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Assignment 1 – The Employee–Employer Relationship

assignment 1 the employee employer relationship

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Employer-Employee Relationship: Elements, Benefits, and Challenges


When an employer brings in a new team member, it's not just a recruitment; it's the beginning of a relationship. And building a strong employer-employee relationship isn't just about satisfaction; it's the key to lasting loyalty and happiness.

Key Takeaways

  • Meaning of employer-employee relationship.
  • Elements to build a strong employee and employer relationship.
  • Benefits of an employer-employee relationship.
  • Ways to enhance the employer-employee relationship.
  • Challenges businesses might face in establishing a good employer-employee relationship.

The degree of closeness in these relationships depends on both the employer and the employee. When some employers choose to follow the line of hierarchy, others opt to create a friendly bond.

This relationship often leads to employee engagement, nurturing strong employee morale, and a vibrant company culture . Another perfect choice would be hiring an employer of record. EOR makes your job extremely easy since it takes care of all aspects of employment compliance. It plays a significant role in the overall success of the businesses.

Elements to Build a Strong Employer-Employee Relationship

1. mutual respect.

Both the employers and employees should have mutual respect. Signs of disrespect are not just bad for the relationship; they also lead to low retention and bad word of mouth.

2. Knowing Each Other

To start a healthy relationship , it is essential to know the mutual strengths and weaknesses. It allows them to understand each other by discovering similarities and differences.

3. Communicating Freely

Open communication is vital in an employer-employee relationship. It leads them to be on the same page, moving in the same direction toward one common goal.

4. Knowing The Gap

There needs to be a gap between professionals and personal relationships. It is wise to avoid getting too close to employees, as it can cause the gap between employer and employee to become blurred. As a result, it can bring in allegations of favoritism in the workplace.

5. Embracing Recognition

Employers should remember that appreciation and recognition are equally important as criticism.

Take advantage of every opportunity to recognize your employees' efforts, whether it’s a town hall meeting or a spirit week celebration .

6. Understanding What ‘Control’ Means

An employer doesn't necessarily have to exercise their right to control the employees. The standard law test should work as a balance in maintaining the employer-employee relationship .

Having strong employer and employee relations reaps a lot of benefits for your business. Let's know how.

Benefit of employer-employee relationship

1. fewer workplace disputes.

A friendly work environment leads to a reduction in conflicts . Employee's trust gets more robust when they don't argue and work towards a common goal. That, in turn, results in making them productive by avoiding confusion and increasing disharmony.

2. Added On Productivity

Just as mentioned above, a positive relationship with the employer helps the employees generate more revenue through increased productivity . It is because when the work atmosphere is pleasant, motivation is increased, and morale is improved. And when employees feel happy , they are more likely to give their best efforts on the job.

3. Higher Engagement Rate

The organizational relationship is directly related to employee engagement . According to a report by the Society for Human Resource Management, "The majority of employees find the relationship with their employer to be significant to their job satisfaction .”

Thus, a close relationship can make the employees grow and stay for the long term because they feel valued.

4. Higher Retention Rate

Companies that endorse positive relations are more likely to be successful because it helps gain the confidence of their loyal employees who prefer to stick around .

They won't leave the team and organization, saving on recruitment, hiring, and training. To avoid business loss, it is better to invest in creating a strong relationship rather than spending on new searches.

5. Easier Work Assignment

As an employer, you should know your employees' strengths, weaknesses, and the current and potential range of their expertise. It helps in assigning responsibilities and avoiding mix-ups. It enables the employees to stay motivated and complete the given task efficiently.

Some employers also choose to create tasks to overcome weaknesses. When employees uncover new strengths, they feel happy and be themselves at work.

6. Quick Understanding Of Problems

Maintaining a good relationship with employees results in overall free and frank communication in the day-to-day business. Such open conversations assist in being aware of existing business problems and drawbacks, which helps find quick resolutions.

