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essay for many words

How Long Should Your College Essay Be? What Is the Ideal Length?

What’s covered: , personal statement length vs. supplemental essay length, are college essay word limits hard, what if a college essay word count isn’t given, what if you need to submit a graded paper, where to get your essays edited.

Students often spend hours agonizing over the best topics for their college essays. While it’s natural to wonder whether your personal statement is original or compelling enough, there’s one aspect of the process that shouldn’t cause you undue stress—how many words should a college essay be? Fortunately, with a little research, you can uncover the ideal college essay length for all your applications.

Unlike high school assignments, which typically have a strict page requirement, most colleges provide a word limit or word range for their application essays. This practice helps ensure that essays are the same length regardless of font or formatting. A good guideline is that students should strive to get as close as possible to the upper limit of the word range without exceeding it. Keep reading to learn more about best practices for college essay length.

How many words should a college essay be? Personal statements are generally 500-650 words. For example, the Common Application , which can be used to apply to more than 800 colleges, requires an essay ranging from 250-650 words . Similarly, the Coalition Application , which has 150 member schools, features an essay with a recommended length of 500-650 words.

650 words is the most common limit for your personal statement, but some schools may ask students to write more or less. For example, ApplyTexas , a platform used to apply to Texas public universities and other select colleges, requests essays with requirements that vary by school. For example, students applying to UT Austin will need to submit an essay of 500-700 words, along with three short-answer questions of 250-300 words each.

On the other hand, the University of California (UC) application includes a Personal Insight section with eight prompts . Students are asked to respond to any four of these prompts, with each response topping out at 350 words.

Additionally, some schools request a few supplemental essays, which are typically shorter than a personal statement. These questions are designed to gain more information about a student’s interests and abilities, and may include topics like your reasons for wanting to attend their school, your desired major, or your favorite activity.

Most schools require 1-3 supplemental essays, though some may require more or none at all (see our list of top colleges without supplemental essays ). These essays tend to be around 250 words, but some may be just as long as your main essay. For example, Cornell requires applicants to write a second supplemental essay (of 650 words max) that is specific to the program they’re applying to. The exception to this is the Cornell College of Engineering, for which applicants are required to compose two supplemental essays of 250 words max each.

For best results, keep your essays within the word range provided. While you don’t have to hit the count exactly, you should aim to stay within a 10% difference of the upper limit—without including fluff or filler. For example, if the school requests 500 words, try to ensure that your essay is between 450 and 500 words.

For the Common App, try to stay within 550-650 words, even though the given range is 250-650. Any submission shorter than 500 words will make it look as though you simply didn’t care enough to give your best effort. An essay shorter than 500 words won’t be long enough to truly share who you are and what matters to you.

Exceeding the word count isn’t an option—the application portal cuts off anything over the maximum number of allowed words. This is something you want to be particularly careful of if you’re drafting your essay in a Word or Google document and pasting it into the application.

Although most schools provide applicants with a specific word count, some offer more general guidelines. For example, a college may ask for a particular number of pages or paragraphs.

If you aren’t given a word count, try to adhere to the best practices and conventions of writing. Avoid writing especially short or overly long paragraphs—250 words per paragraph is generally a safe upper limit. If you’re asked to write a certain number of pages, single- or double-spaced, stick to a standard font and font size (like 12-point Times New Roman).

In the event that the college doesn’t offer any guidelines at all, aim for an essay length of around 500 words.

While essays are the most commonly requested writing sample, some colleges ask for additional pieces of content. For example, Princeton University requires students to submit a previously graded paper for evaluation .

Princeton offers guidelines that cover length, but if another school requests an old paper and doesn’t offer length requirements, a paper ranging from 3-5 pages should yield the best results. The goal is to select a paper long enough to showcase your writing skills and unique voice, but short enough that the admissions officer doesn’t get bored reading it.

Is your essay effective while staying within the required word count? It’s hard to evaluate your own writing, especially after rereading it numerous times. CollegeVine’s free Peer Essay Review provides an opportunity to have your essay reviewed by a fellow student, for free. Similarly, you can help other students by reviewing their essays—this is a great way to refine your own writing skills.

Expert advice is also available. CollegeVine’s advisors are prepared to help you perfect your personal statement and submit a successful application to your top schools. Find the right advisor for you to improve your chances of getting into your dream school!

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essay for many words

How Many Words In An Essay? [A Word Count Guide]

/ By Alan Reiner

/ September 21, 2022

Whether you are writing an essay for school or for a course, you may wonder how many words you can include in your written essay.

Generally, the exact word count in an essay depends on the subject, the course and the essay requirements.

In this article, we take a closer look at the word count for different types of essays, and how you can avoid exceeding the word limit.

How Many Words Should An Essay Have?

Different types of essays have different word limits. Generally, essays can vary from a few hundred words to 6,000 words.

An essay is typically defined as a short piece of writing with a certain structure. An essay should present an idea as concise as possible, and it shouldn’t be too lengthy.

Essays aren’t as comprehensive as research papers or a thesis. They should be much shorter.

Typically, essays are assignments given to students in higher education. They come with guidelines on how many words and pages are expected to be written.

Many standard essays range from 2,500 to 4,000 words, although this can vary depending on the course and assignment restrictions.

High school essays are usually a little shorter and they tend to be 300 to 1,000 words. These are often simple 5-pagragraph essays that include an introduction, a few paragraphs and a conclusion.

Undergraduate college essays are a little more extensive and they range from 1,500 to 5,000 words. 

The exact length of undergraduate essays depends on the department, syllabus, course level and the institution.

Other graduate essays, including postgraduate essays, tend to be much longer with 2,500 to 6,000 words.

They also vary depending on the course level and department but they are typically the beginning of a research paper.

There are also a number of different admissions essays, such as undergraduate school admission essays, that you may need to write to be admitted to a college or university.

These can range from anywhere between 200 and 1,000 words.

Whatever essay you are tasked with to write, it’s essential that you check the guidelines on word count and the expected pages.

Often these guidelines also advise the style of writing as well as the font and font size. All this can make a difference to the length of your essay.

How Long Is Each Part Of An Essay?

All pieces of writing are typically split into introduction, main body and conclusion. This also applies to academic writing and essays.

The main body of the text should take up the most space of your essay. This is where you present all your arguments, develop your ideas around the topic and provide evidence.

An introduction is usually just a couple of paragraphs to introduce the topic. It should be proportional to the overall length of your essay.

The longer your essay, the longer your introduction needs to be. After all, you will need to put down some background information and introduce your argument.

An essay conclusion should be kept brief and concise. The conclusion is usually just a single paragraph, although this can also vary depending on the overall essay length.

As a rule of thumb, many basic academic papers are five-paragraph essays. This means that there is one paragraph for the introduction, three paragraphs for the main body and one paragraph for the conclusion.

When you are writing your body text, then each body paragraph should cover a central argument and idea.

How Long Should A Paragraph Be In An Essay?

The length of a paragraph in your essay will vary depending on the overall word count of your essay and the arguments that you present in your written work.

Essays are typically divided into five paragraphs, although this depends on the essay guidelines.

In academic essays, the majority of space is taken up by the main body text which is typically three paragraphs long.

The main body text allows you to present your main arguments, ideas and offer evidence for your thoughts.

It’s important to structure your essay in the right way. While there’s no exact paragraph length or paragraph word limit, you need to make sure that your presented arguments are clear and concise.

Can You Go Under The Suggested Essay Word Count?

Yes, you can also write fewer words for your essay as long you fulfilled the assignment requirements and you have structured your work well.

However, bear in mind that you should not sacrifice any good arguments just to stay under the word limit.

If you are struggling to get even close to the word count, then there are quite a few things you can do.

It’s a good idea to add as many examples and evidence pieces to your paragraph as you can. This will support your arguments.

Also make sure that you fully analyze and explain each example in detail to fully develop your point.

Each paragraph in the main body text of the essay should pick up a new argument and aspect of the topic.

It’s essential that you do not use any filler words or text that doesn’t add to the meaning of your essay. 

Artificially bumping up the word count with complicated sentences or unnecessary words will just weaken your arguments in your paper.

Lastly, don’t overfixate on your word count . While word limits are set to guide you, many markers do not always worry too much about 100 words over.

The important thing is that you bring your argument across and that you have a good essay structure.

Can You Go Over The Suggested Essay Length?

Sometimes you are allowed to go over the suggested word limit by roughly 10%. However, how strict the word count is handled depends on your institution and the course.

That’s why it’s important that you check with your course instructor.

As a rule of thumb, it’s only a good idea to exceed the word limit when it supports your argument.

Luckily, there are a few things you can do to keep the number of words in your essay as low as possible.

It’s important that each paragraph is clearly structured to support your argument and idea. You should deviate from the main point and don’t include any irrelevant information.

Check the words that you use and remove any filler words that don’t add to the clarity of your sentences.

When you remove a paragraph or sentence, then you need to make sure that you revise any links or transitions from your previous paragraph.

As the introduction and conclusion are both relatively short anyway, there is usually not much space to cut out words.

No matter how many words you need to cut, your essay should be on topic and packed with powerful arguments.

Final Thoughts

The length and word count of an academic essay can vary, from a few hundred words up to 6,000 words.

Whether you are writing an essay for an academic assignment or college admission, make sure that you read the instructions and guidelines carefully.

They will give you an idea of what to write about and how many pages as well as words you should write.

Alan Reiner

Alan Reiner

Hi, my name is Alan Reiner and I have been in the writing industry for almost seven years. I write articles that can span from 200 words all the way to 20,000 words every single day. How do I do it? With a lot of determination. All my way through school and college, I hated long-form assignments. I could never get into the groove of working on one piece for an extended period of time. My pieces were always late because I didn’t have the motivation to type them, let alone edit them.

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How Long Is an Essay? The Ultimate Essay Length Guide

It’s safe to say that most students struggle with the word limit within an essay. Sometimes, it’s hard to find ideas for a text and meet the word requirement for every part of the paper. With so many factors influencing essay length, it’s easy to get confused.

The picture enumerates the factors influencing essay length.

Luckily, our custom-writing team has your back. In this article, our custom-writing experts will answer all your questions regarding essay length. We will also help you write papers with an ideal number of words!

📜 Is Essay Length Important?

📏 essay parts: recommended length.

  • đŸ€” How to Make Essays Shorter or Longer
  • 📑 Essay Length & Formatting
  • ❓ Different Academic Levels FAQ
  • 📚 Essay Length: Different Types
  • ⭐ Other Aspects
  • 📝 Essay Examples

🔍 References

Often, the phrase “word limit” causes panic among students. After all, if an essay is too long or too short, your grade will be lowered. However, in reality, there’s nothing to worry about. When it comes to words, limitations are beneficial for both the students and the professors.

Let’s see what exactly it means.

Many people believe that the longer an essay is, the better. However, according to Frontiers, research shows that it’s a bias that couldn’t be further from the truth. A perfect-length paper is one that allows students to express their ideas and showcase their knowledge fully while keeping it clean and simple.

What Influences Essay Length

Various factors determine the length of an essay. Here are the most important ones:

Let’s start with the essentials. Usually, assignment length is given as a number of words rather than pages. Unless your supervisor or instructor mentions any specific limitations, it’s acceptable to be 10% below or above the word limit.

It’s also worth knowing the 80/20 rule . According to it, the body should constitute 80% of the text, while the intro and the conclusion take up the remaining 20%.

Keep reading to learn more about the recommended length of each essay part. The main numbers are shown in the table below:

How Long Should an Introduction Be?

An introduction is the first section and the face of your essay. For that reason, it needs to be compelling and well-thought-out. Usually, it consists of 3 to 5 sentences or 50 to 80 words .

An introduction must have a hook, some background information, and a thesis statement. While the attention grabber and the thesis are usually brief, you may need 2 to 3 sentences for the background. To avoid going overboard, try to stay on topic and don’t add any filler.

How Long Is a Body Paragraph in an Essay?

The length of a body paragraph may vary. Sometimes, it can be limited to a single sentence. In other cases, it may take up a whole page. Usually, it’s recommended to have between 80 and 200 words (5-8 sentences) per body paragraph.

Since the paper’s body contains the most information, it’s necessary to explain and support your ideas properly. That’s why it’s no big deal if your body paragraphs go slightly over the word limit.

How Many Body Paragraphs Should Be in an Essay?

Like the word count, the number of paragraphs is determined by the type of paper and its topic. The minimum is 1. Generally, however, the body consists of 3-5 paragraphs , 1 for each argument.

To improve your paper’s structure, ensure that there are as many paragraphs as there are points in your thesis statement. Each one should have a purpose and support your arguments. If there’s any fluff, it’s better to get rid of it.

How Long Should a Conclusion Be?

Like the introduction, the conclusion consists of 50-80 words . It’s essential to keep it simple and only mention the central ideas. A weak concluding sentence may affect the reader’s understanding of the topic and spoil the overall impression of your paper.

đŸ€” How to Make Essays Shorter or Longer: Best Tips

Undoubtedly the essay’s content is more important than the number of words you use. But there are times when students go more than 10-15% below or over the limit. Is there a solution to this problem?

Yes, there is! In this section, we will share the most useful tips to help you stay on point with your paper’s word count.

How to Make Essays Longer

Since having enough words is essential for a good grade, we’ve collected the best tips that can help you lengthen your essay without teachers noticing:

  • Use relevant quotations.  You don’t need to litter your essay with citations, but using them whenever appropriate is a great idea. For instance, if you’re working on a book analysis, referencing a couple of direct quotes from the source text will make your essay more credible and increase the word count.
  • Give examples.  Go through the claims in your paper and provide additional evidence where possible. It will make your essay longer and more informative.
  • Use transitional expressions.  Adding transition words and phrases is a natural way of increasing the number of words. It will also improve your essay’s readability. 
  • Add more references.  Providing references is always a good idea when writing a formal essay. That way, you will increase the number of words and make your paper more credible.
  • Work on your descriptions.  If you struggle to develop new ideas, go over what you’ve already written and consider adding some descriptive words. It’s a great idea for creative essays to include more imagery. 

How to Shorten an Essay

Another struggle of academic writing is cutting down the number of words in your essay to meet a set limit. We are here to tell you that it’s not that hard. Writing straightforwardly and keeping your sentences short is a key to concise content. Here are several strategies you may use to tighten a lengthy essay:

  • Choose the active voice.  It takes up less space than passive voice. Using it also makes your writing more professional and compelling.
  • Remove needless transitions.  Transitions can indeed maintain the flow of the paper. But some transitional phrases can be easily removed.
  • Get rid of unnecessary adverbs and adjectives.  Some students tend to overuse adjectives and adverbs. It adds wordiness to their writing.
  • Avoid running starts.  Some students like to start their sentences with long phrases like: “there are,” “it is believed,” or “the fact that.” Getting rid of them makes texts much more concise.
  • Delete “that.”  In most cases, the word “that” can often be easily removed from texts.

Another cool trick is to use our summarizing tool as essay shortener. Try it out!

📑 How Long Is an Essay Depending on Formatting?

As we mentioned earlier, the essay’s length is usually limited by the number of words. But sometimes, a teacher may ask you to write a specific number of pages. This is trickier because the amount of text you can place on the page depends on the formatting. By using the font size and spacing properly, it’s possible to make the paper visually longer or shorter. Let’s discuss it in more detail.

The picture describes how formatting affects essay length.

Essay Spacing: How Does It Affect the Length?

  • Adjusting the spacing between lines.  Try to make the changes as slight as possible. For instance, if you were asked to double-space the paper, use 2.1 or 2.2 spacing instead. Another option is to slightly extend spaces between paragraphs.
  • Extending the margin size.  You can increase the right and bottom margins by a quarter to make very subtle changes in length. For example, if the margins are 1 inch , you can set them at 1.25 inches instead. 
  • Increasing the spacing between characters.  It is less noticeable than the line spacing. Still, try not to overdo it and keep the numbers between 1.2 and 1.5 . 
  • Adjusting the footer.  Add a footer with page numbers to stretch the bottom margin even further.
  • Lengthening the header.  You can extend your header by adding your name, e-mail address, or other relevant information. Another option is double-spacing it.

Length of an Essay: Font and Size

  • Using the right type of font.  If your instructor didn’t specify which font you should use, go for the bigger ones. We suggest Arial, Bangla Sangam MN, Cambria, or Quicksand. They will make your text look longer without being too on the nose.  
  • Using a bigger font size.  This is another technique that can come in handy. However, be careful and don’t increase your font by more than 0.1-0.5 pt.  
  • Increasing the size of periods and commas.   This is one of the less noticeable tricks you can use. For instance, if your paper’s font is 12 pt. , increase it to 14 pt. only for punctuation marks. Italicizing periods and commas will also add several lines of length to your essay. 

