IGNOU MPS Solved Assignment Download 2023-2024

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We Provide All The IGNOU Books And Study Material Here. MPS Stands For Master of Arts (Political Science)

IGNOU MPS Solved Assignment 2022 – 2023 Uploaded From Website, All Students must downloading assignments for their programmes on New Admission. Every assignment for the course is available here.

IGNOU BSCG Solved Assignment 2022-2023 Free Download

To get good marks in the exam, Read Study Material  and Solved The Assignment carefully With The Properly.

IGNOU MPS Assignment Compulsory to Submitting?

Yes, all candidates Submitting Their IGNOU Assignments to the relevant study center by the deadline. The IGNOU University would not allow a student to take the term end exam if they have not submitted.

Minimum and Weighted Marks for IGNOU MPS Assignments

Candidates cannot neglect assignments because they have a 30% weight in each IGNOU programme. They must submit the best assignment answer in order to receive higher marks in the final grade,

How To Submit the IGNOU MPS Assignment 2023-2024 ?

By scanning the paper assignments, we were able to answer questions about sending the IGNOU assignment by email.

FAQ On MPS Solved Assignment Free Download 2023-2024

IGNOU official website will open. Choose your Degree, Master, Bachelor, Certificate Click on “Assignments”. Assignment page will appear. Download the Assignment.

For the term-end examination, June 2023, the last date for submission of assignments is extended up to  15th June 202 3

any plain paper  is Used for IGNOU Assignment.

Each and every assignment available here are solved. It is helpful for all students who have to submit their assignments.

MPS is Master of Arts (Political Science)

Conclusion : in this Page You are Downloading the IGNOU MPS Solved Assignment 2023-2024 , also Downloading the MPS 1st Year Solved Assignment , MPS 2nd Year Assignment Solutions With Assignment Question & Answer. Thanks For Reading this Page Share With MPS Course Students.


IGNOU MA Political Science (MPS) Solved Assignments 2021-22

  • 1.1.1 IGNOU MPS 1st Year Assignments Free Download (in English & Hindi Medium)
  • 1.2.1 IGNOU MPS 2nd Year Assignments Free Download (in English & Hindi medium)
  • 2 Last Date of Ignou MA Political Science Assignment submission
  • 3 Guidelines to write IGNOU MA Political Science Solved Assignments
  • 4 How to obtain IGNOU MA Political Science first & second Year Solved Assignments?

IGNOU MA Political Science Solved Assignments 2021-22

IGNOU MA Political Science Solved Assignments 2021-22 – Students of Indira Gandhi National Open University who are pursuing Master degree in Political Science have to submit Ignou MA Political Science solved assignments to complete their courses.

They can download Tutor Marked assignments in both English & Hindi medium from the official website for the session 2021-22.The Ignou MPS assignments can be downloaded in any of the medium as per the requirement.

For IGNOU MPS Solved Assignments in English & Hindi Medium, Whatsapp at: 7428482160

The details of Ignou MA Political Science assignments has been mentioned below:

  • Programme Name: Master Degree Programme in Political Science
  • Programme Code: MPS
  • Validity of Assignment: These assignments will remain valid for July 2021 and January 2022 session.

There are two sections of questions in each Ignou MA Political Science assignment i.e. Section I and Section II. In both section I & II there are 20 marks questions.

For 20 marks question, the word limit to write answer is 500 each. The few assignment questions of some courses have 10 marks questions as well.The word limit for writing 10 marks question is 400 words.

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IGNOU MPS First Year Solved Assignments 2021-22

The students have to prepare the solved assignments for the Core Courses in the first year.The code and name for the courses for which assignments have to be submitted by students in the first year has been mentioned below:

The maximum marks for each assignment is 100. The university gives 30% weightage to these assignments. It means the 30% of the total marks obtained by the students in the assignments will be added in the total marks of the course. Therefore total marks for any course will be combination of 70% theory and 30% assignment marks.

IGNOU MPS 1st Year Assignments Free Download (in English & Hindi Medium)

Students can easily download Ignou MA Political Science 1st year assignment question papers free of cost from the university official website.They do not have to pay any charges or fee for that.

The university also send the hard copy of MPS first year assignments at the physical communication address of student. In case, if anyone do not receive it, he/she may download it here…

  • Assignment Code: Asst/TMA/2021-22
  • First Year Assignment – Download Link

IGNOU MPS 2nd Year Solved Assignments 2021-22

In the second year of Ignou MA Political Science programme, students have to submit solved assignments for the following elective courses:

IGNOU MPS 2nd Year Assignments Free Download (in English & Hindi medium)

Students can easily download Ignou MA Political Science 2nd year assignment question papers free of cost from the university official website.They do not have to pay any charges or fee for that.

The university also send the hard copy of MPS second year assignments at the physical communication address of student. In case, if anyone do not receive it, he/she may download it here…

  • Assignment Code:  Asst/TMA/2021-22
  • Second Year Assignment – Download Link

Last Date of Ignou MA Political Science Assignment submission

Students have to submit the solved assignments of Ignou MA Political Science programme in both first and second year for the courses which requires it. Let’s discuss about these courses…

Guidelines to write IGNOU MA Political Science Solved Assignments

  • Please read the assignments thoroughly and carefully
  • Students have to answer the questions as per the word limit.
  • Write the answers in your own handwriting.
  • Try to write answers in your own words. Don’t just copy & paste the answers from the study material.

How to obtain IGNOU MA Political Science first & second Year Solved Assignments?

It is always good to solve assignments by yourself.Because it help students to go through complete study material. It also help them in exam preparation.

In case, if someone is unable to solve assignment then he/she may request for Ignou MA Political Science solved assignments 2021-22 for all subjects in the form of PDF at cheap price.

