process.

Fostering Public Debate

Another vital role of media in a democratic society is to foster public debate on major issues. Media creates a platform for citizens to express their views and opinions, encouraging the free exchange of ideas. It serves as a channel where differing perspectives can be heard, aiding in the formulation of well-rounded and inclusive policies. Through responsible journalism and investigative reporting, media organizations challenge power structures, thereby safeguarding democracy and preventing the concentration of power.

Holding Power Accountable

Media acts as a watchdog, holding those in power accountable for their actions and decisions. By investigating and reporting on government activities, the media exposes corruption, abuse of power, and unethical practices. This acts as a deterrent to ensure that those in power act in the best interest of the public. Through investigative reporting, the media ensures transparency and helps citizens make informed choices while electing their representatives.

In a democratic society, media plays a pivotal role in providing information, fostering public debate, and holding power accountable. Its role as a conduit for information ensures an informed citizenry, giving them the ability to participate actively in the democratic process. By fostering public debate and holding power accountable, the media acts as a catalyst for change and ensures the integrity and longevity of democratic values. Hence, the media’s role cannot be understated in safeguarding and promoting democracy.

The Role of the Media in a Democratic Society 400-Word Essay

The role of the media in a democratic society.

The media plays a crucial role in shaping and maintaining a democratic society. It serves as a watchtower, holding those in power accountable and providing citizens with the information necessary for informed decision-making. In a democratic society, the media acts as a bridge between the government and the people, ensuring transparency, accountability, and the protection of civil liberties.

One essential function of the media in a democratic society is to inform the public about current events and issues. Through journalism, media organizations report on a wide range of topics, from local news to global affairs, helping citizens to stay informed and engaged. By providing a platform for diverse viewpoints and expert analysis, the media promotes an informed and well-rounded understanding of complex issues.

Another critical role of the media is to act as a watchdog. It exposes corruption, abuses of power, and wrongdoing within institutions, including the government. Through investigative journalism, the media uncovers hidden truths, thereby holding those in power accountable. By ensuring the flow of information, the media helps prevent the rise of authoritarian tendencies and promotes transparency in democratic governance.

Moreover, the media amplifies the voices of marginalized groups and acts as a channel for public opinion. It provides a platform for individuals and interest groups to express their concerns, providing a crucial avenue for free speech and democratic participation. In doing so, the media ensures that the government is responsive to the needs and aspirations of all citizens, regardless of their class, race, or gender.

However, with great power comes great responsibility. It is essential for media organizations to maintain journalistic integrity and uphold ethical standards. Sensationalism, biases, and misinformation can undermine the democratic process, eroding public trust. Therefore, media organizations should strive to provide accurate, balanced, and reliable information to maintain the integrity of democratic societies.

In conclusion, the media plays a vital role in a democratic society by providing information, acting as a watchdog, and amplifying public voices. A free and independent media is essential to ensure a well-functioning democracy, promoting transparency, accountability, and the protection of civil liberties. As citizens, it is our responsibility to support and defend the media’s role in preserving a democratic society.

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50, 100, 200, 250, 300 & 400 Word Essay on The Three Roles of the Media in a Democratic Society

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Essay on Role of Media in Democracy

Students are often asked to write an essay on Role of Media in Democracy in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Role of Media in Democracy


Media is a pillar of democracy. It informs the public, promotes transparency, and encourages citizen participation.

Media as an Informer

Media informs citizens about the activities of government. It helps people make informed decisions during elections.

Media and Transparency

Media exposes corruption and misuse of power. It holds leaders accountable, ensuring they serve public interest.

Media and Participation

Through debates and discussions, media encourages citizens to participate in democratic processes. It gives voice to the voiceless.

In a democracy, media plays a crucial role. It ensures power remains with the people, upholding democratic values.

250 Words Essay on Role of Media in Democracy

Media, often hailed as the ‘Fourth Pillar’ of democracy, plays a pivotal role in shaping a healthy democracy. It is the backbone of a democracy, as it helps shape public opinion and influence the direction in which a society progresses.