What to Do if There Are No Length Guidelines

Sometimes a teacher sets no word limit for a written work. What to do in that case? Well, first, you can ask your professor to confirm if they have simply forgotten to mention it. But if that’s not the case, here are a couple of helpful solutions:

  • Think of the paragraph number.  Sometimes, you may be given the number of paragraphs instead of words. In that case, you can decide on the number of words depending on how many paragraphs you have. 
  • Think about the topic’s complexity.  The length of your paper is also directly dependent on the theme. If the topic is simple, 4-5 paragraphs will be enough. A more complex issue may require an in-depth explanation, so your essay can be 6-8 paragraphs long.

❓ Essay Length for Different Academic Levels FAQ

The length of the elementary school essay is usually short. Usually, a paper needs to have around 3-5 paragraphs, with 4-5 sentences per paragraph. Primary school essays can be 1-2 paragraphs long.

The word limit for a middle school essay is usually between 300 to 1000 words. The most common essay length is 500 words, which is about 5 paragraphs. However, it may differ from school to school.

The length of the high school essay may differ depending on the school and the complexity of the task itself. Usually, however, a paper can be between 300 to 1000 words long.

The length of the undergraduate college essay often falls within the range of 1500 to 2100 words. It translates into roughly 5-7 pages. 5 pages is the most common essay length at this level.

When it comes to the graduate school admission essay, the word limit is usually between 500 and 1000 words. It’s possible to go slightly over or below the set limit; however, it’s best to stick to the requirements as close as possible.

📚 How Long Should an Essay Be: Different Types

Now, let’s talk about different types of essays. How long should they be? Keep reading to learn about the length of college essays, short and extended ones, scholarship essays, and research papers.

How Long Is a College Essay?

When it comes to a college essay, it’s more important to stick to the word limit than with any other paper. Some teachers may refuse to read it unless it meets all the requirements.

The shortest limit for a college essay is about 250 words which is the shortest length of a Common App personal statement. It’s also rare to see a good college essay with over 650 words . So, an average piece usually has between 150 and 650 words ; you can go over or below the limit by 50.

How Long Is a Paragraph in College Essays?

A college essay usually consists of 4-5 paragraphs . One paragraph takes about 1/3 of the page, which is roughly 5 sentences . Each sentence corresponds with one of the following components:

  • Topic sentence.
  • Explanation.
  • Transitions.

College Essay Length Requirements: Top 5 Schools

To understand the requirements for a college application essay even better, take a look at the table below. It showcases the top 5 schools and their length criteria for personal statements. Keep it in mind when writing your college essay:

How Long Is a Short Essay?

A short essay is usually 500 words long. Using 12pt Times New Roman font with standard margins and double spacing should result in about 2 pages of text.

Extended Essay Length

An extended essay is different from a short or a standard one. It requires extensive research and thorough explanation. That’s why the upper limit for this kind of essay is 4000 words . In this case, a typical essay length is 3500 words or 18 paragraphs .

Scholarship Essay Length

Generally, scholarship papers have a limit of 500 words , which is 1 page in length. Most scholarship programs provide additional requirements that indicate the minimum number of words or pages. If there are no set limitations, you can stick to the limit.

How Long Is a Research Paper?

Typically, a research paper is between 4000 and 6000 words long. Sometimes, there are shorter papers, which have around 2000 words, or in-depth ones with over 10000 words.

⭐ Other Aspects of Essay Length

When it comes to essay length, many different aspects come into play. Here, we’ve gathered all the essential information regarding an essay’s number of pages, paragraphs, words, and references.

How Many Paragraphs Are in an Essay?

Sometimes, it is more convenient to count paragraphs rather than words. Let’s now figure out how many paragraphs are in essays of different lengths. You may also check out the examples to see what such an essay looks like:

How to Count Paragraphs in an Essay Based on Word Count

You can also count the number of body paragraphs for your essay using the formula below:

Number of body paragraphs (average) = (TWC – TWC*0.16)/100

  • TWC – total word count
  • 0.16 – an average percentage of total word count for introduction and conclusion
  • 100 – an average number of words per paragraph

How Many Pages Are in an Essay?

The number of pages in your essay may vary from subject to subject. But it’s still possible to determine the number of pages based on word count. Check out the numbers below to see the conversions with bonus examples:

You can also use a specialized calculator such as Word Counter to determine a number of pages in your essay.

What Does an Essay Look Like when Typed?

You might be wondering: what do essays of different lengths look like when typed? Well, here’s the table where you can find out the metrics for single- and double-spaced papers.

How Many Pages Are in a Handwritten Essay?

In case you need to turn in a handwritten paper, you should check out the table below.

Counting Words in a Handwritten Essay

If you don’t have enough time to count the words in your handwritten essay one by one, here’s what you can do:

  • Count how many words there are in one line. Take the first and last lines and a line in the middle of a page. Let’s say there are 15, 14, and 15 words in them. Then, the average number of words per line is 15.
  • Next, count how many lines there are on one page. Let’s say there are 17 lines on a page.
  • Take the number of words per line and multiply it by the number of lines per page. In our case, we multiply 15 by 17. So, there are 255 words per page on average.
  • Finally, multiply the number of words per page by the number of pages. If your essay has 3 pages, it is approximately 765 words long.

How Long Does it Take to Write an Essay?

It is crucial to know how long writing will take you, especially if you are working on an exam essay or just short on time. Note that you need to consider the time for typing and researching necessary to complete a piece. Research time may vary. Usually, it’s 1-2 hours for 200-250 words .

The picture shows the fact about the average speed of writing.

Below, we’ve gathered the average writing time for average and slower writing speed:

And here are the results in pages:

How Many References Does an Essay Need?

Another essential part of any composition is the reference list. Different academic levels require different references. You’ll find out how many of them should be in your paper in the table below!

📝 Essay Examples: Different Length

Finally, we’ve gathered some excellent sample essays of different lengths. Make sure to check them out!

We also recommend you check out our free essay samples sorted by pages:

  • 1-Page Essay Examples
  • 2-Page Essay Examples
  • 3-Page Essay Examples
  • 4-Page Essay Examples
  • 5-Page Essay Examples
  • 10-Page Essay Examples
  • 20-Page Essay Examples
  • 30-Page Essay Examples
  • 40-Page Essay Examples
  • 50-Page Essay Examples

Now you know all about essay length, word limits, and ways to lengthen or shorten your text. If you know other interesting tricks, make sure to share them in a comment! Good luck with your writing assignments!

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Sat / act prep online guides and tips, how to write an a+ argumentative essay.



You'll no doubt have to write a number of argumentative essays in both high school and college, but what, exactly, is an argumentative essay and how do you write the best one possible? Let's take a look.

A great argumentative essay always combines the same basic elements: approaching an argument from a rational perspective, researching sources, supporting your claims using facts rather than opinion, and articulating your reasoning into the most cogent and reasoned points. Argumentative essays are great building blocks for all sorts of research and rhetoric, so your teachers will expect you to master the technique before long.

But if this sounds daunting, never fear! We'll show how an argumentative essay differs from other kinds of papers, how to research and write them, how to pick an argumentative essay topic, and where to find example essays. So let's get started.

What Is an Argumentative Essay? How Is it Different from Other Kinds of Essays?

There are two basic requirements for any and all essays: to state a claim (a thesis statement) and to support that claim with evidence.

Though every essay is founded on these two ideas, there are several different types of essays, differentiated by the style of the writing, how the writer presents the thesis, and the types of evidence used to support the thesis statement.

Essays can be roughly divided into four different types:

#1: Argumentative #2: Persuasive #3: Expository #4: Analytical

So let's look at each type and what the differences are between them before we focus the rest of our time to argumentative essays.

Argumentative Essay

Argumentative essays are what this article is all about, so let's talk about them first.

An argumentative essay attempts to convince a reader to agree with a particular argument (the writer's thesis statement). The writer takes a firm stand one way or another on a topic and then uses hard evidence to support that stance.

An argumentative essay seeks to prove to the reader that one argument —the writer's argument— is the factually and logically correct one. This means that an argumentative essay must use only evidence-based support to back up a claim , rather than emotional or philosophical reasoning (which is often allowed in other types of essays). Thus, an argumentative essay has a burden of substantiated proof and sources , whereas some other types of essays (namely persuasive essays) do not.

You can write an argumentative essay on any topic, so long as there's room for argument. Generally, you can use the same topics for both a persuasive essay or an argumentative one, so long as you support the argumentative essay with hard evidence.

Example topics of an argumentative essay:

  • "Should farmers be allowed to shoot wolves if those wolves injure or kill farm animals?"
  • "Should the drinking age be lowered in the United States?"
  • "Are alternatives to democracy effective and/or feasible to implement?"

The next three types of essays are not argumentative essays, but you may have written them in school. We're going to cover them so you know what not to do for your argumentative essay.

Persuasive Essay

Persuasive essays are similar to argumentative essays, so it can be easy to get them confused. But knowing what makes an argumentative essay different than a persuasive essay can often mean the difference between an excellent grade and an average one.

Persuasive essays seek to persuade a reader to agree with the point of view of the writer, whether that point of view is based on factual evidence or not. The writer has much more flexibility in the evidence they can use, with the ability to use moral, cultural, or opinion-based reasoning as well as factual reasoning to persuade the reader to agree the writer's side of a given issue.

Instead of being forced to use "pure" reason as one would in an argumentative essay, the writer of a persuasive essay can manipulate or appeal to the reader's emotions. So long as the writer attempts to steer the readers into agreeing with the thesis statement, the writer doesn't necessarily need hard evidence in favor of the argument.

Often, you can use the same topics for both a persuasive essay or an argumentative one—the difference is all in the approach and the evidence you present.

Example topics of a persuasive essay:

  • "Should children be responsible for their parents' debts?"
  • "Should cheating on a test be automatic grounds for expulsion?"
  • "How much should sports leagues be held accountable for player injuries and the long-term consequences of those injuries?"

Expository Essay

An expository essay is typically a short essay in which the writer explains an idea, issue, or theme , or discusses the history of a person, place, or idea.

This is typically a fact-forward essay with little argument or opinion one way or the other.

Example topics of an expository essay:

  • "The History of the Philadelphia Liberty Bell"
  • "The Reasons I Always Wanted to be a Doctor"
  • "The Meaning Behind the Colloquialism ‘People in Glass Houses Shouldn't Throw Stones'"

Analytical Essay

An analytical essay seeks to delve into the deeper meaning of a text or work of art, or unpack a complicated idea . These kinds of essays closely interpret a source and look into its meaning by analyzing it at both a macro and micro level.

This type of analysis can be augmented by historical context or other expert or widely-regarded opinions on the subject, but is mainly supported directly through the original source (the piece or art or text being analyzed) .

Example topics of an analytical essay:

  • "Victory Gin in Place of Water: The Symbolism Behind Gin as the Only Potable Substance in George Orwell's 1984"
  • "Amarna Period Art: The Meaning Behind the Shift from Rigid to Fluid Poses"
  • "Adultery During WWII, as Told Through a Series of Letters to and from Soldiers"


There are many different types of essay and, over time, you'll be able to master them all.

A Typical Argumentative Essay Assignment

The average argumentative essay is between three to five pages, and will require at least three or four separate sources with which to back your claims . As for the essay topic , you'll most often be asked to write an argumentative essay in an English class on a "general" topic of your choice, ranging the gamut from science, to history, to literature.

But while the topics of an argumentative essay can span several different fields, the structure of an argumentative essay is always the same: you must support a claim—a claim that can reasonably have multiple sides—using multiple sources and using a standard essay format (which we'll talk about later on).

This is why many argumentative essay topics begin with the word "should," as in:

  • "Should all students be required to learn chemistry in high school?"
  • "Should children be required to learn a second language?"
  • "Should schools or governments be allowed to ban books?"

These topics all have at least two sides of the argument: Yes or no. And you must support the side you choose with evidence as to why your side is the correct one.

But there are also plenty of other ways to frame an argumentative essay as well:

  • "Does using social media do more to benefit or harm people?"
  • "Does the legal status of artwork or its creators—graffiti and vandalism, pirated media, a creator who's in jail—have an impact on the art itself?"
  • "Is or should anyone ever be ‘above the law?'"

Though these are worded differently than the first three, you're still essentially forced to pick between two sides of an issue: yes or no, for or against, benefit or detriment. Though your argument might not fall entirely into one side of the divide or another—for instance, you could claim that social media has positively impacted some aspects of modern life while being a detriment to others—your essay should still support one side of the argument above all. Your final stance would be that overall , social media is beneficial or overall , social media is harmful.

If your argument is one that is mostly text-based or backed by a single source (e.g., "How does Salinger show that Holden Caulfield is an unreliable narrator?" or "Does Gatsby personify the American Dream?"), then it's an analytical essay, rather than an argumentative essay. An argumentative essay will always be focused on more general topics so that you can use multiple sources to back up your claims.

Good Argumentative Essay Topics

So you know the basic idea behind an argumentative essay, but what topic should you write about?

Again, almost always, you'll be asked to write an argumentative essay on a free topic of your choice, or you'll be asked to select between a few given topics . If you're given complete free reign of topics, then it'll be up to you to find an essay topic that no only appeals to you, but that you can turn into an A+ argumentative essay.

What makes a "good" argumentative essay topic depends on both the subject matter and your personal interest —it can be hard to give your best effort on something that bores you to tears! But it can also be near impossible to write an argumentative essay on a topic that has no room for debate.

As we said earlier, a good argumentative essay topic will be one that has the potential to reasonably go in at least two directions—for or against, yes or no, and why . For example, it's pretty hard to write an argumentative essay on whether or not people should be allowed to murder one another—not a whole lot of debate there for most people!—but writing an essay for or against the death penalty has a lot more wiggle room for evidence and argument.

A good topic is also one that can be substantiated through hard evidence and relevant sources . So be sure to pick a topic that other people have studied (or at least studied elements of) so that you can use their data in your argument. For example, if you're arguing that it should be mandatory for all middle school children to play a sport, you might have to apply smaller scientific data points to the larger picture you're trying to justify. There are probably several studies you could cite on the benefits of physical activity and the positive effect structure and teamwork has on young minds, but there's probably no study you could use where a group of scientists put all middle-schoolers in one jurisdiction into a mandatory sports program (since that's probably never happened). So long as your evidence is relevant to your point and you can extrapolate from it to form a larger whole, you can use it as a part of your resource material.

And if you need ideas on where to get started, or just want to see sample argumentative essay topics, then check out these links for hundreds of potential argumentative essay topics.

101 Persuasive (or Argumentative) Essay and Speech Topics

301 Prompts for Argumentative Writing

Top 50 Ideas for Argumentative/Persuasive Essay Writing

[Note: some of these say "persuasive essay topics," but just remember that the same topic can often be used for both a persuasive essay and an argumentative essay; the difference is in your writing style and the evidence you use to support your claims.]


KO! Find that one argumentative essay topic you can absolutely conquer.

Argumentative Essay Format

Argumentative Essays are composed of four main elements:

  • A position (your argument)
  • Your reasons
  • Supporting evidence for those reasons (from reliable sources)
  • Counterargument(s) (possible opposing arguments and reasons why those arguments are incorrect)

If you're familiar with essay writing in general, then you're also probably familiar with the five paragraph essay structure . This structure is a simple tool to show how one outlines an essay and breaks it down into its component parts, although it can be expanded into as many paragraphs as you want beyond the core five.

The standard argumentative essay is often 3-5 pages, which will usually mean a lot more than five paragraphs, but your overall structure will look the same as a much shorter essay.

An argumentative essay at its simplest structure will look like:

Paragraph 1: Intro

  • Set up the story/problem/issue
  • Thesis/claim

Paragraph 2: Support

  • Reason #1 claim is correct
  • Supporting evidence with sources

Paragraph 3: Support

  • Reason #2 claim is correct

Paragraph 4: Counterargument

  • Explanation of argument for the other side
  • Refutation of opposing argument with supporting evidence

Paragraph 5: Conclusion

  • Re-state claim
  • Sum up reasons and support of claim from the essay to prove claim is correct

Now let's unpack each of these paragraph types to see how they work (with examples!), what goes into them, and why.

Paragraph 1—Set Up and Claim

Your first task is to introduce the reader to the topic at hand so they'll be prepared for your claim. Give a little background information, set the scene, and give the reader some stakes so that they care about the issue you're going to discuss.

Next, you absolutely must have a position on an argument and make that position clear to the readers. It's not an argumentative essay unless you're arguing for a specific claim, and this claim will be your thesis statement.

Your thesis CANNOT be a mere statement of fact (e.g., "Washington DC is the capital of the United States"). Your thesis must instead be an opinion which can be backed up with evidence and has the potential to be argued against (e.g., "New York should be the capital of the United States").

Paragraphs 2 and 3—Your Evidence

These are your body paragraphs in which you give the reasons why your argument is the best one and back up this reasoning with concrete evidence .

The argument supporting the thesis of an argumentative essay should be one that can be supported by facts and evidence, rather than personal opinion or cultural or religious mores.

For example, if you're arguing that New York should be the new capital of the US, you would have to back up that fact by discussing the factual contrasts between New York and DC in terms of location, population, revenue, and laws. You would then have to talk about the precedents for what makes for a good capital city and why New York fits the bill more than DC does.