All you have to do is to click on this link to get assignments:

Click here to get solved assignments

Or you can send email at: [email protected]

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MPS-004: Comparative Politics: Issues and Trends

Ignou solved assignment solution for 2022-23, if you are looking for mps-004 ignou solved assignment solution for the subject comparative politics: issues and trends, you have come to the right place. mps-004 solution on this page applies to 2022-23 session students studying in mps courses of ignou., looking to download all solved assignment pdfs for your course together, mps-004 solved assignment solution by gyaniversity.

Assignment Code: MPS-004/ASST/TMA/2021-22

Course Code: MPS-004

Assignment Name: Comparative Politics: Issues and Trends

Year: 2022-2023

Verification Status: Verified by Professor

1. Critically examine the impact of globalization on the internal functioning of a state.

Ans ) Globalisation has been producing a subtle change in the functions of the State. Its role in the ownership and production of goods has been getting reduced. However, this does not in any way mean a return of the Laisses faire state.

In the era of globalisation, the functions of the State began undergoing a change. With the increasing disinvestment of public sector, privatisation was encouraged. Public sector was made to compete with the private sector, and as a whole open competition, free trade, market economy and globalisation were practiced. State ownership of industries came to be rejected. The role of state began emerging as that of a facilitator and coordinator. The exercise still continues.

Decreased Economic activities of State: The process of liberalisation- privatisation has acted as a source of limitation on the role of the state in the economic sphere. Public sector and enterprises are getting privatized and state presence in economic domain is shrinking.

Decrease in the role of the State in International Economy : The emergence of free trade, market competition, multinational corporations and international economic organisations and trading blocs like European Union, NAFTA, APEC, ASEAN and others, have limited the scope of the role of state in the sphere of international economy.

Decline of State Sovereignty: Increasing international inter-dependence has been compelling each state to accept limitations on its external sovereignty. Each state now finds it essential to accept the rules of international economic system, the WTO, the World Bank and the IMF. The role of MNC/TNC has also been growing in national and local politics as they play a significant role in shaping the state decisions and policies. Their key objective behind influencing the state decision and policymaking is to promote their vested interests.

Growing People’s Opposition to their Respective States: Globalisation has encouraged and expanded people-to-people socio-economic-cultural relations and cooperation in the word. As IT revolution and development of fast means of transport and communication have been together making the world a real Global Community.

The people of each state now deal with people of other states as members of the World Community. The loyalty towards their respective states continues, but now the people do not hesitate to oppose those state policies which are held to be not in tune with the demands of globalization.

Reduced Importance of Military Power of the State: The state continues to maintain its military power as an important dimension of its national power. However, the strength being gained by movement for international peace and peaceful coexistence as the way of life has tended to reduce the importance of military power of the state.

Increasing Role of International Conventions and Treaties: Several international conventions and treaties have placed some limitations upon all the states. All the states are now finding it essential to follow the rules and norms laid down by such conventions. The need to fight the menace of terrorism and rogue nuclear proliferation as well as the shared responsibility for protecting the environment and human rights, have compelled all the states to accept such rules and regulations as are considered essential for the securing of these objectives.

Decline in Public Expenditure on Public Welfare Policies: Most advanced western states appear committed to reducing social expenditure on public welfare programs, and to introducing measures such as labour market deregulation and lowered tax rates which facilitate greater economic competitiveness, but impact adversely on rates of poverty and inequality. These economic and political initiatives have coincided with a period of intense economic globalisation. The growing significance of international trade, investment, production and financial flows appears to be curtailing the autonomy of individual nation states.

2 . Discuss the impact of multinational corporation on developing nations.

Ans ) Economists are not in unanimous agreement as to define trans how best or multinational corporations. Most MNCs are multidimensional and can be viewed from a multitude of perspectives. These include Ownership, strategy, management and structural.

According to Franklin Root (1994), that though some argue that ownership is the key criterion amongst all of the above, a firm truly becomes multinational given its parent company or headquarter is run/owned by nationals of varying countries. Examples that fit this category are Unilever and Shell, which are owned and run by Dutch and British interests. However, via this test, very few companies would fall under the banner of being a true Multinational company, rather most are unnational.

According to Howard Perlmutter multinational companies might pursue either world oriented, host country oriented or home country oriented policies. He uses these terms as geocentric, polycentric and ethnocentric, however the last is misleading since it focuses upon ethnicity and race, but most countries are themselves populated by a variety and mix of races, whereas Polycentric means the MNCs operations only take place in a couple of foreign countries.

The word “Multinational” is a combined word of “Multi” and “National,” which when combined refers to numerous countries. A Multinational Corporation is a corporation that has its facilities and other valuable assets in at least one country, which is other than its parent country. It is an organization or company that both produces and sells services and goods in a multitude of countries. Some MNCs have a budget which is greater than some small sized countries GDP’s.

Some of the major examples of MNCs today are Nokia, McDonalds, Microsoft, Exon Mobile and BP:

One of the initial MNCs was the East India Company (1600 – 1874), which is an excellent examples of both the benefits and drawbacks of such ventures. On one hand there existed a dynamic profit making entity, on the other existed a company operating on foreign soil, under very little control of the British government, having, operating and running their own private armies, utilizing military power and ultimately taking over administrative functions of India.

MNCs have come a long way since then and have seen a sharp increase in the past few decades. The numbers of active MNCs went from being roughly 7,000 in the 1970’s to 78,000 in 2006, being responsible for over half the global industrial output.

Multinational corporations usually bring with them foreign direct investment, which is direct investment in a country by the company for expanding their existing business base or for buying of raw goods and inputs from them.

