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170 Original Thesis Topics and Ideas For Your Winning Paper

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Throughout your college and graduate school career, you will be required to write hundreds of academic papers across myriad subjects. Choosing good thesis topics is just one of the major factors necessary to achieve academic excellence. This article does not tell you how to write a good thesis but focuses on the process of developing great senior thesis topics that are challenging yet don’t leave you feeling overwhelmed.

  • How to Develop and Choose Great Thesis Paper Topics?

Computer Science Thesis Topics

Psychology thesis topics, art history thesis topics, sociology thesis topics, economics thesis topics, psychology dissertation topics, architecture thesis topics, criminal justice thesis topics, philosophy thesis topics, history thesis topics, ms thesis topics, where you can find thesis writing help for your topics.

Our list of 170 free thesis statement topics is broken into 12 of the most popular subjects. These are only suggestions and you’re certainly encouraged to modify them as you deem appropriate. Keep in mind that good dissertation topics should aim to push the envelope of academic research while answering important scholarly questions within the field. Don’t feel constrained by what these thesis topics attempt to explore – what inspires your curiosity is the most important aspect of writing a thesis that warrants readership and appreciation.

How to Develop and Choose Great Thesis Topics?

Your thesis statement should be interesting.

You’ve likely heard over and over that the best master thesis topics should always be on something interesting – but does not take this to mean that it only applies to what a reader thinks is interesting. You should genuinely be curious about the topic you want to explore. This will invariably lead to more effective research, writing, and presentation of the chosen topic.

Make Sure You Can Find Enough Resources

Time is limited, and so too are resources. If your topic is too narrow you may not have access to all the resources you need to adequately answer the questions you seek. Ask the resource librarian for some dissertation topic examples to get a sense of the number of resources you will need to include in the bibliography and then triple that number. This is the average amount of research materials you will need to locate in your study.

Meet with Your Advisor to Discuss Options

Finally, you will need to meet with your academic advisor throughout the process of finishing your capstone project, so you will benefit from meeting with him or her as you consider your topics to discuss options. If, for instance, you are going over art history thesis topics , an advisor can point you to previous studies, research, resources, and more. You may find early that your topic may not be doable – and save yourself time by choosing altogether different.

Our List of Great Thesis Ideas On Any Subject

  • How have different methodologies changed the way comp-science is used in business?
  • How has the user interface changed the way society interacts with one another?
  • What are the advances in encryption and decryption we need to fight cybercrime?
  • In what ways have computer viruses altered international finance rules & regulations?
  • How do biometric systems affect the way data is recognized across financial industries?
  • Will artificial intelligence make human labor a thing of the past or will it only be a burden?
  • What are the best defense strategies companies should consider fighting cyber-attacks?
  • How will quantum computers change the way mainstream data is factored into primes?
  • A survey of how different technologies and algorithms can be used for parsing and indexing.
  • Technique to use when visualizing text categorization that has complex hierarchical structures and machine learning.
  • Different tools and techniques in the software required can be used to understand the UK.
  • How to have dependable and secure computing.
  • Definition and explanation of context-aware computing.
  • Top 5 challenges in database design and the information of system development?
  • What are the multiple dimensions or states of high-functioning schizophrenia in adults?
  • How effective is the DSM-IV in categorizing abnormal symptoms in young adults?
  • In what ways does a leader’s presence affect the way his sports teammates perform?
  • How does culture affect the way teaching programs are instituted around the world?
  • In what ways does chemotherapy affect the way patients get attention from family?
  • Is anger an emotion that can be controlled for the benefit of a person’s mental health?
  • What did the 9/11 attacks have on the general psychology of U.S. citizens toward immigrants?
  • How are LGBTQ teens likely to cope with pressures and how does it link to issues of depression?
  • Explain the social identity theory of Tajfel and Turner.
  • What are the REM phase and the continuous sleep disruption?
  • Defining how a brain functions when a person is in love.
  • How do the different forms of amnesia damage your brain activities?
  • What is the significance of a strong self-perception?
  • Is it possible for PTSD to lead to Alzheimer’s disease?
  • How do people respond to the world’s most famous art pieces in an age of social media?
  • In what ways is music considered to be a form of art when there are no actual tangible forms?
  • Are the building styles of the ancient world legitimate representations of artistic work?
  • Do you believe anyone will ever be able to have as much impact as the Renaissance greats?
  • In what ways has the value of art diminished in the last 25 years in terms of investment?
  • How does art affect the way humans develop creatively in terms of their communication?
  • What motivates people to invest in modern art despite there being such a high risk?
  • How does a modern artist make enough income in the days of technology and digital art?
  • Analyze the Monalisa painting and why it is popular.
  • What is the origin of the traditional Chinese and Japanese costumes?
  • What are the most popular pies of Mesopotamian art, and what made them popular?
  • How did Hinduism influence the early Indian Act?
  • Research on the construction of the Great Wall of China.
  • What is the origin of the Greek theatre?
  • How much influence do parents have on their children’s educational and social engagement?
  • In what ways do cross-cultural relationships change the way children think about the world?
  • What are the most important aspects of gender inequality at work and how is it fixed?
  • How much do food cultures link to anticipated health and welfare in American adults?
  • What is the relationship between ethnicity and the levels of completed education in children?
  • What are the biggest factors leading certain populations to alcohol or drug addiction?
  • How is media affecting the way youth view their images as a result of how they are represented?
  • In what ways has social media impacted the way America’s youth interacts with the world?
  • Impacts of Alcohol among the youths.
  • Adaption and the consequences of adopting a child.
  • Diffusion and innovation in European culture and what it means for the features of these countries.
  • How would people react if organ transplant gets completely banned?
  • What are the challenges that working women face in today’s society?
  • What are the impacts of life sentences, and should this be changed
  • What are the five major principles of global economics and how do they affect international law?
  • In what ways are developing countries in Asia affected by short and long-term econ policies?
  • How important is it for the average American investor to know about global economics?
  • In what ways should a person’s wealth be distributed to more philanthropic or charitable activities?
  • What do international economics offer the average American in terms of financial happiness?
  • How has the alcohol industry changed over the last century across different parts of Europe?
  • In what ways has big data mining affected the way global economics and financing have changed?
  • What are the main reasons why the Trump presidency has negatively affected international trade?
  • What is fiscal policy, and what should people know about it?
  • Define and explain three opportunity costs.
  • How do banks set the exchange rate?
  • What is the reason why some resources are rare?
  • What does economic forecasting entail?
  • What are the pros and cons of privatization?
  • What are the connections between employee satisfaction and how they perform at work?
  • How are women affected by misogynistic language in the workplace that emphasizes inequality?
  • In what ways does the formation of negative habits make it harder for people to learn new things?
  • What role does anxiety have in the way students score on standardized high school level tests?
  • How does jealousy determine how long or successful a marriage can be in today’s age of the web?
  • What effect does a person’s amount of time that is spent on social media impact his/her satisfaction?
  • Are humans becoming far more dependent on instant information and less likely to learn the truth?
  • What are some of the negative assumptions about women suffering from postpartum depression?
  • Some eating and personality disorder
  • What is the importance of communication in a relationship?
  • What are the social and psychological effects of virtue networks?
  • What role does a medium play in provoking aggression?
  • How does cognitive behavior therapy help in dealing with depressed adolescents?
  • How can depression and its risk factor be prevented?
  • In what ways did ancient architecture from Greece and Rome influence modern government buildings?
  • What impact did Frank Lloyd Wright’s architectural style have on Los Angeles’ urban planning?
  • Why do historians believe the Egyptian Pyramids were created to their exact shape and scale?
  • How did Roman aqueducts impact the way communities evolved as a result of improved canals?
  • What dangers do the Venice canal systems face as a result of increasing temperatures and water levels?
  • How will architecture in major metropolitan areas change as a result of rising populations in the world?
  • Is architecture considered a science or an art and how does this affect the way we study it today?
  • What is parametric architecture and what other forms blend appropriately with it aesthetically?
  • Explain the construction of Time conception in the Architectural Realm.
  • Waterfront development- the process of beach convention and exhibition centers.
  • What is the design of ruled surfaces?
  • An analytic study of the design potential kinetic Architecture.
  • A survey of China from an archeologist’s point of view.
  • A look at Russian fairy-tale-style houses and huts.
  • How is jury selection affected by how politicians are perceived on social media?
  • Is it accurate to say that minorities receive a fair and unbiased trial in today’s political climate?
  • How do President Trump’s policies and comments targeting minorities affect their rights in court?
  • What challenges does cyber-crime present for lawmakers who have to put corporations on trial?
  • Should large corporations face larger crimes as a result of the amount of money they make publicly?
  • Why aren’t CEOs of multi-billion dollar companies held to the same criminal standards as the public?
  • Should human trafficking face larger penalties as a result of the dark web and ease of communication?
  • Does the internet perpetuate certain crimes as a result of its widespread and virtual anonymity?
  • The relationship between the police and people from different backgrounds.
  • What is the reliability of an eye-witness testimony?
  • What methods can be used to help prevent international drug trafficking?
  • Why does the crime rate increase during emergencies?
  • Why are men more likely to get death penalties?
  • In what ways does the drug court assist or hurt people with addiction?

Thesis Topics in Education

  • What are the biggest evolutionary changes to the major approaches in education throughout the world?
  • How have China’s educational methods changed in the last half-century to position them as world leaders?
  • Can educational programs in South America help those countries combat poverty in their communities?
  • Should core subjects be re-evaluated in light of the quickly changing needs of today’s modern world?
  • Should the United States make bigger investments in bringing tech tools to poorer school districts?
  • Can teachers continue to use traditional methods for grading when class size continues to increase?
  • Why do people lose the desire to learn new subjects in their adult years? How can this be addressed?
  • Should more parents be involved in schools’ educational policies and curriculum development?
  • Do graduate programs in education adequately prepare tomorrow’s teachers for the business world?
  • Are there any career development programs in Elementary schools?
  • What are the character development programs in elementary schools?
  • Should the use of the pass-fail grading be limited?
  • What is the impact of promoting parent volunteering in schools?
  • Teaching children with speech-language pathology.
  • How does the efficiency of classroom management help to reduce stress?
  • Is abortion a philosophical or political question? Should ethics be removed from this conversation?
  • Is it a must to lead an ethical life to achieve true human happiness in today’s competitive world?
  • What does it mean to support ethical farming practices in light of the world’s hunger problems?
  • Should parents have the ability to manipulate their children’s genetics and characteristics to an ideal?
  • How does genetic modification in animals affect our understanding of what we can do for humans?
  • In what ways do religious ethics and philosophy ethics contradict each other when it comes to crimes?
  • How does humanity’s history to commit evil acts affect the way we view our place in the world?
  • Is it morally ethical to love someone who is legally unattainable? (E.g., someone who is married).
  • Are contemporary philosophical theories inclusive of different societies or limiting to specific nations?
  • What can truly upset you, and in what ways can you deal with it?
  • Would you live your life more than once?
  • What do the beauty standards change often?
  • Are there situations where it is better to lie than tell the truth?
  • Some people think that love only lasts for three years. Is it true?
  • What is a perfect life? What prevents you from living it?
  • How has the rise and fall of famous and influential dictators changed throughout history?
  • How have the events leading to the 1980s conflicts in Afghanistan caused the turmoil we see today?
  • In what ways have border wars in South America led to increased asylum seekers fleeing those countries?
  • How did the North Atlantic Trade Agreement impact the way Europe has sought trade deals with China?
  • What impact did the Mormons have in shaping the American city landscape during the 19th century?
  • What role did Mormons have in further expelling Native Americans from their ancestral lands?
  • Why did the Southern States resist the freeing of slaves for so long? What economic factors were there?
  • What impact did pirates have on the development of Caribbean culture in Central America?
  • How have 21st-century marketing strategies affected how we value cultural history in the U.S.A?
  • Trends of migration through the years.
  • What is the history of immigration in the USA?
  • What causes the significant waves of migration in Syria?
  • How were women treated in the Soviet zone during WWII?
  • How did the fall of Hitler and the Nazis affect Germany?
  • The Spanish Inquisition- What is the truth behind its moral justification?
  • How do supercomputers and data mining affect political policy in today’s first-world governments?
  • In what ways have the roles of mediators changed in the world of globalized financial institutions?
  • How important is cultural awareness for large corporations? How is this different in small businesses?
  • Should politicians be allowed to maintain investments that can influence their political decisions?
  • Why are blind trusts necessary for anyone running for public office in today’s global economy?
  • What are the effects of bringing more technology into the home to automate day-to-day activities?
  • In what ways does automation keep people from controlling the same systems we want to be safe?
  • How does cyber activity affect how governments contribute to international economies?
  • How can we learn from past cultures to develop new societies where there is no poverty or hunger?
  • What was the correlation between political climate and literature during the eighteenth century?
  • What is the connection between religious conviction and rational thinking?
  • A comprehensive analysis of gun violence in the US.
  • Case study of Australia and how cyberbullying might result in suicides.
  • Civil war is the greatest inspiration for art. Discuss this concept.
  • Women empowerment in Saudi Arabia in the 2000s.

For more information on how to write a thesis or for more thesis ideas, check out what a professional writing site has to offer. On top of hundreds of free resources, you can pay to have a custom master’s thesis sample made from scratch or can have your work reviewed, edited, and proofread by an academic expert from our thesis writing services , whose job is to stay up-to-date on all educational requirements for capstone projects.

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Thesis topic ideas and examples for students

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Ready to kickstart your thesis writing? Follow our guide on how to choose a thesis topic or find tips on choosing the perfect topic for your thesis .

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How to choose a good thesis topic

Choosing a thesis topic is a difficult but essential step on your thesis journey. Your choice of topic not only determines the direction of your research but is also what needs to keep you motivated and satisfied throughout your thesis writing process.

To help you choose a good topic for your Bachelor’s or Master’s, here is our step-by-step guide on choosing a good thesis topic .