7. Workplace Equality

Most employers fail to serve equality in the workplace . And without a fair and equal environment , employees do not feel important.

As a result, they don't tend to work harder and be productive. By embracing equality for the employees, you can create a sound and efficient workforce vital for any business's success.

8. Earning Employee Advocacy

Employee advocacy is nothing but empowering your employees to promote the brand name of the company .

But why would an employee do that without a sense of oneness and trust towards the company? A solid employer-employee relationship can create a consistent employee advocacy strategy and activate them as promoting assets

Now, if your business stands to gain from any or all of these advantages, it is valuable to invest your efforts in nurturing the bond between you and your team members. Fortunately, there exist several methods to achieve this goal. Let's discuss further.

Ways to enhance employer-employee relationship

To improve the employer-employee relationship, you can:

Give Helpful Feedback : Your feedback will help the employees grow to improve and become aware of their strengths and flaws.

Offer Learning Opportunities : To demonstrate that you care about your employees' development, offer workshops or courses.

Support Work-Life Balance : Ensure employees have personal time out of work. It increases job satisfaction and prevents burnout.

Embrace Diversity and Inclusion : Create a welcoming space for all to boost loyalty and company culture.

Communicate Clearly : Share business choices openly to foster a sense of value and participation among employees

While employers undoubtedly play a key part here, only a joint effort by both the employer and employees is a must for an advantageous working dynamic. Therefore, it's important to acknowledge that employees have a fair amount of responsibilities.

They can take the following actions to keep their relationship with you at its best:

Open Communication : Employees should provide their own comments and suggestions for improvement in addition to receiving constructive criticism.

Continuous Learning : Employees must actively look for training opportunities, seminars, and other activities that enrich their work.

Team Collaboration : They must actively participate in team projects, thereby creating harmony.

Professional Integrity : To win the team's trust, they must preserve ethics, meet deadlines, and deliver quality work.

Company Involvement : Getting involved in company events will enrich your employees' sense of belongingness.

Now that we've discussed the responsibilities of both parties, it's essential to recognize the challenges that can affect this dynamic. These challenges, which we'll explore next, can sometimes make it harder to maintain a strong and mutually beneficial connection.

Challenges Businesses Might Face In Establishing A Good Employer-Employee Relationship

1. remote work dynamics.

Managing remote teams can be a big challenge due to communication gaps, feelings of isolation, and difficulties in monitoring employee productivity.

2. Changing Work Environments

Rapid changes in work environments, such as transitioning from in-office to remote work or vice versa, can disrupt the employer-employee relationship.

3. Work-Life Balance

Striking a balance between work and personal life can be challenging, especially with the blurring of boundaries caused by technology and remote work.

4. Generational Differences

Bridging generational gaps in the workplace can be a challenge, as different age groups may have varying expectations and communication styles.

5. Mental Health and Well-being

Supporting employee mental health and well-being is increasingly important but can be challenging for employers to address effectively.

Building a connected employer-employee relationship might not be as easy as it seems. But the minute you start investing time in them, you will know that it's the right path to business happiness!

This article is written by Susmita Sarma , a digital marketer at Vantage Circle . She was involved with media relations before shifting her interest in research and creative writing. Apart from being a classical music buff, she keeps a keen interest in anchoring and cooking. For any related queries, contact [email protected]

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Assignment On Relationship Of Employee & Employer

Added on   2020-02-12

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5 things you should never say to your boss

  • Building a good relationship with your boss is imperative for any ambitious achiever.
  • Employees have more power than they may think in cultivating positive experiences with the boss.
  • Here are five things you should avoid saying to your boss, according to workplace experts. 

Insider Today

Bosses: they hire us, fire us, and approve our PTO requests .

Cultivating a good relationship with the head honcho is imperative for both the high-achieving striver seeking an off-cycle promotion as well as the laid-back slacker just trying to skirt through their 40 hours each week.

"In the world of business, annoying your boss is akin to poking a beehive with a stick," Kraig Kleeman, CEO of The New Workforce , said.