Media as a Watchdog

Media’s primary role in a democracy is to act as a watchdog. It ensures the government’s accountability and transparency, scrutinizing its policies and decisions. By exposing corruption, inefficiency, and injustice, it empowers citizens to demand better governance.

Media as a Platform for Dialogue

Media also facilitates a healthy exchange of ideas, opinions, and criticisms. It provides a platform where different viewpoints can be expressed and heard, fostering a culture of debate and discussion, which is integral to a thriving democracy.

The Role of Media in Elections

Media’s role becomes particularly significant during elections. By providing comprehensive and unbiased information about candidates, their policies, and their performance, media allows voters to make informed choices, strengthening the electoral process.

Challenges and Conclusion

However, the power of media also poses challenges. Issues like fake news, media bias, and sensationalism can undermine its role in a democracy. Thus, it is crucial to promote media literacy, ethics, and regulations to ensure that media continues to serve as a pillar of democracy. Despite these challenges, it is undeniable that media plays a critical role in the functioning and preservation of democracy.

500 Words Essay on Role of Media in Democracy

Media is often referred to as the fourth pillar of democracy, the other three being the legislative, executive, and judiciary. It plays an indispensable role in the functioning of a democratic society by facilitating free speech and promoting transparency.

The Role of Media in Ensuring Transparency

In a democratic setup, media acts as a watchdog, keeping a vigilant eye on the actions of the government and other public figures. It investigates, exposes, and challenges any instances of corruption, malpractice, or abuse of power. By reporting on such issues, the media ensures accountability and transparency, thereby strengthening the democratic fabric of the society.

Media as a Platform for Debate and Discussion

Media also provides a platform for public debate and discussion. It encourages the exchange of ideas, opinions, and perspectives, which is crucial for the democratic process. Through news, talk shows, and panel discussions, media allows diverse viewpoints to be heard, fostering a culture of tolerance and mutual respect.

Media and Voter Awareness

One of the key roles of the media in a democracy is to educate the electorate. The media disseminates information about the policies and performances of political parties, enabling voters to make informed decisions. It also raises awareness about the importance of voting and the electoral process, thereby promoting political participation.

Media and Social Change

Media can also be a powerful tool for social change. By highlighting social issues and injustices, it can mobilize public opinion and spur collective action. Media campaigns on issues like gender discrimination, environmental conservation, and human rights have played a significant role in bringing about societal transformations.

Challenges and the Way Forward

Despite its crucial role, the media in a democracy faces several challenges. These include issues like media bias, sensationalism, and the influence of corporate and political interests. To overcome these challenges, there is a need for stringent regulations to ensure media independence and objectivity. Media literacy should also be promoted to enable the public to critically analyze media content.

In conclusion, the role of media in a democracy is multifaceted and profound. It ensures transparency, facilitates debate, educates the electorate, and drives social change. Despite the challenges it faces, the media remains a vital instrument in upholding the principles of democracy. Through its diligent execution of these roles, the media can help in the creation of a more informed, engaged, and equitable society.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Importance of Voting in Democracy
  • Essay on Electoral Literacy for Stronger Democracy
  • Essay on Democracy in Sri Lanka

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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role of media essay for class 7

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Study Important Questions Class 7 Social Science - Social and Political Life Chapter 6 - Understanding Media

Very Short Answer Questions (1 Mark)

1. Fill in the blanks: 

(i) ________ performs a crucial and influential role in a democracy. 

Ans: Media performs a crucial and influential role in a democracy. 

(ii) _______ is very popular with the media.

Ans: Fashion show is very popular with the media. 

(iii) The _______ that mass media uses keeps on changing.

Ans: The technology that mass media uses keeps on changing.

(iv) Mass media needs a great deal of _______ to do its work.  

Ans: Mass media needs a great deal of money to do its work. 

2. State true and false:

(i) Television programs give us a partial view of the world.

(ii) Media is independent.

(iii) Media plays a vital role in communicating government plans and work to people.

(iv) Television images travel a long distance through satellites and cables.