How to choose a good thesis topic - 5 essential steps

Step 1: Reflect and identify your research interests

At the beginning of your thesis journey reflect upon your research interests and personal passions .

What interesting research topics and subjects have consistently fascinated you throughout your studies? Think about your courses, readings, previous projects, and research papers that have inspired and sparked your curiosity in the past.

Use online thesis topic databases like Excelerate.dk to search for interesting topics created by other students and researchers. This way you explore new perspectives and ideas for your thesis project.

Remember, you’ll be spending a huge amount of time investigating and delving deep into your topic. It’s important that your topic genuinely excites you to keep you motivated while writing your thesis.

Step 2: Explore the current research landscape of your interest

Once you’ve identified your research topic interests, conduct a thorough literature review in your chosen research field .

Familiarise yourself with the existing research, ongoing debates and discussions, and potential gaps in the current knowledge. Look at recent publications, research paper topics, and emerging trends in the field.

This approach will not only help you gain a deeper understanding but also identify potential research questions or areas that require further exploration. Perhaps a thesis topic you could dig deeper into in your project?

Step 3: Consult with your academic supervisors and peers

By now you hopefully have a rough idea of the direction your thesis project is going. Discuss your research ideas and initial thoughts with your academic supervisor, professors, and fellow students to receive constructive feedback.

You shouldn’t hesitate to ask your academic advisors and peers for suggestions and recommendations. Their research expertise and knowledge can give you valuable insights to help you get started with your thesis.

Step 4: Define the research goals and objectives for your thesis

It’s time to clearly outline your project’s research goals and objectives . What are the specific questions you want to answer? What is the scope of your thesis? It’s essential that you are realistic about the resources and time available for your research.

You only have 6 to 12 months to write your thesis. Ensure that your thesis topic is not too broad or too narrow. Try to strike a balance that allows you for in-depth analysis within the scope of your research.

Step 5: Consider the practicality and feasibility of your thesis topic

At this point in the process, it’s time to assess the practicality and feasibility of your chosen thesis topic.

Are the necessary resources and data available to you? Do you for example have access to libraries, databases, laboratory equipment, search materials, and archives? Consider also your methodology for collecting the data. Will you need to conduct surveys, interviews, experiments, or collect historical data?

Data collection is time-consuming. It’s crucial that you have a clear plan for your data collection so you realistically obtain the data you need within the time frame of your thesis project.

Step 6: Get your thesis topic approved and begin writing

That’s the way to go! You’re now at the final step of choosing the best thesis topic for your project.

All you have to do now is consult with your thesis supervisor to make any final adjustments and get your thesis topic approved .

We wish you the best of luck with your thesis writing. We root for you!

How to find the best topic for your thesis

What is the best topic for your thesis? That depends on your interests, passions, and future goals. Here are questions to consider and tips on finding the best thesis topic .

 1. Your topic should align with your personal interests

The best topic for your thesis aligns with your personal interests and passions . Pursuing research on a topic that genuinely intrigues you will keep you motivated throughout your thesis writing and lead to a more meaningful project. Think about what excites you within your field and explore research questions that pique your curiosity.

2. Your topic should be relevant and contribute to your research field

The best thesis topic is relevant to your field of study . Your research topic should address a specific issue or contribute to a broader conversation within your discipline. Pick a topic that is meaningful and has the potential to advance knowledge, challenge existing theories, or offer practical solutions to real-world problems. Think about how your research can fill a gap in current knowledge.

3. Your topic should align with your academic and career goals

The best research topic for your thesis is aligned with your future academic and/or career goals . Ask yourself: What are your short-term and long-term goals and aspirations? Your thesis project provides you with invaluable experience and expertise in your chosen research field and industry. The best topic for you is used as a stepping stone towards your future endeavours and career.

10 questions to consider to find the best thesis topic

  • What are my key interests – both personally and academically?
  • What are the areas my personal passions and academic discipline overlap?
  • What courses excited me the most during my studies?
  • What theories and concepts did I enjoy working with?
  • What do I want to avoid during my thesis writing process?
  • What resources and data do I need to obtain?
  • What research methods do I like to use?
  • What are my academic goals after my thesis?
  • What are my career goals?
  • What industry do I want to work in?

Looking for more inspiration? Check out our 8 tips for finding the perfect thesis topic .

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How to write a thesis alone, how to write the perfect thesis statement for your master’s – 6 easy steps, thesis writing in a group, thesis writing tips – a guide to writing a good thesis project, what is writer’s block and how do you overcome it, find the perfect thesis topic – 8 useful tips.

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How to Pick a Master’s, Ph.D., or Undergraduate Thesis Topic

Last Updated: February 2, 2024 Fact Checked

  • Brainstorming Topics

Narrowing Your Focus

  • Crafting Your Question

This article was co-authored by Christopher Taylor, PhD and by wikiHow staff writer, Danielle Blinka, MA, MPA . Christopher Taylor is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of English at Austin Community College in Texas. He received his PhD in English Literature and Medieval Studies from the University of Texas at Austin in 2014. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 74,993 times.

Choosing a topic for your thesis , whether it be for a master’s, Ph.D., or undergraduate, can feel like a daunting task, but it can also be exciting. Your thesis is your chance to dive deep into a topic that interests you and contribute something new to your field. To pick the right topic for you, start by brainstorming potential topics without worrying if they're good or not. Then, narrow your topics based on feasibility and your personal strengths. Finally, start researching so you can craft a good thesis question.

Things You Should Know

  • Jot down your interests in your topic of study. Then, research your interests and go through your past papers to find unanswered questions in your field.
  • Narrow down your interests to potential topics you can add value to. Then, find a professor who has experience in your area of study.
  • To formulate your research question, research your topic. Brainstorm a few questions you might ask, then select the one you can best answer.

Brainstorming Possible Topics

Step 1 Write down your main interests related to your field of study.

  • Review all of the classes you've taken and the subjects you've covered.
  • Think about why you got into your field of study.
  • Consider what you like to read about in your free time, especially things related to your field. This might be books, news articles, or blogs.
  • Think of people in your field who you admire or aspire to be like. Then, ask yourself what you like about them.
  • Consider if you'll continue your academic studies after graduation, as well as what you'd want to study.

Step 2 Go through your past coursework to find papers you enjoyed writing.

  • Consider any lingering questions you had working on past projects as a starting point for your new thesis.
  • It’s best to stick to your recent work because it will better reflect your current knowledge and abilities.
  • You can use the same topic you used in your prior work, or you can use your old work to point you in the direction of a new topic.

Tip: Your past coursework can also tell you what you didn’t like studying. Consider the assignments that you struggled through and the research topics you hated. Then, avoid topics like them.

Step 3 Research current events to see what's happening in your field.

  • For example, let’s say you’re studying politics. You might read about current presidential candidates and reflect on how their platforms have diverted from the historical platforms for their political party.
  • If you’re writing a literature thesis, look at the novels that are being nominated for this year’s literary awards and consider their genre, theme, or style.
  • For a thesis on psychology, you might look for news about PTSD research or read articles about pop psychology that people are sharing on social media.
  • For an aeronautical engineering thesis, you could read up on what SpaceX is currently working on, or look into NASA’s most recent experiments.
  • Check prominent research journals in the field you’re interested in to see what current academic conversations look like.
  • Make a list of keywords that show up during your searches so you can look up published theses using sites like ProQuest. That way, you know what topics have already been covered.

Step 4 Look for gaps in current research related to your field.

  • You don’t need a topic that’s completely absent from research, as this would be difficult to examine.
  • One way to find a unique angle is to combine 2 topics together. Alternatively, you can build on someone else's work.
  • For example, let's say you're studying clinical psychology and want to write about PTSD. You might find that not much research has been done into how people with PTSD cope with workplace conflicts.
  • Similarly, let's say you're studying politics and want to look at how political party platforms evolve. You might find that there's a gap in research when it comes to evaluating how voters react to platform changes.

Step 5 Ask your professors which topic they think is right for you.

  • For instance, you might say, “I’m hoping to be a research professor one day, and I want to focus on modern poetry. Which of these thesis topics do you think would make me most attractive to doctoral programs?”

Step 6 Talk to your classmates about their lingering questions.

  • Focus on questions that can be researched and don’t have a simple answer. For instance, a question like, “How can we motivate people without offering them extrinsic rewards?” can be researched and doesn’t have a simple answer. Conversely, the question, “When did free verse poems start to become mainstream?” is easy to answer with a simple Internet search.

Step 7 Think about what type of work you plan to do in the future.

  • You don’t need to plan out your whole life. However, it’s good to have an idea about where you’re going.
  • Think about the type of work you want to do, the job title you want to attain, or the types of organizations you want to work with.
  • For instance, if you want to be a university professor, you might choose a topic that you plan to continue researching through your doctorate and career as a professor.
  • As another example, let's say you want to be a project manager for an engineering firm. You might choose a topic that encompasses both your knowledge of engineering and your interest in motivating other engineers to produce their best work.

Step 8 Make a list of 5-10 topics that might be interesting thesis topics.

  • Undergraduate theses may be more broad, while master’s or Ph.D. theses should be more specific.
  • Choose the best topics that came to you while you were brainstorming.
  • You might enjoy doing this activity with a classmate who’s also working on their thesis. You can bounce ideas off of each other.
  • For example, you might write down things like "evolution of political party platforms," "effect of civil war on cultural norms," "themes of literature immediately before and after a social crisis," "effects of robotics on the workforce," "mission to Mars," or "building intrinsic worker motivation."

Step 1 Eliminate topics that don’t seem to offer avenues for new research.

  • For instance, you might love William Shakespeare, but finding a new area of research about his work could prove difficult. Similarly, if you're studying psychology, you'll likely want to avoid writing about older ideas that aren't widely supported anymore, like dream analysis.

Step 2 Choose your thesis supervisor once you have a general idea of what you’ll research.

  • Say something like, “Hi, Dr. Gomez. I know you’re really knowledgeable about morality politics. I’m planning to write my thesis about a topic related to morality politics, so I hoped you might be my thesis supervisor.”

Tip: You don’t need to select your thesis topic before you find a thesis supervisor. Just get a general idea of what area you want to pursue.

Step 3 Discuss your top 1-3 topics with your thesis supervisor.

  • For example, you might say, "I'd like to write my thesis about modern American haiku structure, autobiographical expression in contemporary 21st-century poetry, or poetry in the Internet age."
  • Your thesis supervisor will likely want you to choose a topic that they know well and are interested in themselves.

Crafting Your Thesis Question

Step 1 Conduct research into your topic.

  • This will help you figure out what types of questions to ask about your topic.
  • If you can, highlight or mark important passages and summarize sections of text in the margins of the work.
  • Talk to your librarian. They can help you find materials that might be of interest to you, and they can pull books or journals related to your topic.

Tip: Save your research materials so that you can use them when writing your thesis. You may not use all of your early research, but some of it will be relevant.

Step 2 Write 5-7 potential thesis questions

  • How did 20th-century warfare alter literary themes?
  • How have expanding cultural norms impacted the criteria for literary awards?
  • What social changes have impacted diplomatic exchanges among world leaders?
  • How does detaching morality from public policy affect the efficacy of legislation?
  • How does culture adapt in the aftermath of a civil war?
  • How can robotics enhance early childhood education?
  • What are the best ways to motivate employees to work harder?
  • What treatment protocols can enhance recovery in PTSD patients?

Step 3 Identify the question you think you can best research and answer.

  • Think about the process you'd need to use to research the topic, such as a digital search, social experiments, or lab testing. Then, decide if you'd be able to complete these tasks with the time and resources you have.
  • List the research materials you have available to you, such as computer databases, library materials, or a laboratory.
  • Consider your thesis supervisor’s area of expertise.
  • Think about the courses you’ve taken and the skills you’ve developed.

For example... The thesis question "How have expanding cultural norms impacted the criteria for literary awards?" works well because it's researchable and debatable. You can explore cultural norms using social science studies, news or journal articles, and survey results from different decades. Then, study the themes and styles of award-winning literature using articles and books. From there, evaluate the relationship between them, which is up for interpretation.

Step 4 Select a final research question with the help of your thesis supervisor.

  • Listen to your thesis supervisor’s advice. They’ve likely been doing this for a long time, and they know what it’s like to be in your shoes.

Expert Q&A

  • Try to choose your topic as early as you can. This will help you stay on track to finish your thesis on time. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • It’s helpful to do additional research throughout the selection process. If you find texts that might be of use to you later, save them to use in your thesis. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Since you’ll spend at least 1-2 years on your thesis, it’s best to choose a topic that interests you. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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  • ↑ https://www.millersville.edu/honorscollege/thesis/choosetopic.php
  • ↑ https://www.ceu.edu/article/2019-03-29/how-choose-your-thesis-topic
  • ↑ https://hhd.psu.edu/shm/undergraduate/honors-study-hospitality-management/first-steps-choosing-topic-and-thesis-supervisor
  • ↑ https://library.maastrichtuniversity.nl/study/thesis-supportall/choose-thesis-topic/
  • ↑ https://writingcenter.gmu.edu/guides/how-to-write-a-research-question

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Christopher Taylor, PhD

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Thesis Topics – Definition, Guide & Examples

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Definition: Thesis topics

Thesis topics are essentially the topics of theses. However, once you begin putting serious thought into what topic to write about, you will realise that a thesis often includes multiple overlapping topics: for example, a history thesis might discuss specific events alongside broader cultural elements.

In conclusion, a thesis topic is best thought of not as a single subject, but as a convenient summary that can encompass and bring together multiple distinct themes.

Picking thesis topics can be difficult, but there are approaches you can follow that will make the task easier. This article is written to help you make your decision as to which topic will suit you. Of course, the final choice will be entirely down to you; but this article will provide you with some tips and advice that should make the process of picking from potential thesis topics easier for you.