Multinational corporations were the vital factor in globalization, where local and national governments competed against each other in order to incentives and attract more MNCs and ultimately, investment in their countries. An example of such incentive is the Free Trade Zones, where goods may be manufactured, handled, landed or even exported without any intervention of the local custom authorities. Most of these free trade zones exist in developing countries such as Pakistan, Mexico, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Brazil and India, as they are eager to attract more foreign investors.

3. Write short notes on the following in about 250 words each:

a) Gramsci’s conception of civil society

Ans ) The left-wing radical criticism of civic society was modernised by Italian communist leader and social scientist Antonio Gramsci. Gramsci was a Marxist, but he developed his own idea of civil society based largely on his reading of According to Gramsci, the only way to comprehend the state is to make reference to the characteristics of civil society. distinguishes between civil society and political society.

The former is the location of the state's coercive machinery, while the latter is "the area where the state works to impose abstract, immaterial, and subtle forms of power through institutional means such as religious, cultural, and educational systems. Through its laws and jails, the political society disciplines the body, but the civil society uses these institutions to discipline the mind and psyche ".

According to Gramsci, the State refers to all the activities that a ruling class uses to retain its domination. It replicates itself in the activities of daily living that take place in civil society and, in this way, subtly creates both individual and community awareness. Hegemony has been understood as the formation of consent through the deployment of mythologies, institutions, and practises. Hegemony is an important concept in Gramscian formulation.

Hegemony is an organising principle that gives the diverse and violently divided civil sphere cohesion. According to Neera Chandhoke, "Civil society is the ethical moment where a fragmented society is held together by the moral vision and foresight of the leading class." Hegemony, as the moral and intellectual leadership of the dominant classes, offers the ethical moment of political life.

By separating the associational and cultural components of civil society from the economic and governmental dimensions, Gramsci avoids the economic and political reductionism. Gramsci views the social, political, and cultural institutions of civil society in developed capitalist nations as "trenches" of the existing system that contribute to the stability of bourgeois administration. In order to construct a proletarian counter-hegemony that would displace the current bourgeois structures, this version of civil society must be eliminated and replaced with other forms of association clubs, a new proletarian party, intellectual and cultural life, and values.

b) Marxist conception of political economy

Ans ) Marx's early focus was diverted from jurisprudence to material interests as a result of his embarrassment over his inexperience of economic matters. "I was led by my studies to the conclusion that legal relations as well as forms of state could not be understood by themselves, nor could they be explained by the so-called general evolution of the human mind, but that they were rooted in the conditions of life," Marx states.

According to this, people's fundamental relationships, over which they have little influence, become the real foundation on which society as a whole is built. In contrast, that base is reflected in the legal and political superstructure.

The following points are made by the Marxist political economy approach:

First, it has argued that political analysis should be comprehensive and historically oriented rather than being restricted to specific topics and current events. It should look for synthesis in its quest to comprehend societal issues and challenges.

Second, economics and political science should be studied together. Political science distinctions between domestic and foreign politics, as well as between comparative and international politics, distort reality and cause confusion. The opposition between the centre and the peripheral also causes problems in theory. Dialectical analysis will aid in a comprehensive and dynamic examination of politics.

Various approaches are used in the study of political economy. They can be distinguished as conventional and radical approaches, which provide questions and explanations that are very distinct from one another. To distinguish between these methods, it is necessary to distinguish between Marxist and non-Marxist standards. In this situation, Marxism should be viewed as a method rather than an ideology.

4. Write short notes on the following in about 250 words each:

a) State building and nation building

Ans ) Although the nation is primarily a human phenomenon, the state is primarily a territorial idea. The phrase "nation-state" has become part of the global political lexicon ever since the United Nations Organization was founded. In a sense, the United Nations Charter equated the state. Despite their interdependence, national affairs are more complicated than state-level affairs. In national affairs as opposed to state affairs, psychology plays a more significant influence.

Even if the term "country building" is more common in Third World nations, political science is better suited to deal with "state building." In addition to administration, which is the main goal of state construction, "nation building" also entails economic growth and social integration of a population. According to Gabriel A. Almond Bingham Powell, Jr.

"Although putting it this way oversimplifies things, we may consider the issue of state construction and how successfully a political system addresses it a structural issue. The structural diversification of new roles, structures, and subsystems that permeate the countryside is what is at issue, in other words.

On the other hand, construction places more focus on the cultural facets of political development. It describes the process by which individuals shift their allegiance and dedication from smaller tribes, towns, or petty princes to a more comprehensive central political organisation. Despite the fact that these two processes of nation and state building are interconnected, it is vital to evaluate them independently. There are several instances where centralised, pervasive bureaucracies have been established, but no consistent pattern of adherence to the main political institutions has ever developed ".

State construction was studied by Almond and Powell within the framework of the theory of political evolution, which also includes nation building, participation, and distribution (of welfare). According to him, the key concerns in creating a state are "what sort of bureaucracy one has to create, what kind of rule-making and adjudicative institutions, and what kinds of loads these structures may be compelled to carry."

b) Cultural deprivation as an inducement to ethnicity.

Ans ) This point of view contends that one of the key factors influencing ethnicity is the fear that ethnic minorities have of getting lost in the sea of the majority. This may be due to the majority's persecution and discrimination, the state's identification with the majority, or the homogenization process brought on by modernization that results in the development of synthetic state culture.

True, it might be difficult to empirically track prejudice and discrimination. In fact, even defining them is challenging. Nevertheless, experts agree that there are too many instances of ethnic groups being subjected to oppression or discrimination in the modern world. Leo Driedgere identifies four forms of prejudice committed by the majority against minorities: denial of desire, disparate treatment, biased treatment, and disadvantageous treatment. Attitude-based discrimination is the first type, while behavioural discrimination is the final.