3. Match the following: 

4. Choose the correct option:

(i) The newspaper Khabar lahriya reaches

(a) Farmers

(b) School Teacher

(c) Panchayat members and shopkeepers

(d) All of the above

Ans: (d) All of the above

(ii) Information given by media should be 

(a) True 

(b) False  

(c) Balanced  

Ans: (c) Balanced

5. Define the following: 

Ans: Media means all forms of communication like radio, television, newspaper, and the internet.

(ii) Independent Media

Ans: It means no one should tell the media what should be included and what should not be included in their news story.

Short Answer Questions: (2 Marks)

1. Give some examples of print media.

Ans: Examples of print media are: newspapers and magazines.

2. Give some examples of electronic media.

Ans: Examples of electronic media are: TV, Radio, World Wide Web (internet).

3. How is the modernization of media useful for us?

Ans: The Modernization of media is useful to us because it helps media to reach more and more people.

4. Give some examples of local media.

Ans: Examples of local media are: Community Radio, Documentary Films, Local newspapers.

5. Define broadcast.

Ans: Broadcast is used to refer to a TV or radio program that is widely transmitted.

Short Answer Questions: (3 Marks)

1. What do you mean by a public protest? 

Ans: Public protest refers to the collection of a large number of people assembled together to oppose a certain issue related to the public interest. Signature campaigns, rallies, road blockages, etc. are some of the ways to register a public protest.

2. Define publish. 

Ans: Publish refers to news reports, articles, interviews, stories, etc., that are printed in newspapers, magazines, and books for a wide audience to read.

3. What do you mean by censorship?

Ans: Censorship refers to the powers that government has to disallow media from publishing or showing certain stories.

4. Explain the role of media in democracy.

Ans: In a democracy, media plays a vital role in providing news and in discussing events taking place in the country and in the world. Media provides information to the citizens and enables them to take corrective action.

5. What do you mean by social advertising?

Ans: Social advertisements refer to advertisements made by the Government or private agencies that have a larger message for society.

Long Answer Questions: (5 Marks)

1. In what ways do the media play an important role in a democracy?

Ans: Media performs a crucial and influential role in a democracy. Media is a channel through which the information about the social, economic & political events and news happening throughout the country and world is delivered to people. Media keeps us in the know-how of all government works and current issues. The Media is responsible for creating awareness amongst the people. The press should do honest reporting as it also plays an integral part in forming public opinion and shaping up the human mind. Media serves as a medium of deliberation and strives to show us the truth. It reports various scams, criminal activities, frauds, accidents, etc., and also alerts people on various calamities, diseases, and weather forecasts.

2. You have read about the ways in which the media ‘sets the agenda’. What kind of effect does this have in a democracy? Provide two examples to support your point of view. 

Ans: When media “set the agenda”, it has various effects on democracy. It impacts and shapes the mind of people by influencing their thinking. It creates awareness amongst people regarding numerous important issues and events. The Media emphasizes various government-related matters so that people can take significant actions. The two examples to support my point of view are:

(1) The Delhi Commonwealth Games controversy was in the national and international limelight because of widespread media coverage. Because of media coverage, this scam was uncovered, and people came to know about it. 

(2) Media widely covered the campaign of "Swatch Bharat Abhiyan” and in turn made people aware about the importance of cleanliness and more & more people participated in it. 

3. As a class project, decide to focus on a particular news topic and cut out stories from different newspapers on this. Also, watch the coverage of this topic on TV news. Compare two newspapers and write down the similarity and differences in their reports. It might help to ask the following questions– 

a. What information is this article providing? 

b. What information is it leaving out? 

c. From whose point of view is the article being written? 

d. Whose point of view is being left out and why? 

Ans: The interpretation and response may vary depending on the student’s perspective and liking. Students should select newspaper articles that interest them. Students can take two or more newspapers and watch the same news on television to understand the story better. They should write down all the similarities and differences in all the reports on the same topic. This activity will help in giving answers to the questions provided above. You will be able to understand the agenda of the media house, whether the truth is being reported or the news has some bias. You will get to know about the point of view from which the news article is written and if it is covering all aspects or just focusing on one issue. 