  • 2 Finding a Thesis Topic
  • 3 Good Thesis Topics
  • 4 Bachelor/Master Thesis
  • 5 Thesis Topics Examples
  • 6 In a Nutshell

How do you chose a thesis topic?

The best thesis topics are the ones that both inspire you, and can be easily researched by you. To find your thesis, you could try brainstorming before researching your ideas. It’s a long process from the planning stage to your thesis defense , so you need to be interested in the topic you choose. It’s ok to have vague ideas at the beginning. But later you’ll need to narrow your focus.

What are the best topics for a thesis?

Thesis topics are almost endless and each student will have their own preferences. Regardless of the topic you choose, you will need to become an expert in this area in order to format your thesis into a comprehensible piece of academic writing. Be careful not to box yourself in with your topic, but also ensure that you’re not being too vague. If you are having trouble choosing a thesis topic, perhaps have a look at the thesis topics of former students for some inspiration.

What makes a good thesis topic?

A good thesis topic should be clearly defined to avoid any confusion. It needs to be clear and concise and have a single meaning. If your topic is too broad, this will quickly become clear when you attempt to write your thesis statement . The reader of your topic should know exactly what to expect when reading your thesis.

Can a thesis topic be a question?

Theoretically, it can be. However, as the point of a thesis is to deliver answers, phrasing thesis topics as questions is best avoided as it may only obscure your argument. You may be thinking about the research question . Once you’ve decided on your topic, you create a research question which will become the basis of your thesis statement. However, you need a concrete topic first!

What is the difference between the thesis topic and the thesis statement?

A thesis statement is an idea that can be reduced to a single sentence and encapsulates one argument. Any successful argument will have a thesis statement. A thesis topic describes what your whole thesis is about. You need to know your thesis topic before you can write your thesis statement.

Finding a Thesis Topic

There are a few stages that you can try when choosing from the possible thesis topics available to you:

Thesis topics Brainstorming


An essential part of coming up with thesis topics is simply through making notes. Get a sheet of paper and jot down ideas; the more ideas you put on paper, the more thesis topics you will have to choose from.

Thesis topics Research

Perhaps you could set yourself a mini-project to help you choose; you could try a small-scale piece of research-based writing to get a better idea of what kind of thesis topics will suit your interests and your means.

Thesis topics Identification

Identification of necessary resources

Your thesis will end badly if you find out that you are lacking a vital piece of research material. Make sure that there is enough material relating to your topic available to you (including at the library and online) before you make a final decision in regards to thesis topics.

Good Thesis Topics

An important consideration to make when choosing between thesis topics is whether or not you are boxing yourself in. Thesis topics that are too narrow or too specific may leave you finding that you do not have enough to write about to fill an entire thesis; this will likely lead to you either stretching out a short piece of writing to the point of meaninglessness, or branching off-topic into something irrelevant.

At the same time, you will want to avoid thesis topics that are too broad to be covered meaningfully within a single thesis. The ideal thesis topics are  ones that strike the right balance: on the one hand narrow enough to be readily contained; on the other hand, one with enough factors and implications to withstand being broken down and discussed in detail in terms of component parts.

  • interesting for yourself
  • not too narrow or specific
  • not too broad to be covered meaningfully

Bachelor/Master Thesis

A conclusive thesis topic will be essential to any piece of academic writing. In academic writing, form and structure will flow from the essential topic. So if you lack a topic, or are in any way undecided as to what your topic should be, your piece will lack form and fail to gain recognition in academic circles.

While there are many examples of successful essays that lack precise, easily-summarised topics, these are distinct from academic circles, and so their approaches should not be emulated for your thesis topics.

Thesis Topics Examples

Here are some examples of possible thesis topics for a number of disciplines.

In a Nutshell

When it comes to choosing thesis topics, here are the essential rules to follow: • Choose a topic that interests you personally. • Make sure that you have enough research material at your disposal. • Ensure that your topic is broad enough to sustain a thesis, but not too broad as to be cumbersome. • Make sure that you understand your topic well enough to structure your thesis in a coherent manner.

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While Sandel argues that pursuing perfection through genetic engineering would decrease our sense of humility, he claims that the sense of solidarity we would lose is also important.

This thesis summarizes several points in Sandel’s argument, but it does not make a claim about how we should understand his argument. A reader who read Sandel’s argument would not also need to read an essay based on this descriptive thesis.  

Broad thesis (arguable, but difficult to support with evidence) 

Michael Sandel’s arguments about genetic engineering do not take into consideration all the relevant issues.

This is an arguable claim because it would be possible to argue against it by saying that Michael Sandel’s arguments do take all of the relevant issues into consideration. But the claim is too broad. Because the thesis does not specify which “issues” it is focused on—or why it matters if they are considered—readers won’t know what the rest of the essay will argue, and the writer won’t know what to focus on. If there is a particular issue that Sandel does not address, then a more specific version of the thesis would include that issue—hand an explanation of why it is important.  

Arguable thesis with analytical claim 

While Sandel argues persuasively that our instinct to “remake” (54) ourselves into something ever more perfect is a problem, his belief that we can always draw a line between what is medically necessary and what makes us simply “better than well” (51) is less convincing.

This is an arguable analytical claim. To argue for this claim, the essay writer will need to show how evidence from the article itself points to this interpretation. It’s also a reasonable scope for a thesis because it can be supported with evidence available in the text and is neither too broad nor too narrow.  

Arguable thesis with normative claim 

Given Sandel’s argument against genetic enhancement, we should not allow parents to decide on using Human Growth Hormone for their children.

This thesis tells us what we should do about a particular issue discussed in Sandel’s article, but it does not tell us how we should understand Sandel’s argument.  

Questions to ask about your thesis 

  • Is the thesis truly arguable? Does it speak to a genuine dilemma in the source, or would most readers automatically agree with it?  
  • Is the thesis too obvious? Again, would most or all readers agree with it without needing to see your argument?  
  • Is the thesis complex enough to require a whole essay's worth of argument?  
  • Is the thesis supportable with evidence from the text rather than with generalizations or outside research?  
  • Would anyone want to read a paper in which this thesis was developed? That is, can you explain what this paper is adding to our understanding of a problem, question, or topic?
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How to Choose Your Thesis Topic

CEU student Angela Heredia Pineda (GENS '19) shares her tips on how to choose a thesis topic. Photo: CEU Library

Finding your thesis topic is not an easy task. We are supposed to find something interesting, innovative and relevant within our disciplinary fields. The anxiety increases every day as the deadline for submitting our thesis topic and possible supervisor is closer. This is perhaps harder than writing the thesis itself. Here are a few tips that can help you find something that is interesting, feasible and perhaps original.

1. Identify something you are interested in or passionate about

You decided to study in this program for a reason, so remind yourself constantly what topics you find appealing inside this field. From the beginning, keep track of those discussions or issues that ring a bell for you. While reading or during the lessons, try to identify those moments in which you are puzzled or interested. Write them down in a notebook, or in your cellphone. Try to articulate your thoughts on the subject, writing them or recording your voice. If you find that there is a topic that you keep referring to, you might have found something already. This is a huge step, perhaps the main one.

2. Discuss your interests with people

The greatest ideas are not inventions of geniuses that work in isolation. Knowledge depends greatly on collaboration and dialogue. So, don't feel bad if you cannot come up with something on your own―no one does. Instead, try to discuss your interests with people, even if there are still very general ones. Talk to your classmates and your teachers. Try to ask people if they know something about this subject and if they can give you references. This will help you narrow down your interest and identify possible questions or gaps.

3. Talk to the faculty

While talking to your classmates is very important, I strongly advise you to talk to a few of your teachers very early, even if you don't have anything in mind yet. They can give you great guidance and help you identify who to work with, what to read, and what the interesting gaps in the field are. If you don't know which professors you can approach, you can check their research fields on the department's website and find who works with topics related to your general interests. You can also ask second-year students if they know which professors might be able to help you. Contact them by email, explaining generally what you are curious about and asking for an appointment during their office hours. Discuss your broad interests with them. You can start the discussion by asking for bibliographic references, a particular question, or about their knowledge on this particular topic. Tell them that you are trying to narrow down your thesis topic, they probably will give you suggestions and ideas. Even if the teacher is not the right fit for your subject, she or he can tell you who in the department might be. Usually, professors are really willing to help, so don't be afraid to talk to them.

3. Use your class assignments to develop your interests

Try to use the class assignments as much as possible to develop aspects of those topics that ring a bell for you. This will help you to explore and to start narrowing down what exactly you are really interested in. It will give you the chance to examine the bibliography related to the subject and to articulate some thoughts about it. In my case, one small assignment during my first semester ended up being my MA thesis and the topic of my research project for my PhD application. So, don't underestimate the small assignments! A small fascination can develop into a great passion.

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bachelor thesis subjects

How to Write a Bachelor’s Thesis: A Step-by-Step Guide

Mimir Mentor graduated illustration

The bachelor’s degree is an important milestone in your academic life, and creating a successful bachelor’s thesis is an essential part of this process.

Although it can be a challenge, with a structured approach and a clear timetable, a well-researched, informed, and organized bachelor’s thesis can be created.

In this article, we explain how to write a bachelor’s thesis.

11 Facts About Bachelor’s Theses

  • The average length of a bachelor’s thesis is about 30-60 pages.
  • Most bachelor’s theses are written in the field of economics.
  • The average processing time for a bachelor’s thesis is 3-6 months.
  • Typically, bachelor’s theses are supervised by a professor or lecturer.
  • Most bachelor’s theses are still written and submitted on paper.
  • A bachelor’s thesis is always written within the framework of a study program and is an important part of the degree completion.
  • The topic selection for a bachelor’s thesis is usually free, as long as it falls within the field of study.
  • Adherence to citation rules and source references is an important part of a bachelor’s thesis.
  • Submission of a bachelor’s thesis is usually combined with an oral examination.
  • The bachelor’s thesis is the first longer scientific work that a student writes during their studies and therefore represents an important hurdle.
  • In 2021, approximately 260,000 students achieved their bachelor’s degree.

Scientific Formulations in Minutes Seconds

11 Tips for Academic Writing (Bachelor’s Theses)

  • Start your bachelor’s thesis early to have enough time for research, writing, and revision.
  • Choose an interesting and relevant topic that fits well with your field of study.
  • Create a detailed work plan to keep track of your steps and deadlines.
  • Use trustworthy and current sources to underpin your work.
  • Write clearly and precisely, avoid using unnecessarily complicated sentences.
  • Use a consistent citation style and pay attention to the correct source citation.
  • Logically structure your bachelor’s thesis and ensure that the common thread is recognizable.
  • Revise and polish your work multiple times to ensure that it is free from spelling and grammar errors.
  • Have your work read by others and seek feedback to recognize areas for improvement.
  • Consider publishing your bachelor’s thesis to make it accessible to others and to present your work.
  • Have your text scientifically rephrased by Mimir. Sample input : Potatoes are healthy… ➔ Result : Potatoes are rich in vitamins and minerals and can contribute to a balanced diet.

The Process of Writing a Bachelor’s Thesis: Step by Step Guide

The writing process of a bachelor’s thesis is a challenge for many students. In this section, we give an overview of the most important steps and tips to successfully master the process.

  • Determine the topic of the bachelor’s thesis and discuss it with the supervisor.
  • Conduct comprehensive research and collect relevant sources.
  • Create an outline and divide the topic into individual sections.
  • Write the main part of the paper by processing and summarizing the insights gained from the research.
  • Compose the concluding part, summarizing the main findings of the work and outlining possible further steps or implications.
  • Proofread the work and check for formal requirements.
  • Submit and defend the bachelor’s thesis.

Choosing a Topic: How to Find the Perfect Topic for Your Bachelor’s Thesis

The first step in creating a bachelor’s thesis is selecting the topic. It’s important that your topic is specific and answers a clear research question. If your topic is too general, it will be harder to achieve meaningful results.

Why is the topic important?

An interesting and relevant topic not only captivates your readers but also gives you the motivation to successfully complete the work.

The topic of your bachelor’s thesis is crucial for the success of your work.

A difficult or boring topic, on the other hand, can lead to you finding the writing process frustrating and ultimately not successfully completing the work. Therefore, it’s important to think carefully about which topic you choose for your bachelor’s thesis.

If you have difficulty finding a topic, you can turn to your supervisors and present your ideas to them.

Research & Study: The Right Way to the Perfect Bachelor’s Thesis

Once the topic is set, it’s time to collect the necessary information. This can be done by searching through libraries and databases, reading specialist literature, and interviewing experts. It’s important to carefully organize and document the collected information so that it’s easily accessible when writing the work.

It’s also important that your sources are current, as research and opinions in your subject area are constantly changing.

Possible Sources

  • Academic Publications
  • Professional Journals
  • Reputable Websites (you should consult your supervisor beforehand)

Structure: Setup and Organization of the Bachelor Thesis

It is important to have a clear structure for your bachelor thesis. This should include an introduction, a main part, and a conclusion. Within the main part, you can divide your arguments into different sections. This helps you to structure your thought process and ensure a smooth and logical flow.


  • Summary of the research thesis
  • Definition of the main terms
  • Explanation of the research question and area of interest
  • Conduct literature research
  • Develop arguments and hypotheses
  • Draw conclusions and results
  • Cite sources
  • Summary of the results
  • Comparison of hypotheses and results
  • Explanation of the implications of the results
  • Recommendations for further research

Writing: Tips and Tricks for the Writing Process

After you have completed your research and established your structure, it is time to write.

It is important that you write your work in simple, academic German/English.

Avoid using too many technical terms and ensure that each sentence conveys a clear thought.

Compose a clear introduction that explains your topic and presents your argumentation. In the main part of your work, you should provide your arguments and examples to prove your thesis. Make sure that your arguments are logical and understandable.