Your argument can't simply be that a lot of people think New York is the best city ever and that you agree.

In addition to using concrete evidence, you always want to keep the tone of your essay passionate, but impersonal . Even though you're writing your argument from a single opinion, don't use first person language—"I think," "I feel," "I believe,"—to present your claims. Doing so is repetitive, since by writing the essay you're already telling the audience what you feel, and using first person language weakens your writing voice.

For example,

"I think that Washington DC is no longer suited to be the capital city of the United States."

"Washington DC is no longer suited to be the capital city of the United States."

The second statement sounds far stronger and more analytical.

Paragraph 4—Argument for the Other Side and Refutation

Even without a counter argument, you can make a pretty persuasive claim, but a counterargument will round out your essay into one that is much more persuasive and substantial.

By anticipating an argument against your claim and taking the initiative to counter it, you're allowing yourself to get ahead of the game. This way, you show that you've given great thought to all sides of the issue before choosing your position, and you demonstrate in multiple ways how yours is the more reasoned and supported side.

Paragraph 5—Conclusion

This paragraph is where you re-state your argument and summarize why it's the best claim.

Briefly touch on your supporting evidence and voila! A finished argumentative essay.


Your essay should have just as awesome a skeleton as this plesiosaur does. (In other words: a ridiculously awesome skeleton)

Argumentative Essay Example: 5-Paragraph Style

It always helps to have an example to learn from. I've written a full 5-paragraph argumentative essay here. Look at how I state my thesis in paragraph 1, give supporting evidence in paragraphs 2 and 3, address a counterargument in paragraph 4, and conclude in paragraph 5.

Topic: Is it possible to maintain conflicting loyalties?

Paragraph 1

It is almost impossible to go through life without encountering a situation where your loyalties to different people or causes come into conflict with each other. Maybe you have a loving relationship with your sister, but she disagrees with your decision to join the army, or you find yourself torn between your cultural beliefs and your scientific ones. These conflicting loyalties can often be maintained for a time, but as examples from both history and psychological theory illustrate, sooner or later, people have to make a choice between competing loyalties, as no one can maintain a conflicting loyalty or belief system forever.

The first two sentences set the scene and give some hypothetical examples and stakes for the reader to care about.

The third sentence finishes off the intro with the thesis statement, making very clear how the author stands on the issue ("people have to make a choice between competing loyalties, as no one can maintain a conflicting loyalty or belief system forever." )

Paragraphs 2 and 3

Psychological theory states that human beings are not equipped to maintain conflicting loyalties indefinitely and that attempting to do so leads to a state called "cognitive dissonance." Cognitive dissonance theory is the psychological idea that people undergo tremendous mental stress or anxiety when holding contradictory beliefs, values, or loyalties (Festinger, 1957). Even if human beings initially hold a conflicting loyalty, they will do their best to find a mental equilibrium by making a choice between those loyalties—stay stalwart to a belief system or change their beliefs. One of the earliest formal examples of cognitive dissonance theory comes from Leon Festinger's When Prophesy Fails . Members of an apocalyptic cult are told that the end of the world will occur on a specific date and that they alone will be spared the Earth's destruction. When that day comes and goes with no apocalypse, the cult members face a cognitive dissonance between what they see and what they've been led to believe (Festinger, 1956). Some choose to believe that the cult's beliefs are still correct, but that the Earth was simply spared from destruction by mercy, while others choose to believe that they were lied to and that the cult was fraudulent all along. Both beliefs cannot be correct at the same time, and so the cult members are forced to make their choice.

But even when conflicting loyalties can lead to potentially physical, rather than just mental, consequences, people will always make a choice to fall on one side or other of a dividing line. Take, for instance, Nicolaus Copernicus, a man born and raised in Catholic Poland (and educated in Catholic Italy). Though the Catholic church dictated specific scientific teachings, Copernicus' loyalty to his own observations and scientific evidence won out over his loyalty to his country's government and belief system. When he published his heliocentric model of the solar system--in opposition to the geocentric model that had been widely accepted for hundreds of years (Hannam, 2011)-- Copernicus was making a choice between his loyalties. In an attempt t o maintain his fealty both to the established system and to what he believed, h e sat on his findings for a number of years (Fantoli, 1994). But, ultimately, Copernicus made the choice to side with his beliefs and observations above all and published his work for the world to see (even though, in doing so, he risked both his reputation and personal freedoms).

These two paragraphs provide the reasons why the author supports the main argument and uses substantiated sources to back those reasons.

The paragraph on cognitive dissonance theory gives both broad supporting evidence and more narrow, detailed supporting evidence to show why the thesis statement is correct not just anecdotally but also scientifically and psychologically. First, we see why people in general have a difficult time accepting conflicting loyalties and desires and then how this applies to individuals through the example of the cult members from the Dr. Festinger's research.

The next paragraph continues to use more detailed examples from history to provide further evidence of why the thesis that people cannot indefinitely maintain conflicting loyalties is true.

Paragraph 4

Some will claim that it is possible to maintain conflicting beliefs or loyalties permanently, but this is often more a matter of people deluding themselves and still making a choice for one side or the other, rather than truly maintaining loyalty to both sides equally. For example, Lancelot du Lac typifies a person who claims to maintain a balanced loyalty between to two parties, but his attempt to do so fails (as all attempts to permanently maintain conflicting loyalties must). Lancelot tells himself and others that he is equally devoted to both King Arthur and his court and to being Queen Guinevere's knight (Malory, 2008). But he can neither be in two places at once to protect both the king and queen, nor can he help but let his romantic feelings for the queen to interfere with his duties to the king and the kingdom. Ultimately, he and Queen Guinevere give into their feelings for one another and Lancelot—though he denies it—chooses his loyalty to her over his loyalty to Arthur. This decision plunges the kingdom into a civil war, ages Lancelot prematurely, and ultimately leads to Camelot's ruin (Raabe, 1987). Though Lancelot claimed to have been loyal to both the king and the queen, this loyalty was ultimately in conflict, and he could not maintain it.

Here we have the acknowledgement of a potential counter-argument and the evidence as to why it isn't true.

The argument is that some people (or literary characters) have asserted that they give equal weight to their conflicting loyalties. The refutation is that, though some may claim to be able to maintain conflicting loyalties, they're either lying to others or deceiving themselves. The paragraph shows why this is true by providing an example of this in action.

Paragraph 5

Whether it be through literature or history, time and time again, people demonstrate the challenges of trying to manage conflicting loyalties and the inevitable consequences of doing so. Though belief systems are malleable and will often change over time, it is not possible to maintain two mutually exclusive loyalties or beliefs at once. In the end, people always make a choice, and loyalty for one party or one side of an issue will always trump loyalty to the other.

The concluding paragraph summarizes the essay, touches on the evidence presented, and re-states the thesis statement.

How to Write an Argumentative Essay: 8 Steps

Writing the best argumentative essay is all about the preparation, so let's talk steps:

#1: Preliminary Research

If you have the option to pick your own argumentative essay topic (which you most likely will), then choose one or two topics you find the most intriguing or that you have a vested interest in and do some preliminary research on both sides of the debate.

Do an open internet search just to see what the general chatter is on the topic and what the research trends are.

Did your preliminary reading influence you to pick a side or change your side? Without diving into all the scholarly articles at length, do you believe there's enough evidence to support your claim? Have there been scientific studies? Experiments? Does a noted scholar in the field agree with you? If not, you may need to pick another topic or side of the argument to support.

#2: Pick Your Side and Form Your Thesis

Now's the time to pick the side of the argument you feel you can support the best and summarize your main point into your thesis statement.

Your thesis will be the basis of your entire essay, so make sure you know which side you're on, that you've stated it clearly, and that you stick by your argument throughout the entire essay .

#3: Heavy-Duty Research Time

You've taken a gander at what the internet at large has to say on your argument, but now's the time to actually read those sources and take notes.

Check scholarly journals online at Google Scholar , the Directory of Open Access Journals , or JStor . You can also search individual university or school libraries and websites to see what kinds of academic articles you can access for free. Keep track of your important quotes and page numbers and put them somewhere that's easy to find later.

And don't forget to check your school or local libraries as well!

#4: Outline

Follow the five-paragraph outline structure from the previous section.

Fill in your topic, your reasons, and your supporting evidence into each of the categories.

Before you begin to flesh out the essay, take a look at what you've got. Is your thesis statement in the first paragraph? Is it clear? Is your argument logical? Does your supporting evidence support your reasoning?

By outlining your essay, you streamline your process and take care of any logic gaps before you dive headfirst into the writing. This will save you a lot of grief later on if you need to change your sources or your structure, so don't get too trigger-happy and skip this step.

Now that you've laid out exactly what you'll need for your essay and where, it's time to fill in all the gaps by writing it out.

Take it one step at a time and expand your ideas into complete sentences and substantiated claims. It may feel daunting to turn an outline into a complete draft, but just remember that you've already laid out all the groundwork; now you're just filling in the gaps.

If you have the time before deadline, give yourself a day or two (or even just an hour!) away from your essay . Looking it over with fresh eyes will allow you to see errors, both minor and major, that you likely would have missed had you tried to edit when it was still raw.

Take a first pass over the entire essay and try your best to ignore any minor spelling or grammar mistakes—you're just looking at the big picture right now. Does it make sense as a whole? Did the essay succeed in making an argument and backing that argument up logically? (Do you feel persuaded?)

If not, go back and make notes so that you can fix it for your final draft.

Once you've made your revisions to the overall structure, mark all your small errors and grammar problems so you can fix them in the next draft.

#7: Final Draft

Use the notes you made on the rough draft and go in and hack and smooth away until you're satisfied with the final result.

A checklist for your final draft:

  • Formatting is correct according to your teacher's standards
  • No errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation
  • Essay is the right length and size for the assignment
  • The argument is present, consistent, and concise
  • Each reason is supported by relevant evidence
  • The essay makes sense overall

#8: Celebrate!

Once you've brought that final draft to a perfect polish and turned in your assignment, you're done! Go you!


Be prepared and â™Ș you'll never go hungry again â™Ș, *cough*, or struggle with your argumentative essay-writing again. (Walt Disney Studios)

Good Examples of Argumentative Essays Online

Theory is all well and good, but examples are key. Just to get you started on what a fully-fleshed out argumentative essay looks like, let's see some examples in action.

Check out these two argumentative essay examples on the use of landmines and freons (and note the excellent use of concrete sources to back up their arguments!).

The Use of Landmines

A Shattered Sky

The Take-Aways: Keys to Writing an Argumentative Essay

At first, writing an argumentative essay may seem like a monstrous hurdle to overcome, but with the proper preparation and understanding, you'll be able to knock yours out of the park.

Remember the differences between a persuasive essay and an argumentative one, make sure your thesis is clear, and double-check that your supporting evidence is both relevant to your point and well-sourced . Pick your topic, do your research, make your outline, and fill in the gaps. Before you know it, you'll have yourself an A+ argumentative essay there, my friend.

What's Next?

Now you know the ins and outs of an argumentative essay, but how comfortable are you writing in other styles? Learn more about the four writing styles and when it makes sense to use each .

Understand how to make an argument, but still having trouble organizing your thoughts? Check out our guide to three popular essay formats and choose which one is right for you.

Ready to make your case, but not sure what to write about? We've created a list of 50 potential argumentative essay topics to spark your imagination.

Courtney scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT in high school and went on to graduate from Stanford University with a degree in Cultural and Social Anthropology. She is passionate about bringing education and the tools to succeed to students from all backgrounds and walks of life, as she believes open education is one of the great societal equalizers. She has years of tutoring experience and writes creative works in her free time.

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Words to Use in an Essay: 300 Essay Words

Hannah Yang headshot

Hannah Yang

words to use in an essay

Table of Contents

Words to use in the essay introduction, words to use in the body of the essay, words to use in your essay conclusion, how to improve your essay writing vocabulary.

It’s not easy to write an academic essay .

Many students struggle to word their arguments in a logical and concise way.

To make matters worse, academic essays need to adhere to a certain level of formality, so we can’t always use the same word choices in essay writing that we would use in daily life.

If you’re struggling to choose the right words for your essay, don’t worry—you’ve come to the right place!

In this article, we’ve compiled a list of over 300 words and phrases to use in the introduction, body, and conclusion of your essay.

The introduction is one of the hardest parts of an essay to write.

You have only one chance to make a first impression, and you want to hook your reader. If the introduction isn’t effective, the reader might not even bother to read the rest of the essay.

That’s why it’s important to be thoughtful and deliberate with the words you choose at the beginning of your essay.

Many students use a quote in the introductory paragraph to establish credibility and set the tone for the rest of the essay.

When you’re referencing another author or speaker, try using some of these phrases:

To use the words of X

According to X

As X states

Example: To use the words of Hillary Clinton, “You cannot have maternal health without reproductive health.”

Near the end of the introduction, you should state the thesis to explain the central point of your paper.

If you’re not sure how to introduce your thesis, try using some of these phrases:

In this essay, I will

The purpose of this essay

This essay discusses

In this paper, I put forward the claim that

There are three main arguments for

Phrases to introduce a thesis

Example: In this essay, I will explain why dress codes in public schools are detrimental to students.

After you’ve stated your thesis, it’s time to start presenting the arguments you’ll use to back up that central idea.

When you’re introducing the first of a series of arguments, you can use the following words:

First and foremost

First of all

To begin with

Example: First , consider the effects that this new social security policy would have on low-income taxpayers.

All these words and phrases will help you create a more successful introduction and convince your audience to read on.

The body of your essay is where you’ll explain your core arguments and present your evidence.

It’s important to choose words and phrases for the body of your essay that will help the reader understand your position and convince them you’ve done your research.

Let’s look at some different types of words and phrases that you can use in the body of your essay, as well as some examples of what these words look like in a sentence.

Transition Words and Phrases

Transitioning from one argument to another is crucial for a good essay.

It’s important to guide your reader from one idea to the next so they don’t get lost or feel like you’re jumping around at random.

Transition phrases and linking words show your reader you’re about to move from one argument to the next, smoothing out their reading experience. They also make your writing look more professional.

The simplest transition involves moving from one idea to a separate one that supports the same overall argument. Try using these phrases when you want to introduce a second correlating idea:


In addition


Another key thing to remember

In the same way


Example: Additionally , public parks increase property value because home buyers prefer houses that are located close to green, open spaces.

Another type of transition involves restating. It’s often useful to restate complex ideas in simpler terms to help the reader digest them. When you’re restating an idea, you can use the following words:

In other words

To put it another way

That is to say

To put it more simply

Example: “The research showed that 53% of students surveyed expressed a mild or strong preference for more on-campus housing. In other words , over half the students wanted more dormitory options.”

Often, you’ll need to provide examples to illustrate your point more clearly for the reader. When you’re about to give an example of something you just said, you can use the following words:

For instance

To give an illustration of

To exemplify

To demonstrate

As evidence

Example: Humans have long tried to exert control over our natural environment. For instance , engineers reversed the Chicago River in 1900, causing it to permanently flow backward.

Sometimes, you’ll need to explain the impact or consequence of something you’ve just said.

When you’re drawing a conclusion from evidence you’ve presented, try using the following words:

As a result


As you can see

This suggests that

It follows that

It can be seen that

For this reason

For all of those reasons


Example: “There wasn’t enough government funding to support the rest of the physics experiment. Thus , the team was forced to shut down their experiment in 1996.”

Phrases to draw conclusions

When introducing an idea that bolsters one you’ve already stated, or adds another important aspect to that same argument, you can use the following words:

What’s more

Not only
but also

Not to mention

To say nothing of

Another key point

Example: The volcanic eruption disrupted hundreds of thousands of people. Moreover , it impacted the local flora and fauna as well, causing nearly a hundred species to go extinct.

Often, you'll want to present two sides of the same argument. When you need to compare and contrast ideas, you can use the following words:

On the one hand / on the other hand


In contrast to

On the contrary

By contrast

In comparison

Example: On the one hand , the Black Death was undoubtedly a tragedy because it killed millions of Europeans. On the other hand , it created better living conditions for the peasants who survived.

Finally, when you’re introducing a new angle that contradicts your previous idea, you can use the following phrases:

Having said that

Differing from

In spite of

With this in mind

Provided that




Example: Shakespearean plays are classic works of literature that have stood the test of time. Having said that , I would argue that Shakespeare isn’t the most accessible form of literature to teach students in the twenty-first century.

Good essays include multiple types of logic. You can use a combination of the transitions above to create a strong, clear structure throughout the body of your essay.

Strong Verbs for Academic Writing

Verbs are especially important for writing clear essays. Often, you can convey a nuanced meaning simply by choosing the right verb.

You should use strong verbs that are precise and dynamic. Whenever possible, you should use an unambiguous verb, rather than a generic verb.

For example, alter and fluctuate are stronger verbs than change , because they give the reader more descriptive detail.

Here are some useful verbs that will help make your essay shine.