4. How has the concept of local media emerged?

Ans: The media is not always able to cover ‘small’ local issues related to ordinary people and their daily lives. This has led to the emergence of the concept of local media. Various local groups have come forward and started their own media. For example, Community radio is being used to make the farmers aware of the current prices of different crops. The farmers are advised about the optimum use of seeds and fertilizers through the local media. Some local groups create documentary films with video cameras highlighting the plight and the real-life issues faced by poor communities around us.

5. What does TV do to us and what can we do with TV? 

Ans: In many of our homes, TV is on a lot of the time. In many ways, a lot of our impressions about the world around us are formed by what we see on TV: it is like a „window on the world‟. It gives us a partial view of the world. While we enjoy our favourite programs, we should always be aware of the large exciting world beyond our TV screens. There is so much happening out there that TV ignores. We need to be active viewers, who question whatever we see and hear, while we may enjoy it too!

Why are Important Questions for Class 7 Social Science Chapter 6 - Understanding Media necessary?

Focus on key topics for efficient studying.

Prepares students for exams and reduces anxiety.

Reinforces understanding of fundamental concepts.

Teaches effective time management.

Enables self-assessment and progress tracking.

Strategic approach for higher scores.

Covers a wide range of topics for comprehensive understanding.

Supports exam preparation and boosts confidence.

Understanding Media is an integral part of Class 7 Social and plays a crucial role from an examination perspective. The important questions for Class 7 Social, as discussed by NCERT, cover a wide range of topics within the subject. They also provide a concise guide to critical points and details related to the topic.

A solid understanding of each section of Class 7 Social is fundamental as it forms the basis for higher-level studies. However, this section primarily focuses on important questions within the context of Class 7 Social.


FAQs on Important Questions for CBSE Class 7 Social Science - Social and Political Life Chapter 6 - Understanding Media

1. What do you understand by media class 7th?

Media in Class 7 is the communication channels that reach a large audience, including newspapers, magazines, television, radio, and the internet.

2. What is the role of the media in democracy Class 7 question and answer?

Media informs citizens, holds government accountable, and promotes civic engagement in democracy.

3. Why is democracy important for Class 7?

Democracy is important for Class 7 because it allows people to have a say in their country and protects their rights.

4. Why is media the fourth pillar of democracy Class 7?

Media is the fourth pillar of democracy because it holds the government accountable and informs citizens.

5. Why is the media called the Fourth Estate?

The media is the Fourth Estate because it is independent and holds the government accountable.

Shaping Minds

Media and Democracy Lesson Plan – Class VII

Media and Democracy

Written By Avinash Sharan

Class 7 | lesson plan 7, 4 comment(s), 21st january 2022, media and democracy lesson plan of class vii can ease your pain.

Want to Know how Media and Democracy Lesson Plan of class VII can ease your pain? Then, first you need to understand that Media and Democracy is a very challenging chapter in class VII. It is not only challenging for the students but also for the teachers. At a tender age of 12-13 years, it is really difficult to understand how Media plays an important role in shaping a healthy democracy. Therefore, it requires a detailed lesson plan on Media and Democracy which can ease your pain. For lesson plan of other chapters, click on the given link. 13 Points you Must Include In Your Class VII Social Science Lesson Plan

A Detailed Class VII Lesson Plan On Media and Democracy

Subject: Political Science

No. of periods required: 04

Name of the chapter: Media and Democracy

General Objective:

i) To create interest in the subject.

ii) To develop Critical thinking and problem solving skills.

iii) Also to develop communication and collaborative skills among the students.

iv) To make the students aware about the basic role of Media in Democracy

Specific Objective:

  •  to understand the role of the media in a democratic country like India.
  •  Developing a sense that government is accountable to its people.
  •  understand the link between information (Media) and power (Government)
  •  to develop a critical sense of the impact of media on people’s lives and choices.
  •  appreciate the different role played by different types of mass media.


Apply the gained knowledge on their real life situation.

Teaching Aid:

Black-Board, Chalk, Duster, Smart class, PPT’s.

Teacher Student Interaction On Media and Democracy:

The teacher uses Interactive method to check their previous knowledge.

Also asks a few questions to recall basic understanding of democracy.

Teacher’s question:

Suppose, you want to purchase a bi-cycle but You are afraid of your father.