  • Write a simple and clear introduction
  • Compose the main part of your work
  • Ensure that each sentence conveys a clear thought
  • Provide your arguments and examples to prove your thesis
  • Ensure logical and understandable argumentation
  • Avoid too many technical terms
  • Avoid vague formulations
  • Avoid subjective opinions

Tip: Let Mimir formulate your bullet point ( Example input : Running is great ➔ Result (1/3) : Running is a healthy and effective form of physical activity that can contribute to improving cardiovascular fitness, mobility, and mental health.)

Formatting: How to Properly Format Your Bachelor Thesis

It is important that you adhere to your university’s guidelines when formatting your bachelor thesis. Check the requirements for margins, line spacing, font size, and font type prescribed by your university.

It is also important to format your work consistently to achieve a professional look.

  • Adhere to your university’s guidelines
  • Check margins, line spacing, font size, and font type
  • Consistently format your work
  • Create a professional layout

Citing and Referencing: Rules for Citing and Referencing in the Bachelor Thesis

When referring to the ideas of other authors in your work, it is important to cite and reference them correctly. There are various citation styles you can use, but most universities use the Harvard or APA style.

Make sure to properly cite and reference all sources you refer to, to avoid plagiarism.

  • Use the Harvard or APA style
  • Cite and reference all sources you refer to
  • Avoid plagiarism

Proofreading: Error Sources and Tips for a Flawless Bachelor Thesis

After you have written your bachelor thesis, it is important to thoroughly review it. Check the content for correct grammar, spelling, and structure. Also ensure that your arguments are clear and logical and that your statements are supported by your research.

It is important to proofread and edit your work several times. Make sure to correct all spelling and grammar errors so that your work looks professional.

  • Read your work aloud to detect errors in grammar, sentence structure, and pronunciation.
  • Use a dictionary or an online proofreading program to find errors in spelling and punctuation.
  • Have someone else read your work and ask for feedback to gain additional perspectives and suggestions for improvement.
  • Carefully review and revise your work to improve its quality and content. This can be done by adding examples, removing unnecessary information, or refining arguments.

Tip: Have your text checked by Mimir (Unscientific words, gender conformity, and more…)

Submission: How to Safely Submit and Defend Your Bachelor Thesis

Writing a bachelor thesis can be a challenging task, but if you follow the steps mentioned above, you will complete your work in a professional manner.

Don’t forget to adhere to the guidelines of your university.

Once you have reviewed and revised your bachelor’s thesis, it’s time to submit it. Make sure your work meets the requirements of your examiner and contains the correct information. If possible, have a friend or family member review it before you submit it.

Earning a bachelor’s degree is a great achievement, and creating a successful bachelor’s thesis is an essential part of this process. Remember, choosing a topic, conducting research, and writing a bachelor’s thesis can be a laborious process. However, if you have a clear schedule and follow the steps mentioned above, you can create a well-researched, informed, and organized bachelor’s thesis.

And last but not least: Congratulations!

Two Practical Examples of the Process

To better understand the steps and tips mentioned above, here are two examples from different academic areas:

  • A psychology student writes a bachelor’s thesis on the effects of social media on the mental health of adolescents. She chooses this topic because it combines her personal interest and her expertise in psychology. She gathers information by reading textbooks and conducting interviews with adolescents and experts. She creates an outline consisting of an introduction, three main chapters, and a conclusion, and writes her paper accordingly. She makes sure to use quotes and references and to adhere to the APA formatting requirements. Finally, she carefully corrects her work and has it read by her teacher and a fellow student for improvement suggestions.
  • A computer science student writes a bachelor’s thesis on the development of a new algorithm for machine learning. He chooses this topic because it reflects his expertise in computer science and his curiosity about new technologies. He gathers information by reading academic articles and communicating with other experts in his field. He creates an outline consisting of an introduction, three main chapters, a section on results, and a conclusion, and writes his paper accordingly. He makes sure to use citations and references and to adhere to the IEEE formatting requirements. Finally, he carefully corrects his work and has it read by his supervisor and a reviewer from a professional journal for improvement suggestions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you start writing a bachelor’s thesis.

Before you start writing your bachelor’s thesis, you should first plan the topic and structure of the paper. This also includes researching relevant sources and creating an outline. Once you have an overview of the structure of the paper, you can start writing.

How quickly can you write a bachelor’s thesis?

The duration of writing a bachelor’s thesis can vary greatly and depends on various factors, such as the complexity of the topic, the size of the paper, and the time spent on research. However, you should generally plan several weeks or even months for the actual writing of a bachelor’s thesis.

How do you properly write a bachelor’s thesis?

1. Start by selecting an interesting and relevant topic for your bachelor’s thesis. 2. Create a clear and detailed research plan that outlines the goals, methods, and timeline for your work. 3. Gather comprehensive and reliable sources to support your arguments and substantiate your theses. 4. Compose a clear and structured introduction that highlights the topic and significance of your work. 5. Develop your arguments in the main chapters of your bachelor’s thesis and use examples and evidence to support your statements. 6. Conclude your findings and conclusion in a conclusive and detailed section that summarizes the significance and implications of your work. 7. Thoroughly correct and revise your bachelor’s thesis to ensure it is logical, coherent, and error-free.

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Choose a Great Thesis Topic in 4 Easy Steps!

bachelor thesis subjects

No matter how much you enjoy the research process, choosing a great thesis topic is always a challenge.

What is a thesis topic anyway?

A thesis topic is just what it sounds like—it is the subject you aim to write your thesis about.

A thesis is a long, in-depth research paper that focuses on one specific subject. A thesis topic is just what it sounds like—it is the subject you aim to write your thesis about.

Theses are usually shorter for undergraduate students and book-length for Ph.D. students. However, one thing is always true. Regardless of whether you are an undergraduate or a graduate student, finding the right thesis topic isn’t easy!

Since you are reading this article, you are clearly wondering how you can choose a great thesis topic. We’ll walk you through some simple steps, give you insider tips to find the right thesis topic, and help you begin your research journey with confidence.

What makes a thesis topic great?

Your thesis topic will need to be clear and address a clearly defined research question. At the same time, the answer should contribute to a broader understanding of the research field.

The search for a good thesis statement begins with a good research question. Your thesis is the answer to that question. As the thesis is a relatively long research paper, a good research question should be sufficiently broad. In general, this will mean avoiding “yes/no” questions or reframing such questions.

For instance, instead of asking 

“Does race influence standardized testing in high schools in the UK?”

Reframe your question as

“How does race influence standardized testing in high schools in the UK?”

This will allow you to explore different aspects, analyze interactions among variables, and write a longer, more substantive paper.

While your thesis topic should be broad enough, it should never be vague. Your thesis topic will need to be clear and address a clearly defined research question. At the same time, the answer should contribute to a broader understanding of the research field.

If you create a thesis based on research questions like “ How many kinds of fungi are there in the world? ” or “ What is love? ,” you are going to end up writing a long, frustrating paper. A good thesis topic will answer a much more specific question, like:

“ What kinds of fungi grow in the vicinity of drainage pipes? ” or
“ How do people in Myanmar express love during courtship rituals? ”

In other words, a great thesis topic is your answer to a:

  • Somewhat broad
  • Very precise and
  • Somewhat open-ended question.

While yes/no questions can be acceptable on rare occasions, you should avoid them or rephrase them, especially in science fields.

Finally, a great thesis topic fills a niche in a research field where research on the topic already exists, but there is still more to be discovered or new aspects to be explored. Alternatively, thesis topics could offer a fresh take on an old topic or rebuttals to a well-known theory. You don’t need to necessarily perform groundbreaking research; however, a great thesis topic will always offer a unique element that could make your thesis stand out.

Step 1: Choosing a thesis topic - Getting started

Although thesis topics should ideally be chosen based on the relevance of the topic and its academic merit, requirements related to your assignment/program should also be taken into consideration before finalizing the topic. While this seems quite basic, it is in fact key to choosing your thesis topic. The requirements of your program or class will determine the scope of what you can research.

Every program differs in its requirements, which is why it is so important to check these details beforehand. Some programs might have a specific list of acceptable topics and a narrow range of allowable methodologies. Other programs might just have a minimum word count and a final deadline. This is why knowing the requirements is so important before you move on to the next step of brainstorming.

Step 2: Brainstorming thesis topic ideas

One of the first places to look for a thesis topic is your own past work, such as papers you have written or assignments you have completed.

Once you know the limitations and requirements for your thesis, it is time to begin brainstorming specific ideas. This is often the hardest part of choosing a thesis topic! Especially if your program or school doesn’t narrow down your topic choices, you may find yourself gazing out the window with a hazy mind. So where should you begin brainstorming?

One of the first places to look for a thesis topic is your own past work, such as papers you have written or assignments you have completed. What courses have you particularly enjoyed that are related to your major field of study? What topics have you written about already?

You must make a list of papers you have written as part of your program and rank them on a scale of most to least interesting. You can do this even if you are in a program that is not very writing intensive. Cross the boring half off your list and focus on the more interesting topics. Do any topics catch your eye? If you aren’t feeling excited about anything you’ve already researched, talk to your classmates or colleagues . What areas in your field are you interested in or passionate about? Do your friends, classmates, or peers have any ideas? You can also skim some articles from popular journals in your field to see the current trending research topics. The more you read, the better the chances of you stumbling on an interesting thesis topic.

Once you have come up with some potential thesis topics, it’s a good idea to rank them in order, so you at least have a list of your top three topics. You then need to do some preliminary research and consultations before you finally settle on one topic, and it’s always important to have backups in case your favorite choice isn’t viable.

Step 3: Preliminary research - Reviewing the literature

Any thesis based on a shorter paper will be longer and more involved than the original version.

Now that you have shortlisted your potential thesis topics, it is time to conduct some preliminary research on each topic by finding out what other research studies have been conducted so far. If you had chosen your potential thesis topics from papers you previously wrote, you might be familiar with the literature already. However, that doesn’t mean you can skip the literature review. Any thesis based on a shorter paper will be longer and more involved than the original version. The thesis is expected to cover new angles, which means you need to do some preliminary research .

Where can you find articles for your preliminary research?

Google Scholar is a great resource, and so is the academic library available at your institution. If you are a student, you may have access to a journal database like JSTOR through your university. Even if you don’t, more and more articles are freely available via open-access journals these days, so a quick Google Scholar search will help you find relevant information. If you find a particularly good article, check out the sources the author(s) have referenced for relevant articles to read.

It’s very possible that you will find yourself completely wanting to change your thesis topic once you start the literature review. That’s ok! If you come across something interesting or inspiring, you should read more about it to see if it would be a good thesis topic. However, you should set yourself some limits. If you take the freedom to simply read what interests you, it is possible you will never be able to decide on a thesis topic. Always remember to limit the time allowed to read about a potential new research interest.

Step 4: Finalizing your choice

Even the most interesting topics can become tortuous after spending enough time reading and writing about them.

Once you feel confident that you have narrowed down your potential thesis topics to a handful of options, it’s time to decide. This choice should not be made lightly—your thesis can take over your life . Even the most interesting topics can become tortuous after spending enough time reading and writing about them. With that in mind, you need to make sure your topic meets the following requirements:

  • Is your proposed research feasible?
  • Can you access all of the necessary research materials? Will you be able to obtain all of the necessary resources for conducting a research study? Will you be able to travel if it was required?
  • Do you find the thesis topic interesting? Do you expect the interest to be sustained over the duration of the study?
  • Is your topic meaningful and relevant in your field?
  • Has anyone already published a paper on your thesis topic from the perspective research question?
  • Do you have a suitable advisor willing to oversee the project?

You will need to extensively consult with your advisor, who will hopefully be able to give you the extra bit of guidance necessary to finalize your choice. If your advisor will be chosen depending on your thesis topic, see if you can consult with your potential advisors. Otherwise, talk to a trusted faculty member or mentor to get feedback on your proposed thesis topic. Your thesis topic will need to be approved by your advisor before it is finalized.

Selecting a thesis topic can be daunting, but once you have made your decision, you are ready for the real work to begin. No matter what topic you choose, you are about to embark on a great endeavor. Check out our site for more tips on how to write a good thesis, where to find the best thesis editing services, and more about thesis editing and proofreading services. 

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Review Checklist

Below is a checklist for you to follow as you go through the process of choosing a thesis topic.

Check the requirements for selecting a thesis topic:

Make a note of the word count requirements and the final deadline before you begin

Check for any preliminary deadlines before the final deadline. For example, if there is a proposal deadline, or individual chapter deadlines.

Discuss with your professor to see if they have any specific requirements or limitations for your research.

Inquire about any requirements for your methodology; if a literature review is acceptable; or if you are required to do fieldwork.

Check to see if there is a minimum acceptable study size in case you are expected to do your own fieldwork.

Look out for any other requirements related to your fieldwork like specific required sources or any possible restrictions.

Review your past work and current trending research for potential topics

Talk to friends and professors about interests

Review relevant journals and publications for inspiration

Rank potential topics in the order of how interesting you find them

Review the literature on potential topics

Discuss the feasibility of your proposed topic with your advisor

Select your thesis topic

How do I begin my search for thesis topic ideas? +

  • Start with your previous writing work.
  • Shortlist topics you have an interest in or are passionate about
  • Talk to your supervisors, peers and colleagues for suggestions
  • Read popular journals for hot research topics
  • Rank your top three thesis topic ideas in order of preference
  • Finally, consult your advisor before seeking approval

How do I know if my thesis topic is promising and unique? +

  • Begin with identifying a strong research question
  • Always avoid yes/no type questions when finalizing a research question
  • Make sure your thesis topic addresses all aspects of your clearly defined research question
  • The topic should be broad never vague and precise
  • It should contribute to a better understanding of the research field

Reference management. Clean and simple.

Is it a good thesis topic?

bachelor thesis subjects

Does the topic have a clear aim?

Is the topic researchable, is the topic original enough, will the topic be interesting to your audience.

  • What methodology will your topic require?