Verbs that show change:


Verbs that relate to causing or impacting something:

Verbs that show increase:

Verbs that show decrease:


Verbs that relate to parts of a whole:

Comprises of

Is composed of




Verbs that show a negative stance:


Verbs that show a negative stance

Verbs that show a positive stance:


Verbs that relate to drawing conclusions from evidence:



Verbs that relate to thinking and analysis:




Verbs that relate to showing information in a visual format:

Useful Adjectives and Adverbs for Academic Essays

You should use adjectives and adverbs more sparingly than verbs when writing essays, since they sometimes add unnecessary fluff to sentences.

However, choosing the right adjectives and adverbs can help add detail and sophistication to your essay.

Sometimes you'll need to use an adjective to show that a finding or argument is useful and should be taken seriously. Here are some adjectives that create positive emphasis:


Other times, you'll need to use an adjective to show that a finding or argument is harmful or ineffective. Here are some adjectives that create a negative emphasis:






Finally, you might need to use an adverb to lend nuance to a sentence, or to express a specific degree of certainty. Here are some examples of adverbs that are often used in essays:






Using these words will help you successfully convey the key points you want to express. Once you’ve nailed the body of your essay, it’s time to move on to the conclusion.

The conclusion of your paper is important for synthesizing the arguments you’ve laid out and restating your thesis.

In your concluding paragraph, try using some of these essay words:

In conclusion

To summarize

In a nutshell

Given the above

As described

All things considered

Example: In conclusion , it’s imperative that we take action to address climate change before we lose our coral reefs forever.

In addition to simply summarizing the key points from the body of your essay, you should also add some final takeaways. Give the reader your final opinion and a bit of a food for thought.

To place emphasis on a certain point or a key fact, use these essay words:






It should be noted

On the whole

Example: Ada Lovelace is unquestionably a powerful role model for young girls around the world, and more of our public school curricula should include her as a historical figure.

These concluding phrases will help you finish writing your essay in a strong, confident way.

There are many useful essay words out there that we didn't include in this article, because they are specific to certain topics.

If you're writing about biology, for example, you will need to use different terminology than if you're writing about literature.

So how do you improve your vocabulary skills?

The vocabulary you use in your academic writing is a toolkit you can build up over time, as long as you take the time to learn new words.

One way to increase your vocabulary is by looking up words you don’t know when you’re reading.

Try reading more books and academic articles in the field you’re writing about and jotting down all the new words you find. You can use these words to bolster your own essays.

You can also consult a dictionary or a thesaurus. When you’re using a word you’re not confident about, researching its meaning and common synonyms can help you make sure it belongs in your essay.

Don't be afraid of using simpler words. Good essay writing boils down to choosing the best word to convey what you need to say, not the fanciest word possible.

Finally, you can use ProWritingAid’s synonym tool or essay checker to find more precise and sophisticated vocabulary. Click on weak words in your essay to find stronger alternatives.

ProWritingAid offering synonyms for great

There you have it: our compilation of the best words and phrases to use in your next essay . Good luck!

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Hannah Yang is a speculative fiction writer who writes about all things strange and surreal. Her work has appeared in Analog Science Fiction, Apex Magazine, The Dark, and elsewhere, and two of her stories have been finalists for the Locus Award. Her favorite hobbies include watercolor painting, playing guitar, and rock climbing. You can follow her work on hannahyang.com, or subscribe to her newsletter for publication updates.

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How many pages is 500 words.

How many pages is 500 words? The answer is one page single spaced or two pages double spaced

How Many Pages is 8000 Words?

How many pages is 8000 words? Single spaced 8000 words is around 16 pages; double spaced about 32.

How Many Pages is 6000 Words?

How many pages does 6000 words produce? If you're single spacing your work, 6000 words is close to 12 pages; double spaced around 24 pages.

How Many Pages is 800 Words?

How many pages will 800 words yield? Just slightly longer than a more common word count of 750 words, 800 words is about one and three-fifths of a page single spaced, and a little over 3 pages double spaced.

About Word Counter

Word Counter is an easy to use online tool for counting words, characters, sentences, paragraphs and pages in real time, along with spelling and grammar checking. Get started by typing directly into the text area above or pasting in your content from elsewhere. Word and character counts will display at the top, any writing mistakes will be underlined and your most frequently used keywords will appear to the right.

You can also use Word Counter to track your text length against common web standards like Twitter's tweet character count (140), Google's meta description (300), and Facebook's average post display length (~250). If your text is longer than 360 characters the counter will show you the number of sentences, paragraphs and pages instead; useful metrics for blog posts, articles, papers, essays, dissertations and other long-form content.

Essay Word Counter

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What Is Essay Word Counter?

An essay word counter is a simple yet powerful tool that has the ability to quickly count the number of characters and words within an essay. While the primary goal of an essay word counter is to measure characters and words, this tool allows you to determine the number of sentences and paragraphs that your essay consists of.

If you're tasked with reading your essay aloud in front of a classroom, this online word counter can help you prepare by providing you with an estimated speaking time and reading time. If you're asking yourself "How do I count the words in my essay?", plugging your essay into an online word counter will allow you to receive nearly instantaneous results.

Benefits of Using This Tool Compared to Alternatives

Online word counter tools offer the functionality you need to determine what your current essay word count is. There are several additional tools that can provide you with similar functionality, which include Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and PDF documents. Even though all of these alternatives allow users to measure the word count and character count for their essay, they lack many of the extra features that set the online tool apart from the competition.

Wordcounter vs Microsoft Word

When comparing this online word counter to Microsoft Word, the online word counter allows users to paste any kind of text into the box. Even if the text comes from a PDF file, it can be easily copied into the word counter. Among all of the alternatives for an essay word counter, Microsoft Word may be the most comprehensive of the three. Along with measuring the number of words, it can also count characters, pages, lines, and paragraphs. The main issue with Word, however, is that it's less intuitive than using an online tool.

When you click on word count in Microsoft Word, you'll be provided with data on the lines, paragraphs, words, and other aspects of your essay. However, the word count extends to every page of the Word document. To identify the number of words and characters in a specific section, you'll need to highlight the section and select the word count option again.

Wordcounter vs Google Docs

As for Google Docs, this tool doesn't display a status bar that tells you how many words are present in the document. To receive an updated word count, you must select the "Tools" tab that's found in the "Menu" section. From here, you'll be able to select "Word Count". When compared to the online word checker tool, Google Docs doesn't include information about how many sentences are in your essay or the frequency of a specific word.

Wordcounter vs PDF Tool

When it comes to a PDF document, you'll find that these documents are similar to Google Docs in that they don't include a status bar. You're also unable to access any kind of menu that allows you to view the word count of the essay you're writing. There are two distinct options for identifying the word count in your essay. First, you can convert the PDF file into what's known as the Rich Text Format, which makes it easier for you to count the words. You could also upload the file directly into this online word counter, which will give you an accurate word total.

The primary benefit of using the online word counter tool is that there are a number of exclusive features like speaking time and reading time that can't be found in other tools like Microsoft Word and Google Docs.

Essay Length Best Practices

Whether you're writing an essay for a high school class or for graduate school, there are some best practices that can guide you through the process and help you write the best essay. The most important element of writing an essay is getting the length right. If the essay is too long, there's a good chance it isn't as succinct and direct as it should be. The essay length guidelines you should adhere to include:

High school essay

The average essay word count for a high school essay is 300-1,000 words. Most high school essays are five paragraphs long with an introductory paragraph, three total body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph.

College admission essay

This essay should be around 200-650 words long. Along with having a set word limit, these essays should include a look at your motivations and interests.

Undergraduate essay

This essay can be around 1,500-5,000 words long. The content and length depend on the college and program you're entering.

Graduate admission essay

An admission essay should be 500-1,000 words in length. Make sure you include a lengthy personal statement that details your motivations and academic achievements.

Graduate school essay

This extended essay word count is usually around 2,500-6,000 words. The assignment you receive depends on the course you're in. Most graduate-level essays are lengthy and can involve research papers.

IB extended essay

The IB extended essay word count is 4,000 words. This essay is mandatory for every student of the International Baccalaureate program and is based on independent research.

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  • 40 Useful Words and Phrases for Top-Notch Essays

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To be truly brilliant, an essay needs to utilise the right language. You could make a great point, but if it’s not intelligently articulated, you almost needn’t have bothered.

Developing the language skills to build an argument and to write persuasively is crucial if you’re to write outstanding essays every time. In this article, we’re going to equip you with the words and phrases you need to write a top-notch essay, along with examples of how to utilise them.

It’s by no means an exhaustive list, and there will often be other ways of using the words and phrases we describe that we won’t have room to include, but there should be more than enough below to help you make an instant improvement to your essay-writing skills.

If you’re interested in developing your language and persuasive skills, Oxford Royale offers summer courses at its Oxford Summer School , Cambridge Summer School , London Summer School , San Francisco Summer School and Yale Summer School . You can study courses to learn english , prepare for careers in law , medicine , business , engineering and leadership.

General explaining

Let’s start by looking at language for general explanations of complex points.

1. In order to

Usage: “In order to” can be used to introduce an explanation for the purpose of an argument. Example: “In order to understand X, we need first to understand Y.”

2. In other words

Usage: Use “in other words” when you want to express something in a different way (more simply), to make it easier to understand, or to emphasise or expand on a point. Example: “Frogs are amphibians. In other words, they live on the land and in the water.”

3. To put it another way

Usage: This phrase is another way of saying “in other words”, and can be used in particularly complex points, when you feel that an alternative way of wording a problem may help the reader achieve a better understanding of its significance. Example: “Plants rely on photosynthesis. To put it another way, they will die without the sun.”

4. That is to say

Usage: “That is” and “that is to say” can be used to add further detail to your explanation, or to be more precise. Example: “Whales are mammals. That is to say, they must breathe air.”

5. To that end

Usage: Use “to that end” or “to this end” in a similar way to “in order to” or “so”. Example: “Zoologists have long sought to understand how animals communicate with each other. To that end, a new study has been launched that looks at elephant sounds and their possible meanings.”

Adding additional information to support a point

Students often make the mistake of using synonyms of “and” each time they want to add further information in support of a point they’re making, or to build an argument . Here are some cleverer ways of doing this.

6. Moreover

Usage: Employ “moreover” at the start of a sentence to add extra information in support of a point you’re making. Example: “Moreover, the results of a recent piece of research provide compelling evidence in support of

7. Furthermore

Usage:This is also generally used at the start of a sentence, to add extra information. Example: “Furthermore, there is evidence to suggest that

8. What’s more

Usage: This is used in the same way as “moreover” and “furthermore”. Example: “What’s more, this isn’t the only evidence that supports this hypothesis.”

9. Likewise

Usage: Use “likewise” when you want to talk about something that agrees with what you’ve just mentioned. Example: “Scholar A believes X. Likewise, Scholar B argues compellingly in favour of this point of view.”

10. Similarly

Usage: Use “similarly” in the same way as “likewise”. Example: “Audiences at the time reacted with shock to Beethoven’s new work, because it was very different to what they were used to. Similarly, we have a tendency to react with surprise to the unfamiliar.”

11. Another key thing to remember

Usage: Use the phrase “another key point to remember” or “another key fact to remember” to introduce additional facts without using the word “also”. Example: “As a Romantic, Blake was a proponent of a closer relationship between humans and nature. Another key point to remember is that Blake was writing during the Industrial Revolution, which had a major impact on the world around him.”

12. As well as

Usage: Use “as well as” instead of “also” or “and”. Example: “Scholar A argued that this was due to X, as well as Y.”

13. Not only
 but also

Usage: This wording is used to add an extra piece of information, often something that’s in some way more surprising or unexpected than the first piece of information. Example: “Not only did Edmund Hillary have the honour of being the first to reach the summit of Everest, but he was also appointed Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire.”

14. Coupled with

Usage: Used when considering two or more arguments at a time. Example: “Coupled with the literary evidence, the statistics paint a compelling view of

15. Firstly, secondly, thirdly

Usage: This can be used to structure an argument, presenting facts clearly one after the other. Example: “There are many points in support of this view. Firstly, X. Secondly, Y. And thirdly, Z.

16. Not to mention/to say nothing of

Usage: “Not to mention” and “to say nothing of” can be used to add extra information with a bit of emphasis. Example: “The war caused unprecedented suffering to millions of people, not to mention its impact on the country’s economy.”

Words and phrases for demonstrating contrast

When you’re developing an argument, you will often need to present contrasting or opposing opinions or evidence – “it could show this, but it could also show this”, or “X says this, but Y disagrees”. This section covers words you can use instead of the “but” in these examples, to make your writing sound more intelligent and interesting.

17. However

Usage: Use “however” to introduce a point that disagrees with what you’ve just said. Example: “Scholar A thinks this. However, Scholar B reached a different conclusion.”

18. On the other hand

Usage: Usage of this phrase includes introducing a contrasting interpretation of the same piece of evidence, a different piece of evidence that suggests something else, or an opposing opinion. Example: “The historical evidence appears to suggest a clear-cut situation. On the other hand, the archaeological evidence presents a somewhat less straightforward picture of what happened that day.”

19. Having said that

Usage: Used in a similar manner to “on the other hand” or “but”. Example: “The historians are unanimous in telling us X, an agreement that suggests that this version of events must be an accurate account. Having said that, the archaeology tells a different story.”

20. By contrast/in comparison

Usage: Use “by contrast” or “in comparison” when you’re comparing and contrasting pieces of evidence. Example: “Scholar A’s opinion, then, is based on insufficient evidence. By contrast, Scholar B’s opinion seems more plausible.”

21. Then again

Usage: Use this to cast doubt on an assertion. Example: “Writer A asserts that this was the reason for what happened. Then again, it’s possible that he was being paid to say this.”

22. That said

Usage: This is used in the same way as “then again”. Example: “The evidence ostensibly appears to point to this conclusion. That said, much of the evidence is unreliable at best.”

Usage: Use this when you want to introduce a contrasting idea. Example: “Much of scholarship has focused on this evidence. Yet not everyone agrees that this is the most important aspect of the situation.”

Adding a proviso or acknowledging reservations

Sometimes, you may need to acknowledge a shortfalling in a piece of evidence, or add a proviso. Here are some ways of doing so.

24. Despite this

Usage: Use “despite this” or “in spite of this” when you want to outline a point that stands regardless of a shortfalling in the evidence. Example: “The sample size was small, but the results were important despite this.”

25. With this in mind

Usage: Use this when you want your reader to consider a point in the knowledge of something else. Example: “We’ve seen that the methods used in the 19th century study did not always live up to the rigorous standards expected in scientific research today, which makes it difficult to draw definite conclusions. With this in mind, let’s look at a more recent study to see how the results compare.”

26. Provided that

Usage: This means “on condition that”. You can also say “providing that” or just “providing” to mean the same thing. Example: “We may use this as evidence to support our argument, provided that we bear in mind the limitations of the methods used to obtain it.”

27. In view of/in light of

Usage: These phrases are used when something has shed light on something else. Example: “In light of the evidence from the 2013 study, we have a better understanding of

28. Nonetheless

Usage: This is similar to “despite this”. Example: “The study had its limitations, but it was nonetheless groundbreaking for its day.”

29. Nevertheless

Usage: This is the same as “nonetheless”. Example: “The study was flawed, but it was important nevertheless.”

30. Notwithstanding

Usage: This is another way of saying “nonetheless”. Example: “Notwithstanding the limitations of the methodology used, it was an important study in the development of how we view the workings of the human mind.”

Giving examples

Good essays always back up points with examples, but it’s going to get boring if you use the expression “for example” every time. Here are a couple of other ways of saying the same thing.

31. For instance

Example: “Some birds migrate to avoid harsher winter climates. Swallows, for instance, leave the UK in early winter and fly south

32. To give an illustration

Example: “To give an illustration of what I mean, let’s look at the case of

Signifying importance

When you want to demonstrate that a point is particularly important, there are several ways of highlighting it as such.

33. Significantly

Usage: Used to introduce a point that is loaded with meaning that might not be immediately apparent. Example: “Significantly, Tacitus omits to tell us the kind of gossip prevalent in Suetonius’ accounts of the same period.”

34. Notably

Usage: This can be used to mean “significantly” (as above), and it can also be used interchangeably with “in particular” (the example below demonstrates the first of these ways of using it). Example: “Actual figures are notably absent from Scholar A’s analysis.”

35. Importantly

Usage: Use “importantly” interchangeably with “significantly”. Example: “Importantly, Scholar A was being employed by X when he wrote this work, and was presumably therefore under pressure to portray the situation more favourably than he perhaps might otherwise have done.”


You’ve almost made it to the end of the essay, but your work isn’t over yet. You need to end by wrapping up everything you’ve talked about, showing that you’ve considered the arguments on both sides and reached the most likely conclusion. Here are some words and phrases to help you.

36. In conclusion

Usage: Typically used to introduce the concluding paragraph or sentence of an essay, summarising what you’ve discussed in a broad overview. Example: “In conclusion, the evidence points almost exclusively to Argument A.”