Moreover, you have not performed well in your tests. What will you do?

Students answer: 

We will inform mother.

Teacher’s question: 

Do you think by informing your mother, your message will reach to your father.

Student’s answer: 

Yes teacher.

O.K. So your mother will act as a link between your father and you. Isn’t it?

Students answer:

very good. But if you or your parents want something from the Prime Minister of India, then who will act as a link?

Announcement of the Topic:

Teacher: Don’t worry, today we will read about how with the help of media, we can reach our government.

Class VII Social Science Lesson Plan For The Month Of June-July With Classroom Activities

Teaching Points From Media and Democracy:

  • Introduction
  • Media and Technology
  • Media and Money
  • Independence of Media
  • Setting Agendas
  • Shaping public opinion

Teaching Method: Interactive, Lecture cum Discussion Method

The teacher begins the class by explaining the role of media.

Also discusses about the important functions of media.

The teacher begins the class by introducing the two words: Media and Democracy.

Explains the importance of media. Asks students about different programs on T.V.

Conducts a free discussion on Independence of Media.

Further, explains how media set agendas and shapes public opinion.

The teacher conducts two activities for better understanding of the chapter.

Activity 1:

1. Become a newspaper editor:

Suppose you are a news-editor-of-a-newspaper .

You have to prioritize 15 stories in order of importance (National, International, State, Local and sports.

5 for the country. 5 for your local community and 5 for the state.

In short, write in a sentence why each story is relevant to your readers.

Choose one of the 15 stories and write a 500-word editorial on the topic

Activity 2:



2. Become a T.V. News reporter:

Your school’s time – table in charge has not given a single period of games.

Be a reporter .

Take the public opinion about the time table from your classmates.

Send this reporting to your school’s higher authorities.

See whether the authorities take any action or not.

Assessment Criteria:

i) Knowledge of the subject.

ii) Presentation.

Two students (one from each group) along with the teacher will judge the activity and accordingly marks will be awarded to the group.

Skills developed:

i) Critical thinking and problem solving skills.

ii) Communication and collaborative skills.

Class work:

Cartoon Making:

The teacher asks the students to make any one cartoon on the following topics:

i) Government’s New Education Policy.

II) Condition of roads in your town / locality.

iii) Elections in India.

iv) Role of opposition in Parliament.

v) Health facilities in Government Hospitals.

VI) Online teaching in Government schools.

i) What will happen if the media is biased?

ii) What will happen if the government has no control on media.

Interdisciplinary / multidisciplinary activities on Media and Democracy:

The teacher gives enough choice.

Students have to participate in any one activity.

However, students are free to take up any one activity either individually or in a group.

Integrating with Mathematics:

Collect the data of different types of people using different mass media.

Find out which mass media is very popular and why?

Represent it on a graph paper.

Integrating with Drawing:

Draw any five means of mass media.

Mention it’s advantages and disadvantages.

Integrating with English / Hindi:

Write an essay on the Topic – Is Social Media good or bad for Democracy?

Assessment criteria:

Moreover, the teacher will assess the project report under the following parameters:

Content, Presentation and Language.

Learning Outcome:

After reading the chapter, the students will be:

  • Firstly, able to define Media and Democracy.
  • Secondly, understand the importance of media in a democratic country.
  • Thirdly, appraise the importance of media in controlling the government.
  • Fourthly, Understands what will happen if the media is biased or corrupt.
  • Lastly, Analyze how media acts as a link between Government and common man.

Remedial Measures:

  • Initially, the teacher prepares short questions and answers for the slow learners.
  • Moreover, the teacher also plans extra class after the school hours.
  • However, the teacher also uses “Each One Teach One” method.

Conclusion: Media and Democracy

Hope you like the lesson plan on media and democracy.

Of course, there is no doubt that media is the backbone of  democracy and acts as an interface between the common man and the Government.

Moreover, media can reach up to a large number of people and can inform them on key issues ranging from policies to elections.

In a democratic country, media also creates awareness.

The media is a lifeline of a Nation.

Media not only keeps us informed but also tells us what may affect the normal human life.

It is playing a significant role in our society in the present scenario.