There are two reasons why minority ethnic groups worry about losing their cultural identity. The dominating majority, which is typically also politically powerful, is the first. It challenges the alleged privileges or rights of minorities and tries to impose its own religious or cultural norms as those of the entire society. It denotes societal principles that are based on religion or culture. It entails establishing the political ideology of the core group as the cornerstone of state nationalism. This thinking system inevitably leads to intense pressure on the non-dominant tribes to assimilate.

The second is a result of modern states' ideologies, which equate the state and the nation. Even in formal democracies, this modern, centralised nation-state views localities and regions as its servants and agents. Any opposition from them is viewed as anti-national and divisive of the nation. The regimes in third-world nations often undertake policies that buck homogenising forces, especially in their fervour for nation-building. Even the modest historic rights of minorities to their religion, language, and culture are not always recognised by authorities. This not only fuels interethnic rivalry and conflict, but it also causes upheavals within the ethnic groupings, undermining the authority of the old elite.

5. Write short notes on the following in about 250 words each:

a) Relationship between parties and pressure groups

Ans ) There are different relationships between parties and pressure groups in different places. Every political system has diverse parties and organisations, as well as differences in how they interact. Interest groups formulate demands in the US and UK with the aim of influencing political processes to make them into binding policies. The parties play the aggregative role, whilst the groups are functionally distinct and specific. The party system, according to Almond, "... stands between the interest group system and the authoritative policy-making organs and screens them from the particularistic and disintegrative impact of special interests."

Second, a unique kind of relationship is offered by France and Italy. Parties and interest groups both exist in these two and several other countries as somewhat well-organized bodies, but not as independent systems. The parties have several means of controlling the groups. As a result, one can find trade unions dominated by the communist or socialist parties. When groups allow themselves to become affiliated with parties, they, in turn, weaken the capacity of parties to aggregate various interests. In such a situation, "the interest groups get prevented from articulating functionally specific, pragmatic demands, for their activities have become highly political."

Thirdly, it is difficult to distinguish between political parties and pressure groups in many third-world nations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. According to Gabriel A. Almond, "Associational interest groups like trade unions and business associations may exist in the urban westernised parts of the society, but in the village and the countryside interest organisation takes the form of lineage, caste, status, class, and religious groups, which transmit pressure demands to the other parts of the pressure structure through information communication. As a result, Almond continues, "...the important political groups are not the parties, nor the associational interest groups, but rather individuals from cliques within the army and the bureaucracy."

Whatever pattern is followed in a political system, it is evident that pressure organisations continue to communicate with parties despite their independence and attempt to sway legislation and decision-making through these connections.

b) Ecofeminism and its critics.

Ans ) Ecofeminism is an ideology and movement that sees climate change, gender equality, and social injustice more broadly as intrinsically related issues, all tied to masculine dominance in society. Specifically, ecofeminism holds that most environmental issues can be traced back to the global prioritization of qualities deemed masculine (particularly the ones some would regard as toxic, like aggression and domination) and those in power who embody those attributes.

Ecofeminism, particularly cultural ecofeminism is one that has received major critique from many feminists for being essentialist as it lays too much emphasis on women’s biology and privileges female bodily processes.

Anne Archambault lays out the criticisms of ecofeminism as such – it relies on female biological functions to create a link between women and nature, it privileges women’s experiences, considers traditionally feminine traits as character ideals, and advocates an ‘ethic of care,’ which may not be feasible universally and is not enough to deliver liberation. However, ecofeminism is a vast and multi-faceted, functioning both as a philosophy and movement and thus there has been work done in recent times that addresses these criticisms and looks into better ways of theory and practice.

The biggest criticism of ecofeminism comes back to the idea of essentialism, or "a belief that things have set characteristics." Some people believe equating women with nature reinforces the dichotomy of gender norms that feminism sought to avoid. Challengers of this view of ecofeminism insist that ecofeminism is scientific, profound, and essential to human and non-human survival. Criticisms of ecofeminism, they insist, are inaccurate, infected by patriarchy and/or simply naïve.

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IGNOU MPS Assignment 2023-2024 (July – January)

IGNOU MPS Assignments 2024 - IGNOU MPS Assignment Question Paper has been uploaded by the university for its current session 2024. The students of the MPS program can now download the Assignment Questions from this page. Candidates have to compulsory download and submit these assignments with the solutions to the university to get permission for attending the Term End Exam of the IGNOU MPS Program.

We also inform all MPS students that the assignment questions for each of the courses of the IGNOU MPS program are available for download from here. You have to prepare each of MPS assignment separately so that IGNOU Evaluators can easily understand and identify the course code of each subject.

  • IGNOU MPS Syllabus
  • IGNOU MPS Study Material

List of IGNOU MPS Assignment 2024

  • Download IGNOU MPS Assignments 2024

Each of the Assignment questions will have different marks and the same will be printed on each question. Candidates should write the solutions to all questions according to the instructions given in the IGNOU MPS Assignment Question Paper . The MPS students have to submit the Assignments for each course to IGNOU Study Centre in which they get registered. The candidates have to submit it before the due date to appear in Term End Exam conducted by IGNOU.

IGNOU MPS Assignment Submission Last Date for 2024

Here is the Last Date for Submission of the IGNOU MPS Assignment to appear in the Upcoming Term End Exam June 2024 or December 2024 .

Where to Submit IGNOU MPS Assignments?

If you have completely solved your assignment then you have to submit your IGNOU MPS Assignments to the coordinator of the study centre which is allotted to you at the time of admission. Don’t forget to get a receipt for the submission of MPS Assignments.