37. Above all

Usage: Used to signify what you believe to be the most significant point, and the main takeaway from the essay. Example: “Above all, it seems pertinent to remember that

38. Persuasive

Usage: This is a useful word to use when summarising which argument you find most convincing. Example: “Scholar A’s point – that Constanze Mozart was motivated by financial gain – seems to me to be the most persuasive argument for her actions following Mozart’s death.”

39. Compelling

Usage: Use in the same way as “persuasive” above. Example: “The most compelling argument is presented by Scholar A.”

40. All things considered

Usage: This means “taking everything into account”. Example: “All things considered, it seems reasonable to assume that

How many of these words and phrases will you get into your next essay? And are any of your favourite essay terms missing from our list? Let us know in the comments below, or get in touch here to find out more about courses that can help you with your essays.

At Oxford Royale Academy, we offer a number of  summer school courses for young people who are keen to improve their essay writing skills. Click here to apply for one of our courses today, including law , business , medicine  and engineering .

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Academic Essay Writing Made Simple: 4 types and tips

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The pen is mightier than the sword, they say, and nowhere is this more evident than in academia. From the quick scribbles of eager students to the inquisitive thoughts of renowned scholars, academic essays depict the power of the written word. These well-crafted writings propel ideas forward and expand the existing boundaries of human intellect.

What is an Academic Essay

An academic essay is a nonfictional piece of writing that analyzes and evaluates an argument around a specific topic or research question. It serves as a medium to share the author’s views and is also used by institutions to assess the critical thinking, research skills, and writing abilities of a students and researchers.  

Importance of Academic Essays

4 main types of academic essays.

While academic essays may vary in length, style, and purpose, they generally fall into four main categories. Despite their differences, these essay types share a common goal: to convey information, insights, and perspectives effectively.

1. Expository Essay

2. Descriptive Essay

3. Narrative Essay

4. Argumentative Essay

Expository and persuasive essays mainly deal with facts to explain ideas clearly. Narrative and descriptive essays are informal and have a creative edge. Despite their differences, these essay types share a common goal ― to convey information, insights, and perspectives effectively.

Expository Essays: Illuminating ideas

An expository essay is a type of academic writing that explains, illustrates, or clarifies a particular subject or idea. Its primary purpose is to inform the reader by presenting a comprehensive and objective analysis of a topic.

By breaking down complex topics into digestible pieces and providing relevant examples and explanations, expository essays allow writers to share their knowledge.

What are the Key Features of an Expository Essay

essay for many words

Provides factual information without bias

essay for many words

Presents multiple viewpoints while maintaining objectivity

essay for many words

Uses direct and concise language to ensure clarity for the reader

essay for many words

Composed of a logical structure with an introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion

When is an expository essay written.

1. For academic assignments to evaluate the understanding of research skills.

2. As instructional content to provide step-by-step guidance for tasks or problem-solving.

3. In journalism for objective reporting in news or investigative pieces.

4. As a form of communication in the professional field to convey factual information in business or healthcare.

How to Write an Expository Essay

Expository essays are typically structured in a logical and organized manner.

1. Topic Selection and Research

  • Choose a topic that can be explored objectively
  • Gather relevant facts and information from credible sources
  • Develop a clear thesis statement

2. Outline and Structure

  • Create an outline with an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion
  • Introduce the topic and state the thesis in the introduction
  • Dedicate each body paragraph to a specific point supporting the thesis
  • Use transitions to maintain a logical flow

3. Objective and Informative Writing

  • Maintain an impartial and informative tone
  • Avoid personal opinions or biases
  • Support points with factual evidence, examples, and explanations

4. Conclusion

  • Summarize the key points
  • Reinforce the significance of the thesis

Descriptive Essays: Painting with words

Descriptive essays transport readers into vivid scenes, allowing them to experience the world through the writer ‘s lens. These essays use rich sensory details, metaphors, and figurative language to create a vivid and immersive experience . Its primary purpose is to engage readers’ senses and imagination.

It allows writers to demonstrate their ability to observe and describe subjects with precision and creativity.

What are the Key Features of Descriptive Essay

essay for many words

Employs figurative language and imagery to paint a vivid picture for the reader

essay for many words

Demonstrates creativity and expressiveness in narration

essay for many words

Includes close attention to detail, engaging the reader’s senses

essay for many words

Engages the reader’s imagination and emotions through immersive storytelling using analogies, metaphors, similes, etc.

When is a descriptive essay written.

1. Personal narratives or memoirs that describe significant events, people, or places.

2. Travel writing to capture the essence of a destination or experience.

3. Character sketches in fiction writing to introduce and describe characters.

4. Poetry or literary analyses to explore the use of descriptive language and imagery.

How to Write a Descriptive Essay

The descriptive essay lacks a defined structural requirement but typically includes: an introduction introducing the subject, a thorough description, and a concluding summary with insightful reflection.

1. Subject Selection and Observation

  • Choose a subject (person, place, object, or experience) to describe
  • Gather sensory details and observations

2. Engaging Introduction

  • Set the scene and provide the context
  • Use of descriptive language and figurative techniques

3. Descriptive Body Paragraphs

  • Focus on specific aspects or details of the subject
  • Engage the reader ’s senses with vivid imagery and descriptions
  • Maintain a consistent tone and viewpoint

4. Impactful Conclusion

  • Provide a final impression or insight
  • Leave a lasting impact on the reader

Narrative Essays: Storytelling in Action

Narrative essays are personal accounts that tell a story, often drawing from the writer’s own experiences or observations. These essays rely on a well-structured plot, character development, and vivid descriptions to engage readers and convey a deeper meaning or lesson.

What are the Key features of Narrative Essays

essay for many words

Written from a first-person perspective and hence subjective

essay for many words

Based on real personal experiences

essay for many words

Uses an informal and expressive tone

essay for many words

Presents events and characters in sequential order

When is a narrative essay written.

It is commonly assigned in high school and college writing courses to assess a student’s ability to convey a meaningful message or lesson through a personal narrative. They are written in situations where a personal experience or story needs to be recounted, such as:

1. Reflective essays on significant life events or personal growth.

2. Autobiographical writing to share one’s life story or experiences.

3. Creative writing exercises to practice narrative techniques and character development.

4. College application essays to showcase personal qualities and experiences.

How to Write a Narrative Essay

Narrative essays typically follow a chronological structure, with an introduction that sets the scene, a body that develops the plot and characters, and a conclusion that provides a sense of resolution or lesson learned.

1. Experience Selection and Reflection

  • Choose a significant personal experience or event
  • Reflect on the impact and deeper meaning

2. Immersive Introduction

  • Introduce characters and establish the tone and point of view

3. Plotline and Character Development

  • Advance   the  plot and character development through body paragraphs
  • Incorporate dialog , conflict, and resolution
  • Maintain a logical and chronological flow

4. Insightful Conclusion

  • Reflect on lessons learned or insights gained
  • Leave the reader with a lasting impression

Argumentative Essays: Persuasion and Critical Thinking

Argumentative essays are the quintessential form of academic writing in which writers present a clear thesis and support it with well-researched evidence and logical reasoning. These essays require a deep understanding of the topic, critical analysis of multiple perspectives, and the ability to construct a compelling argument.

What are the Key Features of an Argumentative Essay?

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Logical and well-structured arguments

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Credible and relevant evidence from reputable sources

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Consideration and refutation of counterarguments

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Critical analysis and evaluation of the issue 

When is an argumentative essay written.

Argumentative essays are written to present a clear argument or stance on a particular issue or topic. In academic settings they are used to develop critical thinking, research, and persuasive writing skills. However, argumentative essays can also be written in various other contexts, such as:

1. Opinion pieces or editorials in newspapers, magazines, or online publications.

2. Policy proposals or position papers in government, nonprofit, or advocacy settings.

3. Persuasive speeches or debates in academic, professional, or competitive environments.

4. Marketing or advertising materials to promote a product, service, or idea.

How to write an Argumentative Essay

Argumentative essays begin with an introduction that states the thesis and provides context. The body paragraphs develop the argument with evidence, address counterarguments, and use logical reasoning. The conclusion restates the main argument and makes a final persuasive appeal.

  • Choose a debatable and controversial issue
  • Conduct thorough research and gather evidence and counterarguments

2. Thesis and Introduction

  • Craft a clear and concise thesis statement
  • Provide background information and establish importance

3. Structured Body Paragraphs

  • Focus each paragraph on a specific aspect of the argument
  • Support with logical reasoning, factual evidence, and refutation

4. Persuasive Techniques

  • Adopt a formal and objective tone
  • Use persuasive techniques (rhetorical questions, analogies, appeals)

5. Impactful Conclusion

  • Summarize the main points
  • Leave the reader with a strong final impression and call to action

To learn more about argumentative essay, check out this article .

5 Quick Tips for Researchers to Improve Academic Essay Writing Skills

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Use clear and concise language to convey ideas effectively without unnecessary words

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Use well-researched, credible sources to substantiate your arguments with data, expert opinions, and scholarly references

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Ensure a coherent structure with effective transitions, clear topic sentences, and a logical flow to enhance readability 

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To elevate your academic essay, consider submitting your draft to a community-based platform like Open Platform  for editorial review 

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Review your work multiple times for clarity, coherence, and adherence to academic guidelines to ensure a polished final product

By mastering the art of academic essay writing, researchers and scholars can effectively communicate their ideas, contribute to the advancement of knowledge, and engage in meaningful scholarly discourse.

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While we make every attempt to make our calculators as accurate as possible, the results won't be perfect. This converter addresses some issues to provide a more accurate estimate, but in the end, it's still an estimate. Other issues such as margin space and paragraph length will likely result in some variation from the calculations given. That being said, it should provide a more accurate indication of the number of pages a specific word count will be and the number of words per page you type when compared to the general rule of thumb.

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How many pages is 500 words? 500 words is approximately 1.8 pages. How many pages is 750 words? 750 words is approximately 2.7 pages. How many pages is 1,000 words? 1,000 words is approximately 3.7 pages. How many pages is 1,250 words? 1,250 words is approximately 4.6 pages. How many pages is 1,500 words? 1,500 words is approximately 5.5 pages. How many pages is 2,000 words? 2,000 words is approximately 7.3 pages. How many pages is 2,500 words? 2,500 words is approximately 9.1 pages. How many pages is 3,000 words? 3,000 words is approximately 11 pages. How many pages is 4,000 words? 4,000 words is approximately 14.6 pages. How many pages is 5,000 words? 5,000 words is approximately 18.3 pages. How many pages is 7,500 words? 7,500 words is approximately 27.4 pages. How many pages is 10,000 words? 10,000 words is approximately 36.5 pages.

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What Is a Word Count for Extended Essay?

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As someone who has cut through the complexities of the International Baccalaureate or IB program, I feel it is necessary first to clarify what an Extended Essay (EE) entails. The Extended Essay is a cornerstone of the IB diploma, a task that challenges students to conduct independent research on a topic of their choice. In my experience, understanding the Extended Essay word count is not just about meeting a requirement but mastering the art of concise, focused academic writing.

Understanding the Basics of IB EE Wordcount

In my years of guiding students through the IB curriculum , one frequently asked question is why the Extended Essay word count is so critical. According to general IB criteria, adhering to this strict requirement is not merely a formal requirement but a crucial element of the academic discipline. From my experience, the word count of the Extended Essay has several essential functions.

The limit allows you to research a topic thoroughly but within a concise framework. It encourages you to discuss the topic comprehensively yet succinctly enough to maintain focus and coherence.

Moreover, managing the word count requires careful planning of your essay structure and content. You learn to evaluate what is essential to your argument and what can be omitted, enhancing your critical thinking skills. Adhering to the word count also demonstrates your ability to follow academic conventions, a skill highly valued in higher education. Here’s why maintaining the proper word count can make or break your Extended Essay:

  • Precision in Argumentation . Staying within the word limit forces you to articulate your arguments precisely, avoiding unnecessary digressions. This precision makes your essay easier to follow.
  • Skillful Resource Management . You learn to use your sources and evidence strategically, choosing only the most relevant information to support your argument. 
  • Balanced Research . A strict word count helps ensure that no single area of your essay is disproportionately long or short, contributing to a balanced and well-rounded argument.

As I know from tutoring many students, the discipline of adhering to a word count dramatically improves the clarity and effectiveness of your writing. No matter whether you are just beginning your Extended Essay or are in the final stages of editing, remember that every word should have a purpose in your narrative.

What Is the Minimum Word Count for Extended Essay?

In my years of involvement with the IB program, a common question I’ve encountered from students is the minimum word count for the Extended Essay. According to general IB criteria, the Extended Essay has no officially specified minimum word count. However, any essay significantly shorter than 3,500 – 3,600 words might struggle to fulfill the comprehensive requirements expected of this significant research project.

So, how many words is Extended Essay? I’ve observed that while the IB does not enforce a strict minimum, aiming for a word count close to the 4,000-word maximum is advisable. This approach ensures you have sufficient space to develop your arguments thoroughly and incorporate critical analyses and complex reasoning that the Extended Essay demands. In my opinion, writing an essay much shorter than this can sometimes indicate that the topic has not been investigated in the depth and breadth necessary for an upper-level research paper.

Moreover, as I know from guiding students, essays that are too brief may fail to engage deeply with the subject matter, potentially leading to a superficial treatment of the topic. Using the Extended Essay to demonstrate your ability to conduct detailed research and present a well-structured, persuasive argument is essential. This depth is often hard to achieve in fewer words.

extended essay word count

Therefore, while there’s no formal minimum, I advise students to use the word count as a guideline to ensure comprehensive coverage of their chosen topic. This way, you will be better positioned to meet the expectations of the IB examiners looking for rigorous analysis and a demonstration of your research skills.

Remember, the 4,000-word count is the maximum allowed, and it does not include the acknowledgments, contents page, maps, charts, diagrams, annotated illustrations, tables, bibliography, appendices, or footnotes as long as they are not substantive explanatory text.

How to Effectively Manage Your Word Count?

Managing your word count in an Extended Essay can seem daunting at first. Still, with the right approach, it becomes an opportunity to sharpen your writing skills and ensure your research is clear and concise. Below are some strategies I’ve found helpful over the years.

1. Plan Your Essay Structure

Before you start writing, plan your essay’s structure. As I know from guiding many students, a detailed outline helps you distribute your word count effectively across different sections of the essay. This strategy ensures that each part (introduction, body, conclusion) receives adequate attention and word allocation. According to general IB criteria, a well-planned essay facilitates a clear and logical presentation of your research.

2. Be Concise and Direct

In my opinion, one of the critical skills in essay writing is learning how to express ideas succinctly. Avoid filler words and redundant phrases that do not add value to your argument. Instead, focus on strong, active verbs and clear, precise language. This approach helps manage your word count, making your essay more compelling and easier to read.

3. Regularly Check Your Word Count

As you write, keep a close eye on your word count. Modern word processors make this easy, and regularly checking can prevent you from drastically exceeding or not meeting your word limit. From my experience, frequent checks allow you to adjust on the fly, ensuring each section stays within its targeted word range without last-minute, drastic cuts.

4. Refine and Condense

Once your first draft is complete, the editing phase begins. Here, be ruthless in cutting or rewriting overly verbose or tangential parts. As I know from revising countless student essays, this step is critical in enhancing your argument’s clarity and impact. Effective editing often involves tightening up your prose, removing repetitive points, and ensuring every word counts.

5. Get an External Perspective

Finally, don’t underestimate the value of feedback. Having another set of eyes on your work can help identify areas where the word count could be better managed. Feedback is invaluable, whether it’s a teacher, a peer, or an experienced IB writer like myself. From my experience, this external perspective provides insights you might have missed, especially in areas where your argument could be more concise or clear.

Don’t let the stress of the IB curriculum hold you back.

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Word Count Distribution Across Your Extended Essay

As an experienced IB writer, I’ve seen many students grapple with how to allocate their words across the different sections of an Extended Essay. It’s essential to balance the essay so that each part has enough space to effectively contribute to the overall argument without any single section dominating. Here’s how, in my experience, you can distribute your word count effectively across the various parts of the Extended Essay:

  • Introduction (10-15% of total words) . Typically, this would range from 400 to 600 words. This section introduces your research question and provides the necessary background information. According to general IB criteria, the introduction should set the stage for what follows, clearly outlining the scope and direction of your essay.
  • Body (70-80% of total words) . This section should use approximately 2,800 to 3,200 words. The body is where you develop your argument, analyze your research, and discuss your findings. As I know from guiding students, dividing this word count among various points or sections is crucial to maintaining a coherent and logically structured argument.
  • Conclusion (10-15% of total words) . Aim for about 400 to 600 words. In the conclusion, you combine your research insights and reaffirm how they answer the research question. From my experience, it’s essential to briefly summarize the argument without introducing new information.

Balancing these sections ensures that each part of your essay contributes to a coherent and persuasive argument. From what I’ve seen, students who follow this guideline tend not only to meet the required word count but also to produce well-structured and compelling essays. Remember, each section should transition smoothly to the next, maintaining the flow and reinforcing the central thesis. Adhering to these proportions ensures that your Extended Essay demonstrates depth and precision, hallmarks of outstanding scholarly work.