Additional criteria for a good thesis topic

Frequently asked questions about having a good thesis topic, related articles.

Before starting the actual research for your thesis, you need to make sure that your topic is well formed. Take a look at this list of questions to find out if your topic is ready to work on.

First things first, is your topic clear enough? The ideal path of deciding a topic starts by making it as comprehensive as possible. This is easier said than done, as people often have one idea in mind but another one in the paper.

Tip: To ensure that your topic is clear and comprehensible, try explaining it to a friend or colleague.

As James Hamilton, coach for Ph.D. students, concludes in his guide on finding a thesis topic “clarity is the key.” Therefore, we recommend explaining your topic to someone foreign to your field.

Dissect every part of the topic and describe them in the most simple way. This will help you see your topic from a different perspective. Once you have a simplified version, you can start adding layers of complexity.

Once you are sure the topic is crystal clear, it is time to find out the most important factor: does the topic offer enough information? If you came up with the topic from material you read before, or you heard about it in a lecture, it means the topic is probably highly researchable.

Use keywords related to your topic and search for them in:

  • library catalogs
  • academic databases
  • academic search engines
  • Google scholar
  • academic repositories

Consider meeting with an academic librarian, who can help you generate keywords.

Every thesis requires a level of originality but, let's be honest, research is never completely original. Still, why not make it as original as you can within your limits? You will dive in a sea of papers with a similar approach to yours. This is your chance of finding an angle that has never been taken before.

Therefore, we recommend finding a gap in the research, or a certain angle that has been done before but could be further developed. How? By simply paying particular attention to your sources.

Tip: To determine if your thesis topic is original, consider speaking with your advisor, or others in your field, who may know the research landscape really well.

Academic writing shouldn’t be boring. Depending on the level of your thesis, its appeal will vary. Identify the audience of your thesis and adapt its style and structure accordingly.

A bachelor’s thesis has to be interesting for the professor who grades it it. An MA thesis should attract your supervisor, and potential future employers. A Ph.D. thesis should strive to make a clear intervention in the field that will catch the attention of other scholars. It should engage peers, supervisor, and general researchers.

Once you know who you are writing for, it becomes easier to adapt your style to your target audience. We also recommend these 13 ways to make your writing more interesting to read.

W hat methodology will your topic require?

Picking a suitable research methodology is one of the most important components that can make a project fail or succeed.

Being aware of what type of outcome you want and how much time you have to conduct research will help you choose the right methodologies. For example, if you want qualitative data and you have enough time, then you can carry out a focus group.

If you want quantitative data in a short period of time then an online survey suffices. Time and goal will be the decisive factors in almost every project.

Check out our guide on How to gather data for your thesis for further instructions on collecting empirical data and choosing a methodology.

  • Qualitative : focus groups, interviews, literature reviews, etc.
  • Quantitative : surveys, experiments, longitudinal studies, etc.

You might also ask yourself these questions when you are assessing if your thesis topic is good:

  • Is the topic easy to find?
  • Is the topic of interest in contemporary culture?
  • Will the topic bring you any benefit after graduation?

Every thesis requires a level of originality but let's be honest, research is never completely original. To have an original topic, we recommend finding a gap in the research. How? By simply finding a certain angle that has been done before but could be further developed.

Academic writing shouldn’t be boring. In order to make it interesting, you should identify the audience of your project and adapt it accordingly. A bachelor’s thesis has to be interesting for the professor who grades it it. An MA thesis should attract your supervisor, and potential future employers. A Ph.D. thesis should strive to make a clear intervention in the field that will catch the attention of other scholars.

We recommend explaining your topic to someone foreign to your field. Dissect every part of the topic and describe it in the most simple way. This will help you see your topic from a different perspective.

If you came up with the topic from material you read before, or you heard about it in a lecture, it means the topic is probably highly researchable. Use keywords related to your topic and search for them in catalogs, databases, search engines, and libraries.

Some other questions you can ask yourself (or others) to know if your thesis topic is good:

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bachelor thesis subjects

Economics Undergraduate Honors Theses

Examples of honors theses written by economics undergraduate students.

Posted with permission of the author. © 2019-2022 by the individual author. All rights reserved.

  • "The Causal Effect of ACA Subsidies on Insurance Coverage Status Among California Adults"  - William Vereyken
  • "Economic Impacts of Immigration Detention Centers Built Between 1990-2016 on U.S. Commuting Zones"  - Ekaterina Yudina

Spring/Summer 2022

  • "The Impact of Indiv. Mandate on High-Income, Non-elderly Indiv. Health Insurance Coverage Rates and Racial/Ethnic Disparities"  - YeJin Ahn
  • "An Economic Analysis of the 1997 Amhara Land Redistribution in Ethiopia"  - Ezana Anley
  • "Affirmative Action's Effect on Educational and Wage Outcomes for Underrepresented Minorities"  - Vishnu G. Arul
  • "Are the Effects of Racism Really That Black and White? A Study on the Effect Racism Has on the Productivity of Black   Footballers in the Premier League"  - Advik Banerjee
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  • "How Education Affects Health Outcomes Across Genders"  - Jessica Li
  • "Is Increasing Diversity Inclusion Effective in Improving Companies' Performance in the Financial Services Industry?"  - Miranda Li
  • "The Future Financial Status of the Social Security Program"  - Chloe Manouchehri
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  • "Relationship Between Economic Status and Money Spent on Private Education Leading to Economic Inequality in South Korea"  - Jiho Lee
  • "The Impact of Migrant Remittances on Rural Labor Supply: Evidence from Nepal"  - Amanda Wong
  • "Confirmation Bias: The Role of Messages and Messengers"  - Hongyu (Randol) Yao

Spring 2021

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  • "Gender Representation in Academia: Evidence from the Italian Education System Reform" - Oyundari Batbayar
  • "Money & Marriage on the Elementary Mind: A High-Level Analysis of Inequitable Child Development in LA County" - Matthew J. Chang
  • "Unanticipated Unemployment Rate News on the Stock Market" - David Chi
  • "Should Physicians Be More Collaborative? Determining the Relationship Between Patient Participation and Treatment Plan Confidence Across a Spectrum of Illness Severity in the State of California" - Saif Chowdhury
  • "Modeling Optimal Investment and Greenhouse Gas Abatement in the Presence of Technology Spillovers" - Sabrina Chui
  • "Understanding the Influence of Marginal Income Tax Rates on Retirement Investment Habits"  - Daniel Cohen
  • "Infrastructure in India's Internal War: A District-Level Analysis of the Naxalite-Maoist Conflict" - Krunal Desai
  • "Do Eucalyptus Trees Increase Wildfires?"  - Lila Englander
  • "Understanding the Labor Outcomes of Hurricane Sandy" - Kevin Fang
  • "Does TikTok Show Viewers the Content Relevant to them?" - Ekaterina Fedorova
  • "The Impact of the Affordable Care Act Dependent Care Provision on Long-term Young Adult Labor Market Choices" - Anne Fogarty
  • "Orchestra Sex Disparity: Experimental Evidence from Audience Members" - Richard Gong
  • "The Big Three Medical Price Indexes: A Comparative Review and Analysis"  - Robert Hovakimyan
  • "Effect of Value-Added-Services on Customer Reviews in a Platform Marketplace" - Shankar Krishnan
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  • "The Gender Wage Gap in China: Learning from Recent Longitudinal Data" - Donghe Lyu
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  • "Trust in Government and Lockdown Compliance in Sub-Saharan Africa" - Charles McMurry
  • "I Do (or Don't): The Impact of Same-Sex Marriage Laws on International Tourism" - Oliver McNeil
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Spring/Summer 2020

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  • "Examining Local Price Levels and Income Distribution Over Time" - Josh Archer
  • "Estimating the Effect of Grandparent Death on Fertility" - Jason Chen
  • "Democracy in the Face of COVID-19: Have Less Democratic Countries Been More Effective at Preventing the Spread of This Pandemic ?" - Yi Chen
  • "Understanding the Effects of Conditional Cash Transfers on Indigenous People in Mexico" - Arushi Desai
  • "Microfinance and Payday Lending: Are they Solving a Problem or Creating One?" - Sophia Faulkner
  • "The Risk-Taking Channel of Monetary Policy and Foreign Banks" - Noah Forougi
  • "Ride of Die? Metropolitan Bikeshare Systems and Pollution" - Sean Furuta
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  • "The Relationship between Economic Crises and Long-Run Wealth Inequality" - Renuka Garg
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  • "Global Food Security and the El Niño-Southern Oscillation"  - Aidan Wang
  • "The Relationship Between Pharmaceutical R&D Spending and NME Development" - Taylor Wang
  • "The Role of Individual Risk Attitude in Occupational Inheritance" - Yi Wang
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  • "Race and Recession: How Minorities May Affect Downturns" - Alexander Szarka
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  • "Effect of High-Speed Rail on City Tourism Revenue in China: A Perspective on Spatial Connectivity" - Lingyun Xiao

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History Thesis Topics: List of 69 Outstanding Ideas

bachelor thesis subjects

Unless you plan to go for a Ph.D. in history, a thesis will be the most significant academic writing of your life. It shows your in-depth knowledge of a subject, your ability to think logically, creatively, and originally. Besides, it’s a great way to demonstrate how good your writing is.

But finding an appropriate title for your thesis is a challenging task. You may feel unsure about any idea until you see the rest of them. So, what can help you?

A history thesis topics list, of course. In this article, you’ll consider a wide variety of ideas about historical events and figures. There are some tips on picking the right one for you. With a little explanation of the basics, you’ll differentiate the Bachelor’s thesis from the Master’s one in a second.

  • ☝️ How to Choose?
  • ⭐ Top-12 Thesis Ideas
  • 🚀 American History
  • ⚔️ European History
  • 🎨 Art History
  • 📚 MA Thesis Topics
  • 🦉 MPhil Thesis Ideas
  • 👨‍🏫 Thesis vs. Dissertation

☝ How to Choose a History Thesis Topic?

Before picking a topic about history, you have to understand what you’re looking for. Take into account that you’re going to spend plenty of time writing your thesis. So, you need to find an idea that engages you and is worthy of your time. Don’t go for a random history topic that you do not feel passionate about.

Searching for an idea, follow the tips below:

  • Find a topic that interests you . You’ll most probably write your thesis for a whole semester or even longer. That’s why you should determine something that doesn’t bore easily. At least those countless hours in the library will be spent with pleasure. The more the idea challenges and intrigues you, the less you’ll procrastinate and suffer from writing. No one can tell you what to write about. Your advisor can help you specify the topic, but it is up to you what to write about.
  • Look for a topic that creates a trajectory for further research . You may not pursue it later, but having an opportunity to do so is a significant advantage. If you decide to pursue a further degree, you will already be familiar with the topic well. Take a look at available works in a free essays database to get a clearer picture of what can be further explored.
  • Find a professor who will become your thesis advisor . Bring some thesis ideas up and see what your instructor suggests. It’s a good thing to have several research topics in mind—the instructor can help you determine the best one.
  • Think beyond the graduation date . Whether you are going to start a career or continue your studies, your thesis should help you in achieving your goals. What may your employer look for in your paper? What do you need to be successful in your job or further research? It’s good to approach the issue with some level of practicality. See if you can apply the skills and information you’ve acquired to your professional life.
  • Strive for originality but stay within your studies context . Try to make your title unique to grasp attention and intrigue from the get-go. At the same time, don’t fall outside the scope of your field. Before picking a topic, do some research to understand the field deeper. This way, you’ll see what exactly you would like to address.
  • Make sure your title fits the requirements . Open your university guidelines for the thesis work and find this out before anything else. Ask your thesis advisor as well to give you honest feedback.

You don't have to choose a thesis topic that reflects the latest craze in your field.

⭐ Top-12 History Thesis Ideas

  • Civil War — the role of women.
  • The Watergate Scandal.
  • Contemporary art history.
  • The Napoleonic Wars.
  • Causes of World War 2.
  • Impact of the Black Plague.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis.
  • Japanese-American conflict.
  • The Vietnam anti-war protests.
  • Origins of the Great Famine in Ireland.
  • The French Revolution.
  • The rule of Elizabeth I.

📝 History Thesis Topics for Bachelor’s Degree

Usually, American Universities don’t require students to write a Senior Thesis. However, you still have an option to choose one. You can write a thesis as a part of your program completion. It will take a lot of time, energy, and effort. But, in the end, you will be able to produce a prime piece of academic writing.

Strive to write anywhere from 60 to 100 pages. You will also dedicate a lot of time writing and polishing it afterward. Make sure to leave enough time for that too.

What’s the first step?

Look for a thesis advisor you know you will enjoy working with. Consider all the professors you’ve interacted with at your university and pick several. Approach them and see if they are accepting new students for thesis supervision.

Make sure to choose a history thesis paper topic that your advisor knows a lot about. At some point, you will become very knowledgeable about the history thesis topic you chose. It will be crucial to have someone who can direct you.

There are several reasons why you should consider writing a thesis for a Bachelor’s Degree in history:

  • It provides you with essential experience in writing, researching, and brainstorming ideas. It can later help you in your academic or professional life.
  • You can deeply understand a subject that interests you.
  • You can improve your reading skills.
  • If you have to use foreign sources, you can also increase your foreign language skills.

Having a strong position on the history thesis topic is great.

Are you still wondering what historical thesis ideas are appropriate? Then, this list is perfect for you.

🚀 American History Thesis Topics

  • African American history in the United States : disfranchisement and segregation in 1890-1900
  • Early American History and the lost colony of Roanoke
  • The construction of race in American culture and history. It’s not a secret that race is a social construct. In American culture and history, it plays a critical role. In the thesis, you will have a chance to research the mechanisms through which the race was constructed. Movies, literary representations, articles, what else? It’s up to you to find out what can be relevant.
  • World War 2 through personal letters and diaries . This thesis can be personal and will not leave people indifferent. Examination of diaries, notes, and personal accounts can be fascinating. You won’t be bored doing historical research. Maybe you even have some in your own family? Worth checking it out.
  • Guilt over Slavery in the United States: a historical examination
  • Gender equality in American education . A comparative study of Germany, Russia, The United States
  • New York City and its historical geography. NYC is one of the captivating American cities. Writing a thesis about its historical geography is not an easy task. Gladly, you have tons of information available to you.