It is all around us, But,

Do you agree that media is playing an unbiased role in a democratic country like India?

Who is your favorite T,V, News reporter. 

Write your views in short in the comment box.

You may be interested in other most popular lesson plans given below:

Class VII Social Science Lesson Plan For The Month Of April – May with Classroom Activities

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Essay on Role of Media

Role of Media Essay | Essay on Role of Media for Students and Children in English

Role of Media Essay: Media is known as the fourth pillar of democracy due to its important role in shaping public opinion. Today, in this ultra modern world, the role of media has been augmenting day by day. It has been surving as a vigilant watch dog of India.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Long and Short Essays on Role of Media for Kids and Students in English

Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘Role of Media’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on Role of Media of 400-500 words. This long essay about Role of Media is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Role of Media of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

Long Essay on Role of Media 500 Words in English

Below we have given a long essay on Role of Media of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

Print Media has created an awareness among the people regarding their rights and duties. We can update ourselves just by going through the morning newspaper, getting each and every kind of news from every nook and corner of the world. Catering to all this, today mass media is well-established, wherein it is remarkable to see the All India Radio (AIR) now reaches 90% of the population, TV more than 80% and over 5,600 newspapers, 150 of these publications are published daily in over 100 languages.

There has been a worldwide growth of the Print Media even after the emergence of the electronic media. Moreover, there has been an increase in the circulation of newspapers around the world even after the emergence of electronic media and the internet. The newspapers play a very important role in the working of any democracy. Our Constitution too grants us the Right to Freedom of Expression which is manifested, in free press in our country. In a democracy, newspapers are the best way of educating people politically and socially. They play a decisive role no only in updating the public but also in formulating a well-balanced public opinion. The public read about the current events, interpret them and learn to intelligently participate in the political, social and economic affairs of the country.

Newspapers also reflect public opinion, thus formed through letters to the Editor which are usually published in a separate column. Moreover, Print Media provides great incentive to business by large number of advertisements on a variety of things s,uch as a house on sale, shops, electronic goods, stationary, cloth stores, glass ware, crockery shops etc. Matrimonial advertisements, job-opportunities, obituaries are all advertised through the Print Media.

Now-a-days, another very popular means of social interaction and propagation that has emerged along with the Print Media is the rise of Electronic Media. The birth of electronic media took place with the invention of radio, it further got spread through television, then through the laptops, computers via internet and now in every hand in I the form of mobile phones. Electronic Media has a very emphatic and motivating effect on the society today. The various news channels keep the vigilant citizens updated. Channels like Discovery and National Geographic keep the inquisitive mind busy and satisfy every intellectual query of a probing mind. Along with these, there are endless number of entertainment channels solely to amuse and tickle the audience. Now, quite a number of kids’ channels have come up to cater to this special section of the society. Television can help popularise technology and internationalise, and universalise our outlook.

These-days, the internet too is gaining a huge momentum, in terms of its role in media. This is because traditional ‘silent citizens’ for traditional media like newspaper often ‘speak out’ through the internet platform to let a society hear their voices. This has in turn increased the society’s level of democratic awareness wherein people of all age groups and sections formulate their opinion on the social networking sites. It is also because internet can be used by anybody, anywhere, at anytime easily to express themselves economically. Infact, these days there are many independent websites established which hope to monitor parliament activities and other crucial operations of society. The only major drawback internet is facing is that its spread is limited.

Yet, there is other side to media too, wherein it tries to cater to the transient needs of life and to appeal to the emotions of masses instead of maintaining an intellectual level. They even lower the moral tone and publish sub-standard materials to increase their readership.

Many times, newspapers try to ally themselves to particular ideology or a party instead of maintaining impartiality and indulge in mudslinging or even communal propaganda. These thoughtless means for easy money provides temporary financial benefits to a handful of people but prove to be extremely disastrous in the end for society at large.

Role of Media Essay

Short Essay on Role of Media 200 Words in English

Below we have given a short essay on Role of Media is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

People involved in this profession should realise the massive responsibility they shoulder and sacredness of the duty that they perform. They should avoid personal bias and prejudice to cloud their good sense. Instead, they should try to combat social evils, communal forces and also keep the government on its toes, committed to its promises. It should try to make people politically conscious and keep patriotism and national pride alive in the people.