Mastering the word count in your Extended Essay is about more than meeting a numerical requirement. It’s about concisely communicating complex ideas. Remember, this essay is your chance to focus in-depth on a topic that fascinates you, so make every word count.

Please view the word count not as a barrier but as a framework within which you can craft a clear, detailed, and persuasive argument. With proper planning and a little creativity, you will produce an exceptional Extended Essay that proudly presents your research skills and intellectual rigor. Also, if you are having trouble writing an Extended Essay within 4,000 words, our experts at IBWritingService.com are always happy to help. We are available 24/7!

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Adhering strictly to the rigorous standards set by the IB, we deploy a methodical approach to our writing process. This ensures that every piece of content we generate not only meets but exceeds the expectations set within the program.

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Introducing WriteCream’s Instant Extended Essay Typer: Crafting Extended Essays with a Single Click

Are you tired of spending countless hours wrangling with words to compose compelling extended essays? Look no further, as WriteCream presents its revolutionary Instant Essay Extender, a game-changing tool designed to simplify the essay-writing process and produce high-quality essays in just one click.

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An Essay Extender is a tool that expands and enriches your essays by adding relevant content. It helps meet word count requirements while maintaining coherence and quality, making it ideal for students and professionals looking to effortlessly enhance their writing.

The process is remarkably user-friendly:

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What are Tone Words? List of 300+ Useful Words

Table of contents

  • 1 What is a Tone?
  • 2.1 Positive Tone Words
  • 2.2 Negative Tone Words
  • 2.3 Neutral Tone Words
  • 3 How to Find the Right Tone for Your Work
  • 4 Tone Words Examples in Various Texts

In writing, tone plays a significant role in conveying emotions, setting the atmosphere, and establishing a connection with readers. The tone of every piece of writing – whether an argumentative essay, a page-turning novel, or a moving poem – can be set by the author’s choice of words.

It would be best to balance the subtleties of language and freedom of thought to get the desired effect. Today, we share a definitive collection of tone words to help you and every writer achieve their goals in this area.

What is a Tone?

Tone, in writing, is the author’s emotional response with deep respect to either the subject matter or the readers. It helps to create a particular atmosphere and direct the reader’s feelings by revealing the author’s point of view.

The tone is the author’s voice (in this case, their attitude, not their personality), and how the words on the page are emotion-tinted to make the reader feel a specific way.

Word choice, tone list sentence structure, imagery, and figurative language are all examples of literary methods that can be used to communicate tone. It comprises more than just the words themselves.

Also, it includes the author’s general tone and approach. To provoke various feelings and responses from the reader, a talented writer might switch tones within the same piece of writing.

Recognizing and employing tone is fundamental to effective communication because it influences the writer’s attitude and how the recipient interprets the message. It can potentially affect a message’s readability, retention, and recall. When writers use the right tone, they may impress readers, hold their attention, and get their point over.

As they delve further into the nuances of tone and tone words in literature, authors gain access to many expressive vocabularies.

The Ultimate List of Tone Words

Now for our ultimate list of tone words in literature. This comprehensive compilation encompasses a range of words that can help authors like you effectively communicate their intended emotions and engage readers on a profound level. And we are talking about a deep level indeed!

Positive Tone Words

Positive tone words inspire happy thoughts and feelings in the reader. They spark positive emotions and are incredibly powerful. Powerful? How so? Positive tone words can make you think well of someone and have a favorable impression of them even without meeting. Here are some other good tone words, word examples, and their meanings:

  • Joyful: Filled with happiness, delight, and great pleasure.
  • Optimistic: Expecting positive outcomes, hopeful, and confident about the future.
  • Enthusiastic: Displaying intense excitement, passion, and eagerness.
  • Serene: Calm, peaceful, and tranquil.
  • Endearing: Inspiring warmth or affection
  • Grateful: Feeling or expressing appreciation and thankfulness.
  • Empowered: Feeling confident, capable, and in control of one’s life or circumstances.
  • Radiant: Emitting brightness, happiness, and positivity.
  • Inspirational: Providing motivation, encouragement, and a sense of upliftment.
  • Energetic: Full of vigor, liveliness, and vitality.
  • Confident: Having self-assurance, belief in one’s abilities, and a positive outlook.
  • Empathetic: showing empathy; feeling the emotions of others.

Negative Tone Words

The use of negative tone words can considerably influence the perceptions produced by readers, regardless of whether they describe a location, a literary work, or a collective of individuals. Simply put, just as positive tone words spark positive emotions, negative ones spark negative ones.

Hence, when applying negative tone phrases, you must exercise caution and ensure your criticisms remain fair, constructive, and objective, and that is very important.

By attentively picking your words, you can provide a well-rounded perspective while keeping your message’s moral sense and integrity. Striking the correct balance between negative and positive judgments provides for a full understanding and encourages effective interactions.

  • Miserable: Extremely unhappy, sorrowful, or distressed.
  • Disgusting: Causing intense revulsion, repugnance, or strong aversion.
  • Aggressive: Hostile, confrontational, or prone to initiating conflict.
  • Chaotic: Marked by disorder, confusion, and lack of organization or control.
  • Repulsive: Evoking strong feelings of dislike, aversion, or disgust.
  • Arrogant: Displaying an exaggerated sense of superiority, self-importance, or entitlement.
  • Hateful: Full of intense dislike, animosity, or prejudice towards someone or something.
  • Depressing: Causing feelings of sadness, dejection, or hopelessness.
  • Inferior: Of lower quality, value, or importance compared to others.

Neutral Tone Words

Neutral tone words help maintain a fair and unbiased approach, allowing readers to form their opinions without undue influence. Here are examples of neutral tone words along with their meanings:

  • Ordinary: Usual, commonplace, or unremarkable.
  • Standard: Conforming to established norms, expectations, or criteria.
  • Common: Frequently occurring, widely experienced, or generally known.
  • Typical: Representing a characteristic example or pattern.
  • Balanced: Exhibiting equality, equilibrium, or impartiality.
  • Objective: Unbiased, based on facts, and devoid of personal opinions or feelings.
  • Rationale: Logical, reasoned, and based on sound judgment or reasoning.
  • Neutral: Impartial, unbiased, or not taking sides.
  • Moderate: Neither excessive nor extreme, characterized by a reasonable and measured approach.
  • Unbiased: Fair, impartial, and free from prejudice or favoritism.
  • Indifferent: Having no particular preference or bias, lacking interest or concern.
  • Matter-of-fact: Devoid of emotional embellishment, straightforward, and focused on facts.

How to Find the Right Tone for Your Work

So far, we have established that finding the right, powerful tone words is the key to successfully delivering your message through writing. To figure out which examples of tone words used work best for your goal, ask these reflective questions:

  • Why am I writing this?

It helps to know why you’re writing in the first place to set the right words of tone in your writing. What effect do you hope to have on the reader? Each goal requires specific words and unique words for the tone of the literature to be adequate.

  • Who exactly am I writing for?

When deciding on a tone for your writing, it is essential to keep your readers in mind. Is it an official report, a casual blog post, or a rigorous research paper? The interest and understanding of your readers will increase if you modify your author’s tone to match their expectations and preferences.

  • What do I hope the reader will take away from this experience?

The tone of your communication can be improved by first determining the key idea or message you wish to express. Whatever you’re trying to do through your writing – persuade, inform, or evoke an emotion – matching your tone to your intended result is crucial!

The tone of any formal writing must be clear, concise, confident, and courteous. Attempt refinement without straying into pretentiousness; balance formality and readability.

However, creative writing allows for greater latitude in tone. Still, focus on effectively using tone words, regardless of the genre. The tone you go for will be influenced by the genre you’re writing in, but ultimately, you want to get your point across, make the reader feel something, and pull them into the story.

Suppose writers take the time to evaluate these factors carefully. In that case, they can master using an appropriate tone to describe words that will connect with their target audience, improve readability, and have the desired effect. We hope you become one such writer.

Tone Words Examples in Various Texts

Again, tone words play a vital role in shaping the atmosphere and evoking emotions in different types of writing. The choice of tone words varies based on the formality of the writing and is further influenced by the genre, whether creative or formal.

Let’s explore some examples of tone words in various types of writing:

  • Melancholic: Conveys a tone of sadness, longing, or introspection, often found in poems exploring themes of loss or nostalgia.
  • Whimsical: Creates a playful and lighthearted tone, commonly used in poems that embrace imagination and fantasy.
  • Serene: Establishes a calm and peaceful tone, often seen in verses that celebrate nature or meditate on inner peace.
  • Euphoric: Creates a tone of extreme joy, vitality, or ecstasy, frequently found in poems expressing moments of joy or bliss.

Romantic Novel

  • Passionate: Sets an intense and vibrant tone, typically associated with love, desire, and emotional depth.
  • Sentimental: Evokes tender and nostalgic emotions, often found in romantic novels emphasizing deep emotional connections.
  • Yearning: Conveys a tone of longing or desire, frequently employed in books that explore unrequited love or longing for a lost connection.
  • Tender: Establishes a gentle and affectionate tone, often used to depict tender moments of intimacy or vulnerability.

Horror Fiction

  • Eerie: Creates a tone of unease, suspense, and impending dread, frequently found in horror fiction to heighten tension.
  • Sinister: Evokes a dark, malicious, or hateful tone, often depicting evil or foreboding circumstances.
  • Terrifying: Establishes a tone of extreme fear, horror, or terror intended to invoke a visceral response from the reader.
  • Macabre: Conveys a tone of fascination with the gruesome death or the supernatural, often seen in horror fiction that explores the darker aspects of human existence.

Informative News Article

  • Objective: Establish a neutral and unbiased tone, presenting facts and information without personal opinions or emotions.
  • Authoritative: Conveys a tone of expertise, credibility, and confidence, frequently employed in news articles to establish trustworthiness.
  • Informative: Sets a tone of clarity, providing straightforward and concise information to educate the readers.
  • Balanced: Establishes a fair and even-handed tone, presenting multiple perspectives and avoiding bias or favoritism.

What Is the Difference Between Tone and Voice?

Tone and voice are sometimes misunderstood or used interchangeably by writers. However, they couldn’t be more dissimilar. We’ve established that tone conveys the author’s or a character’s feelings about the subject.

Tone words in nonfiction writing reveal the author’s point of view. Tone words are helpful in fiction because they indicate a scene’s or conversation’s emotional state, whether the reader might expect tension, happiness, sadness, etc.

While the term “voice” describes the overall character of a piece of writing. One author’s scathing tone may be another’s instructive or friendliness.

What Is the Difference Between Tone and Mood?

The word for tone in literature is the mood or atmosphere that the author intends for the reader to experience while reading the text, while mood is the experience that the reader has while reading the story.

How the author feels about the setting or the character and how he wants the reader to feel determines the tone. On the contrary, the reader’s emotional response establishes the mood. Setting the mood at the opening of a story prepares the audience for what is to come.

How do you identify tone words?

Identifying tone words in a piece of writing is essential for understanding the intended emotions and attitudes conveyed by the author. Here are some key approaches to identifying tone words:

  • Contextual Clues: Pay attention to the overall context and the writer’s purpose. Examine the subject matter, the writer’s attitude, and the intended audience. These factors can provide valuable hints about the tone.
  • Word Choice: Look for words that evoke emotions or convey a particular attitude. Tone words often carry emotional weight or reveal the author’s perspective. Words with strong connotations, such as “brutal,” “uplifting,” or “serene,” can indicate the tone.
  • Go with your Gut: Sometimes, the best way to explain a tone is to say that you just “get it.” The text makes you feel a specific way, whether it’s urgent or melancholy. After reading it, you feel angry and get the impression that the author is also angry. Or sometimes, there is nothing specifically humorous about the writing, yet you find yourself laughing anyhow. As a result, go with your instinct when deciding how to interpret the author’s tone in passages like these.

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Pinakamahusay na Paraan Upang Palakihin ang Bilang ng Salita sa Isang Sanaysay

Pinakamahusay na Paraan Upang Palakihin ang Bilang ng Salita sa Isang Sanaysay

  • Koponan ng Editoryal ng Smodin
  • Nai-publish: Mayo 23, 2024
  • Pangkalahatan

Nagsusulat ka ba ng isang sanaysay sa araling-bahay at nagpupumilit na matugunan ang pinakamababang mga kinakailangan sa bilang ng salita? O baka nahihirapan kang magdagdag ng substance nang hindi sinasakripisyo ang kalidad.

Sa gabay na ito, sasaklawin namin ang mga simpleng estratehiya upang madagdagan ang bilang ng salita sa isang sanaysay habang pinapahusay din ang kalidad ng iyong pagsulat. Kasama sa mga pamamaraang ito ang paggamit ng mga tool ng AI tulad ng Smodin, pagpino sa iyong paraphrasing, at pag-master ng mga pangungusap.

1. Gumamit ng AI Writing Tools

Ang paggamit ng mga tool sa pagsulat ng AI ay maaaring makatulong na mapahaba ang iyong sanaysay. Ang mga tool na ito ay maaaring magbigay ng mga katulong sa iba't ibang paraan:

  • Maaaring suriin ng mga tool ng AI tulad ng Smodin ang iyong teksto. Nagmumungkahi sila ng mga alternatibo, na nagpapahintulot sa iyo na palawakin ang mga ideya nang hindi sinasaktan ang iyong pagsusulat.
  • Makakatulong sa iyo ang mga tool ng AI na makahanap ng mga pagkakataong maghiwalay o pagsamahin ang mga pangungusap. Dadagdagan nito ang kinakailangang bilang ng salita habang pinananatiling malinaw at dumadaloy ang mga bagay.
  • Ang mga tool na ito ay maaaring magrekomenda ng mga kasingkahulugan. Pinapalitan nila ang mga generic na termino, na nagdaragdag ng lalim sa iyong sanaysay.
  • Mga katulong sa pagsulat ng AI, tulad ng Smodin Manunulat , ay maaaring magbigay ng mga angkop na mungkahi batay sa paksa at tono ng iyong sanaysay. Tinitiyak nila na ang iyong nais na bilang ng mga salita ay tumataas at umaangkop sa iyong mga layunin sa pagsusulat.

Ang pagdaragdag ng mga tool sa pagsulat ng AI sa iyong proseso ng paggawa ng sanaysay ay maaaring maging isang mahusay na paraan upang madaling mapalakas ang bilang ng iyong salita. Mapapabuti rin nila ang kalidad ng iyong trabaho.

2. Sumulat ng Maikling Kwento

Ang pagdaragdag ng mga kuwento sa iyong sanaysay ay isang nakakahimok na paraan upang magdagdag ng mga salita at maakit ang iyong mga mambabasa, lalo na pagdating sa malikhaing pagsulat. Narito kung paano mo epektibong magagamit ang pagkukuwento:

  • Magdagdag ng mga anekdota : Nagbibigay sila ng konteksto at detalye sa iyong mga punto habang nagdaragdag ng mga karagdagang salita.
  • Bumuo ng matingkad na mga character at senaryo : Gamitin ang mga ito upang ilarawan ang iyong mga ideya at magdagdag ng lalim sa iyong pagsulat.
  • Gumamit ng matingkad na wika upang magpinta ng larawan para sa iyong mga mambabasa : Ilulubog nito ang mga mambabasa sa kuwento habang dinadagdagan ang bilang ng iyong salita.
  • Gumamit ng emosyonal na apela : Kumonekta sa iyong mambabasa sa pamamagitan ng mga kuwento. Ang mga kuwento ay dapat na pumukaw ng damdamin at umaayon sa kanilang mga karanasan.

Ang paghabi ng mga kuwento sa iyong sanaysay ay nagpapalakas ng bilang ng mga salita. Ginagawa rin nitong mas nakakaengganyo at hindi malilimutan ang iyong content. Isaalang-alang ang paggamit ng mga tool ng AI tulad ng Smodin. Maaari nilang pinuhin ang iyong pagkukuwento at pagbutihin ang iyong daloy ng pagsasalaysay.

3. Palawakin ang Mga Talata

Ang pagpapalawak ng mga talata ay isang madiskarteng diskarte. Papataasin nito ang bilang ng mga salita at pagbutihin ang lalim at pagkakaugnay ng iyong sanaysay. Narito ang mga pangunahing taktika upang epektibong mapalawak ang iyong mga talata:

  • Magdagdag ng detalye at paliwanag sa iyong mga pangunahing punto : Gagawin nitong mas matibay at mas mahaba ang iyong pagsusulat.
  • Tanggalin ang mga salitang tagapuno : Habang nagpapalawak ka, panoorin ang mga salitang hindi nagdaragdag ng kahulugan na negatibong makakaapekto sa haba ng iyong sanaysay.
  • Palakasin ang mga talata ng katawan : Buuin ang iyong mga talata sa katawan sa pamamagitan ng pagkonekta ng mga ideya nang lohikal at magkakaugnay.
  • Gumamit ng mga transisyonal na parirala : Tinutulungan ka nitong lumipat sa pagitan ng mga ideya at talata. Pinapanatili nila ang iyong sanaysay na dumadaloy at positibong pinapataas ang bilang ng salita.