You can examine various documents for your history thesis topic.

  • Rocket Science as one of the most significant innovations of the 20th century
  • Examining the Role of Privilege within the Ivy League Universities
  • Role of American Public Health in a Post-9/11 World

⚔ European History Thesis Topics

  • Formation and development of the European Union during the 20th century
  • Feminist perspective on the representation of women in Roman Art
  • Religion and Nation in Europe in the 19th century
  • Construction of National Identity in Post-Soviet Latvia. What did contribute to developing a national identity of post-soviet Latvia? First of all, its independence and belonging to the European Union. In this thesis, talk about colonization and colonial identity. Consider the policies Latvian government implemented to build a Latvian character. What is it? What are the essential characteristics of it?
  • Composition and religious hierarchy in The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci
  • Representation of Jews in Late Medieval Period in Europe
  • Problems of political leadership in Athens of 404-355 BCE
  • The French Renaissance Court and its structural hierarchy. This topic is interesting yet complex. Its complexity comes not from the name but the nature of the French Renaissance Court. You need to have a clear idea of how the royal court is built and is operating. Find relevant historians of that time, and, hopefully, you can speak some French.
  • Immigrational Politics of the United Kingdom. The problem of multiculturism at the beginning of 1960-1980.
  • Orientalism or the Middle East through the prism of Western scholars in the XIX century. In this thesis, start by exploring the notion of Orientalism. Edward Said will be a good point of departure and one of the most fundamental works to cite and read. You can agree with his argument or disagree with it. Nevertheless, find the relevant evidence for your point of view.

🎨 Art History Thesis Topics

  • Medicine in Ancient Rome with a focus on surgeries through paintings. This thesis topic is rich. Numerous Ancient Roman paintings depict surgeries and medical treatments. Find the most interesting ones and talk about innovations in medicine. What was the point of recording medical procedures in art? Truly a topic that can captivate anyone.
  • Vincent Van Gogh: A phycological analysis of the artist’s last years . In this thesis, examine his artworks together with the personal letters. Look at the words he used, as well as the images he painted. You need it to comprehend what was happening in Vincent’s life in his last years. Some art therapists claim that the artist had bipolar disorder. Examine those views. However, be careful not to give any medical diagnosis yourself.

Analyze how Vincent Van Gogh's life and mental health issues affected his art.

  • Plato on Punishment and Vice: the notion of punishment in The Republic. You cannot get a degree without reading the most fundamental text of the Western Academy, The Republic . In this thesis, you should simply focus on the ideas of punishment and vice. Plato wrote a lot regarding the morals and the laws. Try to discern what exactly he meant. Extract his views regarding capital punishment and punitive justice.
  • Modern Art in Europe, with a specific focus on Italy
  • Trade in Medieval Europe with a focus on Africa through art
  • The erotism of art of Ancient Rome
  • Synthesis of sculpture and paintings in Spanish art of the 17th century
  • Neoclassicism in French art of the 1900s-1910s
  • Surrealism in Art as the quintessence between realism and hyper-realism

📋 History Thesis Topics for Master’s Degree

In the United States, to enter a graduate degree in history, a bachelor’s degree is required. Most of the time, students will have to submit several recommendation letters. Plus, they need GRE scores and writing samples. Add to this several essays explaining the purpose of going to university again, and there you have it.

Bachelor’s thesis can serve as your writing sample.

It is common to have several completion requirements. They can include basic courses, language tests, and a master’s thesis at the end of the program. However, it depends on the department and the university.

Keep in mind that there are several credits that students should obtain to get a degree. It differs from university to university as well. In most of the programs throughout the United States, they are required to complete 30-32 credits to get an M.A. degree. This number usually corresponds to 8-9 classes.

If you are pursuing an M.A., you’re in luck. There is an excellent chance that you will be able to choose if you would like to write a thesis or not. If you are pursuing an M.Phil., then you will have to write your thesis because it’s a research degree.

No matter if you are pursuing an M.A. or an M.Phil., this historical thesis ideas can help you find a title:

📚 MA Thesis Topics in History

  • Apotheosis of the Philippine Historical Political Tradition
  • Kerala History: Syrian Christians in the region in the 18th century
  • History of Modern India with a focus on women’s rights
  • The history of theater in the American South and the main characteristics of the Southern Drama. This thesis includes a lot of aspects starting from playwriting in Charleston to drama in New Orleans. Then there are War Drama, Black Drama, etc. Try to find a good balance to fit all of the main characteristics of the Southern Drama and theater.
  • New Deal and its impacts on events leading to the Great Depression
  • Mistakes of the Soviet side in WW2. WWII was the deadliest military conflict of the 20th century. In this thesis, talk about the biggest mistakes the Red Army made during the war. Some of those can include signing to the Non-Aggression Pact with Hitler. Plus, there were anti-tank dogs and the Molovot-Ribbentrop Pact.

The initial period of World War II for the USSR was a real catastrophe for the Red Army's tanks.

  • Military strategies that allowed Napoleon to win crucial battles
  • Mussolini & Hitler : connection along with its consequences for Italy
  • Queen Victoria’s politics and the way it has changed British history
  • The Development of Strategic Bombing Doctrine Between the World Wars
  • Historical Creation of a Black Elite in the United States
  • Through Imperial Eyes: Race and British Reactions to the American Slavery Question
  • Gertrude Bell’s Influence in the Formation of Iraq. Gertrude Bell is a crucial figure in Islamic studies. She contributed a lot to the formation of Iraq. In this thesis, explore her unique contribution and approach to building a modern state of the country. She was highly trusted by British politicians and by Arab leaders.
  • Baptist church history as a way to escape slavery

🦉 MPhil Thesis Topics in History

  • Investigating the impact of WWI on trade blocks. A case study of the European Union
  • Women in WWII: sexual objectification of women through magazines and advertisement. Women played an integral part in WWII. In this thesis, explore the role of sexual imagery in the advertising industry during the war.
  • Sudan-American relationships in 1989-2000: US Foreign Policy and Genocide in Sudan
  • Criticism of the war on drugs during the Ronald Reagan administration
  • The political evolution of the Southern States during the Reconstruction Era
  • Everest Expeditions in British Popular Culture, 1920-1960. Explore how Everest Expeditions were depicted in British movies. Analyze the subject via comics, journals, and visual art in the first part of the 20th century.
  • Impact of Otto von Bismarck on German Liberalism

Otto von Bismarck was a prime minister of Prussia and founder of the German Empire.

  • Discrimination of German immigrants in the USA during WW2
  • The Fourth International and the Spanish Civil War
  • Political and economic aspects of the crisis in Venetian Diplomacy in the 1500s
  • The connection between institutionalized racism and police violence in the United States. There are several dimensions to racism. In this thesis, look for a connection between structural racism and police violence in the US. Compare the numbers, look at the stories. See if this data exposes any hidden bias.
  • An image of the Medieval Period in Post Modern Art
  • A comparative analysis of the Four Quran English Translation. In this thesis, discuss why and how the Quran can be translated. Also, you should look at the four translations. Try to determine which one is the closest. To do that, you need to have an advanced level of Arabic.
  • The psychological effect of war on American soldiers in Vietnam

👨‍🏫 Differences between a Thesis and Dissertation

Understanding the difference between a thesis and a dissertation is essential. Would you like to obtain a master’s and a doctoral degree? Then read attentively. In the United States, both thesis and dissertation are vital for this purpose.

The prominent differences that you have to realize are the following:

  • A dissertation is required to graduate with a doctoral degree. A thesis is a culmination of a master’s program.
  • A dissertation is written to add a new piece of knowledge to the field. A thesis is to show that you have enough knowledge about the field.
  • A dissertation usually takes several semesters, sometimes even years, to complete. A thesis does not require this amount of time. It can be finished within months.
  • A dissertation can be seen as an academic book. A master’s thesis is a long research paper.

A dissertation has to be defended, while the master's thesis doesn't require defense in most universities.

Let’s see the main characteristics of a bachelor’s thesis, a master’s thesis, an MPhil’s thesis, and a dissertation:

  • A Bachelor’s Thesis (honors thesis). It’s a research-based paper that allows undergraduate students to put their knowledge into practice. The paper is usually 40-60 pages long. It includes an introduction, main body, conclusion, and bibliography.
  • A Master’s Thesis. It’s a piece of original scholarly work. A mater’s thesis is written under the close supervision of an academic advisor. It attempts to bring some fresh look or a new perspective to a field of study. The length of a master’s thesis can vary. Usually, it doesn’t go beyond 100 pages.
  • An MPhil’s Thesis (Master of Philosophy). It’s a specific type of thesis. As it was stated earlier, most American Universities don’t grant this degree. A few schools give it under specific circumstances. Doctoral students should accomplish all the course work and pass their exams. Then, this degree can be granted to them. A more colloquial way to call this degree is “all but dissertation.” In other cases, this degree is granted to students who are doing their postgraduate research.
  • A Dissertation. It’s a major piece of academic writing. It’s independent, shows critical and thinking ability. A dissertation is meant to illustrate academic knowledge, originality of work, and research skills. The length usually stays within 200-300 pages.

Each thesis and dissertation has its distinct structure.

Any thesis or dissertation is a monumental work. Choose a topic that you are passionate about. Make sure it’s researchable and clear, but at the same time memorable. Spend time writing, proofreading, editing, and talking to your advisor about your ideas and academic goals.

Remember that it is okay to get frustrated and tired at times. If it happens to you, stop working for a bit and relax. Good luck and congratulations on your soon to be graduation! We hope this article was helpful. Share it with those who may need a history thesis topic or a piece of advice.

🔗 References

  • MPhil in History: University of Oxford
  • How to Pick a Masters Thesis Topic: Peter Campbell for Medium
  • How Do I Choose A Thesis Topic: Grad School Hub
  • Writing a Senior Thesis: Undergraduate Program, Department of History, Brandeis University
  • The Bachelor’s Thesis, Bachelor EE: University of Twente
  • Guidelines for the Preparation of Your Master’s Thesis: the Office of Graduate Studies and Research: University of Nebraska at Kearney
  • Guidelines for Writing a Master’s Thesis for MA Degree: Jeremy Bailey, Susan Scarrow, University of Houston
  • What is a dissertation? How it is different from an essay: The Royal Literary Fund
  • What is the Difference Between a Thesis and a Dissertation: The Best Master’s Degrees
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bachelor thesis subjects

Bachelor thesis

Writing a thesis is an important part of your bachelor programme. The section CPT can supervise BCL, BGM, BIN, BBC and BVG bachelor theses.

Selecting a topic

The first step in working on a bachelor thesis is the selection of a topic. You can either develop your own topic or select an available topic from the CPT section. Please note that the topic of your thesis must always be approved by your supervisor.

You are advised to choose a topic that is close to the research being carried out by the chair group, to ensure suitable supervision and guidance. As soon as you have made up your mind, contact the thesis coordinator. After discussing the possible topic(s) and completed courses, the coordinator can direct you to a possible supervisor.

If you need some inspiration, here are some options:

  • Check the available topics on Brightspace
  • Attend CPT thesis colloquia of fellow students
  • Check the fields of interest of our staff in our online magazine
  • Have a look at the list of previous thesis topics
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How to Choose an Undergraduate Architecture Thesis Topic

bachelor thesis subjects

  • Written by Suneet Zishan Langar
  • Published on September 11, 2017

As architecture students head to their final year of BArch, half-crazy from years’ worth of scraped fingers, ghastly juries, sleepless nights, and a general lack of social life, they encounter the mighty problem of choosing a thesis topic. There are many subjects to choose from, but a personal interest in a particular subject is just one of the many factors that should influence this decision. Students need to ask themselves several other questions: Is the topic significant enough? Is it expansive enough? Is the project realistically doable?

The process can be daunting, for the decision has many consequences; sometimes, the choice of topic alone can mean the difference between the success and failure of a thesis. With so many factors to consider and deadlines closing in, students easily end up making decisions that they regret later. Here are eight tips to help you make an informed choice on the matter:

1. Dare to Be Un original

bachelor thesis subjects

Thesis work at the undergraduate level strongly differs from that at the graduate or doctoral level, and it is important to understand the rationale behind its inclusion in the curriculum. Work at the graduate or doctoral level usually asks for the identification of a “gap in existing knowledge” about a subject and an original proposal to bridge that gap, but the expectations of an undergraduate student are less demanding. This means that you don’t necessarily have to go out of your way to be innovative at the undergraduate level. Choosing a simple unoriginal topic but executing it in a way that exhibits all the knowledge you’ve acquired in college will also do the trick.

2. Choose a Topic that Personally Interests You

bachelor thesis subjects

With your peers picking varied topics and schedules, this year will be lonesome; the most you will have for company on an average day is a drawing board, your laptop, some books, and coffee. You will find yourself routinely getting distracted by Buzzfeed ’s latest video on Youtube or the cool new Drake track. Choosing a topic that you’re passionate about will make sure that you stay inspired and motivated to work, which should ultimately result in a great final project.

3. Set Your Scope Small

bachelor thesis subjects

Many students give in to the natural temptation to do too much by picking topics or issues that are too expansive, and therefore almost impossible to execute in a short time-frame. A tip would be to start with the simplest version of a topic and add in extra complexity later if the circumstances allow it.

4. Recognize What You’re Good at

Every student possesses a unique set of skills and abilities which they’ve acquired through their experiences and by following their interests. No one is good at everything. An unbiased understanding of your creative and technical capacities and their limits thereof will allow you to choose a topic that best employs your expertise.