After preparing the solution for your MPS Assignment, you have to submit IGNOU Assignments to the coordinator of the study centre which was allotted to you at the time of taking admission. Moreover, Don't forget to get a receipt for the submission of MPS Assignments.

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41 thoughts on “IGNOU MPS Assignment 2023-2024 (July – January)”

Assignment for MPS 2nd year was submitted but No marks are credited. why please let me know any process to check it.

mps ka exjam kab h 2023 ka marwadi centar bhagalpur ka.

Mera first part clear hai 2nd part ka hona hai

Hlw mene first year ka ek bhi exam nhi diya due to some reason. kya mai ab Ist and 2nd year ke exam ek sath de skta hu. THANKYOU

Hlo Mene 4 assignment bnae the 4 bhej diye side pe but 2 he show hore h esa q hora

I am a student of MPS Jan 2021 , the last date of submission of my assignment is 30 Sep, 2021 due to some urgency I am unable to submit it by then but I will make sure that I will submit it by OCT or before my term exam Dec, 2021. Will it work?

I have just registered for the second time just wanted to know when I have to submit the assignment plz reply in

hello sir. i am student of mps (m.a) 2019-21 batch student . i want to summit my assigments . so please can you tell me .specific date and days for the june session and also tell me at with days in week can summit assigments .

R u regular or from ignou

I enrolled in July 2019. I have also taken readmission for 2nd year. However, could not submit assignments or appear for exams last year. Let me know what can be done to appear for the exams this year.

Hii. I am Studying ignou centre in M.A. English. I want to know that june2020 and January 2020 assignment’s question is remains same or different.. When will submit January 2020 assignments.

My study center is lakshmi bai collage , ashok vihar – I want to know where I can submit my MPS 19-20 Assignments online .

Dear sir i want to know the assignment submission date of mps part 2 july session 2019-2020

Dear sir/mam I’m taken admission at Jan 2019 which assignment i am download and what its last date of submission ?? Please support

I have my MPS Ist semester exam in December, 2019. Last date for submission of assignment is October 30, 2019. I have not submitted my assignment. How do I do?? Please help.

Any extend to on assignment date for MPS 1st Year which was 31st March as I haven’t submitted my assignment yet ???

Dear sir/mam, I am first yr student of MPS in current session 2019-20.i haven’t submitted my assignment.

How to submit MPS2 assignments?

I m 2nd yr studnt of mps.my exms r in june ..when i hv to submt asnmnts..plz tll

I have lost my enrollment no. Would you please provide me a new enrollment no.

I have taken admission in January 2019. When my last date of submission of assignment? Will my exam held on December 2019?& Is Last date for submission assignment 30 september 2019? Am I right? Plz tell me anybody

pooja says hello mam /sir i have done my admission in july 2018 when my last date of assignment , and which one site i login to search assignment thank you

Hi Pooja Ur last dt of assignments submission is before 31st Mar.

Hlo Dear Friend mujhe bhi assignment Bata do hindi medium ka kon konse hai

Admission in January 2018. Submission of last date assignment…… N plz tell… Assignment syllabus same h kya January 2018 session start or jinke exam June m hue h unka…….

Hello jyoti please suggest me, how can I make assignment. I have taken admission in jan 2019 in MPS . Last date is 21Aug.2019. And I think assignment is same for 2018 and 2019.

How much questions does we have to attempt in assignment of MPS. I mean only 5 questions from section 1 and 2 combined or all 5 questions from section 1 and 5 questions from section 2 as well…plzz reply somebody

We have to put post office sticker when we go to submit our assignments….so plz tell me for MPS. program what amount of post office sticker I have to put.

I am 2nd year mps student. I didn’t give exam of one subject but submitted assignment for all and marks are reflecting in grade card of all cleared exams and assignments. Do I need to resubmit assignment for tha one subject again even if marks of prevision submission are reflecting? Course 2016-18. Please help.

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Hi Hello sir, I am admission MPS First year student Dec 2020. When Assignment submission and exam.

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I have taken admission in July 2017 for MPS 1st-year course. However, I didn’t get my hard copy of study materials and assignment book yet. So how and when will I submit my assignment? Kindly reply at the earliest.

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I got admission in 2016 Dec,plz post or suggest me in which month and year I appear in tee, plz send me the assignment papers .on which date assignment will be submitted. Thanks

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IGNOU MPS 001 Solved Free Assignment January 202 3

Note: Answer five questions in all, selecting at least two questions from each section

Q 1. Examine political science as a science.

Ans. Experiments, and then refining or rejecting those hypotheses based on the results.

Political science employs a similar approach, albeit with some unique challenges due to the complexity and variability of political phenomena.

Political scientists use a variety of methods to study politics, including quantitative analysis, case studies, and comparative analysis.

These methods allow them to test hypotheses and make predictions about political phenomena, much like scientists in other fields.

One of the hallmarks of scientific inquiry is the use of theory to guide research. Theories in political science are explanations of how and why political phenomena occur. MPS 001 Solved Free Assignment 2023

They are based on empirical evidence and are subject to testing and refinement through research.

For example, the theory of rational choice suggests that individuals make decisions based on their self-interest and the expected costs and benefits of their actions.

This theory has been tested in numerous studies and has been found to have predictive power in explaining political behavior.

Another important aspect of political science as a science is its focus on causality. Political scientists are interested in understanding the factors that lead to political outcomes. MPS 001 Solved Free Assignment 2023

They use a variety of techniques to identify causal relationships, including statistical analysis, controlled experiments, and comparative analysis.

By identifying causal relationships, political scientists can make predictions about political outcomes and develop policies that are likely to achieve specific goals.

However, political science also faces some unique challenges as a scientific discipline. One of the primary challenges is the complexity of political phenomena.