Sa pamamagitan ng maingat na pagpapalawak ng iyong mga talata, maaari mong palakasin ang bilang ng iyong salita. Pagyamanin nito ang kalidad at istraktura ng iyong pagsulat. Ang mga tool ng AI, tulad ng Smodin, ay makakatulong din dito. I-streamline at pagbutihin nila kung paano mo palawakin ang mga talata.

4. Magdagdag ng mga Halimbawa

Ang pagdaragdag ng mga halimbawa sa iyong sanaysay ay isang mahusay na paraan upang suportahan ang iyong mga argumento. Ginagawa rin nitong mas nakakaengganyo ang iyong pagsusulat. Narito ang ilang mga estratehiya para sa epektibong pagsasama ng mga halimbawa sa iyong pagsulat:

  • Gumamit ng mga kaugnay na halimbawa : Dapat silang nauugnay sa paksa at suportahan ang iyong mga argumento. Iwasang gumamit ng mga halimbawa na walang kaugnayan o nakakalito.
  • Gumamit ng maraming halimbawa : Maaari nilang bigyang-diin ang iba't ibang bahagi ng iyong argumento at gawing mas kumpleto ang iyong pagsusulat.
  • Gumamit ng mga halimbawa mula sa iba't ibang mapagkukunan : Nagbibigay sila ng buong pananaw sa paksa. Ipinakita nila ang iyong kakayahan sa pagsusuri at pagsusuri ng magkakaibang pananaw.
  • Gumamit ng mga halimbawa upang ihambing at ihambing : Ang paggamit ng mga halimbawa upang ihambing at ihambing ang mga ideya ay maaaring i-highlight ang kanilang mga kalakasan at kahinaan. Maaari itong magbigay ng mas nuanced na pag-unawa sa paksa.
  • Gumamit ng mga halimbawa upang linawin ang mga kumplikadong konsepto : Maaari nilang gawing mas madaling maunawaan ang mga konsepto.

Ang pagdaragdag ng mga halimbawa sa iyong sanaysay ay nagbibigay ng katibayan upang suportahan ang iyong mga argumento. Ginagawa rin nitong mas nakakaengganyo at mapanghikayat ang iyong pagsusulat.

5. Linawin ang mga Pangungusap

Kapag naglalayong dagdagan ang bilang ng salita ng iyong sanaysay, ang mga malinaw na pangungusap ay mahalaga. Nagdaragdag sila ng sustansya at lalim sa iyong pagsusulat. Narito ang mga pangunahing diskarte upang mapahusay ang kalinawan at epektibong palawakin ang iyong nilalaman:

  • Magbigay ng higit pang detalye : Ipaliwanag ang mga pangunahing punto sa pamamagitan ng pagdaragdag ng higit pang detalye at mga halimbawa upang pagyamanin ang iyong mga paliwanag.
  • Gumamit ng deskriptibong wika : Ito ay naglalarawan ng mga konsepto at nakakaakit ng mga mambabasa nang malalim.
  • Linawin ang iyong mga pahayag : Gawing malinaw at maikli ang mga ito. Iwasan ang kalabuan at pagiging kumplikado.
  • Bigyang-diin ang mga pangunahing punto : Gawin ito upang palakasin ang iyong mga argumento at magbigay ng ganap na pag-unawa.
  • Dagdagan pa ng lalim : Sumisid ng mas malalim sa mga paksa sa pamamagitan ng paggalugad ng iba't ibang anggulo at pananaw upang pagyamanin ang iyong pagsusuri at linawin ang mga pahayag.
  • Iwasan ang hindi kinakailangang impormasyon : Putulin ang mga detalye na hindi mahalaga o idagdag sa mga pangunahing ideya. Pinapanatili nitong malinaw ang iyong pagsusulat.

Tutulungan ka ng mga diskarteng ito na linawin ang iyong mga pangungusap at magdagdag ng lalim sa iyong nilalaman. Dagdagan din nila ang bilang ng mga salita habang pinapanatili ang iyong sanaysay na may kaugnayan at magkakaugnay.

6. Gumamit ng mga Sipi

Ang paggamit ng mga panipi sa iyong sanaysay ay maaaring mapalakas ang bilang ng mga salita at magdagdag ng kredibilidad at lalim sa iyong mga argumento. Narito ang ilang epektibong paraan ng paggamit ng mga sipi sa iyong pagsulat:

  • Gumamit ng mga panipi mula sa mga mapagkukunan ng kalidad : Magbibigay sila ng matibay na ebidensya para sa iyong mga claim.
  • Pagdaragdag ng awtoridad : Ang mga quote mula sa mga eksperto o kilalang figure ay maaaring magdagdag ng isang pakiramdam ng awtoridad sa iyong pagsulat at mapalakas ang bisa ng iyong mga argumento.
  • Pagbibigay-diin sa mga pangunahing punto: Katulad ng paggamit ng mga halimbawa, maaaring gamitin ang mga sipi upang i-highlight ang mga pangunahing ideya o pananaw na naaayon sa iyong argumento.
  • Magbigay ng iba't ibang pananaw : Isama ang mga quote na may magkakaibang pananaw. Pinagyayaman nila ang talakayan at nagpapakita ng kumpletong pag-unawa sa paksa.
  • Gumamit ng mga panipi sa madiskarteng paraan : Palalakasin nila ang iyong argumento at hikayatin ang iyong mga mambabasa.
  • Sumipi ng mga kaugnay na quote : Tandaang banggitin nang tama ang mga panipi ayon sa mga alituntunin ng iyong paaralan o unibersidad.

Sa pamamagitan ng mahusay na paggamit ng mga quote, maaari mong pagbutihin ang iyong pagsusulat, dagdagan ang iyong bilang ng mga salita, at pagyamanin ang iyong sanaysay ng mga mahahalagang insight at pananaw.

7. Palawakin ang Panimula at Konklusyon

Ang intro at konklusyon ng iyong sanaysay ay mahalaga. Sa pamamagitan ng pagpapalawak ng mga seksyong ito, maaari mong palakasin ang iyong bilang ng salita at palakasin ang pagkakaugnay-ugnay at epekto ng iyong pagsulat.

Pagpapalawak ng pagpapakilala:

  • Magbigay ng higit pang detalye : Simulan ang iyong sanaysay gamit ang isang mas detalyado at nakakaengganyo na hook upang makuha ang atensyon ng iyong mambabasa.
  • Ipakilala nang lubusan ang paksa : Gumugol ng mas maraming oras sa pagtatakda ng konteksto at pagbibigay ng background dito.
  • Ikonekta ang mga ideya : Gumawa ng malinaw na koneksyon sa pagitan ng iyong panimula at ng katawan ng iyong sanaysay. Tinitiyak nito ang isang maayos na paglipat.
  • Ipakita ang iyong pagsusulat : Ang panimula ay nagtatakda ng tono para sa buong sanaysay. Layunin na ipakita nang maayos ang iyong mga kasanayan sa pagsulat mula sa pinakaunang pangungusap.
  • Isulat sa huli ang pagpapakilala : Bagama't ito ay maaaring mukhang isang pabalik na diskarte, ito ang pinakamahusay na paraan upang matiyak na isasama mo ang lahat ng kinakailangang detalye sa iyong intro.

Pagpapalawak ng konklusyon:

  • Muling bisitahin ang mga pangunahing punto : Ibuod ang mga pangunahing argumento at ideya mula sa iyong sanaysay. Magbigay ng buong recap para sa iyong mga mambabasa.
  • Mag-alok ng higit pang mga insight : Tuklasin ang mas malawak na kahulugan ng iyong paksa. O magmungkahi ng mga bagong paksa sa pananaliksik at talakayan.
  • Itali ang iyong konklusyon sa panimula : Ito ay lilikha ng isang magkakaugnay na sanaysay.
  • Sumulat nang may intensyon : Mag-invest ng oras sa paggawa ng maalalahaning konklusyon. Gawing may epekto ang mag-iwan ng pangmatagalang impresyon sa iyong propesor o guro.

Sa pamamagitan ng pagdaragdag sa iyong panimula at konklusyon, maaari mong dagdagan ang bilang ng salita ng iyong sanaysay. Pagbutihin mo rin ang istraktura, pagkakaugnay-ugnay, at epekto ng iyong pagsulat.

8. Magdagdag ng Transition Phrases

Tulad ng nabanggit, ang pagdaragdag ng mga parirala sa paglipat sa iyong sanaysay sa paaralan o kolehiyo ay isang madiskarteng paraan upang madagdagan ang bilang ng iyong salita. Pinapabuti din nito ang daloy at pagkakaugnay ng iyong pagsulat. Ang mga pariralang ito ay nagsisilbing tulay sa pagitan ng mga ideya. Tinutulungan nila ang iyong mga mambabasa na mag-navigate nang maayos sa iyong sanaysay.

Narito ang ilang epektibong paraan para magamit ang mga transition phrase para palakasin ang bilang ng iyong salita:

  • Gumamit ng mga transition na salita at parirala upang ikonekta ang iyong mga ideya. Gawin ito para sa parehong mga talata at mga seksyon. Gagawin nitong magkakaugnay at maayos ang iyong sanaysay.
  • Gumamit ng iba't ibang mga transition. Subukan ang isang hanay ng mga parirala, tulad ng "bilang karagdagan," "higit pa rito," "sa kabilang banda," at "sa konklusyon." Magdaragdag sila ng lalim at pagiging kumplikado sa iyong pagsulat.
  • Tiyaking tama ang mga pariralang ginagamit mo para sa konteksto. Dapat nilang gabayan nang maayos ang iyong mga mambabasa sa iyong mga argumento.

Sa pamamagitan ng pagdaragdag ng mga parirala sa paglipat sa iyong sanaysay, maaari mong dagdagan ang bilang ng iyong salita. Mapapabuti rin nito ang kalinawan, daloy, at pagkakaugnay ng iyong pagsulat.

Hayaang Palakasin ni Smodin ang Bilang ng Salita Mo

Ang pag-aaral upang madagdagan ang bilang ng mga salita sa mga sanaysay ay hindi lamang tungkol sa dami. Tungkol din ito sa pagpapabuti ng kalidad at epekto ng iyong pagsusulat.

Ang mga diskarteng ito ay magbabago sa sarili mong proseso ng pagsulat at makakatulong sa iyo na magsulat ng mga sanaysay at mga papel sa pananaliksik na sumasalamin sa iyong mga propesor at guro, gaano man karaming salita ang kailangan mo.

Ang mga platform tulad ng Smodin ay gumagamit ng AI upang mag-alok ng isang simpleng solusyon sa pagsulat ng sanaysay. Tinutulungan ka nilang madagdagan ang bilang ng iyong salita nang madali. Narito kung paano makakatulong sa iyo si Smodin:

  • Gumagamit si Smodin ng AI upang suriin ang iyong teksto at nagmumungkahi ng mga paraan upang magdagdag ng mga salita bilang karagdagan sa pag-alis ng mga hindi kinakailangang salita.
  • Makakatulong si Smodin sa paraphrasing. Maaari rin itong magdagdag ng lalim at haba sa mga pangungusap.
  • Gamitin ang Smodin upang mapabuti ang iyong pagsusulat. Nagbibigay ito ng mga mungkahi sa gramatika at istilo.
  • Iniakma ang mga rekomendasyon upang umangkop sa iyong mga partikular na pangangailangan at layunin sa pagsusulat.

Galugarin ang mga serbisyo ni Smodin ngayon upang mapabuti ang iyong pagsusulat.

The Novel “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte Essay

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte is a novel that falls within the genre of gothic romance. Gothic romance is a genre that combines elements of horror and romance, often set in mysterious settings. In Jane Eyre , the gothic elements can be seen in the novel’s setting at the foreboding Thornfield Hall, the presence of the brooding and enigmatic Mr. Rochester, and the use of the supernatural.

The gothic blending of horror and romance is evident in the character of Mr. Rochester, who is both the object of Jane’s affection and a figure of terror due to his mad wife. As Mr. Rochester tells Jane, “I have a wife; she is mad; and sometimes, in her mad fit, she burns what she can lay her hands on” (Bronte). Bertha is described as a violent, animalistic creature: “The maniac bellowed: she parted the curtains and glared on me” (Bronte). This creates a sense of danger for Jane, as she is drawn to Mr. Rochester despite the potential threat. The horror of Mr. Rochester’s past and his relationship with Bertha add a layer of fear and mystery to the novel.

Moreover, the novel employs supernatural elements to add to the sense of mystery. Such is the case with the mysterious sounds produced by Bertha: “The last sound I expected to hear in so still a region, a laugh, struck my ear. It was a curious laugh” (Bronte). In another instance, Jane sees what is in her imagination a ghost: “The strange little figure there gazing at me 
 had the effect of a real spirit” (Bronte). Although the supernatural elements of the plot usually end up being explained, the use of the supernatural helps to create an atmosphere of suspense and unease as the characters, and the reader are left unsure of what is real and what is not.

The setting of Jane Eyre, Thornfield Hall, with its dark and imposing architecture, is a classic gothic setting. To Jane, to return to Thornfield is “to return to stagnation; to cross the silent hall, to ascend the darksome staircase, to seek my own lonely little room” (Bronte). The isolated location of the mansion, perched on the edge of the moors, adds to the feeling of danger. As Jane describes it, “From my seat I could look down on Thornfield: the grey and battlemented hall, the gates, the drive, the woods” (Bronte, Chapter 12). The dark and foreboding nature of Thornfield Hall serves to reflect the inner turmoil of the characters.

In conclusion, Jane Eyre is a novel that contains many features of gothic romance. The blending of horror and romance in the character of Mr. Rochester, the use of the supernatural, and the dark and mysterious setting of Thornfield Hall all contribute to the gothic atmosphere of the novel. The novel’s exploration of fear, love, and the supernatural makes it a timeless and enduring work of gothic literature.

Annotated Bibliography

Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. Service & Paton, 1897 . Project Gutenberg , Web.

Hirst, Holly. “ The Gothic Romance .” The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary Gothic , edited by C. Bloom, pp. 357–372. Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. Web.

In this chapter, Hirst examines the ways in which Gothic elements have been used in gothic romance novels such as Jane Eyre. She argues that Jane Eyre, in particular, has defined the conventions by which many gothic romance novels have been written since. Moreover, Hirst also discusses and dissects the juxtaposition of the gothic and romantic aspects of the genre, as well as its implications.

Sheerman, Lucy. “Place the Glass Before You, and Draw in Chalk Your Own Picture.” New Frontiers in Popular Romance: Essays on the Genre in the 21st Century , edited by Susan Fanetti, pp. 97-120. McFarland, 2022.

This essay by Lucy Sheerman mainly discusses the influence of Jane Eyre on modern gothic romance novels. The aim of the article is to explore Jane Eyre as a gothic romance novel and to compare it to modern works. Furthermore, the multiple ways in which Jane Eyre interacts with its readers are discussed, as are certain existing contradictions between its gothic and romantic aspects.

Sorian, Adina. “10. Charlotte BrontĂ«, Jane Eyre (1847).” Handbook of the English Novel, 1830–1900 , edited by Martin Middeke, Gabriele Rippl, Hubert Zapf, pp. 205-220. De Gruyter, 2020.

Adina Sorian provides a thorough review of Jane Eyre, complete with the context that is necessary for understanding the novel. Besides the history of the conception of Jane Eyre , as well as a chronicle of its reception, Sorian also covers the themes and aesthetics. Among the prominent themes listed by Sorian are the identity of the heroine as well as the autobiographical character of the novel.

  • Jane Eyre: Novel vs. Film
  • History in Shakespeare's, Bronte's, Auerbach's Works
  • Compare the Relationship of Mothers and Daughters in Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea
  • Imperialism in Orwell’s “Shooting an Elephant”
  • Dystopian Features in Animal Farm by George Orwell
  • The Skipper in The Canterbury Tales by Chaucer
  • The Novel "Persuasion" by Jane Austen
  • Confronting Fear in Rowling's Wizarding World
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, May 26). The Novel "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-novel-jane-eyre-by-charlotte-bronte/

"The Novel "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte." IvyPanda , 26 May 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/the-novel-jane-eyre-by-charlotte-bronte/.

IvyPanda . (2024) 'The Novel "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte'. 26 May.

IvyPanda . 2024. "The Novel "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte." May 26, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-novel-jane-eyre-by-charlotte-bronte/.

1. IvyPanda . "The Novel "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte." May 26, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-novel-jane-eyre-by-charlotte-bronte/.


IvyPanda . "The Novel "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte." May 26, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-novel-jane-eyre-by-charlotte-bronte/.

College of Business

How to nail your scholarship application essay.

A student writes in a notebook while viewing a laptop screen.

When it comes to applying for scholarships, the task can be immediately overwhelming. Where do you find scholarships? How do you apply? What do they each require? This is going to take forever!