In today’s world media has become as necessary as food and clothing. In the earlier times, it united people for freedom struggle, today it is uniting people against social evils. It has always been a crucial part, a ‘mirror’ of society in every age, however it only differs in its approach, means and spread, from time to time. It has immense power which needs to be carefully harnessed. Moreover, it has also been seen that media is reduced to a commercialised sector, eying the news which are hot and good at selling. The goal is merely to gain the television rating points.

I believe, if the media identifies its responsibility and work sincerely and honestly, then it can serve as a great force in building the nation.

Role of Media Essay Word Meanings for Simple Understanding

  • Augmenting – increasing, growing, raising
  • Manifested – expressed, established
  • Decisive – crucial, significant, critical
  • Formulating – expressing, developing
  • Obituaries – a published notice of a death, sometimes with a brief biography of the deceased
  • Propagation – spreading, spread, promotion, communication, distribution
  • Emphatic – forceful and positive; definite; direct
  • Inquisitive – curious, questioning, inquiring
  • Probing – searching
  • Amuse – entertain, please, delight
  • Transient – short-term, temporary
  • Ally – associate, connect
  • Mudslinging – efforts to discredit one’s opponent by malicious or scandalous attacks
  • Propaganda – information, advertising, promotion

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Role of media in democracy - understanding media class 7.

Media plays an important role in a democracy. It has the capacity to create an informed opinion. It enlightens and empowers the people. Access to information is essential to the health of democracy for two reasons. First, it ensures that citizens make responsible, informed choices rather than acting out of ignorance or misinformation.

Second, information serves as a check by ensuring that elected representatives uphold their oaths of office and carry out the wishes of those who elected them. It is in providing this information that the media plays an important role. Using this information, the citizens can learn the functioning of the government through the media.

The media can further promote democracy by educating voters, protecting human rights, promoting tolerance among various social groups, and ensuring that governments are transparent and accountable. Therefore, it becomes necessary that the media provides a balanced report.

By a balanced report we mean that when a story is covered by the media, it should discuss all points of that story and should leave it up to the readers to form their own opinions. The media can present a balanced report to form their own opinions. The media can present a balanced report only when the media channel is independent. It should be under the control and influence of anybody in the coverage of its news.

In most democracies, laws have been enacted to give ample freedom to journalists and ordinary citizens to access information on government policies. In the activity given earlier, you might have seen that the same news event is covered differently in various newspapers.

It is possible that each newspaper presents a different angle of the same story. For instance, newspaper A says, Anna as a citizen is above parliament, however, Newspaper B says Anna is above parliament. Now both the news have altogether different meanings.

So, it seems from above that media is quite independent to choose the way they want to showcase a news story But, in reality, media is not that independent. Two reasons can be attributed for this-one is the control that the government on its part uses censorship to control the contents published by media. In Indian history also there have been times when the government censored the media.

In general, however, the government confines itself to the censorship of films. The media�s coverage of the news is not really censored by the government. Despite the absence of censorship the media sometimes fails to present a balanced story. This can be because it did not consider all the facts or it came under the influence of one dominant view.

Read More: Media Ethics and Accountability - Understanding Media - Class 7

  • November,23 2021

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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “The Role of Media” Complete English Essay for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, Graduation classes.

The Role of Media

Sometime back a famous journalist, explained the positive role played by print media. He cited examples from the North-East India. He further said that exposure by print media had restrained extremist out-fits like ULFA, reducing the number of civil causalities in terrorist violence. The state itself had to change its own position vis-a-vis the infamous IMDT Act and Armed Forces Special Power Act in the face of continuous reporting of resistance to these acts by the local media.

Resident Editor of a renowned newspaper highlighted the importance for alternative media to ensure objective reporting. He pointed out that sometimes the journalists had to face pressures from terrorists and other establishments and they had to report with caution terrorist cases. In such cases, alternative media could fill the gap in objective reporting.