Employees have more power than they may think in winning their manager's favor. Business Insider spoke to several career coaches, workplace experts, and bosses themselves about the phrases employees should avoid when communicating with their superiors.

1. 'That's not my job'

This phrase can be particularly frustrating for managers because it suggests a lack of flexibility and an unwillingness to contribute to the team, Prerika Agarwal, founder and CEO of Inspiration Careers , told BI.

"It's like nails on a chalkboard," said Nguyen Huy, founder of Hawaiin T-shirt company Trendy Aloha . "We're all in this together, and a little flexibility goes a long way."

Bosses value employees who are willing to go above and beyond their defined roles when a situation calls for it, according to Alvina Miller, a career advisor at Career Success Australia .

There's a fine line between " acting your wage " and being a dependable team player. Workplace experts suggest asking clarifying questions instead of stonewalling your boss with bullet points from your job description.

"Employees should focus on how they can help or suggest someone who might be better suited for the task," Agarwal said.

2. 'That's how we've always done it'

Routines may be comfortable, but employees who resist change can find themselves in hot water with the boss.

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, workplaces across all industries are embracing innovation and challenging the status quo in an attempt to stay competitive, Stephen Greet, CEO and cofounder of BeamJobs , said.

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"Managers look for team members who are willing to challenge conventional wisdom, welcome fresh ideas, and never stop looking for methods to make procedures run more smoothly," he told BI.

Employees who cite the "old" way of doing things are often using the phrase as an excuse to continue doing a task in an inefficient way, Allan Vu, founder of Work Remote Now! , said.

3. 'I don't know'

It's perfectly OK for employees not to have all the answers, but "I don't know" should always be followed up with "I'll find out," Agarwal said.

Citing ignorance shows a lack of initiative and problem-solving skills, both of which are highly desirable employee traits, she added.

"Information is very important, and nowadays, it is usually easy to find," Kleeman said. "If you don't know something, find out. It's as simple as that."

4. 'I was never told that'

Bosses can't stand the "I was never told that" defense, Mark Pierce , an attorney, businessman, and founding partner at Wyoming Trust, told BI.

"Sometimes, an employee may genuinely not have been told something, but if it becomes a pattern, it can become a big source of management frustration," he said.

The phrase can suggest an employee is trying to shirk responsibility, Pierce added. Placing the blame on someone else also robs employees of the chance to learn and improve.

Alina Samchenko, a workplace expert and COO at HireDevelopersBiz , said the phrase also indicates an employee expectation of being micromanaged, which can be frustrating to managers who value self-motivation.

5. 'I can't…'

Any sentence that starts with "I can't" can be a trigger for managers, Kleeman said. That includes employees saying they can't work with a particular colleague, Miller added.

"Openly refusing to collaborate can be seen as unprofessional and disruptive," she said. "It's better to address conflicts with a solution-oriented approach."

Instead of crying "can't," employees should suggest alternatives and solutions to their manager.

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assignment 1 the employee employer relationship

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From Frugal to Free

From Frugal to Free

Employers Unhappy with Recent 401(k) Regulation Updates

Posted: May 28, 2024 | Last updated: May 28, 2024

<p><strong>The latest Biden administration rule on 401(k) plans is reshaping how employers manage retirement plans. It’s a complex scenario requiring a fresh understanding of fiduciary duties and provider relationships. This rule aims to protect employees but also imposes new responsibilities on employers. </strong></p>

The latest Biden administration rule on 401(k) plans is reshaping how employers manage retirement plans. It’s a complex scenario requiring a fresh understanding of fiduciary duties and provider relationships. This rule aims to protect employees but also imposes new responsibilities on employers. 

<p><span>The U.S. Labor Department’s new rules expand fiduciary investment advice standards. Employers, as plan sponsors, must now reevaluate their service providers under these stricter regulations.</span></p>

Revised Fiduciary Standards

The U.S. Labor Department’s new rules expand fiduciary investment advice standards. Employers, as plan sponsors, must now reevaluate their service providers under these stricter regulations.