Unlike physical or biological systems, political systems are composed of multiple actors, each with their own goals, motivations, and beliefs.

This makes it difficult to isolate the effects of specific variables on political outcomes. Additionally, political systems are dynamic and subject to change, making it difficult to make accurate predictions about future events.

Another challenge is the issue of values and ideology. Political scientists often study topics that are politically controversial and can be influenced by personal values and beliefs. MPS 001 Solved Free Assignment 2023

For example, a political scientist studying abortion policy may hold strong personal views on the subject that could bias their research.

To address this challenge, political scientists strive to maintain objectivity in their research, using rigorous methods and avoiding personal biases as much as possible.

Finally, political science faces the challenge of the ethical implications of research. Political scientists studying sensitive topics such as terrorism, war, and human rights violations must be mindful of the potential harm their research could cause.

They must also consider issues of privacy and confidentiality when conducting research involving human subjects. MPS 001 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Political science as a science is also characterized by its interdisciplinary nature. Political scientists draw upon a range of other disciplines, including economics, sociology, psychology, and history, to understand political phenomena.

This interdisciplinary approach allows political scientists to examine politics from multiple perspectives, enriching their understanding of political systems and behavior.

Moreover, political science is not only concerned with studying the past and present but also with predicting the future.

Political scientists use their knowledge and research findings to develop policies and strategies that can shape the course of events.

For example, political scientists can advise policymakers on the potential consequences of a particular policy, helping them to make informed decisions that will benefit society. MPS 001 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Lastly, political science as a science has a significant impact on society. Political scientists play an important role in informing public discourse and policy decisions.

Their research findings can help to shape public opinion, influence political campaigns, and inform government policies.

By providing insights into political systems and behavior, political science can help to improve the functioning of democracies and promote more effective governance.

As such, political science is an important discipline that has the potential to make a positive impact on society. MPS 001 Solved Free Assignment 2023

political science is different from natural sciences such as physics or chemistry because it deals with social phenomena that are often complex, subjective, and contextual.

Human behavior and political institutions are shaped by culture, history, and power relationships, which are difficult to measure and quantify.

Moreover, political science is often influenced by normative values and ethical considerations.

Political scientists may have different perspectives and ideologies, which can affect their research questions, methods, and interpretations of data.

Despite these challenges, political science remains an important and valuable field of study. MPS 001 Solved Free Assignment 2023

It provides insights into the workings of political systems, helps us understand the causes and consequences of political events, and informs policy decisions.

As such, political science is a science in its own right, but it is also a discipline that is intimately connected to politics and society.

Q 2. Trace the genesis of democracy

Ans. Democracy is a political system in which power is held by the people, either directly or through elected representatives.

The origins of democracy can be traced back to ancient civilizations, particularly in Greece and Rome. However, the concept of democracy has evolved over time, influenced by historical events and cultural factors.

The ancient Greeks are often credited with inventing democracy. In Athens, a city-state in ancient Greece, democracy emerged in the 5th century BCE.

Athenian democracy was direct, meaning that citizens participated directly in decision-making through a system of mass meetings and assemblies.

However, Athenian democracy was not open to all citizens. Women, slaves, and foreigners were excluded from participation, and only adult male citizens who had completed military service were eligible to participate in the political process.

Despite these limitations, Athenian democracy represented a significant advancement in political organization. MPS 001 Solved Free Assignment 2023

It allowed citizens to participate in decision-making, promoting a sense of civic responsibility and engagement.

Athenian democracy also had a profound influence on Western political thought, inspiring later thinkers such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau and John Stuart Mill.

After the fall of the Roman Empire, democracy largely disappeared from Europe for several centuries.

However, the concept of democracy remained alive in some parts of the world, particularly in Islamic societies. MPS 001 Solved Free Assignment 2023

The Islamic concept of shura, or consultation, was similar to Athenian democracy in that it involved participation by citizens in the political process.

However, unlike Athenian democracy, shura was open to all citizens, regardless of gender or social status.

In Europe, democracy began to re-emerge during the Renaissance and Enlightenment periods. These movements emphasized the importance of individual rights, reason, and humanism.

As a result, thinkers such as Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Rousseau began to promote the idea of democracy as a means of protecting individual rights and promoting the public good. MPS 001 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Democracy was not widely practiced in other parts of the world until much later in history.

The Magna Carta, signed in 1215 in England, established the principle that the king was subject to the law and paved the way for representative government.

The English Civil War in the 17th century and the American Revolution in the 18th century were significant events in the development of modern democracy.

The ideas of individual rights, popular sovereignty, and constitutional government were advanced during these periods and influenced the development of democratic principles and institutions. MPS 001 Solved Free Assignment 2023

The French Revolution in the late 18th century also played a significant role in the spread of democracy.

The revolutionary slogan of “Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité” (Liberty, Equality, Fraternity) reflected a desire for political and social equality and inspired movements for democracy and political reform around the world.

The French Revolution of 1789 marked a major turning point in the history of democracy.

The revolutionaries in France sought to overthrow the monarchy and establish a republic based on the principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity.

This led to the adoption of a new constitution, which established a representative government and guaranteed individual rights.

However, the French Revolution also had its share of challenges and setbacks, including political instability, social unrest, and the rise of authoritarianism.

The 19th century saw the growth of democracy throughout Europe and the Americas. MPS 001 Solved Free Assignment 2023

In the United States, democracy was enshrined in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, which guaranteed individual rights and established a system of checks and balances to prevent the abuse of power.


Q 6. (a) Classical Liberalism

Ans. Classical liberalism is a political and economic philosophy that emphasizes individual freedom, limited government, and free markets.

It originated in the 18th and 19th centuries, and was a response to the feudal and mercantilist systems that dominated Europe at the time.