5. Is There Enough Existing Literature on the Topic?

bachelor thesis subjects

A thesis project requires an enormous amount of reading and analysis before the beginning of the design process, and the primary source of reference information for an undergraduate student is usually existing studies or research. Hence, it makes sense to choose an area of study where a substantial amount of previous work exists. The availability of such work will enable you to analyze, compare, draw conclusions, and employ the knowledge gained to suggest an informed proposal.

6. Strike a Balance Between Art and Science

bachelor thesis subjects

Architecture students dig themselves a grave when they begin to romanticize their thesis projects. It is hard to blame them, however, when you consider that the thesis project is viewed as the culmination of a multi-year program which is rooted as deeply in art and theory as it is in building technology. But it’s imperative to find a topic that is a balance of the two. A topic that seems too abstract might make it difficult for a jury to ascertain a student’s understanding of tangible issues.

7. What Do You Want to Do in the Future?

The thesis project is the single most important part of your portfolio as a fresh architecture graduate looking for a job in the industry or applying for a graduate program. The choice of topic will reflect your interest in or experience with a particular specialized subject. Hence, when choosing a thesis topic, you should try to align it with your plans for the near future.

8. Aim to Solve a Real World Problem

bachelor thesis subjects

While there are many wide-ranging opinions about architecture’s ideal role in society, there is a general agreement that an architect’s work does influence how a society functions and evolves. In a world that is grappling with myriad serious issues like climate change, population growth, and an inequitable distribution of resources, it benefits young architecture students to acquaint themselves with the larger picture, and to choose a topic that at least aims to solve a current socio-environmental problem through a design intervention.

bachelor thesis subjects

  • Sustainability


© Suneet Zishan Langar


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Munich Business School Insights

The Best Final Theses in 2022

March 27, 2023

Collage of the best final theses 2022 submitted at Munich Business School

More than 170 final theses were submitted to the examination office of Munich Business School in 2022. Four of them stood out in particular: They are the best theses of the year and were included in the MBS Outstanding Thesis series. In the blog article, we present the topics of the theses in more detail and let the honorees and their supervisors have their say.

As in the previous year , the best theses of 2022 demonstrate that bachelor’s and master’s theses are not only the icing on the cake on the way to graduation, but can also make a valuable contribution to research on current topics. “Best”, by the way, does not only refer to an outstanding grade; the theses should primarily convince through innovative approaches and methods as well as new findings.

And now, clear the ring for the best theses of 2022!

Mitigating, Managing and Moving Past Burnout: An Organizational Perspective on Mental and Physical Well-Being

Bachelor’s thesis by gavin trudeau.

Gavin Trudeau, graduate of the bachelor’s program International Business at MBS, deals in his bachelor’s thesis with the topic of burnout, which has become more present in society as well as in medicine and the workplace in recent years. On the basis that burnout is not just an isolated feeling of overwhelm, but a syndrome which is experienced after ongoing negative experiences that and poses great dangers to organizations and their employees, Gavin Trudeau discusses causes, symptoms, and prevention strategies. By combining a comprehensive literature review with empirical research consisting of a self-reporting survey and in-depth interviews, the bachelor’s graduate succeeds in painting a “holistic picture” that reveals “not only what causes stress at the workplace but also shows the drivers as well as appropriate measures at the company and their relation to avoid negative impacts” – say the thesis supervisors Prof. Dr. Arnd Albrecht and Evelyn Albrecht-Goepfert.

Portrait Gavin Trudeau

We asked Gavin Trudeau how he came to address the topic of burnout in his bachelor’s thesis:

“I have always been interested in psychology and the importance of mental health so it was important for me to bring those two elements into my thesis and relate it to current issues I had been witnessing in the business landscape. At the time I started thinking about my topic we were still in the depths of the pandemic, and working from home was still mandatory for most people. I was seeing and hearing so many examples of people from my network experiencing abnormal levels of stress at their jobs and having difficulties adapting to the new way of life and working, which ultimately led me to the topic of burnout prevention, stress reduction and health promotion. I thought these topics were extremely relevant and also forward thinking. The importance of mental health in the workplace is on the rise and starting to be seen as equally important as physical health. My motivation for this research was to be able to provide valuable and insightful data and recommendations so that CEO’s, managers, entrepreneurs and employees can integrate these learnings into their lives to create healthier and more positive work environments.”

You can read the full paper here .

Bootstrapping New Networks – Incentivization Strategies to Leverage Network Effects within Digital Platforms by Using Blockchain Technology

Master’s thesis by philipp wohlfart.

Portrait Philipp Wohlfart

Start-ups must deal with the “cold start” problem and especially for platforms that fight the “chicken and egg” dilemma, building an initial user base is a major challenge. Since new emerging technologies such as blockchain technology have so far received only little attention in research on this topic, although they promise attractive solutions, Philipp Wohlfart addresses this issue in his master’s thesis. The Innovation and Entrepreneurship graduate explores the question of how blockchain technology can help to bootstrap new networks by using token incentives when application utility is still missing. To answer the question, Phillip Wohlfart conducted six semi-structured experts interviews – with the result that token incentives can support in many ways.

“From the factual coverage to the method to the results, a truly outstanding work: logically argued, well researched, and very structured and transparently presented. Phillip Wohlfarts findings have both theoretical and practical implications for stakeholder management and alignment within platforms. They also provide insight into how to create, evaluate or analyze sustainable blockchain-based platform designs.” Prof. Dr. Anne Tryba, supervisor of the thesis and former Professor for Entrepreneurship at MBS

Read the full thesis here .

Analysis of the Impact of Customer Experience Management Among B2B Companies in the Construction Industry

Mba master’s thesis by sarim mehtab hasan.

While B2C companies have been firmly incorporating customer experience management (CXM) strategies into their business models for quite some time and there is accordingly sufficient research on the subject, the relevance of CXM in the B2B context has only recently been repeatedly emphasized. To investigate the importance of CXM in the context of his master’s thesis, Sarim Mehtab Hasan chooses the construction industry, for which the requirement of customer experience is even more vital due to diverse stakeholders. Interviews with senior professionals from construction companies show that the construction industry is still traditional, focuses on short-term returns, which doesn’t align with customer’s needs, and overall lacks awareness of CXM and its benefits. Sarim Hasan uses these – rather sobering – results to derive recommendations as well as short- and long-term implementation strategies for the construction industry in terms of customer experience, which earned his thesis the rating “outstanding”.

Portrait Sarim Mehtab

We asked Sarim Hasan what it means to him that his thesis in the MBA General Management was awarded as MBS Outstanding Thesis:

It was my first time writing a thesis and I learnt a lot during the entire process. Not only was I able to get an extensive understanding of the topic of CXM in the B2B environment but also improve my personal & professional skills. This, combined with the experience I gained from the business projects during my studies at MBS, really elevated my capability to manage projects effectively, which is something I currently apply on a daily basis in my full-time job. Getting this award gave a substantial boost to my confidence levels, especially to take on new risks for a higher reward, and validated the importance of CXM in today’s customer-driven business world. After working for almost 8 months in a customer-facing role post-MBA, I can undoubtedly confirm that my thesis has played a major role in my performance as a Customer Experience Manager at A2MAC1 and I hope that other business students find value in my research and take it even further.

Economic Evaluation of Digitized Health Data for the German Health Care System Using the Example of the Electronic Health Record

Mba master’s thesis by dr. sven grösgen.

Portrait Sven Grösgen

Dr. Sven Grösgen dedicates his final thesis to a highly topical and explosively discussed subject: Germany’s plans to introduce of an electronic patient record. Such a digital file promises not only to improve healthcare, but also to have a positive impact on the economy. However, the status quo is that only 1.8% of total annual spending has been devoted to driving digitization in healthcare, while per capita spending continues to rise at the same time. With a general analysis of the electronic patient record and a detailed cost benefit analysis, Sven Grösgen shows that digital storage of health data has potential to counteract inefficiencies in healthcare and that the costs would be offset within the first ten years. In addition, the MBA graduate advocates an “opt-out” instead of an “opt-in” model and provides further impulses on how the implementation of an electronic patient record can be increased and further developed into an electronic health record.

“The author provides a very good and knowledgeable overview of existing literature and discusses all relevant aspects of the topic. At the time of the research, various reservations of both medical practitioners and patients shaped the discourse, so the focus on the economic benefits is particularly enlightening. As the relevance of the topic has recently increased even more, reading this thesis can be recommended to anyone seeking a sound basis on this topic area.” Prof. Dr. Eva Stumpfegger and Prof. Dr. Florian Bartholomae about why they decided to nominate Sven Grösgen’s thesis as MBS Outstanding Thesis
  • Bachelor International Business
  • Bachelor's Thesis
  • Customer Experience
  • Digitalization
  • Final Thesis
  • Health Care Management
  • Master Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Master's Thesis
  • MBA General Management
  • Mental Health

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Photo: Sarah Buth

Bachelor and Master Thesis

We offer a variety of cutting-edge and exciting research topics for Bachelor's and Master's theses. We cover a wide range of topics from Data Science, Natural Language Processing, Argument Mining, the Use of AI in Business, Ethics in AI and Multimodal AI. We are always open to suggestions for your own topics, so please feel free to contact us. We supervise students from all disciplines of business administration, business informatics, computer science and industrial engineering.

Thesis Topics

Example topics could be:

  • Conversational Artificial Intelligence in Insurance and Finance
  • Natural Language Processing for Understanding Financial Narratives: An Overview
  • Ethics at the Intersection of Finance and AI: A Comprehensive Literature Review
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Thesis Template

  • Latex Template for bachelor and master theses
  • How to use the latex template

Q1: How many pages do I need to write?

A: In general, the number of pages is only a poor indicator of the quality of a thesis. However, as a rule of thumb, bachelor theses should have around 30 pages, while master theses should be around 60 pages of main content (that is, without the appendix and lists of tables, symbols, figures, references etc.).

Q2: How often should I meet with my supervisor?

A: Your supervisors are typically very busy people. However, don't hesitate to ask in case you have questions. For instance, if you are unsure of some requirements, or in case you have methodological problems, it is absolutely necessary to talk to your supervisor. As a rule of thumb, you should meet at least three times (once in the beginning, once in the middle, and once before the submission).

Q3: Am I allowed to use any AI models in the process of writing my thesis?

A: In general, we neither forbid nor recommend the use of AI for writing support. However, if you use AI, please inform your supervisor. Also, you need to adhere to the recommendations on the use of AI writing assistants given by the faculty.

Q4: How much time do I have?

A: The exact timing is dependent on your study program! Thus, please check the examination requirements before the official start of your thesis -- you are responsible for sticking to the rules.

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They include Madison Pankey (all ’24, from left), Fez S. Zafar, Chibuikem C. “Chuby” Uche, Jeremy Ornstein, Saylor Willauer, and Shruthi Kumar model their prom attire.

Party like it’s 2020

Flowers mark a beautiful spring day on Harvard Divinity School's campus.

Study of Psychedelics in Society and Culture announces funding recipients

Ananda Birungi.

‘I was frustrated, infuriated, because women are just as capable’

Kathy Hanley.

Niles Singer/Harvard Staff Photographer

‘I haven’t really had a proper weekend in a long time’

Longtime supporter of grads Kathy Hanley caps 13-year quest with a Commencement of her own

Christina Pazzanese

Harvard Staff Writer

Part of the Commencement 2024 series

A collection of stories covering Harvard University’s 373rd Commencement.

Harvard Commencement has long been an important day for Katarzyna Hanley. Over the decade that she worked in the Registrar’s office at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, she had essential responsibilities to ensure the event went off without a hitch, such as maintaining the official list of graduates, and ordering and preparing the diplomas.

Next week, Commencement will once again be an important day for her, but for a very different reason. Hanley, who goes by Kathy, will finally receive a Bachelor of Liberal Arts degree from Harvard Extension School 13 years after she started.

“I can’t wait. It’s a celebration of a lot of years of commitment, so yes, I’m very much looking forward to it,” said Hanley, 45. “I feel like I’ve been a student for so long, I’m not sure what life after being a student looks like, but I think it’s great. I’m ready to be done.”  

She pursued a bachelor’s degree taking one course per semester while working full-time at Harvard, first in the Registrar’s office and now as a graduate program coordinator in the Department of Romance Languages & Literatures at FAS, where she provides support for 50-60 graduate students, making sure things run smoothly so they can focus on learning and teaching.

Hanley, who came to the U.S. from Poland when she was 12, had an associate degree from MassBay Community College and was employed for a time as a branch operations manager at a local banking chain, then processed paperwork at a medical records firm. None of it felt fulfilling.

“I just felt like I needed to find a career,” she said about applying to Harvard. “I wanted to get in at the ground level at Harvard University and see where that would take me.”

“I knew it was going to be a long road ahead and I just kept taking courses, just nose to the grindstone, and kept going.”

Hanley joined the FAS Registrar’s office, keeping student records up to date, ensuring University diplomas were printed correctly, and providing administrative support for the graduate program coordinators at various Schools.

Though not required to do her job, Hanley started to feel that a bachelor’s degree was the “bare minimum” she should have working at an institution of higher learning like Harvard, where everyone seemed to already have a college degree or be working toward one. So she began looking into offerings on campus with an eye toward perhaps one day getting a bachelor’s degree.

She attended an open house at Sanders Theatre where Davíd Carrasco , Neil L. Rudenstine Professor of the Study of Latin America and professor of Anthropology at FAS, spoke movingly about Harvard Extension, its students, and the importance of education.

Hanley took her first course in 2011, where her routine involved getting up at 4:30 a.m. to do some reading for class before putting in a full workday on campus and doing “a lot” of coursework on weekends. “I haven’t really had a proper weekend in a long time,” she said.

She credits the Extension School’s robust online learning program with making a difficult work/school/life balance feasible. “The flexibility has made it possible for me to get a degree.”