<p><span>Plan sponsors, traditionally the focus of fiduciary rules, are now receiving new protections. However, this change also brings increased responsibilities, especially in monitoring service providers.</span></p>

Impact on Plan Sponsors

Plan sponsors, traditionally the focus of fiduciary rules, are now receiving new protections. However, this change also brings increased responsibilities, especially in monitoring service providers.

<p><span>Employers are obligated to diligently monitor third-party service providers. The new rules could classify more of these providers as fiduciaries, impacting rollover and financial education services.</span></p>

Service Provider Scrutiny

Employers are obligated to diligently monitor third-party service providers. The new rules could classify more of these providers as fiduciaries, impacting rollover and financial education services.

<p><span>The holiday calendar partly influences the timing of these payments.</span></p><p><span> Typically, benefits are released on the first of each month, but with January 1st being a holiday, the payment is moved to December 29.</span></p>

Comprehensive Oversight

Bonnie Treichel emphasizes the importance of employers understanding the services and fees of all service providers, whether fiduciaries or not.

<p><span>Big banks and insurers might see a significant impact. The new fiduciary status could affect their commissions, especially in the rollover market for older Americans transferring assets.</span></p>

Wall Street’s Concern

Big banks and insurers might see a significant impact. The new fiduciary status could affect their commissions, especially in the rollover market for older Americans transferring assets.

<p><span>If you’re worried about possibly missing a payment on an account, contact the bank or lender first. They may be able to work with you on a plan to avoid harming your credit.</span></p>

Redefining Fiduciary Relationships

The rules shift from a 1975 legal test to an analysis focusing on business models and client relationships. This change might negate some legal disclaimers used to avoid fiduciary liabilities.

<p><span>Many plans might be unaware that their advisers aren’t already considered fiduciaries. This revelation could lead to reevaluations of advisor roles and responsibilities.</span></p>

Advisor Surprises

Many plans might be unaware that their advisers aren’t already considered fiduciaries. This revelation could lead to reevaluations of advisor roles and responsibilities.

<p><span>There’s disagreement among advisers on the exact impact of these rules on retirement plans, indicating a period of adjustment and uncertainty for employers.</span></p>

Uncertain Outcomes

There’s disagreement among advisers on the exact impact of these rules on retirement plans, indicating a period of adjustment and uncertainty for employers.

<p><span>Emphasizing corporate accountability, Biden urged companies to reduce their prices in line with the decreasing inflation and improved supply chains. </span></p><p><span>He criticized those who haven’t yet adjusted their prices, accusing them of price gouging.</span></p>

Role of Recordkeepers

Recordkeepers who manage plan assets might face new scrutiny under the rules, especially regarding rollover advice.

<p><span>Employers use insurance products and financial coaches to offer workers income options and money management advice. These interactions might now qualify as fiduciary investment advice.</span></p>

Insurance and Financial Wellness

Employers use insurance products and financial coaches to offer workers income options and money management advice. These interactions might now qualify as fiduciary investment advice.

<p><span>The review involved “identifying stores for closure, relocation, or re-bannering based on an evaluation of current market conditions and individual store performance, among other factors.”</span></p>

Employee Retention and Financial Wellness

A Bank of America study highlights that financial wellness benefits are seen as key to worker retention. The new rules might affect how these benefits are offered and managed.

<p><span>View unemployme­nt in your 50s as a chance for personal and professional growth, not a se­tback. </span></p><p><span>Embrace this transition with resilience­ and optimism. Recognize the pote­ntial for new fulfilling beginnings and opportunities.</span></p>

Changing Communication Dynamics

Katherine Kohn notes that plan sponsors may need to limit or monitor interactions with workers to avoid potential liability, changing how financial advice is communicated.