Classical liberals believe that individuals should be free to pursue their own interests and make their own choices without interference from the government or other individuals. MPS 001 Solved Free Assignment 2023

They also believe in the importance of limited government, which should only exist to protect individual rights and maintain social order.

Classical liberals also promote free markets, which they believe are the most efficient way to allocate resources and promote economic growth.

Some key figures associated with classical liberalism include John Locke, Adam Smith, and John Stuart Mill.

Classical liberalism has had a significant influence on the development of Western political and economic systems, including the creation of modern democracies and the rise of capitalism.

Classical liberalism emerged during a time of great social and political change in Europe. MPS 001 Solved Free Assignment 2023

It was a response to the feudal and mercantilist systems that had dominated European society for centuries.

Feudalism was a system in which individuals were tied to the land and subject to the authority of lords and kings.

Mercantilism was a system in which the state controlled trade and economic activity in order to increase its wealth and power.

Classical liberals rejected both of these systems, arguing that they were outdated and inefficient. MPS 001 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Instead, classical liberals championed individual liberty as the foundation of a free and prosperous society.

They believed that individuals should be free to pursue their own interests, so long as they did not harm others in the process.

This meant that individuals should be free to own property, engage in commerce, and express their beliefs and opinions without fear of persecution.

Classical liberalism also placed a strong emphasis on limited government. Liberals believed that the state should only exist to protect individual rights and maintain social order.

They argued that an overreaching government could become a threat to individual liberty, and that political power should be diffused across different branches and levels of government to prevent tyranny. MPS 001 Solved Free Assignment 2023

In addition to individual liberty and limited government, classical liberalism also promoted free markets as the most efficient way to allocate resources and promote economic growth.

Classical liberals believed that a free market system, in which prices and production were determined by supply and demand rather than by government intervention, would lead to greater prosperity for all.

They argued that free markets would promote competition, innovation, and efficiency, leading to lower prices, higher quality goods and services, and greater economic growth.

Today, classical liberalism continues to influence political and economic thought around the world. MPS 001 Solved Free Assignment 2023

While classical liberals may differ on specific policies or issues, they share a commitment to individual liberty, limited government, and free markets as the key to a prosperous and free society.

(b) Liberal democratic welfare state

Ans (b ) The liberal democratic welfare state is a political and economic system that combines liberal principles of individual freedom with a commitment to social welfare and economic security for all citizens.

It is characterized by a strong welfare state, which provides universal access to education, healthcare, and other social services, as well as a market-based economy that is regulated to ensure fairness and prevent monopolies.

The origins of the liberal democratic welfare state can be traced back to the 19th century, when liberal thinkers began to recognize the need for social safety nets to protect individuals from the risks and uncertainties of modern capitalism.

In the 20th century, this vision was realized in many countries through the creation of welfare states that provided a range of social services and benefits, including healthcare, education, and social security.

The liberal democratic welfare state is based on the idea that individuals should be free to pursue their own interests and make their own choices, but that government has a role to play in ensuring that all citizens have access to the resources and opportunities necessary to live fulfilling lives.

This means that the state must take an active role in ensuring that everyone has access to education, healthcare, and other basic services, regardless of their income or social status. MPS 001 Solved Free Assignment 2023

One of the key features of the liberal democratic welfare state is its emphasis on social justice and equality.

This means that the state has a responsibility to ensure that everyone has access to the same opportunities and resources, regardless of their race, gender, or other personal characteristics.

It also means that the state must work to reduce inequality and poverty, through policies such as progressive taxation and income redistribution.

Another important aspect of the liberal democratic welfare state is its commitment to economic growth and innovation. MPS 001 Solved Free Assignment 2023

While the state provides a safety net for citizens, it also recognizes the importance of a vibrant and dynamic economy.

This means that the state must create an environment that is conducive to business growth and investment, while also regulating the economy to ensure fairness and prevent monopolies.

In recent years, the liberal democratic welfare state has come under criticism from some quarters, who argue that it is too expensive and inefficient.

However, defenders of the system argue that it is necessary to ensure social justice and economic security, and that it has contributed to the prosperity and well-being of millions of people around the world. MPS 001 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Ultimately, the future of the liberal democratic welfare state will depend on how well it adapts to changing social and economic conditions, while remaining true to its core principles of individual freedom, social justice, and economic growth.

MPS 001 Assignment Question Pdf

Q 7.(a) Libertarianism

Ans. Libertarianism is a political and economic philosophy that emphasizes individual freedom, personal responsibility, and limited government.

Libertarians believe that individuals should be free to make their own choices about their lives, as long as they do not harm others or interfere with their rights.

They also believe that government should be limited to its most essential functions, such as protecting individual rights and maintaining social order.

One of the key principles of libertarianism is the non-aggression principle, which states that individuals should not use force or coercion against others, except in self-defense. MPS 001 Solved Free Assignment 2023

This means that libertarians are opposed to government policies that infringe on individual rights, such as taxation or regulation of personal behavior.

Libertarians also believe in the importance of free markets, which they see as the most efficient and fair way to allocate resources and promote economic growth.

They argue that government intervention in the economy, such as subsidies or price controls, can distort the market and lead to inefficiencies and economic stagnation.

Another important aspect of libertarianism is its emphasis on personal responsibility. Libertarians believe that individuals should take responsibility for their own actions and decisions, and that they should not rely on government or other institutions to solve their problems. MPS 001 Solved Free Assignment 2023

This means that libertarians are generally opposed to welfare programs and other forms of government assistance.

Libertarianism has been associated with a range of political and social movements, including classical liberalism, anarchism, and the Tea Party movement.

While there is no one set of beliefs that defines libertarianism, it is generally characterized by a commitment to individual freedom, limited government, and free markets.