Hanley wasn’t always confident she’d reach this milestone. Five years ago, she couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel and wasn’t sure she could continue.

“I contemplated stopping the program just because it was so much work all the time,” she said of juggling her home life with work, commuting three hours a day roundtrip from Billerica to campus, keeping up with schoolwork, and planning for the next semester. “It was just too much.”

Though overwhelmed at times, Hanley wasn’t ready to bail. “I also felt that I’ve already invested so much time into it, it would be a shame to just throw it away,” she said. With the help of an academic adviser, Sarah Anne Stinnett , she reviewed her progress toward fulfilling the degree requirements and put together a game plan.

“She is amazing,” Hanley said of Stinnett. “She sat down with me and we kind of parsed out what else needed to be done, the options that I could explore, like taking some exams to offset some of the credits, transfer credits. She has led me through the last three to four years and how I could get that accomplished.” Stinnett’s guidance “was critical for me to finish the degree.”

With the path suddenly clear, Hanley put her head down and pushed ahead. “I knew it was going to be a long road ahead and I just kept taking courses, just nose to the grindstone, and kept going,” she said.

Fittingly, Hanley said, she is closing out her time as a student this semester with a course taught by Carrasco, the person who first inspired her academic journey, called “Quests for Wisdom.”

“Wisdom has a lot of definitions,” she said. “And I think to finish my career as a student with a quest for wisdom, where the course itself asks you to find your own ways toward wisdom, I think is just — cosmic design.”

Hanley is thrilled to finally be able to join in the Commencement festivities, this time wearing a cap and gown.

“For a long time, I found it almost embarrassing that it has taken me this long,” said Hanley, who took a couple of brief breaks over the 13 years. She advises other staff contemplating going back to school to just make the leap.

“Life happens, things will happen. So, I think if you want something, just do it. Commit to it, and just be persistent and do it.”

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Yale college 2024: meet some of the graduates.

Nathan Chen, Awa Cisse, Rohan Krishnan, Olivia Sally, Max Hammond, and Mirabel Nguyen.

Top row, left to right, Nathan Chen, Awa Cisse, and Rohan Krishnan. Second row, left to right, Olivia Sally, Max Hammond, and Mirabel Nguyen.

Here, Yale News spotlights a few of the exceptional members of the Yale College Class of 2024, a group whose accomplishments and contributions have strengthened the Yale campus and the world beyond.

Selected from nominations submitted by residential college heads and deans, these outstanding students include poets and physicists, pianists, and environmentalists, even an Olympic gold medal winner.  One arrived on campus with visions of becoming a neurosurgeon, but soon found his calling as a writer. Another, who came to Yale through the Eli Whitney Students Program, returned to her native Senegal with other Yale scientists waging a long-term battle on malaria. When they weren’t in the classroom, they were assisting migrant communities, creating new curricula for schoolchildren, or looking to prove long-held physics theories.

We hope this small but impressive sample offers a sense of the creativity, compassion, and resilience of the undergraduate Class of 2024.

Nicole Alleyne

Nicole Alleyne

For Nicole Alleyne, the human body is a versatile instrument — a maker of music, a channel to the past, a tool for learning, and a link to the land. She has tapped into these potentials while inspiring others to do the same through her academic and extracurricular pursuits at Yale College and beyond.

In her capstone project at Yale, Alleyne reimagined outdoor education with a focus on connecting Black students to the land.  She also she did fieldwork for a “land-based pedagogy” project during a gap year, leading a natural science curriculum for 5th-graders in Oregon.

“ Something that is totally missing in traditional education is treating students’ bodies as active parts and interlocutors in their learning experience,” she said. “For instance, when learning about plant species, we were using our senses. We were looking or touching, smelling. … Your body has all of these tools in order to learn about the world. How can we use our bodies and these gifts in ways we might not be able to do in the classroom?”

Read more about Nicole Alleyne

Nathan Chen

Nathan Chen

Nathan Chen always knew his Yale career would be split in two: when he arrived in the fall of 2018, the figure skater already had the 2022 Winter Olympics in his sights, and would need to take time off to prepare and compete.

While on campus, the demands of training meant that his days were packed, with classes in the morning and rink time in the afternoon. And even as he carried a full course load, he embarked on a remarkable competitive winning streak. He continued to dominate the sport during two years of leave from Yale, reaching the summit of the sport with a gold medal in men's single figure skating at the Beijing Olympics in 2022. Then came a whirlwind few months that included talk show appearances and a tour with Stars on Ice.

Yet when he returned to Yale that fall, it was with a renewed sense of excitement at becoming a student again —   and discovering some of the experiences he’d missed the first time around. 

Read more about Nathan Chen

Awa Cisse

There’s a word that carries deep cultural meaning in Awa Cisse’s native Senegal; Téranga , which comes from the Wolof language, connotes the values of selflessness and generosity, and the importance of giving back to one’s community.

For Cisse, the word téranga isn’t just a reminder of her Senegalese roots, it’s a sort of guidepost for how she wants to live her life.

As a young, girl she frequented hospitals for a variety of reasons and developed an appreciation for  just how many people it takes to provide patient care.  “There is this whole ecosystem of care, from the people who greet you at the front door to those who assist you when you’re leaving,” said Cisse, who came to Yale as part of the Eli Whitney Students Program.

“ Every single piece of the puzzle is important, and it all helps make everything work. This is what inspired me to pursue a life in health care.”

Read more about Awa Cisse

Amy Cohen

Drop in on Amy Cohen and chances are you’ll find her creating something beautiful: an architectural frame, a laser-cut puzzle, a strawberry cake, an oil painting. The mechanical engineering student’s online portfolio also displays a music box, a ceramic bowl, even a menorah made of hex nuts.

“ My grandfather bought me an Erector Set when I was little — sort of foreshadowing that I’ve always loved making things,” said Cohen.

She chose her major because it combined math and design — “two things I really like.” While completing a professionally accredited track with a near-perfect GPA, she worked with the acclaimed Hatfield Group as a structural engineering intern.  Meanwhile, the mechanical engineering department, recognizing her enthusiasm for the field, chose her as an undergraduate representative for committee and recruitment work.

“ It’s a small major — we’ve all had many classes together, so I’d say it feels like family,” Cohen said. “And I'm lucky to have several professors who have really taken an interest in helping me far beyond what was required in their class.”

Read more about Amy Cohen

Ben Everett-Lane

Ben Everett-Lane

Ben Everett-Lane’s academic journey has been driven by a deep curiosity about others — and a desire to connect.

When he learned that in 2012 some residents on the Connecticut shoreline decided to stay in their homes despite the threat of Hurricane Sandy, he became fascinated with how they reached this decisions. It would become the topic of his undergraduate thesis.

“ How people perceive and behave around climate change is meaningful to me, because fundamentally, we don’t need more science to prove that climate change exists — there’s clearly some disconnect between the science and the way that we perceive it and interact with it,” he said. “I’m interested in being a person who’s able to re-analyze, communicate, and work with different groups of people around climate change to tackle these knowledge gaps.”

Read more about Ben Everett-Lane

Laura Guerra-Lopez

Laura Guerra-Lopez

Growing up in Miami, Laura Guerra-Lopez would pepper her parents with questions about their native Venezuela, the once-democratic nation that was by then mired in political and economic chaos.

Looking back, Guerra-Lopez is grateful for the frank, but age-appropriate way her parents included her in those dinnertime conversations.  “They would have real conversations,” she said. “They would tell me about what was going on, but they introduced things in a way that was not so devastating that I turned away from it.”

Those interactions with her parents, and their closeness as a family in a new country where they had no other relatives, ignited her passion for social justice and serving the immigrant community.

Read more about Laura Guerra-Lopez

Max Hammond

Max Hammond

Over the winter, Max Hammond gave more time than usual to the piano — about eight hours a day, up from his long-term average of about five. He was applying to conservatories and aiming to impress.

The mathematics major from Los Angeles also took care to provide for his customary allotment of nightly rest: “I can’t function without eight or nine hours,” he said.

The extra keyboard and pillow time paid off: Hammond, a past winner of Yale’s Sharp Prize for “most outstanding performer in the junior class,” was accepted at six top music conservatories. After Yale, he’ll enroll at Julliard as a master’s degree candidate in solo piano performance, in tune with his pursuit of a career as a recitalist steeped in but hardly confined to the classical music cannon.

“ I want to figure out what’s next in classical music,” he said.

Read more about Max Hammond

Rohan Krishnan

Rohan Krishnan

Supporting refugee students as they navigated their new lives in New Haven was just one of many ways Rohan Krishnan made global connections during his time at Yale.

He came to campus committed to helping young migrants succeed academically — a cause he became passionate about while performing community service as a high school student. Beyond that, he was simply eager to experience as many new people, subjects, and activities as time would allow, thinking “the sky’s the limit.”

Still, he was amazed by the multitude of Yale’s offerings.

“ Never would I have imagined that I would meet world leaders, take courses with several former U.S. ambassadors, or tackle a real-world foreign policy issue,” said Krishnan, who majored in global affairs.

Read more about Rohan Krishnan

Alyssa Michel

Alyssa Michel

Before arriving at Yale four years ago, Alyssa Michel imagined that college life would be something like an extension of her high school years. An engaged student in high school, involved in 20 or so clubs, she expected her time at Yale would involve similar pursuits.

“ I thought that if I swam in high school, then I would swim in college. Or if I did journalism in high school, I would have to do journalism in college,” said Michel. “What I didn’t expect is that you can do whatever you want. And, especially at a place like Yale, when you do something, it becomes your baby, and you invest a lot of time into it.”

This realization opened up many new worlds to Michel — including podcasting, gardening, teaching,  and even launching a business inspired by her grandmother’s traditional sorrel recipe.

Read more about Alyssa Michel

Grace Miller

Grace Miller

As a Yale sophomore, Grace Miller began working as a student tutor in the Department of Economics. Helping her peers grasp the principles and intricacies of macroeconomics made her realize she that has a passion for education.

A year later, she began working as an intern three days a week at Common Ground High School, a public charter school in New Haven, serving as an aide in an outdoor leadership class and freshman algebra, chaperoning overnight camping trips, and running an afterschool program. And for her senior thesis, the economics major, who also completed the Education Studies Scholars Intensive Certificate, conducted an analysis of the effects of public school district mergers in Vermont.

Next year, she will teach in Chattanooga, Tennessee’s public school system.

Read more about Grace Miller

John Nguyen

John Nguyen

John Nguyen entered Yale with plans to become a neurosurgeon. Instead, he found his calling as a writer.

As a high school student in St. Paul, Minnesota, he had been laser-focused on STEM subjects. But after taking some English classes at Yale he discovered a new love for reading and writing — with the support of a community of humanists that included a Nobel Prize-winning poet.  

He decided to major in English and developed such a fondness for poetry that he started writing poems on his own. Last year Nguyen was selected to represent Yale in the annual Connecticut Poetry Circuit, a statewide competition of college student poets.

“ I’d never encountered such community in any other space.”

Read more about John Nguyen

Mirabel Nguyen

Mirabel Nguyen

Mirabel Nguyen came to Yale having never visited the campus. In fact, she’d barely seen any photographs before arriving in New Haven for the first time. But when selecting a college, she was determined not to be swayed by beautiful scenery anyway; she wanted to choose a school solely on its academic merits.

Nguyen was determined to excel academically and busy herself with extracurricular activities.  But after finally arriving at Yale, she began to develop more holistic goals.

“ I learned that it’s so much more than academic and extracurricular excellence that matters to me,” Nguyen said. “It’s the relationships that I’ve been building with people that show me how to be a better person.”

Read more about Mirabel Nguyen

Olivia Sally

Olivia Sally

If you had asked Olivia Sally a year ago where she’d be after graduating from Yale, she would have answered that she would be in law school. But a conversation with Mira Debs last spring changed everything.

Sally had just dipped into the icy waters of the Madison Surf Club as part of a polar plunge event at the invitation of her teacher, Debs, executive director of Yale's Education Studies Program. While chatting over post-plunge tacos, Debs mentioned the life-changing experience she had as a Rhodes Scholar, and asked Sally whether she’d considered applying for a similar fellowship.

After eventually applying for, and receiving, a Marshall Scholarship, Sally decided to pursue a Master of Education and Master of Public Policy during two years in the UK, the first member of the Yale Education Studies Program.

Read more about Olivia Sally

Barkotel Zemenu

Barkotel Zemenu

Barkotel Zemenu is a believer in the revelatory nature of relationships.

At the most fundamental level, he says, relationships between unseen particles form the scaffolding upon which the universe flourishes; on a more human level, relationships between people — especially when speaking a common language — make the experience of living deeply fulfilling.

Zemenu immersed himself in both kinds of relationships at Yale. He excelled in physics, focusing largely on research and development for a detector that may one day prove the existence of a theorized nuclear process called neutrinoless double beta decay, spoke at scientific conferences nationally and internationally, and conducted research on multiple continents.

In a way, however, Zemenu says his treasures lie elsewhere.  “I did not expect college to be the place where academics stopped being my life’s top priority,” he said. “It was a place where I would find far more surpassing joy in the depth of my relationships, living with a fundamental others-centeredness.”

Read more about Barkotel Zemenu

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  24. Harvard employee caps 13-year quest for bachelor's degree

    She pursued a bachelor's degree taking one course per semester while working full-time at Harvard, first in the Registrar's office and now as a graduate program coordinator in the Department of Romance Languages & Literatures at FAS, where she provides support for 50-60 graduate students, making sure things run smoothly so they can focus on ...

  25. Yale College 2024: Meet some of the graduates

    Beyond that, he was simply eager to experience as many new people, subjects, and activities as time would allow, thinking "the sky's the limit." ... And for her senior thesis, the economics major, who also completed the Education Studies Scholars Intensive Certificate, conducted an analysis of the effects of public school district mergers ...