<p><span>While banks and insurers may already have fiduciary roles, financial wellness firms typically do not. The new rule blurs the line between education and advice in these settings.</span></p>

Fiduciary Status for Wellness Firms

While banks and insurers may already have fiduciary roles, financial wellness firms typically do not. The new rule blurs the line between education and advice in these settings.

<p><span>The Tax Excessive CEO Pay Act offers companies a path to avoid additional taxes by increasing median worker pay to $60,000 and reducing CEO compensation to $3 million. This provision aligns with the legislation’s broader goal of promoting fair compensation practices.</span></p>

Gray Areas in Advice

When experts advise workers on 401(k) benefits, distinguishing between education and investment advice becomes challenging under the new regulations.

<p><span>One of her clients was in the latter situation. She realized she would never be able to achieve the level of income that her husband had earned to keep their home and lifestyle afloat. </span></p>

Implications for Employers

Employers must adapt to these changes, ensuring compliance while still providing valuable retirement options to their employees.

<p><span>Boomer confidence in the stock market doesn’t always resonate with millennials, who have witnessed significant economic downturns and are more cautious about investing in volatile markets.</span></p>

Preparing for the Future

Navigating these new regulations requires employers to be more vigilant and proactive in managing their retirement plan offerings, balancing employee needs with regulatory compliance.

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The post Employers Unhappy with Recent 401(k) Regulation Updates first appeared on From Frugal to Free .

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Kiefer Photography.

The content of this article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute or replace professional financial advice.

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    Uploaded by adelorme1982. Assignment 1 - The Employee-Employer Relationship By: Andrea Delorme Good morning, Jean-Paul, I hope you are well, and business is going well for you! I just wanted to touch base on Monica's employment status with Industrial Injection Molding Solutions. I believe there has been some confusion on whether Monica's ...

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    Ama is a receptionist for. ASSIGNMENT 1. Employers and employees have a unique relationship. The employee agrees to provide the employer with a fair day's work. In return, the employer agrees to provide a fair day's wage. Use the three-step checklist to determine whether or not the following situations demonstrate ethical behavior.

  16. Employee and Employer Relationship

    Employee and Employer Relationship - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online.

  17. Assignment On Relationship Of Employee & Employer

    It would be even assessing the impacts on the employee relations of human resource management approach effectively. 1. TASK 1: REFLECTIVE ESSAY 1.1 Conflicts in the general terms are the disagreements over any of the specific situation and leads towards the enlarged issues.It are being the most widespread situation being faced at the workplaces.

  18. 5 Things You Shouldn't Say to Your Boss

    Employees who cite the "old" way of doing things are often using the phrase as an excuse to continue doing a task in an inefficient way, Allan Vu, founder of Work Remote Now!, said.. 3.

  19. Employee Onboarding Guide

    Such a process can make the first days at work smooth and comfortable, laying the foundation for an efficient employee-employer relationship. According to the employees surveyed by BambooHR, 89% say an effective onboarding process helped them feel very engaged at work. In fact, these employees are 30x more likely to feel overall job ...

  20. Five Steps To Strengthening Peer Relationships In The Workplace

    Strong peer relationships are crucial for fostering a collaborative and productive work environment. When employees have healthy and supportive relationships with their colleagues, it can lead to ...

  21. Here's What Employees With ADHD Want Their Co-Workers To Know

    An estimated 8.7 million U.S. adults have ADHD — and there are still too many misunderstandings about how it shows up at work. View Entire Post ›

  22. Employers Unhappy with Recent 401(k) Regulation Updates

    The latest Biden administration rule on 401(k) plans is reshaping how employers manage retirement plans. It's a complex scenario requiring a fresh understanding of fiduciary duties and provider ...

  23. The Deloitte Global 2024 Gen Z and Millennial Survey

    Reasons for rejecting an employer or an assignment include factors such as having a negative environmental impact, or contributing to inequality through non inclusive practices, and more personal factors such as a lack of support for employees' mental well-being and work/life balance. ... have stopped or lessened a relationship with a ...