Critics of libertarianism argue that its emphasis on individualism and personal responsibility can lead to a lack of concern for social justice and the welfare of vulnerable populations. MPS 001 Solved Free Assignment 2023

They also point out that in practice, libertarians often support policies that benefit the wealthy and powerful at the expense of the poor and marginalized.

Despite these criticisms, libertarianism continues to be a popular and influential political philosophy, particularly in the United States.

Its emphasis on individual freedom and limited government resonates with many people who are skeptical of government power and wary of excessive regulation and intervention in their lives.

(b) Party as vanguard of the proletariat (V. I. Lenin)

Ans (b) The idea of the party as the vanguard of the proletariat was developed by Vladimir Lenin, one of the key leaders of the Bolshevik Party in the early 20th century. MPS 001 Solved Free Assignment 2023

According to Lenin, the party should serve as the political leadership of the working class, guiding them towards revolution and the establishment of a socialist state.

Lenin believed that the working class was capable of overthrowing the ruling class and taking control of the means of production.

However, he also believed that the working class was not capable of developing a revolutionary consciousness on their own.

Instead, he argued that a vanguard party was necessary to lead the working class towards revolution.

The vanguard party, according to Lenin, should be made up of the most politically advanced and committed members of the working class.

They should be dedicated to the cause of revolution and willing to take action to achieve it. MPS 001 Solved Free Assignment 2023

The party should have a clear program and strategy for achieving revolution, and should work to build a broad coalition of working-class support.

Lenin saw the vanguard party as essential to the success of the socialist revolution.

He believed that without a dedicated and organized leadership, the working class would be unable to overcome the obstacles posed by the ruling class and the state apparatus.

Critics of Lenin’s theory of the vanguard party argue that it can lead to authoritarianism and the concentration of power in the hands of a small group of leaders.

They also argue that it can lead to the suppression of dissent and the exclusion of other perspectives and voices.

Despite these criticisms, the idea of the party as the vanguard of the proletariat has remained an influential concept in socialist and communist movements around the world.

Q 9. (a) Conservatism

Ans. Conservatism is a political ideology that emphasizes preserving traditional values and institutions. MPS 001 Solved Free Assignment 2023

It is generally opposed to rapid social change and seeks to maintain stability and order in society.

Conservative political thought can be traced back to the 18th century, when philosophers such as Edmund Burke and Joseph de Maistre criticized the French Revolution and advocated for the preservation of established institutions and customs.

Conservative thinkers believe that societies are complex and that attempts to radically reshape them can lead to unintended consequences.

They value the wisdom and accumulated experience of previous generations and believe that traditions and customs have evolved over time for good reason.

Conservatives view society as a collection of individuals who are connected through a network of social institutions, such as the family, the church, and the state.

They believe that these institutions play an important role in maintaining order and promoting social cohesion. MPS 001 Solved Free Assignment 2023

One of the key tenets of conservatism is individualism, which emphasizes personal responsibility, self-reliance, and limited government intervention in people’s lives.

Conservatives believe that individuals should be free to pursue their own interests and that the government should only intervene when necessary to protect individual rights or maintain public order.

They often support free market capitalism as a means of promoting economic growth and individual freedom.

Conservatives are often associated with social and cultural conservatism, which emphasizes traditional values and morality.

They tend to be skeptical of social and cultural changes that challenge traditional norms and beliefs. MPS 001 Solved Free Assignment 2023

For example, many conservatives oppose same-sex marriage and abortion on the grounds that they undermine traditional family structures and values.

They also tend to be more supportive of religious institutions and believe that they play an important role in promoting moral values.

In recent years, conservatism has become increasingly associated with nationalism and populism.

Many conservatives believe that the nation-state is the most important political unit and that national identity and cultural heritage should be preserved.

They tend to be skeptical of international organizations and agreements, such as the United Nations and the European Union, and believe that national sovereignty should be prioritized.

Populist conservatives often focus on issues such as immigration, trade, and national security, and believe that the interests of the working class should be prioritized over those of the elite. MPS 001 Solved Free Assignment 2023

(b) Fundamentalism

Ans (b) Fundamentalism is a religious movement that emerged in the early 20th century as a reaction against modernism and secularism.

It is characterized by a literal interpretation of religious texts and a belief in their inerrancy.

Fundamentalists believe that their religion contains absolute truths that are applicable to all aspects of life and that these truths must be defended against the perceived threats of secularism and liberalism.

Fundamentalism is found in many different religions, including Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Hinduism.

In each case, fundamentalists are often characterized by a strong sense of identity and a belief in the superiority of their religious tradition over others.

They often see themselves as part of a battle between good and evil and believe that they have a duty to promote their religion and defend it against external threats.

One of the key features of fundamentalism is its rejection of modernism and secularism. MPS 001 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Fundamentalists believe that these movements have led to a decline in moral values and a loss of religious faith.

They reject scientific theories that contradict their religious beliefs and often view the scientific method as a threat to their religious worldview.

Instead, they emphasize the importance of religious traditions and practices and seek to promote them in all aspects of life.

Fundamentalists often have a strict code of behavior and morality that is based on their religious texts. MPS 001 Solved Free Assignment 2023

They may be opposed to practices such as premarital sex, alcohol consumption, and gambling, and may see these as sinful behaviors that lead to moral decay.

They may also be opposed to certain political and social movements, such as feminism and LGBT rights, that they perceive as promoting values that are contrary to their religious beliefs.

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MPSE-001 INDIA AND THE WORLD Solved Assignment 2023-2024

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Yes, you can get good marks by getting the Solved Assignment as it contains the answers to the questions asked in the assignment and will help you to understand the concepts better and score better.

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