But at Colorado State, we do things a little differently. We’re so proud of our one-and-done scholarship application process. Almost all CSU scholarships live in the same place, and can be applied for with one application, one time, and that’s it. The Colorado State University Scholarship Application (CSUSA) takes a big hurdle out of your path right off the bat. Completing the CSUSA enters you for nearly every scholarship at CSU that you’re eligible for. Now all you have to do is nail that application essay … and we’re here to make that part easy, too. Here are some insider info, tips, and even a few essay excerpts to help you as you tackle your essay.

#1. It’s less formal than you think

Did you know that your scholarship application essay is meant to help us see the most-authentic version of you, your journey, and your goals? We’re not looking for a formal essay here. You won’t need to analyze anything, look for metaphors, or even write a structured outline when you start (but you can if it helps you).

The essay prompt might ask you to tell your story, highlight your ambitions, and explain how you see yourself succeeding in this big ol’ world. Essay prompts range from what kind of career you see yourself in, and how college might help you get there. They might ask you to describe a challenging event, explain how you navigated it, and how it inspires you to go forward in life. The essay is so much more your story than anything else. The more YOU you are, the better. Don’t worry too much about intros, transitions, structure, or formal conclusion paragraphs when you first sit down to write. Let it flow and be you.

  • Tip : Write your first draft like you’re talking to your best friend, your favorite teacher, your mentor, your coach. Your voice/tone should be genuine, passionate, and infused with the vibe you’d give if you were telling your biggest dreams to your biggest cheerleaders. We’re rooting for you here.

#2. Vulnerability is your superpower here

Perhaps the biggest tool in your toolbox when it comes to writing a genuine, powerful essay is your willingness to be vulnerable. While vulnerability may seem like a weakness in some arenas, it’s your superpower in the scholarship application essay. So what exactly is it, and how can you use it to your advantage?

Vulnerability, by definition, is the willingness to show emotion or to allow one’s weaknesses to be seen or known. There can be some risk involved in being vulnerable, and that’s often why it has such a big impact. You’re essentially giving away your armor, and that allows you to create connection at a deep, emotional level. To put vulnerability to work in a story or experience, try to remember how you felt in that moment, and what was running through your head. Instead of just recounting events as they happened, retell them as YOU experienced them. Let emotion guide your story instead of rehashing a timeline of events. The story, told as it moved through you, is what makes the connection.

  • Tip : As you recount an event or moment in your essay, try to incorporate the senses. What did you see, hear, smell, feel? Let emotion be your guide, but paint the picture fully.

#3. Word choice matters (and not in the way you might think)

One question you should ask yourself as you draft your essay is if the words you’re using actually suit you. Would you use these actual words if you were talking to someone? One thing that can derail your authenticity in writing is trying to use big or “impressive” words that wouldn’t naturally flow from you in your daily life. We’re not saying you shouldn’t use a thesaurus, but be choosy. If the word doesn’t “fit” you when you’re casually speaking, we’re going to feel that in your essay, too.

  • Tip : Read your essay aloud while recording yourself. Does it flow? Are there words that you stumble over as you read them? If so, put those words into the thesaurus and see if anything comes up that doesn’t trip you up as you read. It should feel as natural to read it as it would if you were talking to a friend.

#4. Always, always, always get a proofreader (or two)

While it’s not the most-glamorous advice, we cannot stress enough the importance of having someone — and, preferably, multiple someones — review your essay. Even the most-seasoned professional writer will make errors, even after multiple drafts. Typos, missing words, tense errors, and even disorganized thoughts can distract readers from your beautiful, unique story. Our advice is to find a proofreader who can dial in your punctuation and grammar, and another who can help you with the more-subtle aspects of good writing, like flow, tone, and structure. You want to start and end strong, plus have a robust, visually and emotionally stimulating middle.

  • Tip : Draft your first version raw without any expectations of yourself. Answer the essay prompt as if you’re writing in your journal. Then find a reliable proofreader (preferably outside the house, like a teacher) to help you level it up and polish it up. After you’ve done a little spiff, show it to a second proofreader. Fresh eyes mean everything.

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Prairie Smallwood

Prairie Smallwood is a writer and content creator for the Office of Admissions at Colorado State University. She is passionate about education and exploration, and knows that going to college can be both an adventure and an overwhelming experience. She aims to create content that helps students through that journey — the wonderful, the scary, and everything in between.

Enhance Essays with Microsoft Word's Grammar Check

If you are using Microsoft 365, the tool is known as Microsoft Editor. The Microsoft Word grammar check is available for students, professionals, and writers. It allows you to create polished and error-free essays.

Enhance Essays 1

What are the uses of Microsoft grammar checker?

The Microsoft grammar checker has multiple uses to help you create quality texts. You can use it when writing an essay to ensure your grammar flow is correct. Here are different uses of the grammar check tool by MS Word.

  • Check the vocabulary and originality of your essay. The tool can help you check if the language you used in your essay is formal or informal. It helps identify if your essay contains plagiarized portions.
  • Check grammar errors. Use the tool to check if you have used proper grammar in your essay.
  • Essay clarity. The tool highlights areas where you can use a simpler word. It ensures simplicity in your essay.
  • Redundant words. If you have used unnecessary words in your student essay, the tool highlights them.
  • Proofreading. Helps you polish your college literature to make it perfect.
  • Improve sentence structure. Ensure your sentences and paragraph flow are consistent.

Sometimes crafting your essay can feel daunting especially when you are running out of time. You don't have to worry because you can get writing help from a write me an essay expert. The advantage you get is that your essay shall be excellent and you will get it in the shortest time possible.

How to check grammar on Word to polish your writing?

After writing your college paper, you can check your text for grammar correctness. Here are the steps to follow.

  • Open the Spelling & Grammar feature

Your first step should be to run the grammar check tool.

  • In your Word document, click on the Review tab.
  • It will open a dialogue box

If you are using Microsoft 365, click on the Home tab and then Editor Feature.

Use the dialogue box to check essay for grammar

The dialogue box has two parts. The upper part is where your spelling and grammar errors will be displayed. The bottom part is where the tool offers suggestions. The tool highlights the error in red and offers you suggestions for a better word.

You can decide to ignore the error or change it. Add the word to the dictionary if you are positive it is accurate. You can also select Autocorrect to have errors automatically corrected. The tool will highlight a word in red if it is misspelled. To get a menu with recommendations, right-click on it.

Check essay grammar with Microsoft 365 Editor

The Editor tool is an upgrade of the Spelling & Grammar feature. It works the same although it has slight differences. The Editor displays the score of your text on top and then corrections under it. It allows you to choose if you want the tone to be formal, professional, or casual.

Use the Spelling and Grammar correction feature the same way as the older Word versions. Office 365 Education is designed for student use to help meet their writing needs. Both tools are available for free.

Enhance Essays 2

Understanding the various features of the Microsoft Word Grammar Check tool

The Spelling & Grammar tool has 6 basic features.

  • Ignore Once . Allows you to ignore suggested errors once. If you click on it, the tool will skip the error and will not change it.
  • Ignore All . The tool will ignore all words similar to this error and will not change it.
  • Add to Dictionary . If you believe the word is correct, click this feature to add it to the dictionary.
  • Change . It will change the word and replace it with the suggested word. If there is more than one suggested word, click the most correct and then click Change.
  • Change All . Click this feature if you want to change the word if it appears in other places in your essay.
  • AutoCorrect . Use the feature to allow Spelling & Grammar to correct all errors automatically.
  • Advanced Options . Use this feature to customize different features.

How Microsoft Word grammar check tool benefits college students

The purpose of writing tools is to give you the best experience in education. The Microsoft Word grammar checker helps you to improve the efficiency and professionalism of your writing. It provides you with different benefits.

Helps you get better grades . When you submit an essay with excellent grammar flow, you will get better grades. The tool highlights all errors and offers suggestions for better words or phrases.

Improve your vocabulary . The more you use this tool, your vocabulary keeps improving. Once you correct a word or sentence, you will not repeat the same mistake.

It is free . All the features of Word Spelling & grammar are available for free. You will not spend any money to improve the clarity of your essay.

You can use different languages . The Spelling & grammar check tool supports about 20 major languages. Open File and then Options then Language to choose the language you want. If your preferred language is lacking you can add it to the tool.

Fine-tune your essay in real time . The tool works in real time meaning you make changes to your essay in an instant. Once you launch it, it begins to highlight errors immediately.

The Microsoft Spelling & Grammar tool is valuable for students, professionals, and writers. It helps fine-tune texts by improving sentence structure and correcting grammatical errors. It allows you to create polished and error-free essays. The tool contains various features that help improve the efficiency and professionalism of your writing. College students can use it to create better papers and get higher grades in education.

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Enhance Essays with Microsoft Word's Grammar Check

Word for Writing: A Comprehensive Guide for Students

How to Use Microsoft Word Effectively for Essay Writing

How to Use Microsoft Word Effectively for Essay Writing

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14 Model essays on La Haine

14 Model essays on La Haine

Subject: French

Age range: 16+

Resource type: Unit of work

Jerome Sauvin's Shop

Last updated

21 May 2024

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essay for many words

Attached are 12 model A Level essays on La Haine on themes, characters and techniques between 400 and 1000 words each. Here are the titles covered are: 1.La reprĂ©sentation de la police 2. SimilaritĂ©s et les diffĂ©rences Vinz et Hubert 3. similarites et diffĂ©rences entre Said, Vinz et Hubert 4. Le titre du film La Haine est bien choisi car il reflĂšte exactement le thĂšme principal du film’. Dans quelle mesure ĂȘtes-vous d’accord avec ce jugement? 5. L’exclusion sociale 6. Le Mal-ĂȘtre des banlieusards 7. La sociĂ©tĂ© française fracturĂ©e 8. Vinz est le moins raisonnable des trois jeunes 9. la Haine La technique du Noir et Blanc 10. personnages rĂ©alistes ou des stĂ©rĂ©otypes 11. La reprĂ©sentation de la famille dans La haine 12. Eprouvez-vous de la compassion pour Vinz ? 13. Examinez le rĂŽle des personnages secondaires 14. Les trois jeunes banlieusards sont en partie responsables des problĂšmes qui leur arrivent au cours du film.

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Pune Porsche crash: Why teen who killed 2 has been let off with writing an essay while father has been detained

A 17-year-old in Maharashtra’s Pune has been granted bail on the condition that he write a 300-word essay after allegedly driving drunk and killing two people. Two days after the incident, the juvenile’s father was detained as per the Motor Vehicles Act, 2019. The tragedy has sparked outrage, with many slamming the judiciary and the existing traffic laws read more

Pune Porsche crash: Why teen who killed 2 has been let off with writing an essay while father has been detained

Picture this: you indulge in drink driving, and then allegedly run over two people, killing them. What would be your punishment by law? In case of a 17-year-old in Pune, he was granted bail for the incident on the condition that he writes an essay on the crash and works with the traffic police for 15 days.

While it may sound incredulous and unbelievable, it is, in fact, a shocking truth. A teen in Pune has been let off on bail on the condition that he work with Pune’s Yerwada traffic police, compose an essay on the accident, undergo treatment for alcohol dependency and then submit a report thereafter.

The incident has left many balking at the court’s decision. Pune’s Police has, in fact, said that the teen should be tried as an adult, adding that they would appeal to a higher court now.

And on Tuesday (21 May), the father of the accused teen has been detained in the crime.

We take a closer look at the entire incident, the laws involved and what society has to say about this.

The incident

In the wee hours of Sunday (19 May), Aneesh Awadhiya and his friend Ashwini Koshta, both 24, died when the motorbike they were on was hit by a Porsche allegedly driven by a 17-year-old in the Kalyani Nagar locality of Pune in the western state of Maharashtra. While Ashwini died on the spot, Aneesh was shifted to a city hospital, where he died soon after.

Investigating the matter, the Pune Police then arrested a 17-year-old, who they believed was behind the wheel of the luxury car when it hit the bike. Pune Commissioner of Police Amitesh Kumar said that the minor, belonging to a prominent realtor’s family, was celebrating his Class XII results at a local pub, where he was seen consuming alcohol before the crash.

While he was heading home from the bar, the teen lost control of the car and rammed into a motorcycle at the Kalyani Nagar junction around 2.30 am.

“Upon inquiry, the minor has said his father had handed over the grey Porsche to him despite knowing that he had no driver’s training and did not have a driver’s licence. He has also said his father allowed him to party with his friends and that his father was aware that he was consuming alcohol,” reads the FIR registered by Assistant Police Inspector Vishwanath Todkari at Yerwada Police Station, as per an Indian Express report.

Following the incident, Deputy Commissioner of Pune City Police Vijay Kumar Magar arrested the juvenile, after booking him for rash and negligent driving, as well as causing harm by endangering life or personal safety under IPC sections 304A, 279, 337, 338, and 427, in addition to relevant sections of the Maharashtra Motor Vehicle Act.

Teen granted bail, outrage ensues

After being apprehended, the 17-year-old was produced before the holiday court on Sunday afternoon where authorities sought his custody and permission to try him as an adult. However, the court refused and granted him bail within 14 hours of the crime under certain conditions.

The police stated that bail was granted as the court did not find the crime committed by the juvenile to be serious.

The teen’s lawyer, Prashant Patil, said the court granted bail on certain conditions. First, the teen would have to “work with traffic police of Yerwada for 15 days”. Secondly, he would have to pen a 300-word essay on the ‘effect of road accident and their solution’. As part of his bail conditions, the teen accused would also have to undergo treatment from a doctor to help him quit drinking and “take psychiatric counselling” and submit the report to the court.

After news broke of the bail conditions in the matter, outrage ensued, with many accusing the judge of going soft on the accused. Many expressed their contempt for the system on X; some calling the Indian judiciary “a joke”. Another wrote, “Hope the criminal writes a good essay to impress the honourable judge. Just can’t express how I feel about it.”

Family of the two victims also expressed anger at the court’s decision. Koshta’s family in Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh said they were dismayed by the bail conditions. “We are in shock,” her uncle Jugal Kishor Koshta told NDTV . “It is condemnable that he should get bail. He and his parents should be investigated.”

Koshta’s other uncle told NDTV , “We want his bail cancelled and he should remain in police custody. Because of him, an innocent girl, who has seen nothing of life, died.”

Awadhiya’s family also echoed similar sentiments. Atmaram Awadhiya, the grandfather, said that the teen should not be granted bail. “Two people have died in this accident. This is completely wrong. We want strict punishment. The bail granted to the accused should be cancelled,” he was quoted as telling NDTV .

The victim’s uncle also chimed in, saying: “The accused, a minor, was drunk and was driving at 240 km per hour. He did not have a driving licence. This is murder, not accident.”

Following the outrage, Maharashtra’s deputy chief minister Devendra Fadnavis reached out to the Pune Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar and asked him to ensure there was no soft-pedalling against the accused in the Porsche hit-and-run case. And following this, Commissioner Kumar said that they would appeal the order in a higher court. “We will not leave any stone unturned to prove that this is a heinous crime,” he was quoted as telling India Today .

#WATCH | Maharashtra: Visuals of the Porsche car and bike currently at Yerwada Police Station in Pune. Two people were killed when a speeding Porsche car hit them from behind on 19th May. The accused has been granted bail by the Juvenile Justice Board and his father was
 https://t.co/HKj8uK4d9q pic.twitter.com/91SeqwfTeN — ANI (@ANI) May 21, 2024

Father detained

On Tuesday (21 May), the Pune Police detained the father of the teen accused from Maharashtra’s Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar, formerly known as Aurangabad, and will bring him back to the city for further probe.

The father, a prominent realtor in Pune, was on the run since the incident. He has now been booked under the provision of sections 75 and 77 of the Juvenile Justice Act on the charges of allowing his minor son to drive the Porsche and consume liquor. Section 75 deals with “wilful neglect of a child, or exposing a child to mental or physical illnesses,” while section 77 deals with supplying a child with intoxicating liquor or drugs.

According to the FIR lodged in connection with the incident, the man, despite knowing his son did not have a valid driving licence, gave him the car, thus endangering the latter’s life, and allowed him to party even as the father knew that he consumes liquor.

Apart from this, the Pune police have arrested Cosie restaurant owner Pralhad Bhutda and manager Sachin Katkar and Hotel Blak manager Sandip Sangle for allegedly serving alcohol to the juvenile, Additional Commissioner of Police (Crime) Shailesh Balkawade said.

What the law says

The accused teen has been charged under Section 304A of the IPC, which deals with causing death by negligence. Moreover, he has been charged with Section 279 of the IPC, which deals with rash driving.

But then why has his father been arrested? As per the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 2019, parents/guardians of juveniles shall be held guilty in case of an offence by a juvenile. The law mandates that a fine of Rs 25,000 with three years’ imprisonment will be imposed and the juvenile will be tried under the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act while the registration of the vehicle will be cancelled.

The law also states that the juvenile shall not be granted a driver’s licence until the minor has attained the age of 25.

This change was introduced after a parliamentary panel had suggested higher penalties for traffic offences. In fact, the panel had recommended treating accidents caused by drink driving as pre-meditated crimes rather than as cases of ‘negligence’.

With inputs from agencies

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