Of late, a debate hits started about the issue of media ethics and responsibilities. There is no doubt that credibility is the principal criteria of the media particularly in the sphere of mass media. It is quite understandable that a press without any restraints, responsibilities and ethical concerns can be a threat to a free society.

The question of media ethics has become even more complex with the emergence of the electronic media, that is earlier television and now satellite broadcasting. Even if there is a regulatory mechanism imposed by the state on the media, the relevance of media ethics still ‘continues to exist.

The expansion of mass media has increased the importance and power of media manifold. At the same time it cannot be denied that over the years the credibility of the media has diminished. Particularly, the people find the news media biased, arrogant, insensitive sensational and at times even fake. There is, indeed, a growing tendency of corporationalisation of the media which makes it committed not so much to public interest as to vested interests.

The media must accept and practise certain broad principles of behavior. It must be accountable to readers or viewers as the case may be. It must not present advertisements as news. The “paid” and “non-paid” portions must be clearly demarcated and presented. There should be no system of ratings which mislead the readers. The readers should be encouraged to express their views freely on its contents and these views must be published for all to read.

The role of media and its ethics should be widely studied discussed and analyzed in educational institutions and at various forums. The journalism institutions must produce more enlightened journalists who are committed and dedicated to public interest. There should be an inculcation of moral element right at the start to generate an ability to rise above temptations so that there should be no swooping to conquer in this noble profession.

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Social Media Essay

500 + words essay on social media.

Social media is a prevalent medium in today’s scenario because of its ability to transfer information and communicate with people worldwide using an internet connection. We have seen how social media platforms make it easier for people spread across the globe to connect.

However, it is still a matter of debate if social media is a bone or a bane for us, despite its user-friendly features. In this social media essay, we can look at the impacts of social media, its advantages and disadvantages and more.

Introduction to Social Media Essay

It is seen that over the past few years, social media has developed tremendously and has captured millions of users worldwide. Referring to this social media essay in English is the best way for students to learn about the pros and cons of social media. If they are preparing for the board exam, they will also find the ‘Impact of Social Media Essay ’ a beneficial topic. They can prepare themselves for the board exams by reading this short social media essay.

Impact of Social Media

Currently, social media is a lot more than just blogging or posting pictures. As the reach of social media is far and high, it goes beyond impressing people to impacting or influencing them with the help of these vital tools. However, a wide range of people believe that social media has negatively impacted human relationships.

Human interaction has also deteriorated because of it. Nevertheless, social media also has a positive effect. It enables us to connect with our family and friends globally while even sending out security warnings. Check out the advantages and disadvantages of social media to know more about the pros and cons.

Pros of Social Media

Reading through the advantages of social media is the best way to learn about its positive aspects. We can learn a lot with its help, thus enabling society’s social development. We can also quickly gain information and news via social media. It is a great tool that is used to create awareness about social evils or reform. It is also a good platform that reduces the distance between loved ones and brings them closer. Another advantage is that it is a good platform for young aspirants to showcase their knowledge and skills. At the same time, companies use social media to promote their brand and services/products.

Cons of Social Media

Psychiatrists believe that social media impacts a person negatively. Social media is also considered to be one of the leading causes of depression and anxiety in society. Students may get distracted from their studies due to addiction to social media. Spending too much time on social media may result in poor academic performance. Lack of privacy is another evil effect of social media. Social media users are also very vulnerable to hacking, identity theft, phishing crimes and other cyber crimes.

Thus, in conclusion, we can say that we have to be diligent while using social media . We should use our discretion while using social media, thus balancing our social life with our studies, work, family, and social media use.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Social Media Essay

How can we balance the pros and cons of social media.

1. Spend a limited amount of time on social media.

2. Avoid getting addicted to entertainment channels.

3. Use social media for better communication and to spread social messages.

What is one of the unseen cons of social media?

One of the unseen cons of social media is that the content that we post/send online is getting stored somewhere at the backend even after its deletion. This fact must be kept in mind before using any social media app.

How can students get benefitted from Social media?

There are numerous apps and web pages where essential information is available not only regarding academics but also about extracurricular activities. Students can highly benefit from social media if they use it in a proper way with adult guidance.

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